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Full credit to Minesweeper (Nathan Norris) for this ASCII art


Author: MysticGohanXL Email:
Grand Theft Auto 3 - Playstation 2 - FAQ/Walkthrough Version 1.2


---Table of Contents---
1: Introduction
2: Version History
3: Controls
4: Weapons
5: Shops
5A: Wanted Level
6: Hideouts
7: Items
8: Career Missions Walkthrough
8A: Portland
8B: Staunton Island
8C: Shoreside Vale
9: Additional Missions
9A: Firefighter
9B: Paramedic
9C: Taxi
9D: Vigilante
10: Gang Information
11: Tips and Tricks
12: Thanks
13: Contact Information
14: Copyright



In my opinion, Grand Theft Auto 3 is one of the first true video game
masterpieces ever made. I best tell you a little bit about it. You have been
betrayed by a female gang leader named Catalina and charged with crimes from
your past in a dangerous place called Liberty City where the worst scum in
America hang out. The police convoy that is transporting you over a bridge to
Staunton Island gets hijacked and some thugs kidnap one of the prisoners in it.
Suddenly the bridge blows in half from a bomb dropped on it earlier so you and
your new partner, a black guy named 8-Ball, steal the keys from the cops that
died in the explosion and unlock your handcuffs. Three districts make up Liberty
City and the one you start work in is Portland. Your job in each district is to
complete all of its Career, Phone, Toyz, Offroad, Rampage, and Emergency Vehicle
Missions to get 100% game completion.

THINGS TO REMEMBER: Complete Kenji's missions before you attempt Donald's "Waka-
Gashira Wipeout" mission. You will understand why I'm telling you this after you
read the guide.


Version 1.0
Updated: 7/6/02
The first edition looks pretty good. The walkthrough should be finished in the
next version.

Version 1.1
Updated: 7/18/02
Oh boy... what an update. I totally revamped everything. I added a bunch of new
sections. The walkthrough is not complete yet because I'm having loads of trouble
with Asuka's "Espresso-2-Go" mission.

Version 1.2
Updated: 8/30/02
I added in some submissions and one of them was by yours truly. :) I
also put in a section describing the wanted levels. I apologize for the
delay on the walkthrough's completion. I've been a bit lazy with GTA3
lately, in terms of finishing up the game. All I've been doing lately is
causing trouble and looking for good spots to snipe/bomb. I also put in
a good hunk of info for the Additional Missions section so that should
satisfy you. Yes, I know I've only covered the Emergency Vehicle ones so
far but I really wanted to get this guide updated and prevent more of my
readers from turning away. Enjoy!


Here is an ASCII chart I made with all the basic controls in the game.

X = Run/Drive |
Square = Jump/Brakes/Reverse |
Triangle = Enter/Exit Vehicle |
Circle = Punch/Kick/Use Weapon |
Start = Skip intro |
Select = Change views in car or on foot |
Directional keys = Move |
L1 = Change radio station in car |
L2 = Go to previous weapon in inventory |
R1 = Target someone/first-person view |
R2 = Go to next weapon in inventory |

Here is something advanced that would probably not be considered basic. Hold down
L2 or R2 to shoot with the Uzi out your car window. Circle must be applied to fire
and X must also be used if you want to drive while shooting. Of course, L2 means
the left window and R2 is the right window.


Here is a short list of all the weapons you can obtain throughout the course of
the game and some stats about them.

You will always have your fists of course. It takes about five or more punches to
knock a normal pedestrian down. When they're down, you can kick them to make sure
they don't get up. If they have money and it starts hovering by them for you to
collect, you have successfully killed them.

---Baseball bat---
One swing and hit will knock any person down and it takes about two or three more
hits to kill them. Don't use this or your fists if you're up against anybody with
a gun. And if they have one of the heavy arms, then it's even more forbidden.

There's not much to say about this simple little pistol. It isn't a very powerful
gun, but it kills people fairly easily and you can fire while you're running because
it isn't heavy.

This little gun is amazing. It's a little larger than the handgun and it's even
rapid-fire! See the Controls section above to do a successful drive-by shooting.
This gun is the only one capable of doing drive-bys.

Most people will get knocked down and wasted with one shot from this powerful rifle.
Some manage to survive but one more bullet will surely kill them. This fires slow
but, to make it fire a little faster, hold down Circle and tap R1 over and over. It
seems like that should be in reverse but it's not. This will also set a car on fire
if two or three shots are pumped into it. The car will catch on fire and, instead
of waiting about eight seconds for an explosion, it ignites almost instantly.

This is just your average automatic rifle. You cannot fire while running either.
This gets the job done quickly but choose a small gun if you want to run and then
pull this out when you meet up with your target.

This rifle is awesome! It's a machine gun like the AK-47 but its bullets are much
more powerful. If you pump less than a clip into any car, it will catch fire.

---Sniper Rifle---
What can I say? Gotta be one of the best guns in the game next to the Uzi. You
can only shoot while in first-person view so hold down R1 to go into this view.
Then target somebody and fire away. A direct shot to the head will cause a fountain
of blood to spew upward like a geyser. Definitely not to be watched by squeamish
players. By holding down Square, you can zoom in pretty far. Hold down X to zoom
out. This gun should not be used on a target that is a threat to you on the ground
so go atop a building for a quick, easy kill.

---Rocket Launcher---
This is also commonly referred to as a bazooka. You can only fire rockets in first-
person view and this is guaranteed to blow up any vehicle in one shot except a
Rhino tank. Make sure you are a good distance away so you don't get knocked down
and get part of your health drained. If you are practically touching a vehicle
that you are going to blow up, it will take your health down to about 017 if it's
at 100 so don't do such a foolish thing!

This fire-spitting weapon is amazing. If you want to start the most carnage with
this, kill somebody with a weapon in front of a lot of people. Then stand back
and wait for other pedestrians to gather around the body and linger. Then pull
this baby out and sway it back and forth while the victims scream in agony as
they get torched to death.

---Molotov Cocktail---
This is shaped similar to a pipe bomb. When it ignites, there will not be an
explosion but, rather, a cloud of flames. Perfect for catching things on fire.

This is another bomb you can throw but, this time, you will get the explosion you
wanted instead of the fire.

There are many shops around Liberty City that will provide you with what you need
to survive in your dangerous territory.

This is where you can buy weapons for fair prices. You can't buy the baseball bat
because that will always be available at your hideout. As you get further into
Story Mode, more weapons will be in stock. If you haven't done any missions, they
will just be considered "out of stock."

This is the most important shop in Liberty City, in my opinion. If the cops are
after you, you can drive into this garage to get your vehicle resprayed. Since it
is a different color, the cops won't recognize you. This place also repaires all
damages on your wheels. All this costs a thousand bucks. But, if your ride has no
damage at all, just drive into the garage and make it a different color for free
as many times as you want.

Every time you advance to a new district, 8-Ball will set up a new shop for you
there. You can drive any car into his garage and get it rigged with a bomb for a
cost, of course. The Portland shop has bombs that you arm by pressing Circle and
the next time the engine gets started, it will ignite. The Staunton shop has bombs
that ignite after the car has been rigged for a certain amount of time. The Shoreside
Vale shop has remote-controlled bombs. I'm not sure how this one works though be-
cause I've never rigged a car there.

This isn't really a shop but this is where you get taken in your current district
if you get wasted. You will lose all your weapons and some money.

This is where you will get taken if you get busted by the pigs. You will lose all
your weapons and 1000 bucks.

5A: Wanted Level
You may be wondering how much trouble you can get in with the LCPD.
Well, in the upper right-hand corner, you have six black stars. The
more trouble you cause, the more those stars will fill up and become
yellow. If you want to get a high wanted level, then kill pedestrians,
blow up cars, etc. If you want to get a wanted level really fast, then
kill cops. Here is a description of what happens as each star is

1 star = Not much to worry about here. One cruiser containing one cop will
give chase to you, but he won't pull any big stunts to catch you. If
you're on foot, cops will come up to you and punch you. If they knock
you down, then they will point their gun at you and bust you.

2 stars = Several cruisers containing two cops each will now chase you.
If you're on foot, they will open fire on you with their handguns.

3 stars = Now the cops are good and mad. Many cruisers will chase you,
pulling off crazy stunts and everything. An annoying helicopter will
also appear in the air and start shooting at you with its gun.

4 stars = At this point, you will have the SWAT team on your hands. They
drive big trucks called Enforcers and are equipped with Uzis.

5 stars = The cops completely leave and let the FBI take over. They drive
dangerously fast black cars with four agents each, taking up every seat.
And, on top of that, they're all equipped with an AK-47. Be in a vehicle
at all times or will be severely injured by their antics.

6 stars = This is as intense as things can get. The Army arrives with
soldiers driving enormous Rhino tanks and Barracks OL's. The Barracks OL's
are huge and menacing, but the Rhino tanks are even more dangerous as they
can blow up any vehicle in one ram! The soldiers driving both of these are
also armed with M16's that can kill you with a fraction of a clip.

This is where I will explain various things about your three hideouts in the game.

To get here, drive down the road where the Pay N Spray will be to your left when
you get to the turn. Turn right, left, and left again. Just around the corner will
be your hideout. You can fit one vehicle in your garage so make it a good one. If
you ever save your game while the car is out of the garage, it will be gone until
you get another one back.

Let's say you just got wasted and you want to get here from the hospital. Walk up
the stairs to leave, turn left, right, and keep going straight until you come across
a place where one road will go straight and a new one will slant off to the right. Go
down the one that slants off and your hideout is an alley on the right side. You
can fit two vehicles of any kind in this garage. This is the best one of them all.
The garage is also big enough for a Rhino. To fit more cars inside, park one car
halfway in and halfway out so the garage can't close all the way. Then put more in it.

Ugh. I hate this so-called hideout. Here's how to get to it. When you cross the
Shoreside Lift Bridge, find the bridge that leads over to the second section of the
district. Cross it and you should be in the area where all the mansions (including
the Cartel one) are located. Turn right onto the road that curves a lot. When you
finish following all the curves which contain only one turn, drive straight until
you come across a place where you turn right. Your hideout will be right there. The
reason it's so horrible is because it's anything BUT a hideout. It's right out in
the open. The garage is bad too. There will be three doors for the same garage but
the middle one doesn't even open when you walk up to it. You can easily get two cars
in there on the left and right sides, but the third car needs to be squeezed in there
and given some room to drive out. Very annoying indeed.
Here is a method to get more than three cars in your Shoreside hideout.
This should work for the others as well but this is the only one that
I have tried out so far. If you have three cars in your garage, make
room for a fourth car and get it. Park it in front of one of the opening
garages where there is room for it to be driven in. Make sure it's
touching the garage too. Get out and walk up to the garage so it opens.
Then jump back in the car and drive it in before the garage has a chance
to close. Walk out and it will close normally.

Submitted By: Me

Here are all the items you can collect in the game. They serve the purposes of the
shops, basically, but they're easier to obtain. The weapons also become items if
you kill somebody that was carrying one.

You will get 100 health when you get these. They're located at all the hospitals or
any hidden places.

You will get an armor bar when you get these. Armor protects your health until it
gets drained. Then the health will be vulnerable. These look like shields with green
stars in the middle.

These will take your wanted level down by one star. For every ten criminals you kill
in the Vigilante missions, one of these will be delivered to your hideout. They look
like shields with a yellow star in the middle.

A shield with a skull inside it. These trigger Rampage missons where you are given a
weapon with unlimited ammo and you must go on a killing spree.

These aren't used often but, when they are, they come in handy. They're like drugs
and they slow things down and give you inhuman power. You can put severe damage on
cars in this way. Face the driver and run at him. When I did this, I delivered about
as much damage as a head-on ram from a car. I even took the hood off! You can also
make pedestrians go flying by punching them. These pills last about two minutes.

Here is a comprehensive walkthrough of Story Mode. You begin work after the Callahan
Bridge blows in half and the cops that had arrested you, get killed. 8-Ball shows
you your hideout and introduces you to your first boss, Luigi.

8A: Portland
Portland is the industrial zone. Here you will find the docks, ware-
houses, factories, markets, garages, as well as some useful suppliers.
This area is populated with hookers, pimps, laborers, dockworkers,
politicians, and all general scum. Crime is rife in Portland and it has
a long history of Mafia control, but this is being challenged by the
Triads. A bloody turf war has been underway for several months. A de-
lightful district with something for everyone.


"Luigi's Girls"
Reward = $1,500
Very simple. One of Luigi's hookers that works at his club, Sex Club 7, just got dis-
charged from the hospital and you need to go pick her up. Grab a car and go to the
hospital in Portland View. Misty will be waiting there. Drive up to her and she will
get in. Take her back to the club safely.

"Don't Spank Ma Bitch Up"
Reward = $4,000
Some junky has been selling a new and notorious drug called Spank to Luigi's girls.
You must track him down and assassinate him. Grab the baseball bat outside of Luigi's
club to kill him with. Drive to the Portland Docks just on the edge of Trenton. Turn
in there and you will see two hookers talking to him. Put the pedal to the metal and
run him down. It doesn't matter if you kill the hookers either. If he jumps out of
the way, just get out and beat him with the bat as originally requested. He doesn't
have a weapon so he poses relatively no threat to you. After he's dead, jack his Stallion
nearby and take it to the Pay N Spray in the Red Light District. It normally costs
1000 bucks, but this is your first trip so it's free. Then take it to Luigi's lockup.
It's just across the street from the hospital in an alley. Drive it into the garage on
the far right.

"Drive Misty For Me"
Reward = $1,000
Pick up Misty again and take her to Joey Leone's auto garage. Park in a lot in Hepburn
Heights. This lot contains the payphone where El Burro, the leader of the Diablos,
will contact you later on. Park in the blue marker and honk the horn. Misty will come
out of the garage and get in. Then drive to Trenton and drop her off at Joey's. He
will be your next boss and will give you a lot of missions that are despised by most
players so just try to get them done for some cold hard cash.

"Pump-Action Pimp"
Reward = $4,000
You must kill two pimps that have been doing their work on Luigi's turf. First off,
note that these guys are dangerous so you shouldn't take chances. Follow the icon on
your map to get to Ammunation. The clerk will say he left you a free handgun in the
back so go outside, turn left, and turn left into the alley to get it. Now jack a car and track
the moving red dot to find the Diablo Stallion with the two suspects in it. This car
is easy to spot because it's black with flames painted on it. Ram their wheels off
the road and they will get out. Then drive a couple yards in reverse and run them down.
If you don't do this immediately, the one in the bandana will pull you out and let the
pimp in the purple suit shoot you with a shotgun. You're pretty much wasted here because,
when you get up, he'll knock you with another bullet until you're dead. If you don't
want to stain your tires with blood, then just get out and kill them with the gun you

"The Fuzz Ball"
Reward = minimum of $2,000
Luigi needs you to drop off at least four of his hookers to the old school hall right
by the Callahan Bridge. You have a generous time limit so, once four of the girls are
dropped off, you can pick up any amount of additional girls for 500 bucks each if you
have time. If you want to just get the mission done quick, grab any car when it starts.
But, if you want to be strategic and take your time, look around for a Moonbeam and
you'll be able to fit up to a maximum of five girls in it.



"Mike Lips Last Lunch"
Reward = $10,000
Go to the restaurant called Marcos Bistro in Saint Marks and, in the parking lot, jack
the Idaho belonging to a guy named Mike. Then take it to 8-Ball's place in Harwood and
drive it into his garage to rig it with a bomb. Then park it back where you found it
without so much as a scratch on it so Mike won't suspect anything. Press Circle before
you get out to arm the bomb. Then move back and watch the fireworks. Mike will come
outside, start the engine, and get blown skyhigh.

"Farewell 'Chunky' Lee Chong"
Reward = $10,000
A Chinese man named Chunky is dealing Spank at his stand in Chinatown. Go and waste him.
When he sees you, he'll flee while some Triads start shooting at you to keep you from
catching him. Kill them off and chase him to the parking lot. If he's still running,
target him with R1 and finish the job. If he reaches his car, you'll be faced with the
annoying task of grabbing a car and chasing him. Once you have one, ram him off the
road so he is forced to get out. Then jump out and kill him.

"Van Heist"
Reward = $20,000
You must find a durable vehicle, follow this Securicar around the district, and ram it
continuously until the driver bails out. But beware. Once the cops are around, one
ram will give you two stars on your wanted level. Okay, now that the driver has left,
get in the van and take it down to the Portland Docks. Park it in the blue marker in
the garage on the far left and get out to end the mission.

"Cipriani's Chauffer"
Reward = $3,000
When you enter Joey's garage, you'll see him talking to your new boss, Toni Cipriani.
He is in the Mafia and despises the Triads. See him for work when you're done with Joey.
Get in Toni's Mafia Sentinel and take him to Mr. Wong's place in Chinatown.
When he exits the vehicle, you'll see him enter the launderette and begin a
discussion with two Triads. Pretty soon, gunshots will ring out as Toni runs
outside and jumps back in the car, saying you're both in the middle of a Triad
ambush. Use the Mafia Sentinel's amazing speed to drop Toni off at Momma's
Restaurant. This is where you will meet him for work later on.

"Dead Skunk in the Trunk"
Reward = $10,000
Go to Greasy Joe's diner and jack the car with the dead body of a Forelli
brother in the trunk. Then take it to the car crusher in Harwood.
But, on the way, two of his vengeful siblings will be seeking revenge
so avoid them as best as you can. Watching the car get crushed at the
end is optional.

"The Getaway"
Reward = $30,000
Pick up three of Joey's buddies and take them to the bank so they can
rob it. They will be back out in no time at all, awarding you with
three stars for their crime. There are two ways you can get rid of
them. You can cheat and put in the No Wanted Level code, which is R2 R2
L1 R2 Up Down Up Down Up Down if you wanna use it. Or you can go to the
Pay N Spray and pay 1000 bucks for a respray. It may seem like a lot of
money but you have plenty of cash at this point and it's worth it.



"Taking Out The Laundry"
Reward = $20,000
The three green dots on your map will indicate three Triad Fish Vans
you need to destroy. You can either take the time to get some grenades
from 8-Ball or take the easy way out that will always be there. And
that is putting in the All Weapons cheat and taking them out with all
the weapons that are now at your disposal. Oh yes! There is one other
way. The Uzi should be in stock at Ammunation by now so you can buy it
and use it to do drive-bys on the vans.

"The Pick-Up"
Reward = $10,000
Go to Chinatown and collect this briefcase of money that the Triads are
giving to Toni to repay their debts with. But after you get it, you
will be ambushed as expected. Quickly kill the Triads that are
surrounding you in different alleyways. Jack the nearest car and take
the cash to Toni.

"Salvatore's Called A Meeting"
Reward = $15,000
Salvatore Leone, Joey's father, is calling a meeting for all the major
crime bosses in Portland. First go to Joey's garage to pick up the
stretch limo and Joey himself. Go to Sex Club 7 to get Luigi and to
Momma's Restaurant to get Toni. Salvatore, the Mafia boss, will greet
all of the guys when you get there and then says that he sees nothing
but good things for you. He is now available for work but finish Toni

"Triads and Tribulations"
Reward = $30,000
The war between the Mafia and the Triads is now fully underway and you
are caught in the middle of the havoc. You must kill the Triad war-
lords. Now you know that there are many ways to kill someone. So I'll
just give you their locations.

1. In front of the Raffles Fish Factory
2. Where Chunky used to work his noodle stand
3. Turtle Head Fish Company (get a Triad Fish Van so you can go through
the gate)

Two Mafia men will be following you around and helping you kill the
Triad soldiers that are protecting the warlords so don't lose them.

"Blow Fish"
Reward = $30,000
Toni wants to deal a deadly blow that will temporarily bring the Triad
gang crashing to its knees. Go to 8-Ball's autoyard and pick up the
Trashmaster. It looks like a dumptruck and 8-Ball has already loaded it
with explosives for you. You will be given a time limit and a damage
meter. Move quickly but don't run into anything because this meter
fills quicker than anybody can presume.



Reward = $10,000
Salvatore wants you to babysit his teenaged daughter, Maria, for the
night. She asks to go see Chico down by the river. They converse for a
bit and he gives her some Spank. He mentions something about a party
down in Atlantic Quays. She asks to see this party. Take her there and
wait outside. There will be an awkward silence and then a SWAT truck
will drive into the area. The police believe there is Spank at this
party and they have scheduled a narcotics raid. Just sit and wait calm-
ly while the inevitable shootout takes place. When Maria gets back in
the limo, take off before the cops see you because they will just be
focusing on shooting at the other guests. Take her back to Salvatore's
place safely.

"Cutting The Grass"
Reward = $15,000
A man named Curly Bob that works at Sex Club 7, is believed to be
ratting on the Mafia. You must follow him when he leaves work. You will
be given a Spookmeter when he enters his car. You must stay far enough
away from him so the bar doesn't fill up and he doesn't get spooked and
cancel his meeting. But you also have to stay close to him so you don't
lose him because he won't be marked on the radar. He will park his car
at Portland Harbor and start talking to Miguel and Catalina, the lead-
ers of the Columbian Cartel. He IS giving out secrets! When the meeting
ends, chase him with a weapon in hand and kill him quickly before he
uses his shotgun on you.

"Bomb Da Base, Act I"
The Mafia believes that the Columbian Cartel are producing Spank on
their boat down at Portland Harbor. You must destroy this boat. Head to
8-Ball's place to get the stuff you'll need. This first act ends when
you step in the blue marker in front of his door.

"Bomb Da Base, Act II"
Reward = $150,000
8-Ball will tell you he needs 100,000 bucks to pay for the explosives.
If you've beaten your way up to here, then you already have more than
what you need to pay. So step into the marker again and the money will
be deducted from your total. 8-Ball says he will take care of the bomb-
ing so he gives you a sniper rifle to kill the Cartels on the boat. So
jack a vehicle for the both of you and go down to the harbor. Find a
good spot for sniping and kill all of the Cartels. But be quick! You
must kill them all before 8-Ball gets on the boat to rig it with the
bombs or he will get killed by them. So once all your targets are
finished off, sit back and watch the ending movie. There will be
explosions on various places of the boat and it will sink, ending the

"Last Requests"
Reward = $20,000
Salvatore will congratulate you on your success, but he will add that
you have one more small job to complete. He says that there is a car
parked in an alley with someone's brains splattered inside it. Appar-
ently, the Mafia had some business to conduct with the unfortunate man.
Just like Joey's "Dead Skunk in the Trunk" mission, you must take this
vehicle to the car crusher before law enforcement finds it. But, while
you're searching for this car, something unexpected will happen causing
this mission to be aborted. You will be paged by Maria and she will say
that the car is a trap and to meet her by the river. It turns out that
the car was a Cheetah and you won't have the chance to ride it, but
don't feel down. There will be plenty of them on Staunton Island. Any-
way, meet Maria by the docks and she will be standing by a small motor-
boat called a Reefer. She will explain everything and introduce you to
her long-time friend, Asuka, a Japanese woman that is a leader of the
Yakuza gang. The girls will get on the boat and you must take them to
Staunton Island! Since you now access to this place, the Callahan
Bridge will be repaired. When you reach Asuka's place, Maria will say
they have some things to converse on and she suggests you just cruise
around town. Do as she says and explore this new terrain with its new and
amazing load of cars just waiting to be jacked. Check out your new
hideout as well. This time you have a garage that can store two cars,
but the damn thing's big enough to hold six! Now you are faced with two
options. You can go back to Portland and beat your last two bosses, El
Burro and Marty, or you can start fresh on Staunton and do Asuka's



Reward = $10,000
You are going to race three guys in Cheetahs so get the fastest car in
Portland. It is the Banshee so find it and get to the starting line.
The first person to drive through all the checkpoints around Portland,
wins the race. After the three-second countdown ends and you see the
word "Go" then punch on the gas! The Banshee and the Cheetah are a
close match so you shouldn't have too much trouble if you go as fast as
possible and drive carefully. The guys you are facing are driving like
maniacs while they swerve and ram into each other so just get out of
the way of their crazy antics and do your own thing.

"I Scream, You Scream"
Reward = $6,000
You need to kill some guys that are giving El Burro trouble. First collect
this bomb that he has hidden by following the map. If you got all 100
Taxi fares already, it will be right by the Borgnine Taxi. Get it and
steal Mr. Whoopee's ice cream truck. Park it down by this warehouse in
Atlantic Quays and press L3 to start the jingle. Then get out and your
character will have a remote in his hand. When you see these guys similar
to Mafia men walk up to the truck to order some treats, press Circle to
detonate the bomb and kill them.

"Trial By Fire"
Reward = $10,000
You need to kill some Triads for El Burro. Follow the gun icon on your
map. This is the same icon for Ammunation. Find this alley where there
is a Rumpo or some van parked. Then turn left on the corner up ahead and
you'll find a nice flamethrower waiting for you. Pick it up and you will
have unlimited ammo in it so don't be timid during your killing spree.
You must kill 25 Triads in 2 and a half minutes. This is equivalent to
150 seconds. The Triads are the Chinese men wearing blue pants, blue
T-shirts, and black bandanas. They are also carrying either handguns or
baseball bats. Locate groups of them or just a single man if you feel
lucky and torch them like a madman!

"Big 'N' Veiny"
Reward = $20,000
Some idiot on Spank has stolen a whole bunch of El Burro's XXX porn
magazines. Right outside the lot of El Burro's payphone, you will find a
Rumpo. It's not surprising that you get stuck with a big slug to deal
with during this difficult race. On the road will be stacks of porn that
are hovering inside an orange circle. They were set out as a trail for
you to use to find your target. Follow the long and ridiculously complex
route to Portland Harbor that could have been reached by using some easy
shortcuts. You start out with 25 seconds and each stack of porn collected
gives you an extra second. Make sure you get every single one because
you need all the time available. It took me until my fifth or sixth try
to beat this because of all the drivers in my way. Just a few seconds
wasted can mean a mission failed. When you find the guy, get out and
waste him. Then get back in and take the stash to XXX Mags in the Red
Light District. El Burro will deliver a stack of porn to your hideout
but you can't look at it or anything. That is, unless you stand on top
of it, get the sniper rifle, and zoom in all the way. D'oh! I shouldn't
have said that.


It seems like that, if some player did not look at any GTA3 guides on
the internet or hear about this boss from someone, they probably would
never discover Marty Chonks. It's one of the game's secret bosses that
is difficult to contact. I'll tell you how to reach him if you wanna
do his missions and get 100% completion. Let's say you're just walking
out of Joey's after doing a mission or something. Turn left, run through
traffic, and you'll see a single payphone on the side of a building. This
building is the Bitchin Dog Foods Company and Marty owns it. If the pay-
phone is ringing, walk right into it to start working for Marty. It
will begin ringing at 09:00. The reason I just told you all that is
because he won't page you and the phone won't be marked on the radar.

"The Crook"
Reward = $1,000
Marty's bank manager is draining him of too many dollars. Get Marty's
Perennial and pick up the manager in Chinatown. This was difficult for
me because I had already got the Triads angry and they pulled me out
of the car and beat me to a bloody pulp before the manager even had a
chance to get in. So, if you made that mistake like me, then when you
have him in the car, get outta there FAST. Then take him back to
Bitchin Dog Foods and he will go inside. Marty will kill him with no
problem. The car is now a piece of evidence so take it to Harwood for
a crushing.

"The Thieves"
Reward = $3,000
Marty has hired two thieves to break into his house and steal stuff so
he can collect the homeowners insurance money. But they're threatening
to tell the insurance company if they don't get a cut. Marty tells you
to pick them up in the Red Light District, but it's actually Chinatown.
Take the Sentinel he left you in place of the old Perennial and pick
up the guys. Drop them off and Marty will ice them.

"The Wife"
Reward = $2,000
Marty's wife has been milking him of his money and he wants to ensure
that this problem doesn't continue. This time he left you an Esperanto
so get in it and pick up his wife in the Red Light District. Then take
her back to the company and Marty will conduct his business. Now take
the car to the Portland Docks and drive it into the river. You will
get wasted but the mission will be automatically passed.

"Her Lover"
Reward = $4,000
It turns out Marty's wife was cheating on him. And her lover is some
guy that he owes money to. Pick the guy up and take him back to the
company. This seems like just another one of Marty's usual boring
tasks, but then things take a twist. The two men begin to converse
and, all of a sudden, the lover announces that he is taking over Bitchin
Dog Foods and blows Marty away with a shotgun. If you feel like taking
care of that cold-blooded killer that just annihilated your boss, go
right ahead.

8B: Staunton Island
This is the central business district. This is where all the big busi-
ness takes place in Liberty City and is dominated by the rich, power-
ful, and corporate. During the day the area is bustling with business-
men doing their 9-5 thing: Insider trading, taking bribes, and selling
their grandmothers for ten bucks. At night it is dark, desolate, and
very dangerous.


"Sayonara Salvatore"
Reward = $25,000
Asuka says that before she gives you any real business for her benefit,
she wants you to break all your connections with the Mafia by killing
off their leader, Salvatore. Go back to Portland by crossing the Calla-
han Bridge and track him down. He will be leaving Sex Club 7 with a
whole bunch of Mafia bodyguards. I feel a bit of ashamed for the way I
killed him. I didn't want to take on all of his dangerous guards so I
put in the All Weapons cheat and destroyed every car with the rocket
launcher and Salvatore was in one of them. But if you don't wanna cheat
kill him with the sniper rifle you got during "Bomb Da Base."

"Under Surveillance"
Reward = $15,000
Locate the three green dots that appear on your map when the mission
starts. Each dot represents a small group of Mafia men that have been
doing spying on Staunton Island. You must kill them with any available
firearms you have collected so far. They will shoot at you when you
take out one man so kill them quickly like any normal assassination

"Paparazzi Purge"
Reward = $10,000
Some perverted voyeur has been spying on Asuka and you need to use her
Predator boat to track him down in his own boat and kill him, of
course. This was very hard for me because I had no idea Asuka's boat
had cannons to fire on it plus I got caught in a time of rough waters
the river. So I basically followed him around, staying the same dist-
ance behind him and never catching up. What you must do is fire the
cannons on the Predator by pressing Circle until the man's boat blows
up, taking him with it.

"Payday for Ray"
Reward = $11,000
A cop named Ray that has betrayed the police force without caring,
needs to get paid for his work with Asuka and her business. What really
sucks is that he decides to play a payphone game with you. This game of
his has a strict time limit of three minutes so grab a FAST sportscar
and keep it ready to ride outside Asuka's place. Follow the dot on your
map to find a payphone. The caller will direct you to another phone in
West Belleville Park. The next caller will direct you to a phone in
Liberty Campus. The next caller directs you to South Belleville Park.
Thank God this is the final search! When you get to this phone, the
time limit will disappear and the caller will tell you to meet him in a
restroom somewhere. When you get there you will meet one of your future
bosses, Ray, who bears a striking resemblance to Toni.

"Two-Faced Tanner"
Reward = $20,000
One of the cops in the Yakuza gang is revealed to be an undercover cop,
and Asuka tells you to "make him bleed." Of course we all know what
this means by now. *wink wink* When you find Tanner he will dash out of
this office building, jump in his Esperanto, and take off. Chase him
down but your first ram will give you four stars since he is a cop! Try
to ignore these persistent dickheads and continue to ram Tanner as hard
as you can. I hope you got a car with high durability (such as the
Patriot) but if you got something like the Banshee then you're screwed.
Tanner will bail out soon so kill him using any method. Your wanted
level will disappear when you pass the mission. You are now done with
Asuka. Your next boss is her brother, Kenji, the other leader of the
Yakuza gang.



"Kanbu Bust-Out"
Reward = $30,000
You need to bust one of Kenji's buddies out of jail. Of course you need
a police car to get into the police department but you will have a
wanted level so don't cause any trouble and it will go away. Then go to
8-Ball's new shop he set up in Staunton to rig the car with a bomb.
Find the LCPD and park the car in the blue marker. Press Circle to arm
the bomb, get out, and run a fair distance away. The car will explode,
busting a hole in the wall of the guy's prison cell. The first thing
noticed will be the bizarre bloody finger paintings on the wall but
that's just there to make you understand what you just did by blowing
up the car. The guy will follow you around until you find a car. Just
get the Enforcer that is parked behind you. He will get in with you
and you must take him to a Yakuza dojo safely.

"Grand Theft Auto"
Reward = $25,000
Some man once did Kenji a huge favor so, in order to repay him, he was
asked to steal three fancy cars (A Stinger, Infernus, and a Cheetah)
and bring them to the man in mint condition. But this must be done by
YOU instead of your lazy employer. So locate the dark red dots and jack
the cars. Take them to the pink dot one by one. I have discovered that,
in this mission, it doesn't really matter if you bang up the cars a
little bit while driving them to the garage because the Pay N Spray and
the garage to deliver the cars in are right next to each other. This
was extremely convenient for me. By the way, you also have a time limit
of six minutes so don't dilly-dally.

"Deal Steal"
Reward = $25,000
The Columbian Cartel has become partners with the Yardies to rise
themselves higher above the Yakuzas. Steal a Yardie Lobo in Newport
and pick up this Yakuza member that is going to help you kill off a
group of Cartels in the hospital parking lot. Park in the blue marker
and your friend will get out and start shooting at them. Do the same
and kill the Cartels. You will notice there will one blue arrow
remaining that is not a Cartel. It's a briefcase of money. Pick it up
and take it to the parking lot behind Kenji's casino.

Reward = $10,000
Kenji needs to pick up some protection money and bring it back to him.
Follow the dots and collect the three briefcases. Then drive to this
Yakuza restaurant. The manager will come to the door and declare that
he cannot pay you because a gang looted his business. The gang is in
Portland so go over there and the dot will lead you to Hepburn Heights.
You will find a group of Diablos in the lot with El Burro's payphone.
This is exactly like the previous mission so kill them and collect the
money they were protecting.

"Smack Down"
Reward = minimum of $10,000
There are Yardies all over Staunton that are selling Spank since they
have partnered up with the Columbian Cartel. You must track them down
quickly and kill them before the word spreads and they stop selling
it, resulting in your failure of this mission. Follow the green dots.
You have to kill at least eight of them to pass the mission but you
will get $1,000 for every additional murder.



"Silence the Sneak"
Reward = $30,000
Some guy called McAffrey knows too much about the crime underworld of
Liberty City and could easily reveal everything to the police. If
you're into assassinations, this is right up your alley. Drive to his
apartment building and you'll see one window with a light on. Bomb the
window until McAffrey flees the building in his car. Then blow it up or
pull him out and kill him. If he escapes, then chase him around town,
doing drive-bys on his car.

"Arms Shortage"
Reward = $10,000
The Columbian Cartel have threatened to come and steal weaponry from
Phil's Army Surplus store. You must protect Phil and help him fight the
Cartels in the process. When you get there, Phil allows you to grab any
gun you might need. I just took out groups of them with grenades I had
but, if you don't have these, grab the M16 and fire crazily. These are
the two best methods for quick kills. The rocket launcher works good,
too, but it's not available as of now. After you kill the Cartels that
arrive, turn right on the corner up ahead and blow up the Cartel
Cruisers there. Then kill the last man on the left if you haven't
already. The game will tell you to check on Phil. You will know he's
alive though because you automatically fail the mission if he dies.
He congratulates you and says that you can come and buy any gun you
want for low prices because you saved his business.

"Evidence Dash"
Reward = $10,000
The cops have some embarrassing pictures of an important man in town
and you must protect his reputation by destroying the evidence. First
chase the Bobcat that has the photos and ram it. One photo will fall
out per ram. Drive through it to collect it. You must collect six of
them. Then drop off the evidence in any vehicle around you by simply
getting in and getting out. Then blow up the vehicle outright. The man
who were you protecting, Donald Love, will now be available for work.

"Gone Fishing"
Reward = $15,000
Ray's partner has betrayed him and you must kill off the little weasel.
He is fishing in his boat at Portland Rock near the beach by Salvatore's
mansion. Get the Predator parked at the docks by Asuka's condo and track
him down. It will be a long and boring ride but, once you find him, he
will be easy to destroy. Just use Circle to fire the guns on the boat
and the damage meter will fill up. Watch out for the bombs he's
dropping behind him and this will be a cinch. Once the meter is almost
full, he'll park the boat on the beach and get out. Park yours as well,
get out, and... well, you know the rest.

"Plaster Blaster"
Reward = $15,000
The man you killed in "Silence the Sneak" known as McAffrey is still
alive and Ray is very angry with you. Find the ambulance that he's
in. Once the driver spots you, he will phone the police and you will
have two stars of weight on your shoulders. Continue to ram the car
until McAffrey falls out the back in his full body cast. Bullets
won't damage his cast so use explosives to fill up the damage meter
until he's dead.



Reward = $40,000
Donald needs you to rescue an old oriental gentleman he knows that has
been kidnapped by the Cartels. In order to get through the gate at their
hideout, you need a Cartel Cruiser. To take out one or two of them
easily, go to Phil's Army Surplus store and buy the rocket launcher for
$25,000. You must have Ray's "Arms Shortage" mission completed first
though. Once you enter the Cartel hideout, they'll start shooting. Get
out of the car and move away in case it's already on fire. Take out the
two in front. You can take your time killing the ones in back though
because they won't fire at you since you're too far away. Then go around
the corner and kill the last two guys before they finish you with their
powerful AK-47's. You will notice two garages behind the last guys you
just killed. Walk up to the one on the right and kill the Cartel inside.
Oriental Gentleman will be standing in the back. You have to walk up real
close to him before he'll start following you to get in a vehicle. Just
jack a nearby gangcar and take him back to Donald.

"Waka-Gashira Wipeout"
Reward = $30,000
Donald thinks that starting a gang war is a good business oppertunity
for him. He wants you to jack a Cartel Cruiser and kill Kenji to make
the Yakuzas think that the Cartels are declaring war on them. Once you
have your car, go to the multi-story parking garage. Kenji and his body-
guards will be on the top floor. They'll start shooting so just drive
forward and run down Lisp Boy for making you complete all those damn
annoying missions. Then turn around and jump off the ramp in the corner
for a quick escape. It's also an exciting climax. Once the cops find
out about what you did, you'll get a three-star wanted level. Once you
escape Newport and get out of the Cartel Cruiser, the mission will be

"A Drop In The Ocean"
Reward = $10,000
Donald says a plane is going to pass over the bay and drop some packages
that you need to collect. Don't follow the dark red dot because the boat
it's trying to lead you to is all the way over on the other side of Port-
land. You will be given two minutes to get a boat. Just get the Speeder
at the docks by Asuka's condo. Once the time limit is over, you will
see the plane flying towards you from the west side of Portland. It
will begin dropping the six packages. They are easy to spot because
they have bright lights on them. You will get another star on your
wanted level for every one you pick up, but you can only get five in
Staunton. Once you have them all collected, park the boat so its side
is facing the docks and press Square to jump out easily. The FBI will
be waiting for you on land so get to the Pay N Spray ASAP! Then go back
to Donald's apartment for the next mission. After you beat this mission,
you will gain access to the final district known as Shoreside Vale and
some old bosses will reopen for business.



"Bling-Bling Scramble"
Reward = $1,000 per checkpoint
You should have been paged by this guy after or during your first Asuka
mission. You're going to race three guys around Staunton, tagging
checkpoints along the way. There are fifteen altogether and, whoever
tags the most, wins the race. This is different than "Turismo" because
it racks up each driver's number of tagged checkpoints and the winner
is whoever has the most. Drive to the blue marker and stop in the cen-
ter. Wait for your opponents to arrive. A Cheetah, a Bobcat, and a
Patriot will pull up. When the race begins, race them to the pink dot
and drive through the checkpoint in the road. I had to collect eight
checkpoints before the mission was over so I got $8,000.

"Uzi Rider"
Reward = $10,000
Two of King Courtney's Yardies will pick you up in a Perennial. You
must kill 10 Diablos in Portland. They will give you an Uzi and, as
always, you will do the driving and shooting. So go to Hepburn Heights
(Diablo turf) and start doing drive-bys on them. They are the sus-
picious characters wearing blue sweatshirts, red caps, and carrying
baseball bats. The boys in blue will try to stop you so head on over to
the Pay N Spray if their persistence to catch you gets too over-
whelming. Only drive-by kills count.

"Gangcar Round-Up"
Reward = $10,000
King Courtney wants to add some gang cars to his collection so he can
pose as gang members and stir up trouble. There are three you need to
get. You must deliver them to a garage in Newport in good condition. It
does not have to be in perfect condition like in Kenji's "Grand Theft
Auto" mission, but the game will notify you when you're wrecking it and
this is the time to head on over to the Pay N Spray to fix things. Get
the Yakuza Stinger first. You can either find one driving around or go
to Asuka's place and get the one that's in her parking lot. Then go to
Portland to get the Mafia Sentinel and Diablo Stallion. This mission is
a bit difficult and it takes a while but it's not too horrible.

"Kingdom Come"
Reward = $10,000
Get inside the Esperanto you'll find at a parking lot in Bedford Point.
There is a letter inside it. It says something like: "You've been a
busy boy, but I've been a busy girl. It's time you witnessed the true
power of Spank." It appears from Catalina because the sender addresses
themself a female and she and her gang make boatloads of Spank. All of
a sudden, a van will drive up and a crazy guy will start running tow-
ards you, laughing like a maniac. He has dynamite strapped to his chest
and is high on Spank. You have been betrayed by your boss! The guy will
then blow himself up next to your car. Then more psycho suicide bombers
will begin attacking you from every direction and blowing themselves up
in an effort to take you out. This mission is very difficult if you
don't escape the parking lot in a hurry. You will find four vans that
these bombing druggies keep jumping out of. You must destroy the vans
or these annoying freaks will never stop coming.

8C: Shoreside Vale
Suburban bliss and tranquility Liberty City style. Home to many of
Liberty City's more affluent gangsters, Liberty City's commuter belt is
a patchwork of swimming pools, picket fences, backyards, basketball nets,
street gangs, and five-car garages. It is littered with ostentatious
mansions paid for in blood money protected by high-security guards and
gates to keep out the gangs of bored teenagers looking for something to
do to bring some excitement to their middle class existence. The designer
dogs and the station wagons give a shallow serenity to suburbia but don't
be fooled. Violence and corruption are at the heart of every home.

Note: The first time you are taken to the Shoreside Vale hospital in
Pike Creek, you will get paged by D-Ice, the leader of the Red Jacks.
Follow the orange icon with the squiggly line inside it to reach his
contact point, a payphone in Witchita Gardens.


"Uzi Money"
Reward = $10,000
D-Ice will tell you about a new gang called the Nines that are taking
over the Red Jacks' turf. They copy them exactly in every way except
they wear purple sweatshirts instead of red ones. He wants you to do
drive-bys on 20 Nines in 2 and a half minutes. Like El Burro's "Trial
By Fire" mission, you will have unlimited ammo in your weapon. Just
drive down the street, holding down Circle and switching from L2 to
R2 constantly. Make sure you stay in Witchita Gardens though. I would
recommend getting a bulletproof vehicle before you do this because,
once you kill the first man, you will have the Nines shooting at you.
You will also have the Jacks shooting at you because they will think
you're trying to take them out, too. This mission is very infamous
due to the fact that a dangerous glitch lies within it. This makes it
so none of the Nines will be walking around so you won't be able to
complete the mission. There is no proven way to fix this yet and I got
lucky and didn't encounter this glitch so don't ask me how to get rid
of it if your game file got infected by it.



"Marked Man"
Reward = $20,000
Go to the restroom back at Staunton to complete Ray's first and last
mission for Shoreside Vale. He says that the CIA are trying to end
every Spank business in Liberty so he's one of their targets. Your
job is to get him to his flight so he can escape out of the city. So
you must go to the Francis International Airport, but you cannot use
the Shoreside Lift Bridge because the CIA have agents there that will
blow up the car in seconds with their guns. So use the underground
tunnel behind the Staunton hospital in Rockford. There will be two
intersections you will come across in your drive. Turn left at both of
them and you will come out into the open. Turn left at the first turn
you'll see to go into the airport. You must get him to the airport in
2 minutes and 50 seconds so hurry. Once you get there, Ray will give you
a key to his lockup. You must take the tunnel back to Staunton because
the CIA will still shoot at you if you try the bridge. This time you
must turn right at both intersections obviously. Then go to his lockup
just to the right of the Callahan Bridge. He left you 20 grand, a rocket
launcher, a sniper rifle, an M16, a flamethrower, and a bulletproof
Patriot. Generous guy, eh? Here is something I would recommend. When
the lockup garage opens, DON'T let the Patriot out of your sight.
Collect the guns and jump in it. Make sure you take it to your hideout
also because it shall be very useful in some of your future missions.
The reason I enforce this is because when I first beat this mission
and the lockup opened, I turned around to see if my Banshee that I
arrived in, had disappeared. It was still there so I turned back around
and discovered nothing but air in place of where the Patriot had been.



"Grand Theft Aero"
Reward = $50,000
Just like Ray's mission, you must go back to Staunton to contact Donald
for his last few tasks. He says that the packages he had you collect
earlier were just a decoy. The real package you must get for him is
inside a plane at the Francis International Airport, but the police have
found it and are searching it. Go to the airport and the blip on the
radar will lead you to a specific hangar. There will be Cartels waiting for
you there so pull out a "quick kill" weapon and finish them all. Then
get in the Dodo. The package is gone. Get in the Panlantic van right
outside the hangar and go to the construction site at Fort Staunton in
Staunton Island. Cautiously and slowly make your way around the area and
kill the Cartels around and above you. Unfortunately for you, they will
be armed with AK-47's and shotguns! Keep your M16 and/or sniper rifle at
the ready. Once you kill them all, the game will tell you to take the
elevator to the top of the building. You will find the Cartel leaders,
Miguel and Catalina, up there with your package. Your guy will shoot up
in the air to scare them and then he will hold them at gunpoint. Miguel
will give in and insist on giving you the package. Catalina will angrily
shoot him in the back for thinking such things and jump off the building
to escape. Asuka will arrive and start hitting Miguel with a sword because
she thinks he killed her brother, Kenji. But she doesn't know the truth.
*wink wink* Leave the building and you will find Yakuzas there. Don't worry
because they aren't after you so leave the site and take the package to
Donald. Asuka is now reopened for more work.

"Escort Service"
Reward = $40,000
Here is yet another mission dealing with Donald's infamous package. The
oriental gentleman you rescued in "Liberator" is taking it to Pike Creek
in Shoreside Vale. He is going to use the tunnel instead of the bridge
though. Follow the Securicar he's driving to make sure he gets there
safely. If the damage meter for his truck fills up completely, it will
catch fire. This isn't as easy as most players will anticipate. The
Cartels will intervene and start ramming it. Do drive-bys on their cars
to keep them away from him during the drive.

Reward = $45,000
I think of this as a continuation of the "Escort Service" mission you
just completed. The SWAT team has the oriental gentleman trapped in Pike
Creek with the package. You need to go there and hold them off for three
minutes while he escapes. Get in the Securicar he was driving earlier
and you will get six stars! Luckily, the Army won't arrive. You'll just
have to deal with the SWAT team. But make sure you don't ram into cars
too much because if your damage meter fills up and the vehicle explodes,
you will fail this mission. Lead them away from the warehouse and take a
nice joyride around Shoreside Vale until the time expires. I would also
recommend hiding somewhere so you don't have to put up with their

"Love's Disappearance"
Reward = nothing
Your character will walk into Donald's apartment and look around for him.
Fortunately, he's nowhere to be found and you don't have anymore missions
to complete for him. Then you will see the package that spawned so many
tasks and it's empty. Your guy will look around some more and then leave.


Reward = $35,000
Asuka says that there are three death squads made up of Cartel members
located in Shoreside Vale, that really want to kill you off. You must
lead them all to a trap set up by the Yakuzas. The Cartels are now driving
dark red Sentinels instead of their usual Cartel Cruisers. The radar will
lead you to them and, when the blip changes colors, that means that the
squad has spotted you. They will give chase and you must lead them to the
trap in Pike Creek. If you find an entrance, but can't right on top of
the blip, then you're in the wrong entrance. Go around the other side of
the building and drive into the other entrance where you will find Yakuza
members, armed with some very powerful weapons. Go straight and turn right
to hide in the corner. Let the Yakuzas take care of the Cartels because
you will fail if you try to defeat them yourself. Once the gunshots cease,
then you will know that they have killed the death squad. Use this same
procedure for the last two squads.

Additional Missions are the other tasks to be completed besides the main
game missions. You must beat these to get 100%.

You must first jack one of the four emergency vehicles to begin one of
these missions. The four are the Ambulance, the Firetruck, the Police Car,
and the Taxi. The Enforcer, FBI Car, and Rhino also fall under the category
of law enforcement vehicles but they will all trigger a Vigilante mission
no matter what. To begin an Emergency Vehicle Mission while you're in one,
get your finger on the right Analog stick and push down on it like a button
instead of moving it around like you normally do. When you've had enough of
a mission, press it again to turn off "Emergency Vehicle Mode."

9A: Firefighter
Obviously, you must have a firetruck before you begin one of these. When
you notice a blip on your radar, start searching for the flaming vehicle.
When you spot it and you're in good range, press Circle to turn on the hose
and spray water. The fire should be put out in a second or two flat.

9B: Paramedic
Jump in an ambulance and press R3 to begin one of these. The hospitals in
the three different districts are in Portland View, Rockford, and Pike Creek.
This could be reasonably considered as the most difficult of the four
Emergency Vehicle Missions. You must locate a wounded pedestrian, let them
hop in the back of your ambulance, and drop them off at the local hospital.
If you keep the ambulance in good shape and continue to play without can-
celling the mission, you will have to pick up more and more people in one
trip. That's when things become quite difficult. Add on top of that that
the ambulance has the worst handling of any vehicle in the game, and you
will be trying to avoid Paramedic at all costs until you get used to it.

9C: Taxi
Now don't email me saying you can't start these missions because you can't
find a Taxi or Cabbie. If you do, I will disregard it and send it directly
to the trash can on my Hotmail account. But, honestly, people, these cars
are driving all over. You see them almost every time you glance in another
direction. When you start one of these missions, your radar will lead you
to a person that needs a ride to somewhere in the district. After you drop
off 100 people, you will be rewarded with the rare Borgnine Taxi. Its color
is a dull red (sort of like magenta) and its location is in Portland. Here's
how to reach it from your Portland hideout. Walk outside, turn right, and
skip the first turn. Then go down the road that curves to the right until
you come to a turn. Turn left and cross the small bridge. When you get off
it, there should be a building to your right. The Borgnine will be parked
off to the side of it.

9D: Vigilante
If you get any kind of law enforcement vehicle and press R3 while you're in
it, you will automatically be in their position. The radar will help you
hunt down criminals while they're in the middle of making a swift getaway
from justice. What makes this kind of EV Mission hard is because no matter
what vehicle the criminal is driving, they all speed down the street like
sportscars. Once you get them in a good spot, ram them mercilessly until
they're off the road or backed into a corner. Most drivers will bail out with
a weapon in hand and begin gunning down everyone around them, including you.
It's then that you will have the oppertunity to kill them and beat the
mission. If your target is driving a fast car like a Cheetah, then you will
be surprised how long these missions can take. Yes, you also have a time
limit but it's usually a reasonable one that is easy to cope with unless
you have someone stubborn on your hands.

I have included what I think are the important details about the gangs of
Liberty City.

Leader: Salvatore Leone
Car: Mafia Sentinel
Weapons: Handgun, Shotgun
Clothing: Tuxedos
Turf: Portland/Saint Marks

Leader: Mr. Wong???
Car: Triad Fish Van
Weapons: Handgun, Baseball Bat
Clothing: Blue T-shirts, matching jeans, and black bandanas
Turf: Portland/Chinatown

Leader: El Burro
Car: Diablo Stallion
Weapons: Baseball Bat
Clothing: Jeans, red and blue bandanas
Turf: Portland/Hepburn Heights

Leaders: Asuka and Kenji
Car: Yakuza Stinger
Weapons: Handgun, Uzi
Clothing: Business suits similar to tuxedos
Turf: Staunton/Torrington

Leader: King Courtney
Car: Yardie Lobo
Weapons: Handgun, Baseball Bat
Clothing: Tan pants, tan vests, and black headbands
Turf: Staunton/Newport

Leaders: Catalina and Miguel
Car: Cartel Cruiser
Weapons: Uzi, AK-47
Clothing: 10-gallon hats, Hawaiian T-shirts, jeans, cowboy boots
Turf: Staunton/Fort Staunton, Shoreside Vale/Cedar Grove

Leader: D-Ice
Car: Hoods Rumpo XL
Weapons: Handgun, Uzi
Clothing: Black long-sleeved sweatshirts with red covering most of it, black cap, pants
Turf: Shoreside Vale/Witchita Gardens

Leader: ???
Car: Hoods Rumpo XL
Weapons: Handgun, Uzi
Clothing: Black long-sleeved sweatshirts with purple covering most of it, black cap, pants
Turf: Shoreside Vale/Witchita Gardens

This section contains various little tips, tricks, etc. about GTA3 that
will either give you an advantage during gameplay or be completely use-

I discovered this when I was just messing around without playing any
missions. This is not tricky at all and anybody could just sit down and
easily think it up. Use Square to jump on top of any vehicle that can
be jumped onto, of course. I recommend the Bobcat since it is a pick-
up truck. Stand in front of it and face the driver. Then jump onto it
and walk right down into the back of it. Then pull out all your weapons
and shoot innocent pedestrians or gang members while the person behind
the wheel drives wherever they want. When you get a wanted level of two
or more, most drivers will start swerving around like maniacs in an
effort to throw you off and save themselves from the police. This is
pretty fun and, unlike a normal drive-by with the Uzi, you don't have
to concentrate on the road. Someone else is already doing that for you.
If you jump onto a car with a regular design though, then you best make
sure you don't slip off.

Are you getting sick of the Career Missions? Do you wish you could gain
access to the other districts early? Well I just happen to have an easy
trick here that works. If you want to go from Portland to Staunton
Island early, here's how. Put in the Flying Car cheat, which is Right
R2 Circle R1 L2 Down L1 R1. Get a normal car with average speed. I
would recommend something like the Kuruma. But not something like the
Coach, Mule, Pony, Rumpo, or any kind of van or big heavy vehicle.
Start at the end of the bridge and drive straight while gradually gain-
ing speed. Soon the car will hover about two feet off the ground. DO
NOT use the left and right arrow keys at this time. Your car will jerk
to the side, do a barrel roll or two, and crash. Even if you aren't
straight, just keep driving. Your car will fly across the gap and land
on the other side instead of going down into the river. If you did it
right, your car will make a perfect landing as if it was just driving
on the road normally the whole time. You have successfully reached
Staunton Island! If you wanna cross the curving Shoreside Lift Bridge
and go to Shoreside Vale, use this same method but you must change it a
bit to make it work. Put in the Flying Car cheat again if you turned it
off. The bridge is thick and, if you fly straight across, you'll crash
into it and fall. When you're in the air and about three quarters of
the way there, hold down Up so your car will fly up and onto it. You
might make a rough and crazy landing, but that's okay. As long as you
get to Shoreside Vale, right? On a final note, you cannot start work in
these districts until you finish Portland or gain access to them
through a mission. Below is an alternate way to reach the final district.
Get into the Speeder and go north. At the first part of the shoreline
that begins to get short in height (comparatively), ram the boat
straight into the shore. The boat will pierce the yet unopened tunnel
connecting Staunton with Shoreside Vale and you'll find yourself on
the Shoreside side.

Submitted by: Matt Haws

This is the most popular of all GTA3 tricks available. You can pick up
the hookers in any vehicle except a big strong truck like a Yankee. No
emergency vehicle will work either. If you get a fancy sportscar, then
they will definitely get in. Find a hooker walking the streets. They
only look two different ways. They will be either a girl with blonde
hair that's pulled back in a ponytail and has a short skirt on OR a
black girl with a pink outfit, short skirt, and an afro. Once they get
in take the car to a place nobody passes through. I normally just go
into an offroad area with trees all around. A few alleyways work good,
too. Then bring the car to a complete stop and watch the magic begin.
The car will proceed to rock back and forth and a dollar will be taken
away from your money total every second. If your health is at 100, one
session with the hooker will bring it up to 125. If you are wounded, it
will take it up to 100. In my opinion, these girls are way too ex-
pensive so after they are done healing me I just jump out of the car,
kill them, and get a full refund.

This car is about as rare as Mr. Whoopee and just about as difficult to
obtain. It's got a nice purr like the Diablo Stallion, it's fast, it's
got good handling, and its design is amazing. Here is how to get it.
You must already have Asuka's "Sayonara Salvatore" mission completed to
get this car for some reason. Then go to Portland and stand in the lot
where El Burro's payphone is in Hepburn Heights. The BF Injection will
appear at 19:00 and stop appearing when the clock resets down to 00:00.
It will be sitting a little off to the right of the door that Misty
walked out of during Luigi's "Drive Misty For Me" mission. The car will
change colors every time if you keep on coming back to Portland just
to see it appear again. It will be equipped with an alarm so wait until
it stops ringing and then jack it. If it's your style, take it back to
your Staunton or Shoreside hideout to keep. It can absorb a little more
damage than the Patriot can. If you want it, make sure you get it before
you complete King Courtney's "Uzi Rider" mission because you piss off
the Diablos in that mission and this car will appear on their turf.


Thanks to:

- my family for giving me jobs to earn money for my PS2
- my mom for buying me my PS2 before I even earned all the money :)
- me for buying this game with the money I earned
- Rockstar Games and DMA Design for creating this masterpiece
- Nathan Norris for his walkthrough that helped me beat much of this game

Please do not send me any emails that:

- have poor grammar
- do not specify what you're asking or talking about in the subject
- are completely pointless or stupid
- are written in any other language besides English
- are blank
- contain a question(s) that has already been answered in the guide

Anything else you might be asking or submitting is fine. In the subject line,
put in the name of the section if you're submitting something.

The only purpose of this guide is to give you useful information about the
video game within it. You may print it out and give it to your friends or
something, but keep it innocent by leaving money out of the situation unless
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this guide in any way, shape, or form. If you are contemplating doing something
with this guide that might be considered illegal, I insist you ask me now matter
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