

09.10.2013 06:45:04
The Atomic Raven's Cheap and Cheesy Guide to Sierra/Relic's

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FAQ Version 1.00 January 1, 2006
Sierra/Relic's 3d RTS was one of the first games of its type to include an
engaging storyline and logical technology progression in its single-player
campaign. For these reasons, and of course because of how cool the ships
looked (who among us failed to drool over those Ion Cannon Frigates when you
first saw them!), it became immensely popular. True, it was Game of the Year
several years ago, but it's still well worth playing. This guide will help
you enjoy a quick evening of smashing fleets in either campaign or versus

The Atomic Raven is proud to be known among fellow gamers as a "munchkin":
the kind of player who mathematically minimizes penalties and maximizes
benefits no matter what sort of rules apply to any given situation. Some call
this approach cheap, or cheesy. But let's face it--you're not concerned with
how honorable your victory over the CPU is, you just want to win, right?
Listen to my advice, and your journey from the galactic boondocks back to your
forgotten Homeworld will be a walk in the park.

For the purpose of this document, I assume basic familiarity with gameplay.
If you see words or abbreviations that are incomprehensible, go play the
tutorial, then start reading again. I have also attempted to avoid repeating
information from the game's documentation, with the exception of noting what
technology must be researched to make each ship type available--that data is
an important part of planning strategy for builds.

Legal Statements:

The Atomic Raven is not an employee and has no relation to the corporations
who created Homeworld. Their names and trademarks are entirely their property.

Copyright 2006 Blair Burroughs. All rights reserved. This text may be not be
reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may
not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without
advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a
part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of

The following sites are permitted to host a copy of this document for
public access:
To request hosting permission, make comments, ask questions, or suggest
corrections contact the Atomic Raven at blair@afaproject.org.

I. Comparative Anatomy of Buildable Ship Types
A. Scout
B. Interceptor
C. Defender
D. Attack Bomber
E. Cloaked Fighter
F. Defense Fighter
G. Light Corvette
H. Heavy Corvette
I. Multi-Gun Corvette
J. Repair Corvette
K. Salvage Corvette
L. Minelayer Corvette
M. Assault Frigate
N. Ion Cannon Frigate
O. Support Frigate
P. Drone Frigate
Q. Defense Field Frigate
R. Destroyer
S. Missile Destroyer
T. Carrier
U. Heavy Cruiser
V. Resource Collector
W. Resource Controller
X. Probe
Y. Cloak Generator
Z. Gravity Well Generator
AA. Proximity Sensor
BB. Sensors Array
CC. Research Ship
Final Recommendations
II. Dirrrrty Tricks
1. Stealing Victory
2. Banzai!
3. Fun Without Formations
III. You CAN Go Home Again
01 [Kharak System]
02 [Outskirts of Kharak System]
03 [Return to Kharak]
04 [Great Wastelands]
05 [Great Wastelands]
06 [Diamond Shoals]
07 [Garden of Kadesh]
08 [Cathedral of Kadesh]
09 [Sea of Lost Souls]
10 [Supernova Research Station]
11 [Tenhauser Gate]
12 [Galactic Core]
13 [Karos Graveyard]
14 [Bridge of Sighs]
15 [Chapel Perilous]
16 [Hiigara]
Closing Remarks

In which the relative merits of the different buildable unit types are
compared. Campaign availability assumes you research all available
technologies during each mission.

[Fighter Category]

A. Scout
Cost 35 RU. Requires "Fighter Drive" tech. Available in campaign
mission 1.

This is the cheapest and fastest combat craft available. It can outrun any
ship in the game with its 1.5 kps "speed burst" maneuver. In single player,
its low firepower rating makes it ineffective as an offensive weapon against
anything larger than another fighter, and its primary usage is to serve as
filler for your strike groups until you have enough spare RU to retire
squadrons of Scouts in exchange for Interceptors, Defenders, and Attack
Bombers. It is best used in decoy maneuvers--send a group of five or more
Scouts set to Evasive tactics in just before your main attack. While the
enemy ships are uselessly attempting to track down the dodging Scouts, they
aren't attacking more easily hit targets, like your vulnerable frigates and
corvettes. In multiplayer games, you may find it advantageous to build three
Scouts rather than two Interceptors; you can quickly amass a large group of
quick attackers in this manner. Especially when your opponent has only a
Carrier rather than a Mothership, it may be possible to eliminate him with a
"kamikaze rush" from a large squadron of Scouts (see Banzai! below).

B. Interceptor
Cost 55 RU. Requires "Fighter Drive" and "Fighter Chassis" tech.
Available in campaign mission 1.

This fighter is the bread and butter combat craft of this size. Not quite as
fast as a Scout, and lacking afterburners for dashing, it does however have
much better capacity to deal and survive damage. In numbers, Interceptors can
deal with just about any kind of foe except groups of super-capital ships or
specialized anti-fighter craft.

C. Defender
Cost 65 RU. Requires "Fighter Drive", "Fighter Chassis", and "Defender
Subsystems" tech. Available in campaign mission 5.

This ship is more of a turret than a fighter. As the name implies, it is far
more useful on defense than offense. In the earlier versions of the game, its
firepower was almost as intense as a corvette's, but the more recent patches
have downgraded it to only about the same damage per unit of time as an
Interceptor. It is cripplingly slow for a fighter, but does have slightly
better armor than an Interceptor, and its guns fire hypervelocity projectiles
which seldom miss, a major advantage against highly maneuverable opponents.

D. Attack Bomber
Cost 80 RU. Requires "Fighter Drive", "Fighter Chassis", and "Plasma Bomb
Launcher" tech. Available in campaign mission 5.

Against really big targets, most fighters are like a cloud of mosquitoes--
annoying, but not truly deadly except in huge numbers. The Attack Bomber is
the exception to this rule. Tough resourcing ships and frigates are easy meat
for a small group of Bombers, and in larger formations they can mince
Destroyers, Carriers, even Cruisers with ease. Against targets which have no
turreted weapons to return fire, or which are already distracted by another
foe (psst, remember those Scouts?) punch F10 to lock into Sphere formation and
drop a hard rain of plasma onto the foe.

E. Cloaked Fighter
*Kushan fleet only. Cost 85 RU. Requires "Fighter Drive", "Fighter
Chassis", and "Cloaked Fighter" tech. Available in campaign mission 13.

Wouldn't it be nice to be invisible? Yes? Well, try something else. I'm not
kidding. It sounds neat--a fighter size ship incorporating a cloaking sail--
but in practice, the results won't satisfy you. For the price, I'd rather
have Scouts, and I hate Scouts. These ships are expensive, sluggish and
flimsy (less maneuverable and about 2/3 the hit points of an Interceptor), and
burn fuel so fast it seems they've barely left the docking bay before the
pilots start whining about needing their tanks topped off. If you have Repair
Corvettes or Support Frigates available to gas them up repeatedly, they might
be worth trying in multiplayer games to sneak a quick peek at your opponent's
base area or resource zones. But I doubt it. By the time your fleet has
access to this ship in either single or multiplayer games, your opponent will
be able to see it coming with Proximity Sensors they've built to keep far more
dangerous ships grouped with a Cloak Generator at bay. Take my advice and
build something that will make it to the enemy's location and actually do
damage before being shot down instead.

F. Defense Fighter
*Taiidan fleet only. Cost 85 RU. Requires "Fighter Drive", "Fighter
Chassis", and "Defense Fighter" tech. Available in campaign mission 13.

Wouldn't it be nice to be invincible? Well, this ship sports a laser array in
its domed nose which attempts to vaporize incoming rounds before they strike.
It makes an excellent part of an escort for extremely valuable units you don't
care to lose as it blocks cannon fire. Aside from its expense, its only real
disadvantage is that it can't shoot back at the attackers. You'll get more
effective coverage by building a Defense Field Frigate (which is available
much earlier in the single player campaign) and sending along some
Interceptors or Defenders.

[Corvette Category]

G. Light Corvette
Cost 135 RU. Requires "Corvette Drive" and "Corvette Chassis" tech.
Available in campaign mission 2.

As you might expect from the low-end prerequisites, this vehicle isn't much to
write home about. Don't waste RU building any. In single-player games just a
few more minutes of research and patience gives you the chance to construct
Heavy Corvettes instead, which are far more effective. In multiplayer,
especially if you chose to skip researching Defenders, try Multigun Corvettes
instead. They come with six turrets instead of one, and better armor and
speed to boot.

H. Heavy Corvette
Cost 240 RU. Requires "Corvette Drive", "Corvette Chassis", and "Heavy
Corvette Upgrade" tech. Available in campaign mission 2.

I give these my unalloyed recommendation. They have excellent armor and
paired turrets capable of independently tracking multiple fighters, plus the
guns in those turrets do enough damage to penetrate frigate hulls. Easily
more than twice as effective as their predecessor, the Light Corvette, for
less than twice as much--a bargain by any standards. As an added bonus, their
"charged burst attack" creates flak explosions effective against capital ships
or tightly grouped strike craft formations. Heavy Corvettes should be a
staple of your single- or multi-player fleet.

I. Multi-Gun Corvette
Cost 225 RU. Requires "Corvette Drive", "Corvette Chassis", and
"Fast-Tracking Turrets" tech. Available in campaign mission 7.

If you are faced by constant waves of enemy fighters, like the kamikaze Scout
waves referred to earlier, you may wish you had a squadron of Multi-Gun
Corvettes. Equipped with six hypervelocity guns (like the Defender above),
they can cut through waves of small ships like a knife through warm butter.
In terms of speed and price, they also have a slight advantage over Heavy
Corvettes. However, they lack the Heavy Corvette's armor and ability to
damage large targets, so unless your opponent eschews larger ships entirely,
I'd suggest you stick with the Heavy's durability and versatility--after all,
it's only a 15 RU difference. The Heavy Corvette is also available much
earlier in campaign mode, which allows you to crank out a good-sized squadron
by the time you really need one.

J. Repair Corvette
Cost 150 RU. Requires "Corvette Drive" tech. Available in campaign
mission 1.

Too poor to buy Support Frigates? Try these instead. They can only dock and
refuel fighter-class ships (what a shock!), but they do have a weaker version
of the Support Frigate's repair beam. I don't recommend sending them into
serious combat; they do have one small gun, but firing it at anything is all
too likely to attract the sort of attention that this lightly armored ship
just won't survive. Personally, I've never built one in a serious game, and
you shouldn't either.

K. Salvage Corvette
Cost 220 RU. Requires "Corvette Drive" and "Corvette Chassis" tech.*
Available in campaign mission 1.
*(Though apparently only in multiplayer games--in single player mode these
can be built from the beginning of mission 1.)

Pay close attention, Grasshopper. The Salvage Corvette doesn't look like
much. No guns, speed and armor not too impressive either, and it costs as
much as four Interceptors. Yet this simple tugboat will lead you to greatness
in the single player campaign and make your opponents howl with anguish in
multiplayer. Mark well this ship. It is quite possibly the most important
unit you can build if you can use it properly. The reason? Salvage Corvettes
lock on to enemy craft with magnetic grapples and drag them back to your
Mothership or Carrier to be boarded and captured, after which the enemy vessel
becomes part of your fleet. Don't begrudge those 220 RU, because a single
Salvage Corvette, if properly defended, can contribute to thousands of RU
worth of fleet growth. I'll discuss the use and care of the Salvage Corvette
in detail later (see Stealing Victory below), but in single player you'll want
even more of these than you have Heavy Corvettes, and in multiplayer you will
want to keep at least 8-12 in your fleet whenever possible.

L. Minelayer Corvette
Cost 275 RU. Requires Requires "Corvette Drive", "Corvette Chassis", and
"Minelayer" tech. Available in campaign mission 10.

The Minelayer Corvette can drop tiny guided bombs in neat walls wherever you
like, blocking avenues of approach and inflicting unanswered damage on your
attacking foes. Unfortunately, in real combat situations the Minelayer is an
unarmed sitting duck, and unless your enemy sits around indecisively until you
have created a very thick minefield, it's a relatively simple task for a
Destroyer or larger capital ship to simply plow through. This tactic does
cause some pain, but isn't generally dangerous to the mine-clearing ship; some
admirals prefer to use Missile Destroyers to take out the mines at range, or
sacrifice a formation of Scouts. Any way you slice it, the only time a
minefield tends to really be effective is if you see where your opponent is
sending resourcers and plant one right there. With a little luck, the
harvesting can come to an end among brilliant plasma fireworks. Generally,
however, your money will be far better spent on Heavy Corvettes or Salvage
Corvettes, and your research time on improving your capital ships.

[Frigate Category]

M. Assault Frigate
Cost 575 RU. Requires "Capital Ship Drive" and "Capital Ship Chassis"
tech. Available in campaign mission 3.

This is the bread and butter frigate class ship. It doesn't inflict damage
to other capital ships as fast as the Ion Cannon Frigate, but it does have the
important advantage of turrets. Its excellent arcs of fire mean it can begin
attacking enemy formations, then move past or to the flanks while continuing
to pour volley after volley into its victims. The multiple medium guns are
also excellent against corvettes and moderately effective against the slower
fighter class vessels (don't plan on hitting Scouts). Probably the most
efficient counter to corvettes short of the much more expensive and slower
Missile Destroyer.

N. Ion Cannon Frigate
Cost 650 RU. Requires "Capital Ship Drive", "Capital Ship Chassis", and
"Ion Cannons" tech. Available in campaign mission 4.

Yeah, you saw those nasty looking red and blue energy beams crisscrossing in
the screenshots and you were hooked right there. Admit it. Well, this is the
fastest and cheapest beam equipped ship there is. In both single and
multiplayer these are going to be a major part of whatever fleet group you use
to take out enemy capital ships. Excellent bang for your buck; once you have
9-12 of these puppies and some screening vessels to cover them, you can
seriously fry an opponent. However, please note that without support against
fighters and corvettes Ion Cannon Frigates might as well be served to your
enemies on a platter! That beam weapon looks neat all right, but the ship has
ONE of them pointing straight out the front, and frigates don't turn on a
dime, bub! Ion Frigates without covering escorts are vulnerable even to
properly managed Scouts. As with other single-weapon craft, focusing the
entire group's fire on one hapless victim at a time is the best way to kill
your enemies quickly while suffering minimal damage in return.

O. Support Frigate
Cost 425 RU. Requires "Capital Ship Drive" tech. Available in campaign
mission 3.

A Support Frigate can dock 10 fighters and 4 corvettes to refuel and heal, can
hyperspace them across the map in multiplayer games, and its repair beam is
far more effective at removing damage from capital ships than the Repair
Corvette's. At less than three times the expense and more than three times
the armor and support ability, this is a much better buy. The only reason you
would use the smaller craft is if you are already at your unit cap for

P. Drone Frigate
*Kushan fleet only. Cost 800 RU. Requires "Capital Ship Drive", "Capital
Ship Chassis", and "Drone" tech. Available in campaign mission 6.

If you're playing this game with an older computer system, don't use Drone
Frigates. Building just one creates 25 more models for your CPU to keep track
of, often resulting in molasses-like frame rates or hangs. That aside, much
like the Missile Destroyer, a Drone Frigate can quickly obliterate wings of
fighters. The AI for this ship has some weird quirks, since technically it's
unarmed, and its drones do all the fighting... you may occasionally
experience odd behavior because of this. I find that the drones seem to
attack on their own most effectively if the frigate is set to "aggressive"
tactics, but this may require micromanagement to prevent your Drone Frigates
from haring off across the map after passing Scouts and the like. These can
be nasty when mixed in with a group of Ion Frigates to create a battle group
capable of taking on ships of any size.

Q. Defense Field Frigate
*Taiidan fleet only. Cost 800 RU. Requires "Capital Ship Drive",
"Capital Ship Chassis", and "Defense Field" tech. Available in campaign
mission 6.

Much like the Defense Fighter above, this vessel has absolutely no offensive
capability whatsoever. However, it protects all friendlies within a 2km or so
bubble from incoming cannon rounds and plasma bombs, stopping roughly 75% of
all shots. The shield is ineffective against beam weapons, missiles, and
mines, but because of its spherical coverage, much better range, and higher
durability, it's a better buy as an escort than the Defense Fighter. Against
wings of fighters, corvettes, and Assault Frigates it provides unsurpassed
protection, and the shield is big enough to completely screen your own
formation of corvettes or a small group of frigates.

[Super Capital Category]

R. Destroyer
Cost 1350 RU. Requires "Super-Capital Ship Drive", "Capital Ship
Chassis", and "Ion Cannons" tech. Available in campaign mission 6.

These heavyweights are essentially a combination of an Assault Frigate and an
Ion Frigate. With paired cannon turrets and two gimbal-mounted ion beams,
they can engage multiple targets and deal heavy damage. Ideal for thrashing
anything corvette-size or larger, since their multiple rotating weapons cancel
out their poor turning speed. Ineffective, however, against moving fighters,
which are too quick for them to track effectively.

S. Missile Destroyer
Cost 1500 RU. Requires "Super-Capital Ship Drive", "Capital Ship
Chassis", and "Missile Launcher" tech. Available in campaign mission 9.

Slightly more expensive and slightly less maneuverable than a standard
Destroyer, this class of vessel eschews standard guns and beams for four
missile pods, achieving ultimate supremacy against small craft. The multiple
homing warheads from just one Missile Destroyer can turn incoming fighter and
corvette formations into clouds of flaming scrap in mere moments. Against
other capital ships its performance is slightly inferior to the regular model,
though its "volley attack" can give you an early advantage in such large-scale
engagements by entirely emptying its magazines at extended range. Beware,
however, because Missile Destroyers take time to manufacture more missiles to
replace those spent, and the delay in doing so is even longer after a volley

T. Carrier
Cost 2000 RU. Requires "Super-Capital Ship Drive" and "Super-Heavy
Chassis". Available in campaign mission 9.

Your home away from home, Carriers provide pretty much all the same services
as the Mothership but can actually move. Nice. In single-player games
Carriers allow you to capture enemy craft up to frigate size without the
interminable wait for your Salvage Corvettes to drag the foe all the way to
your starting position. They also provide a mobile bunker for storing,
repairing, and refueling fighters and corvettes--a fact of vital importance in
certain missions (one which comes to mind immediately is the Supernova
Research Station, scenario #10). In multiplayer, these ships serve as extra
manufacturing and resource dropoff points, and if your Mothership should
unfortunately perish, your new command HQ. They are unfortunately useless in
combat except as decoys.

U. Heavy Cruiser
Cost 3700 RU. Requires "Super-Capital Ship Drive", "Super-Heavy Chassis",
"Ion Cannons", and "Heavy Guns" tech. Available in campaign mission 12.

Once you have a Heavy Cruiser, the lumbering core of your fleet is complete.
In fact, capital ship engagements become as easy as detailing a couple of
destroyers, a few frigates, and a squadron of fighters or corvettes to guard
your Cruiser, and spend all your time concentrating the Cruiser's fire on
specific targets one at a time until they make a satisfying popping noise.
With six huge railguns and paired twin ion beam turrets, this monster makes
short work of anything corvette size or larger. Keep in mind, however, that
its cost is just as monstrous as its combat presence. Never assign a Cruiser
to do anything without Support Frigates to keep its health up and screening
elements to deal with enemy fighters (which a Cruiser simply can't hit to save
its life) or you'll lose your investment faster than you built it. In
multiplayer, it's wise to max out your complement of smaller ships before you
try to field a Heavy Cruiser; in terms of price and build time smaller ships
can deploy more firepower more quickly. With the "rush" tactics most often
prevalent these days in PvP RTS matchups, some players never even bother
researching so far down the tech tree. Personally, I admit, I just can't
resist the sight of turrets half the size of an entire frigate. >:)

[Non-Combat Category]

V. Resource Collector
Cost 650 RU. No requirements. Available in campaign mission 1.

With no RU, you can't build ships. With no ships, you lose. Simple, yes?
Resource Collectors actually do have reasonable combat potential when used
correctly; they are the smallest ship with self-repair capability and the
largest ship with kamikaze capability. In fact, it's possible to beat the
entire attacking force of fighters and corvettes in mission 2 by simply
commanding your Resource Collector to ram them while the rest of your craft
remain safely inside the Mothership's docking bays. Don't resort to tactics
like this in multiplayer games unless you're already on the brink of defeat,
though--they are far more useful harvesting resources so your fleet can
continue to grow.

W. Resource Controller
Cost 680 RU. Requires "Capital Ship Drive" tech. Available in campaign
mission 3.

In single player missions, speed is not critical for your resourcing
operations. In fact, in many situations you'll find you can let the game run
an extra half an hour or more after all combat has ceased until you hear
Karan's dulcet tones saying "Available resources consumed." In multiplayer
games, on the other hand, deploying a Controller to the nearest resource
cluster greatly increases the speed and efficiency of your mining operations,
a critical concern in an era when either using or defending against "rush"
tactics has become the default scenario. Carriers may be a better bet in late
game situations, since they can build and repair as well as receive resource

X. Probe
Cost 30 RU. No requirements. Available in campaign mission 1.

A very fast spy tool. Unfortunately, it can't defend itself and can't move
more than once, so be careful when giving that first deployment order!
Curiously for what is essentially nothing more than a mass of antennae, its
sensor range isn't any larger than that of a normal fighter. In single player
games, sending ANY ship within sight distance of "send a probe here"
objectives will satisfy them, and in multiplayer games sending an armed and
agile Scout on reconnaisance takes only 5 RU and a few seconds longer...
Plus, since they can't move after initial deployment, you can't even take them
with you between campaign missions. Basically, don't bother building any
Probes unless you plan to use them as missiles (see Banzai! below).

Y. Cloak Generator
Cost 500 RU. Requires "Capital Ship Drive" and "Cloak Generator" tech.
Available in campaign mission 13.

This frigate-size vessel is essentially nothing more than a mobile
invisibility field. When deactivated, its batteries recharge at about half
the rate they deplete during cloaking. Therefore, a set of three generators
alternately activated can keep a small formation of your fleet permanently
invisible if properly managed. Handy for surprise attacks, especially capture
raids involving Salvage Corvettes. Keep in mind that cloaked ships briefly
become visible when attacking, so you should keep your invisible strike group
in motion to minimize the effect of return fire; turreted ships like Assault
Frigates are most effective when doing so.

Z. Gravity Well Generator
Cost 800 RU. Requires "Capital Ship Drive" and "Gravity Well Generator"
tech. Available in campaign mission 9.

Like the Cloak Generator, this is essentially a tool with an engine on the
back. The Gravwell Generator cannot recharge, but has two nasty effects
within its sphere of operation: all nearby fighters and corvettes are held
motionless like flies trapped in amber, and (in multiplayer games) enemy
capital ships cannot use hyperdrive. An excellent tool for offense and
defense in longer multiplayer games, it tends to weaken the economic advantage
of fighter/corvette rushes--IF you can research them in time. Since the
Generator cannot recharge and self-destructs once its power supply is
exhausted, you can recover some of its cost by using the "retire" command
instead of allowing it to wear out and explode.

AA. Proximity Sensor
Cost 50 RU. Requires "Proximity Detector" tech. Available in campaign
mission 10.

Better than a Probe, these little detector arrays are as fast as a Scout and
can detect cloaked vessels as they reach beam and missile range, allowing you
to counterattack. Their superior drive systems allow them to maintain
formation with any combat vessel to prevent invisible enemies from getting the
drop on you, and they don't run out of fuel, which makes long-duration recon
missions simpler. Definitely handy.

BB. Sensors Array
Cost 800 RU. Requires "Proximity Detector" and "Sensors Array" tech.
Available in campaign mission 13.

A giant floating radar set. Nothing more. However, if you have one, you'll
be able to see the exact positions and sensor ranges of EVERY ship on the
map. This is an extraordinarily useful ability and should not be
underestimated. As soon as you have the tech to build one you should do so,
and guard it carefully.

CC. Research Ship
Cost 700 RU. No requirements. Available in campaign mission 1.

Each Research Ship is a compact module meant to become part of a rotating
laboratory station. Uniquely, each subsequently built Research Ship (to a
total of six) links to the previous modules, making the lab larger and
tougher, as well as quicker to achieve your scientific goals. In single
player, you can get by with just one until you've finished the Great Nebula
missions and have more money than you know what to do with. In multiplayer
games, however, you'll want to build the maximum number as soon as you can
afford to do so, both to increase the lab's survivability and to accelerate
your all-important tech development. Multiple modules can be assigned to
research the same tech, getting it finished faster, or to different techs, to
achieve variety--it's up to you.

[Final Recommendations]
These are the ships you should spend your money building. If you don't see it
here, don't bother even clicking on it in the Build Manager.

Fighters: Lots of Scouts early, so you can quickly reach the maximum of 80
fighter-class ships. Later, replace losses with Attack Bombers. If you can't
afford Bombers, use Interceptors instead until your cash reserves increase. I
only recommend Defenders if you need a quick escort for a capital-class vessel
and you have not researched Heavy Corvettes; they're just too slow and easily
destroyed to handle most fighter tasks.

Corvettes: The truly optimal choices here are Heavy Corvettes and
Salvage Corvettes. The virtues of Heavies have already been elaborated; see
II/1. below for more reasons why the Salvage Corvette should be one of your
favorite ships. The normal class cap for corvettes is 50.

Frigates: As soon as you can afford it, I recommend at least half a dozen
apiece of Assault and Ion Cannon Frigates, as well as four Support Frigates.
This should give you a well-balanced medium ship complement capable of
handling all the tasks frigates need to perform. Depending on your race, the
Drone Frigate and Defense Field Frigate are handy for specialized situations
as well. Just remember, without stolen ships, you can only have 18 frigates
at a time.

Super-Capital Ships: Promptly construct at least one Carrier. This enables
you to build ships faster, as well as giving you a mobile secondary base. A
group of 2-4 standard Destroyers and 1-3 Missile Destroyers can handle most
major engagements as long as you remember to concentrate fire from the
Destroyers on one target at a time, working your way down from large to small,
and "group attack" (Ctrl+bandbox) the fast movers with the Missile
Destroyers. As noted above, don't spend resources on a Heavy Cruiser unless
a) you're filthy rich and b) you are at unit cap for everything smaller. Max
number of Carriers is 4, Destroyers is 7, and Cruisers is 3.

Non-Combat Ships: I noted earlier that you never have to build a Resource
Controller or even an extra Collector in the single-player missions; in fact,
if you guard the one you're provided in mission 1 carefully, it's all the
mining operation you really need the entire game. In multiplayer this is
totally untrue! Buy yourself up to at least 4-6 Collectors and at least 1
Controller ASAP, and in a long game on a large map, maxing out at 10
Collectors and 4 Controllers can allow you to defeat your opponent through
sheer attrition. The same goes for Research Ships; in campaign mode just one
can do all the research required, but in multiplayer scenarios the more the
merrier--after all, no sane opponent will just sit around and wait to attack
while you cheerfully research every tech with just one lab! If you're going
to try sneaking up on your opponent, go for a trio of Cloak Generators. One
or two Grav Well Generators are good for both offense and defense. Keep one
near the Mothership for emergencies and send the other along with the big boys
whenever you suspect your enemy has a load of fighters to dump on your fleet.
A Sensors Array is critical to show you what the bad guys are up to. Lastly,
keep half a dozen or so Proximity Sensors handy. Split them up guarding your
Mothership and other widely separated fleet groups; that way if your opponent
suddenly whips out a cloaked attack force you'll be able to effectively deal
with it.

In which revelation is made of various underhanded tactics.

1. Stealing Victory

This strategy is so simple it's practically self-explanatory. In this game,
crime DOES pay. Every chance you get, you should quickly reach and exceed
your unit caps by stealing capital ships and non-combat craft with your
Salvage Corvettes. You did build some, didn't you? "Salvaging" as many
enemy craft as you can is critical in the first half of the single-player
campaign to quickly increase your fleet size, not to mention acquiring bigger
ships (often substantially before your research and budget would allow you to
build them yourself). In the multi-player scenarios, nothing will cause your
opponents as much agony as watching entire resource operations dragged back to
your nearby Carrier, or watching 3700 RU of Heavy Cruiser suddenly quit
fragging your frigates when the salvagers lock on to its hull. Get used to
laughing evilly as your fleet swells with stolen vessels; for those who deride
this tactic as "sissy" I recommend you review the cutscene between campaign
missions 3 and 4. Now just imagine what your pissed-off marines are doing to
the enemy crew. :)

Stealing CPU Ships: There are two important tricks to this.

First, the target MUST be distracted. Most CPU-controlled ships are very
sensitive to Salvage Corvettes. In fact, all ships of frigate size or larger
within sensor range of Salvage Corvettes will preferentially attack them first
unless they are already in combat against a high-priority target like one of
your own capital ships. Scout formations are NOT a sufficient distraction
against CPU ships--don't waste your time and Scouts trying. Instead, use a
super capital ship like a destroyer or cruiser as a stalking horse. Make sure
the decoy is set to "evasive tactics" by hitting F2 so it does not
automatically retaliate and destroy the enemy ship before capture is
completed. It may prove useful to have a Support Frigate nearby to keep the
decoy's health up while it meekly suffers the slings and arrows of the CPU's
outrage, depending on the firepower of the ship to be stolen compared to the
damage capacity of the decoy. Taiidan fleets can extend the endurance of the
decoy against most victims of this maneuver by deploying a Defense Field
Frigate to block incoming fire.

Second, the salvage corvettes must be MOVED manually into position nearby.
Again, the CPU quickly notices salvage attempts, and in several missions the
prospective victims will instantly react when targeted by a capture maneuver,
promptly ceasing their attack on your decoy and vaporizing the relatively
helpless Salvage Corvettes. The best way to avoid watching your tugs melt
like clay pigeons at a skeet shoot is to take advantage of the distracted
state of the computer-controlled vessels by maneuvering into close range
before giving the salvage command. If you can put your salvage team within a
kilometer or so, preferably underneath or to the rear, as soon as they are
told to salvage the target it will be paralyzed and unable to turn to attack
them. Once you get some experience with this maneuver you'll soon see that
it can allow you to grab entire enemy formations with no losses to your
Salvage Corvette team.

Keep in mind that there are some ships you cannot salvage (more's the pity).
You cannot salvage the Turanic Raider Carriers from missions 2 and 4. You
cannot salvage the Kadeshi Needle Motherships from missions 7 and 8. You
cannot salvage the Junkyard Dog from mission 12. Any stationary objects (the
derelict in mission 9, the Research Station in mission 10, the Autoguns in
mission 12) cannot be salvaged either. Don't waste your time trying. You can
salvage the enemy Probes occasionally sent towards you, but you can't take
them to the next mission with you, so there's no point unless you intend to
use them yourself in the same scenario.

Also, make sure you have enough ships for the job! Frigates and Resource
Collectors require two corvettes apiece; Destroyers and Resource Controllers
need three apiece; Carriers and Cruisers can only be dragged home by a group
of five.* Anything that needs more effort than a frigate must go all the way
back to your Mothership, since it can't be handled by a Carrier. Plan
accordingly, since given how long this can take your opponent may be able to
"liberate" the captured ship unless you provide a combat-capable escort for
the vulnerable Salvage Corvettes.

(*Due to a glitch in all versions of the game, Kushan Heavy Cruisers actually
need 6 tugs for successful salvage, despite their stat file being _exactly the
same_ as the Taiidan model. Don't look at me! Also, theoretically, fighters,
Probes and Proximity Sensors, and corvettes can all be salvaged with only one
tug apiece... except they can simply move out of the way as long as they
still have fuel. In practical terms salvaging these small ships is difficult
enough that only a dedicated cheesemonkey like me would even bother trying, so
I don't recommend it for the casual reader of this guide.)

Stealing Human Ships: There's really only one trick to this--it has to be a

How you manage this is up to you. A strike group with its admiral
micromanaging is essentially invulnerable to capture. As soon as the human
commander notices what you're doing, it's over; even if you snuck your tugs
into close range with the help of cloaking technology, the escorts will
quickly destroy them before the big ships are "locked down". Here are some
suggestions for achieving the necessary stealth for this approach.

First, you can simply conceal your Salvage Corvettes in a formation of other
corvettes. Denied the ability to pause and examine the situation carefully
(only available in campaign mode or in player vs. CPU skirmishes), the human
commander may simply not notice them until it's too late. When trying this
method, MAKE SURE TO CALL OFF THE OTHER SHIPS as soon as the salvagers are in
grapple range. Trigger AI is moronic in this game... craft don't take into
account whether friendlies are in the line of fire before attacking. If the
rest of your strike group continues firing at the salvage victims, they run
the risk of destroying them instead of capturing them, or, worse, fragging the
Salvage Corvettes! Either way, you just wasted time and money. It can be
difficult to dissuade your ships from pressing an attack sometimes. I
recommend using F2 to put the offenders in "evasive tactics", then tapping the
~ key a few times, then ordering them to move off to the side someplace. This
combination of orders usually stops even the most fanatic attack from a
turreted ship.

Second, you can concentrate the fire of your strike group and escorts on the
enemy fleet escorts BEFORE sending in the salvagers. Especially when used in
conjunction with cloak generators to keep the corvettes hidden until it's time
to strike, this minimizes their exposure. Once again, however, make sure you
cancel the attack orders as soon as the Salvage Corvettes get a grip. The
disadvantage of this tactic is that a canny player may realize what you are
doing when you concentrate solely on the escort formation, and bring
reinforcement escorts with Proximity Sensors, thus extending the engagement
and most likely resulting in the failure of the capture operation.

Third, you can make sure the human's attention is elsewhere! An attack, no
matter how Pyrrhic, on his Mothership or primary resource operation just as
your fleets are engaging will most likely cause him to hurriedly group-attack
your ships and jump to the "emergency" situation right away. If your timing
is good, either of the tactics mentioned above will increase dramatically in
effectiveness. Just remember that you need to make the diversionary strike
look significant if you want it to be taken seriously--otherwise he'll just
scoff, pop back to the original engagement and immediately see what you were
trying to do in time to stop it. Fighters can get to a target area quickly
and are cheap enough to be sacrificed for this sort of thing; a mix of Scouts
or Interceptors to deal with escort craft and Attack Bombers to pound on the
real target looks businesslike enough that most players will spend at least a
few moments trying to deal with it.

For those with truly superior multitasking skills, try pulling off three or
more strikes simultaneously. If you have local superiority in even one
location, focus fire in another area and you may win there too. In fact, even
if you don't like Salvage Corvettes and don't ever use these tactics, they
make a scary distraction themselves! Just a couple can latch onto a frigate
and start dragging it off, which triggers a voice message to the original
owner. When he panics and starts concentrating on the salvagers, use the time
you've bought to focus fire on his most dangerous ships and quickly turn the
tide in your favor.

2. Banzai!

Missile Destroyers are fun. But did you ever wish you had real, long range
missiles that you could just toss from your Mothership all the way across the
map? Well, you can.

Now, many game philosophers before yours truly have composed dissertations on
the virtues and methodologies of the "rush strategy". If you aren't familiar
with it, in a nutshell, this is achieving victory in a multiplayer game by
just enough economic expansion to fuel a continuous stream of the cheapest
combat units you can build, then sending them in waves to wear down your enemy
until he's finally destroyed. I'm really not a big fan of this technique,
though I've used it and defended against it successfully; in my opinion it
substantially reduces the enjoyment of the gameplay the designers spent so
much time refining. However, I have to say that there are some fun and nasty
things you can do with that technique, and one of them is heaving Scouts and
Probes at your enemies' fleets.

Yep, you heard me. Scouts can "kamikaze" (give an attack order, then press
K), as can all other fighters, corvettes, and Resource Collectors. They're
the only ship cheap enough and hard enough to hit to make this an effective
tactic, however. A kamikaze attack sends the Scout barreling toward its
hapless victim, firing its guns continuously until it literally crashes into
the target's hull and detonates, inflicting further explosive damage. Set a
formation of at least five Scouts to "evasive tactics" with F2 to make them
faster and more difficult to shoot down, and then when they get close to the
intended victim, give the kamikaze command and follow up with Z to activate
their "speed burst". This adds extra damage to the ram and further reduces
the amount of time the victim and any escorts have to shoot down your Scout

Probes can't kamikaze, and even if they could their total lack of
maneuverability would make it unlikely that they would successfully strike
anyway. However, you can use them like small caliber shotgun shells. Simply
give them a move order that rockets them head-on towards an oncoming enemy
formation or a large, stationary target far away (a Mothership or Carrier,
most likely). Then, as the speeding Probe approaches the foe, scuttle it.
The debris created by this self-destruct damages everything in a forward
cone. This technique is more complex than the Scout missile tactic, and may
require some practice to learn the correct timing, but it can be a great way
to weaken incoming waves of strike craft. A group of three or more Probes
makes a quite satisfying cloud of shrapnel, possibly obliterating an entire
squadron of fighters.

Economically speaking, Banzai! is very wasteful. Use these tactics carefully
and only in a situation where you already have superior resources or the enemy
lacks a well-balanced combined fleet. Be aware in multiplayer games that
using either or both will likely get you called a "cheap bastard" or similar
names; hey, you expected that after reading the title of this FAQ, right? :)
In campaign mode, I don't recommend either Banzai! method until after the
Great Nebula missions, at which point you ought to have cash to burn.

3. Fun Without Formations

If you've read the manual and played through the tutorial, you've been told
repeatedly by the game designers that formations are vital to successful
combat maneuvering. In fact, this point is hammered home one more time in the
first single-player campaign mission, when Fleet Intelligence has you testing
the effect of formations on performance.

Guess what? It's all WRONG. With a few exceptions, putting ships of any sort
in formation substantially REDUCES their maneuverability and time-on-target
(the segment of the attack pass during which the ship's guns are pointing at
the target and firing).

Strange but true. Modders who examine the performance data for the ships can
see the maneuver instructions that cause these results; I recommend Seb
Haque's excellent FAQ on the subject of modding. For the more casual player,
just experiment a bit with a saved game. Using any kind of timepiece, examine
how long it takes for a group of fighters to move from your Mothership to a
few kilometers away and back with, then without formation. Then, attack
something with the same group, first in formation, then without. Notice the

Essentially, formations increase the moment of inertia of a group of ships.
This is a physics term, but in this case what it means is that the ships on
the "inside" of a formation making a turn can't turn as fast as they normally
could because they are in lock-step with the ships on the "outside" edge of
the formation. Without formations, they turn at their maximum maneuverability
rating all the time. The obvious conclusion is that you should rarely put
your ships in formation, since it reduces their effectiveness both offensively
and defensively. There are a few exceptions to this general rule:

a) Large groups of ships attacking a single target.
In this circumstance your vessels can sometimes get in the way of each other.
Combined with the poor trigger AI mentioned previously, you will occasionally
watch in disgust as your ships shoot down their squadronmates. In the case of
large groups of fighters attacking a Missile Destroyer or a ship with turreted
guns, the riot-like rush of the non-formated ships may actually make it easier
for the defender (shots that miss by only a small amount may connect with
another fighter in the same group, since they're so close together). In this
case you may find it slightly more effective to use several Claws (no more
than 9 ships in each) or hit F2 for "evasive tactics" to make the wingmen
split farther apart during their attack pass. In the case of many fighters
attacking an unarmed or distracted target, immediately put the entire group
into "aggressive tactics" with F4 and drop them into Sphere formation. This
will do the most damage possible in the minimum time.

b) You need to select a certain number of ships from the group during combat.
Often the case when setting up groups of special ships, such as Cloak
Generators or Salvage Corvettes for one of the coordinated capture maneuvers
detailed previously, especially when in a human vs. human multiplayer game.
In this case your best bet is to use Broad formation for four or fewer ships,
or Wall formation if there are more than that.

c) Guarding a slow or immobile ship against fighters and corvettes.
Common for groups of fighters and corvettes intended to escort bigger vessels
with little or no organic anti-fighter capability. In this case you want the
escorts to stay relatively close to the ship they're watching over, and the
best way to do that is with Wall formation (for turreted escorts, like Heavy
Corvettes) or Sphere formation (for single-weapon escorts, like
Interceptors). Be aware that craft in Sphere formation are much more
vulnerable to incoming fire because of their practically stationary position,
but hey--the whole point of an escort is to draw fire away from the ship
you're protecting, right?

In which recommendations for each campaign scenario are set forth.

The storyline has Fleet Intelligence and Fleet Command prompting you in most
situations, giving you instructions on what you must do to advance the plot.
Therefore, I'm not going to discuss mission objectives in detail unless I feel
the instructions are misleading or vague. I'm not going to give any spoilers,
though I cheerfully exhort you to abuse event triggers whenever possible to
improve your situation. To avoid repetition, I'll say this right now: after
any combat that takes place during a mission, make sure your Resource
Collector(s) have harvested ALL AVAILABLE RESOURCES before initiating the
hyperdrive jump to the next scenario. If you do not do this, you will rapidly
run out of cash and will have a fleet far too small to take on the harder
situations later in the game. It's boring, but very important! You should
also be aware that the game reacts to the size and power of your fleet by
modifying the opposition you face--the more you've got, the more they'll throw
at you. For this reason, I will tell you how to set up to deal with your
opponents but not exactly how many/what kind of ships they have.

01 [Kharak System]

*Build before jumping: 1 Research Ship, 2 Salvage Corvettes, Scouts until
out of RU

*Specific advice: After you finish researching Fighter Chassis, research
Corvette Drive as well. You are not prompted to do so, but it will save you
time in the next mission.

02 [Outskirts of Kharak System]

*Build before jumping: 4 Heavy Corvettes, 6 Salvage Corvettes, Scouts until
out of RU

*Specific advice: Do NOT build or use a Probe here. Keep all ships except
your Resource Collector at the start position. Research Corvette Chassis and
Heavy Corvette Upgrade while supervising your Collector; when it finishes
harvesting all the relatively nearby resources and starts heading off towards
the Khar-Selim, recall it to dock and keep it nearby after it drops its load.
After building the Heavy Corvettes, go to the Launch Manager and set the
Mothership hangar to "Remain Docked". Dock all your strike craft to keep
them out of harm's way. Tell the Collector to harvest once more. When it
nears the dust clouds at the Khar-Selim's position, the next event will be
triggered. Don't panic--the Mothership is not in real danger. Simply have
the Mothership group-attack the enemy ships and soon they will all be
destroyed. After docking the returning Resource Collector and finishing your
build orders, set the Collector to guard the Mothership and launch your Heavy
Corvettes and Salvage Corvettes. Redock all but one of the Salvage Corvettes,
set the four Heavy Corvettes into Wall/Aggressive and command them to guard
the one active Salvage Corvette, then send the tug off to check out the
Khar-Selim. When your corvettes return, dock them inside the Mothership once
more. Again, the Mothership is easily capable of handling itself in this
scenario, so just group-attack the enemy ships; this battle will go slightly
faster if you use your Collector to ram the enemy corvettes (just remember to
dock it for repairs after it runs them over or takes severe damage). Do NOT
check out the large power signature. None of the ships you have at this point
are capable of dealing with what you will find and you will lose them to no
avail. Before jumping, disable "Remain Docked" in the Launch Manager so your
ships will autolaunch at the beginning of the next mission.

03 [Return to Kharak]

*Build before jumping: 4 Salvage Corvettes, 2 Support Frigates, Scouts until
out of RU

*Specific advice: Distract the enemy frigates with your Scouts set to
Evasive. Move your Salvage Corvettes in; as described in Stealing Victory,
do NOT give the salvage command until the corvettes are very close. By this
point you should have at least 8 tugs, making it possible to capture most or
all of the frigates simultaneously. Don't be concerned about the damaged Cryo
Tray; the number of trays remaining has no effect on the rest of the game
(though it is certainly a challenge to save all six--see if you can manage
it). Research Capital Ship Chassis and build the Support Frigates while your
Resource Collector harvests. You should enter the next mission with plenty of
Scouts, at least 3 stolen Assault Frigates, and at least 12 total Salvage

04 [Great Wastelands]

*Build before jumping: 2 Support Frigates, Heavy Corvettes/Salvage Corvettes/
Scouts until out of RU

*Specific advice: It is not necessary to spend money and time building and
placing a Resource Controller. Before sending your Resource Collector to
harvest, queue the Support Frigates and other craft in your Build Manager and
let the projects run until you are broke and construction pauses. Then send 2
Salvage Corvettes roughly 3 km to starboard of the Mothership, 2 the same
distance to port, and the remaining 8 about 10 km aft. Now initiate
harvesting. If you have set this up correctly, the Bentusi should see 650 or
fewer RU in your bank account when they arrive and offer to sell you Ion
Cannons for only 300 RU instead of 500 RU. Every penny counts! To be a true
disciple of cheese, don't accept the traders' offer until your Resource
Collector has drained every RU from the nearby asteroid belt, since the
departure of the Bentusi ship triggers the next combat event. Your Heavy
Corvettes and Scouts can assist the Mothership in dealing with the incoming
attackers--you need to be proactive this time, or they will zero in on your
helpless Salvage Corvettes. After the first wave of enemy corvettes, be
watchful of the area immediately around the Mothership. Shortly, a group of
frigates hyperspaces in. Immediately command your Salvage Corvettes to
capture them. If all goes well, you'll suffer no losses and own a new group
of combat frigates. When the enemy Carrier attacks soon thereafter, use your
captured capital ships to destroy it while capturing some more frigates from
its escort. If the Mothership or any of your frigates suffers severe damage
during this episode, make sure you heal up promptly with your Support
Frigates. (The Ion Array Frigates do NOT self-repair, unlike all other ships
that size.)

05 [Great Wastelands]

*Build before jumping: Heavy Corvettes/Salvage Corvettes/Scouts until out of

*Specific advice: Do NOT build or use a Probe here. Save your game before
moving a Scout about 48 km down the V-shaped dust cloud formation straight
towards the "ping" on the sensors manager. If you move it a little too far,
the enemy fleet will see it and attack right away--reload and try again. Now
you have a reference mark. Send your Resource Collector out to harvest in the
dust clouds until it gets near the Scout you parked earlier. Supervise the
Collector's progress so you can get all the resources possible without
triggering the Imperial attack. Use the RU gained this way to max out your
fleet as much as possible. (See how much you saved your bank account already
by stealing all those frigates?) During your harvesting efforts you should
have plenty of time to complete research on Plasma Bombs. When you are ready
for a major set-piece battle, move your main combat group over the boundary.
If you keep your Salvage Corvettes stashed someplace safe, you'll have the
opportunity to capture several Assault and Ion Cannon Frigates, a Support
Frigate, a Carrier, two Destroyers, and two Resource Collectors. Quite a
haul, especially the Destroyers and Carrier. After the enemy fleet is
destroyed or captured, Defender Subsystems is researched, and all harvesting
is complete, dock your fighters and corvettes with the Mothership and select
"Remain Docked" in the Launch Manager.

06 [Diamond Shoals]

*Build before jumping: Retire all Ion Array Frigates and replace with
Drone/Defense Field Frigates, max out numbers of fighters and corvettes

*Specific advice: Send the Carrier and all your noncombat ships except the
Resource Collectors at least 30 km to the starboard of the Mothership to keep
them out of danger. Divide your capital ships into 2 or 3 groups, each
responsible for a specific "lane" in front of the Mothership. After the first
couple of rocks fragment, command your Resource Collectors to harvest;
otherwise, you'll get no cash out of this mission. When the Mothership is
safe, buy Drone or Defense Field tech from the Bentusi. This will be your
last chance to build any frigates of your own if you are using my Steal
Victory tactics; scrap the inferior Ion Array Frigates you hijacked earlier
and fill their spots with your race's special ships, both of which are quite
useful. Make sure you have 20 Salvage Corvettes and as many Heavy Corvettes
and fighters (preferably Interceptors or Defenders) as you can afford to
build, and research Super-Capital Ship Drive before initiating hyperspace.

07 [Garden of Kadesh]

*Build before jumping: 2 Destroyers, replace fighter and corvette losses

*Specific advice: Create a bastion of defense against fighters BEFORE sending
one Resource Collector out to harvest. If you have enough Drone/Defense Field
Frigates, you may be able to leave all your fighters docked for protection
(even Defenders don't last long against the fighters you will see here!). In
any case, set up as if you will be attacked twice from ahead, twice from above/
port, twice from the rear, and twice from starboard-- because you will be.
Heavy Corvettes and Drone/Defense Field Frigates are your best defense, though
your Assault Frigates and Destroyers will be handy as well since the enemy
fighters tend to hover momentarily at the end of each attack run. Command
your Support Frigates to be ready to repair all your capital ships. After
your Collector harvests one load, send it into the middle of one of your
defense clusters for safety--on at least two attack runs, most of the enemy
fighters will concentrate on your resourcing craft. The key to victory is to
either destroy or capture the Fuel Pods accompanying the enemy fighters. When
they run out of fuel they become sitting ducks for defensive fire; you may
even be able to salvage a few of them if they don't self-destruct first
(apparently a popular choice). Do NOT initiate hyperdrive when told to. This
simply drops all your ships out of their prepared formations and orders,
opening you to the next attack wave. Instead, wait until the enemy Mothership
gets tired of beating on you and departs. Then send all your Resource
Collectors out to drain the nebula dry while you build another pair of
Destroyers, replace any losses you suffered, and take a moment to research
Fast-Tracking Turrets if you haven't already. When your Collectors are
finished, try to jump out. Then, when Fleet Command reports the inhibitor
field gone, jump out for good.

08 [Cathedral of Kadesh]

*Build before jumping: Replace losses, retire Fuel Pods until you have no
more than 20

*Specific advice: Much like the previous mission, fort up around the
Mothership. You will suffer repeated fighter attacks from above/ahead, below/
behind/port, and below/behind/starboard. Use the same tactics to deal with
them. During these attack waves a new kind of frigate will move in, generally
in pairs or trios, to take on your fleet--first a group from directly ahead,
then from above/starboard, then from above/port, then from directly ahead once
again. It's wise to try to capture as many as you can, since their massive
firepower will prove quite useful in subsequent scenarios. Once all the
frigates have been destroyed or captured, one of the enemy Motherships will
move in to directly attack your Mothership. Concentrate fire on it. As soon
as it expires, the second enemy Mothership will also begin an attack run, then
the third. Rinse, repeat. When the third Mothership has been badly damaged
it will flee towards the opposite end of the map from your start position; let
it go for now, it's invulnerable until it reaches its final resting place.
After you rebuild any lost ships, send your Destroyers, with the Support
Frigates tagged to repair them, off toward the fleeing Mothership. Behind
this group your Carrier and all your fighters and corvettes should also
advance. The Destroyers will be attacked by two groups of enemy fighters;
shortly after these are dealt with you'll see another large group of frigates
approaching. While they are trying to maneuver around your battle group to
head towards the Mothership, send in the Salvage Corvettes. Even if you
didn't get the earlier groups, this bunch practically captures itself, so you
have no excuse not to acquire them. Leave the capital ships in place while
the rest of your Salvage Corvettes snag the undefended Fuel Pods left over
from the fighter attack, and order your own fighters and Heavy Corvettes into
Sphere formation. Target this huge "ball of death" on the last enemy
Mothership, which should still be burning unless you took WAY too long to get
this far. Creating this massive Sphere formation prevents the Mothership from
being able to fire back at more than a couple of your ships (the formation is
so big most are just out of range!) while killing it as quickly as possible.
If properly executed you should lose only a couple of fighters at most. Send
the strike craft back home to dock and let the Resource Collectors do their
thing. There are a LOT of RU waiting for them, so be patient and let them get
it all. IMPORTANT--Save your game before you attempt to jump to the next
mission. If you have captured many Fuel Pods their parade formation may be
too large to fit within the map borders... this hangs the game, since you
lose control of the fleet after the hyperspace command is activated. You may
have to manually exit the game, restart Homeworld, reload your saved game, and
retire some Fuel Pods. As I noted above, I recommend keeping no more than 20
if you captured all of the frigates on this level.

09 [Sea of Lost Souls]

*Build before jumping: Replace losses, 2 Missile Destroyers, 3 Carriers, Grav
Well Generators to taste

*Specific advice: Gather all your remaining Scouts, put them in Evasive, and
send them off to one side of the Ghost Ship to distract its zombie escorts.
While they are busy chasing shadows, use your remaining fighters and Heavy
Corvettes to trash the ship itself. It can't be destroyed, but when the
control field drops the zombie escorts automatically become part of your
fleet. Do NOT send capital ships to do this job--they become zombies
themselves as soon as they get within attack range. Do NOT attack the zombie
escorts--it's pointless, and if you destroy them you don't get them for free!
(This is especially significant in the case of the Missile Destroyer--it's
scary, but if you kill it you will not be able to build Missile Destroyers of
your own for another three missions. D'oh.) When sending a salvage team,
make sure you manually move the corvette around to the upper aft end of the
wreck... for some reason the pilot AI for the Salvage Corvettes likes to
suicide-crash into the hull if attempting to dock from the front. ?! There
are a number of small asteroids floating around in the vicinity of the
anomaly, so once again be patient with your Resource Collectors; there's
enough dough here to cover the expense of rebuilding your fighter and corvette
squadrons as well as a couple of Missile Destroyers. After you research Grav
Well Generators, you'll once again have the opportunity to trade. Note that
swapping tech with the Bentusi during this mission costs you nothing. Dock
your Salvage Corvettes in one of the Carriers and all your other fighters and
corvettes with the Mothership, then enable the "Remain Docked" flags in the
Launch Manager before jumping.

10 [Supernova Research Station]

*Build before jumping: Replace losses, adjust corvette forces to 30 Salvage
Corvettes/20 Heavy Corvettes

*Specific advice: Immediately after jumping in, check the far edges of your
parade formation. Ships that are sparking and showing damage need to be moved
closer to the Mothership. The only safe locations in this mission are inside
the dust belts (clearly visible on the Sensors Manager) and the asteroid
fields. Next, take your Missile Destroyers and send them up the dust vein
that angles up and to port, heading almost directly towards the research
station. Between your start position and the top of the arc of this dust
belt, the MDs should meet and annihilate several groups of fighters and
corvettes, as well as clear three minefields (each is equipped with a
Minelayer Corvette to maintain it). At this point, there should be only one
remaining enemy signature along this dust path, which represents a Heavy
Cruiser and two Destroyers. Bring the Carrier-full of Salvage Corvettes and
your Support Frigates up to hold position just behind the Missile Destroyers,
assign the frigates to repair the MDs, then use the MDs as decoys to capture
the Cruiser and escorts. In the lulls before and after this little bit of
excitement, send a Resource Collector and either a Carrier or Controller to
each of the two nearby asteroid fields (making sure they stay inside the dust
as much as possible on the way!) Check up on the progress of each mining
operation regularly--the moment the last rock has been digested, your retarded
Collector pilots begin cheerfully wandering off into the radiation trying to
continue harvesting, so dock them and then cancel their harvest orders after
they have dropped their last load. Don't neglect to research Proximity Sensor
tech, and Minelaying too if you're really a completist. Once the Cruiser and
Destroyers are captured, send the Cruiser and your salvage Carrier farther to
port. The two small enemy signatures in the lower and narrower dust paths
each represent a small squadron of Assault Frigates. If you like, you can
easily destroy them, but it's far more useful to capture them. You know the
drill by this time; the Cruiser is your decoy, and you took the Carrier along
so that your Salvage Corvettes wouldn't attempt a suicidal straight-line trip
into the radiation zone. (If you have Defense Field Frigates, they work even
better as decoys than a Cruiser, since they are practically invulnerable to
all the weapons an Assault Frigate carries.) Having added further to your
fleet, bring all your big combat units back up to where the Missile Destroyers
are still waiting. Keep the salvage team Carrier with you, since there are
another half dozen or so frigates near the research station itself that you
can grab. Move the whole group along the same dust belt past the station
itself to the point where the upper belt and the one containing the station
nearly meet, then drop straight down into the lower belt. Be careful at this
assembly point; if you have a large force you may have to adjust the positions
of several ships to keep them all out of the radiation. From this location,
storm the station! Generally, I assign the Heavy Cruiser to take out the
escaping Carrier, my Destroyers and Frigates to fry the fighters and
corvettes, and use the Salvage Corvettes to snatch the frigates. After you
deal with the combat craft, lay into the station with every gun handy and
watch the pretty fireworks. Finally, before you go, you CAN get that last
scattering of asteroids near the station--just remember to send the Collector
and its dropoff ship through the dust rather than straight there, and you can
pick up another few hundred RU before departing. Uncheck "Remain Docked" in
the Launch Manager for all ships carrying Salvage Corvettes, and jump.

11 [Tenhauser Gate]

*Build before jumping: Replace losses, 6 or more Proximity Sensors

*Specific advice: Simple exercise of the Stealing Victory protocol. There
are no enemy fighters or corvettes. Use your Cruiser, healed by your
complement of Support Frigates, as the decoy while you move your entire wing
of Salvage Corvettes to point-blank range of the enemy capital ships before
commanding the capture. Executed properly you may have a smoking Cruiser and
a couple of badly damaged tugs, but zero casualties for this entire mission.
When all the Imperial ships have been assimilated, enable "Remain Docked" for
all your hangars once again before you enter hyperspace.

12 [Galactic Core]

*Build before jumping: Replace losses (you'll likely lose most if not all
Proximity Sensors)

*Specific advice: Launch your Salvage Corvettes but no other strike craft as
the mission begins. This should ensure that one of your frigates or
destroyers is the subject of the initial Missile Destroyer and frigate
ambush. Retreat and heal the targeted ships while your Salvage Corvettes
cheerfully capture the MD and its escorts. Try to capture the Support
Frigates assigned to each of the enemy Grav Well Generators also, or they'll
retreat and you'll have to deal with them again later. As soon as the Grav
Well Generators have been destroyed or run out of juice, launch all your
remaining strike craft. Leave them, your combat frigates, and your standard
Destroyers here to protect the Mothership. Next, press directly forward with
your MDs, some Support Frigates to keep them healthy, and your salvage team
Carrier. Assign some Proximity Sensors to guard the salvage team force, since
on at least two occasions it will intercept enemy frigate groups using Cloak
Generators. This force will serve as your "gatekeeper"--the MDs can
obliterate most strike craft formations headed toward the Mothership, while
the Salvage Corvettes snag the frigates and Cloak Generators. (CPU ships
grouped with a Cloak Generator always target Proximity Sensors first so they
can maintain their invisibility. Keep several extras handy, or build one or
two more from the Carrier each time such a group approaches.) If you get the
chance, capture the Resource Collector and Controller nearby to reduce how
many attackers are thrown at you and to increase the amount of resources
remaining for you to harvest at the end of the mission. The next serious
attack comes from a Heavy Cruiser and a squadron of Ion Cannon Frigates
guarded by formations of corvettes and Defenders. When you see this group
approaching from below and ahead of the Mothership, send your own Heavy
Cruisers and Missile Destroyers down to take care of business. If you've
captured a Cloak Generator, send it along with an invisible crew of Salvage
Corvettes. Let the big boys take the heat while the salvage team waltzes off
with the Cruiser and frigates. About the same time this group is done being
assimilated, you'll want to detail a crew to ahead starboard to dispose of
some Interceptors and destroy or capture some more Frigates. Instead of
activating hyperspace immediately, however, push forward still further with
your MD/Cruiser/salvage fleet. Use the capital ships to dispose of the
fighter and corvette screen around the two carrier groups while your Salvage
Corvettes have a field day stealing the Carriers and the Frigates that guard
them. Finish up by harvesting all remaining resources, as usual.

13 [Karos Graveyard]

*Build before jumping: Replace losses, consider adjusting corvette forces to
50 Salvage Corvettes

*Specific advice: You'll have plenty of time here to research Cloaked/Defense
Fighters and Heavy Guns, though if you've followed my advice you won't have
any room in your fleet to build new Heavy Cruisers at the moment. Cloaking
won't help you with all the Proximity Sensors about, though. Your best bet is
to line up every ship with weapons right near the beginning of the Graveyard
itself, then send one single frigate across the border. This will activate
the Junkyard Dog, a giant and incredibly tough Salvage Corvette capable of
dragging off even the largest ship all by itself. When it approaches, let go
with every weapon you've got. By this point, your fleet should be able to
obliterate the thing with just a few seconds of sustained fire. Without the
Dog to contend with, a single Heavy Cruiser with two or more Support Frigates
trailing to perform repairs can clean out every Autogun in the entire
Graveyard. After doing so, you can harvest the dust clouds at the center with
impunity and easily dock any kind of strike craft at the office station. If
you are a real Scrooge like me, you can also use Salvage Corvettes to steal
all the Proximity Sensors lying around (as if your fleet wasn't large enough

14 [Bridge of Sighs]

*Build before jumping: Replace losses, 1 Sensor Array

*Specific advice: This mission requires extensive patience. To be truly
thorough about it may require twelve hours or more of play. Keep in mind that
even with the massive ship inventory you should have at this point, there are
over a hundred Ion Cannon Frigates guarding your primary target, and a carrier
group right on top of it, not to mention the three hyperspace gates and their
reinforcement fleets. Your best plan is to defeat each of these forces in
detail, thereby ensuring you can't be overwhelmed. Step one is to use your
Resource Collectors to harvest all but one of the dust clouds outside the
frigate fortress. When they have done so, dock them and then park them.
Before much time passes, the carrier group's Collectors will harvest all the
resources in their immediate area and mindlessly head for the one remaining
dust cloud. Smile evilly, and send your salvage team to steal them. Keep
their Carrier and some escorts nearby--your MDs work well, since the CPU often
sends a squadron of fighters or corvettes in a vain attempt to save its
Collectors when the Salvage Corvettes come into view. Having terminated the
computer team's economy, deploy a strong battle group of Cruisers, both kinds
of Destroyers, and your salvage team to the closest hyperspace gate. As soon
as your ships attack the gate, a group of strike craft and capital ships will
jump in. Direct your own capital ships to dispose of the small enemies while
your salvage team briskly disposes of the larger vessels. Repeat this process
for the other two gates. Next, the most time-consuming part of the
mission... dealing with the huge number of Ion Cannon Frigates. For best
results, group a Cloak Generator with your salvage team and position them no
closer to the sphere of frigates than the former locations of the port and
starboard hyperspace gates. Then select one ship which is the same speed or
faster than an Ion Cannon Frigate; I recommend one of your own frigates or a
Resource Collector. Move it directly towards the sphere and watch the Sensors
Manager carefully--as soon as the nearest few frigates "wake up" and respond
by leaving their positions and accelerating to attack, instruct your decoy
ship to flee directly past your salvage team. If all goes well, your Salvage
Corvettes can lock on to all of them without batting an eyelash. If things
don't go so well, fire up the Cloak Generator to hide your salvage team and
move in your Destroyers and Cruisers to dispose of any stragglers. Repeat
this maneuver until you fall asleep at your keyboard or all of the frigates
have been captured or destroyed. Dealing with the final fleet is pretty well
anticlimactic at this point; you can capture some more capital ships,
including another Heavy Cruiser, if you like, before you destroy the
inhibitor. Be prepared with Proximity Sensors guarding your attacking force
and salvage team, because the enemy carrier group does have enough resources
to build Cloak Generators and usually will do so. Before you jump to the next
mission, you will probably want to retire many of your capital ships,
particularly frigates. The extra RU won't hurt your bank account, and if you
keep all of them you'll have two problems: a) The size of the defense fleet
in the next mission will be ridiculous, and b) Probably more importantly,
you'll have too many total ships in the fleet and will no longer be able to
replace destroyed fighters and corvettes even if you have fewer than the
class-based unit cap.

15 [Chapel Perilous]

*Build before jumping: Replace losses (if possible)

*Specific advice: Priority one is breaking up the rock. Send the Multibeam
Frigates you've been saving for just such an occasion, your fighters in Sphere/
Aggressive, and your Heavy Cruisers to do the job. Detail your Destroyers and
Missile Destroyers to take on the approaching squadrons of enemy fighters and
corvettes. As for the enemy capital ships, you can salvage some or you can
leave them for later destruction by the rest of the fleet. You will probably
need to give your Heavy Cruisers and frigates "move while attack" orders to
keep them from being rammed and demolished by the incoming asteroid. The
moment it is destroyed, retask your fleet to deal with whatever enemy ships
remain. Prior to jumping into the last mission, replace whatever losses you
can (considering unit caps, max fleet size, and that there are no resources
available in this mission) and adjust your fleet composition and organization.
You will want a burly defense fleet for your Mothership capable of taking on
heavy capital ships (Heavy Cruisers, Support Frigates, and your salvage team
work well for this task), a slightly smaller and faster battle fleet to
intercept incoming attackers farther away (Destroyers of both types and a mix
of Frigates), and a skirmish group of fighters and any remaining combat
corvettes. Even after dividing your fleet this way you'll still probably have
plenty of ships left over for reserves, which is a good thing. Make sure the
Launch Manager has all "Remain Docked" buttons checked so your fighters and
corvettes don't launch immediately after jumpdown, and engage hyperdrive.

16 [Hiigara]

*Build before jumping: Whatever you can afford and fit in!

*Specific advice: Launch all fighters and corvettes once the enemy Missile
Destroyers have begun to attack your capital ships. Main defense fleet deals
with the forward threat, expeditionary force and skirmish group take care of
the threats from above and below. In the meantime, send your Resource
Collectors and their service vessels off to harvest (this gets them out of the
immediate line of fire, and more money never hurts in a massive battle like
this one). When the first conflict has subsided, send the expeditionary force
towards aft/above and hold the main defense fleet just forward of the
Mothership to deal with the next waves. One more fleet will approach from aft/
below; remove it with the expeditionary force, command the skirmish group to
guard Captain Elson's ships, and order the main defense fleet to advance
toward the Emperor's Mothership. During this whole scenario, you can capture
yourself another couple of dozen capital ships, but it's not necessary to
spend time doing so--remember your primary goal, and that it doesn't matter if
the only thing left in your fleet is your Mothership, you still win!

Closing Remarks

Thanks to the Sierra/Relic team for creating the first truly 3D RTS, and
making the gameplay so enjoyable that it's still worth running six years after
I bought it. Uniquely at the time, Homeworld included a real and
well-designed plot and music so excellent it was worth purchasing a soundtrack
album. I still consider this a benchmark for judging similar games today.

Thanks to Seb Haque and his extracted .shp files, which became the final proof
of the maneuvering logic underlying Fun Without Formations.

Thanks to my wife and kids, who had to suffer through many a night of the
Raven disgruntled while examining quirks of Homeworld. (I _still_ can't
figure out why the dust clouds in mission 2 and mission 13 can't be entirely
harvested, or what exactly my Resource Collectors are looking for at the aft/
port/rear of the radiation zone in mission 10...)

And, once again,
To request hosting permission, make comments, ask questions, or suggest
corrections contact the Atomic Raven at blair@afaproject.org.
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Megatrainer (für v1.05 DirectX11)

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Engl. FAQ

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Gameplay Guide
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Trainer für RU sowie sofortiges Forschen und Bauen

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Creditstrainer (für v1.3)

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