Quake 2

Quake 2

17.10.2013 14:55:57
Version 0.7


The latest versions can always be found at:

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->Chapter 1 -- "Revision History/Updates" (RHU08) |
->Chapter 2 -- "Introduction" (INT32) |
->Chapter 3 -- "Basic Game Overview" (BGO16) |
->Chapter 4 -- "Combat Strategies" (CS72) |
->Chapter 5 -- "Weapons FAQ" (WF99) |
->Chapter 6 -- "Items FAQ" (IF09) |
->Chapter 7 -- "The Walkthrough" (TW01) |
->Chapter 8 -- "General Gameplaying Tips" (GGT43) |
->Chapter 9 -- "Online Play FAQ" (OPF54) |
->Chapter 10 -- "Single-Player Game Cheats" (SPGC27) |
->Chapter 11 -- "Credits" (C1-) |
->Chapter 12 -- "Contact Information" (CI1098) |

*Use Ctrl+F to quickly find what you are looking for*

= Chapter 1 -- "Revision History/Updates" =

Version 0.45 (15/02/04))

- Finished sections 001-005, 007, 009 and 010. Still a long way to go

Version 0.75 (??/??/????))

- ???
Version 0.7 (13/05/2004))

- Completed the General Gameplaying Tips, Online Play FAQ, Basic Game Overview,
Combat Strategies sections. I also added a little to the Introduction,
changed my email to random_probabilities@yahoo.com.au and also changed the
general format of the guide. Also updated the walkthrough.

= Chapter 2 -- "Introduction" =

Quake II was the highly anticipated sequel to id Software's revolutionary
Quake. Since the release in 1997, Quake II was the superior game over the
other FPS games back in those years. However, recent games are giving this
game a run for it's money. Titles such as Jedi Outcast and Quake II Arena
have proven to be better games to play than the ageing Quake II.

But this game is still popular with many gamers, either just for nostalgic fun
or their computers don't quite meet the required specifications for the
newer games. Fire up Gamespy and you'll see a planets worth of servers, all
running Quake II, while some of them even have active mods.

However, this game is not to be taken lightly, even though it may be old,
Quake II can still hold a box of surprises for the uncoordinated player.

= Chapter 3 -- "Basic Game Overview" =

Minimum System Requirements:

English Language version of Windows 95 or NT 4.0 with 100% compatible system
Pentium 90mhz processor (130mhz recommend)
16 megs RAM (24 recommend)
100% Sound Blaster Compatible sound card
Quad speed CD ROM
25 - 400 MB hard disk space

*If you have problems playing Quake II on Windows XP, try restarting it in
compatibility mode (Windows 95 or Windows 98/ME) and make sure you have the
latest patches installed.

After you pop the disk in and watch the intro, the game will dump you on
the main menu screen. You have 5 options:


It's a pretty good idea to start configuring your controls before you jump
into the battlefield, so select OPTIONS and hit [Enter]. You'll
now be shown a list of options that you can change, I'll go through
each one in detail:

Effects Volume: Basically, the volume of how loud the game is, you can set
this to the highest setting if you want
CD Music: Determines if CD Music will be played during the game.
Sound Quality: The quality of the sound that comes through your speakers.
For best sound, select High Quality
Mouse Speed: How fast your mouse responds when you move it. Setting it to the
highest setting will probably send it flying across the screen
with a touch, so it may be best to leave it at the half-way point.
Always Run: Always have this option on, running makes you move faster and can
make it easier to escape from somewhere, much easier to enable this
option than to hold down the [SHIFT] key. Remember that your
footsteps can be heard, so hold down [SHIFT] to walk when you're
trying to sneak up on someone.
Invert Mouse: Reverses the Up/Down direction of the mouse, recommended option
is off.
Lookspring: Automatically "springs" your view to default if you are
looking up or down.
Lookstrafe: Not exactly sure what this does, best to leave it at off.
Freelook: Allows you to look around at your own pleasure with the mouse,
turn this option on.
Crosshair: Determine what your crosshair looks like, there's no difference
between them but I prefer the cross.

Below I have included the default game controls, then under that I have listed
my own set of controls:



[ W ] - Move Forward
[ S ] - Move Back
[ A ] - Strafe Left
[ D ] - Strafe Right
[SPACE] - Jump
[ C ] - Switch Weapon


[BUTTON 1] - Shoot
[BUTTON 2] - Crouch



[ W ] - Move Forward
[ S ] - Move Back
[ A ] - Strafe Left
[ D ] - Strafe Right
[SPACE] - Jump
[ X ] - Switch Weapon


[BUTTON 1] - Shoot
[BUTTON 2] - Crouch

= Chapter 4 -- "Combat Strategies" =


An age old technique to use in gunfights, strafing can be what saves your
life. You can use it to circle around the enemy you are firing at and also
dodge some of their shots.


A very useful move to use. Ducking while in a gunfight can increase your
chances of survival. Just remember not to use it too much and to move while
ducking. Combine this with strafing for good results.


Also a helpful tactic. Jumping at a distance can through off your opponents
aim. Jump behind structures to throw your opponents aim completely.
Combine this with Strafing and Ducking for excellent results.

Running (Otherwise known as bailing)

If someone had a rocket launcher aimed at your head, would you simply turn your
back and walk off? Of course not! You'd (as I would when I've got a Blaster
in hand) bail and get out of there as fast as you can! Although going around
tight corners can be tricky with this set to on, there are far more positives
to running than walking around


Not exactly the best tactic in the world, good to do if you're camping and
waiting for the enemy but in a front on assault, it would probably wouldn't
(in my opinion) be too wise to crouch, since it gives your enemy more
opportunities to shoot you in the head. Mainly use this for getting under
low obstacles.

Swimming (The art of staying alive below water)

Swimming in water can sometimes make a difference in a one on one firefight,
even though it is quite hard to get around underwater, you can turn the tables
if you are fighting a healthy player, since it will be easier for you to hit
him. But it will also be just as easy for him to hit you.

Camping (Lying in wait for a tea-break)

Camping is usually staying in one place, while concealed, and waiting for the
enemy to wander into your crosshairs. But you won't get many kills from this,
as real people aren't stupid enough to walk right into your line of fire, also,
this can probably make all the other people want to gun you down even more
for being an annoying camper, so drop this tactic.

= Chapter 5 -- "Weapons FAQ" =

Although peaceful negotiations work a treat in the real world, in Quake II,
aggressive negotiations is what will get you through the game, and these
weapons are here for the job.


Ammunition Usage: NONE
Damage: VERY LOW

Very easily the weakest weapon that you have, but since it's the weakest,
you get infinite ammo for it as well, but it's still pretty useless.
Only use this gun if you don't want to waste your other ammo on
destroying/exploding crates or taking the occasional potshot.


Ammunition Usage: SHOTGUN SHELLS
Damage: LOW

An excellent replacement for the Blaster weapon, the shotgun can take out
most of the weaker enemies out in one shot if you are close enough and
doesn't do a bad job against some of the tougher enemies like the Enforcers.
Remember that this weapon is not powerful at ranged combat, it is best used
at minimum distance to maximise its potential.

Super Shotgun

Ammunition Usage: SHOTGUN SHELLS
Damage: MEDIUM

A great replacement for the bog-standard shotgun, the Super Shotgun does
the job more efficiently with a higher attack power. However, it uses
two shotgun shells with each shot, so make sure that you aim carefully with
this gun. Also remember that it is a lot more effective in close range.

Machine Gun

Ammunition Usage: BULLETS
Damage: LOW

A useful weapon for the early game, the Machine Gun spits out a
continuous line of fire. In Single player, the main drawback is that
this gun tends to aim upwards while firing, forcing you to stop
firing for a short time. The weapon features an instant hit
shot, meaning that there is now delay between pulling the
trigger and the bullet hitting the target, so then this
this weapon instantly gets what it aims at.


Ammunition Usage: BULLETS
Damage: MEDIUM

Basically the big brother of the Machine Gun, the Chaingun
makes short work of anyone who dares to come near you and
body armour doesn't make a whole bunch of difference. This gun
can spit out a truckload of bullets in a relatively short
amount of time. Thus, spraying rooms with continuous gun fire
is no longer a good idea with this weapon, as it will leave you
straggling for ammo.


Ammunition Usage: Grenades
Damage: High

A decent weapon to use in Single Player mode, but no more useful in that,
using this in multiplayer mode will see you being closed in on, shot at, and
stomped on until you're deader than the Strogg, do not use this weapon,
unless you're absolutely positive that the grenade will hit your intended

Grenade Launcher

Ammunition Usage: Grenades
Damage: High

A good weapon to use in Single Player mode, its only use in online play is
that you should use it in tight corridors, where it will be hard to dodge
the grenade shots. Do not use this weapon at long range as the grenades have
a limited range because they fly in a arc. And certainly do not use this
weapon at close range unless you're interested in a suicide attempt.

Rocket Launcher

Ammunition Usage: Rockets
Damage: High

A fine weapon to use, in Single and Online play. This weapon does quite
alot of damage even if it is a near miss on your opponent. The splash damage
also makes this weapon even more attractive to the player. Hitting your
opponent directly with this thing will send him to an early grave, so
accuracy still counts for this weapon. Remember to jump and avoid if you see
it in the hands of your opponents, and like the grenade launcher, remember
not to use this weapon at close range.


Ammunition Usage: Energy Cells
Damage: High

A devastating weapon to use, even if it uses a complete truckload of ammo,
this weapon requires a brief spin-down, meaning that it will continue to
fire for a few seconds even after you have let off the attack button.
Sort of like the energy version of the Chaingun, except this can do alot
more damage and shoots faster. An excellent weapon to use if you are
in close-quarters combat with an opponent and worried about splash damage
from explosive weapons.


Ammunition Usage: Rails
Damage: Very High

Probably one of the most powerful weapons in the game, the Railgun can
take out an opponent in one shot, and since the shot continues to travel
even after hitting your opponent (and through walls too!), you can, if
your aim is good enough, take out several opponents in one shot. The only
way to survive a direct shot from one of these things is if you have
maximum health and armour.

BFG 10k

Ammunition Usage: Energy Cells
Damage: Very High

Most likely the most powerful weapon, the BFG 10k probably stands for
"Big Freakin' Gun 10 000", and it does a pretty good job of living up to
its name. It's big, and it's freakin powerful, press the attack button and
the gun will charge up for a second or two and fire a big green energy ball.
While this ball flies along, it will shoot out several beams that damage
your target(s). Finally, it will explode, cooking anyone who happens to be
near the blast area. Add Quad Damage for a fun kill rampage.

= Chapter 6 -- "Items FAQ" =

Most of these things here are for combat support, so don't be afraid to use
them especially if you have a large supply of them. Don't be afraid to use
these items! They're there to be used!


No prizes for guessing what this does, they restore 10 HP, while the
large med packs restore 25. Stimpacks can raise your health by 1 while
an Adrenaline can boost your health back up to 100.


Helps stop the damage incoming from enemy fire, it doesn't completely stop
it though. Armour Shards boost your armour up by 1, Flak Jackets add 25,
Yellow combat suits add 100 and the Red combat suit suits you up with
a massive 200 increase.

Energy Armour

Activate this armour by pressing the "P" key. It will drain your energy cells
but the upside is that you take no damage from energy weapons while this is
activated. Always turn this on when you come across opponents with energy
guns, the energy usage may not be too bad, but can really put a dent in when
you start using energy weapons while this is activated.


Most useless in my opinion, the Silencer will temporarily muffle the shots
from your gun, useful if you want to be stealthy...


Comes in two types, Bandolier and Heavy Pack. These will allow you to carry
more ammunition, and the Heavy Pack holds more than the Bandolier. Useful
when you find a truckload of ammunition and can't carry any more.


Allows you to breath underwater for a certain amount of time, not too


Protects you from environmental hazards, such as toxic waste. Has a limited
lifespan so use it wisely.

Quad Damage

Quadruples your damage for a short time. This is one of those items that can
turn the odd player into an unstoppable frag machine, killing everything that
moves. For best results, combine the Quad Damage with a quick firing weapon,
like a machine gun, Chaingun, or Hyperblaster.

Mega Health

Jumps up your HP to an incredibly 200. However, it starts counting down until
it hits 100 again, make good use of this while you can.


Makes you temporarily invincible, like god. Run around and stand in front
of rocket launchers and shoot the bad guys before this little gem runs out.

= Chapter 7 -- "The Walkthrough" =

Mission 1

-Objective 1: Locate the Base Installation Elevator*

After the convenient crash at the start, move forward and keep your distance
from the left wall, once you get near, an explosion will occur, damaging you
if you are too close. Once the explosion has died down, look towards where
it originally started. There should be a gap that you can fit through,
once you get through, you'll be rewarded with a Flak Jacket, nice. Now
follow the passage around the side and watch out for another explosion,
it should have opened up another gap, so go up on the rubble and head
into the building. Unfortunately, the elevator is severely damaged, so
you'll have to find another elevator in working order.

In front of you, there should be some sort of hole in the ground, jump
into it and take the Shotgun. After some looking around, you should
find that the floor in the corner looks different to the rest, shoot it
to create a hole, now jump in.
Since this new area is quite small, you'll have to crouch, keep
going, while making sure that the red lights are on your right
(so you know you're going the right way). You should then arrive
at a new area, with a sort of river running through it, move
to the left and continue. Once you see a big fan up in the
ceiling, go right and follow the passageway to arrive at a
river area. Move left and enter the building. Then turn right and
go past the window and through the door to see another
elevator similar to the one that was destroyed earlier, enter it
and push the exit button to complete your first objective.

-Objective 2: Use the sewer tunnels to gain access to the Base Installation*

Once the elevator stops, move out and beware the enemies, once you've killed
everyone, exit the room and head to the left, keep going and turn the
Hit the button to open the bars and grab the Machine Gun and ammo, now keep
going in the direction opposite of where you got the Machine Gun, then take
the elevator up to the upper floor. When you walk on the catwalk, be
very cautious, as an enemy may ambush from behind. If he did, then kill
him and collect the flak jacket from near him. Now take the
passageway to the left of the lift.

Unfortunately, the bridge has been taken out, so you can't cross it,
look to the right to see an entrance, enter it and push the button
to open up the grate, now jump in.

-Objective 3: Locate the Comm. Centre*

Take the hallway at the top of the stairs, you should then enter a
watery area, walk to the left of the doorway and pick up the
handy Rebreather, then run across the bridge and nab the Shotgun.
Now go through the next door. Move into the room and kill the
enemies hiding in the holes. Go up to the catwalk and jump the
crates to receive a very generous Quad Damage along with another
Machine Gun. Follow the passageway opposite the stairs and
enter the room that has green slime in the middle, ignore it all
and enter a doorway through the left. Now go up the stairs to the
left and take the lift to the upper floor. Follow the catwalk
until you reach a window to your right. An explosion will then
start up behind you, just quickly jump through the window.

Walk up to the control panel and align the disk to establish an
uplink with the command ship. A blue key will now appear to
your right, take the damn thing and go.

-Objective 4: Enter the bunker*

Now, go back to the locked door, enter and kill the enemies. Keep going until
you spot the Installation door, enter it and hit the lever to make a bridge
across the gap. Follow the passageway to your left and take the other hallway
through. Cross the bridge you made earlier and enter the doorway. Keep going
along the passageway until you meet two Berserkers, there's a Quad Damage
(If you've already used yours) in this room that you can grab as well.
Press the exit button and proceed to you next mission.

Mission 2

-Objective 1: Find the entrance to the Supply Station*

Jump out of the elevator and look left, then jump off and grab the extra
Super Shotgun along with some grenades, then take the lift up, but not the
centre one, if you do, you have to press the button again. Now pass through
the door and enter the box room, a room with lots of boxes, push the button to
your right to open the door in front of you, then in the next room, open the
door by pressing the switch next to it. Keep going and then hit the button
on your left. If you need some ammo and/or health, then proceed into the area
below, when done, take the lift back up. Then go through the door opposite to
the one you came in through to find another button that needs pushing.
Pressing it drops a bridge, so go down and cross the bridge.

Keep following the passageway to find a crate room and a forcefield blocking
your way to the control centre. To get in, shoot the glowing button through
the window. Then go in the control centre and push the button there, causing
a ram thing to bust open a door that is locked, opposite to where you came in
from. Go through the newly opened door now and go through another door,
then go through another door on the right, and follow the hall. Go through
another door and enter a room with more catwalks and crates. Jump into the
below area and exit through the door. Keep going until you enter a lift.

Take the lift up and see two hanging crates, push the button in between them
to smush the two Strogg standing there. Go through another door a take the
lift down. Cross the bridge over the lava and continue until you find a
flooded room, *excellent* >:D, press the switch on the right of the room to
open the door on the opposite side, and then go through that door. Now follow
the passageway and take the escalator up. Enter the door on your right and
go across the catwalk and enter the door. Enter another doorway and follow
the walkway behind it, then go right and enter a door. Go left and enter
the Supply Station.

-Objective 2: Collect the 4 power cubes to restore power the Warehouse*

Start off by going across the bridge and keep going until you meet a door.
Enter and you'll find yourself on a balcony, from here you can see a room with
plenty of crates stacked about. Hit the button in front of you to kill the
enemy and climb up to the opposite balcony. Push the button and go through the
door that is unlocked now. You'll now find yourself in another crate room,
except that this is much bigger, almost like a maze. Go through it and grab
the Minigun at the end, then kill off the ambushers behind you. Now find the
lift and take it up.

Take the Power Cube [1] to deactivate the red lasers and the lights, then
follow the passageway and enter the door, in this room, grab the Flak Jacket
and then go on the lift that you should find on your left, a result of pushing
the button. You'll now come into another room, hit the switch and sneak in with
the crate that goes through the door. Fall down onto the conveyor belt and
go along with it and enter the door at the end. In this new room, you'll spot
the infamous Supply Train, but first jump across the gap (if you fall, you die)
and let yourself into the control room. Press the button in here to destroy the
train, then head around the side of the control room to find another button.
Hit it to acquire another Power Cube [2]. Jump down onto the train tracks
(it's safe now, since you took out the power source) and press the button
there. After pressing it, a ladder should appear leading into a small room,
climb up there and get another Power Cube [3], three down, one more to go...

Follow the passageway to the left of where you stole the Power Cube. Crawl
out and drop down and then take the lift up to the level above, then go
through another maze of crates and you should eventually find a button on the
wall. Push it and this opens up a compartment in the floor. Go down the
newly created stairs and take the lift down into a storage room.
Unfortunately for you, this storage room has its lights out :P
Climb the ladder up the control room and push the button in there. This should
start some platforms going up and down, jump on the one going upwards.
Take the door on the left and gran the Power Cube inside [4]. Since that's
four cubes you've got, then that means you've got them all. Good for you :P

In the next room, climb up the ladder and push the button on the left. This
will open another door, go through it, through the lift, and through the
hallway and finally through another door.

Now you'll be in the same room you were in quite a while ago, the one with
the crates running across the tracks I mean. Now retrace your steps back to the
entrance and go to the Warehouse

-Objective 3: Restore power to key Warehouse components*

Go through the door to find a lift that has no power, and since power is needed
to make this thing work, pop one of your Power Cubes into the panel. Now
take the lift upwards and enter the Warehouse itself... (cue thunder)

Follow the passageway to the right and search for a red panel in the wall.
Open it and throw in another Power Cube, which will activate the lights and
another lift. Take the lift up now. Continue going across the catwalk and
enter the door at the end, and go down the stairs. Follow the passageway
to the exit and take the lift down. Look for a Power Cube slot and throw
another one in to activate the conveyor belt above you and unlock the door
at the end of it as well. Enter the door to your immediate right and hit
both of the buttons. Take the lift up and go through the door and go through
another door beyond the first. Take another lift down and insert your last
Power Cube into the slot. Now you must find your way to the Detention

-Objective 4: Proceed to the Detention Centre*

After you inserted the last Power Cube, you would have also activated some
rise-and-fall platforms. Take one of these up and then jump to the ledge on
your left. Move along the conveyor belt towards the opposite ledge, and then
push the button towards your left. Now shoot the box to blow the door down.
Follow the passageway until you see a button on a column, hit the button
to lower a set of stairs, go all the way down and enter the door.

Now go through the arch and into yet another crate maze (:|). After killing
your first tank, hit the console that he was inspecting to open a door that
leads to the exit from this room. Go through it and go through another on your
right. In this room move to your left and hit the button there. Enter the door
and open the opposite one by smashing the button. Go into the next room and
open the exit. Take a ride on the conveyor belt to find yourself in... jail!
HooHah! :P

Mission 3

-Objective 1: Penetrate the Outer Jail Defenses*

After getting through the air ducts, kill the Enforcers and then use the
explosive barrel to get a Flak Jacket (if you blew the explosive crate up
already, then you can't get the Flak Jacket unfortunately :P). Advance through
the door and when you reach the bridge, jump into the moat beneath you.
Go through the tunnel (the one that is half-filled with water) to the end.
Nab the grenades and go through the other tunnel. After you appear in a large
room, take the items from the shelf, then jump into the water and swim through
the big rotor (be very careful while doing this, or you'll be chopped to bits),
then swim upwards and you'll find yourself in another room. Exit the room
and enter the passageway that will lead you to room that has some armor
shards for use. Look around and you should see a grate that looks pretty
weak, shoot it and go through.

Move up the ladder ahead of you and you'll be lead to a tower with two big
doors. Make your way to the elevator inside the tower, when you reach the top,
go outside and kill the enemy operating the big gun on ground level. Look
around you and activate the floor switch. Go back down the elevator and enter
the door that you previously opened.

-Objective 2: Locate the blue and red keycards*

After the elevator ride, turn left and follow the hall until you reach the
outside. Grab the Bandolier and go down the stairs. Go through the
hallway. Go on some more stairs, into a room with several window things.
Kill the Strogg that hit the alarm and sweep the room. Get the blue keycard
near the stairs, then go back to the locked door at the beginning of this
objective. Enter the door and through the hall. You'll come into a small
open area, directly opposite you is an elevator, take it. Kill the Strogg
on the other side and then go back down the elevator, and take the exit
on the right. Enter the door to discover that there are HUMANS inside here!
Go around to the right and enter the doorway to your right. Opposite the
stairs, on the wall, you'll see a yellow button that needs pushing. Do a
360° turn and go up the stairs. Kill the two Gladiators then jump into the
prison cell and kill the humans since they're no help to you. Then go through
the door on the opposite side and kill the Strogg.

Go straight across and down the stairs until you reach a room that has some
catwalks. Take the stairs on your left and after that take the first
doorway on your left again.

Keep going until you find a Gladiator guarding a Red Key. Kill him and take it.

-Objective 3: Clear the way to the Security Pyramid and open it*

*coming in next update*

= Chapter 8 -- "General Gameplaying Tips" =

* Never stop moving, standing still makes you a watermelon prize ready to
be blasted into oblivion

* Always move with caution, your enemies may be lying in wait for you.
Running in with guns blazing isn't always the most effective strategy

* Always check your surroundings, you may find some useful weapons or
items for use.

* You can tell what version of Quake 2 you have by starting Quake 2 and
bringing down the console (hit the tilde key (~). The console will then
appear. In the lower right corner of the console is the version number.

= Chapter 9 -- "Online Play FAQ" =

Although there usually better online games than this to play, Quake II
can offer hours of fun online play. This section will help you get up to
speed with the online play.


Even though these requirements are probably considered "old", I'll still be
including them for people who aren't sure if their Internet is suited for
online play if they have a REALLY old modem.


This type of connection is usually used by people for are playing from
either school or at work. These use Ethernet cards to connect up and the
connection is usually fast enough (if not more) for a good online play
session. Make sure that your teacher/boss doesn't catch you playing online
if games are banned at your workplace/school


The minimum required speed for playing Quake II online is at least 28kbps,
even though this is considered ancient by today's standards, there are still
at least 0.01% of the population still using that speed, so take that into
consideration. 56kbps is reasonable for online play but cable is all the
better for smoother online play.


It has come to my attention that some users of AOL and Compuserve Internet may
have problems trying to play Quake II online, it's not the games fault since
the problem lies with AOL and Compuserve. Apparently, they do not provide
a true Internet connection, so while general browsing, etc. will be fine,
playing games online won't be. My recommendation is to switch to a new ISP
if you're really desperate to play a game online.

Now, make sure that you have the latest version of Quake 2, version
3.20, you can download the Quake II Point Release (which includes the
3.20 patch, VWep pak as well as the official iD Software maps) from
(You have to be a member of fileplanet to download this file, fortunately
registering as a member is completely free & surprisingly easy :D )

The Meaning Of Death in Deathmatch

Deathmatch games in Quake II are pretty simple to figure out. Your main
objective during an online game is to kill (in Quake II, kills can also be
called Frags) as many people as you can find, thus trying to get the highest
score before the game inconveniently ends. Suicides deduct a point off your
score while normal Frags gain you a point. Other modes include (only in version
3.20 though) CTF (Capture The Flag) where you must attempt to infiltrate the
enemy base, steal their flag and then run all the way back to your base to
successfully capture their flag. All of this must be done while defending
your own base against any forms of attack and to keep pushing the enemy back.
This of course, is almost impossible if you were by your self, but that's why
this is a team game... So work as a team and you'll win.

Another mode is the Team Deathmatch mode. This doesn't really need much
explaining, as it's basically deathmatch with teams. Yet again, work wisely
with your team mates for a good rate of success.

Setting up the Player Profile
Not very necessary, but fun to do anyway. Setting up your Quake II Profile
will let you have your own identity in online play instead of using the
default one.


Simple really, just type in your online nickname, it's probably best to
avoid rude words that can offend other players. Try not to use names that are
hard to read.

-Player Model

Choose your player skin, available classes include Human Male, Human Female
and Cyborg. There are no differences between the classes, besides the


Choose a variation of your character model, there are several for each
class, so take your time in choosing one that suits your taste.


This refers the position your hand is on the screen, you can have the
default right, left or centre (showing no hands).

*Note that on the REALLY slow computers, setting your handedness to centre
can help improve your overall performance (even though you won't see any
hand actions)


To play online, I highly recommend that you use the most up to date version
of Quake II (being 3.20 at the time of writing).

= Chapter 10 -- "Single-Player Game Cheats" =

Below I have listed most of the cheats for this game, these can come in hand
when you're practicing your skills in Single Player mode, so here you go:

To type in a cheat, bring down the console by pressing ~ (tilde)
(just to the left of 1).

Single-Player Codes

give all -- Receive all items in Single Player mode
sv_gravity XXX -- Allows you to set the gravity, 850 is normal
gravity while 0 is no gravity. Replace the
three X's with the numbers of your choice
give rockets XXX -- Gives you a determined amount of rockets,
replace the three X's with the amount of
your choice
give (ammo) XXX -- Replace (ammo) with the ammo type that you
want, then replace the three X's with the
amount of that ammo you want
give BFG -- gives you the ultra powerful BFG gun
give Hyperblaster -- gives you the Hyperblaster weapon
give (item) XXX -- Replace (item) with the item that you want,
then replace the three X's with the amount of
that item that you want
give rocket launcher -- Gives you the rocket launcher weapon
give (weapon) -- Replace (weapon) with the weapon of your choice
that you would like to receive
give cells XXX -- Gives you a determined amount of cells, determine
this amount by changing the three X's to the amount
of your choice
god -- gives you full invincibility, hence the name god
/g_unlimited_ammo 1 -- This handy cheat gives you infinite ammunition for
all of your weapons
noclip -- Lets you walk through walls and fly

|Level Codes|

Outer Base -- base1.bsp
Installation -- base2.bsp
Comm. Centre -- base3.bsp
Lost Station -- train.bsp
Ammo Depot -- bunk1.bsp
Supply Station -- ware1.bsp
Warehouse -- ware2.bsp
Main Gate -- jail1.bsp
Destination Centre -- jail2.bsp
Security Complex -- jail3.bsp
Torture Chambers -- jail4.bsp
Guard House -- jail5.bsp
Grid Control -- security.bsp
Mine Entrance -- mintro.asp
Upper Mines -- mine1.bsp
Borehole -- mine2.bsp
Drilling Area -- mine3.bsp
Lower Mines -- mine4.bsp
Receiving Centre -- fact1.bsp
Sudden Death -- fact3.bsp
Processing Plant -- fact2.bsp
Power Plant -- power1.bsp
The Reactor -- power2.bsp
Cooling Facility -- cool1.bsp
Toxic Waste Dump -- waste1.bsp
Pumping Station 1 -- waste2.bsp
Pumping Station 2 -- waste3.bsp
Big Gun -- biggun.bsp
Outer Hangar -- hangar1.bsp
Comm. Satellite -- space.bsp
Research Lab -- lab.bsp
Inner Hangar -- hangar2.bsp
Launch Command -- command.bsp
Outlands -- strike.bsp
Outer Courts -- city1.bsp
Lower Palace -- city2.bsp
Upper Palace -- city3.bsp
Inner Chamber -- boss1.bsp

= Chapter 11 -- "Credits" =

Not a great deal for the credits, but while I'm here I throw some thanks out
to CJayC, for his work in keeping a great site like GameFAQs alive and well :D,
to iD Software for their excellent game that has kept us playing it for years,
and finally the online community that helped me out with this guide. Thanks
guys! :)

= Chapter 12 -- "Contact Information" =

Feel free to contact me at: random_probabilities@yahoo.com.au, with any e-mail,
contributions, money, chocolates, or praise (but preferably money).
When you email me, make sure that you write the email in proper grammar, as it
gets a bit hard to read when I get messages like: duude wassup man I got
trouble onlevel12where u gottahaveto beat the bosslike dat help ,,me
So please don't send mail like that. Also, make sure that your spelling is
good, it doesn't have to be perfect but at the very least decent. Ok, I think
that I have said enough to end this guide now, so you know where to send the
e-mail. So now I'm going to sleep, have fun........

Copyright(c) 2004 Aqueous Cross

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Beginners Guide
Engl. FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Alle Cheats sind wählbar

17.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats

13.Oktober 2013
+8 Trainer und PAL/NTSC Selektor für die US Version

14.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

07.Oktober 2013
10.Oktober 2008
engl. Hinweis
10.Oktober 2008

15.Oktober 2013
Das Ende des Spiels

14.Oktober 2013
Engl. Secrets

17.Oktober 2013
Quake 3dfx Tuning-Anleitung mit Beispiel
3dfx Tweak

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Für das Demo
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