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by david wee

This file is best viewed in Notepad.

Last Modified 8-11-2001

Revision History
v0.1 8-7-2001 First appearence on GameFAQS

v0.2 Changes made below

+ Chapter 3.4 Expanded Section, Confidence
+ Chapter 3.5 Aiming and Short Statistical Discussion : its about pixels
+ Cleaner text layout

Legal Note: You may copy this or portions of this FAQ for any public medium
only by emailing me for permission first. Also, please credit me for any
copied text contained herein.


Counter-Strike is a video game that, in essence, is a test of your sense for
prediction. Prediction drives the stock market, it also drives the top
scores of Counter-Strike. Prediction, on a technical explanatory level
requires interpolation of both sound and visual cues, such as footsteps,
fast glimpses of the enemy going one direction or the other, broken grates,
guns lying on the floor, etc. It also requires a 'milling through' of
previous experiences with specific opponents.. For instance, for me to kill
the number one rated player on the server where I play at, I have to try
very hard, but I usually can predict where he will be, and that is almost
always where no one else is, and almost always in a flanking vector to the
majority of my own team. Hence, I use the position of the majority of my
team, look at any vectors that could flank it, and trace backwards, which
usually will lead to his position. He is a smart player, and he expects
people to use this reverse method on him, so he will do a "back-and-forth"
shuffle on certain maze-like levels to "wait out" any fish he is trying to
catch (where the fish think they are catching him!).. By waiting out, i
mean, waiting to get enough visual / audio clues to determine their
location, kill them, then move on to the main sector of the enemy team,
and of course, in a flanking direction.

Next, I would like to say hello to everyone on EverybodyDies... It is a great
server filled with good players, and of course, it is Punkbuster protected. for updates.
Before We Begin, Ping And Punkbuster

With CS1.3, there seems to be some compensation for people still playing
on modem (like me). I think bullets are now contained server side.

Punkbuster ( is an anti-cheat device, that while no
longer supported, still keeps most cheats out of the game. Most servers
require you have punkbuster installed and operating while you play.


One must realize that counter-Strike is different from every other game out
there because life and death hinges upon split-second desicion making. You
reload at the wrong time; You decide tocover an open area with the wrong kind
of gun; You hold the mouse button three tenths a second too long or too
short; all of these, and you die.

I don't quite know how to explain how to get better; I can only offer factual
observations. It is up to you to log the hours of playtime. I know the best
players have very high play times, and the worst players are casual players.
It is sort of vicious by design : The new players will consistently die for
the next 10-20 hours of play time, and be horribly disappointed, while the
"old guard" will continue to rack up kill after kill, "oppressing" the new
people. This is the nature of the game, and you should accept that if you are
new to the game and want to become good. In other words, expect many days of
consistent failure and death to pass first. I suppose it is a trial by fire,
but there is nothing I love more than seeing new people consistently really
try to do well. The thing about beginners is that they usually take
consistently wrong actions, apart from team goals, you will notice that
they just "randomly run around". You don't do this. You run only because
it is harder to catch a running opponent. You run with your eyes completely
peeled at each pixel on the screen, scanning for enemy movement, and you
know precisely where you are going to go. You can distinguish a good player
because they are almost always scanning everything, everywhere, and if they
are camping for a short time, and they hear so much as a pin drop, they will
determine if it is necessary to relocate to gain a better predicted advantage.

Chapter 1. The Most Important Aspect of Counter-Strike

* Position is key. Position is 95% of the game. *

The other 5% is proper and rapid aim, and ability to tap the mouse at the
interval specified by the type of gun you are using. Some guns do not require
many taps, some, such as the AK-47 usually require at least 1 tap.

Notice the first few shots of any gun are much more accurate than those
following, that is, until you let go of the trigger, let the cursor settle
down (i.e. stop expanding its circle of damage), and re-fire. This is to
simulate the negative recoil effects on one's aim.

I would say, even though proper aim is first required to kill opponents,
it is only because you have situated your position such that their time to
find you, or bear target upon you is just long enough for you to kill them.

So, the question is, when do you change your position? Well, for one, if
there are less people on the map, and you hear so much as a pin drop from
somewhere that doesn't have your teammates signal on the radar, you should
immediately decide how to gain a strategic positional advantage, first by
predicting his entry point (which requires you to examine all possible
openings), and then by seeking him out or waiting for him to arrive.
I will discuss more of this in chapter 3.

Chapter 2. Good and bad Players.

Bad players are simply inexperienced players. What I suggest is to keep a log
of your play time.

Do not feel frustrated until you have exceeded at least 3000 minutes of game
time (i.e. time you log on to servers to quit).

Around the 3000 minute mark, you should see results.

Follow good players. See what they do. Shadow their movements.

Good players are simply polar opposites of bad players. Good players take
initiative, they go through a different route almost every round, or two
rounds, or three at most. Good players know the value of proper aim. By
this, they will hit you with as few bullets as possible. Good players know
that aim is more important than anything at the critical moment of conflict.
Secondary considerations are amount of ammo spent to kill per victim to get
the maximum number of kills without reloading.

* As a beginner try not to worry about killing multiple *
people per single clip.

And whatever you do, try not to camp. If you must camp, camp so your line of
fire is perpindicular to the predicted line of enemy movement.

However, most new players will not be able to estimate major lanes of
traffic, nor understand the proper distance required to camp back, which is
dependent upon the gun.

I suggest not following the rest of the team, hope to get a kill, die,
repeat. I suggest following your own line of reasoning, such as flanking,
running when you are fairly sure of enemy absence, walking when you are
unsure, running to gain attention, then doubling back while walking to set
a trap of sorts.

That kind of reasoning will take you all the way. And it must come from your
own head, not orders from your teammates.

The number one problem I see with bad players is lack of confidence.
Confidence breeds a number of good qualities, primarily alertness,
responsiveness, and a dedication to eradicate the opposing team. Notice,
in good players, they take one out, and simply move to the next one. It is
as if they had a laundry list of players. In fact, they will keep a mental
tab of each opponent's skill, by observation, and hunt with care accordingly.

So what kind of things do we see with lack of confidence? This will be
covered in Chapter 3.4.

Chapter 3.1 The Initial Confrontation : Targeting And Re-Targeting

The immediacy of the conflict situation is fantastically pressure-packed.
The first thing you will notice is the number of enemies aiming at you. If
there are two or more, and they are still bearing their cursor upon you (you
can tell because they have not yet begun firing), try to run such that only
one enemy can have the proper line of fire, in other words, try to form a
line between you and the average interpolated line between your opponents,
if you think you can move before they bear target. This will cause only one
of your opponents to be able to bear fire upon you, and he will block the
rest of his partners from taking proper shots at you. This also has the
advantage of multiple headshots with sub-machineguns against your enemy
and at least some level of incidental splash damage.

* My enemy thinks he will kill me *
because he is putting more bullets into the air
and sending them my way. Little does he know,
in his excitement, eagerness, and emotion
that one bullet to his head,
will be all that i fire.

Okay, perhaps I went overboard on that one, but I wanted to drive home the
point that accuracy is what counts. Learning how to be accurate and target
fast is the goal. Especially with the AK-47, take that extra 300 milliseconds
to bear true aim, it will pay off in a show-down situation.

Again, clock your number of minutes played, aim is more of a developed skill,
not a genetic predisposition.

Do not be frustrated, a few really good players on a particular server will
probably keep most new players at a 1-10 ratio or worse.

Chapter 3.2 Multiple Enemies

* They will think they can take you out, *
since they are many, and you are one.

If you can run from multiple enemies without losing any strategic position
(or if position in that locale is irrelevent), then do so in an attempt to
gain a position such that your ability to predict the enemy's movement into
your line of fire is higher and greater than their ability to respond.

* And then they will think you need to reload, *
that you spent over half your clip
on one of thier men,
and they will be mistaken again,
because you will have
only used three bullets out of your thirty.

This is perhaps my most favorite trick. Well, its not really a trick, I just
simply use only 3-15 bullets (depending upon the gun) to dispatch an opponent
into the Elysian Fields. When the next enemy comes, he will assume you don't
have enough bullets to finish him on that clip, so he may be a little less
careful. A good player however, will assume that one bullet will all that
is needed, and hence, would treat every situation with the same quality,
murderous care.

This following is a rough chart of typical # of bullets needed with reasonable
aim at the upper torso. It is not a minimum nor a maximum, just a "typical"
average from the "average" good player in any particular round on any
particular level.

This # of bullets used per kill is not the number of bullets that actually
hit the opponent, just the typical number sent his direction s.t. after
n number of bullets sent, the opponent died.

Gun # of bullets used per kill Clip size
MP5 15 30

Desert Eagle 3 7
(still opponent)

Desert Eagle 6 7
(strafing opponent)

Colt M4A1 7 30

AK-47 3 30

AWP 1 * 10

Sig552/SteyrAUG 9 30

USP-45 CT Handgun 5 12
(w/out silencer)

H&K UMP 9 25

Steyr Scout 2 * 10

From this basic chart, we can extrapolate a time window based
on rate of fire to estimate a seconds per kill per gun table.

Note that the Scout and the AWP are not included on the
table because the time per kill is not relevent since the
time it takes to find targets, reload, reposition etc..
it is not feasible for melee-ing multiple enemies at
mid to close range. By melee-ing, I mean your bullets on
multiple enemies within the span of 5 seconds or less.

Gun milliseconds per kill Clip size
MP5 ~600 30

Desert Eagle ~500 7
(still opponent)

Desert Eagle ~2000 7
(strafing opponent)

Colt M4A1 ~400 30

AK-47 ~200 30


Sig552/SteyrAUG ~1000 30
(scope zoom)

Sig552/SteyrAUG ~500 30
(w/out scope zoom,close)

USP-45 CT Handgun ~1000 12
(w/out silencer)

H&K UMP ~600 25

Steyr Scout NA 10

What can this chart tell us? Well, the AK-47 is well suited for multiple
enemies, however I did not include cooling down time, cooling down time being
the time it takes for the cursor to settle back into its default firing
circle, hence it is somewhat deceptive. The Colt M4A1 has very good cool
time, perhaps in the next FAQ update i will have a chart of Cooling times.

Chapter 3.3 Sniping 101

* Only relocate when you think the enemy is on to you. *

This means, if there are a squadron of enemies walking around (not
neccessarily towards your direction, but general sweeping of thier local
area) and you take one out at long distance, if the footsteps start getting
closer, take another shot, because they are directly challenging your ability
to sniper effectively.

However, if the enemy is smart, he will not approach you directly, and will
try to flank you by approaching you in a less-straight forward manner, so,
you must relocate.. This usually means changing your line of fire at least
90 degrees to a completely different spot of cover. Of course, sometimes
you have to drop the sniper rifle and pick up a submachine gun, but this
is completely situational, and it is too hard to describe when to do this,
but usually when you know you are getting boxed in on two opposite sides,
then you probably want to go rifle/submachine gun, so grab anything on
the ground. Sniping is essentially the art of patience even when your enemy
is 20 feet away, and you are standing there for a very long time, the enemy
will think you may try to relocate, but don't. Unless of course, he has
friends trying to flank you by coming around to your blind side. In that
situation, you should choose one direction from all available directions
that the enemy is believed to be coming, and take out "one arm" of their
two pronged attack. It is simply too hard to take on two opponents from
different directions firing upon you, hence you should expect this to happen
when playing against good players. If it is not feasible to snipe when going
after one side of the attack, it is a good idea to switch to the secondary
hand-gun, such as the desert Eagle, to do the job.

The main reason why you want to go after one or the other of all flanking
enemies is that by killing one set of enemies from one flanking position,
you now have time to set up your next round of kills because you have
placed a certain amount of time between you and the other flanking arm,
so, all you have to do is double back to your original position to find
your next enemy.

It will take a few hours of practice to predict the body trajectory of
jumping enemies trying to dodge your bullets. The smarter ones will stand
still just long enough for you to think you can hit them, then move just when
you are about to fire, causing you to re-aim. This is not a 'strafing'
defense. This is simply moving only when you predict the sniper will fire
upon you. My usual estimate is that it takes most people roughly 1 second
to bear the correct aim and to fire; Hence, I move just before one second,
In the meantime for those 900 milliseconds or so, I try to fire upon him as
much as possible. Repeat.

Chapter 3.4 Bad Memories: The Killer Within You

This section will try to present an offensive tactic that uses psychology
to gain more kills. The key is this. Choose a spot that you know they will
come through, or not. I.e. A major chokepoint. Kill three-five people.

They now have bad memories of that location.

Then, they will not go that route the second time. They will assume, that
since you got "so lucky" there, that you will probably stay there. But you
will not. Instead, you will go in precisely the opposite direction the next
round. And you will run with the knife, to get to a second chokepoint. And
they will completely not expect you. In other words, they go to one place,
they all die. By psychology, they go to another route the next round, but
again, you are there, they all die. The key is to go where the masses of
the opposition lie, and beat them to the spot. Then unleash hell. You can
easily go 14-1 and more using this tactic. Eventually they will get the clue
they should not bunch up and be much more cautious about every single step
they take. Congratualations, you have now made your mark as a bad memory in
your opposition.

* To know the enemy's mind is to conquer the enemy. *

A word about confidence. Think to yourself, Im going to kill every single
terrorist/counter-terrorist I see. That is final. There is no room for
"I hope i get one". Everyone will die, and I will live. Well, I have noticed
great players go into "CS Trances" where they just have this unimaginable
run upwards of 20 to 30 kills or more before they die. Then they will revert
back to their normal self. Call it an unlikely alignment of the planets,
luck, but I believe it was when they were at their apex; the apex being
any emotion such as fear, lack of confidence of one's abilities,
fear of dying quickly, was simply shoved aside for brute reason and fast
reaction. Fast reaction goes hand in hand with reason. When you must react
fast, you can only do what you essentially know what works. And you only
know what works by experience, which is when you didn't die. Hence, you
know only do what you think is reasonable per situation, and clearly,
if you already can sense the situation, you can react without even
really thinking. I believe, if you can actually put yourself in the shoes
of your on-screen representation, you will actually make better decisions,
because you will give it more thought and more brainpower to make an
immediate, informed decision. I remember one time when I was playing de_train
and I was on the CT side, I ran through the back entrance to the Terrorist
spawn side, and a T was hitting me with burst fired AK-47 from the end of
the corridor near the brick walls. I tried firing, but got very few shots in
(you never stay too still with an AK-47 on you), so I decided to run into the
main central train/courtyard area. But then, I decided to backtrack, because
I predicted that he predicted I would move into that area, so I ran a bit
towards that way, but walked back quietly to sneak back upon him as he
tried going into the courtyard area to meet me. For really good players,
you can hesitate long enough for them to *think* you are doubling back
on their back-side, then go to the original location you wanted to go.

I think it is fair to say, you can only become good when you start realizing
your mistakes. You should curse the mistakes that could have been avoided.
An example of a mistake that could not have been avoided is walking into a room,
and then seeing 4 campers bear fire upon you. An example of a mistake that
could have been avoided is taking sight of an enemy, chasing after him, and
not paying attention to the footsteps behind or to the side of you.

Chapter 3.5 Aiming and Short Statistical Discussion : its about pixels

If I plan to guard a certain passage point from my enemy, notice that the
closer up I am to the expected appearence, the larger my pixel representation
will be, hence, I will take more screen room, and thus be an easier target,
than if I were sitting as far back as possible, minimizing the number of
pixels used to display my character. In other words, suppose we pick a
random point on the screen. There are many pixels, pick one, lets say at
position (x,y) on your monitor. Now, if I sit up close, my pixels will take
up, say 9% of the screen pixels. If I were to sit far away, my pixels would
take up, say 4% of the screen pixels.

It is obvious that any random pixel would have, on average, a shorter
distance to one of the 9% of the pixels, than to 4% of the pixels, because
there are 5% more pixels that could potentially be closer to position (x,y).

Hence, we would always like to sit as far back as possible, when guarding
passage points.

Let me mention that this is for guarding territory when it is fairly certain
that there will be at least some warning (i.e. footsteps) from opponents
on a flanking vector.

In the next update, I will discuss field of vision as a function of time,
and how you can use this to your advantage, or be caught in disadvantage,
and including positional knowledge, strafing, millsecond advtanges, etc.

Chapter 4.1 Hand-Guns

If you are playing Counter-Terrorists, I would use the USP-45 with the
silencer enabled. The stealth afforded by the silencer truly leverages
the power of a good camping spot. In addition, you can buy armor the
first round, which also leverages yourself against unarmored terrorists
carrying desert eagles. Of course desert eagle is strong, but the armor
will help some, and alot more than none at all.

If you are on the Terrorists, use the Desert Eagle, or pick up a weapon
on the ground. The Glock is not useful, it should be recycled at the
closest recycling facility.

* The desert eagle is *the* weapon of choice for the *
first few rounds, and remains the best side-arm
when your primary clip runs out.

* When firing a desert eagle, learn to aquire a perfect *
tracking cursor on the enemy, even when they try to
jump, duck, sidestep, or fire to cause intimidation

Chapter 4.2 Guns



What is response? Response is the ability of a gun to respond to a previously
unknown event, such as an enemy moving in by surprise, that was
essentially unpredicted, and putting the enemy down, even when surprised.


Prediction is the ability of a gun to put down an enemy moving into
predicted territory, efficiently, without significant penalty of personal
injury, and without time for the enemy to respond effectively before death.

I will use the following scale

Poor Good Very good Excellent Unsurpassed

The MP5. 30 Round Clip. Fast. Reliably accurate. Can even do wonders on
long range one shot sniping. $1500, the best bargain in the game.
I think using the Mp5 is the best for fast rush levels, such dust.
It just wins rounds, and can really cover wide areas, and do
close quarter combat also. Also its price allows purchase of grenades.

Good response, good prediction.


The Colt M-16 (the game calls it the M4A1).. Can take out enemies with
three bullets to the chest. Silencer enable, it is even more accurate. 30
round clip, ultra fast rate of fire, light. The best thing about this gun
is that you can control the first 10 rounds, which means, you can probably
aim for the chest, and move slightly up as they are temporarily stunned
and get the headshot (i.e. moving the cursor as you are firing on their

Very good response, good prediction.

The AK-47. 30 Round clip, One shot means near death. The most powerful
automatic rifle in the game. It must be compensated for its wild
uncontrable recoil by burst-firing only. Aim for the chest, hold
for about 1/2 to 3/4 a second to let out 3-5 shots. Close up, nothing
except the AWP kills faster than this.

Good response, Unsurpassed prediction.

When you fire the AK, learn where the head of any enemy *would* appear at
any spot in your view. Crouch, and when you hear the enemy footsteps,
figure out precisely where they are, and get the cursor lined up on the
current non-existent enemy form. Counter-Strike is a game of using sound
and the radar to interpolate your *EXACT* enemy position, and all of this
has to be calculated on split-second demand. This takes a long time to
master, but you want to get good at CS?

* There is no way to kill a good player unless he moves into your *
cursor, not the other way around.

* you must learn to predict, or you die *

The AK-47 is perhaps my favorite weapon, simply because when you use it
in the right situation, it is disastrous. It truly wrecks havoc on
standing opponents, and while you are on above enemies raining fire
down on them with an AK. Especialy when they try to take cover, you just
rip with the AK and they all die.


The Sig552 / Steyr AUG. 30 round clips. Both are the same weapon,
essentially. They are useful for long-range support, long-range sniping
with its 2x zoom. This weapon can control open spaces from afar. Not
many weapons can claim this ability. In fact, only the 552/AUG has the
versatility to control open spaces and sideways, fast moving enemy.


The Steyr Scout / Artic Magnum Warfare. 10 round clips. Use these
against enemy snipers first. The 4x zoom lets you take precision shots.

Poor response. Unsurpassed prediction.


The Steyr TMP / Mac10. 25 round clips. Ultra-fast rate of fire, poor
accuracy. I would not use these weapons, but they are the cheapest
submachine guns money can buy.

Poor response. Poor prediction.


The H&K UMP-45. 25 Round clip. Half the speed of fire of the MP5, but it
does have a little bit more power per bullet. But again, I prefer the

Good response. Good prediction.

Chapter 5.1 Map By Map analysis

terrorists : go AK-47. Camp chokepoints, spread
out amongst the upper rafters, one man at each corner, one man guarding
the door (above the rafters, not on the ground), and try to sneak
a few men out into the gates past the main garage door in the "shadows"
to gain surprise kills. Mainly camp. This is a good map for one to
learn the basic tactical elements such as using your radar to know which
areas have been compromised : the venting system, if the enemy is inside,
the garage entrance, the backdoor, and the bottom floor inside the

counter-terrorists : go MP5-Navy. The Colt's aren't worth the money
on this level, and the MP5's do a good job already for this range of
fighting. Also mp5 is good for going through the vent system and breaking
the back door entrance. Make sure you check the upper rafters in every
corner. Storming the backdoor is a good idea, but you better have your
best man be the point man, otherwise your team will get slaughtered if
you have all your newbies go in, they will all get reamed because they
do not know how to look around carefully enough.

for both teams : looking is the most important aspect on this level.
The enemy team is hard to see, and can rain fire from anywhere. It
is truly about carefully looking around before you take your steps while
inside the warehouse.

terrorists : I prefer Sig552, because you can truly wreck havoc
on CT's trying to make their way up the main corridor on the left from
the Terrorist spawn position. Rushing Terrorists (which go into the house
with the paintings and stuff) should go with MP5's.

counter-Terrorists : Steyr Aug / Colt, you will normally see half the
team buy colts, half the team with AUG's. This is a good mix. Aug's
for the long range support, and Colt's for the quicker-invading CT's.

for both teams: learn to move quickly, without hesitation or fear
from campers. Eventually, by forcing yourself to move while checking for
blind spots along the way, you will kill all campers, and that alone
will bring your score to 3-1. The enemy on this level moves, and for some
reason, stops at certain spots, most likely to fear that the enemy is doing the
same on the other side; this fear is unwarrented. For instance, as a CT,
you should quickly run to the left or to the right (or through the middle
house, after you go up the boxes), and stop only to kill enemies. Flanking
on this map is easier than most since the entire map is so maze-like.

terrorists : camp the house, have snipers on the roofs and in the
little crack on the very far right side of the house, on this rock wall.
Have men guarding the tunnels, not directly, but at the far corner between
the two holes leading out, this way men can cover both spots with fewer men.
Sometimes, if you AWP, it is nice to run out in front of the house and
hold the entire ground. An AWP down here from the Terrorist side is
devastating, because the CT's have to contend with snipers on the roof,
at the same time you are sniping them from the ground.
Rambo Terrorist Tactic :

counter-terrorists : rush the tunnels, pour men out like lemmings into
the other side of the terrorist house; use smoke grenades to 'lag' terrorist
snipers (it is tremendously powerful, it slows down the computer to a grinding
halt) when trying to go directly in front of the house, rush the fronts.
Rushing is key, causing a lot of havoc from the tunnel side and the front
is necessary. It has to be a split effort acting in concert to cause the
terrorist defense to fall.

terrorists : MP5's are the weapon of choice, they are cheap, and
you need to throw flash bangs coming out of the tunnels, so you need
money for that. I would buy flash bangs and HE grenades and an MP5,
which is quite expensive in total (about 2100). make sure when you
rush out of the left side of the tunnel, you throw a flash bang before
you exit, and turn your back to the flash grenade. If you see a white
shimmer, the enemy is blinded, and you rush immediately, running to
the back wall, to flush out any CT's hiding behind the boxes, then
pushing forward to clean up the left bomb site. Sometimes things
don't go according to plan, or all the CT's end up camping bomb site
a, so go rush bomb site B. Bridge offensive: Usually bridge offensive
works best *just* when your other half of the team is leaving the
tunnels on the left into the CT side. What happens is that the CT's
get swamped with too many targets coming from too many directions
which results in death for the CT side. This is harder to achieve, but
with Voice Communication now enabled, i think coordinating attacks
this way is possible.

counter-terrorists : hold the CT side.


Concluding Thoughts


Experiment with different ideas. This game is a game and a good game, as
this is such, can always reflect innovative ideas. Inspiration to go
behind enemy lines, or directly in front of them can lead to wonderful
results. I normally am very cautious about taking on an entire troop
of enemies, head on. But, I decided to test my skill in using the enemies
to block each other as they fired upon me, and using various objects
(the grey room in De_Vegas), i was able to take out 5 opponents that all
were hunting me, by predicting each person's movement ( i kept a mental
tab of each persons position and predicted movement!), i was able to
triangulate out each person into a 1 on 1 battle, and because my aim
was faster than theirs, I would win each battle. But they key was,
after each exchange, go back into and check my mental list of
each enemy and move accordingly so I could single out another opponent.

Having a running tab of enemy positions and movement vectors sounds like
a tough thing, but it is doable. You should start with at least two
enemies and be able to predict the next 20 seconds based on your own
movement (and how they would respond as such). Continue to practice
putting yourself out of the line of fire of multiple enemies while at the
same time putting one enemy into yours, and continue down the list
of the opposition.

I have seen really good players keep positional tabs on upwards of
four people at the same time, while jumping over and under boxes, stairs
gates, doors, windowsills, etc... taking each out one by one, and rapid
positioning to obstruct enemy lines of fire while keeping active lines
of fire for themselves.

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Weapon Fix FAQ
Engl. FAQ

04.Oktober 2013
Buy Script FAQ
Engl. FAQ

02.Oktober 2013
cs_siege map Strategy Guide
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30.September 2013
cs_militia map Strategy Guide
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30.September 2013
cs_assault map Strategy Guide
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01.Oktober 2013
Strategy Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

03.Oktober 2013
Weapons Guide
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Deutsch-Patch für v1.6

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de_aztec Map Strategy Guide
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03.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

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Geldtrainer Teil 2 (nur für POD_BOTS v2.5; Achtung: 1.4 MB)

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