Tales of Destiny 2

Tales of Destiny 2

16.10.2013 06:26:02
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Tales of Destiny II: FAQ/Walkthrough v0.03
by: Psycho Penguin

E-mail adresses:
mcfaddendaman@aol.com - Official matters
psychopenguin24@aol.com - Game questions, concerns, etc.
hurricanehelms24@aol.com - FAQ corrections and tips

Home Pages:
http://www.angelfire.com/wrestling2/wrestlingthoughts - Renegade Wrestling
http://www.smcfadden.com/faqs/me/ - My FAQs

First Version: 10/08/01
Last Updated: 10/18/01
Number of Updates: 3

Current Size: 206.9K

Legal Disclaimer: You may reproduce this guide for NON PROFIT ONLY. I don't
care who you are. If I am not making money with the guide, then you shouldn't
either, especially since I worked so darn hard on it. If you decide you want to
reproduce this guide for non profit uses, and I don't know about it, I will
Rodney King your ass! All you have to do is email me at mcfaddendaman@aol.com
and tell me exactly what you wanna do with my guide. You want to put it on your
site, go for it, as long as you keep it EXACTLY the same. Otherwise, there will
be a fight, and I know there's gonna be a fight, cuz I am gonna start it! You
can turn this guide into HTML if you want, I don't care, just make sure none of
this info is deleted or changed. If you want to print this guide out, go for
it. I wrote this guide to help people with this incredible game! Just make sure
to use this for your own use, and not go around putting it on eBay. As long as
you keep this guide the way it is, I don't care if you post it on your site.
Just KEEP IT THE WAY IT IS. Thank you.

E-mail Rules: I am a very flexible guy when it comes to emailing me. You can
email me at mcfaddendaman@aol.com if you want to chat with me, since I like
talking with people. If you have a gameplay issue or question, email me at
psychopenguin24@aol.com. One last note: Only email me about the game at
psychopenguin24@aol.com , all emails about Silent Hill 2 sent to my other
e-mail adresses will be deleted and/or ignored. Thanks to all those that have
emailed me so far, I appreciate it! Check my email backlog. If it's filled up,
you may have to wait a while before you get a response. I check my email once
in a while. Please wait for a response, because I will respond to all emails.
Please read my guide before asking questions, thats why I have a FAQ and Reader
Tips section. I will only post your question/tip in my guide if it is good, and
has not been answered in this guide. Thanks.

One last note: Only email me about the game at psychopenguin24@aol.com for game
questions, or hurricanehelms24@aol.com for reader tips and suggestions. All
emails sent to my other email addresses about the game will not be answered.
Thanks to all those that have emailed me so far, I appreciate it!

1. Check my email backlog. If it's filled up, you may have to wait a while
before you get a response.

2. I check my email once in a while. Please wait for a response, because I will
respond to all emails.

3. Please read my guide before asking questions, thats why I have a FAQ and
Reader Tips section.

4. I will only post your question/tip in my guide if it is good, and has not
been answered in this guide.

New plan: all questions can be sent to psychopenguin24@aol.com, and if you have
anything you would like to add to the guide, send it to
hurricanehelms24@aol.com. This is because it is too tough for me to separate
stuff people want me to add to the guide from basic questions. if you send any
reader tips to psychopenguin24@aol.com or any questions to
hurricanehelms24@aol.com, they will be deleted. Thanks for understanding.

Basically: mcfaddendaman@aol.com for FAQ posting requests and personal emails,
psychopenguin24@aol.com for game questions and other things like that, and
hurricanehelms24@aol.com for tips, suggestions, corrections, etc.


Instant Message Rules: Unlike a lot of authors I know, I love getting IM's from
fans and for people with questions. My AIM name is HeShootsHeGores, and I go on
it a lot. Just remember this. If you contact me on one of the instant
messengers, and I do not respond, it probably means I am busy. I am always
talking with my girl, and friends, so sometimes I just ignore some instant
messages from people I do not know. Be nice, and I will talk to you, just don't
come out and ask the question and be all rude if I do not respond in five
seconds, otherwise I probably will just block you. I will answer all e-mails
about the game, however.


-The following readers for giving me information.
None, yet.

-The following people, just because I want to credit them.
CJC: For hosting this guide and for giving me a second chance. Also, for
doing a very good Ico guide.
Yakuza: For being my first online friend, and for believing in my FAQ skills.
Jenn: My beautiful and loving fiancee who supports me in doing my guides
because she either accepts the fact I am a loser, or believes in my FAQ writing
skills. Either way, I love her.
Adrenaline SL: For being my best GameFAQs friend and always supporting me and
my guides, even though she knew I sucked then, and now I am getting better, and
a lot of that credit goes to her. Thanks a million, hun! ^.^
Andy007: For updating my site with me, although he doesn't as much as he
should. :)
Dyse Murder and SCCAN85: For being my two best GameFAQs buds, and for
believing in my skills. Good luck with the Grandia guide, Dyson.
Dingo Jellybean: I don't care how much problems I have had with him, have
with him, or will have with him in the future, he's still cool.
Cassey, Ashley, Megan, Wendy: You guys know why.

-The following websites for hosting this guide.
http://www.fbgames.com (If they ever come back)

-The GameFAQs Tales of Destiny 2 message board, for they asked some of the
questions found in the FAQ section of this guide.

-Finally, me for typing up this guide.

--------------------------------{T. O. C.}-------------------------------------

1.0 Introduction
2.0 Revision History
3.0 Game Basics
3.1 Controls
3.2 Other
4.0 Characters
5.0 Walkthrough
5.1 Disc One
Rasheans Forest
Rasheans Village
Regulus Dojo
Rasheans River Pier
Mt. Mintche
Mt. Mintche Observatory
Nostos Cave
Backwoods of Morle
Undine Stream
Forest of Temptation
Inferia City
Port of Inferia
Port Barole
Sylph Cavern
Efreet Gorge
6.0 Frequently Asked Questions
7.0 Boss Guide
8.0 Secrets, etc.
8.1 Secrets
8.2 Mini Games
9.0 Lists
9.1 Weapons
9.2 Armor
9.3 Items
9.4 Lens
9.5 Meal Recipes
9.6 Food Ingredients
9.7 Valuable Items
9.8 Skills
9.9 Spells
9.10 Summons
9.11 Crymel Mixing Effects
9.12 Bestiary
9.13 Shopping Guide
10.0 Other Information
10.1 Credits
10.2 Contact Information
10.3 My Other Works
10.4 Future Works
10.5 How You Can Help Me
11.0 Conclusion
11.1 Conclusion
11.2 Copyright Information

--------------------------------{E. N. D.}-------------------------------------

This guide is dedicated to my loving and gorgeous fiancee Jenn. I love you baby!

////////////////////~~~~~~~~~~/ 1.0 INTRODUCTION /~~~~~~~~~~////////////////////

Hello, and thanks for choosing this guide. I know it is not quite complete yet,
but due to the sudden avalanche of Tales of Destiny 2 guides being submitted, I
figured I might as throw my name into the mix. For those of you that know me,
thanks for choosing yet another one of my guides, and I hope you enjoy it. For
those of you that don't know me, start :) And after you are done this guide,
click back on your toolbar and then go to my contributor page. It's the blue
link next to this guide. :)

So, some of you may be wondering why I decided to do a guide for this game.
There are a few reasons for this. One, it is slowly becoming one of my favorite
games. I just got it in the mail today and already I love it! The battle system
is definitely one of the most unique assets to this great game, in my opinion.
For those of you that have played the original Tales of Destiny, the battle
system is like the battle system in that game, only it's much better. I really
liked it.

The other reason I decided to do this guide is I have suddenly have the
motivation to do guides for some of my newer games. (See: Ico, incomplete
Silent Hill 2 and Guilty Gear X) This is a really cool game, and I figured I
would do an early version of this guide now to ensure that it gets posted, and
then work on it at my own pace. The last time I tried this, the results were a
disaster for the most part (Final Fantasy IX) but I have much more experience

At any rate, enjoy the guide!

////////////////////~~~~~~~~/ 2.0 REVIVION HISTORY /~~~~~~~~////////////////////

v0.03 - October 18, 2001 - 206.9K
-Hey, I actually lived up to my word for once!
-This is the biggest update yet, and I have worked the last 4 hours on this.
-First things first, I deleted the pocketstation game list, added the shopping
guide, and added the individual walkthrough sections to the Table of Contents.
-I updated the walkthrough through Efreet Gorge, right to where I am currently
at in the game.
-Boss guide updated through Efreet.
-Mini game guide started and updated through Climballoon.
-1 Frequently Asked Question added to Frequently Asked Questions.
-2 Credits added to the Credits list.
-Shopping guide started and updated through Farlos Sanctuary.
-GAME PROGRESS: I am on Level 34, and just got Efreet, I am now going to Farlos
-PLANNED FOR NEXT UPDATE: Well, I don't know how much walkthrough I will have
done, but I will do a TON Of game basics work tomorrow. Plus, I will try to
start some of the lists. I don't know how much I will do tomorrow, because I
work, plus I have Chrono Trigger to forget about ;) err work on finally..

v0.02 - October 17, 2001 - 123.2K
-Sorry for the extremely late update. I have been going through some personal
problems, and I also have been enjoying this classic game.
-Walkthough updated through Regulus Dojo.
-Boss guide updated through the Monks.
-Food Ingredient list added.
-GAME PROGRESS: I am on Level 31, and just got Sylph. I am going to get the
Fire Greater Craymel now. I already have been getting a lot of skills, and
plenty of 30 hit combos, I can't wait to get to that part in the walkthrough so
I can use my wisdom. ^.^
-PLANNED FOR NEXT UPDATE: Okay, I know after eight days I should be doing a
bigger update than this, so tomorrow I will do a lot of work. I will definitely
work on the walkthrough some more, as I am far past where I am up to in the
guide. I also will start to go into details on the combo system and other parts
about the game. I have Chrono Trigger, Ico, and Final Fantasy to work on as
well, but those guides should be done soon, and tomorrow I will work on this
guide a lot so it is up to par. Please be patient, and I hope this guide is
well worth the wait!

v0.01 - October 9, 2001 - 111.7K
-Walkthrough started and updated through Racheans Town.
-Bestiary section finally finished.
-Boss guide started and updated through ????.
-PLANNED FOR NEXT UPDATE: More lists, more walkthrough work, more of
everything. Might be a few days before next update, however.

v0.001 - October 8, 2001 - 67.2K
-I decided to start work on this guide.
-Basic format done.
-Top part of guide done.
-Introdution added.
-Controls section added to basics section.
-Bestiary section: enemies added from #001 to #150.
-I decided I am going to add sections as I go through the guide, that way there
is not a ton of "coming soon" sections.
-PLANNED FOR NEXT UPDATE: Walkthrough started, bestiary finished.

////////////////////~~~~~~~~~~/ 3.0 GAME BASICS /~~~~~~~~~~~////////////////////

<---------Here is a list of game basics for this game.---------->

[+++++++++++++++++++]<----------> 3.1 CONTROLS <----------->[++++++++++++++++++]

Map Screen
X--Enter towns and dungeons
O--Cancel selection
"Triangle"--Open the main menu
"Square"--Open the travel menu
"Start"--Turn ON/OFF navigation map and compass display
"Select--Listen to the game hints
L1--Rotate the screen left
R1--Rotate the screen right
L1+L2+R1+R2+Select+Start--Soft reset

Town/Dungeon Screen
Directional Buttons--Move character
O + Directional Buttons--Run
"Square" + Directional Buttons--Move diagonally
"Triangle"--Open the main menu
L1--Shoot with the freeze ring
R1--Shoot with the Sorcerer's ring
L1+L2+R1+R2+Select+Start--Soft reset

Main Menu Screen
Directonal Buttons--Select commands
X--Confirm selection
O--Cancel/Return to previous screen
"Triangle"--Equip Screen--Remove item
--Change the AUTO COOK setting (must be ON)
--Items Screen--throw away items in inventory
"Square"--Cook Screen--Toggle AUTO COOK option ON/OFF
--Toggle item/attribute description
--Skills Screen--Toggle character skills ON/OFF (Battle Mode
must be set to AUTO)
"Start"--Customize Screen--Display the Adjust Screen
L1/R1--Scroll menu screens
L2/R2--Items Screen--Scroll LEFT/RIGHT to select an option

Battle Controls
"Select"--Switch the battle mode of the player character
"Triangle"--Open the Battle Menu
"Square"+ D Pad LEFT/RIGHT--Scroll Battle Screen (Use only when the
Battle Menu is displayed)
"Square"+ D Pad UP/DOWN--Zoom Battle Screen IN/OUT (Use only when the
Battle Menu is displayed)
O--Use Special Skills
--Special Skill 1
--(+ D Pad UP) Special Skill 2
--(+ D Pad LEFT/RIGHT) Special Skill 3
--(+ D Pad DOWN) Special Skill 4
D Pad LEFT/RIGHT (twice)--Dash
D Pad LEFT/RIGHT (continuous)--Escape
L1+D Pad UP--Command all allies to "jump"
L1+D Pad DOWN--Command all allies to "gather"
L2 or R2--Special Skills shortcuts
R1+D Pad--Switch target

////////////////////~~~~~~~~~~/ 5.0 WALKTHROUGH /~~~~~~~~~~~////////////////////

<----------Here is the walkthrough for the game.---------->

[------------------------] RASHEANS FOREST [------------------------]
Items: Spectacles, Wooden Shield, Apple Gel x2
Enemies: Beast Bear, Night Raid, Rocky Hawk, Slime
Bosses: None

After watching the pretty nice introduction to the game, you will see a boy
walking down a path in a forest. He meets up with a girl, named Farah, so watch
the scene that takes place. Now you will have control of your character. Go down
two screens, and pick up the WOODEN SHIELD and SPECTACLES from the treasure
chests. The green crystal you see here is, for all intents and purposes, a
beloved save point, so save your game here if you want.

Go up to the next screen and get the APPLE GEL from the treasure chest. Go back
down, and then go left. Take either the north or west path, as the southern path
leads to nowhere, and the northern and western paths lead to the same thing. Get
the APPLE GEL from the treasure chest, and then go back to the save point. Take
the eastern path this time. Now, you will see a rabbit. Watch the scene, and
then go north. Here you will see the girl you met earlier, and another girl.
Hmm. Watch the scene, and that's the end of this part. :)

[------------------------] RASHEANS TOWN [------------------------]
Items: Apple Gel x4, Kirima, Collector's Book, 500 Gald
Enemies: None
Bosses: ????

Now you are in the Elder's House. Watch the scene, and then a battle will break
out! Engarde!

------------------------>BOSS FIGHT!<------------/ ????/----------------------
HP: 1000
ATTACKS: Thunder Blade, Spark Wave
REWARDS: Life Bottle, Orange Gel
Here we go, the first boss. Yse, his name really is ????. That is not me
forgetting his name or anything like that. And yse, this battle is pretty damn
easy, and it's not one of those battles where you have to do a certain
strategy. Just back him into the corner and hack away on him. Use an Apple Gel
if you don't have to, but I don't think that would be neccessary.

Watch the scene. Now go outside, and go to where you see a farmer atop the
ground, and you can get KIRIMA from there. Go inside the house to the left, and
search the pig. It will be turned into Wonder Chef. He teaches you how to make
Sandwich. Cool. Now, go up the northwestern path. Take the 2 APPLE GELS from
the 2 barrels. The barrel next to the old man also has a APPLE GEL, so snatch
it. The barrel to the front of the left most house has a APPLE GEL, as well. Go
inside the house, and search the basement and find the yellow box, which
contains a LENS. Exit the house, and enter the middle house. Search the
cupboard next to the plant to get 500 GALD. Go upstairs, and search the shelf
to get the COLLECTORS BOOK. Exit the house, and take the path down, and search
the door of the windmill to get another LENS. You can buy equipment and stuff
at the Traveller's Shop, and the Wonder Chef in the armor in the shop will
teach you know to make Omelette. Go to the bridge, and watch the scene. You
will be on the world map.

[------------------------] REGULUS DOJO [------------------------]
Items: Lid Shield, Leather Helm, Apple Gel x2, Orange Gel, Manual, Lens x2
Enemies: None
Bosses: Monks x8

Go to the River Pier, and after a scene, you can go to the Dojo. When you enter
here, you will see a Inn to the left, and a shop to the right. Buy things in the
shop, then spend the night at the Inn. On the second floor, you can search the
yellow thing on the floor to get another Wonder Chef. This time he teaches you
how to do Beef Stew. You can get a LID SHIELD from the vase in the upper right
corner, and you can search the well, but there is nothing there. Now, go to the
stairs, and you will be in a boss battle.

------------------------>BOSS FIGHT!<------------/ MONKS /----------------------
HP: 500 each
ATTACKS: Martial Arts attacks
Okay, the first two boss battles in this game have been pretty laughably easy
so far. There are four monks on one side, and four on the other side, so
basically they have you surrounded. Just take out the monks on one side using
Lightning Blade, then repeat it on the other side. I just used normal attacks
and I still managed to win.

Go to the left of the entrance, and check the red object to get a LEATHER HELM.
Go to the right of the entrance, and check the red object to get a APPLE GEL. Go
to the upper left corner of the room, and check the vase to get yet another
APPLE GEL. Now, go into the next screen, and enter the door to the far right,
and get the ORANGE GEL from the vase. Now, search next to the vase to get a
LENS. Exit this room, and go left into the next room. Search the table to get
another LENS. Talk to the Monk on the right hand side and he will give you the
MANUAL item if you switch over to Manual. This item allows you to do a manual
battle by pressing select during a battle. Now, exit this room and go into the
next room to the left. You will have to fight 8 more monks, but you have your
party with you, so it's even easier than before. Talk to Franco and watch the
scene. You now decide to go to Rasheans River Pier, so go back there.

[------------------------] RASHEANS RIVER PIER [------------------------]
Items: None
Enemies: None
Bosses: None

Go straight down, and go onto the bridge you skipped earlier and talk to the
guy. Choose Yes if you are ready to go. You will now be in a bit of a mini
game. Basically, you have to move your raft left and right, trying to avoid
getting hit by boulders and the edge of the river. You can accelerate, going
faster, but if you hit something, you will spin out of control and you will not
have the acceleration any more. If you accelerate all the way up to the top, you
will lose control of your raft temporarily. This is a pretty easy mini game, and
it doesn't really matter how you do, so just have fun. Once you are done, go
east to reach Mintche. You can raise some levels here if you want.

[------------------------] MINTCHE [------------------------]
Items: None
Enemies: None
Bosses: None

There are a few main stores in here. The place directly to the left when you
enter is the Inn. The building on the northern right side is the Student Score.
The building on the left is the Cafeteria. You can get the Hamburger recipe from
the Wonder Chef in here by searching the red flower. There is a split in the
path here, so go left. Go right here, and then search the tree to get a Lens.
Now, talk to the girls to play a mini game.

>---------/ MINI GAME /---------------------------/ CRAYMEL BALL /-------------<
Directional Button - Move the Player.
X - Elemental Bomb
This mini game is pretty easy, but can get tough too. Basically, you are in
this square, and there is this huge beach ball that falls down and tries to
topple you. You have to try to hit your opponent with the ball, by having his
color attract the ball. There are little crystals that come down that change
the color of you and your opponent. Same colors repel, and different colors
attract. You can use an Elemental Bomb by pressing X, which means you will
temporarily change the radius of your color. If you win this tough game three
times in a row, you have earned the title of Master Roller.

Go back to the screen you were in before, the one with the library. You can go
in the library if you want, as there are some interesting tidbits in there, but
there is nothing really important in there. It is good to learn some new
information, though, so it is really up to you. Take the left road here to get
to the University. You will be stopped by the girl from entering the next
screen. Watch the scene, and then she will let you in. Go into the middle room
and watch the scene.

Now, go to the second floor, and you can go inside the rooms to see some funny
scenes. I especially liked the one in the Wind Craymel Laboratory, as you
basically got blown out of there by the wind as soon as you entered. Search the
machine in the Water Craymel Laboratory, after you get Keele, to get a LENS. Go
to the third floor and enter the Exam Room - Beginner. You will be asked 26
questions, and if you answer them all correctly, you will get the title of
namco Master. Here are the answers to the 26 questions.

>---------/ MINI GAME /---------------------------/ NAMCO EXAM /---------------<
X - Choose answer
Directional button - Move arrow up and down between answers
1. What is Philia's Rank? A: Priestess
2. What are the color of Ms. Pacman's eyes? A: Black
3. What happened to Marian in Mikheil? A: Escaped in the lower pod.
4. What games are on Namco Musuem Volume 3? A: Mr. Driller
5. Who is the official mascot of Namco? A: Pac-Man
6. What did Rembrandt often say? A: Hee, hee
7. What is the name of the bio-alloy? A: Belselium
8. What is the shop that was the first to be settled? A: Inn
9. (Question Unknown) A: Blue Lightning
10. What is the color of Ms. Pac-Man's ribbon? A: Pink
11. What is the name of the navy in Aquaveil? A: Black Cross Navy
12. What game does not belong in the list? A: Either Air Combat or Target Zone
13. Who is hated in Junkland? A: Philia
14. What character does not belong in the list? A: Stahn Aileron
15. What title was not produced by Namco? A: Either Fighting Calibur or Tales
of Dragon
16. Who is the female general out of the Seven Generals? A: Melina
17. How many doors are in the Hidden Temple? A: 3
18. What is the name of the Sea Dragon? A: Bernardo
19. What is the name of Stahn's sister? A: Lilith
20. What game on the list was not a Namco arcade hit? A: Dragon Valor
21. What is the name of the homing beacon? A: Tiara
22. (Question Unknown) A: Sew buttons on his pants.
23. The anti gravity elevator at Radisrol was linked to? A: Darilsheid
24. What item was needed at the Frozen River? A: Fur Cape
25. Baruk revealed his intention to.. A: Return the world to zero.
26. What was the mini game at Cherik? A: Tag

Answer them all correctly, and you wll become Namco Master. No, I didn't get
them all right, I actually went back and put in different answers..

Now, go southwest to Mt. Mintche.

[------------------------] MT. MINTCHE [------------------------]
Items: 600 Gald, Apple Gel, Orange Gel, Pole Axe, Saber
Enemies: Harpy, Rock Golem, Rocky Hawk
Bosses: None

When you enter here, you will see a group of enemies, and they keep coming out
of the hole. This is a great place to build up your levels, even more so once
you get Keele in your party. I wouldn't even bother to knock the rocks over,
but if you want to, move the rock to where you need to drop it, then drop it. I
wouldn't bother, though. It's up to you. The first screen has two chests, a
SABER and ORANGE GEL. The next screen is where you can camp, which restores
your hit points, but not your technical points, sadly. The next screen has a
APPLE GEL, 600 GALD, and a POLE AXE. Go left to the next screen. Go left across
the bridge, and you will be on the world map. Go up to get to the Observatory.

[------------------------] MT. MINTCHE OBSERVATORY [------------------------]
Items: Holy Bottle
Enemies: None
Bosses: None

Watch the long scene, and you will now have Keele in your party. It appears
that Reid and Keele don't really like each other.. rather, Reid doesn't like
Keele. Maybe that will grow as the game goes on. Or maybe they'll be like the
WWF writers and just drop it like it never happened. ^.^ When you are on the
world map, go back in the Observatory, and get the HOLY BOTTLE from the
treasure chest, and then a LENS from the box next to the chest. Go back to the
world map, go back through Mt. Mintche, and go to Nostos Cave, which is
southeast of Mt. Mintche.

[------------------------] NOSTOS CAVE [------------------------]
Items: Orange Gel x2, Panacea Bottle, Protector, Buckler, Chain Arms, Circlet,
Life Bottle, Battle Axe
Enemies: Brown Pot, Red Sizzer, Sea Slug, Sprite, Zombie
Bosses: Egg Bear

Watch the scene when you enter here. You can buy items from the egg merchant if
you want to, but you don't have to. Enter the cave, and Keele will say something
about the tides affecting the cave. Go up here and get the ORANGE GEL. Now, go
back, and go right. Watch the scene. Now, get the PANACEA BOTTLE and PROTECTOR.
Go to the upper right path into the next section. Get the BUCKLER and CHAIN ARMS
from the chests in the screen. Go up, and watch the scene. Boss time!

------------------------>BOSS FIGHT!<------------/ EGG BEAR /-------------------
HP: 3200
ATTACKS: Physical Attacks
REWARDS: Bear Meat
Again, the difficulty of the "boss" makes me wonder why Namco even bothered to
give this guy the normal battle theme. He's easier than some of the normal
enemies in here. Just do Lightning Blade and Demon Hammer. You can combine the
two to get a nice combo. Like let's say you set Lightning Blade to up, and
Demon Hammer to down. You can press up and circle to do Lightning Blade,
followed directly by down and circle to do Demon Hammer. This guy is easy.

Now, watch the scene. Wait for it to get to high tide, then go back to the room
you were just in, and you will discover that the cave is now filled with water.
You can now get the treasures that were previously inaccessible. You can get
CIRCLET and LIFE BOTTLE from the treasure chests. You can also go straight,
then right, then down, then right and up to get another treasure chest. Go
back, and go to where you camped. Go up, and get the BATTLE AXE. When you see
blood, go right. Go up and get the ORANGE GEL, now go to the north cave and get
the LENS from the wood. Go back to where you got the Battle Axe, and go up and
out to the world map. Morle Village is directly east of where you exit. You can
see it from far away, because it's really just a big tree.

[------------------------] MORLE VILLAGE [------------------------]
Items: Holy Bottle, Inferia Map, Monster Collection, Orz Earring
Enemies: None
Bosses: None

Go up two screens. Climb the ladder, and go into the Traveler's Shop to buy
some stuff. Climb the ladder again to get to the next screen. Go into the Morle
Inn and you can rest here. Go into the Treetop and watch the scene involving
Katrine. Search the barrel to get a HOLY BOTTLE. Search the pumpkin to get the
Garden Salad recipe from the Wonder Chef. Go to the bottom of the stairs, and
go up a few screens until you get to a split in the path. Go left and then go
up into the big house. Go in and watch the scene. Basically, you will get Orz
Earrings, so you can communicate with Meredy. Cool. So she runs off into the
Backwoods of Morle.

[------------------------] MORLE BACKWOODS [------------------------]
Items: Chirp Whistle, Iron Helm, Knight Saber
Enemies: Mocking Plant, Mahogany, Marcroid, Minicoid, Woods Worm, Evil Needles
Bosses: Insect Plant

For the first few sceens, you just have to follow Meredy. I was worried that
she was going to lose out on the experience I was gaining without her, but I am
pretty sure she gains it anyways. She seemed to have more experience when I got
her back then she had when she left. Get the KNIGHT SABER as you go along, and
make sure to camp. Basically, you just have to follow the path and get some
items. It's not that tough. Soon, you will find Meredy, but she is being
attacked by a monster! Defeat it!

------------------------>BOSS FIGHT!<------------/ INSECT PLANT /---------------
HP: 8800
ATTACKS: Running, Physical Attacks
Again, a pretty easy boss battle. What a surprise. Yse, I am truly shocked. He
has 3 Evil Needles with him, so kill them off first, of course. Then
concentrate your attacks on the Insect Plant. Do Lighting Blade and Demon
Hammer (I had Demon Lightning Hammer at this point) for a quick win. He has a
lot of Hit Points, but he is really weak, so he shouldn't prove to be much of a

Afterwards, watch the scene. Keele will be mad at Meredy and Farah will stand
up for her, which seems to be a recurring theme throughout the first disc, at
least. Touch the crystal and you will be completely healed. Watch the scene as
you head out of here, then go to Mazet's House. Another scene will transpire,
but you will get the INFERIA MAP and Farah will learn the Detoxify skill. Cool.
When you leave here, go back in and check the fireplace to get a LENS. Talk to
Mazet again to get the MONSTER COLLECTION. Go to the second floor and check the
chest to get the Fruit Juice recipe from the Wonder Chef. Go back to thr world
map, and go northeast to get to the Undine Stream.

[------------------------] UNDINE STREAM [------------------------]
Items: Poison Charm x2, Feather Robe, Silk Cloak, Mace, Iron Wrist, Melange Gel
x2, Hydra Dagger, Apple Shield
Enemies: Egg Bear, Mounticore, Scorpion, Evil Needles, Starfish, Forest Hawk,
Kick Frog, King Frog, Red Roper, Crusher, Warbear, Sea Slug
Bosses: Undine

Finally, a dungeon that's going to take me a few seconds to recap. Go up and
get the POISON CHARM from the chest. Go across the water, and go up to get the
FEATHER ROBE from the chest. Go down and get the SILK CLOAK from the chest.
Search the tree near the shallow water to get a LENS, then cross the water. Go
up, and get the MACE and IRON WRIST from the chests. Go up and get another
POISON CHARM. Enter the cave and watch the scene. Get the MELANGE GEL from the
chest, and you can camp here. Go down and right to get to the next screen. Get
the HYDRA DAGGER from the chest, go right, and get the MELANGE GEL from the
chest. Go across the river, and then down, to get an APPLE SHIELD. Go up to the
next screen and heal up. Save, and be prepared for the boss battle.

------------------------>BOSS FIGHT!<------------/ UNDINE /---------------------
HP: 6800
ATTACKS: Spear of Baptism, Subterranean Divide, Aqua Edge
REWARDS: Talisman, Mental Bracelet
This boss battle can be pretty tough if you are not careful. She has three main
attacks. The Spear of Baptism not only does damage to you, but it protects her
by putting a shield around her. Therefore, that is not a very pleasant attack.
If she does do it, just heal until the shield goes away. Subterranean Divide is
a pretty powerful magic attack that can affect the whole party. Aqua Edge
attacks one character with a piercing water attack. Since she is weak against
lightning, have Reid have both Lightning Blade and Demon Lightning Hammer, and
pound away on her using it. Make sure he can pull off the entire Demon
Lightning Hammer attack, as he does Demon Hammer first and then adds Lightning
onto it at the end. Meredy and/or Keele (okay, so I forget at the moment) should
have Lightning, so set it to L2 or R2 and keep pounding away on the button.

After the tough battle, Undine will reward you for your efforts by allowing you
to take her. Yay. Go out of here, and go southeast to the Forest of Temptation.

[------------------------] FOREST OF TEMPTATION [------------------------]
Items: Iron Arms, Melange Gel, 400 Gald, Iron Wrist, Misty Robe, Silk Cloak,
Life Bottle x2, Holy Bottle, Syrup Bottle, Pine Gel, Flare Bottle, Panacea
Bottle, Reverse Doll, Lemon Gel, Charm Bottle, Water Crystal, Orange Gel x2,
Rune Bottle, Bastard Sword, Miracle Gel, Pine Gel, Apple Gel, Spectacles, 765
Gald, Wind Crystal
Enemies: Ghoul, Specter, Skeleton, Grim Reaper, Orc Jelly
Bosses: Undine

This place is damn tough. I am going to try my best to map this place out, but
it is really tricky, especially since I am not good at making maps and can't
really provide one. Just try to follow my crappy directions as best as
possible, ok? ^.^

Enter and watch the scene. Now, go into the next room and get the IRON ARMS. Go
back left, then up, then right. The next screen to the right has a MELANGE GEL.
Go up two screens to get 400 GALD. The next screen up has an IRON WRIST. Go
left two screens and down one to get the MISTY ROBE. Go down one screen and
right one to get the SILK CLOAK. Go up a screen, and get the LENS from the root
behind the middle statue, then you will see a bunch of statues, and you need to
turn some around.

How do you do that? Basically, you need to find the statues in here. Go down a
screen, go left one, and then up three. Avoid the enemies, and go up a screen.
Turn the statue so it is facing right. Go down a screen, left one, and get the
LIFE BOTTLE. Go right three screens to get the LIFE BOTTLE, then right another
screen to get the HOLY BOTTLE. Go down one, and right one, to get the SYRUP
BOTTLE. Don't turn the statue. Go left a screen, go down one, get the PINE GEL,
and go right a screen and turn the statue to the left. Make sure to get the
FLARE BOTTLE from here. Go left one screen, up two, left one, and up one to
heal, then go down one, left two, and down one. Watch the scene and you will be
in a different area.

Camp here, then go left a screen to get a PANACEA BOTTLE. Go left one, then
down one to get a REVERSE DOLL. Go right a screen, then down two to get a LEMON
GEL, then right a screen to get a CHARM BOTTLE, but first you need to take out
Juggler (#1 of 5). Go left a screen, up one, then right one to get a WATER
CRYSTAL. Go up two screens to get an ORANGE GEL, then left one to get a RUNE
BOTTLE. Go up a screen to get a BASTARD SWORD, after defeating the Juggler (#2
of 5). Go down one screen, right one, down one, right one, and up one to get
the MIRACLE GEL after defeating the Juggler (#3 of 5). Go down a screen, left
one, down two, and right one to get the PINE GEL. Go down one to get the ORANGE
GEL, then right one to get the APPLE GEL after defeating the Juggler (#4 of 5)

Go left one screen, then up one, then right one, getting the SPECTACLES, and
then go up a screen, avoiding the Ghosts, then go right to get 765 GALD. Go up
one to get the WIND CRYSTAL after defeating the Juggler (#5 of 5). Now, you
have defeated all the Jugglers. Congratulations. Go down a screen, left one, up
one, and the statues will disappear one at a time until they are all gone. Now,
go up a screen, and then up another one and you will be back on the world map.
Save if you want, raise levels if you want, do whatever, then go up until you
get to Inferia City.

[------------------------] INFERIA CITY [------------------------]
Items: Bellebane, Dark Bottle, Lemon Gel, Pine Gel x2
Enemies: None
Bosses: None

When you enter, watch the scene. The only building here is the Golden Dreams.
Go left into the next screen. Go into the Hotel Inferia. Spend the night. On
the second floor, search the case between the two doors to get a BELLEBANE, and
then search next to the man near the window to get the Cream Stew recipe from
the Wonder Chef. You can enter either the left or right doors. Both scenes are
pretty funny. If you enter the left door, you get a maid who is in love with
Keele, and offers to cook him a cake, so Reid asks for a hamburger and the maid
said she can't cook them. The right door has a maid who needs glasses who keep
knocking things over. The next morning, Reid says either "You need a maid who
can cook hamburgers", or "Tell her to get some glasses". Funny stuff.

Go out of here, then go left two screens. You can enter the Royal Arena, but
you'd get royally killed if you entered there now. So, go to the Shop of Valor,
and then get the PINE GEL from the plant near the entrance, as well as buying
whatever you want to buy. Exit here and go up a screen. Go right one, and enter
the Playhouse. Search the plant near the left entrance to get a SOFTCAKE, then
search the plant near the stairs to get a LENS. You can also watch the play if
you want, as it was a fairly interesting one. Kind of expensive, though. Now,
go to Inferia Castle. You won't be let in. Keele suggests the Astronomy place,
so go there, but they won't listen to you, either. Keele suggests the
Sanctuary, so go there, but the Archbishop accuses you of lying! You are
sentenced to death. As the water starts to fill, someone throws down a ladder,
as the Astronomy people confirm that the Grand Fall is happening. Keele helps
Zosimos, so go through the castle, watching scenes, until you get the BOARDING
PASS. Go to the Observatory, search the telescope for a LENS, then go north on
the world map to get to the Port of Inferia.

[------------------------] PORT OF INFERIA [------------------------]
Items: Fire Crystal
Enemies: None
Bosses: None

Go into the building to the left and search the anchor to get the Fish Stew
recipe from the Wonder Chef. Search the barrel next to it to get the FIRE
CRYSTAL. Go out, go up, go right, and search the barrel for a LENS. Then go
onto the ship. Keele now leaves your party. :(

[------------------------] PORT BAROLE [------------------------]
Items: Kite Shield, Ahmet Helm, Water Shard
Enemies: None
Bosses: None

Get the Kite Shield from the chest, and then buy it. Go down and get the AHMET
HELM, and pay for it too. Go find the box near the water and get the Calimari
recipe from the Wonder Chef. Search the box above him to get the LENS. Go to
the upper right corner to get the WATER SHARD. Go a little bit left, to the
world map, and then go to Barole.

[------------------------] BAROLE [------------------------]
Items: Holy Bottle, 1000 Gald, Elixir, Shamsel, Water Crystal, Dark Bottle
Enemies: None
Bosses: None

Go around the town, searching out things. The house on the upper right screen
is the Maple. Get the HOLY BOTTLE from the jug to the right of the entrance. Go
to the Scaroni Grill, and go to the second floor, talk to the red man drinking
to get the Steak recipe from the Wonder Chef. Go to the left screen, and search
the fountain for 1000 GALD. Talk to the man north of the fountain and play his
mini game.

>---------/ MINI GAME /---------------------------/ ARITHMETIC CONTEST /-------<
X - Choose choice
Directional button - Move arrow up and down between choices
This is a pretty tough hame. There are three pile of stones. Take turns taking
the stones. The one to take the last stone wins. You can take between one to
three stones per turn. It is really tough to win, for me it was, but it can be
done. I advise not going first. Also, take one stone at a time at first, so you
back him in a corner. It's really tough, though. Win and you will get the title
of Mathematician, and a Lemon Gel. Win again to get a Miracle Gel. Cool.

Go to the house behind the guy, where the Heavy Arms is. Buy some stuff, and
talk to the girl to get an ELIXIR, then search he chest to get a SHAMSEL. Go
left into the next screen, and watch the scene. This is one of the better
scenes in the game, in my opinion, and it introduces you to your new party
member, Ras. Search the fruits near the way you came in for a WATER CRYSTAL.
There are two shops here: Shop of Desire and Shop of Need. There is a LENS in
the gold vase near the entrance of the Shop of Desire. Now, go to the lower
right corner, to the next screen. Go into the first building and watch the
scene. Go to the upper right, into the Inn, and get the DARK BOTTLE from the
middle vase. Go to the left door, to the bedroom, and search the cupboard to
get the Pot Pie recipe from the Wonder Chef. Go back to the world map.

Sylph Cavern is to the southwest, but first, I have some wisdom to provide
here. This is a really great place to gain experience. I got all my characters
to Level 30 before entering the Cavern. How did I do it? I basically set my
skills so I would get a high amount of combos each battle. Here is how I set up
my skills for Reid.

Circle - Super Lightning Blade
Up - Neosonic Swarm
Left/Right - Megasonic Thrust
Down - Demon Lightning Hammer
L2 - Farah - Sonic Fist
R2 - Ras - Dragon Swarm

At the start of every battle, I'd go over and attack really quickly, giving Ras
and Farah a chance to get over to where I was. Then I'd hold down L2 and R2 and
let them go, as I did Demon Lightning Hammer. As I did Demon Lightning Hammer,
Farah did Sonic Fist (7 Hits) and Ras did Dragon Swarm (4-7 Hits), I was doing
15 hits or so every time. I kept doing this as the battle worn on, and combined
it with attacking, like I would attack after doing this and have Farah and Ras
do their skills again, and I even managed to get 30 hit combos. It really
works! You might be thinking, ok, your magic points get depleted really
quickly. Yse, they do. Hence the Inn. :) I was able to get through night using
this, and was getting 400 experience a battle, then when morning came I went to
the Inn, came out, and repeated. Try it out!

[------------------------] SYLPH CAVERN [------------------------]
Items: Storm Shield, Melange Gel x2, Mental Ring, Assault Dagger, 1800 Gald,
Orange Gel, Lemon Gel, Needle Glove, Arc Wind, Life Bottle
Enemies: Direwolf, Gas Cloud, Grizzly, Bone Knight, Melting Pot, Will O' Wisp,
Mad Eel, Blood Biter, Hornet, Phantom
Bosses: Sylph

Go up from the entrance, and you will be in an open area. Go up and you will
see two goards. Ras will talk to them, and just like that you will be allowed
to go through. Go up to the next screen, and you will see a hole with wind
coming out of it. Wait for wind to come out of it, then go on the hole and you
will be taken to the next screen. Go left to get a STORM SHIELD from the chest,
then go through the tornadoes, being careful not to hit them, and go left, and
you will be outside. With the help of the rope, you can go across to the other
side. Go to the hole and you will be taken up. Get MELANGE GEL from the chest,
then go down the hole. Go left to the next screen, and then go all the way
right to the next screen.

The upper right screen (with the stairs) will take you back outside to the
beginning, so don't go there. Go left and use the wind hole. Get the MELANGE
GEL from the chest, then go down the hole at the end of this screen. Go up at
the hole, and then you will see three paths. Take the middle one, and you will
fall down. Get the MENTAL RING from the chest, then go left and you will be
outside. Go back to the screen where you fell down, and take the north route to
get the ASSAULT DAGGER and 1800 GALD. Go to the right edge to get the LENS, then
go down the hole. Get the ORANGE GEL and LEMON GEL from the treasure chests. Go
to the hole, and then go down the hole. Get the NEEDLE GLOVE from the chest,
then go to the hole and get the ARC WIND. Go down the hole, and enter the
bottom cave. get the LIFE BOTTLE, and work your way to the next screen, where
you have to fight Sylph.

------------------------>BOSS FIGHT!<------------/ SYLPH /----------------------
HP: 6600
ATTACKS: Air Thrust, Sylphid Arrow, Sagitarius Arrow, Wind Blade
REWARDS: Life Bottle, Protect Ring
This boss is tame compared to the one you faced earlier and the one you will
soon face. Basically, this is the easiest of the three Greater Craymels, but
don't let your guard done. She comes prepared with 2 Arms, so take out the Arms
first. Then, focus your attacks on Sylph. The toughest part about her is the
fact she is floating in the air, and is really small, and moves around a lot,
meaning, to put it simply, she is tough to hit. Her attacks are pretty tough,
as well. Air Thrust slams wind into all the characters, Sylphid Arrow attacks
one character, while Sagitarius Arrow is a stronger version, and attacks the
whole party. Wind Blade basically is like the other attacks, only it attacks
one character and knocks them backwards. Make sure to do jumping attacks a lot,
and it helps to have Meredy's Lightning attack in one of the two L2/R2
positions, and then keep using it. As for Reid, Demon Lightning Hammer works
well, but make sure to do a lot of jumping attacks.

After the battle, watch all the scenes, where Ras will leave your party and
Keele will come back. You will learn about Craymel Cages, fringing, etc. I'll
put it in the Basics section if I get unlazy. You also get an Aerialboard, so
you can go across water, but you can't cross through forests. Weird. Ah well.
Kinda makes sense if you think about it. Your next destination is Chambard, but
there are some things you can get now if you want.

- Northwest from Barole, small opening surrounded by mountains: Wind Shard,
Wind Crystal
- Northwest from Chambard. Go to the left edge of island: Lens, Front Attack
- South of Efreet Gorge, small island : Syrup Bottle, Life Bottle
- Middle of forest in Farlos : Back Attack command
- North from Barole, small opening surrounded by mountains: a woman who sells
only strawberries
- Southwest of Sylph Cavern, bottom left edge of this continent: Lens
- West from Mt. Mintche, forest/mountain/opening: Rune Bottle
- Middle of the Largest Island, northwest corner of Map: Savory, Lavender
- West of Port of Inferia: Old man who tells you about a girl who can ride a

[------------------------] CHAMBARD [------------------------]
Items: 1000 Gald, Rune Bottle, Elven Boots
Enemies: None
Bosses: None

When you enter the town, Reid will comment on how hot it is. Enter the Inn, and
search the vase in the bedroom for 1000 GALD. Go up a screen, to the bedroom.
Search the upper most bed to get the Carbonara Pasta recipe from the Wonder
Chef. Go upstairs. Go to the far right and get the RUNE BOTTLE from the red
jar. Talk to Irene, on the outside here, to get a COMBO COMMAND if you have 10
Lenses, or a INFERI CAPE if you have 20 Lenses. Go left to the next screen,
search the statue for the Lens, get the Elven Boots from the chest at the right
hand side, equip them to reid, then talk to the man with the ywllow cap. Take
him up on playing the mini game.

>---------/ MINI GAME /---------------------------/ CHAMBALLOON /--------------<
Just like battle
Attack and destroy all the floating objects. Finish in under the Target Time to

1st - 4:83 - You have 4 Balloons to kill. Just press X once to kill each
balloon, so you don't have any added hits, and you will win.

2nd - 3:66 - Now you have to win quicker, plus you have to use the jump attack.

3rd - 6:00 - This can be pretty tough. Take out the ones to the right quickly,
run left, kill the three with a jump attack, then finish off the last one.

4th - 7:00 - Just hack away on all of them using the jump attack.

5th - 6:00 - There is a group of eight of them now. Just kill them all off
using two jump attacks.

When you win, you get the title of Balloon Master. Talk to the man near the
Inn, and he will give you 100 Gald. Cool.

Now, go up to the next screen. Go to the building on the bottom and watch the
scene involving Katrine. Is she EVER going to get to Inferia City? How DID she
get here, anyways? The building on the upper middle screen is the Chambard
Bistro. Search the bottom on the bottom left screen to get the Seafood Pasta
recipe from the Wonder Chef. You can buy foods if you enter the upper right
door. You can also find a hidden refigerator by opening the panel on the upper
part, and Reid will say "now that's cool!". Go left two screens, go up the
stairs, and search the right side of the long white table to get a LENS. Exit
this town, and go southeast to get to Efreet Gorge.

[------------------------] EFREET GORGE [------------------------]
Items: Veom, Sage, Flare Cape, Lemon Gel, Lavender, Life Bottle, Square Shield,
Cross Helm, Rune Bottle, Fire Shard
Enemies: Drake, Firebird, Ogre, Gallows, Voltic, Arms, Iron Golem, Death
Bosses: Efreet

Go up a screen and get the VENOM from the chest. Go to the upper right screen,
to the next screen. Get the SAGE from the chest, then go right, then up to the
next screen. Get the FLARE CAPE and LEMON GEL from the chests here, and follow
the path through the burning fire to get to the next screen. Go up a screen,
and you will see three doors, but they can't be opened yet, so go up to the
chests in here, then go to the next screen. Get the BRACELET and BLUE RIBBON
here, save, and fight Efreet. He's really tough. Make sure to have Keele's
Spread and Meredy's Ice Needles in your R2 and L2 skill slots before entering
this battle.

------------------------>BOSS FIGHT!<------------/ EFREET /---------------------
HP: 24,000
ATTACKS: Burning Beast, Flame Wave
REWARDS: Black Onyx, Life Bottle
Boy, this guy killed me twice before I finally figured out how to beat him. He
is the toughest enemy in the game yet, by far. The first thing I will point out
is that he has fire below him, and that fire can harm you. It only did 2 hit
points of damage for me each time I touched it, but it knocked me backwards and
set me up for his corner attack. He will try to corner you, so try not to let
him do it. Burning Beast is the attack where he rushes at you and tries to
knock you in the corner. If he succeeds, try to get him out as quickly as
possible, because take it from me, if you let him keep you in the corner for
too long, he WILL kill you. Have Reid keep doing Spiral Attack, while Meredy
uses Ice Needles. Keele's Spread attack will do 2000 damage each time, so make
sure he pulls it off a lot. Have everyone keep healed (I had to use a TON of
gels and bottles to win this battle), and avoid Flame Wave by dodging the fire
balls, and you should be able to squeak out a win BARELY.

You will now get the SORCERER'S RING. You can use R1 to fire laser beams. Go
back to where the three doors were, and shoot them down. Use R1 again on the
switches. You will have to fight three sets of 2 Deaths, Eruption works well
against them. You get, in order, RUNE BOTTLE, FIRE SHARD, and a LENS from the
three doors. Now, go back to the camp point and watch the scene. Go back to the
world map and go to the middle of the map to Farlos Sanctuary.


////////////////////~~~/ 6.0 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS /~~~////////////////////

Okay, here's the dealio. I am going to find questions from the Tales of Destiny
2 message board and then answer them on here. I am also going to post good
questions I get in email. Sound good? Good. Let's get this thing rolling.

1. What rating would you give this game, on a scale of 1 to 10?
A: 10. It truly is one of the better games I have ever played.
2. Where is Ifreed's Tomb?
A: Go to Relay Station, and go back to the Inverse Dome then the Conversion
Deck. Check the statue, and then some coordinates will appear on screen. Go
back to Inferia, at the coordinates that appeared on the screen, and the tomb
is there.
3. What do you think is the most useful accessory?
A: The Jet Boots, because it lets you run faster in battle. I also like the
Demon Seal/Kronoa Symbol combination, because the Demon Seal doubles your
experience earned by two, but gives you status effects, and the Kronoa Symbol
removes those status effects from you.
4. What level should I be at when I enter the Ruins of Volt?
A: Between 32-40.
5. How do I summon Destiny?
A: You have to play the game for 30 minutes in a row before you are allowed to
summon it. Once you turn the game off, you have to play it for another 30
minutes in a row before you can summon it again.
6. I just got the Aerialboard. What do I do now?
A: Use it to go into the water, and go left to get to the big desert town. You
can also get the following hidden items:
- Northwest from Barole, small opening surrounded by mountains: Wind Shard,
Wind Crystal
- Northwest from Chambard. Go to the left edge of island: Lens, Front Attack
- South of Efreet Gorge, small island : Syrup Bottle, Life Bottle
- Middle of forest in Farlos : Back Attack command
- North from Barole, small opening surrounded by mountains: a woman who sells
only strawberries
- Southwest of Sylph Cavern, bottom left edge of this continent: Lens
- West from Mt. Mintche, forest/mountain/opening: Rune Bottle
- Middle of the Largest Island, northwest corner of Map: Savory, Lavender
- West of Port of Inferia: Old man who tells you about a girl who can ride a


////////////////////~~~~~~~~~~~~/ 7.0 BOSS GUIDE /~~~~~~~~~~////////////////////

<----------Here is the boss guide for this game.---------->

------------------------>BOSS FIGHT!<------------/ ???? /-----------------------
HP: 1000
ATTACKS: Thunder Blade, Spark Wave
REWARDS: Life Bottle, Orange Gel
Here we go, the first boss. Yse, his name really is ????. That is not me
forgetting his name or anything like that. And yse, this battle is pretty damn
easy, and it's not one of those battles where you have to do a certain
strategy. Just back him into the corner and hack away on him. Use an Apple Gel
if you don't have to, but I don't think that would be neccessary.

------------------------>BOSS FIGHT!<------------/ MONKS /----------------------
HP: 500 each
ATTACKS: Martial Arts attacks
Okay, the first two boss battles in this game have been pretty laughably easy
so far. There are four monks on one side, and four on the other side, so
basically they have you surrounded. Just take out the monks on one side using
Lightning Blade, then repeat it on the other side. I just used normal attacks
and I still managed to win.

------------------------>BOSS FIGHT!<------------/ EGG BEAR /-------------------
HP: 3200
ATTACKS: Physical Attacks
REWARDS: Bear Meat
Again, the difficulty of the "boss" makes me wonder why Namco even bothered to
give this guy the normal battle theme. He's easier than some of the normal
enemies in here. Just do Lightning Blade and Demon Hammer. You can combine the
two to get a nice combo. Like let's say you set Lightning Blade to up, and
Demon Hammer to down. You can press up and circle to do Lightning Blade,
followed directly by down and circle to do Demon Hammer. This guy is easy.

------------------------>BOSS FIGHT!<------------/ INSECT PLANT /---------------
HP: 8800
ATTACKS: Running, Physical Attacks
Again, a pretty easy boss battle. What a surprise. Yse, I am truly shocked. He
has 3 Evil Needles with him, so kill them off first, of course. Then
concentrate your attacks on the Insect Plant. Do Lighting Blade and Demon
Hammer (I had Demon Lightning Hammer at this point) for a quick win. He has a
lot of Hit Points, but he is really weak, so he shouldn't prove to be much of a

------------------------>BOSS FIGHT!<------------/ UNDINE /---------------------
HP: 6800
ATTACKS: Spear of Baptism, Subterranean Divide, Aqua Edge
REWARDS: Talisman, Mental Bracelet
This boss battle can be pretty tough if you are not careful. She has three main
attacks. The Spear of Baptism not only does damage to you, but it protects her
by putting a shield around her. Therefore, that is not a very pleasant attack.
If she does do it, just heal until the shield goes away. Subterranean Divide is
a pretty powerful magic attack that can affect the whole party. Aqua Edge
attacks one character with a piercing water attack. Since she is weak against
lightning, have Reid have both Lightning Blade and Demon Lightning Hammer, and
pound away on her using it. Make sure he can pull off the entire Demon
Lightning Hammer attack, as he does Demon Hammer first and then adds Lightning
onto it at the end. Meredy and/or Keele (okay, so I forget at the moment) should
have Lightning, so set it to L2 or R2 and keep pounding away on the button.

------------------------>BOSS FIGHT!<------------/ SYLPH /----------------------
HP: 6600
ATTACKS: Air Thrust, Sylphid Arrow, Sagitarius Arrow, Wind Blade
REWARDS: Life Bottle, Protect Ring
This boss is tame compared to the one you faced earlier and the one you will
soon face. Basically, this is the easiest of the three Greater Craymels, but
don't let your guard done. She comes prepared with 2 Arms, so take out the Arms
first. Then, focus your attacks on Sylph. The toughest part about her is the
fact she is floating in the air, and is really small, and moves around a lot,
meaning, to put it simply, she is tough to hit. Her attacks are pretty tough,
as well. Air Thrust slams wind into all the characters, Sylphid Arrow attacks
one character, while Sagitarius Arrow is a stronger version, and attacks the
whole party. Wind Blade basically is like the other attacks, only it attacks
one character and knocks them backwards. Make sure to do jumping attacks a lot,
and it helps to have Meredy's Lightning attack in one of the two L2/R2
positions, and then keep using it. As for Reid, Demon Lightning Hammer works
well, but make sure to do a lot of jumping attacks.

------------------------>BOSS FIGHT!<------------/ EFREET /---------------------
HP: 24,000
ATTACKS: Burning Beast, Flame Wave
REWARDS: Black Onyx, Life Bottle
Boy, this guy killed me twice before I finally figured out how to beat him. He
is the toughest enemy in the game yet, by far. The first thing I will point out
is that he has fire below him, and that fire can harm you. It only did 2 hit
points of damage for me each time I touched it, but it knocked me backwards and
set me up for his corner attack. He will try to corner you, so try not to let
him do it. Burning Beast is the attack where he rushes at you and tries to
knock you in the corner. If he succeeds, try to get him out as quickly as
possible, because take it from me, if you let him keep you in the corner for
too long, he WILL kill you. Have Reid keep doing Spiral Attack, while Meredy
uses Ice Needles. Keele's Spread attack will do 2000 damage each time, so make
sure he pulls it off a lot. Have everyone keep healed (I had to use a TON of
gels and bottles to win this battle), and avoid Flame Wave by dodging the fire
balls, and you should be able to squeak out a win BARELY.

////////////////////~~~~~~~~~~/ 8.0 SECRETS, ETC. /~~~~~~~~~////////////////////

<----------Here is a listing of all the secrets and mini games in the game.

[+++++++++++++++++++]<--------> 8.2 MINI GAMES <---------->[+++++++++++++++++++]

Here is the listing of all the mini games in the game that actually have a
point. I excluded the rafting mini game, because you can only play that once,
and it really doesn't matter how well you do. Otherwise, all the mini games
that matter are listed here.

>---------/ MINI GAME /---------------------------/ CRAYMEL BALL /-------------<
Directional Button - Move the Player.
X - Elemental Bomb
This mini game is pretty easy, but can get tough too. Basically, you are in
this square, and there is this huge beach ball that falls down and tries to
topple you. You have to try to hit your opponent with the ball, by having his
color attract the ball. There are little crystals that come down that change
the color of you and your opponent. Same colors repel, and different colors
attract. You can use an Elemental Bomb by pressing X, which means you will
temporarily change the radius of your color. If you win this tough game three
times in a row, you have earned the title of Master Roller.

>---------/ MINI GAME /---------------------------/ NAMCO EXAM /---------------<
X - Choose answer
Directional button - Move arrow up and down between answers
1. What is Philia's Rank? A: Priestess
2. What are the color of Ms. Pacman's eyes? A: Black
3. What happened to Marian in Mikheil? A: Escaped in the lower pod.
4. What games are on Namco Musuem Volume 3? A: Mr. Driller
5. Who is the official mascot of Namco? A: Pac-Man
6. What did Rembrandt often say? A: Hee, hee
7. What is the name of the bio-alloy? A: Belselium
8. What is the shop that was the first to be settled? A: Inn
9. (Question Unknown) A: Blue Lightning
10. What is the color of Ms. Pac-Man's ribbon? A: Pink
11. What is the name of the navy in Aquaveil? A: Black Cross Navy
12. What game does not belong in the list? A: Either Air Combat or Target Zone
13. Who is hated in Junkland? A: Philia
14. What character does not belong in the list? A: Stahn Aileron
15. What title was not produced by Namco? A: Either Fighting Calibur or Tales
of Dragon
16. Who is the female general out of the Seven Generals? A: Melina
17. How many doors are in the Hidden Temple? A: 3
18. What is the name of the Sea Dragon? A: Bernardo
19. What is the name of Stahn's sister? A: Lilith
20. What game on the list was not a Namco arcade hit? A: Dragon Valor
21. What is the name of the homing beacon? A: Tiara
22. (Question Unknown) A: Sew buttons on his pants.
23. The anti gravity elevator at Radisrol was linked to? A: Darilsheid
24. What item was needed at the Frozen River? A: Fur Cape
25. Baruk revealed his intention to.. A: Return the world to zero.
26. What was the mini game at Cherik? A: Tag

Answer them all correctly, and you wll become Namco Master. No, I didn't get
them all right, I actually went back and put in different answers..

>---------/ MINI GAME /---------------------------/ ARITHMETIC CONTEST /-------<
X - Choose choice
Directional button - Move arrow up and down between choices
This is a pretty tough hame. There are three pile of stones. Take turns taking
the stones. The one to take the last stone wins. You can take between one to
three stones per turn. It is really tough to win, for me it was, but it can be
done. I advise not going first. Also, take one stone at a time at first, so you
back him in a corner. It's really tough, though. Win and you will get the title
of Mathematician, and a Lemon Gel. Win again to get a Miracle Gel. Cool.

>---------/ MINI GAME /---------------------------/ CHAMBALLOON /--------------<
Just like battle
Attack and destroy all the floating objects. Finish in under the Target Time to

1st - 4:83 - You have 4 Balloons to kill. Just press X once to kill each
balloon, so you don't have any added hits, and you will win.

2nd - 3:66 - Now you have to win quicker, plus you have to use the jump attack.

3rd - 6:00 - This can be pretty tough. Take out the ones to the right quickly,
run left, kill the three with a jump attack, then finish off the last one.

4th - 7:00 - Just hack away on all of them using the jump attack.

5th - 6:00 - There is a group of eight of them now. Just kill them all off
using two jump attacks.

When you win, you get the title of Balloon Master. Talk to the man near the
Inn, and he will give you 100 Gald. Cool.

////////////////////~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ 9.0 LISTS /~~~~~~~~~~~~~////////////////////

<----------Here is a list of all the lists in the game. :)---------->

[+++++++++++++++++++]<------> 9.6 FOOD INGREDIENTS<------->[+++++++++++++++++++]

Here is an alphabetical listing of the ingredients in the game. I am listing
the buying price, the selling price, and what the food description is,
according to the game. You can combine ingredients using the cooking option to
make food.

Name of Ingredient: Amango
Buying Price: 80
Selling Price: 40
Description: The official fruit of Celestia.

Name of Ingredient: Banana
Buying Price: 50
Selling Price: 25
Description: A fruit wrapped in yellow skin. Soft and white inside.

Name of Ingredient: Bear Meat
Buying Price: 150
Selling Price: 75
Description: Meat of an animal that inhabits Inferia.

Name of Ingredient: Beet
Buying Price: 60
Selling Price: 30
Description: A red-colored root crop. A necessary ingredient in a borsch.

Name of Ingredient: Black Satay
Buying Price: 100
Selling Price: 50
Description: Spice found in Cekestia. Use to add a bitter flavor.

Name of Ingredient: Bread
Buying Price: 60
Selling Price: 30
Description: The aroma is excellent when it is well baked.

Name of Ingredient: Cabbage
Buying Price: 60
Selling Price: 30
Description: One of the most versatile vegetables around.

Name of Ingredient: Cheese
Buying Price: 60
Selling Price: 30
Description: Fermented milk. Its scent is not enjoyed by all.

Name of Ingredient: Cucumber
Buying Price: 50
Selling Price: 25
Description: It turns yellow when heated. Eat it while it's still green.

Name of Ingredient: Egg
Buying Price: 50
Selling Price: 25
Description: An ingredient used in various cuisines. Also a high source of

Name of Ingredient: Kirima
Buying Price: 80
Selling Price: 40
Description: The official fruit of Inferia.

Name of Ingredient: Kiwi
Buying Price: 80
Selling Price: 40
Description: An emerald green fruit. Tastes both sweet and sour.

Name of Ingredient: Konia
Buying Price: 60
Selling Price: 30
Description: It's prepared by simmering powdered konia stem and lime milk.

Name of Ingredient: Lemon
Buying Price: 60
Selling Price: 30
Description: An extremely sour fruit.

Name of Ingredient: Lettuce
Buying Price: 60
Selling Price: 30
Description: The undisputed King of Salad.

Name of Ingredient: Milk
Buying Price: 50
Selling Price: 25
Description: Cow milk. A very nutritional drink.

Name of Ingredient: Onion
Buying Price: 50
Selling Price: 25
Description: A popular vegetable grown around the world.

Name of Ingredient: Pasta
Buying Price: 60
Selling Price: 30
Description: A general term for spaghetti and macaroni. Also define as a
kneaded product.

Name of Ingredient: Potato
Buying Price: 50
Selling Price: 25
Description: There are many ways to prepare it. Try it steamed and salted.

Name of Ingredient: Radish
Buying Price: 60
Selling Price: 30
Description: One of many ingredients used in a hot pot.

Name of Ingredient: Rice
Buying Price: 100
Selling Price: 50
Description: Cooked rice. Steaming it to perfection can be quite difficult.

Name of Ingredient: Shrimp
Buying Price: 80
Selling Price: 40
Description: A sea creature with a hard shell and tender body.

Name of Ingredient: Squid
Buying Price: 80
Selling Price: 40
Description: Ten legged mollusk feared and nicknamed the Sea Demon in some
parts of the world.

Name of Ingredient: Strawberry
Buying Price: 80
Selling Price: 40
Description: Tasty with milk and cream. An excellent topping on a cake.

Name of Ingredient: Tofu
Buying Price: 60
Selling Price: 30
Description: Processed soy bean. Known for its soft texture.

Name of Ingredient: Tomato
Buying Price: 80
Selling Price: 40
Description: A tasty fruit - hot or cold. It can be made into a juice or sauce.

Name of Ingredient: Tuna
Buying Price: 200
Selling Price: 100
Description: A very popular fish. Those caught during winter are especially

Name of Ingredient: Tusk Meat
Buying Price: 150
Selling Price: 75
Description: Meat of an animal that inhabits Celestia.

Name of Ingredient: White Satay
Buying Price: 60
Selling Price: 30
Description: Spice found only in Celestia. Use to add a little sweetness.

[+++++++++++++++++++]<----------> 9.12 BESTIARY <---------->[+++++++++++++++++]

Usually when I do a bestiary for a role playing game, I do an alphabetical
order listing of the enemies. For this game, however, I am going to do it in
the order they appear in the Monster's Book. Sorry if this is a problem.

Name of Monster: Bandit
Hit Points: 900
Experience Given: 10
Gald Given: 36
Attack Power: 40
Defense Power: 60
Magic Power: 55
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Fire
Items Drops: Cheese, Cheepus Mantle
Items Can Be Stolen: Cheese

Name of Monster: Striker
Hit Points: 1,200
Experience Given: 27
Gald Given: 72
Attack Power: 88
Defense Power: 140
Magic Power: 43
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Dark
Items Drops: Bread, Apple Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Bread

Name of Monster: Night Flyer
Hit Points: 3,333
Experience Given: 82
Gald Given: 312
Attack Power: 202
Defense Power: 290
Magic Power: 30
Strength: Wind, Dark
Weakness: Fire, Light
Items Drops: Apple Gummy, Milk
Items Can Be Stolen: Milk

Name of Monster: Sword Soldier
Hit Points: 780
Experience Given: 14
Gald Given: 63
Attack Power: 80
Defense Power: 110
Magic Power: 50
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Bread, Long Swoprd
Items Can Be Stolen: Bread

Name of Monster: Troll
Hit Points: 2,400
Experience Given: 36
Gald Given: 200
Attack Power: 200
Defense Power: 140
Magic Power: 48
Strength: Fire, Earth
Weakness: Water
Items Drops: Apple Gummy, Savory
Items Can Be Stolen: Apple Gummy

Name of Monster: Witch
Hit Points: 450
Experience Given: 14
Gald Given: 72
Attack Power: 63
Defense Power: 22
Magic Power: 12
Weakness: Fire
Items Drops: Spectacle, Pasta
Items Can Be Stolen: Pasta

Name of Monster: Anger Lizard
Hit Points: 8,500
Experience Given: 212
Gald Given: 1,150
Attack Power: 276
Defense Power: 380
Magic Power: 35
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Ice
Items Drops: Mix Gummy, Bread
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Mage
Hit Points: 850
Experience Given: 22
Gald Given: 80
Attack Power: 77
Defense Power: 80
Magic Power: 50
Strength: Water
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Lemon, Apple Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Apple Gummy

Name of Monster: Roller Snail
Hit Points: 3,200
Experience Given: 105
Gald Given: 620
Attack Power: 214
Defense Power: 250
Magic Power: 70
Strength: Earth
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Life Bottle, Holy Bottle
Items Can Be Stolen: Life Bottle

Name of Monster: Terror Needle
Hit Points: 200
Experience Given: 10
Gald Given: 36
Attack Power: 49
Defense Power: 60
Magic Power: 52
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Penecea Bottle
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Hunmasroa
Hit Points: 1,000
Experience Given: 21
Gald Given: 80
Attack Power: 82
Defense Power: 120
Magic Power: 50
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Spectacle, Apple Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Spectacle

Name of Monster: Aro Tail
Hit Points: 420
Experience Given: 12
Gald Given: 30
Attack Power: 52
Defense Power: 158
Magic Power: 69
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Apple Gummy, Orange Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Apple Gummy

Name of Monster: Making Plant
Hit Points: 1,500
Experience Given: 21
Gald Given: 82
Attack Power: 82
Defense Power: 120
Magic Power: 35
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Penecea Bottle, Lettuce
Items Can Be Stolen: Penecea Bottle

Name of Monster: Flying Soul
Hit Points: 3,800
Experience Given: 115
Gald Given: 840
Attack Power: 178
Defense Power: 286
Magic Power: 71
Strength: Electricity
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Mix Gummy, Lemmon Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Mix Gummy

Name of Monster: Red Gizard
Hit Points: 500
Experience Given: 10
Gald Given: 36
Attack Power: 65
Defense Power: 180
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Water
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Lobster, Spectacle
Items Can Be Stolen: Spectacle

Name of Monster: Mad Eel
Hit Points: 4,500
Experience Given: 54
Gald Given: 80
Attack Power: 170
Defense Power: 190
Magic Power: 56
Strength: Water
Weakness: Electricty
Items Drops: Penecea Bottle, Kiruma Fruit
Items Can Be Stolen: Kiruma Fruit

Name of Monster: Spector
Hit Points: 1,900
Experience Given: 36
Gald Given: 90
Attack Power: 80
Defense Power: 140
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Life Bottle, Spectacle
Items Can Be Stolen: Life Bottle

Name of Monster: Night Light
Hit Points: 450
Experience Given: 12
Gald Given: 28
Attack Power: 60
Defense Power: 120
Magic Power: 53
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Apple Gummy, Penecea Bottle
Items Can Be Stolen: Apple Gummy

Name of Monster: Syche Killer
Hit Points: 1,800
Experience Given: 36
Gald Given: 140
Attack Power: 140
Defense Power: 135
Magic Power: 40
Strength: Ice, Dark
Weakness: Fire, Light
Items Drops: Dark Bottle, Reverse Doll
Items Can Be Stolen: Reverse Doll

Name of Monster: Inferian Guard
Hit Points: 5,000
Experience Given: 200
Gald Given: 300
Attack Power: 280
Defense Power: 400
Magic Power: 100
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Steel Sword
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Kanbara Bear
Hit Points: 850
Experience Given: 16
Gald Given: 40
Attack Power: 90
Defense Power: 150
Magic Power: 58
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Bear Meat, Mackerel
Items Can Be Stolen: Macekerel

Name of Monster: Happy Snail
Hit Points: 5,500
Experience Given: 115
Gald Given: 800
Attack Power: 196
Defense Power: 280
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Tusk Meat, Bone Knuckle
Items Can Be Stolen: Lemon Gummy

Name of Monster: Buzz Beetle
Hit Points: 3,400
Experience Given: 92
Gald Given: 615
Attack Power: 200
Defense Power: 260
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Mix Gummy, Penecea Bottle
Items Can Be Stolen: Mix Gummy

Name of Monster: Battler
Hit Points: 3,400
Experience Given: 42
Gald Given: 200
Attack Power: 130
Defense Power: 150
Magic Power: 46
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Spectacle, Bread
Items Can Be Stolen: Spectacle

Name of Monster: Undine
Hit Points: 5,500
Experience Given: 1,360
Gald Given: 0
Attack Power: 100
Defense Power: 268
Magic Power: 50
Strength: Water, Wind, Fire, Earth, Ice
Weakness: Electricty
Items Drops: Talisman, Mental Bangle
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Poltic
Hit Points: 1,800
Experience Given: 85
Gald Given: 181
Attack Power: 120
Defense Power: 210
Magic Power: 80
Strength: Fire
Weakness: Water, Ice
Items Drops: Flare Bottle
Items Can Be Stolen: Flare Bottle

Name of Monster: Scarlet Needle
Hit Points: 2,800
Experience Given: 58
Gald Given: 112
Attack Power: 180
Defense Power: 250
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Penecea Bottle
Items Can Be Stolen: Penecea Bottle

Name of Monster: Rocky Hawk
Hit Points: 580
Experience Given: 14
Gald Given: 36
Attack Power: 45
Defense Power: 80
Magic Power: 73
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Egg
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Slime
Hit Points: 255
Experience Given: 10
Gald Given: 32
Attack Power: 45
Defense Power: 100
Magic Power: 66
Strength: Water
Weakness: Fire, Ice
Items Drops: Apple Gummy, Pressed Vegetable
Items Can Be Stolen: Pressed Vegetable

Name of Monster: King Frog
Hit Points: 1,500
Experience Given: 24
Gald Given: 80
Attack Power: 100
Defense Power: 150
Magic Power: 49
Strength: Water
Weakness: Electricty
Items Drops: Apple Gummy, Orange Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Apple Gummy

Name of Monster: Shesrag
Hit Points: 850
Experience Given: 21
Gald Given: 30
Attack Power: 95
Defense Power: 120
Magic Power: 65
Strength: Water
Weakness: Electricty
Items Drops: Penecea Bottle, Cucumber
Items Can Be Stolen: Penecea Bottle

Name of Monster: Skeleton
Hit Points: 2,100
Experience Given: 36
Gald Given: 90
Attack Power: 125
Defense Power: 160
Magic Power: 10
Strength: Ice, Light, Dark
Weakness: Fire
Items Drops: Carrot, Bastard Sword
Items Can Be Stolen: Carrot

Name of Monster: Mahogani
Hit Points: 850
Experience Given: 16
Gald Given: 36
Attack Power: 52
Defense Power: 100
Magic Power: 71
Strength: Water, Earth
Weakness: Fire
Items Drops: Apple Gummy, Tomato
Items Can Be Stolen: Tomato

Name of Monster: Shadow Servant
Hit Points: 2,400
Experience Given: 105
Gald Given: 860
Attack Power: 195
Defense Power: 260
Magic Power: 25
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Dark Bottle, Apple Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Dark Bottle

Name of Monster: Insect Plant
Hit Points: 8,800
Experience Given: 115
Gald Given: 500
Attack Power: 70
Defense Power: 10
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Kiruma Fruit, Lemon
Items Can Be Stolen: Kiruma Fruit

Name of Monster: Rabid Rabbit
Hit Points: 4,950
Experience Given: 92
Gald Given: 555
Attack Power: 212
Defense Power: 260
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Carrot, Rabbit Symbol
Items Can Be Stolen: Carrot

Name of Monster: Dodo
Hit Points: 3,500
Experience Given: 58
Gald Given: 250
Attack Power: 180
Defense Power: 230
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Egg
Items Can Be Stolen: Egg

Name of Monster: Plant Biter
Hit Points: 3,500
Experience Given: 50
Gald Given: 128
Attack Power: 160
Defense Power: 180
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Carrot, Orange Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Orange Gummy

Name of Monster: Violent Viper
Hit Points: 4,350
Experience Given: 82
Gald Given: 440
Attack Power: 200
Defense Power: 270
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Apple Gummy, Mix Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Mix Gummy

Name of Monster: King Frog
Hit Points: 3,400
Experience Given: 32
Gald Given: 120
Attack Power: 125
Defense Power: 125
Magic Power: 58
Strength: Water
Weakness: Electricty
Items Drops: Apple Gummy, Orange Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Orange Gummy

Name of Monster: Valkryie
Hit Points: 35,000
Experience Given: 32,768
Gald Given: 0
Attack Power: 250
Defense Power: 1000
Magic Power: 100
Strength: Water, Wind, Fire, Earth, Ice, Electricty, Light, Dark, Force, Time
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Not Available
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Monk
Hit Points: 500
Experience Given: 8
Gald Given: 12
Attack Power: 42
Defense Power: 10
Magic Power: 46
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Not Available
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Pit Beast
Hit Points: 6,000
Experience Given: 105
Gald Given: 615
Attack Power: 200
Defense Power: 290
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Bead, Orange Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Bead

Name of Monster: Jin
Hit Points: 11,000
Experience Given: 625
Gald Given: 1,950
Attack Power: 380
Defense Power: 500
Magic Power: 50
Strength: Wind
Weakness: Fire
Items Drops: Flare Bottle
Items Can Be Stolen: Liquor Bottle

Name of Monster: Brown Pot
Hit Points: 800
Experience Given: 12
Gald Given: 72
Attack Power: 80
Defense Power: 120
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Not Available
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Octo Smily
Hit Points: 4,888
Experience Given: 68
Gald Given: 188
Attack Power: 210
Defense Power: 190
Magic Power: 71
Strength: Water
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Squid
Items Can Be Stolen: Apple Gummy

Name of Monster: Volt
Hit Points: 54,321
Experience Given: 3,600
Gald Given: 0
Attack Power: 218
Defense Power: 508
Magic Power: 160
Strength: Wind, Fire, Wind, Ice, Electricity, Light, Dark
Weakness: Water
Items Drops: Holy Symbol, Rune Bottle
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Sylph
Hit Points: 6,600
Experience Given: 1,929
Gald Given: 0
Attack Power: 170
Defense Power: 200
Magic Power: 80
Strength: Water, Wind, Fire, Ice, Electricity
Weakness: Earth
Items Drops: Protect Ring, Life Bottle
Items Can Be Stolen: Sylph Cavern

Name of Monster: Celsius
Hit Points: 33,333
Experience Given: 2,000
Gald Given: 0
Attack Power: 264
Defense Power: 300
Magic Power: 80
Strength: Water, Wind, Earth, Ice, Dark
Weakness: Fire
Items Drops: Resist Ring, Freeze Check
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Ice Striker
Hit Points: 5,500
Experience Given: 105
Gald Given: 600
Attack Power: 210
Defense Power: 270
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Water, Wind, Ice
Weakness: Fire
Items Drops: White Soda, Orange Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: White Soda

Name of Monster: Woods Worm
Hit Points: 1,700
Experience Given: 24
Gald Given: 100
Attack Power: 100
Defense Power: 141
Magic Power: 58
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Apple Gummy, Orange Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Apple Gummy

Name of Monster: Efreet
Hit Points:24,000
Experience Given: 2,723
Gald Given: 0
Attack Power: 200
Defense Power: 360
Magic Power: 50
Strength: Wind, Fire, Earth, Ice, Electricity
Weakness: Water
Items Drops: Black Onyx, Life Bottle
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Crunsher Tortoise
Hit Points: 1,800
Experience Given: 0
Gald Given: 0
Attack Power: Not Available
Defense Power: Not Available
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Apple Gummy, Buckler
Items Can Be Stolen: Apple Gummy

Name of Monster: Micro Needle
Hit Points: 2,200
Experience Given: 36
Gald Given: 90
Attack Power: 110
Defense Power: 150
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Tofu, Kolseska
Items Can Be Stolen: Tofu

Name of Monster: Mini Guide
Hit Points: 600
Experience Given: 21
Gald Given: 50
Attack Power: 90
Defense Power: 90
Magic Power: 67
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Tofu
Items Can Be Stolen: Tofu

Name of Monster: Maxwell
Hit Points: 40,000
Experience Given: 34,002
Gald Given: 0
Attack Power: 400
Defense Power: 100
Magic Power: 145
Strength: Force
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Fairy Ring, God Weapon
Items Can Be Stolen: Elixir

Name of Monster: Mist
Hit Points: 3,600
Experience Given: 181
Gald Given: 876
Attack Power: 180
Defense Power: 350
Magic Power: 30
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Liquor Bottle, Spectacle
Items Can Be Stolen: Spectacle

Name of Monster: Archer
Hit Points: 600
Experience Given: 14
Gald Given: 72
Attack Power: 54
Defense Power: 20
Magic Power: 30
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Bread, Spectacle
Items Can Be Stolen: Bread

Name of Monster: Hard Horn
Hit Points: 6,200
Experience Given: 115
Gald Given: 826
Attack Power: 170
Defense Power: 320
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Apple Gummy, Earth Blade
Items Can Be Stolen: Earth Blade

Name of Monster: Gnome
Hit Points: 16,160
Experience Given: 1,000
Gald Given: 2
Attack Power: 150
Defense Power: 350
Magic Power: 100
Strength: Water, Fire, Earth, Ice, Electricity
Weakness: Wind
Items Drops: Moon Crystal, Rune Bottle
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Aqua Spin
Hit Points: 3,500
Experience Given: 68
Gald Given: 180
Attack Power: 120
Defense Power: 250
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Mackerel
Items Can Be Stolen: Apple Gummy

Name of Monster: Madman
Hit Points: 7,500
Experience Given: 166
Gald Given: 1,128
Attack Power: 300
Defense Power: 410
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Apple Gummy, Potato
Items Can Be Stolen: Apple Gummy

Name of Monster: Gentleman
Hit Points: 7,600
Experience Given: 145
Gald Given: 765
Attack Power: 350
Defense Power: 0
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Orange Gummy, Potato
Items Can Be Stolen: Savory

Name of Monster: Star Fish
Hit Points: 1,940
Experience Given: 27
Gald Given: 60
Attack Power: 96
Defense Power: 124
Magic Power: 72
Strength: Water
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Apple Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Seahorse
Hit Points: 4,400
Experience Given: 82
Gald Given: 500
Attack Power: 180
Defense Power: 275
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Apple Gummy, Life Bottle
Items Can Be Stolen: Apple Gummy

Name of Monster: Rock Golem
Hit Points: 2,500
Experience Given: 18
Gald Given: 60
Attack Power: 75
Defense Power: 0
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Fire, Earth, Electricty
Weakness: Water
Items Drops: Apple Gummy, Tofu
Items Can Be Stolen: Tofu

Name of Monster: Living Sword
Hit Points: 4,500
Experience Given: 105
Gald Given: 555
Attack Power: 165
Defense Power: 320
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Lemon Gummy, White Sode
Items Can Be Stolen: Apple Gummy

Name of Monster: Ghoul
Hit Points: 3,100
Experience Given: 42
Gald Given: 100
Attack Power: 135
Defense Power: 150
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Apple Gummy, Potato
Items Can Be Stolen: Potato

Name of Monster: Harpy
Hit Points: 650
Experience Given: 14
Gald Given: 66
Attack Power: 83
Defense Power: 120
Magic Power: 20
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Apple Gummy, Spectacle
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Zombie
Hit Points: 1,300
Experience Given: 14
Gald Given: 60
Attack Power: 90
Defense Power: 20
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Apple Gummy, Orange Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Apple Gummy

Name of Monster: Race
Hit Points: 4,408
Experience Given: 1,000
Gald Given: 0
Attack Power: 142
Defense Power: 700
Magic Power: 100
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Heal Bangle, Leather Mantle
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Manticore
Hit Points: 2,200
Experience Given: 32
Gald Given: 100
Attack Power: 120
Defense Power: 160
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Apple Gummy, Orange Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Apple Gummy

Name of Monster: Medusa
Hit Points: 9,500
Experience Given: 657
Gald Given: 2,320
Attack Power: 380
Defense Power: 410
Magic Power: 80
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Penecea Bottle, Rivaviser
Items Can Be Stolen: Penecea Bottle

Name of Monster: Shadow
Hit Points: 100,324
Experience Given: 32,768
Gald Given: 0
Attack Power: 460
Defense Power: 400
Magic Power: 62
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Force Ring, Rune Bottle
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Poltergeist
Hit Points: 2,500
Experience Given: 76
Gald Given: 190
Attack Power: 150
Defense Power: 160
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Apple Gummy, Orange Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Apple Gummy

Name of Monster: Gitalkal
Hit Points: 6,500
Experience Given: 229
Gald Given: 1,723
Attack Power: 220
Defense Power: 340
Magic Power: 52
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Purple Sode, Elixir
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Eggbear
Hit Points: 3,200
Experience Given: 32
Gald Given: 90
Attack Power: 130
Defense Power: 120
Magic Power: 50
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Bear Meat
Items Can Be Stolen: Apple Gummy

Name of Monster: Sorcerer
Hit Points: 1,200
Experience Given: 32
Gald Given: 100
Attack Power: 60
Defense Power: 120
Magic Power: 20
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Strawberry, Orange Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Strawberry

Name of Monster: Firebird
Hit Points: 1,800
Experience Given: 58
Gald Given: 128
Attack Power: 100
Defense Power: 140
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Tomato, Flamebue
Items Can Be Stolen: Tomato

Name of Monster: Green Roper
Hit Points: 940
Experience Given: 16
Gald Given: 60
Attack Power: 60
Defense Power: 188
Magic Power: 72
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Lettuce, Life Bottle
Items Can Be Stolen: Lettuce

Name of Monster: Egg Trader
Hit Points: 500
Experience Given: 0
Gald Given: 0
Attack Power: 80
Defense Power: 20
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Not Available
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Grasshopper
Hit Points: 6,500
Experience Given: 105
Gald Given: 540
Attack Power: 240
Defense Power: 250
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Apple Gummy, Banana
Items Can Be Stolen: Banana

Name of Monster: Wyvern
Hit Points: 3,500
Experience Given: 82
Gald Given: 650
Attack Power: 200
Defense Power: 300
Magic Power: 50
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Apple Gummy, Lemon Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Lemon Gummy

Name of Monster: Feather Magic
Hit Points: 2,650
Experience Given: 82
Gald Given: 520
Attack Power: 210
Defense Power: 280
Magic Power: 50
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Apple Gummy, Great Sword
Items Can Be Stolen: Apple Gummy

Name of Monster: Culprit
Hit Points: 4,000
Experience Given: 75
Gald Given: 450
Attack Power: 250
Defense Power: 350
Magic Power: 30
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Orange Gummy, Demon Javelin
Items Can Be Stolen: Tomato

Name of Monster: Chizel
Hit Points: 100,000
Experience Given: 50,000
Gald Given: 0
Attack Power: 300
Defense Power: 75
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Elixir, Old Divide
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Plant Sucker
Hit Points: 3,000
Experience Given: 82
Gald Given: 418
Attack Power: 210
Defense Power: 240
Magic Power: 78
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Penecea Bottle
Items Can Be Stolen: Penecea Bottle

Name of Monster: Skull Warrior
Hit Points: 9,000
Experience Given: 196
Gald Given: 822
Attack Power: 360
Defense Power: 420
Magic Power: 77
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Orange Gummy, Mix Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Giant Spider
Hit Points: 1,850
Experience Given: 36
Gald Given: 88
Attack Power: 133
Defense Power: 150
Magic Power: 77
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Penecea Bottle, Poison Son
Items Can Be Stolen: Penecea Bottle

Name of Monster: Storm Crow
Hit Points: 7,800
Experience Given: 233
Gald Given: 940
Attack Power: 350
Defense Power: 470
Magic Power: 115
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Egg, Lemon Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Egg

Name of Monster: Hornet
Hit Points: 900
Experience Given: 42
Gald Given: 120
Attack Power: 210
Defense Power: 170
Magic Power: 52
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Penecea Bottle
Items Can Be Stolen: Penecea Bottle

Name of Monster: River Sickle
Hit Points: 2,950
Experience Given: 82
Gald Given: 450
Attack Power: 170
Defense Power: 260
Magic Power: 64
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Apple Gummy, Black Sode
Items Can Be Stolen: Black Sode

Name of Monster: Scorpion
Hit Points: 1,800
Experience Given: 32
Gald Given: 80
Attack Power: 85
Defense Power: 155
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Penecea Bottle
Items Can Be Stolen: Penecea Bottle

Name of Monster: Poaz
Hit Points: 580
Experience Given: 16
Gald Given: 40
Attack Power: 50
Defense Power: 40
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Apple Gummy, Orange Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Kubitom
Hit Points: 5,000
Experience Given: 212
Gald Given: 150
Attack Power: 500
Defense Power: 500
Magic Power: 10
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Konyac, Lemon Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Forikris
Hit Points: 5,000
Experience Given: 212
Gald Given: 755
Attack Power: 400
Defense Power: 450
Magic Power: 40
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Orange Gummy, Strike Axe
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Snow Lobster
Hit Points: 4,800
Experience Given: 115
Gald Given: 740
Attack Power: 250
Defense Power: 240
Magic Power: 74
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Lobster, Pine Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: White Sode

Name of Monster: In Bivel
Hit Points: 5,000
Experience Given: 181
Gald Given: 950
Attack Power: 380
Defense Power: 420
Magic Power: 50
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Squid, Orange Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Apple Gummy

Name of Monster: Tailman
Hit Points: 8,000
Experience Given: 181
Gald Given: 666
Attack Power: 300
Defense Power: 400
Magic Power: 83
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Miracle Gummy, Purple Sode
Items Can Be Stolen: Purple Sode

Name of Monster: Impluse
Hit Points: 6,000
Experience Given: 386
Gald Given: 1,870
Attack Power: 300
Defense Power: 380
Magic Power: 83
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Lemon Gummy, Rune Bottle
Items Can Be Stolen: Lemon Gummy

Name of Monster: Needle Shell
Hit Points: 7,200
Experience Given: 595
Gald Given: 1,640
Attack Power: 430
Defense Power: 620
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Penecea Bottle
Items Can Be Stolen: Penecea Bottle

Name of Monster: Empty Doll
Hit Points: 60,000
Experience Given: 0
Gald Given: 0
Attack Power: 200
Defense Power: 400
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Not Available
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Fire Warrior
Hit Points: 13,400
Experience Given: 722
Gald Given: 2,600
Attack Power: 440
Defense Power: 450
Magic Power: 77
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Chaos Shield, Red Sode
Items Can Be Stolen: Red Sode

Name of Monster: Phantom Knight
Hit Points: 10,000
Experience Given: 510
Gald Given: 1,550
Attack Power: 450
Defense Power: 350
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Rune Bottle, Order Shield
Items Can Be Stolen: Order Shield

Name of Monster: Eraser
Hit Points: 4,100
Experience Given: 87
Gald Given: 563
Attack Power: 280
Defense Power: 410
Magic Power: 83
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Red Sode, Lemon Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Red Sode

Name of Monster: Fire Flyer
Hit Points: 5,500
Experience Given: 264
Gald Given: 850
Attack Power: 280
Defense Power: 410
Magic Power: 83
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Flare Bottle
Items Can Be Stolen: Flare Bottle

Name of Monster: Escalgo
Hit Points: 5,140
Experience Given: 153
Gald Given: 643
Attack Power: 250
Defense Power: 350
Magic Power: 70
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Orange Gummy, Pine Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Milk

Name of Monster: Heavy Lifter
Hit Points: 2,800
Experience Given: 33
Gald Given: 111
Attack Power: 120
Defense Power: 180
Magic Power: 50
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Apple Gummy, Bast
Items Can Be Stolen: Apple Gummy

Name of Monster: Bald Head
Hit Points: 3,800
Experience Given: 94
Gald Given: 260
Attack Power: 200
Defense Power: 240
Magic Power: 20
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Apple Gummy, Orange Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Apple Gummy

Name of Monster: Venom
Hit Points: 4,100
Experience Given: 166
Gald Given: 1,130
Attack Power: 240
Defense Power: 400
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Penecea Bottle, Tomato
Items Can Be Stolen: Penecea Bottle

Name of Monster: ???? (Boss)
Hit Points: 1,000
Experience Given: 300
Gald Given: 800
Attack Power: 110
Defense Power: 20
Magic Power: 20
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Life Bottle, Orange Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Big Feet
Hit Points: 8,000
Experience Given: 196
Gald Given: 1,200
Attack Power: 300
Defense Power: 300
Magic Power: 80
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Sage, Pine Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Fire Cloud
Hit Points: 4,800
Experience Given: 657
Gald Given: 1,200
Attack Power: 350
Defense Power: 300
Magic Power: 100
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Bead, Flare Mantle
Items Can Be Stolen: Flare Mantle

Name of Monster: Terror
Hit Points: 5,000
Experience Given: 140
Gald Given: 500
Attack Power: 280
Defense Power: 400
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Electricity
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Penecea Bottle
Items Can Be Stolen: Penecea Nottle

Name of Monster: Makuashin
Hit Points: 8,630
Experience Given: 484
Gald Given: 1,200
Attack Power: 380
Defense Power: 500
Magic Power: 50
Strength: Water
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Lobster, Apple Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Apple Gummy

Name of Monster: Secondos
Hit Points: 200,000
Experience Given: 60,000
Gald Given: 0
Attack Power: 620
Defense Power: 900
Magic Power: 100
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Not Available
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Raucamel
Hit Points: 14,000
Experience Given: 791
Gald Given: 2,222
Attack Power: 600
Defense Power: 600
Magic Power: 83
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Miracle Gummy, Kaiser Knuckle
Items Can Be Stolen: Kaiser Knuckle

Name of Monster: Jealous
Hit Points: 4,500
Experience Given: 92
Gald Given: 510
Attack Power: 230
Defense Power: 290
Magic Power: 56
Strength: Earth
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Orange Gummy, Amango
Items Can Be Stolen: Orange Gummy

Name of Monster: Phantom
Hit Points: 3,200
Experience Given: 54
Gald Given: 140
Attack Power: 170
Defense Power: 120
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Ice
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Apple Gummy, Orange Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Apple Gummy

Name of Monster: Lost Soul
Hit Points: 4,500
Experience Given: 82
Gald Given: 480
Attack Power: 240
Defense Power: 275
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Orange Gummy, Pine Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Orange Gummy

Name of Monster: Rem
Hit Points: 100,000
Experience Given: 40,960
Gald Given: 0
Attack Power: 500
Defense Power: 700
Magic Power: 125
Strength: Light
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Reflect Ring, Rune Bottle
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Runner
Hit Points: 4,500
Experience Given: 166
Gald Given: 620
Attack Power: 240
Defense Power: 380
Magic Power: 78
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Lemon Gummy, Miracle Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Banana

Name of Monster: Rogue
Hit Points: 3,600
Experience Given: 58
Gald Given: 240
Attack Power: 175
Defense Power: 175
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Spectacle, Pine Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Spectacle

Name of Monster: Ruter
Hit Points: 9,000
Experience Given: 537
Gald Given: 1,080
Attack Power: 420
Defense Power: 500
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Spectacle, Pine Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Pine Gummy

Name of Monster: Slashker
Hit Points: 4,400
Experience Given: 76
Gald Given: 215
Attack Power: 172
Defense Power: 190
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Spectacle, Orange Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Orange Gummy

Name of Monster: Duelist
Hit Points: 14,000
Experience Given: 566
Gald Given: 2,500
Attack Power: 800
Defense Power: 600
Magic Power: 96
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Lemon Gummy, Lavender
Items Can Be Stolen: Lavender

Name of Monster: Biker
Hit Points: 10,000
Experience Given: 510
Gald Given: 1,155
Attack Power: 420
Defense Power: 400
Magic Power: 96
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Spectacle, Kiruma Fruit
Items Can Be Stolen: Kiruma Fruit

Name of Monster: Ogre
Hit Points: 6,000
Experience Given: 85
Gald Given: 125
Attack Power: 450
Defense Power: 230
Magic Power: 68
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Rice, Lemon Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Lemon Gummy

Name of Monster: Beast Ogre
Hit Points: 12,000
Experience Given: 625
Gald Given: 1,600
Attack Power: 800
Defense Power: 600
Magic Power: 68
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Lemon Gummy, Star Mace
Items Can Be Stolen: Lemon Gummy

Name of Monster: Sorceress
Hit Points: 2,100
Experience Given: 54
Gald Given: 300
Attack Power: 80
Defense Power: 150
Magic Power: 40
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Milk, Charm Bottle
Items Can Be Stolen: Milk

Name of Monster: Shaman
Hit Points: 3,000
Experience Given: 82
Gald Given: 530
Attack Power: 180
Defense Power: 250
Magic Power: 40
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Spectacle, Rune Bottle
Items Can Be Stolen: Spectacle

Name of Monster: Damicon
Hit Points: 13,400
Experience Given: 756
Gald Given: 2,500
Attack Power: 520
Defense Power: 470
Magic Power: 50
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Lemon Gummy, Pine Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Lemon Gummy

Name of Monster: Liny Old
Hit Points: 6,500
Experience Given: 458
Gald Given: 1,350
Attack Power: 150
Defense Power: 450
Magic Power: 100
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Rune Bottle
Items Can Be Stolen: Rune Bottle

Name of Monster: Wizard
Hit Points: 9,800
Experience Given: 620
Gald Given: 1,000
Attack Power: 100
Defense Power: 600
Magic Power: 200
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Rune Bottle, Savory
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Coward Eel
Hit Points: 6,000
Experience Given: 196
Gald Given: 850
Attack Power: 100
Defense Power: 600
Magic Power: 200
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Apple Gummy, Red Sode
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Killer Bee
Hit Points: 1,600
Experience Given: 94
Gald Given: 282
Attack Power: 250
Defense Power: 222
Magic Power: 52
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Apple Gummy, Lemon Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Apple Gummy

Name of Monster: Tentacle Plant
Hit Points: 7,000
Experience Given: 127
Gald Given: 812
Attack Power: 280
Defense Power: 350
Magic Power: 75
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Penecea Bottle, Amango
Items Can Be Stolen: Amango

Name of Monster: Stinger
Hit Points: 12,000
Experience Given: 625
Gald Given: 1,600
Attack Power: 450
Defense Power: 500
Magic Power: 75
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Penecea Bottle, Lemon Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Penecea Bottle

Name of Monster: Dyer Wolf
Hit Points: 3,000
Experience Given: 50
Gald Given: 120
Attack Power: 150
Defense Power: 161
Magic Power: 53
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Apple Gummy, Potato
Items Can Be Stolen: Apple Gummy

Name of Monster: Hell Hound
Hit Points: 3,900
Experience Given: 74
Gald Given: 430
Attack Power: 240
Defense Power: 280
Magic Power: 53
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Apple Gummy, Orange Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Apple Gummy

Name of Monster: Death
Hit Points: 6,000
Experience Given: 196
Gald Given: 1,422
Attack Power: 300
Defense Power: 380
Magic Power: 74
Strength: Dark
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Orange Gummy, Pine Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Mega Death
Hit Points: 9,600
Experience Given: 458
Gald Given: 1,450
Attack Power: 420
Defense Power: 460
Magic Power: 80
Strength: Dark
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Purple Sode, Belbane
Items Can Be Stolen: Purple Sode

Name of Monster: Grizley
Hit Points: 4,500
Experience Given: 50
Gald Given: 130
Attack Power: 180
Defense Power: 180
Magic Power: 58
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Bear Meat, Orange Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Apple Gummy

Name of Monster: Night Wing
Hit Points: 7,750
Experience Given: 595
Gald Given: 1,425
Attack Power: 360
Defense Power: 360
Magic Power: 52
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Apple Gummy, Orange Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Apple Gummy

Name of Monster: Tetra Tusk
Hit Points: 3,500
Experience Given: 92
Gald Given: 420
Attack Power: 180
Defense Power: 240
Magic Power: 40
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Tusk Meat, Protect Ring
Items Can Be Stolen: Protect Ring

Name of Monster: Hunger Plant
Hit Points: 8,200
Experience Given: 386
Gald Given: 1,110
Attack Power: 350
Defense Power: 440
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Lemon Gummy, Tusk Meat
Items Can Be Stolen: Lemon Gummy

Name of Monster: Lady Bug
Hit Points: 4,400
Experience Given: 566
Gald Given: 1,360
Attack Power: 200
Defense Power: 380
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Penecea Bottle, Tomato
Items Can Be Stolen: Tomato

Name of Monster: Nocturnal Fly
Hit Points: 8,000
Experience Given: 566
Gald Given: 1,500
Attack Power: 450
Defense Power: 500
Magic Power: 52
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Lemon Gummy, Pine Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Lemon Gummy

Name of Monster: Grappler
Hit Points: 4,800
Experience Given: 94
Gald Given: 350
Attack Power: 220
Defense Power: 300
Magic Power: 46
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Spectacle, Elven Cape
Items Can Be Stolen: Elven Cape

Name of Monster: Metalica
Hit Points: 4,600
Experience Given: 537
Gald Given: 1,911
Attack Power: 340
Defense Power: 400
Magic Power: 80
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Lemon Gummy, Pine Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Lemon Gummy

Name of Monster: Forest Hawk
Hit Points: 1,200
Experience Given: 32
Gald Given: 112
Attack Power: 80
Defense Power: 128
Magic Power: 65
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Apple Gummy, Orange Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Orange Gummy

Name of Monster: Firy Hawk
Hit Points: 3,000
Experience Given: 3,000
Gald Given: 0
Attack Power: 115
Defense Power: 171
Magic Power: 38
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Egg, Apple Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Egg

Name of Monster: Oak Jelly
Hit Points: 1,200
Experience Given: 1,200
Gald Given: 0
Attack Power: 135
Defense Power: 191
Magic Power: 51
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Apple Gummy, Orange Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Apple Gummy

Name of Monster: Red Pudding
Hit Points: 3,800
Experience Given: 3,800
Gald Given: 0
Attack Power: 135
Defense Power: 191
Magic Power: 51
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Lemon Gummy, Orange Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Orange Gummy

Name of Monster: Poison Toad
Hit Points: 4,320
Experience Given: 430
Gald Given: 212
Attack Power: 135
Defense Power: 191
Magic Power: 51
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Lemon Gummy, Pine Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Lemon Gummy

Name of Monster: Bone Knight
Hit Points: 2,950
Experience Given: 312
Gald Given: 348
Attack Power: 135
Defense Power: 191
Magic Power: 51
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Potato, Nimble Rapier
Items Can Be Stolen: Nimble Rapier

Name of Monster: Dragon Toss
Hit Points: 10,000
Experience Given: 3,000
Gald Given: 3,400
Attack Power: 135
Defense Power: 191
Magic Power: 51
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Apple Gummy, Protect Ring
Items Can Be Stolen: Apple Gummy

Name of Monster: Oak Rot
Hit Points: 6,000
Experience Given: 400
Gald Given: 491
Attack Power: 135
Defense Power: 191
Magic Power: 51
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Cabbage, Kiruma Fruit
Items Can Be Stolen: Kiruma Fruit

Name of Monster: Toronto
Hit Points: 11,000
Experience Given: 158
Gald Given: 740
Attack Power: 320
Defense Power: 480
Magic Power: 73
Strength: Water, Earth
Weakness: Fire
Items Drops: Apple Gummy, Kiruma Fruit
Items Can Be Stolen: Kiruma Fruit

Name of Monster: Dark Disaster
Hit Points: 7,500
Experience Given: 264
Gald Given: 950
Attack Power: 280
Defense Power: 600
Magic Power: 70
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Lemon Gummy, Dark Bottle
Items Can Be Stolen: Dark Bottle

Name of Monster: Carnivorous Plant
Hit Points: 7,500
Experience Given: 54
Gald Given: 211
Attack Power: 120
Defense Power: 0
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Lemon Gummy, Kiruma Fruit
Items Can Be Stolen: Kiruma Fruit

Name of Monster: Heavy Plant
Hit Points: 12,000
Experience Given: 94
Gald Given: 450
Attack Power: 120
Defense Power: 0
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Lemon Gummy, Banana
Items Can Be Stolen: Lemon Gummy

Name of Monster: Frost Hare
Hit Points: 6,500
Experience Given: 229
Gald Given: 1,320
Attack Power: 350
Defense Power: 420
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Carrot, Pine Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Carrot

Name of Monster: Angus Beak
Hit Points: 8,000
Experience Given: 184
Gald Given: 710
Attack Power: 410
Defense Power: 450
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Egg, Sage
Items Can Be Stolen: Egg

Name of Monster: Bull Frog
Hit Points: 8,400
Experience Given: 158
Gald Given: 760
Attack Power: 360
Defense Power: 398
Magic Power: 58
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Cucumber, Pine Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Cucumber

Name of Monster: Hunch Back
Hit Points: 4,200
Experience Given: 166
Gald Given: 1,140
Attack Power: 200
Defense Power: 350
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Lemon Gummy, Pine Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Lemon Gummy

Name of Monster: Katolpon
Hit Points: 8,500
Experience Given: 386
Gald Given: 1,111
Attack Power: 330
Defense Power: 480
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Lemon Gummy, Pine Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Lemon Gummy

Name of Monster: Rafal
Hit Points: 4,500
Experience Given: 70
Gald Given: 150
Attack Power: 100
Defense Power: 180
Magic Power: 100
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Orange Gummy, Penecea Bottle
Items Can Be Stolen: Orange Gummy

Name of Monster: Ice Warrior
Hit Points: 5,200
Experience Given: 115
Gald Given: 880
Attack Power: 220
Defense Power: 280
Magic Power: 56
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Orange Gummy, Ice Coffin
Items Can Be Stolen: Orange Gummy

Name of Monster: Melody Song Pot
Hit Points: 3,500
Experience Given: 18
Gald Given: 120
Attack Power: 180
Defense Power: 200
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Life Bottle
Items Can Be Stolen: Life Bottle

Name of Monster: Kraken
Hit Points: 11,200
Experience Given: 410
Gald Given: 1,444
Attack Power: 400
Defense Power: 340
Magic Power: 71
Strength: Water
Weakness: Electricty
Items Drops: Poison Check, Squid
Items Can Be Stolen: Poison Check

Name of Monster: Savage Beast
Hit Points: 7,400
Experience Given: 196
Gald Given: 920
Attack Power: 240
Defense Power: 450
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Carrot, Orange Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Carrot

Name of Monster: Ban Dasnatch
Hit Points: 12,000
Experience Given: 722
Gald Given: 2,120
Attack Power: 420
Defense Power: 550
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Tomato, Miracle Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Tomato

Name of Monster: Tropicus Worm
Hit Points: 4,200
Experience Given: 58
Gald Given: 155
Attack Power: 180
Defense Power: 200
Magic Power: 55
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Apple Gummy, Orange Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Apple Gummy

Name of Monster: Mountum
Hit Points: 8,350
Experience Given: 184
Gald Given: 810
Attack Power: 400
Defense Power: 470
Magic Power: 58
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Lemon Gummy, Miracle Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Lemon Gummy

Name of Monster: Tan Turtle
Hit Points: 9,800
Experience Given: 341
Gald Given: 1,360
Attack Power: 300
Defense Power: 400
Magic Power: 32
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Lemon Gummy, BelBane
Items Can Be Stolen: Bel Bane

Name of Monster: Spiriam
Hit Points: 12,000
Experience Given: 212
Gald Given: 1,430
Attack Power: 350
Defense Power: 450
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Lemon Gummy, Pine Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Pine Gummy

Name of Monster: Sarolisa
Hit Points: 4,000
Experience Given: 58
Gald Given: 175
Attack Power: 181
Defense Power: 220
Magic Power: 67
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Life Bottle
Items Can Be Stolen: Life Bottle

Name of Monster: Willow Wisp
Hit Points: 1,800
Experience Given: 54
Gald Given: 260
Attack Power: 120
Defense Power: 150
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Apple Gummy, Lemon Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Apple Gummy

Name of Monster: Hunter
Hit Points: 3,000
Experience Given: 76
Gald Given: 224
Attack Power: 200
Defense Power: 180
Magic Power: 83
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Spectacle, Lemon Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Spectacle

Name of Monster: Ranger
Hit Points: 8,500
Experience Given: 595
Gald Given: 1,775
Attack Power: 400
Defense Power: 480
Magic Power: 83
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Spectacle, Pine Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Spectacle

Name of Monster: Strong Horn
Hit Points: 7,600
Experience Given: 196
Gald Given: 1,420
Attack Power: 200
Defense Power: 400
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Lemon Gummy, Pretty Mitten
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Antler
Hit Points: 10,500
Experience Given: 566
Gald Given: 2,100
Attack Power: 300
Defense Power: 500
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Savory, Miracle Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Miracle Gummy

Name of Monster: Shesbin
Hit Points: 6,500
Experience Given: 293
Gald Given: 1,120
Attack Power: 360
Defense Power: 410
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Water
Weakness: Fire, Electricity
Items Drops: Lemon Gummy, Mackerel
Items Can Be Stolen: Lemon Gummy

Name of Monster: Owl Fish
Hit Points: 8,000
Experience Given: 510
Gald Given: 1,875
Attack Power: 340
Defense Power: 500
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Pine Gummy, Mackerel
Items Can Be Stolen: Pine Gummy

Name of Monster: Swapshing
Hit Points: 11,200
Experience Given: 695
Gald Given: 2,440
Attack Power: 480
Defense Power: 500
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Earth, Dark
Weakness: Wind, Light
Items Drops: Lemon Gummy, Pine Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Lemon Gummy

Name of Monster: Clay Golem
Hit Points: 12,000
Experience Given: 293
Gald Given: 1,900
Attack Power: 600
Defense Power: 0
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Earth
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Pine Gummy, Miracle Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Tri-Con
Hit Points: 500
Experience Given: 123
Gald Given: 456
Attack Power: 80
Defense Power: 20
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Lavender, Belbane
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Evil Star
Hit Points: 5,345
Experience Given: 94
Gald Given: 347
Attack Power: 180
Defense Power: 288
Magic Power: 72
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Apple Gummy, Lemon Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Apple Gummy

Name of Monster: Super Star
Hit Points: 8,800
Experience Given: 322
Gald Given: 1,232
Attack Power: 350
Defense Power: 600
Magic Power: 72
Strength: Water
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Pine Gummy, Reverse Doll
Items Can Be Stolen: Pine Gummy

Name of Monster: Float Dragon
Hit Points: 7,500
Experience Given: 246
Gald Given: 1,140
Attack Power: 280
Defense Power: 520
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Pine Gummy, Miracle Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Miracle Gummy

Name of Monster: Triton
Hit Points: 8,500
Experience Given: 322
Gald Given: 1,520
Attack Power: 400
Defense Power: 480
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Pine Gummy, Miracle Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Pine Gummy

Name of Monster: Iron Golem
Hit Points: 3,400
Experience Given: 94
Gald Given: 1,000
Attack Power: 350
Defense Power: 120
Magic Power: 300
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Lemon Gummy, Fight Shield
Items Can Be Stolen: Fight Shield

Name of Monster: Mithril Golem
Hit Points: 11,100
Experience Given: 858
Gald Given: 6,000
Attack Power: 800
Defense Power: 500
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Water, Wind, Fire, Earth, Ice, Light, Dark
Weakness: Electricity
Items Drops: Lemon Gummy, Miracle Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Lemon Gummy

Name of Monster: Thunder Sword
Hit Points: 11,500
Experience Given: 903
Gald Given: 7,900
Attack Power: 951
Defense Power: 1,034
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Black Sode, Dhao Blade
Items Can Be Stolen: Black Sode

Name of Monster: Keepman
Hit Points: 5,400
Experience Given: 791
Gald Given: 3,009
Attack Power: 304
Defense Power: 711
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Orange Gummy, Life Bottle
Items Can Be Stolen: Orange Gummy

Name of Monster: Living Dead
Hit Points: 4,000
Experience Given: 1,100
Gald Given: 5,350
Attack Power: 383
Defense Power: 517
Magic Power: 39
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Orange Gummy, Lemon Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Orange Gummy

Name of Monster: Fiend
Hit Points: 9,500
Experience Given: 3,450
Gald Given: 7,020
Attack Power: 703
Defense Power: 719
Magic Power: 38
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Bast, Pine Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Bash Farlor
Hit Points: 10,800
Experience Given: 3,070
Gald Given: 3,609
Attack Power: 767
Defense Power: 1,210
Magic Power: 56
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Orange Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Orange Gummy

Name of Monster: Forest Keeper
Hit Points: 8,000
Experience Given: 1,040
Gald Given: 3,567
Attack Power: 406
Defense Power: 456
Magic Power: 38
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Miracle Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Miracle Gummy

Name of Monster: Homsokris
Hit Points: 15,000
Experience Given: 6,789
Gald Given: 9,030
Attack Power: 765
Defense Power: 984
Magic Power: 75
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Banyamen, Lavender
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Revenent
Hit Points: 11,500
Experience Given: 9,300
Gald Given: 12,030
Attack Power: 867
Defense Power: 809
Magic Power: 34
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Pine Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Miracle Gummy

Name of Monster: Gore
Hit Points: 3,600
Experience Given: 450
Gald Given: 931
Attack Power: 27
Defense Power: 39
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Apple Gummy, Lemon Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Apple Gummy

Name of Monster: Chimera
Hit Points: 4,800
Experience Given: 909
Gald Given: 1,345
Attack Power: 271
Defense Power: 405
Magic Power: 19
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Lemon Gummy, Pine Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Lemon Gummy

Name of Monster: Spirit
Hit Points: 7,200
Experience Given: 2,413
Gald Given: 3,918
Attack Power: 198
Defense Power: 217
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Pine Gummy, Miracle Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Pine Gummy

Name of Monster: Reptile
Hit Points: 2,900
Experience Given: 978
Gald Given: 1,245
Attack Power: 198
Defense Power: 206
Magic Power: 3
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Lemon Gummy, Pine Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Lemon Gummy

Name of Monster: Blip
Hit Points: 7,000
Experience Given: 2,918
Gald Given: 4,037
Attack Power: 316
Defense Power: 409
Magic Power: 103
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Lemon Gummy, Elixir
Items Can Be Stolen: Elixir

Name of Monster: Druid
Hit Points: 3,000
Experience Given: 1,034
Gald Given: 1,717
Attack Power: 245
Defense Power: 303
Magic Power: 7
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Lemon Gummy, Life Bottle
Items Can Be Stolen: Life Bottle

Name of Monster: Sage
Hit Points: 8,000
Experience Given: 3,414
Gald Given: 4,065
Attack Power: 345
Defense Power: 406
Magic Power: 34
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Life Bottle, Mix Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Life Bottle

Name of Monster: Phoenix
Hit Points: 11,800
Experience Given: 4,567
Gald Given: 6,117
Attack Power: 569
Defense Power: 714
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Mix Gummy, Flare Bottle
Items Can Be Stolen: Flare Bottle

Name of Monster: Glowz Bird
Hit Points: 4,200
Experience Given: 1,671
Gald Given: 2,450
Attack Power: 316
Defense Power: 409
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Spectacle, Lemon Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Spectacle

Name of Monster: Red Roper
Hit Points: 1,600
Experience Given: 208
Gald Given: 409
Attack Power: 91
Defense Power: 201
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Lemon Gummy, Apple Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Apple Gummy

Name of Monster: AC Roper
Hit Points: 3,940
Experience Given: 903
Gald Given: 1,234
Attack Power: 301
Defense Power: 336
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Lemon Gummy, Pine Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Lemon Gummy

Name of Monster: Blue Roper
Hit Points: 5,540
Experience Given: 1,906
Gald Given: 2,468
Attack Power: 602
Defense Power: 672
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Lemon Gummy, Liquor Bottle
Items Can Be Stolen: Lemon Gummy

Name of Monster: Fire Bug
Hit Points: 6,800
Experience Given: 2,045
Gald Given: 2,561
Attack Power: 455
Defense Power: 500
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Lemon Gummy, Flare Bottle
Items Can Be Stolen: Lemon Gummy

Name of Monster: Deadly Insect
Hit Points: 12,000
Experience Given: 4,567
Gald Given: 6,001
Attack Power: 409
Defense Power: 555
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Penecea Bottle, Miracle Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Penecea Bottle

Name of Monster: Drake
Hit Points: 4,500
Experience Given: 1,031
Gald Given: 1,545
Attack Power: 203
Defense Power: 309
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Orange Gummy, Lemon Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Avalable

Name of Monster: Hell Kite
Hit Points: 11,200
Experience Given: 4,900
Gald Given: 5,600
Attack Power: 505
Defense Power: 719
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Sage, Red Sage
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Tarantula
Hit Points: 3,800
Experience Given: 1,677
Gald Given: 2,045
Attack Power: 303
Defense Power: 491
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Lemon Gummy, Penecea Bottle
Items Can Be Stolen: Lemon Gummy

Name of Monster: Arana
Hit Points: 6,850
Experience Given: 3,000
Gald Given: 3,500
Attack Power: 207
Defense Power: 307
Magic Power: 77
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Resist Ring, Penecea Bottle
Items Can Be Stolen: Resist Ring

Name of Monster: Murder
Hit Points: 4,200
Experience Given: 1,671
Gald Given: 2,450
Attack Power: 498
Defense Power: 711
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Lemon Gummy, Pine Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Lemon Gummy

Name of Monster: Ramia
Hit Points: 10,000
Experience Given: 3,000
Gald Given: 3,500
Attack Power: 500
Defense Power: 600
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Life Bottle, Belbane
Items Can Be Stolen: Life Bottle

Name of Monster: War Bear
Hit Points: 3,400
Experience Given: 1,067
Gald Given: 1,345
Attack Power: 403
Defense Power: 419
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Bear Meat
Items Can Be Stolen: Apple Gummy

Name of Monster: Mirage Knight
Hit Points: 12,000
Experience Given: 4,567
Gald Given: 6,789
Attack Power: 563
Defense Power: 783
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Lemon Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Lemon Gummy

Name of Monster: Pirate
Hit Points: 3,500
Experience Given: 903
Gald Given: 1,144
Attack Power: 212
Defense Power: 245
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Squid, Mackerel
Items Can Be Stolen: Squid

Name of Monster: Hades
Hit Points: 45,000
Experience Given: 9,030
Gald Given: 11,281
Attack Power: 1,034
Defense Power: 1,717
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Mental Bangle, Egg
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Flying Horrif
Hit Points: 6,900
Experience Given: 2,700
Gald Given: 3,450
Attack Power: 560
Defense Power: 718
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Pine Gummy, Miracle Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Pine Gummy

Name of Monster: Crypt Keeper
Hit Points: 9,000
Experience Given: 1,045
Gald Given: 1,234
Attack Power: 346
Defense Power: 509
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Lemon Gummy, Miracle Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Lemon Gummy

Name of Monster: Living Armor
Hit Points: 8,000
Experience Given: 2,050
Gald Given: 2,387
Attack Power: 450
Defense Power: 506
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Not Available
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Soldier
Hit Points: 600
Experience Given: 34
Gald Given: 51
Attack Power: 7
Defense Power: 13
Magic Power: 2
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Not Available
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Cless
Hit Points: 9,999
Experience Given: 4,406
Gald Given: 4,677
Attack Power: 455
Defense Power: 503
Magic Power: 34
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Cless's Bandana
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Arche
Hit Points: 6,000
Experience Given: 1,031
Gald Given: 1,345
Attack Power: 171
Defense Power: 183
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Not Available
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Nereid
Hit Points: 300,000
Experience Given: 45,000
Gald Given: 69,000
Attack Power: 2,000
Defense Power: 2,500
Magic Power: 100
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Not Available
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Hades
Hit Points: 130,000
Experience Given: 45,000
Gald Given: 60,000
Attack Power: 704
Defense Power: 791
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Not Available
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Big Soldier
Hit Points: 8,000
Experience Given: 1,500
Gald Given: 1,789
Attack Power: 450
Defense Power: 491
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Apple Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: White Sode

Name of Monster: Nereid
Hit Points: 300,000
Experience Given: 45,000
Gald Given: 69,000
Attack Power: 2,000
Defense Power: 2,500
Magic Power: 100
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Not Available
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Falsha Horn
Hit Points: 5,200
Experience Given: 1,034
Gald Given: 1,455
Attack Power: 301
Defense Power: 371
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Orange Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Orange Gummy

Name of Monster: Criminal
Hit Points: 3,000
Experience Given: 371
Gald Given: 506
Attack Power: 98
Defense Power: 117
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Apple Gummy, Orange Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Milk

Name of Monster: Evil Rinver
Hit Points: 12,000
Experience Given: 4,560
Gald Given: 5,600
Attack Power: 507
Defense Power: 538
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Lemon Gummy, Resist Ring
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Terrible Tentacle
Hit Points: 11,600
Experience Given: 3,450
Gald Given: 4,500
Attack Power: 670
Defense Power: 801
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Kiwki, Mental Bangle
Items Can Be Stolen: Pine Gummy

Name of Monster: Fang Snail
Hit Points: 7,650
Experience Given: 2,000
Gald Given: 2,250
Attack Power: 356
Defense Power: 476
Magic Power: 51
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Banana, Pine Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Banana

Name of Monster: Red Dragon
Hit Points: 14,000
Experience Given: 3,000
Gald Given: 3,605
Attack Power: 405
Defense Power: 437
Magic Power: 3
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Lavender
Items Can Be Stolen: Lavender

Name of Monster: Bajil
Hit Points: 840
Experience Given: 36
Gald Given: 47
Attack Power: 17
Defense Power: 25
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Not Available
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Chibel
Hit Points: 540
Experience Given: 41
Gald Given: 58
Attack Power: 29
Defense Power: 34
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Not Available
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Fake
Hit Points: 10,000
Experience Given: 2,000
Gald Given: 2,117
Attack Power: 203
Defense Power: 304
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Life Bottle
Items Can Be Stolen: Pine Gummy

Name of Monster: Guardian
Hit Points: 30,000
Experience Given: 0
Gald Given: 0
Attack Power: 3,000
Defense Power: 3,000
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Rune Bottle, Pine Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Gas Cloud
Hit Points: 1,600
Experience Given: 300
Gald Given: 400
Attack Power: 92
Defense Power: 103
Magic Power: 11
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Penecea Bottle, Lemon Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Penecea Bottle

Name of Monster: Jungler
Hit Points: 5,400
Experience Given: 1,000
Gald Given: 1,200
Attack Power: 304
Defense Power: 400
Magic Power: 41
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Orange Gummy, Flare Bottle
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Spiral
Hit Points: 45,000
Experience Given: 3,900
Gald Given: 4,600
Attack Power: 400
Defense Power: 437
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Fairy Ring, Orange Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Elemental
Hit Points: 80,000
Experience Given: 4,500
Gald Given: 5,600
Attack Power: 404
Defense Power: 566
Magic Power: 0
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Pine Gummy, Elixir
Items Can Be Stolen: Elixir

Name of Monster: Shamballoon
Hit Points: 1
Experience Given: 1
Gald Given: 1
Attack Power: 1
Defense Power: 1
Magic Power: 1
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Cheese, Lettuce
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

Name of Monster: Dinosaur
Hit Points: 14,800
Experience Given: 722
Gald Given: 2,100
Attack Power: 520
Defense Power: 540
Magic Power: 100
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Life Bottle, Elixir
Items Can Be Stolen: Elixir

Name of Monster: Siren
Hit Points: 52,000
Experience Given: 8,998
Gald Given: 3,000
Attack Power: 280
Defense Power: 800
Magic Power: 70
Strength: Water, Wind, Earth, Ice
Weakness: Fire, Electricity
Items Drops: Trident
Items Can Be Stolen: Water Boot

Name of Monster: Gunner
Hit Points: 10,000
Experience Given: 566
Gald Given: 3,100
Attack Power: 400
Defense Power: 500
Magic Power: 100
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Wonder Bag, Miracle Gummy
Items Can Be Stolen: Wonder Bag

Name of Monster: Nereid
Hit Points: 160,000
Experience Given: 63,000
Gald Given: 0
Attack Power: 500
Defense Power: 900
Magic Power: 100
Strength: Everything
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Hourglass, Reverse Doll
Items Can Be Stolen: Rune Bottle

Name of Monster: Nereid
Hit Points: 240,000
Experience Given: 0
Gald Given: 0
Attack Power: 380
Defense Power: 300
Magic Power: 50
Strength: Not Available
Weakness: Not Available
Items Drops: Not Available
Items Can Be Stolen: Not Available

[+++++++++++++++++++]<---------> 9.13 SHOP GUIDE <-------->[+++++++++++++++++++]

Here is a listing of all the towns in the game that have shops, what shops they
have, and what you can buy from the shops.

----------------------------{RASHEANS VILLAGE}---------------------------------
Apple Gel - 100 Gald Long Sword - 300 Gald
Panacea Bottle - 160 Gald Whistle - 300 Gald
Life Bottle - 400 Gald Soft Leather - 300 Gald
Bread - 60 Gald Cloak - 200 Gald
Cheese - 60 Gald Leather Helm - 240 Gald
Lettuce - 60 Gald Lid Shield - 100 Gald

-------------------------------{REGULUS DOJO}----------------------------------
Hard Leather - 400 Gald
Robe - 300 Gald
Leather Helm - 240 Gald
Wristband - 240 Gald
Wooden Shield - 200 Gald

Apple Gel - 100 Gald
Panacea Bottle - 160 Gald
Life Bottle - 400 Gald
Spectacles - 50 Gald
Bear Meat - 150 Gald
Carrot - 50 Gald
Cabbage - 60 Gald

Francesca - 400 Gald
Short Spear - 300 Gald
Short Sword - 200 Gald
Power Arms - 400 Gald

------------- --------
------------- --------
Apple Gel - 100 Gald Bread - 60 Gald
Orange Gel - 200 Gald Rice - 100 Gald
Panacea Bottle - 160 Gald Cheese - 60 Gald
Life Bottle - 400 Gald Bear Meat - 150 Gald
Spectacles - 50 Gald Lettuce - 60 Gald
Long Sword - 300 Gald Tomato - 80 Gald
Francesca - 400 Gald Onion - 50 Gald
Long Spear - 500 Gald
Rod - 400 Gald
Ribbon - 200 Gald
Cape - 30 Gald

-------------------------------{NOSTOS CAVE}-----------------------------------
Apple Gel - 100 Gald
Orange Gel - 200 Gald
Panacea Bottle - 160 Gald
Life Bottle - 400 Gald
Holy Bottle - 200 Gald
Dark Bottle - 200 Gald
Spectacles - 50 Gald

--------------- -------
--------------- -------
Apple Gel - 100 Gald Bread - 60 Gald
Orange Gel - 200 Gald Bear Meat - 150 Gald
Panacea Bottle - 160 Gald Cheese - 60 Gald
Melange Gel - 1000 Gald Lettuce - 60 Gald
Holy Bottle - 200 Gald Cabbage - 60 Gald
Dark Bottle - 200 Gald Carrot - 50 Gald
Spectacles - 50 Gald Cucumber - 50 Gald
Life Bottle - 400 Gald Lemon - 60 Gald
Strawberry - 80 Gald
Kirima - 80 Gald

------------------------------{INFERIA CITY}-----------------------------------
------------- -------------
------------- -------------
Apple Gel - 100 Gald Short Lance - 1920 Gald
Orange Gel - 200 Gald Crescent Axe - 2200 Gald
Melange Gel - 1000 Gald Heavy Grave - 2000 Gald
Panacea Bottle - 160 Gald Poison Thorn - 1440 Gald
Life Bottle - 400 Gald Bird Whistle - 1640 Gald
Flare Bottle - 600 Gald
Holy Bottle - 200 Gald -------------
Dark Bottle - 200 Gald STREET VENDOR
Spectacles - 50 Gald -------------
Bread - 60 Gald
------------- Rice - 100 Gald
WINNER'S SHOP Cheese - 60 Gald
------------- Egg - 50 Gald
Chain Mail - 1900 Gald Bear Meat - 150 Gald
White Cloak - 1480 Gald Lettuce - 60 Gald
Circlet - 760 Gald Tomato - 80 Gald
Iron Wrist - 1320 Gald Onion - 50 Gald
Round Shield - 1600 Gald Cucumber - 50 Gald
Leather Cape - 100 Gald Kirima - 80 Gald
Lemon - 60 Gald

-------------------------------{PORT BAROLE}-----------------------------------
Tuna - 200 Gald
Shrimp - 80 Gald
Squid - 80 Gald

----- --------------
----- --------------
Bread - 60 Gald Magic Mist - 6000 Gald
Pasta - 60 Gald Poison Charm - 6000 Gald
Bear Meat - 150 Gald Stun Charm - 24,000 Gald
Milk - 50 Gald
Cheese - 60 Gald ------------
Cabbage - 60 Gald SHOP OF NEED
Potato - 50 Gald ------------
Carrot - 50 Gald Apple Gel - 100 Gald
Lemon - 60 Gald Orange Gel - 200 Gald
Kirima - 80 Gald Melange Gel - 1000 Gald
Panacea Bottle - 160 Gald
---------- Life Bottle - 400 Gald
HEAVY ARMS Flare Bottle - 600 Gald
---------- Syrup Bottle - 1200 Gald
Parisan - 2960 Gald Holy Bottle - 200 Gald
Steel Sword - 2400 Gald Dark Bottle - 200 Gald
Knight Saber - 1600 Gald Spectacles - 50 Gald
Needle Glove - 2400 Gald
Mace - 1200 Gald
Bird Whistle - 1640 Gald
Chain Mail - 1900 Gald
Misty Robe - 1440 Gald
Ahmet Helm - 1440 Gald
Bracelet - 3360 Gald
Buckler - 460 Gald
Round Shield - 1600 Gald

------------- ------
------------- ------
Apple Gel - 100 Gald White Cloak - 1480 Gald
Orange Gel - 200 Gald Silk Cloak - 1840 Gald
Melange Gel - 1000 Gald Feather Robe - 1560 Gald
Panacea Bottle - 160 Gald Blue Ribbon - 2800 Gald
Life Bottle - 400 Gald Leather Cape - 100 Gald
Flare Bottle - 600 Gald Kitchen Mitten - 3560 Gald
Syrup Bottle - 1200 Gald
Holy Bottle - 200 Gald -------
Dark Bottle - 200 Gald HEAT UP
Spectacles - 50 Gald -------
Ring Mail - 3500 Gald
-------- Cross Helm - 3600 Gald
HOT SHOT Gold Circlet - 3560 Gald
-------- Kite Shield - 4000 Gald
Dao Blade - 4400 Gald
Crescent Axe - 2220 Gald -------------
Halberd - 3800 Gald VARIETY FOODS
Pretty Whistle - 3160 Gald -------------
Gem Rod - 3200 Gald Lettuce - 60 Gald
Cabbage - 60 Gald
-------------- Potato - 50 Gald
CHAMBER BISTRO Cucumber - 50 Gald
-------------- Carrot - 50 Gald
Bread - 60 Gald Onion - 50 Gald
Pasta - 60 Gald Tomato - 80 Gald
Rice - 100 Gald Beet - 60 Gald
Bear Meat - 150 Gald Radish - 60 Gald
Squid - 80 Gald Lemon - 60 Gald
Shrimp - 80 Gald Strawberry - 80 Gald
Cheese - 60 Gald Banana - 50 Gald
Egg - 50 Gald Kiwi - 80 Gald
Milk - 50 Gald Kirima - 80 Gald
Tuna - 200 Gald
Tofu - 60 Gald
Konia - 60 Gald

------------------- ---------{FARLOS SANCTUARY}--------------------------------
Apple Gel - 100 Gald
Orange Gel - 200 Gald
Panacea Bottle - 160 Gald
Life Bottle - 400 Gald
Holy Bottle - 200 Gald
Dark Bottle - 200 Gald
Spectacles - 50 Gald

////////////////////~~~~~~~/ 10.0 OTHER INFORMATION /~~~~~~~////////////////////

----Here is a list of the other information about me and this guide.----


-The following readers for giving me information.
None, yet.

-The following people, just because I want to credit them.
CJC: For hosting this guide and for giving me a second chance. Also, for
doing a very good Ico guide.
Yakuza: For being my first online friend, and for believing in my FAQ skills.
Jenn: My beautiful and loving fiancee who supports me in doing my guides
because she either accepts the fact I am a loser, or believes in my FAQ writing
skills. Either way, I love her.
Adrenaline SL: For being my best GameFAQs friend and always supporting me and
my guides, even though she knew I sucked then, and now I am getting better, and
a lot of that credit goes to her. Thanks a million, hun! ^.^
Andy007: For updating my site with me, although he doesn't as much as he
should. :)
Dyse Murder and SCCAN85: For being my two best GameFAQs buds, and for
believing in my skills. Good luck with the Grandia guide, Dyson.
Dingo Jellybean: I don't care how much problems I have had with him, have
with him, or will have with him in the future, he's still cool.
Cassey, Ashley, Megan, Wendy: You guys know why.

-The following websites for hosting this guide.
http://www.fbgames.com (If they ever come back)

-The GameFAQs Tales of Destiny 2 message board, for they asked some of the
questions found in the FAQ section of this guide.

-Finally, me for typing up this guide.

-------------{CONTACT INFORMATION, MY OTHER GUIDES, ETC.}-----------------------

All my other guides and reviews can be found on my contributor page.

All my unposted FAQs can be found on the following websites.

Here is how you can contact me via e-mail or instant messengers.
-Yahoo Messenger: nicklacheysnightmare
-AIM: MeganIzMyAngel or HeShootsHeGores
-AOL addy: mcfaddendaman@aol.com
-MSN: daladiesman2k@hotmail.com

////////////////////~~~~~~~~~~~/ 11.0 CONCLUSION /~~~~~~~~~~////////////////////

Thanks for reading my guide. I worked very hard on it, and all e-mails are
appreciated and will be responded to!

-Psycho Penguin
mcfaddendaman@aol.com - Personal
psychopenguin24@aol.com - Game Related

Copyright 2000-2001 All Rights Reserved
This guide is the property of the author and may not be used in any way
Without the permission of the author. If you would like to use this FAQ
On your web site, just email the author and let me know that you are, I
Only ask that you give full credit where it is due, and that this guide
May never, ever be altered in any way, no banners, ads or anything! The
Guide may never be used in any magazine, book, other guide or any other
Form of distribution without the permission of the author. Pieces if it
may not be used in other guides without the permission of the author, I
Would also like to say that all of the information contained in this is
The property of the author, and it was all compiled by the author, only
If there is credit given for a section was it not compiled by the me, I
Would then ask that you contact the credited person, instead of sending
Email to me about the use of the information. So basically, if you ever
Want to do anything with this guide, aside from read or print it out, I
Am asking that you ask permission. By the way, if you print this out, I
Will ask that you please keep it all together with this disclaimer. Ok.

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