America's Army

America's Army

17.10.2013 10:14:29
America's Army FAQ

Version .50

By -=T.N.T.=-hammco2
email questions to: (remove NOSPAM when sending)
or talk to me in the game

Table of Contents:
I. Intro
II. Basics
Common keys
III. Training
Marksmanship Training
Obstacle Course
U.S. Weapons Familiarization
Advanced Marksmanship M-24 Sniper System
M-82 Sniper System
Airborne School 250 Tower
Live Jump
Medic Training Airway Management
Controlling Bleeding
Treatment of Shock
Field Training
Special Forces AVWID
Escape & Evasion
IV. Maps
MOUT McKenna
Pipeline (coming soon)
Bridge Crossing (coming soon)
Mountain Pass (coming soon)
Bridge Crossing SE (coming soon)
Collapsed Tunnel (coming soon)
Insurgent Camp (coming soon)
Mountain Ambush (coming soon)
Swamp Raid (coming soon)
Weapons Cache (coming soon)
SF CSAR (coming soon)
SF Rescue (coming soon)
SF Sandstorm (coming soon)
SF Exclusive Pipeline SF (coming soon)
V. Weapon classes
VII. Misc.

I. Intro
America's Army is a free multiplayer FPS game available at

Signing up is easy and just requires an email address.

Also be sure to check out to sign up for a cool tracking
site that tracks your score, kills, deaths, and a lot more cool stats.

The game can be a little frustrating at first but pay close attention to the
basic training and you should be okay in the game.

II. Basics
All players start with 10 honor.

Honor is a # that represents how many points you have earned playing the game.

HONOR DOES MEAN SOMETHING. Anyone who tells you otherwise is usally just mad
because they got owned by a noob (low honor player) or they are mad because
they have less honor than you do or else they are just being contradictive.

Seriously, honor means that you have a lot of points, which means that you
play the game a lot in order to get the points, which means that you probably
are a more experienced player than someone who has played less, and therefore
has less of a score and less honor. This is just in general, and is not
always true. (also lots of people make alt accounts 10 honor noob accounts and
play on those)

You can gain honor by scoring points in 3 ways:

Goal Points: Completing the Objectives in a map or killing all OPFOR. You
may also get goal points by healing a wounded soldier if you
are a medic. You cannot lose goal points.

Leader Points: Doing the above, while holding a leader position and staying
alive for the duration of the round. *NOTE* as described in
detail below, you cannot lose total score points from having
negative leader points. If you die during the round, the next
solider in the squad is field promoted and you get no leader
points if you win. You lose leader points if you lose the
round, regardless if you died or not. Also, the more soldiers
left in your fireteam at the end of a round, the more points
you get.

Kill Points: You get 10 points for every kill, but you get -10 points for
every death. NOTE the -10 does not cause you to lose points
from your grand total score, but only from the kill point
column for a round. So even if your kill point column says
-100 (10 deaths, 0 kills) you do not lose 100 points from your
total score. Kill points can only help your total score by
raising it when your total kills > total deaths in a round.

For example:
Dark_sith gets 13 kills and 2 deaths in 7 rounds. His total
score gains 110 points.
Hammco2 gets 4 kills and 9 deaths in 7 rounds. His score
Losing Honor: Known as violating the Rules of Engagement (ROE):

You can lose honor by attacking teammates and by attacking civilians
(in certain maps that have them).
-Civlians = automatic -140 points from total score. (Unlike - kill and leader
points, - ROE points go towards total score)
-Attacking a teammate in the first 15 seconds of a round = automatic ROE
violation and you are kicked from the server (-400 points)
-Attacking a teammate in the first 45 seconds of a round = ROE points x 2
so you lose points for the kill then they are doubled because it is early.
-Attacking a teammate when your crosshair is green (usually only at possible
at close range, your crosshair won't change to green at a large distance)
gives you considerably more ROE Points. (not sure about exact amount).

If you find yourself constantly attacking team mates and losing honor:

-Stop using grenades until you understand them better. Watch how more
experienced players use them in specate mode when you are dead. Nading
is one of the easiest ways to kill a teammate.
-Don't shoot at everything that moves. Its better to take the -10 points
(which you wont even lose from your total score) than it is to get
-300 points for shooting a teammate by accident (which you DO lose).
Try to be more cautious until you can better identify OPFOR.

-If you are a new player and you lose honor by getting ROE (below 10)
some servers won't let you in. You can tell by the field that says
MinHonor = a #. If you have this problem try to find a server with min
honor = 1 and play on that server until you raise your honor back to 10.
Identifying OPFOR:

-Friendly troops always have backpacks and usually wear camoflague suited
for the environment of the map.
-Friendly troop gunfire sounds different than OPFOR gunfire. This is because
friendlies use M-16 and M-4s and OPFOR uses AKs and such. The guns have
a distinctly different sound when fired. (try getting better speakers)
-When enemy troops are nearby and they report or call for a medic, you hear
a noise that sounds like an angry armenian grunting. (no offense intended)
-Read reports from friendly troops that appear in the upper left hand of
the screen (the console). Learn the locations in each map, as they will
tell you where the friendly soldier is when he reports.
Some common unknown key bindings and what they do (for noobs)

Altfire: Switches single fire to burst/auto
1: switch to alternate weapon (if you are carrying one)
2: pull out a grenade
3: pull out a smoke grenade
4: pull out a flash grenade
5: pull out an incendiary grenade (only on SF CSAR map)
U: default key for reporting your position
E: default use key (opening doors, picking up guns, healing as medic)
L: puts on your silencer
H: engages weapon mod on M4 (either the bipod or M203)
C: default key for crouching
X: default key for going prone
Z: zooms, brings up sights
Y: team say (only teammates can hear)
T: say (all players can hear *only if you are dead*
V: toggles your night vision goggles (on certain maps only)
G: push multiple times to access different commands you can say/do in game
for example pusing G, 9 causes your solider to say "Hooah"
pushing G, 0, 0, 0 brings up a hand signal menu (in case you ever wanted
to know how people make those)
~: brings up the console
STAT FPS: (in the console): displays your Frames Per Second
STAT NET: (in the console): displayer your network statistics

Pushing Alt-fire after pushing pulling the pin from a nade (before throwing
it) allows you to 'cook' a nade (get it close to exploding) so that it
explodes on impact and doesn't allow enemies to escape it.

Example: you pull out the nade, push fire button and hold it down, push
alt-fire while you are still holding fire, wait 4 or 5 seconds, then release
fire button and throw the nade.

III. Training
Marksmanship Qualifying:
You only need to hit 23/40 targets.
If you are having trouble:
-Push Z to bring up the sights on your gun
-Try setting the detail to ultrahigh for this map on all the options. It will
help you see the targets better and won't lag down the map (because its offline
and because its a small map).
-Wait for the breathing cycle to come to a stop (either at the top or bottom of
the cycle). You'll be more accurate.

Getting 32/40 really has no point. It won't open up any guns.

Getting 36/40 will allow you to be the sniper.
-To get 36/20 play the first part of the training when you have to shoot
standing up. This part is much harder. If you can get through this training
without missing more than 3 targets, you should be able to get 36/40.
-Hitting all the targets in the second part when you are prone is MUCH
easier. You should be able to hit all 20 (or at least 19 of them). If you
missed 3 in the first part and 1 in the second you'll pass with 36/40
and now you can select the sniper.
Obstacle Course:
This training is very easy. Just follow the directions and do what the voice
says. Once you go through the course once you have to do it under 1:40. This
is not difficult at all if you run between parts of the course. Make sure you
do the course EXACTLY as you did it in the practice run or else you will
fail and have to do it again.
US Weapons:
Try the weapons out if you want. You can get a feel for the different weapons
as well as the grenades. Just be careful not to fire until the instructor
tells you to. If you don't want to to this training you can just run through
to the exit to end the training.
MOUT Training:
Follow the instructions. Don't shoot the civilian cutouts, only the OPFOR
ones. If you can't pass this one, you are beyond my help.

Once you complete this map it opens up all the maps except SF and Ranger maps.
M-24 Sniper Training:
After you score 36/40 in marksmanship, this training opens up. It is really
easy. Listen to the instructor if you want, but all you need to do is
lay down, push H to deploy the bipod, then aim at the single white target
downrange. Wait for the top or bottom of a breathing cycle then push fire
right when you are aimed at it and your soldier is not breathing. You
only get 1 shot per try but you can replay the map as many times as you want.
M-82 Sniper Training:
Exactly the same as above except target is a mortar shell.

When you complete this training you can select the sniper. (18b SF sniper
still requires 15 honor and completion of all SF training).
Airborne School 250' tower:
Don't move the mouse around, just leave the view centered. Wait until you are
close to the ground then push E a couple times to flare the chute. If you
push it too soon you'll run out of flares and crash. If you push it too late
you'll hit the ground too fast and crash.
Airborne School Live Jump:
Don't push anything until you're through the clouds and can see the drop zone.
Once you see the zone, push up down left or right to go in the direction
you need to, to reach the circle. Once you are aligned with the circle
immediatly center the view and wait till you are close to the ground.
Flare the chute at the same distance you did in the tower jump and you'll
be fine.
Once you complete this training it opens up all the maps except Pipeline SF.
However it does not allow you to select Special Forces weapons classes
(18c M4 and 18b SPR)
Medic Training: Airway Management:
You can run around the hospital if you want, but to begin just go to the
open classroom. Pay attention to the teacher and then take the multiple
choice test. I wont give you the answers, but if you fail go back
and change the answers. You can let the game sit there and go do something
else if you don't want to listen, then come back and take the test when
the instructor is done talking.
Medic Training: Controlling Bleeding:
Same as above, but in a different classroom.
Medic Training: Treatment of Shock:
Same as above, but in a different classroom.
Medic Training: Field Training
You start in a field with 3 injured guys. I think there is a time limit but
it is not a problem if you sprint around (default double tapping W or up).
Treat the one with the most severe injuries, then the moderate injuries,
then the light injuries. It's easy, if you can't figure this out you
would make a terrible medic. (If you are a noob, get really close to the guy
and hold the use key to heal them).
Special Forces AVWID:
Go around and listen to all the guys talk. Then head to the classroom and take
the test. I'm not going to give you the answers. Just pay attention or there
are other guides you can look at.
Special Forces E&E:
You have to crawl through this map without being spotted. When you reach each
OBJ, A, B & C you get a checkpoint and if you are spotted you get to start
from there instead of the beginning. Once again I will not give you a step
by step guide for this map.
I will tell you, it takes a loooong time (around 30 minutes average) and you
have to do a lot of slooow crawling. That means toggling your speed to walk,
going prone, and moving very slowly. If one route keeps leading you to
getting spotted no matter how slow you go, try a different path.

Stay with it, because once you beat this map, you can play all the maps in
the game and select all classes (provided you have sniper training for 18b)
and 15 honor.

IV. Maps

MOUT MCKENNA - Requirements: Basic Training

x x x x
x xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx x
x x
x O x
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx x
x x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
x OBJ x x x
x A O x x
x x x (Gray bld) x
xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx x x
x x x
x x
xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x x
x x x x
x OBJ (church) x xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx
x B x x
xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx O x
x xxxx xxxxxxxxxx x
x x x x
x x (Blue bld) x x
xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx x x
x x x x x
x (Yellow bld) OBJ C x x
x x x x x
x O x x
x x x x x
xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x
x x
x x
x x

O = tunnel entrance

= doorway

Squads: LOYALTY & HONOR are the same

Squad Leader (M16)

Alpha Team
Team Leader (M16)
(M247 SAW)

Bravo Team
Team Leader (M16)
(M247 SAW)

*NOTE* It is also possible to play this server with MOUT gear involving
lasers etc, which make a horrible annoying noise and cause your character
to sit down instead of die when you are shot. It's a waste of time unless
you don't like bullets.

Tips for HONOR
Completing Objectives & Rushing:
1. You can rush through Yellow building to OBJ B and throw a nade into OBJ A but
watch for enemy nades. (You can use nade bugs in this map so be careful)
2. You can rush Blue bld and get OBJ C in the upper blue bld.
3. Now you have both OBJ B and C, and you can send a man through the tunnels to
reach OBJ A and win. (but watch for LOYALTY campers in OBJ A building).
4. Be sure to defend OBJ B from LOYALTY forces coming from OBJ A. And be sure
to defend OBJ C from OPFOR coming across the bridge at Gray bld 2f.
Tips for LOYALTY
Completing Objectives & Rushing:
1. Rush and take OBJ A.
2. Go through gray bld to get to blue bld and OBJ C.
3. Use the tunnels (coming up in yellow bld) or go through OBJ A to reach
OBJ b.
4. Be sure to leave one or two soliders in OBJ A to guard against an OPFOR
Some servers I reccomend on this map are:
QC live fire honor server (1-4)
WTC clan honor server
Havoc clan honor server
[R]evelation clan honor server

V. Weapon classes
[R] M-16: rifle, 30 round clip, fires in single/burst modes
[AR] M-249: SAW, 100 round clip, fires in auto mode (mega recoil)
[G] M-203: rifle with burst fire, and 3-6 grenades you can launch
[S] M-82 or M-24: the snipers, always single shot, 24 and 82 have different
recoil, reload times, accuracy, etc.
[IF] Either the RPK or AK-74 in Special Forces maps. RPK has auto fire 100 round
clip similar to the SAW, the AK has only 30 round clip. (it sucks).
[18c] SF soldier with an M4 on SF maps. Can add mods including a scope, bipod
and single M203 launcher.
[18b] SF soldier with SPR sniper rifle.
[18z] SF soldier with heavy weapon. AR or Anti tank gun usually.

A: I told you I'm not giving them out. Check GamingHyena's guide on gamefaqs
if you are interested in the test answers.

Q: What is a hospital whore?
A: Someone who plays as hospital map all the time. Frequently as a leader.

Q: What is ghosting?
A: When you use teamspeak or ventrillo to tell people where enemies are and
help them win the round (when you are dead and can see players/the map).

A: Type shake 1000 in your console to "shake up 1000 honor points"...

Q: Why isnt xyz map listed?
A: Either it's coming soon or it's a map i've never played and can't help you
on it yet.

Q: How much honor do you have?
A: I have 71 honor at the moment.

Q: Can I join your clan?
A: Ask one of the T.N.T guys for the teamspeak info. We'll talk to you.

Thanks to the US army for providing the game.
Thanks to for providing a cool tracker.
Thanks to for giving me a place to display this faq.
Thanks to all the current and future AA players. YOU make the game fun.

If you have any questions or comments about my guide you may email me at: (remove NOSPAM when sending)

If you have an ASCII map of any of the maps in the game and would like to
contribute it please send it to me!
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Trainings Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

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Training FAQ
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