Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX

Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX

17.10.2013 14:13:12
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Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX
Park Editor FAQ
DOS / Windows
Final Version
Sunday, April 21, 2002
Mike Truitt


1. About this FAQ
2. Version History
3. Main Options
4. Different Pieces
5. Tips & Tricks
6. How to Make Courses
7. Notes & Thanks

About this FAQ

Legal Notice

••••• •••••
••••• This FAQ is copywritten work of its author Mike Truitt. Any •••••
••••• usage not noted by its author in this FAQ is strictly •••••
••••• forbidden. If you would like to have my FAQ posted on your •••••
••••• site then simply send me an e-mail asking permission to use •••••
••••• the FAQ, as well as a link or adress to your website. Send •••••
••••• any and all e-mails about this game / FAQ to •••••
••••• with the subject line "Mat Hoffman FAQ" anything else might •••••
••••• not be read. •••••
••••• •••••

Version History

Version 1.0: Got everything started and completed

Last Updated: Sunday APril 21, 2002

Main Options Screen

While in the Park Editor Mode, press the start button to get into this
option. There are many different options here....

Freeride Test - After you have made parts or all of your park and you
would like to play it to see if it is good, but don't
want to save it yet, you can go to this option. Here
you will be able to play for as long as you want. To
get back into the Park Editor just pause the game and
go to quit, then back to editor.

New Park - When you first enter Park Editor you will be set with a
park, but if you would like a park of a different size you
should go to this option. There are five different sizes.
16 X 16 24 X 24 30 X 30
30 X 18 60 X 6

Set Theme - Here you can choose what type of setting your park will
have. There is no real impact that this option has to your
park, just a neat addition. There are four different
options for what the setting will be...
Technolopis Village
Boondocks Slums

Save - Once you have made your park and would like to save it onto your
memory card, go here. There is not anything else that you can do
with this option.

Load - If you have a saved park and you would like to alter it in some
way, then go into this option. You can also alter one of the
following Pre-Made Parks...
Pit Of Death Obstacle Course
Hall Of Pipes Hard Ten
Chum's Pimpage

Exit Editor - This is self explanatory. If you do not want to stay in
editor then go here. You will be asked if you would like
to save your park when you go to this option.

Different Pieces

Set 1 Starts Total Pieces = 3

1. Player One Start Point
2. Player Two Start Point
3. Horse Start Point

Set 2 Gap Total Pieces = 1

1. Gap Creation Piece

Set 3 Risers Total Pieces = 9

1. Low Quad
2. Low Double
3. Low Single
4. Medium Quad
5. Medium Double
6. Medium Single
7. High Quad
8. High Double
9. High Single

Set 4 Quarter Pipes Total Pieces = 17

1. Low Quad
2. Low Single
3. Low Corner
4. Low Outside Corner
5. Low Single Low Side Rail
6. Low Single High Side Rail
7. Low Single Low Rail
8. Low Single High Rail
9. Low Rollin
10. High Quad
11. High Single
12. High Corner
13. High Outside Corner
14. Low to High
15. High to Low
16. Low Spine
17. Low Hump

Set 5 Quarter Pipes 2 Total Pieces = 17

1. Low Quad
2. Low Single
3. Low Corner
4. Low Outside Corner
5. Low Single Low Side Rail
6. Low Single High Side Rail
7. Low Single Low Rail
8. Low Single High Rail
9. Low Rollin Wood
10. High Quad
11. High Single
12. High Corner
13. High Outside Corner
14. Low to High
15. High to Low
16. Low Spine
17. Low Hump

Set 6 Rails Total Pieces = 18

1. Low Quad
2. Low Single
3. Low Angle
4. Low Corner
5. Low Juntion
6. Low Double Slope
7. High Double Slope
8. Low Single Slope
9. High Single Slope
10. High Quad
11. High Single
12. High Angle
13. High Corner
14. High Junction
15. Low Double Slope
16. High Double Slope
17. Low Single Slope
18. High Single Slope

Set 7 Offset Rails Total Pieces = 8

1. Low Quad
2. Low Single
3. Low Angle
4. Low Corner
5. High Quad
6. High Single
7. High Angle
8. High Corner

Set 8 Low Walls Total Pieces = 4

1. Low Double
2. Low Single
3. Medium Double
4. Medium Single

Set 9 Slopes Total Pieces = 16

1. Low Single
2. Low Single Low Rail
3. Low Single High Rail
4. Low Single Corner
5. Low Double
6. Low Double Low Rail
7. Low Double High Rail
8. Low Double Corner
9. High Single
10. High Single Low Rail
11. High Single High Rail
12. High Single Corner
13. High Double
14. High Double Low Rail
15. High Double High Rail
16. High Double Corner

Set 10 Stairs Total Pieces = 10

1. Double Set
2. Double Set Low Rail
3. Double Set High Rail
4. Double Set Corner
5. Double Set Inside Corner
6. Quad Set
7. Quad Set Low Rail
8. Quad Set High Rail
9. Quad Set Corner
10. Quad Set Inside Corner

Set 11 Pools Total Pieces = 8

1. Bowl
2. Pool
3. Clover Pool
4. Side
5. Corner
6. Outside Corner
7. Floor
8. Pungee Pit

Set 12 Funboxes Total Pieces = 8

1. Small
2. Large
3. Octagonal
4. Long Octagonal
5. Spine Box
6. Wall Box
7. Taxi
8. Pyramid Hip

Set 13 Kickers Total Pieces = 2

1. Small
2. Large

Set 14 Benches Total Pieces = 7

1. Park Bench
2. Angle Park Bench
3. Bench
4. Angle Bench
5. Lunch Table
6. Angle Lunch Table
7. Slope Lunch Table

Set 15 Signs Total Pieces = 6

1. Medium Sign 1
2. Medium Sign 2
3. Medium Sign 3
4. Large Sign 1
5. Large Sign 2
6. Large Sign 3

Set 16 Floor Total Pieces = 4

1. Alternate Floor 1
2. Alternate Floor 2
3. Alternate Floor 3
4. Alternate Floor 4

Set 17 Foliage Total Pieces = 3

1. Planter
2. Small Planter
3. Tree

Set 18 Misc Total Pieces = 2

1. Wall Piece
2. Pillar

Tip & Tricks

There are a couple of things that you should not do if you want to make
a good spot.

1. Do Not make the park all vert or all street.
2. When making rails, do not make too many rails real close together.
3. Try not to make too many Pungee Pits

There are also a couple of things that you should do to make a real good

1. Make sure that you leave some open space
2. Make a couple of gaps to add some challenge
3. Try to make at least one good high scoring line.

How to Make Courses

Beginner Courses

1. For a beginner course you should probably start out with the size 24
X 24, or 30 X 30. Either way, just make sure that you have enough
space to make the course that you want to.

2. After you have your course set, it is always good to start out with
a half pipe some where in your course. Most, likely the best spot
for it to be would be in the corner of your park, so it is out of
the way a little bit, but still accessible.

3. A good thing to do after that would be to make something that in
some way connects to, or relates to the half pipe that you just
made. This is usually done by making a quarter pipe on the back end
of open side, or a ramp on the back end. Other ideas might be to
have stairs leading up to the back end. What ever you can think of,
it will most likely work.

4. With the opposite corner of the park, you could create a type of
trail by making a series of rails and kicker ramps, or even sets of
steps and within the trail, make sure that you put in some Funboxes,
and maybe a planter if you are planning to make it an outdoor park.
If you made a small quarter pipe you could also make a long curved
quarter pipe like in THPS Warehouse.

5. If you made a decent trail, you should have quite a bit of the
course area covered, and then the rest of the course would be just
filling in the spaces with little nick-knacks. Note: Those little
nick-knacks can make or break the course (in THPS Warehouse, the set
of kicker ramps and the long rail make the course much better than
it would be if they tried to pack in a ton of ramps and rails, so
you don't need to have a ton of pieces to make a good course)

6. You should have your beginner course just about done, all you will
need to do is make gaps, horse positions and starting positions. If
you want to make some gaps, try to make them of ranging value. You
also do not want to make too many worth 5000 points.

Intermediate Courses

1. Once again, make your course 24 X 24 or even 16 X 16. It all depends
on what you are going for on your course. You could do just about
any size and make a decent course, just I would recommend these two

2. Instead of making a halfpipe in the corner, you might want to make
some sort of level change in the corner. This can be done by either
making a pool, or adding risers. You should not make the risers too
high because you might not be able to build on top of them if you
wanted to.

3. If you did make a risers, you will need to make a way to get up
there. One of the best ways to do this is to make steps, you should
only set up a rail on every other to every fourth set sideways.
Personally, I like to make as many steps possible by using the Quad
Sets. This will make your steps more visible and will catch your eye
better. If you want the steps to be less desecrate, use the Double
Set and make the steps less steep.

4. If you made a pool, then you should find a way to make a transfer
into a the pool, or from the pool. One way to do this is to make
another pool to jump from to get into that pool. One of my favorite
little things to do is to make a sloped lunch table into the pool.
You could also make a planter into the pool, or if you made a curve
in your pool, you could fill in the area with that planter.

5. Just like in the Beginner course, the one thing that will make or
break your course is the line of the rails and kicker ramps or
quarter pipes. This is where your creativity should set in. If you
can finish off the rest of the course and make it fun then you will
have a good course, if not then you should have a mediocre course.

6. You should have your beginner course just about done, all you will
need to do is make gaps, horse positions and starting positions. If
you want to make some gaps, try to make them of ranging value. You
also do not want to make too many worth 5000 points.

Advanced Course

1. There is nothing that should change from the directions from the
Intermediate course. To make a really good advanced course you will
need some really good creativity.

2. If you need a good addition, one thing that can make a fun course is
a secret room. Not many people think about this. There are two ways
to do this. One is to block off an area using the Wall Piece. Then
make whatever you want in that area. To get into that area you will
need to make a high quarter pipe, in fact the highest possible
quarter pipe if you want to jump over it. The other way to do it is
block off most of the area with the Wall Pieces and then make risers
in the opening so you will need to jump over the risers. There are
many ways to get into this room.

Notes & Thanks

Legal Notice

••••• •••••
••••• This FAQ is copywritten work of its author Mike Truitt. Any •••••
••••• usage not noted by its author in this FAQ is strictly •••••
••••• forbidden. If you would like to have my FAQ posted on your •••••
••••• site then simply send me an e-mail asking permission to use •••••
••••• the FAQ, as well as a link or adress to your website. Send •••••
••••• any and all e-mails about this game / FAQ to •••••
••••• with the subject line "Mat Hoffman FAQ" anything else might •••••
••••• not be read. •••••
••••• •••••

(c)2002 Mike Truitt
(c)2001 Mike Truitt

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