Everquest 2

Everquest 2

17.10.2013 20:55:22
Everquest II Lingo Guide (www.everquest2.com)
Contact E-mail: Nghtmr9999@myway.com
Written by: Nghtmr9999
Version 1.0.0

----------[Table of Contents]----------
Section 1 - Introduction.........................(s1in)
Section 2 - Lingo................................(s2lo)
Section 3 - Version History......................(s3vh)
Section 4 - Special Thanks.......................(s4st)
Section 5 - Contact Info/Copyright Info..........(s5ci)

----------[Section 1 - Introduction]----------(s1in)

Hello again! It's me, Nghtmr9999. This time, I have written a guide on the
Everquest II Lingo you might see in the game.

----------[Section 2 - Lingo]----------(s2lo)

For better searching, terms are in alphabetical order.

Term Meaning
---------- ------------------------------------------------------
AB Antonya Bayle. This is a server name, and one of the most
populated servers in the game.

Add People say this when an additional monster attacks the
group. Can be deadly if you get too many.

AE(AOE) Area of effect. This refers to spells that don't affect
just one target, but many around you.

AF Auto Follow. If you need to go afk and your group
is traveling, don't stop. Right click on a groupmate
and click follow. Just be sure to say "AF on whoever".

AFK Away from keyboard. You type this when real life takes
over. Be sure you say so in groups or you may come back
to a dead pissed off group.

Agi Agility. How much armor you can wear, and your avoid.

Agro The monster's "hate". Attacking and healing builds up hate
with a monster. When your hate is the highest, you will
get attacked by said monster. If you are a fighter, you
should always be at the top of the hate list.

Ant Antonica. One of the major zones outside of Qeynos. This
is where you will go in your teens.

AQ Armor Quest. These are quests that you complete for some
shiny new armor.

BB Blackburrow. An area filled with lots of heroic gnolls.

BRB Be right back. When something happens in real life and
you have to leave the game for a minute or two, just let
your group know by typing this.

Brt Be right there. Basically if you are invited to a group
in a dungeon and you are in Qeynos or Freeport (or where-
ever). Type this to let them know you are coming.

BSV Blood Skull Valley. Raid instance in the south

BT BloodTalon. An epic mob in Antonica. If I recall correctly
its a group x2.

Btw By the way. Don't know if I can say a lot more.

Buff Magical Enhancements to armor, weapons, etc. Priests have
quite a lot. Be sure to use them all in groups.

CH Castleview Hamlet. Starting place for Frogs and High Elfs.
A small cozy town in the great city of Qeynos.

CL Commonlands. One of the major zones outside the city of
Freeport. This is where you will go in your teens.

CoD Cove of Decay. Another heroic instance. This is off the
Thundering Steppes.

Con The color of the monster. Grey, green, blue, white
yellow, orange, red.

Conj Conjuror. One of the mage classes in the game. They
summon... things.... and...... stuff.

CP Copper Pieces. Think of these as pennies. They don't buy
a lot. 100 of them makes a silver.

Cya See ya. When you're about to log off, you might say this
to a friend you were talking to or your guild.

Ding Gaining a level. You'll know you've "dinged" when your
exp bar goes to 0%, you hear a sound, and you see pretty
double-helix things go around your character. In groups
you say this when you gain a level, and almost all people
will say "grats" "wtg" "gj" etc.

DoF Desert of Flames. The first big expansion pack released.
It raised the max level to 60, and added a whole desert
to explore.

DoT Damage over time. Some spells do..."23 damage per second
for 15 seconds" or "500 damage over 30 seconds"

DPS Damage per second. This is how much damage you can do in
the shortest amount of time. If it takes you 15 seconds
to take down a white con monster, you have high DPS. If
it takes you a minute, you have low DPS.

Drop Items dropped by an enemy when they die. They can be coin
or armor or...just....items.

EF East Freeport. A zone in Freeport.

EL Enchanted Lands. Another big zone. Take the bell off the
Thundering Steppes or Nek Forest (whichever takes you to
the right one)

EXP Experience. The invisible number. When your exp is equal
to or greater than exp needed for the next level, you
gain a level.

FD Feign Death. A very handy spell. When cast, you "die".
Until the area is clear of agro or you get sick of being

FG Fallen Gate. A zone with lots of undead. Most heroic.
Western Commonlands.

FP Freeport. The major city that has numerous smaller parts
to it. You go here if you are evil.

Gank On PvP servers, killing somebody who has almost no chance
of winning.

GG Good Going. Used as a way of saying congrats on level. Or
used sarcastically when someone kills the group.

GM Game Master. The all-powerful people who work at SOE.
All hail the mighty GMs!

GP Gold Pieces. Think of these as $100 bills. 100 silver make
one of these, and 100 of these makes a platinum.

Gtg Got to go. When you need to leave the game, type gtg.
Followed shortly by "cya or bye". Most people will
understand. MOST will.

Good to Go. When you are ready for the next monster.

Gusty Gustfeather. An epic x2 in the Thundering Steppes.

GW Guild Wars. A MMORPG (if you could call it that XD). No
fee, but I heard it's not fun.

HO Heroic Opportunity. Work together as a team, cast the
right spells, and you might cause massive damage, or get
a nice buff.

HP Hitpoints. When they reach 0, you die.

HoT Heal over time. Kinda self-explanatory.

Idc I dont care. Again, it explains itself.

Idk I dont know. Explains itself....

Imo In my opinion. When you have an opinion, say IMO

Inc Incoming. Used to let the group know a monster is coming.

Instance This is when your group has an area all to yourself. So
groups can't just come in and kill everything.

Int Intelligence. How much mana mages have.

J/k Just Kidding. When you say something, but you were
kidding, type this.

KK Okay. Don't think I have to say more.

L8r Later. When you must leave the game for a few hours, be
a nice guy. Tell your friends and your guild. They'll say
"bye" or "cya" in return.

Lag Slow Connection. When the game isn't completely smooth
you have lag my good sir. Check your connection. Then
blame it on the server hamster.

LD Linkdead. When someone crashes from the game. Be nice and
wait a few minutes for them. Then find a replacement.

LF Looking for. Mainly used when a group needs a certain

LFG Looking for group. If you need to do an instance, or you
just want exp, type /lfg in the chat box, and type your
message in the chat box.

LFM Looking for more. When you just have 2 or 3 and you need
more people, just put this in the chat box along with what
you are doing.

LFW Looking for work. If you want a crafting job, type /lfw
to flag yourself, and people will contact you... soon....

Lmao Laughing my *** off. When something is so funny a "lol"
(see below) doesn't do it.

Log Signing on or off.

Lol Laughing out loud. Used when something is funny.

Lvl Level. Your combat/crafting level.

Mana How much blue you have. Same as MP

MP How much blue you have. Same as Mana.

MT Mistell. When you send a message to your guild when you
meant to send it as a reply, type MT to the person who
recieved your message by accident.

Main Tank. This is the person in the group that decides
what will be pulled, takes all the damage, and keeps the
enemies off the group.

Named A named monster. Any monster with a proper name. None of
the "A small gnoll" or "A two-headed orc" type of thing.

Necro Necromancer. The conjuror's evil counterpart. They
summon dead stuff.

Nerf A class losing power due to balance issues. As you can
imagine, this annoys people quite a bit.

NBG Need before greed. Basic group manners. If you can't use
the item and someone else can and needs it, let them have

NF North Freeport. Another zone in Freeport.

NH Nettleville Hovel. A part of Qeynos. Humans and cats start

Nj Nice Job. Used when a group takes down 6 heroics, or used
when someone kills the group.

NK Nektulos Forest. A zone that is dark and full of heroics.

Np No Problem. When giving something away for free, you
usually say this when someone says thx (see below)

NPC Non-playing character. A character that is controlled
by the game and not by a human.

NQ North Qeynos. A zone in the wonderful city of Qeynos

OMG Oh my god. Used when something really annoys you.

Ooc Out of character. /ooc . This appears in dark green
text, and is used to talk in almost all zones.

OOM(OOP) Out of magic. When your blue is all gone.

Omw On My Way. When you are coming to meet the group wherever
they are.

Pally Paladin. A healing-tanking machine!

PF Permafrost. Another zone off the docks. Go to Nek or TS.
Also a server name.

PST Please Send Tell. When a person wants to talk in private
with /tell.

PvE Player VS Environment. You VS monsters.

PvP Player VS Player. You VS another player.

QH Qeynos Harbor. Another zone in Qeynos. You get to the
desert from here. That is if you bought the Desert of
Flames pack.

Rdy Ready. When you are ready for the next monster.

Reroll Remaking your character and starting brand new. If you
hate how your character turned out, make a new one!

Res Resurrect. This is a priest spell that brings you back to

Respec Re-choosing your trait abilities. If your talents aren't
working out, pay some money and redo them.

Rev Revive. This is NOT the priests spell. This means you
come back to life at a camp.

RL Real life. You know.... the world outside the game? Don't
know what I'm talking about? Hrm... okay.

Rooted Mage spell that chains a monster down. Makes it easier
to take monsters down, since they can't hit you.

Rov Ruins of Varsoon. This is an area off the Thundering
Steppes. This is south-eastern-ish TS.

RV Rivervale. A zone off the Enchanted Lands. Has some
nice trees and areas to explore.

SC Starcrest Commune. Another starting zone in Qeynos. For
Erudites, you start here!

SF South Freeport. Part of Freeport... blah..blah...blah

SH Stormhold. A graveyard area in eastern Antonica. Heroics

SK Shadowknight. The paladin's evil twin.

Soe Sony Online Entertainment. The creators of the game.

SP Silver Pieces. Think of these as $5 bills. They make you
kinda rich, but not very.

SQ South Qeynos. Zone in Qeynos. South of North Qeynos

Sry Sorry. (gasps) You've done something bad! Say this, it
will make things all better; at least I think it will....

Sta Stamina. The higher this is, the more health you have.

Str Strength. How much damage you do with weps. As you can
imagine, with warriors this needs to be high.

Swashy Swashbuckler. A class that has some pretty nice DPS.

Tank A warrior made to take the damage and keep people alive.
These guys depend on their gear, and are expensive to

Thx Thanks. When somebody does something nice in real life
you usually say thanks right? Same goes for the game.

TS Thundering Steepes. Big zone off Antonica. Heroics are
numerous, but there are solo monsters too.

Ty Thank You. Nuff' said.

WC Wailing Caves. Area off the Commonlands. North CL to be
more precise.

WF West Freeport. Freeport Zone. Don't need to say another

Wis Wisdom. How much mana a priest has and how well the heal.

Wizzy Wizard. A mage class that has some very good DPS.

WoW World of Warcraft. Shhhh this is the game I'm playing now.
But keep that a secret.

WTB Want to buy. When you need something, type WTB .

WTF What the ****. Used when you are REALLY angry.

WTG Way to go. Commonly used when someone dings.

WTH What the hell. Used when your slightly angry.

WTS Want to sell. When you're selling something, type WTS

WTT Want to Trade. When you want to trade one item for

WW Willow Wood. Starting zone for Half Elfs in Qeynos.

XP Experience. See EXP. They're simillar.

Xroads Crossroads. Place in the Commonlands where evils can buy
or sell or whatever. If you are good, the guards will
attack you on sight!

Zerker Berserker. Fighter class. Nice damage, nice DPS. But relys
on armor.

----------[Section 3 - Version History]----------(s3vh)

V1.0.0 (7/22/06) - Whole guide written and ready for corrections.

----------[Section 4 - Special Thanks]----------(s4st)

SoE - For making this game
All the sites that are currently hosting my guide

And a very special thanks to you, for reading my guide.

----------[Section 5 - Copyright Info/Contact Info]----------(s5ci)

The following sites have my permission to publish my guide

Copyright 2006-2007 - Nghtmr9999

This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other
web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a
violation of copyright.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

DO E-mail me about...
-Your Lingo
-Incorrect Information
-Questions about hosting my guide
-Websites using this guide that aren't listed above
-Suggestions to make my guide better
-Missing Information
-Concerns about my guide (anything inappropriate)
-Spelling/Grammar Errors
-Broken links (Shortcuts on contents don't match the corresponding section)
-Information in this guide that breaks any copyright
-If my guide forces your browser to scroll horizontally (space at end of line)

DO NOT E-mail me about...
-Personal Questions, like my full name, address, etc.
-Begging for items/coin. Sorry, I just don't give away huge sums of money.
-Asking for GM rights/powers. (I'm just not a GM)
-Viruses. I have excellent virus software. So don't waste your time.
-Attachments. I wont open them from you. So once again don't try.

Repeated violations of the above will result in your e-mail address getting

Well, thats it. I hope you enjoyed reading this guide.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Lingo Guide
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