Leisure Suit Larry 1

Leisure Suit Larry 1

17.10.2013 16:12:47
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Leisure Suit Larry AGI Full Walkthrough
For DOS/Windows
Written by Fasta Killa
Version 3.7 - October 27, 2001


1.0 - Table of Contents
1.1 - Version History
1.2 - Info you should know
1.3 - Ways to die
1.4 - Ways to get stuck
1.5 - Items
2.0 - Walkthrough {AGI}
2.1 - Gambling
2.2 - Phone numbers
2.3 - Maps
3.0 - Point List
4.0 - Debug info
5.0 - FAQs
5.1 - Leisure Suit Larry 8.1 for Ti-83 Walkthrough
6.0 - Credits
7.0 - Legal Info


Version 1.0 - All sections are up. {3-17-00}

Version 2.1 - Updated "Info you should know" section.
Added "Maps" section.
Added "Ways to die" section.
Added "Phone numbers" section.
Fixed grammar in various sections. {3-19-00}

Version 2.5 - Corrected and added various things.
Added "Debug info" section. {3-25-00}

Version 3.0 - Added more "debug info."
- Corrected various things. {5-5-00}

Version 3.2 - Added "FAQs" section.
Updated "Gambling" section with rules for Blackjack.
Updated "Ways to die" section.
Corrected a few spelling errors. {5-27-00}

Version 3.5 - Updated "Ways to die" section.
Updated "Credits" section.
Rearranged "Items" section {now arranged by number}.
Corrected various sections. {9-23-00}

Version 3.7 - Added Ti-83 Walkthrough.
Updated "FAQs" section.
Updated "Info you should know" section.


At the very beginning, it asks for your age, so type anything from
18 to 99, then press Alt + X to skip the questions.

Use the arrow keys to move Larry.

Most people prefer the "fast" setting. To do this, type .

Whenever you get a comment about your breath, just type .

Like Al Lowe says in The Official Book of Leisure Suit Larry,
"Save early and often!" There are many ways you can get stuck or die.

If you don't want to wait long in the elevator, type and when you
are done, type the speed you were using earlier {probably fast or slow}

In this walkthrough you see something like this , it means
type "Look dog" {without the quotes, of course}

Whenever I say "Go to _____" where _____ is a place {disco, casino, etc.},
you have to be outside where there is a road and , ,
<_____>, {when he tells you the price}, and finally .

Whenever I say 2 numbers in parentheses (3,10), that is how many points you
get, and how many points total {there are 222 possible points}.

Assume that all the information in this is for the regular, AGI version.
It will be different for the calculator version unless otherwise noted.


These are things that you should avoid unless you just want to see how
Larry dies {save first!}.

1.Use "boss key."
2.Walk to the "Bad Alley" {see "Maps" section}.
3.Call a taxi, when he asks where to go, say .
4.Walk in the street.
5. toilet.
6.Steal from store.
7.Buy wine from store, and go in the cab without giving it to the wino.
8.Have unprotected sex with the hooker.
9. the hooker.
10.Have sex and don't remove condom.
11.Don't lose virginity by midnight.
13. the railing at Lefty's without using rope. {thanks to Andrew}
14.Call a taxi, tell him where to go, and without paying. {Andrew}


If you do any of the following, you will not be able to beat the game.

1.Eat Apple.
2.Give person item {you can give various people items including the hammer,
the ring, etc.}
3.Get tied to the bed without buying wine and giving it to the wino.
4.Don't get married to Fawn, so she never comes back.

1.5 - ITEMS

Here is a full list of all items in the game.

The format is easy.

Item name {debug #}
- Purpose
- Where the item is found

Wallet {1}
- To pay for things and to find out Sierra On-Line's phone number
- You start out with it.

Breath Spray {2}
- To have good breath
- You start out with it, but if you use it 10 times and run out, you can get
more at the Quiki Mart by walking up to the clerk and typing .

Pocket Lint {3}
- None
- You start out with it.

Wrist Watch {4}
- A reminder that if you don't lose your virginity by midnight, you'll die.
- You start out with it.

Apple {5}
- To give to Eve
- Man in barrel outside the Casino {He is not always there}

Diamond Ring {6}
- To give to Fawn
- Lefty's Bathroom

Whiskey {7}
- To give to the drunk and receive remote control
- Lefty's Bar

Remote Control {8}
- To turn on TV and change channels, so you can distract the pimp
- The drunk in the hallway {when you give him whiskey}

Rose {9}
- To give to Fawn
- Lefty's Hallway

Prophylactic {10}
- So you don't get a disease
- Inside the Quiki Mart

Used Prophylactic {11}
- To remove so you don't get arrested
- Upstairs bedroom, after you have protected sex with the prostitute

Box of Candy {12}
- To give to Fawn
- Upstairs Bedroom

Inflatable doll {13}
- To find Eve
- Closet of Penthouse

Disco Pass {14}
- To get in the disco
- Ash tray in the Elevator Lobby

Pocket Knife {15}
- To cut the rope when you are tied up
- The Wino outside the Quiki Mart {when you give him wine}

Bottle of Wine {16}
- To give to the Wino outside the Quiki Mart and receive the Knife
- Inside the Quiki Mart

"Jugs" Magazine {17}
- To read about tying yourself to the balcony, so you can get the pills
- Inside the Quiki Mart

Hammer {18}
- To smash the window and get the Bottle of Pills
- In the dumpster in the alley

Bottle of Pills {19}
- To give to Faith so you can get on the roof of the Casino
- Window in the Alley

Rope {20}
- To tie yourself to the balcony, so you can get the pills
- Bed in the honeymoon suite {when Fawn ties you up}


_Lefty's Bar {First time}_

The game starts out with Larry in front of Lefty's Bar. , then
walk to the empty chair and . (1,1) and you
automatically pay, so and walk to the hallway. Walk to the table
and (1,2). Go to the drunk and (2,4), then go
to the bathroom. on the toilet, and when you're done (1,5).
4 times (2,7), then by the sink. Go back to the
main room of the bar and on the door. When the man asks for the
password, tell him or . to turn on
the TV (3,13), then 7 times (8,21). Go upstairs, then
(2,23). There's nothing else to do now, so and
. Outside, walk left until you fall off the balcony, and HAMMER> (3,26). , then walk back to the Bar entrance. Go to the
store (1,27). {see my section on Info you should know}

_Quiki Mart {First time}_

(1,28), , and call <555-6969>. You can answer
these questions any way you want (2,30). again and call Sierra
On-Line at <209-683-6858> (5,35). Go in the store and from the
back shelf (1,36). (1,37) and (1,38). Go
to the clerk's desk and . It doesn't matter what kind
of condom you get, so pick either choice on all questions (4,42). Go
outside, and if you called the Sex Survey earlier {555-6969}, the phone
should be ringing, so (5,47). When the man asks for any
spare change, (5,52) to get the knife. Now, go to the

_Casino {First time}_

Walk inside, and gamble {see my section on gambling},{Get $250 this time}.
Go to the lobby and from the ash tray (1,53), then go to the
Cabaret and on the chair in the lower-right chair (1,54). Now go
to the Disco.


to the guard (5,59), then walk right in. down in the
empty chair next to the lady (1,60), and twice (1,61). TO HER> (1,62) then and (5,67). When you're done dancing,
down and . (5,72),
(5,77), (5,82), and finally, (7,89) {you
must have at least $100}. Now, go to the Chapel.

_Quiki Wed_

Walk in front of the man so he flashes you, then (1,90). Go in
the chapel and (12,102) {you must have at least $100}. Walk
outside the chapel and walk left to the Casino.

_Casino {Second time}_

Go inside the casino and walk to the elevator in the lobby and .
Walk to the door with the heart and . and hear a
message about Ajax Liquor (1,103). Now go to the store.

_Quiki Mart {Second time}_

and call <555-8039>. You want to get to be delivered
to the (5,108). Go to the Casino.

_Casino {Third time}_

At this point in the game, there should be a man in a barrel walking around.
You need to from him in order to complete the game, so you
should do it now so you don't forget (3,111). Now you're ½ way
through the game point wise. Go all the way back to the Honeymoon Suite and
. Go inside and . It looks like Fawn's ready, so BED>. She ties you up, so you need to (10,121). Now,
(3,124) and gamble again. This time, you should only need
about $60. Go to Lefty's Bar.

_Lefty's Bar {Second time}_

Inside Lefty's, and tell him , then go upstairs.
, (10,134), (11,145), and when you're
done, (1,146). again and walk all the way
to the right. then . ,
and . Now you can finally (8,154). BACK>, , and go to the Casino for the last time.

_Casino {Fourth time}_

Go in the elevator and . , then
(5,159). Now, and . Walk through the door that
opens (5,164). Go to the bedroom and . in the closet and
(5,169). (5,174), then twice (8,182)
{or type , then }. Go to the hot tub and . HER> and , then to beat the game (15+25=40,222).


When you want to gamble, you can either or .
Either way, bet the most money, , , then if you win or
if you lose. To play blackjack, you start with two cards, and you
can get more if you want {Type or push F6} or stand {Type
or push F8}. To change your bet, type . The object of
Blackjack is to get your cards to add up to 21 without going over. The
numbers 2-10 equal the numbers they are supposed to be, Jacks, Queens, and
Kings are worth 10, and Aces can be worth 1 or 11. If both of your numbers
add up to 11 or less, you should definately hit because it would be
impossible to go over 21. If you have 20 and the dealer has less than you
or more than 21, you win. If you have 6 and the dealer has 23, you win.


555-6969 Sex survey
555-8039 Ajax Liquor
209-683-6858 Sierra On-Line

2.3 - MAPS

------- --------
| | | |
| 14 | | 13 |
------- --------
| --------
| ------|UPSTAIRS|
| | |BEDROOM |
------- --------- |17 |-
|BAR 15 |---|STOREROOM| -------- |
------- | 16 | ------
| --------- |
----- ------- --------
|9 BAD|----|OUTSIDE|----------------|ALLEY 12|
|ALLEY| |LEFTY'S|-- --------
----- | 11 | | -----
------- --|9 BAD|
----- -----
| 21 | | 24 |
----- -----
| |
----- -------- -------- -----
|9 BAD|--|OUTSIDE |--|OUTSIDE |--|9 BAD|
----- -------- -------- -----


------ ------- -------
|TUB 43| |ROOM 44| | 45 |
------ ------- -------
----- |
| 8TH |----
| 42 |
----- ------ | -------
|SUITE|-|40 4TH| -------- |FLOORS |
| 41 | |FLOOR |-|ELEVATOR|-|1-3,5-7|
----- ------ | N/A | | N/A |
-------- -------
-------- -------
|LOBBY 35| | 36 |
-------- -------
------ ---------
| 31 | |CHAPEL 34|
------ ---------
| |
----- --------- --------- -----
----- --------- --------- -----


------- ----- ----- ------- --------
|SCREEN | | 38 | | 37 | |FAWN 25| |SCREEN 6|
------- ----- ----- ------- --------

--------- ------- --- ------
|SCREEN 20| | 19 | |10 | |LAB 8 |
--------- ------- --- ------


_Lefty's Bar {First time}_

on toilet 1
4x 2
7x 8
taxi 1st time 1

Total 27

_Quiki Mart {First time}_

<209-683-6858> 5

Total 52

_Casino {First time}_


Total 54


2x 1

Total 89

_Quiki Wed_


Total 102

_Casino {Second time}_


Total 103

_Quiki Mart {Second time}_

<555-8039> 5

Total 108

_Casino {Third time}_


Total 124

_Lefty's Bar {Second time}


Total 144

_Casino {Fourth time}_

Walk through doors 5
2x 8
15+25=40 {First you get 15 points, then 25}

Total 222

Thanks to Sierra Classics AGI Page {http://www.ozemail.com.au/~ptrkelly/agi}
and The Ultimate Leisure Suit Larry Website

You can enter debug mode by typing Alt+D {and enter twice}.

The object numbers are listed in the "Items" section.
The room nubers are listed in the "Maps" section.

, <{ROOM #}> to teleport.
, <{ITEM #}> to get an object.
to obtain all items.
to show a list of items and numbers.
, <{OBJECT #}> to say what room an item is in.
to show Larry's x/y coordinates & current room number.
or to display value of a variable.
or to change value of a variable.
or to set a flag.
or to see if a flag is set or not.
to reset a flag.
{Alt+M} to display heapsize.
{Alt+I} or , <{OBJECT #}> to show information about screen objects.
{Alt+V} or to display priority screen.

5.0 - FAQs

Q.Where do I get the wine?
A.From the Quiki Mart's back shelf.

Q.How do you play Blackjack?
A.See "Gambling" section.
{You can't play it in the calculator version}

Q.What do you do with the lint?
A.Nothing, like the game says, it's a joke.
{There is no lint in the calculator version}

Q.Is there any actual nudity in this game?
A.The only nudity is the picture in the bar and the Jugs magazine.
{If you meant the calculator version, then no; it's text-only}

Q.Where is the hammer?
A.In the dumpster in the alley by Lefty's {not the Alley where you die}.
{In the calculator version, it's in the first screen if you type .

There is now a text-only game for the Ti-83 calculator called
Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards v8.1.
It was ported to the Ti-83 in 1999 by Gockies/Shiznit Software.
Either type the number of the choice, move down and hit enter, or type it in
with Alphalock {only use this for password}. Here is the walkthrough:

When you start out, the bar and . Pick , then
. Now go to the , at the drunk, then when he asks
for a drink, say . He will give you a remote control. Now
to find a rose. , then restroom. Say to flushing,
but to washing your hands to get the ring. Keep ing until you
get the password. Now the bathroom, and in the hallway, go .
Try to , but you need a password, so type . Now, ,
and you will change the channel to distract the pimp. , then
to get the box of candy. Now and say to going out
the window. the fire escape, then to get the hammer.
and go to the . the kwikie mart, and go to
the rack. Then look at the if you want, and .
Outside, and say to giving the man wine to get the knife.
again, and go to the . , then the lobby
until you get a disco pass. Now the lobby and to go to
the . the disco club, , and say to visiting the
girl. Keep ing to her until you dance, then her the rose, the
candies, and the ring. Say to getting married, then to go
to the . the chapel, , then choose to
go to the hotel. the hotel, then look at the . Go to the
<4>th floor, then to find your room. Say to getting started,
then to go to the . , then walk over to the
. for a condom, then pick your choices, which don't matter.
You can pick /, /, /,
/, and /. the kwikie-mart,
then to go to the . the bar, then and
type again. , then . Do it or
. Now and say to climing out window again.
to get the bottle of pills, then and to go
to the hotel. , go to the , and choose the <6>th floor.
at the top floor, then say to asking the girl out. Now keep
typing , , and until you win.

This walkthrough is pretty lame sometimes, like saying "say to..." but
that way, if you don't want to read all the extra stuff, you can just beat
the game by going ,,,,, etc.
I would like to thank the following people:

Al Lowe, for creating, designing, writing, programming, and producing
Leisure Suit Larry, and writing the Leisure Suit Larry theme song.

Andrew Schultz, for telling me 2 more ways to die.

Ken Williams, Larry Laffer, Mark Crowe, Sierra On-Line, Chuck Benton, John &
Jerry Albright, Passionate Patti, Jeff Stephenson, Robert Heitman, Pablo
Ghenis, Stuart Goldstein, William Skirvin, Bonnie Borucki, Douglas Herring,
John Williams, Carlos Escobar, Roger Hardy, Mike Dana, Rob Atesalp, Robert
Lindley, Roberta Williams, Bye, Robin Bradly, Keith Seaman, Camerad, Marri
McKenna, Bridget McKenna, Greg Steffon, Bill Eaken, Paul Paul, Craig Safan,
Karin Young, Russell Truelove, Victor Sadouskas, Chris Carr, Ruben Huante,
Phy Williams, Phy "No Relation" Williams, Larry Williams, Arthur Laffer,
Donovan "No Relation" Skirvin, Dan Kehler, Dan Woolard, Paul Anderson, Rich
Cerele, Terry & Sharlene Howard, Dena Johnson, Bill Larkins, Ivon Luk,
Penney May, Della Rogers, Neil Rubenking, Bob Kinnear, Bill Shockley, Rick
Spurgeon, Bill Crow, Dan Fay, Brian Hughes, Brian Hughes, Larry Scott, Chris
Smith, Mark Wilden, Ed Crithlow, Ken Kach, Terry McHenry, Martin Peters,
Chris Braymen, Neal Grandstaff, ODB, Josh Mandel, Nathan Gams, Maria Fruehe,
Margaret Lowe, J. Mark Hood, Jim Thomas, Bob Ballew, Sarah Skirvin, Carol
Barrett, Jay Friedmann, Ralph Roberts, Stuart Moulder, Marc Hudgins, Nathan
Larsen, Barry Smith, Roger Hardy Jr., Gar Bergstedt, Todd Vining, Glen
Shipley, Mike Boydell, Shauna Gonzales, "Josho", Melinda Saccareccia, Josh
Mandel, Nathan Gams, GZA, Barry Smith, Freddy Pharkas, Scott Murphey, Greg
Tomko-Pavia, Peter Sarrett, Willie Eide, Ken Koch, William Shockley, Rob
Koeppel, Tri-Film Productions, Venus, John Trauger, Cindy Vanous, Beth
Quintana, Sharon Simmons, Richard Powell, Full Circle Communications, Lori
Lucia, Tracy Morgan, Tim Meadows, Brad Bethune, Dan Rogers, Mark Seibert,
Don Munsil, Jason Zayas, Steve Conrad, Mark Martino, Jason Piel, Layne
Gifford, Bill O'Brien, Al Euphrasio, Bob Munsil, Bryan Wilkinson, Jennifer
Gibbs, Ben Houge, Hollywood Recording Services, Mike Hanley, David Henry,
Dale Christensen, The Voicecaster, U-God, Frank Zottoli, Kim Hutchcroft, Tom
Warrington, Claudio Slon, Jeff Hall, Chef, Chick Corea's Mad Hatter Studios,
Maximus Studios, Michael D. Jones, Geoff M. Keighley, Linda Lindley, Wesley
Litt, Tim Marley, Dan Milano, Masta Killa, Steve Porter, Della Rogers, Mark
Schey, Michael Shavelson, Charles M. Solen, Heather Lavin, Kerri Willard,
Terese Gant, Colette Bottinelli, Cindy Vanous, Eric Twelker, Bill Moore,
Scott Lynch, Jim Bruer, Jerry Bowerman, Mike Brochu, Walter Forbes, Zippy
the Inflatable Wonder Llama, The World Famous Talking Bear, David Hicock,
Larry Royer, John Bloom, Meth, Bill Davis, Marcus R. Gregory, Fran Krause,
Jennifer Robin, RZA, Jennifer Darsney, W Aric Miller, Peter Wynn, Jim Burns,
Julie Cornfield, Aaron P McDowell, Matthew S Filer, Jose Mercado, Jon C
Parker, Jeff Whitaker, Michael Pringleton, B J Walker, Guillermo Zubiaga,
Ivon Tomicic, Susan McGirr, Ghost, Danijel Tomicic, Jurica Saravanja, Ivica
Horvatt, Kristian Dulic, Zeljko Bracic, Peggy Skrlec, Sasa Zec, Snjezana
Lisica, Ivana Baric, Scanner, Neil Ross, Sheryl Bernstein, Mary Kay Bergman,
Tasia Valenza, Jennifer Darling, INS, Jodie Carlisle, Peggy, Julie Armato,
Scott Bullock, Michael Geoff, Kevin Richardson, the LSL Casino team, Jan
Rabson, the LSL 1-7 teams, the LSL Pinball team, Peter Kelly, and Catz.

No thanks whatsoever to David Grenewetzki, for "putting off" LSL8.


The following websites may use this walkthrough without permission:

GameFAQs http://www.gamefaqs.com
DLH http://DLH.net
Games Domain http://www.gamesdomain.co.uk
The Spoiler Centre http://www.the.spoiler.com
The Cheat Empire http://home.planetinternet.be/~twuyts
About.com Guide to Video Game Strategies http://vgstrategies.about.com

No portion of this walkthrough may be reproduced
without e-mail permission from me unless otherwise noted. You may contact
me at FastaKilla@excite.com for any questions, comments,
additions, corrections, or authorizations. This
document may not be sold or used for profit.

MS-DOS and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation. Leisure Suit Larry is a registered trademark of
Sierra On-Line, Inc. {http://www.sierra.com}

This walkthrough is not authorized by, endorsed, or
associated in any way with Sierra On-line Inc, Texas Instruments, or
Microsoft Corporation.

This walkthrough is Copyright © 2000/2001 by Fasta Killa.

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