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Welcome to la Famiglia.......

Mafia Walktrough (PC)
(C) 2002 Gathering of Developers / Illusion Softworks / Talonsoft

Created on 5 September 2002
By Kevin Mario Oscar Hartono A.K.A [CrescentSaber]
Current Location : Perth, Australia
Critics / comments goes to : (without NOHELLUVASPAM)
ICQ UIN 12999323 (For girls only) -> If you're a man don't even try to add me >_< hehe

FAQ version 1.5 (26 Oct 2002)
Copyright [CrescentSaber] 2002/2003

This FAQ is originally written exclusively for the sites listed below :

01. GameFAQs (
02. NonSoloGiochi ( or
03. Cheat Central (
04. IGN (
05. TipLand (
06. MafiaWorld (
07. Cheat Happens (
08. Cheat Code Central (
09. Action Trip (
10. Game's Over (

If you ever find this FAQ distributed in any other sites that aren't listed above please email me ASAP.

Oh yeah if any of "ULTIMA Wide Spectrum Magazine"(tm) editors / crews are reading this very walktrough please email me
because I wanna know the standard you use to recruit someone to your magazine >_< Could you reconsider adding another
person to the crew ? (Pointing at myself) Tee Hee.. (Hey I'm trying to be serious here).

I'm damn tired of answering just another 60 mails in my inbox with the same topic, the save game file after the race....
ONE THING I'm GONNA SAY : (even in a few languages)

Gue ngga bakal kirim file apapun ke siapapun terutama savegame !!
Je n'enverrai aucune sauvegarde/aucun fichier à qui que ce soit !!
Ne posiljam dokumentov shranjenih iger nikomur, potrudi se sam !!
Ich schicke keine savegames zu irgedjemanden !!
Jeg sender ikke savegames eller filer til nogen !!
No voy a enviar ninguna partida guardada o archivo a nadie !!

so if you're about to send a mail requesting files or anything just WAIT UNTIL I get them UPLOADED on the

WELL if you really can't beat the race come here :

01 |
My initial website and it's very likely you will find this website down because the visitor's limit exceeds yhe limit
GeoCities gave. Any of you have any free servers with a good bandwith ?

02 |
(find it on the "Other files" page)
Geez I have to add another mirror ! Please download it once at a time to keep up my bandwith around 3 GB....

03 |
(mirror file, find it on the MISCELLANEOUS PAGE)
I added this mirror site because of the traffic limit on my Lunarist is over the quantity allowed by Geocities and
it's going to be down for a few hours. If you come to Lunarist and can't find the file there just go to the Djie Itz
website. I hope the traffic isn't as bad as other one.... >_<

and you can find it there, along with another files.
But IMHO I also find the race damn annoying, but its NOT THAT HARD. Its quite easy I think because I only need 2 hours
to pass it >_< lucky me.
hehe.. don't send emails regarding the savegame file coz' I won't reply it again...
And emails requesting for ANY savegames won't be read either, I'm too exhausted to send any.

I think I started hearing peoples asking about "the savegame file" in my dreams last night..
Pity me ...

Just some legal matters...

This FAQ may be reproduced electronically, altered or unaltered as long as this disclaimer remains intact.
If this document is altered in any way, shape, or form, you must give credit where credit is due, as well as
state that the file is in actuality an altered work of the original. This FAQ may NOT be used for any profitable
or promotional purposes _what-so-ever_ in *ANY* way unless I am contacted beforehand.

All questions, comments, additions, submissions, flames, etc. should be sent to Kevin Mario (email see below).
If for some reason you have contributed to this FAQ and I have not acknowledged or given you credit,
please correct me at my e-mail address.

End of transmission
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I. | Introduction ( Keyword : INTRODUCTA )
II. | Revision / Updates ( Keyword : VERSIONA )
III. | Gameplay / Controls ( Keyword : CONTROLLATA )
IV. | Walktrough ( Keyword : CONTENTA )
V. | Weapons known to be exist ( Keyword : BIGGUNS )
VI. | Character Informations ( Keyword : CHARACTERA )
VII. | REALLY frequent asked questions... >_< ( Keyword : QUESTIONA )
VIII.| Bug Jar ( Keyword : BUGGIEZ )
IX. | Credits ( Keyword : BLABLABLAs )

| |

Well first... this is a walktrough for the game called Mafia for the PC, which requires a lot of harddisk space
( Almost 2 GB) and a hell of computer to run ( Mine's Pentium 4 2 Ghz 256 DDR with GeForce 4MX and it -STILL- lags
sometimes ). I haven't beaten the game yet but I decided to make this TXT file just for fun ( I'm damn bored and I have
to wait for a month to get into my University ) so if there's something thats not to your liking ( either its not complete
or completely wrong ) please mail me WITH corrections, again, WITH corrections !!

If any of you happens to live in Perth / Australia or study in Curtin University, please send me a note because
I'm going to move there and I do need some directions and few tips.. thanks !

Humm, lets get to the next part..

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26 Oct 2002
Version 1.5
-Added lotsa stuffs to keep peoples from emailing me stupid questions.
-Added some bugs to the Bug Jar
-This is the last version so I won't revise it again, cya !

18 Sept 2002
Version 1.4
-Added more alternative ways to complete some missions.
-Added the "Bug Jar"

14 Sept 2002
Version 1.3
-Added some sites to disclaimer
-Added the Racing FAQ (by
-Added tips for some missions

13 Sept 2002
Version 1.2c
-Corrected a misplaced Addition (The Running Man) tip.
-Added another additions.

13 Sept 2002
Version 1.2b
-Added the disclaimers for some site.
-Added Mission "Running Man" tip to Salieri's Bar.
-If there's anything you think I should add to my Walktrough please mail me OK.

11 Sept 2002
Version 1.2a
-Added some FAQs
-Corrected the walktrough
-Added disclaimer (ABOVE)

10 Sept 2002
Version 1.2
-I'm still trying the Free Rides.
-Added ANOTHER mirror site.
-Added some tips from readers >_< (Thanks guys)

09 Sept 2002
Version 1.1
-Finished the game and now I'm trying the Free Rides.
-Almost finished the walktrough...
_Added mirror site for the file.
-Added some FAQs.
-Some typing errors corrected.

08 Sept 2002
Version 1.0c
-Wrote walktrough until chapter 12.
-Answered some mails.

07 Sept 2002
Version 1.0b
-Uploaded the SAVE GAME after the RACE to my WEBSITE. Further info please read the walkthrough.
-Added the walktrough up to chapter 09 and the most irritating harbor mission, chapter 15.

06 Sept 2002
Version 1.0a
-Added Characters section
-Written the walktrough up to Chapter 6
-Added some new weapons

05 Sept 2002
Version 1.0 ( Original version )

Ehm... anything else I should add here... ?

| |
| Gameplay / Controls | "CONTROLLATA"

MAFIA is a 3rd person shooting / driving and other mixed up game. The control is fairly easy ( I remapped the controls
to usual WSAD control ). I just list down some of 'em :

-= ( My Custom Controls ) =-

X / Y Mouse Axis - Look Around
Left Mouse - Shoot
Right Mouse - Action ( Talk, Lockpick, Open Doors, Collect Weapons )
double click Right Mouse - Enters Car ( When near a car )
Mouse Scroll - Cycle Weapons

R - Reload
T - Sniper Mode
H - Hide Weapon
I - Inventory
W S A D - Directions
F1 - Objectives
BackSpace - Drop Weapon
LeftCtrl - Duck
LeftAlt - Whistle ( Calls Tram and Taxis )
Space - Jump
TAB - City Map
CapsLock - Enable / Disable always run
Esc - Menu


Left Mouse - Shoot / Arm Weapon ( weapon ready )
- Look Around ( no weapon ready )
Right Mouse - Center view after -Left Click-
- Disarm weapon
Mouse Scroll - Cycle Weapons

M - Toggle Manual / Automatic Steering
Q - Switch gear down ( Manual Steering )
E - Switch gear up ( Manual Steering )
F5 - Speed Limiter ( 60 Kmh )
, - Look Left
. - Look Right
Both . and , button - Look Behind ( Thanks to hardk4re [] )
LeftAlt - Horn
Space - HandBrake
TAB - City Map

Well, I guess that all for the controls..
Now we go down to business. In the game, you'll encounter two types of police
( Car / Walk ), therefore there's also two types of punishments, whether :

01. You get a fine - Theres an icon like a notebook in top center of screen
02. You get arrested - HandCuffs icon

There's also another icon, the "Gun" icon and its gonna be displayed when you're in a gunfight with the
cops or someone and the cops see you. (Thanks to Ask Me at

I'll list down the law-breaking behaviours :

PS : This will only happen if there's a police within an area of sight

You'll get a fine if you :
- Running across Red Lights
- Crashes into someone's car ( light damage )
- Crashes into someone ( hurt )
- Speeding over 60 Kmh

You'll get arrested if you :
- Runaway from the police with the "fine icon"
- Show weapon when police is around
- Shoot / Crash into Police / Police Car
- Crashes into someone's car ( heavy damage )
- Crashes into someone ( dead )
- Speeding over 120 Kmh

If you get a fine icon and you stopped, the police will only ask some dough from you but if you get a handcuffs icon,
you'll get arrested and the mission you're in will be considered fail. So I reccomend to stop while the icon is still
the "fine" icon before it changes to handcuffs.

| |
| Walktrough | "CONTENTA"

OK ! This is the Walktrough !
I'm not gonna explain step by step 'coz its gonna spoil the game and the excitement off, so I just gonna spurt the brief
walktrough ( as I'm also too lazy to explain it step by step ) if there's something you want to ask or confused with,
feel free to mail me.

MAFIA consists of 20 Chapters ( minus the lousy first and second chapter ), each of them are similiar and connected to
each other. The timespan is around 1930 to 1938 and the place is somewhere in America ( I'm not sure its real or fiction,
I never been there before.. ). The main character is Thomas Angelo, Tommy, for short.

"An offer you can't refuse"
Mission Difficulty : 7 / 10

Autumn 1938

After the intro cutscene, a man come out of a train and to a small cafe. There he meets someone and he told him about
his past.

You are controlling a Taxi right now, so don't expect that you can outrun your chasers just by going straight.
If you notice, they will crash into your car from the LEFT side, so if you stay at the right side of the road and
give them some space, they will bump you and kill you. So instead, stay at the LEFT side of the road, search for some
kind of roadlight or traffic light. You can outrun them by making them crash into traffic light or roadlight or maybe
some cars. Remember that they will bump you from the LEFT so when they are at your LEFT just bump into them so they
hit the roadlight or the traffic light.

Whoa, pretty confusing huh.. ?
Well anyway, luck really have an important role in this mission. My friend can outrun those bastards easily because
-of some reason- they [unfortunately] crashed into a tram and flipped off, so they cannot chase him.

I got several emails asking where is Salieri's bar because when they followed the compass it always heads to the sea.
Of course the compass always heads to the sea because Salieri's bar IS across the sea, pass Giuliano Bridge and over
and it only tell you where to head so don't expect a smart compass to show you the bar's location.
For those ppls who're about to ask this question, please, please, PLEASE press your "TAB" button ?!

"The Running Man"
Mission Difficulty : 0.5 / 10 ( oh please.... )

Hell, this is another lousy chapter. You just go around carrying passengers ( daily taxi driver work ) but at the end
of this chapter you'll get bullied by the guys from last night. To get trough this mission just activate your
Speed Limiter (F5) and try not to bump into people. I can't even think why they make such mission...
This kind of mission should be converted into a cutscene >_<

* Additions *

I just noticed that a lot of readers cannot get past this level (its actually confusing) because the lack of arrow
pointers to guide them to Salieri's... Well this is the directions :
(Remember to run in Zig-Zag directions so they can't aim at you or at least some bullets will miss)

First after the cutscene go straight ahead and see the arrow. Turn Right. Follow the alley to the end and after you see
the main road at the end of the alley and a bar with the billboard "Rose Bar" in your left go to that direction.
You will see another arrow and enter the alley with a man standing in front of it.
Immidiately AFTER you go past the man TURN LEFT (this is tricky since a lot of ppls don't see this stairs) and go up
to the stairs and go straightttt (Zig Zag Zig Zag).
At the FIRST turn go right and left, you will see a man in a white - blue suit standing in front of you. Go to his
direction but turn right downstairs. You will see the main street again (its the end of the alley) after you exits the
alley IMMIDIATELY turn LEFT and you'll see another ARROW. Enter that alley and you will see a guy standing and another
guy is doing something to a car, head RIGHT and you'll see some kind of tunnel. Enter the tunnel and you'll see a girl
waiting for her boyfriend and in front of you is the tunnel exit, exit the tunnel and head LEFT and you SHALL see the
Salieri's Bar ( IF YOU CANNOT SEE THAT BAR I SUGGEST BUYING A PAIR OF GLASSES because its just right ahead)

"Molotov Party"
Mission Difficulty : 5 / 10

Congrats ! Welcome de la Famiglia !
In this mission you'll execute your first job as a Salieri. First, get into Morello's area and park beside his garage.
You should be able to enter the garage from BEHIND ( There's a small alley ) and lockpick the small gate ( Right Click ).
Knock Down the guard at the main gate with that brand new Baseball Bat of yours. Then damage one of the cars with the bat,
and blow the other two with the molotovs ( this mission reminds me of the Bonus Stage in Street Fighter when you gotta
destroy that car with time limit.. oh, 16 bit games.. ). Don't forget to check the small wooden house to get a Falconer.
Then get back to Salieri's.... Easy, eh ?

"Ordinary Routine"
Mission Difficulty : 7 / 10

Ah ! Life as a mafioso ! This is your second mission, collecting Protection Money from those protected by the Salieris.
The Bank and the Restaurant should be easy, but when you arrive at the Gas Station...

After Paulie is out, go left to circle the house and KILL the dog there. At my first try I'm too busy shooting the guys
from the window and I got killed by the #$^&*( dog >_< waaaaaah that embarasses my a lot !
I almost spent an hour swearing at that fluffy thing with jaw. Make sure you don't die like me.... ehehehe..

Oh yeah, you should see some boxes arranged at the back of the house. Press "JUMP" to climb those boxes and get inside
the house. After you get inside, turn right and open the door to reveal the BATHROOM and a guy peeing there.
Shoot him dead and prepare for a three men assault from the stairs. Hide behind the door or enter a room and kill
them one by one. There's two accessible rooms at the second floor, one have the TommyGun on the bed and the other room
have a medicine kit on the bathroom ( Its a yellow box with a red cross on it ).

Head down carefully, at the room with billiard tables there's 3 men, one at the left armed with the Tommy Gun,
finish him later. The other two is equipped with some handgun ( I forgot ) I reccomend to finish these two first.
After killing all three you should see a big old man with white clothes - KILL him too or he will punch you.

Enter the room to see Sam, but after you got out prepare for an one on one gunfight. This should be easy considering
you still have the Tommy Gun armed.

* The Chase *

First of all just go to your car and do your best to tail him. It's almost impossible to speed him out because his car
is way better than yours. Just tail him and shoot him. Eventually he will fell down ( in my game he crashes to another
car and incapitated, so I can just got out of my car and shoot him ).

Another TIP from Adrian Becker (
Before you enter the house, shoot the tires of the yellow car so when you chase him down he'll be freakin' slow, slower
than your first taxi.. huh ? Thanks Adrian !

Mission Difficulty : 3 / 10

This time the big boss wants you to steal some brand new racing car from Europe so the car won't win at the race tomorrow.
GO to the place marked at the map ( it's at the edge of the town, there's a label Lost Heaven Racing Arena so you should
be able to find it easily ). After ya got there, talk to the guard and he'll open the gate for you.
Go to the garage and take the car. When you're driving it in the city, remember to watch the radar screen for police
because they'll chase you as soon as they see you. And please DO NOT DAMAGE the car by bumping into someone / something.
Go to Luca Bertone's and wait for a moment. After he's finished you just drove back and put the car to where it was.

* The Race *
RACING difficulty : 15 / 10 --> [waaah can't they make it a little easier ?]

Apparantly Salieri's racing guy has broke his arm so he won't be driving for the race, soo..., guess who'll drive ?
There's no tips or strategy to pass this race thingy, I have wandered around Forums about Mafia and most of it is about
how hard the racing was. I myself spent almost 2 and a half hour ( plus 2 bottles of Coke ) to pass this hell.

There's no kind of trick, but there's one bug ( I think ) to get the first and the second car behind you.
When the race starts simply accelerate your car WITHOUT bumping into other cars and at the first turn BUMP your car
between the First and the Second car ( white and red, supposedly )and you should be on the first place. I did this and
I manage to -SAFELY- pass all the turns (just be patient and turn slowly, overspeeding will only flip your car)

Well that should work for you, it works like a charm for me tho.

I won't MAIL you the savegame since there're like a hundred people queqeuing on my Inbox with the same topic, so please
just go to my website.. I have uploaded it on the MAIN PAGE.
Geez... I never knew feedbacks could be like THIS ! Whoa !
I have received mails from Germany, Vienna-AUSTRIA, ROMANIA ( I never thought my FAQ would be read internationally...
I should really fix my grammar now.. ) , Northern Europe, USA and Netherland ( how could they possibly get their
hands on MAFIA ? I thought it's still unreleased there.. ? ) and I just want to say that I really appreciate your mails !
Thanks for you readers !

ANOTHER CORRECTION if you find my website down please wait for an hour to access it again, this happens due to a lot of
people go there today (1000 visitors) probably b'coz of that cursed save game. DAMN I started to hate the race because
it gave me lots of problems..... >_< Ack !

--------------------------RACE TIPS FAQ--------------------------
By :
Version 1.0

Okay Most people think that the race is the hardest mission in this game. Well I don't know whether they are right
or wrong because I haven't finished this game yet.
Okay the first thing is you should not be afraid of this mission. Because if before you start the race you are
already afraid then you have lost.

Here are the steps:

1. Change the control keys!
4=turn left
6=turn right
5=hand brake
This way it would be much easier to stir your car. (Your car will turn sharper, and will slid less often)

2. Try to lead the race as soon as possible, when the race starts take the left because the orange and green car
would likely turn right and smash most of the car in the right (good for them)

3. Use brake! It is better to slow down a little then to slid a lose the race.

4. There are 4 deadly turns that cannot be handled even though you have changed your control keys.
There are
01. In the beginning of the game
Slow down your car until 60 and take the turn slowly. Be very careful because in the beginning of the game there
would be a lot of cars making it harder.
02. The turn where you can read Aribo sign
Again slow down your car until 60 and take the turn for the left side.
03. The Slalom turn (right after the aribo turn)
This one is the deadliest! Slow down until 50-60, release the gas and take the turn slowly. Avoid hitting the side
road at any cost, because if you flip then you will be out of the race.
04. The forest turn (right after the slalom turn)
This in is not too dangerous just slow down until 60

5. Concentrate because the race consists of 5 laps and you cannot save during the race if you screw up that you
must do the race all over again.

There hope this help you to finish the game! I made this guide after playing the race for over than an hour so don't
copy this! This can only be seen at (and of course Crescent's walktrough)

---------------------END OF RACE TIPS FAQ--------------------------

If you customize your controls exactly like mine, then you can steer with WSAD buttons and before a turn just
press the "Arrow Up" key ( its below the button "End" at your keyboard, just for newbies ) and somehow you'll get
a better / easier turn ( or thats how I think ). Good Luck !

Mission Difficulty : 7 / 10

Luigi asked you to accompany Sarah on her way home, because the night before some punks are flirting with her.
This mission almost look like a copy of Fighting Force with a Mafia skin... >_< just punch 'em out with a
full power bar and get some weapons dropped.

Addition : If you noticed at the right side of the wall there's a wooden plank you can pick up and use as your
weapon. Its much much easier to beat the guys using this plank.

Watch Sarah's and your lifebar. There's not only 3 punks in there
but almost 5 or 6 so better watch your back. After knocking everybody off, escort her to her house and see
some adult scenes ( tee hee...... )

* Additions *
A guy emailed my last time saying that he cannot pass this mission (maybe its only a bug) after he killed all the
punks (he said there were 6 punks) because Sarah only crouches down and she won't move / follow you.
If any of you also get this problem please mail me, hmm this is one kind of a new glitch eh ?

*Another Additions *
This problem is caused by using a trainer. Turn it off, and it proceeds as normal.
Thanks to : ThatGreenJesus (

The solution is you need to at least chase the punks out of the alleys - and into the main streets. You don't even
need to kill them. If Sarah doesn;t do anything the punks are still too close.
Then Sarah stands up and all is well.
Thanks to : Fallon (

Hello, I read through your faq for Mafia, and noticed the bit at the bottom about not being able to use a trainer
for the mission where you escort Sarah home. I was able to use a trainer during this mission. The key is to make sure
you don't have one shot kills turned on. I believe this is what was causing her to stand around. When normally
playing through that mission the attackers will run away after you beat them up a bit. I'll double check this tonight
when I get home from work, just to make sure, and send you another email to let you know.
Thanks to : Patrick Jarvi (

Another guy said that this bug happens because he's using a cracked version of the Game.ExE
You can try it for yourself and download the No-CD EXE at one of my websites and the mirrors.
Cya [Crescent]

"Better Get Used To It"
Mission Difficulty : 7.5 / 10

Tommy and Paulie reported about the punks to Don Salieri and the Don think they should be taken care of.
Go to Vincenzo's for some weapon ( Bat and Handgun ) and drive off to see Big Biff for information.

After you reached the used Service Station, you'll encounter some meelee fightings and you'll be outnumbered.
Keep an eye to Paulie's lifebar because it seems that he have no fear dealing with 5 guys at the same time.
If you manage to keep Paulie (and of course yourself) alive, carry on to another area.
DO NOT SHOOT before THEY SHOOT at you or the mission WILL fail. Take care of the punks and go on to see another cutscene.

* The Chase *
Go to your car and start to drive as fast as you can, make sure you don't lose them and after some time they will
crash into a wall / building ? (forgot) and watch another cutscene.

"The Whore"
Mission Difficulty : 8 / 10

Apparently one little bastard in the car you chased before manage to survive... >_<
And one of Salieri's protected customer have changed side to Morello's and he's not paying for his protection money
and his debts to Salieri. We're gonna blow his brothel down ! WoohoooO !

Get into the Corleone Brothel, before you get there I suggest that you HIDE your weapon away. The first thing you
oughta do is to find the big-mouthed whore and knock her off. Go to the third floor and search the rooms there,
you should find her bathing and a cutscene.
(Extra : If you paid enough attention you'll hear some cool sounds from inside the locked rooms, hehe)

Well after dealing with the whore, go to the ground floor and to the restaurant. CLOSE the DOOR first and
kill the man in BLACK SUIT first before you kill the Manager ( Guy in White Suit ). Finish off the other bodyguards.
Go behind the receptionist's desk and collect the Key to the manager's office on the top floor.
WATCH OUT FOR A GUY HIDING INSIDE THE MANAGER's OFFICE ! After you open the door QUICKLY get your weapons ready !
( He's hiding to the right of the manager's office door ).


* The Rooftops *

This is another one hell of a mission.
First climb out the stairs and open the two doors, climb the walls and jump over the building to your right.
( Hmm now I know how it feels to be Peter Parker... ) Snipe out the polices here and watch out for one using the
US Army Springfield Rifle, he can kill you with one good shot.
PS : Watch out for the police hiding at the rooftop of the building of which a lots of police came out from.
( I think there's 3 cops there ). When you feel it's kinda safe search the left side for a wooden stair and you
should see a cutscene.

* The Priest *

Hm, another simple mission. Just dont forget to pickup the health medicine on your way down the stairs.
Yet another cutscene and a crowded gunfight... There's no trick in here, you can test your skills here.
Hide behind the coffin and slaughter them one by one. Watch out for the man using Tommy Gun from upstairs. After you kill
the first wave of hoods, there'll be a second wave of hoods equipped with shotguns. Be careful for them !
Well if you manage to kill them all safely, just walk out from the church and lost the police.

"A Trip To The Country"
Mission Difficulty : 6.5 / 10

Waaah... Salieri has ordered you to go pick up some Canadian Wine from a farm outside of town and get them back to
his warehouse. Prepare for a real good fight !

After you arrive at the farm, Paulie noticed that something's fishy. There seemed to be no signs of people.
He asked Tom to go check it out. Go through the farm and search for a truck parked at the middle of the farm.
A few hoods will come out and shower you with shells from their pump action shotguns.
I really suggest you avoid close range fights with these guys if you don't want to end up getting blew up..
Shot them from a distance or hide behind obstacles. Your destination is the truck and Paulie.

You'll see another set of hoods firing at the trucks, finish 'em off and Paulie will force you to find Sam together.
Go around the farm a bit ( there's a few more hoods hiding inside houses, be careful for them ).
After some time Paulie will found some kind of tool to open the locked Barn, where Sam was hid by the hoods. Arm your
guns because after the door opened you'll encounter -yet- another set of hoods. One with handgun and the other with
a pump action s-gun. Go upstairs with full alert, there're hoods hiding everywhere !
PS: I manage to find a medicine kit inside the barn. Its some kind of blurry and I can't see it clearly at first,
luckily I searched around...

You'll find Sam at the top floor of the barn, just laying there helpless. Paulie will then go get some help, but
before he manage to get to the barn some crooked cops arrive. Shooting them from the top floor of the barn should be
easy, but remember the AI here is quite intelligent so don't be surprised if one of the polices can go upstairs and
shoot you from the back.

After the gunfight, Paulie will carry Sam into the truck but from faraway Tom saw two cars heading to them !

* The Tommy Gun Massacre * --> I made up this myself, cool huh ? Hehehehe....

Well, you sit down at the trunk of a truck with a Tommy Gun and Sam laying behind you. A few cars chasing from behind and
you're supposed to blow 'em off. Do not waste your ammo, limit 'em so you can blow a car with less than 50 bullets each.
A few cutscenes come in and you'll dropped in the warehouse.

You can visit Luca Bertone for some side quests, this function is also available in some missions.
This time, you'll have to warn Luca's friend that the police is coming for him. You will have to speed up your car so
you can get to his house in time. After warning Luca's friend, go back to Luca and he'll teach you to steal an Ulver
Airstream Fordor down in Oakwood.
Go Back to Salieri's Bar - END of Mission.

Mission Difficulty : 8 / 10

Franks has betrayed the family !
Salieri ordered you to liquidate Frank before he hand the account books to the cops, because if the cops got the books,
Salieri would be finished !
Go collect information about Frank's whereabouts. First go to Chinatown and then the Art Gallery, after you get the
information you should go to the small hut behind Luca Bertone's Service Station. Talk to the bald guy there for a few
times and when you think your patience have run out, punch him right in the head for a few times >_< OUCH ! and you
will know where the cops hid Frank.

Before you continue, make sure you are driving a car with good acceleration and a good speed. You'll need one to make
things easier. At the time being I would really reccomend a Bolt V8 Roadster to do the job.

Go to Oakwood and see a cutscene, then follow Frank's car to the airport.

After you arrive at the airport, you can shoot the guys hiding at the room one by one from outside, but I have found a
nice way to finish them off clean and easy. First you should arrange the cars parked at the parking lot to be a barricade
so you can hide behind them, and then just drive out of the airport. The guys who hid at the airport will come out and
chase you. Drive behind the barricade and shoot them one by one. This should be easier then to shoot them when they're
If you kill them all you'll see a cutscene of Frank running inside the airport. Go after him but watchout for enemies.
Go right and you'll se an empty hangar. In my game, when you go near the hangar, a truck come and I kill the driver, then
I drive the truck and kill all the hoodlums by crashing the truck to them. With this method you don't have to waste a
single bullet ( PS : Watch out for shotguns as they can blow the truck easily ).

Find Frank at another parking lot behind the empty hangar ( I think its quite easy to find ) but be careful for a guy with
a Tommy Gun guarding Frank. Talk to Frank after you finish the guy and he'll ask you to find his family. Go to the building
at the left side of the parking lot and kill two guys guarding the building. Watch out for another one inside the building.
When you enter the building you'll see a woman and a girl, that's Frank's family. Talk to them and then talk to Frank again
and bring Frank to them. When you're asked to search the tickets you can find the tickets at the very first room where you
encounter the cops guarding Frank. Go deliver the tickets to Frank and see a cutscene.

This time Luca would like to send a "message" to someone called Big Stan at the Black Cats Bar near the Works Quarter.
Go there and punch him a few times until the runs from you, but don't kill him or Luca won't give you the hints to
steal the car. After he runs go back to Luca and you'll learn how to steal a Thor 810 down in Oak Hill.
Watch out for the guy near the car, he's the owner and unfortunately beside the car he also owns a gun >_<
Be careful if you're low on health here.
Go Back to Salieri's Bar - END of Mission.

"Visiting Rich People"
Mission Difficulty : 8.5 / 10

Well, this time Salieri ordered you to steal some pretty important document from a villa in Oak Hills. The owner of
the villa is watching a play downtown and the villa is empty ( except for the guards, of course ). Pick up Salvatore
on your way to Oak Hills. Take the -small- almost unseen tiny gate at the side of the villa. Ask Salvatore to pick the
locks and you can make your first step inside the Villa.

As soon as the game finishes saving, go left to the statue and crouch. When crouching, click the action button on
Salvatore to order him to wait for you. Arm yourself with the -autographed- baseball bat, hehehe... and wait for a guard
that will go pass your hiding place. Hit him hard from the back and collect the PUMP ACTION SHOTGUN and the KEY from him.
Then head right to find a guy standing inside a gazebo ( small house ). Hit him in the back too and collect his shotgun.
If you manage to disable these two guards fast, the guard at the front of the house should be walking around the stairs.
And again, hit him on the back ( you will have to move fast ). Go to Salvatore and order him to follow you. Go up the
stairs and enter the dining room. If you happen to meet the maid you can just knock her off from behind too.

Remember, when you're inside the house, DO NOT SWITCH ON any of the light switches. I switched one to see what will happen
and a minute after a guard come and shoot me off with a shotgun. >_< waah...

Find the stairs to the second floor and find the safe, see the cutscene. After the cutscene ends, go back downstairs.
Tell Salvatore to wait inside the room with the stairs. Go to the dining room and prepare your baseball bat.
In my game I was able to disable the guard at the front of the door at the dining room by knocking him off with the
trustworthy baseball bat. Collect a Tommy Gun from him and then order Salvatore to follow you and just walk outside the
villa ( make sure you do it with style, hehehe ! )

-=* ADDITION *=-
Hello. Thought you might want this one for the "Visiting Rich People" level. It's easier than your method, although
it does rely on the stupioity of the AI :)

As soon as you enter the garden, turn left and crouch by the statue and get Salvatore to stay there. Run after the
guard who is patrolling the left path (ahead of you at this point). If you make sure you stay behind him, you can
run as fast and make as much noise as possible, as long as you don't shoot your gun. Knock him out. Next to the bench
there is a power box. Use the box twice to turn off the lights. Go and grab Salvetore. Run to the left part of the
garden, and hug the wall whilst running. There is a side entrance to the house, which leads directly to some stairs.
Get Salvetore to open the door (I forgot to grab the key from the guard, this will probably open the door no problems,
without Salvetore) and get him to wait when you get inside. Run up to the first floor, then open the door in front of you.
It's likely a guard will spot you. Then run to the right and open the other door that leads to the hall. You can now
knock out the guard without him spotting you (he'll be waiting at the other door). Turn right and into the lit room
where the Prosecuters wife is. Lay her out and run into the next room. Then out into the landing and left into the safe
room. Follow this exact path on the way back as quickly as possible: stopping is a recipe for death. You're home and dry,
and you only need to knock out two, possibly three people. Well easy.

Thanks to : Chris Lewis (

* Alternative Ending *
Thanks to Robert A Means (
Just a quick suggestion on an alternative ending to Chapter 11: "Visiting Rich People." If you go out the front door
instead (watch for the maid) and whack the one guy in the front yard (He's to the left of the front door as you leave)
you can steal the Silver Fletcher parked there. When you try to open it, your character will tell Salvatore to open
the car. Now you have a car that's fast, strong, and heavy enough to do decent battle with other cars.
* End of Alternative Ending *

Drop Salvatore at his house and you're free to go to Salieri and end this mission.

"A Great Deal !"
Mission Difficulty : 6.5 / 10

Hum, after the failure with the Canadian Whiskey shipment, Salieri's pretty upset. But accidentally Paulie bump into
someone named William Gates from Kentucky who offered Paulie a deal. You have to pick the whiskey from Kentucky at
a big parking lot.
When you arrive at the parking lot, go to the top floor and find the guys waiting to exchange the whiskey with money.
But it seems that Morello is trying to wage a war again. After a cutscene you'll confront Morello's guys, most of them
are using Tommy Gun and Pump Action Shotguns so be extra careful. And you'll have to watch Sam's and Paulie's health too.

At the top level of the parking lot but BEFORE you trigger the cutscene between you and the guy from Kentucky, there
should be some cars parked aroud. Make a barricade and close the entrance to the top level. Make sure you do it right
so there won't be any of the guys still pass through the barricade and shoot at you.
When the firefight started, simply shoot at the cars to blow them and kill most of the guys, it should save you some
bullets and extra health for the next fight downstairs.

Go downstairs and kill the hoodlums, pay attention when you see two cars blocking your way at the 2nd level and when you
take the emergency stairs. Some guys there have grenades and they didn't mind to throw them at you. When you feel that
somebody is throwing something at you, run like hell because one good blow can kill you right away.

After you kill them all, go to the top level again and drive the truck with the goods to the bottom level. See a cutscene
and you'll have to drive the truck to the warehouse in Hoboken.

When you get to drive the truck, go out from the truck and head left to kill approximately 6 guys there and don't forget
to blow those 2 black cars because they'll chase you down if you just drive the truck to the warehouse. But if you want
some challenge you can just drive the truck to the warehouse and you can confront two cars on your way there.
Be careful for the police, if you hear any sirens just load your game because your truck can't outrun police cars.

"Bon Apetit !"
Mission Difficulty : 9 / 10

This is one hell of a mission, you only armed with a full Colt 1911 (but even if it's full it can only carry 42 bullets)
and Salieri got himself a S&W Magnum. When the mission starts, immidiately duck behind the table and shoot / kill the guy
at the rightmost of the screen. There should be two guys there, one with a handgun and another with a shotgun.
Snipe them from behind the table. After you killed those two guys, go to the back of the restaurant and watch for the door
to your left (if you took spend a lot of time to kill the first two guys you will encounter 3 guys here, one with a Tommy
Gun, one with a handgun and the last one with a shotgun) when you enter the door you'll see a stair heading up, go
upstairs but watch out for a guy with a Tommy Gun here. Collect his Tommy Gun and snipe the guys downstairs from the
window. (REMEMBER to watch for Salieri's health).
Go out trough the same door ( don't go out from the door that leads to the streets ) and go out to the streets from a
small alley to your right. Watch out for a guy with a Tommy Gun / Shotgun. After you're out in the streets you can :
01. Steal a car and kill the remaining guys by driving them out.
02. Shooting the remaining guys from a distance.
Humm, I think if you get things right you should be able to kill them easily but anyway I think I almost spent 1.5 hour
to -FINALLY- pass this one.

After a cutscene, go to Carlo's flat and chase him down through the fire-escape stairs. Watch out for punks here, they're
armed with baseball bats but you should be able to finish them off. Just don't get too close to them.
Carlo is the guy wearing polkadot shortskirt / underwear and he got a handgun with him. There're two other guys with
handguns so watch your back. This the easiest part of the mission I think my grannie can pass this one... >_<

"Happy Birthday !"
Mission Difficulty : 7 / 10

Salieri's pissed off because of the assasination attempt at Pepe's Restaurant, so he decided that it's time to wage a war
against Morello ! He ordered you to kill a politician when he's celebrating his Birthday at a SteamBoat.
Go to the destination assigned at the map and to the steamboat, but apparantly the guard won't let you in so...
Go the the building with a door opened just in front of the steamboat and find a sailor's suit there and a minute later
you'll transform into Sailor Moon ! (eh... bad joke ?)
Well with your new uniform just go pass the guard ( geez.. he didn't recognize your face ) and to the boat.
When you're in the boat find the men's room where Vicenzo smuggled the gun to assasinate the politician.
First go to the men's room at the left side of the boat to find a bucket, take it. Then you'll have to find a room with
the label "SKIPPER HAS THE KEY" written on the door (it's a little tricky, quite-hidden and near the stairs) then find
a sailor with a white-blue line cloth and talk to him. He'll give you the key and you can take the gun.
Then assasinate the politician and escape the boat (search for a speedboat drove by Paulie) after that you can call it
a day !

"You Lucky Bastard !"
Mission Difficulty : 9 / 10

The only reason I give this mission a 9 outta 10 is that this mission is the 2nd most frequently asked question.
First of all go to the Italian Garden restaurant and see the cutscene, then escape to Salieri's bar. And then you should
head on to OakWood and stop in front of Morello's house. Wait for a second and the man guarding the car in the front
of the house should enter the house, that's when you strap the TNTs below Morello's car. See the cutscene and again
head back to Salieri's.
Paulie will have a bright idea to assasinate Morello so you go to the place Paulie pointed at the map, but then again
Paulie proved his clumsiness in a cutscene after. Escape from the chase and head to Salieri's again.
Wah, Sergio Morello was truly a lucky bastard. You'll see a cutscene and you'll know why. Chase Morello down (you dont'
have to shoot his car) the most important thing is that you don't lose him. Chase him down to the harbor.

* The HARBOR *
After the cutscene quickly crouch behind your car and arm your Colt 1911, a guy will approach you from your right. Shoot
him first and then shoot the guy with the Tommy Gun just in front of your car. There will be another 2 guys with some
Pump Actions, one will approach you from your front and one is hiding behind the branches at your left.
Get into the Truck and go further into the harbor. Watch out for shotguns and Tommy Guns equipped guys, there're a lot
of them here. Don't let yourself to be in the open because there're 3/4 Rifle using guys and they can shoot you from a
very far distance and it WILL hit you big time. With the truck just go straight to the left end of the harbor and check
the houses there, a guy is armed with a rifle here but he won't be a threat because you can go behind him and kill him.
Collect the rifle and use it to kill the 3/4 guys using the rifle at the top of the crate-mover (that red-tokyo-tower-like
building) just in front of the big ships.

This chapter seems to be another stuck point for people who passed the race, huh.. ?
OK here's the tip !
You see Sergio Morello's car ? And the building behind it ?
There's where he's hiding !
You have to arrange the railways / tracks so the train at the end of the rail will crash into Morello's car.
( you have to search for a train-like compartment which has a brickstone under the wheels ) after you arrange
the rails just duck there, press right mouse and the brickstone will be removed, causing the train to crash into the car.

Enter the warehouse and be careful for shotgun users here, there's a lot of them. You'll find Sergio Morello here and
you can finish him off easily using a Tommy Gun like I did. Congrats ! Now Sergio Morello is a Lucky but dead Bastard !

This time Luca will ask you to pick up his wounded friend in ChinaTown and bring him to the doctor in Oakwood, FAST !
You gotta need a fast, small car but make sure your car can carry 4 passengers. I suggest using a Thor 810 Sedan FWD !
This is a little hard but after 2 or 3 times trying you should be able to pass this one.

PS : Wait for the wounded guy to stand up and walk (he walk real slow) up inside your car. Make sure you didn't move
your car away from him. Just stay put until he get inside and voila, you're on.

Back to Luca and he'll teach you how to steal a Bruno Speedster 851 at the parking lot in Central Island. Watch out for
the black-skinned man guarding the car. Ta-daaa ! You got your first sportscar !
Go Back to Salieri's Bar - END of Mission.

"Creme De La Creme"
Mission Difficulty : 7.5 / 10

Woah ! At last you're assigned to kill THE MAN, Morello himself !
Go to the Theatre at Central Island and find Morello there to assasinate him. He will escape with his so called Bullet
Proof limousine.

-= addition =-
I saw a post in a forum that says it IS possible to kill Morello here by ramming into his car a dozen of times until
his limo flipped out and Morello dead. I haven't got confirmations about this but IMHO it is possible.
-= end =-

Chase Morello into the airport and get out of the car immidiately after the car broke down. Watch out for 2 guys with
standard weapons when you walk inside the airport area. When you see a plane moving, search for your car somewhere around
the middle of the airport and then you can chase the plane. Shoot it down and Morello's history !

======= Addition ========
You can get Morello's car (Silver Fletcher) it in front of the hangar, but I dunno if you can still chase him if you
spend your time lockpicking the car. Try it out yourself.
========== End ==========

Lots of ppls emailing me about another pathway to kill Morello.

Here's one from CyberGuy (
In the Creme de la Creme mission, I followed Morello past the airport and around the back roads.
After awhile you get to a fallen bridge and morello's car goes half over the edge. You(as the character) stop
the car, then rev the engine and knock morello over the side. during the cutscene u see his car explode.
Just helpin you make a complete faqs.

And here's from Matt Crowe (
Also in Chapter 16 "Creme De La Creme" Sometimes Morello won't turn at the airport and will go straight.
If you keep up with him you will eventually reach a bridge with an alternate cutscene instead of him taking off
in the airplane. It helps to have a fast car, like the Silver Fletcher.

Go back to the bar to drop Sam and Paulie and you can get another car -->
This time Luca will ask you to drop a car to the ocean somewhere near the cliffs. If you already wander the town around
it shouldn't be hard to figure out that the only open sea with cliffs was the one at the opening of the game, the one
who has a lighthouse and its located just below OakHills, and at the right side of Oakwood.
Drove the car to the edge of the cliffs, steal another car and ram it to the car so the car will fall off the cliffs and
to the sea. Mission Over ! Easy enough eh ?
Luca will teach you how to steal a Celeste Marque 500. Go to the parking lot of Roy's Grill and kill the owner of the car
(you didnt have to kill him but he will shoot you a few times while you're lockpicking his car so killing him would be
one of the good options I chose ) and you'll have a nice, powerful car !
Go Back to Salieri's Bar - END of Mission.

"Election Campaign"
Mission Difficulty : 7 / 10

My favourite mission of all time ! I love sniping down ppls from distance, the feeling is just great knowing they cannot
do anything because they didn't know you're aiming at them... And it also give the victim painless death (always hit the
head to do that). Damn I miss my Steyr Scout >_<
So, Salieri asked you again to assasinate a politician, big one this time so you can't be seen in public. Vicenzo has come
up with a plan AND a sniper rifle, so the only thing left is to execute the plan.
Go to the abandoned jail but look for a man standing in front of a sewer (you can kill him if you want because he will
give you problems on your way out) and enter the sewer. You'll get inside the old prison.
When you get inside the jail look for a stair heading up and prepare for a gunfight. I suggest to snipe a guy down first
from the stairs (its also to practise your sniping skill). Watch out for shotgun users here.
Go straight because the stairs is broken, after a door you will find another stairs heading up, go upstairs and again,
prepare for a gunfight. If you have any heavy artillery you better use one now (Pump Actions). Go right and go straight,
turn right at the end of the alley and you can find another set of stairs (up and down) you can go the the bottom floor
and finish the dogs so they won't get you on your way out. You'll fight a lot of guys here at the stairs, and there're
no hiding place so you have to be fast and efficient, shoot them in the head with Colt 1911.
After you reached the top floor, find the politician (toggle your sniper mode first) he's in a small island-like with
a white building on it. He's giving a speech in front of the building. Be patient and cool, remember, you can only shoot
once so if you miss the guards will protect him and the mission will fail.

Some peoples been emailing me regarding this mission...... They can't seem to find the door before the dogs. Hell,
I'll tell you the right door that can make you feel really dumb when you yourself find it !
The door IS NOT THE ONE you see after you get out of that sewer hole, that door IS UNOPENABLE (whoa, new word) and
therefore you cannot enter it. So ? FIND ANOTHER DOOR ! If you pay attention to how many "a"s that I put on the word
"way" below you should be able to figure that door. Capischi.

If you manage to kill the guy, go waaaaay down and get out thru the doors which being guarded by the dogs. The door/gate
have a lock so shoot the locks and you can get outta the jail. Remember the guy standing in front of the sewer ? If you
didn't kill him the last time, he'll point at you to the police and the police will come after you. So now you know why
I suggest to kill him ?
This time Luca will ask you to pick his friend up around the Works Quarter are. The police is after him but Luca think
that his friend didn't even have a clue he's going to be arrested. You'll need fast car for this and I suggest to use
Thor 810 Sedan FWD, this car rocks big time. I can steer better with this thing and it's quite fast, surprisingly.
Pick him up and bring him to Luca, and you'll learn how to pick a Lassiter V16 Appolyon. Its a custom build car with
a sweet color. Go to Oak Hills and see a parked Lassiter Appolyon there. Just go there, ignore the two guys talking
about the car and pick the lock and leave the place like hell.
Go Back to Salieri's Bar - END of Mission.

"Just for Relaxation"
Mission Difficulty : 6 / 10

Hmmm.... Salieri seems to have something he hide away from the others, because he ordered the boys to hijack a truck
and steal a load of expensive cigars from the Harbor. First of all you go to a place near the harbor where you'll drop
Sam there to wait for you. Then go to the front of the harbor to wait for the truck. After the truck leaves the harbor,
follow it but don't hijack it now. Wait until the truck enters some kind of warehouse and unload the crates, and when
the truck leave the harbor block its path and hijack the papers and the truck then you can drive to the harbor now.

* Harbor Mission *
After you arrive at the harbor, go to the warehouse with a man standing in front of its gates. Talk to him and he'll
order you to pick up the crates and put them inside the Dispatch Hall. Near the crates you'll see two guys talking, talk
to them and ask them to help you move the crates to the Dispatch Hall. After all the crates are moved talk to the guy
who ordered you to move the crates and trick him to go somewhere, after he leaves quickly move the CIGARS CRATES behind
him to your truck.
__ |
_/ |________ | [][]
|____|_truck__|_______|_[][][] --> crates
O O |warehouse

* Addition *
It is possible to load the crates to the truck after the guy asked you to load the other crates to the dispatch hall if
you're damn fast in carrying those crates. You can also kill the guy when he's taking a leak (waybe knock him off with
a baseball bat) and you can load the crates without time limit (just watchout for the guards)
*End of Addition *

Position your truck like this to move the crates faster. After you load all the crates quickly get out of the harbor and
head to the place where Sam and Paulie is waiting. The place have a small entrance so position your truck well, make a
barricade with your truck and make a way for one person so you can kill one person at a time instead of facing them all.

[ Leave space for one person here ]
-----/ / ------the entrance
/ /0
/__/ --> Your truck

This mission should be a breeze if you manage to make a good barricade. After the threat is gone drive the truck to the
warehouse and see a cutscene there. End of mission.

When I got to the docks I drove in as written and showed my papers. After driving around a while inside, the people
started to shoot at me. I thought what the heck. You want lead, you got lead!!! :-) I drove over as many as I could,
then I positioned myself in a good spot with cover of some cars. The soldiers came at me one at a time so it's wasn't
as hard as I thought. When all the soldiers were dead (and some civilians) I drove to the warehouse and loaded my truck.
Don't worry about the truck as long as it don't blow up. When you drive outside the docks it's as good as new again.
The best part is only one guy follow you to the meet. Sam takes care of him before you can get out of the truck!
It's easier to stay alive by yourself without the schmucks assigned by salieri...

Thanks to Jonas Finnhult (

Mission Difficulty : 8 / 10

Tommy agreed to follow Paulie's last plan after he found out that Salieri's not exactly as good as he imagined. After the
cutscene at Paulie's house follow him to the train station to the First National Bank. After you get there Paulie will
tell you his plans and ask you to go to Yellow Pete at Central Hoboken to get some ammunitions.

My reccomendation of what weapon to bring :
01. Colt 1911 (never leave your house without it)
02. Colt Detective Special
03. S&W Magnum
04. S&W M&P
05. Thompson 1928

You can also go to Luca Bertone to get some wheels to do this job. He will ask you to go to Big Dick (eh.. ? Dick ?!)
just below the bridge near downtown. Go there, see some cutscene, prepare for a gunfight. Usual Routine huh ? remember to
make a barricade with your car. Barricades can get you trough the hardest mission without taking any shots just don't
bring expensive cars here cause you'll ruin the car. Go back to Luca and he'll teach you how to steal a Trautenberg
Model J somwhere around Oakwood.

After you got the wheelie go to Paulie's flat and sound your horn, then your final destination awaits.. the Bank !

When you enter the bank quickly run past Paulie and enter the door near the clerk. Watch out for a guard that will pop
up outta nowhere from the door (or if you're fast enough he will still at the stairs). Get the keys from behind the Clerk
and go upstairs, again, watch out for a guard here. Find the manager's room and threaten him to find the keys to the safe,
after that go waaaay downstairs and find the safe. At the room before the safe you'll encounter two guards with a handgun
(that's what I remember) so prepare your Thompson for a good 'ol whooping.
After you finished collecting the cash go upstairs to find Paulie and escape the bank. If you're pretty fast you wont
encounter any polices on your way to Palermo Club at Hoboken. And its the end of the mission.

"The Death of Art"
Mission Difficulty : 8.5 / 10
WARNING ! SPOILERS ARE EVERYWHERE in this chapter walktrough !

Ah ! The Finale at last !!!!!! I never knew writing a walktrough would be hard... at least not THIS hard... >_<
Hmm I better quit annoying you and carry on with the walktrough, no ?

You'll see a cutscene and you'll find Paulie dead in pieces. (Most likely with a Thompson, judging from the wound).
When the cutscene ends quickly HIDE your weapons and get out of Paulie's flat FAST. If you see 2 cops just ignore them
and run like hell. In front of Paulie's flat you'll see two cars and I suggest you take the Police Car. Head to Hoboken
to Yellow Pete's shop and buy these heaters :

My reccomendation of what weapon to bring :
01. Colt 1911 ( I have to thank the guy who invented this sweet piece of gun )
02. Colt Detective Special
03. S&W Magnum
04. S&W M&P
05. US Rifle M 1903 Springfield

You'll need the rifle for the final battle and you don't have to bring Tommy Guns because you'll get a lot of them at
the scenes before the Final Battle.
Alternatively you can visit Luca Bertone to acquire a Thor 812 wheelie. You will have to follow a whore that will get
out from Corleone brothel (the one that blows off at The Whore mission) and follow her by WALKING. This is a walk in the
park (seriously, you will cross a park on the way) and after she enters a building you can go back to Luca and he'll
tell you about the Thor. Its in the Used Cars Lot somewhere in Chinatown. There're a lot of dogs guarding the cars so
I suggest killing all of them from outside before you enter to get the car. Shoot the lock to open the door and get the
Thor (orange car) near the small house. Its quite powerful and nice.

Well, seems that you already finished with everything...
Go the the Art Museum and prepare for the Grand Finale.

* Grand Finale *
After the cutscene ends quickly hide and arm your Colt. Shoot the two guys in the head so you dont waste any bullets.
Two other guys will pop up from the yellow door in front of you. After you kill them watch your back for another guy
with a Colt 1911. Enter the far-yellow door and at the end of the alley turn left. Snipe the shotgun user near the door
and at the next room there's a Colt 1911 guy. When you exit the room there'll be a guy shooting you from far away with a
Tommy Gun, finish him off with the Rifle. Head right and you'll encounter 3 guys. Finish them all and head to the stairs
BUT QUICKLY (I mean REAL QUICK) turn around and run like hell because a grenade will be thrown from above. After the
explosion two guys will go down, kill them and collect the guns (don't forget the Tommy Gun you killed with rifle).
Go upstairs and see the cutscene. After the cutscene IMMIDIATELY head downstairs and take cover. Aim for the balcony for
a shotgun user there and a Tommy Gun guy will appear from the left stairs. Watch out for a Colt Detective at the Right
Side of the balcony (you can snipe him from downstairs, just look for an opening in the balcony.

After these guys are off, quickly go upstairs and go to the LEFT stairs and take cover behind the stair's ornament.
Finish two guys at the other side of the stairs while taking cover behind the stair ornament. Search the bodies here
and eventually you'll find a grenade in one of the bodies. Go upstairs and watch out for three guys at the square. One
handgun, one Tommy gun and one Shotgun. If you're low on health you can refill you health by going to the other side
of the square. You'll find two stairs with a health kit at the middle of the two stairs. AGAIN, WATCH OUT FOR GRENADES
when you approach the health kit. If you hear a sound of something being thrown quickly go upstairs and kill the guy there
when the grenade explodes downstair. Go downstairs to pick up the health kit.

Go the square again and open the doors surrounding the square, you'll be able to open one of them but watch out for heavy
gun users inside. After you open the door immidiately take cover and throw the grenade inside (aim carefully so you don't
waste that grenade) you can find another grenade at one of the bodies of the guys in the square. Enter the door and just
follow the track (watch out for guys hiding behind the seats) even if you see an empty room you should be careful as the
AI here is quite tricky.

Follow Sam upstairs and to the door, enter the door and see the cutscene. This is your final gunfight so use your rifle.
Hide behind the walls and let Sam shoot at the walls. When he reloads you can shoot him with the rifle (aim for HEAD)
or the other alternative is to use a Thompson you collected. A Colt 1911 is also nice for this battle, you will only need
14 bullets from Colt to finish the gunfight. Make sure your health is above 30 or 40 so try not to get shot here.
Follow the blood trails to find Sam ( PREPARE your Tommy Gun ) and when he appear shoot him to finish him off......
After the cutscene the game will end and thats the end of this walktrough... Damn I'm tired !

The ending is pretty shocking (see for yourself) and the credits song is -frankly- standard. I was expecting a nice song
maybe a little bit of Orchestra or a mixed genre but.....

Well this is the end all right, I'm going to play the Free Rides so look forward to my Free Ride FAQ (if I'm not too lazy
to make it, thats what)

Sayonara !

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Hum, just exactly like the subtitle, I'll write down the weapons available in this game..
Usually you'll get the "heaters" at Vincenzo's before a mission, but you can also rub dead bodies of enemies
( or polices ) to get new weapons. The weapons you get WILL NOT be saved after a mission, so when you advance to
the next mission you'll be empty handed again. ( The most annoying factor in the game.. )

O yeah, some of the "Found In"s are blurry to me, so I fill those exactly as I remember, the big prob is I don't
remember clearly tho.. please send me the corrections OK ?

-= WEAPONS known to be exist =-

01. Baseball Bat ( either autographed or non-autographed... >_< )
Efficiency : 4/10.
Type : Meelee
Found in : Almost every mission / sometimes car drivers bring this.
Damage : Low.
PROs : If you hit someone from the back with this thing,
they'll be "out cold" for some time, good range.
CONs : It hits high and usually miss, cannot be used crouching.
Comments : Why can't it bounce bullets off... ?

02. Crowbar
Efficiency : 3/10.
Type : Meelee
Found in : Almost every mission / sometimes labors bring this.
Damage : Low.
PROs : No pros... I think..
CONs : Usually miss, small range, cannot be used crouching.
Comments : I hate this thing, use it only in desperations !

03. Knife
Efficiency : 5/10.
Type : Meelee
Found in : Some mission.
Damage : A litthe higher than Low.
PROs : Just charge the power bar to full and
you'll do a whooping 4 hit combo ! :D
CONs : Usually miss, small range,
cannot be used crouching. ( typical meelee Cons )
Comments : Good when you're weaponless or bulletless
( which is very impossible to happen IMHO )

04. Knuckle Duster
Efficiency : 4/10.
Type : Meelee weapon
Found in : Mission "Sarah" and some other mission.
Damage : Low
PROs : Bah... The best thing is it's -a little bit- stronger than your bare hands.
CONs : Mmm... Its a meelee weapon.
Comments : >_< AAAAAAAAAAAAAA No freakin' comments !

05. Wooden Plank
Efficiency : 7/10.
Type : Meelee weapon
Found in : Mission "Sarah"
Damage : Low
PROs : Good range, fast cooldown, very useful for this level.
CONs : Mmm... Its a meelee weapon.
Comments : This one sweet baby is very useful when you're protecting Sarah. Last time I found
this weapon I only have to take around 30/35 damage. Its a little tricky to find tho.

06. Smith and Wesson model 10 M&P
Efficiency : 6/10.
Mag / Max Mag : 6 / 30
Type : SmallGun / Range
Found in : Almost every mission.
Damage : Medium.
PROs : Good stuff, can do good headshots.
CONs : Unstable, bounces off after shoot.
Comments : Good gun but I prefer Colt 1911

07. Smith and Wesson model 27 Magnum
Efficiency : 8/10.
Mag / Max Mag : 6 / 30
Type : SmallGun / Range
Found in : Missions up from mission 4 or 5
Damage : High.
PROs : Whoa, this is one of my faves. You only need to shot
the head once to blow 'em off.
CONs : Unstable, bounces off after shoot, long reload time.
Comments : Use it from a long range, save your bullets with h-shots.

08. Colt 1911
Efficiency : 7/10.
Mag / Max Mag : 7 / 35
Type : Small Gun / Range
Found in : Mission 2 I think.. ?
Damage : A little higher than Medium.
PROs : Ehehehe, this is my gun for all time. Very stable and accurate.
CONs : Nothing, I think...
Comments : Use this from a range and the victory is yours.
Remember, always hit the HEAD !

09. Colt Detective Special
Efficiency : 7/10.
Mag / Max Mag : 6 / 30
Type : Small Gun / Range
Found in : Mission "The Whore" and up
Damage : High.
PROs : Similiar to the Magnum but ( I think ) Magnum is stronger..
CONs : Unstable, bounces off after shoot, long reload time,
unaccurate in long range fights.
Comments : IMO, I'd rather use up all my S&W Magnum after I use this one.

10. Pump Action Shotgun
Efficiency : 7/10.
Mag / Max Mag : 8 / 32
Type : Shotgun / Range
Found in : Forgot... >_<
Damage : HIGH
PROs : One shot with the perfect aiming and range = sayonara.
CONs : Usual shotgun cons, the bullets spread.
Comments : Use it for 1 on 1 fights or if lots of enemy are IN FRONT
of you, never use it when surrounded.

11. Sawed off Shotgun
Efficiency : 6/10.
Mag / Max Mag : 2 / 32
Type : Shotgun / Range
Found in : Mission 4 ( I think... )
Damage : HIGH
PROs : Idem.
CONs : Range is shorter than PumpAction, low bullets space, reload time.
Comments : This one only take up space, if you have PumpAction
I suggest to put this one away,

12. Thompson 1928 / T-Gun / Tommy Gun/ or anything you call it
Efficiency : 9/10.
Mag / Max Mag : 50 / 200
Type : AutoMachineGun / Range
Found in : >_<
Damage : Medium.
PROs : Whoa, the gun of the game ! Lots of bullets to spend and
a good range to snipe out enemies.
CONs : The reload time sucks real hard...
Comments : Either 1 vs 1 or crowded use this one, you can almost kill
anyone without taking damage.

13. US Rifle M 1903 Springfield
Efficiency : 7/10.
Mag / Max Mag : 5 / ?
Type : Rifle / Range
Found in : Mission "The Whore", Mission "You Lucky Bastard !" and up
Damage : HIGH
PROs : This one have one hell of a range ! Use it to kill enemies
from far away.
CONs : Really hard to aim the head from far away, and again,
reload time....
Comments : Use it when the enemy is still unaware of you.

14. Mosin-Nagant 1891/30
Efficiency : 8/10.
Mag / Max Mag : 5 / ?
Type : SniperRifle / Range
Found in : Mission "Election Campaign"
Damage : HIGH
PROs : Hehehe, I really love this one.. Snipers at last !
CONs : Waah, its soo damn hard to shoot someone in the head
from a long range !
Comments : No Comments... :D

15. Grenades
Efficiency : 10/10. ( If used correctly, that is )
Type : Thrown Projectile / Explosives
Found in : Mission "You Lucky Bastard" \ "The Death of Art"
(thanks to Francois Luneau !)
Damage : HIGH
PROs : You can kill enemies even before you see them.
CONs : Hard to aim, you have to practise using this one.
Comments : Use grenades wisely, watch for walls because one wrong throw
can be the cause of your own death.

16. Molotov Cocktails ( thanks to Jussi Suvanto [] )
Efficiency : 6/10.
Type : Thrown Projectile / Explosives
Found in : Mission "Molotov Party"
Damage : HIGH
PROs : Area Damage.
CONs : Hard to aim, you have to practise using this one.
Comments : I dunno more about Molotovs coz I only get to use this at Molotov Party mission..

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In this section I will explain the red line of characters and their connections, and again, send me corrections please !

Thomas "Tommy" Angelo
The main character of the game, used to be a taxi driver before he saved Paulie and Sam's life from Morello's men.
Detective Norman
He's the detective whom Tom share stories with. I dunno about his character but I think he's a type of person that
will stand up for justice... comments ?
Don Salieri
The big guy of Little Italy, he runs everything in and out. He was once Morello's best friend before they split the
town in two and began to compete each other.
Salieri's right hand who runs the company from inside, handles all book and accounts for Salieri.
Don Morello
The boss of New Ark, he runs his regime with blood and violence so people were afraid of him rather than admire him.
He have some politician, the police and some town councellor as his friends so he's a little stronger then Salieri.
Sergio Morello Jr
Morello's little brother who runs the export/import and shipping at the harbour. FYA he's a Lucky Bastard >_<
One of Salieri's boys (hitmen, anyway you call them) and Tommy's best pal.
Just another Salieri's boys, but he's not so close with Tom.
Salieri's weapon expert, if you need any heaters just ask him and he'll prepare it.
Salieri's car mechanic, apart from his superb skill in cars and automobile, he's an idiot.

I’ve been reading your FAQ at and it’s great. I wanted to let you know about your character descriptions,
for Ralph. He’s not slow, stupid or retarded. He simply stutters. Back in the 30’s and even now to a degree, people
think stutters are slow, stupid or retarded. Just thought you might like to let readers know that the game is
pointing this out, everyone calls him stupid, slow and retarded, because in that period people didn’t understand that
was just a speech impediment.
Thanks to : Brian Lee Jones ( for corrections...
Don Salieri's bodyguard and the one who betrayed him ( thanks to for the corrections ! )
Salieri's bartender.
Tom's wife and Luigi's daughter.
Luca Bertone
He runs an automobile repair / tune up shop downtown. You can learn how to steal new cars from him,
usually after a mission ends.
Runs a native Sicilian restaurant, Salieri's Fave.
Big Biff
Paulie's informant who usually hangs out in Chinatown.
The guy who helped you to open the safe in the politican's house. He can also lockpick cars too, just for info.

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Q :
can I win the race.. ?
A :
hell yes you CAN if you try hard, and I really mean HARD ! But if you STILL CANT PASS the RACE go to my website
( URL provided below ) and download the savegame file there, OK ?

02. Where is the CASINO ?
Answer : There's no such thing as a CASINO in the game, nor in both of the Free Rides. It's just some bullshit that
someone's been throwing around, then sits back and laugh to see some dumbass playing the game for 4 hours or so trying
to find it. Geez, save your electricity bills, there's no such thing as a CASINO !

03. Why didn't you answer my email ?
Answer : As long as I remember I had answered ALL emails sent to me, if I didn't reply your mail then it must've
been mistaken as a junk mail and have been deleted... sorry..

04. Where is Yellow Pete's Gunshop at Free Ride ?
Answer : If you played the game until chapter 19 you should know this place but if you didn't well..
Its somewhere on Central Hoboken at the building with "Twister" written on its billboard.

05. The Sarah bug ? How can I escort Sarah home she won't even move !!!
Answer : If you use any trainers PLEASE CLOSE THEM because its confirmed you'll get this bug if you turn on trainers.
If you didn't use trainers and STILL experience this bug go to my website and DOWNLOAD the No CD EXE there.

06. Where's Sergio Morello at the 15th Mission, Lucky Bastard ?
Answer : Look at the walktrough for further information.

07. I cannot shoot Morello's plane down !
Answer : You see two engines at both side ?

08. Where can I get the full map of the town ?
Answer : If you bought the original game you should have it, it came in a package with the game.

09. I can't switch to sniper mode when I used my custom buttons !
Answer : Just use MY custom remapping (at the gameplay section above) and you'll be fine.

10. My game LAGS big time, can I know how to make it smoother ?
Answer : If you happen to get this problem, its either your computer is too old or you need to buy a new VGA.
But try to change the "shadows" at the Options to the LOWEST, it should help.
And change the Creative EAX ( or somthing like that ) at the Audio options.

11. What is your website URL ?
Answer : It's and I also put some rare SNES RPG ROM there, FYI.

12. Are you cute ?
Answer : Well that depends from where you look me at, tee hee..

13. Are you still single ?
Answer : Hmm, I AM single and looking for a soulmate here..

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I'm gonna list all of -known- bugs and glitches up to today ( 18 Sept 2002 ) if you have encountered a glitch or bug
please mail me in details so I can list it here. And mailing me solutions to these bugs are very welcome indeed !!!

BUG 01 : The SARAH bug

See the Frequently Asked Questions section just a few lines above T_T

BUG 02 : Car frames ?

I can only see the car frame... What's wrong with this game ?
This happens because of some abnormal VGA settings. I suggest to change some settings (not only in Options, but on the
Mafia Setup Program ["Setup.exe"] and of course in your Advanced Video Card settings).

BUG 03 : The Repetitive Missions

Sometimes crashes can happen to your game without you knowing it, maybe it was some miss-programming or something
similiar, either way your game will GET STUCK in some point where you're suppossed to do something, you've done it
but the action trigger seemed to be -still- untriggered... follow me ?

Example you're supposed to kill Osama bin Laden so you can get a reward money, so you go sneaking into his house,
killed his bodyguards and then after you meet him, you made some nifty holes in his body with your pump action s-gun,
but the game still thinks that you haven't kill him so you won't get the reward money.

Note that its only an example so don't expect to have an Osama in the 1930s.

If this bug happened to your comp, just restart the mission from THE START, not from your LAST SAVE.

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| Credits | "BLABLABLAs"

In this updated version I would like to thank :

01. God
for creating me and the programmers of this game.

02. Parents
for buying me this brand new 2 Ghz pentium so I'm able to run this game, and thanks for everything !

03. Gathering of Developers and Illusion Softworks
for making this unbelieveably good game. ( can you make the cars go faster... PLEASEEEE ! )

04. Prady Arddhika
for buying this game for me so I don't have to face the roughness of the world outside my house hahahahaha

05. Hum..... [Dr@goon]
for being the real clan out there ! We're gonna kick some ass ! Tee hee !

06. My new P 2 4 Ghz 256 DDR GF 4 MX
I love you !!!!

07. The Readers !
Whoa ! All I can say is a big thanks for ya guys !

End of Walktrough
[CrescentSaber] 2002/2003

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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18.Oktober 2013
Tool zum Modifizieren der gepackten Spieldateien

17.Oktober 2013
DLH.Net Hinweissammlung

18.Oktober 2013
Alle freischaltbaren Fahrzeuge benutzbar inkl. Thor 812 Cabriolet FWD, Trautenberg Model J, Caesar 8C 2300 Racing Ort: Hinterhof (Speicherort) im "Free Ride Extreme"-Modus

17.Oktober 2013
Leider keine weiteren Informationen verfügbar

15.Oktober 2013
Engl. Leitfaden

18.Oktober 2013
Weapons FAQ
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Dt. Lösung im Word-Format

16.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

18.Oktober 2013
The Complete Free Ride Extreme Guide
Engl. FAQ

18.Oktober 2013
Alle Autos und Geld im FreedriveMode sowie unbegrenzte Munition (für die blood-gepatchte Version 1.0)

16.Oktober 2013
Easter Eggs
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Dt. Lösung im Word-Format

15.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

18.Oktober 2013
Dt. Carcycolpedia

17.Oktober 2013
Concise Free Ride Extreme Solutions
Engl. Hinweise

17.Oktober 2013
Dt. Gesundheitstrainer (für die blood-gepatchte Version)

18.Oktober 2013
Savegame für die Zwischensequenz vor dem Rennen

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Profile verändern (Blood-gepatchte dt. Version)

18.Oktober 2013
Wie gewinnt man das Autorennen?

18.Oktober 2013
Dt. Rennen-Trainer

17.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
Trainer für die 'blood-gepatchte' Version

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17.Oktober 2013
Alle Autos und Missionen verfügbar (Achtung: 8 MB)

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Dt. Trainer für Geld, God-Modus und Munition (für v1.0 dt)

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18.Oktober 2013
Savegame mit allen Leveln (Achtung: 6,3 MB)

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