Disc World

Disc World

17.10.2013 02:34:48

FAQ/Walkthrough for



Author: Tom Hayes
E-mail: thayesguides(at)gmail(dot)com
System: PC
Updated: 2nd April, 2006
Version: 1.1


1. Introduction
2. Walkthrough
2.1. Act I
2.2. Act II
2.3. Act III
2.4. Act IV
3. Item List
3.1. Act I
3.2. Act II
3.3. Act III
3.4. Act IV
4. Copyright Information


1.1: 2nd Apr, 2006 (Format update)
1.0: 18th Jun, 2005 (First version)


1. Introduction


Summoned by a mysterious brotherhood, a dragon has appeared in the city of
Ankh-Morpork. Annoyed at having been brought out of its own dimension, the
dragon has decided to take revenge by killing every member of the brotherhood,
as well as anyone else that gets in its way. Nearby in the Unseen University,
cowardly wizard Rincewind is summoned to the Arch Chancellor's office where he
is given instructions to make a dragon detector. Hearing about the huge reward
for the person that finds the dragon, Rincewind decides to not only build the
detector but to try and catch the dragon by himself.


2. Walkthrough


2.1. Act I


The game starts in Rincewind's bedroom at the Unseen University. Open the
wardrobe and get the pouch. Open the door to exit the bedroom and walk down to
the closet at the bottom of the room. Get the broom. Return to Rincewind's
bedroom and use the broom on Luggage, who will follow Rincewind around for the
rest of the game. Exit the bedroom and enter the arch chancellor's room on the
middle floor of the room. Exit the room and enter the library at the bottom of
the steps. Use the banana from Luggage on the librarian to get the book.

Return to the arch chancellor's room and give him the book. He wants Rincewind
to find five items: Staff, magic coil, imp, metal container and dragon breath.
Exit the room and walk east to enter the dining room. Use the broom on Windle
Poon's staff to get the staff. Exit the dining room and walk west to the front
garden of the Unseen University. Talk to the apprentice wizard on the bench
and select the question mark icon to try opening the university door. Get the
frog from the pond that was produced from Rincewind's failed spell attempt and
then go through the door to view the city map.


Walk east and talk to the urchin to gain the pickpocket skill. Rincewind tests
this skill on the old timers and gets some pink bloomers. Get a tomato from the
stall and throw it at the tax collector at the right side of the square. Get
another tomato, which Rincewind drops when he finds a worm inside. Get the
worm. Enter the psychiatrickerist's shop and talk to the troll. Exit the shop
and return. The troll should have moved to the right chair. Get the butterfly
net when Rincewind sits down in the chair. Exit the shop. Exit the square.


Enter the barber's shop at the right side of the street and look at the hair
roller on the woman's hair. Talk to the woman and the barber will put the hair
roller in his pocket. Talk to the barber and he will start daydreaming. Quickly
use Rincewind's pickpocket skill on the barber's pocket to get the hair roller.
Exit the shop and walk west to the toy shop at the left side of the street. Get
the string from the counter and exit the shop. Exit the street.


Open the sack and use it to get the corn. Exit the area.


Talk to the right guard and question him to make him hit the left guard. Enter
the palace. Open the door with the star on it to enter the bathroom. Walk west
and get the mirror. Exit the palace.


Walk east and open the door to enter the alchemist's shop. Use the corn on the
flask to distract the alchemist. Look at the box and pull the cable release.
Try to get the imp and it will escape. Exit the shop. Combine the worm with the
string in the inventory and then use the worm with string on the mouse near the
drainpipe to get the imp. Open luggage and put the mirror in Rincewind's
inventory. Walk west onto the tile in the middle of the alley to launch up to
the rooftops. Walk to the tower in the distance. Use the mirror on the tip of
the flag pole and then use the mirror to get the dragon breath. Return to the
rooftops. Walk west and get the ladder. Climb through the window at the left
side of the rooftops to return to the alley. Exit the alley.


Walk down the path to arrive at the back of the university. Use the bags to get
a bag of fertiliser. Open luggage and put the butterfly net in Rincewind's
inventory. Use the ladder on the window, and Rincewind will climb up to the top
to look into the kitchen. The cook will throw a pancake up from the below.
Use the butterfly net to catch the pancake and the cook will leave. Enter the
university and walk east to the kitchen. Get the bananas and the frying pan.
Exit the kitchen and walk up the steps to the arch chancellor's room. Give the
staff, hair roller, imp, frying pan and dragon breath to the arch chancellor,
and he will make a dragon detector. Walk down to the bottom-left corner of the
map to find the dragon's lair and complete the first act.

2.2. Act II


Get the screwdriver near the dragon. Exit the barn.


Enter the inn and get the sheet from the bed. Walk east to the bathroom and get
the bubble bath. Exit the inn.


Enter the Drum and talk to the scared guy at the table. Look at the green
bottle behind the bar and talk to the barman to order the counterwise wine. Get
the glass and the matches from the bar. Exit the area.


Enter the university and walk into the kitchen. Get the corn flour and exit the
kitchen. Enter the library. Give the four treasure piles to the sleazy guy at
the right side of the library to get the gold banana. Give the golden banana to
the librarian, and he will open the entrance to L-space. Enter L-space to
travel back to the past.


Wait for the thief to appear. After he leaves with the dragon book, use the
book on the shelf to reveal a hidden exit. Go through the exit to arrive on the
map, where the thief will eventually reveal the hide-out near the bottom-left
corner of Ankh-Morpork.


Enter the inn and use the sheet on Rincewind. Use the jewelry box to find a
hammer, which Rincewind will throw away. Exit the inn.


Use the frog on the drunk on the bench and then use the butterfly net to catch
the butterfly. Exit the park.


Walk to the corner in the middle of the street and use the butterfly on the
lamp to make a raincloud appear above the monk in the present. Get the pot from
the ledge. Walk east from the corner and enter the alley. Open the toilet door
and read the graffiti about Sally. Exit the street.


Enter the Drum and look at the picture behind the little guy. When he looks
away, use his glass to start a fight inside the Drum. The troll will rush into
the Drum to join in the fight. Use the ladder on the shingle above the entrance
to get the drumstick. Exit the area and select the hole at the side of the
Unseen University. Go back through L-space to return to the present.


Exit the library and enter the dining room. Use the drumstick on the gong to
summon the apprentice wizard from the bench outside. Exit the university and
get the prunes from the bench. Walk down the path at the side of the university
and get the garbage can. Exit the area.


Enter the Drum and talk to the scared guy again to find out what to do with the
hammer in the inn. Exit the area.


Walk to the alley near the fishmonger's and get the robe. Exit the street.


Go through L-space in the library to return to the past. Exit the library.


Use the drainpipe near the door to turn it. Use the glass on the drainpipe when
the thief arrives to hear the password. Use the robe on Rincewind to enter the
hide-out and view the dragon meeting. Exit the hide-out.


Enter the inn and use the sheet on Rincewind. Use the jewelry box to find a
pass. Exit the inn. Return to the Unseen University and go back through L-space
to return to the present.


Walk east and talk to the street starfish to see him use a secret handshake.
Talk to the dibbler and select the mouth icon to receive a donut. Enter the
alley and wait for the dunnyman to appear. Give him the donut and he will rush
off to the barber's shop. Exit the alley. Enter the psychiatrickerist's shop.
Talk to the troll and exit the conversation. Rincewind will be called into see
the psychiatrickerist, who will give him two ink blots. Return to the
psychiatrickerist's shop and talk to the girl to get a note. Exit the square.


Use the crate to get fireworks and a keg. Show the pass to the guard and then
exit the city.


Walk to the top of the path and get the egg and the feather that the creature
drops. Exit the pass.


Walk east and enter Nanny Ogg's house. Use the pot on the cauldron to get the
custard. Exit the wood.


Use the coconut tree and a coconut will drop into the water. Use the butterfly
net to get the coconut. Exit the edge of the world and return to Ankh-Morpork.


Enter the barber's shop and give the note to the barber. After he leaves, use
the apparatus to get the gold tooth from the dunnyman. Exit the shop and walk
west to the fishmonger's stall. Use the string on the octopus to get the
octopus. Walk west to the alley. Use the octopus and the pot of custard on the
toilet can. Return to the fishmonger's stall and use the prunes on the caviar.
After the fishmonger has been attacked by the octopus, enter the alley and get
the gold belt. Exit the alley and walk west to the toy shop to get a hogfather
doll. Exit the street.


Show the ink blot to the left guard to distract the guards. Enter the palace
and talk to the peasant to discover that the thief went to the Shades. Use the
garbage can on the fool and he will run off to the bathroom. Enter the bathroom
and use the bubble bath on the bath. Get the cap with the golden bell and then
exit the palace.


Go through L-space in the library to return to the past. Exit the library.


Walk to the house at the other side of the Shades. Talk to Sally at the right
side of the balcony. Combine the coconut with the screwdriver in the inventory
and then give the coconut, cornflour and egg to Sally to receive the yellow
bloomers. Exit the Shades. Return to the Unseen University and go back through
L-space to return to the present.


Give the yellow bloomers to the street starfish to learn the secret handshake.
Rincewind tests it out on the old timers and gets a bra. Exit the square.


Walk east and use the secret handshake on the mason to get the gold trowel.
Walk east to the hovel at the bottom-right corner of the Shades. Combine the
bra with the ladder in the inventory and then use the ladder on the hovel. Walk
into the hovel and try to get the gold key from the thief. Use the feather on
the thief and then get the skeleton key. Exit the hovel and get the ladder.
Exit the Shades.


Put the hogfather doll in Rincewind's inventory and walk onto the tile in the
middle of the alley to launch up to the rooftops. Use the hogfather doll on the
chimney to fill the alchemist's shop with smoke. Use the window at the left
side of the rooftops to return to the alley. Enter the alchemist's shop and use
the keg on the fireplace. Use the string on the keg to make a fuse. Exit the
shop and use the matches on the fuse coming out of the drainpipe to get the
gold brush. Exit the alley.


Give the belt, brush, cap, key, tooth and trowel to the dragon.


Talk to the witch and select the question icon to receive the carpet. Talk to
the witch again and select the joker icon. Quickly get the custard book from
the stall when the witch looks away and then exit the square.


Go through L-space in the library to return to the past.


Get the dragon book and combine it with the custard book in the inventory to
switch the book covers. Put the new dragon book back in the empty place to
complete the second act.

2.3. Act III


Enter the university and walk through the left door to the closet. Use the
matches on the shape to light it. Get the packet of starch and exit the closet.
Walk east to the kitchen and get the spatula. Exit the kitchen and walk up to
the arch chancellor's room. Get the hat from the table and exit the university.


Walk east and use the spatula on the mural to get the soot. Continue east and
use the ladder on the hovel. Walk across the ladder to enter the hovel and get
the knife from the bag. Exit the hovel and get the ladder. Exit the Shades.


Talk to the dibbler to get the paper bag. Get an egg on the stall to find a
snake. Get the snake and exit the square.


Enter the Drum and look at the green bottle of Klatchian Cactus Juice. Talk to
the barman twice to order the drink with the worm in it. Use the glass to get
the worm and then exit the area.


Use the knocker to receive a custard tart. Exit the hide-out. Exit the city to
view the world map.


Walk east and use the crank to pull up the bucket. Use the pot on the bucket to
fill it with water. Use the screwdriver on the crank to get the crank. Exit the
woods and return to Ankh-Morpork.


Open the paper bag in the inventory to find a leech. Give the paper bag to the
right guard and walk into the palace. Enter the bathroom and get the brush from
the bath. Exit the bathroom and walk east to the dungeon. Walk east to the
mouse hole near the cells. Combine the string with the worm in the inventory.
Use the worm with string on the mouse hole to get the rat. Walk east and use
the skeleton to get a bone. Use the crank on Chucky's rack to get an untuned
sword. Exit the palace.


Enter the barber's shop and get the appointment book and scissors from the
desk. Walk west to the fishmonger's stall and get the octopus picture. Continue
west to the toy shop and use the bone on the pot of glue. Exit the street.


Talk to the tall guard about the sword and he will reveal the location of the
dwarf mine.


Enter the mine and show the sword to the left dwarf, who agrees to tune it if
he is given elderberry wine. Exit the mine and return to Ankh-Morpork.


Talk to the barman to hear about foxes in the cellar. Exit the Drum.


Walk east and use the glued bone on the puppet dog. Look at the tattoo on the
sailor's arm and then talk to the sailor. Talk to the innkeeper and then talk
to the sailor again to receive a whistle for finding his parrot. Enter the inn
and look at the door. Use the door to talk to the bogeyman. Use the screwdriver
on the door and then talk to the bogeyman again. Select the cloud icon and the
bogeyman will travel to the Broken Drum. Walk east to the bathroom. Use the
pot of water on the soap to make the soapy water. Exit the inn.


Enter the alchemist's shop and talk to him about the joker icon. Get the
impstamatic box from the desk and exit the shop. Exit the alley.


The sack of corn that was in front of the bumper bar of the cart has been taken
by the alchemist. Combine the brush with the soapy water in the inventory and
then use the soapy brush on the bumper bar. Look at the bumper bar. Look at the
number plate. Look at the bumper sticker to make the dragon sanctuary appear on
the map. Exit the stable.


Open the gate and walk to the front of the house. Use the knocker and wait for
Lady Ramkin to appear. Talk to her and then walk down the path at the side of
the house. Talk to Lady Ramkin. Return to the front of the house and knock on
the door again. Quickly return to the back of the house and get the rosette,
leash and nail. Exit the dragon sanctuary.


Enter the university and walk to the dining room. Combine the bag of fertiliser
with the snake in the inventory to make it grow. Combine the big snake with the
starch in the inventory to stiffen the snake. Use the stiff snake on Windle
Poon's staff to get the broom handle. Exit the university. Exit Ankh-Morpork.


Walk east to Nanny Ogg's house and use the wool to enter the back garden. Use
the rosette on the sheep. In the inventory, use the rat to reveal the imp and
then combine the imp with the impstamatic. Use the impstamatic on the sheep to
take a picture. Get the mallet on the wood pile. Return to Nanny Ogg's house.
Look at the purple potion and talk to Nanny Ogg. Select the potion icon and
then use the custard tart on Rincewind. Get the truth potion and exit the wood.


Use the whistle on Rincewind to call Polly the parrot. Combine a firework with
the matches in the inventory and then use the lit firework on the parrot.
Combine the broom handle with the butterfly net in the inventory and use the
long butterfly net to get the parrot. Get the lantern near the edge. Look at
the hat in the inventory and then use the hat on the fork. Use the chain of
handkerchiefs to climb down to Great A'Tuin's shell. Get the glint near the
right side of the shell to get the whistle and then climb back up the chain of
handkerchiefs. Exit the area and return to Ankh-Morpork.


Give the parrot and the whistle to the sailor to find out how to get a tattoo.
Exit the area. Exit Ankh-Morpork.


Enter the psychiatrickerist's shop and talk to the troll. Exit the shop and
then walk back into it. After Rincewind sits on the left chair, talk to the
girl and then give her the appointment book to sign. Exit the shop.


Walk east and give the signed appointment book to the barber. Exit the woods
and return to Ankh-Morpork.


Enter the barber's shop and talk to the barber to find out that the street
starfish can give Rincewind a tattoo. Exit the street.


Walk east and talk to the street starfish, who refuses to give Rincewind the
tattoo. Enter the alley and use the knife on the rubber belt to get the rubber
belt. Exit the square.


Put the knife in Rincewind's inventory and walk onto the tile to launch up to
the rooftops. Use the knife on the ladder to make the assassin fall down to the
alley. Climb through the window to return to the alley and talk to the assassin
to tell him the number of the donkey cart, which will cause the donkey from the
livery stable to be taken to the square. Put the knife back in luggage and put
the rubber belt in Rincewind's inventory. Walk onto the tile again to return to
the rooftops. Walk to the tower in the background and use the rubber belt on
the tip of the flagpole to get the birthmark tattoo. Exit the alley.


Walk east and use the scissors on the donkey's tail to get the moustache. Exit
the square.


Enter the Drum and talk to the barman to order a drink. Get the tankard. Enter
the wine cellar at the left side of the Drum and look at the top barrels to
find the elderberry wine. Use the tankard on the barrel to fill it with
elderberry wine. Exit the wine cellar. Combine the sheep picture with the
octopus picture to frame the sheep picture. Use the nail on the beam near the
braggart. Use the framed sheep picture on the beam. Talk to the braggart to
order a drink. Combine the tankards with the truth potion and then give the
truth potion to the braggart to discover the location of the Temple of Offler.
Exit the Drum. Put the wine in Rincewind's inventory. Exit Ankh-Morpork.


Enter the mine and give the tankard of elderberry wine and the sword to the
left dwarf to receive the tuned sword. Exit the mine.


Use the carpet on the monk and he will fall into the river. Continue east into
the temple and get the blindfold from the hatstand. Use the leash on the
luggage and the blindfold on Rincewind to cross to the other side of the
temple. Use Rincewind's pouch on the sand and then use the pouch on the eye of
Offler to get the eye. Exit the gorge and return to Ankh-Morpork.


Enter the university and walk to the right side of the library to get the magic
book (Move the mouse cursor to the bottom of the book shelf and then move the
cursor right to find the book). Exit the library through the doorway to
complete the third act.

2.4. Act IV


Get the key from Lady Ramkin's pocket. Exit the square.


Walk to the path at the side of the house and use the key on the door to the
dragon cage. Open the door and get Mambo the dragon. Exit the dragon sanctuary.


To transform Mambo into an M16, use him on the hot coals in the dwarf mine and
the cauldron at Nanny Ogg's house in the Dark Wood. Combine the matches with
the firework in the inventory and then use the lit firework on the M16. Exit
the area to travel to the Square.


Use the custard tart on the dragon to complete the game.


3. Item List


3.1. Act I Item List

Found in the luggage when it becomes available near the start of the act. It
is given to the librarian in the Unseen University library.

Found in the kitchen at the Unseen University.

Found by using the pickpocket on the old timers in the square.

Found by giving the banana to the librarian in the library at the Unseen
University. It is given to the arch chancellor in the Unseen University.

Found in the closet in the Unseen University. It is used on the luggage in
Rincewind's bedroom. It is swapped with Windle Poon's staff in the dining
room at the Unseen University.

Found above the middle chair in the psychiatrickerist's shop. After climbing
up the ladder at the back of the Unseen University, the butterfly net is used
to catch the pancake. After using the frog on the drunk in the park in act II
past, the butterfly net is used on the butterfly. It is used to get the
coconut from the water in act II. It is combined with the broom handle in the
inventory. The extended butterfly net is used to get Polly the parrot from
the water at the edge of the world.

Found in the sack at the livery stable. It is used on the flask in the
alchemist's shop in the alley.

Found in the sale bin in the toy shop on the street. It is not used.

Found by using the mirror on the tip of the tower flag pole. It is given to
the arch chancellor in the Unseen University.

Found in the bags at the back of the Unseen University. It is combined with
the snake in the inventory.

Found by trying to cast a spell on the Unseen University door. It is used on
the drunk in the park in act II past.

Found in the kitchen at the Unseen University. It is given to the arch
chancellor in the Unseen University.

Found in the barber's shop on the street. It is given to the arch chancellor
in the Unseen University.

Found by using the worm with string on the mouse hole outside the alchemist's
shop. It is given to the arch chancellor in the Unseen University.

Found on the rooftops above the alley. It is used on the window at the back
of the Unseen University. After starting the fight in the Broken Drum in act
II past, the ladder is used on the shingle outside the Drum. It is combined
with the bra in the inventory and is used on the hovel at the right side of
the Shades.

Found on the wall in the bathroom in the palace. It is used on the tip of the
tower flag pole.

Found by talking to the urchin in the square. It is used on the old timers in
the square to get the pink bloomers. After the barber has put the hair roller
in his pocket, it is used on the barber's pocket to get the hair roller.

Found on the tomato stall in the square. It is thrown at the tax collector in
the square.

The four piles of treasure are found in the barn at the end of act I. They
are given to the sleazy guy in the library at the Unseen University.

Found in the wardrobe in Rincewind's bedroom at the Unseen University. It is
filled with the sand in the temple of Offler in act III. The pouch filled
with sand is used on the eye of Offler.

Found by using the broom on Windle Poon's staff in the dining room at the
Unseen Univeristy. It is given to the arch chancellor.

Found on the counter in the toy shop on the street. It is combined with the
worm in the inventory. It is used on the octopus on the fishmonger's stall on
the street in act II. After blocking the chimney of the alchemist's shop, it
is used on the keg in the fireplace in the alchemist's shop in the alley.

Found by dropping the second tomato in the square. It is combined with the
string in the inventory. After the imp has escaped from the alchemist's shop
in the alley in act I, the worm is used on the mouse hole outside the
alchemist's shop.

3.2. Act II Item List

Found in the alley near the fishmonger's stall after the fishmonger has been
attacked by the octopus. It is given to the dragon in the barn.

Found by giving the corn flour, egg and milk from the coconut to Sally in the
Shades in act II past. They are given to the street starfish in the square.

Found by using the handshake on the old timers in the square. It is combined
with the ladder in the inventory.

After using the keg and string on the fireplace in the alchemist's shop, the
brush is found by using the matches on the string coming out of the drainpipe
outside the alchemist's shop. It is given to the dragon in the barn.

Found on the shelf in the bathroom at the inn. It is used on the fool's bath
in the palace.

After using the frog on the drunk in the park in act II past, the butterfly
is found by using the butterfly net. It is used on the lamp at the corner of
the street in act II past.

After giving the six gold items to the dragon, the carpet is found by talking
to the witch in the square. It is used on the monk at the gorge in act III.

After using the bubble bath on the fool's bath in the palace, the cap is
found on the stand in the bathroom. It is given to the dragon in the barn.

Found by using the butterfly net on the coconut in the water at the edge of
the world. It is combined with the screwdriver in the inventory and is given
to Sally in the Shades in act II past.

Found in the kitchen at the Unseen University. It is given to Sally in the
Shades in act II past.

After giving the six gold items to the dragon, the book is found on the
witch's stall in the square after she asks Rincewind for a kiss. It is
combined with the dragon book in the inventory.

Found in the sale bin in the toy shop on the street. It is used on the
chimney on the rooftops above the alley.

Found by talking to the dibbler in the square. It is given to the dunnyman at
the alley in the square.

Found near the right side of the L-space entrance in the library at the
Unseen University in act II past. It is combined with the custard book in the
inventory and is put back in the empty place in the library.

After starting the fight in the Broken Drum in act II past, the drumstick is
found by using the ladder on the shingle outside the Drum. It is used on the
gong in the dining room at the Unseen University.

Found at the top of the path in the pass outside Ankh-Morpork. It is given to
Sally in the Shades in act II past.

Found at the top of the path in the pass outside Ankh-Morpork. It is used on
the thief in the hovel in the Shades in act II past.

Found in the crate at the city gate. They are combined with the matches in
the inventory. A lit firework is used on Polly the parrot after Rincewind has
used the whistle at the edge of the world. A lit firework is used on M-16.

Found at the back of the Unseen University. It is used on the fool in the

Found on the bar of the Broken Drum after drinking the counterwise wine.
After turning the drainpipe at the hide-out in act II past, the glass is used
on the other end of the drainpipe when the thief arrives.

Found by giving the treasure to the sleazy guy in the library at the Unseen
University. It is given to the librarian to open the entrance to L-space.

Found by giving the yellow bloomers to the street starfish in the square. It
is used on the old timers in the square to get the bra. It is used on the
mason in the Shades to get the trowel.

Found after talking to the psychiatrickerist in his shop at the square. They
are shown to the guards in front of the palace.

Found in the crate at the city gate. After blocking the chimney of the
alchemist's shop, the keg is used on the fireplace in the alchemist's shop in
the alley.

Found on top of the fork at the edge of the world. It is not used.

Found on the bar of the Broken Drum. After using the keg and string on the
fireplace in the alchemist's shop in act II, the matches are used on the
string coming out of the drainpipe outside the alchemist's shop. They are
used on the shape in the closet at the Unseen University. They are combined
with the fireworks in the inventory.

Found by talking to the girl in the psychiatrickerist's shop after talking to
the psychiatrickerist. It is given to the barber in his shop at the street.

Found by using the string on the octopus on the fishmonger's stall. It is
used on the toilet can in the alley near the fishmonger's stall.

After talking to the scared guy in the Broken Drum about the hammer, the pass
is found in the jewelry box by using the sheet on Rincewind in the bedroom at
the inn in act II past. It is shown to the guard at the city gate.

Found on the ledge at the corner of the street in act II past. It is used on
the cauldron in Nanny Ogg's house in act II to fill it with custard. The pot
of custard is used on the toilet can in the alley near the fishmonger's
stall. It is used on the bucket in the well in the woods in act III. The pot
of water is used on the soap in the bathroom at the inn. The pot of soapy
water is combined with the brush in the inventory.

After using the drumstick on the gong in the dining room at the Unseen
University, the prunes are found on the bench outside the Unseen University.
After the octopus and the pot of custard has been used on the toilet can near
the fishmonger's stall in act II, the prunes are used on the caviar on the
fishmonger's stall.

After using the butterfly on the lamp at the corner of the street in act II
past, the robe is found in the alley near the fishmonger's in act II present.
After hearing the password at the hide-out in act II past, the robe is used
on Rincewind.

Found on the wall near the dragon in the barn. It is combined with the
coconut in the inventory. It is used on the crank of the well in the woods in
act III. It is used on the door in the inn.

Found in the bedroom at the inn. It is used on Rincewind in the bedroom at
the inn in act II past.

Found by using the feather on the thief in the hovel in the Shades. It is
given to the dragon in the barn.

After the barber leaves his shop on the street, the apparatus is used to get
the gold tooth from the dunnyman. It is given to the dragon in the barn.

Found by using the handshake on the mason in the Shades. It is given to the
dragon in the barn.

3.3. Act III Item List

Found on the counter in the barber's shop on the street. It is given to the
girl in the psychiatrickerist's shop at the square after talking to her. The
signed appointment book is given to the barber in the woods.

Found by using the rubber belt on the tip of the tower flag pole when the
street starfish is holding the tattoo in the square.

Found on the hatstand in the temple of Offler. It is used on Rincewind after
attaching the leash to luggage.

Found by using the skeleton in the dungeon at the palace. It is used on the
pot of glue in the toy shop on the street. The glued bone is used on the
puppet dog outside the inn.

Found by using the stiff snake on Windle Poons' staff in the dining room at
the Unseen University. It is combined with the butterfly net in the

Found in the bath in the bathroom at the palace. It is combined with the pot
of soapy water in the inventory. The soapy brush is used on the left plate on
the cart at the livery stable.

Found by using the screwdriver on the crank of the well in the woods. It is
used on Chucky's rack in the dungeon at the palace in act III to get the

Found by using the knocker outside the hide-out. After talking to Nanny Ogg
about the truth potion in her house at the dark wood, the custard tart is
used on Rincewind. After loading the M-16, it is used on the dragon in the
square in act IV.

Found in the sale bin in the toy shop on the street. It is not used.

Found by using the pouch filled with sand on the eye of Offler in the temple.
It is not used.

Found in the arch chancellor's room at the Unseen University. The hat is
looked at in the inventory and is used on the fork at the edge of the world.

Found by using the rat in the inventory. It is combined with the impstamatic
in the inventory.

Found on the counter in the alchemist's shop in the alley. It is combined
with the imp in the inventory. The loaded impstamatic is used on the sheep
with the rosette in the back garden of Nanny Ogg's house in the dark wood.

Found in the bag in the hovel in the Shades. It is used on the rubber belt in
the alley in the square. It is used on the ladder on the rooftops above the

Found at the back of the house at Lady Ramkin's dragon sanctuary. It is used
on luggage in the temple of Offler.

Found by opening the paper bag in the inventory. They are used on the guards
at the palace.

Found on the wood pile in the back garden of Nanny Ogg's house in the dark
wood. It is used on the beam near the braggart in the Broken Drum.

Found by using the scissors on the tail of the donkey after he arrives in the
square. It is not used.

Found at the back of the house at Lady Ramkin's dragon sanctuary. It is used
on the beam near the braggart in the Broken Drum.

Found by talking to the dibbler in the square. It is opened in the inventory
to find the leeches.

After the whistle and the lit firework has been used at the edge of the
world, the parrot is found by using the extended butterfly net. It is given
to the sailor outside the inn.

Found in the fishmonger's stall in the street. It is combined with the
picture of the sheep in the inventory.

Found by using the loaded impstamatic on the sheep with the rosette in the
back garden of Nanny Ogg's house in the dark wood. It is combined with the
picture of the octopus in the inventory. After the nail has been put in the
beam near the braggart in the Broken Drum, the framed sheep picture is used
on the beam.

Found by using the worm with string on the mouse hole in the dungeon at the
palace. It is used in the inventory to find the imp.

Found at the back of the house at Lady Ramkin's dragon sanctuary. It is used
on the sheep in the back garden of Nanny Ogg's house in the dark wood.

Found by using the knife on the rubber belt in the alley in the square. It is
used on the tip of the tower flag pole in when the street starfish is holding
the tattoo in the square.

Found on the counter in the barber's shop on the street. They are used on the
tail of the donkey after he arrives in the square.

Found by dropping the egg in the square. It is combined with the fertiliser
in the inventory. The big snake is combined with the starch in the inventory.
The stiff snake is used on Windle Poons' staff in the dining room at the
Unseen University.

Found by using the spatula on the mural in the Shades. It is not used.

Found in the kitchen at the Unseen University. It is used on the mural in the
Shades to get the soot.

Found by getting the book at the right side of the library in the Unseen
University. It is not used.

Found in the closet in the Unseen University after using the matches on the
shape. It is combined with the snake in the inventory.

Found by using the crank on Chucky's rack in the dungeon at the palace. It is
shown to the dwarf in the mine. After giving the tankard of elderberry wine
to the dwarf in the mine, the sword is given to the dwarf to be tuned.

Found on the bar in the Broken Drum after ordering a drink from the barman.
It is used on the elderberry wine barrel in the wine cellar at the Broken
Drum. The tankard of elderberry wine is given to the dwarf in the mine.

Found after talking to the braggart in the Broken Drum. They are combined
with the truth potion in the inventory.

After talking to Nanny Ogg about the truth potion in her house at the dark
wood, the truth potion is found by using the custard tart on Rincewind. It is
combined with the tankards in the Broken Drum.

Found by talking to the sailor outside the inn after he has been given a
glass of milk. It is used on Rincewind at the edge of the world to call
Polly the parrot. After the whistle falls off the edge of the world, it is
found on Great A'Tuin's shell. It is given to the sailor outside the inn.

Found in the glass after talking to the barman twice about Klatchian Cactus
Juice in the Broken Drum. It is combined with the string in the inventory and
is used on the mouse hole in the dungeon at the palace to get the rat.

3.4. Act IV Item List

Found in Lady Ramkin's pocket in the square. It is used on the dragon cage at
the back of Lady Ramkins dragon sanctuary.

Found by using Mambo on the the hot coals in the dwarf mine and the cauldron
at Nanny Ogg's house in the Dark Wood. It is used on the dragon in the

Found in the dragon cage at the back of Lady Ramkins Dragon Sanctuary. He is
used on the hot coals in the dwarf mine and the cauldron at Nanny Ogg's house
in the Dark Wood.


4. Copyright Information


This document is Copyright 2005-2006 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in
any form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is
not affiliated with the creators of this game in any way. The latest version of
this document can be found at www.gamefaqs.com.
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