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Game: Mafia
Platform(s): PC, PS2, Xbox (See Note 3)
Author: Bloviator
Contact: aapmcm2 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Guide Type: General FAQ/Walkthrough
Guide version: 2.0
Last Updated: 2/20/06

| Please read all 4 notes before continuing with the rest of this guide |

Note 1:


The 79 characters above should all line up on a single line. If they do not,
you may have trouble reading this guide, as line breaks and spacing may look
odd. Open this document in notepad, wordpad, or a similar program, go to
Format-Font, and make sure that you are using Courier New, font size 10.

Note 2:

Regardless of where you are viewing this guide from, please visit
This website will have the most current and up to date version of my guide that
is available. That way, you can stay constant with the updates (as some
secondary hosts don't update very frequently) and we can be on the same page if
you don't understand something in the guide.

Note 3:

Mafia was originally created for the PC. Shortly thereafter, console
versions were made for the Xbox and PlayStation 2. While the main substance of
the game was almost completely unchanged, certain specific details were
modified, added, or deleted. Because of this, you should be able to read this
guide and use its information to help or inform about Mafia, regardless of
what system you're playing on. However, there may be certain minor
discrepancies between this guide and your game if you are playing on the Xbox
or PlayStation 2 versions. If you are playing Mafia on the PS2 or Xbox, please
go to the "PC vs. Console Differences" Section under "Basic Game Information"
to eliminate whatever discrepancies and confusions there may be. However, let
me reiterate:


Note 4:

This guide contains "spoilers", "secrets", "given away plot twists",
etc. While most sections other than the main walkthrough are spoiler-free, I
cannot guarantee this. Do not read ahead to information of characters, cars,
missions, etc. that you have not yet met/obtained/completed if you care about
avoiding spoilers.

****************************** C O N T E N T S ********************************

Given the size of this guide, locating specific sections can be difficult. To
facilitate this, I've made shortcuts for each major and minor section in the
guide. On the right of each section in the contents, there will be a small
code in brackets. Press Ctrl F, and copy this code (brackets included) into
the find menu. This will instantly take you to the desired section.

In addition, to the right of these brackets, there may be the phrase "More
Coming," or "Coming Soon" (only in the expanded Table of Contents). The former
indicates that the section is already somewhat developed, but significant
changes or additions will be implemented in the future. The latter indicates
that the section has yet to be written at all, but will be created some time in
the future.

- Condensed Table of Contents -
(Main Sections Only, No Sub-Sections)

I- Legal..............................................[01-LEG]
II- Introduction.......................................[02-INT]
III- Basic Game Information.............................[03-BGI]
IV- Review.............................................[04-REV]
V- Default Control Setup..............................[05-DCS]
VI- Characters.........................................[06-CHA]
VII- Weapons............................................[07-WEA]
VIII- Cars...............................................[08-CAR]
IX- The City of Lost Heaven............................[09-CLH]
X- General Game tips and strategies...................[10-GTS]
XI- Mission Walkthroughs...............................[11-MWT]
XII- Freeride...........................................[12-FRR]
XIII- Freeride Extreme...................................[13-FRE]
XIV- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)...................[14-FAQ]
XV- Miscellaneous (Easter Eggs, Bugs, Cheats, etc.)....[15-MIS]
XVI- Contributions and Contact..........................[16-CON]
XVII- Revision/Update History............................[17-RUH]
XVIII- Coming Soon........................................[18-COS]
XIX- Credits............................................[19-CRE]
XX- Random Statistics (of this guide)..................[20-RST]
XXI- Closing Statement..................................[21-CLO]

- Expanded Table of Contents -
(Main Sections, Sub-Sections, Notes, etc.)

I- Legal..............................................[01-LEG]

II- Introduction.......................................[02-INT]

III- Basic Game Information.............................[03-BGI]
i. System Requirements.....................[03-REQ]
ii. PC vs. Console Differences..............[03-DIF]

IV- Review.............................................[04-REV] More Coming
i. PC Version Reviews......................[04-PCR]
ii. PS2 Version Reviews.....................[04-PS2]
iii. Xbox Version Reviews....................[04-BOX]

V- Default Control Setup..............................[05-DCS]
i. PC Controls.............................[05-PCC]
ii. PS2 Controls............................[05-PS2]
iii. Xbox Controls...........................[05-BOX]

VI- Characters.........................................[06-CHA]
i. Major Characters........................[06-MAC]
ii. Minor Characters........................[06-MIC]

VII- Weapons............................................[07-WEA]
i. Melee Weapons...........................[07-MEL]
ii. Pistols.................................[07-PIS]
iii. Shotguns................................[07-SHO]
iv. Rifles..................................[07-RIF]
v. Throwable Weapons.......................[07-THR]

VIII- Cars...............................................[08-CAR] More Coming
i. Bolt....................................[08-BOL]
ii. Schubert................................[08-SCH]
iii. Falconer................................[08-FAL]
iv. Crusader................................[08-CRU]
v. Guardian................................[08-GUA]
vi. Thor....................................[08-THO] Coming Soon
vii. Lassiter................................[08-LAS] Coming Soon
viii. Ulver...................................[08-ULV]
ix. Wright..................................[08-WRI] Coming Soon
x. Silver Fletcher.........................[08-SIL]
xi. Bruno...................................[08-BRU] Coming Soon
xii. Celeste.................................[08-CEL] Coming Soon
xiii. Trautenberg.............................[08-TRA] Coming Soon
xiv. Brubaker................................[08-BRU] Coming Soon
xv. Caesar..................................[08-CAE] Coming Soon
xvi. Carrozella..............................[08-ZEL] Coming Soon
xvii. Others..................................[08-OTH]
xviii. Prototypes..............................[08-PRO] Coming Soon

IX- The City of Lost Heaven............................[09-CLH]
i. Regions/Neighborhoods...................[09-REG]
ii. Specific Locations......................[09-SPL]

X- General Game tips and strategies...................[10-GTS] More Coming
i. Cars....................................[10-CAR]
ii. Public Transportation...................[10-PUB]
iii. The Police..............................[10-POL]
iv. Wielding Weapons Effectively............[10-WWE]

XI- Mission Walkthroughs...............................[11-MWT]
i. Mission "0" [Tutorial]..................[11-TUT]
ii. Intro...................................[11-INT]
iii. Prologue................................[11-PRO]
iv. Mission 1 - An Offer You Can't Refuse...[11-OFF]
v. Mission 2 - The Running Man.............[11-RUN]
vi. Mission 3 - Molotov Party...............[11-MOL]
vii. Mission 4 - Ordinary Routine............[11-ORD]
viii. Intermezzo 1............................[11-IM1]
ix. Mission 5 - Fairplay....................[11-FA1]
x. Mission 6 - Fairplay [Part 2: The Race].[11-FA2]
xi. Mission 7 -
a. Sarah............................[11-SAR]
b. Better Get Used To It............[11-BGU]
xii. Mission 8 -
a. The Whore........................[11-WHO]
b. The Priest.......................[11-PRI]
xiii. Intermezzo 2............................[11-IM2] Coming Soon
xiv. Mission 9 - A Trip To The Country.......[11-TTC]
xv. Mission 10 - Omerta.....................[11-OME]
xvi. Mission 11 - Visiting Rich People.......[11-VRP]
xvii. Mission 12 - A Great Deal! .............[11-GD!]
xviii Intermezzo 3............................[11-IM3] Coming Soon
xix. Mission 13 - Bon Appetit! ..............[11-BA!]
xx. Mission 14 - Happy Birthday! ...........[11-HB!]
xxi. Mission 15 - You Lucky Bastard! ........[11-LB!]
xxii. Mission 16 - Creme De La Creme..........[11-CDC]
xxiii. Intermezzo 4............................[11-IM4] Coming Soon
xxiv. Mission 17 - Election Campaign..........[11-ELC] Coming Soon
xxv. Mission 18 - Just For Relaxation........[11-JFR] Coming Soon
xxvi. Mission 19 - Moonlighting...............[11-MOO] Coming Soon
xxvii. Mission 20 - The Death Of Art...........[11-DOA] Coming Soon
xxviii. Epilogue................................[11-EPI] Coming Soon

XII- Freeride...........................................[12-FRR]
i. Options.................................[12-OPT]
ii. Objectives..............................[12-OBJ]
iii. Hidden Cars.............................[12-HFC]

XIII- Freeride Extreme...................................[13-FRE] Coming Soon

XIV- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)...................[14-FAQ] More Coming
i. Game Related Questions..................[14-GRQ]
ii. Author Related Questions................[14-ARQ]
iii. Official FAQ............................[14-OFF]

XV- Miscellaneous......................................[15-MIS] More Coming
i. Reader Submitted Information............[15-RSI]
ii. Condensed Mission Walkthroughs..........[15-CMW]
iii. Easter Eggs, Cheats, Bugs, etc..........[15-EGG] More Coming
iv. Real Car Names..........................[15-RCN]
v. Instruction Manual......................[15-MAN]
vi. Developer's Diary.......................[15-DEV]

XVI- Contributions and Contact..........................[16-CON]

XVII- Revision/Update History............................[17-RUH]

XVIII- Coming Soon........................................[18-COS]

XIX- Credits............................................[19-CRE]

XX- Random Statistics (of this guide)..................[20-RST]

XXI- Closing Statement..................................[21-CLO]


********************************** L E G A L **********************************

This guide is copyrighted by Harold Palms as of the years 2005-2006. It is
to all federal and international copyright laws. Under the United States
Copyright Act of 1976 and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998, as a
published work, this guide cannot be sold, re-printed, given away, or
displayed without express permission of the author, regardless of the
involvement, or lack thereof of money or funds of any kind. Even in a
situation of public viewing without any charge, the author must be consulted
in order for it to legally be given out. This guide cannot be posted on a
personal website, or transferred to another user without permission of the
author. Any reader who finds this guide is legally permitted to read, print
out, or save a copy of this guide. Said reader is not permitted to sell,
alter, or display this guide without the author's express permission, nor are
they permitted to accredit any part or the entirety of the guide as their own
(stealing/plagiarism). Anyone who disobeys or breaches the copyright laws that
apply to this guide will be persecuted to the full extent of the law.

External links to this guide are allowed, but only if they link to a site
where this guide has been verified to legally reside. Thus far, the only
websites where this guide can legally be found are:

If you find this guide on any other site, please contact the author
immediately. Check the most recent version to verify, as more sites may be
added to this list. The most recent version of this guide can be found at The author cannot guarantee that a version of this guide on
any of the other permitted hosts will be the most recent and up to date
version. Also, anyone who attempts to place this guide on a site where it has
not been allowed is subject to legal action under the Digital Millennium
Copyright Act. If you would like to have this guide hosted or displayed on your
website, please direct an e-mail to the author. The e-mail address can be found
on line #52 of this document, as well as at the end of the Contributions and
Contact section.

Any material used in this guide that has come from an outside source will be
fully credited, and remain in an unaltered state from that which it was found.
If any outside information appears in this guide that the author of said
information does not permit, allow or desire, please have said author contact
this author, and the information will be removed immediately, with priority
above all else.

In addition, the author takes no responsibility for any actions that result
from reading this guide. This guide contains "spoilers", "secrets", "given
away plot twists", etc. While most sections other than the main walkthrough
are spoiler-free, the author cannot guarantee this. The reader should not read
ahead to information of characters, cars, missions, etc. that the reader has
not yet met/obtained/completed if they care about avoiding spoilers. The author
cannot be held liable for any discontent on the reader's part due to spoilers
or secrets that "ruined the story." All of the views and opinions expressed
within this guide apply only to the game to which it refers. None of the
actions that may be suggested can or should be applied to any situation outside
of the game. The author does not condone objectionable or illegal material or
activities presented in the game "Mafia", including, but not limited to:
violence, extortion, homicide, rape, profanity, and establishing any connection
to organized crime. Essentially, the author can take no responsibility, nor be
held liable if the reader chooses to perform any action described or portrayed
in the game "Mafia" or in this guide. The author is not responsible or liable
for anything that may happen as a result of reading this guide.

Copyright (C) 2005-2006 by Harold Palms


*************************** I N T R O D U C T I O N ***************************

Hello there dear reader. My name is Bloviator, and it is my pleasure to guide
you through the wonderful gaming experience that is Mafia. Whether you're a
hardcore gamer who considers yourself "1337", a less experienced person who
needs some help with this game, or simply a cat who brought up this guide
because you walked on the keyboard, I've provided my services to inform you
about and help you with the game "Mafia." Though I have written numerous
guides, help files, tips, and walkthroughs, this is the first that I have
chosen to submit to an online database. As you can probably tell, my guide is
rather large, especially compared to the other guides for Mafia that are
available online. Despite my name, I try to bloviate as little as possible,
but still present as much information as I can. As you read through this
guide, you will find just how in-depth some of my walkthroughs can be.

While nowhere near finished, this guide should be able to give you very
specific instructions on what you can, and should do throughout this game. You
may want to follow every word written here, or you may simply want a few tips
for a specific mission. I've tried to make this guide capable of accommodating
all players, regardless of play style. However, you may notice that some
aspects of this guide may seem somewhat basic. Again, I'm writing this in such
a manner that anyone, whether a hardcore gamer, or someone who has never
played a videogame before, can fully experience and enjoy this game.

As you probably know, Mafia is a stupendous game, and an amazing cinematic
experience. From either reading the box, or reading or hearing about it from
someone, you're most likely already aware of just how incredible this game is.
Just sit back and play the game, and let me take you on a journey where you
can experience the tale of Mafia unfold before you.

Note: Mafia was originally created for the PC. Shortly thereafter, console
versions were made for the Xbox and PlayStation 2. While the main substance of
the game was almost completely unchanged, certain specific details were
modified, added, or deleted. Because of this, you should be able to read this
guide and use its information to help or inform about Mafia, regardless of
what system you're playing on. However, there may be certain minor
discrepancies between this guide and your game if you are playing on the Xbox
or PlayStation 2 versions. Please e-mail me if you see such a discrepancy that
you don't believe is simply one of the changes made to the console versions.
I'd be happy to check with my game to verify. If you're running Mafia on the
PC and have discrepancies, please contact me, as this couldn't be the result
of console changes, and could easily be a major error that I need to correct.

Note 2: This guide contains "spoilers", "secrets", "given away plot twists",
etc. While most sections other than the main walkthrough are spoiler-free, I
cannot guarantee this. Do not read ahead to information of characters, cars,
missions, etc. that you have not yet met/obtained/completed if you care about
avoiding spoilers.

Note 3: I ran Mafia on the English version 1.2. I'd highly advise you to
download and install either the 1.1 or 1.2 patch, as this will fix the few
problems Mafia had to begin with, along with clarifying points with this guide
(for example, the difficulty adjustment added for "Fairplay.")

I've made an effort to present all the information I can, while still giving
you the opportunity to do practically anything in this amazing game. I hope
reading this guide allows you to enjoy Mafia to its fullest. It's certainly
been a pleasure for me.



***************** B A S I C G A M E I N F O R M A T I O N *****************

Game Name: Mafia
System: PC (Also Playstation 2 and Xbox)
Category/Genre: (Historical) Action, 3rd person shooter
ESRB Rating: M-Mature (17 +) for Blood and Violence
Developer: Illusion Softworks
Publisher: G.O.D. (Gathering of Developers) Games - Part of Take-Two Games
Maximum Players: 1

- System Requirements -

Operating System (OS): Windows 98 or higher

500 MHz Pentium III or AMD Athlon processor
96 MB of ram
16x CD or DVD ROM drive
1.8 GH of free hard disk space
32 MB video card with DirectX 8.1 compatible drivers
DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card
Microsoft compatible keyboard and mouse

700+ MHz Pentium III or AMD Athlon processor
128+ MB of RAM
32x CD or DVD ROM drive
1.8 GB of free hard disk space
64 MB video card with DirectX 8.1 compatible drivers
DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card with surround sound support
Microsoft compatible keyboard and mouse


- PC vs. Console Differences -

As an introduction, I think I'll just use the same note from before. Mafia was
originally created for the PC. Shortly thereafter, console versions were made
for the Xbox and PlayStation 2. While the main substance of the game was
almost completely unchanged, certain specific details were modified, added, or
deleted. Because of this, you should be able to read this guide and use its
information to help or inform about Mafia, regardless of what system you're
playing on. However, there may be certain minor discrepancies between this
guide and your game if you are playing on the Xbox or PlayStation 2 versions.
Feel free to contact me about these alteration and differences between the
versions. However, let me reiterate:


This section was designed to list the differences between the PC and console
versions, so as to eliminate the gray area between known discrepancy and
unknown mystery. I own the PC version of Mafia only. Therefore, I am only
capable of adding information to this section that I have verified with people
who own either the PS2 or Xbox version.

I would greatly appreciate any contribution to this section, especially from
someone who has both versions, or at least the console version. Go to the
"Contributions and Contact" section to see how to contribute.

-Control differences: The PS2, Xbox, and PC versions all have different
control setups, as they don't have the same buttons.

-In the console versions, large green arrows may be hanging over, and pointing
to, important characters (e.g. Big Biff in Chinatown)

-The ingame map is slightly different in the PS2 and Xbox versions, and you
can zoom in and out.

-The extra health cabinet that appears on Lucas Bertone's wall appears in
earlier missions (such as "Omerta") in the PS2 and Xbox versions than in the
PC version

-There is a Race Mode in the PS2 and Xbox versions that is unlocked after
beating the main game. This takes the place of the "Freeride Extreme" of the PC
version, since FRE is NOT present in the console versions. Also, there is no
"Race Mode" in the PC version.

-This is important, especially for this guide. All 3 versions have the same
missions, but they are organized differently. Since this guide was written for
I write that something is in mission #11, that means "Visiting Rich People",
NOT "A Trip To The Country."

Mission Listing:

| PC: | PS2/Xbox |
| 1. An Offer You Can't Refuse | 1. An Offer You Can't Refuse |
| 2. The Running Man | 2. Taxi Driver (1st part of PC's |
| | "The Running Man") |
| 3. Molotov Party | 3. The Running Man |
| 4. Ordinary Routine | 4. Molotov Party |
| 5. Fairplay [Part 1] | 5. Ordinary Routine |
| 6. Fairplay [Part 2] | 6. Fairplay |
| 7. (a)Sarah, (b)Better Get Used To It | 7. Raceday (same as PC's "Fairplay|
| | [Part 2]") |
| 8. (a)The Whore, (b) The Priest | 8. Sarah |
| 9. A Trip To The Country | 9. Better Get Used To It |
| 10. Omerta | 10. The Whore (includes PC's "The |
| | Priest") |
| 11. Visiting Rich People | 11. A Trip To The Country |
| 12. A Great Deal! | 12. Omerta |
| 13. Bon Appetit! | 13. Visiting Rich People |
| 14. Happy Birthday! | 14. A Great Deal! |
| 15. You Lucky Bastard! | 15. Buon Appetite! (Same as PC's |
| | "Bon Appetit!" It's just |
| | spelled differently) |
| 16. Creme De La Creme | 16. Happy Birthday! |
| 17. Election Campaign | 17. You Lucky Bastard! |
| 18. Just For Relaxation | 18. Creme De La Creme |
| 19. Moonlighting | 19. Election Campaign |
| 20. The Death Of Art | 20. Just For Relaxation |
| | 21. Moonlighting |
| | 22. The Death Of Art |

********************************* R E V I E W *********************************

My personal review of the game Mafia will be written soon. However, until that
time, I hope that these other excellent reviews can shed some light onto this
spectacular game. These reviews all appear here, simply to give you additional
information about the game. Also, if you are reading this, and haven't
purchased the game, let these reviews stand as examples for why you should or
shouldn't buy it. As this guide was created and is maintained under non-profit
criteria, I have listed these reviews, even ones that were written by
commercial businesses. If the reviewer, or any official from their company
opposes my use of their review in this guide, please e-mail me, and it will be
removed immediately.
Another note is that both the gamespot and ign reviews are almost identical for
the PS2 and Xbox versions. It looks like they just changed every instance of
"PS2" or "Xbox." Still, I've included them all to give you a wider selection,
even if they're not all that different.

- PC Version Reviews -

These Reviews cover the PC version of Mafia. They demonstrate the generally
agreed upon statement that the PC version is the best of the three versions.

- PC Gamer Review -

PC Gamer Review: (Quoted verbatim from the review by Bert Salkmoor, PC Gamer
reviewer in the December 2002 (Volume 9, Number 12) issue (pages 90 and 91).
PC Gamer is a member of Future Networks.)(A copy of this review (minus all but
one picture) can be found here:


When this disk hits your drive like a big pizza pie, that's amore

Organized crime has inspired some of the best films and television shows ever
made - the Godfather trilogy, GoodFellas, and The Sopranos, to name just a
few. We've been waiting patiently for eons to play a PC game that really took
full advantage of this fascinating and action-packed atmosphere.

Thanks to Illusion Softworks (the Czech Republic developer responsible for
Hidden & Dangerous), that time has come. Mafia: City of Lost Heaven is a
fantastic game, as well as a firsthand look at what it might have been like to
be a "made man" back in the "glory" days of the 1930s.

You play the role of Tommy Angelo, who, after a life spent working for the
Salieri family, decides to "flip" (mob-speak for becoming a traitor and
working with the law to bring down your former associates) when he's ordered
to kill some friends. Told as a series of flashbacks, the 20 missions of the
campaign offer an amazing array of tasks to accomplish, ranging from stealthy
assassinations to intense shootouts to competing in an auto race. Grand Theft
Auto III is definitely a major influence on the game design, and always for
the better.

The biggest complaint that most players will have with Mafia is that you must
get yourself to wherever your mob-designated assignment is taking place. So
you'll have to drive to and fro, making sure all the while that you obey
traffic laws, as one slip-up means game over when you're pulled over by cops.
This method may be realistic and can even be construed as a gameplay
challenge, but an option to zip to the beginning of the action sequences would
have been much appreciated.

Mafia's technical aspects are among the best in the business. It's rare in
this day and age to be truly impressed by a game's graphics, but a lot of your
early game time will be spent just marveling at the scenery. Those just
scraping by with the minimum system requirements will still get a gorgeous, if
somewhat sluggish, experience, but if you've been looking for an excuse to
upgrade your video card, here's an excellent one. Most of the vehicles (more
than 60 are eventually available) look like they were imported via time
machine, and the texture-mapping of peoples' faces is outstanding. (There are
no "faccia brutas" in this game.)

The soundtrack is filled with sounds of the era, and though some of the voice-
acting can be charitably classified as "merely acceptable," the overall effect
of music and speech pulls you further into the game's alternate reality. Cut-
scenes between missions are movie-like in their presentation, the camera is
almost always in a good position, and, for me, the game was refreshingly
crash-free throughout. The one fly in the antipasto is that even on the
burliest machines, the graphics at the far horizon tend to "pop in" a little
too noticeably. It's not disastrous, but with other details so stunning, this
hiccup can be somewhat distracting.

Backing up the sights and sounds is some of the best third-person action
gaming since Grand Theft Auto III. Yes, the comparisons are valid, but only to
a point: Mafia is much more focused on its story and, in turn, is more linear
than GTA III. That's not a bad thing, as the result is a more structured form
of storytelling, but keep it in mind if you think GTA III's open-ended style
is the model for all future action gaming.

Mafia also has a separate Free Ride mode, which offers a chance to explore the
city at your own pace. This mode lets you adjust the amount of traffic, the
number of people walking the streets, and how long the arm of the law will be.
Completing the campaign opens up more options, including Free Ride Extreme.
Here you completely rid yourself of the pesky police force, and open the
opportunity to gain further vehicles by completing odd-job tasks. While it's
nowhere near as fun as the campaign (or GTA III, for that matter), this
loosening of the belt is a good bonus, and just adds another checkmark to the
positive side of the ledger.

Most of those negative checkmarks come from Mafia's dedication to realism. In
addition to the driving requirement, another vehicle-related issue is that the
cars are incredibly true to their real-life 1930s counterparts, meaning that
most of them pretty much suck. Forget about high-speed chases - you'll be
lucky if you can even get these babies started the first few times you turn
the key! A few of the missions also seem a little too scripted, in that they
don't reward you for thinking outside the box because events need to proceed a
specific way to set the stage for later actions. Finally, you get a fairly
generous but still limited save-game system that may frustrate some players
during the more difficult missions.

None of these complaints, though, takes away from the fact that Mafia is one
of the more entertaining and impressively designed games to hit the PC in a
while. Should you buy a copy right away? Fuhgeddaboutit!
- Bert Salkmoor


HIGHS: Extremely high production values; interesting and varied missions;
tells a great story.

LOWS: May be a bit too realistic; some irritating voice-acting; may be too
linear for some GTA III fans.

BOTTOM LINE: The combinations of story, gameplay, and razzle-dazzle won't


(Here are the picture captions that appeared in the review, but not in the
main text body of it)

All part of the compelling story: On a routine protection-money pickup,
Paulie, your partner, winds up on the wrong end of a bullet, proving you're
not the only bad guys in town."

"In some missions, you'll have to rely on your fellow gangsters to help you
out of tough spots."

"Reloading your weapon plays a big role in gunfights. Running low on bullets
is not recommended."

"The Salieri family doesn't like what this politician has to say, and has sent
you to shut him up."

"I don't think the cops will be retrieving any fingerprints from this crime

"The cut scenes are so well done, it's like getting to star in your very own
Hollywood gangster film."

"Excellent physics modeling means everything behaves authentically - even your
spent shells."

"The lighting effects are outstanding, raising the graphics from merely great
to out of this world."

"The cars are incredibly realistic (and beautiful), right down to their
pitifully underpowered engines."


- Computer Gaming World Review -

This review has been taken verbatim from the May 9th, 2004 review by Tom Price.
A transcript of the review can be found here:

"The line between games and movies and their relative abilities to artfully
tell a complex story that involves participants or viewers emotionally is
becoming more and more blurred. Mafia is the latest piece of interactive
entertainment to achieve the level of art that a good movie is capable of.
Unfortunately, it succeeds more at that than it does at being a fun or engaging

Mafia tells the story of Tommy Angelo, a taxi driver in the city of Lost Heaven
who gets caught up with big-time mafioso Don Salieri in the early 1930s. Tommy
tells most of the story in flashback from 1938 as he rats out the family to a
police detective. The narrative style is very cinematic and comes across well
thanks to solid writing. And the writers put some mature thought into the moral
choices that would have to be made by someone in Tommy's position.

Even though the two games are fundamentally different, it's difficult to avoid
comparing Mafia with Grand Theft Auto III. Both games involve you taking on the
role of an underworld thug who is being given assignments by mob kingpins; both
have you driving around a large, open city and occasionally getting out of the
car to give someone a beatdown.

From there, the similarities come to a halt. For one, the games' structures are
different. Where GTA III is completely open-ended, Mafia follows a more
traditional design of static missions interspersed with cut-scenes. I'm not
making a judgment call on the relative merits of those two different gameplay
designs; linear missions can be fine, as long as they are consistently
entertaining. Unfortunately, Mafia's are not. The game's first mission has you
careening through the streets in your cab as your fares return fire at the
rival gangsters chasing them, which is pretty exciting. But the very next
mission has you acting as a cabbie, driving passengers in your taxi from one
part of town to the next. It's not until four or five missions into the game
that you even get to shoot anything. The pacing seems a little off in this
game, and to compound the issue, there's no in-mission save.

What Mafia does have going for it is style, and it has that in spades. The
entire look and feel of the game is spot-on for the 1930s (not that I'm old
enough to speak from personal experience-I'll have to ask Jeff Green). The
cars, while not representations of actual makes and models, look great and
handle as they should. The scenery, the clothes, and especially the music
(which is chock-full of depression-era jazz classics from Louis Prima, Louis
Jordan, and Django Reinhardt) help to create a mood and feel that evoke classic
movies about the era like Godfather II or Once Upon a Time in America.

The experience of playing Mafia is a good one, but this reviewer felt like it
could have been better. Throw in a save-anywhere feature, utilize more of the
city and countryside for the missions, and get rid of the slow parts and you'd
have a certified classic. Instead, what you've got is an offer that's quite
able to be refused."


- Gamespot Review -

Gamespot Review: (Quoted verbatim from the review by Erik Wolpaw in his
Gamespot review on September 4th, 2002. Gamespot is owned by CNET. A complete
copy of this review can be found here: and here:

"Gamespot Score

9.3 Superb

Gameplay 9
Graphics 10
Sound 9
Value 8
Tilt 10


Difficulty: Hard
Learning Curve: About a half hour
Stability: Stable
Version: Retail

Between Swedish developer Digital Illusions' upcoming World War II shooter
Battlefield 1942 and Czech Republic-based Illusion Softworks' newly available
Mafia, September's turning out to be a banner month for great driving-shooting
hybrids from European companies with the word "illusion" in their name.
Arriving without much prerelease hype, Mafia is a highly engaging combination
of the driving and living-city elements of Grand Theft Auto III and the story-
driven third-person shooting action of Max Payne. What's more, it isn't
plagued by the litany of problems usually associated with ambitious games from
small development houses. Mafia looks and sounds great, it's exciting, it's
suitably bug-free, and, at a time when eight hours is becoming the standard
length for single-player shooters, it's long. Quite simply, Mafia is one of
the best games of the year.

As implied by the first paragraph of this review, comparisons between Mafia
and the famous Grand Theft Auto III are inevitable. Both games take place in
detailed and sprawling clockwork cities, both games involve stealing cars and
avoiding the police, and both games have plots in which you navigate a
criminal underworld. The comparison breaks down when the details and structure
of the games' gameplay are considered, however. In much the same way that
Grand Theft Auto III includes an almost-complete version of Crazy Taxi as a
minigame, Mafia can be considered a generally linear third-person shooter that
features a miniature version of Grand Theft Auto III. Mafia's living city, a
1930s metropolis called Lost Heaven, is almost as fully realized as Grand
Theft Auto III's Liberty City. Lost Heaven's bigger, in fact, and it features
plenty of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, lots of different neighborhoods,
working lift bridges, a train system, and even some outlying country areas. It
lacks only Liberty City's dynamic day-night cycle and weather patterns--each
mission takes place at a particular time and in specific weather conditions.

Most of Mafia's 20 large missions are split into sections. You'll usually
watch one of the game's long but well-done in-engine cutscenes, get assigned a
few weapons, choose a car, and then drive through the city to a given
destination. At this point, a separate level--generally a third-person action
sequence--is loaded. After you complete the level, you'll usually drive home.
Some missions mix the structure up a little, and some offer an optional bonus
task on the drive home. The most serious complaint that can be made about
Mafia is that the city isn't as tightly integrated into the missions as it is
in Grand Theft Auto III. Often, driving across the city is more of a mood-
enhancing interactive cutscene than a gameplay element that poses an actual
challenge. This is fine in the beginning, but by the time you've reached the
halfway point, you may find yourself wishing that you could simply fast-
forward through these parts. You're often free to deviate from the quickest
path to your destination and go exploring, but unlike in Grand Theft Auto III,
there's little reason to do so. There are no bonuses to find, and, while you
can run people around in a taxi for money, this option is available only in a
mode that's completely detached from the single-player campaign and must be
accessed separately from the main menu.

Mafia's realistic car physics and police behavior both add to the occasional
tedium of the straightforward driving segments. For the most part, the game's
60 or so 1930s-era vehicles aren't rocket cars. They don't often go very fast,
they don't always start the first time you turn the key, and they have some
serious problems climbing steep hills. You won't be making 300-foot barrel-
roll jumps in any of them. Furthermore, the Lost Heaven PD will see to it that
you don't even drive as fast as the cars will go. They'll pull you over for
driving over 40 and running red lights, among other things. Even if you're in
a really cool-looking old-time car, a simulation of driving the speed limit
isn't exactly a recipe for thrills.

Fortunately, the biggest part of the aggravation that will eventually be
caused by the puttering-around-town driving segments will be your impatience
to get to the next action portion of a given mission, which are uniformly
amazing. Mafia offers one incredible action set piece after another. Some
involve straightforward shootouts in enclosed areas, and some take place in
huge compounds composed of outdoor areas, multiple buildings, and drivable
vehicles. Most involve multiple paths to your goal. The developers have even
managed to pull off some decent sneaking levels, though blasting your way
through them is also always an option. Occasionally, you'll even have
computer-controlled companions with you. For example, one level that takes
place in a parking garage begins with a battle between six or seven of your
guys and as many members of an opposing mob. Enemies will use cars for cover,
and one tactical option is to aim for the vehicle and blow it up, taking
nearby mobsters with it. Even better, you can break into and drive any of the
parked cars and use them as mobile shields or battering rams. The whole battle
is a truly exciting mixture of cat-and-mouse tactics, reckless charges, flying
bullets, and exploding cars. To describe other missions would simply ruin the
surprise of them. Thanks to its consistently memorable and ingeniously staged
action scenes, Mafia never devolves into a long series of indistinguishable

The game is packed with great little details. In what might be a first for a
shooter, reloading a gun means losing any bullets left in the current clip.
Enemies also need to pause to reload and have a limited supply of ammo, and
once they're out, they'll usually charge you with knives. Since you're given
only one or two weapons and a limited supply of ammo at the beginning of any
mission, and since you can loot dead bodies for their equipment, you'll often
have to decide whether to stay hidden and hope an enemy runs out of ammo
before he kills you, or risk attacking him in order to grab his supplies
before he wastes them. Also, cars sustain damage in incredibly satisfying
ways. You can smash out individual windows, blow out individual tires, break
off headlights and bumpers, and even shoot holes in gas tanks, causing the
fuel to begin draining out. You can also target a car's occupants, who'll
expire in classic gangster death poses such as "slumped over the steering
wheel" or "clutching a tommy gun while hanging out a rear window."

The graphics are generally top-notch. The cars look fabulous, and they're
especially notable for the way they authentically re-create the curviness of
the era's vehicle design. The texture work in the city segments is
occasionally a little muddy, though, and there's some pop-up on the horizon
that's especially evident when you're going over bridges. The action levels,
on the other hand, contain some really beautiful lighting and texture work,
and the game's cutscenes feature some of the most detailed and expressive face
models ever created for a computer game. The sound is equally excellent. The
period soundtrack, composed mostly of cuts by swingy jazz legend Django
Reinhardt, with extra tracks by artists such as Louis Prima and the Mills
Brothers, matches the game's theme perfectly and also acts as a brilliant
alternative to the generic techno and orchestral music used in most games.

It should be noted that the developers have opted to rely on the widely
unpopular limited save system. There are a few instances where this choice
leads to some frustration, but for the most part the save points are both
ample and intelligently placed. The 20 missions include more than 100
automatic save points.

Once you finish the single-player campaign, which should take anywhere from 10
to 15 hours, an extra mode called "Freeride extreme" becomes available. This
mode lets you drive around Lost Heaven without any police interference while
uncovering 19 wild driving challenges. Completing each one unlocks a special
vehicle. The first task involves chasing down a man in his underwear who can
run 50 miles an hour and has flaming feet, for which you're rewarded with a
psychedelic hippie mobile. The missions get weirder from there and will occupy
at least another five to 10 hours of your time, if not more.

Someday, some developer will successfully integrate the nonlinear portions of
Grand Theft Auto III and the incredible action sequences of Mafia. Until that
time, you can consider the two games halves of an eventual whole. Separate,
but equally amazing."

(Here are the picture captions that appeared in the review, but not in the
main text body of it)

"An onscreen map shows you where you are and where you need to go."

"Almost every action sequence in Mafia is incredibly well done."

"Driving around Lost Heaven can be fun, but don't forget the traffic laws."

"Freeride extreme isn't nearly as serious as the main campaign."


- Gamespy Review -

This review was copied verbatim from the September 18th, 2002 review by Kevin
Rice. A transcript of this review can be found here:

"It's May 2000, and I'm at E3. I'm being shown non-playable footage of an
unknown but nice-looking game called Mafia. I'm told it's due out in the fall
of 2000, so I get a press kit and write up a nice preview. Fall comes and goes,
and there's no game. I do another preview in early 2001 and yet one more in
mid-2001 ... but still no game. From there, I don't hear anything about it.

Cut to September 2002. Out of nowhere, Mafia shows up in the mail. "Oh God," I
think. Usually when a game shows up unannounced, it's because it got rushed out
and it's not complete and it's going to be a bad game.

Sometimes, I really like it when I'm wrong.

Grand Theft Mafia?

On the surface, there are some obvious similarities between Mafia and Grand
Theft Auto 3. In both games, you play a thug, you have an entire city to wander
around, and stealing cars is a lot of the fun. Even the opening movie has a
distinct Liberty City vibe to it as it pans around the city.

These are skin-deep comparisons, though. Where Mafia becomes much different is
in the excellent story, with much more mature content, and the realism with
which the situations are presented. GTA3 was over-the-top and cartoony, while
Mafia is gritty and rather realistic; where the former has gratuitous violence,
the latter has violence because it's necessary to tell the story.

Set in the 1930's, Mafia is the story of Tommy Angelo, a regular cab driver who
gets involved in the mob through uncontrollable circumstances. He happens to be
in the area when a shooting goes down and two members of the Salieri family
jump in and demand to be taken away. This is actually your first mission, and
after successful completion, Tommy is given more money than he's ever seen for
"helping the family." Shortly thereafter, he decides to join them in their
fight with the rival Morello family.

The entire game is told in flashback fashion, with you taking control of Tommy
through twenty missions of varying lengths and difficulty. After every few
levels, the game jumps forward to present-day where you are confessing
everything to a police officer. The game then flashes back again to let you
live out the story you're telling. While the first few levels are short and
relatively easy, the following missions get lengthier and much more difficult,
often requiring multiple reloads to get them right.

Although there's no way to save the game at any point, Mafia will auto-save
itself as crucial parts of each mission are completed. Since some missions are
30-45 minutes in length (if not longer), this is a great feature, and makes the
requisite retries much easier to bear. Some of the levels are simply extended
gun fights and car chases, but a few (such as a car race and a big shootout
with the police across rooftops) are just plain difficult. You'll get past
these levels with patience (and some retries), but if you're really stuck,
there's unfortunately no way to skip them.

Some of the levels have you paired up with varying members of the Salieri
family (usually Paulie), and for the most part, these missions work well.
However, there were a few times when my partner would just run off or quickly
get himself killed. Since you both have to survive to complete the mission,
there were a number of times I found myself taking point and keeping the
computer-controlled partner behind me so he didn't kill himself. It felt more
like an escort mission instead of having a partner.

All of the missions involve driving of some sort, usually from the Salieri bar
to a specific location where the level starts in earnest. Lost Heaven, the city
you drive through, is huge, complete with working traffic lights, traffic,
pedestrians, and -- you guessed it -- police. Thankfully, every car has a speed
limiter that keeps you from inadvertently speeding. Of course, if you run a
light and there's a cop nearby, they'll give you a ticket. (Being a mob member,
the cops are paid off anyway.) Of course, if you're driving 110 while shooting
out the window and running over anyone that gets in your way, you'll be a
serious offender and the police will swarm on you like bees on honey. In one
interesting instance that I'm not exactly proud of, I ran a red light while
chasing a rival gang member. The cop that spotted me was on foot, so I ran him
over and the police never knew who did it.

Since you're driving in all the missions, it's nice that the game offers over
60 cars authentic to the 1930's. In other words, if you're used to the cars of
Gran Turismo or NASCAR, be prepared to consider 80HP engines "huge." The cars
in this era weren't particularly speedsters, and until late in the game, your
ride is typically more of a Yugo rather than a Mercedes. The physics engine is
surprisingly accurate, complete with damage modeling, the ability to shoot out
tires and windshields, and the like. When you're on foot, you can steal cars
that you've been taught how to break into, and you can also yank drivers out of
cars that are waiting at red lights. Be warned, however -- not all the AI
drivers will appreciate this.

The city of Lost Heaven is teeming with life. There is always traffic and
pedestrians are perpetually going to and fro doing their own thing. The
graphics engine, called the LS3D engine, is capable of some spectacular
visuals, but can be demanding, especially while driving. The minimum
requirement of a 32MB video card should tell you something, and even then,
you'll want a 64MB or greater video card with hardware T&L support to really
show this game off. If you've got the hardware, be prepared for beautiful
horizons, amazingly detailed surroundings, real-time lighting and shadowing,
and some of the best facial details I've seen to date. In particular, the smoke
from cigarettes and guns is scary in its realistic rendering.

While you're driving around, you're treated to music suitable to the 1930s. In
this period, jazz and big band were both considered "pop" music, and while it
does repeat some, it's far enough in the background to not be annoying. During
more dramatic scenes (such as some of the cutscenes and many of the shootouts),
the music switches to a full orchestral score ideal for the situation. While I
didn't recognize any of the names doing the voice work, they all give very
convincing performances; nothing sounds rushed, monotone, or drab. Kudos to the
sound production team.

Finally, after you've beat the game (around 20-30 hours, depending on how good
you are and how many side quests you take), a mode called "Free Ride Extreme"
becomes available. While "Free Ride" is always there, the "Extreme" mode allows
you to drive around the city in any car you've unlocked in the main game
without the hindrance of the police. Additionally, the "Extreme" mode allows
you to unlock even more cars. Some of the things you do here (jumping a
cantilever bridge, for example) are indeed "extreme," although their usefulness
in the real game is questionable. The city is so varied and detailed, though,
that it really is fun just to explore all the different areas, perhaps
"accidentally" hitting a pedestrian or two while you're at it. (There was also
a multiplayer mode initially planned for Mafia, but at this point, we'll just
have to hope it gets added in a later patch.)

In the end, a game hasn't oozed this much style since the release of Max Payne.
The gameplay, the story, the graphics -- the entire presentation is topnotch.
Many developers have very ambitious goals but end up leaving a lot of the
substance on the cutting room floor. For the most part, the team at Illusion
Softworks set their sights high and came close to nailing the bulls-eye."

(here are the captions to the pictures that appeared within this review)

"Damn sniping campers."

"In a pinch, you can in fact use public transportation."

"Hey ladies!"


- IGN Review -

This review has been copied verbatim from the August 29th, 2002 review by Dan
Adams. A transcript of this review can be found here:

"Who hasn't fantasized just a little bit about being part of the mob. Some may
like the idea a little more than others, but entertaining the notion of having
that much power and influence can be a little appealing. More than that, the
thought of living such a different life than we do everyday is pretty
intriguing. Being able to be a part of the mafia without actually having to get
your hands dirty in the real world is more to the point. Especially the part
about not actually being shot at or actually going to prison to get shanked or
made into somebody's girlfriend. GTA3 gave the world a pretty comical and way
over the top look at the life of crime, but now we have Mafia from Illusion
Softworks and Gathering of Developers. It moves almost more like "a day in the
life" of a 30's gangster and does a damn good job of it. While I didn't like
everything about the game, the plusses outweighed the minuses heavily and I was
soon immersed in the life of Tommy Angelo as he retells his years as a
gangster. The variety of shenanigans this guy manages to get in are pretty
intense at times and entertaining almost all of the time.

After waiting so long now for this one to get released, I'm glad to say that
Illusion has finally managed to get their stuff together and come out with what
is a pretty smooth running and almost completely bug free experience... a
little different than some of their previous outings (Hidden & Dangerous). Not
only did they manage that, but they also managed to craft an interesting,
cinematic, and absolutely lovely journey through Tommy's mob life.

Mafia takes up residence in the 30's, when prohibition was in force and the mob
was at its glorious peak. Al Capone was ruling the streets of Chicago and Dons
Salieri and Morello were in contention for another city. The city of Lost
Heaven. Everything about this city and the entire game screams 30's style. The
color pallete, model textures, the cars, the buildings, the way the people
talk... everything is detailed and darn near perfect. There's so many little
graphical details in the game its sick. Some of the textures are so finely
detailed it'd make The Untouchables let themselves be touched by it. The entire
game doesn't look quite that good however. Some textures when viewed up close
(shirts and lapels especially) can be a bit blocky. But when taken in with the
whole, they seemed to slip by into the corner of my consciousness while I
gawked at the rest of the game.

GTA3 had kind of the same thing going for it. A city built completely and
hugely for your enjoyment. The difference is in the style. Everything in Mafia
is just that much more real. The lighting and the colors make a huge difference
in this as well as the superbly modeled cars you can drive around in, all of
which are fully damageable including tires that can be shot out.

The details and ambiance don't only reside in the visual side of the game
either. Sound has been done to the nines here. Voices are some of the best I've
heard in a game this year and add a whole lot of personality to characters that
were already packed with it due to some good writing and terrific animation.
Sound effects also shine. One level in particular takes place in the rain on a
farm just outside of the city. You of course hear the rain falling on the
ground around you as you move through the level, but as you pass near other
objects like buildings and barrels, you start to hear the water splashing off
of every different kind of material that you see. The rain sounds dull and
thick against wood buildings, the metal barrels ting with metallic splashes and
canopies resonate a dull echoing kind of thud from the drops. The addition of
just that little bit more of realism adds to the tension that already comes
dripping in that particular level.

Even the music in the game, which I felt I had to talk about, is absolutely
fantastic! From the swing music to the orchestrated score that ranges from the
dramatic to the tense to the relaxing sound of the more personal and character
building moments. The music just brings the game experience to a mightier
cinematic level.

Every level in the game comes with cinematic cut-scenes attached. All are
rendered with the game's engine keeping the continuity, and thanks to some good
lip-synch and great face textures and models, the characters are lively and
personable. Camera work in these scenes is generally good and offers us more of
the feel that we really are participating in a movie than any game in recent
memory. Unlike some scenes I can think of (Operation Flashpoint), these are
timed well and give us just what we need to set up the play. All of the scenes
fill out an excellent story that works like an autobiography as Tommy sits and
tells his story of growth, love, deceit, war and conscience over coffee at a
diner. As I said before, the writing is pretty darn good for a game only
entrenching my belief that every game should hire good writers to fill out what
keeps growing as one of the most important parts to my PC game experiences.

Gameplay in Mafia ranges from fantastic to kind of fun weighing much more
heavily on the fantastic side. My main beef with the gameplay is that no matter
what, I have to drive to whatever location my next mission takes place. Like
the city in GTA3, Lost Heaven is one of those living breathing city dealies. So
if you have to take care of something on the other side of town, you have drive
to the other side of town to take care of it. I'm not complaining too much, but
there were some times that I just kinda wished I could hit a "skip and drive to
location button" when I really didn't actually have to drive there myself.
Sometimes, when there's no time limit, there's nobody chasing you, and you
don't have to worry about damaging your car, it can be a smidgeon on the slow
side to drive across the city when you just want to get into the action,
especially when you're getting stopped for speeding so often by the damn
police. This isn't to say you can't make your own action by running away (that
went quite disasterously and comically a couple times I tried it), but I figure
that's what Free Ride is for anyway, but I'll get into that more in a second.
But once you do get into the missions, you're in for quite a treat. The
gameplay activities runs a pretty damn wide range. As you follow Tommy's life
of crime, you'll take control of him and live out his memories of what
happened. And Tommy wasn't just thug hitman. He worked his way up the chain. In
fact, he started out as a cab driver. So at the beginning of the game, you'll
get some cab driving missions, that while a little slow (especially since there
were a few of them and I just wanted to get into the mob) afford you the
opportunity to get to know the city a little bit before you start to
terrorize... I'm sorry, "protect" it. From there you'll move your way up the
ladder as a driver on missions, which sometimes go afoul so you'll have the
chance to prove yourself as more important, and eventually will be counted as
one of the upper echelon of the Salieri family. Over the course of the game
you'll have to assassinate people, run bodyguard missions, fight enormous
battles against rival hooligans, exact a little bit of revenge, as well as
race, chase, and be chased in some of the 60 some vintage cars that are
featured in Mafia.

In fact, driving these cars around is a big part of the game. All of the cars
suffers damage from dents and scratches, to blown tires that affects the way
the car drives, to being riddled full bullet holes in the middle of a battle.
This game has some fantastic chase scenes in it that any gangster fan will get
a kick out of. Your passengers will hang out the side of the window shooting at
your pursuers or pursuees. You can even take one hand off the wheel and hang
your own self out the window to take some shots while driving. It's a little
more difficult to drive while aiming, but that's to be expected.

You directly affect what cars you can use at the beginning of any of the
missions as well. As you progress through the game, a couple of different
characters will teach you how to steal certain types of cars. You can then
collect any cars you might like for your collection in the garage behind
Salieri's bar. Any cars you don't want anymore can be removed to make room for
your next best thing.

Most of the missions in the game are at least challenging if not difficult.
There's a fair share of those I was able to blow through and those that took me
a few tries, but I think the mix is pretty good. Those that haven't had a whole
lot of gaming experience may have some difficulty jumping in and being
immediately successful. But the smooth camera, that actually surpasses Max
Payne's, will help players adjust to what can sometimes be a confusing way to
play a game. In fact, the interface is pretty good altogether. Inventory works
well and pauses the game so that you can easily pick which weapon or item you'd
like to use without the need to fumble while enemies are shooting at you. A
nice map of the city is easily viewable while driving and picking up items on
the ground is a cinch.

You'll have traveled to every corner of the city by the end of the story mode,
but chances are, you'll probably have missed out on some of the detail and some
of the backstreets. That's where the Free Ride portion of the game sets in.
This gives you the opportunity to jump into city and ride around without any
story to get in your way. Various options allow you to control population,
traffic, and police density as well as what kind of car you jump into the game
with. You won't have all of the options available when you open the box though.
You'll need to play through the single player portion of the game to unlock
those. You'll unlock a completely new mode called Free Ride Extreme after
completing the story mode so you can tour the city free of cops. You'll also be
able to complete tasks that will unlock more special cars. All of this adds
that extra bit of replay to a game that you should already want to buy only for
the single player portion.

Closing Comments
I'll be honest. I've been waiting for Mafia for a long time. The lack of
information leading up to the release was as frustrating for me as it was for
those of you out there looking for info. The wait and the secrecy was making me
wonder at the status of the game and worried me more than a little bit that it
may have fallen victim to the bug ridden curse of Illusion Softworks. But after
getting my box copy, I've been playing it straight through to 4:30 today, when
I started writing this review.

Mafia is a great game with some minor problems that are easily forgotten once
you get into the meat of the game. While I still wish that I could skip through
some of the driving, it isn't anywhere near a big enough failing for me not to
heartily recommend this game to anyone that likes action and especially those
that love the depression gangster era. Mafia is dripping with style and class
and has certainly shoved itself into the ranks of the best games of this year,
which as you know has already had some incredible titles."


- PS2 Version Reviews -

The following review apply to the PS2 version. Though it is generally
considered to be the worst of the three versions, it is still a relatively
decent game, and gives some indication of how good the PC version is.

- Gamespot Review -

The following review was copied verbatim from the January 27h, 2004 review by
Greg Kasavin. A transcript of this review can be found here:

"GameSpot Review
7.0 good
Gameplay 7
Graphics 6
Sound 8
Value 7
Tilt 7
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Curve: About a half hour

Because the PS2 version of Mafia compromises the PC version's graphical
presentation and also introduces more interruptions into the gameplay, it comes
off like a mere shadow of the original.
After years in development, the original PC version of Mafia quietly
materialized on store shelves during the dog days of summer 2002. Surprisingly,
it turned out to be, by far, one of the year's best action games. Though it
superficially resembled some sort of 1930s-era Grand Theft Auto, Mafia was a
story-driven game that featured excellent on-foot shooting action as well as
surprisingly realistic driving sequences. Beyond that, it produced an
incredibly convincing atmosphere. A year and a half later, a PlayStation 2 port
of Mafia has finally arrived. It doesn't skimp on the game's mature content,
but playing this version of the game is roughly equivalent to watching The Lord
of the Rings trilogy on a small, black-and-white TV/VCR combo as opposed to the
silver screen. Granted, this is perhaps about as faithful a translation as
could have been expected, since Mafia was expressly designed to push the PCs
and graphics cards of yesteryear to their limits. Explanations aside, because
the PS2 version of Mafia unavoidably compromises the PC version's graphical
presentation--while also introducing longer loading times and injecting more
interruptions into the gameplay--it comes off like a mere shadow of the
original. It's certainly not a bad game, but there's a far superior version of
it still available.

Like the Grand Theft Auto games, Mafia features a large, clockwork city that
you may theoretically explore at your leisure either by car or on foot. The
game can seamlessly switch between driving and shooting sequences, and should a
vehicle you're driving sustain too much damage, you may get out and carjack
some unlucky soul for his or hers. The superficial similarities pretty much end
here. Unless you're playing one of the game's supplemental "free ride" modes,
you probably won't be joyriding around the Prohibition-era, Chicago-style city
of Lost Heaven, which is where the action of the game takes place. For one
thing, the early automobiles featured in this game generally just aren't much
fun to drive. (They're clunky; they have poor brakes; and they have a way of
fishtailing out of control if you turn too sharply.) For another thing, much
like in The Getaway, the seeming open-endedness of the gameworld is really just
there to give atmosphere to an otherwise completely linear, mission-based game.

In Mafia, you play as Thomas Angelo, who starts out as a taxi driver but soon
gets involved with the mob. The story is told in retrospect, so you're
introduced to Tommy during the late 1930s while he is confessing the events of
his sordid past to a detective--in exchange for witness protection. In the PC
version of the game, the story unfolded via lengthy cutscenes rendered with the
game's impressive 3D engine. On the PS2, these cutscenes have been rendered
into videos, and they don't look quite as good today as they used to. The
characters' faces can be very expressive, and the motion-captured animations
look great, but characters' hands are stiff like mannequins, and their eyes
just stare blankly. Nevertheless, the story is one of the main attractions. It
takes itself seriously, includes some surprising twists, and handles its mature
content tastefully. In short, it actually tries to be a good story.

In consequence, the pacing of the actual game has some problems. You'll mostly
spend the first few hours of the game just driving around Lost Heaven. Tommy
falls into his life of crime; he doesn't go looking for it. Unfortunately,
these driving sequences, which are most abundant at the beginning of the game
but remain a core element throughout Mafia, just aren't very enjoyable. On the
PC, the strikingly authentic presentation of the city of Lost Heaven made these
driving sequences wonderful to behold, even though they were naturally slow-
paced. On the PS2, the city itself looks quite poor. Flat, blurry, overused
textures are everywhere, the car models lack detail, the power lines running
between buildings look ugly, and more. What's particularly annoying is that
you'll end up having to frequently drive from one side of Lost Heaven to the
other, but just as you cross the midpoint of the city, a loading screen
jarringly appears and takes its sweet time before it goes away. The driving
sequences in the PC version of Mafia were all about atmosphere, but on the PS2,
this is largely missing. The atmospheric remnants from the PC version include
some excellent ambient sounds as well as an upbeat and appropriate jazz
soundtrack, which features cuts from some of the era's greatest musicians.

The PC version of Mafia presented a surprisingly detailed simulation of what it
might be like to drive around on old streets in old cars. You needed to obey
traffic laws, by stopping at red lights, not exceeding the speed limit, and
things like that, or else cops in the vicinity would pull you over and give you
a citation. Of course, the mob foots the bill, so a citation is just an
inconvenience. On the PS2, since all the driving just feels like a chore, at
least you don't have to worry about this stuff quite as much. The speed limit
has been increased, as if to acknowledge that the best thing about the driving
sequences is getting them out of the way as quickly as possible. In any case,
it's pretty easy to navigate the city thanks to the presence of a map that you
can instantly switch to, which shows where you are and where you're headed. The
game's occasional chase sequences are interesting, since they're chase
sequences in lousy old cars, but they're not particularly enjoyable either.
Still, Mafia allows you and your cohorts to shoot while driving, which is a
nice touch.

The shooting sequences also suffer somewhat in translation to the PS2, partly
due to the decline in graphics and partly due to the gamepad controls, which
were originally designed with a keyboard-and-mouse control scheme in mind.
Mafia plays like a standard third-person shooter, only without the annoying
camera problems intrinsic to many games of this type. The camera here works
great--the default third-person perspective seamlessly switches to a first-
person point of view whenever Tommy's in a situation where your view of the
action might otherwise be obstructed, such as when he's in a narrow hallway.
Tommy has no special abilities to speak of, unless you count his ability to
roll side to side in a moderately useful evasive maneuver. To compensate for
the analog aiming's lack of precision, the controller's L2 and R2 buttons work
to automatically snap your aim on to an enemy who's on the left or right of
your targeting reticle, respectively. This isn't a bad solution, but it makes
the shoot-outs pretty simple, once you get the hang of them. However, the
game's low-resolution graphics can make it tough to see when someone's shooting
at you from afar, and it's hard to tell when Tommy's taking damage. Also, the
frame rate takes a dip when too much action is happening at once. One
interesting thing about the on-foot action is that when Tommy reloads his
weapons, he throws out the ammo clip that's currently in the weapon...along
with any ammo in it. Ammo can be pretty scarce, so at times you'll need to
think carefully about whether or not it's worth it to throw away a two-or-
three-round clip for a fresh one.

Though the driving sequences look very bland and the frame rate is pretty
sketchy, Mafia isn't a bad-looking game overall. It just looks OK. As
mentioned, the character models are actually quite good, and many of the
animations are excellent. The indoor environments are relatively more detailed
than the outdoor ones, but unfortunately even these are missing some important
details; for instance, don't expect to see any sign of damage to the
environment after a heated shootout. The audio has naturally survived the
translation more intact than the graphics, and by and large, it's still
outstanding. The voice acting performances aren't exceptional, but they're
understated and pretty natural. Ambient sounds in Lost Heaven, as well as the
sounds of gunfire and of cars crashing, are all very well done. Another nice
touch is that vehicles all have authentic-sounding car horns, so you can sound
your horn to make pedestrians get out of your way.

Mafia's story mode features about 20 big missions. Once it gets going, it
switches between the driving and shooting pretty effectively--and all in the
context of a good story. In addition, you'll unlock some extras along the way
that mostly focus on the driving portion of the game, which unfortunately isn't
all that fun. If you only played the PS2 version of Mafia, you'd still get a
sense of its ambitious nature, and you'd enjoy some of its finer points, but
you'd also miss out on the PC version's outstandingly good graphics and its
much more seamless gameplay experience. The PlayStation 2 is obviously well
equipped to handle many types of games, but it's hard to imagine how a game
like Mafia could have been ported to the system without some significant
compromises--just like the ones exhibited by this version of the game."

(here are some of the picture captions that appeared throughout the review)

"Mafia is an outstanding PC game, but it loses a lot of its impressive
presentation in translation to the PS2."

"You'll need to be patient through some rather tedious driving sequences. Just
be thankful we're not driving jalopies like these anymore."

"Tommy can take care of business by using a variety of firearms, as well as by
using more practical devices like baseball bats."

"The PS2 version of Mafia doesn't hold a candle to the PC original, so if you
have the means of playing the latter version instead, you should."


- IGN Review -

The following review was copied verbatim from the January 6th, 2004 review by
Douglass C. Perry. A complete transcript of this review can be found here:

"In 2002, Take-Two released a period-piece action-driving game by the name of
Mafia. The game offered PC gamers a beautiful, well-organized and engaging
story about an ordinary guy swept up in the Italian Mafioso lifestyle. That
game was tough, perhaps tilted a little toward the hard side of games, but it
captured gamers' imaginations because, despite the natural comparisons to the
Grand Theft Auto series, it was true to itself -- the characters were engaging,
the story driving, and overall, it was well presented. You felt like you were
actually playing The Godfather or Goodfellas in the most genuine way.

In 2004, Take-Two's port of Mafia to the PlayStation 2 brings most of those
excellent qualities over, but it also carries over an elephant-sized crate of
problems. Mafia for the PS2 is the same core game, with a few additions and
alterations to appeal to console gamers, but it suffers from just about every
technical problem a port can on PlayStation 2. What's worse, the problems that
could be overshadowed on the PC version because of its freshness and beauty are
instantly lost on the PS2, a system on which players have sharpened their teeth
on Grand Theft Auto III and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City games that are more
interactive, dynamic and open by design.

The PS2 port of Mafia is still a good game. In many ways, it's a superior game.
But you have to be generous, forgiving, and very patient to enjoy it. Are you
up for a great story and movie-like presentation? I suspect the answer is yes.
Well then, be forewarned of a surfeit of load screens and graphic glitches,
primitive controls, a more linear gameplay design, and a very different pace

Mafia's strength lies primarily in its story and presentation. I've never felt
as close to playing a movie -- in the best sense of the phrase -- as I have
with this. And that is, despite the major graphic technicalities, the best
reason to play this genuinely intriguing game. Told in the same fashion as
Martin Scorsese's Goodfellas, from a reliable narrator recalling his time in
the Mafia and admitting his story in order to seek protection, Mafia takes
place during the 1930s. You play Tommy Angelo, a taxi driver who's forced to
help two gangsters out of a serious situation and who, by strange serendipity,
joins Don Salieri's organization as a mostly full-fledged member.

From his initial test run as a runner and a thug, Tommy gets intimately
involved in the family's business. That being the Mafia, his duties include
everything from collecting money and providing protection from small
businesses, knocking off territorial intruders, blowing up buildings and in
short, keeping the Salieri organization profitable. Thus, the gameplay missions
are probably familiar to those folks who have played oh, say, The Getaway,
Grand Theft Auto III, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, True Crime: Streets of LA,
or even Driver. You escort folks, recover stolen goods, get sent on missions to
kick some ass, kill people, blow up buildings, transport whisky and more.

What's so appealing about Mafia then? Oddly enough, it's the game's slow-pace,
its atmosphere and great set of characters. These are the days of bootlegging
liquor, streets that had no double yellow line, when cars could barely drive 60
MPH and when a baseball bat, a knife or a hunting rifle were the preferred
weapons of choice. You get to know the characters because of the genuine spare
dialog, the care and time you spend with your new "family," and the prospect of
earning even more respect in the Salieri hierarchy. The characters are
eccentric, sometimes dumb-witted, or in the case of the family mechanic,
Ralphy, a kind of stuttering autistic who's excellent with cars, but not much
else. If anything, Mafia re-creates a superb atmosphere that's so true it
carries players' interest right to the end.

The gameplay is both appealing and frustrating. It's split roughly 60-40%
between driving, chasing and escaping others in authentically designed 1930s
vehicles, and walking about on foot from a third-person perspective. There is
one major mode, "Story," from which all the other modes are dependent. Once
players finish the roughly 12-15 hour story mode, they can enter into the newly
added Race mode, comprised of a handful of specially made tracks for the
console versions. There's Free Ride, an open, non-timed, non-mission-based romp
that enables you to drive around willy-nilly getting into trouble with the
cops, exploring on foot or by a car; and there is Carcyclopedia, a visual
database of the game's well-researched and well-presented vehicles from the
period. Players can also go to a Mission Select mode to play a single mode over
again if they choose. Once you open new cars in the Story mode, you can race
them in Free Ride or in the Race modes. You can, however, see all the cars in
the Carcyclopedia right away.

The game is designed with a mostly open style. There are three huge parts to
the city attached by bridges, with various boroughs, downtown sections, and
industrial sectors. It's mostly open because while players can roam around
freely during non-timed missions or in between them, there are few things to
do. Unlike Grand Theft Auto, which offers a never-ending treasure chest of
things to collect, side missions to play, trouble to get into and areas to
explore, Mafia pretty much gives you the option to roam around freely, run
people over, and get chased by the cops. There are no items to collect, few
alleyways to hide in, and despite a massive world in which to ride, no major
secrets to unveil, find or real reason to explore, other than to see more
buildings and trains. So, GTA fans eager to compare this directly are going to
be disappointed (to say the least).

It's primarily "mostly" open in design because the game offers almost no major
side quests. You CAN go to the mechanic guy on the East Side (Bertone's
autoservice), and from there you can learn to pick the locks of new cars -- and
that will help you in missions and influence the quality of the gameplay, but
it's pretty simple and the novelty wears off real quick like.

Illusion Softworks did a great job in some areas on the PC version, which have
translated well enough to the PS2 iteration. The collection of cars is
excellent, well researched and created using a phenomenal physics system that
gives each car a life of its own. Each car behaves according to its weight,
size, length and whatever other specs they decided to use, and when you're
driving the cars, hitting curbs or going off road, you'll feel it. Pulling off
powerslides with the E-brake is a blast, and blazing through the city as 60 MPH
(yes, blazing at 60 MPH) requires skill and can be fun indeed. There are even a
handful of extra cars from modern times the designers threw in for fun.
Additionally, the selection of Mafioso guns is solid and fun to use.

If you have played the PC version, however, and are eager to experience console
bliss, just turn around and go home, pal. Don't even cast a brief glance at
this game. Mafia on the PS2 looks -- and in many major ways, plays --
infinitely worse than on the PC. The play controls and camera system are
interesting at best. The third-person camera is stiff and panhandle-like as
your character moves about. It works, but it's rough. The game controls well
compared to the PC version in one respect only: it's better using a controller
than a keyboard when driving. On the flip side, Mafia controls much better in
the shooting aspect using a mouse than a PS2 analog stick.

But seriously, that's as good as it gets. The game is riddled with port
problems. The stiff control I was telling you about? It makes aiming a chore,
frustrating and unfaithful to the original. The AI is dumbed down a bit, so
players will have an easier time shooting, but Illusion pretty much HAD to do
that because, despite the ability to change the analog sensitivity, the aiming
system is horribly clunky. The collision detection system wasn't fine-tuned at
all. In the PC version, if you were hiding behind a wall and you shot the wall
instead of the designated enemy, sparks would appear to indicate it. Here, you
shoot and nothing happens, so you're constantly adjusting to the game's bad
controls, instead of the other way around. Aiming long distance is a joke since
the graphic engine doesn't show off enough detail to support anything past
about 10 feet.

The controls fail on other levels too. They're slow and mechanical in nature on
the PC version and their weaknesses is brought out full force on the PS2. The
one-button attacks when fighting in hand-to-hand bouts are simplistic and dull,
there is no ability to block, and while you can roll and fire to the sides, you
cannot roll forward or backward. And if you're cornered by three guys, you're
99% dead. There is no way out. The lack of sensitivity in the mushy PS2 analog
is infinitely worse than the fine-tuned precision of the PC's mouse, so whether
it's fighting, shooting, or even just moving your character, this thing feels
like a dinosaur.

The PS2 version is a graphic travesty on its own, but compared to the PC
version, it's a miserable, pathetic travesty. This PC game is gorgeous. It
highlights fine environmental and background textures, superb character models
and textures and great attention to detail with regard to the little things,
whether they are gun or car design, or architecture. The lighting on the PC
game is excellent. Some of that brilliance has come through on the PS2.

For instance, the long and up-close cutscenes display excellent character
models and highly defined facial features on all the major characters. While
their eyes are generally zombied out (think Madden NFL 2000) and the movement
ranges from pretty good to marionette-like (i.e., not so good: Think the worst
aspects of GTA III on the PS2), the skin textures and colors are honed and
realistic. The cars look great too. Also, it should be pointed out that the
cutscene work is perfectly timed and shot, making for a great atmosphere and a
superb cinematic quality. And though it may seem small and insignificant, for
the record, Mafia has the best cigarette and cigar smoke ever in a videogame.
(Since everyone is always smoking, that's a real good thing.)

But that's as much praise as this flawed port deserves. The framerate is poor
and the animation is clunky, creating an even further sense of mechanical
distraction. The superb lighting from the PC version is almost entirely lost in
flat darkness that only occasionally shows hints of its former presence. Even
the reflections are poor. Many sections are simply missing the realtime
lighting altogether. If that weren't enough, there's more.

If you're driving, you'll see blaringly painful pop-up, LOD problems --
especially with cars that transform in shape and form as they approach-- and
textures that look so low in resolution they make this look like a PlayStation
1 game. The environment has been razed. Buildings from the PC version are
missing in the PS2 version, tons of details are gone, the city feels dead and
lifeless instead of alive and bustling (like in the PC version), and every time
you are finally getting into the game, a honking 45-second load screen sucks
the life out of you. The load screens are ruthlessly long and even worse,
they're everywhere. They're so ridiculously long they're worse than many first-
generation PS2 games from the year 2000.

Luckily, one of the game's high points, the sound, hasn't been tainted at all.
The score sounds like it's straight from a movie. The main theme song was
created specifically for the game. It's bold, dramatic and mature in nature. As
you're driving from one section of town to another, you'll notice that each
section has its own music. There is no car radio like in GTA, you'll just hear
it over everything. There is also an intelligent and much applauded sense of
silence. The music is all based in the time period, too. So, there are real
cuts from Django Reinhardt, tons of Mills Brothers tunes, songs from Louis
Prima and a few from Lonnie Johnson.

The dialog is right on par with the music. The relatively unknown cast of
characters did a remarkable job of re-creating the cadences and accents of the
period. Granted, that's relatively easy, since we've all heard endless amounts
of accents from the areas and period, but still, these voice-overs are
excellent. The conversations are slowish like they would be in the 1930s, well
thought out, with good spaces in between, and the characters have a sense of
innocence compared to the cynicism of today's world. And in case I didn't
already mention it, the dialog is superb. The conversations are mostly
realistic, and there is interesting information being conveyed in a realistic

Closing Comments
Like Rockstar's PC-to-PS2 port of Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne, Take-
Two's port of Mafia is a wreck. Given the amount of time the team had between
August 2002 and today, its inability to bring the PC code into line on the
hard-to-develop-for PS2 is just short of a disaster. You should of heard the
yelps of pain from PC editor Dan Adams when he saw this game. He was

Sadly, beneath the awful looking exterior, the gameplay on PS2 is mixed at
best. The poor framerate doesn't help any, the stiff controls are only
worsened, and pretty much everything about the PC version is either watered
down, ruined, or lost altogether.

What makes this game worth owning, or at the very least, rentable, is the
story. It's not The Godfather, but as videogames go, this is a well thought out
story, carefully crafted with solid cutscenes, great dialog and excellent voice

In short, this game looks like a wreck, but if you only own one console and
it's a PS2, you should at least rent it. You'll have to be patient and
forgiving, but the story is great and the intensity of the shoot-out scenes are
engaging and powerful.

IGN's Ratings for Mafia (PS2)
Rating Description
out of 10 click here for ratings guide
9.0 Presentation
Excellent cutscenes, dialog, pacing and camera work. Very well done.
4.5 Graphics
Every bad graphical flaw is here in shining form: Aliasing, shimmering, seams,
bad framerate, poor LODs, bad lighting, poor textures, you name it.
8.0 Sound
The good voice acting and well-written script help create a powerful storyline.
The time-period music is exceptional.
7.0 Gameplay
A linear, mission-based game with little exploration value, Mafia still packs
some cool shootout scenes. But GTA it is not.
8.0 Lasting Appeal
The game itself is about 12-15 hours, and it's a one-time through affair. The
extra modes are just OK.
Passable OVERALL
(out of 10 / not an average)"


- Xbox Version Reviews -

These following reviews apply to the Xbox version of the game. Though no where
near at the same level as the PC version, it is considered to be somewhat
better than the PS2 version. I'll let the reviews speak for themselves.

- Gamespot Review -

The following review has been copied verbatim from the March 15th, 2004 review
by Greg Kasavin. A transcript of this review can be found here:

"7.1 good
Gameplay 7
Graphics 7
Sound 8
Value 7
Tilt 7
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Curve: About a half hour

After years in development, the original PC version of Mafia quietly
materialized on store shelves during the dog days of summer 2002. Surprisingly,
it turned out to be one of that year's best action games, by far. Though it
superficially resembled some sort of 1930s-era Grand Theft Auto, Mafia was a
story-driven game that featured excellent on-foot shooting action as well as
surprisingly realistic driving sequences. Beyond that, it produced an
incredibly convincing atmosphere. A year and a half later, an Xbox port of
Mafia has finally arrived. Unfortunately, despite the relatively high power of
Microsoft's system, this version is closer in quality to the recently released
PlayStation 2 version than to the impressive PC original. Mafia for the Xbox
mimics the PC version's graphical presentation--while also injecting more
interruptions into the gameplay--so it's altogether less impressive than the
original game was for its time. It's still a pretty good Xbox game here and
now, but you should be able to find a far superior version of it in your local
game shop's PC bargain bin.

Like the Grand Theft Auto games, Mafia features a large, clockwork city that
you may theoretically explore at your leisure, either by car or on foot. The
game can seamlessly switch between driving and shooting sequences, and should a
vehicle you're driving sustain too much damage, you may get out and carjack
some unlucky soul for his or hers. The superficial similarities pretty much end
here. Unless you're playing one of the game's supplemental "free ride" modes,
you probably won't be joyriding around the Prohibition Era, Chicago-style city
of Lost Heaven, which is where the action of the game takes place. For one
thing, the early automobiles featured in this game generally just aren't much
fun to drive. (They're clunky; they have poor brakes; and they have a way of
fishtailing out of control if you turn too sharply.) For another thing, much
like in games like The Getaway or True Crime: Streets of LA, the seeming open-
endedness of the gameworld is really just there to give atmosphere to an
otherwise completely linear, mission-based game.

In Mafia, you play as Thomas Angelo, who starts out as a taxi driver but soon
gets involved with the mob. The story is told in retrospect, so you're
introduced to Tommy during the late 1930s while he is confessing the events of
his sordid past to a detective--in exchange for witness protection. In the PC
version of the game, the story unfolded via lengthy cutscenes rendered with the
game's impressive 3D engine. On the Xbox, these cutscenes have been rendered
into videos, and they don't look quite as good today as they used to. The
characters' faces can be very expressive, and the motion-captured animations
look great, but characters' hands are stiff like mannequins, and their eyes
just stare blankly. Nevertheless, the story is one of the main attractions. It
takes itself seriously, includes some surprising twists, and handles its mature
content tastefully. In short, it actually tries to be a good story.

In consequence, the pacing of the actual game has some problems. You'll mostly
spend the first few hours of the game just driving around Lost Heaven. Tommy
falls into his life of crime; he doesn't go looking for it. Unfortunately,
these driving sequences, which are most abundant at the beginning of the game
but remain a core element throughout Mafia, just aren't very enjoyable. On the
PC, the strikingly authentic presentation of the city of Lost Heaven made these
driving sequences wonderful to behold, even though they were naturally slow-
paced. On the Xbox, the city itself looks quite bland. Flat, blurry textures
are everywhere, buildings noticeably just pop up on the horizon as you approach
them, the power lines running between buildings look ugly, and more. What's
particularly annoying is that you'll end up having to frequently drive from one
side of Lost Heaven to the other, but just as you cross the midpoint of the
city, a loading screen jarringly appears, though at least the loading period
here is faster than on the PlayStation 2. The driving sequences in the PC
version of Mafia were all about atmosphere, but on the Xbox, this is largely
missing. The atmospheric remnants from the PC version include some excellent
ambient sounds as well as an upbeat and appropriate jazz soundtrack, which
features cuts from some of the era's greatest musicians.
The PC version of Mafia presented a surprisingly detailed simulation of what it
might be like to drive around on old streets in old cars. You needed to obey
traffic laws by stopping at red lights, not exceeding the speed limit, and
things like that, or else cops in the vicinity would pull you over and give you
a citation. Of course, the mob foots the bill, so a citation is just an
inconvenience. On the Xbox, since the driving often just feels like a chore, at
least you don't have to worry about this stuff quite as much. The speed limit
has been increased, as if to acknowledge that the best thing about the driving
sequences is getting them out of the way as quickly as possible. In any case,
it's pretty easy to navigate the city thanks to the presence of a map that you
can instantly switch to, which shows where you are and where you're headed. The
game's occasional chase sequences are interesting, since they're chase
sequences in lousy old cars, but they're not particularly enjoyable either.
Still, Mafia allows you and your cohorts to shoot while driving, which is a
nice touch.

The shooting sequences also suffer somewhat in translation to the Xbox, partly
due to the decline in graphics and partly due to the controls, which were
originally designed with a keyboard-and-mouse control scheme in mind. Mafia
plays like a standard third-person shooter, only without the annoying camera
problems intrinsic to many games of this type. The camera here works great, and
the default third-person perspective seamlessly switches to a first-person
point of view whenever Tommy's in a situation where your view of the action
might otherwise be obstructed, such as when he's in a narrow hallway. Tommy has
no special abilities to speak of, unless you count his ability to roll side to
side in a moderately useful evasive maneuver. To compensate for the analog
aiming's lack of precision, the controller's black and white buttons work to
automatically snap your aim toward an enemy who's on the right or left of your
targeting reticle, respectively. However, due to the layout of the black and
white buttons on both the original supersized and smaller Xbox controllers,
this feature is somewhat cumbersome to use and isn't really necessary anyway.
Also, the frame rate takes a dip when too much action is happening at once.
And, for some strange reason, in spite of the game's M rating and the ample
presence of blood effects in the original PC version, there's no blood to be
seen in the Xbox version's shoot-outs, which detracts from the game's visceral
punch. One interesting thing about the on-foot action is that when Tommy
reloads his weapons, he throws out the ammo clip that's currently in the
weapon...along with any ammo in it. Ammo can be pretty scarce, so at times
you'll need to think carefully about whether or not it's worth it to throw away
a two-or-three-round clip for a fresh one.

Though the driving sequences look merely decent and the frame rate can bog
down, Mafia isn't a bad-looking game overall. It just looks OK. As mentioned,
the character models are actually quite good, and many of the animations are
excellent. The indoor environments are relatively more detailed than the
outdoor ones, but unfortunately, even these are missing some important details.
For instance, don't expect to see any sign of damage to the environment
whatsoever after a heated shoot-out. The audio has naturally survived the
translation more intact than the graphics, and by and large, it's still
outstanding. The voice acting performances aren't exceptional, but they're
understated and pretty natural. Ambient sounds in Lost Heaven, as well as the
sounds of gunfire and of cars crashing, are all very well done. Another nice
touch is that vehicles all have authentic-sounding car horns, so you can sound
your horn to make pedestrians get out of your way.

Mafia's story mode features about 20 big missions. Once it gets going, it
switches between the driving and shooting pretty effectively--and all in the
context of a good story. In addition, you'll unlock some extras along the way
that mostly focus on the driving portion of the game, which, unfortunately,
isn't all that fun. If you only played the Xbox version of Mafia, you'd still
get a sense of the game's ambitious nature, and you'd enjoy some of its finer
points, but you'd also miss out on the PC version's outstandingly good graphics
and its more seamless gameplay experience.

Editor's note 07/02/04: The review originally stated that the game's main
character lacked the ability to execute a lateral roll maneuver found in other
versions of Mafia, which is incorrect. GameSpot regrets the error.

(here are some of the picture captions that appeared throughout the review)

"Mafia is an outstanding PC game, but it loses a lot of its impressive
presentation in translation to the Xbox."

"You'll need to be patient through some rather tedious driving sequences. Just
be thankful we're not driving jalopies like these anymore."

"Tommy can take care of business by using a variety of firearms, as well as by
using more practical devices like baseball bats."

"The Xbox version of Mafia doesn't hold a candle to the PC original, so if you
have the means of playing the latter version instead, you should."


- Gamespy Review -

The following review has been copied verbatim from the March 31st, 2004 review
by Matthew Gallant. A complete transcript of the review can be found here:

"Here's an idea of how well the Xbox port of Mafia's engine worked out: the in-
engine cutscenes of the original PC version were rendered out into video for
the Xbox. Of course, that can't be done for the rest of the game, and overall
it gives the impression that the port didn't have much priority given to it.
From framerate problems, to outright bugs and a poorly adapted control scheme,
Mafia shows just what a bad port can do to a good game. Tommy Angelo's
happenstance enlistment in the Salieri crime family becomes an unfortunate
metaphor for the slapdash approach taken in bringing the game to consoles.

The concept, for those who've never heard of the original, it's a third person
driving and on-foot action game with a lot more emphasis given to the on-foot
portion. While the mouse and keyboard controls on the PC closely approximated
those of the PC version of its partner-in-crime Grand Theft Auto III, the
console version of Mafia doesn't follow in the footsteps that GTA made. While
GTA automatically locked your crosshairs on an enemy within your view, Mafia's
targeting system isn't automatic and doesn't lock. Using the black and white
buttons will turn your crosshair towards the closest enemy to the right and
left, but if the enemy moves (and he will) you'll have to press it again. The
other option is to aim manually with the right control stick, but even on the
lowest sensitivity setting your crosshairs still swing pretty wildly.

In fact the controls are so frustrating that they overshadow what might
normally be considered a greater problem: bugs. The game has several which crop
up way too easily not to have been caught by QA. Most annoying is the collision
detection. Point blank blasts with the shotgun miss. Medium range shotgun
blasts sometimes don't do the damage they should -- seeing a cop get up a
second time while you're reloading your double-barrel is exasperating. Pistol
shots at someone's exposed head one rooftop over hit invisible walls. It's hard
sometimes to even tell if you hit; while most of the time your target will
flinch, other times he won't, and for some reason there's no blood in this M-
Rated game.

Another bug which has the potential to be a big problem (but didn't in my play
of the game) is falling through the level geometry. On one particular mission I
had to restart several times, sometimes I would start out by falling right
through the level into the void. This happened a total of four times, and while
it was no big deal since it was at the starting point of the level, its random
occurrence means it could potentially happen at the end of any of the game's
extended and difficult missions. One final, relatively minor bug was the
occasional 2-3 second freezing of the game. This seemed to be connected with
certain trigger points within missions, not random, but it was still a problem
that shouldn't be there.

The control scheme and bugs are by far the worst parts of the port, though
they're not the only rough spot. Graphically, the game holds ground better.
Technically speaking, it's obviously no match for the PC version and even a bit
below the high-water mark for consoles, with frequent dips in framerate to
boot. However, the art direction carries over well in making the player feel
immersed in the large, authentic-feeling, 1930s-era city of Lost Heaven. Along
with the great concepts for missions, and the compelling storytelling chops,
the execution of the setting makes the conversion well. But that's all
ultimately meaningless -- it can't help the game itself, which just barely
makes the leap to Xbox and breaks several important bones in the process."

(here is the one and only picture caption from the review)

"Running from the law."


- IGN Review -

The following review was copied verbatim from the March 30th, 2004 review by
Douglass C. Perry. A complete transcript of this review can be found here:

In 2002, Take-Two released a period-piece action-driving game by the name of
Mafia. The game offered PC gamers a beautiful, well-organized and engaging
story about an ordinary guy swept up in the Italian Mafioso lifestyle. That
game was tough, perhaps tilted a little toward the hard side of games, but it
captured gamers' imaginations because, despite the natural comparisons to the
Grand Theft Auto series, it was true to itself -- the characters were engaging,
the story driving, and overall, it was well presented. You felt like you were
actually playing The Godfather or Goodfellas in the most genuine way.

In 2004, Take-Two's port of Mafia to the PlayStation 2 brings most of those
excellent qualities over, but it also carries over an elephant-sized crate of
problems. Mafia for the Xbox is the same core game, with a few additions and
alterations to appeal to console gamers, but it suffers from just about every
technical problem a port can on PlayStation 2. What's worse, the problems that
could be overshadowed on the PC version because of its freshness and beauty are
instantly lost on the Xbox, a system on which players have sharpened their
teeth on Grand Theft Auto III and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City games that are
more interactive, dynamic and open by design.

The Xbox port of Mafia is still a good game. In many ways, it's a superior
game. But you have to be generous, forgiving, and very patient to enjoy it. Are
you up for a great story and movie-like presentation? I suspect the answer is
yes. Well then, be forewarned of a surfeit of load screens and graphic
glitches, primitive controls, a more linear gameplay design, and a very
different pace altogether.

Mafia's strength lies primarily in its story and presentation. I've never felt
as close to playing a movie -- in the best sense of the phrase -- as I have
with this. And that is, despite the major graphic technicalities, the best
reason to play this genuinely intriguing game. Told in the same fashion as
Martin Scorsese's Goodfellas, from a reliable narrator recalling his time in
the Mafia and admitting his story in order to seek protection, Mafia takes
place during the 1930s. You play Tommy Angelo, a taxi driver who's forced to
help two gangsters out of a serious situation and who, by strange serendipity,
joins Don Salieri's organization as a mostly full-fledged member.

From his initial test run as a runner and a thug, Tommy gets intimately
involved in the family's business. That being the Mafia, his duties include
everything from collecting money and providing protection from small
businesses, knocking off territorial intruders, blowing up buildings and in
short, keeping the Salieri organization profitable. Thus, the gameplay missions
are probably familiar to those folks who have played oh, say, The Getaway,
Grand Theft Auto III, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, True Crime: Streets of LA,
or even Driver. You escort folks, recover stolen goods, get sent on missions to
kick some ass, kill people, blow up buildings, transport whisky and more.

What's so appealing about Mafia then? Oddly enough, it's the game's slow-pace,
its atmosphere and great set of characters. These are the days of bootlegging
liquor, streets that had no double yellow line, when cars could barely drive 60
MPH and when a baseball bat, a knife or a hunting rifle were the preferred
weapons of choice. You get to know the characters because of the genuine spare
dialog, the care and time you spend with your new "family," and the prospect of
earning even more respect in the Salieri hierarchy. The characters are
eccentric, sometimes dumb-witted, or in the case of the family mechanic,
Ralphy, a kind of stuttering autistic who's excellent with cars, but not much
else. If anything, Mafia re-creates a superb atmosphere that's so true it
carries players' interest right to the end.

The gameplay is both appealing and frustrating. It's split roughly 60-40%
between driving, chasing and escaping others in authentically designed 1930s
vehicles, and walking about on foot from a third-person perspective. There is
one major mode, "Story," from which all the other modes are dependent. Once
players finish the roughly 12-15 hour story mode, they can enter into the newly
added Race mode, comprised of a handful of specially made tracks for the
console versions. There's Free Ride, an open, non-timed, non-mission-based romp
that enables you to drive around willy-nilly getting into trouble with the
cops, exploring on foot or by a car; and there is Carcyclopedia, a visual
database of the game's well-researched and well-presented vehicles from the
period. Players can also go to a Mission Select mode to play a single mode over
again if they choose. Once you open new cars in the Story mode, you can race
them in Free Ride or in the Race modes. You can, however, see all the cars in
the Carcyclopedia right away.

The game is designed with a mostly open style. There are three huge parts to
the city attached by bridges, with various boroughs, downtown sections, and
industrial sectors. It's mostly open because while players can roam around
freely during non-timed missions or in between them, there are few things to
do. Unlike Grand Theft Auto, which offers a never-ending treasure chest of
things to collect, side missions to play, trouble to get into and areas to
explore, Mafia pretty much gives you the option to roam around freely, run
people over, and get chased by the cops. There are no items to collect, few
alleyways to hide in, and despite a massive world in which to ride, no major
secrets to unveil, find or real reason to explore, other than to see more
buildings and trains. So, GTA fans eager to compare this directly are going to
be disappointed (to say the least).

It's primarily "mostly" open in design because the game offers almost no major
side quests. You CAN go to the mechanic guy on the East Side (Bertone's
autoservice), and from there you can learn to pick the locks of new cars -- and
that will help you in missions and influence the quality of the gameplay, but
it's pretty simple and the novelty wears off real quick like.

Illusion Softworks did a great job in some areas on the PC version, which have
translated well enough to the Xbox iteration. The collection of cars is
excellent, well researched and created using a phenomenal physics system that
gives each car a life of its own. Each car behaves according to its weight,
size, length and whatever other specs they decided to use, and when you're
driving the cars, hitting curbs or going off road, you'll feel it. Pulling off
powerslides with the E-brake is a blast, and blazing through the city as 60 MPH
(yes, blazing at 60 MPH) requires skill and can be fun indeed. There are even a
handful of extra cars from modern times the designers threw in for fun.
Additionally, the selection of Mafioso guns is solid and fun to use.

If you have played the PC version, however, and are eager to experience console
bliss, just turn around and go home, pal. Don't even cast a brief glance at
this game. Mafia on the Xbox looks -- and in many major ways, plays --
infinitely worse than on the PC. The play controls and camera system are
interesting at best. The third-person camera is stiff and panhandle-like as
your character moves about. It works, but it's rough. The game controls well
compared to the PC version in one respect only: it's better using a controller
than a keyboard when driving. On the flip side, Mafia controls much better in
the shooting aspect using a mouse than a Xbox analog stick.

But seriously, that's as good as it gets. The game is riddled with port
problems. The stiff control I was telling you about? It makes aiming a chore,
frustrating and unfaithful to the original. The AI is dumbed down a bit, so
players will have an easier time shooting, but Illusion pretty much HAD to do
that because, despite the ability to change the analog sensitivity, the aiming
system is horribly clunky. The collision detection system wasn't fine-tuned at
all. In the PC version, if you were hiding behind a wall and you shot the wall
instead of the designated enemy, sparks would appear to indicate it. Here, you
shoot and nothing happens, so you're constantly adjusting to the game's bad
controls, instead of the other way around. Aiming long distance is a joke since
the graphic engine doesn't show off enough detail to support anything past
about 10 feet.

The controls fail on other levels too. They're slow and mechanical in nature on
the PC version and their weaknesses is brought out full force on the Xbox. The
one-button attacks when fighting in hand-to-hand bouts are simplistic and dull,
there is no ability to block, and while you can roll and fire to the sides, you
cannot roll forward or backward. And if you're cornered by three guys, you're
99% dead. There is no way out. The lack of sensitivity in the mushy Xbox analog
is infinitely worse than the fine-tuned precision of the PC's mouse, so whether
it's fighting, shooting, or even just moving your character, this thing feels
like a dinosaur.

The Xbox version is a graphic travesty on its own, but compared to the PC
version, it's a miserable, pathetic travesty. This PC game is gorgeous. It
highlights fine environmental and background textures, superb character models
and textures and great attention to detail with regard to the little things,
whether they are gun or car design, or architecture. The lighting on the PC
game is excellent. Some of that brilliance has come through on the Xbox.

For instance, the long and up-close cutscenes display excellent character
models and highly defined facial features on all the major characters. While
their eyes are generally zombied out (think Madden NFL 2000) and the movement
ranges from pretty good to marionette-like (i.e., not so good: Think the worst
aspects of GTA III on the Xbox), the skin textures and colors are honed and
realistic. The cars look great too. Also, it should be pointed out that the
cutscene work is perfectly timed and shot, making for a great atmosphere and a
superb cinematic quality. And though it may seem small and insignificant, for
the record, Mafia has the best cigarette and cigar smoke ever in a videogame.
(Since everyone is always smoking, that's a real good thing.)

But that's as much praise as this flawed port deserves. The framerate is poor
and the animation is clunky, creating an even further sense of mechanical
distraction. The superb lighting from the PC version is almost entirely lost in
flat darkness that only occasionally shows hints of its former presence. Even
the reflections are poor. Many sections are simply missing the realtime
lighting altogether. If that weren't enough, there's more.

If you're driving, you'll see blaringly painful pop-up, LOD problems --
especially with cars that transform in shape and form as they approach-- and
textures that look so low in resolution they make this look like a PlayStation
1 game. The environment has been razed. Buildings from the PC version are
missing in the Xbox version, tons of details are gone, the city feels dead and
lifeless instead of alive and bustling (like in the PC version), and every time
you are finally getting into the game, a honking 45-second load screen sucks
the life out of you. The load screens are ruthlessly long and even worse,
they're everywhere. They're so ridiculously long they're worse than many first-
generation Xbox games from the year 2000.

Luckily, one of the game's high points, the sound, hasn't been tainted at all.
The score sounds like it's straight from a movie. The main theme song was
created specifically for the game. It's bold, dramatic and mature in nature. As
you're driving from one section of town to another, you'll notice that each
section has its own music. There is no car radio like in GTA, you'll just hear
it over everything. There is also an intelligent and much applauded sense of
silence. The music is all based in the time period, too. So, there are real
cuts from Django Reinhardt, tons of Mills Brothers tunes, songs from Louis
Prima and a few from Lonnie Johnson.

The dialog is right on par with the music. The relatively unknown cast of
characters did a remarkable job of re-creating the cadences and accents of the
period. Granted, that's relatively easy, since we've all heard endless amounts
of accents from the areas and period, but still, these voice-overs are
excellent. The conversations are slowish like they would be in the 1930s, well
thought out, with good spaces in between, and the characters have a sense of
innocence compared to the cynicism of today's world. And in case I didn't
already mention it, the dialog is superb. The conversations are mostly
realistic, and there is interesting information being conveyed in a realistic

Closing Comments
Like Rockstar's PC-to-Xbox port of Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne, Take-
Two's port of Mafia is a wreck. Given the amount of time the team had between
August 2002 and today, its inability to bring the PC code into line on the
hard-to-develop-for Xbox is just short of a disaster. You should of heard the
yelps of pain from PC editor Dan Adams when he saw this game. He was

Sadly, beneath the awful looking exterior, the gameplay on Xbox is mixed at
best. The poor framerate doesn't help any, the stiff controls are only
worsened, and pretty much everything about the PC version is either watered
down, ruined, or lost altogether.

What makes this game worth owning, or at the very least, rentable, is the
story. It's not The Godfather, but as videogames go, this is a well thought out
story, carefully crafted with solid cutscenes, great dialog and excellent voice

In short, this game looks like a wreck, but if you only own one console and
it's a Xbox, you should at least rent it. You'll have to be patient and
forgiving, but the story is great and the intensity of the shoot-out scenes are
engaging and powerful.

IGN's Ratings for Mafia (Xbox)
9.0 Presentation
Excellent cutscenes, dialog, pacing and camera work. Very well done.
4.5 Graphics
Every bad graphical flaw is here in shining form: Aliasing, shimmering, seams,
bad framerate, poor LODs, bad lighting, poor textures, you name it.
8.0 Sound
The good voice acting and well-written script help create a powerful storyline.
The time-period music is exceptional.
7.0 Gameplay
A linear, mission-based game with little exploration value, Mafia still packs
some cool shootout scenes. But GTA it is not.
8.0 Lasting Appeal
The game itself is about 12-15 hours, and it's a one-time through affair. The
extra modes are just OK.
Passable OVERALL
(out of 10 / not an average)"


***************** D E F A U L T C O N T R O L S E T U P ******************

- PC Controls -

(can be changed at any time from the options menu)

On foot (player controls)

Forwards: Cursor Up, W
Backwards: Cursor Down,
Left: Cursor Left, A
Right: Cursor Right
Toggle Run/ Walk: Caps lock
Walk: Right Shift
Turn on the spot: Right Alt
Action Button: Right Mouse Button
Fire/shoot: Left mouse button
Crouch: Right Ctrl
Jump/Climb: Num pad 0, E
Aiming: Mouse Axis X and Y
Cycle up and down through weapons: Mouse Wheel
Inventory: I
Hide Weapon: H
Drop Weapon: Backspace
Reload: L
Sniper Mode: S
Objectives: F1
City Map: Tab

Car controls

Accelerate: Cursor Up
Brake/Reverse: Cursor Down
Steer Left: Cursor left
Steer Right: Cursor Right
Handbrake: Spacebar
Toggle Speed Limiter: F5
Toggle Manual/Automatic Gears: M
Shift Gears Up: A
Shift Gears Down: Z
Horn: K
Look Left: ,
Look Right: .
Use Clutch: X
Change Camera: C
Replace (Will reset your car during the mission "Fairplay") - Numpad 0


- PS2 Controls -
(thanks to piecemealcranky for these)

Config A:

X - Action/Accelerate
Circle - Roll/Handbrake
Square - Reload/Brake
Triangle - Get in/Out of Car

Right Analog Stick - Aiming/Center View/Toggle Camera Mode (R3)
Left Analog Stick - Walk/Run/Crouch/Steer/Horn (L3)

Start Button - Menu & Objectives
Select Button - Map

Up D-pad - Next Weapon
Down D-pad - Previous Weapon
Left D-pad - Drop Weapon
Right D-pad - Holster

L1 - Jump/Climb/Speed Limiter
L2 - Turn to Enemy (left)/Look Left
R1 - Fire/Recover
R2 - Turn to Enemy (right)/Look Right
L2 + R2 - Look Behind

Config B:

X - Action/Accelerate
Circle - Roll/Handbrake
Square - Accelerate/Crouch
Triangle - Get in/Out of Car

Right Analog Stick - Aiming/Center View/Toggle Camera Mode (R3)
Left Analog Stick - Walk/Run/Reload/Steer/Horn (L3)

Start Button - Menu & Objectives
Select Button - Map

Up D-pad - Next Weapon
Down D-pad - Previous Weapon
Left D-pad - Drop Weapon
Right D-pad - Holster

L1 - Jump/Climb/Speed Limiter
L2 - Turn to Enemy (left)/Look Left
R1 - Fire/Recover
R2 - Turn to Enemy (right)/Look Right
L2 + R2 - Look Behind

Config C:

X - Action
Circle - Center View/Toggle Camera View
Square - Reload
Triangle - Get in/Out of Car

Right Analog Stick - Aiming/Roll/Accelerate/Brake/Handbrake
Left Analog Stick - Walk/Run/Crouch/Steer/Horn (L3)

Start Button - Menu & Objectives
Select Button - Map

Up D-pad - Next Weapon
Down D-pad - Previous Weapon
Left D-pad - Drop Weapon
Right D-pad - Holster

L1 - Jump/Climb/Speed Limiter
L2 - Turn to Enemy (left)/Look Left
R1 - Fire/Recover
R2 - Turn to Enemy (right)/Look Right
L2 + R2 - Look Behind

Config D:

X - Action
Circle - Center View/Toggle Camera View
Square - Reload
Triangle - Get in/Out of Car

Right Analog Stick - Aiming/Roll/Steer/Horn (R3)
Left Analog Stick - Walk/Run/Crouch/Accelerate/Brake/Handbrake

Start Button - Menu & Objectives
Select Button - Map

Up D-pad - Next Weapon
Down D-pad - Previous Weapon
Left D-pad - Drop Weapon
Right D-pad - Holster

L1 - Jump/Climb/Speed Limiter
L2 - Turn to Enemy (left)/Look Left
R1 - Fire/Recover
R2 - Turn to Enemy (right)/Look Right
L2 + R2 - Look Behind


- Xbox Controls -
(thanks to Widgeon Infantry for these)

A button: Action / Accelerate
B button: Handbrake (in car)
B button + Left thumbstick Left / Right: Roll
Y button: Enter or exit cars / Pick lock
X button: Reload / Brake

Right Trigger: Fire / Recover car (only in racing modes) / Sniper scope
Left Trigger: Jump and climb
Black button: Turn to next enemy (right)
White button: Turn to next enemy (left) / Speed limiter (in car)

Left thumbstick: Walk / Run / Steer
Right thumbstick: Aim / Look left, right, back (in car)
Press Left thumbstick: Crouch / Horn
Press Right thumbstick: Center vies / Change camera (in car)

Up directional pad: Next weapon
Down directional pad: Previous weapon
Left directional pad: Drop weapon
Right directional pad: Holster / Empty hands

Back button: Map
Start button: Pause menu / Show objectives


***************************** C H A R A C T E R S *****************************

- Major Characters -

Thomas "Tommy" Angelo
From the instruction manual:
"Tom is the main character in the game. Originally a cab driver, but due to a
combination of unpleasant circumstances, he is forced to join the Mafia. Tom
is all in all a nice guy, but a tough childhood and life in the 1930's have
changed his moral values a little. Thus, he's capable of doing things that a
normal person wouldn't understand, but his conscience sometimes haunts him."

As the manual describes, Tom is the intriguing main character of Mafia, and
the character that you control. Though Tom begins as a simple cab driver, he
will end up becoming a powerful member of the Mafia in The city of Lost
Heaven. He is the main focus of the story, and his actions noticeably affect
it. Tommy is the player that you will directly control throughout the game.
You will become aware of his skills, and of his limitations. His driving skill
is clear, given his profession as a taxi driver. His skill with firearms is
developed through working with the Mafia. Like in most shooters, the main
character is somewhat unbelievably resilient to damage. This is still the
case, though to a lesser extent in Mafia. Though Tommy can still get killed in
a single shot by an accurate rifle headshot, a point blank round of buckshot,
or a grenade at his feet, he is somewhat unrealistically resilient to most
forms of damage.

Missions: "0", Prologue, 1, 2, 3, 4, Intermezzo 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, Intermezzo 2, 9,
10, 11, 12, Intermezzo 3, 13, 14, 15, 16, Intermezzo 4, 17, 18, 19, 20,
Epilogue, Freeride, Freeride Extreme

From the instruction manual:
"Norman is the typical example of a detective brought up through the school of
hard knocks. He is a scruffy, tough guy, who acts like he hates everybody
around him. Tom tells him his story, but doesn't get much sympathy."

The manual description of Norman omits the very important fact that he's never
in any of the game's missions. He appears in the opening cinematic, the
prologue, all the "intermezzo" and the finale/epilogue. Essentially, the
whole game of Mafia is a flashback, being told by Tommy to Norman a few years
after the events of the game take place.

Missions: Prologue, Intermezzo 1, Intermezzo 2, Intermezzo 3, Intermezzo 4,

Don Salieri
From the instruction manual:
"The Don is the boss of the family that Tommy works for. He's a guy who's
lived through a lot ad doesn't get excited too easily. He's typical of a
Mafioso, who hasn't built up his position just for money and doesn't always
kill to get what he wants. He is friendly, but when he gets tough he can
become dangerous. Sometimes business is more important than friendship to

That last sentence is foreshadowing the events in the mission "Omerta."
Anyway, Don Salieri will act as your boss for nearly the entire game. He
gives you mission briefings, and tells you what to do. As the game
progresses, he develops a closer relationship with Tommy, and talks to him as
more of a friend than a mindless goon/lackey. He stresses the Mafioso family
above all else, and is willing to go to great lengths to keep these "family
values" alive.


From the instruction manual:
"Paulie is Tom's sidekick, and energetic and hot-tempered guy, who sometimes
behaves completely unexpectedly. If he likes somebody he is the most loyal
friend you could have, someone you can always rely on; if he doesn't cause you
problems that is. Tom and Paulie are the greatest of friends and often work
and have fun together."

Oddly enough, as the manual says, he is like Tommy's sidekick, even though he
(Paulie) is a much more experienced member of the mafia. He is a very
unpredictable person, as his motives are often unclear. Sometimes he is very
humble and willing to put himself aside for others' problems (Ordinary
Routine), other times he is angry and revengeful (Better get used to it).
Sometimes he's just greedy (Moonlighting). Still, he remains a useful and
valuable member of Salieri's "family."


From the instruction manual:
"Another of Tom's colleagues. He is a big, friendly guy, with a nice smile.
In spite of his size, he is timid and a little clumsy, and doesn't talk much.
He often works with Tom and Paulie, and they are good friends."

Though he seems to be a bit actor at the beginning, Sam will play a moderate
role in many of the game's most dramatic missions. He also seems to be injured
the most of all the people in this game. First he gets beat up, then shot,


From the instruction manual:
"Frank is Don Salieri's best friend, associate and advisor. His main concern
is family finance and the legal side of business. He is well suited to this.
At first sight he doesn't seem to belong among these criminals, as he is a
very quiet inconspicuous nice guy. He does his work mainly because of an
attachment to Don Salieri, as well as their mutant past. They grew up together
in a poor quarter and thanks to Don he gained most of what he has, so he can't
just turn his back on him. If he'd grown up in any other place he would
certainly be a successful lawyer or businessman."

Frank, almost always seen behind Salieri, is indeed his "right hand." Though
he deals with the paperwork and legal matters of the Mafia, he is no soft
guy. His motivating, if somewhat dramatically pessimistic, words inspire
Tommy throughout (such as in Fairplay). His major part in the game occurs
in the mission "Omerta".

Missions: 3, 4, 6, 7a, 8b, 10

From the instruction manual:
"He has worked for the family for a long time and it means everything to him.
It's strange that such a good guy like Vincenzo found his greatest love in
guns, but that's why he takes care of Salieri's arsenal of weapons and selects
the best equipment for a mission."

Before most missions, you're going to want to check in with both Vincenzo and
Ralph. Vincenzo will set you up with your weaponry for the mission. Usually
he will supply you with a colt 1911 or another pistol, but depending on the
mission, he can give you everything from sniper rifles to car bombs.


From the instruction manual:
"Ralph is excellent when it comes to dealing with vehicles. He can take
apart, repair, improve and then rebuild whatever he gets his hands on and
that's about it. His world revolves around anything on four wheels, and he
knows little about anything else. That's why he'll only talk about vehicles,
though even conversations about vehicles aren't easy for him."

Along with Vincenzo, you will want to pay a visit to Ralph before each
mission. He will supply you with a car to suit your needs. Aside from his
stuttering, Ralph is a very helpful character. He teaches you how to steal
new car models and supplies you with them as well. In addition, any car you
bring back to his garage will be added to the garage at mission completion.
You can then use that car on any subsequent mission.


Don Morello
From the instruction manual:
"Salieri's main adversary. Where Salieri opts for negotiation, Morello uses
an army of men with Thompsons. Where Salieri punishes treachery, Morello
indiscriminately shows his might. Because of this he has a big influence in
the city, which he is trying to extend into Salieri family territory. He is
greatly helped by his brother Sergio. However, he ultimately destroys
everything he's involved in through his overly brutal behavior."

Morello is essentially the "bad guy" throughout the storyline of Mafia. He
stands for every negative aspect of the Mafia and only cares about personal
gains. Most of the enemies you will face in the game will be his mindless


Lucas Bertone
From the instruction manual:
"Lucas is a pleasant Italian of middle age, a car mechanic for the rich. He
is very big-hearted even though, in view of the services he provides to the
Mafia, he is no saint.
NOTE: Although not part of the Salieri family its often worth visiting Lucas
when you have spare time as unlike Ralph, Luca's work means that he has
access to some of the more luxurious and exotic cars in the city."

Lucas' auto service shop is under the Giuliano Bridge in southern New Ark. As
the manual describes, he can get you access to more high-end cars than Ralph.
After many missions, you may have the option to take a detour and stop at his
shop. It's highly recommended that you do this, because the resulting side
mission will unlock new cars, which will aid you both in the story and in

- Minor Characters -

Luigi: The bartender at Salieri's bar. He is a kind man who has many a
conversation with Tommy. He appears in nearly every mission, behind the bar,
waiting for customers. He usually tells Tommy to check back later, when they
can have an interesting and informative conversation.

Sarah: Luigi's daughter. Tommy escorts her home in "Sarah" and protects her
from a street gang. They develop a relationship which evolves throughout the
game. This relationship blossoms in "Sarah," and is touched on in other
missions, such as "A Trip To The Country" and "Epilogue"

Bobby: The gate guard for the City of Lost Heaven racing track night shift.
His assistance is needed in the mission "Fairplay"
Missions: 5

Michelle: She congratulates Tommy after his win in "Fairplay"
and turns out to be "The Whore" in mission 8. Under Tommy's request, she
leaves the city, never to return.
Missions: 6, 8

Big Biff: An informant for the Salieri Family who usually hangs out in
Chinatown. He informs you of the gang's base of operations in "Better get used
to it" and tries to help you find Frank in "Omerta."
Missions: 7b, 10

Billy: An obnoxious little street punk. Tommy hunts him down in the mission
"Better get used to it." However, as he is the son of an important
politician, his death creates quite a commotion, and a problem for Tommy.
Missions 7b, 8b

Billy's Friend (unnamed): This friend of Billy's somehow lives though his
ordeal with Tommy in "Better Get Used To It" and brings the councilor and all
of the corrupt politicians down hard on Salieri
Missions: 7b, 8b

Lucas' Friend (unnamed): Tommy has to warn him to escape from the police who
are converging on his apartment in the mission "A Trip To The Country". This
favor is greatly appreciated by Lucas.
Missions: 9

Little Tony: Another informant of the Salieri family. He hangs out in front
of the art museum on Central Island
Missions: 10

Idiot Joe: A reluctant informant who gives Tommy a ton of snappy backtalk
before telling him about Frank and the accounting books in "Omerta." He can be
found not far from Lucas Bertone's shop, under the Giuliano Bridge.
Missions: 10

March: Frank's wife makes an appearance in the mission "Omerta." Play
the mission for more information about their story.
Missions: 10

Alice: Frank's daughter also can be found in the mission "Omerta." Play
the mission for more information about their story.
Missions: 10

Carlo: A friend of Lucas Bertone's. He has the personal vendetta against Stan,
it's just that Lucas asks Tommy to beat up Stan. There's no mention as to
whether or not this is the same Carlo as Salieri's driver.
Missions: 10

Stan: A big muscular type guy. He appears to be the bouncer at the Black Cat
Bar in Little Italy. Tommy beats him up on a request from Lucas.
Missions: 10

Salvatore: Salvatore is the best lock pick in the city. He aids Tommy in the
mission "Visiting Rich People" by opening the gate, the safe in the
office, and the prosecutor's Silver Fletcher.
Missions: 11

William Gates (Bill): Whether or not any pun is aimed at Microsoft's multi-
billion dollar man is unknown. In this game, Bill is introduced as a whiskey
dealer from Kentucky who arranges a deal with Paulie. His part is very
minor, as he gets shot almost immediately after Tommy meets him. However, it
turns out that he isn't from Kentucky. In fact, he's just a small time thief
who stole from Morello, which is why the gangsters came to hunt him down.
Missions: 12

Pepe: Pepe is the owner of a fine Italian Bar and Pizzeria in New Ark. His
restaurant is the personal favorite dining spot of Don Salieri. In the mission
"Bon Appetit!" the Tommy accompanies the Don for a lunch at Pepe's, though the
situation turns rapidly downhill once they finish their meal. However, Pepe
survives the ordeal, and receives some money from Don Salieri to fix up his
Missions: 13

Carlo: Salieri's double-crossing driver. He called in sick the day when
Morello attempted to assassinate Salieri. Tommy hunts him down for
retribution. Again, there's no mention as to whether or not this is the same
Carlo as Lucas' friend who wants Tommy to beat up Stan in "Omerta."
Missions: 13

Councilor (unnamed): Tommy is sent aboard his party steamer to kill the
councilor in the mission "Happy Birthday!" This is a major event in the chain
of Salieri's attack on those who associate with Morello.
Missions: 14

Sergio Morello Jr.: The younger brother of Salieri's rival Don. His uncanny
ability to avoid death becomes evident in the mission "You Lucky Bastard"
where Tommy is sent to kill him. This is another major event in the chain, as
it marks the death of one of Morello's closest accomplices.
Missions: 15

Lucas' Friend (unnamed): This man is another of Lucas' unnamed friends. Tommy
has to help him get to the Oakwood "family" doctor after he's shot in
Chinatown. This is part of the Lucas Bertone side mission in "You Lucky
Missions: 15

Politician (unnamed): Tommy is sent to silence this political enemy of
Salieri's in the mission "Election Campaign." Though he isn't part of the anti-
Morello chain of events, he still poses as opposition to the Salieri family.
Missions: 17

Don Pepone: The Don under whom both Morello and Salieri served in the early
parts of their lives. Tommy mentions him to Norman during Intermezzo 4. Also,
as a secret/Easter egg, he appears in the bank in "Moonlighting."
Missions: Intermezzo 4, 19

Dick: "Dick? No, I'm big Dick," this informant exclaims. Tommy is sent to give
him a package as a request from Lucas in "Moonlighting." He will have to fend
off attacks from gangsters while fighting alongside Dick.
Missions: 19

Yellow Pete: A one-armed gunsmith who, despite being off the beaten path, is
helpful to the game. Although you only have access to his shop in the last
few missions, his arsenal of weapons is very helpful when trying to beat said
missions. His shop (though not his body) remains in Freeride mode and is a
source of purchasing new weaponry. His shop can be found in the parking lot
behind the Twister theater in Western Hoboken.
Missions: 19, 20, Freeride


******************************** W E A P O N S ********************************

Given how this game is both centered around, and titled "Mafia", it's only
natural that you will have to use weapons at some point during the game. After
all, I'm assuming that you bought this game so that you could shoot people,
not be a prosecuting attorney against the Mafia...right? Anyway, I have
compiled a list of all the weapons in this game, organized in to categories,
and described in great detail.

The weapon list will be set up under each category like this:

Name: The name of the weapon as it appears in the game. For example, in the
game, the "Smith and Wesson" is always abbreviated to be "S&W". Therefore, The
Smith and Wesson Model 10 Military and Police is called the S&W Model 10 M&P

Size: This will either be small or large (or N/A in the case of fists). Tommy
has 5 slots/holsters in his inventory for small weapons, his coat, and his
hands. In that way, you can carry 6 small weapons (5 in his holsters, and 1 in
his coat) and still have your hands free. If his coat "space" isn't being used
up, Tommy can hide one large weapon in his coat and still have his hands free.
Therefore, if you want your hands free (all weapons concealed from the police)
you can carry either 6 small weapons, or 5 small and 1 large. However, if you
add a second large weapon, even if you have no small weapons, Tommy will not be
able to conceal it. Even if you don't care about concealing weapons, Tommy can
still only hold two large weapons, regardless of remaining space in his
inventory. Most melee weapons and handguns are small, and the shotguns and
rifles are large.

Damage: a rough estimate of the damage that the weapon doles out. The type of
weapon is somewhat factored into this rating. The ratings are: Very low, low,
medium-low, medium, medium-high, high, extreme. This number will be followed
by the maximum damage value (as shown by the weapon statistics editor, which
shows the original stats before you modify them)

Range: a rough estimate of the range of the weapon. For melee weapons, this is
either none, or very low. For guns, it is the maximum range at which the gun
retains most of its accuracy. It is measured in the following ratings: None,
very short, short, medium-short, medium, medium-far, far, extreme.

Clip/Max ammo: The first number will show the maximum amount that can be held
in one clip, and expended before having to reload. The second number shows the
maximum amount of ammo that Tommy can hold for that gun. This value will be
N/A for melee and thrown weapons

Advantages: Advantages of the weapon, and why you might use it.

Disadvantages: Disadvantages of the weapon, and why you might not use it.

Ideal situation: This describes the ideal situation for using the weapon. It
describes a number of enemies, their range, and what they are armed with,
where the listed weapon would be most effective (ex. Shotgun against light-
medium armed enemies at close range)

Rarity: How rare it is to find this weapon. It's rarity, or frequency of
appearance in the game will be measured in "rare" (one or two missions at
most), "uncommon" (a few missions, but more difficult to find), "common" (in
many missions and relatively easy to come by), or "abundant" (in nearly every
mission, and very easy to acquire)

Notes: A brief overview of the weapon, along with any additional information
that would be useful to the user.

Cost: The price this weapon costs when purchased from Yellow Pete's gunshop.
See the "Freeride" section for more information.

So without further ado, the weapons:

- Melee weapons -

The standard fists, bats, knives, crowbars, and other weapons represent the
melee category. Though some missions are an all out melee brawl (such as the
first part of "Better get used to it"), melee should usually be used only as a
last resort. If you're going up against enemies armed with guns, you'll be
shot down before you even get within striking distance. In general, these
weapons aren't that great, and should only be used if you have no alternative.


Size: N/A
Damage: very low
Range: None, you must be literally right up against your target
Clip/Max Ammo: N/A
Advantages: ? Not much, you can actually attack and do damage. Doesn't take up
inventory space
Disadvantages: Low damage, nonexistent range, practically useless
Ideal situation: A single unarmed enemy, preferable a passive citizen who
won't attack you.
Rarity: N/A - You always have them
Notes: The fists are your default weapon when you have nothing else to use.
They are almost completely useless. When fighting another person where you
both use fists, you'll be hurt quite a bit before you can kill them. When
fighting someone with a gun, you don't stand a chance.
Cost: N/A

Knuckle Duster:

Size: Small
Damage: Low
Range: None
Clip/Max Ammo: N/A
Advantages: Slightly better than bare fists
Disadvantages: All the same as the fists
Ideal situation: A single unarmed enemy
Rarity: Rare
Notes: If you were confused by the name, these are essentially brass knuckles.
They pack a little bigger punch than the fists, but they still are near
useless compared to a gun.
Cost: Not for sale

Baseball Bat:

Size: Large
Damage: Low*
Range: Short (Slightly longer reach than fists)
Clip/Max Ammo: N/A
Advantages: One hit kill feature, can be carried without drawing police
Disadvantages: Two handed (you can only have 2 2-handed weapons in your
inventory at once), low range
Ideal situation: A single unarmed, (or armed with a melee weapon) enemy, or 2
unarmed enemies.
Rarity: Common
Notes: This is probably the best melee weapon. The star on low damage is
because although it does low damage, if you can hit someone from behind with a
fully charged swing, it's a one hit kill. Add that to the fact that you can
carry the bat around without angering the police (unless you hit someone in
front of them), and the fact that it's extremely common, and you have yourself
a great weapon.
Cost: $10


Size: Small
Damage: Medium*
Range: None
Clip/Max Ammo: N/A
Advantages: High damage for a melee weapon, one hit kill feature
Disadvantages: Rare in the game, low range
Ideal situation: A single unarmed, (or armed with a melee weapon) enemy, or 2
unarmed enemies.
Rarity: Uncommon
Notes: Like the baseball bat, a fully charged hit from behind is a one hit
kill. However, the knife does more normal damage by itself (it is a knife
after all), but is very rare compared to the bat.
Cost: $10


Size: Small
Damage: Low
Range: Very Short
Clip/Max Ammo: N/A
Advantages: OK damage, not much else
Disadvantages: Not that great damage, low range
Ideal situation: A single unarmed enemy
Rarity: Uncommon
Notes: Not that great, the crowbar is a generic battering weapon. I wouldn't
really bother.
Cost: Not for sale


Size: Large
Damage: Medium (for a melee weapon)
Range: Medium (for a melee weapon)
Clip/Max Ammo: N/A
Advantages: Long range for a melee weapon
Disadvantages: Very rare, slow attack
Ideal situation: up to 3 or so unarmed or melee armed enemies
Rarity: Rare
Notes: This "secret" weapon is one that many people never even find. In the
mission "Sarah" it is propped up against some boards in the area where you are
first attacked. I've also heard that one can be found in the mission "Better
get used to it", though I haven't verified this.
Cost: Not for sale

Steel Bar:

Size: Large
Damage: Medium (for a melee weapon)
Range: Medium (for a melee weapon)
Clip/Max Ammo: N/A
Advantages: Long range for a melee weapon
Disadvantages: Very rare, slow attack
Ideal situation: up to 3 or so unarmed or melee armed enemies
Rarity: Rare
Notes: This is another of the "secret" weapons in Mafia. It can only be found
in the mission "Bon Appetit!" After the Tommy hunts down Carlo at his
apartment, a few of his friends will attack Tommy. One has a baseball bat,
another has a colt detective special, and the third has this unique weapon.
Cost: Not for sale


Size: Small
Damage: Low
Range: Very Short
Clip/Max Ammo: N/A
Advantages: Is very interesting, better than fists
Disadvantages: Not all that great, only in one place in the game.
Ideal situation: A single unarmed enemy (though you won't get this opportunity
given where you can get this weapon)
Rarity: Rare
Notes: Another "secret" weapon. The bucket is needed to clean the restroom on
the party steamer in the mission "Happy Birthday!" If equipped as a weapon,
Tommy hits people with the bucket with his left hand, and with his right fist.
Cost: Not for sale

- Pistols -

The bread and butter weapon in Mafia is the pistol. Varying in model, make,
and statistics, they all do share some common characteristics. One of these is
that they can all be concealed inside Tommy's coat by pressing the H key. This
should keep you safe from the law. Also, all pistols can be used to do drive-
by shootings by equipping them when inside the car and then pressing whatever
key is assigned to fire/shoot. Tommy will stick the gun out of the window, and
you are then free to fire. To retract his arm, simply press action/use. So
without further ado, here are the pistols.

S&W Model 10 M&P:

Size: Small
Damage: Medium (40)
Range: Medium
Clip/Max Ammo: 6/36
Advantages: Very common, certainly better than a melee weapon.
Disadvantages: Not extremely accurate or damaging
Ideal Situation: A few enemies armed with handguns or a single enemy armed
with a more powerful weapon, such as a shotgun, at medium range
Rarity: Abundant
Notes: The standard issue handgun for all police officers. Unfortunately, it's
really not a very good gun. Its low damage and high recoil make it a rather
undesirable choice. However, it still is better than using a melee weapon, and
its abundance does help if you just need a gun.
Cost: $30

Colt 1911:

Size: Small
Damage: Medium-high (55)
Range: Medium-Far
Clip/Max Ammo: 7/35
Advantages: Very high accuracy for a pistol, decent damage
Disadvantages: Not as powerful as the magnum.
Ideal situation: A few enemies armed with handguns or a single enemy armed
with a more powerful weapons, such as a shotgun, at medium-long range
Rarity: Abundant
Notes: A basic pistol. Very effective when utilized correctly. It's accuracy
is notably better than that of the other handguns. This is my personal handgun
of choice, and is one that you will probably use throughout the game. It is
carried by many enemies in the story missions, and by most gangsters in
Freeride mode.
Cost: $50

Colt Detective Special:

Size: Small
Damage: Medium-low (30)
Range: Medium
Clip/Max Ammo: 6/36
Advantages: Decent damage, Decent accuracy
Disadvantages: Relatively small clip, usually there is a better alternative.
Not extremely common.
Ideal situation: A few enemies armed with handguns or a single enemy armed
with a more powerful weapons, such as a shotgun, at medium range
Rarity: Uncommon
Notes: This is arguably the worst of the pistols. It has lower damage, worse
accuracy and range, and less object knockback (see the can shooting in the
Tutorial) than any of the other pistols. The Colt 1911 or Model 27 will easily
beat it in almost any situation. Only the Model 10 even comes close to it in
terms of being an ineffective and nearly useless killing tool. Also, the
detective special isn't too common. Another note is that in most of the
missions late into the game, Tommy begins the mission with a colt detective
special with one clip of ammunition, even before he goes to see Vincenzo.
Cost: $10

S&W Model 24 Magnum:

Size: Small
Damage: High (for a handgun)(75)
Range: Medium
Clip/Max Ammo: 6/36
Advantages: High damage
Disadvantages: High recoil, accuracy can be questionable.
Ideal situation: A few enemies armed with handguns or a couple enemies armed
with more powerful weapons, such shotguns, medium range
Rarity: Common
Notes: A very powerful magnum. It wages the damage vs. speed war
against the colt 1911. It deals more damage, but is slower, and has more
recoil. I prefer the colt 1911, but the magnum is just as effective when used
correctly. Also, Though it's not rare, it's not nearly as common as the colt
1911 or Model 10.
Cost: $100

- Shotguns -

Although there are only two of them, the shotguns are the heavy hitters
in Tommy's arsenal. They will save your life, time and time again. When used
effectively, they will turn the tide of any battle. As they are "heavy", or
two-handed weapons, Tommy can only conceal one at a time, and cannot use them
in drive-by shootings.

Pump-Action Shotgun:

Size: Large
Damage: Extreme (250)
Range: Medium-short
Clip/Max Ammo: 8/32*
Advantages: High damage, no loss of ammo from reloading
Disadvantages: Not as damaging or fast firing as the Sawed-Off, relatively low
Ideal situation: A couple enemies armed with pistols or rifles, or shotgun (if
you can beat them to the punch) at medium-close range
Rarity: Common
Notes: Since each cartridge is individual, and not on a clip, reloading this
weapon won't waste ammo. Besides the Model 10, this is the other gun carried
by police (in squad cars only).
Cost: $500

Sawed-off Shotgun:

Size: Large (there's a misprint in the manual that classifies the sawed-off as
small. It is actually a large-type weapon)
Damage: Extreme (250)
Range: Short
Clip/Max Ammo: 2/34
Advantages: Absurdly high damage, can fire two shots very quickly
Disadvantages: Must be reloaded after every two shots
Ideal situation: one or possibly two enemies armed with almost anything, but
must be at very close range
Rarity: Uncommon
Notes: At close range, this weapon will kill in one hit. However, at medium
range, the damage drops dramatically, and at long range, the gun is useless.
Also, although you can fire 2 shots in rapid succession, the gun has to be
reloaded after those 2 shots, which can become a pain in certain situations.
Cost: $500

- Rifles -

Though the bulkiest of the weapons (aside from the shotguns), the rifles in
Mafia are some of the most powerful. Usually noted for their damage dealing
capabilities, high accuracy, and low re-fire rate, rifles are an instrumental
tool for any sniper, or for anyone who would like to keep their distance. I've
included the Thompson in this category, as it is a (automatic) rifle, but it
doesn't follow the characteristics of the other two rifles.

U.S. rifle M1903 Springfield:

Size: Large
Damage: High (80)
Range: Far
Clip/Max Ammo: 5/15
Advantages: High power, long range, High accuracy
Disadvantages: Slow rate of fire, not very common, small ammunition capacity
Ideal situation: Multiple enemies with pistols, shotguns, or other relatively
inaccurate weapons, at long range
Rarity: Rare
Notes: A very powerful rifle, though only available late in the game. Works
well when coupled with the Thompson (then again, anything works well with the
Cost: $2000

Mosin-Nagant 1891/30:

Size: Large
Damage: Extreme (100)
Range: Extreme
Clip/Max Ammo: 5/35
Advantages: High damage, Extreme range, very accurate, has a scope
Disadvantages: Rare (only once in the main game), slow fire rate
Ideal situation: A few enemies armed with just about anything (except rifles)
at as long a range as possible
Rarity: Rare
Notes: How can you have a shooter-type game and not have a sniper rifle? This
gun addresses this "problem." It has a built in scope (default s key) that
allows you to hit almost anyone from anywhere. In addition, its high damage
will almost certainly kill that "anyone" in 1 or 2 hits. The problem is that
the weapon is extremely rare. You only get it in "Election Campaign" and you
can buy one in Freeride (though with little ammo).
Cost: $2000

Thompson 1928:

Size: Large
Damage: High
Range: Medium-high (50)
Clip/Max Ammo: 50/200
Advantages: good damage, very fast rate of fire, decent range, very effective
Disadvantages: ??? Range isn't as good as some other guns
Ideal situation: Almost any number of enemies with any weapons (except rifles
if at long range, and shotguns if within 10 feet), at almost any range
Rarity: Common
Notes: The Tommy gun, the T-Gun, The Chicago Typewriter, The Big-T. Whatever
you want to call it, this is by far, the best weapon in the game. An
experienced player will be able to take down almost anyone with this weapon,
without even being hit. Its high rate of fire makes it capable of effective
crowd control when facing multiple targets, as well as suppressive fire to
keep the enemies from retaliating. Though I listed the range as medium, and
effective user can hit almost anything with it (which is somewhat unrealistic,
given the round clip inefficiencies of the real gun). Finally, it is
relatively abundant in the story and in Freeride, meaning that you will have
plenty of ammo to use.
Cost: $1000

- Throwable Weapons -

Perhaps the most underused, and underrepresented weapons in Mafia are the
throwables. Both are capable of dealing large amounts of damage if utilized
correctly. Once the throwing arc is mastered, a good player should be able to
hit enemies quite a distance away.

Molotov Cocktail:

Size: Small
Damage: High
Range: Medium-Far
Clip/Max Ammo: N/A
Advantages: High damage, can damage many enemies
Disadvantages: Can hurt yourself, takes practice to utilize well, dangerous in
close quarters
Ideal situation: A medium-large clustered and tightly packed group of enemies,
with almost any weapon(rifles might make a problem) at medium range
Rarity: Rare
Notes: Not very common in either the story or Freeride mode, the Molotovs
remain very effective at dealing with crowds. And no, I'm not talking about
Stalin's foreign minister *insert laughter here*. These cocktails are able to
light large groups of people (including yourself) on fire. Just make sure
you're acquainted with the arc, lest you throw one 20 over an enemy's head, or
drop it on your own foot.
Cost: $1000


Size: Small
Damage: Extreme
Range: Medium-Far
Clip/Max Ammo: N/A
Advantages: Can kill anyone, and destroy cars very easily
Disadvantages: Can kill Tommy very easily. Takes practice to throw well
Ideal situation: A group of enemies (or cars) at medium-long range
Rarity: Rare
Notes: Extremely rare, but also extremely effective when utilized correctly.
Grenades are able to kill anything in one hit (including Tommy if he's too
close to it). Do not underestimate the blast radius of these things, they will
blow you to pieces. Also, they are able to blow up most cars if you land one
underneath it. Like the cocktails, master Tommy's throwing arc before you go
blowing yourself up.
Cost: $1000


*********************************** C A R S ***********************************

All cars will be measured and classified under a number of different criteria.
They will be listed by section/type/company, in the order in which they appear
from the Freeride car-select menu. For each line/family, the following
information will be given:

Name: The name of the family/group/line/manufacturer of cars (e.g. Schubert)

Number of cars: How many cars are in this family

Number of groups: How many groups of cars are in this family (group numbers in
parentheses). Cars are grouped for how they are unlocked. For example, there
are 3 groups of Bolts: Bolt aces, Bolt model B's, and Bolt V8's. The aces are
unlocked from the start of the game, the model B's are unlocked after beating
mission 3, and the V8's are unlocked after beating mission 8. Therefore, there
are 3 groups, of 6 each. So the number of groups would look like this:
Number of groups: 3 (6)(6)(6)

A small synopsis/introduction to this particular group of cars


For each individual car, the following information will be given (information
in parenthesis are usually the same data, simply in metric form):

Name: Name of the car as it appears in game. Not the name of the actual car
that it's based off of.

Weight: How much the car weighs in kilograms

Power: The horsepower of the car in HP (in Kilowatts)

Max Speed: This is the maximum speed that the car is supposed to go in miles
per hour (in kilometers per hour)

True Max Speed: This is the fastest that the car can actually go (From These values
only appear for certain cars (the ones that data has been collected for) For
more information, see Contributions and Contact section.

Engine: The number of cylinders in the car's engine

Swept Volume: This is the volume (in cubic centimeters) that the piston covers
during one stroke, or cycle. This is a value included in the carcylcopedia,
but it really isn't that important unless you're a car buff.

Gear Box: How many gears the car has in its gearbox. Pretty basic, but if you
don't drive manual, it won't really matter to you.

Seats: The number of people who can ride in the car. This value is usually
either 2 or 4, but may be 1 for the race cars. For the most part, you can tell
how many seats a car has, just by the name. "Fordor" means four doors (Four
seats). "Tudor" means two doors (two seats). The unusual spellings are just
something you'll have to get used to.

Top: This determines whether the top/roof of the car is hard or soft. If a
soft top lands on its roof (upside down), Tommy will be killed instantly,
regardless of his health level. Also, the racing cars have no roof, and Tommy
will be affected the same as if they had a soft top.

Colors: This is the possible colors that the car can be found in.

Available After: This is either the beginning of the game, or a mission. After
COMPLETING this mission (not just starting it), the car is unlocked and
available for use in Freeride.

Notes: A brief description and relevant information covering the car. Also,
any other points of interest.

- Bolt -

Number of cars: 18
Number of groups: 3 (6)(6)(6)

The Bolt family of cars is the largest in the game. These cars are the
most common to be seen driving around in the city, especially in the earlier
1930's. They are divided into 3 groups, Bolt Aces, Bolt Model B's, and Bolt
V8's. The Aces are the most basic and weak cars. The Model B's are mediocre
and generic cars, that are very common in the early 1930's. The V8's are the
more elegant and sporty of the groups. All three groups have the same basic
models, only differing slightly in appearance and handling.

Name: Bolt Ace Tudor
Weight: 800 kg
Power: 22 HP (16.2 kW)
Max Speed: 45 Mph (72 Km/h)
True Max Speed: 59 Mph
Engine: 4 cylinder
Swept volume: 2865 ccm
Gear Box: 2 speed operated by pedal
Seats: 2
Top: Hard
Colors: Blue, Dark Blue, Green, Brown, Red
Available After: From start
Notes: A pretty simple car, like most of the bolts. You will find this car
throughout the levels that take place in the early 1930's. Like most of the
bolt aces, it's not very powerful or stylish. However, it will get you across
the city. Just don't expect to race around in it.

Name: Bolt Ace Touring
Weight: 800 kg
Power: 22 HP (16.2 kW)
Max Speed: 45 Mph (72 Km/h)
True Max Speed: 59 Mph
Engine: 4 cylinder
Swept volume: 2865 ccm
Gear Box: 2 speed operated by pedal
Seats: 4
Top: Soft
Colors: Blue, Dark Blue, Green, Brown, Red
Available After: From start
Notes: This simple bolt has a very distinctive slope on its back. Also, other
than the windshield, it has no windows. This makes it even less desirable to
fight in than some of the other bolt aces, as you can be shot from the side
much easier.

Name: Bolt Ace Runabout
Weight: 800 kg
Power: 22 HP (16.2 kW)
Max Speed: 45 Mph (72 Km/h)
True Max Speed: 59 Mph
Engine: 4 cylinder
Swept volume: 2865 ccm
Gear Box: 2 speed operated by pedal
Seats: 2
Top: Soft
Colors: Blue, Dark Blue, Green, Brown, Red
Available After: From start
Notes: Characterized by its sloping rear, the runabout is one of the worst
cars available in the early 1930's. Even though all the bolt aces have the
same statistics, this one feels like the weakest. One of the smallest non-
racing cars, the runabout is extremely fragile, both to gunfire and to
collisions. I really wouldn't recommend this car unless you have no better

Name: Bolt Ace Pickup
Weight: 800 kg
Power: 22 Horsepower (16.2 kW)
Max Speed: 45 Mph (72 Km/h)
True Max Speed: 59 Mph
Engine: 4 cylinder
Swept volume: 2865 ccm
Gear Box: 2 speed operated by pedal
Seats: 2
Top: Soft
Colors: Blue, Dark Blue, Green, Brown, Red
Available After: From start
Notes: This is one of only two pickups in the game. In addition, the bolt ace
pickup is probably the rarer, though weaker of the two. However, if you'd like
to organize your garage like me, with a few rare cars highlighting every year
from 1930-1938, this car is a great choice. If you can't nab one early on,
such as in "Molotov Party," you may never get another chance.

Name: Bolt Ace Fordor
Weight: 800 kg
Power: 22 HP (16.2 kW)
Max Speed: 45 Mph (72 Km/h)
True Max Speed: 59 Mph
Engine: 4 cylinder
Swept volume: 2865 ccm
Gear Box: 2 speed operated by pedal
Seats: 4
Top: Hard
Colors: Blue, Dark Blue, Green, Brown, Red
Available After: From start
Notes: This car is almost identical to the Bolt Ace Tudor, with the exception
of its capacity. It can seat 4 people, hence its (misspelled) name. As a
result, it's slightly longer, but handles almost the same.

Name: Bolt Ace Coupe
Weight: 800 kg
Power: 22 HP (16.2 kW)
Max Speed: 45 Mph (72 Km/h)
True Max Speed: 59 Mph
Engine: 4 cylinder
Swept volume: 2865 ccm
Gear Box: 2 speed operated by pedal
Seats: 2
Top: Hard
Colors: Blue, Dark Blue, Green, Brown, Red
Available After: From start
Notes: Take a Bolt Ace Runabout, put a spare tire on the back, make the roof
solid, and you've basically got a Bolt Ace coupe. The cars are very similar in
their handling and appearance.

Name: Bolt Model B Tudor
Weight: 1075 kg
Power: 40 HP (29.7 kW)
Max Speed: 58 Mph (97 Km/h)
True Max Speed: 70 Mph
Engine: 4 cylinder
Swept volume: 3285 ccm
Gear Box: 3 speed
Seats: 2
Top: Hard
Colors: Brown, Red, Green, Dark Blue
Available After: Mission 3: "Molotov Party"
Notes: The first car in the Bolt Model B series, the Tudor is a step up from
the Bolt Aces. It is faster, stronger, and generally better all around. It
also has an elongated body compared to the aces. Though available in Freeride
from the beginning, Tommy doesn't know how to steal one until "Ordinary

Name: Bolt Model B Roadster
Weight: 1075 kg
Power: 40 HP (29.7 kW)
Max Speed: 58 Mph (97 Km/h)
True Max Speed: 70 Mph
Engine: 4 cylinder
Swept volume: 3285 ccm
Gear Box: 3 speed
Seats: 2
Top: Soft
Colors: Brown, Red, Green, Dark Blue
Available After: Mission 3: "Molotov Party"
Notes: Very similar to the Tudor, the Roadster is slightly longer (in length)
and shorter (in height). It is also a soft top, open (no side windows) car,
making it less desirable for firefights.

Name: Bolt Model B Pickup
Weight: 950 kg
Power: 40 HP (29.7 kW)
Max Speed: 58 Mph (97 Km/h)
True Max Speed: 70 Mph
Engine: 4 cylinder
Swept volume: 3285 ccm
Gear Box: 3 speed
Seats: 2
Top: Hard
Colors: Brown, Red, Green, Dark Blue
Available After: Mission 3: "Molotov Party"
Notes: Other than the Bolt Ace Pickup, this is the only other pickup in the
game. It's slightly more common, and better in terms of speed and handling.
Overall, it's very similar to the other Model B's.

Name: Bolt Model B Fordor
Weight: 1075 kg
Power: 40 HP (29.7 kW)
Max Speed: 58 Mph (97 Km/h)
True Max Speed: 70 Mph
Engine: 4 cylinder
Swept volume: 3285 ccm
Gear Box: 3 speed
Seats: 4
Top: Hard
Colors: Brown, Red, Green, Dark Blue
Available After: Mission 3: "Molotov Party"
Notes: This is the basic Bolt Model B. A generic four-seater car with decent
speed, handling, and other statistics. In the early missions, you will
probably spend much of your time looking at that very distinctive gold colored
slats/grating covering the spare tire of a Fordor in front of you. It's rather
bland, but not a terrible car.

Name: Bolt Model B Delivery
Weight: 950 kg
Power: 40 HP (29.7 kW)
Max Speed: 58 Mph (97 Km/h)
True Max Speed: 70 Mph
Engine: 4 cylinder
Swept volume: 3285 ccm
Gear Box: 3 speed
Seats: 2
Top: Hard
Colors: Brown, Red, Green, Dark Blue
Available After: Mission 3: "Molotov Party"
Notes: If you took a Model B Fordor and changed the entire back seats and rear
into a large storage area, you've basically got a Model B delivery. As a
result of this large storage space, it is only a 2-seater, and is a little bit
longer than the Fordor. Also, it's a little bit lighter, but this doesn't seem
to affect its handling much.

Name: Bolt Model B Coupe
Weight: 1075 kg
Power: 40 HP (29.7 kW)
Max Speed: 58 Mph (97 Km/h)
True Max Speed: 70 Mph
Engine: 4 cylinder
Swept volume: 3285 ccm
Gear Box: 3 speed
Seats: 2
Top: Hard
Colors: Brown, Red, Green, Dark Blue
Available After: Mission 3: "Molotov Party"
Notes: The Coupe of the Model B series is once again, rather generic. It's
somewhat smaller than the other model B's, but handles rather the same. It
will also be pretty common on the roads in the early 1930's.

Name: Bolt Model B Cabriolet
Weight: 1075 kg
Power: 40 HP (29.7 kW)
Max Speed: 58 Mph (97 Km/h)
True Max Speed: 70 Mph
Engine: 4 cylinder
Swept volume: 3285 ccm
Gear Box: 3 speed
Seats: 2
Top: Soft
Colors: Brown, Red, Green, Dark Blue
Available After: Mission 3: "Molotov Party"
Notes: Except for the soft top, the Cabriolet is almost identical to the
Coupe. It is also very slightly higher off the ground, but by an
inconsequentially low amount.

Name: Bolt V8 Coupe
Weight: 1170 kg
Power: 65 HP (47.8 kW)
Max Speed: 76 Mph (122 Km/h)
True Max Speed: 86 Mph
Engine: eight-cylinder
Swept volume: 3622 ccm
Gear Box: 3 speed
Seats: 2
Top: Hard
Colors: Green, Red, Blue, Grey
Available After: Mission #8: "The Whore/The Priest"
Notes: This is one of the cars in the fancier class of Bolts, the V8 series.
It handles quite nicely, and will serve you well for the early missions.
Overall, along with the others in the V8 series, it is better than the other

Name: Bolt V8 Fordor
Weight: 1075 kg
Power: 65 HP (47.8 kW)
Max Speed: 76 Mph (122 Km/h)
True Max Speed: 86 Mph
Engine: 4 cylinder
Swept volume: 3285 ccm
Gear Box: 3 speed
Seats: 4
Top: Hard
Colors: Brown, Red, Green, Dark Blue
Available After: Mission #8: "The Whore/The Priest"
Notes: This is the standard "family car" or Fordor in the V8 series. It is a
wise choice if you need to take more than one other person along with you in
the car. It handles very similarly to the other V8's, but is somewhat longer,
mostly as a result of its larger seating capacity.

Name: Bolt V8 Roadster
Weight: 1075 kg
Power: 65 HP (47.8 kW)
Max Speed: 76 Mph (122 Km/h)
True Max Speed: 86 Mph
Engine: 4 cylinder
Swept volume: 3285 ccm
Gear Box: 3 speed
Seats: 2
Top: Soft
Colors: Brown, Red, Green, Dark Blue
Available After: Mission #8: "The Whore/The Priest"
Notes: The V8 Roadster is essentially the closest thing to a sports car in the
entire Bolt "family." Easily distinguishable from most other roadsters by its
white (instead of the traditional black) soft top, the roadster is a nice way
to travel efficiently, quickly, and in style. It's a nice choice in any

Name: Bolt V8 Touring
Weight: 1075 kg
Power: 65 HP (47.8 kW)
Max Speed: 76 Mph (122 Km/h)
True Max Speed: 86 Mph
Engine: 4 cylinder
Swept volume: 3285 ccm
Gear Box: 3 speed
Seats: 4
Top: Soft
Colors: Brown, Red, Green, Dark Blue
Available After: Mission #8: "The Whore/The Priest"
Notes: Although this car looks very similar to the Bolt Ace Touring, it's
significantly better. Its speed, power, handling, and nearly every aspect of
has vastly improved from those of its ace counterpart. However, it still has
no side windows, making it a bad place to be during a firefight.

Name: Bolt V8 Tudor
Weight: 1075 kg
Power: 65 HP (47.8 kW)
Max Speed: 76 Mph (122 Km/h)
True Max Speed: 86 Mph
Engine: 4 cylinder
Swept volume: 3285 ccm
Gear Box: 3 speed
Seats: 2
Top: Hard
Colors: Brown, Red, Green, Dark Blue
Available After: Mission #8: "The Whore/The Priest"
Notes: This car is almost identical to the V8 Fordor, except...surprise! It
only seats 2. Overall, it handles the same way as the Fordor. You might as
well get a Fordor instead, because there will be situations where you need
that extra capacity.

- Schubert -

Number of cars: 6
Number of groups: 2 (2) (4)

The Schubert line of cars is another basic one that will serve you well early
on in the game. Additionally, you'll recognize the Schubert as the trademark
police vehicle. You should be able to easily identify the Schubert's distinct
shape from quite a ways away (which is helpful for evading the police).
Although there are 6 cars, there are truly only 2 Schuberts, with a number of
minor variations. There is the Schubert Six and its police version, and the
slightly more advance Schubert Extra Six, with both regular and police Tudor
and Fordor versions.

Name: Schubert Six
Weight: 1346 kg
Power: 36 HP (34 kW)
Max Speed: 60 Mph (100 Km/h)
True Max Speed: 77 Mph
Engine: 6 cylinder
Swept Volume: 3179 ccm
Gear Box: 3 speed
Seats: 4
Top: Hard
Colors: Red, White, Black
Available After: Mission 4, "Ordinary Routine"
Notes: This is the basic Schubert model. It will certainly hold its own
against some of the weaker cars in the early game. However, after a few years
(in game time), it will become rather antiquated, and hardly useful. The
Schubert Extra Six that replaces it, carries on to have much more longevity.

Name: Schubert Extra Six Fordor
Weight: 1346 kg
Power: 85 HP (62.5 kW)
Max Speed: 80 Mph (130 Km/h)
True Max Speed: 99 Mph
Engine: 6 cylinder
Swept Volume: 3548 ccm
Gear Box: 3 speed
Seats: 4
Top: Hard
Colors: Green, White, Blue
Available After: Mission 9: "A Trip To The Country"
Notes: In the early-mid 1930's, the Schubert Extra Six begins to replace the
Bolt line as the major "standard" or average line of cars. Most people driving
around will be in a Schubert Extra Six. There will be no shortage of these
cars driving around until the late 1930's. One note on the "white" color: What
is called "white" has distinct reddish coverings over the front and rear

Name: Schubert Extra Six Tudor
Weight: 1346 kg
Power: 85 HP (62.5 kW)
Max Speed: 80 Mph (130 Km/h)
True Max Speed: 99 Mph
Engine: 6 cylinder
Swept Volume: 3548 ccm
Gear Box: 3 speed
Seats: 2
Top: Hard
Colors: Green, White, Blue
Available After: Mission 9: "A Trip To The Country"
Notes: Once again, like most Tudor/Fordor models, this Schubert is almost
identical to the Fordor version of the Extra Six. Again, in place of rear
seats/doors is a slightly elongated rear. Also, the Fordor has a spare tire on
its rear, whereas the Tudor has a covered "hump." However, once again, they
basically handle exactly the same.

Name: Schubert Six Police
Weight: 1346 kg
Power: 36 HP (34 kW)
Max Speed: 60 Mph (100 Km/h)
True Max Speed: 77 Mph
Engine: 6 cylinder
Swept Volume: 3179 ccm
Gear Box: 3 speed
Seats: 4
Top: Hard
Colors: "White" (Police) only
Available After: Mission 4, "Ordinary Routine"
Notes: The Schubert Six Police model is identical to the regular Schubert Six,
except for its paintjob, and who drives it. The default "white" color has the
standard police insignia and will only be driven by police or Tommy (if he
steals one). In the early parts of the game, this is pretty much the only car
the police will drive. Even later in the game, you'll see this police version
much more frequently than its civilian counterpart.

Name: Schubert Extra Six Police Fordor
Weight: 1346 kg
Power: 85 HP (62.5 kW)
Max Speed: 80 Mph (130 Km/h)
True Max Speed: 99 Mph
Engine: 6 cylinder
Swept Volume: 3548 ccm
Gear Box: 3 speed
Seats: 4
Top: Hard
Colors: "White" (Police) only
Available After: Mission 9: "A Trip To The Country"
Notes: Like the regular Schubert Six's police model, this Police version of
the Extra six is basically exactly the same as it's civilian counterpart. Like
the extra sixes, it can be distinguished from the regular Schubert Sixes by
its more rounded shape, and improved speed and handling.

Name: Schubert Extra Six Police Tudor
Weight: 1346 kg
Power: 85 HP (62.5 kW)
Max Speed: 80 Mph (130 Km/h)
True Max Speed: 99 Mph
Engine: 6 cylinder
Swept Volume: 3548 ccm
Gear Box: 3 speed
Seats: 2
Top: Hard
Colors: "White" (Police) only
Available After: Mission 9: "A Trip To The Country"
Notes: Except for the fact that it only has 2 doors, this is almost exactly
the same as the other Extra Six police model. Again, this makes it slightly
longer, but relatively unchanged from the Fordor model. Also, like all the
police cars, it has only one color: "White," which is really just the special
police insignia.


- Falconer -

Number of cars: 3
Number of groups: 2 (2) (1)

Name: Falconer
Weight: 1520 kg
Power: 80 HP (58.8 kW)
Max Speed: 72 Mph (120 Km/h)
True Max Speed: 89 Mph
Engine: 6 cylinder
Swept Volume: 3956 ccm
Gear Box: 4 speed, mechanical
Seats: 4
Top: Hard
Colors: Blue, Violet
Available After: Mission 8: "The Whore/The Priest"
Notes: The falconer is a pretty basic car that will get you from point A to
point B, but not too quickly. While you can't steal them right off the bat,
you will notice quite a few of these driving around in the earlier parts of
the game. They're useful cars if you need to drive somewhere, but there's
almost always a better alternative.

Name: Falconer Yellowcar
Weight: 1520 kg
Power: 80 HP (58.8 kW)
Max Speed: 72 Mph (120 Km/h)
True Max Speed: 89 Mph
Engine: 6 cylinder
Swept Volume: 3956 ccm
Gear Box: 4 speed, mechanical
Seats: 4
Top: Hard
Colors: "Yellow" (taxi pattern)
Available After: From the start of the game
Notes: You'll become quite familiar with this car, as you'll use it for the
first 2 missions. Although it is technically called a falconer yellowcar, most
people would simply refer to this car as a taxi. After playing the first two
missions, you'll probably get the idea that this isn't a very good car for
speed or evasion. One note about when it's available: Although the Falconer
sub-menu is grayed out until you beat mission 8, the falconer yellowcar is
selected by default from the Freeride menu. Essentially, if you don't go into
the car select menu, you'll have a yellowcar. If you do go into the menu,
change your car, but still want the yellowcar, simply go back to the main
menu, then click on Freeride again.

Name: Falconer Gangster
Weight: 1520 kg
Power: 80 HP (58.8 kW)
Max Speed: 72 Mph (120 Km/h)
True Max Speed: 89 Mph
Engine: 6 cylinder
Swept Volume: 3956 ccm
Gear Box: 4 speed, mechanical
Seats: 4
Top: Hard
Colors: Black (like other "gangster" vehicles)
Available After: Mission 8: "The Whore/The Priest"
Notes: This car is only available in Freeride mode (you'll never see it just
driving around during the single player missions). It is exactly like the
other two falconers, except for its color. It is jet black, like any other
"gangster" vehicle. When you encounter this in Freeride, keep your distance if
you don't want a fight. Also, don't be fooled by its weak statistics. Although
when you're behind the wheel, it can't break 90 mph, the gangsters who
normally drive it can "cheat." Essentially, they can drive stupendously, going
nearly twice the maximum speed in order to catch up with you. Not fair, but
get used to it.


- Crusader -

Number of Cars: 2
Number of Groups: 1 (2)

The crusader line is another small set of cars, containing only the Tudor and
Fordor version of one model. While it doesn't even come close to the power and
speed of the high end cars, the crusader is still a relatively high-quality
choice in standard vehicles. When compared to the Schubert Extra Six or
anything from the high-end Bolt line (V8), it's really not all that different.

Name: Crusader Chromium Fordor
Weight: 1500 kg
Power: 85 HP (62.5 kW)
Max Speed: 80 Mph (130 Km/h)
True Max Speed: 101 Mph
Engine: 8 cylinder
Swept Volume: 3801 ccm
Gear Box: 3 speed, mechanical
Seats: 4
Top: Hard
Colors: Blue, Violet
Available After: Mission 10: "Omerta"
Notes: This rather basic and generic car is relatively comparable to other
"standard" cars, such as the Schubert Extra Six. Like the Extra Six, it is
rather common around the city, and is the mainstay for many of Lost Heaven's
drivers. It doesn't have any exceptional abilities that would make it really
stand out. One note however, is that unlike most other cars, the Fordor and
Tudor versions do not have the same options for color.

Name: Crusader Chromium Tudor
Weight: 1500 kg
Power: 85 HP (62.5 kW)
Max Speed: 80 Mph (130 Km/h)
True Max Speed: 101 Mph
Engine: 8 cylinder
Swept Volume: 3801 ccm
Gear Box: 3 speed, mechanical
Seats: 2
Top: Hard
Colors: Green, Dark Blue
Available After: Mission 10: "Omerta"
Notes: Except for its color choices and number of seats, this car is almost
identical to the Crusader Chromium Fordor. It shares the same basic form and
statistics as its Fordor brother, and is essentially the same car. However,
because of the differences in color, if you see a green or dark blue (almost
black) crusader coming down the street, you can know ahead of time that it's a
Tudor. Likewise, if you see a blue or violet one driving along, you can tell
ahead of time that it's a Fordor.


- Guardian -

Number of Cars: 3
Number of Groups: 1 (3)

The Guardian line contains more of the "common or often seen on the road" cars
that make up the mainstay of the average Lost Heaven resident's garage. While
they are somewhat better than other "common" cars, they don't come close to the
power of the high-end sports or race cars. Still, if you're looking for a
common car that's above average (perhaps you need to steal a car off the road),
the Guardian line should suit you quite well.

Name: Guardian Terraplane Coupe
Weight: 1316 kg
Power: 101 HP (74 kW)
Max Speed: 87 Mph (130 Km/h)
True Max Speed: 101 Mph
Engine: 6 cylinder
Swept Volume: 3474 ccm
Gear Box: 3 speed
Seats: 2
Top: Hard
Colors: Umber, Beige, Black
Available After: Mission 14: "Happy Birthday!"
Notes: Unlike the Tudor and Fordor models, this Coupe adopts a much more
aerodynamic "swept-back" shape. If you don't care about capacity, you're
probably better off choosing this Coupe over the Tudor, if solely on the basis
of appearance. Also, although all models come in "umber", "beige" and "black"
you will most likely see nothing but "umber" ones driving around the city.

Name: Guardian Terraplane Fordor
Weight: 1316 kg
Power: 101 HP (74 kW)
Max Speed: 87 Mph (130 Km/h)
True Max Speed: 101 Mph
Engine: 6 cylinder
Swept Volume: 3474 ccm
Gear Box: 3 speed
Seats: 4
Top: Hard
Colors: Umber, Beige, Black
Available After: Mission 14: "Happy Birthday!"
Notes: If you haven't noticed already, the trend of cars having a Tudor and
Fordor version in Mafia is quite common. Like other cars with these multiple
models, the Guardian is nearly the same, with only minor variations. Other than
the obvious (the 4 seats), the Fordor has a more box-like shape, with a
straighter back end, and uncovered rear wheels.

Name: Guardian Terraplane Tudor
Weight: 1316 kg
Power: 101 HP (74 kW)
Max Speed: 87 Mph (130 Km/h)
True Max Speed: 101 Mph
Engine: 6 cylinder
Swept Volume: 3474 ccm
Gear Box: 3 speed
Seats: 2
Top: Hard
Colors: Umber, Beige, Black
Available After: Mission 14: "Happy Birthday!"
Notes: Repeating the similarities between this Tudor and the Fordor model, this
car only has 2 seats. In addition, it adopts a design that is similar to the
Fordor, but closer to that of the Coupe in terms of swept-back design. Also
like the Coupe, it has its rear wheels covered with a small "flap" of metal,
whereas the Fordor has them uncovered.


- Thor -
Coming Soon

- Lassiter -
Coming Soon

- Ulver -
Number of cars: 2
Number of groups: 1 (2)

Though Lucas Bertone seems to think that most people don't like the Ulver's
different look, after their introduction into Lost Heaven, they become a very
popular car. At the midpoint of the game, you should begin to see more and
more of these very distinct cars driving around the city. In comparison to all
the other "starter" cars, the Ulvers are much faster, more maneuverable, and
better in general.

Name: Ulver Airstream Fordor
Weight: 1550 kg
Power: 130 HP (95.7 kW)
Max Speed: 90 Mph (145 Km/h)
True Max Speed: 100 Mph
Engine: 8 cylinder
Swept Volume: 4893 ccm
Gear Box: 3 speed
Seats: 4
Top: Hard
Colors: Yellow, Blue
Available After: Mission 9: "A Trip To The Country"
Notes: This is one of the two basic Ulver models. It's a little wide and
heavy, given its above average speed. Also, though it may seem to take a while
to accelerate and brake, once it gets going, this Ulver is quite fast. In
addition, the extra seats in the back allow you to use this car in a mission
involving more than 1 extra person. Maybe it's just me, but it seems like both
Ulvers have a tendency to flip over, or on their sides, more than other

Name: Ulver Airstream Tudor
Weight: 1550 kg
Power: 130 HP (95.7 kW)
Max Speed: 90 Mph (145 Km/h)
True Max Speed: 100 Mph
Engine: 8 cylinder
Swept Volume: 4893 ccm
Gear Box: 3 speed
Seats: 2
Top: Hard
Colors: Yellow, Blue
Available After: Mission 9: "A Trip To The Country"
Notes: This Ulver is almost identical to the Fordor model except that it only
has two doors. This limits you if you have to take more than 1 other person
with you. However, it handles and reacts almost identically to the Fordor
model. They are essentially the same car.


- Wright -
Coming Soon

- Silver Fletcher -
Number of cars: 1
Number of groups: 1 (1)

Even though the Silver Fletcher family has only one car, it makes up for this
by being one of the nicest, and best cars around. While you can sometimes see
them on the street, Silver Fletchers are generally reserved for those with
extreme class and wealth.

Name: Silver Fletcher
Weight: 2314 kg
Power: 175 HP (128.8 kW)
Max Speed: 115 Mph (185 Km/h)
True Max Speed: 117 Mph
Engine: 12 cylinder
Swept Volume: 7566 ccm
Gear Box: 3 Speed
Seats: 4
Top: Hard
Colors: Silver
Available After: Mission 11: "Visiting Rich People"
Notes: This exotic car is favored by the extremely wealthy and famous. The
prosecutor that Tommy first steals one of these from is such a person. Also,
the Silver Fletcher is the distinctive trademark car of Don Morello. It is
capable of reaching extreme speeds, and is also a very strong car, being much
better suited to collisions or gunfire than most other cars. The Silver
Fletcher is a very exquisite car, and definitely earns its place in the garage
of a serious collector.


- Bruno -
Coming Soon

- Celeste -
Coming Soon

- Trautenberg -
Coming Soon

- Brubaker -
Coming Soon

- Caesar -
Coming Soon

- Carrozella -
Coming Soon

- Others -
Number of cars: 6
Number of groups: 1 (6)
This group of vehicles contains the kinds of cars and trucks that you
generally won't want to drive. Though they are sometimes needed for missions,
most of the time, these will be your last resorts for transportation. These
trucks and emergency vehicles are all very heavy, slow, and difficult to
handle at high speeds (assuming you can even reach high speeds).

Name: Bolt Ambulance
Weight: 950 kg
Power: 40 HP (29.7 kW)
Max Speed: 58 Mph (97 Km/h)
True Max Speed: 72 Mph
Engine: 4 cylinder
Swept Volume: 3285 ccm
Gear Box: 3 speed
Seats: 2
Top: Hard
Colors: White
Available After: Mission 3: "Molotov Party"
Notes: If you've ever seen an ambulance driving around in Lost Heaven, it was
this car. Like all of the "Other" vehicles, it's not very good, and should be
one of your last choices for transportation. You can almost always steal
something better.

Name: Bolt Firetruck
Weight: 3000 kg
Power: 100 HP (74 kW)
Max Speed: 60 Mph (100 Km/h)
True Max Speed: 72 Mph
Engine: 8 cylinder
Swept Volume: 4525 ccm
Gear Box: 3 speed
Seats: 2
Top: ?
Colors: Red
Available After: Mission 3: "Molotov Party"
Notes: Despite its slow speed, massive size, and terrible handling, the
firetruck actually has some advantages. Collisions with other cars usually end
up with them thrown across the street, and you only a few feet from the point
of impact. Because of it's massive size and weight, the firetruck can take
quite a beating from collisions.

Name: Bolt Hearse
Weight: 950 kg
Power: 40 HP (29.7 kW)
Max Speed: 58 Mph (97 Km/h)
True Max Speed: 72 Mph
Engine: 4 cylinder
Swept Volume: 3285 ccm
Gear Box: 3 speed
Seats: 2
Top: Hard
Colors: Black
Available After: Mission 3: "Molotov Party"
Notes: There are only two "Funeral cars" in Mafia, and this is one of them.
You'll probably never see one naturally on the street, only from your use in
Freeride. However, it handles much like the ambulance (since they have the
same statistics). There really isn't much to say about this Hearse, except
that you probably won't be using it very much.

Name: Bolt Truck Flatbed
Weight: 3000 kg
Power: 100 HP (74 kW)
Max Speed: 60 Mph (100 Km/h)
True Max Speed: 72 Mph
Engine: 8 cylinder
Swept Volume: 4525 ccm
Gear Box: 3 speed
Seats: 2
Top: Hard
Colors: Green
Available After: Mission 3: "Molotov Party"
Notes: Out of the three Bolt trucks, this is the one that you can see driving
around commonly. The other two, though essentially the same, are never found
on the streets randomly. Even though it technically has the same statistics as
the firetruck, the flatbed isn't quite as large, though it still takes some
practice to make it handle just the way you want to.

Name: Bolt Truck Covered
Weight: 3000 kg
Power: 100 HP (74 kW)
Max Speed: 60 Mph (100 Km/h)
True Max Speed: 72 Mph
Engine: 8 cylinder
Swept Volume: 4525 ccm
Gear Box: 3 speed
Seats: 2
Top: Hard
Colors: Green
Available After: Mission 3: "Molotov Party"
Notes: This truck is probably the most difficult to drive, simply because it
has the massive covering over its back end. If you drive using the standard
camera, you will barely be able to see anything around or over the car. I'd
advise switching to one of the in-car cameras, or the farthest zoomed out one.
Other than its appearance though, it isn't any different from the other

Name: Bolt Truck
Weight: 3000 kg
Power: 100 HP (74 kW)
Max Speed: 60 Mph (100 Km/h)
True Max Speed: 72 Mph
Engine: 8 cylinder
Swept Volume: 4525 ccm
Gear Box: 3 speed
Seats: 2
Top: Hard
Colors: Green
Available After: Mission 3: "Molotov Party"
Notes: This truck has the metal support rods that would clearly hold up the
covering if it were a "Bolt Truck Covered." The only time you'll see this
truck is in Mission 18 ("Just for Relaxation") or in Freeride, as it's one of
the hidden Freeride cars (see "Freeride"). It also has the very noticeable
"ATLANTIC IMPORT" written on its side.


- Prototypes -
Coming Soon

**************** T H E C I T Y O F L O S T H E A V E N ****************

- Neighborhoods/Regions -

< Within the city >

Works Quarter:
The Works Quarter encompasses the southwestern part of the city. It is the
main industrial part of the city, and is filled with many large buildings. It
has tram/trolley lines running through it, but the monorail line only has a
turnaround at Winslet avenue (which is arguably part of Little Italy). On the
south east bank of the West River is the Harbor (important in "You Lucky
Bastard"). To the north is Little Italy. It has an exit to the west to the
racing circuit, and to the east to Central Island (over the West Marshall
Bridge). It also has a gas station 1 block north of the bridge. Little of the
game takes place in this sector, but it's important to be familiar with it,
especially for the mission "Fairplay."

Little Italy:
Most importantly, it is the home to Salieri's bar: your base of operations.
As a result, you will drive through it quite frequently, and become familiar
with the surroundings. It has a tram line and a monorail stop 1 block east of
Salieri's bar. To the north is China town and to the south is the works
quarter. You can take the Central Island Tunnel east to reach Central Island.

This relatively small neighborhood is north of Little Italy. It has minor tram
access and no monorail stops. You can take the Terranova bridge to the east to
reach New Ark. It is closed off in the first few missions as will as in "city-
small" in Freeride. You will find some of Salieri's contacts here (such as Big
Biff), but other than that, there isn't much of interest in Chinatown.

Central Island:
This is the main business sector in the City of Lost Heaven. Most of the
important buildings, as well as people are found in this area. It has a very
large tram system and 2 monorail stops. It has a gas station a block north of
the central island monorail station. To the North West, the Central Island
tunnel will take you to Little Italy. To the South West, the west Marshall
bridge will take you to the Works Quarter. To the North East, the Giuliano
Bridge will take you to New Ark. To the South East, the East Marshall Bridge
will take you to Downtown. The main street running down its center is one of
the longest straightaways in the city, allowing you to reach very high speeds.
However, the tram tracks often flip your car if you hit them at a strange
angle. It's better to stay off to one side and just avoid traffic in your

New Ark:
In the North Eastern region of Lost Heaven lies New Ark. It connects to
Chinatown via the Terranova Bridge and to central Island via the Giuliano
Bridge. It has a tram system and a monorail stop at New Ark station (about a
block north and a block west of the Giuliano bridge). Lucas Bertone's
auto service shop is also here, under the Giuliano bridge. The road to the
North East heading North leads to the airport. Between New Ark and its
southern neighbor, it's hard to determine where New Ark ends and Downtown

South of New Ark and east of central island (via the East Marshall Bridge)
lies Downtown. Like you would expect from the downtown area of any city, it
is bustling with people and business. However, there is little to note in this
area. There is a gas station below the overpass into Oakwood. The Downtown
area has a large tram system and one monorail stop in the northern area of the

To the east of New Ark, and the North east of Downtown is the neighborhood of
Hoboken. It has tram lines around its perimeter and a monorail stop in central
Hoboken and a monorail turnaround at market avenue. The area is quite small,
but still packed full of interesting locales. In addition, going from the
north eastern most corner all the way down that main street is relatively
straight, and has the potential to get you going really fast in the right car.
This is the only way to jump the East River (Freeride Extreme only).

Oakwood is essentially the upper-middle class residential sector of Lost
Heaven. There is very little to do in the neighborhood, but it is quite nice
and quaint. It has no tram and no monorail access, so you better get a car if
you want to get around quickly. Tommy's house is in the south west block of
Oakwood (Freeride Extreme only).

Oak Hill(s):
Commonly referred to as the millionaire's quarter, Oak Hill is the most
scenic and grandiose areas in Lost Heaven. It is also the farthest East area
in the entire city. Though the neighborhood itself is quite small, it is
thoroughly populated by massive mansions. As it sits so high up on the cliff,
Oak Hills is difficult and time consuming to reach. Coming from Hoboken, the
road is relatively short, but extremely steep. The average car won't be able
to break 20 mph going up the hill, especially with traffic. The road from
Oakwood is less steep, but is a long series of winding switchbacks which
finally reach the South Western corner of Oak Hill. The mission "visiting rich
people" takes place here, as do some missions involving the theft of valuable
cars (such as the Lassiter Appolyon). There are no tram or monorail tracks in
Oak Hill either.



Racing Circuit:
Found by taking the road west from southwest Works Quarter. The racing
circuit is used in the mission "Fairplay."

Farm (better name?):
North of Chinatown lies this farm. Tommy, Paulie, and Sam attempt to get some
Canadian whiskey from this area, but not without some resistance in "A trip to
the country."

Clark Motel:
A small motel north of the Airport. It is involved in "Ordinary Routine."
There is also a gas station next to the motel. However, it's just for show, and
won't actually fill up your tank (in Freeride).

North of New Ark, and south of the Clark's motel lies the airport. This very
large and expansive area is only visited 1 or 2 times. During the mission
"Omerta" and can be visited during the mission "Creme de la Creme." (see the
mission walkthrough for more information).

Party Steamer Boat:
This locale only exists for the mission "Happy Birthday!" It can be boarded
from the docks in southern Central Island."

- Specific Locations -

Salieri Bar: In the center of Little Italy. Center of operations for most

Harbor: in the southwest part of Works Quarter. Used in the mission "You
lucky Bastard."

Hospital: In Northern New Ark, right next to the Terranova Bridge, lies the
hospital. Though only minor in the story missions, it is very useful in
Freeride, where it will heal you fully for only $1000.

Morello's Bar: In central New Ark is the bar of Salieri's rival. Used in the
mission "Molotov Party."

Prison: Located at the northern end of Central Island, the prison facility
serves Tommy as a sniping spot in "Election Campaign."

Lucas Bertone's auto service: Under the Giuliano Bridge (New Ark/Downtown
side) lies Lucas' auto service shop. He supplies you with many missions to
steal high end cars. In Freeride, he will repair your vehicle for $2000

Hotel Corleone: About two blocks north of the East Marshall Bridge (in
downtown) is the Hotel Corleone. Tommy enters in here in the mission "The

Church: A block or so east of the Hotel is the church. Tommy fights in here
during Bobby's funeral in "The Priest."

Gallery: The art gallery is the setting for the game's final mission "the
death of art."

Palmero Club: This club lies in north eastern Hoboken. It is where Tommy and
Paulie escape to with the stolen money in "Moonlighting." Other than that,
it's really not that important.

Twister: Behind this theater in eastern Hoboken, lies Yellow Pete's gunshop.
Here you can buy an array of weapons, most of which are not offered by

Pepe's Restaurant: Tommy dines with, and protects, Don Salieri at Pepe's
Restaurant in the mission "Bon Appetit!" It is found in western New Ark.

Bar Pompeii: Similar to, and only a couple blocks east of, the Palmero club.
You will have to take a passenger here in your taxi in "The Running Man" and
collect protection money from the bar in "Ordinary Routine."

Salieri's warehouse: In the North East corner of Hoboken (past the railroad
tracks north) is this warehouse. His goods are stored here, and this building
is used for the mission "A trip to the Country."

Art Museum: at the very bottom (south end) of Central Island is the city art
museum. It is where Tommy begins his cab routes in "The Running Man," where
your informant Joey is located ("Omerta") and where the mission "The Death of
Art" takes place.

Theatre: In Northeastern Central Island is the Lost Heaven Theatre. This is a
taxi destination in "The Running Man," and is also the location of a failed
assassination attempt in "Creme de la Creme."

Lighthouse: South of Oak Hill and east of Oakwood, at the farthest South East
point of Lost Heaven, lies the lighthouse. In Freeride, it has a bonus silver
Fletcher parked outside. In Freeride extreme, it will show you the location of
another challenge. In either mode, it is a useful place to avoid the police,
as they will often drive off the cliff into the waters of the Saint Paul

Gas stations: there are 4 gas stations in Lost Heaven. One near Carlo's house
and the West Marshall Bridge. Another is a block north of the central island
monorail station. One is below the overpass that leads to Oakwood. The final
one is next to the Clark Motel (though it doesn't actually work - see "Clark
Motel" entry above).

Lost Heaven First National Bank: In the northern Downtown area is the First
National Bank. Tommy takes a trip there to retrieve account books in "Omerta"
and to "make a withdrawal" in "Moonlighting"

Service Station: In the eastern part of Chinatown is the small service station
where a rival gang was beginning to take roots. Tommy and Paulie go to take
them down in "Better Get Used To It."

Carlo's house: In the Works Quarter, not far from Salieri's bar (in Little
Italy) is Carlo's house. Tommy Travels here to kill Carlo in "Bon Appetite!"

Doctor's house: Near central Oakwood lives the Salieri family doctor. Tommy
and Paulie take Sam there after he's hurt in "A Trip To The Country", and it
can be inferred that all of Salieri's men go there when they get injured.

Public Prosecutor's Villa: In Oak Hills, the neighborhood of the wealthy, The
corrupt public prosecutor lives in his mansion. Tommy is sent there to steal
incriminating evidence, and essentially the prosecutor's case against Salieri
in "Visiting Rich People."

Sarah's Apartment: Only blocks away from the Salieri bar is Sarah's apartment.
Tommy escorts her home, through the back alleys and thugs, to this apartment
in "Sarah."

Paulie's Apartment: Like Sarah, Paulie lives only a few blocks east of the
Salieri Bar. Tommy visits his apartment in "Moonlighting" and "The Death Of

Tommy's House: Though Tommy's personal house is only available in Free Ride
Extreme mode, it's still quite a nice residence. Situated in southern Oakwood,
his house sports a door that saves the game, an infinite health cabinet, and a
large lot to store his rare and exotic cars.


******* G E N E R A L G A M E T I P S A N D S T R A T E G I E S *******

- Cars -

Transportation is a major aspect in Mafia. Nearly every mission involves you
traveling somewhere far away from the Salieri Bar. With a few exceptions, the
game doesn't just transport you to the action zone; you have to get there
yourself. In addition, Lost Heaven is a large and realistic city. It's not
just a few blocks and a parking lot, it's a massive environment with many
neighborhoods and regions, over miles of cliffside and waterfront land, filled
with roads, alleys, dirt paths, medians, bridges, ramps, hills, houses,
skyscrapers, stores, and everything else found in a city. Due to the size of
Lost Heaven and the nature of your missions, you'll be forced to provide your
own transportation to many of your destinations. For the most part, you'll be
using cars.

First off, remember that this is the 1930's. The cars are not supercharged;
most have difficulty breaking 50 mph. Keep this in mind, and don't try to
expect too much from your vehicles. Every car in the game can get you from A
to B. However, given the nature of this game, sometimes it's more like going
from A to B while being shot at, then from B to C while being run off the
road, and then back to A while trying to chase down a fleeing enemy.

If you want more information about the cars themselves, I suggest looking in
the "Cars" section of this guide. In this part, I'm going to outline 10 basic
elements of the cars in Mafia that you should pay attention to and utilize to
get where you need to go in a timely and safe manner.

1. Power and speed: Again, most of these cars from the 1930's are quite weak,
and take quite a while to reach their (pathetically low) top speed. They also
can take a while to start up, even taking a few turns of the key

2. Size, Shape and Roof: The size and shape of a vehicle may prevent you from
going through extremely narrow alleyways, or may simply make it more difficult
to weave in and out of traffic. It's important that you know if your car has a
soft or hard roof, because if you flip over on a soft roof, you'll be killed
instantly. Also, the size (actually, the capacity) is another important
factor. If you have to take yourself and 2 other gangsters somewhere, you can't
very well take a two-seater (Tudor) car. Be aware of what passengers you may
have, and accommodate accordingly.

3. Steering (Rear/Front/All Wheel Drive): Unlike many modern cars that have
front or all wheel drive, nearly all of the cars from the 1930s had rear wheel
drive. As a result, their handling isn't as steady as cars you may be used to.
However, some cars (such as the Thor group) are Front Wheel Drive, and are
marked so (e.g. "Thor 810 Sedan FWD)

4. Transmission: Even though it probably wouldn't be available (or a very
sound choice) at the time, both automatic and manual transmission is available
for every car you drive in Mafia. Even better, you can freely switch between
the two while driving (Default: M key). If you really want to focus on
something ingame (other than shifting), really want to focus on something out
of the game, don't know how to drive stick, or are simply lazy, automatic is
your best bet. This will have the transmission automatically shift itself at a
reasonably appropriate time. If you want to decrease the time it takes for you
to accelerate, or to have that extra control, use manual. Use the clutch key
(Default: X key) to hold in the clutch, and use shift up and shift down
(Default: Z and A keys) to change gears. Remember to use your tachometer
to judge when it's best to shift. You'll also need to be somewhat familiar
with the cars.

5. Handbrake: By using the handbrake (Default: Spacebar), you can stop your
car's motion much faster than by using your normal brakes. While this is
effective for near-collision situations under 40 mph, as the speed increases,
the danger does as well. At high speeds, the handbrake will cause you to lose
control of steering altogether, and if you try to steer, you risk spinning out
or even flipping over.

6. Horn: By pressing the horn (Default: K key) you will honk. The sound
depends on the specific vehicle you are driving. However, it is more useful
than simply to vent your rage at someone who got in your way. If you're driving
faster than 40 mph (the speed limit), honking your horn will make other
motorists pull off of the road, or veer out of your way. However, don't assume
that it will clear the path for you. Let's say that you are going 60 mph,
dramatically over the speed limit, and rapidly closing in on the car in front
of you. You intend to pass on the right. However, if you honk when you're
directly behind the car, it has a 50% of pulling over to the left and a 50% of
pulling over to the right, which would result in a collision. When using the
horn, always aim to the left or the right of the vehicle to avoid them
accidentally swerving INTO you instead of away from you.

7. Speedlimiter: By pressing the speedlimiter button (Default: F5 key), a
small warning sign with a large "40" will appear over your speedometer. This
will prevent you from driving over 40 mph (the speed limit). If you're not
doing a timed mission, or if you're not in a hurry, I'd advise using this,
because it will reduce the number and seriousness of your collisions and it
will prevent the police from ticketing you for speeding

8. Camera: There are 6 Camera angles that you can view your car from while
driving. You can cycle between them by pressing the change camera view key
(default: C key)
1. Default Camera. A close distance following camera from behind the car
2. This camera angle pulls back slightly from the first one
3. This camera angle pulls back dramatically from the first two. It is
recommended if you're driving a large vehicle that obscures your vision
(such as a truck)
4. Inside the driver seat camera, but with no dashboard, wheel or any part
of your actual car
5. Inside the driver seat camera. This is the most realistic, you'll see
everything Tommy would, and from his perspective.
6. This camera angle has the camera mounted along the left front tire.
This angle isn't recommended for driving, but perhaps for precision
parking...I don't really use it much, and I'm guessing that neither will

You can easily cycle through these camera views to chose one that you like in
general, or for a specific situation. In addition, you can use the look right
and look left keys (Default: . and , keys) to look right and left, or hold
them down together to look behind you.

9. Radar: Every car in Mafia has a built in radar system. Now is not the time
to point out obvious anachronisms, because this radar is quite useful. It will
display your car as a white rectangle in the center, and all other vehicles
around you in different colors:

White: Your car (in the center), or an unlocked car (either one you stole and
left parked, one in the Salieri garage, or a hidden Freeride car)

Green: A standard civilian car, driving or parked (they always lock them)

Blue: A police car. Currently at a non-hostile status

Orange: A gangster car. Currently at a non-hostile status (Freeride only)

Red: Either a gangster or police car at a hostile status. Even a cop just
trying to give you a ticket counts as "hostile."

Yellow: A tram, see the next section "Public Transportation"

10. Gasoline: While you will leave Ralph's garage with a full tank of gas, you
can empty it by driving for extended periods of time, damaging your engine, or
stealing a different car (one that was low to begin with). At this point,
you'll need to get a different ride, or go fill up at a gas station. Be sure
to check your gas gauge once in a while, just in case. More information in the
"Freeride" section.


- Public Transportation -

While cars will get you through most of the missions in Mafia, the public
transportation systems are arguably just as useful. The city of Lost Heaven
has both Public Trams and Monorail lines.

Trams: The tram lines are marked as yellow lines on the map (and the trams
themselves are yellow rectangles on your radar). The trams will stop every
few blocks, where they will chime a bell. You can get on by pressing action
when near one of the doors. Here are some other notes about trams:

-When inside a tram, you will be able to fire weapons, but you won't be able
to see them (you're in a first person view).

-You can only exit the tram when it is stopped.

-If you kill the driver (either while in the tram, or from the street) the
tram will instantly stop

-By killing the driver, trams will pile up on the line behind the stopped one

-If you, or any other person gets hit by a moving tram (while on foot)
you/they will die instantly

Monorail: The monorail makes scheduled stops at a few select stations
throughout Lost Heaven. Unlike the tram, the wait time may be quite long, and
there is no driver for you to kill. The monorail is only used once in the story
missions - in "Moonlighting."

Tram and monorail lines run throughout Lost Heaven, but only in certain areas:

Central Island: Tram lines through the center and left side, Monorail line
with 2 stops ("Central Island", "Giuliano Street")

Chinatown: Tram lines along the southern border only, no Monorail

Downtown: Tram lines throughout, Monorail line with 1 stop ("Downtown")

Hoboken: Tram lines mostly along the borders, Monorail line with 2 stops
("Central Hoboken", "Marked Avenue"(turnaround))

Little Italy: Tram lines through the center, Monorail line with 1 stop
("Little Italy")

New Ark: Tram lines throughout, Monorail line with 1 stop ("New Ark")

Oakwood: No tram lines, No monorail lines

Oak Hills: No tram lines, No monorail lines

Works Quarter: Tram lines throughout (with a turnaround near the racing course
exit), Monorail line with 1 stop ("Winslet Avenue" (turnaround))

For more information on these areas, scroll up to the "City of Lost Heaven"


- The Police-

The police force of the city of Lost Heaven is extremely efficient at taking
down an aspiring criminal such as yourself. The police's interference in your
actions have quite a bit to do with your play style. If you chose to go
whatever speed you want, kill whoever you want, and essentially do whatever
you want, you're going to attract tons of attention from the police. If you
always use the speedlimiter, stop at red lights and for pedestrians, and don't
kill people unless you need to, you shouldn't be hassled much, if at all, by
the police. However at certain times throughout the story, you will have to
deal with the police, or do things that will attract their attention.
Therefore, regardless of play style, you should be well informed of their
capabilities and limitations.

Police states: (can be seen at the top center of the screen only when the
police want to ticket/arrest/kill you. Otherwise, nothing is shown there)

Minor offences: These result in a ticket icon appearing at the top of the
screen. In the story mode, simply stop running/driving and get out of your car
(if you're in one). Let the cop ticket you, as it will do nothing (with some
exceptions, see major offences). In Freeride mode, you will have to pay $1000
for the ticket. If you get 4 tickets in a row, you will be wanted for arrest
(see next section (major offences)).

Minor offences:
Speeding above 40 mph (but under 70 mph)
Running red lights
Lightly colliding with another car (minor fender-bender)
Lightly colliding with a pedestrian (while driving)
Results in: Ticket ($1000 in Freeride)

Major offences: These result in a handcuffs icon appearing at the top of the
screen. In any mode, if you are caught by the cops, it's game over, so avoid
this at all costs. If you remain at this state for an extended period of time,
the cops will call in backup and a wanted bar will appear (more on this
later). However, take note that the cops will not fire at you when you're
wanted for arrest, though they will ram you with their car. Also, if you run
or drive away from a ticket, but the icon remains for a while, it will change
to handcuffs.

Major offences:
Speeding above 70 mph
Crashing powerfully into another car
Killing a pedestrian (by running them over)
Colliding (even lightly) with a police car
Avoid ticket for extended period of time
Have 4 tickets
Show any weapon (except fists and the baseball bat) in public (in the view of
an officer)
Results in: Arrest (game over)

Police Assault: In this state, the police will use lethal force, with deadly
efficiency. When the colt 1911 icon appears, they have begun their assault.
All police will begin firing at you with whatever weapons they have available.
More police cars will join the chase, and the passengers will also fire at
you. If you get the wanted bar and try to leave the immediate area, they will
set up roadblocks at every couple intersections with 2-5 cars, many armed
cops, and 1-2 spike strips.

Assault causes:
Firing a weapon in public/within the view/earshot of a cop(even if it's not
aimed at anyone or anything)
Colliding powerfully with a police car (varies between major offence and
Attacking a cop with weapons
Killing a cop within view of another cop.
Results in: Death (game over)

Police confusion: This is shown by the icon of a cop with question marks
around his head. It signifies that you have confused/evaded the police, but
they still have a ticket/arrest warrant/death wish for you. This usually
occurs if you are wanted for something, but get out of the sight of a cop, and
slip into a different vehicle. If the cops figure out where you went (ex. you
got out of the car you "slipped into" right in front of a cop), you return to
the police status that you were beforehand.

Wanted bar: This will be a small red bar, located under the police status
icon. Essentially, if the police are on any hostile status towards you, but
you avoid capture/death for an extended period of time, they radio in for
backup. While you are wanted, the police's assault is much larger, with more
units against you. As long as you are within view of a cop, the wanted bar
will remain at full red. If you get out if their range, it will slowly
decrease, but will fill up again if another cop sees you. If the police are in
a "confused" state, the bar will constantly decrease, unless they "re-
discover" you. However, regardless of state, the bar can never disappear
instantly. You must wait for it to slowly decrease, even if you're in another
car, miles away from any cop. Also worth noting, is that you can get a wanted
bar on all the police states except a ticket. If you evade a ticket for an
extended period of time, it simply becomes an arrest warrant (handcuffs).



On foot: You will see these men in blue calmly pacing up and down the streets.
If they see you commit a crime, they will blow their whistle and chase after
you. If they remain within close proximity of you for a while, you will either
be wanted for arrest (if you originally had a ticket), or get a wanted bar (if
you originally had an arrest warrant or an assault "warrant"). These officers
are predominately armed with the standard Smith and Wesson Model 10 M&P.

Facing when in a car: If you're walking around and commit a crime, officers on
foot are actually somewhat of a hindrance. If you are however, driving, they
should cause you no trouble at all. When driving, they will most likely try to
ticket/arrest you for speeding or running red lights, but possibly any of the
other crimes. Unless you're unable to, or you really don't want to, keep
going. That's right, just drive right past them. Unless they are trying to
kill you on assault charges, you should be able to leave them in the dust,
even if you're driving a slow car like a falconer (taxi). Soon the
ticket/handcuffs/colt 1911 icon will be transparent (meaning you're out of
their range) and shortly after, it should disappear. Even for assault charges,
you should drive away quickly, or turn and run them over if you can.

Facing when on foot: When you're also on foot, dealing with the police is
slightly more problematic. When committing a minor or major crime, they will
blow their whistles and come chasing after you. However, unless you are on
assault terms, they will enact no hostile violence towards you. They may chase
you for hours across the entire city, but they won't attack you until you
attack first. Unfortunately, if they catch you, it's game over, so don't stand
still. Generally speaking, Tommy runs faster than a police officer. Use this
to your advantage. Outrun an officer, turn into a street where you're out of
their sight, and quickly hijack a car. Assuming they don't see you, the
confused cop icon will appear, and you can leave safely. If you're impatient,
you could quickly hijack a car (within their view), then drive a couple blocks
(out of their view) and hijack a different car. If however, you'd rather take
the easy way out, you can always kill them. If you chose this method, take out
your weapon, but don't fire. Again, they will chase after you, but not attack
until you do. Pull out a powerful weapon (preferably a shotgun) and stop, then
face them. Wait until they're almost close enough to arrest you, then fire.
Continue to fire until they're dead. Be careful, as they might fall down,
seeming to be dead, only to get up again and shoot you. Assuming there is only
one officer in the area, and there is no wanted bar yet, the colt 1911 icon
should disappear the instant he is killed. Use this rather than whether or not
he "looks dead."

Officers in cars:
When stationed in a vehicle, 2 officers will drive in any of the following
cars: Schubert Six Police, Schubert Extra Six Police Fordor, Schubert Extra
Six Police Tudor, Lassiter V16 Police (only once in the main story).
They will be carrying the same Smith and Wesson Model 10 M&Ps as their
comrades on foot, but can also have more devastating weaponry. Often, the
passenger has a pump-action shotgun. These officers are much more dangerous
than those on foot, but also far easier to spot and avoid, if you use the
right tactics. Facing when in a car: You will probably be hunted by a police
car for speeding, running red lights, or small collisions, at least a few
times throughout the game. At least for me, speeding is always an issue, as I
can be impatient and sick of using the speedlimiter. One very useful feature
of the game that allows you to avoid many tickets is your radar. Unlike
officers on foot, who you might not see as you speed past, police cars are
clearly marked as blue rectangles on your radar. If you see one of these
rectangles coming towards you, make sure you're not speeding. Once you're
within 100 or so feet of the car (in front, not behind) you will have entered
their "zone." Within this "zone", they will be able to "see" your crimes. This
"zone" is between one half and one third of the radius of your radar. To
clarify this, let me give an example. Let's say that you are speeding, and
want to avoid a ticket/arrest. You look at your radar and see a blue rectangle
enter at the very top of the radar coming towards you. By the time that the
blue rectangle gets about half way to your rectangle (the center of the radar)
you have to be going at, or under the speed limit, to avoid a ticket. If it's
really a big deal to you, slow down immediately. Use the break, handbrake,
steering, and horn all to your advantage to slow down without colliding into
anything. If you're going really fast, do everything in your power to slow
down, even stop if you can. Ironically, though the police will ticket you for
going 1 mile per hour over the limit, they won't do a thing if you're flipped
upside down, facing backwards, in, and blocking the opposite lane of traffic.
If you have to kill officers in cars, it might be better to lure them out of
their vehicles, as they are very dangerous drivers, and will run you off the
road very quickly and efficiently.

Facing when on foot: On foot, you will have serious difficulty dealing with
police in cars. The best strategy is to wait for them to pull over near you
(assuming you just committed a crime), and let them get out. Then proceed to
kill them, keeping your distance, especially if one of them has a shotgun. Try
to put their parked car between you and both cops. This means that you should
move to one side of their car, kill the cop who emerges from that side, but
use the car as a barrier between you and the other cop. Then you can slowly
circle around to kill the other one.


- Wielding Weapons Effectively -

Other than driving around, the action that you'll probably be doing most in
Mafia is shooting. This game features over a dozen weapons, all of
which you'll use at some point during the course of the story. While some
weapons are common, and others only can be found in one mission, all weapons
have some ability towards taking out your enemies. Any idiot can aim and fire
a gun, but you'll need some tips if you hope to stay alive against numerous

-Know your weapons: Don't go up against a shotgun wielding gangster with a
baseball bat. Study the weapons in the game, and the strengths and weaknesses
of each. Check the "Weapons" section for an in-depth analysis of each. Also,
be aware that no enemy has a "super weapon"; every weapon that an enemy can
wield, you can also wield, and vice versa.

-Don't waste your bullets. Unlike in many shooter-type games, reloading your
gun when your clip is not empty WILL WASTE any remaining bullets in the clip.
However, don't put yourself in a dangerous situation simply because you want
to conserve ammunition. If you know you're about to enter a massive firefight
and you have 1 bullet left in your Thompson's clip (and you have an extra
clip), just reload. It's better to waste 1 bullet now, rather than going into
a firefight when reloading.

-Take cover: A pillar, a wall, a car. When in trouble, put whatever solid
objects you can between yourself and your attacker. Even running into a dense
group of people can often shield you from gunfire.

-Make your shots count: With a few exceptions, you should always aim for
either the chest or the head. This will ensure the more rapid elimination of
your foes, and a higher survival chance on your part.

-Weigh your opposition: If you have two enemies, one with a rifle, and the
other with a baseball bat, take out the rifle-wielder first. Again, with a few
exceptions, but generally you should target the enemies with stronger or more
dangerous weaponry first.

-Corpse looting: Any weapon that an enemy was wielding will fall to his feet
when he dies. You are capable of picking up and using any of these weapons. In
certain missions where ammunition is scarce, the extra clips of a downed foe
may determine life or death for you in the next shootout.

-Watch those reloads: When you reload your weapon, you're almost completely
defenseless. Only reload when you have adequate cover, or you know that no
enemy is nearby. Also, be on the lookout for enemies who are reloading. Try to
single them out, because they are as defenseless as you. If you know the
weapons well enough, you can do it just like in the movies, where you count
the number of shots that your enemy fires

-Get down, get down, staying alive!: When searching for cover, don't neglect
the crouch feature. You standing up behind a overturned table vs. you crouched
behind it can make the difference of life and death. Crouching also steadies
your aim somewhat

-Don't let up: Using suppressive fire will help you immensely when facing
numerous enemies. If you keep firing at an enemy, they will be busy in the
"Taking Damage" animation, and will be unable to retaliate. The strength of
the suppression is completely up to you, based on the current situation. If
ammunition is a premium, get your shots off quickly, but don't sacrifice
accuracy for speed. On the other hand, if you've got 200 rounds for your
Thompson, spray fire in the general direction to keep your enemies pinned
down, and unable to fire back.

-Watch your friends: In missions with other characters accompanying you, figure
out how useful they are as fighters (or if they're completely incapable of
fighting). Provide suppressive fire while they go for the accurate kill shots,
or vice versa. Make sure that you know where they are, and don't accidentally
shoot them in the back, thinking they are an enemy. Watch out for them too; If
they die, you fail the mission.

-Playing it Bogart: There are certain situations where you must navigate around
and interact with people who could easily turn hostile (e.g. "Just For
Relaxation"). Stay cool, and don't try to arouse their suspicions. Similarly,
don't pull out a weapon just to try and scare them, you'll only blow your

-Sneaking around: In a few missions, you may be able to sneak up on, or attack
an enemy who is unaware. Don't underestimate the power of the element of
surprise. If you're not suspected, you can get a critical kill shot off, even
when surrounded by soon to be enemies (e.g. "Happy Birthday"). Also, don't
neglect the baseball bat and knife, both of which are capable of doing one-hit
kills if you charge fully and attack from behind.

-Keep it holstered: Publicly displaying firearms, even without firing them, is
a crime in Lost Heaven. By whipping out your gun for no good reason, you'll
frighten civilians, possibly even ones you need to talk to, and you'll soon
develop a police presence.

-Stick your neck out!: Using pistols while driving allows you to do a drive-by.
While aiming at stationary targets on the sidewalk may be difficult at 60 mph,
the drive-by can be effective when trying to deal with pursuing enemies who
are pulling up alongside you. Also, in a few situations, you'll get to ride
shotgun, or in the back seat. In that case, you're not limited to pistols.
Feel free to use a Thompson or shotgun to annihilate your opposition. You
still can't use melee weapons or the Springfield or Mosin-Nagant though.


******************* M I S S I O N W A L K T H R O U G H S *******************

This will be the basic setup for all the mission walkthroughs. Some additional
categories in the Post-Mission Wrap up will be present or absent when
applicable. Most of these categories will be absent for the cinematic-only
missions (e.g. prologue, intermezzos, etc.)

Pre-Mission setup:

Overview: A brief overview of what's going to happen in the mission

Loading screen: The screen that appears when the level/mission is loading.
Rather useless and irrelevant.

Year: The year that the mission takes place

Major Characters: The major characters that appear in this level/mission. They
will be marked:

(new) when it is their first appearance in the game.

If they have no marking next to their name, they're in the level, and have
their own life meter above Tommy's.

If they have (ambient) next to their name, it means that they're in the level,
and can be interacted with, but they have no life bar above Tommy's (with a
few minor exceptions, they'll stay where they are as opposed to following
Tommy around).

If it says (cinematic) next to their name, then they're only in a cinematic,
and not visible or accessible when you are in control of Tommy.

Minor Characters: The minor characters that appear in this level/mission. The
same markings as for Major Characters apply to them.

Save points: The number of save points, followed by their names

Health Cabinets: The number of health cabinets, followed by their location and
healing "power" (how much they heal).

Walkthrough: The walkthrough of the level

Post-Mission Wrap up

Objective Summary (#): The number of objectives, followed by all objectives in

Alternate Paths: An alternate path or route through the mission

Notes: Any other notes of interest about the mission. For example, an Easter

Cars added to garage: What cars would be added to your garage (assuming you
didn't destroy them, didn't steal any new ones, and DID the Lucas Bertone
mission (if applicable))

Rewards: rewards gained by the end of the mission. These are mostly rewards
that have an effect in Freeride. For example, the unlocking of countryside-
night as a playable Freeride level.

Mission # 0

******************************* T U T O R I A L *******************************

Pre-Mission Setup:

Overview: This mission is an optional tutorial, which will provide you with
the basics of "Mafia." This is recommended for people who haven't played the
game before, and is practically required if you've never played a shooter
before. The tutorial is very simple and not very time-consuming to complete.
However, it should give you a very good sense of the many aspects and features
of the game Mafia, and how to utilize them to complete the missions you are
given. Also, this tutorial is a very objective-rich mission, with a total of
23 objectives. Most regular missions only have 2-10 objectives. I've made the
tutorial walkthrough very long, because the tutorial is a good starter for
someone who hasn't played this game, if a videogame at all, before.

Loading screen: A target range target, with accuracy rings from 1-8 (1-3
white, 4-8 black), and a colt 1911 lying beneath it.

Year: N/A

Major Characters:
Tommy (new)

Minor Characters: None

Save points: 0
Health cabinets: 1
1. (100 health) In the first area, a health cabinet can be found on the wall
at the back of the stage


As you begin the mission, you will appear in a small corridor. Almost
immediately, you will hear a voice begin to give you instructions. This voice
(along with myself) will be your guide through the tutorial.

Guide: "OK kid, here's where you're gonna learn what it takes to be a real
Mafioso. Every wise guy has a compass in his head, telling him which way, and
where to go. So, follow your inner compass and go to the stage with the table
on it."

Your compass in the upper-left hand corner of the screen will now begin to
flash, showing you which way to go. In addition, a new objective will pop up
in front of you. Also, a message should come up in the bottom left part of the
screen, saying "to look at your tasks, press OBJECTIVES (default: F1 key)."

New Objective (A): Go to the stage in the direction indicated by the compass.
Press forwards, backwards, left and right to move (default: cursor keys). Use
the mouse to turn around and look at your surroundings.

Guide: "Are you sure you're not being followed?"

After acclimatizing yourself to your surroundings, feel free to walk/run
around, experimenting with the controls. For a complete list of controls, look
under the options-controls screen, or in the default controls section of this
guide. When you're ready, walk or run forward and then left through the
archway. You will find yourself in a large open room. There are many wooden
support pillars around you, and a table with some cans in front of you.
Explore the room if you wish, but eventually make your way to the stage at the
other end of the room. Once you reach the stage, the guide's voice will again
speak to you. You will also get a new objective

Guide: "Alright, now climb up on the stage. Be careful not to rip your suit."

New Objective (B): Stand in front of the stage and press JUMP (Default: 0 on

Depending on how your controls are set up, it would be much easier just to use
the "E" key, but whatever, it's your choice. Anyway, climb up on the stage in
this manner. Remember, if you're not next to anything, Tommy will just jump
forward. However, if you're next to an object, he will climb it (if he can).
Once on the stage, you will get a new objective, and more instructions from
the guide.

Guide: "Well you got yourself dirty climbing up here anyway, so you may as
well practice a side roll. You're no good to the Don if you get shot."

New Objective (C): Crouch down by holding CROUCH and press the LEFT or RIGHT
button twice (default: Right CTRL and cursor keys)

Like it says, after crouching down, quickly double tap either to the left or
to the right. Tommy will then roll to the side that you tapped. This is a very
useful aspect of Tommy's evasive maneuvers, and can save your life throughout
the game. After completing your side roll, you will get a new objective, a
small talk from the guide, and then another objective.

New Objective (D): Move to the table

Guide: "Now go to the table. When you're next to the table, the exclamation
mark will appear in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen. It's the action
button. The action button symbol indicates that you can perform and action or
interact with the environment. Here, you can take the guns from the table. Go
on, do it."

New Objective (E): Collect the guns by pressing the ACTION BUTTON (Default:
Right mouse button)

Like the guide said, move towards the table. On top of it, you will see two
pistols: a colt 1911 and a colt detective special. Also, like the guide said,
you will see an exclamation mark in the lower left-hand corner of the screen.
When you right click, you will pick up one of the guns. Take note however,
that if you're in a position where you could take both guns, a small screen
will pop up asking you which one you'd like to pick up. If this is the case,
either click on one, or hit the corresponding number key to pick up that
weapon. Then simply right click again to pick up the other. Once you have both
weapons picked up, you will get another message.

Guide: "You can perform one more action on stage. See what you can find."

Basically there's one more major action that you can do on the stage by using
the action button (right-mouse button by default). Remember that you can see
if an object has a performable action by seeing if the small exclamation mark
appears next to it. Go ahead and search for the action. It's really not that
hard. If you can't get it, look down a few lines. If you're unable to get it
after a while, the guide will speak again.

Guide: "If you're not sure what you should be doing, you can review your

If you do this (by pressing F1 by default), you will see a new objective that
tells you what to do.

New Objective (F): Speak into the microphone by using the action button.

Once you use the action button next to the microphone, Tommy will speak, and
then you'll get a new objective and another message from the guide.

Tommy: " *Microphone feedback* Hello, is anyone home?"

Guide: "Stop making a fool of yourself. It's time to get on with more serious
business. Choose a weapon from your inventory."

New Objective (G): Open the INVENTORY and select a weapon (Default: I)

Like the objective says, use this I key (unless you changed your controls
drastically), to open your inventory. Choose either the colt 1911 or colt
detective special by clicking on one of them. You will then get a new message
and objective.

Guide: "Let's see how you handle a gun. Shoot the cans off of the table."

New Objective (H): Shoot the cans by pressing FIRE (Default: Left mouse

With your gun equipped, you will notice a crosshair in the center of your
screen. This crosshair can be customized from the options menu to be a point,
a crosshair, or a point and a crosshair. Assuming you have any of
those options chosen, there should be some sort of a white object in the
center of your screen. That is where Tommy will be aiming when you fire your
weapon. Of course, Tommy isn't an expert marksman, so his shots won't hit
perfectly every time. Anyway, like the objective and guide says, shoot the
cans. If you're standing, you have to left click once to raise your weapon,
and again to fire. If you're crouching, your weapon is already raised. Fire
off your pistol at the cans. You can chose to fire rapidly and inaccurately,
wasting much of your ammo, or slow and precisely (or rapidly and precisely, if
you're a good shot). You can fire from the stage, or from point blank, it
doesn't matter where you shoot from. However, if you're going to shoot from
the stage, I'd recommend the colt 1911. From that distance, the colt detective
special will hit the cans, but not have enough force to knock them off the
table. After knocking off all 7 of the cans, the guide will give you another
tip, this time about reloading.

Guide: "Always remember to reload, just in case you get into trouble. But
remember, when you throw away a magazine, or empty a chamber that isn't
completely empty, you will lose the unused rounds."

New Objective (I): Reload your gun by pressing RELOAD (Default: L)

After reloading, either with the L key, whatever else you may have assigned to
"reload", you will get another message and objective. However, in order to
complete the reloading objective, you must manually reload, you can't auto
reload (auto reloading is where you press fire/shoot when your clip is empty,
and Tommy automatically reloads)

Guide: "You should also be prepared to switch weapons as quickly as possible"

New Objective (J): Cycle through your weaponry by using CYCLE UP and CYCLE
DOWN (Default: Mouse wheel)

Before you even have time to practice cycling through your weapons, you'll
have to hide them.

Guide: "Just because you're part of the Mafia doesn't mean that you can walk
around waving a gun. The police will arrest you if they see you carrying a
gun. Hide your weapon now."

New Objective (K): Hide the gun by pressing HIDE (Default: H)

Once you hide your weapon, you will see a message that says "empty hands",
meaning that there was enough room to hide your weapon, and that it is now
hidden. Then the guide will instruct you again.

Guide: "Now, take the baseball bat from the table."

New Objective (L): Pick up the baseball bat from the table.

Take a wild guess as to what you're supposed to do...That's right, pick up the
bat from the table. Return to the stage, and on the table where the colt 1911
and colt detective special were, there is now a baseball bat. Use the action
button to pick it up. The guide will give you another tip and objective.

Guide: "You can't carry and hide all of the weapons under your coat. If you
have a large weapon like a shotgun hidden, but are also carrying another one,
and you spot a policeman, you're just gonna have to throw it away to avoid

New Objective (M): Drop the weapon you're holding by pressing DROP WEAPON
(Default: Backspace)

As soon as you drop it, get ready to pick it right back up again.

Guide: "OK. You're gonna need that bat, so pick it up again."

New Objective (N): Pick up the baseball bat.

Guide: "The police won't give you any trouble if you're carrying a bat, even
if you might use it to...erh...say, knock someone out. See that guy over
there. Walk up behind him and knock him out cold. As hard as you can."

New Objective (O): When you hold down the FIRE button, a progress bar will
appear. When the bar is full, you can stun people if you hit them from behind.
Stun that guy over there.

You will notice that there is now a man standing behind the table where you
shot the cans off of. Run up to him. Don't worry, he has no AI programmed, and
will not attack, or even see you. You can bash him in the face all you want,
but that won't get your objective completed. Circle around him, charge up your
swing all the way, and hit him in the back to complete the objective.

Guide: "Oh Ho! That's gotta hurt! Now, to get around the city, you're gonna
need to know how to drive. Walk over to that car."

New Objective (P): Follow the compass and walk to the car parked outside.

From the angle you're standing when you knocked out that man, you should turn
almost 180 degrees around. Follow your compass, like the objective said.
Return to the small hallway where you began the tutorial. Now, when you
approach the door, you should see the action icon appear. Use the right mouse
button to open the door and head outside. Walk towards the car to your left.
It should be marked "Lost Heaven Taxi" on the side. This car is called a
Falconer. Ignore the two men talking nearby and walk up to the Falconer. The
Guide will tell you how to steal it.

Guide: "You're able to steal any car that you come across. But, only if you've
been shown how to get into it. Try to pick the lock on the car door."

New Objective (Q): Press and hold the ACTION BUTTON. A progress bar will be
displayed. When it is full, the car is yours. Get into the car.

You will also notice that a message popped up in the bottom left of the
screen, saying "You've learnt how to steal a Falconer." From now on, you will
be able to pick the locks of any Falconer (taxi) that you see in the city.
Anyway, go up to the driver-side door and hold the action button. While the
progress bar is filling up, you can move the camera around to look for people
who might see you stealing the car. Tommy will also peer around suspiciously.
Once you've picked the lock, the guide will give you another message.

Guide: "Make sure that the police don't spot you when breaking into cars. Now,
get in the car."

Right click when next to the driver-side door to enter the car. When you get
in, you should see many new icons on the screen. There should be radar, a
speedometer, rpm gauge, and other icons as well. If no new icons appeared on
the screen, you probably got in the back seat by accident. It isn't uncommon
in this game to accidentally get in the back seat and not realize it. Anyway,
once you get in the car, the name of the car will appear in the bottom left
hand corner of the screen: Falconer Yellowcar. The name of whatever car you
enter will be displayed here for a few seconds after you get in it. Now you
will get a speech from the guide and a new objective as well.

Guide: "When you get in a car, a radar will be displayed next to the compass.
It shows other vehicles that are in your surrounding area, and it'll also
display your destination, when you're close enough. Drive to the place

New Objective (R): Drive towards the location indicated.
Use the following keys to drive cars (default controls)
Accelerate: Cursor key up
Brake and Reverse: Cursor key down
Steer Left: Cursor key left
Steer Right: Cursor key right
Handbrake: Spacebar
To change the transmission from automatic to manual, press MANUAL/AUTOMATIC
GEARING (Default: M key)
Press GEAR UP and GEAR DOWN to change gears (Default: A and Z)

Inside the car, press "accelerate" to turn on the ignition. Wait a second
(remember, these are cars from the 1930's, they're not exactly hotrods), and
then drive forward. Follow your compass, and head down the hill to your left.
You don't even have to accelerate down the hill, as it is quite steep. It's
your choice whether you want to run over pedestrians who are walking across
the street, but I'd really recommend slowing down, because you don't want to
crash into the traffic going the other way. At the bottom of the hill, turn
right, and head down that street. Try to get a basic feel for how the Falconer
handles. Follow your compass down the street. When you get close to your
objective, you will notice a red "X" on your radar. Drive directly to this
"X." The guide will then give you a tip about the speed limiter.

Guide: "OK. Every car has a speed limiter. When used, it will allow you to
drive at the maximum speed limit allowed, and not go over it. Use this to
avoid worrying about being stopped by the police for exceeding the speed
limit. The police will appear as blue cars on the radar. Turn on the limiter,
and drive in the direction indicated by the compass."

New Objective (S): Turn on the speed limiter by pressing the SPEED LIMIT key
(Default: F5). Drive in the direction indicated by the compass.

Like the guide and objective both say, turn on your speed limiter by pressing
F5 (by default), and then continue following the road and your compass. Keep
going the way you were before you reached your previous objective. Follow the
road to the left when it curves, and then continue straight. You will probably
see the red "X" on your radar on your right. Up ahead, you will see an
entrance to the area on your right. Turn right into it, and then drive to the
red "X". When you reach it, the guide will tell you how to drive and shoot

Guide: "Even when you're driving, you may have to defend yourself. You can
shoot from a car while driving, but can only use handguns. Chose a colt and
try it."

New Objective (T): After selecting a gun, press the FIRE button to draw your
gun. You can now look around and shoot out of the driver's side of the car.
Shoot from the window.

Go into your inventory and equip either of your guns. I hope you didn't waste
ALL the ammo shooting at the cans. Press fire once to roll down your window
and stick the gun out. You can then move your arm, and the camera around.
Practice firing at objects, such as the barrels lying around, both from a
stopped and from a moving position. Take note that Tommy's accuracy when
shooting from a car window is significantly decreased from when he's on foot,
even if the car is stopped.

After firing a few rounds from the car window, you'll get a new objective, a
message from the guide, and another objective.

New Objective (U): Press the ACTION BUTTON to switch back to the car

Guide: "If someone steps into the road in front of you, you should warn them
by sounding the car horn."

New Objective (V): Sound the horn by pressing the HORN key (Default: K)

After you sound the horn a few times, the guide will return to give you a very
lengthy talk about the police, and wanted levels. If you want more information
on this, I suggest that you read the section about police in this guide.

Guide: "Now listen up. In our line of work, you don't want to draw attention
to yourself, so be aware of the police patrolling the city. If you commit a
minor offence, a symbol of a fine will be displayed. Simply stop and pay the
fine, and then you can be on your way. When you're spotted committing a
serious offence, a handcuff symbol will be displayed. You can try to evade the
police, but if they catch you, you'll be arrested. Lastly, always keep your
weapons hidden when out in the city. If the police detect shots being fired, a
symbol of a gun will be displayed. You will now be wanted by all of the police
in the area, and they will return fire. How you're gonna get out of that
situation is up to you. That's it. From now on, it's down to you to see what
you make out of yourself."

New Objective (W): Enter the door that's indicated on the radar to exit

The tutorial is now officially over. You can still drive around, shoot things,
etc. Maybe you want to try jumping those ramps with your Falconer; maybe you
want to shoot some random pedestrians. Whatever your choice, you are free to
mess around for as long as you want. When you're ready to stop, just follow
the compass. From where the tutorial officially ended, head back out of the
entrance to the small area with ramps and barrels, and turn right. Follow the
road as it turns to the left. You should be able to see the red "X" on your
radar. Stop your car and get out. You should see a brown door, directly to the
left of a yellowish building on the right side of the street. Press the action
button when next to the door to end the tutorial.


Post-Mission wrap up:

Objective Summary (23):
(A) Go to the stage in the direction indicated by the compass. Press forwards,
backwards, left and right to move (default: cursor keys). Use the mouse to
turn around and look at your surroundings.

(B) Stand in front of the stage and press JUMP (Default: 0 on numpad)

(C) Crouch down by holding CROUCH and press the LEFT or RIGHT button twice
(default: Right CTRL and cursor keys)

(D) Move to the table

(E) Collect the guns by pressing the ACTION BUTTON (Default: Right mouse

(F) Speak into the microphone by using the action button

(G) Open the INVENTORY and select a weapon (Default: I)

(H) Shoot the cans by pressing FIRE (Default: Left mouse button)

(I) Reload your gun by pressing RELOAD (Default: L)

(J) Cycle through your weaponry by using CYCLE UP and CYCLE DOWN (Default:
Mouse wheel)

(K) Hide the gun by pressing HIDE (Default: H)

(L) Pick up the baseball bat from the table.

(M) Drop the weapon you're holding by pressing DROP WEAPON (Default:

(N) Pick up the baseball bat.

(O) When you hold down the FIRE button, a progress bar will appear. When the
bar is full, you can stun people if you hit them from behind. Stun that guy
over there.

(P) Follow the compass and walk to the car parked outside.

(Q) Press and hold the ACTION BUTTON. A progress bar will be displayed. When
it is full, the car is yours. Get into the car.

(R) Drive towards the location indicated.
Use the following keys to drive cars (default controls)
Accelerate: Cursor key up
Brake and Reverse: Cursor key down
Steer Left: Cursor key left
Steer Right: Cursor key right
Handbrake: Spacebar
To change the transmission from automatic to manual, press MANUAL/AUTOMATIC
GEARING (Default: M key)
Press GEAR UP and GEAR DOWN to change gears (Default: A and Z)

(S) Turn on the speed limiter by pressing the SPEED LIMIT key (Default: F5).
Drive in the direction indicated by the compass.

(T) After selecting a gun, press the FIRE button to draw your gun. You can now
look around and shoot out of the driver's side of the car. Shoot from the

(U) Press the ACTION BUTTON to switch back to the car

(V) Sound the horn by pressing the HORN key (Default: K)

(W) Enter the door that's indicated on the radar to exit tutorial.

Notes: There is a health cabinet on the stage that you can also use, but it
doesn't count as the object that you're supposed to "use." However, if you're
hurt at some point in the tutorial, and you'd like to heal yourself, you can
return to this health cabinet.

Cars added to garage: None

Rewards gained: None


********************************** I N T R O **********************************




Now we that are strong ought to
bear the infirmities of the weak
and not to please ourselves

Romans 15:1

*Camera pans from the ocean, up a cliffside, along roads, into the city of Lost
Heaven, and all around (throughout most of these credits). Eventually, it goes
to the Giuliano monorail station, where it follows Tommy getting off the
monorail and walking to a nearby cafe.*

Mike Sorvino

William Demeo

George Dicenzo

Matt Sevitto

Dan Grimaldy

David O'Brian

Jeff Gurner

John Tormey


development director
Petr Vochozka

Lukas Kure

lead programmer
Dan Dolezel

ls3d engine director
Denis Cerny

Daniel Capek
Vaclav Kral
Martin Brandstatter
Jiri Pop

ls3 engine team
Radek Sevcik
Tomas Blaho
Pavel Dlouhy
David Levinsky

character design
Roman Hladik

3D artists
David Semik
Pavel Tretera
Tomas Hrebicek

3D artists
Michal Mach
Milan Saffek
Pavel Prochazka

2D artists
Pavel Cizek
Roman Hladik
Jan Straka
Milan Saffek

director of photography
Tomas Hrebicek

animations and cutscenes
Michal Mach
Patrik Marik
Zbynek Travnicky
Stepan Prokop

sound engineers
Michal Chovanec
Petr Klimunda
Jan Absolin

Vladimir Simunek

level design
David Semik
Pavel Tretera
Pavel Brzak
Lukas Kure

art director
Pavel Cizek

written and directed by
Daniel Vavra"

End cinematic.

******************************* P R O L O G U E *******************************


Thomas "Tommy" Angelo: "Detective Norman? Can I join you?"

*Hangs up coat and sits down at the table*

Tommy: "Sorry for the delay, but I didn't want anybody seein' me. If you know
what I mean"

Waitress: "What can I get you sir?"

Tommy: [to waitress]"Just a coffee."

Waitress: "Coming right up."

Detective Norman: "It's not my habit to sit with people like you."

Tommy: [to Norman] "Gotta business proposition for you detective."

Norman: "I ain't no businessman, and even if I were, I wouldn't be doing
business with the likes of you."

Tommy: "I don't usually do business with your kind either. But this is a bit of
a strange deal. Good for you and your superiors, and good for me. It concerns a
certain kind of trade."

Norman: "Trade...?"

Tommy: "Well, let's just say that I hold a high position in a not so legal
organization. It's just the kind of organization that people such as yourself
would like to know a lot about. And I, on the other hand, for certain reasons
don't want..."

*Waitress brings coffee*

Waitress: "Your coffee, sir."

Tommy: [to waitress] "Thanks."

Tommy: [to Norman] "I have my own personal reasons why I don't want to be
associated with this organization. It ain't too easy to leave this kind of
business. If you know what I mean..."

Norman: "I think I know where you're coming from. You'll get a bullet in your
head if you don't disappear quickly, right?"

Tommy: "That's not the only reason. Got any kids detective? I've got a wife and
daughter. I don't want them to have any problems because of me."

Norman: "Yeah? Well I ain't just gonna hand out protection to any wop crook.
You should've thought about them kids before, 'cos I..."

Tommy: "Sure, sure...Listen, I don't want something for nothing, so here's the
deal. Does the name Salieri mean anything to you?"

Norman: "Salieri?!! It damn well does. You got something in common with him?"

Tommy: "You could say that. I've worked for him for several years. Now he want
to rub me out. If you protect my family and me, I'll tell you everything.
Names, dates, accounts, everything. Enough to put him away for life."

Norman: "I ain't Santa Claus. If I go to the chief with this, I need to know
everything you know, and I have to be sure you'll testify in court."

Tommy: "Sure. If you ain't in a hurry, I'll tell you my whole story and all the
deals I've worked on over the years."

Norman: "Okay. I've got time, and I'm listening..."

End of cinematic.


************** A N O F F E R Y O U C A N' T R E F U S E ***************

Pre-mission setup

Overview: This mission depicts Tommy's first interaction with the Mafia,
certainly none too pleasant. After the initial cinematic, you'll have to evade
hostile gangsters who want nothing more than to kill you and your passengers.
This provides a very action-packed beginning to the main story missions of
this game.

Loading Screen: An envelope full of money, laying on top of a $100 bill, with
blood splatters all over it.

Year: Autumn, 1930

Major Characters:
Paulie (new)
Sam (new)

Minor Characters: None

Save Points: 1
01 An Offer You Can't Refuse

Health Cabinets: 0



Autumn 1930

Tommy [voiceover]: "I used to be a taxi driver. Even though I wasn't making
much and I worked from dawn to dusk, I was glad to be working. It was a bad
time and some other people were worse off than me."

*Two Falconers chasing each other*

Tommy [voiceover]: "It was that very taxi that drew Salieri's people to me in
the first place." One day I was on my break and I was just hanging out.
Suddenly, I heard a tremendous crash...

*Crash in the distance*

Paulie [off-screen]: "Sam! They got me, damnit!

Sam: "Climb up and move. There's a taxi, we'll be okay."

Tommy [voiceover]: "It was clear to me that these guys had to get out of there
fast, so I thought it was best to cooperate rather than ending up with a hole
in my head.

Sam: [pushing Tommy]: "Move it...Come on..."

Tommy [ingame]: "Where to?"

Paulie: "Anywhere! Fast!...And I hope you're damn fast! Faster than Sam here

Tommy [voiceover]: "I burned rubber outta there like a bat outta hell. It
didn't matter where, just away from those "gentlemen" who were chasing my new

End of cinematic.

In the opening cinema sequence, you will see Tommy taking a break from his
taxi shift. He hears the squealing of tires and the crash of a car. Suddenly,
two men emerge from around a corner, one of them limping. They hold a gun to
his head and force him to drive them to safety. As soon as the cinematic ends,
you'll be in control with a new objective.

Game saved: 01 An Offer You Can't Refuse

New Objective (A): Lose the tail

Paulie: "Now listen carefully. We gotta shake those clowns behind us. If you
don't do it then we're done for, and that includes you! Step on it kid!"

As Paulie instructs you to, your main objective here is to evade your
pursuers. As the mission begins, you will have 100 health, and so will Sam.
Paulie (who was seen limping in the opening cinematic) only has 79 health.
However, you will all lose about the same amount of health from collisions, so
you should act like you all only have 79 health. Remember that you will fail
the mission if Tommy, Paulie, or Sam dies, or if you get out of the taxi and
desert them. First lets analyze how the gangsters will attack you.

The gangsters have two main methods of dealing damage to you or the other men
in your taxi: ramming and shooting. Firstly, they will try to ram into your
car and/or push it into an object such as a wall, pole, or another car. This
will do minimal damage to all members of your car, but can do serious damage
to the car itself. The second method of hurting you is the most obvious,
shooting. These gangsters will be shooting at you almost nonstop. Though they
will usually only get a lucky shot that hits every once in a while, these
shots deal out some serious damage. The most important thing for you to do is
to avoid letting them pull up alongside you (especially on your left). If this
happens, the passenger in their car will fire repeatedly into either you or
Paulie, and can kill their target in a matter of seconds with their rapid and
powerful fire.

The best way to evade these gangsters, and to complete your objective is to
get them in a situation where they cannot easily get out of, then turn around
and drive quickly away. Once you're a reasonable distance away, your objective
will be completed. A good strategy for shaking them off involves their
strategy of running you off the road. You will notice that they often try to
pull alongside of you, to the left or right. Even if you cannot see their car,
you should be able to see that on the radar, their car is slightly to the left
or right of yours. Once they're close to pulling alongside you, set your aim
for one of the many traffic poles around the streets. Squeeze your car between
the wall and the pole. However, if your pursuers are not right behind you, but
instead are on your side, they will plow directly into the pole. This
technique can also be used with other cars on the road. If you can shave your
pursuers by darting through oncoming traffic, it will have about the same
effect. Anyway, after colliding into the pole/car/object, you can try to race
off, leaving them in the dust, hoping that they won't recover fast enough to
catch you. Another option is to turn around and go exactly the opposite
direction you were before. Using that strategy, not only will they have to
back up from the street pole, but will then have to turn completely around,
and THEN catch up with you. You can also try this radical 180 degrees
technique, even if you haven't caused them to collide with a pole, though it
won't work as well. In any case, try to get them stopped dead in a position
where it will take them a long time to dislodge themselves, and then try to
distance yourself as much as possible. Assuming you did this correctly, as
well as had a little luck, you should have successfully lost the tail.

Sam: "Great! We've made it!"

Paulie: "Good work brother! Now take us to Salieri's Bar. I'll show you the

New Objective (B): Get the gangsters to the Salieri Bar.

You now will have a destination on your compass: Salieri's Bar. Also, you will
see a stopwatch in the upper right hand corner of the screen. However, you
have more than enough time to reach the bar. Take note that when you begin the
mission, you are smack in the middle of Hoboken, and Salieri's Bar is near the
middle of Little Italy. If you have a map handy, or have read the section of
this guide that describes the city of Lost Heaven, you know that these two
places are just about as far apart as you can get. In the tutorial, you could
just follow your compass to your objective, but here, doing that will probably
lead you right to the water. Remember that your compass gives you the
direction to go, but not the exact path. If you're up against the edge of the
island, but your compass is still pointing west across the water, you'd better
find a bridge. I would seriously advise using either the map that came
packaged with the game or the in-game map (Default: Tab Key). Depending on
where you ended up after ditching the gangsters, you may have to change which
routes you're going to take. Take a look at your map. You'll see that you'll
first have to take either the East Marshall or Giuliano bridges to get to
Central Island. Once on Central Island, you'll have to take either the West
Marshall bridge or Giuliano street tunnel to get to Little Italy (if you take
the West Marshall bridge, you'll have to drive North to reach Little Italy
from the Works Quarter).

A note about the drive back: The Falconer (taxi) that you drive in this
mission is extremely prone to a damaged engine from head on collisions. If you
ran into anything during the entire chase, it's possible that you took engine
damage. Once you complete the first objective, check your gas gauge. It is in
the bottom right hand of the screen, below your speedometer. If you can
actually see it decrease as you drive, you've ruptured your engine, and it's
now leaking gas. If you run out of gas, you'll be stuck. If you leave your
taxi, you will fail the mission for deserting Paulie and Sam. If this occurs,
you can try to make the trip back to Salieri's, but you will have to stop at
every gas station along the way. They are marked by red triangles on your map,
and are listed in the city section of this guide. A better alternative might
just be to start the mission again, since it's really a pain to try to make it
to Salieri's in this fashion, and even more of a pain when you run out of gas
2 blocks away from the bar.

Anyway, by whatever means, once you arrive in Little Italy, follow your map
and compass to reach Salieri's Bar. It will be marked with a red "X" on your
radar and a large blue "X" on your map. Once you get to the bar, the final
cinematic will occur.


Paulie: "Finally, we're home. Wait here friend, Sam will get you a little
something from Mr. Salieri. Thanks for your help."

*Sam and Paulie go inside the bar. Sam returns outside with an envelope*

Sam: "Mr. Salieri would like to thank you as well as myself and Paulie. It's
compensation for the damage to your car and your services. It should be

Tommy: "Yes, of course, thanks. Give my regards to Mr. Salieri.

Sam: "Mr. Salieri wants you to know that he is very grateful to you. If you
ever need anything you can come back and ask for help, because Mr. Salieri
doesn't forget about friends who have helped him out. If you're interested,
maybe we could find a job for you here...And it would pay well. We always have
positions for guys as good as you."

Tommy: "OK, OK... I'll think about it, thanks, really thanks...I'd better
go...To fix the car and so on..."

Sam: "Alright, I understand... Just think about it... And I hope it's clear
that this matter is only between ourselves. Take care kid."

*Back at Tommy's home*

Tommy [voiceover]: "When I opened the envelope, I almost had a heart attack.
There was more than it would cost to do the repairs. But I didn't for a minute
think about their offer. I didn't want to join some criminals, even if they had
all the money in the world. It's better to be poor and alive than rich and
dead, right? I was gonna get my cab repaired and try to forget it all as soon
as possible. As my mother always said: You can never predict what God has in
store for you."

End of cinematic.


Post-Mission Wrap up:

Objective Summary (2):

(A) Lose the Tail

(B) Get the gangsters to the Salieri Bar

Notes: The gas dilemma, described above.

Rewards gained: progression of story... No real rewards.


Mission #2

************************ T H E R U N N I N G M A N ************************

Pre-Mission Setup

Overview: After his run in with the Mafia in the previous mission, Tommy
greatly appreciated their financial contribution, but didn't really want to
get mixed up in that sort of stuff. He decided to go back to his regular job
of being a taxi driver, and hoped he could just leave the Mafia out of his
life. Little did he know what the future had in store for him.

Loading Screen: A wallet with a few $1 bills hanging loosely out of the side

Year: 1930

Major Characters:
Paulie (Cinematic only)
Sam (Cinematic only)

Minor Characters:
Luigi (new)(Cinematic only)

Save Points: 6
02-01 The Running Man-Taxi Rank
02-01 The Running Man-Passenger 2
02-01 The Running Man-Passenger 3
02-01 The Running Man-Passenger 4
02-01 The Running Man-Passenger 5
02-02 The Running Man-Coffee Break

Health Cabinets: 0

As you begin the mission, Tommy is waiting in his taxi, hoping to pick up some
passengers. A man steps up, gets in the taxi, and gives you a destination to
drive to.

Passenger: "Hey, could you take me to the church Downtown please?"

Tommy: "OK. OK."

Game saved: 02-01 The Running Man-Taxi Rank

New Objective (A): Take your passenger to the Church Downtown

This first objective will give you a feel for what most of this mission
is...boring. You have more than enough time to get all your passengers to
their destinations, but if you mess up, you'll have to start all over from
where you first picked up your passenger. You will fail this mission if you
desert your taxi, kill a pedestrian by (accidentally) running them over,
frighten your passenger, or kill your passenger or yourself. Basically take
things nice and cool, possibly with the speed limiter on, and just obey the
basic traffic laws. The main point of this mission isn't to be action packed,
it's to try to give you a feel for the city. By the end, you should be a
little more comfortable in the city of Lost Heaven, and should know your way
around better than when you started.

Anyway, on to completing your first objective. You will notice that you start
right outside the museum at the southern end of Central Island. Since you're
trying to get to the church in downtown, you first need to get to downtown.
I'd advise going East over the East Marshall bridge. Remember that both the
East and West Marshall Bridges are raising bridges. It's possible that they
will be going up for a ship to pass. In this case, it's better to wait.
Believe me, it's almost impossible to jump the bridge with a falconer if it's
almost all the way raised. If you really wanted, I suppose you could go all
the way up Central Island, over the Giuliano bridge, and then back down
through New Ark, but that would be a waste of time. Basically, go east a few
blocks, over the East Marshall Bridge. After you've gone over the bridge,
drive east a few more blocks and then North until you reach the church.

Passenger: "OK, drop me off here at the steps."

Let your passenger out near the red "X" on your radar.

Passenger: "Thanks, here's the fare."

After a while, another person will get in for a ride.

Passenger: "Are you taken? I need to go to the hospital in New Ark."

Tommy: "No Problem."

Game saved: 02-01 The Running Man-Passenger 2

New Objective (B): Take your passenger to the church in New Ark.

Since you are already downtown, outside the church. Your next destination
really isn't that far away. The hospital is predominately north, and a little
to the west, of the church. If you feel like being dangerous, you can shave
off the corner a few blocks north of the church by using the large set of
stairs as a ramp. However, this could hurt you and your passenger if you mess
it up, and won't really save you much time. Pretty much, just drive north into
New Ark, and then continue going north as far as you can. Eventually, right
next to the Terranova Bridge (which is closed for repairs) is the hospital.

Passenger: "Here it is, drop me off in front of the entrance."

Go ahead and drop off your passenger.

Passenger: "Thanks, here's the fare."

A woman will come up and ask you to taxi her to a new location.

Passenger: "I'm lucky you're here! I need to get to the Theater on Central
Island! Take the Giuliano Bridge so that we can get there quickly!"

Tommy: "Whatever you want."

Game saved: 02-01 The Running Man-Passenger 3

New Objective (C): Take your passenger to the theatre on Central Island, by
going across the Giuliano Bridge.

Again, this objective isn't that hard to complete. It's really just to
acclimatize you to the city, and make you more familiar with it. Make your way
down to the Giuliano Bridge. It's very large, red, and almost impossible to
miss. It looks like a miniature Golden Gate bridge. You can either go down the
straight streets a little to the east, or drive on the curvy road that is
right on the waterfront. If you choose this method, You'll have to either
drive around the bridge, or up the small alley next to it. Whatever way you
choose, find your way to the bridge. Take it across the East River to Central
Island. Follow the ramp all the way down to the main street, then turn off and
head for the theatre.

Passenger: "Here it is, drop me off here at the corner."

Drop your passenger off.

Passenger: "Here's the money. Goodbye."

Wait a moment, and another person will come up and ask for a ride.

Passenger: "Good day. Could you take me to Hoboken, the Pompeii Bar?"

Tommy: "Sure thing. Get in."

Game saved: 02-01 The Running Man-Passenger 4

New Objective (D): Take your passenger to the Pompeii Bar in Hoboken

Turn right around and get back on the Giuliano Bridge that you just took to
get over here. Take in back into New Ark. Keep following the road straight,
then take a left, and then a right down the hill. Near the eastern part of
Hoboken, turn right and make your way to the Bar. A much more dangerous, but
quicker alternative route is also possible here. After coming down the
Giuliano Bridge (on the New Ark side) continue going straight. Even when the
road curves to the left, keep going straight. Crash through the small
guardrails and off the multi-leveled alley way. Continue straight and hug the
right side so as to avoid the small "shack" on the left side of the alley.
Eventually, you'll find yourself in central Hoboken. Make your way to the
Pompeii Bar. This method is much more dangerous and detrimental to your
health. If you're going full speed when you enter the "alley" you will
probably get hurt quite a bit. I wouldn't really advise this path unless you
are purposefully seeking danger.

Passenger: "We're here, drop me off at the entrance please."

Park along the sidewalk here and let out your passenger.

Passenger: "There you go, keep the change."

After a short while, another person will come up to you, asking for a ride.
Don't worry, you're almost done with this rather dull and uninteresting part of
the mission.

Passenger: "I need to get to the department store car lot in Little Italy, can
you take me there?"

Tommy: "No problem, get in."

Passenger: "Go across the Giuliano Bridge and then through the tunnel, it's the
shortest way."

Game saved: 02-01 The Running Man-Passenger 5

New Objective (E): Take your passenger to the department store car lot in
Little Italy, by going across the Giuliano Bridge and then through the tunnel.

Clearly, your first order of business is to get to the Giuliano Bridge.
However, you can't just drive back up that multi-leveled shortcut. You're
going to have to take the long road that serves as the northern border of
Hoboken. From the Pompeii Bar, head directly forward (North), through the
alleyway and then turn left onto this main street. Make sure that you're going
relatively fast (over the speed limit), because if you're only going 40 mph or
so, the Falconer might not be able to make it up the hill (Have you figured
out that it's a crappy car yet?). At the top of the hill, your passenger
should make a remark asking you if you even know where the bridge is. From the
top of the hill, make your way to the Giuliano Bridge. The alternative, if you
can't make it up the hill, is to go south, then into Downtown, then north into
New Ark, and THEN over the bridge. Once you get onto Central Island, slow down
and turn almost completely around. Take the road to the Giuliano Street
Tunnel. The Giuliano Bridge and Tunnel make a "Y" shape with the main street
on Central Island. When you're coming from New Ark, you're on the right "/" of
the "Y" shape. When you reach the "l" you want to turn around and take the
"". Hopefully that made some sort of sense. Anyway, take the tunnel over to
Little Italy. Assuming you haven't knocked them off from a crash, your
headlights will automatically turn on when you enter the tunnel. Keep going
west, and then turn south when you can't go any farther west. Follow
your compass/map to the department store.
Passenger: "Here we are, drop me off at the car lot."

Passenger: "This should cover it, keep the change."

Tommy: "And I need a coffee break"

New Loading Screen: A Baseball bat. Really, that's it.

Game saved: 02-02 The Running Man-Coffee Break


Tommy [voiceover]: "I had a cup of coffee and relaxed in the car while I was
waiting to see if I could get another customer. I noticed I wasn't far from
Salieri's Bar..."

*Gangsters appear and smash the car's windows with a baseball bat*

Tommy [ingame]: "Jesus!"

Gangster: "We got you, you little rat!"

*Gangster pulls Tommy out of the car*

Gangster: "Mr. Morello is pretty angry with you. We're gonna teach you a
lesson, so you remember that it ain't right."

Tommy [voiceover]: "Those bastards remembered the license plate of my car and
took it upon themselves to hunt me down..."

Gangster: "Louie here'll fix your face a little..."

*Louie comes at Tommy with a baseball bat, but Tommy breaks free and bolts

End of cinematic.

Gangster: "Finish him off! Don't waste any more time on him!"

Tommy [voiceover]: "It was clear to me that I had to get outta there fast. I
couldn't handle that animal on my own. I said to myself that now was probably
the right moment for Mr. Salieri to show his gratitude. Salieri's Bar was just
down the street, and the sight of it was certainly a lot nicer than a baseball
bat to my head."

New Objective (F): Escape to the Salieri Bar. Take cover in the back alleys

Even though the gangsters were using melee weapons in the cinematic, they'll
be using pistols to hunt you down now. The man who tried to hit you with a bat
will still be using a bat, but the other gangster will use a Smith and Wesson
Model 10 M&P (see weapon section for more information). I will give you a step
by step guide of how to get to the bar, but there are some general strategies
that you can use to minimize the damage you take on the way there. In general,
you should always be moving, never stopped. When running forward, also strafe
to the right and to the left in a zigzag pattern. Put whatever you can between
yourself, and the path of the bullets being fired at you. If you can get in
front of a person, a wall, a car, or any object that can absorb the shots, do
so. Now, here's how you go about escaping to Salieri's Bar.

As soon as you're in control of Tommy head forward and follow the sidewalk.
Try to put pedestrians behind you, as a buffer for the bullets being fired at
you. Continue forward and you should see a large, floating green arrow
pointing to the right. Turn right and continue running into the next alleyway.
Run to the left and then forward through the small space between a fence and a
"shack." Keep strafing and running forward to avoid being hit. Cross the
street here, trying to put a parked car between yourself and your pursuers.
Keep following your compass onto the sidewalk. You should see another green
arrow pointing to the right into an alleyway. Follow the arrow and turn right
here. You should see a man here, talking to himself, and a man peeing in the

Man in passageway: [to himself] "Where the hell is she? I said three o'clock in
the passageway!"

Turn left here and keep running. Head up a staircase, still doing your best to
avoid taking too much damage. Turn right here into a more wide-open alley. Head
left around the wall and down another flight of stairs. You should see a man on
a balcony above you. Go forward and then right down more stairs. You should now
be back on the street and see two men talking.

Man 1: [to man 2] "Well, he said he'd finally have all the things we needed,
but maybe you oughtta ask him about the gear, or he'll forget."

Man 2: [to man 1] "Great...Then I'll stop by, take it easy."

Man 1: "You too."

Turn left here, and follow the sidewalk some more. You should see another green
arrow, this time pointing left into the alleyway.

Man: [to Marie] "Leave it alone, Marie."

Marie: [to man] "Oh my God, Joe. Those thugs have got a gun, honey! Hurry up!
Police, they're trying to kill my husband."

Run through here, trying to avoid as much damage as possible. Don't worry,
you're almost there. Head to the left and through another passageway where you
will find a woman.

Woman in passageway: [to herself] "Where is he? I said to meet him at three in
the passageway."

Turn left onto the sidewalk after going through this passageway. You should be
able to see Salieri's Bar in the distance and across the street. It also has a
large green arrow pointing down at it. Even though it may seem out of place,
given that there are men shooting at you, look to make sure no cars are
coming. Though rare, a few times when I've played this mission, I've been run
over and killed when crossing the street only 50 feet from the bar.


*the gangsters follow Tommy into the Salieri Bar. Gunshots are heard and Luigi
comes outside. He looks both ways, then switches the "open" sign to "closed"
Tommy sits at the bar counter, deep in thought, alongside many talkative

Tommy [voiceover]: "Salieri's boys saved my skin that time, but I certainly
wasn't in a good situation. I had paid off my debts for the car repairs, but my
boss didn't want to employ anyone who's in the Mob. It just wasn't good
business. When I saw the fancy get-up of Salieri's boys, I thought that it
can't be too bad to work for him. Besides, I had nothing to lose. Morello was
out to get me, so driving a cab wasn't the best job. Plus, the prospect of
Salieri's dough wasn't so terrible...So, like I always say: 'Better to die
young and loaded...'."

*Salieri's men drag the dead bodies of the two gangsters out to a truck in the
back lot of the bar*

End of cinematic.


Post-Mission Wrap up

Objective Summary (6):

(A) Take your passenger to the Church Downtown

(B) Take your passenger to the church in New Ark

(C) Take your passenger to the theatre on Central Island, by going across the
Giuliano Bridge

(D) Take your passenger to the Pompeii Bar in Hoboken

(E) Take your passenger to the department store car lot in Little Italy, by
going across the Giuliano Bridge and then through the tunnel

(F) Escape to the Salieri Bar. Take cover in the back alleys

Notes: Some optional paths for the Taxi missions. Also, if you get a chance,
listen/watch all the people in the alleyways. They're conversations are pretty
humorous. For example, the man and woman who both are wondering where the
other one is. They said 3 o' clock in the passageway, but they both went to
different passageways. Also the man who pees constantly, regardless of
gangsters firing nearby.

Mistakes: The gangster in the brown suit carries a baseball bat when he first
tries to hit Tommy. If you turn around at some point during the mission and
run back TOWARDS the gangsters, he's still carrying a baseball bat. However,
in the cinematic when they enter the Salieri Bar, he has a colt 1911. It seems
unlikely that he would use the bat to kill Tommy if he had a gun all along.

Rewards gained: None


Mission #3

************************** M O L O T O V P A R T Y **************************

Pre-mission setup

Overview: Tommy is introduced to, and joins Don Salieri's Mafia. His first
assignment is to go and get retribution on the gangsters who wrecked his taxi.
He will be sent over to Morello's bar in New Ark to smash up and burn some
cars. A pretty straight forward mission, but certainly more entertaining than
driving people around all day.

Loading screen: A bottle filled partially with gasoline, and with a rag
hanging out of it. In other words, a picture of a molotov cocktail.

Year: 1930

Major Characters:
Don Salieri (cinematic only)(new)
Frank (cinematic only)(new)
Ralph (cinematic only)(new)
Vincenzo (cinematic only)(new)
Sam (cinematic only)

Minor Characters:
Luigi (cinematic only)
Sarah (cinematic only)(new)

Save Points: 3
03-01 Molotov Party-Salieri Bar
03-02 Molotov Party-City
03-03 Molotov Party-Morello's Bar

Health Cabinets: 0



*Don Salieri, Tommy, Paulie and Sam are sitting at the table in Salieri's
office. Frank is standing off to one side*

Don Salieri: "Well it looks like Morello is really trying to make me mad. But
I'm a reasonable person. What do they call you, son?"

Tommy: "Thomas Angelo."

Salieri: "I've decided to give you a shot, Tommy. I like new faces. We're one
big family here. You already know Paulie and Sam, Frank here is my right hand,
and looks after the legal side of our business. The one behind the bar is
Luigi. This business ain't easy to swallow, but Luigi's a wonderful cook. Paul
will introduce you to Vincenzo and Ralph. There are a lot of us, but those
should be enough for now. Now listen, and listen good. We have some rules
around here: Don't cross paths with the cops. They're on our payroll, so
they'll leave you alone, but if you go too far, they'll all come after you,
money or no money...If they ever pick you up, say nothing and I will take care
of you. I show my gratitude to those people that help me. And there aren't many
left who betrayed me...Capisci?"

Tommy: "Yes, Mr. Salieri."

Salieri: "I'm glad. Today I'll give you a to get back at those bastards who
wrecked your taxi. We'll see what you're made of. Morello has a bar where all
his gorillas go. They all have their cars parked behind the fence next to the
bar. If you're good, they won't be there tomorrow morning...Paulie'll go with
you, just in case. Go see Vincenzo for equipment and Ralph for some wheels..."

*Tommy, Paulie and Sam all leave the room*

Frank: "I wouldn't trust him so much. He seemed hesitant, he's just accepted
now because he has no choice."

Salieri: "We'll see Frank, we'll see...I'm more concerned about what Morello's
problem is. Does he really want to start a war?"

*Outside, Tommy and Paulie are walking up the stairs to Vincenzo's workshop*

Paulie: "Vincenzo is the Don's gun expert. They've known each other since they
were kids. He'll get you whatever you want, Tommy guns to cannons, Vinny can
set you up. I always pay him a visit before a job."

*Tommy and Paulie enter into Vincenzo's workshop*

Paulie: "Buongiorno Vincenzo!"

Vincenzo: "Ciao Paulie!"

Paulie: "This here's Tom. Just started up with us."

Vincenzo: "Pleased to meet you Tom! What can I do for the both of yous?"

Paulie: "We've got a job to do, we need something to write off a few cars."

Vincenzo: [pointing towards a baseball bat in the corner] "This classic piece
of sports equipment should do the job, and if not, I've mixed up a few
cocktails. [bringing up a box of Molotov Cocktails to the table] Careful with
'em though."

Paulie: "Thanks a lot Vincenzo."

Vincenzo: "Bring back the bat, it's my nephew's!"

Paulie: "Sure thing!"

*Tommy and Paulie walk towards the garage*

Paulie: "Ralph, who I'll introduce you to, is a complete idiot, but he's got a
special way with cars. I don't get how such a moron could know anything about
anything, but that's the way it goes sometimes."

Ralph: [stuttering] "He he he. A v-v-visit. How yous all doing Paulie? I s-s-
see you're still limping, so we got two cripples working here."

Paulie: "That's right, but I ain't a fool."

Ralph: "Uh-h-u-uh..."

Paulie: "Ralph, this is Tom. [turns to Tommy] If you bring him a stolen car,
Tommy, he'll make it your own..."

*Ralph and Tommy shake hands*

Paulie: "...and no one'll know the difference. [turning back to Ralph] Ralph,
Tom and me have a job to do. You're supposed to have some wheels for us."

Ralph: "Right, he he. Here it is, he. It ain't no hot-rod, he he, but it should
really do for you."

*Tommy and Paulie get into the car*

Paulie: "Thanks Ralphy, let's go!"

End of cinematic.

Game saved: 03-01 Molotov Party-Salieri Bar

During the opening cinematic to this mission, Tommy will be introduced to Don
Salieri, and Join his Mafia. Afterwards, Tommy and Paulie go to see Vincenzo
for weapons. He gives Tommy a baseball bat and two molotov cocktails. Next,
they go and see Ralph, who has a Bolt Ace Fordor for them to ride in. When the
mission begins, Tommy and Paulie will be in the car and ready to drive away.

Game saved: 03-02 Molotov Party-City

New Objective (A): Drive to the Morello Bar and destroy the cars parked in the
back yard

Morello's Bar is located in New Ark. Hopefully, you've already become
reasonably familiar with the city during the previous mission, and can
navigate around by yourself. If not, use the map (default: Tab key) or my
instructions. The best way to get to his bar is to Take the Giuliano street
tunnel and then the Giuliano Bridge over to New Ark, then go a couple blocks
Northeast. When you arrive at the bar, the next part of the mission begins.

Game saved: 03-03 Molotov Pary-Morello's Bar

Paulie: "Okay, we're here. Don't go through the front, find another way. Take
out the guard quietly so you don't arouse any attention. Smash the cars up with
the bat and save the fireworks for last. There could be something nice in that
shed, take a look. Good luck buddy."

Tommy: "Thanks, I'll be back in a little while."

Paulie will tell you to go around back instead of through the front. It would
be wise to follow his instructions. After all, the 1 guard and 4 Morello
gangsters are armed with S&W Model 10 M&P's, and one with a S&W M&P model 27
magnum, and you only have a bat and cocktails. Anyway, your mission is to
destroy their cars, not their owners.

When you arrive, drive near the bar, but not in front of the windows. Park
somewhere slightly farther away. A good place is the small, empty area
directly west of the bar. Get out of your car and walk near the car lot
attached to the back of the bar. However, DON'T walk through the main gates.
You will see a man there, if he sees you acting suspiciously, he will call out
the gangsters (who will kill you very quickly). Instead, circle around to the
west of the lot. You should see a very narrow passageway. Follow it. About
halfway down the "passageway" you will see a metal, chain linked gate on your
right. Open it. Now you are in Morello's car lot. However, don't damage the
cars yet. Your first order of business is to take out that guard. Equip the
baseball bat and walk up behind him. Charge your swing all the way, and hit
him from behind. Just like the gangster in the tutorial, he will fall from a
single fully charged swing from behind. Now the gangsters won't come after
you, unless you deliberately walk in front of the bar and start attacking

Note #1: Though much riskier, it is possible to turn into the car lot and run
over the guard. However, if you only knock him over, not kill him instantly,
he'll call out to the guards and you'll have a major firefight on your hands.

Note #2: I wouldn't recommend this, but it is quite possible to kill the guard
and all 4 of the gangsters. One of the best strategies is to sneak around back
and attack the guard, but not kill him. He'll call out to the gangsters.
how they all come out of that door? Well, throw one of your cocktails in the
doorway to kill most, if not all of them. After the fire subsides, run in,
grab one of their guns, and clean up who ever is still alive. Then you can
deal with destroying the cars.

Once the guard is taken out, take out your baseball bat and go up to any of
the three cars parked in the lot. Start smashing it up. It doesn't matter
where, or how, just as long as you make contact with your bat and the car. You
will see a damage meter at the bottom of the screen. When it gets full, the
game will tell you that you've done enough damage. Now would also be a great
time to practice using those molotov cocktails. They will do tremendous damage
to the cars, and can even destroy them. Just remember that you only get 2.
Also, I'd recommend that if you're going to use the cocktails at all, use them
at the very end of your damage dealing spree. If you use them first, and then
come at the cars with the bat, one of them is liable to explode without
warning, seriously injuring you. Once you have "done enough damage" to all 3
cars, you will get a new objective.

New Objective (B): Return to Salieri's

Just get back in the car with Paulie and drive all the way back to the Salieri
Bar. I'm pretty sure that you can find your way back, given how you made it
out here. You can just follow the same path back. Once you get back to the
bar, you'll have another cinematic, and then the end of the mission.


*Tommy and Paulie enter the Salieri Bar and sit down at a table with Don

Paulie: "So we're back, boss."

Salieri: "Wonderful, take a seat. It all went well?"

Paulie: "Sure boss, he's a natural. Before they could say 'genolees' they were
wheel-less! And before they could recover, we were gone. Morello is probably
pretty pissed right now."

Salieri: "Really? I'm glad to hear it."

Paulie: "He's one tough customer."

Salieri: "In that case, welcome to the family, Tommy. You've passed the first
test and now we've got a new member."

Paulie: "I'd like to take him into the outfit, boss. You can see he ain't
scared. And he's done real good."

Salieri: "You didn't disappoint me, Tommy. Now, let's drink."

Tommy: "Thanks."

End of Cinematic.


Post-Mission wrap up

Objective Summary (2):

(A) Drive to the Morello Bar and destroy the cars parked in the back yard

(B) Return to Salieri's

Notes: Killing the gate guard and killing the gangsters. These notes, #1 and
#2 respectively are found in the walkthrough above.

Mistakes: Even though you may park your car in the back lot of Salieri's and
enter through the back door, the cinematic shows you entering through the
front door.

Cars added to garage: Bolt Ace Fordor Green

Rewards gained:

Bolt Model B series unlocked for Freeride: (see cars section for more

Bolt Model B Tudor
Bolt Model B Roadster
Bolt Model B Pickup
Bolt Model B Fordor
Bolt Model B Delivery
Bolt Model B Coupe
Bolt Model B Cabriolet

"Other" cars unlocked for free ride: (see cars section for more

Bolt Ambulance
Bolt Firetruck
Bolt Hearse
Bolt Truck Flatbed
Bolt Truck Covered
Bolt Truck


Mission #4

*********************** O R D I N A R Y R O U T I N E ***********************

Pre-Mission setup:

Overview: After winning Don Salieri's acceptance and trust, Tommy has now
become a member of the "family." His first assignment is to go on a routine
protection money collection run. He will drive Paulie and Sam around Lost
Heaven, and then north into the countryside to pickup their money. Nothing
should go wrong, it's just ordinary routine.

Loading Screen: A black attache case with gold-colored clasps on the side and

Year: 1930

Major Characters:
Salieri (ambient)
Frank (ambient)
Vincenzo (ambient)
Ralph (ambient)

Minor Characters:
Luigi (ambient)

Save Points: 4
04-01 Ordinary Routine-Salieri Bar
04-02 Ordinary Routine-After the Briefing
04-03 Ordinary Routine-Clark's Motel
04-04 Ordinary Routine-Get Him!

Health Cabinets: 1
1 (30 health)-Once you get inside the Clark Motel's top level. Turn left, then
after a few feet forwards, turn right and head down the hall. Enter the door
at the end of the hall, then go through the door on the other side of the
room. In this bathroom you will find the health cabinet.



*Tommy, Paulie, Sam, Frank, and Salieri are all sitting at the "mission
briefing" table*

Salieri: "Today we're gonna visit a few places to collect some protection
money: Two restaurants, and a motel outside of town. Bill, at the motel, was
late last time, because he had a few problems, so today, he'll pay a little

Frank: "You may have heard about how criminals can prey on businesses using
various threats. That certainly isn't the case with us. People who pay us
receive services, services the police certainly can't provide them with. Last
month for example, Sam and Paulie here solved a serious problem of violence in
a delightful restaurant. The owner is now satisfied that nothing of that sort
will happen there again."

Salieri: "You'll do the driving, Paulie and Sam will do the collecting. It'll
be routine. Tell Ralph to give you a car and you can go."

Tommy: "OK, Boss."

*Tommy, Paulie, and Sam leave*

Salieri: "Well, you and I have a drink, what do you say Frank?"

End of cinematic

After the cinematic where Salieri and Frank give you a basic idea of what
you're going to do in the mission, you'll have control of Tommy again.

Game saved: 04-01 Ordinary Routine-Salieri Bar

New Objective (A): Go and see Vincenzo to get a weapon
Talk to Ralph
Collect Protection Money

Leave Salieri's private office by opening his door. Head out past the pool
table and into the bar. Loop around the bar, past Luigi, and turn left, away
from the front entrance. Head down the hallway, and then go out the door at
the end to reach the back lot. You'll see Paulie off to the right standing
around, and Sam to the left, having a smoke. Ralph will be tinkering away at a
Bolt Ace Fordor in front of you. In addition, you'll see the green Bolt Ace
Fordor from the previous mission (unless you destroyed it), along with any
other car you might have stolen so far. I'd recommend that you first see

Head out the gate and up the stairs, just like in the cinematic in "Molotov
Party" where Tommy was first introduced to Vincenzo. This time, they'll have a
little chat, and Vincenzo will give Tommy a S&W Model 10 M&P with 18 rounds.

Tommy: "Hey Vincenzo, I need some kind of gun."

Vincenzo: "Hey Tom! I think this would do the trick."

Tommy: "It should work. I wasn't planning on using it anyway. Thanks."

Return to the car lot and talk with Ralph. After some stuttering, Ralph will
show you how to steal the Bolt Model B Fordor parked in the corner.

Tommy: "Hey Ralphy, me and the boys have got a job to do and I need some

Ralph: "A-A-And hey, Tommy. I've got this here baby. It has about 40 horsepower
and goes almost 60 miles an hour."

*Ralph walks over to the car and begins picking the lock*

Ralph: "Ain't nothing swanky, but it's a good enough drive. You get into it
easy. Just take th-th-this little baby and stick it in here, p-p-pry it a
little and when it click, you've got it. It's a p-p-piece of c-c-cake."

Tommy: "Thanks Ralphy."

From now on, you know how to steal all Bolt Model B's you come across. Once you
get in and start up the engine, Paulie and Sam will come running over and get
in. Drive forward, right out the gate. You will now have to load the city. Once
you do, it's time to begin with the real mission.

Game saved: 04-02 Ordinary Routine-After the briefing

New Objective (B): Collect protection money on Central Island.

Paulie: "OK, first, we'll go to a restaurant on Central Island."

As Paulie tells you, your destination is a restaurant on Central Island. This
is your first stop. I'm guessing that by this time, you're relatively
comfortable with the city of Lost Heaven, and can get there yourself. If not,
basically, take the Giuliano bridge onto Central Island, then go south a
couple blocks, and follow your map/compass the rest of the way to the

Paulie: "Stop! Here it is."

Once there, stop outside where the "X" is on your radar and let Paulie get out
and go retrieve the money. After a while, Paulie will come out with a bag full
of money, and get in the car. Now he tells Tommy to head for the Pompeii Bar in

New Objective (C): Collect protection money in Hoboken

Paulie: "And now to Hoboken to the Pompeii Bar."

Before you leave, keep in mind that the game has NOT saved, and will not save,
until you reach the Clark Motel. In other words, if you want to screw around
and then get killed, you'll have to reload from where you left the Salieri
Bar, even if you've already collected the protection money from the first 2

From your location in Central Island, either take the Giuliano Bridge into New
Ark, or the East Marshall Bridge into Downtown. From either New Ark or
Downtown, head to Hoboken. The Pompeii Bar is pretty much right in the center
of Hoboken. If you remember, it's where you picked up your final passenger in
"The Running Man."

Paulie: "Here it is. Pull in Tom."

Once you get near the bar, Paulie will again hop out and go inside to collect
the protection money. Once he returns, you'll get a new objective.

New Objective (D): Collect protection money from the motel outside of town.

Paulie: "Now we're goin' to take in the country air. We're goin' to Clark's
Motel out of town."

You now need to head to Clark's Motel, which is north of Lost Heaven. From the
Pompeii Bar, head north, through a small alleyway, or around. You should end
up on the large street heading East-West. Follow it west up the steep hill and
then turn right (heading north). Continue northward until you reach the
countryside. You will then be off the map or "Out of city limits." Just keep
following the road as it twists and turns, and eventually, you'll find
yourself at Clark's Motel. During the cinematic however, nothing goes as
planned. Just watch it for yourself.


*Paulie and Sam leave the car and walk towards the motel, eventually entering

Paulie: "Wait for us here Tom, we'll be back in a bit."

Tommy: "OK."

Paulie: [to Sam] "Let's go."

*After some time, gunshots ring out, and Paulie stumbles out the front door
with a bullet hole in his abdomen*

Paulie: "Shit...Bastards...Tom I...Took one...It hurts."

Tommy: [rushing towards Paulie] "Jesus Christ! Paulie!"

*A gangster emerges from the door of the motel, aiming a colt 1911 at Tommy*

Gangster: "Tell Salieri, from here on out, this place is ours! Capisci? Don't
come back here or you'll end up in worse shape than your friends."

Paulie: "Get Sam. They want to beat some information out of him, get him out of

Tommy: "But I gotta get you to a doctor..."

Paulie: "That'll wait, first get Sam..."

Tommy: "Screw regular routine!"

End of cinematic

Game saved: 04-03 Ordinary Routine-Clark's Motel

New Objective (E): Save Sam

If you go up to the door in front of you, you'll notice that it's locked.
You'll have to find another way inside so that you can save Sam. You will also
notice a very nice looking, bright yellow car (Lassiter V16 Phaeton) to your
left. If you want to save yourself some trouble, follow this alternate path:

Alternate Path: Before trying to get inside the motel, go up to the Lassiter
V16 Phaeton parked outside. Using your S&W Model 10 M&P, fire directly at the
center of one of the tires (at the hubcap). After 4 shots, the wheel should
fall off. You could shoot off all the wheels, but this isn't advised since it
would leave you with very little ammo, and after all, you only need to shoot
one off for this alternate path to work. This alternate path will allow you to
skip the somewhat difficult end of this mission.

Back to regular path: Whether or not you shoot the Phaeton's wheels out, you
still have to get inside that motel. Circle around the motel to the left. You
should see a dog running around outside. You can kill it, but you might waste
too much of your ammo doing this. It's better simply to avoid it. Regardless,
don't touch it, as you will take some damage. You should see some boxes on
your right. Use the jump key (default: e) to climb up onto the wooden
platform. Then climb up the "stairway of boxes," and finally onto the balcony.
The door here is unlocked, so you can enter.

Once inside the motel you should be aware of what you're up against. There is
one gangster sitting on the toilet in the small bathroom to your right. There
are 3 more gangsters downstairs that will come upstairs and start attacking
you when you open fire. The first order of business to facilitate your mission
is to head straight forward and a little to the left. There should be a door
right in front of you (NOT the one down the hall). Go inside here, and you
should see a Thompson sitting on the bed. Though it only has one clip (50
rounds), it will make your mission here much easier.

Leave this room, go into the bathroom and quickly kill the man sitting on the
toilet before he has time to draw his weapon. Turn around and crouch down. 3
gangsters should begin to climb up the stairs. From your crouched position,
you should be able to hit them in the head or upper torso before they can fire
at you. I'd use the Thompson, but you can use the Model 10 or a colt 1911
(from the gangster in the bathroom) if you'd like. The three men who climb the
stairs have a S&W Model 10 M&P, a S&W Model 27 Magnum, and a colt 1911. If you
need healing after that encounter, there is a health cabinet on this level.
However, if you aren't about to die, it would be better to save it until
you've dealt with almost all the enemies here. If you'd like to use it, head
down the short hallway on the upper floor. Enter the room through the door on
the right (at the end of the hallway). Go through the other door at the back
of this room. In the bathroom, you should see a health cabinet, which will
heal you 30 points of health.

Next, head down the stairway slowly. The hallway at the bottom of the stairs
has 2 open doorways, both on the left. Slowly approach the first one. A
gangster should start shooting you. Take cover behind the doorway, hopefully
you didn't get hit. If you want to count shots, after 6 shots, his Model 10
will need to be reloaded. Quickly move towards the door and hit him repeatedly
in the head (most of his body is obscured by the pool table anyway). However,
be sure not to stick too much of your body out into the doorway, as there are
2 other gangsters who will make short work of you. After the first one is
dead. Slowly edge farther down the hall until you can get some shots off at
the next gangster. The final gangster is hiding behind the bar and is armed
with a Thompson. If you have any rounds left in your Thompson, now would be a
good time to put them to use. Either dart quickly out and hit him in the head
until he goes down (don't give him time to retaliate), or run down the hallway
and fire at him from the second doorway before he turns to face you. Unlike
the other gangsters, try to avoid letting him empty his clip and then attack
him. Once you kill him, you're going to take his Thompson, and you're going to
want it to have as much ammo in it as possible.

Once all of these gangsters are dead, a man in a white tank top will come
running out of the back room. He will try to hit you with his fists. That's
right, his fists. Take him down however you please. Then head into the room he
just burst out of. You will see Sam laying on the ground, clearly injured. A
cinematic will occur and Tommy will help Sam to his feet and try to help him


Tommy: "Get up Sam, it's over. He really went to work on you buddy. Let's go."

Sam: "Argh. Christ."

Tommy: "It's nothing, you'll be alright. The doctor'll put you back together
again. You're tough as nails."

*A man taps Tommy on the shoulder, then punches him, knocking him to the

Tommy: "Oh shit!"

End of cinematic.

However, the same man who tried to hit you with his fists is still
alive somehow, and lands a powerful punch on Tommy. You will immediately
regain control, but now the man has a colt detective special. Kill him as
quickly as you can (probably use the Thompson). After he's dead, return to
where Sam is laying, propped up against the table.


Tommy: "That's it, I'll get you back in the car. Everything'll be ok..."

*A different gangster approaches Tommy with his gun drawn*

Gangster: "Don't move scumbag! Or I'll fill you with holes! C'mon! Just try it.
You won't get past me!"

Tommy: "Sure thing buddy, just stay cool...everything's OK...just

Gangster: [edging out the door] "Just try it."

Sam: " him..."

End of cinematic.

New Objective (F): Kill the man who stole your money

Now if you took the alternate path, and shot a tire off of the Lassiter, the
man will just be standing there with a colt 1911. He's pretty pathetic. Just a
few shots and he'll be down, and the mission will end. If however, you left
his Lassiter intact, he'll be in it, driving away as you burst out through the
door. You can try to hit him in the head while he's driving away, but you'll
probably miss. Quickly jump into your Bolt Model B Fordor and give chase. Soon
the game will be saved.

Game saved: 04-04 Ordinary Routine-Get Him!

This is nothing but a simple car chase. The difficulty presents itself in the
fact that he is driving a very high-quality luxury car, whereas you are
driving a simple working man's car. In general, he will be able to pull away
from you without any difficulty. Also, his Lassiter is much heavier than your
Model B. Even if you try to sideswipe him and cut him off, he can just plow
through you and keep going, leaving you in the dust. Your best chance is if he
hits oncoming traffic. Because the Lassiter is so long, he will probably
fishtail. Get in front of him, and quickly jump out. Then gun him down as fast
as you can. If you'd like to do the "Get Him!" part of this mission (not use
the alternate route), but are finding it too difficult, you can shoot out his
tires (not wheels) at the beginning of the Clark's Motel part (where you'd
normally shoot off an entire wheel using the alternate path). If he has flat
tires, he won't be able to go nearly as fast, and the car chase will be much

Regardless of how, when you kill him, the mission will end almost instantly.

Tommy: "If that's regular routine, I wonder what the next job will be


Post-Mission Wrap up:

Objective Summary (6):

(A) Go and see Vincenzo to get a weapon
Talk to Ralph
Collect Protection Money

(B) Collect protection money on Central Island

(C) Collect protection money in Hoboken

(D) Collect protection money from the motel outside of town

(E) Save Sam

(F) Kill the man who stole your money

Alternate Paths: Shoot off one or more of the tires on the Lassiter V16
Phaeton parked outside the motel. When "the man who stole your money" goes to
make his escape, his car will be unusable. He will just stand there. Kill him
and skip the entire "Get Him!" car chase sequence.

Notes: There is a humorous "Easter egg" of sorts in the Clark Motel. On the
lower level (main floor), go to the hallway where the (locked) front door
enters into. You should see a sign that says WC on the door at the end of the
hall. Open it. Immediately turn left and go through that bathroom door. In
this room, go up to the first stall. You will see the action icon appear.
Right click to have Tommy urinate excessively. You can also hold a gun while
doing it. Try out a few guns, for example, the S&W Model 27 Magnum.

Cars added to garage: Bolt Model B Fordor Brown


Partial Schubert line available for use in Freeride

Schubert Six
Schubert Six Police


************************* I N T E R M E Z Z O O N E *************************



Tommy: "That's how I got into it. One minute a regular cabbie, the next, a
respected Mafioso."

Norman: "You were alright with killing people? Usually people have a problem
with that."

Tommy: "You know... I ain't one of those people with a thirst for blood. I
don't need violence in my life, and I don't look for trouble, but I also don't
have any remorse. They wanted to outsmart us, so we had to outsmart them. No
excuses. It was all the same to me. I wasn't interested in the fates of other
people. Everybody said it was just business and that the family sticks
together... It was different living alone and nobody givin' a damn about you.
Suddenly, you're respected by all the people you meet. Everybody knows you can
help them, but you can also destroy their lives. And everybody tries to
ingratiate themselves to you."

Norman: "And what about the police? You just walked away, just like that, from
a massacre? Didn't you have any problem with this?"

Tommy: "You work for the police. You ought to know. You know, the Mafia runs
the whole city. The Salieri Family makes over 25 million bucks every year. The
papers were full of it, but nobody saw nothing...If they wanted to stay alive.
We paid off the bureaucrats 6 grand a month. Your bosses had liquor at trade
price and got pay-offs for 'special jobs' from both Salieri and Morello. Case
closed, lack of evidence. Cops would even move shipments of drink for us. I
guess you'd have heard something about that."

Norman: "So what about your two friends?"

Tommy: "Well, they were better off than you'd think. Salieri had a good doc for
his boys, and it's not like he ever asked any questions. In a few weeks, they'd
be healthy and back on the streets again. The only one who worried us was
Morello. He wanted to be the big cheese, which Salieri couldn't let him do.
Salieri had no intention of being in second place. You know... A person becomes
a Don because of his thirst for power, and he doesn't care about any other
rules than his own. That's how it is detective-so he'd be his own boss,
independent of the police, of the state, of anyone. That's why a person becomes
a Don. Salieri and Morello both wanted it all. They kept sparring with each
other, but they both knew that if it all blew up it would be hell. The big
difference between them was in their methods-I heard a little story about

*Morello is driving in his Silver Fletcher, slows down, and is rear ended by
driver behind him. They both get out of their cars*

Other Driver: [stuttering in a frightened manner]: "I...I...I'm sorry, sir.
I...I...I didn't mean it..."

Don Morello: "You idiot! Do you know what you've done? Do you know how much
that car cost?"

Other Driver: "I...I...I was driving slowly Mr. Morello. I...I don't know

Morello: "Do you mean to say...that I...I crashed into your car?"

Other Drvier: "Er...No...Sir...I only...I wanted...It's no...sir..."

Morello: [slams the other driver's face against the hood of his car with every
word] "No...Bas...Tard...Gets...In...My...Way!"

*Morello kicks the man on the ground and walks away. A policeman looks on, but
does nothing. Fade back in to Tommy and Norman in the cafe*

Tommy: "Salieri built his respect as a businessman. Everybody knew that they
didn't need to fear him if they did what they should. They knew that if they
needed something, they could come to Mr. Salieri. So Salieri made friends,
often helped people with various problems, and expected the same in return.
When somebody crossed him, they broke a cardinal rule, and everybody knew what
would happen. Morello was just a mean bastard. He built his power through
violence. Even his friends feared him. Most people just tried to avoid him."

End of cinematic.


Mission #5

******************************* F A I R P L A Y *******************************

Pre-mission Setup:

Overview: This mission revolves around the upcoming race at the Lost Heaven
Racetrack. Don Salieri, along with almost all of his friends and "family" bet
on the racer who was sure to win. Unfortunately, a new racer with a hot new
European import car has better technology, and has an unstoppable racing
machine. Tommy must go and steal this car, have it analyzed, copied, and
returned, all before the race.

Loading Screen: A wrench and a nut and bolt. Not much else

Year: 1932

Major Characters:
Salieri (ambient)
Ralph (ambient)
Lucas Bertone (ambient)(new)

Minor Characters:
Luigi (ambient)
Sarah (cinematic)
Bobby (ambient)

Save points:5
05-01 Fairplay-Salieri Bar
05-02 Fairplay-City
05-03 Fairplay-The Racing Circuit
05-04 Fairplay-Lucas Bertone
05-05 Fairplay-Return to Salieri's Bar

Health cabinets: 0


Game saved: 05-01 Fairplay-Salieri Bar

New Objective (A): Talk to Ralph

At the start of the mission, there will be a cinematic where Salieri explains
to Tommy, what he has to do. After the cinematic ends, walk around the bar and
out into the back lot. There will be a large fire in the middle of the lot,
and Ralph will be tinkering around in the garage. Go up to him, and he'll come
out from under the Bolt Model B Coupe he's working on. Like Salieri, he'll
give you some additional information about your mission. In addition, he'll
lead you across the back lot, to the red Schubert Six parked in the corner.
Ralph will show you how to pick the lock of this Schubert Six, and like
before, this means that you can steal any Schubert Six model you may come
across. Pick the lock, get in, and drive out of the Salieri lot. Before you
get out and get a new save point, you'll notice your new objective.

New Objective (B): Find Bobby

Leave the Salieri lot and head out into the city. You'll have your game saved
as soon as the city loads.

Game saved: 05-02 Fairplay-City

As soon as you get out into the city, you should notice that you have a timer.
Remember, like Ralph said, this entire mission has to be finished by 1:15 AM.
Although you only have a timer, and not a clock, you still have no time to
mess around. Bobby is located at the gate to the racetrack. The racetrack is
out of the city, from the southwestern exit. To get there, head west through
Little Italy until you reach the Works Quarter. Then head south, switching
streets and turning quite a few corners. Eventually, near the very bottom left
of your map, you should see a path leading west off of the edge of the map.
Drive down this road when you reach it. You will go off the map and onto a
country road. Continue driving until you reach a gate. This is where you will
find Bobby.

Stop near this gate, and Bobby should walk out of the gatehouse to your right.
Get out of your Schubert Six, walk over and talk to Bobby. After a small chat
with Tommy, he'll walk forward and open the gate. DON'T immediately jump back
in your Schubert Six and drive off. Stop and wait for him to climb in the
passenger seat. If you raced away, you'd have to come back and get him anyway,
and that would cost you precious time.

With Bobby in the car, drive forward past the gate and through the tunnel.
Follow the basic road/path here to your next objective. Once near it, step out
of the car and move towards the garage doors. After again reminding you of the
shortness of time, Bobby will follow you and open the garage doors. After a
short chat, your game will be saved, and you'll have a new objective.

Game saved: 05-03 Fairplay-The Racing Circuit

New Objective (C): Deliver the sports car to Lucas Bertone without damaging

Hop in the Carozella C-Otto 4WD in front of you. If you're having trouble,
remember that you can only enter from the car's right side. Slowly drive out
of the garage. You're basically going to drive back the way you came. However,
like Bobby said, the car goes FAST. Don't believe me? Get yourself lined up
and step on the gas. That's right, it DOES go fast. However, you still should
have plenty of time, and it's much better to go slower (by which I mean 50-75
mph) than absurdly fast (90+ mph) and risk a crash, since you'd have to start
over from the garage.

A few other things you should know about this car are: It has no headlights,
so your visibility in the dark will be severely worsened. Also, it has no
horn, so you'll have a harder time making other cars move out of your way. In
addition, you have probably noticed the damage bar at the bottom of the
screen. If this fills up all the way, you fail the mission. A light collision
that wouldn't mean anything in another car will fill it up 1/4-1/3 of the way.
A major collision means almost certain failure. Also, though it would probably
destroy the car anyway, if you land upside down, Tommy will be killed

Anyway, drive the car out of the garage and down the road. Go through the
gate, down the country road, and continue into the main city. Chose what route
you're going to take across the works quarter. Whatever way you chose, you're
going to want to take the West Marshall Bridge over to Southern Central
Island. When you reach Central Island, find your way onto the main street that
runs North-South down the center of the Island. Take it northward, and turn to
the right of the "Y" shape. Be careful about driving on the tram tracks in the
center though. They have a tendency to flip cars over for no apparent reason.
Anyway, take the Giuliano Bridge across the East River and into New Ark. Stay
to the left on the bridge as there are a large number of cars blocking the
right lane (see "Notes" in post-mission wrap up).

As soon as you're on the other side of the river, and coming down the bridge,
start to slow down. When you reach the part where the road flattens out again,
turn left (slowly). This is before the intersection though. You should be able
to slowly drive down a small alleyway, going exactly the opposite way that you
were going before. At the bottom, you should reach the road that goes along
the waterfront in New Ark. Turn left, drive a couple hundred feet, and turn
left again into Lucas Bertone's (again, go slowly when maneuvering in these
tight areas). If you don't understand these instructions, you could just go
around, but this is the fastest way. I'll try to get some pictures later on.

Once you reach Lucas Bertone's a cinematic will start where Tommy drives the
car in, and Lucas begins tinkering with it. Once the cinematic is complete,
your game will be saved and you'll have a new objective.

Game saved: 05-04 Fairplay-Lucas Bertone

New Objective (D): Return the sports car to the garage at the race track

The trip back may be more difficult, as the car is weaker, and the clock will
be ticking. However, you already know the way back, just exactly the opposite
of how you got to Lucas' garage. I'll spare you the repetitive instructions on
how to get there. Again, make sure to avoid damage as much as possible. Once
you return the car to the garage, Bobby will thank you and talk a little more
about how practically everyone bet on Salieri's car.

Game saved: 05-05 Fairplay-Return to Salieri's Bar

New Objective (E): Return to Salieri's

Get back in your Schubert Six and make the much slower drive back to
Salieri's. No time limit, no sweat. Once you reach the bar, the mission will


Post-Mission wrap up

Objective Summary (5)

(A) Talk to Ralph

(B) Find Bobby

(C) Deliver the sports car to Lucas Bertone without damaging it

(D) Return the sports car to the garage at the race track

(E) Return to Salieri's

Alternate Paths: None

1. Despite what almost everyone tells you in this mission, there are no police
out on patrol. Ralph and Bobby both stress that you HAVE to avoid the cops.
However, there really aren't any. Then again, if it helps you go faster, feel
free to believe that there are.

2. When crossing the Giuliano Bridge, you'll probably notice a large group of
cars blocking one of the lanes. If you stop and take a look (though it will
probably cost you the mission), you'll see that it is a large group of people
trying to stop a man from committing suicide by jumping off of the bridge.
It's rather interesting, but not useful for anything in the mission, except
perhaps slowing you down.

Cars added to garage: Schubert Six Red

Rewards: None


Mission #6

************** F A I R P L A Y P A R T 2 ( T H E R A C E ) **************

Pre-Mission Setup

Overview: This continuation of the mission "Fairplay" involves the race that
is so important to Salieri, and everyone he employs. Of course, nothing could
go as planned, and once again, Tommy ends up doing all the work

Loading Screen: A wrench and a nut and bolt. Not much else (The same as
Fairplay part 1)

Year: 1932

Major Characters:
Salieri (cinematic)
Frank (cinematic)
Lucas (ambient)

Minor Characters:
Luigi (ambient)
Sarah (cinematic)
Michelle (new)(cinematic)

Save points: 5
06-01 Fairplay-Salieri Bar
06-02 Fairplay-City
06-03 Fairplay-Before the race
06-04 Fairplay-Victory
06-05 Fairplay-Lucas Bertone

Health Cabinets: 0


Game saved: 06-01 Fairplay-Salieri Bar

During the opening cinematic, Tommy receives a rather curt phone call from
Frank, telling him that Salieri's racecar driver got his arm broken, and Tommy
is going to have to drive in the race. Despite Tommy's attempted
interjections, Frank tells him to get there in half an hour. The cinematic
ends, and you've got your first objective.

New Objective (A): Drive to the racetrack and find Frank

Head out into the back lot of the bar. However, since everyone is at the
racetrack, there's no one back here. Even Ralph is no where to be seen. So
even though you have no new car, you're going to have to get there quickly.
Get into any car that you've collected thus far in the game. Even if you never
stole any car and brought it back to the lot, you should still have a green
Bolt Ace Fordor, a brown Bolt Model B Fordor, and a red Schubert Six. Pick any
of these cars, or anything else that you've stolen so far. I'd recommend the
Schubert Six because once you get into the city, there will be a time limit.
Anyway, chose your car, get in, and drive into the city.

Game saved: 06-02 Fairplay-City

Once in the city, make your way to the racetrack. After doing the previous
mission, I'm pretty sure that you can find your way there without any
difficulty. The good news is that it's daylight and you have no car damage to
worry about. The bad news is that you've got a somewhat strict time limit, a
slower car (than the racecar), and the police are back out on the streets.
Once you reach the racetrack, another cinematic will play.

After some inspiring words from Frank, the game will be saved, and the race
will begin.

Game saved: 06-03 Fairplay-Before the race

If you are running Mafia version 1.1 or 1.2, you will have a menu come up
before the race begins, allowing you to chose difficulty (very easy, easy,
normal, hard, extreme) and whether or not you want to be able to damage your
car and Tommy. If you're on Mafia 1.0, you won't get this menu. Anyway, set it
however you like, and get ready to race in your Brubaker 4WD.

Let me give you a basic outline of how the race will play out. It is a 5 lap
race over a small course. There are 13 racers, and one will drop out right at
the beginning. You have to place 1st at the end of the 5th lap in order to win
the race and complete the mission. 2nd place doesn't cut it. All of the cars
in the race will be going extremely fast, and this can be a difficult mission
if you don't know what to do. There are many ways to make the race easier,
aside from changing the difficulty (if you have version 1.1 or higher). Many
people have suggested that you change your driving controls onto the numpad.
However, this never made it easier for me. If you have a racing wheel/pedals,
I'd recommend that you hook up and calibrate those. It can make the race quite
a bit easier. Also, using manual transmission should allow you to get a leg up
on the competition. Really, the biggest help on this mission is experience.
The race cars in the game behave very realistically, so if you know how to
drive (in real life), you should have somewhat of an advantage in this
mission. I am in no way suggesting that you get in your car and try to go 100+
Mph. I'm just saying that if you know how to drive, especially if
you've raced before, you'll probably find this mission significantly easier.

Now I'm going to walk you through every twist and turn on the race course, to
make it even easier for you. Right from the start, watch out for Martin
Lichtenberg in the blue Carrozella C-Otto 4WD in front of you. His car will
die and not move from its starting position. Just weave around him to avoid
colliding with him. Continue forward down the short opening straightaway. This
first turn may be the most difficult in the entire course. It goes around
practically 360 degrees. Slow down here and try to make it around the turn.
You can try to cut the corner close, but slowly, or drift around the outside.
You may have to try this one part a few times, but you'll finally get a knack
for making this turn. If you slow down, it really shouldn't be too hard. Take
a look at how the other drivers take it the turn. That's right, slowly. Once
you get through the turn, continue down this straightaway.

After a blocked off road on your left, you'll reach a checkpoint and then the
track curves to the right. Follow it, but be prepared for a medium turn back
to the left. This one isn't that hard, just don't try to cut it too close, or
you'll probably end up fishtailing it the dirt.

Continue going forward down the straightaway. There is a wide left turn at the
end here. It wouldn't normally be too hard to take the turn, but with all the
speed you've probably gathered from speeding straight ahead, you might overdo
it. Slow down a little (not too much), and turn left. There's a checkpoint
right here. There is an s-curve up ahead, but it's nothing drastic. Before you
reach the s-curve stay on the far right side of the track. When you get to the
curve, veer over to the left. If you had stayed in the middle or on the left,
you wouldn't be able to cut into the curve at the same angle. As a result, the
rear of your car would probably hit the red and white fringe on the right,
causing you to flip over.

As you enter the "forest" area, slow down and be prepared for some turns. Take
the left as soon as you go into this area. Make sure not to take this one too
wide, as you can go off into the trees and rocks, almost guaranteeing a crash.
After a short straightaway, take a banking right turn. You'll hit another

From here, go straight a little further, then turn left on the very steep
banking turn. Then it's the home stretch. Rev your engine and blast through
the final straightaway. Just remember that 360-degree turn coming up...

Congratulations, you've completed one lap. Only 4 more to go, heh heh.

A note about resetting: During the race, you can reset your car by pressing
car reset (Default: Numpad 0). If you end up in a really ugly situation, you
might want to use it. However, be warned that your car has to disappear,
reappear, then wait for 3...2...1...and then start rolling again from a
stopped position. In other words, using the reset will cost you a ton of time,
all of your speed, and possibly your position in the race. Seriously, only use
it if you HAVE to.

Another note: After the beginning of the race, Martin Lichtenberg's car is
moved off of the track onto the platform on the left. Therefore, when you come
roaring down the homestretch on each subsequent lap, you won't have to worry
about avoiding his car.

It may take you one try, or hours of frustration, but eventually, you will
finish the race in first place. When that happens, you'll get the best times
screen, and then a cinematic showing Tommy accept his trophy.

After it's all over, Salieri thanks Tommy and tells him to go see Lucas
Bertone, who won a ton of money off of Tommy's win at the racetrack.

Game saved: 06-04 Fairplay-Victory

New Objective (B): Drive to Lucas Bertone's

You remember Lucas Bertone, don't you? He was the man Tommy delivered that
race car to for "tuning," earlier in "Fairplay." Drive to his auto shop under
the Giuliano Bridge (New Ark/Downtown side of the bridge (East)). Once there,
Tommy will walk in and have a chat with Lucas. Do you recognize that car in
the cinematic? It's the Lassiter V16 Phaeton that the gangster tried to escape
in during the mission "Ordinary Routine." As Lucas hints, you should stop by
later. Throughout the game, after some missions, you can take a few extra
minutes to stop by Lucas' place. He'll almost always have some new expensive
car for you to steal. After the cinematic, the game will be saved, and you'll
have a new objective.

Game saved: 06-05 Fairplay-Lucas Bertone

New Objective (C): Steal the Lassiter parked near the Municipal building.

The Municipal building to which the objective refers is in southern Central
Island. Take either the Giuliano or East Marshall Bridges over to Central
Island, then head south. When you get close to the building, you should see
the very bright and obvious Lassiter parked outside. There are sometimes some
police officers wandering around here, so watch out. Once you're sure no one
is watching, quickly run up and steal the Lassiter. Once the lock is picked,
you're home free. Hop in the car, and you'll get your final objective.

New Objective (D): Return to Salieri's

Just like always, make your way back to the bar. The difference is that this
time you can do it in style. Also, don't worry about whatever car you brought
here. Any of the cars that you begin a mission with will be returned to the
garage, regardless of where they end up, unless they are completely destroyed
(explode or sink in the water). Once you reach Salieri's the mission will end.


Post-Mission Wrap up

Objective Summary (4):

(A) Drive to the racetrack and find Frank

(B) Drive to Lucas Bertone's

(C) Steal the Lassiter parked near the Municipal building

(D) Return to Salieri's

Alternate Paths: None. Lucas Bertone's mission is required this (first) time.
After this, it will always be optional.

Notes: Note about resetting and Note about Martin Lichtenberg (above, in the
race walkthrough)

Cars added to garage: Lassiter V16 Phaeton Yellow

Rewards: Partial Lassiter line available for use in Freeride:

Lassiter V16 Phaeton
Lassiter V16 Charon


Mission #7 (a)

********************************** S A R A H **********************************

Overview: As Tommy has gained more respect from his neighborhood, as well as
the other members of Don Salieri's "family", more and more people are looking
to him for help. Luigi, Salieri's bartender, wants Tommy to help escort his
daughter Sarah home. The last time, she was apparently attacked or at least
roughed up by some neighborhood thugs. Tommy agrees to help take her home.

Loading screen: "Knuckle Dusters" or a pair of brass knuckles. Also a knife
with a black grip and gold plating.

Year: 1932

Major Characters:

Minor Characters:
Luigi (cinematic only)
Sarah (ambient)

Save Points: 3
07-01 Sarah-Salieri Bar
07-02 Sarah-Moonlight Stroll
07-03 Sarah-Surprise

Health Cabinets: 0


Game saved: 07-01 Sarah-Salieri Bar

After the opening cinematic, and a short chat with Sarah, you will be in
control of Tommy, right outside the Salieri Bar. Your game will be saved, and
you'll have a new objective.

Game saved: 07-02 Sarah-Moonlight Stroll

New Objective (A): Escort Sarah on her way home.

This objective isn't at all difficult, at least at first. Just walk along with
Sarah. You can try to keep pace (use the walk/run toggle or walk key), or just
run circles around her. As Tommy and Sarah walk along, she'll start to have a
simple conversation. Again, just follow along with her. The real action won't
start for a while. However, you will notice that you have knuckle dusters in
your inventory. Go ahead and equip these, just don't practice using them on

After complementing your win on the race (from the previous mission), Sarah
will turn left into an alleyway. This is where the action begins. Some of the
"punks" who attacked her earlier show up yet again. They seem unfazed by
Tommy's threatening tone. A fight is imminent, so get ready.

Game saved: 07-03 Sarah-Surprise.

After the cinematic, the three men will run towards you and try to attack you
with basic melee weapons. Sarah will run about, trying to hide as best she
can. Though they don't often attack her, if she dies, the mission will be
failed. A very helpful secret here, that many people miss, is the plank. From
where you are ambushed, right in front of you, there should be a board leaning
up against the wall on your right. If you go up to it and hit action, you'll
pick up the plank. This is a very effective weapon for this mission because it
allows you to keep your distance from the thugs. I'd recommend first picking
up this plank.

As Sarah tries to flee, run after her, making sure to hit anyone who's trying
to hurt her. In the next area, you will be assaulted by even more of these
thugs. Though you might be tempted to charge up full power swings, that isn't
the best strategy here. What works very well is to face your enemies and walk
steadily backwards, continually swinging (no charge whatsoever). Assuming that
no one is behind you, you should be hit very little, if at all, while still
inflicting tons of damage on your enemies. After numerous hits, one of these
thugs will drop their weapon, put their hands above their head, and run away.
Don't bother chasing these ones, just focus on the guys still attacking you.
As the crowd thins out, you could run a short distance, charge up, and then
attack. After all the enemies run away, you can progress.

Once all of the enemies have entered their "fleeing" pose, you will notice
that Sarah stands up from where she's crouching. Go over to her and interact
with the action button. She'll thank Tommy, and offer to look at his wound
once they get to her place. From here, just follow her back to her house.
Notice how nonchalantly she walks as frightened thugs run around. Anyway, just
walk her the rest of the way home, and that'll be the end of this half
mission. The cinematic will show some major plot and character development
between Tommy and Sarah


Post-Mission wrap up

Objective summary (1):

(A) Escort Sarah on her way home

Alternate paths: None

Notes: The "secret" plank found when Sarah and Tommy are first attacked. Also,
the beginning of the Sarah/Tommy relationship

Cars added to garage: none

Rewards: None


Mission # 7 (b)

****************** B E T T E R G E T U S E D T O I T ******************

Pre-mission setup:

Overview: Though Tommy managed to get Sarah home safely, Don Salieri is not
pleased with these thugs in his territory. He decides to send Tommy and Paulie
to take care of the leader of this "gang." Technically, this is a continuation
of "Sarah" and they are considered to be a single mission.

Loading screen: A colt 1911 with three empty shell casings next to it.

Year: 1932

Major Characters:
Salieri (ambient)
Frank (ambient)
Sam (ambient)
Vincenzo (ambient)
Ralph (ambient)

Minor Characters:
Luigi (ambient)
Big Biff (ambient)
Billy (ambient)
Billy's Friend (unnamed)(ambient)

Save points:
07-04 Better Get Used To It-Salieri Bar
07-05 Better Get Used To It-City
07-06 Better Get Used To It-Service Station
07-07 Better Get Used To It-Chase

Health Cabinets: 0


After the opening cinematic, which is highlighted by an impassioned speech by
Don Salieri, Tommy and Paulie will be sent to their informant in Chinatown.

Game saved: 07-04 Better Get Used To It-Salieri Bar

New Objective (A): Go to see Vincenzo and get a weapon
Find Biff in Chinatown and ask him where the hoodlums are hiding

Right off the bat, follow Paulie into the bar. You'll notice that if you talk
to him, Luigi will thank you for helping Sarah (this is different from his
usual scripted response). Walk around the bar and then into the back lot. Head
outside, and up the stairs to Vincenzo's workshop. Once there, Vincenzo will
give you a baseball bat (supposedly autographed, not that it's of any
relevance) and a colt 1911. Follow Paulie back out, and down the stairs. You
can go and talk to Ralph if you'd like, but he doesn't have any new car for
you. All he'll give you is a list of your cars. Simply click on one to have it
removed from the garage. However, I seriously doubt that by this point, your
garage is even half full. Anyway, take any of your cars and drive out of the
lot. Again, I'd really recommend the Phaeton. Not only does it look good, but
it is the best car that you have, and the end of this mission is a car chase,
meaning that its capabilities will be put to the test.

Once you're out in the city, your game will be saved. Your objective will also
change, though it's only that the "Go and see Vincenzo and get a weapon" has
been removed.

Game saved: 07-05 Better Get Used To It-City

New Objective (B): Find Biff in Chinatown and ask him where the hoodlums are

Up until this point, Chinatown has been closed off, and you were not able to
drive there. However, it is now "unlocked," and it's time to make your way in
that direction. Chinatown is located north of Little Italy. Simply drive
northwards, and you'll probably come upon on of the hills that lead up into
Chinatown. If you have difficulty, just use your map. The fastest way to get
there is to turn left from Salieri's, then turn left into the alleyway where
Sarah and Tommy were attacked in the previous mission. After going through
this alley, cut through the park and then take the hill northward into

By whatever method, once there, head to the center of the Chinatown square,
and park somewhere close by. There will most likely be a police officer
around, so make sure to either have your fists or bat equipped (NOT your colt
1911). Get out of the car, follow your compass and go up to Biff. Talk to him.
During the conversation, Bill will tell you that the gang is located at the
Service Station near the Terranova Bridge. This station is easy to find by
compass or map. It's on the only street in Chinatown that isn't going exactly
straight north-south or east-west (it's angled).

New Objective (C): Drive to the old service station

Make your way over to the service station to which Bill referred. Once there,
get out of your car. Paulie will follow suit.

Game saved: 07-06 Better Get Used To It-Service Station

Remember, like Paulie said, you aren't allowed to shoot for the first part of
this mission. You can only use melee weapons. Either kick the door open, or
wait for Paulie to do it for you. Walk forwards a ways and a small cut scene
will occur. As the first "hoodlum" runs towards you, a new objective will

New Objective (D): Teach those bastards a lesson

Throughout the first part of this mission, you will be fighting in an all out
melee brawl. The strategies you used in "Sarah" will apply here quite
effectively. However, since you now are fighting alongside Paulie, you can
implement a new strategy. Find someone who is fighting Paulie. Assuming that
he's preoccupied with hitting Paulie, you can easily circle around him and
knock him out with a single fully charged baseball bat strike from behind.
Though Paulie will lose some life, it's a very fast-working strategy that
should take down the gang with ease.

You can try this strategy on the first thug that you meet. Using whatever
method you please, knock this first enemy out. Follow Paulie through the alley
into this next, more open area. Here there are 4 enemies, armed with knuckle
duster, fists, crowbar, and a baseball bat. Do your best to avoid too much
damage when dealing with these guys. Also, try not to get surrounded, as
you'll quickly take a beating. In addition, the strategy where you circle
around an enemy who's distracted by Paulie will work wonders here. Also, you
can facilitate this by letting Paulie use the same strategy to help you out.
Once you're down to only 2 enemies, start walking backwards, keeping the
enemies following you. Paulie should be able to follow behind and take them
out easily. Once they're all dead, collect whatever weapons you want from them
and continue on.

In the next area, you will meet a (non-hostile) man who will give you some
insight into this gang of thugs. Apparently, the leader is the son of "someone
at city hall," so the police has pretty much left the gang alone. The next
area will be a gunfight, even though this was only meant to be a melee brawl.
If you want to have a jump on the enemies, equip your colt 1911 now, just
don't fire. Head up the stairs, across the path, and then jump down the other

As soon as you turn the corner, you'll see a man standing in front of you.
Once he takes out his magnum, and Paulie tells you that "those bastards have
heaters," you're free to fire. Two more thugs, both with colt detective
specials, will climb over the wall a little to the right of the first man.
Deal with all of these men using your colt or any other gun you pick up. Be
sure to go slowly, and be sure not to be ambushed. Be careful as you turn the
corner past the wooden shack to your left. A thug is waiting in the alleyway
to your left. You can use the third person view to your advantage, while still
taking cover. Peek out, and kill this man. Hopefully, he'll be unable to hit
you from the medium-long range that you're at.

Retrieve all the weapons from the men you just killed and head towards the
alleyway where that last man was firing at you from. Again, go slowly, as
there is another man farther back in the alley. Go ahead and collect the colt
1911 from the first man and the magnum from the second. There are two more
thugs at the very far end of this alley. One with a colt detective special,
and the other with a model 10. Make short work of these guys with whatever
weapon you can. Once they're dead, a cinematic will begin. As soon as it's
over, you'll have a new save and objective.

Game saved: 07-07 Better Get Used To It-Chase

New Objective (E): Chase the escaping gang members

Quickly jump into your car (if you have the Phaeton, this part will be
significantly easier) and give chase. Though you may think that time is of the
essence, it really isn't. You'll only get a timer if you fall drastically
behind the other car. As soon as you get close to it again, the timer will
disappear. You are free to use one of your pistols to fire at the car, but it
won't do much good, and you really don't want the police chasing you. Better
to just let Paulie do the shooting (and the cops don't care about him
shooting). Continue to chase the car, doing your best to get near it, or even
alongside it. The idea here is to make the car crash. If you can run it off
the road, that's great. If not, just keep chasing them all around the city.
The driver isn't very good and will eventually crash by himself, without
needing your "assistance." Still, do your best to put an end to this chase by
getting that car to crash. When it finally does, a cinematic will play.


Post-Mission Wrap up:

Objective Summary (5):

(A) Go to see Vincenzo and get a weapon
Find Biff in Chinatown and ask him where the hoodlums are hiding

(B) Find Biff in Chinatown and ask him where the hoodlums are

(C) to the old service station

(D) Teach those bastards a lesson

(E) Chase the escaping gang members

Alternate Paths: None

Notes: The strategy with the baseball bat and Paulie

Cars added to garage: None

Rewards: New Freeride Options unlocked:

Location: City-Night
Location: Countryside-Night


Mission #8 (a)

****************************** T H E W H O R E ******************************

Pre-Mission Setup

Overview: In this mission, Tommy will be sent to hotel Corleone to eliminate a
woman who is thought to be a snitch or informant against Don Salieri. Because
of her secrets, many members of Salieri's "family" have died. Tommy is sent to
silence her. Also, he has to liquidate the manager of the hotel, and blow up
his office

Loading screen: A traditional catholic necklace. A silver necklace with a
cross and Jesus Christ on the end. (this loading screen is actually for the
second half of this mission: "The Priest.")

Year: 1932

Major Characters:
Frank (cinematic)

Minor Characters:
Michelle (cinematic)

Save Points: 3
08-01 The Whore-Talk With Frank
08-02 The Whore-Hotel Corleone
08-03 The Whore-Rooftops

Health Cabinets: 1
1. (30 health) In the small room behind the hotel clerk in the main lobby of
the Corleone hotel. In this same room is the key to the director's office.


After your conversation with Frank during the cinematic, you'll be in control,
as usual, with a new objective and save.

Game saved: 08-01 The Whore-Talk With Frank

New Objective (A): Drive to the Corleone Hotel

Right off the bat, you'll start with a colt 1911 with a full (7 round) clip
and 21 additional shots (3 magazines). Also, you've learned how to steal a
falconer. The Corleone hotel, which is your destination for this mission, is
in southern Downtown. Take the Giuliano Street Tunnel or the West Marshall
Bridge to central Island, and then the East Marshall Bridge into Downtown.
Once there, follow your map/compass to the hotel. It's not far from the
bridge. Just go north about 2 blocks after you get off of the bridge. Once
there, hit the action button at the front doors to load the interior. When
you're inside, the game will be saved, and you'll have new objectives:

Game saved: 08-02 The Whore-Hotel Corleone

New Objective (B): Kill the manager
Search the hotel to find and kill the prostitute Frank mentioned
Steal the documents and set the explosives in Directors office

Open the doors in front of you and head forward into the main foyer of the
hotel. Go up to the desk and speak with the clerk there. Tommy will ask where
the manager is, and the clerk will gesture to the left. If you interact with
him again, Tommy will ask about the whereabouts of the prostitute he's trying
to locate. If you continue to harass the clerk, he will threaten you with a
sawed-off shotgun under the counter. Don't believe him? Take out any weapon
and you'll see that he's not lying at all. After getting these instructions,
head through the doorway to your left, then down the hall and through another
room. Finally, you should end up in the dining room.

Here in the dining room, the hotel manager is having lunch. He is the man in
the white suit, sitting at the table that's in the right of the room (up a few
steps). If you look across the room, you will see the manager's bodyguard
sitting down at a table near him. Make your way around the manager and get
ready for a major firefight. Draw a weapon and quickly kill the manager (it
should only take a few shots). After that, try to also kill the manager's
bodyguard across the room as quickly as you can. After a short while, more
gangsters/bodyguards will stream through the doors towards you. Use whatever
weapon you please to take them out. Be careful when maneuvering past the
sailor in the next room. Though he may seem scared and harmless, sometimes
when you turn your back, he'll pull out a model 10 and start firing at you.
Make your way back to the foyer, but be wary of the desk clerk. His sawed-off
shotgun can kill you very quickly if you're not careful. Once he's dead, go
around the desk and into the small room behind it. Use the action key on the
key rack to pickup the key to the director's room. There is also a health
cabinet here, which will heal you 30 health. If you're lower than 70 health,
you might as well use it.

Note: If the manager runs off before you can kill him, don't worry. You'll get
another even easier/better chance to deal with him later. Don't bother
restarting the mission for that reason, or anything like that.

After this part is over, it's time to search for "The Whore." Head up the
staircase to the second floor. There will be a few enemies here, and possibly
one with a sawed-off shotgun. Again, exercise caution when dealing with them.
Once this is complete, head up the stairs to the third floor, still dealing
with anyone in your way. At the top of the stairs, turn right through the
glass doors. Then right down the hallway. Turn right around the corner and go
to the first door that has a mat outside. Open it, and a cinematic will
commence. Tommy will let Michelle escape, as long as she never returns. This
is one part that shows how Tommy is actually human, compared to some of the
other gangsters and Mafiosos he has to deal with.

After the cinematic has ended, you have only one objective remaining. Continue
up the small flight of stairs onto the forth floor. Turn right through the
glass doors and you should see a wooden door on your left marked "Director."
Prepare a good weapon (the sawed-off shotgun would work very well here),
crouch down, and open the door. There will be an enemy crouched down right in
front of you. Make sure that you shoot first, and he'll probably go down while
you take no damage at all. Also, if you let the manager get away, he'll be
cowering here in this room. Just kill him with whatever weapon you don't
really want to conserve ammo for. Run up to the desk and press the action
button to pick up the documents, and then place the explosives beneath the
desk. As you've probably noticed, the fuse isn't that long. Run out the door
and down the hall. A cinematic will occur.

After the cinematic, "The Whore" part 2 will load (different loading screen).
Immediately, the game will be saved, and you can be on your way.

Game saved: 08-03 The Whore-Rooftops

From your starting location, run forwards and then turn to the right. You will
see a small pathway between two buildings on your right. Also, there is a
large black fire escape that goes both up and down the buildings. After the
explosion in the hotel, it's not that surprising that the police are on their
way. From here you will almost certainly pick up the sound of their sirens.
However, you should continue regardless.

Head up the fire escape. At the bottom of these stairs, 5 police officers will
start to climb up towards your position. Also, there is a single officer armed
with a Thompson on the street. You can either rush down the fire escape and
try to kill all the officers, or head up and try to ambush them. You also can
just try to avoid them altogether. Though the officer on the street who has a
Thompson is very deadly, it's recommended that you simply avoid him, rather
than trying to kill him. Whatever your choice of actions, head up to the top
of the fire escape.

At the top of the fire escape, the path will fork to the left and to the
right. The left path leads to another rooftop, but is otherwise a dead end.
However, this can be a useful place for killing the police if you choose to do
so. When you're ready to progress, head to the right from the top of the
stairs, around the building and through the door. Head up the stairs and
through the other door, and you will find yourself on a new set of rooftops.

Go forward here and climb up on the ledge. While still standing on the ledge,
turn left and climb up to the ledge of the higher rooftop (the two ledges make
a "T" shaped intersection). From this highest rooftop, turn right and head
forward to the end. Climb on the ledge at the far end of the rooftop and leap
to the one that is about 5 feet in front of you and 15 feet lower.

Once you've reached this area, you will notice that you are being fired at,
though it's unlikely that you'll immediately be able to identify the source.
Actually, there are a few police officers at the far end of the rooftops who
are shooting at you. They're mostly harmless, except that one of them has a
Springfield rifle. Though slow, it can deal massive damage if he manages to
hit you with it. To move on, head forwards, down to the lower roof in front of
you, then left and over the ledge to an even lower roof.

From here, head forwards and then slowly turn to the right. You should see a
series of platforms that looks somewhat like a set of 3 or so stairs. If you
edge out, next to this corner, you should be able to see the officer with the
Springfield, thanks to the 3rd person camera. Also, another 5 officers, armed
mostly with colt detective specials, will be on the ground in this area.
Carefully dispatch them, making sure to take adequate cover to protect
yourself from the sniper. Once they're taken care of, try to take out the
sniper, using whatever weapon you feel most comfortable with. Slowly edge
towards where his corpse lays, carefully watching the wall to your left.
Eventually, you should notice two more officers on the rooftop to your left.
You should be able to kill them by taking shots at the small bit of their head
that is exposed when they stand up. Using this method, they should be unable
to hit you, but you can still hit their heads. Also, don't worry too much
about getting hurt, because there's a health cabinet coming up very shortly
(in the next submission).

To move on, head to where the Springfield-toting officer used to be. Head
across the rooftops 20 or 30 feet away from him. On your left, you should see
a staircase much like the fire escape at the beginning of the level, except
made out of wood. Stand on the ledge and jump down to it. If you go all the
way up the stairs, you can reach the top of the building where the men were
just shooting at you. If you have difficulty with my head sniping method
mentioned above, it might be easier to simply go up the stairs and face them
in a more traditional manner. When you're ready to progress, head up the
stairs to the middle level (or down the stair from the top roof), around the
building, and a cinematic will occur, leading you to the next submission.


Post-Mission wrap up

Objective summary (2):

(A) Drive to the Corleone Hotel

(B) Kill the manager
Search the hotel to find and kill the prostitute Frank mentioned
Steal the documents and set the explosives in Directors office

Alternate paths: None

Notes: Head-sniping method for the rooftops

Cars added to garage: none

Rewards: Falconer line available for use in Freeride:
Falconer Yellowcar
Falconer Gangster


Mission #8(b)

***************************** T H E P R I E S T *****************************
Pre-Mission Setup

Overview: This mission takes place immediately after the events of "The
Whore." They play one after another, so that they really feel like a single
long mission as opposed to two shorter ones. Here, Tommy tries to escape from
the Corleone hotel by heading into a church, but is met by an unexpected

Loading screen: A traditional catholic necklace. A silver necklace with a
cross and Jesus Christ on the end.

Year: 1932

Major Characters:

Minor Characters:
Billy (cinematic)
Billy's Friend (unnamed) cinematic)

Save Points: 2
08-04 The Priest-Surprise
08-05 The Priest-Escape

Health Cabinets: 1
1. (100 health) At the start of the mission, between the two different flights
of stairs, this health cabinet is on a wall. Hard to miss, and will make your
life much harder if you do.


Game Saved: 08-04 The Priest-Surprise

Once this mission begins, head down the stairs in front of you. After going
downwards for a few seconds, you should notice a health cabinet in front of
you. This cabinet will refill you to full (100) health, regardless of how
injured you became in the previous mission. Unless you already have very high
health, or are simply being foolish, USE THE CABINET. Once you're done,
proceed down the next flight of stairs. At the door at the bottom, you will
witness a cinematic.

Once the cinematic is over, you'll be plunged into a major firefight.
Immediately, back away behind the door, using it for cover. You should take
out the first gangster, standing closest to you, as quickly as possible. Once
he's down, slowly edge out, and scan the benches on the left for another
gangster shooting at you. From a crouched position, you should be able to get
a few bullets in his head; certainly enough to kill him.

Continue to inch your way out of the doorway and aim for another gangster
crouching near the benches on the right. Once he's down, take out a powerful,
accurate weapon. If you picked up the Springfield from the previous mission,
it would help significantly here. Edge out a couple more inches from the
doorway, and aim all the way to the right, and up about 15-20 feet. You should
see the pulpit off to your right. Inside is a gangster, who you should try to
kill as quickly as you can. Once he's down, run to the pulpit, but stay behind
it. Carefully peek out, and look high up in the rafters at the far end of the
church. A gangster with a Thompson will be there, firing at you. Use whatever
accurate weapon you have to dispatch him. Don't be too concerned about the
threat he poses, because at that range, he's not very accurate. There is also
a man across the church, on the floor, who you should take out whenever you

After the enemies in the church are all killed, 4 more gangsters, armed with
pump-action shotguns, will rush in through the front door. You can try to
close in on them and beat them to the punch with your own shotgun, or you can
keep your distance and hit them with small-arms fire, where their shotguns
will be unable to reach you. Whichever method you chose, make sure that all
the gangsters are dead. Once this is complete, another cinematic will play.

Game Saved: 08-05 The Priest-Escape

New Objective (A): Return to Salieri's

Once you're outside of the church, you will immediately notice that you have a
handcuff sign (arrest warrant) and a wanted bar. Run forwards, and down the
steps. The hearse, or rather, the Lassiter V16 Charon, is parked out in front.
Go ahead and get into it, as it's unlocked. Make your way back to the Salieri
bar, but be careful about the police. You might try to get rid of your wanted
bar immediately, by simply hiding, stealing another car, or simply "laying low
for a while."

Whatever method you use, drive back to the Salieri bar to end this double


Post-Mission wrap up:

Objective summary (1):

(A) Return to Salieri's
Alternate paths: None

Notes: None

Cars added to garage: Falconer Blue, Lassiter V16 Charon Black (if you took it
from outside the church)

Rewards: Bolt V8 line available for use in freeplay
Bolt V8 Coupe
Bolt V8 Fordor
Bolt V8 Roadster
Bolt V8 Touring
Bolt V8 Tudor

Intermezzo 2

Mission #9
****************** A T R I P T O T H E C O U N T R Y ******************
Pre-mission Setup

Overview: In this mission, Tommy and Paulie are sent out to a farm outside of
town to get the latest shipment of Canadian whiskey. Sam should already be out
there, loading the trucks. However, once Tommy and Paulie get to the farm,
they sense that something isn't right.

Loading Screen: A large crate that says "Canadian Whiskey" on the side, and
also has a maple leaf painted on

Year: 1933

Major Characters:
Frank (cinematic)
Ralph (ambient)
Lucas Bertone (ambient)

Minor Characters:
Lucas' friend (unnamed and only mentioned)

Save Points: 8:
09-01 A Trip To The Country-Salieri Bar
09-02 A Trip To The Country-City
09-03 A Trip To The Country-The Farm
09-04 A Trip To The Country-Saving Sam
09-05 A Trip To The Country-Return Journey
09-06 A Trip To The Country-The Warehouse
09-07 A Trip To The Country-Lucas Bertone
09-08 A Trip To The Country-Lucas Bertone 2

Health Cabinets:2

1. (30 health) At the farm, the building opposite the barn has a health
cabinet next to the stairs (this is the same building that Paulie gets the
crowbar in)

2. (30 health) At the farm, in the barn where Sam can be found, a health
cabinet is right in front of you on the second floor, right after you finish
climbing the stairs.


After the short opening cinema and basic overview of your mission, you'll be
in control of Tommy with, big surprise, a new save and objective:

Game Saved: 09-01 A Trip To The Country-Salieri Bar

New Objective (A): Meet Paulie at the warehouse

Although you could just take off on your own, it's advisable that you go and
check in on Ralph. He's inside the garage, deeply pondering...something, about
the gutted car in front of him. Snap him out of his trance, and he'll lead you
to the Bolt V8 Roadster parked outside. After the usual routine of showing you
how to open it, you'll now be able to pick the lock of/carjack any Bolt V8 on
the street. That means that you now have the complete Bolt line finished and
fully "learned." Anyway, take the Roadster, or any other car in the garage,
and head out into the city.

Game Saved: 09-02 A Trip To The Country-City

Your objective will still be the same once you get out into the city. You need
to head to the warehouse, which is just north of Hoboken. I'm pretty sure that
by this point, you know the city well enough to be able to find your own way
there. However, you should be aware that for this mission, and most of the
missions after this point, the Terranova bridge IS open, and you can use it.
In this mission, it would give you the fastest and most direct route to the
warehouse, but who says you were in a hurry?

Game Saved: 09-03 A Trip To The Country-The Farm

New Objective (B): Find out what happened to Salieri's men and the alcohol

After the cinematic, and your little "discussion" with Paulie, you'll arrive
fully loaded (with a pump-action shotgun and colt 1911) at the farm. Cross the
bridge, and then follow the path ahead of you, past all the small shacks on
either side. Continue straight, past the large red barn on your left. The path
will split at a "T" intersection. From here, you should be able to see the
truck parked nearby. Walk over to it, and get ready for some action.

While I like to think that with good instructions, playing skill will make any
situation possible, in this case that isn't true. No matter how skilled you
are, there is a reasonable chance that the millisecond the cinematic ends,
you'll be hit by a lucky shotgun blast. You can choose to load the save and
try again, or simply keep playing with a large dent in your health. Whatever
the case, immediately fire at the two men in front of you, and the third
around the corner, using cover as necessary, until they're dead.

New Objective (C): Return back

From here, you need to make your way back to the trucks at the entrance to the
farm. However, there will be enemies popping up from every barn and every
window. You can simply run, trying to avoid as much fire as possible, you can
go "Rambo" style, or you can slowly go inch by inch, killing everyone.
Whatever method you utilize, find your way back to the trucks.

Once you get back, Tommy will explain what's going on, and suggest that Sam
may be inside the barn. Now with Paulie, make your way back down the road. If
you killed everyone on your way to the trucks, it's ok. However, if you simply
ran, avoiding most of them, you'll have some hell to pay. Luckily, Paulie is
quite helpful.

When you reach the barn, go in the other large, open barn/shack, directly
opposite it. Here, you'll have to face a few enemies in close quarters.
However, they aren't too hard, especially with Paulie's help. Also, there's a
health cabinet right next to the stairs that will heal you 30 points. Make
your way up the stairs, eliminating anyone who gets in your way. At the top,
Paulie will grab a crowbar that's laying around. Return back down and to the
red barn.

Game Saved: 09-04 A Trip To The Country-Saving Sam

New Objective (D): Save Sam

As soon as Paulie kicks the door open, be ready for a fight. There are 2 men
on the ground floor, armed with pump-action shotguns and colt 1911s. Also,
from the doorway, you should be able to kill the man on the second level; just
look up. Continue up the stairs, being careful of the man positioned right
behind you. Right at the top of this staircase is another health cabinet,
again worth 30 points. Keep going up to the third level, where you will find

After Paulie leaves, focus your attention out the main window here. Like Sam
says, those aren't your trucks. Two police cars will pull up outside.
Immediately begin firing on them with your colt 1911. Don't be concerned if
you don't kill many of them though, because you'll get a much easier chance
very shortly. Once you back away from the window, the remaining officers will
come through the door and up the stairs. Position yourself right behind the
stairs so that when they come up, they'll have their backs to your loaded
shotgun. Fire away, until every single one is dead. Head down to the ground
floor, and out towards the cars to have another talk with Paulie.

Game Saved: 09-05 A Trip To The Country-Return Journey

Now it's time for a little change of pace. This segment can be quite
difficult, especially if you don't know what to do. Also, it's significantly
harder if you don't have much health. Anyway, you're in the back of the truck
with a Thompson, and enemy cars will come up behind you, trying to kill you.
You can't let them kill you, or drive in front of you. There are two ways to
make the vehicles stop. You can shoot out their engine, or you can shoot out
their driver. The engine is a much larger target, but takes quite a few
bullets before rupturing. The driver on the other hand will die with only a
few well placed shots, but he's difficult to hit, given the Thompson's
accuracy, visibility, and the fact that you're shooting from the back of a
moving vehicle. I personally like shooting the driver, but whatever method
works best for you is the one you should definitely use. Also, although there
were only 2 cars in the cinematic, there are technically an infinite amount of
cars chasing you. After each "kill," the car will swerve off to the side of
the road, about 10 second will go by, and then another one will be visible in
the distance. All you have to do is hold out until you reach the warehouse.
Remember, shoot the engine or the driver. Keep your health high, and watch
your ammo consumption.

Game Saved: 09-06 A Trip To The Country-The Warehouse

New Objective (E): Return to the Salieri bar, alternatively, you could visit
Lucas Bertone on the way.

If you simply want to end the mission and move on, simply drive back to
Salieri's bar and scroll down to the next mission walkthrough. However, if
you'd rather get a bonus car from Lucas Bertone, keep reading.

Head down to Lucas' Auto shop down by the Giuliano Bridge. Once there, simply
drive up to the door, get out, and go talk to Lucas. Apparently, the police
are coming to arrest one of Lucas' friends, and he is completely unaware. You
have to get to his house and warn him before the cops show up.

Game Saved: 09-07 A Trip To The Country-Lucas Bertone

New Objective (F): Warn Lucas' friend

Like Lucas said, his friend lives in Hoboken. Quickly run out to where you
parked your car. Get in, and start racing off to Hoboken. Though it's not that
far, your time limit isn't very generous, and you really can't waste time.
Lucas' friend is smack in the middle of Hoboken. I'd advise that you head
south down the main street from Lucas' shop, then cut east across the center
of downtown, and then along the southern border of Hoboken. Then turn left on
the middle street, and drive north to the house that you're aiming for. Once
there, get out of your car and go and knock on the door in front of you. After
you warn Lucas' friend and he thanks you, the cops will probably arrive. Just
get back in your car and head back to Lucas'. The cops aren't a problem,
despite the two shotgun wielding men guarding the door. Just don't attack
them, and they'll leave you alone.

New Objective (G): Return to Lucas Bertone's.

Once you get back to Lucas', he'll thank you, and give you the scoop on the
new Ulver Airstream. As usual, you'll learn how to steal one as soon as he
finishes showing you. He'll also point you to a house in Oakwood where you can
procure one of your own.

Game Saved: 09-08 A Trip To The Country-Lucas Bertone 2

New Objective (H): Steal the car in Oakwood

Leave Lucas' shop and get in your car. Make your way southeast to Oakwood. It
doesn't really matter how you get there, since there's no time limit. However,
the fastest and most logical route would be to follow the larger main streets
and arterials as much as possible, and to only go on minor side street when
you have no other alternative. The house that you're aiming for is only a
block or so south of the circle/roundabout in the middle of Oakwood. Pull up
somewhere near the house, and start picking the lock on your new car. Unlike
in the previous Lucas mission, there is no one who's looking out for the car,
so you can steal it unhindered. Once you're done, just head back to Salieri's
with your new Ulver Airstream Fordor to finish the mission.

New Objective (I): Return to Salieri's

Just make your way back. There really isn't much more to say about your
return. I'm pretty sure that you can find your way there with little or no


Post-Mission Wrap up

Objective summary (9):

(A) Meet Paulie at the warehouse

(B) Find out what happened to Salieri's men and the alcohol

(C) Return back

(D) Save Sam

(E) Return to the Salieri bar, alternatively, you could visit
Lucas Bertone on the way.

(F) Warn Lucas' friend

(G) Return to Lucas Bertone's.

(H) Steal the car in Oakwood

(I) Return to Salieri's

Alternate paths: Lucas Bertone's optional side mission to steal a Ulver
Airstream Fordor

Notes: None

Cars added to garage:

Bolt V8 Roadster Blue
Ulver Airstream Fordor Yellow


Schubert line now completely unlocked for use in Freeride:
Schubert Extra Six Fordor
Schubert Extra Six Tudor
Schubert Extra Six Police Fordor
Schubert Extra Six Police Tudor

Ulver line unlocked for use in Freeride:
Ulver Airstream Fordor
Ulver Airstream Tudor


Mission #10

********************************* O M E R T A *********************************

Pre-mission Setup:

Overview: In this mission, deep blows are inflicted to the Salieri "family"
after it turns out that Frank, Don Salieri's "Right hand" has betrayed the
family and given their financial records to the police. Though astounded by
this sudden change of heart, Don Salieri regretfully sends Tommy to
"liquidate" his old childhood friend.

Loading Screen: A sawed-off Shotgun with two shells next to it

Year: 1933

Major Characters:
Salieri (ambient)
Ralph (ambient)
Vincenzo (ambient)
Lucas Bertone (ambient)

Minor Characters:
Luigi (ambient)
Big Biff (ambient)
Little Tony (new)(ambient)
Idiot Joe (new)(ambient)
March (new)(ambient)
Alice (new)(ambient)
Carlo (new)(only mentioned)
Stan (new)(ambient)

Save points:8
10-01 Omerta-Salieri Bar
10-02 Omerta-City
10-03 Omerta-City 2
10-04 Omerta-The Airport
10-05 Omerta-Frank
10-06 Omerta-An Act Of Grace
10-07 Omerta-Lucas Bertone
10-08 Omerta-Lucas Bertone 2

Health cabinets: 2
1. (100 health) At the airport terminal where you have your first shootout of
the mission, there is a health cabinet on the wall opposite the counter. You
could use it after the shootout, but it might be better to save it for later

2. (50 health) In the building where Frank's family is waiting for him,
there's a health cabinet on the wall behind them. You might as well get it at
that point, even if it's only to top of your health.


Right off the bat, your game will be saved, and you'll have a new objective,
which you could have figured out from the cinematic.

Game Saved: 10-01 Omerta-Salieri Bar

New Objective (A): Find Frank and acquire the account books, then kill him.

Head out of the bar and into the back lot of Salieri's. As usual, pay a visit
to Vincenzo and Ralph so you can get some firepower and some wheels. Vincenzo
will give you a colt 1911 and the deadly lupara, otherwise known as a sawed-
off shotgun. Head back outside and find Ralph, who should be underneath a Bolt
Model B, tinkering around. He'll get up, give you a few stuttering sentences,
and then lead you to your new car. As usual, after he shows you how, you'll be
able to open any Schubert Extra Sixes that you find in the city. This will
really be useful, as they become a rather common sight on the city streets for
the next few missions. Anyway, you can choose to take the Schubert Extra Six
Fordor, or any other car in your garage. Whatever your choice, hop in and
drive out to the city.

Game Saved: 10-02 Omerta-City

You already know your first contact, Big Biff, from the mission "Better Get
Used To It." As you know, he likes to loiter about in the central square in
Chinatown. Head north from the bar and to the Chinatown neighborhood. Unlike
in "Better Get Used To It," Biff is now on the sidewalk slightly north of the
main square. Go up and ask him about Frank. Unfortunately, it seems that he
doesn't know anything, but he recommends your other contact, Little Tony.

Little Tony can be found outside the museum at the south end of Central
Island. Since you're in Chinatown, taking the Giuliano Street Bridge would be
the fastest route to Central Island. Then, simply take the main arterial south
to the bottom of the island. Get out and the museum and talk to Little Tony,
just be careful of the dog that's walking around. However, just like Big Biff,
Little Tony seems to be short of critical information. He also passes you on
to another contact, Idiot Joe.

Little Tony tells you that Idiot Joe hangs out under the bridge, but isn't
much more specific than that. As a matter of fact, Idiot Joe and his group are
within a couple hundred feet of Lucas Bertone's Auto shop, on the East side of
the river (in Downtown). Once you get close to the group with Idiot Joe, the
game will be saved and you will be reminded of your objective (though it
doesn't change).

Game Saved: 10-03 Omerta-City 2

Remember how Little Tony said that Idiot Joe was "the bald one." Well, go up
to the bald man standing there, and talk to him. At first he denies
everything, saying his name is Pete, and that you have no business there. If
you keep trying to talk to him, he'll accidentally let slip that he is in fact
Joe (as if it wasn't obvious that he was lying to begin with). However, no
matter how much you try to interrogate him, he refuses to say something about
Frank. Instead, he tells you to go to hell. Well, Idiot Joe sure is an idiot
to be so rude to a member of the Mafia. Use your fists (or a bat if you have
one) to start smacking Joe around. After only a few blows to the head, Joe
decides that it's better to cower in fear and tell you everything. It turns
out that Frank is being held near the tennis courts in Oakwood, and is being
moved to Europe if he complies with the prosecutor's demands.

Get back in your car and make your way east to Oakwood. Head to the Southeast
corner of Oakwood, and follow your map/compass to Frank's house. After the
cinematic, you'll get a new objective.

New Objective (B): Follow the car carrying Frank.

You better step on it, because that car isn't going to wait for you. Try to
maintain visual contact with the car, watch where it goes, and follow it. It's
really not that difficult, even though the traffic can often get in your way.
When the car goes through a construction zone, watch out. A large truck will
pull in front of you, blocking your path. Either go around or smash through,
and continue your pursuit. Eventually, the car will drive north into the
country from the road at the Northeast corner of New Ark. Follow it into the
countryside, and it will turn left into the airport. Follow it there, and get
ready for some action.

Game Saved: 10-04 Omerta-The Airport

New Objective (C): Get rid of the guards, acquire the account books from
Frank, and then liquidate him.

Right after the small cut scene ends, immediately move to the right, or you
risk being run over by the same car that brought Frank here. Slowly edge up
towards the building in front of you. Inside are 4 gangsters armed with colt
1911s, S&W Model 10 M&Ps and even one with a Thompson. If you lean out into
the doorway, you should be able to get a few shots off at the gangster to your
right, behind the wall, and the one behind the counter. Take your time, and
feel free to run back outside if you feel that you're taking too much fire.
After these two are dead, edge out slightly farther into the doorway and try
to kill the last two gangsters. The one with the Thompson could pose a
problem. Use the pillars as cover, and try to fire when he's reloading or off
guard. Once they are all dead, Frank will run outside with his escorts.
Collect all the ammunition and weapons from the dead gangsters, and get ready
for some more action. Also, if you're hurt, there's a health cabinet in here
that heals fully, but I wouldn't recommend using it just yet.

As you exit through the rear doors of the terminal, continue out onto the
airstrip. If you didn't kill everyone in the terminal, you will be attacked by
3 more Thompson-wielding gangsters. You can try to get in close and use the
sawed-off shotgun, or retreat into the terminal to take cover. In reality, you
aren't supposed to have to fight them here. If you had killed all 4 gangsters
in the terminal (who are all dressed in black, whereas these escorts are
dressed in a light brown/khaki color), they would have left with Frank.

Anyway, head out onto the airstrip. Look down the strip in front of you, and
you should see a green flatbed truck heading towards you. I'd advise hiding or
dropping your weapons (you'll see why in a minute). Follow the truck until it
stops and a man gets out. If you don't have any weapons out, he should ask you
what's going on and offer to help. If you have weapons out, he assumes that
you're just another gangster, and comes at you with a crowbar. You can kill
him, but you're better off just stealing his truck. Actually, steal the truck
even if you're not on hostile terms with him. He doesn't seem to care. Drive
through the hangar on the left, and you'll notice plenty of gangsters. While
you could just as easily have a massive shootout, using all the crates as
cover, and expending hundreds of rounds of ammunition, I find it much easier
to use the truck. Short of the windshield, almost no bullets can enter through
the truck and hit you, it's high off the ground, making you an even smaller
target, and it weighs 10 times as much as one of the gangsters. Essentially,
I'm recommending that you run them over. Simply accelerate towards them, wait
until they try to dive out of the way, and use the handbrake to quickly spin
your front or rear sideways, crushing them. Anyone who's run someone over with
a warthog in "Halo" should be familiar and proficient with the concept. If you
can, I'd actually recommend running them over backwards, because then there's
even a smaller chance of you getting shot (since the back of the truck is all
they'll be able to hit). Of course, everything's not going to be perfect.
You'll probably have a gangster who hides in a place too narrow for your
truck. In this situation, just get out and shoot him. Anyway, when you've
killed them all, keep driving through and to the other side. You'll face more
gangsters here. Again, you can run them over, shoot them, or a combination.
Whatever your strategy, try to kill them all, and then head over to the
parking lot. Kill the last few stragglers here, and walk over to the pole,
where you will see Frank. After the cinematic, you'll have a new objective and
save game, just like always.

Game Saved: 10-05 Omerta-Frank

New Objective (D): Find Frank's family.

Head forward from your current position, then around the corner to the left.
There will be some gangsters here, so be careful. It's not an issue if you're
low on health, because you'll have plenty of healing opportunities soon.
Anyway, go right, up the stairs, and into the small building. You should see a
couple hugging in front of you. Turn left and you should see a woman and
daughter, and a man making a phone call. If you listen to the man, you'll
realize that he's calling the police. Now remember what Frank said about the
police and Morello? Essentially, if you let that man finish his call, you'll
have a full squad car of shotgun-toting cops waiting for you back at the
terminal. So what do you do? Kill the man making the phone call, before he can
even say "send help." Then talk to the woman and daughter, who turn out to be
Frank's wife and child. Also, there is a health cabinet worth 50 health here.
Even if you have more than 50 health, I'd advise using it. After speaking with
March (Frank's wife), head back outside and free Frank from his handcuffs,
then lead him back to his family. After their reunion, head back outside with
your new objective.

New Objective (E): Find and bring the plane tickets for Frank's wife and

Though the game doesn't tell you, the tickets are on the counter in the
airport terminal (where you had the first shootout). You can choose to walk
back, or steal a car and drive back. If you opt for the former, watch out for
a sniper with a Springfield on top of the red and white antenna-like object.
Make your way back to the terminal, with whatever method you choose. If you
didn't kill the man on the phone, you'll have a rather unpleasant reunion with
a few very angry shotgun-wielding cops. If however, you followed my advice,
you'll have no one to worry about. Head into the terminal and collect the
tickets, which are on the counter, then return to Frank. Their family is
standing outside the building, waiting for you. Talk to Frank to begin a
cinematic. After it's over, you'll have a new objective.

New Objective (F): Collect the account books from the bank in Downtown.

As Frank specifies in the cinematic, the bank in question is the First
National Bank of Lost Heaven. Make your way back to the terminal. This time,
use the health cabinet if you haven't done so already, since you won't be
returning here for quite a while (not in this mission at least). Somewhere
along the way, procure a car. It's really up to you, it shouldn't matter what
you choose. After that, head back out into the countryside, where your game
will be saved.

Game Saved: 10-06 Omerta-An Act Of Grace

From here, just head back into Lost Heaven and into the Downtown neighborhood.
Follow your map/compass to the First National Bank. "Use" the front doors of
the bank to acquire the books. Your mission is now over, if you so choose, but
Lucas Bertone is still available for a mission.

New Objective (G): Return to the Salieri Bar, alternatively you could visit
Lucas Bertone.

Like always, I'm assuming that you are doing the Lucas Bertone mission. If
not, simply drive back to the Salieri Bar and pick up with this walkthrough on
the next mission ("Visiting Rich People"). Head over to Bertone's Auto shop
near the Giuliano Bridge, and go have a word with Lucas. After explaining what
he wants from you, Lucas suggests that you look for Stan at the Black Cat Bar.

Game Saved: 10-07 Omerta-Lucas Bertone

New Objective (H): Find Stan and teach him a lesson

While you aren't allowed to kill Stan, you aren't limited to your fists. As a
matter of fact, if you can procure a baseball bat (perhaps from a random
carjackee), you'll have a much easier time with this mission. Anyway, head
west to Central Island, and then west again to Little Italy/Works Quarter
(depending on which bridge you take). The Black Cat Bar is on the very
southwestern edge of Little Italy. Drive there, and you should notice a raised
sidewalk, about 10 feet above the ground. Park near the staircase and get out.
Walk up the stairs and along the sidewalk until you see a sign for the Black
Cat Bar, and a very muscular man standing nearby. After talking to him, you'll
have to fight Stan, and he isn't any weak pedestrian. You'll both hit each
other with a large number of punches and inflict a fair amount of damage
before Stan finally topples. Two things that will save your health in this
fight are having a high health amount to begin with (remember to use the
health cabinet in the airport terminal before leaving) and a baseball bat
(if you can find one). However, you'll both shed some blood in the end. Once
Stan flees, you'll have a new (though obvious) objective.

New Objective (I): Return to Lucas.

Make your way back to Lucas'. I'm pretty sure you don't need directions there.
When you get back, Lucas will show you how to steal a new stylish car: the
Thor 810. Once he's done with that, your game will be saved, and he'll tell
you where you can steal one of those hot new 810s.

Game Saved: 10-08 Omerta-Lucas Bertone 2

New Objective (J): Steal the Thor 810 parked in Oak Hill.

It's time for a leisurely drive into what is aptly named "the Millionaires
Quarter." From Bertone's Auto shop, head eastward. There are only two roads
that lead into Oak Hills: One in southern Hoboken, and the Other in Northern
Oakwood. Take your pick as to which one you'd rather drive on. However, I
wouldn't recommend going the Hoboken way if you have an older car or your car
is damaged, because many of these 1930s cars can simply stall on the very
steep hill. Either way, it's going to take you a while to get to the prime
real-estate that sits higher than anywhere else in Lost Heaven. When you
finally get there, follow your map/compass to the house in question, which is
on the east edge of Oak Hills.

You may not immediately recognize the car as the same from Lucas' shop,
because this one is bright orange. However, they are in fact the same vehicle,
simply different colors. Now don't forget what Lucas said about there being
guards around. As you drive by, you should notice something unusual. While all
the other pedestrians are walking around with a destination in mind, you
should see one man simply pacing in circles around the car. Suspicious, no? If
there are not cops around, I recommend getting up to 35+ mph and running him
over. You should be pretty good at this by now if you followed my truck
strategy at the airport. If not, or if you can't kill him, he'll alert the
police. All that really means is some more people for you to deal with. When
everyone who's trying to get you is dead, you're free to go after the Thor.
Just remember, with these sporty cars, it takes a much longer time to pick the
locks. That's really only relevant if you're trying to quickly steal the Thor
810 Sedan FWD, and race away without killing your pursuers/enemies.

New Objective (K): Return to the Salieri Bar.

You know the drill, just don't kill yourself or that new car by careening down
from Oak Hills. Take your time, unless you want to start again from Lucas'
shop. Also, don't underestimate that Thor you're driving. Compared to most, if
not all other cars you've driven up to this point, it's quite fast and nimble,
especially if you don't use the speedlimiter.


Post-Mission Wrap up

Objective summary (11):

(A) Find Frank and acquire the account books, then kill him.

(B) Follow the car carrying Frank.

(C) Get rid of the guards, acquire the account books from
Frank, and then liquidate him.

(D) Find Frank's family.

(E) Find and bring the plane tickets for Frank's wife and

(F) Collect the account books from the bank in Downtown

(G) Return to the Salieri Bar, alternatively you could visit
Lucas Bertone.

(H) Find Stan and teach him a lesson

(I) Return to Lucas.

(J) Steal the Thor 810 parked in Oak Hill.

(K) Return to the Salieri Bar.

Alternate paths: Lucas Bertone's optional side mission to steal a Thor 810
Sedan FWD

Notes: The truck strategy for the airport. Also, killing the man who's calling
the police so that they don't show up.

Cars added to garage:

Schubert Extra Six White
Thor 810 Sedan FWD Orange


Partial Thor line now unlocked for use in Freeride:
Thor 810 Phaeton FWD
Thor 810 Sedan FWD


Mission #11

******************* V I S I T I N G R I C H P E O P L E *******************

Pre-mission Setup:

Overview: In this mission, Tommy has to pick up expert locksmith Salvatore,
and take him to the public prosecutor's villa in Oak Hills. Once there, Tommy
must lead Salvatore into the house, and to the prosecutor's office, where
Salvatore can crack the safe and steal the incriminating documents against

Loading Screen: Black notebook with pens and pencils on top of it. This is the
"incriminating evidence" against Salieri.

Year: 1933

Major Characters:
Salieri (ambient)
Sam (ambient)
Ralph (ambient)
Vincenzo (ambient)
Lucas Bertone (ambient)

Minor Characters:
Luigi (ambient)
Salvatore (new)

Save points:5
11-01 Visiting Rich People-Salieri Bar
11-02 Visiting Rich People-City
11-03 Visiting Rich People-The Villa
11-04 Visiting Rich People-The Safe
11-05 Visiting Rich People-Escape

Health cabinets: 0


After the opening cinematic, your game will be saved and you'll have your
starting objective.

Game Saved: 11-01 Visiting Rich People-Salieri Bar

New Objective (A): Pick up Salvatore on the corner next to the stadium in

Make your way around the bar and into the back lot. As usual, go and talk to
Vincenzo, who will give you a colt 1911 and a baseball bat. This time however,
Ralph has no new car for you. If you talk to him, all you'll get is the menu
from which you can get rid of cars in the garage. So go out and get in your
favorite car, and take it out into the city.

Game Saved: 11-02 Visiting Rich People-City

By this point, I'm pretty sure that you can get from Salieri's Bar to Hoboken
without needing directions. If for some reason you're having trouble, use your
map and compass. When you get to Hoboken, go to the Stadium in the Northwest
part of the neighborhood. You should see Salvatore standing around by the
telephone booth. Pull up and come to a complete stop, and Salvatore will get
in your car. You'll now get your new objective.

New Objective (B): Retrieve the evidence that would implicate Salieri from the
Prosecutor's villa.

Make your way to the prosecutor's villa in Oak Hills. Unless you don't think
your car can make it up the steep hill, I'd recommend using the path in
eastern Hoboken. Once there, follow your map/compass to the back entrance to
the prosecutor's villa. When you get there, stop, get out of the car, and talk
to Salvatore, who will unlock the door. Open it, and you'll be in the villa

Game Saved: 11-03 Visiting Rich People-The Villa

New Objective (C): Retrieve the evidence that would implicate Salieri from the
Prosecutor's villa.
You can give WAIT and FOLLOW ME orders to Salvatore by talking to him.

Just like your objective says, you can keep Salvatore close behind you, or
make him stay where he is, just by talking to him. Each time you talk to him,
it toggles between the two options. Getting through the courtyard and villa is
a very non-linear process, and there are really many ways to do it. However,
I'm going to describe the one that seems to work the best, and is the safest.
In general, unless otherwise noted, you shouldn't run during this mission.
Always walk or sneak (crouch).

Start off by walking forwards a few feet to the lamp, crouching, and telling
Salvatore to wait there. Go forward and stop at the "intersection." Wait until
the gangster to left begins to move before turning left and following him. Run
after him, but as you get closer, slow to a walk. Charge up your baseball bat
all the way, and when he pauses, move in and release. Assuming he didn't turn
around, you'll have knocked him out cold with a single blow. Take the pump-
action shotgun and key from his body. Now go to the light post that is
directly opposite from where you left Salvatore (you probably already passed
it when you were stalking the gangster). Next to it, you should see a fuse
box. Press action once to open it, and again to cut power to the courtyard.

Run back to where Salvatore is, going the long way, so that you don't alert
the two gangster standing near the fountain. Look towards the villa, you
should see the outline of a man running down from inside. He's coming to
investigate the sudden loss of power. After cutting through the courtyard,
he'll follow the same path that the first gangster did. Just like before, walk
up behind him, and as he pauses to check the fuse box, knock him out. Make
sure you do this quickly though, because if he turns the lights back on, he'll
quickly turn around, and probably blow you away.

Return to Salvatore, and have him follow you. Turn right at the "intersection"
and head forward down the path. You should see a gazebo/covered deck slightly
off to the right, as you approach the next "intersection." Have Salvatore wait
behind the hedge, and slowly walk or crawl up towards the gazebo. Sneak up and
knock out the gangster here. Make sure your path is wide, so that you don't
end up in his field of vision. He's not that big a deal, but one less gangster
to shoot at you later is a good thing. Go back and have Salvatore follow you

Head straight towards the villa, you should pass a fountain (that's turned
off) on your way. You will also see the driveway to the front entrance.
However, don't go there, because you'll be killed. Instead, turn left towards
the back entrance of the villa and the large, empty pool. Walk up the steps
towards the back entrance, and you should be able to see a dining room through
the glass. You have to be careful here, because there is a maid who will call
for the guards if she sees you. Slowly enter the dining room, and quickly scan
to find this maid. Take her out from behind before she notices you. She also
may be in one of the rooms connecting to the dining room, so be patient and
hunt her down.

Once she's gone, go through the door at the left side of the dining room (left
if you were looking in from outside), turn right in this hallway, and go
through the door at the corner. Go up the stairs here. At the top, turn right,
and then immediately left and through the door. Crouch and slowly edge along
the second floor balcony, since there is sometimes a guard around. In the
first door, you will find a woman talking on the phone. Since she has
cucumbers in her eyes, she can't see you, so you're free to take her out
(silently). Go back onto the balcony and go all the way straight until it
turns to the left. Go through this door (opposite the one you first entered
the balcony from) and turn left again. Go to the door at the end of this
hallway, which leads to the prosecutor's office. Once you get there, make sure
Salvatore's right next to you, and press action on the safe. There will be a
cinematic, and game save point.

Game Saved: 11-05 Visiting Rich People-The Safe

The first thing here, which many people forget to do, is to actually get the
documents you came for. Go to the safe and press action to pick up those
incriminating notebooks.

New Objective (D): Take Salvatore back home on the corner next to the stadium
in Hoboken.

Now that the prosecutor is home, you've basically got nothing to lose. Take
out your shotgun (just drop the baseball bat, it's not going to do you any
more good). Head down the hallway, turn right and go back out onto the second
floor balcony. Right about here, you could leave Salvatore if you don't think
you can protect him, but that's not required. Quickly run down the stairs and
take cover right up against the doorframe (but not in front of the door). By
this point, the gangsters outside should have seen and started shooting at
you. However, they shouldn't be able to hit you if you're hiding (remember to
crouch) next to the door. As they run through the door, hit them with point
blank shotgun rounds to kill them easily. It's essential that you do this all
very quickly, you must reach the door before the prosecutor enters and turns
on all the lights. Once you've killed all the gangsters who are in plain
sight, go retrieve Salvatore if you left him elsewhere. If not, just continue.
Edge out the front door, looking carefully around for gangsters (especially to
the left). If you've gotten a Thompson by this point, now's the time to equip
it. Make sure not to accidentally kill the prosecutor, or you will fail. Edge
out to where the prosecutor's car sits in front of the villa. Again, watch for
gangsters around the left side of the house (right side from your
perspective). When you reach the car, have Salvatore pick the lock. Just like
if he were Ralph or Lucas, Salvatore has now taught you how to open a Silver
Fletcher, one of the nicest cars in the game. Quickly get in and drive out
through the driveway. Just be careful, the frightened prosecutor sometimes
stands or cowers around in the driveway, be sure not to accidentally run him

Game Saved: 11-05 Visiting Rich People-Escape

From here, just return to Hoboken and drop Salvatore at his house across the
street and a couple hundred feet away from the stadium. As I've said before,
don't underestimate that Silver Fletcher, you can get going dangerously fast
in it, especially coming down from Oak Hills.

New Objective (E): Return to the Salieri Bar.

You know the drill, make your way back to the bar in one piece, and you'll be
done. If you're a speed demon and want to test out your new car, try racing
from the armory, past the hospital, over the Terranova Bridge, and into
Chinatown. From there, you can turn south and return to the bar.


Post-Mission Wrap up

Objective summary (5):

(A) Pick up Salvatore on the corner next to the stadium in Hoboken.

(B) Retrieve the evidence that would implicate Salieri from the Prosecutor's

(C) Retrieve the evidence that would implicate Salieri from the Prosecutor's
You can give WAIT and FOLLOW ME orders to Salvatore by talking to him.

(D) Take Salvatore back home on the corner next to the stadium in Hoboken.

(E) Return to the Salieri Bar.

Alternate paths: None

Notes: Strategies for sneaking and stealth-killing many guards, as well as how
to deal with the final firefight outside the villa

Cars added to garage:

Silver Fletcher Silver


Complete Silver Fletcher line now available for use in Freeride:
Silver Fletcher

Mission #12

************************** A G R E A T D E A L ! **************************

Pre-mission Setup:

Overview: Tommy, Paulie, and Sam try to make a deal with a new alcohol
supplier named Bill. However, their agreements get cut short by incoming
gangsters, leaving many dead, and Tommy, Paulie and Sam fighting for their

Loading Screen: 4 bottles of whiskey, one laying on its side

Year: 1933

Major Characters:
Salieri (cinematic)

Minor Characters:
Bill (new)(cinematic)

Save points:4
12-01 A Great Deal!-Salieri Bar
12-02 A Great Deal!-The Parking Lot
12-03 A Great Deal!-Car Chase
12-04 A Great Deal!-Back At The Bar

Health cabinets: 2
1. (50 health) As soon as you enter the parking garage, you should notice the
ticket booth/building to your left. On the outside wall of this room, right
next to the door is a health cabinet. However, you probably won't use it until
your return journey to the ground floor.

2. (50 health) On the 4th floor (second from the top), inside the small fenced
room, is a health cabinet on the side of a shelf. Like the first one, you'll
probably use it on your way back down.


As usual, you'll start out with a cinematic of Salieri explaining what you're
going to do on this mission. The game will be saved from this cinematic, and
when you get to the parking lot, so actually, your game will be saved twice
before you are even in control of Tommy.

Game Saved: 12-01 A Great Deal!-Salieri Bar

Game Saved: 12-02 A Great Deal!-The Parking Lot

Once you arrive at the parking lot, you'll have a new objective.

New Objective (A): Find Bill and make the deal.

Walk forwards, into the parking lot, and you should see a man in the small
booth/room off to your left. Go up towards him, and he'll tell you that
they're already waiting for you. You now have to make your way to the top
level. You can either go the long route, through the garage, as if you were a
car, or the short route, up the stairs to your right. Regardless of which
route you take, you'll eventually end up on the top level, where you should
see some men loitering around next to a truck at the far end (to your left if
you took the stairs). Go near them, and a cinematic will begin.

As soon as the cinematic ends, you'll be thrust in the middle of a massive
firefight. Already, many people from both sides have been killed. One thing
that might help you if you're having trouble here is to fiddle around before
the cinematic. Go to the top level, but don't get close enough to Bill to
start the cinematic. Steal some of the cars (it is a parking lot after all)
and use them to set up blockades so that when the gangsters attack, you'll
have additional cover. Another good tip during the firefight is to aim for the
engines of the gangsters' cars. Often, you can get them to explode, causing
massive damage to those standing nearby. Also, don't neglect Paulie or Sam.
Though they are capable fighters, try to keep them covered, because if they
die, you fail.

After you kill the first 2 carloads of gangsters, a third car will come
screeching up the ramp. Try to blow this one up before the occupants get out,
or very far away, because this will guarantee kills, rather than injuries.
Once all 3 groups have been killed, gather up any remaining ammo scattered
about, and make your way slowly towards their cars (or burnt out husks if you
blew them up). I'd recommend taking the Thompson and Pump-action shotgun, but
it's your choice, if you'd rather use different weapons. Anyway, approach the
ramp that these gangsters came up from. There should be two more gangsters on
foot in the next area. They aren't always in the same place, but one of them
is usually inside the fenced area in the middle. Once they are both dead, move
towards this fenced rectangle, and go inside. There is a health cabinet here,
worth 50 health. If you've already sunk below 50 health, I'd really recommend
starting over from the beginning of the parking garage, but suit yourself.
Head back outside, and crouch down. Look around until you locate a white
Schubert Six on this level. If you crouch and look underneath, you might get
to see the legs and feet of a gangster. Either shoot him from where you are,
or sneak around and shoot him from another angle. Whatever you do, make sure
he's dead. Right next to him, behind the Schubert, is a 3x3 box with 4
grenades in it. I'd recommend picking up all 4, as they will help you
immensely later on.

From here, head forwards towards the next ramp down. Slowly edge out, peering
over as far left as you can aim. There should be a few more gangsters here.
Try to use suppressive fire from the Thompson, as Paulie and Sam fire, or
quickly take them out yourself. You may have taken serious damage here, so go
back up the ramp and heal. In fact, I'd recommend healing yourself, even if
you have more than 50 health, simply to top it off for the next (more
difficult) area. Continue down the next ramp.

This level is completely devoid of enemies, but the following ramp is where
you'll have trouble. The gangsters have blocked off the ramp using two cars,
and will begin throwing Molotov cocktails at you when you get near. Also, many
of them have Thompsons, and will be firing at you from behind their cover of
flames and cars, making it extremely difficult to pinpoint their location and
return fire. I've also had some issues here with Paulie and Sam running
forward and getting cut to pieces or dying from the flames. This is where
those 4 grenades will come in very handy. Assuming you have a basic grasp of
the throwing arc, and how far Tommy can throw (if not, practice, practice,
practice), you should be able to get a few grenades down there from very far
away. Make sure to land one or two directly under the two cars, so as to
destroy the roadblock, and the gangsters' source of cover. After launching all
your grenades in their general region, the blockade should be completely
destroyed, and the resulting explosions should have killed most of the
gangsters. Look around from your current position, and use your Thompson to
kill anyone who's still alive. As you near the ramp, be careful. There will
most likely be two gangsters to the left of the ramp who evaded your grenades.
Take them down, and clear out this bottom level. You will also notice the
health cabinet to the right of the door to the booth/ticket office. It's worth
50 health, and I'd use it now, regardless of your health level.

One note about the stairs: When you're coming into the garage, and when you're
returning upstairs for the truck, feel free to use either the ramp or the
stairs. However, when you're making your way down, fighting gangsters on every
level, you should use the ramps, not the stairs. Finally, if you try to use
the stairs to get to the bottom level (essentially bypassing the car
blockade), you'll have an enemy grenade land at your feet, guarantying your

NOTE: I was recently informed that returning down the stairs was not
"guarantying" of death, and in fact, might even be a BETTER idea. Take a look
at what one reader had to say:

"I didn't use your guide much when beating this mission, but despite of
reasons you're using here, using the staircase was the most effective
(in terms of remaining HP) solution, at least for me. I did the following:

- using staircase, I went to the very level where the gangsters had
blocked the way

- shot a couple times using Thompson gun (a random shot should trigger
the grenade, I think)

- ran back to the next floor using the staircase

- gangsters threw a grenade, but since I was a half-floor above, I
didn't get hit at all

- returned back by stairs and cleared the floorAfter this routine I did lose
only 4 HPs as well as Paulie & Sam have lost about 10-15 HPs each. Your way =
20-30 damage for me and 30-40 for Sam/Paulie. Maybe I just can't operate
grenades well ;) At least I wasn't using them in the part 12-03 when I killed
all the gangsters near the car with a Tommy gun..."

(information submitted by Anatoly Ivanov)


After that's all taken care of, head back up to the top level, and get in the
Bolt Model B Pickup that has the crates of whiskey in the back. Immediately,
you'll notice that it has a damage meter. Because of this, you must be very
careful as you drive down the ramp to the bottom level. Navigate around the
gangster cars until you reach the ground floor. If the 2-car roadblock is
still in your way, either slowly and carefully push your way through them, or
steal another car and ram through, then get out and back into the pickup.
Drive out of the garage and your game will be saved with a new objective.

Game Saved: 12-03 A Great Deal!-Car Chase

New Objective (B): Drive the truck to Salieri's Warehouse.

If you remember from the mission "A Trip To The Country," Salieri's Warehouse
is in Northeast of Hoboken. However, it's not as simple as a Sunday drive,
you'll soon pick up a tail. Don't forget, you're driving a Bolt Model B, not
some Silver Fletcher here. Your car isn't very fast, agile, or strong, so you
might have some trouble with your pursuers. Like in the very first mission "An
Offer You Can't Refuse," try to shave off the gangsters by waiting until they
try to pull up along side you, and then cutting close by another car, lamp
post, etc. so that they run into it.

Note: I recently discovered another method of dealing with your opposition.
You must have kept at least one single grenade for this to work. As soon as
you leave the parking garage, get out of the truck. Walk to the left, where
the gangsters (who would soon get in their cars and chase you) are. Stand
back, and aim a grenade to land somewhere near the middle of their group. If
you did it right you should have killed every single one. If one or two are
left alive, simply mow them down with your Thompson before they have a chance
to get up. Then get back in the truck and enjoy your gangster-free drive to
the warehouse.

However you manage to deal with your pursuers, make your way to the Salieri
warehouse. Once there, get out of the car and Talk to Paulie to trigger
another cinematic, save game, and the end of the mission.

Game Saved: 12-04 A Great Deal!-Back At The Bar


Post-Mission Wrap up

Objective summary (2):

(A) Find Bill and make the deal.

(B) Drive the truck to Salieri's Warehouse.

Alternate paths: None

Notes: Strategies for car blockades, and killing your pursuers before they get
in their cars. Also, reader submitted strategy for the end of the parking
garage section (see above)

Cars added to garage: None


Partial Lassiter line now available for use in Freeride:
Lassiter V16 Roadster

Intermezzo 3

Mission #13

*************************** B O N A P P E T I T ! ***************************

Pre-mission Setup:

Overview: On this outing, Don Salieri has planned to go to his favorite
restaurant: Pepe's. However, his personal bodyguard has called in sick. As a
result, the Don asks Tommy to chauffer and protect him. However, at the
restaurant, the situation rapidly worsens, and Tommy and Salieri are left
fighting for their lives

Loading Screen: A pizza with blood stains all around it and two pieces cut out
(there would be 8 total pieces if the entire pizza was cut in this
fashion...hey, I told you this was irrelevant information)

Year: 1935

Major Characters:

Minor Characters:
Pepe (new)(cinematic)
Carlo (new)(ambient)

Save points:4
13-01 Bon Appetit!-City
13-02 Bon Appetit!-Pepe's Restaurant
13-03 Bon Appetit!-After The Attack
13-04 Bon Appetit!-Carlo

Health cabinets: 1
1. (25 health) In the back hallway of Pepe's restaurant. You'll go through
here when trying to flank the gangsters. It's on the wall on your left.


After the opening cinematic, your game will be saved, and you'll have a new

Game Saved: 13-01 Bon Appetit!-City

New Objective (A): Drive Salieri to Pepe's restaurant in New Ark for Lunch

You'll start off standing right next to the passenger side door of Salieri's
Lassiter V16 Roadster. Circle around and get in. Drive northeast towards New
Ark, using whatever roads and bridges you please. There's no time limit, so
hurrying isn't advised. Also, be extra sure to avoid damaging yourself and
(especially) the Don. Once you arrive in New Ark, follow your map/compass to
Pepe's restaurant. It's in western New Ark, but still relatively near the
center of the neighborhood. When you get within half a block or so of the
restaurant, you'll have a cinematic.

Game Saved: 13-02 Bon Appetit!-Pepe's Restaurant

After the cinematic ends, you and Don Salieri are pinned down behind a table,
while numerous Morello gangsters are firing at you. Your job is to circle
around the back, flank the gangsters, and kill them all. Don Salieri will
remain behind his table for this whole time. However, don't underestimate him.
He's a wicked shot with his S&W Model 27 Magnum, and as long as one of the
gangsters doesn't get a perfectly clear shot at him, he should be able to stay
alive without much intervention on your part. Still, once in a while, one
gangster will manage to target some part of the Don that isn't behind the
table, and his health will drop rapidly. Other than going as fast as you can,
there really isn't much you can do. Sometimes, you'll just get unlucky and
have to reload the save game.

You start with your trusty Colt 1911 with a full clip and 2 extra magazines of
ammunition. From your starting point, immediately crouch down and spin 180
degrees. Run to the wall, turn right, and go through this door. If you've
taken more than 25 damage by this point, I'd recommend reloading your save
game. Up ahead, in the next hallway, is a health kit worth 25 health. You can
use it now to heal any wounds you got from random fire during the first 10
seconds of the mission. Alternatively, you could leave it for (slightly)
later. Make sure that you run quickly by the window on your right, as an enemy
is sometimes in place to fire at you through it.

From the health cabinet (whether you used it or not), go forward and out the
door. Turn right, and peek around the long, narrow alley to your left. There
should be a gangster with a Thompson here. Use your colt to deliver
suppressive fire to his head or chest. If he's not there, edge forward, as
he's probably right around the corner. Try to ambush him and quickly take him
out before he can fire too much at you. Depending on how much you just got
hurt, and how Salieri's holding up, now might be a good time to return for
that health cabinet. However, watch out on your way back. There was a closed
door directly on your right when you first exited Pepe's. There is a good
chance that it's now open, and gangsters may be coming out of it. That door
leads into a hallway that lies parallel to Pepe's. However, this isn't the
most effective way to deal with the gangsters.

Make your way to where the first man with the Thompson was (if you never went
back to get the health, you're already in the right place). Turn right and run
along the sidewalk and right around the corner. You've now essentially flanked
the gangsters. Use your Thompson from long range, use suppressive fire
liberally, and make sure that you don't let gangsters with shotguns get too
close to you. Stay near or up against the wall on your right, because there is
sometimes a man upstairs (in the building parallel to Pepe's). Once all the
gangsters from the front of the building are eliminated, you might get a
cinematic. This means that every one of them is dead. However, if you don't
get a cinematic, there are still some left alive. Head back into the building
parallel Pepe's, and slowly ascend the staircase. There may be a man up here,
but you should be able to pick him off, especially if he's still facing
outside. Mop up the area, and be sure to get the health cabinet if you haven't
done so already. Once the last gangster is killed and the cinematic begins,
you won't be able to return for the health.

After the cinematic, you'll be outside the restaurant with the Don. All the
weapons of the gangsters are here (and I'd advise that you collect them), but
the back alley and other buildings are all closed off. Your game will also be
saved, and you'll have a new objective.

Game Saved: 13-03 Bon Appetit!-After The Attack

New Objective (B): Drive to Carlo's house near the West Marshall Bridge and
kill him.

Get back into your Lassiter V16 Roadster, or take on of the gangsters' three
Schubert Extra Six Fordors. Make sure the Don gets into the car before you
drive away. Make your way towards the northern part of the Works Quarter,
where Carlo lives. Like your objective describes, the West Marshall Bridge is
a good landmark/indicator of being close. Follow your map/compass the rest of
the way to find his exact location. Once you reach his apartment building, get
out of the car, run up, and open his door. The game will be saved.

Game Saved: 13-04 Bon Appetit!-Carlo

Follow Don Salieri up the stairs towards Carlo's apartment. When he reaches
the door, Salieri will yell out a threat, and then tell you to go and get him.
Press action to kick open the door, and you should see Carlo fleeing down the
fire escape. Move towards the window and Tommy will climb out. Run down the
fire escape and chase Carlo. You should be able to watch him from high up on
the fire escape, giving you a good idea of where he's going to be hiding. Head
down the fire escape, and try to find Carlo, who has a S&W Model 27 Magnum.
You may be rather injured from the firefight at the restaurant, and as a
result, Carlo's magnum can kill you surprisingly fast you don't locate and
eliminate him immediately. As soon as he goes down, a few of his buddies will
come and attack you. Only one of them has a firearm (a colt detective
special), whereas the others just have melee weapons. Take them all down using
your Thompson or shotgun.

Note: One of the men here has a "Steel Bar" as a melee weapon. This is the
only time you can find it naturally in the game. It's basically the same as
the plank from "Sarah", but made of metal.

Once all the men are dead, you'll have two cinematic sequences, and the
mission will be over.


Post-Mission Wrap up

Objective summary (2):

(A) Drive Salieri to Pepe's restaurant in New Ark for lunch.

(B) Drive to Carlo's house near the West Marshall Bridge and kill him

Alternate paths: None

Notes: The unique weapon "Steel Bar" in the fight with Carlo's friends

Cars added to garage: Lassiter V16 Roadster Green


Complete Crusader line now available for use in Freeride:
Crusader Chromium Fordor
Crusader Chromium Tudor

Mission #14

************************ H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y ! ************************

Pre-mission Setup:

Overview: In this mission, Tommy is sent to hunt down the councilor who has
been causing the Salieri family so much trouble. You are to attend the
councilor's private birthday party upon the Lost Heaven Queen-a steamboat.

Loading Screen: A birthday cake with a piece cut out, which is partially
squished and smeared.

Year: 1935

Major Characters:
Salieri (ambient)
Ralph (ambient)
Vincenzo (cinematic)

Minor Characters:
Councilor (new)(ambient)

Save points: 3
14-01 Happy Birthday! - Vincenzo's Workshop
14-02 Happy Birthday! - City
14-03 Happy Birthday! - At The Party

Health cabinets: 0

The mission will start out with a rather lengthy cinematic, which explains what
you're going to do. Basically, you're going to infiltrate the councilor's
steamboat and assassinate him. After the cinematic, your game will be saved and
you'll have a new objective.

Game Saved: 14-01 Happy Birthday! - Vincenzo's Workshop

New Objective (A): Infiltrate the paddle steamer and assassinate the councilor
during his speech.

As usual, head towards Ralph, who'll show you how to pick the lock on a
Crusader Chromium Streak. Again, you can use this car, or anything else in your
garage. Like Tommy said, it's really a one-time-use situation, so you won't
need a car that can handle itself in a chase. When you're ready, pick your
vehicle and head out into the city.

Game Saved: 14-02 Happy Birthday! - City

To board the steamboat, you'll have to first get yourself to the docks on
Central Island. Just make your way over there, and head down to the southern
tip of the island. Speed is not an issue here, I'd only be concerned that you
don't accidentally get too hurt on your way there. Once you reach the docks,
you'll have to get out of your car at the parking lot, and make the rest of the
journey on foot.

Follow your compass around the parking lot, and down the ramp onto the docks.
If you keep following it, you should end up right in front of the paddle
steamer. However, the man standing at the edge of the dock won't let you aboard
without an invite. Since you don't have an invite, and aren't about to get one,
you'll have to find another way aboard.

Facing the steamboat, turn 180 degrees around. You should see a telephone
booth, and to the right of it, an open door. Go through the door, turn right,
turn right again, and go down the stairs. At the bottom, you should see two
sailor uniforms hanging on the wall. Approach one and use the action button to
put it on. Return up the stairs and back the way you came. The man will now
frisk you, and then let you board the boat (I guess he didn't get a good look
at your face before).

Game Saved: 14-03 Happy Birthday! - At The Party

New Objective (B): Find the weapon that Vincenzo hid in the men's bathroom and
kill the councilor during his speech.

You're now riding aboard the paddle steamboat. Your first order of business is
to retrieve the gun that Vincenzo planted for you. Head up the stairs and onto
the second level of the boat. From here, head to the other end of the boat by
going to the left or right of the dining cabin, then back to the center. At the
stern, turn left, and you should see a stairway leading to the third level.
Don't climb it though. Turn around, and right next to the stairs, you should
see the men's bathroom. Unfortunately, it's out of order, and as the sign on
the door says "skipper has key." Make sure you interact/try to open the door
before you leave, or else Tommy won't try to ask for the key.

Make your way back to the lower level of the boat and begin walking around.
Though most of the sailors aboard the boat look pretty similar, you should be
able to distinguish the skipper. He's sitting down in a chair on the lower
level. Talk to him, and he'll tell you that the lifeguard has the key. The
lifeguard is slightly pudgier than the other sailors, has a striped blue shirt,
and is commonly standing around smoking. Talk to him, and he'll refuse to give
you the key. Continue to pester him, and he'll tell you that you can have the
key if you agree to clean up the bathroom.

Head towards the far door on the lower level of the ship (on the right side of
the ship from your starting location). It has two life rings above the door. Go
in here, and pick up the bucket. Now return to the out of service bathroom.
Press action to enter the bathroom and clean it. Now pick up the colt detective
special and leave the bathroom. Make sure to return the key to the skipper.

Next, head up to the third level of the boat, and make your way to where the
band is playing. Feel free to listen to some of this authentic period music for
a while. However, after a short time, the councilor will leave his room,
surrounded by bodyguards. Wait until he reaches the stage and begins his speech
before even taking out your gun. When you do equip your colt detective special,
make sure you're close enough to kill him easily. Also, take note of where his
bodyguards are standing, so you can avoid them when you flee. When you're
ready, quickly pull out your weapon, aim, and fire repeatedly until he's dead.

New Objective (C): Escape!

Quickly run down the stairs to the lowest level of the boat. Don't bother
fighting off the bodyguards, just try to put the many other partygoers between
yourself and the bodyguards, thereby using the crowd as cover. Once you reach
the bottom level, head towards the front of the ship, where Paulie will be
waiting in a small boat, which he's pulled up alongside the paddle steamer.
Press action to climb aboard and escape.


Post-Mission Wrap up

Objective summary (3):

(A) Infiltrate the paddle steamer and assassinate the councilor during his

(B) Find the weapon that Vincenzo hid in the men's bathroom and kill the
councilor during his speech.

(C) Escape!

Alternate paths: None

Notes: The unique weapon "Bucket" that's needed to clean the men's bathroom

Cars added to garage: Crusader Chromium Fordor Blue


Complete Guardian line now available for use in Freeride:
Guardian Terraplane Coupe
Guardian Terraplane Fordor
Guardian Terraplane Tudor

New Freeride Options Unlocked:
City - Daytime
Countryside - Daytime


Mission #15

********************* Y O U L U C K Y B A S T A R D ! *********************

Pre-mission Setup:

Overview: In this mission, Don Salieri sends Tommy to kill Sergio Morello Jr.
He hopes that this will create significant impact in hurting Don Morello, and
eventually bring about his demise. However, Sergio's uncanny ability to avoid
the numerous attempts on his life demonstrate that he is one "Lucky Bastard."

Loading Screen: A black and white photograph of Sergio Morello Jr. There is a
knife embedded in the photo.

Year: 1935

Major Characters:
Salieri (ambient)
Ralph (ambient)
Vincenzo (ambient)

Minor Characters:
Sergio Morello Jr. (new)(ambient)
Lucas' Friend (unnamed) (new)

Save points: 12
15-01 You Lucky Bastard! - Salieri Bar
15-02 You Lucky Bastard! - The Phone Booth
15-03 You Lucky Bastard! - Vincenzo
15-04 You Lucky Bastard! - Fireworks
15-05 You Lucky Bastard! - Rainbow Garden
15-06 You Lucky Bastard! - Escape
15-07 You Lucky Bastard! - Railway Crossing
15-08 You Lucky Bastard! - The Harbor
15-09 You Lucky Bastard! - Sergio
15-10 You Lucky Bastard! - Return To The Bar
15-11 You Lucky Bastard! - Lucas Bertone
15-12 You Lucky Bastard! - Lucas Bertone 2

Health cabinets: 5

1. (50 health) From the entrance gate to the harbor, turn right and go through
this empty lot. The health cabinet is on the left wall of the building in front
of you.

2. (50 health) In the warehouse across the "street" from "Hall 2." It is in a
small room right on the corner of the warehouse. When looking for it, remember
that it's at the intersection where no red cargo cranes are visible.

3. (50 health) At the far end of the harbor where there are the two train cars
(that you use to blow open the warehouse), look to your left. In this small
building, there is a sniper. Kill him, and head through the door. Continue to
the right, and you'll reach a small room with a health cabinet

4. (50 health) In the warehouse where the final shootout occurs, you can find a
health cabinet in the small office behind Sergio. However, you can really only
get to this after the firefight.

5. (50 health) In Lucas Bertone's shop, on the left wall is a health cabinet.


After the opening cinematic, you'll have your game saved and a new objective.
This seems pretty basic, but don't worry, things won't take long to heat up.

Game Saved: 15-01 You Lucky Bastard! - Salieri Bar

New Objective (A): Drive to the Italian Garden restaurant with Paulie and
assassinate Sergio Morello.

Follow Paulie out to the back lot of the Bar. You'll see Ralph backing a car
into one of the spaces in the lot (the "new car" space), but ignore him for
now. Continue around and up the stairs to Vincenzo's workshop. Vincenzo will
give Paulie a Thompson and Tommy a colt 1911 (remember to pick it up off the
table). Additionally, you may notice that you have a colt detective special
with you. This marks Tommy's rise in the Mafia, as he can freely carry his own
arms, and has more authority. However, I'd really only use the colt 1911 unless
you run out of ammo for it. Anyway, leave the workshop and return to where
Ralph was. He will show you how to pick the lock on a Guardian Terraplane. As
usual, you can take this car, or any other car that you have in your garage.
Whatever your choice, take it and head out into the city.

Game Saved: 15-02 You Lucky Bastard! - The Phone Booth

Geographically, the Italian Garden restaurant is quite close to you. It's only
a short distance east of the Salieri Bar. However, it's on Central Island,
meaning that you'll have to take the Giuliano Street Tunnel or West Marshall
Bridge to get over there. Once you arrive at the restaurant, Paulie will tell
you to stop. Get out of the car and walk over to the phone booth. Press action
to make the call, and watch the cinematic.

After the cinematic ends, you'll have a new objective.

New Objective (B): Lose the tail!

Quickly get back into your car and drive away (but don't leave without Paulie).
Use whatever techniques you've used in the past to lose your pursuers. You can
shave them off through oncoming traffic or light posts, or you can just try to
actually evade them. While you can really head anywhere you want, you should
aim for the Salieri Bar, as that will be your eventual destination. If you
reach it with the gangsters still on your tail, you may have to have a final
shootout to kill them all. In any case, when they are dead or lost behind,
you'll get a new objective.

New Objective (C): Return to Salieri's

Once you get back to the bar, enter either door to start another cinematic.
You'll also notice that the Guardian Terraplane has been added to your garage.
After the cinematic's over, your game will be saved and you'll have a new

Game Saved: 15-03 You Lucky Bastard! - Vincenzo

New Objective (D): Drive to Morello's house and place the bomb on his car

Grab the bomb and head out of Vincenzo's workshop. You should notice that you
still have your colt detective special with one clip. However, your colt 1911
has been replaced by a fully loaded S&W Model 10. Go down the stairs and into
the car lot. Unfortunately, Ralph doesn't have a new car for you. Instead, take
any of the cars in your garage (which includes the Terraplane you just used)
and drive out into the city, where your game will be saved.

Game Saved: 15-04 You Lucky Bastard! - Fireworks

As Salieri mentioned in the cinematic, Sergio lives in Oakwood. By now, you
should be able to find your way there with little difficulty. Remember, there's
no hurry and no need to get yourself injured, so take your time. Once there,
head towards the northwest section of the neighborhood, and follow your
map/compass to the exact house. You'll recognize it because there is a Lassiter
V16 Roadster (it's the same as Salieri's car in "Bon Appetit!") parked out
front. Park your car somewhere nearby and get out. However, don't walk right up
to the car and try to put the bomb under it, as one of the Morello gangsters is
standing right there. Instead, wait a few seconds. Once this gangster finishes
his smoke, he will go back inside. As soon as the door shuts, go over to
Sergio's car and place the bomb under it. Then return to where your car is.
After a short time, a cinematic will play. After it's all over, you'll be back
at the Salieri bar with a saved game and a new objective.

Game Saved: 15-05 You Lucky Bastard! - Rainbow Garden

New Objective (E): Drive to the Rainbow Garden restaurant with Paulie and
assassinate Sergio Morello.

Your destination, the Rainbow Garden restaurant, is located in the far
southeastern corner of Downtown. Once there, go to the small parking lot where
you'll see Sergio and a few other men standing around. A cinematic will play.
As soon as the cinematic ends, you'll be forced to flee from Sergio and his

Game Saved: 15-06 You Lucky Bastard! - Escape

New Objective (F): Lose the tail!

As was the case with losing the first tail in this mission, utilize the
strategies you've practiced with before. Also, like before, you might want to
be heading in the general direction of the Salieri Bar, as that's where you
have to go after you evade Sergio and company. Anyway, once you lose the tail,
you'll have a new objective.

New Objective (G): Return to Salieri's

Just take whatever path you prefer back to the Bar. Once there, enter either
door for another cinematic, another save game, and another objective.

Game Saved: 15-07 You Lucky Bastard! - Railway Crossing

New Objective (H): Kill Sergio Morello.

For this part of the mission, all you must do is chase Sergio's car. Don't
bother actually trying to kill him, because you won't be able to. All this
chase provides is a slight challenge, and a route to the main part of this
mission. Anyway, just pursue Sergio, trying not to fall too far behind (or else
you fail). He'll eventually make his way to the Works Quarter, and to the
harbor. Once you get there, another cinematic will play.

Game Saved: 15-08 You Lucky Bastard! - The Harbor

After the cinematic ends, you'll have 3 gangsters to deal with. The one
farthest to your right will immediately run around in an attempt to hit you
from the side. Watch where he goes, and kill him before he can get a shot off
at you. The one to your left will run farther to the left and hide behind the
hedges with his shotgun. Try to edge out around the left side of your car and
get enough shots off at him to kill him. The final gangster (in the middle)
doesn't move, but does have the very lethal Thompson. Run or roll to the side
of the car and immediately hit him, so that he can't return fire. Watch out, as
another man (with a shotgun) will run out from behind the truck. Quickly drop
him with whatever weaponry you have. Run around and collect the weapons and
ammo from all the men (including the one Tommy shot in the cinematic).

Next, you'll want to head straight ahead (from the entrance). However, you may
want to use the truck, as there are many enemies up ahead. As you reach a "T"-
intersection, a truck will pull out from your right. Another will park up
ahead. Gangsters will exit both these trucks and begin firing at you. Try using
a strategy similar to the one I outlined in the walkthrough for "Omerta" at the
airport. Use the truck to run over the men, instead of having to have a massive
shootout. Whatever your choice, try to kill all the men in the open area, but
ditch the truck once you reach the space with all the stacks of wood and the
house/shack to your right. Once they're all dead, leave the truck, and head
towards this building, making sure to watch for enemies. Go up the very low
incline ramp and hug the wall in front of you. Edge around to the left, and you
should be able to see (via the third person camera) an enemy atop the red cargo
crane off in the distance. Quickly run around the corner and up the stairs,
doing your best to avoid being hit by this sniper. Once up the stairs, slow
down and crouch. Look to your right, and you'll see a man with a shotgun
looking out the window. You can try to edge up on him with your shotgun, but
he's liable to turn and fire without warning. You're better off hitting him at
your current range with one of your handguns. Just remember to pick up your
Thompson or shotgun after you kill him (as Tommy will drop the large weapon
when you equip a small one).

The following is optional. It can hurt you if you're not careful, but it can
also help you if you are. It involves killing more enemies (who therefore won't
be alive to hurt you later), and can provide you a number of grenades, which
can prove to be very useful towards the end of this mission.
| Go back down the stairs and left around the building. Cross over to the |
| similar building to your right. Go around to its right, and stop right at |
| corner. Again, using the third person camera, you should see a man with a |
| rifle on top, or behind the train car around the corner. Kill him, then |
| circle around the building and kill the two other gangsters who are hiding |
| between or around the train cars. One of them may rush you, so be careful. |
| Behind the train cars, you will find a box full of grenades (take a couple) |
| and a health cabinet on the wall of the nearby building (directly to your |
| left and across the parking lot from you first entered the harbor). Return |
| to where you went and shot the man upstairs. |
End of optional path - End of optional path - End of optional path

Back away from the building and go behind the metal crates to your left.
Continue left, through the street between warehouses. If you go back far
enough, you'll be out of range of the snipers on the cargo cranes. Be careful
when you reach the T-Intersection (to your right) as 3 enemies will come out
from behind corners and from open warehouses. Once they're all killed, continue
straight past the "Dispatch Hall."

Past this area, you should see a number of red crates to your right. Again, you
can go into this area, though you should watch out for men hiding in the crates
with shotguns. Through here and to the right is "Hall 2." You can continue
through here, across the street and into another building for a health cabinet
(50 health), but I'd leave it until later. Whatever you do, continue away from
the harbor entrance, and eventually you should see Sergio's car parked outside
a warehouse. Be careful in this area, as both the snipers and men on the ground
have clean shots at you. However, if you manage to shoot the large round
barrels on one of the trains (the light white ones, not the dark black ones),
they will explode, killing the gangsters and the snipers. Otherwise, you should
just try to take them out manually. Make your way over to where two dark black
cylindrical tanks rest on train cars. You may be attacked from long range by
two gangsters in the back entrance. You can go and kill them, but at that
range, they're not much danger (they both have shotguns). Head towards the
building to the left of these cars (to the left while facing them head on).
Take out the man with the Springfield rifle in this building and go through the
door. Head right into the other door within the building and you'll find a
health cabinet on the wall. Use it, then return to the train cars outside.

Go up to these two train cars. You will notice two levers (though you can
probably only see one from your current location). One of them is right in
front of the two cars, and the other is right along the tracks, near Sergio's
car. Pull the one near the two train cars once, and don't touch the other one.
This way, you can see that if you released one of those train cars, it would
follow the track directly to the warehouse where Sergio is hiding. When you're
ready, go to the block of wood holding the first car in place and press action.
Watch the car go down the track, and eventually it will collide with the door.
If you messed up the track switching, and the train went somewhere else, all
hope is not lost. Check both switches/lever, and mess around with them until
you can see that the tracks lead towards the right warehouse. You can then use
the second train car (as a backup in case you messed up the first one).
However, if you still miss with the second, you'll have to reload your save
game (from the beginning of the harbor). Anyway, assuming you did this right,
follow the train car to the warehouse where it collided. Walk towards it, and a
cinematic will play.

Game Saved: 15-09 You Lucky Bastard! - Sergio

When the cinematic ends, you'll be around the corner from the warehouse doors.
Make a wide circle around, and get your weapons ready. If you picked up a few
grenades earlier, they should come in handy here. Otherwise, just rush in with
your Thompson or shotgun. You'll have to fight through a fair number of
gangsters in this building. Use all the piles as cover and be careful. You
might die a few times, but keep trying. Eventually, you should be able to stay
alive through the ordeal. Once you get near the other side of the warehouse,
you should see Sergio with his Thompson. Use whatever you have left to waste
this lucky bastard once and for all.


NOTE: Reader Anatoly Ivanov informed me that the strategy of using the truck to
eliminate gangsters could be continued past the opening section of the harbor.
Read what he had to say:

"Basically, your idea about using a truck to deal with gangsters inspired me
much. So, there is my version how to beat the mission.

- After the cinematic, deal with four gangsters (as you've said)

- Get into the truck. After a bunch of gangsters on trucks arrive, keep
running over all of them until you kill them or they will lose all of
their ammo.

- After then, ride forward, between a building labeled "LOST HEAVEN
PORT" and a warehouse with parked truck (IIRC, where the cigar boxes are
in Mission 18). Two-three gangsters will appear. Just use the same running
over strategy.

- After you've dealt with these gangsters, continue going in the same
direction as before. You'll see some grass path between the fence and a
building (2 yellow barrels are near it). Follow this path, until you see a
with red/brown roof, Bolt Ace Pickup parked outside it and two
gangsters. Just run them over once again.

- Now you should see a warehouse with four "NO PARKING" gates and a
door. Enter this door. In this passage, open the second door at right,
you'll see a guy there (he's a sniper). He doesn't turn around, so just hit him
from back with any gun. Grab his rifle. There is also a fist aid kit in
the next room.

- Now use Bolt Ace Pickup(little truck) parked somewhere (if you can't
find it, using a truck, go to 2 big black barrels, turn right there and
follow railroad tracks until you bump into two platforms with a locomotive
parked to rightmost of them. Kill all the gangsters(3) there, using a
rifle you've obtained. Bolt Ace Pickup should be there return to big black
barrels) and go to those black barrels on platforms.

- After either of this ways, you should have got Bolt Ace Pickup and
stand near 2 barrels on platforms. Use them to open the warehouse. Watch
the cutscene. Return back to Bolt Ace Pickup.

- Now, using the car, ride inside the warehouse, turn left between two
vertical columns(that's where small Bolt Ace Pickup comes in handy) and
follow the track. So you won't need to deal with all of that gangsters. Near
the end of track turn left a bit into the opening, and Sergio should pop
up there!!! If your speed is good enough, you'll kill the bastard without
even a single shot! Now, refill your health with a first aid kit, and
return back using the same car. Once outside, I think you know what to do."

(information submitted by Anatoly Ivanov)


New Objective (I): Return to the Salieri Bar, alternatively, you could visit
Lucas Bertone on the way

Head out of the harbor. You may want to stop by one of the health cabinets if
you're low on health, especially if you're going to attempt the Lucas Bertone
side mission. The easiest one is on the wall in the small office behind you.
Once you reach the large open area, you'll find that another two cars, both
full of gangsters, have arrived. During this shootout, you may be hit some
more. If you want, you can return to the health cabinet I suggested earlier, or
any other one that you haven't used. When you're ready to leave, return to this
area and take one of the gangsters' Schubert Extra Sixes (you could take a
truck or the Bolt Ace Pickup, but they're really not that good). Then head out
of the harbor.

Game Saved: 15-10 You Lucky Bastard! - Return To The Bar

As usual, I'm operating under the assumption that you're going to do the Lucas
Bertone side mission. If not, simply return to the Salieri Bar to end the

Anyway, head to Lucas Bertone's auto shop in Downtown. Once there, Lucas will
explain that his friend needs help with who is shot and dying out in Chinatown.
You have to race up there, and get him to a doctor in Oakwood.

Game Saved: 15-11 You Lucky Bastard! - Lucas Bertone

As soon as he finishes explaining the predicament, get in your car and leave.
You don't have much time on this mission, so you'll have to move fast. I'd
recommend going north to New Ark, then over the Terranova Bridge to Chinatown.
Once you're there, head to the far northwestern corner, and follow your
map/compass to the exact location. You'll see a bloody man laying on the
ground, but ignore him, and look into the small alcove beyond him. There, one
man is trying to help another, who's seriously wounded. Talk to him, they'll
both get into your car.

Now, quickly drive back over the Terranova Bridge into New Ark, then drive
south all the way to Oakwood. Watch both your clock/timer, and the wounded
man's health, and try to avoid both the police, and large collisions.
Hopefully, you can make it to the doctor's residence in time. Once you're done,
you'll get a new objective.

New Objective (J): Return to Lucas

Just make your way back to Lucas' shop in Downtown. I'm sure you know the way
by now. Once there, Tommy and Lucas will have a short conversation about the
man and how much he bled. After that, Lucas will give you the information you
need for your next bonus car.

Game Saved: 15-12 You Lucky Bastard! - Lucas Bertone 2

New Objective (K): Steal the Bruno Speedster near the parking lot on Central

Take your car and head west to Central Island. Before you go, it's a good idea
to use the health cabinet on Lucas' wall to replenish whatever health you may
have lost. The car lot that you're trying to go to is actually outside the
parking garage that you fought in during the mission "A Great Deal!" Anyway,
once you're there, either gun down, or run over the man who's suspiciously
pacing back and forth. Get out of your car, and steal the very stylish Bruno
Speedster 851 parked outside.

New Objective (L): Return to Salieri's

As usual, make your way back to the bar. As usual, be aware of how fast your
new car can go, and try not to crash it or flip it (which will kill you
instantly). Once you arrive at the bar, the mission will end.


Post-Mission Wrap up

Objective summary (12):

(A) Drive to the Italian Garden restaurant with Paulie and assassinate Sergio

(B) Lose the tail!

(C) Return to Salieri's

(D) Drive to Morello's house and place the bomb on his car

(E) Drive to the Rainbow Garden restaurant with Paulie and assassinate Sergio

(F) Lose the tail!

(G) Return to Salieri's

(H) Kill Sergio Morello.

(I) Return to the Salieri Bar, alternatively, you could visit Lucas Bertone on
the way

(J) Return to Lucas

(K) Steal the Bruno Speedster near the parking lot on Central Island.

(L) Return to Salieri's

Alternate paths: There is no single route to get through the harbor. Instead,
it is a wide-open area which allows you to take nearly any route you choose to
get to the end. Also, the Lucas Bertone side mission

Notes: The truck ramming strategy at the harbor. The extension of this strategy
to encompass the entire "Harbor" part of this mission (thanks to reader Anatoly
Ivanov). Also, the grenade box and the exploding train cars.

Cars added to garage:
Guardian Terraplane Fordor Black
Bruno Speedster 851 Silver

Complete Bruno line now available for use in Freeride:
Bruno Speedster 851


Mission #16

********************** C R E M E D E L A C R E M E **********************

Pre-mission Setup:

Overview: After the death of Sergio Morello Jr. in the previous mission,
Salieri decides to finish the job. He sends Tommy, Paulie, and Sam out to kill
his rival, Don Sergio Morello.

Loading Screen: A advertisement for a theater showing of "Othello." Most of the
details are impossible to make out

Year: 1935

Major Characters:
Salieri (ambient)
Ralph (ambient)
Lucas Bertone (ambient)
Don Sergio Morello (ambient)(new)

Minor Characters:
Luigi (ambient)

Save points:7
16-01 Creme De La Creme - Salieri Bar
16-02 Creme De La Creme - City
16-03 Creme De La Creme - Manhunt
16-04 Creme De La Creme - The Airport
16-05 Creme De La Creme - Back To The Bar
16-06 Creme De La Creme - Lucas Bertone
16-07 Creme De La Creme - Lucas Bertone 2

Health cabinets: 1
1. (50 health) On the wall in Lucas' shop.


Game Saved: 16-01 Creme De La Creme - Salieri Bar

New Objective (A): Drive to the Theater on Central Island with Paulie and Sam
and assassinate Morello.

Just follow Paulie and Sam out into the Salieri Bar back lot. Then head up to
see Vincenzo. He'll be standing outside on the stairs. After he puts out his
cigarette, just follow him back into the shop. He'll give Paulie and Sam
Thompsons, and leave a Sawed-Off Shotgun out for you. Collect it, then head
back down into the lot. Ralph has provided you with a Guardian Terreplane
Fordor. However, you really might want a better car. A Silver Fletcher, or any
of the Lassiter cars would probably be a better choice. Whatever you decide,
get in, wait for Paulie and Sam, then drive off into the city, where your game
will be saved.

Game Saved: 16-02 Creme De La Creme - City

From the bar, just head down the Giuliano Street Tunnel onto Central Island.
Once there, follow your map/compass to the theater. It's right near where you
dropped off one of your passengers in "The Running Man." Once there, you will
find that the show let out early, and Morello is already leaving. His Silver
Fletcher is hard to miss, so just turn around and follow it.

New Objective (B): Chase and kill Morello.

If you came from the main Central Island arterial, you'll have to turn around
here. Just follow Morello as he goes over the Giuliano Bridge and into New Ark.
Though Paulie and Sam will be shooting, they won't really be able to hurt
Morello, so don't endanger yourself simply so that they "can get a good shot."
Keep following Morello north through New Ark, and eventually into the
countryside. Once there, the game will be saved again.

Game Saved: 16-03 Creme De La Creme - Manhunt

Continue your pursuit down this country road until you near the airport. Here,
Morello will do one of two things. These actions define the only true
"alternate ending" Mafia has. Morello will either:
a. turn left into the airport
b. continue straight.
No one really knows what determines the decision, but it is known that he will
go in the airport about 70% of the time. Anyway, read the airport walkthrough
below, or skip down a little bit for the continuation (no turning into the
airport) walkthrough.

AIRPORT WALKTHROUGH - Follow if Morello turns left into the airport
Skip down to "Continuation Walkthrough" if he doesn't

Follow Morello left into the airport. Once inside, the game will be saved.

Game Saved: 16-04 Creme De La Creme - The Airport

As you drive up into the parking lot, your car will suddenly sputter and die.
Get out of the car and take out your Sawed-Off Shotgun. Run through the parking
lot, while heading directly straight ahead (past the terminal you entered in
"Omerta"). When you near the hedges/bushes, two gangsters will come around the
corner. Quickly blow them away with your shotgun. As you're fighting, you
should notice a large plane emerging from the hangar and heading down the
runway. Also, you should see that a small red bar has now appeared at the top
of your screen. This plane has Morello on board, and you can't allow him to
escape. Continue down the tarmac, following the plane. Suddenly, Paulie and Sam
will come driving up in the car that you just abandoned. Get in the passenger
seat, and Paulie will hand you a Thompson. Take it out and aim out the window
towards Morello's plane. As you get closer to it, and can actually aim at it
accurately, try to hit the propellers on each side. As you do more and more
damage to the propeller engine compartment, you'll see sparks (and later fire)
emit from it. Also, that red bar will begin to decrease. If you're firing at
(and hitting) the propeller, but the bar isn't going down anymore, start
shooting at the propeller on the other side. As the plane begins to rise off
the ground, keep firing, and make sure that the red bar (the plane's "life") is
completely empty. Just as the plane pulls away, a cinematic will play.

Now skip down a few lines (after "Continuation Walkthrough) and read the next
part of the walkthrough.

CONTINUATION WALKTHROUGH - Follow if Morello continues straight
Read above "Airport Walkthrough" if he doesn't

If Morello continues straight instead of turning left into the airport, just
keep following him. The road will head farther and farther upwards through a
series of switchbacks. Just make sure that you keep close behind Morello. His
Silver Fletcher has little trouble speeding through this area, and if your car
is slow, you could easily fall behind. If you're really having trouble, you can
try to cut over the huge grassy area when the road goes left and then right,
shortly after the Clark Motel (see horrible ASCII below):

|| ***
***|| * = Road
*** ||
*** || /\
*** || || = Shortcut
*** ||
*** ||
*** ___
*** |_| = Clark Motel
*** ___
*** |_|

Anyway, just keep following him higher and higher. Eventually, he'll reach the
bridge (which is still under construction in 1935) and a cinematic will play.


Regardless of which path you ended up following, you'll end up with the same
outcome (though in different ways) and a new objective.

New Objective (C): Return to the Salieri Bar, alternatively, you could visit
Lucas Bertone on the way.

As you near the outskirts of the city, your game will be saved.

Game Saved: 16-05 Creme De La Creme - Back To The Bar

Unlike the normal routine here, return to the bar, even if you're going to
attempt the Lucas Bertone side mission. This is because you still have Sam and
Paulie in the car and they need to be dropped off at the bar. If you go to
Lucas' anyway, Paulie will make a remark.

Paulie: "Hey Tom. I'm pretty beat. Drop us at the front of the bar and come
back later."

Therefore, you have to go to the Salieri Bar. After stopping out front or in
the back lot to let them out, return back into the city and head downtown
towards Lucas' shop.

Lucas will give you a rather odd little mission to complete. He has at
his shop a car which is wanted by the police as evidence. As it could implicate
friends of his, it is critical that this piece of evidence is destroyed at
once. After Lucas explains all this to you, you'll be in the back of his lot,
(the rear garage door is open now) your game will be saved, and you'll have a
new objective.

Game Saved: 16-06 Creme De La Creme - Lucas Bertone

New Objective (D): Take the car that's wanted by the Police to the cliffs near
the lighthouse and dump it into the sea.

Here in the back lot, you should see a parked Crusader Chromium Tudor. Get in
and slowly follow Lucas. Wait until he opens the gate out of the back lot, and
then drive out. You will notice that you already have a warrant for your
arrest. In this special circumstance, even if you evade the police, the warrant
will keep coming back. The only way to take care of this is to get rid of the
car. Drive east out to the Saint Paul Coast (south of Oak Hills). If the car is
destroyed, you fail the sub-quest. Along the way, you will have to face (and
evade or dispatch) numerous police officers and cars. When you reach the series
of switchbacks that lead to Oak Hills, instead of going up them, turn right.
Follow the dirt road here down to the lighthouse (this area is seen in the very
opening of the intro cinematic).

Now before you do anything, make sure that whatever cops were chasing you
aren't around anymore. Given their chasing methods, it may be possible to lure
them into driving off the cliff. Anyway, when there's no one bothering you,
slowly roll the car onto the edge of the cliff. Use the brake profusely here,
as falling off the cliff results in a mission failure (well, death actually)
Try to park the car on an incline so that if you weren't holding the brake, it
would drop off the cliff. But, and this is very important, DON'T DRIVE IT OFF
THE CLIFF. When you're as far off the edge as you can be without falling off
yourself, hold down the brake and shift the car into neutral (you'll have to
switch to manual if you normally drive automatic). While still holding the
brake, get out of the car. If you did everything correctly, the car should
slowly roll forwards and off the cliff. As it disappears beneath the waves,
your objective will be complete. Now if you absolutely got the car stuck, and
couldn't get it off the cliff or back on the road, all hope is not lost. Just
go and hijack a car. Drive this car back down to the lighthouse and use it to
(lightly) ram the wanted car until it falls off the cliff.

New Objective (E): Return to Lucas

Assuming you had no difficulties, walk up the dirt path back to the main road.
Run out in front of a passing car (a ways in front) and make the car stop. Then
circle around and hijack the car. After dealing with the driver (if they try to
fight back) just drive back to Lucas' shop.

Go back inside and talk to Lucas. He'll tell you that you can find your reward
(a Celeste Marque 500) at Roy's Grill.

Game Saved: 16-07 Creme De La Creme - Lucas Bertone 2

New Objective (F): Steal the Celeste Marque 500 parked in front of Roy's Grill

Head back out into the city and drive north into New Ark. Follow your
map/compass to the Grill, where you should see the very stylish car parked out
front. However, you will notice that no one is conspicuously pacing around the
car. You have three options here:

1. Go up to the car and start picking the lock. Almost immediately, the owner
will rush out of Roy's Grill and call for police assistance. The owner has a
colt 1911, and the nearby officer has a S&W Model 10. Dispatch them both,
finish picking the lock, and drive away.

2. Stand near the car, but don't try to pick the lock. Eventually, the car's
owner will come out and go towards his car. Wait until he's just entered the
car, and fill him full of lead through the driver's side window.

3. Don't even get out of your car. Just stay in the parking lot. When the owner
comes out and gets in his car. Just follow him. Continue tailing him as he
drives all the way into Southern Oakwood. Wait for him to park his car
outside his home and walk away. Then get out and steal the car without any

Whatever action you take, in the end, you will have a new car and a new

New Objective (G): Return to Salieri's

You know the drill. Just drive back to Salieri's to end the mission. On a side
note, assuming you've been doing most of the Lucas Bertone missions, your
garage should be filling up pretty quickly. If it's full, at the end of the
mission a screen will pop up asking you which car or cars you want to get rid
of to make room for your new ones. Unless you're keeping them for a stylistic
or sentimental reason, there's generally no need to hold on to the basic
"early-30's" cars (e.g. Bolts, Schuberts).


Post-Mission Wrap up

Objective summary (7):

(A) Drive to the Theater on Central Island with Paulie and Sam
and assassinate Morello

(B) Chase and kill Morello

(C) Return to the Salieri Bar, alternatively, you could visit
Lucas Bertone on the way.

(D) Take the car that's wanted by the Police to the cliffs near the lighthouse
and dump it into the sea.

(E) Return to Lucas

(F) Steal the Celeste Marque 500 parked in front of Roy's Grill Restaurant

(G) Return to Salieri's

Alternate paths: The most notable alternate path is the split path in the
"Manhunt" section of this mission. If Morello goes into the airport, you shoot
down his plane. If he continues straight, you pursue him, eventually ramming
him off a bridge. There is also a Lucas Bertone side-mission, which has its own
three different options (see above).

Notes: Notes on multiple paths and shortcuts (see mission walkthrough)

Easter Eggs:
If you performed the alternate ending, make your way down to where Morello's
car is. You can circle around the long way, or you can try to ride your car
down the mountain cliff (be sure to brake, so as to avoid careening into the
water). However, upon reaching the flaming wreck of his car, you will find it
to be intangible. Very odd.

If you do the normal ending (where Morello turns left at the airport), your
car will die as soon as you reach the parking lot. Doesn't it seem suspicious
that Sam is able to fix it in less than 30 seconds, especially since there is
no mention of him having any mechanic/automotive skills?

In the optional Lucas Bertone side-mission, follow the Celeste Marque 500 home
instead of having a shootout with its owner. Remember where he goes and parks
his car. After you've beaten the main story and unlock Freeride Extreme, you
will recognize that he went to what is Tommy's House in FRE.

Cars added to garage:
Celeste Marque 500 White

Complete Celeste line now available for use in Freeride:
Celeste Marque 500


************************ I N T E R M E Z Z O F O U R ************************

Coming Soon


Mission #17

********************* E L E C T I O N C A M P A I G N **********************

Coming Soon


Mission #18

******************** J U S T F O R R E L A X A T I O N ********************

Coming Soon


Mission #19

*************************** M O O N L I G H T I N G ***************************

Coming Soon


Mission #20

*********************** T H E D E A T H O F A R T ***********************

Coming Soon


******************************* F R E E R I D E *******************************

Introduction: Freeride is essentially a free-play mode where you can drive,
shoot, steal things, and everything else you can do in the normal game, except
without missions. Sure you can make up your own, but there's no guidance as to
what you have to, or should do.

- Options -

Traffic, Pedestrian, and Police Patrol Density:
These sliders are only active once you complete the game (mission #20-"The
Death Of Art"). After that, you can adjust how many cars, people, and police
you want in your Freeride through Lost Heaven. Until you beat the game, the
sliders are grayed out and inaccessible.

Location (s):

City-Small: This is the only location that's unlocked from the beginning of
the game. You will start in the parking lot about a block west of the Salieri
bar. Also, the "small" in the title refers to the fact that the Terranova
Bridge, Chinatown, Oakwood, Oak Hills, and anywhere out of the City is blocked
off and inaccessible.

City-Night: You can begin City Night mode in one of 4 locations:

Little Italy-A block West of the Salieri Bar
Central Island-?
Hoboken-Right across the street from the steep road that leads into Oak Hills

In addition, all areas of the city are open for use, and you can leave the
city, and go into the countryside. When this occurs, it simply loads
"Countryside-Night." This location is unlocked after completing mission #8-
"Sarah/Better Get Used To It."

You have free roam of the countryside and can travel back into the city (upon
which it will load City-Night). You have 4 choices of starting locations:

Chinatown Exit- Where you would be if you'd left the city from Chinatown
Dam- Near the base of the dam. A series of windy roads lead to the top
Lay-by- About a half mile up the hills from the Clark Motel (if you're
following Morello's path in "Creme de la Creme" rather than the gangster's
path in "Ordinary Routine.")
Motel- Right next to the Clark Motel. Already far up into the mountain (high

Like City-Night, it is unlocked after completing mission #8-"Sarah/Better Get
Used To It."

This is identical to City-Night, except it's constantly daytime. Everything
else is the same. It is unlocked after completing mission #14-"Happy Birthday!"

This is identical to Countryside-Night, except it's constantly daytime.
Everything else is the same. It is unlocked after completing mission #14-"Happy
Car: From the subsequent garage menu, you can select your manufacturer and
within the manufacturer's sub-menu, choose the car itself. If the car comes in
more than one color, you must specify what color you want it in from the menu
provided. If no selection is made within the car menu, or the cars menu isn't
even opened, the Falconer Yellowcar (Taxi) is selected by default. If you
haven't yet unlocked it normally (if you haven't completed mission #8 "The
Whore/The Priest"), you can still use it if you don't make a selection for
your car. Check the "Cars" section for more information about
manufacturers/groups and individual cars.

- Objectives -

Objectives, AKA How to make money in Freeride, and what to spend it on.

When you first start a Freeride game, a list of "objectives" are displayed.
These each are either ways to make money or to spend money. I'll cover each in
Depth with an in-game quotation, and then explanations and strategies:

1-4: Making Money
5-10: Spending Money


"Taxi: When Driving a taxi, you can make money by picking up and dropping off

Are you one of those people who thought that the first half of mission #2
("The Running Man") was the most fun part of the entire game? *insert laughter
here*. Even if you don't particularly like the taxi, you can still make good
money by being a driver. All you need is a taxi vehicle. For most people,
options will be limited to the Falconer yellowcar, and, um, well, that's it.
However, those who have unlocked certain prototypes in Freeride Extreme know
that there are separate taxi versions of the Masseur, and Manta, and that the
Luciferon and Hotrod both count as taxis. However, I'm going to assume that all
you have is the Falconer Yellowcar.

All you have to do is drive around in it, scanning the sidewalks. You should
see some people waving their arms about, signaling you. Pull up reasonably
close to them, and come to a complete stop. They should stop waving their
arms, and walk towards your car, eventually getting in the back seat (or front
seat for the prototype cars). Once they close the door, you will see a picture
of their destination for a few seconds onscreen. Don't worry if you don't
recognize it, it's still marked on the compass and map. You will also notice
that a timer has appeared. You need to reach their location within the
allotted time. The amount of time you get is determined by how far away their
location is, and partially takes into account obstacles, such as having to
diverge from the bee-line path in order to take a bridge across the river.
When you arrive at or very near to your location, pull up your car to a
complete stop, and the passenger will exit. You will get a sum of money based
on how long you took versus how much total time you had and the total distance
of the trip. I don't want to generalize too much, but I'd say that $600 is an
average reward for your taxiing service. You may be saying "What!!!! $600 for
a cab ride!!!" but keep in mind that in Lost Heaven, a tank of gas costs $500
(and you thought our gas prices were bad).

2. Gangsters

"Gangsters: You will receive money for every Gangster you eliminate"

This is one of the most entertaining of the money making jobs in Freeride, and
the one that you will probably be doing the most. It's as simple as this: For
every gangster that you kill directly, you are instantly awarded $500.
Indirect kills, such as a gangster dying in crossfire that isn't from your
gun, a gangster dying because you pushed their car into the water, or a
gangster dying because you rammed their car with enough force to kill them, DO
NOT COUNT, and you will not get your $500 if you kill a gangster that way.

Gangsters are easily visible in Lost Heaven because they wear jet black trench
coats. Only one of the pedestrian "types/models" wears anything close to
similar, and if you look at them back to back, you'll be able to recognize the
difference easily. Also, gangsters on the street walk calmly, even arrogantly.
The pedestrian with the grey coat (that could be confused with a gangster)
leans over and hunches his shoulders when he walks.

Gangsters can either be found on the street, where they will always be armed
with a Thompson, or in either a Falconer Gangster, or Wright Coupe Gangster.
In either car, they always travel in pairs, and carry any combination of a
Colt 1911, S&W Model 27 Magnum, or Sawed-Off Shotgun. If you want to kill one
on the street, approach quickly from behind, anticipate his dodge/roll, and
run him over (if you're in a car). If you're on foot, your best chance is to
either follow 2 inches in front or behind him with a shotgun ready. If you're
at point blank range, a shot from either shotgun to the chest or head will be
lethal 99% of the time. If you're dealing with gangsters in the car, you
should use a different strategy. Park your car in front of them (or in front
of a line of traffic) so that they can't move. Make sure not to ram them,
because this gets them angry and they start attacking you. Have either a
Thompson or a shotgun ready. Walk up to the driver's side window, Aim at the
driver's head, and fire. Continue to fire until the driver is dead, even if he
tries to get out of the car. If they were in a Wright Coupe Gangster, you have
a good chance of having wounded or even killed the passenger as well. If not,
then circle around the car and quickly put a bullet or two in his head. If you
have no car available to block them, wait until they're stuck in a traffic
jam, so they can't move. It's imperative that they are stopped when you do
this, otherwise they won't get out of their car, but instead, just run you
over. Get a good feel for shooting into both the Wright Coupe Gangster (which
is very low to the ground) and the Falconer Gangster (which is very high off
the ground).

A note about gangsters: Both Gangster's weapons and cars are "cheated." The
sawed-off shotgun, when wielded by a gangster, is capable of firing up to 8
rounds in (almost instantaneous), rapid fire, even though its magazine
capacity is only 2. As soon as you pick it up, it becomes a regular sawed-off
again. Also, the gangster vehicles, when they are behind the wheel, are
capable of going much faster than their top speeds if they are trying to chase
you. As soon as you take their car however, they become perfectly normal

Another note: I think it goes without saying, but just in case it wasn't
clear...All of this gangster killing stuff never be done when police are in
the area. While they have to see you run over a gagster to get mad, the
gunshots when you try to kill a gangster can and will alert a police officer
even if they're not facing you.

3. Speeding

"Speeding: You will be rewarded with money for driving at high speed"

This is one of the simplest methods of earning money in Freeride, and you may
do it somewhat without even knowing it. Essentially for every 1-2 seconds that
you maintain your speed at or above 70 mph, you gain $100. Unfortunately, 70
mph is the point where you are wanted for arrest, rather than just a ticket,
if the police see you. So once again, you have to try to avoid the cops, and
be prepared to brake suddenly when you can see them in the distance, or on

Using speeding to get money is quite simple, and you might do it
unintentionally if you have a fast car. However, if you have a really basic
1930s car that has trouble pushing 60 mph, you're going to need some help.
Study the map of Lost Haven (either in game, from the box, or an online map)
and look for long straightaways where you could gather speed. Some curves are
fine, just nothing so sharp that you couldn't take it at 70+ mph. Also, be
aware that once you reach the end of the path, you can simply turn around and
take it back the other way for, more or less, the same speed benefits. I've
provided some examples:

Chinatown to Armory: Start in the Northwest corner of Chinatown and head East
over the Terranova bridge, into New Ark. Once you reach the end of the
straightaway, turn around and do it the other direction.

Gallery to Little Italy: Start at the Art Gallery at the south tip of Central
Island. Speed up and get onto the main arterial leading north. Get to the
left, so you can take the Central Island Tunnel. Be careful in the tunnel as
there is little margin for error at high speed with high traffic. Continue
straight until you can't go any farther. Turn around and repeat.

Gallery to Hoboken: Start at the Art Gallery at the south tip of Central
Island. Speed up and get onto the main arterial leading north. Get to the
right and take the Giuliano Bridge into northern Downtown. You can stop when
the road curves abruptly to the left. However, if you're feeling dangerous,
feel free to plow on through the guard rails, which is a secret path to
Hoboken. Try your best not to slow down or flip over, and stay as far right as
you can (so you don't collide with the shack/fence on your left. Continue
straight until you can't go any farther. Now would be a good time to do the
next speed zone.

Oak Hills road to Superramp-Start in Hoboken, either near the Oak Hills road,
or even farther east. Accelerate up this road and follow it into Downtown. The
most difficult part is making the medium right turn up the hill. If you can
get through that without losing control, you're home free. Just make sure to
decelerate and brake a little early, since you can easily go flying out to sea
if you don't. If you're in Freeride Extreme mode, this is just about the only
way you can use the Superramp to cross the East River.

These are just a few examples. I'm sure you can find your own paths and roads
that get you going really fast, and get you some hard cash. Just remember to
decelerate and brake near the end of your run. An extra $100 for speeding
until the very last second isn't worth dying and losing all your money if you
careen into a solid wall at 90 mph.

4. Boom

"Boom: Destroying a car will earn you money"

This is another simply way to make money, but much more dangerous than your
other options. Basically, for every car you destroy, you get $100. Again, it
has to be directly caused by you, and sinking a car doesn't count. We're
talking about actually blowing up a car (where there's the explosion and
flying parts, leaving only a shell and the burnt corpse of the driver). The
two best ways to do this are either to use guns or grenades.

With guns, I'd recommend either the Thompson, or Sawed-off or Pump-action
shotguns. With these, get a car to stop (stand in front of one, then kill the
driver by shooting through the windshield), move a safe distance back, and aim
at the hood, where the engine is. Commence firing all around that area.
Eventually, the car should explode. As you practice, you will get a sense of
how big the blast radius is, and how far away you have to stand to avoid
getting hurt. You'll also become familiar with which cars blow up easily, and
which are notoriously difficult to destroy with conventional weaponry.

With grenades, first off, make sure you have some. You'll have to go to Yellow
Pete's gunshop (more on this in the "6. Weapons" of this Freeride section, as
well as the "Weapons" section of this guide). Take note that they aren't
cheap, and you'll probably end up losing money, since you won't blow up enough
cars to break even. If you're trying to turn a profit (versus just having
fun), you're better off sticking to guns. Anyway, once you have at least 2 or
3 grenades, go to a nice area where there shouldn't be police interference. A
long straightaway will work fine. Stop a car in one lane by getting in front
of it and shooting out the driver. You can do this in multiple lanes if you
want a greater effect. Wait for traffic to pile up at least 5+ cars. If you're
using multiple lanes, make sure they line up so there are the most cars within
the smallest space. When you feel comfortable, and there are no cops around,
move back to a safe distance (seriously, get far away), and lob a grenade
somewhere near the middle of the sea of cars. If you haven't before, use this
as a time to practice with the arc of grenades in this game. If you go with
the correct angle and power, Tommy can throw pretty far. Anyway, wait until
the first grenade goes off. Whatever car it ended up under or right next to is
almost guaranteed to have exploded. In addition, many nearby cars are also
severely damaged. Launch your second and third grenades on either side of
where you put the first one. When they go off, you should notice significantly
more cars exploding because they're taking the residual damage from the first
blast. Continue until you've expended all your grenades, and then wait. That's
right, wait. It's a pretty good guarantee that if you launched at least 3
grenades, and have already had at least 4-5 cars explode, that more are on
their way. In that sea of cars before you, at least a few are at terminal
damage, and a state where they are unstable, and will explode randomly and
without warning. If you've really thrown all those grenades and blown up all
those cars already, I can almost assure you that if you wait, a few more will

5. Health

"Health: You can heal yourself at the hospital, but it will cost you money"

You have probably already noticed, either from a map, or from driving around,
that there is a Lost Heaven Hospital. In northern New Ark, right at the
intersection leading onto the Terranova Bridge, is the hospital. Simply get
out of your car, walk up the steps, and you should see a health cabinet there
with a $1000 sign above it. If you have at least $1000, press action, and
you'll be fully healed. If you don't have that much, you'll be informed that
you "don't have enough money." It's really as simple as that.

6. Weapons

"Weapons: You can buy weapons at Yellow Pete's gunshop"

Many people have been confused as to where Yellow Pete can be found, since
he's not marked on the map. However, if you've played mission 19 or 20, you'd
already know where to find him. If you don't know, his shop is in Hoboken,
behind the Twister Theatre. The map should mark the Twister in far western
Hoboken. Simply drive there, and park in the parking lot. There is a door
opposite the parking spaces. Open it, go down the hallway and stairs into
Yellow Pete's gunshop. Unlike in the single player missions, Yellow Pete is
nowhere to be found. However, nearly every normal weapon in the game is in
this room, and they all have a price tag. Here are the prices (see the weapons
section of this guide for more information on the weapons themselves):

(in order of price)
Plank: Not available at Yellow Pete's
Bucket: Not available at Yellow Pete's
Crowbar: Not available at Yellow Pete's
Knuckle Duster: Not available at Yellow Pete's
Steel Bar: Not available at Yellow Pete's
Knife: $10
Baseball Bat: $10
Colt Detective Special: $10
S&W Model 10 M&P: $30
Colt 1911: $50
S&W Model 27 Magnum: $100
Sawed-off Shotgun: $500
Pump-action Shotgun: $500
Grenade (1): $1000
Molotov Cocktail (1): $1000
Thompson 1938: $1000
U.S. rifle M1903 Springfield: $2000
Mosin-Nagant 1891/30: $2000

To buy any of these weapons, simply go up and press action when next to it.
Due to the fact that they are arranged quite closely together, you'll probably
have to select from the action button menu (that pops up when the game is
unsure of which action you're trying to take)

7. Vehicles

"Vehicles: By visiting Bertone' service station, you can pay to have your car

Just like the healing, this one is quite simple. Just go to Lucas Bertone's
service station/auto shop and drive your car into the open garage. It'll
close, You'll lose $2000, and your car will come out like it's brand new. Now
some of you may be wondering why you'd pay $2000 to repair a car, when you
could just ditch it and steal a new one. Well, that's a perfectly sound
strategy. You have a pretty good chance of seeing another car that you could
steal. However, the main advantage of the repair feature is for prototypes.
You see, when you unlock prototypes, you have that one car in the entire city.
There are no replacements for it. So if you get it blown up, you'll have to
start all over to get it again. This really becomes a problem if you're
playing extended sessions of Freeride. This problem is alleviated by two
things, one of which is Bertone's Auto shop, the other is the next

8. Save

"Save: If you visit Salieri's Bar, you can save your game at any time."

Basically, if you go to Salieri's Bar and use action on the front door, you
will lose $2000, but your game will be saved. This is another great feature
for playing long Freeride sessions, or simply wanting to jump right in and
play your favorite moments again. For example, you could spend a long time
getting $8000, stocking up on 5 or 6 grenades, and then saving your game at
Salieri's. This way, you could load up your save on a whim, and blow a traffic
jam load of cars to kingdom come, over and over, without having to spend half
an hour each time making the money all over again. Other than the price, the
only real limitation of the save feature is that you must be at Salieri's Bar.
So if you really want to load your save and buy a new weapon at Yellow Pete's,
you're going to have to drive all the way over there every time. Other than
the fact that it ties you down to Little Italy, the save feature is quite

9. Gasoline

Of all 10 money making/spending activities and/or "things to do in Freeride,"
this is probably the one you'll do the least. Many people finish the game, and
still aren't even aware that the gas stations are there for more than show.
Yes, you can actually fill up your tank. Simply drive to one of the 3 gas
stations within the city (the one at the Clark Motel IS just for show), drive
in with your left side facing the pump, and press action. You should get the
option to "refuel." This will cost you $500. Yes $500 for a tank of gasoline.
We'll ignore the fact that in 1930, you could buy a decent car for that much.
It's all for the sake of balancing the game mechanics. There are only two
reasons that you should want to spend $500 for a simple "fill 'er up." The
first is if you really want the car and can't ditch it for something else.
Like I mentioned before, this will probably only apply to prototypes or other
cars that won't be driving around in the city. However, to naturally empty
your tank (it starts full), you have to do quite a bit of driving. The more
logical answer brings us to the second reason: you've damaged your engine.
Often a hard front impact collision damages your engine so that it begins to
leak gas. You can tell this if you can noticeably see your gas gauge continue
to drop as you drive. However, I wouldn't even recommend getting refueled,
since it won't fix your tank. If you really care about the car (such as a
prototype), immediately head for Lucas Bertone's. Depending on how far away
you are and how fast you're losing gas, you may have to stop and refuel on the
way. You will continue to drain gas, but that extra tank might get you to
Lucas'. Once you arrive there, you better have the $2000 needed for the
repair. If you do, then it's smooth sailing until you crash your ride again.
If not, you better make some money, fast. One interesting thing about filling
up your tank is that you can do it when you have $0. You actually go into
negative figures. There is only one other thing that you have to pay for that
also can go negative (as opposed to just saying you don't have enough money)
and that thing is...

10. Police Ticket

Sure, in the single player missions, if you got stopped by the police, Tommy
would just hand them over an invisible wad of money from his bottomless
pockets. In Freeride, a police ticket will cost you. In fact, I'll cost you
$1000. I know the cops are corrupt in Lost Heaven, but that's one hell of a
bribe. Like the gasoline, a police ticket is one of only two items that you
can get if you have no money, you'll simply go into negative figures. That
makes sense after all. It'd be a scam if you were exempt from all fines simply
because you had no money.

1. Taxiing: $100-$1000 (avg. $600) earned per ride taxied.
2. Gangster Killing: $500 earned per gangster directly killed
3. Speeding: $100 earned per 1-2 seconds of maintaining speed above 70 mph
4. Car Destroying: $100 earned per car destroyed (blown up, not sunk)
5. Healing: $1000 paid to heal fully at the hospital in New Ark
6. Weapons: $10-$2000 paid for weapons from Yellow Pete's (see above for
pricing list)
7. Repairing: $2000 paid to repair your vehicle to "good as new" quality
8. Save: $2000 paid to save your Freeride game
9. Gas: $500 paid to refill your tank (can go negative)
10. Ticketed: $1000 paid to pay police ticket for a minor offence (can go
negative)(see "General Game Tips and Strategies: Police" for more information)

- Hidden Cars -

Hidden Freeride Cars:
Essentially, there are a handful of cars which are parked in out of the way
places around Lost Heaven. In Freeride mode, if you can uncover them, you're
free to take them and drive off with your new ride. Believe or not, these
beauties are unlocked, so you don't have to have progressed in the game to use
them. Luckily, I can give you directions to each and every one of them (in
alphabetical order). Two tips that are sure to help you if you're having
trouble finding them:
1. Make sure it's available; some vehicles don't appear in City-Small.
2. Check your radar. An unlocked parked car is marked by a white rectangle on
your radar. If you're driving along and see a white rectangle other than your
own, it's either a car that you left there, or a hidden car.

Bolt Truck (Atlantic Import Version): The Bolt Truck should be there in any of
the 3 Freeride "city" locations. This rare (though not very good) hidden
car can be found in the far southwest of the Works Quarter. Head onto the
street that leads out into the racing circuit. Go all the way until you're
right on the edge between city and country. Now turn around 180 degrees. Head
back the way you came, but turn right at the first intersection. Head south
down this street, past the pumping station and follow the road to the left.
Follow this road until it turns, but don't turn. Instead, get out of your car
and walk towards the factory. A bolt truck should be sitting there on a
slightly raised platform. Just jump/climb up to get to it.

Bruno Speedster 851: The Bruno Speedster 851 can be found in City-Night, or
City-Daytime, but not City-Small. This very nice sports/race car can be yours
if you know where to look. Believe it or not, you've probably driven past it
many times without noticing. Well, head over to Central Island and drive on
the North/South main arterial. You'll notice that this arterial is bisected by
a two-lane, median divided road one block south of the West Marshal Bridge
(which goes into the Works Quarter). About half a block between the bridge and
the bisecting road, you should notice a white rectangle on your radar (you
should still be driving on the main arterial). Off to the right of the
arterial is a small alcove between two buildings. There should be a banner
overhead that says "Ferrara" and a sign for the star hotel, close by. Head
inside and, low and behold, a Bruno Speedster 851, and the only one with that
color scheme that you'll ever see naturally in the game.

Lassiter V16 Appolyon: This car can be found in any of the 3 "City" locations.
This rather bizarre, custom made Lassiter can be found in Downtown, quite
close to the Corleone Hotel. To find it, go to the Corleone Hotel and put your
back (or rear end of your car) up against the front doors. Take 2 successive
left turns, and you should see the telltale mark on your radar. Dart right
into the small alleyway and up the ramp to retrieve your reward.

Lassiter V16 Phaeton: This car can only be found in City-Night. Unlike the
other cars, you probably won't have much interest in tracking this one down.
If you've completed mission 6 "Fairplay" then you already have this car
unlocked, and probably have seen a few driving around on the street. Whatever,
I'm still going to show you where it is. If you've played mission 18 "Just For
Relaxation," then you already know where to find this car: At "The Meeting
Spot" where Tommy Paulie and Sam Rendezvoused before going on the mission. If
you don't know where that is, I can help. Go to the Works Quarter. Either
follow the tram track, or look on your radar, but find where the tram stops
and does a full turnaround (the end of the line). Go one block east from here,
where the road turns about 50-60 degrees to the Northeast. You should notice
the rectangle on your radar by this point. Look for two white doors right at
the apex, or "elbow" of the turn. Just smash through these, and you'll end up
in "the meeting spot" where your Phaeton sits.

Lassiter V16 Roadster: This car can be round in any of the 3 "City locations."
Salieri's personal ride of choice can be yours, even if you haven't yet
reached mission 13 "Bon Appetite!" Like many of the hidden cars, it can be
found in the Works Quarter. I'll give you two ways to explain where it is.
1. Find your way onto the Harbor Road (the one that goes by the Lost Heaven
port). Drive West until the road goes right (don't take the small, one-lane
alley in front of you). Follow the road to the right, and on a raised platform
is the Roadster.
2. If that wasn't clear enough, try these directions. Start at the very edge
of the city limits by the Lost Heaven speedway (racetrack). Ignore the first
turn, but turn right at the second intersection. Go straight, then turn left.
In front of you, on a raised platform, is the Roadster.

Silver Fletcher: This car is only available on City-Night, and City-Daytime,
not City-Small. Morello's personal car of choice is probably the most out of
the way of all the vehicles. First, drive out to Oakwood. Now go to the
Southeast corner, and take the road to Oak Hills. However, before you start
getting into the series of switchbacks that leads up to the hills, you should
notice a dirt path on your right. Follow this (slowly, there's no need to fly
off the cliff and die) road to the lighthouse. Parked right next to it is a
Silver Fletcher.

Hidden Doors-See Section 15-Miscellaneous (Easter Eggs, Bugs, Cheats,

*********************** F R E E R I D E E X T R E M E ***********************



******** F R E Q U E N T L Y A S K E D Q U E S T I O N S ( F A Q ) ********

- Game Related Questions -

General Question (asked by many people): "How do you win the race."

Answer: One of the most common difficulties with beating Mafia occur during the
race "Fairplay." If you have the v. 1.1 patch or higher, I'd suggest changing
the difficulty to a lower setting and/or turning off damage. If you're running
on v. 1.0, there is a bug/glitch that will allow you to win easily. Other than
that, my best strategy would involve 3 steps:

1. Change your controls. Many people have said that rebinding your keys to the
numpad works better for control. Also, if you have a racing wheel (maybe pedals
too), definitely try to get that configured, as it will help you out

2. Have good knowledge of the course and the race. In the mission walkthrough
for "Fairplay" in this guide, I give a very in depth analysis of every curve
and bump on the entire racetrack. Read it, and become familiar enough with the
course that you know exactly what kinds of corners are coming up next

3. Practice. Some people have more natural driving skill than others, and will
have little difficulty with the mission. Others will have to try repeatedly to
even come close. Just practice more and more, and eventually, you'll be able to
emerge victorious.

General Question: "Is there a multiplayer mode?"

Answer: No. Despite original plans, a multiplayer mode for Mafia was scrapped
during the game's development.

General Question: "Where is the casino?"

Answer: This is the most widespread (as well as irritating) hoax regarding
Mafia ever to be told. For the last time, THERE IS NO CASINO IN MAFIA. The
confusion is regarding a different game, also called Mafia, released for the
Commodore 64 in 1986. While stupid internet hoaxes are usually disregarded,
reputable gaming sources are generally trusted. Thus, when PC Gamer, in the
strategy section of one issue, wrote "Mafia: Bet negative money in the casino
and you'll gain money when you lose" [which is a legitimate cheat from the
C64's "Mafia"] accompanied with a screenshot of "Mafia" [the one you're reading
a guide for], many gamers believed that there was a casino in Mafia, and you
could gain money by betting negative amounts. However, to reiterate, THERE IS

General Question: "What alternate endings are there in Mafia?"

Answer: Only one mission ("Creme de la Creme") has an alternate ending. While
certain missions may end in different ways or at different times (such as
"Better Get Used To It"), only Creme de la Creme has a completely different
ending with a different cinematic. See the mission walkthrough for more
information. Other than that, there are no alternate endings that I am aware


Answer: Unlike the other passengers you have during the mission "The Running
Man," this woman does not actually want to be dropped off exactly where she
says. Instead, she intends to be dropped off across the street from the

Question from Catchcat: "hi i have read your walkthrough for mafia but am
struggling to get past fairplay level. I have been on this level for 2 days and
its doing my head in lol, ive mastered the fast car 110mph plus on str8s and
have found the fastest route with no damage but only get as far as marshall
bridge(1st bridge)before i run out of time? still a fair way off Bertones. Ive
read loads of walkthoughs and nobody seems to highlight this problem. Starting
to think there is a problem with my disk, please advise.

Answer: This problem is actually more common than it may seem. Many people have
had difficulty with part one of "Fairplay" because they are unaware that the
first part of the mission (before you get the race car) is also timed. As a
result, many players waste much of their time on the way to the track, leaving
themselves in a nearly impossible situation for the later half of the mission.


Question from Bloviator (I can ask myself questions too): "In the optional
Lucas Bertone mission after the main substance of "Omerta", you have to go out
and beat up Stan, the bouncer at the Black Cat Bar. This mission is on request
from Lucas' friend Carlo. In the end of the mission "Bon Appetit!", you have to
go to the apartment of, and kill, Salieri's double-crossing bodyguard Carlo. We
already know that the Salieri "family" knows, interacts, and is on friendly
terms with Lucas Bertone (e.g. "Fairplay). In addition, Tommy's multiple favors
for Lucas are undoubtedly appreciated, and help to bring him closer to Salieri.
As a result, is it that difficult to imagine that Lucas wouldn't make more
friendships with members or employees of the Salieri family. Mafia doesn't have
hundreds of characters, only 20-30 or so named characters who Tommy interacts
with. Due to this fact, it seems increasingly odd that two characters would
have the same name. Given all this evidence, and your own personal opinion...
Are these two Carlos the same person?"

Answer: I don't think anyone really knows for sure, since you only get to see
one of the Carlos. However, feel free to put forth your own guesses.


- Author Related Questions -

Question: "What is your favorite/least favorite
weapon/car/level/character/neighborhood in Mafia?"

My favorites are as follows:
Weapon: Thompson 1928
Car (real): Silver Fletcher
Car (prototype): Manta Prototype
Level: The Death of Art
Character: Don Salieri
Neighborhood: Oakwood

My least favorites are as follows:
Weapon: Knuckle Dusters
Car (real): Bolt Ace Runabout
Car (prototype): Masseur Taxi
Level: Just For Relaxation
Character: Billy
Neighborhood: Works Quarter

Question from ciro_xyz: "How many times have you played Mafia?"

Answer: I've currently completed the game 5 times, and am working on the 6th
(it's taking a really long time since I'm writing this guide as I play). After
that, I'll undoubtedly play at least a couple more times simply for the sake of
my guide. Of course, I enjoy the game equally after the 5th time as when I
first played it. That's another thing that I think makes Mafia such a great
game: It's replayability.



- Official FAQ -

This is the official FAQ. It has been modified only slightly, mostly by the
removing of hyperlinks that would have odd formatting in a .txt file. Also, the
addition of "Q" and "A"

A complete, unedited transcript of the official FAQ can be found at this


Q: When will MAFIA be released?
A: MAFIA has been available since 6 September 2002 - as has MAFIA Special
Edition, a limited edition of which there are just 5,000 copies.

Q: Will a demo version be available? If so, when?
A: Demo is available for download in downloads section.

Q: Will the German and English versions differ in any way?
A: The content of the German version will be exactly the same as that of the
English version. A very good team of experienced specialists are responsible
for the localisation of the German version. And for the voice recordings, we've
managed to get well-known speakers, in particular the German cinema voices of
Marlon Brando, Andy Garcia and Joe Pesci.

Q: How much will MAFIA cost?
A: The standard version is priced at 49.95 (RRP) and the special edition at
69.95 (RRP). The special edition comes in a different box and includes the
original solution book, a special MAFIA ballpoint pen and other extras
incorporating the MAFIA design.

Q: What sort of configuration do players need to be able to play the game?
A: The minimum requirements are: 500 MHz Pentium III or AMD Athlon processor,
96 MB RAM, 16x CD / DVD ROM, 1.8 GB free hard-disk space, 16 MB graphics card,
DirectX 8.1. The recommended hardware: 700 MHz or faster, 128 MB RAM, 32x CD /
DVD ROM, 1.8 GB free hard-disk space, 32 MB graphics card.

Q: Will players need a 3D graphics card? And if so, which one?
A: Yes, they will! GeForce2, ATI RADEON or superior graphics cards are ideal.
For full texture resolution, they will need either texture compression or 32 MB
RAM. But, with less high-resolution textures, the game also runs fast enough on
older TNT/TNT2 graphics cards with 16 MB RAM.

Q: On what platforms will be the game be available and when?
A: MAFIA has been developed for PC. We don't yet know about other versions.

Q: There has been a lot of news and rumours surrounding the game's engine. I've
heard that it's a revamped version of the H&D engine - or the same engine as in
H&D2. So which engine are you going to use?
A: We had originally developed the game on a newer version of the engine used
in the first Hidden and Dangerous, but we quickly found out that this didn't
allow us to implement everything we had planned for this game. So we decided to
develop a new engine especially for MAFIA. This was no easy decision, as it
meant postponing the game's release. However, you will definitely be able to
see the difference in the game's quality. We've called the engine "LS3D". Once
we realised just how powerful the new engine really was, we decided to use it
for H&D2 and possibly for other Illusion Softworks titles as well.

Q: To what extent does the completion of MAFIA depend on the development of
A: The completion of MAFIA is in no way dependent upon the development of H&D2.
But as we're using the same engine, we've co-developed or swapped some of the
technologies. So H&D2 and a few other IS games will use MAFIA's vehicle-physics
model, its system for crashes and some of its animation help programs. And, for
MAFIA, we'll use H&D2's particle system and a few other things from the game.

Q: Will the game use 3-D stereophonic sound?
A: Yes, it will. MAFIA will have stereophonic sound. We're also using EAX
technology for the widest variety of sound effects and the simulation of the
different acoustic environments.

Q: Is there force feedback support in the game?
A: Yes there is. You can adjust the sensitivity by selecting
Options/Controls/Other and then moving the sliders in the Force Feedback area.


Q: What's the design philosophy behind the game?
A: We'd like to develop a game that is a constant source of fun to play - full
of unexpected turns and, for computer games, really unusual developments. It's
a combination of several already-established genres. We didn't set out to
develop a shooter in which a few characters go mad with machine guns. Instead
we wrote a story and then developed a game around this story. We've included in
the game everything we thought important for the story. So the game was not
developed as one where "the blue key fits in the blue lock". The main thing is
that it's fun - and, where possible, it should be intelligent fun...

Q: What's the storyline?
A: The game tells of the life and fate of a young taxi driver, whose taxi is
one day seized by some gangsters who are fleeing their adversaries. Tommy -
that's the name of our young taxi driver - manages to shake off the pursuers
thanks to his exceptional driving skills. Consequently, the Salieri family -
the family of the gangsters he has saved - offer him a job as a driver.
Initially, he turns down the offer, but when the pursuers track him down again,
destroy his livelihood - his taxi - and almost kill him out of revenge, he
feels compelled to reconsider the offer and accepts the job. The game then
follows the next ten years of his career within the family. We took our
inspiration from mafia classics such as "The Godfather" and "Goodfellas". The
entire story is told by Tommy with the help of flashbacks. Tommy has reached
the end of his career as a criminal and confides in a detective in the hope
that, by revealing valuable information, he will be put under police

Q: What's the aim of the game?
A: Unlike a number of similar titles, the game does not have a main aim. We're
trying not to develop any of the well-known scenarios where the hero has to
save the entire world. Instead we'd like to enable players to follow the life
of a guy who joins the mafia and experiences things that don't normally happen
to the average person. In a way, we've tried to reveal the philosophy or
motivation of a mafia gangster and make it comprehensible to our players.

Q: Does the game have an alternative ending?
A: No. The game has a very strong story - therefore, it's linear in design and
culminates in a fixed ending.

Q: Would you like to give players the impression that they're at the cinema?
A: Absolutely! That's one of our main aims. We have a real producer working for
us, designing the storyboards. We have a professional motion capture department
and experienced authors for the dialogue.

Q: How did you manage to capture the atmosphere of the day so well in your
A: We accumulated a massive amount of literature, photos and films on the
architecture, fashions and cars of the day. We designed the buildings in our
city using the originals and the architectural styles of that period. We also
photographed typical clothing of the day. Our archives now contain several
thousand photographs. We also studied a number of gangster films very
carefully, including films from the 1940s (such as "Angels With Dirty Faces").
Our designers read through a mountain of specialist literature.

Q: How much dialogue is there within the game?
A: MAFIA will contain a relatively large amount of dialogue. We intend to bring
out the characters' motivation quite clearly, to give the players an
understanding of the individual characters and to allow players direct access
to the story.

Q: Are the missions linear or are players able to choose the next mission and
proceed in a different way?
A: Players can end some of the missions in a different way, but the result is
always the same. However, players can decide whether they wish to complete some
of the optional sub-missions. These give them the opportunity to gain bonus
vehicles or take part in various motor races.

Q: What sort of mission objectives will there be?
A: We've tried to include in the game as many activities of a 1930s gangster as
possible. Therefore, players can choose from a number of options, such as
collecting protection money, taking part in chases and shoot-outs, robbing
banks, smuggling alcohol, taking out crooks, stealing evidence or serving their
boss as a bodyguard. All missions are directly embedded in the action and drive
the action forward.

Q: Can you tell us how many characters have been developed for the game? With
how many in-game characters will players actually be able to interact?
A: There are roughly fifty characters within the game with a more or less
important role in the action. Apart from these, there are a few dozen other
characters who move freely within the city or other localities.

Q: What about the speakers? We know that Americans from New York or Chicago,
for example, speak with different accents - particularly if they have a strong
Italian background. Provided that the game takes place in cities like these:
have you used authentic voices for the characters?
A: Yes. We've tried to get the best actors, as the actors' performance is
extremely important for the overall impression of the game. Of course, the game
will also be dubbed into different languages.

Q: How are the cars used within the game? What about your physical model?
A: Players can use the vehicles to move within the city and the surrounding
countryside and to get to the places where they carry out their various
missions. In almost every mission, they have to travel from place to place,
often needing to make a fast getaway in tricky situations. In the city, there's
simulated road traffic controlled by the police. Players also have the option
of using trams or elevated railways.
The physical model on which the vehicles are based is extremely detailed. We
spent more than a year developing it. It allows players to execute almost every
conceivable manoeuvre with the vehicles. As well as the precise simulation of a
vehicle's engine, road performance and tyre wear, we have gone into even more
detail, taking into account the principles of aerodynamics and the effect that
the weight of additional passengers has on a vehicle's road performance. If,
for example, there are three rather corpulent people in a car, its performance
will not be the same as it would be if there were no passengers in the car.

Q: Which cars are used in the game?
A: Within the game there are around 60 different models manufactured by a wide
range of carmakers. We've tried to cover as wide a range of car types as
possible and so have a selection ranging from cheap and popular small cars to
trucks and saloons. It also includes sports cars that can reach up to 200 km/h.

Q: How is the damage to the vehicles modelled? Does a car show visible damage
when it hits a wall head on but is still roadworthy?
A: It does indeed. The damage to the vehicles is shown in real time. The
windows shatter and the individual parts, such as headlights, wheels and
bumpers, fall off. Any accident can also damage the car's engine or gearbox.

Q: Are the players themselves injured when a vehicle crashes?
A: Yes. If a player is involved in an accident, the extent of his injuries will
depend on the impact of the crash.

Q: What weapons are used in the game?
A: All of the in-game weapons are authentic and as close as possible to the
real thing in terms of their capacity (range, rate of fire etc.). The weapons
available in the game include a knife, Molotov cocktails, a Magnum revolver, an
Airweight pocket gun, a Model 10 Military & Police revolver and a Colt 1911. Of
course, there's also a Thompson 128 machine gun, a sawn-off shotgun, a pump-
action shotgun, a M1903 Springfield army rifle and the M1903-A4 US sniper

Q: Are there any in-game fights where opponents use their bare hands?
A: Yes. The characters can box.

Q: The city in MAFIA is really big. Although it's an imaginary city, it's full
to the brim with actual buildings. Can you tell us more about this city? Which
city did you use as your model while you were developing it?
A: Our inspiration came mainly from the cities on the east coast of the USA,
such as New York and Chicago. We then tried to give the city an autumnal
atmosphere and autumnal colours. We built around 400 models of houses, some of
which are used several times and some only once. They can therefore serve as
points of reference. The city covers an area of about 10 square kilometres and
comprises a series of elevations and various quarters (China Town, Little Italy
etc.). The city also has a working tram and elevated-railway network that
players can use.

Q: Some of the screen shots show that the area around the city is rather rural.
Do any of the missions take place in this rural area on the edge of the city?
A: Yes. The city is surrounded by about 30 to 40 square kilometres of
countryside. A few of the game's missions are based there. The Need-for-Speed
style racing also takes place in the countryside.

Q: Do players control a team or just a single individual?
A: Players control just one single character. However, in some missions, they
are accompanied by computer-controlled NPCs. These fight independently,
complete various tasks and comment on the players' performance.

Q: Some aspects of the game remind us of "Driver". Did "Driver" influence the
development of MAFIA in any way?
A: Not really. Work had already begun on MAFIA before games such as "Driver"
and other similar products were announced. The game's concept has not changed
since these other products were released. For us, it just confirmed that people
want this kind of gaming concept. The only thing that annoys us a little bit is
the fact that we are no longer the first ones to have developed this kind of

Q: Is the damage in the inside rooms modelled? Can players shoot through a
bedroom wall using Tommy's pistol, for example? Do bullets leave holes in walls
even if they don't go through them?
A: A definite yes to all three questions.

Q: Are the vehicles damaged by the impact of several bullets? Do the windows
break when they're hit by bullets?
A: Yes to both questions.

Q: Does MAFIA contain an editor? Will you support the mod community if any mods
are produced for the game? Will you release editor help programs for the game?
A: No. For the modelling of the individual levels, we're using expensive
professional programs and not our own editor. Our own help programs are
extremely complicated, making modifications in a user-friendly environment very
difficult. It would not necessarily be easy to use them either.

Q: Does the game allow players to switch to a first-person perspective?
A: A large number of people ask for this feature and a game in this perspective
looks pretty damn good - that's why we're keeping our options open on this one.
However, if we decide to offer this feature, players may not be able to see the
characters' hands and what they're holding in them (weapons).

Q: My car doesn't go as fast as it should!
A: There is a speed limiter on cars that you can set so you cannot drive over
the speed limit. Press F5 to toggle this control on and off.

Q: I can't save the game!
A: There is no manual save in this game. Instead, the game does an auto-save at
the end of missions, and occasionally during missions. If you fail, you just go
back to the previous save point.

Q: Where are the saved games stored?
A: All the saved games are inside a folder named savegame inside the Mafia
folder on your hard drive.

Q: How do I unlock options in the Freeride mode and/or Freeride Extreme mode?
A: The different cars and other options will be unlocked as you complete
missions in the regular game.

Q: Can I adjust the gore level?
A: If you select Options from the Main Menu, then select Video/Audio, there's a
slider where you can adjust the level of blood in the game.


Q: Will the level of violence be like that in one of these unnecessary wham-bam
games - or more like that in H&D?
A: In none of the missions will players feel obliged to injure innocent people.
On the other hand, the game is realistic - and, as in real life, nothing will
stop the players from doing whatever it is they're inclined to do. They can, of
course, shoot the people on the street or run them over in their car. However,
as in real life, they also have to face up to the consequences of their
actions. They're pursued by the police and there's a price on their head - but
this doesn't just apply to the current mission. If a player damages something
or tries to run over pedestrians, his car will be severely damaged and he
himself will be injured in the accident - the extent of his injuries depend on
the impact. I think this is the most realistic solution. The aim of the game is
anything but mere violence and we are certainly not glorifying the pointless
use of violence.

Q: Many people believe that a game like this one should contain a lot more
A: MAFIA is a bit different. You need to look around for something else - in
this game, you won't see anybody's guts flying through the air!


************************** M I S C E L L A N E O U S **************************

- Reader Submitted Information -

Information on "A Great Deal!" and "You Lucky Bastard!"
Submitted By Anatoly Ivanov

"Hi there!
I enjoyed your Mafia FAQ on GFAQs much. And since you're accepting
reader contribution, I'd like to point out a couple of things that might
help in beating certain missions within the game.

1. Mission 12-02 A Great Deal!-The Parking Lot
"One note about the stairs: When you're coming into the garage, and
when you're returning upstairs for the truck, feel free to use either the ramp
or the stairs. However, when you're making your way down, fighting gangsters
on every level, you should use the ramps, not the stairs. Finally, if you try
use the stairs to get to the bottom level (essentially bypassing the car
blockade), you'll have an enemy grenade land at your feet, guarantying
your death." (from the walkthrough)

I didn't use your guide much when beating this mission, but despite of
reasons you're using here, using the staircase was the most effective
(in terms of remaining HP) solution, at least for me. I did the following:

- using staircase, I went to the very level where the gangsters had
blocked the way

- shot a couple times using Thompson gun (a random shot should trigger
the grenade, I think)

- ran back to the next floor using the staircase

- gangsters threw a grenade, but since I was a half-floor above, I
didn't get hit at all

- returned back by stairs and cleared the floor. After this routine I did lose
only 4 HPs as well as Paulie & Sam have lost about 10-15 HPs each. Your way =
20-30 damage for me and 30-40 for Sam/Paulie. Maybe I just can't operate
grenades well ;) At least I wasn't using them in the part 12-03 when I killed
all the gangsters near the car with a Tommy gun...

2. 15-08 You Lucky Bastard! - The Harbor
Basically, your idea about using a truck to deal with gangsters
inspired me much. So, there is my version how to beat the mission.

- After the cinematic, deal with four gangsters (as you've said)
- Get into the truck. After a bunch of gangsters on trucks arrive, keep
running over all of them until you kill them or they will lose all of
their ammo.

- After then, ride forward, between a building labeled "LOST HEAVEN
PORT" and a warehouse with parked truck (IIRC, where the cigar boxes are
in Mission 18). Two-three gangsters will appear. Just use the same running
over strategy.

- After you've dealt with these gangsters, continue going in the same
direction as before. You'll see some grass path between the fence and a
building (2 yellow barrels are near it). Follow this path, until you see a
with red/brown roof, Bolt Ace Pickup parked outside it and two
gangsters. Just run them over once again.

- Now you should see a warehouse with four "NO PARKING" gates and a
door. Enter this door. In this passage, open the second door at right,
you'll see a guy there (he's a sniper). He doesn't turn around, so just hit him
from back with any gun. Grab his rifle. There is also a fist aid kit in
the next room.

- Now use Bolt Ace Pickup(little truck) parked somewhere (if you can't
find it, using a truck, go to 2 big black barrels, turn right there and
follow railroad tracks until you bump into two platforms with a locomotive
parked to rightmost of them. Kill all the gangsters(3) there, using a
rifle you've obtained. Bolt Ace Pickup should be there return to big black
barrels) and go to those black barrels on platforms.

- After either of this ways, you should have got Bolt Ace Pickup and
stand near 2 barrels on platforms. Use them to open the warehouse. Watch
the cutscene. Return back to Bolt Ace Pickup.

- Now, using the car, ride inside the warehouse, turn left between two
vertical columns(that's where small Bolt Ace Pickup comes in handy) and
follow the track. So you won't need to deal with all of that gangsters. Near
the end of track turn left a bit into the opening, and Sergio should pop
up there!!! If your speed is good enough, you'll kill the bastard without
even a single shot! Now, refill your health with a first aid kit, and
return back using the same car. Once outside, I think you know what to do.

So what do you think about this tweak?

Hope these were helpful.

Best wishes,
Anatoly Ivanov aka xyzman."


- Condensed Mission Walkthroughs -

Thanks to PC Gamer, I have provided these short and condensed mission
walkthroughs. Take note that these are not replacements for my own lengthy
walkthroughs, just summaries. These do not always include certain objectives
(those which are assumed to be easy enough that the gamer needs no assistance
completing them - Also, all the Lucas Bertone side missions),and come up
somewhat vague in certain areas. However, if you just need a very general
strategy, or want a good recap of what happened in each mission, these should
help you out. These short and condensed mission walkthroughs have been copied
verbatim from PC Gamer (Holiday 2002 - Vol. 9 - No. 13). Any mistakes,
mechanical or technical, remain as is. However, technical (information)
mistakes will be marked with an asterisk (*) and referred to at the end of this

"Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven

Hey, Paisan, if you want to get in good with Salieri, you can't screw up. Lucky
for you, I'm here to give you a hand. Just do what I saw and you'll be a made
man in no time.

Just drive. The guys chasing you will try to knock you off the road by hitting
your car on the driver's side: don't let them. Try driving really close to
oncoming traffic, effectively "shaving" the tail off your caboose. Once you're
in the clear, use the map to get to Salieri's place. Just be sure to use your
speed limiter (default key is F4)* so that you don't get pulled over on the way
there. In fact, it's a good rule in general to always use the speed limiter
when you're not in a hurry.

You'll start this mission driving your fares back and forth, but things go
south when some of Morello's men come to rough you up. All you need to do is
survive and make it to Salieri's bar. Use the map so you won't run into any
dead-ends, and strafe left to right as you run to minimize the number of times
you get hit.
(picture caption) In "Running Man," once you make it to Salieri's bar, you're
home free.

This one's a cakewalk. Once you get to the parking lot, just go around back,
sneak up to the guard from behind, and knock him out with one fully charged hit
from your baseball bat. Then use your Molotov cocktails and baseball bat to
destroy the three cars in the lot.*
(picture caption) The key to "Molotov Party" is to sneak up to this guard and
clock him with your baseball bat.

You get your first taste of serious action here. The job starts off quiet, but
it'll heat up real fast once you get to the motel. Enter the motel through the
back window on the second floor, using the crates in the back on the building
to get up to the window. Don't enter through the front door.*
Once inside, you'll find a Tommy gun sitting on a bed in the room right across
from the window. Use it to clear out the building. Before you head into the
room where Sam is, go back out the way you came, to the front of the motel, and
shoot the wheels off the yellow convertible* parked out front. Just aim for the
center of each wheel using whichever gun has the most ammo: it'll take only a
few shots to flatten it.* then, go all the way back inside and get Sam. If you
need health, you'll find some in the bathroom to the right of the stairs on the
second floor.
The last guy will take your money and run outside. But guess what? Since you
blew the wheels off his car, he isn't going anywhere. Rub him out and you're
(picture caption) To enter the motel in "Ordinary Routine," climb up these
crates to get onto the second-story balcony.

No one in the mob plays fair, and this job proves it. Stealing the racecar and
getting it back in time isn't the hard part: Just stay clear of cops* by using
your radar, and to avoid damaging the car, don't drive too fast. The time limit
isn't as tight as it seems if you keep a good pace.
The real challenge comes in winning the race: This contest is definitely one of
the hardest parts of the game. There's no fast and easy way through it - you
just have to keep racing 'til you come in first. Try to get a lead early and
hold it, rather than trying to work your way up slowly. Also, the usual mouse-
and-keyboard setup doesn't facilitate the best driving. If you have a joystick,
use it for your driving controls: it'll make winning much easier.
(picture caption) Do whatever it takes to avoid taking damage to your racecar.

Here's your turn to get some action of another kind. But first, you'll have to
bust some heads. No big deal: just escort Sarah home. When some tough guys show
up, teach 'em a lesson. To make pummeling them easier, beat them with the
wooden plank leaning against the right wall in the alley where you are
attacked. The most effective way to deal with these guys is to run away to give
yourself some distance, and then charge up a full-power hit. Start swinging
once someone gets close enough. You don't need to kill these guys, so don't
chase after them when they run away, or else you'll lose Sarah.
(picture caption) Use this wooden plank to go to town on some unruly thugs in
"Sarah." Full-power swings are key.

Your biggest problem will be keeping Paulie alive. Try to keep guys off him
because the mission ends if he goes down. The mission will also end if you
start shooting before the bad guys do. Use the same hit-and-run technique you
have used in the previous missions. If you're having trouble when the gunfight
starts, try rolling, shooting, and rolling and shooting again - you'll take
fewer hits that way.
In the post-cutscene car chase, all you need to do is keep up: The guys in the
car will eventually wreck.

Once you get to the hotel, talk to the concierge, and he'll tell you that the
guy you're looking for is in the restaurant. Take a right and go to the last
room. At the corner table you'll see a man in a white suit. Shoot him and his
bodyguards. More people will come into the room once the shooting starts: take
care of them and head back to the concierge. Go behind the counter and get the
key to the manager's office. You'll also find some health by the key.
Head to the third floor; you'll find the prostitute in one of the rooms with a
welcome mat at the door. Once you've taken care of her, head back the way you
came to the manager's office. There'll be one man inside with a gun: dispatch
him and plant the bomb by walking up tot eh desk and hitting your action key.
Then get out of there.
(picture caption) Here's the guy you want to rub out in part I on "Whore." Note
his bodyguard across the room.

Here's another tough one. About a half-dozen cops are coming up the fire
escape. They'll get bottlenecked there, so if you position yourself at the top
of a flight of stairs at just the right angle, you can take them out one by one
without incurring too much damage. Don't bother shooting it out with the
officer across the street who's toting the Tommy gun - just run upstairs and
keep going.
There's only one way to go, and you'll have to make your way through more cops.
Just remember to use cover wisely. Watch out for one cop with a Springfield
rifle: he can kill you with one headshot. You'll want to save your magnum
revolver for him, as it'll dish out the most damage with the least hits.
Eventually, you'll reach a ladder that you can tip over and use as a bridge to
get to the church.

After making it through all that, you'll end up in a shootout that's even
bigger than the one you were running away from. Immediately retreat back behind
the door and use it as a bottleneck. Next, you'll want to take out both the guy
in the high-up pulpit and the guy in the balcony sporting the Tommy gun. Then
mop up the rest of the wiseguys.
Once you get to the door, more goombas will show up. Roll out of the way fast,
as some of them have shotguns. If you still have ammo for your own shotgun, use
it to blow 'em away.
When you finally get to a car, you'll have to lose the cops. Just find some
alleyway to hide out in until they stop looking for you, and then head back to
(picture caption) In the church shootout near the end of "Whore," the guys
holding the high ground are your top priority.

This night mission is full of guys with shotguns - but it's also very
straightforward. Just remember that shotguns aren't as effective at long range:
If you stay back, you can nail these enemies with your handguns. Once you get
to the barn to rescue Sam, some cops will show up. Stay upstairs: it'll give
you the high ground advantage, since you can shoot out the hayloft window. But
watch your back for anyone who may come up behind you.
The getaway segment isn't hard: just shoot straight and watch your ammo. Don't
bother aiming for the tires of the cars chasing you - just take out their
(picture caption) Stay upstairs when Paulie goes for the truck ("A Trip to the

Here's another long mission; you'll want a fast car for it. Talk to your
informants (you'll have to punch Joey* to get info out of him) and then head to
where they're keeping Frank. You'll end up tailing Frank to the airport. Once
there, you'll have to waste some guards while looking for Frank.
If you want, you can steal a car and use it to drive around the airport while
you fire your gun out the window. Don't kill Frank when you finally find him:
Just talk to him. He'll ask you to find his family. They're in a wooden
building a couple of doors down. Find them and take him to them. Next, you'll
have to find their plane tickets. The tickets are in the first building at the
parking lot where you came in. It's crawling with cops now. Grab the tickets
and get back to Frank, then make a quick getaway to the bank.
(picture caption) In "Omerta," this building is the one with Frank's family.
Take Frank to them.

Head left when the mission starts. You'll need to take out the sentries
quietly: a fully charged hit wit the baseball bat should do. If you head left
when the level starts, you should find a box next to a bench - it'll turn off
the lights in the backyard. Once in the house, you'll have to make your way
upstairs to the safe. If you run into anyone, knock them out with the bat.
Don't forget that you can use Salvatore to open some doors if needed. Once you
have the documents, get out fast and take Salvatore back home.
(picture caption) Look for this box is "Visiting Rich People" - you can use it
to turn off the lights in the courtyard.

This mission goes downhill fast once you get in the parking lot. Use the cars
in the garage as cover; if you want, you can move them to form a barrier before
the cutscene starts to provide more adequate cover. When you work your way
downstairs, watch out for the guys barricaded behind their cars: they have
grenades. Listen carefully and you'll hear when a grenade lands near you. Try
to take out these enemies from a distance. Once you've killed everyone, you
have to go back up to the truck and drive it back to the warehouse. If you
don't lose the tail, get ready for one last shootout once you reach the
(picture caption) Blowing up the cars will take out some goombas in "A Great

It's just you and Salieri here. When Morello's hitmen start shooting up the
restaurant, head outside through the back door. Once outside, head down the
alley to the street. Watch out for the thug with a Tommy gun: kill him, take
his gun, and go around the corner. You've now flanked Morello's men. Take them
out, then go back to the alley, and enter the building adjacent to the
restaurant. Watch out for a guy with a shotgun. Kill him, then head to the
second floor and take out the other guy with a Tommy gun. After that, head down
to the street to eliminate anyone you missed. Move fast so Salieri doesn't get
killed. The rest is easy.

If you go into the building that's behind the line for the boat, you'll find a
sailor uniform. Change your clothes and you'll be let onboard. Go to the
bathroom on the second level (toward the back of the boat and by the stairs);
you'll see that it's locked. Find the skipper - he's wearing a white and blue
striped shirt - and talk to him a few times to get the key. Get the bucket from
the bathroom that's on the starboard-aft side of the boat and then go back to
the second-floor bathroom. You'll clean up the mess and get your gun. Return
the key to the skipper and wait for the speech to start. Once it does, walk up
to the counselor*, kill him, and run back down to where you started the level.
Paulie will be waiting in a boat to get you out of there.

You'll spend most of the first part of this mission trying to lose tails. The
tricky part comes when you're paired with the hired goons. Once they die,
you'll have to chase down Sergio. Don't bother trying to shoot his car: just
tail him. He'll lead you to the trainyards.* You'll have plenty of bad guys to
dispatch here, but Sergio will hide in one of the buildings. You can't get in
because the door's locked. Go to the train tracks and you'll see a switch. Use
it to direct the train tracks toward the building Sergio is in, then go to the
nearby train cars and move the blocks at the wheels. The train will roll and
break open the door. (You have two trains, so you can try again if you mess up
the first time.) Now just go in and kill Sergio.
(picture caption) Sergio's hiding in this building ("You Lucky Bastard"). The
door's locked, so use a train car to bust in.

The plan goes to hell and you'll have to chase Morello to the airport. Once
there, make a beeline for the airplane. Shoot at the engines with a shotgun or
Tommy gun. If you do enough damage, Paulie and Sam will show up and give you a
ride.* Once in the car, keep shooting at the engines until they catch on fire.
Sometimes Morello's car won't turn into the airport. If this happens, just keep
chasing him. He'll eventually get caught up at a bridge and a cutscene will
show you pushing his car off the edge of the bridge.

Get into the old prison through the sewers, and kill the guy near the manhole.
Fight off the bad guys inside and get up to the tower. It won't be a challenge
to hit your target: just take your time and go for the headshot. Then just make
your way out by going all the way down the stairs in the tower, and when you
get to your car, lose the cops.
(picture caption) Here's your target in "Election Campaign." Take the headshot,
then make your way down to your car.

Run the truck off the road and the driver will get out. Chase him down and beat
him up to get the documents. Take all of the crates out of the back of the
truck, get in, and drive it back to the docks. Take it straight down from the
entrance and you'll come to a warehouse on the left with the door open and a
guy standing out front. Back up the truck to the warehouse and then talk to the
guy. Move the crates that he points out with the help of the workers standing
next to him. When you're done, talk to the guy again and you'll tell him
they're having problems with the train. He'll walk off and you'll be able to
load the crates you need onto your truck. Then drive out. You'll be chased, but
it shouldn't be too big of a problem to lose your pursuers.
(picture caption) Don't pull anything funny at the warehouse ("Just for
Relaxation"), or the guards will be all over you.

No tricks here: Just move fast once you're in the bank an bring lots of guns.
For the getaway, having a fast car such as the Trautenberg Model J is vital.

You start off Paulie's. Put your guns away and run from the cops. You'll want
to stop by Yellow Pete's shop to get some more firepower: get a rifle and
whatever else you can carry. (Don't bother getting a Tommy gun, since you'll
eventually be able to pick one up from someone you killed.) Once you get to the
museum, you'll be surrounded. Fight your way out - which may take you a few
tries. Watch out for grenades when you get to the first stairs leading up.
Eventually you'll have to fight Sam one-on-one. He doesn't miss often. Use your
rifle here. Pop out, shoot him once, and then take cover again. (If you try to
get in more shots at a time, he'll nail you with his Thompson.) After a dozen
or so hits, Sam will run off. Chase him down with a pistol or Tommy gun and
finish it.
(picture caption) When fighting Sam in "The Death of Art," pop up, shoot, and
take cover. Repeat

There you go - done. Now that I've led you through La Cosa Nostra, I need you
to do me a small favor. In the game's Freeride Extreme mode, you'll find a
woman chained to a pole on a rock by the beach (shown below). I'm just dying to
know why she's there. If you can find out what the story is on this dame, I'll
consider us even.*
(picture caption) Just who is this lady, anyway? I've got to know!

Mistakes within these walkthroughs:

*(An Offer You Can't Refuse): The default key for the speed limiter is F5, not

*(Molotov Party): You don't need to destroy the cars in the lot, only damage
them heavily (fill up the damage meter on the screen).

*(Ordinary Routine): You have to use the crates and the back entrance to get
into the motel. You can't enter through the front door at all.

*(Ordinary Routine): The Lassiter V16 Phaeton is not a convertible. That open
design does not fall into the same category as true "convertibles."

*(Ordinary Routine): When shooting at one of the tires on the Phaeton, these
shots will break it off, not "flatten it."

*(Fairplay): To my knowledge, despite what Lucas and Bobby say, there are no
cops present at night. See the Easter egg section for this mission for more

*(Omerta): Your reluctant informant in this mission is called "Joe" or "Idiot
Joe," but is never referred to as "Joey."

*(Happy Birthday!) The man you're assigned to kill in this mission is referred
to by the game's objectives and Salieri's speech (subtitles) as the "councilor"
not the "counselor."

*(You Lucky Bastard!) Sergio leads you to the Lost Heaven Harbor, not the
"trainyards." While there are many trains and tracks at the harbor, these are
simply for loading purposes, and the area is marked and noted by the mission
saves as "The Harbor."

*(Creme De La Creme) Paulie and Sam's showing up has nothing to do with how
much you shoot the engines. Instead, they appear when you move farther out onto
the tarmac, and the plane seems to be getting too far away to catch.

*(End note) This woman chained to a pole is used in one of the Freeride Extreme
missions. You have to save her from a sea monster in the mission initiated in
Chinatown. See the Freeride Extreme section for more information.


- Easter Eggs, Cheats, Bugs, etc. -

In this section, I will briefly describe the many Easter Eggs, bugs, cheats,
and so on that occur in each mission. This section is still under construction,
and currently lacks information on many of Mafia's secrets. Also, it should be
SPOILED! You have been warned:

"An Offer You Can't Refuse"

-As soon as the cinematic ends, quickly get out of your vehicle, turn around,
and go up to the enemy car. Even though it's a Falconer (and Tommy doesn't
learn how to open Falconers until the end of "Fairplay") and he isn't even a
member of the Mafia yet, he is able to carjack the gangsters. However, very
shortly afterwards, you will have failed the mission. Still, it's quite
"The Running Man"

- The gangster in the brown suit carries a baseball bat when he first tries to
hit Tommy (during the cinematic). If you turn around at some point during the
mission and run back TOWARDS the gangsters, he's still carrying a baseball bat.
However, in the cinematic when they enter the Salieri Bar, he has a colt 1911.
It seems unlikely that he would use the bat to try to kill Tommy if he had a
gun all along.

- When you enter the alleyway (right as the car drives out), look off to the
side and you should see a man urinating against the wall. He will continue to
do this, regardless of the gangsters shooting at you. In addition, if you punch
him, he will go running off, but keep urinating as he flees.

- As you run through the alleyways, listen closely to the people standing
around. One man, who seems to be waiting for someone is saying "Where the hell
is she? I said three o' clock in the passageway." As you continue on, keep
looking around for more people. Near the end of the alleys (before you make
your final dash to the Salieri Bar), you should hear a woman saying essentially
the same thing: "Where is he? We were supposed to meet at three o' clock in the
passageway." Clearly, they were both supposed to meet each other at three o'
clock in "the passageway," but each thought the other was talking about a
different passageway. You can actually talk to the woman and quickly explain to
her what happened (though the gangsters will still be chasing you).
"Molotov Party"

- It is possible to go into the Morello Bar in this mission. However, the
gangsters can grow suspicious and will most likely attack you. That said, it is
possible for you to kill them all, giving you weapons, as well as no
interference when you smash their cars.
"Ordinary Routine"

- Play through until you reach the shootout at the Clark Motel. Once you've
gotten in through the back and killed most of the gangsters, head down to the
main floor. At the end of the hall, opposite the staircase is a door. Enter it,
then immediately turn left and open the door next to you. Go into this bathroom
and walk into the first stall on the left. If you press action/use, Tommy will
"relieve" himself. Not only is it hilarious to begin with, but you can hold a
gun while doing it. Try it with the S&W Model 27 Magnum. NICE!

- When you first arrive at the Motel (after the cinematic), go up to the
Lassiter V16 Phaeton parked outside. Shoot off at least one of the tires (but
feel free to shoot more if you feel like it). After the shootout, instead of
escaping in that car, the gangster who took your money will simply stand next
to the car. Not only does this make him easy to kill, but it avoids the entire
car chase part of the mission.

- At the Clark Motel, in the opening cinematic, a gangster steps out of the
door and points his gun at Tommy and Paulie. In the 1930's, it would be highly
unlikely for anyone to aim a gun in the sideways, modern day "gangster" style.
The only real use of this sideways method is a. for style, or b. for hitting
moving vehicles, but that's only with an automatic weapon (such as an uzi).
Therefore, this gangster's actions highlight one of the anachronisms in this

- Despite how Bobby warns you about the cops in this mission, there are
actually no cops present during the night segment. Or at least I've never seen

- When driving over the Giuliano Bridge, you might have noticed flashing lights
and a few cars parked on the side of the bridge. If you're interested, stop,
get out, and have a closer look. There is a man standing on the edge of the
bridge, about to commit suicide, and a number of people standing around him
(presumably trying to talk him out of it). If you push your way past the outer
ring of people, you can actually reach the suicidal man. In fact, you can even
punch him, causing him to stumble backwards, off of the bridge, but to remain
standing (floating on air).
"Fairplay" (The Race)

- If you're running Mafia version 1.0, there is a way to beat the race by
cheating. However, it is a glitch, not an intentional secret, and therefore,
was removed in versions 1.1 and beyond. After the starting line and the near
360 degree roundabout, continue down the straight path. When you come to a
slight curve to the right, you should see a few grey concrete barriers to your
left. Slow down, and go in between them, continuing on the road behind them.
Follow this path, ignoring all the "wrong way" warnings. When you pass the sign
for "Duniel," right before the path rejoins with the main road, you should get
a checkpoint time. Immediately hit the car reset button (Default: Numpad 0),
and your car will reset right behind the finish line. While you'll still have
to wait the 3 seconds to go, you will immediately cross the finish line as soon
as you start moving. This will allow you to easily win the race, as long as you
don't accidentally flip yourself over and die.

- Ever curious what kind of music the developers of Mafia were into? Well, you
can certainly get an idea in this mission. Look closely at the names of the
other racers (in the end-race results screen). Most (maybe all) of them are
actually named after heavy metal musicians (thanks to Raven14):

Peter Tagtgren (Bands: Hypocrisy, Pain)
David Vincent (Bands: Morbid Angel)
Mick Harris (Bands: Napalm Death)
Chris Barnes (Bands: Cannibal Corpse, Six Feet Under)
Kirk Windstein (Bands: Crowbar)
Thomas Warrior (aka Tom Warrior) (Bands: Celtic Frost)
Bill Steer (Bands: Carcass, Napalm Death)
Mark Greenway (Bands: Napalm Death)
John Perez (Bands: Puncture)
Page Hamilton (Bands: Helmet)
Martin Lichtenberg (Bands: ?)
Georgio Popino (Bands: ?)

- In the alleyway, as soon as the cinematic ends and the thugs rush at Tommy,
look to your right. On the wall, propped up against a crate is a plank. You can
use it as a melee weapon during this fight, and is actually quite useful.
"Better Get Used To It"

- Before entering the service station, you must kick open a red metal gate.
However, if you wait a while, Paulie will kick it open for you.

- If you've played the mission before, then you know the area where you are
"allowed" to begin shooting. Technically, you can begin firing at the thugs in
this area as soon as you get there. You don't have to wait for them to begin
firing first.
"The Whore"

- The Corleone hotel is a reference to the Corleone family in "The Godfather"
movie trilogy.

- When you first enter the Corleone hotel, you should see a prostitute talking
to a sailor. When they get up, follow the woman, until she eventually leads the
man to a room. Stand up against the door and turn up your sound. You can hear
them having sex on the other side. Similarly, this works if you knock on many
of the locked doors throughout the hotel.

- Immediately upon entering the hotel, go up to the prostitute and the sailor
(the same ones as mentioned before). If you punch (but not shoot) the
prostitute, she will flee in terror, though none of the gangsters will attack
you. The sailor will now follow her around, throughout the hotel, as she runs

- If you continually pester the Concierge about the woman in the picture ("The
Whore"), he will eventually threaten you with a sawed-off shotgun he claims to
have under the counter. Read the next secret, and you'll see whether or not
he's telling the truth.

- Go up to the front desk, and around to the right. Go inside the desk and up
to the concierge (on his left). Try to climb on the small table up against the
wall. Once on top of it, continually roll to the side, and you should be able
to roll past the concierge and onto the other side of the counter. From here,
you can see that he wasn't lying, he actually does have a sawed-off shotgun
under the counter. Additionally, you can go into the back room and take the
key. Since this is a bug, not an Easter Egg, the scripting of the game is not
designed to handle getting the key before alerting the gangsters (with the
attack on the manager). As a result, when you pick up the key, the manager will
become frightened, and flee to his office, but none of the other gangsters will
pay any attention, or become hostile against you.

- Once you enter the hotel, go through the door to the right (from the main
lobby). From here, turn into the door on the left side of this hallway (it's
the only one on the left side). Go up the metal staircase to the second floor.
Exit the stairwell and walk directly straight ahead. This door, though
unmarked, can actually be opened. Go into the room and turn right. On the small
table, you can find a knife. Using this weapon, you can kill the concierge and
the manager without alerting the guards. In fact, the man who the manager is
talking to won't even flinch when you kill the manager.
"The Priest"

- As soon as the mission starts, you should be outside, on the top of the
church tower. Turn around, and you should see a bucket perched on the ledge.
Shoot it, and it will fall down to the street below. Quickly run up to the edge
and watch it fall. Regardless of how you shot it, it will careen downwards,
eventually hitting the head of a worker standing below. In fact, the force is
so great that it kills him!
"A Trip To The Country"

- At the farm, when you are heading out to "find out what happened to the
alcohol shipment," none of the gangsters will be present. Even though they
should technically be hiding in the shacks and barns, there are no traces of
them until after the cinematic (and shots fired).

- In the optional Lucas Bertone side-mission, stay at Lucas' friend's house
after warning him. Eventually, the cops will show up, but all they do is get
out of their car and stand up against the wall, on either side of the door.
They don't actually go rushing in and try to catch the man.

- When chasing the Lassiter V16 Police (carrying Frank) out of the city, you
might notice that the driver is really quite bad at driving safely. He will
routinely collide with other vehicles or objects, and careen out of control.

- After you head out onto the airstrip, you should notice a Bolt Truck driving
towards you. If you have no weapons equipped, the man who gets out will help
you out, by fighting alongside you (though he only has a crowbar). If however,
you have weapons out, he will assume that you're just another gangster and come
at you with his crowbar.

- When you first head into the building where Frank's family is waiting, you
will notice a man making a telephone call. If you listen closely, you'll find
out that he's calling the police in regards to the massive shootout that just
occurred. If he finishes his call, you'll have a full squad of officers to
fight against when you leave the airport. However, if you kill him before he
finishes his call, no cops will show up at the airport.

- Inside this same building (where Frank's family is waiting), there is a woman
hugging a man. If you shoot and kill the man, the woman will turn around and
chase after you. This is the only woman in the game who will fight back, rather
than just cowering or screaming. It's really not that important, but is an
interesting note.

- In the optional Lucas Bertone side-mission where you have to beat up Stan,
going to far, such as killing him, will result in mission failure. It was
essential for Lucas that he be severely hurt, but not killed. Therefore, if you
kill him, it's game over for you.
"Visiting Rich People"

- When trying to sneak into the mansion, if the maid sees you, she will call
the guards (essentially the same as calling an alarm). However, she herself
will not attack you, only call those who are willing to do so (thus protecting

- In one of the second floor rooms that you may pass through on the way to the
prosecutor's office is a woman. She is sitting at a dresser, talking on the
phone. However, since she has cucumbers in her eyes, she is unable to see you
behind her, making her an easy target to kill. However, the question of who she
is remains unanswered. Most likely however, she is either the wife or daughter
of the prosecutor.
"A Great Deal!"

- Once you arrive at the parking garage, go and talk to the man in the booth to
your left. While he seems friendly, if you shoot at him, he'll quickly grab a
pump-action shotgun and return fire.

- The whiskey dealer in this mission is named "Bill." However, in one of the
cinematics, Paulie identifies him as "William Gates." Is this a joke aimed at
William "Bill" Gates, the head of the Microsoft corporation? Who knows?

- On the middle floor (the one with the fenced area in the middle), look behind
a white Schubert Six to find a hiding gangster, but more importantly, a box of
grenades. These will make the rest of the mission significantly easier, as
difficult tasks (such as clearing the blockade) can now be completed from
greater distance and with less danger to you.

- If you have any grenades left after clearing the parking garage, you can
attempt this trick. As soon as you leave, turn to your left and throw one or
more of your remaining grenades at the group of gangsters milling about. If you
kill them all before they get in their cars, you won't have to fend off any
attacks while riding back to the warehouse.
"Bon Appetit!"

- Given how much the gangsters are shooting at Salieri and Tommy, the simple
wood table that they hide behind seems remarkably strong...

- While most of the gangsters' positions make sense (strategically), one does
not. Why should there be a gangster in the upper balcony of the building next
to Pepe's. He has no line of fire into the restaurant, and if he was supposed
to be a sentry, he also has no line of fire to hit anyone flanking the
gangsters (until they get right out in front of him). Additionally, he has no
cover from below, meaning that if you hug the wall, you can easily get a clear
shot up at him, without him having a chance at stopping you.

- In the optional Lucas Bertone mission after the main substance of "Omerta",
you have to go out and beat up Stan, the bouncer at the Black Cat Bar. This
mission is on request from Lucas' friend Carlo. In the end of the mission "Bon
Appetit!", you have to go to the apartment of, and kill, Salieri's double-
crossing bodyguard Carlo. We already know that the Salieri "family" knows,
interacts, and is on friendly terms with Lucas Bertone (e.g. "Fairplay). In
addition, Tommy's multiple favors for Lucas are undoubtedly appreciated, and
help to bring him closer to Salieri. As a result, is it that difficult to
imagine that Lucas wouldn't make more friendships with members or employees of
the Salieri family. Mafia doesn't have hundreds of characters, only 20-30 or so
named characters who Tommy interacts with. Due to this fact, it seems
increasingly odd that two characters would have the same name. Given all this
evidence, and your own personal opinion...Are these two Carlos the same person?

- At Carlo's apartment complex, after killing Carlo, a few of his buddies will
rush you. While they mostly have melee weapons or weak guns, one has a unique
weapon, the steel bar. As I mentioned earlier, it's quite similar to the
"Plank" weapon in "Sarah."
"Happy Birthday!"

- When you arrive at the docks, if you try to board the ship, the man guarding
the gangplank will stop you, asking for an invitation. However, upon your
return, dressed as a sailor, he lets you pass freely. Apparently, he didn't get
a good look at Tommy's face before. After all, if Tommy really had been a
sailor, he would have said so, rather than just leaving and mysteriously coming
back in uniform with no explanation.

- From the docks, look at the Lost Heaven Queen (the steamboat). All the
"people" onboard are not only immobile, but upon closer inspection, are
actually just 2D pictures (like life-size posters of people).

- Once you're on the boat. Head up to the main (second) level. Go into the
dining cabin, and to the bar at the far end of the room. On the side of the bar
is a glass of wine. Upon drinking it, Tommy will make a remark, and a few
moments later, become very "woozy" and lightheaded. This dizziness effect will
remain for some time, especially if you try to drink more wine quickly.
However, if you try too many times, the bartender will tell Tommy so.

- Another "secret weapon" can be found on the party steamer. The bucket that's
required to clean the bathroom can be used as a weapon. Tommy holds and swings
the bucket with his left hand, and punches normally with his right.

- If you wait for the councilor to end his speech and return to his room, you
can slip inside. Although his guards will instantly turn on, and attack you,
it's still interesting to get an inside view of his room.
"You Lucky Bastard!"

- When Paulie attempts to kill Sergio Morello when he's standing outside with a
group of his fellow gangsters, he (Paulie) is unable to because "his gun
jammed." However, if you get out of the car (and you will probably fail the
mission quickly, so do this one fast), go to his discarded Thompson on the
ground. You will find that it didn't actually jam, it was just out of ammo.

- Once you reach the harbor, you should see the large train running along the
edge of the docks. One section has four very large explosive barrels. Upon
shooting them, the nearby gangsters will be caught on fire. One will try to put
himself out by diving into the water. The other will simply burn to death.
"Creme De La Creme"

- While Morello will usually turn left into the airport, some of the time
(about 20-25% for me), and for a multitude of (mostly unknown) factors, he will
continue straight. Follow him up the winding paths, up and up and up to the top
of the cliffs. As long as you don't fall too far behind, you won't fail the
mission. When you reach the uncompleted bridge, a cinematic will play where
Tommy rams Morello's car off the bridge, killing him. As far as is known, this
is the only true "alternate ending" to any of the missions in Mafia.

- If you performed the alternate ending, make your way down to where Morello's
car is. You can circle around the long way, or you can try to ride your car
down the mountain cliff (be sure to brake, so as to avoid careening into the
water). However, upon reaching the flaming wreck of his car, you will find it
to be intangible. Very odd.

- If you do the normal ending (where Morello turns left at the airport), your
car will die as soon as you reach the parking lot. Doesn't it seem suspicious
that Sam is able to fix it in less than 30 seconds, especially since there is
no mention of him having any mechanic/automotive skills?

-In the optional Lucas Bertone side-mission, follow the Celeste Marque 500 home
instead of having a shootout with its owner. Remember where he goes and parks
his car. After you've beaten the main story and unlock Freeride Extreme, you
will recognize that he went to what is Tommy's House in FRE.
"Election Campaign"

- When you first reach the prison, there is a man blocking the manhole cover
you need to access. Depending on what you do to him, there will be different
outcomes at the end of the mission. If you kill him and leave the body where it
is, you will have four cops to deal with at the end of the mission, and a
Lassiter V16 Charon (Hearse) will also show up. If you just injure him, only
two cops will show up, but he'll be ratting you out to them. However, if you
drop all your guns before exiting, they'll let you go, and won't attack you. A
third option is to kill him and dump his body down the manhole, eliminating the
evidence, and leaving you free of police interference at the end of the

- When you reach your sniping vantage point (from which you're supposed to
shoot the politician), look in the water close to where you are. You should
spot a man standing on a boat. If you shoot him (you've got plenty of ammo...Or
at least you should), he will fall off, making a huge splash of water.
"Just For Relaxation"

- Some of the men at the harbor seem incredibly suspicious of you, no matter
what you do.

- The boxes that you have to steal in this mission are marked "Scorsese
Imports." This is most likely once again referencing classic film director
Martin Scorsese, who made Taxi Driver, Raging Bull and Goodfellas to name a

- In Intermezzo 4, Tommy told Norman about Don Pepone, who both Salieri and
Morello served under some years back. However, he appears as an Easter Egg in
this mission. When you're first visiting the bank for "reconnaissance," listen
in on his conversation (he's sitting at the desk to your left (after entering
the main bank room). He talks about building a theme/attraction park for Lost
"The Death of Art"

- In Paulie's apartment, after the cinematic ends. Look on his wall for a
picture of a flower. If you shoot it, it will nearly double in size. This one
is very bizarre, but completely useless.

- Sam's attitude towards Tommy in this mission, while verbally is presented as
sympathetic, in action seems much more "evil-genius" like. Why does he need to
drop the money around Tommy except for dramatic effect? Why does he run away
screaming, while sending waves of gangsters at Tommy? Etc.

- When the Salieri gangsters ask "Thomas Angelo?" Tommy replies "Yes?" too
naturally. He had lived in the witness protection program for at least 15-20
years. Even despite his old tendencies, he would at least have had some shock
or disbelief from being called his old name.


- Real Car Names -

If you are even slightly acquainted with cars from the 1930's, then you are
probably aware that most of the cars in Mafia are based directly off real car
models, and look almost identical to the real thing. However, you should also
have noticed that the names of the cars in the game don't quite match the names
of the cars in real life. For the most part, only the manufacturer's name is
changed, though sometimes there are certain other differences. So, for the sake
of you car aficionados, or just curious readers, I've compiled a list of every
car in Mafia, along with its real life counterpart (if applicable). Many thanks
to the community of Mafiascene who helped me out in this endeavor.

| Name in Mafia | Name in real life |
| Bolt | Ford |
| Bolt Ace Tudor | Ford Model T Tudor |
| Bolt Ace Touring | Ford Model T Touring |
| Bolt Ace Runabout | Ford Model T Runabout |
| Bolt Ace Pickup | Ford Model T Pickup |
| Bolt Ace Fordor | Ford Model T Fordor |
| Bolt Ace Coupe | Ford Model T Coupe |
| Bolt Model B Tudor | Ford Model A Tudor |
| Bolt Model B Roadster | Ford Model A Roadster |
| Bolt Model B Pickup | Ford Model A Pickup |
| Bolt Model B Fordor | Ford Model A Fordor |
| Bolt Model B Delivery | Ford Model A Delivery |
| Bolt Model B Coupe | Ford Model A Coupe |
| Bolt Model B Cabriolet | Ford Model A Cabriolet |
| Bolt V8 Coupe | Ford V8 Coupe |
| Bolt V8 Fordor | Ford V8 Fordor |
| Bolt V8 Roadster | Ford V8 Roadster |
| Bolt V8 Touring | Ford V8 Touring |
| Bolt V8 Tudor | Ford V8 Tudor |
| Schubert | Chevrolet |
| Schubert Six | Chevrolet Special Sedan |
| Schubert Extra Six Fordor | Chevrolet Master Four-door Sedan |
| Schubert Extra Six Tudor | Chevrolet Master Two-door Sedan |
| Schubert Six Police | Chevrolet Special Sedan Police |
| Schubert Extra Six Police Fordor | Chevrolet Master Police Four-door Sedan |
| Schubert Extra Six Police Tudor | Chevrolet Master Police Two-door Sedan |
| Falconer | Blackhawk |
| Falconer | Blackhawk Four-door Sedan |
| Falconer Yellowcar | Blackhawk Four-door Taxi |
| Falconer Gangster | Blackhawk Four-door Sedan |
| Crusader | Pontiac |
| Crusader Chromium Fordor | Pontiac Chromium Four-door Sedan |
| Crusader Chromium Tudor | Pontiac Chromium Two-door Sedan |
| Guardian | Hudson |
| Guardian Terraplane Coupe | Hudson Straight Eight Coupe |
| Guardian Terraplane Fordor | Hudson Straight Eight Four-door Sedan |
| Guardian Terraplane Tudor | Hudson Straight Eight Two-door Sedan |
| Thor | Cord |
| Thor 812 Cabriolet FWD | Cord 812 Cabriolet FWD |
| Thor 810 Phaeton FWD | Cord 810 Phaeton FWD |
| Thor 810 Sedan FWD | Cord 810 Sedan FWD |
| Lassiter | Cadillac |
| Lassiter V16 Fordor | Cadillac V16 Model 70 Fordor |
| Lassiter V16 Phaeton | Cadillac V16 Model 335B Phaeton |
| Lassiter V16 Roadster | Cadillac V16 Model 70 Roadster |
| Lassiter V16 Appolyon | Cadillac V16 Model 70 Fleetwood |
| Lassiter V16 Charon | Cadillac V16 Model 70 Charon |
| Lassiter V16 Police | Cadillac V16 Model 70 Police |
| Ulver | Chrysler |
| Ulver Airstream Fordor | Chrysler Airflow Four-door Sedan |
| Ulver Airstream Tudor | Chrysler Airflow Two-door Sedan |
| Wright | Buick |
| Wright Coupe | Buick Special Coupe |
| Wright Fordor | Buick Special Two-door Sedan |
| Silver Fletcher | Pierce-Arrow |
| Silver Fletcher | Pierce Silver Arrow |
| Bruno | Auburn |
| Bruno Speedster 851 | Auburn Speedster 852 |
| Celeste | Mercedes |
| Celeste Marque 500 | Mercedes Model 500K |
| Trautenberg | Duesenberg |
| Trautenberg Model J | Duesenberg Model J |
| Trautenberg Racer 4WD | Duesenberg Racer 4WD |
| Brubaker | Miller |
| Brubaker 4WD | Miller 4WD |
| Caesar | Alfa Romeo |
| Caesar Romeo 8C Mostro | Alfa Romeo 8C Mostro |
| Caesar Romeo 8C 2300 Racing | Alfa Romeo 8C 2300 Spider |
| Carrozella | Bugatti |
| Carrozella C-Otto 4WD | Bugatti Type 53/59 (fictional model) |
| Other | Ford (Other) |
| Bolt Truck | Ford Truck |
| Bolt Ambulance | Ford Ambulence |
| Bolt Firetruck | Ford Firetruck |
| Bolt Hearse | Ford Hearse |
| Bolt Truck Flatbed | Ford Truck Flatbed |
| Bolt Truck Covered | Ford Truck Covered |
| Prototypes | Assorted (Modified and Fictional) |
| Bolt Thrower | Ford Thunderbird |
| Hotrod | Ford Rumble |
| Black Dragon 4WD | Ford Model A Pickup (modified) |
| Mutagen 4WD | Cord 810 Sedan FWD (modified) |
| Manta | Phantom Corsair prototype |
| Masseur | Ford Model A Pickup (modified) |
| Demoniac | Ford Model T Runabout (modified) |
| Crazy Horse | Ford Model T (modified) |
| Bob Mylan 4WD | Chevrolet Master Tudor (modified) |
| Disorder | Ford V8 Roadster (modified) |
| Hillbilly 5.1 | Ford Thunderbird 5.1 FWD
| Speedee | Ford V8 Coupe (modified) |
| Luciferion | Hudson Terraplane Coupe (modified) |
| Black Metal 4WD | Chevrolet Master Tudor (modified) |
| Flower Power | Ford Model A Delivery (modified) |
| Flame Spear | modified (not modeled after a real car) |
| Manta Taxi | Phantom Corsair prototype (fictional taxi|
| | model) |


- Instruction Manual -

Due to Mafia's poor sales, it has become a popular item for companies to
package with other products, such as with sound cards, or in a game pack (e.g.
Maximum Underworld). In many of these situations, the instruction manual is
removed from the game, leaving the player at a disadvantage. As a result, I
felt compelled to provide a copy of the instruction manual. Although I cannot
include pictures, and must limit the styles (as this document uses only basic
Unicode ASCII), I'll do my best to keep the copy as accurate as possible. This
will result in the elimination of many of the borders and styles found in the
manual, as well as the hundreds of accent marks in peoples' names (in the
credits). However, I'll put the data in paragraph form, and for the most part,
ignore stylistic breaks found in the manual. Thanks to, you can download a copy of the manual in .pdf
format. Link to it here:

One additional note before I begin: All spelling errors within the manual are
marked with the standard editor correction ([sic]). However, one such error is
factual. The manual lists a sawed-off shotgun as a small-type weapon, when in
fact, it is a large-type weapon.

Anyway, here's my attempt to copy the manual:

g.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:,.:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,; t:,,.:;t
K,tttttttttttttttttttttttttttCttCttttttCCttCttttttttttttG .tt. M .
K;77777777O7777777777O7O7777777777OO7OOOCOCCC77OO777777x0 0EO 7M
K;CO77OOOOO;tZ.t27C;t Z5O77OOOOOOOO77Z:. ,.,;DZ;:CDO: ,t0G;..MMMZ, NM.
K;C7OOOO727;xZs2Zt ; 25OOOO7OOOO7OO2GCOC2C;: :Qs. t,:. .Ot t @OK tMM,
K;7OOOCO222x7Ctx5t .t x5OOOOO77OOOO2ttt; : t0Q: , , OEMMMMM
K;7OOOO27.t5G;:5xS . GG27OOOO7OC2OOOx5C ; ;8bt SMx8MMMMMNgMS
K;7OOOO27t7C2ZCCDD . 2sOOOOOOOOt2OZ;;: : . @MMMMN; ; M@Z0,
K;7OO7722x ;0Q O5OOO222O2Cx7xG5x .Z7. E@,EM MMMMM
K;C7O7OZx;:;;: tQS, t sZC7O22G0C;Q;;,Ct: ,.. :@MMMNMMM. DMMMMMt
K;7OOOG, 5: . t0S. . 0G;tC; ;..ZtC.2DZ ;. ; CMMMMMMMMKS8MMMMMMMt
K;72C:t2 t. .,5 ;;. C,Z; EMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.:2;
9:t,5;52tt ,7; G. ;t2; tMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM5
gtt ;... ,x :O : .2. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM2
S :t,,Ot.. ..,,:::. .,,,,,. ;D ,,:::::,.MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM... .
N . CMM. . ZMM . xMMM .. #MM . SMMM . NMMMMMMMb . MMM@ ...MMM ....

Issue: 324 Lost Heaven Courier Page 1

System Requirements . . . . . 2
Installation . . . . . . . . .3
Uninstall . . . . . . . . . . 3
Configuration . . . . . . . . 3
Starting the Game . . . . . . 4
Main Menu . . . . . . . . . . 4
Intro . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Tutorial . . . . . . . . . . .4
New Game . . . . . . . . . . .4
Load Game . . . . . . . . . . 4
Free Ride . . . . . . . . . . 5
Free Ride Extreme . . . . . . 5
Carcyclopedia . . . . . . . . 5
Options . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Controls . . . . . . . . . . .6
Audio and Video . . . . . . . 7
Credits . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Change Profile . . . . . . . .8
Quit . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Controls . . . . . . . . . . .9
Player Controls . . . . . . . 9
Car Controls . . . . . . . . .10
Basic Actions . . . . . . . . 10
The Game Display . . . . . . .11
City Map . . . . . . . . . . .13
Inventory . . . . . . . . . .14
Combat! . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Vehicles . . . . . . . . . . .16
Obtaining Cars . . . . . . . .17
Controlling Your Speed . . . .18
Speedlimiter . . . . . . . . .18
Filling Up . . . . . . . . . .18
Ralph's Garage . . . . . . . .19
Public Transportation . . . . 20
Police . . . . . . . . . . . .21
Salieri's Bar in Little Italy 22
At Salieri's Bar . . . . . . .23
Tommy Angelo . . . . . . . . .23
Norman . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Don Salieri . . . . . . . . . 24
Paulie . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Sam . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Vincenzo . . . . . . . . . . .25
Ralph . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Morello . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Lucas Bertone . . . . . . . . 26
Credits . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Technical Support . . . . . . 30
Electronic Registration . . . 30
Limited Software Warranty
and License Agreement . . . . 32

Page 2 Lost Heaven Courier Issue: 324


Mafia requires DirectX 8.1 to be installed in order to run. (You will be
prompted to install this after installing the game.)

The game requires the MAFIA DISC 1 CD to be in the CDROM (DVD-ROM drive) in
order to run. The supported operating systems are:
Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition, Windows Millennium, Windows 2000
(Workstation), Windows XP (Home and Professional)

Mafia does not support:
Windows 95, Windows NT (any version)

Minimum Hardware Requirements:
500 MHz Pentium(r) III or AMD
Athlon processor, 96 MB of
drive, 1.8 GB of free hard disk
space, 32 MB video card with
DirectX 8.1 compatible drivers,
DirectX 8.1 compatible sound
card, Microsoft compatable [sic] keyboard and mouse.

Recommended Hardware Requirements:
700+ MHz Pentium III or AMD
Athlon processor, 128+ MB of
drive, 1.8 GB of free hard disk
space, 64 MB video card with
DirectX 8.1 compatible drivers,
DirectX 8.1 compatible sound
card with surround sound
support, Microsoft compatable [sic] keyboard and mouse.

Issue: 324 Lost Heaven Courier Page 3


Insert the MAFIA DISC 1 CD into you CD-ROM (DVDROM)drive. The installation
menu window will be displayed. Select INSTALL to begin the installation of the
game. If AUTOPLAY is disabled on your computer you will need to run the SETUP
by double clicking the MY COMPUTER icon and then double clicking the CDROM(DVD-
ROM) and select INSTALL from the Mafia Launcher.

Follow the on-screen instructions to install the game and insert the MAFIA DISC
2 CD and MAFIA DISC 3 CD when prompted.


To uninstall Mafia, click on the uninstall option in the Mafia Start Menu
shortcuts or from the Windows, Control Panel - Add / Remove Programs option.


After you have installed the game and run it for the first time, the Mafia
Setup window will be displayed. The game will automatically detect your PC's
specifications and select the optimum settings depending on your hardware.

NOTE: It is strongly recommended that you do not adjust these settings unless
you are experiencing problems with running the game. If you experience problems
running the game, ensure that you have the latest drivers installed for your
hardware (video and sound cards) before contacting technical support, contact
details are at the end of this manual.

Choose "Save and Exit" to continue with the game. If you wish to alter these
settings later, select the Setup option on the launch window after inserting
MAFIA DISC 1 or from the Start Menu shortcut.

NOTE: Ensure that no other applications are running, such as virus checkers or
time activated screensavers when playing the game.

Page 4 Lost Heaven Courier Issue: 324


When you first play Mafia you will need to create a player profile. Create the
profile by entering a name and selecting OK. Each player profile saves your
individual progress through the game and allows more players to play on one
computer. If player profiles already exist, select one to go to the Main Menu

NOTE: some options are not fully accessible at the start of the game. All
of the options become available depending on how successful you are at
progressing through the game.

Intro: Select this option to replay the Intro to the game.

Tutorial: Choose this option to learn how to control Tommy and the basic
functions of the game.

New Game: Select this option to start a new game.

Load Game: Mafia automatically saves the player's progress after completing
certain important tasks. Automatic saving is indicated during the game by an
on-screen message. Each player's Profile (see Starting the Game) has separately
saved positions, allowing several players to play on one PC. After opening the
menu, the last saved position

Issue: 324 Lost Heaven Courier Page 5

is automatically selected. Information about the selected saved game is
displayed at the bottom of the window.

Free Ride: Selecting Free Ride will allow you to drive freely around Lost
Heaven and the surrounding countryside. You can use the options in the menu
to select the density of pedestrians, traffic and police.

NOTE: Not all of the Free Ride options are available at the start of the game.
When Free Ride is fully unlocked, you can select any car that you have
collected during the game to roam freely through the city. You can collect
money as a taxi driver or by fighting with gangsters and destroying cars. With
this money you can pay to heal yourself at the city hospital, repair your car
at Bertone's or buy weapons at Yellow Pete's gunshop.

Free Ride Extreme: This mode becomes unlocked after you complete the single
player game. You can roam the city without any police patrols and complete
different tasks to enable you to receive special cars like hotrods. These cars
are then added to your garage and can be used in the normal Free Ride mode.

Carcyclopedia: Here you can view all of the vehicles that are available in the
game and their specifications. Scroll through the list of makes and models on
the left-hand side of the screen and information about the selected vehicle
will be displayed in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. You can view
the vehicles in more detail by pressing the "H" key to enter Show Mode.

Options: In the Options menu you can adjust the controls and change the
graphics and sound set-up according to your preferences and computer's

Page 6 Lost Heaven Courier Issue: 324


Here you can change the keyboard setup and parameters for effects when playing
the game. Keys are set individually for controlling Tommy, driving the car, and
setting the sensitivity of the mouse and joystick. Select the Player, Car or
Other options to move between the different set-up windows. To assign or change
a new or different key select the relevant field and then press the desired key
when the prompt appears. If you are not satisfied with the new setup you can
return to the original by clicking Reset To Defaults.

Setting up the mouse, game and peripheral options:

By selecting the Other controls window you can adjust the sensitivity of the
mouse (joystick or wheel) and limit the speed of the mouse along its X-axis.
You can select how vehicles respond while driving by adjusting the Nonlinear /
Linear option. This will effect the maneuverability of vehicles when driving,
allowing you to control the way vehicles steer in proportion to how far an
analogue device is moved to the left or the right.

Global Stick Volume: Adjusts the Force Feedback response for all effects

Suspension: Adjusts the Force Feedback response when driving on different

Collisions: Adjusts the Force Feedback response when involved in collisions

Revs: Adjusts the Force Feedback response depending on how much the engine is

Tire Grip: Adjusts the Force Feedback response to wheel resistance when turning

Player Movement: Adjusts the Force Feedback response to the player's
interaction with the environment

Issue: 324 Lost Heaven Courier Page 7
Using a Wheel or Joystick to Drive:

Ensure that you have correctly calibrated your device in Windows according to
the device's instructions. To assign a function to the device select a function
in the Controls menu to change and move the stick or wheel in the desired

NOTE: It is advised that you define joystick and wheel controls as a secondary

NOTE: During the game, analogue devices are disabled until you move the device
through at least 25% of its range of movement to activate it. This is so you
can comfortably use the digital controls (keyboard) without having the analogue
device interfere.

Audio and Video:

Adjusting the Video settings will help improve the performance of the game.
Mafia will automatically set the best options depending on your computer's
specifications, but these can be changed if you wish. At the top of the window
you can globally set all of the options by choosing the level of graphic
detail. Low is for a lower-performance computer and lowers all of the items in
this menu to minimum. Medium sets medium detail and High sets all options to
their maximum level. All items can also be set individually. It is generally
true that the lower the values the higher the FPS (Frames Per Second) will be
during play, but the graphics will have less detail.

Page 8 Lost Heaven Courier Issue: 324

Level of Details: Adjusts the graphical detail of objects in the game

Draw Distance: Adjusts the level of visibility in the game

In Game Effects: Adjusts the number of effects appearing in the game at any
one time

In Game Sounds: Adjusts the number of sound effects heard in the game at any
one time

Shadows: Adjusts and sets the number of integrated realtime shadows from

Particles: Adjusts the number of particles emitted in effects e.g. sparks.

Gamma: Adjusts the brightness of the game on your monitor

Under Audio you can set the volume of individual sounds in the game.

Sounds: Adjusts the volume of the sound effects in the game

Music: Adjusts the volume of the music in the game

Cars: Adjusts the volume of the traffic in the game

Speech: Adjusts the volume of the character's speech in the game

Credits: Select this option to display the credits for the game.

Change Profile: Here you can change to another saved profile if one has been
previously saved on your computer. You are also able to create a new profile or
delete an old profile as you wish.

NOTE: Deleting a profile will mean that the save games associated with it will
also be deleted.

Quit: Exit the game and return to Windows.

Issue: 324 Lost Heaven Courier Page 9

Use the mouse and keyboard to control Tommy, perform actions and interact with
the environment. The default controls are listed below, these can all be
redefined in the Options menus, as well as setting a secondary key if you wish.

NOTE: If you are playing the game using a Mouse with no Mouse Wheel the default
keys for Cycle Up and Down (Weapon Select) are the Pg Up and Pg Down keys.

Player Controls

Forwards: Cursor Up
Backwards: Cursor Down
Left: Cursor Left
Right: Cursor Right
Toggle Run / Walk: Caps Lock
Walk: Right Shift (Hold down while moving)
Turn on the spot: Right Alt (While moving)
Action: Button Right Mouse Button
Fire: Left Mouse Button
Crouch: Right Ctrl
Jump / Climb: Num Pad 0
Aiming: Mouse Axis X and Y
(Note: this can't be redefined)
Cycle Up & Down (Select Weapon): Mouse Axis Z (Mouse Wheel)
Inventory: I
Hide Weapon: H
Drop Weapon: Backspace
Reload: L
Sniper Mode: S
Objectives: F1
City Map: Tab

Page 10 Lost Heaven Courier Issue: 324

Car Controls

Accelerate: Cursor Up
Brake / Reverse: Cursor Down
Steer Left: Cursor Left
Steer Right: Cursor Right
Handbrake: Space
Speed Limiter: F5
Manual / Automatic Gears: M
Change Gears Up: A
Change Gears Down: Z
Horn: K
Look Left: ,
Look Right: .
Use Clutch: X
Change Camera: C
Replace (reposition the car during races): Num Pad 0

Basic Actions

By using the mouse you can look in all directions. The left mouse button is
used to fire a weapon or attack with an object that you are holding. If you are
unarmed you will attack with your bare hands. The right mouse button is used to
perform all other actions when interacting with people and the environment.

The keyboard cursor keys control Tommy's movement forward, backward and side
stepping. Tommy will always run by default but you can make him walk and
perform other actions listed below.

Walk: Cursor Up and Right Shift
Side Roll: Double tap Cursor Left or Right
Climb Over Obstacles: Num Pad 0 (When directly next to an obstacle)

Issue: 324 Lost Heaven Courier Page 11

When you are in a position to perform an action, the Action Button icon "!"
will be displayed in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen. Use the right
mouse button to perform the action. Actions range from getting into cars,
opening doors, using objects or talking to other characters. If it is possible
to perform more than one action at any given time a menu will be displayed
allowing you to choose which action to perform.

The Game Display The game is played from a 3rd person perspective when
controlling Tommy on foot, but the camera view can be changed when driving a
car. All of the game information is displayed on-screen and will change
depending on the situation that you find yourself in.

Page 12 Lost Heaven Courier Issue: 324

Tommy's health is displayed in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen. If
this reaches "0" it's "GAME OVER" and the mission will have to be retried.
During the course of the game you may come across First-Aid cabinets that can
be used to replenish his health. If Paulie, Sam or another character is
accompanying Tommy, a picture of them and their health will also be displayed
above Tommy's.

When you draw or hold a gun in your hands the amount of remaining ammunition is
displayed to the right of Tommy's health meter. The ammunition is displayed as
"7/21" for example, where "7" is the number of remaining rounds in the weapon
and "21" is the total number of remaining rounds available in any magazines
carried by Tommy.

Depending on the situation, status messages will be displayed above the health
meters in the bottom left hand corner of the screen.

When you have been given instructions to travel to a certain location, a
compass will be displayed in the top left-hand corner of the screen. This does
not indicate the route to that location, but only the direction you need to be
heading in. The compass should be used in conjunction with the in-game map.

If you are given a task to complete in a certain time, a pocket watch will be
displayed in the top right-hand corner of the screen. The amount of time you
have in minutes is displayed by a red groove that reduces in size as time
passes by. The last minute is counted down on the small central dial by the
second hand.

At any time during a mission you can press the "F1" key to bring up a
description of the task at hand.

The on-screen display will provide more information when Tommy gets into a car.
A speedometer and RPM gauge will be displayed in the bottom right-hand corner
of the screen. In the center of the speedometer, the

Issue: 324 Lost Heaven Courier Page 13

currently selected gear is displayed. Below this is a functioning odometer and
beneath this a gas gauge showing the amount of gas left in the car. In addition
to this, a radar will also be displayed in the top left-hand corner of the
screen. This provides an overhead view of where your car is in relation to
other vehicles at your current location. Civilian cars are represented in
green, police cars are in blue, enemy or police cars chasing you are in red and
trolleys are in yellow. When you are nearing a mission objective a red cross
will be displayed on the radar.

NOTE: The radar can be extremely useful when involved in a car chase, as it
provides information on your immediate surroundings that can be used to help
evade pursuers.

City Map

The in-game map can be viewed by pressing "Tab". This will provide a scaled
down overview of Lost Heaven that shows your current position and the direction
in which you are traveling [sic]. The map also shows the network of the
elevated railway and stations, represented in blue and also the routes that the
trolleys travel along, represented in yellow.

Page 14 Lost Heaven Courier Issue: 324

During a mission, your objective will be indicated by a blue cross on the map.
If the location is out of the area currently displayed, the direction in which
you need to travel will be indicated by a blue arrow at the edge of the map.


Throughout the game you are able to collect and use various objects and
weapons, but you are limited to the amount that can be carried.

Weapons are classified as large or small. Small weapons (revolver, knife,
sawed-off shotgun [sic]) can be stored under a jacket or in pockets, so several
can be carried at once. Only one large weapon (baseball bat, Tommy gun, etc.)
can be stored, so carrying a second large weapon means holding it in your
hands. If you wish to use another weapon you will have to discard the weapon
you are currently holding.

If you have sufficient room in your inventory you can "HIDE" the current weapon
that you are holding by pressing "H". This will leave Tommy with nothing in his
hands. If you wish to discard a weapon, press "Backspace".

This does not affect other objects, such as keys, packages, etc.

NOTE: The police will not tolerate weapons, so make sure that you have them
hidden to avoid attention.


There are numerous weapons that can be used in the game, from close combat
weapons such as knives to fully automatic weapons such as the Tommy gun. Each
weapon has its own characteristics, range, loading time, and dispersion of
shots fired.

Issue: 324 Lost Heaven Courier Page 15

When using close combat weapons (or fighting with your bare hands), if you hold
down the left mouse button a bar will be displayed at the bottom of the screen.
The fuller the bar becomes before you release the left mouse button, the
stronger the strike will be.

When using sniper rifles, you will need to press "S" to look through the sight
to seek out your target.

NOTE: If you happen to be carrying a baseball bat, a strong blow from behind
will lay enemies out cold.

NOTE: When reloading by pressing "L", you will lose any rounds still left in
the chamber or magazine. This is not the case for the shotgun. Sometimes it may
be quicker to select a different weapon if you have one rather than reloading
while under heavy fire.

Using Weapons From Within Cars

It is possible to use certain weapons while you are driving. If you are
carrying a small handgun such as a Magnum or Colt, select it from your
inventory and press the left mouse button to aim outside of the window. To
return to the camera view behind the car, press the right mouse button.

NOTE: If you are driving the car you will still need to control the direction
and speed of the car to avoid crashing.

Page 16 Lost Heaven Courier Issue: 324


Cars play an important role in Mafia. In Lost Heaven a vehicle is the quickest
and easiest method of getting around. Each vehicle has its own characteristics
(which can be viewed in the Carcyclopedia) that effect the handling when
driving. Vehicles will also behave differently depending on the number of
passengers and the surface that the vehicle is currently travelling [sic] on.

When driving around Lost Heaven you should avoid collisions with other vehicles
and objects, as these can damage the vehicle, yourself and any passengers that
are in the vehicle. Tires can be punctured, effecting the handling of the
vehicle, headlights will stop working and fall off, and having a high-speed
collision could cause the engine to catch fire or the gas tank to explode. It
is also possible to lose gas should the gas tank get damaged or punctured. If
this happens you will notice the gas tank gauge rapidly decrease until the car
comes to a halt.

NOTE: A car may seem to be a safe place to be during a gun fight, but if the
gas tank is hit you're almost certainly going to go up in flames.

Issue: 324 Lost Heaven Courier Page 17

Obtaining Cars

Tommy receives cars for each mission from Ralph, the family's mechanic. During
the course of the game more modern and powerful cars become available as the
years go by. Ralph also shows Tommy how to steal the make and model of car that
he provides. Once Tommy has learned how to do this he can steal these models
when out on the streets in Lost Heaven.

Car Theft Rises to all time high!

To steal a vehicle, stand next to the driver's door and hold down the right
mouse button. The time it takes to unlock a vehicle varies on the make and
model. A progress bar will appear at the bottom of the screen, once this is
full the vehicle will be unlocked. If you move or release the right mouse
button while stealing a car the progress bar will reset and you will have to
start over.

It is also possible for Tommy to car-jack vehicles that are being driven on the
streets by the citizens of Lost Heaven. For example, approach a vehicle when
it has stopped at a set of traffic lights and open the driver's door as
described above to throw out the driver. You will only be able to do this if
Ralph has previously showed you how to steal that particular make and model.

NOTE: Stealing cars is an offence, so be aware of patrolling police nearby.

NOTE: While this may be necessary because of your situation, some drivers will
not be happy at you trying to steal their vehicle and may retaliate.

Page 18 Lost Heaven Courier Issue: 324

Controlling Your Speed

The default setting when driving vehicles is to have the changing of gears set
to automatic. If you wish, you can switch to controlling the gears and using
the clutch on a vehicle manually by pressing "M" to toggle between the two
options. Use "A" and "Z" to change between gears and "X" to control the clutch,
by pressing the clutch and revving the engine you can achieve a faster getaway
from a stationary position.

NOTE: By switching to manual control of the gears you have the option to leave
it in neutral with the handbrake off, this is shown in the gear display window
in the center of the speedometer by the letter "N". This can allow vehicles to
be moved without any resistance.


When driving around Lost Heaven you still have to obey the traffic laws that
apply to all of the drivers in the city, these include sticking to the speed
limit. Pressing "F5" will activate the speedlimiter that will prevent you from
inadvertently breaking the speed limit. When this is activated a yellow icon
will be displayed above the speedometer.

Filling Up

Each vehicle provided to you by Ralph will have a full tank of gas, but this
will go down as you drive around Lost Heaven. Pay attention to the amount of
gas that is in vehicles you steal, as you do not want to run out of gas when
being chased by enemies or the police.

There are gas stations situated throughout Lost Heaven. To fill up the vehicle,
drive into the gas station with the left side of the vehicle adjacent to the
pump and then press the right mouse button to bring up the option menu to
choose to fill it up. You will not be able to fill up a vehicle if you are
currently wanted by the police.

NOTE: It isn't wise to play with fire or weapons when in the vicinity of gas

Issue: 324 Lost Heaven Courier Page 19

Ralph's Garage

Vehicles that you have been provided with by Ralph or have stolen during the
course of the game will be parked in the yard behind the Salieri Bar at the
start of a mission. The vehicles that will be stored are those from Ralph
(even if they are discarded in the city during a mission), vehicles that you
have left in the yard during the course of a mission and vehicles which are
being used when a mission is completed, but does not end by returning to the
Salieri Bar.

NOTE: If a vehicle is destroyed during the course of a mission it will be lost
and not available in the Garage for a subsequent mission.

Page 20 Lost Heaven Courier Issue: 324

At the end of each mission a menu will be displayed to show you the vehicles
that have been added to the garage and those that have been discarded or
destroyed. Only so many vehicles can be stored in the yard, if there is no more
room then you will be given the option to discard a vehicle (including vehicles
that you obtained during a mission) to make room for vehicles that you have
obtained or are currently driving.

If you speak to Ralph during the course of a mission you will be presented with
a menu allowing you to discard vehicles in the garage in the same way as if
there was no room in the garage.

Public Transportation

Although using vehicles is the quickest and easiest way to get around Lost
Heaven, it is possible to make use of the network of Trolley Cars or travel on
the Elevated Railway. The stations where you get onto the trains are shown on
the in-game map.

Issue: 324 Lost Heaven Courier Page 21


The police patrol Lost Heaven as they would in any other city, on foot and in
patrol cars.

They will fine you for committing minor offences or arrest you for more serious
crimes, using force if necessary.

When you commit minor offences (for which you will have to pay fines) a ticket
icon will appear at the top of the screen, you will need to stop and get out of
your car to pay the fine. Examples of minor offences are, slightly exceeding
the speed limit as displayed when using the speedlimiter option by pressing
"F5", driving through a red light, hitting traffic signs and small collisions
with other cars. You can try to escape and the police will follow to arrest
you. The police will also attempt to arrest you if you commit four successive
minor offences.

The police will also try and arrest you for serious offences. When the police
are trying to arrest you, instead of the ticket icon, handcuffs will appear.
If the police manage to arrest you it's "GAME OVER".

Arrestable offences include excessively exceeding the speed limit, serious
collisions, car theft, violent behaviour [sic], attacking pedestrians, and
toting weapons in public.

If you try to escape, the police will chase you. If on foot they will blow
their whistles to alert other officers who are near by and if they reach a

Page 22 Lost Heaven Courier Issue: 324

all of the cops in the city will be alerted and a wanted bar will appear. If
the police are in patrol cars they will also alert other cops by radio and the
wanted bar will appear. If you manage to get out of sight of the police the
offence icon will become transparent. If you continue to evade being spotted
the wanted bar will eventually disappear. If you get out of your car and get
into a different one, without the cops seeing you, an icon of a policeman with
"???" above his head will appear. This means that the police do not know your
identity. Again, the wanted bar will disappear after time as long as you do not
commit another crime.

If you attack a policeman, attempt to run him over or start firing in the city,
the police will resort to using their weapons to stop you. When this happens, a
pistol icon will be displayed at the top of the screen. If they don't manage to
stop you, they will alert all of the police in the city and start putting up
roadblocks so you can't escape in a vehicle.

NOTE: If you commit an offence while driving, the police will not know your
face and just follow the car. If you can find a place to get out, without
being noticed, they won't follow you any more. The icon at the top of the
screen will become transparent and if you don't commit further offences or
drive the same car they will stop looking for you completely. This is also
the case if you commit an offence on foot but are able to get into a
vehicle unnoticed.


1. Rear entrance to the Bar

2. Car Port

3. Ralph's Garage

4. Vincenzo's Workshop

5. Exit to the street

Issue: 324 Lost Heaven Courier Page 23

At Salieri's Bar

Most of the missions in the game will begin at the Salieri Bar. The bar serves
as a base for Salieri family meetings and where the Don, or his consiglieri
Frank, asign [sic] your tasks. After you have been briefed you will generally
be required to collect equipment for the mission. Vincenzo works in a small
workshop next to the yard and he can provide you with weapons. Ralph, the
family's car mechanic, works in the yard itself and can provide you with
vehicles. If you happen to have stolen any vehicles and returned them to
Salieri's, these will also be stored here so you can take your pick as to which
vehicle to use.

Most missions end when you return to Salieri's and enter the front or back

Tommy Angelo

Tom is the main character in the game. Originally a cab driver, but due to a
combination of unpleasant circumstances, he is forced to join the Mafia. Tom is
all in all a nice guy, but a tough childhood and life in the 1930's have
changed his moral values a little. Thus, he's capable of doing things that a
normal person wouldn't understand, but his conscience sometimes haunts him.

Page 24 Lost Heaven Courier Issue: 324


Norman is the typical example of a detective brought up through the school of
hard knocks. He is a scruffy, tough guy, who acts like he hates everybody
around him. Tom tells him his story, but doesn't get much sympathy.

Don Salieri

The Don is the boss of the family that Tommy works for. He's a guy who's lived
through a lot and doesn't get excited too easily. He's typical of a Mafioso,
who hasn't built up his position just for money and doesn't always kill to get
what he wants.

He is friendly, but when he gets tough he can become dangerous. Sometimes
business is more important than friendship to him.


Paulie is Tom's sidekick, an energetic and hot-tempered guy, who sometimes
behaves completely unexpectedly. If he likes somebody he is the most loyal
friend you could have, someone you can always rely on; if he doesn't cause you
problems that is. Tom and Paulie are the greatest of friends and often work and
have fun together.

Issue: 324 Lost Heaven Courier Page 25


Sam is another associate of Tom's. At first sight, he just looks like an
average guy with a friendly smile. He is big and sometimes clumsy. He is also
shy and doesn't talk a lot. He often works with Tom and Paulie and they are
good friends.


Frank is Don Salieri's best friend, associate and advisor. His main concern is
family finance and the legal side of business. He is well suited to this. At
first sight he doesn't seem to belong among these criminals, as he is a very
quiet and inconspicuous nice guy. He does his work mainly because of an
attachment to Don Salieri, as well as their mutual past. They grew up together
in a poor quarter and thanks to the Don he gained most of what he has, so he
can't just turn his back on him. If he'd grown up in any other place he would
certainly be a successful lawyer or businessman.


Vincenzo has worked for the family for a long time and it means everything to
him. It's strange that such a good guy like Vincenzo found his greatest love in
guns, but that's why he takes care of Salieri's arsenal of weapons and selects
the best equipment for a mission.

Page 26 Lost Heaven Courier Issue: 324


Ralph is excellent when it comes to dealing with vehicles. He can take apart,
repair, improve and then rebuild whatever he gets his hands on, but that's
about it. His world revolves around anything on four wheels, and he knows
little about anything else. That's why he'll only talk about vehicles, though
even conversations about vehicles aren't easy for him.


Morello is Salieri's main adversary. Where Salieri opts for negotiation,
Morello uses an army of men with Thompsons. Where Salieri punishes treachery,
Morello indiscriminately shows his might. Because of this he has a big
influence in the city, which he is trying to extend into Salieri family
territory. He is greatly helped by his brother Sergio. However, he ultimately
destroys everything he's involved in through his overly brutal behaviour.

Lucas Bertone

Lucas is a pleasant Italian of middle age and a car mechanic for the rich. He
is very bighearted even though, in view of the services he provides to the
Mafia, he is no saint.

NOTE: Although not part of the Salieri family it's often worth visiting Lucas
when you have spare time as unlike Ralph, Lucas's work means that he has access
to some of the more luxurious and exotic cars in the city.

Issue: 324 Lost Heaven Courier Page 27


Gathering Of Developers Presents

A Game By Illusion Softworks

Development Director
Petr Vochozka

Lukas Kure

Lead Programmer
Dan Dolezel

Ls3d Engine Director
Denis Cerny

Vladimir Simunek

Director of Photography
Tomas Hrebicek

Art Director
Pavel Cizek

Written and Directed by
Daniel Vavra

Level Design
David Semik
Pavel Tretera
Pavel Brzak
Lukas Kure
Radek Pesl

Martin "Branner" Brandstatter

Collision, Facial Animations and Cutscene Editor
Daniel Capek

Physics Engine Programming
Vaclav Kral

LS3 Engine Team
Radek Sevcik
Tomas Blaho
Pavel Dlouhy

Additional Programming
Ales Borek

LS3D Editor Plug-ins
Marek Rabas
Miroslav Ondrus
Tomas Stepanek

Character Design
Roman Hladik

Special Effects
Jan Straka

3D Artists
David Semik
Pavel Tretera
Tomas Hrebicek
Michal Mach
Milan Saffek
Pavel Prochazka

2D Artists
Pavel Cizek
Roman Hladik
Jan Straka
Milan Saffek

Graphic Design
Daniel Vavra
Pavel Cizek

Additional Graphics
Jan Zatecky
Benedikt Zahora
Ales Filka
Michal Beran
Pavel Grim
Radek Marek
Eduard Dolezal
Martin Duda
Michal Babjar
Karel Matejka

Animations and Cutscenes
Michal Mach
Patrik Marik
Zbynek Travnicky
Stepan Prokop
Roman Hladik

Martin Dvorak
Tomas Hrebicek

Motion Capture Actors
Tomas Sedlak
Josef Vasek

Additional Motion Capture Actors
Jiri Alan
Jan Konecny
Zdenek "Denny" Ratajsky
Katerina Svobodova
Petra Hrebickova

Martin Sebela
Karel Malcik
Vojtech Malcik
Jiri Puchyr

Sound Engineers
Michal Chovanec
Petr Klimunda
Jan Absolin

Ilusion [sic] Softworks Testing Unit

Lead Tester
Vladimir Necas

Jiri Matous
Libor Kvansnicka
Michal Axmann
Josef Vasck
Viktor Prochazka
Jan Kittler

External Beta Testers
Jiri Vasek
Frantisek Sitarik
Vladimir Senflok
Petr Balas
Tomas Bezdek
Jindrich Prusa
Jiri Dockal

Technical Support
Petr Olsansky
Tomas Hocck

Weapons Advisor
Jan Kremar

Music Orchestrated and Conducted by
Adam Klemens

Music Supervisor
Jiri Zobac

Sound Engineer
Vladimir Fila

Bohemia Symphonic Orchestra

Jiri Krizanovsky

Recorded at
Studio B
National Theatre

Mixed and Mastered at
Evoo Studio

Take 2 Interactive

Andrew Morley

Development Manager
Luke Vernon

Voice Talent Production and Direction
Renaud Sebbane

Special Advisor
Joe Howell

Technical Services Manager
Sajjad Majid

International Managing Director
Gary Lewis

Business Affairs Director
Simon Little

Group Production Manager
Jon Broadbridge

Page 28 Lost Heaven Courier Issue: 324

Group Production Co-ordinator

Chris Madgwick

Group Design Manager

James Crocker

Design Team

Tom Baker
Selena Miffling
James Quinlan

QA Manager

Mark Lloyd

Test Supervisor & Mafia Lead Tester

Kevin Hobson

Test Supervisors

Paul Byers
Tim Bates
Andy Mason
Charlie Kinloch
Lee Johnson
Matt Hewitt
Kit Brown
Rob Dunkin
Denby Grace
Phil Alexander
Phil Deane
James Cree
Michael Emeny
Jonathan Stones
Michael Blackburn

Take 2 UK

UK Marketing Manager

Sarah Seaby

Product Manager

Gary Sims

Trade Marketing Manager

Mark Jackson

Online Marketing Manager

Julian Hoddy

PR Manager

Nick Boulstridge

Take 2 International

Vice President of International Marketing

Christoph Hartmann

International Product Managers

Gabriel Wunderlich
Jochen Till

International Materials Co-ordinator

Karl Unterholzner

Take-Two Interactive (U.S.)

Executive Producer

Sam Houser

Chief Technology Officer

Gary J. Foreman

Director of Product Development

Jamie King

VP of Marketing

Terry Donovan

VP of Publishing

Chris Mate


Brian M. McGinn

Marketing Director

Greg Bauman

Channel Marketing Manager

Mark Moon

PR Director

Jeff Castaneda

PR Manager

Anne Marie Sims

MarCom Coordinator

Chris Larkin

Production Director

Jennifer Kolbe

Art Director

Mike Snyder

Graphic Designer

Pete Muench

Video Editor

Mike Tipul

3D Artist

Mike Yeiser

Online Producers

Adam Tedman
Jeff Williams


Rob Fletcher

Web Designer

Futaba Hayashi

U.S. Tech Support / QA

Tech Support Manager

Phil Santiago

Tech Support Supervisor

Syd Saunders

Tech Specialist

Frank Kirchner

Tech Analysts

Patty Saneman
Andre Liggins
Kathy Young
Matt Baros
Dave Thomas
Stacey Sharpe
Mykl Ranere
Lisa Nawrot

Special Thanks to
Timothy Richardson for his research of traffic and criminal laws of the period.

Voice Talent

Mike Sorvino

William Demeo

George Dicenzo

Matt Servitto

Dan Grimaldi

John Tormey

Jeff Gurner

David O'Brian

Cara Buono

John Doman

Paul Scannapieco

Yellow Pete
Ray de Mattis

Special thanks for additional voices by
Bill Buell, Chris Phillips, Mark Gomez, Laura Paterson, Jenny Jemison, Gillian
Telling, Adam Tedman, Steve Kenzevich,
Pricilla DiStacio, Joe Green, Juan Guitierrez, Steve Roberts, Mo Tayyarrah,
Ignazio Alvarez, Adam Davidson, John Zurhellen, and Gean Hilgreen.

Casted by
Judy Henderson Casting, New York

Voice Over Studio Provided by
Digital Arts, New York

Sound Engineer
Axel Ericson

Issue: 324 Lost Heaven Courier Page 29


"Minor Swing" Django Reinhardt and The Hot Club de France

Disc A: Paris 1937, Track 19, JSP Records

"Rhythm Futur" Django Reinhardt and The Hot Club de France

Disc B: Paris 1939-1940, Track 9, JSP Records

"Coucou" Django Reinhardt and The Hot Club de France

Disc B: Paris 1939-1940, Track 12, JSP Records

"Vendredi" Django Reinhardt and The Hot Club de France

Disc B: Paris 1939-1940, Track 18, JSP Records

"Oiseaux des Iles" Django Reinhardt and The Hot Club de France

Disc C: Paris & London 1940-1946, Track 2, JSP Records

"Belleville" Django Reinhardt and The Hot Club de France

Disc C: Paris & London 1940-1946, Track 9, JSP Records

"Lentement Mademoiselle" Django Reinhardt and The Hot Club de France

Disc C: Paris & London 1940-1946, Track 10, JSP Records

"Douce Ambience" Django Reinhardt and The Hot Club de France

Disc C: Paris & London 1940-1946, Track 11, JSP Records

"Manoir des Mes Reves" Django Reinhardt and The Hot Club de France

Disc C: Paris & London 1940-1946, Track 12, JSP Records

"Cavalerie" Django Reinhardt and The Hot Club de France

Disc C: Paris & London 1940-1946, Track 14, JSP Records

"Coquette" Django Reinhardt and The Hot Club de France

Disc C: Paris & London 1940-1946, Track 19, JSP Records

"Echoes of France" Django Reinhardt and The Hot Club de France

Disc C: Paris & London 1940-1946, Track 22, JSP Records

"You Rascal, You" The Mills Brothers

Chronological Volume 1 Track 6, JSP Records

"Chinatown, My Chinatown" The Mills Brothers

Chronological Volume 1, Track 17, JSP Records

"Tiger Rag" The Mills Brothers

Chronological Volume 1, Track 21, JSP Records

"Out For No Good" The Mills Brothers

Chronological Volume 3, Track 17, JSP Records

"Moanin' For You" The Mills Brothers

Chronological Volume 3, Track 22, JSP Records

"Caravan" The Mills Brothers

Chronological Volume Five, Track 6, JSP Records

"Long About Midnight" Louis Prima

Volume 1. 1934-35, Track 3, JSP Records

"Sing It Way Down Low" Louis Prima

Volume 1. 1934-35, Track 5, JSP Records

"I'm Living In A Great Big Way" Louis Prima

Volume 1. 1934-35, Track 18, JSP Records

"I'm Not Rough" Lonnie Johnson

Playing With The Strings, Track 9, JSP Records

"The Mooche" Lonnie Johnson

Playing With The Strings, Track 14, JSP Records

"Jet Black Blues" Lonnie Johnson

Playing With The Strings, Track 19, JSP Records

"You Run Your Mouth and I'll Run my Business" Louis Jordan and his
Tympany Five

Disc A: 1938-1940, Track 16, JSP Records

PO BOX 1584,

"Lake of Fire" by Lordz of Brooklyn appears courtesy of Tunnel Vision Media.

"La Verdine" by Latcho Drom appears courtesy of Musiques du Soleil

Thanks to:

All of our families, wives and girlfriends for all the support we have had from
them for such a long time. All of the vintage car owners that gave us technical
information and advice.


Technical Support (US)

If you have a technical problem concerning the operation of our software,
please visit our technical support website at

where you will find technical help and a list of Frequently Asked Questions for
this product.

You may also e-mail our technical support representatives for assistance at In order to help our representatives assist you as
efficiently as possible, please provide them with the following information:
computer brand and model, available hard drive space, amount of system RAM,
type of video card, amount of video RAM, type of sound card, type of CD-ROM
drive, and version of DirectX. Also, please provide a detailed description of
the problem, including any error messages you receive.

Note: This information is for technical support only and representatives are
unable to provide game hints or suggestions.



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Copyright 2002 Illusion Softworks. Mafia, the Mafia logo, Illusion Softworks,
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Prima's Official Strategy Guide

Loads of shortcuts to help you navigate the town of Lost Heaven

Precise strategies for every mission and subquest

Essential subquest details

Tested driving tactics for every vehicle

Vital maps and walkthroughs for all 20 missions

(c) 2002 Illusion Softworks. Mafia, the Mafia logo, Illusion Softworks, and the
Illusion Softworks logo are trademarks of Illusion Softworks. All rights
reserved. Published by Gathering of Developers. Gathering of Developers and
the Gathering of Developers logo are trademarks of Gathering of Developers.
Gathering of Developers is a subsidiary of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc.
All rights reserved. All other trademarks and copyrights are properties of
their respective owners. Made in the USA.


- Developer's Diary -

This is the developer's diary from the production of Mafia. It was written by
Daniel Vavra. As was the case with the official FAQ, this document has been
altered slightly, only so that it will fit in a .txt file without odd
formatting issues. You can find the complete unedited transcript at this

by Daniel Vavra

Summer is over, and with it, the last August days when we spent the weekends
partying - the only way to relax - is over, too. Now, there is only hard work
ahead of us. MAFIA is slowly making its way to the Alpha version - and this
Alpha version is the greatest and most hardcore we've ever come across. My
colleagues who are writing scripts for missions often work 40 hours straight
without any sleep, and spend their weekends at work - doing anything - just to
complete everything necessary before the deadline. The programmers are even
worse off - they've been having only a couple of hours of sleep a day for the
last few weeks, and otherwise they're simply working flat out. Luckily for
them, there is a Tesco nearby so they can get some food even at four in the
morning. Words like embolism, "chair sores", heart attacks, and coma are
starting to take on dangerously realistic meanings :) Anybody able to exert
such effort has my endless admiration (and hopefully they'll have some bonuses
as well - one cannot live on admiration only, particularly not on mine!).br>
However, all this effort is clearly visible on the game. Most of missions can
be played to the end, and it's starting to be really fun. The characters are
starting to talk to us, even though they're doing it in not-so-nice and
temporary voices. Artificial intelligence is also coming to life. There are
still some bugs about - sometimes nice fat ones. But it is now completely about
something else than it was in the beginning. It's shaping up into a real GAME.
A lot of work has also been done on the visual effects. For instance, in one
night mission, that takes place during a storm on a deserted farm, not only
does it start raining but the sky is lit with lightning, trees sway in the gale
wind, the wind tears leaves off of them, and all of the sudden everything is
lit by an impressive explosion.

In a stressful situation, such as this one, there are naturally some hitches,
and a multitude of shortcomings come up. As far as I'm concerned, all the
irrationalities and blind spots in the design are making their appearances, and
the programmers have all their mistakes in a seemingly finalized thing pop up
to surface, so they don't know which to fix first. But most of these things are
really small matters that can be sorted out relatively easily, and I'm not sure
whether it is actually possible to avoid them. In any case, after we'd come to
the conclusion that some dialogues and some parts of the plot might be just a
little too complicated, we've decided to have a professional playwright to go
through the screenplay. The first attempts didn't quite work. The classic
syndrome of no name "artists", who first announce that there won't be any
problems and then they gradually start professing that they are not going to
put their names to some "action trash" because it would damage their
reputation, became apparent. It is ironic that their names are mostly unknown
and even if they were known, I don't think anyone would really read them at the
end of our game. However, criticism of that kind had hit me quite hard and I
began to have doubts about the quality of our small work of art!
When trying for the second time, we aimed somewhat higher and approached one of
Czech film directors. If it is really so bad, I wanted to hear it from someone
whom I can trust. The concerned person, whose name I'll keep to myself for the
time being because our co-operation has only just begun, had read the
screenplay and after some days of tense waiting told me, that he quite liked
the screenplay and was going to have a go at it. I was so relieved. Tomorrow
we'll start with editing, so I hope it's going to work.

Today we were supposed to hand in the Alpha, but as there are still a couple of
things to be done, we're going to be a day or two late. I was having a smoke
between the settings of parameters, when one of our graphics told me that some
terrorists had hit the World Trade Center with a Boeing. I couldn't believe it,
but just as I got to CNN, the skyscraper was collapsing. I felt ill. As if
someone had unexpectedly kicked your balls from behind. This is just not done.

Sweet summer time
by Daniel Vavra

Another month gone, the second half of summer has arrived, and complexions of
most team members are still suspiciously pale. Only those who had arranged
their vacations long ago took their leave and the others, including myself, are
probably not going to have much of a vacation this year. This is an obvious
disadvantage of finalizing a game in summer. Next time, we have to time it
somewhat better.

As I mentioned last time, the producers came over from England to personally
see how the game was progressing and possibly to find a way of speeding it up.
I wouldn't say that they had much success. Time is against us. When doing the
planning, a month seems to be a terribly long time, but then it's suddenly gone
and we find out that apart from the setout targets, other targets - the ones
nobody dealt with - made their appearance. In spite of this, the date for the
Alpha version - the version of the game that contains all missions and all
playing elements of a final game but that has not been debugged and tuned - has
been determined.

We have finished, relatively successfully, most of the graphics for the game -
all versions of the town for individual missions and the graphics for missions
themselves. The location at the end of the game, which we have redone
completely, now looks absolutely ravishing, at least in comparison with the
first, two-year-old version. And we are naturally sorry that we don't have much
time left to also improve the rest of the older missions.

Two new graphic designers have joined us and started to work on racing circuits
for the bonus game. It'll be something like Metropolis Street Racer in Lost
Heaven. Since the circuits are considerably smaller than the whole town, we can
afford to set the visibility to a kilometer, for example, and also to improve
the graphics. The results are looking very good and it doesn't even take much
work to do it because most of building elements have been completed. It looks
like that in the end, there is going to be more than ten such circuits in the

I am busy finishing the last modifications in some documents. I am filling in
all the minute details that we've fancifully thought out during the last year,
to have everything that should be seen in the game in documentation, and to
make sure that it is all well and clearly arranged. Six more designers have
begun to put the script to missions. This is unbelievably complex and difficult
work in view of the fact that the MAFIA levels are very extensive and
complicated and, also, because the programming language for putting the script
in is being created together with the script. Though, it looks like we should
be able to finish all the missions before the Alpha version deadline.

Yesterday the weather was so beautiful that the lead graphic designer and I
jumped in the car and set off for a drive. Not to have a swim, you see, but to
seek out the highest possible point in the countryside, from which to take -
with our brand new digital camera - panoramic photos of the glorious summer sky
for our game. At last, we located precisely such a point: a narrow highway
bridge, rather a busy one, in the middle of which we stopped and for about ten
minutes calmly proceeded to take pictures - accompanied by the furious
trumpeting of long-distance truckers passing by and the screeching of their
brakes. You wouldn't believe just how these bridges SWING during peak-hour
traffic. Long live summer!

Daniel Vavra
MAFIA Lead Designer

Motion Capture
by Daniel Vavra

Another month has gone by and the release date is still not within sight.
After an all-round mustering up of energy to prepare for E3, our enthusiasm
waned considerably and we again began to pay attention to ordinary things. For
me, this meant - first of all - to overcome the jet lag and my own laziness,
and to work out a new schedule for the team which we are, hopefully, going to
stick to until the completion of the game. It's strange that although it covers
about half as long of a time period than the previous one, this schedule has
about twice as many items (about 1,500 tasks). So there is always something to

A couple of days ago, we had air conditioning installed in here. After last
year's experiences with the climate - reminding one of a foundry in full swing
- literally an avalanche of cries demanding this convenience came from all
sides. In some offices we therefore have set the temperature at about 10
degrees C [50 degrees F](although it's not more than 20 degrees [68 degrees F]
outside) and so now everybody's got a sore throat.

Otherwise - the work on the game is progressing. At present, the most visible,
and probably the most spectacular, are the animations accompanying the game.
Whereas at E3 we presented one, relatively imperfect, little movie, our nearly
yearlong development by our editor and the extensive work on the storyboards
and the screenplay are now beginning to bear its first fruit. We completed a
couple of action scenes, and I myself was surprised at how dynamic and
professional they come across. When the first one had arrived from our
capturing studio, we all just stood there - agape. I would like us achieve to
at least the same quality as that of the "better" Japanese games, and judging
from our results so far, it doesn't seem to me to be that impossible. So - keep
your fingers crossed, so that there is really something to look at!

My confidence in the quality of our animators was confirmed during the visit of
a technician from the firm we got our capture equipment from. We were not sure
about some technical details and so he came over to help us with optimizing the
equipment. However, after we had showed it to him, he said that this was the
best set-up MOTION CAPTURE he had ever seen. He was actually taking notes on
our successful method, so that he could share it with other users - a couple of
large European commercial TV stations.

At the moment, the rest of the team is working on creating the first complete
playable skeleton of the game, with all the graphics. We shall be gradually
adding more elements to it, until we come out with the complete game. Since we
are approaching the final stretch, it's necessary to seek out any possible
nonsense in the design, in order to avoid having to re-do the graphics. You
wouldn't believe the number of holes and bugs that we find every time we go
over it. In a few weeks' time, our producers from Take2 are coming to look at
this version. Let's hope they'll enjoy themselves here, although we're not
probably going to please them as far as the release date is concerned.

Daniel Vavra
Lead Designer

by Daniel Vavra

As our established tradition, we finished the version of the game about an
hour before take-off. While I was packing my suitcase, the programmers were
packing MAFIA and burning it onto a CD. We succeeded in making the game
relatively stable and we even managed to finish all the elements we had
originally intended to have in it.

The welcome in America was surprising peaceful this time. They didn't frisk us,
and the immigration officials even knew what the E3 was, so we didn't have to
give any lengthy explanations as to the purpose of our visit to the USA. All we
had to do was to fill in a form that nobody else had to.

This year's E3 was very successful. E3 is nearly always a pleasant affair: all
around you, you see the most interesting things in the field you're interested
in, you get to meet plenty interesting people who are usually very willing to
have a chat with you, and the place is full of charming female Japanese
tourists. This year, however, was even better. A new generation of games had
arrived. The obsolete engines from Unreal and Quake 2 were gone as were PSX 1
and Nintendo 64. Everything revolved around PS2, Gamecube, X-BOX and the new
generation of PC games, the development of which had started some years ago,
and the release date of which is finally approaching. For the first time in a
long time, PC games actually looked better than the games on console. DUKE
FOREVER, MAX PAYNE, WOLFENSTEIN and other smashes looked fantastic. New
consoles had hard luck in that they have only been on the market for a short
time (or not at all) and so their NEXT GENERATION hasn't matured yet. They're
going to catch up next year, for sure. Nevertheless, DEVIL MAY CRY or METAL
GEAR 2 were the show-pieces of the Exhibition.

MAFIA and HD2 were transferred from Talonsoft under the wings of GODGAMES, to
the same label as MAX PAYNE and DUKE, and therefore to the same parking lot. It
has become a tradition, that GODGAMES do not exhibit in the halls of LA
CONVENTION CENTER, but in a fenced-in parking lot in front of it. This has
several advantages: the price in the form of a parking fee for the entire area
and we have more space in which to set up. It allows you to serve draft beer
(which you can't do inside), to smoke (which you can't do in the whole of LA)
and to have strippers, midgets, and heavy-metal bands belting it out. Thanks to
this combination, you can see here the most tattooed and the most soused
visitors of the exhibition, wandering about.

Every game was shown in a spacious, air-conditioned caravan. This year, GOD had
a good formation: DUKE, MAX, STRONGHOLD, 4x4 EVO2, MYTH 3, HD2 and, of course,
MAFIA. Each caravan had a silicon hostess allocated to it, and I have to say
that although I'm no great fan of implants, the one that I "got" to go with
MAFIA, was quite obviously the prettiest one. :))

Thomas' (H&D 2) and my working hours started with a 15-minute presentation at
10.00 a.m., and carried on - without any breaks - right up to 6.00 p.m. Thanks
to this, I had only a couple of hours for going through the Exhibition. Petr
Vochozka and Lukas Kure stood in for me (thanks be to them). Usually, about
seven people crowded inside the caravan, and I began to show them how wonderful
MAFIA is. It seemed to me that I succeeded in convincing them, because we
really had a lot to show for our work this time. Apart from a huge complete,
and functional town, that alone could have made up a game of its own, we also
showed a vast countryside to drive cars through, several indoor locations with
some of the first encounters with the enemy, a special mission for
demonstrating the physics of the cars, and one dubbed realtime animation. Most
of our presentations ended with mighty congratulations, handshaking, slapping
of back (mine), and exchanging of business cards - I naturally left mine back
in my office! I was quite pleased when someone from the press asked whether the
game is going to run only on GeForce3, which is the proof - I hope - that they
liked the graphics, because MAFIA works also on TNT2.

All said and done, this year's E3 turned out quite well. MAFIA hasn't gotten
lost in all the tough competition I dare say, and HD2 definitely hasn't. The
game came down only once, I had some friendly chats with the boys from Remedy
(MAX), the sun was shining, and Jamie Leece from Take2 finally produced the
bottle of Chianti he had lost in our bet on ice hockey. I just have to polish
up my English presentation a bit for the next time, so as not to end every
second sentence with "...and all that stuff." "Stuff" sucks, you see, as I
learned from a TV show on CBS.

Preparing for the E3
by Daniel Vavra

Spring is here. Those of the female persuasion threw away heavy winter outfits
and upgraded to considerably lighter summer gear. Alcoholics don't have to
crowd in pubs where smoke thickens, anymore. Now they can lounge in gardens
adjoining their favorite haunts or parks in close proximity of non-stop bars
and gambling joints, and give their lungs the rare chance to have a taste of
some fresh air. Everybody lives and breathes ice hockey. It's beautifully warm.

Or it might go something like this: It's disgustingly hot and we've got to fry
our skins in the office, and heat the place up some more by running fifteen
monitors and computers, and miss all the aforementioned joys that you common
folk enjoy, on top of it. All this because with the spring comes the E3
Exhibition, that takes place between 17 - 19 May, and where (what else) the
playable version of MAFIA should be introduced. That of course means building
another version of the game and more work for us.

Originally, we had been planning to show a virtually completed game at E3, but
then we realized that it simply couldn't be done. The tasks we thought to be
quite elementary unfortunately turned out to be very protracted matters,
requiring a long process of optimization to make them look good. For instance,
an ordinary thing like pedestrians jumping out of the way of cars: the
programming took very little time, but subsequent optimization to achieve the
appeareance of natural action took considerably longer. And there were an
enormous number of such tasks, so the release date of the game had to be pushed
back again. This time it's to a shrewd "undetermined" (and don't you trust
anybody who is giving an exact release date of MAFIA anywhere). We all hope,
however, that before the end of the summer, we're going to manage to get the
game into a state of only worrying about debugging and the tuning of

All this postponing is a very unpleasant thing. It often happens to me that I
meet an old friend whom I haven't seen for some time, and he asks me what I'm
doing. "A game" always goes my answer. "Oh, and which one?" asks the busybody.
"The same one as the last time" say I. Then - a cold shower comes: "But listen,
we saw each other two years ago!" This is simply a smack in the face. Most
players think that postponing the release dates of games is a part of some plot
by the publishers, who just want to whet their appetites for buying the game. I
assure you that it isn't so. But - to return to E3. In the end, we are going to
take along a functional version of the town and possibly also the first dubbed
animated sequences.

To everything that we had ready for the demo for the press in Germany, we added
a much-improved version of the street traffic: pedestrians reacting in some way
to what's going on around them have finally appeared in the streets. (This
doesn't mean that they are able to evade cars by jumping aside or that they can
be driven over.) The traffic lights started to work and it is possible to have
a ride on top of a tram or train. Moreover, most of the objects react now to
fire and to impacts (glass shatters, dustbins fly away, cars start to sway).
The sleepy, peaceful everyday life in the streets of the town suddenly erupt in
panic, when you start shooting. Reactions from the people around us have so far
been positive. Some time ago, an "undisclosed" manager at Illusion was
describing to us a traffic accident that had happened to him so vividly, that
it took us half an hour before we "clicked" that he was only describing a scene
from MAFIA. Rumor has it, that our Slovakian studio was paralyzed for the rest
of the day after this above-mentioned manager had installed MAFIA during a
meeting. They just kept on playing.... We'll see what the visitors to E3 will
have to say about it and also how many new competitors there are going to be
there. All this provided that the traditionally unpleasant immigration
officials let us step on American soil.


************** C O N T R I B U T I O N S A N D C O N T A C T **************

As you can clearly tell, this guide is far from complete. Also, you've
probably figured out that I like to be complete in my analysis of the game.
Meaningful and useful contributions are welcome. Said (acceptable)
contributions are as follows:

-Reader submitted walkthroughs for specific missions

-Pointed out game-information errors (general errors or typos of mine about
the game)

-PC versus Console (PS2/Xbox) differences between each version of the game.
This is very important, and any contributions of this type would be immensely

-Specific weapon information

-Maximum Speed data (under reasonable circumstances, and accompanied by a

-Questions regarding anything in the guide

-Pointed out grammatical, spelling, or line formatting errors, or typos

-Something that has been requested as a contribution in the guide

-Something in the guide that is marked with a question mark, where it is clear
that I don't know, but would like the answer

-Anything else that you think would be a useful addition to this guide. Please
use good judgment when deciding if your contribution is "useful."

In addition, questions about anything in the guide, or anything else that
either wasn't clear, or wasn't addressed at all, are welcome. Though the
mission walkthroughs are far from complete, I have completed Mafia 5 full
times, so I am perfectly willing to answer any questions you may have.
However, don't be surprised if I (politely) tell you to simply wait until the
next version, where your question might be answered for all to see. However,
there are some questions that I cannot or will not answer:

isn't running on your computer, or why the game freezes at a certain point.

I WILL NOT ANSWER QUESTIONS REGARDING MODs, or anything that alters the game
script, other than a patch. If you have questions like these, I'd suggest
writing to the mod's designer or creator.

of illegal pirating or emulating activities. If you refuse to take heed on
this issue, and do e-mail me a question regarding this, I will not hesitate to
report you to any number of anti-piracy organizations.

When composing your e-mail, be thoughtful and courteous. I'm not expecting you
to write the a literary masterpiece, but some consideration and thought into
what you're writing would be appreciated. Here are some do's and don'ts:


-Put the word "Mafia" somewhere in the subject line so that I have a clue what
you're asking about, and don't immediately delete your e-mail.
-Use reasonably decent spelling, grammar, punctuation, English etc.
-Describe your suggestion, question, submission, (etc.) carefully and clearly.
If I don't understand what you're saying, then it's unlikely that I will print
it in this guide.


-Use all caps to compose your message
-Use terrible spelling, or grammar to the point where I can't even understand
what you're trying to say.
-E-mail me in any other language than English
-Swear excessively, or write rude or demeaning things.
-Write your email in code, 1337, or any other form of writing that will waste
my time
-Send spam, hate mail, or anything that's either rude or irrelevant to Mafia
-Add me to your address book, buddy list, or any other form of contact/mailing
-Attach a relevant screenshot as an attachment. If you need to show me a
picture as evidence or for whatever reason, use a free image hosting
website such as or or

Assuming your contribution is thoughtful and relevant, it will be added to the
guide as soon as possible. You will be given complete recognition as to the
contribution, unless you state in your e-mail that you want anonymity. With a
few exceptions, your e-mail will remain mostly unaltered from the way it was
sent, so be aware that what you write will probably end up in this guide
almost exactly how you wrote it. However, I have the authority to change or
alter what you wrote, though I will only do this for clarification or
censorship purposes, and I will never claim credit for what someone else did.

If you'd like to contact me, send an email to this address. Replace the "(at)"
with an "@" and the "(dot)" with a "." (remove all quotation marks). This is
to avoid automatic spam bots and similar programs

aapmcm2 (at) yahoo (dot) com


**************** R E V I S I O N / U P D A T E H I S T O R Y ****************

Version 1.0 - 6/5/05- This is the very first version of the guide. It was
important that I get the basic layout of the guide, as well as some of the
major parts at least started. Though I have beaten Mafia numerous times, I
have only completed the walkthrough up to "Sarah." I have a (mostly) complete
weapons section, a just beginning car section, and very small sections for
everything else.

Version 1.1 - 6/7/05- This update contains some small updates, but little in
the way of game-related information. The most major update is the addition of
the PC Gamer and Gamespot reviews of Mafia. The rest is mostly just minor
corrections, and some alterations on the Legal, Contributions, and Credits
sections, and added the Random Statistics and Basic Game Information sections.
Also, I changed the (terrible) ASCII for the top of the document. Not that
anyone cares, but the old ASCII can be found near the bottom of this guide, in
the Random Statistics section.

Version 1.15 - 6/8/05 - All that was added in this micro update was two sites
into the "allowed hosts" section (in the legal section). These sites are and This new version of the guide
should appear on their sites as well as GameFAQs and Gamespot soon.

Version 1.2 - 7/7/05 - Added mission walkthroughs and information for Mission
7a and 7b: "Sarah" and "Better Get Used To It," and 8a "The Whore." Also, was added as a legal host of this guide. Some other minor
alterations and corrections throughout the guide as well.

Version 1.3 - 8/22/05 - Added mission walkthroughs and information for Mission
8a and 8b ("The Whore/The Priest") and all of mission 9 ("A Trip To The
Country"). Added more sections on cars (number, groups, synopses), more data,
and the Falconer and Ulver lines.

Version 1.35 - 8/26/05 - Added as a legal host of the guide. I
also made adjustments to account for changing to

Version 1.4 - 8/28/05 - Added walkthrough for mission 10 ("Omerta"), mission
11 ("Visiting Rich People"), and mission 12 ("A Great Deal!"). Also added more
car, weapon, characters, and locations information. Added the entire
"Freeride" section (still some missing data). Other than that, a number of
other small changes and alterations.

Version 1.5 - 9/5/05 - Added walkthrough for mission 13 ("Bon Appetit!"). Also
added "Cars", "Public Transportation" and "Wielding Weapons Effectively"
sections to "General Game Tips and Strategies." Added more information to the
legal section. Also added a number of notes about the PC vs. Console versions,
as well as a new section to describe and show the main differences. Added some
missing data and fixed some errors here and there.

Version 1.6 - 9/10/05 - Added a few bits of information all over the place.
Changed the line spacing and characters per line to its maximum. I also added
the game script for the Prologue, "An Offer You Can't Refuse" and Intermezzo

Version 1.7 - 11/5/05 - Finally past the 400kb mark! Added mission walkthrough
for Mission 14 ("Happy Birthday!"). Also added the FAQ section, with two sub-
sections. Added the miscellaneous section, and the "Real Car Names" sub-section
under that. Added the Crusader and Guardian sub-sections to the "Cars" section.
Added game controls for PS2 and Xbox versions. Also created a condensed Table
of Contents. Made general changes (such as to the legal statement) and
alterations throughout the rest of the document as well.

Version 1.8 - 11/19/05 - Added the entire Easter Egg/Bug/Cheat section (though
it's still very basic and under development). Added weapon frequency to each
weapon in the "Weapons" section. Created more subheadings and sections to
further facilitate the locations of specific sections within the guide. Fixed
general errors and mistakes throughout the guide.

Version 1.9 - 12/16/05 - This is a rather large update. The guide now surpasses
the 500kb mark, which I find to be quite an achievement. I've finally added the
mission walkthrough for Mission 15 ("You Lucky Bastard!"). In addition, I added
the game's script for some missions, as well as the Intro/Intermezzos. On top
of that, I included the official FAQ, developer's diary, and condensed mission
walkthroughs in this update. I made numerous fixes to errors within the guide,
both technical and informational. On top of that, I just added a ton of new
content overall.

Version 2.0 - 2/18/06 - It's been quite a while since an update. Most of this
has been due to my preoccupation and/or busyness regarding subjects other than
this guide. The walkthrough for Mission 16 ("Creme De La Creme") is finished.
Also, some additional information has been added regarding missions, scripts,
etc. The legal document was updated to reflect the new year. Some new data
added from outside sources (reader contributions). I also added a copy of the
game's manual to help those who don't have one. Other than that, just a few
minor and assorted changes/fixes throughout. Just as a side note, the guide is
getting rather large, as it's now just over 700kb.

**************************** C O M I N G S O O N ****************************

On the table of contents, many entries have a "Coming Soon" tag. This means
that the section has not been started. Other sections that have been started,
but are incomplete (such as characters, vehicles, etc.). These are not
indicated, but will be clear upon reading the section. Tentatively, here are
the main points of this guide which are "coming soon."

-A (personal) review of the game
-Walkthroughs for Missions 17 ("Election Campaign") through 20 ("The
Death of Art")
-More Character Information
-More information about the cars
-More general tips and strategies
-Intermezzos 2-4, and Epilogue
-Missing data in the "Freeride" section
-The Freeride Extreme section
-More Questions and Answers in the FAQ section
-More information in the miscellaneous section (including more Easter
-A complete game script
-A variety of additional information (other stuff)


******************************** C R E D I T S ********************************

Thank you to all of these people/companies/websites:

Illusion Softworks for developing Mafia

Gathering of Developers for publishing Mafia

Take-Two Games for supporting the development and funding of Mafia

PC Gamer for their review and (very) brief mission walkthroughs

Bert Salkmoor for his PC Gamer review (see above)

Gamespot for hosting my guide, their wealth of information, boards, etc. and
for their official and community reviews

The Gamespot Mafia Union and all its members, for giving me additional
information regarding the game, as well as general discussions about Mafia:
(leader) ciro_xyz
(officers) -_-rock_n_roll-, appaloosa582002, Bloviator (hey, myself)
darussell1958, Dazooz, Foggeda_Bout_It
(recruits) 2-red, alexdt, Banned_Account, Bentheidiot91, cowbarG, dubc1,
F_equals_ma, jhunte99, Marcinkonys, Mardike, mkblizzard, Pawliuz,
realaddmantis, ryry92, Tonymontana45, TripleOnline

Erik Wolpaw for his Gamespot review (see above)

GameFAQs for hosting my guide, their wealth of information, boards, etc., and
their community reviews

The other authors of GameFAQs' Mafia guides, for giving me inspiration, good
ideas, and letting me see what I was up against: Acid Wolf, BannedAccount,
black hole sun, CrescentSaber, AgRaMaToS, btaylorstl, Underground, DLubins,
HiRisque, a_heavenly_body, Iverson3DaAnswer, qwertyuiopasd, Widgeon Infantry,
Goodgansta, piecemealcranky

aliabuaziz, Andy787, animorph1000, Anti Hero00, BannedAccount,
CloudStrife5671, Croco, EliteNemesis, Fila, FullBurst41, Iceburgh, Jambob,
Janors, Kaynine, Mad Monarch Gyl, midgar77, quikkacrakka, sajb007,
Showtime1080, Splinter02, sylvester, TrueGamer14, ViagraPolice121, wonkots42,
and zippy142 for their reviews at GameFAQs

Gumpo, whateve_r, JereStarsJ, Don_Alexei, Dazooz, gsantor, heyday10103,
Jason210, vermouth, Everclearules, hus2215, FUBUSH, toocooldragon, mclazyj,
AudioSoldier, EqualPlatinum, 2FacedJanus, PhreddiesDead, Rattlesnake_8,
dierk467, martlume, BentSea, sorte, Dr0wnage_PhD, GTAMAN5, cheetah_TM,
Epicsoldier, Big-Dog, Alec-Eiffel, Xydar, ocbarry, PonoDclown, ReBuKe2991,
doctor_kaz, wprensky, drbob, Elkdog, Poblasai, JoystikJoe, azrael, zsciaeount,
GrizzlyJim, and Psaris for their reviews at Gamespot

Piecemealcranky for his PS2 controls

Widgeon Infantry for his Xbox controls

Raven14 for some of the band names that are associated with the heavy metal
musicians (names of the other racers in "Fairplay"-see Miscellaneous)

Anatoly Ivanov for providing additional information about "A Great Deal!" and
"You Lucky Bastard!"

Matt Siko for his question regarding "The Running Man"

Ciro_xyz for his question regarding the number of times I've played Mafia

Catchcat for his question regarding "Fairplay" for all the information that they've provided. for hosting my guide for hosting my guide for hosting my guide for hosting my guide

You, the reader, for bothering to read through all this bloviation

Without trying to be too arrogant, Myself, for writing this guide


********************** R A N D O M S T A T I S T I C S **********************
(Of this guide)

/\ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - /\
//\ \ Game: Mafia / //\
///\\ \ Platform(s): PC, PS2, Xbox / ///\\
////\\ \ Author: Bloviator / ////\\
/////\\\ \ Contact: aapmcm2 (at) yahoo (dot)com / /////\\\
//////\\\ \ Guide Type: General FAQ/Walkthrough / //////\\\
///////\\\\ \ Guide version: 2.0 / ///////\\\\
////////\\\\ \ Guide started on: 5/23/05 / ////////\\\\
/////////\\\\\ \ Guide last updated on: 02/20/06 / /////////\\\\\
\\\\\///////// / Total number of versions: 13 \ \\\\\/////////
\\\\//////// / Word Count: 116,426 \ \\\\////////
\\\\/////// / Character Count (w/o spaces): 571,821 \ \\\\///////
\\\////// / Character Count (w/ spaces): 694,356 \ \\\//////
\\\///// / Lines: 14,840 \ \\\/////
\\//// / Pages: 261 \ \\////
\\/// / Paragraphs: 11,787 \ \\///
\// / Guide Size: 724,036 bytes = Approx. 708 KB on disk \ \//
\/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \/

(old ASCII titles, for no good reason)

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|| \ // || // \ || || // \
|| \ // || // \ || || // \
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\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ <=========> \/ \/

____ ____ _____ _________ _ _____
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|_| |__| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_|


********************** C L O S I N G S T A T E M E N T **********************

Thanks for reading my guide. I hope it was as fun and informative for you as
it was for me. Regardless of what you learned or found, I'm pleased that you
took the time to take a look at my guide. Maybe you learned something. Maybe
you didn't. All I was trying to do while writing this, was get a half-decent
guide out there that would help someone else enjoy this game as much as I

Until next time,


Copyright (C) 2005-2006 by Harold Palms
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Alle freischaltbaren Fahrzeuge benutzbar inkl. Thor 812 Cabriolet FWD, Trautenberg Model J, Caesar 8C 2300 Racing Ort: Hinterhof (Speicherort) im "Free Ride Extreme"-Modus

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Leider keine weiteren Informationen verfügbar

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Engl. Leitfaden

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Weapons FAQ
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Dt. Lösung im Word-Format

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Engl. Lösung

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The Complete Free Ride Extreme Guide
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Alle Autos und Geld im FreedriveMode sowie unbegrenzte Munition (für die blood-gepatchte Version 1.0)

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Savegame für die Zwischensequenz vor dem Rennen

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Profile verändern (Blood-gepatchte dt. Version)

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Dt. Rennen-Trainer

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Trainer für die 'blood-gepatchte' Version

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