Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2

17.10.2013 05:13:39
v1.01 2005-04-20

(c)2005 Barry Scott Will

Table of Contents
[1] Jedi Sentinel Class
[2] Ability Scores
[3] Skills
[4] Feats
[5] Force Powers
[6] Prestige Classes
[7] Companions

To quickly find a specific section, use the Find or Search function of your
browser and search for the bracketed number (including the brackets). E.g.,
to go straight to the Force Powers recommendations, enter [5] as the search

Version History
1.01 2004-04-20
- Minor typographic corrections throughout
- Changed some information on feats to add Power Attack to list
of recommended feats
- Added actual saving throws (up to level 20) to class stats
- Minor modifications to some of the recommended starting ability

1.00 2004-03-14
- First release

[1] Jedi Sentinel Class

"The Jedi Sentinel ferrets out deceit and injustice, bringing it to light.
They strike a balance between the physical and mental disciplines of the
Jedi Order." (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic game manual)

Jedi Sentinels are all about the skills. In KotOR1, the Sentinel class
suffered from poor combat abilities (about equal to a Consular), lack of
skill points (only 2 per level plus one-half of the Intelligence modifier)
and lack of real usefulness for those skills.

KotOR2 makes up for those deficiencies, and then some. All classes now
receive the same Base Attack Bonus of +1 per level. Sentinels have the same
number of feats, less one, as a Jedi Guardian. All classes get their full
Intelligence modifier in bonus skill points each level. Sentinels have a
base of three skill points; and there is an actual need for a skilled
character on every team.

So, what can we conclude from these changes?

The Jedi Sentinel may just have replaced the Jedi Guardian as the class of
choice for combat-minded players. Players who enjoyed the Sentinel in
KotOR1 will rejoice in having lots of new toys to play with. Force users
will still want to start as a Jedi Consular.

Class statistics:
Vitality: 8/level
Skill points: 3/level + INT modifier (*4 at first level)
Class skills: Awareness, Computer Use, Persuade, Security, Stealth,
Treat Injury
Force points: 6/level
Force powers: 1/level, bonus at 1st level*

Saving throws:

Level Fort/Ref Will
1 2 1
2 3 2
3 3 2
4 4 2
5 4 3
6 5 3
7 5 4
8 6 4
9 6 4
10 7 5
11 7 5
12 8 6
13 8 6
14 9 6
15 9 7
16 10 7
17 10 8
18 11 8
19 11 8
20 12 9

Saving throws continue at the same progression all the way to 50th level.

Feats: 3/6 levels
(feat - no feat - feat - no feat - no feat - feat)

1st Lvl Feats: Armor Proficiency: Light; Critical Strike; Flurry;
Power Attack; Power Blast; Rapid Shot; Sniper Shot;
Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol;
Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle;
Weapon Proficiency: Lightsaber;
Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons;
Jedi Defense; Force Immunity: Fear; Jedi Sense;
War Veteran

Class bonus: Force Immunity: Fear/Stun/Paralysis

Mastery bonus: Lightside - +3 Constitution
Darkside - +3 Dexterity

*Player characters do not choose any Force Powers at first level (character
creation). Companions who convert to Jedi Sentinels will receive two Force
Powers at first Sentinel level.

[2] Ability Scores

There's no reason to play a Sentinel unless you are going to take advantage
of the Sentinel skill set. Taking advantage of the Sentinel skill set
requires a decent number of skill points and a reasonable Intelligence
(one-half of the skills in the game are modified by INT). In general,
Sentinels should start with an INT score of no less than 14 and no higher
than 16. Don't start with an INT of 18--there is little worth in a trade of
six ability buy points for one more skill point per level--though you may
wish to raise INT to 18 with level-up points.

Beyond INT, the field is wide open. If you are shooting for Lightside
Mastery, you can leave Constitution low, as you will receive a +3 bonus at
Mastery. The same is true of Dexterity for Darkside Mastery players.
Strength is really of little concern to a Sentinel. You can do more than
enough damage with all the weapon upgrades you will be creating--courtesy
of your advanced skills. A Finesse feat covers your attack bonuses.

Of course, you will still need a good Dexterity for Defense, Reflex saves
and attacks (with ranged weapons or using Finesse). The question becomes,
how much do you want to use offensive Force Powers? You won't have the DC
boost of a Consular, so you'll need medium-to-high starting Wisdom and
Charisma to be effective with offensive Powers early in the game.

If you intend to be combat-oriented, then start with a DEX of 16 and
average WIS and CHA--12 in both, or 14 in one and 12 in the other.
Concentrate on buffing and defensive powers, such as Speed, Resistance,
Battle Meditation, etc. Don't worry about offensive Powers until you get
into the mid-teens in levels, by which time the DC of your Powers will have
gotten high enough (from equipped item boosts to WIS and CHA, as well as
your higher level) to actually have some effect.

If, on the other hand, you really want to use offensive Force Powers early
in the game, you'll need to leave DEX at 14, possibly even 12, and get one
of WIS or CHA to 16 and the other to 14. Concentrate on increasing them
with equipped items and level-up points. You may also wish to use the Valor
line of Force Powers for an instant boost to both abilities.

Sample Starting Stats for Combat Sentinel:
STR 12, DEX 16, CON 12, INT 14, WIS 10, CHA 12

Sample Starting Stats for Force Sentinel:
STR 10, DEX 12, CON 10, INT 14, WIS 16, CHA 14

Sample Starting Stats for Skilled Sentinel:
STR 10, DEX 14, CON 12, INT 16, WIS 12, CHA 12

[3] Skills

There is no way (short of cheating) to keep all eight skills maxed;
fortunately, you do not need to do so. There are several skills that do not
provide much beyond the ability to create a few upgrades and miscellaneous
items at workbenches and lab stations. If you really need those items, you
can have another character create them.

The list below provides recommendations for those skills that should be
kept at their highest level and those skills that can do with fewer points.
Any Sentinel with an Intelligence of at least 14 should be able to easily
follow the recommendations.

[3.1] Computer Use
Computer Use comes in quite handy beyond just slicing computer consoles. It
shows up many times in conversations, especially with droids, and enables
the creation of several good upgrades, especially for lightsabers. This is
an easy choice for a skill to keep maxed, at least until you get your
Prestige Class, by which time you will have gotten most of the benefit from
it. If you continue with a Watchman or Assassin PrC, keep this skill maxed.

[3.2] Demolitions
This is one of two (Repair is the other) skills that are cross class skills
for a Sentinel. Unlike Repair, there is little compelling reason to take
the Class Skill: Demolitions feat and keep this skill maxed. Demolitions
aids in the creation of some items: mostly grenades, mines and armor
upgrades. You don't really need to make grenades and mines, and armor
upgrades are not as important to you personally.

If you do want to use Demolitions for the extra experience points that
comes from recovering mines, either save skill points until you take the
Weapon Master, Marauder or Assassin PrC (all of which have Demolitions as a
class skill); or, take Class Skill: Demolitions early and continue as a
Jedi Watchman so you don't lose any skill points and can keep all your
important skills high.

If you leave this skill low, Mira becomes a very good ranged support
character, since she can level up Demolitions very high and has the special
ability of never triggering mines.

[3.3] Stealth
There are a couple of quests that can only be done by a character using
Stealth and there are several useful upgrades that require Stealth to
create. However, unless you're going to take either the Jedi Watchman or
Sith Assassin Prestige Class and make use of Force Camouflage and the Sneak
Attack damage bonuses, you can dispense with this skill for your main
character. Just level up Atton or Viss with Stealth ability to handle item
creation and the occasional quest.

If you do want to become a stealthy Watchman or Assassin, you still don't
need a lot of purchased ranks in this ability in order to beat the
Awareness of most NPCs. Increase this skill at about one-half to two-thirds
your character level.

[3.4] Awareness
Awareness allows you to spot mines, detect creatures using Stealth, make a
few upgrade items at workbenches and occasionally shows up in conversation.
The only really useful thing Awareness does is allow you to easily get the
necessary conversation options to convert Mira to a Jedi; and, since she
just becomes another Sentinel, even that may not be important to you. Raise
your Awareness skill at about one-third your level; definitely no more than

[3.5] Persuade
Persuade is a must-have skill for Lightside characters. For Darksiders, who
do not care much for peaceful resolutions, it is not as important; though,
it can occasionally be useful for getting extra rewards from reluctant
victims...that is, people you have just "helped". Persuade is only used in
conversations, and it is used frequently. LS Sentinels should keep this
skill maxed. DS Sentinels should keep this skill at about half max and take
the Affect Mind and Dominate Mind Force Powers.

[3.6] Security
Security is quite useful for getting into locked containers without
destroying the contents. When you attempt to open a locked door or
container, your Security skill is added to a random number from 1 to 20
(d20) and compared to the lock's Difficulty Class (DC). If your skill plus
the d20 is equal to or greater than the DC, you are successful in opening
the lock.

Security Tunnelers add 6 to your Security skill when used on a lock.
Security Spike Tunnelers add 10 to your Security skill. When you are not in
combat, the game allows you to "take 20"--i.e. the game assumes you will
keep trying until you get a roll of 20 on the d20, so it just gives you the
20 rather than making you try over and over again.

Late in the game, you will encounter locks with a DC near 60. That means
you need around a 40 Security (including all equipment boosts, Intelligence
modifier, tunnelers, etc.) to open those locks. Security is also useful for
creating a number of weapon and armor upgrades and making your own shields.
For example, making an Echani Energy Shield requires a Security skill of
19. This is a great skill to keep maxed.

[3.7] Repair
Repair is an important skill for any character that wants to fully use
workbenches. Unless you are controlling a party that does not include your
PC, it is the PC's Repair skill that determines the number of parts
received when you break down items. In short, if you want enough components
to create the upgrades of your dreams, you need a high Repair skill to get
everything you can get out of broken down items. Not to mention Repair
governs your ability to create a lot of different items, and comes in very
useful during missions for repairing broken droids and in conversations.

[3.8] Treat Injury
Treat Injury is not as useful for healing as it was in KotOR1. First, any
character can use a medpack on another character; thus, you can have the
party member with the highest Treat Injury skill go around administering
medpacks (after combat, of course). Second, the addition of Master Heal as
a Force Power greatly improves the ability of Jedi to heal everyone in the
party instantly, even in combat. Treat Injury does show up in a few
conversations, and you need at least one character with high Treat Injury
if you want to create medpacks and associated items at workbenches and lab
stations. For the main character, about one-third to one-half your level in
TI will work just fine.

[4] Feats

[4.1] Combat Feats
Debate rages over whether two-weapon or single-weapon fighting styles rule
the day in KotOR2, as well as whether Critical Strike or Flurry are better
combat feats. The short answer is: it really doesn't matter.

Even at the hardest difficulty setting, combat in KotOR2 is extremely easy,
especially for the Exile, meaning you. You could, pretty much, use a
toothpick and still win all the fights without much trouble. Pick a
fighting style and select the feats most appropriate to that style.

If your Dexterity is higher than your Strength, you'll need Finesse:
Lightsaber for the saber options or Finesse: Melee Weapons if you want to
use swords. These feats allow your Dexterity to modify your attack roll
(Strength still modifies damage). Ranged weapons automatically use your
Dexterity for attack (and no ability modifier is added to damage).

[4.1.1] Single saber
The "classic" style from the original movies, shot to Korriban in SWEP1
with Darth Maul's double saber. Characters who want to use a single saber
should take the Dueling and Flurry feats and use Master Speed to get a
total of +7 to Defense, +3 to Attack and 4 attacks per round.

[4.1.2] Double saber
The SWEP1 "Darth Maul" style, and the best way to deal maximum damage, on
average, on every hit. Take the Two Weapon Fighting feats. Power Attack is
a good set of feats for the double saber, as it has the highest base damage
of any saber. With up to four attacks (when using Master Speed), Flurry
isn't a big help and the base critical threat range is too low (only 1 in
20) for Critical Strike feats. Power Attack, on the other hand, can quickly
bring down most enemies and helps offset the Sentinel's normally low STR

[4.1.3] Two single sabers
The SWEP2 "Anakin" style, and the best way to maximize upgrades. You will
need to have a normal saber for your right (primary) hand and a short saber
for your left (off) hand. You can equip up to ten upgrades this way (4
crystals, 2 lenses, 2 emitters and 2 power cells). You will have a higher
critical threat range so use the Critical Strike feats (in addition to Two
Weapon Fighting) and upgrades that increase your chance of a critical hit
(add Keen to your weapon) or add to the damage (Massive Criticals
property). You can also use a lightsaber form that increases your critical
hit multiplier, doing even more damage.

[4.1.4] Ranged weapons
You can also choose to use blasters. If using pistols, you should use two
and take the Two Weapon Fighting feats and Precise Shot feats. If you want
to use blaster rifles, you don't need either TWF or Dueling, so take Rapid
Shot in addition to Precise Shot.

[4.1.5] Melee weapons
Primarily swords, non-lightsaber melee weapons should only be used early in
the game, before you get your saber. If you're a high-Dexterity Sentinel,
just use blasters early on so you don't waste a feat on Finesse: Melee

[4.1.6] Unarmed
All Jedi get Unarmed Specialist feats at certain levels. You can use
unarmed fighting and offensive Force Powers. You'll need Finesse: Melee
Weapons if you want your Dexterity to apply to your attack rolls while
unarmed. You should also take the Force Deflection Powers to enable you to
deflect blaster fire without a saber. Use Flurry to increase the number of
attacks per round.

[4.2] Other Feats
Toughness is always a good choice, as is Conditioning. As a Sentinel, you
will want to take Class Skill: Repair immediately (at first level). You may
want Class Skill: Demolitions if you're playing a Sentinel with a high
Intelligence (16 or higher).

You'll have eight total feats prior to taking a Prestige Class, which may
change your choices. Combat feats will eat up most of those eight slots
along with Class Skill: Repair; so, there's not a whole lot of other
options available while you're a Sentinel.

[5] Force Powers

Which Powers you choose will be based on your alignment, your WIS and CHA
ability scores and your preference for fighting. Here are some general

All Jedi should have, at least, Burst of Speed. Lightside Jedi should
definitely take this all the way to Master Speed (for reasons that will
become clear near the end of the game). Speed just makes it a lot easier to
travel back and forth through all the areas of the game.

Defensive Powers
There are a large number of defensive powers, almost all of them Lightside
or Universal powers. If your WIS and CHA scores are low, you'll need to
depend more on these Powers until late in the game. In the early game, you
will find many opponents make their saves against your offensive Powers,
rendering them almost useless. There are a lot of defensive powers to
choose from, and they're all good.

Lightside Jedi should take the Valor and Armor series to Master level (for
the same reason as Speed). They should also take up to Master Heal, as it
is very useful (and costs almost nothing for a LS player to use). Add in
other buffs such as Energy Resistance, Battle Meditation, Force Barrier,
etc. The only downside to this style is the time it takes to activate all
the buffs; some of them don't last more than a handful of rounds. Pick two,
possibly three, buffs and raise them to Master level. Throw in a few
offensive Powers for later in the game, and you'll be good to go.

Darkside Jedi will want to stick with the Universal Powers as the LS powers
will cost too much to be of real benefit. You can still get Speed, Force
Barrier, Battle Meditation and others. Use them the same way as LS players.

Neither side should bother with Force Immunity as you face very few enemy
Jedi who actually hit you with a lot of Force Powers.

Offensive Powers
Darkside rules the day when it comes to damage-dealing Force Powers. LS
players have the Stun/Disable/Destroy droid Powers, which can be quite
useful in some areas. Beyond that, they are forced to either spend a lot of
points on Force Storm or use Force Wave and Stasis Field to immobilize
enemies and then cut them up. Darksiders will want to load up on Force
Storm, Insanity, Kill, etc. and keep WIS and CHA high so these Powers
actually work most of the time.

[6] Prestige Classes
Sentinel makes a good base for any Prestige Class. You will want to
carefully consider where you will take your Sentinel after level 15, as
this will greatly influence your starting ability scores and the skills you

[6.1] Jedi Weapon Master/Sith Marauder
Weapon Masters and Marauders are combat-focused PrCs. You'll lose two skill
points per level after switching to one of these PrCs, so you'll want to
get everything you can out of skills prior to level 15. Weapon Masters
achieving LS mastery can get a bonus to both CON (+3 from LS Mastery
Sentinel class) and STR (+3 from LS Mastery WM class). Marauders can get +3
to DEX (DS Mastery Sentinel) and +1-8 damage to attacks (DS Mastery
Marauder). Therefore, your focus is going to be combat and causing as much
carnage as possible.

Recommended starting stats:
STR 16, DEX 10, CON 14, INT 14, WIS 10, CHA 12

Increase WIS and/or CHA with level-up points if you are going DS and
becoming a Marauder. This will give your DS Force Powers more punch. LS
players can leave WIS and CHA alone, concentrate on defensive powers and
increase STR for even more damage to their attacks. Both PrCs receive feats
allowing them to shrug off damage, so don't worry much about Defense.

You can save yourself taking any Finesse feats due to the high STR. Use Two
Weapon Fighting and either Critical Strike (for high damage from two single
sabers) or Power Attack (for maximum carnage with a double saber).

Focus skill points on Persuade, Repair, Computer Use and Awareness. Save
skill points for use on Demolitions after you've switched to the PrC as
both classes have Demolitions as a class skill. Since you'll be the combat-
heavy member of any party, you'll want a tech/ranged backup and Jedi
support companion.

[6.2] Jedi Master/Sith Lord
Jedi Masters and Sith Lords are both masters of the Force. Your primary
focus is going to be using Force Powers, not engaging in combat. You can
use the skill set developed while a Sentinel (plus the fact you lose only
one skill point per level) to further avoid dangerous situations. Vitality
points will drop, so the Sentinel LS Mastery bonus of +3 to CON comes in a
great deal more handy than the +3 DEX from DS Mastery.

Your Defense rating will be lower with these PrCs as they do not get the
Jedi Sense bonuses to Defense as rapidly as the other PrCs. You do get a
lot more Force Points, additional Force Powers and additional influence
over your companions and their alignment and abilities. You won't have the
Force Focus feats of a Consular to boost the DC of your powers, but you
will have several Force Forms to increase the potency of your Powers.

Recommended starting stats:
STR 10, DEX 12, CON 10, INT 14, WIS 14, CHA 16

Concentrate on boosting both WIS and CHA and use Toughness feats and
specialized Jedi light armor to bolster Vitality and Defense. Use a single
saber and take the Dueling feats for the Defense and Attack bonuses.
Regardless of which alignment you take, you should have a broad selection
of both offensive and defensive Force Powers at your disposal. Your higher
Charisma will offset the Force Point cost increase for using Powers of an
opposing alignment.

Keep your Computer Use, Repair and Persuade skills high while a Sentinel
(take Class Skill: Repair at first level) as these skills are the most
useful in avoiding sticky situations. Use the Affect/Dominate Mind powers
(regardless of your alignment) to give you even more options for talking
your way out of fights.

[6.3] Jedi Watchman
While the combat PrCs and Force-using PrCs are almost identical between
Light and Dark, the skilled PrCs are quite different. The Watchman is
almost identical to a Sentinel, except you will receive more Force Points
and higher saving throws. Every three levels you will receive a bonus of 1
- 6 points of Sneak Attack damage to a maximum of 7 - 42 points. You also
receive the Force Camouflage Powers that enable you to use Stealth even
without a Stealth Field Generator.

However, the Watchman is not really set up to be a stealthy attacker. If
that is what you are looking for, try the Sith Assassin PrC. Rather,
Watchman is the preferred PrC if you are, essentially, looking to remain a
Sentinel throughout the game. You can seamlessly transition to Watchman and
you won't even really notice a difference.

A future Watchman is the one class that can really benefit from a high
starting Intelligence. Start with 16 INT, take Class Skill: Repair and
Class Skill: Demolitions early and just go to town turning yourself into
the ultimate jack-of-all-trades. There will be nothing you can't do,
except, possibly, use any offensive Force Powers effectively.

As a Light PrC, you can shoot for Mastery and get a total of +6 to your
Constitution (+3 LS Mastery bonus from Sentinel class, +3 LS Mastery bonus
from Watchman class). So, leave your starting CON and STR low, and
concentrate on DEX (for Defense and Attack) and INT (for skills). You may
even want to take your INT to 18 (by level 8) so you can almost max out all
your skills save one (and that one will probably be Stealth).

Recommended starting stats:
STR 12, DEX 16, CON 10, INT 16, WIS 10, CHA 10

Possibly raise INT to 18 at levels 4 and 8, then increase your WIS and CHA
to 12 each. Take the Dueling feats for their bonus to Defense and Attack.
You may also want to take Improved and Master Flurry. Increase Jedi Defense
for more blaster deflections. Don't worry about any skill-related feats
(your skill ranks will be high enough as is) nor Conditioning (Watchmen
receive all base saving throws at the highest level progression).

You'll want to concentrate on defensive Force Powers, especially Armor,
Valor and Speed, since you're LS and will receive, near the end of the
game, Force Enlightenment, which will affect those three powers. You will
want to travel with a melee specialist (such as Mandalore or Handmaiden)
and a Jedi support companion (such as Disciple or Visas).

[6.4] Sith Assassin
Sith Assassins give up 33% of the feats of the Watchman (getting only 1 per
3 levels rather than, effectively, 1 per 2 levels). They also have much
lower saving throws than the Watchman. In return, they gain higher Sneak
Attack bonuses: +1 - 6 every two levels to a maximum of 10 - 60. Combine
this with Force Camouflage, and the Assassin is built to be a Stealth-user.

If your intention is to take the Sith Assassin PrC, you should keep your
Stealth skill much higher while a Sentinel. You also will receive
Demolitions as a class skill, so don't take Class Skill: Demolitions as a
Sentinel and save at least one point per level to instantly max this skill
once you are an Assassin.

Darkside Mastery will net you a total of +6 to Dexterity, so you can spend
more on WIS and CHA early in order to make effective use of offensive Force
Powers. Imagine freezing enemies with Insanity and then slicing them up
with Sneak Attack damage...

Recommended starting stats:
STR 10, DEX 12, CON 12, INT 14, WIS 15, CHA 14

Increase WIS and CHA with level-up bonuses and concentrate on the better
Darkside Force Powers, such as Fear/Horror/Insanity, Shock/Lightning/Storm
and Slow/Affliction/Plague. Take the Two Weapon Fighting feats and Flurry
to get up to three attacks per round even without Master Speed.

[6.5] No Prestige Class
You may choose to continue as a Sentinel and not take a PrC. This is not
really a good idea. By level 15, you have received everything you can from
the Sentinel class. If you want to continue as a skilled Jedi, choose
Watchman or Assassin as your PrC. You'll get the same number of skill
points and Vitality points per level, more Force Points per level, plus
bonus feats and Force Powers.

[7] Companions
You are the skilled member of the team. You may not have every skill maxed
out (though you can come close); but, you can handle just about anything
the game throws at you: recovering mines, slicing computers, spiking locks,
repairing droids...You can do it all.

Which means you have much less use for the skilled members of your party.
Atton, Mira, T3 and Bao-Dur just don't get much love from Sentinel PCs.
Bao-Dur can be converted to a Jedi Guardian, which is useful; and Mira is
better left as a Scout and used as a grenadier/ranged support team member.
Atton and T3 will usually just hang around Ebon Hawk, playing pazaak with
each other.

Typically, as a Sentinel, you will want one melee combat-focused teammate
and one who is either a ranged support combat specialist or a good Jedi
support teammate. Make sure one of the two is capable of handling whatever
skills you may be lacking (such as Demolitions).

[7.1] Atton
As a Scoundrel, Atton does get Demolitions as a class skill. If you keep
him as a Scoundrel (i.e. don't convert him to a Jedi Sentinel), he can be
your ranged/grenadier support for a while. Unfortunately, his starting INT
of 10 precludes him becoming really skilled, and you don't need a lot of
his skills anyway. Unless you just like listening to him gripe, he can stay
home once you add a few more people to your party.

[7.2] Bao-Dur
Bao-Dur isn't of much use to you unless you convert him to a Jedi Guardian
and turn him into a melee fighter. His skills aren't as useful to a skilled
Sentinel such as yourself, and he stinks in a fight until he becomes a
Jedi. Don't level him up after meeting him until you can convert him and
give him a head start at becoming a decent combatant. As a bonus, you can
use his high INT (level it up to 16 as soon as you can) to give him enough
Demolitions skill to be your mine-recovering backup as well as melee

[7.3] Disciple
Disciple starts as a soldier with stats identical to Handmaiden. If you
feel you really have need of him as a combatant, keep him as a soldier.
However, he is far more useful to you converted to a Jedi Consular (convert
him early, before leveling him up) and used as Jedi support. His previous
training as a soldier helps him stay alive in melee and the Consular
bonuses will make him useful for buffing the party and knocking down

[7.4] G0-T0
G0-T0 is an expert droid with even less usefulness to you than T3. Unless
you just really enjoy his scintillating witticisms, leave him on Ebon Hawk.

[7.5] Handmaiden
Handmaiden is a pure melee combatant. She is a soldier with decent
Strength, Dexterity and Constitution. She only has an Intelligence of 10,
so will never get more than one skill point per level, unless you increase
INT, which is a waste. You should level her as a Strength-based melee
fighter, increasing STR with level-up points, and giving her your best
melee weapons. If you level her up as a soldier for a while, she will get a
lot of feats, so can be well-equipped to deal with any situation.

Once converted to Jedi, she becomes a Guardian, which is just like a
soldier, but with fewer feats. She'll never be strong in the Force, so
taking advantage of her soldier class for a while is not a bad idea. She
makes an excellent combat-focused party member (for males only, though).

[7.6] Hanharr
Darkside players can get another melee combatant in Hanharr, a wookie. In
KotOR1, the wookie Zaalbar was pretty useless after the early levels due to
his low Defense (could not wear armor). Fortunately, Hanharr gets a couple
of upgrade feats: Wookie Toughness and Wookie Rage. With his insanely high
starting Strength and Constitution (both 20), he makes a good melee
fighter. Unfortunately, he's a scout, not a soldier, so he doesn't get
quite as much Vitality or feats as you could want.

[7.7] HK-47
HK-47 is, probably, the best pure ranged support character in your party.
Not only is he immune to several DS powers, but you can get his Defense
very high with various types of droid plating. Put level-up points into DEX
to improve his ranged attack. He has a high enough INT to also be your
Demolitions expert, if you need one. Equip him with either dual pistols or
a repeating rifle.

[7.8] Kreia
Kreia is pure Jedi support. As a Consular, with a Neutral rating, she can
fling both DS and LS Powers with ease. If you need a powerful Jedi in your
party, you can hardly go wrong with Kreia. If you can put up with her
nagging, that is.

[7.9] Mandalore
Mandalore comes equipped as though he is going to be a ranged fighter.
Don't buy into it. Level up his STR and turn him into a melee monster. If
you're looking for a melee specialist who uses plain, old-fashioned vibro-
blades (thus ignoring energy shields), Mandalore's your man.

[7.10] Mira
Mira should not be converted by Sentinel PCs. First, you don't really need
another Sentinel on your team. Second, she is far more useful to you as a
Scout in a ranged/grenadier role. Keep her as your tech backup (everything
but Security and Stealth), ranged support character (free Precise Shot
feats and her wrist launcher!) equipped with dual blaster pistols.

[7.11] T3-M4
T3, when equipped with dual blaster pistols, can be a pretty good ranged
support character who can handle whatever skills you may be missing (except
Treat Injury). Still, his primary usefulness is tech skills, which you
should have in plenty as a Sentinel. Leave him behind and take a semi-
skilled fighter with you instead.

[7.12] Visas Marr
Visas is a Jedi Sentinel with an average Intelligence of 10 (no bonus
points). Who designed this character? Since she's not very skilled, boost
her Wisdom and Charisma and set her up with party-wide defensive powers and
some good offensive powers and use her as Jedi Support. One skill she can
use is Stealth, so you can keep her around for that role as well.

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