Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX

Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX

14.10.2013 10:27:02

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Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX High Score FAQ ver 1.1

1. About this FAQ
2. Version History
3. All Around High Scoring
4. Hoffman Bike Factory
5. Construction Yard
6. London
7. Bluetorch Competition
8. New York
9. Treatment Plant
10. La Harba, California
11. CFB Competition
12. THPS Warehouse
13. THPS Burnside
14. Notes & Thanks

About this FAQ

This FAQ is a copywrite of Mike Truitt ( you have any
questions or comments about this FAQ e-mail me. If you would like to use
this FAQ in any way shape or form on your site, just e-mail me and I
will most likely allow you to post it.

Version History

1.0 - Just started: Got all the main information down but I am working
vigourously to find lines for all the levels and get a high score
for each... (This is where e-mails to me for lines will be most
appreciated, and I will give you full credit)
1.1 - Added a few lines for each of the first three courses.

Last Updated: Thursday 24, 2001

All Around High Scoring

The scoring system for Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX is based exactly on the
scoring system of Tony Hawks Pro Skater 1. I will try to explain how to
get high scores as simply as possible....

There are a few ways to get high scores. There are two parts of your
score, a base score and a multiplier. The base score is the score before
the multiplication sign and the multiplier is the number after the
multiplication sign. If this is confusing here is a diagram .......
8564 is the base score and 12 is the
Base Score multiplier. To figure out the score of
8564 * 12 your combo the game figures out 8564*12
Multiplier If this was the score of your combo
then you would get a score of 102,768.
Some people have a hard time getting the base score while others have a
hard time getting the multiplier up. If you have trouble with one then
you can still get decent combos, but if you have problems with both then
you will not get anything over 100,000 with the average high combo. To
get a high base score is hard to do at first until you figure out the
secrets of it (You don't think that it is just the line that you take
did you?). The first thing that you will need is a long rail or quarter
pipe to grind. Then you will need to find a quarter pipe to end the
combo on. Since there are no special grinds in this then it will be much
harder to get a high combo than in THPS, but it is still possible. The
first thing that you will need to do is get a huge spin
into the grind, because the higher
Degree of Spin Higher Your MP degree of the spin the more your
180 1 multiplyer (MP) will go up. This chart
360 2 I hope will explain how spinning adds
540 3 to your multiplyer. If you do a larger
720 4 spin the more your multipler will get
900 5 up, and in this game you will need to
1080 6 get a huge multipley, since your base
1260 7 score will be extreamly low compared
to THPS. In fact, if you use perfect
balance you will be able to get your multiplyer up to over 1000. Once
you have found a good rail to grind on then you will need to find a good
way to get onto that rail. Instead of just spinning, why don't you add a
special grab trick going onto the rail and get your base score up. You
could alternatly do a special flip, but you will not be able to get a
higher multiplyer. Once you have got that down, now what should you do?
Well, it is quite simple. At the end of the grind jump off and go
towards a ramp, once there do a special trick off of the ramp. There are
two things you could do... You could do a special flip and 180 or 360 or
you could do a special grab with 900 or 1080. You should do the flip if
you have a high multiplyer and a low base score. You should do the grab
trick if you already have a high base score and need your multiplyer up
a little bit. Now you have that part down. When you are done with that,
there is a couple of things to do... You could land in a manual and get
some more tricks in, or you could just end right there. The only time
when you would want to end like that is if you had a lond combo already,
or are just starting and can not manual very well yet. If you chose to
go on there is only one thing to do, and that is find a quarter pipe and
go over to that. When you get there, jump off and do a mega spin with a
special grab (if you have your special bar still up) or with just a
regular grab (if you do not have a special any more). Then all you have
to do is land the combo. You might also want to have your character
equiped with a Front Body Flip special because it is the quickest
special and is worth the most.

Bike Factory

Line #1
Score ~ 200 000
Score (High) ~ 300 000
What you need to do-
At the start of the level, go down the rolling and jump off of the
quarter pipe in front of you and make sure you get your special meter
full, then when you land go up the Rolling and do a special flip and
land in a grind on on the back of the rollin, when you land in a stall
so you should quickly jump up and do a trick and land in a grind, then
when you get to the end, jump up and do a special flip trick (Front Body
Flip) and land in a manual, then go over to the other side of the pipe
that you landed in and jump out of it, you should get some decent air,
so do a mega spin with a special grab. Then land in a manual and go over
to the long quarter pipe on the side wall and just finish it up. (With a
special if you can)

Line #2
Score ~ 200 000
Score (High) ~ 250 000
What you need to do-
At the start of the level go down the rollin and turn to your right,
then go out of the half pipe and jump off of the quarter pipe on the
wall by the half pipe and get your special bar full, then jump off of
the finger ramp coming off of the long quarter pipe and do a special
flip, then land in a manual, then go over to the next finger ramp and do
another special flip. Then land in a manual on go to the long quater
pipe and do a Mega Spin with a Special Grab

Contruction Yard

Line # 1
Score ~ 350 000
Score (High) 400 000
What you need to do-
At the start of the level get your special up and go over to the dirt
ramp next to the quarter pipe (where you go to get the secret tape) and
do a special flip and land in a manual, then go over to the large kicker
ramp. Once you get there jump up and do a special flip to the rail that
you need to get the special tape and land in a grind on the rail, then
transfer over to the next rail, once you do jump off and do a Mega Spin
and do a special grab, then when you land, manual. Then go into the half
pipe and jump off of one side and do a Mega Spin with a different
special grab and land the trick.

London Underground

Line #1
Score ~ 300 000
Score (High) ~ 450 000
What you need to do-
At the start of the level go down the steps and turn to your right. Make
your way down to the rail where you get the letter R. Grind that rail,
and when you get off jump off of the kicker ramp and do a special flip
and land in a grind on the high rail, then jump off into the secret
area, manual over to the back of it and jump off of the kicker ramp and
do a Mega Spin while doing a special grab, when you land manual over to
the funbox and grind the end. Once there jump off and land in a manual
and make your way over to the quarter pipe in the quarter of the room,
when you are there jump off and do a Mega Spin with a special grab or
regular grab.

All Other Courses

I have not got any lines for these yet, hopefully I can get a few of
them each day for a while and hopefully a couple of reader submissions
to fill this part out for a while.

Notes & Thanks

This is a copywrited work for Mike Truitt , any usage of this faq not
noted by its author is banned, if you want to have it on you site, just
e-mail me at and I'll be more than happy to allow you to
have it on your site, but you MUST ask. This FAQ must have my name,
Mike Truitt on it, if you see it on any site that does not give me
credit, then please notify me.
©2001 Mike Truitt

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