Mortal Kombat 3

Mortal Kombat 3

15.10.2013 01:44:42
The Realm of Shao Kahn Presents...


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Written By Mehroz Alam

FAQ Revision 1.0
Last Updated on 06/01/98

The Realm of Shao Kahn Web Site is administrated by Mehroz Alam

This document may be redistributed in whole or part, free of charge,
so long as proper credit is given to The Realm of Shao Kahn
and its author, Mehroz Alam.

Distribution of this FAQ in printed or electronic form for any
profit is prohibited.

The Realm of Shao Kahn is in no way associated with Midway Games.

Mortal Kombat 3, the MK3 logo, and its characters are registered
trademarks of Midway Games, Inc. Copyright (C) 1998 Midway Games, Inc.
All other names mentioned are trademarks of their respective owners.
All rights reserved.


Section 1 : Introduction
Section 2 : The Story
Section 3 : The Characters
Section 4 : Select Your Fighter
Section 5 : Basic Moves
Section 6 : Special Moves
Section 7 : Kommand Prompt Kodes
Section 8 : Kombat Kodes
Section 9 : Informal Notes
Section 10 : Fighting Tricks
Section 11 : Where to get this FAQ
Section 12 : Download The MK3 Demo
Section 13 : Credits


Section 1 : Introduction

Welcome to "The Realm of Shao Kahn's Mortal Kombat 3 Text FAQ", written by
by the TRSK site's Administrator, Mehroz Alam. All the moves, fatalities,
codes and information are confirmed and verified. This text FAQ covers Mortal
Kombat 3, which has been sold over 3.5 million copies to become 1995's
biggest selling video game in the United States. If you have any additional
information that is not included in the latest version of this FAQ, you can
let me know by sending a mail directly to me and I will include it in the
next version of the FAQ.

For Questions, Comments and Suggestions regarding this FAQ, contact the
TRSK site's Administrator, Mehroz Alam at


Section 2 : The Story

You have been chosen to represent earth in Mortal Kombat. Be warned. Although
your souls are protected against Shao Kahn evil; your lives are not. I cannot
interfere any longer as your Earth is now ruled by Outworld Gods.
These are the words of Rayden

For centuries Earth has used Mortal Kombat to defend itself against the
Outworld's emperor, Shao Kahn. But Kahn becomes frustrated by failed attempts
at taking Earth through Tournament battle. He enacts a plan which began
10,000 years ago.

During that time Shao Kahn had a queen. Her name was Sindel and her young
death was unexpected. Kahn's shadow priests, led by Shang Tsung, made it so
Sindel's spirit would someday be reborn: not on the Outworld, but on the
Earth Realm itself.

This unholy act gives Shao Kahn the power to step through the dimensional
gates and reclaim his queen, thus enabling him to finally seize the Earth

Upon breaching the portal into Earth, Shao Kahn slowly transforms the planet
into a part of the Outworld itself. Kahn strips the Earth of all human life;
claiming every soul as his own.

But there are souls which Kahn cannot take. These souls belong to the
warriors chosen to represent Earth in a new Mortal Kombat.

The remaining humans are scattered throughout the planet. Shao Kahn sends an
army of fierce Outworld Warriors to find and eliminate them.

Some of Earth's Warriors survive the attacks. Most do not, but the remaining
few hold the one chance at saving all of human kind.


Section 3 : The Characters

Shang Tsung

Shang Tsung is Shao Kahn's Lead Sorcerer. He once fell out of favor with his
Emperor after failing to win the Earth Realm through Tournament Battle. But
the ever-scheming Shang Tsung is instrumental in Kahn's conquest of Earth.
He has been granted more power than ever.



Once ruled the Outworld at Shao Kahn's side as his queen. Now,10,000 years
after her untimely death, she is reborn on Earth. Her evil intent is every
match for Shao Kahn's tyranny. She is the key to his occupation of Earth.



After failing to convince his superiors of the coming Outworld menace, Jax
begins to covertly prepare for future battle with Kahn's minions. He outfits
both arms with indestructible bionic implants. This is a war that Jax is
prepared to win.



Thought to have been killed in the first Tournament. Instead, he is found
alive in the Outworld where he once again escapes capture by Sonya. Before
the actual Outworld invasion, Kano convinces Shao Kahn to spare his soul.
Kahn needs someone to teach his warriors how to use Earth's weapons. And
Kano is the man to do it.


Liu Kang

After the Outworld invasion, Liu Kang finds himself the prime target of
Kahn's extermination squads. He is the Shaolin Champion and has thwarted
Kahn's schemes in the past. Of all the humans, Kang poses the greatest threat
to Shao Kahn's rule.



Sonya Blade disappears in the first tournament, but is later rescued from the
Outworld by Jax. After returning to earth, she and Jax try to warn the U.S.
Government of the looming Outworld menace. Lacking proof, they watch
helplessly as Shao Kahn begins his invasion.



When the Outworld portal opens over a large city in North America, panic and
chaos rage out of control. Kurtis Stryker was the leader of a riot control
brigade when Shao Kahn began taking souls. He finds himself the lone
survivor of a city once populated by millions.



Third of the three prototype cybernetic ninjas, Smoke's unit designator was
erased in a computer crash. Lost as he is to software control, no one can be
sure that he will complete his ultimate programming, i.e., kill Sub-Zero.
So, he is somewhat of a wild card in the tournament deck.



The Ninja returns unmasked. He was betrayed by his own Ninja clan, the Lin
Kuei. He broke the sacred Codes of Honor by leaving the Clan and is marked
for death. But unlike the Ninja of old, his pursuers come as machines.



Cyrax is unit LK4D4, the second of three prototype cybernetic ninjas built by
the Lin Kuei. Like his counterparts, Cyrax's last programmed command is to
find and terminate the rogue ninja, Sub-Zero. Without a soul, Cyrax goes
undetected by Shao Kahn and remains a possible threat against his occupation
of Earth.



Sektor is actually the code name for unit LK-9T9. He was the first of three
prototype Cybernetic Ninjas built by the Lin Kuei. Sektor was once a human
assassin trained by the Lin Kuei. He volunteered for automation because of
his loyalty to the Clan. Sektor survives the Outworld invasion...he has no
soul to take.



Works as a historian and preserver of his people's culture. When Kahn's
portal opens over North America, Nightwolf uses the magic of his Shamen to
protect his tribe's sacred land. This area becomes a vital threat to Kahn's
occupation of the Earth.



Sheeva was hand-picked by Shao Kahn to serve as Sindel's personal protector.
However, she becomes suspicious of Shao Kahn's loyalty towards her race of
Shokan when he places Motaro as the leader of his extermination squads. On
the Outworld, Motaro's race of Centaurians are the natural enemy of the


Kung Lao

After avenging the death of his great ancestor by emerging Supreme Champion
against all Outworld opponents, Kung Lao returns to Earth to train a new
generation of Shaolin alongside Liu Kang. But Lao's greatest challenges lie
ahead, fighting for those who cannot defend themselves against Shao Kahn's



As a Chosen Warrior, his identity is a mystery to all. It is believed that he
is the survivor of an attack by Shao Kahn's extermination squads. As a
result, he is viciously scarred and kept alive only by artificial respirators
and a rage for ending Shao Kahn's conquest.


Section 4 : Select Your Fighter

The MK3 Select Screen
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Choose Your Destiny

The MK3 Choose Your Destiny Screen
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After selecting your character in a single player game, you are presented
with the "Choose Your Destiny" screen with 3 Battle Plan towers. From easiest
to hardest, the difficulty levels are: NOVICE, in which you have to fight
with six opponents and then Motaro and Shao Kahn, WARRIOR, in which you have
to fight with eight opponents and then Motaro and Shao Kahn, and MASTER in
which you have to fight with ten opponents and then Motaro and Shao Kahn.


Section 5 : Basic Moves

Walk Forward: Forward
Walk toward the opponent.

Walk Back: Back
Walk away from the opponent, blocks throws.

Jump Forward: Up + Forward
Jump toward the opponent.

Jump Back: Up + Back
Jump away from the opponent.

Vertical Jump: Up
Jump directly upwards.

Crouch: Down
Duck down, hold with Back to block throws.

High Punch: HP
Punch to the opponent's face. Rapid punches to the face takes off
good damage, and pushes the opponent away if they are standing and
blocking. Don't stop punching until they are pushed out of your
punching range.

Low Punch: LP
Punch to the opponent's torso. Good for punching a crouching or
ducking opponent, or as retaliation for a close blocked move. This
takes off good damage if unblocked, and also pushes the opponent

High Kick: HK
Kick to the opponent's face. Useful after blocking a missile weapon
or sweep at close range. Also good for hitting opponents jumping
towards you. Be sure to kick them as close to their feet as possible.
The will ensure that you override their jump kick. The standing High
Kick is also good to use after sweeping your opponent.

Low Kick: LK
Kick to the opponent's torso. This quick kick is useful for keeping
opponents away while close fighting. Can be done multiple times very
rapidly to keep them at bay. Takes off little damage and is hard to
retaliate against.

Block: BL
Get into a defensive position, hold it with Back to block throws

Run up to your Opponent: Run + Forward
Run toward your opponent to begin an aggressive offense.

Roundhouse Kick: Back + HK
Roundhouse kick causing the opponent to spiral to the ground. Good
for hitting jumping opponents, and also useful at close range
fighting. If hit, the opponent is sent flying an unnatural distance.

FootSweep: Back + LK
Take the opponent off of his/her feet. One of the most powerful moves
in the game. This keeps opponents away from you like no other move
can. Best used at its full extent, otherwise it is a bit easier to
retaliate against.

Uppercut: Down + HP
Flips the opponent backwards, hitting the floor, leaving a small
stain of blood. The uppercut takes off the most damage of any
standard move. Best used as retaliation: after a blocked kick,
missile, or other move at close range. It is also very effective for
hitting jumping opponents.

Crouch Punch: Down + LP
The crouch punch is a simple punch to the midsection. Useful for
pushing away opponents at close range. The opponent recovers quickly
and it takes off very little damage, but hard to retaliate against.

Crouching High Kick: Down + HK
Kick aimed upward at the torso while you're crouching, knocking the
opponent a few steps back. Much slower than the Ankle Kick. This move
hits the opponent higher and takes off more damage, but can almost
always be retaliated against. Best used to hit jumping in opponents.

Ankle Kick: Down + LK
Kick targeting the opponent's ankle while you're crouching. Faster
than the crouch kick, harder to retaliate against.

Face Smash: HP (Close)
The face smash is a quick hard hit to the face. The specific move
done varies depending on the character. These moves stun the opponent
momentarily but take off little damage. Easy to block and retaliate
against. The Face Smash can be very effective if you mix it in while
close fighting.

Throw: LP (Close)
Throw or slam your opponent. The specific type of throw/slam varies
depending on the character. Another powerful move that can counter a
defensive player. Takes off good damage, but is easily blocked. Good
to use when jumping in, especially behind the opponent, and during
close fighting when your opponent make a move.

Knee Smash: HK or LK (Close)
The knee smash is a quick hard knee to the opponent's hip section.
It takes off little damage and is easy to retaliate to if blocked.
Good to use while close fighting when you anticipate your opponent
about to sweep, punch, etc.

Vertical Hop Punch: Vertical Jump, HP or LP
Jump and punch the opponent on your way up. This is pretty much the
same as the hop kick but takes off less damage and leaves you more

Light Jump Punch: Jump Forward or Back, HP
Hits the opponent using the fist, allowing you to start Kombo's with
it since it doesn't knock the opponent to the ground. This is pretty
much the same as the jump kick but takes off less damage and leaves
you more vulnerable.

Heavy Jump Punch: Jump Forward or Back, LP
Hits the opponent using the fist, allowing you to start Kombo's with
it since it doesn't knock the opponent to the ground. This is pretty
much the same as the jump kick but takes off less damage and leaves
you more vulnerable.

Vertical Hop Kick: Vertical Jump, HK or LK
Hits the opponent with a kick straight up. This can be used to
counter a jumping opponent, or as part of a combo. Also good for
kicking a standing opponent in the face.

Long Jump Kick: Jump Forward or Back, HK
Hits the opponent with a jump kick aimed diagonally downward,
knocking the opponent to the ground. This is one of the most powerful
moves in the game, especially against the computer. The hitting area
of the jump kick varies from fighter to fighter. When fighting the
computer, the best time to kick is early. Most often the computer
will keep walking towards you and get hit. When fighting a human,
the best time to kick is late. This will ensure an accurate hit that
is harder to retaliate against. The focal point of the jump kick is
the foot, so try to place your foot as close to your target as
possible. The lower the jump kick, the easier the combo.

Short Jump Kick: Jump Forward or Back, LK
Hits the opponent with a jump kick aimed diagonally downward,
knocking the opponent to the ground. This is one of the most powerful
moves in the game, especially against the computer. The hitting area
of the jump kick varies from fighter to fighter. When fighting the
computer, the best time to kick is early. Most often the computer
will keep walking towards you and get hit. When fighting a human,
the best time to kick is late. This will ensure an accurate hit that
is harder to retaliate against. The focal point of the jump kick is
the foot, so try to place your foot as close to your target as
possible. The lower the jump kick, the easier the combo.

Turn Around Jump Kick: Any type of jump kick after jumping past opponent.
It kicks opponent from behind after jumping over him/her. Harder to
retaliate against than a normal jump kick, and makes some combos

Turn Around Jump Punch: Any type of jump punch after jumping past opponent.
It punches the opponent from behind after jumping over him/her.
Harder to retaliate against.


Section 6 : Special Moves

Shang Tsung

1 Fireball: B-B-HP
2 Fireballs: B-B-F-HP
3 Fireballs: B-B-F-F-HP
Volcanic Eruption: F-B-B-LK

Cyrax: BL-BL-BL
Jax: F-F-D-LP
Kabal: LP-BL-HK (have to do it fast)
Kano: B-F-BL (have to do it fast)
Kung Lao: R-R-BL-R
Liu Kang: F-D-B-U-F
Nightwolf: U-U-U
Sektor: D-F-B-R
Sheeva: Hold LK(F-D-F) or F-D-F-LK-LK
Sindel: B-D-B-LK
Sonya: D+R+LP+BL
Stryker: F-F-F-HK
Sub-Zero: F-D-F-HP

Fatality (close): Hold LP (D-F-F-D)
[A bed of nails rises behind Shang Tsung, who then throws
his victim onto it]
Fatality (close): Hold LP (R-BL-R-BL)
[Shang Tsung levitates his victim, who glows green as his
soul is taken. The victim's skeleton then falls to the ground
in a pile of dust]
Animality (sweep): Hold HP (R-R-R)
[Shang turns into a snake and eats his opponent alive]
Friendship: LK-R-R-D
[Shang turns into a bird from Joust and hops away]
Babality: R-R-R-LK
Stage: U-U-B-LP

LK-HP-HP-LP-B+HK (27% 5-hit)
HP-HP-LP-B+HK (??% 4-hit)
HK-HK-B+HK (19% 3-hit)
Ground Fire, Uppercut, 3 Fireballs (??% 5-hit)



Fireball: F-F-LP
Fireball (in air): D-F-LK
Flight: B-B-F-HK
Scream Pull: F-F-F-HP

Fatality (sweep): R-R-BL-R-BL
[Sindel screams at her opponent, destroying most of the
victim's flesh, leaving a messy pile of bones]
Fatality (close): R-BL-BL-R+BL
[Sindel's hair wraps itself around her victim. She then runs
away, leaving her victim spinning helplessly as all of his
limbs fly off in different directions]
Animality (anywhere): F-F-U-HP
[Sindel morphs into a purple wasp, grabs her victim, and
flies off the screen as she stings her victim to death]
Friendship: R-R-R-R-R-U
[Sindel kicks a football between her opponents legs and then
says, "That was fun!"]
Babality: R-R-R-U
Stage: D-D-D-LP

HK-HP-HP-D+HP-Jump Kick-Air Fireball (40% 6-hit)
HP-HP-LP-HK-Flight-Air Fireball (31% 5-hit)
HP-HP-LP-HK (22% 4-hit)
HK-HP-HP-LP-HK (33% 5-hit)



1 Missile: B-F-HP
2 Missiles: F-F-B-B-HP
Gotcha Grab: F-F-LP (tap LP to keep punching)
Backbreaker (in air): BL
Quad Slam (after starting a throw): tap HP
Ground Smash: Hold LK
Dashing Punch: F-F-HK

Fatality (close): Hold BL (U-D-F-U)
[Jax's arms morph into blades ala T2 before he dices and
slices up his victim]
Fatality (far): R-BL-R-R-LK
[Jax grows to immense proportions and then stomps on his
Animality (close): Hold LP (F-F-D-F)
[Jax turns into a gut-eating lion]
Friendship: LK-R-R-LK
[Jax jumps rope]
Babality: D-D-D-LK
Stage: D-F-D-LP

HK-HK-D+HP-HP-BL-LP-B+HP (33% 7-hit)
HP-HP-BL-LP-B+HK (??% 5-hit)
HP-HP-BL-B+HP (??% 4-hit)
HP-HP-LP-BL-B+HP (??% 5-hit)



Knife Throw: D-B-HP
Knife Uppercut: D-F-HP
Cannonball: Hold LK
Grab and Bite: D-F-LP
Throw (in air): BL

Fatality (close): Hold LP (F-D-D-F)
[Kano pulls the victim's skeleton out through the mouth]
Fatality (sweep): LP-BL-BL-HK
[Kano shoots a laser from his bionic eye and fries his
Animality (close): Hold HP (BL-BL-BL)
[Kano morphs into a spider and sucks the life from his
Friendship: LK-R-R-HK
[Kano chews bubble gum, blows a bubble and it pops in his
Babality: F-F-D-D-LK
Stage: U-U-B-LK

HP-HP-D+LP-D+HP-Jump Kick-Knife Slash (37% 6-hit)
HP-HP-HK-HK-LK-HK-B+HK (??% 7-hit)
HP-HP-HK-LK-B+HK (31% 5-hit)
HP-HP-Crouch Punch-Jump Kick-Air Throw (28% 5-hit)
Jump Kick-Cannonball-Jump Kick-Knife Uppercut (25% 4-hit)
HK-HK-LK-B+HK (??% 4-hit)
HP-HP-LP-Run-HP-Run-HP-Hop Kick-Air Throw (??% 7-hit)
Run-HP-HP-Crouch Punch-Jump Kick-Cannonball (??% 5-hit)


Liu Kang

High Fireball: F-F-HP
Low Fireball: F-F-LP
Flying Kick: F-F-HK
Bicycle Kick: Hold LK

Fatality (anywhere): F-F-D-D-LK
[Liu Kang disappears, sends his his soul through the victim
(who incinerates), and Liu reappears]
Fatality (anywhere): U-D-U-U-BL+R
[Liu disappears, and a Mortal Kombat 1 machine drops over
his victim]
Animality (sweep): D-D-U
[Liu turns into a dragon and bites his opponent's head off]
Friendship: R-R-R-D+R
[Liu makes a shadow of a dragon on a movie screen]
Babality: D-D-D-HK
Stage: R-BL-BL-LK

HP-HP-BL-LK-LK-HK-LK (36% 7-hit)
HP-LK-LK-HP-LK (25% 5-hit)
LK-LK-HK-B+HK (??% 4-hit)
Jump Kick-High Fireball-Flying Kick (22% 3-hit)



Long Grenade: D-B-HP
Short Grenade: D-B-LP
Baton Trip: F-B-LP
Baton Throw: F-F-HK

Fatality (close): D-F-D-F-BL
[Stryker turns his back to the victim, and upon turning back
around, reveals a time bomb strapped to his victim's chest
and holds his ears as the victim explodes]
Fatality (full screen): F-F-F-LK
[Stryker shoots an electric clamp at his opponent,
electrocuting him]
Animality (sweep): R-R-R-BL
[Stryker turns into a dinosaur and munches away]
Friendship: LP-R-R-LP
[Stryker plays an unsuccessful crossing guard for the cast
of MK3]
Babality: D-F-F-B-HP
Stage: F-U-U-HK

(Stryker combos work against some chracters and work best against Nightwolf
and robot ninjas)
LK-HP-HP-LP-Jump Kick-Baton Throw (50% 6-hit)
LK-HP-HP-LP-D+HP-Jump Kick-Baton Throw (50% 7-hit)
HP-HP-LP (18% 3-hit)
HK-HK-HK-HP-HP-LP (??% 6-hit)
Run-HP-HP-Crouch Punch-Baton Throw (??% 4-hit)



Energy rings: D-F-LP
Leg Grab: D+LP+BL
Square Wave Punch: F-B-HP
Bicycle Kick: B-B-D-HK

Fatality (anywhere): B-F-D-D-R
[Sonya blows a fatal kiss to her victim]
Fatality (more than half screen): Hold BL+RN (U-U-B-D)
[Sonya turns into a purple blob and kills her opponent]
Animality (close): Hold LP (B-F-D-F)
[Sonya morphs into a hawk and mangles her opponent]
Friendship: B-F-B-D-R
[Sonya dances]
Babality: D-D-F-LK
Stage: F-F-D-HP

HK-HK-HP-HP-LP-B+HP (31% 6-hit)
HP-HP-LP-B+HP (??% 4-hit)
HP-HP-LP-B+HK (??% 4-hit)



Harpoon: B-B-LP
Teleport Uppercut (can do in air): F-F-LK
Invisibility: U-U-R (do while invisible, and you will reappear)
Throw (in air): BL

Fatality (across screen): U-U-F-D
[Smoke blows up the Earth]
Fatality (sweep): Hold R+BL (D-D-F-U)
[Smoke drops a grenade in his opponent's mouth, blowing
him up]
Animality (outside sweep): D-F-F-BL
[Smoke turns into a bull and charges the enemy]
Friendship (across screen): R-R-R-HK
Babality: D-D-B-B-HK
Stage: F-F-D-LK

HP-HP-LK-HK-LP (24% 5-hit)
HP-HP-LP-Teleport-HP-Harpoon-D+HP (40% 7-hit)
HP-HP-LP (17% 3-hit)
HP-HP-HK (19% 3-hit)
Jump Kick-Teleport-LK-Air Throw (28% 3-hit)



Ice Ball: D-F-LP
Ice Shower: D-F-HP
Ice Shower (front): D-F-B-HP
Ice Shower (behind): D-B-F-HP
Ice Klone: D-B-LP
Slide: B+LP+BL+LK

Fatality (close): BL-BL-R-BL-R
[Sub-Zero picks his opponent up high over his head. The
victim then freezes just before Sub-Zero breaks him in half]
Fatality (outside of sweep): B-B-D-B-R
[Sub-Zero blows mist at his victim, which freezes the
opponent, who then falls backward and crumbles]
Animality (close): F-U-U
[Sub-Zero morphs into a polar bear and proceeds to mangle
his victim]
Friendship: LK-R-R-U
[Sub-Zero makes a snowman]
Babality: D-B-B-HK
Stage: B-D-F-F-HK

HP-HP-LP-LK-HK-B+HK ([2.0]30% [2.1]23% 6-hit)
HP-HP-LP-Leg Sweep-B+HK-B+HK (??% 6-hit
HK-HK-B+HK (19% 3-hit)
HP-LP-LK-HK-B+HK (??% 5-hit)



Close Grenade: Hold LK (B-B-HK)
Far Grenade: Hold LK (F-F-HK)
Net Kapture: B-B-LK
Exploding Teleport (can do in air): F-D-BL
Pile Driver(while you on ground and victim in air): D-F-BL Then LP to throw.

Fatality (anywhere): D-D-U-D-HP
[Cyrax's head spins until he takes off like a helicopter,
then he comes down on the victim's head cutting him into
tiny pieces]
Fatality (close): D-D-F-U-R
[Cyrax self destructs, killing his opponent in the process]
Animality (close): U-U-D-D
[Cyrax morphs into a shark, who devours his victim from
beneath the playing field]
Friendship: R-R-R-U
[Cyrax dances]
Babality: F-F-B-HP
Stage: R-BL-R

HP-HP-HK-HP-HK-B+HK (30% 6-hit)
Long Grenade-Net-B+HK-B+HP (50% 3-hit)
HP-HP-LP (18% 3-hit)
HK-HK-B+HK (19% 3-hit)
HP-HP-LK-LP (??% 4-hit)
HP-HP-HK (??% 3-hit)



Teleport Uppercut (can do in air): F-F-LK
Straight Missile: F-F-LP
Heat Seeker: F-D-B-HP

Fatality (sweep): LP-R-R-BL
[Sektor's chest opens up to reveal a large crushing machine,
which then smashes the victim]
Fatality (over half screen): F-F-F-B-BL
[Sektor uses a flame thrower to incinerate his victim]
Animality (close): F-F-D-U
[Sektor morphs into a bat, which flies around and cuts off
the victim's head]
Friendship (half screen): R-R-R-D
[Sektor plays some bells]
Babality: B-D-D-D-HK
Stage: R-R-R-D

HP-HP-HK-HK-B+HK (26% 5-hit)
HP-HP-LP (18% 3-hit)
HK-HK-B+HK (19% 3-hit)
Teleport Uppercut-Jump Kick-Straight Missile (22% 3-hit)
HP-HP-LK-LP (??% 4-hit)
HP-HP-HK (??% 3-hit)
Heat Seeker-Teleport Uppercut-Run-LP-Straight Missile (??% 4-hit)



Arrow: D-B-LP
Hatchet Uppercut: D-F-HP
Shadow Shoulder: F-F-LK
Shield Aura (reflects missiles): B-B-B-HK

Fatality (close): U-U-B-F-BL
[Night Wolf summons the magic of his shaman to use the light
of the moon to disintegrate his victim]
Fatality (far): B-B-D-HP
[Night Wolf raises his axe to the heavens, it is struck by
lightning, and then he casts the lightning at his victim]
Animality (close): F-F-D-D
[Night Wolf morphs into a wolf and attacks his victim]
Friendship (anywhere outside sweep): R-R-R-D
[Nightwolf turns into Raiden and an MKII machine falls from
the sky]
Babality: F-B-F-B-LP
Stage: R-R-BL

LK-HP-HP-LP-Hatchet Uppercut-Hatchet Uppercut-HK (41% 7-hit)
HP-HP-LP-Hatchet Uppercut (??% 4-hit)
HP-HP-Hatchet Uppercut-HP-Shadow Shoulder (34% 5-hit)
HK-HK-HP-HP-LP-HK (??% 6-hit)
HP-HP-LP-LP (21% 4-hit)



Teleport Stomp: D-U
Ground Stomp: B-D-B-HK
Fireball: D-F-HP

Fatality (close): F-D-D-F-LP
[Sheeva pounds her victim into the ground with all four arms]
Fatality (close): Hold HK (B-F-F)
[Sheeva rips the skin off of her victim, leaving a bloody
Animality (close): R-BL-BL-BL-BL
[Sheeva turns into a scorpion and stings away]
Friendship: F-F-D-F-pause-HP (pause is for 1/2 second)
[Sheeva turns around and spins plates]
Babality: D-D-D-B-HK
Stage: D-F-D-F-LP

HP-HP-LP-HK-HK-LK-B+HK (42% 7-hit)
HP-HP-LP-F+HP (22% 4-hit)
LK-HK-HK-Leg Sweep (19% 4-hit)



Hat Throw: B-F-LP
Teleport: D-U
Dive Kick (in air): U-D-HK
Whirl Spin: F-D-F-R (tap R)

Fatality (anywhere): R-BL-R-BL-D
[Kung Lao begins to spin faster and faster, until his victim
is pulled into the spin and explodes]
Fatality (sweep): F-F-B-D-HP
[Kung Lao throws his hat at the victim, which hits him four
times, cutting a new part off each time]
Animality (close): R-R-R-R-BL
[Kung turns into a gut-eating leopard]
Friendship (over sweep): R-LP-R-LK
[Kung throws his hat and a poor dog goes after it]
Babality: D-F-F-HP
Stage: D-D-F-F-LK

HP-LP-HP-LP-LK-HK-B+HK (34% 7-hit)



Tornado Spin: B-F-LK
Eye Spark (can do in air): B-B-HP
Ground Saw: B-B-B-R

Fatality (outside sweep): D-D-B-F-BL
[Kabal removes his respirator and inflates his victim's head,
sending him/her floating off the screen before it bursts]
Fatality (close): R-BL-BL-BL-HK
[Kabal removes his mask, revealing a monstrous face. He looks
at his victim, who is then scared to death]
Animality (close): Hold HP (F-F-D-F)
[Kabal morphs into a rhinoceros skeleton and gores his
Friendship (anywhere except closer than sweep): R-LK-R-R-U
[Kabal roasts a marshmallow on his sword]
Babality: R-R-LK
Stage: BL-BL-HK

Jump Kick-Tornado Spin-Ground Saw-LK-LK-HP-HP-D+HP-Jump Kick-Eye Spark
(66% 10-hit)
Tornado Spin-Ground Saw-LK-LK-HP-HP-D+HP-Jump Kick-Eye Spark (56% 9-hit)
Jump kick-Tornado Spin-Ground Saw-LK-LK-HP-HP-D+HP-Jump Kick-Eye Spark
(45% 7-hit)
LK-LK-HP-HP-D+HP-Hop Kick-Eye Spark-Ground Saw (45% 7-hit without Ground Saw)
HP-HP-HK-HK-HK (25% 5-hit)
HP-HP-D+HP-Jump Kick-Eye Spark (??% 5-hit)
Tornado Spin-LK-LK-HP-HP-LP-Jump Kick-Eye Spark (??% 8-hit)
Run-LK-HP-HP-D+HP-Jump Kick(with Low Kick)-Eye Spark (??% 6-hit)
HP-HP-Crouch Punch-D+HP (??% 4-hit)


Section 7 : Kommand Prompt Kodes

666 Smoke Enabled
0666 Smoke Enabled and CPU is harder
1000000 Shao and Motaro Enabled in 2 player mode
831 Noob Saibot Mode (shadow mode)
1995 Invisiblity Mode
8000 Turbo Mode
603015 Slow-motion Mode
4862222 Block is Bad (when you block most of your energy will be lost)
9966 Mirror Mode
1111 Floating Mini-people Mode
54321 Miniature Mode
12345 Giant Mode
8888 Fat Mode
NOBLOOD Turns off blood until you turn it back on.
BLOOD Turns blood back on.
NOVIOLENCE Turns off fatalities until you turn it back on.
VIOLENCE Turns on fatalties. Blood must also be on for fatalities to work.


Section 8 : Kombat Kodes

On the VS screen (in 2 player mode), you can cycle through the 6 symbols by
hitting Low Punch, Block, and Low Kick on both sides. Cycle backwards by
hitting UP and the button. The numbers are the number of times you hit the

0 MK Dragon 5 Lightning Bolt
1 MK Logo 6 Goro
2 Yin-Yang 7 Raiden
3 Number three 8 Shao Kahn
4 Question Mark 9 Skull

Kombat Kodes

033á564áWinner of the first round fights Shao Kahn
969á141áWinner of the first round fights Motaro
769á342áWinner of the first round fights Noob Saibot
205á205áWinner of the first round fights Smoke
985á125áPsycho Kombat (Dark kombat, Randper kombat, no Blocking)
987á123áNo Power Bars
020á020áBlocking Disabled
100á100áThrowing Disabled
466á466áUnlimited Run
460á460áRandper Kombat
688á422áDark Kombat
642á468áGalaga (Game over for both players after playing)
707á000áPlayer 1 Quarter Energy
000á707áPlayer 2 Quarter Energy
033á000áPlayer 1 Half Energy
000á033áPlayer 2 Half Energy
239á494áSweeping Disabled
552á000áDouble Damage Player 1
000á552áDouble Damage Player 2
552á255áDouble Damage Both Players
101á000áHealing Enabled Player 1
000á101áHealing Enabled Player 2
303á303áHealing Enabled Both Players
978á243áHeavy Damage Both Players
334á000áHalf Damage Player 1
000á334áHalf Damage Player 2
334á433áHalf Damage Both Players
202á000áWeakning Enabled Player 1
000á202áWeakning Enabled Player 2
404á404áWeakning Enabled Both Players
972á297áTimer Disabled
978á243áShort Battle
348á279áHalf Time
987á666áHold flippers during casino run (Text)
282á282áNo fear = Ed button, Skydive, Max Countdown (Text)
123á926áThere is no knowledge that is not power (Text)


Random Select
Random select is Up-Punch while the default player is highlighted.


Section 9 : Informal Notes

The Rules of Kombat
The basic purpose of Mortal Kombat is to diminish all of your opponent's
energy before he diminishes yours. Each fight is best-of-3 rounds. If your
energy is equal to your opponent's and the time runs out, a draw is ruled.
Once a kombatant gains two victories, he may "Finish" his opponent by a
Fatality, Babality, Animality, Stage Fatality or he can make his opponent
his friend by a Friendship.
The Rule of Kombat -- Loser Pays, Winner Stays.

Forward/Back Directions
Forward refers to the direction toward your opponent and Back refers to the
direction away from your opponent. These depend on your position in the view
and is a standard way to list moves in fighting games.

The Block Button
The Block button was introduced by the first Mortal Kombat. It is used in
many special moves and finishers, and it lets your character to go into a
defensive position to minimize the amount of damage you'll take.

The Run Button
Mortal Kombat 3 has introduced a new button which is called the Run Button
for the purpose of speeding up the game play. Just like any other button, it
is also used to pull off special moves and finishers, but holding it while
pulling forward lets you run toward your opponent until your Run Meter
(under the energy bar) runs out.

Basic Moves
Basic moves are universal and relatively easier to pull off than special
moves. They are typically less damaging than special moves and usually less
impressive-looking, with a few exceptions. Basic moves are also useful in
Kombos during fights.

Special Moves
Special moves are specific to characters. They are generally harder to pull
off than basic moves, but are easy enough to perform that you can use them
as part of your offense during fights. Usually, special moves look more
impressive and do more damage than basic moves, and some of them can also be
used in Kombos.

Kombos refer to Combination Attacks. They are a linked sequence of attacks,
done without knocking the opponent to the ground and gives the opponent no
time in between hits to retaliate.

The first Mortal Kombat introduced the concept of finishers to the whole
genre. The first type of finishers were Fatalities and everyone in MK1 had
their own. The second type was originally referred to as "Pits", but have
come to be known as "Stage Fatalities", which make use of the current stage's
resources. Finishers can be performed when you have won the fight and
"Finish Him!" (or Her) is announced. Beginning with MKII, as a parody of the
original Fatality idea, new finishers like Friendships and Babalities were
created. In MK3 the new finishers introduced are Animalities.

Regular and Hidden Characters
Regular characters are the characters that can be chosen without the use of
any codes. They are available on the select screen by default. There are
a total of 14 regular characters in MK3. Hidden characters are ones who must
be unlocked via some sort of code. There is one hidden character in MK3
called Smoke (Cyber Ninja).

Kombat Kodes
Kombat Kodes are a standard way of entering cheat codes in MK3. They can
only be used for 2-player VS games and are entered at the VS screen using
the LP, BL and LK buttons of each controller. Each Kombat Kode consists of 6
digits. The 1st player's LP, BL, and LK buttons control boxes 1, 2, and 3,
while the 2nd player's LP, BL, and LK control boxes 4, 5, and 6.


Section 10 : Fighting Tricks

Fighting against Computer

Sub-Zero: Just freeze your opponent and hit him a roundhouse or a combo
which finishes with roundhouse. After that, freeze your opponent again and
go to the other side of your opponent and then hit him a roundhouse or a
combo which finishes with roundhouse. Repeat until your opponent is dead.

Shang Tsung: Just hit your opponent with a fireball and continue until
your opponent dies.

Cyrax: When your opponent comes within sweep range, throw a net and hit your
opponent with a sweep. After that, quickly throw a net again and do a sweep.
Continue until your opponent is dead.
(This can be done easily by tapping Back and Low Kick when your opponent
comes within sweep range)


Fighting against Motaro

General: Go to any corner and duck, when Motaro comes close to you, make
an uppercut to him. When he throws a fireball, block it.

General: Constantly do cross-over kicks followed by punishing Kombos. This
way, while effective is slightly difficult.

General: Trap the horse legged in the corner and keep the combo's rolling.
After you do a combo to him, he falls over. He stays in this fallen
position for about 1 second, enough time to start the combo over again.

General: Get his life lower than yours and then just stay a whole screen

Sheeva: Just keep doing your teleport stomp until Motaro dies.
(Note: Sheeva's teleport stomp is unblockable, so whether Motaro blocks it
or not, he is damaged)


Fighting against Shao Kahn

General: Go to the corner and duck. When Shao Kahn hits his shoulder butt,
make an uppercut to him quickly in responce.
Whenever Shao Kahn is laughing or taunting at you, hit him whatever you
want because he is vulnerable then.

Sheeva: Do a teleport stomp and if Shao Kahn blocks it, press block and
wait until you have enough time to hit Shao Kahn again with another teleport
stomp. During the round if Shao Kahn falls down, quickly do a teleport stomp,
that will always hit him. Repeat until Shao Kahn is dead.
(Note: Sheeva's teleport stomp is unblockable, so whether Shao Kahn blocks
it or not, he is damaged)

Liu Kang: Just hit Shao Kahn with a Low Fireball and continue until Shao Kahn
dies. Best if you start this trick while he is stunned.

Kabal: Just hit Shao Kahn with an Eye Spark and continue until Shao Kahn
dies. Best if you start this trick while he is stunned.


Fighting Human Opponents

General Tips : Play defensively. Always allow your opponent to make the first
move. When they do make a move, capitalize on their mistakes. Learn how to
retaliate effectively to take off the most damage.
Master close fighting. If you can handle an opponent at close range, this
will force them into jumping or long range attacks which you can counter.
Use a series of low punches, rounhouses, sweeps, crouching punches, and
crouching kicks to throw them off balance. Your opponent will always expect
you to throw jabs at them, but when you mix in a crouching punch or a
roundhouse, that will throw them off, and they will react hastily. Learning
how to block the throws properly (down + away) is also very important.
Never jump. Especially towards your opponent, it is very easy to retaliate
against. Stay on the ground as much as possible. Always walk towards your
opponent and engage them in close fighting.
Never use missile weapons at close- to mid-range. It is too easy to retaliate
against at close distance. At mid-distance, it is very easy to do a jump
kick over the missile weapon. Missle weapons at long distance is good of
Learn other tactics by watching or playing someone else. Learning by
experience is the best way to go, and you can pick up different strategies
that are not listed here.


Section 11 : Where to get this FAQ

The latest version of this FAQ can be found at these sites:

1. The Realm of Shao Kahn


Section 12 : Download The MK3 Demo

What is included in MK3 PC Demo:

- Playable characters: Jax and Sheeva
- Backgrounds: Church and the Rooftop
- Music: none
- No "mercy"
- No Jax's boot stomp fatality
- There are VS screen codes (like no block, no throws) that you can cycle
though in 2 player mode, but none of the known ones seem to work


You can download the MK3 PC Demo from these sites (6.42Mb):

- World Wide Web:


- FTP:


For more information check out Rat's MK3 PC Demo FAQ, it is located on:


Section 13 : Credits

The IceMaster =
Patrick McCarron =
Paul McElroy =

Game Over

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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