Tales of Destiny 2

Tales of Destiny 2

16.10.2013 06:24:18


T A L E S O F D E S T I N Y 2 F A Q v 1 . 7

for the Sony Playstation (English version)
by Sugiyanto Yusup

Unpublished work Copyright 2000 Sugiyanto Yusup

This FAQ is for private and personal use only. It can only be reproduced electronically, and
if placed on a web page or site, may be altered as long as this disclaimer and the above
copyright notice appears in full. This FAQ is not to be used for profitable/promotional
purposes; this includes being used by publishers of magazines, guides, books, etc. or being
incorporated into magazines, etc. in ANY way. This FAQ was created and is owned by me,
Sugiyanto Yusup . All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged that are
not specifically mentioned in this FAQ. Please give credit where it is due.

TALES OF DESTINY 2 is (c) Namco and (c) Sony Entertainment of America.


1.0 Rasheans Forest
1.1 Far Away Village, Rasheans
1.2 Regulus Dojo
1.3 Rasheans River Pier
1.4 Town of Academia, Mintche
1.5 Mt. Mintche
1.6 Mt. Mintche Observatory
1.7 Nostos Cave
1.8 Treetop Village, Morle
1.9 Backwood of Morle
1.10 Undine Stream
1.11 Forest of Temptation - Part 1
1.12 Forest of Temptation - Part 2
1.13 Inferia City
1.14 Port of Inferia
1.15 Port Barole
1.16 City of Trade, Barole
1.17 Sylph Cavern
1.18 City of Scorched Sand, Chambard
1.19 Efreet Gorge
1.20 Farlos Sanctuary
1.21 Mt. Farlos
2.0 Cape Fortress
2.1 City of Craymel, Imen
2.2 Imen Station
2.3 Luishka Station
2.4 Ruined Village, Luishka
2.5 Mine of Gnome
2.6 Gnome's Village
2.7 Hut/Van Eltia
2.8 Port City, Peruti
2.9 Mt. Celsius
2.10 Port City, Peruti (after ice melted)
2.11 City of Craymel, Imen (destroyed)
2.12 Shileska's Hideout
2.13 Ruins of Volt
2.14 Balir Castle
2.15 Ruined Village, Luishka (revisited)
2.16 Shileska's Hideout
2.17 Seyfert Shrine
2.18 Chat's Hut
2.19 Aifread's Cavern
2.20 Van Eltia (remodeled)
2.21 City of Joy, Jini
2.22 Shadow Cave
2.23 Aifread's Platform
2.24 Tomb of Aifread
2.25 Sunken Ship
2.26 Farlos Sanctuary (Ancient Shrine)
2.27 Inferia City
2.28 Town of Academia, Mintche
2.29 City of Trade, Barole
2.30 Seyfert Observatory
3.0 Balir Castle
3.1 Regulus Knoll
3.2 Balir Castle
3.3 City of Craymel, Imen
3.4 Seyfert Observatory
3.5 Shizel Castle (first time)
3.6 Orbus Relay Point
3.7 Far Away Village, Rasheans
3.8 Craymel Hot Spring
3.9 Glimmer Spire
3.10 Katz Village
3.11 Shizel Castle (second/last time)
4.1 Medicine
4.2 Bottle
4.3 Item
4.4 Food
4.5 Valuable
4.6 Weapon
4.7 Armor(Body)
4.8 Armor(Head)
4.9 Armor(Shield)
4.10 Accessory
4.11 Recipe
4.12 Skills
4.13 Lens
4.14 Wonder Chef
4.15 Rune Bottle
4.16 Secret/Side Quest


VERSION 1.7 (November 4, 2001)
- Finish the walkthrough
- Update all Appendix section
- Made new Appendix : Secret/Side Quest

VERSION 1.6 (October 30, 2001)
- Finish Disc Two walkthrough
- Made the walkthrough until : 3.4 Seyfert Observatory
- Update all Appendix section

VERSION 1.5 (October 25, 2001)
- Made the walkthrough until : 2.26 Farlos Sanctuary (Ancient Shrine)
- Update all Appendix section

VERSION 1.4 (October 21, 2001)
- Made the walkthrough until : 2.16 Shileska's Hideout
- Made new Appendix : Rune Bottle
- Update all Appendix section

VERSION 1.3 (October 18, 2001)
- Made the walkthrough until : 2.11 City of Craymel, Imen (destroyed)
- Made new Appendix : Lens and Wonder Chef
- Update all Appendix section

VERSION 1.2 (October 14, 2001)
- Finish Disc One walkthrough
- Made the walkthrough until : 2.1 City of Craymel, Imen
- Update all Appendix section

VERSION 1.1 (October 10, 2001)
- Made the walkthrough until : 1.12 Forest of Temptation - Part 2
- Update all Appendix section

VERSION 1.0 (October 7, 2001)
- Made the walkthrough until : 1.3 Rasheans River Pier


This game was about heroic young people that determined to save the world from the
destruction. The world is in danger because of the possibility of Grand Fall, the crashing of
two worlds: Inferia and Celestia. Could they save the world? It's up to you to control them to
save this world.

WARNING! This FAQ is full of SPOILER because I will try to put all the important game's
dialogue in this FAQ. If you didn't want any SPOILER, read the other's FAQ.

This is my sixth FAQ after Vanguard Bandit FAQ, Valkyrie Profile FAQ, Eternal Eyes FAQ,
Digimon World 2 FAQ and Saiyuki Journey West FAQ. If you have comment, correction, suggestion
send me e-mail at . Always check the newer version at GAMEFAQS.




You will see a nice opening FMV. An old man is passing through the bushes in a forest with a
flashlight in his hand. He will spotted a strange machine and cute animal that looks like a
rabbit but with along tail next to the machine. Next he will spotted a young girl with strange
outfits. They will speak in some strange language.

Old Man : You're up early.

Girl : I couldn't sleep very well.

Old Man : Have you packed? Are you ready for your voyage?

Girl : I'm packed and ready to go!

Old Man : Please be careful.

Girl : I will...but I must succeed.

Old Man : I understand...Good luck.

Girl : Thank you! It's time for me to go.

The girl will get inside the machine and fly to the sky.

Old Man : Ah... We are in grave trouble... Please be safe...

/ 1.0 \_______________________________________________________________________________________
Rasheans Forest
Enemies : Night Raid, Beast Bear, Rocky Hawk, Slime
Items : Spectacles, Wooden Shield, 2x Apple Gel

Now we switch to a boy walking down the path in a forest. He will notices there is something
strange with the sky today.

Reid : Hmm?

He will comes to a tower and he will notices a girl at the top of the tower.

Reid : Huh? Is that...

The girl will notices Reid at the bottom of the tower.

Farah : Reid!!

Reid : ...Farah?

Reid will climbs the tower.

Farah : Hey! Long time no see! How's it going? Did your hunt go well?

Reid : I just took what I need for today. Nothing hard about that.

Farah : Wow! I have to admit it. You sure are handy with your sword.

Reid : Farah, it sure is a surprise to see you here.

Farah : Yeah. Lately I've been busy in the fields. Reid, do you still come here every day?

Reid : Yeah.

Farah : You've liked this place, ever since we were small.

Reid : ...So what's up today? Playing hooky?

Farah : Of course not! There's something different about the sky, so I came to take a look.

Reid : The sky?

Farah : Don't the colors look different?

Reid : ...Do they? Can't say I've noticed.

Farah : It's definitely weird!! I think something's going to happen...

Reid : Yeah, like what?

Farah : I don't know...! maybe something is about to come falling from Celestia?!

Reid : Don't sound so thrilled. Anything coming from there is bound to be bad news.

Farah : How would you know? There hasn't been contact between our worlds for 2000 years.

Reid : ANYWAY! Life is meant to be simple. When things stay the way they are, THAT"S true

Farah : Here we go again! Reid's philosophy! You never change.

Reid : Oh yeah? Well maybe I'm just that way cause of all the trouble that a certain somebody
caused! ...Farah?

Farah : Hey, over there! What's that?!

You will see something shiny coming from the sky to the ground.

Reid : Uh-oh! Farah! Run!!

Farah : Reid!!

Now you will see the tower is destroyed by something unknown coming from the sky.

Reid : ...Whew! Farah, are you okay?

Farah : Yeah, I'm okay! But something came down, didn't it? I'm gonna have a look!

Farah will runs off to check out something coming from the sky.

Reid : Hey, Farah! Wait! It's too dangerous!! ...Argh! She's always like this!

Now you can control your character. Go down two screens and pick up a Wooden Shield and a
Spectacles. Here you can see a green crystal. This green crystal is the place you will start
if you load the game. Go up first to the next screen to get a Apple Gel. Now go back to the
previous screen and this time go to the left. There are 3 paths in here: up, middle and down.
You can't take the down path; up and middle path will take you the same screen. Take up or
middle path and after that take the upper path to the next screen. Here you will find a statue
and a Apple Gel at the upper right. Now go back to the place where you can find a green
crystal. This time take the right path. Here you will find a rabbit that you saw in the
opening FMV.

Rabbit : Kuweeekeee!!

Reid : Huh? What are you? You're a peculiar looking thing...

If you get near the rabbit, it will run. It looks like it is trying to make you follow it.

Rabbit : Kwekee!

Reid : You want me to follow, is that it?

Go to the upper path. Here you will find Farah and the strange girl from the FMV. There is a
broken machine next to them.

Reid : Farah!

Farah : Reid? Over here!

Reid : What...is this? Who's...that?

The girl will speak in some strange language.

Girl : (Talking in some strange language.)

Reid : ...What?

Girl : (Talking in some strange language.)

Farah : I can't understand a single word. What do we do?

Girl : (Talking in some strange language.)

Farah : Umm...I...err...aah...

The machine is starting to glow.

Reid : A...anyway, it's dangerous here. Let's get her out of here.

Farah : Why?

Reid : Because!

Reid will carry the girl to get away from the machine. When Reid is near the girl, you can see
something shiny from the girl. After that the machine blow up.

Reid : Ouuccch. Farah, you okay?

Farah : Yeah, I'm fine. What about her?

The girl will wake up and you can see the shiny thing again.

Reid : What is this? This...rainbor light?

The girl will hug Reid.

Girl : Feeebreeel!

You will see the shiny thing again.

Rabbit : Ku...ku...kwee...kwekeee!

Reid : Ow! Ow!!

Girl : (Talking in some strange language.)

Reid : I...I got it, I got it. Can you let go of me now?

Farah : Hmmm... We don't know who she is, but one thing's for sure.

Reid : And what would that be?

Farah : She likes you.

Reid : D...don't be stupid. That's silly! She wants help...from BOTH OF US!

Girl : (Talking in some strange language.)

Farah : Help? Oh, I see! We can't understand her, but we sure can help!!!

Reid : How?

Farah : Hmmm, I wonder...

/ 1.1 \_______________________________________________________________________________________
Far Away Village, Rasheans
Items : 4x Apple Gel, Kirima, 500 Gald, Collector's Book
Lens : 2
Recipes : 2(Sandwich and Omelette)
Traveller's Shop : Apple Gel 100 Long Sword 300
Panacea Bottle 160 Whistle 300
Life Bottle 400 Soft Leather 300
Bread 60 Cloak 200
Cheese 60 Leather Helm 240
Lettuce 60 Lid Shield 100

You will be in Elder's house now.

Farah : And so that's what happened. We wanted to ask you for your advice...

Khamran : ...We'll search the site of the explosion immediately. It might still be dangerous.

Farah : Right! And umm... What about her...?

Khamran : She must be cast out. It might seem cruel, but it is my duty to protect this

Farah : That's no excuse! You're saying we just turn our backs on a girl in trouble?

Reid : Farah!

Khamran : Look at the color of her skin. Strange clothes, unintelligible speech... She could
be the seed of disaster!

Rabbit : Kuwekee!!!

Reid : Huh? ...What's wrong?

You will see a guy blows up the wall.

Khamran : Wh...what's going on?!

Girl : (Talking in some strange language.)

Guy : (Talking in some strange language.)

The guy will hit the girl.

Farah : Aaah!

Reid : Stop!

Guy : (Talking in some strange language.)

You will enter a battle with this guy.

Boss : ?????? (Hyades)
HP : 1000
EXP : 300
Gald : 800
Attack : Thunder Blade, Spark Wave
Rewards : Life Bottle(100%), Orange Gel(100%)

Strategy : This is the first boss battle. Attack him until he cornered in the back. Keep
attack him continously so he can't cast a spell. Heal with Apple Gel if you low on

Guy : (Talking in some strange language.)

Then he will disappear.

Reid : What was that?

Farah : Are you oksy?!

Girl : (Talking in some strange language.)

Farah : That man... Was he after her?

Reid : It didn't look like a father greeting his lost child, that's for sure.

Khamran : Ugh...

Farah : Ah...Elder! Are you all right? ...Are you all right?

Khamran : You two...again? are you two bringing disaster upon us...?! ...Just like before?!

Farah : You're wrong!

Reid : Elder! This has nothing to do with back then!

Khamran : Cast the girl out! Banish her!

Farah : ...I understand. We'll do as you order. However...! I'm going with her as well.

Khamran : ...Do as you wish.

Farah : Goodbye!

Reid : H...hey!

Now you will be in Farah's house.

Farah : Thanks for waiting. Tada!

Girl : (Talking in some strange language.)

Farah : She's wearing my old clothes. Whaddya think? Now when we leave the village, we won't
attract attention.

Girl : (Talking in some strange language.)

Reid : Do you really plan to leave the village?

Farah : Yeah! I've decided! First, I need to find someone who can understand her.

Reid : ...Any ideas?

Farah : Ummm... Ah, got one! How about Keele?

Reid : Keele? By Keele, you mean that crybaby good-for-nothing Keele Zeibel?

Farah : That was when he was small! He's become a student at Mintche University! Aren't the
students there well respected? He might be able to understand her!!

Reid : But it's Keele we're talking about. I wonder...

Farah : No problem! It's decided! Our destination is the Town of Academia, Mintche! Well let's
go! My little lost bird.

The girl will go closer to Reid. It looks like she doesn't want to leave without Reid.

Girl : (Talking in some strange language.)

Farah : Umm... We need to leave now. We...leave...this village. But he stays here...

Girl : Feebureel! Feebureel!

The girl will hug Reid and you can see the shiny thing again.

Reid : Ow ow ow! My name isn't Feebureel.

Farah : Hmmm... What now? Reid, what do we do? It looks like she wants to stay with you.

Reid : What do you mean, what do we do?

Farah : Well, she needs to leave the village, but she doesn't want to be separated from
you... That's all I'm saying!

Reid : ...Just as I thought. I knew this would happen. I have a bad feeling.

Farah : Here we go again. It isn't that bad being needed by such a cute girl, is it?

Reid : ...Whatever. Don't forget that it's dangerous out there. We'll need to be well

Farah : Right!

Now go outside from Farah's house. If you search the ground where you can see the farmer atop
of it, you can get Kirima. Now go inside the left house. Here search the pink pig. The pink
pig will changed into Wonder Chef. He will teach you how to make Sandwich. Now take the upper
left path to the next screen. Search the two barrels to get two Apple Gel. Search the barrel
again next to the old man to get a Apple Gel. There's nothing you can find in the barn, the
house behind the old man. Search the barrel in front of the left house to get another Apple
Gel. You can't take the left path. Now go inside the left house. This is Reid's house. Search
the basement of Reid's house. Here you can find a Lens if you search the yellow box. Now go
outside from Reid's house and enter the middle house. It's Elder's house. You can find 500
Gald if you search the cupboard next to the plant. Now go upstairs, search the bookshelf for a
Collector's Book. Now go outside from the Elder's house and take the down path. You can change
your Hand Axe with Short Sword or Short Spear if you talk to the man near the windmill. Now
search the door of the abandoned windmill to get another Lens. The right house is the
Traveller's Shop. You can buy items and equipments here. You can find the Wonder Chef if you
search the armor in this shop. This time he will teach you how to make Omelette. After you
finished all the things you have to do in this village, go to the bridge and you will have
some conversation. After that, go outside to the world map.

Farah : It's finally here... ...the day we leave the village.

Reid : Don't sound so happy about it. Mintche is far to the south. We've got some distance to

Farah : No proble! Especially with your help... Right?

Reid : Whatever...

Farah : Let's go!!

Girl : (Talking in some strange language.)

Enemies in this continent :
Day : Arrow Tail, Rocky Hawk, Slime, Mahogany, Bandit, Archer, Evil Needles, Sword Soldier,
Witch, Beast Bear, Rocky Hawk
Night : Zombie, Sprite
Beach : Sea Slug, Harpy, Red Sizzer

Now go to the bridge, south of Rasheans.

Farah : Hey, you know... We haven't introduced ourselves yet.

Reid : It's too bad we can't communicate.

Farah : My name is Farah. Understand? Farah... Farah.

Girl : (Talking in some strange language.) Farah?

Farah : Yes, Farah! And this is Reid! Reid... Reid.

Girl : (Talking in some strange language.)

Reid : It's Reid... Reid!

Girl : Reid!

Farah : Yeah! She said it! She said it!!

Girl : Meredy, Meredy, Meredy!

Farah : Meredy?

Meredy : (Talking in some strange language.)

Meredy : Kuweeeky...kuweeeky... Kuweeeky!

Redi : I guess its name is Quickie, huh.

Quickie : Kuweeekeee!

Reid : Well, that's an easy name.

Farah : Hey! This is working fine!! Understanding Meredy might be a lot easier than I thought.
Maybe we won't have to go to Mintche!

Meredy : (Talking in some strange language.)

Farah : ...Guess we'd better go see Keele after all.

Reid : Good idea.

Go south from the bridge. You can't go to Regulus Knoll for now, but you can go to Regulus
Dojo. I suggest you go to Rasheans River Pier first because you will be back to Regulus Dojo
later. Rasheans River Pier is to the south of Rasheans. Just follow the river after you cross
the bridge. From the entrance, go down two screens. Here you will find a lot of people working
to make the road cleared from the rocks.

Farah : Excuse me. Could you tell us how to get to Mintche?

Man : You have to take this road to get to Mintche, but as you see, there's been a

Reid : There isn't much we can do, Farah. Let's just rest here for today.

Meredy : (Talking in some strange language.)

Farah : Even if the path is a little rough, it's not impossible to travel across, is it? We'll
give it a try!

Man : B...but...

Farah : Let's go!

Reid : Hey, Farah! Hang on a second!!

Farah : No problem! It might be a bit rugged, but we can do it!

You will see a FMV about a mysterious light coming from the sky. This makes another landslide.
So it's impossibe for you to go this way to Mintche.

Meredy : (Talking in some strange language.)

Man : There it goes again... I wonder what's happening to the Orbus Barrier...?

Farah : Ummm... Maybe this is... ...a little dangerous...

Reid : What did I tell you?!

Man : If you're in a hurry, why don't you try our Dojo? The Master might know a different way
to get to Mintche.

Farah : Really?!

Man : Yes. The Dojo is only a little ways back from here.

Farah : Regulus Dojo? I know where it is. I used to be a student there.

Man : Oh, is that right?! Well, take care...

Farah : Thanks for helping us! Okay, let's go!

Now go back to the world map and go to Regulus Dojo.

Man : A cute girl like her... ...a martial artist?

Man : I wonder if she's strong?

Paollo : Sh...she's really strong! She's an amazing girl...

On the way to the world map, they will have some conversation.

Farah : This girl... Who exactly is she?

Reid : Strange-colored hair. Clothes I've never seen. And a weird stone on her forehead.
...Maybe a travelling performer?

Meredy has earned the title of Travelling Performer?

Farah : Ummm, ahhh... Meredy, where di you come from? Why did you come here?

Meredy : (Talking in some strange language.)

Farah : Well... If we can't understand her, we'll never get anywhere.

Meredy : Reid...

Meredy will hold Reid's hands and you can see the shiny thing again.

Meredy : Feebureel...feebureel!

Reid : Ow ow ow! What's this light? What's a feebureel?

Farah : I don't know, but it's obvious she wants your help.

Reid : Is she afraid that the one who attacked us will return?

Farah : Maybe...

Reid : Well... No point in worrying. We'll let Keele figure it out.

Farah : I guess so. It's been so long since we saw Keele! I bet he's become a great scholar!

Reid : I wonder...

/ 1.2 \_______________________________________________________________________________________
Regulus Dojo
Items : Lid Shield, Leather Helm, 2x Apple Gel, Orange Gel, Manual, Wristband, Ribbon
Lens : 2
Recipes : 1(Beef Stew)
Iron Fortress : Hard Leather 400 Wristband 240
Robe 300 Wooden Shield 200
Leather Helm 240

Grand Trophy : Apple Gel 100 Bear Meat 150
Panacea Bottle 160 Carrot 50
Life Bottle 400 Cabbage 60
Spectacles 50

Victory Shop : Francesca 400 Short Sword 200
Short Spear 300 Power Arms 400

The right house is where you buy weapons, items, and armors. The left house is Regulus Inn. In
second floor, you can find Lid Shield if you search the vase beside the upper right bed. You
can get another recipe from Wonder Chef if you search the strange yellow thing on the upper
right. This tome he will teach you how to make Beef Stew. If you search the well, you will
heard someone said "Not enough karma". Maybe there's a secret in this well but for now, you
can do nothing. Go up to the stairs, you will have some conversation.

Farah : This place hasn't changed at all!

Reid : Weren't you a student here not long ago? Of course it hasn't changed.

At the front of the Dojo.

Reid : So this is the Great Dojo.

Farah : Let's go in.

Quickie : Kwekeee, kwek kwek, kwekeee!!

Meredy : (Talking in some strange language.)

Farah : Wh...what's wrong?

Reid : Maybe it's hungry.

Farah : We'll eat after we see my teacher, okay?

Inside the Dojo.

Reid : Excuse me. Anybody...

Reid will be surrounded by 8 men.

Reid : Whoa!

Farah : Reid!

Meredy : (Talking in some strange language.)

Man : Surrender!!

You will enter a battle.

Enemies : 8x Monk
HP : 500
Strategy : Just attack one side first. It's up to you, left or right. After you killed all the
Monks at one side, kill the monks in another side too.

Franco : Ho ho ho...enough! That was quite impressive!

Reid : Wh...what?

Franco : You have great skills for one so young. The decision has been made. Welcome to our

Reid : J...just wait a second. I don't want to join any dojo.

Franco : Then why did you fight?

Reid : I was just defending myself!

Farah : It's been so long, Master Franco!

Franco : Ahhh, Farah! What brings you here? Do you wish to train with us again?

Farah : Well...no. Actually, we wish to go to Mintche as soon as possible. But the path has
been blocked by a rockslide, so...

Franco : So that is your reason...

Farah : Yes...one of many.

Franco : ...Very well. Let us talk in my room. And you young man, what is your name?

Reid : Me? ...Reid Hershel.

Franco : Ahem...Reid. Perhaps you wish to join my dojo?

Reid : Well, actually, I...

Franco : no need to hurry. Join us after your business is settled.

Reid : Well, I'm really not interested.

Franco : I see... Ahem...right.

If you search the red thing at the left of the entrance, you will get a Leather Helm. You can
get an Apple Gel fi you search the red thing at the right of the entrance. You can get another
Apple Gel if you search the vase at the upper left. Go up to the next screen. First enter the
far right door. You can find an Orange Gel if you search the vase near the entrance. You can
get a Lens if you search the thing next to the vase where you find the Orange Gel. Now go to
the second room from the right. Here you can find another Lens if you search the table. You
can get Manual if you talk to the right monk and choose "Manual Mode". Now enter the third
room from the right. Here you can have a fight with 8 monks like the previous fight, but this
time you will not alone. Before talking to Franco, there's two pillars outside Franco's Room.
Search pillar on the left to get a Wristband and you can found new path to get a Ribbon. Now
talk to Franco.

Franco : Let us talk in my room.

In Franco's room.

Meredy : (Talking in some strange language.)

Farah : Ah, she is... Umm...

Franco : Hmm. I know you not, but your eyes do not lie. Follow your heart's path. That is

Farah : ...Yes!

Franco : Well then, I shall teach you a useful skill.

Farah : Thank you very much!

Farah learned Healer.

Franco : Hmm. And Reid... Your swordplay is quite impressive. Where did you learn it?

Reid : Where? Well, I just go out and hunt every day for food, that's all...

Paollo : E...excuse me!

Franco : Ah, Paollo. I'd like you to use your Craymel Artes to help them get to Mintche. After
all, you're the only one in this dojo who knows the Water Craymel Artes.

Paollo : G...gladly!

Franco : Then I'll leave the rest to you. Now if you'll excuse me, it's time for training. If
you want to learn more about fighting or wish to learn higher level skills, go next

Farah : Thank you for everything.

Franco : Hmm...and Reid. Are you sure you don't want to join my dojo? Uh...forget I mentioned

Reid : So, what do we do now?

Paollo : W...w...w...well... W...will you come with me to the Craymel Artes training room? I
need to make preparations.

Now go to the far right room.

Paollo : The Rasheans River is a shortcut to Mintche.

Farah : But...isn't that river pretty rough?

Paollo : No problem. We can borrow the strengths of the Water Craymels.

Reid : Cray...mel?

Farah : Reid, don't tell me you don't know what a Craymel is?

Reid : I don't have interest in anything that doesn't fill my stomach.

Paollo : Craymels are not material beings. Fire, wind, water, light... They reside within all
things and have many manifestations.

Farah : And like Paollo, those who have the ability to control Craymels and their phenomena,
are called Craymel Mages. Right?

Paollo : Uh, well... With a little training, anybody with a Craymel Cage can learn...

Reid : Is that thing in your hand a Craymel Cage?

Paollo : Ye...yes. That's right. By sealing Craymels within this Craymel Crystal, you can
perform various Craymel Artes.

Reid : Ahh...I see. Just stick the Craymels in there...

Farah : ...Many ages ago, it is said there were many Craymel Cages and many knew how to use
Craymel Artes.

Reid : Wow...

Paollo : W...well then. I'll be waiting for you at Rasheans River Pier. Please come when
you're ready.

Behind Regulus Dojo, you can find a big round green plain. If you walk around, you will go to
a screen where you can find old soldier who will teach you Range Attack command.

/ 1.3 \_______________________________________________________________________________________
Rasheans River Pier
Items : N/A
Mini Game : River Rafting

Go to the bridge and talk to Paollo. Choose yes if you are ready.

Paollo : I will call on the Craymels to calm the waters of Rasheans River. While it's calm,
take the raft down the river.

Paollo : (Talking in some strange language.)

He will make the river calm down.

Reid : Wow!

Meredy : (Talking in some strange language.)

Paollo : Y...y...yes?

Reid : P...please! Don't mind her.

Paollo : May Serfect protect you along the way...

Farah : Thank you, Paollo. Good luck to you, too!

Paollo : Um...uh...thanks.

Farah : Paollo and I studied together at the dojo.

Paollo : You...remember me...!

Farah : Well, let's go!

Mini-Game:How to Play
River Rafting
Left/Right Steer the raft X Accelerate
Steer the raft downstream. As you accelerate, the acceleration gauge will rise. The raft
cannot be steered when the gauge is filled. Temporary loss of control will result if the raft
hits an obstacle or the riverside.

This is your first mini game. This mini game is just for fun. Just follow the stream until you
reach the end of your ride. You will be back in the world map. Just follow the path east to
reach Town of Academia, Mintche.

/ 1.4 \_______________________________________________________________________________________
Town of Academia, Mintche
Items : N/A
Lens : 2
Recipes : 1(Hamburger)
Mini Game : Craymel Ball
Student Store : Apple Gel 100 Francesca 400
Orange Gel 200 Long Spear 500
Panacea Bottle 160 Rod 400
Life Bottle 400 Ribbon 200
Spectacles 50 Cape 30
Long Sword 300
Take Out : Bread 60 Lettuce 60
Rice 100 Tomato 80
Cheese 60 Onion 50
Bear Meat 150

When you enter Mintche, you will have some conversation.

Farah : Mintche sure is a lively place!

Meredy : (Talking in some strange language.)

Reid : They all look the same to me... How are we ever going to find Keele?

Farah : He's our childhood friend! We'll recognize him in an instant! Hopefully... Well,
first... ...Let's try Mintche University!

The house on your left is Mintche Inn. There's nothing you can found here. Go to the north
house, it is a bit to the right. This is Student Store. The house to the left is Cafetaria.
You can get a recipe from Wonder Chef if you search the red flower. This time he will teach
you how to make Hamburger. There are 2 roads in here. Left road is the way to University.
Right road is the way to the harbor. There's nothing you can find at the right road. But if
you want to see the right road, the big house to the north is a church. If you go the right
again, it is the harbor. So let's take the left road. There are 2 roads in here : up and left.
The big house in the middle is a library. There's nothing you can find here, in this room or
in the next room. So let's take the upper path. You will get a sequence in here.

Katrine : Pierre, don't worry and go on ahead! As soon as I've gathered the research
materials, I'll go straight to Inferia City.

Pierre : Thank you. I'll be waiting at the Observatory. Let's get married after the Academic

Katrine : Yes!

Pierre : Katrine! I love you!

Katrine : I love you, Pierre!

Farah : Say, is anything wrong?

Reid : Hey, Farah! We should mind our own business...!

Katrine : There's an important Academic Conference coming up in Inferia City, but I haven't
completed preparing the paper to be presented yet...

farah : Uh-huh.

Katrine : So we decided to have Pierre go on ahead, and I would follow after him after I
prepare the paper.

Farah : I see. Will you make it on time?

Katrine : Yes. I don't have that much more to do.

Farah : It sounds like you'll be okay!

Katrine : Well... You see, I've never been outside of Mintche... I don't know if I can get to
Inferia City all on my own...

Farah : Don't be so negative. You can do it! You can do anything if you put your mind to it!

Katrine : I...I guess you're right! Thank you! All right! No problem!

Farah : It must be so nice to be in love...

Search the left tree near two girls to get a Lens. If you talk to two girls at the upper
screen, you can play a mini game.

Mini-Game:How to Play
Craymel Ball
Directional Button Move the player X Elemental Bomb
Hit your opponent with the ball. Same colors repel. Different colors attract.
Elemental Bomb
The radius of the player's color will temporarily expand and then disappear.

If you win three times in a row, you can earned the title of Master Roller. After you have
enough fun, get back to the previous screen and this time take the left road to Mintche
University. You will be stopped by the girl from entering the next screen.

Girl : Can I help you?

Reid : Um... Ah...

Farah : Can you tell us where Keele Zeibel is, please? He should be a student here.

Girl : Pardon me, but what is your relationship with the student?

Reid : We're childhood fr...

Farah : We're his family!! Our father is sick, and we have to get in touch with him right

Girl : Just a moment, please. ID Number 34604, Keele Zeibel. Light Craymel Department.

Farah : Light Craymel Department? Where...is that?

Meredy : (Talking in some strange language.)

Quickie : Kukuku...kweeekeee!

Girl : Eeek!

Reid : Uh-oh!

Girl : What do you think you're doing?!

Farah : Th...Thanks for everything!

The right room is Fire Craymel Laboratory. The middle room is Light Craymel Laboratory. The
left room is a classroom. Go to the middle room.

Farah : So this must be the Light Craymel Laboratory. Wait, okay? We'll be right back.

Meredy : (Talking in some strange language.)

Farah : Let's go in.

Reid : They look quite busy...

Farah : Let's look for someone who's willing to talk to us.

Now go talk to the girl at the north.

Farah : Um, excuse me. Do you know Keele Zeibel?

Girl : Keele? Are you friends of his?

Farah : Yes! So you must know Keele!

Girl : My name is Zank. I'm a research assistant, just as he was.

Reid : And where is Keele now?

Zank : Well...

Meredy will enter the room and something happened in this room.

Reid : What's happening?

Farah : Meredy!

Meredy : (Talking in some strange language.)

Quickie : Kweke, kwekeee!

All the machines in this room blow up.

Farah : Meredy, did you do that?

Meredy : (Talking in some strange language.)

A man will enter the room.

Zank : Oh, Dean Carlyle...

Carlyle : Are you responsible for this?!

Reid : Well, not exactly... You could say it was our fault, but, then again...

Carlyle : I don't want to hear any excuses! What are you going to do about this damage?

Farah : Well, we... I don't know...

Carlyle : Zank! Show these outsiders to the exit! Kick them out of school grounds!

Zank : Y...yes, sir.

Your party will exit the room and go to the classroom.

Zank : Don't worry about what the dean says. Carlyle has a short temper, but he'll forget all
about it soon...

farah : I'm sorry.

Zank : Can I ask you a question? Was that the Melnics language she spoke?

Meredy : (Talking in some strange language.)

Farah : The Melnics language?!

Zank : I'm sure of it! All the Craymel Mage spells are in the same ancient language she was
using! I'm studying about it in school now.

Reid : Does that mean you can understand what Meredy says?

Zank : I'm afraid I can't... Your average Craymel Mages shouldn't be able to speak such pure
Melnics language... I...is she a...?! Excuse me... I hope my question isn't rude, but
might you be an Imperial Craymel Mage?

Reid : An Imperial Craymel Mage? Her...?

Zank : But why would an Imperial Craymel Mage come here? Does she have some connection with

Reid : Well, you see...

Meredy : (Talking in Melnics language.)

Farah : Oh, no! the Imperial Craymel Mage has divine messages for us!

Zank : Huh? What? Divine messages...?

Farah : We must find Keele now! Where do you suppose he is?

Zank : He's at the Mt. Mintche Observatory.

Farah : Mt. Mintche is the mountain southwest of Mintche, isn't it? Thank you! Oops! I almost
forgot... Why isn't Keele at the university?

Zank : Oh, that's because he's been suspended from school... He started spouting about the
theory of World Chain Destruction, and turned Carlyle and everyone else in the school
against him.

Farah : World destruction...? Why would Keele think of such a thing?

Zank : Even if you do go find him, he might refuse to see you. He's even turned me away a few

Farah : Anyway, we've got to meet him in person! Thanks for all your help. Thanks for waiting.

Meredy : (Talking in Melnics language.)

Reid : Her...an Imperial Craymel Mage? I can't imagine...

Meredy has earned the title of Craymel Mage?

Farah : Well, it's certainly a big step forward for us to learn that she speaks Melnics! No
problem! What we have to do now is head for Mt. Mintche Observatory to the southwest
from here!

If you go to the second floor, you will find Water Craymel Laboratory to the right and Wind
Craymel Laboratory to the left. In the third floor, you will find Exam Room - Intermediate to
the right and Exam Room - Beginner to the left. If you enter Exam Room - Beginner and talk to
the man, you can try to answer the questions from Chelsea about Namco's games. If you win, you
will get the title of Namco Teacher and Melange Gel. You can find Exam Room - Advanced at the
fourth floor. You can get a Lens if you search the machine at Water Craymel Laboratory(2nd
floor) after you get Keele. After you finished all the business at Mintche, now go southwest
to Mt. Mintche Observatory.

1. Philia's Rank -> Priestess
2. The color of Ms. Pacman eyes -> black
3. What happened to Marian in Mikheil -> escaped in the lower pod
4. Namco Museum Vol. 3 -> Klonoa, Mr. Driller
5. Official mascot of Namco -> Pac-Man
6. Rembrandt often say -> Hee, hee
7. The name of bio-alloy -> Belselium
8. Shop the first to settled -> Inn
9. OO -> Blue Lightning
10. The color of Ms. Pacman's ribbon -> pink
11. Name of the navy in Aquaveil -> Black Cross Navy
12. Game does not belong in the list -> Air Combat, Target Zone
13. Hatred in Junkland -> Philia
14. Character does not belong to the list -> Stahn Aileron
15. Title was not produced by Namco -> Fighting Calibur, Tales of Dragon
16. Female general from 7 generals -> Melina
17. Doors in Hidden Temple -> 3
18. Name of the sea dragon -> Bernardo
19. Stahn's sister -> Lilith
20. Not namco arcade hit -> Dragon Valor
21. Homing beacon -> Tiara
22. Alba request Chelsea to return for -> sew buttons on his pants
23. Anti-grav elevator at Radisrol linked to -> Darilsheid
24. Item needed at Frozen River -> Fur Cape
25. Baruk reveal his intention to -> return the world to zero
26. Mini-game at Cherik -> Tag

/ 1.5 \_______________________________________________________________________________________
Mt. Mintche
Enemies : Rock Golem, Rocky Hawk, Harpy
Items : Saber, Orange Gel, Apple Gel, 600 Gald, Pole Axe

The enemies in this place is keep appearing, never ending. The way to prevent the monsters
from appearing is by dropping the rock from above the cave. First all you have to do is move
the rock(press X in front of the rock) to designated place, you can see the place where to put
the rock and the rock will fall down closing the cave. In the first screen, get Saber and
Orange Gel from the chests. After that, go to the next screen. You can camp here to restores
your HP. After that, go up to the next screen. Get Apple Gel near the entrance. Drop the rock
like before to prevent monsters from appearing. Get 600 Gald and Pole Axe above the place you
get Apple Gel. After get all the items, go left to next screen. Here, just go left again
across the bridge to get back to the world map. Now just go up a little to reach Mt. Mintche

/ 1.6 \_______________________________________________________________________________________
Mt. Mintche Observatory
Items : Holy Bottle
Lens : 1

Reid : It looks like nobody is here.

Farah : HELLO!! Keele!!

Keele : It's useless I tell you!!

Farah : Aaah!

Meredy : (Talking in Melnics language.)

Keele : Craymel movements are causing a buildup in the Grobule distortion field. And if you're
sating that the Orbus Wave has no relationship to the Doctark Effect, you need to
rethink the basics of Craymelology.

Farah : ...Keele?

Keele : Huh? You're not from Mintche University?

Farah : It's me, Farah Oersted! Farah, your childhood friend! It's been a long time. How are

Keele : Farah...?

Farah : You've really grown! For a minute, I didn't recognize you.

Reid : Well it's been 10 years. Of course he's changed.

Keele : Is that you, Reid?

Reid : Hey there.

Farah : Yippee! The old gang is back again!!

Meredy : (Talking in Melnics language.)

Keele : Who's this?!

Farah : Her name is Meredy. We came to see you because we want to help her.

Reid : She only speaks Melnics. Can you help?

Keele : Melnics language? Who is she anyway?!

Reid : We don't know. That's why we're here.

Keele : Melnics language, huh... Okay!

Keele will drag Meredy.

Farah : Keele has really made something of himself. I'm so proud of him... Don't you think so
too, Reid?

Reid : Let's catch up to them.

Farah : Umm, okay.

Keele : (Talking in Melnics language.) <>

Keele : (Talking in Melnics language.) <>

Meredy : (Talking in Melnics language.)

Keele : Ah, ahem!

Keele : (Talking in Melnics language.) <>

Meredy : (Talking in Melnics language.)

Keele : (Talking in Melnics language.) <>

Reid : Hey, hey. Are you getting anywhere?

Keele : No... You can't be!!

Farah : You understood?! I knew you could do it!

Keele : She said... She's from Celestia...

Farah : Celestia?!

Reid : Celestia?!

Farah : You mean she's from that world hanging in the sky upside down?!

Reid : Oh, come on, now! Meredy is a little weird, but she's obviously a regular person...!

Farah : That's right! Celestians are supposed to be...

Keele : Volume 2, Chapter 2 of the Leonoa Encyclopedia says that Celestians are a ferocious,
man-eating race...

farah : She couldn't possibly...

keele : Well, true or not, that's what she said.

Meredy : (Talking in Melnics language.)

Keele : What's that thing on her head? It looks like...a stone.

Meredy : (Talking in Melnics language.)

Meredy will hit Keele because he is so rude touching her head.

Keele : Ow!!

Farah : Keele!

Reid : I think I know what she just said. She just called you a pervert.

Quickie : Kwek...kwek!

Keele : Anyway... We have to find out what she wants. Hmm... Oh, here it is.

Keele : (Talking in Melnics language.) <>

Keele : (Talking in Melnics language.) <>

Meredy : (Talking in Melnics language.)

Keele : Um...

Reid : He's lost...

Farah : It's an ancient language. Even Keele can't get it all at once...

Keele : I...I can do it! This is no different than all the research that I've done!

Meredy will spotted something.

Meredy : (Talking in Melnics language.)

It turned out to be a map.

Meredy : (Talking in Melnics language.)

Keele : Yes, that's right! On the bottom is Inferia, and on the top is Celestia. In the middle
is the Orbus Barrier. All of this collectively is called Eternia. This is the world we
live in.

Meredy : In-fe-ri-a! Ce-les-ti-a! Boom!!

Farah : An explosion?

Reid : ...No way.

Meredy : In-fe-ri-a! Ce-les-ti-a! Boom!!

Reid : Hey, Keele. Explain for us.

Keele : Come over here. Look through here.

Reid : What does this have to do with anything?

Keele : Just look!

Reid will look through the telescope.

Keele : Can you see the Orbus Barrier?

Reid : ...Yeah. So?

Keele : I'll enlarge it. Wait.

Keele will enlarge the focus and you will see a dark hole in the sky.

Reid : What's this?

Keele : The dark matter... It seems to be growing bigger by the day.

Farah : ...And that must be why the color of the sky is different.

Reid : So, what's that dark matter...?

Keele : A sign of world destruction. It's possible that Meredy is here to warn us of the
danger. We should look into this further.

Reid : Look into it? How?

Keele : We've got to go see Professor Mazet. He's an authority on the Melnics language. He
left Mintche University, and he's currently living in Morle Village.

Reid : You're kidding, right...? Morle is on a whole different continent! This is getting

Farah : I'm going with Keele! I can't just ignore Meredy.

Meredy : (Talking in Melnics language.) Reid,...

Keele : We're leaving! Are you ready?

Reid : Keele, you're not much of a traveler. Are you sure you're going to be okay?

Keele : That was when I was a little kid! I...I'm fine, now!

Reid : We'll see...

Farah : Well, let's go!

Keele : Hmph!

Reid : This is going to be one long trip...

Farah : Don't worry! It'll work out somehow. No problem!

Keele : Farah. To get to Morle, you have to go through Nostos Cave located to the east of

Reid : I dunno about this...

Enter Mt. Mintche Observatory again to get Holy Bottle from the chest and a Lens if you search
the box next to the Holy Bottle. Now go back to the world map and go back to Mt. Mintche. Now
go to the place where you can camp, you will have some conversation here.

Keele : W...wait...

Reid : What? Out of breath? Heh...as weak as ever.

Keele : Gimme' a break! I've had insufficient sleep lately.

Farah : Why don't we camp here? We still have long ways to go...

Now you will be in front of fireworks at night.

Meredy : (Talking in Melnics language.)

Keele : Don't touch me!

Farah : Keele, you don't need to speak like that!

Keele : You can't be too careful around people you don't know. But she could be useful. At the
very least, I hope to build a solid bridge of communication.

Reid : Useful?

Keele : Once I gather enough evidence about the dangers of the dark matter, I can return to
Mintche University. Better yet, I might even be invited to join the Royal Observatory
of Astronomy.

Reid : So the only reason why you're so cooperative is for your own benefit... You've become
quite the opportunist.

Keele : You're wrong! I'm simply searching for the truth. And for that, I need the best
environment possible!

Meredy : (Talking in Melnics language.)

Keele : Don't touch me!

Keele will hit Meredy away.

Reid : is that a Craymel Cage? You have one, too?

Keele : D...don't be stupid! I'm not like those rogue Craymel students! Unlike them, I've
actually studied the Light Craymels. Grobule distortion and Kaloric flow fundamentals
suggest a practical scientific application. For instance...

Reid : I got it, I got it. You're something else!

Keele : Hmph.

Farah : No problem...?

Now just follow the way to get back to the world map. Go east to reach Nostos Cave.

/ 1.7 \_______________________________________________________________________________________
Nostos Cave
Enemies : Sea Slug, Sprite, Zombie, Brown Pot, Red Sizzer
Items : 2x Orange Gel, Panacea Bottle, Protector, Buckler, Chain Arms, Circlet, Life Bottle,
Battle Axe, Rapier
Lens : 1
Egg Merchant : Apple Gel 100 Holy Bottle 200
Orange Gel 200 Dark Bottle 200
Panacea Bottle 160 Spectacles 50
Life Bottle 400

In front of the cave, you will see a man came out from the cave.

Reid : Wow! Those eggs look good...

Man : I won't sell these even for ten thousand Gald! Yes, even that! They came at the cost of
my partner's life...

Farah : What kind of eggs are those?

Man : Egg Bear's. Egg Bear eggs fetch a high price as miracle cures. I got them form the
mountain, but we were spotted by the Egg Bear parents...

Reid : You weren't very lucky.

Man : But my merchant spirit won't die here. For my partner, I will earn, earn, and earn some
more! ...Are you interested in anything besides Egg Bear eggs?

You can buy some items from this man. After finished buying, enter the cave. Upon enetring,
you will have a little conversation.

Keele : It seems that the tidal movement here is affected by time.

There are 2 paths in here: up and right. Take the upper path first to get an Orange Gel in the
next screen. Get back to the previous screen and take the right path. You will get a sequence
in the next screen.

Farah : Hey, Keele. Are you okay? Should we camp?

Keele : N...no... I'll be fine...

Farah : Hee hee hee. We've grown and learned to say complicated stuff. But when you get right
down to it, we never really change, do we?

Reid : You can say that again. Nothing at all.

You will be in the past when the three of you were chased by a monster.

Keele : Waaahhh!

Farah : I'll fight you!

Reid will throw something to the monster and the monster will chasing Reid.

Farah : It's all right now, Keele.

Keele : Waaaahhh...

Farah : I said it's all right... Um, ah, waaaahhhh!

You will be back to the present.

Farah : Well, at least it looks like he doesn't cry anymore.

Keele will fall down again.

Farah : Keele! Are you all right?

Keele : Of...of course!

Reid : But his adolescent charm sure is gone...

Get Panacea Bottle from the pouch and Protector from the chest in this screen. Now go to the
next screen from upper right path. Get Buckler and Chain Arms from the chests in this screen.
Go to the north to the next screen and you will be confronted by a Bear.

Keele : An Egg Bear!!

Farah : Aaah!

Meredy : (Talking in Melnics language.)

Reid : Leave it to me! An Egg Bear should be an easy kill!!

Boss : Egg Bear
HP : 3200
EXP : 32
Gald : 90
Attack : 130 (Physical Attack)
Defense : 120
Intelligence : 50
Strong : Earth, Ice
Weak : Fire
Rewards : Bear Meat(40%)

Strategy : The easy way to defeat this boss is use Lightning Blade and Demon Hammer

Keele : Huff...ha...hah. An...easy fight.

Reid : Then why do you look so tired?

Farah : Why don't we camp here?

Reid : ...Yeah. I'm starved!

Your party will be in front of fireworks and Reid will hold his sword.

Keele : What are you doing?

Reid : Huh? I'm making jerky. If you dry Egg Bear meat, it makes good emergency rations.

Keele : I'm afraid I can't agree. Over time, Eggbear meat undergoes a chemical transformation
and loses much of its nutrients.

Reid : What're you talking about, Keele? You've never even eaten it!

Keele : I don't need to eat it to know. It's explained in detail in Volume 3, Chapter 21 of
the Leonoa Encyclopedia.

Reid : Humph! I don't care what it says. I eat it all the time and I know I'm right!

Farah : Boys! Calm down. Does it matter either way?

Reid : Keele, don't even think I'm sharing this with you!

Keele : Fine. I could care less.

Farah : ...Boys will be boys.

If you see the message "It's now high tide", go back to previous room. This time you will see
the cave is full by water. Now you can get the treasures that before you can't get. Get
Circlet and Life Bottle from the chests. Now head to the very first entrance. Then head left
and go past the smaller pool of water. It will then say that the tide is high. Then proceed
upper right. The level of the water will be even higher. There will be a log for you to get
the Rapier from the chest. Now go back to the place where you camp before. Take the north
route. Get a Battle Axe from the chest. Take the right route where you see the blood. Here you
will find a man and 3 egg bear. Go to the north and get an Orange Gel from the pouch. Now go
to the north cave and search the wood for a Lens. Get back to the room where you got the
Battle Axe and take the north route to get back to the world map.

Enemies in this continent :
Day : Thug, Sorcerer, Woods Worm, Warbear, Egg Bear, Striker, Mage, Mocking Plant, Evil
Needles, Troll, Marcroid, Minicoid
Night : Skeleton, Specter
Beach : Crusher, Forest Hawk, Starfish

/ 1.8 \_______________________________________________________________________________________
Treetop Village, Morle
Items : Holy Bottle, Monster Collection, Inferia Map, Orz Earring
Lens : 1
Recipes : 2(Garden Salad and Fruit Juice)
Traveler's Shop : Apple Gel 100 Holy Bottle 200
Orange Gel 200 Dark Bottle 200
Panacea Bottle 160 Spectacles 50
Melange Gel 1000 Life Bottle 400
Treetop : Bread 60 Carrot 50
Bear Meat 150 Cucumber 50
Cheese 60 Lemon 60
Lettuce 60 Strawberry 80
Cabbage 60 Kirima 80

From the entrance, go up two screens. Climb the ladder. The house to the left is Traveler's
Shop. Climb the ladder again to the next screen. The first house is Morle Inn. The second
house to the left is Treetop. Here you will get a sequence.

Farah : Huh? Aren't you...

Old Man : All right, Simone! Grandpa will buy you anything you want!

Reid : Simone? Wasn't your name Katrine...?

Katrine : I guess Simone is the name of this man's grandchild. When I asked for directions to
Inferia City, he thought I was her!

Farah : And you've been stuck here ever since...?

Katrine : He seemed so happy, I couldn't disappoint him...!

Farah : Simone suddenly has some urgent business in Inferia City! Is it all right if she goes?

Old Man : Is that so? Well, I guess Simone's all grown up now and has more important things to
do. Take care of yourself, Simone!

Katrine : I...I will! Thank you for your help! I thought I might end up as Simone forever! I
must be on my way now!

Katrine will leave them.

Reid : ...I wonder if she knows the way from here to Inferia City?

At Treetop, you can get a Holy Bottle if you search the barrel, not the big one. If you search
the small pumpkin, you can get another recipe from Wonder Chef. This time he will teach you
how to make Garden Salad. Now go to the bottom of the stairs and continue up. Go up again in
the next screen. There are two routes here : left and down. Take the left route first and
continue up. The big house at the top of tree belongs to Professor Mazet.

Keele : This is certain to be it. The domicile of Professor Mazet.

Reid : ...How long has it been since you've seen this professor of yours?

Keele : About three years.

Reid : Why does he have to live way out here like this?

Keele : I'm not certain. But if I know the Professor, I'll bet he's got some sort of good

Now enter Mazet's house. You will see an old man.

Keele : Professor Mazet!

Mazet : Why, if it isn't Keele!

Keele : How have you been? I've come with a favor to ask of you!

Mazet : Calm down, now...! you haven't changed at all, Keele! Whenever you discovered
something new, you never could contain your excitement.

Reid : Heh, heh. He knows you pretty well.

Farah : Leave it to the professor!

Keele : I...I apologize for my rudeness. Ummm...have you been well?

Mazet : Ha ha ha! That's quite all right. So tell me what brings you here.

Keele : Thank you! Well, the reason why...

Meredy : (Talking in Melnics language.)

mazet : I see... So she says she's a Celestian?

Keele : Of course., I don't believe everything she says... But I would like your advice on how
we may be able to communicate with her.

Mazet will take something from the cupboard.

Mazet : I would like all of you to have one of these.

Farah : They're pretty!

Mazet : It is called an Orz Earring.

Keele : Orz Earring...

Reid : Have you heard of it?

Keele : All high-level Craymel Mages wear it. They say that putting it on your ears allows you
to communicate with Craymels.

Farah : Communicate? With...Craymels?!

Reid : Okay... But what does the Orz Earring have to do with Meredy?

Keele : I get it! Craymels speak the Melnics language, too!!

Mazet : Correct. The concept might be applicable to this instance as well.

Reid : But we aren't Craymel Mages...

Mazet : Try putting them on. Then listen carefully to what Meredy says.

Farah : It sounds easy! Let's try it!

They will wear the earrings.

Farah : Okay, I'm ready! Meredy, can you understand me? Answer me if you do!

Meredy : (Talking in Melnics language.)

Farah : Reid! Keele! Did you understand what she said?

Reid : Not a thing. It's not working at all.

Farah : Meredy, say something again. Tell me if you understand me!

Meredy : (Talking in Melnics language.)

Mazet : It may take some time. The Orz Earring will not work unless you are all on the same
psychic wave...

Farah : Psychic...wave?

Reid : Doesn't sound easy...

Meredy will notice something missing.

Farah : What's the matter? Calm down...

Reid : Did you eat something bad?

Meredy : (Talking in Melnics language.)

Meredy will leave Mazet's house.

Reid : Hey, what do we do?

Farah : We can't let her go off by herself!

Reid : I guess not.

Keele : I don't understand! What's the matter with her?

Mazet : Keele. Listen... She's human, just like you. Remember... Okay?

Keele : Y...yes. I understand.

Reid : Where could Meredy have gone?

Now go to the backwoods of Morle. It's just down three screens from Mazet's house.

/ 1.9 \_______________________________________________________________________________________
Backwood of Morle
Enemies : Mocking Plant, Mahogany, Marcroid, Minicoid, Woods Worm, Evil Needles
Items : Knight Saber, Chirp Whistle, Iron Helm

At the entrance, you can see Meredy go down to the next screen, follow her. At the next
screen, Meredy will go to the left. Before following Meredy, get Knight Saber from the chest.
In the next screen, you can camp here to restores your HP. After that, go down to the next
screen. Now follow Meredy again to the next screen. Don't forget to take Chirp Whistle from
the chest. At the next screen, get an Iron Helm from the chest. Climb down the rope and go to
the left. You will see Meredy and Quickie here with a monster.

Farah : Look, over there!

Reid : Meredy!

Quickie : Kweekeeeeee!!

Meredy : (Talking in Melnics language.)

Farah : There's Quickie! Meredy's trying to save Quickie!

Reid : She was looking for Quickie...

Farah : We've got to save them!

Now go near the monster to make the battle occur.

Boss : Insect Plant(with the help of 3x Evil Needles)
HP : 8800
EXP : 115
Gald : 500
Attack : 70 (Running through your character)
Element Attack : Earth
Defense : 10
Intelligence : 0
Strong : Water, Earth
Weak : Fire
Rewards : Kirima(25%)

Strategy : The Insect Plant is very big and have a lot of HP but it isn't very strong. Just
hit him with your skill and the battle will be over in no time. I suggest you kill
the Evil Needles first so you can concentrate your attack on Insect Plant.

Farah : Meredy! Everything's fine now. Meredy, I'm sorry. I didn't realize Quickie was gone.

Keele : Hey, do you understand?! Monsters are vicious and dangerous! You put us in danger,
too! As part of the group, you don't go off alone like that! Got it?!

Farah : C'mon that's enough! After all, we're all fine.

Meredy : ...Sorry.

Keele : Hmph. Anyway, next time...

Keele and Farah will notice they can understand what Meresy said.

Meredy : Okay! You saved Meredy and Quickie. Thank you!

Reid : No need to thank us. Let's get back to Professor Mazet's house.

Meredy : You bet!

Farah : Reid?

Reid : What?

Keele : The earrings? Are you wearing them?

Reid : Yeah.

Meredy : Pretty!

Reid : Hey, stop that! Th...that tickles!

Meredy : Same as Meredy!

Reid : Well, yeah. We put these on so that we can communicate.

Farah : ...Reid?

Keele : Not a very sharp guy!

Reid : Huh?

Reid : I...I'm talking to Meredy???

Finally Reid understand what they are surprised about.

Meredy : Hweel! Yes you are talking ! It's Meredy. Reid, not too sharp.

Reid : Ow ow ow!

If you search the crystal, your HP will be restored. Now get out from this forest. On your way
to Mazet's house, in the place where you can camp, you will have some conversation.

Keele : Tell me! Have you really come from Celestia?

Meredy : You bet.

Keele : Let me see some evidence.

Meredy : (Talking in Melnics language.) What's eveedensh?

Keele : Then, is it true the world is in danger? What kind of technology does Celestia
possess? What exactly is that stone attached to your forehead? Do all Celestians wear
such a stone?! C'mon, tell me!

Meredy will push Keele down.

Meredy : Keele, ruuuude!

Keele : Wh...who's the rude one?!

Farah : Come on, cool down. Say, Meredy. Can you tell us the reason you came to Inferia?

Meredy : You bet. Ummm...Meredy...wanna stop the Grand Fall. Need help...

Keele : Grand Fall? ...That's something not found even in the Leonoa Encyclopedia.

Meredy : The Grand Fall is when Celestia and Inferia come closer together...and then... BOOOM!

Keele : inferia and Celestia, colliding?!

Meredy : (Talking in Melnics language.) You bet. Going to collide. Collide is very bad.

Farah : Th...that can't be...

Reid : Th...there and here, colliding?! Are you serious? What's gonna happen? Are we all gonna
be flattened?!

Keele : Why had the balance collapsed? Was it a side effect of the raised Craymel pressure
caused by Grobule distortion? Or is it that the localized stress from the Craymel Zone
has caused a Doctark Effect in the Orbus Barrier?

Farah : Meredy, are you here because you know how to prevent the Grand Fall?

Meredy : You bet! Gather the Greater Craymels in Inferia. If we do that, the collision will

Keele : Form a pact with the Greater Craymels? What nonsense! It's impossible! Craymels and
people live in different worlds. That's especially true for Greater Craymels. Making
contact is hard enough. A pact? Forget it!

Meredy : (Talking in Melnics language.) No problem!

Meredy : Celestian Craymel Cage! Greater Craymels enter from here.

Keele : Are you suggesting that Greater Craymels can be captured in a Celestia-made Craymel

Meredy : No, no! Craymel Cages work the same way as Inferian ones do. But Parasol is
different! With this, Greater Craymels can enter the Craymel Cage!

Keele : So...if I use this, even my Craymel Cage will work?

Meredy : You bet! Greater Craymel can enter.

Farah : In other words... We cab save the world!

Meredy : You bet!

Farah : Maybe we can become heroes! Yeah, no problem!

Reid : Keele, can you bring them back to reality?

Keele : We'll ask Professor Mazet the whereabouts of the Greater Craymels.

Reid : Hey, you can't be serious... Go seek the Greater Craymels?

Keele : If we can meet the Greater Craymels, the truth about the Grand Fall may come to light.
After all, the Greater Craymels do not lie.

Meredy : Keele! Help Meredy. Will you help? Please, please?!

Keele : Let me make it clear that this does not mean I believe all that stuff you've said! I
only do this to discover the truth!!

Farah : How stubborn can you get? Come on, let's go!

Now go to Mazet's house.

Keele : As far as I know, this thing she calls a Parasol... ...doesn't have any special
features or functions that enable its use with the Greater Craymels. What do you
think, Professor?

Mazet : You must meet the Greater Craymels. There is nothing more I can tell you.

Keele : I understand...

Mazet : Take the Parasol.

Farah : Professor... Can you tell us where we can find the Greater Craymels?

Mazet : ...I know of one place where you might... Go out of Morle and go northeast for a
little way and you'll see Undine Stream.

Farah : Undine...Stream...

Mazet : If it's true that disaster is upon us and that Meredy is the key to saving the world,
I'm sure the Greater Craymels will appear before you.

Farah : Then... They must know much more than we do...

Mazet : Have you decided?

Keele : Of course! We'll find them!

Meredy : You bet!

Mazet : Take this map. I'm sure you'll find it quite useful!

You will received Inferia Map.

Farah : Thank you, Professor Mazet!

Mazet : Farah, I sense that you have the innate power to heal... I will teach you a new skill.

Farah : I don't know how to thank you...

Farah learned Detoxify.

Mazet : Keele. It seems you've learned to communicate with Meredy quite quickly...

Keele : Huh? Oh, yes. We had help from alittle incident...

Mazet : Remember those feelings. And pursue the unknowable. That...is true learning.

Keele : The unknowable?

Mazet : Heh heh heh. Maybe someday, you too will understand why I left the university...

Reid : After Morle is Undine Stream... I never meant to come this far.

Farah : Well... We've come this far. We can't go back to Rasheans now!

Meredy : Meredy sorry. It is Meredy's fault... Farah and Reid thrown out of the village
because Hyades attacked.

Reid : Hyades, is he the one that smashed the Elder's house?

Farah : So, he was after you?

Reid : But why...?

Keele : Huh? What's wrong?

Farah : It's nothing. C'mon let's get going! The Undine Stream is northeast of Morle.

Enter Mazet's house again. Check the fireplace to get a Lens. Talk to Mazet again to get a
Monster Collection book. Now go to the second floor. Check the treasure chest. It's Wonder
Chef again! This time he will teach you how to make Fruit Juice. Now get back to the world map
and head northeast to reach Undine Stream. You can get a Poison Charm if you go north from
Undine Stream and walk inside the area surrounded by mountains.

/ 1.10 \______________________________________________________________________________________
Undine Stream
Secret Area : North of Undine Stream, surrounded by mountain (Poison Charm)
Enemies : Egg Bear, Mounticore, Scorpion, Evil Needles, Starfish, Forest Hawk, Kick Frog, King
Frog, Red Roper, Crusher, Warbear, Sea Slug
Items : 2x Poison Charm, Feather Robe. Silk Cloak, Mace, Iron Wrist, 2x Melange Gel, Hydra
Dagger, Apple Shield
Lens : 1

From the entrance, go up and get Poison Charm from the chest. Walk across the shallow water
and go up to get a Feather Robe from the chest. Now go down to get Silk Cloak from the chest.
Before crossing the shallow water to next area, get a Lens by searching the tree near the
shallow water. Now go north to the next screen. Get Mace and Iron Wrist from the chests in
this screen. After that, go up to the next screen. Here get another Poison Charm from the
chest. You can see a cave behind the waterfall a little north from the chest. Enter the cave.
You will see Undine here.

??? : You have done well. You have done well to come this far.

Reid : This is...

Farah : Could it be...?

You will see a lot of pink bubbles floating in the air.

??? : It has been a long time since I last saw a human.

Keele : T...the Greater Craymel! Undine?!

Farah : Whew... It's the real thing?

Keele : Greater Craymel Undine, keeper of the Holy Waters. Forgive us for treading upon this
land. Oh Greater Craymel Undine, please tell us! Is it true that the Grand Fall will
come to this world?

Undine : Do you think a Greater Craymel such as I would deign to converse with humans without

Keele : Th... Then, it is true...

Meredy : Hweel!

Undine : Let me ask you then. What are your desires?

Meredy : I want you to go in here.

Farah : To save the world... We need the Greater Craymels' power. Won't you...help us?

Keele : I understand how rude this request must seem. But there is no other way!

Undine : ...In that case, I shall see if your actions speak as loud as your words. This is
where the Craymels sleep. If you are prepared, venture further within.

The floating ball will be disappeared.

Reid : If you are prepared? Keele, what does she mean?

Keele : ...She wants us to fight her.

Reid : Fight?! She's a Greater Craymel! We can't win...

Keele : Undine... She's testing our power. We've got to give it our all.

Farah : Yeah! Nothing ventured, nothing gained! No problem!

Get Melange Gel from the chest. You can camp here to restores your HP, but you must get out
from this cave first and then enter again. Now go to down right direction to get to the next
screen. You can get Hydra Dagger from the chest, a little bit right, hidden by the leaves
after you across the water. Go up and get Melange Gel from the chest. Across the river and go
down to get Apple Shield from the chest. Now go up to the next screen and be ready for the big
battle against Undine. You can save your game first before fighting Undine.

Undine : I assume you are here because you are ready to fight me. There is no turning back...

Undine will appear in front of you.

Farah : We're ready!

Meredy : Ready!

Reid : How about you, Keele?

Keele : I'm...I'm ready!

Undine : Very well. Let us begin!

Boss : Undine
HP : 6800
EXP : 1360
Gald : 0
Attack : 100 (Spear of Baptism, Subterranean Divide, Aqua Edge)
Element Attack : Water
Defense : 268
Intelligence : 50
Strong : Water, Wind, Fire, Earth, Ice
Weak : Lightning
Rewards : Talisman(100%), Mental Bracelet(100%)

Strategy : This battle is very hard. If she use Spear of Baptism, you can't attack her because
there is a water shield blocking your attack. She can do a lot of damage with Spear
of Baptism and hit more than one character with this attack and she will cast it
over the time. Bring a lot of Life Bottle in case one of your character died, you
can revived him/her. Her weakness is lightning, so use lightning spell. Reid can
use Demon Lightning Hammer or Lightning Blade to make a lot of damage.

Undine : You work together well. ...I will help you.

Keele : Thank you!!

Undine : However... ...I am merely one of the Primary Craymels of Inferia. In order to achieve
your goal, you need all of the Greater Craymels.

Farah : All of the Greater Craymels...

Keele : Where are the other Greater Craymels?

Undine : I will now enter the Craymel Cage...

Keele : Please wait! Tell us where to find the other Greater Craymels!

Meredy : Undine... ...in the Craymel Cage.

Keele : Let me see, Meredy.

Meredy : You bet!

You will be prompted with Craymel Cage option.

Keele : What does the Vitality gauge mean?

Meredy : It shows how much energy the Greater Craymel has. Undine is the Greater Craymel of
Water, so if you use Water Artes, her Vitality goes up.

Farah : What happened when the gauge is full?

Meredy : You can Summon the Greater Craymel, itself!

Reid : Wow! That's incredible! I can't wait to see!

Now get back to the world map. When you reach the waterfall, you will have some conversation.

Keele : This place looks safe, and the air seems really nice.

Reid : Yeah? What about it?

Farah : Why don't we take a little break here?

Keele : That doesn't sound like a bad idea.

They will enter the cave.

Reid : Hey, Keele? How many Greater Craymels are there?

Keele : I'm not quite sure. But it's said that there are generally four main types. Water,
Fire, and Wind... the three basics Craymels, ...and the Light Craymel, which unifies
them all.

Reid : Hmmm... And, where are the other Greater Craymels besides Undine?

Farah : Undine didn't tell us.

Keele : The planes of existence for humans and Craymels differ. Just for them to appear in
front of humans is an extraordinary event.

Farah : Wow...really?

Reid : Hey! For our next destination... Why don't we head for Inferia?

Farah : Inferia...? You mean the King's castle?

Reid : Yeah. Gathering all the Craymels is way beyond our abilities. There isn't much more we
can do, other than inform the King about the Grand Fall. Am I wrong?

Farah : But...we established a pact with Undine all on our own.

Reid : That was just plain luck. We can't afford any mistakes. We've gotta know our limits!

Keele : That's true...we do have an obligation to report this to the King.

Farah : Keele!

Keele : Imagine the consequences of seeking the Greater Craymels without the King's
permission. We might attract needless suspicion.

Farah : ...I see your point.

Reid : It's decided, then. Our next destination is Inferia City.

Meredy : What about the Greater Craymels?

Reid : Don't worry. Once the King learns of the Grand Fall, he'll mobilize the army and find
all the Greater Craymels.

Farah : Meredy, have faith in our King. Okay?

Keele : You have to go through the Forest of Temptation to get to Inferia City. Go southeast
along the river. It's across the bridge.

So get back to the world map and go southeast across the bridge to reach the Forest of

/ 1.11 \______________________________________________________________________________________
Forest of Temptation - Part 1
Enemies : Ghoul, Specter, Skeleton, Grim Reaper, Orc Jelly
Items : Iron Arms, Melange Gel, 400 Gald, Iron Wrist, Misty Robe, Silk Cloak, 2x Life Bottle,
Holy Bottle, Syrup Bottle, Pine Gel, Flare Bottle
Special items you got if you make all the deity facing down :
2000 Gald, Shamsel, Needle Glove, Gem Rod, Pretty Whistle
Lens : 1

Because this place is so complicated, I make a map of this place. Just follow the number of
this map and you will finish this place.

|---|---| |---|
|20 |18 | |28 |
|- -|- -|---|- -|---|
|19 17 21 22 23 |
|---|- -|---|---|- -|---|
|12 11 10 |24 25 |
|- -|---|- -|- -|---|
|13 |16 | 9 |26 27 |
|- -|- -|- -|---|---|
|14 15 | 8 |
|- -|---|- -|---|
| 4 5 6 7 FINISH
|- -|---|---|---|
| 2 | 3 |
| 1 |

Area 1

Reid : Whew...this place is kinda creepy.

Keele : The only way to get to Inferia City is by going through this Forest... ...since
commoners aren't allowed to board the royal ship.

Area 3

Item : Iron Arms

Area 6

Item : Melange Gel

Area 9

Item : 400 Gald

Area 10

Item : Iron Wrist

Area 13

Item : Misty Robe

Area 15

Item : Silk Cloak

Area 16

Lens : 1 (Search the root behind the middle statue for a Lens.)

C A = Deity of Destruction (facing right) D = Deity of Order (facing left)
B D B = Deity of Confusion (facing up) E = Deity of Creation (facing up)
A E C = Great Deity (facing up) X = Lens

Reid : What does it mean?

Keele : Hmmm... Why don't we try moving the statues?

Meredy : Won't move. How do we move it?

Thanks to "Denny Yuniarta" for telling me if you make all the Deity
facing down, you can get 2000 Gald, Shamsel, Needle Glove, Gem Rod, Pretty Whistle.

Area 17

There are 2 ghosts in here. Avoid them, you can't kill them.

Area 18 : Deity of Confusion

Make the statue in here facing right.

Area 19

Item : Life Bottle

Area 20 : Deity of Desctruction

Don't move the statue!

Area 22

Item : Life Bottle

Area 23

Item : Holy Bottle

Area 25 : Deity of Order

Item : Syrup Bottle

Don't move the statue!

Area 26

Item : Pine Gel

Area 27 : Deity of Creation

Item : Flare Bottle

Make the statue in here facing left.

Area 28

This is the place for healing your HP.

After you make all the opposing statue facing each other, go to area 12.

Quickie : Kwekeee!!

Quickie will go through area 11.

Meredy : Quickie! Come back!

Meredy will go follow Quickie. Now go to area 6. You will find Meredy and Quickie here.

Quickie : Kwekeee!!

Meredy : We can go further from here.

You will go to area 7.

Farah : The air here is so pure.

Reid : It looks like a rest area.

Keele : L...let's say we rest here. The place looks to be safe.

Farah : Say, Meredy. If we somehow gather all the Greater Craymels... What do we do then?

Meredy : (Talking in Melnics language.) Return to Celestia.

Farah : To Celestia...? How?

Meredy : I do not know!

Reid : It sounds as though that may be a bigger hurdle than gathering all the Greater

Keele : ...If that's true, how did you come to Inferia? The two worlds have been out of
contact for 2000 years.

Meredy : I came on a Craymel Craft. It can fly in the skies.

Keele : That's nonsense! That kind of technology is impossible.

Reid : Maybe you've never heard of it, but we saw it with our own eyes.

Farah : It was flying, but then it crashed.

Meredy : It is true!

Keele : ...Then take me to the crash site. I can't believe it unless I see it myself.

Farah : Keele, ummm... I don't want to disappoint you, but...

Keele : Well, let me first see the craft. After I measure the Craymel density in the area, I
should be able to derive a hypothesis. Well, where's it at?

Meredy : Impossible. Craymel Craft explode into many, many pieces.

Keele : ...No.

Farah : It's true. Reid and I were there.

Reid : It was pretty scary.

Keele : It can't be destroyed! A flying machine... A revolutionary technology...

Farah : Well, I'm sure we'll find something to get us to Celestia. Yeah! No problem!!

Quickie : Kwekeee...kukuku.

Meredy : The air, feels unsafe...

Keele : This forest is where all the lost souls gather. If you're not careful, spirits hungry
for a body could drain your life dry.

Reid : D...don't scare us like that.

Farah : No problem! Monster, pirate, whatever... I'll take 'em all on!!

/ 1.12 \______________________________________________________________________________________
Forest of Temptation - Part 2
Enemies : Ghoul, Specter, Orc Jelly, Skeleton, Grim Reaper
Items : Panacea Bottle, Reverse Doll, Lemon Gel, Charm Bottle, Water Crystal, 2x Orange Gel,
Rune Bottle, Bastard Sword, Miracle Gel, Pine Gel, Apple Gel, Spectacles, 765 Gald,
Wind Crystal

Because this place is so complicated, I make a map of this place. Just follow the number of
this map and you will finish this place.

|13 | FINISH
S |- -|---|---|- -|
T |12 11 |15 |25 |
A|---|---|- -|- -|- -|---|
R| 1 2 |10 14 |24 |23 |
T|- -|- -|- -|---|- -|- -|
| 4 3 9 19 20 22 |
|---|- -|- -|---|- -|---|
| 5 8 16 21 |
|- -|---|- -|---|
| 6 7 |17 18 |

Area 1

You can camp here.

Area 2

Item : Panacea Bottle

Area 3

There are 2 ghosts in here. Avoid them, you can't kill them.

Area 4

Item : Reverse Doll

Area 6

Item : Lemon Gel

Area 7

Item : Charm Bottle

Sub-Boss : Jungler
HP : 5400
EXP : 200
Gald : 100
Attack : 160 (Thrust Feather)
Defense : 240
Intelligence : 100
Rewards : Orange Gel(20%), Life Bottle(20%)
Weak : Fire

Strategy : This monster jump all the time, so it's hard to hit him. Wait at the place where he
will fell down and attacked him continously so he can't jump.

Area 8

Item : Water Crystal

Area 9

There are 2 ghosts in here. Avoid them, you can't kill them.

Area 11

Item : Orange Gel

Area 12

Item : Rune Bottle

Area 13

Item : Bastard Sword

Sub-Boss : Jungler
HP : 5400
EXP : 200
Gald : 100
Attack : 160 (Thrust Feather)
Defense : 240
Intelligence : 100
Rewards : Orange Gel(20%), Life Bottle(20%)
Weak : Fire

Strategy : This monster jump all the time, so it's hard to hit him. Wait at the place where he
will fell down and attacked him continously so he can't jump.

Area 15

Item : Miracle Gel

Area 16

Item : Pine Gel

Area 17

Item : Orange Gel

Area 18

Item : Apple Gel

Sub-Boss : Jungler
HP : 5400
EXP : 200
Gald : 100
Attack : 160 (Thrust Feather)
Defense : 240
Intelligence : 100
Rewards : Orange Gel(20%), Life Bottle(20%)
Weak : Fire

Strategy : This monster jump all the time, so it's hard to hit him. Wait at the place where he
will fell down and attacked him continously so he can't jump.

Area 20

There are 2 ghosts in here. Avoid them, you can't kill them.

Area 21

Item : Spectacles

Area 22

Item : 765 Gald

Area 23

Item : Wind Crystal

Sub-Boss : Jungler
HP : 5400
EXP : 200
Gald : 100
Attack : 160 (Thrust Feather)
Defense : 240
Intelligence : 100
Rewards : Orange Gel(20%), Life Bottle(20%)
Weak : Fire

Strategy : This monster jump all the time, so it's hard to hit him. Wait at the place where he
will fell down and attacked him continously so he can't jump.

Area 24

If you have killed all the Jungler, the statues and the man will be disappear and you can go
to the north.

Area 25

Go to the north and you will be back in the world map. Go to the north a little and you will
reach Inferia City.

/ 1.13 \______________________________________________________________________________________
Inferia City
Items : Bellebane, 2x Pine Gel, Lemon Gel, Dark Bottle
Lens : 3
Recipes : 2 (Cream Stew and Softcake)
Golden Dreams : Apple Gel 100 Flare Bottle 600
Orange Gel 200 Holy Bottle 200
Melange Gel 1000 Dark Bottle 200
Panacea Bottle 160 Spectacles 50
Life Bottle 400
Winner's Shop : Chain Mail 1900 Iron Wrist 1320
White Cloak 1480 Round Shield 1600
Circlet 760 Leather Cape 100
Shop of Valor : Short Lance 1920 Poison Thorn 1440
Crescent Axe 2200 Bird Whistle 1640
Heavy Grave 2000
Street Vendor : Bread 60 Tomato 80
Rice 100 Onion 50
Cheese 60 Cucumber 50
Egg 50 Kirima 80
Bear Meat 150 Lemon 60
Lettuce 60

Because the city is so big, I decided to make a map of it.

|-- --|---|
| 5 4 |
|- -|- -|- -|
| 3 1 2 |
|---|- -|---|

Area 1

Houses you can enter :
- Golden Dreams -> the only house in this area

At the entrance.

Reid : Whoa! This place is huge!

Farah : I thought Mintche was big, but this place is bigger yet!

Keele : Of course. It's the capital of the Inferia Empire.

Meredy : Hweel! There are so many people! They are all...umm... ...Inferians?!

The townspeople will surrounded you because Meredy acting strange.

Keele : Meredy, from here on, you can't dance, scream, or do anything out of the ordinary. The
city is congested with people. Even the slightest awkwardness might cause people to
suspect that you're a Celestian.

Meredy : Is being Celestian bad? They cannot suspect?

Keele : NO! Historically, Celestians have visited numerous disasters upon us. I'm quite
certain that there are many who hold hatred for Celestians.

Meredy : Baiba! Celestians not responsible for causing disasters!

Keele : You need our help, right?

Farah : Meredy. It's unfortunate, but there's no question that there are a lot of people who
dislike Celestians. Let's be careful, okay?

Meredy : You bet.

Keele : Don't forget.

Reid : All right...all right. Let's go and meet the King.

You will get a sequence if you go a little bit to the left from the entrance.

Man : Hey! You! You're from Rasheans, right?!

Farah : Huh? How did you know?

Man : I'm a tailor. I can tell just by the clothes you wear. You're wearing an incredibly old-
fashioned Easheans dye.

Farah : What do you mean, old-fashioned?!

Man : You're from Rasheans. You should know. The popular fashions in this city were all
originally based on Rasheans dye.

Farah : Really?

Man : Uh-huh. But it's been modified so much, it's not easy for an amateur to tell.

Farah : I see... I had no idea Rasheans dye was this well-known...

Area 2

Houses you can enter :
- Hotel Inferia -> the big house at the bottom left
* Bellebane -> 2nd floor if you search the vase between two doors
* Cream Stew -> if you search the second vase near the man at 2nd floor
- Winner's Shop -> a little bit right from Hotel Inferia

Area 3

Houses you can enter :
- Shop of Valor -> the house at the bottom right
* Pine Gel -> if you search the plant near the entrance
- Royal Arena -> a little bit left from Shop of Valor

Area 4

Houses you can enter :
- Seyfert Sanctuary -> house at the bottom right
- Imperial Playhouse -> a house north of Seyfert Sanctuary
* a Lens -> if you check the plant near the stairs
* Softcake -> if you search the plant near the left entrance

You will get a sequence with an old man near Sayfert Sanctuary.

Old Man : Wait!

Farah : What is it?

Old Man : You aren't accompanied by a Celestian, are you?

Reid : Of course not.

Old Man : Hmm. I guess you're right. If all Celestians were little girls like her, we wouldn't
have any trouble at all.

Area 5

Houses you can enter :
- Street Vendor -> talk to the man with white clothes
- Royal Observatory of Astronomy -> the only house in this area

After get all the items you can find in the city, go north from area 5 to Inferia Castle and
talk to the guards.

Guard : What do ya want?

Farah : Er... We would like to see the King.

Guard : The King?!

Keele : This is a matter of grave concern for Inferia. The details are written in these
papers. It's imperative that we see the King at once.

Guard : Hahaha-ha! You can't be serious?! Insolent fools! You want a trip to the dungeon? Or
perhaps a beating right here?

Keele : Whoa!

Reid : We're leavin'!

Farah : Goodbye!

Back at area 5.

Keele : That's how guards are... They're all muscle and no brains. To think that our
illustrious King is protected by those dingbats.

Meredy : Illustrious? Does that mean great?

Farah : Yeah. After all, he is the King!

Meredy : Why is he great?

Keele : I guess a Celestian wouldn't understand.

Meredy : What?!

Keele : The King is a sacred, noble presence. He's fundamentally different from people like

Farah : Meredy, doesn't Celestia have a King?

Meredy : No! We are all equal. No special people!

Farah : I see...

Keele : Perhaps the reason Celestia is so barbarous is because they've never known the rule of
a King.

Meredy : Celestians not barbarians!

Reid : C'mon, stop the fruitless debate. We should be figuring out what to do next.

Keele : Let's go to the Royal Observatory of Astronomy.

Farah : You mean the tall building over here?

You will see the top of the building open, reveal a telescope.

Keele : That's right. It boasts the world's most precise telescope. Should they allow us to
use it, we may be able to objectively determine if the Grand Fall is actually true or

Reid : How do you know we won't get kicked out again?

Keele : Top scientists from all over are gathered in the Observatory. They're not musclebound

Farah : Then we should have no problem getting in. Let's go!

Now go enter Royal Observatory of Astronomy.

Reid : Should we be in here?

Farah : If it isn't okay, someone'll tell us, right?

Go to the fourth floor of this building.

Reid : Hey, Keele. It's off-limits to visitors!

Keele : We're not visitors. We have a purpose.

??? : Stop right there!

A man will go down the stairs and stand before you.

Man : No unauthorized persons are allowed inside.

Keele : Let us go to the Observation Room! We absolutely must us the telescope!

Man : ...What are you going to do?

Keele : I want to measure the change in distance between Inferia and Celestia!

Man : The change? The distance between Inferia and Celestia never changes! Taking the
measurement is pointless!

Keele : How can you be so sure? Do you take periodic measurements?

Man : Well...no, but we did take one about two years ago...

Reid : Aren't those measurements a little outdated?

Man : Watch who you criticize! All measurements are carried out systematically under
Chancellor Zosimos's orders! If you come anywhere near the Observation Room, I'll call
the guards!

Keele : Please at least read my thesis! Anybody familiar with the Light Craymel theory would
understand its significance immediately!

Man : Stay back! What is your problems?!

The man didn't read the papers and throw it out.

Keele : Let's go. We'll be in serious trouble if he calls the guards.

Farah : Keele!

Keele : There's still a way!

When you go down the stairs, an old man will appear from up the stairs.

Old Man : What was all that ruckus?

Man : I'm...I'm very sorry! I'll clean up right away!

Go outside this building. They will have some conversation outside.

Keele : ...Argh! It's appailing to think that an idiot like him is a researcher at one of the
finest institutions...

reid : Keele, before you blame others, maybe you ought to admit your failures. You haven't
been correct with any of your predictions up to this point!

Farah : Hey, watch what you say! Keele is trying as hard as he can to help Meredy and save the
world! Right?

Keele : Er...right.

Reid : So what should we do? Are there any other ways we can meet the King?

Keele : There is. The Seyfert Sanctuary.

Reid : So we pray for Seyfert's help?

Keele : The church worships the Seyfert Ring as a symbol of their faith. Surely, they must
have noticed the unusual appearance of the Seyfert Ring. We'll be fine this time.

Farah : Okay, no problem! Let's do it!

Keele : Let's head for Seyfert Sanctuary on the east edge of the town.

Now go to Area 4 and enter Seyfert Sanctuary.

Meredy : The glass... It is so pretty!

Keele : It's stained glass depicting the god of creation, Seyfert.

Meredy : Sey...fert...

Quickie : Kwekuuuu...kwe!

Now go a little deep inside.

Keele : Sorry to bother you, but... I'd like to speak to the archbishop.

Galvani : I am Archbishop Galvani.

Keele : Archbishop! My apologies! How rude of me!

Galvani : That's all right. So, what would you like to talk about?

Keele : I would like to speak to you about the peculiar change in the Seyfert Ring...

Galvani : Ah...

Keele : Do you know about the dark matter in the Seyfert Ring? It seems to be expanding at the
rate of 300 langes a year.

Galvani : Yes, of course. The Sanctuary is aware of the change. Amd...?

Keele : I believe the Grand Fall will occur because of the change in the dark matter. Inferia
and Celestia are coming closer to each other. Collision appears to be inevitable.
Please...could you report this matter to the King and...?

Galvani : What idiotic nonsense!! How dare you associate the dark matter, the sign of the
second coming of Seyfert, with such disaster!

Reid : Wha...?! the dark matter is a blessing?

Keele : ...So that's why my theory was rejected at the university...

Galvani : Seize them! Hand them over to the guards!!

Bishop : Yes, sir!

Reid : Uh-oh! Let's get out of here!!

Galvani : Seize them! Don't let them escape!

Outside Seyfert Sanctuary.

Roen : There they are! Grab them!

Farah : You're joking?!

Keele : Damn!

Meredy : No, no! I'm scared!

Meredy : (Talking in Melnics language.)

Farah : Reid, what now?

Reid : Good question.

Roen : I'm Captain Roen Lamoa of the Imperial Guards!! Surrender. Resistance is futile and
will only hasten your deaths.

Reid : What are you gonna do with us?

Roen : Spreading lies all over town about the destruction of the world... Kneel before the
King! And accept your death sentence!

Farah : Death sentence? Y...you mean...?

Reid : What do we do? Shall we take a chance and rumble?

Keele : Let's surrender quietly.

Keele : Think about it. It's a chance to gain the ear of the King.

Reid : Yeah, and receive the death sentence.

Keele : It's a one-shot chance to turn the tables...

Farah : ...I got you. I hope this works.

Meredy : ...I hope too.

Keele : I...I promise it'll work.

Reid : ...We surrender.

Reid : Hey, Keele. When's it going to happen?

You will be in a jail.

Reid : When are we going to get our chance to turn the tables?

Meredy : What will happen to us?

Farah : We're going to be all right... Right?

Keele : Damn it! I can't believe we got thrown in here like this!

Farah : Shh! I can hear voices above us!

King : I shall pass sentence. You have deceived us in an attempt to throw our country into
turmoil... The spreading of sedition is a crime of the highest order. You are hereby
sentenced...to death!

Reid : DEATH sentence?!

Meredy : What does death sentence mean? Are we in trouble?

Keele : P...please! Listen to what we have to say! If you would investigate, you'll see what's
really causing the Grand Fall!

Arende : ...They seem to be shouting something.

Roen : Nothing but the blather of foolish criminals. It is not for you to hear, Princess

Arende : What are they saying? Father, what are they saying?

King : Hmm...

Queen : Arende! You should pay no heed to the talk of commoners. Your beautiful heart will be
sullied! They are rude and violent ruffians who live in a different world from yours.

King : Roen! Quit your dawdling! Silence the criminals at once!

Roen : Yes, M'lady! Prepare to flood the tank!

Arende : I'm feeling faint...

Queen : Roen!!

Roen : Begin flooding!

Water will be flooding the tank.

Meredy : Baiba!

Keele : Urk! Let go of me!

Keele : Damn it! Let us out of here!

Keele : (Talking in Melnics language.) Undine! Undine, help us! Help! We're going to drown! I
guess we can't call on the Greater Craymels as if they're servants.

Farah : I've found it!

Reid : What?

Keele : Let's stop struggling. We can't escape our fate. We might as well face our deaths with
peace and tranquility.

Farah : Keele! Don't give up now! I'm not going to die in a dark and gloomy place like this!
Look! Down here! There's a valve!

Keele : A valve? To drain the water?

Farah : Maybe... Let's dive under and see!

Reid : Hey! Wait! It's dangerous!

Farah : Yeah, but somebody's got to do it.

The water will be flooding half the tank.

Reid : Okay... I'll do it!

Farah : Thanks, Reid!

Reid will swim under the water and try to move the valve. But he can't do it so he return
above the water. You will see a ladder hanging from above.

Reid : *Gasp*...! It won't open! Huh? Where's Keele and Meredy?

Farah : Oh... They left before us...

Reid : Left?! You mean they're...

Farah : A rope dropped down from above. See?!

Reid : Huh? You mean... ...my effort was for nothing?

Farah : Uh... Well...thanks for trying. Hey! Reid!!

Above the tank.

King ; Be grateful! Your sentence has been commuted, thanks to Chancellor Zosimos of the Royal
Observatory of Astronomy.

Keele : You are... Chancellor Zosimos?

Zosimos : Are you the one responsible for writing this treatise?

Keele : Yes, sir. You've read my paper, sir?

Zosimos : We measured the distance between the worlds and discovered the worlds to be 2000
langes closer than before...

Keele : Just as I thought!

Zosimos : So long as we fail to understand the cause of this phenomenon, we cannot pass final
judgement. As such, it would be regretful to let the death sentence stand.

Keele : Th...thank you!

Arende : That's wonderful.

Meredy : That is wonderful!

Arende : Heehee...

Queen : Arende! Don't interrupt!

Zosimos : Your Majesty, I shall now assume full responsibility for these individuals.

King : ...Very well. Take care to remain vigilant.

Zosimos : Yes, Sire! There is still much that needs to be investigated. Will you cooperate
with me?

Keele : Yes, of course! Gladly!

King : You may all remain within the castle for the time being.

Farah : Yes, Sire!

Roen : The guest room is on the second floor of the west tower. Go when you wish. I will
follow later.

Go to the guest room. Go right and down the stairs and enter the big door.

Meredy : It's fluffy and soft!

Roen will enter the room.

Reid : There are only two beds?

Roen : Of course not. This isn't a peasant house.

You will go to the next room.

Meredy/Farah/Reid : Whoa...

Meredy : This is nice and soft, too!

They will go back to the previous room.

Roen : Listen up, commoners! Henceforth, discussion contrary to Inferia Empire doctrine will
not be tolerated! If you disobey me... You shall be sentenced to death immediately! Is
that clear?

Farah : Crystal clear.

Reid : Okay, okay.

Meredy : The death penalty is scary...

Roen : Hmph! I want you out of here as soon as possible. It's starting to stink like peasants!

Roen will leave the room.

Reid : Whew. We're finally done!

Meredy : Huh? Done?

Reid : There's nothing to worry about anymore. Keele and Zosimos are going to figure out
what's behind the Grand Fall. And when they do, the King will do something about it.

At Observation Room.

Man : I'm finished with the adjustments!

Zosimos : Good job. What's your name?

Keele : Keele Zeibel!

Zosimos : If the distance between the two worlds is changing, we'll have to recalculate a
large variety of measurements... Keele, will you help us?

Keele : Me? Of course!!

Back at guest room.

Reid : And so, we've accomplished our role. Our long journey is over! Now we can sit back and

Meredy : It is not over! Meredy must return to Celestia with the Greater Craymels! Return to
Celestia. Reid not over yet!

Meredy will jump above Reid.

Reid : urk...! Can't...breathe!

Farah : That's right... There's still work for us to do. We shouldn't be relying on the King
for everything. We have to at least find out how to get Meredy home to Celestia.

Reid : That's easier said than done.

Farah : no problem! We can do it if we work together! Right, Meredy?

Meredy : No problem! Thank you, Farah!

Farah : Meredy, let's go sleep in the other room.

Meredy : No! Meredy want to be with Reid! We all sleep together!

Farah : N...NO!

Meredy : Why?

Farah : No is no!

Meredy : ...Why not?

Reid : G'night!

Farah : See? Reid says he's going to sleep.

Meredy : ...Okay.

They will go to the other room.

Reid : Now I'm wide awake...

At Observation Room.

Zosimos : I'm a little tired. Keele, take over for me.

Keele : Y...yes, sir!

Zosimos : Do you know how to operate it?

Keele : Yes, I learned how at the university.

Keele will see through the telescope.

Keele : In...incredible!!

Keele : So this is...Celestia...

Zosimos : Keele. Keele...

Keele : Oh... My apologies! I got a little carried away... Can...can I help you?

Zosimos : Yes, I've been wondering... What lead you to predict the Grand Fall in the first

Keele : Well, it was Meredy... Um, no, I mean... It just hit me all of a sudden.

Zosimos : I see. Well, you'll have to tell me all about it some time. But first we have to
finish our work.

Back at guest room.

Reid : I guess Keele stayed up all night.

Farah : He's probably caught up in his research. I'm sure Keele can...

Keele will enter the room.

Meredy : Keele!

Reid : Did you figure out what's causing the Grand Fall?

Keele : Not yet... But we're getting there.

Farah : I knew you'd be giving it your all! You must be tired. You should sleep.

Reid : ...Shh! Someone's coming!

Roen : Please... If the Queen should see you here... I beg of you! I want to speak with the
commoners just this once.

Roen and Arende will enter the room.

Roen : ...! You are all awake.

Reid : What an honor... To have the princess come along to awaken us.

Roen : The...the reason why...

Arende : I asked him to let me come along. I was...worried about all of you.

Farah : Thank you for your concern. Thanks to you, we've been able to get plenty of rest.

Meredy : You are pretty. More pretty than the stained glass in the sanctuary.

Roen : Why, you... You impertinent little dog!

Arende : ...Thank you. I am Arende, the Princess of Inferia.

Meredy : A...rende? Me Meredy!

Meredy/Arende : Heehee!

Roen : The King is about to make an important announcement in the Audience Chamber. Usually,
only nobles and royalty are invited, but Chancellor Zosimos has seen to it that you
can attend. If you have no objections, come now!

Search the drawer beside the bed for a Lens. After that, go down the stairs and enter the
door. It is a kitchen. You can get a Pine Gel if you search the basket with fruits. Go down
the stairs again and search the chest for a Lemon Gel. Now go back to the tank place and go
down the stairs. Go down again and get Dark Bottle if you search the vase near the stairs. Now
go outside from the tower and you will see Arende and Roen.

Arende : I would like to speak to them a little more.

Roen : You mustn't, my lady. The commoners were allowed within the castle walls because we
have a crisis. By no means is this a standard practice.

Arende : Crisis? We have a crisis?

Roen : Er...well...

Arende : When will he return? If he were here, we wouldn't have anything to worry about...
*Sigh* Oh, how I want to see him again.

Roen : He is surely a great Senior Knight. However, I'm confident that my swordsmanship,
lineage, and loyalty are just as impressive. I, Roen Lamoa, am ready to travel to the
ends of Orbus for the Princess.

Arende : I must be on my way now. I wouldn't want to be late and upset Mother. Farewell.

Farah : I wonder what the King has to say.

Keele : He'll likely reveal the plan for dealing with the Grand Fall...

Meredy : We need Greater Craymels!

Keele : I've discussed it with Chancellor Zosimos, but I don't know if he managed to gather
sufficient objective evidence...

Now enter the main hall.

Knight : Long live the King of Inferia! Long live the Inferia Empire!

Knight : Long live the King of Inferia! Long live the Inferia Empire!

King : Listen to me well, all of you. Inferia is facing a terrible danger. The Royal
Observatory of Astronomy has conducted an investigation of the situation. A plan has
been decided as of this morning. You shall now be given an explanation. Chancellor
Zosimos, come forward!

Zosimos : Yes, your majesty. The two worlds, Celestia and Inferia, are shifting closer and
closer together even as we speak. Based on the measurements taken at the
observatory, we can expect impact some 100 sohme from now. We believe that a
malevolent Celestian plot is at the root of this situation! Not satisfied with the
numerous disasters they have previously visited upon us, they plan to annihilate the
entire world!

King : We pledge to thoroughly resist this Celestian campaign of destruction with all of our
might. My good Inferians... Prepare for battle!

Zosimos : According to the ancient scriptures, there exists what is called the Bridge of
Light... It is the only known means of crossing over to Celestia. If the Bridge of
Light can be discovered, we can send a contingent of our elite troops to Celestia
and prevent the Grand Fall.

King : I expect your unwavering support during this time of crisis. We shall show the
Celestian barbarians the true might of the Inferia Empire!

Knight : Long live the King of Inferia! Long live the Inferia Empire!

Knight : Long live the King of Inferia! Long live the Inferia Empire!

King : This meeting is adjourned.

All the people will leave the main hall.

Meredy : Baiba! No...no...no! That is not right!

Reid : Hey, Keele! What does this mean?!

Keele : ...I don't believe this. Chancellor Zosimos! What is going on?! Just yesterday, didn't
you say that it's impossible for anybody to cause the Grand Fall on purpose?!

Zosimos : Keele, you could become a magnificent scholar some day... ...But first, realize that
academia must also obey the King's will.

Farah : What is the Bridge of Light? Where is it?

Zosimos : It's a bridge to Celestia that was discovered some 30 years ago by a Craymel Mage
named Balir. We don't know its location or method of operation as of yet.

Farah : So this person crossed over into Celestia using the Bridge of Light? That's amazing! I
never heard this story!

Zosimos : It's no surprise that you do not know. He never returned.

Roen : Haven't you already overstayed your welcome?! You have served your purpose. Leave the
castle immediately.

You will be out of Inferia Castle.

Roen : Hmph! Take this and get out of my sight!

Reid : Is this...a boarding pass?

Roen : With this, you can board any of our Inferia ships. A precious item like this isn't
something normally bestowed upon a commoner. You should be grateful.

You will received Boarding Pass.

Farah : So...do you really believe that the Celestians are causing the Grand Fall?

Roen : Of course. That's what the King said.

Farah : Don't you think it's strange that the barbarous Celestians are capable of doing
something that Inferians can't do?

Roen : Are you saying that the King is wrong?!

Farah : N...no! Of course, not! I'll be on my way now. Goodbye!

Roen will called Keele.

Roen : Hey, you! Wait.

At Area 5.

Farah : Since the King isn't going to help us, I guess we have no choice but to do it

Reid : Are you serious?!

Meredy : Let's collect Greater Craymels. Then we go to Celestia!

Farah : Right. We know the Bridge of Light is the passage to Celestia. All we need to do now
is to find the Greater Craymels!

Meredy : Keele, you are late! We are leaving now!

Keele : Uh...right...

Farah : Say, why don't we go to the Port of Inferia and put the Boarding Pass to good use?

Now go to Observation Room, fifth floor of Royal Observatory of Astronomy. Search the paper
south of the telescope for a Lens. Now get back to the world map and go north to reach Port of

/ 1.14 \______________________________________________________________________________________
Port of Inferia
Items : Fire Crystal
Lens : 1
Recipes : Fish Stew

Talk to the front guard to enter Port of Inferia. Go to the Angler, the house a bit north left
from the gate. Search the blue anchor for a recipe. This time he will teach you Fish Stew.
Search the barrel next to the blue anchor for Fire Crystal. Upper left is the ship going to
Mintche but you can't aboard it, so go right to the next screen. Search the barrel for a Lens.
Talk to the sailor to go to Barole Port.

Sailor : This ship is bound for Barole. How about a ride?

Farah : Barole...

Sailor : It's north of Inferia. It's a bustling trade city.

Farah : Hmm. Sounds like a good spot to get more information about the Greater Craymels!

Sailor : Will you take this ship to Barole Port?

Choose yes.

Farah : Yes, please! We want to go!

Sailor : We'll be departing soon! Hurry on aboard!

Reid, Farah and Meredy will aboard the ship but Keele didn't.

Meredy : Keele?

Reid : Did you forget something?

Farah : What's the matter?

Keele : I...I can't go.

Farah : What? What do you mean?

Keele : Chancellor Zosimos is asking for my help...to find the Bridge of Light...

Farah : You can't be serious!! You're going to help with the war effort? You still trust them
after what they did?

Meredy : Baiba!

Keele : It was my dream to work at the Royal Observatory of Astronomy.

Farah : ...Fine. do what you want, Keele.

Keele : ...Goodbye.

Keele will leave the party.

Meredy : What?!

Reid : Are we just going to let him go, Farah?

Farah : What can we do? It's his life. C'mon! We can do it on our own! No problem!

Sailor : Come on, now! It's time to depart. Getting on or staying off?

Farah : We're getting on!

Reid : Let's go, Meredy!

Meredy : You bet...

You will received Keele's equipment.

You will see the ship is sailing off. Now you can see your party in a cabin.

Farah : I wonder what Keele is doing?

Reid : his dreams came true. He's probably having a great time.

Farah : Meredy, forgive him. Keele also has things he wants to do.

Meredy : Meredy already forgive him. But... Meredy is Celestian. And so maybe Keele will
become my enemy?

Farah : N...no at all!

Meredy : Re...really? No?

Farah : Keele just wants to learn many things. He won't be your enemy. ...Trust him.

Reid : Trust...?

Farah : Hey, are you awake?

Reid : I'm thinking!

Meredy : About?

Reid : N...nothing.

The ship will finally reach Port Barole.

/ 1.15 \______________________________________________________________________________________
Port Barole
Items : Kite Shield(must pay 4000Gald), Ahmet Helm(must pay 1440 Gald), Water Shard
Lens : 1
Recipes : Calamari
Seawater : Tuna 200 Squid 80
Shrimp 80

Meredy : Baiba! What a pretty smell!

Reid : I'll say! Smells yummy! I wonder what it is?

Farah : Really, Reid! You're such a glutton! ...But it does smell good.

Get Kite Shield from the chest a little bit to the south but you must pay 4000 Gald to the
person who's own it in order to get it. A little bit down to the south, you can find another
chest contain Ahmet Helm but you must pay 1440 Gald in order to get it. Search the box near
the sea(water) to get another recipe from Wonder Chef. This time he will teach you Calamari.
Search the box above the Wonder Chef to get a Lens. Search the thing at upper right screen
inside Seawater for a Water Shard. Now go a little bit to the west at world map to City of
Trade, Barole.

Enemies in this continent :
Day : Striker, Thug, Mage, Warrior, Sorceress, Sorcerer, Heavy Lifter, Man Eater, Hornet,
Warbear, Egg Bear, Rogue, Grizzly
Night : Bone Knight, Phantom, Blood Biter, Sprite, Slugger, Druid, Skeleton, Specter
Beach : Octoslime, Pirate, Mad Eel, Aquaspin, Seahorse, Evil Star

/ 1.16 \______________________________________________________________________________________
City of Trade, Barole
Items : Holy Bottle, 1000 Gald, Elixir, Shamsel, Water Crystal, Dark Bottle
Lens : 1
Recipes : 2 (Steak, Pot Pie)
Mini Game : Arithmetic contest
Maple : Bread 60 Cabbage 60
Pasta 60 Potato 50
Bear Meat 150 Carrot 50
Milk 50 Lemon 60
Cheese 60 Kirima 80
Heavy Arms : Partisan 2960 Chain Mail 1900
Steel Sword 2400 Misty Robe 1440
Knight Saber 1600 Ahmet Helm 1440
Needle Glove 2400 Bracelet 3360
Mace 1200 Buckler 460
Bird Whistle 1640 Round Shield 1600
Shop of Desire : Magic Mist 6000 Stun Charm 24000
Poison Charm 6000
Shop of Need : Apple Gel 100 Flare Bottle 600
Orange Gel 200 Syrup Bottle 1200
Melange Gel 1000 Holy Bottle 200
Panacea Bottle 160 Dark Bottle 200
Life Bottle 400 Spectacles 50

Meredy : Baiba! Lots of stores here!

Farah : Everything looks so attractive!

Reid : Don't go wandering off now. This beautiful scent must be...

Farah : Reid, don't YOU go wandering off!

The house at the upper right screen is Maple. You can get a Holy Bottle if you search a jug
right from entrance. The house at the upper left screen is Scaroni Grill. Go to the second
floor. If you talk to the red man drinking, he will turned into Wonder Chef. This time he will
teach you how to make Steak. Now go to the left screen. Check the fountain for 1000 Gald. The
man standing north from the fountain will offer a mini game. If you win, you will get a title
of Mathematician and get a Lemon Gel, next time you try and win you will get a Miracle Gel.

Arithmetic contest
Rule : There are three piles of stones. Take turns taking the stones. The one to take the last
stone wins. You can take one to three stones each turn.

The house behind the guy who offer Arithmetic contest is Heavy Arms. Go outside Heavy Arms
through upper left door. Talk to the girl to get an Elixir. Search the chest for Shamsel. Now
go to the left screen and you will see an event and Farah will rushed over to the place of

Reid : It looks like trouble. We better not get involved... Farah?!

Meredy : Too late.

Man : what do you want?! Get out of my way now!

Farah : No! I'm not going anywhere. Don't you think it's pathetic for a grown-up to bully a

Man : What're you blabbering about?! Look! He's infamous around here for...

Kid : Boo hoo! He was mean to me! I'm just a little kid! Boo hoo...boo hoo!

The man will beating the kid.

Farah : What are you DOING?!

Farah will beating back the man and the kid will run away.

Kid : Serves you right!

Farah : Huh? What...?

Man : You let him get AWAY! That brat's a habitual thief!!

Farah : HUH?! But he's just a kid...

Man : Bad kids are bad! To think that we finally got him today... What's your problem, girl?!

Farah : Ah, er, well, it was like... I just didn't know...

Man : What kind of excuse is that?! That's right!! We want payback!!

Man : Come to think of it... We can use you...

Reid : We're sorry, really! We just came into port...

Man : That's a lame excuse!

Reid : That's true...

A mysterious man will come to help your party.

Mysterious Man : Article 87 of Inferia Trading Law. Employment is only to take effect when
both parties are in accord... In other words, you can't force her to work for
you without her consent.

Man : D...do you have a problem?!

Mysterious Man : It's the King's law. Your crates are sticking out 1.5 Lange into the public
street. That's either 3 years in jail or a fine of 1,000 Gald. On top of
that, double pricing...? There are no defenses for such violations... Before
you punish a child, maybe you should follow the law yourself, don't you

Man : Okay, okay. Please! Forget this happened!

All the men will run away.

Farah : We're saved! ...I think.

Reid : Farah! Stickin' your nose in when you don't even know what's going on!

Farah : ...Sorry.

Meredy : (Talking in Melnics language.) Wait!!

Farah : Uh...um, thank you so much! My name is Farah. Please let us repay you somehow.

Ras : I am...Ras. That was an amusing diversion. It is I who should thank you.

Farah has earned the title of Reckless.

You will be at Scaroni Grill.

Farah : Umm... Thank you so much for helping me!

Meredy : Thank you!

Farah : When I thought the kid was getting bullied, I couldn't stand to just watch.

Ras : Are you always so...single-minded?

Farah : ...Huh?

Reid : She's been that way forever!

Ras : Well. I'm very sorry... I feel sorry for those around you.

Reid : So you understand?! ...Understand the trouble I have to deal with?

Farah : When did I ever cause trouble for you?

Reid : It's not the first time something like this has happened! When she heard a kid was
drowning, she jumped right in and nearly drowned herself! Do people who can barely swim
normally do that? And the time before that, she felt sorry for an Egg Bear caught in a
trap and...

Farah : Are you finished? Why do you still remember all of this?

Reid : Because I had to clean up after you EVERY SINGLE TIME!

Ras : I enjoyed the meal.

Meredy : Meredy done too!

Farah : Ahem. You seem quite knowledgeable about the law. What is your profession, if I may

Reid : A pot?

Ras : It's a double metal pot, made as a decoration for the Royal Family in the late Melnics
Civilization period. Normally 10,000 Gald, it's now only 5,000!

Reid : Are you a merchant?

Ras : You could say that... It's a real bargain. This beauty was found while exploring Sylph

Farah : Sylph Cavern!

Ras : Ah. It's a cave west of Barole. The characteristics of this pot are evident on the

Farah : Take us there!

Ras : This pot...

Farah : I don't want it! Will you show us the way to Sylph Cavern?

Ras : 50,000 Gald. If you pay me 50,000 Gald, I'll show you the way to Sylph Cavern.

Select "Don't Pay".

Farah : I can't pay that kind of money.

Ras : I see... In that case, I'll show you for free this time. I've been thinking of going
back to Sylph Cavern again, anyway.

Farah : Thank you!

Ras : When you are prepared and ready, meet me in front of the Inn. I'll be there after I take
care of some business.

Farah : Ras! I've been wondering... What is that wonderful scent surrounding this town?

Ras : Oh, that? That's the fragrance of the Donies flowers.

Meredy : Is it the flower on Ras's hat?

Ras : Yes. It's my favorite flower.

Farah : Donies...

Ras : Well, I'll see you later.

Ras will leave your party.

Farah : We should get ready, too!

Now get back to the place where the previous event occur. Search the box with red fruits near
the way you came in for Water Crystal. The house at upper screen is Shop of Desire. Search the
gold vase near the entrance for a Lens. The house in the middle is Shop of Need. Now go to the
bottom right screen.

Meredy : Ras!

Meredy will hug Ras.

Meredy : Baiba!

Ras : Watch out!

You will see the shiny thing again just like Reid.

Ras : ...What is this?

Farah : It's the same light as you, Reid.

Meredy will hug Ras again and you will see the shiny thing again.

Quickie : Kweeek, kweee, kweee, keee!

Meredy : Hweel!! Ras has Fibrill, too! Let's go together! For sure! Together!

Quickie : Kweeek, kweee, kweee, keee!

Ras : What in the world is this light...?

Farah : Hmm? I don't know. Anyway! C'mon, let's go!

Farah : Reid?

Reid : Ah...right.

The first house at upper left is Barole Bookstore. You will find Katrine again there.

Katrine : Thank you very much.

Farah : Katrine?! Weren't you supposed to go to Inferia City?

Katrine : Uh, well... I thought I was in Inferia City, but...

Reid : It turned out to be Barole.

Katrine : But I'm fine! I now have the map of the world memorized. This time, I'll be sure to
reach Pierre and Inferia City!!

Reid : Is she really going to be all right?

Farah : She's memorized the entire map of the world. No problem!

Shopkeeper : Excuse me... This map is a city guide map for Barole...

The house at upper right screen is Barole Inn. You can find a Dark Bottle if you search the
middle north vase. Go to the left door to the bedroom and search the wooden cupboard at the
upper right screen. It's Wonder Chef again. This time he will teach you how to make Pot Pie.
Now get back to the world map and go southwest to Sylph Cavern.

/ 1.17 \______________________________________________________________________________________
Sylph Cavern
Enemies : Direwolf, Gas Cloud, Grizzly, Bone Knight, Melting Pot, Will O' Wisp, Mad Eel, Blood
Biter, Hornet, Phantom
Items : Storm Shield, 2x Melange Gel, Mental Ring, Assault Dagger, 1800 Gald, Orange Gel,
Lemon Gel, Needle Glove, Arc Wind, Life Bottle
Lens : 1

Go north from the entrance and you will be in an open area. Go north again and you will see
two guards.

Reid : Hey, those are Inferia Guards.

Ras : Let me speak to them. Wait here for a moment.

Ras will talk to the guards.

Farah : I wonder if Ras can convince them to let us through...?

Reid : I don't know...Inferia Guards can be as stubborn as mules.

Ras : Sorry to keep you waiting. Let's enter, shall we?

Farah : How did you manage to reason with them? You're such a salesman! You must be a great

Ras : Is that supposed to be a compliment?

Meredy : You bet! Ras is really something!

Farah : Let's go, Reid.

Reid : Don't you find this strange? It shouldn't be this easy to enter land annexed by the

Farah : It's his aura. The guards probably trust his aura.

Reid : Aura?

Farah : Come on, Reid! Hurry! First thing's first. Let's go find the Wind Craymel!

Go north along the way to find a hole with wind come out of it. Go to the hole when the wind
come out of it and you will be taken up above. Go a little bit to the left to get Storm Shield
from the chest. Go through the little typhoon, be careful not to hit them because it will
decrease your HP then go down the hole. Now go a little bit to the left and you will be taken
outside. Go to this area again and you will have some conversation.

Ras : You can't cross here. The wind's too strong.

Reid : So what are we supposed to do?

Ras : Stand back.

Ras will throw a rope to the other side.

Ras : Now if we hold onto the rope as we cross, we'll be fine.

Reid : Pretty handy item you've got there.

Now go across with the help of rope to the other side. Go to the hole and you will be taken
above. Get Melange Gel from the pouch and go down the hole. Go to the left to the next screen
and you will have some conversation down there.

Ras : Being exposed to wind for a long time can take a lot out of you. What do you think?
Maybe it's time to get some rest.

Reid : Huh? I'm still feeling great.

Ras : When you push too hard you wind up having accidents. Let's get some rest!

Meredy : You bet!

Ras : Reid... Your swordplay is impressive. You have a unique style. Where did you learn it?

Reid : ...Self-taught. I'm a hunter.

Meredy : Hey, hey. Ras, what are you wearing? It's pretty...

Ras : Aaah. This is a Compass Key.

Meredy : Com...pass...key?

Ras : Yes. A Compass Key. It's a key with mysterious power that leads you to the right path.

Farah : Hey, I've heard about those! So that's what they look like...

Reid : ...Ras. So where does your path lead you?

Ras : Earning money, of course. After all, I'm a merchant. If I may ask...why do you all want
to meet the Greater Craymels?

Farah : Huh? Is that strange? To want to meet them?

Ras : It doesn't seem to be mere curiosity. I feel that there's a... A sense of purpose.

Meredy : (Talking in Melnics language.) Ras knows much. With Greater Craymels, we will...

Reid : W...wait a minute, Meredy!

Farah : Why not? Let me explain to Ras. I'm sure he will be able to help us. Right?!

Ras : You wish to form a pact with the Greater Craymels to save the world from the Grand Fall?

Farah : Please believe us. I know this goes against all reasoning, but...

Ras : You seem joyful somehow.

Farah : ...I may have been waiting for a day like this to come for a long time. It makes me
happy to think that I just might save the lives of people around the world. And...

Ras : Yes?

Farah : It makes me feel at ease.

Ras : Oh...?

Farah : Knowing that my efforts helped to bring happiness to others makes me
feel...comfortable. I've always felt this way.

Ras : I see. Those are deep wounds... What is it that has made you so downhearted? From what
do you run?

Farah : Run? Me? ...How rude!! Nothing would make me run!!

Ras : Really?

Farah : Well...dried-up slug carcasses aren't exactly my favorite... But that's about it.

Ras : ...Heh. I understand. I will broach the subject no more.

Farah : But it's the truth!

Ras : I'm sorry, my dear. Thank you for the interesting chat. Let us sleep...we have an early

Farah : Yeah... Good night.

Now go all the way to the right to the next screen. The upper right screen will take you back
outside, so go to the hole at this screen to get above. Take another Melange Gel from the
chest and go down the hole at this screen. Go up above the hole at this screen. Up ahead, you
will see 3 routes. Take the middle one and you will fall down. Get Mental Ring from the chest.
Now move a little to the left and you will be taken outside. Now get back to the screen where
you fell down. This time take the upper route or the bottom one to get Assault Dagger and 1800
Gald. Don't go down the hole yet but go to the right edge to get a Lens. Now go down the hole
and get an Orange Gel and Lemon Gel from the pouch. Now go to the hole that take you above and
then go down the hole at this screen. Get Needle Glove from the chest at the upper left screen
and go above from the hole to get Arc Wind from the chest. Go down the hole again and this
time enter the bottom cave. Get a Life Bottle from the pouch and just follow the way to the
next screen. Here you will fight the Greater Craymels, Sylph.

Farah : Yoo-hoo! Where are you, Greater Craymels...?

Reid : Shhh, not so loud!

You will see a green typhoon and reveal a little green fairy.

Sylph : Hey there!

Meredy : The Greater Wind Craymel!!

Reid : This twerp?

Sylph : I am Sylph, the Greater Wind Craymel. I congratulate you for making it this far.

Meredy : Sylph. We have request.

Sylph : I know. You want me to get onto that cage, right?

Farah : Please. Undine is already inside.

Sylph : Hmm, what should I do? It's not as if I have nothing else to do.

Reid : If you'd like, we can show you our strength.

Sylph : Not wasting any time, are you? But what I want to see is your heart, not your

Boss : Sylph + 2z Arms(HP: 4500, STR: Wind)
HP : 6600
EXP : 1929
Gald : 0
Attack : 170 (Air Thrust, Sylphid Arrow, Sagittarius Arrow, Wind Blade)
Element Attack : Wind
Defense : 200
Intelligence : 80
Strong : Wind, Water, Fire, Lightning, Ice
Weak : Earth
Rewards : Protect Ring(100%), Life Bottle(100%)

Strategy : Kill the two Arms first to make this battle a lot easier. It's so hard to hit Sylph
because Sylph is very small and floating in the air. Use jumping attack to make
damage on it. Be careful with its spell because it can make a major damage. Bring a
lot of healing items and Life Bottle just in case one of your character died.

Sylph : Hey...you're pretty tough for a bunch of humans!

Meredy : Can you enter the Craymel Cage?

Sylph : Hmm... What should I do?

Reid : Damn it! We have no time to be fooling around!

Ras : Oh great Sylph. We humans are without power. In order to save the world, we beg you to
lend us your power.

Sylph : You're lost without me?

Ras : That is correct. You are our only hope.

Sylph : All right... Fine. I'll get into that thing.

Reid : ...Good grief! He's a real/ handful.

Sylph : By the way, the Greater Fire Craymel lives in a really hot place. He's not mature like
me, so good luck getting him to cooperate.

Reid : Whew... I'm exhausted.

Meredy : Now Undine and Sylph on our side!

Farah : The Greater Fire Craymel is the only Primary Craymel left. I wonder if he really is
more immature than Sylph?

Reid : At any rate, let's get out of here.

Farah : Good idea.

Now get back outside and you will have some conversation.

Quickie : Kueeekeee, kwwwkeee, kwwwkeee, keee...

Meredy : What is it, Quickie?

Reid : you hungry? I'm hungry, too.

Guard : Excuse me...

Ras : Huh? Oh...excuse me a minute.

Quickie : Kweeek, kweeekeee, keee, keee!

Farah : Are we in trouble? Do they know we have Sylph?

Ras : Huh? No, I don't think so.

Reid : What's going on? What did the Inferia Guards say?

Ras : I have a customer. There's someone who is interested in my pot... I am sorry, but I must
be going.

Farah : Huh? You're leaving us, Ras?

Meredy will hug Ras.

Meredy : Noooo! Do not go! Please help, Ras! Ras has lots of Fibrill!

Ras : I must follow the path to which I am called. I am sorry...

Farah : Come on, Meredy! Mustn't be selfish now.

Meredy : Baiba!

Farah : It's okay! We can manage by ourselves. That's right! No problem!

Meredy : You bet...

Farah : Ras, thanks a million for showing us the way. Good luck with your business!!

Ras : ...Thanks. All of you...take care.

Ras will leave your party.

Meredy : Hween... So painful...

Farah : What you mean to say is 'sad'. ...He was a good person. Though he could be awfully

Reid : ...And just when I thought I could leave the rest to him, he leaves.

Meredy will hug Reid.

Meredy : Nooo, nooo! You can't go away too, Reid!!

Reid : Do you need this weird, glowing thing? What the heck is it, anyway?

Meredy : Strong Fibrill!

Meredy : (Talking in Melnics language.) ...Sorry. Not know how to explain...

Farah : But, you know, Reid, don't you think it's a good thing to be needed?

Reid : I wonder...

Quickie will run away.

Meredy : Quickie!

Meredy will follow Quickie.

Farah : Uh-oh! Come on, Reid! We better hurry, too!

Farah and Reid will follow Meredy. You will received Ras's equipment.

Quickie : Kweekee, kweekee!

You will see Keele.

Meredy : Keele!! What are you doing here?

Quickie : Kweeekeee!

Keele : I learned of your whereabouts in the town of Barole. It's a long story... By the
way... I saw an unfamiliar face go by... Who was that?!

Meredy : That was Ras. A new member of our party. ...Was anyway.

Keele : A new member...? You didn't go and tell him everything, did you?

Meredy : You bet! We told everything.

Keele : Why did you do that for?! Are you crazy? Do you want to make us criminals again?

Quickie : Kweekee keee...

Meredy : But Ras has strong Fibrill...

Keele : So what?! Explain it to me so I can actually understand!

Reid : Keele! Stop scaring Meredy.

Farah : Ras is just a merchant. He wouldn't report us to the King.

Reid : Hey, what I want to know is why you're here. Why aren't you at the Royal Observatory?
Did they send you packing already? W...wait a minute. Are you serious...?

Farah : I'm so glad you came back to join us. I mean, it was really hard without you, Keele.

Keele : Sorry...

Farah : No, no. You don't need to apologize. Everything is A-okay. Right?

Reid : So, what do we do next?

Farah : We have to find the Greater Fire Craymel, of course. ...In some really hot place.

Sylph : Here! You can have the Aerialboard. It's one of the Craymel Artes. If you press square
at the Map screen, it's on the menu. It can travel over flat land, rivers, and oceans
in any world where there are Wind Craymels. Press circle if you want to walk again.

Keele : Are you suggesting we use the Aerialboard to find the Greater Fire Craymel ourselves?

Sylph : You're a sharp one. I'll give this Arte to you. I wish you well. Bye now!

Go down one screen and you will have alittle conversation.

Keele : It's hard to believe we now have Sylph's cooperation, too.

Meredy : We have two greater Craymels. Now we can Fringe!

Keele : Fringe?

Meredy : Make new Craymel Arte! Except, it is no good if Greater Craymels are all in one
Craymel Cage. Separate the Greater Craymels, then Fringe! Give it a try.

Keele : I get it... Depending on how you combine Greater Craymels, different Craymel Artes are
formed. If we find more Greater Craymels, we should try out different combinations.

Farah : So if they aren't kept separate, will the Craymel Artes that have already formed
become useless?

Meredy : You bet. Keep Greater Craymels divided. To be strong, that is the secret.

Reid : Can you imagine how many different Craymel Artes can be formed by trying different
combinations? Keele, you figure out the rest!

Keele : What's the Lv that appears when you view a Greater Craymel?

Meredy : Lv? ...Oh! You mean Level! If Greater Craymel gains experience and Level goes up, we
can form many more Craymel Artes.

Keele : That must mean... If we raise the Levels and then Fringe, we can form more powerful
Craymel Artes!

Meredy : You bet! Right, Reid?

Reid : It's no use asking Reid. All this stuff probably goes right over his head.

Reid : Oh, yeah?!

Now go to Chambard, it's in the large desert, west from Sylph Cavern.

- Near the Treetop Village of Morle, if you go N through the opening in the mountains then go
straight W, there will be a deadend near the end of the shoreline. If you walk into the
corner of the deadend, you'll be taken to a forest background with a man who will teach you
the Focus Attack command. (Thanks to "Chris Solomon" )
- A little bit northwest from Barole, there is a small opening surrounded by mounatin. Here
you can find Wind Shard and Wind Crystal.
- A little bit north from Barole, there is a small opening surrounded by mountain. Here you
can find a woman who sells only Strawberry.
- A little south west from Sylph Cavern, go to the bottom left edge of this continenet and
you will get a Lens.
- A little bit west from Mt. Mintche, there was a forest and an open area surronded by forest
and forest and mountain. Go to the open area to get Rune Bottle from the pouch.
- In the Middle of the Largest Island at the northwest corner of the Map, Northwest of
Barole. You'll find a Savory and a Lavender.
- A little bit to the west of Port of Inferia at the cape, you can find an old man who
telling you there's a girl who can ride Drake the Dragon.
- Go to the middle of the only forest you can find in Farlos to get Back Attack command from
the old soldier.
- Go to northwest of Chambard to an island then go to left edge of this island and get a Lens
and Front Attack command from the old soldier.
- Small island south of Efreet Gorge has Syrup Bottle and Life Bottle.
- Take any ship ride :
Barole <-> Inferia Capital
1st Class 1,020 Gald
2nd Class 900 Gald
Mintche <-> Inferia Capital
1st Class 840 Gald
2nd Class 720 Gald

1st Class
Item : White Cloak(the chest)
Melange Gel(a cupboard behind the chest)
Fire Crsytal(cupboard below the two beds)
Savory(cupboard next to the right bed)
Item at Cafetaria : Tuna Gel, Egg, Lemon, Carrot, Lettuce, Banana, Potato, Strawberry
Sea Merchant : Lemon Gel 2500 Water Crystal 6000
Pine Gel 3000 Poison Charm 6000
Miracle Gel 6000 Thief's Cape 2400
Syrup Bottle 1200

Go to the upper right door and you will see Katrine again.

Katrine : They told me this ship goes to Inferia City...

Sailor : Yes, it does. But you need a pass!

Katrine : I...I didn't know!

Sailor : Whatever your excuse, a crime's a crime!

Farah : Hey, isn't that Katrine, from Mintche University? This girl must attaend the Academic
Conference in Inferia City! Couldn't you just let it pass this once?

Sailor : No! I can't overlook a crime! But I might reconsider if you take the punishment in
her place.

Farah : All right. I'll do it!

Sailor : You don't even know what the punishment is! You're gonna regret it!

Katrine : Oh, no! I'll take the punishment myself.

Farah : Don't worry! No problem!

Sailor : ...You are noble. There aren't many people who'd go this far for someone else! Out of
respect for your courage, I'll let you and the stowaway go free.

Katrine : I'm so grateful! I don't know how to thank you!

Farah : I'm glad I could be of help!

Sailor : Hold on there! I just remembered... We need someone to help carry the luggage... A
crime's a crime. Somebody has to pay!

Reid : Why me?

2nd Class
Item : a Lens(the jars in the room beside your room)
Ahmet Helm, Crescent Axe(the left deck)
Chain Mail, Bird Whistle( the right deck)

/ 1.18 \______________________________________________________________________________________
City of Scorched Sand, Chambard
Items : 1000 Gald, Rune Bottle, Elven Boots
Special Item from Irene : Combo Command(10 Lenses), Inferi Cape(20 Lenses)
Lens : 2
Recipes : 2 (Carbonara Pasta and Seafood Pasta)
Mini-Game : Cooking Contest
Running Water : Apple Gel 100 Flare Bottle 600
Orange Gel 200 Syrup Bottle 1200
Melange Gel 1000 Holy Bottle 200
Panacea Bottle 160 Dark Bottle 200
Life Bottle 400 Spectacles 50
Bikini : White Cloak 1480 Blue Ribbon 2800
Silk Cloak 1840 Leather Cape 100
Feather Robe 1560 Kitchen Mitten 3560
Heat Up : Ring Mail 3500 Gold Circlet 3560
Cross Helm 3600 Kite Shield 4000
Hot Shot : Dao Blade 4400 Pretty Whistle 3160
Crescent Axe 2200 Gem Rod 3200
Halberd 3800
Cham Foods : Bread 60 Cheese 60
Pasta 60 Egg 50
Rice 100 Milk 50
Bear Meat 150 Tuna 200
Squid 80 Tofu 60
Shrimp 80 Konia 60
Vard foods : Lettuce 60 Beet 60
Cabbage 60 Radish 60
Potato 50 Lemon 60
Cucumber 50 Strawberry 80
Carrot 50 Banana 50
Onion 50 Kiwi 80
Tomato 80 Kirima 80

Reid : Man, it's hot!

Keele : Chambard is famous for its extreme heat, but I never thought it'd be this bad.

Farah : It seems silly to even be wearing clothes... Don't you think, Meredy? Meredy, are you
all right?!

Meredy : ...Meredy...all right.

Farah : Is the climate in Celestia different from Inferia?

Meredy : It is a dark, cool world. Very cool.

Reid : I'm starting to wish I were there now.

Meredy : Celestia is nice place. You should visit.

Farah : Meredy! Don't faint on us!

Meredy : You bet...

The first house you can enter is Chambard Inn. Search the vase near the entrance in bedroom
for 1000 Gald. Search the bed at upper screen for Wonder Chef. This time he will teach you how
to make Carbonara Pasta. Go upstairs. The house at far right is Running Water. Here you can
get a Rune Bottle if you search red jar right from the entrance. You can see a lady with pink
clothes at upper corner of this screen. It's Irene. She will give you special item every 10
Lenses you got. If you have collected 10 Lenses, you will get Combo Command. If you have
collected 20 Lenses like me at this time, you will get Inferi Cape. Go left to the next screen
from the bottom road. Search the statue for a Lens. Get Elven Boots from the chest at middle
right screen. If you talk to the man with yellow cap, it's Balloon Master, he will offer you a
mini game.

Mini Game : Chamballoon
Objective : Attack and destroy all of the floating objects. Finish in under the Target Time to
1st -> 4:83
2nd -> 3:66
3rd -> 6:00
4th -> 7:00
5th -> 6:00
You will get a title of King of Balloons if you win 5 times. Talk to the man near Chambard
Inn, he will give you 100 Gald if you win Chamballoon.

Now go up to the next screen. The house at the bottom is Bikini. You will see Katrine again

Farah : Isn't that Katrine, from Mintche University?

Katrine : It's been such a long time!

Reid : Hey, there. Did you make it to Inferia City?

Katrine : No, I just now learned how to get there.

Shop Attendant : Our exclusive dress and a Rasheans dye Hawaiian shirt. That'll be 30,000
Gald, please.

Reid : Do you have time to be shopping right now?

Katrine : The storekeeper suggested that I would need really nice clothes if I'm going to
Inferia City.

Farah : They're way too expensive, and you don't need them anyway! No thank you.

Store Attendant : Right now, you can pay in twelve easy installments...

Farah : No thanks!

Store Attendant : I'll knock 50 Gald off the price.

Farah : No thank you!!

Store Attendant : A...all right.

Katrine : Thanks so much. I was about to lose my travel money to go to Inferia City. Uh-oh, I
better hurry!

The house at upper right screen is Hot Shot. The house at the upper middle screen is Chambard
Bistro. It is the place where you can compete with your cooking skill. The bottle at left
screen in Chambard Bistro is Wonder Chef. This time he will teach you how to make Seafood
Pasta. You can buy some foods if you enter upper right door. Search the table upstairs for a

You can enter the cooking contest if you pay 10,000 Gald. You have to make Omelette for Gina.
This is how to win this contest :
1. First you must mastered the Omelette recipe (you must have 5 stars below Farah)
2. Choose the ingredients by this order : Onion - Rice - Lemon - Egg
Farah will earned the title of 3-Star Chef if you win this contest.

Now go southeast from Chambard to reach Efreet Gorge.

Enemies in this continent :
Day : Mad Needles, Hornet, Scorpion, Tarantula, Rogue, Hunter, Killer Bee, Ogre, Firebird,
Prairie Hawk, Seahorse, Slugger, Druid, Tropics Worm, Orcrot, G. Spider
Night : Poltergeist, Living Dead, Voltic
Beach : Prairie Hawk, Seahorse, Octoslime, Aquaspin

/ 1.19 \______________________________________________________________________________________
Efreet Gorge
Enemies : Drake, Firebird, Ogre, Gallows, Voltic, Arms, Iron Golem, Death
Items : Venom, Sage, Flare Cape, Lemon Gel, Lavender, Life Bottle, Square Shield, Cross Helm,
Rune Bottle, Fire Shard
Lens : 1

Reid : Whew! It's hot here! There's no way we can stand this heat. It's too intense!

Farah : You always give up way too easily! We'll find a way!

Reid : How?

Farah : Well, um...

Keele : (Talking in Melnics language.) Undine!!

Undine : So, you have arrived at Efreet Gorge...

Keele : Yes. We're here to find the Greater Fire Craymel. Can you help us get through?

Undine : You cannot touch the fire?

Reid : We'd get burned.

Farah : Undine, aren't you hot?

Undine will cool down this place.

Undine : Craymels can cross freely between the physical and spiritual worlds. We do not feel

Reid : Huh... How convenient.

Meredy : How lucky!

Keele : Undine, I thank you for helping us.

Meredy : Thank you!

Undine : I will use my power to protect you from the heat as long as I can. But be careful. I
can only suppress the heat. It may still be quite hot.

Farah : Summoning Undine was a great idea, Keele!

Keele : Let's hurry. We don't know how long Undine's effects will last.

Go north to the next screen and get Venom from the chest above. Go to the upper right screen
to the next screen. Get Sage from the chest a bit to the right then go north to the next
screen. Get Flare Cape from the chest above and Lemon Gel from the chest to the left. Now go a
little bit north and follow the way left through the burning fire to the next screen. You will
be in some place and there is no lava river in there.

Farah : Keele! Are you all right?

Keele : I...I'm fine.

Reid : Let's take a break.

Keele : Really! I'm fine!

Reid : I don't want to wind up carrying you.

Farah : I'm tired, too. We've been walking for ages. Let's rest!

Reid : Keele, are you weaker than you were back when we were kids?

Farah : Reid, I told you to quit it! Keele has been busy with his studies, you know. It's
natural for him to get tired with all this sudden exertion. Keele...are you really

Keele : ...Heh. Boy, I'm pathetic. I've got Farah worrying about me again, like I'm still a
snot-nosed kid.

Farah : That's not true, Keele! I know you're not a kid anymore.

Meredy : You bet! Keele knows very many things! You are very, very wise but not perfect. I can
help. We are friends. Pals!

Farah : Right! Just like Meredy says! We all help each other. Nobody is good at everything.

Keele : You've always been so nice, Farah. Always trying to help out strangers. You weren't
just a mean boss.

Farah : Really...? I don't know... Hey, wait a minute Keele! Who was a mean boss?!

Keele : I...sorry, sorry!

Reid : As mighty as ever...

Now go north and you will see three doors but you can't open them so go north to the next
screen. Here get Lavender, Life Bottle, Square Shield and Cross Helm from the chests and go
north to the next screen. Undine will show up again.

Undine : Even my powers are not enough to protect you from those flames. Pass through quickly
when the flames go out. Please be careful...

Get Bracelet and Blue Ribbon from the chests and go north. You will fight Efreet here.

Reid : Oww! Sooo hot!

Farah : This heat is terrible!

Keele : Shh! The Greater Craymel should be around here somewhere...

You will see a blazing fire and a creature is inside the fire.

Meredy : Eek!

Reid : Gasp!

Keele : Aaahhh!

Farah : Help!

Efreet : Reckless, foolish humans! Remember your place!

Boss : Efreet
HP : 24000
EXP : 2723
Gald : 0
Attack : 200 (Burning Beast, Flame Wave)
Element Attack : Fire
Defense : 360
Intelligence : 50
Strong : Fire, Wind, Earth, Ice, Lightning
Weak : Water
Rewards : Black Onyx(100%), Life Bottle(100%)

Strategy : Be careful with the fire below Efreet, it can damage you. Efreet will try to make
you cornered, so be careful. Have Meredy/Keele use Spread because the weakness of
Efreet is Water. Have Reid use Demon Lightning Hammer.

Farah : Meredy! Be careful!

Efreet : Rahrr!! Come!!

Meredy : Baiba!!

Undine will show up.

Undine : Efreet, stop! How disgraceful...

Efreet : Undine... Have you become a slave to these humans?!

Undine : I entered the Craymel Cage of my own free will. Surely you must know the

efreet : I'm the Greater Fire Craymel! I can't simply leave and abandon my duties here!

Undine : It is precisely because you are a Greater Craymel that we need you. Raise the Craymel

Choose Keele's or Meredy's Craymel Cage. It's up to you to chose whom.

Meredy/Keele : Ready!

Undine will force Efreet inside the Craymel Cage.

Efreet : Aaarghhh!!

Reid : Hey, wait a minute... Is it really okay to just force him in?!

Keele : Undine! Are you all right?

You will see a light come out from the Craymel Cage.

Reid : Wh...what? What's happening?

Farah : We're not getting punished, are we?

Meredy : Eek!!

The light will transform into an angel.

Keele : You...you are... The Greater Light Craymel...Rem?!

Rem : That is correct.

Meredy : The greatest Greater Craymel?!

Keele : That's right. Rem is a Governing Craymel that unifies the three Primary Craymels under

Farah : Rem, we have a favor to ask you! We would like you to stop the Grand Fall!

Rem : That, I cannot do.

Keele : NO...

Rem : You, the humans alone, have caused this problem. It is a problem that must be solved by

Keele : Are you saying the Grand Fall is caused by humans?

Rem : Here. Take this.

You will received Sorcerer's Ring. With this, you can use R1 to fire a laser beam.

Rem : It's a Sorcerer's Ring! Use the ring to cross the Bridge of Light.

Farah : The Bridge of Light?!

Keele : Rem, wait!! We have many more questions to ask!

Rem will disappear leaving Undine, Efreet and Sylph behind.

Sylph : Ha ha! What's the matter?!

Keele : Where did Rem go?

Efreet : Who knows?

Efreet will enter the Craymel Cage.

Farah : Is Rem in the Craymel Cage?

Sylph : Of course not! Don't you know? Rem is a Governing Craymel.

Sylph will enter the Craymel Cage.

Keele : Undine!

Undine : Rem is no longer here. You must trust in what she said and continue your duties.

Reid : Continue our duties? But...

Undine : Take very good care of the Sorcerer's Ring.

Undine will enter the Craymel Cage.

Now go down the stairs and Meredy will explain about Fringe.

Water + Wind -> Heal
Fire lv 5 + Water lv 7 -> Sharpness
Wind lv 6 + Fire lv 5 -> Concentrate

Now go to the place where you saw three doors. Use R1 in front of the door and the door will
be opened. Inside use R1 again to the switch and the monsters will be appeared. After you
defeat the monster, a chest will be appeared. Get Rune Bottle from the door above. Get Fire
Shard from the middle door. Get a Lens from the bottom door. Now go down to the camp point and
you will ahev some conversation.

Meredy : Keele...?

Keele : Meredy! Did you know? The Grand Fall is the work of humans! You knew it, didn't you?

Meredy : ...It was Balir.

Keele : Balir? Who exactly is that?

Meredy : Celestia's (Talking in Melnics language.)

Meredy : He is like a King. It is Balir who is behind the Grand Fall.

Farah : So the Celestians do want to destroy Eternia?

Keele : The Celestians... It was the Celestians after all... They were the masterminds behind
the Grand Fall!

Meredy : Not true! Balir did it all alone! Inferians and Celestians both in danger!!

Keele : Oh yeah? So then why have you kept silent up til now?

Quickie : Kuweekeee...

Meredy : ...I could not explain well. Was afraid... I am sorry! Please! Trust me?

Reid : Say... Do all Celestians have dark skin and glass beads on their heads like you?

Meredy : You bet... All have Elara.

Reid : Even Balir?

Meredy : ...No. Balir has none. His forehead is light. Like yours.

Reid : Say...do you remember the name of the man who crossed over to Celestia?

Farah : Umm...wasn't it...

Keele : Balir...?

Reid : Do you think that's just a coincidence?

Keele : It can't be!! The mastermind behind the Grand Fall is... Balir...? An Inferian?!

Reid : I don't know... ...but I think it's too early to assume that the Celestians are the bad

Farah : Meredy... ...I believe in you. I trust you all the way.

Meredy : Thank you!

Reid : Well then, why don't we begin our search for the Bridge of Light?

Meredy : Reid...

Reid : No, all I meant was that we'll stick by you until we find the Bridge of Light. I didn't
mean anything serious...

keele : ...Mt. Farlos. The Bridge of Light is on Mt. Farlos.

Reid : how do you know, Keele?!

Keele : I heard it...at the Royal Observatory.

Reid : Good job!

Meredy : Keele... Thank you.

Keele : Let's just get going.

Keele : I dislike intuition and inferences. I need to confirm the cause of the Grand Fall with
my own eyes.

Farah : Okay! Let's head for Mt. Farlos. No problem!!

Meredy : I...I like you all...so much.

Meredy : (Talking in Melnics language.)

Quickie : Kuweekeee, kuweekeee!!

Now get back to the world map and go to the middle of Inferia Map to Farlos Sanctuary.

Enemies in this continent :
Day : Baldie, Shaman, Grappler, Hell Hound, Feather Magic
Night : Lost Soul

/ 1.20 \______________________________________________________________________________________
Farlos Sanctuary
Lens : 1
Merchant : Apple Gel 100 Holy Bottle 200
Orange Gel 200 Dark Bottle 200
Panacea Bottle 160 Spectacles 50
Life Bottle 400

Keele : So this is the famous Mt. Farlos sanctuary, the birthplace of Seyfert's Teachings.

Reid : That is one BIG stained-glass window!

Keele : I gather it's a picture of the god of creation, Seyfert, descending from the heavens.

Farah : Wow...it's breathtaking.

Now go enter Farlos Snctuary. The right door will take you to a fortune teller. The door to
the left is a bedroom. Enter the door to the left.

Keele : Let's rest first. Mountain climbing and exhaustion don't exactly mix well.

Choose to rest in here.

Farah : Meredy...

Meredy : Hmm?

Farah : Celestia... What kind of place is it?

Meredy : It is very much darker than Inferia. Winds not blow, but very, very cold. And...many
many many machines!!

Keele : Machines? Are you telling me the technology is more advanced than Inferia? That's

Meredy : It's true!

Keele : Well...we'll know when we get there. If we ever reach Celestia, we'll know everything.

Reid : You all...are really planning on going to Celestia?

Farah : ...Reid, you're not...going?

Reid : Didn't you listen to Zosimos? That guy Balir...he crossed the Bridge of Light and never
came back!

Farah : But Meredy came to Inferia, so don't you think we can make it, too?

Reid : But even if we can make it to Celestia... It's a totally unknown world! We don't know
WHAT might happen!

Keele : That's exactly why I want to go.

Reid : Arrghh! Haven't you guys ever heard of better safe than sorry?

Meredy : Reid, let's go together. We need you.


Search the wardrobe for a Lens. Now get out from this room and try to go outside. The priest
will stop you and teach Farah Life spell. Now go outside and take the left exit. Just follow
the way to the next screen and you will reach Mt. Farlos.

/ 1.21 \______________________________________________________________________________________
Mt. Farlos
Enemies : Violent Viper, Killer Bee, Grappler, Falsea Horns, Prairie Hawk, Hell Hound, Feather
Magic, Wyvern, Chimaera
Items : Crystal Robe, Duel Helm, Omega Shield, Flare Bottle, Apple Gel, Emerald Ring, Warrior
Symbol, Orange Gel, Lemon Gel, Trident, 2600 Gald

Reid : It's tall!

Farah : Even up close like this...

You will see a very tall mountain.

Reid : Keele, are you all right?

Keele : All right what?

Reid : It's pretty steep. Do you think you're tough enough to make it?

Keele : The legendary Bridge of Light is up there! I'm going, and that's all there is to it!

Reid : Well...hang in there.

Farah : Okay, let's go!

Now go north to the next screen. Get Crystal Robe from the chest near the trees. Get Duel Helm
from the chest a little north from the first chest. Go to the lower right screen first to get
Omega Shield from the chest. Now get back to the previous screen and enter the upper right
screen. Go follow the way leading up. Get Flare Bottle from the chest below and go north.
There will be a rockslide and Farah will get separated from the party.

Reid : ...Are we all okay? Hey! Are you all right? Did you hurt anywhere? Can you understand

Meredy : Meredy was so scared!

Keele : ...Where's Farah?

Reid : Farah!

Meredy : Quickie, do you smell Farah?

Quickie : Kwee...

Meredy : Doesn't look like she'a here...

Reid : Farah! Farah!

Keele : Hey, that's enough! All you're doing is attracting monsters!

Reid : If we don't hurry up and find her, Farah could be attacked by monsters, too!

Keele : Well, then don't just run around like an idiot. Let's figure this out logically, all

Reid : Yeah...okay.

You will see Farah in a cave and she was thinking about the past when she still a little girl.

Farah : Wait, wait!

Reid and Keele will leave Farah alone.

Farah : Reid? Keele? Where are you? Come back!

??? : Farah...

Farah : That voice... Ras?

??? : Farah... Thank goodness...

Farah : Ras... Is it you, Ras?

You will be back to the other party.

Meredy : Reid?

Keele : What's the matter?

Reid : huh? Oh, I dunno... I'm just getting a bad feeling...

Keele : Don't be stupid! I'm sure she's fine! It's Farah we're talking about here, remember?

Reid : Yeah... I guess you're right. Who knows? She might be waiting for us at the top

Meredy : Yeah, Meredy bet she is!

Now take the lower road to the next screen with a bridge. Go across the bridge to the next
screen. Get Apple Gel from the pouch here and take the far right road. At the next screen
Keele will notice something.

Keele : *Gasp!*

Reid : Do you see her?!

Keele : Look at this volcanic rock! See how the Craymel Stone element in it is in a swirl
pattern? This is an extremely rare form! It's the first time I've seen a specimen like
this in person!

Reid : Hey! We're looking for Farah, remember?! Yo, Keele!

Keele : It's Farah!!

You will see Farah with Ras at the bottom.

Keele/Meredy : Farah!!

Farah : Reid! Keele! Meredy!! You're all okay!!

Reid : Never mind us! What about you?

Farah : Look who saved me!

Keele : Isn't that the guy from Sylph Cavern...?

Reid : Yeah, it's that merchant, Ras.

Meredy : Ras! You're back?

Farah : We ran into each other coincidentally! Ras just happened to be on the mountain!

Keele : Coincidentally, huh...

Reid : How do we get over there?

Ras : It doesn't look like you can with this terrain condition! Let's all head for the top!
The paths should meet up there!

Reid : How can you be so sure?

Ras : I come up here all the time to dig up ancient treasures!

Farah : Don't worry about me! We'll meet you at the top!

Farah and Ras will go to the north.

Keele : Doesn't that guy seem awfully suspicious?

Reid : Anyway... We'd better head for the top...

Keele : Right.

Now go to the north two screens. Get Emerald Ring from the chest and go up two screens
following the way. Now the screen will change into Farah and Ras. Farah will tripped.

Ras : Watch out!!

Farah : Sorry! I tripped.

Ras : Your leg msut still be hurting... Shall we take a break?

Farah : No, I'm fine. Really. The fate of the world depends on this little adventure. I've got
to keep going.

Ras : Farah, why are you so determined? You're a talented amrtial artist. And I admire the
unselfish way you're devoting yourself to helping the world. But... You are just a
commoner. Even if you're right about the Greater Craymels being able to stop the Grand
Fall, it's still the Empire's responsibility. You shouldn't get so involved.

Farah : We went to the King first, but nobody believed us. So we decided that we had to do
something on our own!

Ras : So you don't mind if you end up as an enemy of the Empire and get killed?

Farah : Of course not! This is for the good of everyone! It's the right thing to do! Am

Ras : Uh... No. it's just that I never met anyone who thinks like you.

Farah : So I am weird then. Is that it?

Ras : Maybe a little. But that's also what makes you fascinating...

Farah : Don't look at me like I'm some kind of rare animal!

Ras : I'm sorry. I'm in no position to psychoanalyze you or anything. Don't take it to heart,

Just follow the way to the north two screens. You will be in a foggy place and there are a lot
of rocks falling from above. Avoid the falling rock, it can damage you. Get Warrior Symbol
from the far left chest and after that go all the way up to the next screen. Get Orange Gel
from the chest below and go north to the next screen. Avoid the falling rocks and go all the
way up to the next screen. Get Lemon Gel from the pouch and after that go north. Get Trident
from the chest a little bit to the left. Avoid the falling rock and go all the way up to the
next screen. Get 2600 Gald from the right chest and go up to the next screen. Go up again to
the next screen and you will reach the camp point.

Reid : Whew! We've come a long way!

Meredy : Whew! Meredy is beat!

Reid : Guess we'll rest.

Keele : Okay.

Reid : Keele, why are you quiet?

Keele : Why should I speak without reason?

Reid : I'm just concerned. I thought you might be fatigued.

Keele : I don't need you worrying about me. What about you? You've gotten quiet yourself since
Farah disappeared.

Meredy : That is true. Reid is much more quiet.

Reid : That's got nothing to do with this!

Keele : That guy Ras, he's a handsome guy...

Reid : I guess so...

Keele : Very graceful gentleman... Almost a regal quality to him... I suppose a hot-tempered
girl like Farah needs an older, more experienced man of the world.

Reid : Why are you looking at me like that?!

Meredy : Why is Reid so angry now?

Reid : I...I...I'm not angry! It's just that Keele is... He's... Aw! Forget it!

Keele : I was just stating that Farah is 17 years old. It's natural for a girl to...


Meredy : ...Reid is angry.

Now go to the north and go all the way up at the next screen. The screen will change into
Farah and Ras again.

Ras : When did you first meet your Celestian friend?

Farah : You mean Meredy?

Ras : Hmm? Yes, her. Did you really run into Meredy purely by chance?

Farah : Yeah, completely by chance. I mean...literally...she just dropped right out of the
sky! It was wild. Her flying ship blew up, and we couldn't even communicate with her
at first...

Ras : So you believed her right from the start, even though you couldn't understand what she
was saying? Why do you believe her?

Farah : I don't know why, exactly... Do I have to have a reason to believe her?

Ras : If you believe everyone indiscriminately, you'll get hurt someday. But ironically, you
can't live without believing in someone. That's the paradox of believing in others.
Don't you think?

Farah : What about you, Ras? Do you believe in someone?

Ras : I believe in...my mother.

Farah : Your mother?

Ras : She died when I was little...but...

Farah : What was she like? Will you describe her to me?

Ras : She was a wonderful person... *Cough* ...Excuse me. I'm talking nonsense. We should get

You will control Reid again. You will be in a cliff with a lot of ropes to climbed.

Keele : There are many ropes here that somebody must have left.

Reid : Too bad we can't reach them.

Quickie : Kweee, kweeekeee!!

Meredy : Quickie! Will you go for us?

Quickie : Kweeekeee!

Meredy : If Meredy says There, check the area. If Meredy says Now, try to climb, okay?

Quickie : Kweeekeee!

Meredy : And jump when Meredy says Go. Okay, Quickie?

Quickie : Kwee kweeekeee!

Reid : Does Quickie really understand? ...I guess we have no choice but to rely on Quickie.

Quickie : Kweeekeee!

Now you must control Quickie to release all the ropes. Here's the commands :
Right! -> Go! -> Now! -> Now! -> There! -> Now! -> Go! -> Now! -> There! -> Go! -> There! ->

Now climb the rope and get to the upper right screen to get you to the next screen. Get a Life
Bottle from the pouch and go north. Go north again in this screen.

Keele : There it is! I see the summit!!

Meredy : Is Farah there?

Reid : She'd better be!

Finally you reach the top of the mountain. You will see Ras and Farah there waiting for you.

Meredy : There she is! Farah!! We found you, Farah!

Farah : I'm sorry for making you worry! We're back together again!

Keele : I'm glad you're okay.

Reid : We thought you were a goner!

Farah : Same goes here! I had Ras with me, so I had nothing to worry about.

Keele : So you're Ras? I'm Keele. I'm a student at Mintche University. We're indebted to you
for saving Farah.

Ras : No need to thank me.

Keele : Well, we must part with Ras now and continue forward. Shall we move on?

Meredy : Let Ras help us! Ras has amazing Fibrill!

Keele : What lies ahead is our problem. Ras isn't involved in this!

Farah : But Ras is involved now!

Ras : That's okay, Farah. Actually, I saw an interesting spot on the way up here. Let us part
now. I'm sure we'll meet again someday, just like we did today.

Farah : ...I hope we do. Thank you for everything!

Ras : Well, if you will excuse me, I'll be on my way.

Ras will leave your party.

Meredy : We need the...Fibrill.

Keele : Huh? This door won't open...

Press R1 in front of the door and the door will be opened, go inside to the Stone Sanctum.

Reid : I don't see any bridge around here!

Meredy : Baiba! Meredy's Craymel Cage is glowing!!

Keele : Mine too. It seems to be resonating... Meredy! Come over here!! ...Be careful though.

Meredy : You bet.

Farah : Both of you, be careful!

Keele : There! That's good. Now, on the count of three, we place our hands on the stone
monument. On the count of three, okay? You got it?

Meredy : Meredy got it! Meredy is not stupid!

Keele : ...Hmph! Well, here we go. One, two...

Meredy : Three!!

You will see a bright light surrounding Keele and Meredy.

Farah : Keele! Meredy!

Reid : What's going on?!

Meredy : Aaah! Meredy melt in the light!

Keele : Don't...worry... If that journal is correct... ...there should be...

You will see three lights come out from the Craymel Cage and Rem will appeared again.

Reid : Rem?!

Rem : You must be prepared to cross over to the other world. There's no returning from the
Bridge of Lught. Do you understand?

Farah : Of course! We've made up our minds!

Keele : Rem! Please allow us to cross the Bridge of Light!

You will see a bright light in the middle of the room.

Keele : This is it! This is the Bridge of Light!

Reid : It's really...just a light.

Keele : That's right. If we go into the light, the path to Celestia will reveal itself. That's
what it said in the research journal that Balir left.

Meredy : the Bridge of Light! Yay! Meredy can go back to Celestia!!

Ras will come out from behind the pillar.

Ras : Hold it! I can't allow you to go any further.

Farah : Ras?!

Meredy : What's...wrong?

Keele : What's the meaning of this?

Ras : As an Imperial Knight, I cannot allow Celestia to have such power.

Reid : Imperial Knight?

Ras : My name is Rssius. I am the Senior Knight of the Inferia Empire, Rassius Luine!

Farah : You're...not...serious...

Keele : I thought you seemed suspicious, but I never would have guessed you to be that
renowned Senior Knight!

Ras : You're just as famous as I am! The traitor, Keele Zeibel!

Reid : A traitor? Keele, just what did you do at the Observatory?

Ras : He burned Balir's research journal on the Bridge of Light. But the information is all
right there in his head.

Farah : Keele... Is that why you stayed behind at the Observatory?

Reid : So you've been tailing us all along, haven't you, Ras?!

Ras : That may be the way it turned out, but that's not exactly right.

Meredy : Compass Key?

Ras : I was simply being guided by this Seyfert Key, entrusted to me by the King.

Keele : I've read somewhere that since the founding of the Empire, a Compass Key was kept at
the castle as an Imperial treasure.

Ras : Exactly. This key, which has always remained silent, started to point to a particular
location a few months ago. Under the King's orders, I've been investigating what the
Seyfert Key was trying to tell us. And during my investigation, I ran into you again and
again. Is this merely a coincidence?

Keele : What are you trying to say?

Ras : What you are doing is a threat to the peace of the Empire. The Seyfert Key has been
trying to warn us of that. That is the obvious conclusion.

Farah : But listen, Ras! The reason we're going to Celestia is to stop the Grand Fall! This is
also to protect Inferia! You've got to believe us!

Ras : I believe in the word of the King! Not you commoners!

Farah : I'm sorry it has to be like this, Ras... But, if you're not going move out of our way,
we'll MAKE you move!

Ras : Face me!

Boss : Rassius
HP : 4408
EXP : 1000
Gald : 0
Attack : 142 (Dragon Flash, Dragon Swarm, Neo Swarm)
Defense : 700
Intelligence : 100
Strong : Water, Wind, Fire, Earth
Rewards : Heal Bracelet(100%), Leather Cape(100%)

Strategy : There's nothing to worry about with Rassius. His attack is so weak, he can only
make damage below 100. Just attack him with your skill and you will win in no time.

Ras : Urg...!

Keele : This is not good. His reinforcements are coming this way!

Meredy : Everyone go! Hurry! Hurry!

Keele : Cross the Bridge of Light!

Reid : Are you serious? I...I'm not ready!

Guards : There they are! Get them!

Reid : Oh man! Come on, Farah!

Farah : ...Okay! Let's go!!

You will saw a FMV about the Bridge of Light carrying your party to Celestia.

Meredy : We're finally here!

Keele : This is...Celestia!

Meredy : Hweel! Celestia. Meredy born here, grow up here.

Keele : And that's Inferia above. ...It makes me dizzy.

Meredy : From Celestia, it's Inferia that is upside-down world.

Reid : Wow...

Keele : The colors of the sky and the sea are both different from Inferia. The sun is dark...
...and there's no wind. But the greatest difference is...the air! The air feels
different from that of Inferia!!

Meredy : Just like The Craymel scholar. You are correct!

Keele : ...That's it! The Craymels are different!! Are the Craymels that reside in Inferia and
Celestia different?!

Meredy : You bet! Correct!!

Keele : ...Meredy! You really ARE a... ...a Celestian!

Meredy : Whaaat?! I've said that so many times! You did not believe?!

Keele : How could I believe it until I... I stood on the very ground.

Reid : Hey... Are we... going to spend the rest of our lives here?

Keele : Reid! I can't believe you! We've come all the way to Celestia and that's all you can

Farah : Why did we come here? I... Oh, it's nothing... It's just that... we've come so far...

Meredy : Tired bodies must rest. Let's go to the Town of Imen. All will be welcomed. Imen, the
place where Meredy grew up. A nice place.

Keele : Even if it's your hometown, we are Inferians. ...Will we be okay?

Meredy : Not matter. No worries!

Keele : Well... Staying put isn't going to help us any. Let's go.

Meredy : Hweel! (Talking in Melnics language.)

Reid : Are you okay?

Farah : Huh?! What? I'm okay! This is only the beginning! It's no time to be down.

Save your game, it's the end of Disc 1.

---------------------------------------END OF DISC 1------------------------------------------


/ 2.0 \_______________________________________________________________________________________
Cape Fortress
Items : Melange Gel
Lens : 1

Search the upper right screen above the stairs to get a Lens. Inside the house at the bottom,
you can get Melange Gel from the chest. You could rest here if you search the bed. Now go
southeast to City of Craymel, Imen.

Enemies in this continent :
Rapid Rabbit, Grasshopper, River Sickle, Night Flyer, Heavy Snake, Beet Beast, Flying Soul,
Purse Beetle

/ 2.1 \_______________________________________________________________________________________
City of Craymel, Imen
Items : Melange Gel, Orange Gel, Striped Ribbon
Lens : 1
Recipe : 2 (Sweet Rice and Fruit Cocktail)
Fuedu : Imen : Bread 60 Cucumber 50
Rice 100 Tomato 80
Cheese 60 Banana 50
Milk 50 Kiwi 80
Tusk Meat 150 Amango 80
Lettuce 60 White Satay 60
Cabbage 60
Guerudu : Imen : Apple Gel 100 Flare Bottle 600
Orange Gel 200 Syrup Bottle 1200
Melange Gel 1000 Holy Bottle 200
Lemon Gel 2500 Dark Bottle 200
Panacea Bottle 160 Spectacles 50
Life Bottle 400
Bupumu : Imen : Saw Saber 8000 Splint Mail 8000
War Hammer 9000 Amber Cloak 7800
Bardis 8400 Crystal Robe 4200
Gladius 8400 Duel Helm 5000
Silver Knuckles 7600 Striped Ribbon 5200
Ruby Wand 7200 Fine Shield 6000

Meredy : This is Imen!

Farah : This is Meredy's hometown.

Meredy : Meredy introduce everyone. Wait here, Meredy go get!!

Keele : So this is where Celestians live...

Meredy : Listen! Meredy introduce them.

Sagura : You're all Inferians?

Keele : We can understand them! The Orz Earring really works well!

Sagura, Bulenda and Hamilt suddenly hold their weapons.

Keele : Waaaaah!

Sagura : I'm Sagura. I make things like this at my weapon workshop. Pretty nice, don't you

Bulenda : I'm Bulenda. I'm in charge of making explosives.

Hamilt : ...Hamilt. I'm currently in training, so...I mostly deal with customers.

Meredy : They always take good care of Meredy. ...What's wrong?

Keele : Y...you make weapons? This is the first time I've seen anything like this. What kind
of weapon is it?

Sagura : What kind? It's just a Craymel weapon. You mean to tell me that you don't have them
in Inferia?

Keele : A weapon that utilizes Craymels? In Inferia, we barely started research on such
things! I can't believe how advanced Celestian technology is...

Sagura : Technology, you say? Don't know about no techno-mumbo-jumbo, but all I know is that
I've been crankin' these out for almost 30 years.

Meredy : Anyway! Come to Meredy's house!! We talk there.

Keele : Oh, you have to tell me more about it later.

Sagura : Sure thing! Come visit my weapon shop anytime. It's right in front of the town's
water tower. Ya can't miss it!

You will be in Meredy's house now.

Reid : There's no one else here? What about your family?

Meredy : Fa...mi...ly? you mean Meredy's birth parents? Celestians live on their own once they
are ten years old.

Keele : So, Meredy... You lived here all by yourself?

Meredy : Yes... Once Meredy was alone and once Meredy was with another.

Reid : Keele! That's a private matter! It's none of your business!

Keele : Oh, I...umm...true.

Meredy : There are many beds here. They are a bit lumpy, but... Make yourselves at home!

Farah : Thanks Meredy.

Keele : There's still some daylight left. I want to go see the city... Can you show me around?

Meredy : You bet! This is where Meredy grew up. Meredy wants everyone to see.

Farah : Oh, umm... Is it okay if I stay here and rest? I'm sort of tired.

Meredy : You bet! Okay then, Keele, Reid, follow Meredy!

Reid : Hey Farah, have a nice rest, okay?

Farah : I will. Have a good time.

The guy above Meredy's house will sell you foods. Search the jar next to the man to get
Melange Gel. You won't find anything inside the house above Meredy's house. So go down from
Meredy's house to the next screen. Search the basket near the right house for an Orange Gel.
You won't find anything inside the house above. You will get a sequence if you enter the house
below it. It's Alchemy Workshop & Guerudu : Imen.

Kukurle : Hey, Meredy! It's been a while. Where did ya go?

Meredy : All the way to Inferia! Reid and Keele are Inferians.

Kukurle : Reeeaaally?! Inferians? Are you really Inferians? Y...your skins are plae! And you
have no Elara?

Keele : Elara... You mean that stone on your forehead? Inferians don't have Elara. By the way,
just what are Elaras for anyway?

Kukurle : As you can see, it emits light. Also, in dark places, we use it for telepathic
communication. My theory is that resident Craymels react with the changes to the
organic ions in the body.

Keele : ...That could mean they're crystals with qualities similar to Orz.

Kukurle : Wow! Amaaaazing!! You really know your stuff. Are you a scientist?

Keele : ...Oh, I'm Keele by the way. I studied Light Craymelology at the university.

Kukurle : I'm Kukurle. Pleased to meet you, Keele!

Keele : Yes. Nice to meet you, too.

You can buy items here if you go outside and enter again to talk to the guy near the entrance.
Now go north to the next screen. The house above is weapon workshop where you will find
Sagura, Bulenda and Hamilt.

Bulenda : Welcome! Sagura is waiting for you.

Sagura : Hey hey hey! You came!

Keele : Please explain about the weapons.

Sagura : Sure. Let's start with the Craymel Guns. There are two types, Dark and Lightning.
Both have unique qualities.

Keele : Even though they look the same?

Sagura : Oh yeah. The exterior shell is the same. The difference is the Dark and Lightning
Craymel used inside the Craymel Cage.

Keele : I get it! You're utilizing the Craymel Cages as parts.

Bulenda : And they're tailored to the customer's physique. We also have many types of guns.
This is a lightweight model, good for a child up to about 12.

Reid : Even children carry such dangerous weapons?

Hamilt : It's a dangerous world. They've got to protect themselves.

Reid : Who would carry something as big as this one?

Hamilt : ...That's fuel used for the Craymel Express. It's not a weapon.

Reid : The Craymel Express?

Hamilt : It's a means of transportation used in Celestia. It used to go everywhere, but now
it's only used for travelling across Dragon Rock Mountain.

Keele : A train powered by a Craymel Cage... ...It must be big.

Hamilt : Oh yeah. It's quite big.

Talk to Hamilt to buy weapons and armors. Now go back to Meredy's house.

Meredy : Let us call it a day!

Keele : Hey, Meredy. Is there anything else to see?

Meredy : Nope. Nothing. ...Oh, actually, there is old library outside town...but it is not
very interesting.

Keele : LIBRARY?! There's nothing more fascinating to me than a library! Please! Take me

Meredy : Ah...um...okay... What do you want to do, Reid?

Reid : Sorry, but I'm tired. I'm gonna call it a day, okay?

Meredy : Sure. Good night!

Reid will enter Meredy's house.

Reid : Whoa...totally dark! Let's see here... Where's the light?

Reid will turn on the light.

Reid : Farah? What's wrong? Why are you in the dark...?

Farah : Oh...nom reason. I was just... I was just thinking.

Reid : So much has happened... Meredy falling from the sky, meeting the Greater Craymels,
climbimg Mt. Farlos... We beat the royal soldiers... And made it all the way to

Farah : I feel so...so completely lost. Why... Why am I trying to help Meredy?

Reid : That's your nature... You're the kind of person that just can't sit and watch people in

farah : I don't know. I've always used that as an excuse. Not thinking... Just acting on
instinct. But maybe it's just like Ras said. Maybe I'm just running away...

reid : From what?

Farah : I don't know! I don't even know myself. I don't...trust myself.

Reid : Ras couldn't get himself to take the final swing. I was defenseless. He had plenty of
chances to counter my attack, but...he never did. I think he was doubting himself. Even
with all of his intellect and power, he still doubted himself. There isn't a person
alive who knows everything about himself. You can't always know what's right or wrong.

Farah : ...Yeah. I guess so.

Reid : Besides... It's unlike you to think so hard. You might break something in there.

Farah : What did you say? You're gonna get it!

Reid : I'm going to sleep. G'night!

Farah : Good night...Reid.

Now go outside of the bedroom. Search the table for a Lens. Now enter the door above the

Farah : Hey! I'm awake. Come on in. Good morning!

Reid : Did you sleep well?

Farah : Yeah, with a good night's sleep, I feel so much better!

Reid : That's good to hear... Oh yeah, Keele hasn't come back yet.

Farah : What?! Then Meredy didn't just wake up early either...

Reid : She hasn't come back since last night...?

Farah : I'm going to go look for them!

Reid : Why? Just leave them alone. They'll eventually come back.

Farah : No, we have to go look!

Search the jar beside the right bed to get a Striped Ribbon. Now go outside of the bedroom,
search the robot in the living room to get a recipe from Wonder Chef. This time he will teach
you how to make Sweet Rice. Farah will wait for you outside.

Farah : You'll go with me, right?

Now go to the area where you can find a pump. Go directly left from the pump to the library.

Meredy : (Talking in Melnics language.) ...Yaaawn.

Keele : Wah...ergh...hm, I see! This word means change!

Farah : Keele! Heeey Keele!

Keele : ...Yeah? What is it?

Farah : What is it?? Haven't you forced Meredy to stay up with you long enough?

Keele : I had many questions concerning Celestian culture. We had a fascinating talk, didn't

Meredy : You bet. Yaaawn.

Reid : It's already morning.

Keele : Morning? Already? Well, good. I'm just about finished here.

Meredy : Morning? That was fast. Yawwwn...

Meredy fell asleep.

Reid : H...hey, Meredy?

Keele : HEY?! What's wrong?! Meredy!!

You will be in front of Meredy's house.

Keele : How is Meredy?

Farah : Don't worry. She's fast asleep. I'm sure she's exhausted.

Keele : Well, that's good... She makes me worry so much! She's such a trouble maker.

Farah : Meredy stayed up all night for you, Keele.

Keele : W...well, I'm very grateful for that...

Reid : She must have been really happy that you showed an interest in Celestia and all...
Especially because of all that's happened until now.

Keele : I finally understand what Professor Mazet meant by what he said.

Reid : What did he say?

Keele : Pursue the unknowable. Books and the university can't possibly teach you everything
there is to know, so use your own eyes to see the world...

Reid : Hmmm...

Farah : Oh... Well, let's get ready so we can leave as soon as Meredy wakes up.

Reid : Let's eat, too.

Now go back to the library. Search the white book at the upper left for Wonder Chef. This time
he will teach you how to make Fruit Cocktail. Now get inside Meredy's house and you will see
Meredy has already awake.

Reid : Meredy! What are you doing?

Meredy : (Talking in Melnics language.)

Keele : What's that?

Meredy : Elara Phone. Can talk to people far away.

Farah : Is that Celestian technology, too?

Meredy : Yes. Galenos invented it. The Elara Phone is only at Luishka and here now.

Keele : Galenos? Luishka? I don't understand. Explain to me.

Meredy : I...umm... You will understand when we go.

Reid : Right now?

Meredy : Yes! He is in a village called Luishka. We will go and see Galenos. Galenos is
studying how to defeat Balir. He is friend. He helped send Meredy to Inferia.

Keele : A researcher who knows how to use the Craymel Craft...

Meredy : Luishka... We must go east and climb over Dragon Rock Mountain.

Farah : Okay! It's decided then! Let's go!

Before you exit the town, Hamilt will call Meredy.

Hamilt : Meredy!

Meredy : Hmm? Something wrong?

Hamilt : Are you going somewhere with them again?

Meredy : You bet. Meredy leaving again for a while.

Hamilt : I see... T...try to hurry back, okay? I'm going to finish training as quickly as
possible, and I'll...

Meredy : Yeees?

Hamilt : ...I'm gonna make you a custom-made weapon that'll fit you perfectly.

Meredy : Wow!! Thanks Hamilt! Meredy cannot wait!

Hamilt : Well, so long for now!

Now go east to Imen Station.

/ 2.2 \_______________________________________________________________________________________
Imen Station
Mini Game : Craymel Express

Farah : ...Seems like a lonely station.

Meredy : Imen Station. It used to be beautiful. But nobody goes to Luishka now because of the

Keele : So this is a train!

Meredy : You bet! We can ride this to Luishka!

Train Staff : To go whereever you want... That's some wishful thinkin'... The real world ain't
like that.

Keele : Are you telling us we can't ride on this train?

Train Staff : A train don't move on its own. If ya want to ride, bring some fuel.

Farah : Fuel, huh...? Maybe we can find some in Imen.

Now go back to City of Craymel, Imen.

Keele : Meredy?

Meredy : Huh?

Keele : Meredy, this Galenos guy... what is he like?

Meredy : ...Like?

Keele : He has the knowledge and the skills to make a Craymel Craft, right? Is he a famous
researcher in Celestia?

Meredy : Fay...mous? I do not know... But he knows much of the Craymels. He invented the
Craymel Express.

Keele : Hmmm... How did you come to know such a famous researcher anyway?

Meredy : Galenos is Meredy's teacher.

Keele : You're a researcher? I don't believe it...

Meredy : No, just apprentice. Galenos do very difficult research. Meredy help him.

Keele : Oh, I get it. You're not really an apprentice. You're more like a helping hand. So
Galenos asked you to go to Inferia?

Meredy : (Talking in Melnics language.) Galenos is doing very difficlut research. But Meredy
cannot help with that...

Keele : Division of labor, huh?

Reid : Doesn't Galenos have any other apprentices?

Meredy : ...Now, only Meredy. Meredy owes very much to Galenos.

Meredy has earned the title of Craymel Engineer. Now go to Bupumu : Imen and search the train
cage and talk to Sagura. You can buy it for 2000 Gald. Now go back to Imen Station and talk to
the train staff. After that, get inside the train.

Meredy : Sagura's Craymel Cage goes here.

Keele : Are you inserting the Craymel Cage? Let me! How fast can the Craymel Express go?

The machine is start working.

Reid : It looks like...it's working.

Keele : I...I don't feel so good.

Farah : Why don't you rest in the passenger car, Keele?

Keele : I...I think I'll do that.

In the passenger car.

Farah : Are you all right, Keele?

Back at the machine car.

Train Staff : Say, since you're taking the Craymel Express, can I ask you to deliver some mail
for me?

Reid : Deliver mail with the Craymel Express?

Train Staff : Why not?

Meredy : You bet! Meredy will deliver! Leave it to Meredy!

Train Staff : Glad to hear it. There's someone waiting for mail at each station. Be sure to
stop and hand each of them a letter. Thanks for your help.

Reid : So... How do we get this thing to go?

Meredy : Don't think too hard. Let's just go!

The train will start moving and the mini game will start.

Mini-Game:How to Play
Craymel Express
UP : Brake Level Up DOWN : Brake Level Down
Watch the brake level, stop at each Station, and deliver letters.
The meter indicates the current location of the Craymel Express
Brake Power
The brakes stop working at 0. The Express will automatically accelerate unless brakes are
Brake Level
Higher level will increase braking, but deteriorate the Brake Power.
The current speed.

Just increase the speed by making the brake level reach zero and increase the brake level when
you almost reach the station to hand over the letter.

Farah : Reid is pretty rough on the controls!

Reid : ...Hey, where's Keele?

Farah : Huh?

Reid : Hey, Keele! What's wrong?! Are you...sick?

Keele : Of...of course not!! I was feeling so good, I slept through the entire ride!

You have reach . Go down to the next screen.

Meredy : Luishka is east from here.

Keele : All right, let's go.

Keele will fall down again.

Farah : Keele! Are you all right?

Keele : Ha ha... Looks like I'm still feeling a bit sleepy.

Meredy : Do all Inferians turn green from sleepiness?

/ 2.3 \_______________________________________________________________________________________
Luishka Station
Mini Game : Abandoned Mine
Tsuwate : Luishka : Apple Gel 100 Flare Bottle 600
Orange Gel 200 Syrup Bottle 1200
Melange Gel 1000 Holy Bottle 200
Lemon Gel 2500 Dark Bottle 200
Pine Gel 3000 Life Bottle 400
Panacea Bottle 160 Spectacles 50
Fuedu : Luishka : Rice 100 Beet 60
Tusk Meat 150 Tofu 60
Cabbage 60 Red Satay 60
Potato 50 White Satay 60
Onion 50 Black Satay 100
Tomato 80
Adetusu : Luishka : Great Sword 6600 Amber Cloak 7800
Silver Knuckles 7600 Crystal Robe 4200
Memory Whistle 8000 Duel Helm 5000
Splint Mail 8000 Striped Ribbon 5200

Now go east to Ruined Village, Luishka.

Enemies in this continent :
Grasshopper, River Sickle, Reptile, Heavy Snake, Purse Beetle, Night Flyer

/ 2.4 \_______________________________________________________________________________________
Ruined Village, Luishka
Recipe : 2 (Bitter Tofu and Hot Borsch)

Reid : What...happened here?

Keele : The building foundations are blown away. There must have been an explosion of
unimaginable force...

Meredy : This is the...Aurora Arte.

Keele : Aurora Arte...? What is that? Are you still keeping something from us?!

Meredy : No! The Aurora Arte... The Aurora Arte is... Sorry. Meredy cannot explain well.
Please meet Galenos. You will understand everything...

Keele : Whre is he, this Craymel Mage...?

Meredy : The biggest mansion in town. He is busy doing research.

Reid : All right, let's go.

Now go up two screens and cross the bridge to enter the mansion.

Reid : Does he really live...here?

Meredy : You bet. Heeey!! Maybe in basement lab.

Now go to the right two screens to see Galenos.

Meredy : Galenos!!

Galenos : (Talking in Melnics language.)

Meredy : (Talking in Melnics language.)

Reid : Wh...wh...what is it? What did you say?

Meredy : (Talking in Melnics language.) I am sorry. Meredy is sick home... Oh! No! No!

Galenos : I am Galenos. I have heard most of what has occurred. It seems that you have
gathered the Greater Craymels of Inferia... I humbly thank you.

Galenos will look closely to Reid.

Reid : Wh...wh...what is it?

Galenos : Hmmm...ha!

Meredy will get closer to Reid and you will see the shiny light again.

Reid : Ow!!! That hurts!

Galenos : You must be Reid? Hmmm...yes, it is true.

Meredy : (Talking in Melnics language.)

Keele : Please enlighten us. We want to know the truth. Who is this Balir? What is the Grand
Fall? What is the power of the Aurora Arte?

Galenos : I will explain as much as I can.

Keele : I still can't believe that the Grand Fall is the work of a human. The Kaloric flow due
to Craymel expansion far exceeds the logical limit of the Human Focular Effect!
According to the Orenash equation, it's impossible to stop the Orbus wave before
cellular collapse occurs!

Galenos : I too thought that when I was young, but reality is not always what we expect.

Reid : You understood what Keele said?

Farah : Wow!

Meredy : Galenos knows much.

Galenos : The Grand Fall was started by the ruler of Celestia, Balir. That is a fact.

Farah : But how?

Galenos : By using the Aurora Arte, the Fibrill of the gods.

Keele : What is a Fibrill?

Galenos : Fibrill is...Fibrill. A broad definition of the word would be power. There is no
equivalent word in Inferia.

Reid : The gods...?

Galenos : Do Inferians know of Nereid?

Keele : The God of Destruction, Nereid? He was the one who led the destruction of the Melnics

Galenos : God of Destruction... That is not far from the truth. The Aurora Arte is free
Fibrill that can both destroy and create.

Reid : So Balir has this power of Nereid? If that's true, we can't win.

Galenos : I too have tried at great length to explain the Aurora Arte, but I have had little
success... What I do not know is that Craymel Artes of Celestia are no match against
its power.

Farah : So that's why you sent Meredy to Inferia?

Galenos : Sending Meredy to Inferia was our only hope for a breakthrough.

Keele : Unfortunately, we have nothing to offer.

Galenos : No. The results are good. She has brought back Inferian Craymels as well as a person
with unknown Fibrill.

Farah : Unknown Fibrill...?

Reid : What? ME?

Meredy will get closer to Reid and you will see the shiny light again.

Reid : Whoa! Ow ow ow!

Keele : What does this light mean? What kind of power is it?

Galenos : I do not know. What I can say is that the light is very similar to the glow of the
aurora. Reid, will you let me run some tests on you? I may see a prospect for hope.

Farah : Why are you hesitating? Only you can do this, Reid.

Reid : ...No painful experiments, okay?

Galenos : Well then... I'll head down to the basement laboratory. Come when you are ready.

Now go upstairs and enter the bedroom. Search the green thing near the bed. It's Wonder Chef.
This time he will teach you how to make Bitter Tofu. Now go downstairs and go to the place
where you first saw Galenos.

Galenos : Ahhh, Reid. You've come.

Reid : You are only going to examine me, right?

Galenos : Of course. Please, remove your clothes and lie down on the bed.

Farah : Well...umm...we'll be going back to the room now.

Reid : Sure.

Meredy : Galenos, please take care of Reid.

Galenos : Of course.

Farah and Meredy will be in bedroom.

Farah : What's wrong, Meredy?

Meredy : Huh? This room... It's...nostalgic.

Farah : Have you... been in this room before?

Meredy : N...no. Ha ha. I'm very silly.

Farah : Hee hee. Well, I don't want to be rude to Reid, but why don't we go to bed now.

Meredy : You bet!

Farah : Hey, Meredy. Can I ask you something?

Meredy : Hmm?

Farah : Your parents... Your mother and father, where are they?

Meredy : I don't have a mother or a father.

Farah : Oh... I see...

Meredy : You bet...

Farah : My mother nad father died a long time ago, too.

Meredy : Huh?

Farah : But I still remember. The smell of my mother's soap... The feel of my father's beard
when he kissed me.

Meredy : Ye...yeah...?

Farah : Meredy, what kind of memories do you have?

Meredy : Memories...? Hmm... M...memories...

Meredy will thinking something of her past.

Meredy : None!

Farah : You don't have any memories of your parents?

Meredy : It is not none, ...but sad...

Farah : I get it... It hurts to remember. ...Sorry.

Meredy : It's okay. I am fine! I have Galenos, Reid, Keele, and Farah!

Farah : Hee hee, thanks. You're very tough, Meredy.

You will see the past of Meredy.

Meredy's Mother : (Talking in Melnics language.) <>

Little Meredy : (Talking in Melnics language.) <<...A little.>>

Now you will be back in Galenos laboratory.

Reid : ...Huh? Where am I?

Galenos :m Ah, you've awoken. Thank you for cooperating.

Reid : Oh...that's right. The examination... ...So what did you learn?

Galenos : Hmm...I apologize. As I thought, the truth lies in the Orbus. I simply cannot draw a
conclusion from one night of study. But...it is certain that within your body sleeps
incredibly powerful Fibrill.

Reid : Yeah?

Galenos : The Fibrill is still latent. Some condition must be met before it will awaken.

Reid : What kind of condition?

Keele : That's exactly what Galenos is investigating now! Why not think before asking a

Galenos : I've taken samples of your blood. This should help with our research.

Now you will be in the main hall.

Galenos : So you will help us to face down Balir?

Farah : Of course!! We can't abandon this world!

Keele : Galenos, I have great respect for your vast knowledge. Please tell us if you learn
more about the Aurora Artes. I, too, will travel the world and gather information.

Meredy : Keele is serious now! ...Meredy glad!

Keele : I...I just have a purely scientific interest...

Farah : Reid, what will you do?

Reid : Do I have achoice? ...You need my body. Right?

Galenos : Good... Now... In regards to Balir Castle... I do not know of its whereabouts, so
you must first gather information.

Keele : Information? Where? From whom?

Galenos : I know not...but there must be others who wish to defeat Balir. Make contact with
them. They may know where Balir Castle can be found.

Farah : And we might make new allies.

Galenos : Hmmm. Yes... May I suggest you begin your search from the Port City, Peruti to the
far west from here? It's fastest if you take the Craymel Express. Take the one bound
for the Abandoned Mine Station.

Keele : ...I understand. We'll do as you say.

Meredy : Bye Galenos!

Galenos : Be very careful...

Now go outside the mansion and go left to the next screen. Look at the ruin of the house, you
can see a wooden box there. Search it and you can see Wonder Chef again. This time he will
teach you how to make Hot Borsch. Now go west to Luishka Station.

Keele : Are we riding the Craymel Express... Again?

Reid : We have no other options.

Meredy : We still have plenty of fuel. We will be okay.

Now talk to the train staff and choose to go to Abandoned Mine Station.

Keele : Ah!! WAIT!

Reid : W...what?!

Keele : Do you remember how to control it?

Reid : ...I think so.

Keele : B...be more careful this time!

Mini-Game:How to Play
Abandoned Mine
X : Press to start countdown. Release to throw.
Use Craymel Bombs to shoo away the enemy! The bomb will explode when the countdown reaches 0.
Battle enemies that catch up.
You will be temporarily stunned if the bomb explodes in the hand. Up to 4 bombs can be thrown
at once.
Enemies : Hard Horn, Flying Soul

Reid : Hey, Keele! Were you all right this time?

Keele : Don't be silly! I never get sick!

Farah : Shall we get off?

Meredy : What is wrong with Keele?

Keele : N...nothing! Hurry off and get off!

Meredy : Keele such a grump.

Farah : Your legs must be asleep. Why don't you try moving your legs around a bit?

Keele : Okay...

Farah : I don't understand... We're so deep underground, yet it's light in here.

Keele : ...The rocks here appear to be suffused with Earth Craymels.

Meredy : Meredy remembers Kukurle said... Where there are Earth Craymels, there is light.

Farah : Really?! Then we just might meet the Greater Earth Craymel!

/ 2.5 \_______________________________________________________________________________________
Mine of Gnome
Enemies : Roller Snail, Gentallman, Fungusnail, River Sickle, Sliver, Blood Sucker, Hard Horn,
Night Flyer, Living Sword, Tetratusk
Items : Gold Bracelet, Savory, Hourglass, Ruby Wand, Miracle Gel, Bellebane, Rune Bottle,
Elixir, Pine Gel, All-Divide, Red Shield, Lemon Gel, Gnome Pick, Bear Claw, Ogre
Lance, Mythril Circlet, Rabbit's Foot

Get Gold Bracelet from the chest and enter Mine of Gnome. Go enter the door. It's miner's
room. You could rest here.

Reid : This place looks safe. We can rest here when we get tired.

Now search the locker. You could only take one of the three items : Shovel, Dynamite and Key.
First take the Dynamite and go to the right. Get Savory from the chest and use the Dynamite at
the boulder. Now go back to the miner's room and take the Shovel. Go down the road where
previously blocked by the boulder. Pull the lever and take Hourglass from the chest. Go to the
upper left screen to get Ruby Wand from the chest. Go down to the next screen. Get Miracle Gel
from upper left chest and Bellebane from the chest below. Get Rune Bottle from the upper right
chest. Now go down to the next screen. Get Elixir from the upper left chest. Go to the left
below screen to the next screen. Get Pine Gel from the right chest. Go below a little and to
the right. Use Shovel to clean the debris. Now go up and you will be back to the previous
screen. This time take the right route. Go up and pull the lever, get All-Divide from the
chest. Now clean the debris to your right. Go to the right route and go up back to the miner's
room to get Dynamite from the locker. Back to this area and go down at the next screen. Get
Red Shield from the right chest and take the route down to the next screen. Go down and use
the Dynamite at the boulder. Get Lemon Gel from the right chest and go back to the miner's
room. This time take the Key and return back to this area and use the Key at the machine. You
will be taken underground.

Keele : Hmm... This place looks pretty safe.

Reid : Keele, are you tired?

Keele : No... It's just that this might be a good place to take a break. It looks like this
cave goes on much deeper...

Reid : Keele, you're tired, aren't you?

Keele : Ridiculous! What do you think, Farah?

Farah : ...Yeah. why don't we rest?

Meredy : Yes, rest!

Keele : Okay, it's decided!

Reid : Man oh man. This place is so boring. Not that I expected much.

Keele : We're not here for the view. What we need is a place to recover our strength.

Meredy : Want to play WHIS?

Farah : WHIS? What's that?

Meredy : Everyone should play. I brought from Imen.

Farah : How do you play?

Meredy : Simple, simple! We play and I explain.

Mini-Game:How to Play
Left/Right : Select a card X : Put down a card
Circle : Pass Triangle : End Game
Play the cards with matching elements. First to use up all the cards wins! You lose if you
have more than 15 cards in your hand. The player with the highest score total after 5 rounds
is declared the winner.
Rules : Put down card with the same element as card in play. Color of the borders are
different for each element. If card in play is Fire, fight Fire with Fire. You can
also use Double and Ice. If card in play is Water, fight Water with Water. You can
also use Prism and Volt. If card in play is Wind, fight Wind with Wind. You can also
use Change and Earth. Same element cards are not always necessary. There are also
Light and Dark. Take turns playing the cards. First to use up all of the cards wins.
If previous person puts down on Attack card, you must pick up 2 more cards. Oh, but
wait! Use your Attack card if you have one, too. You can pass on the attack to the
next person. You must draw a new card for everytime you skip. You can hold a maximum
of 15 cards. If you skip your turn with 15 cards in hand, you will lose the game. Be
careful! For the rules of each card, chech the respective cards.

Meredy : We're done. How was it?

Keele : ...I'm exhausted! Why do I have to engage in such strenuous activity?

Reid : That's because you were yelling and screaming.

Farah : That was fun! Let's play it again.

Meredy : You bet!

You will received WHIS.

Go down the hidden path below and get Gnome Pick from the chest. Go down and get Bear Claw
from the chest. Take the down path to the next screen. Get Ogre Lance and Mythril Circlet from
the chests. You can't take the left path because there's debris blocking the way. Go back to
the previous room and enter the right path. Go to the upper right and pull the lever, get the
Dynamite. Go down and take the path to the right. Use the dynamite to destroy the boulder. Get
Rabbit's Foot from chest to the right. Now take the path down to the next screen. You will see
a gnome here.

Gnome : Whoa! Humans!! There are humans here!

Three more Genomes coming.

Gnome : You're right.

Keele : They must be the...Earth Craymels.

Reid : Th...them???

Farah : Are all Celestian Craymels like them?

Meredy : ...Meredy do not know.

Keele : We've come to see the Greater Craymel. Please...show us to the Greater Craymel.

Gnome : Ah! We ARE the Greater Craymel.

Reid : Th...they don't seem very...bright. ...What do we do?

Keele : Let's keep looking. We'll find someone else to guide us.

Just follow the way to the right to Gnome's village.

/ 2.6 \_______________________________________________________________________________________
Gnome's Village
Lens : 1
Gnome's Toys : Apple Gel 100 Life Bottle 400
Orange Gel 200 Holy Bottle 200
Melange Gel 1000 Dark Bottle 200
Lemon Gel 2500 Spectacles 50
Panacea Bottle 160
Gnome's Snacks : Panyan 60 Amango 80
Tusk Meat 150 Red Satay 60
Potato 50 White Satay 60
Carrot 50 Black Satay 100
Onion 50 Purple Satay 200
Beet 60

Search the lower left to get a Lens. One of the Gnomes will restore your HP and TP. You can
buy items here if you talk to one of the Gnomes. You can buy the foods here too if you talk to
one of the Gnomes. Now go to the right to meet the Greater Earth Craymel.

Keele : The Greater Earth Craymel!

Reid : He's big. He should go on a diet.

Meredy : Shhh! Who will speak?

Keele : Since this is Celestia, Meredy, you speak to him.

Meredy : You bet! Ah, um... ...Please listen to Meredy. Umm... We know the world is in
danger... Do you know, too?

Gnome : Yawn. Huh? I can't understand what you're saying.

Meredy : Um...well...you see... Meredy want you to go inside the Craymel Cage.

Gnome : Haaaaah? Why would I want to squeeze myself into such a small place?

Meredy : Ummm...

Gnome : Are you trying to ruin my wonderful life? Noooo waaaaay.

Keele : Meredy!

Farah : Here he comes!!

Reid : Uh-oh!

Boss : Gnome
HP : 16160
EXP : 3000
Gald : 2
Attack : 150 (Grave, Summon Friends, Snout Flare, Ultra Grave, King Tackle)
Element Attack : Earth
Defense : 350
Intelligence : 100
Strong : Earth, Water, Fire, Ice, Lightning
Weak : Wind
Rewards : Moon Crystal(100%), Rune Bottle(100%)

Strategy : You must be careful with Summon Friends spell because it can do quite a lot of
damage. Other than that, this fight is easy. Use Wind spell on him because it's the
weakness of Gnome.

After you defeat him, Efreet and Sylph will come out from the Craymel Cage.

Sylph : Hey! Gnome!! Don't act so tough!

Efreet : Indeed! Stop your chatter and enter! You understand the situation.

Gnome : Ahhh! You!

Efreet : It has been 2000 years!

Gnome : The Craymels of Inferia are helping, too?

Sylph : Undine's here, too!

Gnome : Yaaawwwn. I see. Everyone's together. Then, what's wrong with just staying here alone?
You don't need me. After all, the humans started it.

Sylph : Oh, c'mon!

Undine will come out too.

Undine : It's been a long time, Gnome.

Gnome : Aaah, Undine? Heeello. Long time no seee.

Undine : This time, the crisis is indeed the work of humans. But you are aware that harm will
befall even the Craymels, are you not?

Gnome : Well...

Undine : This is a grave matter. Unless we Craymels act in unison, we cannot resolve the
crisis at hand.

Gnome : Reaaallly?

Undine : Gnome...can you not spare some of your time for the humans?

Gnome : Do I have a choice? I'll do as you say... ...for now. But being with Sylph could be a

Sylph : What?! That's my line!

Choose Meredy's or Keele's Craymel Cage. All the Craymels will enter the Craymel Cage.

Farah : ...That was very entertaining.

Reid : I guess even Craymels have their own set of problems.

Keele : Well, I'm just glad everything worked out. We should be grateful to the Inferian

Meredy : Meredy worked hard, too.

Keele : Y...yeah, that's right.

Now go back to the previous room before Gnome's village. Gnome will come out from the Craymel

Gnome : Yawwwn... Going baaack?

Farah : We're in a hurry. We need to return to the surface now.

Gnome : Yawwwn... Then leave it to meee.

Gnome will summon his friends. You will see a lot of gnomes.

Farah : Aaah!

Meredy : Baiba!

Reid : What the...?!

Keele : Gnome! What is this?

Gnome : Go through that hole! It leads to the outside.

So go to the hole and you will be taken outside.

Reid : ...Where are we?

Farah : Hey! There's a house over there.

Reid : ...And maybe, that means there's food! I'm sooo hungry!

Keele : We're surrounded by the sea... How do we get across?

Meredy : Let's check out the hut! Maybe someone can tell us how to get across. Let's ask how
to get to Port Peruti.

Reid : So it's decided! We'll go and check it out. Let's get some FOOD!!

Now go west to the Hut.

Enemies in this continent :
Grasshopper, River Sickle, Reptile, Heavy Snake, Purse Beetle, Night Flyer

/ 2.7 \_______________________________________________________________________________________
Hut/Van Eltia
Enemies : Criminal, Culprit, Living Sword, Murder, Dark Servant
Items : Pine Gel, Panacea Bottle, Soul Eater, Mythril Helm, Ghost Shell, Bloody Robe, Lemon
Gel, Melange Gel, 2x Pine Gel, Blue Talisman, Emerald Ring, 4000 Gald, All-Divide
Lens : 3
Recipe : 1 (Honey Ramen)

Keele : The dilapidation of this place... ...Something is wrong. It doesn't seem natural.

Reid : I'm dying of thirst. Let's ask for some water. ...And something to eat.

Meredy : Does anyone live here?

Keele : I'd rather have it be deserted than to find some evil fiend living here.

Farah : But it'd be nice if we could get some information.

Reid : Amd something to eat!

Keele : Why is everyone so idealistic...?

Now try to enter the hut.

Farah : Hellooo!

Reid : Maybe no one's home.

Keele : Too bad. Let's go back.

When you try to leave this place, the door suddenly opened.

Reid : Food!

Farah : This means we can go in, right?

Now go enter the Hut.

Reid : Wow. It's not shabby inside... ...considering it looks like a dump from the outside.

Farah : Shhh! Don't be rude! Hello! Is anybody here?

Meredy : Nobody here.

Reid : What about my food?

Keele : Were you seriously expecting to find food here?

Farah : Well, the door did open... We're coming in!

Now enter the door below. You will be see couches in here.

Meredy : So soft!

There will be a gas coming out from the couch.

Reid : What's going on?

Keele : What did I tell you? I knew it was trouble!

Farah : I'm...slee...py.

Meredy : Fmhzzz...

All will be asleep and the room is going down.

Reid : I can't eat any more... ...Mumble mumble.

Meredy is the first one that awake and she check the outside.

Meredy : Trouble! Trouble!!

Keele : W...what?! Enemies? Do we have to fight?

Meredy : No! Not fight! But...exit... Gone!

Reid : That's crazy!

You will go outside the room.

Meredy : What happened?

Reid : Am I still dreaming?

Keele : Whoever put us to sleep with the sleeping gas must have set this elaborate trap. But

farah : I guess we're going to have to somehow find a way out.

Now go enter the room. Search the clock for Wonder Chef. This time he will teach you how to
make Honey Ramen. If you search the picture, the room will go above but you could not get out.
You can rest here if you search the couch. If you search the mask, you can insert some coins.
Here what you get if you insert the coins.
200 Gald -> 1x Apple Gel
500 Gald -> 2x Apple Gel, 1x Orange Gel
1000 Gald -> 2x Orange Gel, 1x Life Bottle
Now go outside the room and go upstairs. You will know you are in Basement Level 8.

Reid : What is this?

Farah : It looks like a water way. There's a switch at the very end.

Meredy : Quickie, can you reach the switch?

Quickie : Kweee, kweeekeee...

Quickie could not enter the hole because the hole is too small.

Quickie : Kwww...

Meredy : Quickie cannot do it...

Keele : I wonder what the switch is for? It could be a trap... Anyway, let's continue to look

You could not open the door upstairs but you can enter the door to the left and right. For now
go to the door to the right and enter the furthest door. You will get Pine Gel from the chest.
Search the yellow toy duck in the middle.

Reid : ...What's this?

Meredy : Toy duck! When Meredy was little, Meredy play with toy duck all the time. It floats
on water and is fun to play with!

Keele : All it does is float on water? Doesn't sound like much fun.

Farah : Anyway, let's take it along. It could come in handy.

You will take the toy duck. Now go outside the room and take the door leading to above room.
Go follow the way until you reach a room with 4 doors and 5 lightbulbs. Lit all the lightbulbs
to red/blue until the arrow pointing to the right door and enter it. Get Panacea Bottle from
the pouch and go back to the room with 4 doors and 5 lightbulbs. This time make the arrow
facing to the left door and enter it. Search the windup key at the upper left.

Meredy : Oh! A spring! You can wind up spring to make toy duck swim!

Reid : So what if it swims?

Keele : Wait a sec... A toy that can move on its own might turn out to be a useful item...

You will take toy duck spring. Now go back the place where the hole can be found. Now search
the hole.

Reid : Isn't there some way to push the switch at the end?

Keele : Hey...

Meredy : Hey hey! Maybe use the spring and toy duck to push switch?

Keele : That's what I was going to say!

Reid : I get it. Let's give it a try.

Reid will use the spring and toy duck. You will see the toy duck moving inside the hole.

Reid : Did anything happen?

Farah : I heard a noise from the top of the stairs.

Keele : Let's go have a look!

Now enter the door above and go upstairs. You will be in basement level 7 and you can see
another hole here.

Reid : There's another hole...

Go to the right door and go to the furthest room. Get Soul Eater from the chest. Now go all
the way to the furthest left room and get Mythril Helm from the chest. Go to the previous room
and enter the upper right door. Get Ghost Shell from the chest and enter the left door. Enter
the left door again and go enter the door below. You can find a toy duck here, so take it. Now
enter the middle door and then enter the door above. Just follow the way and you can find the
spring, so take it. Now go to the room where you can find the hole. Search the hole.

Reid : Let's use the toy duck to push the switch at the end of the waterway.

Now enter the door above you and go upstairs. You will be in basement level 6. You can see
another hole again. Enter the door to the left and then enter the upper right door. Search the
thing near the entrance.

Keele : Hey! Stop touching things without thinking!

Reid : Lay off, will ya?! I barely touched it!

Meredy : Wind blowing now! Feels good!

Keele : You're right. It's fresh air...

Exit the room and enter the door to the left. The door to your right is a fake. If you search
it, you will fight the enemy. Look at the wallpaper above, you will see something strange
about it. Use R1 in front of it and you will see the door, enter it. Get toy duck and Bloody
Robe from the chest. Goback to the room with the hole. Use R1 in front of the door to your
right, you will see the door, enter it. The door to the furthest right is a fake, so enter the
door near the entrance. The door near the entrance is a fake. Use R1 above near the fake door,
you will get a spring inside. Don't bother enter the left door, it's a dead end. Go back to
the room with the hole and search the hole.

Reid : Let's use the toy duck to push the switch at the end of the waterway.

Now enter the door above you and go upstairs. You will be in basement level 5. You can see
another hole again. Enter the right door and go to the furthest right door. Go down to the
question mark floor and you will have a quiz. Choose the first one (A map) to get Lemon Gel
from the pouch. Now go back to the room with the hole. Enter the left door and then enter the
upper right door. Choose the third answer (A joke) to get the spring. Now go to the left.
Choose the first answer (Fog) to get Melange Gel from the pouch. Now go to the left. Choose
the second answer (A mop) to get Pine Gel from the pouch. Now exit this room to the bottom
screen. Now enter the door to the furthest left. Choose the third answer (A sweater) to get
the toy duck. Now go back to the room with the hole and search the hole.

Reid : Let's use the toy duck to push the switch at the end of the waterway.

Now enter the door above you and go upstairs. You will be in basement level 4. You can see
another hole again. Enter the right door and go to the furthest right door. Enter the wardrobe
to find the spring. Now go back to the room with the hole. Enter the left door and then enter
the furthest left door. Search the box below the stove to get a Lens. Don't search the
refrigerator because it will triggered a fight. Enter the upper left door to get the toy duck.
Now go back to the room with the hole and search the hole.

Reid : Let's use the toy duck to push the switch at the end of the waterway.

Now enter the door above you and go upstairs. You will be in basement level 3. You can see
another hole again. Enter the left door and then enter the upper right door. Get the spring
and go to the left. Get Pine Gel and Blue Talisman from the pouch. Now go to the left and put
the statue on the switch and exit to the bottom. Put the statue in the middle of the conveyer
and go to the left room. Get the toy duck and go back to the room with the hole, search the

Reid : Let's use the toy duck to push the switch at the end of the waterway.

Now enter the door above you and go upstairs. You will be in basement level 2. You can see
another hole again. Enter the right door and go to the furthest right door. Get the toy duck
and search the picture 6 times to make the picture facing left. Now go back to the previous
room and enter the door above. Just follow the way until you reach the picture. Search the
picture 4 times to make the picture facing down. Go to the left and get Emerald Ring from the
chest. Now go back to the room with the hole. Enter the left door and then enter the furthest
left door. Get the spring and search the picture 2 times to make the picture facing right. Now
go back to the room with the hole and search the hole.

Reid : Let's use the toy duck to push the switch at the end of the waterway.

Now enter the door above you and go upstairs. You will be in basement level 1. You can see
another hole again. Enter the right door and go to the furthest right door. Get the toy duck
by moving all the barrels blocking the way. Search the crate above the vegetable crate to get
a Lens. Now go back to the room with the hole. Enter the left door and then enter the upper
left door. Get 4000 Gald from the pouch and exit to the bottom. Enter the furthest left door
and return all the books to the shelves. The door above will be opened and you can get the
spring inside. Now go back to the room with the hole and search the hole.

Reid : Let's use the toy duck to push the switch at the end of the waterway.

You will see a huge armor come out from the door and you will have to fight it to enter the

Boss : Guardian
HP : 30000
EXP : 3000
Gald : 210
Attack : 200
Element Attack : Lightning
Defense : 800
Intelligence : 100
Strong : Lightning
Weak : Wind, Fire, Ice
Rewards : Rune Bottle(100%), Pine Gel(100%)

Strategy : There's no strategy to fight the Guardian. Just attack and attack because it's very
easy to defeated. The only problem is he's very fast.

Now enter the door above you and go upstairs. You will be in the Hut again.

Reid : All right.

Meredy : The exit?!

You will see someone coming from inside.

??? : Well done. You all passed the test. You must be strong and wise, as well as a little bit
lucky to have made it past all of Aifread's traps safely.

Reid : Who are you, boy? Is this annoying house yours?

Chat : My name is Chat. I'm a descendant of the great and honorable pirate, Aifread.
Besides...considering my sex, boy is hardly the appropriate expression.

Meredy : A descendant of Aifread?

Reid : Huh...you're a girl?!

Chat : Hmph... I will forgive your rude manners this once and allow you to join me as deck

Keele : You expect us to play pirates and dig for treasure in your backyard? Come on. This is
a waste of time.

Chat : Only if it were in my backyard... Unfortunately, the Legacy of Aifread is scattered
throughout the world. That's why I need a crew for my ship!

Keele : A ship! You've got a ship?! Show us!!!

Chat : I'm afraid I can only show it to you if you agree to become my deck hands.

Keele : Hey, what do we do? Do we listen to the kid?

Farah : Do we have a choice? With a ship, we can cross the sea! We can even go to Peruti.

Meredy : The Legacy of Aifread! It is one of the Seven Treasures of Celestia!!

Keele : But... We've got no spare time for treasure hunting...

Reid : It's okay. Once we have the ship, we'll be able to seize the initiative.

Keele : You're pretty wicked...

Chat : Well? Will you be my deck hands?

Keele : Uh, well... Give us a minute to think.

Chat : No problem. It would be painful for anybody to swallow their pride and work for someone
younger... I'll be waiting in the reception room. Give it a thought, and then let me
know what you've decided.

Now enter the room behind and talk to Chat.

Chat : That was surpisingly fast. Now, let me ask you. Will you become my deck hands?

Choose Yes.

Keele : Sure. We'll be your subordinates, so hurry up and show us the ship!

Chat : Correction please. Not subordinates, but deck hands. And you will address me as

Reid : Yeah, yeah, whatever you say.

Chat : The correct response is aye-aye, Captain!

Reid : A...aye aye, Captain? That's a bit old-fashioned, don't you think?

Chat : I would prefer that you call it traditional.

Reid : Grrr...

Chat : Now then. Since you seem to have all caught your breath, let us go to the ship.

Reid : Yeah.

Farah : Aye-aye, Captain!

Keele : Aye-aye, Captain!

Meredy : Aye-aye, Captain!

Reid : I...I mean, aye-aye, Captain!

Chat will turn the picture and the room is going down.

Keele : I see... The whole house is rigged.

Chat : I made it myself.

Meredy : Amazing!

Chat will remove the blue big glass and put it to the other side and a stairs will revealed.

Chat : I made it myself.

Farah : Wow! C...captain! impreeessive!

Chat : It's no big deal. Now, this way, please.

Now your party will go downstairs to Aifread's Transformation Dock.

Reid : Wow, I can't see anything!

Meredy : It's cooold!

Chat : Please calm down!

Chat will turn on the light.

Farah : How beautiful!

Chat : This is the Van Eltia.

Meredy : Van Eltia...is Celestian word for wealth.

Chat : It's been told my great-grandfather Aifread used this ship to wreak havoc all over the
world. I never got to meet my great-grandfather, but his ship, the Van Eltia, has
always been with me. That's why the Van Eltia is like a great-grandfather to me...
...and proof of my heritage! I wish you would listen to what the Captain has to say.

Reid : Can you show us the inside of the ship now?

Chat : Did you really understand what I just told you?

Reid : I know! I know! Your great-grandfather ruthlessly stole treasures all around the world,

Chat : Wrong! Aifread never took anything from the poor. The truth is, he gave things to them.

Farah : He was a generous pirate?

Chat : Yes! Precisely! ...Now, let's take a look inside the ship.

You will be inside the ship.

Reid : It must be that way...

Get outside the ship for a second and search the upper right machine to get All-Divide. Now go
inside the ship again. Now go follow Chat to the machine room.

Keele : This has an even bigger Craymel engine than the one on the Craymel Express.

Chat : Beautiful, isn't it? It's a '43 model, 12 cylinder, horizontally-aligned Craymel Engine
designed by the legendary Craymel Mage, Maxton. 8,000 zaks maximum revolutions. With
the super-charger, it kicks out a peak torque of 28,000 este. Not only does it have
power, its elegant design is nothing short of perfection. Machines are...beautiful!

reid : ...She's a bit weird...

Keele : ...She might be a little too obsessed with machines...

Reid : So...when can we set sail?

Chat : Oh, that's right. This way please.

Search the big engine here for a Lens. Now follow Chat upstairs to the Control Bridge and talk
to Chat to depart. You will see a nice FMV about the departing of this ship.

Keele : ...Captain. now, regards to hunting for Aifread's Legacy...

Chat : I can't tell you anything yet.

Reid : Huh?!

Chat : You lack the pirate spirit. I would like to observe your actions first...

Farah : So...?

Chat : Go ahead and proceed with your business. In time, I will decide if you can be trusted
with the knowledge of the Legacy.

Farah : That's good to hear, but...

Reid : What an insult...

Chat : Where shall we go?

Meredy : Let's go to Peruti!

Chat : Peruti? No problem! The coordinates of its location are already logged, so we can go
there on automatic control. Well, then. I'll go to the Engine Room to check the engine.
By the way, that isn't a living thing, is it? What is it? WAAAAAAAAAH!! NO...no...no...
no...! Animals are prohibited on this ship!

Meredy : Why?

Chat : Because I HATE ANIMALS! That's why!

Meredy : You will learn to like.

Quickie : Kweeekeee!

Chat : Aiieee! Eeeeek! Take...take it away! *Sob* *Sob* I HATE YOU!

Reid : As expected...

Keele : Kids will be kids...

Farah : ...And do you think you're mature enough to be calling someone else a kid?

The ship will automatically go to Peruti. But on the way...

Farah : Eeek!

Meredy : It's bouncy!

Keele : Doog... I feel sick...

Reid : Is the ship going to hold together...

Chat : The Van Eltia won't be damaged by ice that easily. Go ahead and enter the port.

The ship will finally reach Port City, Peruti.

Chat : We have arrived at the Port City, Peruti.

Farah : Okay, let's go ashore. I hope we can find information about Balir's location...

Chat : It seems to be very cold outside.

Reid : Are you coming with us?

Chat : No. No thank you. I'm too young to be exposing myself to unnecessary risk. Keele,
what's wrong?

Meredy : No need to worry about Keele. Keele just a little sea-sick, that's all...

Chat : Keele, you can't live without Meredy, can you?

Keele : W...w...what are you talking about?! *Ugh*...I think I'm going to throw up...

Chat : I was just calling it as I saw it. Anyway, I'll see you again when you return.

Now you will be outside the ship.

Meredy : Oooh! It is cold! Huh? What is wrong?

Farah : It's f...freezing!!

Reid : Cold is an understatement. I'm going to FREEZE!!

Meredy : Peruti is always cold. But this cold seems not natural...

Farah : Aren't you cold, Meredy?

Meredy : Meredy cold, but not feel really, really cold. Keele?

Keele is frozen.

Meredy : Uh-oh! Keele frozen!

Farah : Let's find someplace warm right away!

Reid : ...Man, it's always Keele!

/ 2.8 \_______________________________________________________________________________________
Port City, Peruti
Items : Apple Gel
Recipe : 2 (Spicy Shrimp and Sushi)
Adetusu : Peruti : Destroyer 12000 Plate Mail 12000
Demon Javelin 12000 Bloody Robe 8800
Trident 6400 Tartan Ribbon 10000
Crystal Shell 12000 Gold Bracelet 9600
Skull Staff 11200 Omega Shield 5200
Tote Bag 11800
Tsuwate : Peruti : Apple Gel 100 Pine Gel 3000
Orange Gel 200 Panacea Bottle 160
Melange Gel 1000 Life Bottle 400
Lemon Gel 2500
Mountain Gear : Panacea Bottle 160 Dark Bottle 200
Life Bottle 400 Spectacles 50
Syrup Bottle 1200 Freeze Charm 20000
Holy Bottle 200

Now go to the left. The first house you can find is Fusua : Pereti. Search the stove in here
for Wonder Chef. This time he will teach you how to make Spicy Shrimp. The house below is the
villager's house. Now go to the left. The first house from the entrance is Adetusu : Peruti.
Go outside and you will have some conversation near the second house.

Meredy : It is warm here!

Reid : Let's go inside!

You will be inside the house.

Keele : So warm...

Reid : Oh? Are you feelin' better?

Keele : Why is it so abnormally cold here?! ...And why is nobody eating or drinking?

Reid : Let's ask around, shall we?

Talk the pink-haired guy near the heater. He will tell you about Ice Craymel in the mountain
to the north. You can see the cat version of Celestia at the upper right corner. You can rest
and buy some items here. Check the room to your right upstairs. Check the heater for Apple Gel
and the snowman for Wonder Chef. This time he will teach you how to make Sushi. Now go outside
and go left to the next screen. You will see the pink-haired guy again.

Man : Yo! Hello again! This is the Mountain Gear shop. Good luck on your climb!

Now go up to the house to the right. This is Mountain Gear Shop.

Storekeeper : Welcome. Are you the crazy folks planning to climb Mt. Celsius?

Keele : How do you know about us?

Storekeeper : Just choose whatever you like. It'll all be paid for by Guston.

Farah : Guston... That man we just met?

Keele : I guess we owe him one.

Meredy : Hweel!! Let us see. What should Meredy choose?

Farah : Well...we might as well take him up on it!

Reid : Yeah, I guess there's no harm.

Storekeeper : All of the clothes that we have are warm and comfortable. Just pick whatever you

Now talk to your party and they will go into the changing room. Farah will go to the left
room, Meredy in the middle and Keele to the right. Choose Poncho for Farah, Cape for Meredy
and Heavy Cloak for Keele. Talk to the storekeeper and he will give Reid the clothes to wear.
Talk to him again and you can buy some items and accessory. There's nothing at the house to
the left. Now get outside the world map and head northwest to reach Mt. Celsius.

Enemies in this continent :
Snow Lobster, Gentallman, Ice Tiger, Gallows Bird, Flying Soul, Tentacle Plant, Night Flyer,
Ice Warrior

/ 2.9 \_______________________________________________________________________________________
Mt. Celsius
Enemies : Ice Tiger, Gallows Bird, Snow Lobster, Hunchback, Flying Soul, Ice Warrior, Dark
Servant, Bigfoot, Terror
Items : 2x Elixir, Aqua Cape, Rune Bottle, 3x Syrup Bottle, Freeze Charm, 2x Life Bottle,
Silver Cloak, Sage, Battle Pick, Miracle Gel, All-Divide, Freeze Ring, Lavender,
Lens : 1

You will see a thick blizzard ahead.

Reid : I can't see a thing!

Keele : Let's summon Efreet.

Keele : (Talking in Melnics language.) Efreet!!

Efreet will come out from the Craymel Cage.

Efreet : Hmm? Look at this... This place is covered in ice! What are the Ice Craymels doing?!
You want me to do something about the snow, right?

Reid : You got it! PLEASE do something!! We're sooo cold...

Farah : We'll freeze to death without your help.

Efreet : Is it really that cold? I don't feel a thing. Let's see here...

Efreet will burn the whole area with his flames.

Efreet : This territory belongs to the Ice Craymels. I don't know how long my power will hold.
Go! Quickly!

Keele : Understood! Thank you, Efreet.

Go north a little to the second screen. Get Elixir and Aqua Cape from the chest. Go upstairs
first and north to the next screen. Just follow the way right to the next screen and get Rune
Bottle from the chest. Now go back two screens and go through the bottom to the right. In this
screen, go to the upper left and up at the next screen. You can find the iglo at this screen
and you can rest inside. Get Syrup Bottle from the chest inside the iglo and Freeze Charm from
the chest below the iglo. Now go above to the next screen. Get another Syrup Bottle from the
chest. There are 3 routes in this screen: left, middle, right. Go to the left route first and
take the left/right route, it will take you to the same screen. Use R1 in front of the iceberg
near the entrance. Get Life Bottle from the chest. Go to the upper right screen to the next
screen, use R1 in front of the iceberg. Get Life Bottle from the left chest and Silver Cloak
from the right chest. Now take the upper right route after melting the iceberg. Go a little to
the right and you will fall down to the bottom. Search the snow pile for a Lens. Get back to
the place above and get Sage from the right chest. Now go up and melt the iceberg. Get Battle
Pick and Miracle Gel from the chest. Now take the middle left and take another Syrup Bottle
from the chest. Now go back and take the upper left route. Check the small wooden box, it's
Toto Oil. Now get back to the place where you got Life Bottle and Silver Cloak, here take the
upper left route. Burn the ice pillar and get across. Go to the upper right first and get
All-Divide from the chest. Get back to the previous screen and go north to the next screen.
You will see Greater Ice Craymel, Celsius here.

Celsius : (Talking in Melnics language.)

Reid : The Greater Craymel!

Keele : Greater Ice Craymel, can you hear me?

Celsius : (Talking in Melnics language.)

Reid : She can't hear us.

Farah : What are we going to do?

Keele : Huh?!

Efreet will come out from the Craymel Cage.

Keele : Efreet?!

Reid : What's wrong?

Efreet : This song... What is this song...? Are you... ...the Greater Ice Craymel?

Celsius : Do not come near!

Keele : Uh-oh!

Boss : Celsius
HP : 33333
EXP : 4000
Gald : 0
Attack : 264 (Ice Needles, Ice Raid, Swallow Dance, Icicle Fall, Mirage, Chi, Freeze Lancer,
Blizzard, Frost Shear)
Element Attack : Ice
Defense : 300
Intelligence : 80
Strong : Ice, Water, Wind, Earth, Lightning
Weak : Fire
Rewards : Resist Ring(100%), Freeze Charm(100%)

Strategy : Attack him with fire spell because her weakness is Fire. Equip Reid with Flamberge
if you have it because you can do a major damage with it.

Efreet : Are you okay? What's wrong? Are you alive?!

Gnome will come out from the Craymel Cage.

Gnome : Heeey! Efreet, stand back...will ya?

Efreet : What?!

Gnome : Efreet...you're too scary! Celsius doesn't like you.

Efreet : Wh...what? Me?

Efreet will return into Craymel Cage.

Gnome : Let's see...

Celsius : ...Where...am I...? What...happened?

Keele : You must have lost control of yourself... And as you can see, the weather is out of
control as well.

Celsius : I see... I must have caused much grief for the townspeople.

Gnome : It's not your fault. The crisis of the human world is also affecting the Craymel
world. Celsius is not bad.

Meredy : The Grand Fall... ...affecting the Craymel world?!

Farah : That means we don't have time to fool around!

Keele : We're trying to put a stop to this crisis. Will you help us?

Celsius : Take this Freeze Ring with you. It should come in handy.

You will received Freeze Ring. You can shoot ice shards by pressing L1.

Farah : Thank you!

Celsius : You restored my sanity. I am more than happy to help you.

Choose Meredy's or Keele's Craymel Cage.

Keele : Let's go back to the town.

Meredy : No more frost!

Get Elixir, Lavender, and Hourglass from the chests. Now go outside Mt. Celsius and return to
Port City, Peruti.

/ 2.10 \______________________________________________________________________________________
Port City, Peruti (after ice melted)
Items : Miacis Badge, Celestia Map
Lens : 2
Recipe : 1 (Cold Noodles)
Mini-Game : Around the Celestia!
Adetusu : Peruti : Destroyer 12000 Plate Mail 12000
Demon Javelin 12000 Bloody Robe 8800
Trident 6400 Tartan Ribbon 10000
Crystal Shell 12000 Gold Bracelet 9600
Skull Staff 11200 Omega Shield 5200
Tote Bag 11800
Tsuwate : Peruti : Apple Gel 100 Pine Gel 3000
Orange Gel 200 Panacea Bottle 160
Melange Gel 1000 Life Bottle 400
Lemon Gel 2500
Mountain Gear : Panacea Bottle 160 Dark Bottle 200
Life Bottle 400 Spectacles 50
Syrup Bottle 1200 Freeze Charm 20000
Holy Bottle 200
Peddler : Panacea Bottle 160 Syrup Bottle 1200
Life Bottle 400
Peddler : Holy Bottle 200 Spectacles 50
Dark Bottle 200
Fusua : Peruti : Tuna 200 Rice 100
Shrimp 80 Panyan 60
Squid 80 Kiwi 80
Pasta 60 Amango 80
Tusk Meat 150 Red Satay 60
Cheese 60 White Satay 60
Egg 50 Black Satay 100
Milk 50

Farah : Wow! The town looks completely different!

Meredy : So this is real Peruti.

Guston : Hey! The heroes who saved Peruti are back!

Reid : Hey! You're the...

Guston : Ha ha ha! The name's Guston.

Farah : Thank you very much for paying for us.

Guston : No need to thanks! By the way, are you hungry?

Reid : Yeah! I'm about to starve to death!!

Guston : Great!! In that case, I'll treat you to a delicious feast!

Reid : Sounds great!!

Farah : Reid!

Inside Peruti Inn.

Keele : I tell you... Reid has no will power when it comes to food.

Reid : ...Hmm? Hey, I don't see any food here...

Guston : Just have a seat for a second. I have a favor to ask.

Reid : You tricked us!

Guston : You've got it wrong. I just want to ask you to join the Shileska Freedom Army. The
Shileska Freedom Army was formed to defeat Balir, the current ruler. If you join us,
I know we'll be successful!

Farah : So does that mean you know where Balir is?

Guston : You were all planning to...?!

Meredy : You bet! Defeat Balir!

Guston : Miacis to our hearts! Well, that's wonderful! We're seeing eye-to-eye already! Now
that's what I call true Celestians!

Meredy : Actually, everyone Inferian, except Meredy...

Guston : What are Inferians doing here?

Keele : It's a long story...

Guston : ...Right. anyway, please go see Max, the leader of Shileska. He knows the whereabouts
of Balir Castle.

Farah : Where do we find this Max guy?

Guston : It's a bit far, but he's in Tinnsia, the City of Artisans, on the continent to the
west. That's where our hideout is located.

Keele : I don't know about this...

Guston : Come on, you've got to do it!

Meredy : More people against Balir is better.

Reid : Well... It is a bit disconcerting with just the four of us...

Farah : And there's no harm in meeting him. Let's go!

Keele : ...Fine. Let's go to Tinnsia!

Guston : Take this Miacis Badge with you. Show it to them and tell them that I sent you.

You will received Miacis Badge.

Guston : Ha ha ha! Now brothers and sisters, enjoy yourselves tonight!

Reid : Is it finally time to eat?

Guston : Yes, that's right! It's my treat tonight! Eat all you want and stay here for the

At night, inside Farah's and Meredy's room. You will see a light coming out from Meredy's

Farah : Meredy, where are you going?

You will see a light coming out from Meredy's head.

Farah : What's that light...?

Meredy : Meredy hear voices from Imen. That is why Elara shining now.

Farah : What are they saying?

Meredy : Meredy not too sure. But Meredy hear cries... ...and screams. Meredy must go to Imen!
Meredy go to Tinnsia later.

Farah : No way! Do you really think we'd let you go alnoe? ...But what about Shileska?

Farah : Shileska can wait. You can rely on us, you know. ...That's what friends are for!

Meredy : ...Thank you.

Keele : ...So that's the reason. Tinnsia will have to wait for now, but we will go there
immediately after. Please let Max know.

Guston : I understand. Hold on to the badge. We'll be waiting for you. Please, take this map
with you. I'm sure it'll come in handy if you ever get lost.

You will received Celestia Map.

Guston : Now, go on! ...And head to Tinnsia as soon as you can!

Meredy : Thank you, Keele.

Quickie : Kuweeeky!

Keele : Stop thanking me for every little thing!

Reid : Wow Keele, you can actually be nice sometimes.

Keele : W...what? Leave me alone!

Now go outside the Inn and go to the left screen. Search the statue near the pond for Wonder
Chef. This time he will teach you how to make Cold Noodles. Search the tree at upper left
screen for a Lens. Now go back to the previous screen and go downstairs to the right. Search
the cart with crabs inside for a Lens. You can talk to the three men near the cart. Now go to
the left to the port. You can see a painter here. Her name is Lesitia. Now go back to the
ship, Van Eltia then go to the engine room.

Reid : Hye, Chat. I mean...Captain! Let's hurry and head for Imen.

Chat : Aye aye. The town is lively. It looks like the ice has started to thaw.

Keele : We know. We're the ones who melted it.

Chat : You... You're all surprisingly good-natured.

Now go up to the Control Bridge.

Farah : Hey, let's go!

Choose yes to depart.
Controls : X = Move forward
O = Move backward
Directional button = Turn around
Square = Open Travel Menu
Go to the engine room again and have Chat joined your party.

You can play a mini-game Around the Celestia! if you enter Peruti again. Talk to the captain
in the pier to play it.

Mini-Game : Around the Celestia!
Rules : The race begins and ends at Peruti. First one back to Peruti is the winner. Easy,
right? But there's a catch. You need to go through the check points in the correct
order. If you miss them, you can't win. The controls for your ship are the same as
usual. If you wanna quit, push Square.

You can win this minigame easily if you has GPS at your valuables inventory. You will get it
later in the game.
1st Checkpoint : 31,75
2nd Checkpoint : 82,27
3rd Checkpoint : 149,41
4th Checkpoint : 172,63
5th Checkpoint : 158,91
6th Checkpoint : 162,138
7th Checkpoint : 122,148
8th Checkpoint : 62,161
9th Checkpoint : 15,150
10th Checkpoint : 0,109
Final Checkpoint : 43,98

This is the hardest mini-game in this game. Could somebody tell me how to win this mini-game
and what the reward you got if you win it?
/ 2.11 \______________________________________________________________________________________
City of Craymel, Imen (destroyed)
Items : Apple Gel, Technical Ring
Lens : 1
Fuedu : Imen : Bread 60 Cucumber 50
Rice 100 Tomato 80
Cheese 60 Banana 50
Milk 50 Kiwi 80
Tusk Meat 150 Amango 80
Lettuce 60 White Satay 60
Cabbage 60
Guerudu : Imen : Apple Gel 100 Flare Bottle 600
Orange Gel 200 Syrup Bottle 1200
Melange Gel 1000 Holy Bottle 200
Lemon Gel 2500 Dark Bottle 200
Panacea Bottle 160 Spectacles 50
Life Bottle 400
Bupumu : Imen : Saw Saber 8000 Splint Mail 8000
War Hammer 9000 Amber Cloak 7800
Bardis 8400 Crystal Robe 4200
Gladius 8400 Duel Helm 5000
Silver Knuckles 7600 Striped Ribbon 5200
Ruby Wand 7200 Fine Shield 6000

You will see the city is destroyed and the townspeople died.

Reid : This is horrible! Who could have done this?!

Meredy : Where is everyone...?!

Meredy will leave the party.

Farah : Meredy, wait!

You can buy weapons, items, food if you talk to the man hidden by the wreckage at the first
screen. You can find Apple Gel if you search the crystal inside Kukurle's place. Search the
display case at Bupumu : Imen to get a Lens. Now go inside the library, you will see a
familiar face here.

Reid : Whoa!

Farah : Sagura?!

Keele : Meredy...

Farah : Meredy!

Keele : One of Balir's underlings?!

Reid : Haydes!!

Hyades : Hee ha ha ha ha! So you are Meredy's companions? Welcome to the party! You will soon
be destroyed!

Reid : So you were the one? The one who did this to the town?! ...You're gonna pay!!

Boss : Hyades
HP : 45000
EXP : 4000
Gald : 30
Attack : 500 (Cursed Roller, Ground Shake, Death Finger)
Defense : 800
Intelligence : 100
Strong : Water, Wind, Fire, Earth, Ice, Lightning
Weak : Light
Rewards : Mental Bracelet(100%), Egg(100%)

Strategy : He will often use Cursed Roller at the beginning, nothing to worry, because it can
only do a little damage. Have him cornered and attack him continuously. But after
you make a lot of damage on him, he will often use Death Finger, you must be
careful with this attack; don't get cornered.

Farah : Did we...get him?

Keele : Hey, now just who was that?

Reid : Hyades. We fought him in Rasheans once before. Persistent guy...

Keele : ...Meredy, are you the one he's after?

Meredy : Meredy do not know...

Keele : You don't know? From the way he spoke, it seemed as though you knew each other!

Quickie : Kwww...kwww...kwww...keee...keee...

Meredy : Hyades...did not use to be like that. He could not be...

Keele : The village was almost completely destroyed! Answer me!

Farah : Stop it, Keele! Don't talk to her like that. ...Don't place the blame on Meredy!

Keele : I'm sorry...

Meredy : When Meredy was young, Hyades cared for Meredy a lot. But that was a long, looong
time ago. That Hyades and this Hyades are not the same. It must be Balir's fault...
Hyades changed. Sagura...?

Sagura : Bulenda! Hamilt!!

Bonz : Hey, hey, what about Lotte?

Now go to Bupumu : Imen.

Sagura : Heh. That poor Hamilt... He died before he became a full-fledged man... He hadn't
even held a screwdriver... Bulenda too... What were you doing? She should have saved
herself before she even tried to save me. Damn it all... Damn! Damn! Damn it all! If
only I were stronger... If only my weapons had been more powerful...

Farah : It wasn't your fault. Don't...blame yourself so much.

Keele : We'll avenge them, I swear! We won't forget this!!

Sagura : ...Revenge? There's no point. The strong prey upon the weak... That's the way the
world works.

Keele : Even if it is, it's Balir's fault!! All Balir's fault!!

Bonz : Hey, hey, what about Lotte? Where's Lotte?

Reid will go to the entrance alone.

Reid : I won't forget this...

Farah : Well, good luck...

Sagura : Yeah, you too... I'll be okay now. I can't survive by myself, ...but I have Bonz

Meredy : ...Take care! When this is all over, Meredy will come back.

Keele : Yes. We will return! I promise...

Sagura : We'll be waiting! We'll try to get the town back on it's feet by then.

Reid : Be careful now. Don't overdo it and hurt yourself.

Sagura : Hey, watch it. Don't underestimate me just because I'm old!

Farah : All righty! Let's get going. To Tinnsia, City of Artisans!

Meredy : It is on the continent to the west.

Now go outside to the world map and enter Imen again. Talk to Bonz at the water pump to get
Technical Ring. Now go to Tinnsia, City of Artisans on the continent to the west.

/ 2.11 \______________________________________________________________________________________
City of Artisans, Tinnsia
Items : Rune Bottle
Lens : 1
Recipe : 2 (Broiled Sandwich and Sweet Parfait)
Mini Game : Sushi
Fuedu : Tinnsia : Bread 60 Panyan 60
Pasta 60 Kiwi 80
Rice 100 Banana 50
Tusk Meat 150 Amango 80
Cheese 60 White Satay 60
Egg 50 Black Satay 100
Milk 50
Adetusu : Tinnsia : Ogre Sword 20000 Trumpet 17600
Battle Pick 12400 Battlesuit 16800
Katar 17600 Pretty Mitten 14800
Dragon Fang 18800 Stun Charm 24000
Teeru : Tinnsia : Apple Gel 100 Life Bottle 400
Orange Gel 200 Flare Bottle 600
Melange Gel 1000 Syrup Bottle 1200
Lemon Gel 2500 Holy Bottle 200
Pine Gel 3000 Dark Bottle 200
Miracle Gel 6000 Spectacles 50
Panacea Bottle 160

Reid : H...hey...! what's with this town? It's full of machines!

Meredy : Tinnsia is the most technologically advanced city in all of Celestia!

Keele : With a hideout in a city like this, Shileska must be quite technologically advanced

Farah : So... ...where's the hideout?

Reid : Who knows...? It could be anywhere.

The house above is Fuedo : Tinnsia. There's nothing you can find here. So go upstairs by using
the moving platform. The house above is Carousel Sushi. Enter it and you will have a mini

Reid : What is this...?

Man : Hey...are you hungry?

Reid : Yeah. I'm always hungry.

Man : Then let's have an eating contest! If you win, I won't charge you.

Reid : Yeah?! Really?!

Man : Yep. But there's a 2,000 Gald entry fee to participate. If you lose, you won't get it

Reid : Oh...

Man : So, are you up for the challenge? C'mon, hurry up and decide!

Mini-Game:How to Play
X : Select a sushi Circle : Drink
Eat more expensive sushi than Kong the Man. Pace of eating will deteriorate as the upper-right
gauge fills. Drink to reset the gauge.
Points vary according the colors of the plate. More expensive plate fills the gauge faster.

Yellow Plate worths 800 Points. Red Plate worths 300 Points. White Plate worths 100 Points.
You must have points more than 4300 to win this mini game. You will earned the title of King
of Hunger if you win this mini game. Now go to the right screen. The house above is Adetusu :
Tinnsia. You won't find anything here, so go outside. Search the statue near Lesitia at far
right for a Lens. Now go down to the screen below. The house far below is Ship Chandler.
Search the cat statue above for Wonder Chef. This time he will teach you how to make Broiled
Sandwich. Now go outside. The house above Ship Chandler is Teeru : Tinnsia. Search the wooden
box in the rack for Rune Bottle. You can see Irene again here. I wonder how she got here. At
this time you have collected more than 30 Lens if you follow my walkthru, so you will get
Celesti Cape from Irene. Now go outside and go to the right. The big house here is Hotel
Tinnsia. Search the red thing at the upper left screen for Wonder Chef. This time he will
teach you how to make Sweet Parfait. If you rest here, you will have some conversation.

Farah : Good night!

Reid : Yeah.

Inside the girl's room.

Meredy : Sooo soft.

Chat : Jumping on a bed like a trampoline... So childish...

Farah : Let's chat for a while before we go to sleep!

Chat : Chatting in bed... So childish...

Meredy : Okay! Let's sleep now!

Chat : Ah! D...don't turn off the light!!

Farah : So childish!

Now go outside to the far right. You will be stopped by a man from entering the ship.

Man : Where do you think you're goin'? You can't go in there without permission. Hmm...?

The man noticed Miacis Badge that Reid wore.

Man : Is that a...Miacis Badge?! Miacis to our hearts! Follow me.

Farah : All right!

Reid : This is the hideout?

Reid will follow the man inside the ship.

/ 2.12 \______________________________________________________________________________________
Shileska's Hideout
Lens : 1

Man : Go down from here.

So go down the stairs. You will be in a dark place.

Meredy : Meredy can't see very well.

Keele : Stay close together.

Quickie : Kweeekeee, kweeekeee!

Reid : ...A trap?!

Farah : Shhh! There's something there!

Reid : Here they come!

Enemies : 8x Shileska G.
HP : 8000
EXP : 100
Gald : 100
Attack : 220
Defense : 800
Intelligence : 100
Weak : Wind, Ice

??? : Miacis to our hearts! Forgive this rudeness. We heard the news from Guston, but we
wanted to test you ourselves.

Keele : So what's the next test?

??? : That was enough. Welcome to Shileska's Headquarters. We are the revolutionary army
fighting for the freedom of men's souls.

Reid : I guess that's one way to define freedom.

Farah : We came here to find out the whereabouts of Balir's castle. Do you know?

Ayla : You may call me Ayla. Please, come this way.

Now follow Ayla, go downstairs.

Ayla : Please take a look at this. This is our current location, Tinnsia. And that is Balir

Reid : It's surrounded by water!

Ayla : Yes. That is why we must use ships to carry out the attack.

Keele : Does Shileska have ships?

Ayla : Certainly. They aren't battleships... but in time of need, we can call for several
dozen ships from all over Celestia. ...The problem is here. There is a wall surrounding
the gate of Balir Castle, protected by an impenetrable barrier. No matter how many
ships we have, we can't launch an attack against Balir Castle until we find a way to
destroy that gate.

Farah : A barrier...?

Keele : It must be the power of Aurora Arte. It's probably also why we couldn't calculate
their location accurately.

Ayla : Aurora Arte?

Meredy : It's the power of Balir's Fibrill. It's much, much more powerful than the Craymel

Reid : We don't know much about it, either.

Ayla : Please follow me.

Now follow Ayla downstairs. You will see a huge Craymel Cannon in the middle of the room.

Ayla : I'm sorry to have frightened you. We're conducting a firing test of the Craymel Cannon

Farah : Craymel Cannon?

Ayla : Think of it as an oversized Craymel Gun. But because we house Craymels in the largest
possible Craymel Cage, its destructive power is hundreds of times stronger.

Reid : Sheesh... So even with a weapon this powerful, the gates of Balir Castle won't budge?

Ayla : Well... We don't know yet. If we make a Craymel Cannon to match the large Craymel Cage,
the cannon becomes too big to carry on a ship.

Meredy : It's that...big?

Ayla : Yes. What you see here is just the barrel of the cannon. Altogether, it's larger than a
house. This way, please.

Now follow Ayla again downstairs.

Ayla : Boss? It's Ayla. The people Guston spoke of are here. May we enter?

Max : Yeah!

Ayla : Please. You may enter now.

Go inside the room.

Ayla : Miacis to our hearts!

Max : Yeah!

Ayla : This is the leader of Shileska, Max. we have been waiting eagerly to meet face-to-face
with the ones who tamed the mighty Ice Craymel.

Max : Yeah!

Ayla : We know your objective is Balir's Castle... Please! We would like you to join
Shileska... Or if that is not possible, please consider an alliance.

Max : Yeah.

Ayla : We undoubtedly would like your assistance on the battlefield, but could you also assist
us with your knowledge? Unless we build a small but powerful Craymel Cannon,
penetrating Balir's Castle would be impossible.

Max : Yeah!

Ayla : Would you like to say something, Boss?

Max : That's the size of it. Defeat Balir and conquer the world!!

Farah : We don't really care to conquer the world... But we both want Balir defeated. So!
We'll help Shileska.

Ayla : Thank you.

Keele : I may have an idea pertaining to the construction of a small-scale cannon.

Ayla : Really?

Keele : Using the device known as a Parasol, we can capture the Greater Craymels in a Craymel

Ayla : What?!

Max : So what?

Meredy : Umm, this is a Parasol. Specially made by Galenos.

Ayla : Galenos...? The renowned Craymel scientist? One Greater Craymel is worth ten thousand
Craymels! So a small Craymel Cage would suffice our need!!

Max : ...Yeah!

Ayla : What about the Lightning Craymel?

Meredy : Unfortunate. We have not found.

Ayla : Be at ease. Every Shileskan knows where the Greater Craymel sleeps.

Keele : All right, let's head there immediately.

Ayla : Sorry to trouble you, but... May I ask someone to remain here to supervise the
refitting of the Craymel Cannon?

Keele : I see...why don't I remain? I should be of some use. Besides, I'd like to examine the
theory behind the Craymel Cannon.

Farah : So we'll be down to three...

Max : Don't worry. I'll come along with you. Ayla! Take care of my Miacis, Dede. She doesn't
like pickles on her burgers. She's kind of...well you know.

Ayla : Delicate.

Max : Yes, that's it!! All right, let's move!

Ayla : How fortunate! The Boss is worth a hundred men.

Max : Mwah ha ha ha!

Meredy : Well, Keele. You take care.

Keele : Aa, aah. Um... You...too.

Ayla : Miacis to our hearts! Please be well.

You will received Keele's equipment and Max will joined your party.

Exit the room and enter again. Search the chest here for a Lens. So go outside the ship and
left to the next screen.

Max : Go southeast across the ocean. Eventually, you'll see land. You'll find the ruins there.
You can board the ship from the pier.

At Control Bridge inside Van Eltia.

Max : Yo. Nice meeting ya, boy.

Chat : From a gender standpoint, calling me a boy isn't appropriate. And my name is Chat. And
since I'm the owner of the Van Eltia, call me Captain from now on.

Max : All right, Chat.

Chat : To clarify, reid and his friends are my subordinates, and you...

Max : Who's going to steer? I can steer. Where's the steering wheel?!

Chat : If you don't listen to me...

Quickie will jump at the top of Max's head.

Max : You're a cute one!

Chat : ...Let us set sail.

Now let's go southeast to Ruins of Volt

Enemies in this continent :
Tentacle Plant, Night Flyer, Flying Soul, Terror, Pink Hopper, Carvadole, Air Slicer,
Escargot, Leech, Mist, Seaspin, Gentallman

/ 2.13 \______________________________________________________________________________________
Ruins of Volt
Enemies : Imp Bell, Madman, Mist, Tallman, Neuroids, Air Slicer, Savage Beast, Venom
Items : Stun Charm, 2x Pine Gel, Big Bag, Pirate's Hat, All-Divide, Panacea Bottle, Thunder
Cape, Rune Bottle, Red Sage, Holy Staff, Voltic Sword, WakeUp Charm
Lens : 1

Reid : This is where the Greater Lightning Craymel is...?

Max : Yeah.

Farah : It says something on this stone marker. Can you read it for us, Meredy?

Meredy : You bet! It says...when ancient tree in west is touched by dawn, stand in eye of
dragon and sing emerald song.

Reid : ...I don't get it.

Farah : The ancient tree in the west... I bet it's the clue to opening the door.

Reid : Keele was always the one to figure these things out.

Meredy : If only Keele was here...

Max will tried to open the door with force and he succeed.

Max : Rrrrrrrnnnnchhh! ...All right!

Farah : I hope Max knows what he's doing...

When you near the door, you will see Max covered with dust.

Farah : Max?!

Max : Yeah.

Reid : Are you all right?

Max : Yeah.

Farah : You're Mr. Carefree, aren't you? Let's be careful, everyone.

Max has earned the title of Mr. Carefree. Now enter the ruins. Avoid the lightning and
continue upward. Search the stone tablet, it has a Lens. There are three ways here: left,
above and right. Take the above road first and enter the door. Here you will see 6 buttons in
the middle and three doors. The red door will be opened if you accumulated 15 points, blue
door -> 14 points, White door -> 17 points. The point is accumulated from the button that
going under.

X (Red Door)

O (6)

(11) O O (2)

(White door) X X (Blue Door)

(5) O O (3)

(4) O

At first, all the buttons are going under. Now to open blue door, you must make just button
6,5, and 3 going under. 14 = 6 + 5 + 3. Inside the blue door, get Stun Charm from the chest
and enter the door above. Enter the next door and go to the right, don't enter the door for
now. Get Pine Gel from the chest and go to the bottom. Press the bottom here until it's going
under and enter the right door. Go above to the next screen and get Big Bag from the chest and
go to the left. Press the bottom here until it's going under and go to the bottom two screens.
Now go to the left and get All-Divide from the chest. Search the shiny thing to get a fuse.
Now go back to the previous screen and go to the far right and then go to the bottom. Here
take the left below door and get Pirate's Hat from the chest. Go to the bottom and press L1 in
front of the fire to distinguish the electric barrier. Now go all the way back to the place
with 6 buttons and three doors.

Now let's try to open the white door. Try to make button 11, 4, and 2 going under. 17 = 11 + 4
+ 2. Inside the white door, go to the left. Go above and then go to the right. Press L1 in
front of the fire to distinguish the electric barrier and enter the door behind. Now insert
the fuse you got before and you can use the moving platform. Try to get above the stairs to
the next screen and you will reach the camp point.

Reid : I'm hungry...

Max : Yeah.

Farah : Shall we stop and rest?

Reid : Meredy is sound asleep.

Farah : She must be exhausted. Especially since Imen, she's been so... It's almost hard to

Reid : Hey, there's something I've been wondering for a while.

Farah : What is it?

Reid : Why do you suppose Meredy is so driven to stop the Grand Fall?

Farah : She wants to save the world, right?

Reid : I guess so, but... Would any normal girl come this far alone?

Farah : Hey you never know. She's human. People can be complex, you know.

Reid : You too, Farah?

Farah : ...Maybe. Well, anyway. We're not the only ones worried about Meredy.

Reid : Oh yeah. There was someone else, wasn't there?

Farah : Everyone loves Meredy. Right?

Reid : I don't particularly...

Farah : Oh, Reid. Fess up!

Reid : But I...!

Farah : Hee hee! I'm just joking! Don't get so excited!

Go to the right three screens and you will reach a room full of electricity.

Reid : What IS this room?

Farah : We better be careful.

Max : Leave it to me!

Max will get electrified.

Max : I see. This ain't gonna be easy.

Farah : ...I don't think brute force is going to get us through. We need a clue...

Reid : Let's look around. Figuring this out is going to be tough without Keele to help us.

Now go back to the camp point and go above two screens. Get Pine Gel and Panacea Bottle from
the chests and enter the room above -> Control Room. Here you will get a hint about what you
have to do, you must insert something to the slot here. Now go back to the previous room and
go right two screens. You will see three buttons here: red, blue and green. Press just the
green button and enter the green and red doors. Here get Thunder Cape from the chest and go
above. Get Rune Bottle and Red Sage from the chests. Go above and then go to the right to get
Holy Staff and the pink thing. Go back to where the buttons are. Return the green button above
and this time press blue and red bottons. Get Voltic Sword from the chest and go to the right.
Get WakeUp Charm from the chest above and go to the Control Room. Search the panels here.

Farah : Reid! That thing we picked up!

Reid : Right.

Reid will put the pink thing he picked up before.

Farah : It worked! I wonder what it did?

Reid : Let's go back.

Now go to the camp point and go right three screens.

O O O---(3)
(1,4)---O O---(2)

Just follow the order of the buttons you must pressed : 1, 2, 3, 4. Enter the door and just
follow the way into the room with strange purple thing in the middle.

Reid : It...it doesn't look like it's in a very good mood.

Meredy : Meredy scared...

Farah : We have no choice but to approach him.


Max : ...It must be broken.

Max will get near the Volt.

Meredy : Baiba?!

Max will get electrified.

Farah : Here he comes!

Boss : Volt
HP : 54321
EXP : 3600
Gald : 0
Attack : 218 (Family Reunion, Lightning)
Element Attack : Lightning
Defense : 508
Intelligence : 160
Strong : Lightning, Wind, Fire, Earth, Ice, Light, Shadow
Weak : Water
Rewards : Holy Symbol(100%), Rune Bottle(100%)

Strategy : This boss is hard to defeat, not only he has a lot of HP but it floats in the air
too. Reid can use Demon Twist. Meredy use Spread. The other can helped with healing
HP and attacked too. Be careful with his skill Family Reunion, he will split into a
lot of small Volt and damage you.

Max : Whew! ...I thought I was a goner.

Reid : You were asking for that one.

Meredy : Oh, no! the Greater Craymel in pain!

Celsius will come out from the Craymel Cage.

Max : Yeah?! ...Who are you?

Celsius : Something is not right.

Farah : What do you mean?

Celsius : I can tell. ...I sense his pain. He wants you to save him...

Celsius will go inside the Craymel Cage.

Reid : Celsius!

Farah : What do we do?


Meredy : The words must be clues to help Volt!

Search the shiny thing in the back. It will START THE SLOT!! Just select the slot like the one
that Meredy said.


Meredy : Thanks!

Volt will get inside the Craymel Cage.

Max : Well, blow me away!

Rem and Shadow will appeared.

Shadow : I am Shadow, the governing Craymel of Celestia! You have successfully gained the
cooperation of all of the Primary Craymels. In recognition of your deed, I grant you
this sword.

Rem and Shadow will fused together and you will received Excalibur.

Farah : Wow! The sword looks mighty!

Meredy : You bet! Maybe defeat Balir!

Max : Yeah! And take the throne!

Reid : All right! Let's head on back to Tinnsia! Keele should have the Craymel Cannon built by

Now go outside the world map and go back to Tinnsia. After that, go to Shileska's Hideout.

Inside Shileska's Hideout.

Chat : I'll wait for you at the ship.

Reid : All right.

Now go downstaits and you will see many peoples.

Reid : Whoa! Look at all these men! I didn't realize Shileska had this many soldiers...

Max : Yeah!

All the peoples : Miacis to our hearts!

Farah : Wow! I would have never guessed Max to be so popular!

Reid : They probably don't know the real Max like we do...

Meredy : Hey, hey! Let's go see the Craymel Cannon!

You will received Max's equipment. Go downstairs to the room with Craymel Cannon.

Keele : Meredy! Do we have the cooperation of the Greater Lightning Craymel?

Meredy : You bet! And we got more, too! Received the Excalibur from the Greater Dark Craymel,

Ayla : Wonderful! With this, we're sure to beat Balir! But...why are the Greater Craymels
being so cooperative?

Reid : Probably because they want to protect the world too.

Ayla : The world?

Keele : Balir wants to destroy the entire world. He's trying to annihilate Eternia. That's why
we're fighting.

Farah : Ayla, we'll leave the decision to report this to the people of Shileska up to you.

Ayla : What about Boss?

Farah : He's celebrating with the others in the storeroom.

Ayla : ...I'm glad to hear he's okay.

Reid : Okay is hardly the word to describe him. I don't think there is a thing in the world
that could stop Max.

ayla : Miacis to our hearts! Well, then. Let us install the Craymel Cannon on the Van Eltia at

Keele : The installation will probably take all night.

Ayla : All of you should try and get some rest to prepare for tomorrow morning's assault.
Please accept this coupon for Hotel : Tinnsia.

You will received coupon for Hotel : Tinnsia.

Farah : Thanks. Sorry for all the trouble.

Ayla : Keele... You have a wonderful analytical ability.

Keele : Likewise, your observation is very insightful. You've taught me a lot. ...Thank you.

Now go to Hotel Tinnsia.

Meredy : Hey...where is Chat?

Reid : She's probably at the dock supervising the installation of the Craymel Cannon. She is
the Captain of the Van Eltia, after all.

Now go inside Hotel Tinnsia and talk to the receptionist.

Receptionist : Welcome!

Keele : We have a coupon.

Receptionist : Certainly. You're staying in a suite. Please use the elevator on your right.

Now use the elevator. You can choose Guest Room, Suite or Rooftop. Choose Suite.

Reid : Wow, this is really something! Ahh! Feels great.

Quickie : Kuweeeky!

Meredy : Meredy's a bit sleepy. Can I sleep?

Reid : Uh...sure... ...Good night. What's wrong with Meredy? She seemed a bit down.

Farah : She's nervous. Thinking about tomorrow makes even me...

Reid : Wow, what a view! I can see the whole town!! Once tomorrow's battle is over, let's stay
in this lavish suite again. All of us. Together...

Farah : Yeah! Let's do! I wanna be well rested for tomorrow. I'm going to bed.

Keele : I'm so pathetic. Things have come to a head, and all I can feel is fear. Can't even
spare a thought for the others...

Reid : Look. Even I haven't stopped shaking. Any sane person would be afraid... All right. I'm
going to sleep now. If Balir hits us with 100% of his power, we'll take him on with
400% of ours. Isn't that what fighting with friends is all about?

Keele : The calculation is a bit simple... But you're right!

You will see the past memory of Reid. A monster will kill the townspeople.

Reid : A giant monster!

Bitz : Reid, what are you doing?! Get over here!!

You will be in basement of Reid's house.

Bitz : Reid! Tell me. Did you go to Regulus Knoll? Listen. Stay inside. Father will return

Bitz, Reid's father will lock the door.

Reid : Father?! Don't go!!! It...it's my fault. My...myfault. My fault... All my fault!!
Father!! Faaather!!!

You will be awake from the dream.

Reid : That dream again...

Now go to the girl's room. Reid will notice Mere3dy is missing.

Reid : Meredy's missing.

Now go to the Rooftop. You will see Meredy and Quickie here.

Reid : Can't sleep?

Meredy : Reid?!

Farah will come to the rooftop too.

Reid : I couldn't sleep, either. A dream about my father woke me up.

Farah will hide near the stairs.

Meredy : Your father...is not here?

Reid : ...Yeah. He and my mother died when I was two years old.

Meredy : Mother and father not here. Like Farah.

Reid : And Meredy.

Meredy : Hey...Reid?

Reid : Hmm?

Meredy : Does Reid have memories of father and mother?

Reid : Usually, I don't think about them much... It's sad, but my memories have faded with
time. But sometimes I feel them. Warm, calm, like a light... Always protecting me. So I
guess those are my memories... Ha ha... I... I don't really get it myself. Hey, why are
you so quiet? You're making me blush.

Meredy : So are those memories?

Reid : Huh?

Meredy : Reid's memories, Meredy understands. Warm and calm inside... Meredy has them too. So
those are memories!

Reid : Meredy...?

Meredy : All right! Let's go back. Meredy is sleepy now.

Reid : Yeah. Tomorrow's the big day. Let's get some sleep.

Keele : You haven't left anything behind, have you?

Reid : Left anything? This isn't a field trip, you know.

Keele : It's important to be prepared.

Farah : Anyway, let's go see Max! We can get ready afterwards.

Now go to Shileska's Hideout and you will see Ayla in the storeroom.

Keele : Ayla!

Ayla : Good morning. The Shileska Army has already boarded the vessels.

Meredy : Ayla is not going?

Ayla : My duty is to stand guard here while everyone is away.

Keele : I see. Well...we're leaving now, too.

Ayla : Please take care.

Now go back to your ship, Van Eltia through Ship Chandler.

Chat : Good morning. There's a magnificent Craymel Cannon on board now. It was all completed
under my close supervision.

Max : Yeah! If you're all ready, hurry up and get on aboard! We're gonna carry out that thing!

Chat : Operation Invade Balir Castle!

Max : Yeah, that! Grind Balir to the ground!

Farah : ...It seems Ayla didn't tell Max about our purpose.

Max : Yeah! I heard. I conquer the world, and save it as well, right?

At the control Bridge.

Chat : Enemies sighted!

Max : Yeah! Let's get ready for...

Chat : Naval battle!

Max : Yeah, that's it! All we have to do to win is totally destroy the enemy ships! Piece of
cake, huh?

Chat : All right, Reid. I'll leave the steering to you.

Reid : Right!! Let's do it!!

Mini-Game:How to Play
Sea Battle
Left/Right : Rotate X : Charge. Press again to fire.
Circle : Press while charging to accelerate
Fire the Craymel Cannon and defeat the enemy fleet! Defeat all enemies or survive until
countdown reaches 0 to clear the game. The game is over if your shield is destroyed.
Triangle : Switch View Square : Support Fire
Power Gauge
Shoot the Craymel Cannon when the power reaches MAX.
Shield Gauge
Each hit damage will reduce the gauge by 1.
Navigation Map
The direction of your ship and enemy location is displayed.

Meredy : The entrance to Balir's Castle!

Max : Yeah!

Keele : Let's pray that the power of the Craymel Cannon will be enough to break through the

Farah : No problem! The Greater Craymels are on our side!

Reid : Load the Craymel Cannon!

Chat : Aye aye, sir!

You will see a nice FMV about Craymel Cannon destroying the gate.

/ 2.14 \______________________________________________________________________________________
Balir Castle
Enemies : Hominicle, Death, Skull Warrior, Guitaricle, Anchor Lizard, Carvadole, Stronghorn,
Kubitoom, Clay Golem, Whyte, Fake
Items : Pretty Ribbon, Dragon Vein, 2x Elixir, Rare Shield, Scale Robe, Dragger Lance, Lapis
Bracelet, Silver Cloak, Silver Plate, Black Onyx, Mythril Arms
Lens : 2
Supply Corps : Apple Gel 100 Panacea Bottle 160
Orange Gel 200 Life Bottle 400
Melange Gel 1000 Syrup Bottle 1200
Lemon Gel 2500 Holy Bottle 200
Pine Gel 3000 Spectacles 50
Limited Supply : Ice Coffin 16000 Scale Robe 36000
Mythril Arms 40000 Lapis Bracelet 33600
Big Bag 19000 Thief's Cape 2400
Silver Cloak 33600

Farah : Max! Are you leaving?

Max : Yeah. My men are waiting.

Keele : Right...

Reid : Okay, change of plans. Good luck, Max. We'll meet in front of Balir.

Max : Yeah.

Search the barrel above you for a Lens. Now go to the right. You can buy items and weapons
here. After finish your business, enter the castle.

Reid : What a mess... This is Balir's home?

Keele : This...is the place? Balir rules over all of Celestia...from here?

Meredy : Balir lets nobody come. Balir trusts nobody...

Keele : Let's proceed with caution.

You can't get the treasure to your right, so go to the left through the door. You will see 4
monsters in glass cages. Ignore them, get Pretty Ribbon from the chest. If you search the
machine above and press the console button(choose Yes), the monsters will be unleashed and the
elevator will be activated. I suggest you not to press the console button(Choose No), so go
upstairs. Go to the right first and get Dragon Vein from the chest. Now go back to the
previous screen, go upstairs and then go to the right two screens. Go get Elixir from the
upper left door but you have to fight Fake for it. You can get Rare Shield from the other
upper left door. The middle door won't open. Go get Scale Robe and Dragger Lance from the two
upper right doors. Go to the right two screens and you will reach a camp point. You can rest
here to restore your HP. There is a teleporter here but it isn't active, so go above through
the door. Get Lapis Bracelet from the chest and use Freeze Ring(press L1) to the blue thing to
make the barrier move. Use Freeze Ring again(press L1) to another blue thing to make the
barrier move and get the white card. Now go down two screens and after that go above two
screens. Get Silver Cloak from the chest and then go down and to the left. Ignore the monster
for now and take the upper left door. The chest here is a Fake but you will get another Elixir
if you defeat it. Now go down and get Silver Plate from the chest. Go to the right and fight
the monster.

Sub-Boss : Spiral (+ 4x Escargot)
HP : 45000
EXP : 1000
Gald : 3000
Attack : 230 (Vertical Spin)
Defense : 400
Intelligence : 100
Rewards : Faerie Ring(100%), Orange Gel(100%)

Strategy : This monster is very easy to defeated. Just use Demon Twist all the time and you
will defeat him.

Go downstairs and go to the left. Get Black Onyx from the chest and go back to the hall. This
time go to the right two screens. Search the panel at upper right and you will use white card
you got earlier. Now go to the teleporter at the upper left and use it. You will be back at
the camp point. Shoot the red crystal with Sorcerer's Ring(press R1) and the door will be
opened. Enter the door and go upstairs two times. Get a Lens from the chest and go above.
Check the computer here and you will input the code. Now go back to the camp point and go to
the left four screens to the left tower. Shoot the red crystal with Sorcerer's Ring(press R1)
and the door will be opened. Enter the door and go upstairs. Get Mythril Arms from the chest
and go upstairs. Enter the door and check the computer again to input the code. Now go
downstairs to the place where you shot the red crystal and then go to the right two screens.
Enter the middle door and prepare yourself for Boss battle.

Reid : There he is!!

Keele : Balir?

Farah : Wait! Something's wrong!!

Meredy : Ba...lir?

Keele : It's a mummy. Could this be Balir?

Meredy : No...!

Reid : Does this mean Balir is dead? If so... Who's behind the Grand Fall?

??? : Balir is dead. Balir died 10 years ago. But his soul lives within me.

Meredy : Shizel?!

Shizel : ...Oh, so it's you. It's been a long time, Meredy.

Farah : Meredy, do you know her?

Reid : Who is she?

Meredy : Shizel is... Balir's consort.

Keele : Consort...? You mean Balir's wife?

Farah : Are you the one causing the Grand Fall?!

Shizel : Of course. Could any other?

Farah : But why?!

Shizel : What is the value in a world choking in the miasma of its own sickening desire? It
was also the dying wish of Balir against all those whose obsession with material
possessions took his life.

Reid : That's no reason... We can't just let you destroy Eternia!!!

Shizel : You fool... It isn't destruction, it's rebirth! Balir and I will allow none to stand
in our way.

Reid : So we have no choice... ...but to fight!

You will see someone shot Shizel.

Reid : Max?!

Max : Ho! Looks like I was a step late for the big dance. Leave Balir to me! ...Oh? Balir's a
woman? No matter! Victory will be mine! CHARGE!!!

Shizel : Fool!!

Shizel will use her spell against Max and his subordinates.

Farah : Max! Are you all right?!

Max : ...Yeah?

Reid : Not much for small talk, is she? Let's do it!

Shizel : A waste of time...

Boss : Shizel
HP : 120000
EXP : 50000
Gald : 0
Attack : 300 (Eternal Finality, Prism Sword)
Element Attack : Shadow
Defense : 0
Intelligence : 75
Strong : Water, Wind, Fire, Earth, Ice, Lightning

Strategy : Wow! She has a lot of HP. If she uses Eternal Finality, your HP will drop into 1.
Just let her kill you.

Shizel : Heh heh heh heh... I did not wish to waste my true power on the likes of you, ...but
you give me no choice.

Reid : What?!

Ras : Run! You mustn't fight!!

Farah : Ras?! ...How?!

Ras : Your powers are no match for her Aurora Arte! Run!!

Reid : How would you know?!

Shizel : Heh, heh, heh... Too late. I say again...vanish yonder into Vatenkeist! Face the
baptism of the Aurora!!

Ras : Aurora Wall!

You will see a nice FMV about Shizel going to the Inferia. You will be outside the castle.

Reid : Am I...alive? Hey! Is everyone all right?!

Meredy : I'm alive. I wonder why?

Keele : I'm okay, too.

Reid : Farah?! Farah, Farah!! No...

Farah : Hey, Reid. What's wrong?

Reid : Whaddaya mean what's wrong?

Keele : How did we survive... ...a full impact of Aurora Arte?

Reid : Ras! Ras!

Ras : Reid...

Reid : Why! Why...did you save us?!

Ras : there was something I needed to...give you.

Reid : Is this the...Seyfert Key?

You will see the shiny light.

Reid : This light...what is it?

Ras : It is the Divine Aurora.

Reid : Divine...Aurora? What is Aurora anyway? What does it have to do with me?

Ras : Meet with Galenos. He will tell you the rest. It looks like... this is the end for me.

Farah : Ras!

Ras : Reid... Protect those you love. Aurora Artes exist for that purpose.

Reid : Ras!!

Keele : Ras...

Meredy : Ras...

Farah : Noooooo!!

Meredy : Farah...are you okay?

Farah : I...I'm fine! I'm ready to go all the way. ...I'm fine.

Reid : ...Then, let's go. Let's go see Galenos in Luishka and find out what Ras was trying to
tell us.

Farah : The Divine...Aurora...

Reid : Yeah. It looks like it's our role to search for it.

Farah : Right! No problem!

Meredy : You bet!

Now go aboard Van Eltia and go to Ruined Village, Luishka to meet Galenos.

Keele : Meredy, I have a question for you.

Meredy : ...Yes?

Keele : What is your relation to Shizel?

Meredy : Shizel is Meredy's mother.

Farah : Huh? What? Then... Balir is your...?

Meredy : Father.

Reid : ...I see. No wonder. Now it makes sense why you've been so determined.

Keele : Why didn't you tell us?! Are we really that unreliable? Can't you trust us? If you
don't trust me, then how am I supposed to trust you?!

Meredy : I am sorry. H...How do I say? I did not know. I'm sorry...

Farah : It's all right, Meredy. Having to fight your own mother... I can't even begin to
imagine the pain.

Keele : Was Shizel always like that?

Meredy : Balir and Shizel... They were kind, long ago. Long, long ago. But Meredy remembers.
Warm light, memories...

Farah : Then, why is she doing this?

Meredy : I do not know. Meredy...away from them for long time.

Reid : This may all be tied in with the Aurora Arte.

Keele : Right. Once we meet Galenos we might learn something.

/ 2.15 \______________________________________________________________________________________
Ruined Village, Luishka (revisited)

Galenos : I see... So Ras wasn't in time.

Reid : Tell me, Galenos. Why did Ras save us...? How did you know him...?

Galenos : All is due to the key's guidance.

Reid : This Seyfert Key's...guidance?

Galenos : It holds the will of the god of creation, Seyfert. To follow this key is to follow
the will of Seyfert.

Farah : Was Ras... guided by Seyfert to visit you?

Galenos : Yes, and to learn the Aurora Arte, he passed the Trials of Seyfert.

Keele : The Trials of Seyfert?

Galenos : There are two forms of the Aurora Artes. There is the Dark Aurora of Nereid, and
there is the Divine Aurora of Seyfert.

Farah : The Divine Aurora... ...Aurora Arte of Seyfert... So if we have that, can we beat

Galenos : Perhaps... But it cannot be acquired unless one bears the Fibrill.

Meredy : Fibrill? ...Strong power!

You will see the light came from Reid.

Galenos : Yes. That light has taught us this... That both Reid and Ras share the same

Farah : Then why? Why did Ras lose to Shizel? Didn't he undergo the Trials of Seyfert and
acquire the Divine Aurora Arte?

Galenos : Ras... ...had not completed the trials.

Meredy : Because he came to save us?

Galenos : That was the decision he made of his own free will.

Reid : Where is it, Galenos? The place where I can undergo the Trials of Seyfert?

Farah : Reid!

Galenos : You will...try for us?

Keele : Reid...

Reid : I'm the only one with the Fibrill, right?

Galenos : Indeed. The trials are at the Seyfert Shrine. The Seyfert Key will show you the way.

Reid : I got it. We'd better get going. We've got no time to waste.

Meredy : You bet. Let's go!

Farah : No problem!

Reid : Galenos...what will you do?

Galenos : It's a bit out of your way, but could you take me to the Shileska's Hideout?

Meredy : Going to meet Shileska?

Galenos : I would like to join forces with them to find a way to defeat Shizel.

Reid : I understand. Let's visit Tinnsia first.

You will be back at Van Eltia and Farah is on the Deck alone.

Galenos : Thinking about something?

Farah : Yeah. ...I am. Why did...Ras save us?

Galenos : ...Ras felt grateful to you. You taught him to see the world as it is, with
unclouded eyes.

Farah : That can't be... Ras was the one who did all the teaching.

Galenos : He said that he had changed too. That he had learned to become an individual, ruled
by no one, and stand on his own two feet. So when he saved you, it was for the sake
of the world. Ras wanted to save the world.

Farah : He wanted to save the world, too?

Galenos : Ras did not die in vain. ...Isn't that so?

Farah : Yes, I won't let it be in vain. Not on my life!

Now go to City of Artisans, Tinnsia.

/ 2.16 \______________________________________________________________________________________
Shileska's Hideout

Galenos : What do you think? I believe my knowledge of Aurora Arte should be of good use.

Ayla : Miacis to our hearts! I am honored to meet a famous Craymel Engineer such as yourself,
Galenos. I humbly beg for your assistance. Boss? Will it be all right with you?

Max : Yeah!

Farah : Yeah!! All right!!

Galenos : Then shall we negin our research of the dark matter that Shizel disappeared into?

Ayla : Yes.

Reid : Well, we'll be leaving now.

Meredy : We will return as soon as Reid gets the Divine Aurora!

Galenos : Meredy... Please be very careful. When you're unsure of your destination, hold the
Seyfert Key and recite your wish calmly in your mind.

Farah : Reid, don't lose it.

Reid : Don't worry. I made sure to put it in the bag of valuables.

Now talk to Max to make him join your party. Now talk to the man where there is a Craymel
Cannon. Choose "Yes, I'll donate 20000 Gald" and you will receive Plasma Cannon. Now go to
Teeru : Tinnsia and talk to Irene to get Extreme if you have collected 40 Lens. At this time
you have collected precisely 40 Lens if you follow my walkthru. Now go aboard your ship, Van

Chat : Where shall we go?

Keele : Reid, try using the Seyfert Key.

Reid : Sure. ...Where did I put it?

Quickie : Kuu...Kweee, Kuweeky!

You will see a light coming out from Seyfert Key and the light will direct to south.

Reid : WOW.

Chat : What was that light?!

Farah : Seyfert is guding us! Seyfert's Shrine must be at the end of that light!!

Now go to Peruti. Search the pink Miacis in the barrel.

Max : Yeah! It's the Courier of Fortune, Miacis!

Meredy : Hweel! Meredy always wanted to pet Pink Miacis...

Max : Bwa ha ha ha! Leave this to me! Whoa!

The Pink Miacis will use lightning spell on Max.

Max : Yeah? Why do you run from me?

Reid : Because you scared it, Max!

Max : Yeah? Did I? No matter! I just got an idea for a new skill! What luck, what luck! Bwa ha
ha ha!

Max will learned Air Blade. Now go to Seyfert Shrine, south of Peruti.

/ 2.17 \______________________________________________________________________________________
Seyfert Shrine
Lens : 1

Search the right light bulb for a Lens.

Farah : ...Isn't this exciting?

Keele : I wonder how many others have made it this far?

Reid : Ras has definitely been here. And I'm next. That's all that matters. Let's continue

Inside Seyfert Shrine.

Meredy : Who is this?

Reid : ...Maybe the person who came up with this whole idea about the trial?

Farah : Seyfert? But...he doesn't look at all like the bronze statue we saw in Inferia.

Keele : This one seems to be much older. In Inferia, as the legend passed down from generation
to generation, the image of Seyfert probably changed to look more heroic.

Meredy : He...ro...ic?

Keele : Seyfert sacrificed his life to defeat Nereid. Thanks to him, the long war came to a

Meredy : Huh? Did not Nereid rise to free the oppressed...?

Keele : What are you talking about?

Meredy : That's what Meredy was taught.

Farah : There seems to be a difference between the history taught in Inferia and Celestia. I
wonder which one is correct?

Keele : We may find the answer here.

Keele try to enter the barrier but he can't go in.

Keele : Huh? I can't go in.

Farah tried too but she can't go in.

Farah : You're right.

Meredy tried too but she kicked out away.

Meredy : Baiba!

Keele : Meredy!

Meredy : N...no worry! Meredy just tripped!

Keele : How could you fly all the way over there by just tripping?!

Meredy : Meredy said Meredy OKAY!!

Keele : I was worried about you!

Reid : Are you sure you're all right?

Meredy : You bet.

Reid : All right! Let me try.

Reid tried too and he can go inside.

Reid : This is Seyfert's will. I'll do what I have to do.

Farah : Be careful.

Reid : I know. I promise I'll come back.

Keele : Well...uh... ...Good luck to you. What you learn might help my research.

Reid : I got it, I got it.

Reid will go inside.

Meredy : Reid! He left already...?

You will be inside Trial Room. Go above and you will see a shadow.

Reid : W...What's going on?

??? : You have come.

Reid : That voice...?

??? : You cannot touch me. For I am... not here.

Reid : Who...the hell are you?

??? : I am the Messenger of Seyfert.

Reid : The Messenger of...Seyfert.

??? : Even for those with Fibrill, the Trials of Seyfert are cruel. Are you prepared?

Reid : I'll pass any Trial you throw at me.

??? : Then I shall ask but one thing... Why do you desire the Aurora Arte?

Reid : There's only one reason. To defeat Shizel.

??? : Why defeat her?

Reid : Because! She's trying to destroy all of Eternia! ...That's not a good thing.

??? : Eternia... Why would you sacrifice all that you have to protect it? The Trial is cruel.
If you are half-hearted, you will only destroy yourself.

Reid : There are people I love that live in this world. I'm not letting them die!

??? : ...Continue onwards and open the door with your heart. The first trial awaits.

Reid : Huh?

The Messenger of Seyfert will be disappeared leaving yellow feathers behind. Go inside the
circle. You will be transform into an Egg Bear.

Egg Bear : Is this me? A monster!

Go down two screens and you will see three dead eggbears.

Egg Bear : My family...killed.

Two Egg Traders will come to this screen.

Egg Trader : Ah, finally the boss appears. But I won't lose to the likes of an Egg Bear!

Egg Bear : S, stop. I'm a human!

You will have to fight the Egg Trader. Defeat him.

Egg Bear : H...have I killed? ...A human?

Egg Trader : Heee, heeelp! Let me go!

The Egg Trader will run away, dropping the EggBear's egg.

Egg Bear : Aaaah! Our eggs! This place is...dangerous?

Now go to the left.

Egg Bear : My, my...eggs!

Now go down to the next screen. Here you will see your party.

Egg Bear : Live...I will live!

Farah : Aaaah!

Keele : An Egg Bear!!

Meredy : (Talking in Melnics language.)

Reid : Leave this to me!

You will have to fight Reid and Keel. You can't win this battle, so just let them defeat you.

Egg Bear : I...I... want to...live.

Farah : Why don't we camp here?

Reid : ...Yeah. I'm starved!

Your party will be in front of fireworks and Reid will hold his sword.

Keele : What are you doing?

Reid : Huh? I'm making jerky. If you dry Egg Bear meat, it makes good emergency rations.

Keele : I'm afraid I can't agree. Over time, Eggbear meat undergoes a chemical transformation
and loses much of its nutrients.

Reid : What're you talking about, Keele? You've never even eaten it!

Keele : I don't need to eat it to know. It's explained in detail in Volume 3, Chapter 21 of
the Leonoa Encyclopedia.

Reid : Humph! I don't care what it says. I eat it all the time and I know I'm right!

Farah : Boys! Calm down. Does it matter either way?

You will be back to the Trial Room.

Reid : I'm...? This is? Waah!

The Messenger of Seyfert will appear again.

Reid : Y...you're... The Messenger of Seyfert.

??? : You have returned alive.

Reid : Wait a minute... Was...that the trial?

??? : The whirling thoughts now within your heart must not be forgotten. They are that which
you are not aware of or have avoided.

Reid : I'm ahunter! I...had to do that to live!

??? : It is all right. No one can blame you for what you have done. Facing the truth...in
time... ...those will be your trials.

Reid : ...I understand. I won't seek false justification. I'll accept fact as fact.

??? : It is well. You have overcome Seyfert's first trial. Receive the Aurora Wall.

Reid : Aurora Wall?

??? : An Aurora Arte which protects by forming a quasi-space barrier.

Reid : Oh, that was the skill Ras protected us with.

??? : Now, seek the path to your next trial.

Reid : There are more Trials? Will I become a monster again?

??? : ...The Trials are not predetermined... It simply opens a passage to the conflict within
your own heart.

The Messenger of Seyfert will be disappeared leaving yellow feathers behind. You have mastered
Aurora Wall. It can be activated during battle by pressing Circle, X, and Square
simultaneously when Reid's HP is flashing. It's a Sacred Skill that will nullify the actions
of everyone, including any uses of Craymel Artes. HP will decrease during its use. Once the
skill is used, it cannot be used again until your HP is recovered above a certain level. Now
go back to your party.

Meredy : Reid? What is matter? Are you all right?

Reid : S...sorry. I'm still kinda dazed.

Keele : Did you complete the trial?

Reid : I completed the first trial. There's still more.

Meredy : Really?!

Reid : Don't worry. I'm not going to give up.

Farah : Reid...

Reid : I was given the Aurora Wall by Seyfert's messenger. It's the skill that Ras used to
save us...

Farah : ...I see.

Meredy : Yaaay, Reid! Let's hurry back to the Van Eltia!

You will be in the Deck of Van Eltia.

Meredy : Where is next trial?

Reid : This will tell us.

The Light will pointed out above to Inferia.

Keele : So the next test is going to be in Inferia?

Farah : How do we get there?!

Reid : We'll search. If the Seyfert Key is pointing to Inferia, there's got to be a way to get

Meredy : ...Meredy agree. There might be something like Craymel Craft somewhere.

Keele : I doubt it. It would be quicker to ask Galenos to make one for us.

Meredy : Galenos said it takes years and years.

Farah : No problem! If we look, I'm sure we'll find something that will take us back to

Inside the Control Bridge.

Chat : Inferia? I'm afraid that's not possible. Van Eltia is only a ship.

Keele : Of course it can't. I want to gather clues about how to return to Inferia. Take us
ashore at the nearest town.

Meredy : We find something like the Bridge of Light!

Chat : A bridge...? Let's go and search for Aifread's Legacy.

Reid : Um...why NOW?

Chat : You do want to go to Inferia, right? You do know who my Great-Grandfather is, don't

Farah : It's Aifread, isn't it? The Great Pirate who struck fear into sailors all over the

Chat : That's right! And all over the world means all of Eternia.

Farah : Are you suggesting that one of Aifread's Legacies may be a tool for us to get to

Keele : Are you sure?

Chat : First of all, let's go back to my mansion. Leave it to me.

Now let's go to the Chat's Hut, south of Luishka.

/ 2.18 \______________________________________________________________________________________
Chat's Hut
Items : GPS

Chat : I created this trick mechanism.

Reid/Meredy/Keele/Farah : W...woah!

Chat : This monument has been here since ancient times. Have a look.

Keele : Meredy, colud you...?

Meredy : You bet! ...numbers. 204, 98. And then it says...

Meredy : (Talking in Melnics language.)

Keele : What?

Meredy : Solve the riddle of the numbers, and the Bridge of Expedition shall appear!!

Farah : Bridge?!

Reid : The Bridge of Light?!

Chat : When you spoke of the Bridge of Light, the unsolved riddle of this monument came to

Farah : Now we just have to figure out what the numbers mean, right?

Keele : That's easy to guess.

Chat : But I've been puzzling over them for over five years...

Keele : That's only because you lack the proper knowledge.

Reid : I don't get it either.

Farah : ...Me neither.

Meredy : Meredy too!

Quickie : Kweeekeee!!

Keele : Chat! Is there a Celestian device that can tell your geographical position in numbers?

Chat : Do you mean GPS, which measures your current latitude and longitude?

Keele : Did Aifread use this, too?

Chat : It's one of the seven indispensable tools for a pirate.

You will received GPS.

Keele : These things are worthless unless you actually use them. It's showing two numbers.
Probably the latitude and longitude. I bet we'll find something if we go to the place
where the indicated numbers are 204, 98.

Chat : Those five years I spent...

Reid : Don't let it get you down. He can't do much, but he sure can think.

- GPS(227,162) -> Rune Bottle
- GPS(228,120) -> Miracle Charm
- GPS(203,76) -> Volt Shard, Volt Crystal
- GPS(217,70) -> Red Bellebane, Red Lavender
- GPS(177,31) -> 4000 Gald
- GPS(187,14) -> Thunder Cape
- GPS(183,130) -> Skill Toss Hammer for Chat
- GPS(131,117) -> Quick Attack command
- GPS(52,153) -> Snow Crystal, Snow Shard
- GPS(60,126) -> a Lens
- GPS(15,10) -> Shrimp
- GPS(82,38) -> Rush Attack command
- GPS(72,48) -> Amango

Now go to GPS(204,98) -> Aifread's Cavern.

/ 2.19 \______________________________________________________________________________________
Aifread's Cavern(204,98)
Enemies : Fake, Lamia, Seaspin, Dragontooth, Toriton, Spirit
Items : Flame Sword, Hourglass
Lens : 2

Farah : There really was a hideout!

Meredy : Meredy thought Aifread was just legend!

Chat : Legends don't have great-granddaughters.

Reid : There's a slight breeze... Let's check the inside.

Now get Flame Sword from the chest and search the crate for a Lens. You can see a door here
but it won't budge, so go to the opening at the upper left. Enter the door and you will be in
a platform with symbols on it. Search the blue symbol and you can choose to spin the roulette
wheel or look at the spaces ahead. You have to go to square 44 spaces ahead to reach the goal.
So spin the wheel.

Reid : Is this...

Farah : ...a dice game?

Chat : Wow! That's my great-grandfather! He sure was creative!

Keele : ...The talent for creating silly games must run in the family.

Just spin the wheel and eventually you will reach the GOAL.

Reid : Finally, it's the exit... Whew...

Now go above and search the statue to open the door.

Statue : Descendants of noble buccaneers! I am the Great Pirate Aifread! You have overcome
great obstacles, and so I shall grant you my Legacy.

The door will be opened.

Reid : It's that way! Let's go!

Search the anchor near the door to get a Lens. Enter the door.

Reid : It's pitch dark in here!

Chat : Please wait a moment. There should be a switch right around here...

Chat will turn on the light.

Chat : I knew it! It's just like the dock at the mansion!!

Keele : H...hey! are you sure you know what you're doing?

Chat : Do not worry.

Meredy : Is it going to break?

Chat : Let me handle... ...it?

Farah : W...what's going on?!

You will see a nice FMV about Van Eltia being remodeled.

Reid : Huh? Is it finished?

Farah : This must be what was meant by Aifread's Legacy...

Keele : We can go to Inferia now...?

Meredy : Meredy hope so.

Chat : Let's board the ship.

Search the machine at upper right to get a Hourglass. Now enter Van Eltia. You will be in
Viewing Deck.

/ 2.20 \______________________________________________________________________________________
Van Eltia (remodeled)
Lens : 2

Farah : There are more rooms here!!

Chat : W...whoa! I smell machines!

Reid : That's some nose you got there.

Meredy : Let's all go see.

Search the barrel here for a Lens. Now go down three times and go up from the left stairs to
see Chat. Search the submarine that Chat looking for a Lens. Now search the statue at the top.

Statue : This is the submarine, Aifish. If you search the seafloor, you may be able to find
the Bridge of Expedition.

How to board
You can access it from the Travel Menu while riding on the Van Eltia, or board it directly
from this room.
How to operate
X : Speed Up
Circle : Slow Down
Left/Right : Turn around
Up/Down : Ascend or Descend
How to return
You can return to the Van Eltia by pressing Square while submerged.

Chat : It looks like we should start searching under the sea from this point on.

Reid : All right! Let's look for the Bridge of Expedition!

Now go underwater(use Aifish) to GPS(35,14) to go to Jini.

/ 2.21 \______________________________________________________________________________________
City of Joy, Jini(66,153)
Items : Rune Bottle, Celesea Map, Light Crystal
Lens : 3
Recipes : 3 (Hot Pot, Chili Potato, Hot Curry)
Suteden : Jini : Apple Gel 100 Life Bottle 400
Orange Gel 200 Flare Bottle 600
Melange Gel 1000 Syrup Bottle 1200
Lemon Gel 2500 Holy Bottle 200
Pine Gel 3000 Dark Bottle 200
Miracle Gel 6000 Spectacles 50
Panacea Bottle 160

Reid : Hmm...?

You will see something shiny on the ground.

Reid : What's this?

You will found 10 Jini. Some of the houses here only open at night. So you will have to wait
for nightfall. The house that open at daylight only Inn. Search the book rack between two beds
at second floor of Inn to get a Rune Bottle. Go outside the world map and wait until the
nightfall, after that enter Jini again. The house next to Inn is Suteden : Jini. You can buy
Celesea Map for 10,000 Gald or 100 Jini at Suteden : Jini. Search the red flower near the
entrance for Light Crystal. You can find Casino & Exchange, the house below Inn. Search the
slot machine for a Lens. Search the gaming machine at upper left corner to find a Wonder Chef.
This time he will teach you how to make Hot Pot. Now go to the next screen. The house to the
far right is Auction Hall. Search the table at upper right corner to get a Lens. Search the
picture at upper left corner to find a Wonder Chef. This time he will teach you how to make
Chili Potato. The house next to Auction Hall is Bookstore. Search the frog here to find a
Wonder Chef. This time he will teach you how to make Hot Curry. The house next to Bookstore is
Dance Hall. Search the upper right heater for a Lens.

Now go to Shadow Cave at GPS(5,12)

/ 2.22 \______________________________________________________________________________________
Shadow Cave(5,12)
Enemies : Mega Death, Dragontooth, Dark Disaster, Cuttlebone, Hunger Blood, Fire Flyer,
Metallicore, Grave Keeper
Items : 765 Gald, Drain Charm, Saint Halberd, Holy Circlet, Flare Arms, Scale Robe
Lens : 1

reid : ...It feels kind of cold in here.

Meredy : Celestia is always cold.

Keele : ...And you don't get much sunlight down here at the seafloor.

Reid : That's not what I mean. I'm talking about the kind of cold that sends shivers up your

Farah : Reid...are you scared?

Reid : I...I'm NOT scared!

Farah : All right then. Let's go!

The enemies here is touch-based, so if you don't hit them you won't fight a battle. Get 765
Gald from the pouch downstairs and after that go down to the next screen. Go get Drain Charm
from the upper left chest and after that go down the ladder to the next screen. Get Saint
Halberd from the upper right chest and after that go down to the next screen. Get Holy Circlet
from the right chest and go downstairs to the right first to get Flare Arms. Go back to the
previous screen and this time go downstairs to the left. Continue down to the next screen. Get
Scale Robe from the right chest and continue down. Just follow the way down and you will see a
Load Crystal. Start from here, you will have a random battle again not like before. Go down
the right ladder first and enter the cave. There are 2 roads in here : upper left and middle
left. Enter them both to kill the minions to make the cave darker. Now go back to the room
with a Load Crystal. Go down the left ladder and enter the cave near the ladder. There are 2
roads in here : upper right and middle right. Enter them both to kill all the minions. The
upper right road has a Lens. After you kill all the minions, enter the middle cave.

Keele : There's a breeze...

Farah : Keele, be careful!

Keele : It's too dark to see anything. From the echoes I hear, I estimate that it must be at
least 3000 lange to the bottom.

Reid : I'm getting a bad feeling about this place... Let's get out of here.

Keele : Fear clouds judgement. You're not going to find anything if you let fear get in your

??? : Humans are terrified of darkness... Yet they fail to recognize the true darkness within
their hearts.

You will see Shadow appear in front of you.

Meredy : Hweel! Long time no see!

Keele : Have you met him before?

Meredy : You bet. He gave us Excalibur at the Ruins of Volt.

Keele : Are you the Greater Dark Craymel, Shadow?

Shadow : Indeed. I hope you have a justifiable excuse for disturbing my darkness.

Keele : We need your help to save this world!

Reid : Do you want to test our strength?

Shadow : Of course. Come!!

Boss : Shadow (+ 2x Empty Doll)
HP : 100324
EXP : 32768
Gald : 0
Attack : 460 (Shadow Thrust, Summon Demon)
Defense : 400
Intelligence : 62
Strong : Shadow, Water, Wind, Fire, Earth, Ice, Lightning
Weak : Light
Rewards : Force Ring(100%), Rune Bottle(100%)

Strategy : Shadow is good at close attack, but you must be very careful with his spells. Don't
let him cast his spell on you. Equip Excalibur to make a major damage because Light
is his weakness. Empty Doll is very annoying too because beside it has a lot of
HP(60000), it can recover its HP(3000) too. The good skill for Reid to use is Demon
Twist. Just concentrate your attack on Shadow, don't bother with Empty Doll.

Shadow : I now understand the sincerity of your intentions. They are admirable... Show me the

Choose Keele's or Meredy's Craymel Cage.

Keele : I can't believe it... We befriended Shadow, the one who unifies all Primary Craymels
in Celestia.

Reid : Keele... I'm overwhelmed, too.

Keele : Reid?!

Reid : You know, it's not so hard to see in the dark once you get used to it!!

Now go back to your ship, Van Eltia. After that go to Tinnsia to get Krona Symbol from Irene
at Teeru : Tinnsia. If you follow my walkthru, you have collected exactly 50 Lens. Search the
pink Miacis near the gnome statue to get skill Aqua Spiral for Max.

Now go to Luishka Station and talk to the conductor. He will asked for your help to get his
Ticket Puncher at Imen Station. So go to Imen Station and talk to the conductor here. He will
say the location in Melnics language. To understand this word go to the Library of City of
Craymel, Imen. Choose the characters of this order : 1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 2. The word is Bonsai.
Keele will search the Bonsai in the library and you will get Ticket Puncher. Now go back to
Luishka Station and talk to the conductor again. You will get a Sephira for your hard work.

Now let's go to all the hideouts and get all the Silver Cages.
- Hideout 1(56,112) -> Silver Cage 1, you can't take the sword here
- Hideout 2(152,164) -> Silver Cage 2
- Hideout 3(167,112) -> Silver Cage 3
- Hideout 4(228,41) -> Silver Cage 4
- Hideout 5(3,151) -> Silver Cage 5

After that go to Aifread's Platform(98,92).

/ 2.23 \______________________________________________________________________________________
Aifread's Platform(98,92)
Lens : 1

Search the middle panel to get a Lens. Put all the Silver Cage you had in their places and the
machine start to working.

Reid : What...happened?

Farah : Let's go to the surface!

Now go back to the surface and you will see the Bridge of Expedition at GPS(100,92). Press
Square and choose Enter Relay Point. You will be transported back to Inferia.

Reid : Are we...alive? Hey!! It's Inferia!

Farah : We made it back...

Chat : The color of the sky is different.

Meredy : It is a completely different world from Celestia.

Keele : Hey, Reid. Where's the Seyfert Key?

Reid : Oh yeah. Let's go to the deck.

You will see the light pointed to northeast.

Keele : How odd. There should only be water in that direction.

Reid : Well, there was nothing above, maybe it's down below.

Farah : We can use the Aifish! No problem!

Now let's go visit all the Hideout in Inferia.
- Hideout 1(76,123) -> 12240 Gald, Savory, Water Shard, Diamond Armlet, Volt Shard, Holy
- Hideout 2(119,122) -> Skill Ice Hammer for Chat, Fire Shard, 2x Rune Bottle, Hourglass,
8415 Gald, Sage
- Hideout 3(141,1) -> Ninja Sword, Earth Shard, 2x Rune Bottle, Lavender, 10710 Gald
Search the plant near the chests to get a Lens
- Hideout 4(226,130) -> Rune Bottle, Elixir, 9945 Gald, Snow Shard, Bellebane, Wind Shard

- GPS(186,33) -> Tomato
- GPS(211,32) -> Pine Gel, Lemon Gel
- GPS(121,54) -> Kirima
- GPS(182,89) -> Water Crystal, Water Shard
- GPS(187,140) -> Flare Cape
- GPS(226,90) -> Rune Bottle

Now go back to Bridge of Expedition(100,92), choose Inverse Dome and Conversion Dock. Search
the statue here, it will give you the coordinate of (88,64). Go back, choose Inferia Port and
Inferia. Now go to Tomb of Aifread(88,64).

/ 2.24 \______________________________________________________________________________________
Tomb of Aifread(88,64)
Enemies : Revenant, Metallicore, Mega Death, Poison Toad, Bullfrog, Medusa, Spirillum, Storm
Claw, Fungus, Super Star, Seaspin, Spirit, Fake, Horse Knight
Items : Red Savory, Star Shield, 2x Mythril Bracelet, Captain's Hat, All-Divide, 13579 Gald,
2x Elixir, Moon Robe, Red Bellebane, Losagna's Dress, Light Sphere
Lens : 1

Go down and go to the left door. You will be in a room with a statue in the middle.

Keele : What is this? Talk about poor taste! The interior decoration has absolutely no sense
of order nor unity. And this horribly amateurish nude statue of a middle-aged man
couldn't possibly be any further from what art should be. Who could have designed this

Farah : Do you really think it's that bad...? I think it looks sort of fun and exciting!

Reid : This place looks scary... I get a feeling that this place is haunted.

There are 6 doors in here. You can only enter the three doors: left, middle, right. Go through
the left doors first. This section looks like a traditional Japanese house/oriental house.

| 8 |
|----- -|- -|---|
| 4 | 9 |
|- -|- -| 7 |- -|
| 5 | 3 | |10 FINISH
|---|- -|- -|---|
| 2 6 |
|- -|---|

Area 3

In this area, you will be hit by four swordmen if you walk through. They will make your HP
goes to 1.

Area 5

Items : Star Shield, Mythril Bracelet

In this area, you will be hit by four swordmen if you walk through. They will make your HP
goes to 1. To get Star Shield and Mythril Bracelet from the chest, you must get pass them.

Area 8

Items : Red Savory

There's a woman statue here that you can move. Move the statue into the wooden place in front
of the water and her head will come out and hit the lamp. The door at area 7 will be open.

You can get Red Savory from the chest if you come from area 4

Area 6

Lens : 1

Search the box at upper left screen to get a Lens.

Area 10

Items : Captain's Hat

Get Aifread's Beard from the box and Captain's Hat from the chest.

After you finish Oriental section, let's take the middle door. This section looks like a scary
dark place. Go up across all the bridges and enter the huge door. You will be fall down to the
bottom. There are needles coming out from the ground, avoid them. Get Mythril Bracelet and
All-Divide from the chests and continue above. There are many platforms here and some of them
will banish if you get on it, so move quickly. If you fell to the ground, you will get
poisoned and damaged. You can avoid the enemies in here if you didn't want to fight them. Get
13579 Gald and Elixir from the chests and continue left. You can restore your HP here for
72100 Gald if you talk to one of the statues. You can buy Apple Gel for 1000 Gald, Orange Gel
for 2000 Gald, Panacea Bottle for 1600 Gald, and Life Bottle for 4000 Gald here. After that,
continue down. There are big stove and fire here. Distinguish the fire with Freeze Ring(Press
L1) so you can go through to the right. Get Aifread's Hat by searching the statue here. Go
back to the first place with Aifread's statue in the middle.

Now let's take the right door. This section looks like a modern house. Just follow the road
and enter the door. You will see many guillotines here, try not to get hit by the guillotine
because it can decrease your HP. The treasure chest here is a Fake, you can get a Elixir if
you defeat it. Go downstairs and get Moon Robe from the chest. Use Freeze Ring(Press L1) to
the person below and change your main character to female character(Farah, Meredy, Chat) to
get through to the far left. Get Red Bellebane from the chest and avoid the blue balloon. Go
above and enter the door to the next screen. Just follow the path to the next screen and get
Aifread's clothes from the coffin in the middle. Get Losagna's Dress from the chest.

Now go back to the first place where you can see Aifread's statue. Search the statue to put on
Aifread's beard, Aifread's hat and Aifread's clothes. The statue will move and reveal the path
downstairs. Get Light Sphere from the chest. Now go back to your ship, Van Eltia and head to
Sunken Ship at GPS(34,4).

/ 2.25 \______________________________________________________________________________________
Sunken Ship(34,4)
Enemies : Kraaken, Tzin, Float Dragon, Fake, Turnturtle, Super Star, Seaspin
Items : Cute Mitten, Elixir, Twinkle Flute, WakeUp Charm, Rare Plate, Insea Map, Vorpal Sword,
14305 Gald, 15365 Gald, 10655 Gald, 12245 Gald

Chat : Looks like the ship sank a long time ago.

Keele : Yeah. But in comparison to the decay of the exterior, the interior of the ship is
surprisingly clean.

Reid : You think so? It smells moldy to me!

Chat : This could well be the Cursed Sea, responsible for sinking countless ships... I've read
about it in my great-grandfather's log.

Reid : Hey, hey! Don't talk about curses! It's CREEPY in here already as it is!

Keele : Hmm... It may be worth looking around.

Chat : I agree. We may be able to find the reason why this ship sank.

Reid : I'm really not interested in finding out...

Go downstairs and you will see three paths in here. Go to the far right first. There are three
doors in here: down, middle and above. Enter the above door first and get Cute Mitten from the
chest. Now enter the middle door, the treasure chest here is a Fake. You will get a Elixir if
you defeat it. Now enter the door below and get Bulkhead Key from the chest.

Now go back to the first screen and this time enter the far left door. There are four doors in
here: far down, down, middle and above. Enter the above door first and get Twinkle Flute from
the chest. Now enter the middle door and get WakeUp Charm from the chest. There's nothing you
can find inside the door below and far below, so get back to the first screen.

Now enter the middle door and use Bulkhead Key to open the door. Go to the next screen and get
Pump Room Key from the chest. Go back to the first screen and enter the left door again. Go to
the far below door and use Pump Room Key at the machine. Now go back to the place where you
got Pump Room Key and go downstairs. Climb the ladder and go above to the next screen, the
room to the right has nothing. Get Rune Bottle from the chest and climb the ladder. Get Rare
Plate and Insea Map from the chest. Go back to the previous screen and climb down the ladder.
Get Vorpal Sword from the chest and enter the door. You will see a Load Crystal here. Enter
the door to fight the boss.

Reid : ...What is this song?

Chat : You mustn't listen to it! I read about it in my great-grandfather's logbook! It's
coming from the one who sings to lure mariners, and sends them to their graves deep
within the ocean...

Keele : You mean the Siren?! ...That's impossible! Volume two, Chapter 12 of the Leonoa
Encyclopedia clearly states that the Siren is nothing but a mythological creature.

Chat : The Siren is a pirate's real-life nightmare!

Siren : Come. Dreams await you in the depths of the seas...

Boss : Siren (+ 5x Spirit)
HP : 52000
EXP : 8998
Gald : 3000
Attack : 280 (Trance Symphony, Eating, Yuck, Spread, Air Thrust, Deep Phantom, Holiday
Defense : 800
Intelligence : 70
Strong : Water, Wind, Earth, Ice
Weak : Fire, Lightning
Rewards : Trident(100%), Sephira(100%)

Strategy : Kill the Spirits first because they are very annoying. Don't get too close to Siren
because the rock below her will swallow you. I assume you already have a high level
now, so this enemy is not so hard to defeated.

Chat : This is a dark and sad place. Please release the souls of those who have died in the
sea. And then, release yourself as well...

Siren : Thank you.

Siren will be disappeared.

Chat : Keele? It looks like Aifread the pirate is innocent after all.

Keele : Y...yeah.

Chat : Is that a proper response?

Keele : Aye aye, sir!

Get 14305 Gald, 15365 Gald, 10655 Gald and 12245 Gald from the pouchs. Now go back to the
world map and go to Celestia by using Bridge of Expedition. Now go to Chat's Hut.

Chat : This is terrible!

Reid : What's wrong?

Chat : Someone switched the monument with a fake!

Meredy : 120:128. It's true! The numbers are different from before!

Chat : I must get the real one back! It is an irreplaceable monument left by my great-

Keele : If 120:128 is our clue... Then this doesn't appear to be the work of an ordinary

Chat : Is somebody deliberately challenging me, the descendant of the Great Pirate, Aifread?
If we use GPS, we can go to that location! Let's get going right away! What's the
problem? Let's get going!

Now let's go to GPS(120,128). You will found Pico Revenge. Now go back to Chat's Hut and enter
the Hut.

Keele : Is everything in this house from the Aifread Era?

Chat : Yes, most of it anyway.

Keele : The year is written on the barrel.

Chat : S.E. 2208

Keele : S.E. 2208...in Celestian years? How many years ago would that be?

Chat : Huh? Let's see... It's S.E. 2296 this year, so... Hold on a minute. Ummm...Do you have
a piece of paper?

Keele : If it's S.E. 2296 now, then it must be 88 years ago. Can't you do the calculation in
your head? You'd better study more math.

Chat : Please... You sound like my mother.

Keele : ...That's interesting. I haven't heard you talk much about your mother.

Meredy : Hey! Hey! Meredy found this paper stuck in the back!

Reid : What does it say?

Chat : Do you have what it takes to be a great pirate? Take my challenge and test your
worthiness! Those who manage to clear my obstacles will earn their just reward!

Farah : A challenge?

Meredy : From who?

Chat : Isn't that obvious? It's my great-grandfather...the Great Pirate, Aifread. It says to
go to Aifread's Hideout.

Keele : You mean that hideout at 204:98?

Chat : Yes! We have no choice! We MUST go!

Now let's go to Aifread's Cavern(204,98). Chat will face this challenge alone. You will have a
quiz here. Here are the questions and answers.

1. Two Sage, Three Red Sage, and Three Savory. How many herbs related to HP are there
altogether? -> 5
2. 2 Bananas, 3 Kiwis, 1 Amango, and 3 Cabbages. How many fruits are there altogether? -> 6
3. 3 Tomatoes, 4 Potatoes, 5 cubes of Tofu. How many t's are there in all of those names? -> 5
4. There are 10 pirates. 5 of them are wearing scarves, and 6 of them are smoking pipes. All
the pirates wearing scarves are smoking pipes. How many pirates are neither smoking pipes
nor wearing scarves? -> 4
5. In the previous question, how many pirates were smoking pipes? -> 6
6. 3 Hourglasses, 3 Lid Shields, and 3 Tote Bags. How many of the items listed are classified
as Tools? -> 3
7. 2x3-2+29-1x29=? -> 4
8. 1 Hot Pot, 4 Broiled Sandwiches, and 3 Fruit Cocktails. How many times must one use Red
Satay to cook all the dishes? -> 1
9. 3 Shrimps, 5 Beets, 8 Cabbages, 7 Potatoes, and 8 Red Satay. If you have these ingredients,
how many times can you eat Hot Borsch? -> 5 times
10. Each man has 4 children. Each child of each man also has 4 children. The total number of
grandchildren is 96. How many men are there? -> 6

Chat will learned Eternal Hammer for Reward.

Now let's go back to Inferia and head to Farlos Sanctuary.

/ 2.26 \______________________________________________________________________________________
Farlos Sanctuary (Ancient Shrine)
Enemies : Stinger, Nocturnal Fly, Dinosaur, Mechscorpion, Ladybug
Items : 24424 Gald, Golden Helm, Spirit Robe, Red Lavender
Lens : 1 -> from Mt. Farlos

Let's go to Mt. Farlos to the top of the mountain where the Bridge of Light is. Search the
stonepile above the Load Crystal to get a Lens. Now go back to Farlos Sanctuary and enter it.
Search the statue behind the Priest and the Seyfert Key will shining.

Reid : The Seyfert Key... ...It's resonating?! Yikes!

Priest : W...what is this!

Reid : What...is this?!

Priest : Astonishing! It must be the entrance to the ancient shrine... Who exactly are you?

Reid : It wasn't me! It responded to the Seyfert Key!

Priest : You possess the Seyfert Key?!

Reid : Yeah. I'm holding it for someone. Well... What should we do now?

Priest : There's no question! You MUST proceed. That is Seyfert's will.

Now enter the ancient shrine. Just follow the way down and enter the shrine. Go to the left
and enter the door. Enter another door and you will see two doors and stairs here. Enter the
left door to get 24424 Gald from the chest. Enter the right door to get Golden Helm from the
chest. Now go downstairs and you will see two doors and exit at the bottom. The right door has
Spirit Robe and the left door has Red Lavender. Now exit to the bottom and enter the right
door. Save first before you go any further.

??? : Ho ho ho! Are you the ones who called upon me?

Reid : No, I don't think we called you...

Keele : We are honored to meet you. We would like to meet with the Supreme Craymel.

??? : Ah. I am the Greater Elemental Craymel, Maxwell.

Maxwell : Few humans come to this faraway place. What exactly do you wish of me?

Farah : We require your help to save the world!

Maxwell : Well, well! It's been hundreds of years since humans made a request of me! But I do
hope you are aware... When you make a request of a Greater Craymel, there may be
some painful consequences...

Reid : Yeah, we know. But we've still got to do this, no matter what!

Maxwell : Ho ho ho! This should be most interesting! Prepare yourselves!

Boss : Maxwell
HP : 34000
EXP : 34002
Gald : 0
Attack : 400 (Tractor Beam, Indignation, Cyclone, Stalagmite, Meteor Swarm)
Elemental Attack : Elemental
Defense : 2100
Intelligence : 100
Strong : Elemental
Rewards : Faerie Ring(100%), Omni Weapon(100%)

Strategy : Be careful with the spotlight. If the spotlight is red, don't get near it because
you will be hit by Tractor Beam and unconscious for a second. Maxwell is strong of
physical attack. Reid and Farah can only make damage only 1. But you can make
damage with all elemental attack greater than physical attack, it will hit about
100-200. Just be patience and you will kill him.

Maxwell : Ho ho ho... *Cough*... Ugh...

Meredy : Are you all right?

Maxwell : It's been a long while since I moved this much... But bah, you need not worry about
me! Now, then. Which Craymel Cage shall I enter?

Choose Keele's or Meredy's Craymel Cage.

Maxwell will go to the wrong Craymel Cage.

Maxwell : Ha ha ha! Oops-a-daisy! My apologies.

Reid : Are you really sure... ...that it's a Supreme Craymel?

Keele : Uh, yeah...probably.

Now go back to world map and head to Inferia City.

/ 2.27 \______________________________________________________________________________________
Inferia City
Items : Smash Cape

|-- --|---|
| 5 4 |
|- -|- -|- -|
| 3 1 2 |
|---|- -|---|

Now let's talk to the old man in front of Arena at Area 3.

Old Man : Young ones! Did you happen to come across a Grip Sword by any chance? It's a sword
with a special grip.

Reid : Nope. Haven't seen it.

Farah : You're looking for a weapon called the Grip Sword?

Old Man : I must have dropped it somewhere in this town... For this is my first time here, I
can't find my way through the city without getting myself lost as well.

Farah : That's a shame.

Reid : Farah! We don't know the city any...

Farah : Leave it to us! We'll find it for you! Right, Reid?

Choose Yes.

Reid : Awww right.

Old Man : Thank you! I truly appreciate your help! I'm going to give this area another once-

Now go to Area 4 and talk to the woman in the middle screen in front of Seyfert Sanctuary.

Woman : A Grip Sword? I'm afraid I've never heard of it. ...Oh, wait! I did overhear an
announcement about a lost item at the Royal Playhouse... Why don't you go to a window
and ask about it?

Now go inside Imperial Playhouse, it's the building above the woman. Talk to the man up the

Man : A lost item? It was just claimed by the customer over there...

Man : W...whaddya want? This is mine! It's true, I tell you!

Farah : What did you drop?

Man : D...don't look! I told you, don't look!

Farah : Huh?

Man : Ah!

Reid : What was it?

Farah : ...Well, it wasn't a sword.

Man : I can't believe I let a girl see this... T...this is too much!

I wonder what's the thing that embarassed the man.

Farah : Okay, let's keep moving.

Reid : O...kay...

Now go outside and go down the screen to Area 2. Talk to the first man you encountered.

Man : I just saw a soldier holding a sword with a big grip...

Reid : A big grip?!

Man : Yeah. It looked very distinct. The soldier was heading towards the Royal Castle.

Now talk to the soldier inside the Arena at Area 3 in front of the left lady.

Farah : Excuse me...

Soldier : What?!

Reid : We're looking for something an elderly gentleman dropped...

Soldier : Something he dropped? Are you talking about this?

Farah : Yes, that's it! The Grip Sword!

Soldier : Such a fine sword! I wanted to try it out once... Well, I can't keep what's not
mine. Here you go.

Reid : Great! Let's hurry up and get it back to the old man!

Farah : Okay!

Now talk again to the old man in front of the arena.

Reid : Hey, is this the sword that you lost?

Old Man : Oh! You found my Grip Sword! I'm deeply indebted to you! Without this sword, my
student can't enter the Arena!

Farah : Your student?

Old Man : I don't look like much, nonetheless I am a teacher. I am truly grateful for your
kindness. Those are my sincere words.

You will received Smash Cape.

This is just a side event you can get if you sleep at Inferia Hotel. Talk to the receptionist
and pay 7700 Gald for staying at the Hotel. Now go to the third floor and enter the far right
room/eastside room. Late night Farah will awake from the sleep.

Farah : I just remembered! I heard a story once... They say you can hear voices from the hotel
walls in the middle of the night... The voice would say... Give me your legs... Give
me your legs!

Reid : Hey! Which hotel are you talking about?!

Farah : Hmm... I don't know... They say when you hear the voice, you have to cover up your
legs or they'll get taken away! Anyway...good night!

Reid : Why did you have to tell me the story now?!

Keele : Aaahhh!

Reid : What's the matter, Keele? Did you see a ghost?!

Keele : What a discovery! This will revolutionize the Craymel theory!

Reid : Don't babble in your sleep!

??? : Legs...! Your legs...! Give me your legs...!

Reid : It's the gh...ghost!! Hey! Wake up, everyone! A GHOST!!

??? : Give me your legs...!

Reid : Seyfert!! Protect us!! Don't take my legs!!

At the morning.

Receptionist : It's a beautiful day!

Keele : Are your eyes red?

Reid : Mind your own business...

If you already have a high level(60+), you can easily win the tournament at the arena. Equip
Mental Ring and Holy Symbol to restore your HP/TP in battle.

City Championship -> 5000 Gald
Round 1 : 2x Squire, Ranger, Sage
Round 2 : 2x Kraaken, 2x Toriton
Final Round : 2x Beast Ogre, Fire Cloud
Rewards : 20,000 Gald and Potion Set (1st time only)
15,000 Gald and Gel Set

National Championship -> 10000 Gald
Round 1 : 2x Revenant, Metallicore, Mega Death
Round 2 : 2x Mythril Golem, Sky Keeper
Final Round : 2x Evil Ripper, 2x Tentacles
Rewards : 30,000 Gald and Large Gel Set

World Championship (after winning City and National Championship) -> 15000 Gald
Round 1 : Duelist, 2x Wizard
Round 2 : Hellkite, 2x Phoenix
Final Round : Red Dragon, 2x Hellkite
Rewards : 80,000 Gald and Super Surprise Package

Cress HP 9999
Attacks : Spiral Destruction, Sonic Blade, Neo Swarm, Rising Phoenix, Dimensional Strike

Imperial Playhouse - Tale of Ultus Veigh

Act 1 - 10 Gald
Act 2 - 50 Gald
Act 3 - 200 Gald
Act 4 - 1000 Gald
Act 5 - 5000 Gald
Act 6 - 20000 Gald
Act 7 - 100000 Gald
Act 8 - 500000 Gald

After you watch all the acts, search big book on the stage to get Drama Script.

/ 2.28 \______________________________________________________________________________________
Town of Academia, Mintche
Items : Rice, Cheese, Eggs, Milk, Pasta, Bear Meat, Onions, Shrimp, Miracle Gel, Combo Command

You can get the title of Dr. Mintche if you go to Light Craymel Laboratory at Mintche
University in Town of Academia, Mitnche. You will also received Rice, Cheese, Eggs, Milk,
Pasta, Bear Meat, Onions, and Shrimp.

Now you can take the Intermediate Exam. It's the far right room at the third floor of Mintche

1. Bad guy in Time Crisis 2 -> Ernest Diaz
2. Artist who designed the character at TOD 2 -> Mutsumi Inomata
3. Symphony, Samba, March, and Rumba are the skills of -> Karyl
4. Stahn's childhood friend -> Rufus
5. Not the car in Ridge Racer V -> Ziblant XS
6. Klonoa's hat embroidered with -> Pac-Man
7. Mary's specialty dish -> Beast Meat Supreme
8. Member of the Dark Wings : Grid the -> Omnipotent
9. Whice game title is correct? -> Cyber Sled
10. Pac-Man likes fruit -> Cherry
11. Mr. Driller's tool of choice -> Jackhammer
12. The name of the player's ship in Xevious -> Solvalou
13. Game not featured in Namco Museum Vol. 1 -> Dig Dug
14. In Tekken 3, Jin Kazama wish to avenge whose death? -> Mother
15. What did Chelsea cook for Alba? -> Risotto
16. The game where you can burn rubber on a real racing circuit -> MotoGP
17. Namco character performs the Rising Impale -> Clovis Barclay
18. The game you can play after the Fall of Belcrant -> Ghost Hunt
19. How many Force Field in Straylize Shrine? -> 5
20. Karyl have feelings for -> Eleanor
21. The name of aeropolis where the Antigrav Cruiser can be found? -> Mikheil
22. How many bikes and riders on the MotoGP's cover? -> 3 bikes, 3 riders
23. Let's make a toast to your beautiful -> sparkling eyes
24. Heaven and Hell is in the game -> R4
25. The name of the heavily wooded aeropolis -> Cloudius
26. Character has the biggest ears -> Klonoa
27. Doctor doesn't work for Namco -> Dr. Right
28. ((123 + 200) x 2 + 123) - 4 = ? -> 765
29. What did Alba give Stahn when he returned with Chelsea from the mountain? -> Melange Gel
30. How long does the neutralizer effective in Junkland? -> 60 seconds

If you can answer all the questions, you will get the title of Namco Professor and Miracle
Gel. Now go to the fourth floor and enter the room. You can take Advanced Exam here.

1. Original Tekken first released -> 1994
2. Not a Tekken character -> Hwang
3. Namco arcade hit -> Ninja Assault, Jackpot2, Pinpoint Shot, Pac Man's Ticket Factory,
Horse, World Kicks
4. Orange ghost in Pac-Man -> Blinky
5. You can find Creepy Catacombs in game -> Pac-Man World
6. In MotoGP, you can call your ghost a -> Trail Image
7. The year of Cyber Sled -> 2067
8. Mappy is a -> Mouse
9. How many mazes in original Pac-Man game? -> 1
10. Not a Namco game -> Blah Blah, Flip Flop, Pac-Man Ex, Lightning & Thunder, Pot Holes, Pac-
Sac, Final Lap 1, Dragon Knight, The End, Drag Racer
11. Pink ghost in Pac-Man -> Pinky
12. Tower of Druaga is released in year -> 1985
13. The color of Mr. Driller's Helmet -> Pink
14. A Namco game -> Cutie Q, Warp & Warp
15. Not a character from Dig Dug -> Clyde

If you can answer all the questions, you will get the title of Namco Otaku and Combo Command.

/ 2.29 \______________________________________________________________________________________
City of Trade, Barole

If you enter Scaroni Grill, you will find Katrine and Pierre again.

Farah : Katrine! Pierre?! What are you two doing here?

Reid : Did you make it in time for the Academic Conference?

Katrine : It's my fault. It's because I have absolutely no sense of direction!

Pierre : Katrine! There's no point in crying about it. After we save enough money for school,
let's go back to Mintche University to study again.

Katrine : I'm so sorry.

Pierre : You don't have to keep apologizing. It's not the end of the world. I missed my chance
to work at the Royal Observatory of Astronomy... And our wedding day won't be anytime
soon, but... But you're here. And that's all I need.

Katrine : Oh, Pierre! I love you!

Owner : Hey! Kid! Get back to work! If you don't bust your butt, your salary's getting docked!

Reid : I suppose this is also a part of the life-learning experience...

There's nothing more in here, so let's go to Seyfert Garden. It's at GPS(166,18), you must use
Aifish to reach it.

/ 2.30 \______________________________________________________________________________________
Seyfert Garden(166,18)

Farah : Strict security...

Keele : This is a place meant to be visited by only a few select people.

Now search the door to open it.

Reid : I see... The Seyfert Key must go in here.

Meredy : Let's hurry.

Now let's go inside. You will be in Projection Room.

Keele : Hey, what is this crystal? It can't be just an ordinary light fixture.

Quickie : Kwek...kwekekeke!

Farah : Comeon, Keele. Let's go already.

Now go upstairs and enter the door. Just follow the way down and you will reach a mirror.

Reid : Is something wrong, Meredy?

Meredy : N...no, it is nothing!

Keele : Reid, while you're taking the trial, I'll check out the crystal we saw in the other
room. It may reveal something.

Reid : Right.

Keele : Meredy, can you help me read the Melnic writings?

Meredy : Just leave to Meredy!

Keele : Reid... Good luck with your trial.

Reid : Thanks! All right then. Farah, I'm going in.

Farah : Reid, promise me you'll come back!

Now you will see Keele and Meredy in Projection Room.

Meredy : Keele... Thank you.

Keele : Meredy... Don't forget. You're not alone.

Now go upstairs and like before the Messenger of Seyfert will appear.

Messenger : I have been waiting.

Reid : Sorry for the wait, but leaping from one world to the next takes time.

Messenger : Are you prepared?

Reid : If not, why would I be here? But... Why are the trials necessary? If this world is
destroyed, wouldn't it be a problem for you, too?

Messenger : My existence is not here. I have said as such.

Reid : So, you don't care what becomes of Eternia? You don't care much for humans, do you?!

Messenger : Aurora Arte is the power of the gods... It is unrestricted power which, dpending
on its use, can either destroy or create. I cannot simply give that power.

Reid : I understand. So how many more times do I have to I meet you?

Messenger : that I cannot say. It will depend on you. Now, close your eyes and proceed.

Now go to the middle and you will be little Keele.

??? : Keele! Wake up. Time to eat.

Keele : This body...isn't mine. It's Keele...as a kid!!

Now go downstairs. You will see Keele's parents.

Mother : You overslept again, Keele. You sleep like a baby.

Gizro : Oversleeping is fine, but you have to stop wetting your bed. You're almost seven years

Keele : Ummm...ahh... Father...Mother...?

Mother : Oh my, he's still half asleep...Gizro, say something.

Gizro : Get your head in gear, Keele. Great people all wake up early. Lamina! Let's eat. This
looks good!

Lamina : Chow down, boys. ...You seem to be eating well this morning, Keele.

Keele : This is really good. It's really, really good.

Gizro : Hahaha. Boys have to eat a lot to be big and strong.

??? : Keele! Let's go play! Let's play!

Keele : That voice...

Lamina : Keele? Farah and Reid want you to come out and play.

Keele : Okay...!

Lamina : Don't do anything too dangerous. Remember, you're not tough like Reid.

Gizro : Farah is the Elder's daughter. Don't cause trouble, you hear?

Keele : I know!

Outside Keele's house.

Reid : Yo!

Keele : ...Huh? Where's Farah?

Reid : She said something about getting ready and went to Regulus Knoll. We're going to play
there today.

Keele : Eh? But it's dangerous there and her father said...

Reid : Mine said the same. But Farah is there waiting... I'm going. What about you, crybaby?

Keele : I'm not a crybaby!... Let's go.

Now go down to the next screen to meet Keele at the entrance. When they about to leave, you
will see someone coming.

Norris : Ah, Keele and Reid. Farah isn't with you?

Reid : Um, well...

Keele : Maybe she's at home. Well, we're in a hurry!

You will be in Regulus Knoll now and Farah is waiting there.

Farah : You're laaate!

Keele : Well... Your dad saw us at the village and...

Reid : But we didn't say anything. He doesn't suspect a thing. Well, let's play!

Farah : Today's plan! We go to the cave for a stone-collecting contest!

Reid : Whaaat?! That doesn't sound fun!

Farah : Not regular stones! Shiny sparkling pieces of fallen stars!

Keele : Star fragments?

Reid : No, really?!

Farah : Really! I saw them when I went there with my Dad!

Reid : Pieces of the stars...

Keele : But if I remember, that gate is locked and won't open!

Farah : TA-DA! I snuck into my dad's room and got the key!

Farah will unlock the gate.

Keele : B...but my dad told me that only the Elder is allowed to visit Regulus Knoll...

Farah : It's fine! If the Elder's daughter says it's fine, then it's fine!! All right, let's
start the contest! Who's gonna be the first one to get the stones and come back?

Reid : See ya later Keele!!

Farah : Reid's already left! What about you?

Just run away from any battle you encountered. Go all the way to the left until you reach the
camppoint where you will see Reid.

This is how to esacpe from battle :
Just go to the left end or right end. You will see an arrow bar above. Keep going to the
left/right and the bar is filling. If the bar is full, you can escaped.

Reid : Heh. So you managed to get here, too.

Keele : Of course!

Reid : But shouldn't you head back? The going gets rougher the further you go, y'know.

Keele : ...Don't worry about me.

Reid : Hmph. Well, you're on your own. Don't come crying to me.

Keele : I...I can do it, too.

Now just go to the left and downstairs. You will be in Regulus Tomb. Just follow the way until
you saw Reid again.

Keele : Here I am!

Reid : Keele?!

Keele : Now let's see who can find the star fragment first!

Reid : Forget it. I've been looking all over, but I can't find any! The star fragments are
probably further in. Keele, I bet you're too afraid to go there. It's daaark and

Keele will satrt looking and he found something shiny on the ground.

Keele : Reid, look! This rock is saprkly!

Reid : Yeah right! Lemmse see! You're right! It's the star fragment! I found it!

Keele : Hey, no fair! I'm the one who found it!

Reid : The winner isn't the one that finds it. It's the one that brings it back first! See ya!

Keele : Reid!! Wait!!

Norris : Stop right there!! Didn't anybody ever tell you you're not supposed to come here?!
This place is dangerous! There's a mosnter sealed in here! I heard everything from
Farah... Now, get back to the village! If you ever pull a stunt like this again,
you're going to get it!

Keele : What about you?

Norris : Just to be on the safe side, I'm going to check around...

Norris go deeper inside and he found the seal has been broken.

Norris : Th...This can't be! The Seal... When did it...?! Wh...what is this?! Aargh!

You will be back in the Trial Room.

Reid : Uncle... Tell me! What happened to Farah's father? What happened at Regulus Knoll after
we returned home?!

Messenger : The answers lie within you. ...Is that all you learned from the trial?

Reid : Keele... He was raised in a nurturing environment and always excelled in his studies. I
never stopped to think that he had worries of his own, but...

Messenger : Every human bears pain. If one cannot see the pain in others, then one knows

Reid : Pain... Is there anything I can do to ease the pain of others?

Messenger : One can save others simply by understanding their pain. You have passed the second
Trial of Seyfert. Receive the Aurora Sword.

Reid : Aurora...Sword.

Messenger : Now, proceed. The final trial awaits.

You have mastered Aurora Sword. It can be activated by pressing X repeatedly while you are
attacking the enemy with Aurora Wall. Although it is a powerful skill, HP will decrease during
its use.

Now go back downstairs to your party.

Farah : You're back!

Reid : Farah...

Farah : What's wrong? Are you hurt?

Reid : Uh, no. ...I'm fine. I learned from Seyfert the second Aurora Arte, the Aurora Sword.

Farah : Wow! That's wonderful!

Reid : Come on. Let's go find Keele and Meredy.

Now go to Projection Room to see Keele and Meredy.

Keele : Reid!! You're back!

Reid : Of course. And now, I have only one trial left.

Meredy : Just one more! Hooray!

Keele : I've made progress here, too! I think I can manage to get this working.

Reid : Wow! You are a genius, Keele!!

Keele : Are you feeling all right? This is no time to be fooling around.

The screen will go black.

Reid : Huh?!

You will see a FMV.

Keele : Our... ...current world?

Farah : So there was Nereid's spirit world, Vatenkeist, before Seyfert's world even existed...

Keele : So Shizel isn't trying to change the world. She's trying to restore it to what it was.
Restore it to the immaterial, spirit world it once was...

Farah : Now that you mention it, she did say it was 'rebirth', not destruction.

Reid : It doesn't matter which was first. I believe in Seyfert. I believe what he did was
right. If not, then why do we continue living with all the pain, suffering, and worry?

Farah : I believe in Seyfert, too. ...Because I love this world and its people.

Keele : I have no intention of rushing to any conclusions until we have objective evidence.
...That's what I should say, but I also support Seyfert. A world without matter
wouldn't be any fun to research.

Farah : Oh, listen to you!

Reid : Keele, I know you feel the same way as we do. I believe in you. Well, let's go! What's
the matter, Meredy?

Meredy : What about...Shizel? Will Shizel...change?

Keele : Huh?

Meredy : Never mind. We go!

Now go outside and go back to Van Eltia.

Reid : Phew! It feels like it's been forever since I last felt the sun.

Farah : It sure is comforting to see the sun...

Keele : We don't have time to dillydally. There's only one trial left. We've got to

Chat : ...I know it's a bit sudden, but can you all start concentrating now?!

You will see Van Eltia was surrounded by battleships.

Keele : Inferia warships...

Reid : Warships?

Keele : There's no mistaking it.

Meredy : Inferians...coming to greet us?

Farah : ...Let's hope so.

You will be taken to the throne room of Inferia Castle.

King : Celestian dogs! You've finally shown your faces. Where is Ras?!

Farah : Ras... has passed away.

King : WHAT?!

Arende : NO!!

Queen : Put them to death! Don't waste our time! Put these criminals to death immediately!

King : Not only have you committed treason, but you murdered our Seniour Knight, Rassius

Keele : That's not true!

Farah : This is a mistake!

King : Are you not cooperating with the Celestians?! Do you expect us to believe anything you
say?! Bah! This is pointless... It is merely a matter of time before the Celestians are
tamed. By now, the Craymel Mage squad led by Captain Roen has undoubtedly landed on
Celestia. I am looking forward to hearing the news of their retaliation against

Reid : What?!

Meredy : That will not help!!

Queen : Silence! Traitors are lower than insects!

Farah : I beg of you! Please listen to us!

Keele : Chancellor Zosimos!! I did betray you! But you must have also realized the truth!

King : The whines of thses dogs is boring me. Take them to the dungeon! I shall put you to
death at first light.

Now you all are in the prison.

Chat : Why?! Why do I have to be executed in atotally strange world for a crime I didn't

Meredy : No worry. Meredy will fix this misunderstanding. Hey! Is there anyone out there?

Soldier : You! Shaddup in there!

Reid : Let us out of here! We don't have time to be hanging around!

Soldier : Do you really think that I would listen to your excuses? Are you an idiot?!

Keele : Looks like there's only one guard.

Reid : All right. If that's the case...

Chat : What are you planning to do?

Reid : Let's do this the pirate way. Meredy, call the guard over here one more time.

Meredy : You bet! Heeey! Mister!

Chat : Pirates aren't sneaky like this...

Reid : Shh! ...Here he comes! ...Huh?! Princess Arende?!

Soldier : What's wrong? Princess Arende?! It's safer if I come along...

Arende : I'm perfectly fine. Please stay back. Umm... Well... There's something that I...
...simply must ask you about.

Farah : Yes?

Arende : It's about Rassius... Do you know anything about Rassius' final moments?
Please...tell me anything you know.

Reid : It's a long story... ...is that all right?

Arende : I don't care. I want to hear everything you know about Rassius. Rassius had certainly
traveled far...

Reid : Perhaps. Unfortunately, that's all we know about Rassius. Whether to believe us about
the crisis facing Eternia... We leave the decision to you.

Arende will open the prison.

Soldier : Princess Arende! Please don't do this! How will I explain it to the King...?

Arende : My decision has been made. I shall make arrangements to absolve your responsibility.
Now, leave me!

Soldier : ...Understood, M'lady.

Meredy : Do you believe us?

Arende : Although the others lost contact, Rassius had sent private messages to me. There was
much that I didn't understand about Balir, the Dark Aurora and such. But now
everything has become clear.

Farah : Why did Rassius divulge all of this to you...?

Arende : He probably sensed that this would occur. No matter what the situation, Rassius was
always a knight that was prepared for anything. As long as he was in the castle, I
felt at ease. He always watched over me... with his gentle kindness. I depended on
Rassius so much... I suppose I must have looked like a childish princess to him...

Reid : I disagree.

Arende : Huh?

Reid : Rassius believed in you. He sent those messages to you because he believed that you'd
understand him. In case he died...

Arende : Rassius' dying wish... I shall give you back your weapons.

Keele : Princess Arende?

Arende : How I longed for Rassius... But desiring only his affection, I never did anything for
him myself... And now I can finally do something for him. I'm thankful that I can

Farah : ...Thank you.

Now go to Port of Inferia. Your ship will be guarded by a soldier. You will have to fight him
to get back your ship.

Chat : Oh! There she is! My good ol' ship!

Soldier : You?!

Farah : Colud you move out of the way?

Soldier : What impudence, coming from a bunch of criminals!

Keele : It looks like he's not willing to listen.

Reid : It sure doesn't look like it. Oh well... Here we go!

This fight is very easy. You shouldn't find it any trouble.

Meredy : Sorry.

Reid : He'll forgive us someday...

Keele : Now, I wonder where we go for the next trial?

Back at the Deck of Van Eltia.

Reid : I'm counting on you, Seyfert Key!

This time the light pointed above again.

Keele : Did the Seyfert Key point to the skies because we should go to Celestia? Or...the
Orbus Barrier?!

Farah : No problem! We'll know when we get there.

Reid : Either way, it's bye-bye to Inferia.

Farah : I wonder if Princess Arende is okay.

Keele : She's not a princess anymore. She's a great queen. She'll be just fine.

Meredy : Finally...the last trial! Let's go!

Reid : Chat, it's all yours.

Chat : Aye aye, sir! Then let's return to Aifread's Platform.

Now go back to Celestia first to get skill for Max. Go to Cape Fortress and you will see a
pink Miacis again. This time Max will learned Rage Laser. Now go back to Bridge of Expedition
and choose Barrier Surface. Go to Seyfert Observatory at GPS(20,44).

/ 2.31 \______________________________________________________________________________________
Seyfert Observatory(20,44)

Reid : I can't believe that a facility so big has been floating here on the Orbus Barrier. How
come no one ever noticed?

Keele : It's probably manipulating the surrounding Light Craymels to make it appear invisible
from the surface. The technology is far beyond our comprehension.

Go to the right and search the door.

Reid : I found it! It's a keyhole for the Seyfert Key! It opened.

Farah : Well, let's go then!

Now use the elevator at far right. Choose Seyfert Observation Room.

Farah : Look! ...Look at the view!

Keele : Look at this device!

Reid : This must be the observatory for the Orbus Barrier...

Farah : It's so beautiful. It's hard to believe I'm...here!

Reid : Yeah. Who would have ever thought we'd end up here.

Farah : Hey... That ring beyond the horizon... Is it...

Reid : It must be the Seyfert Ring. I doubt many people have seen it from this close...

Meredy : The Dark Matter is beyond the Ring.

Reid : Right. Shizel is there. That's where we need to go.

Keele : Damn...

Reid : Did you break it?

Keele : I can't do anything with it... It's extremely complex. It's not going to be easy to
figure out this device.

Farah : I bet it's a machine that can do something amazing... Too bad we can't use it.

Keele : I'm not giving up yet. I'll get it to work by the time Reid completes the trial!

Meredy : Keele can do it. Meredy know.

Reid : All right. Good luck, Keele.

Keele : Leave it to me.

Meredy : Meredy will help!

Farah : Then I'll go to the Trial Gate with Reid.

Now use the elevator again and you will be in Trial Gate.

Reid : I'll see you later. What's the matter?

Farah : Nothing! But...

Reid : But?

Farah : I was just thinking... I didn't notice until now how big you've gotten.

Reid : Are you telling me I'm getting fat? That can't be. I haven't had a decent meal in ages!

Farah : Yeah...you're right. Be careful...okay?

Reid : I will.

Now go inside to the Trial Gate.

Farah : ... Please be safe...

Now you will see Reid inside the Trial Gate.

Reid : I'm here.

Messenger : The final Trial will be the most cruel. Your life is not assured. Will you

Reid : ...Of course. The Aurora Arte is Eternia's last hope. That's why Ras sacrificed his
life. Princess Arende has put all her trust in us too. There's no turning back now!

Messenger : Obtaining the Divine Aurora will not be easy. No one will blame you if you do not
face the Trial.

Reid : I don't care! I want to live. And I want those that I love to live! That's why...that's
why I'm going to do what I can. That's all.

Messenger : ...It is well. Become a drifting soul within Vatenkeist and embrace the truth. In
doing so, you will find your answer. Now go. I will show you the way.

??? : Meredy! Meredy!

Reid : What? Meredy is with Keele.

This time you will be a little Meredy.

Meredy : Ah, um...mmm.

??? : Meredy, wake up! Something is wrong. Balir went to see what is happening.

Meredy : Meredy...? Then you are...

??? : Shizel! You must run now! Birial has betrayed us!

Shizel : Balir? What are you saying?

Balir : This is no joke! Someone has set me up to look like I've plotted to assassinate the

Shizel : Tell them you were framed.

Balir : It's too late. They'll use treason as an excuse to kill us all. We have no time!

Meredy : What happens to Meredy?

Balir : Do not fear. I'll protect you and Shizel.

Shizel : Birial... That underhanded weasel...

Balir : I have no Elara, but I am a Celestian at heart. I will face them head on.

Shizel : Balir... You're outnumbered.

Balir : I know the odds don't favor me. But this is my plan... I will be the decoy. Take
Meredy and run! Hyades should be somewhere in the village, so search for him. He will
give you aid.

Shizel : I cannot! Did you not promise, Balir, that our destinies would be forever together?

Balir : My beloved! To realize our dreams, you too must not perish here. Nor must Meredy be
caught up in this...

Shizel : ...I understand. Balir, until you return, I swear to work tirelessly to make our
dreams a reality.

Balir : Damn it! They're here... Shizel! Meredy! Live! For our dreams! For the fate of the

Shizel : ...We must escape from Luishka. Meredy, hurry now! Meredy, quickly!

Meredy : Balir not come with us? No! Meredy stay with Balir. Meredy won't go!

Shizel : Meredy... Farewells are not the end. His thoughts will be with you for eternity. All
right, let us go.

Now go downstairs and enter the door to main hall. You will have to fight 4 Birial Guards.
Just escape this fight and go inside again.

Shizel : This way is dangerous. Let's look for another way.

Go back to the bedroom and go outside through the window. Just go to the right and go down the
chimney. You will fight 4 Birial Guards again. This time you can't run away. Defeat them all.

Shizel Spell
Circle -> Spark Wave
Down + Circle -> Cure
Left/Right + Circle -> Grave
Up + Circle -> Prism Sword

Shizel : It's me! Galenos!! Can you hear me?! ...We're in trouble. Birial has betrayed us.
Please... We need shelter... We need a place to hide. ...Thank you. Meredy. We're
going to go see Galenos in Imen. The journey will be long, but you have to survive.

Now enter the left door and you will have to fight 4 Birial Guards again. Defeat them and
Shizel will locked the door. Search the control beside the glass cage to open the hole. Now
get inside it and escape through the hole. You will be in a sewer and you have to fight 4
Birial Guards again. Go to the far left and you will be outside the house. Go down to the next
screen and you will have to fight another 4 Birial Guards again. You will see Hyades at the

Meredy : Uncle!

Shizel : Oh...Hyades! We are in trouble. Balir is...

Hyades : I know.

Shizel : Then please! Call for reinforcements.

??? : You still don't get it, do you?!

Shizel : You are...?! Birial?! What is the meaning of this?

Birial : Hyades is an excellent man. Once the traitor Balir is dead, we will rule this land.

Shizel : Are you betraying us, Hyades?!

Birial : Grab them!

You will be in Main Hall again.

Birial : Balir! Come out if you do not wish harm to come to Shizel and Meredy!

Meredy/Shizel : Balir!

Birial : ...Such good girls.

Balir : Please... ...Let them go.

Birial : Hmm? Finally...the time has come to unmask the man who bullied the throne and reveal
the evil-doer beneath. What's wrong? You have many regrets for someone who is always
prattling on about the material world, no?

shizel : Don't worry about me. Balir! Run!

Balir : I cannot.

Shizel : You filth! Unhand me!

Birial : KILL...KILL...! Kill them all!

Balir will protect Shizel from gunshots.

Shizel : BALIR?! Balir! Balir! Oh, please!

Balir : ...Shi...zel. what you see with your eyes... ...is not...all...

Shizel : Shhh... Say no more, Balir. I...understand!

Balir : Our ideal world... is one that lies beyond what you can touch...

Shizel : Ohhh, Balir!

Guard : Prepare to fire! FIRE!

The guards will shot Shizel.

Shizel : Aaaaaaugh...!

??? : Entrust thy heart to mine...

You will see a Dark Aurora anove Shizel and it destroy all the village. Now you will be back
at Trial Gate.

Messenger : You have survived the Trial.

Reid : It's...over?

Messenger : Yes. You have overcome the third Trial of Seyfert. I hereby acknowledge you as the
wielder of the Divine Aurora. Receive the Aurora Wave.

Reid : Tell me! What is Aurora Arte! Why do you show me all these cruel pasts?!

Messenger : The Divine Aurora is the skill born when Human and Craymel become one. But
Craymels will only listen to a pure soul. Therefore, the wielder of Divine Aurora
must have the power of understanding to grasp the true form of existence.

Reid : The power of understanding... In this trial, I understood Shizel. I felt her pain. I
now know that we both follow our own form of justice. ...Does that mean I should stop

Messenger : What will be, will be. Believe in what you see and proceed along the path you
choose. Even if that means... ...turning your back on Seyfert.

Reid : Really? As the Messenger of Seyfert, are you sure you should be teaching me this?

Messenger : Those are the teachings of Seyfert.

Reid : ...I understand. I believe you.

Messenger : Then go forth. And Reid... protect those you love.

Reid : Ah! Wait!!

You will learned Aurora Wave. It cannot be used under normal circumstances, but it is the only
skill that can neutralize the Dark Aurora. It can be performed by holding down X, Circle, and
Square when the enemy unleashes the Dark Aurora.

Now go back to where Farah is.

Farah : Reid... Reid? Reid!! Are you okay?!

Reid : ...Yeah. Sorry... ...I'm okay.

Farah : So how did it go?

Reid : It's all over. I've been granted the skills of the Divine Aurora.

Farah : That's great! That's absolutely wonderful! I mean it, Reid!

Reid : I did what I could do...that's all.

Farah : Reid... You're my hero.

Reid : S...stop teasing me!

Farah : No, I really mean it. Look at you. You're giving it your all to... ...to save the

Reid : The world... All I really want to do... ...is to protect someone important to me.

Farah : ...Huh? What was that?!

Reid : I don't know. Let's go see Keele!

Now use the elevator and choose Seyfert Observation Room.

Reid : Keele?!

Meredy : Keele amazing! Machine is moving!

Farah : So what does it do?

Keele : I don't know. But it's a frighteningly large system.

Reid : Hmm?

Keele : What's this hole for...? Reid, the Seyfert Key!

Reid : I get it. It's a keyhole.

Now use the Seyfert Key at the machine.

Reid : What's going on?!

Keele : L...look! The Seyfert Ring!

You will see another nice FMV.

Keele : This was a control device for the Seyfert Ring...

Farah : Now that the Ring is broken, we can enter the dark matter where Shizel is, right?

Reid : Right. Finally...the last battle!

Meredy : Shizel...

Reid : Hey... There's something I want to ask you. Suppose we take a direct hit with the Dark

Keele : You mean if we were to be swallowed by the dark shadow?

Reid : ...Yeah. do we have any chance of surviving if that were to happen?

Keele : Not a chance! It's destructive powers are enormous! You saw what happened at Balir's
Castle. Not even Ras...

Reid : Yeah, I figured...

Keele : Wait. It may be possible for someone who is predisposed to darkness to absorb the
destructive force... But there's no way that someone like that... What did you see
during the trial?

Meredy : Meredy ready!

Reid : Right! Let's go back to the Van Eltia!

Now go back to your ship, Van Eltia and head to Seyfert Ring.

Reid : There it is! The dark matter...

Keele : What a strange object... It looks like it's made of pure energy with no real physical

Farah : Shizel...is in there?

Keele : ...Probably.

Reid : All right, fire the Craymel Cannon!!

Chat : Aye aye, sir!

Now you will see Galenos and Ayla in front of Craymel Cannon.

Galenos : Oh my! Isn't that the Van Eltia I see heading toward the dark matter?

Ayla : Everyone...positions! Ready the Craymel Cannon!

Man : But... Isn't it still in the testing stage?

Ayla : Doesn't matter. This may be the only chance we get. It is Shileska's duty to support
Reid and his friends. Prepare to fire the Craymel Cannon!

You will see a long FMV about both Craymel Cannon shot to the Dark Matter.

Save your game, it's the end of Disc 2.

---------------------------------------END OF DISC 2------------------------------------------


You will start as a child in the event of your village destruction. Now go to the right screen
and then down to the next screen. Talk to Farah in front of the windmill.

Reid : Farah?

Farah : I killed everyone. It was my fault. It's all because I was selfish and wanted the star

Reid : Farah?!

Farah : It was me. Nothing to do with Reid and Keele. I forced them to go because I wanted the
star fragments.

Reid : Farah, answer me!

Farah : Father, mother... the whole village. I killed them. I KILLED THEM!!!

Reid : Farah!

You will be in a bed and Farah is beside you. It's just a dream.

Farah : Reid, Reid!

Reid : Farah, are you all right?

Farah : Me? What about you? ...You must have hit your head really hard.

Reid : Huh? Wait... Where am I? What happened..? The ship flipped, and then...

Farah : We were rescued by Shileska! They even fixed the Van Eltia! We were all waiting for
you to wake up!

Reid : ...Oh, I see.

Farah : Were you just half asleep? Don't scare me like that!

Reid : Farah... There's nothing... Nothing I can do for you... ...but I'll always be there for

Farah : I think we should have you checked once more.

Reid : I'm fine! Let's go see the others.

Farah : All right. We should go see Max and thank him.

Now go downstairs and see Keele and Galenos.

Reid : Keele!

Galenos : Ah! You have awoken!

Farah : Yes. And now, we'd like to thank Max for helping us out.

Galenos : That is a good idea.

Reid : Hey, Keele!

Keele : Uh...what?

Farah : Let's go see Max.

Keele : Sure...

Galenos : Keele, take care of Meredy for me.

Farah : Did something happen to Meredy?

Keele : No, it's nothing. Let's go see Max.

Now go to the right to Max's office.

Quickie : Kweeek, kweee, kweee.

Max : Hi, Dede! You're such a goood girl! Bwa ha ha ha!

Reid : I don't think it's the right time to thank him...

Farah : Don't be silly. He did more for you than any of us! You're our representative.

Meredy : Baiba! Reid is awake!

Max : Yeah!

Reid : Ummm...we caused so much... ...trouble for you...and... we are very grateful and...
...offer our thanks to you!

Max : Yeah? Good to hear!

Man : Miacis to our hearts! We have an emergency! The Craymel Cannon ay Balir Castle has been
overrun by the Inferia Army!!

Farah : The Inferia Army...in Celestia?!

Keele : Princess Arende must have been unsuccessful at convincing the King.

Reid : I'll bet Roen is the commander of the army.

Man : I do not know his name... They spoke in a language I couldn't understand.

Max : What about Ayla?

Man : She has also been taken hostage...

Max : Yeah! Let's go!

Reid : No objections here!

Now try to go outside, Galenos will enter the room.

Galenos : I will accompany you as well. Ras asked me to deliver a message to Roen.

Farah : A message from Ras? ...Okay. Let's hurry to Balir Castle!

Now go back to Van Eltia and go to the engine room. Talk to Chat to make him join you. Now go
to Balir Castle.

/ 3.0 \_______________________________________________________________________________________
Balir Castle

Go to the right and then go above. You will see a lot of dead soldiers.

Farah : Why are monsters here?

Reid : The top level! Hurry!

Now climb the ladder and go to where Roen is.

Hyades : Hee hee hee. DIE!

Roen : Damn you, Balir!!

Reid : Hyades!! You returned from the dead again?!

Hyades : I will return as many times as it takes... Hee hee hee. UNTIL YOU'RE ALL DEAD!

Roen : Damn...looks like I'm being pinched. Come, end it! I'd rather die by your hands than
those of that Celestian savage, Balir!!!

Keele : That's not Balir.

Roen : What? Then who is it?

Farah : That's your enemy... ...and ours!

Boss : Hyades
HP : 128000
EXP : 30000
Gald : 0
Attack : 380 (Ground Shake, Charge Laser, Thunder Blade, Earth Shaker)
Elemental Attack : Shadow
Defense : 800
Intelligence : 73
Strong : Water, Wind, Fire, Earth, Ice, Lightning, Light, Shadow, Elemental, Time

Strategy : This enemy is not as hard as it look. If you have already skill Omega Demon Chaos,
use it all the time. Make him cornered and attack him continuously, so he doen't
have chance to attack you.

Hyades : Meredy...prepare... Someday you too... will taste this agony I feel...

Meredy : Uncle Hyades...

Roen : Hm, hmph... What's going on here? Explain it clearly. How I deal with you shall depend
on what you say.

Galenos : Whew...! Well, well... ...You are Roen I presume?

Roen : What?

Galenos : Ras asked me to give you this message... Ultus Veigh is entrusted to you.

Roen : My Orz Earring isn't working.

Roen : Translate. What is this old man saying?

Reid : Ultus Veigh is entrusted to you. It was the final message to you from Ras.

Roen : It can't be... Ras, you... Is it true? Did Ras really say that?!

Galenos : My memory is not wrong. Each word is as he spoke it.

Roen : ...I see.

Ayla : Boss, I apologize. We were caught off guard.

Max : Yeah... Are you okay?

Ayla : Yes.

Max : That's good.

Galenos : Will you help? The cooperation of both Inferia and Celestia is needed.

Back at Shileska's Hideout.

Man : They're here, sir!

Keele : Chancellor Zosimos?!

Roen : Galenos needed knowledge from Inferia, so I requested his cooperation as a
representative of the Craymel Engineers.

Zosimos : ...It's hard to believe that this civilization and technology belong to Celestia.

Galenos : My name is Galenos. Let us work together. We do not have much time.

Zosimos : I never in a million years thought we would cooperate with the Celestians.
But...there is no choice, as this is an order from the King. The King of Inferia has
granted you full authority over the negotiations with Celestia. do you understand
the weight of your responsibility?

Roen : Leave it to me!

Zosimos : I'm looking forward to performing genuine research.

Ayla : As I read the agreement aloud, leaders of both parties please shake hands for approval.
The parties of Celestia and Inferia hereby pledge to cooperate in order to defend
Eternia from the threat of Shizel.

Max : Yeah! Let's do it! Let...uh...

Ayla : ...Action speak for itself?

Max : That's it!!

Roen : Ooof!

Ayla : Galenos and Keele will explain the final battle plans against Shizel.

Galenos : To be honest, I have yet to establish any objective plans, but... ...With
technological cooperation between Celestia and Inferia, I am certain that we can
realize an unimaginable potential.

Roen : And what would that be?

Galenos : A Fringe Cannon.

Keele : Let me explain the specifics. I would like Shileska's engineers to rebuild the Craymel
Cannon at Balir Castle and convert it to allow the Inferian Craymel Cages to be
connected. I would also like to ask the Craymel Mages of Inferia to allocate the
Craymels in their Craymel Cages to the Craymel Cannon.

Zosimos : You fool! Do you seriously intend to mix the energy of different worlds? They're
certain to reject one another!

Keele : If we use a special Lens, we can mix them together without repulsion. This is called a
Fringe. We will Fringe the Craymels of Inferia and Celestia together.

Zosimos : Fringe...

Keele : The effect will generate an intense Craymel flux.

Galenos : That is the concept behind the Fringe Cannon. It will be ten times more powerful
than the Craymel Cannon of Van Eltia.

Roen : ...I understand. We will go back to Inferia to collect Craymel Cages. Let's move!

Guard : Yes, sir!

Ayla : Our duty is to rebuild the Craymel Cannon. Let's hurry!

Guard : Miacis to our hearts!

Galenos : Now all we can do is pray that we have enough Ribavius Ore, the raw material that is
necessary to make the special Lens.

Keele : Ribavius Ore?

Galenos : It's a spherical, milky-white crystal with silver particles that sparkle on the
surface. It's quite a rare stone. We've searched all over Celestia, but we've yet to
find it...

Zosimos : There's no record of such a stone... ...At least not in Inferia.

Meredy : A sparkling light? Like a star?

Now talk to Max to make him join you, after that talk to Farah.

Reid : Farah, let's go.

Farah : Uh...okay.

Now go upstairs.

Reid : Farah, what's wrong?

Farah : ...There's a place I want to go. I think I have an idea where the Ribavius Ore might
be. Can we go there?

Keele : What?! Are you certain?

Farah : I asked Galenos about it... ...I'm pretty sure I'm not mistaken.

Reid : So where can we find the ore?

Farah : Inferia.

Keele : Inferia?! But Chancellor Zosimos said there is no record of its existence there... Did
you really see it? When did you see it?

Farah : If we go, you'll understand. Will you come with me?

Meredy : You bat! Meredy go with Farah!

Reid : All right, then! Let's get back to the Van Eltia!

Now go back to your ship and head to Bridge of Expedition. Go to Inferia and you will have
some conversation.

Keele : Say...Farah, isn't it about time you tell us where you saw the Ribavius Ore?

Farah : ...A place close to Rasheans.

Reid : Huh? Did you see it in our village?

Farah : No... ...Regulus Knoll.

Keele : At Regulus Knoll? ...Really?

Now go to Regulus Knoll at GPS(17,118) near Regulus Dojo and Rasheans.

/ 3.1 \_______________________________________________________________________________________
Regulus Knoll(17,118)
Enemies : Rooter, Ranger, Duelist, Beast Ogre, Jin, Flying Pulp, Medusa, Buffalo, Red Pudding,
Nightwing, Dinosaur, Caveman
Items : Mythril Plate, Elixir, Mythril Mesh, Shadow Crystal, Volt Crystal, Mystic Symbol,
Flame Spear, Mythril Bracelet, Diamond Fist

Reid : Let me try something I learned from Max...

Reid will barge in and the gate will be opened.

Reid : It's open.

Now go all the way to the left until you reach camp site.

Keele : Why don't we rest?

Farah : ...Yeah. we still have a ways to go.

Keele : Are we really going to find Ribavius Ore in a place like this?

Farah : Do you remember? What we saw here long ago...?

Reid : ... That stone...back then?

Keele : Back then...stone... Long ago? Long ago... We were... ...I remember!

Meredy : What are you talking about? Tell Meredy.

Keele : Nothing important. All right, let's keep moving!

Farah : Wait! Meredy has a right to know. ...and I want you all to listen to what I have to

Keele : One day, we came here to play, although it was off limits. As a result, we unsealed
the monsters that attacked Rasheans. That's the past the three of us share. That's it.

Meredy : Attacked...the village? Like...Imen?

Keele : We were just seven years old then! We couldn't help it!! No one knew about the Seal.

Farah : I knew!

Keele : ...What... do you mean?

Farah : I knew that was a dangerous place, but I made Reid and Keele go ...because I wanted a
star fragment. I was selfish. Because of my selfishness...everyone was killed! That's
why my sin is much, much heavier than Reid's or Keele's... I'm so sorry...

Meredy : Farah...?

Reid : Farah. That's enough. It's okay. Farah, even if your sins were greater than ours,
haven't you made up for it? You've suffered enough. We left the tragedy in our past. We
know it's a mistake we made as kids. But Frah, your wounds... They never healed... It's
been ten years!! And now, you've exposed your pain... ...to save the world!! You've
paid enough already.

Farah : Reid...

Keele : We always enjoyed your games, Farah. That's not a lie. In good times and bad times,
you were there, Farah. You were our kind leader... We've got no time to waste. If we
don't hurry, it'll be the end of the world.

Meredy : You bet! C'mon, Farah, let's go!

Farah : ...Yeah!

Now just follow the way to the left until you reach Regulus Tomb. Search the writing on the
wall and Meredy will tried to translate it.

Meredy : Um... Uh...

Reid : Can you read it?

Meredy : Sorry... It is very old, and there's a big crack. ...Meredy cannot read it.

Now go down two screens and get Mythril Plate from the chest. Go above to the next screen.

Meredy : Hweel! Pretty!

Keele : Hmm... It definitely fits the description of Ribavius Ore that Galenos specified...
But the ones here seem to be of low purity.

Reid : Let's go in further.

You will see something strange with Meredy.

Quickie : Kweekeee! Kwee!

Meredy : Something... Something escaped this place...

Farah : You're right. The monster that attacked Rasheans came from here...

Meredy : Monster? No, it is something worse. ...Something much scarier, and stronger!

Keele : Y...you're giving me the shivers!

Farah : But it's gone, right? It should be safe...

Reid : Meredy?

Meredy : ...Huh?

Get Elixir from the chest and go down.

Undine : Wait!

Undine will come out from the Craymel Cage.

Keele : Undine!

Meredy : Hello...!

Undine : Be careful if you're going to use Craymel Artes inside the cave.

Reid : Why?

Undine : Because Ribavius Ore can amplify or decrease the effects of Craymels. You must
consider its effects during battle.

Keele : I see... So I suppose we can't rely simply on Craymel Artes alone...

Farah : Thank you for the advice, Undine. Let's be careful, everyone!

Green means TP is being recharged and Red means TP is being drained. There are four roads in
here: left(where you came from), right, above and below. Go to the below first and get Mythril
Mesh and Shadow Crystal from the chests. Go to the right screen and get Volt Crystal and
Mystic Symbol from the chests. Go back to the first screen with four roads. This time take the
road above. Just follow the way to get Flame Spear from the chest. Now go back to the first
screen with four roads. This time go to the right two screens and go to the right cave first,
Get Mythril Bracelet from the chest and push the rock. Go above and follow the way to the
left. Push the rock again and going back three screens. This time enter the left cave. Just
follow the way to the place where you drop the second rock. Get Diamond Fist from the chest
above and take the far left below path. Just follow the way and you will reach some strange
place. Rem will appear again in front of you.

Rem : Do you know what lies ahead? What you see before you is the seal Seyfert created!

Farah : So then beyond here...

Keele : ...is where Nereid, the God of Destruction, was sealed?

Reid : Regardless of what's in there, I'm going forward! There's no stopping us!

Rem : Then, you must first defeat me. Now, show me your strength.

Boss : Rem
HP : 100000
EXP : 40960
Gald : 0
Attack : 500 (Ray, Shining Flare, Prism Sword)
Elemental Attack : Light
Defense : 700
Intelligence : 125
Strong : Light, Water, Wind, Fire, Earth, Ice, Lighting
Weak : Shadow
Rewards : Reflect Ring(100%), Rune Bottle(100%)

Strategy : The floating ball near Rem is very annoying. You can't destroy it so avoid it the
best you can. Rem is easy to defeat. Just use Omega Demon Chaos all the time and
use Dark Force to make a major damage on him.

Rem : ...I see. I feel your determination in your strength. I will help you.

Choose Keel's or Meredy's Craymel Cage.

Keele : I can't believe it! The Light Craymel is going to cooperate with us!

Rem : Even I do not know what lies ahead. Proceed with caution.

Now go inside the sealed place.

Keele : It's... It's the Ribavius Crystals! It's brilliance... It's like no other! It's 100%
pure. No mistake about it. Now we can complete the Fringe Cannon!

You have found Ribavius Crystal.

Reid : So, this is...the place.

Farah : ...The place where the God of Destruction, Nereid, was sealed for 2000 years. No
wonder it was off limits...

Reid : Keele, how do you suppose the seal broke? We never came this far... I don't think we
could've broken the seal.

Keele : The cause? I don't know, but I can say this much. Seyfert's seal couldn't be broken
just by a bunch of kids.

Reid : Did you hear that?

Farah : ...Yeah. I'm relieved.

Keele : We've got all we need! No need to hang around now. Let's go back.

Quickie : Kwek, kwek, Kweekeee!!

Farah : Meredy? What's wrong?

Keele : Hey, Meredy! What's the matter?!

Meredy : This feeling... Like before...! Help...Meredy...!

Reid : Do you... sense something?

Meredy : Damn you...Seyfert!!

Meredy : (Talking in Melnics language.)

Farah : Snap out of it, Meredy! I can't... I can't understand what you're saying!

Rem will come out from the Craymel Cage.

Rem : NO!

Keele : This darkness...!

Rem : You must leave this place!

Meredy : (Talking in Melnics language.)

Keele : We have to get Meredy out of here! Hurry!

Now you'll be in Farah's house.

Quickie : Kwek...

Reid : So you're saying... Nereid nearly took control of Meredy because she has the power of
the Dark Aurora?

Keele : That's right. Well...Meredy IS Shizel's daughter, and according to Galenos, Shizel
studied Meredy's body to learn about the Aurora Arte.

Reid : Human experimentation... What kind of mother would...?

Farah : Hey, wait a minute. Those that possess the Dark Aurora are susceptible to Nereid's
control, right?

Keele : Y...yes. that's the conclusion according to Galenos.

Farah : So can't we say the same thing about Shizel?

Reid : You're saying Shizel was also under Nereid's control? It's possible...

Farah : Right?! Meredy's mother would NEVER do such horrible things to her own daughter!

Keele : Perhaps. But don't speak to Meredy about this. At the moment, words of encouragement
are more likely to be hurtful... What?

Farah : Keele...you're much kinder than I thought.

Reid : Really. I never thought I'd hear you say stuff like that...

Keele : Well... Surprise!

Farah : Meredy?

Reid : Since when?

Meredy : ...Thank you.

Keele : How are you feeling?

Meredy : Meredy is fine. No matter who Shizel is now, Meredy's feelings will not change.
Meredy want to stop the Grand Fall. And for that reason... Meredy feels the same as
you all.

Farah : Meredy...

Keele : ...Looks like you're as undutiful a child as I am.

Farah : Keele!

Keele : Don't forget, there's still a chance. We'll know when we meet Shizel, whether she's a
monster controlled by Nereid, or Meredy's...mother.

Meredy : You bet.

Reid : Okay, let's go!

Keele : Yeah. We need to get the Ribavius Ore to Galenos as soon as possible.

Reid : All right. Let's get back on the ship and head for Balir's Castle courtyard.

Now go back to your ship and head to Bridge of Expedition. Go to Balir Castle in Celestia.

/ 3.2 \_______________________________________________________________________________________
Balir Castle

Go to Balir's Castle Courtyard.

Meredy : Hweel! It's big!

Ayla : I'm glad that you are well!

Reid : Same to you, Ayla. By the way, we brought this back...

Zosimos : This is...!

Galenos : Ribavius Ore!

Reid : We found it in Inferia. If this isn't enough, we can go back for more.

Zosimos : What? You found it in Inferia?! Hmmm...

Galenos : Well done. Ayla! Process the ore into a lens and install on the cannon.

Ayla : Understood. Good work everyone. By morning, we should be ready to fire the Fringe
Cannon. Please rest while we prepare for the battle.

Farah : Thank you. That's exactly what we'll do.

Galenos : I'm sorry to disturb you, but could I ask you to take me to the Seyfert Observatory?
I'm in a bit of a rush to investigate something. Do not worry about the Fringe
Cannon. Leave it to Zosimos and Ayla. Roen is working hard as well.

Reid : Okay.

If you talk to Zosimos, he will mention that Ribavius Ore is a good material to make a sword.
Sagura is the only one you can find in Celestia who can make a sword. So let's go to Imen

/ 3.3 \_______________________________________________________________________________________
City of Craymel, Imen
Items : Last Fencer

Now go to Sagura's place. You can find Zosimos there.

Reid : Zosimos! You're here already!

Zosimos : Not a bad workshop at all. We are making good use of it.

Sagura : Us? The only one who works around here is me.

Zosimos : Come now, don't be like that. The fate of the world is at stake here.

Reid : Are you making weapons?

Zosimos : Yes. We thought we would utilize the Craymel amplification effect of the Ribavius to
create the sword. I'm certain that we will create an incredible sword!

Now go in and out the city for five times and enter Sagura's place again.

Reid : Are you okay?!

Sagura : Master Zosimos! This has to be it!!

Zosimos : Yes, this is it! It is finally complete!!

Sagura : Here. This is for you. This sword is the ultimate combination of Celestian and
Inferian technology.

Zosimos : Let's name it the Last Fencer.

You will received Last Fencer. Now go to Seyfert Observatory at Orbus Barrier.

/ 3.4 \_______________________________________________________________________________________
Seyfert Observatory

Galenos : Thank you. I will be heading to the Observation Room.

Chat : Let's get going.

Reid : I'm coming.

Inside the engine room.

Chat : Well, let's go!

Keele : Sorry, but can you give me a little time? I want to help Galenos.

Reid : Sure.

Keele : I'll be back later.

Meredy : Meredy cannot help, but Meredy want to go!

Farah : Reid, what should we do?

Reid : Ummm... Why don't we make sure the ship is in good working order? Chat, let's take the
ship out for a spin.

Caht : Good idea. All right, let's set sail.

Now you will see Fringe Cannon at Balir Castle.

Roen : Quite impressive.

Ayla : Yes, truly. But it would have been impossible with Shileska alone. Inferia's help is
what made all the difference.

Roen : I have something I want to ask. I hear Celestia is a place of war. Have you considered
becoming the leader of Shileska? In essence, aren't you already the leader?

Ayla : No, I could never be... Boss is the reason I can lead the men with poise.

Roen : ...You like him, don't you? Forgive my bluntness. Surrounded by bureaucrats, I've grown
tired of small talk.

Ayla : ...the Miacis that the Boss loves so dearly was raised by his long lost wife. For as
long as I live, I wish to be with this man of incorrigible passion, ...as his loyal

Roen : ...You are very strong.

Back at the engine room of Van Eltia.

Chat : Huh? Ahhh!! Wh...what's this?! Animal fur! What is the meaning of this?! My precious
Craymel Engine has been dirtied! I'll deal with that little vermin, Quickie. ...Meredy
can be a very irresponsible master! At the very least, she should understand these
machines are extremely delicate and need to be kept away from wild animals.

Quickie : Kuweeky.

Chat : It can't be... Ahh!! There's fur here too!! This can't be!! I thought it went to the
observation deck with Meredy?! It can't be...

Quickie : Kuku...kuweeeky!

Chat : Aaah! W...w...wh...why are you in here?!

Quickie : Kweeeky, kweeeky, kweeeky...!

Chat : Waaah!! Someone save me! My machines... A...err...um...ahh... Be a good little guy and
go outside. There's nothing here for you. Meredy is out there!

Quickie : Ku, ku, kuweeky!!

Chat : Eeek!! I told you to stop!! You're shedding all over!! Please... Stop!

Quickie : Kuweeky, kuweeky, kuweeky!!

Chat : I'm begging you. Please...! Waaaa...waaa!!

Now you will see Keele and Galenos in observation room.

Keele : It can't be!

Galenos : Is the analysis complete?

Keele : Yes...and it doesn't look good. At most, it's three Suom to the Grand Fall's critical
point. Maybe even shorter.

Galenos : As I thought, quite a situation... If the critical point is passed, the gravity of
the two worlds will pull with greater force and accelerate speed to such that...

Keele : That's right! Even if we defeat Shizel, there's no way to stop the Grand Fall! Damn!!

Galenos : Is there no other way?

Keele : We've exhausted every option. ...It's useless. Galenos, you should know that better
than anyone.

Meredy : Have you finished your...research?

Galenos : We've just concluded. I'm going to rest up a little bit.

Now Keele and Meredy will look at the Seyfert Ring.

Keele : ...It's quiet, isn't it?

Meredy : You bet. ...Beautiful.

Keele : I just wish that all of this... ...the Grand Fall, Nereid, all of it... I wish it were
just a dream.

Meredy : It's not like Keele to talk like that.

Keele : I really feel that way. If it were just a dream... ...nobody would get hurt, right?

Meredy : If all a dream...Meredy never meet everyone. I would not be able to talk with Keele
like this... I'm glad it's not a dream. Even though it's very sad, Meredy happy about
now. Everyone alive...

Keele : Meredy... You're really incredible.

Meredy : You say compliment?

Keele : Yeah. Is that strange?

Meredy : Strange! Yes! Because I think Keele is always angry. That is usual and so today is
very strange.

Keele : Am I really like that? Angry all the time?

Meredy : Yes, but it is okay. I like it when Keele is strange!! Compliment makes me happy!!

Now you will see Farah and Reid at Observation Room of Van Eltia.

Farah : How long have you known?

Reid : ...Hmm?

Farah : What I did ten years ago... You knew, didn't you?

Reid : ...Yeah. I learned it during the Trials of Seyfert.

Farah : Oh... So you did know.

Farah will punch Reid.

Reid : Ow!

Farah : You kept it a secret? Why didn't you tell me?

Reid : Farah, you haven't changed much, have you?

Farah : I haven't. it's because of you.

Reid : Huh?

Farah : When I laugh, or get really mad, or even occasionally cry... The only reason I can be
the person I am... ...is because of you, Reid. I'm who I am today because you were
always there... ...looking after me.

Reid : Protect those you love... That was what Ras said. He said that the Aurora Arte exists
for that purpose. If it's to protect people you love, the will of the people is
limitless. That's why I'm here. I'm here... Undaunted, and with no regret or

Farah : ...Those you love, huh? I want to protect you, Reid. I can't do it alone, but there
are the others. With friends by our side, there's nothing to be afraid of, right?

Reid : Yeah, you're right. I'm starting to think maybe we can do it.

Farah : Of course! Yeah! No problem!!

Next you will see Max on the Deck. After that you will see all the six Craymels. Then you will
see a FMV. Now go to the Seyfert Ring. You will see Fringe Cannon is being readied at Balir

Ayla : Celestian Craymel!

Shileska Guard : Miacis to our hearts!

Ayla : Inferian Craymel!

Inferia Guard : Roger!

Ayla : Ribavius Lens!

Engineer : Ready to fire!

Back at Control Bridge.

Reid : There it is! The dark matter!!

Chat : Charging Craymel Energy into the bow Craymel Cannon!

You will see FMV about both Cannon shot to the dark matter and this time it destroyed.

Ayla : Did it work?

Roen : All right!

Zosimos : Wait...! What is that?

Back at Control Bridge.

Chat : Something new has appeared.

Farah : It looks...strange.

Keele : That must be its true form. It finally shed its disguise.

Reid : We got her now. Shizel's in there...

Meredy : Hweeel! Finally!

/ 3.5 \_______________________________________________________________________________________
Shizel Castle (first time)
Enemies : Deadly Insect, Fire Warrior, Bandersnatch, Thunder, Seaspin, Owlfish, Impulse,
Termigun, Swampthing, Flying Pulp
Items : Mystic Sword, Mumbane, Luck Bag, Demon's Seal, Mythril Mesh, Dark Sphere

Go upstairs. Enter the right door, the left one is closed. Just follow the way three screens
and get Mystic Sword from the chest. Use the elevator below and choose go up. Just follow the
way until you see 4 chests. You will get Mumbane, Luck Bag, Demon's Seal and Mythril Mesh from
the chests. Now go up two screens and get Dark Sphere from the chest. Now let's go back to
world map to finish all the side quests. Go to Orbus Relay Point.
/ 3.6 \_______________________________________________________________________________________
Orbus Relay Point

Now choose Inverse Dome and then Conversion Dock. Put the Sphere of Darkness at the left side
and Sphere of Light at the right side of Aifread's Statue. Van Eltia will be remodeled again
and Chat has earned the title of Sea Lover. Now your ship has the aircraft ability.

/ 3.7 \_______________________________________________________________________________________
Far Away Village, Rasheans
Items : Face Powder, Wind Bell
Lens : 1 -> from Rasheans Forest

Go to Farah's house and check the drawer near her bed. You will get Face Powder. Now go to
Elder's house. He will get your help to get Banrea, the medicine for his hurt back. Banrea is
a legendary medicine made by brewing three ingredients. Talk to the old man above the Elder's
house. He will tell you one of the ingredients, Firewood Bugs. You can find it in Nostos Cave.
Talk to the farmer in front of Farah's house. He will tell you one of the ingredients, Goat
Horns. You can get it if you defeat Falsea Horns at Farlos Mountain. Now enter the house
beside the farmer. The man inside will tell you the last of the ingredients, Dried Peels. You
can get Dried Peels if you soak 15 special fruits in the Craymel Hot Springs.

Let's go to Rasheans Forest first and go to the place where you first saw Meredy. Search the
back of the left most broken piece of Meredy's ship.

Now let's get the ingredients for Banrea medicine. I think you already have Goat Horns in your
possession now, if not go to Mt. Farlos and defeat Falsea Horns. Now let's go to Nostos Cave.
I suggest you enter it from the side of Treetop Village, Morle because it's much closer.
Search the firewood where you camp before and you will get Firewood Bug.

/ 3.8 \_______________________________________________________________________________________
Craymel Hot Spring(208,108)
Items : Dried Peels
Lens : 2

Search the barrel with hot water at the entrance to get a Lens. Now go inside the men's room,
the door left from the man. Search the thing at upper screen where the brush is to get another
Lens. Now talk to the man and pay 600 Gald. You will see Aifread's Monument at the men's
dressing room. Reid will call Chat and she will learned skill Para Ball. Now talk to the man
again and pay 600 Gald. This time you will see the ladies. If you bring 15 Kirimas, you can
get Dried Peels, the ingredient for Banrea. If you pay again you will see a funny scene at
men's room.

Now go back to Rasheans and talk to the old man in front of the barn. He will brew the
ingredients and you will get Banrea. Now go to the Elder's house. He will give you Wind Bell
for the reward.

- Now let's go to GPS(160,131) in Inferia by using Aibird to get a Lens. This is the last
Lens you can found in Inferia.
- Talk to the student at the port of Mintche and buy Crib Sheet for 10,000 Gald.
- Now go to Bikini at Chambard, check the dresser for a Button.
- Now go to Ruined Village, Luishka. At the second screen you will see pink Miacis again.
This time Max will learned Dark Laser.
- Now go to Shileska's Hideout in Tinnsia. Go to Max's office and remove Max for a while from
your party. Now go see Lesitia in these places : Cape Fortress, Luishka(third screen), and
the last Jini at night. Go to the Jini Hotel and you will see three peoples: The Dark
Panther, John; The Dark Rose, Millie; the Dark Dragon King, Grid. They were a group called
the Dark Wings. Now go to the right screen and talk to Lesitia. You will get Canceler from
her. Now go back to Shileska's Hideout and get Max join your party again.
- Now go to Jini at night with Max in your party to get his last skill, Elemental Master.
- You can find the Dark Wings again at these places: Efreet Gorge(fourth screen), Forest of
Temptation(at the screen with 5 Deity), Sylph Cavern(guard post) and the last Inferia City
(Imperial Playhouse).
- Go to Chat Hut and go to Van Eltia from underground of Van Eltia, get inside it and search
around to get Deck Brush.
- Go to Inferia Castle and enter Princess Arende's Room and go upstairs. Search the cupboard
for Golden Choker.
- Go to Mine of Gnome. Use Shovel at the crack of the wall to get Colain's Pot. It's in the
room left after you use the elevator to get above.

Now let's go to Glimmer Spire at GPS(107,22) in Inferia.

/ 3.9 \_______________________________________________________________________________________
Glimmer Spire (107,22)
Items : Savory, Water Shard, Tuna Gel, Earth Shard, Golden Armor, Wind Shard, Beam Shield,
Sage, 17595 Gald, Crystal Rod, Rune Bottle, Fire Shard, Bellebane, Snow Shard, Volt
Shard, Lavender, Jet Boots, 19125 Gald, Elixir

Reid : Wow, it's tall...

Keele : I don't know what it is, but there's got to be something in there...

Farah : Only way to find out is to climb the tower!

Meredy : Let's go!

Reid : We shouldn't! This is probably a place where a noble person lives quietly. Besides,
it's locked tight! There's no way we'll get in!

The door will be opened and your party will get inside the tower.

First Floor

You must make all the ball light up. This is how to make all the ball light up : press the
ball in order in clockwise or anti-clockwise.
Example :
1 1
5 O O 2 OR 2 O O 5
4 O O 3 3 O O 4

After you make all the ball light up, the teleporter will active so use it to go above. When
you search the door, you will hear a voice.

??? : Go back.

Reid : Did you say something, Farah?

Farah : I didn't say anything.

Reid : I guess I'm hearing things...

Now go inside the door.

Second Floor

Go to the middle and you will see the order of the ball you must light up. So light up the
ball in order like you saw before. The ball you must light up will be random, so you have to
try it yourself. Write the light ball in paper or something else to make this puzzle is easy.
If you succeed, the teleporter will active. Use it to go above.

Third Floor

First you must use Freeze Ring(Press L1) at the thing where you can see the wind blows. Then
use Sorcerer's Ring(press R1) to light up the torches. You will see a platform appear. Go to
the platform and use Freeze Ring again(Press L1) to make the stairs appear. Now use the
teleporter to go above.

Fourth Floor

There are 6 floating crystals in this puzzle. You must light up all the crystals by using
Sorcerer's Ring(Press R1). Try this order!! You can shoot the crystals from any angles. If one
of the angle not work, try the other.

2 3
O 6
O 7
1 4/5

Now use the teleporter to go above. When you search the door, you will hear voices again.

??? : Go back.

Keele : What's wrong?

Reid : ...Nothing. ...But something tells me that we're upsetting the tower keeper...

Keele : Since when did you become so timid?

Reid : D...don't get me wrong! I'm not scared!

Keele : I didn't say you are.

Fifth Floor

In this room, you must move the invisible tile to all 3 lights(red, green, blue). Now go to
the visible tile. If you move the visible tile, the invisible one will move too. You should
try this yourself. Now use the teleporter to go above.

Sixth Floor

There are a lot of platforms here with three different colors: red, green. Blue. You must
light up all the light bulbs.

|---| |---|
|18 | |19 |
|16 |15 |14 |13 |
|12 |11 |10 | 9 |
| 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 |
R |---|---|---|---|---|
E |17 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | < START
D |---|---|---|---|---|

Here's the order you must do :

Now use the teleporter to go above. When you serach the door, you will hear voices again.

??? : Why don't you quit?!

Reid : ...It's only my imagination... ...only my imagination...

Now enter the door.

Seventh Floor

Now just use the teleporter in the middle. You will taken to a room with all red tiles.

xxox o = safe tile to walk
ooox X = will teleport you back

Now just go to the teleporter at the other side. You will be in a room with many treasure
chests and you will see someone down from above.

??? : Humans have their own place to live. If you fail to realize your rank and encroach upon
this place, you will be mercilessly punished.

Farah : ...Who are you?!

Keele : You're neither human nor Greater Craymel. What are you?

??? : I am known as Valkyrie.

Valkyrie : I advise you not to ask any further questions.

Reid : So was it you? Were you the one I kept hearing...in my head?

Keele : ...Reid! You...heard her?

Valkyrie : I see... You heard my warning.

Reid : Yeah...but I thought it was just my imagination...

Valkyrie : How would you like to fight me?

Reid : Huh?

Valkyrie : I am a little curious about you. If you manage to meet my expectation, I will give
you a reward.

Farah : Reid, you don't have to do this...

Reid : Of course I'll do it!

Boss : Valkyrie
HP : 32000
EXP : 32768
Gald : 0
Attack : 250 (Wind Blade, Guard Impact, Fireball, Valkria Strike, Sonic Blade, Valkrie
Defense : 1000
Intelligence : 100
Strong : All

Strategy : You will really hate her Guard Impact. If you attack him when she guard, you will
be counterattacked with Valkria Strike. It's best to attack her from far away. The
good skill to use is Sonic Chaos. Don't get cornered; you will be attack
continuously if this happen.

Valkyrie : I see... There was something to be learned from your erratic fighting technique. I
shall thank you. I shall give you a reward as promised. Take this, a sword beyond
human comprehension, the S.D.

reid : H...how is this a sword?

Valkyrie : I wove the flow of your power and made an invisible key with it. When you go to the
appropriate place, the seal of the sword will be broken, and it will be yours.

Reid : An invisible key...?

Keele : I'm completely lost.

Farah : Since it doesn't seem to be anything harmful, let's not worry about it.

Now get all the treasure chests. The items are Savory, Water Shard, Tuna Gel, Earth Shard,
Golden Armor, Wind Shard, Beam Shield, Sage, 17595 Gald, Crystal Rod, Rune Bottle, Fire Shard,
Bellebane, Snow Shard, Volt Shard, Lavender, Jet Boots, 19125 Gald, Elixir.

Now go to Hideout 1(56,112) in Celestia to get the reward from Valkyrie. It's S.D.

/ 3.10 \______________________________________________________________________________________
Katz Village (120,109)
Lens : 2

Katz : Hello!

Reid : Wh...what are they?!

Keele : Meredy! Who are they?!

Meredy : Um...probably...

Farah : Probably...what?

Meredy : The legendary tribe known as the Katz.

Reid : The Katz?

Katz : Hey! Tell me a story! Tell me! Story! Story!

Reid : Wh...what do you want?!

Katz : Tell me a story.

Farah : Sure! I've got one! I'll tell you a story!

Farah : The jail was narrow and long, and had no ceiling. It was as if we were at the bottom
of a well.

Katz : Ahhh.

Farah : And just as I started thinking things weren't right, all of a sudden... Water started
pouring in from above! Keele tried to climb the wall, but he slipped and fell. Reid,
on the other hand, had already given up. So, I knew I had to do something... ...and do
it quick!

Katz : Please... Please tell me a story! Tell me as story!

Reid : Yeah...yeah.

Katz : Tell me!

Keele : In other words, the theory on Grobule Distortion of Light Craymels does not hold
because of the tendency toward dynamic motion.

Katz : Ahhh.

Keele : Focular's Theory on the existence of group rather than individual knowledge can be
convincingly applied to Craymels, which are believed to be a type of elementary

Katz : Ahhh.

Farah : As soon as I heard the rumbling noise, everything became clear to me. Hyades was
attacking the Fringe Cannon! But when we reached the top, we discovered another
surprise. We saw none other than Captain Roen fighting Hyades! It seems that Roen saw
the Fringe Cannon and assumed it was built to attack Inferia.

Reid : Right then, I told her she shouldn't do that. But when it comes to Farah, the advice of
others falls on deaf ears. You knew what was going to happen next the minute she
started to climb the tree. A swarm of killer bees poured out from their nest!

Keele : You might think that in measuring spatial displacement while varying a type of Craymel
being stimulated, the formula would thus be derived despite of minor differences,

Katz : Ahhh.

Keele : But things aren't quite that simple. The very act of measuring a Craymel's location
can create a secondary Doctark Effect.

Katz : Ahhh.

Reid : Whew! I can't believe I talked all night long.

Keele : I've come to one realization from contact with the Katz... As fundamental as it seems,
listening to others is something that we truly lack in our daily lives.

Farah : After talking myself out... I feel great! Say, Meredy. Wasn't one of the Seven
Treasures of Celestia a paradise where non-humans live?

Meredy : You bet. Meredy think so.

Farah : I wonder... ...if this is the place?

Meredy : Probably!

Farah : Yeah! This must be the place!

Now enter Katz Village again. You will get a funny scene with the Katz pretending to be your
party. Go to the first house. Search the pot near the ladder to get a Lens. Now go above to
the next screen. Go inside the pink house. Search the pot beside the sink to get a Lens.

Now go see Irene at Teeru : Tinnsia. She will give you the title of Lens Hunter.

/ 3.11 \_____________________________________________________________________________________
Shizel Castle (second/last time)
Enemies : Deadly Insect, Fire Warrior, Bandersnatch, Thunder, Seaspin, Owlfish, Impulse,
Termigun, Swampthing, Fake, Flying Pulp, Mythril Golem, Lakamar
Items : 2x Elizir, Eternia Melody, Red Lavender, Red Bellebane, Red Savory, Red Sage

Now just follow the way until you reach the first elevator. This time choose to go down. Just
follow the way until you reach the second elevator. The elevator will take you down. The
treasure chest here is a Fake. You can get Elixir if you defeat it. Now use the elevator again
and choose to go down. Get Eternia Melody from the chest above and go downstairs until you
reach the bottom. Now go inside and you will see a Supreme Craymel, Sekundes.

??? : Ho ho ho... What do we have here? A group of youngsters?

Reid : What did you say?!

Keele : Watch what you say, Reid. You're in the presence of a Supreme Craymel.

Reid : Supreme...Craymel?

??? : I am Sekundes, the one who presides over the flow of time.

Keele : The Greater Craymel of...Time!

Sekundes : The fact that mere mortals have managed to make it this far is quite impressive.
There is no immediate need to test your strength. Come now. Raise your Craymel

Reid : We don't have to...battle?

Sekundes : I will fight you anytime you wish. But it does not need to be now. ...But if you
waste any more of my time, I may just crush you where you stand!

Reid : B...by all means, please enter the Cage!

Choose Keele's or Meredy's Craymel Cage. Whoever you choose will earned the title of Craymel

Reid : Whew! I can't believe we got his cooperation without having to fight!

Keele : Indeed. If we had fought, there's no way we could have beaten him... ...Not against
the Greater Time Craymel.

Farah : It seems like each Greater Craymel has their own view of the world.

You can choose to fight him or not. Sekundes is the strongest of all the Craymels. Believe me,
it's better not to fight him.

Boss : Sekundes
HP : 200000
Gald :
Attack : (Sekundes Laser, Tetra Assault, Twin Assault, Sekundes Corridor)
Elemental Attack :
Defense :
Intelligence :
Strong :
Weak : Lightning
Rewards : (100%), (100%)

Strategy :

Now go back to the elevator. Now just follow the way until you can go down or up. If you go
down you will be back at the first place, so go up. You can camp here. You will see 6 pillars.
I will numbered them from far left to far right 1 to 6.

Pillar 1

Let's go to Pillar 1 first. This is Wind Pillar. Just follow the way to the next screen. You
will see many green platforms. The objective here is to press the switch at far right below
and after that enter the far left door. This puzzle is easy, try it yourself. You will have to
fight Elementler inside the door.

Sub-Boss : Elementler (+ 3x Grave Keeper)
HP : 80000
EXP : 23456
Gald : 12345
Attack : 510 (Shining Flare, Cyclone, Aqua Edge, Force Laser)
Defense : 240
Intelligence : 35
Strong : Wind
Rewards : Pine Gel(100%), Elixir(100%)

Strategy : Kill the Grave Keeper first because they are very annoying. Don't use Wind Spell
On Elementler because it's strong against it. Don't give him a chance to cast a
Spell, you must be careful with his spell because it can do a major damage.

Go to the door above. You will use the power of Wind Craymel to activate the Wind Pillar.

Pillar 2

Let's go to Pillar 2. This is Fire Pillar. Just follow the way to the next screen. You will
see many red orbs here. Search the first orb and it will shining. The light will come out of
it and go to the next orb. You must make this light go to all the orbs and don't let this
light hit the wall because it will fade and you must start over again. Some pillars with orbs
can move, you must press the switch near the pillar to make it move. This puzzle is easy but
you must be very patient. You will have to fight Elementler inside the door.

Sub-Boss : Elementler (+ 3x Grave Keeper)
HP : 80000
EXP : 23456
Gald : 12345
Attack : 510 (Dark Force, Force Laser, Explode)
Defense : 240
Intelligence : 35
Strong : Fire
Rewards : Pine Gel(100%), Elixir(100%)

Strategy : Kill the Grave Keeper first because they are very annoying. Don't use Fire Spell
On Elementler because it's strong against it. Don't give him a chance to cast a
Spell, you must be careful with his spell because it can do a major damage.

Go to the door above. You will use the power of Fire Craymel to activate the Fire Pillar.

Pillar 3

Let's go to Pillar 3. This is Water Pillar. Just follow the way to the next screen. You will
have to fight Elementler inside the door. You will see 3 blocks. You will have to make all the
blocks enter the hole above. To make it easier, I will name the blocks.

Upper right block -> Block 1
Left Block -> Block 2
Below right block -> Block 3

Here what you have to do :
1. Move Block 1 down, left, up, left, up.
2. Move Block 3 up, left, down, left, down, right, up, left, up.
3. Move Block 2 up, right, up.

Sub-Boss : Elementler (+ 3x Grave Keeper)
HP : 80000
EXP : 23456
Gald : 12345
Attack : 510 (Force Laser, Shining Flare, Dark Force, Spread)
Defense : 240
Intelligence : 35
Strong : Water
Rewards : Pine Gel(100%), Elixir(100%)

Strategy : Kill the Grave Keeper first because they are very annoying. Don't use Water Spell
On Elementler because it's strong against it. Don't give him a chance to cast a
Spell, you must be careful with his spell because it can do a major damage.

Go to the door above. You will use the power of Water Craymel to activate the Water Pillar.

Pillar 4

Enemies : Fire Warrior, Mythril Golem, Lakamar, Deadly Insect
Items : Elixir, Red Lavender, Red Bellebane, Red Savory, Red Sage

Let's go to Pillar 4. This is Earth Pillar. Just follow the way to the next screen. Just
across the bridge of light to the door above. You will have to fight some enemies here. You
will have to fight Elementler inside the door.

Sub-Boss : Elementler (+ 3x Grave Keeper)
HP : 80000
EXP : 23456
Gald : 12345
Attack : 510 (Force Laser, Earth Shaker)
Defense : 240
Intelligence : 35
Strong : Earth
Rewards : Pine Gel(100%), Elixir(100%)

Strategy : Kill the Grave Keeper first because they are very annoying. Don't use Earth Spell
On Elementler because it's strong against it. Don't give him a chance to cast a
Spell, you must be careful with his spell because it can do a major damage.

Go to the door above. You will use the power of Earth Craymel to activate the Earth Pillar.

Pillar 5

Let's go to Pillar 5. This is Ice Pillar. Just follow the way to the next screen. Shoot the
clock above with Sorcerer's Ring(Press R1). The clock will countdown to none. You have to move
all the red stones to the red hole and all the blue stones to the blue hole before the time
ended. Move the stone closer to the hole first before you shoot the clock. You will have to
fight Elementler inside the door.

Sub-Boss : Elementler (+ 3x Grave Keeper)
HP : 80000
EXP : 23456
Gald : 12345
Attack : 510 (Force Laser, Dark Force, Absolute)
Defense : 240
Intelligence : 35
Strong : Ice
Rewards : Pine Gel(100%), Elixir(100%)

Strategy : Kill the Grave Keeper first because they are very annoying. Don't use Ice Spell
On Elementler because it's strong against it. Don't give him a chance to cast a
Spell, you must be careful with his spell because it can do a major damage.

Go to the door above. You will use the power of Ice Craymel to activate the Ice Pillar.

Pillar 6

Let's go to Pillar 6. This is Volt Pillar. Just follow the way to the next screen. Shoot the
crystals with Freeze Ring(Press L1). You have to make the rotating crystal stop at the correct
color crystal. You will have to fight Elementler inside the door.

Sub-Boss : Elementler (+ 3x Grave Keeper)
HP : 80000
EXP : 23456
Gald : 12345
Attack : 510 (Force Laser, Dark Force, Indignation, Shining Flare)
Defense : 240
Intelligence : 35
Strong : Volt
Rewards : Pine Gel(100%), Elixir(100%)

Strategy : Kill the Grave Keeper first because they are very annoying. Don't use Volt Spell
On Elementler because it's strong against it. Don't give him a chance to cast a
Spell, you must be careful with his spell because it can do a major damage.

Go to the door above. You will use the power of Volt Craymel to activate the Volt Pillar.

After you activate all the pillars, you can use the teleporter in the middle. Just follow the
screen above to the next screen. You will reach the Heart of Shizel's Castle. You will see
Shizel in her throne.

Meredy : Shizel?!

Reid : In the name of Seyfert, I have come to stop the Grand Fall!!

Shizel : Heh heh heh. Too late. The Dark Aurora shall now reach it's completion with Nereid's

Keele : What?!

Shizel : Hmm...a bearer of Fibrill. The one you call Reid... Can you not feel it? The powers
of Eternia's Craymels are flowing into me!

Shizel will absorb the darkness above her.

Keele : ...I understand now. The Grand Fall's true purpose!

Meredy : What...do you mean?

Keele : The destructive power of the Aurora Arte is in direct proportion to the amount of
Craymel absorbed.

Reid : You mean she's absorbing the power of the Craymels around the world?

Meredy : Why complete Dark Fibrill to destroy Eternia?!

Shizel : I shall become...the master, defeat Seyfert, and become the creator of a new world!

Reid : Defeat Seyfert?!

Shizel : Once the Dark Aurora is completed, that too shall be easy. The events 2000 years back
shall be reversed.

Keele : Are you...Nereid?

Shizel : What if I am?

Meredy : Where is Shizel?!

Shizel : Shizel? ...A struggling soul trapped within me. One shamed by her own actions... May
that be her?

Meredy : That Shizel's body! Give it back!!

Shizel : Impossible. It is her hatred for this material world that allows us to unite under
one strong will. Vatenkeist is the world as it should truly be. Without material
matter, jealousy and hatred will cease to exist. Greed that causes suffering and the
grief of losing a loved one will be no more...

You will see all the dead people and after that the ground will shaking.

Reid : The Orbus is moving?!

You will see both Inferia and Celestia are shaking too.

Shizel : Heh heh heh... It seems that it has begun.

Reid : Meredy!

Meredy : Shizel is dead. The one that is here... is our ENEMY!

Shizel will cast a spell on Meredy.

Meredy : Baiba!

Reid : Meredy!

Boss : Shizel
HP : 120000
EXP : 50000
Attack : (Eternal Finality, Fireball, Prism Sword, Summon Demon, Indignation)
Rewards : Elixir(100%), All-Divide(100%)

Strategy : Shizel will cast spells all the time. You must be careful with her spells because
it can do a major damage, especially Eternal Finality. This spell will decrease all
your HP to 1. Try to attack her continuously so she can't cast a spell.

Shizel : ...Ugh. The bug is resisting. ...An ugly bug. What...is this? What does she desire?

Reid : Nereid... Don't you understand Shizel's feelings? If you don't...you can't win.

Shizel : What?!

Reid : Like you said, Seyfert's world is imperfect. There are many who live believing in their
own justice. Because of that, endless strife, sorrow, and chaos will always rule. But!
That's why people can change. By exploring their differences, they learn and change. If
people can change, the world can change too... We don't need the Grand Fall!

Shizel : I see. So that...is the Divine Aurora. Mwahaha...mwahahaha!! Worthless!

Reid : What?!

Boss : Nereid
HP : 300000
Attack : (Eternal Finality, Dark Force, Lightning, Soul Shot, Nihilistic Night, Holy Lance,
Fear Flare, Fireball, Grave, Wind Blade, Ice Needles, Summon Pluto, Absolute, Thunder

Strategy : Nereid will cast spells all the time. You must be careful with the spells because
it can do a major damage.. Try to attack Nereid continuously so he doesn't have a
chance to cast a spell. Warning! If Nereid's HP reaches zero, he will use the final
attack. Press O+X+Square continuously to counter this attack. If you didn't do it,
it will be game over.

Reid : We've won. ...We beat Nereid.

The darkness will come out from Shizel's body and Shizel Castle will be disappeared.

Keele : We seem to have slipped out of Vatenkeist...

Farah : What is this...?

Keele : The core of Seyfert Ring.

Reid : To think this place had always existed...

Meredy : Shizel!

You can feel the ground is still shaking.

Farah : What's going on? The Grand Fall isn't stopping...

Reid : Not only that... It's gaining speed!

Keele : ...We weren't in time. It's beyond the critical point. At this distance, the force of
gravity will only draw the two worlds closer. No one can stop it now...

Farah : No, it can't be... Can't we do anything?!

Keele : ...Unfortunately...no.

Reid : ...Keele. if I destroy the core with my Aurora Arte, the Seyfert Ring will dissolve...

Keele : W...what are you saying?! The Seyfert Ring is the lock which keeps Celestia nad
Inferia bound together. If we destroy it...

Farah : ...What would happen?

Keele : Even if it all went well, Celestia nad Inferia would have no spatial relation.

Reid : In other words! A complete division?!

Farah : And if...it doesn't go well?

Keele : Both would be annihilated in a second. Far worse than the Grand Fall.

Reid : If it all goes well... ...Can we stop the destruction?

Keele : ...Yes. but that theory is meaningless! Using the Aurora Arte given to you by Seyfert
to destroy his own creation...

Meredy : Can it...be done?

Keele : Meredy?!

Meredy : Let's Fringe the Aurora Artes.

Reid : With the Aurora...that's it! If we fringe the Divine and the Dark Aurora, ...we can
generate a devastating force!

Keele : No! Meredy, your body can't handle it!

Farah : That's right! If you do that, you'll destroy your soul... ...and become like Shizel!!

Meredy : I know. But, but...I don't mind.

Reid : ...Meredy.

Meredy : I decided. When time came, I would use this power. I decided long before. Meredy
loves everyone. The world where everyone lives... I will save it.

You will see a FMV about the destruction of Eternia.

Meredy : We have to hurry! We have come very far. Do not waste it!!

Keele : Why did you have to be like this?! Lets' do it. Meredy's not gonna change her mind.

Meredy : Keele...

Keele : Meredy... Are you sure?

Meredy : You bet!

Farah : Thank you...Meredy.

Reid : We're not giving up. We're gonna live!! All of you... Stay alive!!

Meredy : Thank you, Keele.

Keele : D...don't be stupid! I should be thanking you.

Meredy : Hmm? Really? ...But, Meredy is happy now... Thank you. Take care...of Quickie.

Quickie : Kweeeky!

Keele will hug Meredy.

Keele : Don't say that! We'll always be together. ...No matter what!

Meredy : ...Thank you.

Reid : Farah, help me! Hold me up.

Farah : O...okay. What's wrong?

Reid : I can't wait to get home... ...to stuff myself with your omelettes!

Farah : Leave it to me!

Reid : All right! Let's do it, Farah! We're going back! Together!!

Farah : Yeah! No problem!

You will see Reid use Divine Aurora and Meredy use Dark Aurora on Seyfert Ring.

Meredy : Nnngggah!

Reid : Meredy?!

Keele will hold Meredy and behind them you will see Shizel.

Shizel : ...Stand back.

Meredy : Baiba!

Keele : Shizel!

Shizel : Meredy, do not fear. Farewells are not the end. We will be together for all eternity.

Shizel will replace Meredy using Dark Aurora on Seyfert Ring.

Meredy : ...Ah.

Shizel : Meredy...

You will see a FMV about the destruction of Seyfert Ring and Reid & Farah falls down toward
Inferia. After that you will see the credits. After it finished, you will see Farah and Reid
in Town of Academia, Mintche. Farah will be in Student Store and after that she ran toward the
port to see Reid.

Farah : Thanks for waiting!

Reid : ...What's that? Some baggage you got there.

Farah : They're souvenirs... I didn't think it would take this much space.

Reid : You're gonna sink the ship!

Farah : No problem! This much should be okay. I hope we can meet them.

Reid : ...Of course.

Farah : ...Yeah. Yeah, we will!

You will see Chat approaching Farah and Reid.

Chat : Do you have everything you need? It looks to be a long trip. We should double-check...
Ahem. I think we ready to go! Let us set sail!!

Farah : Chat, you look happy.

Reid : She'll be meeting her friend. Her cute, little furry friend.

Chat : Wh...wh...who would be friends with such wild animals?! And I'm certainly not excited!

Farah : Okay, okay. There's no need to get all bent out of shape.

Reid : All right! Let's head for Celestia!!

Farah : Yeah!

Chat : Aye aye, sir!

You will see the last FMV about Van Eltia leaving Mintche Port to go to Celestia. Celestia and
Inferia now seperated. You can save your game after the credits finished.

-------------------------------------------THE END--------------------------------------------



| Apple Gel | 100 | 50 | A gelatin-based medicine. Restores HP by 30% of Max. |
| Orange Gel | 200 | 100 | A gelatin-based medicine. Restores TP by 30% of Max. |
| Melange Gel | 1000 | 500 | A gel that restores HP and TP to 30% of Max HP and TP. |
| Lemon Gel | 2500 | 1250 | A gelatin-based medicine. Restores HP by 60% of Max. |
| Miracle Gel | 6000 | 3000 | A gel that restores HP and TP to 60% of Max HP and TP. |
| Pine Gel | 3000 | 1500 | A gelatin-based medicine. Restores TP by 60% of Max. |
| Bellebane | 1600 | 800 | A special herb. Increases Evade by +1. |
| Elixir | 20000 | 10000 | A mysterious potion. Completely restores HP and TP. |
| Lavender | 2000 | 1000 | A special herb. Increases Strength by +1. |
| Savory | 1600 | 800 | A special herb. Increases Max TP by 5%. |
| Tuna Gel | 150 | 75 | A gelatin-based medicine. Periodically regenerates some HP|
| Sage | 1200 | 600 | A special herb. Increases Max HP by 5%. |
| Red Sage | 2000 | 1000 | A special herb. Increases Max HP by 10%. |
| Red Bellebane | 2900 | 1450 | A special herb. Increases Evade by +2. |
| Red Lavender | 3600 | 1800 | A special herb. Increases Strength by +2. |
| Red Savory | 2800 | 1400 | A special herb. Increases Max TP by 10%. |


| Life Bottle | 400 | 200 | Water of life. Revives a dead ally. |
| Panacea Bottle | 160 | 80 | A cure-all medicine. Cures abnormal physical conditions. |
| Holy Bottle | 200 | 100 | A bottle with light sealed within. Temporarily reduces enemy|
| | | | encounter. |
| Dark Bottle | 200 | 100 | A bottle with darkness sealed within. Temporarily increases |
| | | | enemy encounter. |
| Charm Bottle | 2500 | 1250 | A potion that increases charm. Use it in a shop for a 30% |
| | | | discount. |
| Flare Bottle | 600 | 300 | Temporarily increases Attack by 30% and reduces Defense by |
| | | | 20%. |
| Rune Bottle | 4800 | 2400 | A special potion. It can transform items into ??? |
| Syrup Bottle | 1200 | 600 | Protects against Freeze, Poison, and Stun, but reduces |
| | | | Attack by 20%. |
| Miracle Charm | 6000 | 3000 | A very potent bottle of charm. Use it in a shop for a 50% |
| | | | discount. |

4.3 ITEM

| Spectacles | 50 | 25 | A magical lens that scans the enemy's HP and attributes. |
| Water Crystal | 6000 | 3000 | Use on a Craymel. Increases Vitality of a light blue Craymel|
| | | | by +2. |
| Wind Crystal | 6000 | 3000 | Use on a Craymel. Increases Vitality of a green Craymel by |
| | | | +2. |
| Fire Crystal | 6000 | 3000 | Use on a Craymel. Increases Vitality of a red Craymel by +2.|
| Light Crystal | 6000 | 3000 | Use on a Craymel. Increases Vitality of a white Craymel by |
| | | | +2. |
| Volt Crystal | 6000 | 3000 | Use on a Craymel. Increases Vitality of a purple Craymel by |
| | | | +2. |
| Shadow Crystal | 6000 | 3000 | Use on a Craymel. Increases Vitality of a black Craymel by |
| | | | +2. |
| Earth Crystal | 6000 | 3000 | Use on a Craymel. Increases Vitality of a yellow Craymel by |
| | | | +2. |
| Snow Crystal | 6000 | 3000 | Use on a Craymel. Increases Vitality of a blue Craymel by +2|
| Water Shard | 1000 | 500 | Use on a Craymel. Increases Vitality of a light blue Craymel|
| | | | by +1. |
| Wind Shard | 1000 | 500 | Use on a Craymel. Increases Vitality of a green Craymel by |
| | | | +1. |
| Fire Shard | 1000 | 500 | Use on a Craymel. Increases Vitality of a red Craymel by +1.|
| Light Shard | 1000 | 500 | Use on a Craymel. Increases Vitality of a white Craymel by |
| | | | +1. |
| Volt Shard | 1000 | 500 | Use on a Craymel. Increases Vitality of a purple Craymel by |
| | | | +1. |
| Shadow Shard | 1000 | 500 | Use on a Craymel. Increases Vitality of a black Craymel by |
| | | | +1. |
| Earth Shard | 1000 | 500 | Use on a Craymel. Increases Vitality of a yellow Craymel by |
| | | | +1. |
| Snow Shard | 1000 | 500 | Use on a Craymel. Increases Vitality of a blue Craymel by +1|
| Goat Horn | 360 | 180 | Its powdered form can be used as an ingredient for medicine.|
| All-Divide | 2000 | 1000 | Reduces all damages of both allies and enemies by 1/2. |
| Hourglass | 6000 | 3000 | Temporarily freezes enemy movement for a short duration |
| | | | during battle. |
| Silver Cage | | | A silver-colored Craymel Cage. Its size makes it difficult |
| | | | to carry. |
| Losagna's Dress| 1600 | 800 | An old, worn out dress. |
| Face Powder | 400 | 200 | To look your best. |
| Firewood Bug | | | Insects found in Nostos Cave. Often found near a warm glow |
| | | | of fire. |
| Dried Peels | | | One of the ingredient of Banrea. |
| Banrea | | | Pain Reliever made of Firewood Bug, Goat Horn, and Dried |
| | | | Peels. |
| Wind Bell | 800 | 400 | A bell crafted in Rasheans. |
| Crib Sheet | 200 | 100 |Cheating will only take you so far. Don't rely on it too much|
| Button | 160 | 80 | Live by the button. Die by the button. |
| Drama Script | 3000 | 1500 | Read it 5 times to act it. Read it 10 times to be it. |
| Colain's Pot | 600 | 300 | Open it at your own risk. |
| Golden Choker | 2400 | 1200 | A choker worn only by the royal family of Inferia. |

4.4 FOOD

| Amango | 80 | 40 | The official fruit of Celestia. |
| Banana | 50 | 25 | A fruit wrapped in yellow skin. Soft and white inside. |
| Bear Meat | 150 | 75 | Meat of an animal that inhabits Inferia. |
| Beet | 60 | 30 | A red-colored root crop. A necessary ingredient in a borsch.|
| Black Satay | 100 | 50 | Spice found only in Celestia. Use to add a bitter flavor. |
| Bread | 60 | 30 | The aroma is excellent when it is well baked. |
| Cabbage | 60 | 30 | One of the most versatile vegetables around. |
| Carrot | 50 | 25 | A vegetable with a unique shape and color. Tastes sweet when|
| | | | boiled. |
| Cheese | 60 | 30 | Fermented milk. Its scent is not enjoyed by all. |
| Cucumber | 50 | 25 | It turns yellow when heated. Eat it while it's still green. |
| Egg | 50 | 25 | An ingredient used in various cuisines. Also a high source |
| | | | of protein |
| Kirima | 80 | 40 | The official fruit of Inferia. |
| Kiwi | 80 | 40 | An emerald green fruit. Tastes both sweet and sour. |
| Konia | 60 | 30 | It's prepared by simmering powdered konia stem and lime milk|
| Lemon | 60 | 30 | An extremely sour fruit. |
| Lettuce | 60 | 30 | The undisputed King of Salad. |
| Milk | 50 | 25 | Cow milk. A very nutritional drink. |
| Onion | 50 | 25 | A popular vegetable grown around the world. |
| Panyan | 60 | 30 | Celestian noodles prepared by drying noodles marinated in |
| | | | broth. |
| Pasta | 60 | 30 | A general term for spaghetti and macaroni. Also defined as a|
| | | | kneaded product. |
| Potato | 50 | 25 | There are many ways to prepare it. Try it steamed and salted|
| Purple Satay | 200 | 100 | Spice only found in Celestia. Used by the Chef Master as a |
| | | | secret ingredient. |
| Radish | 60 | 30 | One of many ingredients used in a hot pot. |
| Red Satay | 60 | 30 | Spice found only in Celestia. Use to add a touch of flavor. |
| Rice | 100 | 50 |Cooked rice. Steaming it to perfection can be quite difficult|
| Shrimp | 80 | 40 | A sea creature with a hard shell and tender body. |
| Squid | 80 | 40 | Ten legged mollusk feared and nicknamed the Sea Demon in |
| | | | some parts of the world. |
| Strawberry | 80 | 40 | Tasty with milk and cream. An excellent topping on a cake. |
| Tofu | 60 | 30 | Processed soy bean. Known for its soft texture. |
| Tomato | 80 | 40 | A tasty fruit - hot or cold. It can be made into a juice or |
| | | | sauce. |
| Tuna | 200 | 100 | A very popular fish. Those caught during winter are |
| | | | especially tasty. |
| Tusk Meat | 150 | 75 | Meat of an animal that inhabits Celestia. |
| White Satay | 60 | 30 | Spice found only in Celestia. Use to add a little sweetness.|

Amango - Imen, Peruti, Tinnsia, Gnome Village, Van Eltia
Banana - Chambard, Imen, Tinnsia
Bear Meat - Regulus, Mintche, Morle, Inferia City, Barole, Chambard, Van Eltia
Beet - Chambard, Luishka, Gnome Village
Black Satay - Luishka, Peruti, Tinnsia, Gnome Village
Bread - Rasheans, Mintche, Morle, Inferia City, Barole, Chambard, Imen, Tinnsia
Cabbage - Regulus, Morle, Barole, Chambard, Imen, Luishka, Van Eltia
Carrot - Regulus, Morle, Barole, Chambard, Gnome Village, Van Eltia
Cheese - Rasheans, Mintche, Morle, Inferia City, Barole, Chambard, Imen, Peruti, Tinnsia, Van
Cucumber - Morle, Inferia City, Chambard, Imen
Egg - Inferia City, Chambard, Peruti, Tinnsia, Van Eltia
Kirima - Morle, Inferia City, Barole, Chambard, Van Eltia
Kiwi - Chambard, Imen, Peruti, Tinnsia
Konia - Chambard
Lemon - Morle, Inferia City, Barole, Chambard, Van Eltia
Lettuce - Rasheans, Mintche, Morle, Inferia City, Chambard, Imen
Milk - Barole, Chambard, Imen, Peruti, Tinnsia, Van Eltia
Onion - Mintche, Inferia City, Chambard, Luishka, Gnome Village, Van Eltia
Panyan - Peruti, Tinnsia, Gnome Village
Pasta - Barole, Chambard, Peruti, Tinnsia, Van Eltia
Potato - Barole, Chambard, Luishka, Gnome Village, Van Eltia
Purple Satay - Gnome Village, Katz Village
Radish - Chambard
Red Satay - Luishka, Peruti, Gnome Village, Van Eltia
Rice - Mintche, Inferia City, Chambard, Imen, Luishka, Peruti, Tinnsia, Van Eltia
Shrimp - Barole Port, Chambard, Peruti, Van Eltia
Squid - Barole Port, Chambard, Peruti, Van Eltia
Strawberry - Morle, Chambard, Van Eltia
Tofu - Chambard, Luishka
Tomato - Mintche, Inferia City, Chambard, Imen, Luishka, Van Eltia
Tuna - Barole Port, Chambard, Peruti
Tusk Meat - Imen, Luishka, Peruti, Tinnsia, Gnome Village, Van Eltia
White Satay - Imen, Luishka, Peruti, Tinnsia, Gnome Village, Van Eltia


| Collector's Book | A must have for item collectors. Have you recorded everything? |
| Manual | A scripture that unlocks MANUAL control. It teaches the path to |
| | professionalism. |
| Orz Earring | An earring for reading another's heart. Communicate beyond the language |
| | barrier. |
| Inferia Map | A map of Inferia. |
|Monster Collection| A record of monster images and data. Try to complete the collection! |
| Boarding Pass | A ticket to ride on an Inferia ship. Care to take a nice cruise? |
| Sorcerer's Ring | Ring bearing the power of Light Craymel. Press the R1 Button to emit a |
| | beam. |
| Train Cage | Craymel Cage for the Craymel Express. |
| WHIS | A popular game played in Celestia. A very addictive game. |
| Freeze Ring | Ring bearing the power of Ice Craymel. Press the L1 Button to shoot ice |
| | crystals. |
| Miacis Badge | Shileska Rebel badge. Designed with Miacis as the motif. |
| Celestia Map | World map of Celestia. |
| Seyfert Key | A key with special power. It will guide you to the right path. |
| GPS | Calculates the longitude and latitude. One of seven essential pirate |
| | equipment. |
| Celesea Map | Underwater map of Celestia. Who knows what lurks below. |
| Light Sphere | A sphere emitting a faint light. One of Aifread's precious treasures. |
| Insea Map | Inferia's underwater map. Anything interesting down there? |
| Galaxy Stone | The crystals of Ribavius Ore. It looks like a star fragment. |
| Dark Sphere | A sphere of shadow. One of Aifread's precious treasures. |
| S.D. | Destiny can be summoned once every 30 minutes of play. |


Reid can equip Axe, Dagger, Halberd, L-SWORD, Spear and Sword.
Farah can only equip Knuckles.
Meredy can only equip Whistle.
Keele can equip Rod and Mace.
Ras can equip only Sword.
Chat can equip only Bag.
Max can only equip Gun.


Hand Axe
Description : An axe used for hunting.
Buy : 320 Sell : 160
Slash 75 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 60 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Description : An iron axe that is easy to handle.
Buy : 400 Sell : 200
Slash 110 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 70 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Battle Axe
Description : An axe designed specifically for use in battle.
Buy : 1400 Sell : 700
Slash 190 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 60 Accuracy 5 Luck 0

Crescent Axe
Description : An axe with blades in the shape of a crescent moon.
Buy : 2200 Sell : 1100
Slash 300 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 140 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Description : A weapon with jagged blades that can tear apart enemies.
Buy : 8400 Sell : 4200
Slash 410 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 300 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Battle Pick
Description : A weapon with superior destructive power.
Buy : 12400 Sell : 6200
Slash 480 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 200 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Strike Axe
Description : An axe bearing the power of the Volt Craymel.
Buy : 36000 Sell : 18000
Slash 680 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 320 Accuracy -5 Luck 0 Lightning


Chat Bag
Description : A bag stuffed with the power of Craymels.
Buy : 10800 Sell : 5400
Attack 315 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Tote Bag
Description : A charming bag with infinite capacity.
Buy : 11800 Sell : 5900
Attack 400 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Big Bag
Description : A bag fully-loaded with the power of Craymels.
Buy : 19000 Sell : 9500
Attack 480 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Luck Bag
Description : A bag that brings luck and happiness.
Buy : 92000 Sell : 46000
Attack 720 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 30


Short Sword
Description : A simple-shaped sword.
Buy : 200 Sell : 100
Slash 50 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 40 Accuracy 30 Luck 0

Hydra Dagger
Description : A dagger crafted from mystic metal. The blades are extremely sharp.
Buy : 1600 Sell : 800
Slash 160 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 170 Accuracy 30 Luck 0 Water

Assault Dagger
Description : A sharp dagger that is easy to handle.
Buy : 3200 Sell : 1600
Slash 250 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 260 Accuracy 30 Luck 0 Wind

Description : A meticulously crafted steel dagger.
Buy : 8400 Sell : 4200
Slash 320 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 310 Accuracy 20 Luck 0

Gnome Pick
Description : A small hammer made of hard rock.
Buy : 10000 Sell : 5000
Slash 390 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 360 Accuracy 30 Luck 0 Earth

Description : A short dagger made of mythril. A very easy weapon to handle.
Buy : 17600 Sell : 8800
Slash 450 Defense 0 Evade 2 Attribute
Thrust 450 Accuracy 20 Luck 0


Assault Shot
Description : A must have for a warrior at the front line of battle.
Buy : 22000 Sell : 11000
Attack 485 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Plasma Cannon
Description : A destructive weapon that burns everything to ashes.
Buy : 30000 Sell : 15000
Attack 525 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0 Lightning

Grand Magnum
Description : If you want to be cool, this weapon is for you!!
Buy : 40000 Sell : 20000
Attack 610 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Impulse Cannon
Description : A weapon that is simply amazing. Your enemies don't stand a chance!!
Buy : 52000 Sell : 26000
Attack 700 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Photon Ray
Description : A weapon with unparalleled power. It destroys everything in sight.
Buy : 64000 Sell : 32000
Attack 840 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Mega Launcher
Description : For those that demand the best of the best.
Buy : 148000 Sell : 74000
Attack 955 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0


Pole Axe
Description : An axe with attributes of a halberd.
Buy : 1000 Sell : 500
Slash 120 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 120 Accuracy -15 Luck 0

Heavy Grave
Description : A hatchet-spear with smooth wavy blades.
Buy : 2000 Sell : 1000
Slash 220 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 220 Accuracy -10 Luck 0

Description : An excellent weapon with combined attributes of a hatchet and spear.
Buy : 3800 Sell : 1900
Slash 300 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 300 Accuracy -5 Luck 0

War Hammer
Description : A powerful hammer with a wide grip.
Buy : 9000 Sell : 4500
Slash 370 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 370 Accuracy -10 Luck 0

Saint Halberd
Description : A halberd blessed by a supreme god.
Buy : 60000 Sell : 30000
Slash 630 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 630 Accuracy -15 Luck 8

Deck Brush
Description : A mystic brush protected by the Wind Craymel.
Buy : 400 Sell : 200
Slash 200 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 200 Accuracy 30 Luck 8 Wind


Leather Arms
Description : Arms made of tanned leather.
Buy : 500 Sell : 250
Punch 60 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Kick 68 Accuracy 2 Luck 0

Power Arms
Description : Leather arms that increase attack power.
Buy : 400 Sell : 200
Punch 67 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Kick 75 Accuracy 3 Luck 0

Chain Arms
Description : Arms knitted with metallic chain.
Buy : 680 Sell : 340
Punch 90 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Kick 92 Accuracy 5 Luck 0

Iron Arms
Description : Arms made of iron. Well suited for martial arts.
Buy : 1880 Sell : 940
Punch 180 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Kick 165 Accuracy 2 Luck 0

Poison Thorn
Description : A weapon made of poison thorns.
Buy : 1440 Sell : 720
Punch 118 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Kick 125 Accuracy 7 Luck 0

Needle Glove
Description : Leather arms with sharp nails on the tip.
Buy : 2400 Sell : 1200
Punch 210 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Kick 180 Accuracy 5 Luck 0

Description : A weapon made with a venomous snake. It has an added effect of Stun.
Buy : 4000 Sell : 2000
Punch 240 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Kick 215 Accuracy 3 Luck 0

Silver Knuckles
Description : A high performance weapon decorated in silver.
Buy : 7600 Sell : 3800
Punch 275 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Kick 255 Accuracy 10 Luck 0

Bone Knuckles
Description : A weapon made of sharpened bones.
Buy : 8800 Sell : 4400
Punch 300 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Kick 295 Accuracy 2 Luck -6 Shadow

Bear Claw
Description : A weapon that can leave scars reminicent of a bear light.
Buy : 9600 Sell : 4800
Punch 325 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Kick 320 Accuracy 8 Luck 0

Ghost Shell
Description : A weapon cursed by evil spirits.
Buy : 10400 Sell : 5200
Punch 365 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Kick 360 Accuracy 0 Luck -10 Shadow

Crystal Shell
Description : A weapon with mystic crystals attached to the tips.
Buy : 12000 Sell : 6000
Punch 400 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Kick 420 Accuracy 5 Luck 0

Dragon Fang
Description : A weapon with sharp dragon fangs attached to the tips.
Buy : 18800 Sell : 9400
Punch 470 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Kick 440 Accuracy 10 Luck 0

Mythril Arms
Description : Arms entirely made of mythril metal.
Buy : 40000 Sell : 20000
Punch 515 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Kick 530 Accuracy 5 Luck 0

Flare Arms
Description : Arms bearing the power of the Fire Craymel.
Buy : 66000 Sell : 33000
Punch 580 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Kick 620 Accuracy 7 Luck 0 Fire

Diamond Fist
Description : A weapon with diamonds attached to the tips.
Buy : 140000 Sell : 70000
Punch 660 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Kick 635 Accuracy 7 Luck 0

Omni Weapon
Description : An unusual weapon known to grant wishes.
Buy : 176000 Sell : 88000
Punch 800 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Kick 805 Accuracy 7 Luck 10 Light


Steel Sword
Description : A sword made of extremely tough iron.
Buy : 2400 Sell : 1200
Punch 330 Defense 0 Evade -2 Attribute
Kick 240 Accuracy -20 Luck 0

Great Sword
Description : A steel sword crafted by a master craftsman.
Buy : 6600 Sell : 3300
Punch 390 Defense 0 Evade -3 Attribute
Kick 370 Accuracy -20 Luck 0

Soul Eater
Description : A sword known to eat the souls of those slain by it.
Buy : 11200 Sell : 5600
Slash 490 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 430 Accuracy -30 Luck 0 Shadow

Dragon Vein
Description : A sword for slaying dragons. The blades sparkle even after battle.
Buy : 52000 Sell : 26000
Slash 670 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 650 Accuracy -30 Luck 0 Shadow

Mystic Sword
Description : A sword with a mystic gleam. It is protected by the Water Craymel.
Buy : 150000 Sell : 75000
Slash 865 Defense 5 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 840 Accuracy -10 Luck 0 Water


Description : A mace with a metallic lump on the tip.
Buy : 1200 Sell : 600
Attack 110 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Star Mace
Description : A magic mace that leaves a trail of stars in its wake.
Buy : 56000 Sell : 28000
Attack 650 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 5 Accuracy 0 Luck 5 Elemental


Description : A simple rod made of ribbon.
Buy : 400 Sell : 200
Attack 40 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Gem Rod
Description : A rod decorated with a cheap gem on the tip.
Buy : 3200 Sell : 1600
Attack 200 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Ruby Wand
Description : A wand decorated with a ruby on the tip.
Buy : 7200 Sell : 3600
Attack 260 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Skull Staff
Description : A staff with an eerie skeleton on the tip.
Buy : 11200 Sell : 5600
Attack 380 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 5 Accuracy 0 Luck -10

Holy Staff
Description : A staff blessed by a god.
Buy : 33600 Sell : 16800
Attack 480 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 8 Light

Crystal Rod
Description : A supreme rod used by an ancient Craymel Mage.
Buy : 75000 Sell : 37500
Attack 740 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0


Short Spear
Description : A standard spear made of iron.
Buy : 300 Sell : 150
Slash 50 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 85 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Long Spear
Description : An extra long spear equipped by the Imperial Guards.
Buy : 500 Sell : 250
Slash 66 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 130 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Description : A pole-shaped weapon. It is nicknamed the Wind Spear.
Buy : 1500 Sell : 750
Slash 80 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 230 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Short Lance
Description : A weapon with a comfortable handle.
Buy : 1920 Sell : 960
Slash 100 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 220 Accuracy 5 Luck 0

Description : A finely sharpened fork-tip spear made of copper.
Buy : 2960 Sell : 1480
Slash 155 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 260 Accuracy 10 Luck 0

Arc Wind
Description : A spear of wind. One swing of the spear causes a gust of wind.
Buy : 3200 Sell : 1600
Slash 170 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 320 Accuracy 5 Luck 0 Wind

Description : A spear crafted to resemble Undine's weapon.
Buy : 6400 Sell : 3200
Slash 240 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 400 Accuracy 0 Luck 0 Water

Ogre Lance
Description : Fang-like blades can tear apart an enemy with a single blow.
Buy : 9600 Sell : 4800
Slash 300 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 450 Accuracy 5 Luck 0 Earth

Demon Javelin
Description : A spear bloodied in many previous wars.
Buy : 12000 Sell : 6000
Slash 320 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 520 Accuracy 5 Luck 0 Shadow

Dragger Lance
Description : A lance rumored to possess the power to slay a dragon with a single blow.
Buy : 42000 Sell : 21000
Slash 400 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 680 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Flame Spear
Description : A spear bearing the power of the Fire Craymels.
Buy : 64000 Sell : 32000
Slash 500 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 780 Accuracy 0 Luck 0 Fire


Long Sword
Description : A sword made of 3 feet of iron.
Buy : 300 Sell : 150
Slash 70 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 70 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Description : A sword crafted and designed for slashing.
Buy : 520 Sell : 260
Slash 105 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 85 Accuracy 5 Luck 0

Knight Saber
Description : A saber crafted for use by the royal knights.
Buy : 1600 Sell : 800
Slash 150 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 130 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Bastard Sword
Description : A long one-handed sword.
Buy : 2000 Sell : 1000
Slash 180 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 175 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Description : A curved sword.
Buy : 3000 Sell : 1500
Slash 260 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 200 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Nimble Rapier
Description : A thin sword that can slice like the wind.
Buy : 3600 Sell : 1800
Slash 200 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 320 Accuracy 10 Luck 0

Saint Rapier
Description : A holy sword designed for thrust attack.
Buy : ??? Sell : ???
Slash 100 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 200 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Dao Blade
Description : A sword with hatchet blades.
Buy : 4400 Sell : 2200
Slash 295 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 285 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Description : A sword with blades that resemble flames.
Buy : 6000 Sell : 3000
Slash 320 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 320 Accuracy 0 Luck 0 Fire

Saw Saber
Description : A sword crafted with blades that resemble a saw.
Buy : 8000 Sell : 4000
Slash 355 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 350 Accuracy 5 Luck 0

Earth Blade
Description : A sword bearing the power of earth.
Buy : 10000 Sell : 5000
Slash 410 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 405 Accuracy 0 Luck 0 Earth

Description : A tool of destruction. Increases the probablity of a critical hit.
Buy : 12000 Sell : 6000
Slash 440 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 440 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Ice Coffin
Description : A sword that bearing the name of an ice seal.
Buy : 16000 Sell : 8000
Slash 475 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 460 Accuracy 15 Luck 0 Ice

Ogre Sword
Description : A sword crafted and polished to its finest.
Buy : 20000 Sell : 10000
Slash 500 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 470 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Voltic Sword
Description : A lightning sword made of seven unique blades.
Buy : 40000 Sell : 20000
Slash 550 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 565 Accuracy 10 Luck 0 Lightning

Description : A legendary sword that emits light. A possession of an ancient hero.
Buy : 160000 Sell : 80000
Slash 615 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 590 Accuracy 0 Luck 5 Light

Flame Sword
Description : A sword with blades of fire.
Buy : 60000 Sell : 30000
Slash 610 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 605 Accuracy 5 Luck 0 Fire

Ninja Sword
Description : A sword once held by a legendary ninja girl.
Buy : 128000 Sell : 64000
Slash 740 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 720 Accuracy 10 Luck 0

Vorpal Sword
Description : A sword with a shiny blue blade.
Buy : 120000 Sell : 60000
Slash 735 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Thrust 710 Accuracy 0 Luck 0 Water

Last Fencer
Description : A sword crafted with Ribavius ore.
Buy : 200000 Sell : 100000
Slash 765 Defense 0 Evade 3 Attribute
Thrust 758 Accuracy 10 Luck 5


Description : A whistle blown to signal a command.
Buy : 300 Sell : 150
Attack 35 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy -3 Luck 0

Chirp Whistle
Description : A cute whistle in the shape of a chick.
Buy : 1320 Sell : 660
Attack 100 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy -5 Luck 5

Bird Whistle
Description : A whistle that chirps like a bird.
Buy : 1640 Sell : 820
Attack 160 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Pretty Whistle
Description : A whistle sounded before battle.
Buy : 3160 Sell : 1580
Attack 200 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 8

Memory Whistle
Description : A silver whistle that was lost a long time ago.
Buy : 8000 Sell : 4000
Attack 300 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Description : A trumpet played before battle. It can raise morale.
Buy : 17600 Sell : 8800
Attack 460 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Twinkle Flute
Description : A flute that plays a tone as beautiful as the twinkling stars.
Buy : 48000 Sell : 24000
Attack 580 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 3 Accuracy 0 Luck 8

Eternia Melody
Description : A legendary whistle that plays a love melody for eternity.
Buy : 76000 Sell : 38000
Attack 750 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 5 Accuracy 0 Luck 0 Time



Soft Leather
Description : An armor made of softened 2-layer leather. Mobility is not hindered.
Buy : 300 Sell : 150
Attack 0 Defense 2 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Hard Leather
Description : An armor made of layers of durable leather.
Buy : 400 Sell : 200
Attack 0 Defense 4 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Description : An armor that only covers the chest to enhance mobility.
Buy : 1560 Sell : 780
Attack 0 Defense 7 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Chain Mail
Description : An upper body armor made of thick metallic chain mail.
Buy : 1900 Sell : 950
Attack 0 Defense 10 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Ring Mail
Description : An upper body armor made of extremely thick metallic chain mail.
Buy : 3500 Sell : 1750
Attack 0 Defense 13 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Splint Mail
Description : An upper body chain mail armor with a metal chest plate.
Buy : 8000 Sell : 4000
Attack 0 Defense 15 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Plate Mail
Description : A metallic plate armor that completely covers the upper body.
Buy : 12000 Sell : 6000
Attack 0 Defense 18 Evade -3 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Description : An armor made of small metallic plates. The joints are protected by chain mail.
Buy : 16800 Sell : 8400
Attack 0 Defense 22 Evade -3 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Silver Plate
Description : A full body armor completely composed of metal.
Buy : 36000 Sell : 18000
Attack 0 Defense 28 Evade -5 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Mythril Plate
Description : A plate armor made of mythril, a meatl with mysterious power.
Buy : 60000 Sell : 30000
Attack 0 Defense 37 Evade -3 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Rare Plate
Description : A masterpiece crafted by a master craftsman.
Buy : 72000 Sell : 36000
Attack 0 Defense 38 Evade -5 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Description : An armor protected by the Deity of Earth.
Buy : 136000 Sell : 68000
Attack 0 Defense 42 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0 Earth, Ice, Lightning, Shadow

Golden Armor
Description : An armor of an ancient legendary hero.
Buy : 160000 Sell : 80000
Attack 0 Defense 49 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0 Water, Wind, Fire, Light

Farah + Meredy + Chat

Description : Cloak made of durable cloth.
Buy : 200 Sell : 100
Attack 0 Defense 5 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Silk Cloak
Description : Cloak made of silk. Wear it for the refined look.
Buy : 1840 Sell : 920
Attack 0 Defense 10 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 1 Accuracy 0 Luck 2

White Cloak
Description : A cloak that can be worn only by those with a pure heart.
Buy : 1480 Sell : 740
Attack 0 Defense 8 Evade 5 Attribute
Intelligence 1 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Amber Cloak
Description : Cloak decorated in amber.
Buy : 7800 Sell : 3900
Attack 0 Defense 10 Evade 10 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Silver Cloak
Description : A cloak made of silver threads.
Buy : 33600 Sell : 16800
Attack 0 Defense 16 Evade 7 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Holy Cloak
Description : A cloak blessed by a supreme god.
Buy : 52000 Sell : 26000
Attack 0 Defense 25 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 5

Mythril Mesh
Description : A cloak made of threads processed from mythril metal.
Buy : 60000 Sell : 30000
Attack 0 Defense 35 Evade 5 Attribute
Intelligence 2 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Keele + Ras + Max

Description : A robe made of thick cloth.
Buy : 300 Sell : 150
Attack 0 Defense 12 Evade 1 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Feather Robe
Description : A feather-light robe.
Buy : 1560 Sell : 780
Attack 0 Defense 9 Evade 3 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 2

Misty Robe
Description : A robe made of cloth, thin as mist.
Buy : 1440 Sell : 720
Attack 0 Defense 14 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Crystal Robe
Description : A robe decorated with crystals.
Buy : 4200 Sell : 2100
Attack 0 Defense 12 Evade 2 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Bloody Robe
Description : A bloody-red robe.
Buy : 8800 Sell : 4400
Attack 0 Defense 14 Evade 5 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0 Shadow

Scale Robe
Description : A robe made from scales of a rare fish. Protects against Poison and Weak.
Buy : 36000 Sell : 18000
Attack 0 Defense 22 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Moon Robe
Description : A robe embroidered with moon stones that emits light.
Buy : 60000 Sell : 30000
Attack 0 Defense 28 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 3 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Spirit Robe
Description : A valuable robe protected by all Craymels.
Buy : 140000 Sell : 70000
Attack 0 Defense 34 Evade 5 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0 All Elemental


Reid + Max

Leather Helm
Description : A helmet that protects only the head.
Buy : 240 Sell : 120
Attack 0 Defense 1 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Iron Helm
Description : A helmet made of iron.
Buy : 1000 Sell : 500
Attack 0 Defense 3 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Ahmed Helm
Description : An iron helmet that covers the face and head.
Buy : 1440 Sell : 720
Attack 0 Defense 5 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Cross Helm
Description : A refined version of the Ahmet Helm.
Buy : 3600 Sell : 1800
Attack 0 Defense 10 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Duel Helm
Description : A gift given to a hero in an ancient land.
Buy : 5000 Sell : 2500
Attack 0 Defense 14 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Mythril Helm
Description : A helmet made of mythril, a metal with mysterious power.
Buy : 8400 Sell : 4200
Attack 0 Defense 18 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 2 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Golden Helm
Description : A possession of an ancient monarch.
Buy : 44000 Sell : 22000
Attack 0 Defense 24 Evade 5 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Farah + Meredy

Description : A red ribbon.
Buy : 200 Sell : 100
Attack 0 Defense 2 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Blue Ribbon
Description : A blue ribbon.
Buy : 2800 Sell : 1400
Attack 0 Defense 5 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Striped Ribbon
Description : A ribbon with stripes.
Buy : 5200 Sell : 2600
Attack 0 Defense 9 Evade 5 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Tartan Ribbon
Description : A ribbon with a checkered tartan pattern.
Buy : 10000 Sell : 5000
Attack 0 Defense 16 Evade 10 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Pretty Ribbon
Description : A very charming ribbon.
Buy : 36000 Sell : 18000
Attack 0 Defense 20 Evade 5 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 5


Description : A silver circlet with embroidered patterns.
Buy : 760 Sell : 380
Attack 0 Defense 1 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 4 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Gold Circlet
Description : A circlet made of gold. Eaises your level of concentration.
Buy : 3560 Sell : 1780
Attack 0 Defense 2 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 8 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Mythril Circlet
Description : A circlet made of mythril, a metal with mysterious power.
Buy : 8000 Sell : 4000
Attack 0 Defense 3 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 12 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Holy Circlet
Description : A circlet embroidered with words of a deity.
Buy : 56000 Sell : 28000
Attack 0 Defense 4 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 18 Accuracy 0 Luck 5


Aifread's Hat
Description : A hat of the legendary pirate, Aifread.
Buy : 8800 Sell : 4400
Attack 0 Defense 12 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Pirate's Hat
Description : A simple, traditional hat for pirates.
Buy : 17400 Sell : 8700
Attack 0 Defense 18 Evade 6 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Captain's Hat
Description : An ultimate hat that bears the history and spirit of pirates.
Buy : 39600 Sell : 19800
Attack 0 Defense 24 Evade 12 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0



Lid Shield
Description : Fire resistant kitchenware. It can also be used as shield.
Buy : 100 Sell : 50
Attack 0 Defense 2 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0 Fire

Wooden Shield
Description : A shield made of durable wood.
Buy : 200 Sell : 100
Attack 0 Defense 3 Evade 1 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Description : A small iron shield.
Buy : 460 Sell : 230
Attack 0 Defense 4 Evade 2 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Apple Shield
Description : A mystical apple-shaped shield.
Buy : 800 Sell : 400
Attack 0 Defense 0 Evade 10 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 5

Round Shield
Description : An extremely durable circular shield.
Buy : 1600 Sell : 800
Attack 0 Defense 9 Evade 3 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Kite Shield
Description : A metallic shield in the shape of a kite.
Buy : 4000 Sell : 2000
Attack 0 Defense 13 Evade 5 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Storm Shield
Description : A shield that protects against Wind Craymels.
Buy : 800 Sell : 400
Attack 0 Defense 6 Evade 3 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0 Wind

Square Shield
Description : A shield that protects against Fire Craymels.
Buy : 2400 Sell : 1200
Attack 0 Defense 6 Evade 8 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0 Fire

Omega Shield
Description : A shield bearing the omega symbol. It has a healing effect,
Buy : 5200 Sell : 2600
Attack 0 Defense 10 Evade 4 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Fine Shield
Description : An excellent shield reinforced with two layers of metal.
Buy : 6000 Sell : 3000
Attack 0 Defense 18 Evade 8 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Red Shield
Description : A shield that will raise your fighting spirit.
Buy : 16000 Sell : 8000
Attack 0 Defense 28 Evade 4 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Rare Shield
Description : Richly decorated shield. Its quality is topnotch.
Buy : 60000 Sell : 30000
Attack 0 Defense 10 Evade 28 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 5

Star Shield
Description : A shield in the shape of a star. It protects against Shadow Craymels.
Buy : 30000 Sell : 15000
Attack 0 Defense 30 Evade 10 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0 Shadow

Chaos Shield
Description : A shield bearing a red cross.
Buy : 40000 Sell : 20000
Attack 0 Defense 40 Evade 2 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck -5

Beam Shield
Description : A shield with peculiar color and shape. Hidh defensive ratings.
Buy : 50000 Sell : 25000
Attack 0 Defense 32 Evade 12 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Farah + Meredy + Keele + Ras + Chat + Max

Description : A cloth band used for wiping off sweat.
Buy : 240 Sell : 120
Attack 0 Defense 1 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Description : A wristband made of iron.
Buy : 1320 Sell : 660
Attack 0 Defense 3 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Description : A bracelet made of silver.
Buy : 3360 Sell : 1680
Attack 0 Defense 5 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Gold Bracelet
Description : A bracelet made of gold.
Buy : 9600 Sell : 4800
Attack 0 Defense 8 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Lapis Bracelet
Description : A bracelet with lapis lazuli attached.
Buy : 33600 Sell : 16800
Attack 0 Defense 11 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 2 Accuracy 0 Luck 2

Diamond Armlet
Description : An armlet made of diamonds.
Buy : 36000 Sell : 18000
Attack 0 Defense 14 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Mythril Bracelet
Description : A bracelet made of mythril, a metal with mysterious power.
Buy : 44000 Sell : 22000
Attack 0 Defense 22 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 2 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Farah + Meredy + Chat

Kitchen Mitten
Description : A mitten for cooking and holding pot.
Buy : 3560 Sell : 1780
Attack 0 Defense 5 Evade 5 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0 Fire

Pretty Mitten
Description : A very pretty mitten.
Buy : 14800 Sell : 7400
Attack 0 Defense 9 Evade 2 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 10

Cute Mitten
Description : A very charming mitten.
Buy : 40000 Sell : 20000
Attack 0 Defense 15 Evade 5 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 5 Luck 5


Description : A generic cape made of cloth. Standard equipment for rookies.
Buy : 30 Sell : 15
Attack 0 Defense 1 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Thief's Cape
Description : The cape of choice for pirates.
Buy : 2400 Sell : 1200
Attack 0 Defense 5 Evade 5 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Poison Charm
Description : Protects against HP reducing poison and TP reducing Weak.
Buy : 6000 Sell : 3000
Attack 0 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0 Water

Mental Bracelet
Description : Defeat an enemy to recover 3% of the TP.
Buy : 24000 Sell : 12000
Attack 0 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Description : A protective charm. Increases Defense by 5%.
Buy : 16000 Sell : 8000
Attack 0 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Reverse Doll
Description : A voodoo doll that automatically resurrects you from the dead.
Buy : 642 Sell : 321
Attack 0 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Leather Cape
Description : A cape made of leather. Standard equipment for adventurers.
Buy : 100 Sell : 50
Attack 0 Defense 3 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Magic Mist
Description : A crystal with smoke sealed within. Increases getaway speed by 50%.
Buy : 6000 Sell : 3000
Attack 0 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Stun Charm
Description : A charm that protects against Stun.
Buy : 24000 Sell : 12000
Attack 0 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0 Lightning

Mental Ring
Description : A ring that eases the mind. Periodically regenerates TP by 1% of Max.
Buy : 40000 Sell : 20000
Attack 0 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Protect Ring
Description : A ring with an engraving of a war god. Reduces physical damage by 10%.
Buy : 16000 Sell : 8000
Attack 0 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Inferi Cape
Description : Protects against Craymels of Inferia, but weak against Earth, Ice, and
Buy : 20000 Sell : 10000
Attack 0 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0 Water, Wind, Fire

Elven Boots
Description : Super light boots. Improve movement speed during battle.
Buy : 16000 Sell : 8000
Attack 0 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Combo Command
Description : Execute special techniques by inputting commands.
Buy : 12000 Sell : 6000
Attack 0 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Black Onyx
Description : A jewel that increases Max HP by 30%.
Buy : 32000 Sell : 16000
Attack 0 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Flare Cape
Description : A cape that reduces Fire Elemental damage by 30%
Buy : 16000 Sell : 8000
Attack 0 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0 Fire, Earth

Warrior Symbol
Description : A warrior's crest. Increases Strength by 10%.
Buy : 20000 Sell : 10000
Attack 0 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Emerald Ring
Description : A ring with special power. Reduces TP consumption by 1/3.
Buy : 56000 Sell : 24000
Attack 0 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Heal Bracelet
Description : Defeat an enemy to recover 8% of the HP.
Buy : 24000 Sell : 12000
Attack 0 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Rabbit's Foot
Description : A rabbit's foot. Increases Luck by +30.
Buy : 20000 Sell : 10000
Attack 0 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 30

Moon Crystal
Description : A jewel that increases Max TP by 30%.
Buy : 36000 Sell : 18000
Attack 0 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Blue Talisman
Description : A protective charm. Increases Defense by 10%.
Buy : 32000 Sell : 16000
Attack 0 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Freeze Charm
Description : A charm that prevents Freeze.
Buy : 20000 Sell : 10000
Attack 0 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0 Ice

Resist Ring
Description : A ring with an engraving of a goddess. Reduces Elemental Attack damage by 10%.
Buy : 28000 Sell : 14000
Attack 0 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0 Water, Wind, Fire, Earth, Ice, Lightning, Light, Shadow

Aqua Cape
Description : A cape that reduces Water and Ice Elemental damage by 30%
Buy : 16000 Sell : 8000
Attack 0 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0 Water, Ice

WakeUp Charm
Description : A charm that reduces the duration of unconsciousness by 1/2.
Buy : 28000 Sell : 14000
Attack 0 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Technical Ring
Description : Enables you to control Quickie while you are in the GUARD position.
Buy : 12000 Sell : 6000
Attack 0 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Holy Symbol
Description : A holy relic that periodically regenerates 5% of Max HP.
Buy : 40000 Sell : 20000
Attack 0 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Celesti Cape
Description : Protects against Craymels of Celestia, but weak against Water, Wind, and Fire.
Buy : 20000 Sell : 10000
Attack 0 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0 Earth, Ice, Lightning

Thunder Cape
Description : A cape that reduces Lightning Elemental damage by 30%
Buy : 16000 Sell : 8000
Attack 0 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0 Wind, Lightning

Description : Increases Attack considerably, but Defense is equally decreased.
Buy : 52000 Sell : 26000
Attack 300 Defense -200 Evade -20 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 20 Luck 0

Description : Sculpture of a goddess. Equip to earn twice as much Gald.
Buy : 33000 Sell : 16500
Attack 0 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Faerie Ring
Description : A ring with an engraving of a faerie. Reduces TP consumption by 1/2.
Buy : 96000 Sell : 48000
Attack 0 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Krona Symbol
Description : It protects against all abnormalities.
Buy : 80000 Sell : 40000
Attack 0 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Force Ring
Description : A ring with an engraving of a war god. Reduces physical damage by 20%.
Buy : 48000 Sell : 24000
Attack 0 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Drain Charm
Description : Prevents infirmities including decline in Accuracy, Defense, and Spell Casting.
Buy : 36000 Sell : 18000
Attack 0 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0 Shadow

Elven Cape
Description : A super light cape. Increases Defense, Evade, and Luck.
Buy : 16000 Sell : 8000
Attack 0 Defense 12 Evade 10 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 20

Smash Cape
Description : A cape that increases your charm. Receive extra bonus for Technical Smash.
Buy : 16000 Sell : 8000
Attack 0 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Pico Revenge
Description : A Pow Hammer will randomly appear when you receive damage.
Buy : 50000 Sell : 25000
Attack 0 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Description : Press the GUARD Button immediately after an enemy blow to reduce the damage.
Buy : 64000 Sell : 32000
Attack 0 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Mystic Symbol
Description : A mysterious emblem. Reduces the time it takes to cast a spell.
Buy : 60000 Sell : 30000
Attack 0 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Reflect Ring
Description : A ring with an engraving of a goddess. Reduces Elemental Attack damage by 20%.
Buy : 48000 Sell : 24000
Attack 0 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0 Water, Wind, Fire, Earth, Ice, Lightning, Light, Shadow

Demon's Seal
Description : Exp. Earned is doubled, but its curse can cause abnormalities.
Buy : 246 Sell : 123
Attack 0 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Description : A deadly weapon that emits three different levels of energy.
Buy : 60000 Sell : 30000
Attack 0 Defense 0 Evade 0 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0

Jet Boots
Description : Boots that increase walking speed. Increases movement speed during battle.
Buy : 24000 Sell : 12000
Attack 0 Defense 8 Evade 8 Attribute
Intelligence 0 Accuracy 0 Luck 0


Description : Combination of bread and broiled meat patty. Restores minimal ally HP.
Ingredients : Bread, Bear Meat, Lettuce

Description : Layers and layers of your favorite topping. Restores some ally HP.
Ingredients : Bread, Cheese, Lettuce

Seafood Pasta
Description : A spaghetti full of an assortment of sea creatures. Restores large amount of
ally HP.
Ingredients : Pasta, Shrimp, Squid, Tomato

Fruit Juice
Description : A juice full of vitamins and natural sweetness. Restores minimal ally TP.
Ingredients : Kirima, Lemon, Strawberry

Garden Salad
Description : A bowl full of all kinds of vegetables. Restores some ally TP.
Ingredients : Lettuce, Cucumber, Tomato

Description : An exquisite combo of strawberries and cream. Restores large amount of ally TP.
Ingredients : Egg, Milk, Kirima, Strawberry

Description : Squid fried to perfection in oil. Restores minimal ally HP. Cures Poison.
Ingredients : Squid, Cabbage, Lemon

Description : Combination of bread and broiled meat patty. Restores minimal ally HP.
Ingredients : Bread, Bear Meat, Lettuce

Beef Stew
Description : A pot full of boiled meat. Temporarily increases Attack. Restores minimal ally
Ingredients : Bear Meat, Carrot, Cabbage

Fish Stew
Description : A standard dish of seafarers. Temporarily increases Defense. Restores minimal
ally HP.
Ingredients : Squid, Tuna, Cabbage, Raddish

Description : An egg-based dish loved by both children and adults. Cures all abnormal states.
Ingredients : Rice, Egg, Onion

Pot Pie
Description : A baked delight. Restores minimal ally HP. Temporarily increases Accuracy.
Ingredients : Pasta, Milk, Shrimp, Cheese

Description : A type of pasta rich in protein. Restores large amount of ally HP and TP.
Ingredients : Pasta, Egg, Cheese, Milk, Bear Meat

Cream Stew
Description : Serve it hot! Restores large amount of ally HP. Cures all abnormalities.
Ingredients : Bear Meat, Milk, Carrot, Potato, Onion

Honey Ramen
Description : A combination of noodles and secret soup. Restores minimal ally HP.
Ingredients : Panyan, Cabbage, White Satay

Broiled Snadwich
Description : Toasty, rich, and filling! Restores some ally HP.
Ingredients : Rice, Tusk Meat, Onion, Black Satay

Cold Noodles
Description : Great for those sizzling hot days. Restores large amount of ally HP.
Ingredients : Panyan, Egg, Tusk Meat, Cucumber, Red Satay

Fruit Cocktail
Description : A bowl full of color and sweetness. Restores minimal ally TP.
Ingredients : Milk, Amango, Banana, White Satay

Spicy Shrimp
Description : The shrimps will tingle your taste buds! Restores some ally TP.
Ingredients : Shrimp, Tomato, Red Satay

Sweet Parfait
Description : A symphony of various fruits. Restores large amount of ally TP.
Ingredients : Milk, Banana, Amango, Kiwi, White Satay

Hot Borsch
Description : Stew of passion. Don't forget the beet! Restores some ally HP. Cures Infirmity.
Ingredients : Beet, Cabbage, Potato, Red Satay

Bitter Tofu
Description : Bitter but good. Restores minimal ally TP. Temporarily increases Defense.
Ingredients : Tofu, Tusk Meat, Red Satay, Black Satay

Hot Pot
Description : Hot! Hot! Hot! Restores minimal ally TP. Temporarily increases Attack.
Ingredients : Egg, Radish, Konia, Red Satay

Chili Potato
Description : Sweet and spicy! Restores minimal ally TP. Temporarily increases resistance.
Ingredients : Potato, Onion, Carrot, Red Satay

Description : Seafood lover's delight. Restores minimal ally TP. Temporarily increases
Ingredients : Rice, Tuna, Shrimp, Black Satay

Hot Curry
Description : Golden combination that hits the spot. Restores large amount of ally HP and TP.
Ingredients : Tusk Meat, Carrot, Potato, Rice, Red Satay

Sweet Rice
Description : Mom's sweet cookin'. Restores large amount of ally HP. Removes all
Ingredients : Tusk Meat, Tomato, Onion, Rice, White Satay

Fruit Sandwich
Description : A great source of vitamins. Completely restores ally HP/TP.
Ingredients : Bread, Strawberry, Kiwi, Milk, Purple Satay

Nutrition Drink
Description : A drink packed with nutrients. Completely restores ally TP. Cures Poison.
Ingredients : Tusk Meat, Tomato, Lemon, Beet, Purple Satay

Power Noodles
Description : One bite and you'll be fully charged! Completely restores all HP. Cures
Ingredients : Panyan, Rice, Bear Meat, Onion, Purple Satay

Seafood Stew
Description : Simply the best stew. Completely restores all HP/TP. Removes all abnormalities.
Ingredients : Tusk Meat, Tuna, Squid, Konia, Radish, Purple Satay

Potato Casserole
Description : A down home way to cook a potato. Increases ally Max HP by +1.
Ingredients : Tusk Meat, Tuna, Squid, Konia, Radish, Purple Satay

Mabo Curry
Description : Harmonious combination of popular dishes. Increases ally Max TP by +1.
Ingredients : Rice, Tusk Meat, Tomato, Kirima, Tofu, Purple Satay

Spicy Soup
Description : Pasta and soup combo. Restores some ally HP. Temporarily increases Accuracy.
Ingredients : Pasta, Carrot, Onion, Bear Meat, Purple Satay

Tuna Paella
Description : Seafood Galore! Temporarily increases Attack/Defense. Restores some ally HP.
Ingredients : Rice, Shrimp, Squid, Tuna, Purple Satay

Dark Pot
Description : A pot full of mysterious secrets. Unknown effects.



Sonic Blade
Description : Attack the enemy with sonic ripples. An effective skill for mid-range attack.
TP : 4

Lightning Blade
Description : The enemy is slashed and struck with lightning.
TP : 4

Description : The enemy is showered with multiple thrusts.
TP : 7

Demon Hammer
Description : The enemy is slashed from above and below.
TP : 6

Demon Lightning Hammer
Description : Sacred Skill that combines Demon Hammer and Lightning Blade.
TP : 10

Spiral Attack
Description : The enemy is sucked into a violent spin and trashed.
TP : 10

Neosonic Swarm
Description : Sacred Skill that combines Sonic Blade and Swarm.
TP : 10

Twin Sonic Blade
Description : Sonic Blade x2.
TP : 8

Tempest Strike
Description : The enemy above is struck by spinning blades.
TP : 9

Super Lightning Blade
Description : The enemy is struck by a combination of lightning and wind shear.
TP : 8

Neo Swarm
Description : The enemy is showered with multiple thrusts.
TP : 12

Demon Twist
Description : Demon Hammer x2.
TP : 9

Megasonic Thrust
Description : Sacred Skill. Repeatedly emit sonic ripples at the enemy.
TP : 15

Sonic Chaos
Description : Sacred Skill. A more powerful form of Sonic Blade.
TP : 15

Demon Spiral Hammer
Description : Sacred Skill that combines Spiral Attack and Demon Hammer.
TP : 20

Neo Tempest Swarm
Description : Sacred Skill that combines Neo Swarm and Tempest Strike.
TP : 24

Omega Tempest Strike
Description : The enemy is sheared by a vacuum formed by the spinning of the blades.
TP : 14

Aurora Wall
Description : Press Attack + Skills + Defend Button to activate. Use only when HP is blinking.
TP : 50

Omega Demon Chaos
Description : Sacred Skill. Thrash from above and below for a total of 8 strikes.
TP : 40

Rising Phoenix
Description : Sacred Skill. Thrust into the air shrouded in flames.
TP : 40

Aurora Sword
Description : A god-like skill performed in conjunction with Aurora Wall.
TP : 100

Aurora Wave
Description : The final resolution. Continue pressing the Attacks + Skills + Defend Button.
TP : 50


Palm Strike
Description : Chi is gathered in the palms and emitted with force. Link the attack with other
TP : 4

Triple Blossom
Description : Attack the enemy with three consecutive kicks.
TP : 6

Sonic Fist
Description : Combination fist attack.
TP : 8

Swallow Dance
Description : Rise into air with each consecutive attack.
TP : 7

Description : Restores minimal HP of an ally.
TP : 12

Description : Cure Poison and Weak.
TP : 4

Eagle Dive
Description : Dive into the enemy from above. Link with other attack skills.
TP : 8

Rising Dragon Strike
Description : The enemy is blasted into the air with a powerful eruption.
TP : 12

Twin Palm Strike
Description : Chi is gathered in the fists and thrust into the enemy with deadly force.
TP : 12

Description : Evade enemy attack, like leaves drifting in the wind.
TP : 10

Description : Resurrect a dead ally.
TP : 50

Super Sonic Fist
Description : Sonic Fist performed at warp speed.
TP : 18

Death Blossom
Description : Combination of dive kick and Triple Blossom.
TP : 12

Super Swallow Dance
Description : Swallow Dance is combined with an additional powerful blow.
TP : 13

Eagle Rage
Description : Rise far above and dive into the enemy with a destructive force.
TP : 30

Description : Blast the enemy with a massive concentration of energy force.
TP : 20


Description : Spear-shaped rocks are thrust up from below. Earth Arte.
TP : 7

Ice Needles
Description : Strike the enemy with needles of ice. Ice Arte.
TP : 6

Description : Shower the enemy with lightning. Craymel Arte of lightning.
TP : 7


Aqua Edge
Description : Slice the enemy with the force of water. Water Arte.
TP : 4
Wind Blade
Description : Shear the enemy with a blast of wind. Wind Arte.
TP : 7

Description : Shoot multiple fireballs at the enemy/ Fire Arte.
TP : 7


Neo Swarm
Description : The enemy is showered with multiple thrusts.
TP : 12

Super Lightning Blade
Description : The enemy is struck by a combination of lightning and wind shear.
TP : 8

Dragon Swarm
Description : Sacred Skill. The enemy is repeatedly slashed over and over.
TP : 12

Dragon Flash
Description : Sacred Skill. The enemy is hit with a flash of destructive power.
TP : 16


Pow Hammer
Description : It can sometimes cause KO.
TP : 12

Rover Tool
Description : A must have tool of pirates.
TP : 15

Toss Hammer
Description : It can sometimes cause Poison.
TP : 16

Ice Hammer
Description : It can sometimes cause Freeze.
TP : 20

Eternal Hammer
Description : Eternity needs no explanation.
TP : 60

Para Ball
Description : It can sometimes cause Stun.
TP : 16


Burning Force
Description : The enemy is shot with a large fireball.
TP : 20

Air Blade
Description : The enemy is shot with a spinning ball of energy.
TP : 24

Aqua Spiral
Description : The enemy is speared by intense water pressure.
TP : 28

Rage Laser
Description : The enemy is doused with light energy.
TP : 34

Dark Laser
Description : Concentration of dark energy is unleashed on the enemy with deadly force.
TP : 40

Elemental Master
Description : A skill that combines the energy of all of the Craymels to emit a powerful
TP : 72


Description : The enemy is shredded by whirling water. Water Arte.
TP : 9

Description : Restores HP of an ally. Water Arte.
TP : 16

Acid Rain
Description : The acid reduces the enemy's resistance. Water Arte.
TP : 10

Description : Restores all ally HP. Water Arte.
TP : 42

Description : Restores HP of an ally. Water Arte.
TP : 32

Description : Revives a dead ally. Water Arte.
TP : 96

Undine (Water Craymel)
Description : Water of life shall not protect those that cause harm.
TP : 30


Air Thrust
Description : Shear the enemy with multiple blades of wind. Wind Arte.
TP : 12

Description : Increases Accuracy of an ally. Wind Arte.
TP : 6

Description : Engulf the enemy in a twister. Wind Arte.
TP : 44

+Item Plus
Description : Power up. Additional bonus is awarded after a Technical Smash.

+Medical Plus
Description : Power up. Additional +5% HP restored when Craymel Arte is used during battle.

Sylph (Wind Craymel)
Description : Those engulfed in the whirlwind are dropped into an abyss of doom.
TP : 40


Description : Surround the enemy in scalding magma. Fire Arte.
TP : 18

Description : Increases Attack of an ally.
TP : 6

Flame Wall
Description : Set a falme trap in front of the enemy. Fire Arte.
TP : 12

Description : Swallow the enemy in a massive explosion. Fire Arte.
TP : 36

Efreet (Fire Craymel)
Description : Raging hands of inferno will burn everything in sight.
TP : 50


Description : Massive boulders are jetted out from below. Earth Arte.
TP : 18

+Mental Charge
Description : Power up. Restore +1% of all ally TP at the end of the battle.

Ground Dasher
Description : Destructive forces of earth are brought to life. Earth Arte.
TP : 48

+Mental Supply
Description : Power up. TP is restored according to the amount of damage received.

+Life Rescue
Description : Power up. HP is automatically restored as it decreases.

Gnome (Earth Craymel)
Description : Forces of earth are summoned to protect its soils.
TP : 60


Freeze Lancer
Description : The enemy is showered with spears of ice. Ice Arte.
TP : 21

+Freeze Guard
Description : Power up. Protects against Freeze.

Description : Increases Defense of an ally. Ice Arte.
TP : 6

Description : Raise forth a fierce snow storm. Ice Arte.
TP : 20

Description : Freeze the enemy with an ultra cold blast. Ice Arte.
TP : 30

Celsius (Ice Craymel)
Description : Blades of ice will punish all in their path.
TP : 70


Thunder Blade
Description : Tear apart the enemy with blades of lightning. Lightning Arte.
TP : 24

Description : Cure abnormal status of an ally. Lightning Arte.
TP : 6

Description : Share your TP with an ally. Defeating the enemy restores TP. Lightning Arte.
TP : 100

+Stun Guard
Description : Power up. Protects against Stun.

Description : The enemy is engulfed in a lightning storm. Lightning Arte.
TP : 52

Volt (Lightning Craymel)
Description : There is no escaping the web of electromagnetic pulse.
TP : 80


Deep Mist
Description : Shroud the enemy in mist that reduces the enemy attack accuracy. Dark Arte.
TP : 6

Description : Increase Defense of an ally. Dark Arte.
TP : 6

Dark Force
Description : Wrap the enemy in a barrier of darkness. Dark Arte.
TP : 32

Bloody Howl
Description : The enemy is shredded by a screaming curse. Dark Arte.
TP : 72

Shadow (Dark Craymel)
Description : All are invited to the depths of dark.
TP : 90


Meteor Swarm
Description : Call forth meteors to strike the enemy. Elemental Arte.
TP : 60

+Posion Guard
Description : Power up. Protects against Poison.

+Life Up
Description : Power up. +2 Bonus HP at level up.

Maxwell (Elemental Craymel)
Description : The power of all elements combined. The flames of judgement shall arise.
TP : 100


Description : The enemy is showered with numerous heat rays. Light Arte.
TP : 30

Description : Power up. Defeating an enemy restores some HP.

Holy Bliss
Description : Gradually regenerates HP and heals the last damage received. Light Arte.
TP : 8

Holy Lance
Description : The enemy is showered with numerous spears of light. Light Arte.
TP : 52

Rem (Light Craymel)
Description : The sacred light saves only those that follow the holy path.
TP : 90


Description : Time is distorted to erase enemy existence. Time Arte.
TP : 63

Description : The enemy's chant is delayed by distorting time. Time Arte.
TP : 60

+Drain Guard
Description : Power up. Protects against Weak.

+Mental Up
Description : Power up. Bonus +1 TP at level up.

Description : The enemy's recovery time is delayed. Time Arte.
TP : 16

Sekundes (Time Craymel)
Description : And so, time freezes...
TP : 150


Destiny (Outside Force)
Description : And so turns the wheel of life...
TP : 200

4.13 LENS

These are the items you'll get by talking to Irene in Chambard(Inferia) & Tinnsia(Celestia).
10 -> Combo Command
20 -> Inferi Cape
30 -> Celesti Cape
40 -> Extreme
50 -> Krona Symbol
60 -> the title of Lens Hunter for Reid


Far Away Village, Rasheans
- Search the yellow box at the basement of Reid's house
- Search the door of the abandoned windmill, first screen from the entrance

Regulus Dojo
- Search the thing next to the vase inside the far right room at the dojo
- Search the table inside the second room from the right at the dojo

Town of Academia, Mintche
- Search the left tree near the two girls who play mini-game Craymel Ball
- Search the machine inside Water Craymel Laboratory, second floor of Mintche University

Mt. Mintche Observatory
- Search the box at the bottom left of the screen

Nostos Cave
- Search the wood inside the cave two screens above from the dead man and three eggbears.

Treetop Village, Morle
- Search the fireplace of Mazet's house

Undine Stream
- Search the the hidden tree near the shallow water at the first screen

Forest of Temptation
- Search the root behind the middle statue(Great Deity)

Inferia City
- Search the plant near the stairs inside Imperial Playhouse
- Search the drawer beside the bed inside the guest's room of Inferia Castle
- Search the paper south of the telescope inside Observation Room, fifth floor of Royal
Observatory of Astronomy

Port of Inferia
- Search the barrel near the ship which go to Port Barole

Port Barole
- Search the box near the stairs

City of Trade, Barole
- Search the gold vase near the entrance of Shop of Desire

Sylph Cavern
- At the area with three routes and the middle route will make you fall down to the bottom
search the right edge of the screen

World Map
- A little south west from Sylph Cavern, go to the bottom left edge of this continenet and
you will get a Lens
- Go to northwest of Chambard to an island then go to the left edge of this island to get
a Lens
- Choose the 2nd class of the ship ride and search the jars in the room next to your room

City of Scorched Sand, Chambard
- Search the horse statue behind the Balloon Master
- Search the table at the second floor of Chambard Bistro

Efreet Gorge
- Get from the chest inside the bottom door in the area with three doors

Farlos Sanctuary
- Search the wardrobe inside the bedroom, the left room inside the sanctuary


Cape Fortress
- Search the upper right screen above the stairs to get a Lens

City of Craymel, Imen
- Search the glass table at the living room of Meredy's house

Gnome's Village
- Search the lower left of Gnome's Village for a Lens.

- Search the box below the stove inside the furthest left room at Basement Level 4
- Search the crate above the vegetable crate inside the furthest right door at Basemenet
Level 1

Van Eltia
- Search the engine from the upper left screen in the Machine Room of Van Eltia

Mt. Celsius
- Search the snowpile where you fell down and where you can get Sage, Battle Pick and
Miracle Gel

Port City, Peruti
- Search the tree at upper left screen
- Search the cart with crabs inside

City of Craymel, Imen (destroyed)
- Search the display case inside Bupumu : Imen

City of Artisans, Tinnsia
- Search the statue near Lesitia below Adetusu : Tinnsia

Shileska's Hideout
- Search the chest inside Max's office

Ruins of Volt
- Search the stone tablet at the first screen where you can see three doors

Baril Castle
- Search the barrel at Baril Castle Port
- Get from the chest at the right wing tower

Seyfert Shrine
- Search the right light bulb

Aifread's Cavern
- Search the crate near the entrance
- In the room where you can find Aifread's statue, search the anchor

Van Eltia (remodeled)
- Search the barrel at Viewing Deck
- Search the left submarine with blue glass.

City of Joy, Jini
- Search the slot machine at Casino & Exchange
- Search the table at upper right corner of Auction Hall
- Search the upper right heater of Dance Hall

Aifread's Platform
- Search the middle panel

Inferia's Hideout 3(141,1)
- Search the plant near the chests

Tomb of Aifread
- Search the box at upper left screen at Oriental section near the bridge where you will
be attacked by Kappa.

Mt. Farlos
- Search the stonepile behind the Load Crystal at the top of the mountain


Rasheans Forest
- Search the back of the left most broken piece of Meredy's ship

Craymel Hot Spring
- Search the barrel with hot water at the entrance
- Search the thing at upper screen where the brush is at men's room

World Map
- Use Aibird and go to GPS(160,131) in Inferia

Katz Village
- Search the pot near the ladder at the first house
- Search the pot beside the sink at pink house in the second screen where Reid slept



Far Away Village, Rasheans
- Search the pink pig inside the bottom left house from Farah's house -> Sandwich
- Search the armor in Traveller's Shop -> Omelette

Regulus Dojo
- Search the strange yellow thing at the second floor of Regulus Inn -> Beef Stew

Town of Academia, Mintche
- Search the red flower inside the Cafeteria -> Hamburger

Treetop Village, Morle
- Search the small pumpkin inside Treetop -> Garden Salad
- Search the treasure chest at the second floor of Mazet's house -> Fruit Juice

Inferia City
- Search the second vase near the man at 2nd floor of Hotel Inferia -> Cream Stew
- Search the plant near the left entrance of Imperial Playhouse

Port of Inferia
- Search the blue anchor inside Angler -> Fish Stew

Port Barole
- Search the box near the sea(water) -> Calamari

City of Trade, Barole
- Search the red man drinking at the second floor of Scaroni Grill -> Steak
- Search the wooden cupboard at the upper right screen inside the bedroom of Barole Inn ->
Pot Pie

City of Scorched Sand, Chambard
- Search the bed at upper screen inside the bedroom of Chambard Inn -> Carbonara Pasta
- Search the bottle near the left stairs of Chambard Bistro -> Seafood Pasta


City of Craymel, Imen
- Search the robot in the living room of Meredy's house -> Sweet Rice
- Search the white book at the upper left of the Library -> Fruit Cocktail

Ruined Village, Luishka
- Search the green thing near the bed of Galenos's mansion -> Bitter Tofu
- Search the wooden box near the ruined house, second screen from the entrance -> Hot

- Search the clock in the place where you fell asleep -> Honey Ramen

Port City, Peruti
- Search the stove inside Fusua : Peruti -> Spicy Shrimp
- Search the snowman inside the right room upstairs of Peruti Inn -> Sushi
- Search the monk statue near the pond -> Cold Noodles

City of Artisans, Tinnsia
- Search the cat statue inside Ship Chandler -> Broiled Sandwich
- Search the red thing at the upper left screen inside Hotel Tinnsia -> Sweet Parfait

City of Joy, Jini
- Search the gaming machine at upper left corner Casino & Exchange -> Hot Pot
- Search the picture at upper left corner of Auction Hall -> Chili Potato
- Search the frog at the bookstore -> Hot Curry

You can get all the recipes left by mastering all the recipe you got from Wonder Chef.


You can use Rune Bottle to transform items into something better or equal.

------ -----
------ -----
Apple Gel Lemon Gel
Aqua Cape Thunder Cape
Bellebane Lavender
Black Onyx Moon Crystal
Blue Talisman Warrior Symbol
Charm Bottle Miracle Charm
Combo Command Step Ring
Dark Bottle Holy Bottle
Earth Shard Earth Crystal
Elven Cape Smash Cape
Faerie Ring Mystic Symbol
Fire Shard Fire Crystal
Flare Cape Aqua Cape
Force Ring Reflect Ring
Heal Bracelet Mental Bracelet
Holy Bottle Dark Bottle
Holy Symbol Mental Ring
Lavender Bellebane
Lemon Gel Pine Gel
Light Shard Light Crystal
Melange Gel Miracle Gel
Mental Bracelet Heal Bracelet
Mental Ring Holy Symbol
Miracle Gel Elixir
Moon Crystal Black Onyx
Mystic Symbol Faerie Ring
Orange Gel Pine Gel
Panacea Bottle Life Bottle
Pine Gel Lemon Gel
Protect Ring Resist Ring
Red Sage Red Savory
Red Savory Red Sage
Reflect Ring Force Ring
Resist Ring Protect Ring
Reverse Doll Sephira
Sage Savory
Savory Sage
Sephira Reverse Doll
Shadow Shard Shadow Crystal
Smash Cape Elven Cape
Snow Shard Snow Crystal
Step Ring Combo Command
Technical Ring Step Ring
Thief's Cape Elven Cape
Thunder Cape Flare Cape
Tuna Tuna Gel
Volt Shard Volt Crystal
Water Shard Water Crystal
Wind Shard Wind Crystal


Katrine & Pierre

You can find them at these places :
- The place where you can play mini-game Craymel Ball at Town of Academia, Mintche
- Treetop, the house beside Morle Inn at Treetop Village, Morle
- Barole Bookstore at City of Trade, Barole
- Cafetaria if you take first class shipride
- Bikini at City of Scorched Sand, Chambard
- Scaroni Grill at City of Trade, Barole


You can get this side quest if you talk to Khamrai at Far Away Village, Rasheans in Disc 2 or
3. But you can only finish this side quest at disc 3 after you got Aibird.

The ingredients for Banrea are :
- Firewood Bugs -> search the firewood at camp point inside Nostos Cave
- Goat Horn -> defeat Falsea Horns in Mt. Farlos
- Dried Peels -> bring 15 Kirimas and pay 600 Gald to take a hot bath at Craymel Hot Spring

Now go back to Rasheans and talk to the old man in front of the barn. He will brew the
ingredients and you will get Banrea. Now go to the Elder's house. He will give you Wind Bell
for the reward.

Dark Wings

Dark Wings is a group like Shileska but they are not famous like Shileska and lack of people.
They are travelling all the world to get followers.

Dark Wings are consist of 3 peoples. They are :
- The Dark Panther, John
- The Dark Rose, Millie
- The Dark Dragon King, Grid

You can find them at these places :
- City of Joy, Jini -> Jini Hotel
- Efreet Gorge -> the fourth screen from the entrance
- Forest of Temptation -> the screen with 5 Deity
- Sylph Cavern -> guard post
- Inferia City -> Imperial Playhouse

Ticket Puncher

To get this side quest, go to Luishka Station and talk to the conductor. He will asked for
your help to get his Ticket Puncher at Imen Station. So go to Imen Station and talk to the
conductor here. He will say the location in Melnics language. To understand this word go to
the Library of City of Craymel, Imen. Choose the characters of this order : 1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 2.
The word is Bonsai. Keele will search the Bonsai in the library and you will get Ticket
Puncher. Now go back to Luishka Station and talk to the conductor again. You will get a
Sephira for your hard work.

Grip Sword

This is how to get and finish the sidequest :
1. Talk to the old man in front of Arena in Inferia City.
2. Talk to the woman in the middle screen in front of Seyfert Sanctuary.
3. Talk to the man up the stairs inside Imperial Playhouse
4. Talk to the guy at upper right screen in the place where you can see Inferia Hotel
5. Talk to the soldier inside the Arena at Area 3 in front of the left lady.
6. Talk again to the old man in front of the arena.

You will get Smash Cape for the reward.

Last Fencer

You can get this sword in Disc 3 after getting Galaxy Stone from Regulus Knoll. Talk to
Zosimos and he will mention that Ribavius Ore is a good material to make a weapon. Then go to
City of Craymel, Imen and talk to Sagura. After that go in and out the city for five times and
you will get Last Fencer from Sagura.


She is a painter and Max's wife. She travels all the world to make a painting.

You can find her at these places :
- Peruti Port
- Tinnsia
- Cape Fortress
- Luishka
- Jini at night(remove Max from your party)

You will get Canceller from Lesitia.

Van Eltia

As you progress in the game, you'll acquire a ship, the Van Eltia. You can travel the sea all
over the world. This ship is owned by Chat, the granddaughter of Aifread, the famous pirate.
And later in the game you will upgrade Van Eltia, this time you can use Aifish to travel
underwater all over the world. You will upgrade the ship at Aifread Cavern.

Later in the game after you activate the Bridge of Expedition, you can find Aifread Statue in
Orbus Relay Station. There are 2 slots beside the statue to put Light Sphere and Dark Sphere.
You can get Light Sphere at Aifread Tomb and Dark Sphere at Shizel Castle. Look at my walkthru
for more details. You can upgrade Van Eltia after you put both spheres at Aifread Statue. The
upgraded Van Eltia will have Aibird, with this you can access all the places in the world
where before you can't access it.

You can fill the empty cabin with something useful if you go to Ship Chandler in Tinnsia
(Celestia) and Angler in Inferia Port(Inferia).

The Ship Chandler in Tinnsia has these options :
1. Empty Cabin - 170,000 Gald
2. Shop - 300,000 Gald
3. Inn - 900,000 Gald
4. Warp Station - 1,800,000 Gald

The Angler in Inferia Port has these options :
1. Empty Cabin - 170,000 Gald
2. Infirmary - 1,000,000 Gald
3. Inn - 300,000 Gald
4. Game Room - 800,000 Gald

Secret Places

- Behind Regulus Dojo, you can find a big round green plain. If you walk around, you will go
to a screen where you can find old soldier who will teach you Range Attack command.
- You can get a Poison Charm if you go north from Undine Stream and walk inside the area
surrounded by mountains.
- Near the Treetop Village of Morle, if you go N through the opening in the mountains then go
straight W, there will be a deadend near the end of the shoreline. If you walk into the
corner of the deadend, you'll be taken to a forest background with a man who will teach you
the Focus Attack command.
- A little bit northwest from Barole, there is a small opening surrounded by mountain. Here
you can find Wind Shard and Wind Crystal.
- A little bit north from Barole, there is a small opening surrounded by mountain. Here you
can find a woman who sells only Strawberry.
- A little south west from Sylph Cavern, go to the bottom left edge of this continenet and
you will get a Lens.
- A little bit west from Mt. Mintche, there was a forest and an open area surronded by forest
and forest and mountain. Go to the open area to get Rune Bottle from the pouch.
- In the Middle of the Largest Island at the northwest corner of the Map, Northwest of
Barole. You'll find a Savory and a Lavender.
- A little bit to the west of Port of Inferia at the cape, you can find an old man who
telling you there's a girl who can ride Drake the Dragon.
- Go to the middle of the only forest you can find in Farlos to get Back Attack command from
the old soldier.
- Go to northwest of Chambard to an island then go to left edge of this island and get a Lens
and Front Attack command from the old soldier.
- Small island south of Efreet Gorge has Syrup Bottle and Life Bottle.
- Hideout 1(76,123) -> 12240 Gald, Savory, Water Shard, Diamond Armlet, Volt Shard, Holy
- Hideout 2(119,122) -> Skill Ice Hammer for Chat, Fire Shard, 2x Rune Bottle, Hourglass,
8415 Gald, Sage
- Hideout 3(141,1) -> Ninja Sword, Earth Shard, 2x Rune Bottle, Lavender, 10710 Gald
Search the plant near the chests to get a Lens
- Hideout 4(226,130) -> Rune Bottle, Elixir, 9945 Gald, Snow Shard, Bellebane, Wind Shard
- GPS(186,33) -> Tomato
- GPS(211,32) -> Pine Gel, Lemon Gel
- GPS(121,54) -> Kirima
- GPS(182,89) -> Water Crystal, Water Shard
- GPS(187,140) -> Flare Cape
- GPS(226,90) -> Rune Bottle
- GPS(160,131) -> a Lens, must use Aibird

- GPS(227,162) -> Rune Bottle
- GPS(228,120) -> Miracle Charm
- GPS(203,76) -> Volt Shard, Volt Crystal
- GPS(217,70) -> Red Bellebane, Red Lavender
- GPS(177,31) -> 4000 Gald
- GPS(187,14) -> Thunder Cape
- GPS(183,130) -> Skill Toss Hammer for Chat
- GPS(131,117) -> Quick Attack command
- GPS(52,153) -> Snow Crystal, Snow Shard
- GPS(60,126) -> a Lens
- GPS(15,10) -> Shrimp
- GPS(82,38) -> Rush Attack command
- GPS(72,48) -> Amango
- Hideout 1(56,112) -> Silver Cage 1, S.D. after finish Glimmer Spire
- Hideout 2(152,164) -> Silver Cage 2
- Hideout 3(167,112) -> Silver Cage 3
- Hideout 4(228,41) -> Silver Cage 4
- Hideout 5(3,151) -> Silver Cage 5


- For making a great game

2. CjayC
- For posting my faq

3. Denny Yuniarta
- For telling me you can get items if you make all the deity facing down

4. Chris Solomon
- For telling me how to get Focus Attack command

5. Dandy Gesyuniar
- For telling me how to get Ribbon at Regulus Dojo

6. WeiZhien
- For telling me how to get Rapier from Nostos Cave

7. Edhan Han
- For telling me how to get Range Attack command

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Craymel Artes FAQ

15.Oktober 2013
Debug Feature Guide

16.Oktober 2013
Spielstand nach dem Endgegner. Viele Gegenstände und Eigenschaften sind vorhanden.

17.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013
Monster Collection FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Ende des Spiels (Disk 3)

17.Oktober 2013
Geheimniss und Orte FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Wonder Chef FAQ

16.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
NTSC 2 PAL Patch für die US Version.

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