Pepper's Adventures in Time

Pepper's Adventures in Time

17.10.2013 15:02:27

FAQ/Walkthrough for



Author: Tom Hayes
E-mail: thayesguides(at)gmail(dot)com
System: PC
Updated: 2nd April, 2006
Version: 1.1


1. Introduction
2. Walkthrough
2.1. Act I
2.2. Act II
2.3. Act III
2.4. Act IV
2.5. Act V
2.6. Act VI
3. Item List
3.1. Act I
3.2. Act II
3.3. Act III
3.4. Act IV
3.5. Act V
3.6. Act VI
4. Point List
4.1. Act I
4.2. Act II
4.3. Act III
4.4. Act IV
4.5. Act V
4.6. Act VI
5. Copyright Information


1.1: 2nd Apr, 2006 (Format update)
1.0: 16th Jul, 2005 (First version)


1. Introduction


This is an educational adventure in the style of the EcoQuest games. The game
features a girl named Pepper and her dog Lockjaw. Being seen by her evil uncle
one day, Pepper and Lockjaw are both thrown into a time machine which sends
them back to Philadelphia in 1764. Time has been altered, and various things
from the future are now being seen in the past. It's up to Pepper and her dog
to try and put things back the way they were.


2. Walkthrough


2.1. Act I: Pepper Travels Through Time

The game starts in the front garden. Use the tap to fill the dog bowl. Get the
gum from the path and give it to Lockjaw. Get the soft gum and use it on the
piece of drainpipe on the grass. Get the piece of drainpipe and use it on the
drainpipe on the house. Use the drainpipe to try to climb up to the roof.
Lockjaw won't let Pepper climb up. As Lockjaw, use the paw icon on the
flowerbed to find the harness. As Pepper, get the harness and use it on Lockjaw
to climb up to the drainpipe. Select the roof to climb off the drainpipe. Use
the window to clean it. Look through the window to see Fred. Pepper and Lockjaw
will fall through into the room with Fred, and he will throw Lockjaw into the
time machine. Use the time machine to travel back to the year 1764.

Talk to the man in the stocks twice. Get the dipper from the bucket and use it
on the bucket to fill it with water. Give the dipper to the man in the stocks
and then use the stocks to free the man. A watchman will arrest Pepper for
freeing the man and will throw her into the storage shed. Get the hammer on top
of the crate. Use the hammer on the nails on the window. Get the canvas at the
right side of the shed. Use the hammer, nails and canvas on the window to block
the view of the guard. Move the crate at the left side of the shed and Pepper
will fall asleep. As Lockjaw, use the paw icon on the dirt to dig a hole. As
Pepper, use the hole to escape the shed. Get the pebbles from the alley Get the
bone on the floor. Use the bone on the baby clothes and the boy clothes. Get
the clothes from the floor. Use the boy clothes on Pepper and the baby clothes
on Lockjaw. When the watchman appears, walk to the alley to hide from the
watchman. Answer the quiz questions to complete the act.

1. (c)
2. (b)
3. (d)
4. (a)
5. (c)

2.2. Act II: Pepper Explores Philadelphia

West. Talk to either guard in front of the bridge. Get the string from the
tree. East. Talk to the man playing frisbee. East. Talk to the man playing
frisbee. Talk to the people on the bench. Get the bag near the tree. East. Use
the pebbles on the top window of the sewing shop and talk to the woman. Knock
on the door of the millinery shop and talk to the woman. Enter the bakery and
talk to the woman. Exit the bakery. West. Walk up the top-left path to the
street. Knock on the door of the pub and talk to the man. Talk to the man on
the bench and he will ask for marbles. Open the bag in the inventory and then
give the bag to the man to receive a shilling.

Knock on the door of the shop and talk to the woman. Enter the post office and
talk to both men. Try to get the package from the left side of the counter.
Answer the three questions to get the package. Exit the post office. South.
Walk up the top-right path. Give the shilling to the guard to walk up the path
to Ben Franklin's house. As Lockjaw, smell the window sill, the dog bed, the
water dish, the dresser, the bookcase, the bone and the door. Drink from the
bowl. Eat the dresser, the sweets, the key and the bone. Use the key on the dog
bed to hide it. Use the mouth icon on the butler when he enters the room. Use
the dog bed to get the key. Bite the clock to open the secret tunnel and then
walk north to enter the closet.

Use the paw icon on the shroud to move it. Smell the rat hole and then bite the
rat hole. Walk east to enter the tunnel. Walk to the fire at the end of the
tunnel to see the general. As Pepper, walk south. Talk to the either guard
three times and they will both leave. Get the piece of tin on the grass. North.
Knock on the door and talk to Deborah. Knock on the door again and show the
package to Deborah. Use the package in the inventory to find the electricity
book. Open the book in the inventory and then look at it to find out how to
make a Leyden jar. Knock on the door again and show the book to Deborah. Answer
the quiz questions to complete the act.

1. (d)
2. (b)
3. (b)
4. (d)
5. (c)

2.3. Act III: Pepper and the Kite/Key Experiment

Get the tomato from the tomato patch. Talk to Ben to receive a string and a
doctrine of personal mellowness. East. Get the schematic from the printing
press. Get the rubber stopper and magnet from the bin at the right side of the
room. West. Show the schematic to Ben and he will ask Pepper for hot water.
East. South. Try to get the matches from the stove. Talk to Sally. Use the
tomato on Pepper and Sally will heat the water in Ben's bath. East. South. Open
the sideboard at the left side of the room and get the recipe card. South.
Pepper will be transported back to Ben Franklin's boyhood. Get the picnic cloth
and then use it on Pepper to scare Darcy. Get the clothes and give them to Ben
to travel to the candle and soap shop. Wait for Ben to enter the room. Give him
the string to receive the kite. Pepper will return to 1764. South. South. Talk
to Richard in the stall. Try to get the key to get three proverbs.

Talk to both people on the bench and then give the quarelling proverb to the
woman. East. Enter the bakery and talk to the woman. Give her the recipe card
to receive the jar of cabbage. Exit the bakery. West. Walk up the top-left path
to the street. Knock on the pub door and talk to the man. Give him the food
proverb. Give the jar of cabbage to the goat to get the empty jar. Enter the
post office and talk to both men. Give the laziness proverb to the right man.
South. South. Talk to Richard to receive three more proverbs. Talk to the man
with the frisbee. West. Talk to Marty and then give him the work proverb. East.
East. Knock on the door of the millinery shop and talk to the woman. Give her
the gossip proverb. West. Walk up the top-left path to the street. Knock on the
shop door and talk to the woman. Give her the money proverb. South. Talk to
Richard to receive two more proverbs.

East. Use the pebbles on the top window of the sewing shop and talk to the
woman. Give her the words proverb. West. Walk up the top-left path to the
street. Talk to the man on the bench and then give him the honesty proverb.
South. Get the key and the carpetbag from the remains of the stand. Walk up the
top-right path. North. Open the door to enter the house. North. West. Combine
the sheet of tin with the empty jar in the inventory. Use the jar on Ben's bath
to fill it with water. Combine the stopper with the jar in the inventory. Get
the iron rod from the cabbage patch. Combine the iron rod with the jar to
complete the Leyden jar. Give the Leyden jar, the schematic, the kite, the
string and the key to Ben. Answer the quiz questions to complete the act.

1. (d)
2. (c)
3. (b)
4. (d)
5. (b)

2.4. Act IV: Lockjaw and the Stamp Tax

Get the backscratcher, fan, lever, paddles and the stepstool. East. Use the
stepstool on the ladder and then use the ladder to climb up. Open the window
and then open the cage to free the pigeon. As Lockjaw, walk north. East. North
to the fireplace. North to the study. Bite the slippers to hide under the desk.
Bite Pugh and then get the letter from the desk. East. Give the letter to the
pigeon. As Pepper, get the letter. Down. South. Talk to Sally. South. South.
South. East. Enter the bakery and talk to the woman. Give her the fan and she
will agree to make Pepper a cake when she has chocolate. Exit the bakery.

Knock on the door of the millinery shop and talk to the woman. Use the pebbles
on the top window of the sewing shop and talk to the woman. West. Walk up the
top-left path to the street. Knock on the door of the pub and talk to the man.
Talk to the man on the bench. Knock on the door of the shop and talk to the
woman. Enter the post office and talk to the both men. Exit the post office.
South. South. Talk to both people on the bench. Move the stamp act sign on the
tree and pull the knob on the carved writing to open a secret door. Get the
puzzle box and then use it in the inventory. Solve the puzzle to get the love
letters from the box. West. Talk to Marty and Throckmorton. Talk to either
guard and then show them the king's letter to enter the storage shed. Talk to
Richard. Show him the love letters. Open the carpetbag in the inventory and
give the carpetbag to Richard. Answer the quiz questions to complete the act.

1. (c)
2. (d)
3. (b)
4. (a)
5. (c)

2.5. Act V: Pepper Visits the Constitutional Convention

Talk to Ben and show him the king's letter. Use the lever and get the letters.
South. South. South. South. East. Enter the bakery and talk to the woman. Give
her a letter. Exit the bakery. Knock on the door of the millinery shop and talk
to the woman. Give her a letter. Use the pebbles on the top window of the
sewing shop and talk to the woman. Give her a letter. West. Walk up the
top-left path to the street. Knock on the door of the pub and talk to the man.
Give him a letter. Talk to the man on the bench. Give him a letter. Knock on
the door of the shop and talk to the woman. Give her a letter. Enter the post
office and talk to both men. Give Billy a letter. Exit the post office. South.

Talk to both people on the bench. Give a letter to the woman. West. Talk to
Marty and Throckmorton. Give a letter to Marty. East. Walk up the top-right
path. Walk north to travel to the constitutional convention. Talk to Ben and
get his glasses on the floor. Give the glasses to Ben. Move the papers on the
table and get the herbs. Give the herbs to Ben to travel to the Washington
house. Get the stick and use it on the door to push the key out. Use the magnet
on the door to get the key. Use the key on the door to get a bar of chocolate.
Pepper will return to 1764. Answer the quiz questions to complete the act.

1. (c)
2. (b)
3. (a)
4. (d)
5. (c)

2.6. Act VI: Pepper and Lockjaw In Penn Mansion

Talk to Ben to get the kite. South. South. South. South. East. Enter the bakery
and talk to the woman. Give the chocolate to the woman and she will make
bonbons. Pepper will get the bonbons from the table. Exit the bakery. West.
West. West. Give the bonbons to the guard. Use the kite on the river to float
to the back garden. Use the first bush, second bush, third bush, fourth bush
and then the window to enter the house. Get the pencil and paper from the desk.
Combine the pencil with the paper in the inventory to reveal the code for the
safe. Use the painting at the left side of the room to find the safe.

Use the safe and turn the dial to 5, 30, 75 to open it. Get the bag of money
and then close the safe. Use the painting to hide the safe. Walk west to be
caught by the butler, who will take Pepper to the kitchen. Get the broom and
the fan. Get the mitt on the left side of the fireplace. Use the mitt on the
iron near the cauldron. Use the iron on the dress. Get the dress and then use
the dress on Pepper. Pepper passes the butler and continues up to the second
floor of the house. Walk north to the hall maze.

North. North. East. North. West. Open the door. North. East. Open the door.
West. North. West. North. East. North. North. West. North. North. North. North.
West. Use the door to find Lockjaw. As Lockjaw, get the key and use it on the
door. As Pepper, use the magnet on the key to get it. Use the key on the door
to open it. As Lockjaw, smell the hall. Walk south. East. North. East. North.
North. West. North. East. North. East. North. West. North. North to exit the
hall maze. Use the paw icon on the closet to hide. Use the pot of blue dye to
pour it over Ima. As Lockjaw, bite the butler. As Pepper, use the charged
Leyden jar on the general. Open the doors to let everyone in. Show the bag of
money to Ben. Answer the quiz questions to complete the game.

1. (a)
2. (c)
3. (b)
4. (d)
5. (c)


3. Item List


3.1. Act I Item List

Found on the washing line in the alley outside the shed. They are used on

Found on the floor in the alley outside the shed. It is used on the baby
clothes and the boy clothes on the washing line.

Found on the washing line in the alley outside the shed. They are used on

Found in the shed. After getting the hammer and nails, the canvas is used on
the window in the shed.

Found in the bucket outside the shed. It is used on the bucket and is then
given to the man in the stocks.

Found on Lockjaw. They are not used.

Found on the path in Pepper's garden. It is given to Lockjaw to get the soft

Found in the shed. It is used on the nails on the window in the shed. It is
automatically combined with the canvas and nails in the inventory.

As Lockjaw, the harness is found by using the paw icon on the flowerbed
outside Pepper's house. It is used on Lockjaw.

Found in the shed. It is automatically combined with the canvas and hammer in
the inventory.

Found in the alley outside the shed. They are used on the top window of the
sewing shop.

Found on the grass outside Pepper's house. After the soft gum has been used
on the piece of drainpipe, it is used on the drainpipe on the house.

Found by giving the gum to Lockjaw outside Pepper's house. It is used on the
piece of drainpipe on the grass.

3.2. Act II Item List

Found near the people on the bench near the tree. It is opened in the
inventory to find marbles. It is given to the man on the bench in the street.

Found by opening the package in the inventory. It is shown to Deborah in the
Washington house.

Found on floor in Ima's bedroom in the Pugh's house. It is used on the dog

Found on the counter in the post office. It is shown to Deborah in the
Washington house. It is used in the inventory to get the book.

Found on the grass after the guards leave near the Washington house. It is
combined with the empty jar in the inventory in act III.

Found by giving the bag to the man on the bench in the street. It is given to
the guard near the Washington house.

Found on the tree near the people on the bench. It is not used.

3.3. Act III Item List

After giving all of the proverbs to the people, the carpetbag is found in the
remains of the stand. It is given to Richard in the shed in act IV.

Found at the side of the river in Ben Franklin's boyhood. They are given to

Found by talking to Ben in the garden at the Washington house. It is not

Found by giving the jar of cabbage to the goat in the street. It is combined
with the sheet of tin in the inventory.

Found in the cabbage patch in the garden at the Washington house. It is one
of the items used on the jar in the inventory to make the Leyden jar.

Found by giving the recipe card to the woman in the bakery. It is given to
the goat in the street to get the empty jar.

After giving all of the proverbs to the people, the key is found in the
remains of the stand. It is given to Ben in the garden at the Washington

Found by giving the string to Ben in the candle and soap shop in Ben
Franklin's boyhood. It is given to Ben in the garden at the Washington house.

Found by using the sheet of tin, Ben's bath water, stopper and iron rod on
the jar. It is given to Ben in the garden at the Washington house.

Found in the bin in the room with the printing press in the Washington house.
It is used to get the key from under the door outside the Washington house in
act V. It is used to get the key from under the door in the hall maze in act

Found at the side of the river in Ben Franklin's boyhood. It is used on

Found by talking to Richard in the stall. It is given to the man in the pub.

Found by talking to Richard in the stall. It is given to the woman in the
millinery shop.

Found by talking to Richard in the stall. It is given to the man on the bench
in the street.

Found by talking to Richard in the stall. It is given to the right man in the
post office.

Found by talking to Richard in the stall. It is given to the woman in the
shop on the street.

Found by talking to Richard in the stall. It is given to the woman on the
bench near the tree.

Found by talking to Richard in the stall. It is given to the woman in the
sewing shop.

Found by talking to Richard in the stall. It is given to Marty.

Found in the sideboard in the Washington house. It is given to the woman in
the bakery to get the jar of cabbage.

Found on the printing press in the Washington house. It is given to Ben in
the garden at the Washington house.

Found in the bin in the room with the printing press in the Washington house.
It is one of the items used on the jar in the inventory to make the Leyden

Found by talking to Ben in the garden at the Washington house. It is given to
Ben in the candle and soap shop in Ben Franklin's boyhood to get the kite. It
is given to Ben in the garden at the Washington house.

Found in the tomato patch in the garden at the Washington house. It is used
on Pepper in the room with Sally in the Washington house.

3.4. Act IV Item List

Found in the garden at the Washington house. It is not used.

Found in the garden at the Washington house. It is given to the woman in the

As Lockjaw, the letter is found on the desk in the Pugh's study. It is given
to the pigeon in the bedroom. As Pepper, the letter is found in the
Washington house. It is shown to the guard outside the shed. It is given to
Ben in act V.

Found in the garden at the Washington house. It is used on the printing press
in the Washington house in act V.

Found by solving the puzzle on the puzzle box. They are shown to Richard in
the shed.

Found in the garden at the Washington house. They are not used.

Found by opening the secret door in the tree. It is solved in the inventory
to get the love letters.

Found in the garden at the Washington house. It is used on the ladder in the
Washington house.

3.5. Act V Item List

Found by using the key on the door outside the Washington house after the
constitutional convention. It is given to the woman in the bakery in act VI
to get the bonbons.

Found on the floor in the constitutional convention. They are given to Ben.

Found under the papers on the table in the constitutional convention. They
are given to Ben.

Found by using the stick and the magnet on the door to the Washington house
after the consitutional convention. It is used on the door to get the

Found by using the lever on the printing press in the Washington house. They
are given to the woman in the bakery, the woman in the millinery shop, the
woman in the sewing shop, the man in the pub, the man on the bench in the
street, the woman in the shop on the street, the man in the post office, the
woman on the bench near the tree and to Marty.

Found outside the Washington house after the constitutional convention. It is
used on the door to the Washington House.

3.6. Act VI Item List

Found in the safe in the study in the Pugh house. It is shown to Ben in the

Found by giving the chocolate to the woman in the bakery. They are given to
the guard outside the Pugh house.

Found in the kitchen in the Pugh house. It is used as part of the Ima

Found in the kitchen in the Pugh house. It is used on Pepper.

Found in the kitchen in the Pugh house. It is used as part of the Ima

Found in the kitchen in the Pugh house. It is used on the dress in the

As Lockjaw, the key is found in the bedroom in the Pugh house. It is used on
the door. As Pepper, the key is found by using the magnet on the door to the
bedroom. It is used on the door.

Found by talking to Ben in the Washington house. It is used on the river
outside the Pugh house.

Found on the desk in the Pugh house. They are combined in the inventory to
reveal the code for the safe.


4. Point List


4.1. Act I Point List


1 1 Use the tap.

2 1 Get the gum.

4 2 Get the soft gum.

6 2 Use the soft gum on the piece of drainpipe.

7 1 Get the piece of drainpipe.

10 3 Use the piece of drainpipe on the house drainpipe.

11 1 Use the drainpipe.

13 2 Use the paw icon on the flowerbed.

14 1 Use the harness on Lockjaw.

16 2 Climb up the drainpipe.

18 2 Select the roof.

21 3 Use the window.

23 2 Use the time machine.

24 1 Talk to the man in the stocks.

25 1 Talk to the man in the stocks.

26 1 Get the dipper.

27 1 Use the dipper on the bucket.

28 1 Give the dipper to the man in the stocks.

30 2 Use the stocks.

31 1 Get the hammer.

33 2 Use the hammer on the nails.

36 3 Use the hammer, nails and canvas on the window.

37 1 Move the crate.

40 3 Use the paw icon on the dirt.

41 1 Use the hole.

43 2 Get the pebbles.

44 1 Get the bone.

46 2 Use the bone on the baby clothes.

48 2 Get the boy clothes.

50 2 Use the boy clothes on Pepper.

52 2 Use the baby clothes on Lockjaw.

55 3 Walk to the alley.

80 25 Correctly answer the five quiz questions.

4.2. Act II Point List


81 1 Talk to either guard.

83 2 Get the string.

84 1 Talk to the left man playing frisbee.

85 1 Talk to the right man playing frisbee.

86 1 Talk to the people on the bench near the tree.

88 2 Get the bag.

90 2 Talk to the woman in the sewing shop.

91 1 Talk to the woman in the sewing shop.

92 1 Knock on the door of the millinery shop.

93 1 Talk to the woman in the millinery shop.

94 1 Talk to the woman in the bakery.

95 1 Knock on the door of the pub.

96 1 Talk to the man in the pub.

97 1 Talk to the man on the bench in the street.

98 1 Open the bag.

99 1 Give the bag to the man on the bench in the street.

101 2 Knock on the door of the shop.

102 1 Talk to the woman in the shop.

103 1 Talk to the left man in the post office.

104 1 Talk to the right man in the post office.

105 1 Try to get the package.

107 2 Get the package.

108 1 Give the shilling to the guard.

109 1 Smell the dresser.

110 1 Drink from the bowl.

112 2 Eat the dresser.

113 1 Eat the sweets.

114 1 Eat the key.

115 1 Eat the bone.

117 2 Use the key on the dog bed.

119 2 Use the mouth icon on the butler.

121 2 Get the key.

125 4 Bite the clock.

127 2 Move the shroud.

128 1 Smell the rat hole.

130 2 Bite the rat hole.

133 3 Walk to the fire.

134 1 Talk to either guard.

135 1 Talk to either guard.

136 1 Talk to either guard.

137 1 Get the piece of tin.

138 1 Knock on the door of the Washington house.

139 1 Talk to Deborah.

140 1 Show the package to Deborah.

141 1 Use the package.

142 1 Open the book.

143 1 Look at the book.

146 3 Show the book to Deborah.

171 25 Correctly answer the five quiz questions.

4.3. Act III Point List


173 2 Get the tomato.

174 1 Talk to Ben.

175 1 Get the string.

176 1 Get the doctrine of personal mellowness.

177 1 Get the schematic.

178 1 Get the rubber stopper.

179 1 Get the magnet.

181 2 Show the schematic to Ben.

182 1 Try to get the matches.

183 1 Talk to Sally.

186 3 Use the tomato on Pepper.

187 1 Open the sideboard.

188 1 Get the recipe card.

189 1 Get the picnic cloth.

192 3 Use the picnic cloth on Pepper.

193 1 Get the clothes.

194 1 Give the clothes to Ben.

196 2 Give the string to Ben.

197 1 Get the kite.

198 1 Talk to Richard.

199 1 Try to get the key.

200 1 Get the three proverbs.

201 1 Talk to the woman on the bench near the tree.

202 1 Talk to the man on the bench near the tree.

204 2 Give the quarelling proverb to the woman near the tree.

205 1 Talk to the woman in the bakery.

208 3 Give the recipe card to the woman.

209 1 Talk to the man in the pub.

211 2 Give the food proverb to the man.

213 2 Give the jar of cabbage to the goat.

214 1 Talk to the left man in the post office.

215 1 Talk to the right man in the post office.

217 2 Give the laziness proverb to the right man.

218 1 Talk to Richard.

219 1 Get the three proverbs.

220 1 Talk to the right man with the frisbee.

221 1 Talk to the left man with the frisbee.

223 2 Give the work proverb to the left man.

224 1 Talk to the woman in the millinery shop.

226 2 Give the gossip proverb to the woman.

227 1 Talk to the woman in the shop.

229 2 Give the money proverb to the woman in the shop.

230 1 Talk to Richard.

231 1 Get the two proverbs.

232 1 Talk to the woman in the sewing shop.

234 2 Give the words proverb to the woman.

235 1 Talk to the man on the bench in the street.

237 2 Give the honesty proverb to the man.

238 1 Get the key.

239 1 Get the carpetbag.

240 1 Combine the sheet of tin with the empty jar.

241 1 Use the jar on Ben's bath.

242 1 Combine the stopper with the jar.

243 1 Get the iron rod.

247 4 Give the Leyden jar to Ben.

248 1 Give the schematic to Ben.

249 1 Give the kite to Ben.

250 1 Give the string to Ben.

251 1 Give the key to Ben.

276 25 Correctly answer the five quiz questions.

4.4. Act IV Point List


278 2 Get the backscratcher.

280 2 Get the fan.

282 2 Get the lever.

284 2 Get the paddles.

286 2 Get the stepstool.

288 2 Use the stepstool on the ladder.

289 1 Use the ladder.

290 1 Open the window.

291 1 Open the cage.

294 3 Walk to the fireplace.

296 2 Bite the slippers.

298 2 Bite Pugh.

300 2 Get the letter.

302 2 Give the letter to the pigeon.

303 1 Get the letter.

304 1 Talk to Sally.

305 1 Talk to the woman in the bakery.

308 3 Give the fan to the woman in the bakery.

309 1 Talk to the woman in the millinery shop.

310 1 Talk to the woman in the sewing shop.

311 1 Talk to the man in the pub.

312 1 Talk to the man on the bench near the tree.

313 1 Talk to the woman in the shop.

314 1 Talk to the left man in the post office.

315 1 Talk to the right man in the post office.

316 1 Talk to the woman on the bench near the tree.

317 1 Talk to the man on the bench near the tree.

318 1 Move the stamp act sign.

320 2 Open the secret door.

321 1 Get the puzzle box.

324 3 Solve the puzzle.

325 1 Talk to Marty.

326 1 Talk to Throckmorton.

327 1 Talk to either guard.

330 3 Show the king's letter to the guard.

331 1 Talk to Richard.

333 2 Show the love letters to Richard.

334 1 Open the carpetbag.

335 1 Give the carpetbag to Richard.

360 25 Correctly answer the five quiz questions.

4.5. Act V Point List


361 1 Talk to Ben.

363 2 Show the king's letter to Ben.

365 2 Use the lever on the printing press.

366 1 Get the letters.

367 1 Talk to the woman in the bakery shop.

369 2 Give the letter to the woman.

370 1 Talk to the woman in the millinery shop.

372 2 Give the letter to the woman.

373 1 Talk to the woman in the sewing shop.

375 2 Give the letter to the woman.

376 1 Talk to the man in the pub.

378 2 Give the letter to the man.

379 1 Talk to the man on the bench in the street.

381 2 Give the letter to the man.

382 1 Talk to the woman in the shop.

384 2 Give the letter to the woman.

385 1 Talk to the left man in the post office.

386 1 Talk to the right man in the post office.

388 2 Give the letter to the right man.

389 1 Talk to the woman on the bench near the tree.

390 1 Talk to the man on the bench near the tree.

392 2 Give the letter to the woman.

393 1 Talk to Marty.

394 1 Talk to Throckmorton.

396 2 Give the letter to Marty.

397 1 Talk to Ben.

398 1 Get the glasses.

399 1 Give the glasses to Ben.

400 1 Move the papers.

401 1 Get the herbs.

403 2 Give the herbs to Ben.

404 1 Get the stick.

406 2 Use the stick on the door.

408 2 Use the magnet on the door.

409 1 Use the key on the door.

410 1 Return to 1764.

435 25 Correctly answer the five quiz questions.

4.6. Act VI Point List


436 1 Talk to Ben.

437 1 Get the kite.

438 1 Talk to the woman in the bakery.

440 2 Give the chocolate to the woman.

441 1 Get the bonbons.

444 3 Give the bonbons to the guard.

447 3 Use the kite on the river.

449 2 Use the first bush.

451 2 Use the second bush.

453 2 Use the third bush.

455 2 Use the fourth bush.

457 2 Use the window.

458 1 Get the pencil.

459 1 Get the paper.

461 2 Combine the pencil with the paper.

462 1 Use the painting.

463 1 Use the safe.

466 3 Open the safe.

468 2 Get the bag of money.

469 1 Use the painting.

471 2 Get the broom.

472 1 Get the fan.

473 1 Get the mitt.

474 1 Use the mitt on the iron.

475 1 Use the iron on the dress.

477 2 Get the dress.

481 4 Use the dress on Pepper.

485 4 Walk past the butler.

488 3 Find Lockjaw.

489 1 Use the key on the door.

491 2 Use the magnet on the key.

493 2 Use the key on the door.

496 3 Smell the hall.

498 2 Use the paw icon on the closet.

502 4 Use the pot of blue dye.

504 2 Bite the butler.

508 4 Use the charged Leyden jar on the general.

510 2 Open the doors.

513 3 Show the bag of money to Ben.

538 25 Correctly answer the five quiz questions.


5. Copyright Information


This document is Copyright 2005-2006 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in
any form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is
not affiliated with the creators of this game in any way. The latest version of
this document can be found at
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