Final Fantasy 9

Final Fantasy 9

15.10.2013 19:03:26
BY :
UPDATE : 22 APRIL 2001

_____ _ ___ _ ___ _
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_| |_ / / \ \
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Note that I'm not a native English speaker, so expect
to see a spelling mistakes ;) However,any correction will be
received with open arms.Just send email to,and i'll
appreciated it.

Anyway,if you want to visit my website,here it is :
You can found Chocographs map with screenshots,All FF9 Sidequest,tips & tricks,beastiary
list,and many more.You can even download all ff9 music & videos from my site,so be sure
to drop by sometime ;P

Also,if you need help with ff9,just go to my Vbulletin forums at

Table Of Contents:
- Notice

- Updates

- Story

- Game Basics :
0.FF9 Menu
1.Card Game
2.Elemental Properties
3.Status Effects
4.Trance Mode
5.Icons that appears over the head
6.Battle system
7.Game Control

- Maps

- Walkthrough:
Disc 1
1.The Beggining
2.Inside Alexandria Castle
3.Evil Forest
4.Return To Evil Forest
5.Ice Cavern
6.Village Of The Dali
7.Lindblum Grand Castle
8.The Hunting Tournament
9.Gizamaluke's Grotto
10.South Gate
11.Burmecian Kingdom

Disc 2
12.Dark City Treno
13.Gargan Roo
14.Cleyra's Trunk
15.Return To Alexandria
16.Pinnacle Rocks
17.Fossil Roo
18.The Outer Continent
19.Conde Petie
20.Forest Maze
21.Black Mage Village
22.Mountain Path
23.Madain Sari,Lost Summoner
24.IIFA,The Ancient Tree Of Life

Disc 3
25.Alexandria Under Attack !
26.Return To Black Mage Village
27.The Forgotten Continent
29.Desert Palace
30.Lost Continent
31.Esto Gaza
32.Mount. Gulug
33.Ipsen's Castle
34.Earth Shrine
36.Bran Bal

Disc 4
38.Secret Library,Daguerreo
40.Final Battle
??.How to to beat Kuja & Necron in 6 minutes only

- FF9 Side Quest

- Misc Stuff :
1.Secrets & Tips
2.Level Up Data
3.12 Zodiac Coins
4.Some Useful Techiques
5.Game Script (Incomplete)
6.Chocograps Map & Info
7.Shop List
8.Ability List
9.Monsters list
10.Item List
11.Quiz Events
12.Mognet Mail

- Credits

- Website

- Contact Me

This document is created for personal use only. You must not use it for :
1.Anything that gains profit. Specifically Magazines, Game Guides,and
Commercial Web Sites.
2.You're also not allowed to rip off parts of this
document and put it on your own Walkthrough/FAQ. Anyone doing this is
guilty of plagiarism, the act of stealing and passing off of ideas and
words of another as one's own without crediting the source.
3.Also,if you want to use this document in your website,please ask me first !
You can email me at :
Thanks for your attention.

Updates since version 1.0:

Version 1.0 = Initial release,Walkthrough section Finished
Released = 11 NOVEMBER 2000 (97 KB)

Version 1.5 = Adding Zodiac Coins,Level Up Data,and Some Useful Techniques
Special Thanks to Rei ( for the information !
Released = 14 NOVEMBER 2000 (104 KB)

Version 1.8 = Adding Eiko and Garnet Ability List
Adding Quiz Events Answers
Adding Mognet Mail List
Released = 16 NOVEMBER 2000 (124 KB)

Version 2.0 = Adding Quina,Steiner,Vivi and Zidane Ability List
Adding information about card game,status effect,trance mode,icons,ATB
and game controls.
Released = 18 NOVEMBER 2000 (141 KB)

Versiob 2.5 = Quina's Blue magic section updated.(Complete)
Adding Enemy list in each area/dungeon.
Released = 20 NOVEMBER 2000 (157 KB)

Version 2.51 = There's some correction in "Hunting Tournament" and "Pinnacle Rocks"
Adding Story and Strategy section
Released = 21 NOVEMBER 2000 (159 KB)

Version 2.52 = Adding "How to to beat Kuja & Necron in 6 minutes only" info.
Location of the 3 magic potion (after alexandria under attack in disc 3)
Card Game section updated.
Released = ???

Version 2.55 = Adding info about how to beat "Hades" at Memoria (Final Dungeon)
Released = 5 DECEMBER 2000 (170 KB)

Version 3.0 = Huge update !
Game script section added (incomplete)
Shop List section added.
Elemental properties & Battle System added.
Released = 11 DECEMBER 2000 (252 KB)

Version 3.5 = Monsters List added.
Released = 16 DECEMBER 2000 (280 KB)

Version 3.6 = Gamescript Section updated to the Cargo Ship at Village of Dali
Maps Section Added.
Final Battle Section updated.
Daguerreo Section updated.
Released = 08 JANUARY 2001 (322 KB)

Version 3.7 = Full Ability List Added
Gamescript Section updated,up to Lindblum Grand Castle.
Released = 14 JANUARY 2001 (348 KB)

Version 3.8 = Gamescript section updated.
Secrets & Tips section updated.
Released = 27 JANUARY 2001 (354 KB)

Version 3.9 = Mognet Mail section updated.
Released = 04 FEBRUARY 2001 (355 KB)

Version 4.0 = Added info about playing the card game with the Phantom at memoria.
Adding blue magic info on the enemy list
More info on card game section.
Adding ff9 menu guide (for japanese players who need helps with the
Side Quest section added.
Released = 08 APRIL 2001 (381 KB)

Version 4.1 = More Tips & Tricks Added.
Released = 14 APRIL 2001 (387 KB)

Version 4.2 = A little correction on the monster list
Item List added
Released = 17 APRIL 2001 (391 KB)

Version 4.3 = Adding tips to beat the boss at Desert Palace,submitted by
Adding release date & file size on the "update" section
Gamescript section updated.
Chocograps Section added.
Released = 20 April 2001 (410 KB)

Version 4.4 = Card List section updated!Thanks to for the
Released = 22 April 2001 (416 KB)

The newest version of this FAQ can be found at


The story starts in "mist continent" in a world called Gaia. There are four nations
in this continent, such as Alexandria, and Lindbulm. Alexandria, whose king has already
been dead, is now ruled by Queen Brahne. On one occasion regent Cid of Lindbulm noticed
Queen Brahne's strange change. He was deeply anxious of this neighbour nation and
asked Tantalus, a group of bandit, to kidnap Princess Garnet of Alexandria.Tantalus,of
which Zidane is one of the member, is officially a group of theatrical company, and
it a rule to perform a play on a stage of a huge flying airship, Prima Vista, in
Now the playday comes, and Zidane is going to kidnap the princess during the play.
Strangely enough, the princess herself asks Zidane to kidnap her! The angry Queen
the airship and it falls to the Evil Forest with Vivi, who happened to plunge himself
the play, and Steiner, who is the bodyguard of Princess Garnet, on it.

FF9 Menu:

If you're playing the japanese version,and need help with the menu,
see the ascii art below ;)

| ____ | ITEM |
|| | HP/MP | EQUIP |
||____| | STATUS |
| ____ | ORDER |
|| | HP/MP | CONFIG |
||____| | |
| ____ | |
|| | HP/MP | |
||____| +----------+
| ____ | TIME |
|| | HP/MP +----------+
||____| | LOCATION |

Card Game:

The official name of Card game in FF9 is called "Tetra Master".Tetra
master players never back down from a challange.To challange people,
walk up to them,and press "Square" button.Okay,here are some basic

Tetra Master rules :
1.Select 5 cards in your possesion to play.
2.If the arrow on your card points to your opponent's card,you'll win
his/her card.
3.If the arrow on your cards faces the arrow on your opponent's card,a
card battle will begins.
4.If you card wins the battle,you win opponent's card,if your card
lose the card battle,the opponent's wins your card.
5.If you have to battle 2 or more cards,you can choose opponent's card
that you want to battle.
6.The game ends once all the cards are played,and the players with
the most card is the winner.The winner gets to take the loser's

You'll need at least 5 cards to play the card game.Approach someone and
press square to play the game.

Q:How does the card game proceed ?
A:You take turns placing your cards on a 4x4 grid with your opponents.
Sometimes,your opponent's card flips.That's because of the yellow
arrows on the corners and the sides of the cards.If your arrow is
facing in the direction of your opponent's card,that card becomes
yours.But if your opponent's card has an arrows facing yours,a card
battle will begins.

Q:What's a card battle ?
A:When several arrows facing each others,multiple card battles may occur.
You can choose where to begin the card battle when that happen.
Where you can choose to begin the battle affects how the rest of the
battles play out.You can also use combos.

Q:What's a combos ?
A:You gotta becareful during a card game.If your card win against the
opponent's card,all the cards facing that card's arrow are yours.
That's called a combo.It's a double edged sword,because the same
thing happens to you if your card loses against your opponent's card.
Try to play a perfect game.

Q:What's a perfect game ?
A:You get one of your opponent's card when you win.If you flip over all
of your opponent's card and play a perfect game,you can take them
all.Reach for the highest collectors levels !

Q:What's a collector levels ?
Check your menu and go to the section entitled card.You can check
your collection level there.You can level up as you collect more

Q:How Tetra Master's Card Collector points are scored ?
A:- Having one unique card type: 15 points
- Having a unique card, but has the same arrow arrangement as another card
in your collection: 10 points
- Having more than one of the same card type: 5 points per extra card
- Having a card with level X: 1 point added
- Having a card at level A: 1 point added on top of the point for X level

To get 1700 Card Collector points, you need
all 100 types of cards in 100 unique arrow arrangements (15 x 100 = 1500
pts), and all at level A (2 pts added x 100 = 200 bonus points).
Before you card fanatics start despairing over having 100 arrow
arrangements, you may wanna know that you could have:
- 56 arrangements of 5 arrows- 28 arrangements of 6 arrows
- 8 arrangements of 7 arrows- and of course, 1 card with all arrows
There's 93/100 unique arrangements for ya right there. So you don't have
to worry so much about having lotsa cards that can't into many card battles
cuz of few arrows. ^_^

Thanks to Ferdinand Pelayo for "tetra master collector points
are scored" info !


#1=goblin - buy it at the card stadium (disc3)
#2=fang - buy it at the card stadium (disc3)
#3=skeleton - buy it at the card stadium (disc3)
#4=flan - buy it at the card stadium (disc3)
#5=zaghnol - After fighting carve spider
#6=lizard man - After fighting lizard man#7=zombie - After fighting zombie
#8=bomb - Find Tom`s kitten (Alexandria, disc1) nad talk to Tom)
#9=ironite - Hippauls treasure, disc1 (ring the bell at Alexandria steeple)
#10=sahagin - After fighting Sahagin
#11=yet - After fighting Yeti
#12=mimic - Challenge a beginner
#13=wyerd - Challenge a beginner
#14=mandragora - After fighting mandragora
#15=crawler - After fighting crawler
#16=sand scorpion - After fighting sand scorpion
#17=nymph - After fighting nymph
#18=sand golem - Challenge an average player
#19=zuu - After fighting zuu
#20=dragonfly - After fighting dragonfly
#21=carrion worm - After fighting carrion worm
#22=cerberus - After fighting
#23=antlion - Challenge an average player
#24=cactuar - get 50 jumps with rope jump
#25=gimme cat - After fighting gimme cat
#26=ragtimer - Challenge an average player
#27=hedgehog pie - Challenge an average player
#28=ralvuimahgo - Challenge an average player
#29=ochu - After fighting ochu
#30=troll - After fighting troll
#31=blazer beetle - Challenge an average player
#32=abomination - Challenge an average player
#33=zemzelett - Challenge an average player
#34=stroper - Challenge an average player
#35=tantarian - Challenge an average player
#36=grand dragon - Challenge an average player
#37=feather circle - Challenge an average player
#38=hecteyes - After fighting hecteyes
#39=ogre - After fighting ogre
#40=armstrong - After fighting armstrong
#41=ash - After fighting ash
#42=wraith - Challenge a good card player
#43=gargoyle - Challenge a good card player
#44=vepal - After fighting vepal
#45=grimlock - Challenge straight shooter Shak (card stadium, disc4)
#46=tonberry - Challenge straight shooter Shak (card stadium, disc4)
#47=veteran - Challenge straight shooter Shak (card stadium, disc4)
#48=garuda - Challenge straight shooter Shak (card stadium, disc4)
#49=marlboro - Challenge marlboro master Joe (card stadium, disc4)
#50=mover - Challenge the card masters at Memoria
#51=abadon - Challenge beast master Gilbert (card stadium, disc4)
#52=behemoth - Challenge beast master Gilbert (card stadium, disc4)
#53=iron man - Challenge beast master Gilbert (card stadium, disc4)
#54=nova dragon - Challenge card masters at Memoria
#55=Ozma - After killing Ozma
#56=Hades - Challenge the card masters at Memoria
#57=holy - Challenge magic master Thalisa (card stadium, disc4)
#58=meteor - Challenge magic master Thalisa (card stadium, disc4)
#59=flare - Challenge magic master Thalisa (card stadium, disc4)
#60=Shiva - Challenge eidelon master Leyra (card stadium, disc4)
#61=Ifrit - Challenge eidelon master Leyra (card stadium, disc4)
#62=Ramuh - Challenge eidelon master Leyra (card stadium, disc4)
#63=Atomos - Challenge eidelon master Leyra (card stadium, disc4)
#64=Odin - Challenge eidelon master Leyra (card stadium, disc4)
#65=Leviathan - Challenge eidelon master Leyra (card stadium, disc4)
#66=Bahamut - Challenge eidelon master Leyra (card stadium, disc4)
#67=Ark - Challenge eidelon master Leyra (card stadium, disc4)
#68=Fenrir - Challenge eidelon master Leyra (card stadium, disc4)
#69=Madeen - Challenge eidelon master Leyra (card stadium, disc4)
#70=Alexander - Challenge eidelon master Leyra (card stadium, disc4)
#71=Excalibur - Challenge weapon master Hunt (card stadium, disc4)
#72=ultima weapon - Challenge weapon master Hunt (card stadium, disc4)
#73=masamume - Challenge weapon master Hunt (card stadium, disc4)
#74=elixir - Challenge weapon master Hunt (card stadium, disc4)
#75=dark matter - Challenge the card masters at Memoria
#76=ribbon - Challenge weapon master Hunt (card stadium, disc4)
#77=tiger racket - Challenge weapon master Hunt (card stadium, disc4)
#78=Save the queen - Challenge weapon master Hunt (card stadium, disc4)
#79=Genji - Challenge weapon master Hunt (card stadium, disc4)
#80=mithril sword - Challenge weapon master Hunt (card stadium, disc4)
#81=Blue Narcis - Challenge the four-armed man in Daguerro
#82=Hilda garde 3 - Challenge the four-armed man in Daguerro
#83=Invincible - Dig up the treasure (dead pepper) where schimmering island
used to be (disc4)
#84=Cargo ship - Challenge the four-armed man in Daguerro
#85=Hilda garde 1 - Challenge the four-armed man in Daguerro
#86=Red Rose - Challenge the four-armed man in Daguerro
#87=Theater ship - Challenge the four-armed man in Daguerro
#88=Viltgance - Buy it from Mene (the moogle which lets you play the digging
game) with 1800 digging points.
#89=Chocobo - Challenge fat chocobo
#90=fat chocobo - received by fat chocobo after you dug up all chocobo
treasures (also the dead pepper treasures)
#91=Mog - Challenge the card masters at Memoria
#92=Frog - Challenge the card master at Memoria
#93=Oglop - Beat the champion (Erin) at the card game tournament (disc3)
#94=Alexandria - talk to the girl running around on the market
#95=Lindblum - search the pile of rumble on the market in Linblum (after
queen Brahne`s attack, disc2) which blocks a path.
#96=two moons - Challenge the card masters at Memoria
#97=Gargant - After fighting dracozombie
#98=Namingway - Search Kuja`s room in the desert palace
#99=Boco - Challenge the card masters at Memoria
#100=Airship- Use dead pepper on the crack on the lost continent.

Special thanks to Leroy ( for the card list.

Elemental Properties :

There are a 8 total of elemental properties : Fire,Ice,Thunder,Earth,Water,Wind,Holy,
Shadow.Applying these elemental properties to your attacks and defense makes battle a
easier.But enemies can take advantage of them as well,so watch out !!
To apply them,you have to understand their natures.

Fire = Effective against Ice & Undead monsters.
Ice = Effective against Insects,Large enemies,Fire,and Dragon-Type monsters.
Thunder = Effective against monsters near water.
Earth = Ineffective against Flying monsters.
Water = Effective against Fire monsters.
Wind = Effective against Flying monsters.
Holy = Effective against Shadow monsters.
Shadow = Effective against Holy monsters.

There is also a non-elemental property,which is not affected by any elemental properties.
Did all that sink in ? It's easy once you get the hang of it.

Status Effects:

Status effects refers to character condition.There are good status
effects,and bad status effects,so pay attention ! We'll go over the
bad status effects first.The following status effects go away when
the battle is over.

Confuse = Lose control of your characters.
Berserk = Althrough strength increases,the character can only attack.
Stop = Character cannot move.
Poison = HP Gradually decreases.
Sleep = The character falls asleep,and cannot move
Slow = The ATB gauge fills up slowly
Heat = The terrible burns that cause K.O if you character takes any action
Freeze = The characthers becomes frozen,and get K.O'd if physically attacked.
Mini = The character shrinks which reduces battle power & defense.

Now let's discuss about a very bad status effects that don't go away
after the battle is over.

Petrify = The characther becomes petrified and cannot move
Venom = The character can't gain EXP and AP,and character can't mov
Virus = The character can't gain EXP and AP after the battle because growth is
Silence = The character can't use magic
Darkness = The character's vision is impaired,and physical attack accurasy is decreased.
Trouble = The damage one character's received transfers to others character.
Zombie = Healing items,and magic cause damage to the characters.
Vanish = The character vanished and cannot be hit by physical attack.
The characthers reappears if hit by magic.

Enough talking about bad stuff,now let discuss about good status effects.

Auto Life = The characther revivies from K.O automatically,once during the battle.
Regen = HP gradually increases.
Haste = ATB gauge fills up faster
Float = The characters float and does not receive any earth damage.
Shell = Damages from magic attacks decreased.
Protect = Damages from physical attacks decreased.
Reflect = Magic is reflected back to the caster.

Remember that if all your party members incur K.O,stop,petrify,or
venom during the battle,it's GAMEOVER ! Also you won't received any EXP
or AP if you're still under K.O,petrify,virus,or zombie status when
the battle ends

Trance Mode:

When trance occurs the character will transform and your power will
increased while you're under Trance.In addiction to greater attack
power,you'll receive a new battle command.Here are some facts about

About Trance :
1.The trance gauge will increases as you take hits from the enemy.
2.The trance gauge doesn't increase if you got hit from other party members.
3.If you gout afflicted by Zombie,the trance gauge will goes down completely.
4.When the trance gauge fills completely,it's party time !

Condition that stop/prevents trance:
1.End of battle.Trance gauge will goes down to zero.
2.During the battle.Trance gauge decreases to zero as you take actions
during the battle.

You could say that the origin of trance comes from hostility.The
hostile energy of enemy attack induces trance,that's why being attacked
by your allies can't cause trance.By the way,the trance gauge appears
both in battle,and in the status menu,which is under the main menu.
Unfortunately,not everyone can archieve trance,i guess it's only for
the chosen one.

Icons that appears over the head:

During your advanture,you'll run into lots of suspicious looking things.
That's when a field icon might popup over you head : "?" or "!"
Press action button when you see the icon and something will happen.

Battle System :
Basic battle controls :

O Confirm
X Cancel
Triangle Switch to next ready characters,when the ATB gauge is full
Square Hold down to clear menu
L1 R1 Select single/multiple targets
L2 Turn the target window on/off
Start Pause
Select Turn on/off help menu


Time during battle is managed by the ATB system.There are 2 ATB modes,active and wait.
You can select them in config menu.

ATB mode :
Active -> Always real time,time never stops during the battle
Wait -> Time stops while you selecting magic and items.

If you're a beginner i think you should choose "Wait".Active mode is more for
advanced players.

Damage Point:
Numbers and details pop up during the battle whenever your HP and MP change.
Numbers appears in 2 different colors -> White and Green.Example :

9999 HP Change
White numbers indicate damage
Green numbers indicate HP recovery

9999 MP MP Change
White numbers indicate loss
Green numbers indicate MP recovery
Miss When attack misses
Critical When you deal greater damage than usual
Death When you get KO'd
Guard When status attacks and elemental attacks have no effect


The order option involves not only the line up,but also the battle position.
There are 2 battle positions : Front and Back row.

Front Row : You can deal big damage with attack,but you can also receive big damage
from attacks.
Back Row : You can only deal a small damage with attack,but you receive less damage
from attacks.

You can change this settings with the order option.You can also switch between the
Front and Back row during the battle,by selecting "CHANGE".If you use magic or
long-range weapons,you can deal just as much damage from the back row as you can
from the front row.In tough battles,adjusting battle positions might save your

Game Controls:

In the world map :

Square = Call a moogle to save your game
Select = Toogle navigation map
O = Enter buildings
L1 R1 = Camera Control
L2 = Lock/Unlock camera position
R2 = Switch perspective

In the battle :

O = OK
X = Cancel.
Triangle = Change characters
Square = Hide windows.
L1/R2 = Select All Target
R1 + L1 = Run away.

In the airship :

O = Fly forwards
Square = Fly backwards
X = Get off from the airship
Triangle = Enter airship
L1 / R1 = Turn without moving

1. Level and AP
In FFIX, if your level is up, the monsters don't get stronger. So if you feel monsters a
little strong, just walk around, have some battles and level up your characters.
Experience is divided into all the characters at the battle. (So if only one character
was alive and beat the monster, he/she will get four times as much experience as usual.)
As for AP, the AP give to each character is decided and never changes.

2. Game Over
Your game is over when all the characters' HP are 0, or all are petrified, or stopped.
So, if your character got these status, you should recover them as soon as possible.

3. Ability
In this game, each character learns abilities by equipping weapons, armors or
There are two kinds of abilities, Action ability and Support ability. You can use action
abilities just after you equipped some weapons, but you NEED to set or equip support

4. About Boss monsters
In a battle against boss monsters, you will get no experience. Instead, each boss has
some good and rare items. If you can fight on a safe side, let Zidane steal such items.

5. Useful elementary operation
You can reset the game by pushing R1+R2+L1+L2+start+select.
To change of ability window and equip window -- start button
To skip a character -- triangle button (This is very useful. You should skip a healer
such as Garnet or Eiko, until some characters get damaged.)
You can use your magic to all enemies by pushing R1(or L1).
If you want to run away from the enemy, just keep pushing R1+L1. (Sometimes this
much time. Using Zidane's skill will be much better.)

Maps :
FF9 Worldmap :
Chocobo Air Garden Location :
Chocographs Maps & Info :

More information about ff9 can be found at my ff9 website :

| _ _ ___ _ _ _______ _ _ ______ _____ _ _ _____ _ _ |
| | | | |/ _ \ | | | | / /_ _| | | || ___ \ _ | | | | __ \| | | | |
| | | | / /_\ \| | | |/ / | | | |_| || |_/ / | | | | | | | \/| |_| | |
| | |/\| | _ || | | \ | | | _ || /| | | | | | | | __ | _ | |
| \ /\ / | | || |____| |\ \ | | | | | || |\ \ \_/ / |_| | |_\ \| | | | |
| \/ \/\_| |_/\_____/\_| \_/ \_/ \_| |_/\_| \_|\___/ \___/ \____/\_| |_/ |
| |

The Beggining....:

After the opening FMV,get 47 gil & a potion on the back of the room,
then,light up the candle in the middle of the room.Now you can rename your character.
His default name is Zidane.When you done,you will fight a big huge creature,which is
Zidane boss,Baku.After the battle,Baku will called all of them to the meeting room to
start the meeting.Once he finished to tells you your mission,he will
ask you a question.Choose the second option,and another FMV will shows up.

Now you'll be controlling the black mage.From this starting point,
go south to the next screen.There's a zombie card in the lower-left
corner of the screen,a lizard man card behind the statue,and sabakin card
near the statue.Head west and go back to the starting point.Pick up
2 potion on the left side of the street,then enter the house on the
right.Get 9 gil under the bed in the 1st floor,fang card in the dresser
on the 2nd floor,and potion under the table in the 1st floor.
Leave this house and head north to the next screen.Get 33 gil on the
lower right corner of the screen,and a Goblin card on the lower left
corner of the screen,then enter the bar in the middle of the screen.
Get a Purin card on the lower-left corner of the screen (near the barrel)
,27 gil near the broken stairs,and potion on the lower-right corner of
the screen. Exit the bar and head west to the next screen.There's an item
shop on the upper right corner of the screen.Enter it and get 38 gil in the
lower right corner of the screen,near the junk.Talk to the shopkeeper,
and buy any items (if you want it),once you done,head north to the Event Square.

Talk to the ticket man,and he will recognize that the black mage ticket is fake.
But he will give you 3 cards in return,and he'll tells the black mage to find
Alleyway Jack,to learn more about the card game.Head west and enter house on the right
(Synthesis Shop) and get ether on the lower-right corner of the screen.
Exit the house,get phoenix Pinnion,near the brigde to Alexandria castle.

There are 3 girl playing skipping game in the front of the inn,
You can play with them if you want.Once you done,head west to the next screen,
and a Rat Kid will shows up.Later,he'll asked the black mage to help him.
Choose the 1st option three times,then follow the Rat Kid.Enter the bell tower
on the left,and the Rat Kid will ask you to climb up the tower first.
After that,a moogles (mognets) will falls down from the tower and it will hits
the black mage.Once you'll be able control of you character,get Tent on the
lower left corner of the screen,and a potion at the lower right corner of the
screens.Talk to Kupo,and choose the first option to save your game here.

Climb up the bell tower,and get 29 gil on the lower left corner of the screen
(near the bird nest).Head up and the Rat Kid will ask your name.After rename you
(Vivi),follow the Rat Kid (His name is Puck) to the upper right corner of the screen,
and you'll be able to controlling Zidane again.

After the FMV,Baku will now start the play.Later,you will enconter a battle.
Defeat them,and don't use any SFX command,just attack them as normal.
After that,you will play a "Button Pressing" mini game with Blank.Press the button
and you'll be fine (Example:Blank ask you to press X button,so quickly press X button).
Once you done,choose the second option to finish the mini game.

Inside Alexandria Castle:

Now Zidane and Blank have succesfully sneak into Alexandria castle,knock the
guard off,and take their clothes :),then you will be able to controlling Zidane
again.Head up to the stairs,and here you will meet up with Princess Garnet for
the first time in the game...

Meanwhile,Zorn and Thorn will report to the Queen that Princess Garnet is missing.
The Queen will tells the Pluto Captain,Steiner,and General Beatrix to search for
the princess.After renaming your character (Steiner),head down from the stairs,and
you will meet up with the soldier No.2 & No.3 who's were stripped by Blank & Zidane.
After the following sequence,head back to the room where the guards get knocked down
by Blank & Zidane,and get phoenix down in the lower left corner of the screen.You
can save your game by talking to the mognet over there.Once you done,go back to
the previous room and head north to the next screen.There you will find soldier
No.05 running along the corridor.Talk to him,then head east to the next screen
and found soldier No.09.Head back to the previous room,go down to the stairs,
and enter the library on the lower left corner of the screen.Talk to soldier
No.04,then head out from the castle,and talk to soldier No.08,near the
fountain.Head west to the next screen,and talk to soldier No.07,then head
north and climb up the tower.

Inside the tower you will meet up with soldier No.06.Talk to him two times,and he
will give you an Elixir (only if you found all the soldier members).Now continue
to the top of the tower.Outside the tower you will see Zidane chasing princess Garnet
running around the opposite tower.After that,another FMV will shows up,and you'll be
to control Zidane again.Head east to the next screen,then follow princess Garnet
down to the stairs.Here,she'll reveal herself as Princess Garnet and ask Zidane to
kidnap her.

After the following sequence,Cinna will shows up and he'll will
open a secret passage into the Engige room.Even though Steiner and soldier No.?
also found the secret passage, the soldier No.? (Blank) will jumps up and he'll plug the
hole with his body,so Steiner can't pass through,and runs to the other way.Head
to the next screen,where Steiner will meet up with the party once again,and
you'll encounter a battle with him.After the battle,Steiner will break up the
soldier's armor to revealing his true identity,Blank.Then,lots of oglops will pop up
Blank's body.Zidane and Garnet use this chance to ran away,and they will go up
to the stage.

Meanwhile,Vivi and the Rat Kid will get chased by the soldier No.7 & No.8 and ends up in
the stage too.Vivi will cast a fire spell to attack the guards,but the spell is burns
the clothes that Garnet wearing.After that,you will encounter a battle with Steiner
two times.Once the battle is over,another FMV shows up,and the airship will crash
down into a forest.

The Evil Forest:
Monsters in this area :
Name : Goblin
HP : 35
EXP : 21
AP : 1
Gil : 88
Steal : Potion

Name : Fang
HP : 70
EXP : 23
AP : 1
Gil : 90
Steal : Potion,Phoenix Down

You can talk to the mognet and save your game here.Head right to the Evil forest.
Here you will encounter a Random battle,which is a good time to gained some levels
for Zidane.Why ? Because if you fight the enemies here when Vivi & Steiner joined the
party,the EXP you'll get will be splitted for 3 party members (even for 4 party members,
if Garnet joined the party).So this is a good time for zidane to gained some level,since
each Goblin or Fang you kill,you will receive about 23 EXP points.After gained
about 3 or 4 Levels (you can gained more if you want it),save your game,and head back
to the evil forest and go to the upper-right corner of the screen.There you will meet
up with Steiner,Vivi and Garnet,who's got trapped inside a monster cage.Now you will
encounter a battle.

Zidane will start the battle with a Trance mode,so just use Zidane's "Free Energy" skill
and you'll win the battle easily.Notice that the monster will sucks
Garnet HP each 2 or 3 turns.So,don't forget to use potion to her.

After the battle,the monster will ran away with Garnet,and another monster will shows up
and it will grab Vivi this time.Actually this battle is same as before,the different is
Zidane will not start the battle with trance mode,and Vivi will keep casting fire on
the monster.After you defeated the monster,Vivi and Steiner will get poisoned,and all
of them will be carried back to the ship.

After checking all of the ATE's,open the treasure chest on the right to receive Bronze
Glove.Go downstairs,and open the chest on the left (Wrist),near the spiraling stairs.
Head right to the next screen,and get Ether (next to the door), and 116 Gil on the top
Talk with Vivi,then get out where Zidane will have a flashback of his first
meeting with Garnet,at Alexandria castle.

Now head west to the next screen,and get the ether.You can't enter Steiner's room right
so go downstairs.Open the treasure chest in the upper left corner of the screen (Rubber
then go through the right room,and talk to Baku.After Baku leaves the room,get potion
the treasure chest,and go back to the previous room.Talk to Baku and choose the first
and you will encounter a battle with him.After the battle, head back to Steiner's and
room.They will joined the party (don't forget to take the ether in the room where
steiner was
locked in).Return to where you fought Baku earlier,and head down,Blank will shows up and
give Zidane Blank's Antidote.Head out from the ship,and save your game.Notice that you
also buy items from Cinna.Get Phoenix down in the upper left corner of the screen,and
you ready to go,head east to the evil forest again.

Return to Evil Forest:

Head to the screen where you saw Garnet being taken away by those monster,and head north.
In the next screen,take the right path and go to the next screen.There you will reach
a small spring,and a mognet hiding inside the tree trunk.You can restore your HP/MP by
drinking the water from the spring,and you can gain some levels for Steiner & Vivi,then
go back here to heal your party.When you done,save your game,and head east.
Follow the path until you reach the cave.Inside the cave you will find Garnet,and you'll
encounter a BOSS battle.

Boss:Plant Brain.
Steal : Eye Drops,Iron Helm
Gil : 468
Strategy:This boss is weak against fire,so be sure to use Vivi's fire magic,and Steiner
Fire Magic Sword combination.After a few rounds of fighting, Blank will shows up and
help you.
Then continue the battle as usual and you should win easily.

On your way out from the forest,horde of Plant Spiders will keep chasing the party.
If you encounter those plant spiders,just use Vivi's fire magic to all the enemies
(Press L1),
and they'll die instantly.Head south to the next screen,and you will see another cool
That night,all of them will camp on the outskirts of the forest,and Garnet will wakes up.
After some talking,they will sleeps,and in the morning,a a mognet named Monty will shows
Once you done,you will automatically head out from the evil forest to the world map for
the first time in the game.....

** Note that you can actually save your game in the world map by calling
** a mognet (press square button) and choose the top option two times.

Now head south from the evil forest and enter the Ice Cavern.
But if you run out of potions you can head east and enter a place called "North gate"
first and buy potion there.You can also found a treasure chest containing a potion
and an eye drops there.

Ice Cavern:
Monsters in this area :
Name : Weird
HP : 130
EXP : 44
AP : 1
Gil : 115
Steal : Phoenix Down,Tent,Potion

Name : Purin
HP : 75
EXP : 40
AP : 1
Gil : 110
Steal : Potion,Phoenix Down

Name : Cave Imp
HP : 75
EXP : 34
AP : 1
Gil : 118
Steal : Potion,Phoenix Down

In the first screen of the cave,open the treasure chest to get a Tent,
then head north to the next screen.Walk around the legde,and open the chest to
receive potion,then examine the wall on the right.Vivi will automatically cast Fire
on the ice wall,and you will receive an Ether.Head up to the next screen.Get the
Potion inside the treasure chest,then head down and let Vivi melt the pillar
to fall,and get the Mage Masher.There's another meltable wall on the upper
left corner of the screen.Examine it and get the Elixir.Now head to the next
screen.Open the chest on the right and get the Phoenix Down.Examine and melt
down the wall of the left side on the screen,and open the treasure chest,then
head to the next screen.Here you will reach an intersection.First,choose
the left path,and examine the frozen mognet.Vivi will automatically release
him from the ice,and you'll be able to Save your game here.Now go back to
the intersection,and this time,choose the right path.Here all of the party
members will get frozen.After a few minutes,Zidane will wakes up,and hears a
bell.Head to the next screen,and you will encounter a boss battle.

Boss:Black Waltz,Sea Lion.
HP:Black Waltz (400 HP),Sea Lion (500 HP).
First,kill the black mage or he'll be able to cast heal spell to aids the Sea Lion.
After killing the black mage,keep attacking the Sea Lion until you win the battle.
If Zidane is in trance mode,quickly use Zidane's "Tidal Flame" skill,it will cause
300 damage to the both of them

Once the battle is over,go back to the previous screen,and the others will wakes up.
Go to the next screen (where you fight the boss)and climb up to the top of the cave,then
exit the cave.Outside the cave you will be able to rename Garnet.After that,you will go
to the world map.Head to Village of the Dali.

Monsters in this area :
Name : Carve Spider
HP : 125
EXP : 40
AP : 1
Gil : 106
Steal : Hi Potion,Potion

Name : Muu
HP : 88
EXP : 23
AP : 1
Gil : 104
Steal : Potion

Village of the Dali:

Once the party arrives,all of them will automatically enter the inn on the right side of
screen.Inside the Inn,Zidane and Steiner will have some talk,until they hear Vivi
snoring,and decided to go to sleep.In the next morning,get Antidote inside the treasure
chest on the lower right of the screen,and potion inside the chest on the left side of
the screen. There some ATE's to do here,so be sure to check them out.Head out from the
inn,and talk to Vivi (Standing near the windmill).After talking to him,Vivi will get
but Zidane doesn't know this yet,so keep on going.

Enter the house (weapon shop) on the left.There you will have some talk with
Garnet,and choose whatever options you want.Once you'll be able to control of Zidane
talk to the shopkeeper,and you'll be able to buy weapons/armors for the first time
in the game.

Once you done,head out from the shop,and go north and.Enter the windmill in the left
of the screen,and get Aries coin behind the sawmills.There also a 2 treasure chest in
the 2nd floor,but i have no ideahow to get them.Head out from the windmills,and head
to the inn,then talk to Garnet.After doing some talking with her,Steiner & Vivi hasn't
come back yet,so they'll decided to find them.Head out from the inn,and go to the place
where you find Vivi last time (near the windmill).After you hear Vivi's voice linking
from the underground,enter the windmill on the left,and open the manhole over there,then
go down to the basement.

Get the treasure chest in the first screen of the basement to receive 156 Gil,
then head north to the next screen.After the following sequence,you'll be able
to control your characters again.Get potion in the chest inside the little
house,and along the path there is a chest with an eyedrop.Now head north to the
next screen.In the next screen,there's a mognet hiding inside the barrell.Save
your game if you want,then climb up the boxes,and open the chest to receive an
Ether.You can also kick the handle of the pulley to receive a chest contain a
potion.Head north to the next screen.Open the treasure chest in the middle of the
screen to receive Leather Wrist,and climb up the boxes on the right,and open the
chest to receive an Iron Helm.Head north to the next screen.There Garnet & Zidane
will stop and hear Vivi's voice from the crates over there and Zidane will let him
out.Open the treasure chest on top of the screen,to receive 95 Gil.You can also
enter the door over there,but if you do this,from now on you will encounter a random
battle in this area,so think about it.

Monsters in this area :
Name : Ghost
HP : 118
EXP : 48
AP : 1
Gil : 126
Steal : Hi Potion,Potion

Name : Vice
HP : 130
EXP : 47
AP : 1
Gil : ?
Steal : Potion,Echo Screen

Enter the door (if you want it),and get the Phoenix down,Phoenix wing,and the potion
from the treasure chests.Go back to the previous room,and head east to the next screen.
There you'll find a poor chocobo riding the wheels and trying to get those gysahl

Head north to the next screen.After the following sequence,you'll be able to control
Steiner again.Head down the stairs,and get 135 Gil inside the treasure chest near the
stairs,and a Hi-potion inside the chest blocked by a cart near the entrance,and head
south to the next screen.There you will see a cargo ship in the open.Steiner will
the barrell,and he'll released the entire party members from the barrell.
After that,you will encounter a boss battle.

Boss:Black Waltz #2
HP :About 1250
Strategy :Don't use any Vivi's black magic,instead keep attacking him with your normal
attack,and use Steiner Fire sword attack.Use Garnet to healing the party members,and
attacking him until you win the battle.

Once the battle is over,choose the 1st option to rest in the inn,and save your game.
Head back to the airship,and enter it.Once you regain control of Zidane,open the door in
the front of you.Inside that room,your party will find out that the airship was actually
controlled by a group of black mages.Now head up to the stairs,there you will find
sprawled on the deck.After talking to him,enter the control room on the left.After the
following sequence,you will encounter another boss battle,so be prepared.

Boss:Black Waltz #3
Strategy:This one is little tough,since you will fight him without Garnet on your party.
So use Vivi to heal the other party members (using potion or hi-potion),and keep
him,until you win the battle.

Once the battle is over,he'll go off,and try to destroy the airship.
After the following FMV's,the party will reach safely into Lindblum.

Lindblum Grand Castle:

Once you arrives in Lindblum,you'll be taken to meet the ruler of Lindblum, Regent Cid.
Head south to the next screen,and enter the elevator.After some talking,
finnaly you will meet up with Cid,and he was hiding behind the chair :).
After some talking with Cid,Zidane will head to the bar in Lindblum town.
There you will meet up with Freya Crescent,Zidane's old friend,and you'll be able to
rename her.In the next morning,you will find yourself inside the inn on Lindblum town.
Vivi will shows up,and have some talk with Zidane.Later he'll leaves you,and
you'll be able to control Zidane again.Head to the next room,and talk to the mognet over
there to save your game.

Head down the stairs to the first floor of the inn.Get 163 gil at the lower
left corner of the screen.Head out from the inn,and there's an ATE to do here.
After checking the ATE,head north to the next screen,and enter the house in the
middle of the screen.Open the treausure chest over there to receive Hi-Potion,
and Echo Screen.Exit the house,and head north to the next screen (the path on the left).
Enter the church and climp up the ladder and open the treasure chest over there.
When you done,Exit the church,and head south to the previous screen,and this time
take the path on the right,it will leads you to the central square.Here you can
find Items,weapons and Synthesis shop.Buy anything you like (i suggest you to buy
butterfly sword,or ogre sword at Synthesis shop) and once you
done,head back to the inn and head south two times to go back to the world map.

The enemies here is very tough,but you'll receive about 150 EXP points,each time
you defeat them.Once you done gained some level (or not),enter a "?" place near the
forest (Pinnacle Rocks).There's nothing much to do here,just open 2 treasure chest on
lower right corner of the screen to receive Elixir and Phoenix Down,then head back to
Lindblum.You can rest at the inn first before you move on.Now head east from the inn,
and go to the next screen.After checking the ATE,enter the Air cab,and choose the
first option.

Once you arrived here,head out from the station,and enter the house on
the lower-right corner of the screen,and open the treasure chest over there to
receive Ore.Exit the house,and head North West to the next screen.Enter
the house with a big clock in the top,and you will see another ATE.Once you'll
be able to control of Zidane,open all treasure chest in this room,to receive 68
gil,97 gil,and 182 gil.Also,examine the top bed to receive Mini-Burmecia.Head out from
the house,then head back to the station,and enter the Air cab again.This time,
when you given an options,choose the third one.Once you arrived,head south to
the next screen,and enter the castle.Go upstairs,head right then south to the
next screen.From here (Main hall,with the fountain),head east to the next screen,
then head north and enter the resting/guest room.Go left,and you will meet up with
Once he leaves,open all the treasure chest in this room,then talk to the mognet
to save your game.Head out from the resting room,and go back to the main hall
(near the fountain).There you'll hear a song,and guessing that was sing by Garnet.
Talk to the soldier near the lift,then go back to the previous screen (one screen before
the resting room) and talk to the guard in the lower left corner of the screen.Zidane
will takes off his uniform,and lock him inside the cabinet in the resting room :).

Go back to the main hall,and enter the lift in the south.Choose to go upstairs,
and once you arrived,take the path on the left that leads to the lift engige room.
Go upstairs,and outside the viewing tower,head up and you'll meet up with Garnet again.
After doing some talking with her,you can move the telescope by using your D-Pad buttons,
and you must find all the "!" areas in the map.

Once you done,Garnet will start to singing again,and there will be another events with
Steiner,Vivi,Freya and Cid Lindbulm.After that,the screen will back to Garnet & Zidane
again.In the next morning,save your game by talking to the mog over there,then head
out from the resting room,and go to the main hall.Head north,and in the next screen,go
left,and go downstairs,then head right to the outside of the castle.Now enter the air
cab in the left side of the screen,and you'll taken to the Entertaiment area,to start
the hunting tournament.Also,you will see Garnet and Steiner at the top of the bridge,but
both of them will cheer up for Vivi instead of Zidane :)

The Hunting Tournament:

Here's the list of the enemies that can be found in the streets of Lindblum town.

Theater Area:
1.Outside Air cab station 1x Trick Sparrow,and 1x Muu
2.Near the big clock 1x Trick Sparrow
3.In the screen south from the big clock 1x Fang

Bussines Area:
1.Outside the air cab station,near the inn 1x Trick Sparrow,1x Muu
2.In the left side of the screen,at the shopping area. 1x Fang
3.Outside the Church 1x Fang,1x Trick Sparrow
4.Boss : In the main square at the shopping area,near the fountain.

Industry Area :
1.Outside air cab station 1x Fang walking around the statue
2.Near the staircase 1x Muu
3.Outside the house on the next screen 1x Muu

Go outside the Air Cab station,and quickly kill all the enemies in this screen
(1x Mu moving around the old man in the center of the screen,and 1x Trick Sparrow,
in the upper left corner of the screen).Once you done,head north to the next screen
with a big clock,and fight those trick sparrow again,then head south to the next screen.
Here wait about 10 seconds until the fang shows up,and kill it.Now Head back to the air
cab station,and go to the Commercial Area (1st Option). Once you arrived,go outside from
the air cab station.Head to the center of the screen,near the inn,and a Trick sparrow
should be appeared (If not,head south to the next screen,then quickly go back to
the previous screen,and go to the center of the screen, the trick sparrow should
be appeared now).Head north to the next screen,and fight those monster (Fang),
standing in the left side of the screen,then head north again,to the next screen.
Kill all the enemies in this area (1x Fang,and 1x Trick Sparrow outside the church),
and once you done,head back to the previous screen.Now take the path on the right,
and head to the main square (near the fountain).There you'll encounter a boss battle,
but don't worry,you'll be fighting the boss alongside Freya.

Boss Battle : Zaghnol
HP: 1000
Tips:Use Freya jump skill (2nd option) in every turn.If you do this,the boss
can't hurt Freya (while she's up in the air),so concentrate your healing to Zidane.
I've win this battle alone,without Freya (she's dead) and i receive about 65 Hunting
I don't know if you win the battle with Freya,you will get this points or not.

After the battle,you'll be taken to the Throne room with Cid Lindbulm.If you win the
tournament,you'll receive 5000 Gil,and a Hunter's bagde.Later,a wounded soldier from
Burmecian kingdom appeared.Freya and Vivi will join the party with Zidane,but Garnet
can't come since the party fears for her safety.So Garnet put a sleeping powder into the
food that they'll eat,and DANG ! All of them fall asleep,off cource except Garnet,and
Steiner,who doesn't have a sleeping powder on their food :).

Later,both of them will leaves,and when the party's wakes up,Garnet & Steiner is already
dissapeared.Once you'll be able to control your characters,head back to the resting
room,and save your game by talking to the mognet over there.

Head out from the resting room,and go to the main hall.Enter the lift,then choose to
go down to the basement.In the next screen,enter the vehicle on the right,and when you
arrived in the next screen,open the treasure chest in the upper left corner of the
screen,then enter the vehicle on the left and choose the 2nd option.Now you should be
taken to a room with a mognet standing in the lower left corner of the screen.Save your
game,if you want it,then talk to the guy in the pirate uniform to buy some items as you
leave.(NOTE : I recommend you to stock up some healing items first,specially Potion,
Phoenix Down,and Tent.You need them later to heal your party members,since you must
beat the next dungeon without your main healer,Garnet.).

Monsters in this area :
Name : Serpion (Quina Can learn Mighty Guard from this monster)
HP : 400
EXP : 139
AP : 1
Gil : 184
Steal : Antidote

Name : Vice (Quina can learn Vanish from this monster)
HP : 300
EXP : 212
AP : 2
Gil : 478
Steal : Ether,Echo Screen

Name : Lady Bug (Quina can learn Pumpkin Head from this monster)
HP : 245
EXP : 89
AP : 1
Gil : 193
Steal : Phoenix Wings,Hi potion,Tent,Eye Drops

Now head north from here to reach a place called "Qu's Marsh". All you need to do here
catch a frog,then give it to a fat man/lady named (similiar like cait sith isn't it ?)
"Quina",that is walking around the swamp.Later Quina will join the party.
After that,head out from Qu's Marsh to the world map.

Gizamaluke's Grotto:
From here,head east,cross the brigde,and enter the "Chocobo forest".
Once you enter the forest,the mognet inside the forest will give you a gysahl green,
which is can be used to call a chocobo in the chocobo tracks outside the forest.So go
back to the world map,and walk along the chocobo tracks over there and use the greens.
TADA ! You've got your first chocobo in the game ! Note that the chocobos won't go away
if you get off from them,so don't worry about it :).
Now that you have a chocobo,you can enter a place called "South gate",north from the
chocobo forest.There,you can heal your HP/MP by drinking the spring water on the right.
Also,examine for the "!" spot in this screen to get an "Ether" and "Mocha Coffee".

Now that you have Quina in your party,so you can learn blue magic
for him first.Be sure to get all the blue magic that listed below
before you go any further.

Vanish -> Learn from "Vice"
You can found it outside the Qu's Marsh
Pumpkin Head -> Learn from "Lady Bug" & "Hedgehod Pie"
You can found them outside the Qu's Marsh
Frog Drop -> Learn from "Gigan Toad"
You can found it inside Qu's Marsh
Aqua Breath -> Learn from "Axotolt"
You can found it inside Qu's Marsh
Mighty Guard -> Learn from "Serpion"
You can found it on the forest/shores outside linblum
dragon's gate.
For the blue magic listed below,you can choose to get it or not,
although,it's not necessary.Also,to find the enemy listed below,you
must go back to linblum,go to the bussines area,and head south
from Linblum Inn to the world map.

Limit Glove -> Learn from "Axe Break"
You can found it outside Linblum
Level 3 Def Less -> Learn from "Carve SpideR"
You can found it outside Linblum
Mustard Bomb -> Learn it from "Bomb"
You can found it on the forest outside
Linblum/Pinnacle rocks go there to find it.

See ? Now you already learn 8 Blue magic in just a couple of minutes.
It takes a little time,but it's worth it ;) Also,if you need help to find the others
blue magic for Quina,read my BLUE MAGIC FAQ,which can be found at

Once you done,head west,cross the brigde again,then head north from Qu's Marsh and
enter a place called "Gizamaluke's Grotto".

Monsters in this area :
Name : Skeleton (Quina can learn Pumpkin Head from this monster)
HP : 400
EXP : 104
AP : 1
Gil : 209
Steal : Ether,Hi Potion

Name : Stingy
HP : ?
EXP : 88
AP : 1
Gil : 194
Steal : Hi Potion

Name : Lamia (Quina can learn Level 3 Def-Less from this monster)
HP : 995
EXP : 204
AP : 2
Gil : 494
Steal : Phoenix Down

Name : Black Mage type A
HP : ?
EXP : 114
AP : 1
Gil : 199
Steal : Tent,Phoenix Down

Once you arrives,talk to the man on the right and you'll receive a bell from him.
Use the bell to open the door on the north,and enter it. In the next screen you'll
meet up with Thorn & Zorn again,and they will call the black mages to kill you.After
the battle,they will ran away,as usual.Now defeat the black mage that walking around
in the north,and you'll receive another bell. Use it on the door on the top right.In
the next screen,walk around the stairs and don't forget to get the Pointed hat under
the brigde.

There will be a mognet examining a huge bell in the center of the screen.After talking
them,open the treasure chest in the center of the screen,then use the bell to open the
in the right.Here,talk to the mognet in the upper right corner to save your game,then
to the other mognet to receive a gold bell.Head back to previous screen,and use the gold
bell to the door on the left,then enter it.Here you'll encounter a boss battle,watch
out !!

Boss : Gizamaluke
HP : About 3000
This battle can be very tough,specially if you're in low level,so i suggest you
to gain some level first,before you fight this boss.Use Freya jump skill as usual,
and let Vivi and Quina heal the party with Potion.

South Gate:

After the battle,you'll be able to control Steiner again.
Talk to the guard in the north,and after some talking,they will let steiner pass
through.Here talk to everyone, then head to the upper right corner of the screen.A guard
will shows up and he will notice that you can't pass through the gate without a Gate
After he leaves the screen,get the Gate pass in the ground, then continue to the next
(upper right). After some talking,you'll be able to control Garnet again.Get a potion
inside a treasure chest near the mognet on the left,then save your game.There's an item
to the right.Buy any items you want,then talk to the man in the north and pick the top
2 times.After the train leaves,the screen will back to Zidane & the party again.Enter
the door
on the north and you'll back to the world map.From here,just head north to Burmecian

Burmecian Kingdom:
Monsters in this area :
Name : Ironette
HP : ?
EXP : 576
AP : 2
Gil : 269
Steal : Gold Needle,Hi Potion

Name : Basilisk
HP : 345
EXP : 164
AP : 1
Gil : 233
Steal : Hi Potion

Name : Mimic (looks like treasure chest)
HP : 345
EXP : 320
AP : 2
Gil : 777
Steal : Antidote,Potion

Name : Magic Vice (Quina can learn Magic Hammer from this monster)
HP : 300
EXP : 212
AP : 2
Gil : 478
Steal : Ether,Echo Screen

Name : Black Mage type A
HP : ?
EXP : 114
AP : 1
Gil : 199
Steal : Tent,Phoenix Down

Once you arrived here,head north to the next screen.There you'll meet up with Thorn &
again,and you'll encounter a battle with 2 black mages.After the battle,enter the house
on the
right.Here open the treasure chest behind the stairs,and go upstairs.Don't open the
chest in the left,because it's a monster.Now Head left to the next screen.
There's a locked door in the north,but you can't open it now,so head left to the next
Go over the platform in the center,and it will collapsed down.After that,go back outside
to the place you meet up with Thorn & Zorn earlier,and enter the house on the left.
Open the treasure chest on the lower left and lower right corner of the screen,and go
upstairs.Ignore the treasure chest on the right,then continue right to the next screen.
Head right,and choose the top option to jump across to the next screen.Talk to the
soldier on the right,then get the bell in the upper right corner of the screen.
Go back to the locked door you found earlier,and use the bell to unlocked it.
After some talk,Head north to the next screen.Here enter the door in the north,and
after the following sequences, you'll be back outside.

Now enter the door on the upper left corner of the screen.Open 2 treasure chest over
then head north to the next screen (the treasure chest on the right is monster). Enter
door on the left.Here you'll receive a weapon for Freya. Once you be able to control
again,go outside and enter the door on the right.Save your game here by talking to the
over there.You can also buy items from the mognet by choosing the 4th option.Be sure to
buy weapon for Quina,and stock up some potion (buy 99 if you can).Once you done shopping,
go outside,and head north to the next screen. After doing some talk with Freya,choose
the 2nd option,and in the next screen the party will overhear the conversation between
Queen Brahne,and General Beatrix.After that,Kuja will shows up,and you'll encounter
a battle with Beatrix.

Boss : Beatrix
HP : ???
Just hit her about 1500 damage,and she will attack and reduce your party's HP to 1.

After the battle,another FMV will shows up,and that's the end of disc 1 !!!
Don't forget to save your game by choosing the top option.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DISC 2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Once you be able to control your characters,head east to the next
screen.There's a weapon/item shop in the bottom of the screen.Buy
anything you want,once you done save your game.Talk to everyone in
this screen,then head west to the next screen,you'll meet up with
Marcus and Cinna again.Once they leaves,go back to previous screen,and talk to
Marcus.After the following sequences,all of them will leave,so follow
them to the next screen.Head to the upper left corner of the
screen,and talk to Steiner,then enter the Train on the right.After the
following sequences,the Train will stopped,and the party will go
outside.There you'll encounter a boss battle with Black Waltz #3 again.

Boss : Black Waltz #3
HP : 1400
Just attack him with your normal attack,and Heal if neccessary.
After the battle you'll be back inside the train,and Garnet will have
some talk with Marcus.

Once you arrived here,head north to the next screen (there's an item
shop in the east).Take the path on the right,jump accross the
brigde,and head right to the next screen.
Take 1610 Gil in a chest to the south,then head right to the next
screen.After the guard check your Gate Pass,head right and you'll be
back on the world map.

Monsters in this area :
Name : Trick Sparrow
HP : 191
EXP : 63
AP : 1
Gil : 198
Steal : Rude Stone

Name : Carve Spider (Quina can learn Level 3 Def Less from this monster)
HP : 123
EXP : 48
AP : 1
Gil : 124
Steal : Tent,Potion

Name : Ghost (Quina can learn Roullete from this monster)
HP : 118
EXP : 48
AP : 1
Gil : 126
Steal : Hi Potion,Potion

Name : Mandragora
HP : 662
EXP : 307
AP : 1
Gil : 595
Steal : Hi Potion,Tent,Echo Screen

Dark City Treno:

Once you arrived here,the party will have some talk,then both Dagger &
Marcus will leave Steiner alone.Once you be able to control Steiner,
take the path on the right.Here,go right and open the treasure chest
over there.There's an item shop in the north (near the treasure chest),
and an Inn in the left.Once you done shopping,head north to the next
screen.There's a mognet in the center of the screen,save your game,then
head left to the next screen.Grab 2225 Gil in the upper left
corner of the screen,then enter the auction house in the north.
Here you'll meet up with Garnet again.After some talk,you'll be back
outside the auction house,and this time you'll controlling Garnet
instead Steiner.Head back to the inn (near item shop) and rest.In
the morning,go downstairs and talk to Marcus.Follow him to the next
screen,and go downstairs.Talk to Zidane boss (Baku) and the screen
will switch to Kuja then back to Garnet & the party again.

After the following sequences,you'll be back at the Inn.Go oustide the inn,and
head south to the next screen.Here take the path on the left,and in
the next screen open the treasure chest on the left,and enter the door
in the north-east.Go upstairs,and talk to the man over there (Tot).
After the following sequences,you be able to control Garnet again.Climb
up the ladder and enter a small hole in the upper right corner of the
screen,then you'll arrived at Gargan Roo.Talk to the mognet in the
bottom of the screen,and save your game here.

Gargan Roo:
Monsters in this area :
Name : Crawler
HP : 625
EXP : 480
AP : 2
Gil : 323
Steal : Phoenix Down,Hi Potion,Antidote

Name : Dragon Fly (Quina can learn Matra Magic from this monster)
HP : 348
EXP : 249
AP : 1
Gil : 307
Steal : Tent,Eye Drop

Now take the left path.Here,open the treasure chest on the right,then
head left and press the switch over there.Open the treasure chest on
the left,then go back to previous screen.Take the path on the right.
In the next screen,head right and pull the lever over there,then go back
to previous screen.Examine the switch on the left and a Giant Ant will
appears.After the following sequences you'll fight a boss battle

Boss :
HP : About 2400
Strategy :
Attack it with your normal attack.Heal if neccessary.

Once you arrived in the next screen,head left.There you'll meet up with
Thorn & Zorn once again.After the following sequences the screen will
switch back to Zidane & the party again.
Now you'll be back in the world map.Head west and enter a place called
"Cleyra's Trunk"

Cleyra's Trunk:

Once you arrived at Cleyra's Trunk,head north to the next screen.Here
press the switch on the right and the door on the north will opened.Enter
it and open the treasure chest on the right,then head north.There's a
treasure chest in the south.Open it and head east to the next screen.
From here,head north to the next screen.Open the treasure chest on
the left,then head south and examine the small hole over there.Pick
the 2nd option,then head back to previous screen.Climb up the vines to
the next screen.Now head west,and here open the treasure chest on the
right then head left to find a mognet.Save your game,then continue
north to next screen.Open the treasure chest in the north,then
head east to next screen.Continue east,and here open all the treasure
chest in this screen then take the right path and go north to next

Here open the treasure chest,then continue north to next
screen.Push the lever over there,then go back to previous screen.Head
south,and now take the left path.Open the treasure chest then continue
north to next screen.Open the treasure chest,then go back to previous
screen and head left.Here you will arrive to a room with three
whirlpools.Head left to the next screen.Open the treasure chest on the left,
then climb up the ladder.From here go right and you'll arrived in Cleyra's Town

After the following sequences choose the 2nd option and head north
to next screen.Here enter the inn on the north.You can rest here if you
want,then go upstairs to find a mognet and save your game.
Examine the drawers near the bed in the 2nd floor of the inn to
receive an item.Go back to the first floor,and get an item in the upper
left corner of the screen (near the inn keeper).Once you done,head out
from the inn.Here,examine the tree on the right to receive an item,then
continue north to the next screen.Talk to the guard on the right,then
continue going north.Enter the small caste in the north,and talk to the
guard over there.Go back to the inn and when you reach outside
the inn another guard will shows up.After the following sequences,
he'll leaves,so follow him south to the next screen.From here,head
right and you'll see the Rat Kid (Puck) you've met earlier in the game,and
after Freya shows up,you'll encounter a boss battle.

Boss Battle : Ant Lion
HP : 4000
Strategy :
Becareful with the sandstorm attack,it will reduces your party's HP
down to the single digits.Use Freya jump skill as usual,and let
the others attack it with normal attack,except Vivi,just let him cast
Blizzard 2 to the boss,it will do about 1200 damage.

After the battle the Rat Kid will leaves,and Vivi will follow him.
Now the screen will switch back to Freya & Zidane inside the small castle.
Here Freya will performing her dance skill (Well,it's funny to see
Freya dancing like that ^_^ ),and after that,another FMV will shows up
,then the screen will switch over to Marcus & Steiner inside the bird
cage.After that,the screen will switch back to garnet inside her room
in Alexandria.Later,Thorn & Zorn will shows up and they will bring
Garnet to the throne room.There Garnet and Brahne will have some talk,
then Kuja will suddenly appears and he'll make Garnet falls to sleep.

You will now control Freya.Save your game at the inn,the continue
going south to the next screen.There you'll meet up with Zidane & the
others,and they'll head south to the next screen.

Here climb down the ladder,then head right to the next screen.Continue
right to a screen with a sandwhirl you've found earlier (it will
stopped by now),and you'll encounter a battle with 2 soldier.Defeat
them,then open the 2 treasure chest in the north,and head right to
the next screen.From here,keep going south until Zidane & Freya
stopped at the brigde and have some talk.After that the Rat Kid
will shows up again,and you'll be taken to the village again.

From here,just keep going north until you've reach the Castle.There
another dragoon will takes care of the black mages for you,and the
party will ran inside the castle.

After some talk with Freya,Beatrix will suddenly appears and she'll
stole the red jewel on the right,then she'll ran away.Head south
to the next screen,and save your game here.Talk to the people in this
screen to receive various items,then continue south to the next screen.
Outside the small castle,you'll encounter a battle with her again.

Boss Battle : Beatrix
HP : About 3000
Strategy :
Use Freya jump skill as usual.If Vivi already learn Fire 2,use it to
attack her,and let Zidane & Quina attack as normal.After you hit her
about 3000 damage,she'll attack the party and reduce party's
HP down to 1.

Once the battle is over,Beatrix will escape.And after the following
sequences you'll see another FMV (YaY,It's ODIN !!)
Now the screen will switch back to Zidane and the party again.Go
upstairs,then south to the next screen.After the following sequences,
you'll be back at the previous screen.Go downstairs and a mognet will
shows up upstairs,so follow it to the next screen.Save your game here,
then go back to the previous screen,and go downstairs.From here,head
south to the next screen.Talk to Vivi in the south and choose the 2nd
option.After that,the screen will switch back to Steiner and Marcus

Return to Alexandria:

Here Marcus will tell you to press the controller left and right
to escape from the cage.So do it,and once the cage
start to swinging over and over,you'll need to move the cage to the
right twice,then move the cage to the left twice and
repeat it until you crash to the right wall.

Climb up the ladder on the left,and head to the next screen.
Here Steiner will meet up with Zidane & the party again,then you'll have
30 second to find and save garnet,so hurry up and avoid battle as much
as you can ! From here head south to the next screen and you'll back
outside the castle.Head left

to a screen with a fountain in the south,then go north and enter the
castle again.Keep going north and go upstairs.In the 2nd floor,head
south to the next screen.Here go left,then go upstairs,and enter the
door in the north.Continue north until you've reach the Throne room.

Examine the candle in the upper left corner of the screen,and the
fireplace will move and open up a secret passage.Here keep going down
and when you've reach downstairs,enter the door in the north.
There you'll meet up with Thorn & Zorn once again,and you will encounter
a battle with them

Boss : Thorn & Zorn
HP : ?? (About 3000)
Use Freya jump skill in every turn,use Steiner & Vivi cast their
Magic sword attack,and let Zidane attack as normal.You don't need to
kill both of them,once you defeat one of them,the battle will over,so
just concentrate your attack to one them,and you'll win the battle.

Once the battle is over,both of them will leave.Now head north to
find Garnet.After the following sequences,Zidane will carries Garnet,
and you'll be able to control Zidane again.Head south and talk to
the mognet over the to save your game here.

Head south to the next screen,and climb back upstairs to the
throne room.(Don't forget to open 2 treasure chest on the top part of
the screen with that moving platform).Here you'll meet up with Thorn &
Zorn again,and you'll encounter a battle with Beatrix.

Boss : Beatrix
HP : About 4500
Use Freya jump skill,let Steiner use his magic sword combination with
Vivi,and let zidane attack as normal.If you got injured,just let Vivi
use potion or hi potion to heal the party.

Once the battle is over,Beatrix will cures Garnet,and she'll join the
party (Surprise,surprise !).After that you'll another boss battle,but
this time you will fight it with only Freya and Beatrix

Boss : Beast
HP : 950
Use Beatrix sword skill No.3 ("Climhazzard") and you'll win the battle in
one turn.

Now you'll be controlling Zidane & the party again,head downstairs and
you'll encounter a battle with 3x Black mages,and then 2x Beast.Keep
going down.Downstairs,Steiner will go back to Beatrix & Freya,then
you'll encounter another battle with another beast.Kill it,and the
screen back to Freya & Beatrix.There you'll encounter a battle with
2x Beast.After the battle,Steiner will shows up,and you'll encounter
another battle with those beast again.Once the battle is over,the
screen will switch back to Zidane & the party again.Enter the door in
the north and save your game here.You can use Tent if you want,once you
done,head back to previous screen.From here,head south to the next
screen,and there the party will got trapped inside those cell again.
After that,Blank & Marcus will suddenly appears from behind and knock
down Thorn & Zorn (Ha ha...),then the party will escape to the next
screen.Here,the party will jump into the cart over there,and then
you'll encounter a boss battle.

Boss :
HP : 3800
Don't hit it when the tail is coiled around itself,or it will do an
earthquake attack that damages the entire party.Let Vivi use Fire,or
Fire 2 in every turn,and let Zidane attack as normal.If you got
injured,just let Garnet cast Cure to the entire party.

Once the battle is over,you'll see another FMV,and then the screen
will switch over to Queen Brahne at Alexandria castle.After the
following sequences,Garnet & the others will wakes up at Pinnacle

Pinnacle Rocks:

When the party wakes up,they'll approached by an old man,called
"Ramuh".After doing some talk with him,you'll arrived in the next screen.
Head south to find a Mognet and save your game here.Go back to previous screen
to find Ramuh,and he'll tell you to find him 4 more times.After that head back
to a screen with a mognet,and talk to Ramuh on the left.

After that,open the treasure chest in the south,then head left
and talk to Ramuh (still in this screen).Now head left to the
next screen.Here talk to Ramuh in the north,
and open the treasure chest behind him,then continue north to the next
screen.Cross the brigde to the right,then jump to the south and open
the treasure chest over there.Talk to Ramuh on the left,then head left
to next screen.Head north to the next screen,then
cross the brigde in the north again,and this time,head left.Talk to Ramuh
again,and you'll given an option.Choose the right answers,and another FMV will shows up.

After the folowing sequences,the party will arrives at Lindbulm.Once
you be able to control your characters,enter the inn on the left.
Go upstairs to the 2nd floor,and save your game here.

Now leave the inn,and head north.In the next screen,head right,
then north to the main square (with the fountain).Here you'll meet up
with the uncle ??? (i forgot his name...) and he'll will lead you to King Cid.
When you be able to control your characters again,enter the house
on the right to buy new weapons/armors here.Once you done shopping,
head out from the house and talk to the man near the fountain and
choose the 1st option.After checking the ATE,Garnet and Zidane will
sneak to the elevator.Downstairs you'll meet up with Cid again and
he'll guide you out from Lindblum.In the next screen,just head north
and you'll be back at the world map.

Head back to Qu's marsh in the north and go to the frog swamp again.
Talk to Quina,and he'll join the party.Now head back south to
previous screen,and head to the far right of the screen,and head north.
After doing some talk with Quina,continue north to the next screen,
then head east and you'll arrived at Fossil Roo

Fossil Roo:
Monsters in this area :
Name : ???
HP : 879
EXP : 912
AP : 1
Gil : 388
Steal : Ether,Hi Potion

Name : Seeker Bat (Quina can learn Night from this monster)
HP : 594
EXP : 449
AP : 2
Gil : 366
Steal : Tent,Eye Drops,Hi Potion

Name : Griffon (Quina can learn White Wind from this monster)
HP : 1470
EXP : 1856
AP : 2
Gil : 602
Steal : ??

Name : Feather Circle (Quina can learn Level 4 Holy from this monster)
HP : 619
EXP : 628
AP : 1
Gil : 378
Steal : Hi Potion

When you arrives here,just head east and a demon will shows up and it
will keep chasing after the party.If you're not fast enough to ran away
from the demon,you'll encounter a battle with it.

Boss :
HP : About 1200
Just let Vivi cast Fire2 two times to the demon,and you'll win the

Just keep going east until you've reach over the hole on the bridge
then the party will jump over the hole,and the demon will falls down
to the bottom of the earth :).
In the next screen you'll encounter another boss battle.

Boss Battle : Lani
HP : 6250
Let Vivi cast Fire2 in every turn,and have Zidane and
Quina attack as normal.If you got injured,just let Garnet cast Cure to

After the battle,head north to the next screen.Here pick up the flowers
on the left then go over the tunnel and use the flowers to the Giant
Spider,and the party will jumps into it for a ride.Head north
to the next screen.There's a mognet in the bottom of the screen,so
save your game here if you want.You can also buy items from the moogle
by choosing the 4th options.

Now head north to the next screen.Here pick up the flowers and use it
to call the giant spider to the right.In the next screen,head right and
push the lever over there,then go back to previous screen and call
the giant spider again,and you'll arrive in the next screeen.In the
next screen climb up the stairs to the left,and go north to the next
screen.Open the treasure chest over there,then go back to previous
screen,and this time take the upper right path to the next screen.
Here go left to the next screen,and push the lever over there,then
go back to previous screen.

Inside this place (Fossil Roo),be sure to eat the enemy called "Griffon"
to learn a very useful blue magic for quina,"White Wind",if you haven't
learned it earlier.

Head south to the next screen,and call the giant spider again.Once you
arrived in the next screen,go right and pull the lever over there,and
go back to the previous screen to call the giant spider again.Now
you'll be back at the screen with a mognet standing in the south,so
save your game here,then continue south to the next screen.Call the
giant spider again,and when you arrived in the next screen,you can
talk to the man in the left to buy new items & weapons for your party.
Once you done shopping,continue north to the next screen.Push the lever
to the north,then head right to the next screen,and call the giant
spider again.In the next screen,head right to next screen,and open the
treasure chest over there,then go back to previous screen,and call
the giant spider again.Head left and push the lever again,then
go back to previous screen.Call the giant spider again,and you'll
arrived in the next screen.

Now head right to the next screen.Climb up the vines to the right,and you'll falls
downstairs.Here,go north and climb up the vines again,to the upper left corner of the
screen,and push the lever over there,then go back downstairs.Head right to the
next screen,and call the giant spider again.Once you arrived in the
next screen,head right,then go north and you'll be back at the world map....

The Outer Continent:
Monsters in this area :
Name : Griffon
HP : 1470
EXP : 1856
AP : 2
Gil : 602
Steal : ??

Name : Goblin Mage (Quina can learn Goblin Punch from this monster)
HP : 983
EXP : 912
AP : 1
Gil : 1136
Steal : Potion

Name : Sabotendar/Cactuar
HP : 1940
EXP : 4206
AP : 2
Gil : 1021
Steal : Ether,Tent,Phoenix Down

Name : Zaghnol (Quina can learn Matra Magic from this monster)
HP : 1189
EXP : 1260
AP : 2
Gil : 546
Steal : Ether,Tent

You can encounter a battle with Cactuar (Sabotendar),and Goblin Mage
in this area,so don't forget to eat them to learn a new blue magic
for Quina.You'll also encounter a battle with Griffon in this area,so
don't forget to eat it,if you haven't learn "White Wind" skill from
it earlier.....
Now go North East and enter a place called "Conde Petie"

Conde Petie:

After checking all the ATE's here,head right to the next screen.Continue
right until you arrived in a screen with a mognet standing near the
stairs.Save your game here then go upstairs,and talk to Vivi to the
right.After Vivi runs off to chase after the black mage,you'll be able
to control your character again.Now head south and go back to the world

In the word map,just head to a nearby forest to the south east and enter it.
(Note: You must go around the cliff first !)

Forest Maze:
Monsters in this area :
Name : Myconid (Quina can learn Mighty Guard from this monster)
HP : 1372
EXP : 1368
AP : 1
Gil : 726
Steal : Eye Drops,Tent

Name : Zemzelet (Quina can learn White Wind from this monster)
HP : 1571
EXP : 2092
AP : 2
Gil : 889
Steal : Ether,Hi Potion
Here,the screen will repeats itself,so the only way to find your way out is to pay
attention to the owls.Everytime you go into the correct side you will see an owl fly off.
You'll get to the Black mage village when the last owl flies away.You'll also see one
peek out from the opposite side you're in.Follow the Mage at this point,and you'll be
in the Black mage Village. (Source : IGN.COM)

In my game,the correct path is "RIGHT,RIGHT,LEFT,then RIGHT".I don't think it was random
everytime you play the game,because i've play the game three times,and it always the

Inside this forest,be sure to eat the enemy called "Myconid" (that looks like a mushroom)
to learn a very useful blue magic for Quina,"Mighty Guard"

Black Mage village :

Once you arrived here,head left to the next screen,then enter the house
in the center (Synthesis shop).Here you'll meet up with Garnet again.After doing
some talk with her,she'll leaves.Head out from this house,
go left,and follow Vivi right to the next screen.Continue right to
the next screen,and you'll find a mognet here,so save your game,if you
want it.

Head back to previous screen,then go north and talk to Vivi at the
inn.After the following sequences,the party will decided to get some
sleep,and in the next morning,you'll regain control of your characters
again.Now leave black mage village,and go back to Conde Petie.

Here (at Conde Petie),talk to a dwarf that walking outside the inn.
After that,go south to the next screen,and save your game here,then continue
right to the next screen.Keep going right until you've reach to the Mountain Path.

Mountain Path:
Monsters in this area :
Name : Nole
HP : 1375
EXP : 1368
AP : 1
Gil : 691
Steal : Ether,Hi Potion

Name : Ochu (Quina can learn level 4 def less from this monster)
HP : 3568
EXP : 2092
AP : 2
Gil : 845
Steal : Ether,Hi Potion

Name : Troll
HP : 1469
EXP : 2092
AP : 1
Gil : 854
Steal : Tent

After the following sequences,name the little girl Eiko,and she'll
join the party.Head right to the next screen,climb up the vines,and
go left to the next screen.Open the treasure chest on the left,and go
back to previous screen.Continue right to the next screen,
then go north to find a mognet and save your game here.Climb up the
ladder on the left,then head right to the next screen.
You'll see another FMV here,and after that,continue right to the next
screen.There you'll encounter a boss battle.

Boss Battle : Hill Gigas
HP : About 7000
Let Vivi cast Fire 2 in every turn,and let Zidane attack as normal.
Let Eiko Summon Fenrir in every turn,and if you got injured,let
Garnet or Eiko cast Cure to the entire party.

After the battle,head right to the screen.Here take the right path,
and open the treasure chest over there,then go back to previous screen.
Now keep going north and you'll be back at the world map.
From here,just head north and enter a place called "Madain Sari"

Monsters in this area :
Name : Braiser Beattle
HP : 1468
EXP : 1548
AP : 1
Gil : 740
Steal : Ether,Phoenix Wings,Hi Potion

Name : Troll
HP : 1469
EXP : 2092
AP : 1
Gil : 854
Steal : Tent

Name : Goblin Mage
HP : 983
EXP : 912
AP : 1
Gil : 1136
Steal : Potion

Madain Sari,Lost Summoners:

Once you be able to control your characters,open the treasure chest on
the south,and talk to Garnet.There's an item behind the fountain,so get
it,then head left to the next screen,and talk to Vivi.After that,try
to enter the house on the left,and another ATE will shows up.After
checking the ATE,head back to previous screen,and go north to the
next screen.Talk to the mognet/moogle on the right,and Quina will
shows up.

After s/he leaves,go back to previous screen,then head back to
Eiko's house and talk to the mognet over there.It will leave
but another mognet will shows up and blocked the path again,so head
back to previous screen.Head right and talk to the mognet there,then
talk to Garnet in the south,and she'll join the party again.Head
back to previous screen,then head right and talk to the mognet over
there.After the following sequences,go back to the house on the left,
and talk to the "Gold" mognet that blocking the path,and it will
let you pass through this time.Inside the house,open the treasure chest
on the right,then talk to Garnet on the top of the screen.Grab the
pot on the table,and bring it to Eiko on the left.After that,talk to
Quina in the south,then try to get out from this house,and a mognet
will shows up and it will offer you to rest for a night.Choose the
first choice,and in the next morning,you'll be back at the world map.
Now head back south to the Montain path

Once you arrived here,keep going south until you've reach an
intersection (the place you fought a boss earlier).Go north and
you'll be back at the world map.From here,just head west and enter
a place called "IIFA"

IIFA,The Ancient Tree Of Life:
Monsters in this area :
Name : Myconid
HP : 1372
EXP : 1368
AP : 1
Gil : 726
Steal : Eye Drops,Tent

Name : Zombie (Quina can learn Roullete from this monster)
HP : 973
EXP : 1444
AP : 1
Gil : 708
Steal : Ether,Tent,Talisman

Name : Strouper (Quina can learn Level5 Death from this monster)
HP : 1840
EXP : 2344
AP : 2
Gil : 2136
Steal : Golden Neddle,Phoenix Down

Name : Dragon Zombie (Quina can learn Level 5 Death from this monster)
HP : 2179
EXP : 3228
AP : 3
Gil : 941
Steal : Ether,Talisman

Once you arrived here,choose the 3rd choice,and Eiko will take down
the force field.Keep going north until you arrived in a screen
with a mognet,and save your game here,then continue north to the
next screen.After the following sequences,you'll arrive dowstairs.
Head left to the next screen.Here open the treasure chest at the
bottom of the screen,then continue right to the next screen.Go down
and open 2 treasure chest on the left,then continue south to the next
screen.Here,the party will ride the platform to the bottom,and you'll
encounter few battles with a Zombie,then Dragon.Once you reach
the bottom,talk to Garnet,then go downstairs and open the treasure
chest on the right.Now talk to Vivi,then Eiko.Open the treasure chest
behind the roots,then examine the wall on the lower left of the screen
to encounter a boss battle.

Boss : IIFA
HP : 10.000
Strategy :
Just attack it with your best attack,but don't let Vivi use Fire
spell to the boss or it will counterattack the party with a very
powerful fire magic spell that can kill almost everyone in the party.
So don't cast any fire elements in this battle,instead,just let
Vivi Cast "Bolt 2" or "Bio" to the boss.If you use Elixir to the boss,
it will die instantly.

After the battle,you'll be able to control your characters
again,so head out from IIFA,and head back to Madain Sari.

Once you arrived at Madain Sari,head to Eiko's house,and go to Eiko's
room.After the following sequences,she'll leaves,and you'll be able
to control your characters again.Open 2 treasure chest in this
room,then head out from the house,and head right to the next screen.
Go north and talk to the mognet over there.Choose the 2nd option
first to restore your HP/MP,then choose the 1st option three times,
and you'll arrived at the next screen.After the following sequences,
you'll encounter a battle with Amarant.

Boss : Amarant
HP : 10.000
Strategy : You'll fight Amarant with only Zidane alone,so this is a
very tough battle.Just attack it with your normal attack,and keep your
HP above 500.Also,don't attack it while he's at the back row,instead
use this chance to heal Zidane with Hi Potion (i hope you have some..),
or Tent.

After the battle Amarant will gives back the item he stole from Eiko
before and he'll leave.Now go back to Eiko's room,and talk to her.
After doing some talk with her,head out from Eiko's house,and check
for the "!" spot at the lower left corner of the screen.Here you'll
meet up with Garnet,and after doing some talk with her,you'll see
another FMV,and then you'll be arrived back at Eiko's house.In the
next morning,Amarant will join the party.After that you'll
be back at the world map.Now head back to IIFA.

Once you arrived here,just keep going north until you find Kuja and
his Silver Dragon.After the following sequences,you'll encounter a
battle with two monsters two times.Once the battle is over,find a
mognet on the top of the screen (hiding behind the roots) and save
your game here,then keep going down until you find Garnet,and you'll
see another FMV's.

At the shore,Queen Brahne will dies and she'll hands over the kingdom
to Garnet.After that you'll arrive back at Alexandria.
Now you'll see another FMV,and after that save your game (top choice)
then insert Disc 3 and keep on playing....

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DISC 3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

After the following sequences,the screen will switch back to Zidane
inside the bar at Alexandria town.Here,Zidane friends will leave the
bar,then you'll be able to control Vivi again.Head to the Bell
tower and save your game here,then climb up the bell tower,and ring
the bell to receive few items,then head out from the bell tower and
go north to the next screen.Talk to Blank & Marcus here,then go
downstairs.After the following sequences,the screen will switch back
to Garnet on her room at Alexandria castle.Here,the shopkeeper from
Treno (Tot) will shows up and he'll give Garnet few items,then he'll

Downstairs,Tot will meet up with Eiko that walking around
the castle.Once you be able to control Eiko,head north to a screen
with two staircases.Here Baku will shows up,and after the following
sequences,the screen will switch back to Zidane at the bar,then Vivi
will shows up and he'll join the party again.Head north from the
Event Square to find Freya & Amarant.After the following sequences,
they'll join the party again.Ride the boat to the north,and head
back to Alexandria castle.Here you'll meet up with Eiko & Steiner,
and inside the castle you'll meet up with Garnet again.After that,
Garnet will head back to her room,and the screen will switch back to
Eiko outside Alexandria castle,near the fountain.After the following
sequences,the screen will switch back to Zidane & the party again
at the bar.Later the party will head out from the bar and they'll
ride the giant ant cart at Gargan roo,then you'll arrived back at Dark
City Treno.Once you be able to control your character again,head
left to the next screen,and go downstairs.From here,just head right to
the next screen,then keep going north until you've reach to a screen
with a mognet,and save your game here.

Now head right to the weapon shop,and buy a new weapon for your party's
here.Once you done shopping,go back to a screen with a mognet,and head
south to the next screen.Here,buy ticket from the man on the middle of
the screen,then enter the building on the north to play the card game.
(i don't know how to play the card game either,so don't ask me)

After you win the card game,check the ATE,then go back to previous
screen,and see another ATE here.After that,go north to the next screen
(outside auction house) and talk to Freya here,and she'll join the
party again.Go back to previous screen,and head south to the next
screen.Here,play the card game again,and after you win the card game,
another ATE will shows up,so check it,then head back to previous
screen (with a mognet).After checking another ATE here,go back south
and play the card game again,then Cid Lindblum will appears,and the
screen will switch over to Kuja at alexandria town.

Alexandria Under Attack !

After the following sequences,you'll be able to control Beatrix &
Steiner again.Head south and kill the monster over there,then continue
south to the next screen.Keep going south and kill all the monster here
then screen switch back to Garnet at the castle.Once you be able to
control Garnet again,go upstairs,and head south to the next screen.
Here,climb up the stairs on the left,and continue north to the next
screen.Head left to the ne
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Complete Game Script

15.Oktober 2013
Ozma FAQ

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Secret Boss Hints

17.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
Character Guide

11.Oktober 2013
PAL Patch for the US NTSC Version (ADR).

15.Oktober 2013
10.Oktober 2008
engl. Hinweise
10.Oktober 2008
engl. FAQ
10.Oktober 2008
Alle Spieler auf Level 99, alle Gegenstände und Fähigkeiten.

13.Oktober 2013
Tetra Master

13.Oktober 2013
Boss Guide

13.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

11.Oktober 2013
Quina's Blue Magic

17.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
English to Japanese

16.Oktober 2013
Part 1 Guide

17.Oktober 2013
Boss Guide

11.Oktober 2013
PAL Patch for the European French PAL Version (TXC)

16.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector and Patch for the European French PAL Version.

15.Oktober 2013
PAL Patch for the European French PAL Version (HYD)

15.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector and Patch for the European German PAL Version.

18.Oktober 2013
No Nonsense Guide

13.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Quina's Abilities

13.Oktober 2013
Meest populair
30.December 2013
01.December 2014
24.Februari 2018
25.Juni 2019
11.Februari 2016
22.Oktober 2014