Melty Blood React

Melty Blood React

18.10.2013 04:54:23
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Through the Looking-Glass, Fairy Tale Transparently


Melty Blood ReACT General FAQ

Game version: 2.009a
FAQ version: 3.000

written by kalciane, started 6/1/04
"New threads. New attitude. The new Kensou's coming at you!"

The most current version of this document will always be found at:

The latest patch for the game can be found at:

Discussion of this and other doujinshi fighters can be found at:

This FAQ is currently only supposed to be posted at

This FAQ is copyright kalciane 2005. You are free to use it as long as
permission is granted. None of the contents here may be used or sold for
profit or enlarging your ego on the Internet.

Table of Contents

I. Latest Revision

* A documentation of the last revision to this FAQ, translated changelog
from the last patch, and so forth. All changes previous to version 3.000
are deprecated and are here only for archival purposes.

II. Engine

* Movement
- Covers basic maneuvers, directional jump, wallslam, groundslam, corner
differences, teching, character gravity, and character wakeup.

* Attacks
- Covers chaining, throws, charged moves, clashing, counterhits, and
critical hits.

* Shielding
- Covers shielding, shield bunkers, shield counters, and Last Arcs.

* Meters
- Covers red life, yellow life, circuit gain, damage scaling, proration, and
life ratings.

* Heat/Blood Heat
- Covers heat, life regeneration, blood heat, and heat burst.

* Advanced Techniques
- Covers chain resetting, tech punish, guard break, whiff cancelling, heat
burst, and IAD chaining.

III. Movelists

* Damage, proration, properties, and other stuff about characters' normals,
specials, EX, Arc Drives, Last Arcs, Shield Counters, Shield Bunkers, and
any other miscellaneous things.

IV. Move Names

* Translated (real) names of the moves.

V. Glossary

* A definition of the slang and terms used in this FAQ and general fighting
game fandom.

VI. Credits

* People who have helped in the creation and maintenance of this FAQ.

I. Latest Revision

3.000 - 6/18/2005

* Added a bit of errata about Kohaku's EX Sword. The next revision of this FAQ
will cover the final patch for this game.

3.000 - 4/19/2005

* Minor corrections, added Whiff Chaining to Advanced Techniques courtesy of

3.000 - 2/2/2005

* FAQ has a much more streamlined look now. Also added in detailed
information about everyone's everything; removed the hiddens for the time
being. Still don't have any translated movelists, though. If anyone sees
something wrong please correct me at, or post a message on
my forum at

This FAQ could not have been written without linalys' assistance. Thank you
for all your help.

Thanks go out to Security Bulletin #17 and EvoSpace from Beast's Lair in help
with the translated move names.

Note: All changes listed below previous to version 3.000 are deprecated and
are here strictly for archival purposes.

Things To Do:

- Verify Sions, Warc, and Wala's damages, techability, airblockability

- Combo Damage Scaling
- Life-Dependent Damage Scaling
- Air blockability of ground shield counters
- Which moves can't be shielded
- Movelist Translations: Shikis' 22, Ren's 421, Satsuki's 63214


* Updated FAQ for version 2.009a.


* OTGs were toned down quite a bit. A lot of moves that used to "pick
characters up" off the ground after a knockdown don't do so anymore, such
as Shiki's 2C->236B and Ren's 2B->2B->5B.

* Heat and Blood Heat activation doesn't allow you to combo afterwards. This
is actually an old change, but I forgot to mention it till now.

* This will be the last update for a while. My interest in this game is
waning drastically because of these patches, which are coming out more and
more sporadically.


* Updated FAQ for version 2.008. Also added in defense equations introduced
in 2.007; I hadn't put them in previously because I didn't like 2.007. The
info is in the Meters section under Gameplay Changes; many thanks to
linalys for the help. Note that things such as specific OTG properties of a
character's move and damage proration will not be included right now. I've
decided that I will rewrite the FAQ to be much more comprehensive once
Watanabe finalizes the game, instead of working every three weeks on it.


* Fixed a bug where a character always had Max Circuit-level defense
* Fixed a bug with drawing shadows.
* Fixed a bug with a character's cut-in during replays.
* Fixed a bug that glitched the 2nd page of replays.
* General bugfixes.
* It sounds like some random sound effects were inserted, and there's a
few more animation frames here and there.


* Fixed timing for shields.
* Fixed error with jumping after immediately landing. (?)
* "Compensation Value" defense gauge was added in Training mode to show
the proration of damage.


* You can charge A and B Ice Blades: A will inflict massive hitstun and
keep them standing; B will send both high and low out at the same time.
* Added 421 moves; they're teleports. A will make Ren reappear as a cat
and move halfway across the screen; B is a fakeout jump; C is a fakeout
run that only moves her slightly forward.


* Changed 421 moves; they're teleports. A will move Walachia halfway
across the screen, but never behind his enemy; B will move Walachia
behind his enemy; C will move Walachia halfway across the screen.
* 421 can now be done in the air, where it will actually deal damage.
Recovery is MUCH improved now.


* 236A/B now moves her forward a LOT. 236C remains the same, though.


* Air C is now cancellable normally.
* 236 attacks go forward; A a bit, B a lot.


* Bladesinger (623A/B/C) is altered. It now charges a LOT faster, and all
versions inflict enough stun to combo from. You can charge it up to two
"sparks", resulting in three varying levels of damage. The first level
will juggle the enemy up, the second will leave them on the ground, and
the third will make Ciel switch sides. (First: 3 hits, 2429 damage;
Second: 3 hits, 3138 damage; Third: 3 hits, 4744 damage, unblockable)
* You can super cancel the 2nd and 3rd hits of her EX Flip Kick with any
other EX or Arc Drive move if it hits or is blocked.


* 214A now knocks down.
* No OTG is possible after 6C -> 4C.
* B throw changed; it tosses them much farther away now.

Sion (Vampire)

* 214A now knocks down.
* No OTG is possible after 6C -> 4C.
* No OTG is possible after Bite (41236C).
* EX Katto Upper (623C) has more startup and deals less damage.
* B throw changed; it tosses them much farther away now.

Shiki Tohno

* Damage prorations adjusted.
* A Anti-Air Kick's second hit won't land on some shorter characters at
point blank.
* Lag time after an airdash was increased.
* Lag time after EX Slide and EX Dash Cut was reduced.

Shiki Nanaya

* Changed damage proration on C.
* Eyes of Direct Death hit judgement fixed.
* If you hit with Anti-Air Kick, you can cancel into his 22 dive.

Hisui & Kohaku

* You can now command the non-active sister while they're walking.
* Maid Beatdown changed; it's an all-or-nothing super now, but with
updated animation. You can't juggle after it anymore. It deals less
damage, and you can't cancel it prematurely.
* 214D changed to 63214C, so you regain Shield Bunkers with the duo.
* You cannot charge Hisui Hadouken if Kohaku is on point.


* Some bugfix with her Kungfu Kohaku, but I'm not sure exactly what.


* Lag time after an airdash was increased.
* You can't gain circuit off of her air EX Ladle-Fu anymore. However,
Hisui does float up in the air now, making it much easier to hit people
with it. I haven't gotten over 14 hits with it. Normal versions of the
move no longer have the strike at the end.


* You cannot airdash before a round. (You seem to be able to in training,
* Lag time after an airdash was increased.
* Reduced damage on 2B.
* Increased lag and animation on 22B.
* The rocket in her airdash can hit for damage now. This was around 2.007,
but I was too apathetic to update it then.


* 63214C changed into 632146C. The move is now tweaked so that while
there's a bit of startup before the super flash, it's a guaranteed bite
if they're in range afterwards.


* Ground throw moves them further away, out of combo range.
* 5C moves her farther forward. You can now only cancel this move into
* 6B juggles upwards now instead of leaving them on the ground, and
prorates damage.
* You can breakfall her 623C earlier now.


* Updated FAQ for version 2.007. A full rewrite for this FAQ is in order
soon; I pruned some old, outdated bits in it about the infinites and
engine, and simplified some explanations.

* There's a blurb about how defensive power was increased depending on your
life bar and character. Each character has a slightly different damage
index now, it'll be added later.

* Minor blurb about corrected the color of Arcueid's tail. (?)

* Some graphical bugfixes.

* Bugfix about saving Vs. replays.

* The game will return to the Vs. screen once a replay finishes.

* Pressing a button during a replay will fast-forward it. A is 1.5x, B is
2x, C is 4x, D is 8x, barring the limitations of your computer.

* Minor bugfixes all around.

* System:
- Bugfix with input response after a ground block.

* Akiha:
- You cannot ground breakfall her Reverse Uppercut (421A/B).

* Akiha (Reversed):
- You cannot ground breakfall her Reverse Uppercut (421A/B).
- Air EX Flame Tongue lasts shorter.
- You can low block her air 5A.
- EX Flame Creeper doesn't last the full screen anymore.

* Arcueid:
- 22A/B now goes forward a lot more, has a smaller hit box, and the A and
EX versions deals slightly less damage. You can also now airblock the 66
- Hit box and recovery on air 22A/B decreased and increased respectively.
(Side note: added the air 22A/B/EX section, no idea how I forgot about
- Air 2B changed majorly. Arcueid no longer drops down, and it deals less
- 4B hits twice, and once hits low, so it's more viable as a launcher. You
cannot cancel this move if it's blocked. Note that the charge version
still only hits once and deals less and is blockable.
- You cannot combo after her groundslam throw (hold 2 during throw).

* Ciel:
- 2B moves her forward more.
- Corrected a glitch that made her stand when trying to low block a shield
- EX Swords deals slightly more damage.

* Hisui:
- Throws more crap for EX Random Stuff-Fu.
- A new effect on her Hisui Hadouken to show how much it's charged.

* Kohaku:
- Her throws range seems to be decreased.
- Fixed unblockable glitch for her 2B's 2nd hit.
- 236A -> 236B tweaked to toss them back farther, and recovery was lowered.
- Kung-fu Kohaku will fly over a downed opponent instead of pushing against
- You can now backdash cancel her 5C.
- There's a bit more startup for her Blood Heat Kung-fu Kohaku.
- 22A comes out faster.

* Mech-Hisui:
- 623A/B/EX tweaked a bit; looks like there's a bit more animation, but I
could just be seeing things. It's apparently easier to hit with now, and
the A version deals more while the EX deals less.
- Air EX Railgun tweaked so all the bits home in after a pause. Deals less
- A and B missiles tweaked. A goes up a bit, B shoots two.
- Electroshock is now super cancellable. B version deals slightly less.

* Miyako:
- You cannot hit with anything after her 236C hits.
- Her forward dash was tweaked, but I'm not sure how. (?)

* Nrvnqsr:
- 5C is now EX cancellable and juggles up when it hits.
- You can do things now during his air backdash.
- His backdash goes back farther.
- His ground throw hits more and tosses them back farther. You don't get
circuit from it anymore.
- Arc Drive (Beast super) is now unblockable, deal the same damage, but do
not wallslam.

* Ren:
- Ground and air ice blades are no longer persistent.
- EX Ice slowed down by a few frames.
- Improved shield bunker hit box and speed.
- First hit of 5C hits "higher", and first two hits are cancellable.
- 623A sped up, less recovery and startup.
- Air 2C deals a bit more damage.

* Satsuki:
- Added a new move, 64321C. It's sorta like a small version of V. Sion's
Bite super, deals a bit, heals a bit.
- Last Arc recovery is better; she can combo after it.

* Shiki Nanaya:
- Eyes of Direct Death is now blockable.
- He has a new teleport move with 22A/B/C. A makes him go halfway across
the screen and through characters, B is a fakeout, C is a feint.

* Shiki Tohno:
- His Last Arc is now completely invincible, and deals a bit more damage.
- Eyes of Direct Death is now unblockable, and you can hit with it OTG.
- He has a new teleport move with 22A/B/EX. A makes him go halfway across
the screen and through characters, B is a fakeout, C is an unblockable
teleport throw similar to Warcueid's.

* Sion:
- You can now air breakfall her 6B throw.
- You cannot combo after her air throw anymore.
- You can guard 214A crouching, but not 214B.

* Sion (Vampire):
- Arc Drive (Bite super) recovers less life now.
- You cannot combo after her B throw anymore.
- You cannot combo after her air throw anymore.

* Walachia:
- His sprite is smaller when crouching, leaving him less open.
- Kattos slowed down a bit.
- You cannot breakfall his Spinny Cape Deal anymore, and he'll recover

* Warcueid:
- Super armor was removed from her 2C.
- You can now airblock air 2C and C.
- Smaller hitbox and slightly larger recovery on 236A/B/EX.
- Lowered invincibility on 214C.
- Added command attack 3C. It's a delayed, blockable, but more powerful 2C
that moves her forward. You can only cancel this move if it's unblocked.


* Updated FAQ for version 2.006. NOT just a Ciel bugfix, there's tweaks for
everyone else:

* Akiha:
- Apparently she could not induce counterhits. This was corrected.

* Ciel:
- Corrected the Seventh Holy Scripture bug in 2.005.

* Kohaku:
- You can no longer do her Crackbaby Kohaku super if she is in Blood Heat
that is induced by doing a Crackbaby super. However, you can still do
this super if you activate Blood Heat normally. Basically, you can't
infinitely loop it anymore.

* Shiki Nanaya:
- 236A is now actually super cancellable into all of his EX moves.

* Sion (Vampire):
- 236 and 623 have larger blades and a slightly larger hitbox.
- 623B comes out a bit faster.

* Walachia:
- Fixed a glitch for after Walachia finishes blocking.
- There's been a tweak for his 623C, but I haven't figured out what it is
yet. Possibly something involving recovery time or juggle time.
- There's also tweaks for his non-EX Tornadoes, EX Katto Upper, and all of
his Katto Forwards involving damage, but I'm not sure what it is yet.

* Warcueid:
- Super armor time was increased on air 5B and 2C.


* Updated FAQ for version 2.005; these are my rough translations of the
changelog included with the .exe. Preliminary versions, of course; further
playtesting will mean the unknowns get more filled out.

* System:
- You can't land a Counter off a throw anymore.
- Characters no longer float as long when counterhit in the air. (Not sure
about this one...)
- Manual Heat and Blood Heat circuit length is now based on how full the
bar was when you did it; it doesn't fill all the way and drain instantly
if you activate with only a little circuit.

* Akiha:
- It is confirmed that Miyako and Nrvnqsr are supposed to have special
throw properties.

* Akiha (Reversed):
- It is confirmed that Miyako and Nrvnqsr are supposed to have special
throw properties.
- The second hit of her 2+B hits low. This means she can now double OTG
relaunch the entire cast reliably; however, the third hit will not land

* Arcueid:
- Can no longer has her Shield cancel off 623C.
- You cannot do her guard cancel dash if you do not have at least 50%
circuit, and doing the move will drain 50% circuit.

* Ciel:
- You cannot do her guard cancel dash if you do not have at least 50%
circuit, and doing the move will drain 50% circuit.
- You cannot airthrow a crouching opponent anymore.
- The bug where she could not do directional ground breakfall was fixed.
- A new bug was introduced: pressing C will make Ciel do her Seventh Holy
Scripture automatically if you are in Heat or Blood Heat.

* Hisui & Kohaku:
- A glitch with not hitting the ground after a vertical jump was fixed.

* Mech-Hisui:
- A glitch with not hitting the ground after a vertical jump was fixed.

* Miyako:
- Some minor bugfix with displaying an error message.

* Ren:
- Minor bugfix with inability to shield.

* Shiki Nanaya:
- You cannot ground breakfall his air throw.
- His airdash is tweaked so he doesn't recover to attack as fast.
- 236A is super cancellable, but not into 236C.

* Shiki Tohno:
- You cannot ground breakfall his air throw.

* Sion:
- Air 214B now deals 1 hit only and more damage.
- 421B is slower to come out. (I think.)
- You cannot do her guard cancel dash if you do not have at least 50%
circuit, and doing the move will drain 50% circuit. Although the
changelog says this, I was able to do it fine.
- A glitch with not hitting the ground after a vertical jump was fixed.

* Sion (Vampire):
- A glitch with not hitting the ground after a vertical jump was fixed.

* Warcueid:
- Cannot do anything after her air throw now.
- 5C and air 5B hitboxes are larger.

* Next thing to do: add getup times for characters.


* Yay for discovering things I never would've figured out without the
- Arcueid can interrupt her 623C with low-shield before the finishing
swipe comes out.
* Minor note about corner differences.
* Minor errata on Shiki Tohno's EX Slide.


* Updating FAQ for version 2.004.
* Shiki Tohno's infinite has been removed (you can flip out after the
* Warcueid's infinite is still there, though.
* You now have a variety of breakfall options in the air: whereas previously
you could only do a neutral breakfall, now you can pick back, forward, or
neutral by holding the appropriate direction while pushing any button.
This is basically Street Fighter Alpha 3's breakfall system; in fact, the
entire juggling system is now greatly reminiscent of Alpha 3, but with
added OTG and wallslams.
* Problem with this addition is that Satsuki's crossunder mixup game is now
completely nerfed.
* Ren's Shield Bunker no longer drains circuit.
* Added some Nanaya and Warcueid errata.


* Updating FAQ for version 2.003, props to VManofMana from's forums
and linalys from Beast's Lair.
* Minor changes to Hisui & Kohaku, Miyako, and Warcueid's manual entries.
* According to rough Japanese online translators, this was mostly a bug and
stability fix.
* Hisui & Kohaku's Maid Beatdown deals a teeny bit more damage. (Woo.)
* The Shikis were NOT toned down.
* Walachia's Night on the Blood Liar glitch is fixed.
* Ren has an intro pose now.
* Arcueid can now chain 2B, C. Major step up to help her game, IMO.
* Miyako's air throw can not grab ground opponents, and cannot be comboed
after. But it deals a little more.
* The Akihas' EX Flame Tongue is back to 100% circuit usage. EX Flame Pits
now will always drain Blood Heat.
* Warcueid walks a bit faster.
* Added some major errata to White Ren; she's not been revised since the
original, so she can still OTG throw, combo after throw, and such.
* Added some errata for the Sions' throws.
* Added infinite info. Shiki Tohno and Warcueid have one.
* Added Sion errata.
* Reordered G-Akiha after Executioner Ciel instead of before. Dur, I R smrt.
* Added in some character OTG info, after experimenting with Reversed Akiha;
this is all in her section, since she's the only one who can OTG combo in
such a way.
* The Akihas' throws are no longer variable against Sion. They still are
against Miyako, though, and now Nrvnqsr's suspectible to them too.


* Updating FAQ for version 2.002, mostly thanks to Anon Spectre:
* Ren and Satsuki's throws are now breakfallable.
* Ren's 5C's last hit can be buffered, it hits 5 times instead of 4, and it
will completely wiff OTG.
* Arcueid's throw infinite has been removed.
* Arcueid's A Uppercut can now only hit 5 times max.
* Arcueid's 4B can now be charged.
* Akiha (Reversed)'s Activation now wallslams.
* 300% EX moves no longer have variable circuit drains (with two
* Satsuki and Nanaya's 300% EX moves are now unblockable.
* Miyako's A Dynamite Punch has been sped up.
* Arcueid, Warcueid, and Shiki Tohno' 5C charge move is unblockable. With
Shiki, it can be blocked if at just the right distance.
* Hisui and Shiki Tohno's Last Arc drains all circuit.
* Automatically reloading Sion's gun is slower than manually doing it.
* Walachia's EX Kyasutto deals more hits and slightly less damage up close.
* Minor errata for the Shikis.


* Removed Strategy section. If people want to send stuff in that's fine, but
there's too much out there right now for me to want to compile it by
myself. The forums have a few ReACT threads, as do the
GameFAQs boards.
* Added Giant Attack Mode.
* Removed Personal Opinions.
* Added stuff about dash characters, and Eyes of Direct Death blockability.
* This will probably be the last update for a while.


* Just some editing for now, after the massive 14-hour rewrite-a-thon.
* Some minor cleanup for Ciel, Hisui & Kohaku, Mech-Hisui, Miyako, Nrvnqsr,
Ren, Sion (Vampire), Walachia, Warcueid.
* Changed the spelling to "Neco-Arc". It looks cuter.
* I like "Ren" better, so it stays.
* Saw a Japanese combo video, adding some errata...
* Arcueid's Shiki-specific Last Arc.
* Ciel's full damage info for her Last Arc.
* Juggle potential of Shiki Tohno, Akiha (Reversed), and Nrvnqsr's Last Arc.
* Range of Shiki Nanaya's Last Arc.


* Okay, so I lied. Here, a rewrite with integrated errata, separate move
descriptions, and damage totals. Still no real movenames, though. The
hiddens do not have a full rewrite simply because they don't have full
* Added some info on damage scaling for jumping/crouching characters.
* Shield Bunkers can be done from blockstun, but eat circuit.
* Added info on critical hits.
* Added percentage gains for blocked and landed basic hits.


* Added in a whole new whack of errata thanks to Anon Spectre.
* Characters whose Last Arc requires full circuit instead of getting it
* Wallslam/juggle info for Heat/Blood Heat activation.
* Throws which increase circuit.
* New Shield Counter/Bunker circuit percentage gain.
* New Shield Counter/Bunker information.
* Errata for Akiha, Akiha (Reversed), Aoko, Arcueid, Ciel, Mech-Hisui, Ren,
Shiki Nanaya, Satsuki, Shiki Tohno, Sion, Sion (Vampire), and Walachia.
* Changed some antiquated terms for: low airdashing (goshuJINsama), and some
characters' 300% EX moves.
* Removed the bit about MBRUnlocker.exe not working; new version's been made.
* Changed copyright notice. Apparently some people thought I was trying to
start something, which is not the case. I simply do not want to be involved
in their activities.


* Updated the FAQ for ReACT 2.001. Changes include:
* Hisui & Warakia's improved Blood Heat Arc Drive
* Miyako and both Akiha's improved Last Arc.
* Attack data info in Training mode.
* The game seems more stable now, and doesn't cause massive memory issues if
you play it for a prolonged time.
* The 300% shield/circuit glitch is fixed. (I knew it was a glitch!)
* The floating character glitch seems fixed as well.
* Ren can no longer OTG throw, except against Ren.
* Corrected the command for Arcueid's Uppercut, and added in her infinite
A Uppercut (J-ReACT BBS). Corrected command for Dash Swipe (tkhm).
* Corrected romanization of "Satsuki Yumizuka". (Desturel)
* Major change to the Strats section. Almost all of the infinites and 100%
combos in the game have been rendered impossible. Arcueid still has her
(limited) infinite.
* There is now a "three wallslams maximum" rule.
* Damage scaled more severely in 2.001. 50-60% combos now will only deal
* Airdashes toned down. They're slower, and double midair C attacks are
harder to pull off (but still possible with characters that have short
jumps, like Ren).


* Added some personal opinions.
* Added some general info on chargeable specials. Only Kohaku and Ciel seem
to have them; anyone else know of any more?
* More strats for Akiha, Reversed Akiha (yukinose), Hisui & Kohaku, Miyako
(linalys), Ren (J-boards), and Satsuki (VManofMana, yukinose).
* Added errata on Akiha/Akiha (Reversed)'s Fire Pit thanks to alextansc.
* Added errata on Nrvnqsr's Crows, Ren's 5+C blockability, Warcueid's jump.
* Important: added an update from Watanabe Productions about the bugs in
ReACT. See below in To Do List.
* Added errata on Akiha's throw against Miyako, revised the bugs/secrets
section to account for MBRUnlocker.exe.


* Adding more strategies...
* Added everyone's Shield Counters.
* Updated life ratings. Simple version: Ren/White Ren and Warcueid all take
110%, Akiha (Reversed) takes 120%.
* Updated info on 300% circuit without automatic Heat thanks to linalys.
* Added some Walachia info thanks to Mellow RG.
* Added some tactics seen in Japanese MB replays, specifically for Ren's
corner infinite and Last Arc.


* Added more glitches, errata, and combos thanks to alextansc and linalys.
* Kohaku and Nrvnqsr's character gravity verified (they can be OTG thrown by
* Bit more info on the Universal Infinite and New Universal Infinite. At this
time the New Universal Infinite seems to only work on Nrvnqsr and Walachia.
* Reworked wall/OTG rules section.
* Removed Flow.
* Replaced all instances of "7 jump cancel" with "9 jump cancel", I'm an
* Added in errata about normal/command moves that chip.
* Tweaked the Gameplay Changes section.
* More formatting. It's not as ugly as it was before! Really!
* Added in temporary movelists for the hiddens.
* Added in G-Akiha's placeholder movelist.


* Added all known infinites at this point, done by Kamo.
* Removed the Rankings section. It doesn't matter anymore.
* Added a new section to Engine, the New Universal Infinite.
* More errata, specifically about character gravity.


* Added some further errata thanks to alextansc, Anon Spectre, and SS7MH from
the GameFAQs boards and linalys and tjm from Beast's Lair:
* Added new info for just about everyone.
* Brief descriptions of the hiddens' moves.
* Added a Strategy section.
* Added errata here and there.
* Added Wallslam properties in Engine.
* Added Shield Bunker info.
* Added 300% EX meter drain info.
* Redid the formatting a bit.
* Updated the status of the hiddens' potential to be unlocked (short version:
right now, they can't be).


* Movelist mostly done, pending some error checks. All the 4/8 matches are


* Movelist almost done. Am finishing up the predetermined matches, added a
bit of information about Counters.


* Added info on charge moves, and launchers.


* More info added... everyone's Last Arcs (except for the hiddens) and engine


* Added some sections and more information.


* Started the FAQ.

II. Engine

Melty Blood ReACT is the sequel to the very popular Melty Blood, a fan-made
fighting game for the Windows platform. The story is deep and involved, but
will not be covered here. Instead, this FAQ will focus on gameplay elements in
what has to be one of the better doujinshi fighting games in existence.

A couple of things before you start: the notation I will be using is as

7 8 9
4 5 6 A B C D
1 2 3

where the numbers represent joystick directions if the player was facing
right (1P), A is light, B is medium, C is heavy, and D is shield. Melty
Blood ReACT only has three types of attacks and a shield button, which serves
as a multi-purpose parry and counter button.

The game has several modes of play:

* Story Mode: This is from the original Melty Blood, nothing new here. You
play Shiki Tohno and go through a series of pathsplits to get to various

* Arcade Mode: This is the new feature. Each character has their own path,
but the story is generally the same. You fight randomized enemies for every
battle except for the fourth, eighth, and last two fights. All of the
enemies in the preset fights have permanently filled circuits.

* Versus Mode: Just a normal, non-plot mode for pure fighting. You can play
someone else, the AI, or watch replays of matches.

* Giant Attack: A hidden mode. Hold Shield when you select Arcade. In this
mode you will fight a single round against G-Akiha and be timed as to how
fast you can beat her.


* All characters have the following mobility options: (commands are assuming
you are 1P)

- Walk Towards: Hold 6
- Walk Away: Hold 4
- Dash/Run Towards: Tap 66
- Dash Away: Tap 44
- Crouch: Hold 1, 2, or 3
- Jump Up: Tap 8
- Jump Towards: Tap 9
- Jump Away: Tap 7
- Super Jump: Tap 2, then 7 or 9
- Double Jump: Tap 7, 8, or 9 after jumping
- Airdash Towards: Tap 66 in air
- Airdash Away: Tap 44 in air
- Instant Air Dash Towards: Tap 96
- Instant Air Dash Away: Tap 74
- Directional Jump: Hold 4 or 6 after 8
- Tech (Air): Press any button after hitstun ends
- Tech (Ground): Tap 44, 88, or 66 just before touching to the ground

* You can airdash and doublejump freely, i.e. airdash, then doublejump in no
given order. Runs, dashes, and airdashes vary from character to character.
Airdashing from a ground dash will make you do a quick, long airdash.

* Most characters can control the direction of their neutral jump by holding 4
or 6 after pressing 8. The only ones that cannot are Ren, Mech-Hisui, and

* Certain moves will cause recoil against the ground ("groundslam") or wall
("wallslam"). There are limits to the number of times you can ground or
wallslam someone: after touching either the ground or wall twice, the
character being hit will become invincible and no further attacks will hit
them. Wall and groundslams in the same combo add to the same total. Some
moves and attack strings can bypass this rule, however.

* The corners are not equal. It is possible to cross up and switch sides on
the right corner with moves that do not cross up in the left corner. (This,
interestingly enough, is the exact opposite of the same corner phenomenon
in certain Capcom games, notably Street Fighter Alpha 3 and the Capcom vs.
SNK series.)

* To prevent infinites and unescapable loops, characters can flip out and
recover both on the ground and in the air (referred from hereon as
"teching"). To tech, simply press any button after the hitstun from an
attack has ended. You can also hold 4 or 6 to tech back or forwards. Teching
will grant you invincibility for the duration of your flip. (As of 2.009a,
there are still four or five infinites in the game.)

* Certain characters fall faster than others, making some OTG combos and such
not work. Here's an approximate chart:

- Very Fast: Satsuki
- Fast: Ciel, Miyako, Ren
- Normal: Akiha, Akiha (Reversed), Arcueid, Hisui, Kohaku, Mech-Hisui,
Nrvnqsr, Sion, Sion (Vampire), Walachia, Warcueid
- Slow: Shiki Nanaya, Shiki Tohno

* Characters also have variable wakeup rates from the ground. Some rough

- Very Fast: Akiha, Akiha (Reversed), Miyako, Ren, Satsuki
- Fast: Sion, V. Sion
- Normal: Ciel, Nrvnqsr, Walachia
- Slow: Arcueid, Shiki Nanaya, Shiki Tohno, Warcueid
- Very Slow: Hisui, Mech Hisui


* The basis of most attacks in Melty Blood ReACT is chaining. With few
exceptions, you can chain any normal attack into almost any other maneuver
in the game. This includes another normal attack not the same as the
previous one (except for A attacks), backdashes, jumps, special moves, EX
moves, and Arc Drives. Exceptions will be specified in the movelist.

* Most normals are both special and super cancellable, and most special moves
are super cancellable. (For sake of convenience, "supers" refer to both EX
moves and Arc Drives in this case.) These will be specified in the character
movelists. Note that any super cancel will automatically prorate on top of
any prorations that already exist. Every subsequent super cancel in a combo
will further prorate damage by approximately 73%.

* To throw someone, press 4 or 6 and either B or C (most characters do not
have a B throw). Throws cannot be escaped, but you can tech most of them

* Certain normals, specials, and EX moves can be "charged" to increase and
change their affects: simply hold the button down and watch for the telltale

* When normals, specials, EX moves, or Arc Drives hit another move at the same
time, they will "clash" with a white spark. A clash will basically render
both attacks ineffective, but both parties will continue with their move
unless either one or the other is hit out of it.

* A counterhit is when you hit an enemy with an attack that stops theirs from
coming out. When this happens, the hit will gain extra hitstun, allowing for
combos not normally possible. If a counter happens in the air, the enemy
will not fall back as normal but will be juggled up into the air where you
can combo them further. They also cannot tech this juggle.

* There are critical hits are in the game. Once in a while your character
will deal more than normal on a move, about 101-125%. This seems to be
determined totally at random, and the screen will flicker red very quickly
when it happens. The easiest way to land criticals is to land a move that
has a high hit count, to increase probability.

* One thing to remember is that you cannot die from chip damage.


* Shielding is the equivalent of the game's "parry", a maneuver where you
attempt to deflect an incoming attack. To do it, press the D button while
jumping, standing, or crouching. If you time it right, you can nullify the
enemy's attack and counterattack with any move, EX move, Arc Drive, or even
shield-only moves (specified below). To prevent shield abuse, there is a
fair bit of recovery afterwards. Also, not all characters have the same area
of affect when shielding.

* All characters have a Shield Bunker, which is done by pressing 214D. You can
even do this while blocking. Your character will spark with a shield frame,
then do an attack at a cost of 50% circuit if it lands (you will be drained
to 0% if you don't have 50% available). You can do Shield Bunkers by
themselves, but they will only work properly (i.e. allow you to air combo
afterwards) if you do shield an attack with the initial frames. When they
don't catch an attack, Shield Bunkers cannot always be cancelled into other
moves or jumps/dashes. Most Shield Bunkers do not cause chip damage.

* All characters have a Shield Counter, which is done by doing 236D after a
successful shield. Depending on what kind of shield it was, the Shield
Counter will have different effects. Shield Counters have an EX move flash
but do not cost circuit. Crouching Shield Counters are always of the "dash"
or "switch sides" variety, and can be cancelled early by doing a move or
pressing a direction. A Shield Counter that is simply an EX move will not
increase meter like the EX move would.

* All characters have a Last Arc, which is triggered when shielding while in
Blood Heat. Some characters need to shield when in midair, some while
standing, some while crouching. This will prompt an automatic retaliatory
move which deals significant damage at no circuit cost.


* When you lose life, you have a reddish portion of your bar that shows up.
This is energy that can be regenerated by entering Heat or Blood Heat. Being
hit will drain your normal, yellow life and a bit of your red, regenerative
potential life.

* You cannot gain circuit when you are idle, not hitting the enemy, performing
a throw, an EX move, or being thrown. Some characters, however, can gain
circuit from a throw or EX move.

* Here's a list of meter increases for the game:

- Blocked A: slightly less than 5.8%
- Blocked B: slightly greater than 7.2%
- Blocked C: slightly greater than 14.4%
- A: 6.8%
- B: 8.5%
- C: 17%

- Throws, Specials, and EX Moves accumulate circuit on their own properties
- Arc Drives accumulate NO circuit

- Blocked Shield Bunker: slightly greater than 14.4%
- Blocked Shield Counter: Depends on the counter
- Shield: 20%
- Shield Bunker: 17% (with exceptions)
- Shield Counter: 20% + attack afterwards (with exceptions)

* A shielded attack will not yield circuit. You also do not gain circuit if
you shield while in Heat or Blood Heat. Also, attacks done in combos do not
net the same amount of circuit as it would by itself.

* When you do a combo, damage proration takes effect. Any combo that involves
a move that has proration will have its total damage scaled after that hit
by the percentage specified. This percentage can only go down, not up. For
example, if Akiha does a combo with 2A, her damage immediately is scaled by
75%. Following it up with a 2C will lower it to 68%, and any subsequent hit
will be at 68% of its normal damage value.

* Combo damage scaling goes as follows:

- 1st hit: 100%
- 2nd hit: 98.8%
- 3rd hit: 97.3%


* There are two kinds of damage proration in the game in addition to normal
combo scaling: fixed and scaled proration. Most characters have fixed
proration for their moves, where any further damage is scaled down to a
certain percentage. Some moves, like Ciel's j.C and Shiki's 5C, are scaled
proration which will prorate the current percentage down even further. For
example, if you're at 100% damage, doing Shiki's 5C will scale damage down
to 75%. Doing 5C when you're at 75% damage will scale things down to about
56% (this is on top of normal combo damage scaling as well, where more hits
means gradually less damage).

* Super cancelling works off of scaled proration. It will automatically
prorate damage to 65%, and by 73% of its current value if it's below 65%. It
will keep doing this for every subsequent super cancel in the same combo.

* Every character has a distinct life rating which scales the amount of
damage that they take.

- 85% Damage: Hisui, Mech-Hisui
- 90% Damage: Akiha, Arcueid, Ciel, Kohaku, Nrvnqsr, Sion, Shiki Tohno
- 100% Damage: Miyako, Satsuki, Shiki Nanaya, Sion (Vampire), Warcueid
- 110% Damage: Akiha (Reversed), Ren, Walachia

* Crouching characters take about 7% more damage. Jumping characters take
about 9% less damage.

* In addition to all this, there is additional damage scaling according to how
much life one has remaining.


Heat/Blood Heat

* The Blood Heat system replaces the previous, simpler system of "three
levels in a single super bar". Instead of storing 300% circuit, you will
automatically go into Heat mode once you hit 300%. You can also manually
enter Heat mode if you tap 222D with at least 100% circuit.

* While in Heat, your character's circuit will deplete gradually, and your
character will have a bluish aura. You will regenerate red life slowly as
long as you are not blocking, being thrown or hit, or getting up. Your Heat
circuit will not deplete if you are being thrown or touching the ground.

* You can do a normal EX move for about 25% circuit. Heat mode is also the
only time you can do an Arc Drive, which will empty your circuit back to
150% if you entered Heat automatically. Letting the bar run out by itself
will also leave the circuit at 150%. If you manually entered Heat mode, you
will end up at 0% if it runs out or if you do an Arc Drive. Manually
invoking Heat will shorten the duration depending on how much circuit you
had when you did it.

* If you tap 222D while in automatic Heat, you will enter Blood Heat. While
in Blood Heat, your character's circuit will deplete gradually, and your
character will have a white or fiery aura. You will regenerate life *very*
quickly as long as you are not blocking, being thrown or hit, or getting
up. Your Heat circuit will not deplete if you are being thrown or touching
the ground.

* In Blood Heat, you can execute a more powerful version of your character's
Arc Drive. This will instantly empty your circuit back down to 0%. You can
still execute normal EX moves with a 25% circuit cost. Once the Blood Heat
circuit drains, you will be left at 0% circuit. The available time is
determined by how full the bar was when you executed the 222D.

* Invoking Heat or Blood Heat will make your character flash for a moment.
This flash can hit the enemy, but won't kill them. It has absolute priority
and will either wallslam or juggle if it hits (some characters have
exceptions), and is unblockable. However, you cannot combo them off the

Advanced Techniques

* Chain Resetting

Chain resetting involves using a whiff cancel during a combo to allow you to
use more than one of the same normal within. The easiest example of this
would be to use Akiha and do 2C 5C 2A (whiffed) 2C 5C in the corner.
Normally you are not allowed to do 2C 5C again since it's still one combo,
but chain resetting with the 2A permits this.

* Whiff Chaining

Whiff chaining is similar to chain resetting, but instead of resetting your
normal count, it is maintained as a single combo. Whiff chaining is done by
executing a heavy normal, then whiff cancelling with a 5A or 2A, and doing
another middle or heavy normal as one continuous combo. Executed properly,
you will not be able to use the first normal afterwards. Whiff chaining
currently has no practical value.

* Tech Punishing

In certain situations, it's more advantageous to take the extra damage from
a certain move than it is to tech out. A good example of this is against
Ren, near halfway across the screen after she finishes a combo with an
airthrow. Ren can do an air EX Ice immediately after the airthrow, and at a
certain range it will catch any enemy fully if they tech out of it on the
ground. In this situation it's better to simply not tech and take the extra
damage, which will be scaled down since it's part of the same combo, even
though the combo itself will come up as "invalid".

* Guard Break

A guard break involves placing your enemy in blockstun in the air, then
using a move that cannot be air blocked. The most practical example of this
is to do Nrvnqsr's EX Crows when an enemy jumps in at you, forcing them to
take the move or block it. Most of the time they will block. Once they are,
do his 2C and they will be unable to defend.

* Whiff Cancelling

Whiff cancelling utilizes the speed of A attacks to stop the recovery of an
otherwise-slow normal move. For example, Arcueid's 2C is extremely slow to
recover, leading her to be punished if it's blocked. However, if you have
not previously used 2A or 5A in your chain, you can press either and she
will quickly do her A attack and be completely safe afterwards.

* Heat Burst

Heat burst is the simple technique of shifting momentum in a match by using
222D's unblockable property and Heat mode's life healing to go into a
defensive strategy. Most characters' Heat bursts wallslam, which gives you
room to get out of the corner and wait while your lifebar heals.

* IAD Chaining

Since you can cancel most normals into directional commands such as backdash
and jump, you can also do what's known as an "instant air dash", or "IAD"
for short. IAD chaining is merely the act of extending a combo by cancelling
one of its normals into an IAD and attacking from the air before landing to
continue. Note that you can only jump cancel exactly once during a combo,
and this rule cannot be reset unless you jump cancel a natural launcher.

III. Movelists


* Damage is calculated upon a 90% character without any damage proration,
since the majority of the characters are within the 90% bracket. Exceptions
to this are air throws, which cannot be done on the ground and
thus will reflect reduced damage from being in the air, and air shield
counters, which are a pain in the rear to find the ground values for.

* Unless otherwise specified, all moves can be super cancelled; all normals
can be chain, jump, dash, special, EX, and Arc Drive cancelled; all
crouching normals must be blocked low; all jumping normals must be blocked
high; all grounded normals cannot be airblocked; all specials deal chip
damage; all air specials can be blocked low; and all moves can be teched in
the air or on the ground, wherever appropriate.

Akiha Tohno

"Shibaraku atama wo hiyashinasai!"

Damage Ranking: 90%
Match 4: Shiki Nanaya
Match 8: Ciel
Heat Activation: Wallslam


* Standing

- A: A quick swipe. (1 hit, 270 damage, 75% prorate)

- B: A downwards swipe. This is the first hit of her 2-hit launcher. This
will knock crouching enemies down, and can be airblocked. (1 hit, 585

- C: A high kick. This will wallslam if it hits an airborne enemy. (1 hit,
1080 damage, 90% prorate)

* Crouching

- A: A quick jab. (1 hit, 315 damage, 75% prorate)

- B: A straight punch, the first hit of her command move. (1 hit, 450

- C: A long-ranged sweep, good for starting combos. You cannot tech this
move at all. (1 hit, 900 damage, 68% prorate)

* Jumping

- A: An angled down kick. This move can be blocked low. (1 hit, 270 damage,
72% prorate)

- B: A two-hit downwards swipe. (2 hits, 883 damage, 2nd hit 90% prorate)

- C: A full-body horizontal kick. (1 hit, 900 damage, 90% prorate)

* Charged

- 5B: Delayed version of her 5B. This move can be airblocked. (3 hits, 1699

* Command

- 2B x 3: Akiha does two low swipes, then comes from above with a third. The
last hit won't combo, but is an overhead and will juggle them
upwards. You cannot cancel the last hit. The first hit is mid, the
second is low, and the third is high. The second and third hits of
this move can be airblocked. (2+1 hits, 798+450 damage)

- 5B x 2: A mid blow, then an upwards swipe. Launches up for a juggle. This
move can be airblocked. (2 hits, 1020 damage, 2nd hit 90% prorate)

- 2C (air): Akiha flips and stomps her heel down. This will groundslam an
airborne enemy and end her jump trajectory. You cannot cancel
this move at all. (1 hit, 720 damage, 80% prorate)

- 4C: Akiha lashes out with a backhand blow. This move can be airblocked. (2
hits, 973 damage)

- 6C: Akiha does a cossack kick. This will wallslam if it hits an airborne
enemy. (1 hit, 540 damage, 80% prorate)


* Flame Tongue: 236A/B/C. This move cannot be super cancelled.

- A: Akiha cuts loose with a ribbon of flame. This comes out fast and goes
downwards, can be used in a combo. (3 hits, 958 damage)

- B: This version goes upwards and has a fair bit of startup, so it won't
combo. It deals a little bit more damage, though. (3 hits, 1045 damage)

- EX: Sends out both high and low flame ribbons. Note: damage for this move
varies due to the large number of hits invoking a high chance of
criticals. This move will net 20.4% circuit if it hits. (27 hits, 3130

- A (air): The flame tongues seem to always arc downwards, and only hits
once. This version will maintain Akiha's trajectory. (1 hit, 360

- B (air): The flame tongues seem to always arc downwards, and only hits
once. This version will make Akiha move back if she's jumping
towards the enemy. (1 hit, 360 damage)

- EX (air): This one has a bit of wider range, and kind of starts above
Akiha. This version will net up to 66.4% circuit back. (8 hits,
2562 damage)

* Flame Pit: 22A/B/C. This move cannot be super cancelled. Any enemy that
stands within the pit will gradually lose life. If an enemy has
Heat meter when they move in the pit, it will instantly drain
their Heat to 25%. The pit will disappear after about 30 seconds
real-time. Note that if you do the B Pit right next to your
enemy, nothing will come out.

- A: Akiha makes a pit of fire right in front of her. Tap the command again
to ignite it. (3 hits, 742 damage)

- B: Akiha makes a pit of fire right under the enemy, wherever they're
standing. This has a tiny bit more startup than A. (3 hits, 742 damage)

- EX: The fire pit will be created right in front of her. The EX version
drains life twice as fast, and will still drain Heat and Blood Heat.
The ignition field is much wider also. (6 hits, 1391 damage)

- A (air): Akiha will make the pit directly under her no matter which you
use. You cannot ignite a pit in mid-air. (3 hits, 742 damage)

- B (air): Akiha will make the pit directly under her no matter which you
use. You cannot ignite a pit in mid-air. (3 hits, 742 damage)

- EX (air): The fire pit will be created right in front of her. The EX
version drains life twice as fast, and will still drain Heat and
Blood Heat. The ignition field is much wider also. (6 hits, 1391

* Flame Column: 214A/B/C. This move cannot be super cancelled. Both the A
and B versions appear the same distance forward.

- A: Akiha ignites a flame column right in front of her. This has lag at the
end. (1 hit, 540 damage)

- B: Akiha ignites a flame column right in front of her. This has startup,
but no end lag so you can combo after it. (1 hit, 450 damage)

- EX: Akiha ignites a bigger column right under the enemy, wherever they
are. Has a bit of startup. You can combo after it. (8 hits, 2262

* Reverse Uppercut: 421A/B/C. This move cannot be super cancelled. You
cannot ground tech the A or B versions.

- A: Akiha turns around, swipes up, then down. (2 hits, 1181 damage)

- B: Akiha dashes up to you first, then does the swipe part. (4 hits, 1813

- EX: Almost the same as her B version, but the EX places Akiha in the air
for a followup air combo. (4 hits, 993 damage)


* Origami: 41236C during Heat or Blood Heat.

- Heat: Far away, this unleashes a gout of flame from one hand. This version
will wallslam. Close, she'll grab them and burn them in a column of
flame. This version will leave them in the air. You cannot tech this
move at all. Close version is unblockable. (Far: 13 hits, 3476
damage; Close: 31 hits, 4239 damage)

- Blood Heat: Same as the Heat version, but the screen goes ablaze and thus
can hit for some piddling damage. You can OTG combo after the
close version. You cannot tech this move at all. Close version
is unblockable. (Very Far: 3 hits, 1237 damage; Far: 13 hits,
4185 damage; Close: 47 hits, 5232 damage)


* Shield Bunker: A low, sliding swipe that will sweeps. This move must be
blocked low, and you cannot tech this move at all. You can
cancel this into anything. (1 hit, 900 damage, 75% prorate)

* Shield Counter

- Air: Her midair 2C command move, which will groundslam. (1 hit, 662 damage)

- Ground: Sends a bunch of flame tongues your way, high and low, while
walking forward. (21 hits, 2557 damage)

- Crouch: Dashes and switches sides.

* Last Arc: Done on the ground. Akiha will pull flame ribbons from the air
down at you. You can combo after this. (26 hits, 3844 damage, 80%


C: Akiha grabs the enemy by the face and channels fire into them. Against
Miyako and Nrvnqsr only, Akiha's throw will have a variable number of hits
and damage accordingly. Against everyone else, it will always hit seven
times. You cannot tech this throw at all. (7 hits, 1260 damage)

C (air): Akiha slams the enemy face-first with her legs. You cannot tech this
throw at all. (2 hits, 871 damage)

Akiha Tohno (Reversed)

"Sukoshi wa korita deshou?"

Damage Ranking: 110%
Match 4: Satsuki Yumizuka
Match 8: Shiki Nanaya
Heat Activation: Wallslam

Note: AkaAkiha cannot backdash cancel any of her normals. She can also airdash


* Standing

- A: A quick swipe. (1 hit, 270 damage, 75% prorate)

- B: A downwards swipe. This is the first hit of her 2-hit launcher. This
will knock crouching enemies down. The entire move has super armor, and
can be airblocked. (1 hit, 585 damage)

- C: A high kick. This will wallslam if it hits an airborne enemy. (1 hit,
1080 damage, 90% prorate)

* Crouching

- A: A quick jab. (1 hit, 315 damage, 75% prorate)

- B: A straight punch that hits multiple times, the first hit of her command
move. (3 hit, 1045 damage)

- C: A long-ranged sweep, good for starting combos. You cannot tech this
move at all. (1 hit, 900 damage, 68% prorate)

* Jumping

- A: An angled down kick. This move can be blocked low. (1 hit, 270 damage,
72% prorate)

- B: A high kick that serves as normal Akiha's C. (1 hit, 630 damage, 90%

- C: Akiha's 2C command attack, but AkaAkiha won't lose her air trajectory.
This will knock airborne enemies down. You cannot tech this move at
all. (1 hit, 900 damage)

* Charged

- 5B: Delayed version of her 5B. This move can be airblocked. (4 hits, 1588

* Command

- 2B x 3: AkaAkiha does two low swipes, then comes from above with a third.
The last hit is an overhead and will juggle them upwards. You
cannot cancel the last hit. The first hit is mid, the second low,
and the third is high. This move can be airblocked. (8 hits, 2163
damage, 8th hit 55% prorate)

- 5B x 2: A mid blow, then an upwards swipe. Launches up for a juggle. This
move can be airblocked. (2 hits, 1020 damage, 2nd hit 90% prorate)

- 4C: AkaAkiha lashes out with a backhand blow. This move can be airblocked.
(2 hits, 973 damage)

- 6C: AkaAkiha does a cossack kick. This will always wallslam an enemy. You
can forward dash cancel this move. (1 hit, 540 damage)


* Flame Tongue: 236A/B/C. This move cannot be super cancelled.

- A: AkaAkiha cuts loose with a ribbon of flame. This comes out fast and
goes downwards, can be used in a combo. (3 hits, 1045 damage)

- B: This version goes upwards. AkaAkiha's version has none of Akiha's
startup at all. (3 hits, 1045 damage)

- EX: Sends out both high and low flame ribbons. Note: damage for this move
varies due to the large number of hits invoking a high chance of
criticals. This move will net 20.4% circuit if it hits. (27 hits, 3133

- A (air): The flame tongues seem to always arc downwards, and only hits
once. This version will maintain AkaAkiha's trajectory. (1 hit,
360 damage)

- B (air): The flame tongues seem to always arc downwards, and only hits
once. This version will make AkaAkiha move back if she's jumping
towards the enemy. (1 hit, 360 damage)

- EX (air): This one has a bit of wider range, and kind of starts above
AkaAkiha. This version will net up to 66.4% circuit back. (8
hits, 2562 damage)

* Flame Pit: 22A/B/C. This move cannot be super cancelled. Any enemy that
stands within the pit will gradually lose life. If an enemy has
Heat meter when they move in the pit, it will instantly drain
their Heat to 25%. The pit will disappear after about 30 seconds
real-time. Note that if you do the B Pit right next to your
enemy, nothing will come out.

- A: AkaAkiha makes a pit of fire right in front of her. Tap the command
again to ignite it. (3 hits, 742 damage)

- B: AkaAkiha makes a pit of fire right under the enemy, wherever they're
standing. This has a tiny bit more startup than A. (3 hits, 742 damage)

- EX: The fire pit will be created right in front of her. The EX version
drains life twice as fast, and will still drain Heat and Blood Heat.
The ignition field is much wider also. (6 hits, 1391 damage)

- A (air): AkaAkiha will make the pit directly under her no matter which you
use. You cannot ignite a pit in mid-air. (3 hits, 742 damage)

- B (air): AkaAkiha will make the pit directly under her no matter which you
use. You cannot ignite a pit in mid-air. (3 hits, 742 damage)

- EX (air): The fire pit will be created right in front of her. The EX
version drains life twice as fast, and will still drain Heat and
Blood Heat. The ignition field is much wider also. (6 hits, 1391

* Flame Creeper: 214A/B/C.

- A: AkaAkiha ignites a series of flame columns right in front of her. (3
hits, 1045 damage)

- B: AkaAkiha ignites more flame columns. (5 hit, 1686 damage)

- EX: AkaAkiha ignites a column that crawls 90% across the screen. (15 hits,
2931 damage)

* Reverse Uppercut: 421A/B/C. This move cannot be super cancelled. You
cannot ground tech the A or B versions.

- A: AkaAkiha turns around, swipes up, then down. (2 hits, 1181 damage)

- B: Akiha dashes up to you first, then does the swipe part. (4 hits, 1813

- EX: Almost the same as her B version, but the EX places AkaAkiha in the
air for a followup air combo. (4 hits, 993 damage)


* Origami: 41236C during Heat or Blood Heat.

- Heat: Far away, this unleashes a gout of flame from one hand. This version
will wallslam. Close, she'll grab them and burn them in a column of
flame. This version will leave them in the air. You cannot tech this
move at all. Close version is unblockable. (Far: 13 hits, 3476
damage; Close: 31 hits, 4239 damage)

- Blood Heat: Same as the Heat version, but the screen goes ablaze and thus
can hit for some piddling damage. You can OTG combo after the
close version. You cannot tech this move at all. Close version
is unblockable. (Very Far: 3 hits, 1237 damage; Far: 13 hits,
4185 damage; Close: 47 hits, 5232 damage)


* Shield Bunker: A low, sliding swipe that will sweeps. This move must be
blocked low, and you cannot tech this move at all. You can
cancel this into anything. (1 hit, 700 damage, 70% prorate)

* Shield Counter

- Air: Her air EX Flame Ribbon. (8 hits, 2142 damage)

- Ground: Her EX Reverse Uppercut. (4 hits, 1095 damage)

- Crouch: Dashes and switches sides.

* Last Arc: Done on the ground. AkaAkiha will unleash a massive gout of flame
at the enemy. You can combo after this. (18 hits, 3769 damage)


C: AkaAkiha grabs the enemy by the face and channels fire into them. Against
Miyako and Nrvnqsr only, her throw will always hit ten times. Against
everyone else, it will always hit seven times. You cannot tech this throw
at all. This throw will drain life from her enemy and recover a bit of both
AkaAkiha's red and yellow life. (7 hits, 1260 damage; 10 hits, 1235 damage)

C (air): AkaAkiha slams the enemy face-first with her legs. You cannot tech this
throw at all. (2 hits, 871 damage)

Arcueid Brunestud

"Mou owari? Tsumanai!"

Damage Ranking: 90%
Match 4: Ciel
Match 8: Executioner Ciel
Heat Activation: Wallslam

Note: Arcueid's dash will switch sides with an enemy once she gets close.


* Standing

- A: An outwards slap. (1 hit, 360 damage, 75% prorate)

- B: A downwards slap. This move will knock airborne enemies down, and can
be airblocked. (1 hit, 630 damage, 70% prorate)

- C: A far-reaching punch. This can be ducked low if it's used alone, and
will wallslam an airborne enemy. If you press C again after hitting an
airborne enemy, Arcueid will do a special superjump to chase after
them. This move also cannot be jump or backdash cancelled. (1 hit, 900

* Crouching

- A: A quick jab. (1 hit, 360 damage, 72% prorate)

- B: A low kick, somewhat slow to recover. (1 hit, 450 damage)

- C: A curved swipe at the legs. You cannot tech this move at all. (1 hit,
900 damage, 70% prorate)

* Jumping

- A: An angled down jab. This move can be blocked low. (1 hit, 270 damage)

- B: A two-hit swipe with both arms. You cannot hit a grounded enemy with
the first hit, but both will land on in the air. (2 hits, 887 damage)

- C: An upwards kick. (1 hit, 900 damage)

* Charged

- 4B: Slower version of her 4B launcher. Only hits once, with less severe
damage scaling. This move must be blocked high. (1 hit, 810 damage,
75% prorate)

- 5B: Delayed version of her standing B which must be blocked high. This
will not knock the enemy down, and can be airblocked. (2 hits, 1330

- 5C: Very slow version of her standing C. Unblockable. This move cannot be
jump or backdash cancelled. (1 hit, 1800 damage)

* Command

- 2B (air): A diving swipe that knocks down, with noticeable lag at the end.
This move cannot be cancelled by itself, but you can cancel the ending
lag into EX moves or Arc Drive. Note that this move counts as a
special move so super cancelling will cause 65% proration. (1 hit, 675

- 3B: An uppercut that launches. You cannot cancel this move at all. (1 hit,
900 damage)

- 4B: A flying knee attack that launches. This counts as one of her jumps.
It will hit crouching characters (except for the really tiny ones).
The second hit of this move cannot be airblocked. You cannot cancel
this move at all if it is blocked. (2 hits, 1036 damage, 2nd hit 65%

- 2C (air): Arcueid pops up slightly in the air before doing a spinning
tackle with both arms. This move cannot be cancelled at all. The
first hit will chip or knock down an airborne enemy, and the
second hit will knock a crouching enemy down. (2 hits, 1286


* Rekka Ken: 236A/B/C x 3. The 214B finisher cannot be super cancelled, and
you are allowed to switch between the A and B versions for the
2nd hit. You cannot tech the A or B versions of this move at

- A: Arcueid does a swipe, then another, and third. The last one hits low.
Doing all three hits will move her halfway across the screen. (3 hits,
1560 damage)

- B: This version goes a lot farther, about 75% across the screen. (3 hits,
1912 damage)

- 214B: You can use this for the last hit instead of a third 236A/B. It's a
bit short-ranged but hits high instead of low. (1 hit, 720 damage)

- EX: Each swipe hits for more damage, and the last swipe wallslams and hits
low. (12 hits, 3281 damage)

* Uppercut: 22A/B/C, 66A/B/C, 22A/C. A multi-stage uppercut move. You can
super cancel into the EX finisher by using C instead of A or B
during any part of the move. Only the A version has the third
part. You can only do the followups if the first hit connects.
The EX finisher will wallslam and be untechable until they touch
the ground if they're close to the ground.

- A: Arcueid swipes up, forward, then up. There's a small window of
invincibility at the startup of this move that makes it unblockable in
the air. (5 hits, 2647 damage, 3rd hit 50% prorate)

- B: More hits tacked on to the same move. Invincibility window is slightly
wider. (5 hits, 2904 damage, 5th hit 50% prorate)

- EX: Arcueid does two rotations of the uppercut. (7 hits, 3486 damage)

- A (air): Same as the ground move, but you lose the ability to follow up
with 66A/B. You can still use 66C, though. (2 hits, 1361 damage)

- B (air): Same as the ground move, but you can follow up with 66B. (5 hits,
2829 damage, 5th hit 50% prorate)

- EX (air): The air version doesn't hit as much as the ground version. (5
hits, 3276 damage)

* Dash Elbow: 214A/B/C. You cannot super cancel the first hit of the B

- A: Arcueid hops forward elbow-first, knocking the enemy up in the air. (1
hit, 720 damage)

- B: Arcueid does the hop, then a punch to the face that leaves them
grounded. However, this move will not combo from any of her normals.
(2 hits, 1771 damage)

- EX: Arcueid does her old se~no combo where she bounces the enemy around
like a pinball. Depending on your spacing, you might whiff a hit,
which will automatically end the combo. (4 hits, 2957 damage)

* Dash Swipe: 623A/B/C, 6A/B. This move cannot be super cancelled.

- A: Arcueid lunges forward and claws down for a hit. The followup must be
done very quickly, and wallslams. (2 hits, 1837 damage, 90% prorate)

- B: A bit more startup, but it's possible to juggle if you don't do the
followup. (4 hits, 2551 damage, 90% prorate)

- EX: The followup is done automatically for you. (8 hits, 2781 damage)

* Teleport: 66 after blockstun ends. Deals no damage. Arcueid teleports
forward a short distance. This move cannot be done without at
least 50% circuit, and will drain 50% circuit upon use.


* Melty Blood: 41236C during Heat or Blood Heat. This move will never cause
a critical hit.

- Heat: Arcueid summons forth masses of chains which grind the enemy to
pulp. This move hits anywhere on the screen and even in the air,
but will completely stall out in certain circumstances: dashes,
super armor, and techs. If it whiffs, Arcueid will be left standing
for a very long time, but will be mostly invincible until she lowers
her arm. (11 hits, 3324 damage)

- Blood Heat: Same as the Heat version, but with an automatic finisher at
the end. Note that if you're too far away, the finisher won't
land. (19 hits, 5580 damage)


* Shield Bunker: Downwards swipe, looks like her 214B Rekka-Ken finisher but
isn't. You cannot cancel this move at all. This move can be
airblocked. (1 hit, 900 damage, 90% prorate)

* Shield Counter

- Air: Midair 2B command move. (2 hits, 1384 damage)

- Ground: EX Uppercut. (8 hits, 3908 damage)

- Crouch: Dashes and switches sides.

* Last Arc: Done in the air. Blasts the enemy with a white column of energy
while she hovers in the air as Princess Arcueid. Against the Shikis,
she will fill the screen with golden beams of energy instead. (Normal:
7 hits, 4136 damage; Shikis, 18 hits, 3783 damage)


C: There's two variations to this throw. Holding nothing will make Arcueid
toss the enemy to the wall for a wallslam. Holding down will make them
bounce off the ground into the air. (Wall: 1 hit, 900 damage; Ground: 1
hit, 1080 damage)

C (air): Arcueid slams the enemy to the ground face-first. (2 hits, 871


"Seven! Kore de saigo desu!"

Damage Ranking: 90%
Match 4: Akiha Tohno (Reversed)
Match 8: Arcueid Brunestud
Heat Activation: Wallslam

Note: Ciel's dash is as low as her crouch, and has quite a number of shield


* Standing

- A: A quick punch to the face. Note that this differs from the first hit of
her 5A x 3 command move. (1 hit, 270 damage)

- B: A kick to the shins. This move must be blocked low. (1 hit, 450 damage,
90% prorate)

- C: A lunging stab with a sword, with horrible recovery. First part of her
command move. (1 hit, 720 damage)

* Crouching

- A: A quick nudge with her foot. (1 hit, 270 damage, 72% prorate)

- B: A two-hit uppercut. This move will advance her forward, and the second
hit can be crouched under by most characters. This move can be
airblocked. (2 hits, 970 damage)

- C: A sweeping doublekick, the first part of her launcher. You cannot tech
this move at all. (1 hit, 900 damage, 70% prorate)

* Jumping

- A: An elbow blow. This can be blocked low. (1 hit, 270 damage, 70%

- B: A long-ranged straight kick with huge crossup boxes. (1 hit, 450

- C: A kick angled downwards. (1 hit, 900 damage, 90% scaled prorate)

* Charged

- 4B, 236B: A delayed version of her 4B overhead axe kick. When charged,
this move must be blocked high. You can also do the followup
kick for a non-combo only if the first hit lands, and you
cannot cancel the first hit into anything but 236B. (1 hit,
810+720 damage)

- 5C x 2: A delayed version of her 5C, and the same followup. (2 hits, 2491

* Command

- A x 3: A one-two-three punch combination that wallslams. This move will
not come out unless you are at least half a width away from the
enemy. (3 hits, 1213 damage, 1st hit 75% prorate)

- 2B x 2: An uppercut, then a hopping spinkick that launches the enemy up.
The last kick can only be special or EX Move cancelled, and will
not come out unless the second hit lands. This move can be
airblocked. (3 hits, 1560 damage)

- 2C x 2: A sweep, then a high launching kick. The second kick can be
airblocked. (2 hits, 1292 damage, 1st hit 70% prorate)

- 2C (air): A fast dive with one sword. This move can only be special or EX
Move cancelled. It will deal chip damage. This move can be
blocked low. (1 hit, 900 damage)

- 4B, 236B: A high axe kick that comes down from above; the normal version
can be blocked high. The followup kick will wallslam, but won't
register as a combo. You cannot do the followup unless the first
kick lands, and you cannot cancel the first hit into anything
but 236B. (1 hit, 540+720 damage)

- 4C: An upwards slash with her knife. (2 hits, 1063 damage)

- 5C x 2: A lunging sword stab, then a secondary attack where Ciel throws
another sword at the enemy for a juggle. You cannot tech this move
until you touch the ground. The second hit will not come out
unless the first one lands and cannot be cancelled at all, but it
will deal chip damage. (2 hits, 1591 damage)


* Swords: 214A/B/C, 4A/B, 4A/B, 4B. This move is a multi-path attack and
cannot be super cancelled. You can hold down the button to set the
swords ablaze, which will make any sword that hits juggle up and be
untechable until the enemy touches the ground.

- 214A/B, 4A/B, 4A: Ciel throws one sword, then two, then three. Note that
using B for the second barrage spaces the swords farther
apart but makes no difference in damage. (6 hits, 2013

- 214A/B, 4A/B, 4B, 4B: Ciel throws one sword, then two, winds up and throws
four, and then leaps up and throws a final one from
above with a kick. The last two parts of this will
not combo with anything else. You can super cancel
the last hit. (3+4+1 hits, 1306+1713+315 damage)

- EX: Ciel throws a mighty bunch of swords. (29 hits, 3255 damage)

- 214A/B, 4A/B, 4A/B (air): Ciel throws one sword, then two, then four. You
can combo them all only if you're quick. This
move deals more damage if you're closer. (6
hits, 2389-2454 damage)

- EX (air): A mighty whack of swords! The last barrage nets up to 68%
circuit gain. You can attack after Ciel finishes this move. (18
hits, 4150 damage)

* Hiero: 236A/B/C, 214A/B x 2. This move has several variations depending on
how long you wait after Ciel flies off the
wall. You can control Ciel's descent by
holding 4 or 6 after she dismounts. Landing
with the dive attack will cancel its recovery.

- A: Ciel leaps towards her wall and clings for a second, then flies off for
a quick diving attack. (3 hits, 1045 damage)

- B: Same attack, but Ciel will always go towards the upper corner instead
of the closest. (3 hits, 1045 damage)

- 214A/B x 2 (clinging to wall): Ciel will throw one sword down at a steep
angle, then another at a wider angle. It
is very difficult to get both hits to land
at the same time. (2 hits, 797 damage)

- 214A/B (after leaving wall): Ciel will throw three swords down in a fan
formation. (3 hits, 1176 damage)

- EX: Ciel does a series of rapid runpasts that juggles the enemy up. You
cannot tech this move until you touch the ground. (19 hits, 2807

* Dive: 236A/B/C (air). This move cannot be super cancelled.

- A: Ciel dives down and does nothing. This move is a fakeout.

- B: Ciel dives down for three hits that juggle up. The recovery is enough
that she cannot combo after this move. (3 hits, 1045 damage)

- EX: Same move as the B version, but Ciel recovers faster, allowing combos
afterwards. (3 hits, 1306 damage)

* Bladesinger: 623A/B/C. You can hold down C to charge the EX version. Range
also affects what the EX version does.

- A: Ciel slides at you with three swords in hand for a downwards slash. (2
hits, 885 damage)

- B: A bit more startup, but the attack goes much farther. This will juggle
the enemy up. (3 hits, 1237 damage)

- EX: Ciel takes aim before sliding forward for an attack. Charging is
determined by the number of sparks that occur before she attacks, up
to a maximum of two. After two sparks flash, the move is unblockable.
If you do the unblockable version within three widths, Ciel will run
through the enemy as she does the attack. All versions juggle up. (0
sparks: 3 hits, 2429 damage; 1 spark: 3 hits, 3138 damage; 2 sparks,
close: 4662 damage; 2 sparks, far: 3220 damage)

* Flip Kick: 22A/B/C. You can super cancel the 2nd or 3rd hit of the EX
version as well.

- A: Ciel does a somersault kick. (1 hit, 900 damage)

- B: Ciel does a higher, stronger somersault kick. (3 hits, 1846 damage)

- EX: Two rotations of the somersault kick. (6 hits, 2835 damage)

- A (air): Somersault kick in the air. (1 hit, 900 damage)

- B (air): Stronger somersault kick in the air. (2 hits, 1361 damage)

- EX (air): Three rotations of the somersault kick. (9 hits, 2939 damage)

* Teleport: 66 after blockstun ends. Deals no damage. Ciel dashes forward a
short distance. This move cannot be done without at least 50%
circuit, and will drain 50% circuit upon use.


* Seventh Holy Scripture: 41236C during Heat or Blood Heat. Ciel has hyper
armor for the entire length of this move until she
puts her robes back on.

- Heat: Ciel runs forward with her weapon, firing the spike outwards to
finish. This will wallslam an enemy. The last hit won't come out
unless the previous one touches the enemy, and must be blocked high.
(10 hits, 4641 damage)

- Blood Heat: Ciel will run forward, then impale the enemy on her gun and
fire blasts upwards into the sky. (19 hits, 5434 damage)


* Shield Bunker: A long-ranged right hook that comes out very quickly. This
will juggle a grounded enemy up and wallslam an airborne
enemy. You cannot cancel this move at all. (1 hit, 1080

* Shield Counter

- Air: Her B Dive. (3 hits, 1126 damage)

- Ground: EX Flip Kick. (6 hits, 2975 damage)

- Crouch: Dashes and does *not* switch sides.

* Last Arc: Done in the air. Ciel throws down a bunch of flaming swords. Note
that the flames can also hit and will deal upwards of 11000
if they do. (19 hits, 3741 damage)


C: Grabs the enemy and throws them down to the ground. You cannot tech this
move at all. (1 hit, 900 damage)

C (air): Grabs the enemy and tosses them over her head with a somersault. You
cannot tech this move at all. (1 hit, 1080 damage)


"Saturday Night Fever!"

Damage Ranking: 85%
Match 4: Miyako Arima
Match 8: Neco-Arc
Heat Activation: Wallslam


* Standing

- A: A light jab to the face. (1 hit, 270 damage, 78% prorate)

- B: An attack that looks like Hisui's trying to shove them away. (1 hit,
630 damage)

- C: Hisui pulls out a chair and slams the enemy with it. This can be
airblocked. (2 hits, 1237 damage)

* Crouching

- A: A quick jab attack. Noteworthy for being the only 2A in the game that
doesn't prorate. This move can be blocked high. (1 hit, 270 damage)

- B: A two-handed push. (1 hit, 540 damage)

- C: Hisui pulls out a rag and bucket and swings her arm out. You cannot
tech this move at all. (1 hit, 1080 damage, 60% prorate)

* Jumping

- A: A downwards-angled jab. This move can be blocked low. (1 hit, 270
damage, 78% prorate)

- B: An upwards-angled book attack. (1 hit, 450 damage)

- C: Hisui pulls out a table and smashes it in the enemy's face. (1 hit, 900

* Charged

- 5C (air): Delayed version of her jumping 5C with a huge number of shield
frames. (1 hit, 1080 damage, 95% prorate)

* Command

- 2C (air): Hisui dives down with her arms crossed. This move cannot be
cancelled at all, and can be blocked low. (1 hit, 540 damage)

- 4B: Hisui breaks out a waterpot. If the stream touches the enemy's feet,
they'll be swept and will lose 20% circuit; if in Heat Mode, they will
be drained to 10% of the circuit automatically. They will gain 3.8% as
they get up. You cannot tech or cancel this move at all. (1 hit, 90

- 5B x 2 (air): Upwards book slam, then a downwards one which knocks down.
The second hit cannot be cancelled at all, will groundslam
airborne enemies, and can be blocked low. (2 hits, 1060

- 5C (hold): The same move as her 5C, but holding it will make Hisui run
forward and inflict more hits. (3 hits, 1558 damage)

- 6B: Upwards whack with her ladle, which launches the enemy. You cannot
tech this move until you touch the ground. (1 hit, 720 damage)

- 6C x 2: Upwards frying pan whack, then downwards for a knock down. Neither
hit can be cancelled into anything, but both will inflict chip
damage. The second hit of this move must be blocked high. (2 hits,
1656 damage)


* Bento and Chair: 22A/B/C. This move cannot be super cancelled. Both bento
attacks (A and B) are unblockable. You can only have two
bentos on the screen at any given time, but there is no
limit to the number of chairs you can have out.

- A: Hisui lays down a tarp with a bento box lunch in it. If the enemy steps
on it, the box will explode and juggle them up. (1 hit, 900 damage)

- B: Same attack, but the bento slides just past halfway across the screen.
(1 hit, 900 damage)

- C: Hisui lays down a chair. This attack will deal no damage, but it will
restrict the mobility of an enemy who touches it.

* Featherduster: 623A/B/C. The cloud that the C version emits will last 3
seconds or 4 hits, whichever lasts longer.

- A: Hisui dusts forwards. (2 hits, 1151 damage)

- B: Hisui dusts upwards. This will juggle the enemy up. (2 hits, 1361

- EX: Hisui uses the duster to shoot a dust cloud that goes halfway across
the screen. (4 hits, 3339 damage, 60% scaled prorate)

* Junku: 214A/B/C. The things Hisui throws are always randomized, and each
item has a different damage and proration value to them.
Each item also has a variable trajectory. This move cannot
be super cancelled.

- A: Hisui throws one thing. (damage variable)

- B: Hisui throws two things. (damage variable)

- EX: Hisui throws three things. (damage variable)

- Clipboard: 1 hit, 630 damage

- Brown Vase: 1 hit, 900 damage, 80% prorate

- Lamp: 1 hit, 810 damage, 90% prorate

- Clothes Hanger: 1 hit, 720 damage

- China Vase: 1 hit, 900 damage, 80% prorate

- Book: 1 hit, 450 damage

* Ladle: 236A/B/C. This move can only be super cancelled in the air.

- A: Hisui jabs rapidly with her ladle. (6 hits, 1593 damage)

- B: Hisui keeps on jabbing more often. (9 hits, 1765 damage)

- EX: Hisui jabs a lot, then finishes it with a spatula attack that
wallslams. You cannot tech this move until you touch the ground. (17
hits, 3001 damage)

- A (air): Hisui comes down at an angle and jabs with the ladle. (8 hits,
1597 damage)

- B (air): More jabs with the ladle. (12 hits, 2227 damage)

- EX (air): The EX version will juggle the enemy up as she hits them. All
the hits may not land against some enemies. (14 hits, 2801


* Hisuidoken: 41236C during Heat or Blood Heat.

- Heat: Hisui swirls her arms and charges up a massive fireball. You can
hold down C to charge this move according to either the size of the
energy aura or the number of "swoop" sounds you hear. Nine is the
maximum, and the damage and effects depend on the level the move is
charged to. After nine swoops the move will automatically be
released. The last version will wallslam. (1-3: 3 hits, 2614 damage;
4-6: 5 hits, 4074 damage; 7-9: 8 hits, 4910 damage, 8th hit 65%

- Blood Heat: This version is the fully-charged Heat version and cannot be
charged. (8 hits, 4910 damage, 8th hit 65% prorate)


* Shield Bunker: Hisui does... absolutely nothing except shield spark. If she
is struck during that time, she will counter by shoving a
vase in the enemy's face for a wallslam. Obviously, this
move cannot be cancelled into anything. The landed version
cannot be cancelled either. (1 hit, 972 damage)

* Shield Counter

- Air: Her 2C attack. This will knock enemies down to the ground. (1 hit,
496 damage)

- Ground: A short version of her EX Ladle. There's two parts, and the
wallslamming attack at the end won't combo. (6+1 hits, 1593+540

- Crouch: Dashes and switches sides, then bows. The bow is cancellable into

* Last Arc: Done on the ground. Hisui will do her famous "anata wo hannin
desu" line. While the attack itself deals little damage, it will
reverse your controls for about ten seconds. (1 hit, 388 damage)


C: A headbutt. Sometimes Hisui will fall down after she does this; this is
totally random. If she does so, her recovery from the throw will be
increased. (1 hit, 900 damage)

C (air): Hisui grabs the enemy by the head and slams them down into the
ground. You cannot tech this move until you touch the ground. (1 hit,
900 damage)

Hisui & Kohaku

"Nee-san, yoroshiku."
"Haaai~! Hisui-chan koutai!"

Damage Ranking: See respective sister
Match 4: Akiha Tohno
Match 8: Neco-Arc
Heat Activation: See respective sister

Note: Hisui and Kohaku have all the exact same moves as the individial
sisters, which will not be listed here. Only moves unique to the duo
will be described. Also note that when using an Assist or while tagging,
the other sister can be knocked down, but you will not take extra damage
if that happens. The duo cannot do their normal 214 moves, but Kohaku
can still use her air Bombs.


* See respective sister


* Tag: 22D. Switches between sisters. Requires no circuit, but the switch
won't happen until they touch hands. This move cannot be super

* Hisui Assist: 214A/B/C with Kohaku active. This move cannot be super
cancelled at all. You gain no circuit from this move.

- A: A running shove that wallslams. (1 hit, 540 damage)

- B: A running chair smash. (2 hits, 1417 damage)

- C: A quick jumping C attack. (1 hit, 900 damage)

* Kohaku Assist: 214A/B/C with Hisui active. This move cannot be super
cancelled at all. You gain no circuit from this move.

- A: B Plant, the spinny tree. (8 hits, 1792 damage)

- B: A air Bomb. (3 hits, 1569 damage, 3rd hit 80% prorate)

- C: Jumping 5C attack. (2 hits, 1417 damage)


* Maid Beatdown: 214214C during Heat or Blood Heat. This move has no Blood
Heat counterpart. The active sister will do a single hit,
and if it connects, they will both go into an automated team
attack super. (23 hits, 3612 damage)

* Switch Super: 63214C during Heat or Blood Heat. This move has no Blood Heat
counterpart. The inactive sister will do her Arc Drive for
its normal effects. Note that using this move will not end
Heat or Blood Heat. (Kohaku: 3 hits, 3932 damage; Hisui: 3
hits, 2614 damage)


* Shield Bunker: See respective sister.

* Shield Counter: See respective sister.

* Last Arc: See respective sister.


See respective sister.


"Sunao na kokoro no shouri desu!"

Damage Ranking: 90%
Match 4: Akiha Tohno (Reversed)
Match 8: Neco-Arc
Heat Activation: Juggles up

Note: Kohaku will do some funny stuff if you let her crouch for about one


* Standing

- A: A quick jab. (1 hit, 315 damage, 78% prorate)

- B: A fairly long-ranged swipe with her broom. (1 hit, 540 damage)

- C: A twirling broom attack which will launch the enemy. The last four hits
of this move can be airblocked. (5 hits, 1818 damage)

* Crouching

- A: A low jab to the shins. (1 hit, 270 damage, 78% prorate)

- B: A two-hit attack with her broom. This move can be airblocked. (2 hits,
885 damage)

- C: A long-ranged broom sweep with huge recovery. This can be blocked high.
You cannot tech this move at all. (1 hit, 990 damage, 55% prorate)

* Jumping

- A: A two-hit jab with the handle of her broom. (2 hits, 460 damage, 73%

- B: An upwards broom swipe. (1 hit, 450 damage)

- C: An overhead broom swing that will knock down an airborne enemy. You
cannot tech this move until you touch the ground. (1 hit, 1080 damage)

* Charged

- 2C: A delayed version of her 2C. This move can be blocked high. (1 hit,
1620 damage)

- 5C (air): A delayed version of her air 5C. This move will knock down an
airborne enemy. You cannot tech this move until you touch the
ground. (1 hit, 1620 damage)

* Command

- None


* Sword: 236A/B/C. You can cancel the A version into any special, EX Move, or
Arc Drive if it lands.

- A: A quick slash with a concealed sword in her broom. (1 hit, 900 damage)

- B: An upwards slash with the sword. Much wider attack area than the A
Sword, and will juggle the enemy into the air. (1 hit, 1080 damage)

- EX: Kohaku slashes once, and if she hits the real strike will come a
second later. You cannot tech this move at all. This move can be EX or
Arc Drive cancelled if whiffed or blocked. (1 hit, 2520 damage)

- A (charged): Delayed version of her A Sword. This move must be blocked
low. You cannot tech this move until you touch the ground. (1
hit, 1350 damage)

- B (charged): Delayed version of her B Sword, which will wallslam. (1 hit,
1620 damage)

* Bomb: 214A/B/C. For the ground version, Kohaku is completely invincible
shortly after she takes to air right until she hops off her
broom. This does not apply to the air version. This move
cannot be super cancelled at all.

- A: Kohaku flies halfway across the screen. Press A, B, or C to make her
drop a bomb, which will juggle the enemy into the air. (3 hits, 1569
damage, 3rd hit 80% prorate)

- B: Kohaku flies 90% across the screen. Press A, B, or C to make her drop
the bomb. Juggles the enemy into the air. (3 hits, 1569 damage, 3rd hit
80% prorate)

- EX: Kohaku will drop four bombs in succession, slowly. Damage tends to be
a bit random depending on which bombs hit. (9 hits, 2945 damage, any
hit 75% prorate)

- A (air): Kohaku flies just short of halfway across the screen and drops
the bomb automatically. (3 hits, 1569 damage, 3rd hit 80%

- B (air): Kohaku flies just past halfway across the screen and drops the
bomb automatically. (3 hits, 1569 damage, 3rd hit 80% prorate)

- EX (air): Kohaku will fling the bombs all at once. (12 hits, 3737 damage,
any hit 75% prorate)

* Plant: 22A/B/C or 222C. You can only have one plant out at any given time.
This move cannot be super cancelled at all.

- A: A spinny tree that goes up at an angle, juggling the enemy in the air.
(5 hits, 1260 damage)

- B: A tree that whips its limbs around. (8 hits, 1792 damage)

- EX: A cactus which will punch the enemy a lot, and then finish up with a
wallslamming punch. The toss itself will hit as well. (1+18 hits,
900+3078 damage, 1st hit 85% prorate)

- EX (Johnny): Done with 222C. Kohaku tosses out a firebreathing Venus
flytrap which will spit fireballs at the enemy and track
which side they are on. Each fireball deals the same amount
of damage and will juggle the enemy up, resulting in a move
that will never fully combo. Note that Johnny requires 150%
circuit. (8 fireballs, 720 damage each, any hit 80% prorate)

* Drug-On Install: 1632143C. There is no "normal" version of this move, and
it requires 100% circuit. Kohaku will shoot herself up
with some medicine and gain a full Blood Heat circuit and
hyper armor. She will not be able to complete this move if
she's hit before the screen goes black or before she
injects herself. After the duration is over, Kohaku will
have hyper armor for about another 10 seconds. Your
will always be drained to 0% after this move ends.


* Mr. Chin: 41236C during Heat or Blood Heat. The rest of this move will only
come out if the initial hit lands, and all of it is unblockable.

- Heat: Kohaku flies forward in a cheongsam, does two punches, then a
wallslamming circle kick. (3 hits, 3932 damage)

- Blood Heat: Same move, but Kohaku throws in a few extra punches and kicks
here and there. (11 hits, 5572 damage)


* Shield Bunker: Kohaku turns around for a sword swipe which parries, then
does the swipe. This move can only be EX and Arc Drive
cancelled, and counts as a special move so super cancelling
will cause 65% proration. Note that this is one of the few
bunkers that does not launch. If the bunker lands properly
you cannot tech this move at all. This move can be
airblocked and must be blocked low. (1 hit, 1350 damage)

* Shield Counter

- Air: Drops two Kohaku bombs. (5 hits, 2566 damage, any hit 75% prorate)

- Ground: Does a version of the A Sword which will sweep. (1 hit, 1350

- Crouch: Rolls and switches sides.

* Last Arc: Done on the ground. Kohaku retaliates with a sword swipe as a
background of a weird lizard and some kanji fly around. This move
is unblockable. (1 hit, 3420 damage)


C: Kohaku injects the enemy with a needle. You cannot tech this move at all.
(1 hit, 900 damage)

C (air): Kohaku drops a weight on the enemy's head. You cannot tech this move
at all. (1 hit, 900 damage)



Damage Ranking: 85%
Match 4: Neco-Arc
Match 8: Neco-Arc
Heat Activation: Wallslam

Note: Mech-Hisui's airdash has a jet backpack (a Scrander, for all you
Mazinger fans) that can hit the enemy for 180 damage, 50% prorate. Once
in a while, Takashi Takeuchi (Tsukihime's character designer) will show
up besides Mech-Hisui in her intro and winposes. Also, Mech Hisui's dash
cannot be cancelled by pressing 4 or 6, but you can cancel it with any
attack or a backdash.


* Standing

- A: A quick slap to the face. (1 hit, 270 damage, 78% prorate)

- B: Similar to Hisui's shove attack, but with an extendo-hand. (1 hit, 630

- C: An overhead swipe with a chainsaw. It will deal chip damage, and can be
airblocked. (4 hits, 1450 damage)

* Crouching

- A: A quick jab to the shins. This move can be blocked high. (1 hit, 270
damage, 78% prorate)

- B: An extendo-hand version of Hisui's double-handed shove attack. (2 hits,
885 damage)

- C: Mech Hisui pulls out a lightsaber and swipes. You cannot tech this move
at all. (1 hit, 1080 damage, 65% prorate)

* Jumping

- A: A multi-hitting extendo-jab. (5 hits, 814 damage, 80% prorate)

- B: An upwards swipe with a large paper fan. (1 hit, 509 damage)

- C: A smash with a large sledgehammer. (1 hit, 990 damage)

* Charged

- 2C: Delayed version of her 2C. Hits pretty hard for being relatively fast.
You cannot tech this move at all. (1 hit, 2070 damage, 65% prorate)

- 5C: Delayed version of her 5C. It will deal chip damage. (4 hits, 2432

- 5C (air): Delayed version of her j.5C. This move will knock down an
airborne enemy. (1 hit, 1440 damage)

* Command

- 2C (air): An obnoxiously long-ranged flamethrower attack. It will deal
chip damage. (8 hits, 2126 damage)

- 4B: A wrist flamethrower. Note that this attack persists until all the
flames are gone. It will deal chip damage. (16 hits, 1872 damage, any
hit 60% prorate)

- 6C: A sledgehammer launcher that has deceptively good range. It will deal
chip damage. (1 hit, 540 damage)


* Missile: 214A/B/C. This move cannot be super cancelled.

- A: Mech Hisui opens fire with a single missle that juggles up if it hits.
The missile will arc upwards. (1 hit, 675 damage)

- B: Opens fire with two missiles, one straight and one downwards. This will
juggle up if it hits. (2 hits, 1275 damage)

- EX: Mech Hisui bows and unloads a huge missile from beneath her skirt. The
missile starts low and will arc slightly upwards, juggling up if it
hits. (1 hit, 2700 damage)

* Electricity: 623A/B/C. This move deals no chip damage, and can only be
super cancelled on the last hit.

- A: Hisui unleashes electricity from her fingertips. It juggles up if it
lands. (4 hits, 1289 damage)

- B: More electricity, more startup. (15 hits, 1575 damage)

- EX: Lots of electricity but starts up fairly quickly. This version will
also knock down. You cannot tech this move at all. (19 hits, 3009

* Beam: 236A/B/C. This move cannot be super cancelled. The B and EX beams are
persistent and will come out even if Mech Hisui is hit.

- A: Eye beam! Most characters can crouch under this. (1 hit, 900 damage)

- B: A bit more startup, but hits harder. (1 hit, 1620 damage)

- EX: This version juggles up if it lands, and is harder to crouch under. (3
hits, 1854 damage, any hit 90% prorate)

* Barrier: 22A/B/C. This move cannot be super cancelled.

- A: A quick forcefield surrounds Mech Hisui for an anti-air attack. Juggles
up if it hits. (1 hit, 900 damage)

- B: More startup and way more hits. This move's recovery is absolutely
terrible, and it knocks the enemy down to the ground. (7 hits, 1701

- EX: Starts up fast and recovers fast enough for you to combo afterwards.
(11 hits, 2762 damage)

* Railgun: 214A/B/C. This move cannot be super cancelled.

- A (air): Mech Hisui pulls out a crossbow-like weapon and fires three
bullets at a downwards angle. (3 hits, 1569 damage)

- B (air): Same move, but five bullets. (5 hits, 2530 damage)

- EX (air): Mech Hisui fires six bullets which circle around for a second
before homing in on the enemy. (6 hits, 1989 damage)

* Lasso: 421A/B/C. This move cannot be super cancelled. This move will only
connect if you are at a specific range approximately 1-2.5 widths
away from the enemy.

- A: Mech Hisui whips the lasso out and throws the enemy up into the air. (1
hit, 1220 damage)

- B: Mech Hisui whips the lasso out for a wallslam. This move is
unblockable. (1 hit, 1080 damage)

- EX: Mech Hisui whips the lasso out and sets them down right next to
herself. Good for long combos. (1 hit, 740 damage)


* Saturday Night Forever: 41236C during Heat or Blood Heat.

- Heat: A bunch of Mech-Hisuis storm through in a cavalcade. This move hits
inconsistently in the air because of the juggles. You can combo
after it. (13 hits, 3867 damage, any hit 90% prorate)

- Blood Heat: Even more Mech-Hisuis storm in, including a bunch of flying
ones. This move is pretty much unavoidable. For best results
use at a distance while enemy is grounded. (28 hits, 5573
damage, any hit 90% prorate)


* Shield Bunker: Mech Hisui does Getta Lyger's drill arm attack. This move
can only be EX and Arc Drive cancelled, and counts as a
special move so super cancelling will cause 65% proration.
If all hits of this move land, you will gain 27.2% circuit
back. You can airblock this move. (8 hits, 1597 damage)

* Shield Counter

- Air: A Railgun. Usually all 3 hits won't connect due to the angle. (3
hits, 1569 damage)

- Ground: Mech Hisui unleashes a whole bunch of missles. They won't all
combo, but they'll do a good job of getting the enemy away. (6
hits, 3410 damage)

- Crouch: Dashes and switches sides.

* Last Arc: Done in the air. Mech Hisui transforms into a jet (Waverider, for
you Zeta Gundam fans) and rams the enemy a couple times. Damage
seems to vary slightly by 100-200 points. (4 hits, 5085 damage)


C: Mech Hisui grabs the enemy and shocks them with electricity. You get 20.4%
circuit from this move, and cannot tech it at all. (7 hits, 1710 damage)

C (air): Mech Hisui grabs the enemy by the head and slams them down to the
ground. (1 hit, 900 damage)

Miyako Arima

"Kono yarou!!"

Damage Ranking: 100%
Match 4: Shiki Nanaya
Match 8: Neco-Arc
Heat Activation: Juggles up

Note: Miyako cannot cancel her dash into anything except a jump or a backdash.
However, she can kara cancel her backdash into her forward dash,
allowing her to repeatedly forward dash by tapping 4466 extremely


* Standing

- A: A quick jab to the face. This is only notable because it's the only 5A
in the game that doesn't prorate. (1 hit, 270 damage)

- B: An elbow to the face. This move advances her forward. (1 hit, 630
damage, 92% prorate)

- C: A shoulder check. This move advances her forward a lot, but it can only
be cancelled into specials. It will deal chip damage. (1 hit, 900
damage, 88% prorate)

* Crouching

- A: A punch to the shins. (1 hit, 270 damage, 78% prorate)

- B: An upwards punch to the gut. This move advances her forward, and can be
blocked high. (1 hit, 900 damage)

- C: A quick but short-ranged sweep. You cannot tech this move at all. (1
hit, 900 damage, 50% prorate)

* Jumping

- A: A downwards-angled punch. Pretty horrible range. This move can be
blocked low. (1 hit, 270 damage, 78% prorate)

- B: A wide palm blow that has a very wide crossup hit box. (1 hit, 630

- C: A two-handed downwards thrust with both hands. (1 hit, 900 damage, 85%

* Charged

- None

* Command

- 6B: A lunging version of her 5B. This will juggle the enemy up, and can
be airblocked. (1 hit, 495 damage, 75% scaled prorate)

- 6C: A slow upwards punch. This move can be comboed only from 6B and 2C,
and can be airblocked. It will deal chip damage. (1 hit, 900 damage)


* Elbow Smash: 236A/B/C, 6A/B. You can super cancel either hit of this move,
but the second hit will not come out unless the first hit
lands. You can also switch between either version for the
second hit. If Miyako switches sides with the enemy when she
does either hit of the B version, you will have to switch your
command to accomodate.

- A: Miyako will do a lunging elbow attack, then a shoulder check. (2 hits,
1065 damage)

- B: There's a bit more startup to this version, but if Miyako is within 1.5
character widths, she will switch sides with the enemy before
attacking. Note that this will not happen in the corner. Both hits have
the ability to switch sides. (2 hits, 1603 damage)

- EX: Miyako will do a very fast, long-ranged elbow attack that goes 80%
across the screen. If she's within 4 widths of her enemy, she will
switch sides with them before attacking. This move will wallslam, and
cannot be airblocked. You cannot combo after it, however. (1 hit, 1620
damage, 90% prorate)

* Renkantai: 623A/B/C. This move can only be super cancelled on the last hit.

- A: Miyako does a quick kick with one leg, then the other. (2 hits, 1091

- B: This version hits three times if she's close for damage. (3 hits, 1570

- EX: Miyako does three kicks, and the last one will launch them way up into
the air. Can't combo after it, though. (3 hits, 2473 damage, 3rd hit
60% prorate)

- A (air): Pretty much a weaker version of the ground version. (2 hits, 841

- B (air): Same as her ground version, but without the first hit. (2 hits,
1251 damage)

- EX (air): This version will wallslam instead of juggle up. (2 hits, 2102

* DOKKAN: 214A/B/C. This move cannot be super cancelled.

- A: A lunging punch that explodes with raw kung-fu spiciness. If it hits
them in the air, it will wallslam. Miyako has a bit of super armor when
she's winding up. (1 hit, 720 damage)

- B: More startup, but also more super armor. (1 hit, 900 damage)

- EX: The EX version will wallslam by default. (1 hit, 1980 damage, 65%

* Stomp: 22A/B/C. This move cannot be super cancelled. The B version hits

- A: Miyako stomps her foot on the ground for a knockdown. The range is
just under two widths. (1 hit, 720 damage)

- B: Miyako rears up and stomps for a juggle up. The range is about three
widths. You cannot tech this move until you touch the ground. (1 hit,
630 damage)

- EX: DOKKAN! A full-screen ranged stomp with some startup. (1 hit, 1620
damage, 80% prorate)


* Big-Ass Stomp: 41236C during Heat or Blood Heat.

- Heat: Miyako stomps down hard enough to cause an eruption of ki around
her. This move is unblockable in the air, but has very bad recovery.
You can hit with the aura, but only the "center" of it. (1 hit, 3420

- Blood Heat: The Blood Heat version is bigger and hits harder, but has just
as bad recovery. The fringe of the aura will hit for this
version. (1 hit, 4320 damage)


* Shield Bunker: Her 6C move with a shield frame attached. A large number of
shield frames, actually. You can cancel this move into
anything. It will deal chip damage, and can be airblocked.
(1 hit, 900 damage)

* Shield Counter

- Air: Just her air EX Renkantai. (2 hits, 2030 damage)

- Ground: A wallslamming version of her 5C. (1 hit, 900 damage)

- Crouch: Dashes and switches sides.

* Last Arc: Done on the ground. Miyako screams a lot, hops forward and
DOKKANS her enemy for a wallslam. This move is unblockable. (1
hit, 2880 damage)


C: Miyako grabs the enemy and shoves them to one side. This move deals very
little damage by itself, but you can combo from it with 5C or 2C. (1 hit,
450 damage, 65% prorate)

C (air): Miyako grabs the enemy by the head and leapfrogs over them. You
cannot tech this until you touch the ground. (1 hit, 1170 damage)

Nrvnqsr Chaos

"Muahahaha... aaaaahahahahaha!"

Damage Ranking: 90%
Match 4: Ciel
Match 8: Arcueid Brunestud
Heat Activation: Wallslam

Note: Nrvnqsr's front dash is a teleport with fixed distance and no startup or
recovery. You cannot jump from his dash, obviously.


* Standing

- A: A quick shove of his arm with a spiky bit coming from it. It will deal
chip damage. (1 hit, 270 damage, 78% prorate)

- B: A ridiculously long-ranged move with a wolf lunging from his chest. It
will deal chip damage, but only against grounded enemies. This move can
be airblocked. (6 hits, 1556 damage)

- C: A pair of alligator jaws snaps from Nrvnqsr's torso. This move can only
be EX or Arc Drive cancelled. (4 hits, 1518 damage)

* Crouching

- A: Nrvnqsr shoves a bunch of snakes at you. (3 hits, 446 damage, 78%

- B: A long centipede tail snakes around to strike. This move can be blocked
high. The first hit will knock your enemy down. (4 hits, 962 damage,
1st hit 65% prorate)

- C: A massive jaw of something strikes upwards. This move can be blocked
high. (1 hit, 900 damage)

* Jumping

- A: Nrvnqsr sticks a clawed bat wing downwards. This move can be blocked
low. (1 hit, 315 damage, 78% prorate)

- B: A whipping attack with something's tail. The second hit of this move
can be blocked low. It will deal chip damage. (2 hits, 790 damage)

- C: A massive cluster of mouths and fangs aimed horizontally. The fourth
hit will wallslam an airborne enemy. (4 hits, 1779 damage)

* Charged

- 2C: A delayed version of his 2C. This move will juggle them up for a
combo. (1 hit, 1440 damage, 90% prorate)

* Command

- 4C: A huge mantis leg claws up, covering half the screen. You cannot
cancel this move at all. It will deal chip damage. This move can be
airblocked. (2 hits, 1243 damage)


* Crow: 236A/B/C. This move cannot be super cancelled.

- A: Nrvnqsr fires a crow like a bullet. Quick, fast, and persists even if
he gets hit. (1 hit, 720 damage)

- B: The crow flies up, and doesn't come down for two seconds. If it its, it
will juggle the enemy up. (1 hit, 720 damage)

- EX: Lots and lots of crows. This comes out extremely quickly, about 2-3
frames. Because of the number of hits, it's difficult to tell exactly
how much damage it really does. Each crow deals exactly 200 points of
damage; scale this down accordingly. (50 hits, 2766 damage)

* Snake: 214A/B/C. This move cannot be super cancelled. You cannot have more
than one snake on the screen at once.

- A: A slow-moving snake. Hold A to control when it bites. When it does
bite, it will turn into a huge maw and suck the enemy down through the
ground and spit them back out from the top of the screen. You cannot
tech this move until you touch the ground. (6 hits, 1221 damage)

- B: A faster-moving snake. This will bite automatically when it's below the
enemy for a hit that juggles up. You cannot tech this move until you
touch the ground. (1 hit, 900 damage, 87% prorate)

- EX: A snake that turns into a huge maw. It will track the enemy's position
and attack for a hit that juggles up. You cannot tech this move until
you touch the ground. (1 hit, 2250 damage, 75% prorate)

* Deer: 421A/B/C. This move cannot be super cancelled. You cannot have more
than one deer on the screen at once; this means you have to wait
until it trots off-screen before you can use it again.

- A: Nrvnqsr releases a deer from his body. The deer will trot towards the
enemy for about 1.5 seconds before attacking, whether it's in range or
not. (Far: 1 hit, 1080 damage; Close: 1 hit, 720 damage)

- B: Same deer, but two attacks. There seems to be no range modifier on this
one. The hits will only combo off an air counterhit. (1+1 hits, 720+720

- EX: Same deer, three attacks. More damage on this one, though. (1+1+1
hits, 1350+1350+1350 damage)

* Arm Swipe: 63214C. There is no "normal" version of this move, and it
requires 100% circuit. Nrvnqsr opens his trenchcoat and a clawed
monster swipes down. The third hit will wallslam. (3 hits, 2476


* Beast: 41236C during Heat or Blood Heat.

- Heat: Nrvnqsr sheds his appearance and turns into a huge frothing
hellbeast, then charges forward for an unblockable hit. There's a
fair bit of startup to this. You cannot tech this move at all. (1
hit, 3150 damage)

- Blood Heat: Same move, but two hits. Nrvnqsr will charge forward across
the screen, then back to his current position (the second hit
may whiff depending on your positioning). Both hits are
unblockable. You cannot tech this move at all. (2 hits, 4898


* Shield Bunker: His 5B. You will gain 27.2% circuit if you land all 5 hits
of this move. You cannot cancel this move at all. It will
deal chip damage, but only against a grounded enemy. This
move can be airblocked. (5 hits, 1332 damage)

* Shield Counter

- Air: His jumping B attack. (2 hits, 726 damage)

- Ground: His 5C attack. (4 hits, 1518 damage)

- Crouch: Dashes and switches sides. You cannot jump cancel this move.

* Last Arc: Done on the ground. Nrvnsqr's chest opens up and he unleashes a
cone of raw chaos at the opponent. You can combo after this. (15
hits, 3836 damage)


C: Nrvnqsr grabs the enemy by the neck and shoves a bunch of crows in their
face. (9 hits, 1414 damage)

C (air): Nrvnqsr grabs them with one arm, which bulges with muscle, and
punches them into the ground. You cannot tech this throw at all. (1
hit, 1076 damage)



Damage Ranking: 110%
Match 4: Ciel
Match 8: Shiki Nanaya
Heat Activation: Wallslam

Note: Ren cannot backdash cancel any of her normals. When Ren crouches, she
turns into a cat. She is very small in this form, and can pad forward by
holding down 3. She also cannot control the direction of her neutral


* Standing

- A: A tiny fingerpoke with her ball. This move can be airblocked. (2 hits,
552 damage, 78% prorate)

- B: A relatively long-ranged outwards swipe with her ball. (3 hits, 1126

- C: A double spin with her ball. This move is only cancellable on the
first, second, and fifth hits. (5 hits, 1427 damage, 75% prorate)

* Crouching

- A: A quick swipe with her paw. This move can be blocked high and can be
airblocked. (1 hit, 270 damage, 76% prorate)

- B: A kick that knocks the enemy down. This move will advance her forward.
You cannot tech this move at all. (1 hit, 585 damage, 65% prorate)

- C: Ren sends an illusion of herself to pounce forward for a low hit. This
move cannot be cancelled, but once it's begun her illusion will persist
and always trade hits at minimum. This move can be blocked high. (1
hit, 810 damage)

* Jumping

- A: A horizontal poke that comes out very quickly. This move can be blocked
low. (1 hit, 315 damage, 78% prorate)

- B: A turn kick with minor startup. This move has some pretty big crossup
hitboxes. (1 hit, 630 damage)

- C: A somersaulting smash with her ball. This move has decent priority and
a huge crossup hitbox, but can be blocked low. (1 hit, 1080 damage)

* Charged

- None

* Command

- 2C (air): Ren surrounds herself with streams of light. This move has huge
crossup hitboxes, but you cannot cancel it into anything else.
It hits in two bursts with a slight pause in between. This move
can be blocked high. (4 hits, 1371 damage)

- 3C: This is the same as her 2C pouncing sweeping, but Ren will move
forward with her illusion after it's done. It's also cancellable, but
only into specials, EX moves, and Arc Drives. This move can be blocked
high. (1 hit, 810 damage, 78% prorate)


* Ice Blade: 236A/B/C. You cannot super cancel the ground B and charged B
versions of this move.

- A: Ren fires off a blade of ice down towards the ground. This doesn't hit
low, however. The blade will knock the enemy up into the air (no
followup). (1 hit, 720 damage)

- B: Ren fires off an upwards ice blade. The blade will juggle the enemy up
into the air (no followup). (1 hit, 720 damage)

- EX: Ren twirls and twirls and twirls and makes a deadly bouquet of ice
blades from her back. This move is has no invincible frames and is
very slow to start up, but it's unblockable in the air, and you can't
tech it until you hit the ground. (8 hits, 2965 damage, 8th hit 40%

- A (air): This version goes forward, and she'll hover in air for a sec.
It will juggle the enemy up but you can't hit them afterwards.
(1 hit, 720 damage)

- B (air): This version goes upwards, and she'll hover in air for a sec.
It will juggle the enemy up but you can't hit them afterwards.
(1 hit, 720 damage)

- EX (air): Fires off a bunch of midair A Ice Blades with fairly quick
startup. These blades appear a bit beneath her, so it's hard to
land in an air combo. (7 hits, 3174 damage)

- A (charged): This comes out very slowly, but inflicts enough stun to let
you do almost anything afterwards, and it keeps the enemy
grounded. (1 hit, 1350 damage)

- B (charged): Not as slow as charged A Ice Blade, and it sends both A and B
versions out. They'll both hit only if close. (2 hits, 1361

* Spin: 623A/B/C. This move can only be super cancelled with the A version
on the last hit.

- A: Ren twirls forward and does a circle kick. If you press A before the
circle kick she will spin again, then do the kick (you can't interrupt
a 2nd time). If you press B before the circle kick she will stop. A
second spin will not combo with the first. (4 hits, 1191 damage)

- B: Ren twirls forward a bit higher and farther, but with a bit more
startup. You can do the same finishers as with the A version. If not,
she will do a circle kick that wallslams. (4 hits, 1893 damage)

- EX: Ren twirls forward and does a wallslamming circle kick. This one can't
be interrupted. (9 hits, 3338 damage)

* Cat: 214A/B/C. This move cannot be super cancelled. You can have only two
of any cat on the screen at any given time.

- A/B: Deposits a cat which walks across the screen. The cat's color
determines what it does:

- White: Will push the enemy back, but deal no damage.
- Grey: Seems to do nothing.
- Black: Knocks down. (1 hit, 90 damage)
- Tabby: Juggles up for an air combo, moves fast across the entire
screen. (1 hit, 90 damage)

- C: Releases a Neco-Arc which flies forward onto the ground, then rockets
up into the air; it'll hit once when released and once as it flies up.
The second hit will juggle the enemy up for a hit that cannot be
airteched, unless it hit you mid-air. Note that the Neco-Arc will be a
valid hitbox until it leaves the screen or touches the enemy. The two
hits don't combo, but the first hit must be blocked high. (1+1 hits,
199+765 damage)

* Teleport: 421A/B/C. This move cannot be super cancelled. It also doesn't
deal any damage.

- A: Ren ducks, and reappears in halfway across the screen in cat form. Very

- B: Ren jumps... and fades away, not moving an inch. Rather quick recovery.

- C: Ren runs forward... and fades away, moving only a bit forward. Pretty
bad recovery.


* Superball: 41236C during Heat or Blood Heat.

- Heat: Ren fires off an orb of energy that hits 3-23 times depending on how
far away she is, and where the enemy is in respect to the screen
edge. For best results, do while enemy is in the middle of the
screen with Ren about 3 widths away, and run after them as they get
hit. (3-26 hits, 652-3473 damage)

- Blood Heat: When in Blood Heat, the orb will hit only once, the screen
will go dark, and Ren will do... something to the enemy in
Raging Demon fashion. She may show up in a nightie or swimsuit
before beating down. You can glitch this move by hitting her
out of her animation as the ball hits, thus allowing Ren to
do whatever she wants as the super happens. (16 hits, 5154


* Shield Bunker: An upwards swipe with her glowy ball thing. This will
launch, but you can't follow up with an air combo. You get
20.4% circuit if this lands. You cannot tech it until you
touch the ground, and you cannot cancel this move at all. (1
hit, 900 damage)

* Shield Counter

- Air: Drops a giant cake on the enemy. You can combo after this. (1 hit,
1407 damage)

- Ground: Turns herself into a huge mallet with a ribbon and smacks the
enemy. Juggles up, but you can't hit them afterwards. This move is
unblockable. (1 hit, 1999 damage)

- Crouch: Dashes and switches sides.

* Last Arc: Done in the air. Drops a cake on the enemy, then a bunch of forks
and knives. You can combo after this move. This move is
unblockable. (10 hits, 3439 damage)


C: Ren grabs them by the face and tosses them in the opposite direction. (1
hit, 1080 damage)

C (air): Ren does the same thing but in the air. Note that at the right
height, Ren will touch down to the ground first and can attack while
they're still in the air, as you cannot tech this throw until you hit
the ground. (1 hit, 871 damage)

Satsuki Yumizuka


Damage Ranking: 100%
Match 4: Sion Eltnam Atlasia
Match 8: Ciel
Heat Activation: Wallslam

Note: Satsuki has a few auto-shield frames in her frontal dash, but cannot
cancel it into anything at all. She also cannot do more than one action
in the air, and has no air throw.


* Standing

- A: Your standard jab to the face. (1 hit, 315 damage, 76% prorate)

- B: A swiping attack that advances her forward quite a bit. (1 hit, 630

- C: A double-fisted slam to the ground. (1 hit, 900 damage, 80% prorate)

* Crouching

- A: Your standard crouching jab. (1 hit, 270 damage, 75% prorate)

- B: An angry fist to the shins! (1 hit, 540 damage)

- C: A two-hit double arm swipe. You cannot tech this move at all. (2 hits,
1373 damage, 2nd hit 55% prorate)

* Jumping

- A: Your standard jumping jab. (1 hit, 450 damage, 73% prorate)

- B: A downwards two-handed attack with decent crossup boxes. (1 hit, 945

- C: A powerful downwards punch. This will groundslam airborne enemies. (1
hit, 1260 damage)

* Charged

- 2C: A delayed version of her 2C. (3 hits, 2132 damage, 2nd and 3rd hits
55% prorate)

- 5C: A delayed version of her 5C which launches. You cannot tech this move
until you touch the ground. (1 hit, 1260 damage, 50% prorate)

- 5C (air): A delayed version of her j.5C which groundslams. You cannot tech
this move at all. (1 hit, 1890 damage, 50% prorate)

* Command

- None


* Punch: 214A/B/C. This move cannot be airblocked.

- A: A quick lunging punch with one fist. This move starts up fast but can
lag badly if she's not spaced properly. (1 hit, 900 damage)

- B: Satsuki winds up before swinging her arm in a powerful punch. This move
must be blocked high. You cannot tech this move until you touch the
ground. (2 hits, 2033 damage)

- EX: A quick, wallslamming punch. Used to be much godlier. (1 hit, 2160
damage, 45% scaled prorate)

* Pound: 22A/B/C. Only the A version can be super cancelled. This move cannot
be airblocked.

- A: An anti-air pound to the ground that juggles up. (1 hit, 900 damage)

- B: Two pounds to the ground. You cannot tech this move until you touch the
ground. (2 hits, 1591 damage)

- EX: Satsuki gets majorly angry and pounds a lot of times. The last hit
will wallslam. (7 hits, 3070 damage)

* Grab: 236A/B/C. This move cannot be super cancelled, and deals no chip
damage. This move will not hit airborne enemies.

- A: Satsuki grabs and tosses the enemy to the other side of her. (1 hit,
1569 damage)

- B: Satsuki grabs and slams the enemy down to the ground for a groundslam.
You can link an EX Air Grab after this. (1 hit, 697 damage)

- EX: Same as the B version, but you cannot tech it at all. (1 hit, 2092

* Air Grab: 623A/B/C. This move cannot be super cancelled, and will not hit
grounded enemies. It also cannot be airblocked.

- A: Same as the A Grab. (1 hit, 1569 damage)

- B: Same as the B Grab. (1 hit, 697 damage)

- EX: This looks just like the B Grab, but its range is obscene,
approximately half the screen. It won't hit enemies right above her,
but will pretty much vacuum in anything else. (1 hit, 2092 damage)

* Bite: 63214C. There is no "normal" version of this move, and it requires
100% circuit. Satsuki reaches out to bite the enemy, and if
she succeeds she will gain a small amount of life back. This
move is unblockable. (1 hit, 1800 damage)


* Satsuki Flails: 41236C during Heat or Blood Heat. This move is unblockable.

- Heat: Satsuki charges forward and stabs her arm into the enemy's gut. (1
hit, 2970 damage)

- Blood Heat: Satsuki charges forward much faster and longer, stabs her arm
into the enemy's gut, then proceeds to flail wildly at them,
finishing the attack with a wallslamming punch. Against Shiki
or Nanaya, she'll do a slightly different version with more
hits. (Shiki and Nanaya: 37 hits, 5134 damage; everyone else:
23 hits, 5030 damage)


* Shield Bunker: A Punch. This move can only be EX and Arc Drive cancelled,
and counts as a special move so super cancelling will cause
65% proration. If it connects properly, the punch will
wallslam. This move cannot be airblocked. (1 hit, 900

* Shield Counter

- Air: A groundslamming version of her j.C. You cannot tech this move at
all. (1 hit, 1749 damage)

- Ground: A wallslamming version of her A Punch. (1 hit, 900 damage)

- Crouch: Dashes and switches sides.

* Last Arc: Done on the ground. Satsuki unleashes the power of her Depletion
Garden Reality Marble, letting autumn leaves kick the enemy's
ass. You can combo after this move. (20 hits, 3442 damage)


C: Satsuki throws the enemy away to the other side. (1 hit, 900 damage)

Shiki Nanaya

"Kyokushi... Nanaya."

Damage Ranking: 100%
Match 4: Akiha Tohno (Reversed)
Match 8: Nrvnqsr Chaos
Heat Activation: Juggles up

Note: Nanaya has a few auto-shield frames in his frontal dash. Also, you can
tap the backdash command twice and he will do a backflip after the dash.


* Standing

- A: A long-ranged face jab. (1 hit, 306 damage, 70% prorate)

- B: An elbow smash, the first part of his launcher. This move will advance
him forward. You cannot cancel into his 2B from this move. (1 hit, 630

- C: A lunging stab with bad recovery but good range. (1 hit, 1350 damage,
80% prorate)

* Crouching

- A: A quick jab. This move can be blocked high. (1 hit, 270 damage, 68%

- B: A lunging stab. This move can be blocked high and will advance him
forward. It will deal chip damage. (1 hit, 270 damage, 68% prorate)

- C: A sliding sweep that's Shiki's 214 move. You cannot tech this move at
all. (1 hit, 900 damage, 60% prorate)

* Jumping

- A: A straight-forward chop. This move can be blocked low. (1 hit, 270
damage, 78% prorate)

- B: A two-hit knife swipe. (2 hits, 1063 damage)

- C: A quick and painful downwards stab. This move can be blocked low. (1
hit, 1260 damage, 80% prorate)

* Charged

- 5B 5B: The second hit of his launcher can be charged so that it cannot be
teched until the enemy hits the ground. (1+1 hits, 630+1530 damage,
2nd hit 75% prorate)

- 5C: Delayed version of his standing C, but it's blockable in the air and
on the ground. This will juggle the enemy up. (1 hit, 2160 damage)

* Command

- 5B 5B: A two-hit launcher where he uppercuts with his knife hand. (2 hits,
1501 damage, 2nd hit 63% prorate)


* Slashy: 236A/B/C. Only the last hit of this move can be super cancelled.
You can control the direction he's moving in by holding 4 or 6.

- A: Nanaya slashes multiple times with his knife arm. (6 hits, 1240 damage)

- B: More slashes, and more recovery. (12 hits, 1962 damage)

- EX: Even more slashes! (18 hits, 3277 damage)

* Slicey: 214A/B/C. This move cannot be super cancelled.

- A: Nanaya leans forward, then teleports and does a flipping slice. This
move hits high. (1 hit, 1080 damage)

- B: Nanaya dashes forward with an arcing slash. This will wallslam if he's
more than 2 widths apart. Within that, he will go through them and end
up on the other side, blocked or not; a hit will juggle up. (Far: 1
hit, 810 damage; Close: 1 hit, 1440 damage)

- C: Nanaya will lean forward, then teleport and go for a throw. (2 hits,
1307 damage)

* Uppercut Kick: 623A/B/C. This move can only be super cancelled on the first
hit. You can also cancel the second or third hits into his
22 Drop.

- A: Nanaya does an upkick. There's a small invincibility window at the
startup of this move that makes it unblockable in the air. (2 hits,
1831 damage)

- B: Nanaya goes up higher. (3 hits, 2206 damage)

- EX: Multi-hitting version that can't be teched until the enemy touches the
ground. (6 hits, 3140 damage)

* Teleport: 22A/B/C. This move cannot be super cancelled.

- A: Nanaya crouches, then teleports halfway across the screen.

- B: Nanaya crouches, then fakes a teleport without moving.

- C: Nanaya crouches, then does... nothing. Useful!

* Drop (air): 22 while jumping. This move cannot be super cancelled.

- Nanaya drops straight down in the air, landing before his enemy can. Good
for mixups.


* Eyes of Direct Death: 41236C during Heat or Blood Heat. This move will
erase all of your enemy's red life in normal mode,
and leave a very small amount.

- Heat: Nanaya leaps at the enemy with knife exposed. If a character is
within his jump arc at any time, he will slash; this part can be
avoided if you dash the instant he does so. The leap can also be
shielded. It will also not hit if they're right next to him when he
starts. (1 hit, 3780 damage)

- Blood Heat: More damage than the Heat version, and it's also unblockable.
(2 hits, 5226 damage)


* Shield Bunker: Pretty much the same move as his charged B launcher. You can
cancel this move into anything. (1 hit, 1080 damage)

* Shield Counter

- Air: Just his jump 5C that groundslams. I'm not sure if it groundslams
only on counterhit or what. (1 hit, 1749 damage, 80% prorate)

- Ground: EX Slashy. Slow to come out, and the pushback prevents
all the hits from landing. (25 hits, 3431 damage)

- Crouch: Dashes and switches sides.

* Last Arc: Done on the ground. Nanaya teleports forward, throwing his knife
at the enemy, then alights atop their head and twists, ending
back on the ground where he began afterwards. There is a small
bit of startup between the flash and when he teleports, but the
actual move is unblockable. (1 hit, 4140 damage)


C: Just a basic throw where he slams them to the ground. You gain 4.2% circuit
from landing one. (2 hits, 1321 damage)

C (air): A slam down to the ground. You can 5.9% circuit off of this move,
and cannot tech it at all. (2 hits, 1080 damage)

Shiki Tohno

"... korosu."

Damage Ranking: 90%
Match 4: Nrvnqsr Chaos
Match 8: Warcueid
Heat Activation: Wallslam

Note: Shiki has a few auto-shield frames in his frontal dash. Also, you can
tap the backdash command twice and he will do a backflip after the dash.


* Standing

- A: A low shin kick. (1 hit, 324 damage, 70% prorate)

- B: An elbow smash, the first part of his launcher. This move will advance
him forward. You cannot cancel into his 2B from this move. (1 hit, 630
damage, 78% prorate)

- C: A lunging stab with bad recovery but good range. (1 hit, 1350 damage,
75% of current prorate)

* Crouching

- A: A quick jab. This move can be blocked high. (1 hit, 270 damage, 68%

- B: A two-hit slash. The first hit of this will knock crouching enemies
down, hits low, and can be airblocked. The second hit can be blocked
high. (2 hits, 1074 damage, 85% prorate)

- C: A slow, circular sweep with one leg. You cannot tech this move at all.
(1 hit, 1080 damage, 55% prorate)

* Jumping

- A: A straight-forward chop. This move can be blocked low. (1 hit, 270
damage, 78% prorate)

- B: A two-hit knife swipe. (2 hits, 963 damage, 1st hit 81% prorate, 2nd
hit 79% prorate)

- C: A slow but long-ranged downwards kick. (1 hit, 1080 damage, 75% prorate)

* Charged

- 5B 5B: The second hit of his launcher can be charged so that it cannot be
teched until the enemy hits the ground. (1+1 hits, 630+1530 damage,
2nd hit 75% prorate)

- 5C: Delayed version of his standing C, unblockable. This will juggle the
enemy up. (1 hit, 1980 damage, 75% prorate)

- 5C (air): Very slow version of his air C, which will groundslam the enemy.
This move cannot be airdash cancelled. (1 hit, 720 damage, 90%

* Command

- 5B 5B: A two-hit launcher where he uppercuts with his knife hand. The
second hit can be airblocked. (2 hits, 1309 damage, 1st hit 78%
prorate, 2nd hit 63% prorate)


* Dash Cut: 236A/B/C. Only the 3rd hit of the B version can be super

- A: Shiki slides forward and does a slashing move. (1 hit, 1260 damage)

- B: Shiki slides a bit farther, and the slash hits multiple times. (3 hits,
1560 damage)

- EX: Same move, but with a finishing slice at the end that wallslams. (4
hits, 2716 damage)

* Slide: 214A/B/C. Nothing terribly special about this move.

- A: Shiki slides forward for a low kick. (1 hit, 900 damage)

- B: This version has more startup, but goes farther. (1 hit, 900 damage)

- EX: After the slide, Shiki will do his A Dash Cut for a wallslam. Also,
the slash itself can be cancelled into anything. (1 hit, 1701 damage,
2nd hit 70% prorate)

* Uppercut Kick: 623A/B/C. This move can only be super cancelled on the first

- A: Shiki does an upkick, then his jump C that knocks down. There's a small
invincibility window at the startup of this move that makes it
unblockable in the air. You cannot tech this move at all. The second
hit will whiff against most grounded characters that aren't tall
enough. (2 hits, 1721 damage, 2nd hit 90% prorate)

- B: Shiki goes up higher. This version will hit most of the characters the
A version won't, but it knocks them much higher up, making it more
to connect with moves if you super cancel it. (2 hits, 2151 damage, 2nd
hit 90% prorate)

- EX: A three-hit version that hits pretty hard for an EX move. (3 hits,
3793 damage, 3rd hit 90% prorate)

* Teleport: 22A/B/C. This move cannot be super cancelled.

- A: Shiki crouches, then teleports halfway across the screen.

- B: Shiki crouches, then fakes a teleport without moving.

- EX: Shiki crouches, then does a teleport and throw. Note that since this
is actually a real throw and not a "hit" throw, it will whiff if they
are in hitstun.


* Eyes of Direct Death: 41236C during Heat or Blood Heat. This move will
erase all of your enemy's red life in normal mode,
and leave a very small amount in Blood Heat. Both
versions are unblockable.

- Heat: Shiki leaps at the enemy with knife exposed. If a character is
within his jump arc at any time, they will be hit; however, this
move can be shielded. It will also not hit if they're right next to
him when he starts. (1 hit, 2880 damage)

- Blood Heat: Same as the Heat version, but hits more times. (17 hits, 5028


* Shield Bunker: Pretty much the same move as his charged B launcher. You can
cancel this move into anything. (1 hit, 1080 damage)

* Shield Counter

- Air: Just his jump 5C that groundslams. I'm not sure if it groundslams
only on counterhit or what. (1 hit, 777 damage)

- Ground: Nanaya's EX slashy. Slow to come out, and the pushback prevents
all the hits from landing. (22 hits, 3280 damage)

- Crouch: Dashes and switches sides.

* Last Arc: Done on the ground. Shiki does a miniature Eyes of Direct Death,
saying he'll show them the meaning of killing things. This
juggles up for a combo, and is completely invincible but does not
come out instantly. It is, however, unblockable. (1 hit, 1749


C: Just a basic throw where he slams them to the ground. You gain 8.5% circuit
from landing one. (2 hits, 1321 damage)

C (air): A slam down to the ground. You can 11.9% circuit off of this move,
and cannot tech it at all. (2 hits, 1046 damage)

Sion Eltnam Atlasia

"Sentou saikai shimasu!"

Damage Ranking: 90%
Match 4: Satsuki Yumizuka
Match 8: Shiki Tohno
Heat Activation: Wallslam


* Standing

- A: Your standard, everyday jab attack. (1 hit, 315 damage)

- B: Sion rams her knee forwards. This attack can be airblocked, and will
knock down crouching enemies. (1 hit, 450 damage)

- C: Sion does a high roundhouse kick to the face. (1 hit, 900 damage)

* Crouching

- A: A kick to the ankles that hits extremely low. (1 hit, 315 damage, 75%

- B: A lunging punch that also hits pretty low. This attack will knock down
crouching enemies. (1 hit, 450 damage)

- C: Sion pulls out her whip and spins around, snaking it at the enemy's
legs. Incredibly slow, but this attack has super armor while Sion's
still facing forward before spin. You cannot tech this move at all. (1
hit, 1080 damage)

* Jumping

- A: A low-angled kick. This move can be blocked low. (1 hit, 315 damage,
78% prorate)

- B: A two-armed downwards attack. (1 hit, 630 damage)

- C: A somersaulting kick with both legs. (1 hit, 900 damage)

* Charged

- 5C: Delayed high kick that wallslams. If this attack lands, the enemy
cannot be hit any further. (2 hits, 1951 damage)

- 5C (air): Delayed cycle kick. This attack will juggle the enemy higher up
into the air. (1 hit, 828 damage)

* Command

- 3B: A two-fist uppercut that launches. Doesn't have the range it did from
the original game. (1 hit, 630 damage, 75% prorate)

- 6B: Overhead swinging kick. It's just an overhead if you press the button,
but you can charge this attack, which will groundslam the enemy up
into the air for a combo. (Normal: 1 hit, 630 damage; Charged: 1 hit,
1530 damage)

- 6C, 4C: A whip swing downwards, then a sharp tug backwards. Both hits can
be special, EX, or Arc Drive cancelled, and the second hit will
chip. You cannot OTG after this move at all. (2 hits, 1510 damage)

- 2B (air): Dive kick. This move can be blocked low. (1 hit, 720 damage)


* Uppercut Whip: 623A/B/C. This move can only be super cancelled on the first
two hits.

- A: Sion twirls and brings her whip with her. This move has some invincible
frames at startup, making it air unblockable. (2 hits, 1541 damage)

- B: Goes a bit higher. This move also has invincible frames. (7 hits, 2202

- EX: Goes the highest. This move also has invincible frames. (8 hits, 3091

* Leg Grab: 214A/B/C. This move cannot be super cancelled.

- A (air): Sion dives down and tries to catch them in a slam. This is almost
point-blank. (1 hit, 1046 damage)

- B (air): This goes down a bit farther but has startup. You must block
this move high. (1 hit, 1350 damage)

- EX (air): Goes down as far as her B version, but without the startup. Sion
does five slams in a row. You can hold 4 or 6 to control the way
she slams, and she will end up standing in the direction she's
slamming. This move must be blocked high. (6 hits, 2852 damage)

* Whip Catch: 214A/B/C. Only the B version of this move can be super
cancelled. This move will not deal chip.

- A: Sion tries to catch the enemy's ankle with her whip. If it lands it'll
knock down. (1 hit, 828 damage)

- B: Sion tries to do the same, but this move will set them in front of her,
leaving them open for a combo. This move will not hit OTG. (1 hit, 720

- EX: Sion does an extended version of her B Whip Catch. It can hit OTG and
will set them up for a combo. All four hits are special, EX, or Arc
Drive cancellable. (4 hits, 1713 damage, 4th hit 75% scaled prorate)

* Slide Kick: 421A/B/C. This move cannot be airblocked.

- A: Sion ducks forward. It's a fakeout move.

- B: Sion ducks forward, then does a high kick that juggles up and can be
cancelled by anything. You cannot tech this move until you touch the
ground. (2 hits, 1411 damage, 2nd hit 65% prorate)

- EX: Sion goes airborne with her kick, and you can follow it with an air
combo. This counts as one of her jumps. The 3rd and 4th hit can be
cancelled into anything. (4 hits, 2226 damage, 3rd & 4th hit 65%

* Gun: 236A/B/C. This move cannot be super cancelled.

- A: Sion fires at the ground once... (1 hit, 360 damage)

- B: ... three times... (3 hits, 1045 damage)

- C: ... five times. All the moves have about 40% screen reach. (5 hits,
1686 damage)

* Reload: 22D. Cannot be super cancelled. Reloading manually is quicker than
having her do it automatically when she runs out. Reloading when
you have 13 bullets does nothing. This move restores her supply to
13 bullets.

* Teleport: 66 after blockstun ends. Deals no damage. Sion teleports forward
a short distance.


* Black Barrel: 41236C during Heat or Blood Heat. This move can be

- Heat: Sion flicks a bullet up and then fires her gun off into the air.
This can actually hit grounded opponents now, but to get the full
damage you still need to hit them in the air. Note that the bullet
flick can hit, and if it does so the rest won't connect on the
ground. You can mash to get more damage. (Ground: 10 hits, 4497
damage; Air: 15 hits, 6565 damage)

- Blood Heat: Sion will run forward first, do her 3B, then do the Black
Barrel Replica. She will only run 95% across the screen; if
you're all the way across from each other she won't reach. If
the 3B is beaten, the rest of the move doesn't happen. Mash
for more damage. (16 hits, 7376 damage)


* Shield Bunker: Incredibly slow version of her 6C which juggles up. This
move can only be special, EX, or Arc Drive cancelled. (1
hit, 900 damage)

* Shield Counter

- Air: Midair charged 5C, juggles further up into the air. (1 hit, 828

- Ground: EX Anti-Air Whip. (8 hits, 3091 damage)

- Crouch: Rolls and switches sides.

* Last Arc: Done in a crouch. Tethers herself down with her whip, then fires
off a shot from the Black Barrel Replica in your face for a
wallslam. (10 hits, 4243 damage)


B: Sion tosses the enemy into the air away from herself. (1 hit, 450 damage)

C: Sion climbs up and steps on the enemy's face. This move cannot be teched at
all. (1 hit, 900 damage)

C (air): Sion throws the enemy down to the ground. You cannot tech this move
at all. (1 hit, 810 damage)

Sion Eltnam Atlasia (Vampire)

"... nikui..."

Damage Ranking: 100%
Match 4: Ciel
Match 8: Shiki Tohno
Heat Activation: Juggles up


* Standing

- A: A jab. What else is there to say? (1 hit, 315 damage, 78% prorate)

- B: A short-ranged knee attack. This move will knock down crouching
enemies. (1 hit, 450 damage)

- C: A lunging downwards punch. The third hit can be special, EX, or Arc
Drive cancelled. (3 hits, 1467 damage)

* Crouching

- A: A low, low kick. (1 hit, 315 damage, 75% prorate)

- B: A low, lunging punch attack. This move will knock down crouching
enemies. (1 hit, 450 damage)

- C: A sweeping arm blow. You cannot tech this move at all. (1 hit, 1080
damage, 55% prorate)

* Jumping

- A: A downwards-angled kick. This move can be blocked low. (1 hit, 315
damage, 78% prorate)

- B: A two-armed downwards attack. (1 hit, 630 damage)

- C: A somersaulting kick with both legs. (1 hit, 900 damage)

* Charged

- 5C (air): Delayed cycle kick. This move juggles the enemy higher up into
the air. (1 hit, 828 damage)

* Command

- 3B: A two-fisted uppercut that launches. (1 hit, 630 damage)

- 6B: Overhead swinging kick. You cannot charge this attack. (1 hit, 630

- 6C, 4C: An overhead whip swing, then a sharp tug backwards. Both hits can
be special, EX, or Arc Drive cancelled, and the second hit will
chip. You cannot OTG from this move at all. (2 hits, 1510 damage)


* Katto Forward: 236A/B/C. Only the B version of this move can be super

- A: Walachia's forward blades. Hitting with this leaves you open for a bit
if the enemy's on the ground. The blades will persist even if Sion is
hit. (1 hit, 1080 damage)

- B: Stronger version. This one is safe to hit with, and the blades will
persist. (3 hits, 1830 damage)

- EX: "Katto, katto, katto, katto!" Nothing really special, it deals more
damage. (3 hits, 2614 damage)

* Katto Up: 623A/B/C. This move cannot be super cancelled or airblocked.

- A: Walachia's upward blades. Juggles the enemy up in the air, but you
don't have enough time to combo afterwards. The blades persist even if
Sion is hit. (1 hit, 1350 damage)

- B: Stronger version. This can be comboed after if you're timing is good.
The blades will persist. (2 hits, 1361 damage)

- EX: "Katto, katto, katto, katto!" You cannot breakfall this until you
touch the ground. This version comes out slightly slower than the
other two. (5 hits, 2369 damage)

* Summon: 22A/B/C. This move cannot be super cancelled.

- A: Sion coils her whip and calls out the nightmare of Arcueid to do a wide
horizontal uppercut. You can air combo afterwards. This move can be
airblocked. (4 hits, 1344 damage)

- B: Sion (Vampire) calls out Satsuki with her B Punch in the Face. You can
air combo afterwards. (1 hit, 900 damage)

- C: Sion (Vampire) calls out Akiha to walk and do a 6C command kick for a
wallslam. (1 hit, 1350 damage)

* Whip Catch: 214A/B/C. This move deals no chip damage.

- A: Sion tries to catch the enemy's ankle with her whip. If it lands it'll
knock them to the ground. This move can hit OTG. (1 hit, 828 damage)

- B: Sion tries to do the same, but this move will set the enemy in front of
her, open for a combo. This move cannot hit OTG. (1 hit, 720 damage)

- EX: Sion does an extended version of her B Whip Catch. It can hit OTG and
will set them up for a combo. All four hits are special, EX, or Arc
Drive cancellable. (4 hits, 1713 damage, 4th hit 75% scaled prorate)

* Leg Grab: 214A/B/C. This move cannot be super cancelled.

- A (air): Sion dives down and tries to catch them in a slam. This is almost
point-blank. (1 hit, 1046 damage)

- B (air): This goes down a bit farther but has startup, and deals less.
This move must be blocked high. (1 hit, 1350 damage)

- EX (air): Goes down as far as her B version, but without the startup, and
does five slams in a row. You can hold 4 or 6 to control the way
she slams. Sion will end up facing in the direction she's
slamming. This move must be blocked high. (6 hits, 3126 damage)


* Bite: 41236C during Heat or Blood Heat.

- Heat: An all-or-nothing move, Sion grabs you and takes a big bite. It
deals about 31.5% average, and will heal her lifebar a bit (not just
the red part, but the whole thing). It's also unblockable and
doesn't seem affected by crouch damage scaling. (1 hit, 3150 damage)

- Blood Heat: This move deals about 43.2% and reaches about two character
widths. It is also unblockable and heals as well. (1 hit, 4320


* Shield Bunker: Incredibly slow version of her 6C which juggles up. This
move can be special, EX, or Arc Drive cancelled. (1 hit, 900

* Shield Counter

- Air: Midair charged 5C, juggles further up into the air. (1 hit, 828 damage)

- Ground: A series of katto's that juggles up. You can follow up with an air
combo. (7 hits, 2416 damage)

- Crouch: Dashes and switches sides.

* Last Arc: Done on the ground. Her whip snakes out and her friend Reez Baife
impales you with her Pile Bunker polearm for a wallslam. (8 hits,
5276 damage)


B: Sion grabs the enemy and throws them to one side. (1 hit, 630 damage)

C: Sion climbs on the enemy's face and stomps them with her boot. (1 hit, 828

C (air): Sion grabs the enemy and throws them to the ground. You cannot tech
this move at all. (1 hit, 810 damage)


"Narase, narase, narase, narase, narase!!"

Damage Ranking: 110%
Match 4: Ciel
Match 8: Arcueid Brunestud
Heat Activation: Wallslam


* Standing

- A: A simple jab with his claw-like fingers. (1 hit, 270 damage, 78%

- B: A sideways blow with his cape. (2 hits, 1022 damage)

- C: A spinning horizontal attack with his cape. (3 hits, 1312 damage)

* Crouching

- A: A quick jab with his claw-like fingers. (1 hit, 270 damage, 76%

- B: A weird-looking overhead cape blow. This move can be blocked high. (3
hits, 1132 damage)

- C: A multiple-hit cape sweep attack. This move can be airblocked, and only
the first hit cannot be teched at all. (2 hits, 1088 damage, 1st hit
58% prorate, 2nd hit 55% prorate)

* Jumping

- A: A quick jab attack with claw-like fingers. Imagine that. (1 hit, 270
damage, 76% prorate)

- B: A horizontal twirling cape attack similar to his standing C. (2 hits,
888 damage)

- C: A downwards-angled cape attack. (3 hits, 1045 damage)

* Charged

- None

* Command

- 2C (air): Looks exactly like his jumping C, but with a bit more startup.
This attack must be blocked high, and will knock airborne
enemies down to the ground. (1 hit, 900 damage)

- 6C: A lunging uppercut with his cape. Walachia will lean back a bit when
doing this move, causing him to avoid certain attacks. (1 hit, 1170
damage, 85% prorate)


* Katto Forward: 236A/B/C. Nothing too special here.

- A: Walachia sends three blades of darkness forward at the enemy from his
hand.(3 hits, 1306 damage)

- B: Same blades, but they're slightly larger and has a bit more startup. (3
hits, 1830 damage)

- EX: The blades are much larger, covering almost half the screen. This
attack will wallslam the enemy if it lands. (6 hits, 2879 damage)

* Katto Up: 623A/B/C. This move cannot be super cancelled or airblocked.

- A: An anti-air Katto that goes upwards. (1 hit, 1350 damage)

- B: Same move, but with some startup. (3 hits, 1982 damage)

- EX: Similar to the B version but with quicker startup. This move cannot be
teched until you touch the ground. (6 hits, 2195 damage, each hit 80%
scaled prorate)

* Summon: 214A/B/C. This move cannot be super cancelled.

- A: Walachia summons a nightmare of Aka Akiha to do her Reverse Uppercut.
This move must be blocked high. (1 hit, 720 damage)

- B: Walachia summons a nightmare of Shiki Nanaya to do his B Slicey. (1
hit, 1080 damage)

- C: Walachia summons a nightmare of Nrvnqsr Chaos to do his Arm Swipe. This
move cannot be airblocked. (1 hit, 1440 damage)

* Spinny Cape: 421A/B/C. This move cannot be super cancelled.

- A (air): Walachia folds into his cape and turns into a bladed spinny...
thing that cuts his enemies up, appearing back on the ground once
he's finished. (4 hits, 1102 damage)

- B (air): Same move, more hits. (13 hits, 2475 damage)

- EX (air): Sort of the same move, but the benefit to this one is that it
cannot be teched at all. (8 hits, 4043 damage)

* Teleport: 421A/B/C. This move cannot be super cancelled, and deals no

- A: Walachia vanishes in a twirl of his cape, reappearing in front of the

- B: Same move, but he appears behind the enemy.

- C: Same move, but he goes 75% across the screen. All three versions have
some exit recovery.

* Tornado: 22A/B/C. This move cannot be super cancelled. You can hold the A
or B button to change the tornado's positioning. You can
also tap 2222C to do a variation on the EX Tornado.

- A: Walachia throws up a tornado 25% across the screen... (6 hits, 1156

- B: ... 75% across the screen... (6 hits, 1156 damage)

- A (held): ... 50% across the screen... (6 hits, 1156 damage)

- B (held): ... 100% across the screen. All four versions are the same move
located in different places. (6 hits, 1156 damage)

- EX: Walachia summons a larger tornado which casually advances across the
screen. (12 hits, 2056 damage)

- EX (2222C): This version advances a bit faster, partially due to the fact
that it "warps" its way forward instead of simply moving
along. (12 hits, 2062 damage)


* Night on the Blood LIAR: 41236C during Heat or Blood Heat.

- Heat: Walachia creates a tornado of dark power underneath the enemy, which
juggles them up higher and higher. A bloodied smiley face will kick
their ass at the end. (12 hits, 4469 damage)

- Blood Heat: Along with the tornado, Walachia will summon all of his
nightmares to join in the beatdown. The smiley face at the end
remains the same. (28 hits, 5113 damage)

* Summon Warcueid: 63214C. Walachia summons a shadow Warcueid to throw two
blood rings at the enemy. (4+2 hits, 685 damage + 2953
damage, 85% scaled prorate each ring)


* Shield Bunker: His 6C attack. This move can be cancelled into anything. (1
hit, 1170 damage, 85% prorate)

* Shield Counter

- Air: His jumping 2C. This will knock standing opponents to the ground. (1
hit, 900 damage)

- Ground: Only comes out if first katto hits (7 hits, 2416 damage)

- Crouch: Dashes and switches sides.

* Last Arc:

- Done in a crouch. Walachia disappears, and rends the screen with a few
claw marks, reappearing on the other side. (7 hits, 2704 damage)

- Done on the ground. Walachia does the Cape Spinny Deal three times,
getting huger each pass, and then does his bloody smiley face thing. Lasts
a really long time. (34 hits, 4152 damage)


C: Walachia envelopes the enemy within his cape and flings them off-screen.
You cannot tech this move at all. (1 hit, 900 damage)

C (air): Walachia snags the enemy and punches them to the ground. (1 hit, 828


"Utsuwari no tsuki yo!"

Damage Ranking: 100%
Match 4: Ciel
Match 8: Walachia
Heat Activation: Juggles up


* Standing

- A: Warcueid throws a careless jab at the enemy's face. (1 hit, 315 damage,
75% prorate)

- B: Warcueid swipes downwards towards the ground with one arm. This move
can be airblocked. (1 hit, 630 damage)

- C: A straight punch with one arm, slightly faster than Arcueid's version.
(1 hit, 900 damage)

* Crouching

- A: A rather normal jab to the shins. This move can be blocked high. (1
hit, 252 damage)

- B: A low sliding kick. This will knock the enemy down to the ground. (1
hit, 630 damage, 75% prorate)

- C: A lunging hook with one arm. This will not knock the enemy down to the
ground. (1 hit, 990 damage)

* Jumping

- A: A downwards-angled jab. (1 hit, 360 damage, 75% prorate)

- B: A two-hit swipe with both arms. (2 hits, 977 damage)

- C: An upwards claw swipe with one arm. This move can be blocked low. (1
hit, 900 damage)

* Charged

- 5B: A delayed version of her 5B. This move has two charge levels, with
different effects; the first level deals one more hit, while the
second level must be blocked high, knocks down crouching enemies, and
wallslams airborne ones. (Slightly charged: 2 hits, 885 damage; fully
charged: 2 hits, 1063 damage)

- 5C: A delayed version of her 5C. It's unblockable and has super armor as
she starts reaching out until a little after her arm is fully
extended. (1 hit, 1800 damage)

* Command

- 2A x 2: This is just her normal 2A x 2 sequence, but take note that the
2nd 2A hits low. (2 hits, 469 damage, 78% prorate)

- 2C (air): Warcueid pops upwards slightly and does a two-arm spinning
attack. The seventh hit will knock an enemy to the ground, and
cannot be teched at all. This move will also pick up a grounded
opponent. (7 hits, 1907 damage)

- 3C: An advancing version of her 2C, with a lot of super armor frames (and
is also extremely slow). (1 hit, 1692 damage, 55% prorate)


* Uppercut: 236A/B/C. This move cannot be airblocked.

- A: Warcueid flings an arm up and unleashes a crimson wave of energy. (2
hits, 1766 damage)

- B: Same move, but with more startup and extra hits and damage. (8 hits,
1785 damage)

- EX: Warcueid lunges forward a bit and ends up in the air after doing the
uppercut. (8 hits, 3643 damage)

* Ring: 214A/B/C.

- A: Warcueid throws out a ring of crimson energy that's almost as large as
she is. (1 hit, 900 damage)

- B: A bit more startup, but Warcueid throws two rings instead. (2 hits,
1771 damage)

- EX: Warcueid throws out two rings which hit multiple times. (10 hits, 3009
damage, 5% prorate each hit)

- A (air): Warcueid will throw a ring in the air, and continue with her air
trajectory. This ring dissipates over time. (1 hit, 900 damage)

- B (air): Same move, but Warcueid bounces backwards after throwing the
ring. Also, this ring does not dissipate. (1 hit, 900 damage)

- EX (air): Warcueid throws a single ring that will knock up grounded
enemies and knock down airborne ones. She maintains her
trajectory throughout the move. (1 hit, 2610 damage)

* Teleport: 623A/B/C. This move cannot be super cancelled.

- A: Warcueid teleports a short distance forward. This move has a slight bit
of exit recovery, and deals no damage.

- B: Warcueid teleports a longer distance forward. This move has a slight
bit of exit recovery, and deals no damage.

- EX: Warcueid teleports forward and attempts to catch the enemy by the
neck. If she hits, she will throw them to the other side for a
wallslam. (1 hit, 1202 damage)


* Call the Damn Sun*: 41236C during Heat or Blood Heat. This move is

- Heat: Warcueid rears back and utters an incantation, bringing a mighty
force of energy down upon the battlefield. This move takes about
three seconds to come out, but once it does it's unblockable and
allows you to combo afterwards. (1 hit, 1800 damage, 65% prorate)

- Blood Heat: In this version, Warcueid rears up and the summoning process
happens during the super freeze, meaning that the move comes
out in less than a second. (1 hit, 3870 damage)

* I know it's not actually the sun.


* Shield Bunker: An overhead swipe with one arm, trailing with crimson
energy; the same as Arcueid's bunker. This move cannot be
cancelled at all, and can be airblocked. (1 hit, 1080

* Shield Counter

- Air: EX Ring. (1 hit, 2610 damage)

- Ground: EX Uppercut. (8 hits, 3643 damage)

- Crouch: Dashes and switches sides.

* Last Arc: Done on the ground. Warcueid shoots chains up from the ground,
grinding the enemy amongst them, then flings them away with a
burst of energy. (22 hits, 4979 damage)


C: Warcueid tosses the enemy casually to one side. (1 hit, 1080 damage)

C (air): Warcueid grabs the enemy by the face and slams them down into the
ground. This move cannot be teched at all. (1 hit, 871 damage)

IV. Move Names

Akiha Tohno

* 236A - Shooting Down the Bird
* 236B - Shooting Down the Dancing Bird
* 236C - Shooting Down the Dancing Bird in the Sky
* 22A/B - Burning the Beast
* 22C - Burning the Raging Beast
* 214A/B - Piercing the Moon
* 214C - Piercing the Young Moon
* 421A/B/C - Blazing Rendition: Red Leaves
* 41236C - Crimson Lord: Imprisoning Hair
* Last Arc: Crimson Lord: Infernal Fire

Akiha Tohno (Reversed)

* 236A - Shooting Down the Bird
* 236B - Shooting Down the Dancing Bird
* 236C - Shooting Down the Dancing Bird in the Sky
* 22A/B - Burning the Beast
* 22C - Burning the Raging Beast
* 214A/B - Piercing the Moon
* 214C - Piercing the Young Moon
* 421A/B/C - Blazing Rendition: Red Leaves
* 41236C - Crimson Lord: Imprisoning Hair
* Last Arc: Crimson Lord: Infernal Fire

Arcueid Brunestud

* 236A/B/C - Move!
* 22A/B/C - Quiet!
* 623A/B/C - What Are You Doing...!
* 214A/B/C - One, Two!
* 41236C - Marble Phantasm
* 41236C (BH) - Melty Blood
* Last Arc - Let's Have Some Fun?
* Last Arc (Shikis) - 18 Dissection


* 214A/B - Throwing Black Key
* 214C - Black Key: Ultima
* 236A/B - Highlow
* 236C - The Seventh Heaven
* 22A/B/C - Ciel Somer (Serious)
* 623A/B/C - Blade Sinker
* 41236C - The Seventh Scripture
* 41236C (BH) - The Seventh Scripture: Forgiving the Original Sin
* Last Arc - Cremation Ritual


* 623A/B/C - Excuse Me
* 236A/B/C - This Ladle is Durable
* 214A/B/C - Watch Out!
* 22A/B/C - I Have Tried My Best
* 41236C - Dark Hisui Fist
* 41236C (BH) - True Dark Hisui Fist
* Last Arc - Fake Reality Marble: Rolling Hisui World

Hisui & Kohaku

* 22D - Sisterhood ~Beginning~
* 214A/B/C (Kohaku) - Sisterhood ~Storm and Cloud~
* 214A/B/C (Hisui) - Sisterhood ~Basic~
* 214214C - Sisterhood, the Motion Picture


* 236A/B/C - Draw: Hidden Sword
* 214A/B/C - Magical Amber Missile
* 22A/B/C - I've Been Growing These Kinds of Things
* 1632143C - Drug-On Install
* 41236C - China Kohaku: Kohaku's Kick That Cracks Open Treacherous Ligaments
* 41236C (BH) - China Kohaku: Kohaku's Kick That Cracks Open Diffusing
* Last Arc - Kohaku Style Sword Drawing Technique Mystery: New Year Asteroid


* 236A/B/C - (Execution) Laser
* 214A/B - Hallucination Missile
* 214C - Hallucination Missile: Nightmare
* 22A/B/C - Kohaku-Powered Barrier
* 623A/B/C - Electric Net Wire: Type High
* 421A/B/C - Electric Net Wire: Type C
* 214A/B/C (air) - Heat Seeker: King Fisher
* 41236C - L:S:O (Supersisters' Alliance)
* Last Arc - Saturday Night Forever

Miyako Arima

* Not done yet! Ha ha.

Nrvnqsr Chaos

* 421A/B/C - Release Chaos: Horned Beast
* 236A/B/C - Release Chaos: Black Wing
* 214A/B - Release Chaos: Reptile
* 214C - Unload Chaos: Leviathan
* 63214C - Release Chaos: Unreal
* 41236C - The 999th Beast
* Last Arc - The Number of the Beast


* 236A/B/C - Fleur: Freeze
* 623A/B/C - London Rondo
* 214A/B - Glass Glass Tea Time
* 214C - Tin-Cat Rocket
* 421A/B/C - ???
* 41236C - Water Bubble
* 41236C (BH) - Water Bubble Dream
* Last Arc - Creampuff Dream REM

Satsuki Yumizuka

* 236A/B/C - Sacchin's Arm Grasping the Endless Dream
* 623A/B/C - Sacchin's Arm Reaching the Untouchable Dream
* 22A/B/C - Don't Stop Me!
* 214A/B/C - Here I Go!
* 63214C - ???
* 41236C - I'm Mad...!
* Last Arc - Reality Marble: Depletion Garden

Shiki Nanaya

* 214A - Flashing Sheath: Eight Millenia
* 214B - Flashing Sheath: Seven Night
* 214C - Flashing Sheath: One Wind
* 236A/B/C - Flashing Sheath: Eightfold Slash
* 22A/B/C - ???
* 623A/B/C - Flashing Dash: Six Hare
* 41236C - Flashing Sheath: Sand Gate of Hell Maze
* Last Arc - Ultimate Death: Nanaya

Shiki Tohno

* 236A/B/C - Wildcard the First
* 214A/B/C - Wildcard the Second
* 623A/B/C - Kick That Confuses Me
* 22A/B/C - ???
* 41236C - The Eyes of Death Beholder
* 41236C (BH) - 17 Dissection
* Last Arc - The Eyes of Death Beholder: Fatal Draw

Sion Eltnam Atlasia

* 214A/B/C - Etherite (Grand)
* 236A/B/C - Warning Shots
* 623A/B/C - Etherite: Air
* 421A/B/C - Cutting Synch
* 214A/B/C (air) - Slide: Air
* 22D - Reload
* 41236C - Black Barrel Replica
* Last Arc - Black Barrel Replica: Obelisk

Sion Eltnam Atlasia (Vampire)

* 236A/B/C - Terror News (Lie)
* 623A/B/C - Terror News (Malice)
* 214A/B/C - Etherite (Grand)
* 22A/B/C - Replicant Conductor (Osiris)
* 214A/B/C (air) - Slide: Air
* 41236C - Cruel: Blood
* Last Arc: Blood Bible: Heart Breaker


* 236A/B/C - Alt Nagel
* 214A/B/C - Alt Schule
* 623A/B - Weiss Katze
* 623C - Karst Jager
* 41236C - Blud: Die: Schwester
* Last Arc - Gnadenstoss


* 236A/B/C - Terror News (Lie)
* 623A/B/C - Terror News (Malice)
* 214A/B/C - Replicant Coordinator (Id)
* 22A/B/C - Fumble Code (Apotheosis)
* 421A/B - Creature Channel (S)
* 412C - Creature Channel (Gestalt)
* 41236C - Night on the Blood Liar (Anzanati)
* Last Arc (both) - Night Roller on the Blood Dealer

V. Glossary

Activation - Entering Heat or Blood Heat mode by pressing 222D.

Air Combo - A combo that ends up in the air.

Arc Drive - A move that costs 300% circuit, which can only be done in Heat or
Blood Heat.

Autoshield - A property of a move in which certain frames will shield any
incoming attacks without manual effort.

Bait - A strategy that causes your enemy to do a certain move which you
anticipate and punish.

BDC - Backdash cancel. To cancel the recovery of a normal into a backdash.

Blockstun - The state in which your character is blocking and has limited
options available.

BnB - Bread and Butter. A character's "default", most optimal and safe combo.

Chains - Doing one normal move after another in rapid succession.

Chain Resetting - Using whiff cancelling to continue a combo using the same
normal multiple times when normally unable to.

Charged Moves - Moves performed by holding the button down, making it more
powerful in some form.

Chip - Damage sustained from blocking certain moves, usually a very small

Circuit - The gauge which determines entering Heat or Blood Heat, doing shield
bunkers, and EX moves. Circuit builds when you attack or are

Clash - When two moves strike each other at the same time. A spark will fly
out and the attacks will both be nullified.

Combo - A string of attacks that is unescapable once it's started.

Command Move - A normal attack that requires another input besides a button to
be performed.

Counterhit - Attacking the enemy and interrupting their move, causing extended
hitstun and the inability to tech.

Crossup - A move that is ambiguous in the direction it must be blocked.


* Backdash - Tapping away twice to cause your character to retreat a certain
distance quickly.

* Dash - Tapping towards twice to make your character cross a distance in a
short amount of time.

* Run - The alternative to the dash, where you can control the distance your
character traverses by holding towards down.

Doublejump - A second jump after the first.

EX Move - A powered-up version of a special move performed with the C button,
typically requiring at least 100% circuit.

Frame - A very specific moment in time of an attack, or a very small length of
time (the game moves at sixty frames per second).

Groundslam - A move that forces the enemy down to the ground, where they
bounce back up into the air.

Guard Break - Hitting an enemy with an unblockable attack while they are
blocking, opening them up for attack.


* Blood Heat - A state where your circuit has reached 300% and you press
222D. You can do EX moves at reduced cost, regenerate life
rapidly, do the Blood Heat version of your Arc Drive, and your
Last Arc.

* Heat - A state where your circuit has reached 300% or you have manually
activated by pressing 222D with at least 100% circuit. You can do EX
moves at reduced cost, regenerate life, and can do an Arc Drive.

* Heat Burst - Utilizing the spark from activation to throw the enemy away and
regain your positioning.

Hitstun - The state in which your character is reeling from an attack and
cannot retaliate.

Hyper Armor - The ability to not be able to ever be knocked out from your
attacks. Only Kohaku, G-Akiha, Ciel, and Executioner Ciel have
this ability.


* Air Dash - Dashing while in the air by tapping towards twice in midair.

* Air Backdash - Backdashing while in the air by tapping away twice in

* Instant Air Backdash - Doing a very low air backdash by tapping up-back and

* Instant Air Dash - Doing a very low air dash by tapping up-towards and

* IAD Chaining - Extending a combo by doing an IAD in the middle of it.

Infinite - A series of attacks that can be repeated forever until the enemy

Invalid Combo - A combo that was done, but could have been escaped by teching.

Juggle - Hitting the enemy in a way that places them in the air for further

Last Arc - A special, high-damage attack done by shielding under certain
situations while in Blood Heat.


* CH Launcher - A move that does not normally launch, but does so upon a

* Launch - An attack that sends an enemy up into the air for an air combo.

* Natural Launcher - A move that will launch an enemy up by itself, without
needing other attacks.

* OTG Launcher - A sequence of moves that will pick an enemy up into the air
for a combo.

* Special Launcher - A special move that juggles the enemy up into the air
and can be comboed from in certain situations.


* Red Life - Life that can be regenerated when in Heat or Blood Heat and is
considered inactive until then.

* Yellow Life - Life that cannot be regenerated and is your "main" lifebar.

Links - Two attacks that combo into each other, but are not chained or
cancelled in any way.

Loop - A sequence of attacks that can be repeated finitely for large damage.

Normal - Any move that is done simply by pushing an attack button.

OTG - A move that can strike an enemy when they're on the ground.

Overhead - An attack that's slow to come out and hits high, meant to throw off
the rhythm of a defensive player.

Rushdown - A very aggressive style based around continuous attacks.


* Shield - A defensive maneuver meant to intercept and nullify an enemy

* Shield Bunker - A defensive maneuver meant to be done while in blockstun
(but doesn't have to be), used to interrupt an enemy's

* Shield Counter - A special retaliatory attack after a successful shield
which requires no circuit.

* Shield Frame - Frames during which a move will automatically shield any
incoming attacks.

Special Move - A move executed by a combination of directions and button
presses, more powerful than normals.

Super Armor - The ability to have a brief moment in which counter-attacks will
not knock you out of your move.

Super Cancel - Cancelling a special move into an EX move or Arc Drive.


* Air tech - Flipping out after hitstun ends in the air, done by pressing any

* Ground tech - Flipping back, up, or forwards from the ground after hitstun
ends from a knockdown attack, done by pressing back, up, or
forward twice.

* Tech Punishing - Utilizing a move that strikes as an opponent is recovering
from a tech to let them take more damage than if they had
not teched.

Turtling - Extremely defensive playstyle characterized by lots of blocking.

Trap - A setup which is very difficult to escape for the enemy.

Unblockable - A move that cannot be blocked, but may possibly be shielded or

Wallslam - A move that forces the enemy into the wall, where they bounce back
up into the air.

Whiff Cancelling - Cancelling the recovery of a laggy normal by chaining into
an A attack.

VI. Credits

People who did about half of the actual work in strats and errata, whom I
stole from. (No, seriously, I asked permission. =P)

alextansc, Anon Spectre, SS7MH, Mellow RG, and goshuJINsama from the GameFAQs
Melty Blood board.

tjm and Security Bulletin #17 from Beast's Lair

EvoSpace for having the best English Tsukihime page on the Internet.
-'s forums, the place to go for actual strats. Much thanks in
particular to linalys, VManofMana, Sp00ky, Master Chibi, Zaelar, and Mad Tea

Kamone for discovering the first batch of infinites in 2.000 a week after it
was out.

Ugly ASCII title art by Glazius Falconar.

Tsukihime, Melty Blood and Melty Blood Re.ACT is copyright Watanabe
Productions/French Bread and Type Moon.

This FAQ is copyright kalciane 2005. You are free to use it as long as you ask
for permission first. None of the contents in this FAQ may be used or sold for
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