Gabriel Knight

Gabriel Knight

16.10.2013 21:14:29
Gabriel Knight : Sins of the fathers
Walkthrough by Nikolay Kaleyski
The only thing I can say for this game is that it' great! One of the
greatest things is the story. If you plan on playing(and finishing)
the game, you'll see what I mean. The music is another great thing.
And also, somehow, I feel that there is an excelent atmosphere.
Well, I hope you enjoy the game!

NOTE : Don't read this if you want to solve the game on your own! I
strongly suggest that. But it's your choice. Anyway...

Day 1
"I dreamt of blood upon the shore, of eyes that spoke of sin.
The lake was smooth and deep and black, as was her scented skin..."
After the dialog, start your day by reading the newspaper on the
table. Talk to Grace and get ALL the messages. Get a tome of poetry
from the left part of the top shelf and a book on snakes from the
right part. Get a dictionary from the other shelves(near the front
door) and try to translate the poem. Get the magnifying glass and
the tweezers from the table. Open the cash register and get the gift
certificate. Leave the bookshop and go to the police station. Once
there, talk to the officer at the desk and ask about Mosely and the
photos. Stop talking, get the photos and leave the station. Now, go
to the museum. Talk to the woman there and learn about Dr. John, who
will be back tomorrow. Leave the museum and go to the Dixieland Drug
Store. Take a look at the sign on the counter. Open the envelope
with the photographs and show the one of the victim the the owner.
Remember the phrase he says. Talk to with him about all available
topics. Leave the store. Go to the New Orleans map and to the house
of Gabriel's grandmother. Go upstairs. Take the sketchbook and then
"operate" the old clock. Move the pictures, so that the dragon is at
the top. Move the clock hands, so that the time is three o'clock.
Turn the key and get the photograph and letter. Check out the photo
and read the letter. Go back downstairs and talk. Talk about all
available topics. Leave. Go to the NW part of Jackson Square and get
the mime there to follow you. Lead him to the policeman in the SE
part. After he's gone, get the radio on the bike and listen about
the crime scene location. Go there(New Orleans map). After the scene
there, copy the pattern on the ground in your sketchbook. Use the
magnifying glass on the "matted" grass and get the scale with the
tweezers. Examine it under the magnifying glass. Get some clay from
near the river. Leave. Go back to the bookshop and tell Grace to do
a research on Malia Gedde. The day will end.
*Dream Sequence - nothing new

Day 2
"I wore a mask as I approached, I was what I am not.
And though the pattern was unclear, it's meaning could be bought."
Once again, start by reading the newspaper. Leave. Go to the police
station. Get permission to see Mosely. Before going in, set the
temperature gauge on the wall to a high level(70-80). Mosely will
take off his coat. Ask about the patterns and the other six. Go out
of the office and tell officer Franks to get you the file. Return it
to the desk and go back in the office. Ask about the photographs and
about a cop/author photo. Say you'll check your hair. Get the file,
copy it and go back inside. Ask about some coffee. When Mosely goes
out to get it, take the badge that's on his coat. Leave the police
station. Go to the Gedde Estate. Knock on the door. Say you want to
see Malia Gedde and that you have official business. Show the
police badge you just got. Once inside, talk to Malia Gedde about
EVERYTHING, until you are forced to leave. Leave the estate and go
to the NE part of Jackson Square. There's an artist there. Leave
the park and go back here again a few times. The artist will lose
his picture. Go to the SW part of the park. There should be a guy
selling hot dogs there. Give him the gift certificate and get a
lucky dog. Give it to the dancer and ask him if he can squeeze
through the bars. He'll go and get the artist's picture. Return
it to him. Give him the sketch you made of the pattern and the
copied file from the police station. He'll start reconstructing
the pattern. Go to the cemetary. Copy the symbols on the tomb
wall in the sketchbook. Talk to the man here about everything.
Go to the Dixieland Drug Store. Notice Madame Cazaunoux. Leave.
Go to the museum. Talk to Dr. John about Voodoo, and the about
historical and current voodoo until he has nothing new to say.
Leave the museum and go to the Moonbeam residence. Show the
symbols to Magentia Moonbeam and she'll translate them. Talk to
her about everything. When you ask her about handling Grimwald,
she'll start dancing. While she's doing it, take the snake skin
from the cage and examine it under the magnifying glass. Leave
and return to the bookshop. Talk to Grace and request a research
on Madame Cazaunoux. The day will end.
*Dream Sequence - You'll see the ritual dagger.

Day 3
"Drawn to Bacchus's abode, I sought there to conspire.
But it was in the city of the dead that I found my heart's desire."
Once again, read the newspaper. Talk to Grace and get the messages.
Ask about Ritter's phone number. Leave. Go to the police station to
see Mosely. After the dialog, just leave. Go to the university. Now,
notice the 'fwet kash' - what was said in the writing on the tomb
wall, and also the 'sekey madoule'. Go to Jackson square and get the
complete pattern from the artist. Go back to the university. Enter
the door in the back. Talk with Hartridge and ask him about 'Cabrit
Sans Cor'. Show him the pattern. Leave. Go back to the bookshop and
enter the back room. Read the phone book page and use the phone to
dial 555 1280. Madame Cazaunoux will mention her dog's name. Now
dial 555 6170(veterinary clinic). Ask about Madame Cazaunoux and
mention Castro. You'll get an address. Get the hair gel from the
medicine cabinet and leave the bookshop. Go to the cathedral. Enter
the rightmost door. Get the black shirt and a priest's collar. Now
go to the Cazaunoux residence. Put on the priest's collar and shirt
and use the hair gel. Knock on the door(the dialog choice should be
obvious). Once inside, ask about 'Cabrit Sans Cor' and say what it
means(goat with no horns). Ask about human sacrifice and then about
the Real voodoo queens(a few times). Ask about the voodoo honfour.
When you are asked to bless the bracelet, use the clay to get a
mold. Leave. Go to the drug store. Ask about the animal masks. Ask
about Willy Jr. Leave. Go to the bookshop and wait until Bruno
appears. Sell the painting for $100. Go back to the drug store and
buy the mask. You'll also get some master gambling oil. Leave and
go to the Napolean house. Ask the bartender about everything until
you have asked him about 'Sam and voodoo'. Show the gambling oil
to the man in the purple jacket(Sam). Say that Marcus uses it and
describe it's functions. After the game, give Sam the clay mold.
Leave. Go to the NW part of Jackson square. When Madame Lorelei
starts to dance, click the 'take' icon on her(you must be quick).
After that, get the veil. Examine it with the magnifying glass.
Use the tweezers to get the scale. Examine it with the magnifying
glass. Return the veil. Go to Jackson square overlook and look
through the binoculars. Go back to the NW part of Jackson Square.
Talk to Madame Lorelei. You must talk to the man at the cemetery
about 'Other marked tombs'. Go to the rightmost part of the
cemetery and you'll have a talk with Malia Gedde. Head for the
bookshop and the day will end.

Day 4
"I spoke to one who smelled of death, he gave to me his ears.
And crosses that were marked were made into a veil of tears..."
As always, read the newspaper. Go in the back room and call Ritter -
4909 324 3333. After the talk, go to the police station and go see
Mosely. Ask about reopening the case. Leave. Go to the Napolean
house and get your duplicate of the bracelet. Go to Jackson Square
overlook. Look through the leftmost binoculars. You'll see Crash
talking to the drummer. Go question him in the cathedral. You'll
have to show him the bracelet. Ask about the drummer. Then ask about
the honfour. Examine the dead Crash. Open his shirt and copy the
tattoo there in your sketchbook. Go to the bookshop and request a
research on 'Rada Drums' and about the pattern.

Day 5
"The road was blocked, the truth was shunned,
the white flag had been waved.
Reversal cost me all I had, everything I've braved..."
The day starts very interesting. You get the results for TWO of
Grace's researches AND a package from Germany. As always, read the
newspaper. Now, read the journal you got. Check out the results from
the researches. Go to the museum. You'll be attacked by a snake. To
save yourself, try to switch the lights on. Go back to the bookshop
and Grace will remove the scale from you. Get it from the ashtray
with the tweezers and examine under the magnifying glass. Leave. Go
to the university and you'll see that Hartridge's been killed just
like Crash. Get the notes on his desk. Go to the police station and
see Mosely. Show him the notes, the scales, the newspaper clipping
and the pattern and he'll reopen the case. Another day ends.
*Dream sequence - wheel within a wheel

Day 6
"And then the night became as day, I glimpsed nature's reddest claw!
And the face of fear looked back at me, as I gazed into the maw..."
There's a nice surprise waiting for you in the bookshop. Anyway,
read the newspaper and get the envelope. Open it and read the note.
Go to the SW part of Jackson square. Talk to the vendor and convince
him to go back to Royal and Conti. Go to the police station. When
the cops go to get lunch, quickly go to the office door and unlock
it with the key. Inside, open one of the drawers on the desk and get
the tracking device. Leave the police station. Go to the museum and
place the signal device in the sekey madoule. Go to the cemetery and
write down the new symbols on the wall. Compare them with the
translated ones. There should be a few unknown, but they can be
figured out(they are 'y', 'u', 'm'). Go to the NE part of the park.
Use the book on Rada drums to translate the code. It should be :
Call conclave, tonight, swamp.
Go back to the cemetery and take the brick. Use it to leave your
own message on the tomb wall :
DJ bring sekey madoule
Go to the bookshop. Show Grace the snake tattoo you copied from
Crash. Say it's for a party. Choose the option that mentions her
being jealous. After that's over with, go to the Bayou St. John.
Use tracking device to find the conclave. After you arrive, put on
the animal mask. Enter. The answers to the questions are Damballah
and Ogoun Badagris.

Day 7
"My last ally laid to waste, I ran toward the light.
I prayed for one to change my path, to give me strenght to fight..."
First, call Ritter. Talk about everything until he goes to do some
research in his library. Get a flashlight and go read the paper.
Leave and go to the Gedde tomb. Push the button and, using the
flashlight, pull out the center drawer. You'll see Mosely's body.
After the little 'incident', pull out the same drawer and get the
wallet. Open it to get a credit card. Get back to the bookshop. Call
the travel agency - 585 1130 and reserve a trip to Germany. Pay with
the credit card. Leave the bookshop and go to the airport.
Once inside the castle, get the dagger on the wall. Go in the room
to the right and check out the panels. Ask the maid about the panels
and the initiation ceremony. Go to your room. Get the scissors, pot
and scroll. Open the window and wash your hands. Cut your hair. Go
to the ceremony room and place the pot on the altar. Get the salt
shaker from the main room. Put some salt on the pot. Use the dagger
to pour some blood in the pot. Kneel on the altar and read the
scroll. The day will end.
*Dream sequence - purification and initiation

Day 8
"Inside a hidden chamber, where I had no right to be,
I found the wheel at last, or could it be, the wheel found me..."
Get the key on the table. Read the writing on the door. Unlock it
with the key. Browse the books in the library until you find
"People's republic of Benin". Read it and then look for the next
one, "The Primal Ones". Continue reading this way until you find the
book with the picture of the snake mound(wheel withing a wheel).
Go talk to the maid about everything. Show her the book and pay for
the trip with the credit card.

Day 9
"And then the wheel went round and round, I could not find my way.
Twelve and three and turn the key, I heard the madman say..."
Enter the snake mound. Walk around and take ALL the plates you can
find. There should be ten. There's also a rod here. Take it. Now,
place the plates in the slots, according to the number of snakes
painted on each plate. The plate on the entrance screen should be 6.
Place them clockwise. After all are in place, go to the 3rd plate
and place the rod in the hall. Avoiding the mummies, move clockwise
until you are in a room with three mummies. Swing the vines and you
should escape. On the next screen Wolfgang Ritter will save you. To
get out of this situation, place the rod in the hole in the secret
panel. Once inside the inner mound, walk to the right and examine
the writing on the table. Try to lift the top. Check out the holes
in the table and the iron bars. Place the bars in the holes. Now
try to lift the top with the bars. Do as Wolfgang tells you and go
cut the mummy on the left with the dagger. The day ends.

Day 10
"Deep in the earth I faced a fight that I could never win.
The blameless and the base destroyed, and all that might have been."
While flying in the plane, notice the shape of Jackson Square. But
before attempting anything, go to the bookshop. Read the paper and
the note on the desk. You'll find out that Mosely is alive. Talk to
him and make a plan. Give him the tracker and go to the cathedral.
Enter the rightmost confessional and place the rod in the hall in
the wall. Place the signal device and the rod under the kneeler.
Leave the elevator and walk through the other door. The doors here
are numbered 1-12. By the way, this is a modern version of the old
snake mound in Africa. Go in room number 3 and watch the scene.
Enter room number 4 and get the book. It contains some Rada code.
Enter room number 7. Get two masks and two robes. Go to the inner
room. Use the drums to send a message :
Summon Brother Eagle(that's Dr. John)
Go to room number 2 and while he's gone, get the keycards. Unlock
room number 1. Get all the money you can. Unlock room number 11.
Just take a look. And finally, unlock room number 8. Mosely will
meet you here. Use the talisman to wake up Grace. Give the boar
mask and robe to Mosely and put on the other ones.
During the ritual, when Tetelo is about to kill Grace, show her
the talisman. After the shooting, throw it to Mosely. When you are
about to get killed, destroy the idol.
Final - you have two choices here
1.Try to save Malia
2.Kill Malia or do nothing
I suggest you save first.
The end.

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Copyright 2003 Nikolay Kaleyski

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