Pepper's Adventures in Time

Pepper's Adventures in Time

14.10.2013 09:36:01

1. Act I
2. Act II
3. Act III
4. Act IV
5. Act V
6. Act VI
7. History Quiz and Talk Menus

Section 1 ¦ Act I

How do I get started in Pepper's front yard?

When you start playing the game, select "How to Play". It will help you a lot.
Use your Look icon to check out your surroundings. Do you see something broken
that you could fix? Do you see some flowers that you could pick? Do you see
anything on the sidewalk that Lockjaw might like? A good way to start out this
area is use your Hand on the old gum on the sidewalk to take it. Use it on
Lockjaw to give it to him. Now the gum is nice and soft and sticky. Does that
give you any ideas? You need to accomplish three major things here: fix the
broken drainpipe, find Lockjaw's harness, and climb up the drainpipe to spy on
Uncle Fred.

What do I have to do in Pepper's front yard?

Look at everything you can in the yard. Pick up the old gum from the sidewalk.
Use the gum on Lockjaw. When he spits it out, pick it up again. Pick up the
broken piece of drainpipe. Use the chewed gum on the drainpipe in inventory.
Now use the broken piece of pipe on the drainpipe attached to the wall of
Pepper's house. Use your Hand on the water faucet to give Lockjaw a drink. Now
use your Hand on the drainpipe to try to climb up. When you turn into Lockjaw,
use your Paw on the flowerbed to dig up your harness. When you turn back into
Pepper, pick up the harness and use it on Lockjaw. Now put your Hand on the
fixed drainpipe again to climb up.

How do I get into Uncle Fred's attic?

Use your Hand or Walk icon on the roof by the window to climb up. Use your Hand
on the window to clean it a little. Look at the cleaned window to spy on Uncle

What do I do inside Uncle Fred's attic?

You only need to perform one action here. When Lockjaw gets stuck in the
target, use your Hand on his tail to try to pull him out.

What should I do about the man in the stocks on the West Commons?

You should Talk to the man in the stocks to see what he did. Click Talk on him
again. He looks thirsty, doesn't he? Take the dipper from the bucket next to
the stocks. Use the dipper on the bucket to fill it with water. Use the dipper
on the man to give him a drink. Use your Hand on the stocks to free the man.

How do I get out of the storage shed?

You won't be able to do anything in the shed until you cover the window so the
Watchman can't see you. Pick up the canvas from the crate. Take the hammer. Use
the hammer on the nails that are sticking out of the windowsill. Once you have
the hammer and nails, the canvas, hammer, and nails will appear as one item in
inventory. Use this "tool cell" on the window. Use your Hand on the crate on
the West wall to move it. When you turn into Lockjaw, use your Paw on the dark
dirt under the crate. When you turn back into Pepper, take some of the herbs
that are hanging from the ceiling. Now use your Hand on the tunnel to escape!

How do I get out of the back alley?

You can't walk past the Watchman without a disguise. You need the boy's
colonial outfit and the baby clothes from the clothesline. To get them, pick up
the bone that Lockjaw dug up. Use the bone on the boy's colonial outfit. When
Lockjaw pulls the outfit down, pick it up. Pick up the bone again. Use the bone
on the baby clothes. When Lockjaw pulls the baby clothes down, pick them up.
Before you put the clothes on, Look around the ground for some pebbles. When
you find some, pick them up. Use the colonial outfit on Pepper. Use the baby
clothes on Lockjaw. You're on your way!

Help! I keep getting caught during Lockjaw's kidnapping!

You need to hide, so the Watchman won't grab you. Use your Hand or Walk icon on
the alley entrance to hide as soon as your icon bar flashes during Lockjaw's

How do I find the answers to the Act I quiz questions?

For the answer to the first Quiz question, watch when the Truth icon
automatically clicks on the Hare Krishnas in the West commons. For the second
answer, click the Truth icon on Poor Richard when he's in the stocks. For the
third answer, click the Truth icon on the stocks themselves. For the fourth
answer, click the Truth icon on the Stamp Act signs in either the East or West
commons. For the fifth answer, click the Truth icon on the town Watchman in the
West Commons, the shed, or the back alley.

What are the answers to the Act I quiz questions?

The answers to the quiz questions are, in order, C, B, D, A, C.

Section 2 ¦ Act II

What should I do on the West or East Commons?

On the West Commons, Talk to the guy playing catch. Use his Talk menu. On the
East commons, Talk to the other guy playing catch. Also, Talk to each of the
two people arguing on the bench. Use all their Talk menus. Take the small bag
you'll find at the base of the tree. Use your Hand on the bag in inventory.
Look at the bag to find out what it contains.

What should I do at the Millinery Shop, the Pub, or the Carpentry Shop?

To talk to anyone in the Millinery Shop, the Pub, or the Carpentry Shop, use
your Hand on the doors to knock. When someone comes to the door, you need to
Talk to them. Be sure to use everyone's Talk menu. You'll find a lot of
important information that way.

No one will answer the door at Ye Sew and Sew!

To talk to the person in Ye Sew and Sew, you have to use pebbles on the upper
story window of the shop. The pebbles can be found in the back alley. When the
person comes to the window, Talk to her. Be sure to use her Talk menu.

What do I do in Ye Olde Sprouts and Rice?

All you need to do at this time is Talk to the baker. Be sure to use her Talk
menu. She will prove to be a valuable friend.

What should I do at the Post Office?

Talk to both of the clerks. Be sure to use their Talk menus. Look around the
post office. When you find the package addressed to Ben Franklin, use your Hand
on it to try to take it. The clerks will ask you questions about Ben Franklin.
Look up the answers in your game documentation on page 19. If you get one of
the answers wrong and they refuse to give you the package, just use your Hand
on the package again. They'll give you another chance.

I can't get past the sentries at the tax stile!

Give the sentries a shilling and they'll let you past.

Where do I find a shilling?

To obtain a shilling, Talk to the gambler in front of the pub. Give him the bag
of marbles you took from the East commons. He'll give you a shilling.

As Lockjaw, what must I do in Ima's bedroom?

Look and Smell everything in the room. Use your Teeth on anything that looks
interesting to you. Use your Teeth on Ima's dresser. A key and a box of
strawberry petit fours will fall out. Use your Teeth to eat the petit fours.
Use your Teeth to pick up the key. Hide the key by using the key on the doggie
bed. When the butler comes to give you a bath, use your Teeth, your Fleas, or
your Paw on him. After the Butler leaves, use your Teeth on the cuckoo clock.
When the secret passage opens, walk in!

As Lockjaw, what must I do in the Secret Passage?

When you get to the secret closet, Look and Smell your surroundings. Use your
Paw or your Teeth on the cloth-covered object to reveal it. Look at the dog
collars. Smell the rat hole. Use your Teeth on the rat hole to enlarge it. Walk
through the enlarged rat hole. Walk to the end of the secret passage. Look at
the fire.

Deborah Franklin won't let me into the house!

Use your Hand on the door to knock. Talk to Deborah. Use Ben's package from the
post office on Deborah. She'll refuse it and slam the door. Use your Hand on
the package in inventory to open it and reveal the electricity book. Knock on
the door again. When Deborah comes to the door, use the electricity book on

How do I find the answers to the Act II quiz questions?

For the answer to the first Quiz question, click the Truth icon on the
Millinery Shop. For the second question answer, click the Truth icon inside the
post office. For the third question, click the Truth icon on Penn Mansion. For
the fourth question, click the Truth icon on the pothole in the East commons.
For the fifth question, click the Truth icon on the Stamp Act sign on the tree
in the East Commons.

What are the answers to the Act II Quiz questions?

The answers to the Quiz questions are, in order; D, B, B, D, C.

Section 3 ¦ Act III

Why won't Ben do anything?

Talk to Ben before you do anything else. Take the Doctrine of Personal
Mellowness and the string he gives you. You need to give him the Kite/Key
schematic, which can be found in Ben's work room. When you give Ben the
schematic, he will tell you what he wants in exchange for doing the kite/key

How do I get Ben some hot water?

After you give Ben the schematic, try to take the matches in the Franklin
Sitting Room to start a fire and boil some water. Sally will tell you she won't
boil water without an emergency. To create an emergency, go back to Ben's
garden and take the large, blood-red tomato. Walk back to the sitting room. Now
use the tomato on Pepper. Sally will start the fire for you!

What do I need from the Franklin house in II?

From Ben's garden, you need the string he gives you, the iron rod, and the
blood-red tomato. From Ben's work room, you need the kite/key schematic, the
rubber stopper you find in the bin on the East wall, and the magnet that jumps
onto you. From the sitting room, you need the bonbon recipe. The recipe is in
the sideboard on the West wall. Use your Hand on the sideboard door to open it.
Take the loose recipe card. Be sure to talk to Sally in the sitting room when
you have the chance.

What do I do at the Swimming Hole during the Boston Time Jump?

The first thing you need to do is Talk to young Ben Franklin. To get Darcy to
give up his clothes, you have to scare him. Pick up the old picnic cloth. Use
it on Pepper to wear it. When Darcy runs away, pick up Ben's clothes. Use Ben's
Clothes on Ben.

What do I do in Josiah Franklin's shop during the Boston Time Jump?

While Ben is gone, explore the room. You will find the answers to some Quiz
questions here. When he asks you for some candle wick, give him the string
Grown-Up Ben gave you.

How do I get past the sentries at the tax stile?

You don't have a shilling to give them. You'll have to confuse them. Talk to
the sentries. They will get confused. Talk to the sentries again. Talk to them
a third time, and they'll go away. Take the piece of tin they leave behind.

What should I do with Poor Richard?

Talk to Poor Richard. Use his Talk menu. Use your Hand on the brass key hanging
on his stand to try to take it. Poor Richard will make a deal with you. Take
the first set of proverbs. Look at the proverbs in inventory. Find the
colonists they are meant for, and deliver them. When you're done, return to
Poor Richard and Talk to him to get more. You will need to deliver three sets
of proverbs.

How do I deliver the first set of proverbs?

Talk to Vicar Bicker and Quibble Quabble on the East Commons. Use their Talk
menus. Give the proverb that says "Quarrels never would last long, if on one
side only lay the wrong" to Vicar or Quibble. Talk to General Lee Stuffed at
the pub. After you use his Talk menu, give him the proverb that says "Eat few
Suppers, and you'll need few Medicines". Talk to the lazy postal clerks in the
post office. After you use their Talk menus, give them the proverb that says
"All things are easy to Industry, all things difficult to Sloth". Go back to
Poor Richard on the East commons and Talk to him. Don't forget to use his Talk
menu. He'll give you more proverbs.

How do I deliver the second set of proverbs?

Talk to Throckmorton Hardy on the East commons, and use his Talk menu. Do NOT
give him a proverb! Walk to the West commons and Talk to Marty Hardy. After you
use Marty's Talk menu, give him the proverb that says "Early to bed and early
to rise, makes a Man healthy, wealthy and wise." Talk to Tattle Taleteller at
the Millinery Shop. After you use her Talk menu, give her the proverb that says
"Beware the Gossip that speaks ill of thy neighbors. With thy neighbors she
likely speaks ill of thee." Talk to Penny Pyncher at the carpentry shop. After
using her Talk menu, give her the proverb that says "Wealth is not his who has
it, but his who enjoys it." Go back to the East commons and Talk to Poor
Richard. He will not have a talk menu this time. He will give you more

How do I deliver the third set of proverbs?

Talk to Nellie Nettlesome at Ye Olde Sew and Sew, and use her Talk menu. Give
her the proverb that says "Tart words make no friends: A spoonful of honey will
catch more flies than a Gallon of vinegar." Talk to Roland Bettmuch in front of
the Shop Fronts, and use his Talk menu. Give him the proverb that says "Avoid
dishonest gain: No price can recompense the pangs of vice." Return to Poor
Richard for the key.

What do I need from the East Commons?

You need three different sets of proverbs, totaling eight individual proverbs,
from Poor Richard. When you're done with the last set, search Poor Richard's
broken stand for two items. The first item is the brass key. The second item is
a carpetbag.

What should I do in Ye Olde Sprouts and Rice?

Goody Gumdrops doesn't need a proverb, since she has no vice. Talk to her and
use her Talk menu. Give her the recipe card from the sideboard in the Franklin
sitting room. When you do, she will give you a jar of cabbage. You need the jar
for the kite/key experiment.

What items do I need for the Kite/Key experiment? Where can I find them?

You can find this information in your documentation, on pages 18 and 19. For
the Leyden Jar part of the experiment, you will need an empty glass jar, a
piece of tin, a rubber stopper, and an iron rod. You can get the glass jar from
Goody Gumdrops in Ye Olde Sprouts and Rice. You can get rid of the cabbage in
the glass jar by feeding it to the goat outside the shop fronts. The piece of
tin is next to the tax stile. The rubber stopper is from Ben Franklin's work
room. The iron rod is from Ben Franklin's garden. For the rest of the
experiment, you will need some silk string, a kite, and a brass key. The silk
string is from the tree in front of Penn Mansion. Young Ben will give you the
kite in the Boston Time Jump. The brass key is from the wreckage of Poor
Richard's stand.

How do I assemble the Leyden Jar?

The Leyden Jar has to be assembled in a certain order. Get rid of the cabbage
in the glass jar. Use the jar on the goat to feed him the cabbage. Use the tin
on the jar in inventory. You can get water for the Leyden jar by using the jar
on the river in front of Penn Mansion, or on Ben's hot tub. Use the rubber
stopper on the jar in inventory. Use the iron rod on the jar in inventory. Your
Leyden Jar is done!

I have all of the ingredients for the kite/key experiment, but I'm not sure
what to do next.

Once you have all the ingredients for the kite/key experiment, you need to go
back to Ben Franklin's garden. Talk to Ben. There are five things you need to
show Ben to persuade him to do the kite/key experiment: The completed Leyden
jar, the silk string, the kite, the brass key, and the schematic for the
kite/key experiment.

How do I find the answers to the Act III quiz questions?

For the answer to the first question, click the Truth icon on the Leyden jar
after you give it to Ben. For the second answer, click the Truth icon on Ben
when he's in the Boston swimming hole. For the third answer, click the Truth
icon on the blue ball in Josiah Franklin's shop. For the fourth answer, click
the Truth icon on young Ben in Josiah Franklin's shop. For the fifth answer,
read Ben's dialog during the kite/key experiment.

What are the answers to the Act III Quiz questions?

The answers to the questions are, in order: D, C, B, D, B.

Section 4 ¦ Act IV

What do I need from Ben's blasted hot tub?

You can find five objects in the wreckage of Ben's hot tub. They are: A
backscratcher, some paddles, a lever, a fan, and a step stool.

How do I reach Ben's attic from the Work Room?

Use the step stool that you found in Ben's garden on the bottom of the ladder
in Ben's work room. Use your Hand on the ladder to climb up.

What do I do in Ben's attic?

Let the pigeon out of the cage. Use your Hand on the cage to set him free. Use
your Hand on the window to open it and let him out of the attic. When you fade
back here after being Lockjaw, the pigeon will bring you the King's Letter.
Take it from the windowsill. That's all for the attic.

As Lockjaw, what should I do in Ima's Boudoir?

When you first fade into Ima's boudoir from Ben's attic, all you need to do is
walk into the secret closet and through the secret passage. You will discover
that the fire at the end of the passage is out. Walk through the fireplace and
into the General's study. When you return to Ima's boudoir carrying the King's
Letter, the pigeon will be waiting for you on the windowsill. Use the King's
Letter on the pigeon to send it to Pepper.

As Lockjaw, what should I do in the General's Study?

Check out the General's study. Look at, sniff and chew everything that looks
interesting! When you've seen enough, use your Teeth on the General's slippers
to chew them. The General and Percy will come in. Watch their conversation.
When Percy leaves, DO NOT walk out from under the desk! Instead, use your Teeth
on the General, your Fleas on the General, or your Paw on the canister of wig
powder. When the General leaves the room, quickly take the King's letter in
your mouth and leave through the fireplace. If you wait in the room too long,
or if you leave the room without taking the King's Letter, Percy will come in
and capture you.

Ben or Sally Franklin won't talk to me!

Ben and Sally are too worried about Deborah's disappearance to talk to you. The
only way you can get Ben's help is if you rescue Deborah from captivity. She's
being held prisoner in the storage shed.

How do I get past the guards and into the storage shed?

You have to convince the guards that you're someone important. Give them the
King's Letter that Lockjaw sent you.

How can I persuade Poor Richard to leave the shed with me?

By this time, you've probably figured out that Poor Richard is really Deborah
Franklin. Persuade Deborah to leave with you by proving that Ben still loves
her. You can do that by giving Ben's love letters to Deborah. Ben's love
letters are in a secret compartment in the tree on the East Commons. To find
them, take the torn Stamp Act sign from the tree. Look at the tree. Use your
Hand on the center of the heart to open it. Take the puzzle box from the secret
compartment. Solve the puzzle box in inventory and find the letters inside. The
second thing you need to give Deborah is the carpetbag, which contains her
clothes. The carpetbag can be found in the wreckage of Poor Richard's stand.

How do I find the answers to the Act IV quiz questions?

To find the answer to the first quiz question, click the Truth icon on the
lightning rod in Ben's attic. For the second answer, click the Truth icon on
the pigeon in Ben's attic. For the third answer, click the Truth icon on the
picture of the fire department in Ben's Work Room. For the fourth answer, click
the Truth icon on the picture of the library in Ben's Work Room. For the fifth
answer, you need find and check four different objects. You can eliminate some
of them by reading the documentation. Click the Truth icon on the fan in the
wreckage of Ben's hot tub, or on the rocking chair in Goody's shop. Click it on
the single-handed clock and the printing press in the Work Room. Click it on
the stove in the sitting room.

What are the answers to the Act IV Quiz questions?

The answers to the quiz questions are, in order: C, D, B, A, C.

Section 5 ¦ Act V

I'm with Ben in his Work Room, but I don' know what to do.

Talk to Ben. Use the King's Letter on him to let him know about General Pugh's
deception. You'll get quite a reaction!

How do I fix the printing press in Ben's Work Room?

You need the press lever to fix the printing press. You can find the lever in
the wreckage of Ben's hot tub, in the Franklin garden. Once you have it, use it
on the printing press. Take the Special Editions when Ben is done printing

What do I do with the Special Editions?

Distribute the Special Editions to all the colonists, so they'll show up at
Penn Mansion to back you up. The people who need a Special Edition are: Quibble
and Vicar, Marty and Throcky, General Lee, Roland Bettmuch, Penny Pyncher,
Billy and Hidel Idle, Nellie Nettlesome, Tattle Taleteller, and Goody Gumdrops.

What should I do at the Constitutional Convention Hall?

Wake Old Ben up. You can do that by Talking to him, or by using your Hand on
him. When Ben asks for his bifocals, pick the bifocals up from the floor and
use them on him. You have two options when he asks for his gout medicine. If
you took the herbs from the shed interior, use them on Ben. If you don't have
the herbs from the shed, use your Hand on the papers on Ben's desk to move
them. Take the packet that was under the papers and use it on Ben.

How do I get Old Ben into his house?

Find out why the door won't open before you do anything else. Look at the area
of the keyhole. You'll see that the key is in the other side of the lock. Take
the stick from the ground to the right of the porch. Use the stick on the
keyhole to push the key out. Use the magnet from Ben's workshop on the bottom
of the door to get the key. When you have the key, use it on the door.

How do I find the answers to the Act V quiz questions?

For the answer to the first Quiz question, click the Truth icon on Old Ben at
the Constitutional Convention. For the second answer, click the Truth icon on
the herbs on Ben's desk. If you have the herbs from the shed, click the Truth
icon on Ben himself. You'll get the answer either way. For the third answer,
click the Truth icon on Ben's bifocals before you pick them up. For the fourth
answer, listen to what Ben has to say outside his front door during the
Constitutional Convention Time Jump. For the fifth answer, click the Truth icon
on the raccoon skin cap in Ben's work room.

What are the answers to the Act V Quiz questions?

The answers to the questions are, in order: C, B, A, D, C.

Section 6 ¦ Act VI

I'm with Ben in his work room, but he's not doing anything!

Talk to Ben. He has some good advice for you. Take the kite he gives you.
Search for Lockjaw!

How do I get past the Sentries in front of Penn Mansion?

The Sentries won't let you past unless you give them some chocolate bonbons.
You can get bonbons from Goody Gumdrops at Ye Olde Sprouts and Rice. You can't
walk across the bridge, because the sentries in front of the house will see
you. You'll have to take the river.

How can I persuade Goody to make me some bonbons?

Goody needs a total of three things before she'll make bonbons for you. You've
already given her the first one; the bonbon recipe. You have to give her the
fan from Ben's ruined hot tub in the Franklin garden, so she can cool off in
her fanning rocking chair. Finally, you have to give her the chocolate that Old
Ben gave you during the Constitutional Convention time jump.

I keep getting caught trying to float down the river. Help!

After giving the bonbons to the Sentries, use the kite you got from Ben on the
river to float around to the back of the house. If you get into the water by
yourself, or if you try to use Ben's swimming paddles on the river you'll make
too much noise and the guards will catch you.

How do I avoid getting caught while trying to sneak up to the back of Penn

When you get out of the river, you have to carefully sneak to each tree in
order. Use your Hand or Walk icon on the tree that is closest to you. Once you
get there, use your Hand or Walk on the next closest tree. Repeat these steps
until you reach the last tree. Use your Hand on the open window to the far

What should I do in General Pugh's study?

Discover the combination to the General's safe, open it up, and take out the
evidence you find there. Be sure to put the picture back where you found it
when you're done. Use your Hand on the Glass Armonica to call Lockjaw.

How do I open the safe on the wall of General Pugh's study?

Look at the objects on General Pugh's desk. Take the notepad and the pencil.
Use the pencil on the notepad in inventory. That will tell you the combination
for the safe. To get to the safe itself, use your Hand on the picture of Ima
and General Pugh. Look or use your Hand on the safe to get a close-up. Click on
the numbers on the safe dial that corresponds to the combination. The numbers
are 5, 30, and 75. When the safe opens, use your Hand on the bag of money in
the safe to take it. Exit the inset. Use your Hand to close the safe. Use your
Hand on the picture of the General and Ima to replace it on the wall. NOTE: Be
sure to close the safe and put the picture back. If you leave the room or play
the Glass Armonica with the safe open, you will be captured by the butler as a
thief and have to restart or restore the game!

How do I leave the kitchen without being noticed by the Butler?

There are two ways to get past the Butler. The first is to disguise yourself as
Ima. Take the pot holder. Use the pot holder on the iron to pick it up. Use the
iron on Ima's dress on the ironing board. Use your Hand on Ima's dress to take
it. Take Ima's lace fan from the counter. Take the head of the mop on the back
wall. Now use the "costume cell", consisting of the dress, the fan, and the wig
on Pepper. You will automatically walk right by the Butler. The second way to
get past him is to walk out to the foyer, and immediately use the Backscratcher
from Ben's garden on the Butler.

Where is Lockjaw's door in the Hallway Maze?

In order to find Lockjaw's door, Look at, touch, and talk to every door you
encounter in the hallway maze. You'll know it when you've found him. If you are
feeling hopelessly lost in the maze, get a piece of graph paper and map it.
It's not very complex on paper. There is also a complete map of the maze in the
Pepper's Adventures in Time hint book.

As Lockjaw, how can I return the key to Pepper?

If you found the key in Ima's dresser earlier in the game and hid it in the dog
bed, it's still there. Use your Paw or your Teeth on the dog bed to retrieve
it. Use the key on the door. If you never found the key, or if you found it and
didn't hide it, it will be hanging on a hook next to the door. Pick it up with
your teeth and use it on the door. I you aren't fast enough, the Butler will
find Pepper and you'll have to restore or restart the game!

How do I open Lockjaw's door?

This puzzle is very similar to the one you completed during the Constitutional
Convention Time Jump. All you need to do is use your magnet on Lockjaw's door.
Use the key on the door to open it. If you don't do it fast enough, the Butler
will discover Pepper and you'll have to restore or restart the game!

How do I get out of the maze after I rescuing Lockjaw?

You can find your way back out of the hallway maze by mapping it, but you won't
get any points. Use Lockjaw to find your way out. Use your Nose on the carpet
in each room of the maze. Go in the direction that Lockjaw points. If you keep
doing this, Lockjaw will get you out in no time.

As Lockjaw, I keep getting caught by Ima and the Butler!

Since you're Lockjaw, you need to show Pepper a place to hide. Use your Paw on
the Closet to tell Pepper you want to hide there. Do it quickly, or you will be

How do I stop Ima when she's heading for Lockjaw?

When your icon bar flashes, use your Hand on the pot of dye to knock it over
onto Ima.

As Lockjaw, how do I stop Percy?

When Percy is coming up the stairs to get you, use your Teeth icon on Percy to
bite him.

How do I stop General Pugh when I'm playing as Pepper?

When General Pugh is coming to get you, there are two different things you can
do to stop him. You can use your Hand on the General's wig to grab it and make
him fall down the stairs, or you can use the Leyden jar on the General to zap

I've taken care of all the enemies in the Penn Mansion Foyer, but now I'm

Use your Hand on the front doors to let Ben and the Colonists into Penn

What do I need as proof of General Pugh's dishonesty?

When Ben asks you for proof, use the bag of money from General Pugh's safe on
either Ben or the General. If you don't have the bag of money, Vicar will show
it to them for you.

How do I find the answers to the Act VI quiz questions?

For the answer to the first Quiz question, click the Truth icon on the Butler
in the Penn Mansion foyer. For the second answer, click the Truth icon on the
Glass Armonica in the General's study. For the third answer, click the Truth
icon on the meat fork by the fireplace or the cauldron in the Penn Mansion
Kitchen. For the fourth answer, click the Truth icon on the pot of blue dye in
the Penn Mansion kitchen. For the fifth answer, listen to what the colonists
have to say when they march into the Penn Mansion foyer.

What are the answers to the Act VI Quiz questions?

The answers to the questions are, in order: A, C, B, D, C.

Section 7 ¦ History Quiz and Talk Menus

How does the History Quiz work?

At the end of every act you will encounter a History Quiz that asks five
questions about what you learned during the act. Whenever you start a new act,
you will see a text box that says "Things to look for in this act." Read it
carefully. It will tell you what the questions in the History Quiz for that act
will be about. The way to find out about the things mentioned is to use all of
your icons, particularly the Truth icon, on everything. Whenever you find an
answer to the Quiz, you will hear a fanfare, and the text of the answer will be
yellow. If you do well on the History Quiz, you'll see some great animation. If
you forget what you're looking for during any act, go to the icon bar and click
on the Quiz icon.

How do I use the Talk menu?

When you Talk to almost any character, a Talk menu will appear. A Talk menu has
four pictures representing four subjects: Ben Franklin, Lockjaw, the Pughs, and
the colonist you are currently addressing. Click on each of the pictures to
discuss that subject with the colonists. You should use the Talk menus every
time you get a chance. If you get tired of using a Talk menu, just click
outside the menu to exit from it.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Engl. Lösung

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

14.Oktober 2013
Eine Hinweise-Sammlung im UHS-Format.

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