Half-Life - Counterstrike

Half-Life - Counterstrike

17.10.2013 20:39:32
Half Life: Counterstrike
cs_siege map Strategy Guide
By Lord Zero
Version 1.0



1.- File History.
2.- Introduction.
3.- About this file.
4.- The Siege Map.
5.- Graphics.
6.- Map overview.
7.- Tactical Ideas.
8.- When the Action Starts.
9.- Frequently asked questions about this map.
10.- Credits.
11.- Legal Stuff.


1.- File History.

-0.1 Start of the file (10/26/2001, 18:06)
-1.0 File ready! (10/27/2001, 11:47)
-1.1 Email Change (10/29/2002, 16:38)


2.- Introduction.

Welcome to this guide.

Counterstrike is a MODification of the FPS (First Person Shooter) Half
Life, which, while it hasn't been the most successful FPS game in history
(That spot will remain owned by DoOm)has spawned a legion of MODs and
gamers looking into it. While the original Half Life was played on a
somewhat futuristic setting, Counterstrike simulates Counter-Terrorists
missions with objectives to accomplish.

The game plays on two teams, the Terrorists (the bad guys), and the
Counter Terrorist (The good guys). While the game can be won by simply
killing everyone on the other team, is much more satisfactory to play
by the rules. Game modes include VIP (One player assumes the role of
the VIP, and has to escape poorly armed from the map while the Terrorists
have to kill him or her), Defuse the Bomb (The Terrorist have to plant
a C4 bomb on a marked site while the CT have to either prevent it, or
disarm it once is planted), and Hostages (The Terrorist have to keep
the CT from rescuing the Hostages), and more. This has made this game a
hit, and one of the points (and precisely the one I love) is that
choosing a weapon actually requires to know it, unlike, say, Quake III,
when you only need to know that the Rockets explode and the slugs kill.

This guide is the third on the series for especific map strategy guides.
This is based on my own experiences when playing both sides, and shows
the best ways of finishing a level with the victory on your hands I've
found, always from the view of playing on a cooperative-comunicative
It's also important to note that I'll be focusing mostly on getting the
map objectives, that's rescue the hostages, protect the bomb site, or

Good Luck! You'll need it ^_^.


3.- About this Guide.

I recommend reading this on 800 X 600 to avoid scroll moving, which is
annoying, believe me.

This guide is focused to get the maximum effectivity on the cs_siege
Map, commonly named just "Siege". It's somewhat based on team
comunication, and it would probably work much better for LAN based games
than for internet games ('coz you can yell and hit your partners).


4.- The Siege Map.

cs_siege, most well known as the "Siege" map, is a "rescue the hostages"
mpa which plays on a weird prison-garage location, and sports tunnels,
house, boxes, and several places to fight it out in close quarters or
long distance. I love this map, is IMHO the best map on the game, and I've
perfected it so much that people fear me when playing here ^_^. Jokes
aside, this map is a very good map, especially since it doesn't gives
any advantage to any side (if you ask me, the CT have an slight advantage),
and offers a good challenge to every side.

I seriously encourage anyone to try this map: Is simply awesome.


5.- The Graphics.

This section will show a few ugly ascii graphics to help you and myself
to show the strategies. They aren't pretty, but I guess they do they
work (I think).

NOTE: I'm doing these from memory. I'm fairly sure they are right, but
if you spot any mistake, I'm happy to correct it)
Also, when I say (X,Y), X is the horizontal axis, and Y is the vertical

Also, I'm not gonna map the sewers because is just one way, and it would
be a nightmare to do it. It starts on the garage, and ends in the house
outside the garage. That goes for the prison, mainly because the prison
is quite simple, and it's not a hot zone after all.

| \ | L | | |B| | a ·= Light post (?)
| \___________| |__D__| ·| _| b L= Ladder.
| b |B| c D= Door.
| _________ _ _ | d b= Bridge.
| CT / | ____ ·|B||B| | e B= Box.
| / | | | | |B| | f CT= Spawning point.
| APC / | |___L| | | | g APC= Armored personnel
|_____/____________|___________|__| | h Carrier.
|-----> To the GARAGE.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s

___ |__________
| BBB | a V= Air vent entrance.
| C BB | b B= Box.
| __| c C= Car
|--- | D d D= Door.
| | | S| e S= Stairs.
| | C | f
| |___V____________| g
|----> To the SEWER TUNNELS
a b c d e f g h

NOTE: I know the Airvent leaves you above a car, but I 'm not
100% sure with the car it's supposed to leave you above. (or
where is that car for those matters).


6.- Map Overview.

The Siege map is an advanced (IMHO), and it's quite a challenge: It doesn't
offers as much cover as we would like to find, or expect to find (for
fellow snipers ^_~, that's a motive of frustration around our newbies, and
non-serious gamers, which is why we seldom play this map, only a couple
of us seriously find ways to play this map, which is why this map is
an important place to study.

First off, the CT start on a non-important place: wide open, no cover,
no strategic advantage. An experienced sniper can use the start of the
main battleground to shot down several heads.

The Ts start on a prison of sorts, which is also non- important, though
it's mazelike nature and a couple of vents make it a good ambush place.
It's quite risky, since it offers little to no room to avoid HE grenades
or shotguns (a killer on this map), and it's such a disaster at times
that is much better avoided.

The garage is a very open place, with several obstacles. It's a really
cool mood to shot and hide behind a car, , but be careful since you can
get shot in your feet (try it if you don't believe me), and I've killed
so many people with grenades in this place, that's a place for people
who strafe a lot, but not for snipers.

The garage has two exits: one to the main battleground, and one to a
sewer tunnel's series which also leads to the battleground.

The main battleground it's indeed a place for everyone: snipers, guards,
grenadiers, strafers, as long as you look closely. The house has a window
which lets rifle bullets in or out, but not other bullets: This is a big
problem for SMG users, and a big advantage to rifle users. The house is
an strategic point of importance, an sniper set there with a guard, or an
automatic gun nearby is a very strong position, as only HE grenades are
useful for taking him out. The rest of the battleground has a big crate with
a ladder which for some reason isn't as used as one could think, and there
are two lightposts (some tube thingies , I can't recall if they _are_
lightposts) which are very annoying when using unnacuratte weapons or desert
eagles (I could swear the thing moves to block bullets).

The sewer tunnels are a veteran's passageway. The steps are heard VERY loudly,
and is an invitation to a surprise. The key here is to go walking (an it's
even loud), or crouching (much better), and away from the water. Battles inside
the tunnel are frantic and powerful: SMG win most battles. The best way to
go is with a partner. I Suggest you practice this assault.
This tunnel has brought me some impressive victories, and some of my best
Once, I was playing T, and I was armed with an MP5 and a HE grenade (out
of money to spend on a bigger weapon), and I went into the tunnel alone,
since my team kept ignoring my orders, and always died at the garage
entrance. I felt pretty much like a frustrated leader, being the only player
with any sense of strategy on my team (a whole lot of newbies), so I said to
hell with them, and let's bring victory to the team. After all, I was the
one to be granted the most money and kills (and with Linkin' Park and their
One step Closer, I was truly about to break ^_^)While I went into the tunnel,
I saw from the corner of my eye the kills, and it was a damn heated battle,
though I didn't cared to check how many people were left after the match.
When I went out of the house, I oversaw an standing CT who seemed to be
watching the garage. I checked: there were two CT hunting me down (And
they knew I was the one alive), one of them being Marilyn, my cousin and
my natural enemy, and he's about my level. The other one was a casual
player. Outnumbered, and armed with a damn MP5 (not the best choice against
two good players, and NOT even a Flashbang), I took my HE grenade, and threw
it, while leaning against the wall. He was killed! I rushed to the garage
carelessly, and saw Marilyn. At first, I thought about seeking cover,
because he was armed with an FN P90, but I got the last of my braveheart,
and jumped against him, surprising him and fragging him. That was enough
for at least one of my partners to follow me when I requested back up in
the tunnel- the numbers quickly turned to our favor as my fellow terrorists
followed my orders.

This map is a field day for inventive players.


7.- Tactical Ideas.

| |

(based on a 6 persons team)
SNIPERS: AWM, Desert Eagle, Flashbangs (2 CT)
ATTACKERS: MP5 or MA41, HE grenades, Five SeveN, Flashbangs (4 CT)
(A very effective way, since it's damn hard to kill snipers when
playing from the garage entrance, which is where Ts ussually gather. The
problem arise if you find a Lord Zero coming out of the house ^_^, but
it's the most effective way you can find.)
| |

(based on a 6 persons team)
TEAM A: MP5, HE grenades, Flashbangs (2 CT)
TEAM B: M4A1, HE grenades, Flashbangs (2 CT)
TEAM C: Bullpup, HE Grenades, Flashbangs (2 CT)
(An all out attack that relies on raining the grenades to quickly gain
ground, and leaving the MP5-er rushing thru the sewer tunnels to get the
maximum ammount of territory without losing the main battleground. You need
constant communication to maintain the strategy, but it's also an effective
way of playing.)

The CT have an slight advantage due to their quicker and more comfortable
access to the main battleground: they ussually take the offensive. This edge
is your main tactic, you have to strike switfly, delays can make the Ts take
over the crate in front of the house, a powerful position to lose.

Putting snipers in the house to shot through the window, or above it are
key positions, are they aren't vulnerable, except against grenades, but
if everything's right, you can easily snipe from there without fear of

Attacking is a hard task, but easier than to the Ts if they aren't
as inventive as they actually need to be. If they aren't being offensive,
you can quickly take over the points nearby (p,d-p,b), and shot down
anyone who shows his or her head from there. Throwing HE grenades is
good, but you actually need to get them _inside_ the garage gateway,
not to the entrance. To ensure maximum effectivity, aim for the point
(d,s), as the bounce will most likely catch any T for good damage.

Entering the garage is a very hard task, there are plenty of obstacles
for the T to catch you with ease, so enter in groups. A very good way
I saw but haven't practiced (I prefer to play T here), is the same way
I told when I wrote the history above: one player enters, while the
other (preferably armed with a bullpup) stays on (r,b) until the
first one secures the area. Watch out for Ts behind the boxes near
(f,a). Seek for cover behind the cars, and rush for the prison.

The prison is small and easy to navigate thru, but hostages have a
very nasty habit to get stuck in the main door. In the first corridor,
about two meters from the corner is an small opening down in the wall.
That's a place to look for sneaky T. THE GLASS IN THE COUNTER IS
BULLET-PROOF. Take cover there if you need to reload.

The tunnel is a test for your senses. Keep your eyes open, keep your
ears clear: TURN OFF THE DAMN MUSIC. (yes, that "'Coz I'm step closer
to the edge, and I'M ABOUT TO BREAK!", and especially that DAMN

Where were we? Oh, yes on the tunnel. Okay, keep your senses sharp.
Walk a few steps, stop for a second to check for sounds. If you hear
steps, most likely the guy's near, so send your Flashbang or the
HE grenade if you are willing to use it. The tunnel is a very long way,
and you are likely to get there when the action's over, so make your
choice- for CT is not as useful.

Camping on this map is a killer for CT: The T have an slight ammount
of extra work over here, but don't camp for too long. The key for
CT is fast team work. You have the odds on your sides, so don't
push your luck.

| |

SNIPERS: AWM, Double Berettas, HE Grenades, Flashbangs (2 T)
MOBILE GUARDS: Either FN P90 or AK-47, Five SeveN, HE grenades (2 T).
ATTACK TEAM: MP5, Desert Eagle, HE grenades, Flashbangs, Gas
Grenades (2 T).
(This tactic is based on deception. The attack team needs to draw the
attention for the snipers and the mobile guards to take them out.
The two snipers best set up near the car near (c,b), while the two
mobile guards keep an eye on the tunnel, and on the attacker's
messages. Be careful with crossfire ^_^.)
| |

TUNNEL RUSHERS: MP5 or/and FN P90, HE Grenades, Flashbangs (2 T)
GUARDS: AK-47-MP5-auto shotgun-Sigg 552, HE grenades, Flashbangs (4 T)
(This my tactic. I honestly play this way not because I want to, but
because on the ussual T team, there are only a couple of players besides
myself who go thru the tunnel. Thanks to them I don't look like such a
lamer ^_~. Now, the point here is to have the guards struggling with the
main CT force at the gateway, while the tunnel rushers reach the other
end, taking out the snipers at hand, and surprising the enemies from
their backs. This is the reason why I love this map.)

GOLDEN RULE: Ts on this map NEED A LEADER. I can't stress this enough.
You need a confident player to act as a link between the team. Take
my example above: you may need to prove your worth, but having a
leader on any map is a big advantage, that was something I noted the
first time I played, but on this map, for the Terrorists, is the

You need to go quick at the start, and get in position in the
gateway. I highly suggest someone to act as an scout, and, once a
tactic has setup, send the message of "Get in position and wait
for my go". Go outside, look around under the cover of fire, and
report, once the team has replied with "I'm in position". With
inteligence gathered, get a good position for the team to settle,
and wait for the CT to rush like lemmings. They will.

Having snipers near the car in (c,b) is a killer, since the distance is
enough for them to act safely, and acts like a diversion, while the guy
will aim for the sniper if he's smart, but he will fall to any partner
wating patiently behind cover. It doesn't matters if he's good or not,
he will most likely die. Trust me. Unless he's a monster or he's cheating.

The tunnels are a great strategy point for the Terrorists. Taking my
example again, you may notice how much of a surprise you can have, and
how much damage can you inflict catching enemies once they think they
have an area clear. Try to not go there alone, while you may take out
a couple, you need a good luck- I had a HE grenade, and the surprise
element, you may not have them. Always look around, and try to catch
the whole ground with a single scan. This map doesn't allows such

Going back to the garage entrance, Throwing HE grenades to the point
(o,f) is great, since CT seem to think that's a good cover position
for them. They are dead wrong, that place is good for you, but not
for them. I've earned great frags by rushing to this place with the
Desert Eagle, killing three people with ease, and securing this
place makes an important objective. From there, you can reach
the house with HE grenades, or flashbangs, making it possible for you
to assualt it against possible snipers. If there isn't any, at
least you've won some ground.

The prison place is a good place for ambushes, but is so confined
that you are an inviting target for HE grenades or shotgun wielders.
Hide near the hostages, on corners, but not near the entrance (it's
bad!). A single HE grenade on this place is a madness, I repeat,
so in a pinch, you can sacrifice yourself on a kamikaze by throwing
the grenade to a near wall. Say goodbye to your weapons, but if you
were outnumbered, you can at least force a tied match.
(be careful with the consequent number of objects people may throw
at you if you are playing on a LAN place like me)

Finally, comunication is important for Terror. Following these steps,
however, is a good way to start mastering this great map.


8.- When Action Starts.

For both teams, comunication and creativity are important things to
manage. You need to be creative to find the enemy's weak point, and
you need to keep constant comunication to keep your team together, which
is the other key for the victory.

For CT, your final key is quickness and overwhelming power. Keep the
Ts at bay, and keep an eye for the tunnels. Don't let them gain ground
on the main battleground, or you might be doomed.

For the T, for God's sake, GET A LEADER! This map needs someone to take
the responsibility for the actions of the terrorists. Someone who
coordinates the defense, someone who asks for reports, someone who keeps
the team on their toes.It doesn't matters if you have Rambo on your side,
you need someone to tell that Rambo where's the door.


9.- Frequently asked questions about this map.

Q. Which side actually has the advantage on this map?
A. The Counter Terrorists, if only for the comfort that the darned house
offers. For an inventive Terrorist couple, this place is heaven, but if
you're stuck with a de_dust mind, you won't get very far

Q. Why do you plan with just 6 people on each team?
A. Because that's what's ussually avalaible on my LAN place. I've played
with as much as 11 persons on each team, and it's amazing, but it's not
what you could call "organized". It's a damn madness.

Q. Is there any point to the glass in the prision?
A. They are bullet-proof glass. You understand now.

Q. Is there another map like this one?
A. Assault is pretty much the same, but with a terrorist advantage.
Militia is also another offer, though people mastering Siege will find
Militia somewhat dull, as it's an easier version of the map we are
treating right now.


10.- Credits.

- Thanks, somehow, to Jonat4z, Yunqu3, MaNsOn, Marilyn, Phantom Phreak,
and all the guys who lurk in Time Net and like to get slaughtered by me
(Yeah sure... ^_^).
- To my hands, as always.
- To CjayC for hosting this guide on his site.
- To Gorillaz for giving me a new sound to listen before I get a full-time
rock monster.
- And to everyone I would like to thank but I can't recall them or they
have nothing to do with this faq, but thanks anyway ;^)


11.- Legal Stuff.

This file is owned by Lord Zero (dskzero@yahoo.com)

You MAY distribute, print, read, show to your friends or enemies this
guide freely, AS LONG as you credit Lord Zero as the author, keep
the copyright on it, and is used for non-profit purposes. You MAY NOT
change ANYTHING on this guide, adding or taking anything out of it,
including banners, links, or anything else. You MAY NOT distribute this
guide on any non-electronic media. All I ask from you if you wish to
publish this guide on your site, is to keep it updated, and to notificate
me of your URL.

All Rights Reserved. Anything not mentioned on this text can be discussed
via email to the address below.

Copyright 2001-2002 By Lord Zero (dskzero@yahoo.com).

The last version can always be found in gamefaqs.com.
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