Leisure Suit Larry 1

Leisure Suit Larry 1

15.10.2013 17:12:46

FAQ/Walkthrough for



Author: Tom Hayes
E-mail: thayesguides(at)gmail(dot)com
System: PC
Updated: 18th August, 2006
Version: 1.1


1. Introduction
2. Walkthrough
3. Command Walkthrough
4. Maps
5. Point List
6. Character List
7. Item List
7.1. Item Information
7.2. Item Descriptions
8. Easter Eggs and Secrets
9. Debug Information
9.1. Items
9.2. Locations
10. Death List
11. Age Quiz Questions
12. Copyright Information


1.1: 18th Aug, 2006 (Format update)
1.0: 27th Apr, 2003 (First version)


1. Introduction


Leisure Suit Larry is an adult adventure game made by Sierra in 1987. Although
the controls and graphics are very similar to other early Sierra adventures
like King's Quest and Space Quest, the plot couldn't be more different. Instead
of finding treasures and visiting distant worlds, the aim in Leisure Suit Larry
is to help software salesman Larry Laffer find the woman of his dreams on his
one night in Lost Wages. A warning at the start of the game states that this
game is only for people over the age of 17, although by today's standards there
is nothing too extreme in the game. Even so, the game is definitely intended
for adults, and players who may not have liked the cute appearances and themes
of other early Sierra adventure games may find themselves enjoying this game.


2. Walkthrough



The game starts outside Lefty's bar. Open the door to enter the bar and sit at
the stool between the people. Buy a glass of whiskey and Larry will pay for it.
Stand up and walk north through the doorway to arrive in the hall. Give the
whiskey to the drunk and he will give Larry a remote control. Get the rose on
the table at the left side of the room. Open the door to enter the bathroom and
get the ring from the sink. Read the graffiti on the wall four times to see
three normal messages followed by the password 'Ken sent me'. Sit on the toilet
and then stand. Open the door to exit the bathroom. Walk south to return to the
bar. Knock on the door at the right side of the room and use the password 'Ken
sent me' when the hatch opens. Larry will enter the bar's storage room.

The pimp refuses to allow Larry upstairs, so he will need to find some way to
distract him. Use the remote control to turn the TV on. The soap opera doesn't
gain the pimp's attention, so keep changing channels. Larry scrolls through
advertisements, comedies, documentaries, sports shows and educational shows
before finally finding an adult channel that makes the pimp leave his post.
With the pimp out of the way, walk upstairs. Instead of using the arrow keys
to walk up the second set of stairs, press the home key to walk diagonally.

Get the candy from the table at the bottom-right corner of the room, open the
window and then climb through the window to exit the room. You don't need to
talk to the woman on the bed yet, as Larry will be returning here later on.
Outside, walk left across the fire escape to fall into the bin below. Get the
hammer and then climb out of the bin. Walk west one screen to return to the
entrance of Lefty's bar. Call a taxi and wait until one appears. Open the taxi
door to enter the taxi and tell the driver to go to the casino. Pay the driver
after arriving at the destination and then open the door to exit the taxi.


Enter the casino and walk north one screen to the elevator room. Get the pass
from the bin. Walk east to the cabaret lounge and sit on the bottom-right chair
to find the whoopee cushion. Stand up. Exit the lounge and walk south to return
to the casino. Put money in the bottom-left slot machine to start playing. Save
the game and bet the maximum amount of money. Save if you win and restore if
you lose. Keep playing in this way until you win $250, which is the maximum
amount that can be won on the slot machines. Walk south to exit the casino and
buy an apple from the man with the barrel that appears. If the man doesn't
appear, exit and return to the area until he does. Call a taxi, open the taxi
door and tell the driver to go to the shop. Pay the driver and open the door.


Look at the phone to read some numbers on the side. Use the phone and dial
209-683-6858 to call a computer at Sierra. Dial the number on the side of the
phone: 555-6969 to call the National Hot Line Sex Survey. Type any answer for
the five questions that are asked. Enter the shop and get the magazine from the
bottom-left shelf. Read the magazine to see the centerfold. Get the wine from
the shelf at the back of the shop. Walk to the clerk and buy protection. He
will ask questions about what lubber Larry would like to buy.

Answer smooth or libbed, colored or plain, lubricated or rough-cut, striped or
plaid, and peppermint or spearmint for the questions. Larry automatically hands
over $8 for the magazine, wine and lubber. Exit the shop and answer the ringing
phone. The caller will repeat the answers that Larry gave to the sex survey.
Wait for the drunk. If he doesn't appear, exit and return to the area until he
does. Give the wine to the drunk and he will give a knife to Larry. He won't
give anything away if Larry gives him money. Walk east one screen to the disco.


Show the pass to the bouncer and he will let Larry enter the disco. Inside, sit
on the chair opposite the woman and look at her. Look at her again in the close
view and then give her the candy to make her smile. Give her the ring and the
rose, and then ask her to dance. She is so impressed by Larry's generosity that
she agrees. Stand up from the chair and walk onto the dance floor to start
dancing. After the long dance scene, return to the table and sit opposite the
woman again. Look at her and she will tell Larry that she wants to get married,
but that she needs a hundred dollars to pay for the marriage. Give her the
money and she will tells to meet her at the Marriage Chapel near the casino in
a few minutes. Stand up and exit the disco. Call a taxi, open the taxi door and
tell the driver to go to the casino. Pay the driver and open the door.


Enter the casino and either play blackjack or the slot machines to win at least
$150. You can win money more quickly by using the slot machines as you can keep
saving when winning and restoring when losing until you get the money. There is
no point winning more than $125 at this point as Larry will soon lose it all.
Exit the machine. Walk south to exit the casino and then walk east one screen.


Talk to the man wearing the trench coat. He flashes Larry when he walks past
but doesn't say anything at all. Open the door to enter the chapel and marry
Fawn, the woman that Larry met in the disco. Fawn runs out after the wedding
and tells Larry that she will meet him at the Casino Hotel's honeymoon suite.
Exit the chapel and walk west one screen to return to the casino.


Enter the casino. Walk north one screen and enter the elevator. Push button
four on the control panel to ascend to the fourth floor. Knock on the door with
the heart on it and Fawn will let Larry into the honeymoon suite. Turn on the
radio and wait for the wine advertisement to be played. Fawn wants a bottle of
wine, so open the door to exit the suite and push button one in the elevator.
Walk south two screens to exit the casino. Call a taxi, open the taxi door and
tell the driver to go to the shop. Pay the driver and open the door.


Use the phone and dial 555-8039 to call the Ajax Liquor Store. Tell them that
they should deliver wine to the Honeymoon Suite. Call a taxi, open the taxi
door and tell the driver to go to the casino. Pay the driver and open the door.


Enter the casino. Walk north one screen and enter the elevator. Push button
four on the control panel to ascend to the fourth floor. Knock on the door with
the heart on it and Fawn will let Larry into the honeymoon suite. Walk to the
top-right corner of the bed and pour the wine. Get in the bed. After the scene
has finished, Larry has been tied to the bed and Fawn walks out of the room
with his wallet. Cut the rope using the knife that was given by the drunk. Get
the rope and then open the door to exit the honeymoon suite. Push button one in
the elevator to return to the first floor and walk south one screen. Larry had
$10 that Fawn didn't steal, so gamble this on the slot machines to win at least
$40. Exit the slot machine and exit the casino. Call a taxi, open the taxi door
and tell the driver to go to the bar. Pay the driver and open the door.


Open the door to enter Lefty's bar, which hasn't changed at all since the last
time Larry visited. Knock on the door at the right side of the room and use the
'Ken sent me' password to return to the storage room. Walk up the steps to the
hooker's bedroom. Stand at the south side of the bed and remove Larry's
clothes. Wear the protection and then get in the bed. After the scene, remove
the protection and climb through the window to return to the fire escape. A
bottle of pills sits out of reach on the window ledge. Fortunately, Larry read
the magazine from earlier, which has a handy hint about how to reach windows.

Tie the rope to Larry and then tie the rope to the rail. Climb over the rail
and Larry will notice that he still can't get to the pills as the window is
locked. Hit the window with the hammer that Larry found in the bin and then get
the bottle of pills before climbing back over the rail. Untie the rope and walk
over to the left side of the fire escape to fall back into the bin. Climb out
of the bin and walk west one screen. Call a taxi, open the taxi door and tell
the driver to go to the casino. Pay the driver and open the door.


Enter the casino. Walk north one screen and enter the elevator. Push button
eight on the control panel to ascend to the eighth floor. Look at Faith, the
woman behind the desk at the bottom-right corner of the room. Give her the
pills and she will leave the room to find her boyfriend, leaving the desk
unattended. Look at the desk to see an unlabeled button. Push the button and
the penthouse elevator doors will open. Walk into the right elevator to enter
the penthouse. Go through the exit at the top-right corner of the room.

In the bedroom, open the closet door and get the inflatable doll. The doll is
currently flat, so inflate the doll and then use it. The game refuses to let
Larry do anything to the doll the first time, so use the doll again. After a
short scene, the doll deflates and Larry follows it out through the penthouse
to the rooftop garden. Get in the pool and look at Eve. You can talk to her a
few times, but after a while she just waits to see what Larry wants. Give her
the apple, and she will tell Larry to follow her to the penthouse bedroom. In
the ending, she pats the bed and a series of fireworks appear on the screen.


3. Command Walkthrough


"Open door". "Sit". "Buy whiskey". North. "Give whiskey". "Get rose". "Open
door". "Get ring". "Read graffiti" four times. "Sit". "Stand". "Open door".
South. "Knock door". "Ken sent me". "Use remote control". "Change channel"
seven times. Up. "Get candy". "Open window". "Climb through window". Drop into
the bin. "Get hammer". "Climb out". West. "Call taxi". "Open taxi door" "Go to
casino". "Pay driver". "Open door". Enter the casino. North. "Get pass". East.
"Sit" on the bottom-right chair. "Stand". Exit the lounge. South. "Put money in
slot machine". Win $250. South. Wait for the man. "Buy apple". "Call taxi".
"Open taxi door". "Go to shop". "Pay driver". "Open taxi door".

"Look phone". "Use phone". Dial "209-683-6858". "Use phone". Dial "555-6969".
Enter the shop. "Get magazine". "Read magazine". "Get wine". "Buy protection".
Exit the shop. "Get phone". "Give wine". East. "Show pass". Enter the disco.
"Sit". "Look Fawn". "Look Fawn". "Give candy". "Give ring". "Give rose". "Ask
Fawn to dance". "Stand". Dance. "Sit" near Fawn. "Look Fawn". "Give money".
"Stand". Exit the disco. "Call taxi". "Open taxi door". "Go to casino". "Pay
driver". "Open door". Enter the casino. "Put money in slot machine". Win at
least $125. "Exit". South. East. "Talk man". "Open door". "Marry Fawn".

Exit the chapel. West. Enter the casino. North. Enter the elevator. "Push
four". "Knock" on heart door. "Turn on radio". "Open door". Enter the elevator.
"Push one". South. South. "Call taxi". "Open taxi door". "Go to shop". "Pay
driver". "Open door". "Use phone". Dial "555-8039". "Wine". "Suite". "Call
taxi". "Open taxi door". "Go to casino". "Pay driver". "Open door". Enter the
casino. North. Enter the elevator. "Push four". "Knock" on heart door. "Pour
wine". "Get in bed". "Cut rope with knife". "Get rope". "Open door". Enter the
elevator. "Push one". South. "Put money in slot machine". Win at least $40.
"Exit". South. "Call taxi". "Open taxi door". "Go to bar".

"Pay driver". "Open taxi door". "Open door". "Knock door". "Ken sent me". Up.
"Remove clothes". "Use protection". "Get in bed". "Remove protection". "Climb
through window". "Tie rope to Larry". "Tie rope to rail". "Climb over rail".
"Hit window". "Get pills". "Climb back". "Untie rope". Drop into the bin.
"Climb out". West. "Call taxi". "Open taxi door". "Go to casino". "Pay driver".
"Open door". Enter the casino. North. Enter the elevator. "Push eight". "Look
Faith". "Give pills to Faith". "Press button". Enter the right elevator. Enter
the bedroom. "Open closet door". "Get doll". "Inflate doll". "Use doll". "Use
doll". West. "Get in pool". "Look Eve". "Give apple to Eve".


4. Maps



________ ________
| |_| |
| _ Bathroom|
| | |________|
| Hall | ________ ________
| | | |_| |
| | |Bedroom _ |
|___ ___| |___ ___| | Fire |
___||___ ___||___ | Escape |
| |_|Storage | | Alley |
| Bar _ Room | | |
|___ ___| |________| |___ ___|
________ ___||____________________||___ ________
| |_| |_| |
| Mugger _ Street _ Mugger |
|________| |______________________________| |________|


________ ________ ________
| |_| |_| |
| Garden _ Penthous _ Bedroom |
|________| |___ ___| |________|
________ ||
| Floor |_____||
| Eight ______|
|___ ___|
| Floor |
| Seven |
|___ ___|
| Floor |
| Six |
|___ ___|
| Floor |
| Five |
|___ ___|
________ ___||___
| Fawn's |_| Floor |
| Room _ Four |
|________| |___ ___|
| Floor |
| Three |
|___ ___|
| Floor |
| Two |
|___ ___|
___||___ ________
| |_| |
|Elevator _ Cabaret |
|___ ___| |________|
___||___ ________
| | | |
| Casino | | Chapel |
|___ ___| |___ ___|
________ ___||___ ___||___ ________
| |_| Casino |_| Chapel |_| |
| Mugger _ Street _ Street _ Mugger |
|________| |________| |________| |________|


________ ________
| | | |
| Shop | | Disco |
|___ ___| |___ ___|
________ ___||___ ___||___ ________
| |_| Shop |_| Disco |_| |
| Mugger _ Street _ Street _ Mugger |
|________| |________| |________| |________|


5. Point List


1 1 Buy the whiskey from Lefty's bar.
3 2 Give the whiskey to the drunk in the hall.
4 1 Get the rose from the table in the hall.
7 3 Get the ring from the sink in the bathroom.
9 2 Read the graffiti on the wall four times.
10 1 Sit on the toilet in the bathroom.
13 3 Use the remote on the TV in the storage room.
21 8 Change the channel on the TV seven times.
23 2 Get the candy from the hooker's bedroom.
26 3 Get the hammer from the trash bin.

27 1 Arrive at the casino.
28 1 Get the disco pass from the ashtray.
29 1 Sit on the chair in the lounge.
32 3 Buy the apple from the man outside the casino.

33 1 Look at the phone outside the shop.
38 5 Use the phone to dial the number 209-683-6858.
40 2 Use the phone to dial the number 555-6969.
41 1 Get the magazine from the shop.
42 1 Read the magazine.
43 1 Get the wine from the shop.
47 4 Get the protection from the shop.
52 5 Get the phone outside the shop.
57 5 Give the wine to the drunk outside the shop.

62 5 Show the disco pass to the bouncer at the disco.
63 1 Sit on the chair near Fawn in the disco.
64 1 Look at Fawn twice.
65 1 Talk to Fawn.
70 5 Give the box of candy to Fawn.
75 5 Give the ring to Fawn.
80 5 Give the rose to Fawn.
85 5 Dance with Fawn.
92 7 Give the money to Fawn.

93 1 Talk to the flasher outside the chapel.
105 12 Marry fawn in the chapel.

106 1 Turn on the radio in the honeymoon suite.
111 5 Use the phone to dial the number 555-8039.
121 10 Cut the rope on the bed with the knife.
124 3 Get the rope from the honeymoon suite.

134 10 Use the protection in the Lefty's Bar bedroom.
145 11 Get in the bed in the Lefty's Bar bedroom.
146 1 Remove the protection after getting out of the bed.
154 8 Get the bottle of pills after breaking the window.

159 5 Give the pills to Faith in the casino hotel.
164 5 Ride the elevator up to the penthouse.
169 5 Get the inflatable doll from the penthouse closet.
174 5 Inflate the doll.
182 8 Use the doll for the second time.
222 40 Give the apple to Eve in the garden pool.


6. Character List


Found outside the casino. Larry can buy an apple from him for a dollar. He
may not appear straight away, so exit and return to the screen until he does.

Found outside the disco. The bouncer blocks Larry's entrance to the private
club. He refuses to let Larry in until Larry shows him the disco pass.

Found in the hall one screen west from the bathroom in Lefty's Bar. He will
give the remote control to Larry in exchange for the bottle of whiskey.

Found outside the shop. He will give Larry the knife in exchange for the
bottle of wine. Larry can also give him money, although no item is given.

Found in the pool on the penthouse garden. Eve is the final woman that Larry
meets in the game, and the game is completed when he gives her the apple.

Found on the eighth floor of the casino hotel. Faith leaves the room when she
is given the bottle of pills, leaving the penthouse button unguarded.

Found in the disco. Larry gives her the candy, ring, money, and dances with
her in the disco. He gives the money to the minister to marry her in the
chapel, and finally gives the wine to her in the honeymoon suite.

Found on the street outside the chapel. The flasher opens his coat when Larry
walks past. Larry can talk to the flasher to insult him for one point.

Found in the bedroom at Lefty's Bar. Larry should wear the protection before
getting into the bed or he will die within a few minutes.

Ken is referenced in the 'Ken Sent Me' password on the bathroom wall, but
actually appears at the end of the game to advertise Leisure Suit Larry 2.

The main character of the game. Larry was a travelling software salesman who
has come to the city of Lost Wages to find the woman of his dreams.

Found in Lefty's bar. Larry can order beer, wine, whiskey from Lefty at the
bar, but the only drink he decides to carry around with him is the whiskey.

Found in the chapel after Larry has given the money to Fawn in the disco. The
drunk minister marries Fawn and Larry after he has been given 100 dollars.

Found in the alley near Lefty's Bar, the casino, the shop and the chapel.
Larry can escape the mugger by quickly exiting the alley.

Found in the storage room at Lefty's Bar. The pimp refuses to let Larry up
to the bedroom. He will be distracted by the TV if Larry uses the remote.

Found in the shop. The clerk sells the lubber to Larry by asing him a series
of questions. Larry also buys the magazine and the wine from the clerk.

Found outside Lefty's Bar if Larry hasn't removed the protection after using
it. Bonds will arrest Larry if he catches him and the game will end.

Found in the taxi. Larry can call the taxi from a street and the driver will
take him to the chosen destination. Be sure to pay the driver after arriving
at a destination as he will kill Larry if he leaves without paying.


7. Item List


7.1. Item Information

Bought from the man wearing the barrel that appears outside the casino. It is
given to Eve in the penthouse pool after Larry has looked at her.

Found behind the right window in the alley at the side of Lefty's bar. It is
given to Faith on the eighth floor of the casino to make her leave the desk.

Found on the top-left shelf at the back of the shop. It is given to the drunk
that appears outside the shop to receive the pocket knife.

Found on the table in the hooker's bedroom of Lefty's bar. It is one of four
items that is given to Fawn while looking at her in the disco.

Available at the start of the game. Breath spray can also be purchased from
the shop. It is used to stop characters complaining about Larry's breath.

Found by looking in the sink in the bathroom of Lefty's bar. It is one of
four items that is given to Fawn while looking at her in the disco.

Found in the ashtray in front of the elevator in the casino. It is shown to
the bouncer at the disco to enter the room where Fawn is sitting.

Bought while sitting at the bar at Lefty's Bar. It is given to the drunk in
the hall one screen north from the bar to receive the remote control.

Found in the trash bin in the alley at the side of Lefty's bar. It is used to
hit the right window in the alley after Larry has tied himself to the rail.

Found in the closet of the casino penthouse. It is used twice. Larry follows
the deflated doll out onto the garden after using it for the second time.

Found on the bottom-left shelf in the shop. It can be read to provide a hint
on how Larry can reach the window in the alley at the side of Lefty's bar.

Available at the start of the game. It is not used. When Larry tries to use
it, a message appears which says that the item is a joke.

Found by giving the bottle of wine to the drunk outside the shop. It is used
to cut the rope after Fawn leaves the honeymoon suite in the casino.

Bought from the shop after Larry has answered all of the clerk's questions.
It is used in the bedroom of Lefty's bar before Larry gets in the bed.

Found by giving the glass of whiskey to the drunk in the hall in Lefty's Bar.
It is used to turn on the TV and change the channel in the storage room.

Found after Larry cuts the ropes in the honeymoon suite in the casino. It is
tied to Larry and the rail on the fire escape outside Lefty's bar.

Found on the table in the hall outside the bathroom in Lefty's bar. It is one
of four items that is given to Fawn while looking at her in the disco.

Found by wearing the prophylactic before getting into the bed in the bedroom
of Lefty's Bar. It is removed to avoid getting caught by Sonny Bonds.

Available at the start of the game. It is used to pay for the apple, glass of
whiskey, marriage to Fawn, honeymoon suite, taxi and the bottle of wine.

Available at the start of the game. It can be looked at to see the time in
the game. Larry has until midnight before the game ends.

7.2. Item Descriptions

APPLE "This Red Delicious is not suitable for your Granny Smith,
but someone else might find it appropriate."

BOTTLE OF PILLS "Even though a portion of the label is missing, you can
still make out the letters "nish" and "Fl."."

BOTTLE OF WINE "You seriously question this wine's heritage."

BOX OF CANDY "Candy makes the perfect present."

BREATH SPRAY "Yep. It's your breath spray."

DIAMOND RING "When you gaze deep into the diamond, you seem to hear the
sound of wedding bells, and maybe diesel trucks."

DISCO PASS "The passcard reads: "Lost Wages Disco. Admit One Member
and Guest. Remember: every Monday is Ladies Night!""

GLASS OF WHISKEY "There is a strong odor of petroleum by-products coming
from this glass."

HAMMER "Even though you only scored in the 28th percentile in
your school's National Mechanical Aptitude Test, you're
fairly certain this is a hammer."

INFLATABLE DOLL "Your mind reels with the possibilities!"

"JUGS" MAGAZINE "Let's see now... Here's an article about how professional
window washers secure themselves to buildings with a rope
around their waist... Nah!
You flip through the pages until you discover... Mmmm,
nice centerfold!"

POCKET LINT "Why is this stuff in every adventure game?"

POCKET KNIFE "5 blades, 7 attachments, 3 screwdrivers, 2 saws, a
toothpick, a tweezer, plus MORE... much, MUCH more!!"

PROPHYLACTIC "These are more fun to use than to look at!"

REMOTE CONTROL "Operating on the principle of line-of-sight infrared
transmission, the remote control baffles you completely.
Although it appears to do nothing, aiming it at your groin
while rapidly changing channels does make you feel quite

ROPE "A rope, is a rope, is a rope."

ROSE "A rose, is a rose, is a rose."

USED PROPHYLACTIC "Ask all you want to, you're NOT gonna see that mess!"

WALLET "Your wallet contains some wrinkled business cards, lots
of notes, some credit cards (which won't work in this
game, and [money] in cash."

WRIST WATCH "Gee, a genuine BowlX!
At least the time is accurate -- it's [time]."


8. Easter Eggs and Secrets


Use the debug mode to transport to room 1. The title screen is shown, and
after pressing enter a larger and more animated version of Larry is shown.
Larry runs while moving horizontally and climbs while moving vertically. The
game gives a SetView error when Larry tries to stand after sitting.

When Larry dies and is sent to the workshop, characters from other games in
the Sierra series are being tested. Graham and the dragon from King's Quest I
and the droid from Ulence Flats in Space Quest I are in the workshop.

Larry can look at the moose head on the wall in Lefty's Bar to see a message
saying that the moose head is a leftover from King's Quest III. In that game,
the moose head can be found in Manannan's dining room. Another King's Quest
III message can be found by moving the boxes in the Lefty's Bar storage room.

After Larry has used the pocket knife to cut the rope in the honeymoon suite,
Larry can pick up the rope for three points. Even though the rope is now
added to the inventory, the command to get the rope can be keep being entered
for three points each time. The score rolls back to 0 after it reaches 255.

Press Alt + X as soon as the title screen appears to skip the five questions.

This character from the first three games in the Police Quest series arrests
Larry outside Lefty's Bar if the used prophylactic is not removed.


9. Debug Information


Hold Alt + D to access debug mode. Type "Get object" followed by a number to
collect any item in the game, or "TP" followed by a number to teleport to a new
location. "Position" can be used to move Larry around in a room.

9.1. Items

1 Wallet 8 Remote Control 15 Pocket Knife
2 Breath Spray 9 Rose 16 Bottle of Wine
3 Pocket Lint 10 Prophylactic 17 "Jugs" Magazine
4 Wrist Watch 11 Used Prophylactic 18 Hammer
5 Apple 12 Box of Candy 19 Bottle of Pills
6 Diamond Ring 13 Inflatable Doll 20 Rope
7 Glass of Whiskey 14 Disco Pass

9.2. Locations

8 Underground workshop 17 Lefty's Bar bedroom 35 Casino elevator
9 Mugger's alley 21 Shop interior 36 Casino cabaret
10 Taxi 22 Shop exterior 40 Casino fourth floor
11 Lefty's Bar exterior 23 Disco exterior 41 Casino honeymoon suite
12 Lefty's Bar alley 24 Disco interior 42 Casino eighth floor
13 Lefty's Bar bathroom 31 Casino games room 43 Penthouse garden
14 Lefty's Bar hall 32 Casino exterior 44 Penthouse living room
15 Lefty's Bar bar 33 Chapel exterior 45 Penthouse bedroom
16 Lefty's Bar storage 34 Chapel interior


10. Death List


Action: Use the boss key.
Location: Anywhere in the game.
Message: Sorry, but you'll have to restore your game; when you panic, I
forget everything!
Animation: A screen displaying statistics for the types of lubber is shown.
Information: Larry dies when the boss key is used.

Action: Walk toward the middle of the street.
Location: In front of the bar, casino, chapel, disco and shop.
Message: You know, the traffic here is really a killer! You should forget
about crossing these streets!
Animation: A red car runs over Larry and leaves him flattened on the road.
Information: Don't step too far into the street while the taxi is not there.
Larry can not get killed while the taxi is parked on the street.

Action: Buy drinks for everyone.
Location: White sitting at Lefty's Bar.
Message: The last of the big time spenders, you go down in a blaze of
glory, ordering drinks for everybody in the place.
Oh, no! You are now penniless. You hock your leisure suit, and
spend the rest of your life on skid row eating discarded fast
The rest of your story is too sad to tell. Time for a little "R
& R" Larry -- Restart or Restore!
Animation: Larry disappears.
Information: Lefty charges Larry the exact amount that he has in his wallet for
all of the drinks, leaving him with no money at all.

Action: Flush the toilet.
Location: In the bathroom of Lefty's Bar.
Message: Realizing your mistake, you quickly jiggle the handle, attempting
to stem the onrushing tide of water.
It doesn't work.
Your life passed before your eyes.
You doze briefly.
Bad idea, eh Larry?
Animation: The water raises to the ceiling as Larry swims.
Information: While the toilet can be used, don't try and flush it.

Action: Lick the hooker.
Location: In the bedroom of Lefty's Bar.
Message: She says, "Me first!" as she goes to work on you. Then she smiles
as she bites it off! "Sorry, Larry. No oral sex in this game.
Animation: Larry disappears.
Information: Just don't enter the action to avoid this death.

Action: Get in the bed without wearing the protection.
Location: In the bedroom of Lefty's Bar.
Message: It appears that the hooker gave you a little more than you
bargained for!
While life may be possible, it is no longer worth living.
Animation: Fleas appear on the front of Larry's suit. After walking around
for a few seconds, Larry eventually falls to the floor.
Information: Larry may not have the prophylactic the first time he enters the
room, so ignore the hooker and return to the room later on.

Action: Walk into the mugger's alley.
Location: At the side of the bar, casino, chapel, disco and shop.
Message: Larry, when are you gonna learn to stay out of those dark alleys!!
Animation: The mugger walks toward Larry and a fight cloud appears. The
mugger eventually walks away and Larry is left lying on the floor.
A pit opens in the floor and Larry is sent to the underground
workshop where he is replaced by a new Larry.
Information: The mugger is fast, but can be avoided if Larry quickly backs out
of the alley. Set the speed to normal as soon as Larry enters the
alley as this will give him more time to escape.

Action: Tell the taxi driver to go home.
Location: In the taxi.
Message: "Ok, buddy," says the cabbie. "But why would cha wanna go there?"
Animation: Larry is replaced by a new Larry in the underground workshop.
Information: The underground workshop can be seen in a few other death scenes,
although this is one of the quickest ways of getting there.

Action: Exit the taxi without paying.
Location: In the taxi.
Message: "Waddaya tryin' to do, peahead! You're not gonna stiff me, and get
away with it!"
"You'll not ride with me again!"
Animation: The taxi driver fights with Larry and then runs him over.
Information: Make sure that you have enough money before getting in the taxi.

Action: Steal an item from the shop.
Location: The shop.
Message: The clerk does not take kindly to your shoplifting. His shotgun
makes a permanent impression on you. (And, IN you!)
Animation: The clerk turns and fires a shotgun at Larry. Larry is replaced by
a new Larry in the underground workshop.
Information: Don't forget to pay the clerk before leaving.

Action: Get into the taxi with the bottle of wine.
Location: The taxi.
Message: The driver looks at you and says "Hey! What's that you got? Wine?"
He grabs your bottle of wine, and guzzles it down!
Hang on, Larry. He's swerving all over the road!
It seems a bridge abutment has brought your game to a sudden stop!
Remember, Larry: "Friends don't let cabbies drive drunk!"
Animation: The driver turns toward Larry as he talks. The taxi drives from
one side of the road to the other until it crashes.
Information: The bottle of wine should be given to the drunk outside the shop.

Action: Get in the bed without the pocket knife.
Location: In the honeymoon suite.
Message: Since you have no way of cutting the ropes, and they're far too
tightly tied for you to loosen, it looks like this is the end for
you, Larry.
Animation: Larry remains tied to the bed.
Information: Larry should have given the bottle of wine to the drunk outside
the shop before returning to the honeymoon suite to see Fawn.

Action: Don't remove the used prophylactic.
Location: On the street outside Lefty's Bar.
Message: "Caught you, pervert!" the cop shouts. "We don't like people
exposing themselves around this town, especially wearing one of
Next time, if you insist on wearing your "lubber" in public, you
should at least zip your fly.
Animation: Larry disappears.
Information: Sonny Bonds from the Police Quest series can be seen here. Avoid
him by exiting the screen. If you remove the prophylactic in the
same screen as Sonny, he will still arrest Larry.

Action: Lean over the rail.
Location: The fire escape in the alley at the side of Lefty's Bar.
Message: You lean far out over the railing before remembering that agility
is yet another of your short suits.
Animation: Larry somersaults down to the ground.
Information: Tie the rope to Larry and the rail before leaning over.

Action: Eat the pills.
Location: Any location.
Message: Without thinking, you down the entire bottle. Hey, this stuff is
ok! Your breathing becomes heavy, and you're suddenly extremely
horny! You've just got to do something, and right NOW!
Hey, where's that cute, black dog?
Animation: Larry disappears.
Information: Give the pills to Faith on the eighth floor of the casino.

Action: Don't complete the game quickly enough.
Location: Any point in the game.
Message: Oh, no!
Stepping outside, you see the sun rising in the east. Glancing at
your watch, you realize the terrible truth...
... your night in Sierra World is over, and (technically speaking)
you're still...
Animation: As the sun rises in the background, Larry puts a gun to his head.
Information: Larry has until midnight to accomplish his goal, which gives him
two hours. Check the time by looking at the wrist watch.


11. Age Quiz Questions


A 747 is
(c) a large airplane.
A hard disk is
(a) better than a floppy.
A Macintosh is
(a) a kind of Apple.
(b) a kind of apple.
(c) an article of clothing.
(d) All of the above.
A moon is
(a) an astronomical body.
(b) a practical joke.
(c) a form of pie.
(d) all of the above.
A nehru jacket is
(b) out of date.
A result of Watergate was
(c) Richard Nixon quit.
Al Lowe is:
(c) never "carded.".
All politicians are
(d) on the public payroll.
Angela Davis is
(b) a failed politician.
Blackjack is
(a) an ace and a face card.
Bonnie and
(b) Clyde.
Bourbon Street is in
(d) New Orleans, Louisiana.
Calvin Klein is
(c) a clothing designer.
Canada is
(d) All of the above.
Captain Kangaroo's sidekick was
(d) Mr. Greenjeans.
Cesar Chavez led a boycott of
(a) grapes.
Charlie McCarthy and
(d) Edgar Bergen.
"Close Encounters of the Third Kind" is about
(c) creatures from outer space.
Dentente is
(d) a policy to replace war.
Do girls really have cooties?
(b) No.
Does a pair of queens beat three deuces?
(a) Yes, in blackjack.
Doonesbury's "Uncle Duke" is based on
(b) Hunter S. Thompson.
During the 70's, Carroll O'Connor portrayed a
(b) lovable bigot.
Edsel is a
(c) car.
Elizabeth Taylor is
(a) an actress.
ERA is an abbreviation for
(b) Equal Rights Amendment.
Former Congressman Wilbur Mills went for a dip in the Tidal Basin with
(b) a stripper named Fanne.
Frank Sinatra is a
(c) saloon singer.
G. Gordon Liddy was associated with
(d) the Plumbers.
"Gone With The Wind" is about
(c) four hours long.
Herb Alpert and the _____ Brass
(a) Tijuana.
Herpes is
(d) fatal (if given to your spouse).
How many molecules are in a glass of water?
(d) as many as there are glasses of water in the whole world.
How many programmers does it take to screw in a light bulb?
(a) None, it's a hardware problem.
(b) None, programmers can't fit in light bulbs.
(c) 100. One to hold the bulb and 99 to debug the house.
(d) None so far, but they'll get to it Real Soon Now.
Hugh Hefner is usually photographed in
(d) pajamas.
I am presently
(d) past puberty.
I find computer games with adult content
(b) acceptable.
I have hair on my
(d) lottsa places.
If a physician were stranded on a desert island with Bo Derek, he would
(a) build a boat.
(b) take two aspirins.
(c) overcharge her.
(d) thank God.
If Bo Derek were here, I'd ask her to
(d) stop playing computer games.
If you arrived at a party wearing your birthday suit, you would
(d) It depends on the party.
IBM stands for
(b) International Business Machines.
In some personal ads, TV stands for
(b) transvestite.
In the movie, "Paint Your Wagon," Clint Eastwood sang
(a) "I Talk to the Trees".
In Westworld, "where nothing can go wrong," guests were entertained by
(c) robots.
Is this software pirated?
(c) No. (How could you even ask!)
It is customary to tip about
(c) 15 per cent.
"It's not nice to fool"
(b) Mother Nature.
James Brown is often referred to as
(d) the Godfather of Soul.
James Earl Jones was the voice of
(c) Darth Vader in "Star Wars.".
Joan Rivers is
(c) a former talk show hostess.
Joe DiMaggio played
(b) baseball.
John Belushi was on
(d) "Saturday Night Live.".
John F. Kennedy drove a
(a) PT boat.
Johnny Carson is
(c) Ed McMahon's sidekick.
Kookie's address was
(a) 77 Sunset Strip.
Kwi-Chang-Caine became famous by saying
(d) "Aaaaaiiiyeeeaagggh!"
Las Vegas is famous for
(c) gambling.
Lee Harvey Oswald killed
(c) John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
"Let It Be" was recorded by
(d) the Beatles.
Lingerie is
(a) sexy.
Lucy, Ricky, Fred and
(d) Ethel.
Making a "Hole in One" is
(a) every golfer's dream.
Marlon Brando is
(b) an actor.
Martha Mitchell was
(c) the outspoken wife of an Attorney General.
Mel Brooks is
(c) a comedian.
Michael Doonesbury founded
(b) Walden Puddle Commune.
Mohammed Ali is
(c) a professional boxer.
Mork was from the planet
(a) Ork.
My boss is
(d) responsible for my paycheck.
My favorite actor is
(d) not listed here.
My parents are
(d) 36 or over.
My sex life is best described as
(c) none of your business!!
"NORML" is
(c) trying to legalize marijuana.
O. J. Simpson is
(d) no one to fool with.
Oral Roberts is
(b) an evangelist.
Paul, John, Ringo and
(b) George.
Peter Benchley's novel "Jaws" was about
(d) sharks.
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled
(c) peppers.
Pia Zadora is
(a) sexy.
(b) a singer.
(c) short.
(d) all of the above.
President Eisenhower's nickname was
(c) Ike.
President Ford prescribed _____ for dealing with economic problems.
(b) employment.
Ralph Boysen invented
(a) the boysenberry.
Richard Nixon was the _____ President of the United States.
(c) thirty-seventh.
Ronald Reagan's co-star in "Bedtime for Bonzo" was
(a) a monkey.
Sergeant Pepper was
(c) the leader of the Lonely Hearts Club Band.
Sex is
(a) great.
Spiro Agnew is
(c) a former Vice President.
Taxes should be
(a) lower.
(b) higher.
(c) unchanged.
(d) eliminated.
Ted Kennedy is best remembered for his
(a) driving.
(b) underwater free-style.
(c) brothers.
(d) All of the above.
The 1973 album "Dark Side of the Moon" was recorded by
(a) Pink Floyd.
The 70's practice of running around naked was called
(b) streaking.
The American television debut of Bob Hope, Dinah Shore, Elvis, and the Beatles
was on
(b) "Your Show of Shows."
The Atlantic and Pacific Oceans are connected by the
(a) Panama Canal.
The "Chicago Seven" was
(d) partially convicted.
The best "pick-up" line is:
(b) Want to go for a ride in my Porsche?
The drink "Screwdriver" contains
(b) orange juice.
The East Coast is
(a) home of the Mets.
The first baseball player to challenge the reserve clause was
(c) Curt Flood.
The first man on the moon was
(c) Neil Armstrong.
The first Negro to play Major League Baseball was
(a) Jackie Robinson.
The G-Spot is supposed to be
(b) a female erogenous zone.
The germ that transmits syphilis is
(b) Spirochete.
The largest state is
(b) Alaska.
The last name of Annette (on the original Mickey Mouse Club) was
(c) Funicello.
The leader of Nazi Germany was
(d) Adolph Hitler.
The "Mile-High Club" is
(d) open to those who have performed aerial acrobatics inside a plane's rest
The most effective form of birth control is
(a) abstinence.
The most likely place to find virgins is
(c) St. Mary's Girls School.
The most populous city in the United States is
(c) New York.
The phrase "Cutting the cheese" refers to
(d) flatulence.
The slogan "It takes two hands to handle a whopper" refers to
(b) a hamburger.
The song "American Pie" was about
(c) a dead rock star.
The tackiest seventies fashion was
(a) platform shoes.
(b) midi-skirts.
(c) short hair.
(d) bisexuality.
The term "Working Girl" refers to
(b) a lady of negotiable virtue.
The world is
(b) spherical.
There are about _____ calories in a can of beer.
(b) 150.
Thomas Eagleton was dropped from the 1972 Democratic National Ticket when
knowledge of his previous _____ treatments became known.
(c) shock.
"Tiptoe Through the Tulips" was recorded by
(c) Tiny Tim.
Tom Hayden is
(d) All of the above.
Two bits is
(d) the former cost for a shave and a haircut.
Utah is full of
(d) None of the above.
VCR stands for
(d) Video Casette Recorder.
What was illegal during Prohibition?
(b) alcohol.
When it's noon in California in August, in St. Louis it's
(b) 2:00 p.m.
When playing "Monopoly" you
(b) must own four houses before building a hotel.
"Where's the"
(c) beef?
Which is non-alcoholic?
(c) Perrier.
Which is not a baseball team?
(c) Seahawks.
Which is not a car?
(d) Toshiba.
Which is not a cheese?
(d) Reisling.
Which is not a city in Mexico?
(c) San Diego.
Which is not a currency?
(c) fennel.
Which is not a mountain range?
(a) Cayman.
Which is not a wine?
(b) Bon Aire.
Which is not in Hawaii?
(c) Fiji.
Which one of these was not a war?
(c) Chinese.
Which is not an American armed force?
(d) the National League.
Which song was not recorded by Elvis?
(c) "What'd I Say".
Which U. S. President was not elected to office?
(c) Ford.
Which U. S. Secretary of State was born in Germany?
(d) Henry Kissinger.
Whips, chains and handcuffs are
(a) kinky.
Who's buried in Grant's tomb?
(d) Mrs. Grant.
Who has not been a U. S. Attorney General?
(b) Sam Shepard.
Who is not a famous musician?
(d) Steve Garvey.
Who is not a mass murderer?
(d) Timothy Leary.
Who is not a sportscaster?
(c) Jayne Mansfield.
"Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?"
(b) The Shadow.
Who lost a daughter but gained a "meathead?"
(c) Archie Bunker.
Who made a record album with a cover that looked like a pair of blue jeans,
complete with a working zipper?
(a) Rolling Stones.
Who spends the most time in Las Vegas?
(b) Wayne Newton.
Who starred in "Bedtime for Bonzo?"
(d) Ronald Reagan.
Who was banned from "Saturday Night Live" because he lost a telephone poll?
(d) Andy Kaufman.
Who was not an astronaut?
(a) John Milton.
Who was not a politician?
(c) W. C. Fields.
Who was NOT in the movie "Easy Rider?"
(d) Karen Carpenter.
Who was not Vice-President of the United States in 1973-74?
(c) Thomas Hayden.
Who was the inventive genius behind the Apple computer?
(b) Steve Wozniak.
Who wrote "To be, or not to be?"
(a) Bill Shakespeare.


12. Copyright Information


This document is Copyright 2003-2006 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in
any form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is
not affiliated with the creators of this game in any way. The latest version of
this document can be found at www.gamefaqs.com.
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