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This document created by Brett Lacoursiere (
Thanks to Nathan Norris for the ASCII art.

Table Of Contents
1: Introduction
2: Updates
3: What to E-mail
4: Controls
-On Foot
-In Car
5: Strategies
5A – Getting Busted/Wasted
5B - Shops
-Pay and Spray
-8 Ball's Bomb Shop
5C - Hideouts
5D - Items
-Police Bribe
-Rampage Icon
-Hidden Packages
-Adrenaline Pills
5E - Weapons
-Baseball Bat
-Sniper Rifle
-Rocket Launcher
-Molotov Cocktails
5F – Cars and Boats
-When To Get Out
-Where Do I Find Different Cars and Boats?
-Bullet Proof Cars
-Car Radio
-Rhyno Tank
5G – Telling Time
6: Story Missions
6A - Portland
6B - Staunton Island
-Ray Machowski
-Donald Love
6C - Shoreside Vale
-Ray Machowski
-Donald Love
7: Optional Missions
7A – Portland
-Marty Chonks
-El Burro
7B – Staunton
-King Courtney
7C – Shoreside Vale
8: Vigilante Missions
8A – Police Car/FBI Car/Rhino/Enforcer
8B – Ambulance
8C – Firetruck
8D – Taxi
9: Miscellaneous Secrets
10: Glitches
11: Weapon Locations
12: Garages and Crane
12A – Import/Export Garage Portland
12B – Emergency Vehicle Crane Portland
12C – Import/Export Garage Shoreside Vale
13: Stories
14: Cheats
15: Stuff
16: Credits
17: Copyright

1: Introduction
Long have I craved the chance to be able to do almost anything, and that freedom is granted by Rockstar games and DMA design. Have you ever wanted to drive your car down the street, pick up fares in a taxi, or hunt and kill criminals as a cop? Well now you can, thanks to Grand Theft Auto 3. In this game you can do almost anything you want in 3D now, so everything looks better than all the old Grand Theft Auto’s. The amazingness of this game is incredible, so enjoy it until Grand Theft Auto Four comes out. Then we will be even more amazed at the game. Especially since according to rumors in an EGM mag I just got, it will be completely online and you can make your own gangs. Pretty sweet except the havoc will be on a massive scale. It’s also supposed to take place in a real US city this time.

2: Updates

This is the section where I tell about updates. Sometimes an update will be so small I will not even write about it. Some things to look for in the future are:
-A unique jump location part (I’m working on it a bit)
-Maybe a rampage location (or not)
Some things I would like to add but never will are:
-Hidden package locations
-Car guide
-Other lists like unique jump or rampage (yes I know)
By the way all times are PM unless they say AM. The first two are messed up for dates but I don’t really care.

January 23(02)
Version 1.0
I'm going to try and get everything done this version, but I'll probably miss something or add something so this might not be the last version. I'll also probably add some reader submissions and other stuff.

January 26(02)
Version 1.0 Completion
I am finally complete I think. Oh well lets go post it.

February 17(02)
Version 1.1
I just made a little update, a couple new weapon/item locations. Still gotta post (I’m lazy). I also put in the standoffs part of the secrets.

February 19(02)
Just a little mini update. Nothing worth making a new version for. Finished controls section and added a bit of other stuff. Looking at other GTA3 Faqs I have and seeing how much pages they have, I have decided to request a little help. I have forty pages while other faqs have about 88 is the least. Ummm, please help me.

February 20(02)5 5:00 I think.
Version 1.2
Medium update this time. I made there be a car section in the strategies, added a bit to missions, and other small stuff like more locations to fight the police.

February 20(02) 9:00
From now on I am going to put down time of update. This is mountain time if you are wondering. Nothing really here, just a bit more information on stuff. This is an obsessive game and faq. I’m going to go figure out more weapon locations and places to fight the so cya.

February 21(02) 5:30
Hey just another little update. Just added a bit on a couple sections. I don’t need help unless someone would feel like making up a list of cars and stuff for them. That takes too much work.

February 22(02) 4:30
Version 1.3
I added a new way to beat paparazzi purge and marked man. I also added a credits section, confirmed that the subway cheat thing is a hoax, added a time telling section, bullet proof cars section, and radio section. Big update. Also fixed up a bit of stuff.

February 24 (02)
Added stuff section, stuff to look for at the start of this section, glitch, and some corrections. Don’t feel like making a new version.

February 27 (02) 9:30
Updated The Exchange mission and some other small stuff. Way to get Rhyno.

March 9 (02) 11:00
I started at about 10:00 yesterday but then my brother played for a bout 14 hours. I just added some reader submissions and fixed the bomb shop section up and other stuff up a bit.

3: What to E-mail

-E-mail me about how good my faq is.
-E-mail me submissions.
-E-mail me about mistakes in my faq.
-E-mail me about stuff I should add to my faq.
-E-mail me a question that cannot be found in the current faq.
-Be Specific

-Don't swear too much. I don't really mind it but...
-Spell real bad like “I cnt fnd an aner 2 1 prob hlp e plz thx”.
-Ask me to be your friend (loner).
-E-mail me about how to beat a mission. Just read my faq.
-E-mail me in a different language. I can't read it and won’t try.
-Send me annoying stuff.
If you want a specific name to be called in the faq, put it at the bottom, otherwise I will use the sender name.

I am sometimes on MSN if you need me. PLEASE do not email me in all pretty colors and big fonts and other unnecessary crap. This is just an annoyance when I try to copy it onto my faq. If it is just a question it is fine. Otherwise I need to change all the stuff and please do not use tab because then I will just have to delete it.

4: Controls
On Foot
Triangle – Steal car
Circle - Shoot
Square - Jump
X - Hold to run while using fists, pistol, or uzi
R2 - Switch weapons forward
R1 - Target
L2 - Switch weapons backward
L1 - Look Forward

In Car
Triangle – Get out (when stopped)
Square - Brake, backup
Circle - Use in conjunction with L2 or R2 for drivebys, or car weapon
X - Go faster
L1 - Change Radio
L2 - Side view, driveby
L3 - Tap for sirens, hold for horn (or different sirens)
R1 - Handbrake
R2 - Side view, driveby
R3 - Missions in firetruck, police car, ambulance, or taxi

5: Strategies

5A – Getting Busted/Wasted

Getting busted is just one of the two ways you can be eliminated in Liberty City. Getting busted requires having one or more star on you, and having the cops beat you to the ground or bust you in your car. You can achieve five stars on the second island, and six on the third. On the first you can only get four stars. Getting busted is fairly easy to do if you do not have a car or if you are driving too slow. This is a list of what stars do to you.

1 star – Not really much cops. One cop per car, they only shoot you if you stand on the roof of a car, otherwise they will bust you and punch you to the ground.

2 stars – The police will shoot at you whenever possible and there will be two cops per car. The police are also more persistent and tougher.

3 stars – There is now more cops that are tougher and more persistent. There is a helicopter that doesn’t do much.

4 stars – There is a SWAT van and the helicopter now shoots at you. The police are more tough and persistent. The SWAT vans will try to make roadblocks.

5 stars – The FBI is now after you. There are four agents per car each with AK-47’s and their cars are very fast. They are very tough and persistent. There are roadblocks.

6 stars – The army is now after you and they have tanks and huge trucks that are very persistent and tough. The army men have grenades and M16’s, which can kill you or your car very fast. You are in trouble. Find a good place to bunker up or you are dead.

Here are some good ways to get wanted:
-Target a cop. 2 stars.
-Shoot at/near a cop or cop car. 1 star.
-Hurt a cop. 1 star.
-Kill a cop. 2 stars.
-Beat a body with a bat/fists near cop/car. 1 star.
-Kill a person near a cop. 1 star.
-Jack a car near a cop/car. 1 star.
-Get a cop car in parking lot near cop/car. 1 star.
-Hit a cop car. 1 star.

Getting Wasted
This is the other way to get knocked off in Liberty City. You can get wasted when your health goes to 0, armor doesn’t matter. Easy ways to die are getting shot, drowning, being in or near a car when it explodes, or getting ran over. Armor helps to protect from getting shot, car explosions from a distance, falling, or when you get punched or kicked by another civilian or a cop.

5B - Shops

There are many shops in Liberty City to satisfy your needs, like the following:


This is a shop that you pay one thousand dollars to repair your car and lose your wanted level. If you want a new color after respraying, just drive back in. In Portland, it is near Luigi’s club, just down the street and around the corner. In Staunton it is near the bomb shop behind the parking garage in Newport. In Shoreside Vale, it is near the bomb shop down the street from the police station.

- Ammu-Nation

This is a shop that sells guns to satisfy all your needs. There is one in both the first two islands, but not one on the third. On the third though, behind the police station there is a place where you can buy a flamethrower and molotov cocktails in a garage. Flamethrower for 25k and cocktails for fifteen hundred dollars. In Portland this is located straight from Luigi’s through a tunnel and you will come out and see it. It is pretty easy to find. In Staunton this is near Asuka’s condo, on one of the streets on the ledge above the place.

- 8 Ball's Bomb Shop

If you drive into the garage with the 8 Ball above it, 8 Ball will gladly rig your car with a bomb for the mere cost of one thousand dollars. This does not repair your car, so try not to take a junk car and get it rigged because then you will have to drive carefully. Each bomb shop on each island gives out different kinds of bombs. They are:

The Portland bombshop will provide you with ignition bombs. These do not explode until you arm the bomb with the Circle button and get out of the car and someone or you gets back in the car. Pointless. This bombshop is located by Easy Credit Autos in St. Marks district.

The Staunton island bomb shop will give you timed bombs, which will explode after a set amount of time. Arm with Circle button. The bomb shop is near the pay and spray behind the parking garage in Newport.

The Shoreside Vale bomb shop will give out detonating bombs, which will detonate after you arm them with the circle button and get out, cycle through your weapons, and find the detonator. Run to a safe distance and hit the Circle button again to blow up your car. This is located down the street from the police station, heading into the middle of the island, it is the walled in area. You can see pay and spray on one side of the wall of a building. It is in Pike Creek.

5C - Hideouts

In each district, you will get a different map. You can locate these on your radar(it’s a green arrow thing) or the map that comes with the game. In the garage, if you put a car in there and let the door close and reopen, it will be repaired. You can also save your game here if you go in the door or elevator you will get the option to save your game.

5D - Items

These just look like a heart. They restore one hundred health up to a maximum of one hundred armor.

This restores all health up to a maximum of one hundred and it restores all armor to a maximum of one hundred. These look like a green shield.

Police Bribe
These take your wanted level down one star and they look like gold shields.

Rampage Icon
These give you an objective like blow up a certain amount of cars or kill a certain amount of people. They look like skulls.

Hidden Packages
These look like normal packages. Each one you find adds one thousand dollars to you cash reserves. If you want locations go to and look at Inobles hidden packages faq. I might add locations later but not now. Here are the rewards for finding them.

50-Body Armor
60-Molotov Cocktail
80-Sniper Rifle
100-Rocket Launcher

All of these recharge so don’t worry about using them and then them not being there. If you park a car in your garage and run out they will have recharged again, so you don’t have to wait for them. Or just touch the back wall of the garage.

Adrenaline Pills
These pills slow down time and also make you extremely strong so you can punch and kick people twenty feet. Don’t get on the train or it will go forever, and if you get in a car the effect wears off immediately. This looks like a pill of course. It is very fun to play around with and kick people off ledges or into cars. Try it!

5E - Weapons
This isn’t really an option when fighting gangsters with guns up close. It does small damage and doesn’t work well.

Baseball Bat
This is a good weapon as it does not attract police attention unless they are nearby and can kill a person in about two hits. It is close range though.

This is a small weapon, most likely your first one to get. It is a step closer to power, although still not that great. You can run with it too. This is the most common weapon for gangs to have with them.

The best weapon in the game, you can run while firing and use the uzi for driveby shootings. It is rapid fire and does ok damage, better than the handgun and baseball bat and fists. This is a common weapon for gangs to use later in the game.

This is a good weapon, effective at close and sometimes medium range. The shotgun can kill in one shot, and the spray can kill others nearby. When used at a distance, the bullets spread, making the shotgun inefficient.

This is a fairly good weapon and can be found early in the game. It is rapid fire and does good damage.

This is a better weapon than the rocket launcher at medium to close range, as it can be used to easily kill people and cars, and you won’t get splash damage from the explosion unless you’re near the car.

Sniper Rifle
This weapon is good for what it is named for, sniping. It is effective at all ranges, and has impeccable accuracy. At long range, the bullets will take a second to reach the target, but if you aim a little ahead of the target, you should be fine.

This is a good close range weapon, just be sure none of the people on fire touch you or you will light up too. It is also good for torching cars and tanks. Also, don’t walk over flaming dead bodies or you will light on fire too. Fire takes away health and armor, whichever you currently have, constantly, and can really suck.

Rocket Launcher
This is an effective weapon at killing groups of people or cars at medium to long range. Make sure you don’t shoot to close to yourself. If you shot the rocket and doesn’t hit a target after a couple seconds, it will just explode.

Good for blowing up a car that is stopped. They give you a short amount of time to get away. Good for stuff like the Rocket Launcher is. The grenade will sometimes hit an invisible wall though, so you will have to run for it or get blown up.

Molotov Cocktails
These are good at torching cars and people, just make sure you hold the button long enough or it will explode in front of you. These are good for blowing up tanks and people in a tight group. Just make sure the people don’t touch you or you will light on fire also.

5F – Cars and Boats

Where Do I Find Different Cars and Boats?

This can easily be accomplished by going to the different islands and seeing what cars pass by. The Linerunner can only be found in Portland for example. Also, nice cars are more likely to be found in Shoreside than in Portland, where trucks, vans, and station wagons are normal. Different boats can be found at different docks.

When Should I Get Out?

When the car is spraying gray smoke, that means the car is lightly damaged. Don’t worry too much. When the car is smoking black smoke, that means that you should probably look for a new car, but this car can still take some damage. When you see flames on your car, GET OUT. The car will soon explode killing anyone in it and hurting nearby people and cars. Also if the car is flipped and it won’t go back up anytime soon, get out. The car will light on fire if it is on it’s side for too long.

Bullet Proof Cars

There are bullet proof cars that can be gained throughout the missions in the game. There are many of them, and here’s how to get one for yourself:
-To earn a BP Patriot, complete Marked Man by Ray Machowski

Car Radio

If you get in a car, there will automatically be a radio station playing. The different gangs of Liberty City like different stations, and normal citizens are on a random station. Here is a list of stations and stuff that has to do with them. Since I don’t know the names of any of the songs, I’ll just list the DJ’s. The only song names I recognize are from flashback FM.

Head Radio
DJ: Russ Mottla as Michael Hunt

Double Cleff FM
DJ: Gerry Cosgrove as Morgan Merryweather

DJ: Horace “the pacifist” Walsh

Rise FM
DJ: Andre as Andre the Accelrator

DJ: Shelley Miller as Andee

Game FM
DJ: Stretch Armstrong and Lord Sear as themselves

DJ: Timecode

Flashback FM
DJ: Maria Chambers as Toni
NOTE: All the songs are from the movie Scarface copyright 1984.

Chatterbox FM
DJ: Lazlow as himself

All commercials written by Dan Houser and Lazlow
Produced by Lazlow

You can listen to nothing if you want to. But why?

Rhyno Tank

This location is one of the easiest way to get the Rhino, get a unique jump and is a decent sniper location. It is the area called Atlantic Quays. There is a row of warehouses on the south end of Portland. On the east side of those warehouses is a ramp. Drive down to the end of the pier, turn around and hit the accelerator. You will have to do a small right turn to hit the ramp just right. After you go through the cinematic camera angle and land on the roof, get out of the car and head west to the end of the building (you would be heading towards the Triad fish factory). Get the sniper rifle out and start knocking off people. To keep the people moving, i.e.-new targets, release R1 button occasionally. Soon the police will be coming after you. Don't stand to close to the edge, and use the overhead view to get the soldiers that come out of the Rhinos. Once you have taken care of them, simply drop down and get in.

You have to clear the first building in order to get the unique jump credit, it is best to do it in a stinger.

Of course you know this, but I didn't find it in you faq's, the rhino looses speed when the turret is in front and fired and will actually drive faster when the turret is in back and fired
-Submitted By Charles McNickel

Telling Time

If you look in the corner of the screen, you will see four numbers. This is the current game time, although it may not look like time because it has 15:39 for example. This is simply because it is army time, so it would be 3:39 in the afternoon. And that is how you tell time.

6 – Story Missions
These are the missions you need to complete to unlock the three islands and move on. At first you can watch a movie or just skip to playing, but the first mission starts as soon as 8 Ball gets in the car.

6A - Portland – Industrial District

These are the missions you will encounter in Portland

Give Me Liberty

REWARD – A new crime boss, A new hideout

This is just a simple mission that teaches you the basics. Start out by getting in the Kuruma with 8 Ball and driving down the bridge towards the pink dot. Don’t worry about the police, they are too busy dealing with the bridge, so I suggest if you see a Triad, run him over and steal his weapon. This will get you a pistol and a baseball bat, and you won’t have any cops on you.

When you are at the pink dot, 8 Ball will run inside and you will follow after him, coming out in normal street clothes. Grab the baseball if you don’t have one, and head to the new pink dot around the corner. It’s Luigi’s Sex Club 7, and 8 Ball will introduce you to Luigi. Luigi then gives you your first real mission.


Now the mob bosses first letter of their name will be displayed on their radar so you can find them easier. Their jobs will be listed under their names


You can find Luigi from now on at the sex club 7, where he will give you new jobs until he runs out.

Luigi’s Girl

REWARD – $1,500

This is another very simple mission. Just grab the Kuruma if it is still in ok condition. If not, just grab another car. Head to the pink dot, which turns out to be at the hospital, stop your car and let Misty get in. Check to see if a police car or two is unlocked, if so just take it and get the shotgun shells. After, just head back to the pink dot (Sex Club 7) and drop Misty off. Easy huh?

Don’t Spank Ma Bitch Up

REWARD - $4,000

Yet another easy mission Luigi gives to you. It turns out someone has been selling spank to Luigi’s girls and you have to take care of him. Grab the baseball bat across the street if you don’t have one if you died for some reason or didn’t get it at the start at your hideout like I told you to. Just get a car, use the Kuruma if you still have it and it is in ok condition, and drive to the pink dots. It’s near the docks, so drive through the gate and you’ll see a guy with a blue arrow above him. You don’t have to get out like the game says, just run him over, and it doesn’t matter if you hit the girls or not. Get in his car and drive to the new pink dot. It’s the pay and spray, so drive in. This time it is free, so just drive away in the car and head to the lockup across from the hospital. Get out of the car and walk out of the garage. Mission Complete.

Drive Misty For Me

REWARD - $1,000, new crime boss

This is the last really easy mission Luigi gives you. Just grab a car and head to the pink dot. Stop in the blue circle and honk your horn. Misty will come out and get in your car. She tells you she wants to go to Joey’s place, so follow the dot. Head there and stop in the blue circle. After the cinematic, Joey will start providing jobs for you, marked with a J, but finish off Luigi’s first. If you want, while Misty is with you, she will help you fight, just don’t let her die or you fail the mission automatically.

Pump Action Pimp

REWARD - $4,000, handgun becomes available at Ammu-Nation

This is an ok mission. Luigi tells you to head out back of Ammu-Nation to get a piece. Follow the gun icon on your radar to find Ammu-Nation. Head inside and the owner tells you to go out back. There is a pistol with thirteen bullets and targets to shoot at out back, just don’t waste all your ammo pointlessly shooting the targets. When you’re done, follow the dot in a car. It is moving because the pimp you are supposed to kill is inside a Diablos car. Find the car and either ram it or steal it, and then either shoot the pimp for more of a challenge since he has a shotgun, or you can just run him over. It’s up to you. There are dangers for each way that you must watch out for. If you run him over, make sure he doesn’t blow up your car, or his car when your near it on foot or in a car. When shooting/beating him, watch out because he has a shotgun, so make sure he doesn’t shoot you. There is also a Diablos gang member in the car, but he’s not a threat. All he has is a baseball bat or pistol or something harmless like that. An uzi at most. When the pimp is dead you will collect your reward. You can also take his shotgun for the ammo.

The Fuzz Ball

REWARD - $2,000-$4,000

This isn’t that hard of a mission, all you have to do is get four of the hookers to the ball to complete the mission, but for motivation every additional one gives you and extra five hundred dollars. Not much but at least it’s something. Pick up the hookers and deliver them to the ball by stopping in the blue circle. This is another easy mission by Luigi, who you are now finished with.


You should now start taking missions from Joey, the big J on your radar. When you take missions from Joey, the phone nearby will ring from 9:00-something like 5:00. It is Marty Chonks, the Bitchin’ Dog Food factory owner. Get these by going to the phone booth across the street from where you get Joey’s missions from. Joey’s missions have a time you have to take them from, but I forget. Only at like 1AM to about 9AM you can’t take them. Email me what they are please.

Mike Lips Last Lunch

REWARD – $10,000

This is an easy first mission, even though it is the first mission with a time limit, the time limit is very high. Just grab any car and head up to Marco’s Bistro, and grab Mike’s car. MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT GET IN VERY MUCH ACCIDENTS OR YOU WILL HAVE TO REPAIR THE CAR. When you get to 8 Ball’s, drive in the garage and the car will get fitted with a bomb. Drive back to the diner, indicated by the dot on your radar. Park the car back in the same space you found it, making sure it is a relatively nice parking job, and arm the bomb with the circle button. Run around the corner and Mike will come out of the diner. He will start his car, igniting the bomb and making him explode. Well done.

Farewell Chunky Lee Chong

REWARD - $10,000

This is one of my favorite missions. There are many ways to do this mission. If you notice, Chunky has two escape cars, the one he runs to will depend on which way you attack from. There are also Triads with Uzi’s and baseball bats that can make it get ugly. Here’s how to do the mission.

Chunky has cover behind his noodle stand, so run at him, ignoring the triads. Chase him and shoot at him as he’s running to his car, and he’ll hopefully die before he can get there. The most useful weapon for this mission is the uzi, since you can run while shooting, and it does more damage than the handgun, the only other weapon you can run and shoot at the same time. If you don’t catch him, I find he blows up his car quickly, and then it’s quite funny to see a fat chef running down the sidewalk getting chased by a car.

You can also get molotov cocktails from the bums in the tunnel by 8 Ball’s bomb shop and blow up his stand, taking out him and his bodygaurds. This is the best way, just make sure to get the right angle so you can easily throw them and kill him.

You can also rig his car with a bomb and park it where you found it and then attack from the right angle (he has two cars, whichever one he runs to is triggered by the angle you attack from) so he will run and ignite the bomb. This method is money costing and time wasting to me.

Van Heist

REWARD - $20,000, a new boss, securicar cracking garage is available

For this mission get a car that can take some damage like a hummer or a van or a bus. Follow the dot to find the money truck, and start ramming it. You will see a little damage meter, when it fills up, the driver bails and you can get the truck. Try to head on the truck, then finish it off. Once you’re inside, take it to the blip which is the docks, park in the blue circle, and drive into the garage and walk back out. This is easy.
The new boss is El Burro, who’s first mission is a racing one that takes you all over Portland. Get this done soon or now, as (spoiler) when you come back everyone is shooting at you and the mafia has shotguns (end spoiler) which makes the mission very hard unless you have the bullet proof car.

Cipriani’s Chauffer

REWARD - $3,000, new boss, uzi available at Ammu-Nation

This is yet another easy mission, you just have to take Toni to a laundry place and then to his restaurant. You get a Mafia Sentinel for this mission. Follow the dot into Chinatown and to the laundromat, where Toni gets out and goes inside. He runs back out and tells you he was setup and to get out of here. Some triads will run out of the laundry store, but just ignore them and their wuss pistols. Head to the new blip, which is his restaurant, where you will drop him off and get a mission complete. A big T is now on your radar, indicating you can now take missions from Toni.

Dead Skunk In The Trunk

REWARD - $10,000

This is my favorite mission. You have to get a car with a dead body in the back and drive it to the crushers. Follow the pink dot, which takes you to a restaurant on the other side of town as 8 Ball’s autoyard. You will see a car with a blue arrow over top of it, get in it and it will say that the Forelli brothers were waiting for you. Make a quick getaway from them and head towards the blip. If your rear gets bumped you see the body in the back, which is quite cool. If that doesn’t happen you will just have to be happy with the blood running down the back of the car. I went between the subway and the building by the ramp, and one of the Forelli brothers ramped his car off it, which then flipped his car I think because I never saw him again. I didn’t see them for the rest of the mission, except when I was at the crushers, I ran up the slide looking thing to escape from them the odd time they actually follow me down there and try to kill me, and I saw one of them circling on the road. I completed the mission and it was as easy as that.

The Getaway

REWARD – $30,000

This is a pretty boring mission, make sure you have no wanted level otherwise you will have to get rid of it at the pay and spray, park in the blue circle and honk your horn. Three guys come out and get into your car, so take them to the radar dot which is the bank. You will hear a gunshot and some screams, then an alarm. Drive the nearby alley and get the police bribe to take your wanted level down, and then head to the pay and spray to get rid of the rest of the wanted level and head back to the blue circle you picked them up at. They will get out and you will get a mission complete.


You can get missions from Toni by heading to his restaurant, or the big T on the map. (spoiler)Before you get involved with Toni, finish all the business you have in China Town, as Toni will get you hated by the Triads (end spoiler).

Taking Out The Laundry

REWARD – $20,000

This is a fairly easy mission if you know what to do. At the start, head to 8 Ball’s like Toni suggested and get the ten grenades. Just follow a dot to the nearest truck, and park your car in front of it. You now have a few choices of what to do to beat this mission. You can throw the grenades at the truck, steal the truck and dump it in a lake, which I find to be hard to do, take to the crusher which is out of your way, or just smash it up a bit. Flipping these trucks does not work. You can also driveby with a couple uzi clips, but be warned, when you hit the trucks they will start to drive like a maniac because they know you are after them, so the uzi is also a hard and ammo wasting way to do it. When you have found your way to do the mission, if you don’t use the grenades you have ten free grenades, or if you do you still have some unless you suck real bad.

The Pickup

REWARD - $10,000

This is another pretty fun mission. Toni tells you the laundry will pay protection and you have to go pick it up. Head towards the blip and you will see a suitcase. Make sure your car is facing either entrance to the alley, and grab the suitcase. It was a trap. Some Triads will come to kill you, so get in your car and drive into the first group of Triads. Back into the second and drive forward and kill any survivors. Repeat until satisfied. The last Triad has taken a fish truck, so follow it and either steal it and run him over or blow it up. Either way you will beat the mission. Then head back to Toni’s for mission complete.

Salvatore’s Called a Meeting

REWARD - $15,000, a new crime boss

Head over to Joey’s to get the Limo and go pick up Luigi after driving out of the garage with Joey in the back. Head to Toni’s and park in the blue circle and he will come out and get in the limo. Once he gets in, Triad trucks come to stop the meeting, so floor it up the hill. There will be two Triad trucks blocking the entrance to Salvatore’s estate. You can just ram through them and kill the triads, or you can go down by the car store place, drive up the hill and into the garage for some reason, or you could just drive around the block of houses to the right to get there. I say just ram through the Triad trucks. A lot faster unless you car is very close to blowing up. Drive down the road into the, you guessed it, blue circle and into the garage. There will be a cutscene and you will have finished the mission. Take a mafia car and go do whatever you want until you get your next mission. You can now work for Salvatore as indicated by the big S on your radar.
You must complete Salvatore’s first mission before any of the other bosses will give you any missions, so skip ahead and come back later.

Triads and Tribulations

REWARD – $30,000

This mission is fairly easy or hard, just get the AK-47 by the building by the restaurant and you’ll be fine. You’ll also need some molotov cocktails. There will be a leader in the place you had to kill Chunky, just either throw a cocktail at them, or shoot at them and then when they run at you run them over. You will kill him either way.

One of the easiest Triad warlords is in the open in front of a store. When you get close, more Triads come out, just run them over with your car, or if you want just shoot them. If you want action to kill the last warlord, take the truck, but there is a much easier way to kill him.

Head to their fish factory and go up on the hill on the opposite side of the gate. You should see the leader, so toss a cocktail at him. I missed the first time but then he ran up to the wall, so I could easily kill him and his comrades and then I stole their uzi’s through the wall. If you got the truck, go through the gates and shoot everyone or run them over. Whatever you want, as long as you still get the job done.

Blow Fish

REWARD - $30,000

This is another easy mission. Just get a car and head to 8 Ball’s. Get in the “Dust Cart” or a garbage truck, and a timer will start. There is a damage meter in the corner that a supposed small bump could fill, but that means a huge head on collision that probably won’t happen. Just drive to the fish factory and the gates will open for you. Head around back and park in the blue circle. Arm the bomb and run around the right side to grab the hidden package if you haven’t got it already. The fish factory will explode, mission complete. Now the triads have abandoned the ruins of their beloved fish factory.

Salvatore Leone

You can now only take missions from Salvatore, indicated by the big S on your radar. He is contacted at his estate.


REWARD - $10,000

This is ANOTHER easy mission. What is with this game and easy missions. Oh well. Drive towards the dot on the radar in the limo. She will exit the limo and talk to Chico, a drug dealer. He tells her there is a party at East Atlantic Quays, so she gets back in and tells you to take her there. Go to the new blip on your radar and make sure your car is facing the road. The game will switch to SWAT van view and you will hear they are raiding the party. The security will start having a gunfight with the cops, and Maria runs out to the limo. You get a wanted level of two, so drive through the gunfight running over anyone who gets in your path. Go to Salvatore’s house and park in the garage. Mission Complete

Cutting The Grass

REWARD - $15,000

This is a little bit of a hard mission because of the stupid spook meter. Oh well, about time. Head to Luigi’s club in a car, make sure you’re back far enough so the spook meter doesn’t go up, but you can still see the car. The car doesn’t appear on the radar, so stay within sight of it. When it stops, back up or the spook meter will go up. Follow him to the docks and then you will learn he is the squealer. Run him over and you will complete the mission. Another way to do this is push the taxi he takes home out of the way and get in your own taxi. You will then have to take him to the docks, which will make the mission a lot easier because you do not have to deal with that stupid spook meter thing.

Bomb Da Base

REWARD - $100,000

I hate this mission. Luckily I know an easy way to beat it. Head to 8 Ball’s garage in a car, and he will instruct you to come back with one hundred thousand dollars. If you have that just walk back into the blue circle, and he will give you the sniper rifle. Head to the docks. There is now two ways to do this mission

Sniping way. I can’t do this but I’ll explain how. Start by shooting the gaurds by the ramp, and then moving up on to the ship and pick them off. Remember, if 8 Ball dies, mission failure. He will then plant the bombs and the ship will explode. If you need to there is a slow motion pill somewhere on those canister things.

Action way. Get the Ak-47, one hundred armor, and if you want, one hundred twenty five health. Just kill the guards at the bottom of the ramp, then head up and kill the gaurds aboard the ship. WARNING: you can target 8 Ball and shoot him to death. I found this to be more effective as I couldn’t see all the gaurds sniping. Don’t worry about getting off the ship, it will transport you off after the cutscene. Now you have beat the mission.

Last Requests

REWARD – $20,000, Staunton Island is available

This is pretty easy mission. Follow the blip on the radar to Luigi’s club and you will get a page that the car is a trap. It is rigged with a bomb so head over to the new blip on your radar. It’s at the docks, where Maria will talk to you. After the cutscene, you’ll be in a boat. Just drive over to the blue circle. Maria needs to talk to Asuka, so she directs you to your new hideout and tells you to comeback for more work.

Welcome to Staunton Island. You can now find boats at the docks too.

6B – Staunton Island – Commercial District

Staunton Island is the business part of town, reached by the tunnel, bridge or a boat.

Asuka Kasen

You can get missions from Asuka by following the A on your radar, at her condo.

Sayonara Salvatore

REWARD - $25,000, new boss

This is a mission I hate. The time is three hours before he leaves the club, which is way too much time. Anyway, your mission is to kill Salvatore before he gets home. Its quite simple. Drive across the bridge in your car, then just go straight to his house. Block off the right side of the double garage with cars, the Mafia Sentinels are good for that, then just wait for him to reach home. Remember, as long as he doesn’t get into his garage, the mission doesn’t end. When he gets home, he can’t get through all the cars so just throw a grenade and blow him up. Or you can snipe from the rooftop across the street from the restaurant, but I heard this was hard. You can also just kill him with your normal weapon, but this is hard since he has heavily armored gaurds.

Under Surveillance

REWARD - $15,000

This is a quite simple mission if you have a sniper rifle. If not, you should really think about buying one and a few grenades for this mission. Just head to any of the green blips on your radar, as these are the people you have to kill. There are two on the island in the park, just snipe them and you’ll be fine. Next, in Bedford point, is a black van. Simply throw a grenade at it and watch the fireworks. Next head up on the roof of Kenji’s casino by the rockstar helicopter. There will be various targets on balconys, but they have uzi’s, so they are very inaccurate. Just snipe them all off and there you go, mission complete.

Paparazzi Purge

REWARD - $5,000

This is a really gay mission. Aim for a time with nice weather when the ocean isn’t choppy and you’ll be fine though. You can see the boat from the dock, so go grab a police boat and start chasing after the speedboat, shooting at it all the way. Since the reporter is in a speedboat, he is faster than you, so try cutting him off and then shooting at him. Don’t directly pursue him or you will lose him. If you lose him or he makes it all the way around Portland, you lose. This mission isn’t really worth doing for the five thousand you get, but you have to. This is also your first mission with a boat.

On the Paparazzi Purge mission (which is real pain in the rear end) I have found an alternate strategy which makes the mission a hell of a lot easier. This works if you have the rocket launcher (which is difficult but not impossible to find at this point.) When Asuka gives you the mission you will notice the FMV sequence which shows you the location of the reporter's boat. Walk down the steps leading to Asuka's door and stand at the brick halfwall overlooking the water. Equip the rocket launcher and BOOM! Two to three shots is all it takes. I realize this takes every bit of challenge out of the scenario but it might help someone that just can't get past it.
Submitted by Paul Daugherty, JR.

Payday For Ray

REWARD - $10,000, new boss

This is a very tough mission. Just follow the blips on your map and you should be able to beat this mission, assuming you don’t flip your car and you have a fast car. I suggest using Asuka’s sports car outside. There is four phones you have to answer in this order. One in Torrington, Belleville park, Liberty Campus, and the same one in the park again (not in the park actually, outside). When you have answered all four phones, the cop agrees to meet you and the time stops. Head to the bathrooms where he will meet you (why have a hideout in the toilet?) so head to the blip and meet Ray for a mission complete.
There is a glitch on this mission. Sometimes when you answer the phone the arrow will stay on the same phone. The only way to fix this is to start the mission over.

Two-Faced Tanner

REWARD - $20,000

One of the top Yakuza drivers turns out to be an undercover cop. Grab an endurable vehicle like the enforcer or barracks OL. When you get to the casino, park in the blue circle and Tanner will run down the stairs into his old Esperanto. The only problem is the second you hit him your wanted level rockets up to four stars. There is two ways to complete this mission. You can buy an uzi and just do drivebys on his car and then when he runs out you can just run him down. Or you can always get ahead of him and pull out a rocket launcher and blast his car (you will have to complete arms shortage to do it this way). If you do it this make sure not to bump him, or you will have the stars while trying to blow him up, making the mission very hard. Either way when he’s dead, mission complete.
There was a game made by Reflections that featured an undercover cop named Tanner in it, back from the 70’s. This Tanner dresses like that one, and drives an old car. Is this a coincidence? Is Rockstar saying their game is better than Reflections? If they are they’re right.

Ray Machowski

These missions can be done by following the big R on your radar to the park restrooms.

Silence In The Sneak

REWARD - $30,000

This is a fun mission, but wasteful on grenades or molotov cocktails. Make sure you have a big heavy car like the barracks OL or a van or something for this mission. Follow the blip on the map to the witness protection house. See the garage? Park your big car (you did bring one, right?) in front of the garage and the lob a grenade or cocktail through the window. The suspect will try to flee out the garage, but just blow up your car blocking it and boom, everyone’s dead. Mission accomplished.

Arms Shortage

REWARD - $30,000, new gun shop

This is a pretty easy mission. Grab a car and head to the pink blip on the radar. It is Ray’s friends business. The gate will open and ray tells you to stock up on the weapons you see. Make sure your car is parked between the sanbags and the warehouse. Turn around and jump to the building to the north. Jump on the boxes to the wall, then run backwards towards Phil. Jump from the storage container to the one with the rocket launcher on it. If you’re fast enough you can grab it before the Columbians arrive. Take the rocket launcher and blow the cars up. With the M-16 take out the few that sneak behind the building. Grab any weapons you didn’t have time to get, as they will vanish when you talk to Phil. Talk to him to get your pay.

Evidence Dash

REWARD - $10,000, new boss

There is an important man in town that the police happen to have some embarrassing photos of. There is truck transporting them, and your job is too take the photos and dispose of them. This is quite easy mission if you know how to do it. Follow the blip to the truck. Ram it, but don’t pick up the package that falls out. Instead, head to the pay and spray to get rid of the wanted level. After, come back and pick up the evidence and you can’t really lose now. After, Donald Love becomes available for work, the man who the photos were of.

Gone Fishing

REWARD - $15,000

I hate boat missions. This one is no different. The blip directs you to a police boat in Portland, but just go to Asuka’s and grab one their. Now you must drive all the to the other side of Portland to the lighthouse rock by Salvatore’s house. You will see him there in a boat “fishing”. He’ll try to flee, just chase him down and shoot him, but watch out for the depth charges he drops. Other than that you’re fine.

Plaster Blaster

REWARD - $15,000

The witness you tried to kill in the witness protection house is still somehow alive. You have to get him and kill him by ramming the ambulance and running him over or blowing him up. When the ambulance sees you you get a two star wanted level, so ram the ambulance until McAffrey falls out. You can now either run over his head for awhile, or you can get out and throw grenades at him. When he dies, mission complete. He is also flame retardant and bullet proof.


These missions are found by following the big K on your radar or at the casino.

Kanbu Bust-Out

REWARD - $30,000

Kenji needs a member of his member broken out of jail, and you’re the man for the job. Head to the cop station, only a few blocks away and get the cop car parked outside. Take it to 8 Ball’s bomb shop and get it rigged with a bomb, then return to the police station. Make sure you don’t have a wanted level, because I think when you blow up the wall it adds two on your current. Anyway park in the blue circle and arm the bomb, run and get into the Enforcer and drive up to the hole in the wall. The guy should get in your vehicle, if not go a little closer. When he’s in, drive down the tunnel with the police bribe and get it, then get a street car and take it to the pay and spray. After, return the man to the Hyaku Dojo.

Grand Theft Auto

REWARD - $25,000

This mission is strange. Kenji owes a debt for twenty years, then needs it repaid in a couple minutes. Weird, but this a bit of a hard mission. He wants them in perfect condition, but don’t worry, the pay and spray is just beside the garage, although it takes a few precious seconds away. If the garage door doesn’t close when you put the car in, shut the car door. Also make sure it says get out of the car. The pink dot is the garage, and the red dots are the cars the man needs. Just follow the dots, there is no real good strategy for this mission.

Deal Steal

REWARD – $25,000

This is a fun mission. The Cartel won’t leave Liberty City and they’re making a deal with the Yardies to gain a better foothold. You need a Yardie Lobo so drive down the street and find a red car with a gold top and leopard skin seat covers. These cars also have hydraulics. Meet your contact and he will tell you it is at the hospital, so head over there. Park in the blue circle and honk the horn, then when the Columbians come just run them over or shoot them. After, blow up the trucks and take the breifcase and return it to Kenji.


REWARD - $10,000

This is annoying because you have to go to Portland again. Just follow the dots and grab the briefcases. When you get to Belleville park to the next business. He has been robbed and so you must go and track down the loot. Head all the way back to Portland in Hepburn Heights. Use the car as cover as the Diablos men will try to run through the fence, so just shoot them all. Take the breifcase and head back to back of the casino to the blue circle.

Smack down

REWARD - $10,000 plus $1,000 for ever Yardie after eight.

This is a mission that requires no real strategy, but can become very annoying. Just follow the dots to take out the Yardie dealers before the get off the streets. For every one you kill, a couple more come out. I didn’t get this the first few times I tried, but when I got it I got about sixteen.

Donald Love

Complete everyone elses missions before doing Donald’s if you would like to get 100% completion.


REWARD - $40,000

Get a Cartel Cruiser for this mission, they are found around the construction site in Fort Staunton. Head to the blip on the radar, the gate will open for you so drive in. Eliminate all the gaurds outside, the open up the garages looking for the Old Oriental Gentleman. When you find him take out the Columbian beside him, and all the other living Columbians will come out of their garages. Drive away in a Cartel Cruiser to save for your next mission.

Waka-Gashira Wipeout

REWARD - $30,000

This is the mission where you can make it so you can’t get 100% completion. You have to kill Kenji, and if your not done the missions, you can’t get it. Donald tells you to kill Kenji a Cartel Cruiser (you saved one, right?) so they think the Cartel are declaring war upon them. All for lower real estate prices. Head to the top of the car park garage, making sure you’re driving towards the ramp on the top floor. Hit Kenji, your wanted level goes up to three, jump off the ramp for a quick getaway (it now doesn’t matter if you get out of your Cartel Cruise) and get out of Newport and ditch the Cartel Cruiser. Once out, your wanted level will drop back to zero and you will complete the mission.

A Drop In The Ocean

REWARD - $10,000, two new bosses reopen, access to Shoreside Vale

When the mission starts, speed over to Asukas condo, as you have two minutes to get to a boat then meet a plane before it starts dropping packages. Head to the condo and get the speed boat and drive to the blip on your radar. The plane will start dropping packages when the time expires. For every package you pick up, a star gets added to your wanted level. The plane drops five packages, so you will have the FBI on you when you get out. When you get on shore, get Asuka’s sports car and head to the pay and spray next door. Then drive back to Donald’s place.

6C – Shoreside Vale

This is the final place, and is a little confusing, but not really. It has the hardest missions, and a lot of cool stuff.

Ray Machowski

Ray’s mission has the coolest stuff, so let’s start with it.

Marked Man

REWARD - $20,000, lots of guns, a bullet-proof patriot

The CIA are in Liberty City and want to take the SPANK business down. Ray is one of their marked men, so he needs out, fast. You need to take him to the airport to get out of town. First, find a really fast car. The CIA block the block the lift bridge and you need to get to the airport in three minutes or less. Get to the tunnel by the hospital FAST. Get through there to Shoreside Vale FAST. Avoid wrecks, as you don’t want to ruin your car. The tunnel comes out near the airport if you take the right way, so just drive up and to the blue circle. He will give you the key to his lockup, so take the tunnel again or the CIA will shoot you, and head back to Staunton. The lockup is in Newport, where he stashed a sniper rifle, M-16, rocket launcher, a flamethrower, and a BP Patriot. Ray is nice. GUARD THE PATRIOT WITH ALL YOU GOT!

Or, if you have another bullet proof car, just go over the bridge anyway in it. All there is about five guys with M-16’s, no problem for a bullet proof car. Or you could just snipe them from afar.

Donald Love

The missions are still available at the Love Media building, the big D on your radar.

Grand Theft Aero

REWARD – $50,000, old boss reopens for business

This is a long mission. Get some M-16 and lots of sniper rifle ammo. Donald tells you the packages the plane dropped were decoys. You must get the real package from the plane. The plane was confiscated and Donald has paid the authorities off and you must retrieve the package for him. Head to Shoreside Vale in a low to the ground car like a taxi so you can do the car shield. Head to the airport to the hanger with the dot in it. The Cartel have beaten you to the plane and killed the officials. Drive your car in front of the hanger and do the shield trick and kill the Cartel members. Get in the plane to learn the package is gone. Check the van to hint you towards the construction site in Staunton, so head back there. They have put the package in a maze of walls, so head up to the unfinished skyscraper next to it and take out the Cartel member there. Find the stairs going up and head to the second floor. Snipe the guys down in the maze you can see, but when you go back through there, there will be some you couldn’t see. Take them out and go up the elevator to find Catalina and Miguel, Cartel leaders, have your package. You will have them at gunpoint and Miguel says he will give the package to you. Catalina shoots him in the back for not trying to escape then leaps off the building into boxes. Asuka will come and talk about how the Cartel killed her brother, but you actually did. She starts whipping Miguel and tells you to come back for missions based on his information. Head down the elevator again to see the Yakuza have taken over the compound. Get in the Yakuza car and drive away.
The construction site is now a gang war between the Yakuza and Cartel. It is fun to help kill Cartel with them.

Escort Service

REWARD - $40,000

The old Oriental gentleman needs to be escorted to Pike Creek to get that package authenticated. Follow him around and fend off any Cartel Cruisers that come your way. The guy is a crappy driver, so don’t go in front of him or he might ram you. When you come out of the subway, there will be some Cartel, just follow him and you should be fine.


REWARD - $45,000

The AMCO building in which the Oriental gentleman is in is surrounded by SWAT trucks and cop cars. You must lure them away long enough for him to escape. Go there and get in the armored car. You will have four stars instantly. Drive around and try to find a good place to hide. I drove around in the airport and there just a bunch of cruisers that were easy to run from. The police also can’t enter a lot of house lots so drive around in one of the backyards and you should be fine.

Love’s Disappearance

REWARD – Nothing

Not a mission, but it’s important. You go up to Donald’s pad place and he is nowhere to be found. You see an empty small treasure chest before you leave (?) and that is it. I think that probably the Cartel did it, because they’re the Cartel, and what you did to them.


You can find Asuka at the construction site or go to the A on the radar.


REWARD - $35,000

This is a quite easy mission. Just go to the blips on the radar and lure the death squads to the Yakuza trap. The Yakuza don’t need help in killing the death squads, so just go into a corner and stay in your car. Not really much strategy here people.


REWARD - $40,000

The Cartel is using Espresso stands as a front to sell SPANK through. You have to crash through each of the Espresso stands, they are in all the districts, but they don’t show up until you are very close to them. There are two in Portland, five in Staunton, and two in Shoreside Vale. Here are where they are:
-Next to the entrance to Salvatore’s estate
-Next to the docks in Trenton
-Next to the car park in Newport
-Near a star shaped statue thing a block away from the casino
-In front of the church in Bedford Point
-Inside the Belleville Park
-Down the street from the one by the church
Shoreside Vale
-Near the Airport subway
-At the hospital
If you get them all on your radar, this is an easy mission.


REWARD - $45,000

A plane is going to land at the airport full of SPANK and you need to shoot it down. Grab the stinger and follow the dot to a boat and a rocket launcher. Drive the Reefer out and hit the bouy to trigger a message. Get onto the land and run up the ramp. Shoot the Cartel Cruiser with a rocket and run to the end of the runway. You may want to save the Cruiser actually. When the plane comes in, shoot it to make it blow up and drop the cargo. By the time you picked it up, you will have four stars. Head down the runway to another Cartel Cruiser, snipe the Cartel around it and take it. Drive to the pay and spray to get your car resprayed, which should be pretty easy, for me anyway it is. Then head back to the construction site, where you will discover something gruesome. Still get your reward though.


REWARD – Lose $500,000 and your guns

With the corpses of Asuka and Miguel, Catalina has left you a note to bring five hundred thousand dollars to her mansion if you want to see Maria again. Do anything to get that money, kill people, do vehicle missions, just get that money.


This is her only mission, but it isn’t really a mission of her own. Oh well.

The Exchange

REWARD - $1,000,000 (You don’t get the $500,000 you pay Catalina back, so really only $500,000)

The easy, pushover easy way to beat this mission makes it seem as easy as the first mission. Well a little harder. Take a fast car to the Cartel Mansion. After the cutscene where Catalina betrays you again and takes the money, take the pistol from the guard you punched and run towards the gate. Kill the two guards there and take their weapons and run through the gate. Hop in the car you brought and drive to your hideout in Shoreside. Grab all the weapons from those 100 hidden packages you got, and run to the back of the wall in the garage to renew them. Repeat until satisfied. Grab the tank from the garage and drive to that road that goes below the main dam road. Just blow up the the barricades of cars that are in your way, continue on until you see the stairs leading up to the roof. Hop out of your tank and take out anyone that is shooting at you. Run halfway up the stairs to the first landing and shoot the guard overlooking the stairs from the roof. Run up the rest of the stairs and pull out the sniper rifle. Kill the two guards around Maria and look for a big box like thing. You can see half a Cartel member so take him out. Run up the rest of the stairs and to the end of the roof. Grab the rocket launcher and shoot Catalina’s helicopter. Easy as that.

The other way makes this mission harder. Get a highly armored vehicle and take it the the mansion. Grab the gun from the guy you punched, and shoot the two guards guarding the gate out. Grab their guns and get in your car. Head to the road that leads below the main dam road. Hop out of your car and take everyone out at the first barricade. Get back in your car, or the Cartel Cruiser, whichever you like, and continue until you see a sniper rifle off to your right. Hop out, grab it, and take out the other guards at the barricade ahead. Keep on going, and take out the Cartel members you can see. If you see red barrels, shoot them. There will be a barracks OL that will come after you, just run up those stairs that lead to the M-16 and take it out. Take out any remaining guards you can see and proceed to the set of stairs that lead to the big roof. Pull out your sniper rifle and shoot the guards surrounding Maria and there is one that you can barely see by a box like thing. Once they’re done, run up to the end of the roof and grab the rocket launcher. Shoot the helicopter to complete the mission.


Optional Missions

You don’t have to do these, unless you want to get 100% completion. You do, don’t you?

7A - Portland

These are the missions you can take up in Portland.

Marty Chonks

Marty is the owner of the Bitchin’ Dog Food Factory. He is available when you start taking jobs from Joey. The phone rings from 9:00-something. Marty supplies his own vehicles for missions.

The Crook

REWARD - $1,000

Grab the Perennial and head over not so far to pick up the bank manager. Marty will have a “conversation” with him. Then you need to take the Perennial to the crusher to get rid of any evidence. If you flip it, mission failure.

The Thieves

REWARD - $3,000

You get a Sentinel for this mission, so take it and follow the blip to the thieves Marty wants you to pick up. Pick them up and take them back to Marty’s. Then go and get the resprayed, then drop it off in the dog food factory at the blip.

The Wife

REWARD - $2,000

Go get the Esperanto from inside the compound, then drive to the blip where Marty’s wife is. It’s right by Ammu-Nation. When you pick her up, take her back to the factory. After you have to dump the car in the ocean. I hate dumping cars into the ocean.

Her Lover

REWARD - $4,000

Go get the Stallion and follow the blip on your radar, and pick up Marty Chonks’ wife’s lover. Pick him up and take him to the factory. Marty is waiting for the man outside, but instead him dying, he pulls out a shotgun and blows Marty away. Oh well you get paid.

El Burro

These missions are found in the park place at Hepburn Heights.


REWARD – $10,000

There are two ways to beat this mission, first we will start with the cheating way. Just grab a bus from the station, and park it in front of the other cars. Then head to the blue circle. This is the easiest way. Or you can get a fast car like the banshee or Diablo Stallion, and then go to the blue circle. Or you can bump in between two of the cars, which will give you a head start. E-mail your times in:

I Scream, You Scream

REWARD - $6,000

First pick up the breifcase bomb. Just follow the blip and you’ll get it. Then follow the red blip, it moves because it is the ice cream truck you must steal. Once you are in it, head over to the blip and park in the blue circle. Play your jingle with L3 button. The Forelli’s will emerge, so get out of the truck and run far away. Then hit the O button. As a bonus you can pick up the weapons the Forelli’s had.

Trial By Fire

REWARD - $10,000

This is just like a rampage. You have three minutes in which you have to kill thirty Triads. Head towards the gun icon on your radar and get the flamethrower. Run out of the alley and go left. Then take another left and run along the hedge by the basketball court. Run up the ramp into the basketball court. In here there is a lot of Triads, usually in a group. Kill them and take out any that spawn. Once they’re all dead run over the ramp on the other side. Take out the rest of the Triads you need to.

Big ‘N’ Veiny

REWARD - $20,000

You have twenty five seconds to collect porn mags and kill the guy that took them. The bad thing is the mags don’t appear on your radar, so keep your eyes open for them, because for each one you get you get an extra second. Hop in the van and follow the trail. When the trail leads into an alley, kill the man in there, then head to the blip which is the bookstore. Then you’ll get paid.


These missions are found by getting into a toyz van.

Mafia Massacre

REWARD - $1,000 a car

The van for this mission is in St. Marks, right across from Toni’s restaurant, in a dark alley. Get in the blue van with the white circle on it. In these missions you drive around little remote control cars and blow up cars (or people if you want). In this one you have to blow up Mafia Sentinels. You can detonate the car by hitting the wheels or pressing O.

Diablo Destruction

REWARD - $1,000 a car

This can be found near the phone El Burro contacts you on. It’s the same blue van as before, so hop in. This time you must blow up Diablo Stallions. Just drive around and blow them up.


These missions are found by entering a vehicle.

Patriot Playground

REWARD - $30,000

The patriot for this mission is located in the parking lot for the Supa Save. In these missions you must drive around and collect checkpoints. For each checkpoint you get, you get more time. Just drive up and down that hill collecting the checkpoints.

7B – Staunton Island

These missions are found in Staunton Island.

King Courtney

These missions are found at the payphone.

The Interview

REWARD - $1,000 a checkpoint

This is another racing mission. Find a fast car and head to the blip on your radar. If you want, you can go early. There are fifteen checkpoints, and you have to hit the most out of anyone. Only one person was smart and brought a Cheetah, the rest brought trucks. This is easier than the Turismo mission.

Uzi Rider

REWARD - $10,000

Go to the Perennial and the guys will give you an uzi. Head over to Portland to the Diablo territory. Just follow the blips now.

Gangcar Round-Up

REWARD - $10,000

You must steal a Mafia Sentinel, a Yakuza Stinger, and a Diablo Stallion. Don’t go to the blip on your radar, that is the garage. The only car you should have problems with is the Mafia Sentinel. Just grab one on the outskirts of the Mafia territory. Each car must be in perfect condition, otherwise you have to go get it repaired. This is a pretty easy mission.

Kingdom Come

REWARD - $10,000

You have under two minutes to get to the car, indicated by a blip on your radar. When you do get there, there is a letter inside from Catalina, and she wants you to feel the power of SPANK. A group of suicide bombers will run towards you car, so spin your car around and drive between the van and the exit. Get out of your car and run towards the alley you see, firing as you run. When they die, you get your reward.


These missions are found by entering the specific vehicle.

Casino Calamity

REWARD - $1,000 a car

The van for this mission is located in the parking lot across from the casino. You must destroy as many Yakuza Stingers as possible in the time limit.


These missions are found by entering a specific car.

A Ride In The Park

REWARD - $30,000

The Landstalker for this mission is located in front of the cottage. There are twelve checkpoints.

Multi Story Mayhem

REWARD - $30,000

You must drive through twenty checkpoints in two minutes. The car for this is in the parking garage in Newport. Just take any car in there to activate the mission.

7C – Shoreside Vale

These missions are found in Shoreside Vale.


These missions are found at a phone near your hideout.

Uzi Money

REWARD - $10,000

In this mission you must drive by twenty Nines (guys wearing purple). After a bit the Rumpo XL’s will come after you, so watch out. Just look for purple and kill purple and this mission should be no problem.
Sometimes the Nines won’t be walking the streets. The only way to fix this is to restart your game file if you want 100%.


REWARD - $5,000

This is just like a Toyz mission except you only have four cars and you have to blow up three gang cars with them. Take your time, as you can only afford to mess up once. Just head to the dot and hop in the Toyz van to start the remote control cars.

Rigged To Blow

REWARD - $20,000

This is really annoying mission. You must go to D-Ice’s car and get it. Just follow the blip on the radar to find it. Get in the blue Infernus you will find and head all the way back to Portland. Be very careful, as if you hit a few cars you will blow up. After it is defused, take it back to where you found it. It must be in mint condition, so drive carefully.

Bullion Run

REWARD - $25,000

Grab a big tough car like a barracks OL and then head to the blip on your radar. There will be platinum spread throughout the area, so start picking it up. For every one you pick up your car goes slower and there will be cops on you. When you get about fifteen head back and drop them off and come back for more. When you get thirty, mission complete.


REWARD - $10,000

Make sure you have a baseball bat for this mission. If not grab one, and some armor wouldn’t hurt either. Grab a car and head to the blip where D-Ice’s brother is. Head to the new blip after he gets in, and when you see all the nines, hop out and put away your bat. Get them into a big group and then pull out your bat again. Hit them all in the group, and you should hit a lot. Then hit them when they are down to kill them. When you kill all the nines, mission complete.


These missions are found by entering a Toyz van.

Rumpo Rampage

REWARD - $1,000 a car

The van for this mission is right behind your hideout. It’s the one with the white circle, of course. Go to it and hop in. Drive the car and explode as many Rumpo XL’s as possible in the time limit.


These missions are found by entering the car.


REWARD - $30,000

The patriot for this mission is in the Staunton View Park in Cedar Gardens where you fought the rumble with D-Ice’s brother. This is the hardest of all the Offroad missions.

8 – Vigilante Missions

These missions are found by entering the respective car and tapping R3.

Police Car/FBI Car/Rhino/Enforcer

These missions can be used in a Rhino, Enforcer, FBI Car, or Police Car. Chase criminals around the island and force them out of their car and kill them. This is a good way to find weapons and get money. There is a way that the people at figured out how to do. If you press start then unpause it again, if you have the criminal car in sight, the guy will get out. These are the rewards:
Kill 10 criminals in Portland to have one police bribe created at your hideout.
Kill 20 criminals in Portland to have two police bribes created at your hideout.
Kill 10 criminals in Staunton to have three police bribes created at your hideout.
Kill 20 criminals in Portland to have four police bribes created at your hideout.
Kill 10 criminals in Shoreside Vale to have five police bribes created at your hideout.
Kill 20 criminals in Shoreside Vale to have six police bribes created at your hideout.


This mission has you picking up wounded pedestrians and taking them to the hospital. These are the hardest missions, because with every bump, you get less time. For groups of people you will get time bonuses. The ambulance is also very easy to roll, so watch out for that. Here are the rewards for doing the missions:
Save thirty five pedestrians and a health icon will be created at your hideout.
Save seventy pedestrians and an adrenaline pill will be created at your hideout.
Do ambulance mission level twelve and infinite run is enabled, allowing you to run without stopping.


Drive to vehicles on fire and extinguish the flames with your hose. Right analog is to move the hose left and right. It is also fun hitting people with the hose and then they will do barrel rolls. Here is what you get for the mission:
Put out twenty fires in Portland, Staunton, and Shoreside Vale and the flamethrower will be created at your hideout.


This is just like crazy taxi. Pick up the nearest fare who has the blue arrow overtop him and take him to his destination. Yes, just like in crazy taxi they have time limits and give you money on how fast you are. Also if you hit to much stuff or people the guy will bail. Here is what you get for the taxi:
If you pick up one hundred fares anywhere you will get the Borgnine taxi at the taxi station in Harwood.

9 – Miscellaneous Secrets

Hooker Trick
Ok, by now if you haven’t heard of this, I hope you had a good time in your coma. But there are people coming out of coma’s so for them, just get a normal street car, as the hookers shy away from public cars and cop cars. You can see them because they stand out in their bra’s and stuff. Pull up beside one and she will get in your car. Drive to an alley or some place secluded and the car will start rocking (don’t come a knockin when the trailer goes a rockin) and your health will go up. She costs you a dollar a second though, so be fast. I got a minivan (Blista) and then I could pick up two of hookers, one of each kind (afro whore and nice one). If you want to be a lesbian just change costumes until you get a bag lady or other chick. This can raise your health up to a maximum of one hundred twenty five. If you get a convertible, your health will automatically change from ??? to one hundred twenty five.

BF Injection
When you complete the first of the Staunton missions by Asuka, the BF Injection will be created where you picked up Misty for the Drive Misty For Me mission, the same place where El Burro contacts you.

Yardie Lobo
This car is special because of the fact it has hydraulics. When you get in, the car bounces. You can control the hydraulics with the right ananlog stick. Just don’t get distracted from driving like I always do and crash and blow my car up.

Vehicle Items
When you get in an Enforcer (SWAT van) you get 100% armor.
When you get in a Police Car you get five shotgun shells.
When you get in an ambulance you get twenty health, but if you have 125 health, it plummets back to one hundred.

Flying The Dodo
There are a few rules to flying the Dodo that will make you fly for long amounts of time. First, taxi on to the longest runaway, the one the jets land on and take off on. Do not hold X any time. Make sure you are straight with the runaway so you do not go into the grass. Hold forward on the left analog to get your plane going faster. When you see sparks coming from the plane while it’s bouncing, let go of the analog. Immediately get the plane level or it will go down in a nosedive. Do not fly over unique jumps or you will be stuck in the cinematic scene until you hit the ground. Do not try to turn unless you are forced to. Only tap X to get a little lift, holding makes the plane stall. Always head straight on take off. Do not hold any sticks in the air. If you follow these rules you will be good at flying in no time. My longest time flying is about twenty five seconds, but I haven’t flown for awhile. E-mail me your top time.
Things to do While Flying
Go to Ghost Town (read the faq at gamefaqs)
Go to the stadium and the people will be playing
Could you land on the observatory mountain or the lighthouse rock while flying? Someone try, I suck too much at flying.

Access Islands Early
If you drive very slowly on the ramp over the subway in the first island, your nose of your car will knock out the gate, allowing you access to the subway early. I have only heard of this and have tried it and it did not work. You can try if you want too. This was basically confirmed a hoax by Roger Helmandach.

Or to get from the second island to the third island put on flying cars cheat and tank cheat and turn you turret behind you. Constantly shoot and you should make it over the bridge. Only shoot once in the air, or else your tank will do a flip.

To get from the first island to the second island just put in flying cars cheat to fly across the gap.

Hidden Messages
If you look at electric signs, there will usually be website come across. On the bleachers in the stadium in Staunton, the word COCKS is written. This is because the team name is Liberty City Cocks.

The healthier you are the longer you can run.

Free Tank
When you beat the game, the tank at the army surplus store will be unlocked for you to take.

Gun Store In Shoreside
If you head behind the police station there will be a ramp. Go down it and there will be a garage where you can buy a flame thrower, molotov cocktails, and a garage with armor, and a garage with health.

New Color For Free
After repairing your car at the Pay and Spray, drive back in to get a new color for free.

Pull Driver Out
If you steal a car while holding the analog stick away from the car, the person inside will be pulled out and you will not get in. Great for random beatings of gang members or pedestrians.

Gang War
This is a fun thing that many people will probably miss. After you complete Grand Theft Aero mission by Donald Love, the Yakuza will be walking around the construction site and so will the Cartel. They will kill each other, and since the Cartel hate you, they shoot at you too. This is fun to take part in, just don’t kill or target the Yakuza gang members or they will shoot you.

Places For Good Standoffs
I only know a few, so please email me your places. Well here they are.

If you go up the grass hill behind Portland police station, run along the edge to the right. This is a good place to snipe and you can see all the cars coming. Make sure you have some rocket ammo.

In Portland hospital, head to the right of the front up the ramp. There is an adrenaline to the right of the ramp too. When the police officers run up the hill just shoot them with an M-16. Beware, sometimes the cars can actually get up and over the hill to you.

In the internet café in Staunton, head up to the top level and shoot out the glass. Make sure to block the stairs off with a car. There is also an adrenaline pill up here. The cops can shoot you if you are close enough to the edge so watch out.

If you head to the roof with the sniper rifle and armor on it, you can snipe pretty good.

If you head up the bridge a bit from the location above, you can drop onto a roof for some sniping fun.

If you run along the train tracks in Portland, you can drop onto the supermarket roof. Make sure you have a lot of rockets. The police officers will pile up below where you can’t see them, so make sure to clear down below with a grenade, cocktail, or rocket.

Along the train tracks anywhere in Portland. Just watch out for the train.

In Portland if you go up behind the police station you can snipe down from the ledge.

Along any roof reachable by the train tracks in Portland.

In Staunton there is a glass walled building you can run up to the second story in and there will be a hidden package and windows to shoot out of. The cops can shoot you if you are close enough to the edge so watch out.

Head behind the Shoreside police station and hop on to the big crate next to the road. This has a good view for shooting the road and sidewalk, but the police can shoot you, so watch out.

If you head up on a walkway that leads across a road in Staunton, there is a hidden package and a great place for a standoff. Just throw molotov cocktails down and blow up tanks. The flamethrower also works up here I have noticed. And the army people don’t shoot at you, but you are vulnerable to helicopters, and that isn’t too hard to take care of.k

If you stay in your garage in Shoreside Vale, the helicopters can’t shoot you, and you have a good view of the road outside. Also, no police cars will drive in here.

Ok, I might know a few, but I still want your ideas!

10 - Glitches

If you park a car on the ramp on the top of the car park, it disappears almost instantly. Also after this is usually no cars in the garage.

If you press Triangle to steal a car and hold X, you can run forever until you catch the car and hop in.

Picking up the adrenaline pill and hopping on the train makes the train go forever.

If your car gets jacked while a hooker’s talking through the window she will follow you around. No advantage to this though.

Hey there, I found out a glitch in GTA3, and because your the only person who has a dedicated glitch space on your FAQ, I thought that I would give you a holla. Well to get started, go to the Police Station in Staunton. Then take the cop car in the front and get into the back, then ram that car into the other car and the Enforcer until they blow up. HA, YOUR STUCK, NOW YOUR SCREWED. Well if you don’t have any explosives or a wanted level, you might find it hard to leave. So look at the police station FROM the back wall, so the place you came in is on the left, and the place to go lower in the station and out is on the right. So go to the left and walk along the sill that black windows are on. One of the black windows doesn’t posses the code to stop you walking through, the 2nd or 3rd one, not sure. Walk through it to find the inside of the cop station having no floor. If you fall through you will look like your falling forever and then land on the street outside and loose only 5 health...I think. And there you have it, a glitch.
Thanks to Idiot

Hey I found 2 glitches for GTA3 for you,

Glitch 1:

The Magical Stairs!
Alright, now
from your hideout in Staunton Island go left out of it
at the lights go right and right, all the way around the lights (U turn!)
Then follow this road ALLLLL the way to the end, or till you hit the intersection where the Portland bridge is (it should be to left)
From here go straight across to the two lane road the goes one way, (the way your going)
go to the end of this road and stop and the little bridge that people walk over, now you need to jack a Yakuza stinger (or a stinger)
and line it up with the left stair case to the top of the bridge,
You rev it a bit and take off, not to fast enough to be half way up the stairs, jump OUT!!!!
if u were close enough left you would have jumped out of your car and fallen down the side of the stair case and been half way in it, now run into the center of the stair case, and presto! your inside, now chuck on the weapons cheats and flame thrower the people outside, and listen to em burn while the cops can touch you!!!


Cheat/Glitch 2:

This glitch is also in Staunton island, but its a real skill to get where I tell u to, u need a bit of spare time, but its funny, and you can see how the games put together!

Now on Staunton island get wasted and go to the hospital, you all should know there’s a train station across the road, hi-jack a either a barracks OL flatbed or an ambulance and drive it into the subway, don’t go all the way down, just go down the first stairs, then half way on the escalators (if u have the ambulance go all the way down the escalator!)
Ambulance strategy: stand on the roof and throw a grenade, when its about to explode jump and you should be blown through the roof, this may not work, it may have been fluke!

Flatbed/Barracks OL strategy: with these you need to drive down and turn around the start to drive back up the right elevator passage, get half way up the escalator and jump out jump on the back run up and jump a few times, this may not work either, I will perfect my ways and report back on a definite way!
-Thanks to Liam Best

Ok, in Staunton Island from your hideout go left. Then take the first right. Then go all the way down to the end and make a right on to the bridge. Go over the bridge on the right side and keep going through the tunnel. Stop just at the end of it. There is a grassy patch of land on the right. Get out of your car and go into the corner and you should fall through and land in the middle of the tunnel.

Another glitch is in Atlantic Quays in Portland, if you go to where the I Scream You Scream mission was, head to the other end of the warehouses and the last warehouse that says no parking on it ahs a hollow door.

A third glitch is not anything you can do. On the Callahan bridge if you get a stallion to get it’s back wheels of the road on the right side (going from Staunton to Portland) it will not be able to move because it’s wheels are below the road.
NOTE: This has only worked for me once.

Another glitch is the stallion glitch except in Staunton Island if you park in front of the church and look (when out of the car) at the passing cars their back wheels will dip into the ground and they will keep going.
NOTE: This usually works but not all the time.
-Thanks to and

11 – Weapon Locations/Item

There is one at the topmost street in St. Marks (same one with the shotgun). There is a bit of peach buildings with an arch through them. Head down here and in the second door in the wall, the uzi is and there is also a hidden package.

These are on top of the sawmill in Atantic Quays. You need to jump on to the roof here to get them. This is accesible by hopping over the barb wire fence with a van and running up a big sand pile onto the roof.

In the area where El Burro phones you, head north and go left up the side of the buildings. As you come around the back, the shotgun’s to your right.

Back of the statue in Belleville Park.

In the St. Mark area, on the street that makes to ninety degree turns (top one, by Salvatore’s estate) there is a parking lot where you can jump over a roof on to a slightly sloping roof. Run off the edge on the left side to land on the roof with the shotgun on it.

Go down the road that goes under the bridge in Portland until you come to a building. Turn right on the walkway to reach the shotgun.

Go to the southwest corner of Bedford point, there is a concrete quay that goes to the west. At the northern end of this area the shotgun is located.

Near Toni’s restaurant, there is a park with an alarmed Mafia Sentinel. Head down the side walkway, and down the ramp. There is the AK-47 and armor down here.

In St. Mark area, there is an orange rectangle on the map with a cut in it. Drive along the edge of here and you will find an opening with a Rampage and a Mafia Sentinel in it. Head along the side the Mafia Sentinel is on. You will be on a ledge overlooking the road. Take a left and jump into an alleyway. Take a right halfway down the alley on to a ramp and hop in to an opening with the AK and armor.

There is one on top of the Pharmaceuticals building. You must drop on the roof from the train tracks above.

In the construction site in Fort Staunton head through the tunnel under the road into the north section. Drive to the southeast corner. When you are standing against the chainlink fence, turn around. It is by the trailer thing.

Coming to Pike Creek from the main airport road, the first compound you see is punk noodles. The AK is there.

In Shoreside Vale, after crossing the bridge into Cedar Grove, loop around the Cartel mansion. The first pink house on the left has it on their doorstep (old people with shotguns is bad enough, but now..).

At the dam at Shoreside Vale, at the top of a tall staircase on the dam wall.

At the parking lot where you get suicide bombed in the Kingdom Come mission, come out of the park and turn right, another right and head up the steps. Jump as high as you can on the left side, then do a running jump over the gap. Head down the ramp to the M-16 and Armor.

Sniper Rifle/Armor
If you go up the left side of the Staunton lift bridge in a fast car going fast you can ramp onto a roof a building, on which there is a sniper rifle and some armor.

Jump from the train tracks to the roof of the HEAD radio station in Hepburn Heights.

Underneath the road tunnel in Shoreside Vale, away from the river against the wall.

Rocket Launcher
On the roof of the sixth house after the Cartel Mansion, accessible by the north.

Molotov Cocktails
These can be obtained by heading to 8 Ball’s garage in Portland. Head to the one part where there is the empty lot where you got the dust truck in the one mission. There is a train tunnel here, so drive through it. There will be four bums standing around a hidden package, so kill them and take their cocktails. I knew about this but thanks to for pointing out that I forgot to put them in my faq.

There is armor at the end of one of the piers in Portland.

If you go in the Cartel base at Shoreside Vale, head in the garage and there will be armor.

In one of the garages behind the police station in Shoreside Vale.

There is health and armor on the second floor of the unfinished building in the Staunton construction yard.

By Joey’s, head over to the right side of the rectangle on the radar. Turn to the right and it is there.

There is a health icon on the right side of the Staunton lift bride on Staunton Island. It is at the very start of the bridge.

There is some health by Salvatore’s place. If you head to the right and drive to the end of the row of buildings, there is a health icon in the bushes.

In one of the garages behind the police station in Shoreside Vale.

Adrenaline Pill
At the hospital in Portland, head up the ramp to the right, and to the right of the ramp is an adrenaline pill.

Adrenaline Pill
In Staunton, head to the internet café. It is on the top level of it.

Adrenaline Pill
In Shoreside Vale, when coming off the lift bridge, if you drive straight you should see two billboards. It is behind the far billboard.

12 – Garages and Crane

These are the locations of the cars and the cars needed for the garages, and the crane.

12A – Import/Export Garage Portland

Cars Needed
Mr. Whoopee

You will receive $200,000 and sixteen GTA pickups.

You can find the Vehicles at the following locations:

These are just driving around.

This is just a van found driving around.

This is a bus you can find at the bus station or sometimes driving around in Portland.

This kinda looks like a barracks OL, found in Staunton.

This is a truck found all over Portland.

At night you can find a lot of these.

These are most common on the road in front of the hospital in Portland. Or go on the dam road and drive straight to the road next to the mountain above the houses.

Mr. Whoopee
You can start doing firetruck missions, or police missions, or else on the bridge that is just down from the dam in Shoreside Vale, I’ve found a lot here. Three in fact.

This is a van found all over the place.

A mini-van found in Staunton Or Shoreside Vale.

A van found in lots of places.


Found in Shoreside. It’s a van.

A bus. Found in Staunton.

Truck found in Portland.

12B - Emergency Vehicle Crane Portland

The following vehicles are needed:
Barracks OL
Police Car
Rhino Tank
Fire Truck

You can find them here:

Barracks OL
At Phil’s shop.

Get five stars on you and steal one.

Police Car
Get one star or get one from the police station

This is hard. Get six stars and steal one.

Get four stars or steal one from the back of Staunton police station.

Fire Truck
Torch people/cars or find the fire station

Kill someone or go to the hospital

You get $1,500 a car and $200,000 when done. You also get seven GTA pickups.

Import/Export Garage Shoreside Vale

Cars needed are:
BF Injection

They are found at:

Lots of places, two door crap mobile.

Parking lots in Portland, other islands, looks like the mafia version.

Found in Staunton, Shoreside Vale.

Portland car store, Staunton, Shoreside.

Shoreside Vale, weird looking car with big headlights.

Shoreside Vale, it’s a cheetah look alike with a fin thing on the end.


Portland diner parking lot, Staunton, Shoreside Vale.

Shoreside Vale, it’s a limo.

Portland, station wagon.

Staunton, Shoreside Vale.

Staunton, looks like Stallion.

Potland, convertible thing.


Everywhere. Old looking taxi.

BF Injection
This is found at Misty’s flat (where you picked her up to take her to Joey’s) after you complete Asuka’s first mission. It appears from 9:00 to 5:00 I think.

13 - Stories

E-mail me your stories here. Funny or serious. I don’t have any. It would seem you don’t either.

14 - Cheats

WARNING: Many of these cheats cannot be turned off, especially the pedestrian ones. Do not E-mail me and say that I can’t turn a cheat off. Please email me cheats you have, I know there is more and want more to make the faq longer and more informative for those willing to cheat.

This code gets you all guns. Repeat for more ammo for the guns. Enter:

For 100 health, enter:

For 100 armor, enter:

To make the weather normal, enter:

To make fog, enter:

To make clouds appear, enter:

To let it rain, enter:

To lower your wanted level to zero stars, enter:

To speed up the clock, enter:

To shoot peoples arms and legs off, enter:

To make a tank appear, enter:
Be careful! Do not stand on the road while entering this. Find out for yourself.

To increase your wanted level by two stars, enter:

To change into old ladies and other people you see, enter:

To make people riot and kill each other, enter:

People With Guns
Use this with the riot cheat for a lot of fun! Enter:

To gain a couple hundred thousand dollars, enter:

Pee on Wall
I haven’t got this code to work. I found it on Oreo’s FAQ at gamefaqs, so someone please confirm it! I want to pee on a wall!
Be up against a wall and press U,D,U,D,L2,R1,R2,R2,U,D,U,D,U

Fly Mode
To make cars fly like the Dodo plane, enter:

Good Handling Cars
To make cars have instant handling, which is very annoying and hard to get used to, enter:

17 - Stuff

This is just stuff I feel like talking about and will be updated every version unless I don’t have time. Mainly about games.

Today it’s about Digipen. A school for making games. It requires a lot of math and 13 hour days and other stuff that makes normal school look pathetic. If you know how to interpolate a quaternion curve, then good for you, that’s what they do here. If you want more info go buy EGM #152. #150 is hilarious hehehehehe.

GTA4 is gonna rule according to rumors in the EGM #152 mag. Online where you make your own gangs and stuff. How are they going to handle the 1000 players going around killing stuff is what I’d like to know. And it will take place in a real US city and they’re gonna take the GTA3 framework and put it online. GTA3 Xbox is for sure and it might have online play. Sweet, except I don’t got an Xbox.

Animal Forest for Gamecube would be cool, like harvest moon except you can have your friends and family move to your village and write letters to them. This is also in EGM #152. You can be a slacker if you want or you can work it’s up to you.

Mr. Mosquito would be sweet game. It’s in EGM #152 too. I read about it earlier but they said it would never make it over here from Japan. Anyway you’re a mosquito and you have to bite people and it looks good.

That’s it for now, Cya!

The Resident Evil movie looks cool. Opens on march 15 I think. Somewhere around there. Go to see it or die.


Hi again I haven’t updated for awhile so I should get back to it. I want to play State of Emergency really bad, despite the mixed reviews I still want to try it. Looks fun.

16 - Credits

This is where I thank everyone who helped with the faq.
-Me me and me.
-Roger Helmandach for helping confirm that the subway trick to get to other islands was a hoax and being the first person to email me on my faq.
-Paul Daugherty for the easy way to beat the paparazzi purge mission. and and for putting my faq on their sites.
-GTA3 Instruction booklet for radio station information.
-Idiot for the glitch.
-Nathan Norris for a bit of info on walkthroughs and the ASCII art at the top, which is beautiful.
-Roger McNickel for the way to get the Rhyno.
-Hudson151 for the weapon location. and for the glitches.

17 – Legal Stuff

This document copyright 2002 Brett Lacoursiere. This document can not be copied in whole or part and shall not be used for commercial purposes like selling. Reproduction of this document in whole or part is strongly prohibited unless permission is granted by the author. My faq is allowed on the following sites:
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