Simon the Sorcerer

Simon the Sorcerer

17.10.2013 03:57:36

FAQ/Walkthrough for



Author: Tom Hayes
E-mail: thayesguides(at)gmail(dot)com
System: PC
Updated: 2nd April, 2006
Version: 1.1


1. Introduction
2. Walkthrough
3. Item List
4. Copyright Information


1.1: 2nd Apr, 2006 (Format update)
1.0: 7th Jul, 2005 (First version)


1. Introduction


In another dimension, an evil wizard named Sordid is preparing to take over the
world, despite many of the world's greatest heroes and wizards trying to stop
him. Meanwhile on Earth, a teenager named Simon finds a spellbook. Reading it,
Simon is transported into a world of giants, goblins, the odd talking woodworm
and the wizard Sordid. Simon's mission is to travel to the fiery pits of Rondor
to defeat Sordid. Featuring a great style of humour to rival some of Lucasarts'
best, this is a very fun and lengthy adventure.


2. Walkthrough



The game starts in the cottage. Get the magnet from the fridge. Open the desk
drawer and get the scissors. Exit the cottage. East. Get the rope on the floor.
Get the clapper on the table. East. West. Get the ladder. Enter the house. Get
the cold remedy from the table. Get the specimen jar at the top of the steps.
Exit the house. East. East. East. Open the door and enter the bar. Get the
matches on top of the fruit machine. Use the scissors on the sleeping dwarf to
get the beard. Exit the bar. West. West to the forest.


East. East. Talk to the barbarian and say "What appears to be the problem?".
Say "Let's have a look at it then." to pull the thorn out. The barbarian will
give Simon a whistle. East. West. West. Talk to the wise owl and he will drop a
feather. Get the feather. East. East. North-east. East. Get the rock outside
the entrance to the mine. Look at the rock in the inventory. Wear the beard and
walk to the dwarf mine entrance. Say "Is it... Beer!" to the guard to enter the
mine. East. Use the feather on the left dwarf and then get the key on the
floor. Walk up the steps. Exit the mine. Walk up the path at the top-left
corner of the area. Get the paper on the ground. Use the map.


Open the door and enter the shop. Give the shopping list to the shopkeeper.
Exit the shop. Use the map.


East. East. Talk to the woodcutter and say "Down on your luck, mate?". Say "You
look like YOU need cheering up!". Say "Nonsense. It's never too late to be of
good cheer.". Say "What exactly is the problem?". Say "How can a tree be a
problem?". Say "What's so special about these trees?". Say "Why don't you just
go back to a normal forest?". Say "Why don't you just buy a magical axe?". Say
"I'll keep an eye out for some for you.". Say "Have you tried the dwarves?".
Say "Give me the metal detector and I'll have a look around." to receive the
metal detector. Use the map and select the village. West.


East. South. East. Walk to the middle of the area to talk to the woodworm. Say
"I was talking to the player, not you!". Say "I'd give you wood if I could, but
I can't so I won't.". Say "No. Of course not.". Say "How come you woodworm are
talking anyway?". Say "Look - I didn't mean to offend anyone.". Say "I'm sorry,
OK? How can I make it up to you?". Say "I'll just go and get some then.".
South. West. Use the handle on the well and then get the bucket of water. East.
East. East. East to the troll bridge.

Talk to the troll and say "What appears to be the problem here.". Say "What do
you want?". Say "Why are you unhappy?". Say "Why don't you just eat these two
now?". Say "You're scared of a billy goat???". Say "Fine, I'll go and get some
goat for you, OK?". Say "It's a magic whistle.". Get the placard on the bridge.
East. East. East. Talk to the oaf and say "What beans?". Say "Maybe they're dud
beans?". Say "Maybe you should water them?" to use the bucket of water on the
beans. West. Get the beans. Use the map.


North. North. West. North behind cottage. Use the beans on the compost. Get the
watermelon. Use the map.


North-west. Use the watermelon on the sousaphone to get the sousaphone. Use the


North-east. East. East. Open the door to enter the swampling's house. Say "Are
you some sort of Bogieperson?". Say "Awwww. Don't cry. I've come to see you.".
Say "OK. I'll give it a whirl.". Say "OK. Just one more bowl full.". Use the
specimen jar on the stew. Say "OK. Just one more bowl full.". Consume the stew.
When the swampling leaves the house, use the map.


North. Walk to the vines to climb down the cliff. Talk to Golum and select any
option. Say "What's with the fishing rod?". Say "Luckily I happen to have some
top quality, highly nutritious, swamp stew with me." to receive the ring. Climb
up the vines. West. South-east to the castle.


Use the clapper on the bell. Use the bell. Use the hair to climb up to the top
of the castle. Say "I've come to rescue you, sweet lady.". Say "Which witch
would that be?". Say "You still look damn stunning to me." to get the repulser.
Use the map.


Open the box to be taken to the goblin cave.


Open the box. Get the rat bone. Look at the boxes and get the spell book. Open
the spell book to find the paper. Use the paper on the door. Use the rat bone
on the lock. Get the paper to get the key. Use the key on the lock and then
open the door. East. Get the bucket. Walk down the steps. Get the mints near
the bars. Talk to the druid and say "I'm wearing a ring of invisibility.". Say
"What makes you think that?". Say "Look... let's be reasonable for a moment.".
Say "I'm sorry I spoke, OK? Good-bye.".

Remove the ring. Talk to the druid and say "See, I told you I wasn't evil.".
Say "How can I prove I'm innocent?". Say "Isn't there a slightly less painful
trial?". Say "To be perfectly honest... I am just a tad.". Say "OK - let's do
it!". Say "I dunno. Got any bright ideas?". Say "I can't see any way of getting
a full moon in here.". Use the bucket on the druid. Get the flaming brand and
use it on the druid to transform him into a frog. Open the iron maiden and
enter it to hide from the goblins. Open the iron maiden. Get the hacksaw from
the frog. Use the hacksaw on the bars. East.


East. North-east. East. East. East. East. East to the snowy area with the
wizard statue. Use the metal detector. East to the area with the sleeping
giant. Use the sousaphone in the inventory and the giant will knock down a
tree. East. East.


Enter the cave. The dragon will sneeze Simon out of the cave. Return to the
cave. Use the cold remedy on the dragon. Return to the cave. Get the fire
extinguisher. West. North-east. Get the rock. Use the map.


North. North. Give the rock to the blacksmith to get the fossil. East. West.
West. Use the repulser on the chocolate truffle door. Enter the house. Get the
smokebox from the shelf and the hat from the stand at the right side of the
room. Exit the house. Use the smokebox on the beehive and then get the wax from
the beehive. East. East. East. East. Enter the bar and talk to the barman. Say
"Mix me a Wet Wizard, barkeep.". Quickly use the wax on the beer barrel behind
the bar to get a beer voucher. Exit the bar and get the beer barrel. Use the


Wear the beard and walk to the dwarf mine entrance. Say "Is it... Beer!" to the
guard to enter the mine. Give the beer to the left dwarf to enter the beer
cellar. Walk up the steps. West. Get the hook. Use the key on the gold door and
then walk through the doorway. Say "I've come to make YOU an offer.". Say "I've
got something in my inventory that you want.". Give the beer voucher to the
dwarf. Say "Nice pile of gems you got there." to get the gem. East. Exit the
dwarf cave. West. Give the fossil to the hole. Say "It's in the Craggy Peaks. I
left my metal detector there.". Use the map.


North. Give the gem to the dodgy geezer and say "Don't make me laugh. I want at
least 40.". Say "It's an improvement... but still daylight robbery!". Say
"Sorry. I promised my associates I would get at least 20." to get twenty gold
coins. East. Enter the shop. Get the hammer and say "OK. Here you are." to buy
the hammer and the nail. Get the white spirit and say "OK. Here you are." to
buy the white spirit. Exit the shop. Use the map.


North-east. East. East. Enter the swampling's house. Move the chest. Open the
trapdoor and climb down the ladder. Try to walk east. Use the hammer on the
plank. East. Get the frogsbane. Use the map.


Use the hook on the boulder above the entrance to the cave. Walk to the boulder
to climb up the rope. Use the magnet on the rope in the inventory. Use the rope
& magnet on the hole three times to get all of the money from the cave. Climb
down the rope. Use the map.


West. Look at the dirt. Get the milrith ore from the dirt. Use the map.


North. North. Give the milrith ore to the blacksmith to get the axe head. Use
the map.


East. East. Give the axe head to the woodcutter. Enter the house. Get the
climbing pin. Use the fire extinguisher on the fireplace. Move the hook to
enter the basement. Get the mahogany on the shelf at the left side of the room.
Use the map. Select the village and walk west to the forest.


East. South. East. Talk to the tree stump to give the mahogany to the woodworm.
Use the map.


South-east. Use the hair to return to the room at the top of the castle. Use
the woodworm on the floorboards. Use the ladder on the hole. Down. Open the
tomb. Select any option when the mummy appears to exit the castle. East. Down.
Open the tomb and get the loose bandage at the back of the mummy. Get the
staff. Use the map.


North. West. Enter the house. Say "Just thought I'd pop in.". Say "That would
be nice, yes.". Say "OK. Hand it over.". Say "How did I know this was
coming...". Give the frogsbane to the frog to get the potion. Exit the house.
East. East. East. Enter the bar. East. Talk to the wizard and say "I'm looking
for some wizards. Know where I can find some?". Say "You have absolutely feeble
accents, fellas.". Say "Yep.". Say "When I move my mouse pointer over you it
says 'Wizards.'". Say "Do you know anything about this 'Sordid' geezer?". Talk
to the wizard again and say "I'll do anything to be a wizard.". Say "No
problem.". Give the staff to the wizard and select a name. Say "Pah! A piffling
30 gold pieces!". Give the gold coins to the wizard. Say "A STARTER pack?" to
receive the WizKid wallet. Say "Where's the door?". Use the map.


North-east. East. East. East. Talk to the tree. Say "That's amazing!". Say
"Speaking of which. I'm a powerful sorcerer.". Say "Do you know any magic?".
Say "What are they?". Say "That's terrible.". Say "OK. Sounds fair to me.". Use
the white spirit on the pink splodge to and then talk to the tree to learn the
magic words. Use the map.


Open the door twice to enter the cottage. Try to get the broom to meet the
witch. Say "I'm a wizard. I steal from who I want!". Say "OK. I'm game.". Say
"OK.", use the top three magic words to win the duel. When she transforms into
a dragon, say "Abracadabra!" and then quickly walk to the mouse hole to exit
the house. Use the map.


North-east. East. Use the climbing pin on the hole to climb up to the top of
the cliff. Consume the mints to melt the snowman. East. East. Try to walk
across the bridge. Use the broom to fly across the gap. Consume the potion to
enter the tower.


Get the leaf. Get the stone. Enter the bucket to get the matchstick. West. Get
the lily leaf to move it closer to the shore. Use the matchstick on the lily
leaf. Use the leaf on the matchstick. Get the seeds from the top-left corner of
the area. Use the seeds on the stone in the inventory to make oil. Sail to the
shore. Use the oil on the tap. Use the hair on the tap. West. Look at the water
and get the tadpole. Talk to the frog and say "Out of the way or the tadpole
gets it!". Get the mushroom and then consume it. Get a branch from the right
side of the tree. Open the door. East. Simon will exit the tower. Open the
door. East.


Use the branch on the chest. Get the shield and the spear. Down. Get the chest
at the right side of the bridge. Move the lever at the left side of the bridge.
Use the chest on the block above the lever. Move the lever twice and then get
the candles on the block. Use the spear on the skull near the top-left corner
of the room and then get the skull. Up. Up. Get the book on the cushion at the
right side of the room. Get the magic wand in front of the mirror. Get the
pouch on the bed. Get the sock on the floor. Use the pouch on the sock in the
inventory. Use the pouch on the hole in the steps to get the mouse. Up. Get the
book and the chemicals. Use the chemicals on the shield in the inventory. Use
the shield on the hook at the top of the steps. Down. Talk to the mirror and
say "Lah-de-dah. A talking mirror.". Say "Show me the laboratory on the top
floor, please.". Say "I want to spy on Gerald and Max.". Up.

Talk to the demons and say "Tact prevents me from passing comment.". Say "Why
are you irritated?". Say "I'm afraid not.". Talk to the demons and say "Why do
you stay here if you're dissatisfied?". Say "What's with this Sordid guy
anyway?". Say "Never fear, I - Simon - intend to stop him!". Say "Is there any
way to restore them?". Say "OK, I'm scared. Show me the door.". Say "Why won't
you tell me?". Say "What do you want?". Say "Look no further! I, Simon the
Sorcerer, will save you!". Say "Oh yeah!". Say "And what makes you think I'm
not a wizard, eh?". Say "Ha, foolish creatures. I'm travelling in disguise.".
Say "Right then, I'll just go and get prepared.". Look at the book from the
bookshelf in the inventory. Talk to the demons and say "Hello again.". Say
"I'll just draw a quick magic square on the floor.". Say "OK, we're all set.
Let's ROCK!". Look at the book from the cushion in the inventory. Walk to the
teleporter and say "The Firey Pits of Rondor please.".


Get the pebble and the sapling. Talk to the attendant. and say "I had no idea
this place was a tourist attraction." to get brochures. Say "No.". Say "It
looks absolutely awful to me anyway.". Look at the brochures in the inventory
to get the elastic band. Use the elastic band on the sapling in the inventory
to make the catapult. Use the catapult on the bell. Get the souvenir matches on
the counter. East. Get the floor wax at the right side of the bridge. East. Use
the magic wand on Sordid. Use the souvenir matches on the pits. Use the magic
wand on the lava to talk to Sordid. Select any speech option three times. East.
Use the floor wax on Sordid to complete the game.


3. Item List


Found by giving the milrith ore to the blacksmith in the village. It is given
to the woodcutter in the center of the forest.

Found by using the bucket of water on the beans in the forest. They are used
on the compost behind the cottage in the village.

Found by using the scissors on the sleeping dwarf in the pub in the village.
It is worn by Simon before entering the dwarf mine.

Found outside the bar in the village after using the wax on the beer barrel
in the bar. It is given to the dwarf in the dwarf mine.

Found in the bar in the village after using the wax on the beer barrel in the
bar. It is given to the dwarf in the dwarf mine.

Found on the cushion in the tower of doom. It is looked at in the inventory.

Found on the bookshelf at the top of the tower of doom. It is looked at in
the inventory.

Found on the tree in the tower of doom garden. It is used on the chest in the
tower of doom.

Found by talking to the attendant in the firey pits of Rondor. It is looked
at in the inventory to get the elastic band.

Found by winning duel in the witch's cottage. It is used at the entrance to
the tower of doom.

Found by using the bucket of water on the beans in the forest. It is not

Found in the goblin cave. It is used on the druid in the goblin cave.

Found by using the handle on the well outside the witch's cottage. It is used
on the beans in the forest to get the beans and the bucket.

Available at the start of the game. It is not used.

Found on the block in the tower of doom. They are used on the magic square in
the room with the demons.

Found by combining the elastic band with the sapling in the inventory. It is
used on the bell in the fiery pits of Rondor.

Found at the top of the tower of doom. They are combined with the shield in
the inventory.

Found at the right side of the bridge in the tower of doom. It is used on the
block in the tower of doom.

Found on the table near the blacksmith in the village. It is used on the bell
outside the castle.

Found in the woodcutter's house. It is used on the hole at the bottom of the
cliff near the dragon's cave.

Found in the house in the village. It is used on the dragon in the dragon's

Found by looking at the brochures in the inventory. It is combined with the
sapling in the inventory to get the catapult.

Found by talking to the wise owl in the forest. It is used on the dwarf in
the dwarf mine.

Found in the dragon's cave. It is used on the fireplace in the woodcutter's

Found in the goblin cave. It is used on the druid in the goblin cave.

Found at the right side of the bridge in the firey pits of Rondor. It is used
on Sordid.

Found by giving the rock to the blacksmith in the village. It is given to the
hole in the center of the forest.

Found on top of the skull below the swampling's house. It is given to the
frog in the house in the village to get the potion.

Found by talking to the dwarf about the gems after giving him the beer
voucher in the dwarf mine. It is given to the dodgy geezer in the village to
get the gold coins.

Found by giving the gem to the dodgy geezer in the village. They are used to
buy the hammer, nail and white spirit from the shop in the village. They are
given to the wizard in the bar in the village.

Found after hiding from the goblins in the goblin cave. It is used on the
bars in the goblin cave.

Found after entering the tower of doom. It is used on the tap in the tower of
doom garden.

Bought from the shop in the village. It is used on the plank below the
swampling's house.

Found in the house with the chocolate door in the village. It is not used.

Found in the dwarf mine. It is used on the boulder above the entrance to the
dragon's cave.

Found after using the feather on the dwarf in the dwarf mine. It is used on
the gold door in the dwarf mine.

After using the paper on the door and the rat bone on the lock in the goblin
cave, the key is found by getting the paper. It is used on the lock on the
door in the goblin cave.

Found outside the house in the village. It is used on the hole in the
floorboards in the castle.

Found in the tower of doom garden. It is used on the matchstick on the lily

Found in front of the mirror in the tower of doom. It is used on Sordid in
the fiery pits of Rondor.

Found on the fridge in the cottage in the village. It is combined with the
rope in the inventory to get the rope & magnet.

Found in the basement in the woodcutter's house. It is given to the woodworm
in the forest.

Available at the start of the game. It is used to travel to different

Found on top of the fruit machine in the bar in the village. They are not

Found by entering the bucket in the tower of doom garden. It is used on the
lily leaf.

Found by talking to the woodcutter in the center of the forest. It is used on
the snowy area with the wizard statue.

After telling the archaeologist about the metal detetector in the snowy area,
the milrith ore is found in the dirt in the snowy area. It is given to the
blacksmith in the village to get the axe head.

Found in the goblin cave. They are consumed at the top of the cliff to melt
the snowman.

Found by using the pouch on the hole in the steps in the tower of doom. It is
not used.

Found in the tower of doom garden. It is consumed.

Found after buying the hammer in the shop in the village. It is automatically
used when the hammer is used on the plank below the swampling's house.

Found by combining the seeds with the stone in the inventory. It is used on
the tap in the tower of doom garden.

Found by opening the spell book in the goblin cave. It is used on the door.
After the rat bone has been used on the door, the paper is found under the

Found in the fiery pits of Rondor. It is automatically used when the catapult
is used on the bell.

Found on the troll bridge after the troll falls into the water. It is not

Available at the start of the game. It is used to save, load and quit the

Found by giving the frogsbane to the frog in the house in the village. It is
consumed after crossing the bridge outside the tower of doom.

Found on the bed in the tower of doom. It is combined with the sock in the
inventory. It is used on the hole in the steps to get the mouse.

Found in the goblin cave. It is used on the lock on the door.

Found by talking to the woman in the castle. It is used on the chocolate
truffle door on the house in the village.

Found by giving the swamp stew to Golum at the bottom of the cliff at the
crossroads. It is automatically worn after entering the goblin cave.

Found outside the dwarf mine. It is looked at in the inventory to read the
password for the dwarf mine.

Found in the area north-east of the dragon's cave. It is given to the
blacksmith in the village to get the fossil.

Found on the floor near the blacksmith in the village. It is combined with
the magnet in the inventory to get the rope & magnet.

Found by combining the rope with the magnet in the inventory. It is used on
the hole above the dragon's cave.

Found in the fiery pits of Rondor. It is combined with the elastic band in
the inventory to get the catapult.

Found in the desk drawer in the cottage in the village. It is used on the
sleeping dwarf in the bar to get the beard.

Found in the tower of doom garden. They are combined with the stone in the
inventory to get the oil.

Found in the room with the chest in the tower of doom. It is combined with
the chemicals in the inventory. It is used on the hook at the top of the

Found on the ground north-west of the dwarf mine. It is given to the
shopkeeper in the shop in the village.

Found by using the spear on the skull in the tower of doom. It is not used.

Found in the house with the chocolate door in the village. It is used on the
beehive outside the house.

Found on the floor in the tower of doom. It is combined with the pouch in the

Found by using the watermelon on the man playing the sousaphone in the area
north-west of the troll bridge. It is used in the area with the sleeping

Found on the counter in the firey pits of Rondor. They are used on the pits.

Found in the room with the chest in the tower of doom. It is used on the

Found in the house in the village. It is used on the stew in the swampling's

Found by looking at the boxes in the goblin cave. It is opened to get the

Found after using the loose bandage on the mummy in the castle basement. It
is given to the wizard in the bar in the village.

Found in the tower of doom garden. It is combined with the seeds in the
inventory to get the oil.

Found by looking at the pool in the tower of doom garden. It is not used.

Found by using the beans on the compost behind the cottage in the village. It
is used on the sousaphone in the area north-west of the troll bridge.

Found by opening the tomb in the castle. It is not used.

Found by pulling the thorn out of the barbarian's foot. It is used after
talking to the troll at the troll bridge.

Bought from the shop in the village. It is used on the pink splodge on the
tree near the dragon's cave.

Found after giving the staff and the gold coins to the wizard in the bar in
the village. It is not used.

Found by giving the mahogany to the woodworm on the stump in the forest. They
are used on the floorboards in the castle.


4. Copyright Information


This document is Copyright 2005-2006 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in
any form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is
not affiliated with the creators of this game in any way. The latest version of
this document can be found at
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