Quest for Glory 4 - Shadows of Darkness

Quest for Glory 4 - Shadows of Darkness

15.10.2013 02:44:09

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| S H A D O W S O F D A R K N E S S |
An FAQ/Walkthrough by CyricZ
Version 1.1
E-mail: cyricz42 at

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. The Story So Far
3. Getting Started
3A. The Classes
3B. Importing a Hero
3C. Character Statistics
3D. Magic Spells and Paladin Abilities
3E. Surviving in this Crazy World
4. The Valley of Mordavia
4A. Map and Points of Interest
4B. Characters
4C. Monsters
4D. Items
5. Fighter Walkthrough
6. Wizard Walkthrough
7. Thief Walkthrough
8. Paladin Walkthrough
9. The Whole Story and Epilogue
10. Miscellany
10A. FAQ
10B. Point List
10C. Frequently Missed Points
10D. Ways to Die
10E. Conversation Trees
11. Standard Guide Stuff
11A. Legal
11B. E-mail Guidelines
11C. Credits
11D. Version Updates
11E. The Final Word


Okay, I'll admit it. I love Quest for Glory. I'm absolutely crazy about the
series. The greatest thing about the series is the well-done connection
between RPG and the classic Sierra graphic adventure. Unlike most other of
Sierra's adventures, the Quest for Glory series has more non-linear elements.
The combat, the spells, the loot, and the silly puns and jokes all make for a
great adventure.

This is the fourth game in the five game series. You have been snatched up by
some weird teleportation spell. You must find a way to survive in the land
of Mordavia, and maybe try to help out at the same time.

Although not my favorite, I still like this game, especially the whole scary
Gothic theme to it, not to mention the Vampire theme. There are some nasty
bugs in it, though.


In the beginning of his adventure, our hero (you) left his hometown to make a
name for himself as a true hero. He went to Spielburg, a valley that had
been cursed for many years. The Baron tried to drive away the Ogress, Baba
Yaga, but she cursed him instead, and he lost his son and daughter. The
realm was overrun with brigands and monsters, and the Baron locked himself
away in his castle.

Although a dangerous land, the Hero made many friends. He made acquaintances
of the Katta innkeepers, Shameen and Shema, and their merchant friend,
Abdulla Doo. He also met such people as Zara, the owner of the Magic Shop,
the Wizard Erasmus and his rat-like familiar Fenrus, not to mention the Dryad
who protected the woods, and the particularly nasty seller of information,
Bruno. He also went to many interesting places, including cliffs with
strange plant-life, to the majestic Flying Falls, to the meadow known as
Erana's Peace. He first learned of the great Archmage Erana there, and, even
though he was told the meadow was her final resting place, he found no
evidence to prove that.

But being a hero's more than making friends and influencing people, the Hero
set to work. He explored a cave and found a Kobold Magic User. Taking the
Kobold's key, he freed an enchanted bear, who turned out to be the Baron of
Spielburg's lost son, Barnard. This was the first stepping stone. By spying
on Bruno and another brigand's plot to overthrow their leader, the Hero found
a way into the fortress of the brigands. Passing by a great Minotaur, Toro,
the Hero invaded the fortress, snuck his way to the leader's room, and
dispelled the enchantment on her. The leader was, in reality, the Baron's
daughter, Elsa. After leaving the fortress, the Hero made a final visit to
the Ogress, Baba Yaga. Using a Magic Mirror against her, he reflected back
her own evil magic and forced her to flee the land.

After freeing Spielburg from the curse, our Hero traveled to the desert realm
of Shapeir, with the Kattas and Abdulla Doo. The Emir of Raseir had
disappeared a year ago, and a portent of evil hung over the entire realm.
The Hero met many new friends here, as well, including the Liontaur Paladin,
Rakeesh, the warrior woman, Uhura, and the Enchantress Aziza. Performing as
only a Hero can, he saved the city from the ravages of the Elementals, and
freed the spirit of the tree healer, Julanar.

After saving the city of Shapeir, he traveled to Raseir, where he made the
acquaintances of Senor Ferrari and Ugarte, who ran the illegal activities in
town. He eventually was captured and hypnotized by the evil Wizard, Ad Avis,
and taken to the Forbidden City, to obtain the Statue of Iblis, which Ad Avis
intended to use to take over the world. After escaping the tomb with the
help of a Djinni, the Hero assaulted the Palace and knocked Ad Avis off the
balcony of the Ritual Chamber. For his actions, the Hero was adopted by the
Sultan Harun al-Rashid, and became the Prince of Shapeir.

A few months after his victory in Raseir, Rakeesh's wife, Kreesha, called him
back to his homeland of Tarna. There was talk off war between two native
tribes. Rakeesh brought the Prince of Shapeir and Uhura to Tarna. The Hero
found more friends in Tarna, including Salim the Apothecary, Yesufu the
Simbani Warrior, and Johari the Leopardwoman. The Hero brought peace between
the two tribes by returning their sacred artifacts, and traveled to the Lost
City of Eastern Fricana to put an end to the Demons that caused the war.
After defeating them, the Hero was summoned away by dark magic. What will
become of him now? The only way to find out is to play this here game.


3A. The Classes =

Once you start a new game, you'll have the choice of picking one of the
game's three classes. Any class can easily complete the game, of
course, but some have harder times at survival than others.


The Fighter

You are renowned for your aptitude of survival when faced with many a foe.
You have knowledge of many forms of combat, both close and ranged, but the
place you are truly in concert is with your sword and shield. There, you are
a work of art to behold.

The Fighter is the most straight-forward class. He speaks mostly through his
blade, and his diplomacy is through his muscles. Choose the Fighter if you
have a thrist for the blood of the enemy.

Starting Stats:

Strength: 250
Intelligence: 200
Agility: 225
Vitality: 225
Luck: 200
Communication: 200
Weapon Use: 250
Parry: 250
Dodge: 200
Throwing: 200
Honor: 200

You start the quest with Platemail Armor, and a Money Pouch with two Crowns.


The Wizard

Your flair for the arcane is most promising. Although you have yet to
compare yourself to great masters of magic such as Erasmus, Kreesha, or Erana,
the way you intelligently spin your weave of sorcery leaves many impressed
with your skills. You have proven yourself a force to be reckoned with with
the creation of your Wizard's Staff. Unfortunately, you were forced to
sacrifice it in order to save Tarna. Maybe the opportunity for a new Staff
will arise.

Choose the Wizard in order to master the skills of the great ones. The
Wizard often uses his magic to solve problems and open new opportunities.

Starting Stats:

Strength: 200
Intelligence: 250
Agility: 200
Vitality: 200
Luck: 200
Communication: 225
Weapon Use: 200
Dodge: 200
Magic: 250
Honor: 200

Spell Skills:

Open: 200
Detect Magic: 200
Trigger: 200
Dazzle: 200
Zap: 250
Calm: 200
Flame Dart: 250
Fetch: 200
Force Bolt: 150
Levitate: 200
Reversal: 150
Juggling Lights: 150
Lightning Ball: 150

You start the quest with Leather Armor, and a Money Pouch with two Crowns.


The Thief

Your associates both fear and respect you. Your name is whispered in the
underground as tales of your exploits are more and more exaggerated. You
have not only the power to remain undetected, but in the off chance that you
are, you also have the amazing ability to escape the fuzz with your skin

The Thief is a man of accomplishing tasks in an indirect fashion. Mordavia's
not a big thief-friendly town, but there's always a job or two open to you.

Starting Stats:

Strength: 200
Intelligence: 200
Agility: 250
Vitality: 200
Luck: 200
Communication: 200
Weapon Use: 200
Dodge: 225
Stealth: 200
Lockpicking: 200
Throwing: 200
Climbing: 200
Acrobatics: 150
Honor: 150

You start the quest with Leather Armor, and a Money Pouch with two Crowns.


Once you select your class, you'll have the opportunity to name him, and
adjust his base statistics. You have a pool of 100 points, which you can
distribute to your skills in any amount you wish.

If you want to add points to a skill that your class doesn't normally have,
you can do so, but you'll have to spend all hundred points for that one
skill. In this manner, you can give yourself a skill you could not normally

Speaking of creating hybrids, I personally don't like it, for every class can
reach 500 Puzzle Points, and if you want to do particular acts, just use that
class. Of course, if you like being able to cast spells while sneaking
around in houses you've broken into, go right ahead.

If you give a Fighter or Thief Magic, you'll start with Detect, Flame Dart,
and Force Bolt, all at a skill of 100, and Zap with a skill of 150.

3B. Importing a Hero =

Another one of Quest for Glory's charms is the ability to carry your hero
over from previous adventures. Click on Import Character when you start the
game and you'll be allowed to pull a character from a disk from any of the
three previous Quest for Glory games.

You'll be installed in the new quest much the same as you left yourself from
Tarna. All your stats will be the same as you left them, unless they are
below the entry level of skill for your class, in which case they will be
increased to that entry level. This includes Spell Skills. Happily, you'll
still be given the 100 point pool to use as you like.

If you're missing spells when you import, you'll be given all of them.

Of course, there's no inventory to import here, since you "lose" all your
stuff travelling to Mordavia.

When you import, you'll also have the option of changing your class
before you start. If you change your class, you'll have all the
starting stuff of the new class, and all the skills of the old class,
and you'll have 100 points for every skill you didn't have of the new
class. It's a big mess.


The Paladin

This class is not accessible for creating a character. You must have earned
it during Quest for Glory 2 or 3, (check my respective guides for how to earn
the right), and imported your Paladin.

As the most honorable Paladin, you'll be much like a Fighter, but you'll also
have some special abilities. These will be described in the Spells section.

Also, in this game, there are certain tasks that ONLY the Paladin can
perform, so it's worth your time to explore this "hidden" character.

3C. Character Statistics =

On your Character Screen, you can observe how your stats change. Here are
all the stats and how to increase them. Every stat maxes out at 400.


Attributes (Basic Stuff) -

Strength: Your physical prowess, Strength determines how hard you can hit,
how well you can muscle your way through things, and how much you can carry.
Strength is the most useful for the Fighter, since he spends most of his time
using his muscles. Strength also determines how many Health Points you have.

- You can increase Strength through physical exercise and through combat
(particularly by striking).

Intelligence: Your mental prowess. Intelligence is most useful for Wizards.
Not only does it determine how effective spells are, but also factors
directly to Mana Points.

- You can increase Intelligence by casting spells, learning things, solving
puzzles, or making good moves in combat (i.e. successfully dodging an attack
and counterstriking).

Agility: This is a measure of how well you can move. A good Agility means you
can duck, dodge, and hide better. Thieves need top-notch Agility to perform
their myriad skills. Agility also factors towards Stamina Points.

- You can increase Agility by performing some of the Thief skills (Climbing,
Lockpicking, Stealth), or through combat (particularly Dodging).

Vitality: Although most useful for Fighters, Vitality is good for everyone to
have. This measures your ability to take damage well. Vitality factors
directly to your Health Points and Stamina Points as well.

- You can increase Vitality through most any physical action, particularly by
taking damage in combat.

Luck: A very mysterious skill, Luck factors into a lot of things, and is most
useful to the Thief. I'd imagine Luck is drawn against when performing a
skill that has a chance of failing, as well as random stuff like monster

- Increasing Luck is not very well understood. In this game, Luck seems to go
up with most any action you perform. It's pretty slow in this game, though.

Communication: This is a skill which started in Quest for Glory II. This is
your ability to speak well, but for some reason, there's no point in the game
that you are required to utilize it.

- Increase Communication by talking with people.


Skills (Specific Stuff) -

Weapon Use: Everyone has this skill, since everyone has a weapon. This is
the skill of sticking your pointy object into the other guy. A high Weapon
Use factors towards damage caused and successful strikes.

- Increase Weapon Use by attacking in combat.

Parry: Only Fighters have a true need for this skill, since stopping enemy
attacks is much easier with a sword or shield than it is with a dagger. A
higher Parry skill indicates a better chance at taking less damage while
parrying a weapon.

- Increase Parry by blocking or parrying in combat (more so if you're

Dodge: Everyone has Dodge. One can't take hits forever, and a good Dodge
skill ensures that you'll be able to avoid blows more successfully.

- Increase Dodge by dodging in combat (more so if you're successful).

Stealth: An essential Thief Skill. No people want their houses robbed by
someone who bangs around like a drunk Moose. Having Stealth activates the
"Sneak" ability, which makes you much less noticable to baddies or the
occasional law officer.

- Increase Stealth by having Sneak active. Just Sneak everywhere and you'll
max it out eventually, but it's quite slow in the game.

Lockpicking (aka Pick Locks, I hate grammatical errors): To get into realms of
fabulous cash and prizes, you'll need to open door number 1, and your
Thief's Toolkit helps, but you need the skill to use it.

- Increase Lockpicking by doing so. One place you can do this (without
actually picking any locks, mind you), is to go to one of the safes in the
Thieves' Guild, click the Hand on it, and click on Crack Safe. Even if you
already cracked it, you'll gain skill.

Throwing: Useful for both Fighters and Thieves, a good Throwing skill can peg
a monster with a few extra rocks or daggers before they get close enough to
fight up close. Throwing can also be used to hit or knock off things that
are far off.

- Increasing Throwing can come from throwing rocks or daggers out on the

Climbing: Another Thief Skill, you'll need it for scaling walls, trees, gates,
ropes, and other non-ladder surfaces. But, it should seem simple to some
other classes, since it mostly involves Strength.

- Increase Climbing by, naturally, climbing. Best place to do this is in any
tree (if you use the Eye and you see something about pine trees, you know
you can climb that tree).

Acrobatics: This a new Thief Skill. The concept was introduced in Quest for
Glory III, but now it's an actual skill. With it, you can jump, flip, and
twist in the air with some amazing flair.

- Increase Acrobatics by jumping (it's a skill in your Special Menu).

Magic: The Wizard's skill at manipulating reality. Not much else to say
about this, generally. More will be said in the Spells section about each
individual spell's effectiveness.

- Increase Magic by casting, casting, and casting some more.

Honor: This is the measure of the good deeds one does throughout his quest.
This is a skill which started in Quest for Glory II. A high Honor is a
measure of a true hero, and helps towards becoming a Paladin. By the way,
Honor can never have points assigned to it in the opening.

- Increase Honor by doing honorable actions. Many specific quest actions
will increase honor, and more simple ways are by giving gifts, such as
flowers, to people, such as the Rusalka.


General Health Points -

Health Points: If you hit 0, you die. Pretty simple. The maximum amount of
Health you have is determined by adding two-thirds of your Vitality to
one-third of your Strength. So, if you have a Strength of 30 and a Vitality
of 60, your Health Point max is 50.

Stamina Points: This is your measure of stamina for performing strenuous acts,
such as fighting, casting spells, running, throwing, climbing, etc. Your
max Stamina is determined by adding one-half of your Agility to one-half of
your Vitality.

Mana Points: Mana is your measure of magical energy. Each spell uses a
certain amount of mana. Your max Mana is determined by adding two-thirds of
your Magic Skill to one-third of your Intelligence. Naturally, if your
Magic Skill is zero, your Mana Points will also be zero, no matter how high
your Intelligence.


Scores -

Puzzle Points: Much like most other Sierra games, you get points for doing
special acts. The max is 500, and every class has its own special way of
reaching that high. In the Miscellany section, there's a Point List.

3D. Magic Spells and Paladin Abilities =

While so many games give you a billion offensive spells to eviscerate
your enemies, Quest for Glory take a different approach. Sure, the
magic users of other games can lay waste to any bad guy, but what
happens if they misplace their keys, or if they need to reach the book
at the top of the shelf? This is why Quest for Glory makes the Wizard
skilled in a bunch of all-around magic.

Each spell can be built up to 400 in skill by casting it repeatedly.


Older Spells (Spells in previous games):

MP: 2
Found: Wizards begin with it.
Description: Open is useful for unlocking simple locks and opening doors.
Use it when you want to hang back from the thing you open.

"Detect Magic"
MP: 2
Found: Any class with Magic begins with it.
Description: This is a very general spell, and is used to detect any existing
magical auras in the immediate area.

MP: 3
Found: Wizards begin with it.
Description: This lovely little spell can be used to set off any magical
spells in the immediate area. It can make invisible things visible,
activate teleport spells, or set off magical traps while the caster is still
at a safe distance. Pretty handy.

MP: 3
Found: Wizards begin with it.
Description: Dazzle creates a brilliant flash of light that will stun
anything for a small time while it pauses to rub its eyes. This only works,
naturally, if the creature HAS eyes. Having more skill in this spell will
cause monsters to be delayed for longer. Although it doesn't last as long
as Calm, this skill CAN be used in combat.

MP: 3
Found: Any class with Magic begins with it.
Description: Casting Zap will charge your weapon with magical energy. The
next strike will release the energy. It can only be cast once at a time.
Increasing your skill will increase the damage done with the charged weapon.

MP: 4
Found: Wizards begin with it.
Description: Since most Magic Users like to avoid direct combat, you can use
this spell to immediately cause any threatening monster to cease its hostile
intent and contemplate the universe and its bellybutton. This works on most
enemies with a pulse. It's ineffective in actual combat, however. Having
more skill in this spell will cause monsters to be delayed for longer.

"Flame Dart"
MP: 5
Found: Any class with Magic begins with it.
Description: The Flame Dart produces a small ball of magical flame which you
can direct at an opponent, either in combat or while still at a distance.
It can also be used, get this, to burn things. As you increase in skill,
your Flame Darts will do more damage.

MP: 5
Found: Wizards begin with it.
Description: Fetch is useful for grabbing objects that are distant. It can
mostly be used on small, non-living objects. With practice, you can use it
to move objects from one place to another.

"Force Bolt"
MP: 6
Found: Any class with Magic begins with it.
Description: Force Bolt creates a globe of forceful energy. This can be used
to attack enemies or to give things that little extra push from far off.
This spell can be used in close combat.

MP: 7 (Initial cast, continually drains MP while active)
Found: Wizards begin with it.
Description: Levitate allows you to move up and down in your plane of
existence. You cannot, however, move to side to side, but you can, in
theory, grab ledges or whatever while floating to pull yourself up onto
solid ground.

MP: 8
Found: Wizards begin with it.
Description: Reversal will allow any spell cast at you to be reflected. This
may not always be back at the caster. When two Wizards duel and have
Reversal, the results can be quite dangerous for spectators.

"Juggling Lights"
MP: 8
Found: Wizards begin with it.
Description: While not a particularly useful spell, you can use it to light
up a dark area.

"Summon Staff"
MP: 5
Found: Wizards begin with it.
Description: Although you techincally know how to summon a Staff, you lost
yours in your last adventure. If you come across a way to find or make
another, you can use this spell again.

"Lightning Ball"
MP: 10
Found: Wizards begin with it.
Description: This is another combat attack spell. It causes a serious amount
of damage, but it costs quite a bit of MP. Shocking.


New Spells to this Game:

"Frost Bite"
MP: 15
Found: Taught to you by Katrina upon your first meeting outside the town
Description: Definitely good for giving bad guys the cold shoulder, this
spell casts a core of frigid air in their direction. The nice thing about
this spell is that it's an area effect spell, and if an opposing spellcaster
uses Reversal, it'll have no effect. Some enemies, like the Undead, are
immune to ice attacks.

"Ritual of Release"
MP: 20
Found: Taught by the Faery Folk in the forest.
Description: This is mostly a story-based spell. It has no real use except
for one thing, to remove the Staff of Erana from its rock in the town, and
you cannot remove it until the time is right.

"Hide", aka "Invisibility"
MP: 6
Found: Taught by Baba Yaga in exchange for some gruesome food.
Description: This is a cute little spell. Not terribly useful in a lot of
situations, but it's good for getting a bad guy off your tail. Casting Hide
will make you invisible, but you cannot move while the spell is in effect,
or you'll break it. You CAN however, cast other spells while it's active.

MP: 8
Found: Taught by Magda, the Gypsy Fortuneteller
Description: The Undead have a nasty habit. Some of the more powerful ones
(like Wraiths) have the power to suck the life out of a person just from
being near them. Using this spell will partially negate those effects. Of
course, if the Undead has other abilities, like magic spells, those will
still hurt.

MP: 7
Found: Erana's Garden, with a little magical help
Description: As we all know, Wizards aren't too big on the up close and
personal aspects of combat, but sometimes it cannot be avoided, so for the
Wizard who's too close to snapping jaws, consider this spell, which will
reduce the amount of physical damage taken. Magic attacks are unaffected.

MP: 10
Found: Be granted the spell while summoning Erana's Staff
Description: This spell is useful for warding off the effects of elemental
magic attacks, such as heat, cold, or lightning. It also protects you
somewhat from the natural occurences of these elements.

MP: 10
Found: Dr. Cranium's Lab when you ask about Magic
Description: Although a bit limited, you'll nonetheless find a use for this
spell. It allows you to skim across a pool of water as if it were ice. This
can be done on most any liquid surface as long as it's not too turbulent.


Paladin Abilities:

"Flaming Sword"
Description: The first ability gained is the ability to encase the Paladin
Sword with a blue flame, which will do more damage. Of course, you'll need
a Paladin Sword before you can invoke the flame.

Earned at 230 Honor Points
Description: This goes under your Magical Spells. Cast it upon yourself or
others to increase Health Points. It drains your Stamina when you use it,
and the higher your Stamina, the more Health you'll replenish.

"Sense Danger"
Earned at 250 Honor Points (but it works even if you don't have it)
Description: Once this skill is earned, you'll automatically be able to sense
whenever you're in any kind of danger.

"Honor Shield"
Earned at 280 Honor Points
Description: This skill allows you to take less damage when attacked.

3E. Surviving in this Crazy World =

Surviving the Interface

This game uses a variation on the classic Sierra mouse interface. The text
parser of the first two games is gone. You'll use different mouse icons to
interact. Move the mouse off the top of the screen to select a different
icon. You can also cycle through the icons using the right mouse button, or
use the third mouse button to cycle between the one currently active and Walk.

The first icon is the Walk icon, which looks like a foot. Click it anywhere
to walk to that location.

The second icon is the Look icon, represented by an eye. Click to look at

The third icon is the Touch icon, represented by a hand. Click on objects to
take, search, or manipulate them.

The fourth icon is the Talk icon, represented by a mouth. Click on people to
ask them about things, or on yourself to tell about things.

The fifth icon is the Special icon, which looks like a swirly thing. Click
on it to open a new window. In this new window:

- Click on the image of you running to start running.

- Click on the image of you sneaking to start sneaking (if you have Stealth).

- Click on the image of you snoozing to sleep for certain amounts of time.

- Click on your studly portrait to view your Character Screen.

- Click on the hourglass to get the time of day. You'll get a view of the sun
or moon in its travelling across the sky (from left to right).

- Click on the image of you curled up in the air to jump around, if you have
the Acrobatics ability.

- Click the question mark and hover over other icons to learn about them.

The sixth icon is the Magic Icon, which looks like a five-pointed star.
Click it to open a Magic Spells window. There, you can use the eye to get
info about a spell, the hand to pick a spell to cast, the question mark to
get info about the other icons, and the OK to close the window. Each magic
spell is represented by a different icon:

Open: Key
Detect: Eye
Trigger: Circular Flash
Dazzle: Multiple Sparkles
Zap: Sword
Calm: Open Hand
Flame Dart: Small Fire
Fetch: Grasping Hand
Force Bolt: Small Star-type Ball
Levitate: Ball with Vertical Lines under it
Reversal: Arrow that Curves
Juggling Lights: Three Balls on the outside of a Circle
Summon Staff: Staff
Lightning Ball: Ball with Electricity
Frost Bite: Snowflake
Ritual of Release: Eight-pointed Star
Hide: A vertical line with half a man on one side
Aura: Top half of a Sunburst
Protection: Shield
Glide: A curved Chevron
Resistance: Dual Arrows

Some spells need to be targeted. Once you select them, you'll see a
crosshair. Click the crosshair on your target to cast it there.

The seventh icon is the Active Item Icon. Click on it to use the Inventory
Item you have recently selected. Click the item where you want to use it.

The eighth icon is the Inventory Icon, which looks like a chest. Click on it
to access the inventory window. There, you can use the eye to look at an
item, the hand to take an item to use, the question mark to get info about
the other icons, and the OK to close the window.

The ninth icon is the Console Icon, which looks like a slider. Use it to
bring up the menu to Save, Restore, Restart, or Quit your game, as well as
adjust the speed, difficulty, and so on.

The tenth icon is the Help icon, which looks like a question mark. Hover it
over any other icon to get info about it.

While the interface is hidden at the top of the screen, you'll have a small
status bar in its place. This measures your Health, Stamina, and Mana points
in bar meters so that you can keep an eye on them. If your Health bar turns
green, you've been poisoned. To the right of the Mana bar is an area to show
what spells you have cast that are currently active on your person. It
monitors Reversal, Zap, Protection, Aura, and Resistance.


Mordavian Survival

Let's start with SAVE OFTEN!!!

You are a human, and as such, you'll need to eat, sleep, and keep from
getting hurt too much.

If you have Rations bought from the General Store, you'll eat automatically.
You also have the option of dining every morning and night at the Hotel
Mordavia (included in the cost of your stay).

Sleeping is another concern. If you do not sleep for a couple of days, your
stamina will drop much quicker. It's generally advisable to sleep every day,
and to get a full night's rest, you need to sleep before midnight.

There are a few places to sleep in Mordavia. Of course, the Hotel Mordavia
is a nice place. You can also sleep in front of Erana's Staff, out in the
Gypsy Camp (when they let you in), and in Erana's Garden. Anywhere else the
game will not let you sleep.

Staying alive in a combat sense is pivotal, of course. Potions to restore
Health or cure poison can be received from Dr. Cranium. Once you tell him
the respective formulae, you can pick up a new potion every day. You can
also cure yourself from poison by drinking water from the pool in Erana's

To restore mana, you'll need to go to Erana's Garden. The tree in the center
island has Mana Fruit, and you can get one a day. You'll need to cast Fetch
to get them.

Unfortunately, there is no potion to restore Stamina, but it's very easy to
restore. If you have a fast computer (and who doesn't nowadays), as soon as
you enter combat, your Stamina will shoot right to the top in a matter of
seconds. If you have the SCI patch installed, however, your stamina won't
change as drastically, so you'll have to rely on resting to fix yourself.


Surviving Combat

When beset by a monster, the music will generally change and you'll see the
monster bearing down upon you. At a distance you can throw rocks or daggers
at it, or perhaps cast some combat related spells, such as Zap, Flame Dart,
Force Bolt, Lightning Ball, Frost Bite, Calm, Dazzle, Hide, Aura, Reversal,
or Protection.

When the monster gets close enough, you will engage in combat, which will
take place on a special screen.

This is quite different from the other forms of combat in the previous games.
In this game you can use the mouse to click on certain points and attack in
certain manners.

The basic setup for combat puts you on the left side of the screen, and your
opponent on the right.

Clicking the right mouse button anywhere on ground level but yourself will
swing your weapon. Clicking the left mouse button on the monster will do the

Clicking the left mouse button in front of you will move you forward, and
clicking it behind you will move you backwards.

Clicking the left mouse button above you will cause you to jump, and clicking
the right moust button above you will cause you to perform a jump-slash.

Clicking the left or right mouse buttons on yourself will cause to dodge or
parry, depending on which button, which monster, and which class you are.
Note that Fighters and Paladins CAN block certain magical attacks with their

There's also a menu bar at the bottom of the screen. On the left side are
your Stamina, Mana, and Health bars. On the bottom right is the enemy's
Health bar.

Above the enemy's Health Bar may be several buttons. There may be certain
buttons that are or aren't there depending on your skill with magic.

The Left pointing Arrow will make you run away from battle.

The "S" will start up Strategy Combat, which basically does the fighting for
you. You can adjust your character's aggressiveness, etc with a menu bar
that you'll bring up by clicking the left mouse button, and you can drop back
out of Strategy Combat with the right mouse button.

There may also be spells between those two buttons. If you wish to fire up a
spell, hold down the button, and the Spell Strength bar (bottom center) will
fill up. When it maxes, you'll cast your spell at the enemy.

The spells from left to right are as follows: Zap (which doesn't need to be
charged, Flame Dart, Lightning Ball, Force Bolt, and Frost Bite (once you get

Also, if you're a Thief, you can right click on the menu bar and you'll throw
daggers at the enemy.

Once you kill your enemy, you can search him if you wish, but the only bad
guys you'll find stuff on are Revenants, Chernovy Wizards, and Wraiths.


Surviving Financially

The currency of Mordavia is the golden crown and the copper kopek. There are
100 kopeks to a crown. You'll have to find your money mostly, since you
won't start with any of your own.

Opportunities for more money aren't all that common, but a big load of cash
isn't all that necessary.

Renewable Resources:

Revenants and Chernovy Wizards carry money. This is the only renewable
source of income in the game.

Non-Renewable Resources:

Killing Wraiths is by far the most profitable way to earn more money, but
there are only a limited number.

There is also some money to be found in odd places. At the beginning, you
can get some cash, and there's a hoard in Erana's Garden for you to take
(honorably, of all things). Search the stump at the town gates for some
more money, and the castle has a few spots with money.

There's also a little bit of thieving to be done, where you can pick up
some extra cash. It's not much, though.


Mordavia will probably remind you much of Spielburg, in both terms of scenery
and game-like. The name means "Dark Valley", and for many years, it has
suffered a curse of darkness. You'll learn more as you explore.

4A. Map and Points of Interest =

Mordavia is divided into screens, much like Spielburg.

‡ GC* ‡
‡ ‡
===== ===== ===== ===== -----
‡ CB* ‡ ‡ TM* ‡ ‡ W/ | | ‡
‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ | | ‡
----- ----- ----- ----- =====
‡ CG ‡ ‡ TG ‡ ‡ | ‡
‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ | ‡
----- ===== ----- ===== ----- ----- =====
‡ | | ‡ ‡ CY* ‡ | | ‡
‡ | | ‡ ‡ ‡ | | ‡
----- ----- ----- ===== ----- ----- ----- -----
‡ | ‡ | W/ | | L | | W/ ‡
‡ | ‡ | | | | | ‡
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ===== ----- =====
‡ | | | G/ | ‡ EG ‡ ‡
‡ | | | | ‡ ‡ ‡
===== ===== ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- =====
‡ | | | W/ ‡ | | FF/ | | ‡
‡ | | | ‡ | | | | ‡
----- ----- ----- ===== ----- ----- ----- ===== -----
‡ LM ‡ | ‡ ‡ EB | | ‡ ‡ ‡
‡ ‡ | ‡ ‡ | | ‡ ‡ ‡
===== ----- ----- ===== ----- ===== ===== -----
| S | ‡ ‡ W/ ‡ ‡ BY* | ‡
| | ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ | ‡
----- ----- ===== ===== ===== ===== =====
| S | SS | DC* ‡
| | | ‡
----- ===== =====

Key: "-, |" = Screen Edge (passable)
"=, ‡" = Screen Edge (impassable)
Letters = Special Location without Random Monsters
"*" = Location has more than one screen
"/" = Location only has event at night. Can be attacked during the


Points of Interest:


"TM" - Town of Mordavia

Built soon after the castle to house those who worked in and on it, the Town
soon became almost its own entity. The people who live here are mostly
farmers. The town is safe from monsters, thanks to the protection of Erana's

There are four screens to the town.

Southern Mordavia:
This is where Erana's Staff resides. After the Time of Darkness, the
Paladin Piotyr brought Erana's Staff here and placed it in the rock. A
garden sprang up around it, and Erana's Protection filled the town,
preventing any of the dark creatures from attacking the town.

Western Mordavia:

- Burgomeister's Office: The Burgomeister keeps watch on the town from here.
He also has his quarters here, and the town jail cell is also here.

- General Store: There's not a whole heck of a lot you can buy here, but
you may be able to pick up some supplies for this mission.

Candy: 5 kopeks
Rations: 50 kopeks
Garlic: 25 kopeks
Flask of Oil: 100 kopeks
Shopping Bag: 50 kopeks
Pie Pan: 250 kopeks
Hand Broom: 350 kopeks

Oh, and prices are non-negotiable.

- Hotel Mordavia: Run by the innkeepers Yuri and Bella Markarov, the Hotel is
a safe place to spend the night. Many farmers hang out here, as well.
Rooms cost 15 kopeks a night. You'll pay one week in advance automatically.

Eastern Mordavia:

- Nikolai's House: A private residence. Nikolai spends most of his time
outside, searching for his missing wife.

- Dr. Cranium's House: Dr. Cranium values his privacy, and he only allows the
most intelligent of people to enter his house and laboratory. He has
designed his house to test those who wish to enter.

Northern Mordavia:

- Adventurers' Guild Hall: There are no adventurers left in Mordavia. This is
an empty guild, but you can still gain some useful skills and information

- Thieves' Guild: Connected to the Adventurers' Guild, this place is also
deserted, so it seems.

- Monastery: Well, Erana's Staff prevents evil from entering the town gates,
but what about the evil that's already here? This foul building was
constructed before the Time of Darkness to house the worshippers of the
Dark One. There is much danger here.


"TG" - Town Gates

There's not all that much going on outside the gates of town, but it's
relatively safe, and you may meet someone here at night.


"CG" - Castle Gates

The gates to Castle Borgov are closed at all times. The Gatekeeper, Boris,
watches the gate during the day, and two vicious Necrotaurs guard the gate at


"CB" - Castle Borgov

This edifice housed the rulers of Mordavia, known as Boyars. The last Boyar
disappeared some time before the Time of Darkness. Not that long afterwards,
some strangers moved into the castle. No one knows who they are, or cares
about bothering them.


"CY" - Cemetery

Apparently a hot tourist attraction, this is where many of the town's
residents are put to their final rest. The Crypt of the Borgovs also sits
here. Oddly enough, this place is actually quite safe for the most part,
even at night.


"GC" - Gypsy Camp

A roving band of gypsies has camped in the northeast corner of the valley.
The fact that they can't go anywhere is hard on their lives, and they've
become very suspicious of strangers.


"L" - Leshy Bushes

There are some odd bushes in this area. It is reported a Leshy, or forest
man, hangs out here.


"EG" - Erana's Garden

Another place of safety courtesy of your friendly neighborhood Archmage,
Erana. This one has a bit of an Oriental theme to it. The water and fruit
of the trees are supposed to have restorative properties.


"LM" - Lake Mordavia

One of the few bodies of water not poisoned by the swamp, this lake is a
lovely tourist spot. Some have reported seeing a young woman swimming in the
lake from time to time.


"EB" - Elderbury Bush

This area has a rather strange bush in it. It may just be me, but I've never
known berry bushes to have tentacles and eyes.


"BY" - Baba Yaga's Hut

Will wonders never cease? It seems your old Ogress adversary, Baba Yaga flew
to this valley after she left Spielburg. Of course, to get inside, you'll
have to deal with Bonehead, as usual.


"S" - Swamp Shore

The famed Mordavian Swamp fills the pass between the valley and the outside
world. It started forming soon after the Time of Darkness, and now no one
can leave or enter Mordavia without magical means. You can explore the swamp,
but I wouldn't recommend it unless you have a darn good reason or darn good


"SS" - Squid Stone

This area is rather nasty, with a small slimy stream running over everything.
A tall monument with a squid perched on top sits here, but for what purpose,
few know.


"DC" - Dark One's Cave

You start your adventure here, as you'll soon find out. This place is
horrid, to say the least. Apparently, it was built to summon the Dark One to
this world, but it seems far too weird to have been shaped by human hands.
Something must have happened to the cave to make it its current state.


"G" - Ghost

At night, you can find the ghost of a young lady here. Who is she, and what
can you do with her?


"W" - Wraith Barrow

At these points on the map, you'll see a raised mound of stones at night.
This is the barrow of a Wraith. Getting close to a Wraith could prove
painful, but the barrows contain a lot of treasure.


"FF" - Fairy Fountain

At night, some have reported seeing an odd fountain just south of Erana's

4B. Characters =

You'll meet many new characters here. The opportunites for old friends are
very small, but there's always an old face to remember, even here.


The Hero (Ego) - (human male from Willowsby)
The Prince of Shapeir, and hero of the lands of Spielburg and Tarna. You
were yanked from your victory in Tarna by magical means and now find yourself
thrust in this world where people are scared of their own shadows and are
very suspicous of strangers, of which you qualify. Your costume changed
little since the last game, but your pants are a lighter blue and your jacket
is a light red, now.

Yeah, he's not a real character, but he follows you everywhere, so I suppose
he's worth mentioning.
Voice: John Rhys-Davies - Perfect for this role. John really adds to the
Gothic setting of this game. Another thing is that he doesn't get annoying,
unlike the narrators of, say Laura Bow 2 or Gabriel Knight 1.


Mordavian Townsfolk:

Dmitri Ivanov, aka the Burgomeister - (human male from Mordavia)
The Burgomeister of Mordavia is a man with many problems on his shoulders.
He's having a tough time running this town, and there are times when he
feels that all his efforts are for naught. He's the grandson of the
Paladin, Piotyr.
Voice: Gregg Berger - Brusque, demanding and straight-forward, with a rich
Eastern European accent. Very well done.

Olga Stovich, aka The Shopkeeper - (human female from Mordavia)
She tends the General Store in Mordavia. She knits a lot and has lots and
lots of cats. Apparently, her husband has been missing for many years now.
She's probably the biggest gossip you'll ever meet.
Voice: Susan Silo - Another well-done Eastern European accent. Shrill and
piercing, the perfect for the town gossip.

Yuri Markarov, aka The Innkeeper - (human male from Mordavia)
The Innkeeper of the Hotel Mordavia, he's a pretty basic fellow. He's
straightforward, but a nice guy.
Voice: Stu Rosen - Decent voice. More Eastern European accents.
Straightforward, but not demanding.

Bella Markarov - (human female from Mordavia)
Bella used to be pretty (by the town's standards). Apparently, losing her
only daughter took it out of her. She runs the kitchen of the Inn and
supplies the meals.
Voice: Mitzie McCall - Oi! Zis is the most Eaztern European of zem all!
She speaks slowly, and it's kind of annoying, but it's still a good voice.

Tanya Markarov - (human female from Mordavia)
A few years ago, Tanya was taken away in the night by a fearsome monster,
and no one knows what became of her. Yuri and Bella assumed she was dead,
and the topic of her sweet eight-year-old daughter has become rather taboo
in town.
Voice: Russi Taylor - A very sweet and cute little voice. Maybe a bit
overdone at times, but it fits well.

Hans - (human male from Mordavia)
A farmer of pumpkins and corn, Hans hangs out at the inn at night with
his pals.
Voice: Jim Cummings - Like the rest of his buddies, a lot of Hans' voice is
improvised in certain lines. Listening to the three of them is often a

Franz - (human male from Mordavia)
A farmer of garlic, Franz prides himself on his stink. He also hangs out at
the Inn at night.
Voice: Jess Harnell - This guy does a great Rodney Dangerfield. I tell ya,
I get no respect.

Ivan - (human male from Mordavia)
He used to be an elephant herder, until all the elephants left Mordavia.
Now, he just sits around at the Inn and helps the others drink.
Voice: Neil Ross - A Jack Nicholson voice. Hilarious with the improv.

Punny Bones - (Gnome male from parts unknown)
Poor Punny has no sense of humor. He didn't always used to be this way,
until he said a bad joke about Baba Yaga near the wrong audience.
Voice: Hamilton Camp - I don't like Punny much, and the voice may have
something to do with it. He's got the classic comedian "yuk"-y voice.

This is a spirit-type being that inhabits buildings and brings good luck.
There are two you'll meet in the game. One you'll have to help, and the
other will help you in return.
Voice: Cam Clark - A gravelly, quiet kinda voice. He speaks a rather
loose Common.

Nikolai - (human male from Mordavia)
Not as old as he looks, Nikolai aged horribly after his wife disappeared in
the forest many years back. He spends his days wandering around town
looking for her.
Voice: Cam Clark - An old coot voice. Nikolai speaks slowly and always as
if he's confused.

Anna - (human female from Mordavia)
Nikolai's wife went out into the forest to pick berries and never came back.
It is said her ghost haunts the forest to this day.
Voice: Catherine Blove - Anna's breathy, quiet Eastern European voice is
good for her role as a ghost.

Dr. Cranium - (human male from parts unknown)
Several years before the swamp completely blocked the pass, Dr. Cranium
entered the valley and set up a personal laboratory in town. Most of the
townsfolk stay away from him, assuming he's a madman. He's not entirely
there, but he can prove useful sometimes.
Voice: Jeff Bennett - The classic mad scientist voice.

Igor - (human male from Mordavia)
He's the kind of guy you bring home to mother, if mother's also a hunchback.
Igor's the resident gravedigger, and he also helps out at Dr. Cranium's lab.
He's a nice guy, though.
Voice: Jeff Bennett - A very comical voice that befits his hunchbackness.
Is that a word?

Lorre Petrovich, aka The Chief - (human male from Mordavia)
The Chief has had to deal with rough times. The Mordavian Thieves' Guild was
once famous as a training ground for prospective thieves, but the
encroachment of the swamp has caused a slowdown of business. And, then
there's the problem of the Chief's "condition".
Voice: Hamilton Camp - No, it's not a coincidence that the name looks
like Peter Lorre, and that it also sounds like him.


Valley Residents:

Katrina - (human female from Mordavia)
A young and rather fetching peasant girl, Katrina is the first human being
you meet in this godforsaken land. She lives and works in the castle, and it
seems she has a thing for you.
Voice: Jennifer Hale - A famous VA of cartoons and video games. In
addition to this relatively early role, Jennifer has also done voices for
Alex Rovias of Eternal Darkness and Sheena Fujibayashi of Tales of
Symphonia, just to name two. I may be biased, but I'm in love with her
voice. Very alluring and seductive, and, of course, being a native, she
employs an Eastern European accent.

Boris Stovich - (human male from Mordavia)
Boris is the gatekeeper of Castle Borgov. He works the day shift at the
gates, and is most welcome to have a visitor to talk to. Hey. Who else do
we know that's named Stovich? Think they're related?
Voice: Jim Cummings - A deep Boris Karloff voice.

Gypsy Davy - (nomadic human male)
Davy's one of the lead men in the Gypsy Camp northeast of town. He's not
all that approachable early on, but he's an okay guy when he wants to be.
Voice: Cam Clark - A very rich gypsy-type accent.

Magda - (nomadic human female)
The leader of the gypsy tribe, Magda is also a fortuneteller. She'll impart
some valuable knowledge to you, and will impress you by telling you things
you already know.
Voice: Joannie Gerber - This is one of the few voices I have a problem
with. Sure, it's executed well enough, but it would appear that the
original actress quit most of the way through the recording, since
sometimes, she'll have a voice from a different actress.

The Leshy is a mischievous forest sprite. He's known to play tricks on
people, but he knows much about the forest, being rather nosy as well.
Voice: Bill Farmer - I'm reminded of "crazy old coot" when I hear this

Rusalka - (Undead)
A Rusalka is a spirit of a drowned, unmarried woman. Rather specific as far
as undeads go. She drowns any men who wander nearby to their water deaths.
She's also really nude. Unfortunately, to keep this game okay for the kids,
she's got really long hair.
Voice: Diane Pershing - This is an Eastern European area. Supposedly, the
Rusalka lived here. For some reason, she's got an American voice. Yeah,
it's seductive, but it doesn't really fit.

Bonehead - (Undead)
A familiar face (or lack of one) at last! If you've played QfGI, this is
the skull that was on the gate. He's not very nice, but he's really got no
way to hurt you, so he just gets by by insulting you.
Voice: Jeff Bennett - This Joe Pesci knock-off really fits Bonehead's style.

Baba Yaga - (Ogre female from Surria)
Where Bonehead goes, you can imagine his mistress goes as well. Baba Yaga's
still quite sore about you turning her into a frog (she's normal now).
She's still got her knack for curses and shape-changing spells. Don't visit
her unless you have a darn good reason.
Voice: Mitzie McCall - Another classy Eastern European accent.

Tatiana, Queen of the Faery Folk - (Faery Folk female from parts unknown)
Tatiana and her entourage came to this valley to retrieve the Staff of
Erana. Since Erana is half-Faery Folk, Tatiana believes that the Staff is
rightfully hers. Unfortunately, releasing it can get pretty messy, so she
needs a sucker to help her. Guess who that sucker is.
Voice: Susan Silo - It's easy to tell that this is also Olga's voice, as
it's just minus the accent.

Toby - (unknown monster male)
Toby is a monster living in the castle. He's something of a Wookie, I
suppose. He's really a nice guy, but he looks pretty darn spooky.
Voice: Mmm. Grunting. He's not casted.

Goon Guards - (Goon males)
They're guards. They guard the castle dungeon. There's not much else to
it. They're far tougher than you.
Voices: Stu Rosen, Bill Farmer - Classic "stoopid" voices.

Ad Avis - (human male from Raseir, undead, Nosferatu)
Your arch-nemesis from Raseir has returned, as a vampire. He now serves his
Dark Master unwillingly, having been bitten back when he was seeking the
black arts. He still hates you a lot, though.
Voice: Jeff Bennett - Ad Avis has such a cool syrupy sinister voice.

The Dark Master - (???)
The cause of all the recent woe in Mordavia, The Dark Master came to the
valley soon after the last Borgov died. Mordavia had its share of problems
before, but the Dark Master now makes the townsfolk afraid of their own
Voice: ???

Avoozl, the Dark One - (Dark One from another dimension)
Dark Ones come from another dimension. They're really dang powerful (which
begs the question what they do in said dimension). Long ago, the Chernovy
Cult almost succeeded in summoning Avoozl. It's kinda weird, since they
"almost" summoned him, the cave they picked to be his body "almost" turned
into him, so it's really weird inside.

Erana - (half Faery Folk female from parts unknown)
Legend has it that Erana sacrificed her life to prevent the summoning of
Avoozl. She still has a strong influence on the valley. Magically, of
Voice: Diane Pershing - Pretty lousy, really. Good thing she only has a
couple of lines.


Guest Stars:

Erasmus - (human male from Zauberberg)
Your old buddy Erasmus isn't in the valley, but he'll provide a hand
whenever he can.
Voice: Neil Ross - A nice goofy, old man voice. The kind you'd expect out
of a wizard.

Fenris - (familiar)
Fenris never strays from Erasmus' side, and always provides the comedy
relief for the Erasmus/Fenris duo.
Voice: Susan Silo - A high-pitched, smart-alecky voice.

4C. Monsters =

Mordavia has become a very dangerous place to wander around. The monsters in
this game are particularly vicious, and many are related to the Gothic nature
of this game. Monsters are difficulty-rated from 1 (easiest) to 10 (hardest).


Random Monsters

After QfG3's "location-sensitive" monster system, QfG4 goes back to the
classic time-sensitive system of 1 and 2.

Vorpal Bunny - These rodents are a tip of the hat to the horrendous creature
featured in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Fortunately, these lepuses are
far less fierce, but no less frightening in appearance. If you lose against
one of these guys, you're either very weak or very bad. Standard strategy
is waiting for it to get close and just hack it to death. It may jump to
dodge your blow, but just keep attacking. These guys only appear at
daytime. -- Difficulty: 1

Revenant - These Undead of the lower class burst out of the ground and lurch
towards you slowly. For that matter, they're rather slow and not very
dangerous, but you should still be wary around them. Their health
regenerates slowly, but if you strike quickly enough, that shouldn't be an
issue. Their attacks consist of not much besides a swing of the arm. They
relinquish a random amount of kopeks when you defeat them. They only appear
at night. -- Difficulty: 4

Badders - These odd creatures (supposedly) resemble a cross between a bat and
a spider. They fly in groups and you have to attack them one at a time they
swoop down on you. They have poison in their bite, but it's a very light
poison, and will fade after about a minute of game time. What makes these
guys moderately difficult is just hitting them. I suggest standing still,
waiting for them to come to you, then taking a slash as they dive. They
only appear at night. -- Difficulty: 5

Wyvern - These dragon-like creatures are actually one of the ancient creatures
of Mordavia, and have been around even before the dark times. They're mostly
snake-like, and have large leathery wings. They can breathe fireballs, and
their tail is poisonous. The poison is one of the worst in the game, and
takes a few game minutes to wear off. You can jump over or block the
fireballs, but little can protect you from the tail or teeth besides luck.
They're pretty fast, so the only real good way to take them out is to pin
them against the far side. They only appear at daytime. -- Difficulty: 7

Chernovy Wizard - These followers of the Dark One Cult have shed their
original human bodies. No one really knows their full anatomy, but the
disfigured faces and tentacles for arms discourage anyone from getting all
that close. They only appear at night. Their magic is quite formidable,
and half the trouble is just getting close enough to hit them. Since they
can cast high and low, it's tough to avoid their shots, and they can
strike at close range, too. Wizards should have Reversal up and should
spell from a distance. -- Difficulty: 8

Necrotaur - One of the most difficult characters in the game, and they appear
at all times of the day. The Necrotaur hits very hard and charges really
fast. If you repeatedly hit them with magic or daggers, you can keep them
at bay. If that's not an option, then try a strike just as they charge.
-- Difficulty: 10


Semi-unique Monsters

Wraith - There are only a few Wraiths in the game. They can be found at
night in barrows that only appear when the moon rises. When they arise from
their barrows, they'll use some serious undead coldness to suck the life
right out of you. Get close as fast as possible. The Wraith will continue
to suck life out of you in combat unless you have some kind of protection.
While fighting, your objective is to keep dodging and get close so you can
repeatedly hack and kill the Wraith. -- Difficulty: 9

Pit Horror - I'm not gonna say too much about this thing, but it's got a
nasty acid spit and tentacles. A well-trained fighter shouldn't have much
trouble, though. -- Difficulty: 7

4D. Items =

All the items in this game show up as cute little icons in your inventory
window. Most of them are pretty self-explanatory. There will be some
spoilers if you look these up without playing through the game first.


Combat Items

Found: In the beginning, in the Thieves' Guild, in a Wraith's barrow.
Description: Once again, we're back on one type of dagger, which can be used
for both throwing and in-fighting. The game will automatically stop you
when you're down to your last dagger so you aren't completely weaponless.

Sword (battered)
Found: In the beginning (Fighter/Paladin only)
Description: This piece of metal isn't worthy of cutting hot butter, but it's
all you've got for a while.

Sword (fine)
Found: Adventurer's Guild (Fighter/Paladin only)
Description: A much better weapon for your continued survival, this sword is
available in the Adventurer's Guild in case of "emergency".

Battle Axe
Found: Wraith's barrow (Fighter only)
Description: This powerful weapon is better than the Fine Sword. It's
perfect for chopping up evil into tiny bits.

Sword (Piotyr's)
Found: Wraith's barrow (Paladin only)
Description: The sword of the Paladin, Piotyr, this weapon is encased in blue
flame when a true Paladin wields it.

Leather Armor
Found: Wizard and Thief start with it
Description: As usual, Leather Armor protects you from the slight scratches
and purple nerples of life, but doesn't do much against REAL combat.

Platemail Armor
Found: Fighter and Paladin start with it
Description: This rough and tumble plate will keep you alive in your line of


Thief Tools and Thief-Related Items

Rope & Grapnel
Found: Adventurers' Guild
Description: This is also a useful tool for Fighters and Paladins, once they
learn the skill, but Thieves are well-versed in tossing grapnels and scaling

Guild Card
Found: Thieves' Guild
Description: Proving you're a member in good standing of the resident
Thieves' Guild. This card has all the benefits of any other thin plastic

Lock Pick
Found: Thieves' Guild
Description: Back to basics. You've become well-versed in the Art of the
Probe. This pick will only be with you a short time as you complete your
Thieves' Guild entrance exam.

Tool Kit
Found: Thieves' Guild
Description: The new and improved Acme Mark II Thieves' Tool Kit has a special
addition of the ability to disarm traps. Disarming traps is a matter of
clicking on a square when one of the symbols comes up, and matching three
symbols in a row. The best way is to pick one color and click whenever that
color comes up until you get a row.

Safe Knob
Found: Thieves' Guild
Description: Found in a drainage grate, this knob attaches to a safe, if you
can believe that.

Magic Statue
Found: Monastery
Description: This is a very mysterious piece of art. Shaped like a bug, it
has the power to turn anyone who touches it into some weird insect/gastropod
thing. Best to be avoided.

Found: Monastery
Description: For those of you who've played previous games, yes, this is
ANOTHER Blackbird, almost exactly like all the other cheap plaster
imitations found in Raseir and Tarna. Where's the REAL Blackbird?

Found: Nikolai's House
Description: This locket has a picture of Nikolai and his wife inside. It
wouldn't be a good idea to hang on to it when thieving his house, since he'd
easily notice it missing.


Store Items

Found: General Store, Nikolai's House, Hotel Mordavia
Description: The old Allium Sativum is good for stews, soups, and repelling
Werewolves and Vampires.

Food Rations
Found: General Store
Description: These avocado and garlic sandwiches are, if you can believe it,
your rations for this quest. You'll eat them automatically as you need them.

Found: General Store
Description: These twists of taffy are perfect for giving yourself cavities.

Shopping Bag
Found: General Store
Description: You already have your backpack, but this bag can be used to hold
relatively unsafe items safely.

Hand Broom
Found: General Store, Nikolai's House
Description: Hey, a clean Adventurers' Guild is a happy Adventurers' Guild.

Pie Pan
Found: General Store
Description: Did you know that the Frisbee guy realized his creation from a
pie pan? Well, that really doesn't have anything to do with your current
situation. You won't be using this for any weird task, just to make a pie.

Flask of Oil
Found: General Store
Description: Although it can be considered a Thief item, just about everyone
could use this sneaky stuff at some point in the game to oil hinges.


Simple Purpose Items

Money Pouch
Found: Start with one
Description: This pouch, oddly enough, carries all your money. In case you
needed a reminder, the currency of Mordavia is 100 kopeks to the crown.

Key Ring
Found: When you receive your first key.
Description: The key ring contains all the keys you've found throughout your

Found: Click the Hand anywhere on bare ground in the forest.
Description: As always, rocks are cheap throwing weapons, and a good way to
boost your Throwing skill.

Found: Northwest Swamp Shore, Wraith Barrow
Description: Yep. You can carry some bones around, if that's your thing.

Found: In many different flower patches in the forest, Erana's Staff
Description: Flowers are useful as cute presents for lovely ladies.


Flask Items

Empty Flask
Found: Dr. Cranium's Lab
Description: Once again, flasks are the liquid etc. carryall. Poor Salim
would have a fit, seeing as how there's no recycling center for flasks. Just
ask Dr. Cranium for one and he'll give it to you.

Flask of Water
Found (filled): In any little brook or stream
Description: There's little use to this, but I guess it keeps your thirst

Healing Potion
Found: Dr. Cranium's Lab, Wraith Barrow, Monastery, Thieves' Guild
Description: You can get one a day from Dr. Cranium once you return the
formula to him. When taken, you'll recover about half your Health.

Poison Cure
Found: Dr. Cranium's Lab, Thieves' Guild
Description: If you get poisoned by Badders, Wyverns, or a poison trap, you
can take this to nullify its effects. Once you give the formula to Dr.
Cranium, you can have one a day.

Rehydration Solution
Found: Dr. Cranium's Lab
Description: On your second visit to Dr. Cranium, you can give Dr. Cranium
the formula to this solution. Once you give him a Flask of Goo, you'll
receive it. It can rehydrate dry things.

Flask of Goo
Found: Squid Stone Area
Description: This is the stuff that leaks out of the Dark One's Cave. As
Bonehead describes it, it's like molasses gone bad. REAL bad. You can use
it for different purposes.

Flask of Bonemeal
Found: Baba Yaga's Hut Area
Description: Bonemeal's powdery stuff. The only way you can hang onto it is
in a flask. Why would you need bonemeal? Well, why not?

Flask of Will O' Wisps
Found: Swamp Shore
Description: Somehow, you can get Will O' Wisps in a flask, but you can't get
Prince Albert in a can. Just make sure to let them out before daybreak or
else they'll expire.


Dark One Rituals

Bone Ritual
Found: Mad Monk's Tomb
Description: This ritual fills the bones of the Dark One with life.

Blood Ritual
Found: Monastery
Description: This ritual starts the flow of blood in the Dark One.

Breath Ritual
Found: Baba Yaga's Hut
Description: This ritual causes the Dark One to breathe again.

Sense Ritual
Found: Squid Stone
Description: This ritual restores the Dark One's sight, sound, smell, taste,
and touch.

Heart Ritual
Found: Wraith Barrow (Fighter, Paladin, Thief) or Fairy Fountain (Wizard)
Description: This ritual causes the Dark One's heart to beat again.


Other Quest Items

Found: Beginning
Description: If you know your Boy Scout skills, you may recall what happens
when you rub flint and steel together.

Found: Beginning (Wizard only)
Description: This is a small square of cloth. What was it doing where you
found it? Waiting for you, of course.

Dark One Sign
Found: Dark One's Cave Mouth
Description: This odd six-tentacled figurine has several uses in the game.
It represents the Dark One, and it's pretty darn evil, so why are we
carrying it again?

Found: Town Gates
Description: This odd plant consists of a stalk and a pod which contains a
bunch of yellow seeds surrounded by leaves.

Mana Fruit
Found: Erana's Garden
Description: This soft fruit is used to restore one's Mana. You can get one
a day from the tree in Erana's Garden, but you can only get it by casting
the Fetch spell on the tree.

Bonsai Bush
Found: Squid Stone Area
Description: This bush isn't all that healthy. You'll need to find a way to
restore its growth.

Undead Amulet
Found: Gypsy Camp (Fighter, Thief)
Description: If you can't use the Aura Spell, this Amulet will protect you
from many of the severe cold touch effects of Undead.

Rusalka Hair
Found: Lake Mordavia (Paladin only)
Description: Unfortunately, she snags this clump of hair from the back of her
hair as opposed to the front. Dang.

Rubber Chicken
Found: Hotel Mordavia
Description: Punny Bones' rubber chicken is available to you as soon as you
visit him. What use could you possibly have for this?

Elderbury Berries
Found: Elderbury Bush
Description: These red berries are quite poisonous, but would I put them here
if you didn't need them for some obscure purpose? Of course not.

Found: Forest (Ghost Area)
Description: You are given this hat by a ghost. So, he gave you his ghost
hat, but it's quite real. Don't try to figure it out.

Good Humor Bar
Found: Baba Yaga's Hut
Description: This (perpetually?) frozen treat tastes kinda funny.

Found: Wraith Barrow
Description: This is one of the few useless items in the game. I have no
idea why you carry this stuff around. You can't fence it or nothing.

Found: Hotel Mordavia
Description: This doll used to belong to Tanya Markarov. You'll need it to
gain someone's trust, namely, Tanya Markarov.

Found: Castle Borgov Dungeon
Description: Although technically a useless item, this is used as a trick,
along with the stake.

Found: Castle Borgov Dungeon
Description: See Hammer

Staff of Erana
Found: South Area of Town of Mordavia
Description: You can only hold this, per se, if you're a Fighter, Paladin, or
Thief. The Wizard absorbs it as his own Staff. Of course, that doesn't
mean that non-Wizards have no use for it. Au contraire.


All points for deeds are added in parentheses.


Welcome to Mordavia

You'll begin in some freaky old cave, filled with bones, having no idea how
the heck you got there or where your stuff is. You can walk around the
bones. That odd-looking door thing on the back wall is your exit, but you
can't get out yet. First thing to do is look around certain points. There
are a few skeletons in the area you can search (2) for equipment (you may
accidentally trip over one). On one you'll find a dagger and coins. On
another you'll find a piece of flint and coins, and on the third you'll just
find coins. Now, turn your attention to the nearby altar. You can grab one
of the torches flanking the altar. Go into your inventory and grab the
flint. Now, click the flint on the unlit torch to light it (6). Now that
you can see more than your hand in front of your face, make your way to the
door in the back of the room, and use your hand on it to open it.

In this next room, the first thing you'll probably see is the sword and
shield lying nearby. They must've known you were coming, eh? Grab the two
and you'll be somewhat armed (the sword's not all that great). Head towards
the exit and you'll be assaulted by a small group of Badders. Deal with
them (2). Leave by the south.

In this next room, you'll see a rope suspended over a chasm. All you need to
do is simply cross the rope hand-over-hand (15). The nasty tentacled beast
won't get you unless you stand way too close to the edge on the starting
side. Walk outside by the northwest.

Once you leave, you'll hop across a few rocks and you'll be met by a rather
attractive peasant girl. She'll tell you you're in Mordavia and that the
town is due north and that her name is Katrina. After she walks off, take a
look at the arch. Note that one symbol nearest you. You can take this Dark
One Sign (6), so do so. Leave this area by the west.

In this next gooey area (how 'bout this place, eh?) You'll see a slimy path.
Walk down it, and eventually you'll slip to the bottom. You can't do anything
else here, but note that big stone, and the bonsai bush in the lower right
corner. Anyway, exit to the west.

You're now at the edge of the swamp. Head north (finally some real forest)
and when you can't go north anymore, go east, and you'll be outside the town
gates. Enter the town.


Man About Town

You'll be in the south end of town, near the Staff of Erana. Head north, on
the left side of the stone, and you'll have your first lovely chat with the
Burgomeister. Talk to him if you wish. You can go inside the office and ask
him about different things. If you ask him about the Adventurers' Guild,
he'll give you a key for it.

On this street, you can also visit the General Store. Talk to Olga. With
your money pouch in hand, purchase about ten Food Rations, a clove of Garlic,
a Pie Pan, a Flask of Oil, and some Candy.

Now, head to the Hotel Mordavia, you'll pay for one week in advance
automatically, and you'll get the key to your room. Talk to the innkeeper
and the three gents at the table. You can go up to your room if you want,
and you can get a clove of Garlic from the strands on the ceiling.

Head to the north part of town. The Adventurer's Guild is the dilapidated
building to your left, and the Monastery is the huge stone thing. You can
talk to Igor, who's busily chipping away. Use the key you just got and
unlock the door to the Guild and enter (6).

First thing to do is sign the logbook (2), like always. Next, head over to
the bookcase and read all the books. Particularly, the one that should
interest you is the one on Climbing (2). Once you read it, you'll have a
Climbing skill of 100. Now, pick up the Rope & Grapnel (2) and you can toss
it on the iron ring on the ceiling and practice climbing. Now, turn your
attention to the case on the wall. You'll notice the rather nice-looking
sword inside it. Smash it open (if you have enough Strength), and you'll
take this lovely sword in your possession. Lastly, you can use the exercise
machine on the left side of the room to build up your Strength (2). Come
back whenever you have enough stamina until you can't do any more in the day,
then come back the next day, and add weight until you can't exercise no more.

Go to the east part of Mordavia. You'll notice Nikolai, the old man,
wandering around. You can talk to him, but you won't get much. Now, go to
Dr. Cranium's house. To open the door, you'll have to repeat the sequence of
the bells (6). Once inside, open the door on the right to get Antwerped
(oof!). You'll now need to catch one of these Antwerps, using the device on
the floor, the T.R.A.P. So, answer all the questions with intent of finding
Antwerps (bounces, no legs, does NOT sing Waltzing Matilda). Once you
identify it (2), you'll need to bait the T.R.A.P. with avocado from one of
your food rations. The T.R.A.P. will start working, and will catch an
Antwerp (2). Right now, you can identify another animal. The animal you
want is a hexapod. Six legs, resembles a squid, and eating Heroes does NOT
sound good to you. You'll learn that the food is Garlic (2). Now, back to
the Antwerp. Open the the left door, and you'll start working on the Antwerp
maze. What you have to do now is rotate the maze so that the Antwerp bounces
towards the key, and then to the exit. Avoid the holes, and time the turns
so that the Antwerp bounces properly. Once you get the key (6), go to the
door on the far wall. Now, you'll need to rearrange the squares so that
you'll see a keyhole. Once you form it, click on the treasure chest in the
upper right corner, and you'll grab the key and use it on the lock to enter
Dr. Cranium's Lab (6). Talk to the good Doctor and be sure to ask him about
Science, and then Healing Potions, Poison Cures, and one or two Empty Flasks.
To give him the formulae for each of the potions (2, 2), you need to look in
your manual, and match up the formula with the respective elements. If you
don't have your manual, too bad. In a couple of days, you'll be able to ask
him about a Rehydration Solution, and you'll need to give him a formula for
that (2). Once you do that, you'll need to get him some Goo from the Squid
Stone Area in order to receive the solution.

If you want to go to the Monastery, go right ahead now. You can climb in if
your skill is high enough (doubtful), or you can use the far easier method of
using the Dark One Sign to open it (6). Once inside, use the Garlic on
Hector the Hexapod, who's over the fireplace to subdue him. Now, you can
activate the rather obvious secret passage in the fireplace and head down to
the basement (6).

The basement is a very nasty place, as you'll soon see. Stay away from the
book and the far wall. Note the letters on the wall. It spells "Avoozl",
the name of the Dark One. The desk is something you need to pay attention
to. Force it open and take the poison gas like a man. Rifle through the
desk and you'll learn about Amon Tillado and where the Dark One Rituals are:

"First" Ritual: "Placed within the Mad Monk's tombstone, there to be forever
guarded by followers".
"Next" Ritual: "Placed within the Squid Stone, to be revealed by the light of
a dead child's soul".
"Next" Ritual: "Placed in the Hangman's Tree, to be guarded by the spirit
which dwells there".
Blood Ritual: "Magically concealed in the monastery, and only he who
willingly seeks dark visions will find it".
Mouth Ritual: "Hidden in the Great Arch, under the Sign of the Dark One".
Heart Ritual: "Given to Gregor for safekeeping" Addendum: "Gregor is missing
in the forest and presumed dead, but where is the Heart Ritual?"

So, what does it all mean? Well, you already got the Dark One Sign, and
there was no Mouth Ritual. Hmm.

What about another? Well, the Blood Ritual's supposed to be in here, and
it's quite easy to find it. Take a look at the "Cask of Amon Tillado"
(hyuk). Tap the oddly ruddy brew, and pass out. You'll witness an
interesting vision of the Dark One rising. Once that's over, you'll wake up
and pick up the scroll formed from the droplets. You now have the Blood
Ritual. That was easy, eh?

There's another thing you can do in the monastery, but you won't have to for
some time, so let's just leave it until later.

One last thing you can do for some Honor is to take the Torch to the
curtains, rug, or book, and burn the monastery down. The game won't let you
do it before you've done EVERYTHING there is to do, and it won't get you
puzzle points, but it's fun if you're a pyromaniac.


Scenic Mordavia

Just outside of town, you can snag an ear of corn from the stalks. Also,
after a few days, you may meet Katrina outside. You can keep meeting her
when she requests it, even in front of the castle, where she'll be without
her scarf. ^_^ There's really little to do with it, though.

Speaking of the Castle Gates, during the day you can meet Boris Stovich the
Gatekeeper. You can chat with him, and be sure to tell him about Olga. Keep
going back and forth between the two. You'll get no points for this, but
it's a good deed.

Now, on to the actual wilderness. Like past Quest for Glory games, the
Fighter gets points from killing monsters. Check out the Monsters section
for tips on dealing with them and when to fight them.

Vorpal Bunny: 2
Necrotaur: 2
Wyvern: 2
Chernovy: 2
Revenant: 2
Wraith: 2

Note that I didn't include Badder. Well, you've already killed Badders in
the Dark One's Cave, so there. Oh, and don't plan on fighting any Wraiths
any time soon. Those demons will the suck the life out of you unless you get
some protection.

Okay, so, there are a few things to do out here. More will become available
as you do important things or as time passes.

There isn't much to do in the Cemetery. Read the gravestones for a few
laughs, or climb the tree for practice. Igor's sometimes here chipping away
at a new tombstone.

The Gypsy Camp is more or less off limits. You won't be allowed in.

The Leshy lives in the area with several bushes. Touch all the bushes to
find him. He'll ask you riddles. The very first riddle he asks is what his
name is. If you've read HERO's Magazine in the Adventurers' Guild, you'll be
able to respond and select "Leshy" (2). Leave and come back and he'll ask
you to save a bush from goo. I'll explain the bush in a second. Once you
get it, tell him about it (2), and he'll tell you to plant it. Once you've
tossed it in Erana's Garden, he'll give you your next riddle of "who's in the
lake". You can either find out for yourself or just read about it in HERO's
Magazine. Respond "Rusalka" (2). His next riddle involves giving you Baba
Yaga's secret password. If you've visited her, or know she's here by hearsay
from Punny Bones, you can answer "Baba Yaga" (2). His next riddle involves
the Elderbury Bush. If you have done the whole Baba Yaga thing (made her a
pie and all), you can respond "Elderbury Bush" (2). The last riddle involves
the Heart Ritual. Once you find it, you can respond with what has possession
of it, which is a "Wraith" (2).

To get the bush that the Leshy refers to, go all the way back to the Squid
Stone area. The bush is in goo behind a pile of rocks. Get some rocks and
toss them at the pile to bust them up and grab the bush (15). While you're
here, grab some goo in a flask (6). Sometimes the game will get buggy when
you throw rocks. After you bust the pile, your character will get frozen in
an odd place. To rectify this, just grab some goo in a flask.

Erana's Garden is a nice place to visit. If you have the bush, you can plant
it here (6). This is a safe place to spend the night, and you'll get some
weird dreams. Be sure to check out the leftmost Oriental lantern for a hoard
of 30 crowns.

If you're a guy, you'll definitely want to make a visit to the Rusalka.
Don't be fooled by her charms. She's just trying to drag you to your death.
Instead, show her kindness by giving her Flowers or Candy (6). She'll like
you as a person, now. Unfortunately, that's all you can do with her, besides
talking and learning stuff about the lake and the swamp.

There are a couple of Rituals that are available from the get-go. If your
Strength is up enough from leg exercises, head into the swamp for some
sloshing good fun. Keep walking and saving at certain points and avoid the
grasping hands. Once you finally reach the Mad Monk's Tomb (6), you'll find
a couple of Chernovy Wizards pounding on you with magic. Walk up and deal
with them. Now, you'll have to open the tomb. This is accomplished by
sticking the Dark One Sign on it and inputing the Rituals in their proper
order. The order is simple. It starts at the Mouth at the upper right and
goes clockwise around to the upper left. The tomb opens and (tada) you have
the Bone Ritual (2). I'm aware that there is a serious problem with this
ritual and the CD version. Check the FAQ for how to deal with that problem.

Now, for the Sense Ritual. It's in the Squid Stone, and only revealed by the
light of a dead child's soul (according to the Mad Monk). So, you need to
capture a Will O' Wisp or three. At night, on the swamp shore, you'll see
them dancing around. Place some Candy on the ground, and they'll swarm
towards it. Snag them in a flask and bring them over to the Squid Stone.
Use that flask on the stone and it'll light up. Use the Dark One Sign on the
stone. You need to spell out the Dark One's name, Avoozl, to open the stone.
This causes some problems with faster computers, so I'll tell you that
AVVOOOZZLL usually works, but you may want to fudge around with it, because
it's not perfect. Once the stone opens, grab the Sense Ritual (6). Lastly,
go back to the swamp and click the flask o' Wisps on the ground to release
them, unless you want them to die the next morning, costing you Honor.


The Gypsy and the Hunchback

About Day 4 or 5, you'll see a gathering of the villagers outside the
Burgomeister's office. They'll talk about how Igor is missing, and how the
villagers found a gypsy outside the village. You can question the villagers,
the Burgomeister, and even the Gypsy inside the office, but you won't get
much help.

Solving this mystery isn't really all that hard. Just visit Igor's haunts.
He's not at Dr. Cranium's lab, he's not at his usual hangout. Head to the
cemetery. Ooo! Horrible moaning from a grave with the stone fallen on it!
Can it be that obvious? It sure can. Simply lift the grave and Igor will
pop right out (15). He'll give you his due thanks, and the gypsy will be
immediately freed.

The next day, you can head to the gypsy camp (2), and Davy will let you in.
You'll talk to the leader of their pack, Magda, the fortuneteller, and you'll
learn some interesting things about them. Give her a crown (2), and she'll
tell your fortune. You can come back here three more times and have your
fortune told, and she'll focus on three people in your life.

One of the important things you can get from Magda is the Undead Amulet, this
will allow you to do battle with Wraiths and not have your health sucked out
while in actual combat. Now you can go on a rampage and kill as many Wraiths
as you desire. Just be sure to rush up to their barrows the second you enter
the area. The Wraith you really need to take out is the one southwest of
Erana's Garden. This Wraith has a ton of money, a Battle Axe, and the Heart
Ritual (15).


The Way to Baba Yaga's Heart

On Day 3 or 4, you'll find Punny Bones performing at the Inn. You can talk
to everyone after his act, then go up to his room, where he'll tell you how
he lost his sense of humor. If you can stomach his horrible jokes, grab his
rubber chicken (2), and take off.

Now, to see Baba Yaga about that sensahuma. Go to the southeastern part of
the forest. If you've received the magic saying from the Leshy, or possibly
from Gypsy Davy, say it, and the bushes will disappear. Continue to the west,
and you'll see a familiar sight (6). Walk up to the skull and Bonehead will
almost immediately recognize you. You can Tell About Gnome (most of the
time) and he'll tell you he wants a deal (you know, like last time).

There's a little something you need to do first, though, to get this dealing
item. At night, go two screens west of Erana's Garden, and you'll see a
ghost. Talk to her, leave, and come back to talk to her again. Leave once
more, then come back one more time and tell her she's a ghost (6). She'll
accept that fact. Now, come back, and she'll mention Nikolai. D'oh. This
is Anna, Nikolai's lost wife. Go back to Nikolai the next morning and tell
him about her (6). He'll wander off to find her. As you'll guess, he won't
last long. Go out to the forest at night (to the ghost spot), and you'll see
the two lovers reunited at last. Leave and return one last time, and the two
will thank you, and will ask if there's anyway they can help. Ask for
Nikolai's hat and he'll give it to you (2). Yeah, it's a rather roundabout
way to get one, but it's the only way.

Hat in hand, head back to Baba Yaga's Hut. Give the hat to Bonehead (6), and
he'll let you in, kinda. As soon as you get close to the hut, it'll walk
away from you. Put some corn down on the ground, and it'll sit down (6).
Walk right into the hut. After the scene inside, tell Baba Yaga about the
Gnome, and she'll give you a mission to make a pie for her. An Elderbury
Pie. You need four things for it. The Pie Pan (which can buy at the General
Store), a flask of Grue Goo (which you can get from the Squid Stone Area), a
flask of Bonemeal (get some bones, stick them in that giant mortar, and grind
them (2)). The final ingredient is Elderbury berries. Head towards the
Elderbury bush, which is marked on the map. First, throw some rocks at the
bush to dislodge a berry branch, then put the Rubber Chicken on the ground
(yes, you read right), and move around the bush to grab the berries (6).
Don't get too close to it, or it'll hurt you good.

Mix all the ingredients together, then show it to Bonehead. Put it down in
front of the cluster of four skulls which will laser it up. Now, head into
the hut. As soon as you regain control, click on your backpack (for some
reason, you won't be able to click on Active Item), and give her the pie (6).
She'll ask what you want for this. You can really ask for anything on the
list (don't ask for nothing), because you can get everything, but for the
sake of continuity, ask for the Gnome's humor, and you'll get the Good Humor
Bar (d'oh). Take it back to the Gnome, and he'll have his humor
restored (15). After you leave his room, he'll give you the gift of telling
you the Ultimate Joke. You can stick around for his last show if you wish.

There's one more thing you can do. Remember the Hangman Tree outside Baba
Yaga's hut? Remember the Mad Monk's Diary said that's where a Ritual was?
It's not there, though. Who could've snagged it I wonder, hmmm? Bring a
flask of Grue Goo, a flask of Bonemeal, or some more Elderbury Berries to
Baba Yaga, and ask for Ritual, and she'll give you the Breath Ritual. You
now have all five of the missing Rituals (besides the Mouth Ritual).


The Destiny Spell

If you wait until after midnight in the Inn, you can see a Domovoi in the
main hall of the Inn. It'll tell you about problems and ask you to come back
another night. Do so, then he'll give you a task of helping a "bad place"
Domovoi. That "bad place", of course, is the Monastery. Head to the
Monastery, then use a Flask of Water, or the Rehydration Solution on the
Domovoi, and you'll restore it (6). Now, go back to see the Domovoi, and
he'll tell you about Tanya Markarov, the Innkeepers' daughter, and about a
doll she had, which the Domovoi will let you take now. Go to the china
cabinet in the back and take the Doll.

Also, make sure you ask the gypsies about Erana and her staff, so you'll
learn about the Destiny Spell.

Now, to find Tanya. Maybe she's in the only place you haven't been to, yet:
Castle Borgov. There are two ways to enter Castle Borgov, and to get full
points, you'll have to enter both ways. The first way is the direct
approach, to smash down the gate, and battle the Necrotaurs on the other side
at night. Then you can force open the main door (2). The other way is
through the crypt. Since you saved Igor, he'll give you the Crypt Key if you
ask for it. Use the key to enter the crypt (6). Inside the crypt, make sure
you escape (to get full points). Shake the Reaper's hand next to the
entrance, and you'll be able to leave (6). Go back in, and you'll need to
find another way out of the crypt. Go take a look at the crest. It's a
color puzzle. Remember, this crypt is owned by the Borgovs. Borgov.
B-O-R-G-O-V. The answer is Blue, Orange, Red, Green, Orange, Violet.
Yeah. ^_^ Take the key and open the rightmost relief, to enter Castle
Borgov (6).

===== |---------------------------------| 3
===== |----|safe |----| | -^^^-
‡ 7 ‡ |4 | | |-----------------| | ‡ 6 |-|
‡ ‡ | ===== | | | ‡ | |
----- ----- ----- ===== ----- ===== ----- ----- |
‡ |great|----------| ‡ < 3 |-| |-| | | | 5 ‡ |
‡ |hall | 2| ‡ < | | | | | | | ‡ |
----- ----- | ===== ===== | | ===== ===== ===== ===== |
‡main ‡ ----- ----- ===== ===== | | |
‡door ‡ ‡crypt< 1 | | |-| | -----
----- ‡ > | | | | ‡dung.|
‡gate ‡ ===== ===== ===== ===== | ‡ |
‡ ‡ | =====
----- ===== |
‡ |

The Castle is a little complicated, and it's tough to draw a proper map of
it. The lines leading to screens are staircases, which are screens in
themselves. Each of the numbers is a special area. Area #1 is the
connecting area to the crypt. Clicking the hand on the candle will bring you
back to the crypt. Area #2 is a staircase, and at night you can oil the door
leading to the Great Hall, and you'll hear an interesting conversation in the
next room. Area #3 has a secret passage. Click the hand on the crest above
the bookcase and you'll go to the next room, but it's one way. Area #4 has a
ghost in it, and there's absolutely nothing you can do with or to it.
Area #5 has a bench you can rest on. Area #6 has a bookcase. Click the
books E-X-I-T and you can go back to Area #3. Don't bother going to the
Dungeon, 'cause there are two large Goon Guards there. In the safe area, you
can bust the lock open with your muscles to get some change inside. The
west exit of the great hall isn't very distinct, but it's in front of the
staricase, which leads to Area #7, where you'll find a chest at the foot of
the bed, and a Wraith guarding it. Kick it's butt, and use your muscles on
the chest to get a potion and some change. Wait until night before you go to
the Tanya area, since that's where she is. You can talk to her and her
buddy, Toby, if you want, but what you, of course, really need to do is give
her the Doll (15). She'll trust you from now on. Now, you can tell her
about the Destiny Spell. She and Toby will go with you to Erana's Staff.

You'll automatically go to the town, and the Staff will begin the spell.
Toby will offer to give his life up so Tanya can live again as a human.
He'll get zapped, and you'll get Erana's Staff into your possession (25).

The next morning, you can talk to Bella, Tanya, and Yuri, who'll thank you
profusely. Stay another night, and things will get into motion. You'll have
a note on the chest at the foot of your bed, asking you to come to the castle
gate at night. It's signed, "Katrina".


Ave Avoozl

This is more or less the point of no return in the game. Once you respond to
the letter and go to the area below the castle gate, you'll run into your
good friend, Ad Avis, now undead and a vampire, under the control of the Dark
Master. You can talk to him a bit if you want. After a while, he'll summon
the Hounds of Death (really just a bunch of Necrotaurs). You may be able to
make it back to the town, but there's no point. Just get captured, and
you'll be taken to the dungeon. Ad Avis will threaten you a bit, then you'll
be cast to sleep to wake up at sunset of the next day. Once you wake up,
simply break the chains, then grab the stake and hammer. Isn't it smart of
Ad Avis not to take your stuff? Sure. Listen to the door, and you'll hear
the Goons gabbing. Secret passage, eh? Well, I'll just cut to the chase and
tell ya it's in the iron maiden. Walk over there, open it up, and hop right
in. You'll enter the Master's bedroom. Surprise, surprise, the Dark Master
is Katrina! Do anything to her EXCEPT kill her, and she'll wake up. Try to
explain yourself during the next scene, but it'll all end up the same way.
Katrina will Geas you. You'll have to seek out the missing five Rituals of
the Dark One and return them to her. How 'bout that? You should have all
five already, so you can go right back to the castle. If you don't, you can
go to the gypsies for some cool info on finding them, or you could just look
back through this walkthrough.

Anyway, once you have the rituals, walk right up the castle gate, and you'll
be teleported to the Dark One's Cave to summon the Dark One. Katrina will
use the Mouth Ritual (ah, see, she had it the whole time, which is how she
let you out). You'll have to find the very last ritual inside. So, let's
get in there and get it on. (15)

In the pit area, you'll notice that big tentacled beast from the beginning.
That book next to him (must've gotten a hankering for some light reading) is
where the last ritual is. Use your Rope & Grapnel to lower yourself down to
the cave floor and take him out (4). Take the book and you'll memorize the
Essence Ritual (15). Use the hook to get back out and cross the rope to the
Heart Chamber.

There will be a pulsating valve on the right side of the chamber. Open it
and re-enter the Bone Chamber. Brings back memories, eh? Use your Torch to
light the other one stuck in the sconce. Put the one you have back in its
hole. Now, use the Dark One Sign on the altar and it will fulfil it's
purpose. Use the Bone Ritual on the Altar (6) to perform it. Oh, poopie.
The bones closed on you. Fortunately, you're buff. Just bust them open,
grab the torch and leave the cave (15).

Next, head towards the cave on the left side that's pulsating. The Blood
Chamber is new, of course. Pretty, eh? Head down around the bottom of the
chamber and up the bowls to the altar. Use the Blood Ritual on it (6), and
acidic blood will start pouring out of the altar. Great, huh? Use the
grapnel to climb up on the nearby ledge above you, and push the rock down
into the bowl. It'll plug into the bottom and the flow will be cut off,
allowing you to go back down and escape the chamber (15).

Enter the next chamber, the Breath Chamber, and head over to the altar on the
left side. Use the Breath Ritual on that freaky-looking piped-up altar.
You'll get some new instructions. There are six pipes on the Breath Altar.
They're kind of tough to make out, though. The first pipe you blow on is the
one on the lower right, then the one on the lower left, then the one between
the first two, and finally, the one directly above the third one (middle on
the top row). Save before every puff, since an incorrect puff will kill
ya. (6)

Once you've finished the blowing, walk back to the right. WHOA, LADY! Cute,
eh? Click the hand on a piece of hanging plant that's on the floor as you
pass it, and you can leave the chamber (15).

Now, there's one chamber left. Head into the Sense Chamber. You'll be
struck senseless (d'oh). Walk around the lower left, then to the upper left,
then the upper right. If you wish, you can click the hand in various areas
when you regain certain senses. Anyway, when you reach the altar, read the
Sense Ritual (6). Now, the dendrites in the area will become electrified.
To get out of here, first use the Rope and Grapnel on the stirrup (part of
the inner ear) in the upper-middle portion of the screen, and you'll land way
past most of the dendrites. Run through the rest of them and you can
leave (15).

All right. All that's left is the Heart Ritual. Use the Heart Ritual on the
heart altar in the middle of the room (6), and an opening will appear in the
ceiling. Use the Rope and Grapnel on the ceiling, and you'll pull yourself
up into the Essence Chamber (6).

In this final area, you'll begin the final Ritual, with Katrina and Ad Avis
watching over. As you complete the Ritual, the Dark One will begin to
awaken, and Ad Avis will attack the platform you're standing on. Katrina
will take offense and attack Ad Avis, releasing the bonds that bind him to
her. The two will exchange spells for a bit, then Ad Avis will get the idea
of attacking you, who Katrina has become so fond of. She won't let you die,
so she jumps in the path of Ad Avis' greatest spell, Dragon Fire. She'll
survive the spell, but the spell is so powerful that Avoozl will be attracted
by it, and will consume her. You'll cling to the crumbling platform, then
use your strength and determination to destroy Ad Avis to pull yourself up to
a standing position. Time to finish Ad Avis for good, this time.

Pull out your most powerful weapon, Erana's Staff. Funky. It transforms
into a spear. Of course, like Ad Avis says, you can't just throw it, cause
he'll knock it aside. Click the mouth on yourself and "Tell Ultimate Joke".
Now, THROW IT! Imagine your own satisfying sound of the spear penetrating
his heart. Now, the staff will return to you. Click it on the crystal to
free the spirit of Erana, which was trapped by the darkness of Avoozl and
win the game (50).

Congratulations, Hero! You've saved the dark realm of Mordavia! Now, you're
are going to be called to Silmaria to face your ultimate quest.


All points for deeds are added in parentheses.


Welcome to Mordavia

You'll begin in some freaky old cave, filled with bones, having no idea how
the heck you got there or where your stuff is. You can walk around the
bones. That odd-looking door thing on the back wall is your exit, but you
can't get out yet. First thing to do is look around certain points. There
are a few skeletons in the area you can search (2) for equipment (you may
accidentally trip over one). On one you'll find a dagger and coins. On
another you'll find a piece of flint and coins, and on the third you'll just
find coins. Now, turn your attention to the nearby altar. You can grab one
of the torches flanking the altar. Go into your inventory and grab the
flint. Now, click the flint on the unlit torch to light it (6). Now that
you can see more than your hand in front of your face, make your way to the
door in the back of the room, and use your hand on it to open it.

In this next room, the first thing you'll probably see is the sheet of cloth
lying nearby. Take the Sheet, and leave through the south exit.

In this next room, you'll see a rope suspended over a chasm. Unfortunately,
you, the puny mage, can't use it. First, use the Sheet on yourself and
you'll unfurl it. Now, cast Levitate and you'll be dragged over to the other
side (15). The nasty tentacled beast won't get you unless you stand way too
close to the edge on the starting side. Walk outside by the northwest.

Once you leave, you'll hop across a few rocks and you'll be met by a rather
attractive peasant girl. She'll tell you you're in Mordavia and that the
town is due north and that her name is Katrina. After she walks off, take a
look at the arch. Note that one symbol nearest you. You can take this Dark
One Sign (6), so do so. Leave this area by the west.

In this next gooey area (how 'bout this place, eh?) You'll see a slimy path.
Walk down it, and eventually you'll slip to the bottom. You can't do anything
else here, but note that big stone, and the bonsai bush in the lower right
corner. Anyway, exit to the west.

You're now at the edge of the swamp. Head north (finally some real forest)
and when you can't go north anymore, go east, and you'll be outside the town
gates. Enter the town.


Man About Town

You'll be in the south end of town, near the Staff of Erana. Head north, on
the left side of the stone, and you'll have your first lovely chat with the
Burgomeister. Talk to him if you wish. You can go inside the office and ask
him about different things. If you ask him about the Adventurers' Guild,
he'll give you a key for it.

On this street, you can also visit the General Store. Talk to Olga. With
your money pouch in hand, purchase about ten Food Rations, a clove of Garlic,
a Pie Pan, a Flask of Oil, and some Candy.

Now, head to the Hotel Mordavia, you'll pay for one week in advance
automatically, and you'll get the key to your room. Talk to the innkeeper
and the three gents at the table. You can go up to your room if you want,
and you can get a clove of Garlic from the strands on the ceiling.

Head to the north part of town. The Adventurer's Guild is the dilapidated
building to your left, and the Monastery is the huge stone thing. You can
talk to Igor, who's busily chipping away. Use the key you just got and
unlock the door to the Guild and enter (6).

First thing to do is sign the logbook (2), like always. Next, head over
to the bookcase and read all the books. Particularly, the one that should
interest you is the one on Creative Casting. You can use the exercise
machine on the left side of the room to build up your Strength. Hey, just
because you're a Wizard, doesn't mean you shouldn't keep fit.

Go to the east part of Mordavia. You'll notice Nikolai, the old man,
wandering around. You can talk to him, but you won't get much. Now, go to
Dr. Cranium's house. To open the door, you'll have to repeat the sequence of
the bells (6). Once inside, open the door on the right to get Antwerped
(oof!). You'll now need to catch one of these Antwerps, using the device on
the floor, the T.R.A.P. So, answer all the questions with intent of finding
Antwerps (bounces, no legs, does NOT sing Waltzing Matilda). Once you
identify it (2), you'll need to bait the T.R.A.P. with avocado from one of
your food rations. The T.R.A.P. will start working, and will catch an
Antwerp (2). Right now, you can identify another animal. The animal you
want is a hexapod. Six legs, resembles a squid, and eating Heroes does NOT
sound good to you. You'll learn that the food is Garlic (2). Now, back to
the Antwerp. Open the the left door, and you'll start working on the Antwerp
maze. What you have to do now is rotate the maze so that the Antwerp bounces
towards the key, and then to the exit. Avoid the holes, and time the turns
so that the Antwerp bounces properly. Once you get the key (6), go to the
door on the far wall. Now, you'll need to rearrange the squares so that
you'll see a keyhole. Once you form it, click on the treasure chest in the
upper right corner, and you'll grab the key and use it on the lock to enter
Dr. Cranium's Lab (6). Talk to the good Doctor and be sure to ask him about
Science, and then Healing Potions, Poison Cures, and one or two Empty Flasks.
To give him the formulae for each of the potions (2, 2), you need to look in
your manual, and match up the formula with the respective elements. If you
don't have your manual, too bad. Also, ask him about Magic, and he'll give
you his disdain for magic, as well as a scroll that has the runes for the
Glide Spell (2), saying it's poppycock, etc. In a couple of days, you'll be
able to ask him about a Rehydration Solution, and you'll need to give him a
formula for that (2). Once you do that, you'll need to get him some Goo from
the Squid Stone Area in order to receive the solution.

If you want to go to the Monastery, go right ahead now. You can Levitate in
if you wish, or you can use the far easier method of using the Dark One Sign
to open it (6). Once inside, use the Garlic on Hector the Hexapod, who's
over the fireplace, to subdue him. Now, you can activate the rather obvious
secret passage in the fireplace and head down to the basement (6).

The basement is a very nasty place, as you'll soon see. Stay away from the
book and the far wall. Note the letters on the wall. It spells "Avoozl",
the name of the Dark One. The desk is something you need to pay attention
to. Cast Open while standing quite a distance away from the desk. Rifle
through the desk and you'll learn about Amon Tillado and where the Dark One
Rituals are:

"First" Ritual: "Placed within the Mad Monk's tombstone, there to be forever
guarded by followers".
"Next" Ritual: "Placed within the Squid Stone, to be revealed by the light of
a dead child's soul".
"Next" Ritual: "Placed in the Hangman's Tree, to be guarded by the spirit
which dwells there".
Blood Ritual: "Magically concealed in the monastery, and only he who
willingly seeks dark visions will find it".
Mouth Ritual: "Hidden in the Great Arch, under the Sign of the Dark One".
Heart Ritual: "Given to Gregor for safekeeping" Addendum: "Gregor is missing
in the forest and presumed dead, but where is the Heart Ritual?"

So, what does it all mean? Well, you already got the Dark One Sign, and
there was no Mouth Ritual. Hmm.

What about another? Well, the Blood Ritual's supposed to be in here, and
it's quite easy to find it. Take a look at the "Cask of Amon Tillado"
(hyuk). Tap the oddly ruddy brew, and pass out. You'll witness an
interesting vision of the Dark One rising. Once that's over, you'll wake up
and pick up the scroll formed from the droplets. You now have the Blood
Ritual. That was easy, eh?

There's another thing you can do in the monastery, but you won't have to for
some time, so let's just leave it until later.

One last thing you can do for some Honor is to take the Torch to the
curtains, rug, or book, and burn the monastery down. The game won't let you
do it before you've done EVERYTHING there is to do, and it won't get you
puzzle points, but it's fun if you're a pyromaniac.


Scenic Mordavia

Just outside of town, you can snag an ear of corn from the stalks. Also,
after a few days, you may meet Katrina outside. On your first meeting,
she'll teach you how to cast Frostbite (6). You can keep meeting her when
she requests it, even in front of the castle, where she'll be without her
scarf. ^_^ There's really little to do with it, though.

Speaking of the Castle Gates, during the day you can meet Boris Stovich the
Gatekeeper. You can chat with him, and be sure to tell him about Olga. Keep
going back and forth between the two. You'll get no points for this, but
it's a good deed.

Okay, so, there are a few things to do out here. More will become available
as you do important things or as time passes.

There isn't much to do in the Cemetery. Read the gravestones for a few
laughs. Igor's sometimes here chipping away at a new tombstone.

The Gypsy Camp is more or less off limits. You won't be allowed in.

The Leshy lives in the area with several bushes. Touch all the bushes to
find him. He'll ask you riddles. The very first riddle he asks is what his
name is. If you've read HERO's Magazine in the Adventurers' Guild, you'll be
able to respond and select "Leshy" (2). Leave and come back and he'll ask
you to save a bush from goo. I'll explain the bush in a second. Once you
get it, tell him about it (2), and he'll tell you to plant it. Once you've
tossed it in Erana's Garden, he'll give you your next riddle of "who's in the
lake". You can either find out for yourself or just read about it in HERO's
Magazine. Respond "Rusalka" (2). His next riddle involves giving you Baba
Yaga's secret password. If you've visited her, or know she's here by hearsay
from Punny Bones, you can answer "Baba Yaga" (2). His next riddle involves
the Elderbury Bush. If you have done the whole Baba Yaga thing (made her a
pie and all), you can respond "Elderbury Bush" (2). The last riddle involves
the Fairy Queen. Once you've dealt with her, you can respond "Heart
Ritual" (2).

To get the bush that the Leshy refers to, go all the way back to the Squid
Stone area. The bush is in goo behind a pile of rocks. Cast Force Bolt at
the pile of rocks to bust them lose, then cast Fetch on the bush to grab
it (15). While you're here, grab some goo in a flask (6).

Erana's Garden is a nice place to visit. If you have the bush, you can plant
it here (6). This is a safe place to spend the night, and you'll get some
weird dreams. Be sure to check out the leftmost Oriental lantern for a hoard
of 30 crowns. Everyday, you can cast Fetch on the tree growing in the area,
and take a Mana Fruit, which will restore your mana. Also, cast Detect Magic
in the area, to find some magic in the pond. Cast Trigger to raise a cute
little flower. Cast Open on the flower to find a scroll. Now Fetch it, and
you'll learn the spell of Protection (6).

If you're a guy, you'll definitely want to make a visit to the Rusalka.
Don't be fooled by her charms. She's just trying to drag you to your death.
Instead, show her kindness by giving her Flowers or Candy (6). She'll like
you as a person, now. Unfortunately, that's all you can do with her, besides
talking and learning stuff about the lake and the swamp.

There are a couple of Rituals that are available from the get-go. Head to
the shore of the swamp, then cast the Glide spell and coast along the swamp,
avoiding the grasping hands. Once you finally reach the Mad Monk's Tomb (6),
you'll find a Chernovy Wizard pounding on you with magic. Glide up and deal
with him. Now, you'll have to open the tomb. This is accomplished by
sticking the Dark One Sign on it and inputing the Rituals in their proper
order. The order is simple. It starts at the Mouth at the upper right and
goes clockwise around to the upper left. The tomb opens and (tada) you have
the Bone Ritual (2). I'm aware that there is a serious problem with this
ritual and the CD version. Check the FAQ for how to deal with that problem.

Now, for the Sense Ritual. It's in the Squid Stone, and only revealed by the
light of a dead child's soul (according to the Mad Monk). So, you need to
capture a Will O' Wisp or three. At night, on the swamp shore, you'll see
them dancing around. Place some Candy on the ground, and they'll swarm
towards it. Snag them in a flask and bring them over to the Squid Stone.
Use that flask on the stone and it'll light up. Use the Dark One Sign on the
stone. You need to spell out the Dark One's name, Avoozl, to open the stone.
This causes some problems with faster computers, so I'll tell you that
AVVOOOZZLL usually works, but you may want to fudge around with it, because
it's not perfect. Once the stone opens, grab the Sense Ritual (6). Lastly,
go back to the swamp and click the flask o' Wisps on the ground to release
them, unless you want them to die the next morning, costing you Honor.


The Gypsy and the Hunchback

About Day 4 or 5, you'll see a gathering of the villagers outside the
Burgomeister's office. They'll talk about how Igor is missing, and how the
villagers found a gypsy outside the village. You can question the villagers,
the Burgomeister, and even the Gypsy inside the office, but you won't get
much help.

Solving this mystery isn't really all that hard. Just visit Igor's haunts.
He's not at Dr. Cranium's lab, he's not at his usual hangout. Head to the
cemetery. Ooo! Horrible moaning from a grave with the stone fallen on it!
Can it be that obvious? It sure can. Simply cast Open on the grave and Igor
will pop right out (15). He'll give you his due thanks, and the gypsy will
be immediately freed.

The next day, you can head to the gypsy camp (2), and Davy will let you in.
You'll talk to the leader of their pack, Magda, the fortuneteller, and you'll
learn some interesting things about them. Give her a crown (2), and she'll
tell your fortune. You can come back here three more times and have your
fortune told, and she'll focus on three people in your life.

One of the important things you can get from Magda is the Aura Spell (6).
This will allow you to do battle with Wraiths and not have your health sucked
out while in actual combat. Now you can go on a rampage and kill as many
Wraiths as you desire. Just be sure to rush up to their barrows the second
you enter the area. The Wraith you may really want to take out is the one
southwest of Erana's Garden. This Wraith has a ton of money.


The Way to Baba Yaga's Heart

On Day 3 or 4, you'll find Punny Bones performing at the Inn. You can talk
to everyone after his act, then go up to his room, where he'll tell you how
he lost his sense of humor. If you can stomach his horrible jokes, grab his
rubber chicken (2), and take off.

Now, to see Baba Yaga about that sensahuma. Go to the southeastern part of
the forest. If you've received the magic saying from the Leshy, or possibly
from Gypsy Davy, say it, and the bushes will disappear. Continue to the west,
and you'll see a familiar sight (6). Walk up to the skull and Bonehead will
almost immediately recognize you. You can Tell About Gnome (most of the
time) and he'll tell you he wants a deal (you know, like last time).

There's a little something you need to do first, though, to get this dealing
item. At night, go two screens west of Erana's Garden, and you'll see a
ghost. Talk to her, leave, and come back to talk to her again. Leave once
more, then come back one more time and tell her she's a ghost (6). She'll
accept that fact. Now, come back, and she'll mention Nikolai. D'oh. This
is Anna, Nikolai's lost wife. Go back to Nikolai the next morning and tell
him about her (6). He'll wander off to find her. As you'll guess, he won't
last long. Go out to the forest at night (to the ghost spot), and you'll see
the two lovers reunited at last. Leave and return one last time, and the two
will thank you, and will ask if there's anyway they can help. Ask for
Nikolai's hat and he'll give it to you (2). Yeah, it's a rather roundabout
way to get one, but it's the only way.

Hat in hand, head back to Baba Yaga's Hut. Give the hat to Bonehead (6), and
he'll let you in, kinda. As soon as you get close to the hut, it'll walk
away from you. Put some corn down on the ground, and it'll sit down (6).
Walk right into the hut. After the scene inside, tell Baba Yaga about the
Gnome, and she'll give you a mission to make a pie for her. An Elderbury
Pie. You need four things for it. The Pie Pan (which can buy at the General
Store), a flask of Grue Goo (which you can get from the Squid Stone Area), a
flask of Bonemeal (get some bones, stick them in that giant mortar, and grind
them (2)). The final ingredient is Elderbury berries. Head towards the
Elderbury bush, which is marked on the map. First, First, cast Force Bolt at
the bush to dislodge a berry branch, then put the Rubber Chicken on the ground
(yes, you read right), and move around the bush to grab the berries (6).
Don't get too close to it, or it'll hurt you good.

Mix all the ingredients together, then show it to Bonehead. Put it down in
front of the cluster of four skulls which will laser it up. Now, head into
the hut. As soon as you regain control, click on your backpack (for some
reason, you won't be able to click on Active Item), and give her the pie (6).
She'll ask what you want for this. You can really ask for anything on the
list (don't ask for nothing), because you can get everything, but for the
sake of continuity, ask for the Gnome's humor, and you'll get the Good Humor
Bar (d'oh). Take it back to the Gnome, and he'll have his humor
restored (15). After you leave his room, he'll give you the gift of telling
you the Ultimate Joke. You can stick around for his last show if you wish.

There are a couple more things you can do. Remember the Hangman Tree outside
Baba Yaga's hut? Remember the Mad Monk's Diary said that's where a Ritual
was? It's not there, though. Who could've snagged it I wonder, hmmm? Bring
a flask of Grue Goo, a flask of Bonemeal, or some more Elderbury Berries to
Baba Yaga, and ask for Ritual, and she'll give you the Breath Ritual. Go
back once more and give her one more gruesome item, and you can ask for a
magical spell. She'll give you the spell of "Hide" (6).


The Destiny Spell

If you wait until after midnight in the Inn, you can see a Domovoi in the
main hall of the Inn. It'll tell you about problems and ask you to come back
another night. Do so, then he'll give you a task of helping a "bad place"
Domovoi. That "bad place", of course, is the Monastery. Head to the
Monastery, then use a Flask of Water, or the Rehydration Solution on the
Domovoi, and you'll restore it (6). Now, go back to see the Domovoi, and
he'll tell you about Tanya Markarov, the Innkeepers' daughter, and about a
doll she had, which the Domovoi will let you take now. Go to the china
cabinet in the back and take the Doll.

Also, make sure you ask the gypsies about Erana and her staff, so you'll
learn about the Destiny Spell.

After having done all this, go south of Erana's Garden, where you'll find a
floating Staff. Touch it, and you'll be visited by the Faerie Folk, who'll
task you with getting Erana's Staff. They'll teach you the Ritual of Release
to use on the staff when the time comes.

Now, to find Tanya. Maybe she's in the only place you haven't been to, yet:
Castle Borgov. The best way to enter is through the crypt. Since you saved
Igor, he'll give you the Crypt Key if you ask for it. Use the key to enter
the crypt (6). Inside the crypt, make sure you escape (to get full points).
Shake the Reaper's hand next to the entrance, and you'll be able to
leave (6). Go back in, and you'll need to find another way out of the crypt.
Go take a look at the crest. It's a color puzzle. Remember, this crypt is
owned by the Borgovs. Borgov. B-O-R-G-O-V. The answer is Blue, Orange, Red,
Green, Orange, Violet. Yeah. ^_^ Take the key and open the rightmost relief,
to enter Castle Borgov (6).

===== |---------------------------------| 3
===== |----|safe |----| | -^^^-
‡ 7 ‡ |4 | | |-----------------| | ‡ 6 |-|
‡ ‡ | ===== | | | ‡ | |
----- ----- ----- ===== ----- ===== ----- ----- |
‡ |great|----------| ‡ < 3 |-| |-| | | | 5 ‡ |
‡ |hall | 2| ‡ < | | | | | | | ‡ |
----- ----- | ===== ===== | | ===== ===== ===== ===== |
‡main ‡ ----- ----- ===== ===== | | |
‡door ‡ ‡crypt< 1 | | |-| | -----
----- ‡ > | | | | ‡dung.|
‡gate ‡ ===== ===== ===== ===== | ‡ |
‡ ‡ | =====
----- ===== |
‡ |

The Castle is a little complicated, and it's tough to draw a proper map of
it. The lines leading to screens are staircases, which are screens in
themselves. Each of the numbers is a special area. Area #1 is the
connecting area to the crypt. Clicking the hand on the candle will bring you
back to the crypt. Area #2 is a staircase, and at night you can oil the door
leading to the Great Hall, and you'll hear an interesting conversation in the
next room. Area #3 has a secret passage. Click the hand on the crest above
the bookcase and you'll go to the next room, but it's one way. Area #4 has a
ghost in it, and there's absolutely nothing you can do with or to it.
Area #5 has a bench you can rest on. Area #6 has a bookcase. Click the
books E-X-I-T and you can go back to Area #3. Don't bother going to the
Dungeon, 'cause there are two large Goon Guards there. In the safe area, you
can bust the lock open with the Trigger spell to get some change inside. The
west exit of the great hall isn't very distinct, but it's in front of the
staricase, which leads to Area #7, where you'll find a chest at the foot of
the bed, and a Wraith guarding it. Kick it's butt (be sure to cast Aura
before fighting), cast Trigger on the chest, and Open it to get a potion and
some change. Wait until night before you go to the Tanya area, since that's
where she is. You can talk to her and her buddy, Toby, if you want, but what
you, of course, really need to do is give her the Doll (15). She'll trust
you from now on. Now, you can tell her about the Destiny Spell. She and
Toby will go with you to Erana's Staff.

You'll automatically go to the town, and will cast the Ritual of Release.
Toby will offer to give his life up so Tanya can live again as a human.
He'll get zapped, and you'll get Erana's Staff into your possession (25).

The next morning, you can talk to Bella, Tanya, and Yuri, who'll thank you
profusely. Stay another night, and things will get into motion. You'll have
a note on the chest at the foot of your bed, asking you to come to the castle
gate at night. It's signed, "Katrina".

Oh, you've got the Staff, now, so now you can visit the Faerie Folk south of
the garden. They'll try to steal the Staff. No dang way. It's yours now.
They'll try to kill you to take it. First, summon the Staff. Next, cast
Reversal. Ha! Oh, crap, they're using area-effect. Well, check your spell
menu. Hey. Notice something different? Look for the one with the up and
down arrows. That's Resistance. Cast it, and their attacks won't cause as
much damage. Now, blast the Queen with Frost Bite. Take a Healing Potion if
you need it, but keep hitting them with Frost Bite (and nothing else) and
they'll eventually give up and take off. The Queen will leave behind a
scroll. Hello. It's the Heart Ritual. Now you have all five missing
rituals (15).


Ave Avoozl

This is more or less the point of no return in the game. Once you respond to
the letter and go to the area below the castle gate, you'll run into your
good friend, Ad Avis, now undead and a vampire, under the control of the Dark
Master. You can talk to him a bit if you want. After a while, he'll summon
the Hounds of Death (really just a bunch of Necrotaurs). You may be able to
make it back to the town, but there's no point. Just get captured, and
you'll be taken to the dungeon. Ad Avis will threaten you a bit, then you'll
be cast to sleep to wake up at sunset of the next day. Once you wake up,
cast Open on the chains, then grab the stake and hammer. Isn't it smart of
Ad Avis not to take your stuff? Sure. Listen to the door, and you'll hear
the Goons gabbing. Secret passage, eh? Well, I'll just cut to the chase and
tell ya it's in the iron maiden. Walk over there, open it up, and hop right
in. You'll enter the Master's bedroom. Surprise, surprise, the Dark Master
is Katrina! Do anything to her EXCEPT kill her, and she'll wake up. Try to
explain yourself during the next scene, but it'll all end up the same way.
Katrina will Geas you. You'll have to seek out the missing five Rituals of
the Dark One and return them to her. How 'bout that? You should have all
five already, so you can go right back to the castle. If you don't, you can
go to the gypsies for some cool info on finding them, or you could just look
back through this walkthrough.

Anyway, once you have the rituals, walk right up the castle gate, and you'll
be teleported to the Dark One's Cave to summon the Dark One. Katrina will
use the Mouth Ritual (ah, see, she had it the whole time, which is how she
let you out). You'll have to find the very last ritual inside. So, let's
get in there and get it on. (15)

In the pit area, you'll notice that big tentacled beast from the beginning.
That book next to him (must've gotten a hankering for some light reading) is
where the last ritual is. Cast Calm to put the thing to sleep, then Levitate
down to the floor. Take the book and you'll memorize the Essence
Ritual (15). Levitate out on the far side and cross the rope to the Heart

There will be a pulsating valve on the right side of the chamber. Open it
and re-enter the Bone Chamber. Brings back memories, eh? Use your Torch to
light the other one stuck in the sconce. Put the one you have back in its
hole. Now, use the Dark One Sign on the altar and it will fulfil it's
purpose. Use the Bone Ritual on the Altar (6) to perform it. Oh, poopie.
The bones closed on you. Force Bolt just isn't enough to break them. Start
by casting Frost Bite to freeze the bones, then Flame Dart to make the bones
brittle. Now, use Force Bolt to bust them open, grab the torch, and leave
the cave (15).

Next, head towards the cave on the left side that's pulsating. The Blood
Chamber is new, of course. Pretty, eh? Head down around the bottom of the
chamber and up the bowls to the altar. Use the Blood Ritual on it (6), and
acidic blood will start pouring out of the altar. Great, huh? Use Frost Bite
on the acid flow to freeze it momentarily, allowing you to QUICKLY go back
down and escape the chamber (15).

Enter the next chamber, the Breath Chamber, and head over to the altar on the
left side. Use the Breath Ritual on that freaky-looking piped-up altar.
You'll get some new instructions. There are six pipes on the Breath Altar.
They're kind of tough to make out, though. The first pipe you blow on is the
one on the lower right, then the one on the lower left, then the one between
the first two, and finally, the one directly above the third one (middle on
the top row). Save before every puff, since an incorrect puff will kill
ya. (6)

Once you've finished the blowing, walk back to the right. WHOA, LADY! Cute,
eh? Once you get sucked inside the lung, cast Calm, and then cast Open on
the valve and you can leave the chamber (15).

Now, there's one chamber left. Head into the Sense Chamber. You'll be
struck senseless (d'oh). Walk around the lower left, then to the upper left,
then the upper right. If you wish, you can click the hand in various areas
when you regain certain senses. Anyway, when you reach the altar, read the
Sense Ritual (6). Now, the dendrites in the area will become electrified.
Getting out of here is a simple matter of casting Lightning Ball on the
dendrites. Do so and book it out of there (15).

All right. All that's left is the Heart Ritual. Use the Heart Ritual on the
heart altar in the middle of the room (6), and an opening will appear in the
ceiling. Cast Levitate to float up and you'll pull yourself up into the
Essence Chamber (6).

In this final area, you'll begin the final Ritual, with Katrina and Ad Avis
watching over. As you complete the Ritual, the Dark One will begin to
awaken, and Ad Avis will attack the platform you're standing on. Katrina
will take offense and attack Ad Avis, releasing the bonds that bind him to
her. The two will exchange spells for a bit, then Ad Avis will get the idea
of attacking you, who Katrina has become so fond of. She won't let you die,
so she jumps in the path of Ad Avis' greatest spell, Dragon Fire. She'll
survive the spell, but the spell is so powerful that Avoozl will be attracted
by it, and will consume her. You'll cling to the crumbling platform, then
use your strength and determination to destroy Ad Avis to pull yourself up to
a standing position. Time to finish Ad Avis for good, this time.

Summon your most powerful weapon, Erana's Staff. Of course, like Ad Avis
says, you can't just cast a dumb spell, cause he can block it, or return the
favor. Click the mouth on yourself and "Tell Ultimate Joke". Now, cast
Force Bolt on him and he'll be knocked back to the wall, where Avoozl will
take him to join Katrina in his darkness. Now, summon your Staff once more
to free the spirit of Erana, which was trapped by the darkness of Avoozl and
win the game (50).

Congratulations, Hero! You've saved the dark realm of Mordavia! Now, you're
are going to be called to Silmaria to face your ultimate quest.


All points for deeds are added in parentheses.


Welcome to Mordavia

You'll begin in some freaky old cave, filled with bones, having no idea how
the heck you got there or where your stuff is. You can walk around the
bones. That odd-looking door thing on the back wall is your exit, but you
can't get out yet. First thing to do is look around certain points. There
are a few skeletons in the area you can search (2) for equipment (you may
accidentally trip over one). On one you'll find a dagger and coins. On
another you'll find a piece of flint and coins, and on the third you'll just
find coins. Now, turn your attention to the nearby altar. You can grab one
of the torches flanking the altar. Go into your inventory and grab the
flint. Now, click the flint on the unlit torch to light it (6). Now that
you can see more than your hand in front of your face, make your way to the
door in the back of the room, and use your hand on it to open it.

You may notice an odd mark on a rock on the floor. Take a closer look and
you'll notice it's a Thief Mark. It depicts an exit is down to the south.
Sounds good to me. Leave by the south.

In this next room, you'll see a rope suspended over a chasm. All you need to
do is simply walk the rope (15). The nasty tentacled beast won't get you
unless you stand way too close to the edge on the starting side. Walk
outside by the northwest.

Once you leave, you'll hop across a few rocks and you'll be met by a rather
attractive peasant girl. She'll tell you you're in Mordavia and that the
town is due north and that her name is Katrina. After she walks off, take a
look at the arch. Note that one symbol nearest you. You can take this Dark
One Sign (6), so do so. Leave this area by the west.

In this next gooey area (how 'bout this place, eh?) You'll see a slimy path.
Walk down it, and eventually you'll slip to the bottom. You can't do anything
else here, but note that big stone, and the bonsai bush in the lower right
corner. Anyway, exit to the west.

You're now at the edge of the swamp. Head north (finally some real forest)
and when you can't go north anymore, go east, and you'll be outside the town
gates. Enter the town.


Man About Town

You'll be in the south end of town, near the Staff of Erana. Head north, on
the left side of the stone, and you'll have your first lovely chat with the
Burgomeister. Talk to him if you wish. You can go inside the office and ask
him about different things. If you ask him about the Adventurers' Guild,
he'll give you a key for it.

On this street, you can also visit the General Store. Talk to Olga. With
your money pouch in hand, purchase about ten Food Rations, a clove of Garlic,
a Pie Pan, a Flask of Oil, a Shopping Bag, and some Candy.

Now, head to the Hotel Mordavia, you'll pay for one week in advance
automatically, and you'll get the key to your room. Talk to the innkeeper
and the three gents at the table. You can go up to your room if you want,
and you can get a clove of Garlic from the strands on the ceiling.

Head to the north part of town. The Adventurer's Guild is the dilapidated
building to your left, and the Monastery is the huge stone thing. You can
talk to Igor, who's busily chipping away. Use the key you just got and
unlock the door to the Guild and enter (6).

First thing to do is sign the logbook (2), like always. Next, head over to
the bookcase and read all the books. Take the Rope and Grapnel (2), toss it
on the hook, and shimmy on up. You'll notice a Thief Mark at the top telling
you to look under the desk. Do so, and you'll notice another Thief Mark
telling you how to rotate the coat hooks. Yes, the coat hooks. The numbers
indicate which order you should rotate them in. Rotate the third one from
the left first, until it points up, then the the second one from the left
until it points down, then the one on the far right until it points right,
then the one on the left until it points left. A secret passage will open
above the bookcase, and you can climb up and enter the Thieves' Guild (6).
Hot dang, eh?

Hmm. The Guild's kinda empty. Note the poster on the wall. It's got a
real-life Guild Card in it! Snag it (2). Now, take a look at the two grates
down in the lower right corner. One has a Thief Mark to look in the other
one. The other has a safe knob in it. Wow. Now, head to the door on the
back wall. Examine it, and you'll notice it's a simple latch. Use the Guild
Card on it. Now, you'll access to a back room. First, read the books on the
bookcase to learn a bit about traps (2). Next, use the safe knob on the safe
in the back. Now to crack it. The safe was made by the FILCH Safe Co. Well,
spelling out FILCH would be fine and dandy, but there's only an A, C, E, G,
I, and K. Ah, but between each of those letters, isn't there only one other
letter? Yes, you can click between the letters to hit B, D, F, and so on.
So, spell out FILCH and the safe will open. Search inside and you'll find
some daggers and a lockpick (2). Check below the safe for another set of
Thief Marks.

Now, head to the desk, and search for traps (after clicking the hand on it),
then pick the lock. Inside, you'll find a big book and a brand spankin' new
Mark II Thieves' Tool Kit (2). Take a look in the book, and you'll find a
bit of history about this Guild. Now, head towards the empty picture frames
on the wall. Each one has a safe, and you have to disarm the trap to be
safe. Disarming most traps is a simple matter of matching up three colors
(symbols) in a row as they pop up. The most effective way to do this is to
just pick one color and click on the square whenever that color shows up to
freeze the square, and you'll get three in a row in no time. Loot each of
the safes, and now turn your attention back to the book. Note the little

"Bad Boys Yell
Good Girls Giggle
Rich Girls Run"

That can be shortened to:


Seeing a color-like pattern yet? Tap the barrel under the poster, and you'll
find a trap-like grid. Instead, you'll have to click on each square until
you match the 3X3 grid above. B = Blue, Y = Yellow, etc.

Once you complete the puzzle (2), the wall on the right side will open and
you'll meet the Chief. He's a little different than your average Chiefs.
Talk to him about everything. After you go out and steal some stuff, he'll
trust you enough to let you help him by going to the Monastery and stealing a
statue for him (which I'll detail later). Once you do that, he'll turn back
into a human (2).

Go to the east part of Mordavia. You'll notice Nikolai, the old man,
wandering around. You can talk to him, but you won't get much. Now, go to
Dr. Cranium's house. To open the door, you'll have to repeat the sequence of
the bells (6). Once inside, open the door on the right to get Antwerped
(oof!). You'll now need to catch one of these Antwerps, using the device on
the floor, the T.R.A.P. So, answer all the questions with intent of finding
Antwerps (bounces, no legs, does NOT sing Waltzing Matilda). Once you
identify it (2), you'll need to bait the T.R.A.P. with avocado from one of
your food rations. The T.R.A.P. will start working, and will catch an
Antwerp (2). Right now, you can identify another animal. The animal you
want is a hexapod. Six legs, resembles a squid, and eating Heroes does NOT
sound good to you. You'll learn that the food is Garlic (2). Now, back to
the Antwerp. Open the the left door, and you'll start working on the Antwerp
maze. What you have to do now is rotate the maze so that the Antwerp bounces
towards the key, and then to the exit. Avoid the holes, and time the turns
so that the Antwerp bounces properly. Once you get the key (6), go to the
door on the far wall. Now, you'll need to rearrange the squares so that
you'll see a keyhole. Once you form it, click on the treasure chest in the
upper right corner, and you'll grab the key and use it on the lock to enter
Dr. Cranium's Lab (6). Talk to the good Doctor and be sure to ask him about
Science, and then Healing Potions, Poison Cures, and one or two Empty Flasks.
To give him the formulae for each of the potions (2, 2), you need to look in
your manual, and match up the formula with the respective elements. If you
don't have your manual, too bad. In a couple of days, you'll be able to ask
him about a Rehydration Solution, and you'll need to give him a formula for
that (2). Once you do that, you'll need to get him some Goo from the Squid
Stone Area in order to receive the solution.

If you want to go to the Monastery, go right ahead now. You can climb in if
your skill is high enough, or you can use the far easier method of using the
Dark One Sign to open it (6). Once inside, climb up to the ledge above the
door and pick up the Blackbird (6). Yes, another one. Also, use the Garlic
on Hector the Hexapod, who's over the fireplace to subdue him. Now, you can
activate the rather obvious secret passage in the fireplace and head down to
the basement (6).

The basement is a very nasty place, as you'll soon see. Stay away from the
book and the far wall. Note the letters on the wall. It spells "Avoozl",
the name of the Dark One. The desk is something you need to pay attention
to. Force it open and take the poison gas like a man. Rifle through the
desk and you'll learn about Amon Tillado and where the Dark One Rituals are:

"First" Ritual: "Placed within the Mad Monk's tombstone, there to be forever
guarded by followers".
"Next" Ritual: "Placed within the Squid Stone, to be revealed by the light of
a dead child's soul".
"Next" Ritual: "Placed in the Hangman's Tree, to be guarded by the spirit
which dwells there".
Blood Ritual: "Magically concealed in the monastery, and only he who
willingly seeks dark visions will find it".
Mouth Ritual: "Hidden in the Great Arch, under the Sign of the Dark One".
Heart Ritual: "Given to Gregor for safekeeping" Addendum: "Gregor is missing
in the forest and presumed dead, but where is the Heart Ritual?"

So, what does it all mean? Well, you already got the Dark One Sign, and
there was no Mouth Ritual. Hmm.

What about another? Well, the Blood Ritual's supposed to be in here, and
it's quite easy to find it. Take a look at the "Cask of Amon Tillado"
(hyuk). Tap the oddly ruddy brew, and pass out. You'll witness an
interesting vision of the Dark One rising. Once that's over, you'll wake up
and pick up the scroll formed from the droplets. You now have the Blood
Ritual. That was easy, eh?

Note the small statue in the alcove. That's the one that turned the Chief
into a bug. DON'T TOUCH IT with your bare hands. If you have the Shopping
Bag, use it on the statue to scoop it up. Now, you can take it back to the
Chief to cure him.

There's another thing you can do in the monastery, but you won't have to for
some time, so let's just leave it until later.

One last thing you can do for some Honor is to take the Torch to the
curtains, rug, or book, and burn the monastery down. The game won't let you
do it before you've done EVERYTHING there is to do, and it won't get you
puzzle points, but it's fun if you're a pyromaniac.

It's not worth any points, but, hey, it's your only job in town, so go ahead
and loot Nikolai's house if you wish. You'll have to go in through the
window. Make sure you sneak, of course. Use your oil on both doors of the
wardrobe and loot it (both doors). Take a look at the chest at the foot of
the bed. You'll find a Locket. PUT IT BACK. He'll notice if it's gone.
Head downstairs and over to the desk near the door. Move the mug onto the
floor, then open the desk. Leave via the window.


Scenic Mordavia

Just outside of town, you can snag an ear of corn from the stalks. Also,
after a few days, you may meet Katrina outside. You can keep meeting her
when she requests it, even in front of the castle, where she'll be without
her scarf. ^_^ There's really little to do with it, though.

Speaking of the Castle Gates, during the day you can meet Boris Stovich the
Gatekeeper. You can chat with him, and be sure to tell him about Olga. Keep
going back and forth between the two. You'll get no points for this, but
it's a good deed.

Okay, so, there are a few things to do out here. More will become available
as you do important things or as time passes.

There isn't much to do in the Cemetery. Read the gravestones for a few
laughs, or climb the tree for practice. Igor's sometimes here chipping away
at a new tombstone.

The Gypsy Camp is more or less off limits. You won't be allowed in.

The Leshy lives in the area with several bushes. Touch all the bushes to
find him. He'll ask you riddles. The very first riddle he asks is what his
name is. If you've read HERO's Magazine in the Adventurers' Guild, you'll be
able to respond and select "Leshy" (2). Leave and come back and he'll ask
you to save a bush from goo. I'll explain the bush in a second. Once you
get it, tell him about it (2), and he'll tell you to plant it. Once you've
tossed it in Erana's Garden, he'll give you your next riddle of "who's in the
lake". You can either find out for yourself or just read about it in HERO's
Magazine. Respond "Rusalka" (2). His next riddle involves giving you Baba
Yaga's secret password. If you've visited her, or know she's here by hearsay
from Punny Bones, you can answer "Baba Yaga" (2). His next riddle involves
the Elderbury Bush. If you have done the whole Baba Yaga thing (made her a
pie and all), you can respond "Elderbury Bush" (2). The last riddle involves
the Heart Ritual. Once you find it, you can respond with what has possession
of it, which is a "Wraith" (2).

To get the bush that the Leshy refers to, go all the way back to the Squid
Stone area. The bush is in goo behind a pile of rocks. Get some rocks and
toss them at the pile to bust them up. Now, use the Rope and Grapnel on the
ledge above and climb up. Now, use it again on the bush and you'll fish it
up (15). While you're here, grab some goo in a flask (6). Sometimes the
game will get buggy when you throw rocks. After you bust the pile, your
character will get frozen in an odd place. To rectify this, just grab some
goo in a flask.

Erana's Garden is a nice place to visit. If you have the bush, you can plant
it here (6). This is a safe place to spend the night, and you'll get some
weird dreams. Be sure to check out the leftmost Oriental lantern for a hoard
of 30 crowns.

If you're a guy, you'll definitely want to make a visit to the Rusalka.
Don't be fooled by her charms. She's just trying to drag you to your death.
Instead, show her kindness by giving her Flowers or Candy (6). She'll like
you as a person, now. Unfortunately, that's all you can do with her, besides
talking and learning stuff about the lake and the swamp.

There are a couple of Rituals that are available from the get-go. If your
Acrobatics is up enough from jumping around, hop around on the hummocks of
grass in the area. Keep jumping and saving at certain points and avoid the
grasping hands. Once you finally reach the Mad Monk's Tomb (6), you'll find
a Chernovy Wizard pounding on you with magic. Jump up and deal with him.
Now, you'll have to open the tomb. This is accomplished by sticking the Dark
One Sign on it and inputing the Rituals in their proper order. The order is
simple. It starts at the Mouth at the upper right and goes clockwise around
to the upper left. The tomb opens and (tada) you have the Bone Ritual (2).
I'm aware that there is a serious problem with this ritual and the CD
version. Check the FAQ for how to deal with that problem.

Now, for the Sense Ritual. It's in the Squid Stone, and only revealed by the
light of a dead child's soul (according to the Mad Monk). So, you need to
capture a Will O' Wisp or three. At night, on the swamp shore, you'll see
them dancing around. Place some Candy on the ground, and they'll swarm
towards it. Snag them in a flask and bring them over to the Squid Stone.
Use that flask on the stone and it'll light up. Use the Dark One Sign on the
stone. You need to spell out the Dark One's name, Avoozl, to open the stone.
This causes some problems with faster computers, so I'll tell you that
AVVOOOZZLL usually works, but you may want to fudge around with it, because
it's not perfect. Once the stone opens, grab the Sense Ritual (6). Lastly,
go back to the swamp and click the flask o' Wisps on the ground to release
them, unless you want them to die the next morning, costing you Honor.


The Gypsy and the Hunchback

About Day 4 or 5, you'll see a gathering of the villagers outside the
Burgomeister's office. They'll talk about how Igor is missing, and how the
villagers found a gypsy outside the village. You can question the villagers,
the Burgomeister, and even the Gypsy inside the office, but you won't get
much help.

Well, you're a Thief, and breaking and entering is indeed your style. You
could get the Gypsy off the hook just by finding Igor, but what fun would
that be? Come back at night and pick the lock on the Burgomeister's window.
Sneak right on in. Open up the desk and you'll find some money and the key
to the cell. Let the gypsy loose (6).

Solving this mystery isn't really all that hard. Just visit Igor's haunts.
He's not at Dr. Cranium's lab, he's not at his usual hangout. Head to the
cemetery. Ooo! Horrible moaning from a grave with the stone fallen on it!
Can it be that obvious? It sure can. Climb the tree, and use the Rope and
Grapnel on the branch to hook it onto the grave, like a pulley. Now, just
pull the rope to lift the grave and Igor will pop right out (15). He'll give
you his due thanks, and the gypsy will be immediately freed.

The next day, you can head to the gypsy camp (2), and Davy will let you in.
You'll talk to the leader of their pack, Magda, the fortuneteller, and you'll
learn some interesting things about them. Give her a crown (2), and she'll
tell your fortune. You can come back here three more times and have your
fortune told, and she'll focus on three people in your life.

One of the important things you can get from Magda is the Undead Amulet, which
will allow you to do battle with Wraiths and not have your health sucked out
while in actual combat. Now you can go on a rampage and kill as many Wraiths
as you desire. Just be sure to rush up to their barrows the second you enter
the area. The Wraith you really need to take out is the one southwest of
Erana's Garden. This Wraith has a ton of money, and the Heart Ritual (15).


The Way to Baba Yaga's Heart

On Day 3 or 4, you'll find Punny Bones performing at the Inn. You can talk
to everyone after his act, then go up to his room, where he'll tell you how
he lost his sense of humor. If you can stomach his horrible jokes, grab his
rubber chicken (2), and take off.

Now, to see Baba Yaga about that sensahuma. Go to the southeastern part of
the forest. If you've received the magic saying from the Leshy, or possibly
from Gypsy Davy, say it, and the bushes will disappear. Continue to the west,
and you'll see a familiar sight (6). Walk up to the skull and Bonehead will
almost immediately recognize you. You can Tell About Gnome (most of the
time) and he'll tell you he wants a deal (you know, like last time).

There's a little something you need to do first, though, to get this dealing
item. At night, go two screens west of Erana's Garden, and you'll see a
ghost. Talk to her, leave, and come back to talk to her again. Leave once
more, then come back one more time and tell her she's a ghost (6). She'll
accept that fact. Now, come back, and she'll mention Nikolai. D'oh. This
is Anna, Nikolai's lost wife. Go back to Nikolai the next morning and tell
him about her (6). He'll wander off to find her. As you'll guess, he won't
last long. Go out to the forest at night (to the ghost spot), and you'll see
the two lovers reunited at last. Leave and return one last time, and the two
will thank you, and will ask if there's anyway they can help. Ask for
Nikolai's hat and he'll give it to you (2). Yeah, it's a rather roundabout
way to get one, but it's the only way.

Hat in hand, head back to Baba Yaga's Hut. Give the hat to Bonehead (6), and
he'll let you in, kinda. As soon as you get close to the hut, it'll walk
away from you. Put some corn down on the ground, and it'll sit down (6).
Walk right into the hut. After the scene inside, tell Baba Yaga about the
Gnome, and she'll give you a mission to make a pie for her. An Elderbury
Pie. You need four things for it. The Pie Pan (which can buy at the General
Store), a flask of Grue Goo (which you can get from the Squid Stone Area), a
flask of Bonemeal (get some bones, stick them in that giant mortar, and grind
them (2)). The final ingredient is Elderbury berries. Head towards the
Elderbury bush, which is marked on the map. First, throw some rocks at the
bush to dislodge a berry branch, then put the Rubber Chicken on the ground
(yes, you read right), and move around the bush to grab the berries (6).
Don't get too close to it, or it'll hurt you good.

Mix all the ingredients together, then show it to Bonehead. Put it down in
front of the cluster of four skulls which will laser it up. Now, head into
the hut. As soon as you regain control, click on your backpack (for some
reason, you won't be able to click on Active Item), and give her the pie (6).
She'll ask what you want for this. You can really ask for anything on the
list (don't ask for nothing), because you can get everything, but for the
sake of continuity, ask for the Gnome's humor, and you'll get the Good Humor
Bar (d'oh). Take it back to the Gnome, and he'll have his humor
restored (15). After you leave his room, he'll give you the gift of telling
you the Ultimate Joke. You can stick around for his last show if you wish.

There's one more thing you can do. Remember the Hangman Tree outside Baba
Yaga's hut? Remember the Mad Monk's Diary said that's where a Ritual was?
It's not there, though. Who could've snagged it I wonder, hmmm? Bring a
flask of Grue Goo, a flask of Bonemeal, or some more Elderbury Berries to
Baba Yaga, and ask for Ritual, and she'll give you the Breath Ritual. You
now have all five of the missing Rituals (besides the Mouth Ritual).


The Destiny Spell

If you wait until after midnight in the Inn, you can see a Domovoi in the
main hall of the Inn. It'll tell you about problems and ask you to come back
another night. Do so, then he'll give you a task of helping a "bad place"
Domovoi. That "bad place", of course, is the Monastery. Head to the
Monastery, then use a Flask of Water, or the Rehydration Solution on the
Domovoi, and you'll restore it (6). Now, go back to see the Domovoi, and
he'll tell you about Tanya Markarov, the Innkeepers' daughter, and about a
doll she had, which the Domovoi will let you take now. Go to the china
cabinet in the back and take the Doll.

Also, make sure you ask the gypsies about Erana and her staff, so you'll
learn about the Destiny Spell.

Now, to find Tanya. Maybe she's in the only place you haven't been to, yet:
Castle Borgov. The best way to enter is through the crypt. Since you saved
Igor, he'll give you the Crypt Key if you ask for it. Use the key to enter
the crypt (6). Inside the crypt, make sure you escape (to get full points).
Shake the Reaper's hand next to the entrance, and you'll be able to
leave (6). Go back in, and you'll need to find another way out of the crypt.
Go take a look at the crest. It's a color puzzle. Remember, this crypt is
owned by the Borgovs. Borgov. B-O-R-G-O-V. The answer is Blue, Orange, Red,
Green, Orange, Violet. Yeah. ^_^ Take the key and open the rightmost relief,
to enter Castle Borgov (6).

===== |---------------------------------| 3
===== |----|safe |----| | -^^^-
‡ 7 ‡ |4 | | |-----------------| | ‡ 6 |-|
‡ ‡ | ===== | | | ‡ | |
----- ----- ----- ===== ----- ===== ----- ----- |
‡ |great|----------| ‡ < 3 |-| |-| | | | 5 ‡ |
‡ |hall | 2| ‡ < | | | | | | | ‡ |
----- ----- | ===== ===== | | ===== ===== ===== ===== |
‡main ‡ ----- ----- ===== ===== | | |
‡door ‡ ‡crypt< 1 | | |-| | -----
----- ‡ > | | | | ‡dung.|
‡gate ‡ ===== ===== ===== ===== | ‡ |
‡ ‡ | =====
----- ===== |
‡ |

For the Thief, just about all doors in the castle are locked, and you'll have
to pick them all open. Just make sure you don't leave your Tool Kit behind
in the storage chest.

The Castle is a little complicated, and it's tough to draw a proper map of
it. The lines leading to screens are staircases, which are screens in
themselves. Each of the numbers is a special area. Area #1 is the
connecting area to the crypt. Clicking the hand on the candle will bring you
back to the crypt. Area #2 is a staircase, and at night you can oil the door
leading to the Great Hall (2), and you'll hear an interesting conversation in
the next room. Area #3 has a secret passage. Click the hand on the crest
above the bookcase and you'll go to the next room, but it's one way. Area #4
has a ghost in it, and there's absolutely nothing you can do with or to it.
Area #5 has a bench you can rest on. Area #6 has a bookcase. Click the
books E-X-I-T and you can go back to Area #3. Don't bother going to the
Dungeon, 'cause there are two large Goon Guards there. In the safe area, you
can disarm the trap and unlock it to get some change inside. The west exit
of the great hall isn't very distinct, but it's in front of the staricase,
which leads to Area #7, where you'll find a chest at the foot of the bed, and
a Wraith guarding it. Kick it's butt, and disarm the trap on the chest and
pick it open to get a potion and some change.

NOTE: I had problems with returning to the Great Hall after going to Area
#7 as a Thief. I'd try to open the door back to the Great Hall and then
return to the room I just came from with no other way to escape. It's just a
Healing Potion and loose change, so you don't really have to bother.

Wait until night before you go to the Tanya area, since that's where she is.
You can talk to her and her buddy, Toby, if you want, but what you, of course,
really need to do is give her the Doll (15). She'll trust you from now on.
Now, you can tell her about the Destiny Spell. She and Toby will go with you
to Erana's Staff.

You'll automatically go to the town, and the Staff will begin the spell.
Toby will offer to give his life up so Tanya can live again as a human.
He'll get zapped, and you'll get Erana's Staff into your possession (25).

The next morning, you can talk to Bella, Tanya, and Yuri, who'll thank you
profusely. Stay another night, and things will get into motion. You'll have
a note on the chest at the foot of your bed, asking you to come to the castle
gate at night. It's signed, "Katrina".


Ave Avoozl

This is more or less the point of no return in the game. Once you respond to
the letter and go to the area below the castle gate, you'll run into your
good friend, Ad Avis, now undead and a vampire, under the control of the Dark
Master. You can talk to him a bit if you want. After a while, he'll summon
the Hounds of Death (really just a bunch of Necrotaurs). You may be able to
make it back to the town, but there's no point. Just get captured, and
you'll be taken to the dungeon. Ad Avis will threaten you a bit, then you'll
be cast to sleep to wake up at sunset of the next day. Once you wake up,
pick open the chains, then grab the stake and hammer. Isn't it smart of
Ad Avis not to take your stuff? Sure. Listen to the door, and you'll hear
the Goons gabbing. Secret passage, eh? Well, I'll just cut to the chase and
tell ya it's in the iron maiden. Walk over there, open it up, and hop right
in. You'll enter the Master's bedroom. Surprise, surprise, the Dark Master
is Katrina! Do anything to her EXCEPT kill her, and she'll wake up. Try to
explain yourself during the next scene, but it'll all end up the same way.
Katrina will Geas you. You'll have to seek out the missing five Rituals of
the Dark One and return them to her. How 'bout that? You should have all
five already, so you can go right back to the castle. If you don't, you can
go to the gypsies for some cool info on finding them, or you could just look
back through this walkthrough.

Anyway, once you have the rituals, walk right up the castle gate, and you'll
be teleported to the Dark One's Cave to summon the Dark One. Katrina will
use the Mouth Ritual (ah, see, she had it the whole time, which is how she
let you out). You'll have to find the very last ritual inside. So, let's
get in there and get it on. (15)

In the pit area, you'll notice that big tentacled beast from the beginning.
That book next to him (must've gotten a hankering for some light reading) is
where the last ritual is. Quickly start Sneaking, then use your Rope &
Grapnel to lower yourself down to the cave floor. Take the book and you'll
memorize the Essence Ritual (15). Use the hook to get back out and cross the
rope to the Heart Chamber.

There will be a pulsating valve on the right side of the chamber. Open it
and re-enter the Bone Chamber. Brings back memories, eh? Use your Torch to
light the other one stuck in the sconce. Put the one you have back in its
hole. Now, use the Dark One Sign on the altar and it will fulfil it's
purpose. Use the Bone Ritual on the Altar (6) to perform it. Oh, poopie.
The bones are closing! Quick! Jump! If you're quick enough, the bones will
close on nothing. Grab the torch and leave the cave (15).

Next, head towards the cave on the left side that's pulsating. The Blood
Chamber is new, of course. Pretty, eh? Head down around the bottom of the
chamber and up the bowls to the altar. Use the Blood Ritual on it (6), and
acidic blood will start pouring out of the altar. Great, huh? Use the
grapnel to climb up on the nearby ledge above you, jump onto the ledge
further above you, then to the ledge halfway across the chasm, then to the
left side to escape the chamber (15).

Enter the next chamber, the Breath Chamber, and head over to the altar on the
left side. Use the Breath Ritual on that freaky-looking piped-up altar.
You'll get some new instructions. There are six pipes on the Breath Altar.
They're kind of tough to make out, though. The first pipe you blow on is the
one on the lower right, then the one on the lower left, then the one between
the first two, and finally, the one directly above the third one (middle on
the top row). Save before every puff, since an incorrect puff will kill
ya. (6)

Once you've finished the blowing, walk back to the right. WHOA, LADY! Cute,
eh? Click the hand on yourself as you slam into the screen and you'll climb
down and you can leave the chamber (15).

Now, there's one chamber left. Head into the Sense Chamber. You'll be
struck senseless (d'oh). Walk around the lower left, then to the upper left,
then the upper right. If you wish, you can click the hand in various areas
when you regain certain senses. Anyway, when you reach the altar, read the
Sense Ritual (6). Now, the dendrites in the area will become electrified.
To get out of here, first use the Rope and Grapnel on the stirrup (part of
the inner ear) in the upper-middle portion of the screen, and you'll land way
past most of the dendrites. Use it again on the ledge near the entrance to
be able to escape unscathed (15).

All right. All that's left is the Heart Ritual. Use the Heart Ritual on the
heart altar in the middle of the room (6), and an opening will appear in the
ceiling. Use the Rope and Grapnel on the ceiling, and you'll pull yourself
up into the Essence Chamber (6).

In this final area, you'll begin the final Ritual, with Katrina and Ad Avis
watching over. As you complete the Ritual, the Dark One will begin to
awaken, and Ad Avis will attack the platform you're standing on. Katrina
will take offense and attack Ad Avis, releasing the bonds that bind him to
her. The two will exchange spells for a bit, then Ad Avis will get the idea
of attacking you, who Katrina has become so fond of. She won't let you die,
so she jumps in the path of Ad Avis' greatest spell, Dragon Fire. She'll
survive the spell, but the spell is so powerful that Avoozl will be attracted
by it, and will consume her. You'll cling to the crumbling platform, then
use your strength and determination to destroy Ad Avis to pull yourself up to
a standing position. Time to finish Ad Avis for good, this time.

Pull out your most powerful weapon, Erana's Staff. Funky. It transforms
into a stake. Of course, like Ad Avis says, you can't just use it, cause he
can zap you first. Click the mouth on yourself and "Tell Ultimate Joke".
Now, JUMP ON HIM! Imagine your own satisfying sound as you jam the stake
into Ad Avis' foul heart. Now, the staff will tell you to free its mistress.
Jump back to your original spot, and click the staff on the crystal to free
the spirit of Erana, which was trapped by the darkness of Avoozl and win the
game (50).

Congratulations, Hero! You've saved the dark realm of Mordavia! Now, you're
are going to be called to Silmaria to face your ultimate quest.


All points for deeds are added in parentheses. Just as a note, you get no
points for getting new Paladin abilities (as opposed to QfG3).


Welcome to Mordavia

You'll begin in some freaky old cave, filled with bones, having no idea how
the heck you got there or where your stuff is. You can walk around the
bones. That odd-looking door thing on the back wall is your exit, but you
can't get out yet. First thing to do is look around certain points. There
are a few skeletons in the area you can search (2) for equipment (you may
accidentally trip over one). On one you'll find a dagger and coins. On
another you'll find a piece of flint and coins, and on the third you'll just
find coins. Now, turn your attention to the nearby altar. You can grab one
of the torches flanking the altar. Go into your inventory and grab the
flint. Now, click the flint on the unlit torch to light it (6). Now that
you can see more than your hand in front of your face, make your way to the
door in the back of the room, and use your hand on it to open it.

In this next room, the first thing you'll probably see is the sword and
shield lying nearby. They must've known you were coming, eh? Grab the two
and you'll be somewhat armed (the sword's not all that great). Head towards
the exit and you'll be assaulted by a small group of Badders. Deal with
them (2). Leave by the south.

In this next room, you'll see a rope suspended over a chasm. All you need to
do is simply cross the rope hand-over-hand (15). The nasty tentacled beast
won't get you unless you stand way too close to the edge on the starting
side. Walk outside by the northwest.

Once you leave, you'll hop across a few rocks and you'll be met by a rather
attractive peasant girl. She'll tell you you're in Mordavia and that the
town is due north and that her name is Katrina. After she walks off, take a
look at the arch. Note that one symbol nearest you. You can take this Dark
One Sign (6), so do so. Leave this area by the west.

In this next gooey area (how 'bout this place, eh?) You'll see a slimy path.
Walk down it, and eventually you'll slip to the bottom. You can't do anything
else here, but note that big stone, and the bonsai bush in the lower right
corner. Anyway, exit to the west.

You're now at the edge of the swamp. Head north (finally some real forest)
and when you can't go north anymore, go east, and you'll be outside the town
gates. Enter the town.


Man About Town

You'll be in the south end of town, near the Staff of Erana. Head north, on
the left side of the stone, and you'll have your first lovely chat with the
Burgomeister. Talk to him if you wish. You can go inside the office and ask
him about different things. If you ask him about the Adventurers' Guild,
he'll give you a key for it.

On this street, you can also visit the General Store. Talk to Olga. With
your money pouch in hand, purchase about ten Food Rations, a clove of Garlic,
a Pie Pan, a Flask of Oil, a Hand Broom, and some Candy.

Now, head to the Hotel Mordavia, you'll pay for one week in advance
automatically, and you'll get the key to your room. Talk to the innkeeper
and the three gents at the table. You can go up to your room if you want,
and you can get a clove of Garlic from the strands on the ceiling.

Head to the north part of town. The Adventurer's Guild is the dilapidated
building to your left, and the Monastery is the huge stone thing. You can
talk to Igor, who's busily chipping away. Use the key you just got and
unlock the door to the Guild and enter (6).

First thing to do is sign the logbook (2), like always. Next, head over to
the bookcase and read all the books. Particularly, the one that should
interest you is the one on Climbing (6). Once you read it, you'll have a
Climbing skill of 100. Now, pick up the Rope & Grapnel (2) and you can toss
it on the iron ring on the ceiling and practice climbing. Now, turn your
attention to the case on the wall. You'll notice the rather nice-looking
sword inside it. Smash it open (if you have enough Strength), and you'll
take this lovely sword in your possession. Lastly, you can use the exercise
machine on the left side of the room to build up your Strength (6). Come
back whenever you have enough stamina until you can't do any more in the day,
then come back the next day, and add weight until you can't exercise no more.

Go to the east part of Mordavia. You'll notice Nikolai, the old man,
wandering around. You can talk to him, but you won't get much. Now, go to
Dr. Cranium's house. To open the door, you'll have to repeat the sequence of
the bells (6). Once inside, open the door on the right to get Antwerped
(oof!). You'll now need to catch one of these Antwerps, using the device on
the floor, the T.R.A.P. So, answer all the questions with intent of finding
Antwerps (bounces, no legs, does NOT sing Waltzing Matilda). Once you
identify it (2), you'll need to bait the T.R.A.P. with avocado from one of
your food rations. The T.R.A.P. will start working, and will catch an
Antwerp (2). Right now, you can identify another animal. The animal you
want is a hexapod. Six legs, resembles a squid, and eating Heroes does NOT
sound good to you. You'll learn that the food is Garlic (2). Now, back to
the Antwerp. Open the the left door, and you'll start working on the Antwerp
maze. What you have to do now is rotate the maze so that the Antwerp bounces
towards the key, and then to the exit. Avoid the holes, and time the turns
so that the Antwerp bounces properly. Once you get the key (6), go to the
door on the far wall. Now, you'll need to rearrange the squares so that
you'll see a keyhole. Once you form it, click on the treasure chest in the
upper right corner, and you'll grab the key and use it on the lock to enter
Dr. Cranium's Lab (6). Talk to the good Doctor and be sure to ask him about
Science, and then Healing Potions, Poison Cures, and one or two Empty Flasks.
To give him the formulae for each of the potions (2, 2), you need to look in
your manual, and match up the formula with the respective elements. If you
don't have your manual, too bad. In a couple of days, you'll be able to ask
him about a Rehydration Solution, and you'll need to give him a formula for
that (2). Once you do that, you'll need to get him some Goo from the Squid
Stone Area in order to receive the solution.

If you want to go to the Monastery, go right ahead now. You can climb in if
your skill is high enough (doubtful), or you can use the far easier method of
using the Dark One Sign to open it (6). Once inside, use the Garlic on
Hector the Hexapod, who's over the fireplace to subdue him. Now, you can
activate the rather obvious secret passage in the fireplace and head down to
the basement (6).

The basement is a very nasty place, as you'll soon see. Stay away from the
book and the far wall. Note the letters on the wall. It spells "Avoozl",
the name of the Dark One. The desk is something you need to pay attention
to. Force it open and take the poison gas like a man. Rifle through the
desk and you'll learn about Amon Tillado and where the Dark One Rituals are:

"First" Ritual: "Placed within the Mad Monk's tombstone, there to be forever
guarded by followers".
"Next" Ritual: "Placed within the Squid Stone, to be revealed by the light of
a dead child's soul".
"Next" Ritual: "Placed in the Hangman's Tree, to be guarded by the spirit
which dwells there".
Blood Ritual: "Magically concealed in the monastery, and only he who
willingly seeks dark visions will find it".
Mouth Ritual: "Hidden in the Great Arch, under the Sign of the Dark One".
Heart Ritual: "Given to Gregor for safekeeping" Addendum: "Gregor is missing
in the forest and presumed dead, but where is the Heart Ritual?"

So, what does it all mean? Well, you already got the Dark One Sign, and
there was no Mouth Ritual. Hmm.

What about another? Well, the Blood Ritual's supposed to be in here, and
it's quite easy to find it. Take a look at the "Cask of Amon Tillado"
(hyuk). Tap the oddly ruddy brew, and pass out. You'll witness an
interesting vision of the Dark One rising. Once that's over, you'll wake up
and pick up the scroll formed from the droplets. You now have the Blood
Ritual. That was easy, eh?

There's another thing you can do in the monastery, but you won't have to for
some time, so let's just leave it until later.

One last thing you can do for some Honor is to take the Torch to the
curtains, rug, or book, and burn the monastery down. The game won't let you
do it before you've done EVERYTHING there is to do, and it won't get you
puzzle points, but it's fun if you're a pyromaniac.

And, hey, if you're bored at night, go to Erana's Staff, and you'll see the
ghost of the Paladin Piotyr, who'll tell you about some of the problems in
this realm.


Scenic Mordavia

Just outside of town, you can snag an ear of corn from the stalks. Also,
after a few days, you may meet Katrina outside. You can keep meeting her
when she requests it, even in front of the castle, where she'll be without
her scarf. ^_^ There's really little to do with it, though.

Speaking of the Castle Gates, during the day you can meet Boris Stovich the
Gatekeeper. You can chat with him, and be sure to tell him about Olga. Keep
going back and forth between the two. You'll get no points for this, but
it's a good deed.

Okay, so, there are a few things to do out here. More will become available
as you do important things or as time passes.

There isn't much to do in the Cemetery. Read the gravestones for a few
laughs, or climb the tree for practice. Igor's sometimes here chipping away
at a new tombstone.

The Gypsy Camp is more or less off limits. You won't be allowed in.

The Leshy lives in the area with several bushes. Touch all the bushes to
find him. He'll ask you riddles. The very first riddle he asks is what his
name is. If you've read HERO's Magazine in the Adventurers' Guild, you'll be
able to respond and select "Leshy" (2). Leave and come back and he'll ask
you to save a bush from goo. I'll explain the bush in a second. Once you
get it, tell him about it (2), and he'll tell you to plant it. Once you've
tossed it in Erana's Garden, he'll give you your next riddle of "who's in the
lake". You can either find out for yourself or just read about it in HERO's
Magazine. Respond "Rusalka" (2). His next riddle involves giving you Baba
Yaga's secret password. If you've visited her, or know she's here by hearsay
from Punny Bones, you can answer "Baba Yaga" (2). His next riddle involves
the Elderbury Bush. If you have done the whole Baba Yaga thing (made her a
pie and all), you can respond "Elderbury Bush" (2). The last riddle involves
the Heart Ritual. Once you find it, you can respond with what has possession
of it, which is a "Wraith" (2).

To get the bush that the Leshy refers to, go all the way back to the Squid
Stone area. The bush in goo behind a pile of rocks. Get some rocks and toss
them at the pile to bust them up and grab the bush (15). While you're here,
grab some goo in a flask (6). Sometimes the game will get buggy when you
throw rocks. After you bust the pile, your character will get frozen in an
odd place. To rectify this, just grab some goo in a flask.

Erana's Garden is a nice place to visit. If you have the bush, you can plant
it here (6). This is a safe place to spend the night, and you'll get some
weird dreams. Be sure to check out the leftmost Oriental lantern for a hoard
of 30 crowns.

If you're a guy, you'll definitely want to make a visit to the Rusalka.
Don't be fooled by her charms. She's just trying to drag you to your death.
Instead, show her kindness by giving her Flowers or Candy (6). She'll like
you as a person, now. There's more to do with her, but not until later in
the game.

There are a couple of Rituals that are available from the get-go. If your
Strength is up enough from leg exercises, head into the swamp for some
sloshing good fun. Keep walking and saving at certain points and avoid the
grasping hands. Once you finally reach the Mad Monk's Tomb (6), you'll find
a couple of Chernovy Wizards pounding on you with magic. Walk up and deal
with them. Now, you'll have to open the tomb. This is accomplished by
sticking the Dark One Sign on it and inputing the Rituals in their proper
order. The order is simple. It starts at the Mouth at the upper right and
goes clockwise around to the upper left. The tomb opens and (tada) you have
the Bone Ritual (2). I'm aware that there is a serious problem with this
ritual and the CD version. Check the FAQ for how to deal with that problem.

Now, for the Sense Ritual. It's in the Squid Stone, and only revealed by the
light of a dead child's soul (according to the Mad Monk). So, you need to
capture a Will O' Wisp or three. At night, on the swamp shore, you'll see
them dancing around. Place some Candy on the ground, and they'll swarm
towards it. Snag them in a flask and bring them over to the Squid Stone.
Use that flask on the stone and it'll light up. Use the Dark One Sign on the
stone. You need to spell out the Dark One's name, Avoozl, to open the stone.
This causes some problems with faster computers, so I'll tell you that
AVVOOOZZLL usually works, but you may want to fudge around with it, because
it's not perfect. Once the stone opens, grab the Sense Ritual (6). Lastly,
go back to the swamp and click the flask o' Wisps on the ground to release
them, unless you want them to die the next morning, costing you Honor.


The Gypsy and the Hunchback

About Day 4 or 5, you'll see a gathering of the villagers outside the
Burgomeister's office. They'll talk about how Igor is missing, and how the
villagers found a gypsy outside the village. You can question the villagers,
the Burgomeister, and even the Gypsy inside the office, but you won't get
much help.

Solving this mystery isn't really all that hard. Just visit Igor's haunts.
He's not at Dr. Cranium's lab, he's not at his usual hangout. Head to the
cemetery. Ooo! Horrible moaning from a grave with the stone fallen on it!
Can it be that obvious? It sure can. Simply lift the grave and Igor will
pop right out (15). He'll give you his due thanks, and the gypsy will be
immediately freed.

The next day, you can head to the gypsy camp (2), and Davy will let you in.
You'll talk to the leader of their pack, Magda, the fortuneteller, and you'll
learn some interesting things about them. Give her a crown (2), and she'll
tell your fortune. You can come back here three more times and have your
fortune told, and she'll focus on three people in your life.

One of the important things you can get from Magda is the Aura Spell, which
will allow you to do battle with Wraiths and not have your health sucked out
while in actual combat. Now you can go on a rampage and kill as many Wraiths
as you desire. Just be sure to rush up to their barrows the second you enter
the area. The Wraith you really need to take out is the one southwest of
Erana's Garden. This Wraith has a ton of money, a magical sword, and the
Heart Ritual (15).

This sword belongs to Piotyr, the ghost Paladin you've been taking orders
from. Dmitri the Burgomeister is his grandson. Return the sword to him.
He'll tell you to keep it, and he'll give you Piotyr's Shield as well (15).


The Lake of the Lost

Now's a good time to free the spirit of the Rusalka. If you've seen the
ghost of the Paladin Piotyr more than once, you know he'll tell you to ask
the gypsies for help. Go there, and ask about Helping Rusalka. Now, make
sure you've seen the grave in the cemetery that says Elyssa on it. That's
her name, of course. Go to the lake and you'll automatically tell her her
name. Ask her about Hair and she'll give you some (not enough, of course,
if you know what I mean). Combine the Hair with the Broom. Now, wait until
nighttime, go to the Rusalka's grave, and use the Broom on the grave NEXT to
it (Janos' grave). Janos will rise up and attack you. If you're protected
by the Aura Spell, you'll be fine. Send him back to the spirit world (6),
and head back to the lake. EEESH! Oh, boy. Oh, wow. Umm. I know you may
not like it, but you've got to kiss that thing now. Walk right into the lake
and pucker up. She'll fade out of existence, her spirit freed, and you'll be
left cold and wet in the lake (15). Isn't it great to be a Paladin?


The Way to Baba Yaga's Heart

On Day 3 or 4, you'll find Punny Bones performing at the Inn. You can talk
to everyone after his act, then go up to his room, where he'll tell you how
he lost his sense of humor. If you can stomach his horrible jokes, grab his
rubber chicken (2), and take off.

Now, to see Baba Yaga about that sensahuma. Go to the southeastern part of
the forest. If you've received the magic saying from the Leshy, or possibly
from Gypsy Davy, say it, and the bushes will disappear. Continue to the west,
and you'll see a familiar sight (6). Walk up to the skull and Bonehead will
almost immediately recognize you. You can Tell About Gnome (most of the
time) and he'll tell you he wants a deal (you know, like last time).

There's a little something you need to do first, though, to get this dealing
item. At night, go two screens west of Erana's Garden, and you'll see a
ghost. Talk to her, leave, and come back to talk to her again. Leave once
more, then come back one more time and tell her she's a ghost (6). She'll
accept that fact. Now, come back, and she'll mention Nikolai. D'oh. This
is Anna, Nikolai's lost wife. Go back to Nikolai the next morning and tell
him about her (6). He'll wander off to find her. As you'll guess, he won't
last long. Go out to the forest at night (to the ghost spot), and you'll see
the two lovers reunited at last. Leave and return one last time, and the two
will thank you, and will ask if there's anyway they can help. Ask for
Nikolai's hat and he'll give it to you (2). Yeah, it's a rather roundabout
way to get one, but it's the only way.

Hat in hand, head back to Baba Yaga's Hut. Give the hat to Bonehead (6), and
he'll let you in, kinda. As soon as you get close to the hut, it'll walk
away from you. Put some corn down on the ground, and it'll sit down (6).
Walk right into the hut. After the scene inside, tell Baba Yaga about the
Gnome, and she'll give you a mission to make a pie for her. An Elderbury
Pie. You need four things for it. The Pie Pan (which can buy at the General
Store), a flask of Grue Goo (which you can get from the Squid Stone Area), a
flask of Bonemeal (get some bones, stick them in that giant mortar, and grind
them (2)). The final ingredient is Elderbury berries. Head towards the
Elderbury bush, which is marked on the map. First, throw some rocks at the
bush to dislodge a berry branch, then put the Rubber Chicken on the ground
(yes, you read right), and move around the bush to grab the berries (6).
Don't get too close to it, or it'll hurt you good.

Mix all the ingredients together, then show it to Bonehead. Put it down in
front of the cluster of four skulls which will laser it up. Now, head into
the hut. As soon as you regain control, click on your backpack (for some
reason, you won't be able to click on Active Item), and give her the pie (6).
She'll ask what you want for this. You can really ask for anything on the
list (don't ask for nothing), because you can get everything, but for the
sake of continuity, ask for the Gnome's humor, and you'll get the Good Humor
Bar (d'oh). Take it back to the Gnome, and he'll have his humor
restored (15). After you leave his room, he'll give you the gift of telling
you the Ultimate Joke. You can stick around for his last show if you wish.

There's one more thing you can do. Remember the Hangman Tree outside Baba
Yaga's hut? Remember the Mad Monk's Diary said that's where a Ritual was?
It's not there, though. Who could've snagged it I wonder, hmmm? Bring a
flask of Grue Goo, a flask of Bonemeal, or some more Elderbury Berries to
Baba Yaga, and ask for Ritual, and she'll give you the Breath Ritual. You
now have all five of the missing Rituals (besides the Mouth Ritual).


The Destiny Spell

If you wait until after midnight in the Inn, you can see a Domovoi in the
main hall of the Inn. It'll tell you about problems and ask you to come back
another night. Do so, then he'll give you a task of helping a "bad place"
Domovoi. That "bad place", of course, is the Monastery. Head to the
Monastery, then use a Flask of Water, or the Rehydration Solution on the
Domovoi, and you'll restore it (6). Now, go back to see the Domovoi, and
he'll tell you about Tanya Markarov, the Innkeepers' daughter, and about a
doll she had, which the Domovoi will let you take now. Go to the china
cabinet in the back and take the Doll.

Also, make sure you ask the gypsies about Erana and her staff, so you'll
learn about the Destiny Spell.

Now, to find Tanya. Maybe she's in the only place you haven't been to, yet:
Castle Borgov. The best way to enter is through the crypt. Since you saved
Igor, he'll give you the Crypt Key if you ask for it. Use the key to enter
the crypt (6). Inside the crypt, make sure you escape (to get full points).
Shake the Reaper's hand next to the entrance, and you'll be able to
leave (6). Go back in, and you'll need to find another way out of the crypt.
Go take a look at the crest. It's a color puzzle. Remember, this crypt is
owned by the Borgovs. Borgov. B-O-R-G-O-V. The answer is Blue, Orange, Red,
Green, Orange, Violet. Yeah. ^_^ Take the key and open the rightmost
relief, to enter Castle Borgov (6).

===== |---------------------------------| 3
===== |----|safe |----| | -^^^-
‡ 7 ‡ |4 | | |-----------------| | ‡ 6 |-|
‡ ‡ | ===== | | | ‡ | |
----- ----- ----- ===== ----- ===== ----- ----- |
‡ |great|----------| ‡ < 3 |-| |-| | | | 5 ‡ |
‡ |hall | 2| ‡ < | | | | | | | ‡ |
----- ----- | ===== ===== | | ===== ===== ===== ===== |
‡main ‡ ----- ----- ===== ===== | | |
‡door ‡ ‡crypt< 1 | | |-| | -----
----- ‡ > | | | | ‡dung.|
‡gate ‡ ===== ===== ===== ===== | ‡ |
‡ ‡ | =====
----- ===== |
‡ |

The Castle is a little complicated, and it's tough to draw a proper map of
it. The lines leading to screens are staircases, which are screens in
themselves. Each of the numbers is a special area. Area #1 is the
connecting area to the crypt. Clicking the hand on the candle will bring you
back to the crypt. Area #2 is a staircase, and at night you can oil the door
leading to the Great Hall, and you'll hear an interesting conversation in the
next room. Area #3 has a secret passage. Click the hand on the crest above
the bookcase and you'll go to the next room, but it's one way. Area #4 has a
ghost in it, and there's absolutely nothing you can do with or to it.
Area #5 has a bench you can rest on. Area #6 has a bookcase. Click the
books E-X-I-T and you can go back to Area #3. Don't bother going to the
Dungeon, 'cause there are two large Goon Guards there. In the safe area, you
can bust the lock open with your muscles to get some change inside. The
west exit of the great hall isn't very distinct, but it's in front of the
staricase, which leads to Area #7, where you'll find a chest at the foot of
the bed, and a Wraith guarding it. Kick it's butt, and use your muscles on
the chest to get a potion and some change. Wait until night before you go to
the Tanya area, since that's where she is. You can talk to her and her
buddy, Toby, if you want, but what you, of course, really need to do is give
her the Doll (15). She'll trust you from now on. Now, you can tell her
about the Destiny Spell. She and Toby will go with you to Erana's Staff.

You'll automatically go to the town, and the Staff will begin the spell.
Toby will offer to give his life up so Tanya can live again as a human.
He'll get zapped, and you'll get Erana's Staff into your possession (25).

The next morning, you can talk to Bella, Tanya, and Yuri, who'll thank you
profusely. Stay another night, and things will get into motion. You'll have
a note on the chest at the foot of your bed, asking you to come to the castle
gate at night. It's signed, "Katrina".


Ave Avoozl

This is more or less the point of no return in the game. Once you respond to
the letter and go to the area below the castle gate, you'll run into your
good friend, Ad Avis, now undead and a vampire, under the control of the Dark
Master. You can talk to him a bit if you want. After a while, he'll summon
the Hounds of Death (really just a bunch of Necrotaurs). You may be able to
make it back to the town, but there's no point. Just get captured, and
you'll be taken to the dungeon. Ad Avis will threaten you a bit, then you'll
be cast to sleep to wake up at sunset of the next day. Once you wake up,
simply break the chains, then grab the stake and hammer. Isn't it smart of
Ad Avis not to take your stuff? Sure. Listen to the door, and you'll hear
the Goons gabbing. Secret passage, eh? Well, I'll just cut to the chase and
tell ya it's in the iron maiden. Walk over there, open it up, and hop right
in. You'll enter the Master's bedroom. Surprise, surprise, the Dark Master
is Katrina! Do anything to her EXCEPT kill her, and she'll wake up. Try to
explain yourself during the next scene, but it'll all end up the same way.
Katrina will Geas you. You'll have to seek out the missing five Rituals of
the Dark One and return them to her. How 'bout that? You should have all
five already, so you can go right back to the castle. If you don't, you can
go to the gypsies for some cool info on finding them, or you could just look
back through this walkthrough.

Anyway, once you have the rituals, walk right up the castle gate, and you'll
be teleported to the Dark One's Cave to summon the Dark One. Katrina will
use the Mouth Ritual (ah, see, she had it the whole time, which is how she
let you out). You'll have to find the very last ritual inside. So, let's
get in there and get it on. (15)

In the pit area, you'll notice that big tentacled beast from the beginning.
That book next to him (must've gotten a hankering for some light reading) is
where the last ritual is. Use your Rope & Grapnel to lower yourself down to
the cave floor and take him out. Take the book and you'll memorize the
Essence Ritual (15). Use the hook to get back out and cross the rope to the
Heart Chamber.

There will be a pulsating valve on the right side of the chamber. Open it
and re-enter the Bone Chamber. Brings back memories, eh? Use your Torch to
light the other one stuck in the sconce. Put the one you have back in its
hole. Now, use the Dark One Sign on the altar and it will fulfil it's
purpose. Use the Bone Ritual on the Altar (6) to perform it. Oh, poopie.
The bones closed on you. Fortunately, you're buff. Just bust them open,
grab the torch and leave the cave (15).

Next, head towards the cave on the left side that's pulsating. The Blood
Chamber is new, of course. Pretty, eh? Head down around the bottom of the
chamber and up the bowls to the altar. Use the Blood Ritual on it (6), and
acidic blood will start pouring out of the altar. Great, huh? Use the
grapnel to climb up on the nearby ledge above you, and push the rock down
into the bowl. It'll plug into the bottom and the flow will be cut off,
allowing you to go back down and escape the chamber (15).

Enter the next chamber, the Breath Chamber, and head over to the altar on the
left side. Use the Breath Ritual on that freaky-looking piped-up altar.
You'll get some new instructions. There are six pipes on the Breath Altar.
They're kind of tough to make out, though. The first pipe you blow on is the
one on the lower right, then the one on the lower left, then the one between
the first two, and finally, the one directly above the third one (middle on
the top row). Save before every puff, since an incorrect puff will kill
ya. (6)

Once you've finished the blowing, walk back to the right. WHOA, LADY! Cute,
eh? Click the hand on a piece of hanging plant that's on the floor as you
pass it, and you can leave the chamber (15).

Now, there's one chamber left. Head into the Sense Chamber. You'll be
struck senseless (d'oh). Walk around the lower left, then to the upper left,
then the upper right. If you wish, you can click the hand in various areas
when you regain certain senses. Anyway, when you reach the altar, read the
Sense Ritual (6). Now, the dendrites in the area will become electrified.
To get out of here, first use the Rope and Grapnel on the stirrup (part of
the inner ear) in the upper-middle portion of the screen, and you'll land way
past most of the dendrites. Run through the rest of them and you can
leave (15).

All right. All that's left is the Heart Ritual. Use the Heart Ritual on the
heart altar in the middle of the room (6), and an opening will appear in the
ceiling. Use the Rope and Grapnel on the ceiling, and you'll pull yourself
up into the Essence Chamber (6).

In this final area, you'll begin the final Ritual, with Katrina and Ad Avis
watching over. As you complete the Ritual, the Dark One will begin to
awaken, and Ad Avis will attack the platform you're standing on. Katrina
will take offense and attack Ad Avis, releasing the bonds that bind him to
her. The two will exchange spells for a bit, then Ad Avis will get the idea
of attacking you, who Katrina has become so fond of. She won't let you die,
so she jumps in the path of Ad Avis' greatest spell, Dragon Fire. She'll
survive the spell, but the spell is so powerful that Avoozl will be attracted
by it, and will consume her. You'll cling to the crumbling platform, then
use your strength and determination to destroy Ad Avis to pull yourself up to
a standing position. Time to finish Ad Avis for good, this time.

Pull out your most powerful weapon, Erana's Staff. Funky. It transforms
into a spear. Of course, like Ad Avis says, you can't just throw it, cause
he'll knock it aside. Click the mouth on yourself and "Tell Ultimate Joke".
Now, THROW IT! Imagine your own satisfying sound of the spear penetrating
his heart. Now, the staff will return to you. Click it on the crystal to
free the spirit of Erana, which was trapped by the darkness of Avoozl and
win the game (50). Paladins get a special message from Erana for being so
super awesome. ^_^

Congratulations, Hero! You've saved the dark realm of Mordavia! Now, you're
are going to be called to Silmaria to face your ultimate quest.


Generations ago, a darkness rose over the land of Mordavia. Amon Tillado and
the Cult of Chernovy had horrible designs for the world. He brought into the
cult the maddest of madmen that would listen to his rantings and ravings.
The current Boyar of Mordavia endorsed such activities to increase the charm
of his dreary valley.

Unfortunately, Amon Tillado made a slight error of dying. With no one to
lead the cult, the Boyar thought that his valley's charm would be lost, which
is why he took the reins of the cult as its high priest. It was then that he
heard the Call of Avoozl, darkest of the Dark Ones, and answered it.

Suddenly, the cult had a purpose. They picked a cave on Mount Malign, and
began the summoning of the Dark One with the horrid Rituals. The Archmage
Erana, the Paladin Piotyr, and the armies of the nearby lands stormed the
cave. The armies fought with the strength of any well-trained body of
soldiers, but the cave was already changing to form the body of the Dark One,
and the cult along with it, to horrid slavering beasts. The armies fought
bravely, but the cult had the strength of the Dark One. Erana herself
clashed with the very will of Avoozl. With the combined energies of the
cult, the two fought to a near stalemate. Just as she was about to sacrifice
her own life to banish him back to the void from whence he came, Avoozl took
the initiative, preferring half-existence to complete banishing. He
destroyed Erana's body and took her spirit captive in his own essence. With
the spirit holding him, he could not fully enter this world, but his
influence was indeed upon the land. The cave was physically altered, and the
land was mutated, with horrid monsters roaming the area. The only one to
crawl from the cave was Piotyr, carrying the Staff of Erana. He placed the
Staff in a monument in the town, where it protects the town from monsters.
Thus would Mordavia live for several more decades.

Flash forward to eighty years before present day. Ad Avis, a young and
arrogant Wizard, approached the Dark Master, recently expelled from WIT,
with thoughts of incredible power. What he didn't know was that Katrina, the
Dark Master, was a woman. He studied with her, loathing every moment, and
she gave him the mark of the Vampire. He served her, always plotting the
time he would take over as Dark Master.

Five years before present day, Katrina turned Ad Avis loose, where he became
vizier to the Emir Arus Al-Din. She moved into Castle Borgov, where she
began plotting on how she would release the Dark One. She caused heavy rains
to form the swamp in the pass into the valley so that no one could get in or
out. Once she released the Dark One, the world would be covered in darkness,
allowing her to roam free without worries about the sun.

Now, the Hero comes into play. Once he deals with Ad Avis in Raseir, he is
reborn as a Nosferatu. Ad Avis travels to Mordavia, a mere slave to Katrina,
now. He tells her of the Hero who killed him in the flesh. She decides this
Hero might be useful, which leads to our story.

After the events of this story, the dark magic surrounding Mordavia was
finally released. Erasmus and Fenris were finally able to locate the Hero
and summoned the Hero to the kingdom of Silmaria, where his skills are
needed. Ad Avis is now destroyed forever. Dmitri is the new Boyar of
Mordavia. The swamp has cleared, and Mordavia is once more the peaceful
land of its forefathers. Katrina and Erana have died, but neither of their
souls are completely at rest.

10A. FAQ =

Q: Where can I find this game?

A: Nowadays, this game can probably only be found as a part of the Quest for
Glory Anthology. You can order it from Sierra, or maybe get lucky and find
it in a game store.

Q: What's with the Blackbird?

A: This is an item purported to be of great wealth. There were many fakes
made of it. Whoever finds the real Blackbird is said to be holding a
Sultan's ransom.

Q: My game crashed as I was trying to slide down the path! I can't get to
the Mad Monk's tomb without the game crashing!

A: Hey hey HEY! Download the SCI patch fix at
TimesSquare/Arcade/7435/Downloads/Patches/ Extract the contents of
the folder into your game's folder and you should be all set.

Q: My game just kicked me for no reason as I switched screens!

A: This has happened to me plenty of times. It occurs randomly, and
probably won't occur in the same place twice. Just be sure to save often
and have Autosave turned on.

Q: How can I find the formula that Dr. Cranium needs?

A: Fourteen years is a long time, and I'm sure this game qualifies quite
soundly as "abandonware". Here are the formulae to bypass the copy
protection. The first letter is the first letter of the formula (there's one
for each letter of the alphabet). The next five letters are the elements:
A = Air, E = Earth, F = Fire, P = Pizza, W = Water.


Q: I can't beat Ad Avis!

A: You have to do all the stuff necessary QUICKLY. Take out the staff.
Immediately tell the Ultimate Joke. Finish him off. Delay at all or do
something else and Ad Avis will just knock you off the platform and Avoozl
will rise.

10B. Point List =

All points are grouped in columns. The first column is for the Fighter, the
second for the Wizard, the third for the Thief, and the fourth for the


Beginning of the Game

2 2 2 2 Find Dagger on corpse
6 6 6 6 Light the Torch
15 15 15 15 Cross pit to exit cave
6 6 6 6 Get the Dark One Sign


Town of Mordavia

South Mordavia and Gates

6 Learn Frost Bite spell from Katrina
25 25 25 25 Save Tanya and get Erana's Staff

West Mordavia

2 Exit your room via the window at night
6 Help the gypsy escape from jail
2 2 2 2 Get Rubber Chicken from Punny Bones' room
15 15 15 15 Restore Punny Bones' humor
15 Show the Burgomeister Piotyr's Sword

North Mordavia

6 6 6 6 Enter Adventurer's Guild
2 2 2 2 Sign your name in the logbook
2 2 2 Get Rope and Grapnel
2 6 Learn Climbing
2 6 Use the stair-stepper

6 Enter Thieves' Guild
2 Get Guild Card
2 Get Lockpick
2 Learn to disarm traps from bookshelf
2 Get Thieves' Toolkit
2 Find Chief Thief
2 Turn Chief Thief back into a human

6 6 6 6 Enter the monastery
6 6 6 6 Rehydrate dry Domovoi
6 6 6 6 Open secret passage to basement
6 Get Blackbird

East Mordavia

6 6 6 6 Tell Nikolai about his wife Anna

6 6 6 6 Open Dr. Cranium's front door
2 2 2 2 Identify Antwerp
2 2 2 2 Catch an Antwerp
6 6 6 6 Solve Antwerp maze
6 6 6 6 Unlock Dr. Cranium's lab door
2 2 2 2 Identify Hexapod
2 2 2 2 Give Poison Cure formula
2 2 2 2 Give Healing Potion formula
2 2 2 2 Give Rehydration Solution formula
2 Learn Glide Spell


Mordavian Forest

2 Kill a Badder
2 Kill a Vorpal Bunny
2 Kill a Revenant
2 Kill a Wyvern
2 Kill a Necrotaur
2 Kill a Wraith
2 Kill a Chernovy Wizard

15 6 15 Destroy Wraith holding Heart Ritual
15 Chase away Faerie Folk and get Heart Ritual

15 15 15 15 Rescue Igor in the cemetery
6 Beat Janos' grave with Broom and defeat his Wraith

6 6 6 6 Enter crypt
6 6 6 6 Take secret passage to castle
6 6 6 6 Escape crypt

2 2 2 2 Enter the Gypsy Camp
2 2 2 2 Get your fortune told by Magda
6 Learn Aura spell

2 2 2 2 Answer Leshy's name riddle
2 2 2 2 Answer Bonsai Bush riddle (return with the bush in hand)
2 2 2 2 Answer Rusalka riddle
2 2 2 2 Answer Baba Yaga riddle
2 2 2 2 Answer Elderbury Bush riddle
2 2 2 2 Answer Heart Ritual riddle

6 6 6 6 Convince Anna that she is a ghost
2 2 2 2 Get a hat from Nikolai after reuniting him and Anna

6 6 6 6 Plant Bonsai bush in Erana's Garden
6 Learn Protection Spell

6 6 6 6 Get Berries from the Elderbury Bush

6 6 6 6 Find Baba Yaga's Hut
6 6 6 6 Give Nikolai's Hat to Bonehead
6 6 6 6 Make Baba Yaga's Hut sit still
2 2 2 2 Make Bonemeal in mortar
6 6 6 6 Give Elderbury pie to Baba Yaga
6 Learn Hide spell from Baba Yaga

6 6 6 6 Get the Rusalka to like you
15 Free the Rusalka's spirit

6 6 6 6 Find the Mad Monk's tomb in the swamp
2 2 2 2 Open the Mad Monk's tomb and get the Bone Ritual

6 6 6 6 Capture Will o' Wisp on the Swamp Shore
15 15 15 15 Get the Bonsai Bush in the Squid Stone Area
6 6 6 6 Get Grue Goo in the Squid Stone Area
6 6 6 6 Open the Squid Stone and get the Sense Ritual


Castle Borgov

2 Enter the castle by front gate
2 Oil the door to great hall and listen in on the meeting
15 15 15 15 Give the Doll to Tanya


The Dark One's Cave

15 15 15 15 Reenter the Cave with the Rituals
4 Kill the Pit Horror (the last Borgov)
15 15 15 15 Get the Essence Ritual
6 6 6 6 Perform Bone Ritual
15 15 15 15 Escape from Bone Cave
6 6 6 6 Perform Blood Ritual
15 15 15 15 Escape from Blood Cave
6 6 6 6 Perform Breath Ritual
15 15 15 15 Escape from Breath Cave
6 6 6 6 Perform Sense Ritual
15 15 15 15 Escape from Sense Cave
6 6 6 6 Perform Heart Ritual
6 6 6 6 Make it into the Essence Cave
50 50 50 50 Free Erana's Spirit and save Mordavia

10C. Frequently Missed Points =

Here are a bunch of deeds that people often miss, or seem to be easily
missed. Also, this section details parts of the game that you must do
properly to get full credit.

TRAP Times Two -
After identifying the Antwerp at Dr. Cranium's, make sure you go again to
identify the hexapod.

You've Got Talents, Use Them! -
It's easy enough to prove the Gypsy's innocence for all classes by finding
Igor in the Cemetery, but the Thief should make sure to wait until night
and free the Gypsy from the Burgomeister's Office.

Why is a Raven Like a Writing Desk? -
Make sure you solve ALL of the Leshy's riddles. The easiest one to miss is
the bonsai bush riddle. It may seem more logical to get the bush, plant it,
then go back to the Leshy, but you'll only get full points if you get the
bush, THEN go back to the Leshy to solve the second riddle, then plant it
and move on.

Spell Correctly -
Protection and Hide aren't required to finish the game, so it's possible
to miss them. Protection is in Erana's Garden and should be obvious (go to
the walkthrough if you're clueless), and Hide is with Baba Yaga, in
exchange for a gruesome food item.

In AND Out -
It's possible to enter Castle Borgov through the crypt and not leave by it
(taking the Doll in the first time, then restoring Tanya in one trip), so
make sure to leave once as soon as you enter by shaking the Reaper's hand.
Additionally, for Fighters, make sure you bust down the front gate just
once, in addition to the whole crypt thing.

Black Gold, Texas Tea -
If you're a Thief, oil the door to the Great Hall from the stairwell east of
it. It doesn't matter when you do it or even if you listen to the
conversation in the next room, just do it.

10D. Ways to Die =


Exhaust yourself
Starve yourself
Die from poisoning
Perform an action that hurts a bit repeatedly until you die


Lose to a Vorpal Bunny
Lose to a Necrotaur
Lose to a Wyvern
Lose to a Badder
Lose to a Chernovy Wizard
Lose to a Revenant
Lose to a Wraith
Lose to the Pit Horror

Town of Mordavia:

Get caught while breaking into the Burgomeister's office (Thief)
Get caught whlie breaking into Nikolai's house (Thief)
Get eaten by the hectapus above the Monastery door
Get eaten by the Hexapod in the Monastery
Touch the little Statue in the Monastery basement (Thief)
Touch the book in the Monastery basement
Try to attack the Chief Thief while he's a monster (Thief)
Wait until the Gypsy Burning
Free the Gypsy, but don't rescue Igor for two days

Mordavian Wilderness:

Get drowned by the Rusalka
Attack the wolves in the Gypsy Camp
Cast an offensive spell on Baba Yaga's guard skulls
Don't tell Baba Yaga about the Gnome's humor the first time you meet her
Don't give Baba Yaga the pie when you have it
Get snagged by a grasping hand in the swamp
Get hit by the Elderbury Bush one too many times

Dark One's Cave:

Stand too close to the edge of the bit in the beginning
Get sizzled by the boiling blood
Get sucked up by the Breath Altar
Get zapped one too many times by the Sense Cave
Don't kill Ad Avis in time (rise of the Dark One)

10E. Conversation Topics =

These are the times when you have different conversations trees with

First meeting outside Town Gates
Second meeting outside Town Gates
First meeting at Castle Gates
Second meeting at Castle Gates
After being trapped by her in her dungeon
After she asks why she shouldn't kill you

Outside his office:
First meeting
Subsequent meetings
When Igor disappears
While Igor is still missing (second time and onward)
If Gypsy is busted loose (Thief only)
After Igor is found (first time)
After Igor is found (second time etc.)
After Nikolai disappears
After burning the Monastery
After saving Tanya
Inside his office:
First time inside
Subsequent meetings
When Igor disappears
After Gypsy is busted loose (Thief only)
After Igor is found
After Igor is found (second time etc.)
After Nikolai disappears
After returning Piotyr's Sword to him

First meeting
Subsequent meetings (she alternates Rumors each visit)
Note: She'll also bring up some other topics under Rumors as they

First meeting
First night meeting
Subsequent meetings
After Igor is rescued
During Punny Bones' first performance
During Punny Bones' second performance
After saving Tanya (First time)
After saving Tanya (Subsequent times)

After Igor is rescued (won't talk to you earlier)
Subsequent meetings
After saving Tanya (First time)
After saving Tanya (Subsequent times)

First meeting
First meeting at night
Subsequent meetings
When Igor goes missing (outside Burgomeister's)
Subsequent meetings outside Burgomeister's
When Igor goes missing (in the Inn)
After Igor is rescued
Subsequent meetings after Igor is rescued
After Tanya is saved

Punny Bones
First Performance
First meeting in his room
Subsequent Meetings in his room
After restoring his humor in his room
Second Performance

First meeting
Subsequent meetings
Meeting in the cemetery
After saving him (at his normal spot)
Subsequent meetings after saving him
After burning the monastery

First meeting
Subsequent meetings
After curing him

First meeting
Subsequent meetings
When talking to his ghost

Dr. Cranium
First visit
Visit on second day
Visit on third day
Visit on fourth day
Visit on fifth day
Subsequent visits

First visit
Two alternating topics for subsequent visits

Gypsy Davy
Visiting before he gets captured
Visiting him when he gets captured
While trying to free him
First visit to camp when welcome (in Magda's wagon)
Second visit to camp (outside of Magda's wagon)
Second visit to camp (in Magda's wagon)
Third visit to camp (in Magda's wagon)
Subsequent visits to camp (in Magda's wagon)
After being Geased (in Magda's wagon)
Second visit after being Geased (in Magda's wagon)

First visit to camp when welcome
Second visit to camp
Third visit to camp
Subsequent visits to camp
After being Geased
Second visit after being Geased

First visit
Second visit
Subsequent visits
After you tell her she's a ghost
After being reunited with Nikolai

While she wants to drown you
After she likes you
Second visit after she likes you
Subsequent visits after she likes you
After you tell her her name
After you destroy Janos' Wraith

First visit
Second visit
After you give him the hat
After Baba Yaga tells you to make the pie
After Baba Yaga takes your pie

Baba Yaga
First visit
After you give her the pie
Any subsequent visits

Ad Avis
Encounter in the woods
In the Dark One Cave


11A. Legal =

This FAQ was made 100% by me, Scott "CyricZ" Zdankiewicz. You may not take
it in whole or in part and claim it as your own. You may not alter it in any
way, even if you ask me first, and that includes putting it in HTML format.
Please don’t post this on your site unless you have express consent by me.
I’ve put a lot of time into this. Give me some credit.

Currently, the following sites have permission to post my FAQ:

11B. E-mail Guidelines =

If you wish to e-mail me, be sure to follow these guidelines.

- Make ABSOLUTELY sure I haven't already answered your question in the guide.
- Make sure it has something to do with Quest for Glory for God's sake. I
don't want spam, chain letters, offers for friendship. Compliment me on the
FAQ all you want, though.
- Make sure you say Quest for Glory at one point in your e-mail. I have more
than one FAQ, and asking a generic question such as "How do I save?" doesn't
tell me much.
- Spell correctly and use proper grammar, please. If I can't understand your
e-mail, it'll go to the junk pile.

11C. Credits =

CJayC and Al Amaloo for having this on their sites.

Sierra, particularly Lori Ann and Corey Cole, for making such an
incredible series.

11D. Version Updates =

Version 1.1 - 3/25/05 - Hey hey! Download the patch and NO MORE ERROR 52!

Version 1.0 - 10/17/01 - Well, there you have it. I don't really intend to
do another version, unless something else comes up.

11E. The Final Word =

The fourth game in the series is a much darker and more mature scenario than
the others. The Hero first learns real loss, from the deaths of Erana and
Katrina. If you can get past the bugs of this game, it's very enjoyable.

Be sure to check out my other guides for the Quest for Glory games, too! I
love this series! Did I mention that?
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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