

18.10.2013 08:35:53
====PRE-FAQ NOTE====
Sorry 56K'ers. This FAQ isn't meant for you guys. It's got over 1.5 Megabytes
of data and it'll take you lot forever to download it. If you're dead set on
modding, drop me an email and I'll give you personal assistance. Isn't that nice?

_ _ _ _
| | | | ___ _ __ ___ _____ _____ _ __| | __| |
| |_| |/ _ \| '_ ` _ \ / _ \ \ /\ / / _ \| '__| |/ _` |
| _ | (_) | | | | | | __/\ V V / (_) | | | | (_| |
|_| |_|\___/|_| |_| |_|\___| \_/\_/ \___/|_| |_|\__,_|

--- A Ship/Script Editing FAQ ---

Your Author: Seb Haque
E-mail: seb_da_web@hotmail.com ~ Feel free to add me to MSN.
Version: 0.2
Date: 10/07/2005

Sites this FAQ is allowed to appear on:
www.gamefaqs.com (GameFAQs)
www.gamespot.com (GameSpot)

If you want to be added to the list then simply email me and I'll put you on.


Sites this FAQ is NEVER allowed to appear on, under ANY circumstances:
www.cheatcc.com (Cheat Code Central)

I do NOT support FAQ stealers and I will not tolerate unauthorised posting of
my FAQs.


Hey there, and welcome to my Homeworld Ship Script Editing FAQ. This FAQ was
designed for people who want to tweak Homeworld, but don't know how. It doesn't
require too much coding knowledge, the principal fact being backing up your files
before tweaking. Below, you'll find all the ships in alphabetical order according to
their SHP name. They are arranged by race, with Kushan/Taiidan being first (the
two fleets run on the same BIG entries), then Turanics, then Kadeshi, then
Traders/One-Offs, and finally Resources.
If you want to find a specific ship, simply hit Ctrl+F and type in the FULL name.
You'll be zipped straight to the ship itself.

o Introduction
o Contents
o How to Tweak
o Warning/Disclaimer
o Where Ships Go
o Race Summaries
o Ships (the big kahuna)
o Fun Stuff
o Credits
o Closing Speech and Other Crap

How to Tweak

OK, firstly you'll need to back up Homeworld. If you've got disk space to blow,
copy the entire Homeworld directory into another folder in your Sierra directory.
Call it "Homeworld Backup" or something similar for convenience. If you haven't
got the disk space, just back up the Saved Games folder, and the Homeworld.big file,
the HW_Comp.vce file, the HW_Music.wxd file, and the Update.big file. Next, you'll need
to get yourself a basic .shp template. To do this, open up any folder on
your computer. Go to Tools -> Folder Options and then click View. Scroll down to
"Hide extensions for known file types" and make sure it is deselected. All files
on your computer should now have an extension depending upon what type of file
they are. Create a text document, and rename it to ".shp". Obviously the
needs to be named according to what ship you are tweaking. The list is
below, you impatient buggers. Read all this first.
If you're too lazy or are unable to do it for whatever reason, simply e-mail me at
seb_da_web@hotmail.com or sebhaque@gmail.com and I'll zip over a .shp file as fast
as I can.
Next, you need to take your .shp file and empty it. Then paste from the first
{}{}{} to the next {}{}{} - you do NOT include them in the actual file. Next,
the ships must be placed in a folder specific to the race of the ship. See the
table below for guidance as to which ship goes where. The file needs to be named as
the text to the right of it says. For example, a Support Frigate will need to be
called "AdvanceSupportFrigate". Don't ask me why. Then simply run up Homeworld and
enjoy your tweak!



Unfortunately, I have to put a disclaimer in because otherwise I'd be bombarded with
claims of ruining people's games.

Right. I'm not responsible for anything you lot do with the code below. I'm not
going to be responsible if you completely screw up your game; likewise I'm not
going to be responsible if you make a mod that revives Homeworld and nets you a million
pounds. Just remember, back up your files before modding, and you'll be alright.

Where Ships Go

Right. So you've got your SHP file, tweaked it, named it, but don't know where to put it?
Create a folder in your main Homeworld directory (...\Sierra\Homeworld). This is where
you put your file. The folder itself has to have a special name according to its race
though - this table shows the race and what the folder has to be called.
| Race | Name |
|Kushan |R1 |
|Taiidan |R2 |
|Turanics |P1 |
|Kadeshi |P2 |
|Derelicts |derelicts |
|Bentusi |traders |
|One-Offs |traders |
|Resources |resources |
Hurrah for crappy ASCII tables!

Race Summaries
Just in case you weren't sure about who's who, I've added a small Race Summary section to
the FAQ. This is only meant to serve as a reminder - don't rely on it to teach you on
every single aspect of a race's creation. I've left out some ships - you won't find ships
like the Junkyard Dawg, Ghost Ship, or other stuff in here. This is because they don't
really have a race, and it'd be stupid to give them their own special parts in this FAQ.
The later parts of this section do not correspond to the Ships layout.

The Kushani are the goodies - after being sent into exile by the Taiidani when they were
captured, they now are fighting back to reclaim their Homeworld: Hiigara. Their ships are
generally quite nice to look at, and they are more centred towards firepower and maneouverabilty
than the Taiidani.

The Taiidani are the baddies - they rule the galaxy and are plain evil. After sending the Kushani
into exile, they went on to rule the galaxy. The Turanic race are the servants of the Taiidani.
Most of their ships are as ugly as hell, and the Taiidani concentrate more on defence and
weapon range than anything else.

The Turanics are a group of nomads - they are the servants of the Taiidani and are determined
to destroy the Kushan fleet. Their ships aren't the nicest things to look at; however they
pack a considerable amount of firepower. The Raiders are commonly referred to as Pirates.

The Kadeshi are a group of religious freaks who guard their nebula as if it is Sanctuary. They do
not care who gets into their nebula, if they ain't gunna join, they ain't gunna survive. Kadeshi
ships are generally quite formidable, but have a major downside. Most of 'em look pretty decent,
too. Overall, the Kadeshi are probably the most formidable out of the sub-races.

The Bentusi don't really class as a sub-race because you only see two ships. From what you
see though, they are amazing. Thank God they're your allies and you don't have to fight them,
because I'd hate to be up against those triple Ion Cannons. I'm digressing. Anyway, Bentusi
ships run on inertialess engines, which use a kind of sustained hyperspace field to "slide"
through space without inertia. They also pack a punch, and are not to be messed with. The
Trade Ship is arguably the most powerful ship in the game.


Cut and paste from the first {}{}{} to the next {}{}{}. You do NOT, I repeat,
do NOT need the {}{}{} - it is simply a guide
as to where to start and where to stop.


Support Frigate ~ AdvanceSupportFrigate

;Source Files
LODFile AdvanceSupportFrigate.lod
pMexData AdvanceSupportFrigate\Rl0\LOD0\AdvanceSupportFrigate.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 1045.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 250.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 250.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 250.0
maxvelocity 420.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 2.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Frigate
isCapitalShip TRUE
buildCost 845 ; resource units to build
buildTime 75 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 7500 //15000 ; hit points
groupSize 2 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form
repairTime 15 ; every this many seconds
repairDamage 100 ; this much damage is repaired
repairCombatTime 25 ; every this many seconds
repairCombatDamage 50 ; this much damage is repaired

blastRadiusShockWave 1.75
blastRadiusDamage 275

canReceiveShips TRUE ; other ships can dock in this ship

canReceiveFighters TRUE
canReceiveCorvettes TRUE

canHandleNumShipsDocking 14

dockShipRange 500.0 ; how close ships should get before considering docking (to ship surface)

pumpFuelRate 500.0 ; how fast pumps fuel in.
repairOtherShipRate 0.20 ; how fast heals damaged ships. Must be an integer

;Special Z repair info
;repairBeamCapable FALSE
;healthPerSecond 20.0 ;health added per second to repaired ship
;CapitalDistanceRepairStart2 260.0 ;maximum range for repairing
;CapitalDistanceRepairStart 200.0 ;desired range for repairing
;AngleDotProdThreshold 0.93969 ;COSine of MAXIMUM angle that repair corevettes
;heading can deviatre from target in order for
;repair effect to come on and ship to be repaired
;0.9848 ~=10degrees

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 40.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 40.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 40.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 40.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 50.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 40.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.05 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 10]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.05
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 0.3 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 0.3
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 0.3

canTargetMultipleTargets TRUE
rotateToRetaliate TRUE

repositionTime 6 ; time in seconds which corvette will spend to reposition
; itself to a new location for it to fire.

tooCloseRange 500.0

passiveRetaliateZone 7000.0

//ADD this amount: 150 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount: 784 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_NewGimble ; type of gun - either GUN_Fixed or GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_MediumEnergyCannon
DamageLo 175 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 200 ; damage variance per shot - high
BulletLength 18.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 5500.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 4400.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 2.5 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 2.2 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
TriggerHappy 1.0
minturnangle -180.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 180.0
mindeclination -90.0
maxdeclination 20.0
maxanglespeed 460.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 460.0
angletracking 3.2
declinationtracking 3.2
BarrelLength 20.0
RecoilLength 10.0
BulletLifeTime 3.0 ;Life time of bullet


; itself to a new location for it to fire.
tooCloseRange 2000.0


; format is DockPoint name,type,flyawaydist,mindist,maxdist,[headingdirection,updirection] (0=up,1=right,2=forward,4=down,5=left,6=back) for direction
DockPoint FightL0,LatchPoint,250,240,870,0,5
DockPoint FightL1,LatchPoint,250,240,870,0,5
DockPoint FightL2,LatchPoint,250,240,870,0,5
DockPoint FightL3,LatchPoint,250,240,870,0,5
DockPoint FightL4,LatchPoint,250,240,870,0,5
DockPoint FightR0,LatchPoint,250,240,870,0,1
DockPoint FightR1,LatchPoint,250,240,870,0,1
DockPoint FightR2,LatchPoint,250,240,870,0,1
DockPoint FightR3,LatchPoint,250,240,870,0,1
DockPoint FightR4,LatchPoint,250,240,870,0,1
DockPoint Corv0,LatchPoint,130,120,850,0,6
DockPoint Corv1,LatchPoint,130,120,850,0,6
DockPoint Corv2,LatchPoint,130,120,850,0,6
DockPoint Corv3,LatchPoint,130,120,850,0,6

;Docking Overide Variables for SpecialCase Ships


;need DockOveride shipraceshipname,<0=no 1=yes: use new heading and up),newHeading,newUp,,offsetx,offsety,offsetz
;offset is vector seen in lightwave when the ship is attached to the light origin
;(0=up,1=right,2=forward,4=down,5=left,6=back) for direction
DockOveride R1,CloakedFighter,1,2,0,0,0.0,0.0,0.0

NUM_NEEDED_FOR_SALVAGE 2 ;number of ships needed to capture a craft

; format: name,type
SalvagePoint Point1,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point2,AttachPoint


; format is NavLight name, type, blinkrate (in seconds), size (in meters), min LOD, texture name
NavLight antenna1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 0.5, 1, 6, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1.5, 0.5, 0, 4, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna3, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 0.5, 0.5, 4, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight Dock1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 1.5, 0.5, 7, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight Dock2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 1.5, 0.5, 7, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight Dock3, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 1.5, 0.5, 7, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight Dock4, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 1.5, 0.5, 7, 2, etg\textures\glow32

explosionType ET_FrigateExplosion

;Gun Binding

BindGun AdvanceSupportFrigateGun Gun0,Azimuth,Recoil,Frequency 1

;Engine Glow
trailWidth 60.0
trailHeight 126.0
trailLength 110.0
trailStyle 3
trailScaleCap 0.0002

;Docking Light
dockLightNear 180.0
dockLightFar 320.0
dockLightColor 120,194,255

;Special Operation Variables
repairApproachDistance 600.0 ;approach distance, from hull to target
canSpecialBandBoxFriendlies TRUE

BindAnimations 1

;MadStartInfo needs a starting /Animation Text Name(no spaces allowed!)
MadStartInfo 1 , open , 1 , open

;MadDockAnims definitions in explination below
; n = number, g = gun, o = open, c = close, d = damaged, a = animations

; ;ngoa,names,...,ngca,names,...,ngoda,names,... ,ngcda,names,...
;if this doesn't
;makes sence, ask Bryce
MadSpecialCaseAnims 1, open, 1, close, 0,blah, 1, damageclose
MadDockAnims 0, blah, 1, close, 0,blah, 1, damageclose

;Ships health must be below this percentage to use the damaged animations.
madGunOpenDamagedHealthThreshold 0.70 ;<= 1.0f

minimumZoomDistance 290

Overlay_Selection_Scalar 0.8 ; scale the tactical overlay by this amount

;Override face-specific damage:
collSideModifiers[TRANS_UP] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_DOWN] 1.1
collSideModifiers[TRANS_RIGHT] 1.0
collSideModifiers[TRANS_LEFT] 1.0
collSideModifiers[TRANS_FORWARD] 0.5
collSideModifiers[TRANS_BACK] 1.7

surroundDistance 10000.0 ; how far ships will minimally disperse themselves from this ship after
; they are built. Note that this number is added to the minimum collision distance.
surroundDistanceRand 1000.0 ; random number between 0 and x added to surroundDistance

surroundRotYMinAng -35.0 ; ship may be positioned between min and max degrees elevation
surroundRotYMaxAng 35.0
surroundRotZMinAng -180.0 ; ship may be positioned between min and max degrees angle
surroundRotZMaxAng 180.0

repositionTime 2 ; time in seconds which corvette will spend to reposition
; itself to a new location for it to fire.
fullMovementFreedom TRUE


Attack Bomber ~ AttackBomber

;Source Files
LODFile AttackBomber.lod
pMexData AttackBomber\Rl0\LOD0\AttackBomber.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 40.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 4.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 4.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 4.0
maxvelocity 750.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 10.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Fighter
buildCost 85 ; resource units to build
buildTime 25 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 200 ; hit points
maxfuel 24000.0
lowfuelpoint 0.35 ; percentage of tank which is considered "low on fuel"
fuelburnrate 0.021 ; based on distance ship moves in the world
attackfuelburnrate 0.040
groupSize 4 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form

blastRadiusShockWave 6.0
blastRadiusDamage 75

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 775.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 775.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 800.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 800.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 875.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 300.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 100.0 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 400]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 100.0
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 100.0
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 100.0
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 100.0
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 100.0
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 2.4 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 2.4
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 2.4

rotateToRetaliate TRUE


Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallPlasmaBomb
DamageLo 40 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 50 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 4
BulletLength 25.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 2800.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 3000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 1.5 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.9 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BulletLifeTime 3.0 ;Life time of bullet

Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallPlasmaBomb
DamageLo 40 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 50 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 4
BulletLength 25.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 2800.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 3000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 1.5 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.9 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BulletLifeTime 3.0 ;Life time of bullet
SlaveDriver 0

;gunsFireTime 0.2 ; how long between each shot, for alternating guns

;Ship AI
tooCloseRange 500.0


;[Default] -- used for ships where nothing else is defined (default behaviour)
flyPastDist Evasive Default 3000.0 ; dist which ship will try to fly past target - relative to CENTRE of ship
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive Default 3500.0 ; maximum distance ship will fly away from target - relative to CENTRE of ship
breakRange Evasive Default 1000.0 ; range at which ship will break off for another pass - relative to SURFACE of ship
triggerHappy Evasive Default 11.0 ; how close in degrees the ship needs to be to fire fixed guns
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive Default 2.0 ; within how many degrees will try to align itself with target
maxAttackTime Evasive Default 4.0 ; maximum time ship will attack before breaking

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive Default 0,2,2,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive Default 0,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive Default 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive Default 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Mothership 8000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Mothership 10000.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Mothership 2000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Mothership 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Mothership 2.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Mothership 8.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Mothership 0,3,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Mothership 1,3,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,8 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,8 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,8 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Carrier 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Carrier 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Carrier 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Carrier 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Carrier 2.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Carrier 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Carrier 0,3,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Carrier 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 2.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,3,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 2.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 0,3,2,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Frigate 3000.0 //3000
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Frigate 3500.0 //3300
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Frigate 1000.0 //725
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Frigate 11.0 //4
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Frigate 2.0
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Frigate 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Frigate 0,3,2,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Frigate 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Corvette 2200.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Corvette 2600.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Corvette 750.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Corvette 3.5
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Corvette 3.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Corvette 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Corvette 0,4,3,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Corvette 1,2,3,1,2 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,8,10,8,13,13,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,8,0,8,13,13,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,8,10,8,13,13,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Fighter 1200.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Fighter 1300.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Fighter 600.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Fighter 2.5
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Fighter 0.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Fighter 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Fighter 0,5,5,2,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Fighter 1,2,3,1,2 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,15 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Resource 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Resource 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Resource 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Resource 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Resource 2.0
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Resource 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Resource 0,4,4,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Resource 1,2,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 2.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 0,4,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 1,2,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE


;[Default] -- used for ships where nothing else is defined (default behaviour)
flyPastDist Neutral Default 3000.0 ; dist which ship will try to fly past target - relative to CENTRE of ship
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral Default 3500.0 ; maximum distance ship will fly away from target - relative to CENTRE of ship
breakRange Neutral Default 1000.0 ; range at which ship will break off for another pass - relative to SURFACE of ship
triggerHappy Neutral Default 11.0 ; how close in degrees the ship needs to be to fire fixed guns
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral Default 2.0 ; within how many degrees will try to align itself with target
maxAttackTime Neutral Default 4.0 ; maximum time ship will attack before breaking

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral Default 0,1,1,1,1 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral Default 0,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral Default 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral Default 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Mothership 8000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Mothership 10000.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Mothership 2000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Mothership 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Mothership 2.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Mothership 4.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Mothership 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Mothership 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Carrier 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Carrier 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Carrier 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Carrier 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Carrier 2.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Carrier 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Carrier 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Carrier 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 2.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 2.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Frigate 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Frigate 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Frigate 1000.0 //725
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Frigate 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Frigate 1.0
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Frigate 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Frigate 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Frigate 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Corvette 2100.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Corvette 2500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Corvette 650.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Corvette 4.2
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Corvette 2.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Corvette 4.0
Relative frequenciesfor:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Corvette 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Corvette 1,1,1,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Fighter 1500.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Fighter 1700.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Fighter 600.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Fighter 3.2
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Fighter 0.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Fighter 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Fighter 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Fighter 1,1,1,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Resource 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Resource 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Resource 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Resource 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Resource 2.0
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Resource 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Resource 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Resource 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 3.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 2.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE


;[Default] -- used for ships where nothing else is defined (default behaviour)
flyPastDist Aggressive Default 3000.0 ; dist which ship will try to fly past target - relative to CENTRE of ship
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive Default 3500.0 ; maximum distance ship will fly away from target - relative to CENTRE of ship
breakRange Aggressive Default 1000.0 ; range at which ship will break off for another pass - relative to SURFACE of ship
triggerHappy Aggressive Default 11.0 ; how close in degrees the ship needs to be to fire fixed guns
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive Default 2.0 ; within how many degrees will try to align itself with target
maxAttackTime Aggressive Default 4.0 ; maximum time ship will attack before breaking

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive Default 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive Default 0,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive Default 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 8000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 10000.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 2000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 2.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 4.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 2.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 2.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 2.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 1000.0 //725
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 2.0
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 4.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 2000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 2600.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 450.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 3.8
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 2.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 1600.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 1800.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 600.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 2.8
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 0.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Resource 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Resource 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Resource 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Resource 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Resource 2.0
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Resource 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Resource 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Resource 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 2.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

badAI FALSE ; normally set this to FALSE

;Ship Trails
trailSegments 20
trailGranularity 2
trailColor 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;grey team
trailColor 0, 1, 238, 238, 238
trailColor 0, 8, 141, 106, 87
trailColor 0, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;red team
trailColor 1, 1, 225, 124, 33
trailColor 1, 8, 146, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;blue team
trailColor 2, 1, 11, 255, 255
trailColor 2, 8, 51, 0, 243
trailColor 2, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;green team
trailColor 3, 1, 201, 254, 39
trailColor 3, 8, 0, 84, 4
trailColor 3, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;yellow team
trailColor 4, 1, 255, 240, 97
trailColor 4, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 4, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 5, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;orange team
trailColor 5, 1, 225, 255, 11
trailColor 5, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 5, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 6, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;purple team
trailColor 6, 1, 255, 135, 157
trailColor 6, 8, 121, 0, 135
trailColor 6, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 7, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;pale blue-green team
trailColor 7, 1, 45, 255, 149
trailColor 7, 8, 0, 105, 137
trailColor 7, 19, 0, 0, 0

explosionType ET_InterceptorExplosion

//left gun
BindGun AttackBomberLPod Gun0,Declination,Frequency 1
//right gun
BindGun AttackBomberRPod Gun1,Declination,Frequency 1

;Engine trails
trailWidth 26.75
trailHeight 5.75

collSideModifiers[TRANS_UP] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_DOWN] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_RIGHT] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_LEFT] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_FORWARD] 0.6
collSideModifiers[TRANS_BACK] 1.5

minimumZoomDistance 60


Carrier ~ Carrier

;Source Files
pMexData Carrier\Rl0\LOD0\Carrier.mex
LODFile Carrier.lod

;Ship Physics
mass 10031.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 2500.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 2500.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 2500.0
maxvelocity 300.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 2.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]
avoidcollmodifier 0.8

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Carrier
isCapitalShip TRUE
buildCost 2400 ; resource units to build
buildTime 260 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 75000 //142000 ; hit points
groupSize 1 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form
repairTime 15 ; every this many seconds
repairDamage 225 ; this much damage is repaired
repairCombatTime 20 ; every this many seconds
repairCombatDamage 125 ; this much damage is repaired

blastRadiusShockWave 1.0
blastRadiusDamage 125

blastRadiusShockWave 3.0

canBuildShips TRUE ; ship can build ships
canReceiveShips TRUE ; other ships can dock in this ship
canReceiveResources TRUE ; Resource Collectors,etc can deposit resources in this ship
canReceiveShipsPermanently TRUE ; ships can dock permanently here
canReceiveShipsForRetire TRUE ; ships can dock here and be converted to RU's!

canReceiveFighters TRUE
canReceiveCorvettes TRUE
canReceiveResourceCollectors TRUE
canReceiveOtherNonCapitalShips TRUE

maxDockableFighters 25
maxDockableCorvettes 10

pumpFuelRate 600.0 ; how fast carrier pumps fuel in.
repairOtherShipRate 0.30 ; how fast carrier heals damaged ships. Must be an integer

clearanceDirection 4 ; (0=up,1=right,2=forward,4=down,5=left,6=back)
clearanceDistance 1500.0 ; how far ships go away from this ship when they are just built.
; Note that this number is added to the minimum collision distance.

dockShipRange 1500.0 ; how close ships should get before considering docking (to ship surface)

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 30.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 30.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 30.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 30.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 40.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 30.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.02 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 1.0]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.02
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.02
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.02
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.02
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.02
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 0.2 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 0.2
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 0.2

rotateToRetaliate TRUE
passiveAttackPenaltyExempt TRUE
canTargetMultipleTargets TRUE

passiveRetaliateZone 6000.0
tooCloseRange 500.0



Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallProjectile
DamageLo 5 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 7 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 75
BulletLength 15.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 4000.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 5000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.4 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.14 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BurstFireTime 0.6
BurstWaitTime 0.8
TriggerHappy 5.0
fireEffect defaultBlast.ebg
hitEffect defaultBlast.ebg

Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallProjectile
DamageLo 5 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 7 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 75
BulletLength 15.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 4000.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 5000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.4 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.14 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BurstFireTime 0.6
BurstWaitTime 0.8
TriggerHappy 2.0
fireEffect defaultBlast.ebg
hitEffect defaultBlast.ebg

Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallProjectile
DamageLo 5 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 7 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 100
BulletLength 15.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 4000.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 5000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.4 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.14 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BurstFireTime 0.6
BurstWaitTime 0.8
TriggerHappy 2.0
fireEffect defaultBlast.ebg
hitEffect defaultBlast.ebg

Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallProjectile
DamageLo 5 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 7 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 100
BulletLength 15.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 4000.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 5000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.4 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.14 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BurstFireTime 0.6
BurstWaitTime 0.8
TriggerHappy 2.0
fireEffect defaultBlast.ebg
hitEffect defaultBlast.ebg


; format is DockPoint name,type,flyawaydist,mindist,maxdist,[headingdirection,updirection] (0=up,1=right,2=forward,4=down,5=left,6=back) for direction
DockPoint In0,DockingCone,300,1000,3000 // It works so don't touch!
DockPoint Out0,LaunchPoint,500,100,100,2,0
DockPoint In1,DockingCone,300,1000,3000
DockPoint Out1,LaunchPoint,500,100,100,2,0
DockPoint Frigate,LaunchPoint,1200,1300,1500,2,0
DockPoint Res0,LatchPoint,150,290,1810,2,4
DockPoint Res1,LatchPoint,150,290,1810,2,4

NUM_NEEDED_FOR_SALVAGE 5 ;number of ships needed to capture a craft

; format: name,type
SalvagePoint Point1,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point2,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point3,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point4,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point5,AttachPoint


; format is NavLight name, type, blinkrate (in seconds), size (in meters), min LOD, texture name

NavLight caution1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0, 10, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight caution2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0, 10, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight bow1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 1, 0, 10, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight bow2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 1, 0, 10, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 0.5, 0, 7, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 0.5, 0, 7, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna3, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 0.5, 0, 7, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight side, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 0.8, 0, 7, 2, etg\textures\glow32

;need DockOveride shipraceshipname,<0=no 1=yes: use new heading and up),newHeading,newUp,,offsetx,offsety,offsetz
;offset is vector seen in lightwave when the ship is attached to the light origin
;(0=up,1=right,2=forward,4=down,5=left,6=back) for direction
DockOveride R1,SensorArray,1,4,2,0,0.0,0.0,0.0
;DockOveride R1,ResearchShip,1,2,5,0,0.0,0.0,0.0

explosionType ET_CarrierExplosion

;Engine Glow
trailWidth 450.0
trailHeight 290.0
trailLength 560.0
;trailRibbonAdjust 1.32
trailScaleCap 0.00006
;trailScaleCap 0.000094

;Special Ops info

//repair refuel distance
repairApproachDistance 800.0
canSpecialBandBoxFriendlies TRUE

minimumZoomDistance 1200

Overlay_Selection_Scalar 1.4 ; scale the tactical overlay by this amount

;Override face-specific damage:
collSideModifiers[TRANS_UP] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_DOWN] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_RIGHT] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_LEFT] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_FORWARD] 0.9
collSideModifiers[TRANS_BACK] 1.7

surroundDistance 10000.0 ; how far ships will minimally disperse themselves from this ship after
; they are built. Note that this number is added to the minimum collision distance.
surroundDistanceRand 1000.0 ; random number between 0 and x added to surroundDistance

surroundRotYMinAng -35.0 ; ship may be positioned between min and max degrees elevation
surroundRotYMaxAng 35.0
surroundRotZMinAng -180.0 ; ship may be positioned between min and max degrees angle
surroundRotZMaxAng 180.0


Cloaked Fighter ~ CloakedFighter

;Source Files
LODFile CloakedFighter.lod
pMexData CloakedFighter\Rl0\LOD0\CloakedFighter.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 25.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 2.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 2.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 2.0
maxvelocity 775.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 10.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Fighter
buildCost 85 ; resource units to build
buildTime 45 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 75 ; hit points
maxfuel 10000.0
lowfuelpoint 0.35 ; percentage of tank which is considered "low on fuel"
fuelburnrate 0.021 ; based on distance ship moves in the world
attackfuelburnrate 0.040
groupSize 4 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form

blastRadiusShockWave 6.0
blastRadiusDamage 75

;Cloaking Device Stats
CloakFuelBurnRate 0.3 ; fuel burned per second of cloak usage
ForceDeCloakAtFuelPercent 10.0 ; When fuel reaches xx% of Maxfuel, ship decloaks and can't cloak
CloakingTime 0.05 ; Cloaking Time in seconds
DeCloakingTime 0.1 ; Decloaking time
VisibleState 0.1 ; Point at which ship becomes 'invisible' to sensors, ships, and everything else
; Visually: 1.0 is completly vissible, and 0.0 is completly invisible
battleReCloakTime 2.8 ; seconds after ship fires that it starts recloaking

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 705.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 705.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 790.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 790.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 875.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 300.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 100.0 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 400]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 100.0
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 100.0
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 100.0
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 100.0
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 100.0
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 2.5 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 2.5
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 2.5

rotateToRetaliate TRUE


Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallEnergyCannon
DamageLo 10 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 14 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 4
BulletLength 15.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 3500.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 4500.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.65 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.14 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BurstFireTime 1.75
BurstWaitTime 2.25
BulletLifeTime 2.0 ;Life time of bullet

Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallEnergyCannon
DamageLo 10 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 14 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 4
BulletLength 15.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 3500.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 4500.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.65 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.14 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BurstFireTime 1.75
BurstWaitTime 2.25
BulletLifeTime 2.0 ;Life time of bullet

gunsFireTime 0.155 ; tune this value, not FireTime

;Ship AI
tooCloseRange 500.0


;[Default] -- used for ships where nothing else is defined (default behaviour)
flyPastDist Evasive Default 3000.0 ; dist which ship will try to fly past target - relative to CENTRE of ship
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive Default 3500.0 ; maximum distance ship will fly away from target - relative to CENTRE of ship
breakRange Evasive Default 1000.0 ; range at which ship will break off for another pass - relative to SURFACE of ship
triggerHappy Evasive Default 11.0 ; how close in degrees the ship needs to be to fire fixed guns
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive Default 2.0 ; within how many degrees will try to align itself with target
maxAttackTime Evasive Default 4.0 ; maximum time ship will attack before breaking

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive Default 0,2,2,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive Default 0,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive Default 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive Default 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Mothership 8000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Mothership 10000.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Mothership 2000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Mothership 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Mothership 2.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Mothership 8.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Mothership 0,3,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Mothership 1,3,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,8 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,8 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,8 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Carrier 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Carrier 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Carrier 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Carrier 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Carrier 2.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Carrier 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Carrier 0,3,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Carrier 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 2.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,3,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 2.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 0,3,2,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Frigate 3000.0 //3000
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Frigate 3500.0 //3300
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Frigate 1000.0 //725
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Frigate 11.0 //4
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Frigate 2.0
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Frigate 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Frigate 0,3,2,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Frigate 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Corvette 2200.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Corvette 2600.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Corvette 750.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Corvette 4.5
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Corvette 3.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Corvette 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Corvette 0,4,3,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Corvette 1,2,3,1,2 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,8,10,8,13,13,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,8,0,8,13,13,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,8,10,8,13,13,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Fighter 1200.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Fighter 1300.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Fighter 600.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Fighter 2.5
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Fighter 0.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Fighter 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Fighter 0,5,5,2,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Fighter 1,2,3,1,2 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,15 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Resource 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Resource 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Resource 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Resource 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Resource 2.0
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Resource 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Resource 0,4,4,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Resource 1,2,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 2.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 0,4,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 1,2,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE


;[Default] -- used for ships where nothing else is defined (default behaviour)
flyPastDist Neutral Default 3000.0 ; dist which ship will try to fly past target - relative to CENTRE of ship
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral Default 3500.0 ; maximum distance ship will fly away from target - relative to CENTRE of ship
breakRange Neutral Default 1000.0 ; range at which ship will break off for another pass - relative to SURFACE of ship
triggerHappy Neutral Default 11.0 ; how close in degrees the ship needs to be to fire fixed guns
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral Default 2.0 ; within how many degrees will try to align itself with target
maxAttackTime Neutral Default 4.0 ; maximum time ship will attack before breaking

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral Default 0,1,1,1,1 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral Default 0,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral Default 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral Default 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Mothership 8000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Mothership 10000.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Mothership 2000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Mothership 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Mothership 2.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Mothership 4.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Mothership 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Mothership 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Carrier 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Carrier 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Carrier 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Carrier 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Carrier 2.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Carrier 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Carrier 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Carrier 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 2.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 2.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Frigate 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Frigate 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Frigate 1000.0 //725
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Frigate 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Frigate 1.0
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Frigate 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Frigate 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Frigate 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Corvette 2100.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Corvette 2500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Corvette 650.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Corvette 5.2
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Corvette 2.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Corvette 4.0
Relative frequenciesfor:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Corvette 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Corvette 1,1,1,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Fighter 1500.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Fighter 1700.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Fighter 600.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Fighter 3.2
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Fighter 0.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Fighter 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Fighter 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Fighter 1,1,1,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Resource 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Resource 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Resource 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Resource 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Resource 2.0
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Resource 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Resource 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Resource 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 3.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 2.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE


;[Default] -- used for ships where nothing else is defined (default behaviour)
flyPastDist Aggressive Default 3000.0 ; dist which ship will try to fly past target - relative to CENTRE of ship
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive Default 3500.0 ; maximum distance ship will fly away from target - relative to CENTRE of ship
breakRange Aggressive Default 1000.0 ; range at which ship will break off for another pass - relative to SURFACE of ship
triggerHappy Aggressive Default 11.0 ; how close in degrees the ship needs to be to fire fixed guns
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive Default 2.0 ; within how many degrees will try to align itself with target
maxAttackTime Aggressive Default 4.0 ; maximum time ship will attack before breaking

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive Default 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive Default 0,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive Default 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 8000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 10000.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 2000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 2.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 4.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 2.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 2.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 2.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 1000.0 //725
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 2.0
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 4.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 2000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 2600.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 450.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 4.8
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 2.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 1600.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 1800.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 600.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 2.8
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 0.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Resource 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Resource 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Resource 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Resource 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Resource 2.0
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Resource 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Resource 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Resource 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 2.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

badAI FALSE ; normally set this to FALSE

;Ship Trails
trailSegments 20
trailGranularity 2
trailColor 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;grey team
trailColor 0, 1, 238, 238, 238
trailColor 0, 8, 141, 106, 87
trailColor 0, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;red team
trailColor 1, 1, 225, 124, 33
trailColor 1, 8, 146, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;blue team
trailColor 2, 1, 11, 255, 255
trailColor 2, 8, 51, 0, 243
trailColor 2, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;green team
trailColor 3, 1, 201, 254, 39
trailColor 3, 8, 0, 84, 4
trailColor 3, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;yellow team
trailColor 4, 1, 255, 240, 97
trailColor 4, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 4, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 5, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;orange team
trailColor 5, 1, 225, 255, 11
trailColor 5, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 5, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 6, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;purple team
trailColor 6, 1, 255, 135, 157
trailColor 6, 8, 121, 0, 135
trailColor 6, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 7, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;pale blue-green team
trailColor 7, 1, 45, 255, 149
trailColor 7, 8, 0, 105, 137
trailColor 7, 19, 0, 0, 0

explosionType ET_InterceptorExplosion

;Engine trails
trailAngle 90.0
trailWidth 21.0
trailHeight 4.4

minimumZoomDistance 60

Overlay_Selection_Scalar 1.1 ; scale the tactical overlay by this amount

collSideModifiers[TRANS_UP] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_DOWN] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_RIGHT] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_LEFT] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_FORWARD] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_BACK] 1.5


Cloak Generator ~ cloakgenerator

;Source Files
LODFile CloakGenerator.lod
pMexData CloakGenerator\Rl0\LOD0\CloakGenerator.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 1423.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 350.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 350.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 350.0
maxvelocity 325.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 5.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_NonCombat
isCapitalShip TRUE
buildCost 900 ; resource units to build
buildTime 120 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 3000 //6000 ; hit points
groupSize 2 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form
repairTime 5 ; every this many seconds
repairDamage 25 ; this much damage is repaired
repairCombatTime 15 ; every this many seconds
repairCombatDamage 12 ; this much damage is repaired

blastRadiusShockWave 1.75
blastRadiusDamage 275

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 25.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 25.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 25.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 25.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 35.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 15.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.05 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 10]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.05
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 0.3 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 0.3
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 0.3

;no weapons

NUM_NEEDED_FOR_SALVAGE 2 ;number of ships needed to capture a craft

; format: name,type
SalvagePoint Point1,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point2,AttachPoint


; format is NavLight name, type, blinkrate (in seconds), size (in meters), min LOD, texture name
NavLight antenna1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 0.75, 0, 6, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 0.75, 0, 6, 2, etg\textures\glow32

;Ship Trails

explosionType ET_InterceptorExplosion

;Cloaking Values
CloakingRadius 2500.0 ; Everything inside is cloaked
CloakingTime 1.5 ; Time to cloak in seconds
DeCloakingTime 0.3 ; Time to properly decloak in seconds
MaxCloakingTime 300.0 ; Time in seconds that objects may be cloaked before CloakGenerator Shuts down
ReChargeRate 0.5 ; # of seconds of the 300 above are added every second.
MinCharge 150.0 ; Minimum value of cloaking 'state' for cloak to be able to turn on...in seconds: Lower = requires less charge

;Engine Glow
trailWidth 40.0
trailHeight 66.5
trailLength 75.0

minimumZoomDistance 175

Overlay_Selection_Scalar 1.3 ; scale the tactical overlay by this amount

;Override face-specific damage:
collSideModifiers[TRANS_UP] 1.2
collSideModifiers[TRANS_DOWN] 1.2
collSideModifiers[TRANS_RIGHT] 1.0
collSideModifiers[TRANS_LEFT] 1.0
collSideModifiers[TRANS_FORWARD] 1.0
collSideModifiers[TRANS_BACK] 1.5


Cryo Tray ~ cryotray
LODFile CryoTray.lod
pMexData CryoTray\Rl0\LOD0\CryoTray.mex
mass 4234.0
momentOfInertiaX 1000.0
momentOfInertiaY 1000.0
momentOfInertiaZ 1000.0
maxvelocity 600.0
maxrot 6.0
maxhealth 14000 //28000 ; hit points
cannotForceAttackIfOwnShip TRUE

thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 50.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 50.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 50.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 50.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 50.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 50.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.05 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 10]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.05
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 0.3 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 0.3
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 0.3

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_NonCombat
repairTime 8 ; every this many seconds
repairDamage 255 ; this much damage is repaired

blastRadiusShockWave 1.75
blastRadiusDamage 125

minimumZoomDistance 760

explosionType ET_InterceptorExplosion

NUM_NEEDED_FOR_SALVAGE 1 ;number of ships needed to capture a craft

; format: name,type
SalvagePoint point1,AttachPoint

renderlistFade 15000.0
renderlistLimit 24000.0


Defense Fighter ~ defensefighter

;Source Files
LODFile DefenseFighter.lod
pMexData DefenseFighter\Rl0\LOD0\DefenseFighter.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 20.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 2.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 2.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 2.0
maxvelocity 875.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 10.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Fighter
buildCost 85 ; resource units to build
buildTime 30 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 60 ; hit points
maxfuel 12000.0
lowfuelpoint 0.35 ; percentage of tank which is considered "low on fuel"
fuelburnrate 0.021 ; based on distance ship moves in the world
attackfuelburnrate 0.042
groupSize 4 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form

blastRadiusShockWave 6.0
blastRadiusDamage 75

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 475.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 475.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 500.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 500.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 575.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 300.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 120.0 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 400]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 120.0
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 120.0
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 120.0
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 120.0
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 120.0
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 2.8 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 2.8
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 2.8

rotateToRetaliate TRUE
tooCloseRange 500.0

;All gun variables have no effect on anything...so don't bother changine them (except for BulletRange)

Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_Laser ;place holder
BulletType BULLET_Laser
DamageLo 1 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 1 ; damage variance per shot - high
BulletLength 600.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 2500.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 2000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.0 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 1 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)

gunsFireTime 1.0 ; leave even though it only has 1 gun

;Ship AI


;[Default] -- used for ships where nothing else is defined (default behaviour)
flyPastDist Evasive Default 3000.0 ; dist which ship will try to fly past target - relative to CENTRE of ship
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive Default 3500.0 ; maximum distance ship will fly away from target - relative to CENTRE of ship
breakRange Evasive Default 1000.0 ; range at which ship will break off for another pass - relative to SURFACE of ship
triggerHappy Evasive Default 11.0 ; how close in degrees the ship needs to be to fire fixed guns
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive Default 2.0 ; within how many degrees will try to align itself with target
maxAttackTime Evasive Default 4.0 ; maximum time ship will attack before breaking

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive Default 0,2,2,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive Default 0,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive Default 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive Default 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Mothership 8000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Mothership 10000.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Mothership 2000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Mothership 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Mothership 2.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Mothership 8.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Mothership 0,3,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Mothership 1,3,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,8 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,8 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,8 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Carrier 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Carrier 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Carrier 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Carrier 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Carrier 2.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Carrier 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Carrier 0,3,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Carrier 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 2.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,3,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 2.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 0,3,2,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Frigate 3000.0 //3000
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Frigate 3500.0 //3300
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Frigate 1000.0 //725
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Frigate 11.0 //4
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Frigate 2.0
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Frigate 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Frigate 0,3,2,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Frigate 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Corvette 2200.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Corvette 2600.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Corvette 750.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Corvette 4.5
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Corvette 3.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Corvette 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Corvette 0,4,3,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Corvette 1,2,3,1,2 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,8,10,8,13,13,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,8,0,8,13,13,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,8,10,8,13,13,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Fighter 1200.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Fighter 1300.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Fighter 600.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Fighter 2.5
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Fighter 0.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Fighter 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Fighter 0,5,5,2,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Fighter 1,2,3,1,2 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,15 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Resource 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Resource 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Resource 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Resource 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Resource 2.0
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Resource 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Resource 0,4,4,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Resource 1,2,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 2.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 0,4,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 1,2,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE


;[Default] -- used for ships where nothing else is defined (default behaviour)
flyPastDist Neutral Default 3000.0 ; dist which ship will try to fly past target - relative to CENTRE of ship
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral Default 3500.0 ; maximum distance ship will fly away from target - relative to CENTRE of ship
breakRange Neutral Default 1000.0 ; range at which ship will break off for another pass - relative to SURFACE of ship
triggerHappy Neutral Default 11.0 ; how close in degrees the ship needs to be to fire fixed guns
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral Default 2.0 ; within how many degrees will try to align itself with target
maxAttackTime Neutral Default 4.0 ; maximum time ship will attack before breaking

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral Default 0,1,1,1,1 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral Default 0,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral Default 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral Default 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Mothership 8000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Mothership 10000.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Mothership 2000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Mothership 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Mothership 2.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Mothership 4.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Mothership 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Mothership 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Carrier 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Carrier 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Carrier 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Carrier 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Carrier 2.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Carrier 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Carrier 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Carrier 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 2.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 2.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Frigate 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Frigate 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Frigate 1000.0 //725
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Frigate 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Frigate 1.0
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Frigate 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Frigate 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Frigate 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Corvette 2100.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Corvette 2500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Corvette 650.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Corvette 5.2
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Corvette 2.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Corvette 4.0
Relative frequenciesfor:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Corvette 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Corvette 1,1,1,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Fighter 1500.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Fighter 1700.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Fighter 600.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Fighter 3.2
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Fighter 0.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Fighter 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Fighter 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Fighter 1,1,1,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Resource 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Resource 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Resource 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Resource 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Resource 2.0
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Resource 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Resource 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Resource 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 3.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 2.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE


;[Default] -- used for ships where nothing else is defined (default behaviour)
flyPastDist Aggressive Default 3000.0 ; dist which ship will try to fly past target - relative to CENTRE of ship
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive Default 3500.0 ; maximum distance ship will fly away from target - relative to CENTRE of ship
breakRange Aggressive Default 1000.0 ; range at which ship will break off for another pass - relative to SURFACE of ship
triggerHappy Aggressive Default 11.0 ; how close in degrees the ship needs to be to fire fixed guns
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive Default 2.0 ; within how many degrees will try to align itself with target
maxAttackTime Aggressive Default 4.0 ; maximum time ship will attack before breaking

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive Default 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive Default 0,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive Default 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 8000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 10000.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 2000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 2.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 4.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 2.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 2.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 2.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 1000.0 //725
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 2.0
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 4.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 2000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 2600.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 450.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 4.8
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 2.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 1600.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 1800.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 600.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 2.8
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 0.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Resource 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Resource 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Resource 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Resource 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Resource 2.0
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Resource 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Resource 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Resource 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 2.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

badAI FALSE ; normally set this to FALSE

;Ship Trails
trailSegments 20
trailGranularity 2
trailColor 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;grey team
trailColor 0, 1, 238, 238, 238
trailColor 0, 8, 141, 106, 87
trailColor 0, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;red team
trailColor 1, 1, 225, 124, 33
trailColor 1, 8, 146, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;blue team
trailColor 2, 1, 11, 255, 255
trailColor 2, 8, 51, 0, 243
trailColor 2, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;green team
trailColor 3, 1, 201, 254, 39
trailColor 3, 8, 0, 84, 4
trailColor 3, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;yellow team
trailColor 4, 1, 255, 240, 97
trailColor 4, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 4, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 5, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;orange team
trailColor 5, 1, 225, 255, 11
trailColor 5, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 5, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 6, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;purple team
trailColor 6, 1, 255, 135, 157
trailColor 6, 8, 121, 0, 135
trailColor 6, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 7, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;pale blue-green team
trailColor 7, 1, 45, 255, 149
trailColor 7, 8, 0, 105, 137
trailColor 7, 19, 0, 0, 0

;Engine trails
trailRibbonAdjust 0.5 ; also the default
trailWidth 25.0
trailHeight 14.0
trailSpriteRadius 40.0

;trailRibbonAdjust2 0.5 ; also the default
;trailWidth2 18.0
;trailHeight2 8.0
;trailSpriteRadius2 25.0

explosionType ET_InterceptorExplosion

;Special Abilities
;tune laser range above in gun struct
;but tune everything else here...
;;;;AttackBubbleRadius 1500.0 ; Radius in which bullets are targetted

NumTargetsCanAttack 4 ; Number of targets ship can attack
; simultaneously...i.e. # of lasers
CoolDownTimePerLaser 0.4 ; Time it takes for a shot laser bank
; to be freed to be able to shoot again
DamageReductionLow 5 ; Damage taken off a bullet when shot
DamageReductionHigh 14 ; High Damage Taken off bullet
DamageRate 0 ; Every X frames of univupdate that damage
; is applied to tracked bullets must
; be 1,3,7, 15, 31, etc.
RangeCheckRate 0 ; How often do we 'recheck' if bullet is
; in range, and infront...slow...
; 1,3,7,15,31, etc...
TargetOwnBullets 0 ; True(-1) or false (0)...
; target your own bullets.
MultipleTargettingofSingleBullet 0 ; True(-1) or false (0) Multiple defese
; Fighters can attack the same bullet
; Decreases effectiveness in large groups
; due to nature of list walking when targetting
max_rot_speed 9.0 ; Maximum rotational speed during special operations
rotate_recover_time 8.0 ; Seconds it takes for the DF to recover from
; a rotational special ops move and to be able to
; do it again
rotate_time 10.0 ; Time the DF will rotate for when given special
; ops command

minimumZoomDistance 60

Overlay_Selection_Scalar 0.9 ; scale the tactical overlay by this amount

collSideModifiers[TRANS_UP] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_DOWN] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_RIGHT] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_LEFT] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_FORWARD] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_BACK] 1.5


Defense Field Generator ~ dfgfrigate

;Source Files
LODFile DFGFrigate.lod
pMexData DFGFrigate\Rl0\LOD0\DFGFrigate.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 1203.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 300.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 300.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 300.0
maxvelocity 355.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 1.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Frigate
isCapitalShip TRUE
buildCost 900 ; resource units to build
buildTime 75 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 7300 //14600 ; hit points
groupSize 2 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form
repairTime 16 ; every this many seconds
repairDamage 100 ; this much damage is repaired
repairCombatTime 25 ; every this many seconds
repairCombatDamage 50 ; this much damage is repaired

blastRadiusShockWave 1.75
blastRadiusDamage 275

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 35.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 35.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 35.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 35.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 45.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 35.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.05 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 10]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.05
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 0.3 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 0.3
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 0.3

;No Weapons except for the missile launcher! :)
tooCloseRange 2000.0

NUM_NEEDED_FOR_SALVAGE 2 ;number of ships needed to capture a craft

; format: name,type
SalvagePoint Point1,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point2,AttachPoint


; format is NavLight name, type, blinkrate (in seconds), size (in meters), min LOD, texture name
NavLight antenna1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0.5, 7, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0.5, 7, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight caution1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 1, 0, 8, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight caution2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 1, 0, 8, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight caution3, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 1, 0, 8, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight caution4, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 1, 0, 8, 2, etg\textures\glow32

explosionType ET_FrigateExplosion

repositionTime 6
fullMovementFreedom TRUE

;DFG's Field Parameters
fieldRadius 6000.0 ;Radius at which point the bullets are captured by the DFG
BulletDamageMultiplier 1.0 ;Bullets damage is multiplied by this factor
BulletLifeExtension 1.0 ;Bullets Life is Extended by this ammount (Set high to ensure collision)
percentageThatGetThrough 27 ;percetage of bullets that are uneffected by the field
;integer number between 0 and 100 (0 = perfect shield, 100 = chicken wire fence)
angleVariance 30 ;variance in bullet reflections

;Engine Glow
trailWidth 75.0
trailHeight 105.0
trailLength 100.0
trailScaleCap 0.000196

minimumZoomDistance 265


Drone Frigate ~ dddfrigate
[Drone Frigate]

;Source Files
LODFile DDDFrigate.lod
pMexData DDDFrigate\Rl0\LOD0\DDDFrigate.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 1256.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 300.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 300.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 300.0
maxvelocity 355.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 2.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Frigate
isCapitalShip TRUE
buildCost 900 ; resource units to build
buildTime 75 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 8000 //16000 ; hit points
groupSize 2 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form
repairTime 15 ; every this many seconds
repairDamage 100 ; this much damage is repaired
repairCombatTime 25 ; every this many seconds
repairCombatDamage 50 ; this much damage is repaired

blastRadiusShockWave 1.75
blastRadiusDamage 275

canReceiveShipsPermanently TRUE ; drones can dock permanently here

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 35.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 35.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 35.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 35.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 45.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 35.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.05 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 10]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.05
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 0.3 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 0.3
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 0.3

rotateToRetaliate TRUE

repositionTime 2 ; time in seconds which corvette will spend to reposition
; itself to a new location for it to fire.
circleRange 5000.0

;all the guns are in the drones

//this causes a crash if true
canTargetMultipleTargets FALSE



; format is DockPoint name,type,flyawaydist,mindist,maxdist,[headingdirection,updirection] (0=up,1=right,2=forward,4=down,5=left,6=back) for direction
DockPoint Drone0,LaunchPoint,300,200,2000,0,6
DockPoint Drone1,LaunchPoint,300,200,2000,0,6
DockPoint Drone2,LaunchPoint,300,200,2000,0,6
DockPoint Drone3,LaunchPoint,300,200,2000,0,6
DockPoint Drone4,LaunchPoint,300,200,2000,0,6
DockPoint Drone5,LaunchPoint,300,200,2000,0,6
DockPoint Drone6,LaunchPoint,300,200,2000,0,6
DockPoint Drone7,LaunchPoint,300,200,2000,0,6
DockPoint Drone8,LaunchPoint,300,200,2000,0,6
DockPoint Drone9,LaunchPoint,300,200,2000,0,6
DockPoint Drone10,LaunchPoint,300,200,2000,0,6
DockPoint Drone11,LaunchPoint,300,200,2000,0,6
DockPoint Drone12,LaunchPoint,300,200,2000,0,6
DockPoint Drone13,LaunchPoint,300,200,2000,0,6
DockPoint Drone14,LaunchPoint,300,200,2000,0,6
DockPoint Drone15,LaunchPoint,300,200,2000,0,6
DockPoint Drone16,LaunchPoint,300,200,2000,0,6
DockPoint Drone17,LaunchPoint,300,200,2000,0,6
DockPoint Drone18,LaunchPoint,300,200,2000,0,6
DockPoint Drone19,LaunchPoint,300,200,2000,0,6
DockPoint Drone20,LaunchPoint,300,200,2000,0,6
DockPoint Drone21,LaunchPoint,300,200,2000,0,6
DockPoint Drone22,LaunchPoint,300,200,2000,0,6
DockPoint Drone23,LaunchPoint,300,200,2000,0,6


; format is NavLight name, type, blinkrate (in seconds), size (in meters), min LOD, texture name
NavLight antenna1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 7, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna3, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1.5, 1, 0, 7, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0.5, 6, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight bridge, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0.5, 6, 2, etg\textures\glow32

NUM_NEEDED_FOR_SALVAGE 2 ;number of ships needed to capture a craft

; format: name,type
SalvagePoint Point1,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point2,AttachPoint

explosionType ET_FrigateExplosion


bulletRange[0] 5000.0 ; explicitly set bulletRange for DDDFrigate because it doesn't have guns
bulletRange[1] 5000.0
bulletRange[2] 5000.0
minBulletRange[0] 1000.0
minBulletRange[1] 1000.0
minBulletRange[2] 1000.0
attackRange 4000.0
tooCloseRange 200.0
internalRegenerateRate 25.0
externalRegenerateRate 45.0
droneDeploymentRange 800.0 ; Range from ship's centre point drones will deploy to.

;Engine Glow
trailWidth 60.0
trailHeight 105.0
trailLength 90.0
trailStyle 3
trailScaleCap 0.00025

minimumZoomDistance 230

Overlay_Selection_Scalar 1.1 ; scale the tactical overlay by this amount


Drone Frigate Drone ~ drone

;Source Files
LODFile Drone.lod
pMexData Drone\Rl0\LOD0\Drone.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 4.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 1.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 1.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 1.0
maxvelocity 700.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 10.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Fighter
maxhealth 25 //50 ; hit points
groupSize 48

blastRadiusShockWave 6.0
blastRadiusDamage 75

passiveAttackPenaltyExempt TRUE

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 600.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 600.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 600.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 600.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 600.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 600.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 140.0 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 400]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 140.0
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 140.0
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 140.0
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 140.0
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 140.0
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 3.5 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 3.5
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 3.5



rotateToRetaliate TRUE
passiveRetaliateZone 7000.0
tooCloseRange 500.0

Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallProjectile
DamageLo 5 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 7 ; damage variance per shot - high
BulletLength 15.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 3500.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 4000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.4 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.15 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BurstFireTime 0.6
BurstWaitTime 1.35
TriggerHappy 5 ; how triggerHapppy the ship is when firing the fixed.
MinAngle 0.0
MaxAngle 4.0
BulletLifeTime 2.0 ;Life time of bullet


Gravity Well Generator ~ gravwellgenerator

;Source Files
LODFile GravWellGenerator.lod
pMexData GravWellGenerator\Rl0\LOD0\GravWellGenerator.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 1423.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 350.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 350.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 350.0
maxvelocity 325.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 5.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_NonCombat
isCapitalShip TRUE
buildCost 900 ; resource units to build
buildTime 90 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 4000 //8000 ; hit points
groupSize 2 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form
repairTime 15 ; every this many seconds
repairDamage 45 ; this much damage is repaired
repairCombatTime 25 ; every this many seconds
repairCombatDamage 22 ; this much damage is repaired

blastRadiusShockWave 1.75
blastRadiusDamage 275

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 35.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 35.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 35.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 35.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 45.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 25.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.05 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 10]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.05
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 0.3 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 0.3
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 0.3

;no weapons

;Ship Trails

explosionType ET_InterceptorExplosion


; format is NavLight name, type, blinkrate (in seconds), size (in meters), min LOD, texture name
NavLight side1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0, 7, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight side2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0, 7, 2, etg\textures\glow32

NUM_NEEDED_FOR_SALVAGE 2 ;number of ships needed to capture a craft

; format: name,type
SalvagePoint Point1,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point2,AttachPoint

BindAnimations 1

;MadStartInfo needs a starting paused / Animation Text Name / needs starting animation / Animation Text Name
animation(when built+placed)/ (no spaces allowed!) / (when built and launched) / (no spaces allowed!)
MadStartInfo 1 , arms_open , 1 , arms_open

;MadDockAnims definitions of explanation below
; n = number, d = docking, p = post docking, w = damaged
; nd, names, ..., np, names, ..., ndw, names, npw, names
MadSpecialCaseAnims 1, arms_open, 1 arms_close, 1, damage_open,1,damage_close

;Ships health must be below this percentage to use the damaged animations.
madGunOpenDamagedHealthThreshold 0.70 ;<= 1.0f

;Special Effects
GravWellRadius 4000.0 ; Radius in which things are affected
OperationTime 410.0 ; Time in Seconds the Well is On
EffectConstant 0.070 ; velocity multiplier to slow ships down and stop them!
scanrate 63 ; Every Xth frame at which gravwell scans for objects to capture..lower = slower
; 1,3,7, 15, 31, etc.
repulseForce 70.0 ; repulsion force
warmupdowntime 4.0 ; seconds it takes for grav well to
;rotaion speeds are maximums...random values are chosen between
;-rot and +rot and then applied to object
xrot 200.0 ;maximum rotation speed in x direction
yrot 200.0 ;maximum rotation speed in y direction
zrot 200.0 ;maximum rotation speed in z direction
; power up,down

;Engine Glow
trailWidth 120.0
trailHeight 95.0
trailLength 130.0
trailScaleCap 0.000196

minimumZoomDistance 300

Overlay_Selection_Scalar 0.75 ; scale the tactical overlay by this amount

;Override face-specific damage:
collSideModifiers[TRANS_UP] 1.3
collSideModifiers[TRANS_DOWN] 1.3
collSideModifiers[TRANS_RIGHT] 1.0
collSideModifiers[TRANS_LEFT] 1.0
collSideModifiers[TRANS_FORWARD] 1.0
collSideModifiers[TRANS_BACK] 1.5


HeadShot Asteroid ~ headshotasteroid
LODFile headshotasteroid.lod
pMexData headshotasteroid\Rl0\LOD0\headshotasteroid.mex
mass 150000.0
momentOfInertiaX 37000.0
momentOfInertiaY 37000.0
momentOfInertiaZ 37000.0
maxvelocity 1000.0
maxrot 2.0
renderlistFade 12000.0
renderlistLimit 18000.0
shipclass CLASS_Mothership
maxhealth 450000

blastRadiusShockWave 1.0
blastRadiusDamage 125

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 35.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 35.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 35.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 35.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 35.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 35.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.05 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 1.0]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.02
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.02
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.02
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.02
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 0.2 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 0.2
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 0.2

asteroidCanBreak TRUE
breakinto[Asteroid0] 0
breakinto[Asteroid1] 4
breakinto[Asteroid2] 2
breakinto[Asteroid3] 3
breakinto[Asteroid4] 5

minimumZoomDistance 1000

Heavy Corvette ~ HeavyCorvette

;Source Files
LODFile HeavyCorvette.lod
pMexData HeavyCorvette\Rl0\LOD0\HeavyCorvette.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 250.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 25.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 25.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 25.0
maxvelocity 520.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 10.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Corvette
buildCost 240 ; resource units to build
buildTime 32 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 1150 //2300 ; hit points
maxfuel 30000.0
lowfuelpoint 0.25 ; percentage of tank which is considered "low on fuel"
fuelburnrate 0.036
attackfuelburnrate 0.06
groupSize 2 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form

blastRadiusDamage 230

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 320.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 320.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 320.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 320.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 350.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 220.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.9 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 1.0]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.9
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.9
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.9
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.9
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.9
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 1.5
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 1.5
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 1.5


canTargetMultipleTargets TRUE
rotateToRetaliate TRUE
tooCloseRange 500.0

;Left gun
Type GUN_NewGimble
SoundType GS_MediumEnergyCannon
DamageLo 30.5
DamageHi 40.0
BulletLength 25.0
BulletRange 4000.0
BulletSpeed 4700.0
BulletMass 1.35 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.325
TriggerHappy 0.50
minturnangle -90.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 30.0
mindeclination -0.0
maxdeclination 30.0
maxanglespeed 500.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 500.0
BarrelLength 8.0
RecoilLength 7.00
BulletLifeTime 2.0 ;Life time of bullet
angletracking 3.4
declinationtracking 3.4

;Right gun
Type GUN_NewGimble
SoundType GS_MediumEnergyCannon
DamageLo 30.5
DamageHi 40.0
BulletLength 25.0
BulletRange 4000.0
BulletSpeed 4700.0
BulletMass 1.35
FireTime 0.325
TriggerHappy 0.50
minturnangle -30.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 90.0
mindeclination -0.0
maxdeclination 30.0
maxanglespeed 500.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 500.0
BarrelLength 8.0
RecoilLength 7.00
BulletLifeTime 2.0 ;Life time of bullet
angletracking 3.4
declinationtracking 3.4

;Ship AI
repositionTime 1.6 ; time in seconds which corvette will spend to reposition
; itself to a new location for it to fire.
circleRange 1800.0

fullMovementFreedom TRUE


;[Default] -- used for ships where nothing else is defined (default behaviour)
flyPastDist Evasive Default 3000.0 ; dist which ship will try to fly past target - relative to CENTRE of ship
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive Default 3500.0 ; maximum distance ship will fly away from target - relative to CENTRE of ship
breakRange Evasive Default 1000.0 ; range at which ship will break off for another pass - relative to SURFACE of ship
triggerHappy Evasive Default 11.0 ; how close in degrees the ship needs to be to fire fixed guns
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive Default 4.0 ; within how many degrees will try to align itself with target
maxAttackTime Evasive Default 4.0 ; maximum time ship will attack before breaking

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive Default 0,2,2,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive Default 0,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive Default 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive Default 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Mothership 8000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Mothership 10000.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Mothership 2000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Mothership 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Mothership 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Mothership 8.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Mothership 0,3,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Mothership 1,3,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,8 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,8 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,8 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Carrier 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Carrier 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Carrier 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Carrier 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Carrier 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Carrier 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Carrier 0,3,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Carrier 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,3,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 0,3,2,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Frigate 3000.0 //3000
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Frigate 3500.0 //3300
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Frigate 1000.0 //725
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Frigate 11.0 //4
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Frigate 4.0
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Frigate 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Frigate 0,3,2,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Frigate 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Corvette 2200.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Corvette 2600.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Corvette 750.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Corvette 4.5
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Corvette 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Corvette 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Corvette 0,4,3,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Corvette 1,2,3,1,2 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,8,10,8,13,13,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,8,0,8,13,13,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,8,10,8,13,13,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Fighter 1200.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Fighter 1300.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Fighter 600.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Fighter 2.5
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Fighter 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Fighter 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Fighter 0,5,5,2,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Fighter 1,2,3,1,2 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,15 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Resource 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Resource 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Resource 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Resource 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Resource 4.0
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Resource 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Resource 0,4,4,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Resource 1,2,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 0,4,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 1,2,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE


;[Default] -- used for ships where nothing else is defined (default behaviour)
flyPastDist Neutral Default 3000.0 ; dist which ship will try to fly past target - relative to CENTRE of ship
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral Default 3500.0 ; maximum distance ship will fly away from target - relative to CENTRE of ship
breakRange Neutral Default 1000.0 ; range at which ship will break off for another pass - relative to SURFACE of ship
triggerHappy Neutral Default 11.0 ; how close in degrees the ship needs to be to fire fixed guns
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral Default 4.0 ; within how many degrees will try to align itself with target
maxAttackTime Neutral Default 4.0 ; maximum time ship will attack before breaking

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral Default 0,1,1,1,1 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral Default 0,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral Default 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral Default 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Mothership 8000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Mothership 10000.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Mothership 2000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Mothership 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Mothership 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Mothership 4.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Mothership 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Mothership 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Carrier 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Carrier 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Carrier 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Carrier 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Carrier 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Carrier 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Carrier 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Carrier 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Frigate 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Frigate 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Frigate 1000.0 //725
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Frigate 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Frigate 4.0
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Frigate 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Frigate 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Frigate 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Corvette 2100.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Corvette 2500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Corvette 650.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Corvette 5.2
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Corvette 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Corvette 4.0
Relative frequenciesfor:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Corvette 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Corvette 1,1,1,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Fighter 1500.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Fighter 1700.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Fighter 600.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Fighter 3.2
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Fighter 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Fighter 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Fighter 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Fighter 1,1,1,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Resource 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Resource 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Resource 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Resource 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Resource 4.0
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Resource 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Resource 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Resource 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 3.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE


;[Default] -- used for ships where nothing else is defined (default behaviour)
flyPastDist Aggressive Default 3000.0 ; dist which ship will try to fly past target - relative to CENTRE of ship
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive Default 3500.0 ; maximum distance ship will fly away from target - relative to CENTRE of ship
breakRange Aggressive Default 1000.0 ; range at which ship will break off for another pass - relative to SURFACE of ship
triggerHappy Aggressive Default 11.0 ; how close in degrees the ship needs to be to fire fixed guns
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive Default 4.0 ; within how many degrees will try to align itself with target
maxAttackTime Aggressive Default 4.0 ; maximum time ship will attack before breaking

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive Default 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive Default 0,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive Default 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 8000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 10000.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 2000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 4.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 1000.0 //725
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 4.0
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 4.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 2000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 2600.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 450.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 4.8
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 1600.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 1800.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 600.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 2.8
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Resource 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Resource 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Resource 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Resource 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Resource 4.0
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Resource 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Resource 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Resource 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

badAI FALSE ; normally set this to FALSE

;Ship Trails
trailSegments 20
trailGranularity 3
trailColor 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;grey team
trailColor 0, 1, 238, 238, 238
trailColor 0, 8, 141, 106, 87
trailColor 0, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;red team
trailColor 1, 1, 225, 124, 33
trailColor 1, 8, 146, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;blue team
trailColor 2, 1, 11, 255, 255
trailColor 2, 8, 51, 0, 243
trailColor 2, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;green team
trailColor 3, 1, 201, 254, 39
trailColor 3, 8, 0, 84, 4
trailColor 3, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;yellow team
trailColor 4, 1, 255, 240, 97
trailColor 4, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 4, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 5, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;orange team
trailColor 5, 1, 225, 255, 11
trailColor 5, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 5, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 6, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;purple team
trailColor 6, 1, 255, 135, 157
trailColor 6, 8, 121, 0, 135
trailColor 6, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 7, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;pale blue-green team
trailColor 7, 1, 45, 255, 149
trailColor 7, 8, 0, 105, 137
trailColor 7, 19, 0, 0, 0

explosionType ET_CorvetteExplosion

;Gun Bindings:
BindGun CorvetteGun(2) Gun0,Azimuth,Recoil,Frequency 1
BindGun CorvetteGun(1) Gun1,Azimuth,Recoil,Frequency 1

BindAnimations 1

;Engine trails
trailWidth 30.0
trailHeight 4.0

minimumZoomDistance 85

collSideModifiers[TRANS_UP] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_DOWN] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_RIGHT] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_LEFT] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_FORWARD] 0.6
collSideModifiers[TRANS_BACK] 1.5


Heavy Cruiser ~ HeavyCruiser

;Source Files
pMexData HeavyCruiser\Rl0\LOD0\HeavyCruiser.mex
LODFile HeavyCruiser.lod

;Ship Physics
mass 12126.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 3000.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 3000.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 3000.0
avoidcollmodifier 0.8
maxvelocity 280.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 1.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_HeavyCruiser
isCapitalShip TRUE
buildCost 4200 //3700 ; resource units to build
buildTime 420 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 45000 //184000 ; hit points
groupSize 1 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form
repairTime 14 ; every this many seconds
repairDamage 250 ; this much damage is repaired
repairCombatTime 18 ; every this many seconds
repairCombatDamage 125 ; this much damage is repaired

blastRadiusShockWave 1.0
blastRadiusDamage 125

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 16.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 16.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 16.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 16.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 19.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 14.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.06 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 1.0]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.06
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.06
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.06
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.06
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.06
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 0.20 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 0.20
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 0.20


canTargetMultipleTargets TRUE
rotateToRetaliate TRUE
passiveRetaliateZone 7000.0
tooCloseRange 500.0


;This is the large Ion Cannon turret on TOP - the first gun is slaved to the second
//ADD this amount: 690 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount:1058 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_NewGimble
SoundType GS_LargeIonCannon
BulletType BULLET_Beam
DamageLo 50
DamageHi 60
BulletLength 8748.0
BulletRange 7748.0
BulletSpeed 5000.0
BulletLifeTime 2.2
BulletMass 0.85
FireTime 16.0
TriggerHappy 2
minturnangle -85.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 85.0
mindeclination -1.0
maxdeclination 13.0
maxanglespeed 360.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 360.0
BarrelLength 82.0
OffsetX 0.01
OffsetY -19
angletracking 1.5
declinationtracking 1.5

//ADD this amount: 690 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount:1058 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_NewGimble
SoundType GS_LargeIonCannon
BulletType BULLET_Beam
DamageLo 50
DamageHi 60
BulletLength 8748.0
BulletRange 7748.0
BulletSpeed 5000.0
BulletLifeTime 2.2
BulletMass 0.85
FireTime 16.0
TriggerHappy 2
minturnangle -85.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 85.0
mindeclination -1.0
maxdeclination 13.0
maxanglespeed 360.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 360.0
BarrelLength 82.0
OffsetX 0.01
OffsetY 19
SlaveDriver 0
angletracking 1.5
declinationtracking 1.5

;This is the large Ion Cannon turret on BOTTOM - the first gun is slaved to the second
//ADD this amount: 690 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount:1058 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_NewGimble
SoundType GS_VeryLargeIonCannon
BulletType BULLET_Beam
DamageLo 50
DamageHi 60
BulletLength 8748.0
BulletRange 7748.0
BulletSpeed 5000.0
BulletLifeTime 2.2
BulletMass 0.85
FireTime 16.0
TriggerHappy 2
minturnangle -85.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 85.0
mindeclination -1.0
maxdeclination 13.0
maxanglespeed 360.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 360.0
BarrelLength 82.0
OffsetX 0.01
OffsetY -19
angletracking 1.5
declinationtracking 1.5

//ADD this amount: 690 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount:1058 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_NewGimble
SoundType GS_VeryLargeIonCannon
BulletType BULLET_Beam
DamageLo 50
DamageHi 60
BulletLength 8748.0
BulletRange 7748.0
BulletSpeed 5000.0
BulletLifeTime 2.2
BulletMass 0.85
FireTime 16.0
TriggerHappy 2
minturnangle -85.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 85.0
mindeclination -1.0
maxdeclination 13.0
maxanglespeed 360.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 360.0
BarrelLength 82.0
OffsetX 0.01
OffsetY 19
SlaveDriver 2
angletracking 1.5
declinationtracking 1.5

;Very Large Energy Cannon - Right side of ship, top
//ADD this amount: 723 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount:1058 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_NewGimble ; type of gun - either GUN_Fixed or GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_VeryLargeEnergyCannon
DamageLo 875 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 1125 ; damage variance per shot - high
BulletLength 18.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 7781.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 4000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 10.0
FireTime 7.7 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
TriggerHappy 2.0
minturnangle -180.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 15.0
mindeclination -5.42
maxdeclination 40.0
maxanglespeed 360.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 360.0
angletracking 1.5
declinationtracking 1.5
BarrelLength 49
RecoilLength 14.0
BulletLifeTime 4.0 ;Life time of bullet

;Very Large Energy Cannon - Left side of ship, top
//ADD this amount: 723 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount:1058 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_NewGimble
SoundType GS_VeryLargeEnergyCannon
DamageLo 875
DamageHi 1125
BulletLength 18.0
BulletRange 7781.0
BulletSpeed 4000.0
BulletMass 10.0
FireTime 7.7
TriggerHappy 2.0
minturnangle -15.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 180.0
mindeclination -5.42
maxdeclination 40.0
maxanglespeed 360.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 360.0
angletracking 1.5
declinationtracking 1.5
BarrelLength 49
RecoilLength 14.0
BulletLifeTime 4.0 ;Life time of bullet

;Very large Energy Cannon - right side of ship, bottom
//ADD this amount: 723 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount:1058 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_NewGimble
SoundType GS_VeryLargeEnergyCannon
DamageLo 875
DamageHi 1125
BulletLength 18.0
BulletRange 7781.0
BulletSpeed 4000.0
BulletMass 10.0
FireTime 7.7
TriggerHappy 2.0
minturnangle -180.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 12.0
mindeclination -5.42
maxdeclination 40.0
maxanglespeed 360.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 360.0
angletracking 1.5
declinationtracking 1.5
BarrelLength 49
RecoilLength 14.0
BulletLifeTime 4.0 ;Life time of bullet

;Very large Energy Cannon - left side of ship, bottom
//ADD this amount: 723 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount:1058 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_NewGimble
SoundType GS_VeryLargeEnergyCannon
DamageLo 875
DamageHi 1125
BulletLength 18.0
BulletRange 7781.0
BulletSpeed 4000.0
BulletMass 10.0
FireTime 7.7
TriggerHappy 2.0
minturnangle -12.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 180.0
mindeclination -5.42
maxdeclination 40.0
maxanglespeed 360.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 360.0
angletracking 1.5
declinationtracking 1.5
BarrelLength 49
RecoilLength 14.0
BulletLifeTime 4.0 ;Life time of bullet

;Very large Energy Cannon - left wing
//ADD this amount: 521 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount:1058 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_NewGimble
SoundType GS_VeryLargeEnergyCannon
DamageLo 875
DamageHi 1125
BulletLength 18.0
BulletRange 7579.0
BulletSpeed 4000.0
BulletMass 10.0
FireTime 7.7
TriggerHappy 2.0
minturnangle -180.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 180.0
mindeclination -5.42
maxdeclination 40.0
maxanglespeed 360.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 360.0
angletracking 1.5
declinationtracking 1.5
BarrelLength 49
RecoilLength 20.0
BulletLifeTime 4.0 ;Life time of bullet

;Very large Energy Cannon - Right Wing
//ADD this amount: 521 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount:1058 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_NewGimble
SoundType GS_VeryLargeEnergyCannon
DamageLo 875
DamageHi 1125
BulletLength 18.0
BulletRange 7579.0
BulletSpeed 4000.0
BulletMass 10.0
FireTime 7.7
TriggerHappy 2.0
minturnangle -180.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 180.0
mindeclination -5.42
maxdeclination 40.0
maxanglespeed 360.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 360.0
angletracking 1.5
declinationtracking 1.5
BarrelLength 49
RecoilLength 20.0
BulletLifeTime 4.0 ;Life time of bullet

NUM_NEEDED_FOR_SALVAGE 5 ;number of ships needed to capture a craft

; format: name,type
SalvagePoint Point1,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point2,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point3,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point4,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point5,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point6,AttachPoint


; format is NavLight name, type, blinkrate (in seconds), size (in meters), min LOD, texture name
NavLight antenna1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 8, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1.5, 1, 0, 7, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight sideright1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 1, 1, 9, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight sideright2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 1, 0, 9, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight sideleft1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 1, 1, 9, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight sideleft2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 1, 0, 9, 2, etg\textures\glow32

explosionType ET_CarrierExplosion


//Very Large Energy Cannon, Top turret, left side
BindGun HeavyCruiserTurret(3) Gun4,Azimuth,Recoil,Frequency 1

//Very Large Energy Cannon, Top turret, right side
BindGun HeavyCruiserTurret(4) Gun5,Azimuth,Recoil,Frequency 1

//Very Large Energy Cannon, Left wing,
BindGun HeavyCruiserTurret(1) Gun8,Azimuth,Recoil,Frequency 1

//Very Large Energy Cannon, Right wing,
BindGun HeavyCruiserTurret(2) Gun9,Azimuth,Recoil,Frequency 1

//Very Large Energy Cannon, Bottom turret, left side
BindGun HeavyCruiserTurret(5) Gun7,Azimuth,Recoil,Frequency 1

//Very Large Energy Cannon, Bottom turret, right side
BindGun HeavyCruiserTurret(6) Gun6,Azimuth,Recoil,Frequency 1

//bottom ion cannon turret
BindGun HeavyCruiserIon(1) Gun0,Azimuth,Declination,Frequency 1
BindGun HeavyCruiserIon(1) Gun1,Declination,Frequency 1
BindGun HeavyCruiserIon(1) Gun0,Azimuth,Declination,Frequency 1
BindGun HeavyCruiserIon(1) Gun0,Declination,Frequency 1
//top ion cannon turret
BindGun HeavyCruiserIon(2) Gun2,Azimuth,Declination,Frequency 1
BindGun HeavyCruiserIon(2) Gun3,Declination,Frequency 1
BindGun HeavyCruiserIon(2) Gun2,Azimuth,Declination,Frequency 1
BindGun HeavyCruiserIon(2) Gun2,Declination,Frequency 1

;Engine Glow
trailWidth 270.0
trailHeight 310.0
trailLength 300.0

minimumZoomDistance 825

Overlay_Selection_Scalar 1.35 ; scale the tactical overlay by this amount


Defender ~ HeavyDefender

;Source Files
LODFile HeavyDefender.lod
pMexData HeavyDefender\Rl0\LOD0\HeavyDefender.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 30.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 3.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 3.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 3.0
maxvelocity 585.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 10.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Fighter
buildCost 65 ; resource units to build
buildTime 16 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 60 ; hit points
maxfuel 8000.0
lowfuelpoint 0.35 ; percentage of tank which is considered "low on fuel"
fuelburnrate 0.030 ; based on distance ship moves in the world
attackfuelburnrate 0.045
groupSize 4 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form

blastRadiusShockWave 6.0
blastRadiusDamage 75

formationPaddingModifier 2.0

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 385.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 385.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 385.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 385.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 485.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 285.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 125.0 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 400]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 125.0
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 125.0
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 125.0
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 125.0
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 125.0
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 2.8 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 2.8
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 2.8


canTargetMultipleTargets TRUE
rotateToRetaliate TRUE

;Bottom gun
Type GUN_NewGimble
SoundType GS_SmallEnergyCannon
DamageLo 8 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 10 ; damage variance per shot - high
BulletLength 15.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 4200.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 4500.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.7 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.125 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BurstFireTime 1.0
BurstWaitTime 1.4
TriggerHappy 5.0
minturnangle -51.5 ; degrees
maxturnangle 6.8
mindeclination -90.0
maxdeclination 90.0
maxanglespeed 1000.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 1000.0
BarrelLength 21.0
RecoilLength 3.1
BulletLifeTime 2.0 ;Life time of bullet

;Right gun
Type GUN_NewGimble
SoundType GS_SmallEnergyCannon
DamageLo 8 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 10 ; damage variance per shot - high
BulletLength 15.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 4200.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 4500.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.7 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.125 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BurstFireTime 1.0
BurstWaitTime 1.4
TriggerHappy 5.0
minturnangle -51.5 ; degrees
maxturnangle 10.0
mindeclination -90.0
maxdeclination 90.0
maxanglespeed 1000.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 1000.0
BarrelLength 21.0
RecoilLength 3.1
BulletLifeTime 2.0 ;Life time of bullet

;Left gun
Type GUN_NewGimble
SoundType GS_SmallEnergyCannon
DamageLo 8 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 10 ; damage variance per shot - high
BulletLength 15.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 4200.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 4500.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.7 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.125 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BurstFireTime 1.0
BurstWaitTime 2.4
TriggerHappy 5.0
minturnangle -51.5 ; degrees
maxturnangle 10.0
mindeclination -90.0
maxdeclination 90.0
maxanglespeed 1000.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 1000.0
BarrelLength 21.0
RecoilLength 3.1
BulletLifeTime 2.0 ;Life time of bullet


;Ship AI

repositionTime 1.6 ; time in seconds which corvette will spend to reposition
; itself to a new location for it to fire.
circleRange 500.0
fullMovementFreedom TRUE


;[Default] -- used for ships where nothing else is defined (default behaviour)
flyPastDist Evasive Default 3000.0 ; dist which ship will try to fly past target - relative to CENTRE of ship
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive Default 3500.0 ; maximum distance ship will fly away from target - relative to CENTRE of ship
breakRange Evasive Default 1000.0 ; range at which ship will break off for another pass - relative to SURFACE of ship
triggerHappy Evasive Default 11.0 ; how close in degrees the ship needs to be to fire fixed guns
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive Default 4.0 ; within how many degrees will try to align itself with target
maxAttackTime Evasive Default 4.0 ; maximum time ship will attack before breaking

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive Default 0,2,2,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive Default 0,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive Default 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive Default 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Mothership 8000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Mothership 10000.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Mothership 2000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Mothership 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Mothership 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Mothership 8.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Mothership 0,3,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Mothership 1,3,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,8 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,8 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,8 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Carrier 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Carrier 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Carrier 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Carrier 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Carrier 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Carrier 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Carrier 0,3,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Carrier 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,3,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 0,3,2,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Frigate 3000.0 //3000
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Frigate 3500.0 //3300
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Frigate 1000.0 //725
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Frigate 11.0 //4
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Frigate 4.0
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Frigate 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Frigate 0,3,2,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Frigate 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Corvette 2200.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Corvette 2600.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Corvette 750.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Corvette 4.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Corvette 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Corvette 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Corvette 0,4,3,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Corvette 1,2,3,1,2 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,8,10,8,13,13,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,8,0,8,13,13,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,8,10,8,13,13,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Fighter 1200.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Fighter 1300.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Fighter 600.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Fighter 2.5
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Fighter 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Fighter 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Fighter 0,5,5,2,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Fighter 1,2,3,1,2 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,15 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Resource 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Resource 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Resource 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Resource 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Resource 4.0
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Resource 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Resource 0,4,4,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Resource 1,2,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 0,4,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 1,2,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE


;[Default] -- used for ships where nothing else is defined (default behaviour)
flyPastDist Neutral Default 3000.0 ; dist which ship will try to fly past target - relative to CENTRE of ship
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral Default 3500.0 ; maximum distance ship will fly away from target - relative to CENTRE of ship
breakRange Neutral Default 1000.0 ; range at which ship will break off for another pass - relative to SURFACE of ship
triggerHappy Neutral Default 11.0 ; how close in degrees the ship needs to be to fire fixed guns
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral Default 4.0 ; within how many degrees will try to align itself with target
maxAttackTime Neutral Default 4.0 ; maximum time ship will attack before breaking

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral Default 0,1,1,1,1 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral Default 0,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral Default 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral Default 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Mothership 8000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Mothership 10000.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Mothership 2000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Mothership 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Mothership 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Mothership 4.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Mothership 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Mothership 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Carrier 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Carrier 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Carrier 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Carrier 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Carrier 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Carrier 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Carrier 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Carrier 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Frigate 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Frigate 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Frigate 1000.0 //725
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Frigate 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Frigate 4.0
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Frigate 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Frigate 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Frigate 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Corvette 2100.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Corvette 2500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Corvette 650.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Corvette 4.2
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Corvette 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Corvette 4.0
Relative frequenciesfor:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Corvette 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Corvette 1,1,1,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Fighter 1500.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Fighter 1700.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Fighter 600.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Fighter 3.2
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Fighter 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Fighter 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Fighter 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Fighter 1,1,1,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Resource 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Resource 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Resource 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Resource 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Resource 4.0
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Resource 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Resource 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Resource 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 3.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE


;[Default] -- used for ships where nothing else is defined (default behaviour)
flyPastDist Aggressive Default 3000.0 ; dist which ship will try to fly past target - relative to CENTRE of ship
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive Default 3500.0 ; maximum distance ship will fly away from target - relative to CENTRE of ship
breakRange Aggressive Default 1000.0 ; range at which ship will break off for another pass - relative to SURFACE of ship
triggerHappy Aggressive Default 11.0 ; how close in degrees the ship needs to be to fire fixed guns
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive Default 4.0 ; within how many degrees will try to align itself with target
maxAttackTime Aggressive Default 4.0 ; maximum time ship will attack before breaking

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive Default 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive Default 0,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive Default 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 8000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 10000.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 2000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 4.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 1000.0 //725
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 4.0
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 4.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 2000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 2600.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 450.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 3.8
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 1600.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 1800.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 600.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 2.8
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Resource 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Resource 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Resource 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Resource 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Resource 4.0
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Resource 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Resource 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Resource 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

badAI FALSE ; normally set this to FALSE

;Ship Trails
trailSegments 20
trailGranularity 2
trailColor 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;grey team
trailColor 0, 1, 238, 238, 238
trailColor 0, 8, 141, 106, 87
trailColor 0, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;red team
trailColor 1, 1, 225, 124, 33
trailColor 1, 8, 146, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;blue team
trailColor 2, 1, 11, 255, 255
trailColor 2, 8, 51, 0, 243
trailColor 2, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;green team
trailColor 3, 1, 201, 254, 39
trailColor 3, 8, 0, 84, 4
trailColor 3, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;yellow team
trailColor 4, 1, 255, 240, 97
trailColor 4, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 4, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 5, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;orange team
trailColor 5, 1, 225, 255, 11
trailColor 5, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 5, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 6, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;purple team
trailColor 6, 1, 255, 135, 157
trailColor 6, 8, 121, 0, 135
trailColor 6, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 7, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;pale blue-green team
trailColor 7, 1, 45, 255, 149
trailColor 7, 8, 0, 105, 137
trailColor 7, 19, 0, 0, 0

;Mad Animation Sillyness
;upon creation animation state:
;animation specified is started then paused
;i.e: HeaveyDefender needs to start a gun opening animation,
; and then pause it.

;MadStartInfo needs a starting /Animation Text Name(no spaces allowed!)
MadStartInfo 1 , Arms_OPEN , 1 , Arms_OPEN

;MadGunAnims definitions in explination below
; n = number, g = gun, o = open, c = close, d = damaged, a = animations

; ;ngoa,names,...,ngca,names,...,ngoda,names,... ,ngcda,names,...
;if this doesn't
;makes sence, ask Bryce
MadGunAnims 1, Arms_OPEN, 1, Arms_CLOSE, 1,Arms_Damaged_OPEN, 1, Arms_Damaged_CLOSE

;Ships health must be below this percentage to use the damaged animations.
madGunOpenDamagedHealthThreshold 0.70 ;<= 1.0f

explosionType ET_InterceptorExplosion

//bottom gun
BindGun HeavyDefenderArm(3) Gun0,Azimuth,Declination,Recoil,Frequency 1
BindGun HeavyDefenderGun(3) Gun0,Recoil,Frequency 1

//right gun
BindGun HeavyDefenderArm(1) Gun1,Azimuth,Declination,Recoil,Frequency 1
BindGun HeavyDefenderGun(1) Gun1,Recoil,Frequency 1

//left gun
BindGun HeavyDefenderArm(2) Gun2,Azimuth,Declination,Recoil,Frequency 1
BindGun HeavyDefenderGun(2) Gun2,Recoil,Frequency 1

BindAnimations 1

;Engine trails
trailWidth 18.5
trailHeight 3.7

minimumZoomDistance 40

Overlay_Selection_Scalar 1.3 ; scale the tactical overlay by this amount

collSideModifiers[TRANS_UP] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_DOWN] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_RIGHT] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_LEFT] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_FORWARD] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_BACK] 1.5


Interceptor ~ HeavyInterceptor

;Source Files
LODFile HeavyInterceptor.lod
pMexData HeavyInterceptor\Rl0\LOD0\HeavyInterceptor.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 20.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 2.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 2.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 2.0
maxvelocity 875.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 10.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Fighter
buildCost 55 ; resource units to build
buildTime 20 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 90 ; hit points
maxfuel 14000.0
lowfuelpoint 0.35 ; percentage of tank which is considered "low on fuel"
fuelburnrate 0.021 ; based on distance ship moves in the world
attackfuelburnrate 0.040
groupSize 4 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form

blastRadiusShockWave 6.0
blastRadiusDamage 75

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 775.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 775.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 800.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 800.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 875.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 300.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 120.0 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 400]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 120.0
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 120.0
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 120.0
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 120.0
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 120.0
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 2.8 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 2.8
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 2.8


rotateToRetaliate TRUE
tooCloseRange 500.0

Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallEnergyCannon
DamageLo 12 //5 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 18 //8 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 4
BulletLength 15.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 3200.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 4500.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.65 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.17 //0.2 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BurstFireTime 0.75
BurstWaitTime 1.25
TriggerHappy 3
BulletLifeTime 2.0 ;Life time of bullet

Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallEnergyCannon
DamageLo 12 //5 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 18 //8 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 4
BulletLength 15.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 3200.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 4500.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.65 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.17 //0.2 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BurstFireTime 0.75
BurstWaitTime 1.25
TriggerHappy 3
BulletLifeTime 2.0 ;Life time of bullet

gunsFireTime 0.16 ; tune this value, not FireTime

;Ship AI


;[Default] -- used for ships where nothing else is defined (default behaviour)
flyPastDist Evasive Default 3000.0 ; dist which ship will try to fly past target - relative to CENTRE of ship
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive Default 3500.0 ; maximum distance ship will fly away from target - relative to CENTRE of ship
breakRange Evasive Default 1000.0 ; range at which ship will break off for another pass - relative to SURFACE of ship
triggerHappy Evasive Default 11.0 ; how close in degrees the ship needs to be to fire fixed guns
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive Default 2.0 ; within how many degrees will try to align itself with target
maxAttackTime Evasive Default 4.0 ; maximum time ship will attack before breaking

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive Default 0,2,2,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive Default 0,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive Default 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive Default 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Mothership 8000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Mothership 10000.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Mothership 2000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Mothership 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Mothership 2.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Mothership 8.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Mothership 0,3,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Mothership 1,3,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,8 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,8 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,8 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Carrier 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Carrier 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Carrier 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Carrier 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Carrier 2.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Carrier 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Carrier 0,3,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Carrier 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 2.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,3,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 2.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 0,3,2,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Frigate 3000.0 //3000
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Frigate 3500.0 //3300
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Frigate 1000.0 //725
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Frigate 11.0 //4
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Frigate 2.0
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Frigate 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Frigate 0,3,2,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Frigate 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Corvette 2200.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Corvette 2600.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Corvette 750.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Corvette 3.5
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Corvette 3.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Corvette 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Corvette 0,4,3,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Corvette 1,2,3,1,2 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,8,10,8,13,13,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,8,0,8,13,13,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,8,10,8,13,13,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Fighter 1200.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Fighter 1300.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Fighter 600.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Fighter 2.5
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Fighter 0.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Fighter 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Fighter 0,5,5,2,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Fighter 1,2,3,1,2 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,15 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Resource 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Resource 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Resource 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Resource 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Resource 2.0
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Resource 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Resource 0,4,4,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Resource 1,2,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 2.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 0,4,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 1,2,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE


;[Default] -- used for ships where nothing else is defined (default behaviour)
flyPastDist Neutral Default 3000.0 ; dist which ship will try to fly past target - relative to CENTRE of ship
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral Default 3500.0 ; maximum distance ship will fly away from target - relative to CENTRE of ship
breakRange Neutral Default 1000.0 ; range at which ship will break off for another pass - relative to SURFACE of ship
triggerHappy Neutral Default 11.0 ; how close in degrees the ship needs to be to fire fixed guns
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral Default 2.0 ; within how many degrees will try to align itself with target
maxAttackTime Neutral Default 4.0 ; maximum time ship will attack before breaking

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral Default 0,1,1,1,1 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral Default 0,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral Default 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral Default 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Mothership 8000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Mothership 10000.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Mothership 2000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Mothership 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Mothership 2.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Mothership 4.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Mothership 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Mothership 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Carrier 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Carrier 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Carrier 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Carrier 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Carrier 2.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Carrier 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Carrier 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Carrier 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 2.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 2.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Frigate 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Frigate 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Frigate 1000.0 //725
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Frigate 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Frigate 1.0
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Frigate 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Frigate 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Frigate 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Corvette 2100.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Corvette 2500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Corvette 650.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Corvette 4.2
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Corvette 2.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Corvette 4.0
Relative frequenciesfor:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Corvette 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Corvette 1,1,1,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Fighter 1500.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Fighter 1700.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Fighter 600.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Fighter 3.2
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Fighter 0.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Fighter 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Fighter 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Fighter 1,1,1,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Resource 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Resource 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Resource 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Resource 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Resource 2.0
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Resource 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Resource 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Resource 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 3.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 2.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE


;[Default] -- used for ships where nothing else is defined (default behaviour)
flyPastDist Aggressive Default 3000.0 ; dist which ship will try to fly past target - relative to CENTRE of ship
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive Default 3500.0 ; maximum distance ship will fly away from target - relative to CENTRE of ship
breakRange Aggressive Default 1000.0 ; range at which ship will break off for another pass - relative to SURFACE of ship
triggerHappy Aggressive Default 11.0 ; how close in degrees the ship needs to be to fire fixed guns
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive Default 2.0 ; within how many degrees will try to align itself with target
maxAttackTime Aggressive Default 4.0 ; maximum time ship will attack before breaking

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive Default 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive Default 0,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive Default 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 8000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 10000.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 2000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 2.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 4.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 2.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 2.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 2.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 1000.0 //725
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 2.0
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 4.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 2000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 2600.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 450.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 3.8
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 2.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 1600.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 1800.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 600.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 2.8
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 0.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Resource 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Resource 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Resource 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Resource 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Resource 2.0
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Resource 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Resource 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Resource 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 2.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

badAI FALSE ; normally set this to FALSE

;Ship Trails
trailSegments 20
trailGranularity 2
trailColor 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;grey team
trailColor 0, 1, 238, 238, 238
trailColor 0, 8, 141, 106, 87
trailColor 0, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;red team
trailColor 1, 1, 225, 124, 33
trailColor 1, 8, 146, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;blue team
trailColor 2, 1, 11, 255, 255
trailColor 2, 8, 51, 0, 243
trailColor 2, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;green team
trailColor 3, 1, 201, 254, 39
trailColor 3, 8, 0, 84, 4
trailColor 3, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;yellow team
trailColor 4, 1, 255, 240, 97
trailColor 4, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 4, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 5, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;orange team
trailColor 5, 1, 225, 255, 11
trailColor 5, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 5, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 6, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;purple team
trailColor 6, 1, 255, 135, 157
trailColor 6, 8, 121, 0, 135
trailColor 6, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 7, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;pale blue-green team
trailColor 7, 1, 45, 255, 149
trailColor 7, 8, 0, 105, 137
trailColor 7, 19, 0, 0, 0

explosionType ET_InterceptorExplosion

;Engine trails
trailWidth 23.9
trailHeight 3.25

minimumZoomDistance 50

collSideModifiers[TRANS_UP] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_DOWN] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_RIGHT] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_LEFT] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_FORWARD] 0.6
collSideModifiers[TRANS_BACK] 1.5


Ion Cannon Frigate ~ IonCannonFrigate

;Source Files
LODFile IonCannonFrigate.lod
pMexData IonCannonFrigate\Rl0\LOD0\IonCannonFrigate.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 1312.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 325.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 325.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 325.0
maxvelocity 350.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 1.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Frigate
isCapitalShip TRUE
buildCost 850 ; resource units to build
buildTime 70 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 7000 //14000 ; hit points
groupSize 2 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form
repairTime 16 ; every this many seconds
repairDamage 100 ; this much damage is repaired
repairCombatTime 25 ; every this many seconds
repairCombatDamage 50 ; this much damage is repaired

blastRadiusShockWave 1.75
blastRadiusDamage 275

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 25.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 25.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 25.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 25.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 35.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 25.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.09 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 10]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.09
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.09
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.09
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.09
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.09
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 0.4 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 0.4
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 0.4

rotateToRetaliate TRUE
passiveRetaliateZone 7000.0
tooCloseRange 500.0

;(one BIG gun)

//ADD this amount: 78 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount: 702 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_LargeIonCannon
BulletType BULLET_Beam
DamageLo 80 ; damage variance per shot - low (continuous damage for BULLET_Beam)
DamageHi 90 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 3
BulletLength 7280.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 6280.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 5000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletLifeTime 2.6
BulletMass 0.75 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 9.8 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
TriggerHappy 5

NUM_NEEDED_FOR_SALVAGE 2 ;number of ships needed to capture a craft

; format: name,type
SalvagePoint Point1,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point2,AttachPoint


; format is NavLight name, type, blinkrate (in seconds), size (in meters), min LOD, texture name
NavLight antenna1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0.5, 7, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 6, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight caution, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 0.5, 0, 7, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight bridge, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1.5, 0.75, 0.5, 6, 2, etg\textures\glow32

explosionType ET_FrigateExplosion

;Engine Glow
trailWidth 60.0
trailHeight 110.0
trailLength 100.0
trailStyle 3
trailScaleCap 0.00025

minimumZoomDistance 270

Overlay_Selection_Scalar 0.9 ; scale the tactical overlay by this amount


Light Corvette ~ LightCorvette

;Source Files
LODFile LightCorvette.lod
pMexData LightCorvette\Rl0\LOD0\LightCorvette.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 150.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 15.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 15.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 15.0
maxvelocity 715.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 10.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Corvette
buildCost 185 ; resource units to build
buildTime 28 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 450 //900 ; hit points
maxfuel 25000.0
lowfuelpoint 0.25 ; percentage of tank which is considered "low on fuel"
fuelburnrate 0.036
attackfuelburnrate 0.06
groupSize 2 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form

blastRadiusDamage 230

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 380.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 380.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 380.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 380.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 420.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 280.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 1.2 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 1.0]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 1.2
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 1.2
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 1.2
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 1.2
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 1.2
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 1.5
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 1.5
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 1.5


rotateToRetaliate TRUE
tooCloseRange 500.0

Type GUN_NewGimble
SoundType GS_MediumEnergyCannon
DamageLo 27.25 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 37.5 ; damage variance per shot - high
BulletLength 22.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 3900.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing; also defines the range of the gun
BulletSpeed 4700.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 1.25 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.3 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
TriggerHappy 0.50
minturnangle -80.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 80.0
mindeclination -30.0
maxdeclination 30.0
maxanglespeed 500.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 500.0
BarrelLength 10.5
RecoilLength 6.0
BulletLifeTime 2.0 ;Life time of bullet
angletracking 3.4
declinationtracking 3.4

;Ship AI
repositionTime 1.6 ; time in seconds which corvette will spend to reposition
; itself to a new location for it to fire.
circleRange 1800.0
fullMovementFreedom TRUE


;[Default] -- used for ships where nothing else is defined (default behaviour)
flyPastDist Evasive Default 3000.0 ; dist which ship will try to fly past target - relative to CENTRE of ship
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive Default 3500.0 ; maximum distance ship will fly away from target - relative to CENTRE of ship
breakRange Evasive Default 1000.0 ; range at which ship will break off for another pass - relative to SURFACE of ship
triggerHappy Evasive Default 11.0 ; how close in degrees the ship needs to be to fire fixed guns
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive Default 4.0 ; within how many degrees will try to align itself with target
maxAttackTime Evasive Default 4.0 ; maximum time ship will attack before breaking

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive Default 0,2,2,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive Default 0,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive Default 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive Default 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Mothership 8000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Mothership 10000.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Mothership 2000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Mothership 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Mothership 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Mothership 8.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Mothership 0,3,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Mothership 1,3,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,8 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,8 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,8 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Carrier 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Carrier 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Carrier 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Carrier 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Carrier 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Carrier 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Carrier 0,3,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Carrier 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,3,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 0,3,2,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Frigate 3000.0 //3000
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Frigate 3500.0 //3300
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Frigate 1000.0 //725
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Frigate 11.0 //4
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Frigate 4.0
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Frigate 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Frigate 0,3,2,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Frigate 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Corvette 2200.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Corvette 2600.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Corvette 750.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Corvette 4.5
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Corvette 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Corvette 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Corvette 0,4,3,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Corvette 1,2,3,1,2 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,8,10,8,13,13,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,8,0,8,13,13,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,8,10,8,13,13,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Fighter 1200.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Fighter 1300.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Fighter 600.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Fighter 2.5
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Fighter 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Fighter 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Fighter 0,5,5,2,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Fighter 1,2,3,1,2 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,15 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Resource 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Resource 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Resource 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Resource 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Resource 4.0
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Resource 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Resource 0,4,4,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Resource 1,2,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 0,4,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 1,2,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE


;[Default] -- used for ships where nothing else is defined (default behaviour)
flyPastDist Neutral Default 3000.0 ; dist which ship will try to fly past target - relative to CENTRE of ship
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral Default 3500.0 ; maximum distance ship will fly away from target - relative to CENTRE of ship
breakRange Neutral Default 1000.0 ; range at which ship will break off for another pass - relative to SURFACE of ship
triggerHappy Neutral Default 11.0 ; how close in degrees the ship needs to be to fire fixed guns
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral Default 4.0 ; within how many degrees will try to align itself with target
maxAttackTime Neutral Default 4.0 ; maximum time ship will attack before breaking

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral Default 0,1,1,1,1 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral Default 0,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral Default 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral Default 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Mothership 8000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Mothership 10000.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Mothership 2000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Mothership 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Mothership 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Mothership 4.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Mothership 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Mothership 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Carrier 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Carrier 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Carrier 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Carrier 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Carrier 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Carrier 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Carrier 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Carrier 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Frigate 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Frigate 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Frigate 1000.0 //725
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Frigate 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Frigate 4.0
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Frigate 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Frigate 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Frigate 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Corvette 2100.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Corvette 2500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Corvette 650.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Corvette 5.2
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Corvette 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Corvette 4.0
Relative frequenciesfor:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Corvette 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Corvette 1,1,1,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Fighter 1500.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Fighter 1700.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Fighter 600.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Fighter 3.2
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Fighter 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Fighter 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Fighter 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Fighter 1,1,1,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Resource 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Resource 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Resource 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Resource 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Resource 4.0
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Resource 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Resource 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Resource 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 3.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE


;[Default] -- used for ships where nothing else is defined (default behaviour)
flyPastDist Aggressive Default 3000.0 ; dist which ship will try to fly past target - relative to CENTRE of ship
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive Default 3500.0 ; maximum distance ship will fly away from target - relative to CENTRE of ship
breakRange Aggressive Default 1000.0 ; range at which ship will break off for another pass - relative to SURFACE of ship
triggerHappy Aggressive Default 11.0 ; how close in degrees the ship needs to be to fire fixed guns
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive Default 4.0 ; within how many degrees will try to align itself with target
maxAttackTime Aggressive Default 4.0 ; maximum time ship will attack before breaking

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive Default 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive Default 0,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive Default 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 8000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 10000.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 2000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 4.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 1000.0 //725
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 4.0
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 4.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 2000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 2600.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 450.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 4.8
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 1600.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 1800.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 600.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 2.8
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Resource 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Resource 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Resource 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Resource 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Resource 4.0
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Resource 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Resource 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Resource 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

badAI FALSE ; normally set this to FALSE

;Ship Trails
trailSegments 20
trailGranularity 3
trailColor 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;grey team
trailColor 0, 1, 238, 238, 238
trailColor 0, 8, 141, 106, 87
trailColor 0, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;red team
trailColor 1, 1, 225, 124, 33
trailColor 1, 8, 146, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;blue team
trailColor 2, 1, 11, 255, 255
trailColor 2, 8, 51, 0, 243
trailColor 2, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;green team
trailColor 3, 1, 201, 254, 39
trailColor 3, 8, 0, 84, 4
trailColor 3, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;yellow team
trailColor 4, 1, 255, 240, 97
trailColor 4, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 4, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 5, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;orange team
trailColor 5, 1, 225, 255, 11
trailColor 5, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 5, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 6, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;purple team
trailColor 6, 1, 255, 135, 157
trailColor 6, 8, 121, 0, 135
trailColor 6, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 7, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;pale blue-green team
trailColor 7, 1, 45, 255, 149
trailColor 7, 8, 0, 105, 137
trailColor 7, 19, 0, 0, 0

explosionType ET_CorvetteExplosion

//main gun
BindGun CorvetteGun Gun0,Azimuth,Recoil,Frequency 1

;Engine trails
trailWidth 30.0
trailHeight 4.0

minimumZoomDistance 80

Overlay_Selection_Scalar 1.15 ; scale the tactical overlay by this amount

collSideModifiers[TRANS_UP] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_DOWN] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_RIGHT] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_LEFT] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_FORWARD] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_BACK] 1.5


Light Defender ~ LightDefender

;Source Files
LODFile LightDefender.lod
pMexData LightDefender\Rl0\LOD0\LightDefender.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 30.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 3.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 3.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 3.0
maxvelocity 600.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 10.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Fighter
buildCost 65 ; resource units to build
buildTime 16 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 60 ; hit points
maxfuel 8000.0
lowfuelpoint 0.35 ; percentage of tank which is considered "low on fuel"
fuelburnrate 0.030 ; based on distance ship moves in the world
attackfuelburnrate 0.045
groupSize 4 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form

blastRadiusShockWave 6.0
blastRadiusDamage 75

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 400.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 400.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 400.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 400.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 500.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 300.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 130.0 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 400]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 130.0
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 130.0
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 130.0
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 130.0
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 130.0
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 3 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 3
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 3


canTargetMultipleTargets TRUE
rotateToRetaliate TRUE

;Right gun
Type GUN_NewGimble
SoundType GS_SmallEnergyCannon
DamageLo 8 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 10 ; damage variance per shot - high
BulletLength 15.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 4200.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 4500.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.7 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.125 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BurstFireTime 1.0 ; how long the ship fires the burst for
BurstWaitTime 1.4 ; how long the ship waits for after the burst
TriggerHappy 5.0
minturnangle -51.5 ; degrees
maxturnangle 10.0
mindeclination -90.0
maxdeclination 90.0
maxanglespeed 1000.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 1000.0
BarrelLength 21.0
RecoilLength 3.1
BulletLifeTime 2.0 ;Life time of bullet

;Left gun
Type GUN_NewGimble
SoundType GS_SmallEnergyCannon
DamageLo 8 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 10 ; damage variance per shot - high
BulletLength 15.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 4200.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 4500.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.7 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.125 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BurstFireTime 1.0 ; how long the ship fires the burst for
BurstWaitTime 1.4 ; how long the ship waits for after the burst
TriggerHappy 5.0
minturnangle -51.5 ; degrees
maxturnangle 10.0
mindeclination -90.0
maxdeclination 90.0
maxanglespeed 1000.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 1000.0
BarrelLength 21.0
RecoilLength 3.1
BulletLifeTime 2.0 ;Life time of bullet


;Ship AI

repositionTime 1.6 ; time in seconds which corvette will spend to reposition
; itself to a new location for it to fire.
circleRange 500.0
fullMovementFreedom TRUE


;[Default] -- used for ships where nothing else is defined (default behaviour)
flyPastDist Evasive Default 3000.0 ; dist which ship will try to fly past target - relative to CENTRE of ship
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive Default 3500.0 ; maximum distance ship will fly away from target - relative to CENTRE of ship
breakRange Evasive Default 1000.0 ; range at which ship will break off for another pass - relative to SURFACE of ship
triggerHappy Evasive Default 11.0 ; how close in degrees the ship needs to be to fire fixed guns
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive Default 4.0 ; within how many degrees will try to align itself with target
maxAttackTime Evasive Default 4.0 ; maximum time ship will attack before breaking

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive Default 0,2,2,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive Default 0,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive Default 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive Default 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Mothership 8000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Mothership 10000.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Mothership 2000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Mothership 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Mothership 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Mothership 8.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Mothership 0,3,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Mothership 1,3,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,8 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,8 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,8 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Carrier 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Carrier 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Carrier 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Carrier 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Carrier 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Carrier 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Carrier 0,3,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Carrier 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,3,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 0,3,2,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Frigate 3000.0 //3000
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Frigate 3500.0 //3300
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Frigate 1000.0 //725
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Frigate 11.0 //4
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Frigate 4.0
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Frigate 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Frigate 0,3,2,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Frigate 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Corvette 2200.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Corvette 2600.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Corvette 750.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Corvette 3.5
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Corvette 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Corvette 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Corvette 0,4,3,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Corvette 1,2,3,1,2 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,8,10,8,13,13,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,8,0,8,13,13,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,8,10,8,13,13,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Fighter 1200.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Fighter 1300.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Fighter 600.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Fighter 2.5
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Fighter 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Fighter 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Fighter 0,5,5,2,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Fighter 1,2,3,1,2 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,15 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Resource 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Resource 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Resource 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Resource 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Resource 4.0
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Resource 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Resource 0,4,4,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Resource 1,2,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 0,4,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 1,2,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE


;[Default] -- used for ships where nothing else is defined (default behaviour)
flyPastDist Neutral Default 3000.0 ; dist which ship will try to fly past target - relative to CENTRE of ship
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral Default 3500.0 ; maximum distance ship will fly away from target - relative to CENTRE of ship
breakRange Neutral Default 1000.0 ; range at which ship will break off for another pass - relative to SURFACE of ship
triggerHappy Neutral Default 11.0 ; how close in degrees the ship needs to be to fire fixed guns
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral Default 4.0 ; within how many degrees will try to align itself with target
maxAttackTime Neutral Default 4.0 ; maximum time ship will attack before breaking

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral Default 0,1,1,1,1 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral Default 0,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral Default 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral Default 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Mothership 8000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Mothership 10000.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Mothership 2000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Mothership 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Mothership 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Mothership 4.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Mothership 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Mothership 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Carrier 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Carrier 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Carrier 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Carrier 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Carrier 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Carrier 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Carrier 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Carrier 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Frigate 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Frigate 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Frigate 1000.0 //725
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Frigate 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Frigate 4.0
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Frigate 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Frigate 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Frigate 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Corvette 2100.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Corvette 2500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Corvette 650.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Corvette 4.2
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Corvette 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Corvette 4.0
Relative frequenciesfor:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Corvette 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Corvette 1,1,1,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Fighter 1500.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Fighter 1700.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Fighter 600.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Fighter 3.2
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Fighter 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Fighter 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Fighter 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Fighter 1,1,1,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Resource 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Resource 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Resource 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Resource 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Resource 4.0
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Resource 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Resource 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Resource 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 3.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE


;[Default] -- used for ships where nothing else is defined (default behaviour)
flyPastDist Aggressive Default 3000.0 ; dist which ship will try to fly past target - relative to CENTRE of ship
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive Default 3500.0 ; maximum distance ship will fly away from target - relative to CENTRE of ship
breakRange Aggressive Default 1000.0 ; range at which ship will break off for another pass - relative to SURFACE of ship
triggerHappy Aggressive Default 11.0 ; how close in degrees the ship needs to be to fire fixed guns
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive Default 4.0 ; within how many degrees will try to align itself with target
maxAttackTime Aggressive Default 4.0 ; maximum time ship will attack before breaking

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive Default 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive Default 0,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive Default 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 8000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 10000.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 2000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 4.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 1000.0 //725
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 4.0
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 4.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 2000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 2600.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 450.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 3.8
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 1600.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 1800.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 600.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 2.8
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Resource 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Resource 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Resource 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Resource 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Resource 4.0
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Resource 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Resource 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Resource 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

badAI FALSE ; normally set this to FALSE

;Ship Trails
trailSegments 20
trailGranularity 2
trailColor 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;grey team
trailColor 0, 1, 238, 238, 238
trailColor 0, 8, 141, 106, 87
trailColor 0, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;red team
trailColor 1, 1, 225, 124, 33
trailColor 1, 8, 146, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;blue team
trailColor 2, 1, 11, 255, 255
trailColor 2, 8, 51, 0, 243
trailColor 2, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;green team
trailColor 3, 1, 201, 254, 39
trailColor 3, 8, 0, 84, 4
trailColor 3, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;yellow team
trailColor 4, 1, 255, 240, 97
trailColor 4, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 4, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 5, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;orange team
trailColor 5, 1, 225, 255, 11
trailColor 5, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 5, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 6, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;purple team
trailColor 6, 1, 255, 135, 157
trailColor 6, 8, 121, 0, 135
trailColor 6, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 7, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;pale blue-green team
trailColor 7, 1, 45, 255, 149
trailColor 7, 8, 0, 105, 137
trailColor 7, 19, 0, 0, 0

explosionType ET_InterceptorExplosion

//right gun
BindGun LightDefenderArm(1) Gun0,Azimuth,Declination,Recoil,Frequency 1
BindGun LightDefenderGun(1) Gun0,Recoil,Frequency 1

//left gun
BindGun LightDefenderArm(2) Gun1,Azimuth,Declination,Recoil,Frequency 1
BindGun LightDefenderGun(2) Gun1,Recoil,Frequency 1

BindAnimations 1

;MadStartInfo needs a starting /Animation Text Name(no spaces allowed!)
MadStartInfo 1 , Arms_OPEN , 1 , Arms_OPEN

;MadGunAnims definitions in explination below
; n = number, g = gun, o = open, c = close, d = damaged, a = animations

; ;ngoa,names,...,ngca,names,...,ngoda,names,... ,ngcda,names,...
;if this doesn't
;makes sence, ask Bryce
MadGunAnims 1, Arms_OPEN, 1, Arms_CLOSE, 0,blah, 0, blah

;Ships health must be below this percentage to use the damaged animations.
madGunOpenDamagedHealthThreshold 0.70 ;<= 1.0f

;Engine trails
trailWidth 18.5
trailHeight 3.7

collSideModifiers[TRANS_UP] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_DOWN] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_RIGHT] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_LEFT] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_FORWARD] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_BACK] 1.5


Scout ~ lightinterceptor

;Source Files
LODFile LightInterceptor.lod
pMexData LightInterceptor\Rl0\LOD0\LightInterceptor.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 8.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 1.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 1.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 1.0
maxvelocity 1000.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 10.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Fighter
buildCost 42 ; resource units to build
buildTime 18 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 40 ; hit points
maxfuel 14000.0
lowfuelpoint 0.35 ; percentage of tank which is considered "low on fuel"
fuelburnrate 0.021 ; based on distance ship moves in the world
attackfuelburnrate 0.040
groupSize 4 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form

blastRadiusShockWave 6.0
blastRadiusDamage 75

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 800.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 800.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 850.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 850.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 900.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 350.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 140.0 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 400]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 140.0
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 140.0
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 140.0
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 140.0
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 140.0
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 3.5 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 3.5
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 3.8



rotateToRetaliate TRUE
tooCloseRange 500.0

Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallEnergyCannon
DamageLo 6 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 10 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 4
BulletLength 15.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 3000.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 4500.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.5 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.16 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BurstFireTime 0.6
BurstWaitTime 1.25
TriggerHappy 5 ; how triggerHapppy the ship is when firing the fixed.
BulletLifeTime 2.0 ;Life time of bullet

Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallEnergyCannon
DamageLo 6 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 10 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 4
BulletLength 15.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 3000.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 4500.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.5 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.16 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BurstFireTime 0.6
BurstWaitTime 1.25
TriggerHappy 5 ; how triggerHapppy the ship is when firing the fixed.
BulletLifeTime 2.0 ;Life time of bullet

gunsFireTime 0.15 ; tune this value, not FireTime of individual guns

;Ship AI


;[Default] -- used for ships where nothing else is defined (default behaviour)
flyPastDist Evasive Default 3000.0 ; dist which ship will try to fly past target - relative to CENTRE of ship
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive Default 3500.0 ; maximum distance ship will fly away from target - relative to CENTRE of ship
breakRange Evasive Default 1000.0 ; range at which ship will break off for another pass - relative to SURFACE of ship
triggerHappy Evasive Default 11.0 ; how close in degrees the ship needs to be to fire fixed guns
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive Default 2.0 ; within how many degrees will try to align itself with target
maxAttackTime Evasive Default 4.0 ; maximum time ship will attack before breaking

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive Default 0,2,2,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive Default 0,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive Default 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive Default 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Mothership 8000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Mothership 10000.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Mothership 2000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Mothership 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Mothership 2.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Mothership 8.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Mothership 0,3,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Mothership 1,3,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,8 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,8 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,8 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Carrier 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Carrier 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Carrier 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Carrier 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Carrier 2.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Carrier 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Carrier 0,3,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Carrier 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 2.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,3,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 2.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 0,3,2,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Frigate 3000.0 //3000
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Frigate 3500.0 //3300
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Frigate 1000.0 //725
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Frigate 11.0 //4
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Frigate 2.0
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Frigate 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Frigate 0,3,2,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Frigate 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Corvette 2200.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Corvette 2600.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Corvette 750.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Corvette 3.5
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Corvette 3.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Corvette 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Corvette 0,4,3,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Corvette 1,2,3,1,2 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,8,10,8,13,13,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,8,0,8,13,13,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,8,10,8,13,13,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Fighter 1200.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Fighter 1300.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Fighter 600.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Fighter 2.5
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Fighter 0.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Fighter 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Fighter 0,5,5,2,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Fighter 1,2,3,1,2 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,15 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Resource 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Resource 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Resource 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Resource 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Resource 2.0
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Resource 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Resource 0,4,4,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Resource 1,2,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 2.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 0,4,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 1,2,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE


;[Default] -- used for ships where nothing else is defined (default behaviour)
flyPastDist Neutral Default 3000.0 ; dist which ship will try to fly past target - relative to CENTRE of ship
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral Default 3500.0 ; maximum distance ship will fly away from target - relative to CENTRE of ship
breakRange Neutral Default 1000.0 ; range at which ship will break off for another pass - relative to SURFACE of ship
triggerHappy Neutral Default 11.0 ; how close in degrees the ship needs to be to fire fixed guns
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral Default 2.0 ; within how many degrees will try to align itself with target
maxAttackTime Neutral Default 4.0 ; maximum time ship will attack before breaking

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral Default 0,1,1,1,1 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral Default 0,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral Default 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral Default 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Mothership 8000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Mothership 10000.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Mothership 2000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Mothership 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Mothership 2.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Mothership 4.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Mothership 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Mothership 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Carrier 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Carrier 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Carrier 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Carrier 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Carrier 2.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Carrier 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Carrier 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Carrier 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 2.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 2.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Frigate 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Frigate 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Frigate 1000.0 //725
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Frigate 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Frigate 1.0
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Frigate 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Frigate 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Frigate 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Corvette 2100.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Corvette 2500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Corvette 650.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Corvette 4.2
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Corvette 2.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Corvette 4.0
Relative frequenciesfor:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Corvette 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Corvette 1,1,1,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Fighter 1500.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Fighter 1700.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Fighter 600.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Fighter 3.2
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Fighter 0.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Fighter 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Fighter 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Fighter 1,1,1,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Resource 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Resource 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Resource 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Resource 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Resource 2.0
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Resource 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Resource 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Resource 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 3.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 2.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE


;[Default] -- used for ships where nothing else is defined (default behaviour)
flyPastDist Aggressive Default 3000.0 ; dist which ship will try to fly past target - relative to CENTRE of ship
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive Default 3500.0 ; maximum distance ship will fly away from target - relative to CENTRE of ship
breakRange Aggressive Default 1000.0 ; range at which ship will break off for another pass - relative to SURFACE of ship
triggerHappy Aggressive Default 11.0 ; how close in degrees the ship needs to be to fire fixed guns
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive Default 2.0 ; within how many degrees will try to align itself with target
maxAttackTime Aggressive Default 4.0 ; maximum time ship will attack before breaking

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive Default 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive Default 0,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive Default 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 8000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 10000.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 2000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 2.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 4.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 2.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 2.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 2.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 1000.0 //725
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 2.0
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 4.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 2000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 2600.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 450.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 3.8
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 2.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 1600.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 1800.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 600.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 2.8
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 0.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Resource 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Resource 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Resource 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Resource 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Resource 2.0
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Resource 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Resource 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Resource 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 2.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

badAI FALSE ; normally set this to FALSE

explosionType ET_InterceptorExplosion

;Ship Trails
trailSegments 20
trailGranularity 2
trailColor 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;grey team
trailColor 0, 1, 238, 238, 238
trailColor 0, 8, 141, 106, 87
trailColor 0, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;red team
trailColor 1, 1, 225, 124, 33
trailColor 1, 8, 146, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;blue team
trailColor 2, 1, 11, 255, 255
trailColor 2, 8, 51, 0, 243
trailColor 2, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;green team
trailColor 3, 1, 201, 254, 39
trailColor 3, 8, 0, 84, 4
trailColor 3, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;yellow team
trailColor 4, 1, 255, 240, 97
trailColor 4, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 4, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 5, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;orange team
trailColor 5, 1, 225, 255, 11
trailColor 5, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 5, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 6, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;purple team
trailColor 6, 1, 255, 135, 157
trailColor 6, 8, 121, 0, 135
trailColor 6, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 7, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;pale blue-green team
trailColor 7, 1, 45, 255, 149
trailColor 7, 8, 0, 105, 137
trailColor 7, 19, 0, 0, 0

;Engine trails
trailWidth 17.0
trailHeight 3.25

minimumZoomDistance 45

Overlay_Selection_Scalar 1.2 ; scale the tactical overlay by this amount

collSideModifiers[TRANS_UP] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_DOWN] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_RIGHT] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_LEFT] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_FORWARD] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_BACK] 1.5


Mine ~ mine
LODFile Mine.lod
pMexData Mine\Rl0\LOD0\Mine.mex
mass 30.0
momentOfInertiaX 30.0
momentOfInertiaY 30.0
momentOfInertiaZ 30.0
maxvelocity 400.0
maxvelocity_FORCED 400.0
maxrot 10.0
maxhealth 38 ; hit points

blastRadiusShockWave 6.0
blastRadiusDamage 75

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 350.0
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 350.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 350.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 350.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 350.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 350.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 10.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 10.0
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 10.0
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 10.0
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 10.0
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 10.0
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 4.1
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 4.1
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 4.1

;Special Stuff For Mine
MINE_STOP_FRICTION 0.090 ; Friction applied to mine to stop it in various
; places
MINE_RANGESQR 5500.0 ; Distance mines will consider targets in
MINE_RANGESQR_FORCED 6000.0 ; Distance force_dropped mines will consider targets in


MineLayer Corvette ~ MinelayerCorvette

;Source Files
LODFile MinelayerCorvette.lod
pMexData MinelayerCorvette\Rl0\LOD0\MinelayerCorvette.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 300.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 30.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 30.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 30.0
maxvelocity 425.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 10.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Corvette
buildCost 275 ; resource units to build
buildTime 45 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 1400 //2800 ; hit points
maxfuel 30000.0
lowfuelpoint 0.25 ; percentage of tank which is considered "low on fuel"
fuelburnrate 0.036
attackfuelburnrate 0.06
groupSize 2 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form

blastRadiusDamage 230

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 350.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 350.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 350.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 350.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 400.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 200.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 1.3 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 1.0]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 1.3
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 1.3
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 1.3
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 1.3
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 1.3
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 1.9
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 1.9
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 1.9


rotateToRetaliate TRUE
tooCloseRange 500.0

Type GUN_MineLauncher ; the mine dispenser
SoundType GS_MineLauncher
DamageLo 700 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 900 ; damage variance per shot - high
BulletRange 3500.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 125.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletLifeTime 120.0 ;Life time of bullet
FireTime 6.0 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
MaxMissiles 3 ; maximum # of missiles this missile launcher can carry
TriggerHappy 60 ; how triggerHapppy the ship is when firing the fixed.

Type GUN_MineLauncher ; the mine dispenser
SoundType GS_MineLauncher
DamageLo 700 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 900 ; damage variance per shot - high
BulletRange 3500.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 125.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletLifeTime 120.0 ;Life time of bullet
FireTime 6.0 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
MaxMissiles 3 ; maximum # of missiles this missile launcher can carry
TriggerHappy 60 ; how triggerHapppy the ship is when firing the fixed.

; Force drop differeing variables from normal attack drops
gunReFireTime 8.5 ; Total Fire time, hence 5 seconds to fire two guns
; This number MUST be bigger than individual gun refire times above, otherwise won't function

mineRegenerateTime 15.0

forced_drop_damage_lo 1000 ; force dropped mine dammage lo
forced_drop_damage_hi 1400 ; obvious

forced_drop_lifetime 900 ; force dropped equivalent of BulletLifeTime

;Ship AI
fullMovementFreedom TRUE

//Too variables NOT used by minelayer corvette
repositionTime 4.0 ; time in seconds which corvette will spend to reposition
; itself to a new location for it to fire.
circleRange 700.0

breakInAwayDist 800.0 ; Distance ship changes heading
; And decides on attack pattern
DropRange 700.0 ; Distance Ship starts dropping mines
DropStopRange 1000.0 ; Distance Ship STOPS dropping mines

FlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Mothership 1500.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1300.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Carrier 1300.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 1200.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Frigate 800.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Corvette 500.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Fighter 500.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Resource 600.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 500.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around

FlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Mothership 1500.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1300.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Carrier 1300.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 1200.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Frigate 800.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Corvette 500.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Fighter 500.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Resource 600.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 500.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around

FlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 1500.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1300.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 1300.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 1200.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 800.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 500.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 500.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Resource 600.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 500.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around

FlyAwayTolerance 100.0 ; Within this # of FlyAway dist ship will turnaround

Break2SphereizeFreq 3.5 ; After 'adjusting' entering
; mine drop off range, waits
; this long, then recalculates
; flight path to curve around the
; attacked ship...lays mines more
; effectivly.

specialActivateIsContinuous TRUE

;Ship Trails
trailSegments 20
trailGranularity 3
trailColor 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;grey team
trailColor 0, 1, 238, 238, 238
trailColor 0, 8, 141, 106, 87
trailColor 0, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;red team
trailColor 1, 1, 225, 124, 33
trailColor 1, 8, 146, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;blue team
trailColor 2, 1, 11, 255, 255
trailColor 2, 8, 51, 0, 243
trailColor 2, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;green team
trailColor 3, 1, 201, 254, 39
trailColor 3, 8, 0, 84, 4
trailColor 3, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;yellow team
trailColor 4, 1, 255, 240, 97
trailColor 4, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 4, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 5, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;orange team
trailColor 5, 1, 225, 255, 11
trailColor 5, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 5, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 6, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;purple team
trailColor 6, 1, 255, 135, 157
trailColor 6, 8, 121, 0, 135
trailColor 6, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 7, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;pale blue-green team
trailColor 7, 1, 45, 255, 149
trailColor 7, 8, 0, 105, 137
trailColor 7, 19, 0, 0, 0

explosionType ET_CorvetteExplosion

NumMinesInSide 5 ; number of mines to drop in a static drop
; between mine drops.
MINE_STOP_FRICTION 0.95 ; Mine Velocity is multiplied by this
MineDropDistance 400.0 ; Distance from end of mine layer that WALL is formed
MineSpacing 2000.0 ; spaceing between mines in wall
MineClearDistance 100.0 ; Distance mine must go from minelayer centre before it
; starts to form a wall

;Engine trails
trailAngle 0.0
trailWidth 30.0
trailHeight 4.0

minimumZoomDistance 90

Overlay_Selection_Scalar 0.95 ; scale the tactical overlay by this amount

collSideModifiers[TRANS_UP] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_DOWN] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_RIGHT] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_LEFT] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_FORWARD] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_BACK] 1.5


Missile ~ missile
LODFile Missile.lod
pMexData Missile\Rl0\LOD0\Missile.mex
mass 30.0
momentOfInertiaX 30.0
momentOfInertiaY 30.0
momentOfInertiaZ 30.0
maxvelocity 950.0
maxrot 10.0
maxhealth 15 ; hit points

blastRadiusShockWave 6.0
blastRadiusDamage 75

tooCloseRange 500.0

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 400.0 //600.0
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 400.0 //600.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 400.0 //600.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 400.0 //600.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 450.0 //800.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 400.0 //400.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 80.0 // 60.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 80.0 // 60.0
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 80.0 // 60.0
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 80.0 // 60.0
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 80.0 // 60.0
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 80.0 // 60.0
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 1.8 // 1.8
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 1.8 // 1.8
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 1.8 // 1.8

;Ship Trails
trailSegments 10
trailGranularity 1
trailColor 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;grey team
trailColor 0, 1, 238, 238, 238
trailColor 0, 4, 141, 106, 87
trailColor 0, 9, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;red team
trailColor 1, 1, 225, 124, 33
trailColor 1, 4, 146, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 9, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;blue team
trailColor 2, 1, 11, 255, 255
trailColor 2, 4, 51, 0, 243
trailColor 2, 9, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;green team
trailColor 3, 1, 201, 254, 39
trailColor 3, 4, 0, 84, 4
trailColor 3, 9, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;yellow team
trailColor 4, 1, 255, 240, 97
trailColor 4, 4, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 4, 9, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 5, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;orange team
trailColor 5, 1, 225, 255, 11
trailColor 5, 4, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 5, 9, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 6, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;purple team
trailColor 6, 1, 255, 135, 157
trailColor 6, 4, 121, 0, 135
trailColor 6, 9, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 7, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;pale blue-green team
trailColor 7, 1, 45, 255, 149
trailColor 7, 4, 0, 105, 137
trailColor 7, 9, 0, 0, 0

trailWidth 5.0
trailHeight 4.0


Missile Destroyer ~ MissileDestroyer

;Source Files
pMexData MissileDestroyer\Rl0\LOD0\MissileDestroyer.mex
LODFile MissileDestroyer.lod

;Ship Physics
mass 4812.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 1200.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 1200.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 1200.0
maxvelocity 295.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 2.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Destroyer
isCapitalShip TRUE
buildCost 2500 //1700 ; resource units to build
buildTime 215 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 16000 //72000 ; hit points
groupSize 1 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form
repairTime 16 ; every this many seconds
repairDamage 175 ; this much damage is repaired
repairCombatTime 25
repairCombatDamage 45

blastRadiusShockWave 1.75
blastRadiusDamage 125

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 12.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 12.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 12.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 12.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 15.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 10.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.025 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 1.0]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.025
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.025
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.025
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.025
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.025
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 0.25 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 0.25
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 0.25

MissileRegenerateTime 2.0 ; (2.3/4) every this many seconds one missile is regenerated
MissileVolleyTime 0.8 ; fire rate of missiles when opening massive volley attack

MissileLagVolleyTime 12.0
passiveRetaliateZone 7000.0
tooCloseRange 500.0


canTargetMultipleTargets TRUE
rotateToRetaliate TRUE


//ADD this amount: 238 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount: 892 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_MissileLauncher ; type of gun. Must spell this way.
SoundType GS_MissleLauncher ; must spell this way.
DamageLo 400 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 525 ; damage variance per shot - high
MaxMissiles 6 ; maximum # of missiles this missile launcher can carry
BulletRange 15130.0
BulletSpeed 250.0 ; initial speed for missile
BulletLifeTime 32.0 ;Life time of bullet
FireTime 10.0 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
TriggerHappy 60 ; how triggerHapppy the ship is when firing the fixed.

//Desired Range = 5000
//ADD this amount: 238 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount: 892 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_MissileLauncher
SoundType GS_MissleLauncher
DamageLo 400 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 525 ; damage variance per shot - high
MaxMissiles 6
BulletRange 15130.0
BulletSpeed 250.0 ; initial speed for missile
BulletLifeTime 32.0 ;Life time of bullet
FireTime 10.0 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
TriggerHappy 60 ; how triggerHapppy the ship is when firing the fixed.

//Desired Range = 5000
//ADD this amount: 238 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount: 892 to compensate for stopping distance
//Added 1000 m range in tuning

Type GUN_MissileLauncher ; type of gun - either GUN_Fixed or GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_MissleLauncher
DamageLo 400 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 525 ; damage variance per shot - high
MaxMissiles 6
BulletRange 15130.0
BulletSpeed 250.0 ; initial speed for missile
BulletLifeTime 32.0 ;Life time of bullet
FireTime 10.0 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
TriggerHappy 60 ; how triggerHapppy the ship is when firing the fixed.

//Desired Range = 5000
//ADD this amount: 238 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount: 892 to compensate for stopping distance

Type GUN_MissileLauncher ; type of gun - either GUN_Fixed or GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_MissleLauncher
DamageLo 400 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 525 ; damage variance per shot - high
MaxMissiles 6
BulletRange 15130.0
BulletSpeed 250.0 ; initial speed for missile
BulletLifeTime 32.0 ;Life time of bullet
FireTime 10.0 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
TriggerHappy 60 ; how triggerHapppy the ship is when firing the fixed.

NUM_NEEDED_FOR_SALVAGE 3 ;number of ships needed to capture a craft

; format: name,type
SalvagePoint Point1,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point2,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point3,AttachPoint


; format is NavLight name, type, blinkrate (in seconds), size (in meters), min LOD, texture name
NavLight antenna, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1.5, 0.5, 0.5, 9, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2.5, 1, 0, 9, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 9, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight bridge, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0.5, 8, 2, etg\textures\glow32

explosionType ET_CarrierExplosion

;Engine Glow
trailWidth 130.0
trailHeight 178.0
trailLength 180.0
trailScaleCap 0.000196

minimumZoomDistance 650


Mothership ~ mothership

;Source Files
LODFile Mothership.lod
pMexData Mothership\Rl0\LOD0\Mothership.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 250000.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 75000.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 75000.0 ; don't allow mothership to rotate about Y,Z (pitch, roll)
momentOfInertiaZ 75000.0
immobile FALSE ; indicates object is immobile
maxvelocity 100.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 1.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]
avoidcollmodifier 0.6

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Mothership
isCapitalShip TRUE
buildCost 28000 //18000 ; resource units to build
buildTime 11300 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 160000 //360000 ; hit points
groupSize 1 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form
repairTime 18 ; every this many seconds
repairDamage 375 ; this much damage is repaired
repairCombatTime 25 ; every this many seconds
repairCombatDamage 185 ; this much damage is repaired

passiveAttackPenaltyExempt TRUE
; itself to a new location for it to fire.

canBuildShips TRUE ; ship can build ships
canReceiveShips TRUE ; other ships can dock in this ship
canReceiveResources TRUE ; Resource Collectors,etc can deposit resources in this ship
canReceiveShipsPermanently TRUE ; ships can dock permanently here
canReceiveShipsForRetire TRUE ; ships can dock here and be converted to RU's!
canBuildBigShips TRUE ; can build Destroyers, Carriers, Heavy Cruisers, etc.

canReceiveFighters TRUE
canReceiveCorvettes TRUE
canReceiveResourceCollectors TRUE
canReceiveOtherNonCapitalShips TRUE

maxDockableFighters 80
maxDockableCorvettes 40

pumpFuelRate 300.0 ; how fast carrier pumps fuel in.
repairOtherShipRate 0.15 ; how fast carrier heals damaged ships. Percentage of the ship's health that gets repaired every univupdate (16 times a second)
repairResourceCollectorRate 0.15

clearanceDirection 2 ; (0=up,1=right,2=forward,4=down,5=left,6=back)
clearanceDistance 100.0 ; how far ships go away from this ship when they are just built.
; Note that this number is added to the minimum collision distance.

dockShipRange 1550.0 ; how close ships should get before considering docking (to ship surface)

blastRadiusShockWave 1.0
blastRadiusDamage 10000

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 5.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 5.0 ; used to be 20.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 5.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 5.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 15.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 10.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.0105 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 1.0]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.0105 ; used to be 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.0100
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.0100
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.0104
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.0104
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 0.016 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 0.013
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 0.016

canTargetMultipleTargets TRUE

;Override face-specific damage:
collSideModifiers[TRANS_UP] 1.2
collSideModifiers[TRANS_DOWN] 1.2
collSideModifiers[TRANS_RIGHT] 1.0
collSideModifiers[TRANS_LEFT] 1.0
collSideModifiers[TRANS_FORWARD] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_BACK] 1.5


Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallProjectile
DamageLo 5 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 7 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 100
BulletLength 15.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 4000.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 5000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 1.0 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.15 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BurstFireTime 0.6
BurstWaitTime 0.8
TriggerHappy 2.0
fireEffect defaultBlast.ebg
hitEffect defaultBlast.ebg


Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallProjectile
DamageLo 5 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 7 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 100
BulletLength 15.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 4000.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 5000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 1.0 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.15 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BurstFireTime 0.6
BurstWaitTime 0.8
TriggerHappy 2.0
fireEffect defaultBlast.ebg
hitEffect defaultBlast.ebg


Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallProjectile
DamageLo 5 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 7 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 100
BulletLength 15.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 4000.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 5000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 1.0 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.15 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BurstFireTime 0.6
BurstWaitTime 0.8
TriggerHappy 2.0
fireEffect defaultBlast.ebg
hitEffect defaultBlast.ebg


Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallProjectile
DamageLo 5 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 7 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 100
BulletLength 15.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 4000.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 5000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 1.0 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.15 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BurstFireTime 0.6
BurstWaitTime 0.8
TriggerHappy 2.0
fireEffect defaultBlast.ebg
hitEffect defaultBlast.ebg


Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallProjectile
DamageLo 5 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 7 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 100
BulletLength 15.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 4000.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 5000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 1.0 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.15 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BurstFireTime 0.6
BurstWaitTime 0.8
TriggerHappy 2.0
fireEffect defaultBlast.ebg
hitEffect defaultBlast.ebg



; format is DockPoint name,type,flyawaydist,mindist,maxdist,[headingdirection,updirection] (0=up,1=right,2=forward,4=down,5=left,6=back) for direction
DockPoint In,DockingCone,600,300,900
DockPoint In1,DockingCone,600,300,900
DockPoint Out,LaunchPoint,600,600,600,1,0
DockPoint Out1,LaunchPoint,600,600,600,1,0
DockPoint Frigate,LaunchPoint,880,1400,1400,1,0
DockPoint Big,LaunchPoint,850,1500,1500,0,5
DockPoint ResU,LatchPoint,380,400,850,0,6
DockPoint ResD,LatchPoint,380,400,850,0,6


;need DockOveride shipraceshipname,<0=no 1=yes: use new heading and up),newHeading,newUp,,offsetx,offsety,offsetz
;offset is vector seen in lightwave when the ship is attached to the light origin
;(0=up,1=right,2=forward,4=down,5=left,6=back) for direction
DockOveride R1,SensorArray,1,4,1,0,0.0,0.0,0.0

NUM_NEEDED_FOR_SALVAGE 9 ;number of ships needed to capture a craft

; format: name,type
SalvagePoint Point1,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point2,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point3,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point4,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point5,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point6,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point7,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point8,AttachPoint


; format is NavLight name,type,blinkrate (in seconds), startdelay (in seconds) size (in meters), min LOD, texture name
NavLight baseantenna, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 30, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 40, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 30, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 30, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight topantenna, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 40, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight topres1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 2.5, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight topres2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 2.5, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight bottomres1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 2.5, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight bottomres2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 2.5, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight bay1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 1, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight door, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 1, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight bay, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 1, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight bay2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 1, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight bay3, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 1, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32

BindAnimations 1

;Animations for docking sequences...
; num,dooropen name, num, doorclose name
MadMothershipDockingAnims 1,HangarDoor_OPEN,1,HangarDoor_CLOSE

;special docking offsets for the doorships!
;centre point offset from doorship surface...
;if its added here, it must be added to the script structure in
;mothership.c...sucks I know!
;below: Shiprace is original shiptypes race...i.e DDDF is R1 no matter who is in control of it!

specialDoorOffset[R1][AdvanceSupportFrigate] 7.5,0.0,166.0
specialDoorOffset[R1][Carrier] 0.0,-237.0,305.0
specialDoorOffset[R1][CloakGenerator] 0.0,0.0,69.0
specialDoorOffset[R1][DDDFrigate] 0.0,0.0,141.0
specialDoorOffset[R1][GravWellGenerator] 0.0,0.0,125.0
specialDoorOffset[R1][HeavyCruiser] 0.0,-180,248.0
specialDoorOffset[R1][IonCannonFrigate] 0.0,0.0,145.0
specialDoorOffset[R1][MissileDestroyer] -2.5,0.0,127.5
specialDoorOffset[R1][ResourceController] 0.0,0.0,198.0
specialDoorOffset[R1][StandardDestroyer] -2.5,0.0,127.5
specialDoorOffset[R1][StandardFrigate] 0.0,0.0,145.0
specialDoorOffset[R1][CryoTray] 3.0,0.0,113.0

specialDoorOffset[P1][P1IonArrayFrigate] 0.0,0.0,138.0
specialDoorOffset[P2][P2MultiBeamFrigate] 0.0,0.0,97.0
specialDoorOffset[P2][P2FuelPod] 0.0,0.0,95.0

specialDoorOffset[R2][AdvanceSupportFrigate] 7.5,0.0,101.0
specialDoorOffset[R2][Carrier] -6.0,-300.0,275.0
specialDoorOffset[R2][CloakGenerator] 0.0,0.0,124.0
specialDoorOffset[R2][DFGFrigate] 0.0,0.0,125.0
specialDoorOffset[R2][GravWellGenerator] 0.0,0.0,158.0
specialDoorOffset[R2][HeavyCruiser] 0.0,0.0,285.0
specialDoorOffset[R2][IonCannonFrigate] 0.0,0.0,97.0
specialDoorOffset[R2][MissileDestroyer] 0.0,0.0,191.0
specialDoorOffset[R2][ResourceController] 0.0,0.0,257.0
specialDoorOffset[R2][StandardDestroyer] 0.0,0.0,185.0
specialDoorOffset[R2][StandardFrigate] 0.0,0.0,101.0
specialDoorOffset[R2][CryoTray] 3.0,0.0,113.0

;specialDoorOffset race ship LW_X,LW_Y,LW_Z,Heading,Up (heading is based on (0=up,1=right,2=forward,4=down,5=left,6=back) of the door's coordinate system
;make sure spaces are correct raceshipLW_X...
specialDoorOffset R1 AdvanceSupportFrigate 7.5 0.0 166.0 -1 -1
specialDoorOffset P1 P1IonArrayFrigate 0.0 0.0 200.0 6 0
specialDoorOffset R2 Carrier 71.75 262.5 300.0 4 1
specialDoorOffset R2 ResourceController 0.0 0.0 250.0 1 0
specialDoorOffset R1 CloakGenerator 0.0 0.0 70.0 0 6

;every second after 'clamping' the cargo to the door, the ships
;position at clamp time will be interpolated between that and its
;desired offset. That way there won't be a jerky jump and it will look like
;the door ship slides in and 'picks up' the cargo. Coo'
specialDoorInterpolationPerSecond 50.0

explosionType ET_CarrierExplosion

;Docking Light
dockLightNear 300.0
dockLightFar 800.0
dockLightColor 120,194,255

;Engine Glow
trailWidth 1.0
trailHeight 1.0
trailLength 1.0

;Engine trails This is the top engine
;trailAngle 90.0
;trailWidth 1075.0
;trailHeight 150.0

;Engine #2 This is the second to top engine
;trailAngle 90.0
;trailWidth 1075.0
;trailHeight 150.0

;Engine #3 This is the third to top engine
;trailAngle 90.0
;trailWidth 1075.0
;trailHeight 150.0

;Engine #4 This is the bottom engine
;trailAngle 90.0
;trailWidth 1075.0
;trailHeight 150.0

preciseSelection 4
minimumZoomDistance 1250

surroundDistance 10000.0 ; how far ships will minimally disperse themselves from this ship after
; they are built. Note that this number is added to the minimum collision distance.
surroundDistanceRand 1000.0 ; random number between 0 and x added to surroundDistance

surroundRotYMinAng -35.0 ; ship may be positioned between min and max degrees elevation
surroundRotYMaxAng 35.0
surroundRotZMinAng -180.0 ; ship may be positioned between min and max degrees angle
surroundRotZMaxAng 180.0


MultiGun Corvette ~ Multiguncorvette

;Source Files
LODFile MultiGunCorvette.lod
pMexData MultiGunCorvette\Rl0\LOD0\MultiGunCorvette.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 220.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 22.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 22.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 22.0
maxvelocity 695.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 10.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Corvette
buildCost 225 ; resource units to build
buildTime 30 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 700 //1400 ; hit points
maxfuel 20000.0
lowfuelpoint 0.25 ; percentage of tank which is considered "low on fuel"
fuelburnrate 0.036
attackfuelburnrate 0.06
groupSize 2 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form

blastRadiusDamage 230

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 370.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 370.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 370.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 370.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 390.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 270.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 1.3 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 10]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 1.3
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 1.3
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 1.3
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 1.3
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 1.3
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 1.9 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 1.9
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 1.9


canTargetMultipleTargets TRUE
rotateToRetaliate TRUE
tooCloseRange 500.0


;Front gun, left side
Type GUN_NewGimble ; type of gun - either GUN_Fixed or GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_MediumEnergyCannon
DamageLo 10 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 14 ; damage variance per shot - high
BulletLength 18.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 3800.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 5000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.60 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.8 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
TriggerHappy 0.01
minturnangle -90.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 90.0
mindeclination -10.0
maxdeclination 60.0
maxanglespeed 1000.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 1000.0
BarrelLength 7.25
RecoilLength 6.0
BulletLifeTime 2.0 ;Life time of bullet
angletracking 4
declinationtracking 4

;Top, right side
Type GUN_NewGimble
SoundType GS_MediumEnergyCannon
DamageLo 10
DamageHi 14
BulletLength 18.0
BulletRange 3800.0
BulletSpeed 5000.0
BulletMass 0.60 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.8
TriggerHappy 0.01
minturnangle -90.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 90.0
mindeclination -0.0
maxdeclination 70.0
maxanglespeed 1000.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 1000.0
BarrelLength 7.25
RecoilLength 2.0
BulletLifeTime 2.0
angletracking 4
declinationtracking 4

;Front gun, right side
Type GUN_NewGimble
SoundType GS_MediumEnergyCannon
DamageLo 10
DamageHi 14
BulletLength 18.0
BulletRange 3800.0
BulletSpeed 5000.0
BulletMass 0.60 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.8
TriggerHappy 0.01
minturnangle -120.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 120.0
mindeclination -10.0
maxdeclination 60.0
maxanglespeed 1000.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 1000.0
BarrelLength 10.75
RecoilLength 6.0
BulletLifeTime 2.0 ;Life time of bullet
angletracking 4
declinationtracking 4

;Bottom gun, left side
Type GUN_NewGimble ; type of gun - either GUN_Fixed or GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_MediumEnergyCannon
DamageLo 10 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 14 ; damage variance per shot - high
BulletLength 18.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 3800.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 5000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.60 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.8 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
TriggerHappy 0.01
minturnangle -120.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 120.0
mindeclination -0.0
maxdeclination 70.0
maxanglespeed 1000.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 1000.0
BarrelLength 10.75
RecoilLength 2.0
BulletLifeTime 2.0 ;Life time of bullet
angletracking 4
declinationtracking 4

;Bottom gun, right side
Type GUN_NewGimble ; type of gun - either GUN_Fixed or GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_MediumEnergyCannon
DamageLo 10 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 14 ; damage variance per shot - high
BulletLength 18.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 3800.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 5000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.60 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.8 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
TriggerHappy 0.01
minturnangle -120.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 120.0
mindeclination -0.0
maxdeclination 70.0
maxanglespeed 1000.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 1000.0
BarrelLength 10.75
RecoilLength 2.0
BulletLifeTime 2.0 ;Life time of bullet
angletracking 4
declinationtracking 4

;Top, left side
Type GUN_NewGimble ; type of gun - either GUN_Fixed or GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_MediumEnergyCannon
DamageLo 10 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 14 ; damage variance per shot - high
BulletLength 18.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 3800.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 5000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.60 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.8 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
TriggerHappy 0.01
minturnangle -120.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 120.0
mindeclination -0.0
maxdeclination 70.0
maxanglespeed 1000.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 1000.0
BarrelLength 10.75
RecoilLength 2.0
BulletLifeTime 2.0 ;Life time of bullet
angletracking 4
declinationtracking 4

;Ship AI
repositionTime 1.6 ; time in seconds which corvette will spend to reposition
; itself to a new location for it to fire.
circleRange 1800.0

fullMovementFreedom TRUE


;[Default] -- used for ships where nothing else is defined (default behaviour)
flyPastDist Evasive Default 3000.0 ; dist which ship will try to fly past target - relative to CENTRE of ship
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive Default 3500.0 ; maximum distance ship will fly away from target - relative to CENTRE of ship
breakRange Evasive Default 1000.0 ; range at which ship will break off for another pass - relative to SURFACE of ship
triggerHappy Evasive Default 11.0 ; how close in degrees the ship needs to be to fire fixed guns
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive Default 4.0 ; within how many degrees will try to align itself with target
maxAttackTime Evasive Default 4.0 ; maximum time ship will attack before breaking

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive Default 0,2,2,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive Default 0,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive Default 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive Default 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Mothership 8000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Mothership 10000.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Mothership 2000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Mothership 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Mothership 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Mothership 8.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Mothership 0,3,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Mothership 1,3,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,8 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,8 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,8 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Carrier 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Carrier 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Carrier 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Carrier 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Carrier 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Carrier 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Carrier 0,3,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Carrier 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,3,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 0,3,2,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Frigate 3000.0 //3000
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Frigate 3500.0 //3300
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Frigate 1000.0 //725
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Frigate 11.0 //4
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Frigate 4.0
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Frigate 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Frigate 0,3,2,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Frigate 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Corvette 2200.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Corvette 2600.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Corvette 750.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Corvette 3.5
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Corvette 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Corvette 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Corvette 0,4,3,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Corvette 1,2,3,1,2 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,8,10,8,13,13,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,8,0,8,13,13,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,8,10,8,13,13,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Fighter 1200.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Fighter 1300.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Fighter 600.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Fighter 2.5
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Fighter 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Fighter 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Fighter 0,5,5,2,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Fighter 1,2,3,1,2 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,15 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Resource 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Resource 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Resource 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Resource 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Resource 4.0
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Resource 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Resource 0,4,4,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Resource 1,2,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 0,4,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 1,2,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE


;[Default] -- used for ships where nothing else is defined (default behaviour)
flyPastDist Neutral Default 3000.0 ; dist which ship will try to fly past target - relative to CENTRE of ship
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral Default 3500.0 ; maximum distance ship will fly away from target - relative to CENTRE of ship
breakRange Neutral Default 1000.0 ; range at which ship will break off for another pass - relative to SURFACE of ship
triggerHappy Neutral Default 11.0 ; how close in degrees the ship needs to be to fire fixed guns
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral Default 4.0 ; within how many degrees will try to align itself with target
maxAttackTime Neutral Default 4.0 ; maximum time ship will attack before breaking

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral Default 0,1,1,1,1 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral Default 0,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral Default 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral Default 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Mothership 8000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Mothership 10000.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Mothership 2000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Mothership 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Mothership 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Mothership 4.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Mothership 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Mothership 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Carrier 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Carrier 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Carrier 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Carrier 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Carrier 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Carrier 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Carrier 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Carrier 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Frigate 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Frigate 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Frigate 1000.0 //725
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Frigate 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Frigate 4.0
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Frigate 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Frigate 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Frigate 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Corvette 2100.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Corvette 2500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Corvette 650.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Corvette 4.2
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Corvette 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Corvette 4.0
Relative frequenciesfor:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Corvette 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Corvette 1,1,1,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Fighter 1500.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Fighter 1700.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Fighter 600.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Fighter 3.2
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Fighter 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Fighter 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Fighter 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Fighter 1,1,1,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Resource 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Resource 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Resource 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Resource 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Resource 4.0
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Resource 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Resource 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Resource 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 3.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE


;[Default] -- used for ships where nothing else is defined (default behaviour)
flyPastDist Aggressive Default 3000.0 ; dist which ship will try to fly past target - relative to CENTRE of ship
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive Default 3500.0 ; maximum distance ship will fly away from target - relative to CENTRE of ship
breakRange Aggressive Default 1000.0 ; range at which ship will break off for another pass - relative to SURFACE of ship
triggerHappy Aggressive Default 11.0 ; how close in degrees the ship needs to be to fire fixed guns
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive Default 4.0 ; within how many degrees will try to align itself with target
maxAttackTime Aggressive Default 4.0 ; maximum time ship will attack before breaking

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive Default 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive Default 0,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive Default 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 8000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 10000.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 2000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 4.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 1000.0 //725
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 4.0
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 4.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 2000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 2600.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 450.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 3.8
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 1600.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 1800.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 600.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 2.8
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Resource 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Resource 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Resource 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Resource 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Resource 4.0
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Resource 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Resource 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Resource 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

badAI FALSE ; normally set this to FALSE

;Ship Trails
trailSegments 20
trailGranularity 3
trailColor 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;grey team
trailColor 0, 1, 238, 238, 238
trailColor 0, 8, 141, 106, 87
trailColor 0, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;red team
trailColor 1, 1, 225, 124, 33
trailColor 1, 8, 146, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;blue team
trailColor 2, 1, 11, 255, 255
trailColor 2, 8, 51, 0, 243
trailColor 2, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;green team
trailColor 3, 1, 201, 254, 39
trailColor 3, 8, 0, 84, 4
trailColor 3, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;yellow team
trailColor 4, 1, 255, 240, 97
trailColor 4, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 4, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 5, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;orange team
trailColor 5, 1, 225, 255, 11
trailColor 5, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 5, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 6, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;purple team
trailColor 6, 1, 255, 135, 157
trailColor 6, 8, 121, 0, 135
trailColor 6, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 7, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;pale blue-green team
trailColor 7, 1, 45, 255, 149
trailColor 7, 8, 0, 105, 137
trailColor 7, 19, 0, 0, 0

explosionType ET_CorvetteExplosion

//Front gun, left side
BindGun CorvetteGun(2) Gun0,Azimuth,Recoil,Frequency 1
//Top, right side
BindGun CorvetteGun(5) Gun1,Azimuth,Recoil,Frequency 1
//Front gun, right side
BindGun CorvetteGun(1) Gun2,Azimuth,Recoil,Frequency 1
//Bottom gun, left side
BindGun CorvetteGun(4) Gun3,Azimuth,Recoil,Frequency 1
//Bottom gun, right side
BindGun CorvetteGun(3) Gun4,Azimuth,Recoil,Frequency 1
//Top, left side
BindGun CorvetteGun(6) Gun5,Azimuth,Recoil,Frequency 1

;Engine trails
trailWidth 30.0
trailHeight 4.0

minimumZoomDistance 85

collSideModifiers[TRANS_UP] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_DOWN] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_RIGHT] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_LEFT] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_FORWARD] 0.65
collSideModifiers[TRANS_BACK] 1.5


Probe ~ Probe

;Source Files
LODFile Probe.lod
pMexData Probe\Rl0\LOD0\Probe.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 25.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 5.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 5.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 5.0
maxvelocity 1000.0 ; max velocity when flying normally. See below
; ProbeDispatchMaxVelocity for speed when dispatched

maxrot 10.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_NonCombat
buildCost 30 ; resource units to build
buildTime 11 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 120 ; hit points
groupSize 5 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form

blastRadiusDamage 230

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 1500.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 1500.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 1500.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 1500.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 2000.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 1500.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 100.0 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 10]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 100.0
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 100.0
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 100.0
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 100.0
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 100.0
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 1.5 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 2.5
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 2.5

;No weapons

BindAnimations 1

;MadStartInfo needs a starting /Animation Text Name(no spaces allowed!)
MadStartInfo 1 , opening , 1 , opening

;if this doesn't
;makes sence, ask Bryce number, opening names, number, closing names, number, opening damaged names, number, closing damaged names
MadSpecialCaseAnims 1, opening, 1, closing, 1,damage_open, 1, damage_close

;Ships health must be below this percentage to use the damaged animations.
madGunOpenDamagedHealthThreshold 0.70 ;<= 1.0f


explosionType ET_InterceptorExplosion

;Probe Special Info
ProbeDispatchMaxVelocity 4000.0 ; max velocity of probe when dispatched

minimumZoomDistance 175

Overlay_Selection_Scalar 0.35 ; scale the tactical overlay by this amount

collSideModifiers[TRANS_UP] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_DOWN] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_RIGHT] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_LEFT] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_FORWARD] 0.5
collSideModifiers[TRANS_BACK] 1.2

;Special Properties
SearchRate 31 ; Every Xth frame the proximity sensor
; walks the ship list and attempts to
; detect enemy ships within proximity
; Slow: Value must be (0,1,3,7,15,31...etc..)
;31 ~= every 2 seconds
SearchRadius 9500.0 ; Radius in which ships will set off
SensorCircleRadius 10 ; Radius of 'bliping' circle in sensor
; manager around prox sensor
SensorBlinkRate 1.4 ; Bigger the faster
SearchRateAfterFound 63 ; Search rate for enemies after
; enemies have been found (not so
; crucial to warn user..could be less?)
; 0, 1,3,7,15,31,63...etc...
TriggerSpeed 200.0 ; Anything travelling slower than
; this will not set off the sensor!

blipColor 255,0,0,0 ; RGBA blip color
blipThickness 1 ; Blip line thickness


Proximity Sensor ~ proximitysensor

;Source Files
LODFile ProximitySensor.lod
pMexData ProximitySensor\Rl0\LOD0\ProximitySensor.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 30.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 7.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 7.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 7.0
maxvelocity 1000.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 10.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_NonCombat
buildCost 50 ; resource units to build
buildTime 11 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 180 ; hit points
groupSize 5 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form

blastRadiusShockWave 6.0
blastRadiusDamage 75

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 150.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 150.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 150.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 150.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 150.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 150.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 90.0 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 10]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 90.0
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 90.0
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 90.0
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 90.0
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 90.0
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 2.5 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 2.5
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 2.5

;No weapons
tooCloseRange 500.0

BindAnimations 1

;MadStartInfo needs a starting /Animation Text Name(no spaces allowed!)
MadStartInfo 0 , blah , 1 , open

;MadDockAnims definitions in explination below
; n = number, g = gun, o = open, c = close, d = damaged, a = animations

; ;ngoa,names,...,ngca,names,...,ngoda,names,... ,ngcda,names,...
;if this doesn't
;makes sence, ask Bryce
MadSpecialCaseAnims 1, open, 1, close, 1,damage_open, 1, damage_close

;Ships health must be below this percentage to use the damaged animations.
madGunOpenDamagedHealthThreshold 0.70 ;<= 1.0f

;Ship Trails
trailSegments 20
trailGranularity 3
trailColor 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;grey team
trailColor 0, 1, 238, 238, 238
trailColor 0, 8, 141, 106, 87
trailColor 0, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;red team
trailColor 1, 1, 225, 124, 33
trailColor 1, 8, 146, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;blue team
trailColor 2, 1, 11, 255, 255
trailColor 2, 8, 51, 0, 243
trailColor 2, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;green team
trailColor 3, 1, 201, 254, 39
trailColor 3, 8, 0, 84, 4
trailColor 3, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;yellow team
trailColor 4, 1, 255, 240, 97
trailColor 4, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 4, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 5, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;orange team
trailColor 5, 1, 225, 255, 11
trailColor 5, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 5, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 6, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;purple team
trailColor 6, 1, 255, 135, 157
trailColor 6, 8, 121, 0, 135
trailColor 6, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 7, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;pale blue-green team
trailColor 7, 1, 45, 255, 149
trailColor 7, 8, 0, 105, 137
trailColor 7, 19, 0, 0, 0

explosionType ET_InterceptorExplosion

;Special Properties
SearchRate 31 ; Every Xth frame the proximity sensor
; walks the ship list and attempts to
; detect enemy ships within proximity
; Slow: Value must be (0,1,3,7,15,31...etc..)
;31 ~= every 2 seconds
SearchRadius 9500.0 ; Radius in which ships will set off
SensorCircleRadius 10 ; Radius of 'bliping' circle in sensor
; manager around prox sensor
SensorBlinkRate 1.4 ; Bigger the faster
SearchRateAfterFound 63 ; Search rate for enemies after
; enemies have been found (not so
; crucial to warn user..could be less?)
; 0, 1,3,7,15,31,63...etc...
TriggerSpeed 200.0 ; Anything travelling slower than
; this will not set off the sensor!

blipColor 255,0,0,0 ; RGBA blip color
blipThickness 1 ; Blip line thickness

;Engine trails
trailWidth 12.0
trailHeight 12.3
trailRibbonAdjust 0.5 ; also the default
trailSpriteRadius 30.0

minimumZoomDistance 70

Overlay_Selection_Scalar 2.2 ; scale the tactical overlay by this amount

;Override face-specific damage:
collSideModifiers[TRANS_UP] 1.0
collSideModifiers[TRANS_DOWN] 1.0
collSideModifiers[TRANS_RIGHT] 1.0
collSideModifiers[TRANS_LEFT] 1.0
collSideModifiers[TRANS_FORWARD] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_BACK] 1.5


;[Default] -- used for ships where nothing else is defined (default behaviour)
flyPastDist Evasive Default 3000.0 ; dist which ship will try to fly past target - relative to CENTRE of ship
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive Default 3500.0 ; maximum distance ship will fly away from target - relative to CENTRE of ship
breakRange Evasive Default 1000.0 ; range at which ship will break off for another pass - relative to SURFACE of ship
triggerHappy Evasive Default 11.0 ; how close in degrees the ship needs to be to fire fixed guns
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive Default 2.0 ; within how many degrees will try to align itself with target
maxAttackTime Evasive Default 8.0 ; maximum time ship will attack before breaking

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive Default 1,2,2,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive Default 0,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive Default 20,25,20,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive Default 20,25,30,0,10,10,10,2 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive Default 20,20,35,0,15,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Mothership 4000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Mothership 6000.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Mothership 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Mothership 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Mothership 2.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Mothership 8.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Mothership 1,3,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Mothership 1,3,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Mothership 20,13,18,0,18,13,13,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Mothership 20,13,18,0,18,13,13,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Mothership 20,13,18,0,18,13,13,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Carrier 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Carrier 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Carrier 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Carrier 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Carrier 2.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Carrier 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Carrier 1,3,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Carrier 1,2,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Carrier 20,20,20,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Carrier 20,20,20,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Carrier 20,20,20,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 2.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1,3,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1,2,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 20,20,20,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 20,20,20,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 20,20,20,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 2.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 1,3,2,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 1,2,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 20,20,20,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 20,20,20,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 20,20,20,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Frigate 3000.0 //3000
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Frigate 3500.0 //3300
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Frigate 1000.0 //725
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Frigate 11.0 //4
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Frigate 2.0
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Frigate 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Frigate 1,3,2,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Frigate 1,2,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Frigate 20,20,20,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Frigate 20,20,20,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Frigate 20,20,20,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Corvette 2200.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Corvette 2600.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Corvette 750.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Corvette 3.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Corvette 3.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Corvette 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Corvette 1,4,3,1,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Corvette 1,2,3,1,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Corvette 20,13,18,10,18,13,13,2 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Corvette 20,13,18,0,18,13,13,1 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Corvette 20,13,18,10,18,13,13,1 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Fighter 1200.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Fighter 1300.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Fighter 600.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Fighter 2.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Fighter 0.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Fighter 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Fighter 1,5,5,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Fighter 1,2,3,1,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Fighter 20,25,30,30,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Fighter 20,20,30,30,10,10,10,2 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Fighter 20,20,15,20,15,10,10,2 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Resource 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Resource 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Resource 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Resource 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Resource 2.0
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Resource 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Resource 1,4,4,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Resource 0,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Resource 20,25,30,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Resource 11,11,10,0,10,11,11,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Resource 20,25,30,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 3.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 2.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 1,4,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 1,3,5,1,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 20,25,20,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 11,11,10,0,10,11,11,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 20,25,30,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE


;[Default] -- used for ships where nothing else is defined (default behaviour)
flyPastDist Neutral Default 3000.0 ; dist which ship will try to fly past target - relative to CENTRE of ship
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral Default 3500.0 ; maximum distance ship will fly away from target - relative to CENTRE of ship
breakRange Neutral Default 1000.0 ; range at which ship will break off for another pass - relative to SURFACE of ship
triggerHappy Neutral Default 11.0 ; how close in degrees the ship needs to be to fire fixed guns
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral Default 2.0 ; within how many degrees will try to align itself with target
maxAttackTime Neutral Default 8.0 ; maximum time ship will attack before breaking

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral Default 0,1,1,0,1 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral Default 0,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral Default 20,25,30,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral Default 20,25,30,0,0,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral Default 20,20,15,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Mothership 4000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Mothership 6000.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Mothership 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Mothership 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Mothership 2.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Mothership 8.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Mothership 0,3,3,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Mothership 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Mothership 20,13,18,0,18,13,13,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Mothership 20,13,18,0,18,13,13,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Mothership 20,13,18,0,18,13,13,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Carrier 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Carrier 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Carrier 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Carrier 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Carrier 2.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Carrier 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Carrier 0,3,3,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Carrier 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Carrier 30,20,20,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Carrier 30,20,20,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Carrier 30,20,20,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 2.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,3,3,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 30,20,20,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 30,20,20,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 30,20,20,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 2.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 0,3,3,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 30,20,20,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 30,20,20,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 30,20,20,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Frigate 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Frigate 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Frigate 1000.0 //725
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Frigate 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Frigate 1.0
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Frigate 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Frigate 0,3,3,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Frigate 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Frigate 20,30,20,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Frigate 20,30,20,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Frigate 20,30,20,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Corvette 2100.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Corvette 2500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Corvette 650.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Corvette 5.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Corvette 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Corvette 8.0
Relative frequenciesfor:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Corvette 0,3,3,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Corvette 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Corvette 20,13,18,0,18,13,13,0; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Corvette 20,13,18,0,18,13,13,0; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Corvette 20,13,18,0,18,13,13,0; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Fighter 1500.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Fighter 1700.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Fighter 600.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Fighter 3.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Fighter 0.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Fighter 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Fighter 0,3,3,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Fighter 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Fighter 20,20,30,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Fighter 20,20,20,0,20,20,20,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Fighter 20,20,15,0,15,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Resource 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Resource 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Resource 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Resource 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Resource 2.0
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Resource 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Resource 0,3,3,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Resource 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Resource 20,10,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Resource 20,10,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Resource 20,10,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 3.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 2.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 0,3,3,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 20,20,20,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 20,21,20,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 20,10,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE


;[Default] -- used for ships where nothing else is defined (default behaviour)
flyPastDist Aggressive Default 3000.0 ; dist which ship will try to fly past target - relative to CENTRE of ship
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive Default 3500.0 ; maximum distance ship will fly away from target - relative to CENTRE of ship
breakRange Aggressive Default 1000.0 ; range at which ship will break off for another pass - relative to SURFACE of ship
triggerHappy Aggressive Default 11.0 ; how close in degrees the ship needs to be to fire fixed guns
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive Default 2.0 ; within how many degrees will try to align itself with target
maxAttackTime Aggressive Default 8.0 ; maximum time ship will attack before breaking

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive Default 0,3,3,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive Default 0,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive Default 20,20,30,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive Default 20,20,30,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive Default 20,20,15,0,15,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 4000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 6000.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 2.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 8.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 0,3,3,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 20,43,18,0,18,13,13,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 20,43,18,0,18,13,13,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 20,43,18,0,18,13,13,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 2.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 0,3,3,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 20,20,20,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 20,41,20,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 20,20,20,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 2.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,3,3,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 20,20,20,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 20,21,20,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 20,20,20,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 2.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 0,3,3,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 20,20,20,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 20,21,20,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 20,20,20,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 1000.0 //725
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 2.0
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 8.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 0,3,3,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 20,20,20,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 20,10,20,0,11,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 20,20,20,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 2000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 2600.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 450.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 5.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 3.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 0,3,3,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 20,33,18,0,18,13,13,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 20,33,18,0,18,13,13,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 20,33,18,0,18,13,13,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 1600.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 1800.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 600.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 3.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 0.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 0,3,3,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 20,35,30,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 20,30,20,0,20,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 20,30,15,0,15,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Resource 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Resource 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Resource 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Resource 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Resource 2.0
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Resource 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Resource 0,3,3,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Resource 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Resource 20,20,20,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Resource 51,21,20,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Resource 20,20,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 3.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 2.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 0,3,3,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 20,20,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 20,31,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 20,20,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

badAI FALSE ; normally set this to FALSE


Repair Corvette ~ repaircorvette

;Source Files
LODFile RepairCorvette.lod
pMexData RepairCorvette\Rl0\LOD0\RepairCorvette.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 350.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 35.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 35.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 35.0
maxvelocity 500.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 10.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Corvette
buildCost 190 ; resource units to build
buildTime 35 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 1100 //2200 ; hit points
groupSize 2 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form

blastRadiusDamage 230

canReceiveShips TRUE
canReceiveFighters TRUE
canReceiveCorvettes FALSE

canHandleNumShipsDocking 1
pumpFuelRate 1200.0 ; how fast pumps fuel in.

dockShipRange 500.0
repairOtherShipRate 0.25 ; how fast heals damaged ships. Must be an integer

repairTime 18 ; every this many seconds
repairDamage 12 ; this much damage is repaired
repairCombatTime 28 ; every this many seconds
repairCombatDamage 6 ; this much damage is repaired

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 190.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 190.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 190.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 190.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 190.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 290.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.5 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 1.0]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.5
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 1.5
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 1.5
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 1.5

tooCloseRange 500.0

rotateToRetaliate TRUE

Type GUN_NewGimble
SoundType GS_MediumEnergyCannon
DamageLo 13 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 18 ; damage variance per shot - high
BulletLength 18.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 4000.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing; also defines the range of the gun
BulletSpeed 5000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.65 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.4 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
TriggerHappy 0.30
minturnangle -60.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 60.0
mindeclination -1.0
maxdeclination 1.0
maxanglespeed 1000.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 1000.0
BarrelLength 10.5
RecoilLength 6.0
BulletLifeTime 2.0 ;Life time of bullet
angletracking 3.6
declinationtracking 3.6

;Ship AI
repositionTime 0.2 ; time in seconds which corvette will spend to reposition
; itself to a new location for it to fire.
circleRange 800.0

fullMovementFreedom TRUE

;Ship Trails
trailSegments 20
trailGranularity 3
trailColor 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;grey team
trailColor 0, 1, 238, 238, 238
trailColor 0, 8, 141, 106, 87
trailColor 0, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;red team
trailColor 1, 1, 225, 124, 33
trailColor 1, 8, 146, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;blue team
trailColor 2, 1, 11, 255, 255
trailColor 2, 8, 51, 0, 243
trailColor 2, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;green team
trailColor 3, 1, 201, 254, 39
trailColor 3, 8, 0, 84, 4
trailColor 3, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;yellow team
trailColor 4, 1, 255, 240, 97
trailColor 4, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 4, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 5, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;orange team
trailColor 5, 1, 225, 255, 11
trailColor 5, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 5, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 6, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;purple team
trailColor 6, 1, 255, 135, 157
trailColor 6, 8, 121, 0, 135
trailColor 6, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 7, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;pale blue-green team
trailColor 7, 1, 45, 255, 149
trailColor 7, 8, 0, 105, 137
trailColor 7, 19, 0, 0, 0


; format is DockPoint name,type,flyawaydist,mindist,maxdist,[headingdirection],[updirection] (0=up,1=right,2=forward,4=down,5=left,6=back) for direction
DockPoint Latch,LatchPoint,250,200,300,2,4


;need DockOveride shipraceshipname,<0=no 1=yes: use new heading and up),newHeading,newUp,,offsetx,offsety,offsetz
;offset is vector seen in lightwave when the ship is attached to the light origin
;(0=up,1=right,2=forward,4=down,5=left,6=back) for direction
DockOveride R1,CloakedFighter,1,1,6,0,0.0,0.0,0.0

explosionType ET_CorvetteExplosion

;Gun Bindings:
//Sole gun
BindGun CorvetteGun Gun0,Azimuth,Declination,Recoil,Frequency 1

;Engine trails
trailWidth 30.0
trailHeight 7.5

;Special Ops Vars
repairApproachDistance 600.0

approachAndWaitDistance 1000.0 ;distance ship will fly to and before ship is repaired
rotationStopDistance 200.0 ;distance from target, ship
;will fly to
stopRotMultiplier 0.8 ;Muliplied by targets rotation speed to slow it down if need be
sloppyRotThreshold 0.02 ;When target drops below this
;rotation speed, docking code clamps
;targets rotation speed to
;the next variable if its speed is greater
;than dockwithRotation speed, otherwise
;it just docks with it at its current rotation speed
dockWithRotationSpeed 0.0
targetStartDockDistance 150.0 ;initial distance ship goes to
;for first docking phase
startdockTolerance 50.0 ;docking tolerance for first docking phase
finaldockDistance 18.0 ;final docking distance FROM Target
canSpecialBandBoxFriendlies TRUE

;---- repairing capital ships tweakables ----;
repairBeamCapable TRUE
healthPerSecond 25.0 ;health added per second to repaired ship
CapitalDistanceRepairStart2 300.0 ;maximum range for repairing
CapitalDistanceRepairStart 150.0 ;desired range for repairing
AngleDotProdThreshold 0.23969 ;COSine of MAXIMUM angle that repair corevettes
;repair effect to come on and ship to be repaired
;0.9848 ~=10degrees

minimumZoomDistance 95

;obsolete values

CapitalDistanceRepairStart 300.0 ;distance from capital ships before starting to rpair them with magic beam
capitalShipHealthPerSecond 45.0 ;health added to capital ship per second!
;heading can deviatre from target in order for

Overlay_Selection_Scalar 1.15 ; scale the tactical overlay by this amount

collSideModifiers[TRANS_UP] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_DOWN] 1.2
collSideModifiers[TRANS_RIGHT] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_LEFT] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_FORWARD] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_BACK] 1.5


Research Ship ~ researchship

;Source Files
LODFile ResearchShip.lod
pMexData ResearchShip\Rl0\LOD0\ResearchShip.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 810.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 200.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 200.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 200.0
maxvelocity 280.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 5.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_NonCombat
buildCost 700 ; resource units to build
buildTime 120 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 2250 //4500 ; hit points
groupSize 3 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form
dockShipRange 900 ; range before a fuse attempt is made with
repairTime 18 ; every this many seconds
repairDamage 35 ; this much damage is repaired
repairCombatTime 28 ; every this many seconds
repairCombatDamage 12 ; this much damage is repaired

blastRadiusShockWave 1.75
blastRadiusDamage 275

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 35.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 35.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 35.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 35.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 45.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 25.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.2 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 10]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.2
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.2
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.2
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.2
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.2
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 0.7 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 0.7
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 0.7

;No Weapons


; format is DockPoint name,type,flyawaydist,mindist,maxdist,[headingdirection,updirection] (0=up,1=right,2=forward,4=down,5=left,6=back) for direction
DockPoint In,LatchPoint,500,500,1000,2,4
DockPoint Out,LatchPoint,500,500,1000,2,4
DockPoint Up,LatchPoint,500,500,1000,2,4

;Ship Trails

NUM_NEEDED_FOR_SALVAGE 2 ;number of ships needed to capture a craft

; format: name,type
SalvagePoint Point1,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point2,AttachPoint


; format is NavLight name, type, blinkrate (in seconds), size (in meters), min LOD, texture name
NavLight antenna, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1.5, 0.5, 0, 7, 2, etg\textures\glow32

explosionType ET_CorvetteExplosion

R1final_dock_distance 155.0 ; one ship sits from another...
; fiddling required.
R1parallel_dock_distance 170.0 ; one ship sits from another...

R1VerticalDockDistance 120.0 ; distance between center points
; of bottom ship and top ship in
; R1 pie plate stacks
max_rotate 0.02 ; Rad/s /16seconds...speed of rotation
rotate_acelleration 0.0001 ; Accelleration of rotation
rotate_slow 0.98 ; Multiplier used to slow station
; down when other ships docking...n such
R2DockFinalDistance 255.0 ; Seperation distance between
; R2 Ships in final docking position
RotationAngle 30 ;degrees off from vertical that the research station
;will rotate at ALA 2001

;Engine Glow
trailWidth 80.0
trailHeight 80.0
trailLength 100.0
trailScaleCap 0.000196

minimumZoomDistance 240

Overlay_Selection_Scalar 0.9 ; scale the tactical overlay by this amount

;Override face-specific damage:
collSideModifiers[TRANS_UP] 1.0
collSideModifiers[TRANS_DOWN] 1.0
collSideModifiers[TRANS_RIGHT] 1.2
collSideModifiers[TRANS_LEFT] 1.2
collSideModifiers[TRANS_FORWARD] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_BACK] 1.3


Resource Collector ~ resourcecollector

;Source Files
pMexData ResourceCollector\Rl0\LOD0\ResourceCollector.mex
LODFile ResourceCollector.lod

;Ship Physics
mass 801.0
momentOfInertiaX 200.0
momentOfInertiaY 200.0
momentOfInertiaZ 200.0
maxvelocity 395.0
maxrot 9.0

;Basic Ship Stats
shiprace RACE_1
shipclass CLASS_Resource
buildCost 700
buildTime 70
resourcesAtOneTime 360 ; number of resources it will try to get before returning home
maxresources 350
harvestRate 3 ; eat asteroid every n+1 frames. This value must be 1,3,7,15, or 31
harvestAmount 1 ; harvest asteroid for this many RU's every n+1 frames specified above
maxhealth 4400 //8800
groupSize 1 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form

blastRadiusDamage 230

canReceiveShips TRUE
canReceiveFighters TRUE
canReceiveCorvettes TRUE
cantMoveAndAttack TRUE

canHandleNumShipsDocking 1
pumpFuelRate 450.0 ; how fast pumps fuel in.

dockShipRange 500.0

repairTime 16 ; every this many seconds
repairDamage 25 ; this much damage is repaired
repairCombatTime 25 ; every this many seconds
repairCombatDamage 15 ; this much damage is repaired

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 150.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 150.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 150.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 150.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 150.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 250.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.75 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 1.0]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.75
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.75
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.75
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.75
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.75
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 0.75
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 0.75
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 0.75

;No guns
passiveRetaliateZone 7000.0
tooCloseRange 500.0

;Ship Trails
trailSegments 20
trailGranularity 3
trailColor 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;grey team
trailColor 0, 1, 238, 238, 238
trailColor 0, 8, 141, 106, 87
trailColor 0, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;red team
trailColor 1, 1, 225, 124, 33
trailColor 1, 8, 146, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;blue team
trailColor 2, 1, 11, 255, 255
trailColor 2, 8, 51, 0, 243
trailColor 2, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;green team
trailColor 3, 1, 201, 254, 39
trailColor 3, 8, 0, 84, 4
trailColor 3, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;yellow team
trailColor 4, 1, 255, 240, 97
trailColor 4, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 4, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 5, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;orange team
trailColor 5, 1, 225, 255, 11
trailColor 5, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 5, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 6, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;purple team
trailColor 6, 1, 255, 135, 157
trailColor 6, 8, 121, 0, 135
trailColor 6, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 7, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;pale blue-green team
trailColor 7, 1, 45, 255, 149
trailColor 7, 8, 0, 105, 137
trailColor 7, 19, 0, 0, 0


; format is DockPoint name,type,flyawaydist,mindist,maxdist,[headingdirection],[updirection] (0=up,1=right,2=forward,4=down,5=left,6=back) for direction
DockPoint Fight0,LatchPoint,200,150,300,2,4
DockPoint Corv0,LatchPoint,200,150,300,2,4


;sscanf(field,"%s %s %d %d %d %d %f %f %f",shipracestr,shiptypestr,&dockstaticoveride->useNewOrientation,&dockstaticoveride->heading, &dockstaticoveride->up,&dockstaticoveride->useNewOffset,&tempx,&tempy,&tempz);
;need DockOveride shipraceshipname,<0=no 1=yes: use new heading and up),newHeading,newUp,,offsetx,offsety,offsetz
;offset is vector seen in lightwave when the ship is attached to the light origin
;(0=up,1=right,2=forward,4=down,5=left,6=back) for direction
DockOveride R1,CloakedFighter,1,1,2,0,0.0,0.0,0.0

NUM_NEEDED_FOR_SALVAGE 2 ;number of ships needed to capture a craft

; format: name,type
SalvagePoint Point1,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point2,AttachPoint


; format is NavLight name, type, blinkrate (in seconds), size (in meters), min LOD, texture name
NavLight frntcaution, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1.5, 0.5, 0, 5, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight botcaution, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 0.75, 0, 5, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight sidecaution1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0, 5, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight sidecaution2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0, 5, 2, etg\textures\glow32

explosionType ET_ResourcerExplosion

;Engine trails
trailStyle 1 ; it's the default, too
trailRibbonAdjust 1.0 ; also the default
trailWidth 32.0 ; default is 24.0
trailHeight 8.0 ; default is 6.0 (0.25 * defaultWidth)
trailAngle 57.0 ; default is 0.0
trailSpriteRadius 50.0

trailStyle2 1 ; it's the default, too
trailRibbonAdjust2 1.0 ; also the default
trailWidth2 32.0 ; default is 24.0
trailHeight2 8.0 ; default is 6.0 (0.25 * defaultWidth)
trailAngle2 123.0 ; default is 0.0
trailSpriteRadius2 50.0

repairApproachDistance 600.0
canSpecialBandBoxFriendlies TRUE
minimumZoomDistance 180.0

Overlay_Selection_Scalar 1.2 ; scale the tactical overlay by this amount

;Override face-specific damage:
collSideModifiers[TRANS_UP] 0.9
collSideModifiers[TRANS_DOWN] 0.9
collSideModifiers[TRANS_RIGHT] 0.9
collSideModifiers[TRANS_LEFT] 0.9
collSideModifiers[TRANS_FORWARD] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_BACK] 1.4


Resource Controller ~ resourcecontroller

;Source Files
LODFile ResourceController.lod
pMexData ResourceController\Rl0\LOD0\ResourceController.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 1751.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 425.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 425.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 425.0
maxvelocity 300.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 1.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_NonCombat
isCapitalShip TRUE
buildCost 1280 //680 ; resource units to build
buildTime 85 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 13000 //26200 ; hit points
groupSize 2 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form
repairTime 18 ; every this many seconds
repairDamage 150 ; this much damage is repaired
repairCombatTime 25 ; every this many seconds
repairCombatDamage 75 ; this much damage is repaired

blastRadiusShockWave 1.75
blastRadiusDamage 125

canReceiveResources TRUE ; Resource Collectors,etc can deposit resources in this ship
canReceiveShips TRUE ; other ships can dock in this ship

canReceiveFighters TRUE
canReceiveCorvettes TRUE
canReceiveResourceCollectors TRUE

canHandleNumShipsDocking 9
canHandleNumShipsDepositingRU 1

pumpFuelRate 300.0 ; how fast resource controller pumps fuel in.

dockShipRange 500 ; how close ships should get before considering docking (to ship surface)

repairOtherShipRate 0.15 ; how fast carrier heals damaged ships. Percentage of the ship's health that gets repaired every univupdate (16 times a second)
repairResourceCollectorRate 0.15

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 35.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 35.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 35.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 35.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 45.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 35.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.05 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 10]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.05
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 0.3 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 0.3
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 0.3


; format is NavLight name, type, blinkrate (in seconds), size (in meters), min LOD, texture name
NavLight antenna, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 7, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 7, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 7, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight rtresdock, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 2.5, 0, 10, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight ltresdock, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 2.5, 0, 10, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight dock, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0, 7, 2, etg\textures\glow32

explosionType ET_FrigateExplosion


; format is DockPoint name,type,flyawaydist,mindist,maxdist,[headingdirection,updirection] (0=up,1=right,2=forward,4=down,5=left,6=back) for direction
DockPoint Res,LatchPoint,300,300,800,2,4
DockPoint CorvL,LatchPoint,300,300,500,0,6
DockPoint CorvR,LatchPoint,300,300,500,0,6
DockPoint FightL0,LatchPoint,300,300,800,2,5
DockPoint FightL1,LatchPoint,300,300,800,2,5
DockPoint FightL2,LatchPoint,300,300,800,2,5
DockPoint FightR0,LatchPoint,300,300,800,2,1
DockPoint FightR1,LatchPoint,300,300,800,2,1
DockPoint FightR2,LatchPoint,300,300,800,2,1


;need DockOveride shipraceshipname,<0=no 1=yes: use new heading and up),newHeading,newUp,,offsetx,offsety,offsetz
;offset is vector seen in lightwave when the ship is attached to the light origin
;(0=up,1=right,2=forward,4=down,5=left,6=back) for direction
DockOveride R1,CloakedFighter,1,2,0,1,-3.3,3.3,3.3
DockOveride R2,ResourceCollector,1,6,4,1,-27.3,-3.5,0.0

NUM_NEEDED_FOR_SALVAGE 3 ;number of ships needed to capture a craft

; format: name,type
SalvagePoint Point1,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point2,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point3,AttachPoint

BindAnimations 1

;MadStartInfo needs a starting /Animation Text Name(no spaces allowed!)
MadStartInfo 1 , open , 1 , open

;see ASF or antoher mad ship for example
MadSpecialCaseAnims 1, open, 1, close, 0,blah, 1, damageclose

;Ships health must be below this percentage to use the damaged animations.
madGunOpenDamagedHealthThreshold 0.70 ;<= 1.0f

;Engine Glow
trailWidth 130.0
trailHeight 205.0
trailLength 145.0
trailScaleCap 0.000160
;trailScaleCap 0.000220

;Special Ops variables

//distance ship will 'give' fuel to stranded ship so it can dock with ship
repairApproachDistance 700.0
canSpecialBandBoxFriendlies TRUE

minimumZoomDistance 500

Overlay_Selection_Scalar 0.7 ; scale the tactical overlay by this amount

;Override face-specific damage:
collSideModifiers[TRANS_UP] 0.9
collSideModifiers[TRANS_DOWN] 0.9
collSideModifiers[TRANS_RIGHT] 1.0
collSideModifiers[TRANS_LEFT] 1.0
collSideModifiers[TRANS_FORWARD] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_BACK] 1.4


Salvage Corvette ~ SalCapCorvette

;Source Files
LODFile SalCapCorvette.lod
pMexData SalCapCorvette\Rl0\LOD0\SalCapCorvette.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 400.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 40.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 40.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 40.0
maxvelocity 425.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 10.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Corvette
buildCost 220 ; resource units to build
buildTime 40 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 1250 //2500 ; hit points
maxfuel 30000.0
lowfuelpoint 0.25 ; percentage of tank which is considered "low on fuel"
fuelburnrate 0.036
attackfuelburnrate 0.036
groupSize 2 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form

blastRadiusDamage 230

repairTime 18 ; every this many seconds
repairDamage 12 ; this much damage is repaired
repairCombatTime 28 ; every this many seconds
repairCombatDamage 6 ; this much damage is repaired

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 190.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 190.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 190.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 190.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 190.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 190.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.5 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 1.0]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.5
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 1.1
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 1.1
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 1.1

;No Weapons! Use the salvage 'beam' to do damage

;Ship AI
repositionTime 1 ; time in seconds which corvette will spend to reposition
; itself to a new location for it to fire.
circleRange 800.0

fullMovementFreedom TRUE

;Ship Trails
trailSegments 20
trailGranularity 3
trailColor 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;grey team
trailColor 0, 1, 238, 238, 238
trailColor 0, 8, 141, 106, 87
trailColor 0, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;red team
trailColor 1, 1, 225, 124, 33
trailColor 1, 8, 146, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;blue team
trailColor 2, 1, 11, 255, 255
trailColor 2, 8, 51, 0, 243
trailColor 2, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;green team
trailColor 3, 1, 201, 254, 39
trailColor 3, 8, 0, 84, 4
trailColor 3, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;yellow team
trailColor 4, 1, 255, 240, 97
trailColor 4, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 4, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 5, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;orange team
trailColor 5, 1, 225, 255, 11
trailColor 5, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 5, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 6, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;purple team
trailColor 6, 1, 255, 135, 157
trailColor 6, 8, 121, 0, 135
trailColor 6, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 7, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;pale blue-green team
trailColor 7, 1, 45, 255, 149
trailColor 7, 8, 0, 105, 137
trailColor 7, 19, 0, 0, 0

explosionType ET_CorvetteExplosion

;Engine trails
trailWidth 30.0
trailHeight 4.75

trailWidth2 30.0
trailHeight2 4.75

;Special Salvaging/Capturing Info
HealthThreshold 0.25 ;if ship isn't below this ratio of health to max health, corv will attack it
healthRemovedPerSecond 100.0 ;health deducted from target every second once clamped on to it
getTechTime 30.0 ;time it takes to strip tech from a ship, temporary
flyToDistance 2000.0 ;range from target at which time salcap begins docking cone maneuvers..don't make too close
maxPushingVelocitySingle 300.0 ;salcap can't push a single target faster than this (if the ship requires more than 1 salcap)
noLightClampingDistance 100.0
canSingleClickSpecialActivate TRUE

minimumZoomDistance 100

Overlay_Selection_Scalar 1.1 ; scale the tactical overlay by this amount

collSideModifiers[TRANS_UP] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_DOWN] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_RIGHT] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_LEFT] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_FORWARD] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_BACK] 1.5


Sensors Array ~ SensorArray

;Source Files
LODFile SensorArray.lod
pMexData SensorArray\Rl0\LOD0\SensorArray.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 810.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 250.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 250.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 250.0
maxvelocity 280.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 5.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_NonCombat
buildCost 1000 ; resource units to build
buildTime 80 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 4500 //7500 ; hit points
groupSize 3 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form

collBoxScaleRight 10.2
collBoxScaleForward 0.5

collBoxOffsetZ -65.0

repairTime 18 ; every this many seconds
repairDamage 75 ; this much damage is repaired
repairCombatTime 18 ; every this many seconds
repairCombatDamage 25 ; this much damage is repaired

blastRadiusShockWave 1.75
blastRadiusDamage 125

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 50.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 50.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 50.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 50.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 50.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 50.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.05 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 10]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.05
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 0.3 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 0.3
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 0.3

;No Weapons

;Ship AI
repositionTime 4.0 ; time in seconds which corvette will spend to reposition
; itself to a new location for it to fire.
badAI FALSE ; normally set this to FALSE

NUM_NEEDED_FOR_SALVAGE 3 ;number of ships needed to capture a craft

; format: name,type
SalvagePoint Point1,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point2,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point3,AttachPoint

BindAnimations 1

;MadStartInfo needs a starting /Animation Text Name(no spaces allowed!)
MadStartInfo 0 , blah , 1 , Ears_Open

;if this doesn't
;makes sence, ask Bryce number, opening names, number, closing names, number, opening damaged names, number, closing damaged names
MadDockAnims 1, Ears_Open, 1, Ears_Close, 0,damage_open, 0, damage_close

;Ships health must be below this percentage to use the damaged animations.
madGunOpenDamagedHealthThreshold 0.70 ;<= 1.0f

explosionType ET_CorvetteExplosion

minimumZoomDistance 525

Overlay_Selection_Scalar 0.7 ; scale the tactical overlay by this amount


Destroyer ~ StandardDestroyer

;Source Files
pMexData StandardDestroyer\Rl0\LOD0\StandardDestroyer.mex
LODFile StandardDestroyer.lod

;Ship Physics
mass 4810.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 1210.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 1210.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 1210.0
maxvelocity 315.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 2.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Destroyer
isCapitalShip TRUE
buildCost 1950 //1550 ; resource units to build
buildTime 200 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 22000 //88000 ; hit points
groupSize 1 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form
repairTime 14 ; every this many seconds
repairDamage 220 ; this much damage is repaired
repairCombatTime 18
repairCombatDamage 110

blastRadiusShockWave 1.75
blastRadiusDamage 125

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 26.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 26.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 26.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 26.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 29.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 19.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.06 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 1.0]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.06
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.06
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.06
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.06
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.06
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 0.20 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 0.20
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 0.20

canTargetMultipleTargets TRUE
rotateToRetaliate TRUE
passiveRetaliateZone 7000.0
tooCloseRange 500.0


;Right side Ion cannon
//Desired Range = 6000
//ADD this amount: 534 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount: 892 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_NewGimble
SoundType GS_LargeIonCannon
BulletType BULLET_Beam
DamageLo 45 ; damage variance per shot - low (continuous damage for BULLET_Beam)
DamageHi 55 ; damage variance per shot - high
BulletLength 7426.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 6426.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 5000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletLifeTime 2.2
BulletMass 0.75 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 14.5 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
minturnangle -10.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 5.0
mindeclination -10.0
maxdeclination 10.0
maxanglespeed 360.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 360.0
BarrelLength 108.0
TriggerHappy 2
angletracking 1.5
declinationtracking 1.5

;Left side Ion cannon
//Desired Range = 6000
//ADD this amount: 534 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount: 892 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_NewGimble
SoundType GS_LargeIonCannon
BulletType BULLET_Beam
DamageLo 45 ; damage variance per shot - low (continuous damage for BULLET_Beam)
DamageHi 55 ; damage variance per shot - high
BulletLength 7426.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 6426.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 5000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletLifeTime 2.2
BulletMass 0.75 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 14.5 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
minturnangle -5.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 10.0
mindeclination -10.0
maxdeclination 10.0
maxanglespeed 360.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 360.0
BarrelLength 108.0
TriggerHappy 2
angletracking 1.5
declinationtracking 1.5

;Bottom turret
//Desired Range = 4000
//ADD this amount: 291 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount: 892 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_NewGimble ; type of gun - either GUN_Fixed or GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_VeryLargeEnergyCannon
DamageLo 700 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 900 ; damage variance per shot - high
BulletLength 30.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 6183.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 4300.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 9.0 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 5.7 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
TriggerHappy 2.0
minturnangle -110.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 110.0
mindeclination -5.0
maxdeclination 30.0
maxanglespeed 420.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 420.0
angletracking 1.8
declinationtracking 1.8
BarrelLength 26.0
RecoilLength 14.0
BulletLifeTime 4.0 ;Life time of bullet

;Top turret
//Desired Range = 4000
//ADD this amount: 509 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount: 892 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_NewGimble ; type of gun - either GUN_Fixed or GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_VeryLargeEnergyCannon
DamageLo 700 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 900 ; damage variance per shot - high
BulletLength 20.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 6401.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 4300.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 9.0 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 5.7 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
TriggerHappy 2.0
minturnangle -120.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 120.0
mindeclination -5.0
maxdeclination 30.0
maxanglespeed 420.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 420.0
angletracking 1.8
declinationtracking 1.8
BarrelLength 26.0
RecoilLength 14.0
BulletLifeTime 4.0 ;Life time of bullet

NUM_NEEDED_FOR_SALVAGE 3 ;number of ships needed to capture a craft

; format: name,type
SalvagePoint Point1,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point2,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point3,AttachPoint


; format is NavLight name, type, blinkrate (in seconds), size (in meters), min LOD, texture name
NavLight antenna, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 8, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 8, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 8, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight wing, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 1, 0, 10, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight wing1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 1, 0, 10, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight bridge, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 1, 0, 7, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight bottom, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 1, 0, 6, 2, etg\textures\glow32

explosionType ET_CarrierExplosion

//bottom gun
BindGun StandardDestroyerGun(1) Gun3,Azimuth,Recoil,Frequency 1
//top gun
BindGun StandardDestroyerGun(2) Gun2,Azimuth,Recoil,Frequency 1
//Left gun: Ion Cannon
BindGun StandardDestroyerIonBase(1) Gun1,Azimuth,Frequency 1
BindGun StandardDestroyerIonCannon(2) Gun1,Declination,Frequency 1
//Right gun: Ion Cannon
BindGun StandardDestroyerIonBase(2) Gun0,Azimuth,Frequency 1
BindGun StandardDestroyerIonCannon(1) Gun0,Declination,Frequency 1

;Engine Glow
trailWidth 130.0
trailHeight 184.0
trailLength 180.0
trailScaleCap 0.000196

minimumZoomDistance 650

Overlay_Selection_Scalar 0.8 ; scale the tactical overlay by this amount


Assault Frigate ~ standardfrigate

;Source Files
LODFile StandardFrigate.lod
pMexData StandardFrigate\Rl0\LOD0\StandardFrigate.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 1212.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 1020.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 1022.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 1022.0
maxvelocity 385.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 2.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Frigate
isCapitalShip TRUE
buildCost 775 //575 ; resource units to build
buildTime 70 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 9000 //18000 ; hit points
groupSize 2 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form
repairTime 15 ; every this many seconds
repairDamage 125 ; this much damage is repaired
repairCombatTime 20 ; every this many seconds
repairCombatDamage 62 ; this much damage is repaired

blastRadiusShockWave 1.75
blastRadiusDamage 275

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 35.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 35.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 35.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 35.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 45.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 35.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.09 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 10]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.09
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.09
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.09
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.09
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.09
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 0.6 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 0.6
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 0.6


canTargetMultipleTargets TRUE
rotateToRetaliate TRUE
passiveRetaliateZone 7000.0

; itself to a new location for it to fire.

tooCloseRange 500.0


;Top gun
//ADD this amount: 147 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount: 784 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_NewGimble ; type of gun - either GUN_Fixed or GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_LargeEnergyCannon
DamageLo 240 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 260 ; damage variance per shot - high
BulletLength 18.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 5731.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 4300.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 3.0 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 4.9 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
TriggerHappy 2.0
minturnangle -110.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 110.0
mindeclination -10.0
maxdeclination 10.0
maxanglespeed 460.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 460.0
angletracking 2.8
declinationtracking 2.8
BarrelLength 19.0
RecoilLength 15
BulletLifeTime 4.0 ;Life time of bullet

;Right side gun
//ADD this amount: 147 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount: 784 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_NewGimble
SoundType GS_LargeEnergyCannon
DamageLo 240
DamageHi 260
BulletLength 18.0
BulletRange 5731.0
BulletSpeed 4300.0
BulletMass 3.0
FireTime 4.9
TriggerHappy 2.0
minturnangle -110.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 110.0
mindeclination -10.0
maxdeclination 10.0
maxanglespeed 460.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 460.0
angletracking 2.8
declinationtracking 2.8
BarrelLength 21.0
RecoilLength 15
BulletLifeTime 4.0 ;Life time of bullet

;Left side gun
//ADD this amount: 147 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount: 784 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_NewGimble
SoundType GS_LargeEnergyCannon
DamageLo 240
DamageHi 260
BulletLength 18.0
BulletRange 5731.0
BulletSpeed 4300.0
BulletMass 3.0
FireTime 4.9
TriggerHappy 2.0
minturnangle -110.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 110.0
mindeclination -10.0
maxdeclination 10.0
maxanglespeed 460.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 460.0
angletracking 2.8
declinationtracking 2.8
BarrelLength 21.0
RecoilLength 15
BulletLifeTime 4.0 ;Life time of bullet

//ADD this amount: 110 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount: 784 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_Gimble ; type of gun - either GUN_Fixed or GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_MediumPlasmaBomb
BulletType BULLET_PlasmaBomb
DamageLo 620 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 660 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 10
BulletLength 4.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 3894.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 3000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 5.0 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 12.0 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BulletLifeTime 4.0 ;Life time of bullet
TriggerHappy 1.0
angletracking 1.0
declinationtracking 1.0

//ADD this amount: 110 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount: 784 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_Gimble ; type of gun - either GUN_Fixed or GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_MediumPlasmaBomb
BulletType BULLET_PlasmaBomb
DamageLo 620 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 660 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 10
BulletLength 4.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 3894.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 3000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 5.0 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 12.0 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BulletLifeTime 4.0 ;Life time of bullet
TriggerHappy 1.0
angletracking 1.0
declinationtracking 1.0
SlaveDriver 3

;Bottom gun
//ADD this amount: 147 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount: 784 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_NewGimble
SoundType GS_LargeEnergyCannon
DamageLo 240
DamageHi 260
BulletLength 18.0
BulletRange 5731.0
BulletSpeed 4300.0
BulletMass 2.0
FireTime 4.9
TriggerHappy 2.0
minturnangle -110.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 110.0
mindeclination -10.0
maxdeclination 10.0
maxanglespeed 460.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 460.0
angletracking 2.8
declinationtracking 2.8
BarrelLength 19.0
RecoilLength 15
BulletLifeTime 4.0 ;Life time of bullet

NUM_NEEDED_FOR_SALVAGE 2 ;number of ships needed to capture a craft

; format: name,type
SalvagePoint Point1,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point2,AttachPoint


; format is NavLight name, type, blinkrate (in seconds), size (in meters), min LOD, texture name
NavLight antenna, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 7, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1.5, 1, 0, 7, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0.5, 6, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight bridge, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0.5, 6, 2, etg\textures\glow32

explosionType ET_FrigateExplosion

//top gun
BindGun StandardFrigateGun(3) Gun0,Azimuth,Recoil,Frequency 1
//bottom gun
BindGun StandardFrigateGun(1) Gun5,Azimuth,Recoil,Frequency 1
//right gun
BindGun StandardFrigateGun(4) Gun1,Azimuth,Recoil,Frequency 1
//left gun
BindGun StandardFrigateGun(2) Gun2,Azimuth,Recoil,Frequency 1

;Engine Glow
trailWidth 60.0
trailHeight 100.0
trailLength 90.0
trailStyle 3
trailScaleCap 0.00025

minimumZoomDistance 240

Overlay_Selection_Scalar 1.0 ; scale the tactical overlay by this amount


Target Drone ~ targetdrone

;Source Files
LODFile TargetDrone.lod
pMexData TargetDrone\Rl0\LOD0\TargetDrone.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 25.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 25.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 25.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 25.0
maxvelocity 650.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 10.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_NonCombat
buildCost 1 ; resource units to build
buildTime 1 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 38 ; hit points
maxfuel 1600000.0
lowfuelpoint 0.35 ; percentage of tank which is considered "low on fuel"
fuelburnrate 0.0001 ; based on distance ship moves in the world
groupSize 5 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form

blastRadiusShockWave 6.0
blastRadiusDamage 75

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 450.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 450.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 450.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 450.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 450.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 450.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 100.0 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 10]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 100.0
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 100.0
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 100.0
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 100.0
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 100.0
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 2.5 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 2.5
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 2.5

;No weapons

rotateToRetaliate TRUE ; points towards targets in mock combat

;BindAnimations 1

;MadStartInfo needs a starting /Animation Text Name(no spaces allowed!)
;MadStartInfo 0 , blah , 1 , open

;MadGunAnims definitions in explination below
; n = number, g = gun, o = open, c = close, d = damaged, a = animations

; ;ngoa,names,...,ngca,names,...,ngoda,names,... ,ngcda,names,...
;if this doesn't
;makes sence, ask Bryce
;MadGunAnims 1, open, 1, close, 0,blah, 0, blah

;Ships health must be below this percentage to use the damaged animations.
;madGunOpenDamagedHealthThreshold 0.70 ;<= 1.0f

;Ship Trails
trailSegments 20
trailGranularity 3
trailColor 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;grey team
trailColor 0, 1, 238, 238, 238
trailColor 0, 8, 141, 106, 87
trailColor 0, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;red team
trailColor 1, 1, 225, 124, 33
trailColor 1, 8, 146, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;blue team
trailColor 2, 1, 11, 255, 255
trailColor 2, 8, 51, 0, 243
trailColor 2, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;green team
trailColor 3, 1, 201, 254, 39
trailColor 3, 8, 0, 84, 4
trailColor 3, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;yellow team
trailColor 4, 1, 255, 240, 97
trailColor 4, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 4, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 5, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;orange team
trailColor 5, 1, 225, 255, 11
trailColor 5, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 5, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 6, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;purple team
trailColor 6, 1, 255, 135, 157
trailColor 6, 8, 121, 0, 135
trailColor 6, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 7, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;pale blue-green team
trailColor 7, 1, 45, 255, 149
trailColor 7, 8, 0, 105, 137
trailColor 7, 19, 0, 0, 0

explosionType ET_InterceptorExplosion

;Scaling effects
N-LIPS 0.000250 ; Max value for Interceptors 0.0005
scaleCap 0.000419961 ; Minimum scaling cap
scaleFactor 1.0 ; Used for debugging

;Engine trails
trailWidth 3.0
trailHeight 3.0
trailSpriteRadius 15.0
trailSpriteOffset -2.0

trailWidth2 3.0
trailHeight2 3.0
trailSpriteRadius2 15.0
trailSpriteOffset2 -2.0

minimumZoomDistance 65

;Ship AI


;[Default] -- used for ships where nothing else is defined (default behaviour)
flyPastDist Evasive Default 2500.0 ; dist which ship will try to fly past target - relative to CENTRE of ship
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive Default 2700.0 ; maximum distance ship will fly away from target - relative to CENTRE of ship
breakRange Evasive Default 700.0 ; range at which ship will break off for another pass - relative to SURFACE of ship
triggerHappy Evasive Default 5.0 ; how close in degrees the ship needs to be to fire fixed guns
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive Default 2.5 ; within how many degrees will try to align itself with target
maxAttackTime Evasive Default 8.0 ; maximum time ship will attack before breaking

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive Default 0,1,1,1,1 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive Default 0,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive Default 5,5,30,30,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive Default 5,5,30,30,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive Default 10,10,15,20,15,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Mothership 6000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Mothership 8000.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Mothership 2000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Mothership 5.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Mothership 2.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Mothership 8.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Mothership 2,3,3,2,0 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Mothership 8,3,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Mothership 13,13,18,0,18,13,13,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Mothership 13,13,18,0,18,13,13,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Mothership 13,13,18,0,18,13,13,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Carrier 4000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Carrier 4500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Carrier 1200.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Carrier 5.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Carrier 2.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Carrier 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Carrier 0,4,2,1,1 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Carrier 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Carrier 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Carrier 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Carrier 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1200.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 2.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,4,2,1,1 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 3500.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 3800.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 5.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 2.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 0,2,2,1,1 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Frigate 3300.0 //3000
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Frigate 3600.0 //3300
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Frigate 925.0 //725
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Frigate 5.0 //4
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Frigate 2.0
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Frigate 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Frigate 0,2,2,1,1 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Frigate 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Frigate 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Frigate 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Frigate 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Corvette 3200.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Corvette 3600.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Corvette 550.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Corvette 4.5
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Corvette 3.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Corvette 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Corvette 2,3,3,4,0 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Corvette 1,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Corvette 13,13,18,0,18,13,13,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Corvette 13,13,18,0,18,13,13,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Corvette 13,13,18,0,18,13,13,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Fighter 3600.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Fighter 3800.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Fighter 600.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Fighter 4.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Fighter 0.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Fighter 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Fighter 0,1,1,1,1 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Fighter 1,0,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,30,30,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Fighter 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Fighter 10,10,15,20,15,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Resource 2600.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Resource 2800.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Resource 500.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Resource 5.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Resource 2.0
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Resource 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Resource 0,4,2,1,1 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Resource 1,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Resource 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Resource 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Resource 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 2500.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 2700.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 500.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 5.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 2.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 0,4,2,1,1 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 1,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE


;[Default] -- used for ships where nothing else is defined (default behaviour)
flyPastDist Neutral Default 1800.0 ; dist which ship will try to fly past target - relative to CENTRE of ship
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral Default 2100.0 ; maximum distance ship will fly away from target - relative to CENTRE of ship
breakRange Neutral Default 700.0 ; range at which ship will break off for another pass - relative to SURFACE of ship
triggerHappy Neutral Default 5.0 ; how close in degrees the ship needs to be to fire fixed guns
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral Default 2.5 ; within how many degrees will try to align itself with target
maxAttackTime Neutral Default 8.0 ; maximum time ship will attack before breaking

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral Default 0,0,0,0,0 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral Default 0,0,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral Default 5,5,30,30,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral Default 5,5,30,30,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral Default 10,10,15,20,15,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Mothership 6000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Mothership 8000.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Mothership 2000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Mothership 5.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Mothership 2.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Mothership 8.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Mothership 0,0,0,0,0 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Mothership 0,0,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Mothership 13,13,18,0,18,13,13,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Mothership 13,13,18,0,18,13,13,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Mothership 13,13,18,0,18,13,13,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Carrier 4000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Carrier 4500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Carrier 1200.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Carrier 5.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Carrier 2.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Carrier 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Carrier 0,0,0,0,0 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Carrier 0,0,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Carrier 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Carrier 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Carrier 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1200.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 2.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,0,0,0,0 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,0,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 3500.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 3800.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 5.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 2.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 0,0,0,0,0 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 0,0,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Frigate 3300.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Frigate 3600.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Frigate 925.0 //725
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Frigate 5.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Frigate 2.0
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Frigate 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Frigate 0,0,0,0,0 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Frigate 0,0,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Frigate 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Frigate 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Frigate 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Corvette 3200.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Corvette 3600.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Corvette 550.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Corvette 5.5
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Corvette 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Corvette 8.0
Relative frequenciesfor:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Corvette 0,0,0,0,0 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Corvette 0,0,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Corvette 13,13,18,0,18,13,13,0; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Corvette 13,13,18,0,18,13,13,0; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Corvette 13,13,18,0,18,13,13,0; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Fighter 3600.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Fighter 3800.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Fighter 600.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Fighter 4.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Fighter 0.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Fighter 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Fighter 0,0,0,0,0 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Fighter 0,0,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Fighter 5,5,30,30,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Fighter 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Fighter 10,10,15,20,15,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Resource 2600.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Resource 2800.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Resource 500.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Resource 5.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Resource 2.0
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Resource 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Resource 0,0,0,0,0 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Resource 0,0,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Resource 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Resource 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Resource 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 2500.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 2700.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 500.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 5.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 2.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 0,0,0,0,0 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 0,0,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE


;[Default] -- used for ships where nothing else is defined (default behaviour)
flyPastDist Aggressive Default 2500.0 ; dist which ship will try to fly past target - relative to CENTRE of ship
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive Default 2700.0 ; maximum distance ship will fly away from target - relative to CENTRE of ship
breakRange Aggressive Default 700.0 ; range at which ship will break off for another pass - relative to SURFACE of ship
triggerHappy Aggressive Default 5.0 ; how close in degrees the ship needs to be to fire fixed guns
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive Default 2.5 ; within how many degrees will try to align itself with target
maxAttackTime Aggressive Default 8.0 ; maximum time ship will attack before breaking

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive Default 0,1,1,1,1 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive Default 0,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive Default 5,5,30,30,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive Default 5,5,30,30,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive Default 10,10,15,20,15,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 6000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 8000.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 2000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 5.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 2.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 8.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 2,3,3,2,0 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 8,3,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 13,13,18,0,18,13,13,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 13,13,18,0,18,13,13,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 13,13,18,0,18,13,13,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 4000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 4500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 1200.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 5.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 2.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 0,4,2,1,1 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 1,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1200.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 2.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,4,2,1,1 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 3500.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 3800.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 5.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 2.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 0,2,2,1,1 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 1,0,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 3300.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 3600.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 925.0 //725
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 5.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 2.0
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 8.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 0,2,2,1,1 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 1,0,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 3600.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 450.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 5.5
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 3.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 2,3,3,2,0 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 1,0,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 13,13,18,0,18,13,13,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 13,13,18,0,18,13,13,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 13,13,18,0,18,13,13,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 3600.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 3800.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 600.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 4.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 0.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 0,1,1,1,1 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 1,0,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,30,30,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 10,10,15,20,15,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Resource 2600.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Resource 2800.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Resource 500.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Resource 5.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Resource 2.0
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Resource 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Resource 0,4,2,1,1 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Resource 1,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Resource 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Resource 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Resource 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 2500.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 2700.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 500.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 5.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 2.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 0,4,2,1,1 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 1,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

badAI FALSE ; normally set this to FALSE



Support Frigate ~ AdvanceSupportFrigate

;Source Files
LODFile AdvanceSupportFrigate.lod
pMexData AdvanceSupportFrigate\Rl0\LOD0\AdvanceSupportFrigate.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 1400.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 900.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 950.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 950.0
maxvelocity 350.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 1.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Frigate
buildCost 425 ; resource units to build
buildTime 65 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 60000 ; hit points
groupSize 2 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form
repairTime 5 ; every this many seconds
repairDamage 25 ; this much damage is repaired

blastRadiusShockWave 1.75
blastRadiusDamage 275

canReceiveShips TRUE ; other ships can dock in this ship

canReceiveFighters TRUE
canReceiveCorvettes TRUE

canHandleNumShipsDocking 14

dockShipRange 500.0 ; how close ships should get before considering docking (to ship surface)

pumpFuelRate 500.0 ; how fast pumps fuel in.
repairOtherShipRate 1 ; how fast heals damaged ships. Must be an integer

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 50.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 50.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 50.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 50.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 50.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 50.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.25 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 10]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.25
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.05
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 0.3 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 0.3
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 0.3

rotateToRetaliate TRUE
passiveRetaliateZone 3000.0

//Desired Range = 4800
//ADD this amount: 150 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount: 784 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_NewGimble ; type of gun - either GUN_Fixed or GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_LargeEnergyCannon
DamageLo 50 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 75 ; damage variance per shot - high
BulletLength 18.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 5734.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 4000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.75 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 1.4 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
TriggerHappy 5.0
minturnangle -180.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 180.0
mindeclination -90.0
maxdeclination 02.0
maxanglespeed 360.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 360.0
angletracking 8.0
declinationtracking 8.0
BarrelLength 20.0
RecoilLength 15.00


; format is DockPoint name,type,flyawaydist,mindist,maxdist,[headingdirection,updirection] (0=up,1=right,2=forward,4=down,5=left,6=back) for direction
DockPoint FightL0,LatchPoint,300,200,500,0,5
DockPoint FightL1,LatchPoint,300,200,500,0,5
DockPoint FightL2,LatchPoint,300,200,500,0,5
DockPoint FightL3,LatchPoint,300,200,500,0,5
DockPoint FightL4,LatchPoint,300,200,500,0,5
DockPoint FightR0,LatchPoint,300,200,500,0,1
DockPoint FightR1,LatchPoint,300,200,500,0,1
DockPoint FightR2,LatchPoint,300,200,500,0,1
DockPoint FightR3,LatchPoint,300,200,500,0,1
DockPoint FightR4,LatchPoint,300,200,500,0,1
DockPoint Corv0,LatchPoint,300,200,500,0,6
DockPoint Corv1,LatchPoint,300,200,500,0,6
DockPoint Corv2,LatchPoint,300,200,500,0,6
DockPoint Corv3,LatchPoint,300,200,500,0,6

NUM_NEEDED_FOR_SALVAGE 2 ;number of ships needed to capture a craft

; format: name,type
SalvagePoint Point1,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point2,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point3,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point4,AttachPoint


; format is NavLight name, type, blinkrate (in seconds), size (in meters), min LOD, texture name
NavLight antenna1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 0.5, 1, 6, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1.5, 0.5, 0, 4, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna3, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 0.5, 0.5, 4, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight Dock1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 1.5, 0.5, 7, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight Dock2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 1.5, 0.5, 7, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight Dock3, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 1.5, 0.5, 7, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight Dock4, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 1.5, 0.5, 7, 2, etg\textures\glow32

explosionType ET_FrigateExplosion

;Gun Binding
BindGun AdvanceSupportFrigateGun Gun0,Azimuth,Recoil,Frequency 1

;Engine Glow
trailWidth 90.0
trailHeight 136.0
trailLength 130.0
trailStyle 3
trailScaleCap 0.0002

;Special Operation Variables
repairApproachDistance 600.0 ;approach distance, from hull to target
canSpecialBandBoxFriendlies TRUE

BindAnimations 1

;MadStartInfo needs a starting /Animation Text Name(no spaces allowed!)
MadStartInfo 1 , open , 1 , open

;MadDockAnims definitions in explination below
; n = number, g = gun, o = open, c = close, d = damaged, a = animations

; ;ngoa,names,...,ngca,names,...,ngoda,names,... ,ngcda,names,...
;if this doesn't
;makes sence, ask Bryce
MadSpecialCaseAnims 1, open, 1, close, 0,blah, 1, damageclose
MadDockAnims 0, blah, 1, close, 0,blah, 1, damageclose

;Ships health must be below this percentage to use the damaged animations.
madGunOpenDamagedHealthThreshold 0.70 ;<= 1.0f


Angel Moon ~ angelmoon <- I have no idea what this is doing in here.
LODFile AngelMoon.lod
pMexData AngelMoon\Rl0\LOD0\AngelMoon.mex
mass 100000.0
momentOfInertiaX 100.0
momentOfInertiaY 100.0
momentOfInertiaZ 100.0
maxvelocity 150.0
maxrot 10.0
maxhealth 800000 ; hit points

worldRender TRUE
scaleFactor 0.5


Angel Moon ~ angelmoon_clean (clean) <- I have no idea what this is doing in here.
LODFile AngelMoon_clean.lod
pMexData AngelMoon_clean\Rl0\LOD0\AngelMoon_clean.mex
mass 100000.0
momentOfInertiaX 100.0
momentOfInertiaY 100.0
momentOfInertiaZ 100.0
maxvelocity 150.0
maxrot 10.0
maxhealth 800000 ; hit points

worldRender TRUE
scaleFactor 0.5


Carrier ~ carrier

;Source Files
LODFile Carrier.lod
pMexData Carrier\Rl0\LOD0\Carrier.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 10000.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 7000.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 7500.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 7500.0
avoidcollmodifier 0.8
maxvelocity 210.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 10.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Carrier
buildCost 1700 ; resource units to build
buildTime 400 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 116000 ; hit points
groupSize 1 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form
repairTime 10 ; every this many seconds
repairDamage 75 ; this much damage is repaired

blastRadiusShockWave 1.0
blastRadiusDamage 125

canBuildShips TRUE ; ship can build ships
canReceiveShips TRUE ; other ships can dock in this ship
canReceiveResources TRUE ; Resource Collectors,etc can deposit resources in this ship
canReceiveShipsPermanently TRUE ; ships can dock permanently here

canReceiveFighters TRUE
canReceiveCorvettes TRUE
canReceiveResourceCollectors TRUE
canReceiveOtherNonCapitalShips FALSE

maxDockableFighters 50
maxDockableCorvettes 25

dockShipRange 1000.0 ; how close ships should get before considering docking (to ship surface)

pumpFuelRate 300.0 ; how fast carrier pumps fuel in.
repairOtherShipRate 1 ; how fast carrier heals damaged ships. Must be an integer

clearanceDirection 4 ; (0=up,1=right,2=forward,4=down,5=left,6=back)
clearanceDistance 50.0 ; how far ships go away from this ship when they are just built.
; Note that this number is added to the minimum collision distance.

surroundDistance 300.0 ; how far ships will minimally disperse themselves from this ship after
; they are built. Note that this number is added to the minimum collision distance.
surroundDistanceRand 300.0 ; random number between 0 and x added to surroundDistance
surroundRotYMinAng -80.0 ; ship may be positioned between min and max degrees elevation
surroundRotYMaxAng 80.0
surroundRotZMinAng -180.0 ; ship may be positioned between min and max degrees angle
surroundRotZMaxAng 180.0

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 40.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 40.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 40.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 40.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 40.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 40.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.25 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 1.0]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.25
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.25
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.25
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.2
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.2
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 0.2 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 0.01
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 0.2

rotateToRetaliate TRUE
passiveRetaliateZone 3000.0



//Desired Range = 2500
//ADD this amount: 511 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount: 551 to compensate for stopping distance

Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallEnergyCannon
DamageLo 4 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 6 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 85
BulletLength 20.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 3562.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 1200.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.0 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BurstFireTime 1.8
BurstWaitTime 1.5
TriggerHappy 5.0
fireEffect defaultBlast.ebg
hitEffect defaultBlast.ebg

//Desired Range = 2500
//ADD this amount: 511 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount: 551 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallEnergyCannon
DamageLo 4 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 6 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 95
BulletLength 20.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 3562.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 1200.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.0 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BurstFireTime 1.8
BurstWaitTime 1.5
TriggerHappy 5.0
fireEffect defaultBlast.ebg
hitEffect defaultBlast.ebg

//Desired Range = 2500
//ADD this amount: 1134 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount: 551 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallEnergyCannon
DamageLo 4 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 6 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 100
BulletLength 20.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 4148.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 1200.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.0 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BurstFireTime 1.8
BurstWaitTime 1.5
TriggerHappy 5.0
fireEffect defaultBlast.ebg
hitEffect defaultBlast.ebg

//Desired Range = 2500
//ADD this amount: 1134 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount: 551 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallEnergyCannon
DamageLo 4 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 6 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 100
BulletLength 20.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 4148.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 1200.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.0 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BurstFireTime 1.8
BurstWaitTime 1.5
TriggerHappy 5.0
fireEffect defaultBlast.ebg
hitEffect defaultBlast.ebg


; format is DockPoint name,type,flyawaydist,mindist,maxdist,[headingdirection,updirection] (0=up,1=right,2=forward,4=down,5=left,6=back) for direction
DockPoint In0,DockingCone,300,300,1000
DockPoint In1,DockingCone,300,300,1000
DockPoint Res0,LatchPoint,500,500,1000,2,4
DockPoint Res1,LatchPoint,500,500,1000,2,4
DockPoint Out0,LaunchPoint,700,700,700,4,1
DockPoint Out1,LaunchPoint,700,700,700,4,5
DockPoint Frigate,LaunchPoint,800,800,700,2,0


; format is NavLight name, type, blinkrate (in seconds), size (in meters), min LOD, texture name

NavLight caution1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 1, 0.5, 10, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight caution2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 1, 0.5, 10, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight caution3, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 1, 0, 10, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight caution4, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 1, 0, 10, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight caution5, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 1, 0, 10, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight caution6, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 1, 0, 10, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight exit1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2.5, 0.5, 0, 9, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight exit2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2.5, 0.5, 0, 9, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight enter1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2.5, 0.5, 0.75, 9, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight enter2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2.5, 0.5, 0.75, 9, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2.5, 0.5, 0.5, 8, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 1, 8, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna3, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 0.5, 0.75, 8, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight hangar1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 0.5, 1, 10, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight hangar2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 0.5, 1, 10, 2, etg\textures\glow32

explosionType ET_CarrierExplosion

;Engine Glow
trailWidth 324.0
trailHeight 220.0
trailLength 320.0
trailScaleCap 0.000103

;Special Ops info

//repair refuel distance
repairApproachDistance 1800.0
canSpecialBandBoxFriendlies TRUE

minimumZoomDistance 1000


Crate ~ crate
LODFile Crate.lod
pMexData Crate\Rl0\LOD0\Crate.mex
mass 500.0
momentOfInertiaX 330.0
momentOfInertiaY 330.0
momentOfInertiaZ 330.0
maxvelocity 450.0
maxrot 1.0
maxhealth 8000 ; hit points

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 75.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 75.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 75.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 75.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 75.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 75.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.25 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 10]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.25
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.05
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 0.3 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 0.3
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 0.3

pitchdescend 0.5
sinbank 0.5
pitchturn 0.5


minimumZoomDistance 100

Drone Frigate ~ dddfrigate
[Drone Frigate]

;Source Files
LODFile DDDFrigate.lod
pMexData DDDFrigate\Rl0\LOD0\DDDFrigate.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 1400.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 900.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 900.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 900.0
maxvelocity 325.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 1.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Frigate
buildCost 800 ; resource units to build
buildTime 75 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 60000 ; hit points
groupSize 2 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form
repairTime 5 ; every this many seconds
repairDamage 25 ; this much damage is repaired

blastRadiusShockWave 1.75
blastRadiusDamage 275

canReceiveShipsPermanently TRUE ; drones can dock permanently here

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 50.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 50.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 50.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 50.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 50.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 50.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.25 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 10]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.25
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.05
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 0.3 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 0.3
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 0.3

rotateToRetaliate TRUE
passiveRetaliateZone 3000.0

;all the guns are in the drones



; format is DockPoint name,type,flyawaydist,mindist,maxdist,[headingdirection,updirection] (0=up,1=right,2=forward,4=down,5=left,6=back) for direction
DockPoint Drone0,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6
DockPoint Drone1,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6
DockPoint Drone2,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6
DockPoint Drone3,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6
DockPoint Drone4,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6
DockPoint Drone5,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6
DockPoint Drone6,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6
DockPoint Drone7,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6
DockPoint Drone8,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6
DockPoint Drone9,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6
DockPoint Drone10,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6
DockPoint Drone11,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6
DockPoint Drone12,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6
DockPoint Drone13,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6
DockPoint Drone14,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6
DockPoint Drone15,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6
DockPoint Drone16,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6
DockPoint Drone17,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6
DockPoint Drone18,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6
DockPoint Drone19,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6
DockPoint Drone20,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6
DockPoint Drone21,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6
DockPoint Drone22,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6
DockPoint Drone23,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6

;DockPoint Drone24,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6
;DockPoint Drone25,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6
;DockPoint Drone26,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6
;DockPoint Drone27,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6
;DockPoint Drone28,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6
;DockPoint Drone29,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6
;DockPoint Drone30,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6
;DockPoint Drone31,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6
;DockPoint Drone32,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6
;DockPoint Drone33,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6
;DockPoint Drone34,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6
;DockPoint Drone35,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6
;DockPoint Drone36,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6
;DockPoint Drone37,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6
;DockPoint Drone38,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6
;DockPoint Drone39,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6
;DockPoint Drone40,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6
;DockPoint Drone41,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6
;DockPoint Drone42,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6
;DockPoint Drone43,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6
;DockPoint Drone44,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6
;DockPoint Drone45,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6
;DockPoint Drone46,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6
;DockPoint Drone47,LaunchPoint,200,200,1000,0,6


; format is NavLight name, type, blinkrate (in seconds), size (in meters), min LOD, texture name
NavLight antenna1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 7, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna3, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1.5, 1, 0, 7, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0.5, 6, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight bridge, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0.5, 6, 2, etg\textures\glow32

explosionType ET_FrigateExplosion


bulletRange 3000.0 ; explicitly set bulletRange for DDDFrigate because it doesn't have guns
minBulletRange 1000.0
attackRange 3000.0
tooCloseRange 200.0
internalRegenerateRate 25.0
externalRegenerateRate 45.0
droneDeploymentRange 450.0 ; Range from ship's centre point drones will deploy to.

;Engine Glow
trailWidth 84.0
trailHeight 112.0
trailLength 120.0
trailStyle 3
trailScaleCap 0.00025


Fragment #1 ~ fragment
LODFile Fragment.lod
pMexData Fragment\Rl0\LOD0\Fragment.mex
mass 1000.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 700.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 700.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 700.0
maxvelocity 150.0
maxrot 10.0
maxhealth 8000 ; hit points

blastRadiusShockWave 1.0
blastRadiusDamage 125

renderlistFade 8000.0
renderlistLimit 21000.0


Fragment #2 ~ fragmentpanel0a
LODFile FragmentPanel0a.lod
pMexData FragmentPanel0a\Rl0\LOD0\FragmentPanel0a.mex
mass 1000.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 700.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 700.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 700.0
maxvelocity 150.0
maxrot 10.0
maxhealth 8000 ; hit points
blastRadiusShockWave 1.0
blastRadiusDamage 125

renderlistFade 8000.0
renderlistLimit 21000.0

minimumZoomDistance 1050

NUM_NEEDED_FOR_SALVAGE 3 ;number of ships needed to capture a craft

; format: name,type
SalvagePoint Point1,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point2,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point3,AttachPoint

Fragment #3 ~ fragmentpanel0b
LODFile FragmentPanel0b.lod
pMexData FragmentPanel0b\Rl0\LOD0\FragmentPanel0b.mex
mass 1000.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 700.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 700.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 700.0
maxvelocity 150.0
maxrot 10.0
maxhealth 8000 ; hit points

blastRadiusShockWave 1.0
blastRadiusDamage 125

renderlistFade 8000.0
renderlistLimit 21000.0

minimumZoomDistance 1050

NUM_NEEDED_FOR_SALVAGE 3 ;number of ships needed to capture a craft

; format: name,type
SalvagePoint Point1,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point2,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point3,AttachPoint

Fragment #4 ~ fragmentpanel0c
LODFile FragmentPanel0c.lod
pMexData FragmentPanel0c\Rl0\LOD0\FragmentPanel0c.mex
mass 1000.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 700.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 700.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 700.0
maxvelocity 150.0
maxrot 10.0
maxhealth 8000 ; hit points

blastRadiusShockWave 1.0
blastRadiusDamage 125

renderlistFade 8000.0
renderlistLimit 21000.0

minimumZoomDistance 1050

NUM_NEEDED_FOR_SALVAGE 3 ;number of ships needed to capture a craft

; format: name,type
SalvagePoint Point1,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point2,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point3,AttachPoint

Fragment #5 ~ fragmentpanel1
LODFile FragmentPanel0c.lod
pMexData FragmentPanel0c\Rl0\LOD0\FragmentPanel0c.mex
mass 1000.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 700.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 700.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 700.0
maxvelocity 150.0
maxrot 10.0
maxhealth 8000 ; hit points

blastRadiusShockWave 1.0
blastRadiusDamage 125

renderlistFade 8000.0
renderlistLimit 21000.0

minimumZoomDistance 1050

NUM_NEEDED_FOR_SALVAGE 3 ;number of ships needed to capture a craft

; format: name,type
SalvagePoint Point1,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point2,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point3,AttachPoint


Fragment #6 ~ fragmentpanel1
LODFile FragmentPanel0c.lod
pMexData FragmentPanel0c\Rl0\LOD0\FragmentPanel0c.mex
mass 1000.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 700.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 700.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 700.0
maxvelocity 150.0
maxrot 10.0
maxhealth 8000 ; hit points

blastRadiusShockWave 1.0
blastRadiusDamage 125

renderlistFade 8000.0
renderlistLimit 21000.0

minimumZoomDistance 1050

NUM_NEEDED_FOR_SALVAGE 3 ;number of ships needed to capture a craft

; format: name,type
SalvagePoint Point1,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point2,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point3,AttachPoint

Fragment #7 ~ fragmentpanel2
LODFile FragmentPanel2.lod
pMexData FragmentPanel2\Rl0\LOD0\FragmentPanel2.mex
mass 1000.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 700.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 700.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 700.0
maxvelocity 150.0
maxrot 10.0
maxhealth 8000 ; hit points

blastRadiusShockWave 1.0
blastRadiusDamage 125

renderlistFade 8000.0
renderlistLimit 21000.0

minimumZoomDistance 1050

NUM_NEEDED_FOR_SALVAGE 3 ;number of ships needed to capture a craft

; format: name,type
SalvagePoint Point1,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point2,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point3,AttachPoint

Fragment #8 ~ fragmentpanel3
LODFile FragmentPanel3.lod
pMexData FragmentPanel3\Rl0\LOD0\FragmentPanel3.mex
mass 1000.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 700.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 700.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 700.0
maxvelocity 150.0
maxrot 10.0
maxhealth 8000 ; hit points

blastRadiusShockWave 1.0
blastRadiusDamage 125

renderlistFade 8000.0
renderlistLimit 21000.0

minimumZoomDistance 1050

NUM_NEEDED_FOR_SALVAGE 3 ;number of ships needed to capture a craft

; format: name,type
SalvagePoint Point1,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point2,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point3,AttachPoint

Fragment Strut ~ fragmentstrut
LODFile FragmentStrut.lod
pMexData FragmentStrut\Rl0\LOD0\FragmentStrut.mex
mass 1000.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 700.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 700.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 700.0
maxvelocity 150.0
maxrot 10.0
maxhealth 8000 ; hit points

renderlistFade 8000.0
renderlistLimit 21000.0

minimumZoomDistance 1050

NUM_NEEDED_FOR_SALVAGE 2 ;number of ships needed to capture a craft

; format: name,type
SalvagePoint Point1,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point2,AttachPoint


Heavy Corvette ~ heavycorvette

;Source Files
LODFile HeavyCorvette.lod
pMexData HeavyCorvette\Rl0\LOD0\HeavyCorvette.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 325.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 175.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 175.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 175.0
maxvelocity 350.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 10.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Corvette
buildCost 250 ; resource units to build
buildTime 40 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 20000 ; hit points
maxfuel 20000.0
lowfuelpoint 0.25 ; percentage of tank which is considered "low on fuel"
fuelburnrate 0.029
attackfuelburnrate 0.35
groupSize 5 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form

blastRadiusDamage 230

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 150.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 150.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 150.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 150.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 150.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 150.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.5 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 1.0]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.5
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 1.1
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 1.1
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 1.1


canTargetMultipleTargets TRUE
rotateToRetaliate TRUE

;Left gun
Type GUN_NewGimble
SoundType GS_MediumEnergyCannon
DamageLo 18
DamageHi 30
BulletLength 18.0
BulletRange 3000.0
BulletSpeed 4000.0
BulletMass 0.0
FireTime 3.0
TriggerHappy 7.0
minturnangle -5.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 45.0
mindeclination -30.0
maxdeclination 5.0
maxanglespeed 360.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 360.0
angletracking 2.0
declinationtracking 2.0
BarrelLength 8.0
RecoilLength 7.00

;Right gun
Type GUN_NewGimble
SoundType GS_MediumEnergyCannon
DamageLo 18
DamageHi 30
BulletLength 18.0
BulletRange 3000.0
BulletSpeed 4000.0
BulletMass 0.25
FireTime 3.0
TriggerHappy 5.0
minturnangle -45.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 5.0
mindeclination -30.0
maxdeclination 5.0
maxanglespeed 360.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 360.0
angletracking 2.0
declinationtracking 2.0
BarrelLength 8.0
RecoilLength 7.00

;Ship AI
repositionTime 0.6 ; time in seconds which corvette will spend to reposition
; itself to a new location for it to fire.
circleRange 1000.0

;Ship Trails
trailSegments 20
trailGranularity 3
trailColor 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;grey team
trailColor 0, 1, 238, 238, 238
trailColor 0, 8, 141, 106, 87
trailColor 0, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;red team
trailColor 1, 1, 225, 124, 33
trailColor 1, 8, 146, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;blue team
trailColor 2, 1, 11, 255, 255
trailColor 2, 8, 51, 0, 243
trailColor 2, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;green team
trailColor 3, 1, 201, 254, 39
trailColor 3, 8, 0, 84, 4
trailColor 3, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;yellow team
trailColor 4, 1, 255, 240, 97
trailColor 4, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 4, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 5, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;orange team
trailColor 5, 1, 225, 255, 11
trailColor 5, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 5, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 6, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;purple team
trailColor 6, 1, 255, 135, 157
trailColor 6, 8, 121, 0, 135
trailColor 6, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 7, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;pale blue-green team
trailColor 7, 1, 45, 255, 149
trailColor 7, 8, 0, 105, 137
trailColor 7, 19, 0, 0, 0

explosionType ET_CorvetteExplosion

//left gun
BindGun HeavyCorvetteGun(2) Gun0,Azimuth,Declination,Recoil,Frequency 1
//right gun
BindGun HeavyCorvetteGun(1) Gun1,Azimuth,Declination,Recoil,Frequency 1

;Engine trails
trailWidth 42.0
trailHeight 4.0


Heavy Cruiser ~ heavycruiser

;Source Files
pMexData HeavyCruiser\Rl0\LOD0\HeavyCruiser.mex
LODFile HeavyCruiser.lod

;Ship Physics
mass 10000.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 7000.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 7000.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 7000.0
avoidcollmodifier 0.8
maxvelocity 230.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 10.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_HeavyCruiser
buildCost 3700 ; resource units to build
buildTime 350 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 160000 ; hit points
groupSize 1 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form
repairTime 10 ; every this many seconds
repairDamage 25 ; this much damage is repaired

blastRadiusShockWave 1.0
blastRadiusDamage 125

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 35.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 35.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 35.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 35.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 35.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 35.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.25 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 1.0]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.25
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.02
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.02
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.2
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.2
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 0.2 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 0.2
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 0.2


canTargetMultipleTargets TRUE
rotateToRetaliate TRUE
passiveRetaliateZone 3000.0


;This is the large Ion Cannon turret on TOP - the first gun is slaved to the second
//Desired Range = 6000
//ADD this amount: 125 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount:1058 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_NewGimble
SoundType GS_VeryLargeIonCannon
BulletType BULLET_Beam
DamageLo 10
DamageHi 14
BulletLength 7183.0
BulletRange 7183.0
BulletSpeed 0.0
BulletLifeTime 2.0
BulletMass 0.0
FireTime 8.0
TriggerHappy 7.0
minturnangle -80.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 80.0
mindeclination -1.0
maxdeclination 13.0
maxanglespeed 360.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 360.0
angletracking 2.0
declinationtracking 2.0
BarrelLength 82.0
OffsetX 0.01
OffsetY -32
SlaveDriver 1

//Desired Range = 6000
//ADD this amount: 125 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount:1058 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_NewGimble
SoundType GS_VeryLargeIonCannon
BulletType BULLET_Beam
DamageLo 10
DamageHi 14
BulletLength 7183.0
BulletRange 7183.0
BulletSpeed 0.0
BulletLifeTime 2.0
BulletMass 0.0
FireTime 8.0
TriggerHappy 5.0
minturnangle -80.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 80.0
mindeclination -1.0
maxdeclination 13.0
maxanglespeed 360.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 360.0
angletracking 2.0
declinationtracking 2.0
BarrelLength 82.0
OffsetX 0.01
OffsetY 32

;This is the large Ion Cannon turret on BOTTOM - the first gun is slaved to the second
//Desired Range = 6000
//ADD this amount: 125 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount:1058 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_NewGimble
SoundType GS_VeryLargeIonCannon
BulletType BULLET_Beam
DamageLo 10
DamageHi 14
BulletLength 7183.0
BulletRange 7183.0
BulletSpeed 0.0
BulletLifeTime 2.0
BulletMass 0.0
FireTime 8.0
TriggerHappy 5.0
minturnangle -80.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 80.0
mindeclination -1.0
maxdeclination 13.0
maxanglespeed 360.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 360.0
angletracking 2.0
declinationtracking 2.0
BarrelLength 82.0
OffsetX 0.01
OffsetY -32
SlaveDriver 3

//Desired Range = 6000
//ADD this amount: 125 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount:1058 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_NewGimble
SoundType GS_VeryLargeIonCannon
BulletType BULLET_Beam
DamageLo 10
DamageHi 14
BulletLength 7183.0
BulletRange 7183.0
BulletSpeed 0.0
BulletLifeTime 2.0
BulletMass 0.0
FireTime 8.0
TriggerHappy 5.0
minturnangle -80.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 80.0
mindeclination -1.0
maxdeclination 13.0
maxanglespeed 360.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 360.0
angletracking 2.0
declinationtracking 2.0
BarrelLength 82.0
OffsetX 0.01
OffsetY 32

;Very Large Energy Cannon - Right side of ship, top
//Desired Range = 4000
//ADD this amount: 723 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount:1058 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_NewGimble ; type of gun - either GUN_Fixed or GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_VeryLargeEnergyCannon
DamageLo 75 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 100 ; damage variance per shot - high
BulletLength 18.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 5781.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 2100.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 1.2
FireTime 2.7 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
TriggerHappy 5.0
minturnangle -180.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 15.0
mindeclination -5.42
maxdeclination 40.0
maxanglespeed 360.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 360.0
angletracking 2.0
declinationtracking 2.0
BarrelLength 49
RecoilLength 14.0

;Very Large Energy Cannon - Left side of ship, top
//Desired Range = 4000
//ADD this amount: 723 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount:1058 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_NewGimble
SoundType GS_VeryLargeEnergyCannon
DamageLo 75
DamageHi 100
BulletLength 18.0
BulletRange 5781.0
BulletSpeed 2100.0
BulletMass 1.2
FireTime 2.7
TriggerHappy 5.0
minturnangle -180.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 15.0
mindeclination -5.42
maxdeclination 40.0
maxanglespeed 360.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 360.0
angletracking 2.0
declinationtracking 2.0
BarrelLength 49
RecoilLength 14.0

;Very large Energy Cannon - right side of ship, bottom
//Desired Range = 4000
//ADD this amount: 723 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount:1058 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_NewGimble
SoundType GS_VeryLargeEnergyCannon
DamageLo 75
DamageHi 100
BulletLength 18.0
BulletRange 5781.0
BulletSpeed 2100.0
BulletMass 1.2
FireTime 2.7
TriggerHappy 5.0
minturnangle -180.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 12.0
mindeclination -5.42
maxdeclination 40.0
maxanglespeed 360.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 360.0
angletracking 2.0
declinationtracking 2.0
BarrelLength 49
RecoilLength 14.0

;Very large Energy Cannon - left side of ship, bottom
//Desired Range = 4000
//ADD this amount: 723 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount:1058 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_NewGimble
SoundType GS_VeryLargeEnergyCannon
DamageLo 75
DamageHi 100
BulletLength 18.0
BulletRange 5781.0
BulletSpeed 2100.0
BulletMass 1.2
FireTime 2.7
TriggerHappy 5.0
minturnangle -180.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 12.0
mindeclination -5.42
maxdeclination 40.0
maxanglespeed 360.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 360.0
angletracking 2.0
declinationtracking 2.0
BarrelLength 49
RecoilLength 14.0

;Very large Energy Cannon - left wing
//Desired Range = 4000
//ADD this amount: 521 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount:1058 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_NewGimble
SoundType GS_VeryLargeEnergyCannon
DamageLo 75
DamageHi 100
BulletLength 18.0
BulletRange 5579.0
BulletSpeed 2100.0
BulletMass 1.2
FireTime 2.7
TriggerHappy 5.0
minturnangle -180.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 180.0
mindeclination -5.42
maxdeclination 40.0
maxanglespeed 360.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 360.0
angletracking 2.0
declinationtracking 2.0
BarrelLength 49
RecoilLength 20.0

;Very large Energy Cannon - Right Wing
//Desired Range = 4000
//ADD this amount: 521 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount:1058 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_NewGimble
SoundType GS_VeryLargeEnergyCannon
DamageLo 75
DamageHi 100
BulletLength 18.0
BulletRange 5579.0
BulletSpeed 2100.0
BulletMass 1.2
FireTime 2.7
TriggerHappy 5.0
minturnangle -180.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 180.0
mindeclination -5.42
maxdeclination 40.0
maxanglespeed 360.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 360.0
angletracking 2.0
declinationtracking 2.0
BarrelLength 49
RecoilLength 20.0


; format is NavLight name, type, blinkrate (in seconds), size (in meters), min LOD, texture name
NavLight antenna1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 8, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1.5, 1, 0, 7, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight sideright1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 1, 1, 9, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight sideright2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 1, 0, 9, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight sideleft1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 1, 1, 9, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight sideleft2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 1, 0, 9, 2, etg\textures\glow32

explosionType ET_CarrierExplosion


//Very Large Energy Cannon, Top turret, left side
BindGun HeavyCruiserTurret(3) Gun4,Azimuth,Recoil,Frequency 1

//Very Large Energy Cannon, Top turret, right side
BindGun HeavyCruiserTurret(4) Gun5,Azimuth,Recoil,Frequency 1

//Very Large Energy Cannon, Left wing,
BindGun HeavyCruiserTurret(1) Gun8,Azimuth,Recoil,Frequency 1

//Very Large Energy Cannon, Right wing,
BindGun HeavyCruiserTurret(2) Gun9,Azimuth,Recoil,Frequency 1

//Very Large Energy Cannon, Bottom turret, left side
BindGun HeavyCruiserTurret(5) Gun7,Azimuth,Recoil,Frequency 1

//Very Large Energy Cannon, Bottom turret, right side
BindGun HeavyCruiserTurret(6) Gun6,Azimuth,Recoil,Frequency 1

//bottom ion cannon turret
BindGun HeavyCruiserIon(1) Gun1,Azimuth,Declination,Frequency 1
BindGun HeavyCruiserIon(1) Gun1,Declination,Frequency 1
BindGun HeavyCruiserIon(1) Gun0,Azimuth,Declination,Frequency 1
BindGun HeavyCruiserIon(1) Gun0,Declination,Frequency 1
//top ion cannon turret
BindGun HeavyCruiserIon(2) Gun3,Azimuth,Declination,Frequency 1
BindGun HeavyCruiserIon(2) Gun3,Declination,Frequency 1
BindGun HeavyCruiserIon(2) Gun2,Azimuth,Declination,Frequency 1
BindGun HeavyCruiserIon(2) Gun2,Declination,Frequency 1

;Engine Glow
trailWidth 372.0
trailHeight 156.0
trailLength 376.0


Hiigara ~ homeworld <- I have no idea what this is doing in here.
LODFile HomeWorld.lod
pMexData HomeWorld\Rl0\LOD0\HomeWorld.mex
mass 10000000.0
momentOfInertiaX 100.0
momentOfInertiaY 100.0
momentOfInertiaZ 100.0
maxvelocity 150.0
maxrot 10.0
maxhealth 80000000 ; hit points

worldRender TRUE
scaleFactor 10.75


Ion Cannon Frigate ~ ioncannonfrigate

;Source Files
LODFile IonCannonFrigate.lod
pMexData IonCannonFrigate\Rl0\LOD0\IonCannonFrigate.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 1400.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 1000.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 1000.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 1000.0
maxvelocity 300.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 1.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Frigate
buildCost 650 ; resource units to build
buildTime 60 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 60000 ; hit points
groupSize 2 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form
repairTime 5 ; every this many seconds
repairDamage 25 ; this much damage is repaired

blastRadiusShockWave 1.75
blastRadiusDamage 275

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 50.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 50.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 50.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 50.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 50.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 50.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.25 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 10]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.25
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.05
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 0.3 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 0.3
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 0.3

rotateToRetaliate TRUE
passiveRetaliateZone 3000.0

;(one BIG gun)

//Desired Range = 6500
//ADD this amount: 78 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount: 702 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_LargeIonCannon
BulletType BULLET_Beam
DamageLo 14 ; damage variance per shot - low (continuous damage for BULLET_Beam)
DamageHi 16 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 6
BulletLength 7280.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 7280.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 0.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletLifeTime 2.0
BulletMass 0.0 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 6.0 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)


; format is NavLight name, type, blinkrate (in seconds), size (in meters), min LOD, texture name
NavLight antenna1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0.5, 7, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 6, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight caution, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 0.5, 0, 7, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight bridge, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1.5, 0.75, 0.5, 6, 2, etg\textures\glow32

explosionType ET_FrigateExplosion

;Engine Glow
trailWidth 90.0
trailHeight 136.0
trailLength 130.0
trailStyle 3
trailScaleCap 0.00025


Junkyard Antenna ~ junk0_antenna
LODFile Junk0_antenna.lod
pMexData Junk0_antenna\Rl0\LOD0\Junk0_antenna.mex
mass 500.0
momentOfInertiaX 330.0
momentOfInertiaY 330.0
momentOfInertiaZ 330.0
maxvelocity 450.0
maxrot 1.0
maxhealth 8000 ; hit points

renderlistFade 6000.0
renderlistLimit 8000.0

minimumZoomDistance 100

Junkyard Fin #1 ~ junk0_fin1
LODFile Junk0_fin1.lod
pMexData Junk0_fin1\Rl0\LOD0\Junk0_fin1.mex
mass 500.0
momentOfInertiaX 330.0
momentOfInertiaY 330.0
momentOfInertiaZ 330.0
maxvelocity 450.0
maxrot 1.0
maxhealth 8000 ; hit points

renderlistFade 6000.0
renderlistLimit 8000.0

minimumZoomDistance 80

Junkyard Fin #2 ~ junk0_fin2
LODFile Junk0_fin2.lod
pMexData Junk0_fin2\Rl0\LOD0\Junk0_fin2.mex
mass 500.0
momentOfInertiaX 330.0
momentOfInertiaY 330.0
momentOfInertiaZ 330.0
maxvelocity 450.0
maxrot 1.0
maxhealth 8000 ; hit points

renderlistFade 5000.0
renderlistLimit 8000.0

minimumZoomDistance 85

Junkyard GunAmmo ~ junk0_gunammo <- I have no idea what this is.
LODFile Junk0_GunAmmo.lod
pMexData Junk0_GunAmmo\Rl0\LOD0\Junk0_GunAmmo.mex
mass 500.0
momentOfInertiaX 330.0
momentOfInertiaY 330.0
momentOfInertiaZ 330.0
maxvelocity 450.0
maxrot 1.0
maxhealth 8000 ; hit points

renderlistFade 6000.0
renderlistLimit 8000.0

minimumZoomDistance 50

Junkyard Panel ~ junk0_panel
LODFile Junk0_panel.lod
pMexData Junk0_panel\Rl0\LOD0\Junk0_panel.mex
mass 500.0
momentOfInertiaX 330.0
momentOfInertiaY 330.0
momentOfInertiaZ 330.0
maxvelocity 450.0
maxrot 1.0
maxhealth 8000 ; hit points

renderlistFade 6000.0
renderlistLimit 8000.0

minimumZoomDistance 95

Junkyard Sensors ~ junk0_sensors
LODFile Junk0_sensors.lod
pMexData Junk0_sensors\Rl0\LOD0\Junk0_sensors.mex
mass 500.0
momentOfInertiaX 330.0
momentOfInertiaY 330.0
momentOfInertiaZ 330.0
maxvelocity 450.0
maxrot 1.0
maxhealth 8000 ; hit points

renderlistFade 8000.0
renderlistLimit 10000.0

minimumZoomDistance 60

Junkyard Part A ~ junk1_parta
LODFile Junk1_partA.lod
pMexData Junk1_partA\Rl0\LOD0\Junk1_partA.mex
mass 500.0
momentOfInertiaX 330.0
momentOfInertiaY 330.0
momentOfInertiaZ 330.0
maxvelocity 450.0
maxrot 1.0
maxhealth 8000 ; hit points

renderlistFade 10000.0
renderlistLimit 12000.0

minimumZoomDistance 380

Junkyard Part B ~ junk1_partb
LODFile Junk1_partB.lod
pMexData Junk1_partB\Rl0\LOD0\Junk1_partB.mex
mass 500.0
momentOfInertiaX 330.0
momentOfInertiaY 330.0
momentOfInertiaZ 330.0
maxvelocity 450.0
maxrot 1.0
maxhealth 8000 ; hit points

renderlistFade 10000.0
renderlistLimit 12000.0

minimumZoomDistance 195

Junkyard Shell ~ junk1_shell
LODFile Junk1_shell.lod
pMexData Junk1_shell\Rl0\LOD0\Junk1_shell.mex
mass 500.0
momentOfInertiaX 330.0
momentOfInertiaY 330.0
momentOfInertiaZ 330.0
maxvelocity 450.0
maxrot 1.0
maxhealth 8000 ; hit points

renderlistFade 10000.0
renderlistLimit 12000.0

minimumZoomDistance 220

Junkyard Strut ~ junk1_strut
LODFile Junk1_strut.lod
pMexData Junk1_strut\Rl0\LOD0\Junk1_strut.mex
mass 500.0
momentOfInertiaX 330.0
momentOfInertiaY 330.0
momentOfInertiaZ 330.0
maxvelocity 450.0
maxrot 1.0
maxhealth 80000 ; hit points

renderlistFade 10000.0
renderlistLimit 12000.0

minimumZoomDistance 320

Junkyard Panel A ~ junk2_panela
LODFile Junk2_panelA.lod
pMexData Junk2_panelA\Rl0\LOD0\Junk2_panelA.mex
mass 1000.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 700.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 700.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 700.0
maxvelocity 350.0
maxrot 0.4
maxhealth 800000 ; hit points

renderlistFade 12000.0
renderlistLimit 14000.0

minimumZoomDistance 740

Junkyard Panel B ~ junk2_panelb
LODFile Junk2_panelB.lod
pMexData Junk2_panelB\Rl0\LOD0\Junk2_panelB.mex
mass 1000.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 700.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 700.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 700.0
maxvelocity 350.0
maxrot 0.4
maxhealth 800000 ; hit points

renderlistFade 12000.0
renderlistLimit 14000.0

minimumZoomDistance 510

Junkyard Panel C ~ junk2_panelc
LODFile Junk2_panelC.lod
pMexData Junk2_panelC\Rl0\LOD0\Junk2_panelC.mex
mass 1000.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 700.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 700.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 700.0
maxvelocity 350.0
maxrot 0.4
maxhealth 800000 ; hit points

renderlistFade 10000.0
renderlistLimit 14000.0

minimumZoomDistance 800

Junkyard Panel D ~ junk2_paneld
LODFile Junk2_panelD.lod
pMexData Junk2_panelD\Rl0\LOD0\Junk2_panelD.mex
mass 1000.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 700.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 700.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 700.0
maxvelocity 350.0
maxrot 0.4
maxhealth 800000 ; hit points

renderlistFade 10000.0
renderlistLimit 14000.0

minimumZoomDistance 560

Junkyard Shipwreck ~ junk2_shipwreck
LODFile Junk2_shipwreck.lod
pMexData Junk2_shipwreck\Rl0\LOD0\Junk2_shipwreck.mex
mass 1000.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 700.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 700.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 700.0
maxvelocity 350.0
maxrot 0.4
maxhealth 80000 ; hit points

minimumZoomDistance 350

renderlistFade 12000.0
renderlistLimit 14000.0


Junkyard Boiler ~ junk3_boiler
LODFile Junk3_Boiler.lod
pMexData Junk3_Boiler\Rl0\LOD0\Junk3_Boiler.mex
mass 10000.0
momentOfInertiaX 7000.0
momentOfInertiaY 7000.0
momentOfInertiaZ 7000.0
maxvelocity 150.0
maxrot 10.0
maxhealth 80000 ; hit points

minimumZoomDistance 350

renderlistFade 11000.0
renderlistLimit 13000.0


Junkyard Boiler Casing ~ junk3_boilercasing
LODFile Junk3_BoilerCasing.lod
pMexData Junk3_BoilerCasing\Rl0\LOD0\Junk3_BoilerCasing.mex
mass 10000.0
momentOfInertiaX 7000.0
momentOfInertiaY 7000.0
momentOfInertiaZ 7000.0
maxvelocity 150.0
maxrot 10.0
maxhealth 80000 ; hit points

minimumZoomDistance 430

renderlistFade 12000.0
renderlistLimit 14000.0


Lifeboat ~ lifeboat
LODFile LifeBoat.lod
pMexData LifeBoat\Rl0\LOD0\LifeBoat.mex
mass 500.0
momentOfInertiaX 330.0
momentOfInertiaY 330.0
momentOfInertiaZ 330.0
maxvelocity 450.0
maxrot 1.0
maxhealth 80000 ; hit points

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 75.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 75.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 75.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 75.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 75.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 75.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.25 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 10]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.25
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.05
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 0.3 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 0.3
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 0.3

pitchdescend 0.5
sinbank 0.5
pitchturn 0.5


minimumZoomDistance 50

renderlistFade 10000.0
renderlistLimit 12000.0

Light Corvette ~ lightcorvette

;Source Files
LODFile LightCorvette.lod
pMexData LightCorvette\Rl0\LOD0\LightCorvette.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 125.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 75.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 75.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 75.0
maxvelocity 375.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 10.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Corvette
buildCost 135 ; resource units to build
buildTime 28 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 20000 ; hit points
maxfuel 20000.0
lowfuelpoint 0.25 ; percentage of tank which is considered "low on fuel"
fuelburnrate 0.029
attackfuelburnrate 0.35
groupSize 5 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form

blastRadiusDamage 230

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 150.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 150.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 150.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 150.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 150.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 150.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.5 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 1.0]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.5
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 1.25
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 1.25
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 1.25


rotateToRetaliate TRUE

Type GUN_NewGimble
SoundType GS_LargeEnergyCannon
DamageLo 20 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 35 ; damage variance per shot - high
BulletLength 10.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 3000.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing; also defines the range of the gun
BulletSpeed 4000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.0 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 3.0 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
TriggerHappy 7.0
minturnangle -40.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 40.0
mindeclination -30.0
maxdeclination 5.0
maxanglespeed 360.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 360.0
angletracking 2.0
declinationtracking 2.0
BarrelLength 10.5
RecoilLength 7.0

;Ship AI
repositionTime 0.6 ; time in seconds which corvette will spend to reposition
; itself to a new location for it to fire.
circleRange 800.0

;Ship Trails
trailSegments 20
trailGranularity 3
trailColor 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;grey team
trailColor 0, 1, 238, 238, 238
trailColor 0, 8, 141, 106, 87
trailColor 0, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;red team
trailColor 1, 1, 225, 124, 33
trailColor 1, 8, 146, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;blue team
trailColor 2, 1, 11, 255, 255
trailColor 2, 8, 51, 0, 243
trailColor 2, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;green team
trailColor 3, 1, 201, 254, 39
trailColor 3, 8, 0, 84, 4
trailColor 3, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;yellow team
trailColor 4, 1, 255, 240, 97
trailColor 4, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 4, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 5, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;orange team
trailColor 5, 1, 225, 255, 11
trailColor 5, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 5, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 6, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;purple team
trailColor 6, 1, 255, 135, 157
trailColor 6, 8, 121, 0, 135
trailColor 6, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 7, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;pale blue-green team
trailColor 7, 1, 45, 255, 149
trailColor 7, 8, 0, 105, 137
trailColor 7, 19, 0, 0, 0

explosionType ET_CorvetteExplosion

//main gun
BindGun LightCorvetteGun Gun0,Azimuth,Declination,Recoil,Frequency 1

;Engine trails
trailWidth 42.0
trailHeight 4.0


Panel A ~ m13panela
LODFile M13PanelA.lod
pMexData M13PanelA\Rl0\LOD0\M13PanelA.mex
mass 1000.0
momentOfInertiaX 7100.0
momentOfInertiaY 7100.0
momentOfInertiaZ 7100.0
maxvelocity 150.0
maxrot 10.0
maxhealth 80000 ; hit points

worldRender TRUE
scaleFactor 0.5


Panel B ~ m13panelb
LODFile M13PanelB.lod
pMexData M13PanelB\Rl0\LOD0\M13PanelB.mex
mass 10000.0
momentOfInertiaX 7000.0
momentOfInertiaY 7100.0
momentOfInertiaZ 7100.0
maxvelocity 150.0
maxrot 10.0
maxhealth 80000 ; hit points

worldRender TRUE
scaleFactor 0.5


Panel C ~ m13panelc
LODFile M13PanelC.lod
pMexData M13PanelC\Rl0\LOD0\M13PanelC.mex
mass 10000.0
momentOfInertiaX 7100.0
momentOfInertiaY 7100.0
momentOfInertiaZ 7100.0
maxvelocity 150.0
maxrot 10.0
maxhealth 80000 ; hit points

worldRender TRUE
scaleFactor 0.5


MineLayer Corvette ~ minelayercorvette

;Source Files
LODFile MinelayerCorvette.lod
pMexData MinelayerCorvette\Rl0\LOD0\MinelayerCorvette.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 225.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 155.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 155.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 155.0
maxvelocity 350.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 10.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Corvette
buildCost 265 ; resource units to build
buildTime 45 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 20000 ; hit points
maxfuel 20000.0
lowfuelpoint 0.25 ; percentage of tank which is considered "low on fuel"
fuelburnrate 0.029
attackfuelburnrate 0.25
groupSize 5 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form

blastRadiusDamage 230

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 150.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 150.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 150.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 150.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 150.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 150.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.5 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 1.0]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.5
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 0.75
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 0.75
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 0.75


rotateToRetaliate TRUE

Type GUN_MineLauncher ; the mine dispenser
SoundType GS_MineLauncher
DamageLo 20 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 30 ; damage variance per shot - high
BulletRange 4000.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 25.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletLifeTime 240.0 ;Life time of bullet
FireTime 2.5 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
MaxMissiles 50000000 ; maximum # of missiles this missile launcher can carry
TriggerHappy 60 ; how triggerHapppy the ship is when firing the fixed.

Type GUN_MineLauncher ; the mine dispenser
SoundType GS_MineLauncher
DamageLo 20 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 30 ; damage variance per shot - high
BulletRange 4000.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 25.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletLifeTime 240.0 ;Life time of bullet
FireTime 2.5 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
MaxMissiles 50000000 ; maximum # of missiles this missile launcher can carry
TriggerHappy 60 ; how triggerHapppy the ship is when firing the fixed.

; Force drop differeing variables from normal attack drops
gunReFireTime 8.5 ; Total Fire time, hence 5 seconds to fire two guns
; This number MUST be bigger than individual gun refire times above, otherwise won't function
forced_drop_damage_lo 100 ; force dropped mine dammage lo
forced_drop_damage_hi 150 ; obvious

;Ship AI
//Too variables NOT used by minelayer corvette
repositionTime 4.0 ; time in seconds which corvette will spend to reposition
; itself to a new location for it to fire.
circleRange 700.0

breakInAwayDist 800.0 ; Distance ship changes heading
; And decides on attack pattern
DropRange 700.0 ; Distance Ship starts dropping mines
DropStopRange 1000.0 ; Distance Ship STOPS dropping mines

FlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Mothership 1500.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1300.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Carrier 1300.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 1200.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Frigate 800.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Corvette 500.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Fighter 500.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Resource 600.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 500.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around

FlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Mothership 1500.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1300.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Carrier 1300.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 1200.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Frigate 800.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Corvette 500.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Fighter 500.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Resource 600.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 500.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around

FlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 1500.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1300.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 1300.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 1200.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 800.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 500.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 500.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Resource 600.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around
FlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 500.0 ; Distance ship flys away before turning around

FlyAwayTolerance 100.0 ; Within this # of FlyAway dist ship will turnaround

Break2SphereizeFreq 3.5 ; After 'adjusting' entering
; mine drop off range, waits
; this long, then recalculates
; flight path to curve around the
; attacked ship...lays mines more
; effectivly.

specialActivateIsContinuous TRUE

;Ship Trails
trailSegments 20
trailGranularity 3
trailColor 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;grey team
trailColor 0, 1, 238, 238, 238
trailColor 0, 8, 141, 106, 87
trailColor 0, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;red team
trailColor 1, 1, 225, 124, 33
trailColor 1, 8, 146, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;blue team
trailColor 2, 1, 11, 255, 255
trailColor 2, 8, 51, 0, 243
trailColor 2, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;green team
trailColor 3, 1, 201, 254, 39
trailColor 3, 8, 0, 84, 4
trailColor 3, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;yellow team
trailColor 4, 1, 255, 240, 97
trailColor 4, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 4, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 5, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;orange team
trailColor 5, 1, 225, 255, 11
trailColor 5, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 5, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 6, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;purple team
trailColor 6, 1, 255, 135, 157
trailColor 6, 8, 121, 0, 135
trailColor 6, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 7, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;pale blue-green team
trailColor 7, 1, 45, 255, 149
trailColor 7, 8, 0, 105, 137
trailColor 7, 19, 0, 0, 0

explosionType ET_CorvetteExplosion

NumMinesInSide 5 ; number of mines to drop in a static drop
; between mine drops.
MINE_STOP_FRICTION 0.95 ; Mine Velocity is multiplied by this
MineDropDistance 400.0 ; Distance from end of mine layer that WALL is formed
MineSpacing 750.0 ; spaceing between mines in wall
MineClearDistance 100.0 ; Distance mine must go from minelayer centre before it
; starts to form a wall

;Engine trails
trailAngle 90.0
trailWidth 42.0
trailHeight 4.0


Multigun Corvette ~ multiguncorvette

;Source Files
LODFile MultiGunCorvette.lod
pMexData MultiGunCorvette\Rl0\LOD0\MultiGunCorvette.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 225.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 165.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 165.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 165.0
maxvelocity 385.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 10.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Corvette
buildCost 225 ; resource units to build
buildTime 40 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 20000 ; hit points
maxfuel 20000.0
lowfuelpoint 0.25 ; percentage of tank which is considered "low on fuel"
fuelburnrate 0.029
attackfuelburnrate 0.35
groupSize 5 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form

blastRadiusDamage 230

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 150.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 150.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 150.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 150.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 150.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 150.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.5 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 10]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.4
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.4
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.4
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.4
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 1.25 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 1.25
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 1.25


canTargetMultipleTargets TRUE
rotateToRetaliate TRUE


;Front gun, right side
Type GUN_NewGimble ; type of gun - either GUN_Fixed or GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_MediumEnergyCannon
DamageLo 10 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 15 ; damage variance per shot - high
BulletLength 18.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 2500.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 3000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.25 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 3.0 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
TriggerHappy 5.0
minturnangle -45.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 3.0
mindeclination -30.0
maxdeclination 5.0
maxanglespeed 360.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 360.0
angletracking 4.0
declinationtracking 4.0
BarrelLength 7.25
RecoilLength 7.0

;Front gun, left side
Type GUN_NewGimble
SoundType GS_MediumEnergyCannon
DamageLo 10
DamageHi 15
BulletLength 18.0
BulletRange 2500.0
BulletSpeed 3000.0
BulletMass 0.25
FireTime 3.0
TriggerHappy 5.0
minturnangle -5.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 45.0
mindeclination -30.0
maxdeclination 5.0
maxanglespeed 360.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 360.0
angletracking 4.0
declinationtracking 4.0
BarrelLength 7.25
RecoilLength 7.0

;Left side gun - NOTE: need to add one more gun like this w/ an offset later
Type GUN_NewGimble
SoundType GS_MediumEnergyCannon
DamageLo 10
DamageHi 15
BulletLength 18.0
BulletRange 2500.0
BulletSpeed 3000.0
BulletMass 0.25
FireTime 3.0
TriggerHappy 5.0
minturnangle -5.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 15.0
mindeclination -90.0
maxdeclination 10.0
maxanglespeed 360.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 360.0
angletracking 4.0
declinationtracking 4.0
BarrelLength 10.75
RecoilLength 9.0

;Right side gun - NOTE: need to add one more gun like this w/ an offset later
Type GUN_NewGimble ; type of gun - either GUN_Fixed or GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_MediumEnergyCannon
DamageLo 10 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 15 ; damage variance per shot - high
BulletLength 18.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 2500.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 3000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.25 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 3.0 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
TriggerHappy 5.0
TriggerHappy 5.0
minturnangle -5.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 15.0
mindeclination -90.0
maxdeclination 10.0
maxanglespeed 360.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 360.0
angletracking 4.0
declinationtracking 4.0
BarrelLength 10.75
RecoilLength 9.0

;Ship AI
repositionTime 0.6 ; time in seconds which corvette will spend to reposition
; itself to a new location for it to fire.
circleRange 800.0

;Ship Trails
trailSegments 20
trailGranularity 3
trailColor 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;grey team
trailColor 0, 1, 238, 238, 238
trailColor 0, 8, 141, 106, 87
trailColor 0, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;red team
trailColor 1, 1, 225, 124, 33
trailColor 1, 8, 146, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;blue team
trailColor 2, 1, 11, 255, 255
trailColor 2, 8, 51, 0, 243
trailColor 2, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;green team
trailColor 3, 1, 201, 254, 39
trailColor 3, 8, 0, 84, 4
trailColor 3, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;yellow team
trailColor 4, 1, 255, 240, 97
trailColor 4, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 4, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 5, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;orange team
trailColor 5, 1, 225, 255, 11
trailColor 5, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 5, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 6, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;purple team
trailColor 6, 1, 255, 135, 157
trailColor 6, 8, 121, 0, 135
trailColor 6, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 7, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;pale blue-green team
trailColor 7, 1, 45, 255, 149
trailColor 7, 8, 0, 105, 137
trailColor 7, 19, 0, 0, 0

explosionType ET_CorvetteExplosion

//front gun, right side
BindGun MultiGunCorvetteGun(2) Gun0,Azimuth,Declination,Recoil,Frequency 1
//front gun, left side
BindGun MultiGunCorvetteGun(1) Gun1,Azimuth,Declination,Recoil,Frequency 1
//left side gun
BindGun MultiGunCorvettePod(2) Gun2,Azimuth,Declination,Recoil,Frequency 1
//right side gun
BindGun MultiGunCorvettePod(1) Gun3,Azimuth,Declination,Recoil,Frequency 1

;Engine trails
trailWidth 42.0
trailHeight 4.0


Kharak ~ planetoforigin <- I have no idea what this is doing in here.
LODFile PlanetOfOrigin.lod
pMexData PlanetOfOrigin\Rl0\LOD0\PlanetOfOrigin.mex
mass 10000000.0
momentOfInertiaX 100.0
momentOfInertiaY 100.0
momentOfInertiaZ 100.0
maxvelocity 150.0
maxrot 10.0
maxhealth 8000000 ; hit points

worldRender TRUE
scaleFactor 0.5


Kharak (destroyed) ~ planetoforigin_scarred <- I have no idea what this is doing in here.
LODFile PlanetOfOrigin_scarred.lod
pMexData PlanetOfOrigin_scarred\Rl0\LOD0\PlanetOfOrigin_scarred.mex
mass 10000000.0
momentOfInertiaX 100.0
momentOfInertiaY 100.0
momentOfInertiaZ 100.0
maxvelocity 150.0
maxrot 10.0
maxhealth 8000000 ; hit points

worldRender TRUE
scaleFactor 0.5


Prison Ship (derelict) ~ prisonship
LODFile PrisonShip.lod
pMexData PrisonShip\Rl0\LOD0\PrisonShip.mex
mass 10000.0
momentOfInertiaX 7000.0
momentOfInertiaY 7000.0
momentOfInertiaZ 7000.0
maxvelocity 150.0
maxrot 10.0
maxhealth 800000 ; hit points

minimumZoomDistance 1350

renderlistFade 12000.0
renderlistLimit 14000.0


Prison Ship (active) ~ prisonshipnew
LODFile PrisonShipNew.lod
pMexData PrisonShipNew\Rl0\LOD0\PrisonShipNew.mex
mass 10000.0
momentOfInertiaX 7000.0
momentOfInertiaY 7000.0
momentOfInertiaZ 7000.0
maxvelocity 150.0
maxrot 10.0
maxhealth 800000 ; hit points
renderlistFade 12000.0
renderlistLimit 14000.0

minimumZoomDistance 1350

blastRadiusShockWave 1.0
blastRadiusDamage 125

;Engine Glow
trailWidth 220.0
trailHeight 330.0
trailLength 320.0
trailScaleCap 0.000103


; format is NavLight name, type, blinkrate (in seconds), size (in meters), min LOD, texture name
NavLight antenna1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1.5, 0.5, 0.5, 20, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1.5, 0.5, 0, 20, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna3, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 0.5, 0.5, 15, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna4, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1.5, 0.5, 0.5, 20, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna5, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 0.5, 0, 15, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna6, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 0.5, 0.5, 15, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight caution1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.75, 0.5, 0.5, 10, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight caution2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.75, 0.5, 0.5, 10, 2, etg\textures\glow32


Prison Ship ~ prisonshipold
LODFile PrisonShipOld.lod
pMexData PrisonShipOld\Rl0\LOD0\PrisonShipOld.mex
mass 100000.0
momentOfInertiaX 70000.0
momentOfInertiaY 70000.0
momentOfInertiaZ 70000.0
maxvelocity 150.0
maxrot 10.0
maxhealth 800000 ; hit points

minimumZoomDistance 1350

renderlistFade 12000.0
renderlistLimit 14000.0


; format: name,type
SalvagePoint Point1,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point2,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point3,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point4,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point5,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point6,AttachPoint

Repair Corvette ~ repaircorvette

;Source Files
LODFile RepairCorvette.lod
pMexData RepairCorvette\Rl0\LOD0\RepairCorvette.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 325.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 225.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 225.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 225.0
maxvelocity 450.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 10.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Corvette
buildCost 150 ; resource units to build
buildTime 24 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 20000 ; hit points
;maxfuel 16000.0
;lowfuelpoint 0.25 ; percentage of tank which is considered "low on fuel"
;fuelburnrate 0.08
groupSize 5 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form

blastRadiusDamage 230

canReceiveShips TRUE
canReceiveFighters TRUE
;canReceiveCorvettes TRUE

canHandleNumShipsDocking 1
pumpFuelRate 450.0 ; how fast pumps fuel in.

dockShipRange 500.0
repairOtherShipRate 1 ; how fast heals damaged ships. Must be an integer

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 150.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 150.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 150.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 150.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 150.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 150.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.5 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 1.0]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.5
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 0.75
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 0.75
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 0.75


rotateToRetaliate TRUE

Type GUN_Fixed ; type of gun - either GUN_Fixed or GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_MediumEnergyCannon
DamageLo 7 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 8 ; damage variance per shot - high
BulletLength 18.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 3000.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 2100.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.25 ; mass of bullet
TriggerHappy 5.0
FireTime 1.4 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)

;Ship AI
repositionTime 4.0 ; time in seconds which corvette will spend to reposition
; itself to a new location for it to fire.
circleRange 800.0

;Ship Trails
trailSegments 20
trailGranularity 3
trailColor 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;grey team
trailColor 0, 1, 238, 238, 238
trailColor 0, 8, 141, 106, 87
trailColor 0, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;red team
trailColor 1, 1, 225, 124, 33
trailColor 1, 8, 146, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;blue team
trailColor 2, 1, 11, 255, 255
trailColor 2, 8, 51, 0, 243
trailColor 2, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;green team
trailColor 3, 1, 201, 254, 39
trailColor 3, 8, 0, 84, 4
trailColor 3, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;yellow team
trailColor 4, 1, 255, 240, 97
trailColor 4, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 4, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 5, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;orange team
trailColor 5, 1, 225, 255, 11
trailColor 5, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 5, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 6, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;purple team
trailColor 6, 1, 255, 135, 157
trailColor 6, 8, 121, 0, 135
trailColor 6, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 7, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;pale blue-green team
trailColor 7, 1, 45, 255, 149
trailColor 7, 8, 0, 105, 137
trailColor 7, 19, 0, 0, 0


; format is DockPoint name,type,flyawaydist,mindist,maxdist,[headingdirection],[updirection] (0=up,1=right,2=forward,4=down,5=left,6=back) for direction
DockPoint Latch,LatchPoint,200,150,300,2,4

explosionType ET_CorvetteExplosion

;Engine trails
trailWidth 40.75
trailHeight 7.5

;Special Ops Vars
approachAndWaitDistance 1000.0 ;distance ship will fly to and before ship is repaired
rotationStopDistance 200.0 ;distance from target, ship
;will fly to
stopRotMultiplier 0.8 ;Muliplied by targets rotation speed to slow it down if need be
sloppyRotThreshold 0.02 ;When target drops below this
;rotation speed, docking code clamps
;targets rotation speed to
;the next variable if its speed is greater
;than dockwithRotation speed, otherwise
;it just docks with it at its current rotation speed
dockWithRotationSpeed 0.0
targetStartDockDistance 150.0 ;initial distance ship goes to
;for first docking phase
startdockTolerance 50.0 ;docking tolerance for first docking phase
finaldockDistance 18.0 ;final docking distance FROM Target
canSpecialBandBoxFriendlies TRUE


Resource Controller ~ resourcecontroller

;Source Files
LODFile ResourceController.lod
pMexData ResourceController\Rl0\LOD0\ResourceController.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 1400.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 1000.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 1000.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 1000.0
maxvelocity 320.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 1.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Frigate
buildCost 680 ; resource units to build
buildTime 65 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 100000 ; hit points
groupSize 2 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form
repairTime 5 ; every this many seconds
repairDamage 25 ; this much damage is repaired

canReceiveResources TRUE ; Resource Collectors,etc can deposit resources in this ship
canReceiveShips TRUE ; other ships can dock in this ship

canReceiveFighters TRUE
canReceiveCorvettes TRUE
canReceiveResourceCollectors TRUE

canHandleNumShipsDocking 9
canHandleNumShipsDepositingRU 1

pumpFuelRate 300.0 ; how fast resource controller pumps fuel in.

dockShipRange 500.0 ; how close ships should get before considering docking (to ship surface)

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 50.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 50.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 50.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 50.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 50.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 50.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.25 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 10]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.25
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.05
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 0.3 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 0.3
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 0.3


; format is NavLight name, type, blinkrate (in seconds), size (in meters), min LOD, texture name
NavLight antenna, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 7, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 7, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 7, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight rtresdock, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 2.5, 0, 10, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight ltresdock, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 2.5, 0, 10, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight dock, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0, 7, 2, etg\textures\glow32

explosionType ET_FrigateExplosion


; format is DockPoint name,type,flyawaydist,mindist,maxdist,[headingdirection,updirection] (0=up,1=right,2=forward,4=down,5=left,6=back) for direction
DockPoint Res,LatchPoint,300,300,800,2,4
DockPoint CorvL,LatchPoint,300,300,800,2,5
DockPoint CorvR,LatchPoint,300,300,800,2,1
DockPoint FightL0,LatchPoint,300,300,800,2,5
DockPoint FightL1,LatchPoint,300,300,800,2,5
DockPoint FightL2,LatchPoint,300,300,800,2,5
DockPoint FightR0,LatchPoint,300,300,800,2,1
DockPoint FightR1,LatchPoint,300,300,800,2,1
DockPoint FightR2,LatchPoint,300,300,800,2,1

;Engine Glow
trailWidth 130.0
trailHeight 205.0
trailLength 190.0
trailScaleCap 0.000220

;Special Ops variables

//distance ship will 'give' fuel to stranded ship so it can dock with ship
repairApproachDistance 700.0
canSpecialBandBoxFriendlies TRUE


Salvage Corvette ~ salcapcorvette

;Source Files
LODFile SalCapCorvette.lod
pMexData SalCapCorvette\Rl0\LOD0\SalCapCorvette.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 425.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 325.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 325.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 325.0
maxvelocity 450.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 10.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Corvette
buildCost 275 ; resource units to build
buildTime 40 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 20000 ; hit points
maxfuel 20000.0
lowfuelpoint 0.25 ; percentage of tank which is considered "low on fuel"
fuelburnrate 0.020
attackfuelburnrate 0.25
groupSize 5 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form

blastRadiusDamage 230

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 150.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 150.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 150.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 150.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 150.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 150.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.5 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 1.0]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.5
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 1.1
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 1.1
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 1.1


rotateToRetaliate TRUE

Type GUN_NewGimble
SoundType GS_LargeEnergyCannon
DamageLo 7 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 8 ; damage variance per shot - high
BulletLength 10.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 3000.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing; also defines the range of the gun
BulletSpeed 2100.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.2 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 3.0 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
TriggerHappy 5.0
minturnangle -30.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 30.0
mindeclination -3.0
maxdeclination 15.0
maxanglespeed 360.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 360.0
angletracking 2.0
declinationtracking 2.0
BarrelLength 14.75

;Ship AI
repositionTime 1.0 ; time in seconds which corvette will spend to reposition
; itself to a new location for it to fire.
circleRange 800.0

;Ship Trails
trailSegments 20
trailGranularity 3
trailColor 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;grey team
trailColor 0, 1, 238, 238, 238
trailColor 0, 8, 141, 106, 87
trailColor 0, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;red team
trailColor 1, 1, 225, 124, 33
trailColor 1, 8, 146, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;blue team
trailColor 2, 1, 11, 255, 255
trailColor 2, 8, 51, 0, 243
trailColor 2, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;green team
trailColor 3, 1, 201, 254, 39
trailColor 3, 8, 0, 84, 4
trailColor 3, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;yellow team
trailColor 4, 1, 255, 240, 97
trailColor 4, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 4, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 5, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;orange team
trailColor 5, 1, 225, 255, 11
trailColor 5, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 5, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 6, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;purple team
trailColor 6, 1, 255, 135, 157
trailColor 6, 8, 121, 0, 135
trailColor 6, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 7, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;pale blue-green team
trailColor 7, 1, 45, 255, 149
trailColor 7, 8, 0, 105, 137
trailColor 7, 19, 0, 0, 0

explosionType ET_CorvetteExplosion

;Scaling effects

//main gun
BindGun SalCapCorvetteGun Gun0,Azimuth,Declination,Frequency 1

;Engine trails
trailWidth 41.5
trailHeight 4.75

;Engine #2
trailWidth2 41.5
trailHeight2 4.75

;Special Salvaging/Capturing Info
HealthThreshold 0.999 ;if ship isn't below this ratio of health to max health, corv will attack it
healthRemovedPerSecond 35.0 ;health deducted from target every second once clamped on to it
getTechTime 15.0 ;time it takes to strip tech from a ship, temporary
flyToDistance 2000.0 ;range from target at which time salcap begins docking cone maneuvers..don't make too close
maxPushingVelocitySingle 150.0 ;salcap can't push a single target faster than this (if the ship requires more than 1 salcap)
noLightClampingDistance 100.0


Scaffold (active) ~ scaffold
LODFile Scaffold.lod
pMexData Scaffold\Rl0\LOD0\Scaffold.mex
mass 360000.0
momentOfInertiaX 219000.0
momentOfInertiaY 219500.0
momentOfInertiaZ 219500.0
maxvelocity 150.0
maxrot 10.0
maxhealth 800000 ; hit points
immobile True ; indicates object is immobile
avoidcollmodifier 0.3

collBoxScaleForward 1.5
collBoxScaleUp 1.2 ; really Up, not Right because scaffold is positioned in lightwave according
; to the R2 Taidan ship

blastRadiusShockWave 1.0
blastRadiusDamage 10000

minimumZoomDistance 3450


; format is NavLight name,type,blinkrate (in seconds), startdelay (in seconds) size (in meters), min LOD, texture name
NavLight antenna1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna3, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna4, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna5, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna6, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna7, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna8, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna9, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna10, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna11, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna12, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna13, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna14, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight bay1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 1, 60, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight bay1a, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0, 60, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight bay2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 1, 60, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight bay2a, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0, 60, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight bay3, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 1, 60, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight bay3a, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0, 60, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight bay4, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 1, 60, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight bay4a, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0, 60, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight fingerbay1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight fingerbay2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0.5, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight fingerbay3, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight fingerbay4, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0.75, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight fingerbay5, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight fingerbay6, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0.5, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight caution1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight caution1a, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.5, 0.75, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight caution2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight caution2a, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.5, 0.75, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight caution3, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight caution3a, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.5, 0.75, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight caution4, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight caution4a, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.5, 0.75, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight caution5, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight caution5a, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.5, 0.75, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight crane, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 0.5, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight misc1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.75, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight misc2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.75, 0.5, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight misc3, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.75, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight misc4, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.75, 0.75, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32

renderlistFade 15000.0
renderlistLimit 18000.0


Scaffold Main Shell (destroyed) ~ scaffold_scarred
LODFile Scaffold_scarred.lod
pMexData Scaffold_scarred\Rl0\LOD0\Scaffold_scarred.mex
mass 120000.0
momentOfInertiaX 90000.0
momentOfInertiaY 90500.0
momentOfInertiaZ 90500.0
maxvelocity 150.0
maxrot 10.0
maxhealth 80000 ; hit points
avoidcollmodifier 0.9

minimumZoomDistance 3450

blastRadiusShockWave 1.0
blastRadiusDamage 125


; format is NavLight name,type,blinkrate (in seconds), startdelay (in seconds) size (in meters), min LOD, texture name
;NavLight antenna1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight antenna2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight antenna3, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight antenna4, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight antenna5, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight antenna6, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight antenna7, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight antenna8, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight antenna9, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight antenna10, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight antenna11, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight antenna12, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight antenna13, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight antenna14, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight bay1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 1, 60, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight bay1a, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0, 60, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight bay2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 1, 60, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight bay2a, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0, 60, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight bay3, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 1, 60, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight bay3a, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0, 60, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight bay4, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 1, 60, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight bay4a, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0, 60, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight fingerbay1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight fingerbay2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0.5, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight fingerbay3, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight fingerbay4, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0.75, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight fingerbay5, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight fingerbay6, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0.5, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight caution1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight caution1a, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.5, 0.75, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight caution2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight caution2a, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.5, 0.75, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight caution3, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight caution3a, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.5, 0.75, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight caution4, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight caution4a, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.5, 0.75, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight caution5, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight caution5a, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.5, 0.75, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight crane, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 0.5, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight misc1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.75, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight misc2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.75, 0.5, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight misc3, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.75, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight misc4, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.75, 0.75, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
renderlistFade 16000.0
renderlistLimit 18000.0


Scaffold Arm #1 (destroyed) ~ scaffoldfingera_scarred
LODFile ScaffoldFingerA_scarred.lod
pMexData ScaffoldFingerA_scarred\Rl0\LOD0\ScaffoldFingerA_scarred.mex
mass 10000.0
momentOfInertiaX 7000.0
momentOfInertiaY 7000.0
momentOfInertiaZ 7000.0
maxvelocity 150.0
maxrot 10.0
maxhealth 80000 ; hit points
avoidcollmodifier 0.9

minimumZoomDistance 3450

blastRadiusShockWave 1.0
blastRadiusDamage 125


; format is NavLight name,type,blinkrate (in seconds), startdelay (in seconds) size (in meters), min LOD, texture name
;NavLight antenna1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight antenna2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight antenna3, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight antenna4, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight antenna5, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight antenna6, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight antenna7, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight antenna8, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight antenna9, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight antenna10, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight antenna11, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight antenna12, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight antenna13, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight antenna14, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight bay1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 1, 60, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight bay1a, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0, 60, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight bay2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 1, 60, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight bay2a, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0, 60, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight bay3, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 1, 60, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight bay3a, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0, 60, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight bay4, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 1, 60, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight bay4a, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0, 60, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight fingerbay1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight fingerbay2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0.5, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight fingerbay3, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight fingerbay4, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0.75, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight fingerbay5, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight fingerbay6, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0.5, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight caution1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight caution1a, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.5, 0.75, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight caution2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight caution2a, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.5, 0.75, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight caution3, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight caution3a, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.5, 0.75, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight caution4, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight caution4a, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.5, 0.75, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight caution5, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight caution5a, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.5, 0.75, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight crane, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 0.5, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight misc1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.75, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight misc2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.75, 0.5, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight misc3, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.75, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight misc4, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.75, 0.75, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32

renderlistFade 12000.0
renderlistLimit 18000.0


Scaffold Arm #2 (destroyed) ~ scaffoldfingerb_scarred
LODFile ScaffoldFingerB_scarred.lod
pMexData ScaffoldFingerB_scarred\Rl0\LOD0\ScaffoldFingerB_scarred.mex
mass 10000.0
momentOfInertiaX 7000.0
momentOfInertiaY 7000.0
momentOfInertiaZ 7000.0
maxvelocity 150.0
maxrot 10.0
maxhealth 80000 ; hit points
avoidcollmodifier 0.9

minimumZoomDistance 1450

blastRadiusShockWave 1.0
blastRadiusDamage 125


; format is NavLight name,type,blinkrate (in seconds), startdelay (in seconds) size (in meters), min LOD, texture name
;NavLight antenna1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight antenna2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight antenna3, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight antenna4, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight antenna5, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight antenna6, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight antenna7, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight antenna8, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight antenna9, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight antenna10, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight antenna11, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight antenna12, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight antenna13, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight antenna14, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 70, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight bay1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 1, 60, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight bay1a, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0, 60, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight bay2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 1, 60, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight bay2a, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0, 60, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight bay3, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 1, 60, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight bay3a, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0, 60, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight bay4, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 1, 60, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight bay4a, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0, 60, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight fingerbay1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight fingerbay2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0.5, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight fingerbay3, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight fingerbay4, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0.75, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight fingerbay5, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight fingerbay6, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0.5, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight caution1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight caution1a, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.5, 0.75, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight caution2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight caution2a, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.5, 0.75, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight caution3, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight caution3a, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.5, 0.75, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight caution4, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight caution4a, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.5, 0.75, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight caution5, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight caution5a, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.5, 0.75, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight crane, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 0.5, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight misc1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.75, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight misc2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.75, 0.5, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight misc3, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.75, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
;NavLight misc4, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.75, 0.75, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32

renderlistFade 12000.0
renderlistLimit 18000.0


Shipwreck ~ shipwreck
LODFile Shipwreck.lod
pMexData Shipwreck\Rl0\LOD0\Shipwreck.mex
mass 2000.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 1400.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 1450.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 1450.0
maxvelocity 350.0
maxrot 0.4
maxhealth 800000 ; hit points
immobile FALSE ; indicates object is immobile

blastRadiusShockWave 1.75
blastRadiusDamage 275

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 75.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 75.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 75.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 75.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 75.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 75.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.25 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 10]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.25
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.05
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 0.3 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 0.3
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 0.3

pitchdescend 0.5
sinbank 0.5
pitchturn 0.5

;ORDER IS CRITICAL!! Heading second last, Up last!


; format: name,type
SalvagePoint Point1,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point2,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point3,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point4,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point5,AttachPoint

salvageable TRUE

minimumZoomDistance 1550

renderlistFade 12000.0
renderlistLimit 18000.0


Assault Frigate ~ standardfrigate

;Source Files
LODFile StandardFrigate.lod
pMexData StandardFrigate\Rl0\LOD0\StandardFrigate.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 1400.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 1000.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 1000.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 1040.0
maxvelocity 325.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 1.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Frigate
buildCost 575 ; resource units to build
buildTime 60 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 60000 ; hit points
groupSize 2 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form
repairTime 10 ; every this many seconds
repairDamage 50 ; this much damage is repaired

blastRadiusShockWave 1.75
blastRadiusDamage 275

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 50.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 50.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 50.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 50.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 50.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 50.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.25 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 10]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.25
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.05
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 0.5 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 0.5
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 0.5


canTargetMultipleTargets TRUE
rotateToRetaliate TRUE
passiveRetaliateZone 3000.0


;Top gun
//Desired Range = 4800
//ADD this amount: 147 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount: 784 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_NewGimble ; type of gun - either GUN_Fixed or GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_LargeEnergyCannon
DamageLo 35 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 50 ; damage variance per shot - high
BulletLength 18.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 5731.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 3100.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.75 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 2.7 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
TriggerHappy 10.0
minturnangle -110.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 110.0
mindeclination -10.0
maxdeclination 10.0
maxanglespeed 360.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 360.0
angletracking 2.0
declinationtracking 2.0
BarrelLength 19.0
RecoilLength 15

;Right side gun
//Desired Range = 4800
//ADD this amount: 147 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount: 784 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_NewGimble
SoundType GS_LargeEnergyCannon
DamageLo 50
DamageHi 65
BulletLength 18.0
BulletRange 5731.0
BulletSpeed 3100.0
BulletMass 0.75
FireTime 2.7
TriggerHappy 10.0
minturnangle -110.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 110.0
mindeclination -10.0
maxdeclination 10.0
maxanglespeed 360.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 360.0
angletracking 2.0
declinationtracking 2.0
BarrelLength 21.0
RecoilLength 15

;Left side gun
//Desired Range = 4800
//ADD this amount: 147 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount: 784 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_NewGimble
SoundType GS_LargeEnergyCannon
DamageLo 50
DamageHi 65
BulletLength 18.0
BulletRange 5731.0
BulletSpeed 3100.0
BulletMass 0.75
FireTime 2.7
TriggerHappy 10.0
minturnangle -110.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 110.0
mindeclination -10.0
maxdeclination 10.0
maxanglespeed 360.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 360.0
angletracking 2.0
declinationtracking 2.0
BarrelLength 21.0
RecoilLength 15

//Desired Range = 6000
//ADD this amount: 110 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount: 784 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_Gimble ; type of gun - either GUN_Fixed or GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_MediumPlasmaBomb
BulletType BULLET_PlasmaBomb
DamageLo 35 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 40 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 5
BulletLength 4.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 6894.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 620.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 2.5 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 3.0 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)

//Desired Range = 6000
//ADD this amount: 110 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount: 784 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_Gimble ; type of gun - either GUN_Fixed or GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_MediumPlasmaBomb
BulletType BULLET_PlasmaBomb
DamageLo 35 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 40 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 5
BulletLength 4.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 6894.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 620.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 2.5 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 3.0 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
TriggerHappy 10 ; how triggerHapppy the ship is when firing the fixed. Arccos(x) gives angle

;Bottom gun
//Desired Range = 4800
//ADD this amount: 147 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount: 784 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_NewGimble
SoundType GS_LargeEnergyCannon
DamageLo 50
DamageHi 65
BulletLength 18.0
BulletRange 5731.0
BulletSpeed 3100.0
BulletMass 0.75
FireTime 2.7
TriggerHappy 10.0
minturnangle -110.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 110.0
mindeclination -10.0
maxdeclination 10.0
maxanglespeed 360.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 360.0
angletracking 2.0
declinationtracking 2.0
BarrelLength 19.0
RecoilLength 15


; format is NavLight name, type, blinkrate (in seconds), size (in meters), min LOD, texture name
NavLight antenna, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 7, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1.5, 1, 0, 7, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0.5, 6, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight bridge, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 1, 0.5, 6, 2, etg\textures\glow32

explosionType ET_FrigateExplosion

//top gun
BindGun StandardFrigateGun(3) Gun0,Azimuth,Recoil,Frequency 1
//bottom gun
BindGun StandardFrigateGun(1) Gun5,Azimuth,Recoil,Frequency 1
//right gun
BindGun StandardFrigateGun(4) Gun1,Azimuth,Recoil,Frequency 1
//left gun
BindGun StandardFrigateGun(2) Gun2,Azimuth,Recoil,Frequency 1

;Engine Glow
trailWidth 90.0
trailHeight 124.0
trailLength 120.0
trailStyle 3
trailScaleCap 0.00025



Missile ~ missile
LODFile Missile.lod
pMexData Missile\Rl0\LOD0\Missile.mex
mass 10.0
momentOfInertiaX 10.0
momentOfInertiaY 10.0
momentOfInertiaZ 10.0
maxvelocity 1150.0
maxrot 10.0
maxhealth 5 ; hit points

blastRadiusShockWave 6.0
blastRadiusDamage 55

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 1600.0
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 1600.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 1600.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 1600.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 1650.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 1600.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 1600.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 1600.0
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 120.0
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 120.0
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 120.0
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 120.0
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 2.8
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 2.8
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 2.8

tooCloseRange 500.0

;Ship Trails
trailSegments 10
trailGranularity 2
trailColor 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;grey team
trailColor 0, 1, 238, 238, 238
trailColor 0, 4, 141, 106, 87
trailColor 0, 9, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;red team
trailColor 1, 1, 225, 124, 33
trailColor 1, 4, 146, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 9, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;blue team
trailColor 2, 1, 11, 255, 255
trailColor 2, 4, 51, 0, 243
trailColor 2, 9, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;green team
trailColor 3, 1, 201, 254, 39
trailColor 3, 4, 0, 84, 4
trailColor 3, 9, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;yellow team
trailColor 4, 1, 255, 240, 97
trailColor 4, 4, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 4, 9, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 5, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;orange team
trailColor 5, 1, 225, 255, 11
trailColor 5, 4, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 5, 9, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 6, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;purple team
trailColor 6, 1, 255, 135, 157
trailColor 6, 4, 121, 0, 135
trailColor 6, 9, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 7, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;pale blue-green team
trailColor 7, 1, 45, 255, 149
trailColor 7, 4, 0, 105, 137
trailColor 7, 9, 0, 0, 0


Fighter ~ p1fighter

;Source Files
LODFile P1Fighter.lod
pMexData P1Fighter\Rl0\LOD0\P1Fighter.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 40.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 4.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 4.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 4.0
maxvelocity 800.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 10.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Fighter
buildCost 50 ; resource units to build
buildTime 15 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 200 ; hit points
maxfuel 20000.0
lowfuelpoint 0.35 ; percentage of tank which is considered "low on fuel"
fuelburnrate 0.0175 ; based on distance ship moves in the world
attackfuelburnrate 0.0515
groupSize 4 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form

blastRadiusShockWave 6.0
blastRadiusDamage 75

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 700.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 700.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 780.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 780.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 800.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 300.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 110.0 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 400]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 110.0
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 110.0
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 110.0
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 110.0
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 110.0
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 2.5 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 2.5
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 2.5

tooCloseRange 500.0

rotateToRetaliate TRUE

Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallEnergyCannon
DamageLo 10 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 22 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 4
BulletLength 15.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 3200.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 4500.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.65 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.15 //0.2 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BurstFireTime 0.6
BurstWaitTime 1.25
BulletLifeTime 2.0 ;Life time of bullet

gunsFireTime 0.13 ; tune this value, not FireTime of individual guns

;Ship AI


;[Default] -- used for ships where nothing else is defined (default behaviour)
flyPastDist Evasive Default 3000.0 ; dist which ship will try to fly past target - relative to CENTRE of ship
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive Default 3500.0 ; maximum distance ship will fly away from target - relative to CENTRE of ship
breakRange Evasive Default 1000.0 ; range at which ship will break off for another pass - relative to SURFACE of ship
triggerHappy Evasive Default 11.0 ; how close in degrees the ship needs to be to fire fixed guns
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive Default 2.0 ; within how many degrees will try to align itself with target
maxAttackTime Evasive Default 4.0 ; maximum time ship will attack before breaking

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive Default 0,2,2,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive Default 0,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive Default 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive Default 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Mothership 8000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Mothership 10000.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Mothership 2000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Mothership 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Mothership 2.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Mothership 8.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Mothership 0,3,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Mothership 1,3,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,8 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,8 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,8 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Carrier 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Carrier 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Carrier 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Carrier 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Carrier 2.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Carrier 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Carrier 0,3,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Carrier 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 2.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,3,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 2.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 0,3,2,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Frigate 3000.0 //3000
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Frigate 3500.0 //3300
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Frigate 1000.0 //725
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Frigate 11.0 //4
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Frigate 2.0
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Frigate 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Frigate 0,3,2,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Frigate 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Corvette 2200.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Corvette 2600.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Corvette 750.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Corvette 3.5
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Corvette 3.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Corvette 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Corvette 0,4,3,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Corvette 1,2,3,1,2 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,8,10,8,13,13,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,8,0,8,13,13,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,8,10,8,13,13,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Fighter 1200.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Fighter 1300.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Fighter 600.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Fighter 2.5
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Fighter 0.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Fighter 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Fighter 0,5,5,2,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Fighter 1,2,3,1,2 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,15 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Resource 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Resource 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Resource 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Resource 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Resource 2.0
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Resource 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Resource 0,4,4,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Resource 1,2,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 2.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 0,4,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 1,2,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE


;[Default] -- used for ships where nothing else is defined (default behaviour)
flyPastDist Neutral Default 3000.0 ; dist which ship will try to fly past target - relative to CENTRE of ship
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral Default 3500.0 ; maximum distance ship will fly away from target - relative to CENTRE of ship
breakRange Neutral Default 1000.0 ; range at which ship will break off for another pass - relative to SURFACE of ship
triggerHappy Neutral Default 11.0 ; how close in degrees the ship needs to be to fire fixed guns
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral Default 2.0 ; within how many degrees will try to align itself with target
maxAttackTime Neutral Default 4.0 ; maximum time ship will attack before breaking

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral Default 0,1,1,1,1 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral Default 0,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral Default 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral Default 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Mothership 8000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Mothership 10000.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Mothership 2000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Mothership 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Mothership 2.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Mothership 4.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Mothership 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Mothership 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Carrier 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Carrier 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Carrier 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Carrier 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Carrier 2.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Carrier 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Carrier 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Carrier 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 2.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 2.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Frigate 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Frigate 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Frigate 1000.0 //725
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Frigate 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Frigate 1.0
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Frigate 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Frigate 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Frigate 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Corvette 2100.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Corvette 2500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Corvette 650.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Corvette 4.2
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Corvette 2.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Corvette 4.0
Relative frequenciesfor:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Corvette 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Corvette 1,1,1,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Fighter 1500.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Fighter 1700.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Fighter 600.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Fighter 3.2
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Fighter 0.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Fighter 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Fighter 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Fighter 1,1,1,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Resource 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Resource 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Resource 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Resource 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Resource 2.0
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Resource 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Resource 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Resource 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 3.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 2.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE


;[Default] -- used for ships where nothing else is defined (default behaviour)
flyPastDist Aggressive Default 3000.0 ; dist which ship will try to fly past target - relative to CENTRE of ship
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive Default 3500.0 ; maximum distance ship will fly away from target - relative to CENTRE of ship
breakRange Aggressive Default 1000.0 ; range at which ship will break off for another pass - relative to SURFACE of ship
triggerHappy Aggressive Default 11.0 ; how close in degrees the ship needs to be to fire fixed guns
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive Default 2.0 ; within how many degrees will try to align itself with target
maxAttackTime Aggressive Default 4.0 ; maximum time ship will attack before breaking

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive Default 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive Default 0,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive Default 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 8000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 10000.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 2000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 2.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 4.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 2.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 2.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 2.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 1000.0 //725
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 2.0
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 4.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 2000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 2600.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 450.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 3.8
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 2.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 1600.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 1800.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 600.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 2.8
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 0.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Resource 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Resource 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Resource 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Resource 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Resource 2.0
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Resource 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Resource 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Resource 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 2.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

badAI FALSE ; normally set this to FALSE

;Ship Trails
trailSegments 20
trailGranularity 2
trailColor 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;grey team
trailColor 0, 1, 238, 238, 238
trailColor 0, 8, 141, 106, 87
trailColor 0, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;red team
trailColor 1, 1, 225, 124, 33
trailColor 1, 8, 146, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;blue team
trailColor 2, 1, 11, 255, 255
trailColor 2, 8, 51, 0, 243
trailColor 2, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;green team
trailColor 3, 1, 201, 254, 39
trailColor 3, 8, 0, 84, 4
trailColor 3, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;yellow team
trailColor 4, 1, 255, 240, 97
trailColor 4, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 4, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 5, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;orange team
trailColor 5, 1, 225, 255, 11
trailColor 5, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 5, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 6, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;purple team
trailColor 6, 1, 255, 135, 157
trailColor 6, 8, 121, 0, 135
trailColor 6, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 7, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;pale blue-green team
trailColor 7, 1, 45, 255, 149
trailColor 7, 8, 0, 105, 137
trailColor 7, 19, 0, 0, 0

smallExplosion genericBOOM.ebg
bigExplosion genericBOOM.ebg

;Engine trails
trailWidth 10.2
trailHeight 10.2
trailRibbonAdjust 0.5
trailSpriteRadius 30.0

trailWidth2 10.2
trailHeight2 10.2
trailRibbonAdjust2 0.5
trailSpriteRadius2 30.0

minimumZoomDistance 55

Overlay_Selection_Scalar 1.2 ; scale the tactical overlay by this amount

;Override face-specific damage:
collSideModifiers[TRANS_UP] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_DOWN] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_RIGHT] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_LEFT] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_FORWARD] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_BACK] 1.5


Ion Array Frigate ~ p1ionarrayfrigate

;Source Files
LODFile P1IonArrayFrigate.lod
pMexData P1IonArrayFrigate\Rl0\LOD0\P1IonArrayFrigate.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 1900.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 450.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 450.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 450.0
maxvelocity 335.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 1.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Frigate
isCapitalShip TRUE
buildCost 800 ; resource units to build
buildTime 70 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 6700 //13400 ; hit points
groupSize 2 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form
repairTime 15 ; every this many seconds
repairDamage 100 ; this much damage is repaired
repairCombatTime 25 ; every this many seconds
repairCombatDamage 50 ; this much damage is repaired

blastRadiusShockWave 1.75
blastRadiusDamage 275

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 20.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 20.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 20.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 20.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 30.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 20.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.05 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 10]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.05
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 0.3 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 0.3
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 0.3

rotateToRetaliate TRUE
passiveRetaliateZone 7000.0

tooCloseRange 500.0

;(one BIG gun)

//Desired Range = 6500
//ADD this amount: 280 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount: 702 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_LargeIonCannon
BulletType BULLET_Beam
DamageLo 95 ; damage variance per shot - low (continuous damage for BULLET_Beam)
DamageHi 105 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 3
BulletLength 7482.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 6482.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 5000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletLifeTime 2.8
BulletMass 0.75 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 12.6 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
TriggerHappy 5


; format is NavLight name, type, blinkrate (in seconds), size (in meters), min LOD, texture name
NavLight antenna1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 8, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0.5, 8, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna3, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 1, 8, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight caution1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 0.5, 0, 7, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight caution2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 0.5, 0, 7, 2, etg\textures\glow32

NUM_NEEDED_FOR_SALVAGE 2 ;number of ships needed to capture a craft

; format: name,type
SalvagePoint Point1,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point2,AttachPoint

;Mad Animation Sillyness
;upon creation animation state:
;animation specified is started then paused
;i.e: HeaveyDefender needs to start a gun opening animation,
; and then pause it.

;MadStartInfo needs a starting /Animation Text Name(no spaces allowed!)
MadStartInfo 1 , Array_Open , 1 , Array_Open

;MadGunAnims definitions in explination below
; n = number, g = gun, o = open, c = close, d = damaged, a = animations

; ;ngoa,names,...,ngca,names,...,ngoda,names,... ,ngcda,names,...
;if this doesn't
;makes sence, ask Bryce
MadGunAnims 1, Array_Open, 1, Array_Close, 1,Array_Open_DMG, 1, Array_Close_DMG

;Ships health must be below this percentage to use the damaged animations.
madGunOpenDamagedHealthThreshold 0.70 ;<= 1.0f

explosionType ET_FrigateExplosion

BindAnimations 1

;Engine Glow
trailWidth 70.0
trailHeight 65.0
trailLength 100.0
trailStyle 3
trailScaleCap 0.00025
trailAngle 118

;Engine Glow #2
trailWidth2 70.0
trailHeight2 65.0
trailLength2 100.0
trailStyle2 3
trailScaleCap2 0.00025
trailAngle2 72

minimumZoomDistance 375


Missile Corvette ~ p1missilecorvette

;Source Files
LODFile P1MissileCorvette.lod
pMexData P1MissileCorvette\Rl0\LOD0\P1MissileCorvette.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 280.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 28.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 28.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 28.0
maxvelocity 500.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 10.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Corvette
buildCost 290 ; resource units to build
buildTime 40 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 800 //2000 ; hit points
maxfuel 35000.0
lowfuelpoint 0.25 ; percentage of tank which is considered "low on fuel"
fuelburnrate 0.029
attackfuelburnrate 0.095
groupSize 2 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form

blastRadiusDamage 230

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 300.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 300.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 300.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 300.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 330.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 200.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.4 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 10]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.4
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.4
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.4
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.4
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.4
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 1.25 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 1.25
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 1.25

MissileRegenerateTime 4.0 ; (1.5/4) every this many seconds one missile is regenerated
MissileVolleyTime 0.2 ; fire rate of missiles when opening massive volley attack

MissileLagVolleyTime 12.0


canTargetMultipleTargets TRUE
rotateToRetaliate TRUE
tooCloseRange 500.0

Type GUN_MissileLauncher ; type of gun. Must spell this way.
SoundType GS_MissleLauncher ; must spell this way.
DamageLo 30 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 50 ; damage variance per shot - high
MaxMissiles 10 ; maximum # of missiles this missile launcher can carry
BulletRange 9000.0
BulletSpeed 200.0 ; initial speed for missile
FireTime 1.25 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
TriggerHappy 20 ; how triggerHapppy the ship is when firing the fixed.
BulletLifeTime 15.0

Type GUN_MissileLauncher
SoundType GS_MissleLauncher
DamageLo 30 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 50 ; damage variance per shot - high
MaxMissiles 10
BulletRange 9000.0
BulletSpeed 200.0 ; initial speed for missile
FireTime 1.25 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
TriggerHappy 20 ; how triggerHapppy the ship is when firing the fixed.
BulletLifeTime 15.0

;Ship AI
repositionTime 1.6 ; time in seconds which corvette will spend to reposition
; itself to a new location for it to fire.
circleRange 1800.0

fullMovementFreedom TRUE


;[Default] -- used for ships where nothing else is defined (default behaviour)
flyPastDist Evasive Default 3000.0 ; dist which ship will try to fly past target - relative to CENTRE of ship
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive Default 3500.0 ; maximum distance ship will fly away from target - relative to CENTRE of ship
breakRange Evasive Default 1000.0 ; range at which ship will break off for another pass - relative to SURFACE of ship
triggerHappy Evasive Default 11.0 ; how close in degrees the ship needs to be to fire fixed guns
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive Default 4.0 ; within how many degrees will try to align itself with target
maxAttackTime Evasive Default 4.0 ; maximum time ship will attack before breaking

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive Default 0,2,2,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive Default 0,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive Default 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive Default 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Mothership 8000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Mothership 10000.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Mothership 2000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Mothership 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Mothership 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Mothership 8.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Mothership 0,3,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Mothership 1,3,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,8 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,8 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,8 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Carrier 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Carrier 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Carrier 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Carrier 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Carrier 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Carrier 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Carrier 0,3,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Carrier 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,3,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 0,3,2,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Frigate 3000.0 //3000
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Frigate 3500.0 //3300
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Frigate 1000.0 //725
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Frigate 11.0 //4
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Frigate 4.0
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Frigate 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Frigate 0,3,2,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Frigate 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Corvette 2200.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Corvette 2600.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Corvette 750.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Corvette 4.5
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Corvette 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Corvette 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Corvette 0,4,3,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Corvette 1,2,3,1,2 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,8,10,8,13,13,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,8,0,8,13,13,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,8,10,8,13,13,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Fighter 1200.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Fighter 1300.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Fighter 600.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Fighter 2.5
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Fighter 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Fighter 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Fighter 0,5,5,2,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Fighter 1,2,3,1,2 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,15 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Resource 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Resource 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Resource 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Resource 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Resource 4.0
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Resource 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Resource 0,4,4,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Resource 1,2,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 0,4,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 1,2,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE


;[Default] -- used for ships where nothing else is defined (default behaviour)
flyPastDist Neutral Default 3000.0 ; dist which ship will try to fly past target - relative to CENTRE of ship
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral Default 3500.0 ; maximum distance ship will fly away from target - relative to CENTRE of ship
breakRange Neutral Default 1000.0 ; range at which ship will break off for another pass - relative to SURFACE of ship
triggerHappy Neutral Default 11.0 ; how close in degrees the ship needs to be to fire fixed guns
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral Default 4.0 ; within how many degrees will try to align itself with target
maxAttackTime Neutral Default 4.0 ; maximum time ship will attack before breaking

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral Default 0,1,1,1,1 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral Default 0,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral Default 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral Default 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Mothership 8000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Mothership 10000.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Mothership 2000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Mothership 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Mothership 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Mothership 4.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Mothership 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Mothership 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Carrier 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Carrier 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Carrier 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Carrier 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Carrier 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Carrier 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Carrier 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Carrier 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Frigate 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Frigate 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Frigate 1000.0 //725
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Frigate 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Frigate 4.0
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Frigate 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Frigate 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Frigate 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Corvette 2100.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Corvette 2500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Corvette 650.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Corvette 5.2
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Corvette 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Corvette 4.0
Relative frequenciesfor:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Corvette 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Corvette 1,1,1,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Fighter 1500.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Fighter 1700.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Fighter 600.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Fighter 3.2
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Fighter 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Fighter 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Fighter 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Fighter 1,1,1,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Resource 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Resource 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Resource 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Resource 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Resource 4.0
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Resource 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Resource 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Resource 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 3.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE


;[Default] -- used for ships where nothing else is defined (default behaviour)
flyPastDist Aggressive Default 3000.0 ; dist which ship will try to fly past target - relative to CENTRE of ship
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive Default 3500.0 ; maximum distance ship will fly away from target - relative to CENTRE of ship
breakRange Aggressive Default 1000.0 ; range at which ship will break off for another pass - relative to SURFACE of ship
triggerHappy Aggressive Default 11.0 ; how close in degrees the ship needs to be to fire fixed guns
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive Default 4.0 ; within how many degrees will try to align itself with target
maxAttackTime Aggressive Default 4.0 ; maximum time ship will attack before breaking

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive Default 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive Default 0,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive Default 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 8000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 10000.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 2000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 4.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 1000.0 //725
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 4.0
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 4.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 2000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 2600.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 450.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 4.8
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 1600.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 1800.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 600.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 2.8
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Resource 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Resource 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Resource 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Resource 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Resource 4.0
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Resource 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Resource 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Resource 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

badAI FALSE ; normally set this to FALSE

;Ship Trails
trailSegments 20
trailGranularity 3
trailColor 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;grey team
trailColor 0, 1, 238, 238, 238
trailColor 0, 8, 141, 106, 87
trailColor 0, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;red team
trailColor 1, 1, 225, 124, 33
trailColor 1, 8, 146, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;blue team
trailColor 2, 1, 11, 255, 255
trailColor 2, 8, 51, 0, 243
trailColor 2, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;green team
trailColor 3, 1, 201, 254, 39
trailColor 3, 8, 0, 84, 4
trailColor 3, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;yellow team
trailColor 4, 1, 255, 240, 97
trailColor 4, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 4, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 5, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;orange team
trailColor 5, 1, 225, 255, 11
trailColor 5, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 5, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 6, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;purple team
trailColor 6, 1, 255, 135, 157
trailColor 6, 8, 121, 0, 135
trailColor 6, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 7, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;pale blue-green team
trailColor 7, 1, 45, 255, 149
trailColor 7, 8, 0, 105, 137
trailColor 7, 19, 0, 0, 0

explosionType ET_CorvetteExplosion

;Engine trails
trailWidth 42.0
trailHeight 18.0
trailAngle 90.0
trailRibbonAdjust 0.75
trailSpriteRadius 60.0

trailWidth2 42.0
trailHeight2 18.0
trailAngle2 90.0
trailRibbonAdjust2 0.75
trailSpriteRadius2 60.0

minimumZoomDistance 90

collSideModifiers[TRANS_UP] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_DOWN] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_RIGHT] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_LEFT] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_FORWARD] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_BACK] 1.5


Mothership/Battle Carrier ~ p1mothership

;Source Files
pMexData P1Mothership\Rl0\LOD0\P1Mothership.mex
LODFile P1Mothership.lod

;Ship Physics
mass 12000.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 3000.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 3000.0 ; don't allow mothership to rotate about Y,Z (pitch, roll)
momentOfInertiaZ 3000.0
immobile FALSE ; indicates object is immobile
maxvelocity 285.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 1.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Mothership
isCapitalShip TRUE
buildCost 8000 //3200 ; resource units to build
buildTime 400 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 96000 //196000 ; hit points
groupSize 1 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form
repairTime 15 ; every this many seconds
repairDamage 250 ; this much damage is repaired
repairCombatTime 20 ; every this many seconds
repairCombatDamage 125 ; this much damage is repaired

blastRadiusShockWave 1.0
blastRadiusDamage 125

canBuildShips TRUE ; ship can build ships
canReceiveShips TRUE ; other ships can dock in this ship
canReceiveResources TRUE ; Resource Collectors,etc can deposit resources in this ship
canReceiveShipsPermanently TRUE ; ships can dock permanently here
canBuildBigShips FALSE ; can build Destroyers, Carriers, Heavy Cruisers, etc.

canReceiveFighters TRUE
canReceiveCorvettes TRUE
canReceiveResourceCollectors TRUE
canReceiveOtherNonCapitalShips TRUE

repairApproachDistance 800.0
canSpecialBandBoxFriendlies TRUE

maxDockableFighters 25
maxDockableCorvettes 10

pumpFuelRate 800.0 ; how fast carrier pumps fuel in.
repairOtherShipRate 0.32 ; how fast carrier heals damaged ships. Must be an integer

clearanceDirection 2 ; (0=up,1=right,2=forward,4=down,5=left,6=back)
clearanceDistance 1000.0 ; how far ships go away from this ship when they are just built.
; Note that this number is added to the minimum collision distance.

dockShipRange 1300.0 ; how close ships should get before considering docking (to ship surface)

surroundDistance 1000.0 ; how far ships will minimally disperse themselves from this ship after
; they are built. Note that this number is added to the minimum collision distance.
surroundDistanceRand 1000.0 ; random number between 0 and x added to surroundDistance

surroundRotYMinAng -35.0 ; ship may be positioned between min and max degrees elevation
surroundRotYMaxAng 35.0
surroundRotZMinAng -180.0 ; ship may be positioned between min and max degrees angle
surroundRotZMaxAng 180.0

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 15.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 15.0 ; used to be 20.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 15.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 15.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 25.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 15.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.12 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 1.0]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.12 ; used to be 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.12
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.12
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.13
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.13
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 0.2 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 0.2
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 0.3

canTargetMultipleTargets TRUE
rotateToRetaliate TRUE
passiveAttackPenaltyExempt TRUE
passiveRetaliateZone 7000.0

tooCloseRange 500.0

;(one BIG gun)

rotateToRetaliate TRUE

//ADD this amount: 399 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount: 750 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_LargeIonCannon
BulletType BULLET_Beam
DamageLo 40 ; damage variance per shot - low (continuous damage for BULLET_Beam)
DamageHi 50 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 10
BulletLength 8649.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 7649.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 5000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletLifeTime 2.0
BulletMass 0.75 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 9.5 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
TriggerHappy 1
maxanglespeed 60.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 60.0

//ADD this amount: 464 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount: 750 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_LargeIonCannon
BulletType BULLET_Beam
DamageLo 40 ; damage variance per shot - low (continuous damage for BULLET_Beam)
DamageHi 50 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 10
BulletLength 8714.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 7714.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 5000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletLifeTime 2.0
BulletMass 0.75 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 9.5 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
TriggerHappy 1
maxanglespeed 60.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 60.0

Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallProjectile
DamageLo 5 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 7 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 120
BulletLength 20.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 3500.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 5000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.5 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.14 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BurstFireTime 0.6
BurstWaitTime 0.8
fireEffect defaultBlast.ebg
hitEffect defaultBlast.ebg
TriggerHappy 2

Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallProjectile
DamageLo 5 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 7 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 120
BulletLength 20.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 3500.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 5000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.5 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.14 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BurstFireTime 0.6
BurstWaitTime 0.8
fireEffect defaultBlast.ebg
hitEffect defaultBlast.ebg
TriggerHappy 2

//ADD this amount: 930 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount: 750 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallProjectile
DamageLo 5 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 7 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 120
BulletLength 20.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 3500.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 5000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.5 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.14 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BurstFireTime 0.6
BurstWaitTime 0.8
fireEffect defaultBlast.ebg
hitEffect defaultBlast.ebg
TriggerHappy 2

//ADD this amount: 585 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount: 750 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallProjectile
DamageLo 5 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 7 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 120
BulletLength 20.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 3500.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 5000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.5 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.14 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BurstFireTime 0.6
BurstWaitTime 0.8
fireEffect defaultBlast.ebg
hitEffect defaultBlast.ebg
TriggerHappy 2

//ADD this amount: 611 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount: 750 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallProjectile
DamageLo 5 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 7 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 120
BulletLength 20.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 3500.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 5000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.5 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.14 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BurstFireTime 0.6
BurstWaitTime 0.8
fireEffect defaultBlast.ebg
hitEffect defaultBlast.ebg
TriggerHappy 2

//ADD this amount: 835 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount: 750 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallProjectile
DamageLo 5 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 7 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 120
BulletLength 20.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 3500.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 5000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.5 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.14 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BurstFireTime 0.6
BurstWaitTime 0.8
fireEffect defaultBlast.ebg
hitEffect defaultBlast.ebg
TriggerHappy 2

//ADD this amount: 506 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount: 750 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallProjectile
DamageLo 5 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 7 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 120
BulletLength 20.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 3500.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 5000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.5 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.14 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BurstFireTime 0.6
BurstWaitTime 0.8
fireEffect defaultBlast.ebg
hitEffect defaultBlast.ebg
TriggerHappy 2

//ADD this amount: 458 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount: 750 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallProjectile
DamageLo 5 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 7 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 120
BulletLength 20.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 3500.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 5000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.5 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.14 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BurstFireTime 0.6
BurstWaitTime 0.8
fireEffect defaultBlast.ebg
hitEffect defaultBlast.ebg
TriggerHappy 2

GUN 10
Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallProjectile
DamageLo 5 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 7 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 120
BulletLength 20.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 3500.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 5000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.5 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.14 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BurstFireTime 0.6
BurstWaitTime 0.8
fireEffect defaultBlast.ebg
hitEffect defaultBlast.ebg
TriggerHappy 2

GUN 11
Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallProjectile
DamageLo 5 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 7 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 120
BulletLength 20.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 3500.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 5000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.5 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.14 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BurstFireTime 0.6
BurstWaitTime 0.8
fireEffect defaultBlast.ebg
hitEffect defaultBlast.ebg
TriggerHappy 2


; format is DockPoint name,type,flyawaydist,mindist,maxdist,[headingdirection,updirection] (0=up,1=right,2=forward,4=down,5=left,6=back) for direction
DockPoint In,DockingCone,900,1000,1500 // It works, don't touch!
DockPoint Out,LaunchPoint,800,800,800,6,0
DockPoint Out1,LaunchPoint,800,800,800,6,0

maxDockableFighters 45
maxDockableCorvettes 10

NUM_NEEDED_FOR_SALVAGE 7 ;number of ships needed to capture a craft

; format: name,type
SalvagePoint Point1,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point2,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point3,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point4,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point5,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point6,AttachPoint


; format is NavLight name,type,blinkrate (in seconds), startdelay (in seconds) size (in meters), min LOD, texture name
NavLight antenna1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 0.5, 0.5, 30, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 30, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna3, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 30, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna4, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1.5, 0.75, 0, 30, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight front1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 2, 0, 20, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight front2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 2, 0, 20, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight hangar1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 0.5, 0, 25, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight hangar2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 0.5, 0, 25, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight hangar3, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1.5, 0.5, 1, 25, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight hangar4, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1.5, 0.5, 1, 25, 3, etg\textures\glow32

explosionType ET_CarrierExplosion

;Engine trails This is the top engine
;trailAngle 90.0
;trailWidth 1075.0
;trailHeight 260.0
trailWidth 450.0
trailHeight 300.0
trailLength 550.0
trailStyle 3
trailScaleCap 0.00025

;Engine #2 This is the second to top engine
;trailAngle 90.0
;trailWidth 1075.0
;trailHeight 150.0
;trailWidth2 450.0
;trailHeight2 300.0
;trailLength2 550.0
;trailStyle2 3
;trailScaleCap2 0.00025

;Engine #3 This is the third to top engine
;trailAngle 90.0
;trailWidth 1075.0
;trailHeight 150.0

;Engine #4 This is the bottom engine
;trailAngle 90.0
;trailWidth 1075.0
;trailHeight 150.0

minimumZoomDistance 1550

renderlistFade 2700.0
renderlistLimit 18000.0

;Override face-specific damage:
collSideModifiers[TRANS_UP] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_DOWN] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_RIGHT] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_LEFT] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_FORWARD] 0.6
collSideModifiers[TRANS_BACK] 1.7


Standard Corvette ~ p1standardcorvette

;Source Files
LODFile P1StandardCorvette.lod
pMexData P1StandardCorvette\Rl0\LOD0\P1StandardCorvette.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 250.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 25.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 25.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 25.0
maxvelocity 670.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 10.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Corvette
buildCost 210 ; resource units to build
buildTime 25 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 1200 //2400 ; hit points
maxfuel 40000.0
lowfuelpoint 0.25 ; percentage of tank which is considered "low on fuel"
fuelburnrate 0.019
attackfuelburnrate 0.065
groupSize 2 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form

blastRadiusDamage 230

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 350.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 350.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 350.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 350.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 380.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 250.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.5 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 1.0]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.5
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 1.1
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 1.1
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 1.1


;Top gun
Type GUN_NewGimble ; type of gun - either GUN_Fixed or GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_MediumEnergyCannon
DamageLo 20 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 30 ; damage variance per shot - high
BulletLength 18.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 3900.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 5000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 1.0 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.31 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
TriggerHappy 0.5
minturnangle -55.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 1.0
mindeclination -75.0
maxdeclination 75.0
maxanglespeed 500.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 500.0
BarrelLength 5.0
RecoilLength 2
BulletLifeTime 2.0 ;Life time of bullet
angletracking 3.7
declinationtracking 3.7

;Right side gun
Type GUN_NewGimble
SoundType GS_MediumEnergyCannon
DamageLo 20
DamageHi 30
BulletLength 18.0
BulletRange 3900.0
BulletSpeed 5000.0
BulletMass 1.0
FireTime 0.31
TriggerHappy 0.5
minturnangle -55.0 ; degrees
maxturnangle 1.0
mindeclination -75.0
maxdeclination 75.0
maxanglespeed 500.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 500.0
BarrelLength 5.0
RecoilLength 2
BulletLifeTime 2.0 ;Life time of bullet
angletracking 3.7
declinationtracking 3.7

;Ship AI
repositionTime 1.6 ; time in seconds which corvette will spend to reposition
; itself to a new location for it to fire.
circleRange 1800.0
tooCloseRange 500.0
fullMovementFreedom TRUE


;[Default] -- used for ships where nothing else is defined (default behaviour)
flyPastDist Evasive Default 3000.0 ; dist which ship will try to fly past target - relative to CENTRE of ship
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive Default 3500.0 ; maximum distance ship will fly away from target - relative to CENTRE of ship
breakRange Evasive Default 1000.0 ; range at which ship will break off for another pass - relative to SURFACE of ship
triggerHappy Evasive Default 11.0 ; how close in degrees the ship needs to be to fire fixed guns
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive Default 4.0 ; within how many degrees will try to align itself with target
maxAttackTime Evasive Default 4.0 ; maximum time ship will attack before breaking

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive Default 0,2,2,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive Default 0,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive Default 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive Default 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Mothership 8000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Mothership 10000.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Mothership 2000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Mothership 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Mothership 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Mothership 8.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Mothership 0,3,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Mothership 1,3,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,8 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,8 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,8 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Carrier 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Carrier 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Carrier 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Carrier 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Carrier 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Carrier 8.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Carrier 0,3,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Carrier 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,3,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 0,3,2,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Frigate 3000.0 //3000
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Frigate 3500.0 //3300
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Frigate 1000.0 //725
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Frigate 11.0 //4
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Frigate 4.0
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Frigate 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Frigate 0,3,2,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Frigate 1,2,3,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Corvette 2200.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Corvette 2600.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Corvette 750.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Corvette 4.5
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Corvette 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Corvette 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Corvette 0,4,3,0,3 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Corvette 1,2,3,1,2 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,8,10,8,13,13,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,8,0,8,13,13,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,8,10,8,13,13,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Fighter 1200.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Fighter 1300.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Fighter 600.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Fighter 2.5
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Fighter 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Fighter 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Fighter 0,5,5,2,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Fighter 1,2,3,1,2 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,15 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_Resource 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_Resource 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_Resource 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_Resource 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_Resource 4.0
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_Resource 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_Resource 0,4,4,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_Resource 1,2,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 3500.0
breakRange Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 1000.0
triggerHappy Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
faceTargetAccuracy Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 4.5
maxAttackTime Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 0,4,2,0,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 1,2,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Evasive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE


;[Default] -- used for ships where nothing else is defined (default behaviour)
flyPastDist Neutral Default 3000.0 ; dist which ship will try to fly past target - relative to CENTRE of ship
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral Default 3500.0 ; maximum distance ship will fly away from target - relative to CENTRE of ship
breakRange Neutral Default 1000.0 ; range at which ship will break off for another pass - relative to SURFACE of ship
triggerHappy Neutral Default 11.0 ; how close in degrees the ship needs to be to fire fixed guns
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral Default 4.0 ; within how many degrees will try to align itself with target
maxAttackTime Neutral Default 4.0 ; maximum time ship will attack before breaking

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral Default 0,1,1,1,1 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral Default 0,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral Default 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral Default 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Mothership 8000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Mothership 10000.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Mothership 2000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Mothership 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Mothership 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Mothership 4.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Mothership 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Mothership 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Carrier 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Carrier 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Carrier 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Carrier 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Carrier 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Carrier 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Carrier 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Carrier 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Frigate 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Frigate 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Frigate 1000.0 //725
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Frigate 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Frigate 4.0
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Frigate 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Frigate 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Frigate 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Corvette 2100.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Corvette 2500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Corvette 650.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Corvette 5.2
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Corvette 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Corvette 4.0
Relative frequenciesfor:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Corvette 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Corvette 1,1,1,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Fighter 1500.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Fighter 1700.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Fighter 600.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Fighter 3.2
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Fighter 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Fighter 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Fighter 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Fighter 1,1,1,0,1 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,10,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_Resource 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_Resource 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_Resource 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_Resource 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_Resource 4.0
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_Resource 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_Resource 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_Resource 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 3500.0
breakRange Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 1000.0
triggerHappy Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 3.0
faceTargetAccuracy Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 4.5
maxAttackTime Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 1,1,1,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,5 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Neutral CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,5,10,10,10,5 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE


;[Default] -- used for ships where nothing else is defined (default behaviour)
flyPastDist Aggressive Default 3000.0 ; dist which ship will try to fly past target - relative to CENTRE of ship
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive Default 3500.0 ; maximum distance ship will fly away from target - relative to CENTRE of ship
breakRange Aggressive Default 1000.0 ; range at which ship will break off for another pass - relative to SURFACE of ship
triggerHappy Aggressive Default 11.0 ; how close in degrees the ship needs to be to fire fixed guns
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive Default 4.0 ; within how many degrees will try to align itself with target
maxAttackTime Aggressive Default 4.0 ; maximum time ship will attack before breaking

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive Default 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive Default 0,1,0,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive Default 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive Default 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 8000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 10000.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 2000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 4.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Mothership 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Carrier 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_HeavyCruiser 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Destroyer 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 1000.0 //725
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 4.0
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 4.0

; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Frigate 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 2000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 2600.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 450.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 4.8
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Corvette 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 1600.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 1800.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 600.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 2.8
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Fighter 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_Resource 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_Resource 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_Resource 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_Resource 11.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_Resource 4.0
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_Resource 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_Resource 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_Resource 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_Resource 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

flyPastDist Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 3000.0
maxFlyAwayDist Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 3500.0
breakRange Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 1000.0
triggerHappy Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
faceTargetAccuracy Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 4.5
maxAttackTime Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 4.0
; Relative frequencies for:
flightmanTurnaround Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 0,3,3,1,2 ; Turnaround: DONOTHING, FLIPTURN, HARDBANK, IMMELMAN, SPLIT_S
flightmanAIP Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 1,1,3,0,0 ; Attack in progrees: NO_AIP, BARREL_ROLL, WHIP_STRAFE, HELIX_DELIVERY, BARRELROLL_OUT
flightmanEvasiveBehind Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,15,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy behind evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasiveFront Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Enemy in front evasive: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE
flightmanEvasivePure Aggressive CLASS_NonCombat 5,5,10,0,10,10,10,0 ; Just run away!: ROLLAWAY, SOFTBANK, SPLITS_EVASIVE, SLALOM, SIDESTEP, LOYOYO, HIYOYO, SPEEDBRAKE

badAI FALSE ; normally set this to FALSE

;Ship Trails
trailSegments 20
trailGranularity 3
trailColor 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;grey team
trailColor 0, 1, 238, 238, 238
trailColor 0, 8, 141, 106, 87
trailColor 0, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;red team
trailColor 1, 1, 225, 124, 33
trailColor 1, 8, 146, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;blue team
trailColor 2, 1, 11, 255, 255
trailColor 2, 8, 51, 0, 243
trailColor 2, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;green team
trailColor 3, 1, 201, 254, 39
trailColor 3, 8, 0, 84, 4
trailColor 3, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;yellow team
trailColor 4, 1, 255, 240, 97
trailColor 4, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 4, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 5, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;orange team
trailColor 5, 1, 225, 255, 11
trailColor 5, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 5, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 6, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;purple team
trailColor 6, 1, 255, 135, 157
trailColor 6, 8, 121, 0, 135
trailColor 6, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 7, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;pale blue-green team
trailColor 7, 1, 45, 255, 149
trailColor 7, 8, 0, 105, 137
trailColor 7, 19, 0, 0, 0

explosionType ET_CorvetteExplosion

;Engine trails
trailWidth 42.0
trailHeight 18.0
trailAngle 90.0
trailRibbonAdjust 0.75
trailSpriteRadius 60.0

trailWidth2 42.0
trailHeight2 18.0
trailAngle2 90.0
trailRibbonAdjust2 0.75
trailSpriteRadius2 60.0

//top gun
BindGun P1StandardCorvetteTurret(1) Gun0,Declination,Recoil,Frequency 1
//bottom gun
BindGun P1StandardCorvetteTurret(2) Gun1,Declination,Recoil,Frequency 1

minimumZoomDistance 90

collSideModifiers[TRANS_UP] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_DOWN] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_RIGHT] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_LEFT] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_FORWARD] 0.65
collSideModifiers[TRANS_BACK] 1.5



Advanced Swarmer ~ p2advanceswarmer

;Source Files
LODFile P2AdvanceSwarmer.lod
pMexData P2AdvanceSwarmer\Rl0\LOD0\P2AdvanceSwarmer.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 40.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 4.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 4.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 4.0
maxvelocity 1400.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 10.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Fighter
buildCost 35 ; resource units to build
buildTime 6 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 235 ; hit points
maxfuel 6000.0
lowfuelpoint 0.35 ; percentage of tank which is considered "low on fuel"
fuelburnrate 0.015 ; based on distance ship moves in the world
attackfuelburnrate 0.070
groupSize 4 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form

blastRadiusShockWave 6.0
blastRadiusDamage 75

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 900.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 900.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 900.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 900.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 900.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 900.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 180.0 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 400]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 180.0
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 180.0
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 180.0
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 180.0
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 180.0
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 5 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 5
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 5


rotateToRetaliate TRUE

Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallEnergyCannon
DamageLo 18 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 30 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 4
BulletLength 15.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 2500.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 4800.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.6 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.14 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
TriggerHappy 2 ; how triggerHapppy the ship is when firing the fixed.
BulletLifeTime 2.0 ;Life time of bullet

Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallEnergyCannon
DamageLo 18 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 30 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 4
BulletLength 15.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 2500.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 4800.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.6 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.14 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
TriggerHappy 2 ; how triggerHapppy the ship is when firing the fixed.
BulletLifeTime 2.0 ;Life time of bullet

Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallEnergyCannon
DamageLo 18 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 30 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 4
BulletLength 15.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 2500.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 4800.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.6 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.14 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
TriggerHappy 2 ; how triggerHapppy the ship is when firing the fixed.
BulletLifeTime 2.0 ;Life time of bullet

Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallEnergyCannon
DamageLo 18 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 30 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 4
BulletLength 15.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 2500.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 4800.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.6 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.14 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
TriggerHappy 2 ; how triggerHapppy the ship is when firing the fixed.
BulletLifeTime 2.0 ;Life time of bullet

gunsFireTime 0.15 ; tune this value, not FireTime of individual guns0

;Ship AI

repositionTime 0.6 ; time in seconds which corvette will spend to reposition
; itself to a new location for it to fire.
circleRange 600.0
fullMovementFreedom TRUE
tooCloseRange 500.0

;Ship Trails
trailSegments 10
trailGranularity 2
trailColor 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;grey team
trailColor 0, 1, 238, 238, 238
trailColor 0, 4, 141, 106, 87
trailColor 0, 9, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;red team
trailColor 1, 1, 225, 124, 33
trailColor 1, 4, 146, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 9, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;blue team
trailColor 2, 1, 11, 255, 255
trailColor 2, 4, 51, 0, 243
trailColor 2, 9, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;green team
trailColor 3, 1, 201, 254, 39
trailColor 3, 4, 0, 84, 4
trailColor 3, 9, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;yellow team
trailColor 4, 1, 255, 240, 97
trailColor 4, 4, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 4, 9, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 5, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;orange team
trailColor 5, 1, 225, 255, 11
trailColor 5, 4, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 5, 9, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 6, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;purple team
trailColor 6, 1, 255, 135, 157
trailColor 6, 4, 121, 0, 135
trailColor 6, 9, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 7, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;pale blue-green team
trailColor 7, 1, 45, 255, 149
trailColor 7, 4, 0, 105, 137
trailColor 7, 9, 0, 0, 0

smallExplosion genericBOOM.ebg
bigExplosion genericBOOM.ebg

;Engine trails
trailWidth 10.0
trailHeight 6.0
trailRibbonAdjust 0.6
trailSpriteRadius 20.0
trailSpriteOffset -2.0

minimumZoomDistance 50

collSideModifiers[TRANS_UP] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_DOWN] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_RIGHT] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_LEFT] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_FORWARD] 0.6
collSideModifiers[TRANS_BACK] 1.5


Fuel Pod ~ p2fuelpod

;Source Files
LODFile P2FuelPod.lod
pMexData P2FuelPod\Rl0\LOD0\P2FuelPod.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 650.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 162.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 162.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 162.0
maxvelocity 380.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 5.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Frigate
isCapitalShip TRUE
buildCost 600 ; resource units to build
buildTime 60 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 3500 //7000 ; hit points
groupSize 2 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form

repairTime 15 ; every this many seconds
repairDamage 50 ; this much damage is repaired
repairCombatTime 25 ; every this many seconds
repairCombatDamage 25 ; this much damage is repaired

blastRadiusShockWave 1.75
blastRadiusDamage 275

canReceiveShips TRUE ; other ships can dock in this ship
canReceiveFighters TRUE

canHandleNumShipsDocking 6

dockShipRange 500.0 ; how close ships should get before considering docking (to ship surface)

pumpFuelRate 500.0 ; how fast pumps fuel in.
repairOtherShipRate 0.35 ; how fast heals damaged ships. Must be an integer

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 40.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 40.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 40.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 40.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 50.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 40.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.05 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 10]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.05
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 0.3 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 0.3
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 0.3


rotateToRetaliate TRUE
fullMovementFreedom TRUE
tooCloseRange 500.0

Type GUN_Gimble ; type of gun - either GUN_Fixed or GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_MediumEnergyCannon
DamageLo 60 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 100 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 100
BulletLength 20.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 4300.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 3500.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 2.75 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 1.5 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
TriggerHappy 0.5
fireEffect defaultBlast.ebg
hitEffect defaultBlast.ebg
BulletLifeTime 3.0 ;Life time of bullet


; format is DockPoint name,type,flyawaydist,mindist,maxdist,[headingdirection,updirection] (0=up,1=right,2=forward,4=down,5=left,6=back) for direction
DockPoint FightL0,LatchPoint,300,200,500,5,0
DockPoint FightL1,LatchPoint,300,200,500,5,0
DockPoint FightL2,LatchPoint,300,200,500,5,0
DockPoint FightR0,LatchPoint,300,200,500,1,0
DockPoint FightR1,LatchPoint,300,200,500,1,0
DockPoint FightR2,LatchPoint,300,200,500,1,0

;Ship Trails
trailSegments 20
trailGranularity 3
trailColor 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;grey team
trailColor 0, 1, 238, 238, 238
trailColor 0, 8, 141, 106, 87
trailColor 0, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;red team
trailColor 1, 1, 225, 124, 33
trailColor 1, 8, 146, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;blue team
trailColor 2, 1, 11, 255, 255
trailColor 2, 8, 51, 0, 243
trailColor 2, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;green team
trailColor 3, 1, 201, 254, 39
trailColor 3, 8, 0, 84, 4
trailColor 3, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;yellow team
trailColor 4, 1, 255, 240, 97
trailColor 4, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 4, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 5, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;orange team
trailColor 5, 1, 225, 255, 11
trailColor 5, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 5, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 6, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;purple team
trailColor 6, 1, 255, 135, 157
trailColor 6, 8, 121, 0, 135
trailColor 6, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 7, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;pale blue-green team
trailColor 7, 1, 45, 255, 149
trailColor 7, 8, 0, 105, 137
trailColor 7, 19, 0, 0, 0

explosionType ET_InterceptorExplosion

BindAnimations 1

NUM_NEEDED_FOR_SALVAGE 2 ;number of ships needed to capture a craft

; format: name,type
SalvagePoint Point1,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point2,AttachPoint

;Engine Glow
trailWidth 25.0
trailHeight 18.0
trailRibbonAdjust 0.6
trailSpriteRadius 50.0

;MadStartInfo needs a starting /Animation Text Name(no spaces allowed!)
MadStartInfo 1 , open , 1 , open

;MadDockAnims definitions in explination below
; n = number, g = gun, o = open, c = close, d = damaged, a = animations

; ;ngoa,names,...,ngca,names,...,ngoda,names,... ,ngcda,names,...
;if this doesn't
;makes sence, ask Bryce
MadSpecialCaseAnims 1, close, 1, open, 0,damage_close, 1, damage_open

;Ships health must be below this percentage to use the damaged animations.
madGunOpenDamagedHealthThreshold 0.70 ;<= 1.0f

minimumZoomDistance 115

hyperspaceColor 255,0,0

;Override face-specific damage:
collSideModifiers[TRANS_UP] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_DOWN] 1.2
collSideModifiers[TRANS_RIGHT] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_LEFT] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_FORWARD] 0.6
collSideModifiers[TRANS_BACK] 1.7


Needle Mothership ~ p2mothership

;Source Files
pMexData P2Mothership\Rl0\LOD0\P2Mothership.mex
LODFile P2Mothership.lod

;Ship Physics
mass 100000.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 35000.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 35000.0 ; don't allow mothership to rotate about Y,Z (pitch, roll)
momentOfInertiaZ 35000.0
immobile FALSE ; indicates object is immobile
approxcollmodifier 0.50 ; use only % of collspheresize for rough approximations
avoidcollmodifier 0.50 ; use only % of collspheresize for collision avoidance
maxvelocity 150.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 1.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

collBoxScaleUp 0.7
collBoxScaleRight 0.7

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Mothership
isCapitalShip TRUE
buildCost 19000 //3200 ; resource units to build
buildTime 400 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 106000 //212000 ; hit points
groupSize 1 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form
repairTime 15 ; every this many seconds
repairDamage 275 ; this much damage is repaired
repairCombatTime 20 ; every this many seconds
repairCombatDamage 125 ; this much damage is repaired

blastRadiusShockWave 0.5
blastRadiusDamage 10000

passiveAttackPenaltyExempt TRUE

canBuildShips TRUE ; ship can build ships
canReceiveShips TRUE ; other ships can dock in this ship
canReceiveResources TRUE ; Resource Collectors,etc can deposit resources in this ship
canReceiveShipsPermanently TRUE ; ships can dock permanently here
canBuildBigShips FALSE ; can build Destroyers, Carriers, Heavy Cruisers, etc.

canReceiveFighters TRUE
canReceiveCorvettes TRUE
canReceiveResourceCollectors TRUE
canReceiveOtherNonCapitalShips TRUE

maxDockableFighters 150

repairApproachDistance 800.0
canSpecialBandBoxFriendlies TRUE

pumpFuelRate 300.0 ; how fast carrier pumps fuel in.
repairOtherShipRate 0.38 ; how fast carrier heals damaged ships. Must be an integer

clearanceDirection 2 ; (0=up,1=right,2=forward,4=down,5=left,6=back)
clearanceDistance 100.0 ; how far ships go away from this ship when they are just built.
; Note that this number is added to the minimum collision distance.

dockShipRange 1000.0 ; how close ships should get before considering docking (to ship surface)

surroundDistance 10000.0 ; how far ships will minimally disperse themselves from this ship after
; they are built. Note that this number is added to the minimum collision distance.
surroundDistanceRand 1000.0 ; random number between 0 and x added to surroundDistance

surroundRotYMinAng -35.0 ; ship may be positioned between min and max degrees elevation
surroundRotYMaxAng 35.0
surroundRotZMinAng -180.0 ; ship may be positioned between min and max degrees angle
surroundRotZMaxAng 180.0

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 5.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 5.0 ; used to be 20.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 5.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 5.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 15.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 5.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.015 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 1.0]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.015 ; used to be 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.015
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.015
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.015
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.015
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 0.06 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 0.06
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 0.06


rotateToRetaliate TRUE
canTargetMultipleTargets TRUE

//ADD this amount: 3726 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount: 750 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_LargeIonCannon
BulletType BULLET_Beam
DamageLo 50 ; damage variance per shot - low (continuous damage for BULLET_Beam)
DamageHi 60 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 45
BulletLength 11976.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 10976.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 5000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletLifeTime 2.0
BulletMass 0.70 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 9.7 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
TriggerHappy 5
maxanglespeed 60.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 60.0

//ADD this amount: 3726 to compensate for centrepoint
//ADD this amount: 750 to compensate for stopping distance
Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_LargeIonCannon
BulletType BULLET_Beam
DamageLo 50 ; damage variance per shot - low (continuous damage for BULLET_Beam)
DamageHi 60 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 45
BulletLength 11976.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 10976.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 5000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletLifeTime 2.0
BulletMass 0.7 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 9.7 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
TriggerHappy 5
maxanglespeed 60.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 60.0

Type GUN_Gimble ; type of gun - either GUN_Fixed or GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_MediumEnergyCannon
DamageLo 50 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 70 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 55
BulletLength 20.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 4500.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 5000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 1.25 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 1.0 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
TriggerHappy 2.0
fireEffect defaultBlast.ebg
hitEffect defaultBlast.ebg
BulletLifeTime 2.0 ;Life time of bullet

Type GUN_Gimble ; type of gun - either GUN_Fixed or GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_MediumEnergyCannon
DamageLo 50 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 70 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 55
BulletLength 20.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 4500.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 5000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 1.25 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 1.0 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
TriggerHappy 2.0
fireEffect defaultBlast.ebg
hitEffect defaultBlast.ebg
BulletLifeTime 2.0 ;Life time of bullet


Type GUN_Gimble ; type of gun - either GUN_Fixed or GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_MediumEnergyCannon
DamageLo 50 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 70 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 55
BulletLength 20.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 4500.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 5000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 1.25 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 1.0 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
TriggerHappy 2.0
fireEffect defaultBlast.ebg
hitEffect defaultBlast.ebg
BulletLifeTime 2.0 ;Life time of bullet

Type GUN_Gimble ; type of gun - either GUN_Fixed or GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_MediumEnergyCannon
DamageLo 50 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 70 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 55
BulletLength 20.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 4500.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 5000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 1.25 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 1.0 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
TriggerHappy 2.0
fireEffect defaultBlast.ebg
hitEffect defaultBlast.ebg
BulletLifeTime 2.0 ;Life time of bullet

Type GUN_Gimble ; type of gun - either GUN_Fixed or GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallProjectile
DamageLo 5 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 7 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 60
BulletLength 15.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 4200.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 5000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.5 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.14 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BurstFireTime 0.6
BurstWaitTime 0.8
TriggerHappy 2.0
fireEffect defaultBlast.ebg
hitEffect defaultBlast.ebg
BulletLifeTime 2.0 ;Life time of bullet

Type GUN_Gimble ; type of gun - either GUN_Fixed or GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallProjectile
DamageLo 5 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 7 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 60
BulletLength 15.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 4200.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 5000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.5 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.14 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BurstFireTime 0.6
BurstWaitTime 0.8
TriggerHappy 2.0
fireEffect defaultBlast.ebg
hitEffect defaultBlast.ebg
BulletLifeTime 2.0 ;Life time of bullet

Type GUN_Gimble ; type of gun - either GUN_Fixed or GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallProjectile
DamageLo 5 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 7 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 60
BulletLength 15.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 4200.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 5000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.5 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.14 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BurstFireTime 0.6
BurstWaitTime 0.8
TriggerHappy 2.0
fireEffect defaultBlast.ebg
hitEffect defaultBlast.ebg
BulletLifeTime 2.0 ;Life time of bullet

Type GUN_Gimble ; type of gun - either GUN_Fixed or GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallProjectile
DamageLo 5 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 7 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 60
BulletLength 15.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 4200.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 5000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.5 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.14 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BurstFireTime 0.6
BurstWaitTime 0.8
TriggerHappy 2.0
fireEffect defaultBlast.ebg
hitEffect defaultBlast.ebg
BulletLifeTime 2.0 ;Life time of bullet

GUN 10
Type GUN_Gimble ; type of gun - either GUN_Fixed or GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallProjectile
DamageLo 5 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 7 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 60
BulletLength 15.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 4200.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 5000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.5 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.14 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BurstFireTime 0.6
BurstWaitTime 0.8
TriggerHappy 2.0
fireEffect defaultBlast.ebg
hitEffect defaultBlast.ebg
BulletLifeTime 2.0 ;Life time of bullet

GUN 11
Type GUN_Gimble ; type of gun - either GUN_Fixed or GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallProjectile
DamageLo 5 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 7 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 60
BulletLength 15.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 4200.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 5000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.5 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.14 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BurstFireTime 0.6
BurstWaitTime 0.8
TriggerHappy 2.0
fireEffect defaultBlast.ebg
hitEffect defaultBlast.ebg
BulletLifeTime 2.0 ;Life time of bullet

GUN 12
Type GUN_Gimble ; type of gun - either GUN_Fixed or GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallProjectile
DamageLo 5 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 7 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 60
BulletLength 15.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 4200.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 5000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.5 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.14 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BurstFireTime 0.6
BurstWaitTime 0.8
TriggerHappy 2.0
fireEffect defaultBlast.ebg
hitEffect defaultBlast.ebg
BulletLifeTime 2.0 ;Life time of bullet

GUN 13
Type GUN_Gimble ; type of gun - either GUN_Fixed or GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallProjectile
DamageLo 5 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 7 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 60
BulletLength 15.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 4200.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 5000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.5 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.14 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
BurstFireTime 0.6
BurstWaitTime 0.8
TriggerHappy 2.0
fireEffect defaultBlast.ebg
hitEffect defaultBlast.ebg
BulletLifeTime 2.0 ;Life time of bullet


; format is DockPoint name,type,flyawaydist,mindist,maxdist,[headingdirection,updirection] (0=up,1=right,2=forward,4=down,5=left,6=back) for direction

DockPoint In,DockingCone,1000,1000,2000
DockPoint In1,DockingCone,1000,1000,2000
DockPoint In2,DockingCone,1000,1000,2000
DockPoint In3,DockingCone,1000,1000,2000
DockPoint In4,DockingCone,1000,1000,2000
DockPoint In5,DockingCone,1000,1000,2000
DockPoint In6,DockingCone,1000,1000,2000
DockPoint In7,DockingCone,1000,1000,2000
DockPoint In8,DockingCone,1000,1000,2000
DockPoint In9,DockingCone,1000,1000,2000
DockPoint In10,DockingCone,1000,1000,2000
DockPoint In11,DockingCone,1000,1000,2000

DockPoint Out,LaunchPoint,800,800,800,1,0
DockPoint Out1,LaunchPoint,800,800,800,1,0
DockPoint Out2,LaunchPoint,800,800,800,1,0
DockPoint Out3,LaunchPoint,800,800,800,1,0
DockPoint Out4,LaunchPoint,800,800,800,1,0
DockPoint Out5,LaunchPoint,800,800,800,1,0
DockPoint Out6,LaunchPoint,800,800,800,1,0
DockPoint Out7,LaunchPoint,800,800,800,1,0
DockPoint Out8,LaunchPoint,800,800,800,1,0
DockPoint Out9,LaunchPoint,800,800,800,1,0
DockPoint Out10,LaunchPoint,800,800,800,1,0
DockPoint Out11,LaunchPoint,800,800,800,1,0

DockPoint Fuel1,DockingCone,1000,1200,2000
DockPoint Fuel2,DockingCone,1000,1200,2000
DockPoint Fuel3,LaunchPoint,800,800,800,1,0
DockPoint Fuel4,LaunchPoint,800,800,800,1,0

maxDockableFighters 90

NUM_NEEDED_FOR_SALVAGE 9 ;number of ships needed to capture a craft

; format: name,type
SalvagePoint Point1,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point2,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point3,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point4,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point5,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point6,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point7,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point8,AttachPoint

explosionType ET_CarrierExplosion

;Engine trails This is the top engine
;trailAngle 90.0
;trailWidth 1075.0
;trailHeight 150.0

;Engine #2 This is the second to top engine
;trailAngle 90.0
;trailWidth 1075.0
;trailHeight 150.0

;Engine #3 This is the third to top engine
;trailAngle 90.0
;trailWidth 1075.0
;trailHeight 150.0

;Engine #4 This is the bottom engine
;trailAngle 90.0
;trailWidth 1075.0
;trailHeight 150.0

trailWidth 900.0
trailHeight 900.0
trailLength 1500.0
trailStyle 2
;trailScaleCap 0.00025

preciseSelection 4

hyperspaceColor 255,0,0

minimumZoomDistance 4000

hyperspaceColor 255,0,0

;Override face-specific damage:
collSideModifiers[TRANS_UP] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_DOWN] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_RIGHT] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_LEFT] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_FORWARD] 0.6
collSideModifiers[TRANS_BACK] 0.8


Multi-Beam Frigate ~ p2multibeamfrigate
//Remember to check the guns on this one

;Source Files
LODFile P2MultiBeamFrigate.lod
pMexData P2MultiBeamFrigate\Rl0\LOD0\P2MultiBeamFrigate.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 645.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 160.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 160.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 160.0
maxvelocity 390.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 3.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Frigate
isCapitalShip TRUE
buildCost 700 ; resource units to build
buildTime 60 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 5100 //10200 ; hit points
groupSize 2 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form
repairTime 15 ; every this many seconds
repairDamage 75 ; this much damage is repaired
repairCombatTime 25 ; every this many seconds
repairCombatDamage 35 ; this much damage is repaired

blastRadiusShockWave 1.75
blastRadiusDamage 275

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 40.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 40.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 40.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 40.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 50.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 40.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.5 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 10]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.5
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 1.4 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 1.4
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 1.4

;Custom Static Information
MultiBeamRange 0.8 ; ratio of gun range
AttackRotationSpeed 0.15 ; speed of rotation needed before fireing
BeamFireTime 5.0 ; fire time length of beam before spindown
fireDownTime 9.0 ; frigate has to wait this long before it can fire again

; itself to a new location for it to fire.
fullMovementFreedom TRUE
tooCloseRange 500.0

;(one BIG gun)

Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_LargeIonCannon
BulletType BULLET_Beam
DamageLo 20 ; damage variance per shot - low (continuous damage for BULLET_Beam)
DamageHi 25 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 0
BulletLength 7382.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 6382.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 10000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletLifeTime 2.5
BulletMass 0.5 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 9.0 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)


Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_LargeIonCannon
BulletType BULLET_Beam
DamageLo 20 ; damage variance per shot - low (continuous damage for BULLET_Beam)
DamageHi 25 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 0
BulletLength 7382.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 6382.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 10000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletLifeTime 2.5
BulletMass 0.5 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 9.0 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)

Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_LargeIonCannon
BulletType BULLET_Beam
DamageLo 20 ; damage variance per shot - low (continuous damage for BULLET_Beam)
DamageHi 25 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 0
BulletLength 7382.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 6382.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 10000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletLifeTime 2.5
BulletMass 0.5 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 9.0 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)

Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_LargeIonCannon
BulletType BULLET_Beam
DamageLo 20 ; damage variance per shot - low (continuous damage for BULLET_Beam)
DamageHi 25 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 0
BulletLength 7382.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 6382.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 10000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletLifeTime 2.5
BulletMass 1.25 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 9.0 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)

NUM_NEEDED_FOR_SALVAGE 2 ;number of ships needed to capture a craft

; format: name,type
SalvagePoint Point1,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point2,AttachPoint

explosionType ET_FrigateExplosion

;Engine Glow
trailWidth 90.0
trailHeight 62.0
trailLength 90.0
trailStyle 2
trailScaleCap 0.00025

;trailWidth2 60.0
;trailHeight2 44.0
;trailLength2 80.0
;trailStyle2 2
;trailScaleCap2 0.00025

minimumZoomDistance 160

hyperspaceColor 255,0,0

;Override face-specific damage:
collSideModifiers[TRANS_UP] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_DOWN] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_RIGHT] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_LEFT] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_FORWARD] 0.6
collSideModifiers[TRANS_BACK] 1.7


Swarmer ~ swarmer

;Source Files
LODFile P2Swarmer.lod
pMexData P2Swarmer\Rl0\LOD0\P2Swarmer.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 12.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 1.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 1.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 1.0
maxvelocity 1500.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 10.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Fighter
buildCost 25 ; resource units to build
buildTime 6 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 75 ; hit points
maxfuel 4000.0
lowfuelpoint 0.35 ; percentage of tank which is considered "low on fuel"
fuelburnrate 0.015 ; based on distance ship moves in the world
attackfuelburnrate 0.070
groupSize 2 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form

blastRadiusShockWave 6.0
blastRadiusDamage 75

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 1000.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 1000.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 1000.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 1000.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 1000.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 1000.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 200.0 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 400]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 200.0
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 200.0
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 200.0
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 200.0
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 200.0
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 6 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 6
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 6


rotateToRetaliate TRUE

Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallEnergyCannon
DamageLo 15 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 21 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 4
BulletLength 15.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 2500.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing2
BulletSpeed 4500.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.7 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.12 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
TriggerHappy 2 ; how triggerHapppy the ship is when firing the fixed.
BulletLifeTime 2.0 ;Life time of bullet

Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallEnergyCannon
DamageLo 15 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 21 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 4
BulletLength 15.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 2500.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 3500.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.7 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.12 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
TriggerHappy 2 ; how triggerHapppy the ship is when firing the fixed.
BulletLifeTime 2.0 ;Life time of bullet

gunsFireTime 0.15 ; tune this value, not FireTime of individual guns

;Ship AI

repositionTime 0.6 ; time in seconds which corvette will spend to reposition
tooCloseRange 500.0
; itself to a new location for it to fire.
circleRange 600.0
fullMovementFreedom TRUE

;Ship Trails
trailSegments 10
trailGranularity 2
trailColor 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;grey team
trailColor 0, 1, 238, 238, 238
trailColor 0, 4, 141, 106, 87
trailColor 0, 9, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;red team
trailColor 1, 1, 225, 124, 33
trailColor 1, 4, 146, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 9, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;blue team
trailColor 2, 1, 11, 255, 255
trailColor 2, 4, 51, 0, 243
trailColor 2, 9, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;green team
trailColor 3, 1, 201, 254, 39
trailColor 3, 4, 0, 84, 4
trailColor 3, 9, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;yellow team
trailColor 4, 1, 255, 240, 97
trailColor 4, 4, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 4, 9, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 5, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;orange team
trailColor 5, 1, 225, 255, 11
trailColor 5, 4, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 5, 9, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 6, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;purple team
trailColor 6, 1, 255, 135, 157
trailColor 6, 4, 121, 0, 135
trailColor 6, 9, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 7, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;pale blue-green team
trailColor 7, 1, 45, 255, 149
trailColor 7, 4, 0, 105, 137
trailColor 7, 9, 0, 0, 0

;Engine trails
trailWidth 8.0
trailHeight 6.0
trailRibbonAdjust 0.6
trailSpriteRadius 15.0

minimumZoomDistance 50

collSideModifiers[TRANS_UP] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_DOWN] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_RIGHT] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_LEFT] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_FORWARD] 0.6
collSideModifiers[TRANS_BACK] 1.5


-=Traders/Random Ships=-
The Traders section is slightly different from the previous four. It contains ship
data for the Bentusi, yes, but also for all the other one-off ships that don't
have a race (Ghost Ship, Junkyard Dawg, etc).

Bentusi Cargo Barge ~ cargobarge <- This is the ship you see get destroyed in a cinematic
in mission 12.

;Source Files
pMexData CargoBarge\Rl0\LOD0\CargoBarge.mex
LODFile CargoBarge.lod

;Ship Physics
mass 160.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 40.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 40.0 ; don't allow mothership to rotate about Y,Z (pitch, roll)
momentOfInertiaZ 40.0
maxvelocity 450.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 10.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_NonCombat
buildCost 300 ; resource units to build
buildTime 60 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 2000 ; hit points
groupSize 1 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form

repairTime 18 ; every this many seconds
repairDamage 25 ; this much damage is repaired
repairCombatTime 25 ; every this many seconds
repairCombatDamage 12 ; this much damage is repaired

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 50.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 50.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 50.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 50.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 50.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 50.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.5 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 1.0]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.5 ; used to be 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.5
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 1.1 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 1.1
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 1.1

passiveRetaliateZone -1.0 ; -ve numbers indicate to turn of passive retaliation zone feature

minimumZoomDistance 250

;Override face-specific damage:
collSideModifiers[TRANS_UP] 1.0
collSideModifiers[TRANS_DOWN] 1.0
collSideModifiers[TRANS_RIGHT] 1.0
collSideModifiers[TRANS_LEFT] 1.0
collSideModifiers[TRANS_FORWARD] 0.4
collSideModifiers[TRANS_BACK] 1.5

Bentusi Trade Ship ~ floatingcity

;Source Files
pMexData FloatingCity\Rl0\LOD0\FloatingCity.mex
LODFile FloatingCity.lod

;Ship Physics
mass 100000.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 100000.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 1e30 ; don't allow mothership to rotate about Y,Z (pitch, roll)
momentOfInertiaZ 1e30
maxvelocity 1000 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 10.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Mothership
isCapitalShip TRUE
buildCost 13200 ; resource units to build
buildTime 1300 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 400000 ; hit points
groupSize 1 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form

repairTime 15 ; every this many seconds
repairDamage 175 ; this much damage is repaired
repairCombatTime 20 ; every this many seconds
repairCombatDamage 90 ; this much damage is repaired

passiveAttackPenaltyExempt TRUE

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 1000.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 1000.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 1000.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 1000.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 1000.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 1000.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.05 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 1.0]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.05 ; used to be 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.02
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.02
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.02
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.02
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 0.2 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 0.2
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 0.2

passiveRetaliateZone -1.0 ; -ve numbers indicate to turn of passive retaliation zone feature


canTargetMultipleTargets TRUE


;Ion cannon
Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_LargeIonCannon
BulletType BULLET_Beam
DamageLo 40 ; damage variance per shot - low (continuous damage for BULLET_Beam)
DamageHi 85 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 80
BulletLength 7000.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 6000.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 10000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletLifeTime 0.5
BulletMass 7.0 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.1 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
angletracking 0.0
declinationtracking 0.0
maxanglespeed 60.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 60.0
TriggerHappy 5

;Ion cannon
Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_LargeIonCannon
BulletType BULLET_Beam
DamageLo 40 ; damage variance per shot - low (continuous damage for BULLET_Beam)
DamageHi 95 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 80
BulletLength 7000.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 6000.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 10000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletLifeTime 0.5
BulletMass 7.0 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.1 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
angletracking 0.0
declinationtracking 0.0
TriggerHappy 5
maxanglespeed 60.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 60.0

;Ion cannon
Type GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_LargeIonCannon
BulletType BULLET_Beam
DamageLo 40 ; damage variance per shot - low (continuous damage for BULLET_Beam)
DamageHi 95 ; damage variance per shot - high
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 80
BulletLength 7000.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 6000.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 10000.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletLifeTime 0.5
BulletMass 7.0 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.1 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
angletracking 0.0
declinationtracking 0.0
TriggerHappy 5
maxanglespeed 60.0 ; degrees/s
maxdeclinationspeed 60.0


; format is NavLight name,type,blinkrate (in seconds), startdelay (in seconds) size (in meters), min LOD, texture name
NavLight baseantenna, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 30, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 40, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 30, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 30, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight topantenna, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 40, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight topres1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 2.5, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight topres2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 2.5, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight bottomres1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 2.5, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight bottomres2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 2.5, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight navlight, NAVLIGHT_Default, 5, 2, 0, 80, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight bay1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 1, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight door, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 1, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight bay, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 1, 0, 50, 3, etg\textures\glow32

explosionType ET_CarrierExplosion

preciseSelection 4

minimumZoomDistance 2700

hyperspaceColor 255,255,0

renderlistFade 5000.0
renderlistLimit 24000.0

;Override face-specific damage:
collSideModifiers[TRANS_UP] 1.2
collSideModifiers[TRANS_DOWN] 1.2
collSideModifiers[TRANS_RIGHT] 1.0
collSideModifiers[TRANS_LEFT] 1.0
collSideModifiers[TRANS_FORWARD] 1.5
collSideModifiers[TRANS_BACK] 0.8


Ghost Ship ~ ghostship <- This is the Ghost Ship you see in Mission 9.
LODFile Ghostship.lod
pMexData Ghostship\Rl0\LOD0\Ghostship.mex
mass 12500.0
momentOfInertiaX 4000.0
momentOfInertiaY 4000.0
momentOfInertiaZ 4000.0
maxvelocity 50.0
maxrot 1.0
maxhealth 300000 ; hit points
immobile TRUE ; indicates object is immobile

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 15.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 15.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 15.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 15.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 15.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 15.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.05 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 10]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.05
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 0.3 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 0.3
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 0.3

pitchdescend 0.5
sinbank 0.5
pitchturn 0.5


renderlistFade 8000.0
renderlistLimit 21000.0

minimumZoomDistance 2412

NUM_NEEDED_FOR_SALVAGE 2 ;number of ships needed to capture a craft

; format: name,type
SalvagePoint Point1,AttachPoint

;Override face-specific damage:
collSideModifiers[TRANS_UP] 1.0
collSideModifiers[TRANS_DOWN] 1.2
collSideModifiers[TRANS_RIGHT] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_LEFT] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_FORWARD] 0.6
collSideModifiers[TRANS_BACK] 1.3


Large Junkyard Autogun ~ junk_lgun <- This is the Autogun that has two
spokes at the bottom of it's shell. It fires slower, more deadly bullets.

;Source Files
pMexData Junk_LGun\Rl0\LOD0\Junk_LGun.mex
LODFile Junk_LGun.lod

;Ship Physics
mass 240.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 60.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 60.0 ; don't allow mothership to rotate about Y,Z (pitch, roll)
momentOfInertiaZ 60.0
maxvelocity 100 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 10.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Frigate
buildCost 300 ; resource units to build
buildTime 60 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 2600 ; hit points
groupSize 1 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form

blastRadiusShockWave 1.75
blastRadiusDamage 275

repairTime 10 ; every this many seconds
repairDamage 25 ; this much damage is repaired
repairCombatTime 20 ; every this many seconds
repairCombatDamage 12 ; this much damage is repaired

passiveAttackPenaltyExempt TRUE

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 0.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 0.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 0.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 0.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 0.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 0.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 400.0 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 400]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 400.0
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 400.0
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 400.0
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 400.0
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 400.0
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 4.0 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 4.0
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 4.0

passiveRetaliateZone 13000.0 ; -ve numbers indicate to turn of passive retaliation zone feature

rotateToRetaliate TRUE

minimumZoomDistance 45

NUM_NEEDED_FOR_SALVAGE 1 ;number of ships needed to capture a craft

; format: name,type
SalvagePoint Point1,AttachPoint


;Top gun
Type GUN_Gimble ; type of gun - either GUN_Fixed or GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_LargeEnergyCannon
DamageLo 175 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 225 ; damage variance per shot - high
BulletLength 12.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 6500.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 3300.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 3.6 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 1.8 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 30.0
TriggerHappy 3.0
fireEffect defaultBlast.ebg
hitEffect defaultBlast.ebg
BulletLifeTime 4.0 ;Life time of bullet

collSideModifiers[TRANS_UP] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_DOWN] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_RIGHT] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_LEFT] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_FORWARD] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_BACK] 1.0

Small Junkyard Autogun ~ junk_sgun <- This is the Autogun that has a very
compact shell. It fires faster, less deadly bullets.

;Source Files
pMexData Junk_SGun\Rl0\LOD0\Junk_SGun.mex
LODFile Junk_SGun.lod

;Ship Physics
mass 130.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 45.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 45.0 ; don't allow mothership to rotate about Y,Z (pitch, roll)
momentOfInertiaZ 45.0
maxvelocity 100 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 10.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Frigate
buildCost 300 ; resource units to build
buildTime 60 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 1200 ; hit points
groupSize 1 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form

blastRadiusShockWave 1.75
blastRadiusDamage 275

repairTime 10 ; every this many seconds
repairDamage 25 ; this much damage is repaired
repairCombatTime 20 ; every this many seconds
repairCombatDamage 12 ; this much damage is repaired

passiveAttackPenaltyExempt TRUE

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 0.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 0.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 0.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 0.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 0.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 0.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 600.0 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 400]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 600.0
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 600.0
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 600.0
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 600.0
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 600.0
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 4 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 4
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 4

passiveRetaliateZone 9000.0 ; -ve numbers indicate to turn of passive retaliation zone feature

rotateToRetaliate TRUE

minimumZoomDistance 45
canTargetMultipleTargets TRUE

NUM_NEEDED_FOR_SALVAGE 1 ;number of ships needed to capture a craft

; format: name,type
SalvagePoint Point1,AttachPoint


Type GUN_Gimble ; type of gun - either GUN_Fixed or GUN_Gimble
SoundType GS_SmallEnergyCannon
DamageLo 25 ; damage variance per shot - low
DamageHi 35 ; damage variance per shot - high
BulletLength 18.0 ; visual only. Length of bullet on screen
BulletRange 5000.0 ; distance bullets travel before disappearing
BulletSpeed 5200.0 ; measured in m/s.
BulletMass 0.65 ; mass of bullet
FireTime 0.18 ; fire repeat rate (reciprocal = shots/second)
MinAngle 0
MaxAngle 50.0
BurstFireTime 0.8
BurstWaitTime 1.15
TriggerHappy 5.0
fireEffect defaultBlast.ebg
hitEffect defaultBlast.ebg
BulletLifeTime 2.0 ;Life time of bullet

collSideModifiers[TRANS_UP] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_DOWN] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_RIGHT] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_LEFT] 0.8
collSideModifiers[TRANS_FORWARD] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_BACK] 1.0


Junkyard Dawg ~ junkyarddawg

;Source Files
LODFile JunkYardDawg.lod
pMexData JunkYardDawg\Rl0\LOD0\JunkYardDawg.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 1800.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 1200.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 1200.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 1200.0
maxvelocity 750.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 10.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Corvette
buildCost 1550 ; resource units to build
buildTime 80 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 31060 ; hit points
maxfuel 20000.0
lowfuelpoint 0.15 ; percentage of tank which is considered "low on fuel"
fuelburnrate 0.019
attackfuelburnrate 0.25

repairTime 8 ; every this many seconds
repairDamage 400 ; this much damage is repaired
repairCombatTime 14 ; every this many seconds
repairCombatDamage 200 ; this much damage is repaired

blastRadiusShockWave 1.75
blastRadiusDamage 275

groupSize 5 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 450.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 450.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 450.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 450.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 650.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 450.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.5 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 1.0]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.5
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 1.1
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 1.1
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 1.1

;Special Salvaging/Capturing Info
HealthThreshold 0.45 ;if ship isn't below this ratio of health to max health, corv will attack it
healthRemovedPerSecond 225.0 ;health deducted from target every second once clamped on to it
getTechTime 15.0 ;time it takes to strip tech from a ship, temporary
flyToDistance 2000.0 ;range from target at which time salcap begins docking cone maneuvers..don't make too close
maxPushingVelocitySingle 400.0 ;salcap can't push a single target faster than this (if the ship requires more than 1 salcap)
noLightClampingDistance 100.0
canSingleClickSpecialActivate TRUE

minimumZoomDistance 185

NUM_NEEDED_FOR_SALVAGE 2 ;number of ships needed to capture a craft

; format: name,type
SalvagePoint Point1,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point2,AttachPoint

BindAnimations 1

;MadStartInfo needs a starting paused / Animation Text Name / needs starting animation / Animation Text Name
animation(when built+placed)/ (no spaces allowed!) / (when built and launched) / (no spaces allowed!)
MadStartInfo 1 , Capture_R1_Frigate , 1 , Capture_R1_Frigate
MadSpecialCaseAnims 1, Release_R1_Frigate, 1 Capture_R1_Frigate, 0, blah,0,blah

;Ships health must be below this percentage to use the damaged animations.
madGunOpenDamagedHealthThreshold 0.70 ;<= 1.0f


; format is NavLight name, type, blinkrate (in seconds), size (in meters), min LOD, texture name
NavLight caution1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 0.5, 0, 5, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight caution2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 0.5, 0.75, 5, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight caution3, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 0.5, 0, 5, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight caution4, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 0.5, 0.75, 5, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight rear1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1.5, 0, 4, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight rear2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1.5, 0, 4, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight rear3, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1.5, 0, 4, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight rear4, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1.5, 0, 4, 2, etg\textures\glow32

;Ship Trails
trailSegments 20
trailGranularity 3
trailColor 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;grey team
trailColor 0, 1, 238, 238, 238
trailColor 0, 8, 141, 106, 87
trailColor 0, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;red team
trailColor 1, 1, 225, 124, 33
trailColor 1, 8, 146, 0, 0
trailColor 1, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;blue team
trailColor 2, 1, 11, 255, 255
trailColor 2, 8, 51, 0, 243
trailColor 2, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;green team
trailColor 3, 1, 201, 254, 39
trailColor 3, 8, 0, 84, 4
trailColor 3, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;yellow team
trailColor 4, 1, 255, 240, 97
trailColor 4, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 4, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 5, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;orange team
trailColor 5, 1, 225, 255, 11
trailColor 5, 8, 160, 124, 0
trailColor 5, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 6, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;purple team
trailColor 6, 1, 255, 135, 157
trailColor 6, 8, 121, 0, 135
trailColor 6, 19, 0, 0, 0
trailColor 7, 0, 0, 0, 0 ;pale blue-green team
trailColor 7, 1, 45, 255, 149
trailColor 7, 8, 0, 105, 137
trailColor 7, 19, 0, 0, 0

;Engine trails
trailRibbonAdjust 0.5 ; also the default
trailWidth 50.0
trailHeight 65.0
trailSpriteRadius 200.0

;Override face-specific damage:
collSideModifiers[TRANS_UP] 0.6
collSideModifiers[TRANS_DOWN] 0.6
collSideModifiers[TRANS_RIGHT] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_LEFT] 0.7
collSideModifiers[TRANS_FORWARD] 0.6
collSideModifiers[TRANS_BACK] 1.5


Junkyard Headquarters ~ junkyardhq <- This is the derelict you are meant
to dock with in Mission 13.

;Source Files
LODFile JunkyardHQ.lod
pMexData JunkyardHQ\Rl0\LOD0\JunkyardHQ.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 100000.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 70000.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 70000.0 ; [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaZ 70000.0
avoidcollmodifier 0.8
maxvelocity 210.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 10.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]
immobile true

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Carrier
buildCost 2000 ; resource units to build
buildTime 400 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 116000 ; hit points
groupSize 1 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form

blastRadiusShockWave 1.75
blastRadiusDamage 275

canReceiveShips TRUE ; other ships can dock in this ship
canReceiveFighters TRUE
canReceiveCorvettes TRUE

canHandleNumShipsDocking 100

dockShipRange 1000.0 ; how close ships should get before considering docking (to ship surface)

pumpFuelRate 500.0 ; how fast pumps fuel in.
repairOtherShipRate 1 ; how fast heals damaged ships. Must be an integer

maxDockableFighters 100
maxDockableCorvettes 45

minimumZoomDistance 1100


; format is DockPoint name,type,flyawaydist,mindist,maxdist,[headingdirection],[updirection] (0=up,1=right,2=forward,4=down,5=left,6=back) for direction
DockPoint dawg,LatchPoint,800,600,1000,2,0

NUM_NEEDED_FOR_SALVAGE 5 ;number of ships needed to capture a craft

; format: name,type
SalvagePoint Point1,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point2,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point3,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point4,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point5,AttachPoint


; format is NavLight name, type, blinkrate (in seconds), size (in meters), min LOD, texture name

NavLight bay1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 0.5, 0.5, 20, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight bay2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 0.5, 0.5, 20, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight bay3, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 0.5, 0, 20, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight bay4, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 0.5, 0, 20, 2, etg\textures\glow32



Mining Base ~ miningbase <- I have no idea what this is.
LODFile MiningBase.lod
pMexData MiningBase\Rl0\LOD0\MiningBase.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 100000.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 30000.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 30000.0
momentOfInertiaZ 30000.0
maxvelocity 150.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 10.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]
immobile TRUE ; indicates object is immobile
approxcollmodifier 0.5 ; use only % of collspheresize for rough approximations
avoidcollmodifier 0.5 ; use only % of collspheresize for collision avoidance

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_Destroyer
buildCost 23000 ; resource units to build
buildTime 1600 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 150000 ; hit points

blastRadiusShockWave 0.5
blastRadiusDamage 10000

repairTime 16 ; every this many seconds
repairDamage 250 ; this much damage is repaired
repairCombatTime 22 ; every this many seconds
repairCombatDamage 125 ; this much damage is repaired

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 15.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 15.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 15.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 15.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 15.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 15.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.5 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 1.0]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.5 ; used to be 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.5
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 1.1 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 1.1
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 1.1

passiveRetaliateZone -1.0 ; -ve numbers indicate to turn of passive retaliation zone feature

minimumZoomDistance 10000

NUM_NEEDED_FOR_SALVAGE 8 ;number of ships needed to capture a craft

; format: name,type
SalvagePoint Point1,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point2,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point3,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point4,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point5,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point6,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point7,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point8,AttachPoint


; format is NavLight name, type, blinkrate (in seconds), size (in meters), min LOD, texture name
NavLight antenna1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 85, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 1, 85, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna3, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 85, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antenna4, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 85, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight caution1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.75, 0.75, 0, 70, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight caution2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 70, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight caution3, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 70, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight caution4, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.5, 0.75, 70, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight caution5, NAVLIGHT_Default, 0.5, 0.5, 0.75, 70, 2, etg\textures\glow32

renderlistFade 5000.0
renderlistLimit 29000.0


Research Station ~ researchstation <- This is the station from Mission 10.
LODFile ResearchStation.lod
pMexData ResearchStation\Rl0\LOD0\ResearchStation.mex

;Ship Physics
mass 50000.0 ; ship mass [fighter = 1]
momentOfInertiaX 15000.0 ; resistance to rotation
momentOfInertiaY 15000.0
momentOfInertiaZ 15000.0
maxvelocity 150.0 ; [fighter = 1000]
maxrot 10.0 ; maximum rotation speed [don't make faster than ~10]

;Basic Ship Stats
shipclass CLASS_NonCombat
buildCost 13000 ; resource units to build
buildTime 1600 ; time in seconds to build
maxhealth 200000 ; hit points

blastRadiusShockWave 0.5
blastRadiusDamage 10000

collBoxOffsetX 0.0
collBoxOffsetY 0.0
collBoxOffsetZ 380.0
collBoxScaleForward 0.54

repairTime 16 ; every this many seconds
repairDamage 150 ; this much damage is repaired
repairCombatTime 22 ; every this many seconds
repairCombatDamage 75 ; this much damage is repaired

;Moving Around
thruststrength[TRANS_UP] 15.0 ; acceleration (m/s^2) [1-1000 approx. range]
thruststrength[TRANS_DOWN] 15.0
thruststrength[TRANS_RIGHT] 15.0
thruststrength[TRANS_LEFT] 15.0
thruststrength[TRANS_FORWARD] 15.0
thruststrength[TRANS_BACK] 15.0
rotstrength[ROT_YAWLEFT] 0.5 ; rotational acceleration (deg/s^2) [0.01 - 1.0]
rotstrength[ROT_YAWRIGHT] 0.5 ; used to be 0.05
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHUP] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_PITCHDOWN] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLRIGHT] 0.5
rotstrength[ROT_ROLLLEFT] 0.5
turnspeed[TURN_YAW] 1.1 ; speed at which ship tries to turn (1=standard)
turnspeed[TURN_PITCH] 1.1
turnspeed[TURN_ROLL] 1.1

renderlistFade 20000.0
renderlistLimit 45000.0

passiveRetaliateZone -1.0 ; -ve numbers indicate to turn of passive retaliation zone feature

minimumZoomDistance 1750

NUM_NEEDED_FOR_SALVAGE 7 ;number of ships needed to capture a craft

; format: name,type
SalvagePoint Point1,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point2,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point3,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point4,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point5,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point6,AttachPoint
SalvagePoint Point7,AttachPoint


; format is NavLight name, type, blinkrate (in seconds), size (in meters), min LOD, texture name
NavLight antenna1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 60, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antennatop1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 50, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antennatop2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0.5, 50, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antennatop3, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 1, 50, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antennatop4, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 1.5, 50, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antennabot1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0, 50, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antennabot2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 0.5, 50, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antennabot3, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 1, 50, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight antennabot4, NAVLIGHT_Default, 2, 1, 1.5, 50, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight bay1, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 0.5, 0, 40, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight bay2, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 0.5, 0, 40, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight bay3, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 0.5, 0, 40, 2, etg\textures\glow32
NavLight bay4, NAVLIGHT_Default, 1, 0.5, 0, 40, 2, etg\textures\glow32


The Resources are different from the above five races. Each type of resource has it's
own folder, and they are all sub-folders in the main Resource folder. Below, they are
arranged in order of folder - the name at the top is the name of the folder, and the
SHP file below is the resource inside.
Smallest Asteroid ~ asteroid0
LODFile asteroid0.lod
pMexData asteroid0\Rl0\LOD0\asteroid0.mex
mass 110.0
momentOfInertiaX 30.0
momentOfInertiaY 30.0
momentOfInertiaZ 30.0
maxvelocity 10000.0
maxrot 10.0
resourcevalue 11
asteroidCanShrink FALSE
maxhealth 100 ; hit points. Make about 1/2 of resourcevalue
rightOfWay 1
avoidcollmodifier 2.0


Small Asteroid ~ asteroid1
LODFile asteroid1.lod
pMexData asteroid1\Rl0\LOD0\asteroid1.mex
mass 430.0
momentOfInertiaX 230.0
momentOfInertiaY 230.0
momentOfInertiaZ 230.0
maxvelocity 10000.0
maxrot 10.0
resourcevalue 25
asteroidCanShrink FALSE
asteroidCanBreak TRUE
maxhealth 1000 ; hit points. Make about 1/2 of resourcevalue
breakinto[Asteroid0] 3
breakinto[Asteroid1] 0
breakinto[Asteroid2] 0
breakinto[Asteroid3] 0
breakinto[Asteroid4] 0
rightOfWay 2
avoidcollmodifier 2.0


Medium Asteroid ~ asteroid2
LODFile asteroid2.lod
pMexData asteroid2\Rl0\LOD0\asteroid2.mex
avoidcollmodifier 2.0
mass 1450.0
momentOfInertiaX 1050.0
momentOfInertiaY 1030.0
momentOfInertiaZ 1030.0
maxvelocity 10000.0
maxrot 10.0
resourcevalue 800
asteroidCanShrink FALSE
asteroidCanBreak TRUE
maxhealth 4000 ; hit points. Make about 1/2 of resourcevalue
breakinto[Asteroid0] 4
breakinto[Asteroid1] 2
breakinto[Asteroid2] 0
breakinto[Asteroid3] 0
breakinto[Asteroid4] 0
rightOfWay 2


Large Asteroid ~ asteroid3
LODFile asteroid3.lod
pMexData asteroid3\Rl0\LOD0\asteroid3.mex
avoidcollmodifier 2.0
mass 4000.0
momentOfInertiaX 2600.0
momentOfInertiaY 2600.0
momentOfInertiaZ 2600.0
maxvelocity 10000.0
maxrot 10.0
resourcevalue 1000
asteroidCanShrink TRUE
asteroidMinShrink 0.2
harvestableByMultipleShips 2
asteroidCanBreak TRUE
maxhealth 16500 ; hit points. Make about 1/2 of resourcevalue
breakinto[Asteroid0] 5
breakinto[Asteroid1] 3
breakinto[Asteroid2] 2
breakinto[Asteroid3] 0
breakinto[Asteroid4] 0
rightOfWay 3


Largest Asteroid ~ asteroid4
LODFile asteroid4.lod
pMexData asteroid4\Rl0\LOD0\asteroid4.mex
avoidcollmodifier 2.0
mass 20000.0
momentOfInertiaX 7000.0
momentOfInertiaY 7000.0
momentOfInertiaZ 7000.0
maxvelocity 10000.0
maxrot 10.0
resourcevalue 6500
asteroidCanShrink TRUE
asteroidMinShrink 0.2
harvestableByMultipleShips 4
asteroidCanBreak TRUE
maxhealth 50000 ; hit points. Make about 1/2 of resourcevalue
breakinto[Asteroid0] 4
breakinto[Asteroid1] 3
breakinto[Asteroid2] 2
breakinto[Asteroid3] 2
breakinto[Asteroid4] 0
rightOfWay 3


Tiny Dust Cloud ~ dustcloud0
LODFile dustcloud0.lod
pMexData dustcloud0\Rl0\LOD0\dustcloud0.mex
mass 1.0
momentOfInertiaX 1.0
momentOfInertiaY 1.0
momentOfInertiaZ 1.0
maxvelocity 50.0
maxrot 10.0
resourcevalue 50
dustcloudCanShrink TRUE
dustcloudMinShrink 0.2
harvestableByMultipleShips 2
maxhealth 250 ; hit points


Small Dust Cloud ~ dustcloud1
LODFile dustcloud1.lod
pMexData dustcloud1\Rl0\LOD0\dustcloud1.mex
mass 8.0
momentOfInertiaX 1.0
momentOfInertiaY 1.0
momentOfInertiaZ 1.0
maxvelocity 50.0
maxrot 10.0
resourcevalue 108
dustcloudCanShrink TRUE
dustcloudMinShrink 0.2
harvestableByMultipleShips 3
maxhealth 420 ; hit points


Medium Dust Cloud ~ dustcloud2
LODFile dustcloud2.lod
pMexData dustcloud2\Rl0\LOD0\dustcloud2.mex
mass 40.0
momentOfInertiaX 1.0
momentOfInertiaY 1.0
momentOfInertiaZ 1.0
maxvelocity 50.0
maxrot 10.0
resourcevalue 250
dustcloudCanShrink TRUE
dustcloudMinShrink 0.2
harvestableByMultiplyShips 5
maxhealth 1250 ; hit points


Large Dust Cloud ~ dustcloud3
LODFile dustcloud3.lod
pMexData dustcloud3\Rl0\LOD0\dustcloud3.mex
mass 350.0
momentOfInertiaX 1.0
momentOfInertiaY 1.0
momentOfInertiaZ 1.0
maxvelocity 50.0
maxrot 10.0
resourcevalue 700
dustcloudCanShrink TRUE
dustcloudMinShrink 0.2
harvestableByMultipleShips 7
maxhealth 3500 ; hit points


Small Gas Cloud ~ gascloud0
LODFile gascloud0.lod
pMexData gascloud0\Rl0\LOD0\gascloud0.mex
mass 1.0
momentOfInertiaX 1.0
momentOfInertiaY 1.0
momentOfInertiaZ 1.0
maxvelocity 50.0
maxrot 10.0
resourcevalue 50
maxhealth 200 ; hit points


Large Gas Cloud ~ gascloud1
LODFile gascloud1.lod
pMexData gascloud1\Rl0\LOD0\gascloud1.mex
mass 8.0
momentOfInertiaX 1.0
momentOfInertiaY 1.0
momentOfInertiaZ 1.0
maxvelocity 50.0
maxrot 10.0
resourcevalue 300
maxhealth 200 ; hit points


Nebula ~ nebula0
LODFile nebula0.lod
pMexData nebula0\Rl0\LOD0
mass 40.0
momentOfInertiaX 1.0
momentOfInertiaY 1.0
momentOfInertiaZ 1.0
maxvelocity 50.0
maxrot 10.0
resourcevalue 1000
nebulaCanShrink TRUE
nebulaMinShrink 0.2
harvestableByMultiplyShips 3
maxhealth 1670 ; hit points



If you'd like to change the name of ships (i.e. if you'd like to call the Heavy Cruiser,
"Guardian Angel") to correspond with your tweaks, simply copy and paste the text below
(from the first {}{}{} to the last {}{}{}, as usual). Place this in a file called
"english.script" (minus speech brackets) in the main Homeworld directory
(...\Sierra\Homeworld). Again, if you can't get an SCRIPT file, pop me an email and
I'll send you one. Note that you can also change other parts, such as the Research text,
the Build Manager text, and various other tidbits.

Ship Name File
; English language script file

; *** NOTE *****************************
; when putting in comments, do not
; exceed column 40 to make cutting and
; pasting of localized text easier
; **************************************
; Nice names for Ships in the game
strAdvanceSupportFrigate SUPPORT FRIGATE
strAttackBomber ATTACK BOMBER
strCarrier CARRIER
strCloakedFighter CLOAKED FIGHTER
strCloakGenerator CLOAK GENERATOR
strDefenseFighter DEFENSE FIGHTER
strHeavyCorvette HEAVY CORVETTE
strHeavyCruiser HEAVY CRUISER
strHeavyDefender DEFENDER
strHeavyInterceptor INTERCEPTOR
strIonCannonFrigate ION CANNON FRIGATE
strLightCorvette LIGHT CORVETTE
strLightDefender LIGHT DEFENDER
strLightInterceptor SCOUT
strMinelayerCorvette MINELAYER CORVETTE
strMissileDestroyer MISSILE DESTROYER
strMothership MOTHERSHIP
strMultiGunCorvette MULTI-GUN CORVETTE
strProbe PROBE
strProximitySensor PROXIMITY SENSOR
strRepairCorvette REPAIR CORVETTE
strResearchShip RESEARCH SHIP
strResourceCollector RESOURCE COLLECTOR
strResourceController RESOURCE CONTROLLER
strSensorArray SENSORS ARRAY
strStandardDestroyer DESTROYER
strStandardFrigate ASSAULT FRIGATE
strDrone DRONE
strTargetDrone TARGET DRONE
strCryoTray CRYO TRAY
strP1Fighter FIGHTER
strP1IonArrayFrigate ION ARRAY FRIGATE
strP1MissileCorvette MISSILE CORVETTE
strP1Mothership MOTHERSHIP
strP1StandardCorvette STANDARD CORVETTE
strP2AdvanceSwarmer ADVANCED SWARMER
strP2FuelPod FUEL POD
strP2Mothership MOTHERSHIP
strP2MultiBeamFrigate MULTI-BEAM FRIGATE
strP2Swarmer SWARMER
strP3Destroyer DESTROYER
strP3Frigate FRIGATE
strP3Megaship MEGASHIP
strCargoBarge CARGO BARGE
strResearchStation RESEARCH STATION
strJunkYardDawg JUNKYARD DOG
strGhostship GHOST SHIP
strResearchStationBridge RES STATION BRIDGE
strResearchStationTower RES STATION TOWER

; Nice names for classes of ships
strCLASS_HeavyCruiser CRUISER

; Strings from sensors Manager
strPlayerUnits PLAYER UNITS
strEnemyUnits ENEMY UNITS
strAlliedUnits ALLIED UNITS
strResources RESOURCES
strDerelictShip DERELICT SHIP
strUnexplored UNEXPLORED
strAsteroids ASTEROIDS
strNebula NEBULA
strGasClouds GAS CLOUDS
strDustClouds DUST CLOUDS

; Strings from loading data screen
strLoadingShips loading ships
strTexturePreload texture preload
strLoadingTextures loading textures

; Strings from Mouse over function
strEnemyShip Enemy Ship
strAlliedShip Allied Ship
strEnemy Enemy:
strAllied Ally:

; End of game strings
strHaveBeenDefeated You have been defeated
strQuestIsLost Game Over
strAllPlayersDead All players have been killed
strPlayerHasWon has won
strPlayerHasDied has died
strPlayersHaveWon have won
strHaveBeenDroppedOut You have been dropped out
strAllOtherPlayersDroppedOut All other players have dropped out
strSyncPktQOverrun Could not keep up with network traffic

; Strings for names of technologies
strCoolingSystems COOLING SYSTEMS
strDefenseFighterTech DEFENSE FIGHTER
strAdvancedCoolingSystems ADVANCED COOLING SYSTEMS
strAdvanceTacticalSupport STRIKE CRAFT SUPPORT
strIonWeapons ION CANNONS
strAdvancedFireControl ADVANCED TARGETING
strMissileWeapons GUIDED MISSILES
strConstructionTech CARRIER TECH
strHeavyGuns HEAVY GUNS
strProximityDetector PROXIMITY SENSOR
strSensorsArrayTech SENSORS ARRAY
strGravityWellGeneratorTech GRAVITY GENERATOR
strCloakGeneratorTech CLOAK GENERATOR

; Strings for the technology headings
strWeaponHeading FIGHTER SYSTEMS
strConstuctionHeading CORVETTE SYSTEMS
strInterdictionHeading CAPITAL SHIP SYSTEMS

; Strings for the technology information


; abbreviations for ships in the
; information overlay
strAbrevAdvanceSupportFrigate SUPPORT FRIGATE
strAbrevAttackBomber ATTACK BOMBER
strAbrevCarrier CARRIER
strAbrevCloakedFighter CLOAKED FIGHTER
strAbrevCloakGenerator CLOAK GENERATOR
strAbrevDefenseFighter DEFENSE FIGHTER
strAbrevGravWellGenerator GRAVWELL GENERATOR
strAbrevHeavyCorvette HEAVY CORVETTE
strAbrevHeavyCruiser HEAVY CRUISER
strAbrevHeavyDefender DEFENDER
strAbrevHeavyInterceptor INTERCEPTOR
strAbrevIonCannonFrigate ION FRIGATE
strAbrevLightCorvette LIGHT CORVETTE
strAbrevLightDefender LIGHT DEFENDER
strAbrevLightInterceptor SCOUT
strAbrevMinelayerCorvette MINELAYER CORVETTE
strAbrevMissileDestroyer MISSILE DESTROYER
strAbrevMothership MOTHERSHIP
strAbrevMultiGunCorvette MULTI-GUN CORVETTE
strAbrevProbe PROBE
strAbrevProximitySensor PROXIMITY SENSOR
strAbrevRepairCorvette REPAIR CORVETTE
strAbrevResearchShip RESEARCH SHIP
strAbrevResourceCollector RESOURCE COLLECTOR
strAbrevResourceController RESOURCE CONTROLLER
strAbrevSalCapCorvette SALVAGE CORVETTE
strAbrevSensorArray SENSORS ARRAY
strAbrevStandardDestroyer DESTROYER
strAbrevStandardFrigate ASSAULT FRIGATE
strAbrevDrone DRONE
strAbrevTargetDrone TARGET DRONE
strAbrevHeadShotAsteroid HEADSHOT ASTEROID
strAbrevCryoTray CRYO TRAY

strAbrevP1Fighter FIGHTER
strAbrevP1IonArrayFrigate ION ARRAY FRIGATE
strAbrevP1MissileCorvette MISSILE CORVETTE
strAbrevP1Mothership MOTHERSHIP
strAbrevP1StandardCorvette STANDARD CORVETTE
strAbrevP2AdvanceSwarmer ADVANCED SWARMER
strAbrevP2FuelPod FUEL POD
strAbrevP2Mothership MOTHERSHIP
strAbrevP2MultiBeamFrigate MULTI-BEAM FRIGATE
strAbrevP2Swarmer SWARMER
strAbrevP3Destroyer DESTROYER
strAbrevP3Frigate FRIGATE
strAbrevP3Megaship MEGASHIP
strAbrevFloatingCity BENTUSI EXCHANGE
strAbrevCargoBarge CARGO BARGE
strAbrevMiningBase FIELD GENERATOR
strAbrevResearchStation RESEARCH STATION
strAbrevJunkYardDawg JUNKYARD DOG
strAbrevGhostship GHOST SHIP
strAbrevJunk_LGun AUTO GUN
strAbrevJunk_SGun AUTO GUN
strAbrevResearchStationBridge RES STATION BRIDGE
strAbrevResearchStationTower RES STATION TOWER

; string that tells you what ships that
; technology will give you in the
; Research manager.
strCanBuild CAN BUILD :

; formation titles displayed to the user
strDELTA_FORMATION Delta Formation
strBROAD_FORMATION Broad Formation
strCLAW_FORMATION Claw Formation
strWALL_FORMATION Wall Formation
strSPHERE_FORMATION Sphere Formation
strPICKET_FORMATION Custom Formation

strPARADE_FORMATION Military Parade

; strings for the connecting box in the
; multiplayer game screens
strCreatingRoom CREATING ROOM ...
strRoomCreated ROOM CREATED ...
strQueryingChat QUERYING CHAT SERVER ...
strConnectingToChat CONNECTING TO CHAT ...
strConnectedToChat CONNECTED TO CHAT ...
strStartingChat STARTING CHAT SERVER ...
strCreatedChat CREATED CHAT SERVER ...
strSendingLogin SENDING LOGIN INFO ...
strChangingPassword CHANGING PASSWORD ...
strCreatingUser CREATING NEW USER ...
strRequestingToJoin REQUESTING TO JOIN ...
strConnectedWon CONNECTED TO WON ...
strLoginFailed LOGIN FAILED!!
strPasswordChangeSuccess PASSWORD CHANGE SUCCESFUL ...
strPasswordChangeFailed PASSWORD CHANGE FAILED!!
strNewUserCreated NEW USER CREATED ...
strDuplicateUser DUPLICATE USER NAME!!

strUserNotFound UNKNOWN USER
strInvalidName INVALID NAME
strUnknownAuthReply UNKNOWN AUTH REPLY %d

strHitCancelContinue HIT CANCEL TO CONTINUE :)
strJoinRequestGranted JOIN REQUEST GRANTED ...
strLightweightBadKey INVALID CD KEY.

strBadKeyExpired CD KEY EXPIRED.
strBadKeyLockedOut CD KEY LOCKED OUT!
strBadKeyBetaKeyRequired BETA CD KEY REQUIRED.
strBadKeyBetaKeyNotAllowed BETA CD KEY NOT ALLOWED.


strCaptainDisolvedGame CAPTAIN DISSOLVED GAME !

strCreatingGame CREATING GAME
strErrorUserAlreadyExists ERROR, USER ALREADY EXISTS
strErrorGameAlreadyExists GAME ALREADY EXISTS
strCreatedGame CREATED GAME
strDroppedOut DROPPED OUT
strQuit QUIT
strPasswordProtected PASSWORD
strInProgress IN PROGRESS
strDiffVersion DIFF VERSION
strErrorRoomAlreadyExists ERROR, ROOM ALREADY EXISTS
strNoRoom NO ROOM
strDifferentVersions Detected different versions of Homeworld.
strMustUpgradeToSameVersion You must all upgrade to the same version.
strChatDisconnected Chat unexpectedly disconnected


strStartingGame STARTING GAME.
strDetectedUserBehindFirewall DETECTED USER BEHIND FIREWALL.
strStartingRoutingServer STARTING ROUTING SERVER.
strConnectingToRoutingServer CONNECTING TO ROUTING SERVER.
strPlayerJoined PLAYER JOINED.
strConnectingToCaptain CONNECTING TO CAPTAIN.

strPatchStartingDownload CONNECTING...
strPatchDownloading %d / %d
strPatchGeneralError ERROR (%d) GETTING PATCH.
strPatchUnableCreateFile UNABLE TO CREATE FILE. Check diskspace?
strPatchUnableWriteFile ERROR WRITING TO FILE. Check diskspace?

strTryLaterDownloadManually Try later or download at:

strWhisperedMessage (whispered)
strHasJoined has joined
strHasLeft has left

; headings from the Channel list title
strChannelNameHeading NAME
strChannelDescHeading DESCRIPTION
strChannelNumberHeading NUMBER

; headings from the Game list title
strGameNameHeading NAME
strGamePingHeading PING
strGameNumPlayerHeading PLAYERS
strGameMapHeading MAP

strCustomMapAutoupload Detected Custom Map - Autoupload included in load time
strCustomMapAutodownload Detected Custom Map - Autodownload included in load time

strVersion Version

; strings for forming and breaking
; alliances.
strAsksToFormAlliance Asks to form an Alliance
strWants wants
strToJoin to join alliance, form alliance to accept
strAnd and
strAllianceFormed Alliance formed with
strHasBrokenAlliance has broken the alliance
strAllianceBroken Alliance broken with
strAllianceRequest Alliance request sent to
strAllianceConfirm Accepted the request to add
strAskForPermision Asking allies to ally with

; the name of the computer player
strComputerName Computer

; Build Manager Ship View Stats
strFirepower FIREPOWER: %s
strCoverage COVERAGE: %s
strArmor ARMOR: %s
strTopSpeed MAX VELOCITY: %s m/s
strMass MASS: %s t

strVeryLow Very Low
strLow Low
strMedium Medium
strHigh High
strVeryHigh Very High
strCoverageUnits %

strFightersCorvettesDocked Docked: F:%d C:%d

strSay Say:
strToAllies To Allies:
strRUAmount RU Amount:

strTutorialTip TIP:

strPlayersAllied Ally
strResourcesRes Res:
strGas Gas
strDust Dust
strRock Rock
strNonCombatShips Non-combat ships
strStrikeCraft Strike craft
strCapitalShips Capital ships

strPingTO0 Proximity Alert
strPingTO1 New Ships Built
strPingTO2 Objective
strPingTO3 Battle
strPingTO4 Hyperspace
strPingTORC Resource Collector

strSaveSinglePlayerLevel1 01 - Kharak System

strSavedGame Game Saved
strRecordingGame Recording Game
strQuickSave Quick Save

strCaptainTransfering Captain Transfer Under Way ...

strEndOfBuffer ----- End Of Buffer -----
strStartOfBuffer ----- Start Of Buffer -----

; These are the objectives strings
strObjComplete COMPLETE
strObjIncomplete INCOMPLETE

; These are the key binding command strings

strF1KEY F1
strF2KEY F2
strF3KEY F3
strF4KEY F4
strF5KEY F5
strF6KEY F6
strF7KEY F7
strF8KEY F8
strF9KEY F9
strF10KEY F10
strF11KEY F11
strF12KEY F12

strCommandToBind COMMAND
strKeyBound BOUND KEY
strNoKeyBound NONE

; CD detection/oversize CD strings
strMissingCD Invalid or missing Homeworld CD. Please insert valid CD.
strInvalidCD Invalid Homeworld CD.

; warning for Microsoft Generic OpenGL renderer selection
strGDIGeneric0 You have selected an unaccelerated renderer.
strGDIGeneric1 We recommend running in software instead.
strGDIGenericRenderer GDI Generic

; display mode switch strings
strOPCountdown0 Mode switch successful.
strOPCountdown1 Do you want to keep this setting?
strOPCountdown2 Original settings will restore in %ds.

strOPFailed0 Display mode setting failed.
strOPFailed1 Please select another mode.

strDefaultPlayerName Unnamed_Player

strStatsDiedStats _DIED_STATS.txt
strStatsGameEndStats GAME_END_STATS.txt
strStatsPlayerName Player Name: %s
strStatsPlayerRace Player Race: %s
strStatsTimeOfDeath Time Of Death : %0.1f
strStatsDeathByDropout Death by dropout
strStatsDeathByShipCapture Death by ship being captured
strStatsDeathByLossOfMission Death by loss of mission
strStatsDeathStillAlive Time Of Death : Still Alive
strStatsRUsStart RU's Started With: %d
strStatsRUsCollected RU's Collected : %d
strStatsRUsSpent RU's Spent : %d
strStatsRUsGiven RU's Given : %d
strStatsRUsReceived RU's Received : %d
strStatsRUsInjected RU's Injected : %d
strStatsRUsByBounties RU's via Bounties: %d
strStatsRUsGenerated RU's Generated: %d
strStatsCurrentRUs Current RU's: %d
strStatsTotalDmgAgainstPlayer Total Damage Against Player %d: %0.1f
strStatsTotalAcquiredShips Total Acquired Ships: %d
strStatsTotalAcqShipsByType Total Acquired Ships By Type:
strStatsTotalAcqShipsByClass Total Acquired Ships By Class:
strStatsTotalKills Total Kills: %d
strStatsKilled killed:
strStatsTotalLosses Total Losses: %d
strStatsLost lost:

strSVCost COST:
strSVRUs RUs

strFailedToStartRoutingServer Failed to start server
strServerLoadHeading Load
strServerReliabilityHeading Reliability

strStatsBadResUnitsBounds WARNING: Bad number of resource units detected!
strStatsBadResUnitTotals WARNING: Bad total number of resource units detected!
strStatsBadShipBounds WARNING: Bad number of ships detected!
strStatsBadShipCostTotals WARNING: Bad total ship cost detected!
strStatsBadShipsAcquiredTotals WARNING: Bad total number of ships acquired detected!
strStatsBadShipsKilledTotals WARNING: Bad total number of ships killed detected!
strStatsBadShipsLostTotals WARNING: Bad total number of ships lost detected!
strStatsBadShipsAcquiredClassTotals WARNING: Bad total number of ships acquired per class detected!
strStatsBadShipsKilledClassTotals WARNING: Bad total number of ships killed per class detected!
strStatsBadShipsLostClassTotals WARNING: Bad total number of ships lost per class detected!

strCommandIgnoreOn Ignore %s &O&N
strCommandIgnoreOff Ignore %s &O&F&F
strCommandKickCaptain You have kicked %s from the game!
strCommandKickPlayer You have been kicked from the game!
strCommandBanOn Ban %s &O&N
strCommandBanOff Ban %s &O&F&F
strCommandLimit Player limit set to %u players
strCommandLimitOff Player limit off

strCheatDetect CHEAT DETECT: Frame %d


There may be more to come, so watch this space.

Fun Stuff

Single Player

o Beat the 2nd level using only Resource Collectors.
o On the 3rd Level, try to destroy ALL the debris.
o On the Ghost Ship mission (I think it is level 9), get ALL of your fleet to
kamikaze bomb into the Ghost Ship (yes, even capital and super-capitals, just
make them move into the thing) and watch it explode!
o Try and wipe out the HeadShot Asteroid using only Corvettes.
o Capture ALL of the Ion Cannon Frigates in the Field Mission (I think it is
Level 14).
o Max out your fleet and go completely hyper on a passing scout.
o Try and wipe out ALL enemy fleet traces before leaving Mission 5.
o Try and beat my record of destroying 1532 asteroids in mission 6.
o Try and force an enemy fleet into the radiation in mission 10.
o Play a game of Scout vs. all. When you're bored, kamikaze it into an asteroid.
o Hmm. Those Swarmers look very tempting, don't they? Take some, nab a Fuel Pod or two to
complement them, then try and complete a mission using just them.


o Turn Unit Caps OFF and max out your fleet. 300 of each ship, then take out
ALL enemy ships one by one.
o Load up 4 Carriers with Attack Bombers and Heavy Corvettes, then hyper them
over to an enemy and make all the fighters kamikaze into the mothership.
o Try and make a Heavy Cruiser kamikaze. It'll probably go THROUGH most
stuff, but it's still funny to watch.
o Want an alternate way of stopping your opponent's resource lines? Simply
pop a Super-Capital ship somewhere in the resource patch and watch as it
destroys all the resources (and collectors) in an attempt to gain some
personal space.
o Mark a Heavy Cruiser (by itself) in group 1 and pretend it is the saviour
of your fleet and all that crap.
o Make an alliance with a person of the opposite race. Trade ships and beat
someone up using ships of ONLY the opposite race.
o Capture a ship from one of your enemies. Go to his ally and pretend that
you need some backup to take out some stragglers. Take some strike craft,
then get them near a GravWell and use a few salvagers! (Somehow Salvagers
aren't affected by a GravWell - I think it is because they have such strong
powerplants [hey, they can push {or salvage}enemy ships!] that they can evade
the GravWell pull).
o Use Resource Collectors as battering rams.
o Cloaked Fighters make excellent guards for solitary resource collectors.
They can stay cloaked and the resource collectors can refuel the fighters
when they're out of fuel. Swarmers theoretically work well too, but the refuelling
process takes so long that both ships will probably be dead by the time the Swarmer
has docked.
o Get a Multiplayer game going with some friends. Have all of you make 1 scout each.
Player 1 is the starter, and he/she has to kamikaze his scout into another player's.
Once you have been kami'd, build another scout and YOU become the tag. If the scouts
keep shooting each other, play it with resource collectors.


Version 0.2
It's been a long time. Redid and added all the ships again, and tweaked some stuff.


Version 0.1A


You, for reading this.
Sierra and Relic, for making such a great game.
John-Scott Theron for giving me the inspiration to make this FAQ.
Delphy, for making the BIG extractor.
The now-dead Homeworld Forums, for answering all my queries.
My girlfriend, for playing with me online :) it's what we do when we're bored.

Closing Speech and Other Crap
Augh... I really can't be bothered to do any of this stuff.
FAQ is Copyright (C) Seb Haque 2004. You may save this to your hard disk and
print off a copy for personal use only, but please do not take any of my
wording - the scripts themselves cannot be copyrighted and you can use them.
Blah blah blah if you feel you have a personal issue then ask me... blah blah

Oh yeah, other FAQs by me:
o Homeworld 2 Ship/Script Editing FAQ
o Homeworld Cataclysm FAQ
o Ground Control 2 FAQ
Goodbye, thanks for reading the FAQ!
(good enough?)

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Megatrainer (für v1.05 DirectX11)

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

09.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

09.Oktober 2013
Engl. Hinweise

18.Oktober 2013
Ship Script Editing FAQ
Engl. FAQ

18.Oktober 2013
Gameplay Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

18.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Trainer für RU sowie sofortiges Forschen und Bauen

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

18.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Creditstrainer (für v1.5)

16.Oktober 2013
Creditstrainer (für v1.3)

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

15.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Dt. Komplettlösung im Word-Format

13.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Geld-Trainer für die dt. Version 1.05

15.Oktober 2013
Geld-Trainer für Version 1.05

16.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Geld einfrieren

01.Oktober 2013
Starten und lesen

11.Oktober 2013
Ein Savegame mit 90.000 Credits

17.Oktober 2013
Geld-Trainer für die deutsche Version 1.03

16.Oktober 2013
Modul für den Spieleeditor Gamehack - bitte liesmich.txt lesen

16.Oktober 2013
Geld bis zum Abwinken - deutsche Version

16.Oktober 2013
Geld besorgen in der Demoversion

16.Oktober 2013
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