Command & Conquer - Red Alert 2 - Yuri's Revenge

Command & Conquer - Red Alert 2 - Yuri's Revenge

16.10.2013 07:41:02
Yuri's Revenge FAQ/walkthrough/strategy guide
Written by Nadia Varkovsky (
Last updated January 18, 2002 (Final Version)

First of all, I would like to proudly dedicate this FAQ to Grace Yeo. I
love you :)
Secondly, this FAQ is also dedicated for those RA2 players out there.
Thank you very much for all your support. This FAQ would not have been
written without all your help and contributions.


1. Updates
2. Introduction
3. Game overview
4. New Units and Structures

A. Allied units

B. Allied structures

C. Soviet units

D. Soviet structures

E. Yuri's units

F. Yuri's structures

G. Tech Buildings

5. Walkthrough

A. Allied campaign:
Mission 1: Operation Time Lapse
Mission 2: Operation Hollywood and Vain
Mission 3: Operation Power Play
Mission 4: Operation Tomb Raided
Mission 5: Operation Clones Down Under
Mission 6: Operation Trick or Treaty
Mission 7: Operation Brain Dead

B. Soviet campaign:
Mission 1: Operation Time Shift
Mission 2: Operation Deja Vu
Mission 3: Operation Brain Wash
Mission 4: Operation Romanov on the Run
Mission 5: Operation Escape Velocity
Mission 6: Operation To The Moon
Mission 7: Operation Head Games

6. Credits


1. Updates

October 12, 2001: Just started the FAQ today. I had put the format in
and managed to finish the Soviet walkthrough. More will probably be
coming tomorrow or I might resort to my Commandos 2 FAQ... (Version

October 14, 2001: Finished the walkthrough for the Allied missions at
quarter past twelve in the morning. The last mission was quite tough
but it doesn't prove to be a challenge once the trick had been
discovered... Should be starting the new units' descriptions soon as
well as continuing my Commandos 2 walkthrough. (Version 1.1)

October 22, 2001: School starts again tomorrow... Not much update these
last few days because I focused on my Commandos 2 walkthrough and my
holiday homework. (Version 1.2)

December 8, 2001: I know I haven't updated the walkthrough for so long.
I finished most of my school coursework and now I only need to focus on
exams which leave me some more time to tend to my walkthrough. I
finished most of the units and structures descriptions except the tech
buildings section. That'll have to wait I guess since I'm about to
start another walkthrough on Return to Castle Wolfenstein. :) (Version

January 18, 2002: Finally finish the walkthrough by adding the "Tech
Structure" section after MIA for more than a month. Since my mock exam
is starting next week, my RTCW walkthrough will have to be delayed for
another two weeks. See you all in Return to Castle Wolfenstein! Auf
wiedersehen! :) (Final Version)


2. Introduction

Please note that I'm very busy with schoolwork (I'm a grade 12 student)
and updates may be very slow. I will try to update as often as I can
but the major ones will only come during weekends. This is my second
FAQ so I hope you will forgive me on any mistakes and errors. If you
have any critics, suggestions, comments and things to add, don't
hesitate to email me at
One more thing, this FAQ is protected by the international Copyright
Law so if there's anyone who wants to post this FAQ in his or her site,
YOU HAVE TO LET ME KNOW FIRST!!! I've heard many stories about people
plagiarizing other people's FAQ to make money and believe me, writing
FAQ is not easy and to you know how it feels if your hard work is used
by other people. So for all plagiarizers out there, be warned that if
you do anything to my FAQ, I SWEAR THAT I WON'T LET YOU OFF THAT


3. Game Overview

Red Alert 2 is one of the best RTS games ever created (in my opinion at
least). Everything was just amazing!!! The units and structures are
absolutely fantastic and equally balanced on both sides. The heart-
thumping music just adds to the excitement of the game whether you're
playing in the single player mode or battling other people online. And
on top of that, the cut scenes are absolutely superb which will engross
you deeper in the storyline...


4. Units and Structures



Guardian GI
Cost: 400
Weapon: M60 heavy machine gun (undeployed) and anti-tank missile
Armor: Flak (light)
Sight: 6
Speed: 3
Veteran abilities: stronger, faster, increased sight, increased
firepower and rate of fire
Elite abilities: self heal, stronger, increased firepower and rate of
Prerequisite: Barracks
Tech level: 2

This is the advanced version of the basic GI. This un-crushable unit is
the key to allied success. Using its awesome assault rifle it can
demolish a group of GIs in seconds. When deployed he can take out
planes, tank, and automobiles with his anti-tank missile. When you have
these guys spread though your base your enemy may think again when he


Battle Fortress
Cost: 2000
Weapon: 20mm heavy machine gun
Strength: 600
Armor: Heavy
Sight: 6
Speed: 4
Veteran abilities: stronger, faster, increased sight and firepower
Elite abilities: self heal, stronger, increased firepower and rate of
Prerequisite: War Factory, Battle Lab
Tech level: 10

When the allies saw the Soviet Apocalypse tank, they wanted something
better. Going into battle with out its heavy machine gun, it may look
like an easy target. But when they rush it, say tank rush no more. This
could also be considered as an IFV update because it also acts as a
transport. It can carry up to 5 units, equivalent to the Soviet flak
track. As a bonus the units inside the unit can fire from inside the
tank while in combat.

Robot Tank
Cost: 800
Weapon: Short-range rocket pods
Strength: 180
Armor: Heavy
Sight: 6
Speed: 10
Veteran abilities: stronger, faster, increased sight and firepower
Elite abilities: self heal, stronger, increased firepower and rate of
Prerequisite: War Factory, Robot Control Center
Tech level: 2

This is the allied version on the Soviet terror drone. The robot tank
is the result of anti-tank research. The speed of this tank makes it a
vehicle suitable for hit-and-run. It is immune to psychic power,
hovers, can go over water!


Robot Control Center
Cost: 600
Strength: 600
Armor: Light
Sight: 6
Power: -100
Prerequisite: War Factory
Tech Level: 10

The Robot Control Center is basically used to house the Robot Tanks you
build. One thing to remember is that if your base becomes low on power
the Tanks are just a piece of metal that can't move. So make sure you
have adequate power!



Cost: 1000
Weapon: AKM machine gun, flare gun
Strength: 200
Armor: Flak (light)
Sight: 9
Speed: 5
Veteran abilities: stronger, ability to scatter, increased sight,
increased firepower and rate of fire
Elite abilities:
Prerequisite: Radar Tower, Battle Lab
Tech level: 9

Boris, Boris, Boris... Brave, agile and cool-headed on the battlefield.
What else could you want? Boris's elite snaking ability makes it nice
and easy for dropping air strikes on enemy bases. His trusty AKM make
ground attacks a little bit easier on him. But when it comes to
structures, one push with his laser designator, and an air strike of
MiGs will come to drop some bombs.


Siege Chopper
Cost: 1400
Weapon: 160mm heavy machine gun and 155mm Black Hawk cannon
Strength: 300
Armor: Light
Sight: 7
Speed: 12
Veteran abilities: stronger, faster, increased sight and firepower
Elite abilities: self heal, stronger, increased firepower and rate of
Prerequisite: War Factory, Battle Lab
Tech level: 10

Soviet intelligence has developed air capability with the Soviet love
for heavy-duty firepower. Using its machine gun, The Siege Chopper uses
it to harass enemy units. When it is on the ground it deploys a 155mm
cannon, making it easy to take out crucial enemy structures. This heavy
duty flying piece of steel is a helpful hand to any Soviet attack

Spy Plane
Cost: Free with radar tower
Weapon: Spy camera
Strength: 400
Armor: Light
Sight: 0
Speed: 15
Veteran abilities: None
Elite abilities: None
Prerequisite: Radar Tower
Tech level: N/A

When the Soviets were left without a reasonable map gathering unit, the
spy plane was created. What is so unique about this unit is that it is
free, just like the American paratroopers. All you have to do is select
a target when its ready and it will film and take away the shroud of
the area for a short amount of time. This is useful for finding the
enemy's base and their weaknesses. It's also a vital scouting tool
since it's available early in the game.

D. Soviet structures

Battle Bunker
Cost: 500
Strength: 600
Armor: Heavy
Sight: 1
Power: N/A
Prerequisite: Construction Yard
Tech Level: 1

This new defensive structure, it is a garrison-able building that is
capable for holding up to 5 conscripts. The Battle Bunker keeps your
defensive line held up. It is a solid defense against any enemy's
ground forces.

Industrial Plant
Cost: 2500
Strength: 1000
Armor: Light
Sight: 4
Power: -200
Prerequisite: Battle Lab
Tech Level: 10

To enhance the economy, the Soviet developed this costly, but
worthwhile structure. This building cuts the cost of vehicles by 25%
while also decreasing vehicle build time by 25%. This is a key
structure to getting your frontline assault team faster than your

E. Yuri's units


Cost: 200
Weapon: Psychic blast bolt
Strength: 100
Armor: None
Sight: 9
Speed: 4
Veteran abilities: stronger, faster, increased sight, firepower and rate
of fire
Elite abilities: self-heal, stronger, increased firepower and rate of
Prerequisite: Barracks
Tech level: 1

Yuri's basic infantry unit costs just as much as the allied GI, but
dishes out more damage at the cost of range. However, they are
excellent in buildings and can dice up anything on land when
garrisoned. With the cloning vats they are only $100 and can easily be
mass-produced, just watch out for mass-infantry killers like Navy
SEALS. Snipers can also pick off Initiates with ease, so make sure they
have some sort of backup.

Cost: 700
Weapon: Viral dart gun
Strength: 100
Armor: None
Sight: 9
Speed: 4
Veteran abilities: stronger, faster, increased sight, firepower and
rate of fire
Elite abilities: self-heal, stronger, increased firepower and rate of
Prerequisite: Barracks, Psychic Sensor
Tech level:

This female sniper is the only female soldier in Yuri's Revenge, and
she comes with quite a sting. Her sniper rifle has less range than that
of the famed English snipers, but her shots have a side effect - any
infantry shot will balloon up with toxic gas and explode, and the gas
will spread, damaging anything in its path. However, just like the
English snipers she is helpless against vehicles and structures, so she
must have some sort of support. Brutes and Initiates combined with a
few Virus snipers can be very hard to stop.

Cost: 500
Weapon: Big hands
Strength: 200
Armor: Flak (light)
Sight: 8
Speed: 6
Veteran abilities: stronger, faster, increased sight, firepower and
rate of fire
Elite abilities: self-heal, stronger, increased firepower and rate of
Prerequisite: Barracks
Tech level: 5

This hulking mass of muscle is Yuri's toughest infantry unit. Un-
crushable, immune to psychics, and fast for his size, the brute carries
no weapon other than himself, and that is all he needs. He uses his
fists to destroy enemy troops, and is most effective against enemy
tanks. He is also fairly good vs. infantry, but due to his lack of
range he is not the best choice vs. infantry. Against structures he
does not fair so well, and pillboxes/sentry guns take down brutes very
quickly. Overall they are Yuri's best unit against tanks, and a single
brute can take on almost any tank in the game and win, save for anti-
infantry tanks (such as the tesla tank) and apocalypse tanks/battle

Cost: 500
Weapon: Bomb defusing kit
Strength: 75
Armor: None
Sight: 4
Speed: 4
Veteran abilities: None
Elite abilities: None
Prerequisite: Barracks
Tech Level: 1

Engineers can repair your damaged buildings back to full health again.
They also can repair destroyed bridges. Just order them to go into the
bridge hut and the bridge will be automatically repaired.
Not only that, you can also tell them to defuse Crazy Ivan's bombs by
targeting the affected units or structures.
However, the most useful feature is probably their ability to capture
buildings. Just order them to enter the intended building and it will
be yours straight away. They are also needed to capture neutral Tech
Buildings for your own benefits.

Yuri Clone
Cost: 800
Weapon: Mind control and psi-wave
Strength: 100
Armor: None
Sight: 12
Speed: 4
Veteran abilities: stronger, faster, increased sight, firepower and
rate of fire
Elite abilities: self-heal, stronger, increased firepower and rate of
Prerequisite: Barracks, Psychic Sensor
Tech Level: 10

Yuri clones are duplicates of the original Yuri, and they have the same
mind-control ability as he does. However, they can only mind-control
units, and their range is less than that of Yuri Prime/Yuri X. Be
careful with them on the battlefield, strategic use of Yuri Clones can
turn the tide of battle, but they are also a fragile unit and can do
nothing against robotic units and units that are immune to mind-
control. He does have a short-range psychic blast but it does take a
few seconds to recharge, and due to its range it should not be relied
on as a "weapon."

Yuri Prime
Cost: 1500
Weapon: Super mind control and psi-wave
Strength: 150
Armor: None
Sight: 9
Speed: 6
Veteran abilities: stronger, faster increased sight and firepower
Elite abilities: self-heal, stronger, increased firepower and rate of
Prerequisite: Barracks, Battle Lab
Tech Level: 10

Yuri's hero unit is, well, Yuri himself. He is similar to the Yuri
clone except he cannot be crushed, and he also has slightly better
range. He mind-control structures, and once that structure is mind-
controlled, you can use it in any way you want to. If you mind-control
an allied barracks, you can produce allied infantry. Soviet vehicles
can be produced from a Soviet war factory. However, if Yuri Prime is
destroyed while the building is under mind-control or the target is
changed, the building reverts to its original side. You can also sell
enemy structures... mind control construction yard-sell, war factory-
sell, radar-sell, etc. Since you get two Yuri Primes with the cloning
vats, you can use them to take out a base very quickly. The only
structures that cannot be mind-controlled are each side's unique
structures (ore purifier, cloning vats, industrial plant, psychic
towers, and super weapons).


MCV (Mobile Construction Vehicle)
Cost: 3000
Weapon: None
Strength: 1000
Armor: Heavy
Sight: 7
Speed: 4
Veteran abilities: None
Elite abilities: None
Prerequisite: War Factory and Service Depot
Tech Level: 10

This is the origin of your most important building, the Construction
Yard. Basically, you just have to deploy it by clicking D and it will
magically transform itself into a Construction Yard in one second.
When in multiplayer, if you create a game, you will be given the option
to enable "MCV Repacks" or not. If you choose to do so, you can order
the Construction Yard to transform back into an MCV thus letting you to
deploy it somewhere else.

Slave Miner
Cost: 2000
Weapon: None
Strength: 1000
Armor: Heavy
Sight: 4
Speed: 4
Veteran abilities: none
Elite abilities: none
Prerequisite: War Factory
Tech level: 1

Yuri's miner can be built both as a structure and a vehicle, which
means you can build two at once. It is entirely self-contained, and
requires no power or maintenance whatsoever. When it reaches the ore it
deployed five slaves to gather the ore, and each slave can store up to
200 credits on himself at a time. When ore runs out at a mining
location the miner packs itself up and heads for the next closest
source of resources. Keep an eye on it though; having it wander into
enemy territory to mine ore can be hazardous to your economy. They do
have a gun to defend themselves but it is NOT very powerful vs. tanks
so be careful. Fortunately Slave Miners are terror drone and mind-
control immune, so you don't have to worry about Yuris or terror
They also have a lot of health, so if it comes under attack chances are
very high that you will be able to get it out before it is destroyed.
It is impossible for Yuri to repair the miner when deployed, but it
does self-heal when in vehicle form. If it is destroyed, the slaves go
to the side that destroyed the miner and fight for that side, whacking
things with their shovel. If they are destroyed by something "neutral"
such as an oil derrick explosion, the slaves turn white and attack
ANYONE near them.

Chaos Drone
Cost: 800
Weapon: Hallucinatory gas
Strength: 200
Armor: Light
Sight: 6
Speed: 8
Veteran abilities: none
Elite abilities: none
Prerequisite: Weapons Factory
Tech level: 4

This small but fast drone is great for stopping enemy attacks. The
chaos drone releases a cloud of gas that makes any enemy units within a
small radius go berserk and start attacking their allies before their
foes. The affected units turn a reddish-pink and do not respond to any
orders given by their owners. If the chaos drone is destroyed or the
unit moves out of the gas radius, the unit stays confused for a short
period thereafter until the gas wears off and they resume their normal
functions. The chaos drone is best when placed in the incoming path of
enemy troops - don't try to send it after some tanks, for it will be
destroyed before it can release its gas. Some units, such as miners,
cannot be confused.

Lasher Tank
Cost: 700
Weapon: Short-range anti-tank shell
Strength: 300
Armor: Medium
Sight: 8
Speed: 7
Veteran abilities: stronger, faster, increased sight and firepower
Elite abilities: self-heal, stronger, increased firepower and rate of
Prerequisite: War Factory
Tech level: 2

Yuri's basic tank is weaker than its allied and soviet counterparts,
but it compensates by having a lower price tag and higher speed. It
fares alright against other tanks but not too well against structures
or infantry. However, due to its good speed, it does a good job of
crushing infantry before they can move out of the way. It is best used
in tank bunkers, where it is well-protected and can fire at enemy units
without fear of being hit. Lashers must be used in groups of 3-5 or in
tank bunkers to be effective; when they are alone they get blown away

Gatling Tank
Cost: 600
Weapon: Gatling gun
Strength: 210
Armor: Light
Sight: 10
Speed: 6
Veteran abilities: stronger, faster, increased sight and firepower
Elite abilities: self-heal, stronger, increased firepower and rate of
Prerequisite: Weapons Factory
Tech level: 4

Like its stationary counterpart, the Gatling Tank dishes out more
damage the longer it is firing. It has good speed and does a good job
at mowing down enemy infantry. When going full steam, the barrels can
quickly take down light vehicles and structures, but they do not fare
too well against enemy tanks. They are an essential component of any
strike force for they are the only mobile Yuri land anti-air. They do
very well in tank bunkers as well because it doesn't take very long for
them to become elite.

Master Mind
Cost: 1750
Weapon: Mind control
Strength: 500
Armor: Heavy
Sight: 9
Speed: 4
Veteran abilities: stronger, faster, increased sight and firepower
Elite abilities: self-heal, stronger, increased firepower and rate of
Prerequisite: Weapons Factory, Battle Lab
Tech level: 2

This large tank is heavily armored and therefore fairly slow. It does
not house a conventional weapon - instead, it can mind-control an
unlimited amount of enemy units. However, after more than three units
are under its control it starts to overheat and take damage. If nothing
is done about this, it will continue to take damage until destroyed.
The more units it has under its control, the faster it overheats and
can actually self-destruct quickly if the owner is not aware of it. It
has almost no cool down between mind-controls, and therefore can be
used to take control of an enemy strike force very quickly. Just be
sure to send the controlled units on suicide runs or to the grinder
before the mastermind self-destructs. Once destroyed, captured enemy
units are returned to their original owners.

Cost: 1000
Weapon: Magnetic beam, magnetic field
Strength: 150
Armor: Light
Sight: 10
Speed: 5
Veteran abilities: stronger, faster, increased sight and firepower
Elite abilities: self-heal, stronger, increased firepower and rate of
Prerequisite: War Factory, Psychic Sensor
Tech level: 2

This versatile unit has a very unique method of attack. It emits a
magnetic beam which can lift any vehicle - from the tiny terror drone
to the massive battle fortress - into the air. The lifted unit is than
brought closer to the magnetron and is deposited adjacent to it. The
airborne unit cannot fire and it cannot be controlled in any way by its
owner. However, it can be shot at by anti-air units, and Gatling tanks
excel at chewing up units while they are in the air. If the magnetron
is destroyed or ordered to stop, the magnetic beam ceases and the unit
are dropped. If dropped onto a cliff, structure, or other obstacle
(such as another unit) then it is instantly destroyed. If dropped onto
a structure, the structure will be damaged or, depending on the size of
the unit and the structure, it can be destroyed as well.

Amphibious Transport
Cost: 900
Weapon: None
Strength: 300
Armor: Light
Sight: 6
Speed: 6
Veteran abilities: None
Elite abilities: None
Prerequisite: Naval Yard
Tech Level: 4

These specially designed hovercrafts are mainly used to transport units
and vehicles from one place to another in a short time. They can cross
over water also so they can be used to transport units from one island
to another. However, they have no weapons at all and the light armor
makes them very vulnerable to enemy fire.
Be warned that if an Amphibious Transport is destroyed while traveling
across water, all the units and vehicles on board will also be lost so
take all the necessary precautions to prevent that from happening by
escorting it with some naval support.

Cost: 2000
Weapon: Torpedoes, cruise missiles
Strength: 2000
Armor: Medium
Sight: 8
Speed: 5
Veteran abilities: stronger, faster, increased sight, firepower and
rate of fire
Elite abilities: self-heal, stronger, increased firepower and rate of
Prerequisite: Sub Pen
Tech level: 2

Yuri's one and only naval assault unit is an expensive one, weighing in
at a hefty $2000. However it boasts an impressive arsenal, housing twin
torpedo launchers and sea-to-surface cruise missiles. It is also
heavily armored, and its main weaknesses are that it is slow and it has
no anti-air defense. Because of this, UFO escorts are required to keep
it free from rocketeers and siege chopper assaults. The cruise missiles
do take a few seconds to launch, and it is at this point that the
Boomer is at its most vulnerable point. It must surface to launch, and
cannot move or fire torpedoes while the missiles are prepping for
launch. Therefore make sure you have multiple boomers in an assault,
and do not order all of them to fire at once - keep some submerged to
defend the others.

Floating Disc
Cost: 1750
Weapon: Transport beam, small laser
Strength: 100
Armor: Heavy
Sight: 9
Speed: 4
Veteran abilities: stronger, faster, increased sight, firepower and
rate of fire
Elite abilities: self-heal, stronger, increased firepower and rate of
Prerequisite: War Factory, Battle Lab
Tech level: 1

The only air unit for Yuri's side, the UFO is a large and heavily
armored spaceship. It houses a laser to defend itself against land and
air attacks, but its true strength lies in its siphons. When placed
over an enemy power plant, the base loses ALL of its power and all
powered defenses are rendered useless. The power plant being siphoned
cannot be sold, and the UFO must be destroyed/moved in order to get
power back online. When placed over an enemy refinery, it slowly steals
money from the refinery until the cash supply is depleted. Finally, if
placed over enemy base defense of any kind, that particular defensive
structure shuts down and the UFO must be destroyed/moved in order to
power it back up again. All this comes at a price, and at $1750 per UFO
a fleet of them can be hard to afford.

F. Yuri's structures

Construction Yard
Cost: 3000
Strength: 1000
Armor: Heavy
Sight: 10
Power: 0
Prerequisite: none
Tech level: none

Yuri has a construction yard just like the other two sides; the only
difference is in aesthetics. It builds all of Yuri's structures and is
the heart of your base. Late in the game it is advisable to have two to
three con yards so you don't lose production capability if you lose
your main one.

Citadel Walls
Cost: 500
Strength: 300
Armor: Heavy
Sight: 1
Power: 0
Prerequisite: Barracks
Tech level: 2

These walls are identical in function to the allied and soviet walls -
they are a passive base defense which must be destroyed before any land
units can cross them. They are slightly stronger than their allied and
soviet counterparts, but they are not invincible and crumble quickly
under fire. Walls are best used to surround important structures, such
as your Construction Yard or your Battle Lab. Walling in Psychic Towers
is also a good idea because they still function properly yet it is much
harder to destroy the tower.

Tank Bunker
Cost: 400
Strength: 1000
Armor: Heavy
Sight: 5
Power: -100
Prerequisite: Psychic Radar
Tech level: 3

The tank bunker is a great defensive structure. It can house almost any
tank in the game, and the tank is completely protected by the bunker.
Anything attempting to destroy the tank must destroy the bunker before
it can harm the tank. Meanwhile, the tank gets a firepower and range
boost from inside the bunker, making them very deadly. There is
however, a weakness to the tank bunker. They are open on top, so any
air attacks can easily destroy the tank without worrying about having
to destroy the bunker. Also, some of the larger tanks will not fit
inside the bunker, and tanks without rotating turrets cant go inside
either (they would be useless if they could go inside, for the tank
cannot rotate inside the bunker). Some of the tanks that can't go
inside are: mastermind, apocalypse, tank destroyer, mirage, battle
fortress, and v3. Also siege choppers cannot land inside tank bunkers.

Bio Reactor
Cost: 600
Strength: 700
Armor: Light
Sight: 4
Power: 150
Prerequisite: Construction Yard
Tech level: 1

Yuri's power plant costs just as much as a tesla reactor and gives out
the same amount of power. However, there is a twist. Infantry of almost
any kind can be placed inside the reactor to increase power output. Up
to five infantry can be placed inside, and for every infantry placed
inside you get an additional +100 power, which is great when you are
trying to build a compact base. Keep them guarded though, because
losing a single loaded bio reactor can cause a sharp drop in your
base's power output. However, when the reactor is destroyed, all
infantry inside come out in the state they were when placed inside.
This means enemy infantry placed inside the reactor will be
controllable by their original owners (unless mind controlled again, of

Cost: 500
Strength: 500
Armor: Medium
Sight: 5
Power: -10
Prerequisite: Construction Yard, Bio Reactor
Tech level: 2

Yuri's Barracks is the same for the other two sides, and it is the same
size as the allied barracks (2x3 squares). All of Yuri's infantry are
created here, and this structure is also needed to produce base defense
and some more advanced structures. Aside from aesthetics and size, it
is identical in purpose to the Allied and Soviet Barracks.

War Factory
Cost: 2000
Strength: 1000
Armor: Light
Sight: 4
Power: -25
Prerequisite: Barracks
Tech level: 2

Yuri's War Factory, like the con yard and barracks, functions just like
its allied and soviet counterparts. Vehicles come out the front, and
UFO's come out the top. The war factory is a vital addition to any
base, because it produces all of Yuri's vehicles (with the exception of
the slave miner, which can be produced at the con yard). It is also
vital in the sense that it is the only structure which can build a new
con yard (in the form of an MCV). The war factory, unfortunately, has
relatively light armor and will NOT survive a super weapon blast. This
makes it a good target to pick if the enemy has a spread out base and
only one war factory. It costs him 2000 to rebuild, halts his vehicle
production, and prevents him from climbing the tech tree.

Psychic Radar
Cost: 1000
Strength: 750
Armor: Light
Sight: 10
Power: -50
Prerequisite: Weapons Factory
Tech level: 3

The soviet psychic sensor was stolen from them when Yuri left to form
his own army. Not only does it perform its previous function of
allowing you to see enemy troop movements, but it now also provides
Yuri with his radar. Besides these two functions, it has a third - it
gives Yuri access to the Psychic Reveal special ability. This allows
you to instantly remove the shroud from anywhere on the map instantly.
The amount removed is about the same size as the area covered by a gap
generator. Because of its three functions, the Psychic Radar is a
structure that should be fairly well-protected. However, they are
relatively cheap ($1000) and build fairly quickly so it is not much of
a problem to rebuild a destroyed Psychic Radar. If you have a large
base it is even advisable to have two so most of your base is under the
"psychic detect" radius.

Sub Pen
Cost: 1000
Strength: 1500
Armor: Heavy
Sight: 10
Power: -25
Prerequisite: Barracks
Tech level: 4

The Sub Pen is Yuri's naval production structure. Surprisingly, it is
only capable of producing two units: Yuri's Amphibious Transport and
the Boomer Submarine. The transport is identical to the allied/soviet
ones aside from looks, and the boomer is his only naval assault unit.
I'm not going to go into detail about the boomer here - go to the units
section for information on it. Anyways, the Sub Pen is one of the
strongest structures in the game, and is one of the few that can
survive a super weapon blast. I'm also fairly sure that the Sub Pen
(and Naval Yards for that matter) is the only structures that can
survive more than one direct hit from a Kirov. Bottom Line: Sub Pens
are tough to destroy - dolphins/carriers/dreads are your best bet.

Cost: 600
Strength: 900
Armor: Light
Sight: 6
Power: -50
Prerequisite: Weapons Factory
Tech level: 9

Yuri's counterpart to the Allied and Soviet Service Depots bears no
resemblance to them at all. Rather than repairing a vehicle back to
full health at a (relatively) small cost, the grinder destroys the
vehicle, giving you a 100% cash refund. Infantry can also be sent to
the grinder for a 50% cash refund. The grinder is a very useful
structure, and is a great counterpart to psychic towers in your base.
As soon as an enemy unit is mind controlled, send it to the grinder in
order to "free up" the unit/structure that mind-controlled it. You get
100% cash no matter who owns the vehicle or what health the vehicle
has. Grinders are also cheap ($600) so you should have several of them
around your base in order to grind enemy units as quickly as possible
so they enemy doesn't have a chance to save them.

Battle Lab
Cost: 2000
Strength: 500
Armor: Light
Sight: 6
Power: -100
Prerequisite: Psychic Radar, Weapons Factory
Tech level: 8

Like the Sub Pen, Con Yard, Barracks etc., this one is identical to its
counterparts. This structure bridges the gap between Yuri's low tech
stuff and his high tech stuff. Protect it with great care. Losing your
battle lab is hazardous to your health - if lost you lose the ability
to make high tech structures and units. They also cost quite a bit
($2000) so they can be a pain in the wallet to rebuild as well. The
main problem with them is their sickeningly light armor - Battle Labs
for all sides have very little armor and die very, very quickly when
assaulted. A great way to protect your lab is to surround it with walls
- this will protect it from engineers and infantry. Watch out for tanks
that shoot over walls though.

Cloning Vat
Cost: 2500
Strength: 1000
Armor: Light
Sight: 5
Power: -200
Prerequisite: Battle Lab
Tech level: 9

Like the Psychic Sensor, Yuri stole the cloning vats from the soviets
when he left. Only two things have changed: the symbol on the front is
a Yuri symbol, not a soviet, and the vats no has the ability to
"destroy" (cant use grind here) enemy infantry units for half price -
the grinder does that now. Since Yuri has very powerful infantry, the
cloning vats are a valuable asset, if not an expensive one ($2500).
However they quickly pay for themselves in free infantry and getting
brutes for $250 and Initiates for $100 is pretty damn sweet. Because
you can get two infantry at a time, it is easier to repel attacks for
you can raise an infantry army far more quickly than you can without
the vats.

Gatling Cannon
Cost: 1000
Strength: 810
Armor: Medium
Sight: 10
Power: -50
Prerequisite: Barracks
Tech level: 4

This stationary base defense is unique as it combines Yuri's low-grade
land defense and his air defense into one. The Gatling Cannon has
variable firing rates and its twin barrels can target both land and air
units, although it is a much better AA defense than it is a land
defense. The longer it is firing the faster its barrels spin, and when
going full blast it can dish out quite a bit of damage. Its land range,
however, is quite limited and therefore Psychic Towers and Tank Bunkers
should be relied on for ground defense. However, it chews up harriers
and rocketeers, and only UFOs and Kirovs can survive for more than a
few seconds under the immense firepower of the gatling cannon, and even
those fold relatively quickly when the cannons are going full speed.
Against land units it fairs fairly well against infantry, but is quite
useless against tanks even when going at full speed.

Psychic Tower
Cost: 1500
Strength: 455
Armor: Medium
Sight: 10
Power: -50
Prerequisite: Psychic Radar
Tech level: 7

One of the best anti-land defenses in the game, the Psychic Tower can
mind control up to three units at once, with a relatively short cool
down rate. Use them in conjunction with Grinders to quickly dispose of
enemy units, and the enemy will be hard-pressed to penetrate your base.
Their weaknesses are that they are completely vulnerable to air attacks
and psychic-immune units. If a Psychic Tower is destroyed, all units
under its control are freed and returned to the original owner, and
this is why it is best used to send enemy units to the grinder. Psychic
Towers are essential when playing as Yuri and are a must when defending
your base.

Genetic Mutator
Cost: 2500
Strength: 1000
Armor: Heavy
Sight: 5
Power: -200
Prerequisite: Battle Lab
Tech level: 10

Yuri's low-grade super weapon is a deadly one, and has the ability to
mutate any infantry in a wide radius into Brutes under Yuri's control.
This can be used in a variety of ways. One is to use the Mutator on
enemy troops and send them on a killing spree inside your enemy's base.
Another is to build a lot of cheap infantry (such as Initiates for only
$100 with vats) and mutate them to create a much more powerful army.
One overlooked strategy is to mutate your own slaves from your miners
into brutes, and then send them to the grinder for a cash boost. The
Mutator has one more use - use it to assassinate an enemy hero so you
won't have to deal with him/her later.

Psychic Dominator
Cost: 5000
Strength: 1000
Armor: Heavy
Sight: 5
Power: -200
Prerequisite: Battle Lab
Tech level: 10

Yuri's ultimate weapon is a massive structure which generates large
amount of psychic energy. On the same level as the Weather Control
Device and the Nuclear Missile Silo, the Dominator is indeed a weapon
to be feared. When activated, it does two things: it mind-controls all
units within a small radius (same as Iron Curtain/Chronosphere radius)
and destroys/damages all structures within a much larger radius (same
was WCD/Nuke radius). Keep in mind that infantry and tanks not within
the smaller mind-controlling radius will be completely unaffected by
the blast. The biggest advantage the Dominator has over the Weather
Storm and Nuclear Missile is that it happens almost instantaneously -
there is no delay like there is with the Weather Storm or Nuke. This
gives the enemy almost no chance to prepare for the blast. Although
this may sound unfair, keep in mind each super weapon has its own
unique side effect. Weather Storm causes radar to shut down, Nuke has
radiation, and Dominator has mind-control. Treat the Dominator just as
you would any other high-level super weapon - if the enemy builds one,
destroy it before it comes online and destroys (or at least cripples)

G. Tech Buildings

Tech buildings have to be captured by Engineers first before you can
utilize them to your advantage.

Power Plant
Strength: 800
Armor: Concrete
Tech Level: 1

This building doesn't do much except to boost the power in your base.
It's very handy when there is a power blackout.

Machine Shop
Strength: 800
Armor: Concrete
Tech Level: 1

The most useful tech building because once captured, it will provide
self-heal ability on all of your vehicles.

Secret Lab
Strength: 1000
Armor: Concrete
Tech Level: 1

The usefulness of this building actually depends on luck. Once it is
captured, you will be provided with the ability to train/produce a
random unit belonging to other countries.


5. Walkthrough

--> This walkthrough was based on playing in normal difficulty.
--> This walkthrough is written for the purpose so that players can
complete the missions in the shortest time possible. Additional info
and secrets in each mission will be placed under the "Additional info"

Playing easy difficulty would mean less aggression from the enemy and
they will seldom attack your base. The enemy's base defenses are not
that strong also. You are also given an excessive amount of par time.
Playing normal difficulty would mean more aggression from the enemy and
they will be commencing more frequent assault to your base. The bases
are usually moderately defended. Par times are shorter and will prove
to be quite challenging.
Playing hard difficulty would mean that the enemy will be very
aggressive and your base will be pounded from time to time with a
shorter interval between one assault and the next one. Enemy bases are
always heavily defended and you will need to assault it several times
before completely destroying it. Par times are very short and timing is
really crucial if you want to finish the mission under the time limit.


Mission one: Operation Time Lapse
Location: San Francisco, California
Par time: 20 minutes
Rank: 1st Lieutenant


It's only a matter of time before Yuri brings the Psychic Dominator on
Alcatraz back online. Our only chance is to use Professor Einstein's
Time Machine to send us back in time and stop Yuri before he can
complete his worldwide network of Psychic Dominators.

Objective 1: Capture Power Plants to power the Time Machine.

Objective 2: Defend the Time Machine.

Objective 3: Destroy the Psychic Dominator on Alcatraz


Train four Engineers immediately and get the tanks to secure the two
Civilian Power Plants to the south. Get the Engineers to capture them
and then the tanks should head to the west to secure the two Civilian
Power Plants there. Send the two remaining Engineers to capture them as

The Time Machine will be activated and everything will be shifted back
to the Soviet invasion in RA2. Use the Grand Cannons to take out the
Soviet Dreadnoughts while the Guardian GIs should take care of the
Kirov coming from the northwest. Repel the Soviet tank assault with the
base defenses and Tanya will appear from the Time Machine.
Get her to swim to the north towards the Psychic Dominator and C4 the
two patrolling Sea Scorpions. Head inland and kill off the conscripts
as well as the dogs around the Psychic Dominator.
Shoot the barrels next to the wire fence around the Psychic Dominator
then move in to blow it up. Mission accomplished!!!


Your quick thinking caught both the Soviets and Yuri off guard. The
Soviet invasion of San Francisco has been thwarted and Yuri's plans
have been thrown into disarray. Well done, Commander.


Mission two: Operation Hollywood and Vain
Location: Los Angeles, California
Par time: 1 hour
Rank: Captain


Yuri has mind controlled the population of Los Angeles and is feeding
the civilians into his Grinders to fund his Psychic Dominator project.
If we can eliminate the Grinders, Yuri will have lost a significant
source of funds.

Objective 1: Destroy all Grinders in the city.

Objective 2: Destroy all Yuri buildings.

Hint: Not all civilians have been mind controlled. Some of them may
even be able to help us in the coming battle.


Deploy the MCV and start building as usual. Get the GIs to head
slightly to the northwest and they will find a movie actor called Flint
Westwood. He is very good in repelling infantry attacks so keep him
Send the GIs to garrison the hotel to the northwest and train more
Guardian GIs and the regular ones to help defend the base from initial
Yuri attacks. Don't forget to repair the hotel when it gets damaged.

Quickly build a Battle Lab and reinforcement will come which is
consisted of a Battle Fortress and some regular plus some Guardian GIs.
Get the Guardian GIs to enter the Battle Fortress and help defend the
base while the Prism Tanks should begin to be mass-produced.
When there are about ten Prisms, send them to destroy the Grinder to
the east and head north to destroy the Grinder near the stadium. Send
an Engineer to capture the Machine Shop along the way to the second
Destroying the second Grinder will reveal a crate of money along with a
new movie actor, Sammy Stallion.

Head west from here to destroy the third Grinder, again revealing
another crate of money. Head to the southwest to penetrate Yuri's base
defenses and destroy everything; Yuri will sell his buildings when
enough damage is inflicted. Proceed to kill all his Initiates and any
remaining tanks then destroy the fourth and last Grinder to the
southeast, thus revealing another money crate as well as a new movie
actor, Arnie Frankenfurter.
Get the Prism Tanks to go to the northwest corner of the map and
destroy all Yuri's buildings here. Mission accomplished!!!


Great job, Commander. Your quick actions minimized civilian losses in
the city and denied Yuri an important source of income to fund his
plans. Hollywood agents are already offering deals for the right to
your life story.


Mission three: Operation Power Play
Location: Seattle, Washington
Par time: 30 minutes
Rank: Major


Now that we've destroyed Yuri's primary source of funds, the madman has
decided to take a more direct approach. Yuri has set up a Nuclear Silo
in Seattle and is using it to extort money and technical expertise from
the MassiveSoft Corporation. We must save the city and MassiveSoft from
Yuri's nuclear threat.

Objective 1: Destroy Yuri's Nuclear Silo.

Objective 2: Liberate the MassiveSoft campus.


SPEED is the key for this mission. Quickly get the regular GIs to
garrison the Seattle Space Needle and the whole map will be revealed.
Train some Snipers and Engineers then move your troops slightly
northwards. Get the two Engineers to capture the two oil derricks to
the southwest. Train another Engineer and get him to capture the
Machine Shop to the east of the base.
When the Weather Control Device is ready, fire it at Yuri's base to
take out his Bio Reactors. Just before Yuri launched his nuclear
missile, sell the War Factory and the two Power Plants to get the money
because they will get destroyed anyway.

Quickly get a sniper to take out the Yuri Clones guarding the Civilian
Power Plant and send the tanks in to take care of the Lashers and
Gatling Tanks. Send an Engineer behind to capture the Civilian Power
Plant once it is secure then the nuclear missile timer will be halted
and some more snipers will be parachuted in including a reinforcement
of some tanks.
Yuri will try his best to re-take the Civilian Power Plant; make sure
that doesn't happen by protecting the parachuting snipers from the
Yuri's tanks.

Don't forget to leave a sniper and a Mirage tank near the Barracks to
repel Yuri's infantry assaults.
Get some more snipers to snipe the Yuri Clones near the Civilian Power
Plant to the northwest of the base (along the road). Send the tanks
again to secure the area and get an Engineer to capture the Civilian
Power Plant.
Send another tank brigade to the north and secure the Civilian Power
Plant then get an Engineer to capture it. When the Weather Device
Control comes back online, use it to take out Yuri's forces around the
MassiveSoft campus then send in some tanks to mop up. Doing this will
reward the Allies with three crates of money.

Now send a small strike force (bring a sniper) along the western edge
of the map and enter Yuri's base through the side entrance. Use the
sniper to protect the tanks from Yuri Clones while they pound away at
Yuri's Missile Silo. Mission accomplished!!!


Yuri's plot to blackmail the city of Seattle has been thwarted. Your
lightning-fast response prevented heavy losses to the population. Yuri
will have to look elsewhere to fund his war effort.


Mission four: Operation Tomb Raided
Location: Egypt
Par time: 45 minutes
Rank: Major


Yuri has captured Einstein in an attempt to expedite the completion of
his Psychic Dominator technology. It is imperative we rescue Einstein
immediately and then rid Egypt of all Yuri forces.

Objective 1: Destroy Bio Reactors around Great Pyramid to rescue

Objective 2: Destroy Yuri's base.


Setup the base as usual but don't forget to build a few Pillboxes
around it. Load Tanya and the two Engineers into the Night Hawk
Transport then fly them to the oil derricks at the eastern part of the
map. Use Tanya to kill the nearby Initiates then get the Engineers to
capture the derricks. Tanya should head to the north and blow the
bridge connecting to the other side of the river to prevent Yuri from
sending his troops.
Send the Night Hawk back to base and train 3 more Engineers to capture
the remaining oil derricks then start to mass-produce Prism Tanks.

Now Tanya should swim across the river towards the Great Pyramid and
shoot the barrel to open a hole in the wall. Go inside and kill all the
Initiates then C4 all the Bio Reactors to free Einstein. A Night Hawk
Transport will then come to pick him up.
After the short cut scene with Einstein, wait for the Psychic Dominator
to charge first then use it on Yuri's base to destroy as many buildings
as possible (try to mind control a few units as well). Simply get Tanya
to destroy all the remaining Yuri buildings here.
Now just station at Tanya near the riverbank to the northeast of the
base to keep an eye on any incoming Yuri's Amphibious Transports.
Repair the bridge that Tanya blown up earlier then send the Prism Tanks
to the east and destroy Yuri's base. Mission accomplished!!!


With your speed and accuracy Einstein was rescued and Yuri's
installation is no more. Yuri realizes now you're a force to be
reckoned with.


Mission five: Operation Clones Down Under
Location: Sydney, Australia
Par time: 45 minutes
Rank: Lieutenant Colonel


Yuri has established cloning facilities in Sydney, Australia. It is
believed he plans to clone the world leaders. We must put an end to
this operation at any cost.

Objective 1: Find and destroy Yuri's Cloning Vats.

Objective 2: Destroy Yuri's remaining forces.


Start by building some Pillboxes and Prism Towers around the base and
garrison the building just in front of it.
After a few minutes, Eva will inform the base that Yuri is sending his
Boomers. Destroy them all with the Destroyers and Dolphins then Eva
will transmit that the Koreans are helping by donating their Black
Eagles to destroy Yuri's Sub Pen.

Consolidate the base defenses then start to mass-produce Prism Tanks.
Build two War Factories to increase the production rate. When enough
Prism Tanks are produced, send them along the road to the southeast and
destroy any buildings that Yuri garrisoned.
Capture the Machine Shop along the way and there is also a Hospital at
the southwestern edge of the map but it is not vital to the war effort.
Get the Prism Tanks to destroy every single Yuri's units and buildings.
Mission accomplished!!!


Yuri's cloning facilities are now rubble thanks to your incredible
tactics. Well done!


Mission six: Operation Trick or Treaty
Location: London, England
Par time: 30 minutes
Rank: Colonel


Having failed to clone the world leaders, Yuri plans to capture the
real ones. Defend them at the Houses of Parliament in London,
England... then deal with Yuri.

Objective 1: Defend Parliament from assault.

Objective 2: Destroy Yuri's base.


A twenty-minutes timer will start, signaling the countdown until the
arrival of Yuri's forces. Deploy the base and quickly pump out as many
GIs as possible then garrison the Big Ben and all other buildings on
the Allied side. Send more GIs to garrison the buildings next to the
three bridges (2 buildings for each bridge).

Get a tank and three Engineers to head to the northeast and look for a
small enclosed area with three oil derricks. Blast the wire fences with
the Grizzly then send the Engineers to capture the derricks; the income
of cash is vital in this mission.
Setup defenses around the Parliament by building some Pillboxes, Prism
Towers and Patriot Missile System then deploy some Guardian GIs.
Send two more Engineers to the northeast then look for a Hospital and a
Machine Shop to be captured.
Build the Robot Control Center and mass-produce Robot Tanks along with
Prism and Mirage Tanks.
Once the attack began, build some Rocketeers and IFVs, as Yuri's last
assault will come in the form of 4-5 Floating Discs. Quickly shoot them
down before they can do too much damage to the base.

When Yuri's attacks have been successfully repelled, the Soviets will
send some reinforcement. Use the Soviet navy to help destroy Yuri's
Boomers later.
Mass-produce on Prism Tanks immediately and send them to level Yuri's
base at the northeastern side of the map. Mission accomplished!!!


Yuri never had a chance. The world leaders are safe and Yuri has been
driven from London. Excellent work, General.


Mission seven: Operation Brain Dead
Location: Antarctica
Par time: 1 hour
Rank: General of the Army


It's almost over, Commander. Yuri's plot lies in ruins. However, he
still has one last Psychic Dominator located somewhere in his
stronghold in Antarctica. Bring the abandoned Soviet base on Tierra Del
Fuego back online and build a radar dish so that we can pinpoint Yuri's
exact location. Then, with the combined might of Allied and Soviet
forces, put an end to Yuri's plans once and for all.

Objective 1: Build a Soviet Radar Dish.

Objective 2: Destroy the Psychic Dominator in Antarctica.

Objective 3: Destroy all Yuri forces.


Get the Engineers to capture the Soviet Construction Yard as well as
the Tesla Reactor. Develop a base and garrison the army tent as well as
the communication center with conscripts to help the Sentry Guns repel
Yuri attacks. Send an Engineer to the north to capture the oil derrick
as well as the Machine Shop to the west.
Build a few Battle Bunkers and Flak Cannons to strengthen the defenses
against Floating Discs as well as some Flak Tracks then build a Soviet
Radar Dish when ready.

Wait a while and an Allied MCV will be chronosphered to the south.
Yuri's Genetic Mutator and Psychic Dominator will come online at the
same time. Quickly climb the Soviet tech tree and build an Industrial
Use the Allied MCV to build an Ore Purifier as well then focus on
building some Grand Cannons (4 to 5) to repel Yuri's assaults. Send two
Engineers to the south and grab the money crate near the two oil
derricks then capture them. Be sure to train a chrono legionnaire and
send him to take out the Psychic Dominator. This is possible to be done
by positioning the chrono legionnaire slightly behind the Psychic
Dominator but keeping him out of the range of the nearby gatling
cannons. If Yuri's Psychic Dominator managed to destroy any building,
simply rebuild them again.
Quickly build a Weather Control Device and Nuclear Missile Silo then
use them both when ready to destroy the Psychic Dominator.

Mass-produce Prism Tanks and send the rolling to Yuri's base to
demolish everything in the way (Beware of the Magnetrons and Master
Minds). Use the nuclear missile and weather storm to help the Prism
Tanks destroy Yuri's base and forces. Mission accomplished!!!


The whole world now knows your true brilliance as a commander. Your
image is appearing on stamps in every nation across the globe and a
worldwide holiday has been declared in your honor.

Congratulations!!! This is the end of the Allied campaign. You have
saved the earth from Yuri's evil plan for world domination as well as
making sure that the Soviets remain as the loser in the war. Enjoy the
ending!!! ^_^


Mission one: Operation Time Shift
Location: San Francisco, California
Par time: 35 minutes
Rank: Lieutenant


The world is in ruin. Yuri is poised to rule unchallenged. Only a
daring Allied plan to travel back in time stands between Yuri and total
domination. But Yuri must pay for his betrayal at Soviet hands, not
Allied. We must capture the Time Machine and travel back ourselves.

Objective 1: Destroy the Allied Navy and Grand Cannons.

Objective 2: Destroy Pill Boxes around Time Machine to capture it.

Objective 3: Capture 4 Power Plants to power Time Machine.

Objective 4: Take control of Soviet base and use it to destroy the
Psychic Dominator.


Start by destroying the Allied Navy with the Submarines, Giant Squids
and Sea Scorpions. Use the Dreadnoughts to take care of the two Grand
Cannons. When it is done, they will retreat and four Amphibious
Transports will land at the waterside then unload some units.

Zofia will appear to give some explanations on Boris. Move Boris
forward followed by the other units behind. Head to the southeast to
reach the Time Machine while destroying any opposition and use an
Engineer to capture the tech hospital on the way (make sure that the
patrolling Grizzly Battle Tanks around are destroyed first).
Ram through the wire fences with the Rhino Heavy Tanks and kill the
GIs. Use a second Engineer to capture the Machine Shop next to the Time
Machine while the others should be pounding away at the Pillboxes.
A group of Engineer will be parachuted in. Use the Rhinos to secure the
four nearest Civilian Power Plants and get the Engineers to capture
Be on the lookout for Yuri's Amphibious Transports, as he will try to
capture the Civilian Power Plants as well. If he managed to do that,
just send an Engineer to re-capture it again.

After four Civilian Power Plants have been captured, the Time Machine
will be activated. It turns out that the Engineers put too much energy,
causing the time shift to travel back to 65 million years ago. Get the
troops to stay were they are and protect the Time Machine from the
incoming T-Rexes for about one and a half minute. After a few moments,
time shift will occur again and this time the troops will find
themselves in the middle of the Soviet invasion in RA2.

Re-capture the Machine Shop next to the Time Machine and head to the
northwest along the road to take control of the Soviet base.
Quickly get Boris to head to northeast and destroy Yuri's Lasher Tanks
near the Grand Cannons. The Rhinos should come in to help destroy the
lone Gatling Cannon nearby. Load Boris into the Amphibious Transport
and ferry him over to Alcatraz Island. Boris should disembark and kill
off all the Initiates then call an air strike to destroy the Psychic
Dominator. Mission accomplished!!!


You have destroyed the Psychic Dominator before Yuri could react. Yuri
does not yet realize our plans.


Mission two: Operation Deja Vu
Location: Black Forest, Germany
Par time: 1 hour
Rank: Senior Lieutenant


We lost the battle here in the Black Forest the first time around and
were eventually defeated by the Allies with the help of Einstein's
Chronosphere. This time, we must not fail. Destroy Einstein's
Laboratory and Chronosphere to ensure Soviet victory in our war against
the Allies.

Objective 1: Destroy the outposts guarding the German border.

Objective 2: Destroy Einstein's Laboratory and Chronosphere.


Use the V3 rockets to take care of the outposts then send the Rhinos
and Flak Tracks to the north. Go all the way to the west and go south
towards the Chronosphere. Destroy all the oppositions along the way and
charge the towards Einstein's Lab. Shoot the barrel to destroy his lab
then destroy then focus on the Chronosphere. Mission accomplished!!!


Your ferocious assault on Einstein's Lab and the swift destruction of
the Chronosphere have ensured that the Soviet people shall be
victorious in the war. The Allied are already retreating on all fronts.


Mission three: Operation Brain Wash
Location: London, England
Par time: 30 minutes
Rank: Captain


The Allies have discovered a Psychic Dominator in London, England. Yuri
has taken control of the Allied strike force to help defend his near-
complete Dominator. Free the Allies and join forces with them to defeat
Yuri... but beware, the Dominator could become operational at any

Objective 1: Destroy the Psychic Beacon.

Objective 2: Destroy the Psychic Dominator.

Objective 3: Finish off Yuri's forces.


Get Boris to board the Amphibious Transport and ferry him to the north
and land near the cruise ships. Destroy the Grizzlies ad Lasher Tanks
here then proceed to the northwest. Target the Psychic Beacon and call
in an air strike to take it out.
The Allied base will come under Soviet control and Tanya will join
Boris. A ten minutes timer for the Psychic Dominator will start.

Get Tanya and Boris to go to Yuri's base at the northeastern edge of
the map. Circle around from the left and use Boris to target the Bio
Reactors. Yuri will counter by sending his Lasher Tanks. The tanks will
blow a hole on the wall so sneak Boris and Tanya inside. Try to take
out as much Bio Reactors as possible by using air strikes to deprive
the base of power.
When the base's power is down, simply use Tanya or Boris to shoot the
barrel outside the Psychic Dominator's wall then send Tanya inside to
C4 it. Yuri will sell all his buildings after the Psychic Dominator is
destroyed; kill the remaining Yuri's forces. Mission accomplished!!!


The Psychic Dominator has been destroyed and the Allies believe we
fought for a common good. Fools.


Mission four: Operation Romanov on the Run
Location: Morocco
Par time: 40 minutes
Rank: Major


Premier Romanov has been shot down by Yuri's forces. We must locate the
Premier and take him to the airport so he can be rescued. Yuri has
built a tough defense around the airport that we need to eliminate
before the Premier's rescue will be secure.

Objective 1: Locate Premier Romanov and protect him.

Objective 2: Destroy Yuri's base guarding the airport.

Objective 3: Take Romanov to the airport once it is safe.


Setup the base as usual and build a couple Battle Bunkers to counter
the initial Yuri attacks. Send an Engineer to capture the oil derrick
to the northeast (near the small Yuri base there). Build a Sentry gun
nearby to protect it from Yuri's forces.
Build two more War-miners to increase cash flow then start building
some Rhino Heavy Tanks. Quickly develop the base and build the
Industrial Plant to cut the cost of building vehicles then mass-produce
the Rhinos (build two War Factories to increase production rate). Use
the Spy Plane when it is ready to reveal the eastern part of the city;
the Premier is hiding inside the building called "Rick's Place".

Yuri will occasionally attack the base with some Lasher and Gatling
Tanks along with some Initiates plus some Yuri Clones but the Battle
Bunkers should be able to take care of them.
While waiting for the tank production to finish, use the Spy Plane to
clear as much of the map as possible. Start attacking the central part
of the city and wait for the reinforcement to come, which is consisted
of three desolators and two Crazy Ivans.
Build five V3 Rockets and use them to fire at the buildings garrisoned
by Yuri Initiates while the desolaters should radiate the ground to
kill the Initiates once they come out of the building.
Bring the Rhinos over to destroy Yuri's Barracks and the four Gatling
Cannons nearby. Go across the bridge on the river and put the Rhinos at
near Yuri's base as a "cork" to repel the endless Initiates and Gatling
Tanks that Yuri is going to send. The V3 should fire their rockets
SIMULTANEOUSLY to take out the Gatling Cannons at the entrance followed
by the Psychic Towers.

Send in the Rhinos when the obstacles are cleared to destroy Yuri's
base. When the mop up operation is completed, go to the eastern part of
the city and approach "Rick's Place" while clearing any opposition
along the way.
The Premier will come out after a short cutscene. Simply escort him to
the airport. Mission accomplished!!!


Premier Romanov has been rescued and safely evacuated thanks to your
quick and decisive elimination of Yuri's base.


Mission five: Operation Escape Velocity
Location: An uncharted island in the Pacific Ocean
Par time: 1 hour and 15 minutes
Rank: Lieutenant Colonel


We have uncovered Yuri's secret Submarine Base on an uncharted island
in the Pacific Ocean. The threat of Yuri's Boomer Subs must be

Objective 1: Pick a landing zone and construct a base.

Objective 2: Locate and destroy Yuri's Submarine Pen.

Objective 3: Finish off all remaining Yuri forces.


Get everyone to land at the southern landing zone while destroying
Yuri's Boomers along the way. Setup a base and train three Engineers to
capture the oil derricks further to the west. Build a few Battle
Bunkers near the westernmost oil derrick to protect against Yuri's
troops, which are usually consisted of Initiates, Viruses, Brutes, Yuri
Clones and Lasher Tanks.

Build two War-miners as usual and develop the base until Zofia
introduced the Siege Chopper. Build an Industrial Plant then there are
three choices from which to decide how to complete this mission.
The first method is to mass-produce Siege Choppers. Destroy Yuri's base
from behind by landing on the ridges and deploying into artilleries
before advancing slowly towards the Submarine Pen.
The second method is to mass-produce Kirov Airships and charge the
Submarine Pen, hoping to destroy it before getting shot down by the
Gatling Cannons.
The third method is to mass-produce submarines and head to the
Submarine Pen while fighting off Yuri's Boomers.
When the Submarine Pen is destroyed, Zofia will inform the Soviets that
Yuri's base is actually a launching facility for a spacecraft. Mission


Your swift attack will keep this secret island a secret forever. Yuri's
forces are in full retreat. Press on, General--Defeat Yuri!


Mission six: Operation To The Moon
Location: The Moon
Par time: 45 minutes
Rank: Colonel


Yuri plans to launch himself to the moon after initiating his Psychic
Dominator wave over earth. We need to install a base on the moon so we
can build an attack force capable of destroying Yuri's moon bases and
his Lunar Command Center.

Objective 1: Find a location to build a base.

Objective 2: Locate and destroy Yuri's Lunar Command Center.

Objective 3: Destroy Yuri's remaining base.


Welcome to the moon! Move the MCV to the east and setup a base on the
flat land there. Develop the base as usual but there is no need to
build a War Factory. Focus on building some Flak Cannons and Sentry
Guns to ward off any Yuri attempt to destroy the base.
Train as many cosmonauts as possible (until there is no more money if
possible) and head north to look for Yuri's base. If necessary, sell
off the other buildings to get more cosmonauts. Yuri has three bases.
The main one occupies almost half of the map. The other two smaller
bases are located at the western and eastern edge of the map
Get the cosmonauts to hit the smaller bases first but only take out the
Bio Reactors aside from the attacking units. Head to the main base and
repeat the same process in order to disable all the defenses. Mopping
up should be easy when the defenses are down. Destroy every single one
of Yuri's buildings and units including the Lunar Command Center.
Mission accomplished!!!


You moved so quickly that Yuri couldn't do anything but watch his lunar
establishment crumble. The moon is now a part of the glorious Soviet


Mission seven: Operation Head Games
Location: Transylvania
Par time: 45 minutes
Rank: Marshal of the Soviet Union


Hoping to hide from your onslaught, Yuri has retreated to his ancestral
home in Transylvania. We cannot allow him any respite or he will only
rally his forces and return again to threaten us all. Eliminate Yuri
now and forever!

Objective 1: Destroy Yuri's Fortress.


Deploy the MCV and start building as usual. Build a couple Battle
Bunkers to ward off Yuri's initial assaults. Build one or two Flak
Cannons as well.
QUICKLY build five Flak Tracks and scout to the north with the Spy
Plane's help to prepare for the two Kirovs that will come later.

Assemble a small strike force and head to the northeast of the base to
find a small town with a Grinder in the middle. Destroy it to find a
crate, which will boost the income slightly. Head to the north from
here to find a secret tech lab, capture it with an Engineer.
Head to the west just across the river to find another small town and a
Grinder, destroy it to find a money crate.

Quickly build a Nuclear Missile Silo and Yuri will comment that he will
make one as well. Roughly three minutes later, he will have one as
well. Approximately two minutes later, the Allies will have a Weather
Control Device as well. Wait again for another two minutes and Yuri
will have a Psychic Dominator.
Don't worry and keep protecting your base from Yuri's attacks. If
anything gets destroyed, rebuild it again.
When the nuclear missile is ready, launch it to destroy the Psychic
Beacon controlling the Soviet base. Wait for the next nuclear missile
to be ready while building some more defenses to protect against Yuri
or build up a strike force.
When the missile is ready, fire it to destroy the Psychic Beacon
controlling the Allied base then start building some Prism or Robot
Tanks. Combine them with the Soviet strike force that had been built
earlier then launch a powerful attack to Yuri's base from both side. If
the nuclear missile or weather control device is ready before the
assault began, use them to destroy Yuri's Bio Reactors so the defenses
will be down thus making the strike force's task to be easier.
Ignore any other buildings; focus only on Yuri's Fortress then destroy
it once and for all. Mission accomplished!!!


The sheer ferocity of your attack and genius of your tactics left Yuri
stunned. There is no doubt you have crushed him once and for all.

Congratulations!!! This is the end of the Soviet campaign. You have
saved the earth from Yuri's evil plan for world domination as well as
establishing a new golden era of Soviet supremacy under Premier
Romanov. Enjoy the ending!!! ^_^


6. Credits

God - for giving me the ability to write.

Westwood - for creating the expansion pack to Red Alert 2!!!

C Jay C - for posting this FAQ.

Me - for writing this FAQ. ^_^

Grace Yeo - for being my girlfriend. ^_^

You - for reading this FAQ of mine. ^_^

Red Alert II Extreme - for allowing me to copy their units statistics.

This FAQ is Copyright 2001 of Nadia Varkovsky.

This work is supposed to appear only on these following websites:
5. http://DLH.Net
This FAQ is not supposed to appear in any other places or websites
other than those listed above. This FAQ is not to be edited, altered or
changed in any way without the author's permission.
Lastly, any further questions, comments, critics, suggestions and
additional info should be forwarded to

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Engl Leitfaden

18.Oktober 2013

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Allied Multiplayer Strategy Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

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Engl. FAQ

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Engl. FAQ

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Trainer für Geld, Power und schnelles bauen (für v1.001)

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Rules.ini für alle Truppen (auch für die Originalversion)

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Einige bebilderte Hinweise im HTML-Format

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Engl. FAQ

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