Unreal Tournament

Unreal Tournament

17.10.2013 07:38:20
Unreal Tournament: Weapons Strategy and Walkthrough

Footnote: This FAQ will be on strategy for the PS2 version of this
game, and it will detail how to go about each level, and how to use each
weapon most efficiently. I found this game immensely entertaining, and
the atmospheres are excellent, especially for a game released so soon
after the release of the PS2 itself. It outdoes Quake III and Red
Faction, as I see it, and though I haven't played Half-Life, Rogue
Spear, or any other popular PC FPS's, I think this is a contender, if
not the most fun of any of them. The game needs no walkthrough, but
this will detail how to beat it on Inhuman mode as well, if that's your
desire. Email me any questions or concerns at vejiitassj4@hotmail.com.

Legal Stuff: This game, the logos, the characters, and weapon ideas are
all property of Infogrames. Don't try to claim they are your invention,
etc. This faq is mine, ask permission to post it somewhere, and I'd
probably be glad to let you. However, I will find you if you do take

1. Weapons Guide/Items
2. Level Guide (walkthrough)
3. Inhuman
4. Conclusion

1. Weapons Guide: (Damage rating is */*, with the numbers being the
power status, 5 being a one hit kill, and 1 being like hitting them
with a feather. The first number is primary fire, the second is
alternate fire. A * indicates a head shot possible weapon).

Melee Weapons:

Impact Hammer: Damage Rating: 5/1. This weapon is basic, and can be
used in any situation (though not too effectively). The Impact Hammer
has a primary fire of a charged up single hit. This hit, if held down
long enough, will do 1-hit kill damage, even to someone wearing armor.
If they have shields, they probably won't die in the first hit, but it
will do massive damage and remove the shields. You have to hold down
the button for about 3 seconds to get it fully charged, and it will
vibrate sporadically to let you know that it's ready. Then just run
into an opponent, and it will discharge. You don't even have to let go
of the fire button.
Alternately, the secondary fire is a sort of machine gun peck, that
fires rapidly, and weakly. I find this almost useless. The secondary
fire is more useful however if you are going for the fabled "return
fire" technique, in which you send their own projectile back at them,
e.g. a laser or a rocket. I have only done this a few times, because
the timing must be perfect, and it rarely works if you just run around
doing the secondary fire. Always use the primary fire if going for a
kill. Also, if going for something similar to the rocket jump in Quake,
and you have enough life, charge up, point the weapon towards the
ground, and let fly. You will jump maybe 15' into the air, which is
sometimes enough.

Chainsaw: Damage rating: 4*/4. This weapon is less effective than the
Impact Hammer, but it is still useful in tight spots. You only get it
during the assault missions. Its primary fire is a sweep, which will
decapitate enemies, and do massive damage to the center mass. It will
not do a 1-hit kill however unless you get the head. The secondary fire
is just a jab, that can be held out for as long as you want. Do this if
you are just running around wildly, looking for a weapon. A second or
two should be enough if you can corner an opponent in this manner.

Ranged Weapons:

Enforcer: Damage rating: 2/1. This is the good old universal pistol.
It can kill enemies fairly quickly if you keep it trained on them. The
primary fire is a well-aimed slow fire rate, but it will do better than
the secondary fire, because the secondary is a wild, automatic fire.
The range on this gun is anything, but accuracy greatly increases at mid
to close range. You can pick up two of these, and then your chances
increase at killing someone. The fire rate with two is still slightly
less than that of a Mini-gun, but it is a lot better (200%) than having
just one. My advice is use the primary fire, and keep shooting, and a
couple seconds later they will be dead.

Shock Rifle: Damage rating: 3.5/3. I have not named this gun second
because it is second in power. This is one of my favorite weapons, and
it is effective at any range. Long distance, this gun is similar to a
sniper rifle, maybe better, because it fires at the speed of light
(c=3x10^8 m/s) which is faster than anyone can move. It will hit them
instantly if you have aimed correctly. In order to hit someone, usually
if they are in the little green circle of your cross-hair, it will hit.
The primary fire is powerful enough to take someone out with 2 hits if
they are at full life, 3 if they have armor, and maybe 4 with a shield.
Overall, it is powerful, and if it does not kill them, it will send them
flying. The secondary fire is a ball of plasma that is fairly slow and
weak. You can fire it more rapidly however, and it has slight explosive
damage. I do not use this as a rule because it is slow and not precise.
I use it only if going for the combo. Fire a ball at an enemy, and then
shoot the ball with the laser. This will cause a large explosion,
second only to the Redeemer, and it will kill any enemies it is close
too. However, though extremely powerful, this strike is hard. Your gun
will auto aim at an enemy, so you fire the plasma ball, but by the time
you fire the laser, they will have moved, and the gun will auto-aim
again, and you will miss the ball by a long shot. It only works if you
are not auto aiming, and if they are at some great distance.

Pulse Gun: Damage rating: 2.5/3. This gun looks cool, but is not overly
effective. The primary fire is a fairly rapid auto-fire of green
plasma. The damage is slightly more than that of the Enforcer, but the
fire rate is much greater. It is also good for auto aiming. Overall,
this is a steady, reliable weapon for combat. The secondary fire is a
plasma stream that remains straight, and will reach any range. However,
it will not auto-aim, and you have to keep it on an opponent to hit
them. If you keep it on them, it's damage will kill them in about a
second and a half, because it will hit them about every .1 seconds.
Don't do this unless they are at a close range, and if you can't keep it
on them, sweep from side to side quickly to brush them to death.

GES Bio-Rifle: Damage rating: 3/5. This gun is commonly thought to be
the worst in the game, but I don't think it is. Its primary fire
launches blobs of radioactive gel that eat at your opponent. It is
rapid fire automatic, and it does good damage. After a second or two of
being hit with this, your opponent will be in the dirt with the rest of
them. The blobs also stick to the ground and walls, and explode a
second later, so anyone following you gets a nasty surprise. However,
the explosions do minimal damage (1), so make a lot of them. The
secondary fire is the charge up. The gun loads a lot of gel into the
firing chamber, and then releases it. Depending upon if you charge up
to full, which takes somewhere from 7-10 rounds, this is a 1-hit kill.
However, the range is pitiful. You should use this if you know someone
is following you up an elevator or something, and wait at the top, and
fire when they appear. If you don't charge for long, the blob is very
small, and does pitiful damage too. The big blob will make many little
blobs to explode if it doesn't hit.

Ripper: Damage rating: 3.5*/4. This gun is one of the nastiest in the
game. The razor sharp discs it fires will easily decapitate a foe, and
often times do so, maybe 1/5 times. Even if they don't the discs will
bounce off floors, ceilings, and walls for quite awhile, so you can make
an entire room hazardous if you need too. Don't fire at a wall as you
walk forward though, because it is possible to head shot yourself. The
flying blades don't care who they hit, as long as they hit, so you are a
target the second you fire. It's best to use these at an angel you know
they won't come back at you from, or in an open area. The rapid fire
makes them surefire when close to an opponent, so don't hold back if
you've got the shot. The secondary fire will explode when it reaches a
surface, doing quite a good radius of damage. The fire rate is slower
however, so make sure you will at least hit near an opponent if you
fire. I prefer the primary fire.

Mini-gun: Damage rating: 2/1. You'll notice that this guns damage
rating is the same as the enforcer. It is. But the fire rate is the
equivalent of ten men shooting the primary fire of the enforcer at once.
This deadly gun has an insane fire rate, and will kill opponents in less
than a second if used correctly. The primary fire is far more accurate,
though half as fast as the secondary fire. Use it at long and mid range
to kill opponents. The secondary fire is erratic, and should only be
used in close quarters, with lots of opponents. The accuracy is way
down for the secondary fire.

Flak Cannon: Damage rating: 4/5. This gun is for close range only. It
is the shotgun of Unreal. The pellets it fires will spread considerably
after a mere 15', so use it wisely. If you are close to an opponent
though, it will deal out massive damage. If right next to an opponent,
it could even do a 1-hit kill. Beware, because the pellets bounce off
walls. This can be used to your advantage, when firing around corners.
The secondary fire launches a flak grenade, which bursts upon impact.
It has considerable blast radius, and if it hits an opponent, it's all
over. This is one of the strongest weapons in the game, if used at
close range.

Sniper Rifle: Damage rating: 4*/0. The secondary fire is the zoom in
function, which is why there is no damage rating. The primary fire is a
fairly slow, but pretty accurate shell that can take someone's head off
at any range. This is the most long distance weapon in the game, and
can be used as such. At close range, don't zoom, just shoot to kill.
The bullets will end an opponents rampage in 2 shots max.

Rocket Launcher: Damage rating: 3/3. Now you may be asking, why the
rating of 3? Well, it's like this. The rocket launcher can fire a
single rocket, or you can charge it up to firing 6 rockets. Now we get
out our paper and pencil and start calculating, and realize that 6x3=18.
18 is more damage than anything in the game can do, even the Redeemer.
If you charge up that full 6 rockets, it IS a one hit kill. The
secondary fire launches grenades, and can also be charged up to 6, but
it is unlikely that all will hit. They detonate upon impact with a
person, or after 3 seconds. They will bounce off walls harmlessly. The
primary fire however lays out a line of rockets that is hard to focus on
one person (******). This is good if you can't aim too well, or if you
are looking at a lot of enemies, but it may not kill them. 1 rocket may
hit them, and blast radius from 2 others. The blast radius is good on
this weapon, better than most. Even if you can place a rocket near
someone, it will do good damage. However, it is hard to use this weapon
at close range without charging up before each shot. It is good at mid-
long range. To focus your rockets on one target, hold down primary
fire, then as the last rocket loads, hold down the secondary fire as
well (sort of hard, you'll probobly need 2 fingers). Now the 6 rockets
will come out in a tight, circle formation, and they will all hit the
same target. This is the method to eliminate one foe. Now to do more
calculations, 2x3=6, which says that 2 rockets is a one hit kill. This
is true, but if your opponent sports full blue (200) life, and full
shields (100) armor, then this will not kill them. It will rock their
world however, and leave them very hurt. 6 rockets as we have said
already, will kill them even with this total of 300 life.

Redeemer: Damage rating: 5+/5+. This weapon has the same projectile and
only 1 at that. The primary fire is to send this small nuke off in a
straight path, the second is to guide it yourself, (like in MGS). The
blast radius is some insane 50' in every direction, and this is no
normal blast radius, it is a killing radius. I have never hit anyone
head on with the nuke, but I don't need too, because this will kill them
if they are anywhere close. The idea is for you not to be. So if you
do primary fire, do it and run. If you do secondary, guide it somewhere
far away, and be wary of the fact that you are not invulnerable while
you fire. I use this mainly to clear out enemy bases in capture the
flag, or as a surefire way to kill an opponent in 1vs1 matches.

Translocater: Damage rating: 0/5*. This is a gun, yes, because it
fires a projectile. It is also highly versatile. The primary fire
sends off your little disc, and the secondary fire takes you to that
disc. If that disc happens to be close enough to an opponent, then you
will teleport into them, (e.g. the Matrix) and they will die instantly.
You can use this weapon in every level to get secrets, and to get around
quickly and unpredictably. It would have to be my favorite item in the
game, because of its originality. Quake had the grappling hook mod, but
this one-ups even that.

Items: This sub-section of weapons will detail the items and what they
do for you. A note is that you can have 100 normal health (green), up
to 100 extra health (blue) totaling 200 health, and a total of 100 armor

Health Vial: This small vial will give you 5 health. It can give you
extra health, so collect enough of these for max health. They usually
appear in droves.

Health Kit: This will give you 25 health, but it is limited in that it
can only give you normal health (up to 100). So once the green bar is
full, these are no longer useful.

Big Keg O' Health: I love this item. This gigantic health will give you
100 health, up to max health. It is usually hidden in levels, or in an
easily located area, that is often the center of a battlefield. In any
case, after getting this you can receive massive damage and it will
appear as nothing, because that extra 100 health is stored in that
little bar at the end of your normal health.

Thigh Pads: These small armor pads will give you 25 armor. Being armor,
these will split the damage you receive between these and your health.
If you were to get hit by an Enforcer, it would do 10 damage to these,
and 10 to your health.

Body Armor: This will give you 75 armor, and combined with thigh pads,
full 100 armor. However, it will split the damage, as do the thigh

Shield Belt: This fancy item is usually hidden. It will give you 100
full armor, which will take all the damage you receive, not split it as
does the other armor. Enemies with this item will glow/shimmer.

Anti-Gravity Boots: These boots allow you to jump enormously high, and
are used to get good items and cross ravines in capture the flag levels.

2. Level Guide: This guide will cover basic strategies and descriptions
of levels, as well as where any of the "Super Items" (Redeemer, Shield
Belt, Invisibility, Damage Amp., or Big Keg o' Health).

2.1 Deathmatch

Oblivion: This level is small, and consists basically of 2 hallways.
It is a small spacecraft made specifically for fighting. Run around and
collect weapons, don't sit in one place. It's best to use the Flak
Cannon I find.

Stalwart: This is somewhat of a small warehouse. You have 2 opponents,
and only a few guns. Run around and try to take all the guns before
they do. As before, keep moving.
Big Keg: In crate in one main room.

Turbine: This is a larger level than the last two, with at least 3
floors. You have a few opponents, so keep on the move, or snipe from
the top level. This level lends itself to the Mini-gun.
Damage Amp: Top level rafters.
Shield Belt: Behind prison door. (shoot to open).
Invis: ???

Codex: This is a larger level as well, with a gothic atmosphere, and a
few opponents. Keep moving and watch out for the lava.
Shield Belt: Bridge.
Damage Amp: ???

Pressure: This is a smaller level, with the famous pressure trap. The
items inside are tempting, but I usually stay out, and get other
weapons. A great way to stop opponents is to get them in the room, then
keep them in there until the door closes.
Damage Amp: Pressure room.
Shield Belt: Pressure room.
Big Keg: In the water at the top of the level.

Deck 16: This level is huge, and great fun. It allows for both close
and long range fighting. There's several great sniper points, and lots
of secrets. Watch out for the ooze.
Redeemer: Teleport from bottom level next to Rocket Launcher to top
Damage Amp: Top of crate mid level.
Shield Belt: Lower rafter. Drop onto it from the mid level bridge.

Tempest: This is a large level, with a lot of condensed fighting. With
so many small rooms, fighting is intense, and snipers are many. Try to
snipe others if you get the chance.
Shield Belt: Past Pulse Gun on ledge that leads up to sniper point.
Damage Amp: ???

Curse: This is a great Gothic level, and there are a lot of secrets and
fighting points. I like staying in the tunnel at the bottom, and
waiting for others to fall down.
Shield Belt: Top level wooden bridge leads into the wall. It's a fake
wall, walk through to get the belt.
Damage Amp: At the set of 2 short staircases, when traveling up the
first set, you have to turn left at the end, then left again to get to
the second set. Between them, on the left wall, there is a hidden door
you must shoot to open.

Liandri: This is a great tower like level, with the elevator in the
middle. I play this level for fun also. Love that sniper point at the
very top. Use the stairs to get the advantage.
Redeemer: Control station near top from the stairs.
Shield Belt: 2x bridges near teleporter.
Damage Amp: Ledge on the right side of longest flight of stairs.

Agony: This level is pretty hard if you are on Inhuman difficulty. The
tight hallways don't allow for many explosive weapons. Try to stay in
the larger room, and shoot through the window slots.
Shield Belt: Top of wooden ramp, along with health vials and ammo.
Redeemer: Top ledge formed by wooden decorative edging. Either impact
jump or jump from the top level to get on the ledge.

Ice Station Zeto: This is the hardest map in the game. The enemies are
insanely fast and accurate. They can use any weapon well, but prefer
the shock rifle, flak cannon, and rocket launcher. Move around very
fast, try to kill a lot of people in the main room. Always get a weapon
as fast as possible after being fragged.
Shield Belt: Behind wall in main room lower level. (No idea how to open
door. CPUs do it just by standing there).

2.11 Deathmatch (Challenge) Levels

Phobos: This is a large satellite looking level, and it's easy to fall
off of the sides and suicide. Try to stay away from this. The real
designated fighting area is on the top, so get some weapons and go up
top to wait for Damean. Overall, if you get a lot of the super items
you should be fine.
Redeemer: Outer ledge off the top.
Shield Belt: Same as above.
Damage Amp: Same as above.
Invisibility: Behind door bottom level, shoot to open.

Flux: This is another large 2 floor level, with a lot of outdoor space.
Try to stay in the open areas and use either the Sniper Rifle, Shock
Rifle, or Rocket Launcher to kill long range.
Damage Amp: Top of tower on top level, use anti-gravity boots to jump up
to ledge, then up to top.

Malevolence: Dominator is really a hard opponent. He will bum-rush you
a lot with the Pulse Gun. The best strategy I find is to go to the area
with the body armor, and wait for him. When he comes kill him with 1-
hit kill weapons like the Flak Cannon or the GES Bio-rifle (flak won't
always do it one hit). Then get the armor and health, and wait again.

Hyperblast: Xan is not as hard as he's put out to be. He really favors
the rocket launcher, and he'll use it whenever possible. It is located
at the top of the ship, and it's easy to fall off from there, so don't
go up there too often. He will sometimes suicide in this manner. He
will also snipe you from there if he sees you in a window, so watch out.
The easiest strategy is to get a bouncing weapon and go into the hall
with the health vials and wait. When he comes, run away, but bounce
ammo, like razors from the ripper, or flak shells off the wall to kill
him. Also try to take all the weapons in that area, so if he runs out
of rockets, he has to use the Enforcer.
Invisibility: Top level hallway.

Note: Domination levels are about getting the most checkpoints fastest,
and keeping them. Your team gets points for every checkpoint you
control, and you get points for every checkpoint that you commandeered.
They give you a point every second if you have all 3, or 1 point every 3
seconds if you only have one. The strategy is to move around, and get
to the points first, then retake them if they ever leave your control.

Condemned: This is a metropolitan area, and the level is split by a
huge building in the center. The anti grav boots help a lot, as they
allow you to leap the building in one hop. Try to stay up top, and jump
down if someone takes one of the points.
Shield Belt: Top of crate at Arturo's.

Osiris: This is an ancient Egyptian arena, with Hieroglyphics all over
the walls. The cpu's will hardly ever take the bridge point, so worry
about the alley and grotto areas.

Lament: This is an unused garage. It's best to stay on the bottom
level, and go up top if you need to. The attacks will come on the
bottom level more often.

Cinder: This is the first lava map in domination. The fighting will be
at close quarters, and tough. Try to stay at the lava point, because it
has easy access to both other points.
Big Keg: Rafter near top checkpoint.
Shield Belt: Rafter above lava point.

Gearbolt: This is another sort of fantasy castle level. There is a moat
of green ooze surrounding the level, and there are no checkpoints on the
lower level. So use the teleporters to stay on the top level, and try
to stay at the bridge point, as it is between the other 2 points.
Shield Belt: Lift point.

Olden: This is very similar to Gearbolt, but the ooze won't hurt you.
Try to stay at the middle or top point. This is a hard map.
Big Keg: Top level, jump diagonal to get it off of wooden bridge.

Sesmar: Another Egyptian level. This one is fun. Down on the bottom
level are a lot of statues and one checkpoint. This point is the topic
of the entire battle. Your team and the other CPUs will battle non-stop
for this point. Therefore your strategy is to take the other two
points, Blue and Red Ankh, and you will definitely win.
Big Keg: Top level bridge.
Damage Amp: ???

Capture the Flag:
Note: The CPUs and your team think exactly the same, so I recommend
setting your team either as distraction, or as defense. You should do
the capturing yourself. On harder levels, let the team do distraction,
and you run away. Another thing is that the enemy AI will always set
half the team to defense, half to offense. If there are only 3, 2 will
run offense. A good strategy is to let them get the flag, and while
your team kills them, run to get their flag, because now they only have
1 or 2 people to stop you, not 3 or 4.

Niven: An easy level. Set your team to defense, and go through either
the water or the top path and get the flag. It is good to use the flak
cannon or the Ripper, because it bounces off of walls.

Sepulcher: A Medieval castle. Set the team to defense, and run for it.
The shield belt helps a lot.
Shield Belt: Center of map, on symbol.

Eternal Cave: A fun level with a lot of caves. I usually take the
bottom caves. The biggest trick in this is to jump from the entrance to
your side to your flag point, don't go all the way around and walk down.
This is 100% faster. Just don't fall! Also, you'll notice their flag
is harder to get. They will often ambush you from the corner at the
base of the ramp to their flag.
Shield Belt: Top path.

Facing Worlds: The best map in the game. I love the atmosphere. Use
the sniper rifle and allow your team to take the flag, or go yourself.
You can snipe from anywhere up your gigantic tower, or fire the Redeemer
at them, jump up and down the tower with the teleporter, whatever. If
you want to win fast, have your entire team attack, and just grab the
flag and go.
Damage Amp: One in each base, on a ledge above the entrance. Use the
teleporter gun.
Big Keg: Center of map.
Redeemer: One in each base, take a teleporter near the shock rifle to
get it.

Coret: This is somewhat like a sci-fi research facility. There is an
upper path and a lower path, and I always take the upper, because it's
faster, and less confusing.
Damage Amp: Middle of upper path.

Gauntlet: Yet another castle. Always take the bottom path, the CPUs
never go that way. And whenever exiting a base (yours or theirs) use
the teleporter in the back.
Shield Belt: Small bridge over lava in center of map, lower level.

Dreary: This reminds me of an underwater vessel. It's long, and it has
many levels. I usually take the top level to go there, the mid level
back. Just take the flag and run, let your team do defense. They'll
run all the way up to 1/2 the level through to save you.
Shield Belt: Upper path.
Damage Amp: Upper path.

Lava Giant: Another great level. The many paths to and from each base
and the great atmosphere make this one "giant" fun. I set my team as
distraction if I'm on a harder level, though they are adequate snipers.
I usually take a bottom route in, then use the anti grav boots and jump
my way back. Enter the enemy base from the rear, grab the flag with the
teleporter gun, jump out of the front of the base, jump across the
ravine to the center path, go through the small cave, and jump across
another ravine to your base.
Shield Belt: Center upper path.
Redeemer: Left upper path.
Damage Amp: Right upper path (drop down right before the cave).

November: This is a submarine level, and it's really hard. It usually
takes me 15 minutes to beat on Master, 30 min or more on Inhuman. It's
a lot of trying and failing. They have great accuracy and defense.
They will attack you with 2 members, but one member will stay at the
bottom of their base, covering them, and shooting at you if it sees you.
The last guy will wait in the room with their flag, on top of all the
crates, and sometimes he won't notice you enter. Shoot him. Have your
team run distraction, and grab the flag, and the Big Keg from their base
if you have time, then go out the back entrance, the pipe, and run for
Big Keg: One in each base, both on top of crates.
Damage Amp: Middle of level.
Shield Belt: One in each base, each near the machine gun nest.

3. Inhuman: I did eventually beat it on this difficulty level, and I
didn't get anything exciting. I heard a rumor you got 4 new levels for
capture the flag, and 7 for deathmatch, but as I figured, those were
probably the practice levels you start out with. The hardest levels
Agony: Because of the one guy in red. I'd have 24 kills and he'd get
like 5 more and win. Overall, you have to be really fast, and really
good in this level. Stay on the bottom level, and try to take the armor
and health packs before anyone else. Use the minigun and flak cannon to
kill people fast.
Ice Station Zeto: Because it's the hardest level in the game. It didn't
take me as long as Agony however. You just have to get the rocket
launcher and wait in that main room. They usually start fighting among
one another, and I'd fire rows and rows of rockets, killing them all.
Watch out for people coming in behind you.
Sesmar: Because my team was crappy. Set your team to attack, and just
make sure that you keep both ankh's your color. The enemy CPUs will
eventually leave them, if they are guarding them, for the center point.
Lava Giant: Because the enemies are excellent snipers. The cure for
this is traveling the bottom path at all times, and never stop to fight.
Run in, grab the flag, and run out the back way.
November: Because the enemy CPUs have a good formation. Have your team
follow you, and try to take out any enemies you see fast. Make charges,
and your team will leave you to attack other CPUs, but you have to keep
running. When you reach the flag room, get the flag, shoot that guy on
top, and run. Try to get your team to meet you in there before you go,
or you will fall down the hole probably into an enemy trap, because they
wait there if they know you're coming. If both you and your enemy have
each other's flag, send your team out to get it, and stay next to your
flag point with the sniper rifle. Anyone coming down that pipe is easy

4. Conclusion: Well, that's just about all I know about Unreal
Tournament. I've heard news that the next update of the game will be
more RPG based, as well as FPS. If you have any questions, or locations
of items I missed, email me at vejiitassj4@hotmail.com. I hope this
guide helped, and have fun with it.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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17.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Eine manipulierte User.ini bei der alles gewonnen wurde und Cheats auf Tasten gelegt wurden.

17.Oktober 2013
Der ultimative UT-Trainer, kann 95 Einstellungen vornehmen

14.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Der ultimative Camping-Führer für UT

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Programm zum Umbenennen der Bots

16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Der 'Freischalter'

15.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats
10.Oktober 2008
Dt. Lösung im Word- und im HTML-Format

14.Oktober 2013
Das raffinierteste dt. Gametool in seiner Neuauflage

14.Oktober 2013

10.Oktober 2008
Bitte readme.txt lesen

14.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Bitte readme.txt lesen

14.Oktober 2013
Meest populair
30.December 2013
25.September 2015
07.Maart 2014
11.Juni 2014
19.Februari 2014
28.Februari 2016
04.Maart 2019