Civilization 4

Civilization 4

18.10.2013 03:12:14
= =
= ------------------ =
= Resource FAQ =
= ~ =
= Written by Scottie_theNerd ( =
= Copyright (c) 2008 David Nguyen =
= Version 1.00 =
= =

This guide is written by David Nguyen (a.k.a. Scottie_theNerd), Should this FAQ
be hosted on any site other than GameFAQs (, permission from
me is greatly preferred.

The following sites have permission to host this guide:
-GameFAQs (
-NeoSeeker (
-Supercheats ( ( (

After years of creating FAQs and seeing people put them up on various sites --
public and personal -- I honestly don't care too much about people asking. It's
courteous to ask before uploading, but as long as you at least credit the
author, I don't find anything seriously wrong with it. FAQs are meant to be
shared for the benefit of gamers everywhere, and the more people who gain
access to it, the better. But it doesn't hurt to give thanks to the generous
souls who put together such resources.

To use the index codes for quick navigation, open the search function in your
browser (CTRL + F) and copy/paste the index code. This will take you directly
to the desired section.

1.0 - Introduction........................[CV100]
1.1 - Basics...........................[CV101]
1.2 - Changes from Civ3................[CV102]
2.0 - Resource List.......................[CV200]
2.1 - Strategic Resources..............[CV201]
2.2 - Luxury Resources.................[CV202]
2.3 - Food Resources...................[CV203]
2.4 - Other Resources..................[CV204]


Sid Meier's Civilization IV was a huge evolution of the series. While the heart
of the game hasn't changed that much, the graphical updates and the new user-
friendly interface has made the game more accessible to players, and overall
the game is easier for most players to handle while preserving the challenge
and difficulty for more seasoned players.

One of the improved aspects of the game is Resources. Resources aren't new to
the series, but there are many new types of resources, and each have different
effects and roles in the game. To succeed in the game, players must carefully
exploit resources -- often by forceful means -- though resources perhaps play a
less significant role as they did in Civilization III.

The purpose of this guide is to provide players with not only a quick reference
for Resources and their effects, but also provide a strategic overview on the
value of resources and how a player might use them to progress through the
game. This is by no means an exhaustive strategy guide to the entire game, but
rather it is a critical description of an essential aspect of the game.

1.1 - Basics [CV101]
For veterans of the series (or at least Civ III), resources won't be so
surprising. If Civ IV is the first game you've played, you're probably thinking
"Whoa! Cows! Sugar! Where do i find uranium lolz?" Digression aside, resources
are fairly straightforward to deal with, but may be tricky to grasp if you're
not paying attention to the game's extensive help files. This section will
provide details on the basic gameplay mechanisms concerning resources.

Resource Types
Resources look similar on the world map, but there are three distinct types of

- Strategic Resources: Needed to build certain units or buildings.
- Luxury Resources: Provide happiness bonuses.
- Food Resources: Provide health bonuses.

Many resources will also provide a Commerce bonus.

Suffice to say, all three types are very important in the running of your
empire. Without access to resources, you will be unable to train your best
units; your people will be unhappier; and you will suffer from unhealthiness.
If you provide sufficient access to resources for your empire, you will be
strong and prosperous.

Locating Resources
When you start a new game, you might find some odd-looking terrain squares with
things like cows, wheat and dye. Hover your mouse over these tiles to find out
what the resource is. Note that certain resources only appear on specific
terrain. Don't expect to find whales in the middle of a desert; or pigs in the

Resources can be seen on any explored portion of the map. If you're having
trouble locating them, you can toggle the Resource Icon in the bottom-right
corner of the screen, above the minimap. This will tag all resources with a
large icon showing which resource it is. These tags remain visible if you zoom
out, allowing you to quickly locate resources in and outside of your empire.

Note that most resources will not be shown immediately after the game begins.
As you discover more technologies, you will gain access to more resources on
the world map. For example, when you discover Animal Husbandry, horses will
appear on the world map. Sometimes a resource may appear on a tile you have
already developed, so you may need to redevelop the tile to properly exploit
it. Don't expect to be building offshore oil platforms when you haven't learnt
how to make a fire.

Obtaining Your Resources
Once you locate a resource, you have to send Workers out to it in order to make
it accessible to your empire. To make a resource available for your empire's
use, you need to do the following:

1. The resource must be within your borders.
2. Connect the resource to your cities by road/railroad.
3. Build the appropriate improvement.

The game will not allow you to build resource-exploiting improvements on tiles
that do not belong to you. Nor can you exploit someone else's resources. If you
need to expand your boundaries so that you can reach resources, consider
building a city nearby. You can build a city on top of a resource and still
gain access to it, although you will not gain the bonuses from improving the
tile, so it is usually more worthwhile to build cities away from resources, but
close enough so that the borders will encompass the resource.

Once improved, the resource is not accessible until you have connected it with
your settled areas. The resource will be available to any city that is
CONNECTED to it -- your cities will not automatically gain the resource unless
it is part of your empire's network. That means by road, railroad, river,
harbour or airport. If that confuses you, consider the following scenario:

- Beijing is connected by road to a Horse pasture (i.e. improved tile).
- Shanghai is not connected to Beijing.

In this scenario, if the player wanted to create Horse Archers, they can only
do so in Beijing -- Shanghai CANNOT train Horse Archers because it does not
have access to the necessary resource. In order for Shanghai to train Horse
Archers, it must be connected to Beijing. Rivers count as transportation
networks, so cities located on the same river automatically share the resource.
Settlements on different continents must be connected by a Harbor. Researching
Flight and building Airports will also distribute the resource. Offshore
resources (e.g. Fish, Whale) will be connected to coastal cities, but those
cities will need land or air connections to share the resource with inland

Finally, a few notes:
- Resources will appear when technologies are discovered.
- Resources will never disappear.
- You MUST build the right improvement to gain the resource.
- Resources do not provide stacking bonuses (i.e. having access to two Banana
tiles does not give you double the health).
- Some resources require a different Tech to gather it. For example, Scientific
Method will reveal Oil, but you need Combustion to build a Well.

Getting Someone Else's Resources
Reality check: chances are, you won't get every single resource you need. It
happens in real life, and it happens in Civ IV. For that situation, you have
three options:

1. Manage without the resource
2. Trade
3. Conquer

Option #1 is the easy way out. You can live without every resource in the game
-- surely you can do without a bit of extra health bonus, and your people can
tolerate life without incense. But if you want to build nukes, and the closest
patch of Uranium is in someone else's land, you'll need to get it somehow.

Trade is the easier of the remaining options, but opposing civilizations are
quite fussy on what to trade. If you are playing a single-player campaign, the
AI players will require a certain level of friendship (through trading and
other diplomatic agreements) before they are willing to trade resources.
Resources they refuse to trade will appear in red in the diplomacy screen.

Here are some guidelines on how AI leaders will treat resource-trading:

- Leaders are more likely to trade resources if they like you more.
- Leaders are more likely to trade surplus resources (i.e. they have more than
one of that resource)
- Resources can only be traded in return for payment per-turn (never a lump
sum) or in return for another resource.
- AI leaders will occasionally ask for your resources even if you only have one
- Resource trading is continual unless the agreement is broken by either of the

If you trade away all of your own resource, you will lose the bonuses you
originally gained from it. It is best to trade surplus resources instead of
crippling your own economy. Also be wary of giving away crucial resources such
as Oil and Uranium -- you probably don't want your potential enemies building
up top-tier units.

In the event that you can't trade for another civ's resource (either because
they won't trade, or they haven't discovered it and you have), your only option
is to take the resource for your own. You can do this in one of two ways:

- Expand your boundaries through culture.
- Capture enemy cities to claim territory.

If the resource is near your borders, there's a strong chance that your borders
will push the enemy borders back through cultural improvements. Any tile
improvements, including resources, are given to you without having to do
anything. If you conquer an enemy city, you will need to wait several turns for
the anarchy to end before you can make use of your new territory.

Whether you gained the resource from your own land or from your enemies', you
might want to consider defending your vital resources with units. If you've
only got one source of Oil, it would be a priority for you to defend it as much
as you would a city. You wouldn't want your mighty Tanks to run out of gas,
would you?

1.3 - Changes from Civ3 [CV103]

If you've hopped over from Civilization III, you'll probably appreciate a brief
list of what's different in Civ IV. Without further ado, here it is:

- Resources no longer appear/disappear randomly.
- Resources are far more common.
- Tiles with resources must be improved to acquire resource.
- Resources can now be found in ocean tiles.
- Certain resource types increase production rate for certain buildings.
- Many new resources.
- Some resources, such as Rubber, have been removed.

In general, Civ IV makes it easier for players to gain access to resources, and
you can do fine without being a resource hog. While Civ3 games often placed you
in scenarios where you were unlikely to find Iron or Coal for the duration of
the campaign and you really had to fight for it (and Railroads were godly).


This section will list the resources available in Civilization IV. The
resources are divided according to their type (Strategic, Luxury, Food) and
ordered alphabetically. Each entry will be formatted according to the

NAME What the resource is called, obviously.
Terrain : Where the resource can be found
Requires : Required technology to reveal (only for Strategic Resources)
Improvement : Necessary improvement to gather (and required Tech)
Bonus : Food/Production/Commerce bonus (after improvement)
Effects : Unit requirements, building speed bonuses, etc.

Each resource will have additional comments based on their role in the game and
how they can be managed to their full effect.

2.1 - Strategic Resources [CV201]

Most Strategic Resources offer a +1 Production bonus. Additionally, possessing
these resources will allow you to build more advanced units, such as Cavalry,
Tanks and aircraft, and in some cases increase the production rate of certain
buildings. These resources are probably the most important game-wise, since
they provide the building blocks for an empire to rapidly increase its power.

Terrain : Hills
Requires : Industrialism
Improvement : Mine (Mining)
Bonus : +1 Production (+3 Production/+1 Commerce)
Effects : Required for Jet Fighter, Stealth Bomber, Modern Armor
Halves production time of Space Elevator, SDI, Apollo Program
Used in Spaceship components

While discovered in mid-game, Aluminum is really only uesd for late-game units
and projects. You might be able to get away without having Aluminum, but if you
want the most powerful end-game units like Modern Armor, you'll definitely want
to get it. Late units without Aluminum can still be very potent, especially
Mechanized Infantry, but if your opponents are up to the same tech level as
you, Aluminum is the make-or-break resource.

Terrain : Hills
Requires : Steam Power
Improvement : Mine (Mining)
Bonus : +1 Production (+3 Production)
Effects : Required for Ironclad
Required for Railroads
Required for Coal Plant

Coal is one of those must-have resources for one reason: Railroads. Railroads
aren't as uber as they were in Civ3, where they made tiles awesome, but Civ4
railroads provide production bonuses to certain improvements, and greatly
reduce travel time. Ironclads are quickly outdated, but Coal Plants are the
earliest provider of Power for your cities -- and the most unhealthy.
Thankfully Coal is relatively common, so you probably won't need to fight over
it too much. Coal's main use is to support the infrastructure rather than
provide good units.

Terrain : Hills, Grassland
Requires : Bronze Working
Improvement : Mine (Mining)
Bonus : +1 Production (+3 Production)
Effects : Used for some Ancient units.
Halves production time of Buddhist Stupa, Confucian Academy,
Colossus, Statue of Liberty and The Internet.

Bronze Working is an early tech, so Copper will probably be one of the first
strategic resources you will find. Mining Copper will allow you build a larger
variety of units, including Spearmen, Axemen and Macemen. These units are great
for early-game offense, having good offensive and/or defensive stats. If you
have access to Copper in the early-game, you will have a good military
advantage, although Copper is not used after mid-game, with the exception of
the Statue of Liberty and the Internet. Iron Working quickly comes after this,
however, and all of the above units can be made with Iron. Copper is not a
particularly useful resource in the big picture, but nice to have early on.

Terrain : Grassland, Plains
Requires : Animal Husbandry
Improvement : Pasture (Animal Husbandry)
Bonus : +1 Production (+2 Production, +1 Commerce)
Effects : Required for Mounted units

If you have any intention of steamrolling over an opponent in mid-game, you're
probably wanting to use cavalry, and you can't do that without having access to
Horses. This resource is relatively uncommon; you'd probably have only one in
your immediate vicinity however. Horses make your military power that much more
potent with access to the powerful cavalry units, which also make a great
intercepting force until you get to modern units. If you're not intending to be
a military power, you can survive just as fine without Horses.

Terrain : Desert, Hills, Grassland, Plains
Requires : Iron Working
Improvement : Mine (Mining)
Bonus : +1 Production (+3 Production)
Effects : Required for Medieval units
: Halves production time of Eiffel Tower
: Required for Railroad

There's some overlap between Iron and Copper. Having access to Iron means that
you can produce units that require Copper. More importantly, you will be able
to produce more advanced Medieval units, such as Pikemen and Knights, as well
as some naval units. Iron is also necessary to make Railroads. Iron is probably
the most important resource for most of the game, and thankfully it isn't that
hard to come across. End-game units won't use Iron, but it's still nice to have
just for the Railroad.

Terrain : Hills, Tundra, Plains
Requires : None
Improvement : Quarry (Masonry)
Bonus : +1 Production (+1 Production, +2 Commerce)
Effects : Halves production time of many Wonders

Marble has very limited use for the average empire. If you're focused on
building Wonders, however, Marble is a godsend. Marble is relatively uncommon,
so you'd be lucky to have it in your immediate vicinity. Possessing it makes
shooting for Wonders a whole lot easier.

Terrain : Desert, Coast, Ocean
Requires : Scientific Method
Improvement : Well (Combustion), Offshore Platform (Plastics)
Bonus : +1 Production (+2 Production, +1 Commerce)
Effects : Required for Modern units

You need Oil. Seriously. If Iron turns you into a juggernaut in the Medieval
period, Oil is your bread and water when you start to hit Modern times. Without
Oil, you're stuck with Infantry as your best fighting unit for most of the end-
game. That means you're missing Battleships, Tanks, Jet Aircraft, Modern Armor,
and a whole lot more. If there's a resource to wage a war over, it'll be Oil.

Oil is relatively common, and there are in fact two methods of obtaining it:
from land deposits, and in ocean tiles. Ocean tiles are improved by building a
Work Boat and building an Offshore Platform over the Oil tile.

Terrain : Desert, Plains
Requires : None
Improvement : Quarry (Masonry)
Bonus : +1 Production (+2 Production)
Effects : Halves production time of many Wonders

Stone isn't particularly useful, but many early-game and mid-game Wonders
benefit from having Stone, as well as some buildings. If you're a Wonder
spammer, Stone is a great boost, and generally it helps you get some of those
really good Wonders before your rivals. You won't lose anything from not having
it, however.

Terrain : Plains
Requires : Physics
Improvement : Mine (Masonry)
Bonus : None (+3 Commerce)
Effects : Required for ICBMs, Nuclear Plants
Used for some naval units

Uranium is used for two things: Nuclear Plants, and ICBMs. Uranium also serves
as alternative fuel for several naval units, such as Carriers and Submarines,
but realistically you're probably going to use Uranium to provide clean, cheap
power from Nuclear Plants; or you're intending to nuke the hell out of someone.
In the worst case scenario for either use, you might end up with a lot of
nuclear fallout. Nuclear power might seem potent, but don't get carried away or
else you'll end up starting another Stone Age. Don't worry about Uranium too
much if you want to wage a conventional war.

2.2 - Luxury Resources [CV202]

Luxury resources mean exacty what it says: they are purely used to increase the
happiness of your empire. Luxury resources grant no strategic benefit. They're
handy to have, and useful to trade. There are other ways to make your citizens
happy, but spoiling them with luxuries is a whole lot easier. Luxury resoures
also provide a nice bonus to Commerce once exploited. Building economic
structures such as Markets and Forges will add a Happiness bonus on top of

Terrain : Grassland, Jungle, Plains
Improvement : Plantation (Calendar)
Bonus : +1 Commerce (+4 Commerce)
Effect : +1 Happiness with Plantation
+1 Happiness with Theater

Colour adds a nice variety to life, and dye provides that colour. Dye often
come in batches of several tiles, and usually in jungles, giving you more
reason to get rid of those disease-causing places. Dye is an excellent source
of Commerce, and the abundance of dye (if you get it in your territory) makes
it a nice resource to trade.

Terrain : Ice, Tundra
Improvement : Camp (Hunting)
Bonus : +1 Commerce (+3 Commerce)
Effect : +1 Happiness with Camp
+1 Happiness with Market

If you're building a city near the poles for any reason, you'll want to be near
a source of Fur. Fur will provide your isolated city with a reasonable source
of Commerce, as well as boosting Happiness in cities with Markets, which
shouldn't be hard to fulfill. Fur isn't a resource you should go out of your
way to collect. Researching Plastics makes it obsolete -- presumably because of
the advent of sythentic fibres.

Terrain : Hills
Improvement : Mine (Mining)
Bonus : +1 Commerce (+1 Production, +5 Commerce)
Effect : +1 Happiness with Mine
+1 Happiness with Forge

Gems are pretty rare to enocunter, but if you get them, mine them as soon as
you can. The Production bonus should justify the mining of Gems, but above all
you get the hefty Commerce bonus. Cities with Forges will gain additional

Terrain : Hills (Desert, Grassland, Plains)
Improvement : Mine (Mining)
Bonus : +1 Commerce (+1 Production, +6 Commerce)
Effect : +1 Happiness with Mine
+1 Happiness with Forge

Probably the best luxury resource in the game. Gold is ever-popular, and
provides a Production bonus when improved along with the highest Commerce bonus
for any improved tile. Getting a several Gold tiles will make your empire very

Terrain : Desert
Improvement : Plantation (Calendar)
Bonus : +1 Commerce (+5 Commerce)
Effect : +1 Happiness with Plantation
+1 Happiness with Cathedral (any religion)

Incense has a limited use. Apart from growing in far-off areas, there aren't
many builds that make use of it. The major cathedral buildings supply the
Health bonus, but they are not easily constructed, so the effects of Incense
aren't spread as much as other resources. It can be helpful for a city with
many different Cathedrals, however.

Terrain : Grassland, Jungle, Plains
Improvement : Camp (Hunting)
Bonus : +1 Production (+1 Production, +1 Commerce)
Effect : +1 Happiness with Camp
+1 Happiness with Market

A must-have for the best piano keys...but aside from killing elephants, Ivory
provides a good source of Commerce and Happiness. Ivory isn't too common, and
researching Industrialism renders it obsolete.

Terrain : Forest
Improvement : Plantation (Calendar)
Bonus : +1 Commerce (+3 Commerce)
Effect : +1 Happiness with Plantation
+1 Happiness with Market

Silk, like Dye, often comes in batches, making it a rather easy resource to
trade. The Happiness bonus from Silk is easily distributed through Markets, and
it provides a nice Commerce boost. Towns situated near batches of Silk will
benefit greatly.

Terrain : Hills (Desert, Plains)
Improvement : Mine (Mining)
Bonus : +1 Commerce (+1 Production, +4 Commerce)
Effect : +1 Happiness with Mine
+1 Happiness with Forge

Similar to Gold, but doesn't provide as much Commerce. Still a very nice
resource to have, and similarly distributed, making it a good source of

Terrain : Grassland, Plains
Improvement : Plantation (Calendar)
Bonus : +1 Commerce (+1 Food, +2 Commerce)
Effect : +1 Happiness with Plantation
+1 Health with Grocer

Historically use to preserve food and mask its taste, Spices in Civ4 provide a
good combination of Food and Commerce, along with Health through the easily-
built Grocer. Nice to keep around, and worth expanding to if you don't already
have a city nearby.

Terrain : Plains
Improvement : Plantation (Calendar)
Bonus : +1 Food (+1 Food, +1 Commerce)
Effect : +1 Happiness with Plantation
+1 Health with Grocer

Not as beneficial as Spices, but still a good boost to a growing population and
a good Happiness and Health boost.

Terrain : Plains
Improvement : Winery (Monarchy)
Bonus : +1 Commerce (+1 Food, +2 Commerce)
Effect : +1 Happiness with Plantation
+1 Health with Grocer

Wine is a bit unique as far as resources go. While it uses the Grocer
distribution channel, Wine requires an entirely different Tech to collect:
Monarchy. It doesn't make too much sense, but I suppose you could say that
royalty drink the most wine. However you explain it, Wine is good for Commerce
and overall growth, and often comes in pairs, making it good for trade.

Terrain : Coast, Ocean
Improvement : Whaling Boats (Optics)
Bonus : +1 Food (+1 Production, +2 Commerce)
Effect : +1 Happiness with Whaling Boat
+1 Happiness with Market

You might hate whalingl, but Whales in Civ4 provide a hefty boost to the
productivity of a coastal city as well improve Happiness through the Markets.
These are fairly uncommon, and Whales are rendered obsolete by Combustion.

2.3 - Food Resources [CV203]

Food resources are mainly helpful in increasing the rate at which cities grow.
Once improved, these resources offer some of the highest food-value tiles, and
some offer Commerce bonuses. Certain buildings will also allow food to have a
Health bonus. Improving the tiles will also provide substantial Health bonuses,
and constructing builds like Grocers and Harbors will add to that Health bonus.

Note: Some of these resources require Farms. Initially, Farms can only be
created on squares near fresh water, but they can be made any time on
these resource tiles. If there is no nearby fresh water, the resource
will be gathered, but the resource will not gain irrigation bonuses.
Farms with the Irrigation bonus gain an additional +1 Food.

Note: Biology will provide an additional +1 Food bonus.

Terrain : Jungle
Improvement : Plantation (Calendar)
Bonus : +1 Food (+2 Food)
Effect : +1 Health with Plantation
+1 Health with Grocer

Bananas! Find these in Jungles. Like Dye, they offer the definitive reason to
clear jungles, and make it worth your time with an impressive Food bonus along
with Health.

Terrain : Coast
Improvement : Fishing Boat (Fishing)
Bonus : +1 Food (+2 Food)
Effect : +1 Health with Fishing Boat
+1 Health with Harbor

As with most coastal resources, Clams provide much needed Food for coastal
cities, as such cities have less land it irrigate. Cities usually won't
allocate citizens to fishing tiles unless it is particularly lucrative, so
develop the land while sending out Work Boats to collect Clams.

Terrain : Desert, Grassland
Improvement : Farm (Agriculture)
Bonus : +1 Food (+2 Food, +1 Commerce)
Effect : +1 Health with Farm
+1 Health with Granary

Corn is a remarkably versatile crop. It provies a nice Food bonus, adds
Commerce as well as the complementary Health bonuses from the Granary,
available in the beginning. A fitting effect for a crop that has been so
important to the growth of civilizations.

Terrain : Grassland, Plains
Improvement : Pasture (Animal Husbandry)
Bonus : +1 Food (+1 Food, +2 Production)
Effect : +1 Health with Pasture
+1 Health with Supermarket

Like Corn, Cows are very versatile, offering both Food and Production bonuses
-- the latter being a rare trait for a Food resource. Getting a Pasture on this
tile increases growth of the nearby city, although it takes a while to research
Refrigeration for the Supermarket building and Health bonus. Milk doesn't last
very long, if you think about it.

Terrain : Coast
Improvement : Fishing Boat (Fishing)
Bonus : +1 Food (+2 Food)
Effect : +1 Health with Fishing Boat
+1 Health with Harbor

Basically identical to Clams. Good for coastal cities, but nothing particularly
special about collecting Crabs.

Terrain : Plains, Tundra
Improvement : Camp (Hunting)
Bonus : +1 Food (+2 Food)
Effect : +1 Health with Pasture
+1 Health with Supermarket

Don't expect to get a huge return from Deer, especially as the Health bonus
doesn't come until towards the end. Decent Food bonus, and it's worth more when
you are developing towns in barren Tundra. Try to build cities near Deer and/or
Fur to get a decent growth rate.

Terrain : Coast, Ocean
Improvement : Fishing Boat (Fishing)
Bonus : +1 Food (+3 Food)
Effect : +1 Health with Fishing Boat
+1 Health with Harbor

Fish is...well, fish, but it's also the best coastal resource. Put a Fishing
Boat here and you have as much Food output as a flood plain. Very nice to have
for coastal cities.

Terrain : Grassland, Hills, Jungle
Improvement : Pasture (Animal Husbandry)
Bonus : +1 Food (+3 Food)
Effect : +1 Health with Pasture
+1 Health with Supermarket

As with the other domesticated animals, Pigs are great for a city's growth due
to the huge Food bonus, and similarly it takes until late-game to get
Supermakets for the Health bonus. Very nice to have.

Terrain : Grassland, Jungle
Improvement : Farm (Agriculture)
Bonus : +1 Food (+1 Food)
Effect : +1 Health with Farm
+1 Health with Granary

For a crop that's used so widely, Civ4's Rice...well, sucks. It offers a puny
Food bonus. Thankfully, it makes up for the lack of bonuses by being widely
available. Cultivate it when you get the chance, but it's not going to make a
huge difference to your cities.

Terrain : Grassland
Improvement : Pasture (Animal Husbandry)
Bonus : +1 Food (+2 Food, +1 Commerce)
Effect : +1 Health with Pasture
+1 Health with Supermarket

Like the other meats, Sheep provide good growth through Food and Commerce. A
good, balanced resource to build a city around.

Terrain : Plains
Improvement : Farm (Agriculture)
Bonus : +1 Food (+2 Food)
Effect : +1 Health with Farm
+1 Health with Granary

Not as flexible as Corn, but more usefult than Rice. Not as common as you may
think, Wheat provides a decent boost to agricultural output. Unfortunately, it
often spawns away from irrigation sources, making it relatively difficult to
cultivate to your city's benefit. I wouldn't go out of the way to build a city
near these unless you have access to fresh water.

2.4 - Other Resources [CV204]

Besides the resources you conventionally collect from the world map, there are
three resources that are exclusively gained from Wonders. They are:

- Hit Movies (from Hollywood)
- Hit Singles (from Rock N' Roll)
- Hit Musicals (from Broadway)

Each of these provide +1 Happiness, with an additional +1 Happiness for cities
with a Broadcast Tower.

The main benefit of these three resources is the surplus you get. Because the
bonus does not stack for resources of the same type, you can use the extra Hit
resources to trade with other civilizations. The AI will eagerly accept this
resource, and it's a cheap and effective way of spreading Happiness to your
cities and your allies.

Copyright 2008 David "Scottie_theNerd" Nguyen
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