Divine Divinity

Divine Divinity

17.10.2013 18:36:53
**************Divine Divinity Skills guide***************************
************************ By Fallon V1.*****************************
************************21:21 04/09/2005***************************
***************Copyright 2005 Fallon ******************************

disclaimer read first!

This FAQ is for private use only reproduction or republication in
CDroms or unspecified websites is not allowed as this is my work
and belongs to me and I worked hard for it. If you want it on your
web site ask me @


Please do not ask stupid questions examples include:

what is your CD key
how many hits does
etc etc

Also when emailing me put devastation PC in the subject title
I get a lot of spam well some and don't want much more.

I also accept NO responsibility for what happens from use or lack
of use of this short FAQ so use at your own risk. Also please
do not ask stupid questions as these will be ignored .Examples
are what is the key for since its listed in the manual and the key
command card , or the serial code .Games are a product of hard
work and semi experiencing it myself I know first hand.

if you don’t know about copy right then these are good links




**Note I am from England so I spell things the English way eg
Meter = metre
color = colour
honor = honour

also there is this:

in the UK the first floor of a building is called the ground floor , while
the next is ground floor , then the next is 3rd floor , etc different
from the American version where the ground floor is the first floor

USA ----> UK
1st floor = ground floor
2nd floor = first floor
3rd floor = 2nd floor

and so on , though I have tried to incorporate both or use a get around
of up a level instead to avoid confusion.


On the back of the box UK at least it says 96 unique skills which is a bit
of a lie since
some are duplicated more than once , however with so many I thought hmm
ought to tell you all about it , and since its a boring bank holiday where
nothing is open
(shops etc) I thought I'd share my thoughts since its been a year or so
since I've
written anything to FAQ sites whilst using them extensively (FAQ sites). Its
to do and gives you the low down on the skills before committing points to
them , though
you can learn spells and skills via other means by doing quests or finding
the spell book
though you should refer the the image not what the text says for the spell
since I've had
multiple instances of the curse spell one was curse , another fear etc.

Everything here is listed as my opinion only the stats are taken from ingame
screens so
are reasonably accurate , I am open to second opinions via email which I
shall add to the
end of each skill if I receive them. Though don't expect frequent updates.

Version history

Current incarnation no 2nd opinions added yet forth coming maybe
Added some comments
Added shameless self promotion
Bit of tidying and stuff.
152KB exceeded hurrah!.

V0.9 Reduced the number of letters per line so it fit properly on most

V0.8 Updated some spelling and some errors.

V0.7 More play testing put more comments

V0.6 Added more comments after more play testing and using the resurrect
120KB passed hurrah!

V0.5 Realised a huge mistake in mana figures corrected them
102KB passed hurrah!

V0.1 : 21:21 04/09/2005 Finished all the skills and added comments


Skills are listed in this order if you want to find one use the find
function in notepad or whatever you are using

Assassins kiss aka backstab
Lock pick
Evade trap
Deadly gift
Evelen stamina
Embrace shadows
Poison weapon

Know creature
True Sight
Skin of poison

Traders tongue
Ranger sight
Magic barrier
Aura of command
Heaven's gift
Survivors instinct

Sword expertise
Mace expertise
Axe expertise
Hammer expertise
Spear expertise
Bow expertise
Cross bow expertise
Shield expertise

Elven sight
True shot
Splitting arrows
Poisoned arrows
Spiritual arrows
Elemental arrows
Evade arrows
Explosive arrows

Augment damage
Augment defence
Poison damage
Lightning damage
Fire damage
Repel damage

Enchant weapon
Feign death
Shadow warrior
Spiritual damage
Reflect missiles
Death strike
Flash attack

Hell spikes
Energy Cage
Limbs of lead
Deathly discs
Skeletal Wall
Seeking flame

Wizards Sight
Withering curse
Aura of guarding
Magical Might
Spell Shield
Fade from sight

Burning wall
Elemental bolt
Poison Cloud
Elemental Hail
Elemental Strike

Summon vermin
Summon skeleton
Life Leech
Master summoner
Transfer powers
Summon demonic Aide

Divine death
Sprit form
Heaven’s blessing
Divine eye
Temporal Storm

This entire guide is packed chocka with spoilers on skills and some key
events in
game therefore the entire guide can be considered a spoiler so you may want
avert your eyes or just not download it if you don't want divinity to be
spoilt. Though
if you are baffled by the mass of skills you can just read this , loading
and saving
seems to take a life time on my machine so I've removed that pain for you.

=========================Path of the Theif==============

=====================Assassins kiss aka backstab=====================

Level1 = 10% chance of double dagger damage
required Level 1
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level2 = 20% chance of double dagger damage
required Level 5
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level3 = 30% chance of double dagger damage
required Level 9
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level4 = 40% chance of double dagger damage
required Level 13
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level5 = 50% chance of double dagger damage
required Level 17
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)


Using dagger class weapons you get a chance or getting 200% damage when you
hit an enemy
as obvious from the above stats the higher the skill points in this skill
the higher the chance of a
backstab attempt.

Usefulness : 2/10


A bit iffy really in that the usage is pretty dubious , and that in divinity
the highest
damage knife/ dagger type weapons I've ever found did a damage of 59 and
expending 5 skill points just to get a 50% chance of double damage is a
the warrior specialist skills are MUCH more worthy of points than this.
putting just one or two onto one of the other skills reduces the recovery
time by
around 3 (say for sword) with for a typical Bastard sword will make its
time 7 rather than 10. Since a bastard sword usually averages around 40-69
(or more) a single swing of that + whatever your offence + strength
is does more damage than an average dagger WITH backstab damage. Its useful
at the start when you are terribly weak but you get strong pretty quick in
this game.

Added to the fact that other warrior specialist skills increase the damage
of the weapon such as sword adding a % on top this skill isn't useful.


Sword expertise
Axe expertise
Hammer expertise
Mace expertise

=====================Lock pick=====================

Level1 = unlock Level 1 doors
required Level 1
Mana used at this Level 1

Level2 = unlock Level 2 doors
required Level 7
Mana used at this Level 4

Level3 = unlock Level 3 doors
required Level 13
Mana used at this Level 7

Level4 = unlock Level 4 doors
required Level 19
Mana used at this Level 10

Level5 = unlock Level 5 doors
required Level 25
Mana used at this Level 13


Unlock some of the doors in divinity some doors CANNOT be picked no matter
what your
Level , say the Verdistis doors which lead to the thieves / assassins guild
and or plot locked
doors such as Dr Elrath's when you get booted out.

Usefulness 5/10


Female survivor starts with one point on this skill

The usefulness of this skill is dependent on what you want in the game ,
with one or two
Levels you can open many many doors , and some chests , but to get Baud's
tea for killing
the talking tree , or the dragon armour belt you NEED Level 5 of this skill.
Rather than say
spend 5 skill points on this skill however you can often find armour or
weapons that give you
+1 in this skill for free.

However rather than spend all the skill points you can save the skill points
for Level 5 by
equipment during my last 3 games in divinity I must have gotten 4 items
(separate) which
let me use this skill thus saving me from putting on all those points

the usefulness isn't all that high I reckon other than for some vital things
such as the dragon
armour belt and bauds tea which require you to have 5 Levels in this skill.

I would also recommend that if you use this skill regularly that you do not
reveal Tingalf's
scam until very late in the game since Tingalf consistently has lock picks
to buy , while
Mzenpak only sometimes has them while other traders very rarely have
them.Also Tingalf
is nicely placed nearby to the arsmagicana teleporter while Mzenpak is miles
away in Verdistis.

You can get this skill free from:

Rob the theives guild master
The lock picking challenge inside the theives guild


Finding keys (which in divinity are always close by)
Nothing else


Level1 = steal from NPCs up to Level 6
required Level 1
Mana used at this Level 6

Level2 = steal from NPCs up to Level 12
required Level 10
Mana used at this Level 8

Level3 = steal from NPCs up to Level 18
required Level 14
Mana used at this Level 10

Level4 = steal from NPCs up to Level 24
required Level 18
Mana used at this Level 12

Level5 = steal from NPCs up to Level 30
required Level 22
Mana used at this Level 14


Use it on a NPC and if successful it opens up a window which you can
to steal from an NPC

Usefulness 1/10


A bit iffy if you ask me since nearly all NPCs* will trade with you and that
money is really
really prevailant in divinity and that you can collect so much booty that
you can sell if for
loads , other than using it to cure victims of the plague by giving it to a
victim then stealing
it back off them, and to join the thieves guild I found this really
worthless. If you really want
to join the thieves guild find a piece of equipment that has this attached
to it. Also anybody
who is important and has some good stuff is usually at a high Level say
kroxy so you can't
steal off them anyway.

*when you have a good reputation ,


Finding items with this skill
Trading with NPCs instead + traders tongue.

=====================Evade trap =====================

Level1 = detect Level 1 traps
required Level 3
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level2 = detect Level 2 traps
required Level 7
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level3 = detect Level 3 traps
required Level 11
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level4 = detect Level 4 traps
required Level 15
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level5 = detect Level 5 traps
required Level 19
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Effect makes the cursor turn red when you detect a trap

usefulness 1/10


This is pretty worthless why you may ask its because there are very very few
traps in this game ,
and the ones that there are mainly spider mines and trail bombs , spider
mines you can run away
from.Just listen for a hatching sound when you hear it run and you can evade
it. Trail bombs are
used lots by thugs , only the ones with swords though , not the ones with
scythes or cross bows,
you can spot when they use them by the fact that they pause for a
moment.Since you'll be busy
trying to kill them , you aren't going to stop and disarm it anyway they use
them agressively so that
you are already triggering it when they lay it and thus are unavoidable.

As an added problem for this skill is that traps do fire damage spider mines
AND trail bombs so
that if you have a high resistance say 100 to fire you won't take much
damage from these anyway.


Running from traps
Spotting thug trail bomb planting and keeping away from that area

=====================Deadly gift=====================

Level1 = set traps with these stats:
Spider mines = 20 damage (fire damage)
Trail bombs = 20 damage (fire damage)
Death scorpions = Level 100 (physical attack + random poison damage)
required Level 5
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)*

Level2 = set traps with these stats:
Spider mines = 40 damage (fire damage)
Trail bombs = 40 damage (fire damage)
Death scorpions = Level 200 (physical attack + random poison damage)
required Level 11
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)*

Level3 = set traps with these stats:
Spider mines = 60 damage (fire damage)
Trail bombs = 60 damage (fire damage)
Death scorpions = Level 300 (physical attack + random poison damage)
required Level 17
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)*

Level4 = set traps with these stats:
Spider mines = 80 damage (fire damage)
Trail bombs = 80 damage (fire damage)
Death scorpions = Level 400 (physical attack + random poison damage)
required Level 23
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)*

Level5 = set traps with these stats:
Spider mines = 100 damage (fire damage)
Trail bombs = 100 damage (fire damage)
Death scorpions = Level 500 (physical attack + random poison damage)
required Level 29
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)*

*the game stat says they cost Mana but it doesn't only the item you use


Spider mines plants an egg which only YOU can see and enemies hostile to you
can set
off , it hatches and is like a little ball which bounces towards the enemy
nearby which does
spread damage so that not only the target but those closeby are hurt.

Trail bombs bury several mounds of explosive powder which explode when an
enemy or
you move close to it , enemies can take damage from one or mutiple mounds ,
it also
does spread damage so that more than one enemy can be hurt (this includes
YOU too
so if you use them aggressively you'll be caught in the blast).

I would note that trail bombs AND spider mines inflict fire damage so that
enemies with
say 100 resistance (excluding you) won't be hurt by trail bombs or spider
mines it'll
explode but won't do anything.

Death Scorpions , releases an allied steel scorpion which is hard as nails
and has ALOT of
health , one on one they can take on anything other than say dragon riders ,
or bosses enmasse
they are unstoppable. The enemies they kill give YOU the experience if you
are within a certain
range.They also do some poison damage and death scorpions die after a
'while' , when I say
that I mean I'm not sure , since if you release them and use a bed you die ,
however if you
follow it you can follow it all day and night.Death Scorpions however seem
especially vulnerable
to lightening ,well they are made from steel , but (yours at least) seem
invulnerable to poison
and fire.The only major problem associated with death scorpions is the
weight at 40 each
10 of them will suck up 400 of your weight allowance, a good method to use
them is to buy
in bulk. Use the separate items command (ctrl) to drop them in piles of 10
and have a teleport
stone nearby , if you set-up a homebase near arsmagicana then you don't need
to do this.You
can teleport in buy them off Tingalf and teleport back into the fray.

Usefulness 10/10


The usefulness is purely in the death scorpions at Level 1 they can pretty
much rip through
anything without too much trouble although when enemies are massed around a
single one
they can hold their ground but not always say against mountain trolls.
Unfortunately this
has one pretty major side effect in that battles mostly become boring in
that if you see anything
that looks tough you just release a few of them and the battle is over esp
if combined with
a shadows spell or potion.

I would also recommend that if you use this skill regularly that you do not
reveal tingalf's
scam until vert late in the game since Tingalf consistently has traps to buy
, while Mzenpak
only sometimes has them while other traders very rarely have them.Also
Tingalf is nicely placed
nearby to the arsmagicana teleporter while Mzenpak is miles away in


personal combat
Aura of command
resurrect + aura of command

=====================Evelen stamina=====================

Level1 = stamina is consumed at 4/5 rate
required Level 1
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level2 = stamina is consumed at 3/5 rate
required Level 14
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level3 = stamina is consumed at 2/5 rate
required Level 18
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level4 = stamina is consumed at 1/5 rate
required Level 22
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level5 = stamina is consumed at 0/5 rate
required Level 26
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Effect : slows down how fast you stamina is consumed in running only , other
things that
consume stamina such as mage's switch positions or the swirl attack and the
sneak are not affected.Nor is the stamina consumed during combat which is

Usefulness 3/10


Its gonna save you ALOT of stamina potions depending on your style of play
mine is to
run everywhere because walking is far far too slow in this game , if you are
a sniper
and use a bow a great deal (recommended) they you'll like one or two one
you fire off a couple shots run back fire some more and run back etc repeat
as required.


Stamina potions
Alchemy skill to mix stamina potions
Walking everywhere

=====================Embrace shadows=====================

Level1 = stamina is consumed at rate of 5
required Level 8
Mana used at this Level 0

Level2 = stamina is consumed at rate of 4
required Level 12
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level3 = stamina is consumed at rate of 3
required Level 16
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level4 = stamina is consumed at rate of 2
required Level 20
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level5 = stamina is consumed at rate of 1
required Level 24
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)


Makes you vanish in 'dark areas' ie indoors in dungeons and at night ,
costs 0 Mana to cost
and sustain , instead it eats away at your stamina bar which means at high
constitution Levels
you can stay unseen for quite some time. You become visible the second you
step into light
say outsight or do something like attack somebody pick up an item etc.

Usefulness 3/10


Not all that good , since this is very limited by the fact that you can only
use it in certain
conditions and with the 1.0034 patch you have NO warning of day and night
cycles all
of a sudden it becomes day or night previously you'd get dawn and dusk sort
of thing now
you don't , however its sucks up you stamina NOT your Mana which is a good
though fade from sight is MUCH MUCH better for being invisible than this.


Shadow potions
fade from sight
Blind (cast on enemies)
Sneak (survivor only)

=====================Poison weapon=====================

Level 1 10 charges of poison per application
required Level 8
Mana at tthis Level 0 (passive)

20 charges of poison per application
required Level 12
Mana at tthis Level 0 (passive)

30 charges of poison per application
required Level 16
Mana at tthis Level 0 (passive)

40 charges of poison per application
required Level 20
Mana at tthis Level 0 (passive)

50 charges of poison per application
required Level 24
Mana at tthis Level 0 (passive)

Effect - Makes your weapon apply poison damage when it hits , reducing the
amount of poison
on the weapon

Usefulness 3.5/10


This is semi useful and costly in that you have to go buy poison apply it
and then use it the
problem with this is that poison isn't all that effective against enemies in
health terms it might
stop them chasing you for a while while they jerk from the effects of poison
but it becomes
very useless later on and if used often you might run huge poison bills.
Though you can get
free poison from the cellar Dr Elrath rents and also from the Orc cave where
it is stored.This
partners kind of well with heavens gift since you can get alot of poison
from using that spell.


Poison damage
Poison arrows
Poison grenades , ie if you throw bottles of poison from the inventory at
enemies sometimes
they break , heck if you drop poison flasks and try to pick them up they
break poisoning

=====================Path of Lore=====================

=====================Identify =====================

Level1 = identify Level 1 items
required Level 1
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level2 = identify Level 2 items
required Level 5
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level3 Level1 = identify Level 3 items
required Level 9
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level4 = identify Level 4 items
required Level 13
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level5 = identify Level 5 items
required Level 17
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)


Find something , put cursor over item and if your identify skill is high
enough then you
can find out what the abilities of that item are , items that you cannot
identify or haven't
been identified you can't use until you have.

usefulness : 5/10


Fairly useful but not that much in that I made it through 3 games with only
one Level on
this which I started with as a female survivor.Since you can use items right
away and
get more cash for them if you sell them , but my style of play is to find a
good weapon
(bastard sword +4stun + 3poison damage + 4 death blow +3 offence!) rather
keep changing.The alternative is to go to a trader say and pay them 100 gold
to identify
items for you, since items which are valuable usually are Level 2-5 it
generally pays for itself
to ask people to identify items for you.

You can get this skill free from:

Marcus at the rivertown market after finding the his wares and betraying

As a female survivor


Level 1 = mix potions of the same size with each other
required Level 3
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 2 = make small potions from herbs
required Level 9
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 3 = make standard sized potions
required Level 15
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 4 = make super potions
required Level 21
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 5 = lets you use the augmentor herb to boost standard potions to
bigger ones
required Level 27
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Effect Allows your to pick some of the herbs and mushrooms in the game to
make potions
rather than to buy them.

Usefulness 5/10 (with diminishing usefulness)


Its usage is pretty limited to combining health (red) and Mana (blue) to
form restoration
potions which are MUCH better for you for example.

Minor healing use it and it gives you 40 health
Minor restoration use it and it gives you 40% back of health + Mana,

While you are a weakling this matters very little since 40 health is a
significant part of your
health bar, but when you get around Level 30-40 your health bar gets pretty
big either via
charms , constitution or via equipment or otherwise. 40 health points is
nothing.If or rather
when you have 1000+ health points a single minor restoration = 400 health +
400 Mana
vs 40 health and 40 Mana if used separately , saving you 18 potions to
recover this amount
and alot of weight to boot.

I'd also comment that herbs are a finite resource though theres lots and
lots of them I
Managed to strip most of northern rivertown of everything mushrooms , herbs

I would also note that when mixing potions at level 2 you can mix potions of
the same size
and also of a differing size the result that occurs is the smaller sized
potion.Ie if you mix a
minor healing with a super magic you will get a minor restoration. Super
sized restoration
potions however are a bit of a waste in that a normal one will heal you
completely anyway
so the effect is wasted.

To use an augmentor when you have the skill level drag and drop a minor or a
potion over the augmentor plant.Though if you can use augmentors its a bit
iffy anyway
since you can just drag large empty flasks over herbs directly to make
potions of the
larger variety.

You can get this free from the chemist in the dark forest after completing
his quest


Buy potions
heaven's gift (often gives potions)

=====================Know creature=====================

Level 1 works on creatures up to Level 10
required Level 3
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)
shows hit points of enemy

Level 2 works on creatures up to Level 20
required Level 7
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)
shows hit points of enemy
damage the enemy does attacking
armour factor the enemy has (I suppose averaged like your own)

Level 3 works on creatures up to Level 30
required Level 11
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)
shows hit points of enemy
damage the enemy does attacking
armour factor the enemy has (I suppose averaged like your own)
hit chance
sight range and if it can see you or not

Level 4 works on creatures up to Level 40
required Level 15
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)
shows hit points of enemy
damage the enemy does attacking
armour factor the enemy has (I suppose averaged like your own)
hit chance
sight range and if it can see you or not

Level 5 works on creatures up to Level 50
required Level 11
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)
shows hit points of enemy
damage the enemy does attacking
armour factor the enemy has (I suppose averaged like your own)
hit chance
sight range and if it can see you or not
resistances (though not all of them are shown)

Effect : under the health bar at the top of the screen it displays a list of
the enemy stats

Usefulness 2/10

Comments: Not all that useful in that there is a simple fact in divinity if
you can't kill it
get some more experience come back and then try to kill it , its more useful
for mages
than warriors since you might want to switch spells , but warriors mainly
cave in the
heads of enemies and you can't really do much else about that!.

The sight rating is semi useful though especially on enemies that blind you
so that you
can kill them at long range before they can use blind spells on you (for
some reason
blinding spells are bugged and last forever).

This skill is a bit bugged though in that sometimes resistances are not
shown even
if the creature is weak , you have to do something else like cast withering
curse on them
before their resistances are shown.

There is a general guide to resistances I shall explain briefly:

#1 Undead (say zombies corpses etc) are :

to fire and lightining

Resistant to :
Spritual damage

#2 Living stuff , creatures humans etc vulnerable to poison , fire lighting
and spiritual

to fire spiritual , poison and lightening

Resistant to :
not much

#3 metal things

Highly vulnerable to


=====================True Sight=====================

Level1 shows invisible creatures 3 metres away
required Level 10
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level2 shows invisible creatures metres away
required Level 14
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level3 shows invisible creatures metres away
required Level 18
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level4 shows invisible creatures metres away
required Level 22
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level5 shows invisible creatures metres away
required Level 26
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Effect aparently allows you to see invisble enemies

Usefulness -100/10


This is 100% useless in that there are no enemies that use invisibility I
yet encountered in this game enemies don't go invisble instead they use
spells on YOU so you can't see them AND they can still attack you. In
it being a penalty of invisibility that you can't attack while invisble.


Level 1 = target loses 20% of sight for 5 time units
required Level 8
Mana used at this Level 8

Level 2 = target loses 40% of sight for 5 time units
required Level 12
Mana used at this Level 10

Level 3 = target loses 60% of sight for 10 time units
required Level 16
Mana used at this Level 12

Level 4 = target loses 20% of sight for 10 time units
required Level 8
Mana used at this Level 14

Level 5 = target loses 100% of sight for 15 time units
required Level 24
Mana used at this Level 16

Effect : Blinds enemies by X%

Usefulness 2/10


If you don't want an enemy to see you use something that makes you invisible
although you can't attack them you can evade them or do something such as
release death scorpions. Also that using hand to hand is so much faster than
blinding enemies since blinding is a temporary state , death is semi
(in divinity). Its less useful if you use hand to hand since you have to go
right next
to them and attack which unless you have level 5 in this skill they can
still see
you, If you are hit by an arrow and can't see where it came from you can
still feel
it in yer back can't you and as such enemies will approach the direction the
attack came from.


Shadow potions
fade from sight
embrace shadows
Sprit form

=====================Skin of poison =====================

Level 1 = Skin has 10 charges of poison
required Level 16
Mana used at this Level 0 (passivish)

Level 2 = Skin has 10 charges of poison
required Level 20
Mana used at this Level 0 (passivish)

Level 3 = Skin has 10 charges of poison
required Level 24
Mana used at this Level 0 (passivish)

Level 4 = Skin has 10 charges of poison
required Level 28
Mana used at this Level 0 (passivish)

Level 5 = Skin has 10 charges of poison
required Level 32
Mana used at this Level 0 (passivish)

Effect : Causes enemies to suffer poison damage (around 1-5 points) when
hit you

usefulness 3/10 falling to 0/10 later


Bit iffy this one in that you have to get hit to have the poison effect on
the enemy
and such effects are limited to few enemies zombies and other super natural
won't flinch at this.Also that the idea in combat is NOT to get hit (ie
stick points onto

This is also worthless for sniper types who choose bows since they just
don't get into
hand to hand combat much and the need to constantly recharge is a pain.


Level 1 =

targeted enemy loses:

5% offence
5% defence
5% to all resistances
lasts for 5 time units

required Level 12
Mana used at this Level 12

Level 2 =

targeted enemy loses:

5% offence
5% defence
10% to all resistances
lasts for 5 time units

required Level 16
Mana used at this Level 14

Level 3 =

targeted enemy loses:

10% offence
10% defence
15% to all resistances
lasts for 5 time units

required Level 20
Mana used at this Level 16

Level 4 =

targeted enemy loses:

10% offence
10% defence
20% to all resistances
lasts for 10 time units

required Level 24
Mana used at this Level 18

Level 4 =

targeted enemy loses:

15% offence
15% defence
25% to all resistances
lasts for 15 time units

required Level 28
Mana used at this Level 20

Effect - this or withering curse / fear is what enemy mages use on you makes
a skull appear above you and curses an enemy.

Usefulness 3/10

Comments :

Not too useful as mages who face you will attest to , since it takes a while
to cast this
spell and its so much quicker to use something much much more lethal say
elemental strike etc than to wither them then use another spell on them when
in that
time period you could have used two spells.

offensive spells
Limbs of lead
withering curse (this is a better skill though)


Level 1 = can necroshift for 10 time units
required Level 24
Mana used at this Level 24

Level 2 = can necroshift for 20 time units
required Level 28
Mana used at this Level 26

Level 3 = can necroshift for 30 time units
required Level 32
Mana used at this Level 28

Level 4 = can necroshift for 40 time units
required Level 36
Mana used at this Level 30

Level 5 = can necroshift for 50 time units
required Level 40
Mana used at this Level 32

Effect : Animal statuette effect but using the body of a slain enemy which
cannot attack anything

Usefulness 1/10


Rather dubious again in that you can get statuettes for 3000 gold in this
which use no Mana , weigh nothing and can be used repeatedly (at the cost of
100% stamina). Also your body does not go inert this just morphs you into
shape of the corpse. And you are not dragged back to your body , you just
back there and then.


Animal statuettes

Spider being most useful since many enemies consider the spider to be an
ally and will not
attack the spider form , however allies to your normal human form will
attack it.

===================Path of the Talents==================

=====================Traders tongue===================

Level1 get 5% off
required Level 1
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level2 get 10% off
required Level 7
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level3 get 15% off
required Level 13
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level4 get 20% off
required Level 19
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level5 get 25% off
required Level 25
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Effect : gives a discount on items sold by merchants in the entire game

Usefulness 4/10


Usrful to start with but then you get so much gold in the game that prices
matter anymore , however you can get 2 free Levels of this from:

#1 the merchant's guild cellars you can find books scattered around
#2 the magic items sales man in the blue boar inn.

Heaven's gift to create items / gold which you can sell or barter for the
goods you want
Joining the merchants guild which gives you 'some' discount from each and
store in the game.

=====================Ranger sight====================

Level1 +1 to sight
required Level 6
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level2 +2 to sight
required Level 12
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level3 +3 to sight
required Level 18
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level4 +4 to sight
required Level 24
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level5 +5 to sight
required Level 30
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)


Gives you longer sight range which is useful for archers and for exploration
, this can be
stacked with items which increase sight items which are often named watcher
this and
that.I would note that if you want to increase your sight you should choose
elven sight instead
as ranger sight +1 to your current sight Level while elven sight +3 each
time meaning it is
x3 as effective as this skill (btw you ought to download the 1.0034 patch
since the sight
stacking abilities are real messed up in that such that you can end up with
0 sight and
that the only way to restore it is to use +1 on this or another sight
enhancing skill).


Elven sight
Watcher items


Level1 +2% to experience
required Level 6
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level2 +4% to experience
required Level 12
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level3 +6% to experience
required Level 18
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level4 +8% to experience
required Level 24
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level5 +10% to experience
required Level 30
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Effect Turns experience point counters golden so that when you kill
something or complete a
quest you get the normal experience points you would get + the % wisdom
ontop, so it gives
a small experience bonus increasing Levels faster.

Usefulness 8/10


Although 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% seem tiny (initially) you soon get it back its like
kill 10 monsters
get one free at higher Levels and if you combine this with the kill
resurrect walk away return
kill resurect trick you can gain Levels incredibly faster than not , you can
get max Level of this at
around Level 30 , by then you'll have about a million or so , and have 100K+
bonus wisdom.Although
its not just for killing that you get the wisdom bonus you get it for quests
too. This skill partners
extremely well with resurrect and teleport stones.


Kill more stuff (limited)
Charms to increase abilities
Don't use as many allies which don't give YOU the experience , say soldiers


Level 1 =
Lasts for 5 seconds
works on enemies with spiritual resistance <5
required level 10
mana cost at this level 10
Spritual resistance of the charmed enemy increases permanently

Level 2 =
Lasts for 10 seconds
works on enemies with spiritual resistance <10
required level 14
mana cost at this level 12
Spiritual resistance of the charmed enemy increases permanently

Level 3 =
Lasts for 15 seconds
works on enemies with spiritual resistance <15
required level 18
mana cost at this level 14
Spiritual resistance of the charmed enemy increases permanently

Level 4 =
Lasts for 20 seconds
works on enemies with spiritual resistance <20
required level 22
mana cost at this level 16
Spiritual resistance of the charmed enemy increases permanently

Level 5 =
Lasts for 25 seconds
works on enemies with spiritual resistance <25
required level 26
mana cost at this level 18
Spiritual resistance of the charmed enemy increases permanently

Effect cast on an enemy they turn to your side and fight for you

Usefulness 3/10


Not too useful and enemies who kill for you do NOT give you the experience
as do scorpions and other summoned creatures, Spiritual resistance of the
charmed enemy increases permanently means more or less than the charmed
enemy cannot be charmed again so that using it again on them is a waste.


Resurrect + aura of command

=====================Magic barrier=====================

Level 1 = +5 to all your resistances (cumulative)
required Level 16
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 2 = +5 to all your resistances (cumulative)
required Level 22
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 3 = +5 to all your resistances (cumulative)
required Level 28
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 4 = +5 to all your resistances (cumulative)
required Level 34
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 5 = +5 to all your resistances (cumulative)
required Level 40
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Effect puts +5 to all your resistances

Usefulness 7/10

Comments pretty useful if you ask me but it broadly depends upon your style
of play
if you are a sneaky invisible everywhere type who uses scorpions on
everything in sight
this does NOT matter since nobody will target you anyway.While if you are a
jump in
sword swinging type or an archer then this will matter as folks try their
spells on you.

Against normal enemies its rather pointless but when against mages , and
and other nasty supernatural things it starts to get useful , though perhaps
its too
low in how much it adds to your resistances. I was way in the 125s for each
before I even got to the end of the game via charms.


Charms which give resistances
items that give resistances such as dragon armour.
Not getting into direct combat.

=====================Aura of command=====================

Level 1 = Have one summoned (can be enemy) or resurrected creature follow
and fight for you
required Level
Mana used at this Level

Level 2 = Have two summoned (can be enemy) or resurrected creatures follow
and fight for you
required Level 22
Mana used at this Level 16

Level 3= Have three summoned (can be enemy) or resurrected creatures follow
and fight for you
required Level 28
Mana used at this Level 19

Level 4 = Have four summoned (can be enemy) or resurrected creatures follow
and fight for you
required Level 34
Mana used at this Level 22

Level 5 = Have five summoned (can be enemy) or resurrected creatures follow
and fight for you
required Level 40
Mana used at this Level 25

Effect causes a horn blow effect that makes a creature follow and fight for
until they die or you cast it on something else.


Best used on conjurers and other things that can summon stuff , you can
aura of command one of them , he will then summon more allied stuff to fight
you. You have to do this on some of the things YOU summon to get them to
you else they just stand around if there are no enemies requiring a
= more Mana used.

I'd also note that resurrected creatures who kill stuff DO NOT give you
even though they are allied to you so in effect they can end up stealing
experience points if you use this alot.

=====================Heaven's gift=====================

lvl 1
required Level 24
Mana required at this Level 24

things you can get:
minor potions (often) usually : healing , poison , magic and stamina
small empty flasks
normal potions (frequent)usually : healing , poison , magic and stamina
gold (very frequent)
destroyed/cursed weapons (rare)
destroyed/cursed equipment (rare)
cracked weapons / equipment (rare)
cobalt charms (very very rare)

lvl 2
required Level 28
Mana required at this Level 26

things you can get:
potions (often) usually : healing , poison , magic , strength
empty flasks (often)
gold (very frequent)
worn weapons (rare)
worn equipment (rare)
cracked weapons / equipment (rare)
red charms (very very rare)

lvl 3
required Level 32
Mana required at this Level 28

things you can get:
potions (often)usually : healing , poison , magic,strength , stamina , exlir
and shadows
super potions (less often)
empty flasks
large empty flasks
gold (very frequent)
well crafted equipment/weapons (rare)
well crafted equipment/weapons with bonuses (very rare)
White charms charms (very very very very very very rare)
Red charms (very rare)

lvl 4
required Level 36
Mana required at this Level 30

things you can get:
super potions (often) usually : healing , poison, strength , magic , stamina
, exlir and shadows
large empty flasks
gold (very frequent)
well crafted weapons (rare)
well crafted equipment (rare)
Good equipment such as plate armour that is worn (rare)
White charms charms (very very very very very very rare)
Red charms (very rare)
Golden charms (rarer than an honest politician)

lvl 5
required Level 40
Mana required at this Level 32

things you can get:
super potions (often)usually : healing , poison , magic,strength , stamina ,
exlir and shadows
large empty flasks
gold (very frequent)
well crafted weapons with bonuses (infrequent)
well crafted equipment with bonuses (infrequent)
Good equipment such as plate armour that is worn (rare)
White charms (very very very very very very rare)
Red charms (very rare)
Golden charms (rarer than an honest politician)

Effect : makes a sparkly swirl which drops an item (usually gold or healing
potion) right next
to you

usefulness : 5/10


Again this is dependent upon your play style its usage diminishes however in
that there is
tons of gold in the game anyway. I would also note that the Mana usage is a
bit misleading
in that quite often you will get potions that restore your Mana = free usage
of this skill.

This skill partners extremely well with one Level in alchemy because more
often than not
you get healing and magic potions , so that you can combine them to form
restoration potions
which are much much better than the individual sum of their effects.

I'd take note though that you can spend ALL day using this skill and not get
what you want
it uses some random factor to decide what you get which I don't know what it
is based upon
(CPU temp? )and sometimes you get a very good streak (I once got 3 golden
charms in a row)
so you have to spend a while to get what you want. Also because of its semi
free nature it
means that there is little need to use a bed , use it , combine the healing
and magic
potions you inevitably get and use the potion , no need to sleep.I would
also say that if you
have this skill gold is no longer a problem. There is no need to go back and
forth to Geoff or
another merchant , you can just cast it over and over and over , using the
magic potions it
creates to restore your Mana and to sell the potions you don't need.

I would also say that what I got can vary it might have something to do with
your current level
also since when using it at level 57 I used to get lots of good stuff even
with just one level
on this skill.

=====================Survivors instinct=====================

Level 1 = every 8 seconds you heal by 1 point
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 2 = every 8 seconds you heal by 2 points
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 3 = every 6 seconds you heal by 3 points
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 4 = every 5 seconds you heal by 4 points
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 5 = every 8 seconds you heal by 5 points
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)


Stand around for a while and your health comes back for free

Usefulness 2/10


Health comes back for free its ok but only if you have all the time in the
world think
about it to use a restoration potion takes what 0.3 seconds with 1000 hit
points you
get 400 hit points back. Imagine if you had 2 health and had 5 points on
this skill
it'd take 1000 seconds for you to heal back to 1000 health points or there
600 seconds is 10 minutes so you'd have to stand there for just over 15
Which for me is terribly boring since in those 15 minutes you could have run
to a
bed teleported to a bed / shop and used a potion just to save 100 or so
gold? or
heck just used restoration spell instead. Much more time and skill point
if you ask me to go to the bed buy a potion or even mix some potions
yourself , the
gold saved is insignificant since there is well over 400K of gold in this
game just
via normal means. Via resurect kill method you can get too much gold none of
the merchants in the game ever have any gold left.


Healing potions
restoration potions
teleporters to get to a healer / bed

=====================Way of the warrior=============================

=====================Sword expertise=====================

Level 1 gives

-1 recovery time
+10% damage extra
+5% hit chance
required Level 1
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 2 gives

-3 recovery time
+20% damage extra
+10% hit chance
required Level 7
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 3 gives

-4 recovery time
+30% damage extra
+15% hit chance
required Level 13
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 4 gives

-6 recovery time
+40% damage extra
+20% death blow chance
required Level 19
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 5 gives

-8 recovery time
+50% damage extra
+25% death blow chance
required Level 25
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Effect as above

Usefulness depends

A useful skill if you use swords if you use swords get this though with some
swords the recovery time is only 8 so you have a 0 recovery time , in
you still have a 3-4 recovery time.Partnered with one of the giant swords in
game and with augment damage , this skill can take you far.Swords are not
in damage by the damage values on the status windows since this is a hand to
hand weapon your strength also counts towards the damage factors that are
applied. If you want to do some serious damage get a sword drink 4-5 super
strength potions and even training swords that do max 30 damage can do well
inexcess of 600 points of damage per hit.

=====================Mace expertise=====================

Level 1 gives

+2% hit chance
-3 recovery time
+50% damage extra
+4 damage
required Level 1
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 2 gives

+4% hit chance
-4 recovery time
+60% damage extra
+12 damage
required Level 7
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 3 gives

+6% hit chance
-5 recovery time
+70% damage extra
+16 damage
required Level 13
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 4 gives

+8% hit chance
-6 recovery time
+80% damage extra
+24 damage
required Level 19
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 5 gives

+10% hit chance
-7 recovery time
+90% damage extra
+32 damage
required Level 25
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Effect - as above

usefulness , depends


Since you can find some pretty nasty stuff in game morning stars etc which
already do
120 damage , getting 50 - 90% ontop of this for 180 damage or 220 damage at
max Levels
is quite alot and if you connect , you can kill most things in rivertown
with one or two hits.
Maces also have the advantage that they are one handed weapons so you can
use this
with shield expertise and or use the charms on the shield you hold.

An interesting fact to note is that maces are not limited in damage by the
values on the status windows since this is a hand to hand weapon your
also counts towards the damage factors that are applied. If you want to do
serious damage get a mace even a poor quality low damage one drink 4-5 super
strength potions and that mace can do max 30 damage can do well in excess of
600 points of damage per hit.

=====================Axe expertise=====================

Level 1 gives

-3 recovery time
+3-13 damage extra
required Level 1
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 2 gives

-5 recovery time
+5-25 damage extra
required Level 7
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 3 gives

-7 recovery time
+7-37 damage extra
required Level 13
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 4 gives

-9 recovery time
+9-49 damage extra
required Level 19
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 5 gives

-11 recovery time
+11-61 damage extra
required Level 25
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Effect as above

usefulness (depends)


Pretty much the same as sword in mainly reducing time to swing this weapon ,
you can find some obsenely damaging axe in the game from the executioner in
the cellar
of stormfist castle for example .Or perhaps on of the axes on the slasher
axe quest.Lots
of axes lots of choice , however a major disadvantage of this is that the
bigger axes are
two handed weapons meaning you can't carry a shield.Which means that charms
shields do not give benefit and nor do any modifiers attached to them and
that you don't
get the 30 odd chance of absorbing damage.

Axes are not limited in damage by the damage values on the status windows
since this is a hand to hand weapon your strength also counts towards the
damage factors
that are applied. If you want to do some serious damage get an axe even
a hand axe drink 4-5 super strength potions and watch the axe no matter
kind do that do max 30 damage can do well in excess of 600 points of damage
per hit.

=====================Hammer expertise=====================

Level 1 gives

-1 recovery time
+4-34 damage extra
+1% death blow chance
required Level 1
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 2 gives

-1 recovery time
+8-48 damage extra
+2% death blow chance
required Level 7
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 3 gives

-2 recovery time
+12-62 damage extra
+3% death blow chance
required Level 13
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 4 gives

-2 recovery time
+16-76 damage extra
+4% death blow chance
required Level 19
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 5 gives

-3 recovery time
+20-90 damage extra
+5% death blow chance
required Level 25
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Effect - as above

usefulness , depends

Pretty much the same as sword in mainly reducing time to swing this weapon ,
hammers seem rare in divinity and even then don't come in too many flavours,
I'd note
that hammers require two hands so that if you use this you lose shield

Hammers are a hand to hand weapon and the damage inflicted is affected by
such that boosting your strength via bless / potions or leveling up can
increase the
damage if not the speed of this weapon a significant amount.

=====================Spear expertise=====================

Level 1
spear recovery reduced by 4
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive mode) 1 active
throwing spear does 60% of hand to hand damage
5-15 damage extra
(Spear returns to your hand)

Level 2
spear recovery reduced by 5
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive mode) 4 active
throwing spear does 70% of hand to hand damage
10-30 damage extra
(Spear returns to your hand)

Level 3
spear recovery reduced by 6
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive mode) 7 active
throwing spear does 80% of hand to hand damage
15-45 damage extra
(Spear returns to your hand)

Level 4
spear recovery reduced by 7
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive mode) 10 active
throwing spear does 90% of hand to hand damage
20-60 damage extra
(Spear returns to your hand)

Level 5
spear recovery reduced by 8
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive mode) 13 active
throwing spear does 100% of hand to hand damage
25-75 damage extra
(Spear returns to your hand)

Effect - as above

usefulness , depends


Not a bad skill marred by the fact that there aren't particularly many
spears in the
game so you choice is limited and that you can use it as a long ranged
unlike bows or crossbows which negate your shield bonuses. Though sometimes
I've lost the spear on enemies , the spear although it doesn't tell you of
this fact
returns to your hand. Also any weapon bonuses are NOT applied when throwing
spear say if you have 3 frost throwing your spear will NOT apply this bonus.
to throw the spear you must have a spear as your active skill.

I'd recommend a bow over this with hot keys to change from a close hand to
weapon to the bow since bows can do well over 150 damage as standard and
pretty darned quickly as compared to the slow spear throwing.

Spears in hand to hand mode damage can be affected by your strength so that
if you
drink plenty of super strength before combat you can do some serious damage
inexcess of the max damage rating for the spear.

=====================Bow expertise=====================

Level 1 bow recuperation time reduced by 3
required Level 1
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 2 bow recuperation time reduced by 6
required Level 7
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 3 bow recuperation time reduced by 9
required Level 13
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 4 bow recuperation time reduced by 12
required Level 19
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 5 bow recuperation time reduced by 15
required Level 25
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Effect - as above

usefulness , depends


Highly useful if you can find a partner bow to go with this , with weakbows
such as
short bows its not that useful but with lethal or razor sharp long bows it
gets very
nice ie you can do 100 damage per second or more if you can find the bow.
nastiest bow I've ever had did 189 damage , partnered with the elven skill
of true shot
it is great and can avoid lots of hand to hand combat.

However a serious weakness of bows is that the damage is largely fixed ie
unless you partner this with the ranger skill true shot or some other bow
the damage max is what you get. Ie a bow with a damage rating of 29-149
will not do more than 149 damage. While a sword with boosted sword expertise
and strength increases can do well in excess of the rated figures when you
put the cursor over the sword , your choice. This can be augmented by
a fast bow which is relatively easy.

=====================Cross bow expertise=====================

Level 1 crossbow recuperation time reduced by 1
+10-40 damage extra
required Level 1
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 2 crossbow recuperation time reduced by 2
+15-50 damage extra
required Level 7
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 3 crossbow recuperation time reduced by 3
+20-60 damage extra
required Level 13
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 4 crossbow recuperation time reduced by 4
+25-70 damage extra
required Level 19
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 5 crossbow recuperation time reduced by 5
+30-80 damage extra
required Level 25
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Effect - as above

usefulness , depends


Highly useful if you can find a partner crossbow to go with this , with weak
bows such as
light crossbows its not that useful but then cross bows don't seem to be
that powerful
as compared to bows and reload ultra slowly compared to other bows.I'd
prefer bow expertise
over this.

=====================Shield expertise=====================

Level 1 gives
5% chance of shield bash
of 6-16 damage extra
required Level 8
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 2 gives
10% chance of shield bash
of 18-33 damage extra
required Level 14
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 3 gives
15% chance of shield bash
of 24-44 damage extra
required Level 20
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 4 gives
20% chance of shield bash
of 30-55 damage extra
required Level 26
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 5 gives
25% chance of shield bash
of 36-66 damage extra
required Level 32
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Effect causes the enemy to suffer shield bash damage

Usefulness 0/10


This is somewhat useless to certain characters such as large axe wielding ,
handed sword / hammer users. Since those require both hands you can't carry
a shield.Its rather more effective to boost the power of your combat weapon
choosing another specialised skill since the damage potency is just 66 max
1/4 times , wheras a good sword and +5 on your other primary weapon skill
can average at 100-200 per hit EACH time.

=====================Path of the ranger=============================

=====================Elven sight =====================

Level 1
Sight is increased by +2
Required level 1
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Level 2
Sight is increased by +4
Required level 5
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Level 3
Sight is increased by +8
Required level 9
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Level 4
Sight is increased by +10
Required level 13
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Level 5
Sight is increased by +12
Required level 17
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Effect as above

Usefulness 3/10


Much much more effective than rangers sight since you go up by more than 1
per level
increase though this skill rips you off after level 3 since you only get +2
as opposed
to +4 between level 2 and 3.If you want to max out your sight use this first
then ranger
sight since its more effective on skill points which you might want for
other things.

=====================True shot=====================

Level 1
damage +4-10
required Level 6
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 2
damage +8-20
required Level 10
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 3
damage +12-30
required Level 14
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 4
damage +16-40
required Level 18
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 5
damage +8+12
required Level 22
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Effect This increases the damage that you do with arrows and also alledges
to increase
the hit chance of arrows.

usefulness ?


Not too sure on this skill since hit chance seems dependent on many things
ie its easier
to hit non moving targets , and targets moving directly towards you than
across your path
and also clustered targets.I found that +2 or 3 Levels to this skill made me
hit more often
sometimes and miss as much other times.

=====================Splitting arrows=====================

Level 1
Arrows split and do 8-40 damage
Required level 6
Mana at this level 1

Level 2
Arrows split and do 16-56 damage
Required level 12
Mana at this level 2

Level 3
Arrows split and do 20-80 damage
Required level 18
Mana at this level 3

Level 4
Arrows split and do 24-100 damage
Required level 24
Mana at this level 4

Level 5
Arrows split and do 32-120 damage
Required level 30
Mana at this level 5

Effect , use as an active skill target a bunch of enemies and the arrows
split after 1/4 - 1/3
of the screen distance (on 800x600 mode) into a narrow V shape split , each
arrow does
a random amount of damage

Usefulness 6/10


A good skill at last , unfortunately the damage done by this weapon bears
little resemblance
to the bow you are using so you can use this with a short bow and still do
masses of damage
the best way to use this skill is up close and personal sort of. If you use
this skill on enemies
just after the splitting point of the arrows the enemy can be hit by all of
the split arrows.

On things like imps you can do upwards of 400 damage on them in one go ,
this is a slow skill and requires a recovery of about 25 , when with skills
put towards bows
you can get high damage (169+) at high speed.Since its better to kill an
enemy than
hurt it I'd personally prefer that since an enemy with 1% health left can
still do 100% of
its damage potential.While a dead enemy can do you 0% damage.

Anyway if you want to hurt a group of enemies and seriously go for explosive
arrows which
gives a nasty shockwave and can damage multiple enemies all the same.

=====================Poisoned arrows=====================

Level 1
arrow damage + 20+40 damage
required Level 10
Mana at this Level 1

Level 2
arrow damage +30+60 damage
required Level 16
Mana at this Level 2

arrow damage +40+80 damage
required Level 22
Mana at this Level 3

Level 4
arrow damage +50+100 damage
required Level 28
Mana at this Level 4

Level 5
arrow damage +60+120 damage
required Level 34
Mana at this Level 5

Effect poisons the tip of your arrows

Usefulness depends on what you use it against


Makes arrows poisonous which is the only way you can make them poisonous
since the poison damage skill only works on close combat weapons and not
arrows. Against enemies such as lizards and beasties its alright then it
gets much
less useful as time goes on especially against undead bosses etc since they
less affected by poison than anything else.


Poison weapon
Poison cloud
Using poison bottles as grenades if you throw a poison bottle at something
there is a
chance it will break spreading a short lived poison cloud dependent on the
bottle size

=====================Spiritual arrows=====================

Level 1
arrow damage + 30+50 damage
required Level 12
Mana at this Level 1

Level 2
arrow damage +40+70 damage
required Level 20
Mana at this Level 2

arrow damage +50+90 damage
required Level 28
Mana at this Level 3

Level 4
arrow damage +60+110 damage
required Level 36
Mana at this Level 4

Level 5
arrow damage +70+130 damage
required Level 44
Mana at this Level 5

Effect , tips your arrows with a random cocktail of lightening , fire ,
spiritual damage

Usefulness 6/10


I'd recommend this against all of the other types except maybe explosive
arrow damage
since it is effective against everything that you can face , if you get a
good random spread
since arrows are pretty deadly anyway this makes them more so. Against
normal enemies
who have normal vulnerabilities it makes them extra deadly but against
resistant enemies
it gives a chance of giving a random shot to their most vulnerable bit.

Spiritual damage is applied AFTER your initial damage applied so if you kill
an enemy on
the first hit no spiritual damage will be applied , why would it be if they
are dead?.


Elemental hail
Elemental strike

=====================Elemental arrows=====================

Level 1
arrow damage + 40+50 damage
required Level 16
Mana at this Level 1

Level 2
arrow damage +50+70 damage
required Level 22
Mana at this Level 2

arrow damage +60+90 damage
required Level 28
Mana at this Level 3

Level 4
arrow damage +70+110 damage
required Level 34
Mana at this Level 4

Level 5
arrow damage +80+130 damage
required Level 40
Mana at this Level 5

Effect , tips your arrows with a random cocktail of lightening , fire ,
spiritual damage

Usefulness 6/10


I'd recommend this against all of the other types except maybe explosive
arrow damage
since it is effective against everything that you can face , if you get a
good random spread
since arrows are pretty deadly anyway this makes them more so. Against
normal enemies
who have normal vulnerabilities it makes them extra deadly but against
resistant enemies
it gives a chance of giving a random shot to their most vulnerable bit.


Elemental hail
Elemental strike

=====================Evade arrows=====================

Level 1
Arrows that hit you only do 90% damage
Required Level 16
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 2
Arrows that hit you only do 80% damage
Required Level 22
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 3
Arrows that hit you only do 70% damage
Required Level 28
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 4
Arrows that hit you only do 60% damage
Required Level 34
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 5
Arrows that hit you only do 50% damage
Required Level 40
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Effect as above

Usefulness 1/10


Not too useful in that there aren't exactly that many enemies in this game
that use
arrows or bolts or stuff fired from bows and the damage they do isn't
exactly life threatening
unless you are at a very low Level. But if you are at a low Level you won't
have the
Levels to build up this skill and therefore this skill is useless in that by
the time
you get to the Levels to reduce the damage arrows are not a problem if you
around 80-130 agility. And on that note agility is much much more worthy in
agility also increases your offence and defence so much by about Level 40ish
stuff that
hits you like thug bolts which make this obvious do no damage anyway.

if you are REALLY afraid of arrows run each time one is fired he'll probably

Not that I'd recommend reflect missiles but I'd recommend that skill over
this one.

Running away
Reflect missiles
higher agility rating

=====================Explosive arrows=====================

Level 1
Arrows cause an explosive blast with 80 damage
Required Level 24
Mana used at this Level 1

Level 2
Arrows cause an explosive blast with 120 damage
Required Level 30
Mana used at this Level 2

Level 3
Arrows cause an explosive blast with 160 damage
Required Level 36
Mana used at this Level 3

Level 4
Arrows cause an explosive blast with 200 damage
Required Level 42
Mana used at this Level 4

Level 5
Arrows cause an explosive blast with 240 damage
Required Level 48
Mana used at this Level 5

Effect , when using a bow and this skill is active right click on an enemy
and it causes an explosion.


This is a fascimilie of what dragon/lizard fanatics use ,its alright and
does spread damage
which is ok but even at maximum Level just doesn't do enough damage compared
to how
much it costs in skill points and 1 Mana per 'arrow'. Since you can already
find bows from
Geoff which can do 100 damage and some which do 150 damage and some rarer
bows which
can do 169 damage bows are pretty awesome already explosive arrows or not.

Though this is dependent on the enemy and his/her resistances since this
inflicts fire damage
so that using it on something with high fire resistance will do squat.Much
like when you get
your own high fire resistance and or defence / agility fanatic bombs from
lizards and dragons
rarely if ever hurt you (say 100+ on fire resistance).

=====================Path of Warriors Lore=====================

=====================Augment damage=====================

Level 1
Damage = normal damage of weapon + 1-3 extra damage
Required level 1
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Level 2
Damage = normal damage +2-6 extra damage
Required level 7
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Level 3
Damage = normal damage +4-10 extra damage
Required level 13
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Level 4
Damage = normal damage +8-16 extra damage
Required level 19
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Level 5
Damage = normal damage 10-20 extra damage
Required level 25
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Effect increases the damage of your weapons

Usefulness 3/10


The damage bonus modifiers from specific warrior skills is MUCH MUCH higher
than what you get for this so this is a bit of a waste really unless you
really really
want to max out your attack power in the game.

This can be learnt for free (one level) by beating the instructor at the
warriors guild.


Higher agility ,
better weapons
specific weapon skills


Level 1
Repair an item up to 60% its durability Level
required Level 1
Mana used at this Level 1

Level 2
Repair an item up to 70% its durability Level
required Level 7
Mana used at this Level 4

Level 3
Repair an item up to 80% its durability Level
required Level 13
Mana used at this Level 7

Level 4
Repair an item up to 90% its durability Level
required Level 19
Mana used at this Level 10

Level 5
Repair an item up to 100% its durability Level
required Level 25
Mana used at this Level 13

Effect does repairs on stuff

Usefulness 10/10


Just one Level of this is enough as it will repair up to 60% of the item
anything more is rather dubious value since items only need 1 on the
scale to be able to be used and multiple repairs won't break items as in
RPGs. Of which the only one I can recall where self repair could ruin items
Ultima Underworld which was years ago. You can also repair stuff that is
click to use this skill for a hammer and anvil to appear then click on the
item in the equipment list or inventory.

This will save you a ton of gold since for good items it can cost upwards of
gold to repair them and also you might not exactly have the opportunity to
out to geoff's place to get repairs done in the middle of the dark
teleporters and many traders will repair things for you. I'd note if you
want more
gold for your wares repair it first then sell it , cost you an insignificant
of mana for the extra gold.

Use fists rather than weapons
Use spells in combat rather than weapons
Death scorpions
paying for repairs.


Level 1

5% chance that an enemy with spiritual resistance <10
+10 to attack recovery time
Required level 3
Mana used at this leve 0 (passive)

Level 2

10% chance that an enemy with spiritual resistance <15
+15 to attack recovery time
Required level 7
Mana used at this leve 0 (passive)

Level 3

15% chance that an enemy with spiritual resistance <20
+20 to attack recovery time
Required level 11
Mana used at this leve 0 (passive)

Level 4

20% chance that an enemy with spiritual resistance <25
+25 to attack recovery time
Required level 15
Mana used at this leve 0 (passive)

Level 5

25% chance that an enemy with spiritual resistance <30
+30 to attack recovery time
Required level 19
Mana used at this leve 0 (passive)

Effect - increases the time it takes for an enemy to hit you again


A weapon with freeze does the same thing but is more visible , I've not used
too much since I usually soften them up with arrows from a distance then go
to hand to hand kill.Its not really apparent that this is really working

=====================Augment defence=====================

Level 1
armour receives a 10% bonus
required Level 5
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 2
armour receives a 20% bonus
required Level 11
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 3
armour receives a 30% bonus
required Level 17
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 4
armour receives a 40% bonus
required Level 23
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Level 5
armour receives a 50% bonus
required Level 29
Mana used at this Level 0 (passive)

Effect boosts armour values by the % you have set points to this skill

Usefulness 5/10


Semi useful semi not in that it only boosts what armour you have so that
if you find a great set then you get a bonus ontop of that reducing the
that is done to you. The problem is that you have to be a user of armour and
that later on at high agility levels your defence becomes so high that you
never get hit which makes this ability moot. Better to avoid a bullet than
to take
less damage from it eh?


higher agility levels ,
Aura of guarding
Spell shield
Long range combat

=====================Poison damage=====================

Level 1
10% chance a successful hit applies poison damage
poison damage is 2-5
Required level 5
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Level 2
15% chance a successful hit applies poison damage
poison damage is 8-18
Required level 11
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Level 3
20% chance a successful hit applies poison damage
poison damage is 12-26
Required level 17
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Level 4
25% chance a successful hit applies poison damage
poison damage is 16-34
Required level 23
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Level 5
30% chance a successful hit applies poison damage
poison damage is 20-42
Required level 29
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Effect as above


Good against you average enemies such as orcs , lizards , humans ,animals
trolls , but not against things that do poison damage such as snakes ,
corpses zombies , spiders etc

=====================Lightening damage=====================

Level 1
10% chance a successful hit applies lightening damage
Lightening damage is 4-10
Required level 5
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Level 2
15% chance a successful hit applies lightening damage
Lightening damage is 8-18
Required level 11
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Level 3
20% chance a successful hit applies lightening damage
Lightening damage is 8-18
Required level 17
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Level 4
25% chance a successful hit applies lightening damage
Lightening damage is 16-34
Required level 23
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Level 5
30% chance a successful hit applies lightening damage
Lightening damage is 20-42
Required level 29
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Effect as above


=====================Fire damage=====================

Level 1
10% chance a successful hit applies fire damage
fire damage is 4-10
Required level 5
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Level 2
15% chance a successful hit applies fire damage
fire damage is 8-18
Required level 11
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Level 3
20% chance a successful hit applies fire damage
fire damage is 8-18
Required level 17
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Level 4
25% chance a successful hit applies fire damage
fire damage is 16-34
Required level 23
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Level 5
30% chance a successful hit applies fire damage
fire damage is 20-42
Required level 29
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Effects as above


Very good against undead stuff such as corpses and zombies

=====================Repel damage=====================
Level 1

5% chance 5% of enemy damage is reflected back to them
Required level 16
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Level 2

10% chance 10% of enemy damage is reflected back to them
Required level 22
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Level 3

15% chance 15% of enemy damage is reflected back to them
Required level 28
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Level 4

20% chance 20% of enemy damage is reflected back to them
Required level 34
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Level 5

25% chance 25% of enemy damage is reflected back to them
Required level 40
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Effect , enemy hits you enemy gets hurt

Usefulness 2/10


Not too useful since at high agility levels you rarely get hit and for
25% damage to be significant you have to let something nasty hit
you say do 1000 damage to you to get a 25% chance of 250 damage.
Which isn't really worth it in my mind. I would also note that the chance
is a bit too low maybe my CPU was having a bad day but I stood about
all day getting hit and the enemy who was doing the hitting did not
take any damage.


Skin of poison

=====================Path of the Warror gods=====================

=====================Enchant weapon=====================

Level 1
Required level 1
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)
Add 1 charm to a weapon piece of equipment

Level 2
Required level 7
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)
Add 2 charms to a weapon piece of equipment

Level 3
Required level 13
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)
Add 3 charms to a weapon piece of equipment

Level 4
Required level 19
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)
Add 4 charms to a weapon piece of equipment

Level 5
Required level 25
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)
Add 5 charms to a weapon piece of equipment

Effect as above

Usefulness 9/10


Add charms to weapons in the 1.0034 patch you can only apply as many charms
as the weapon has slots. Which can boost your abilities a bit , so that to
health / Mana etc you don't need to have bonus points awarded when going up
levels. This is particularly useful for warriors and mages , in that mages
get less
health per bonus point added to constitution and warriors get less Mana on
each point added to the intelligence value. While adding charms say a gold
charm that gives a very large Mana bonus gives +100 magic to a warrior and
a mage.This can save an awful lot of levelling up though it seems to take
to find things that will accept lots of charms (4-5).

However I'd not be putting gold or silver charms on items you don't want to
and to keep a stash of gold charms for the final set of equipment that you

An excellent way to find charms is to use the resurrect kill resurrect kill
as described in the resurrect skill since you get a ton of charms and quite
a ton of equipment that can use such charms. So many gold charms that you
can afford to waste them on items you'll probably throw away. Though adding
of charms does boost the weapon bonuses this is not reflected in the selling
price of the equipment as it stays pretty much the same.

=====================Feign death=====================

Level 1
Required level 6
Mana used at this level 6+80% mana

Level 2
Required level 12
Mana used at this level 8+60% mana

Level 3
Required level 18
Mana used at this level 12+40% mana

Level 4
Required level 24
Mana used at this level 15+20% mana

Level 5
Required level 30
Mana used at this level 18+0% mana

Effect Makes you fall over and scream pretending to die

Usefulness 0/10


Who on earth thought of this skill , and what circumstances would you
actually use it?
I can't really think of any since killing bosses is a plot device anybody
answers on a
post card.Worthless , no really why would you fake it , use it and it costs
you a
ton of your Mana and fools nobody , just cus you are dead doesn't mean
don't still hang around ready to rip you to bits the second you use this
skill a second
time to come back.I'd note that stamina does NOT recover while you are
to be dead even with skills such as elven stamina.In the real world you'd
probably find
yourself in a morgue if you used this skill , or even worse in the ground.


Shadow potions
Fade from sight
Embrace shadows
teleporter stones


Level 1
thrown weapon does 20% damage potential of weapon
Required level 10
Mana used at this level 5

Level 2
thrown weapon does 40% damage potential of weapon
Required level 16
Mana used at this level 7

Level 3
thrown weapon does 60% damage potential of weapon
Required level 22
Mana used at this level 9

Level 4
thrown weapon does 80% damage potential of weapon
Required level 28
Mana used at this level11

Level 5
thrown weapon does 100% damage potential of weapon
Required level 34
Mana used at this level 13


get a weapon any you want which isn't :

a bow
two handed

select this skill and right click on an enemy , which throws your weapon at
the enemy

Usefulness :depends


Sort of like starwars Jedi Knight II expansion pack where you throw your
light sabre
but with the weapon currently in your hand , your weapon is thrown and does
damage of your weapon in hand to hand. Though I'll note that any bonuses
such as
frost are NOT applied to the target ,. which makes this skill more of a long
range weapon
easily replicated by usage of a bow (which will probably do more damage).

This skill can be gotten free by doing the quests for the warriors guild ,
guild master
who will teach it to you after the second quest,

I would also note you can throw you weapon as far as you can see even beyond
enemies sight range though they will come towards the direction they were
from.I mean if somebody threw a rock onto the back of your head you'd turn
round wouldn't you?.

Also there is a huge danger to this skill in that if you throw it a long way
and miss because you don't apply any damage and you have to wait for it to
return.During which you are completely prone and frozen in the cast
pose , as any beat em up player will tell you such recovery time is

This skill can be a substitute for spear expertise and is probably better
than that
since you can throw anything handy rather than just spears.

As with bows the weakness of this weapon is in dense forest since the weapon
on the first thing it hits be it a tree a building or another enemy that
gets in the way.

=====================Shadow warrior=====================

Level 1
Shadow warrior does 5% damage of caster
Required level 16
Mana used at this level 16

Level 2
Shadow warrior does 10% damage of caster
Required level 22
Mana used at this level 19

Level 3
Shadow warrior does 15% damage of caster
Required level 28
Mana used at this level 22

Level 4
Shadow warrior does 20% damage of caster
Required level 34
Mana used at this level 25

Level 5
Shadow warrior does 25% damage of caster
Required level 40
Mana used at this level 28

Effect - makes a shadow ie mortal Kombat shadow kick strike the enemy
much like boomerang .

Usefulness 2/10


bit dubious as to its worth in that you can only use this on things you can
see , and if you can see them why not walk up to them and do it the normal
way ie hand to hand , the only real bonus of this is when you have extreme
sight range. Such that you can hit enemies far far away , though this also
relies upon the requirement to have a high damage rating otherwise a bow
does just as well. So its like hand to hand but the enemy can't hit you back
ie a bow. But then its pretty much identical to boomerang but boomerang
is probably better.

=====================Spiritual damage=====================

Level 1
100% chance of 4-10 spiritual damage applied per hit
Required level 16
Mana used at this level 0

Level 2
100% chance of 8-20 spiritual damage applied per hit
Required level 22
Mana used at this level 0

Level 3
100% chance of 12-30 spiritual damage applied per hit
Required level 28
Mana used at this level 0

Level 4
100% chance of 16-38 spiritual damage applied per hit
Required level 34
Mana used at this level 0

Level 5
100% chance of 20-50 spiritual damage applied per hit
Required level 40
Mana used at this level 0


As above

Usefulness 5/10


This is more like it in that 100% of the time per hit (close combat only)
you apply
spiritual damage (makes a washing sound) which can boost weapons by a great
deal especially against normal mortal enemies. Though it requires quite a
high level
to be used to the max I reckon this is worth more than lightening / fire or
cus of the 100% hit effect. Combined with fire lightening , poison and stun
except for bosses which have resistances to everything most of the time ,
hand to hand
combat becomes incredibly easy.

Spiritual damage is applied AFTER your initial damage applied so if you kill
an enemy on
the first hit no spiritual damage will be applied , why would it be if they
are dead?.

Fire damage
Lightening damage
poison damage
Augment damage

=====================Reflect missiles=====================

Level 1
Chance of missiles being reflected
Reflected missiles do 5% original damage
Required level 16
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Level 2
Chance of missiles being reflected 10%
Reflected missiles do 10% original damage
Required level 22
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Level 3
Chance of missiles being reflected 15%
Reflected missiles do 15% original damage
Required level 28
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Level 4
Chance of missiles being reflected 20%
Reflected missiles do 20% original damage
Required level 34
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Level 5
Chance of missiles being reflected 25%
Reflected missiles do 25% original damage
Required level 40
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)


a % of the stuff fired at you gets fired back

Usefulness 2/10


Not too useful in that as with evade arrows, arrows do not form that much
used against you anyway and that arrows don't tend to do much damage
(unless you annoy an elf), also that it requires far too high a level for it
be used at maximum ability since by that time nobody uses arrows against
you. When you get to around level 40 most enemies use hand to hand or
blow guns. Though it is interesting to watch things fly back though if they
move the missile will probably miss.

And when this skill says missiles it means things like meteors , axes ,
knives arrows , bolts etc things that explode when they hit you or near
abouts you are NOT reflected.

Evade arrows
running from arrows

=====================Death strike=====================

Level 1
Chance of a death blow 1%
Enemy requires spiritual resistance of 10> to survive
Required level 24
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Level 2
Chance of a death blow 2%
Enemy requires spiritual resistance of 20> to survive
Required level 30
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Level 3
Chance of a death blow 3%
Enemy requires spiritual resistance of 30> to survive
Required level 36
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Level 4
Chance of a death blow 4%
Enemy requires spiritual resistance of 40> to survive
Required level 42
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Level 5
Chance of a death blow 5%
Enemy requires spiritual resistance of 45> to survive
Required level 48
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Effect as above , when hit a small explosion sound and quake occurs

Usefulness 3/10 depends


The usefulness of this depends on how your random number generator in the
CPU is
feeling , at max levels you sometimes barely ever get it at all sometimes it
over and over again so that you can kill the toughest of enemies easily.
Does not work
for ranged weapons only hand to hand close combat!. A better idea would be
to find a
weapon in game that does deathblow which I usually find many. I am pretty
sure this
is NOT a cumulative skill in that if you have deathblow as a skill and have
a weapon
with this attached as a bonus you don't have a 10% chance of deathblow.


=====================Flash attack=====================

of stamina

Level 1
flash attack drains 100%
Required level 24
Mana used at this level 0

Level 2
flash attack drains 80%
Required level 30
Mana used at this level 0

Level 3
flash attack drains 40%
Required level 36
Mana used at this level 0

Level 4
flash attack drains 20%
Required level 42
Mana used at this level 0

Level 5
flash attack drains 0%
Required level 48
Mana used at this level 0

Effect teleports you next to an enemy

Usefulness 3/10


Of dubious usage again except for certain situations when you have very very
long eye sight and very strong hand to hand ability so you can warp in and
them before they can use their more damaging attacks. Such situations

Mutated toads (before they cast the bugged blind spell on you that lasts

Lizard/Dragon fanatics (they hand to hand is weaker than long range)

Steel archers



This partners extremely well with weapons with the frost bonus attached to
since if you don't kill the enemy within the first 2 blows you don't have to
excessively about retaliation.

=====================way of the mage=====================

=====================Hell spikes=====================

Level 1
number of spikes 1
spikes do 4-14 x3 (spikes thrust 3 times)
Spikes only work against non flying enemies
Required level
Mana used at this level 2

Level 2
number of spikes 2
spikes do 8-28 damage x3 (spikes thrust 3 times)
Spikes only work against non flying enemies
Required level
Mana used at this level 8

Level 3
number of spikes 3
spikes do 12-42 x3 (spikes thrust 3 times)
Spikes only work against non flying enemies
Required level
Mana used at this level 14

Level 4
number of spikes 4
spikes do 16-56 x3 (spikes thrust 3 times)
Spikes only work against non flying enemies
Required level
Mana used at this level 20

Level 5
number of spikes 5
spikes do 20-70 x3 (spikes thrust 3 times)
Spikes only work against non flying enemies
Required level
Mana used at this level 26

Effect - as above causes spikes which pulsate 3 times (hence the damage
factor) to appear out of the ground , upgrades to this skill cause a bigger
spike cluster to appear.

Usefulness 7/10


This is a non targeted spell so hostiles who walk across the spikes suffer
, the problem is though at levels 1 and 2 you have to cast it just before an
walks over the patch of ground (unless they are still) to get x3 damage.
with the small spike patch they might walk off that patch and only get one
or two
hits. This matters less when at higher levels since the patch is pretty big
, though
mana vs damage I reckon anything above level 3 in this skill is wasted on
enemies since the patch is so large the enemy misses most of it and you can
level 3 2.5 times for the mana cost of a level 5 strike.

However level 3+ has is uses ever been surrounded ? not a warrior so what do
do? , you cast it right at your feet, the Spikes cannot harm you or your
and at level 4 or 5 cover an area just smaller than the warrior's swirl.
Such that
it works a treat as a swirl attack substitute .Coupled with the very high
at high levels and that it hits 3 times AND that it is a physical attack
much like
a hand held weapon (and not subject to resistances) its great.I would also
that each spike can hit more than one enemy so that if a bunch are standing
in a
tight spot cast this spell and there is a good chance it will hurt
everything in that

This also being a non specific target spell means that if you are invisible
whatever means (other than blinding your enemy) you are not revealed. And
this spell can be cast repeatedly and quickly also , I'd also note that
when starting
out this is fairly useful in that when starting your offence level is so
poor that you
miss more often than you hit , while this gives a good hit chance.Along with
it allows you to keep your distance!.

=====================Energy Cage=====================

Level 1
Lasts for 3 seconds
Enemy must have 5 spiritual resistance to resist
Required level 12
Mana used at this level 10

Level 2
Lasts for 6 seconds
Enemy must have 10 spiritual resistance to resist
Required level 18
Mana used at this level 12

Level 3
Lasts for 9 seconds
Enemy must have 15 spiritual resistance to resist
Required level 24
Mana used at this level 14

Level 4
Lasts for 12 seconds
Enemy must have 20 spiritual resistance to resist
Required level 30
Mana used at this level 16

Level 5
Lasts for 15 seconds
Enemy must have 25 spiritual resistance to resist
Required level 36
Mana used at this level 18


Surrounds your enemy in an energy cage so they can't retaliate

Usefulness 2/10


Not too useful if you ask me in that its too short a time and there is a
perfectly good
alternative in the form of freeze which has the bonus of inflicting damage.
If you want
to get away from an enemy you can always substitute this with something that
you invisible instead.


=====================Limbs of lead=====================

Level 1
enemy is slowed for 2
Required level 5
Mana used at this level 5

Level 2
enemy is slowed for 4
Required level 11
Mana used at this level 8

Level 3
enemy is slowed for 6
Required level 17
Mana used at this level 11

Level 4
enemy is slowed for 8
Required level 23
Mana used at this level 14

Level 5
enemy is slowed for 10
Required level 29
Mana used at this level 17


Puts a golden shiny thing onto the enemy and makes them moon walk in that
the steps come out but they don't move accordingly.

Usefulness 4/10


So so , if you want to see the effect the other way round go find a troll
king (near
the archers guild and on a quest) , its fairly effective though I'd much
rather something
more lethal instead since a slow enemy can still hurt you while a dead one


Withering curse
Energy cage


Level 1
Can 'reach' objects up to
Required level 10
Mana used at this level 10

Level 2
Can 'reach' objects up to
Required level 14
Mana used at this level 12

Level 3
Can 'reach' objects up to
Required level 18
Mana used at this level 14

Level 4
Can 'reach' objects up to
Required level 22
Mana used at this level 16

Level 5
Can 'reach' objects up to
Required level 26
Mana used at this level 18

Effect makes a sparky thing which allows you to use objects not right next
to you

Usefulness 2/10


This has very limited use , I can think of 3 occasions you might want to use
it ,
ie for levers behind locked gates (not common) , for items stuck inside
and for the restoration spell book in the Rivertown market sewers.

This can also be used in place of lock pick in 'some' areas such as the
in Rivertown you can use telekinesis (level 3) to pull the lever to open the
rather than having lock pick 2 to open the gate. Also to steal from shop
in Rivertown market who kick you out of their back rooms.

Though to get the restoration book you can alternatively use teleporter
throwing trick or if you get something stuck inside a wall , find a piece of
which gives this bonus rather than wasting your skills on this since it has
limited usage.

However the throw teleporter stone everywhere trick has been fixed in the
patch so that you can't throw the stones everywhere like bits of land which
above or below your current level of land say the dwarven forest.

=====================Deathly discs=====================

Level 1
Damage per disc 20
Required level 10
Mana used at this level 4

Level 2
Damage per disc 35
Required level 16
Mana used at this level 6

Level 3
Damage per disc 50
Required level 22
Mana used at this level 8

Level 4
Damage per disc 65
Required level 28
Mana used at this level 10

Level 5
Damage per disc 80
Required level 34
Mana used at this level 12

Effects x3 purple discs fly out from the caster hitting everything around
the caster

Usefulness 5/10 dropping to 2/10 as warrior and later on


This is the swirl attack but using magic instead of hand to hand , which is
if you are not a warrior and get swamped with enemies which can easily
sometimes (esp with conjurers).Though as a warrior you have a perfectly good
mana free (but stamina cost which is essentially free) alternative which can
do more
damage with the correct weapons.

An important thing to note is that the discs are NOT indestructible when I
say this
I mean that when you cast this spell with no enemies around they swirl all
the way
to the edge of the screen.However when used on enemies they break after
a certain (at least 300 or so) damage and vanish. Such that when in a big
crowd it
might not have the desired effect or killing or severely hurting enemies
around you
just the ones closest to you.


Swirl attack (warriors only)
Not getting swarmed
Hell spikes cast at a high level at your OWN feet


Level 1
Enemy is polymorphed if they have a spirit resistance lower than 5
Enemy suffers spiritual damage of 10-60
Required level 16
Mana used at this level 16

Level 2
Enemy is polymorphed if they have a spirit resistance lower than 10
Enemy suffers spiritual damage of 20-80
Required level 22
Mana used at this level 19

Level 3
Enemy is polymorphed if they have a spirit resistance lower than 15
Enemy suffers spiritual damage of 30-100
Required level 28
Mana used at this level 22

Level 4
Enemy is polymorphed if they have a spirit resistance lower than 20
Enemy suffers spiritual damage of 40-120
Required level 34
Mana used at this level 25

Level 5
Enemy is polymorphed if they have a spirit resistance lower than 25
Enemy suffers spiritual damage of 50-140
Required level 40
Mana used at this level 28

Effect transforms an enemy to a harmless creature like a frog or a rabbit

Usefulness 5/10


This skill is bugged if something gets polymorphed it stays that way , just
look at Arhu
the cat , you get full experience points + wisdom if you have it for killing
the polymorphed

This skill can be found for free in a cave with a Lich as a guard just south
east of the
Rivertown market.

=====================Skeletal Wall=====================

Level 1
Summons 5 steel skeletons with values of
Level 16
Fire resistance 36+bonus
Lightening resistance -54 + bonus
Poison resistance 100 + bonus
Sprit resistance 36 + bonus
Attack value 28
Defence value 27
Armour 109
Hit chance 95
Hit points 104-153
Sight 10
Can inflict damage of 5-15
Required level 16
Mana used at this level 16

Level 2
Summons 5 steel skeletons with values of
Level 18
Fire resistance 36+bonus
Lightening resistance -54 + bonus
Poison resistance 100 + bonus
Sprit resistance 36 + bonus
Attack value 32
Defence value 30
Armour 118
Hit chance 95
Hit points 113-174
Sight 10
Can inflict damage of 5-17
Required level 22
Mana used at this level 19

Level 3
Summons 5 steel skeletons with values of
Level 20
Fire resistance 36+bonus
Lightening resistance -54 + bonus
Poison resistance 100 + bonus
Sprit resistance 36 + bonus
Attack value 36
Defence value 34
Armour 126
Hit chance 95
Hit points 136-200
Sight 10
Can inflict damage of
Required level 28
Mana used at this level 22

Level 4
Summons 5 steel skeletons with values of
Level 22
Fire resistance 36+bonus
Lightening resistance -54 + bonus
Poison resistance 100 + bonus
Sprit resistance 36 + bonus
Attack value 39
Defence value 37
Armour 135
Hit chance 95
Hit points 153-209
Sight 10
Can inflict damage of 6-20
Required level 34
Mana used at this level 25

Level 5
Summons 5 steel skeletons with values of
Level 24
Fire resistance 36+bonus
Lightening resistance -54 + bonus
Poison resistance 100 + bonus
Sprit resistance 36 + bonus
Attack value 43
Defence value 40
Armour 141
Hit chance 95
Hit points 151-229
Sight 10
Can inflict damage of 7-21
Required level 40
Mana used at this level 28

Effect as above

Usefulness 4/10 dropping to 2/10


Summons 5 steel skeletons in a wall to fight for you , more as a blocking
force than anything
since they can inflict only tiny amounts of damage , just so you can get
away even at high levels
they are pretty mediocre and if you want them to follow you , you need aura
of command.
Beware though don't try to use them against things like death/dread knights
/ Liches / Imp mages
/imp summoners as the lightening attack kills them real quick.

The bonus rating is +5 per level one skeleton gets at level 2 it gets +10
towards one of its resistances
and so on which is pretty insignificant. If you want this then you will have
to invest a ton of skill points
into the skills that go with this , namely master summoner (for extra levels
for a bit more attack, armour
defence and hit points) , and transfer powers , for transfer powers you also
need to be pretty beefy for
it to gave a major effect.


Death Scorpions
Summon skeleton
Summon demonic aide

=====================Seeking flame=====================

Level 1
Bouncing seeking flame 80
Enemy requires sprit level of 5 to resist
Required level 24
Mana used at this level 21

Level 2
Bouncing seeking flame 120
Enemy requires sprit level of 10 to resist
Required level 30
Mana used at this level 24

Level 3
Bouncing seeking flame 160
Enemy requires sprit level of 15 to resist
Required level 36
Mana used at this level 27

Level 4
Bouncing seeking flame 200
Enemy requires sprit level of 20 to resist
Required level 42
Mana used at this level 30

Level 5
Bouncing seeking flame 240
Enemy requires sprit level of 25 to resist
Required level 48
Mana used at this level 33

Effect : causes a bouncing ball of flame which follows the enemy slowly

Usefulness 3/10


This is what the talking tree uses on you , though the projectile is really
slow and costs a ton
of mana to use , explosive arrows are better due to travelling speed.

=====================Wizards Sight=====================

Level 1
Lets you see into the shroud for 1
Required level 1
Mana used at this level 1

Level 2
Lets you see into the shroud for 2
Required level 5
Mana used at this level 3

Level 3
Lets you see into the shroud for 3
Required level 9
Mana used at this level 5

Level 4
Lets you see into the shroud for 4
Required level 13
Mana used at this level 7

Level 5
Lets you see into the shroud for 5
Required level 17
Mana used at this level 9

Effect uncovers a bit of unexplored territory for a few seconds

Usefulness 0/10

Comments , does what it says on the tin , its so short though its pointless
if you want to
see what is ahead boost your sight rating instead.Or just walk there , if
you are afraid of
what might be there use an invisibility potion/spell or keep the teleporter
pyramids handy.

Or just walk in and reload if you die.


Level 1
Agility , Strength , Intelligence & constitution increased by 3
Duration 15 time units
Required level 3
Mana used at this level 6

Level 2
Agility , Strength , Intelligence & constitution increased by 6
Duration 30 time units
Required level 9
Mana used at this level 12

Level 3
Agility , Strength , Intelligence & constitution increased by 9
Duration 60 time units
Required level 15
Mana used at this level 18

Level 4
Agility , Strength , Intelligence & constitution increased by 12
Duration 90 time units
Required level 21
Mana used at this level 24

Level 5
Agility , Strength , Intelligence & constitution increased by 15
Duration 120 time units
Required level 27
Mana used at this level 30

Effect causes a column of light to hit you boosting your skills

Usefulness depends

Comments boosts your skills for a short time its fairly useful but a few
levels increase does this
permanently and its a pain to keep using it again and again when it runs
out.This can be gotten
free by saving the child from the dark cave and telling the knight guarding
the road to verdistis.

You also more often than not get this for free when you assemble the dragon
armour , and also have
it cast upon you when you first assemble the armour. Though as a strange
note if the armour gets
worse when 'fixed' by the dwarf you can buy the original back.

More levels
Magical might


Level 1
Heals 40
Required level 6
Mana used at this level 8

Level 2
Heals 60
Required level 12
Mana used at this level 10

Level 3
Heals 80
Required level 18
Mana used at this level 12

Level 4
Heals 100
Required level 24
Mana used at this level 14

Level 5
Heals 120
Required level 30
Mana used at this level 16

Effect - heals you , with a 1 second delay between casting and getting
healed so
use it in advance of being dealt a fatal blow.

Usefulness 9/10

Comments good skill to have which you can get x4 levels in for free:

-Heal the two sick soldiers in Aleroth
-Expose George's murderer
-Nericon's garden quiz
You can also find a spell book for this skill in the sewers under Rivertown

For some reason I don't seem to be able to cast this on anybody but myself
other spells
you can but not this , not that you really need to.

=====================Withering curse=====================

Level 1
Affects enemies with resistance below 5
Reduced enemy resistances by 10
Duration 2 time units
Required level 8
Mana used at this level 8

Level 2
Affects enemies with resistance below 10
Reduced enemy resistances by 20
Duration 3 time units
Required level 12
Mana used at this level 11

Level 3
Affects enemies with resistance below 15
Reduced enemy resistances by 30
Duration 4 time units
Required level 16
Mana used at this level 14

Level 4
Affects enemies with resistance below 20
Reduced enemy resistances by 40
Duration 5 time units
Required level 20
Mana used at this level 17

Level 5
Affects enemies with resistance below 25
Reduced enemy resistances by 50
Duration 6 time units
Required level 24
Mana used at this level 20

Effect this is what mages cast on you the skull thing

Usefulness (depends)

Comments This largely depends on your combat style if you like hand to hand
this isn't that brilliant but if you use far spells like lightening its OK
but only OK
since if they are resistant use something else!. Or use a spell which does
multiple forms of damage like elemental strike/hail.

=====================Aura of guarding=====================

Level 1
Protection from physical attack long range and close 60
Required level 10
Mana used at this level 10

Level 2
Protection from physical attack long range and close 80
Required level 18
Mana used at this level 12

Level 3
Protection from physical attack long range and close 100
Required level 20
Mana used at this level 14

Level 4
Protection from physical attack long range and close 120
Required level 34
Mana used at this level 16

Level 5
Protection from physical attack long range and close 140
Required level 42
Mana used at this level 18

Effect creates a shield which absorbs damage.

Usefulness 4/10


Wears off when you sleep , does not have enough hits for it to be
effective since it counts everything against you as a hit rather than
using your defence skill and agility skill to decide if you are hit
or not.

=====================Magical Might=====================

Level 1
Increases strength by 5
Duration 10 time units
Required level 12
Mana used at this level 12

Level 2
Increases strength by 10
Duration 20 time units
Required level 16
Mana used at this level 14

Level 3
Increases strength by 15
Duration 30 time units
Required level 20
Mana used at this level 16

Level 4
Increases strength by 20
Duration 40 time units
Required level 24
Mana used at this level 18

Level 5
Increases strength by 25
Duration 50 time units
Required level 28
Mana used at this level 20

Effect - sets you on fire magically boosts strength

Usefulness depends


Pretty much the same as bless but confined to strength , bless is better as
it gives bonuses to ALL skills not just one.Though this admittedly does
your strength much more than bless does even if you don't want this skill at
its worth trying it out once to see the nice fire effects.

=====================Spell Shield=====================

Level 1
Protection from magical attacks*
Required level 16
Mana used at this level 12

Level 2
Protection from magical attacks*
Required level 24
Mana used at this level 14

Level 3
Protection from magical attacks*
Required level 32
Mana used at this level 16

Level 4
Protection from magical attacks*
Required level 40
Mana used at this level 18

Level 5
Protection from magical attacks*
Required level 48
Mana used at this level 20

Effect creates a shield which blocks magical offensive spells such as
metors lightening etc , but NOT things like curse.


Wears off when you sleep , doesn't have enough hit points though few
things cast spells on you and those spells can be defeated by high

===================== Fade from sight=====================

Level 1
Makes you invisible with a mana consumption of 5
Required level 24
Mana used at this level 24

Level 2
Makes you invisible with a mana consumption of 4
Required level 30
Mana used at this level 27

Level 3
Makes you invisible with a mana consumption of 3
Required level 36
Mana used at this level 30

Level 4
Makes you invisible with a mana consumption of 2
Required level 42
Mana used at this level 33

Level 5
Makes you invisible with a mana consumption of 1
Required level 48
Mana used at this level 36

Effect makes you invisible

Usefulness 7/10

Comments like a shadow potion but costing of mana with the same effects such
as not being able to attack , with high mana you can stay invisible for a
very long
time.This combines very well with hell spikes (though watch out for the mana
drain this will cause) since hell spikes is not a targeted spell you stay
invisible and
the enemy gets hurt.

Sprit form
Shadow potions / strange spice
Embrace shadows.


Level 1
fires a meteor from your fingers of 8-28 fire damage
Required level 1
Mana used at this level 2

Level 2
fires a meteor from your fingers of 16-52 fire damage
Required level 7
Mana used at this level 3

Level 3
fires a meteor from your fingers of 24-76 fire damage
Required level 13
Mana used at this level 4

Level 4
fires a meteor from your fingers of 32-100 fire damage
Required level 19
Mana used at this level 5

Level 5
fires a meteor from your fingers of 40-124 fire damage
Required level 25
Mana used at this level 6

Effect fires a meteor from your finger tips

Usefulness 1/10


This costs mana and doesn't do much damage and it is slow to recover from to
cast again
a perfect alternative is a bow , bows can do around 100 damage per hit cost
NO mana
and can cycle pretty quickly if you put skill points towards them.Also you
are in trouble
if the enemy is resistant to fire say gargoyles. If you want to see it in
use then you can see
it being used against you by:

Steel archers
Skeletal marksmen
Conjurers at long range

Elemental powers


Level 1
Lightening damage of 10-60
Required level 10
Mana used at this level 6

Level 2
Lightening damage of 20-90
Required level 16
Mana used at this level 9

Level 3
Lightening damage of 30-110
Required level 22
Mana used at this level 12

Level 4
Lightening damage of 40-150
Required level 28
Mana used at this level 16

Level 5
Lightening damage of 50-180
Required level 34
Mana used at this level 20


Fires a bolt of cobalt lightening at enemy


Bit iffy if you ask me in that sometimes it does loads of damage but then my
random number algorithms never seem to work that much in my favour. If you
to see it in action a Lich will probably be the first thing to use it
against you.Or you
can see pink lightning from Death knights.


Elemental powers


Level 1
Target frozen for 3
Target suffers frost damage of 20 when they thaw
Target must have sprit level above 10 to resist
Required level 5
Mana used at this level 4

Level 2
Target frozen for 6
Target suffers frost damage of 30 when they thaw
Target must have sprit level above 15 to resist
Required level 11
Mana used at this level 7

Level 3
Target frozen for 9
Target suffers frost damage of 40 when they thaw
Target must have sprit level above 20 to resist
Required level 17
Mana used at this level 13

Level 4
Target frozen for 12
Target suffers frost damage of 50 when they thaw
Target must have sprit level above 25 to resist
Required level 23
Mana used at this level 19

Level 5
Target frozen for 15
Target suffers frost damage of 60 when they thaw
Target must have sprit level above 30 to resist
Required level 29
Mana used at this level 25

Effect Freezes enemy for the values above

Usefulness 7/10


A highly useful skill early on since it gives you time to escape or kill the
enemy without
chance of retaliation , for the period that they are frozen for. This is a
much better alternative
to energy cage since this can be learnt relatively early and does damage as
well as
preventing the enemy from moving/retaliating. This skill is sometimes bugged
in that enemies while frozen will still attack moving as an ice sculpture.
However if
you want to freeze everything easily just find a weapon with the frost bonus
on it ,
though this just freezes the enemy on striking them and does not do freeze
like the spell.

There is something reminiscent of SNES rival turf in this though in that you
can freeze an enemy with low hit points and wait for him to thaw. They'll
thaw and stay alive for
a second or two then realise they are dead. Much like SNES rival turf if you
beat up
an enemy enough they'd fall over with 0 hit points they'd get up and realise
they were

=====================Burning wall=====================

Level 1
Leaves behind a trail which applies 4-6 lightening damage (multiple strikes)
Duration 5 time units
Required level 16
Mana used at this level 14

Level 2
Leaves behind a trail which applies 6-10 lightening damage (multiple
Duration 10 time units
Required level 20
Mana used at this level 18

Level 3
Leaves behind a trail which applies 10-15 lightening damage (multiple
Duration 15 time units
Required level 24
Mana used at this level 22

Level 4
Leaves behind a trail which applies 15-22 lightening damage (multiple
Duration 20 time units
Required level 28
Mana used at this level 26

Level 5
Leaves behind a trail which applies 20-30 lightening damage (multiple
Duration 25 time units
Required level 32
Mana used at this level 30

Effect leaves a small fence like wall of sparks which applies multiple hits
of lightning
damage to anybody who walks into it.

Usefulness 6/10

Comments best used in hit and run tactics , use a bow shoot make them follow
you and
cast this in their path , the damage in this is misleading. Enemies that
walk into this
suffer repeated hits from this more than once per second and get trapped
more damage.Even if they are resistant to lightning this delays them as they
are jerking
to the hit much like when you are poisoned but resistant to poison you jerk
but you don't
take damage.

Spider mines (deadly gift)
Trail bombs (deadly gift)

=====================Elemental bolt=====================

Level 1
Fire and Lightening damage inflicted 10-76
Required level 16
Mana used at this level 15

Level 2
Fire and Lightening damage inflicted 14-90
Required level 20
Mana used at this level 17

Level 3
Fire and Lightening damage inflicted 20-112
Required level 24
Mana used at this level 19

Level 4
Fire and Lightening damage inflicted 24-122
Required level 28
Mana used at this level 21

Level 5
Fire and Lightening damage inflicted 30-144
Required level 32
Mana used at this level 23

Effect makes a fuzzy ball home in on the targeted enemy causing fire and
lightening damage

Usefulness 3/10


This is what mutated spiders and imp mages use on you , fires slow
projectiles that can be
outrun and resisted with high resistance levels , Its usefulness is
undermined by the high
levels required to get this sort of damage since enemies start getting
resistances which
really reduces the effectiveness of this spell.

Due to the slow speed of casting and damaging the enemy one of the other
elemental powers
is better than this skill , though this in itself is slightly better than
meteor and lightening alone
since you get both types of damage and don't need to spend double the skill
points for situations
when an enemy is resistant to a particular power. Nor do you need to switch
powers for such an
event where an enemy is resistant.

=====================Poison Cloud=====================

Level 1
Number of clouds cast 4
Poison damage potential of clouds inflicted 10-40
Required level 20
Mana used at this level 16

Level 2
Number of clouds cast 6
Poison damage potential of clouds inflicted 15-55
Required level 26
Mana used at this level 20

Level 3
Number of clouds cast 8
Poison damage potential of clouds inflicted 20-70
Required level 32
Mana used at this level 24

Level 4
Number of clouds cast 10
Poison damage potential of clouds inflicted 25-85
Required level 32
Mana used at this level 28

Level 5
Number of clouds cast 12
Poison damage potential of clouds inflicted 30-100
Required level 38
Mana used at this level 32

Effect fires out a cloud of poison to the targeted area

Usefulness 5/10 falling to 3/10


This is exactly what dark corpses and dark zombies as well as the Stormfist
guardian uses , casts a big cloud which lingers longer as levels increase
its useful early
on against weak enemies but once resistances come into play then it loses
its usefulness.

However against vulnerable enemies it can slow them down a little so you can
make your
escape.This can be replicated by using poison items , ie find a barrel of
poison , open it
stick it in your inventory , when you see something nasty open your
inventory and
throw it out. Ditto with poison flasks. You can also kill friendlies with
this without them
turning hostile use this spell where they stand say Geoff or Tingalf and
cast away.

They get seriously hurt by this spell and nobody blames you at all for them
however such characters ought to be kept alive since they give zip
and are more useful selling you stuff.

=====================Elemental Hail=====================

Level 1
Fire + lightening damage inflicted 12-44
Required level 24
Mana used at this level 15

Level 2
Fire + lightening damage inflicted 14-54
Required level 30
Mana used at this level 21

Level 3
Fire + lightening damage inflicted 16-64
Required level 36
Mana used at this level 27

Level 4
Fire + lightening damage inflicted 18-74
Required level 42
Mana used at this level 33

Level 5
Fire + lightening damage inflicted 20-84
Required level 48
Mana used at this level 39

Effect Column of fire from the sky

Usefulness 6/10

Comments if not for the high mana usage this would be ok , its much better
than elemental
bolt whicih in turn is better than lightening or meteor which applies fire
damage. The weakness
of this skill is the big mana drain such that you can't can't it too many
times , though you can
cast it anywhere in sight range not just a specific enemy so it has limited
area effect capacity.

=====================Elemental Strike=====================

Level 1
Fire + lightening + poison damage inflicted 20-60
Required level 24
Mana used at this level 24

Level 2
Fire + lightening + poison damage inflicted 24-88
Required level 30
Mana used at this level 30

Level 3
Fire + lightening + poison damage inflicted 30-118
Required level 36
Mana used at this level 36

Level 4
Fire + lightening + poison damage inflicted 34-146
Required level 42
Mana used at this level 42

Level 5
Fire + lightening + poison damage inflicted 40-180
Required level 48
Mana used at this level 48

Effect Blue sparkly ring round the enemy than bounces

Usefulness 6/10


Does 3 types of damage which is good since every base is covered only
weakness again is the
huge mana cost even with my mage who ended up with 2000 mana points ran out
after heavy

=====================Summon vermin=====================

Level 1
Number of rats summoned 1
Rats each have 20 hit points
Required level 1
Mana used at this level 1

Level 2
Number of rats summoned 2
Rats each have 30 hit points
Required level 5
Mana used at this level 3

Level 3
Number of rats summoned 3
Rats each have 40 hit points
Required level 9
Mana used at this level 5

Level 4
Number of rats summoned 4
Rats each have 50 hit points
Required level 13
Mana used at this level 7

Level 5
Number of rats summoned 5
Rats each have 60 hit points
Required level 17
Mana used at this level 9

Effect summons a rat or rats

Usefulness 2/10


This power is SUPPOSED to make the rats the only things enemies focus on
the distract some enemies while some still attack you , since the rats do no
it can be assumed this is something to distract while you run away. Summon
wall is MUCH more effective for this so is going invisible since the rats
even at level 5 are
weak and last seconds in a crowded melee if that.If you keep summoning when
you have
already summoned the maximum number of rats a rat that was previously
dies.You also need to use aura of command if you want rats to follow you
which is equally worthless.


if you want a summoning power summon skeletons instead the steel variety at
they can fight back , costs more mana though.

=====================Summon skeleton=====================

Level 1
Max skeletons that can be summoned 1
Level 4
Fire resistance -48
Lightening resistance -48
Poison resistance 100
Sprit resistance 17
Attack value 7
Defence value 6
Armour 12
Hit chance 95
Hit points 30-34
Sight 6
Can inflict damage of 1-5
Required level 3
Mana used at this level 3(Each)

Level 2
Max skeletons that can be summoned 2
Level 8
Fire resistance -48
Lightening resistance -48
Poison resistance 100
Sprit resistance 17
Attack value 21
Defence value 20
Armour 29
Hit chance 95
Hit points 36-40
Sight 6
Can inflict damage of 2-8
Required level 7
Mana used at this level 5(Each)

Level 3
Max skeletons that can be summoned 3
Level 12
Fire resistance -48
Lightening resistance -48
Poison resistance 100
Sprit resistance 17
Attack value 21
Defence value 20
Armour 46
Hit chance 95
Hit points 59-81
Sight 6
Can inflict damage of 3-11
Required level 11
Mana used at this level 7(Each)

Level 4
Max skeletons that can be summoned 4
Level 16
Fire resistance -48
Lightening resistance -48
Poison resistance 100
Sprit resistance 17
Attack value 28
Defence value 27
Armour 63
Hit chance 95
Hit points 63-90
Sight 6
Can inflict damage of 5-15
Required level 15
Mana used at this level 9(Each)

Level 5
Max skeletons that can be summoned 5
Level 20
Fire resistance -48
Lightening resistance -48
Poison resistance 100
Sprit resistance 17
Attack value 36
Defence value 34
Armour 80
Hit chance 95
Hit points 105-115
Sight 6
Can inflict damage of
Required level 19
Mana used at this level 11 (Each)

Effect , summons a conventional skeleton with approx values of above , one
per summoning.

Usefulness 5/10 dropping to 1/10


A skill you can get real quick by the level requirements of this skill ,
though this is more of a
skill to be used then you run away rather than being used as an attacking
force which
scorpions and death knights might be considered to be.Since the skeletons
very cheap to summon are weak , do very little damage and last a very short
time in battle.
To get the to follow you as a posse you must use aura of command on each
skeleton ,
recasting above your limit kills the most recently summoned skeleton

=====================Life Leech=====================

Level 1
% enemy health is drained and given to you 10
Enemy sprit resistance to resist <10
Required level 10
Mana used at this level 8

Level 2
% enemy health is drained and given to you 15
Enemy sprit resistance to resist <15
Required level 14
Mana used at this level 11

Level 3
% enemy health is drained and given to you 20
Enemy sprit resistance to resist <20
Required level 18
Mana used at this level 14

Level 4
% enemy health is drained and given to you 25
Enemy sprit resistance to resist <25
Required level 22
Mana used at this level 16

Level 5
% enemy health is drained and given to you 30
Enemy sprit resistance to resist <30
Required level 26
Mana used at this level 18

Effect , takes of the % of enemy health and gives it to you , though the %
is not the max health
ie 90 hit points at level 5 = 30 points taken on the second usage you will
receive 20 hit points from
the enemy , then 12 etc .As opposed to 30% each and every time of their max

Usefulness 5/10


This skill is best used at the start of combat since the enemy has most
health , this also works
on summoned stuff and if you don't have restoration you can heal yourself
using conjurers
by draining what they summon. This skill is NOT a lethal skill in that you
can keep draining and
draining the enemy but they will be left with 1 hit point left since
Divinity does not allow fractions
Though restoration is much better if you ask me guaranteed return but no
damage applied.
of health points you can drain them no more and have to kill them via other

=====================Master summoner=====================

Level 1
Non animal creatures gain a level bonus of 2
Required level 10
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Level 2
Non animal creatures gain a level bonus of 3
Required level 14
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Level 3
Non animal creatures gain a level bonus of 4
Required level 18
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Level 4
Non animal creatures gain a level bonus of 5
Required level 22
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Level 5
Non animal creatures gain a level bonus of 6
Required level 26
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Effect as above

Usefulness depends


If you use summons a great deal then this is for you , however if you don't
this is
worthless , however considering that the stuff you can summon is pretty weak
still weak with this at max level summoning is a bit of an iffy path to
take. Especially
when there are much better skills and creatures you can use to aid you in
death scorpions for example.


Level 1
Kills recently summoned creatures with spiritual resistance below 10
Killed or not inflicts 20-60 damage to target
Required level 10
Mana used at this level 10

Level 2
Kills recently summoned creatures with spiritual resistance below 20
Killed or not inflicts 24-74 damage to target
Required level 14
Mana used at this level 12

Level 3
Kills recently summoned creatures with spiritual resistance below 30
Killed or not inflicts 30-90 damage to target
Required level 18
Mana used at this level 14

Level 4
Kills recently summoned creatures with spiritual resistance below 40
Killed or not inflicts 34-114 damage to target
Required level 22
Mana used at this level 16

Level 5
Kills recently summoned creatures with spiritual resistance below 50
Killed or not inflicts 40-130 damage to target
Required level 26
Mana used at this level 18


Kills summoned creatures , ie a cheapo way to 'send' them back where they
came from , though if I were you I'd probably just aura of command them .
You can get this skill free from Corenna the summoner , and more often than
not it is a bonus skill attached to the dragon armour set .The problem with
is that killing via hand to hand is so much faster than flicking via spells
unless you are a mage. Also in combat summoners should be killed first
to prevent them summoning more stuff to attack you rather than focusing
your attention on the summoned creatures themselves. Don't be shy summoners
and conjurers are NOT like pain elementals from Doom II they do not release
enemies when they die.


Level 1
Resurected creature has 20% of its original abilities*
Required level 16
Mana used at this level 16

Level 2
Resurrected creature has 30% of its original abilities*
Required level 22
Mana used at this level 19

Level 3
Resurrected creature has 40% of its original abilities*
Required level 28
Mana used at this level 22

Level 4
Resurrected creature has 50% of its original abilities*
Required level 34
Mana used at this level 25

Level 5
Resurrected creature has 75% of its original abilities*
Required level 40
Mana used at this level 28

Effect Fires Anks around which brings back the enemy creature with
Neutral status

*if you walk away far enough about 6-10 screens away and walk back
they turn back hostile and back to their original stats.Though enemy
is semi allied to you immediately after resurrection but turn hostile if you
move too far away.

Usefulness 8/10


There is NO need to use this in the entire game , except for monster
combined with wisdom can help you push the level of your character to 53+
(the most I even got in game was 53).Here is what you do , kill an enemy
resurrect him , walk about 10 screens away , then go back he'll be hostile
again so you can kill him again for experience again and again. Best used
with a circuit say the dark forest just north of the talking tree. The Dark
there provide 5K experience at level 40ish so its good hunting , you can set
up a
circuit of kill / resurrect and keep going round and round to get more and

A better trick though is to use it early , kill the orcs with death
scorpions or something
then resurrect them , use aura of command to lead them nearby the orc
teleport out , go back , release scorpions , lather rinse repeat. Doing this
I got to level
30 within 2 hours of getting out of Aleroth.

Of course you need level 16 for one level (and one only!) of resurrect ,
however you
might be able to get it earlier by finding or buying a piece of equipment
which has
this spell as a bonus.

Possible the BEST place to do this is as a warrior (mages and survivors will
struggle) , is to get captain Mitox's missions explosives or poison doesn't
matter. Activate the teleporter in the destroyed village , then use a shadow
potion to get into the cheif orc's hut , kill him get the scroll and run
the teleporter , activate and teleport out. now go an activate the
outside Ars Magicana. Find a powerful weapon preferably one with life drain
on it , there is usually an expensive one in the armour shop in Rivertown
just above Elrath's house.Teleport to the destroyed village , now run around
enemies in circles until you can get a fair number of orcs (40-60 is
now get surrounded , just take the beating you get , and use the swirl
which with a drain modifier on it will give you back the health. Now kill
the stragglers
and resurrect them.

Resurrect them all and teleport to Ars magicana for healing and to get back
Teleport back and they will be hostile again kill and repeat , until you get
to around l
evel 20 then you can do the same thing with the orc teleporter.Leading the
elite orcs and orc chiefs to nearby the teleporter , if you spend a couple
hours at this
you can gain levels incredibly quick. Just put a level on Alchemy and mix
the healing
and magic potions often and it almost pays for itself in terms of mana.

The elite orcs are the best as they give consistently good experience
all the way up to level 43 .If you have trouble dealing with so many orcs
to get the magical lock picks for increased agility. Also orcs are pretty
to any damage bonus you attach to your weapons so look for spiritual /
etc to apply more damage.

Once you get the levels for wisdom add them on along with augment damage
and spiritual damage since this will help you clean out enemies in no time
and up to level 28 you can get 1 level per visit. Then onwards from that
you can get once every 4 or 5 visits then more visits are required , though
you will end up with a TON of treasure and a TON of Gold charms. Since
the Elite orcs around the Orc village often drop gold charms since you kill
them and they drop treasure each time you can make a packet. You want
to teleport regularly to Ars Magicana to sell off the excess stuff , since
trip can net at least 5000 gold per trip so much that Geoff keeps running
of gold!.

Though resurrect is bugged in that when you go back the enemies that you
bought back to life have their original stats.

Though this requires an enormous amount of mana you can just find something
which can take a few charms and put on one of the gold charms for mana
bonus. It doesn't matter using this technique you get so many gold charms.

Just remember every 5 or so levels you get not to resurrect things that
give you experience anymore , say giant orcs don't give you any experience
at level 30.

Also if you struggle to take them out you can always trap the entire area
after you resurrect the enemies , trap the area with trail bombs (NOT
teleport back in if you placed them correctly enemies will be caught in the
blast and be severely hurt. Just remember to place them with care or

If you want to be cheaper , find a drain sword and a life leech sword and
alternate when you are hurt use the life leech sword when you are low
on mana use the drain sword. just remember to keep lots of restoration
potions handy. I managed to lure well over 100 orcs to the orc teleporter
costing me around 2000 odd mana per trip which did pay for itself though.

Just remember NOT to leave dead bodies lying around since they vanish
and NOT to sleep since they sometimes vanish , you can heal and get
mana back by the potions they drop and sell the stuff the drop to buy
more potions.

A final word is that using this technique will see experience bombs quite
frequently such that a rare event becomes common in these circumstances.
Lets say you get an exp bomb every 100 kills that’s one each time you
teleport in.

I would note that for non warriors there are alternatives:

Deathly discs, this however is not a patch upon the warrior swirl attack
in that the swirl attack does damage to all around him (even if his sword
breaks during the swirl which is invariably will if you get a big enough
crowd).While deathly discs break (even at max levels) after only inflicting
a few hundred points of damage.

Hell spikes is also a good alternative for the swirl attack , though as
two powers are magical attacks it drains your mana much much more than
the warrior and the swirl attack. This is compensated though by the fact
warriors do not have as much mana as survivors or mages with the same
intelligence points.

=====================Transfer powers=====================

Level 1
% of powers transferred
Required level
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Level 2
% of powers transferred
Required level
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Level 3
% of powers transferred
Required level
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Level 4
% of powers transferred
Required level
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Level 5
% of powers transferred
Required level
Mana used at this level 0 (passive)

Effect summoned creatures have X% of your powers

Usefulness depends on strength / resistances / abilities of character


This power largely depends on how powerful you are if you are a all
killer then the summoned creatures get in on this and become 50% (max)
all conquering killer. However if you are an absolute weakling , then +50%
bonus of a weakling = not much.

=====================Summon demonic Aide=====================

Level 1
Summons ONE death knight with the typical values of
Level 20
Fire resistance 100
Lightening resistance 100
Poison resistance -40
Sprit resistance 100
Attack value
Defence value
Hit chance
Hit points
Sight 12
Can inflict damage of
Required level
Mana used at this level

Level 2
Summons ONE death knight with the typical values of
Level 26
Fire resistance 100
Lightening resistance 100
Poison resistance -40
Sprit resistance 100
Attack value
Defence value
Hit chance
Hit points
Sight 12
Can inflict damage of
Required level
Mana used at this level

Level 3
Summons ONE death knight with the typical values of
Level 32
Fire resistance 100
Lightening resistance 100
Poison resistance -40
Sprit resistance 100
Attack value
Defence value
Hit chance
Hit points
Sight 12
Can inflict damage of
Required level
Mana used at this level

Level 4
Summons ONE death knight with the typical values of
Level 38
Fire resistance 100
Lightening resistance 100
Poison resistance -40
Sprit resistance 100
Attack value
Defence value
Hit chance
Hit points
Sight 12
Can inflict damage of
Required level
Mana used at this level

Level 5
Summons ONE death knight with the typical values of
Level 45
Fire resistance 100
Lightening resistance 100
Poison resistance -40
Sprit resistance 100
Attack value
Defence value
Hit chance
Hit points
Sight 12
Can inflict damage of
Required level
Mana used at this level

Effect Summons a death knight of the above values

Usefulness 5/10 early on and for weak mages 2/10 for powerful non mages


Only really useful early on when its 50ish damage rating can do some harm
while later on relegated to a delaying ability since it can't hurt enemies
I'd note it acts much like a death knight in that it does hand to hand and
lightning spells against enemies. You need aura of command if you want it to
you.Later on when you become a beefy warrior (which nearly everybody does
even when I play a mage since mana always runs out) , it becomes less useful
since you can deal out a ton of damage anyway. Though as said before its
distractional abilities might be your cup of tea , note that even with
summoner and other summoning bonus skills it does not become significantly
more powerful.

=====================Path of the Divine=====================

note all the skills in the category of path of the divine do not require a
level to be achieved you can use them and upgrade them once you arrive in
the land of the dead and have sufficient points.


Level 1
Teleport semi instantly to anywhere within a distance of 4 sight units
Required level N/A can be used when blessed as the divine
Mana used at this level 20

Level 2
Teleport semi instantly to anywhere within a distance of 6 sight units
Required level N/A can be used when blessed as the divine
Mana used at this level 21

Level 3
Teleport semi instantly to anywhere within a distance of 8 sight units
Required level N/A can be used when blessed as the divine
Mana used at this level 22

Level 4
Teleport semi instantly to anywhere within a distance of 10 sight units
Required level N/A can be used when blessed as the divine
Mana used at this level 23

Level 5
Teleport semi instantly to anywhere within a distance of 15 sight units
Required level N/A can be used when blessed as the divine
Mana used at this level 24

Effect makes you turn into a twinkle that flies (not that fast) towards the
target location

Usefulness 0/10


Running / teleport stones are MUCH better than this there is no real
situation I can
see this as useful since pausing selecting this skill and deciding on where
to go
takes far longer than using something that would make you invisible.

=====================Dvine death=====================

Level 1
Enemies require a sprit resistance of 10 or are killed
Does damage of (if not resistant) 100-210
Required level N/A can be used when blessed as the divine
Mana used at this level 20

Level 2
Enemies require a sprit resistance of 20 or are killed
Does damage of (if not resistant) 110-230
Required level N/A can be used when blessed as the divine
Mana used at this level 21

Level 3
Enemies require a sprit resistance of 30 or are killed
Does damage of (if not resistant) 120-250
Required level N/A can be used when blessed as the divine
Mana used at this level 22

Level 4
Enemies require a sprit resistance of 40 or are killed
Does damage of (if not resistant) 130-270
Required level N/A can be used when blessed as the divine
Mana used at this level 23

Level 5
Enemies require a sprit resistance of 50 or are killed
Does damage of (if not resistant) 140-290
Required level N/A can be used when blessed as the divine
Mana used at this level 24

Effect This is the spell Zandalor uses


A kill or don't kill spell , if you use it again somebody resistant to this
it does Nothing nada NOTHING , else it kills them within a second.Its rather
a targeted spell though so its useful sometimes say the big death knights
at the end but little use against anything else since the imps outside other
than the summoned ones and the sand demons are invulnerable,

=====================Sprit form=====================

Level 1
Transformed into a ghost for 20 time units
Required level N/A can be used when blessed as the divine
Mana used at this level 20 + 100% stamina

Level 2
Transformed into a ghost for 40 time units
Required level N/A can be used when blessed as the divine
Mana used at this level 21 + 100% stamina

Level 3
Transformed into a ghost for 60 time units
Required level N/A can be used when blessed as the divine
Mana used at this level 22 + 100% stamina

Level 4
Transformed into a ghost for 80 time units
Required level N/A can be used when blessed as the divine
Mana used at this level 23 + 100% stamina

Level 5
Transformed into a ghost for 100 time units
Required level N/A can be used when blessed as the divine
Mana used at this level 24 + 100% stamina

Effect turns you into a standard ghost form

Usefulness 3/10


This can be learnt for free when you meet a dragon , though as a ghost
enemies will ignore you completely. There are however some disadvantages
in that your sight range is very very short almost as poor as you start the
game with if not worse. You lose 100% of your stamina when you use this
so be wary of this.

More than one level of this is a waste though since the marsh that instantly
kills you in the land of the dead might seem massive but it isn’t. If you
fade from sight and walk across you can get within 1 screen of the black
ring island with the fort entrance on it. You can even try this nifty trick
throw a teleporter stone when you get right to the edge of the death
marsh , you can just about get it onto the end of the jetty.


Level 1
Cause an area to be engulfed in flames inflicting 20-80 fire damage
Required level N/A can be used when blessed as the divine
Mana used at this level 20

Level 2
Cause an area to be engulfed in flames inflicting 26-96 fire damage
Required level N/A can be used when blessed as the divine
Mana used at this level 21

Level 3
Cause an area to be engulfed in flames inflicting 30-112 fire damage
Required level N/A can be used when blessed as the divine
Mana used at this level 22

Level 4
Cause an area to be engulfed in flames inflicting 38-128 fire damage
Required level N/A can be used when blessed as the divine
Mana used at this level 23

Level 5
Cause an area to be engulfed in flames inflicting 44-144 fire damage
Required level N/A can be used when blessed as the divine
Mana used at this level 24

Effect : Cause an area to erupt into flames

Usefulness 0/10

Comments this is what the sand horror / sand demons use against you , its
though since nobody in the land of the dead other than perhaps the corpses
that you
meet in one fortress are vulnerable to fire. Everybody just shrugs it off so
that this is
a waste of mana AND skill points.

=====================Heven's blessing=====================

Level 1
Stats boosted by 20% (resistances and physical)
Duration 30 time units
Required level N/A can be used when blessed as the divine
Mana used at this level 20

Level 2
Stats boosted by 25% (resistances and physical)
Duration 60 time units
Required level N/A can be used when blessed as the divine
Mana used at this level 21

Level 3
Stats boosted by 30% (resistances and physical)
Duration 90 time units
Required level N/A can be used when blessed as the divine
Mana used at this level 22

Level 4
Stats boosted by 35% (resistances and physical)
Duration 120 time units
Required level N/A can be used when blessed as the divine
Mana used at this level 23

Level 5
Stats boosted by 40% (resistances and physical)
Duration 150 time units
Required level N/A can be used when blessed as the divine
Mana used at this level 24

Effect ,Sparkly bless which does more boosting

Usefulness 3/10


It'd be useful earlier on but less so when you actually get to use it unlike
bless or
magical might this boosts your abilities by a % rather than a set figure so
beefy warriors get up to 40% beefier , mages get 40% smarter etc.The problem
though with things such as intelligence and constitution is filling up your
bars when
you cast this as it runs out and the need to constantly recast this every
2.5 minutes
is annoying.

=====================Dvine eye=====================

Level 1
Duration 15
Required level N/A can be used when blessed as the divine
Mana used at this level 20

Level 2
Duration 30
Required level N/A can be used when blessed as the divine
Mana used at this level 21

Level 3
Duration 45
Required level N/A can be used when blessed as the divine
Mana used at this level 22

Level 4
Duration 60
Required level N/A can be used when blessed as the divine
Mana used at this level 23

Level 5
Duration 75
Required level N/A can be used when blessed as the divine
Mana used at this level 24


Summons a giant floating eye which is controlled independently while your
stays where it is.

Usefulness 2.5/10


What a cheapo skill it uses the same sprite (enlarged) of the eye of the
its usefulness is hampered by one major flaw in this in that the eye that is
cannot see into areas that you have never been before so that those areas
remain black
and you can't know what is in them. If it did see into the shroud it'd score
much better
but if you've been there and cleaned out the area its pretty useless.

=====================Temporal Storm=====================

Level 1
Freezes time for 6 time units
Required level N/A can be used when blessed as the divine
Mana used at this level 20

Level 2
Freezes time for 8 time units
Required level N/A can be used when blessed as the divine
Mana used at this level 21

Level 3
Freezes time for 10 time units
Required level N/A can be used when blessed as the divine
Mana used at this level 22

Level 4
Freezes time for 12 time units
Required level N/A can be used when blessed as the divine
Mana used at this level 23

Level 5
Freezes time for 14 time units
Required level N/A can be used when blessed as the divine
Mana used at this level 24


Casts limbs of lead on everybody in your sight range does NOT slow down time

Usefulness 0/10


Doesn't do what it says on the tin just slows enemies down for a while so
that they
can still walk and attack and stuff but just not as fast. And only enemies
on the screen
so that if somebody wanders in from the side of the screen they are NOT
Choose something more lethal instead.

=====================Lightning cascade=====================

Level 1
Lightning damage of each enemy hit 20-50
Required level N/A can be used when blessed as the divine
Mana used at this level 20

Level 2
Lightning damage of each enemy hit 25-70
Required level N/A can be used when blessed as the divine
Mana used at this level 21

Level 3
Lightning damage of each enemy hit 30-90
Required level N/A can be used when blessed as the divine
Mana used at this level 22

Level 4
Lightning damage of each enemy hit 35-110
Required level N/A can be used when blessed as the divine
Mana used at this level 23

Level 5
Lightning damage of each enemy hit 40-130
Required level N/A can be used when blessed as the divine
Mana used at this level 24

Effect Causes a lightning bolt to hit an enemy and bounce off as many
as there are on screen. Would be terribly useful for the resurrect trick
except that
you can't do that in the land of the dead since resurrected (imps at least)
poor experience and do not turn hostile.

Usefulness 0/10


By the time you can use this skill everything you will face is resistant to
attacks so therefore this skill is completely useless , it'd be great in
crowds earlier
on though.


6 shameless self promotion

Other guides fallon has done are:

Enemy engaged Comanche vs Hokum
Ground control Craven corp
Ground control order of the new dawn
Shogun Total war warlord edition
Devastation guide

Most can be found on gamefaqs.com or DLH.net with the newest at


7 Credits and permissions

Permission to be published on these sites only:

CjayC's www.Gamefaqs.com
Entity's www.Neoseeker.com
Bernd Wolffgramm's http://DLH.Net
David A's http://www.cheatcc.com/

If you wish to host this FAQ please email me about it first giz a
bit of credit where its due eh?

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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