America's Army

America's Army

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Game: America's Army
Platform(s): PC
Author: Bloviator
Contact: aapmcm2 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Guide Type: Training Guide
Guide version: 1.2
Last Updated: 10/26/06

| Please read all 4 notes before continuing with the rest of this guide |

Note 1:


The 79 characters above should all line up on a single line. If they do not,
you may have trouble reading this guide, as line breaks and spacing may look
odd. Open this document in notepad, wordpad, or a similar program, go to
Format-Font, and make sure that you are using Courier New, font size 10.

Note 2:

Regardless of where you are viewing this guide from, please visit
This website will have the most current and up to date version of my guide that
is available. That way, you can stay constant with the updates (as some
secondary hosts don't update very frequently) and we can be on the same page if
you don't understand something in the guide.

Note 3:

America's Army has undergone a number of upgrades, alterations and patches
since its creation. While some of these were minor (bug-fixes, new maps),
others made significant changes to the game. Version 2.7.0 (Overmatch) is the
most recent version, and the version for which this guide is written. Some of
the training missions described within this guide do not exist in previous
version, and others have been changed for Overmatch from their earlier forms.
As such, if you intend to use this guide to its full extent, you must be
running America's Army version 2.7.0 (or higher, once applicable). Please do
not e-mail me a question about something from previous versions.

Note 4:

If you have any interest in America's Army, please join the Gamespot America's
Army Community Union (AACU). If you have an account of Gamefaqs or Gamespot,
you're eligible. Just visit the site below and click on "Join Union."

Your support of and membership into the Union would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You.

****************************** C O N T E N T S ********************************

Locating specific sections in this guide may take unnecessary or undesirable
amounts of time. To facilitate this, I've made shortcuts for each sub-section
in the guide. On the right of each section in the contents, there will be a
small code in brackets. Press Ctrl F, and copy this code (brackets included)
into the find menu. Press "find" twice to be instantly taken to the desired

- Table of Contents -

I- Legal..............................................[10-LEG]

II- Introduction.......................................[20-INT]

III- Training Missions..................................[30-TRA]
1. Introduction...............................[31-INT]
2. Basic Combat Training......................[32-BCT]
A. Basic Rifle Marksmanship.............[32-BRM]
B. Eagle Tower..........................[32-EAG]
C. Weapons Familiarization..............[32-WPF]
D. MOUT Shoothouse......................[32-MSH]
3. Airborne School............................[33-AIR]
A. 250' Tower...........................[33-250]
B. Live Jump............................[33-LIV]
4. Medic Training.............................[34-MED]
A. Airway Management....................[34-MAM]
B. Control Bleeding.....................[34-MCB]
C. Treat Shock..........................[34-MTS]
D. Field Training.......................[34-MFT]
5. Advanced Marksmanship......................[35-AMS]
A. M-24.................................[35-M24]
B. M-82.................................[35-M82]
6. Special Forces Training....................[36-SFT]
A. Camp MacKall.........................[36-CMK]
B. SF Escape and Evade..................[36-E&E]
7. Advanced Individual Training...............[37-AIT]
A. HMMWV Driver.........................[37-HVD]
B. CROWS Gunner.........................[37-CRG]
C. Javelin Training.....................[37-JAV]
8. Data Table.................................[38-DAT]

IV- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)...................[40-FAQ]

V- Guide Information..................................[50-GUI]
1. Contributions and Contact..................[51-CAC]
2. Revision/Update History....................[52-RUH]
3. Coming Soon................................[53-COS]
4. Credits....................................[54-CRE]
5. Random Statistics (of this guide)..........[55-RST]
6. Other Works by the Author..................[56-OTH]

VI- Closing Statement..................................[60-CLO]


********************************** L E G A L **********************************

This guide is copyrighted by Harold Palms as of the year 2006. It is
subject to all federal and international copyright laws. Under the United
States Copyright Act of 1976 and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998,
as a published work, this guide cannot be sold, re-printed, given away, or
displayed without express permission of the author, regardless of the
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situation of public viewing without any charge, the author must be consulted
in order for it to legally be given out. This guide cannot be posted on a
personal website, or transferred to another user without permission of the
author. Any reader who finds this guide is legally permitted to read, print
out, or save a copy of this guide. Said reader is not permitted to sell,
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they permitted to accredit any part or the entirety of the guide as their own
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If this guide is found on any other site, please contact the author
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version. Also, anyone who attempts to place this guide on a site where it has
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Copyright Act. If you would like to have this guide hosted or displayed on your
website, please direct an e-mail to the author. The e-mail address can be found
on line #45 of this document, as well as at the end of the Contributions and
Contact section.

Any material used in this guide that has come from an outside source will be
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If any outside information appears in this guide that the author of said
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In addition, the author takes no responsibility for any actions that result
from reading this guide. All of the views and opinions expressed within this
guide apply only to the game to which it refers. The actions described to
within this guide apply only to trained military personnel and should not be
attempted by anyone else. Essentially, the author can take no responsibility,
nor be held liable if the reader chooses to perform any action described or
portrayed in the game "America's Army" or in this guide. The author is not
responsible or liable for anything that may happen as a result of reading this

Copyright (C) 2006 by Harold Palms


*************************** I N T R O D U C T I O N ***************************

Hello there dear reader. My name is Bloviator, and it is my pleasure to guide
you through the training missions for America's Army. AA is notorious for
being a difficult game, and especially a so-called "n00b-killer." Bunny-
hopping, rocket-jumping, dolphin-diving, n00b-tubing and similar strategies
from other games will not get you anywhere in this one. Do not be fooled;
Although it is an FPS, AA is not even close to Unreal Tournament. However, the
training missions within the game should help you on your way up the steep
learning curve. Still, many players need a little extra help or advice
regarding the training, or the strategies contained therein. I've provided my
services to inform you about and help you with the training missions in
America's Army. Though I have written numerous guides, help files, tips, and
walkthroughs, this is only the third that I have chosen to submit to an online
database. As you can probably tell, my guide is rather large given the narrow
subject material it covers. Despite my name, I try to bloviate as little as
possible, but to still present as much information as I can. As you read
through this guide, you will find just how in-depth some of my explanations can
be. This guide should help you complete all of the training missions in the
game, and clear up any uncertainties about them. While this doesn't guarantee
that you'll be a killing machine by the end, completing the training should
give you at least a foothold online. I've made an effort to present all the
information I can, while still giving you the opportunity to do practically
anything in this amazing game. I hope reading this guide allows you to enjoy
America's Army to its fullest. It's certainly been a pleasure for me.



********************** T R A I N I N G M I S S I O N S **********************

- Introduction -

In this section, which makes up the bulk of this guide, I will go over each
training mission in depth. I will provide you, the reader, with all the
information needed to easily pass this training mission. I will also describe
how to apply the concepts learned within the mission to regular gameplay. For
each mission, I will list the following information:

Mission Group: The name of the group that the mission is in (e.g. Basic Combat

Mission Name: The name of the mission. Please note that the game is
inconsistent in its naming schemes, and the word "training" is
often omitted where implied.

Location: The location of the training exercise

Prerequisite: What other training mission must be completed before you may
attempt this one

Description: A short description of the mission or mission group

Difficulty: How difficult it is to complete this mission. This will be on a
scale of:

* Very Easy
** Easy
*** Medium
**** Hard
***** Very Hard

Equipment: What equipment (weapons, weapon systems, etc.) will be used in this

Objectives: A list of the mission objectives

Strategy: A comprehensive look at how to best complete this mission. I will
walk the reader through each section of the mission (if applicable)
and give instructions throughout.

Any other issues you may have will, and should be addressed in the Frequently
Asked Questions (FAQ) section of this guide.


- Basic Combat Training -

Basic Combat training is exactly what its name suggests: Basic training for how
to engage in combat. Completion of BCT is required to play all of the game's
missions, and is also a prerequisite of additional training groups. You cannot
play on normal online servers if you have not completed BCT, and you cannot
engage in more complex training (and subsequently, advanced levels) until you
complete BCT. Essentially, BCT is all but required to play any of America's

- Basic Rifle Marksmanship -

Mission Group: Basic Combat Training
Mission Name: Basic Rifle Marksmanship
Location: Ft. Benning, GA
Prerequisite: None
Description: In this first BCT training mission, you will practice firing
an M16(A2), the staple weapon of the US Army. You will have
opportunities to practice freely, and will then have to
qualify with a record shoot from a number of different
stances. In all, you will fire 40 rounds for qualification at
40 targets. If you hit 22 or less targets, you fail training
and must retry it. If you get between 23 and 29 hits, you are
qualified as a Marksman, and can move on. Getting 30 to 35
hits will qualify you as a Sharpshooter. If you want to become
sniper qualified (unlock Advanced Marksmanship training), you
must hit 36-40 targets(qualify as Expert).
Difficulty: **
Equipment: M16A2
Objectives: A: Pick Up Ammunition
B: Practice Fire
C: Record Fire

As the mission begins, you're being briefed by an officer as to what you're
going to do. When he's complete, follow his directions and head North to
objective A. Here you can pick up your M16A2 at the table. However, the officer
in charge won't let you have it until you show him that you can handle it. Each
of the commands he asks you to do will have a corresponding key. Your game will
tell you which key it is, but (in general) I won't use key names, since many
people (myself included) rebind their keys. Instead, I'll use function names.
Anyway, the officer will ask you to unsling your rifle. Once you've done that,
he'll tell you to switch to semi-automatic mode. Do so. He will then ask you
how to clear a jam. Hit the clear jam button to show him. The officer will give
you a magazine and tell you to go. You should head Northwest to lane 4, where
the first officer will be waiting. Approach him and press use to talk with him.

After a short explanation, he will allow you to fire your first 20 round
magazine at the targets in front of you (from a prone position). All you have
to do is expend all the ammunition, so this is a good time to get acquainted
with your weapon. Once you've used up the first magazine, you will have to
reload, and then fire off another one from a crouched position. You can also
experiment with your ironsights and alternate fire modes (burst) at this time.
Just be sure you don't shoot outside of your lane.

Once you've used up both magazines, your record/qualifying shoot will begin.
You will fire 20 rounds from a prone supported position, 10 from a prone
unsupported position, and 10 from a crouching position. You need 23/40 hits
total to pass (You need 30 to be a sharpshooter and 36 to be an expert - These
are for Advanced Marksmanship training). Although the numbers may seem easy at
first, don't play this like any other FPS. Take your time for each shot, and
use the ironsights constantly. Watch your breathing cycle and try to hit the
shot right at the apex of your scope waiver. Note that the first 20 shots will
be very accurate, the next 10 slightly less accurate, and the last 10 not very
accurate (in terms of waiver/wobble). If there was a standing 10 shots, you
would be very inaccurate at long range. Still, this training is not very
difficult, and you should be able to complete it with ease. I'd recommend going
back and going for higher marks, as this is a prerequisite of Advanced
Marksmanship training.


- Eagle Tower -

Mission Group: Basic Combat Training
Mission Name: Eagle Tower
Location: Ft. Benning, GA
Prerequisite: Rifle (BRM) Qualification
Description: Whereas the first BCT mission was a training exercise for
firing and weapon handling, the second mission, Eagle Tower,
tests movement and maneuvering skills. This mission will not
merely teach you how to move around, but how to approach and
effectively surpass the numerous physical obstacles that one
will face throughout the game. However, this training is quite
easy, and (unlike previous versions) has no qualifying round.
Difficulty: *
Equipment: None
Objectives: A: Obstacle Area
B: Rope Bridges
C: Cargo Net Descent
D: Ladder Climb
E: Rope Rappel

The drill instructor will introduce you to the course and what you will be
doing. After he's done, just follow him and his instructions, and you should be
able to get through the course without difficulty. At each area, the game will
tell you what button to press to navigate the obstacles. I'll just describe
what you're up against. You will have to crouch, jump, crawl, climb, and
sidestep through the first obstacles. After that, head up the ladder and across
the rope bridge. Walk up to the ledge with the cargo net, face away from it,
and back down over the edge. Sprint towards the arrow and the next instructor.
Follow his directions to the next ladder, which goes all the way to the top of
Eagle Tower. Once there, face the edge with the rappel line, turn 180 degrees
around, and back down off the edge. Once this is done, you should have
completed the course.


- Weapons Familiarization -

Mission Group: Basic Combat Training
Mission Name: Weapons Familiarization
Location: Ft. Benning, GA
Prerequisite: Eagle Tower
Description: Although the first BCT mission should have trained you in the
use of the M16A2 rifle, you are not combat ready yet.
America's Army features a wide array of weaponry and, unlike
many games, each weapon handles very differently from the
others. As such, you must become familiar with all the weapons
in the game, not merely the common ones. Your team's success
may very well rest in your skill with a weapon which you do
not usually wield. This mission will familiarize you with 5
new weapons, each with a practice and qualifying round.
However, there are still additional weapons for which you must
receive training (and some for which you will never receive
Difficulty: ***
Equipment: M9 (9mm) Pistol, M249 Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW). M203
Grenade Launcher, AT4 Anti-Armor Rocket, Bunker Defeat
Munition (BDM)
Objectives: A: M9 Range
B: M249 Range
C: Explosive Weapons Range

After the drill sergeant gives you some introductory information (and
warnings), head West to the first firing station. Be aware that you cannot
leave the marked path for more than 10 seconds, or you will have to restart the
training. Once you reach the first instructor, he will brief you on the M9
pistol. One this is complete, pick up the weapon. You can practice fire with
your first two (15 round) clips. After you've expended all this ammunition,
your test/qualification will begin. You must hit 10 out of 15 targets with one
clip of ammo (15 rounds). This is very similar to the M16 range, except that,
as you will notice, the M9 has significant wobble. Crouching is strongly
recommended, as are the iron-sights. Once you've qualified, you may move north
to the next station.

Here, you will be briefed on the M249 Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW). Again, you
will have a free-fire period (100 rounds), followed by a qualification period
(50 rounds). As the on-screen hints suggest, the M249 is very difficult to
handle accurately without being prone, supported (bipod) and using short bursts
rather than continuous fire. The iron-sights are also recommended. During the
qualification round, you must hit 6 out of 18 targets with your 50 round clip.
Once again, after you complete this qualification, move north to the next

At the third (and final) station, you will practice and qualify with three
different weapons. However, they are linked in commonality by their nature;
They are all explosive weapons.

First up, you will use the M203 grenade launcher. The M203 is actually an
attachment that hooks on below the barrel of either an M16 or M4. In this case,
and M16. You will have to switch to it by pressing the same key that you used
to set up the M249's bipod. Experiment with the M203 (trajectory, range, etc.).
You have 10 rounds to practice with. Also note that the M203 has no iron-sights
and must be manually reloaded after each shot. Once you expend the 10 practice
rounds, you must qualify. You have to hit the target under the n-shaped frame
with one round (you have three rounds to use). Once you've completed this
qualification, you will move on to the AT4 practice round.

Here, you're given 2 practice rounds and 1 qualifying round. Your target is a
tank, which looks like a rusted piece of metal far out down range. You can
experiment with the scope's range adjustment, but this is not recommended. Also
note that you must discard (not reload) each tube after firing. Once you
qualify with this weapon, you will move on to the final explosive weapon, the

Again, you're given 2 practice shots and 1 qualifying one. The BDM handles very
similarly to the AT4, but is different in its uses and effects. Your target is
the bunker far downrange. On this particular station, you only need to pass 2
out of the 3 explosive weapons tests to earn station qualification. Once this
is complete, you should have all three station qualifications. If not, you've
failed, and must restart the mission.


- MOUT (Shoothouse) -

Mission Group: Basic Combat Training
Mission Name: MOUT (Shoothouse)
Location: Ft. Benning, GA
Prerequisite: Weapons Familiarization
Description: The previous three BCT missions taught you how to move and
shoot. The final exercise will test you combining these two
skills, by making you run through a shoothouse. You will have
to have speed, accuracy, and discretion to make it through the
shoothouse and pass the final BCT mission.
Difficulty: **
Equipment: M9 (9mm) Pistol, M4A1, Flashbang Grenade, Night Vision Goggles
Objectives: [not listed] Achieve a "Go" on the shoothouse (10,000 or more

The instructors for this mission will explain the basics of how the shoothouse
operates. When you're ready, pick up either the M9 or the M4A1 (you can't have
both) from the table. Make sure you also pick up the weapon's ammunition, as
well as the three flashbang grenades. When prompted, enter the shoothouse. In
each room, there will be a set number of enemy (OPFOR) pop-ups and friendly
pop-ups. You must hit all the OPFOR pop-ups (or as many as possible) within 3
seconds. Avoid friendly fire at all costs. Once the 3 seconds is up (or if you
hit all the OPFORs in under 3 seconds), proceed to the next door. There
will be one pop-up as you approach the door. Its status (OPFOR vs.
friendly) is random, so be careful. This general process continues for each
room, eventually leading you to the top of the shoothouse and your score. Your
score is based on the number of OPFOR hit, your target discretion (negative
points for friendlies hit), your accuracy, and your overall time (the faster
the better). You must surpass 10,000 points to pass this level. Here are a few
pointers to note:

-The night vision goggles (NVG) should be used in the one darkened room.

-Flashbang grenades will freeze the 3 second timer for a few extra seconds.
They are recommended for the larger rooms, but you can use them anywhere. Be
sure to avoid wasting time (pull out the grenade before you enter the room you
intend to use it in) and avoid blinding yourself.

-Single fire is recommended, auto is not.

-The scoring system weights your score based on what weapon you use (the M9 is
not a worse choice then the M4A1 because their scores are weighted).

-Hitting a friendly will drop your score a full 1,000 points. That is a large
amount of points to lose, and will very often break a "go" run.

-Be wary of friendlies who are in poses that suggest they have a weapon. Look
closely and learn to recognize and distinguish your targets.

Once you make a 10,000 points or higher "go" run, you have completed the
mission, and all BCT. Congratulations. You can now go online, or continue with
more advanced or specialized training.


- Airborne School -

Airborne School will train and prepare you to perform tactical paradrops into
enemy territory. Certain maps (e.g. JRTC Farm Raid) require one team to spawn
inside of a plane, from which they will drop to the landing zone and the rest
of the map. In addition to this skill, completion of Airborne School is
required to play Ranger maps and to undertake Special Forces training.


- 250' Tower -

Mission Group: Airborne School
Mission Name: 250' Jump Tower
Location: Ft. Benning, GA
Prerequisite: BCT
Description: In this, the first of two airborne training missions, you will
undergo a practice drop from the top of a 250 foot tower.
This will teach you the basics of how to operate and maneuver
your parachute for safe and accurate landings.
Difficulty: **
Equipment: Parachute
Objectives: [not listed] Complete a Parachute Landing Fall (PLF)

The instructor will start off by briefing you on the basics of how to operate
your parachute. The onscreen tips should supplement the material he's giving
you. After a few moments, you will be hooked up to the 250' tower parachute
apparatus. You will slowly be lifted up to the 250 foot mark as the instructor
continues to give you instructions. Again, the game will provide you with tips
that should clarify what the instructor is saying. After a brief pause at the
top, you will be released, and fall towards the ground. Although the game tells
you how to steer, it is not advised in this exercise. What's important is that
you develop a sense for when to flare (use key) your parachute. Flare too early
and the 'chute will collapse. Flare too late and you'll hit the ground...hard.
In repeated attempts at this mission, you may want to practice flaring your
parachute at different times. When you do make a successful jump, be sure to
look how far off the ground you were when you flared, so that you get a good
sense of distance for future jumps. If your PLF was successful and correct, you
will pass the mission.


- Live Jump -

Mission Group: Airborne School
Mission Name: Live Jump Qualification
Location: Ft. Benning, GA
Prerequisite: 250' Tower
Description: In the second of the two airborne training missions, you will
put to the test what you learned in the previous exercise.
Here, you will perform a night drop out of a plane, and
attempt to perform a correct parachute landing fall (PLF)
within the target circle.
Difficulty: ***
Equipment: Parachute
Objectives: [not listed] Complete a PLF within the marked target circle

The previous mission should have trained you in when and how to flare your
parachute. This mission will test your ability to both flare and steer
effectively. You will begin in a plane flying towards the target area. Your
instructor will tell you to stand by (yellow) and then to go (green). You will
be automatically forced out of the plane's doors and into the air. After a
brief moment of no visibility, you should be able to make out a series of
arrows pointing towards a large circle drawn on the ground. Green smoke is
pouring out of the center of this circle. In case you haven't guessed, that
circle is your target. Like before, you can use the move keys (assuming you
haven't re-bound them, W, A, S, D) to steer, and the use key to flare your
'chute. You shouldn't have to steer much side to side, but you will have to
adjust your fall forwards and backwards. Note that it's easier to maneuver and
judge your fall if you wait halfway to begin pushing forwards, rather than
pushing forwards immediately, and then trying to move backwards towards the
target. Experiment with your flight trajectory until you're satisfied, then
remember to flare at the right time. I've found that you shouldn't have to
touch any keys for the first few seconds of falling, then you have to make some
changes, and then as you near the ground, make minor adjustments and flare your
'chute. Assuming you landed safely (PLF) within the target circle, you will
have completed the mission. Congratulations, you are now airborne qualified.
You can now undertake any of the game's Ranger missions, and you have now
unlocked access to Special Forces training.


- Medic Training -

Medic training will, as the name implies, train you to become a combat medic.
The first three missions will teach you basic medical information and how to
effectively deal with/treat the most common cases you will encounter as a
medic. The final training mission will test your ability to demonstrate what
you learned in the classroom. Although no maps require you to have completed
medic training, all the maps do allow for medic position(s) on each team. In
being a combat medic, you can both help your team (keep wounded men from dying)
and help yourself (aiding someone else gives you a small amount of experience).
In the first three missions, you will have to listen to a lecturer, then take a
test on the material they covered. You must pass (a 70% or higher) to move on
to the next mission. Be aware that I will not list the test answers in this
guide. Please see the FAQ for more information.


- Airway Management -

Mission Group: Medic Training
Mission Name: Airway Management
Location: Brooke Army Medical Center
Prerequisite: BCT
Description: In the first of four medic training missions, you will learn
the basics of combat medicine at the Brooke Army Medical
Center. The mission will involve a free-roam period, a lecture
period, and a test period. If you pay attention to the
lecturer, you should have little difficulty passing the test
at the end.
Difficulty: **
Equipment: None
Objectives: [not listed] Pass the airway management test

As you begin the mission, you are welcome to roam around the center. You can
talk to a few people and look around, but most of the doors are locked, and
there isn't much to do. When you're ready to move on, head left from your
starting point, past the receptionist, and down the hall. Look for an open room
on your right labeled "Airway Management C-1." Enter the room. You may talk to
some of the other soldiers there for a moment.

On request of your instructor, take a seat. The instructor will lecture on the
basics of airway management. Do not get up during the lecture, or you may be
reprimanded (or, if you continue, fail the mission) When they are complete, you
will be allowed to open the test in front of you ("Casualty Evaluation and
Airway Management"), and take it. The questions are relatively simple, and
should be very easy if you paid attention. Note that there is no time limit on
the test. When complete, stand up and talk to the instructor to receive your


- Control Bleeding -

Mission Group: Medic Training
Mission Name: Control Bleeding
Location: Brooke Army Medical Center
Prerequisite: Airway Management
Description: "Control Bleeding" is the second of four medic training
missions. Here, you will continue your education of how to
practice basic combat medicine at the Brooke Army Medical
Center. As before, there will be a free-roam period, a lecture
period, and a test period.
Difficulty: **
Equipment: None
Objectives: [not listed] Pass the control bleeding test

As was the situation in the first mission, you are free to roam around as you
please. When you're satisfied, head back towards the receptionist's desk and
enter the room nearby labeled "Control Bleeding C-2." Just like before, you
will enter the room, talk to some soldiers, sit down, listen to the lecture and
then take a test about controlling bleeding. The protocol is the same as the
first mission. There isn't much to say here, just pay attention, and if you
need to, take notes. Once you pass the test, you can move on to the next


- Treat Shock -

Mission Group: Medic Training
Mission Name: Treat For Shock
Location: Brooke Army Medical Center
Prerequisite: Control Bleeding
Description: The third and final lecture at the Brooke Army Medical Center
is how to "Treat Shock." The process will remain basically the
same as the first two missions. There will be a free-roam
period, a lecture period, and a test period.
Difficulty: **
Equipment: None
Objectives: [not listed] Pass the treat shock test

Yet again, you will start off in free-roam mode at the Brooke Army Medical
Center. You know the drill. When you're ready, head down the hallway you
haven't been through before, taking a look at the CPR training going on. Once
you reach the "Treating Shock C-3" room, go through the drill, and sit down. As
was the case before, listen to the lecturer, and take the "Treating For Shock"
test at the end. Assuming you pass, you are on your way to the final training
mission to become a combat medic.


- Field Training -

Mission Group: Medic Training
Mission Name: Field Training Exercise
Location: Brooke Army Medical Center
Prerequisite: Treat Shock
Description: Unlike the previous three missions, you will not have to sit
down and listen to a lecture for this mission. Instead, you
will put the skills you learned in those previous missions to
the test. In this mission, you must locate and treat the
injuries of three wounded soldiers in a timely fashion and in
order according to need.
Difficulty: **
Equipment: Medic kit
Objectives: [not listed] Treat the wounds of all three men quickly and in
the order according to severity

After the instructor gives you some basic information, you should hear an
explosion and two radio calls for a medic. Quickly run down the path towards
the calls. When you arrive, you should see a flaming vehicle and three soldiers
(they might not all be visible from where you're standing). In order to pass
this test, you must treat all three quickly, and in order according to need
(the most heavily wounded first). As soon as you reach this area, head forwards
(west) past the flaming vehicle. You should see the most seriously wounded man
(Donny) laying facedown behind a tree. Treat his wounds by targeting him and
holding the use key. Once that's complete. Head southwest to the other soldier
(Walter) laying down. Treat his wounds before heading northeast to the final
soldier (Jeffrey) who is propped up against a tree. If you treat the wounds of
all three men quickly, and in this order, you will pass the test.
Congratulations, you're now qualified as a combat medic.


- Advanced Marksmanship -

If you qualified as an "Expert" on the rifle range (BCT-Basic Rifle
Marksmanship), you will be qualified to enter advanced marksmanship training.
Here, you will train to become an expert sniper. You will become comfortable
and capable with the game's two most common sniper rifles: the M-24 and M-82.
No maps require that you be sniper qualified, but without this training, you
cannot apply for an "S" or "B" slot on your team, and can only use a sniper
rifle if you pick it up off the ground (e.g. if one of your snipers dies).


- M-24 -

Mission Group: Advanced Marksmanship
Mission Name: M24 Rifle Qualification
Location: Ft. Bragg, NC
Prerequisite: "Expert" qualification on BCT-BRM
Description: In this, the first of two sniper training missions, you will
practice and qualify with the M-24 SWS. It is extremely
powerful and accurate, and is a very deadly weapon when used
correctly. The M-24 comes equipped with a telescopic sight and
a bipod, both of which you will need if you hope to qualify
and move on to the next training mission.
Difficulty: **
Equipment: M24
Objectives: [not listed] Qualify with the M24 SWS

After your instructor gives you some basic starting information, you are free
to practice with the M24. There are a number of red target plates far
downrange, which you can practice fire on. One of the men scouting will tell
you if you hit your target. Take this time to become fully acquainted with the
M24, as you will need to be very accurate. As usual, laying prone, supported
(with the bipod) and using the scope are all but necessary if you want to have
a hope of hitting your target. Especially more so than with the M16 or any
other weapon you've trained with, familiarize yourself with the M24's scope
wobble. At extreme distances, your target will be only a minute image in your
scope, and the slightest waiver in your aim may cause you to miss. During this
period, you are free to fire (except out of the range). Your qualification
round will begin as soon as you expend all your ammunition (4 5 round
magazines) or leave the firing station.

Once your test begins, you must hit the single white target downrange. You have
as much time as you need, but you only have one shot. As was the case when
practicing, go prone, set up the bipod, and look through the scope. Line up
your crosshairs on the target so that you are perfectly aligned when you reach
the top (or bottom) of your breathing cycle. Wait a few cycles if necessary,
and fire when the time is right. If you hit the target, you're moving on to the
next mission. If not, you'll have to restart this one. It's as simple as that.


- M-82 -

Mission Group: Advanced Marksmanship
Mission Name: M82 Rifle Qualification
Location: Ft. Bragg, NC
Prerequisite: M-24
Description: The second mission for Advanced Marksmanship training will
once again train and test you in the use of a powerful sniper
rifle. However, this time, you will be using the M82 Barrett.
Although in reality, the M82 is a completely different weapon
used for entirely different situations, in America's Army, you
will use it relatively the same as you would the M24. Like the
first mission, this training will involve a practice round
followed by a qualification shot.
Difficulty: ***
Equipment: M82A1
Objectives: [not listed] Qualify with the M82 rifle

This mission is very similar to the M24's training mission, except for the
weapon you're using and the target you're firing at. As the mission begins,
your instructor will tell you a little about the rifle and let you practice
fire at targets downrange. Like the M24, the M82 has a bipod and scope which
are both necessary to effective use of the weapon. Just as you did in the
previous training, practice hitting the targets out in the field. You should
notice that the main difference between the M82 and the M24 is the M82's severe
kickback. However, since a true sniper is "one shot, one kill," this should not
be an issue. When you're ready to qualify, either expend all ammunition (1 10
round magazine), or walk out of the firing station.

For your qualification round, you will once again have as much time as you need
to hit a single target with a single shot. However, in this mission, you will
be using the Barrett in its most realistic application in the whole game:
destroying unexploded ordinance. Look around the firing range through your
scope and you should come across the unexploded mortar shell which your
instructor mentioned. Use the same strategies as with the M24 to line up and
prepare your shot. You should aim for the white tail of the shell. As before,
if you hit, you pass, if you miss, you fail. Assuming you do hit,
congratulations, you are now sniper qualified.


- Special Forces Training -

The special forces encompasses elite teams of soldiers who are highly trained
to take on some of the most difficult challenges ever faced by US troops. They
are extremely well qualified in every respect, and capable of taking on very
difficult missions. In America's Army, an entire sub-section of maps (around 15
maps) can only be played by those who are SF qualified. The requirements for
this qualification are to have at least 15 honor, and to have completed SF
training. Some of the game's greatest maps are SF only, and that alone
should motivate you to attempt these missions.


- Camp MacKall -

Mission Group: Special Forces Training
Mission Name: Camp MacKall SF Introduction
Location: Ft. Bragg, NC
Prerequisite: Airborne School
Description: This mission will introduce you to 7 special forces soldiers
and give you a general sense of what the special forces do. In
addition, you will learn about US and OPFOR weapons, vehicles,
and aircraft (including helicopters). You will then be tested
on this material.
Difficulty: ***
Equipment: None
Objectives: [not listed] Speak to all 8 SF team members
[not listed] Pass the weapon/vehicle/aircraft identification

When you start the mission, the special forces officer in front of you will
introduce you to the special forces and give you some background information.
Once he's done talking, you must speak with (listen to) each of the 7
additional SF team members standing in the area in front of you. Like the first
man, they will all provide you with information about themselves and the
special forces. When you're done with all this, you are instructed to report to
the classroom. Follow your compass southwest there or wait a while and be
transported there (and reprimanded).

In this classroom, you will listen to a lecture in relatively the same format
as the first three medic classes. Like those missions, you will be informed,
then tested. However, there are a few differences. First off, the subject
matter of this information is US and OPFOR weapons, vehicles, and aircraft.
Secondly, the test is in a slightly different format. The test is timed, and
you will have 15 seconds to look at each slide and 15 seconds to answer each
question. There are a total of 15 questions, and you must get 11 or more
correct in order to pass the test. There isn't much more to say, except pay
attention to the lecture, and be familiar with the game (playing online may
help your familiarization somewhat), and you should be able to pass. Once
you've passed, you are now qualified to move on to the most difficult and time
consuming training mission in America's Army. Good luck.


- SF Escape and Evade -

Mission Group: Special Forces Training
Mission Name: SF Escape and Evade
Location: Ft. Bragg, NC
Prerequisite: Camp MacKall
Description: In this mission, you will be dropped off, via helicopter, in a
large wooded area/forest. Your objective is to reach all three
checkpoints and the end of the course without being spotted by
the numerous guards, sentries, and other lookouts. This is a
very lengthy mission, and a true test of stealth, patience,
and skill.
Difficulty: *****
Equipment: Binoculars (SF variant)
Objectives: A: [reach] Checkpoint A
B: [reach] Checkpoint B
C: [reach] Checkpoint C
[not listed] Use the truck to signal for extraction


The mission begins with you riding in a helicopter en route to the drop zone.
Listen to the man giving you instructions, as much of what he says will help
you complete your mission and keep from failing. After a few cutscenes and more
instructions, you will be dropped off at one end of this "course." Once you
pass the instructor here, no one should make visual contact with you for a long
time. Note that you have no weapon, only binoculars (SF variant). In this
walkthrough, I will...well...walk you through each step of this mission.

From your drop zone, head west, then south, through the canyon. Here, you
should be able to notice a scout up on the hills around you. Familiarize
yourself with his view distance and how stealthy you must be to avoid being
seen. When you come to a fork in the road, head right (west). Move towards the
rock and trees through which you should see light shining. As you near this
area, stay to the left of the rock, and turn southwest into the small crevice
between two hills. From here, checkpoint A should be a straight shot southwest.
Go there, but not too quickly, as stealth is still essential. As you descend
the hill towards checkpoint A, I would recommend going very slowly (prone
crawl) as there is an enemy scout quite close by. Once you reach checkpoint A,
it's on to checkpoint B. Be aware that if you are spotted, you will now return
to checkpoint A, instead of restarting the mission.

From checkpoint A, you should see a bridge and guard tower in front of you. If
you attempt to cross the bridge, no matter how slowly, you will be spotted.
Instead, head down into the ravine below the bridge and head northwest, then
west through this canyon. You will have to go up a large rock slab (like a
ramp). At the fork here, continue south, rather than northwest. Soon, you
should come to a fork where, to the east, you can see the guard tower you just
went around. Don't go that way though. From here, continue south through the
canyon. Up ahead, you should be able to spot another guard tower's light
shining through the trees. As you pass southeast through this canyon, stay
pressed up against the left wall at all times. The enemy has a guard on a tower
with a light, and a scout with binoculars. Prone, slow crawling, is highly
advised here. Once you clear this area, continue south along the path. In a
short while, you will come across another narrow ravine/canyon, this time, with
raised paths on either side. Stay prone and slowly crawl through the middle
path (not elevated). Be wary of enemy scouts and the guard tower to the
northwest. Once you pass through this area, you should see a guard tower off in
the distance (southwest). This means that you are quite close to checkpoint B,
which should be a few hundred feet in front of you. Move towards it, and you're
on to the final leg of this mission. Like before, your progress up to this
point is saved, so if you are spotted, you will return to this place, rather
than the beginning or checkpoint A.

From here, head southwest towards the light of the guard tower. As you
approach, drop to a crawl, and move up towards the large rocks between you and
the tower. Get as close to the tower as you can without being seen (stay
pressed up against the rocks/ledge to your left). Like other guard towers up to
this point, this one has a light which shifts around to a number of different
positions. However, this time, the light's position will be critical to your
success. Wait until the light is in the position where it shines far behind you
and crawl as fast as you can southwest. When you pass the area, the boulder
behind you should shield you from the spotlight. Remain wary, however, of the
guard on the ridge to the northwest/west. Ahead of you, to the south, is a
small encampment, another guard tower, and a bridge. As was the case before,
using the bridge is a sure way to get caught. Instead, head down the side of
the embankment, and head west through this stream/brook. After a while down
this path, carefully make your way up the rocks to the southwest. At the top,
look straight ahead (southwest) and you should see a truck and another hut with
an instructor sitting down. Like at the beginning of this mission, he can see
you, and you won't be "spotted." However, be careful to avoid the numerous
guards and scouts that are behind you (east). Most of them will not be looking
in your direction, but will be listening in your direction. Make sure that you
do not make too much noise here, as you make your way towards the truck. As you
near it, you will reach objective C. Now all you have to do is use the truck to
signal for extraction. Simply approach the driver's side and "use/action" on
the truck to complete this mission. Congratulations, you have completed the
most difficult training mission in America's Army, and are now Special Forces
qualified (you must have 15 or more honor to play SF only maps though).


- Advanced Individual Training -

New to America's Army Overmatch (2.7), Advance Individual Training (AIT) offers
three additional training missions intended to prepare the player for some of
the new features of Overmatch. Although the missions are not required by any
map or class slot, they are highly recommended if you intend to play the new
missions. For example, you do not have to undergo AIT, but if you can't drive
the Humvee or can't use the javelin, you will be undermining the effectiveness
of your own team. Also note that the first HMMWV and the Javelin training
missions require only BCT as a prerequisite. Thus, assuming you've completed
BCT, you may attempt either the HMMWV Driver training or the Javelin training
first. However, you must complete the HMMWV Driver training before you can
undertake the CROWS Gunnery Training.


- HMMWV Driver -

Mission Group: Advanced Individual Training
Mission Name: HMMWV Driver Training
Location: Ft. Benning, GA
Prerequisite: BCT
Description: In this mission, you will learn the basics of operating and
driving a HMMWV, otherwise known as a "Humvee." You will
navigate through an obstacle/training course which will test
your ability to use all of the HMMWV's features and abilities.
Consider this mission to be the vehicular equivalent of BCT -
Eagle Tower.
Difficulty: ***
Equipment: HMMWV
Objectives: A: Checkpoint 1
B: Checkpoint 2
C: Checkpoint 3
D: Finish


Once the mission begins, you are told to move to and talk with your instructor.
Do so, and he will tell you to drive the HMMWV. Approach the HMMWV and
"action/use" on the door to enter. Once inside, follow the onscreen prompts to
do the following (in this order): Fasten seatbelt, start the engine (you must
look at the steering wheel when you press action/use), use mirrors, shift
gears. After this, the instructor will tell you to accelerate and steer the
HMMWV. As you begin the training course, he will also tell you that you can
switch between high and low gears if you need greater torque (using the
"alternate fire" key).

For the rest of this mission, you must simply navigate the course, following
all arrows and signs. You will pass through 3 checkpoints before being routed
back to your starting position. As you make numerous twists and turns, it would
be very confusing to list full instructions here. Anyway, for the most part, it
is very easy to tell where the path is and where you're supposed to go. The
challenge of the mission (which isn't much) lies in effectively and safely
navigating this path. The most important thing to be careful of is that you
don't get stuck in a position where you cannot extricate the vehicle, as you
will have to restart the mission. However, make sure you try both forwards and
reverse, and high and low gears before you give up. Anyway, just follow the
path and keep on it, and you should complete the mission before you know it.
Now you can move on to the CROWS Gunnery training.


- CROWS Gunner -

Mission Group: Advanced Individual Training
Mission Name: CROWS Gunnery Training
Location: Ft. Benning, GA
Prerequisite: HMMWV Driver Training
Description: If HMMWV Driver training was the equivalent of Eagle Tower,
CROWS Gunnery training is probably the automotive version of
Basic Rifle Marksmanship. In this mission, you will man the
CROWS atop a HMMWV. You will practice aiming and firing the
weapon system while your instructor drives the vehicle along a
pre-set path.
Difficulty: ***
Equipment: HMMWV, CROWS .50 Caliber
Objectives: [not listed] Pass the gunnery firing test

Just like the previous mission, start off by walking forward and talking to
your instructor. This time, however, he will drive, and you will gun. When
prompted, enter the driver-side rear door of the HMMWV. Once inside, buckle
your seatbelt, and "use" the display in front of you. This will start an
explanatory video about the CROWS. You may skip this if you like, but it is
quite informative. After the video has finished (or you skip it), you will be
taken to the CROWS camera, and have control of the system. You will also find
yourself right outside the gunnery range. As your instructor drives you up to
the firing position, try to get acquainted with all the information on your
screen. When you reach the firing line, you are free to fire at the targets
before you. The CROWS is able to fire, lase target (to determine range) and
zoom (1x, 2x, 4x, 8x, 12x). Familiarize yourself with each of these features.
Once all the targets have been neutralized, you will move on to the qualifying
range. Here, your instructor will drive slowly along the path while you fire at
9 targets at varying positions along the way. If you hit enough by the end, you
will have passed the mission, and are now CROWS qualified.


- Javelin Training -

Mission Group: Advanced Individual Training
Mission Name: Javelin Missile Qualification
Location: Forward Deployed Firebase
Prerequisite: BCT
Description: The Javelin, a new addition to America's Army Overmatch, is an
incredibly powerful and versatile weapon. However, to the
inexperienced user, it is quite complex, confusing, and
perhaps even overwhelming. This training mission will
familiarize you with the use of the Javelin and the
accompanying CLU. By the end, you should be able to take down
tank after tank far out of the range of traditional explosive
Difficulty: ****
Equipment: CLU, Javelin Tube
Objectives: [not listed] Qualify on the BST
[not listed] Qualify on the Javelin range

From the start of the mission, go directly forward towards the tent in front of
you. Speak with Sergeant Wood (standing outside) to learn what you need to do.
For the sake of this walkthrough, I will assume that you will do both parts of
the mission (the practice is optional, the qualification is not). Anyway, from
here, enter the tent. Feel free to watch the informative video about the
Javelin, which is playing on the projector screen. When you're ready to move
on, talk to SFC Schaffer.

After some introductory information about the Javelin and CLU, you will be
instructed to pick up the Javelin tube. Do so. When prompted again, shoulder
the tube and pick up the CLU. Yet again, you will be told to take out the
javelin tube, then take out the CLU. After you deal with all this equipment
swapping, you will be instructed to look through the CLU. When you do, you will
see a virtual reality landscape provided by the Basic Skills Trainer (BST). Use
the assigned key to cycle through the vision modes, and you will notice (as SFC
Schaffer said) that the CLU supports 4x daytime zoom and 4x and 9x night vision
zoom. After looking through all these zoom modes, you will be instructed to
load the Javelin tube (reload key) and return to the CLU viewfinder. After a
short explanation about valid targets, you must lock onto the T-62 tank in the
middle of the area. As soon as you try to, however, you will have a missile
error. Use the fix jam key to re-seat the tube and fix the error. Return to
the viewfinder mode and re-acquire the tank. Use (hold) the alternate fire key
while keeping your aim steady over the tank for 2 seconds. The CLU will make a
repeated beeping tone while acquiring a lock. If it cannot lock on, a lower-
pitch tone will sound twice. If it does lock on, a steady, higher-pitched sound
will be heard, and a box with crosshairs will appear around the target. Keep
the lock held down, the tank within the center of the screen, and, when
prompted, fire the missile. After another round of information from SFC
Schaffer, locate the new tank on a hill to the left. Switch your firing mode
from TOP to DIR (direct). Lock on to the tank, just like before, and fire. You
will now have to qualify with the BST.

In this qualifying round, you must destroy all three tanks within 4 minutes. Do
not fire at the invalid targets, which are technicals (pick-up trucks). There
is one valid tank target to the left and two to the right. Use the skills you
developed while practicing with the BST to lock on to and destroy each tank.
You may have to wrestle with the aim a little bit to keep on target for the
full 2 seconds. When this is complete, you will be prompted to drop the Javelin
and CLU and talk to SSG Becker. Go to the other side of the tent and do so. He
will inform you of an opportunity to fire the Javelin on an actual range,
rather than just on the BST.

Once you arrive at the range, SSG Becker will give you some starting
information (which you can skip) and then set you loose on the course. The
basics of the qualification are as follows: There are 10 valid targets (tanks)
and numerous invalid targets (technicals) on the course. There are 5 stations,
each with 2 Javelin tubes. At each station, 2 valid targets will be visible and
within range. You may visit the stations in any order, and use whatever firing
mode you wish (some targets may be easier if you use one over the other). You
should use both tubes to destroy both targets at each of the 5 stations. Thus,
by the end, you should have used all 10 tubes to destroy all 10 targets. This
will give you the "number of valid targets engaged", the "number of invalid
targets engaged" and the "number of Javelin tubes used" for your overall score.
The remainder of your points are calculated based on your time (you have 10
minutes for the whole qualification) and your accuracy. From playing this
mission a number of times, the targets always appear in the same positions, but
the order of the positions change each time you play. For clarification, I will
list all 10 targets. Just be aware that you will most likely face them in a
different order than they are listed here.

(valid) target locations

Target 1: far left
Target 2: far right
Target 3: far left
Target 4: slightly right of the middle
Target 5: far right
Target 6: far right (may disappear behind the rocks for a few seconds)
Target 7: slightly right of the far left (up on top of the cliff)
Target 8: slightly right of the far left (up on top of the cliff - may
disappear behind a rock for a few seconds)
Target 9: far right
Target 10: slightly left of far right (under the bridge)

Once you have used up all 10 tubes, your qualification will be over. You will
be able to look at a scoreboard of your results (like in BCT - MOUT
(shoothouse)) and then save, retry, etc. Congratulations, you've completed
Advanced Individual Training. Assuming you've been following this guide, and
doing the training missions in this order, you are now complete with all
training in America's Army. Now get online and start playing!


- Data Table -

This data table will recap the basic information for all of the training
missions. Due to formatting issues, the mission groups had to be abbreviated as

BCT - Basic Combat Training
AS - Airborne School
MT - Medic Training
AM - Advanced Marksmanship [Training]
SFT - Special Forces Training
AIT - Advanced Individual Training

| Group | Mission | Difficulty | Prerequisite |
| BCT | Basic Rifle Marksmanship | ** | None |
| BCT | Eagle Tower | * | BCT-BRM |
| BCT | Weapons Familiarization | *** | BCT-Eagle Tower |
| BCT | MOUT (shoothouse) | ** | BCT-Weapons Familiarization |
| AS | 250' Tower | ** | Basic Combat Training |
| AS | Live Jump | *** | AS-250' Tower |
| MT | Airway Management | ** | Basic Combat Training |
| MT | Control Bleeding | ** | MT-Airway Management |
| MT | Treat Shock | ** | MT-Control Bleeding |
| MT | Field Training | ** | MT-Treat Shock |
| AM | M24 | ** | 36+ targets on BCT-BRM |
| AM | M82 | *** | AM-M82 |
| SFT | Camp MacKall | *** | Airborne School |
| SFT | SF Escape and Evade | ***** | SF-Camp MacKall |
| AIT | HMMWV Driver | *** | Basic Combat Training |
| AIT | CROWS Gunner | *** | AIT - HMMWV Driver |
| AIT | Javelin Training | **** | Basic Combat Training |


******** F R E Q U E N T L Y A S K E D Q U E S T I O N S ( F A Q ) ********

Many of these questions are not attributed to a specific author, since they've
been asked by a number of people on the message boards, or because I made them
up myself. So without further ado, the questions:

Q: How do I pass _______ training mission?

A: The entire above section (the majority of the guide) explains, in detail,
how to pass each training mission. Please look there first before asking any
questions. If uncertainties still remain, I will do what I can to clear up your

Q: What are the answers to the medic tests?

A: In this guide, I will not disclose any information relating to the content
of the medic test (except for its subject, which is the name of the mission).
These missions are intended to not only prepare your in-game character for
medical qualification, but to train you as well. The material covered in the
lectures and on the tests is real, factual, accurate information about basic
field medicine. You may very well learn something important or useful from
these missions: something you could apply in the real world. While this in no
way gives you legal qualification to practice any form of medicine, the
information may serve you well at some point in time. Please note, as mentioned
in the legal statement, I do not in any way suggest or condone imitation of any
actions referenced in America's Army. Still, you can be aware of the usefulness
of the information presented within the medic training missions. The end result
of this (rant), is that the tests are meant for you to learn. Simply looking up
all the answers is not educational, nor is it moral. Therefore, I will not
describe or list the answers in this guide. I believe I have made this clear,
so please do not e-mail me asking about the answers to the medic tests. If you
insist on finding them, I'm sure other guides or websites will have this
information. This one, however, will not.

Q: What is the key for ______? How do I perform _______ action?

A: America's Army supports far more commands than the average FPS. In addition
to the movement, fire, and reload keys that are expected, this game has a
number of additional actions you can perform. Because there is a multitude of
commands, and because most people re-bind some, or all of their keys, it would
not make sense for me to list commands and their key strokes. The major
commands (movement and firing commands) will probably be the same for most
players, but the stance commands (jump/stand, crouch, prone, walk/run, lean
etc.) and weapon commands (use scope, enable attachment, attach suppressor, fix
jam, zero range, etc.) will most likely be quite different between players.
Instead of listing keystrokes and causing confusion, here, and throughout the
guide, I will refer to the command name, rather than the key. For example, I
will mention that you should "attach your weapon's suppressor," rather than say
"Hit J" or "Hit L." Despite this, I will list all the commands and default
keystrokes here, for reference.

These commands are ordered by function and arranged by Command, Default Key,
Type of action, and stance required to perform action. Please note that certain
keys have multiple applications depending on stance, but can only be changed
for all uses (not individually). "Movement" refers to actions involving
movement and observation, "Weapon" to weapons or weapon systems and "NCA/S" to
non-combat actions/settings. "HMMWV/CROWS" refers to actions performed while
driving a HMMWV or manning a CROWS. For this table, they are considered stances
(but not part of "any"). All noteworthy entries (and exceptions) are marked
with an asterisk (*) and commented on below.

| Command | Def Key | Type | Stance |
| Walk Forwards | W | Movement | Stand/Crouch |
| Walk Backwards | S | Movement | Stand/Crouch |
| Strafe Left | A | Movement | Stand/Crouch |
| Strafe Right | D | Movement | Stand/Crouch |
| Crawl Forwards | W | Movement | Prone |
| Crawl Backwards | S | Movement | Prone |
| Crawl Left | A | Movement | Prone |
| Crawl Right | D | Movement | Prone |
| Sprint | Alt | Movement | Stand |
| Speed Toggle | LShift | Movement | Any |
| Lean Left | Q | Movement | Stand/Crouch |
| Lean Right | E | Movement | Stand/Crouch |
| Roll Left | Q | Movement | Prone |
| Roll Right | E | Movement | Prone |
| Mirror Left | Q | Movement | HMMWV |
| Mirror Right | E | Movement | HMMWV |
| Jump | Space | Movement | Stand |
| Stand | Space | Movement | Crouch/Prone |
| Crouch | C | Movement | Stand/Prone |
| Prone | X | Movement | Stand/Crouch |
| Turn Left | LArrow | Movement | Any |
| Turn Right | RArrow | Movement | Any |
| Look Up | UArrow | Movement | Any |
| Look Down | DArrow | Movement | Any |
| Center View | End | Movement | Any |
| Strafe Toggle | Insert | Movement | Any |
| Primary Fire | LMB | Weapon | Any* |
| Alt-Fire | MMB | Weapon | Any |
| Hi-Low Gears | MMB | Weapon | HMMWV* |
| Target (Javelin) | MMB | Weapon | Any |
| Ironsights/Scope | RMB | Weapon | Any |
| Lase Target | RMB | Weapon | HMMWV(CROWS) |
| CLU (Javelin) | RMB | Weapon | Any |
| Zoom In (CROWS/SAI/Stryker) | WHL UP | Weapon | Any |
| Zoom Out (CROWS/SAI/Stryker) | WHL DWN | Weapon | Any |
| Shift Gears Up | WHL UP | Weapon | HMMWV* |
| Shift Gears Down | WHL DWN | Weapon | HMMWV* |
| Increase Range (BDM/AT4/RPG) | WHL UP | Weapon | Any |
| Decrease Range (BDM/AT4/RPG) | WHL DWN | Weapon | Any |
| Supported/Secondary Fire | G | Weapon | Any* |
| Reload | R | Weapon | Any |
| Fix Jam | J | Weapon | Any |
| Zero Range | N | Weapon | Any |
| Barrel Mod (Suppressor) | L | Weapon | Any |
| Drop Weapon | BKSPACE | Weapon | Any |
| Sling/Unsling/Switch Weapons | 1 | Weapon | Any |
| Select Frag Grenade | 2 | Weapon | Any |
| Select Smoke Grenade | 3 | Weapon | Any |
| Select Flashbang Grenade | 4 | Weapon | Any |
| Select Thermite Grenade | 5 | Weapon | Any |
| Select Door Breacher | 6 | Weapon | Any |
| Select Javelin Tube | 7 | Weapon | Any |
| Select Pistol | 8 | Weapon | Any |
| Action (use, pick up, etc.) | F | NCA/S | Any |
| Select Binoculars/CLU | B | NCA/S | Any |
| Select NVG/CLU View Mode | V | NCA/S | Any |
| Fasten Seatbelt | K | NCA/S | HMMWV |
| Toggle Objective Display | ] | NCA/S | Any |
| Toggle SAI | [ | NCA/S | Any |
| Toggle Fullscreen SAI | F4 | NCA/S | Any* |
| Toggle SAI Player Info | Ctrl | NCA/S | Any |
| Chat | T | Communication | Any |
| Team Chat | Y | Communication | Any |
| Report Your Location | U | Communication | Any |
| Report Enemy Location | Z | Communication | Any |
| Call For Medic | M | Communication | Any |
| Set Squad Objective* | O | Communication | Any |
| Commo. Cycle | Tab | Communication | Any |
| Commo.: Hooah! | H | Communication | Any |
| Commo.: Radio | NUM 7 | Communication | Any |
| Commo.: Squad Radio | NUM 9 | Communication | Any |
| Commo.: Global | NUM 5 | Communication | Any |
| Commo.: Hand Signal | NUM 0 | Communication | Any |
| Commo.: Whisper | NUM 3 | Communication | Any |
| Commo.: Shout | NUM 1 | Communication | Any |
| Commo.: North | NUM 8 | Communication | Any |
| Commo.: South | NUM 2 | Communication | Any |
| Commo.: East | NUM 6 | Communication | Any |
| Commo.: West | NUM 4 | Communication | Any |
| Menu | ESCAPE | Game Options | Any |
| Scoreboard | F1 | Game Options | Any |
| Weapon Class Select | F2 | Game Options | Any |
| Team Select | F3 | Game Options | Any |
| Game Map | F4 | Game Options | Any* |
| Vote Kick | F5 | Game Options | Any |
| Client Status (FPS/Network) | F6 | Game Options | Any |
| Cancel Pending Connection | F7 | Game Options | Any |
| Take Screenshot | F8 | Game Options | Any |
| Adjust Gamma | F9 | Game Options | Any |
| Adjust Brightness | F10 | Game Options | Any |
| Adjust Contrast | F11 | Game Options | Any |
| Admin Command Post | F12 | Game Options | Any |


*With certain weapons (e.g. BDM, AT4, RPG, Javelin), primary fire is not
possible from the prone position.

*The Hi-Low Gears and Shift Up/Shift Down Commands can only be used when the
HMMWV is stationary (or moving very slowly). You cannot switch gears while at
high speed.

*Some attachments (e.g. bipod) can only be used while prone. Others (e.g. M203)
can be used in all stances.

*When you are alive, the map screen will show the fullscreen SAI. When you're
dead, it shows a static map. While alive, you can access the static map as
well, by going into one of the F1-F3 windows and switching over to the map.

*The "Set Squad Objective" command can only be used if you are a squad leader.

Q: What's the point of doing these missions? What's in it for me?

A: For the most part, America's Army is all but unplayable online without
training qualification. The new "Explore the Army - Play Now!" feature allows
users to play on a few popular maps with non-customized names and no stat-
tracking. However, if you want any more than a taste of the AA experience, you
must play online on regular servers. However, this requires you to do training.
For more specific information (which training is required for each mission),
please see the next question.

Q: What training do I need to do in order to do _______ training? What training
do I need to complete in order to play on ______ map?

I have compiled this information into a table. It is set up so that the first
column is "In order to play ______" and the second column is "you must complete
________". Note that "Division," "Brigade," and similar terms are implied, and
therefore omitted, for the map names. Training missions will be prefaced with a

| Mission | Prerequisite |
|--------------------- T R A I N I N G M I S S I O N S ---------------------|
| (T) BCT - Basic Rifle Marksmanship | None |
| (T) BCT - Eagle Tower | (T) BCT - Basic Rifle Marksmanship |
| (T) BCT - US Weapons Familiarization | (T) BCT - Eagle Tower |
| (T) BCT - MOUT (shoothouse) | (T) BCT - US Weapons Familiarization |
| (T) AS - 250' Tower | (T) Basic Combat Training |
| (T) AS - Live Jump | (T) AS-250' Tower |
| (T) MT - Airway Management | (T) Basic Combat Training |
| (T) MT - Control Bleeding | (T) MT-Airway Management |
| (T) MT - Treat Shock | (T) MT-Control Bleeding |
| (T) MT - Field Training | (T) MT-Treat Shock |
| (T) AM - M24 | (T) BCT-BRM (36+ targets) |
| (T) AM - M82 | (T) AM-M82 |
| (T) SFT - Camp MacKall | (T) Airborne School |
| (T) SFT - SF Escape and Evade | (T) SF-Camp MacKall |
| (T) AIT - HMMWV Driver | (T) Basic Combat Training |
| (T) AIT - CROWS Gunner | (T) AIT - HMMWV Driver |
| (T) AIT - Javelin Training | (T) Basic Combat Training |
|------------------------- I N F A N T R Y M A P S -------------------------|
| 172nd Infantry - Border | (T) Basic Combat Training |
| 172nd Infantry - Bridge | (T) Basic Combat Training |
| 172nd Infantry - Bridge SE | (T) Basic Combat Training |
| 172nd Infantry - Mountain Pass | (T) Basic Combat Training |
| 172nd Infantry - Mountain Pass SE | (T) Basic Combat Training |
| 172nd Infantry - Pipeline | (T) Basic Combat Training |
| 172nd Infantry - Urban Assault | (T) Basic Combat Training |
| 10th Mountain - Collapsed Tunnel | (T) Basic Combat Training |
| 10th Mountain - Headquarters Raid | (T) Basic Combat Training |
| 10th Mountain - Insurgent Camp | (T) Basic Combat Training |
| 10th Mountain - Pipeline | (T) Basic Combat Training |
| Infantry Training - MOUT McKenna | (T) Basic Combat Training |
|------------------ A I R B O R N E / R A N G E R M A P S ------------------|
| 75th Ranger - Dusk | (T) Airborne School |
| 75th Ranger - Interdiction | (T) Airborne School |
| 75th Ranger - Mountain Ambush | (T) Airborne School |
| 75th Ranger - Radio Tower | (T) Airborne School |
| 75th Ranger - Steamroller | (T) Airborne School |
| 75th Ranger - Swamp Raid | (T) Airborne School |
| 75th Ranger - Weapons Cache | (T) Airborne School |
| 75th Ranger - Weapons Cache SE | (T) Airborne School |
| 75th Ranger - Woodland Outpost | (T) Airborne School |
| 82nd Airborne - JRTC Farm Raid | (T) Airborne School |
| 82nd Airborne - FLS Assault | (T) Airborne School |
|------------------- S P E C I A L F O R C E S M A P S -------------------|
| Special Forces - SF Arctic | (T) Special Forces Training |
| Special Forces - SF Blizzard | (T) Special Forces Training |
| Special Forces - SF Courtyard | (T) Special Forces Training |
| Special Forces - SF CSAR | (T) Special Forces Training |
| Special Forces - SF Dockside | (T) Special Forces Training |
| Special Forces - SF Extraction | (T) Special Forces Training |
| Special Forces - SF Hospital | (T) Special Forces Training |
| Special Forces - SF Oasis | (T) Special Forces Training |
| Special Forces - SF PCR | (T) Special Forces Training |
| Special Forces - SF Pipeline | (T) Special Forces Training |
| Special Forces - SF Recon | (T) Special Forces Training |
| Special Forces - SF Sandstorm | (T) Special Forces Training |
| Special Forces - SF Snake Plain | (T) Special Forces Training |
| Special Forces - SF Taiga | (T) Special Forces Training |
| Special Forces - SF Village | (T) Special Forces Training |
| Special Forces - SF Water Treatment | (T) Special Forces Training |
| Facility | |


********************** G U I D E I N F O R M A T I O N **********************

- Contributions and Contact -

As you may notice, this guide is missing a few bits of data, and it not
entirely complete. Also, you've probably figured out that I like to be complete
in my analysis of whatever I'm writing about. Meaningful and useful
contributions are welcome. Said (acceptable) contributions are as follows:

-Specific Questions about a certain training mission or general questions about
the missions overall

-Anything that you think deserves to be in the FAQ section

-Pointed out game-information errors (general errors or typos of mine about
the game)

-Reader-submitted tips for completing a specific training mission. Perhaps
using a different method than I suggested.

-Pointed out grammatical, spelling, or line formatting errors. Pointed out
typos as well.

-Something that has been requested as a contribution in the guide

-Anything else that you think would be a useful addition to this guide. Please
use good judgment when deciding if your contribution is "useful."

In addition, questions about anything in the guide, or anything else that
either wasn't clear, or wasn't addressed at all, are welcome. However, and let
me make this clear...

Army isn't running on your computer, or why the game freezes at a certain

When composing your e-mail, be thoughtful and courteous. I'm not expecting you
to write a literary masterpiece, but some consideration and thought into
what you're writing would be appreciated. Here are some do's and don'ts:


-Put "America's Army" or something similar somewhere in the subject line so
that I have a clue what you're asking about, and don't immediately delete your
-Use reasonably decent spelling, grammar, punctuation, English etc.
-Describe your suggestion, question, submission, (etc.) carefully and clearly.
If I don't understand what you're saying, then it's unlikely that I will print
it in this guide.
-Read the FAQ first, and make sure that your question hasn't already been
answered in one of those questions.


-Use all caps to compose your message
-Use terrible spelling or grammar to the point where I can't even understand
what you're trying to say.
-E-mail me in any other language than English
-Swear excessively, or write rude or demeaning things.
-Write your email in code, 1337, or any other form of writing that will waste
my time
-Send spam, hate mail, or anything that's either rude or irrelevant to
America's Army
-Add me to your address book, buddy list, or any other form of contact/mailing
-Attach a relevant screenshot as an attachment. If you need to show me a
picture as evidence or for whatever reason, use a free image hosting
website such as or or
-Try to recruit me for your club/clan/organization/website/military

Assuming your contribution is thoughtful and relevant, it will be added to the
guide as soon as possible. You will be given complete recognition as to the
contribution, unless you state in your e-mail that you want anonymity. With a
few exceptions, your e-mail will remain mostly unaltered from the way it was
sent, so be aware that what you write will probably end up in this guide
almost exactly how you wrote it. However, I have the authority to change or
alter what you wrote, though I will only do this for clarification or
censorship purposes, and I will never claim credit for what someone else did.

If you'd like to contact me, send an email to this address. Replace the "(at)"
with an "@" and the "(dot)" with a "." (remove all quotation marks). This is
to avoid automatic spam bots and similar programs

aapmcm2 (at) yahoo (dot) com


- Revision/Update History -

Version 1.0 - 10/22/06 - This is the first version of this guide. However, I
have pretty much written all of the information that it will most likely
contain. I've written out all the strategy and associated information for each
training mission, created a number of data tables, and formulated a few FAQs.
All the other sections are also created and up to date.

Version 1.1 - 10/23/06 - This is truly a minute update. Gamefaqs had some
issues on 10/22/06 with getting the guides to upload. As a result, I've just
made a few changes and submitted this guide as an update. As far as new
content, I added a note about the America's Army Community Union (AACU) and
added the guide's full url (which hopefully won't change).

Version 1.2 - 10/26/06 - Very small update. I just fixed the typo involving the
number for SF E&E. However, since this is probably the most looked at part of
the guide, I felt that it was important that it be fixed.


- Coming Soon -

-More detailed descriptions/explanations
-Reader submitted strategies
-More questions and answers for the FAQ
-A variety of additional information (other stuff)


- Credits -

Thank you to all of these people/companies/websites:

First and foremost, the brave men and women of the United States Military:
Those serving under the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines, as well as the Coast
Guard, National Guard and US Marshals. You have my utmost respect and gratitude
for defending the United States of America and everything for which it stands.
Regardless of class, rank, or status, I know that each and every member of the
armed forces has contributed to the effort against the enemies of this country,
both foreign and domestic, and for that, I thank you.

The US Army and US Army Dev Team for putting support behind the creation of
America's Army.

GameFAQs for hosting my guide, their wealth of information, boards, etc., and
their community reviews

The other authors of GameFAQs' America's Army guides, for giving me
inspiration, good ideas, and letting me see what I was up against (friendly
STwomey, spambank, GamingHyena

Gamespot for hosting my guide, their wealth of information, boards, etc. and
for their official and community reviews for hosting my guide for hosting my guide for hosting my guide for hosting my guide for hosting my guide

You, the reader, for bothering to read through all this bloviation

Without trying to be too arrogant, Myself, for writing this guide


- Random Statistics -

(of this guide)

/\ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - /\
//\ \ Game: America's Army / //\
///\\ \ Platform(s): PC / ///\\
////\\ \ Author: Bloviator / ////\\
/////\\\ \ Contact: aapmcm2 (at) yahoo (dot)com / /////\\\
//////\\\ \ Guide type: Training Guide / //////\\\
///////\\\\ \ Guide version: 1.2 / ///////\\\\
////////\\\\ \ Guide started on: 10/22/06 / ////////\\\\
/////////\\\\\ \ Guide last updated on: 10/26/06 / /////////\\\\\
\\\\\///////// / Total number of versions: 2 \ \\\\\/////////
\\\\//////// / Word Count: 14,647 \ \\\\////////
\\\\/////// / Character Count (w/o spaces): 81,218 \ \\\\///////
\\\////// / Character Count (w/ spaces): 103,673 \ \\\//////
\\\///// / Lines: 1,923 \ \\\/////
\\//// / Pages: 34 \ \\////
\\/// / Paragraphs: 1,652 \ \\///
\// / Guide Size: 107,521 bytes = Approx. 105 KB \ \//
\/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \/


- Other Works By The Author -

You can view my contributions page at this site:

Currently, my works are as follows:

Game (Main) Platform Type Size Score
Mafia PC General FAQ/Walkthrough 707kb N/A
The Godfather PC Execution Styles Guide 96kb N/A
America's Army PC Training Guide 105kb N/A
Deus Ex PC Review 11kb 10/10


- Closing Statement -

Thanks for reading my guide. I hope it was as fun and informative for you as
it was for me. Regardless of what you learned or found, I'm pleased that you
took the time to take a look at my guide. Maybe you learned something. Maybe
you didn't. All I was trying to do while writing this, was get a half-decent
guide out there that would help someone else enjoy this game as much as I

Until next time,


Copyright (C) 2006 by Harold Palms

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Trainings Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Ausbildung zum Sanitäter

18.Oktober 2013
Weapons FAQ
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
Training FAQ
Engl. FAQ

12.Oktober 2013
Meest populair
30.December 2013
07.Maart 2014
25.September 2015
11.Juni 2014
04.Maart 2019
28.Februari 2016
19.Februari 2014