Max Payne

Max Payne

18.10.2013 03:55:15
Max Payne for PC FAQ by Panda V.1.5 Final 4-12-2001
This document Copyright 2001 Panda
Please do not alter or copy any part of this FAQ without my permission. Please
contact me if you want to use this FAQ in another other places.

***************************IMPORTANT NOTE*******************************
Please note that this is the FINAL VERSION and this FAQ will NOT be updated
again in the future. I will probably NOT reply e-mails concerning this game
if the enquiry is already being covered in this FAQ.

The following websites have been permitted to post this FAQ without altering
any part of it:
GameFAQs -
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V.1.0 16-08-2001 The debut of this FAQ.
V.1.1 20-08-2001 Added Walkthrough Part 1. Updated Combat Tips. Modified the
layout for easier reading, hopefully.
V.1.11 21-08-2001 Added Walkthrough Part 2. Added content part 5. Updated
Combat Tips.
V.1.12 24-08-2001 Added Walkthrough Part 3.
V.1.3 27-08-2001 Added information in a number of parts. Added Content.
V.1.31 02-09-2001 Added information in many parts, especially Fun and Facts.
V.1.4 23-09-2001 Added walkthrough for the secret finale and information in
Fun and Facts.
V.1.5 26-11-2001 Added readers contributions. Final update.


-- 1.1 Control
-- 1.2 Bullet time

-- 2.1 Melee weapons
-- 2.2 Handguns
-- 2.3 Shotguns
-- 2.4 Automatic weapons
-- 2.5 Throwable weapons
-- 2.6 Sniper rifle

-- 3.1 Use of weapons
-- 3.2 Use of bullet time
-- 3.3 Movements
-- 3.4 Others

-- Part 1 The American Dream
-- Part 2 A Cold Day In Hell
-- Part 3 A Bit Closer To Heaven
-- The Secret Finale




1.1 Control:
This part is pretty basic, you may want to skip it.

forward - w or up arrow
backward - s or down arrow
strafe left - a or left arrow
strafe right - d or right arrow
crouch - c or right ctrl "
jump - space or right shift
shoot - left mouse click
reload - r or number pad 0

next weapon - [ or mouse wheel
previous weapon = ] or mouse wheel
select best weapon - g
melee weapons - 1
handgun weapons- 2
shotgun weapons- 3
automatic weapons - 4
throwable weapons - 5
sniper rifle - 6

use/sniper zoom - e or enter
use painkiller - tab or backspace
bullet time combo - right mouse click or left shift
bullet time only - unassigned
shoot dodge only - unassigned
pause game - p or pause

read story - F1
show objective - F2
quick save - F5
quick load - F9

Each function can be assigned into 2 different keys. All the keys can be
reassigned except the last 4 functional keys.

- You have to hold the crouch key to remain crouched, and you can't move while

- Press jump and backward/strafe left or right together and Max will perform
an escape roll. If you want to jump back/left/right, press jump then the
directional key.

- Press the weapon keys (1-6) to select weapons of different categories. Press
the same key again to cycle through different weapons in the same category.

- Use the "use" key to interact with the environment, many things can be played
with in the game.

1.2 Bullet time:
The most astonishing and important feature in Max Payne is "bullet time".
After activating bullet time, everything in the game is slowed down except
your mouse pointer, which means you are now aiming at slow-motioned bad guys.
Thus, aiming is much easier in bullet time. Bullet time can be activated in
two ways.

- By moving in any direction and mouse right clicking, Max goes into a "shoot
dodge" in slow motion. It can be used to avoid enemy fire and firing back
at the same time.

- By right mouse clicking when Max is standing still, you go into full bullet
time, everything slows down until you right mouse click again to deactivate
bullet time or after you do a shoot dodge, bullet time will automatically
be deactivated.

Bullet time is not unlimited, the hourglass beside your health indicator shows
how much bullet time can you use. A shoot dodge costs about 10% of the maximum
bullet time charge, full bullet time will drain the charge continually until
it is deactivated. The bullet time hourglass is refilled by killing enemies.

Max will perform an escape roll instead of a shoot dodge when you right mouse
click with directional keys without any bullet time charge.

You may want to assign a key to the "bullet time only" function, which enables
you to activate full bullet time without the need to stop, stand still then
right mouse click so you don't make a shoot dodge instead.


There are totally 15 different weapons divided into 6 categories. Press
"1"-"6" to select the weapon of your choice, using "[" and "]" is just way
too slow.

The numbers in brackets after the weapon's name indicate the amount of ammo
it can hold. E.g. Beretta (18-162) means the Beretta holds 18 bullets in one
clip and you can carry at most 162 Beretta bullets (including the clip inside
the gun) in your arsenal.

For more tips about using the weapons, please refer to part 3 combat tips.

2.1 Melee weapons:
- Lead pipe (unlimited)
- Baseball bat (unlimited)
You will not use them too often, because you'll have plenty of ammo for your
firearms most of the time in the game. Anyway, they are powerful weapons,
both can kill a guy in 1-2 hits.

2.2 Handguns:
- Beretta (18-162)
It is the gun you start with, and it is satisfactorily efficient. You will
very likely never use it again after you've got the Desert Eagle or Dual

- Dual Berettas (36-162)
Once you get a second Beretta, you can use Dual Berettas. With two guns firing
at the same time, you are doing double damage, but more importantly, they
provide some suppression fire.

- Desert Eagle (12-48)
The Desert Eagle fires a bit slower than the Beretta but with much more power.
A drawback of the Desert Eagle is the small amount of Desert Eagle ammo you
can carry. You will always need to find replenishment for it if you use it
a lot.

2.3 Shotguns:
- Pump-Action Shotgun (7-80)
With the Pump-Action Shotgun, you can kill a guy in close range in one shot.
It is useful in almost every situation, especially in close quarter combat,
but it needs quite some time to load between every shot. It shares ammo with
the Sawed-Off Shotgun.

- Sawed-Off Shotgun (2-80)
It can fire 2 shots successively, but after that, you need to reload, which
can be quite a trouble when you are facing a group of bad guys. The good thing
is, you can quickly send a guy a second shot in "bullet time" if the first
one fails to kill. It shares ammo with the Pump-Action Shotgun.

- Jackhammer (12-110)
The Jackhammer is the combination of the good things the other two shotguns
have, large ammo limit with auto reloading, meaning that you can fire 12
successive shots. Too bad you only get it fairly late in the game.

2.4 Automatic weapons:
- Ingram (50-300)
The Ingram fires so quickly that you will empty the 50 shots in seconds. The
ammo is not deadly, but the speed is. When the enemy is getting hit, he can't
fire back, it is like having suppression fire covering in combat. Tends to
be a bit inaccurate in long range, but well, that's not the way to use an
Ingram anyway.

- Dual Ingrams (100-300)
Just like the relation between the Beretta and Dual Berettas, Dual Ingrams
doubles the damage of the Ingram and it is the best weapon for suppression
fire in the game. Just point the guns at the unlucky target and watch taking
dozens of bullets before he dies...

- Colt Commando (30-150)
Another good-for-everything weapon in the game, it has both the firing speed
and firepower you need to take on the toughest guy. It is accurate even in
long range. Use it any way you like, just keep in mind that the 150 bullets
is not that many, always look for replenishment.

2.5 Throwable weapons:
- Grenade (1-10)
It is best used when you are facing enemies who are taking cover behind boxes,
tables or the bar, or firing at you from inside a room. Just remember to aim
above the guy and remember that the grenade will bounce a bit after hitting
things. You cannot use it with "shoot dodge".

- Molotov Cocktail (1-10 <-- Thanks Augustine for telling!)
A petrol bomb that spreads into flame upon hitting anything. You can't kill
a group of people, which you can with a grenade, with it, but it is also unlikely
you'll burn yourself with it. You cannot use it with "shoot dodge".

- M79 (1-10)
It is not really "throwable", but the M79 grenade launcher is extremely useful
when you need to handle a group of bad guys who are positioned close to each
others. The grenade fired will explode upon contact and blow things up like
a hand grenade. You can shoot dodge using the M79, making it easier for you
to aim, and less likely to get hit compared with using the hand grenade, it
also has a longer range. The only drawback is that the grenade doesn't travel
in a parabola like the hand grenade, so you can't kill people behind a wall
with it.

2.6 Sniper rifle:
- Sniper Rifle (5-20)
Press "E" when equipped with the Sniper Rifle to active "Sniper Zoom". Hold
the key to zoom in even further (Thanks to Bahamut, Chris and Jonel.) Needless
to say, the Sniper Rifle is best used to take care of enemies in long range.
Aim for any part of the target's body and you can kill him with one shot most
of the time, not including bosses. You cannot "shoot dodge" using this weapon.


Gun fighting is almost the only thing you'll do in the game, but that doesn't
mean it would be boring, because of the bullet time function, you can enjoy
performing cinematic shoot dodge and watch bullets flying around in Matrix
style. I'm now going to share some of my experience about combating in the
game with you, hope that helps you playing and enjoying the game.

3.1 Use of weapons:
- Always reload! Since it won't waste the remaining bullets in the half-emptied
clip when you reload before using up a whole clip, always reload when you
have time. Reloading in the heat of a battle is pretty dangerous.

- Try to make headshots! Not only do headshots save you ammo, they save you
time. Dropping enemy fast means safety for you. Shooting a guy at the head
or somewhere near the neck will most likely kill he in one shot. Or if you're
close enough, one shotgun shot will also kill, and that doesn't really need
to be at the head.

- The Pump-Action Shotgun is a versatile weapon, you can even use it in long
range, but using it with shoot dodge tends to be risky. Because of the large
amount of time it takes for the shell to load between each shot, you can fire
at most two shots during a shoot dodge, one as soon as you jump and one after
you've landed. However, you don't have much time to aim the first shot this
way. So usually, you shoot only once with it during a shoot dodge. If that
one shot hits, it will often kill. But if it misses, you are lying right in
front of the enemy. Using the Sawed-Off Shotgun will give you a second chance
during a shoot dodge.

- Suppression fire is deadly! During group fights, suppression fire means
gunfire that keeps the enemy busy taking cover instead of busy firing, so
other team members can move from one cover to another without worrying about
getting hit. In Max Payne, I mean gunfire that keeps the enemy busying making
the "I'm hit!" pose instead of returning fire.

The Dual Ingrams are perfect at suppression fire, and even a single Ingram,
the Colt Commando and Dual Berettas are good choices, provided that the bullets
are hitting instead of missing the target. The Dual Ingrams is fast enough
to keep even bosses from recovering from hits. Combined with bullet time,
you can really keep hitting a guy until he's dead without much trouble. Just
beware of any other enemies around when you're forced on one guy.

- Shotguns are not powerful at all in long range. The metal balls in shell
spreads too far apart and fail to significant damage after they've traveled
a long distance. Ingrams' bullets also spreads a bit, you'll be wasting a
lot of bullets firing Dual Ingrams at an enemy afar. Don't underestimate the
power of the Desert Eagle, it's accurate as long as you aim well, having great
stopping power even in long range.

- If the enemy is far from you, don't hesitate using the Sniper Rifle. It
is especially good when you're in a position high then the enemy. He will
have a hard time hitting you from below provided that you don't go too near
the edge, giving you time to aim and shoot.

When firing the Sniper Rifle, the "bullet cam" may be activated. Most of the
time when it's activated your shot will hit, but that's not a law. There are
always exceptional cases.

- While you can't use shoot dodge with the rifle in heavy situations, you
can activate bullet time "and then" turn on your zoom. (By Sephar)

- From halfway into game on, shotguns often can't kill in one shot, with their
slow firing speed, they become much less useful (you don't get the Jackhammer
until the late game). Even Dual Berettas maybe a better choice since they
can stop/slow the enemies from closing in. You really need to aim well using
shotguns or it if take awful lot of time to kill a group of bad guys.

- If you are up against 1 - 2 enemies ant close range, use your pump -
action shotgun. Use your Dual Ingrams for three or more enemies at short to
medium range. Dual Berettas take care of the job at medium range with 1 -
2 enemies, but for long range, use the Desert Eagle. It has the longest range
and is the most accurate and powerful pistol you get. (By Wazuppie765)

- Last of all, if you want to take out an enemy quietly without alerting other
guards (this only works if you're up against one man and he doesn't see you
since you're behind him, etc.) use your baseball bat or lead pipe. That way,
you save ammo and take out the enemy quietly. (By Wazuppie765)

- You can kill multiple enemies with Molotov Cocktails, but not nearly as
easily as grenades can. Any enemy groups which stand no further apart than
the wall of the hallways in the Finito Brother's Hotel (Episode 1 Level 3)
will usually get burnt with one Molotov cocktail. (By Morphling21k)

- In different parts in the game, you'll come across different kind of enemies.
For example, in the late game, you'll meet lots of bad guys with Colt
Commandos. You may want to use the weapon that you are most likely to get
ammo from the enemies.

- There are items in the environment that can be used to kill, like gas tanks.
However, you have to shoot at the tip of the tanks and watch the shooting
flaming for a while before the tanks will explode. Use submachine guns may
make it easier to hit the tips of the tanks.

3.2 Use of bullet time:
- How to use shoot dodge efficiently? Keep in mind that after doing a shoot
dodge, Max need some time to get up from the dive, and that's when he is the
most vulnerable because he's a non-moving target.

It is the best if you can shoot dodge from one cove to another, but you don't
always get that chance. You should avoid shoot dodging into an open space
when there are more than one enemy, because even you can kill the one before
you, there will be others shooting at you when you're getting up.
Try to shoot dodge only when you can dive for some cover.

- Noticed that you don't die during a shoot dodge? (I'm not 100% sure about
grenades and Molotovs, but you won't die because of taking bullets for sure.)
So here is a trick to take out a group of people quickly. Arm yourself with
the M79, rush towards a group of enemies, before you die, shoot dodge towards
them and fire at the ground in the closest-possible range. Your health
indicator goes all red but you're still alive! You can do this again and again
provided that you don't get kill between shoot dodges.

3.3 Movements:
- Take cover! Yes it is not Rainbow 6 but taking cover still helps in Max
Payne, don't you see how the bad guys run for cover during a fight? Sometimes
crouching behind a box provides you with just the little protection you need
when you're reloading you gun and getting ready for the next shoot dodge.

It is especially important to take some cover late in the game, when you are
facing groups of bad guys with colt commandos. Even bullet time can't save
you when the enemies are firing at you from different directions. That's when
you should take cover and get them one by one.

- Don't just rush into rooms! It is especially often late in the game that
enemies are waiting behind doors. If you rush into a room, you'll often get
bullets right in your face. Instead, just open the door and move away, see
if anyone is inside the room. Even there is no gunfire, that doesn't mean
there is no one inside. The enemies are clever enough to wait until you enter
the room before firing. To play it the safest way, move a bit into the room
then quickly walk/roll back, very often you will then hear them firing, and
if you're luckily enough, some of them may come out of the room trying to
get you. You, of course, are just waiting to shoot them right in the face...

If the enemies inside a room don't come out, you may try to throw grenades
inside. Shoot dodging into a room is kinda foolish, you will get shot to death
before you land way too often. Try to lure the enemies to fire once before
you actually enter a room, then activate bullet time so you can handle each
of the enemies with the greatest efficiency.

- Particularly for the higher difficulty levels where saves are limited: for
all those spots where you know a lone enemy will rush you once a door is opened,
open the door, take a few steps back then bullet-time leap *forward* with
either of the shotguns out and aiming up. Once you've gotten it down you will
almost always get a one shot kill even on tough enemies without taking damage,
because they won't initially be aiming low. (By Spatula)

- If there is room you can sometimes stand to the side of the door facing
away and wildly swing the bat a la the baseball bat segment, but that is a
hell of a lot less fun (and riskier: you often need to trigger by moving past
the doorway a bit, so you'll have to turn, run back, go to the side, and face
away; a lot more work). (By Spatula)

- A good idea when your facing one enemy hiding behind a table in a different
room is this: Show yourself to him. Sometimes when he sees you, he will run
up around the corner where you are, in which case he will take a double shotgun
blast to the head. (By Wazuppie765)

- When there is a group of enemies charging at you, the guys at the back often
shoot those in the front, concentrate on moving left and right and lure them
to shoot themselves down.

3.4 Others:
- About one fifth of Max's life will be slowly replenished by itself when
the health indicator is all red but Max doesn't die.

- Though Max would still take damage during shoot dodge, he won't die during
a shoot dodge, provided that he's not diving into fire, off the roof... When
get hit you during a shoot dodge, often the health bar will go all red but
you're not dead. After the shoot dodge, part of Max's health starts to
regenerate. I don't know why, but it's a fact.

- The quick save/load function is so convenient that you should always use
it. Sometimes it's just all about luck getting hit or not, it may not have
to do with your skill. Quick save before entering a room, opening a door or
making a jump, it doesn't hurt quick loading a lot, because Max dies as easy
as the enemies, especially late in the game, very often you either don't get
hit or you take one shot and die. It's not "you're so tough but you still
need to use the load/save trick?"

Anyway, play the 3rd difficulty level will limit the number of saves you can
make in a chapter, that's some challenge don't you think?


Ok, let me make it clear first. Max Payne has a good story with twists and
turns, but the game itself is simple. You should be able to finish the game
without much trouble. So, I treat this "walkthrough" more like a story,
spending words to explain what's going on instead of exactly where to go.
Hope you don't mind that I put it this way. If you have any problem getting
through the game, you may ask me in e-mails. But before that, try to search
around up and down, and read the signs/posters on the walls, you should find
the way out. Lastly, any comment on this walkthrough is welcome, in fact I
want to hear from you. So, this is it.

I write this walkthrough in the "fugitive" difficulty. Anyway, it seems the
difficulty setting only affect the toughness of Max and the enemies, number
of saves you can make and time limits in each level, it shouldn't have anything
to do with any other aspects in the game.

You are Max Payne, NYPD, who had a beautiful wife, Michelle, and a newborn
baby girl three years ago. For your family's sake, you refused Alex, your
best friend's invitation to work together in DEA, which might put you
undercover (and which is dangerous, if you don't already known), you even
quitted smoking for his family. It was the American dream come true. But it
was three years ago...

One day when you returned to your home on the Jersey-side (sorry, I ain't
American and I don't really know what dose that mean, I just copy in from
the game), the dream started to turn into a nightmare...

Part 1 The American Dream - Prologue
Objective: Save your loved ones
You start in you house, there is a syringe with a big "V" tattooed on the
wall, someone has broken in! Go into the living room and pick up the ringing
phone, it is a woman who is clear to have some nasty ideas in her mind. She
hangs up before you know what's going on.

You draw you Beretta and rush upstairs (you can also find a Pump-Action shotgun
in the wardrobe in the living room). You hear people screaming, guns firing,
Michelle and the baby crying. The door to the bedrooms through the bathroom
is blocked, when you try to go another way, two men in green charge out and
fire at you, they are shouting about something is coming and who is gonna
die... You have no choice but to kill them. Inside the bedroom, you find your
daughter dead. Holding your tears, you quickly go into the other bedroom and
the one last man down. Michelle is there lying on the bed with blood stains,

Investigation told that the killers were high on a new kind of drug, Valkyr,
V. After the funeral, you decided you join the DEA to pay those drug dealers
back. Three years has passed, two months ago you got to know that a mob-boss
in the Punchinello crime family, which is New York's worst Mafia family, Jack
Lupino, was trafficking. You had no fear, you went undercover and infiltrated
the group, trying to find the source of the drug.

Part 1 The American Dream - Chapter 1 Roscoe Street Station
Objective: Find Alex
One snowy night, B.B., one of the only two people in the DEA who know you're
working undercover (the other one is Alex), calls to ask you to meet with
Alex at the Roscoe Street subway station, because something urgent is going
on with Jack Lupino. After arriving at the station, you found no one on the
platform, you have to look for Alex.

The platform is empty, the gate is locked, but you find a dead body (there
was one time I saw thing "dead" guy standing there in good shape... bug?)in
the room opposite to the gate. (Open the lockers to find some Beretta Ammo
and painkiller. I won't mention hidden ammo again, since they are in fact
not that "hidden". By the way, you can jump off the platform, but the train
can kill you). You return to the platform and find the gate opened, and two
guys with Desert Eagles are coming (see how they find cover? Good time to
try some headshots). Something is wrong, you need to find Alex fast.

You find the control room on platform 4 locked, a code is needed to open it.
Go on to find more bad guys on a platform under maintenance. In the room on
the right another dead guard is found (push him and he'll fall), you realize
that some kind of a crime operation is going on here. The way to the tunnel
is blocked by a locked gate, you need to find another way through. (If you
shoot at the gas tanks, you can have the guys behind the gate cooked.)

An old train without power is on the track. (There is a room beside the train
with some ammo.) In another room a guy is about to kill a guard. Stop him
and the guard tells you that these guys are junkies and are killing people
in the station. To call for help, he needs your help to get to the control
room one floor up. (I've tried not shooting the bad guy and see if he would
kill the guard. He wouldn't... Max is just too attractive a target I guess.
If you shoot the guard, game's over.)

Go back one floor up to platform 4 and the guard opens the door for you, but
the unlucky man is shot right after that. No time to be sorry, you enter the
control room and find the phone broken, but fortunately the power control
panel is not. Use it to send power to line 2, you can see the old train powered
through the security camera. Go back to the old train and use it to crash
the blockage to tunnel. The train can't go further, you exit from the front
door and go into the tunnel.

More guys pop out from the dark, you shoot them all and go up the stairs.
(If you haven't "used" the gas tanks yet, you can use them now, though I thing
they are even harder to target than the junkies.)

Part 1 The American Dream - Chapter 2 Live From The Crime Scene
Objective: Find Alex
Behind the metal door is the abandoned part of the subway station, still no
sight of Alex yet, but more bad guys are around. (Remember to break the small
boxes for ammo.)

You follow the only path, on the way you hear the sound of a should-be explosion,
the whole room shakes for a moment. You find a bomb mounted on a old, jammed
door, missing the detonator. Go on further you find a wall already blown open,
the way leads to the safe of the Roscoe Bank!

You enter the main room and have all robbers dealt with, then you hear the
phone ringing. It is deputy chief Jim Bravura from the NYPD. You are now
undercover and being caught in the middle of a crime scene, it will take more
than a little chat on the phone to clear things up.

You operate the vault control panel and search vault A and C. You find that
the robbers came for Aesir Corporation bonds, Aesir's recent success is
well-known. There is no way out in the bank, you return to the jammed door
with the detonators found in vault C. (There are 3 trouble makers as you return
to the door, one of them use grenades. They will block you with a chair when
you go up the stairs. Try to rush up to them. You may also shoot dodge pass
the chair, that looks cool.) Use the detonator on the door and run away.

Behind the door is again the Roscoe Street station. Alex has just arrived,
but he doesn't seem to know anything more than you do. You tell him that it's
probably Lupino's men doing the robbery. By then a guy in raincoat shoots
Alex at the head (of course you don't see that), Alex's gone. There is nothing
you can do but to run and find out what's going on later.

Still some remaining robbers, but your shoot your way to the exit. (If the
gate is closed, use the door control in the box office.) Outside, police is
arriving. Lupino has taken what he wants and leaves you to pay the bill, you
decide to find Lupino for a talk.

Part 1 The American Dream - Chapter 3 Playing It Bogart
Objective: You cover has been blown, escape from the hotel
Lupino's hideouts are a crappy hotel and a slum block of tenements. You go
to the hotel first. The mobsters Finito Brothers run the hotel. Lupino is
not there, but he has been expecting you, the Finito Brothers draw their
weapons at you. (The Finito Brothers aren't hard to kill. One is armed with
a Sawed-Off Shotgun and the other a Desert Eagle. The one in behind will often
shoot the on in front to death... Just move around, shoot dodge aiming at the

There is a letter on the table saying that a drug deal of V is going to take
place in this hotel. A guy named Rico Muerte is coming to do the job. On this
side, it's Vini Gognitti, Lupino's right-hand man in charge. The Finito
Brothers have been ordered to treat Muerte well. Muerte is in room 313. The
V-deal also means the hotel would be better guarded than usual, harder to
get out from, maybe you've come at a bad time. Gangsters soon rush in for
their bosses, you kill them all and find the elevator not functioning, doors
locked, you have to walk your way down. The news on the radio says you are
the one who killed Alex, seems like you've gotten the whole city's guns after

Break the glass windows and make your way to the 3rd floor hotel rooms. (You
can find junkies in the toilets, you can ignore them or shoot them, they do
fight back and drop weapons. There is a guy watching TV (not for long though,
since you kill him), you may stay to watch the program, kinda interesting,
or you can turn the TV off/shoot it if you find it annoying, but you can't
watch it if you turn it off and on again half way in the show.) Go on through
the locked exit (shoot the lock, btw, turn the TV in room 306 on and it will
blow up and hurt you). Watch some TV to find that you're now really famous.
You can also find a dead body in the room (switch the vibrating bed off or
Max will say something about it).

In room 313 there is no Rico Muerte but a trap. You find a letter from Angelo
Puchinello, the big boss, himself to Rico Muerte. Seems like everyone has
known about you secret for some time. (I'm not 100% sure if the trap is meant
to kill you, or Vini Gognitti instead...) Return to the little lobby where you
come from, people come out from a room. You enter the room and shoot at the
boiler, it makes a big hole on the floor and falls to the 2nd floor. In room
216 you find the diary of a hooker named Candy Dawn. You check the wardrobe
and find the secret room where she had the video-recorder to tape her clients'
"deal" with her (and blackmail them with the tape).

Finally, through the secret passage you reach an elevator that's working.

Part 1 The American Dream - Chapter 4 The Blood Veins Of New York
Objective: You cover has been blown, escape from the hotel
The elevator goes all the way down to the basement of the hotel. No news about
you on TV, only the weather. (Boxes on the shelves can also be broken for
ammo.) You find the way after clearing the blocking boxes in the next room
(shoot at the gas tank on that's lying on the and watch it dance!). I the
boiler room is a dead body tied to a chair, on the floor a comic strip on
the newspaper. You pick up the baseball bat and go into the kitchen (you may
want to use bullet time here).

You reach a big room with doors leading to the bar and the restaurant (can't
enter anyway), but you need a key to get to bar. You find the key on a table
in the room where the V-deal is taking place. In the bar you find Rico Muerte
and a women (could that be Candy Dawn?) "playing". Muerte draws his gun and
makes for the run, more guys coming for support, even the women is shooting.
(This part can be a bit hard, try throwing grenades into the bar or lure the
guys out. Going in is not a good idea unless you rush in before the supporting
guys come out from the inner room. The women is well covered behind the bar
and she is tougher than an ordinary gangster... even Dual Berettas can stop
her from firing back.) After taking care of them you chase Muerte down. (He
is armed with an Ingram and with his trousers down to his feet... Use Dual
Berettas, move left and right when firing and he should be dead in seconds.
Shoot dodging is not advisable since you'll be taking many bullets from the
Ingram when you get up.)

You find a telephone switchboard in the backroom of the reception. Gognitti
is on the line, talking to a dying gangster, not believe that you can cause
so much trouble. Well, you will show him later. The only way to go is upstairs.
From the club you find the way to the roof. Shoot the glass and drop down.
(4 guys will come it, one of them has an Ingram. Try to take cover behind
the boxes and get them one by one.) You push the button at the reception and
leave this crappy hotel through the exit. (The exit is operated by a timer,
bush the button at the reception and the door will open for a while, not forever,
so move it.)

Part 1 The American Dream - Chapter 5 Let The Gun Do The Talking
Objective: Find a way to Lupino's office on the top floor
Failing to find Lupino in the hotel, you go to the tenement buildings. Before
you enter the buildings you see them blow up, someone has gotten there before
you. You see Vladimir, the head of the local Russian mob, leaving the scene
in a black Mercedes Benz. The car almost bumps into a lorry carrying fuel.
The lorry tips over and explodes, turns into flame and blocks your way back.
Then you see more explosions in Lupino's buildings. It is probably a mob war,
seems like you're not the only one after Lupino. Anyway, now your cover is
blown, you need to do no trick, just find the man, and let the guns do the

(Before entering Lupino's tenement, you can go to the Pawn Shop and find an
Ingram in shelf(not sure if it's the word) in the second room.) The newspaper
headlines are all about Alex's death, the Valkyr-related crime and you. The
front doors on the buildings are all locked, but you find the way in through
the backdoor. (You can find a shotgun in the back of the van in the alley,
and if you shot the van so the alarm is sounded, guys will come up from the
building to get you.)

Inside the building you find junkies and explosions. There is no way out,
so you shoot the gas tanks and they blow the way out for you. You go on until
you find a phone ringing in a corridor. It is guy called Alfred Woden, he
knows you're there, and he says so do the police. You try to ask questions
but he tells you that he'll contact you again and hangs up. Things just get
a twist again when they seems to be lightened up. Outside, Bravura and his
men have arrived, you need to be hurry. Then you reach a big hall with a locked
door. Inside one of the reachable rooms you shoot the lock on the door and
find a letter on the counter. The letter from Gognitti explains why the
Russians are after Lupino's men (because Lupino's men hit them first). You
also find a key on the shelf.

By then the police rush in (don't try to fight them, that's a waste of bullets),
you go to unlock the door and go upstairs. When you reach the 3rd floor an
explosion ruins the stairs, you have to go to find another way (jump to the
other side on the balcony). Finally you jump out a pair of broken windows
in a kitchen and find the emergence stairs.

Part 1 The American Dream - Chapter 6 Fear That Gives Men Wings
Objective: Find a way to Lupino's office on the top floor - Catch Vini Gognitti
Even the emergence stairs have been destroyed by the bombs, to get the Lupino's
office, you need to go for the joining rooftops. You go downstairs to another
building (you can shoot the two men beside the fire, but they'll fire back.
Jump onto the fire and watch Max does the "fire dance".), but you can get
behind the door of Luigi's Laundry pretending to be the pizza boy. So you
go to yet another building full of junkies (try not to fight near the junkies
because as they get shot, they shoot you! Even it's not you who shot them.
By the way, if you trigger them off, they will start laughs a while later,
very spooky sound that is). You find a guy who can get you in the other building
(also a big window, which you can jump out).

You return to that Laundry with the guy, he says the password "John Woo" and
you can get through after finish them all (if you shoot the guy with the
password too early, game's over). Inside the room you see boxes of bogus bill.
You go on and use the elevator to go up. You enter the only room and finish
the guy coming out from the toilet, watch TV to see the report on the hotel
mess, then jump out to the roof through the window. (Try to open the toilet
door and the guy inside will ask you to wait... btw, do you notice that he is
armed with only a lead pipe? Settle it like a man, fight him with the pipe.)

You travel on the pipes leading to another building, another bunch of bad
guys waiting (also another TV with a program showing, this one is even more
interesting, try not to break the TV during the fight). Jump out from the
window and proceed to first building you've ever entered. You go in and another
explosion destroys the stairs leading up. Then you find two guys trying to
disarm a bomb, you watch and see them blow themselves up (shoot at them or
somewhere near them and the bomb will explode, walk up to them without firing
will also activate the bomb, so just stay back and watch). The doors are lock
but with a little push on the door you find the way.

The broken ceiling leads you one floor up. You hear a man roaring behind a
door, from the vocabulary you know that's Gognitti. You get him in the stomach
but he manages to escape, leaving a group of people to entertain you. (This
is also tough. Don't shoot dodge and dive right into the enemies fire, instead,
crouch behind the cover and use anything fast, e.g. Ingrams, Berettas, just
don't use shotguns to kill them. Again, the man at the back often shoots those
in front to death before you see it.) On the table left an unfinished letter
from Gognitti to Punchinello. It seems like Lupino has gone mad because of
V, and Gognitti is in fear and trying to inform the big boss.

You follow Gognitti's blood and chase him all the way until he jumps off the
roof onto a train. You follow his way. (Stand next to the satellite dish,
wait for the next train and jump, it may take a few tries though.)

Part 1 The American Dream - Chapter 7 Police Brutality
Objective: Catch Vini Gognitti
You are stilling follow Gognitti, you need know where Lupino is.(Ok, Max is
well... Max, he can jump off the train doing that move, but Gognitti has a wounded,
how the hell can he...)

You jump off the roof and travel to the building on the other side on the
pipes again. Jump from roof to roof like Gognitti did. You see him went down
the stairs in a building (hey, you can stand on the boxes without covers!).
Finish the guys coming up as you go down. Follow Gognitti's path and get rid
of everyone in the alley (wait for the guy with Ingrams to stop firing before
rushing out). Then you see Gognitti going up in an elevator (not sure if that's
also called an elevator...). Push the button near where the elevator should
be to sent the elevator back down, then travel up. (In the container beside
the van is some ammo. Under in the "hole" below where the elevator should
be is a dead body of a cop, you can find ammo and painkiller there. Jump up
using the boxes in the darker part back to the ground.)

More gangsters ambushing on the roof. (When you fight the two guys ambushing
behind some boxes, another guy will throw grenades at you from further away,
try to retreat to the roof outside and wait until there is no more explosion
before charging in again. Be careful when doing shoot dodge on the edge of
the roof, you will often fly off the roof and land on the street below.) You
find gangsters with drug and money under a glass window on the roof. The door
to the inside is blocked, you have to do it the SWAT way, descending from
the sky. After dealing with the two guys, you go down the stair and enter
the room. (Here is another, more fun solution for this situation provided
by Gimme. "But if you look towards the left of the gangsters, you will notice
some gas tanks... shooting those from the roof will result in the gangsters
panic and the gas tanks will shoot through the room killing them all which
is much fun to watch from above...")

Watch TV about the latest news on you. Go into the bathroom and you hear people
outside trying the set up an ambush. Ambushed or not, you finish them all
the same way. (This group of gangster got Ingrams, shotguns and grenades.
Use grenade yourself if possible.)

You leave the next building and see Gognitti having no way to run (finally)and
decides to fight back(great).You clear the place from gangster and confront
Gognitti one on one. (Gognitti will only come out from behind the bins when
you've killed all the gangsters, though you can always rush to fight him before
that if you want to. It is saver to shoot the gangsters from the roof than
going down the stairs, because there are quit a number of them, you can have
good cover on the roof. Kill anyone who tries to come up from the stairs first,
then finish the rest the way you like, go down the stairs when there is only
one or two left. Gognitti uses a Desert Eagle, not a big deal. The safest
way to fight him is a pair of Ingrams, though I prefer the Desert Eagle, which
is cooler I think.)

Finally, Gognitti and you can sit down and have a "talk". The exhausted guy
tells you that Lupino is at Ragna Rock, his private nightclub. You leave
Gognitti to his fate and head to Ragna Rock.

Part 1 The American Dream - Chapter 8 Ragna Rock
Objective: Face Jack Lupino and make him pay
Ragna Rock's front door is closed, but you find a lever that opens the door
behind in the box office. Inside the room you find a book about mythos and
Ragnarok, the end of the Viking world. Seems like Lupino and the junkies are
always reading things like these. The next room is a bar with many bad guys
to kill. (Beware of those one floor up, one of them will throw Molotovs.)
You proceed to another bar through the Disco. You find more books about occults
and the infernal, horror video games and ouija boards. Lupino must be really
into these things.

Push the button beside the gate and go on upstairs. You reach the balcony
facing the stage (use the control panel to play some special effect on the
stage, go to the little corner of the balcony in the far right of the balcony
by walking on the rack outside the walkway for some Ingram ammo.) Leave the
balcony, go upstairs again and enter the room. Many gangsters are there with
their V, you just lay them down one by one. You search the room find the way
out, avoid the trap and go up the stairs until you reach the roof. Before
you go to the other side of the roof by the rooftree, you have the remaining
guy downstairs handled.

Walk along the frames and you reach another part of the building. You proceed
downstairs until you've reach the stage (stand behind the drums and "use"
them to see Max showing off a bit, also step on the guitar and use the mic
for fun). You use the control panel on the other side of the stage and open
up a passage. In the backstage backdrops are blocking the way, you go up the
stairs and use the 4 levers to move the backdrops. Then you go all the way
up behind the backdrops and enter the room.

(Use lever 2 and 4 to open up the way if you really can't get it right. The
man behind the backdrop will go upstairs after throwing a grenade at you.
If you fight him from afar, you may see him fall off when he reaches the broken
part of the runway. One piece of the wood at the broken runway will break
after you've stepped on it, you can jump back though.)

Part 1 The American Dream - Chapter 9 An Empire Of Evil
Objective: Face Jack Lupino and make him pay
Behind the door is Lupino's secret Sanctum, you see three dead bodies on the
floor. You find torn pieces of a letter from Puchinello to Lupino, threatening
to send the Trio, Puchinello's henchman, to clear him mind if he doesn't do
it himself. From the notes written by Lupino about deals with the devils
scattered on table and on the stand in the middle of the room, you know Lupino
has already gone crazy, no doubt.

Leave the room and you start to hear Lupino roaring about this deal with the
devil. You follow the only way up and find the big hall, more than a dozen
of gangsters start to come right at you. (They come from upstairs, try to
find cover and wait for them to come down. Be careful not to got blocked by
the tables when moving around. There may be one or two of them not coming
down, go out and shoot them down. There are plenty of replenishments in the
hall, make use of them.)

After finishing them all, the curtains move to the sides and Lupino is there,
doing his spooky talk. Then he and two other guys start to fire at you. You
do you best to bring all of them down. (Jack Lupino is armed with a Sawed-Off
Shotgun and a couple of Molotovs, the two with a single Ingram and a Sawed-Off
Shotgun. After you've dealt with the two gangsters, Lupino shouldn't be too
big a problem, though one shot from him will hurt you real bad. Find painkillers
around the room if you need to.)

As you're bumping Lupino full of bullets, a woman appears behind you with
her gun at you face...

Part 2 A Cold Day In Hell - Prologue
Objective: None
(I know many people don't like the maze, if you just want the fastest route
out, skip to the last part of the Chapter 2 - Prologue to get it.)
You think the lady is Lisa Punchinello, Angelo Punchinello's wife, but she
turns out to be Mona Sax, Lisa's twin. Mona tells you that it was not Lupino
who set you up, not when he's head is all messed up inside. Instead it is
Angelo Punchinello you should be after. And Mona herself also want to get
Angelo Punchinello for her sister's sake since the guy is a sadistic
wife-beater. You've settled your differences with Mona and it is time for
a drink, a drink that makes you faint. Mona says it's all because she doesn't
want you get Lisa killed. It is the truth? Who knows...

Then you have the nightmare that is always with you for 3 years...

You find yourself in your home, the one you had three years ago, you can hear
a baby is crying. On the wall is that V with the syringe. You wander in corridors
that look the same, until you reach the living room. You hear someone talking
but still you're in your house. You look at your photos taken with Alex and
with Michelle, the good days had slipped away. You go up stairs. The door
in the bathroom is suddenly blocked. You go into the bedroom, you see the
baby's bed, but suddenly it's goon.

You hear someone talking again, but you're still in the strange place. You
follow narrow path until you finally get to the bedroom. The baby is there
but then she's gone, the toy bricks move by themselves. You open the door
to the other bedroom and find another long corridor. You see yourself tied
to a chair, a guy is talking again... You find Michelle's diary on the table.
The sorrow of not being able to save your family is great, you feel guilty,
you murdered them...

(Oh... it's even scarier then Silent Hill, thanks to Michelle's cries... OK... it
is a maze, it looks a bit tougher than it actually is. If you want to whole
map you can ask me, but here I'll just tell you the fastest way to reach the
goal. In the first part, walk until you've come to the first crossroad, turn
left, then left again at the next crossroad, go on and turn left (no choice),
turn left again and go all the way on, and no-choice left and you're there.

The second part, don't fall, walk on the white line, when you jump it will
be like low gravity, be careful. Leave the corridor part and step on the white
line part, stop at the very first right turn (no choice). You should see a
turn of another road a bit further away on your left, that's far but you can
jump to there. Upon landing there should be only one way to go. Walk up to
the first right turn, you should see another road on your left, jump to there
and bingo. You can however take another route without doing long jumps (still
have to jump though), but I don't waste time dealing with that here, please
go to to get the

Part 2 A Cold Day In Hell - Chapter 1 The Baseball Bat
Objective: Blow the mobster death row - Find Niagara and teach him a lesson
Finally you are awake. The guy standing in front of you with his baseball
bat is Frankie "The Bat" Niagara. He leaves the room for a cold drink after
having enough "fun" with his bat and your head, but he promises he'll return
to finish you off later. Well, you have a different idea after broken loose
from you bond.

You are back in the basement of Lupino's hotel, with all your weapons taken
away from you (the painkillers are gone, too). You pick up the baseball bat
with you own blood on it and it's time to fight back. (Break the lock on the
cabinet to get a couple of painkillers. Since you only have a baseball bat,
you should first kill the guard who's traveling alone, take his Desert Eagle,
then try shoot dodge headshot the others. A trick here is to lure them to
the door which you come out from and stay behind the door and out of their
sight, use the baseball bat to hit them as they try to turn and squeeze though
the door. You can kill many of them this way.)

(Here is an alternative way provided by Matt to deal with the guys when you
have no gun. "You wait for the single guy and the group of two after him to
walk past you and then follow them around the corner, but stop at the opening
to the center room. Once you get there, wait for an enemy in a black coat
to walk over to the other two ememies in the far right corner and turn
around. Then wait for the closest thug to turn his head away from you and
dive by quickly. Then proceed to run into the room on the right of the hall
where you can get supplies [guns, ammo and (I think) 1 painkiller]. After
that its a slugfest with the bad guys." He said it's less "Max Payne-ish",
and I said it's more "brain-ish".)

(A more "brain-ish" way by Rolf. "You can play even more "brain-ish" if you
want: If you time it right, you can manage to enter the room with the supplies
without anybody noticing it, and you can even reach the lift without anybody
shooting you. This way you can save much ammo.")

As you cleanse the basement you find another newspaper with a comic strip
on it. Beside the newspaper many dead bodies lying in the sewer. (Don't forget
to break boxes for ammo!) You proceed upward using the elevator and reach
some kind of a warehouse. You leave the place through the alley and back to
the main street. There are dead police in the street, you enter the hotel
again from the front door to find Niagara (in fact, the street is blocked
at both ends, you got no way to go.)

You hear a gangster talking on the phone behind a door, Punchinello has gotten
Mona, and she has been sent to the Trio. The news on the radio says that you're
dead in Ranga Rock. It is Punchinello's trick, he wants you dead, not caught
by the police. Now the police think you're dead, Punchinello has plenty of
time to finish you off, he sent to Niagara to do the job, but he didn't know
"the bat" is now in your hands.

Niagara was not lying, he's drink at the bar. (Before that, go to the toilet
and find a guy in a Star and Strip pants.) Not much catching up to do, you
have Niagara and his men all killed. (The bar again. Use grenade to drop the
enemies' number if you want. There is a guy behind the bar aiming right at
the door, but you can kill him with a headshot. Niagara is armed with Dual
Ingrams and he'll come out for you after a while. Have your own Ingrams ready
and send him bullets non-stopped.)

After pay-back time you leave the hotel. The black Mercedes you saw at the
explosions of Lupino's tenement finds you before you find Punchinello.
Vladimir has come for you, with an offer you can't refuse.

Part 2 A Cold Day In Hell - Chapter 2 An Offer You Can't Refuse
Objective: Find the cargo ship "Charon"
One of Vladimir's men, the captain of the cargo ship "Charon", Boris Dime,
has turned to Punchinello's side. The ship is loading with lots of firearms.
If Punchinello gets his hand on the ship, Vladimir has lost the match. Vladimir
wants you to get his ship back, and maybe also teach Dime a lesson. If you
do that for him, he will let you take whatever weapons you want on the ship,
weapons that you'll need on your way to Punchinello's place. Sounds simple,
you're in. The ship is docked at Brooklyn Riverfront, you'll need to find
your way through the maze of containers.

You make your way in from the front door, like you always do. You find the
switch to the front gate in the guard station. You enter warehouse 4 but he
stairs leading up has been destroyed. Go the only way to warehouse 5, you
use the elevator to go up and use the lever to remove the cargos blocking
the door (when you try to break the boxes outside warehouse 5, it's very likely
that you'll hit the oil tank and blow yourself up, so it's not recommended).

You reach the large area where containers stack up as high as buildings (search
the corners to find ammos in shelters). There is not way out, so you climb
up the hoist and use it to lift a container to open up a path (jump up to
the controller. Once you've gone under that container it will drop and you
can't go back). You go on and suddenly the huge carrier (or whatever it should
be called) behind you starts to move towards you (it won't stop once it's
started, even if you've kill the guy up there). Fortunately, you find an opened
container to hind. The carrier crushes right outside the container, you go
out and go on. You come across yet another carrier. This time you kill the
guy up there and the machine stops, the container is lifted (The carrier will
stop at the small contain on the ground, but you must shoot the guy anyway).

On the next walkway a guy pops out from a container. Inside you find a sniper
rifle, a briefcase of money and a note with the word "mayor" on it. Someone
wanted Rico Muerte to assassinate the mayor, but it doesn't look like Mafia
stuff, too cold and too to straight forward. The bridge to the other side
is lifted and you can't find the control. You cross the river using the ship
in another path but still the way is blocked by wire gauze (shot the lock
on the gate to enter for ammo).

You look around and a poster on the wall catches your eyes. Wheel blocks.
You shoot the wheel block on the other side of the wire gauze and the truck
slides down the slope. You retreat to the bridge and find the truck crushed
on the bridge and the bridge is lowered. Many gangsters come firing at you
suddenly, but you manage to stay alive. In the room beside the crushed truck
you find a computer, someone has been keeping an eye on a storeroom somewhere.
You search around the room and find a hidden door beside the notice board
on the wall, behind is that storeroom. (Thanks to Carsten for information
about this hidden storeroom!) After taking all you can carry, you enter the
warehouse ahead.

Part 2 A Cold Day In Hell - Chapter 3 With Rats And Oily Water
Objective: Find the cargo ship "Charon" - Win the ship back for Vladimir -
Take the weapons in the hold - Meet Vladimir on the bridge
In the warehouse more guards are patrolling. (This part can be tough. They
got everything, Ingrams, shotguns, grenades... It is hard to avoid grenades,
you may have to try many times. Sometimes it's better to retreat than go forward
when you see a grenade. Don't worry about ammo low, there are plenty of
replenishments in this room. You can jump to an opened contain from the second
floor, inside is some ammo and painkiller. From now on the enemies seems to
be much tougher, even a short-ranged shotgun shot may not be able to kill,
try using other faster weapons.) After hundreds of bullets dropped you find
the way out on the second floor.

You go out and a carrier is just coming for you. You control it to move around
the place taking down anyone you see with your sniper rifle. (Your goal is
the warehouse on the opposite side, but you should check all the guard posts
for ammo and for fun). You reach another warehouse on the opposite side and
have all the gangsters taken care of. You find a locked room on the first
floor that you can't enter, so you go back to the second floor (another opened
container full of ammo here). You enter a room where you can see the cargo
ship outside through the window. You also find the switch to open the locked
gate on the first floor. (Here is a secret place submitted by Josh.
In the warehouse building before you board the cargo ship Charon, there's
a room on the first floor that is locked. Here's how you can enter it. Go
to the second-floor room that is directly above it (the room that has the
switch for unlocking the cage you go through to exit the building). The floor
of this room is grate-like (i.e. you can see the locked room beneath you).
See those propane tanks against the wall? Shoot them, and they'll explode,
opening the first floor door. Now you can enter, and you'll find some Sniper
ammo and other stuff.) You return to that room and go out to broad the ship
"Charon". (If you fall into the sea you'll drown, but I don't know why would
there be blood... the seawater is so polluted?)

You kill all the guys on the deck and enter the control room (you can find
some ammo on a stack of white cargo on the right flank of the ship, you can
also play with the wheel). You pick up the ringing phone, it is Angelo
Punchinello. You go down to the hold after pissing Punchinello off on the
phone, you'll have a talk with him after you have one with Boris Dime first.
Dime is there in the engine room with another bunch of bad guys. You enter
the inner room to find Vladimir's cargo after finishing all the troublemakers.
Vladimir tells you to make yourself at home and grab anything you like, and
you're glad to do so. (Dime is a problem only because he's tough, you can't
stop him from firing even with Dual Ingrams. He uses a Sawed-Off and some
Molotovs, time right and shoot dodge with Dual Ingrams should do to job.
However, the other guys are really annoying. Bomb them, lure them out, and
if you're lucky enough, Dime might have them killed for you using his Molotovs.
Head back upstairs after taken all you can carry in the inner room and the
mission is finished.)

Vladimir thanks you for a job well done. You wave your friend goodbye and
head for Punchinello alone.

Part 2 A Cold Day In Hell - Chapter 4 Put Out My Flame With Gasoline
Objective: Escape the flame - Find a way out
Even with all the guns, it's not easy to get to Punchinello himself. You decided
to use the cargo ship to make a deal with him. He tells you to meet him at
his restaurant. You know the man may not really show up, but you've got no
other choice.

You enter the restaurant and find nothing, it's quiet inside, too quiet. But
suddenly there are explosions everywhere. Fire starts do devour everything
in the restaurant. Punchinello wants you dead so badly that he is willing
to waste a whole restaurant on you. Thank him later, now you got to run.

(Turn the brightness setting up a bit will help you see the way. Turn right
instead of going forward at the start, then go straight into the double doors
behind the bar. Go straight on and through another double door. Turn right
in that room, go beside the falling shelves and make a U-turn heading for
the door at the corner (or if you're fast, just go between the shelves). In
the corridor, stay in the middle. When you enter the big hall, turn left and
go straight to another short corridor. Turn right just after you've entered
another hall. Go straight until you hit the wall, turn left and jump over
a few seats. Turn left again and go straight, head for the few steps of stairs.
Follow the only way to go and enter the door. Go straight and enter the door
on the right. It is tough in the kitchen. I suggest you to wait for the two
shelves to fall then jump over them. You have time to find a path in the fire.
Turn left and a gas tank will fly right towards you, avoid it but don't retreat
or you'll get blown up. Jump over the shelves to the other side of the kitchen.
Leave via the only door and there will be no more flame.)

You manage to find you way out in the restaurant. There are gangsters waiting
in the kitchen but they're not a big deal compared with what you've just
overcome. You find replenishments in the kitchen and go down the stairs. The
whole restaurant is on fire, you have to find the way out in the sewer. The
sewer is filled with gangsters. You use every mean to clear them all and find
a staircase leading up.

Outside, you meet Vladimir again, he can bring you to Punchinello's manor.

Part 2 A Cold Day In Hell - Chapter 5 Angel Of Death
Objective: Take care of the Trio to get to Punchinello - Find out who the
killer suits are working for
Inside Punchinello's manor would be the Trio, Vince Mugnaio, Pilate
Providence AKA "The Big Brother" and Joe "Deadpan" Salem, it won't be an easy
fight. However, luck has just turned your side. Someone has left the manor
leaving the backdoor opened and had the guards killed. You guess it was Mona

You start in some kind of a basement or storeroom (the two plastic containers
is filled with petrol, you know what to do). You search around and find the
stairs leading up. You find some Tarot cards in the room behind the door,
though you're not really interested in fortune telling stuffs.

In the next room you meet the first of the Trio, Providence. You kill him
and two gangsters, then yet another two gangsters come in from where you've
been. (Providence is armed with a single Ingram, the other two gangsters with
a Saw-Off and a Pump-Action. If you manage to throw a grenade into the room,
it should kill one or both of the two gangsters. When there is only one or
two or them left in the room, go in and run toward the side of the table,
just don't let them have the cover.) You retreat and go through the once-locked
door. More guys ambushing. In the next room with a piano (you can play it),
a guy is hiding behind the plant. Two more guys for you to kill in the room
with the bar (they will come for you once you've triggered them off).

You go up the stairs in the next room. The door with cracks on it won't open,
so you enter the room on the other side. Salem is inside, of course you have
him killed (double Ingrams again. It's a bit difficult to throw a grenade
at them without getting hit, but you should try. When fighting him, just
remember not to shoot dodge and you'll be fine.) You return to the hall and
find the other door opened. You go there but it's blocked again. When you're
heading downstairs again the door blows up. The guy inside the room is using
a M79! You kill him from afar (use sniper rifle on the other side of the balcony
if he hasn't already blow himself up.)

You proceed to find a women lying dead on a bed, you don't know if that's
Mona or Lisa. (Jump into the bathtub and watch the water splashes.) You go
deeper into the room and receive a phone call from Alfred Woden, he tells
you that an armed helicopter has just arrived at the manor. In the next room,
Mugnaio is waiting (he should be alone if you've shot all the other guys from
downstairs some time ago. His Sawed-Off Shotgun shouldn't give you too much
trouble). You finish him and two more guys in the next room off, and before
entering yet another room, you hear Punchinello begging for help.

You kick the door open, the man's there. He tries to talk it over, mentions
someone, a woman, from up high, from the government or something, you are
not in the mood to listen. But before you pull the trigger, a group of men
in black come in. They kill Punchinello before you know how and the next is
you. You do your best to get rid of them (another tough fight, you really
need some luck here. It helps if you're armed with the Colt Commando when
you enter Punchinello's room. Move around, don't shoot dodge when there are
three of them or you'll be dead in no time. Just do you best.)

(Tips by NowhereReallyFast "When Punchinello dies and the three guys come
in the room simply shoot dodge away from them and fire an m79 round as far
into their corner as you can. With any luck you should kill all three of
them and only take a little damage yourself.")

You try to leave the manor, but more Killer Suits are waiting. There is no
chance for you to escape, you drop you gun. A woman, who seems to be their
boss, approaches you, seems like she wanted both Punchinello and you dead.

Part 3 A Bit Closer To Heaven - Prologue
Objective: None
The woman mocks you and gives you an injection, which is an O.D. (overdose)
of V. She doesn't put a bullet in your head but leaves you to die with the
V burning in your brain. Everything turns green. You faint.

You find yourself in Punchinello's office, but the next room is the lobby
of your house. You hear Michelle starting to cry and beg. There are many candles
around the place. You go upstairs and enter the bedrooms. Suddenly it starts
all over again, you're in Punchinello's office, but the walls are on fire
(you won't get burn). You find a letter on the table. "You're in a graphic
novel" is written in curve handwriting. You pick up the phone, someone is
saying senseless things on the phone. You think it's just a prank call, though
the voice sounds familiar. You exit the room but it starts over again. Another
letter on the table, "You are in a computer game, Max." You don't feel good
about it. Another phone call, another prank call (though in fact that's Alfred
Woden calling to help you, you just can't hear him with the V in your head).
You leave the room again and you're in your house. The V and the syringe are
still on the wall. You go upstairs and find a maze, again.

(This time you walk so slowly, and can't really jump too far, save once a
while so you don't need to do all the walking again if you die. Walk out of
the room and enter the narrow path part, the only way to go is to fall one
level down on the right-hand side. Then follow the path, make one jump, then
follow the path turning right. At the end you should see platforms one more
level down. Jump down to the one on leading right then follow the path. You
should be turning left, making a jump, turning left again before you see two
platforms to jump to in front of you. By now you should also see the goal
further on the right. Jump twice and you're there. Also go to for the maps.)

You find the cradle at the end of the maze. Michelle is crying out your name,
begging you to stop. The next thing you know is you are standing in front
of yourself. You fight yourself (no choice of weapon here, and though there
is no health indicator, you can still get killed). You look at Michelle, and
remember her trying to tell you about a strange letter she'd received the
day the nightmare started. The killer is smiling behind you, he looks like
you. You didn't have the time to talk to her in the morning, then you never
had the chance.

Part 3 A Bit Closer To Heaven - Chapter 1 Take Me To Cold Steel
Objective: Look for the mystery woman's hideout
Slowly you awake from the nightmare, you've made it through somehow. The only
thing you remember is the woman saying "take me to cold steel", and that's
your only clue. It took you some time to regain your strength but you finally
got yourself to Cold Steel Foundry outside the city. The remaining V in your
blood keeps you a bit high, you find you way in without fear. The woman doesn't
know you're still alive, the element of surprise is in your hands.

(You start with only the melee weapons and the Beretta, no painkiller.) You
make you way in through the glass window on the roof. There are laser security
systems. You shoot at the sensor on the wall to blow the whole thing up. (You'll
meet plenty of these things from now on, don't stand too close to the sensor
when you blow it up. The sensor can be on either side of the wall.) In the
next room you find some weapons and listen to the radio, the storm is not
over yet. You leave the room and use the sniper rifle to take down the guards
downstairs (find a Colt Commando on the shelf on the far side of the balcony,
open all the containers downstairs for ammo, more ammos in the room with

You open the gate to continue (a guard throws a grenade out from a room! The
way to deal with this without taking damage is to shoot dodge to open the
door and start firing as soon as the door's opened). You pass the room with
the furnace and another guarded room to reach the room with two "rivers" or
lava-like things in the middle. (Use the Sniper Rifle to take down those
well-covered guys. You can push the button on the bridge to open up the way
or just walk outside the fence.)

You continue on the second floor and through a guarded corridor (many of them
use grenades, charge in with the Colt Commando before they have the chance
to throw) to a storeroom. You find a walky-talky in a room with two guards.
Seems like they're getting ready to destroy any evidence and leave.

Part 3 A Bit Closer To Heaven - Chapter 2 Hidden Truths
Objective: Look for the mystery woman's hideout - Get to the elevator named
You finish the coming guards off and find reports on the table. They are running
some kind of secret operations, probably about chemistry, since an escaping
chemist has been locked up somewhere according to the reports. You're closer
and closer to knowing what is actually going on.

You kill the guard in the next room and use the wheel on the wall to stop
the gas leakage. The bridge below suddenly exploded when you're traveling
on the one above. In the next room there are a lot of laser sensors but they
can't stop you (you can shoot the middle one and all of them will go off,
you may take some damage though, or just jump over them). More sensors for
you to shoot in the room after crossing the bridge (jump up to the box and
shoot, you shouldn't take any damage this way). With a little timing you go
pass the shooting flame unhurt. Shooting flame blocks your way to a door and
the gate behind you won't open. However, you see something sparkling behind
the gate and you give it a shot, the gate opens. You use the wheel in the
room to stop the flame and enter the next room.

You know you've triggered something as you open the door, so you roll back
to see fireworks in a safe distance. You finish the guards in the control
room and near the container but you find no way out, not until you shoot the
oil tanks on the derrick car blocking a door in the corner. Two guards waiting
behind that door, you dispose them and continue to the next room. More
explosions. You kill the guards and jump to the second floor. (To get to the
second floor, stand on the wire gauze covering and jump onto the broken slope.)

You kill all the guards you see and open the gate using the controller in
the control room. The monitor also shows you the gate to the door D-6 is opened.
You enter the next room and kill the guards from above (avoid walking on the
parts which the floor is metal bars, enemies are able to shoot you from below
and you won't even see it. Ammos in containers). The gate in the room won't
open, so you try to have some fun with the crane at the control panel (If
you stand anywhere too close to the crane when it is activated, you'll die,
let alone standing between it and the gate. But you can jump onto the blocks
the crane is holding, looks like you're riding the crane to crush the gate,
looks cool. However, say, when the crane is moving forward, and you touch
the crane part standing on the front part of the block, you'll die. And vice
versa. Hope you understand what I'm saying. Try it out yourself, see Max's
blood splashed on the crane.)

Go through the broken gate to a room with flame shooting out from the sides.
You travel across the room using the cart while shooting the sensors on the
walls (or you can walk there if you like, but you have to open the gate manually.
Either way, don't get burn by the flame). Upon reaching the other end of the
room, the gate opens and guards are waiting, you shoot them down and jump
out of the cart to avoid getting crushed by the burning metal on a coming
cart. Behind another gate you find a lever controlling the valves in the
previous room (you can go back and pick up the Sniper Rifle from a dead guard).

Enter the door behind the first gate, it leads to the room where a bridge
was blown up previously (take cover and "snipe" them down). The switch on
the broken bridge is not functioning well, but you manage to jump over to
the other side of the half-connected bridge (or again, there are place for
you to walk on each sides of the wall, just jump up there). Open the gate
and you reach the elevator D-6. You wait for the elevator and kill the guards
inside as the door opens. You get in and go downward.

Part 3 A Bit Closer To Heaven - Chapter 3 The Deep Six
Objective: Find a sign of Ms. Valkyr and her plan - Get out of the bunker
before it blows up
The elevator takes you down to some kind of a secret laboratory. You see two
killer suits killing a guard and activate the self-destruction sequence. Soon
after that they notice you as use the panel in green to open the door (any
panel in red means the door won't open, don't waste time trying).

You quickly finish them off and search around the place (I recommend you to
go out and fight them, though the door is not bullet-proofed, you'll tend
to hit the metal part of the door, but they wont'...). You find a military plaque
on the floor in the middle of the room. The V and the sword remind you of
the V and the syringe on the wall of your house. "Project Valhalla" on the
plaque. V for Valkyr, V for Valhalla, the project has something to do with
the drug Valkyr. You can't stop the self-destruction sequence on the computer
here, so you leave the room through the "processing" door.

You hear guards retreating in the room (you can kill them now, or watch them
leave and kill them later. See the gas tank on top of two red containers at
the corner? Wait until the three guys are about to reach the door, then hit
it with the bat, you've got a rocket launcher.), you go where they're heading
to. Before entering the laboratories, you find a panel requiring a PIN code
to operate at the test-subject cells (turn right when you see the laboratories).
You find the code 665 on the computer screen in the laboratories, but you
can't seem to get through the air lock alone, you need another person to operate
it for you. You return to the panel and enter the code. The elevator's door
opens and you reach the cells.

You find the chemist mentioned in the report you read early in cell B7 (and
a junky is in B1). He can help you get through the airlock. On your way back
to the airlock two guards almost get the chemist killed (if he gets killed,
game's over, no matter who pulls the trigger), but you make sure they won't
try that again. (The chemist will operate an elevator that you can't use.
If you wait outside the elevator and the chemist will go alone, you need to
use the one you used to get here to go back. The chemist will come out of
the door of block-A when you get there. Btw, another junky in cell A6.) You
enter the airlock and he gets you through (then he'll run for the exit, but
soon you'll hear him getting shot, very sad).

You see retreating guards shooting a scientist behind a window but you fail
to help (tell me if you're able to save the guy). There is shooting flame
blocking the way in the next room but you just get around by jumping over
the cupboards on the side to reach the elevator. The doors open and you find
yourself in a room full of laser sensors. You shoot the way clean and finally
get to know the secret about the project.

Valkyr is actually a drug designed to enhance the stamina and moral of troops
by the U.S. Army, but the result of the research was not satisfactory. The
project is terminated 4 years after its start, but someone has decided to
carry on unauthorized. Michelle and your daughter's deaths were not just an
accident. The junkies were test subjects who were given double dosage of Valkyr,
and sent to your house on purpose three years ago. It was an experiment, but
why your family? Ms. Valkyr owns you more than an answer.

You reach the storage by the elevator and find yet another airlock. You go
in but the computers blow up. You're trapped and the self-destruction
countdown has started, the whole place is going to blow in 30 seconds. Before
you give up you fire at the laser sensor outside the room through the window
(stay away from the door). The explosion opens the door you. You rush to the
elevator leading to the surface storage. You can see explosions below in the
elevator (don't stand in the middle of the elevator or you'll fall!), and
as soon as the doors open, you head straight out of the place.

The whole factory is burning down, but you are not in the mood to watch the
scene. There is only one thing left for you to do, find Ms. Valkyr.

Part 3 A Bit Closer To Heaven - Chapter 4 Backstabbing Bastard
Objective: Make B.B. pay for Alex's death
When you're having a cop of coffee, thinking how to find Ms. Valkyr, B.B.
calls you. He wants to talk to you about the news headlines you've just made
in the last two days, 2:30 a.m. at the Choir Communication's garage. If he
doesn't call, you may not be thinking about Alex's death again. You find him
at the meeting place, looking as glamorous as usual. It turns out he is really
the backstabbing bastard who shot Alex. He tries to talk you over but fails,
now he tries to take you down.

B.B. gets into a black car and runs away, leaving bunches of thugs to deal
with you. You chase him all the way down while killing dozens of gangsters.
(There isn't much for me to say here. Just man after man, kill them all using
any technique you know and retreat for ammo and painkillers not taken before
if needed. Stay covered when the van is shooting crazily at you. You may
probably die a lot here, but you'll get it through finally. You may try using
the M79 and the Sniper Rifle in some occasions. Search around the car park
for ammo. In level 4, a van's back door can be opened.)

In a room on the 3rd floor, you listen to the news on the radio. So, they
know that you're still alive and kicking but Punchinello's dead, that's old
news. The van crashes on the 2nd floor, that's good news. (You can climb to
the back of the van in light blue for some ammo). B.B. car also crashes on
the 1st floor and it's time for him to pay. (This is really a bastard. He
throws grenades and he carries a Jackhammer. Find the chance to shoot him
to death with Dual Ingrams once and for all.)

You make sure he's dead before picking up the payphone. It's Alfred Woden
again, he just seems to always know where you are and has plans for you. He
asks you to go to the Asgard Building, he has information about Ms. Valkyr.

Part 3 A Bit Closer To Heaven - Chapter 5 In The Land Of The Blind
Objective: Escape Nicole Horne's assassins
So, Alfred Woden happens to be a one-eyed man who is probably having even
more secrets to hide then Ms. Valkyr. He and his colleagues form what they
called the "inner circle", sounds like the X-files to you. They are a group
of people who are involved in the early stage of project Valhalla. He tells
you that the Ms. Valkyr is actually Nicole Horne, the president of Aesir
Corporation, and she is "influential" in the city. She is also a key figure
in the project. After the project had been terminated, she refused to quit
and continue the research in her own way. Woden and his men want you to take
her out for them since it's not "convenient" for them to do so. They will
provide you with protection afterward in return. You're going to get her anyway,
but before you know more about Woden a group of killer suits rush in, shooting
anyone inside. It looks like you have to leave early without saying goodbye.

You jump out of the window and land on a place that is surrounded by buildings.
You need to find a way out of this place. A staircase leads down to the basement
with guards, sensors and gates. You find the way back to the main building
and enter the room with monitors. You see the supposed-dead Alfred Woden stands
up among his dead colleagues. You don't know what's the man's plan but you
know he might had well been talking crap with you.

You leave the room and open the doors with green keypads besides (red means
it won't open). There are guards on each floor but you manage to get to he
office at the top. You listen to the radio, Jim Bravura is not being very
supportive on the news. (In the office, the sensors are always around the
corners, it's better to jump over them and shoot them afar. Behind a set of
two sensors is some ammo.)

From the corridor you enter where seems to be Woden's office. A tape on the
desk with a letter explains partly why Woden wants Horne out. He probably
wouldn't believe a little "fun" with Candy could bring he some much trouble.
You also find the blueprint of the Aesir Corporation's headquarters on another
desk, it should become handy when you get there. The TV program tells you
a bit how powerful Aesir Corporation is at the moment. Now you're at the top
you need to go down. You reach the front door on the ground floor but the
doors are locked (go through the metal detector to trigger the alarm, but
on one will come for you). So you have to go down to the basement again.

After clearing all the laser sensors and guards, and enter the only door.

Part 3 A Bit Closer To Heaven - Chapter 6 Byzantine Power Game
Objective: Escape Nicole Horne's assassins
You come to a place that seems to be a file room. On the desk you find
information about the Inner Circle. They have been the man pulling the string
behind the curtains in many occasions. What Woden wants is ultimate power,
not partners.

You find the door to the slop leading up not opening. However, when you shoot
the sensors on a cabinet, the row of cabinets fall and make another way up.
You go the stairs behind the door on the second floor and reach a small library.
Again you make use of the laser sensors to help you go up. Killer Suits pop
out to attack you in the corridor, you have them killed and enter the pressroom.
Through the pressroom you reach a circular corridor, you're at the top and
you need to go down. When you reach the ground floor you hear people talking.
Two Killer Suits in the room where Woden and his men were (these guys have
lightning reflex, you'll probably take some damage. You can play with the
notebook computer on the table).

Outside, guards and Killer Suits try to have you killed. It is a tough fight
but it doesn't kill you. (Try running around and get some good look at where
exactly the enemies are before shoot dodging around the place. Once all of
them are dead the music will change.) Then you leave at the front door like
you always do.

Part 3 A Bit Closer To Heaven - Chapter 7 Nothing to lose
Objective: Find a way up to Horne's penthouse suite
Slowly you walk to the Aesir Corporation Headquarters, there is no hurry.
The building has high-tech security systems, mercenaries and weaponry, but
you walk right in, there is no fear because you've got nothing to lose.

You go in through the metal detector and guards start to come for you, the
kind of welcome you've expected to receive. (Many of these guards carry
Jackhammers or Colt Commandos, make sure you kill a guard during a shoot dodge
or you're pretty dead as you get up. The Jackhammer or the Colt Commando should
probably be your choice of weapon now, either of them should help you killing
a guard in a single shoot dodge.) They want you to have some exercise and
so have the elevators locked. You try to go on but guards are shooting grenades
from above. Explain to them what is a sniper rifle made for and continue.

(Thanks to Jason for sharing the following trick. "In Part Three, Chapter
7, where those punks are shooting grenades at you from above, on the higher
difficulty level they're nearly impossible to take out. The grenade people
are MUCH more accurate and they can actually reach you with their
grenades. But magically, if you don't look at them, they don't shoot. So
after killing those initial three guards with a nice M79 blast of your own,
walk BACKWARDS down that stretch and they won't shoot. Just make sure to
turn around in time to catch the two heavily armed guards that come through
the door.)

You find the escalator, though it's not moving, you can still use it to go
up. (There is a set of two laser sensors halfway up, you can either bomb it
afar or just jump the lower escalator to the upper one, bypassing the sensors.
Remember to search each floor thoroughly for painkillers and take the M79
ammo from the dead guys who shot at you previously.)

You reach a corridor with laser sensors moving up and down. (Jump over them,
walk under them, just do it with some timing. Halfway through the corridor
a guard will come shooting at you, so have you weapon ready.) It may be tricky
but not tricky enough to stop you. You clear the floor and finally there is
an elevator you can use. The doors open and Mona is inside, with her gun
pointing at you, again. Horne orders her to kill you through the speaker,
but that's not what Mona has in mind. She tells you that Horne wanted
Punchinello dead because she wanted to cut her ties to the Mafia, and now
Mona is probably on your side.

Suddenly more Killer Suits arrive and Mona gets hit as she pushes you away.
She is dead. You kill the coming men and push the elevator button again. Mona's
gone when the doors open, only her blood remains there. You enter the elevator
and go up. As the elevator starts to move you find laser sensors all over
the walls above. You quickly shoot them all before the elevator gets blown
up. (You have to shoot at the side that has a circle in red to make it explode.
Using a M79 may make it easier, but I would rather save M79 ammo for later

The elevator reaches the top and you go out to killer anyone you see (don't
waste bullets shooting the guys on the second floor, use grenades.) You use
the computer to unlock the elevators to the mainframe in the security room.
Right after you've pushed that button, more Killer Suits come up to get you.
You have them dealt with and take the elevator to go down again. Halfway down
the building a helicopter appears outside the elevator and it starts to fire
at you. The elevator is damaged and stops. Just before you got killed by the
machine gun, you jump out and fall into another elevator (don't for get to
push the button). You use it to continue your way down.

The elevator stops at a room full of computers. (This part can be tough. Sneak
out from the elevator and use a grenade or M79 to kill the two guys on the
left, then retreat into the elevator. Quickly change your weapon and get ready
to kill a guy on the right. In the room, find cover and kill the two guys
one by one. After you've destroyed one of the three "blue things", a guard
will come in. And there will be guards waiting in the elevators.) You have
the guards killed and shoot the three blue things that seem to be computers.
All security systems are breached. You take the elevator up heading for the

The elevator takes you to where seems to be Horne's office. (Tough fight again,
just try to use grenade or the M79 to kill a number of them all at once.)
On the desk you found Horne's personal computer, full of data and records
of her dirty businesses. You've seen enough, you shoot at the computer and

Part 3 A Bit Closer To Heaven - Chapter 8 Pain And Suffering
Objective: Catch Nicole Horne and end this
After a final ride of elevator, you reach the top of part of the building.
Nicole Horne is there waiting. She tells you that your wife had to die because
she got to know something she shouldn't, but you don't think that's an excuse.
She also says that it's ridiculous that you've made this far and so close
to your goal, but you believe that there is nothing more ridiculous than her
trying to lift herself a bit closer the heaven with drug money.

There is not much for you to talk about, Horne runs and leaves four Killer
Suits to handle you. (Very tough again... Either charge right in or retreat
at first to avoid the grenade. Then you're on your own. Try to shoot dodge
into some cover, leaving yourself open will mean instant death.) They come
so close to killing you but you have the finally victory. Horne then sends
the chopper to fire at you from outside the windows. You quickly take cover
behind the sculpture and the chopper finally leaves after hundreds of bullets

The annoying voice sneaks to you again and two more Killer Suits come out
of the doors. You kill them and yet another colleague of them comes to bother
you from the elevator behind the doors. You drop him like the others and search
the penthouse for an exit. You try to find hidden buttons in the room full
of books but you can't. Instead you find a rack outside the fence of the balcony
(on the left side). You jump out and walk to the other side of the penthouse
ignoring the chopper.

You find nowhere to go but up the stairs. The place is full of Killer Suits,
it takes you some time to clear them all but you have no choice. (Again, you're
on your own. Use whatever you have in your hands. Try your best, it's not
the toughest fight.) You use the button at the corner of a desk to open a
secret passage leading up to the roof.

Horne manages to escape your bullets and waits behind the gate for the chopper
to take her away. You are mad but you notice that one of the cable holding
the tower in the middle of the roof has disconnected because of the strong
wind. You quickly shoot at the connecting point of the cable at another corner
to cut it off and the tower shakes more vigorously. You aim at the third one
but suddenly a group of Killer Suits arrives. You quickly take them out and
shoot at the third cable. The cable is cut off but the tower is still not
falling. Horne is about to get away! You calm yourself down and pick up the
M79 from a dead Killer Suit, aim at the tower and fire.

(OK, more than enough people have e-mailed me about this. Let me put it this
way. There are totally 2 cables you need to handle before shooting the tower.
One is on the right-handed corner once you've got out of the elevators' hall.
After cutting this one, the killer suits come out. Then the second cable on
the left-handed corner, the one behind a gate, which you can't get pass, not
the one leading to the chopper. Be sure you've shot 2 cables before working
on the tower, ok?)

(The group of people coming put after the second (first if you don't count
the one that's already cut off in the cut scene) cable is cut off is very
hard to deal with. But here is a trick. Since you won't die during a shoot
dodge, just shoot dodge forward jumping right towards them and fire the M79
in the closest possible range. This can kill all four of them at once. Anyway,
if anyone of them manages to stay alive after that shot, you're probably dead
since you'll have no health left. You can use any gun to finish the tower
off, but it makes more sense using the M79. Btw, if you wait too long and
without shooting the cables, the countdown to the chopper's takeoff will start

The tower starts to break at the bottom and falls right on the chopper. The
frame below the chopper fails to hold the added weight of the tower and breaks,
the whole thing starts to fall onto the ground. The chopper lands first, then
the rack crush on it. The chopper explodes. You walk to the edge on the roof
to take a good look at the flame below. It's all over, and the cops arrive.

The cops take you down to the ground and into to car back to the office. You
say Alfred Woden standing in the crowd. He has got want he wanted, he's the
winner. And so are you.

The end of the game.
So, the game is over and you can now play it again in a higher difficulty
level. Beat it again will unlock an even higher difficulty level.

At the end of the credit, they say Max Payne's journey has only just started,
and more will follow. Does that mean there will be sequels?

The Secret Finale (As Jason put it)
If you manage to beat the game in the hardest difficulty, you'll be brought
to the secret final mission. Here is what Jason has to say:

"In case you don't know, the finale puts you in permanent bullet time, with
about 20 Jackhammer toting guards all coming at you. Your ammunition is
extremely limited and if you can get there, there's on M79 shell
waiting. Here's the trick.

Gather all the ammo and stuff, obviously. Then start running out. You'll
be in bullet time the entire level, and it's soon clear why. Guys start
streaming out of two entrances in the back of the level- and they all have
Jackhammers. See that computer thingy directly in front of you? What
you'll want to do is move to one side of the area to the left or right, but
do not move forward NOT in front of this computer. So come out of the
opening area, then just strafe left or right, and stay there. Constantly
use the left/right arrow keys and the spacebar to roll side to side. If you
can do this without accidentally jumping, your chances of getting hit are
much slimmer. If it works out in your favor, all the guys streaming in will
stop 5 feet in front of you, guns blazing- probably hitting each other in
the crossfire. This is when you make your break. Using nothing but side
rolls, roll your way behind that computer and to where the guys streamed out

You'll be in a short corridor, with an alcove in the center. Hurry into this
alcove and mysteriously no one will follow you. Whenever you step outside
of the alcove and start to go back to the main room however, guys WILL come
in from the *side that you entered*. So take a tiny step out, wait for someone
to come in, then step back to the alcove and play Shoot And Strafe with your
Beretta which now conveniently has unlimited ammo. For those of you who want
a little more fun, try to get 5 or 6 guys in the corridor at once then let
loose with a Molotov cocktail. Try to aim it right at the entrance and then
continue to stand out in the hallway, more guys will walk right into the
fire, oblivious and will also go down. Enjoy your sense of pride and walk
into the secret final room that awaits.

I've tried to make it as clear as possible. Enjoy!"

Thank you so much, Jason!


In this part, I'm going to put every special thing I and also you have found
about the game here, including Easter Eggs, hidden places, fun things to do,
and whatsoever. Please feel free to E-mail me about stuffs that you've found.

In the tutorial stage, first jump on top of the van where you get the sniper
rifle. Then jump to the square platform on the wall. From there, jump to the
fire escape, go up 3 floors and destroy the glass window to enter a hidden
room. Inside you'll find an Ingram. (Taken from GameSpot and Matt also
mentioned it in a mail.)

There's an ALL YOUR BASE reference. Go to the end of the street (where the
police car is) and look at the ad on the wall to the left:
World's Best since 1964
615 All your base are...
(Submitted by Bleach)

Part 1 Chapter 2
Right at the beginning, there is a hole in the bricks in the wall. Cheat
yourself a grenade and throw it in. Your mission objectives now say "I had
declared a war against rats". A bit later, after walking through some water
and taking out a few enemies on a train platform, walk up the wide stairs.
In the room at the top are a bunch of rats... with Desert Eagles! Now shoot
at one of the ceiling lamps that's off. Hit the base of the lamp and it will
fall. The rats will now battle each other. If "your" side wins, the remaining
rats will take up defensive positions around you. If your side loses, the
remaining rats will come after you. (Taken from Action Trip.)

You can shoot the wailing siren in the central vault area and Max will thank
you. (Taken from Action Trip.)

Part 1 Chapter 3
If you walk past Rico Muerte's room to the end of the hall, you can shoot
away a boarded-up door. From this room you can walk across the ledge and shoot
away a boarded up window to find a dead body with a stake in it lying next
to the word "Buff" in blood (as in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"), as well as
some other goodies. (Taken from Action Trip.)

Part 1 Chapter 6
As you ride the elevator up from Luigi's Laundry, shooting the speaker playing
sappy elevator music will bring another "Thank you" from Max. Shortly
thereafter, as you leave out the window from the room sporting the thug in
the bathroom and the TV news report, walk to the left and there will be a
window you can jump through to a room with two Soldier of Fortune 2 posters
and a stash of shotguns. If you didn't destroy the elevator speaker earlier,
you should be able to hear the music from within this room. (Taken from Action

Remember the TV in the room that you enter from the window after walking on
the pipes? It is showing a program with a flamingo in it. Here is some research
done by Nathan about the show, please give he a big big credit for it!

" I did some research as well as consulted a friend of mine (who is a Twin
Peaks expert, among other things), and my friend as well as general consensus
around the 'net shows that this is obviously a reference to Twin Peaks, the
David Lynch TV series. This is shown by:

- The man talking about his "evil twin". Dopplegangers are apparently
important to the show.

- The odd, stilted speech of the flamingo. Dream sequences in Twin Peaks were
filmed with the actors saying their lines in reverse, after which they reversed
the scene again, so that the actors were saying their lines normally but their
speech was very odd and disjointed.

- The imagery on the TV is that of a red hallway/red curtains, which is in
reference to the "Red Room" of Twin Peaks.

Apparently, though, the Flamingo does not hail from Twin Peaks, but another
show that tried to cash in on the success of TP called, I believe, Wild Palms.

Well, after looking around, nobody seems to have this information posted,
but a number of people seem to know that it's supposed to be Twin Peaks. I
thought it couldn't hurt to have someone clear this whole thing up, for those
who might not be "in the know"."

And here is a transcript of the show, thanks to Nathan again.

" Announcer - "This week, on Address Unknown..."

weird, jazz-style music, and

Voice Over - "I don't want to go there. It's the last place I'd want to end
up, but that's where I always end up anyway. Only, it's not me talking to
the pink flamingo, but someone who looks the part down to the finest detail,
except that he's evil. I'm hiding in the shadows, watching it all unfold.
The flamingo speaks. He can speak here. It says"

The flamingo talks in a strange, gravelly but high-toned voice.

Flamingo - "Mirrors are more fun than television."

Voice Over - "That's 'Mirrors are more fun than television'. Somehow I know
this, just don't ask me how." (a man laughs) "And I - not me, my double -
nods and smirks at this, as if it was the funniest thing in the world. And
then something goes wrong, and they both know I'm there, hiding behind them,
and they turn to look at me with cold eyes. And the flamingo speaks again"

Flamingo - "The flesh of fallen angels."

Voice Over - "I have no idea what that means. (a man screams) And that's when
I always wake up to myself screaming, in a brightly lit, white hospital room,
strapped to my bed.


I don't know anything about Twin Peaks, but I like the flamingo anyway. I
really need to thank Nathan for all the information.

Part 1 Chapter 7
When Gognitti reaches the locked door, there is a satellite dish behind you
on the ledge. If you jump from this corner to the ledge across the alley,
you can drop down into the fenced area and open a door to a room with a nice
assortment of ammo and a poster proclaiming "Dopefish Lives!" Dopefish is
quite possibly the most prolific character in Easter Egg history. (Taken from
Action Trip.)

At the basketball court, there is a Beretta stuck in the net. Also, if you
wait by the fence, an SUV will drive by. If you shoot it, it will crash and
the driver will get out to shoot at you. (Taken from Action Trip.)

Part 1 Chapter 8
When you reach the inner stage area, you can "use" the drum kit and microphone
and step on the guitar for some interesting effects and dialogue. (Taken from
Action Trip. I also found it myself...)

Part 2 Chapter 5
Walk up to the crane controls and jump on the door and then jump onto the
crane and walk up it. Then jump off onto the boxes to the left and go inbetween
some of the boxes and you'll find a room with some Molotov Cocktails, Grenades,
and Beretta and Shotgun ammo. (Submitted by Bleach)

Part 2 Chapter 5
When you reach the grand piano, you can "use" it and Max will play the title
theme. You can get a different effect by shooting out the lid support and
trying again. (Taken from Action Trip. I also found it myself...)

Part 3 Chapter 4
At the entrance ramp to the car park (from where you start), there is a stack
of barrels and an air conditioning unit that you can jump on to reach the
roof of the garage. Shoot the off-color panel of the shed there and it will
fall away. Inside, you can jump on a grate to fall into a room with the graffiti
"R Thanks", a radio you can "use" to hear audio from the production team,
and a sniper rifle with ammo. (Taken from Action Trip.)

Part 3 Chapter 5
In the small room after Woten's office (where you find the Aesir building
plans), there is a small picture that you can shoot off the wall, revealing
a button. Pressing it will raise the couch on the other side of the room,
revealing a staircase down to a "private area". In it there is a big screen
TV you can use to play a 3DRealms-themed parody of Star Trek. In the adjoining
room there is a bed with chains next to a closet full of bondage gear. (Taken
from Action Trip.)

Part 3 Chapter 8
In the hall before climbing to the roof (the hall that has a desk with a button)
there is a button on the side of one of the columns near the middle of the
hall. Pressing this button will slide open the floor revealing a nice view
of the halls of the lower floors. (By Ricardo)

About the Cheat Codes
I've never tried the cheat codes, and I'm not sure how do they work. "To get
access to the game console, you need to start maxpayne.exe with the command
line parameter "-developer". (Taken from Action Trip.) I don't really know
what does that mean, so I'm not going to talk about it here. If you want to
try them out, find the codes at, there are a lot of codes.

The key to the Max Payne cheat codes is to not start Max Payne in the normal
way. Instead you must go to your start menu, select run then type the location
of the Max Payne executable(.exe) file in quotation marks then -developer.
This will usually (and should) look like:
"C:\Program Files\Max Payne\MaxPayne.exe" -developer
Then when in game hit f12 and enter one of the codes in the dialog that appears.
(Press ENTER after typing the code), and f12 once again to turn off the dialog.
(By Danny, Cindy)

Ever wonder how bullet time changes the speeds? After beating the game, I
discovered a developers debugging mode-thing on a website (gamesages, I
think). It has a game speed tracker, and notes the speeds of many of the bullet
time sequences.
Bullet time and shoot dodges: 1/5 speed or 20%
Evasive Rolling Dodges: 1/2 speed or 50%
Bullet Cam: 1/100 speed or 1%
(By Morphling21k)

Thanks to:
GameSpot - Hidden area in Tutorial.
Action Trip - Many Easter Eggs area.
Caleb and Max Wilson for point out a number of mistakes I've made in V.1.1.and
for providing help in the routes in mazes.
Nathan Fehr for great information about the TV show in Part 1 Chapter 6.
Carsten Wohlgemuth for information about a hidden room in Part 2 Chapter 2.
Wazuppie765 for providing great Combat Tips.
Augustine Cheong for telling me the total amount of Molotovs Max can carry.
Bahamut for telling me about the zoom of the Sniper Rifle.
Matt for another solution in Part 2 Chapter 1 and information about a secret
area in the tutorial.
Steve Campbell for telling me what "on the Jersey side" mean, ha.
Chris Grand also for telling me about the zoom of the Sniper Rifle.
Jonel also for telling me about the zoom of the Sniper Rifle.
Gimme for another solution in Part 1 Chapter 7.
NowhereReallyFast for a trick in Part 2 Chapter 5.
Bleach for information about Easter eggs.
Jason for a trick in Part 3 Chapter 7 and the walkthrough for the secret finale.
Sephar DarkRise for a sniper rifle tip.
Rolf for another alternative way to go in Part 2 Chapter 1.
Danny Beckett for explaining how does the cheat code work.
Chindy Matteri also for explaining how does the cheat code work.
Morphling21k for a Molotov tip and some interesting numbers about bullet time
Josh Shelton for a secret room in Part 2 Chapter 3.
Spatual for some great movement tips.
Ricardo Schifini for a secret place in Part 3 Chapter 8.
Sonic 20000 for some really useful advice.

- This is the first time I actually make up my mind and write a FAQ for a
game, if there is any mistake in this FAQ, please let me know. Suggestions
and comments are also appreciated. V.1.0

- Thank you GameFAQs, for posting the FAQ! V.1.1

- Thanks to everyone who've sent E-mail to me, no matter it's questions or
comments. I'm starting to lose track on replying e-mails, but I think I'll
be much less busy when the walkthrough has been finished. And that won't be
too far from now. V.1.11

- Wow, part 3 is so long that it's so tiring to write about. Finally the
walkthrough is finished. But there will still be more things to be added in
this FAQ. I just want to have the finished walkthrough online as quickly as
possible. Please stay tuned. V.1.12

- I'm mainly adding the things that are sent to me from other players. Thanks
for all the helps. I'll add more about hidden places in the next update. Please
feel free to send me anything you find special about the game. V.1.3

- School is about to start again and I've added most of the things I need
to cover. What's left is probably information of higher difficulty games and
cheat codes. I hope I'll have the time to finish the game a few times more
in higher difficulty and tell you more about it. Anyway, if you've found
anything not covered in this FAQ, please do E-mail me about it. V.1.31

- I've been so busy that I haven't got the chance to play the game for again,
but fortunately you people kept the mails coming and now the FAQ has
information about the secret finale. Thanks to everyone who had sent me E-mails.
I also what to wish anyone who are affected by the event on 11-9-2001 can
get over with it soon. V.1.4

- It's been a while since I first written this FAQ, I think it's time to call
it an end as I don't really have much to write and I'm a bit too busy now.
It has been a wonderful experience working on a FAQ and receiving responses,
so thanks for everyone who has e-mail me comments or information, and everyone
who is so kind to ask for permission to put this FAQ in their sites.

I will likely not reply e-mails about the game anymore and please don't send
me information no more since I won't update this FAQ again. V.1.5

The End

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Trainer für Gesundheit, Bullettime und Munition

17.Oktober 2013
Megatrainer (für v1.05)

18.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

18.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Max Payne Series Plot
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Game Script
Engl. Hinweise

16.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Cheats & Tipps

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

17.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
Alle Level sind freigeschaltet

17.Oktober 2013
Savegame für den letzten Level

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
Alle Schwierigkeitsgrade

15.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

18.Oktober 2013
Ihr seid unverwundbar, habt alle Waffen und vieles mehr (funktioniert nur mit beigelegtem mod)

18.Oktober 2013
MaxPayne mit Cheatmodus starten

18.Oktober 2013
Dt. Bullet-Time FAQ

18.Oktober 2013
Unendlich Bullet Time, Munition, Unsichtbarkeit, God-Modus sowie Timer Aus im Timed-Mode(für v1.01)

14.Oktober 2013

04.Oktober 2013
God-Modus, Unendlich Bullet-Time, Special Single Shot Munition und unbegrenzt Munition

17.Oktober 2013
Dieses Reg-File schaltet alle vorhandenen Spielmodi frei. Damit wird es möglich, auch ohne das Spiel komplett durchgespielt zu haben, Hard-Boiled, Dead on Arrival und New York Minute von Anfang an zu spielen

15.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
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