NeverWinter Nights - Hordes of the Underdark

NeverWinter Nights - Hordes of the Underdark

17.10.2013 03:21:31
(c)2004 Barry Scott Will
Author's Web site:

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[1] Version History
[2] Definitions
[3] Weapon Master Class Description
[3.1] Description
[3.2] Stats
[3.3] Bonus feats
[3.3.1] Weapon of Choice (WM level 1)
[3.3.2] Ki Damage (WM level 1)
[3.3.3] Increased Multiplier (WM level 5)
[3.3.4] Superior Weapon Focus (WM level 5)
[3.3.5] Ki Critical (WM level 7)
[3.3.6] Epic Superior Weapon Focus (WM level 13)
[3.3.7] Epic Bonus Feats (WM level 11+)
[4] Requirements
[5] Class Combinations
[5.1] Arcane Archer
[5.2] Assassin
[5.3] Barbarian
[5.4] Bard
[5.5] Blackguard
[5.6] Champion of Torm
[5.7] Cleric
[5.8] Druid
[5.9] Dwarven Defender
[5.10] Fighter
[5.11] Harper Scout
[5.12] Monk
[5.13] Paladin
[5.14] Pale Master
[5.15] Ranger
[5.16] Red Dragon Disciple
[5.17] Rogue
[5.18] Shadowdancer
[5.19] Shifter
[5.20] Sorcerer
[5.21] Wizard
[6] Race Choices
[6.1] Dwarf
[6.2] Elf
[6.3] Gnome
[6.4] Half-elf
[6.5] Half-orc
[6.6] Halfling
[6.7] Human
[7] Ability Scores
[8] Weapon Choices
[8.1] Weapon Comparison Table
[8.2] Two-handed Weapons
[8.3] One-handed Weapons (single-wield)
[8.4] Two Weapon Fighting
[8.5] Weapons for Small Races
[9] Skills and Feats
[9.1] Skills
[9.2] Feats
[10] Sample Characters
[11] Credits

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1.00 (2004-08-06)
- First Release

1.10 (2004-09-11)
- Corrected information regarding feats
.Added Epic Superior Weapon Focus
.Added information about taking additional Weapons of Choice
- Re-wrote Section [8] Weapon Choices with a new weapons table
- Clarified information throughout the document
- Added sample character at Section [10.2]

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If you don't understand these terms, you should probably read the d20 core
rules and/or the NWN/HotU manuals first; but, I'll try to cover some of the
basics here.

[2.1] Weapon master or WM
A prestige class available in Neverwinter Nights (NWN) when the Hordes of
the Underdark (HotU) expansion set is also installed.

[2.2] Prestige class
A special class that cannot be selected until a player character has met
certain requirements.

[2.3] Attack bonus or AB
The amount added to an attacker's roll of a 20-sided die (d20) to determine
if a hit is made.

[2.4] Base attack bonus or BAB
The attack bonus of a character when only class levels are considered
without counting ability score bonuses or magic enhancements.

[2.4] Armor class or AC
A score that represents how hard it is to hit a character. An attacker must
equal or exceed a defender's AC with the attack roll in order to score a

[2.5] Critical hit or strike
A hit that does more damage than normal; also referred to as a "crit". In
order to score a crit, a character must first "threaten" by rolling a
natural roll on a 20-sided die (d20) that falls within the critical threat
range of the weapon and is also a hit. A second roll is then made. If the
second roll is a hit, a crit is scored and damage is multiplied by the
weapon's critical multiplier. If the second roll is a miss, normal damage
is still rolled.

Example: Barney is fighting Fred. Barney is using a dagger, which has a
crit range of 19-20 and a multiplier of x2. Barney's AB is +5 and Fred's AC
is 22. On his first attack, Barney rolls a natural 19. This is good enough
for a hit (19 + 5 = 24, which is greater than Fred's AC of 22) and the roll
falls within the dagger's threat range. Barney makes a second roll. If his
second roll is 17 or higher, which would be good for a hit, Barney rolls
twice for damage instead of once. If the second roll is 16 or lower, Barney
rolls once for damage as normal.

[2.6] Critical threat range
The range in which a natural roll on a d20 must fall in order to threaten a
critical hit. Expressed both as a range of numbers found on a d20 (such as
20 or 19-20 or 15-20) or as a whole number representing how many chances
out of 20 a character has of threatening. For example, a crit range of 19-
20 might be referred to as 2. A crit range of 12-20 might be referred to as
9. In some documentation, a critical threat range of 20 is not specifically
listed; instead, the weapon is merely listed with the multiplier. E.g. if
you see a weapon with crit information listed as x2, it means the weapon
has a threat range of 20 and a multiplier of 2.

[2.7] Critical damage multiplier
The number of times to roll for damage if a critical hit is scored.
Normally, damage is only rolled once. A critical hit means damage is rolled
two or more times. For example, Fred scores a critical hit against Barney
using a spear (crit multiplier x3). Fred rolls an eight-sided die (d8)
*three* times instead of once to determine how much damage is inflicted
upon Barney. Note the damage is rolled separately three times, not rolled
once and multiplied by three.

Magic enhancements, ability score bonuses and other damage bonuses are
added to each extra roll. So, in the preceding example, if Fred's Strength
modifier is +2 he would score 3d8 + 9 (STR modifier x 1.5 for using two-
handed weapon x 3) damage against Barney. If the spear also had a 1d4 fire
damage bonus, the final tally would be 3d8 + 3d4 + 9. You can see how
critical hits stack up to big damage very quickly.

The game engine handles all these calculations for you. You can see a log
of what is happening in the feedback window in the lower left of your
screen; however, all you really need to concern yourself with is
understanding how crits work--you don't have to actually execute all these

[2.8] Improved Critical
A feat that doubles the base critical threat range of the chosen weapon. A
longsword normally has a crit range of 2 (19-20). In the hands of a
character with Imp Crit: Longsword, the threat range would be 4 (17-20).

[2.9] Keen
A magic property added to a weapon that doubles the base critical threat
range of the weapon. A longsword normally has a crit range of 2 (19-20). A
Keen longsword has a crit range of 4 (17-20).

Note that Imp Crit and Keen can work together, but they do not double each
other. A Keen longsword in the hands of a character with Imp Crit:
Longsword would have a crit range of 6 (15-20)--not 8. Imp Crit doubles the
base 2 and adds it to make the crit range 4. Keen doubles the base 2 and
adds it to the 4 range to give the final range of 6. Or, another way of
calculating the enhanced range is to know that Imp Crit and Keen together
triple the base crit range.

[2.10] Weapon Finesse
Normally, all melee attacks use the Strength bonus as a modifier for
attack. With Weapon Finesse, a character can apply his Dexterity bonus
instead (if it is higher). In order to do this, the weapon must qualify as
"light". See the NWN manual description of this feat for a list of weapons
that qualify. In general, if the weapon is one size or more smaller than
the character (i.e. a small or tiny weapon in the hand of a medium
character), it will work with Weapon Finesse.

[2.11] Fighter-class
Any of the melee-oriented core classes: barbarian, fighter, monk, paladin
and ranger.

[2.12] Tank
Generic term for a character that is a high-AC, high-damage melee fighter.

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[3.1] Description
The weapon master is one of the prestige classes introduced in the
Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark (HotU) expansion set. The
manual describes the class:

"For a weapon master, perfection is found in the mastery of a single melee
weapon. A weapon master seeks to unite this weapon of choice with the body,
to make them one and to use the weapon as naturally and without thought as
any other limb."

In practice, in the game, taking levels as a weapon master gives you some
attack and damage (mostly damage) bonuses with a melee weapon. (I.e. you
can't be a weapon master with a longbow or throwing axe.) You can also
choose more than one weapon to master (though you must take epic weapon
master levels to do so). Weapon masters are really all about critical hits
and critical damage. They have extremely stringent requirements, and
limited usefulness past seven levels.

Creating a weapon master requires planning from the start, even though you
might be 16th level before you can take your first level of WM. If you
don't plan your WM character from the beginning, you're likely to never be
able to qualify.

[3.2] Stats
Hit die: d10
Skill points: 2 + Intelligence modifier/level
Class skills: Discipline, Heal, Intimidate, Listen, Lore, Spot
Base Attack Bonus: uses Fighter table
Saving throws: Reflex high, Fortitude and Will low
Additional proficiencies: None

[3.3] Bonus feats

[3.3.1] Weapon of Choice (WM level 1)
This feat defines your weapon (or weapons) for all the other WM feats. Only
melee weapons qualify; i.e. no ranged or throwing weapons. Also, unarmed
attack is not considered a melee weapon for this choice. You must have the
Weapon Focus feat for the weapon before you may choose it as a WoC. Weapon
masters receive one WoC at first level and may choose additional weapons
once epic levels are achieved (provided you first have Weapon Focus in the

[3.3.2] Ki Damage (WM level 1)
Once per day, you may make an attack with a WoC that, if it hits, does
maximum damage. This feat is most useful for a high-Strength, two-handed
weapon fighter.

[3.3.3] Increased Multiplier (WM level 5)
When using a WoC, the critical damage is increased by one multiplier. E.g.
if your weapon's critical damage is x2, it will be x3 once you have 5
levels of WM.

[3.3.4] Superior Weapon Focus (WM level 5)
This feat adds +1 to your attack bonus when using a WoC.

[3.3.5] Ki Critical (WM level 7)
This feat increases the critical threat range of a WoC by +2. E.g. if you
have a longsword as a WoC, your normal critical threat range is 19-20. At
WM level 7, your critical threat range will be 17-20. If your WoC is a
greataxe, your normal crit range is 20; after you obtain this feat it will
be 18-20. This is a hard +2 to the threat range and not a multiplier of the
threat range (as the Improved Critical feat and Keen magic property are).

[3.3.6] Epic Superior Weapon Focus (WM level 13)
Beginning at WM level 13, weapon masters receive +1 attack bonus for each
weapon of choice. This bonus increases by +1 every three WM levels (16, 19,
22, 25, 28).

[3.3.7] Epic Bonus Feats (WM level 11+)
Once you have achieved epic level, your weapon master receives a bonus feat
every three WM levels. You may choose from Armor Skin, Devastating
Critical, Epic Prowess, Epic Weapon Focus, Overwhelming Critical and Weapon
of Choice.

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The requirements for becoming a weapon master are:

[4.1] Dexterity 13+, Intelligence 13+
While not listed with the official requirements, the feats you must take to
become a weapon master require these minimum ability scores. The
stereotypical stupid or clumsy fighter cannot become a weapon master. Note
that these must be your actual, base ability scores. Magic enhancements
don't count.

[4.2] Base attack bonus +5
You don't even need to worry about this one. No matter how you start, by
the time you get all the necessary feats, you'll have a high enough BAB.

[4.3] Dodge feat
This will probably be the first feat you take; it grants a +1 armor class
(AC) bonus against most attacks. It requires a Dexterity of 13 or higher.

[4.4] Weapon Focus in a melee weapon
Unless you start as a fighter-type character, you won't be able to take
this feat at character creation, since it requires a BAB of +1. Weapon
selection is "critical" to building a WM, and is covered in section [8].
Also note that even though unarmed attack is considered melee, it is not a
melee *weapon*; so, you cannot use Weapon Focus: Unarmed Attack as a pre-
requisite for WM. (You also cannot choose Unarmed Attack as your Weapon of

[4.5] Mobility feat
This feat grants a +4 AC bonus against attacks of opportunity; requires
Dodge be taken first.

[4.6] Spring Attack feat
Nullifies attacks of opportunity as long as you keep moving during combat.
Requires Dodge and Mobility be taken first.

[4.7] Expertise feat
When used, you gain +5 to AC at the expense of -5 to attack. Requires an
Intelligence of 13 or higher.

[4.8] Whirlwind Attack feat
Allows you to make one attack against every enemy within five feet.
Requires Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack and Expertise be taken first.

[4.9] Intimidate skill: 4 ranks
You must have 4 base points (i.e. purchased at level-up) in Intimidate.
Bonuses from Charisma or magic are not counted. This is actually one of the
harder requirements, since most classes do not have Intimidate as a class
skill; thus, you will most likely find yourself spending eight skill points
to get your 4 ranks in Intimidate.

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Since weapon master is a prestige class, you will have at least one other
class. Any class, or two-class combination, that emphasizes melee combat
can gain additional usefulness from weapon master levels. Here I present an
alphabetical list of all 21 other classes in the game, and how weapon
master levels might fit with that class. Multiclass combinations are
covered where appropriate.

Some important assumptions to keep in mind. First, these class comments
assume the class mentioned is the only other major class (besides WM). If
you build a fighter (10)/rogue (5), you should consider yourself a fighter
and take those comments under consideration. However, if you are a pure
rogue (15), you will want to consider the comments under rogue.

Second, these comments assume the character is meant to be playable from
first level. Under cleric, I mention you need a positive Charisma in order
to turn undead effectively. Obviously, if you are only interested in
building a 40th level super-character for PvP servers, you don't need to
worry about this. On the other hand, if you are going to actually play this
character from first level, you will want your cleric to be effective until
you start taking weapon master levels.

Third, all comments assume you will take only seven or so levels of weapon
master. If you prefer weapon master be your primary class (e.g. you want to
take the maximum of 30 levels in WM), you should strongly consider starting
as a fighter for the bonus feats and quick progression to WM qualification.

[5.1] Arcane Archer
The only way to make this combination would be to take all your pre-AA
levels in an arcane class. I suppose a bard/AA/WM would be viable; but, it
really doesn't make any sense. The AA is the "weapon master" class for
ranged fighters; so, why combine it with the melee-oriented WM?

[5.2] Assassin
Like the rogue and blackguard, the assassin gets bonus damage from sneak
attacks (although they are "death attacks" for an assassin). This damage is
actually superior to the extra damage from WM levels. Seven levels of WM
(to fully take advantage of the bonus feats) will cost you 4d6 of bonus
death attack damage. That is more than the bonuses you can get from being a
weapon master. I say take the death attack damage and don't mix WM with

[5.3] Barbarian
Like the weapon master, the barbarian's special abilities are designed to
dispense devastation. Weapon master and barbarian make an excellent match.
It will take some time to start getting WM levels, since barbarians have no
bonus feat slots like the fighter. You'll want to build a high-STR
character and use a large weapon to take full advantage of both the
barbarian and WM special abilities.

[5.4] Bard
Bards are arcane spellcasters; yet, they are more suited to melee combat
than sorcerers and wizards. Weapon master levels can be a great benefit to
a melee-oriented bard, especially if you combine your bard/WM with fighter
or red dragon disciple levels. One nice feature of a bard/WM is the third-
level spell Keen Edge (also available to sorcerers and wizards). In a low-
magic module, this spell will be very handy to the weapon master.

[5.5] Blackguard
While the blackguard has sneak attack damage, it is not as great as a rogue
or assassin. Taking seven levels of WM instead of blackguard will only cost
you 2d6 sneak attack damage. The bonuses from WM will more than compensate;
you will have a much better chance of landing crits than sneak attacks.

[5.6] Champion of Torm
This is an excellent match. Not only does CoT receive bonus feats like the
fighter--making it easier to meet the requirements of WM--there are special
abilities that are designed to increase damage. Combine paladin, champion
of Torm and weapon master and you can dish out unbelievable amounts of

[5.7] Cleric
Cleric and weapon master match up in much the same way as bard and weapon
master. Clerics are more melee-oriented than bards; and they have the
ability to cast spells in full armor. WM levels added to a cleric will
start bringing them up to the level of a fighter-class in combat; but, it
won't make them a substitute for a pure tank. The big problem with
combining cleric and weapon master is the cleric's requirement for high
wisdom. Combine that with the DEX and INT requirement for WM and the need
for decent STR and CON to be an effective melee fighter (not to mention
clerics need at least a positive CHA to turn undead effectively) and you've
got a character that has to be above normal in all *six* ability scores.
Not an easy task.

One possibility is to use only a few levels of cleric for the buffing
spells and take the remaining levels in Champion of Torm and weapon master.
You will need ten levels in cleric to qualify for CoT, and you will have up
to fifth level spells. Give your cleric the Strength (Divine Strength,
Divine Power, Stoneskin) domain to emphasize the combat-oriented nature of
your character.

[5.8] Druid
Druids have a very limited default weapon selection, and only the scimitar
is decent for weapon masters. (See the Weapons section below.) There's not
a lot of point in taking WM levels; you would be better served by taking
ranger, fighter or barbarian levels if you want more melee ability.

[5.9] Dwarven Defender
Combine the defensive abilities of a DD with the offensive abilities of a
WM and you have created an extremely scary character. Like CoT, this is a
great combo. You will probably want to use fighter as your base class due
to the large number of feats you will need to qualify for both prestige

[5.10] Fighter
The fighter is the basic tank. He gets plenty of bonus feats; but, there's
nothing special to make him stand out. Give him some levels in WM and give
him a little personality. With all the bonus feats, fighters can get the WM
bonuses earlier than any other class; a fighter/WM combo will be very
deadly in the early teens while other combinations will have to wait until
epic levels before achieving true weapon mastery.

[5.11] Harper Scout
The Harper Scout is a pure role-playing class. There's certainly nothing to
prevent you adding HS to a WM build. There's no particular advantage in
doing so either.

[5.12] Monk
You might have a WM build in which you take a few levels of monk for some
of their early special abilities (Evasion, for example); however, since you
cannot be a weapon master of unarmed strikes and monks are all about
unarmed strikes, this is not a good combination if monk is the primary
class. You could make a kama-using monk/WM, but kamas are very weak.

[5.13] Paladin
A paladin/WM combination is much like a fighter/WM, though it will take
much longer to get the requirements for WM. The one big difference is
Divine Might. Being able to add your Charisma bonus to damage on top of the
improved damage meted by a weapon master is a deadly combination. Combine
this with Champion of Torm to get Divine Wrath and also get some bonus
feats for filling out that req list. A great multiclass character.

[5.14] Pale Master
Pale master is an enhancement for arcane spellcasters; but not a melee-
oriented one. There's little sense in adding WM to a pale master character.

[5.15] Ranger
Ranger/weapon master is just like fighter/weapon master except it will take
longer to get there (no bonus feats). The advantage to using ranger as your
base class is the free dual-wield feat. If you are planning on dual-
wielding, you save three feat slots you would have to spend with any other
class (on Ambidexterity, Two-Weapon Fighting and Improved Two-Weapon

[5.16] Red Dragon Disciple
Red dragon disciple is a melee-enhancement for sorcerers and bards; as
such, it is a good candidate for WM levels. A bard/RDD/WM combo can be a
fearsome fighter. The permanent STR increases of an RDD can be devastating
when combined with a WM's increased chances of a critical and increased
damage from every crit.

[5.17] Rogue
Taking seven levels of WM instead of seven levels of rogue costs you 4d6 in
sneak attack damage. Is the trade-off worth it? Maybe, but I doubt it.

[5.18] Shadowdancer
Adding WM to a shadowdancer build really depends on your core class. A
fighter/shadowdancer could probably benefit from WM bonuses. A
rogue/shadowdancer is depending on sneak attacks and would do better to
take seven more levels of rogue than seven levels of WM.

[5.19] Shifter
The shifter is all about changing form (and weapon) as needed. The weapon
master is all about focusing on a single form/weapon. No point to it and no
usefulness from such a combo.

[5.20] Sorcerer
Unless you're building a sorcerer/red dragon disciple or sorcerer is just a
few levels added on to a fighting-class, don't bother with WM.

[5.21] Wizard
See [5.20] Sorcerer above, but you can't make a wizard/RDD.

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There really isn't a race that won't benefit from additional melee

[6.1] Dwarf
There's nothing bad here. Dwarves excel at fighting and their special
prestige class--the dwarven defender--is a great match for weapon master.
Their Constitution bonus (+2) is good for a melee fighter, and their
Charisma penalty (-2) is a non-issue as far as the weapon master class is

[6.2] Elf
If you intend to make a finesse (high-Dexterity) fighter, elf is a pretty
good race. The Dexterity bonus (+2) is helpful to push your attack and AC
up in the early levels. The Constitution penalty (-2) hurts a bit for a
melee fighter, unless you can get your AC so high nothing can hit you.

[6.3] Gnome
The gnome suffers from two setbacks: small stature prevents the use of
large weapons and medium weapons have to be wielded two-handed; and, they
begin with a -2 penalty to Strength. Both can be overcome, but you're going
to work for it. The Constitution bonus (+2) is almost a non-issue as you
will quickly spend the ability buy points you save on Strength.

[6.4] Half-elf
There are no racial ability adjustments for the half-elf, and the special
abilities are not particularly useful for a melee combatant. Overall, the
half-elf is just a slightly weaker human (no bonus feat, no bonus skill

[6.5] Half-orc
The Intelligence penalty (-2) hurts, because you have to get that score up
to 13 to qualify for weapon master levels. However, you can leave your
Charisma low (also -2 penalty) and concentrate on maximizing your Strength
bonus (+2) and start with STR of 18 and still have enough buy points to
push INT to 12 (buy another point at fourth level) and get DEX to 13 and
CON to 14. Forget about WIS and CHA.

[6.6] Halfling
The halfling is actually a bit better as a small-race weapon master than
the gnome. The STR penalty (-2) is still hurtful; but, you can utilize the
DEX bonus (+2) to build a finesse fighter for whom STR is not such an
issue. You'll still want to get STR to at least 10 to avoid any penalties
on damage.

[6.7] Human
Considering the human-centric nature of D&D, it is no surprise human is the
best race for building a weapon master. The bonus feat at first level will
help you fill your WM req list faster. The bonus skill point every level
will help you buy those Intimidate ranks while not neglecting other
important skills (such as Discipline and Heal). There are no racial bonuses
or penalties, allowing more flexibility in building the character.

In order of preference, I would list the races like so:
1) Human
2) Dwarf
3) Half-elf
4) Half-orc
5) Elf
6) Halfling
7) Gnome

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For a pure melee specialist that is designed to do as much damage as
possible, I recommend concentrating on Strength and Constitution. You'll
also need the required 13 or higher in both Dexterity and Intelligence. If
you are going to dual-wield and you aren't using ranger as one of your
classes, you'll need a Dexterity of *15* to qualify for Ambidexterity (a
very important feat for dual-wielders). That doesn't leave much for Wisdom
or Charisma at character creation, making certain class combinations
difficult. Still, you can go "average" (all scores in about the 13 to 14
range) and work on increasing key stats with magic.

Here are some sample initial ability scores based on certain class and race
combinations. All these builds are designed to eventually add weapon master

[7.1] Human fighter
STR 16, DEX 13, CON 16, INT 13, WIS 8, CHA 8
High-STR, high-CON (for hit points) fighter. Wisdom and Charisma have been
left alone (as they are not important) and DEX and INT are upped only to
the minimums needed for WM. Level-up ability points can be thrown into STR
for a monster-damage dealing tank. If you want to dual-wield, start with a
CON of 14 and DEX of 15.

[7.2] Human paladin
STR 14, DEX 13, CON 12, INT 13, WIS 12, CHA 14
This character will take a lot of champion of Torm levels as well as weapon
master levels, so WIS is left at 12 (for 2nd-level paladin spells). If
third or fourth-level spells are needed, use level-up ability points to
increase WIS. STR and CON are lower than the pure fighter in order to boost
both WIS and CHA; however, paladin and CoT abilities allow the CHA bonus to
be used for damage (covering up for the lower STR) and AC (preventing more
hits and thus negating the need for a high CON).

[7.3] Elf ranger
STR 10, DEX 17 (15 + 2 race bonus), CON 10 (12 - 2 race penalty), INT 13,
WIS 14, CHA 10
Classic dual-wielder using Weapon Finesse, which you will want to take
early to offset the low STR. You'll be relying exclusively on crits and the
extra attacks from dual wielding. Add some of your level-up points to STR
to help beef up your damage a bit.

[7.4] Dwarf fighter
STR 16, DEX 13, CON 18 (16 + 2 race bonus), INT 13, WIS 8, CHA 6 (8 - 2
race penalty)
This is the same as the human fighter, but you'll get more hit points from
the dwarf racial bonus. This character can multiclass to a dwarven defender
in addition to weapon master.

[7.5] Half-orc barbarian
STR 18 (16 + 2 race bonus), DEX 15, CON 14, INT 12 (14 - 2 race penalty),
WIS 8, CHA 6 (8 - 2 race penalty)
I've set this up to allow for dual-wielding (DEX of 15 is required for the
Ambidexterity feat). If you're not interested in dual-wielding, take DEX
down to 13 and start with another point in STR (19 total). You'll need to
spend a level-up ability point on INT before you can take Expertise, one of
the requirements for WM.

[7.6] Halfling bard
STR 10 (12 - 2 race penalty), DEX 18 (16 + 2 race bonus), CON 10, INT 14,
WIS 10, CHA 14
This character is meant to eventually multiclass to red dragon disciple,
which will make up for the starting low STR and CON. I've spent an extra
point on INT at the start as bards have a lot of useful skills and that
will get you one extra skill point per level. You don't necessarily need to
raise CHA--bard spells only go to 6th level and you'll get +2 CHA at 10th
RDD level, which will qualify you for the higher level bard spells.

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The weapon master is all about visiting maximum carnage upon her enemies.
For that reason, weapon selection is very important. First, let's look at a
statistical comparison of all the base weapons in the game.

[8.1] Weapon Comparison Table

| | |Crit | | Dmg w | Dmg w | Dmg w | Dmg w |
| | |Range| Avg | IC or | IC & | STR | STR |
|Weapon-Size | Dmg |&Mult| Dmg* | Keen | Keen | of 20 | of 30 |
|Greatsword-L | 2d6 | 2| 3| 11.2 | 13.3 | 15.4 | 26.5 | 39.0 |
|Greataxe-L | 1d12| 1| 4| 10.4 | 11.7 | 13.0 | 24.25 | 35.5 |
|Bastard sword-M | 1d10| 2| 3| 8.8 | 10.45 | 12.1 | 18.0 | 25.0 |
|Dwarven waraxe-M | 1d10| 1| 4| 8.8 | 9.9 | 11.0 | 17.25 | 23.5 |
|Halberd-L | 1d10| 1| 4| 8.8 | 9.9 | 11.0 | 22.25 | 33.5 |
|Heavy flail-M | 1d10| 2| 3| 8.8 | 10.45 | 12.1 | 18.0 | 25.0 |
|Katana-M | 1d10| 2| 3| 8.8 | 10.45 | 12.1 | 18.0 | 25.0 |
|Scythe-L | 2d4 | 1| 5| 8.75 | 10.0 | 11.25 | 21.875| 33.75 |
|Battleaxe-M | 1d8 | 1| 4| 7.2 | 8.1 | 9.0 | 15.25 | 21.5 |
|Double axe-L* | 1d8 | 1| 4| 7.2 | 8.1 | 9.0 | 15.25 | 21.5 |
|Longsword-M | 1d8 | 2| 3| 7.2 | 8.55 | 9.9 | 16.0 | 23.0 |
|Spear-L | 1d8 | 1| 4| 7.2 | 8.1 | 9.0 | 20.25 | 31.5 |
|2-bladed sword-L*| 1d8 | 2| 3| 7.2 | 8.55 | 9.9 | 16.0 | 23.0 |
|Warhammer-M | 1d8 | 1| 4| 7.2 | 8.1 | 9.0 | 15.25 | 21.5 |
|Dire mace-L* | 1d8 | 1| 3| 6.525| 7.2 | 7.875| 15.25 | 21.5 |
|Light flail-M | 1d8 | 1| 3| 6.525| 7.2 | 7.875| 15.25 | 21.5 |
|Morningstar-M | 1d8 | 1| 3| 6.525| 7.2 | 7.875| 15.25 | 21.5 |
|Rapier-M | 1d6 | 3| 3| 6.125| 7.7 | 9.275| 14.75 | 22.5 |
|Scimitar-M | 1d6 | 3| 3| 6.125| 7.7 | 9.275| 14.75 | 22.5 |
|Hand axe-S | 1d6 | 1| 4| 5.6 | 6.3 | 7.0 | 13.25 | 19.5 |
|Short sword-S | 1d6 | 2| 3| 5.6 | 6.65 | 7.7 | 14.0 | 21.0 |
|Club-M | 1d6 | 1| 3| 5.075| 5.6 | 6.125| 13.25 | 19.5 |
|Kama-S | 1d6 | 1| 3| 5.075| 5.6 | 6.125| 13.25 | 19.5 |
|Mace-S | 1d6 | 1| 3| 5.075| 5.6 | 6.125| 13.25 | 19.5 |
|Quarterstaff-L | 1d6 | 1| 3| 5.075| 5.6 | 6.125| 17.625| 28.25 |
|Sickle-S | 1d6 | 1| 3| 5.075| 5.6 | 6.125| 13.25 | 19.5 |
|Kukri-T | 1d4 | 3| 3| 4.375| 5.5 | 6.625| 12.75 | 20.5 |
|Dagger-T | 1d4 | 2| 3| 4.0 | 4.75 | 5.5 | 12.0 | 19.0 |
|Light hammer-S | 1d4 | 1| 3| 3.625| 4.0 | 4.375| 11.25 | 17.5 |
|Whip-S | 1d2 | 1| 3| 2.175| 2.4 | 2.625| 9.25 | 15.5 |

Weapon-Size: Each base melee weapon type is listed, along with its size. L
for large, M for medium, S for small and T for tiny. The asterisk (*)
indicates a double weapon. A double weapon is size large (must be wielded
two-handed by a medium race); but, it is used as though the wielder is
using two weapons and it requires the dual wielding feats to use

Dmg: This is the base die (or dice) used to determine damage when a
character hits with this weapon.

Crit Range & Mult: This is the critical threat range of the weapon and the
critical damage multiplier using the Increased Critical feat granted weapon
masters at fifth level; i.e. +1 more than normal for the weapon.

Avg Dmg: This is the average amount of damage done by this weapon per hit
by a weapon master who has the Ki Critical feat (i.e. has reached seventh
level). No Strength bonuses or other enhancements (such as Weapon
Specialization) are taken into account. The percentage chance of scoring a
critical and the extra damage of a crit is part of this figure. *The table
is sorted by this column.

Dmg w IC or Keen: This is the average damage of a seventh or higher level
WM with either the Improved Critical feat or a Keen weapon.

Dmg w IC & Keen: This is the average damage of a seventh or higher level WM
who has both the Improved Critical feat and a Keen weapon.

Dmg w STR of 20: This is the average damage of a seventh or higher level WM
who has both the Improved Critical feat, a Keen weapon and a Strength of 20
(STR bonus of +5).

Dmg w STR of 30: This is the average damage of a seventh or higher level WM
who has both the Improved Critical feat, a Keen weapon and a Strength of 30
(STR bonus of +10).

The "average damage" numbers in these columns are just methods of
comparison. I make no claim that these are actual average damages you will
inflict during the course of an encounter. These are just numbers that help
represent the differences between weapons.

This table leads to two conclusions. First, a higher threat range is better
than a high critical, especially if Keen weapons are available. E.g., the
scimitar and rapier, with both Imp Crit and Keen, outperform many other
weapons that have a higher base damage. Second, the Strength bonus is a
great equalizer. At higher STR levels, many weapons close the gap on
weapons higher in the chart.

[8.2] Two-handed Weapons
All large weapons must be wielded two-handed by medium race characters
(i.e. humans, half-elves, half-orcs, elves and dwarves). When wielding a
weapon with both hands, a character receives an additional 50% of the
Strength modifier as a bonus to damage (with the exception of the three
double weapons, which provide extra attacks, see Section [8.4]). In other
words, instead of receiving 1 x STR modifier as a damage bonus, the
character receives 1.5 x STR modifier as a damage bonus.

(Small characters, halflings and gnomes, wield medium weapons two-handed
and receive the same 1.5 x STR modifier bonus when using medium weapons.
See Section [8.5] below.)

Looking at the chart above, we see the greatsword and greataxe are the
class of this field. We can also see, as STR increases, the percentage
falloff in using one of the other two-handed weapons decreases. Without
taking STR into account, the quarterstaff does 40% of the damage of a
greatsword. At a STR of 30, the quarterstaff does 72% of the damage of a

The upshot is, only high-STR characters should consider using a two-handed
weapon other than, possibly, the greatsword or greataxe, which outpace all
weapons, regardless of STR.

The tradeoff for all this damage is a large reduction in armor class as the
character cannot use a shield. Typically, a WM that relies primarily on a
two-handed weapon will want a backup one-handed weapon and shield in case
he is being hit unmercifully by an opponent. Most of the time, the WM will
defeat his foe before receiving much damage.

For a weapon master, any of the large weapons are a viable option.

[8.3] One-handed Weapons (single-wield)
A weapon master who primarily fights with a single one-handed weapon is
trading the potential to do great damage for the increased protection of a
shield. At epic levels, some of the tower shields provide as much as an
additional nine points of AC (3 base for the shield +6 magic enhancement).

In this class, the 1d10 weapons (bastard sword, katana, dwarven waraxe and
heavy flail) are the most damaging through all categories. The downside is
these weapons are none too common in most campaigns (even the official
ones). More common weapons that one should consider seriously here are the
longsword, scimitar and rapier.

The battle axe, light flail, morning star and war hammer trail just behind.
For a finesse fighter, the rapier and short sword are the top of the line
in light weapons; but, you probably won't have high Strength, so compare
weapons using the 20 STR column.

The weapons you probably don't want to be using by themselves are the
really low-damage weapons, such as a dagger or kukri. These weapons can be
far more devastating when fighting with two weapons.

[8.4] Two Weapon Fighting

Dual-wielding is very popular among gamers, mainly from the "coolness"
aspect. It is debatable whether the additional attack (or two) from dual
wielding makes up for the extra damage done by a large weapon. In both
cases, you give up the protection of a shield to gain the extra damage

In order to dual-wield effectively, you must have three additional feats:
Ambidexterity, Two-Weapon Fighting and Improved Two-Weapon Fighting. Also,
using any weapon in your off hand that is the same size class as the
character results in additional penalties. I.e. a medium character using a
medium weapon in the off hand. (In this case, a rapier is considered as a
medium weapon and causes the penalty, even though it is considered "light"
when using Weapon Finesse.) You can wield a same-size weapon in the main
hand without penalty. A small character (halfling or gnome), must use a
tiny weapon in the off hand to avoid penalty.

This means that: 1) you must either take WM to epic levels and have two
weapons of choice; or 2) you must use two small or tiny weapons (limiting
damage potential); or 3) you should use a double weapon, which gives the
effect of dual-wielding two medium weapons while avoiding the penalty.

If you want to dual wield and are only going to have one Weapon of Choice,
your best bet is a double weapon. Another possibility is a high-STR
character dual-wielding kukris, which are very dangerous due to their high
threat range. If you take two (or more) Weapons of Choice, see section
[8.3] above for a discussion on the best one-handed weapons.

[8.5] Weapons for Small Races
By far the best weapon for your average gnome or halfling is the kukri.
It's high threat range gives it a lot of extra punch; and, it can be dual-
wielding properly (since it is a tiny weapon). It does require the Exotic
Weapon feat, however, so characters that do not want to use up that extra
feat slot should stick with a basic short sword + shield, or move up to on
of the medium weapons, which will be used two-handed and have the
additional 50% STR bonus applied to damage.

| |

[9.1] Skills

[9.1.1] Discipline
The most important skill for a weapon master is Discipline. This skill
helps resist combat feats such as Knockdown, Disarm and Called Shot. Since,
as a WM, you will frequently find yourself in the midst of a fracas, you
definitely need this skill.

[9.1.2] Heal
Heal is also a good skill, as it increases the effectiveness of healing
kits. If the world in which you are playing has a generous supply of these
handy items, you should definitely take some ranks in Heal. If you are
playing on a low magic world with a dearth (or complete absence) of healing
kits, ignore this skill.

[9.1.3] Intimidate
Intimidate is an iffy skill. You need at least four ranks just to become a
WM; but, whether or not you continue taking ranks in that skill is
dependent on the world designer. Intimidate is really only useful if
conversation options have been built around it (like Persuade). I would
suggest getting the four ranks you need, and then waiting to see if it
shows as an option in dialogue before taking any more ranks.

[9.1.4] Listen
Listen is another skill that depends largely on the author of the adventure
you are playing. If the hostile NPCs in the adventure have been modified to
make use of stealth skills (Hide and Move Silently), then the counter
skills (Spot and Listen, respectively) are very useful. They are also
useful on PvP (player vs. player) servers. Take ranks in this only if you
know you are going to need it to detect stealthy creatures.

[9.1.5] Lore
Lore can save you money getting items identified, and allow you to use
newfound items immediately (a big boon on a low magic world). In a high
magic world or world where money is readily available, you may not want to
put much into this skill.

[9.1.6] Spot
See [9.1.4] Listen above.

[9.1.7] Cross-class skills
Whether you take any of the other skills available depends on your other
classes and the design of your player. There are no other skills that
specifically help a WM. A ranger/WM might want Hide, Move Silently and Set
Trap skills. A paladin/WM might want some ranks in Persuade. A rogue/WM
would probably want Tumble, Use Magic Device, Search, Disarm Trap, etc.

[9.2] Feats
Six of your feat slots are already taken, just filling the requirements for
weapon master. In the first twenty levels, a player character receives only
seven feat slots. That does not allow for a lot of other choices. Of
course, you can augment that by playing human (bonus feat at character
creation) or taking levels in fighter or Champion of Torm (bonus combat
feat every even-numbered level). So, what else should you be looking for to
augment your WM abilities?

[9.2.1] Improved Critical
If you haven't seen the need for this by examining the weapons table in
Section [8.1], go back and look at it again. The WM depends on getting lots
of criticals, and doubling the range of your weapon is a big help. This
feat is especially useful on low magic worlds where you may never be able
to obtain a Keen weapon.

[9.2.2] Toughness
One extra hit point per level is nothing to sneeze at for any character
that makes her living in hand-to-hand combat.

[9.2.3] Weapon Proficiency: Exotic
Some of the nicer weapons are only useable by a character with this feat.
None of the character classes grant this feat automatically, so you will
have to spend a feat slot on it if you want to wield a scythe, katana,
double axe, two-bladed sword or kukri.

[9.2.4] Weapon Finesse
When using a dagger, handaxe, kama, kukri, light hammer, mace, rapier,
short sword, sickle or unarmed strike, the character's DEX bonus, if higher
than the STR bonus, is applied to the attack roll. (The STR bonus is still
used for damage.) High-DEX fighters should take this feat and use one of
the melee weapons listed here.

[9.2.5] Ambidexterity, TWF, Improved TWF
The necessary group of three feats for any character that wants to dual-
wield (including using a double weapon). You can take one level of ranger
and wear no or only light armor (padded, leather, studded leather or hide)
to get the Dual-Wield feat, which duplicates Ambidexterity and Two-Weapon
Fighting, free. Take nine levels of ranger and wear no or only light armor
to get Improved TWF free.

[9.2.6] Blind Fight
Very useful to any character that has to melee in the same area as casters.
After getting blinded several times in the original NWN campaign, I make
sure to always take this feat for my tanks (if I can afford it).

[9.2.7] Power Attack/Improved Power Attack
In-and-of itself, PA is not that useful. It can be handy for overcoming the
damage reduction of doors, etc.; but, generally speaking, the -5 penalty to
your attack rolls far outweighs the benefit of +5 damage. However, PA is a
requisite for Cleave, which is a good feat. There is no reason in the world
to take Imp PA on top of all the other feats you must have.

[9.2.8] Cleave/Great Cleave
If you've got the necessary feat slot available, take Cleave (remember, it
requires Power Attack). Great Cleave is not quite as handy unless you will
be fighting hordes of low-level enemies; however, it is a prerequisite for
Overwhelming Critical, which you might want to get.

[9.2.9] Divine Might
Requires Power Attack and the ability to Turn Undead. This feat is only
available to paladins of third level or higher or clerics. Since this
represents two feat slots (one for PA and one for DM) on top of the six
needed for WM, you will probably want to throw in some Champion of Torm or
fighter levels for the bonus feat slots. If you do build a paladin or
cleric/CoT/WM combo, this is a must-have feat as it adds your CHA bonus to
attack damage.

[9.2.10] Divine Shield
Like Divine Might, above, DS requires Power Attack and the ability to turn
Undead. It adds your CHA bonus to armor class, which is very nice but not
quite as useful as Divine Might. If you're building a paladin or
cleric/CoT/WM that specializes in a two-handed weapon, get this to make up
for the lack of a shield.

[9.2.11] Combat Casting
If one of your classes is a spellcaster *and* you feel you might find
yourself casting spells while in combat, this can be a useful feat.
However, spellcaster/WM combinations should probably concentrate on buffing
spells used before battle and stick to straight hand-to-hand once the enemy
is engaged.

[9.2.12] Knockdown/Improved Knockdown
If you've got the available feat slots, these two feats are especially
useful against spellcasters. They can't unload on you when they're flat on
their back.

[9.2.13] Weapon Specialization/Epic Weap Spec
Weapon Specialization adds +2 to damage for the chosen weapon. Epic Weapon
Specialization adds +4 damage. Only fighters have access to Weapon
Specialization; and only fighters and champions of Torm have access to Epic
Weapon Specialization. They are very useful for a weapon master, especially
one that is lower in STR.

[9.2.13] Armor Skin (epic feat)
This feat adds +2 to your natural AC. Very useful to any melee fighter,
especially if you use a two-handed weapon.

[9.2.14] Damage Reduction (epic feat)
This feat gives the character the ability to ignore the first three points
of damage taken (3/- damage reduction). It can be taken multiple times,
increasing the damage ignored by three each time to 6/- and then 9/-. The
more you get hit (i.e. the lower your AC), the more you need something to
ameliorate the damage.

[9.2.15] Overwhelming Critical (epic feat)
This feat adds an additional 1d6 damage to critical hits by weapons with an
x2 critical multiplier. The extra damage is 2d6 for x3 weapons and 3d6 for
x4 weapons. A great feat for weapon masters--if you can afford all the

[9.2.16] Devastating Critical (epic feat)
If you score a critical hit against a foe, the foe must make a saving throw
or die instantly. This feat may not be quite as useful as it seems,
especially considering the prerequisites (essentially Overwhelming Critical
and a natural Strength of 25). If you score a crit against any creature
that is likely to fail the saving throw, the creature is probably dead
anyway from the massive damage you've just done. Higher-level creatures are
either immune to crits (thus, immune to Dev Crit) or can more easily make
the saving throw. This is especially true for the tough boss creatures you
typically find, who are almost always immune to crits.

If you've been able to acquire all the feats needed for weapon master and
gone through the above list and you *still* have unused feat slots...Knock
yourself out. Get whatever feats tickle your fancy. Just avoid those feats
that do you no good: such as Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Improved Unarmed
Strike, Zen Archery, etc.

| |

[10.1] Grim Reaper

Grim is an implacable sort of guy. He began his adult life in service to a
just deity; but...Well, you know, sometimes justice can be taken too far.
Now well into middle age, Grim has forgotten about things such as mercy and
compassion. He stalks the land, seeking out any who break the law and
dispensing quick "justice" with his massive scythe.

[10.1.1] Classes
Lawful neutral human cleric (12)/champion of Torm (21)/weapon master (7)

[10.1.2] Ability Scores
First level: STR 14, DEX 13, CON 10, INT 13, WIS 15, CHA 12
Fortieth level: STR 24, DEX 13, CON 10, INT 13, WIS 16, CHA 12

[10.1.3] Build Chart
| Character | | | Ability | |
| Level(s) | Class | Feats | Scores | Skills |
| |cleric | Dodge, Mobility | | |
| |domains | Weap Prof (exotic) | | Intimidate +4 |
| |Strength| Weap Focus (scythe)| | Heal, Lore |
| 1 - 10 |Death | Expertise | STR +2 | Save points for CoT |
| | | Spring Attack | | |
| | | Whirlwind Attack | | Heal, Lore |
| 11 - 14 | CoT | Power Attack | WIS +1 | Max Discipline |
| 15 | cleric | Divine Might | | Heal, Lore |
| | | | | Heal, Lore |
| 16, 17 | CoT | Cleave | STR +1 | Discipline |
| 18 | cleric | Divine Shield | | Heal, Lore |
| | | Weap of Choice | | |
| | | Imp Crit (scythe) | | |
| | | Epic Weap Focus | | Intimidate |
| | | Epic Prowess | | Heal, Lore |
| 19 - 25 | WM | Great Cleave | STR +2 | Discipline |
| | | Great Strength I | | |
| | | Overwhelming Crit | | Heal, Lore |
| 26 - 40 | CoT | Toughness* | STR +4 | Discipline |

*Plus whatever else floats your boat.

[10.1.4] Notes
Grim is a combat specialist who also happens to know a few spells. Since
he's a divine spellcaster, he can cast in full armor and should wear heavy
armor and whatever other protective equipment he can find. He'll need CHA-
boosting items, as well as the second-level cleric spell Eagle's Splendor,
to get the most use from Divine Might, Divine Shield and Divine Wrath. I've
emphasized STR in this build in order to get the Overwhelming Critical feat
(requires STR 23+). You'll have up to sixth level cleric spells, choose the
kind that offer buffs or defensive capabilities: Bull's Strength,
Stoneskin, etc.; and, can be cast before combat as you won't be much for
casting while in the fray.

[10.1.5] Alternatives
For a spellcaster who happens to be OK in combat, give up ten levels of CoT
for ten levels of cleric. You'll have to boost your WIS to 19 to get full
access to your spell list; which means you won't be able to get STR to 23
and get Overwhelming Critical. In fact, you'll get a lot less feats
overall. You'll also need to buy ranks in Concentration and probably take
the Combat Casting feat.

[10.2] Pippin Dragonstocking

Everyone always knew there was something different about Pip. It wasn't
just that he liked singing and decided to become a traveling minstrel, it
was that reddish skin and...are those wings under his shirt?

[10.2.1] Classes
Chaotic good halfling bard (20)/red dragon disciple (10)/weapon master (10)

[10.2.2] Ability Scores
First level: STR 10, DEX 18, CON 12, INT 14, WIS 8, CHA 14
Fortieth level: STR 18, DEX 28, CON 14, INT 16, WIS 8, CHA 16

[10.2.3] Build Chart
| Character | | | Ability | |
| Level(s) | Class | Feats | Scores | Skills |
| | | | | UMD, Tumble, Lore |
| 1 - 5 | bard | Dodge, Mobility | DEX +1 | Intimidate, Perform |
| | | Expertise | | |
| | | Spring Attack | | |
| | | Whirlwind Attack | | |
| 6 - 15 | RDD | Weapon Focus | DEX +2 | Discipline, Lore |
| | | | | Tumble, Perform |
| 16 - 20 | bard | Any | DEX +2 | Discipline, UMD |
| | | Weap of Choice | | |
| | | Imp Crit | | |
| | | Armor Skin | | Heal, Lore |
| 21 - 30 | WM | Any | DEX +2 | Discipline |
| | | | | UMD, Tumble |
| 31 - 40 | bard | Any | DEX +3 | Discipline, Perform |

[10.2.4] Notes
A lot of your ability bonuses come from RDD levels (+8 STR, +2 CON, +2 INT,
+2 CHA). Maximize DEX for AC, and possibly attack bonuses if you go with a
finesse fighter. I would go either with a dual-wield character, or take
Martial Weapon Proficiency and use a medium weapon (two-handed). I built
this character with the battleaxe as the weapon of choice.

Ten levels of weapon master are taken for the extra hit points, since an
additional three levels of bard don't provide any special bonus. You'll
probably want to take some bard-specific feats such as Curse Song, Extend
Song, etc. Concentrate on buffing/protection spells. The high UMD will
allow you to wear nice mage or monk robes and use other class-specific

[10.2.5] Alternatives
If you want to go more melee, give up some bard levels for more WM levels
and take one or more additional Weapons of Choice.

[10.3] Additional Sample Characters

Bioware, the developers of Neverwinter Nights, have posted a number of epic
characters on their Web site at:

At least four of these epic characters (as of this writing) rely on weapon
master levels, including:
- Versatile Kensai
- Kukri Master
- Damage Adept
- Whirling Death

| |
| [11] CREDITS |

Written and (c)2004 by Barry Scott Will

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
License. To view a copy of this license, visit
or send a letter to
Creative Commons
559 Nathan Abbott Way
Stanford, California 94305, USA
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