Half-Life - Counterstrike

Half-Life - Counterstrike

17.10.2013 22:50:58
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* * WRITTEN BY evapilot * *
* * COPYRIGHT 2003 * *
* * January 10, 2003 * *
* * * *
* * Jeff Poole - JPoole010@yahoo.com * *
* * AIM - JPoole010 * *
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* * Version 1.1 * *
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This strategy guide is based on my own personal oppinions and strategies (which
seems to work pretty well.) In this guide, I will cover basic strategy used
on the map, de_veritgo. Strategy that you would use in a basic game on a
public server. If you're looking for advanced team-play strategy, you may or
may not find what you're looking for in this guide.
defending the bomb site as a counter-terrorist. If there is something you'd
like added to this guide, feel free to contact me and I'll look into it.
Also, please try to bare with my awesome ascii art maps.
In oder to fully understand the map, you may require a general idea of the map
layout as it really appears in Counter-Strike.

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* * * *
* * * *
* * 1. ASCII Art Map * *
* * 2. Counter-Terrorist Objectives and Outline * *
* * 3. Counter-Terrorist Strategy * *
* * 4. Terrorist Objectives and Outline * *
* * 5. Terrorist Strategy * *
* * 6. Legal Stuff - I wrote this strategy guide, thanks :) * *
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* * 1. ASCII ART MAP * *
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> < - Ramp or Stairs
D - Door
L - Ladder Connecting Bottom and Top Floor
O - Box or Object
Numbers and Lower-Case Letters Signify Important locations

- Top Floor - Counter-Terrorist Area

+---------------------------+ | o |
| | | >>> STAIRS >>> |
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5| | >>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> O| | >>> >> |
| >>>> RAMP >>>>>>> O| | >>> |
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> O| | >>> |
| 4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | | >>> |
| 3 >>>>> | | e c dOOO |
| OO +--+ >>>>> |+------+---+ +-----------+
| OOO +--+ >>>>> 2|| |
| OO 1 OO||O |
| OOO||O +---------+-----------------------+
+---------------------+ ++|O OOOOOf |
+----------------+ | | |n |
| OO 5OOOOOaOOOO6+----+ ++| +-------------+ |
|9 OOOOO OOOO |+----+ | +----+ ++
+-+ +----+ |+------------------+ ++ ++ ++
| OO| +--+-----+|OOO OOO OOOOOO OO| |g |
+-+ BOMB O|-+ | |O OO| |O |
| 8 OO SITE D 7| | m | |OO |
+-+ +-+ ++ +-----------------+ |h |
| O| +------------+ O+------+----------+ ++O |
+-+ +-+ OOOOl | OOOOOOOOj+---+ BOMB O|
| OOO +-+ OOOOOOOOO | k+---+OOOOO i|
+--------------+ +---------------------------+----------+ +-------+

- Bottom Floor - Terrorist Area

| |
------------------+ | <<< STAIRS <<< |
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<| | <<<<<<<<<<<<<< |
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<| | <<< OOO<< |
<<<< RAMP <<<<<<<| | <<< OO |
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<| | <<< OO |
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<| | << ------------+<<<<<| | |
+---------+|<<<<<| +-------------+ ++
++ q++<<<<<+--+ +----+ | |
| ++ ++ t| +--------+ ++
| +--+ O| |vOOOO u|
|r O| | OOOOOy |
++ OOOOOOOO +--+ O| | +--------+
| OpOOOOOOO ++ ++ +-+ |
+-+ +---------+ | |
+ + | ++ |
| OO +-----------+ | +-------+
| sOO |z O | | ++
| OO +-+ OOOOOO | | |
| | | LL | | |
| | +--------+ +-+ |
| +-+ OOOO ++
| T SPAWN x|
| OOO ++
| w OOO+----+ +----+ |
+-----------+ +----+ +---+

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * *
* * 2. Counter_Terrorist Objectives and Outline * *
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Like any de_map, 90% of the time as a CT on de_vertigo you will find yourself
camping, guarding and defending. However, it is very crucial on this map that
the CT's stop the initial rush of the terrorists. Whether or not the
terrorists reach the top floor on the initial rush can be the deciding factor
on which team wins the round. Now, by "initial rush" I mean within the first
20 seconds of the map. At the start of every round, there is a race between
teams to reach the two main intersections between the top floor and the bottom.
Those intersections being the ramp and the stairs. If your team, the CT's, are
not quick enough to reach the ramp and stairs, the terrorists will have an
attacking advantage. If the CT's, however, reach the ramp and stairs, they
have a height advantage over the attacking forces of terrorists.

Now, if the terrorists choose to camp or delay their rush, try to restrain
yourself from going on the offence. A common terrorist strategy on this map
is to delay the initial rush and wait to see if they can easily pick off a few
attacking CT's. By narrowing down the CT force, they can thin the defences of
one of the two intersections and eventualy rush.

Also, although not a big deal, the terrorists can and some times do attack via
the ladder. Each round, no more than one CT should guard the ladder. If the
terrorists don't attack, this CT can eventualy move to another location or rush
down the ladder and flank the terrorists. The ladder also can be used for CT
good. A sometimes good strategy is to send a CT or 2 down the ladder to flank
the terrorists.

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* * 3. Counter_Terrorist Strategy * *
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As I said in section 2, your main objective at the start of each round is to
get atleast a few of your team mates at each of the intersections; the ramp and
the stairs. To decide which you defend, I usualy go with which ever is closest.
Remember, atleast one CT needs to get to the ramp and stairs before the
terrorists do.

I'm going to break the counter-terrorist strategy into 3 parts. Defending the
ramp, and defending the stairs.

Defending the Ramp -

Defending the ramp is the most difficult for the CT's as it is possible for the
terrorists to reach it just seconds before the CT's but it depends on the
terrorists spawning positions. Those few seconds however, can mean the round.
Often and usualy, the CT team will want to place the majority of their
defenders at the ramp. Although rushing the ramp is the most difficult for
the terrorist team, it is also the most rewarding and all it takes is 1 or 2
terrorists to make it up the ramp to defeat the CT's.

Usualy, as a CT defending the ramp, I rush to location 1 of the ramp area as
quickly as possible just to check if the terrorists are rushing the ramp.
This position in my oppinion is not ideal though. It is the most obvious and
first place the terrorists will look when rushing the ramp.
If when you reach position 1 you see a number of terrorists, you will need to
make a choice which depends on the number of terrorists allready charging the
ramp and the number of counter-terrorists allready at their side of the ramp.
If it seems you are moments away from being over-run by the terrorist horde,
you may be better off pulling your team back to make a stand at bomb site A.
If you have a nice sized group of CT's at your back, make a stand and at all
costs, prevent the terrorists from reaching the top of the ramp.

In the case of your group making a stand at the ramp, you will want to
reposition yourself to either location 2, location 3, location 4, or location
5. These 4 positions are where the majority of the kills will come from.
At position 2, you will be looking down at and most likely at the backs of the
terrorists. But be careful not to poke out to far because terrorists still at
or near the bottom of the ramp will be facing you and may turn you into an easy
At position 3, you will be watching for terrorists at the center of the ramp
and terrorists turning the corner of the ramp. Also, at this position, you can
move slighting to the right and view down the ramp.
And lastly, at position 4 you will be watching down toward the center of the
ramp. At this position you can commonly get easy kills beause the rushing
terrorists may be more focused on watching position 1, 2, and 3 but you may
also find yourself challenging the skill of a terrorists who cares of nothing
but reaching the top of the ramp.
Location 5 is not used so much for defending as it is for attacking. During
the heat of a battle, you will most likely find that reaching this position is
dangerous. But say your team has stoped the initial rush and there are
terrorists hanging around the bottom of the ramp. At this position, you can
move slightly to the left and view down to the bottom of the ramp.

In the case of your group being forced to fall back, you will want to quickly
retreat back to location 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a, or b of the bomb site A area.
Location 7 is an evil camping spot and should only be used in the case of you
being severely over powered. In location 7, you will be pretty much hopeless
and should pray for back up, terrorists wandering through the door or jump
down the ladder and try to quickly flank the enemy at the bomb site.

Location 8 is one of my favorite of this area. At this location you will be
able to see all the way down the hall toward the ramp area and any terrorists
rushing in. Here you will be the first to kill but also the first to be seen
by the terrorists.
At location 9 you can choose to either move a little downward on the map and
be able to see the same as location 1 or you can choose to wait for the
enemy to rush into to the area and execute a miniature flank. However, this
position is a common camping spot and most likely someone on the terrorist
team will check to see if you're there.
Location a is another camping spot. Amazingly, I have found that this spot
is the most commonly overlooked hiding spot of the bomb site A area. At this
location you may be able to easily kill any terrorists who rush directly into
the bomb site.
Location b is a dangerous spot but also an important spot. At location b, you
will be heavily relying on your combat skill. Also at location b, you will be
defending the players at postions 5, 6, 9, and a. Hope that they will
likewise be defending you.
At location 5, you will be asuming basicaly the same job as location a but
here you will also be defending the player at position 9.
Location 6 is another commonly overlooked spot. Some players don't even
realize that someone can be hiding out of sight in this corner. At this
location you will wait for terrorists to run past you toward the bomb site.

Defending the Stairs -

If done correctly, defending the stairs should be the easiest thing on the map.
As long as one of the counter-terrorists reach the stairs before any terrorists
do, they can easily hold them back. Normaly for the initial rush, I do the
same as I would do while defending the ramp. As quickly as possible, make your
way to position c to check if any terrorists are rushing up the stairs. If
few or none are, a good idea would be to move to position d or e which have
better view of the stairs and are a little safer. Also, position o is a nice
spot so long as the terrorists are not allready rushing. In this spot, you
can see down into the hallway where the terrorists come from but also in this
position you will be very vulnerable.

Again like defending the ramp, if you believe you are going to be over powered,
now is the time to to fall back to the bomb site B area.
Your best bet at holding the terrorists back now is to let them get no further
then the area around position n. In order to do this, focus your defences just
below position f, and a little above position m. Throwing HE grenades at the
area around location n when the terrorists are rushing in can cause some major
havoc due to it's small confined space.

Location f is one of my favorites of this area. At this location, you will be
waiting for the enemy to run past to the bomb site. Be careful though as this
is one of the more common hiding spots.
That leeds me to location g. At this spot, you will primarily be covering
position f. Oftenly, position f will be the first place the enemy checks.
When they do, you will have a clear shot at their backs. Also, here you can
scoot a little closer into the corner and wait for passing terrorists.
Position h is a commonly over looked hiding spot. In this spot, you will
simply be waiting for enemies to walk past.
Position i is very important. At this spot you can see all of the bomb site
and every enemy rushing in. This spot requires good combat skill though. You
will often find yourself trading fire with the enemy.
Position j and k, again, are just camping spots. At position j you can see a
a little more clearly, the bomb site. You can also move to the left and hide.
Position l is an evil hiding spot. If you put yourself up against the wall,
the enemy may have trouble seeing you there. At this position, you can watch
for terrorists trying to flank through the door.
Position m is incase the enemy decides to move toward bomb site A or try to
flank bomb site B through the door side. If you move all the way to the left
against the wall and behind the box, you can shoot terrorists in the back as
they run past.
Position n is a dangerous one. In this spot, you take a big risk. That risk
being that the enemy will almost never fall for a camper here. But given the
right circumstance, they may fall for it yet. For instance, if you are still
managing to keep the enemy held back in this area, they may soon become
preoccupied with killing the CT's in position f and l and forget to check here.
It is then that you finish off the remaining terrorists as they may their move
to the bomb site.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * *
* * 4. Terrorist Objectives and Outline * *
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This is a tough map as a terrorist. Some players may even go as far as to say
it's unbalanced but the only unbalancing that ever occurs on this map is skill.
Play the map with 2 equaly skilled teams and you will find this map to be very
much balanced.

The key to winning this map as a terrorists rests soley on how well your team
plays as a team. If everyone goes rambo mode and camps every round, winning
will be almost hopeless. In order to win you team will need good communication
of course and everyone will need to stay together unless strategy specifies.
At the start of each round, your team should quickly decide which way to rush
or if the team will initiate a delayed rush as I like to call it. The two
main ways to rush as a terrorist are the ramp and stairs, obviously, and I will
divide the strategy section up into those two sections with the addition of a
miscelaneous section. Now, by the term "a delayed rush" I mean holding back
for a while and not emedietly rushing at the start of the round. By executing
this strategy, your team can sit back and test the patience of the CT's. After
a while your team can eventualy rush which ever way you think is less defended.

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* * * *
* * 5. Terrorist Strategy * *
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Rushing the Ramp -

Attacking via the ramp as a terrorist can be the toughest thing on this map or
it could be the easiest depending on how the CT's are playing. Keep in mind
that defending the ramp is likewise one of the toughest things to do as a CT.
So your team has decided to rush the ramp. The next decision your team will
need to make here is speed or strength. By this I mean that not everyone can
reach the ramp as quick as the first guy so you will need to decide if everyone
waits for the entire team or if your team rushes up the ramp as they get there.
Either way can work but normaly in an initial rush, you will want to use speed
as your aly and rush up the ramp as you get there; not waiting for the rest of
your team. If you are quick enough, it is possible for 1 or 2 terrorists to
actualy reach the ramp before the CT's. This all depends on the spawning
positions of the terrorists and counter-terrorists.

When rushing the ramp, there are a few different ways you can go about doing
it. If you are the first person to reach the ramp, your job will be the
toughest and the most dangerous. Your job here will be to either quickly get
up the ramp and turn the corner or to suply some cover fire and preocupy the
CT's while the rest of your team rushes to join you. If you decide that you
will rush the ramp quickly then what you'll need to do is get up the ramp and
around the corner. If you can get around the corner you will likely be out of
view from many of the CT's. The CT's at locations 1 and 2 on the top floor
map. Once you get around the corner, be ready to kill any CT's at or near
location 4 then finish your way up the ramp and take on the other CT's. But
also watch for CT's hiding behind the boxes in the lower left corner.
If you aren't the first terrorist to rush the ramp but are close behind,
you'll want to get about half-way up the ramp to where you can see the CT's at
locations 1, 2, and 3. Defeating these CT's will be a deciding factor on
whether or not the rush is succesfull.
Also, for anyone rushing the ramp, be watchful for CT's at or trying to reach
location 5.

Rushing the Stairs -

Most of the time, rushing the stairs should be easier than rushing the ramp.
However, this is mainly due to the fact that the CT's will generaly send more
players to defend the ramp than the stairs. But of course, if you rush the
stairs too often they'll catch on.

Just like rushing the ramp, you'll need to chose speed or strength. I have
found, though, that strength is a little better than speed when rushing the
Once you reach the room with the stairs be ready to look straight up above
you for CT's. Most of the time, the CT's can reach the stairs seconds before
you can so be ready for a fire fight. Grenades here are very helpfull but
most of the time flashbangs will do more harm than good. Once your team has
defeated the CT's defending the top or sent them retreating, quickly make
your way up the stairs but in the next room, make sure you don't get pinned
down. A common srategy, as I said in the counter-terrorist strategy section,
is to keep the invading terrorists pinned down in the room around position n.
Naturaly as a terrorist, you do not want this to happen. So quickly make
your way through and past this room and either go through position m and
around through the door to bomb site B, go straight to bomb site B, or go
through position m and head to bomb site A. Depending on how well defended
bomb site B is, you may want to go to bomb site A instead of B.

Miscelaneous -

In this section I'd like to point out that there is a third way up to the
top floor. That being the ladder.
It's a good idea to every once in a while send a terrorist up the ladder.
But don't do it to often because if a CT is guarding the ladder, your
chances of survival are slim to none.
In order to get up the ladder, it can be a little tricky. You'll need 2
people to accomplish it, one to duck and give the other a boost.
If you have succesfully gotten up the ladder with no resistance you can then
flank the unknowing CT's at the ramp or stairs depending on which ever the
rest of your team is rushing.

Lastly, I'll explain a little about the delayed rush.
Sometimes rushing straight in to your death just isn't working. We've all
seen it before and some times it's caused by unbalanced skill between the two
teams, or it could be due to your team fearing death when rushing in. Either
way, eventualy your team is going to come to a collective agreement to camp.
With a delayed rush you can easily turn the score around. As I explained a
little earlier, a delayed rush means that instead of quickly rushing to the
bomb site, your team waits a little bit before attacking. This little bit of
time could be 30 seconds, a minute, even longer if need be. The point of it
is to try and lure a few CT's down into your territory.
Now, I've marked on the map 11 positions. These 11 positions marked p
through z are the important hiding spots. Technicaly this is camping and can
be frowned upon but some times there just is no alternative.

Position p is realy the only position that needs explanation. This position is
a little dangerous but can also cause a huge threat to your enemy. Although
impossible to tell using my map, this position is actualy behind some boxes.
You'll have to jump up on top the boxes and fall down behind them in the
corner and if you duck and position your self just right, you can see barely
through a crack between the boxes on the right side. In this spot, the CT's
at the top of the ramp will just barely be able to see you through this crack
as long as you're ducking. You should be relatively safe here, just kill every
CT you see before they get shots in at you.

In position q and r, you'll be waiting for CT's to wander down the ramp. As
soon as they step out from the ramp, they'll be open game to you.

In position s and w, you can actualy see up the ramp. Take out any CT's
thinking about coming down the ramp.

Position z and x aren't always important. In these two spots, you'll primarily
be guarding the ladder and killing any CT's who make their way down it.

Just like position q and r, in position t you'll be watching the ramp but
you'll also be watching for any CT's trying to flank you coming from the

And lastly, in positions u, v, and y you'll be camping the stairs area.

Remember though, a delayed rush doesn't mean your team camps the entire round.
The object here is to weaken the enemy just enough that they cannot adequetly
guard both the stairs and the ramp. Eventualy, they will become weak in one
of these two areas and it is then that your team breaks through.
If your team camps to long though, the CT's will eventualy catch on and play
more carefully.

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* * * *
* * 6. Legal Stuff * *
* * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

This guide was written for gamefaqs.com by Jeff Poole but feel free to post it
on your website so long as it is kept unaltered and free of charge. Also, if
you chose to post it on your website, please contact me and let me know you are
doing so. This is simply because I like to know and keep track of which
websites are posting my guide.
You can always find the most up to date versions of my guides at

Please contact me via email or AIM if you have any questions. My email
is JPoole010@yahoo.com and my AIM is JPoole010.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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