Final Fantasy 8

Final Fantasy 8

18.10.2013 08:07:15


UFO Sightings Side Quest:
To fight pupu and get his card you must run into 4 diffrent battles in specific
locations and then fight a UFO those specific locations are:
1)Winhil Bluffs
2)Mandy Beach(Near Timber)
3)Kashkabald Desert(in centra region)
4)Trabia Heath
BATTLES. Once you've completed those 4 sightings head to grandidi forest(near
chocobo sanctuary)and run around untill you face a UFO he is very easy to beat
dont worry(be happy) :) Once you face the UFO (BE SURE TO HAVE 5 ELIXERS AND
SOMEONE WITH THE ITEM ABILITY)Now head on over to the balamb region and run
around where the garden use to be and you should run into PuPu the alien once
you are in a battle he will ask for elixers and it will annoy you. Make sure you
don't attack him cuz he only has like 10 hp. So make sure nobody has counter
attack. Once you give him five elixers the battle will end and you'll reiceve
his card. You can choosed to kill him. your reward will be worse than if you
don't kill him. I think you get an accelerator. You can refine his card into a
HUNGRYCOOCKPOT. You can refine it even further using Siren's Tool-RF ability.
You'll get a shaman stone for the hungrycookpot. shaman stone sucks. It just
raises your compatibility with Bahamut by 3. Use Eden's GFAbl-RF to refine the
shaman stone into a rosetta stone. Those are way better. it teaches a GF Abiltyx4. And that is all
the "goodies" about the UFO side quest.

RobLee HudsBury (

Level 5:
PuPu: Complete UFO sightings and give PuPu 5 elixers.
Level 8:
Chubby Chocobo: Queen of cards quest
Angelo: Watts In Timber or on White SeeD ship
Gilgamesh: CC group (king)
MiniMog: Junior classmen jogging around F1 of Balamb Garden
Chicobo: Complete chocobo forests maze and get hidden items
Quezaoctl: Mayor Dobe in FH
Shiva: Give "The Girl Next Door" magazine to Zone on the White SeeD ship for free.
Ifrit: Defeat Ifrit
Siren: Dollet Pub owner
Sacred: defeat brothers
Minoutar: defeat brothers
Level 9:
Carnbuncle: CC group (Heart)
Diablos: defeat diablos
Levithian: CC group (Joker)
Odin: defeat odin
Pandemona: Balamb hotel owner after you do the "Balamb under siege" sequence.
Cerberus: defeat cerberus
Alexander: piet at lunar base
Phoenix: Queen of cards quest
Bahamut: defeat bahamut
Doomtrain: Queen of cards quest
Eden: defeat ULTIMA (not omega) weapon
Level 10:
Ward: Dr. Odine in Esthar
Kiros: Queen of cards quest
Laguna: Ellone at lunar base
Selphie: Selphie's best friend at Trabia
Quistis: Any of "Trepe Groupies" on F2 classroom of B. Garden
Irvine: Queen of cards quest
Zell: Ma Dincht (note, Zell must be in your party)
Edea: Edea at Edea's house
Seifer: Heamaster Cid
Squall: Laguna in Esthar
Rinoa: Rinoa's is tricky. You face general Caraway, loose your Ifrit card On purpose.
Then get rinoa's card. You can get Ifrit card back from Martine at FH. Got it? hope so.
All cards that say Queen of cards quest next to it can be found in disk 4 south of tears point

Submission: Lee Hudson <>

There are two good ways of getting gil. one is good one is not so good.
the good way first. Get your seed ranking to A by using the tests.
then get a chocobo and ride it for along time. Every few minutes you'll
get your salary. (which would be 30,000g if your at level A) keep doing
that for a while and youll have a ton of gil. The other way will take a
lot longer. you must have he call shop ability(tonberry) and you must have
the Edea's letter item. go t edea's house. use the call shop ability. Sell
edea's letter for 125g. talk to edea and she'll scold you for selling the
letter. she'll give you another. repeat the process over and over and
over. It will take you for ever.

Submission: Lee Hudson <>

and Dirty Beat Omega Weapon:
Make sure that Selphie is in the party that will face Omega. When you enter the battle, cast Aura on
Selphie and then use Holy War on the entire party, or just Hero on Selphie. Once that's done, get to
Selphie's Limit Break. Keep
hitting "Do Over" until you get her limit break "The End." With the invincibility in effect, you
should have more than enough time to
"Do Over" until you get "The End." If you're impatient, or just not getting
the limit break in time, then junction a slew of triples or ultimas to Selphie's Luck stat, which
seems to help "The End" show up more often. Also, Junction 100 Death spells to everyone's status-def
too avoid getting conked
by Omega's lvl5-Death attack.
Now you've set a land speed record for beating the crudola out of the toughest FF baddie ever.


New Omega Weapon Stratagy:
Dear PSX Codez i've Found out a Way to destroy the weapon. First thing that
you must do is is make sure that you have 100xquake magic junctioned to your
deffence wicth will give you life when he uses quake in the battle draw EDEN
fom him then make sure that squall stays alive and that the other 2 characters
die this will give you a very high chance of hitting lion heart witch can kill
the weapon this stratagy took me 5-10 mins to destroy him.after the battle you
recive 100xUltima stones, edens card and 100AP

Jordan Rogers-Smith (

Fire GameTip:
For this cheat you must have the fire sword. With squall use his attack and right before he hits the
hold R1 and Square. There will be a funny noise and the eneny will be engulfed
in fire.

Submission: Jordan Rogers-Smith

Card Modification:
In the strategy guide for ff8, they do not tell you how to get the card modification from
Quezacotl to
upgrade your weapons. After you have acquired both GF's at the beginning of the game put Quezacotl
in your party by selecting junction
and GF. Next, select Quezacotl from from the GF menu screen. When you do this you are going to see
some elements that are learned and some
that are not. At this point select "card". It will take 40 AP to fill it up so be patient. Once
Quezacotl has learned this element, go back
into the GF category and pick him, then go to the next page. At the
bottom of the page you will see "card modification". Select card modification for Quezacotl to
learn. Once the 80 AP has been complete,
you will now be able to use the enemy cards to upgrade your weapons. However, there is one major
draw back, if you decide to upgrade another
element other than card first, your hopes for getting the card modification will be gone!!! I know
because it happened to me. To
upgrade your weapons using the card modification you "must" learn the card element first.

Don Fegan [>]

Acquiring Diablos and Odin:
I have some more tidbits for all your gamers' out there. As I was playing
FF8 this past weekend, I found a much easier way to acquire both Diablos
and Odin. Here is how. In the game there are certain monsters that give
off certain stones. In most cases, these stones can be used to upgrade
Quistis's limit break. When you come across the stone that says Quistis
can learn "acid" equip her with it for this will come in very handy later
on. Next, if you are confident about your HP status you might want to try
this out. If not, wait awhile. Next, awaken Diablos by selecting the
magical lamp in your item box. Next, pay attention to Quistis's HP. When
her HP is low enough it will be time for you to use her limit breaks. When
this happens, cast "acid" on him. By doing this, you will "blind" him
forbidding him to use his one charge kill on you. Next, make sure you keep
your HP's up, use Carbuncle, then draw and cast Demi on him. If you do
this, he will be yours in no time.
Acquiring Odin. Acquiring Odin can be difficult especially if you have to
face all those "tone berries"; and battling one of these can take up to as
much as 5 minutes. However, if you want to eliminate the hassle of
fighting these guys you can do the following. After acquiring Diablos, go
to junction on the sub screen and then activate him by putting him with one
of your party members. Next, pick GF from the sub screen. Now select
Diablos and page right. On the next page you will see a command called
"enc none". Select this so he can learn it. I believe it will take 80AP.
Once he has learned this you can now equip that party member with it. Go
back to Odin's realm and walla no more encounters. Next, proceed up the
stairs and take the elevator up to the top; then bare left and climb the
ladder; go inside and activate the switch. Next, go back out and down the
ladder, then run to the right and up the stairs. Once you reach the next
area, make a left and climb another ladder. Next, remove the right eye and
proceed down the ladder. Next, go to the right and climb the stairs to the
top. Go through the opening and to the left; now climb another ladder.
Next, put the right eye into the statue; when this is done a code will
appear either write it down or memorize it. Next, remove both eyes from
the statue, climb down the ladder and proceed downstairs. Next, go back to
the figure where you removed the right eye. Now put both eyes in. When
this happens, a flame will appear on the right. Next, starting from the
top put in the code and then press "X" to confirm. If this is done
correctly, the door on the bottom will open. Next, climb down the ladder
and through the door. Now blast away. For those of you who are having a
hard time acquiring these two GF's I hope this helps.

Don Fegan [>]

After many times of dying, I finally got diablos to join my party (level 65). However, in
the process something very weird happened. Upon receiving diablos I saved my game and then
added him to Squall's artillery. In the very next fight I encountered a huge dragon like
creature which was almost impossible to beat. Next I used diablos to see what kind of
damage he would inflict. It didn't even put a dent in him. But when the creature cast
petrify and acid breath on my party, it wiped me out. And when I died and started the game
over again, diablos was gone. This is very strange because even though I saved my game
before the fight he should have been there when the game restarted. I think that there is
a major flaw in this game. It should be quite interesting to see if any one else has this


Easy Elemental Defense:
The first thing I should say here is that this tip requires the Gameshark or some trashy
facsimile there of. If you use the code that gives Squall 99 of the spell
"Apocalypse" in his first spell slot (best used during a new game so that it
won't write over any existing spells) and junction it to your elemental defense, you will
get over 100% protection (which means absorbtion) for ALL of the elements. Imagine
junctioning it with other spells, 100% absorbtion for every element...

Carlos Miranda (

Beating the Omega
In order to beat Omega Weapon you must first card mod Laguna's card and Gilgamesh's card.
Do so before Disc4 and you can re-win these card from the ccgroup in the Ragnarok. Turn
the 100 Heros into 10 Holy War(trial) and then 1 Holy War with your GF menu abilities.
Then card mod the second Laguna and Gilgamesh cards. You should now have 100 Heros and 21
Holy Wars. (Trust me, one more Holy War can help a bunch) Have Squall, Irvine, and Quistis
all on high levels. They should all have lots of strength and speed. It is imperative that
you have all three characters with lots of Full-lifes, Auras, Hastes, Triples, and/or
Doubles. Squall MUST have Lionheart. If not this battle could take you up to an hour to
get through. Have everyone with magic, item, and GF. Equip all of your characters with 100
Death to their status defense. Take off all elements equiped to their elem attack. Have
Squall with Str +60%, Spd +40%, Auto-Haste, and HP +(whatever gives him 9999). Irvine with
Str +60%, Spd +20% or +40%, Expend3x1, and HP +(). Quistis with the same as Irvine. Start
the battle by having Squall give Quistis a hero. Have her cast Double or Triple on Irvine.
Have Irvine cast Aura on Squall and himself. Then give Squall and Irvine a Holy War.
Spells DO NOT take effect while the character is invincible. Have Squall continually do
Renzokuken and have Irvine pound on him with AP or Pulse Ammo. Keep everyone with Aura and
invincibility. Haste doesn't hurt either. Remember that NO SPELL takes effect on a
character while invincible. i.e. you can cast aura on Squall and then give him a Hero or
Holy War and he'll still have Aura, but not the other way around. You have a long and
tedious battle ahead of you. P.S. Alternate with making people invincible. Omega has a
tendancy to do Terra Break right when everyone's invincibility runs out.

Submission: The

How to get the G.F. known as Eden:
Everyone knows that in Final Fantasy VIII to get the G.F. known as Eden one
has to combat the formidable and difficult Ultima Weapon on the floating research facility. But
what some might not know is that there is another
way to get her.
I played through the game taking my time to get each character to level 100
and carefully junctioned each character's abilities to be close to 150 as a
minimum requirement, several of them having 255 ratings. Even with
characters such as this I was not willing to attempt to fight the Ultima Weapon. So I simply
progressed with the game.
I reached Ultimecia's palace and unlocked every one of the sealed powers. I
left the G.F. ability for last simply because my personal playing style doesn't involve using it.
The final monster I encountered for unlocking
seals was the dragon-type creature that goes by the name Tiamat.
To find Tiamat from the entrance to the castle go through the door on the left, pass through the
hallway into the room with the falling chandelier, go
through the door on the lower level, pass the fountain and enter the tower.
Climb the tower until you see a moving pendulum that is polygon based as
opposed to animated pre-rendered background. Move to the top of the spiral
until it forks and the rightward path is destroyed. (It actually looks more
like a board is placed to lead you to the upper level instead of continuing
with the spiral) Jump onto the pendulum and rid it to the other side where
there is a door. Tiamat is on the other side. He looks almost exactly like
Bahamut, except with a different color scheme. If you unlocked the "draw" command before meeting
Tiamat you will find that
he has two drawable items. The first is the spell "Flair." The second is
the elusive G.F. named Eden. ;) Good bye and good luck.

Carlos Miranda (


Wie besiege ich die Ultima Weapon in Final Fantasy 8:
Als erstes müsst ihr die Forschungsinsel finden.Sie liegt in der SW Ecke der Karte. Wenn ihr sie
betretet erscheint eine Mitteilung.In der Mitte des Raums ist eine
Brutzelle (sieht jedenfalls so aus...),die in einem Takt aufleuchtet und wieder erlischt.Ihr dürft
euch nur bewegen,wenn das Licht erloschen ist.Lauft nach rechts,
auf die rechte Seite der Brutkammer zu.Sobald erscheint "Ihr habt die Resonanz erfasst." ändert sich
der Takt,in dem die Brutzelle aufleuchtet.Wenn ihr euch bewegt,
wenn das Licht an ist,werdet ihr in Kämpfe verwickelt.Wenn ihr an der rechten Seite der Brutkammer
angelangt seid,drückt ihr X.Es erscheint ein Dialog mit nur einer
Antwortmöglichkeit.Wählt sie.Ihr müsst nun gegen einen Rubendum Drachen kämpfen.Danach erscheint ein
zweiter Dialog.Wählt irgendeine Antwort aus.Und was
passiert nun?Ihr müsst noch mal den gleichen Kampf wiederholen.Nun erscheint ein Dialog mit zwei
sichtbaren Antwortmöglichkeiten,und einer dritten unsichtbaren.Wählt
die unsichtbare und ihr müsst gegen die GF Bahamut kämfen.

Attacken:Aero,[Kratzer],Megaflamme (alle)
Unwirksam:Wind,Blitz,Erde (fliegt)

Stathegie:Die GFs werden sofort ausgeschaltet.Ihr solltet Aura bereithalten,und den Boss mit
Multischlägen in die Knie zwingen.Verbesserte Waffen wirken hier Wunder.Ihr solltet die Toten
mit Beleben wiederbeleben und die Verletzten mit Heilen heilen.Behandeln könnt ihr weglassen,
Bahamut kann keine negativen Statuseffekte verursachen.

Danach ist ein großes Loch im Boden.Gehen sie auf die Ragnarok zurück,und sprechen sie mit
allen,vorallem mit Xell.Gehen sie auf die Forschungsinsel zurück,und speichern sie am Speicher-
punkt dort.Klettern sie an der Ranke runter,und lassen sie sich das Energiesystem von der Maschiene
erklären.Nun müssen sie nach unten.Geben sie der Plattform auf jeder Etage nur eine
Energieinheit.Unten am Aufzug können sie speichern.Aktivieren sie den Aufzug und fahren sie nach
unten.Ihre GF und Zauber sollten gekoppelt sein,jetzt wird es HART.Gegner 50% und
Gegenr 0% verlieren hier unten ihre Wirkung,bei jedem oder jedem zweiten Schritt trefft ihr auf sehr
harte Gegner.Ihr könnt nicht fliehen.Meine Strathegie war,mit Tomberrys LV-Minus und
Melton den Level und die Verteidigung der Gegner zu schwächen und sie dann fertig zu machen. Eure
Aura Zaubersprüche solltet ihr euch allerings noch aufsparen...Je weiter ihr nach unten
kommt,desto härter werden die Gegner.Irgendwann (ca. nach 2 Stunden) kommt ihr in einen Bereich,wo
keine Gegner sind und ein Speicherpunkt ist.Herzlichen Glückwunsch!Ihr seid am
vorläufigen Ziel.Speichern! entfernt den GF,Behandeln und den LV-Minus Command, jetzt
kommt es auf rohe Multischlag-Gewalt an!Euer Hauptaugenmerk sollte auf HP (immer 9999)
,Stärke,Körper,Geschicklichkeit und Verteidigung gegen Erdangriffe liegen.Ein Charakter sollte den
Draw Command wegen Eden haben.Betätigt das Kontrollpult oben,um die Ausgrabungen
wieder aufzunehmen und bereitet euch auf den härtesten Kampf des ganzen Spiels vor...

Name:Ultima Weapon
Typ:Weapon (siehe FF7)
Level:?-über 100
HP:ca. 500000-750000
Attacken:[Schwertattacke] (alle) (hat Clouds Ultimative Waffe-Anspielung auf FF7),Beben (alle),
Lichtsäule (9999 Schaden,durchdringt Verteidigung)-Tod,Meteor (alle)
Draw:Regena,Anti-Z,Ultima,GF Eden

Strathegie:Hust...extrem hart.Da gibt es nur eins:Melton+Multischlag,Multischlag,Multischlag...
Vergesst nicht das Wiederbeleben und das Heilen.

PS:Ich habe 45 Minuten gebraucht,und ich bin ein Profi...

Viel Spass wünscht euch JSTHEMASTER. >E-Mail:CHEATERJS@GMX.DE

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Savegame für Final Fantasy VIII unter Windows 7 64bit

18.Oktober 2013
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
Complete Game Script

14.Oktober 2013
Boss Guide

14.Oktober 2013
Weapon Upgrading

14.Oktober 2013
Dt. Megatrainer

17.Oktober 2013
Alles, was man über FF7 wissen muss (im Word-Format, deutsch, Achtung: 2,0 MB)

16.Oktober 2013
Gespeichert auf der letzten CD mit jeder Menge Goodies und allen Charakteren auf ihrem maximalen Level.

15.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Ende des Spiels

13.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
Kurz vor dem Lied "Eyes on Me" (Disc 3)

17.Oktober 2013
Beginne das Spiel mit Squall und Quists auf Level 100 und allen Fähigkeiten.

17.Oktober 2013
Alle Charaktere auf Level 100, Alle Statistiken auf Maximum.

13.Oktober 2013
10.Oktober 2008
Japanese Version: Save at the Beginning of Disc 2.

17.Oktober 2013
US Version: All characters above level 100, everthing unlocked.

15.Oktober 2013
US Version: All characters at level 100, all ultimate weapons, all cards. Submission: AndrewCastillo(

17.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Traner für seltene Gegenstände

18.Oktober 2013
Savegame mit einem absoluten Supercharakter

18.Oktober 2013
Granny's Hand-Holding Guide to Cards

15.Oktober 2013
Chocobo World Guide
Engl. Hinweise

13.Oktober 2013
Dt. Trainer für HP, Geld und Speichern

17.Oktober 2013
Mega-Trainer (für alle Versionen inkl. v1.2)

18.Oktober 2013
Japanese Version: Save at the Beginning of Disc 2.

14.Oktober 2013
US Version: All characters above level 100, everthing unlocked.

17.Oktober 2013
Dt. Trainer für HP und Gil

18.Oktober 2013
Die Omega Weapon

14.Oktober 2013
Wie besiege ich die Ultima Weapon in Final Fantasy 8?

17.Oktober 2013
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