Melty Blood React

Melty Blood React

17.10.2013 02:03:05
Melty Blood ReACT (Based on 2.009a)

FAQ Version: 1.0

Table of Contents
I: About the Author
II: Melty Blood ReACT Game system
III: Warakia Introduction/Movelist
IV: Strategies
V: Credits - People who have helped
VI: Change Log

I: About the Author

My name is Sp00ky, and this is my second FAQ. I’m a 25 year old Computer
Technician based out of New York City. I came in contact with MBR thanks to
it’s exposure in part by Yukinose (Japan’s famous Guilty Gear Bridget player)
as well as exposure on’s forums. (Much love to Linalys,
VmanofMana, Master Chibi, Bellreisa, and the rest of the SRK Melty Blood

You can send me feedback on this FAQ at the email address:
Make sure the subject is something along the lines of “Your Melty Blood FAQ”
or I won’t know what you want and may just dump it as Spam.

This FAQ is copyright Victor Fontanez 2005 (aka Sp00ky). You are free to use
it for any personal purposes. However you may not use it for profit in any
way, shape, or form. You also may not post it publicly on any message board
or website without my express permission. You may not alter this FAQ

These sites currently have my permission to post this FAQ:

II: Melty Blood ReACT Game System

ReACT’s system is varied. The main features are:

Chain combo system:

Similar to Guilty Gear’s style. You can chain any class of attack into
another class as long as you haven’t used it yet. Thus weak/medium/strong,
or strong/medium/weak.

Special moves/EX Moves:

Similar to Street Fighter 3, each character has a series of special moves,
and many of these have an EX form, which creates a more powerful version of
the move at the cost of some Magic Circuit (super meter)

Heat/Blood Heat system:

While in this mode you can perform Super moves as well as string several EX
moves at lowered cost. You may regain some health as well.

Shield/Last Arc:

You can Shield against attacks (Similar to Parrying in Street Fighter 3.)
Shielding while in blood heat can activate a hidden super.

This FAQ assumes you already understand the basic concepts of the game
system. If you don’t you should check out Kalciane’s excellent FAQ on

III: Warakia Introduction/Movelist

Warakia is one of the 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors, better known as Tatari
(trick of ghosts). He is classified as a "phenomenon." Warakia, at any
random location or time, can manifest as the form of something feared
by mankind. Typically, he manifests himself as whatever form is most
convenient for his goals, whether it is the form of a person, or
something inanimate such as a storm.

Before becoming a "phenomenon" Warakia was a Vampire. He is responsible
for Sion's own vampiric curse, being the one who bit her, but his ties to
her traverse beyond that. He is also her ancestor.

Before becoming turned, Warakia attended Atlas Academy as an alchemist,
just as Sion. His name at that time was Zubia Eltnam Oberon. He was
a steadfast, strong, and highly intelligent researcher, who was determined
to unlock the mysteries of life, and find the answer as to Man's purpose.
However, the more he came closer to the answer, the more he found that the
only thing awaiting mankind, was death. This knowledge eventually drove him
spiralling into insanity.

During the course of Melty Blood ReACT, not only does Wara manifest as his
own Vampire form, but also as Shiki Nanaya, Akiha (Reversed), Nrvnqsr Chaos,
and Warcueid.

In combat, Warakia takes advantage of his nightmare abilities, doing
anything from causing tornados to rise from nothing, to summoning illusions
to attack his opponent for him, to dissapearing and reappearing where the
opponent least expects.


The Following notation will be used in this FAQ:

7 8 9
4 5 6 A B C D
1 2 3

The numbers correspond to joystick directionals where the player is facing

A: Weak Attack
B: Medium Attack
C: Strong Attack
D: Shield

Thus 236C would be the famous “Fireball Motion” of Quarter Circle Forward,
executed with the Strong Attack.

Move Description

Normal moves:

5A: A quick flick of his nails aimed at the opponent's head. Combo starter,
can be ducked under. Not extremely useful.

5B: Wara lifts his cape, causing it to lash out at the opponent for two
fairly long ranged hits. A useful meduim range poke that combos.

5C: A 3 hit LONG RANGED cape strike with some startup. Good damage, amazing
range, stuffs early jumps, is a key component of his launch combo, and in
general an amazing move only balanced by its startup and the fact that some
people can duck it. BEWARE: Ciel can dash UNDER this normal and pour on some
pain if she predicts it.

2A: A ducking 'nail-flick'. Fast, ok combo starter, decent priority. However
it is abnormal for you to be this close to your opponent.

2B: Wara swings his cape over his head for three hits. AMAZING anti air,
unairblockable, good range for a crouching move, combo starter. Another
abusable normal.

2C: A LONG ranged cape sweep. This move singlehandedly frustrates half the
cast! Starts his deadly launch, fast, high priority, abuse this. BEWARE!
Ciel can dash THROUGH this normal with her dash autoguard.

7/8/9+A: Another 'nail flick'. Fast, ok priority. Not very useful because it
does not combo well.

7/8/9+B: A jumping cape sweep for two hits. Long range, combo filler.

7/8/9+C: A jumping cape 'spear' that hits three times. Combo starter,
combo filler, good air to air. Can frustrate certain characters who do not
have an answer for it.

Command moves:

6C: Warakia swipes his cape upward, launching the opponent. Good anti air that
leads into some damage if it hits.

(air) 2C: An alternate version of his jump C that hits once and knocks down.
Very rarely useful, except for the fact that it causes arakia to hover for a
breif moment, whihc can allow you to dodge certain setups.


C: Wara wraps his cape over the opponent, flinging them HIGH into the air.
The positioning allows you to attack the opponent during their wakeup very
easily afterwards.

(air) C: Wara pimp slaps the opponent to the ground.

Special moves:

236+ A/B/EX: Terror News (Lie)

Warakia's 'Cut' moves in general are best avoided except the rare combo or
punish opportunity.

A version: Warakia whispers, “Katto!” While bringing his arm forward. Three
“blades” Will shoot from his arm for a short distance ahead of him, slashing
the opponent three times. This move is punishable even if it hits on the
ground. Many characters can also duck it. At the very least, the blades
persist even if you are hit out of the animation. EX/Super cancelable.

B Version: Similar to A version, but hits 3 times and is safe if it hits.
Still not very useful except for the rare super cancel opportunity.

C Version [EX]: LONG reaching, so-so damage, really bad scaling after.
This can punish some moves if you time it right, but it has some startup.
This will wallslam if it hits, allowing for followups if you are near the

623+ A/B/EX: Terror News (Malice)

A version: Warakia exclaims, “Katto!” While bringing his arm upward. Three
“blades” Will shoot from his arm for a short distance ahead of him,
slashing the opponent once. This juggles if it hits, but doesn’t seems
possible to follow up. So-so anti air but I don’t recommend it. Blades
persist if you’re hit.

B version: Hits 3 times. This juggles if it hits, and you can in some
circumstances follow up with an air combo, though it is hard. A bit slow
but can be used as anti air.

C version [EX]: "Break!" Hits 5 times. Nowhere near as useful as V.Sion's
launch EX. This does less damage, can only be juggled after in certain
setups and scales horribly. Save your meter for other options.

22 + A/B/EX: Fumble Code (Apotheosis)

Those of you who are thinking "Koko Desu!" when seeing this move and
remembering Goenitz abuse, rejoice, as this is just as good if not better.
Not outright abusable, but landing one of these at any time allows for a
high damage opportunity.

These require a few notes. First off there are two versions of every tornado,
including EX. If the normal versions hit fully, you cannot breakfall for a
certain range. On the ground usually you cannot breakfall at all. If it hit
anti air you must fall a certain distance before you can breakfall.

During the time the opponent cannot breakfall, you can follow up. This is
potentially devastating to the opponent.

For the EX versions, followups are much more difficult. However they do
some damage on their own. The primary EX version is Warakia's panic button-
it WILL back away someone who is crowding you, unless that someone is Ciel.

DANGER! Ciel can EX hiero ANY tornado on reaction and punish you. DON'T USE

A (tap): "Katto!" Wara summons a tornado just in front of him.

A (hold): "Katto!" about 40% screen distance.

B (tap): "Katto!" about 60%

B (hold): "Katto!" about 75%

(hold versions recover SLIGHTLY faster then tap versions. Keep this in
mind during your setups and followups.)

C [EX]: Warakia laughs maniacly as he calls a larger tornado that moves in
a wave from just ahead of him to about mid screen distance.

2222 C [EX]: An alternate version that moves fullscreen in waves. This has
more recovery then the first EX version and is not as useful for backing
someone away. It is also easy to block on reaction.

214 + A/B/C: Replicant Coordinator (Id)

A Version: Warakia Extends his arm and an illusion of AkaAkiha appears before
him. Akaakiha performs her jumping slash a moment after. This move is an
overhead and you can combo after on counter hit, but the startup is slow.

B Version: This time Warakia summons Nanaya, who performs a running slash that
juggles the opponent up if it hits. You can follow this up with a combo if it
lands, but you'll have to commit to it BEFORE you know if it will hit or not.

C Version: Warakia summons Nero, who opens his trench coat. One of the 666
beasts performs a LONG RANGED juggling arm swipe. In practice this works
almost exactly like the B version, though the hit is slightly more delayed.

241 + A/B/EX (Air only): Creature Channel (S) / (Gestalt)

A Version: Warakia hides in his cape, moving across the screen like a buzz
saw. INSANE priority, but best used as an air combo ender rather then a
random move. Can be punished on miss and sometimes block.

B Version: Similar to above, but with some startup. Does more damage.

C Version[EX]: Very little startup this time. If it hits, you cannot tech,
making it a good high damage air combo ender.

241 + A/B/C: Teleport

Wara's teleports double as both good escape moves and fast methods of
surprise. All 3 have end lag, however -- don't leave yourself open with one!

A: Wara wraps his cape around himself, dissapears and reappears in front of
the opponent.

B: Behind the opponent.

C: Wara shifts ahead about 50% of screen distance.

Arc Drives:

41236 + C: Night on the Blood Liar (Anzanati)

Heat: "Katto, Katto, Katto, Katto, Katto, Katto, Katto......."
Warakia screams maniacly as he summons a humongous tornado to swallow
up the opponent. This starts up QUICKLY and TRACKS the opponent.
He is completely invinicible the entire time he performs this move,
though he can be attacked once the tornado begins to dissapate and he
recovers briefly. Unsafe if blocked against certain characters (Ciel)

Blood Heat: Similar to Heat, higher damage. Warakia also summons his
nightmare illusions to attack the opponent while they are caught in
the tornado. He recovers longer then during the Heat version, making it
unsafe if blocked.

63214 + C: Replicant Coordinator (Id): Warcuied

Heat: Wara summons Warcuied, who performs a high damage version of her
double blood ring. This is a great ranging move to use when your heat
meter is nearly empty, and has very little recovery.

Blood Heat: Same as heat...for some strange reason.

Shielding moves:

Shield Bunker: 214 + D

Wara performs a slower version of his 6C. It juggles, and is cancelable.
It’s powerful enough to make it practical for countering in the
middle of an opponent’s combo, though risky.

Shield Counters

To perform Warakia’s shield counters, you must follow up a successful shield
with the command 236+D

Ground: A string of Cut! Moves, leaving the opponent in a juggle state. It
is possible to follow this up. (and indeed, you should!)

Air: A modified version of Wara's Air 2C Attack. Not very useful.

Crouch: Warakia rushes forward and switches up to the opponent’s back.
Depending on how laggy the move you shielded, you may be able to follow up
with a combo.

Last Arcs: Night Roller on the Blood Dealer

Warakia is the only character in the game who has TWO last arcs.
To perform either, you must shield while in blood heat mode.


Warakia performs a modified version of his Air Cape Buzzsaw,
returning twice to continue damaging the opponent while eliciting a long
monologue. Extremely damaging.


Warakia performs a HIGH DAMAGE string of Cut! attacks with full
screen range.

IV: Strategy

Warakia is by far the best ranging character in the game, overshadowing
even Nero Chaos. Not only can he attack most characters from areas
where they cannot retaliate, but his ranging options all produce
obscene damage, whereas other rangers only get minor hits and whittle
away their opponent.

Warakia's strategy sounds surprisingly like a rushdown character's. Land
a hit, and combo your helpless opponent. The difference is, Warakia is
ALOT safer in general while attacking -- the opponent needs to predict his
next move in order to counter him, versus being able to counter on
reaction for most others.

The main exception is Ciel. Ciel is your worst matchup, and your worst
nightmare. You need to be much more conservative against her to win, which
can allow her to control the tide of the match. EX Heiro and her dash give
you fits, and her heat WILL beat your normals and punish you severely for
being predictable.

Getting Started:

LEARN WARAKIA'S LAUNCH STRING! Most of your high damage opportunities
revolve around finding a way to link this into a landed attack, whether
that attack is a tornado, EX Forward Cut, landed illusion, or random poke.

Whiff Cancels: Cancel your normals with end lag into A attacks when they
are blocked. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT! It keeps you safe on block.

Backdash Cancels: 2C and 5C are great to backdash cancel on block, giving
you space to perform a tornado, summon a nightmare, or just get breathing

Anti air: 2B is unairblockable, and doubles as outprioritizing most jump
ins. Abuse it! It can CLEANLY beat Satsuki's ridiculously powerful Jump C.
On counter hit, follow up with 6C -> air combo or the launch string.

6C will also beat alot of attacks and allow you a free air combo if it

2C or 5C will stuff late jumps and hit people who jump away.

Avoid the temptation to use Cut! moves as anti air -- it isn't worth it.
Wara's Normals are far better suited to the task.

Mixup Game:

Warakia's strength is in his well rounded option selects. These will either
tick the opponent while keeping you safe, or force an opening, and many can
be hit confirmed.

Use: 2B -> 2C. This is one of his best mid range option selects. Continue
into launch on hit, backdash cancel into a summon or tornado on block,
or whiff cancel with 2A and hit 2C again.

5C: A long range option select. You can sometimes combo 2C after on hit,
depending on range. It's safe to backdash cancel, dash or just plain old
cancel this one as well.

Jumping: Abuse his multihit jump C. It doubles as having good range and
high priority.

Teleports: These get you out of many lockdowns and setups for free.
Among the things a teleport will 'dodge':

Shiki/Nanaya: Eyes of Direct Death
Hisui: Some Bento or Dust setups
Kohaku: Knockdown -> Mr. Chin if she even slightly mistimes it.
V.Sion: Wakeup Heat
Multiple Characters: Wakeup Charged unblockable.

Some of the above require anticipation of the setup. Learn the typical

Wakeup: Use the same options selects you normally would. Time your
attacks so they are forced to block on wakeup rather then try to trade
with 2A.

Instant Air Dash: Don't use this often. Wara dashes fast and far, but
he can't attack until very late in the dash. Use C most of the time.

Defending yourself:

EX Tornado: Most of your EX meter should be spent using this move. This
will FORCE the opponent to back off if they are in front of you, no
questions asked. IT CAN BE STUFFED! Make sure you have the 5 or so
frames you need for it's startup when attempting it.

It does ok damage, allows you a free guessing game when they tech
(dash under/unairblockable followup/land on a tornado/2C/other options)
and is your all purpose "I need breathing room" move. It's safe on block
if they are close enough.

Shield Bunkers/Counters/Last Arcs: His bunker is effective enough to be
usable and allows for an easy 3k damage if it hits. Learn your opponents
common strings and punch through them.

His Counters/Last Arcs are functional, if needed, though not spectacular.
Worth using, but not worth going out of your way to land.


Warakia’s combo repertoire is open ended, but primarily revolves around
landing his launch string. Learn it until it becomes second nature, and
use it like it's going out of style.

Primary combo focuses:
For jumping attacks, I will use the notation 8. However you may need to use
7, 8, or 9 depending on the combo/your position as relative to your opponent.

I’m going to avoid basic stuff like 2C -> Cut! (Forward). This stuff you
could figure out after 2 seconds in training mode. I’ll mostly try and
concentrate on the most efficient combos.

Bread and Butter:
First off, Warakia's Air Launch/Chain, and most important BNB:

2C, 5C, 8B (one hit), 8C, doublejump, 8B, (ender). In any combo
where I indicate the “Air Launch” that means this combo. Note that you COULD
toss some As in there, but the new damage scaling makes this often not worth
it (You often end up with LESS damage.)

Wara's ender options are Air Dash - Air throw, or Creature Channel
(any version). EX Creature Channel does the most damage as an ender but
requires meter and sometimes leaves you at awkward positioning after.

Train yourself to follow up your tornados on hit with the following:

A (tap): Air launch. (the timing on the 2C is tight for this, mash it
until you learn it.

A (hold): 5C, 8B (one hit), 8C, doublejump, 8B

B (tap): 5C, 8B (one hit), 8C, doublejump, 8B (this usually doesnt
combo fully unless the opponent is near the corner)

B (hold): Dash, Air Launch.

Followup your Summons with Tornados, and you have guaranteed followups to
them on hit, while staying safe on block.

Akaakiha Summon, A (hold) Tornado, air launch.

(long Distance) Chaos or Nanaya Summon, B (Hold) tornado, Dash,
air launch.

Other Combos:

Anti air 2B (counter hit), 6C, 8B, 8C, double jump, 8B, EX Creature Channel
(6C in general works this way)
(more to be added later)

V. Credits

CjayC: Much love for one of the greatest gaming sites in history,

The Eternal Romancia folks @ :
As usual =) As well as the #Melltyblood crew.

This includes in no particular order: Linalys, Bellreisa,
Master Chibi, Mad Tea Party, Raven, LK, and many others.

Move Names courtesy of Bellreisa as well as below:
just give credit to Security Bulletin #17
and floogy
and somethingclever

*nod nod*

VI: Change Log

This is FAQ Version 1.0 The Change log follows.

1.0: Everything!

You can contact me regarding this FAQ at
Please make the subject line of your email relevant to the FAQ.
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