

15.10.2013 21:08:30

Three Fingers GL Quake Manual 1.05 For GL Quake
version .93, .94 & .95 9/25/97

Compiled and partially written by Brett Jacobs

Any updates, corrections or questions, email
to: twang2000@teleplex.net
*thanks go out to all the GL Quake gurus for
helping me with much of this info.

2. What are the system requirements for

GLQuake requires the following:
- Voodoo Graphics or Voodoo Rush Based Accelerator
- Windows 95 or Windows NT (Voodoo Graphics Only)
- A PC with a Pentium 90 or higher CPU
- 16MB of RAM (+ quite a bit of Virtual Memory)
- 2D Video card set at 16 bit or higher color

NOTE:(Updated GLQuake driver required for NT or Voodoo Rush Support-
This updated driver also requires Glide 2.3 runtime drivers).

To install GL Quake: unzip
"glq8_27.zip" (version .95) into your quake folder.


The new version of GL Quake (version .95) file
name "glq8_27.zip" was released on 8/27/97 It has been
improved dramaticly. All of the settings in this manual still
apply. It can be downloaded from this FTP Site:

Note: You gotta get it! ):):):):):
*ver.95 file name "glq8_27.zip" was
released on 8/27/97 and corrected the Mission Pack crashes on a
few maps.
*If you get an error "glide 2x.dll not
found" when executing GL Quake, go to the below site and get
the "glide 2.42 runtime end user drivers" and install

Also a new opengl32.dll (file name minigl.exe)
was released by 3DFX on 9/12/97. Get it at the below URL. It
replaces the "opengl32.dll" file in your quake folder.


You must be using a video card that handles Open GL 3dfx applications.

Currently, I am only aware of four cards which
will run GL Quake to an acceptable level of performance. They are:

1. Orchid Righteous 3Dfx
2. Monster 3Dfx
3. Intergraph Intense 3D/Realism Card (very expensive, For NT)
4. Canopus Pure 3D Voodoo Graphics 6MB (very nice)
*as of 9/15/97 many new cards are being
released with the 3DFX Voodoo Graphics chip. Some of the newer
Cards also have 6MB memory (Canopus Pure 3D). Just make sure the
card you purchase has the 3DFX Voodoo Graphics Chip and NOT the
Voodo Rush Chip. If you buy a Voodoo Rush to run GL Quake, you'll
be crying in your soup. (:(:
*when installing the card, it is best to skip a
slot between it and your 2D card.
*these cards are a add on to your existing video card.


Go to this website to get the latest drivers
for your video card, direct x and glide:


*If you get an error "glide 2x.dll not found", go to the above site and
get the "glide 2.42 runtime drivers" and install them.


Before attempting to run GL Quake, you must set your color palette to: "16bit"

To set: go to "control panel", then "display", then "settings" tab. Change the
color palette to "16bit", hit "apply", then "OK" and restart.
*failure to do this will give the error:
"no RGB fullscreen modes available"
*DO NOT select "16 color". "High Color 16 bit" is the correct one.
*setting this to "24 bit" may give an error "video mode not available"
when starting GL Quake.

QUICK SET-UP BELOW, to be playing GL Quake in 5 minutes.

You will need to make a Batch file and Autoexec.cfg file (see below).

*these settings will give the best combination of speed and bug free performance.


Here are my recommended settings if you want to copy them to your Quake autoexec.cfg:


r_mirroralpha "1"
r_shadows "0"
gl_flashblend "0"
r_wateralpha "1"
gl_polyblend "0"
m_filter "1"
gl_playermip "2"
_snd_mixahead ".14"
gl_keeptjunctions "0"



Copy your "config.cfg file" from your Quake/ID1 folder to an empty folder. Rename
the file "autoexec". You don't have to put the ".cfg" part as it already
knows its a ".cfg" file. Move the autoexec.cfg file to the ID1 folder. So
now you will have a "config.cfg" and an "autoexec.cfg" in the "ID1" folder.
Open the "autoexec.cfg" with your NOTEPAD and copy the above command lines
exactly as they appear (quotes and all) to your autoexec.cfg file. Hit
"file" and "save".

Now when quake starts, it will automatically load the commands.

*the "_snd_mixahead" will already be
in the autoexec.cfg if you copied your config.cfg , delete the
old one and replace it with the setting above.

*CTF users should place the autoexec.cfg in the
CTF folder with a copy of the config.cfg from the ID1 folder.
Basically the autoexec.cfg should be in the folder that you have
a game switch (-game ctf).


Here are my recommended batch file settings
below, if you want to copy them to your GL Quake batch file.

*the last 3 lines must all be on 1 line. Adjust "-heapsize" to your
available RAM.

-heapsize 24000 : (24mb) this sets the alloted
MB of RAM used by GL Quake. "-heapsize 16000" would be
16mb. (same command as "-winmem" in regular quake)

*don't exceed 50% of your ram. 32mb heapsize should be plenty if you have
64mb or more.

Start Copy Here ( GL Quake Batch File)


glquake.exe -game ctf -width 640 -height 480
-bpp 16 -heapsize 32000 +_windowed_mouse 1 -nojoy -nocdaudio
-noipx -zone 1024 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9


IMPORTANT: In the above settings, the last 3
lines beginning with glquake.exe and ending with %9, must all be on 1 line.

How to make a batch file for GL Quake:

Copy the "Q95.bat" file from your
Quake folder to an empty folder and open it with your NOTEPAD.
Delete everything in it and copy the command lines directly above,
exactly as the appear.
IMPORTANT: In the above settings, the last 3 lines beginning with
glquake.exe and ending with %9, must all be on 1 line.

Hit "file" and "save".
Rename the file, something like "startgl.bat".

You don't have to put the".bat" part
in the name. It already knows its a ".bat" file.

Now move it back to your Quake folder. Double
click this file to start the game.

Don't forget to change the file name in the
QSPY "Command Line" options. (if you use qspy)

*remove the "-game ctf" switch from
the batch file command line if you don't use the CTF maps.
*remove "-nojoy" if you use a joystick.

*remove "-nocdaudio" if you listen to music while playing.


A: Anything you put in your autoexec.bat
starting with the SET statment is a variable. There's only a
finite amount of space available for these variables in DOS
called Environment Space. You can make this space larger by
adding this line to your C:\CONFIG.SYS file:

*Open the "config.sys" file (its on
your C drive) with your notepad to add the line, after adding the
line, click "file" and "save". Then restart
the computer.

shell-c:\command.com /e:512 /p

If you need more space in the future, increase
the number from 512 to 1024


r_wateralpha 0.4 (or any number 0 - 1 in .1

Makes water, lava and slime surfaces
translucent, so you CAN see what's underneath. With normal maps,
the vis info isn't there, so you have to turn on "r_novis
1" to actually see through unless you vis'ed your maps. (0.3
looks like fog!)

Get the water vis utility at:

If you vis your maps with the above utility, it
will cost you 15% in FPS on the timedemo2 test. The timedemo2 is
just a test. It the real world it wont matter that much.

Note:Even though you can see thru the surface
of the water, you will not be able
to see players, ammo, armor, packs etc., as the
server does not transmit that info to you. Because the server
doesn't think you can see it. Just a few servers are currently
running with the information beings sent to the player so you can
see the players below the surface when your above the surface.
However in Monster play all the info is send to you.



Go to the site "
http://razor.stomped.com/water/ " and download the Vis Patch
file "ID1.Zip". The "Id1.zip" contains the
utility & the patch to Vis all your ID1 maps that came with
your quake game. Get any other vis patches for the maps you have.
The CTF3 & CTF4 Vis Patches are called "CTF3.zip &
CTF4.zip". They also have the Mission Pack vis patches.
Download all the files you need. Then unzip the
"ID1.zip" plus the CTF3.zip and all the rest into a new
empty folder named "water". Then double click on the
file named **"install.bat". It will ask you if you want
to make backup copies of your Pak files or overwrite your pak
files. Say "y" to overwriting your existing maps.

DO NOT LET IT MAKE backup copies. If you let it
make backup copies, it will leave your orignal Pak files
unaltered and make new pak files that have been vised. If you let
it make backups, you will need to remove the Pak files and rename
the new vised ones. Pak files must start with "0"
(zero) and go up from there. (0,1,2,3 etc.) After saying
"y" to overwriting your maps, it will ask your Quake
directory. It will then detect all the pak files that you have
vis patch files for in the "water" folder, and ask the
directory of the "ID1, ctf3, etc." Just follow the on
screen intructions. Its very easy. The whole vis process only
take 5 minutes or less.

*Then use the "r_wateralpha 0-1" (in
.1 increments) to adjust the transparency of the water surface. I like ".3"

**If you get the "Out Of Enviornment
Space"' error when executing the "Install.bat",
see fix for this error elsewhere in the set-up guide.

r_novis 1 (you need this for transparent water until you vis your maps)

Note: It will run amazingly slow with the
"r_novis 1" command (1/2 speed or less), this is just a
workaround so you can see the effect. To actually run a map with
transparent water, you need a map which has been VIS'd with the
new VIS utility.

r_lightmap 1

This command shows the lightmap without the
textures, with textures just on the entities. Everything looks
like white sheetrock. It's cool! Can be used in Net Play.

r_fullbright 1

This command removes all the shadows and dark corners in a map.

If you want to see your timedemo2 test blaze at twice the speed,
enable this setting. Servers won't allow this setting on Net Play
as no one could hide from you.


r_shadows 0/1

1 turns on dynamic shadows. Weapons, powerups,
projectiles and armor have shadows. Firing the lighting gun,
gives a very annoying shadow effect. It appears that your screen
is tearing badly.

Turning on the shadows "1" will cost you 1.5 FPS


r_mirroralpha 0.3 (or any number between 0 - 1)

This is the degree of translucency on the
mirror textures. "0" is a perfect mirror with no
surface effect, "1" is all surface with no reflection.
Setting this to "1" from ".3", gave 4.2 FPS
increase. Thats more than a 10% increase. The only drawback is,
you can't see your self in the mirror. I'm not that vain.

*The stained glass window in the "easy start hall" is my test texture.

*Don't enable mirrors in Quake World.


gl_flashblend 0/1

Setting "0": this replaces the dynamic colored ball with the old dynamic light.

This setting will cost you a few FPS, especially on slower systems.

Setting "1": makes an annoying flash
ball around explosions etc. ("1" gave me an increase of
1.7fps on timedemo2) Using setting "1" will give quite
a boost in FPS when the rockets and Grenades start flying. It
gave me 3.5FPS in the Bigass1 demo test. But the flash ball is
pretty annoying. Its a trade off.

gl_ztrick 1 (default)

This avoids clearing the z buffer at the expense of half the precision.

You may occasionally see some things poking
through where they shouldn't with this enabled. If the status bar
and console are flashing every other frame, clear this variable.

* gl_ztrick 0 will lower timedemo2 FPS about 15%.

gl_keeptjunctions 0/1

glquake can remove the extra colinear vertexes
added to polygons to fix tjunctions. If this is set to
"0", it saves quite a few triangles, but can cause
occasional one or two blinking pixels between polygons, nothing
to be worried about. If you don't like the few pixels that stay
on the screen w/ "0" setting, set it to "1".

*using setting "0" adds 1.2 FPS

gl_polyblend 0/1

"0 " turns off palette shifting..
This means your screen color doesn't change underwater or when
you have quad, ring or take damage etc..(water will be crystal
clear when your in it.) Setting of "0" gives a few
extra FPS. Set it to '1" and everything looks normal. (water
will be cloudy when your in it, and your screen will change color
when your being shot, get quad, ring and pentagram).

gl_playermip 0/1/2/3/4

0 gives infocus player skins ("0" is
not recommended, bug alert). 2 gives blurry player skins. 1 is
inbetween. Setting of 4 will give the fastest gameplay on
internet games. If you change this during the game, it will take
effect as soon as a player changes their skin colors. I recommend
setting it to "2".

*highly competitive players can set this on 3
or 4 for max FPS on internet play.

*(BUG) Using gl_playermip "0" and
then changing your skin color will either make GL Quake go back
to the desktop or cause some of the wall textures to switch to a
wierd color pattern. Looks kinda like a bowl of fruit salad.(:(:

This corrects itself after restarting GL Quake.

gl_earlyswap 0

This determines when page flips are done, which
has different effects on different buffering schemes.

Intergraph users should set this to 0, 3Dfx
users should leave it at 1. (My GL version .095, won't take this

m_filter 0/1

"1" turns on the filter. This really smooths out mouse movement.

This setting is a must for mouse users.

_windowed_mouse 1

This setting is a must for mouse users.

_snd_mixahead ".14"

Use this setting if your sound card does not support "direct sound".

You will hear the sound studdering sometimes if you need it.


There is no way to flush already loaded textures, so it is best to change
these options on the command line, or they will only take effect on some of
the textures when you change levels.

command line example: glquake.exe
+gl_round_down 0 +gl_picmip 1 -game ctf -zone 1024 %1 %2 etc.

gl_round_down 0

This will generally run well on a normal 4 MB 3dfx card, but for other cards
that have either worse texture management or slower texture swapping speeds,
there are some additional settings that can drastically lower the amount of
textures to be managed.

*ver.95 won't take this command

gl_picmip 0/1/2

This causes all textures to have one half the dimensions they otherwise would.

This makes them blurry, but very small. You can set this to 2 to make the
textures one quarter the resolution on each axis for REALLY blurry textures.

The setting "2" will only adds .5 FPS to speed. Definately not worth the blurr.

*gl_picmip 0 is default

*If you get an "Illegal Operation Error,
Invaild Page Fault" set gl_picmip back to default of "0".

gl_finish 0

This causes the game to not issue a glFinish() call each frame, which may make

some hardware run faster. If this setting is
used, the 3dfx could back up a number of frames and not be very

*v.95 won't take this command.

Batch File Command Lines:

*commands lines are case sensitive. Use caps where indicated.


Screenrefresh Rate.

If you use the default settings on your 3DFX card, then in general,
raising the vertical refresh will adversely affect your frame rate in GLQuake.

You'll have to decide if the performance hit is
worth the improvement in the image quality. Generally, there's no
noticeable frame rate penalty between running at 75 Hz as opposed
to 60 Hz. As a matter of fact, the 3DFX Card won't even run at 60
Hz in 512 x 384 resolution - 75 is the lowest. I know some people
get eyestrain when staring at a monitor with a 60 Hz refresh for
long periods of time, but 75 Hz is usually sufficient to
eliminate the problem. Setting it higher will start to bring your frame rate
down a bit.
There is a way you can run the refresh up to 120 Hz without a performance
hit: by disabling the vertical refresh sync on the 3DFX card by adding this
line to your glquake.bat file:


With this setting, the 3DFX Card will ignore the refresh rate and always
redraw the screen as soon as it can. As a bonus, this setting will usually
gain you 5 -9 fps, however it can cause some image tearing which some people
may find unacceptable. I don't notice it - it looks fine to me.


Overclock the Voodoo Chip.

The Orchid voodoo defaults to 50. You can gain
aproximately a 15% speed increase by overclocking to 55. Do not
go beyond 57. In any event keep an eye out for corruption
artefacts - flat shaded polygons, texture map corruption etc.
This setting will almost certainly make the Voodoo Chip run
hotter so beware!

My screen started slight tearing at
"57", "60" gave extreme tearing. Setting of
"50" gave 35.3 FPS and "56" gave 40.4 FPS**
in the default video resolution mode (640x480). Also note that
the Monster 3d's default performance setting is "57",
so that can be taken as a safe setting. Be forwarned, any setting
over "57 "will certainly shorten the life of your card.
If your image locks and the sound is looping , your overheating
the chip. Turn down the clock speed if this happens.

*Get a cooling fan to increase performance and life.
*After installing a fan on my Orchid Voodoo
Card. I could go to "60" w/o tearing. But I still leave mine at "54"

**FPS is with vised maps which are 15% slower.

The below URL (The Voodoo 3DFX Heat Test) has the results of overclocking
your card and the temperature of the chip at
different settings. It is commonly known that exceeding 60.C is
very bad for chips. His results showed the Monster 3D card w/o a
fan measured 64.3 C at a setting of "57". The fan
cooled it to 46.6 C at "57" clock speed.



Determines the OpenGL texture filters.
Intergraph is the only one that really does all of these correctly.

GL_NEAREST: point sampled, no mipmaps (for non
3dfx voodoo cards, which won't run GL Quake anyway.)

GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP: bilinear plus mipmaps (default setting)

interpolation (highest quality, only supported by
"Intergraph Intense/Realism 3D" card.


With this setting, the 3DFX card will ignore the refresh rate and always
redraw the screen as soon as it can. As a bonus, this setting will usually
gain you 5 -9 fps, however it can cause some image tearing which some people
may find unacceptable. I don't notice it - it looks fine to me. "0" setting
raised the speed a whopping 9FPS for me, over a setting of "1"(default).


Removes the 3DFX logo on startup.


Tells the Voodoo you have EDO RAM and to access
the RAM on your board faster. This may or may not have any
perceptable difference.


Fast PCI read. 1 or 2 more FPS.

This may not have any perceptable effect.

*I have read this may cause the dreaded 999 ping on 90-120 Pentiums.

Some users have reported this, but others say its fine. This problem
could be caused by the PCI Bus getting overloaded on lesser machines.


Dont Use Vsync "1", leave set to "0"

Normally your Voodoo will wait for the electron
gun to finish sweeping the screen before switching between the
visible data and the in work data. Ticking this means that the
voodoo will not waste any time waiting - it will switch
immediately. This means that it is of most use when performing
benchmarks. If you do use this in normal use you will find that
it results in tearing across the screen. On a game with a
constant colour background (e.g. a space game) this will not be
noticeable. On a Quake or Tomb Raider style game the tearing will
be quite pronounced. My recommendation is to only use this on


Gamma is brightness. "1.5" is default. The numbers in the gamma box can go
from 0.0 to 2.5 (2.5 is brightest)

* this line must also be in your batch file to adjust the gamma (brightness):


Individual Gamma Color Batch File Commands:

SET SST_RGAMMA-0 to 1.9 (red)
SET SST_GGAMMA-0 to 1.9 (green)
SET SST_BGAMMA-0 to 1.9 (blue)

*adjustable in .1 increments. "1" is the default

These aren't really needed, as your can adjust them in your Video Card

But if you want to leave the video card settings on the default or whatever,
you can set them just for GL Quake with these commands. I tried to run them
in my batch file and got a "out of
environment space" error message. I guess my batch file got
to big. So I just removed them. Not a big deal anyway.

*to be honest I don't think these color settings work anyway in GL Quake.


This sets the bits per pixel to 24. Which does nothing. READ ON!!!!

But, You must insert this line if you use
another video resolution (not windowed) beside the default. Or if
you want to adjust gamma, you must have it. Place it there
anyway, in case you forget.

*not the same as "-bpp 16"

The Below (5) commands must be placed in the
command line and cannot be used in the autoeexec.cfg or config.cfg

-window : lets you run gl quake in a window.
This will leave a 1/2 inch blue line accross the top of the
screen. w/o the "-window" command, it will run full screen.

*you can "+alt +tab" with ver.94 & 95 running full screen.

-heapsize 24000 : (24mb) this sets the alloted
MB of RAM used by GL Quake. "-heapsize 16000" would be
16mb. (same command as "-winmem" in regular quake)

*don't exceed 50% of your ram. 32mb heapsize
should be plenty if you have 64mb or more.

-zone 1024 : This increases your keys and
message memory buffer from 48kb to 1024kb. Makes a big difference
in how your keys respond. And I got .3 fps increase in the demo 2
test. I assume because, the messages in the demo appear so fast.
Don't laugh, it all adds up.

-primary_sound : this sets up Direct Sound as
your primary sound buffer. Give it a try. I think it improved my
sound quality. But not really sure.

-dinput : Add this to your batch file command
line for direct input of mouse or joystick. I recently tried this
and loved it with my Logitech Mouse. I had to bump up the
sensivity on my mouse control in my Quake autoexec.cfg file from
3 to 5 after adding "-dinput". The mouse seems much
smoother using "-dinput".

Example of game start up line:

glquake.exe -game ctf -width 640 -height 480
(this is how you change video resolution) -bpp 16(bits per pixel)
-heapsize 24000 (this sets MB assigned to GLQuake)
+_windowed_mouse 1(makes mouse react better) -nojoy -nocdaudio
-noipx (won't search for these 3 items on startup) -zone 1024
(default is 48kb, this zone command gives your mapped message
memory and keys a larger buffer) %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

Make certain to disable the joystick (unless you're using it) and CD
audio. Even if you're not using it, having joystick support
enabled in any game can slow it down substantially. Quake also wastes
time polling the MCI device to play CD tracks, even if the CD is not in
the drive, unless you disable it. Add this to your command line:

-nocdaudio -nojoy

Available Video modes (must be run from command line):

width x height

400x300 (extremely fast FPS, but very small image on screen makes it useless.)

512x384 (fastest FPS in a useable video mode,
was 15fps faster than default for me. Has 1.5 inch black border
around game image. Set refresh rate to 75 or higher for 512x384))

640x480 (default)

800x600 (these will not run with current cards
that have 4mb, as they run out of video memory)

1024x768 " "

1152x864 " "

1280x1024 " "

*you must use the "SET
SST_VIDEO_24BPP-1" if other modes are selected besides the default.

*all video modes should be followed by the "-bpp 16" in the command line.

*if your 2D card does not support a video resolution, you may have to run it
with the "-window" in the command line. This is not a given. Works on some
systems not on others.


GL Quake and regular Quake include a test to
check the FPS. *Quake ver1.06 included the timedemo2 test. You
can get the 1.06 upgrade (q101-106.zip) from:


*unzip q101-106.zip into your quake folder and
then double click on the "patch.exe" file in the Quake
folder. Update is complete at that point.

To perform the test,
Start Gl Quake and bring down the console and type:

timedemo demo2

When the demo starts, imediately raise the
console where you can see the full screen. (a lowered console
affects the "FPS")

As soon as the demo2 completes, bring down the
console and look for the number with "FPS" beside it.
This is your "frames per second". The higher the
better. Only use "demo2" for this test, as it contains
a good combination of water and land travel. Some of the settings
(gl_polyblend "1") will affect your FPS only in the

Note:If you run the game without the ammo,
score and health bar showing this will cost you about 8 fps
(ver.93). On ver. 94, or.95 it will reduce FPS about 3 FPS.

I was able to get 38.2 FPS-v.95 with the
recommended batch file and autoexec settings included with this
document. I ran the test with the ammo, score and health bar
showing and used the default video mode(640x480).

*I have my maps vis'ed which reduced my Timedemo2 FPS by 7 FPS.

My system is:

Pro 200 w/ 64mb
STB Virge 3D 8MB Graphic Accelerator (this card
handles 2D applications)
Orchid Righteous 3Dfx 4MB Video Card (this card
handles GL Quake and other GL games)

You guys that are getting fluctuating FPS, I am talking about a faster FPS
on the Timedemo2 when you first start up and then a lower FPS later.
You might have a heat problem. Try moving the 3DFX card to a slot where
there is space between it and the other cards next to it. 3DFX recommends
you skip a space between it and the 2D card.
The space should be on the Chip side of the Voodoo Card. Also I
added a fan to the 3dfx card and increased my FPS 1.5 on the
"bigass1 demo test". The bigass1 demo is a 16 player DM
demo to 50 frags. This test will run about 20% slower in FPS than
the timedemo2 test. The reason is, there is much more activity
(more shooting & explosions) in the bigass1 demo test. The
fan made no difference on the low activity Timedemo2 test. So
after adding a fan, if you get 1.5 FPS more on the
"bigass1", which lasts about 3 minutes in the test
form. Imagine how a fan helps in a 2 hour Internet Game.

The "Bigass1 Demo" can be downloaded at:


Just unzip the file into your quake/id1 folder and type at the console:

timedemo bigass1

*get a cooling fan to increase performance.

See my below email to Bart Lane concerning his "3DFX Cooler fan"

Hi Bart, I received the fan today.
But I want you to know I am disappointed in the mounting system for the
fan. The sheet metal screws protrude and come uncomfortably close to the
top memory chip prongs, and if placed on the other side of the card. I
feel after a short time the screw points would wear thru the lacquer
sealer due to vibration and touch the printed circuit wiring.

The thin mount is so flimsy, even the weight of the wires bend the mount
and pull the fan as much as 1/2 inch. I AM NOT SEEKING A REFUND OR

This is what I did to correct the inferior mount.

1. Cut off 2 inches from the total length of the mount and redrilled hole.
2. Bent mount and mounted fan in an empty slot on the chip side of the
card, parallel to the Orchid. Now the fan blows down on the top of the chip
instead of blowing on the side of the chip with the standard mount. I
realize not everyone has an empty slot.

I feel for the price you charge. You should give your customers more than a
10cent mount with a $4 fan. If I knew I was going to have to do all this. I
would have bought a CPU fan at Radio Shack and made my own mount.
I have been recommending your fan in my GL Quake Set-Up Guide that gets
downloaded over 100 times a day. I am removing all references to your fan
in my Guide until I see a much improved mount. If you want to send me just
the mount if you decide to redesign it. I will place the recommendation
back in the set-up guide at that time.

Best Regards,

Brett Jacobs


To use a three button mouse with GLQuake, your
Windows mouse driver must support three buttons. Use the Logitech
PS/2, Serial or Bus driver instead of the Microsoft or Standard
PS/2, Serial or Bus driver. Also, make certain that your Mouse
control panel sets the middle button to "middle" and
not "double click".

*I had to use the Logitech drivers that came
with my mouse to get my 3 button Logitech to work correctly. The
3 button drivers on the Win95 CD-ROM would not work.


A game port is on your system, however a
joystick is not connected, or if connected it isn't calibrated.
You can ignore joystick input by typing "joystick 0" at
the console. You can also disable joysticks by entering -nojoy at
the command prompt for GLQUAKE.EXE,

example: GLQUAKE.EXE -nojoy


Joysticks should work fine with GLQuake. If your joystick doesn't work,
GLQuake joystick support may be disabled. Type "joystick 1" at the console.
This will be saved in your config file, so you will only have to do it once.

*remove the "-nojoy" command, if you copied my batch file.


Define your own virtual memory settings. This is a bit tedious but it
really does help. This will create one continuos swap file on the hard
drive that's fully defragmented. Normally Win95 actively resizes your swap
file, but this causes a lot of disk accesses and keeps the swap files

Right click on "My Computer", click on "Properties", click on the
"Performance" tab, then click on the "Virtual Memory" button.

Click on "Let Me Specify MY Own Virtual Memory" then click "Disable
virtual memory" then click "OK". The computer will reboot.

When it reboots run the Disk Defragmenter and do a Full
Defragmentation of your drive. At this point do not reboot after

Go back into the Virtual Memory settings
window and uncheck "Disable virtual Memory" then select
"Let me specify my own virtual memory settings". Set
the "Minimum" to 100 and the "Maximum" to
100. Windows will reboot again to allow the settings to take effect.

If you have more than one drive on your system, you should select the
fastest drive for your swap file.

*you must have at least 100mb of free drive space.


The setting labeled "Typical Role of This Machine "determines how much space
is set aside in main memory to handle path and filename caching. The default
"Desktop Computer" choice allocates space for a paltry 32 paths and 677
filenames, whereas the "Network Server" choice bumps those settings up to
64 paths and 2,729 filenames.

If you have 32 mb or more of ram, you can improve performance by increasing
your disk cache size:

Right click on "My Computer", click on "Properties", click on the
"Performance" tab, then click on the "File System" button.

Select the "Hard Disk" tab and in the box labeled "Typical role of this
machine:" select "Network Server". The click on "OK" and Win95 will reboot
to allow this setting to take effect.

*This works fine on the new Win95B OSR2 (ver. 4.00.950 B). To check your
Win95 version, go to "control
panel/system". Older versions of Win95 will need to modify
their registry before changing the "typical role of this machine" setting.

Go to this site for instructions on registry modification:



Go to this website to get the latest drivers for your video card and Glide



Pulled this from the 3Dfx news server.

To everyone experiencing problems with GLQuake after installing DirectX 5:

1. If you have Glide Runtime 2.4,you must have Direct3D drivers v2.1.

Installing just Glide Runtime 2.4 will cause error message wglCannot Connect.
...(or something similar,I forget)

2. Monster 3D owners: Drivers v1.08 only have Direct3D drivers v2.08 so you
can't run any 3Dfx games with these and Glide Runtime 2.4.The solution? Like

(i) D/load & install Glide Runtime 2.4

(ii)D/load 3Dfx Direct3D drivers and unzip into new directory

(iii)D/load Monster 3D v1.08 drivers and unzip into new directory.

(iv)Delete from folder in (iii) above these files:


(v)Replace the above 4 files with similarly named files in folder (ii) above.

(vi)Go to Device Manager,Multimedia,Monster3D,Drivers tab and click Change Driver.

Browse to folder in (iii) above(which contains the 4 new Direct3D dlls).
Click ok all the way and reboot. Everything should be fine now.

If you follow all the recommended driver changes when you install Direct X 5,
whatever 3Dfx board you have will be changed to
"3Dfx Voodoo" in Device Manager and this will be
DirectX 5 certified.You can leave everything as it is or you can
change the device in Device Manager back to your board.
This however will mean your 3Dfx board won't be DirectX 5 certified.
Either case will cause no problem. Hope everyone is satisfied.

Troubleshooting GLQuake/GLQuakeworld

Q. Why is GLQuake Crashing on Startup?

A . Memory is usually the problem: Make sure
you have at least 16 megs of RAM and a 100MB swapfile allocated
in Windows '95. If you do have both, try defragmenting your
machine from DOS to make sure the swap file isn't fragmented. If
this doesn't work, check your drivers for the latest versions.

Q. Why Are My Text Messages and Tool Bar Are Much Smaller With GL Quake
Version .94 & .95.

A. This is the way the new versions of GL Quake are. Nothing is wrong with
your system.

Q. Why is GLQuake Running so Slowly?

A . If you have a 3Dfx card, check to make sure
you have the correct OpenGL32.dll and FXMEMMAP.VXD installed in
your QUAKE directory. If you do not have a 3Dfx card it is likely
that your card does not support the features necessary to run
GLQuake, or your drivers are not correctly installed.

Q: I've installed DirectX 5 and now I can't run
GLquake or GLQuakeWorld. What's wrong?

A: I've not personally confirmed this, but what
I've been told is that DX5 does not recognize v1.08 of the
Monster 3D drivers as DirectX compliant and will replace it with
it's own generic Voodoo drivers. Apparently these generic drivers
don't work properly with the GLQuake OpenGL library. I've been
told that the Glide v2.4 drivers won't even install properly with
the generic Voodoo drivers installed.

Q. Why Do I Need A High Frame rate (FPS)?

A.. For instance, during multiplayer games when
there are a lot of players on the screen all shooting rockets. Or
when running "mods" such as ThunderWalker CTF or
PainKeep, Quake will run somewhat slower, thus reducing the frame
rate. Also, the Quake engine slows down considerably in maps with
large open areas. This happens in several places in the Quake
Mission Packs. Having a higher available FPS prevents the game
from bogging down in these situations. Essentially, the higher
the available frame rate, the better.


A. This simply means you need to set your
desktop color palette to at least "16-bit high color".
Go to "control panel/display/settings" to set the color palette.

*setting to "24 bit" can give the
error message "specified video mode not available".

Q: I'm having trouble installing the Monster 3D
Or Orchid 3D drivers. If I try to install the drivers manually
now, it won't work.

A: You have to force Win95 to redetect the
Monster 3D card so that the drivers are installed properly.
However, you can't use the "Install New Hardware" icon
in Control Panel because it won't detect the card .

The solution is to physically remove the
Monster 3D card from the computer. You must then boot the
computer to allow Win95 to clear any drivers you may have
installed and free up resources. Shut down the computer properly
and re-install the Monster 3D. The next time you boot, Win95 will
detect the Monster 3D and ask you for the driver disk.

Q. I'm trying to run GL Quake for the first
time and the game is moving at 1 frame every 10 seconds. WTF???

A. This means your drivers did not install
correctly. Follow the order below.

1. Remove the card from your device manager and
reboot. It will detect the card and ask for the driver disk.
Install the Monster or Orchid drivers from the CD ROM or latest
version from the manufactures webpage. If you down loaded the
latest drivers for your card. You must expand the .exe file into
an empty folder . To expand the file, just put it in an empty
folder and double click on it. Then direct the driver install to
the folder where you expanded the .exe file. During install it
will ask for the CD-ROM Disk. Just direct it to the folder with
the expanded file.

2. Install Direct X from the Video card's CD ROM.

3. Install "Glide 2.42 Runtime End User" Drivers.

4. Check and make sure your Orchid or Monster
is listed in the Control Panel/Device Manager. You should also
have a Monster or Orchid Tab under control

Q. What is "VXD 1.1, expected 1.2"?

A.. This error is caused by the newer DLLs
trying to find expected GLIDE drivers. The solution is to
reinstall the latest GLIDE runtime files.


Go to this website to get the latest drivers for your video card and Glide Drivers:


Q. Why does 512x384 return "The specified video mode is not available"?

A .There is a common misconception that
"half of voodoo cards are unable to do 512x384" This is simply untrue.

The most common reason for this error is reversing the height and width commands.

Also, some combinations of drivers may not
allow this mode. Your 2d vid card also needs to support the
512x384 VESA mode, so you may need to use a utility like
Scitech's Display Doctor to add VESA support.

Use the following command line:

glquake.exe -width 512 -height 384 -bpp 16

or glquake.exe -window -width 512 -height 384 -bpp 16


You must insert this line in your GL Quake
batch file if you use another video resolution (not windowed)
beside the default.

Q. Why does my Voodoo and S3 968/868 lock up in GLQuake?

A..S3 968 and 868 chipsets may mis-report the
mapped memory used. There is a chance that your Voodoo Graphics
card will be assigned by Plug and Play a memory range that is
used by the S3 card, but not reported. The Voodoo Graphics card
can be relocated by:

Windows 95 Users: Please download the S3 Fix
kit from the Downloads/Updates section of http://www.3dfx.com

Windows NT Users: An NT service called NTREMAP
is installed when Glide is added to an NT system. NTREMAP can
change the memory address of a Voodoo Graphics board and prevent
a conflict with an S3 card.

To use NTREMAP, add the following registry values to:

\HKLM\Software\3Dfx Interactive\NTRemap
EnableNTRemap DWORD 1 (HEX)
ForceAddress DWORD 12000000 (HEX)

The Force Address setting will vary, in this
example 0x12000000 is used. This is normally free on most systems.

NOTE: If you use an address that over-writes
another device, Windows NT may not boot. If such a problem
occurs, power off the system and remove your Voodoo Graphics.
Alter the registry to use a different memory range (or remove the
ForceAddress setting). Then Reinstall the Voodoo Graphics card
into your system.

Q. What does "Missing Glide 2.x.dll" mean?

A . This is usually caused by trying to run the
newer clients on machines which never had the GLIDE runtime
installed. Get the "GLIDE 2.42 runtime" from the
drivers page and install it as per instructions.

Q. What does WglCreateContect Failed mean?

A .This is usually caused by trying to run an
invalid video mode, i.e. 800x600 or too high a bit depth. You can
try running with "-window" in the command line. In
addition, using the older OpenGL32.DLL with the newer clients can
cause this error. Make sure you're in at least 16 bit colour on
your desktop, and try running without command-line options. If
your using Quake World add a folder in your quake directory and
name it "qw". So the path will be "quake/qw".
GLQW will set-up the inverse pallette in the "qw"

Also, as a last resort, set your 2d card refresh to 60hz.

Q. I've Tried Everything And The Damn Thing
Still Won't Work. What Do I Do?

A.. Try Putting The 3DFX Card In Another PCI

Q. After A Few Minutes Of Game Play, My Image
Locks Up And The Sound Loops. My Card Is not Overclocked, So I
don't Think Its A Heat Problem. How Can I Fix This?

I know 2 people that had this problem and the
below fixed it for them. I have no idea why.

A. Remove your 3dfx card from the control
panel/system/device manager. Then remove ALL 3DFX related drivers
(Orchid or Monster, Glide, 3DFX and DirectX) from control
panel/add-remove programs. Then shut down the computer and
physically remove the Monster or Orchid 3D card from the
computer. Thats right take the card out.(:(: Then you must boot
the computer w/o the Card in your computer to allow Win95 to
clear any drivers you may have installed and free up resources.
Shut down the computer properly and re-install the Monster or
Orchid 3D. The next time you boot, Win95 will detect the Monster
or Orchid 3D and ask you for the driver disk. If it does not ask
for the Driver Disk, go to add new hardware and install it there.
Say "no" to Win95 dectecting the card. It should be in
the list. Then install DirectX from your 3D cards CD ROM and
install glide 2.42 runtime drivers.

Direct connection and Modem Play:

The current version .95 of GL Quake does not offer the
option of "direct" or "modem play". Only TCP/IP (internet, the one we love)
and IPX are offered in the multi player menu.
If this set-up guide helped you out. Please let
me know. I love to hear from satisfied customers.

Best Regards,

Brett Jacobs



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