Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon

03.10.2013 08:26:29



V 0.1.3++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++BY: CODY MARTIN
last update: 5-24-2002

>>>This faq was copyright 2002 by Cody Martin<<<
This faq was written by Cody Martin, and can only be used on the following
sites w/out permission from me:
If you have a website and want to use my faq, e-mail me at
I will get back to you. Thanks...

i V E R S I O N H I S T O R Y

0.0.1-4/26/02-just begun
*added THE MAIN SCREEN/MAP section
*added little thingy about websites and copyright
*began THE BASICS section
*changed copyright stuff
*changed copyright notice
-began SOUNDS
*changed copyright stuff
*changed website list
*finished SOUNDS
*fixed several typos :)
*re-arranged faq
*began THE MENUS
-added FILE
-added EDIT
*began ZONES
*almost finished EDIT (long)
*finished EDIT (loud rejoicing from he crowds)
*added THE MAIN SCREEN diagram
*ZONES still not finished
*finished ZONES

ii T O C

what is it?
command map
3D view
main editor
getting started
inserting\editing people
inserting\editing vehicles
*map rooms
*fixed weapons
*gun editor
*actor editor
*combat model editor
*hand held item
*kit editor
*projectile editor
*server script editor
*sound volume editor
*vehicle editor

* is under construction

1 I N T R O D U C T I O N

Ghost Recon is, in my opinion, the best Tom Clancy game ever. It
lacks the shear weapon count, but you can add that with this editor. It's
more of a run-in-and-shoot-'em-up game. Last ones had too much planning.
Well, this faq tells you everything you need to know about running Igor.
To find it, go to your Ghost Recon folder
(default: C:\Program Files\Red Storm Entertainment\Ghost Recon) and double
click on the little lightning bolt called Igor. If you have details sel-
ected in the view tab, it should say Application under File Type and be
almost as big as the Ghost Recon file. IMPORTANT: this program comes on
all Ghost Recon should be installed on your computer Ghost Recon
is on correctly. If it isn't, try reinstalling Ghost Recon.

W H A T I S I T ?

Igor is a program made by Red Storm Entertainment that basically
customizes your game, letting you change the settings and parameters it
functions on. You can do just about anything except change the campaign
missions. You can rename them and play them as multiplayer maps, but not
as part of the campaign. This is kind of like a debug menu. However, Igor
doesn't have any tech support, so that's what I'm writing this faq for...

If you have any questions, comments, or corrections, please e-mail me at

2 T H E M A I N S C R E E N
/ [file name] \
| File Edit View Script Tools Help________________________ ______________|
| | | |
| [blueprint] | [command map] | [files\ |
| | | folders] |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
|__________________| | |
| | | |
| | | |
| [main editor] |______________________________________| |
| | | |
| | | |
| | [3d view] |______________|
| | | |
| | | [specifics] |
| | | |
| | | |


The blueprint is the small, blue (hence-blueprint) map in the top
left of the screen that shows a top down view of the entire map. The red
box is the current area being shown in the command map just to the right
of it, and the yellow angle shows what the 3D view shows. Really, the only
thing this is good for is that you can click on it to center your command
map and 3D view wherever you click. Otherwise, it's pretty useless.


This is in the middle, to the top, just to the right of the blue-
print. This is the main screen you will use to place items, people, etc.
and probably the most important view. You can turn stuff on or off in this
view under the View menu tab. To view the specifics on something on your
map, just click on it in this view, and it will turn yellow to show you
have selected it and the details will show up in the specifics section.
More info about how to use this screen in the basic and adavnced editing
chapters of this faq.

3 D V I E W

The 3D view is right beneath the command map area. Really doesn't
do much. If you have something selected then it shows up as a yellow
circle where it is located in the 3d world. Just mostly for looks. Use
a,s,w, and d to move it around.

F I L E S \ F O L D E R S

This section of the screen is in the top right. It holds every-
thing that has to do with your map in a series of folders. Works just like
Windows Explorer, and it's very useful for selecting files quickly.


The area just below files\folders in the bottom-right is the
specifics area. If you select anything on the command map or in the files\
folders area, everything that you can change about it shows up here. If
you have an actor selected you can change his name, appearance, kit,
position, and stance. You can change the names of all the companies,
platoons, teams, vehicles, and just about everything else here.


The main editor is in the bottom left of the screen. It's to the
left of the 3d view and below the blueprint. This has 5 major tabs used
to insert just about everything into your map. You can add actors via the
"actor" tab, sounds via the "sound" tab, anf vehicles via the "vehicles"
tab. Under the "misc" tab you can add companies, platoons, and teams...3
tiers of can add effects, notes, new plans for people and\or
vehicles, stations, waypoints (briefings), stationary weapons such as the
.50 cal machine gun, and zones. Ctrl+[left click] puts something in. Under
the "plans" tab, there is a series of things you can add to plans. More
about plans in the advanced editing...

3 T H E M E N U S

Most people already know how to work menus, but I thought I'd put
this in for the different ones like View and Tools.

3.1 F I L E

The file menu is the basic for all programs. Under File, there is
New (CTRL+N), Open (CTRL+O), Save (CTRL+S), Save as, and Mods. New gives
you a new mission, save saves your progress under the last saved name,
save as lets you save your progress under a name of your choosing, and
open lets you load a saved mission (duh)...Mods lets you select which mods
are running in your game outside of the game (pretty useful) so that you
don't have to close and reload Ghost Recon.

Beneath that, there is a list of all the last edited missions in
line from the closest (top) to the farthest away (bottom). Exit is under-
neath that and lets you close this program.

3.2 E D I T

Edit menu is just to the right of file. It has under it Undo [the
last action] (CTRL+Z), Delete (DEL), Map, Mission, and Briefing. Map lets
you choose the map you are using for your game:

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++EDITING THE MAP+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

ENVIRONMENT: The current map you are using for this mission. You have to
start a new mission to change maps

MAP SHOTS: The current list of pictures and the command map you are using
during the briefing for this mission.

MAP NAME: The name of the map as appears when loading the map

AVAILABLE TO CUSTOM GAME TYPES: whether or not you can play this under the
custom games area. If not, then it only works in the campaign.

CLEAR- clear skies outside

RAIN- raining during mission

SNOW- snowing during mission

INTENSITY-how heavy the rain is coming down. Not really measured in any
true measurement unit. The higher the number, the more rain/snow. Go
ahead and expirament with it.

FOG: If the fog doesn't override the environment, tehn the game might run
a little slower on slow computers
OVERRIDE ENVIRONMENT- Whether or not he fog blocks out the environment
so that you can't see. When turned off, there is no fog, the map just
fades out the further away you go.

NEAR- How far away from you the fog starts. I think it's in meters...

FAR- How far away the fog completely covers up the map so that you can
not see anything at this distance.

COLOR- what color teh fog is. Default is a medium grey. Same color
selecting system as in paint (darkness is on far right, and shade is
in big colorful box)

FAR CLIP DISTANCE- don't know...e-mail me-->

MAX SPOT RANGE- how far away the computer recognizes people seperate
from rocks and landscape. Aslo how far away your reticule recognizes
friend or foe. Good idea to set pretty far.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++EDITING THE MISSION+++++++++++++++++++++++++

To edit different aspects of the mission, click "Mission" under
the edit menu...

SINGLE PLAYER- whether or not this mission is available to campaign or
custom mission game types.

MULTIPLAYER COOP- whether or not this mission is available to multi-
player coop type games

MULTIPLAYER SOLO- whether or not this mission is available to multi-
player solo game types

MULTIPLAYER TEAMS- whether or not this mission is available to multi-
player team games

MISSION NAME: the name as appears on the custom mission and the campaign
menus from the main screen...also on the briefings screen

REQUIRES UNLOCKING: whether or not the mission has to be unlocked by com-
pleting another mission. I don't know how to specify exactly what
mission...I think it's the filename with the number right before the
current mission. I'll find it out as I make another map.

COMBAT POINTS: How many combat points available to assign to your soldiers
before the mission in custom mission mode.

DEFAULT TEAM: the six default classes of characters that the computer will
use. don't really know what else it's for...

UNLOCKED HERO FILE: I think it's like combat points. Even if you haven't
unlocked a hero, if you put his(her) name here, then you can play w/
him for this mission...but none of the campaign missions have them
I'll look into it

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++EDITING THE BRIEFING+++++++++++++++++++++++++++

The briefing is the screen just before character selection when
you start a mission. It is layed out like so (everything in brackets are
changeable in this section):

/ ___________________________________ \
| BRIEFING {_____[Mission Name]________________} |
| _______________________________ ___________ _____________ |
| / Objectives \ / WORLD MAP | COMMAND MAP \________ |
| | 1. [Mission Objective #1] | | \ |
| | 2. [Mission Objective #2] | | | |
| | 3. [Mission Objective #3] | | [either the world map, or the | |
| | 4. [Mission Objective #4] | | command tab above | |
| \_______________________________/ | to switch betweeen the two] | |
| _______________________________ | | |
| /______________/\_______________\ | | |
| | | | | |
| | [Paragraphs of your actual | | | |
| | briefing. This is read to you | | | |
| | in campaign games...] | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | \__________________________________/ |
| | | / \ |
| |_______________________________| |___________[location]_____________| |
| \______________\/_______________/ | [weather] | [date] | |
| _______________________ | | [time] | |
| {_____Play Briefing_____} \__________________________________/ |

IMAGE: the world map picture in the map area (right side) that shows when
you have the world map tab selected...this is one of two:
"brfg_map-01.rsb" shows the black sea and area centered on Georgia
"brfg_map-02.rsb" shows Western Russia and Finland and all of the other
smaller countries around there.

CYCLE IMAGE: these are the pictures that the briefing cycles through that
show the mission objectives in detail (shots from above and around)
Pick the best one that fits, however, when selecting one, pick one
that has a mission number followed by "_brfg-box.rsb"
(ex: "m01_brfg-box.rsb")
/ \
| NOTE:don't use the ones that say "_shots.rsb" at the end...your comp |
| will crash with bad luck, and the program will shut off with good luck |
| I still don't know what these are for... |

LOCATION: fill in two blanks before the letters "x" and "y". This is where
the flashing dot is on the world map portion on the right side of the
screen. Those that have already taken algebra, it's just the fourth
quadrant of a grid, but for those that haven't:
X- the line above the map...numbers increase going from left to right
(see example below)
Y- the line going alon the left side...numbers increase going from top
to bottom (see example below)

EX: so, if i put in 11 as "X" and 4 as "Y", then the radiating dot on
the world map would be at Point A


Y 2|
a 3|
x |
i 4| A
s |

WEATHER: Shows up in the "[weather]" section on the briefing screen...a
pull-down menu in which there are 8 choices. All are self-explanatory
choices include:

LOCATION: what it says in the "[location]" section of the briefing screen.
they are case sensitive

DATE: character by character, what it will say in the "[date]" section of
the briefing screen. Once-again, case sensitive

TIME: what it says in the "[time]" section of the briefing screen

DEMO CHARGES REQUIRED: whether or not the computer requires that you carry
at least one guy with demo charges into the mission. It will warn you
if you try to go into the mission without them, and won't let you

DEMO CHARGES RECOMMENDED: same as above, except that it will let you
continue into the mission after warning you once.

has to be at least one guy with rockets (M136) as opposed to charges

that there should be one guy with rockets instead of demo charges
/ \
| NOTE: none of the four above will quit the mission if you run out of |
| charges or only effects what happens during the briefing, |
| and it doesn't have anything to do with the mission while playing |

BRIEFING TEXT: what it says, word-for-word, in the "[paragraphs of your
actual briefing...]" section on the briefing screen. put a "{p}" in
to start a new paragraph.

3.3 V I E W

4 T H E B A S I C S

This section tells you about the basics of editing a map. Here you
will learn how to insert everything from enemy soldiers to cricket sounds.

4.1 G E T T I N G S T A R T E D

First of all, you can't change the campaign missions. I've tried
everyway I can think of so if you can figure out how...e-mail me. However,
you can change the campaign missions and just save them under a new name.
They won't be part of the campaign, so you have to play them as quick mis-
sions. To begin with open a map (FILE>>OPEN>>[then pick a map]). It's a
good idea to start with the multiplayer training map...cause it doesn't
have anything on it.

4.2 I N S E R T I N G \ E D I T I N G P E O P L E

Inserting people is easy. To put anything onto the map, you hit
CTRL+click wherever you want it on the command map. People in Igor are
called actors. If you select the "actors" tab in the main editor area, the
list of all the possible actors usable on this map shows up. If you pick
one and set it somewhere on the map it should show up as a yellow circle
with a line on the map.


Now before you insert an actor, that person has to
have a side (enemy, friendly), a platoon, and a team. Keep in mind that
when you assign plans, you assign them to a team. More about that in
advanced editing. To put those in you select what side you want a platoon
on, select it in the files\folders area, and double click on the word
"patoon" under the "Misc" tab of the main editor. It should show up under
the side you chose, and you can name it by clicking on it in the specifics
area. Same with a team. Select a platoon and double click team.
If I want to add a bad guy that stands in the claymore range on the multi-
player training map, then I select Enemies in the files\folders area, then
I double click on "Platoon" in the "misc" tab, name it "Claymore range" in
the specifics tab. Then, I click on that platoon, double click on "Team"
in the "misc" tab, and name it "Claymore Guard" in the specifics area.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++EDITING PEOPLE+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Now, the line coming from the circle that is the actor is where
the person is facing. When you have a person selected, then when you SHIFT+
click somewhere, they face that direction. If their icon on the command map
is yellow, then all the options you can change show up in the specifics
area. You can change the following:

NAME: click on the tab with the name on it, and rename it. From above ex. I
named it Claymore Gaurd 1.

CLASS: Here you can change the look of the character. The names are self-
explanatory. "m01_rec_ak47_7.atr" is the seventh ak-47 gaurd from m01
on the recruit difficulty level. Change it by clicking in the box with
the name on it and picking a new actor.

KIT: here you change the weapons or items that the actor holds. Most come
with the default kit. Kits are also self explanatory: for instance the
"ak47_1gernade.kit" is an ak47 and one gernade. Change this the same
way as you change people.

START: This changes the starting position. The easiest way to edit this is
to click and drag the actor to were you want him. However, you can
also insert coordinates.

STANCE: These four selections change the starting stance of the person.
They include standing upright, sitting down, crouched down on a knee,
and lying flat on the ground (prone). Just bubble whichever stance
you want.

IDLE: This is what the actor will do when standing still. Some choices
include briefing and being briefed, cooking, talking, playing cards,
etc. Just click the down arrow and select an option.

EASY: wether or not this actor is there on the recruit difficulty level

NORMAL: same as above for the veteran difficulty level

HARD: same as above for the elite difficulty level

INITIALLY HIDDEN: this is a little handy tool for reinforcements and other
units/actors that you want to come into the game later. Check this
and they don't show up at the beginning of a mission until you tell
then to in a script...more about that later

Thanks a bunch to Rose for telling me about the above explanation for
Initially hidden

4.3 I N S E R T I N G \ E D I T I N G V E H I C L E S

Inserting vehicles is just the same as inserting people. You just
CTRL+click to place and SHIFT+click to point. Click and drag to move it
around (All of this has to be done on the command map area).

Teams, companies, and platoons are all the same also except for 1
thing. Vehicles can't be assigned to teams. They can only be added to the

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++EDITING VEHICLES++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

You edit vehicles the same way you edit the specifics
area. Click on the vehicle icon in the command map of the vehicle you want
to edit, and all of the options show up in the bottom-right.

NAME: Click on area where name is and change the name.

CLASS: The appearance and the weapons of the selected vehicle. Easy to
understand: "truck_m35" is the m35 class truck. See list of them in
Vehicles section.

START: coordinates that the vehicle begins the mission at. You can insert
some to be really specific...but clicking and dragging is much easier.

EASY: whether or not this vehicle is there on recruit difficulty

NORMAL: same as above for novice

HARD: same as above for elite

INITIALLY HIDDEN: same as in actors except with vehicles. Once again, the
vehicle stays hidden (not there) until you tell it to appear...

Rose told me about this one too. Thank you Rose...

DON'T STOP WHEN SHOT: If this vehicle is assigned a plan, then if this box
is checked, it will perform that plan no matter who or what is shoot-
ing at it. However, if unchecked, one pistol shot at it and it will
stop doing whatever it's doing and try to eliminate whoever is shoot-
ing at it (usually you). Once the threat is destroyed, then it goes
back to the task it was assigned

4.4 S O U N D S

Inserting sounds is a lot different than people. The basics are the
same though. CTRL+click inserts something...but if you SHIFT+click on it,
it goes away. If you SHIFT+click on the area around the main emitter, then
little secodary emitters show up. This way, if you click on a single sound
emitter in the folders section, several are selected...and you also don't
have to change all of the options for every seperate thing, just the main

NOTE: Sound emitters make your mission sound real. If you want a pitch-
black night mission, add some cricket sounds around in the forest. It's
amazing how much a few simple sounds can add to a mission.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++EDITING SOUNDS++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Click on a sound in the files\folders section by name, or by the
little music icon on the command map. The sound with a yellow box thing
around it is the one currently selected. All options show up in the bottom-
right (specifics area).

POINTS- check to just have radial (circular) point sound emitters.
They emit sound out to a certain radius around the point.

LINE- check to have a line of the sound. Sound is continuous from one
end of line to other (all along line). Sound is same volume at all
points on the line. Add more by SHIFT+clicking

MOVING- check to have a moving sound. SHIFT+click to have a new sound
waypoint. Sound follows line from sound emitter A to sound emitter
B at the speed shown in the box in the bottom right of the emitter
type section. Speed is shown in meters-per-second.

GROUNDED: don't know...assume it has something to do with the height (??)
e-mail me-->

HEIGHT: How high above (or below) the ground the sound is heard from. If
you insert a lamp breaking sound, it shouldn'e be at ground level. I
like to put bees and gnats buzzing around head height (2.5 meters).

3D SOUNDS: All the grey boxes in the middle can only be edited by clicking
the "Edit..." box to the right of where it says "3D Sound" near the
bottom of the section.

PLAYBACK- Two blanks="number" to "number" sec.s
First blank: The time that the sound begins at
Second blank: The time that the sound ends at
Ex- If you want to use the gnats sound (3 seconds long), but just the
second half of it, then you put 1.5 in as the first number and 3 as the
second. That way, the sound starts 1.5 seconds through the recorded
sound and ends 3 seconds into the recorded sound.

VOLUME- The percentage of the recoded volume that this sound plays at. If
you put this at 0.50, then the sound will be 50 percent (half) of
it's original volume. You can't go above 1.00 which would be 100

MAX PLAYS- This is the maximum number of times the sound repeats itself.
If you set it at -1, then it goes on indefinately until you end the

USE 3D POSITION- whether or not the sound uses the Z-axis while in game.
When turned off, all sounds only work on a flat plane (X and Y).

LIMITED 3D PROPOGATION- sets a limit to how far the sound goes (????)
e-mail me-->

POSITION- X, Y, and Z coordinates for the sound point currently select-
ed. Change X and Y by clicking and dragging the music icon, and
change Z by changing the "Height"

4.5 Z O N E S
A zone is any area on the map specified by a dashed square or
circle and a box at one of the corners. Zones are used to specify places
that can be used as enemy or friendly strongholds, the map's central area,
insertion zones, extraction zones, etc.. You can also assign sounds to
zones (editing).

To insert a zone, CTRL+click where you want a corner of it. If you
want it to be a point zone, than just leave it...but if you want it to be
the area of a circle or square, than click on one of the corners of the
little square and drag it to where you want the other corner to be.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++EDITING ZONES+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

You also edit the zones in the specifics area. To edit a zone,
click on the little box in the corner of the square or center of the cir-
cle. It should turn yellow and add another square in the opposite corner,
or somewher on the circle.

You can change the size and location of these zones by clicking
and dragging on one of the little boxes. The dashed line is the entire

"Zone Properties"

NAME: Change the name by clicking on the name in the tab and renaming it
in the po-up window.

RECT: click if you want the zone to be rectangle in shape. It will change
on the command map.

RADIUS: click if you want the zone to be a circle. It will change shape on
the command map.

POINT- check if you want the zone to be a single point on the map. You
can change the way the point faces by SHIFT+clicking on the command
map. This is useful later for scripting if you want to specify a
trigger event for a certain point. *more in ADVANCED*

BASE- check if you want the zone (must be rectangular or circular...not
point) to be a base. You can specify what these are used for by writ-
ing a script and planning out triggers. *more in ADVANCED*

CENTRAL AREA- Click if you want this zone to be the central area for the
mission. Don't know exactly what it's for, but i think it's for
scripting *more in ADVANCED*

RECON INSERTION- check this to make the zone an insertion zone when
playing this mission in the "Recon" mode in the custom mission section

RECON EXTRACTION- make this zone the extraction zone when playing this
mission in the "Recon" mode in the custom mission section

DROP-DOWN MENU- this is the type of room (sound wise) that the zone is
in. If it's a hallway, select hallway, and the sounds inside will sound
louder than if you had outside slected. Very helpfull and adds a lot
of realism...

ISERTION- check to make this zone the insertion zone when playing in the
"mission" mode

EXTRACTION- check to make this zone the extraction zone when playing in
the "mission" mode

4.6 M A P R O O M S
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Trainer für Gesundheit, Munition und Granaten (für v1.35)

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Multiplayer Guide
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