Unreal Tournament

Unreal Tournament

17.10.2013 14:27:46
UUU UUU TTTTTTTTTTTTT 2222222222 KKK KKK 3333333333
UUU UUU TT TTT TT 222 222 KKK KKK 333 333
UUU UUU TTT 2222 KKKKK 33333
UUUU UUUU TTT 2222 2 KKK KKK 333 333
UUUUUUUUU TTT 2222222222 KKK KKK 3333333333
UUUUUUU TTTTT 2222222222 KKK KKK 33333333



Author: Graham Jones AKA p1r4t8r (contributor name)
Game: Unreal Tournament 2003
Platform: PC
Version: v1.2
FAQ: Weapons, Items and Tactics guide
Last Update: NONE
E-Mail: graham_goss@hotmail.com
MSN: graham_goss@hotmail.com
Homepage: www.geocities.com/gf_p1r4t8r/index.html
Best viewed in Wordpad at 1024x768 or 1280x1024



I. Intro
1.0 Info
1.1 Copyright/Legal
1.2 Updates
II. Tips and Tactics
III. Weapons
Assault Rifle
Shock Rifle
Link Gun
Flak Cannon
Rocket Launcher
Lightning Gun
Ion Painter
IV. Items
Health Vial
Health Pack
Keg o' Health
Shield Pack
Super Shield Pack
Double Damage


I - 1.0 INFO

-This guide is based soley on the weapons and items available in UT2k3,
and details their stats and firing modes, as well as a brief description
and my own personal thoughts on their use as well as strategies to use
when you are shot at with that weapon and finally my rating on them out
of ten.
-Before you scream PLAGURISM plase note that the weapon descriptions are
those listed in the UT2k3 manual, they are not mine.
-This is my second FAQ for a game ever, so bear with me on this one.
-If you have any question or suggestions regarding this FAQ please
feel free to e-mail me at the above address.
-If there are any errors and/or misprints please inform me and I'll
update this guide immediatly and give credit to you for pointing it



-This document is copyright 2002/2003 Graham 'p1r4t8r' Jones. It is my
-The latest updates can be found at
* www.gamefaqs.com
* www.gamenemesis.com
* http//dlh.net
ONLY! If you find this document on any other site
PLEASE notify me by e-mail using the above address.
-Feel free to save this guide to your computer, but if you would like
to use it on your site or whatever, please e-mail me for permission first.

'Unreal Tournament 2003 is copyright 2002 Epic Games. This is an unofficial
walkthrough and I am in no way affiliated with Epic Games (much as
I wish I was :) nor do I know anybody who is.



-25.11.02 -My birthday, got this game, idea for guide
-27.11.02 -Work started on guide
-13.12.02 -Finished v1.0
-01.01.03 -New Years. Finished V1.1 with help from
the helpful people on the UT2k3 board.
-06.02.03 -Version 1.2. The only change is the hosting


Im putting the credits at the top so EVERYONE READS THEM!
First off
-CJayC, for hosting this guide on his EXCELLENT site. This guide
wouldn't even exist without him.
-www.gamenemesis.com for offering to host my original guide, and this one
-Epic Games and Digital Extremes for creating 'UT2k3'.
-All the other people I annoy on MSN, and the GameFAQS Parasite Eve 2
-Every one on the GameFAQs board for their help and support, most notably
-Tenchidark for info on the translocator and gravity effected weapons
-Ranmafan for info on the redeemer, shock rifle, ion painter and minigun
-Heracross for the redeemer info
-ruffboy AKA [DRACO]1/2LuNaTiC, for bio-rifle info
-Anyone I have forgotten to mention here


II - 1.0 Tips and Tactics

* Use the mouse and WADS keyboard combination. Only amatuers use the
keyboard alone.
* Learn the art of strafing, it is the mark of experienced players, and
ultimately will save your butt in combat.
* Aim for am opponents head, especially when using the Ligthning gun.
* Learn how to circular strafe and keep a steady aim, this tactic is both
confusing for the opponent and extremely effective
* Don't stray to close to ledges or high falls, as chances are you may
get knocked off them, resulting in death in some instances.
* Use the bots to your advantage. In capture the flag have a few defend
and another one or two follow you, this imoroves not only your teams
chance of grabbing the flag, but yours too.
* The bots will see enemies often before you do, so they are a great
'early warning' system.
* The double key tap jump is extremely handy, but be careful not to jump
over ledges as it's very easy to do.
* Never stand in the one place, always keep moving. If you stand still
you are a much easier target, particularly for snipers.
* Use the terrain for cover.
* Learn the advantages and disadvantages of each weapon, and learn when
best to use them.
* If you have a scroll wheel use it to change weapons, this is much
easier then fiddling with the number keys half-way through a fight.
* Finally, never, EVER underestimate your opponent, and never get cocky.


'UT2k3' features some rather innovative guns, even if most of them are just
reskinned versions of those that appeared in the original.
NOTE 1: All damage is for 1 round only!
NOTE 2: I have used the folowing abreviations.

ABG- Affected by gravity (thanks to Tenchidark for this info)
AP- Armor Points
FC- Fully Charged
CR- Close Range
HP- Health Points
HS- Head Shot
ROF- Rate of Fire
SD- Splash Damage
VBD- Varied by Distance

The "STRATEGY" section of each weapon refers to what to do when being shot
at with this weapon, NOT HOW TO USE IT. This is usually covered in my
run-down of the weapon.


Primary- N/A
Secondary- N/A

*Max Ammo
Primary- 5
Secondary- N/A

*Ammo Type
Primary- N/A
Secondary- N/A

*Rate of Fire
Primary- N/A
Secondary- N/A

*Rating- 9/10

The translocator was originally designed by Liandri Corporation's
R&D sector to facilitate the rapid recall of miners during tunnel collapses
and other emegencies. The technology has saved countless lives, but not
without cost.
Rapid deresolution and reconstitution of the subject organism can have
unwelcome effects, including increases in aggression and paranoia, as well
increased probabilities of respitory and cardiac arrest. Artifacts of
disruption accumulate in the biological snapshot of the individual, leading
Teleportation Related Dementia (TReDs), an incurable disease that has
some of our greatest champions. In order to prolong the careers of todays's
contenders, limits have been placed on Translocator use in the lower-ranked
This was deemed necessary to prevent new recruits from becoming too reliant
the device, thereby sealing their own doom. The latest iteration of the
Translocator features a remotely operated camera, exceptionally useful when
scouting out areas of contention.
It should be noted that while viewing the camera's surveillance output, the
user is effectively blind to their immediate surroundings.


This is a defualt weapon that you start with at the beginning of each match.
It allows you to warp to a certain location on the map, provided you place a
beacon there first.
Primary Fire allows you to shoot a beacon which you can later warp to.
It fires on an arc so aim up higher in the sky to get further.
It can also be used to reach hard to get to places. Make sure you do not use
it while carrying a flag however, as it will just be dropped.
Opponents can also be 'telefragged' with this device. This occurs when a
person is standing in the way of the beacon, and the owener warps to it. The
two cannot exist in the same space and time so the second person is
The camera can be accessed by first firing the translocator and hitting the
weapon select key again. This proves invaluable in defensive maps, such as
capture the flag or double domination, as it can be used to tell when an
is approaching. This does leave you vulnerable to attack though.
The translocator, by default, is only available in CTF and DDOM games when
playing the single player Tournament, in Multiplayer it needs to be included
-Thanks to tenchi dark for the availibility information.


*Primary Fire- Fires a beacon *ABG
*Secondary Fire- Warps to the location of the beacon.




.:Shield Gun:.
*Quick Key- 1

Primary- 150 *FC
Secondary- N/A

*Max Ammo
Primary- Unlimited
Secondary- 100

*Ammo Type
Primary- N/A
Secondary- Recharges automatically

*Rate of Fire
Primary- N/A
Secondary- N/A

*Rating- 8/10

The Kemphler DD280 Riot Control Device has the ability to resist and reflect
incoming projectiles and energy beams. The plasma wave inflicts massive
damage, rupturing tissue, pulverizing organs and flooding the bloodstream
dangerous gas bubbles. This weapon may be intended for combat at close
but when wielded properly should be considered as dangerous as any other
armament in your arsenal.


The shield gun is a defualt weapon that has great potential for team
tactics in multiplayer games. It can be used as a shield to most forms of
projectile within the game, and can also shield you from falling damage to
a certain degree.
Think of it as more a utility than as a weapon, as it is next to useless in
combat against opponents with ranged weapons.


*Primary Fire- Impact melee damage. Hold down fire key for greater damage.
*Secondary Fire- Shield that can deflect energy beams & some projectiles.


When attacked by someone using the primary fire backpedal and shoot at them
as they run up at you. Due to the extremely close range of this weapon, the
opponent has to be right next to you to pose a serious threat, but just keep
them under fire and keep your distance.


.:Assault Rifle:.
*Quick Key- 2

Primary- 7
Secondary- 70

*Max Ammo
Primary: 250
Secondary: 8

*Ammo Type
Primary- Bullets
Secondary- Box of Grenades

*Rate of Fire
Primary- 75 rounds per 10 secs
Secondary- N/A

*Rating: 6/10

Inexpensive and easily produced, the AR770 provides a lightweight 5.56mm
combat solution that is most effective against unarmored foes. With low-to-
moderate armor penetration capabilities, this rifle is best suited to a role
as a light support weapon. The optional M355 Grenade Launcher provides the
punch that makes this weapon effective against heavily armoured enemies.


The assault rifle is the defualt starting weapon, well rounded although has
a low ammo capacity. It is accurate enough to take out enemies at a
and proves deadly in the hands of a skilled player. The grenade launcher is
not quite as good though, as it is hard to aim, and requires quite a build
up to fire it. Splash damage is also rather poor.


*Primary Fire- 5.56mm machine gun
*Secondary Fire- Grenade. Hold down key for longer to launch further *ABG


Simply strafe, left and right. The primary damage is fairly low, so taking
a few blows won't hurt too much if you have full health.
Again, just strafe only this time in one direction. The grenade only has a
small radious of damage so if you get even just a short distance the grenade
won't hurt you too bad.


*Quick Key- 3

Primary- 35-70
Secondary- 199+ *CR *VBD

*Max Ammo
Primary: 50
Secondary: As above

*Ammo Type
Primary- BioRifle Ammo
Secondary- As above

*Rate of Fire
Primary- 55 rounds per 10 seconds
Secondary- N/A

*Rating: 7/10

The GES BioRifle continues to be one of the most controversial weapons in
the Tournament. Loved by some, loathed by others, the BioRifle has long
been the subject of debate over its usefulness.
Some Tournament purists argue that the delayed detonation of the mutagenic
sludge, coupled with the ability to quickly carpet an area with the highly
toxic substance, has reduced the weapon to the equivalent of a minefield, a
barbaric and cowardly weapon employed during past human conflicts.
Proponents of the weapon argue that it enhances the tactical capabilities of
defensive combat, allowing perticipants to cover multiple choke points more
Despite the debate, the weapon remains historically accurate, providing
rapid-fire wide-area coverage in primary firing mode, and a single-fire
variable payload secondary firing mode. In layman's terms, this equates to
being able to pepper an area with small globs of Biosludge, or launch one
large glob at the target.


The BioRifle is a great all round weapon, best used in defensive situations.
It has great use on capture the flag maps, as you can cover a doorway or
entrance with the goo. It is also lethal at close range due to a high ROF.
Careful though as the sludge can cause damage to you. The only problems with
the BioRifle is that the sludge is on a timed explosion when it hits a
surface, and I find the timer is a little too quick, especially if being
in defensive situations. And also it has an arc firing range, meaning that
shoot it any considerable distance it must be aimed upwards, making hitting
opponents at range a tad more difficult. Sludge explodes on impact with
other players.

This info from tenchi dark:
I've noticed that when you fire the Bio Rifle shots onto a ceiling they will
stay there for a few seconds, drop to the ground and then explode after a
seconds, however this only works if the ceiling is paralel to the ground.
Someone else pointed this out but if you concentrate fire on 1 area the
will build up, once it hits a certain size it will splatter spreading some
smaller blobs around the imediate area

And this from [DRACO]1/2LuNaTiC
if you take out your biorifle and aim it straight down at the floor while
running it will shoot behind you and you won't get harmed.

*Primary Fire- Fires a blob of sludge at opponents *ABG
*Secondary Fire- Hold down sec. fire to charge a larger blob of sludge *ABG


Strafe left and right, this will make you a much harder target to hit.
Try to avoid walking over the sludge on the ground, as it will explode when
you walk on or near it.
Same as above.


.:Shock Rifle:.
*Quick Key- 4

Primary- 45
Secondary- 35-45
Combined- 100+

*Max Ammo
Primary: 50
Secondary: As above

*Ammo Type
Primary- Shock Core
Secondary- As above

*Rate of Fire
Primary- 17 rounds per 10 seconds
Secondary- As above

*Rating: 8/10

The ASMD Shock Rifle has changed little since its incoporation into the
The ASMD sports two firing modes capable of acting in concert to neutralize
opponents in a devestating shockwave. This combination attack is achieved
when the weapon operator utilizes the secondary fire mode to deliver a
charge of seeded plasma to the target. Once the slow-moving plasma charge
is within range of the target, the weapon operator may fire the photon beam
into the plasma core, releasing the explosive energy of the anti-photons
contained within the plasma's EM field.


The Shock Rifle is a valuable weapon with many potential uses. When hit
with the shock rifle blast, the opponent is knocked back. This can be
utilized on some maps to knock the opponent over cliffs, or into hazards.
The combination explosion is achieved by shooting the plasma ball that
is released with the primary fire. The shock wave causes extensive damage
to the opponent, but does have its downsides. The plasma ball is slow
and can get hard to hit meaning that the user often has to stand still,
leaving them vulnerable to attack. Also an opponent can shoot your own
shock core, causing the explosion to hit you, and vice versa. For example
if you fire a core and the opponent hits it with a primary blast and you
they get the kill.
Interestingly, tow secondary fire shock cores when hit together will cancel
each other out, disappating the blast (thanks Ranmafan for the shock core


*Primary Fire- Fires an energy beam at the opponent
*Secondary Fire- Fires a slow moving energy ball at the opponent


Simply strafe, left and right. Try to avoid standing near ledges or anything
else you could be knocked over or into.
Usually if someone shoots you with the secondary they are trying to combo
the shot, so avoid the slow moving shot, get a good distance clear, and
return fire. They will most likely be distracted trying to hit the original
shot, leaving them vulnerable to attack. Also try to keep at extremely
close range, or long range. At close range they can't combo the shot, and
at long range this gives you plenty of room to strafe.


*Quick Key- 5

Primary- 30
Secondary- ???

*Max Ammo
Primary: 120
Secondary: As above

*Ammo Type
Primary- Link Charge
Secondary- As above

*Rate of Fire
Primary- 50 rounds per 10 seconds
Secondary- As above

*Rating: 5/10

Riordan Dynamic Weapons Systems combines the best of weapon design in the
Advanced Plasma Rifle v23, commonly known as the Link Gun, or simply Link.
While the primary firing mode of the Link remains the same as its
plasma-firing predecessor, the secondary cutting torch has been replaced
with an active-scanning, switchable energy matrix. This matrix enables the
weapon to register friend or foe upon contact with the swirling green beam
and change properties accordingly. When the beam comes in contact with an
opponent it can inflict serious injury and death within seconds. Upon
contacting a teammate, it reverts to a harmless carrier stream. The carrier
stream offloads energy from the onboard cells, boosting the output of any
targeted player who is also using the Link. Two players may link to one
another at any time, boosting the power output of the weapon significantly,
but it should be noted that while players are boosting a teammate, they are
unable to defend themselves from attack.


The Linkgun is both a devastating close and long range weapon. It is
extremely versatile, with the primary fire causing considerable damage, and
firing in rapid succession. The secondary fire is great for close combat,
firing a beam of solid energy. It only has a very short range, but when
concentrated on an opponent can kill them in seconds. In the hands of an
experienced player, this weapon is deadly, for me though, I didn't really
like it, and subsequently was one of the least used weapons in my arsenal.
As for the linked mode of this gun when used in concert with a teammate,
I can only speculate as to how this increases damage. Using it in bot
matches was rather difficult, as the bots never stood still, and never
used the beam on the player. However multiplayer games would be great with
this, adding a great element of team work.
(I will update the 'Link' mode once I have got my friend over again for LAN


*Primary Fire- Fires constant shots of energy over medium-long range
*Secondary Fire- A concentrated beam of energy usefull only in close combat.
Two players can link the beam for extra damage


Strafe left and right. Try to get within your current weapons range of them,
and return fire. The primary fire can distort their view, so strafe like
crazy and they can lose track of you.
The secondary fire is only close range so just keep your distance or use
objects in the surrounding area for cover.


*Quick Key- 6

Primary- 6
Secondary- 12-24

*Max Ammo
Primary: 250
Secondary: As above

*Ammo Type
Primary- Bullets
Secondary- As above

*Rate of Fire
Primary- 160 rounds per 10 secs
Secondary- 55 rounds per 10 secs

*Rating: 7/10

The Schultz T23-A 23mm rotary cannon is capable of firing both high-velocity
caseless ammunition and cased rounds. With an unloaded weight of only 8
kilograms, the T23 is portable and maneuvarable, easily worn across the back
when employing the optional carry strap. The T23 is the rotary cannon of
choice for the discerning soldier.


The minigun is powerful although inaccurate. Primary fire is great even
over a distance, although not quite so much as the assault rifle. The
secondary fire quadroubles the amount of damage dealt, and is much more
accurate then primary mode (thanks to Ranmafan). This mode is great for
and personal combat, but even better over a distance. A high ammunition
makes the minigun a good solid weapon, if inaccurate. The only other problem
the significant wind up before any ammunition is spent, which can mean the
difference between life and death against a sniper.


*Primary Fire- Releases a hail of fire at opponents at medium-long range
*Secondary Fire- Lowers the rate of fire but increases damage by 4


Strafe left and right and try to keep your distance while returning fire
a more accurate weapon, or ideally rockets
As above


.:Flak Cannon:.
*Quick Key- 7

Primary- 100-180+ *CR, *VBD
Secondary- 90-100 *CR, *VBD

*Max Ammo
Primary: 50
Secondary: As above

*Ammo Type
Primary- Flak Shells
Secondary- As above

*Rate of Fire
Primary- 14 rounds per 10 seconds
Secondary- As above

*Rating: 9/10

Trident Defensive Technologies Series 7 Flechette Cannon has been taken to
the next step in evolution with the production of the Mk3 "Negotiator."
The ionized flechettes are capable of delivering second- and third-degree
burns to organic tissue and cauterizing the wound instantly.
Payload delivery is achieved via one of two methods: ionized flechettes
launched in a spread pattern directly from the barrel; or via a
grenades that explode on impact, radiating flechettes in all directions.


The Flak Cannon is one of my favorite weapons, and in UT2k3 we see it in all
its gibbing glory.
Probably one of the most dangerous close range weapons next to perhaps the
Shieldgun, it causes massive damage to the opponents, and yourself if not
handled correctly.
The sharpnel bounces off walls, and can, if not fired properly, cause injury
to the operator.
The Flak Cannon is useless at a distance in primary fire mode as the
spreads out far too much to be practicle, although it does feature a grenade
of sorts, that explodes upon impact releasing shrapnel in a splash damage
formation. Personally I found the grenade rather hard to use, as to get it
to go any sort of decent distance required aiming the shot up, so as to arc
the shot.
Still, a good close combat weapon, just don't use it at range.


*Primary Fire- A powerful blast of shrapnel usefull at close range
*Secondary Fire- A shrapnel grenade that can be fired at medium range *ABG

KEEP YOUR DISTANCE! The Flak Cannon is next to useless at range, so just get
a fair distance back and return fire. Look out in tight corridors as the
Flak bounces off walls and around corners.
As above


.:Rocket Launcher:.
*Quick Key- 8

Primary- 65 *VBD *SD
Secondary- 195+ *VBD *SD

*Max Ammo
Primary: 48
Secondary: As above

*Ammo Type
Primary- Rocket Pack
Secondary- As above

*Rate of Fire
Primary- 13 rounds per 10 seconds
Secondary- 12 rounds per second *FC

*Rating: 7/10

The Trident Tri-barrel Rocket Launcher is extremely popular among
who enjoy more bang for their buck. The rotating rear-loading barrel design
allows for both single- and multi-warhead launches, letting you place up to
three dumbfire rockets on target. The warheads are disgned to deliver
concussive force to the target and surrounding area upon detonation.


The Rocket Launcher is a difficult weapon to master. It features a lock on
feature, although this
takes a few seconds to kick in, and leaves you vulnerable to attack as you
try to keep the opponent in your sights. Firing the rocket unguided is the
best option, and has a fairly decent damage rate.
The slapsh damage leaves a bit to be desired however, not stretching as far
as you'd like. Secondary fire loads up to three rockets, although takes
quite a while to load all three up. This mode isn't really very useful
unless at a range, as the load-up takes way to long.


*Primary Fire- Fires a single rocket in either guided or unguided mode
*Secondary Fire- Loads up to three rockets however lock-on is disabled


Strafe to one side and jump like crazy. This will reduce splash damage and
make you a much harder target to hit directly. If possible getting right
next to the opponent firing on you so that if they shoot at you they cause
themselves damage too.
As above


.:Lightning Gun:.
*Quick Key- 9

Primary- 70
200+ HS
Secondary- N/A

*Max Ammo
Primary: 40
Secondary: As above

*Ammo Type
Primary- Sniper Ammo
Secondary- As above

*Rate of Fire
Primary- 7 rounds per 10 secs
Secondary- N/A

*Rating: 9/10

The Lightning Gun is a high-power energy rifle capable of ablating even the
heaviest carapace armor. Acquisition of a target at long range requires a
steady hand, but the anti-jitter effect of the optical system reduces the
weapon's learning curve significantly. Once the target has been acquired,
the operator depresses the triger, painting a proton 'patch' on the target.
Milliseconds later the rifle emits a high voltage arc of electricity, which
seeks out the charge differential and annihilates the target.


The Lightning Gun is the weapon of choice for those who like long range
combat. The added scope makes it the perfect snipers weapon, and deadly in
the hands of an accurate player. There is however a slow rate of fire and
significant charge up time before the next shot can be fired. This causes
weapon to be rather hard to use in close range combat, as you can easily be
fired on while the weapon charges. That is not to say that the weapon is
useless though, as in the hands of an accurate player in close combat they
are virtually unstoppable. The Lightning Gun also has great potential
for headshots, causing massive damage and often death to most enemies.


*Primary Fire- Fires a quick moving bolt of lightning over long range
*Secondary Fire- Sniper scope


Strafe left and right and get as close the the opponent as possible. Also
be sure to take advantage of the charge times to get in a few shots of your
own. Strafing is the key however, and a few jumps here and there wont go
astray either. If shot at from a distance be sure to utilize the terrain
for cover.


.:Ion Painter:.
*Quick Key- 0

Primary- 200+
Secondary- N/A

*Max Ammo
Primary: 1
Secondary: N/A

*Ammo Type
Primary- N/A
Secondary- N/A

*Rate of Fire
Primary- N/A
Secondary- N/A

*Rating: 6/10

The Ion Painter seems innocuous enough at first glance, emitting a harmless
low-power laser beam when the primary firing mode is engaged. Several
later, a multi-gigawatt orbital ion cannon fires on the target, neutralizing
any combatants in the vicinity. The Ion Painter is a remote targeting
device used to orientate and fire the VAPOR Ion Cannon. The Ion Painter
offers increased targeting accuracy via its telescopic sight, easily
activated by the secondary fire mode of the weapon.
Once the Ion Painter has been used to designate a target, it is highly
recommended that the user put considerable distance betwen themselves and
the weapon's area of effect.


The Ion Painter is an effective although limitted weapon. It can only be
on certain maps, usually with the sky visible and a satellite orbitting the
map. It can only be targetted in areas that are open, and have a clear
line of sight from the sky to the targetted area. You can also use a scope
in secondary mode for finer accuracy, although this is usually useless on
most maps.
When targetting a certain spot DO NOT move or the beam will not work. Also
targetting a wall or another player does not work, it must be the floor.
Interestingly, the ion painter when shot at organic enemies (flesh and
the blast will melt the flesh leaving a charred skeleton, very cool!
(thanks again to Ranmafan for the skeleton info)


*Primary Fire- Paints a target for the satellite to shoot at
*Secondary Fire- Zoom scope


RUN LIKE HELL! Once the beam has targetted a nearby area you will need to
run for cover. You will only have a small ammount of time perhaps only
seconds before the blast hits, so try to get behind a nearby wall, or
behind an object that will shield you. If you see someone TRYING to target
you with the beam get under a roof, as the beam cannot be targetted into a
covered area.


*Quick Key- 9

Primary- 200+
Secondary- As above

*Max Ammo
Primary: 1
Secondary: N/A

*Ammo Type
Primary- N/A
Secondary- N/A

*Rate of Fire
Primary- N/A
Secondary- N/A

*Rating: 10/10

The first time you witness this miniature nuclear device in action, you'll
agree it is the most powerful weapon in the Tournament. Launch a slow-moving
but utterly devastating missile with the primary fire; but make sure you're
out of the Redeemer's impressive blast radious before it impacts. The
secondary fire allows you to guide the nuke yourself with a rocket's-eye
view. Keep in mind, however, that you are vulnerable to attack when steering
the Redeemer's projectile. Due to the extreme bulkiness of its ammo, the
Redeemer is exhausted after a single shot.


The reedemer IS the most powerful weapon in UT2k3, and is capable of killing
any opponent with a single shot, including yourself if you are careless
with how you fire it. The huge blast radious coupled wth massive damage
makes this a weapon to be reckoned with, and the fact that it can be
manually flown is a very cool feature. While in manual target mode
(alternate fire) it is possible to detonate the rocket in the air by left
clicking the mouse button. Hitting another object or player will also
detonate the rocket.
Always make sure you are not in the blast radius as if you are this will
likely kill you as well.

This from ranmafan
using the Walk button, you can slow down the Redeemer missile on manual
control and make it turn in any direction almost instantly. Perfect for
tricky opponents or winding passageways


*Primary Fire- Fires a slow moving nuclear missile over long distance
*Secondary Fire- Fly-by-wire lets you fly the missile yourself


RUN LIKE HELL! If you see the massive rocket coming towards you make a run
for cover, such as behind an object or wall. There is little else you can do
against this weapon.
This info from Heracross and Ranmafan:
If you see the redeemer coming towards you, you can shoot it clean out of
air with any of the folowing weapons
*Flak Cannon - Primary Fire
*Assault Rifle - Primary fire
*Minigun - Primary & Secondary fire
As above


.:Ball Launcher:.
*Quick Key- N/A

Primary- N/A
Secondary- N/A

*Max Ammo
Primary: N/A
Secondary: N/A

*Ammo Type
Primary- N/A
Secondary- N/A

*Rate of Fire
Primary- N/A
Secondary- N/A

*Rating: N/A

A new addition to the Tournament, the Ball Launcher is only available in
Bombing Run Mode. Once you've picked up the ball, the ball launcher is
automatically selected from your arsenal. While you're in possession of
the ball, you cannot use any other weapon. Pressing the Fire button will
launch the ball, wither at another teammate for a pass, or through the
opposing team's goal.


The ball launcher is hardly a weapon and is only used in bombing run
mode. While in possession of the ball you cannot shoot or attack the
opponents. Using the primary fire drops or passes the ball, to either a
team-mate or opponent.
To score you merely shoot the ball through the opponents hoop. You can
also jump it through, but this usually results in a gruesome death, such
as chopped to pieces by a fan, or falling to your death.

This from ranmafan
The secondary mode will 'lock' onto a friendly teammate (at close range
only!) so that when you launch the Ball, it will try to home in on that
friend. Great for passing the buck, so to speak.


*Primary Fire- Drops/passes the ball
*Secondary Fire- N/A




.:Insta Gib Rifle:.
*Quick Key- N/A

Primary- 200+
Secondary- N/A

*Max Ammo
Primary: N/A
Secondary: N/A

*Ammo Type
Primary- N/A
Secondary- N/A

*Rate of Fire
Primary- 17 rounds per 10 seconds
Secondary- N/A

*Rating: 10/10



The insta gib rifle is only available when using either the 'InstaGib'
or 'Zoom InstaGib' mods. It is a tweaked version of the standard ASMD
shock-rifle that, as the name suggests, gibs opponents upon contact.
It only features primary firing mode, although in 'zoom instaGib' has
a powerful zoom lenze attached, much like that of the lightning gun.
This is ideal for long distance kills.
The firing rate and gun model are kept the same, although the firing
effect changes. The fired beam is a different colour, usually that of
your teams colour in team based InstaGib.


*Primary Fire- Beam of pure energy that gibs upon impact good over
short- long range
*Secondary Fire- Zoom scope in 'Zoom InstaGib'





.:Health Vial:.
Health Vials give you an increase of +5 to your HP with a maximum
limit of 199 HP.

.:Health Pack:.
Health packs restore +25 to your HP with a mximum total HP of 100.

.:Keg O' Health:.
Adds +100 to your HP, with a maximum of 199 HP.

Adrenaline provides you with the power to execute adrenaline based moves.
Max Adrenaline is 100.
Some of the moves include (F= Forward, L= Left, R= Right, B= Backwards)
-Invisibility; F, F, R, R
-Super Jump; L, L, R, R
-Speed; B, B, F, F
-Beserk (speed boost); F, F, F, F
-Regeneration; B, B, B, B
(please notify me by e-mail if you know any more of the moves, credit will
be given)

.:Shield Pack:.
Adds +50 armor points, with a maximum of 150 AP.

.:Super Shield Pack:.
Adds +100 armor points, with a maximum of 150 AP.

.:Double Damage:.
Multiplies all damage by 2x for 30 seconds.

That concludes this guide, if you have any questions and/or suggestions
feel free to send me an e-mail using the above address.
Copyright 2002 Graham 'p1r4t8r' Jones.
Hope you liked it!
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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