Final Fantasy 8

Final Fantasy 8

14.10.2013 15:09:32
Fantasy VIII
Boss Guide
Version: 1.3
By: nnguyen11490

Copyrighted 2002 nnguyen11490.None of this writing may be reproduce in
any way without the writer's permission. If you want to put this faq on
your website, magazine or any other things email me first. You might
be sue if you don't have my permission!!! Remember plagiarism s a crime
that will be punish

Final Fantasy is a trade mark of Squaresoft ©


1.0 My first version
Have bosses from Disc 1-4.
I will add my optional boss section in a few days.
Added the optional boss section.
Fix title
Thanks gain Khoikn for helping me with my format.
Added a little more strategy against Omege Weapons.
Added a little more strategy against Dialbo.
Added some missing boss. sorry.
Added a lot more strategy against the Ultimecia Battle.
Deleted all spoiler.
Added a Doomtrain eventhough he's not a boss.


1. Intro
2. About the Author
2. Legend
3. Boss Guide
A. disc 1
B. disc 2
C. disc 3
D. disc 4
4. Optional bosses (Ultimate and Omega weapon included)
5. Credits


Welcome to my second FF8 FAQ. With this faq you will know
where to get all GF and strategy against bosses. This faq is spoiler
free so don’t worry. If you notice I made a mistake please email me
I’ll give you credit for it. Go to my site for more guides

PS. Don’t email me and ask how to beat the game I won’t answer it.


AP earns:
Difficulty: 1-10
note :( sometime)

Boss Guide:

Disc 1


Location: Fire Cavern
HP: 1000-1500
AP: 20
Difficulty: 1

Your first boss may look tough but he is really EASY. The only
problem is the time limit. Just use blizzard and summon Shiva and
he will go down in no time. Draw some Fire before killing him. You
will get him as a GF as well as his card.

Wedge and Biggs
Location: Dollet Communication Tower
HP: 400-600 ; 500-600
AP: 8
Difficulty: 1

At the beginning of the battle you have to fight Biggs,
and then Wedge will come. Just use thunder or use Quetzalcoatl
and pound them with physical attack and heal when you need to.
Eventually they’ll be killed by the real boss.


Location: Dollet Communication Tower
HP: 1500-3000
AP: 10
Difficulty: 5

This guy is tough. First draw Siren from him, then summon GF
and hit him with your physical attack. When you start getting the
damage draw cure from him and use it. Also draw doubles from him it
will come handy. If you’re having trouble with this guy cast double
on everyone and use double thunder, fire and blizzard. Once you win
you will get a new GF and a Weapon Magazine.

Note: Don’t forget to draw Siren!!!

Location: Dollet Communication Tower
HP: 5500+
AP: ?
Difficulty: 4

You got thirty min.! But don’t worry that’s a lot of time.
Sorry I can’t remember what’s his AP is. Ok this thing is weak against
earth, water, and thunder magic. So you want to summon Quetzalcoatl
and use some thunder and water magic to do serious damage. Once he go
down Zell will ask you to press L2 and R2 to escape. You will have to
fight this guy at least one more time so heal up. You better thank
Quitis for saving you.

Granaldo, Raldos x3
Location: Balamb Garden Training Center
HP: 1500-8560 ; 200-2000
AP: 5 ; 1 each
Difficulty: 1

This battle is a cinch. First draw some protect and shell because
you need it for future battles. Destroy the Raldos first because they
do a lot of damage. Just summon your GF, Ifrit works best. Be sure to
draw some shell from Granaldo before finishing off. You should have no
problem beating these guys. Once you defeat them some White Guy will
take the girl away you’ll find out who they are later in the game.


Diablo (optional)
Location: Magic Lamp
HP: 8000-80000
AP: 20
Difficulty: 7

This guy is very helpful in the game so you must have him. Before
your mission in Timber talk to headmaster Cid in front of the Garden
and he will give you a magic lamp. SAVE BEFORE USING IT!!! When the
battle starts draw the three??? which is demi. Stock up on demi then
cast it on Diablo and he will react by casting curaga on you. Demi
can’t kill him but it will take ¼ of his HP which is around 2000-5000
damage. Also try to cast blind on him, if you have it, because his
physical attacks are strong. He may cast Gravija on you which take a
big chunk of HP from you whole party, heal after every one. When demi
doesn't do a lot of damage pound him with your physical attack.
Remember that demi and Gravija can’t kill you so use you Limit Break
the only thing that can kill you is his physical attack. When you beat
him he will be your new GF and you also get his card.

Fake President and Gerogero
Location: President Private Car
HP: 100-1000 ; 500-4000
AP: none ; 20
Difficulty: 1

The fake President is nothing to worry about. His physical attack
is very weak. Just use your physical attack and he'll go down.
Gerogero is kinda hard because he cause a lot of status change.
But if you want to beat him fast just use 1 phoenix down and he’ll
go down. Because he’s an undead monster. If you want to beat him the
other way or you don’t have phoenix down, have a lot of esuna and
remedy ready. Just summon you GF and use physical attack.

Sacred (optional)
Location: Tomb of the Unknown King
HP: 1000-18000
AP: 20
Difficulty: 2

The only thing that make this battle hard is his ability to heal
every 3 turns. He is fairly weak against wind magic so get those Aero
and Tornado ready. Start the battle by casting Protect on everyone to
reduce his strong physical attack. Summon GF and use wind magic to kill
him quickly. Also junction wind magic to elemental attack to do a lot
of damage.


Sacred and Minotaur (optional)
Location: Tomb of the Unknown King
HP:1000-18000 ; 1500-30000
AP:20 each

Before the battle junction wind magic to elemental attack and
junction some earth magic to elemental defense if you have it.
Remember size doesn't matter. Minotaur is harder than Sacred because
he has more HP and can heal about 300 HP every 3 turn. At the
beginning of the battle cast float on your party because the Brothers
has a special attack called the Mad Cow Special that cause serious
damage. Also cast protect on yourself to reduce their physical attack.
Now kill them with wind magic physical attack and GF. When they go down
you’ll get a Sacred and Minotaur card and a GF.


Iguion x2
Location Deling City Parade
HP: 800-2000
AP: 5 each
Difficulty: 2

Iguions are weak against earth elemental. So use quake if you
have it. But to do more damage summon Brother and you’ll do about
1000-3000 damage! Be sure to draw the GF Carbuncle from them. Also heal
with esuna or remedy when they try to petrify you.

Note: Remember to draw Carbuncle the new GF!!! Because you need him

Location: Deling City Parade
HP: 1000-5000
AP: 0
Difficulty: 2

It’s Seifer! Not to worry he is simple. There isn’t a strategy
against him just use GF and physical attack on him. You can also draw
some good spell from him before finishing him of. All he does is use
fira and physical attack.

Location: Deling City Parade
HP: 1000-20000

If you don't have Carbuncle your in trouble. If you do have him
just summon him and consider you win. Because Edea use strong magic
spell but when she use it on you it’ll go back to her. She will also
use dispel to get rid of your reflect so resummon Carbuncle. Draw some
strong spell from her. If you don’t have Carbuncle summon your other GF
and use physical attack.

Note: Try to mug her for a Royal Crown

Congrats you beat disc 1. Disc 2 is a lot harder so train a lot.

Disc 2

Wedge and Biggs
Location: D-District Prison
HP: 1000-2000 ; 1500-3000
AP:0 ; 10
Difficulty: 1

These guys are a total waste of time. You should kill them with a
few physical attacks. But draw a lot of spell from them before killing
them. If you’re having trouble with these guy cast blind on them but
there very easy.

Elite Soldier, GIM52A x2
Location: D-District Prison
HP: 2000-5000 ; 2000-20000
AP: 2 ; 3 each
Difficulty :3

This battle isn't really that hard because the two GIM52A doesn't
attack a lot. Kill the Elite Soldier first with your physical attack,
then summon Quetzalcoatl or Brothers to beat the GIM52As also use
thunder and earth magic. But be careful because their attack are very
strong so heal up.

HP: 4000-10000
AP: 20
Difficulty :7

Before this battle junction some earth or thunder magic to
elemental attack This battle is hard because of the time limit.
The BGH251F2 weakness is thunder and earth. So summon Quetzalcoatl and
use Thunder, Thundara and Thunderaga to do major damage but don't
summon Brothers because there movie is very long. Watch out for it
Beam Cannon it can do up to 1200 ouch! Heal after everyone and you
should do fine. After you defeat it some Galbadian Soldier will come
out but don't worry there very weak, just pound them with physical
attack or use GF if your low on HP. You will get a Weapon Monthly
Magazine when you win.

Oilboyle x2
Location: Balamb Garden MD Level
HP: 2000-10000
AP: 5 each

This battle could be impossible or very easy. If you want it to be
easy listen up. Before the battle junction fire magic to physical
attack Use some Fire, Fira or Firaga to do big damage. Also summon
Ifrit and you'll do about 3000 damage to them. When the Oilboyles
attack with the status changing attack use esuna or remedy right away
because if they attack again you'll receive about 4000 damage! Just
Ifrit and Fire magic to kill them. Good Luck


Location: Balamb Garden MD Level

When the battle begin NORG is hiding in his pod. First summon
Carbuncle so you don’t get hurt later. Now hit the middle part of the
pod until one of the orb turn blue. Use one character and attack the
orb because if it turns red it will use a very strong magic on you.
Just do the same thing repeatedly until NORG comes out. Now draw
Leviathan from him. He will try to hit you with blizzard magic but
since you summon Carbuncle it will go back to him. Now he can only hurt
you with one spell. Do the same thing as last time keep the orb blue
and attacking NORG and you’ll win.

Note: Draw Leviathan the water GF from him!!!

BGH251F2 (again)
Location: FH(Fisherman Horizon)

It's back! But it's not as though as last time because there’s no
time limit. Do the same thing by summoning Brother, Leviathan and
Quetzalcoatl you shouldn’t have to much problem with this thing
because it doesn’t attack a lot.

Location: Balamb

Raijin is very strong ya know. Start of by casting blind on him
(it might not work). If blind work then this battle is a cinch.
Just use physical attack and summoning GF (NOT QUETZACOATL). Don't use
any Thunder magic and don't summon Quetzalcoatl because he can absorb
it. As long as you don’t use thunder magic or Quetzalcoatl you can not

Note: Don’t use thunder magic!


Fujin and Raijin
Location: Balmb Hotel
HP:500-15000 ; 800-20000
AP:10 each

This battle is pretty hard because Blind doesn't work on Raijin or
Fujin. First draw the GF Pandemona from Fujin. Then cast Protect on
everyone to reduce Raijin attack. Then summon GF (NOT QUETZACOATL).
Remember not to use wind or thunder magic because they will absorb it.
Then pound away with physical attack and GF. Heal when Fujins' use
Tornado and Raijan Special. Try to take out Raijin first because he’s
very strong. When Fuijin get mad she might use an attack called Sai
which reduce one character HP to one. Heal up and Good Luck.

Note: Draw the GF Pandemona from Fujin, and don’t use any wind or
thundrer magic!!!


Cerebus (optional)
Location: Galbadia Garden Main Lobby
AP: 30
Difficulty: 5

Cerebus the three headed dog is very helpful and tough. Before
the fight have some quake junction to elemental defense and have some
dispel. The good thing is that you can use demi on him to reduce his HP. Keep on using demi until he cast triple on himself use dispel or else he’ll use triple quake. When demi doesn’t do a lot use you GF to finish him off.

Note: Don’t use thunder magic or Quetzalcoatl because he’ll absorb it.

Location: Galbadia Garden Top Floor
HP: 5000-10000
AP: 20
Difficulty: 3

Seifer is a little harder than last time because his physical
attack. First summon Cerebus and cast protect on your party. Now use
triple demi to reduce his HP when demi doesn’t do a lot of damage just
use triple magic spell, GF or physical attack. Just watch out for his
Demon Slice. Remember to heal after this battle.

Location: Galbadia Garden
HP: 1000-5000
AP: 0
Difficulty: 1

He’s is very easy because of your last battle. Use physical
attack and GF to take him out. He still use his Demon Slice (danm).
Heal when you need to.


Location: Galbadia Garden
HP: 10000-20000
AP: 0
Difficulty: 5

She is a lot tougher this time because of her new attack. Begin
things of by drawing the GF Alexander from her then summon Cerebus
(told you he’s helpful). Now cast triple demi and other strong magic.
When she start using Maelstorm stop all attack and use triple esuna or
remedy because if she use it again it can do twice the damage. Heal
ASAP and keep on doing triple magic. If demi starting to get week
finish her of with physical attack.

Congrats you beat Disc 2

Disc 3

Location: Obel LAke
HP: 1000-20000
AP: 40
Difficulty: 3

Keep in mind that he’s an undead monster. Have Alexander Recover
ability equipped and lots of cure spell. When the battle start don’t
use any physical attack instead use Alexander Recover ability which
will do 9999 each time and use cure spell. When Abandon stand up that
means he’s mad so finish him off quickly.

Notes: Make sure you do all the side quest you want before fighting
the next fight (optional boss section) also have three character at
level 60 or higher because it won’t be easy no more.

Fuijin and Raijin
Location: Lunatic Pandora
HP: 10000-22000 ; 10000-30000
AP: 20
Difficulty: 4

They’re not as hard as you think. The only thing to worried about
is Raijin because his attack has increase. Begin by summoning
oomtrain (optional boss section). That will make them blind, Vit 0,
sleep, and other status. With them asleep it’ll be easy, just summon
GF that is not wind or thunder type. If you don’t have Doomtrain
summon other GF.

Mobile Type 8
Location: Lunatic Pandora
HP: 5000-10000
AP: 20
Difficulty: 3 or 6

This guy can be impossible if you don’t know what to do. Before
the battle junction thunder magic to elemental attack. When the battle
start summon Quetzalcoatl and use physical attack. Mobile Type 8 will
counter attack using Twin Homing Laser which will do about 1000 damage.
When it spread apart that’s your cue to stop attack and get ready to
heal because it will attack with Corona which will reduce everybody HP
to 1! Heal ASAP just hit it a few more time and it’ll go down.

Location: Lunatic Pandora
HP: about 26000
AP: 40
Difficulty: 2

Before fighting him junction bio to elemental attack or status
attack to really hurt him. If you have Odin (look at the optional boss
section) he will be kill but not to worry Gilgamesh will take his
place. Seifer has the best spell in the game Aura stock up at least
100. Just keep drawing Aura and heal when you need to, but you
shouldn’t because he only does about 1000 damage. When you stock up on
Aura draw it and cast it on Squall to use his limit break to finish
Seifer quickly. Remember to stock up on Aura.

Location: Lunatic Pandora
HP: 10000-60000
AP: 0
Difficulty: 4

Sorry I don’t know the exact HP. When the battle begin cast regen
on Rinoa because if she die it’s game over. Now if you have Zell or
Irvine in your party cat Aura on them because their Limit only hit 1
person. Just remember to only attack Adel and heal Rinoa when Adel use
her HP. You can all so summon Cerebus and use triple flare.

Note: Don’t use holy it will only heal her.

Disc 4

The entire boss in Ultimecia Castle is optional but you should
fight at least 5 and unlock magic, GF, item, save, limit break. If you
want some challenge go fight Omega Weapon (refer to optional boss

Location: Ultimecia Castle Main Hall
HP: 10000-12000
AP: 30
Difficulty: 1

You can’t do anything but attack but you can junction blizzard to
reduce damage if you want. He should be a cinch. I recommend you
unlock the magic ability

Location: Ultimecia Castle Wine Cellar
HP: 5000-20000
AP: 30
Difficulty: 1 or 6

If you listen to me this shouldn’t be hard. First Junction 100
thundaga to everyone elemental defense and water or blizzard magic to
elemental attack. Just use physical attack and Tri-Point will use Mega
Spark but if you listen and junction 100 thundaga you should absorb it.
Just attack and you will have full HP when the battle ends. Unlock the
GF ability.

Location: Ultimecia Castle Balcony
HP: 15000+
AP: 20
Difficulty: 1 or 5

Krysta is very easy if you listen and unlock the GF ability. Just
use GF instead of physical attack. Because if you use physical attack
it will counter attack so just summon GF and you’ll be find. He will
cast Ultima when he die so be careful. Release the Resurrection.

Location: Ultimecia Castle Art Gallery
HP: 10000-40000
AP: 30
Difficulty: 3

Start by summoning Doomtrain to weaken Trauma. Next cast Tornado
or use Pandemona for big damage. Just use wind magic and GF to take
him out quickly. Also kill the annoying Dromas. You should unlock the
limit break command.

Red Giant
Location: Ultimecia Castle Prison Cell
HP: 15000-31000
AP: 30
Difficulty: 3

Start out by summoning Doomtrain or cast meltdown to weaken his
defense. Doomtrain cause blind, sleep, Vit 0. Keep on summoning GF to
kill him quick or you can cast Aura on Squall to kill him faster.
Watch out for his physical attack. Unlock the item command.

Location: Ultimecia Castle Armory
HP: about 20000
AP: 42
Difficulty: 3

Sorry there is no tip for this guy. He start out underground just
use physical attack to kill the hands and head. Then he will came up.
Now stop attacking because he’ll use a counter attack like Tri-Point
and Krysta. Just keep on summoning GF and use magic to hurt it. But
the problem is that Gargantua can cast berserk on you and make you keep
on attacking him. Use esuna and remedy to cure. I’ll try to find more
about him. Unlock the Save ability.

Location: Ultimecia Castle Treasure Vault
HP: 23000+
AP: 30
Difficulty: 3

Catoblepas kinda look like Behemel. They both have the same
weakness so before going in to battle junction earth to elemental
attack and thunder to you elemental defense also have Brother ready.
Just use quake, physical attack, meteor, Brother and you should kill
him in about 4-8 turn. He isn’t very hard because he always use
thundaga. Release the draw ability.

Location: Ultimecia Castle Clock Tower
HP: about 80000
AP: 30
Difficulty: 3

Before the battle have some Aura and junction Cerebus auto hast to
Squall also make sure you don’t junction fire or thunder magic to
elemental attack. When the battle begins cast Aura on Squall and keep
on using his limit break. You have to destroy Tiamat quickly before he
done charging his Dark Flare attack. Have another member cast haste on
everybody and cast meltdown on Tiamat to reduce his defense. You can tell when Dark Flare is complete when he done spelling it. If you to slow and he use Dark Flare heal immediately because it does about 7500 to your party. Remember speed is the key to win. Unlock you last command and get ready.

Preparation: Have at least 3 member at level 70-100. Have Squall
ultimate weapon the Lionheart (go to my Weapon Upgrading Guide).
Spread out GF evenly and have you 3 strongest character have at least
20 Aura each. Refine the Bahamut card into 100 Megalixer. This is what
Squall stat should be

HP: 9000-9999
STR: 200+
SPD: 90+ with auto haste
SPR: 80+
Elem. Def.: 100 Ultima

The other should be near it. Use your 3rd strongest member as a healer and the other for casting Aura. Now you’re ready. Good Luck

Ultimecia 1st
Location: Ultimecia Castle Master Room
HP: 40000-80000
AP: 0
Difficulty: 3

Her first form is simple. But you don’t have your all your
strongest character no prob just kill the weak ones don’t worry they’ll
be replace by your other characters keep on doing that until you get
your strongest characters. Ok when you have your strongest characters
summon Cerebus and cast regen on your self because the battle are
nonstop. Now use Aura on Squall and use triple demi to do the damage.
Remember Edea attack Maelstorm well Ultimecia know it to. Use Megalixer
after each one. Don’t worry you have 100. She should die after 2

Location: Ultimecia Castle Master Room
HP: 100000+
AP: 0
Difficulty: 4

Yes that’s the Ultimate GF you’re fighting. Greiver isn’t
that tough until you take half of his HP. Start out by cast Meltdown
on him and do the same thing Aura and Squall. Also use triple tornado
because he’s floating. When he’s almost dead he will use an attack
called Shockwave Pulsar which can do about 7000 to your party! Simply
use Megalixer or triple curaga to heal. He should go down fast.

Location: Ultimecia Castle Master Room
HP: 200000-800000
AP: 0
Difficulty: 5

800000 HP!!!!! It’s will take some time before it’ll go down.
Use the Aura on Squall and triple strong magic like meteor, tornado,
and ultima. Don’t forget to use meltdown to make it weaker. When it has
about half of it HP it will use a spell called Great Attracter so use
Megalixer ASAP. When her lower half fall down that means it’s almost
dead. Destroy it quickly. Congrats you beat the game...NOT!!!

Location: Space
HP: 300000-1000000
AP: 0
Difficulty: 6

It’s the final battle! This time she has huge amount of HP and
very powerful spell. I hope you still got some Aura left you’ll need
it. Ok this time don’t hesitate to use Megalixer. Have two members as
the healer because Squall is doing nothing but limit. Every 3 or 4 turn
she’ll use a spell called Hell Judgment (which is the 3 strongest spell
in the game) it’ll reduce your party HP to one! Use Megalixer right
away. Or else she’ll use Ultima or Meteor. Have 1 member use triple
Ultima, Meteor and other strong spell. When you take about ½ of her HP
she’ll draw a spell called Apocolypse from her lower half. That’s your
key to stop attacking and start healing because on her next turn she’ll
use the spell. You can also draw and cast Apocolypse on her do big
damage. If she starts talking that means she’s almost down so finish

Note: Ultimecia is not the hardest boss if you want a challenge go
fight Omega Weapon.

Optional Boss:


Doomtrain (not a boss)
Location: Solom Ring
HP: 0
AP: 0
Difficulty: 0

You don’t fight Doomtrain but I just want to put how to get him.
You need 6x Steel Pipe, 6x Remedy+, 6x Marlboro Tentacles, 1 Solom
Ring. Go to Tears Point and pick up the Solom Ring before the Lunatic
Pandora Box thing comes. Now go to the Galbadia forest to fight
Wedigos to get steel pipe, Wedigo are gorilla creature. Next fly to
the Island Closest to Heaven to meet Marlboro. If you can’t defeat
them try to mug them. Now have Alexander learn the Med LV Up ability
and go buy 60 remedies to make 6 remedy+.


Jumbo Cactaur
Location: Cactuar Island
HP: about 600000
AP: 20
Difficulty: 5

You’ll find a desert island with a green thing moving that’s
Jumbo Cactuar. Before the fight have the GF Leviathan, also have at
least 10 Aura and junction 100 water to everyone elemental attack. Use
meltdown on him if you have it, if you don’t draw it and cast it. Now
use Aura on Squall and you’ll be doing about 60000 or 140000 if
Lionheart comes up. Also use Leviathan to do 9000+ each time. When he
gets mad he’ll use an attack called 10000 needles which will instantly
kill a member Revive right away. When he say Cactuar is hesitating STOP
ALL ATTACK .If you attack him he’ll run and you have to fight him again
just have Squall use a final limit and have Leviathan ready.

Location: Centra Ruin
HP: 2000-40000
Difficulty: 1

Odin is pretty easy but watch the timer. Odin will not attack you
trough out the entire battle. Just Attack and draw some triple before
killing him. You can also mug him for a very rare item Luck-J scroll.
Once you’ll beat him he will appear randomly in battle and will cause
instant death. He will never appear in boss fight. Sorry I forgot the


Tornberry King
Location: Centra Ruin
HP: 100000+
AP: ?
Difficulty: 5

After getting Odin go back to Centra Ruin and fight 20 Tornberries
Then the Tornberry King will replace the last Tornberry. There isn’t
any trick to beat him so just do Aura on Squall to kill him quickly and
heal whenever he use his Junk Attack. Once you beat him, he’ll join
your party. Sorry can’t remember the AP.


Location: Hidden Research Center
HP: 50000+
AP: 40
Difficulty: 4

First Summon Doomtrain to make him weaker and blind (sometime).
If he’s blind then you won’t get hurt by his physical attack. Now cast
Aura on Squall and hope that Lionheart will come out because it’ll kill
him with one hit. Bahamut will use his Mega Flare attack which will do
about 6000 damage to your party!! Ouch!! Heal right away. He will
sometime use stop on you so get esuna and remedy ready. After the fight
he will join you and you’ll get his card which can be refine into 100


Ultima Weapon
Location: Hidden Research Center Deposit
HP: 100000
AP: 100000+
Difficulty: 8

Ultima Weapon has the ultimate GF Eden. Eden can do up to 30000
at level 36 so you know you want him. First draw Eden from Ultima then
cast meltdown on him. Then cast Aura on Squall and pray that Lionheart
comes up because 1 or 2 Lionheart will kill him. Have 1 member as the
earler because Ultima Beam can instantly kill a member. Just do Limit
and heal when Ultima beam and hopefully you’ll survive. Congrat for
beating the 2 hardest boss in the game. When you win you’ll get 100
Ultima Stone and A new GF and also his card.

Omega Weapon
Preparation: This is the hardest boss in the game even harder than the
final boss. Have Squall Ultimate Weapon Lionheart, junction 100 death
to your three strongest member stat. defense. Have three strongest
member have at least 20 Auras. Change Gilgamesh card into 10 Holy Wars
to make your party invincible or Laguna card to 100 Hero Drinks to make
1 person invincible. This should be Squall stat.

HP: 9999
STR: 255
SPD: 100+ Auto Haste
SPR: 100+

Have your 3 member HP 9999, junction 100 triple to Squall speed. If
you think you’re ready go fight him.

Location: Take your real party and go to the fountain and switch with
your dummy party. Take the dummy to the right door. You should see
a string and a switch spot. Pull the string of the spell and quickly
switch with your real party. Take your real party to the north door
and get ready for the hardest fight ever.

Omega Weapon
Lv5 Death: kill your party if you didn’t junction 100 death to stat.
Demi: ¼ of a member HP
Omega Beam: 15000+ to your party
Meteor: 2000 to party
Physical attack: about 2000 damage
Omega Beam: Instantly kill a member
Torture Beam/Flare reduce every body HP to 1

Elemental Defense: He can Absorb all elemental
HP: 100000-1500000
Difficulty: 10
Strategy: He will use L5 Death at the beginning of the battle, which
can kill your party in one hit if you didn’t junction 100 death to
elemental defense. Before using Holy Wars or Hero cast Aura on you
party. Now you can use a Holy War which make your party invisible or
use Hero on Squall. Now have Squall summon Cerebus and have one
character use triple meteor and have the other one keep on summoning
Eden. Don’t use any other magic because he’ll absorb it. Have Squall
using limit only. It’ll take a few Lionheart this time. When Aura ran
out and you still are invincible have Squall use triple meteor. Always
cast Aura on Squall and make him invincible, so he can heal the other.
Omega has the second strongest attack in the game (Lionheart is the
strongest) Omega Beam. It can kill your whole party!!! If any character
dies revive him quickly. Also use a Megalixer when he uses Torture
Beam. Just keep using limit, triple meteor, Eden, recast Hero or Holy
War, and heal when you need to and victory will be you.

Note: Look in you tutorial you’ll see a Proof of Omega. It proofs that
you beat the hardest monster in the game.


Thank you Square for making this game.
And I want to thank myself for writing this.
Thanks neoseeker, gamefaqs, and psxcodez for putting up my faq.
Thank to whoever's reading this.

If you notice I did something wrong please email me I'll give you
Also visit my website for more guides.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Savegame für Final Fantasy VIII unter Windows 7 64bit

18.Oktober 2013
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
Complete Game Script

14.Oktober 2013
Boss Guide

14.Oktober 2013
Weapon Upgrading

14.Oktober 2013
Dt. Megatrainer

17.Oktober 2013
Alles, was man über FF7 wissen muss (im Word-Format, deutsch, Achtung: 2,0 MB)

16.Oktober 2013
Gespeichert auf der letzten CD mit jeder Menge Goodies und allen Charakteren auf ihrem maximalen Level.

15.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Ende des Spiels

13.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
Kurz vor dem Lied "Eyes on Me" (Disc 3)

17.Oktober 2013
Beginne das Spiel mit Squall und Quists auf Level 100 und allen Fähigkeiten.

17.Oktober 2013
Alle Charaktere auf Level 100, Alle Statistiken auf Maximum.

13.Oktober 2013
10.Oktober 2008
Japanese Version: Save at the Beginning of Disc 2.

17.Oktober 2013
US Version: All characters above level 100, everthing unlocked.

15.Oktober 2013
US Version: All characters at level 100, all ultimate weapons, all cards. Submission: AndrewCastillo(

17.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Traner für seltene Gegenstände

18.Oktober 2013
Savegame mit einem absoluten Supercharakter

18.Oktober 2013
Granny's Hand-Holding Guide to Cards

15.Oktober 2013
Chocobo World Guide
Engl. Hinweise

13.Oktober 2013
Dt. Trainer für HP, Geld und Speichern

17.Oktober 2013
Mega-Trainer (für alle Versionen inkl. v1.2)

18.Oktober 2013
Japanese Version: Save at the Beginning of Disc 2.

14.Oktober 2013
US Version: All characters above level 100, everthing unlocked.

17.Oktober 2013
Dt. Trainer für HP und Gil

18.Oktober 2013
Die Omega Weapon

14.Oktober 2013
Wie besiege ich die Ultima Weapon in Final Fantasy 8?

17.Oktober 2013
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