Quest for Glory 4 - Shadows of Darkness

Quest for Glory 4 - Shadows of Darkness

12.10.2013 16:42:44
Quest for Glory 4: Shadows of Darkness
By Sac
Web site:
Version 1.2

You can always get the latest version of this FAQ from-

Other FAQs by me-
Quest for Glory 2: Trial by Fire- FAQ/Walkthru
SaGa Frontier 2- Battle of South Moundtop guide.

Version History
09/08/2001 v 1.0 - I started work on the walkthru(about halfway through the cave you start in,
playing as a Fighter), writing up the intro and the game's story.

24/03/2003 v 1.2 - After losing a previous version of the FAQ, I remade the sections I lost,
(Bugs, Characters, Items, monsters and points list) though only the Bugs
section has any content. (UNRELEASED)

27/12/2003 v 1.3 - Started work on the full points, monsters, characters and items lists. Also
decided to add a section on combat, for those new to the game, as it can be
confusing when trying to figure out how the fight system works. Didn't get
started on day two of the wlakthru, because I lost my old save and had to
start my game over. I'm kinda glad though as it prompted me to work on the
other sections, which I hadn't actually started yet.They're not complete,
as I intend to fill those sections in as I play further into the game. I've
decided not to release this update, though when I complete day two of the
walkthru I'll upload the updated version.

Feel free to download this FAQ onto your hardrive, but you may not post this on your web site
(Unless you ask me first), or sell it. Also, this FAQ may not be used in any form of magazine
walkthru (And that includes fanzines and online gaming mags!)

This document is copyright (C)2003 by Trent "Sac" Saraci

1. Intro
2. Story
3. Characters
4. Monsters
5. Combat
6. Walkthru
7. Items
8. Full Points List
9. Bugs
10. Credits/Thank yous

1: Intro
Welcome to my FAQ/Walkthru for Quest for Glory 4, the second last game in the Quest for Glory
series. This game has always been a bit of an oddity, becuase at ther end of Quest for Glory 2,
the player was informed that the next game was going to be Shadows of Darkness. But, the third
game instead became Wages of War. According to an interview I read in a magazine ages ago, this
is becuase Lori and Cory Cole wanted to have a lighter game first, before having the hero (That's
you, in the game) dumped into a palce where he's distrusted and friendless.
But that aside, QFG4 is a great game, and the CD version is even more fun, becuase alot of the
voices actors actually ad libbed their lines, coming up with extra dialog. But enough of my
Ramblings. On with the FAQ!

2: Story
You had defeated the evil demon, so you were supposed to be able to rest and relax right? Afterall,
it wouldn't be long until you were dubbed the hero of Tarna, since you ahd just defeated the demon
that threatened the land. Instead, just as you and your friends are about to celebrate your victory,
you are whisked away by magic, and everything goes black.
When you open your seyes again, you're shocked to find yourself flrying over barren moutains. In the
distance you cna see what appears to be a valley, thopugh much hasrher than Speilburg, and beyond ominous looking castle. Before you can get a good look at it though, you black out again.
When you awaken again, you find yourself lying on the floor of a dark cave. Check your backpack, you
are shocked to find that all of your belongings are gone, save for your money pouch (now empty, apart
from one strange coin), your clothes and your armor. Getting up and dusting yourself off, you quickly
look around for a way to escape, so you can figure out where you are...and why you have been bought to
this strange place against your will.

3: Characters

You first meet this mysterious woman as you escape from the cave. She seems interested in you,
and is very beautiful, but can you really trust her?

The Burgomeister
His name is Dmitri Ivanov, though too everyone (you included) he is simply "The Burgomeister".
Dmitri is basically the town's mayor and sheriff rolled into one. Because of this, he knows
alot about Mordavia and it's people, so try to stay on his good side.

Olga Stovich
Olga is the owner of the local store, and has been running it alone ever since her husband
Boris passed away. She is also quite the gossip, os if you ever need to know what's happening
in town, she's the best one to ask. Funny, but she also has the same surname as the man that
guards the castle...and his first name just happens to be Boris...

Yuri Markarov
The Innkeeper. He's a serious man who doesn't tend to speak much, and is always smoking his

Bella Markarov
Yuri's wife and the REAL force behind the day to day running of the inn. Ever since her young
daughter disapeared, she has aged very quickly.

Hans is one of the three men you can find sitting at the back of the inn. He's large and wears
a black hat. While he claims to be a farmer of Pumpkins and Corn, he never seems to leave the inn.

The second of the three men sitting at the back of the inn, Franz has bushy red haior and a big mustache.
He is also a farmer, though of garlic. He too never leaves the inn.

The last of the three men sitting in the back of the inn. Ivan has yellow hair and a mustache,
and wears a brown hat. He is an elephant herder though as there are no more elephants in Mordavia,
business is slow. And yeah, he doesn't seem to leave the inn either.

Igor is a small hunbacked man, who is somewhat of a jack of all trades. Not only is he the
local gravedigger, but he also carves the headstones and he works as Dr Cranium's lab assassitant.
Just watch out for his graveyeard humor!

This old man wanders the town, looking for his lost wife Anna, who disapeared many years ago. Her
hit him very hard. If you ever try to speak with him, he'll just ask you if you've see Anna, no matter
you actually said to him.

Nikolai's wife. She disapeared many years ago.

Dr Cranium
This mad scientists set up his lab in the town of Mordavia, and conducts many strange experiments. However
he is not evil and his crazy experiments don't do the townsfolk any harm. However, he may be able to help
you out on your quest, so it's worth trying to solve the puzzels of his house so you can speak with him.

The dead woman that Dr Cranium bought back to life. You can see her whenever you enter the doctor's
lab, thouh she never speaks to you or affects your quest in any way.

Erana is a woman that was a powerful force for good. In the adventurer's guild you find out that she
died fighting against the cult of the dark one many years ago.

Piotyr was a paladin from many years ago, that faught against the dark one's cult along with Erana.
However, after going on a quest to destroy the dark one's ritual's, he was never seen or heard from again.

4: Monsters

Day Creatures

Night Creatures
Looking like rats with wings, these creatures are weak alone, but always attack in packs.
What makes them truly dangerous is their ability to poison you.

4: Combat
Combat in Quest fo Glory 4 is much differant than in any others, because it operates by mouse control.
While you can use the keyboard, I recommend sticking with the mouse. One of the first things you should
keep in mind is the two red bars on the left hand side of the screen. These represent your health and
your stamina. Health goes dowm as you take damage, while stamina is decreased whenever you take an action
(such as attacking). While it may seem that your stamina decreases very quickly, you should also keep in
mind that if you stand still and do nothing, it will slowly fill up, so it's actually possible to start a
battle with no stamina and end it with your stamina full. of course, you are also more vunerable to attack
by just standing still.

To actually move your hero, simply click either in front or behind him with the left mouse button,
and he'll take one step forward or back.
Clicking above his head with the left button will cause him to jump up into the air while. Much like
moving, if you click in front or behind him, he'll jump in that direction. However, be warned that jumping
consumes alot of your stamina, so be careful.

Clicking on your hero with the right mouse button will cause him to block an attack with his shield, but
if he has one.
If you click on him with the left mouse button, he'll duck down.

Clicking in front of the hero with the right mouse button with cause him to attack with his weapon.
If you click above him, then he will jump and attack in that direction (or just jump and attack). Like
normal jumping, jump attacks also consume alot of stamina.

There are apprently special moves that each class has access to in combat, though I myself have only seen
two attacks that MAY count as these special moves.
The first is the thieves ability to throw daggers while in combat. This can be achieved by just clicking
the interface underneath the combat window. I suppose the other classes can do this, but I don't remember
being able to stockpile daggers.
The second is what I refer to as the "acrobatic attack". Simplly click on your hero, hold the button and
the cursor to the enemy. Your hero will roll into a ball(or somthing) and fling himself at the enemy. I'm
to sure if that's the exact metgod, but I'll confirm this when I start playing the game as a theif. I'm
not sure if the other classes can use this attack. i DO remember that it won't cause damage. Not sure how
stamina it used.

Sadly, I don't really know of any other secret abilties, though the manual does refer to them. If you
managed to discover them, please, let me know!

6: Walkthru
NOTE: This Walkthru is based (For the moment) solely on the Fighter's quest. I'll update the
walkthru later on when I play through again as the other three classes. That said, the basic
game structure remains the same for all four classes, with the only differences being a few
alternate soultions to puzzels,and some areas/quests that can only be accessed by certain classes.
Also, becuase of the icon driven nature of the game, I won't bother telling you which icon to use,
as which one you should use is just common sense. For example, if I tell you to pick up a stick,
you would use the hand icon, not the talk icon.

The Caves

You wake up in a strange cave, with all your items AND weapons gone. The only things you have are
your armor (Well, it's a bit hard to lose something that your WEARING) and 1 crown. How did you
end up with one of the coins of this palce? The game never says. You have one and that's that.
But for now, you have to figure out how to escape from this cave. Now if you look around, you'll
notice that there are three corpes on the ground, one near where you are, and two a bit further
into the cave. You should search these. The first will yeild a dagger, 5 crowns and 13 kopeks.
From the second you'll get a piece of flint, 3 crowns and 13 kopeks. And from the final corpses,
you'll find 10 assorted coins. The only two other areas of interest on this screen are the vavle
(exit) and the Altar to the Dark One. If you try to open the valve right away, the game will
inform you that it's too dark. But if, instead, you click on the bowl just beneath the altar, you
will find a torch. To light it, click on the torch (In your inventory) with the flint. Now that
you have some light, it's time to leave this creepy cave, so just click on the vavle, and your
You'll now find yourself in the next room. Here you can see there the exits and a big creepy
altar in the center of the room. Ignore them for now. Towards the bottom of the screen you can
see a sword and a shield, so don't waste any time and pick them up right away.(NOTE: The items
your character had in the previous three games are gone for good now, so don't even think about
them.) There's nothing else you can do here now, so exit at the botom of the screen. But keep in
mind that before you can leave, you'll be attacked by a group of Badders, so make sure you ready
for combat. If you don't know how to fight, just refer to the "combat" section of the FAQ, which
you cna find above.
Okay, you managed to defeat the Badders (Don't worry too much if you got poisoned). You'll now
find yourself faced with a rope over chasm. After clicking on the rope, choose to "Cross hand
over hand". Don't worry about the tentacle, it can't hurt you. Now just leave the cave.

Day One

From this point one, because your character is able to see the sky, the game will start to record
the time.(NOTE: Normally the game would advance by one day when it's so late, but in this case,
even when the sun rises, it will still be considered "Day 1")
As soon as you escape from the cave, you'll encounter Katrina. You won't be given a chance to
ask her anything though. Before you exit this screen, make sure you grab the "Dark One Sign"
from the stone arch. One the next screen, just walk down the path and exit. Once you reach the
swamp, head up one screen, then left one screen. Click on the skeleton to get a bone. Noe go back
one screen to the right and start heading north(the top of your screen) until you reach a pond.
Now go one screen to the right, and head for the town.
When you reach the gate, make sure you grab some corn before entering Mordavia. When you do
enter, you'll find yourself faced with a big rock with a staff in it. From here go left into the
main part of town. Here, you'll be accosted by the Burgomeister, but don't worry too much. From
here, you can see the Inn, The General Store, and the Burgomeister's office. The first thing you
should do is enter the Burgomeister's office. This gives you a few more things to ask him
usually. (NOTE: To greet people, say goodbye or tell them things, you actually have to click on
yourself with the talk icon, as clicking on them only lets you ask them things. For some reason,
this wasn't mentioning in the manual that came with my copy.) For now, make sure you at least
ask him about the adventurer's guild, so that he will give you a key to the door. Now leave and
go to the general store. As a fighter, the only items you should buy are some garlic, rations
(Come back here to replace them as needed.) and a pie pan. The othe ritems are either just a
waste of money, or are not used in the Fighters' quest. Question Olga if you want, then go next
door to the inn. As soon as you enter, the innkeeper will talk to you and then you'll pay for
your room. Talk to the innkeeper or the three farmers if you wish, but you don't need to.
Now leave the inn and head left. Here you'll find the monastery, the adventurer's guild, and
Igor the gravedigger. If you head right from here, you'll find the old man, the old man's house
and Doctor Cranium's place.
For now thought, head back to the left enter the Adventurer's Guild. Now, first read and sign the
logbook. Next, click on the case above the log book and choose to break it open. This will net you
a Fine Sword(Your Rusty Sword will just be replaced by the Fine Sword). Next, grab the rope and grapnel
off the floor (NOTE: You can practise climbing by using the rope and grapnel on the hook just
above where you found them). After this, click on the book shelf and read the available books. Finally,
start exercising on the exercise machine. If your stamanina runs out, keep resting until it's
fully restored. Keep on excerising until the game tells you to "try again tomorrow". Each day,
you should excerise here until you no longer can, though you'll also need to add more weights to the
machine. Because of this, once you've used the last of the weights, you can no longer train your strength
with this machine. Now leave the guild, and kill time until the evening. You can explore the forest if you
wish, but keep in mind that you probably won't have enough skill to climb the gate should you get locked

Day Two

7: Full Items List
Money Pouch:
Contains all your money. You start with one.

Platemail Armor:
Heavy armor. Fighters and Paladins start with this.

Leather Armor:
A lighter armor for those who can't afford the weight of platemail. Theives and wizards
start with this armor.

A small slender dagger that can be used both as a throwing weapon, and as a regular weapon for those
that can't handle swords or heavier weapons, like theievs and wizards.

You find this stone in the cave. Strike it with something to produce a spark.

Found in the cave. You can use this torch to see in the dark...but you'll have to light
it first.

It didn't help the fellow in the cave, but it can surely help you! Only fighters and paladins
can find/use this item.

Rusty Sword:
Sure it's rusty and its balance is off...but it's still a sword. Once again, only fighters and
paladins can find this item.

Dark One Sign:
You find this weird thing on a stone arch just outside the cave you woke up in. It looks
like an octopus, but pulses with evil energy. Better hang on it, as it could be useful.

You can find these in a few places, though the first is from a skeleton at the swamps. Question
is...why would you WANT to carry around human bones?

Corn from the fall harvest. It doesn't count as a ration, but you're an adventure game character.
If it's not nailed down chances are it'll end up in your pack eventually ^_~

This contains all the key's you find during your quest. As soon as you obtain a key, you'll
automatically gain a keyring. Where do you get it from? Unh...from the Burgomeister I guess.

A simple clove of garlic. Some people claim that garlic can protect you from werewolves and

Avocardo and garlic sandwiches? Well, it's better than trying to eat the raw corn. And hey, it's
not like they'll rot any time soon.

It may be cheap, but do you really have time for candy? Besides, knowing Mordavia, it's probably
GARLIC candy!

Shopping Bag:
You have your pack, but I suppose some DISHONEST people may like to carry one...

Oil Flask:
The theif's best to his lockpick.

A clean hero is a good hero...though what you'll need to be cleaning...well that would be a spoiler.
Read the walkthru for details bucko!

Pie Dish:
Mmmmmmm pie...oh and no, this doesn't mean there's a pie buton in Quest for Glory 4.

Fine Sword:
You found this sword in a case in the adventurer's guild. It's a much better blade and replaces your
rusty sword.

8: Full Points List
Because of the free roaming nature of this game, I'll be listing this by location, because it's possible
to skip some areas or do things in a differant order to how I'll be doing them. Also, this list is a work
in progress, as I'll be adding things to do this as they earn me points. Lastly, I'll note if something
applies only to a certain class with the following symbols:


The Caves
Finding the dagger/crowns on the first corpse (2)
Lighting the torch with the flint (6)
Defeat the Badders (2)
Cross the pit with the rope (15)

Outside the cave
Take the dark one sign (6)

The Town of Mordavia
Unlock the adventurer's guild (6)
Sign the logbook in the adventurer's guild (2)
Obtain the rope and grapnel from the adventurer's guild (2)
Read Climing Skills Book (2) (F)(P)
Using the Exercise Machine for the first time (2)
Use the Dark One Sign to enter the church for the first time (6)

9: Bugs
In this section I will list any bugs I have encountered as I play through the game. If you find
anymore, please e-mail me the details. I'm using Windows version 1.0, for this walkthru, so it's
possible that these bugs may not exist in this version, or that other bugs may be in later version
that aren't in the earlier ones.

*- On faster PCs, the game will crash when you try to walk down the slimey path after you have
escaped from the caves at the start of the game. To overcome this problem, turn the speed in the
options menu all the way up.

*- When you first enter the inn and talk to the three farmers, the voice track that plays for one
of them will is actually a line that character is supposed to say later on in the game. The on
screen text, however, is correct. Obviously this only applies if you have the voice acting switch
on for the CD version.

*-In the part of town where the Igor the gravedigger (The adventurer's guild and the cultist
church are located in this area) the game will seem to freeze, though you can still move your mouse
around. To get around this problem, move the cursor to the top of the screen (So the icon selection
menu pops up) and then back down. You'll need to do this each time it freezes.
I never had this problem on my old 386, so I THINK it only occurs on pentium speed processors and

9: Credits and Thank Yous...and a bit of rant :)
Not really anyone I need to credit, as all the info contained in this FAQ/Walkthru comes from my own
knowledge. Well...actually, that's not strictly true, as a few (actually, we're talking back in the
mid ninties here) I actually posted a letter off to Sierra On-Line becuase I needed help with a few
games(This was way before 'ent access was common...maybe even before there was an internet). Given that
I'm actually in Australia, not the US, I was pleasently surprised when I receieved a letter back from
them asnwering the questions I had asked, one of which was about Quest for Glory 4. If you've played
through mopst or all of this game, then I'm sure the part that stumped me had most of you stumped as
well. yeah, it was the damn pipe playing part at the end. I mean, it's not like the game makes it
obvious that there's a second set of pipes you have to use to complete the puzzel! It's kind of a
shame that Sierra sucks now, since the got rid of the group that made all the old quest games...ya
know, the guys that actually WERE Sierra On Line. And i bet they wonder why nobody give a toss about
them or their rubbish games these days!

Woah, got a bit off track there, didn't I? Anyway, as far as Thank yous go...I can only think of two:
My Uncle Bruce, it's becuase of him that I started playing Adventure games, and it's also him that gave
me a copy of Quest for Glory 2.

My Mother, who tracked down a copy of the Quest for Glory Collection, when she was in Sydney a few years
back. Apparnetly it was REALLY hard to track down, and I myself have never sene a copy anywhere around
so a BIG thank you to her. Mum, you rock!

And lastly, thank you to myself for buying a copy of Quest for Glory 5 a few years back, even though my PC
then couldn't run. If I hadn't bought it then, I would never have been able to get a copy. heh ;)

If you have any questions about this game, and your questions ISN'T covered in the FAQ, e-mail
me and I'll do my best to help you

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