Escape from Monkey Island

Escape From Monkey Island

16.10.2013 08:33:37
Escape From Monkey Island(TM) Walkthrough (version 1.1)

By Odge (

Version 1.1 completed 31/08/01

Version 1.1 eliminates the blocks (™) that appeared in the original version.

1) Introduction
2) Walkthrough
3) Solutions to the Puzzles
4) Legal Stuff and Credits

1) Introduction
At last a good game (other than Timesplitters) graces the PS2. Escape From
Monkey Island(TM) has been adapted from the PC game, and is a marvellously
funny adventure game. Almost the entire game consists of puzzle solving, so
you should be ready to put your mind to solving the puzzles, think
laterally, and be willing to spend four hours (or more) screaming angrily as
you just can’t solve the puzzle, or don’t even know what the puzzle is.
Unlike most games, where quick thinking and rapid reactions prevail, in this
game a clever thinker will be best off.
It is most likely in this game that you will get stuck, since some of the
puzzles don’t make sense. But it is often that you won’t actually need the
solution spelt out for you, and you will often have that sense of
achievement when you solve that puzzle completely ruined when you look at
the walkthrough. So what I will try to do, when a puzzle presents itself, is
give a question which will hint at the answer, but leave the exact solution
for you to solve. At the end of the walkthrough, I will give the solutions
for those who have no will to actually attempt the puzzles.

2) Walkthrough

Act 1: Things to do on Melee Island(TM) when you’re dead

i) Prologue

To ease you into the game, you get a nice simple puzzle to get you
acquainted with the controls. Your nice honeymoon boat, sailing back to your
hometown of Melee(TM) has been attacked by pirates, and you must help Elaine
(your wife, and Governor of Melee Island(TM))to get rid of them.

Hint for Puzzle 1: You can look at things by pressing the X button. Note
there is a cannon nearby, ready to fire. How can you light the fuse? Note
that you’ll need to use the Triangle button to use a certain item, and then
the Square Button to pick something else up.

So, if you’ve solved the first puzzle, the pirate ship will sink into the
waves, and the pirates will be forced to surrender. As you sail into port,
something strange is immediately obvious - there is nobody there to greet
the governor and her husband! As you disembark, a monkey called Timmy alerts
you to trouble in the governors mansion. A man is flinging boulders at your
house, Elaine has been declared dead, and a man called Charles L. Charles is
running for the rank of governor! The boulder flinging must be stopped, and
Elaine sets you two tasks to stop it. Firstly you must get rid of the
catapult, and then you must gather a crew and set off to Lucre Island(TM) to
see the family lawyers to get the flinging stopped forever, and to get
Elaine declared un-dead.

ii) Stopping the Catapult

Speak to the pirate, and he’ll tell you that you can get him to stop
flinging boulders temporarily by giving him a snack. So your first task
should be to find a snack. Head towards town and go to the Scumm Bar. If you
ask the barkeep for a snack then he’ll tell you that the only snacks left
are the Kudu Jerky Pretzels jealously guarded by a drunken pirate in the
corner. You need the pretzels, but the pirate won’t let you have them!

Hint for Puzzle 2: You need to get somebody in the bar to help you. A loud
noise would probably shock the pirate unconscious.

When you have obtained the Pretzels, offer one to the pirate, and he will
shuffle over to the corner for a while to eat them. While he does this you
can mess up his catapult. Now, when he comes back, he will have to fire the
catapult at the ‘calibration cactus’ you may have heard about when you
talked to him earlier. Note that the boulder sails exactly between the two
prongs of the cactus.

Hint for Puzzle 3: You may have travelled around the island and seen some of
the other areas of the island. Do you have another item aside from the Kudu
Jerky Pretzels? If so, think about what you could do with it to fire the
boulder back at the catapult.

The catapult rolls off the cliff, and the temporary threat of the catapult
is removed. Now you must gather together a crew to journey to Lucre
Island(TM) to see the family lawyers.

iii) Obtaining a crew

First, you’ll need a navigator. Go to the Scumm Bar, and talk to Mr Cheese,
the crusty pirate sitting near the drunken pirate, and ask him about insult
arm wrestling. Then ask him to join your crew, tell him the truth about
where you are going, and finally challenge him to some insult arm wrestling.
This is fairly easy, and basically what you need to do is find the
appropriate comeback for his insult. So, for example, if he says ‘Give up
now, or I’ll crush you like a grape’ then you will look through the list of
comebacks, and the obvious one is ‘I would if it would stop your WINE-ing.’
Geddit? When it comes to insulting him, you can just choose any old insult,
and hope that he chooses the wrong comeback. Anyway, you’ll eventually win,
and he’ll consent to join your crew.
Next, you need some crew. You may have noticed some familiar looking pirates
standing near the Town Hall. Talk to them, and ask them if you have seen
them before. Upon choosing the last option, the man will crack and you will
find out that they are Carla and Otis from the original Monkey Island(TM).
You can try and get them to join your crew, but they need some incentive...

Hint for Puzzle 4: The pair will actually want one of the options on offer.
Where might you find such an object? Even bringing this object to them is
not enough, and you will have to do something else before they will accept

Lastly, you’ll need a boat. Go down to the harbour and have a chat with the
Harbour Mistress (Lady of Leisure) where you found the Popped Inner Tube
earlier. On trying to procure a boat, you will be told that you don’t have
enough authority. Complain to Elaine about this, and she’ll give you the
Gubernatorial Symbol of Melee Island(TM). Use this on the Harbour Mistress
and, predictably, you’ll get the Dainty Lady (It’s pink.)
Well, now you can be off to Lucre(TM)!

iv) Seeing the Lawyers

Once you land, walk in a northerly direction and up the steps. You’ll see a
duck wandering around: you may as well pick it up now. Now head to the left,
and up to the top left in the screen with the Hall o’ Justice in to get to
the Law Offices. Enter, and talk to the Lawyers. They will consider your
case, and give you a letter. Read the letter, and you will find out that
your Grandfather-in-Law, H.T.Marley, has left you some wedding presents that
can be found at the Lucre(TM) Bank. Head there and you’ll be given a glimpse
of Ozzie Mandrill, the Australian who you may have heard about earlier.
After he has broken his stick and left, you can talk to the bank teller,
Brittany, and ask her if you can take something out of your safe deposit
box. After showing her the letter, and that you have power of Attorney, the
Bank Manager will show you into the vault, and get out H.T.Marley’s deposit
box. While you are rummaging through it, it is clear outside that something
is wrong. Indeed, as you look at the contents, a man with no nose, wearing a
mask, and claiming to be you enters with a gun, and makes off with the
Marley Heirlooms, leaving you trapped in the vault! There are several things
lying in the room; 3 sponges, a broken sword, a handkerchief, a music box
(in the deposit box), and a bottle of fine grog (behind the music box.) You
must use just these items to open the door.

Hint for Puzzle 5: It should be obvious what you should use the sword for.
Note that sponge expands dramatically when it is wet - that might give you a

clue as to what to do.

Unfortunately, when you escape, you will be placed under arrest as the
Inspector believes it was you who did the crime (that was why the criminal
was wearing a Guybrush mask - to incriminate you.) However, the Inspector
has not imprisoned you - you are not allowed to leave the island until you
have proved your suspected criminal - who you will find out to be Pegnose
Pete from enquiries among the citizens of Lucre(TM) - guilty. You are now
set three tasks. You must firstly prove Pegnose was at the scene of the
crime, then you must find him, and lastly you must find the booty, and tie
this with the criminal.

v) Proving he was at the scene of the Crime

To prove Pegnose was at the scene of the crime, you’ll need to get into the
bank, but how will you do that if you’re not allowed? Well, you’ll just need
to get in through that high open window, but how? You’ll need something to
propel you up to the window. Get out the Broken Sword, and use it to pry off
the manhole. On the bottom are carved three names that vary from game to
game. Make a note of these.

Hint for Puzzle 6: There is a place where you can use these three names to
get a certain object. When you have got this object, think about its
possible use. Look at it and you will see it is very stretchy.

Upon entering the bank in a very undignified manner, you will notice that
all the lights are off. You may have noticed the pull-chain earlier, but the
Bank Manager stopped you from touching it. Pull it, and the lights will come
on. Hey, wait a minute, what’s that shadow on the wall? Investigate it, and
you will find a prosthetic nose, presumably owned by Pegnose Pete. Just as
you pick it up, the inspector enters (very coincidental, I thought), and
takes the nose from you. You have now proved that Pegnose was at the scene
of the crime.

vi) Finding Him

Nobody seems to know where Pegnose lives, although many have heard that he
lives in the middle of the Mystes O’ Tyme Marshes. Trying to find his house
without directions would be mighty difficult, so you’re gonna need to get
some. Perhaps the Palace of Prostheses has his address, since he’s
presumably a regular customer. Unfortunately, enquiries to the owner,
Deadeye Dave are fruitless, since Guybrush only knows the criminal’s popular
name, whereas his real name would be on his medical records.
So you need to try and get Deadeye Dave to recognise Pegnose’s smell, and
then he can tell us his real name. Unfortunately, showing him the
handkerchief dropped by the villain is useless, since the smell is not
strong enough.

Hint for Puzzle 7: Smell the hanky yourself. Dave suggests you amplify the
smell, but you should try to synthesise it. You can obtain an empty perfume
spritzer bottle from the perfume stand, and you’re gonna have to fill that
with ingredients found around the isle to make up the smell of Pegnose. Now
spray that on Dave, and he’ll tell you the real name of Pegnose Pete.

Unfortunately, Dave’s filing monkey has run away, and you’re going to have
to get the medical file, detailing Pegnose Pete’s address, yourself. After a
bit of experimenting with the filing system controls, which look
suspiciously like they were stolen from a slot machine, you will discover
that the first roller affects what first name is chosen, the second affects
the second, and the third affects the third. Also, the different symbols
stand for different letters of the alphabet (note that each symbol on the
rollers stands for several letters of the alphabet next to each other. If
you want to figure out which symbol stands for which letter by yourself,
look away now. If you want to know, then the rabbit represents A to D, the
palm tree represents E to H, the pumpkin represents I to M, the monkey
represents N to S, and the banana represents T to Z. Now you have enough
information to find Pegnose’s medical file. Rotate the first roller to the
symbol representing the first letter of his first name, the second to symbol
representing the initial of his second name, and the last to the symbol
representing the first letter of his last name. Then you should get his
medical files. Hmmm... the directions on it are very strange, and look like
a train timetable. Note these directions down on a piece of paper.

Hint for Puzzle 8: You now need something to navigate around the marsh. I
wonder why it is called the Mystes o’ TYME marsh, eh? Have you seen a
timepiece anywhere in Lucre(TM) Town? Try and get it, but you’ll have to
distract the people using it first.

Go to the marsh, and use the clock with the raft. Now you’ll have a clock in
the bottom right hand corner of your screen. Use the medical notes to guide
you through the marsh - you should match the time in the bottom right hand
corner with the time on the medical notes, and go in the compass direction
shown next to the time on the notes.
Eventually you’ll come across a gate blocking yourself. Thankfully, yourself
in the future has come to help! He’ll give you a skeleton key. When you ask
him one of the three questions available, he’ll give you a reply that you
must remember for later. He’ll also give you a gun and a rope (in that
order, I think.) Guybrush refuses to open the gate until he knows that the
person standing on the other side of the gate is in fact Guybrush, and not
Pegnose in disguise. So you’ll need to talk to Guybrush and ask him what
number you are thinking of - he’ll give you a reply, and you must remember
that also for later. Now use the skeleton key on the gate, and before
Guybrush leaves, he will give you a rubber chicken with a pulley through it.
Mmmm...useful. Now continue following the directions, and you’ll soon come
upon the same gate, except that you’re on the other side of the gate. You
must make exactly the same replies that the future Guybrush made before.
Unfortunately, you’ll have to give back all the items that you have just
obtained (in exactly the same order.) If you don’t repeat exactly what the
future Guybrush did, then you’ll be sucked into a time vortex, and you’ll
have to do the whole thing again (not good.) After this, there is only a bit
to go before you get to Pegnose’s hideout. After listening in to the
conversation between Ozzie and Pegnose, you’ll need to figure out a plan to
capture Pegnose.

Hint for Puzzle 9: You may need to go back to Lucre(TM) Town to get some
stuff, and talk to the villagers. If you talk to some of the villagers about
Pegnose Pete, you’ll find out what his greatest fear should be.
Also, that clawdaddy trap is suspiciously man-sized - how could you get
Pegnose into it?

Now the real thief has been captured, one task remains - to find the real
booty and connect the real thief with the booty!

vii) Finding the Booty

As Guybrush said, you’ll need to pay Ozzie Mandrill a little visit. Tell
Ozzie that you know of his plot with Pegnose, and Guybrush will also claim
that he’s found the booty, prompting Ozzie to take his cane and go and check
the booty.

Hint for Puzzle 10: You need some way of making a trail behind Ozzie so that
you can follow him to the booty. The way to do it is to put termites on his
cane so he leaves a trail of wood shavings behind him. So, you first need to
get the termites - you need something wooden to lure them off the termite
circus in the Bait Shop - have you seen anything wooden in Lucre(TM) Town?
If so, you’ll need to think about how you can get it - is there anything in
your inventory you can use to distract the owner of the building so that you
can nab the wooden item? Now you need to get the cane - if Ozzie breaks his
cane he has to leave it at the House o’ Sticks for mending - is there any
item that you can use to make Ozzie so mad he breaks his cane? When the cane
is in the shop, transfer the termites onto the cane, and Ozzie will collect
it. Now you can follow him to the cove where the booty showroom is hidden,
but you haven’t found the heirlooms yet!

Head towards the trees at the back of the screen, and you’ll find a secret
passage down to the booty showroom. However, the heirlooms aren’t there -
upon opening the blinds using the button, you’ll see that the treasure is
behind an UNBREAKABLE glass window (and when Guybrush says this, it is
actually true - try flinging the manhole cover at the window, just to make
sure.) So you’ll have to head back to the surface - note that now you can
dive into the deep water. However, it is too dark to see underwater, and
Guybrush is too afraid to do anything unless he can see what he is doing.

Hint for Puzzle 11: You’ll need to get a light source - catching one of
those bioluminescent fishes would be a good idea. But you’re going to need
to catch one first - you’ll need some bait, and something to keep it in.

Now you have some light, you can head left through the secret door, and
surface in the secret chamber. Pick up the Marley family heirlooms, and an
itty bitty screw will fall out... hmmm, could this be the screw fixing
Pegnose’s nose on? Pick that up as well, and head back to the Hall o’
Justice, and show the screw to the Inspector - you are finally free, but
after a short cut scene, Pegnose is as well!

You can finally sail back to Melee Island(TM). You have presumably got the
papers from the Lawyers, since Guybrush gives them to Elaine as he returns.
A cutscene shows Guybrush telling Elaine what happened, with a few (well,
when I say a few, I mean a lot) of added extras.
To round off the act, Charles L. Charles appears and reveals what most of us
knew from the start - that he is actually LeChuck!

Act 2: Enter the Manatee

Elaine and Guybrush decide to find the Ultimate Insult, and get hold of it
before anyone else can, so that it doesn’t get into the wrong hands. Elaine
suggests that you go to the Voodoo Lady, so do as she says. Enter the
International House of Mojo (you can’t miss it - its got lots of burning
torches and stuff on the front.) If you haven’t been in here before, then
you should pull the finger in the hand to reveal the Voodoo Lady. If you ask
her what the Marley Family Heirlooms have to do with the Ultimate Insult,
she will tell you that they indicate the whereabouts of the Insult, and she
will obtain the wedding gifts from it using her voodoo powers.
Unfortunately, the last gift is missing - it is a blue present which can be
found on Melee Island(TM). So we’ll have to go find it!

i) Finding the Blue Present

You can now enter Meathook’s house, in the top right hand corner of Melee
Island(TM). He will tell you that he painted a picture of the Tri-Island
Area (which was largely blue) for H.T.Marley, but he never gave it to
Elaine’s grandfather, because he disappeared, and Meathook has since covered
that picture with one of his new wax creations. Head back to the town, and
you’ll find that the SCUMM Bar has been replaced by the LUA (?) Bar, and it
is now hideously tourist friendly. Hmmm...even Guybrush can see that the
picture on the wall is suspiciously ‘Meathooky’ - perhaps the picture is
underneath that wax painting? What you now need to do is get the wax off the
painting so that the painting is uncovered.

Hint for Puzzle 12: Sit on the bar stool, and call the waitress over (make
sure she isn’t on the other side of the bridge - she can get stuck, and
you’ll have to restart and go back to where you last saved - believe me, it
isn’t nice.) Order the Flaming Scuttlefish - it’ll come in a boat enveloped
in a huge flame. Wax would melt if exposed to that sort of a flame for long
enough. What you need to do is find items so that you can first stop the
boat underneath the painting, and then increase the flames so that you can
melt the wax. If you need some further help, note that when you stop the
boats moving the chef has to come out of his kitchen, and he isn’t there to
stop you going in...

Right, now that you’ve got the last wedding gift from the chef, you can set
about finding the use for these wedding gifts. You may have heard the voodoo
lady suggesting that you find somebody who could wear the earrings.

Hint for Puzzle 13: Who do you remember had pierced ears - which was
unusual? When you have found this person, put all the wedding gifts on her -
you will find out where the ultimate insult is hidden, and what it is made

Now that you have found out where the Ultimate Insult is hidden, you can
head off for your destination, Jambalaya Island(TM), and recover the pieces.
Once there, you should look at the blue painting that is in your inventory -
there are three pieces, one shaped like a bronze pirate hat, another like a
silver monkey head, and the last like a golden man. We’ll start by getting
the silver monkey head. Note the communal row boat lying next to the Dainty
Lady. You can use this to get to the Knuttin Atoll that is just off the
coast of Jambalaya(TM).

ii) Obtaining the Silver Monkey Head

Head up the steps and into the town centre. You’ll soon notice the shops,
including Planet Threepwood, Starbuccaneer’s(TM) Coffee House, and the
Firstly, enter Planet Threepwood and take a look at the menu - you’ll need
to do this to order later on. Go down the steps and head towards the tourist
in the corner - if you ask him about the Ultimate Insult, he’ll tell you
that the Monkey Mug that is used to contain beverages at Planet Threepwood
is shaped like a Silver Monkey. However you need a Mega Monkey Meal Ticket
to get the mug.

Hint for Puzzle 14: There are two places where you could get a Mega Monkey
Meal Ticket - at the Micro Groggery, and at Stan’s Timeshare Emporium,
located on the Southeast corner of the island.
Talk to the bar tender at the Micro Groggery, and he’ll tell you that you
need to ride a ‘Menacing Mechanical Manatee’ up until its highest setting.
Being a bit of a wimp, Guybrush falls off at ‘bed-wetter’ setting, so you’ll
need to find something on the island to stick him onto the Manatee so he
can’t fall off.
At Stan’s Timeshare Emporium, all you have to do is stay awake for his full
pitch on Timeshares. However, you’ll need some stimulation to keep you awake
for the full pitch, because it is three hours long! Where could you find
something to keep you awake?

Now that you’ve got a ticket, go to the waitress, and order any meal, giving
her the Mega Meal Ticket. After you sit down, she’ll come and deposit the
mug next to you. Sadly, if you try to take the mug, she’ll come and shout at
you, so you’ll have to construct a fake mug and put it in the place of the
Monkey Mug!
Obviously they’ve given you the option to talk to the friendly pirate for
something, so do so. He’ll come and draw a caricature of you with the Monkey
Mug. What you choose while talking to him is of no consequence. Now all you
need is a mug to stick that picture of the Monkey Mug onto, and some stuff
to stick it on with (you may have already found that.) Unfortunately, when
you get up, the mug is taken away! Luckily, you can get more Meal Tickets by
repeating the same thing at the Timeshare Emporium, and if you chose to ride
the Manatee, there is now a barrel of tickets outside the Groggery.
Now you need to find a mug to stick the Monkey Mug caricature onto. It can’t
be any old mug - it has to have two handles.

Hint for Puzzle 15: The Starbuccaneer’s (TM) Logo Mug has two handles...

Now you can glue the Monkey Mug picture onto the Logo mug - you’ll need some
glue for that, but it’s easy to find. Now order another meal, and swap the
mugs. You now have the Silver Monkey Head!

iii) Obtaining the Golden Man

Quiz the woman in the coffee shop about the Ultimate Insult, and she’ll tell
you that there is a Golden Man as a prize at the Diving Competition, which
is the tall rock at the West Side of Jambalaya(TM) Island. Enter, and ask
Marco de Pollo, the current world plank diving champ about entering the
competition. He says you’ll need to get a certificate to enter. So go to the
judges, and ask to be certified. After a very disturbing sequence of events,
you’ll obtain your diving certificate. Now try to dive against Marco - and
you’ll do quite badly, most probably. Ask each judge why you’ve got such a
poor score.

Hint for Puzzle 16: The Grouchy Judge is being paid off. Is there any way
you can blackmail him into giving you good scores? Look at your inventory -
you may not know that you have it.
The Wise Old Judge scores you on your aerodynamics - your head is too flat,
Is there anything you can find on the two islands that will improve your
aerodynamics. Once you see it, it should be easy to set about getting it.
The Hippie Judge scores you on how your dive compares to Marco de Pollo’s.
Note down what he says, and when you dive, press the right buttons to copy
de Pollo’s dive.

However, when you do the perfect dive, you’ll still have to do a tiebreaker
round. Note that Marco uses the Baby Seal Oil during this round, so if you
sabotage this, then Marco will definitely lose.

Hint for Puzzle 17: Note that the seagulls flying around the top of the rock
can be used to your advantage. If you can find some food to put in the Seal
Oil, then Marco will be pestered by the birds, and will mess up his dive!

After a cutscene detailing Elaine’s progress, you’ll have obtained the
Golden Man! Only the Bronze Hat to go then!

iv) Obtaining the Bronze Hat

You should now head for the centre of Jambalaya(TM), and question the man
next to the statue about the Ultimate Insult. He will tell you that the
Bronze Hat, stolen from the statue, can be found on Knuttin Atoll. Before
you go, you should ask him all the questions about Tiny LaFeet that are
available - otherwise, you’ll have to return here later.
Head for Knuttin, and go to the beach. Talk to the metabolically challenged
pirate, and you’ll find he is Jumbeaux LaFeet, Tiny’s son! Ask him about his
father, and Jumbeaux will tell you why he stole the hat, and that he can’t
remember where he finally buried it - if you go to the right, then you’ll
see the problem - there’s a huge field full of boulders! If you ask him
about the two parrots on his shoulder, he’ll tell you that they are parrots
cursed with voodoo magic, and that one always tells the truth, whereas the
other always lies - they’d be useful to find the Bronze Hat.

Hint for Puzzle 18: You’ll need to find something to call the parrots away
>from their master, and that something is on Knuttin Atoll. It would be good
if you could get to the treasure chest in the Transmogrification Academy,
but how?

Now you can call the parrots to you when you are in the boulder field.
However, you need something to be able to tell them apart.

Hint for Puzzle 19: Is there anything in your inventory you could give to
one of them to tell them apart? You may need to go back to Jambalaya(TM) to
find it.

However, even if you could find your boulder, how would you get it out of
the way? You’re going to need some fairly hefty explosive force to get one
of those boulders out of the way.

Hint for Puzzle 20: Didn’t Jumbeaux say that if there are three or more
pirates talking together, that mad general Casaba would fire at you? Where
could you find some (albeit little) pirates? The puppet booth of course! You
are going to need to get the puppeteer to talk to you, and then you need to
scare him off so that you can take his puppets. How can you do this?

Now, when you have found the rock, use the two puppets, and Admiral Casaba,
believing you are conspiring against him, will wheel out the REALLY big
cannon (really big) and blow up the rock for you.
Now that you have the last piece of the Ultimate Insult (or so you think,)
you are ready to head back to Melee Island(TM) and show your finds to
Elaine. In a cutscene, you see LeChuck’s plan has come into fruition -
Elaine seems to have gone mad in believing that Charles L. Charles is
LeChuck. As Guybrush returns home, you see that LeChuck has indeed won the
election, and is working for Ozzie Mandrill (shock horror!) Predictably, as
soon as you have all the parts of the Ultimate Insult, you are robbed of
them by LeChuck, and banished to Monkey Island(TM)!

Act 3: Escape From Monkey Island(TM)

i) Constructing an Ultimate Insult

You start out washed up on the shore of Monkey Island(TM), with only Timmy
the monkey for company. Head downwards and off the beach. Just North of the
beach is a campsite belonging to Herman Toothrot, but he’s lost his memory
and can’t help you. Pick up the coconut in his campsite, however. Now head
northwards, and then east at the junction, before hiking to the canyon.
You’ll probably notice something golden lying next to the cactus, so pick up
the Banana Picker. Believe me, it’ll come in useful later on. Hmmm... that’s
odd - the handle of the banana picker is shaped like a golden man. Remember
that for later. Now enter the mineshaft, and go up to the metal door. It
would be useful to be able to get through that door, but the vent is too
small for a man to get through.

Hint for Puzzle 21: Is there anyone you have met that could get through the
vent? How would you lure that person to the vent? And once that person is
through the vent, how would you get them to jump up to the latch?

Now that the door is open, enter the pipe. You’ll see a Weed Whipper in the
works which is jamming them. Guess how you’ll get it - with the Banana
Picker of course!
There is nothing else you can do in here, so leave, and head northwards to
the cathedral - type structure. You’ll see a monkey hurl a milk bottle over
at one of the islands in the middle of a huge lava field. Ignore that and
head up to the cathedral, which turns out to be the Church of LeChuck.
You’ll see a skeleton with two small shields in its eyes, and you can use
the Banana Picker to pluck them out (starting to become darned useful, this
Picker, eh?) Now head over the bridge and over to the Priest, who turns out
to be a ghost by the name of Father Allegro Rasputin. Ask him why there is a
stream of lava flowing through the church, and he’ll tell you that it is a
lava boat ride for newly - weds. Ask him repeatedly to ride it, and
eventually he’ll let you ride it. You can steer it once you get into the
lava pool, and steer it so you eventually come alongside the milk bottle.
Guess what you need to pick it up? The banana picker, again! Now all you can
do is ride back to the church. Wouldn’t it be useful if you could beach that
lava boat and head over the bridge, eh?
Head to Vista Point. There are a lot of channels cut into the rock face, and
a pile of rocks to fling into them. Try flinging a few rocks into the
channels. It turns out that when a rock falls down one of the channels in
the bottom of the screen, it causes a much bigger rock to fly out and land
somewhere on Monkey Island(TM).

Hint for Puzzle 22: How could you get a boulder to go down the central hole
at the bottom of the screen? Look at the roots that are twitched as the
boulders go by - they are crucial to solving the puzzle.

A huge boulder flies out of the chute and lands in the lava pool, creating a
little landing area! Go back to the Church, and take another ride, landing
at the small pool of lava. There are some heat resistant weeds lying round
the pool. You’ll probably have already guessed that you should whip them
using the Weed Whipper, and it’ll allow lava to flow down into the mine
shaft, powering the machinery. However, that will make little difference to
you at the moment. Go to the left and use the Palm Tree to push it over,
creating a bridge that you can use to get back to the first part of the
island. However, for now, head to the right and over the bridge, and when
you get back to the map, head north to the village, ignoring the monkey when
you get to the clearing. When you enter the village, go to Jojo Jr., and ask
him about his hat, until he talks about monkey kombat. He’ll tell you about
it, and tell you about the five stances, and that you need to use special
monkey insults, consisting of the four monkey words ack, oop, chee, and eek,
to move between the stances. Each stance is dominant over two other stances,
so the game is basically a big game of Paper, Rock, Scissors. Jojo Jr. will
only tell you the monkey insult to move between two stances, and that one
stance is dominant to another. You’re gonna need to learn all the other
insults, and which stances are dominant to which others. I suggest you get a
piece of paper, to note all this information down as you hear it.
Go back to that clearing you saw earlier, and talk to the timid monkey. He
will challenge you to a game of monkey kombat. Note down which insults he
uses to change moves, and note them down on some sort of table. You will
also see which move is dominant to which others. Also note that some moves
are MORE dominant than others to a certain move. So, for example, maybe both
Gimpy Gibbon and Anxious Ape are dominant to Charging Chimp, but Gimpy
Gibbon takes off two bananas off the enemy’s health bar, whereas Anxious Ape
takes off only one. So you should try and use Gimpy Gibbon in those
Eventually, by noting down what insults the enemy uses, you should almost be
able to move between all the moves. However, you may have to try and guess
the last few insults. However, since, during an insult, you cannot repeat
the same cry more than once, there are only a small number of combinations,
and you can usually guess the last insults by trial and error. To help you,
here is a complete list of all the possible insults. (C stands for chee, E
stands for eek, O stands for oop, and A stands for aak.)


While you are learning the insults to move between stances, you should be
aiming to beat the monkeys. When you have beaten the timid monkey, leave the
clearing, and then re-enter to find a new monkey. You will have to beat the
timid monkey, a smelly monkey, a strapping monkey, and finally a brawny
monkey before you are allowed to face Jojo Jr. You should make sure that you
know how to switch between every stance, and that you know a stance to knock
two bananas off any stance.
When you fight Jojo, you should always try to move into the stance that
beats his (and knocks two bananas off) and you will eventually find
yourself, both on two bananas, and it is his move. However, his next move,
even if it normally takes off two bananas, will only take off one. Your next
move will also only take off one banana. Jojo will then proceed to draw with
you, putting him onto the score of two bananas, and you can finish him off.
Hooray, you have a Bronze Pirate Hat. But what use is that at the moment?
Didn’t you have one of them earlier?
Go to the Father Allegro Rasputin and ask him about counteracting the
Ultimate Insult. He tells you that you should try to construct a bigger
voodoo talisman. So basically, you need to make a big ultimate insult. Back
to finding those pieces...

Hint for Puzzle 23: But don’t you have some of those pieces already? But
they’re only normal size. Where can you find an enormous piece of the
Ultimate Insult that you can use?

However, even after this is constructed, it doesn’t work. It seems to need
another piece. Perhaps if Herman Toothrot had his memory back, he could help

ii) Getting Herman’s Memory Back

Now, let’s go back to the campsite. Herman is a sad case, and its difficult
to even understand what he’s saying.

Hint For Puzzle 24: Think back to the days when you watched cartoons. How
was memory loss usually cured then? (Or supposedly cured, it usually didn’t
work as I remember.)

Herman’s got part of his memory back, but he still doesn’t remember you, so
you’ll need to ‘help’ him get some more back.

Hint For Puzzle 25: What is Herman’s earliest memory. ‘Use’ the item that he
remembers to get a little bit more of his memory back.

Herman’s memory is almost completely restored, but the last thing he can
remember is being washed up on Monkey Island(TM).

Hint For Puzzle 26: What was with him when he got washed up on the beach?
Have you seen that anywhere on Monkey Island(TM)? How could you obtain it
>from the person who is jealously guarding it? Think about the kind of thing
that person would like.

Now Herman remembers everything - he is not Herman Toothrot at all, but
Guybrush’s grandfather-in-law, H.T.Marley! After he explains how he got
here, talk to him to find out what the extra component of the Ultimate
Insult is. He’ll give it to you, and you can put it into the prominent slot
in the parts of your existing insult. Now that you have a giant monkey robot
thingy, you can go and kick some butt!

Act 3+: Guybrush Kicks Unusually Large Butt

You’ll start this act on a small island with three towers on it, with the
tallest of it being Ozzie’s amplification tower. You need to get up to the
top of the tallest tower to turn it off, but how?

Hint For Puzzle 27: Aw, c’mon, this is easy! Is there anything you can find
to help you get up onto the top tower? Think springboards...

After flicking the switch, and turning off the amplifier, you are treated to
a cutscene. Basically, LeChuck turns into a huge statue, and is coming at
you with Elaine in one hand and Ozzie Mandrill standing on his head,
controlling him using the Ultimate Insult. Monkey Kombat ensues between the
two giants.

Hint For Puzzle 28: You can’t win, because both your health bars replenish
too fast. Is there any other way you have seen to end a fight? Note that
Ozzie is sitting on LeChuck’s head...

Ozzie is dead, the Ultimate Insult has been destroyed, and LeChuck has been
blasted off the face of the earth (we are supposed to think - he’s done well
to survive so far.)
That’s it - you’ve finished the game, and can enjoy the final cutscene and

3) Solutions to the Puzzles

Are you sure you want to look at this? Usually my hints give enough away
that you can solve them yourself...

Puzzle 1: Kick the brazier over using the use (triangle button), and pick up
a hot coal (square.) Turn round and kick the coal at the Loaded Cannon.

Puzzle 2: Ask one of the darts players why there are so many holes in the
walls, and he’ll challenge you to get him to hit anything in the room. If
you’ve inspected the balloon, then you can choose for him to try and hit the
balloon. He does so, knocking out the pirate, and you can take the pretzels.

Puzzle 3: At the harbour, there is a popped inner tube. Pick that up, and
use that with the two-pronged cactus. If you repeat giving the pretzels to
the pirate, and tinkering with his controls. He will fire at the cactus, and
the rock should rebound and hit the catapult.

Puzzle 4: They want cushy government contracts. You can find a cushy
contract in the Governor’s mansion. Pick up the Cushy Government Contract up
>from the table which has the fine china on it, look at it, and give it to
Elaine to sign. Then give it to the pair, and they will join your crew.

Puzzle 5: Shove the sword into the lower hinge, breaking it off. Now put the
broken sword and all three sponges into the crack, before pouring the Fine
Grog into the sponges. They should expand rapidly, forcing open the crack.

Puzzle 6: Go into the Palace of Prostheses, and ask for some Prostheses, and
then when he asks what type, choose to ask for free ones. Now, when he asks
you for names in the story, use the ones you found on the manhole cover.
He’ll give you some Prosthetic skin, which you should stretch over the
manhole, and then use it as a trampoline to reach the window.

Puzzle 7: You’ll need to find some bait (Bait Shop), a flower (garden’s
outside foreboding mansion/Ozzie’s House), wood shavings (floor of House o’
Sticks after Ozzie takes his cane away), and swamp puddle water (puddle on
the edge of Mystes o’ Tyme marsh.) Put all these in the Spritzer Bottle, and
spray the concoction on Deadeye Dave. He’ll recognise the smell and tell you
the real name of Pegnose.

Puzzle 8: There is a timepiece that can be found on the seafront near to
some arches with steps leading up to the village. Talk to the portly pirate,
and choose the distracting food phrases when he is just about to make a
move. He’ll mess up and get annoyed with the skinny pirate. Ask him also
about the skinny pirate, and he’ll tell you that the skinny pirate has a
crush on the bank teller, Brittany. Now talk to the skinny pirate and use
the distracting phrases with Brittany in. Now he’ll mess up his move and the
pair will get into an argument, allowing you to take the clock.

Puzzle 9: You’ll find out that Pegnose’s nose was bitten off by a duck by
talking to Freddie in the House o’ Sticks. Also, pick up the Chicken Grease
in the Hall o’ Justice. Now head back to Pegnose’s shack. Spread Chicken
Grease on the Welcome Mat, and lob the Duck in through the window. Pegnose
will run out, slip on the grease, and fall into the trap.

Puzzle 10: There is a wooden hand in the Palace of Prostheses, but Dave
won’t let you have it. Play the music box for Dave, and he won’t be able to
hear you taking the wooden hand. Now go to the bait shop and use the hand
with the termite circus to get the termites. Now go to Ozzie’s house, and
spray Cologne on one of his stuffed animals. He’ll get angry and break his
stick. Now go to the House of Sticks, and transfer the termites onto his
stick. Now he’ll lay a trail as he walks!

Puzzle 11: You’ll need to enter the bank and get the Scupperware in the
bottom-left corner. Use that with the free bait in the bait shop. Now you
can use the Scupperware with bait in with the fishes to catch one and create
a light.

Puzzle 12: To stop the mechanism, you’ll need to go to Meathook’s. Ask him
about how he used to paint with brushes, and he’ll show you one of his old
buckets of brushes. Take a brush, and head down to the harbour. You’ll spot
a quarter in the change return slot. Take it out and put it in the machine,
and then kick, punch, shake, and yell at it until it gives you a grog. Pick
up one of the grog cans.
Now go back to the LUA Bar. Order a Flaming Scuttlefish, and wait for it to
come. While you are sitting on the bar stool, jam the paintbrush in the boat
propulsion mechanism while the boat is entirely behind the pillar to stop it
underneath the painting. Now, while the cook is trying to fix it, enter the
kitchen and pour the grog in the Boat Steam Generator. The wax on the
painting should melt and reveal the blue painting.

Puzzle 13: The figurehead on the front of the boat has pierced ears.

Puzzle 14: If you want to stay on the Manatee, go to Stan’s Timeshare
Emporium and pick up the glue behind his desk. Spread this on the Manatee,
and you’ll stay on it for ages.
If you want to stay awake for the pitch, go to Starbuccaneer’s (TM) and look
at the empty cup in the window. Now enter and pick the cup up by looking at
the position inside the window where the cup roughly was. Now give the cup
to the assistant and he’ll refill it. Go to Stan’s Emporium and drink the
cup before listening to the pitch.

Puzzle 15: The woman tourist in Starbuccaneer’s (TM)has a mug in her
shopping bag. Look at her shopping bag, and then pick the mug up using the
square button.

Puzzle 16: Get a Brochure from Stan’s stand, and look at it - hey, that’s
the Grouchy Judge with a blonde. If you’ve talked to the Grouchy Judge
before, you’ll know he has a red-headed wife. Show the leaflet to him and
he’ll give you good scores.
In the Transmogrification Academy of Knuttin Atoll, you may have seen a
Dunce Cap. Enlist to be taught at the Academy, and at the final test, choose
the most bloodthirsty answers, and you’ll get the cap. Wear that before the
dive to get good scores from the Wise Old Judge.

Puzzle 17: Look in Starbuccaneer’s(TM), and you’ll see some bagels on the
counter. Pick one up, and eat it. Guybrush will chew it up, but spit it out
because it tastes so bad. Use this chunk of food with the Baby Seal Oil, and
the seagulls will pester Marco as he dives, giving him a bad score.

Puzzle 18: Pull the fire alarm on the wall of the Academy, and Miss Rivers
will leave, screaming in terror. You can then enter and pick up the whistle
>from the chest. This is in fact a Parrot Call (as you will find out if you
blow it) and you can use it to summon the parrots to you while you are in
the field of boulders.

Puzzle 19: Go to the Micro-Groggery and ask for some grog. You will be given
some Wimpy Grog. If you give that to one of the parrots, he will sway about,
and you can then ask the drunk one a simple question to determine if he is
the truth-telling one or not. If he is, follow his directions, and if he
isn’t, follow the sober one’s directions.

Puzzle 20: Go to the puppet booth, and ask the little LeChuck about
Hellbeard, until you can tell him that Hellbeard has been dead for 80 years,
and the little Guybrush will pop up. Ask him first about the Ultimate
Insult, and then repeatedly to speak to the puppeteer, and the puppeteer
will show his face. Now leave him alone, and get out the Blue Painting, and
show it to him. He’ll run away, screaming in terror, and you can take the

Puzzle 21: Go to the beach and use the Banana Picker repeatedly with the
bunch of bananas to snare the bunch of bananas. Offer one to Timmy, and
he’ll follow you. Take him to the canyon, and keep offering him bananas so
that he’ll follow you into the mineshaft. Now throw a banana through the
vent (Use banana with vent) and Timmy will jump through. Now ‘use’ the Vent
to close it, and hold a banana to the portal (Use banana with portal.) Timmy
will jump up and open the door.

Puzzle 22: First fling a boulder at the hole on the right hand side of the
screen. Now pick up another boulder, and the moment the other boulder tweaks
the root, fling this boulder into the middle hole. Now pick up another
boulder, and when the boulder you flung into the middle hole tweaks a root,
fling the boulder you are holding into the left hand hole. Pick up a last
boulder, and when a boulder tweaks the last root, chuck it into the hole at
the left hand side of the screen.

Puzzle 23: You already have the Bronze Pirate Hat and the Golden Man (on the
Banana Picker.) Now all you need is a big Monkey Head. Go to the World
Famous Giant Monkey Head, put the Bronze Hat on its head, and use the Banana
Picker with the Monkey’s nose. The Ultimate Insult should be complete - but
there seems to be something missing from the prominent slot in the Monkey
Head control room.

Puzzle 24: Throw the coconut at Herman’s head.

Puzzle 25: Swing the Milk Bottle at Herman’s head.

Puzzle 26: Herman remembers being washed up on the beach with his accordion.
The accordion is being used by the musically-inclined monkey in the Monkey
Village. If you’ve looked at the shields, you’ll see that they are actually
more like cymbals. Use the cymbals with the musically-inclined monkey and
he’ll drop the Accordion, and you can pick it up. Go back to the campsite
and wonk Herman with the Accordion, and he’ll regain all his memory.

Puzzle 27: Pick up the large wooden plank lying on the ground, and use that
with the small tower. Now climb the tower, and you can use the wooden plank
as a springboard to get to the top.

Puzzle 28: Get three draws, and LeChuck will pound his head, killing Ozzie

4) Legal Stuff and Credits

All material © 2001 Odge

You may put my FAQ on your website without asking, but you must do a few
things in order to be able to put this article on your site. Firstly, you
must not change anything. Secondly, you must accredit me as the author of
the article. Thirdly, you must send me an e-mail telling me who you are and
what website you have put my FAQ on. Lastly, if possible, you should put a
link to on your website.

Any further tips or corrections would be greatly appreciated.

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Dt. Lösung im pdf-Format

04.Oktober 2013

27.September 2013

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Engl. Lösung

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Lösung für die Demoversion

01.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013
Ermöglicht es Video-und Audio-Dateien aus dem Spiel zu extrahieren

02.Oktober 2013
Savegame und dt. Lösung für den Monkey Kombat

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Lösung im UHS-Format

02.Oktober 2013
Hilfe für Monkey-Kombat im Word format
Engl. Hinweise

02.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung im Word-Format
Engl. Lösung

26.September 2013
Lösung für die Monkey Kombat-Rätsel als Excel-Datei

04.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

04.Oktober 2013
Monkey Kombat Help File
Engl. Hinweise

22.September 2013
Dt. Hinweise im Word-Format (Anmerkung: es sieht so aus als ob der Monkey Kombat doch zufallsgesteuert ist)

04.Oktober 2013
Affenkampf-Hinweise im Word-Format
Engl. Hinweise

01.Oktober 2013
Dt. Lösung im Word-Format

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02.Oktober 2013
Beleidigungen und Lösung für die Demoversion

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30.December 2013
01.December 2014
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24.Juli 2014