Lunar: Eternal Blue

Lunar: Eternal Blue

17.10.2013 23:51:32

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Lunar 2: Eternal Blue (US Version)
for the Sony Playstation

Game Walkthrough ver 1.04
by Kiko-kun
Copyright 2000-2001, by Michael C. Francisco
Ascii art copyright 2001 by Beno Jange

Date first written : December 26, 2000 (GMT+800)
Date first submitted : December 29, 2000 (GMT+800)
Date last updated : November 13, 2001 (GMT+800)

Legal stuff (blah blah):

- This FAQ/walkthrough is for the reader's personal use, provided
that you do not modify the content in any way, except for MINOR
MINOR formatting. Use of this guide for commercial purposes is
ILLEGAL. If you don't know what it means, simply put, you can't
use it (or part of it) to make money (in any way).

- These are the only sites which officially carry this FAQ: (still under construction)

For those who e-mailed me for request to post my FAQ whose site(s)
didn't appear in the above list, pls. send me the URL of your site
via e-mail so I can add it in my next update.

If you want to make this guide available on your website, you may
do so provided you e-mail me for notification purposes. Reply on my
part is not necessary so long as you just let me know that you're
hosting the guide on your site, it's ok.

- Any errors (except for typos) ? Pls. mail me about'em and I'll check
and revise (if need be). It goes to show that this thing's being
read. For comments, critics (constructive only, I beg you), mail
them to

1) If the question can be answered by reading the FAQ, I won't reply.
2) Don't e-mail me game info about any missing sections since the FAQ
is constantly under contruction.
3) If you're trying for credit on this FAQ, it's when I e-mail you a
question I can't answer and you answer it correctly, then I'll add
you in the credits.

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| Revision History |
+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
- Started this FAQ, uploaded it to gamefaqs. Started with characters
and walkthrough of first area.
- Added section until after Lucia gets cursed by Zohar. Improved
formatting and section headers, corrected some typos. Added a logo.
- Added Larpa, West Desert Pass, Dalton Town, Star Forest, Illusion
Forest, Caravan sections. Added Ronfar and Jean character data.
Added spells list (partial). Adjusted formatting.
- Added Takkar section to Mystic Ruins. Added Lemina character data.
Updated spells list.
- Finished Mystic Ruins ruins section to Taben's Peak section. Added
Lunn, Nall, Ghaleon character data. Updated spells list. Updated
Battle Tips. Added Items Guide (partial)
- Finished disc 1 walkthrough. Updated spells, items, character 101.
Reformatted TOC. Started with disc 2 walkthrough.
- Finished up to Blue Dragon section. Updated spells, item guide and
character 101.
- Finished up to Black Dragon section. Updated spells, item guide and
character 101.
- Finished Disc 2 walkthrough and start of Disc 3. Updated spells,
item guide and character 101.
- Done most of the Disc 3 walkthrough up to Dragon's Nest dungeon.
Updated spells, item, magic guides. Added Bromide section. Added
markers for TOC referrence.
- Done up to Star Dragon Tower. Updated equipement guides,
TOC markers, revised magic guides, Bromide section
- Adjusted some items in Magic Guide
- Updated "legal sites" section.
- Replaced ascii art with contributor's ascii art.
- Updated TOC markers
- Updated Item Data
- Updated Dragon's Nest section

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| - Table of Contents - |
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* To skip to a certain section faster, you can either do a text
search on the number of the topic you're looking for (e.g. 23.4), or with
the code (e.g. EQP-ABC) on the right.


I. FAQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M-FAQ

II. The Walkthrough

A. Game controls/other info

B. Disc 1 Walkthrough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D1-WK

1. Dragon Ruins / Gwyn's Research Outpost . . . . . GWY

2. Blue Spire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BLU
2.1. Blue Labyrinth BLU-LAB
2.2. Blue Spire BLU-SPI
2.3. Tranmission Room BLU-TRA

3. Off to Larpa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LAR
3.1. Larpa Pass / Althena Shrine LAR-ALT

4. Salyan Desert West Pass . . . . . . . . . . . . . SAL-WES
5. Dalton Town . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DAL
6. Dragonship Destiny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DES
7. Starlight Forest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STA
8. Illusion Woods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ILU

9. Caravan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CAR
9.1 Althena's Spring ALT-SPR
9.2 Plantella's Lair PLA

10. Takkar Village . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TAK
10.1 Takkar Mountain Pass TAK-MNT
10.2 Ghost Manor TAK-GST
10.3 Bandits Butte TAK-BAN

11. East Nota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT-EAS
12. Madoria Carnival . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MAD-CAR
13. Mystic Ruins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MYS
14. West Nota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT-WES

15. Zulan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ZUL
15.1 Zulan Mountains ZUL-MNT

16. Meribia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MER
16.1 Karate Dojo MER-DOJ
16.2 Taben's Peak MER-TAB
16.3 Meribia (Sewers) MER-SEW
16.4 The Return to Taben's Peak MER-RET

17. Magic City Vane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VAN
17.1 The Cave of Trial VAN-COT
17.2 Magic City Vane VAN-CIT
17.3 Sluice Forest VAN-SLU

18. Water Ruins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WAT

19. Azado . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AZA
19.1 Azado Barbeque AZA-BAR
19.2 Althena Shrine AZA-ALT

C. Disc 2 Walkthrough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D2-WK

20. Pentagulia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PEN
20.1 Althena Shrine PEN-ALT
20.2 White Tower PEN-WHT
20.3 Red Tower PEN-RED
20.4 Black Tower PEN-BLK
20.5 Blue Tower PEN-BLU

21. The Restoration of the White Dragon . . . . . . . WHT-RES
21.1 Taben's Peak WHT-TAB
21.2 Dragonship Destiny WHT-DES
21.3 White Dragon Cave WHT

22. The Restoration of the Blue Dragon . . . . . . . BLU-RES
22.1 Horam Village HOR
22.2 Tournament ZEN
22.3 Blue Dragon Cave BLU

23. The Restoration of the Black Dragon . . . . . . . BLK-RES
23.1 Zaback ZAB
23.2 Neo Vane NEO
23.3 Neo Trial Cave NEO-COT
23.4 Neo-Vane Magic Guild NEO-GLD
23.5 Black Dragon Cave BLK

24. The Restoration of the Red Dragon . . . . . . . . RED-RES
24.1 Raculi Village RAC
24.2 Serak Palace SER
24.3 Red Dragon Cave RED

25. The Resurrection of Zophar . . . . . . . . . . . ZOP-RES
25.1 Althena's Road ALT
25.2 Goddess Tower ALT-GOD

D. Disc 3 Walkthrough (D3-WK)

26. The Final Battle - Zophar's Keep . . . . . . . . ZOP

27. Epilogue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EPI
27.1 The Wedding at Nota NOT-R
27.2 Taben's Peak TAB-R
27.3 Raculi RAC-R
27.4 Vane VAN-R
27.5 Madoria Carnival MAD-R
27.6 Mystic Ruins MYS-R
27.7 Lost Labyrinth LAB
27.8 Dragon's Nest NST
27.9 Brave Labyrinth BRA
27.10 Lionhead LIO
27.11 Water Ruins WAT
27.12 Dragon Ruins DRA
27.13 Star Dragon Tower STA-TOW

E. The Bromide Hunt (BRO)

III. 101

A. Character Profiles (G-CHAR)

B. Magic Spells (G-MAG)

Hiro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MAG-HIR
Ronfar MAG-RON
Jean-Fighter Mode MAG-JEA-F
Lemina MAG-LEM

C. Equipment Guide (G-EQP)

Hiro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EQP-HIR
Ronfar EQP-RON
Jean-Fighter Mode EQP-JEA-F
Lemina EQP-LEM

IV. Other Pending Updates / Info

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| I. FAQ |
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What is Lunar 2: Eternal Blue (L2)
Lunar 2: Eternal is a game developed by Working Designs as a
sequel to Lunar : Silver Star Story, originally released for
the Sega Saturn, then for the Playstation in 1999.

Do I have to play the first Lunar to understand this sequel ?
No, not necessarily. This is because the story of Lunar 2 is
set 1000 years after the first Lunar. But of course it would
always be better if you've played the first Lunar since you'll
be able to appreciate the finer details of L2.

Are there bromides in L2 ?
Yes, there are. We've got a section on how to get them (well most
of them). That part of the walkthrough is still under construc-

+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Game Controls:
+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
D-pad - directional pad
L1, R1 - L1 and R1 buttons
L2, R2 - L2 and R2 buttons
X - X button
O - O button
Tri - Triangle button
Squ - Square button
Sel - Select button
Strt - Start button

D-pad - scroll through action to perform (in action menu)
X - action button (open chests, talk)
cofirm selection when in menu
enter / exit dragonship / Gwyn's boat

O - press with D-pad to run a few seconds
Cancel selection

Squ - Activate menu / board the Dragonship Destiny / Boat

Tri - Goes back to previous selection
L1, R1 - when saving, swicth from memory card slot 1/2
L2, R2 - not used

* To reset the game, press L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 then hold the START and
SELECT buttons simultaneously.

+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Battle tips:
+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- When targeting an opponent, it changes color: red, yellow or green
Red means that the enemy will take less damage. Yellow means that
the enemy will take the fairly normal damage, while green means
the opponent is weak to that attack and will receive a lot of da-
mage. Just because a spell has higher casting cost doesn't mean it
is always powerful than the weaker, earlier learned spells. An e-
xample would be the Ghost Manor's boss being vulnerable to Hiro's
Boomerang attack rather than his Sword Poe, when the Sword Poe is
more powerful (and uses more MP).

- Let Hiro die more often. (Yes, this seems cruel, but) The boss' HP
in every area is dependent on Hiro's level so make sure that every
other character's stats are close to or, better yet, even higher
than Hiro's stats. This way, you won't have a very difficult time
in fighting bosses if you're the type of player who loves to level
up before moving on. Although even fainted characters gain experi
ence, the ones who run away don't.

- Use more healing items before using up healing magic. Don't worry
about using them all up and surviving. That's why you're earning
silver, so you can buy more whenever you need to. And they're far
cheaper than MP recovery items (Star and Silver Light). And if you
run out of cash, you can always level up while making money out of
defeating enemies in dungeons.

+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Notations used:
+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
To make your reading a little easier (for those who just want to
skim through, and for those only after tips), the following nota-
tions have been used.

> - main objective
- - narrative
* - playing tips, hints, stgy, etc.
~ - item/shop/boss information
! - extras
+ - additional info.
[] - comments, inline hints, events

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| II. The Walkthrough |
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| B. Disc 1 Walkthrough (D1-WK) \
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1. Dragon Ruins / Salyan Desert - East Pass / Gwyn's outpost (GWY)

~ Items: Right Sapphire Jewel (Hiro's Haul), Herb, 100 Silver,
Ancient Dagger
Enemies: Dung Beetle, Sand Shark, Sand Cyclops
> Head home for Gwyn's research outpost.

[ FMV of Hiro and Ruby digging in the Dragon Ruins ]

- Hiro is with Ruby in the ancient looking for treasure as always
when they finally manage to find a treasure. Suddenly, an earth
quake starts to be felt and you fall deeper into the ruins. You
end up in a dungeon and get chased by a lot of flame monsters.
You escape from the dungeon just in time but the entrance to
the ruins closes behind you. [ you now gain control of Hiro ]

Go all the way to the southwest part of the Desert Pass all the
way south. You'll encounter Leo [ FMV ] onboard the Dragonship
destiny. He'll warn you to return to your home and he tells you
he's headed for Gwyn's outpost. Continue through the pass until
you reach Gwyn's outpost.

Once you arrive home (Gwyn's outpost), you'll see that Leo is
already there talking Gwyn into helping him by giving any info
on how to get into the Blue Spire. After seeing that Gwyn is
uncooperative, Leo leaves. Once you are alone with Gwyn, he'll
tell you about checking out the Blue Spire because of what he
just heard - a rumore about the destroyer coming to Lunar, and
connection of the Blue Spire. You go up the observation tower,
check the telescope and see that a strange light shines from a-
bove and both of you sense the urgency to investigate the spire
at once. Gwyn looks for the item, he claims, that will open the
entrance to the Blue Spire (Left Opal Jewel). Then you're off
to the Blue Spire.

! IF you manage to get through the East Desert Pass without ATTA-
CKING any enemy (just run and use herbs), Ruby and Hiro will
have a short chat when you reach Gwyn's outpost.

2. Blue Spire (BLU-SPI)

The Blue Spire is made up of 2 sections: a Labyrinth, and the Spi
re itself. You need to get past the Labyrinth in order to enter
the Spire itself.

2.1. Blue Labyrinth (BLU-LAB)

> Make your way through the labyrinth.

~ Items: Angel's Tear, Starlight
Enemies: Mummy, Bandage Boy, Brainpicker, Slime

- The entrance to the Blue Spire is north of Gwyn's outpost. You
will see the Dragonship Destiny hovering close by. Once you're
at the entrance of the Spire, Gwyn will place the Left Opal Je-
wel at the left eye of the Dragonhead statue at center of the
door. [ Walk up to the right eye of the Dragonhead and press X
to make Hiro place the Sapphire Jewel ]. The Dragonhead splits
and the entrance to the Blue Labyrinth opens. Notice the four
guardian statues. [ How evilishly cute! ]

* Once in the Labyrinth, go to all 4 corners and press the blocks
in each corner. After all 4 blocks have been pressed, the pass-
ageway in the north section will form which will allow you to
move on. Once in Level B2, enter in all rooms on the 4 corners.
Note the icons on the floor (Sun, Moon, Star and Mystic). Press
X once in front of the vase to place to orb in the vase. Head
to the south part of the room once all 4 orbs have been placed
in their vases. You're in a huge room with a hexagram symbol.
Walk up to the center then you'll be teleported to the entrance
to the Blue Spire.

- At the end of the Blue Labyrinth is a statue of a guardian next
to the garden. Make your way up towards the Spire entrance.

* It's recommended that you defeat every enemy in the labyrinth
so that you could level up without even trying. By the time you
are done with level B2, Hiro should have mastered the Sword Poe
technique, since it takes out the most damaging enemies in on-
ly 1 hit.

* For a party consisting of a Mummy and Bandage Boys, defeating
the Mummy will automatically cause all bandage boys to die as

* If you're low on HP and MP by the time you've teleported, don't
worry. There's a statue of Althena just before the entrance to
the Blue Spire itself.

[ you'll be treated to a FMV just before reaching the Spire
entrance ]

2.2. Blue Spire (BLU-SPI)

~ Items: Healing Nut, 72 Silver, Herb (2), Starlight
Enemies: Crystal Knight, Bomb Angel, Magic Masque, Slime
> Go to the top floor of the Spire; find the Transmission Room

* The Blue Spire is 7 levels high so take your time raising your
Hiro's and Gwyn's level by the time you make it to the 7th Flr.
Hiro's Boomerang and Sword Poe skill is a must have when figh-
ting the monsters except for the Slime, which Hiro or Gwyn can
defeat in 1 hit.

- Once you've reached Level 7F, Gwyn will tell you that a secret
passage is in this room. [You split up and look for it]. Go to
the north part of the room where you'll find a floating globe.
[This is actually the portal to the transmission room] Go near
and check it- you'll be teleported to the transmission room.

2.3. Tranmission Room (BLU-TRA)

> Meet Lucia

[ You enjoy another FMV here. Hiro can't help but fall in love w/
Lucia (at first sight) ]

- The girl encased in the Green Crystal awakens and introduces
herself as Lucia. She has come from the Blue Star in search of
the Goddess Althena in Lunar in order to fight Zophar, who she
says is planning to destroy Lunar. She seems so focused on mee-
ting Althena that she pays scant notice to Ruby's remarks. She
will teleport back you back to the 7th floor of the Spire where
Gwyn is waiting and worried where Hiro has disappeared to. Upon
finding out that Lucia is from the Blue Spire, he suggests that
you all head back to the outpost before Leo finds you. On your
way to Level 6F, you'll come across a large group of monsters.

[ You'll have Lucia in your party. Now is an even better chance
to level up because of her 777 HP and powerful magic. You may
not be able to control her, but she'll make short of even the
toughest foes in the Spire. Just because she'll take out the
trash for you doesn't mean that you should go easy. Watch out
for your HP and Gwyn's as well. ]

Once you get rid of the monsters and make your way down to the
entrance, Lucia will stop for a moment to try to feel Althena's

* If you have the luxury of time, you'd might want to go back
and forth the Spire to level up even more since you'd be saving
yourself the trouble of spending MP. If you cross the stairs
to heal yourself however, you won't be able to go back with Lu-
cia's unlimited power, since...

[ Another FMV of Lucia checking out the surroundings ]

After some conversation within the party, Lucia will ask where
Althena is. She'll be answered by Zophar's voice ( the ultimate
baddy in the game ). She tries to invoke the power of the four
Dragons but Zophar says that he has sealed them off. He casts a
spell that zaps Lucia bad - her HP's down to 1/1 and her magic
disappears [see I told you to level up when you had the chance]
and Gwyn checks her and says that her soul is cursed and if she
doesn't get treated soon, she'll die.

[ Come on why not let Lucia die permanently? That would be a real
eye popper for fans, nyahahahaha. Besides, it would be a waste
of cardboard printing Lucia picture all over the CD covers when
she'll just die in disc 1]

[ Now would be a good time to get healed at the Althena statue in
the garden, co'z you're gonna need it. Also, if you haven't
leveled up to learn the spells Fractured Armor and Shattered
Sword, it's recommended that you do now before moving on. ]

- Once you cross the garden and make your way to the portal, you
will have your "initiation" boss fight. The guardian statue you
came across has come to life.

~ Boss: Guardian
This boss has 2 physical attacks and 1 magic spell. It will in-
crease it's attack and defense status. The best way to defeat
boss easy is to have Gwyn cast Shattered Sword then Fractured
Armor on the enemy while have Hiro attack with his Poe Sword
technique. If Gwyn hasn't learned the 2 spells yet you'd end up
using all your herbs and starlights [it's recommended that you
save them for better opponents ].

[ Once you've defeated the guardian, it's recommended that you
restore HP and MP at Althena's statue before returning to the
Blue Labyrinth. ]

- Head back to the Labyrinth. Remember that Lucia's magic is gone
and technically useless in battle so be in your usual cautious
mode. Once you're out of the Labyrinth, you'll be surprised the
4 guardian statues have come to life as well. Another fight w/
them will ensue [ at this point it seems hopeless, since figh-
one alone took quite an effort ]. When one of your party mem-
bers faint, the battle will stop. A shot from a canon will
destroy all the guardians. Surprise surprise, you'll be saved
by Leo riding aboard the Dragonship Destiny. If you try to walk
past Leo, he'll stop you and ask about Lucia and think that she
is Destroyer of Lunar. But Hiro's quick thinking buys them time
to get away when he tells Leo that a monster attacked Lucia at
the top of the Sphire and that if he hurries, Leo may still be
able to stop it. [Return to Gwyn's outpost]

At the outpost Gwyn looks in the basement for a book that might
be able to cure Lucia while you (Hiro) stay with Lucia while
she's down on the couch. She mumbles about coming to Lunar to
save it, not to destroy it. She also says that now that her po-
wers are gone, the only way to stop Zophar is to find Althena,
and to unseal the powers of the four dragons.

Gwyn returns from the basement with bad news, he can't find any
cure in his tomes. He sends Hiro off to the town of Larpa to
find Ronfar who is said to have become once a priest for Althe-
na. Gwyn stays behind to hold the fort. He prepares the boat
since Larpa is on the west side of the Salyan Desert. Board the
boat once outside and set sail west for Larpa.

3. Off to Larpa (LAR)

> Look for Ronfar to have Lucia healed

~ Items:
Angel's Tear (back of Althena Statue)
Healing Nut (behind Mayor's Mansion on northern Larpa)
Saucepan Lid (Mayor's Mansion)
Herb (Town proper)
Lucia's Bromide 1 (Guy with blue hair in front of house
on east Larpa).

~ Weapon Shop:
Short Sword - 340
Mace - 300
Herb - 40
Healing Nut - 200
Star Light - 2000
Angel's Tear - 600

* Talk to everyone in Larpa. If you've got around 2000 silver, it
would help to get weapons. [ If you have less than 2000 silver,
I suggest you save it for better weapons in the next town since
the enemies here aren't that strong ]

* Don't bother donating any silver to the people at the shrine
since you can have yourself healed at the Althena statue at the
east side of the town.

! Don't forget to talk to the blue-haired guy in front of the
house in east Larpa - the one who keeps on adoring Lucia. You
can get Lucia's Bromide 1 from him if you talk to him again AF-
TER Lucia has been cured and walks off.

* To move on in the game, go to the tavern and talk to everyone.
Then visit the Althena Shrine and talk to the elders. Then go
to the Mayor's Mansion and talk to the mayor. He'll tell you to
look for him in the tavern. Go back to the tavern and talk to
guy alone at the east side twice. He's Ronfar. He'll challenge

[ FMV of Ronfar ]

you to a game of dice. Accept the challenge. No matter what you
pick (odd or even), you'll lose. He'll asks you if you want to
play again. Decline his offer, then challenge him again. Lucia
will say that she's not feeling well and he'll notice. Ronfar
offers to let her rest at his place. He finds a note from an
old friend saying that he'll visit soon. Once in the house, he
gets a visit from Leo (yes, that guy in the Dragonship). Ron-
far pretends he hasn't seen Hiro and company when Leo asks if
he's seen a person matching Lucia's description. Leo leaves and
says he's in the Althena Shrine if Ronfar decides to join the
Chosen Ones. Ronfar asks Hiro why he believes Lucia isn't the
destroyer Leo claims her to be. He then checks Lucia and says
they'll need to bring her to the statue in the Althena Shrine
to be able cure her. He opens a secret passageway in his house
that leads to the back door in the Althena Shrine.

3.1 Larpa Pass / Althena/Chosen Shrine (LAR-ALT)

~ Enemies: Killer Fly, Ochr Ooze
> Make your way to the back door of the Althena Shrine

* This is a short short dungeon, only 2 levels and goes straight
up then straight down. You'll end up at a ledge at the back of
the Shrine. After jumping down enter the Shrine's back door and
step in front of the statue. Ronfar will try to use his magic
again to cure Lucia. The first attempt fails. Ronfar suddenly
gets a flashback of how he lost his dear Mauri when he failed
to use enough magic to cure her. He tries again and succeeds in
getting her strength back although he says that she's not fully
cured yet. Exit the shrine through the front entrance and head
back to Ronfar's place.

[ Now is a good time to get Lucia's Bromide 1 from the guy with
blue-hair on the east side of Larpa. He's in front of a house ]

* After resting up Hiro finds Lucia gone and Ronfar still asleep.
Look for her in town. You'll find her by the dock beside the
small boat (south side).

[ FMV of Lucia watching the people in the boat ]

- Lucia decides that she should part ways with Hiro first if she
is to continue her search of Althena. She heads off to the port
city Dalton. When you walk back to town, Ronfar comes looking
for you and asks where Lucia is. When he finds out that she's
off to Dalton and Hiro is going after her, he joins your party.

4. Salyan Desert West Pass (SAL-WES)

~ Enemies: Desert Dolphin, Poison Beetle, Scorpion
Items : 300 silver
> Go through the pass to get to Dalton

- The West Desert Pass is between Dalton, Star Tower and Larpa.
You need to cross this straightway from Larpa to get to Dalton.

* This place is also a good place to level up since you can have
yourself healed from either Dalton or Larpa.

5. Dalton Town (DAL)

~ Items: Herb (left of the entrance)
Star Light (inside a house on the northwest side)
Dagger (room before reaching the pier)
> Board the Dragonship Destiny

~ --- Weapon Shop ---
Long Sword 690
Flail 630
Wood Shield 100
Bracelet 80
Colorful Bandana 60

~ --- General Store ---
Angel's Tear 1000
Dragonfly Wing 100
Vitality Vial 50
Purity Herb 20
Herb 40

- When you enter Dalton Town, you'll see Lucia onboard the Dragon
ship Destiny with Leo and his guards surrounding her. She tries
to convince Leo to believe her story and her mission. Leo or-
ders his knights to seize her. Lucia defends herself and knocks
out a couple of his knights. Leo uses his sword to knock Lucia
unconscious and orders her to be thrown into the brig.

[ you resume control of your party ]

* Still remember me telling you to save up for better weapons in
Larpa? Well, now's the time to use them. It's best if Hiro and
Ronfar have the best weapon and armor, for the next 3 areas are
filled with tough monster and it will be a while until the next
weapon shop.

* Talk to everyone to learn more about why the goddess statue was
broken and who did it.

* Go up to the second level of the town to get to the pier where
the Dragonship is docked.

6. Dragonship Destiny (DES)

~ Enemies: Private, Captain
> Rescue Lucia

- The Dragonship has 4 levels: the deck, the 1st and 2nd level
quarters, and the brig. Unlike most of the areas you've been in
the game, you won't be able to avoid the enemies here. That's
because they're in the way of the doors you're supposed to go.

- After fighting your way to the brig, you'll find Lucia being
questioned by Leo. He has her locked up and tells her of her
execution the next day. After Leo leaves, walk up to Lucia and
free her from the cell. As you leave, Leo returns to check on
Lucia. You hide at a room not far from the cell. While Leo goes
in Lucia's cell to look for clues, Hiro locks Leo up. Before
you go up, Ronfar asks that he talk to Leo. After a short chat,
get out of the Dragonship the same way you came in. Head for
Pentagulia (notrh through the Starlight and Illusion Forest).

7. Starlight Forest (STA)

~ Enemies: Green Goblin, Killer Fly, Humming Byrd
> Go north to reach the Illusion Woods

* Starlight Forest is your way through Illusion Woods. Enemies
here to level up. Midway through this forest is a goddess sta-
tue. The party will rest up and go on their separate ways. Af-
you've gained control of Hiro again, talk to Lucia. Talk to her
a second time (if she says the same thing, talk to Ronfar first
). She'll ask you why you're helping her. There'll be a choice
- either answer will get the same reply from Lucia. She'll join
the party again. Talk to Ronfar to have him join the party and
move on to the Illusion Woods.

8. Illusion Woods (ILU)

~ Items: Herb(4), Star Light, 146 silver, Snake Crest
Enemies: Hobgoblin, Goblin, Hummingbyrd, Goblin King

> Make your way through the woods

- Before you enter the Illusion Woods, Ronfar will tell you that
he knows someone who might be able to help get out of the woods
since it is rumored that many people get lost. He finds that
friend at the entrance of the forest and plays a game of dice
with him (and wins). The man will open a path from the bushes,
and tell you how to get through the woods.

* Like before, try to defeat every monster in the woods. Better,
if you can do so by using magic only for stronger foes.

- You'll know when you've reached the end of the woods when there
is a clearing up north. By this time, you must be low of HP/MP.
Don't use your healing items just yet.

9. Caravan (CAR)

~ Items: Jean's Bromide 2 (from the girl by the wall of vines)
> Meet Jean; Bathe in the Althena Spring; Save the caravan

- It's evening when you arrive at the caravan. You hear music and
see someone dancing to its beat.

[ FMV of Jean dancing ]

[ Don't forget to talk to the girl in front of the wall of vines.
You'll get Jean's bromide 2 from her later. ]

- After Jean finishes her dance, she'll introduce herself. Talk
to Giban, their boss. He'll welcome you most especially when he
finds out that you're running from the Chosen ones. Giban will
explain that they could not advance further because of a wall
of vines blocking the way. He advises that you spend the night
with them and continue in the morning. Jean will excuse herself
for some air. Follow her at the west part of the clearing where
there's a moonlight view. Talk to Jean. She'll tell you to ask
her anything you'd like to know.

[ There will be three questions presented. Ask all of them ]

After answering your questions, she'll be the one to ask you a
question. Suddenly, the ground in front of Lucia will open and
a vine will grab her. Jean instinctively attacks the vine with
awesome karate moves and the vine lets go of Lucia. Jean asks
the party to forget what they just saw, then Jean returns to
the caravan. You retire for the rest of the evening as well.

(When Jean returns to her room, there'll be a flashback of how
Jean learned to fight.)

9.1 Althena's Spring (ALT-SPR)

~ Items: Life Jewel (by the Althena spring entrance)
Iron Clogs (in the male spring)
> Take a dip in the nearby Althena's spring (east side of carvan)

In the morning, Ronfar tells you to go for a dip in the nearby
Althena's spring. Hiro goes with Ruby and Lucia. When you reach
the spring, the person by the door reminds you that the left
spring is for males and right for females. Hiro tells Lucia to
go to the right spring. After some moments of bathing, Ruby and
and Hiro are surprised when they see Lucia in the nude walking
towards them.

[ FMV of Lucia walking towards Hiro. I could've sworn this was
one of the reasons why Lunar is a hit. ]

9.2 Plantella's Lair (PLA)

~ Enemies: Hobgoblin, Goblin King, Hummingbyrd
> Save the kidnapped performers.

- When you return from the spring, the ground will shake and the
scene shifts to the caravan. The vine that attacked Lucia now
attacks the rest of the performers and grabs most, even Giban.
When you return, Jean tells you what has just happened. Hiro
decides to go down into the hole to go after the source of the

* Talk to Jean and she'll give you a rope ladder which you'll use
to go down. Talk to Jean again to convince her to help you. She
says 'no' but when you start descending the ladder, she'll join
your party.

* Jean should prove to be very valuable in your party since she
attacks twice with her fan and her magic attacks are almost as
powerful as Hiro's. It also doesn't hurt that her attacks are
long range.

- This dungeon has only two levels, the first has three enemies,
while the second level is your second boss fight.

~ Boss: Plantella
HP : approx. 1800 (or 100 x Hiro's level)

* This boss isn't too tough. Just make sure everybody's HP is a-
bove 70 since this boss sometimes throws sneak attacks and will
knock down any character caught offguard. Ronfar must also have
enough HP to cast the Calm Litany spell if Plantella decides to
attack the whole party. Have Hiro use his Poe Sword, while Jean
her Moth or Bee Dance.

- Once you've defeated this boss, you return to the caravan where
everybody thanks you for your help. Talk to Jean and she'll
tell Giban that the time has come for her to confront her past
and joins your party.

[ Before moving on, don't forget to talk to the girl by the vine,
where now the vine has withered, to get Jean's Bromide 2 ]

10. Takkar Village (TAK)

> Sign up for the Magic Guild (talk to the hooded girl)

~ Items: Holy Water (below Althena statue)
Star Light (left sd of house in West Takkar)
Passion Fruit (back room of tavern)

~ --- Weapon Shop ---
Silver Mace 1320
Iron Fan 1160

~ --- Armor Shop ---
Iron Bracelet 240
Iron Gauntlet 60
Chain Mail 720
Hairband 60

~ --- General Store ---
Angel's Tear 1000
Dragonfly Wing 100
Vitality Vial 50
Purity Herb 20
Herb 40

- When you arrive at Takkar village, you'll learn that the north
gate is blocked by guards of the Chosen, and that Leo is still
looking for Lucia. Most of the people will tell you to steer
clear of the hooded girl who is recruiting members for the Vane
Magic Guild. As usual, talk to everyone.

* If you check the gate before doing anything else in town, the
guards won't allow you to pass. It's best to go and meet the
hooded girl.

* Upgrade your weapons and armor. If you're low on cash, try at
least getting the Iron Fan for Jean since Ronfar deals more da-
mage with magic attacks and will usually be used to heal your
party more than do physical attacks.

- The hooded girl can be found at the tavern. Talk to her and she
will invite you to join the Magic Guild by taking an entrance
test. Hiro will hesitate to join, so the girl leaves and says
she'll be around if you change your mind. If you go outside and
look for the hooded girl, she's nowhere to be found.

* At this point, talk with the guard at the gate again. Jean will
try to convince the guard to let the party pass but fails. Then
the hooded girl will walk towards you and tell you of another
way to get to Nota without passing through the gate at Northern
Takkar. It's through the Takkar Mountain Pass on the way to the
Ghost Manor. She waits for you at the northeast prt of town and
tells you to talk to her again when you're ready. This would be
a great time to stock on healing items or upgrade equipment. If
you're ready, talk to the girl again. She'll open the gate that
leads to the Mountain Pass.

10.1 Takkar Mountain Pass (TAK-MNT)

> Head for Ghost Manor

~ Items: Purity Ring, Wind Ring
~ Enemies: Rufus, Banshee Fowl, Death Worm, Mud Cyclops

* Simply go through the area, defeating as many enemies as you
can. This place is also great for levelling up because you can
always heal at the Althena statue in Takkar.

10.2 Ghost Manor (TAK-GST)

> Pass the aptitude test

~ Items: Holy Water, 302 silver, Angel's Tear, Star Light (2),
~ Enemies: Rolling Imp, Knuckle Buster, Susie Death

- The Ghost Manor is a 1-level dungeon with many pathways. Some
lead to items. There is only one path leading to the end of the
manor. The enemies here leave a lot of silver and experience so
make sure to chop up a couple of them. You'll know you're at
the end of the manor when you see a path that leads to a carpet
-covered room. [If you're still able to, save your game first].
You'll have another boss fight.

~ Boss: Magic Tester LX1
HP: approx 2850 (or 150 x Hiro's level)

* Hiro's Boomerang, Ronfar's Anger Dice and Jean's fan attack are
recommended for this boss since they do the most damage. Norma-
lly, the attacks of the enemy are recoverable by herbs. Only
when the springs come off that the enemy starts using attacks
damage all members.

* A good strategy to beat this boss is to use Lucia as bait. She
will either move back or towards the opponent during battle.
When she moves close to the enemy, she is usually the one the
boss attacks. If the boss does attack Lucia, have Jean heal her
with herbs or healing nuts. Use Ronfar to heal her only as a
last resort, since his Anger Dice spell deals the boss a lot of
damage, a whole lot more damage than Jean's normal fan attack.
None of the current spells in her inventory deal good damage so
her fan attack (with the Iron Fan equipped) does around 40 pts.
of damage. Compared that to Ronfar's Anger Dice spell which can
go as high as 120 damage is Ronfar rolls 12 on the dice.

- After beating the Magic Tester, the hooded girl will introduce

[ FMV of Lemina Ausa's introduction ]

- She'll ask you to become apprentices at the Magic Guild, now
that you've passed her "entrance exam". After reminding Lemina
of your quest and that you can't join at this time, she joins
your party. Head out of the manor through the door in the north
part of the room. Go all the way to the left until you reach a
cliff. You'll ride in Lemina's carpet going down. However, she
loses her concentration and you fall to the ground and Lemina's
carpet gets stuck up high on a tree. Head for the town of Nota.

* Lemina's magic is powerful, so powerful that it could wipe out
most enemies in just one blast. Of course, the most powerful
magic also costs a lot of MP, so make sure to use it on the
toughest enemies (and the ones that do high damage and has high

* You can't return to the weapon/armor shop in Takkar to stock up
on healing items, weapons/armor. But you can buy the same items
from the merchant at the other end of the Takkar gate (north).

10.3 Bandits Butte (TAK-BAN)

> Cross the mountain to get to Nota

~ Items: Shiro Crest, Star Light, Wind Staff
~ Enemies: Maneater, Killer Buzz, Parasite, Killer Shroom

* Bandits Butte is the only area left between you and Nota, so
make the most out of levelling up. Next stop, Nota.

11. East Nota (NOT-EAS)

> Cross the bridge to West Nota

~ Items: Gauss's Necklace (house in west Nota)
Silver Light (East Nota right of the weapon shop)
Herb (East Nota, by the bridge)

~ --- Weapon Shop ---
Broadsword 1240

~ --- Armor Shop ---
Iron Shield 300
Flared Dress 720
Silver Robe 680
Iron Helm 150
Silver Bandana 240

~ --- General Store ---
Angel's Tear 1000
Dragonfly Wing 100
Vitality Vial 50
Purity Herb 20
Herb 40

- After talking to the townsfolk, visit the leftmost house on
East Nota. Talk to the girl who's marrying the mayor of West
Nota. She'll tell you of the Rememberizer Crystal, an item w/c
you'll be getting later in the game.

[ At this point, it won't matter if you upgrade your weapons and
now since you won't be figthing yet ]

As you make your way to the bridge, the Dragonship Destiny will
surprise you as you cross the bridge. The West Nota path is now
blocked by soldiers. Jean suggests that you leave town for a
while and check out Madoria carnival to see if Giban's caravan
is there already. Jean remembers the magic arrow device they've
been working on and that the party use it fly past Nota.

12. Madoria Carnival (MAD-CAR)

> Meet with Giban's caravan and ride the magic arrow

~ Items: Holy Water (east side of carnival)
Angel's Tear (rightmost caravan)

- The Madora Carnival has some games and lots of people. Be sure
to try the house of giggles as everyone recommends. If you'd
want to try and make some money, you can also try your luck at
the house of chance (casino). Giban's caravan is at the north
section of the carnival.

* Don't bother saving up to 10,000 silver just to be able to bet
that much on the house of chance [aha you're planning to use a
get-rich-quick scheme by loading the game if you lose eh? ] You
can only wager as much as 50 silver. Ruby will stop you if you
try to wager 10,000 silver. At any rate, it's better to go to
dungeons and fight monsters so you level up at the same time.

- When you reach Jean's caravan, talk to Giban last. He'll agree
to let you use the magic arrow. Suddenly, Leo and his guards
barge in looking for Lucia. Giban hides you all then talks to
them. After the coast is clear, he suggests that Lucia changes
into something that's not so noticeable before riding the magic
arrow. Jean, Lemina and Ruby go to Jean's dressing room (middle
caravan) to help Lucia get changed.

[ You now control only Hiro and Ronfar ]

Giban is blocking the exit so you can't do anything but talk to
the performers and walk around. When you're done, walk toward
Jean's dressing room (middle caravan). Hiro will take a peek,

[ FMV of Lucia in different clothes ]

and Ronfar will try to peek too. Hiro stops his attempts, and
they end up crashing in the dressing room. Jean and Lemina kick
them both out.

[ FMV of Hiro and Ronfar being kicked out of the caravan ]

After being scolded, you'll see Lucia in a new outfit.

[ FMV of Lucia in her new clothes. You'll gain control of every-
body again. ]

Talk to Giban then to the magic arrow operator. When the opera-
tor asks you to get on board the magic arrow, Leo will return
with the guards and try to stop you. He blasts the magic arrow
with a spell that changes the direction of the arrow and you
are launched to the east of the carnival instead of flying past
Nota. You'll land at the Mystic Ruins. When you get off the
magic arrow, you'll come across an old portal. Hiro and party
are teleported inside the ruins. Once there, Lucia will try to
access a panel that has records stored in it.

[ FMV of Ghaleon / Grinder, the attack on Vane in Lunar SSS ]

The party will talk about the records they just saw. When Lucia
asks who it was from, another ghastly voice will answer. This
time, it's not Zohar's.

[ FMV of Ghaleon Entering ]

It's Ghaleon! The main villain of Lunar SSS has returned after
1000 years to try and destroy the world again. He doesn't at-
tack. Just drops by and disappears, saying that they'll meet
again. After Ghaleon disappears, go further into the ruins.

13. Mystic Ruins (MYS)

> Find the exit to return to Nota

~ Items: Healing Nut, Dream Crest, *Silver Hair Pin,
*Silver Gauntlet
Star Light(2) (2F), Flame Staff
~ Enemies: Persona, Reflector, Masquerade, Dark Knight

- Go inside the ruins and descend to the exit. You will find the
monsters here a bit worth fighting since a good number of them
leave a good amount of experience and silver. At the base of
the ruins is a fairy garden. Talk to the fairies and you'll
learn that they don't think of Ghaleon as evil. Once you're out
of the ruins, you'll be at a point between Nota and Bandit's

* One of the enemies you'll fight will drop a Silver Hair Pin and
a Silver Gauntlet, if you can find them; so don't bother buying
one, except for the Silver Hairpin. Jean and Lemina can use the
Silver Hairpin so it's enough to buy only one Silver Hairpin.

14. West Nota (NOT-WES)

> Head North to Zulan

~ Items: Peasant Clothes (West house), Herb
Life Jewel (North section)

~ --- Weapon / Armor Shop ---
Silver Sword 1600
Flared Dress 720
Silver Robe 680
Iron Helm 150
Silver Bandana 240

~ --- General Store ---
Angel's Tear 1000
Dragonfly Wing 100
Vitality Vial 50
Cleansing Water 60
Purity Herb 20
Herb 40

- As you head for East Nota, Leo will block you in the Dragonship
Destiny. Just as he is about to blast your party with the ship,
Ghaleon helps you by zapping the guards and Leo. Leo's guards
retreat temporarily. Ghaleon disappears, so now you're home
free to head to East Nota. Go through the bridge to get to West
Nota and to the town of Zulan.

* The people in West Nota don't give very useful information, so
it wouldn't matter if you just whiz past them.

* Now would be a good time to upgrade your weapons and armor.

15. Zulan (ZUL)

> Talk to the Mayor
> Head for the Zulan Mountains

~ Items: Plate Armor (Mayor's House)
Star Light (West of the path to Zulan mountains)

~ --- Weapon Shop ---
Golden Mace 2100
Razor Fan 1800

~ --- Armor Shop ---
Silver Shield 600
Fur Dress 1300
Fur Robe 1050
Silver Helm 360
Lucky Bandana 450

~ --- General Store ---
Angel's Tear 1000
Dragonfly Wing 100
Vitality Vial 50
Cleansing Water 60
Purity Herb 20
Herb 40

* The Plate Armor is a unique type of armor since any character
can use it. You don't have to equip it necessarily on Hiro, in-
stead try equipping it on the character with the lowest defense

- When you get to Zulan, you'll find that it's snowing. Talking
to the people will tell you that the extremely long blizzard is
caused by a monster up in the Zulan mountains, and that many
have tried to slay the monster but have failed. Talk to the ma-
yor and he'll ask you to help them fight the monster. Lucia de-
cides to go alone since saving the village isn't her mission.

[ Lucia leaves your party ]

- If you check the southwest of Zulan, it's the way to Pentagulia
but because of the monster that's causing the snow the only way
to move on is to defeat the monster.

15.1 Zulan Mountains (ZUL-MNT)

> Find and defeat the monster that's causing the snow
> Find the mayor's daughter

~ Items: 2000 silver, Fur Dress (enemy), Healing Nut
Power Crest, Water Staff, Barrier Ring, Phoenix Ring
~ Enemies: Barbarian, Wyburn, Albino Baboon, Razor Wolf

- The Zulan mountains go all the way up. Each floor is connected
by caves. On the higher ground, some of the cave entrances are
blocked by ice. Ruby will blast them with her fire breath. Some
lead to new passageways while others lead to monsters. Make
your way up to the summit.

* At this point, (assuming you've upgraded your weapons and armor
in Zulan), the enemies are definitely tougher now but leave a
lot of silver and experience. Don't hesitate to use the Escape
Litany or Dragonfly Wings if you get into a tough spot.

- When you reach the summit of the mountain, an avalanche will
knock your party unconscious. When Hiro comes to, he hears Lu-
cia's voice. [ Lucia joins your party again ] After some talk,
you find the rest of the party unconscious. Have Lucia heal
them. When you've all been recovered, save your game if you ha-
ven't yet. You'll be figthing the monster that's behind all the
bad weather.

~ Boss: Missing Link
HP: approx 2400 (or 100 x Hiro's level)

* Despite your upgraded weapons and armor, this beast does consi-
derable damage. The even worse part about it is that when this
furry fiend gets close, its attacks damage multiple party mem-
bers. Reposition your party in such a way that Lucia is at the
front. This way, the beast will keep on attacking her, and she
will counterattack with Napalm Shots. If you decide to use any
other character as bait, make it Jean or Hiro (since none of
their spells cause great damage). Lemina and Ronfar should keep
their distance since their attack and healing magic will make
things easier for the party.

* If you're feeling really cruel, have Lemina cast Power Flame on
your best physical attacker not once, but twice (the 3rd won't
add up much anymore). That way, the damage dealt will increase
dramatically and you'll have this big ape's head in less than
15 turns.

- When you defeat the monster, you'll find Maria (the mayor's
daughter) lying in the snow beside the place where you found
the monster. Have Lucia heal her too. You'll find she's got am-
nesia, so you take her back to village. After leaving Maria w/
her father and her baby, you leave for Meribia.

16. Meribia (MER)

> Meet with Master Lunn at the Karate Dojo

~ Items: Life Jewel (southwest corner)
Jessica's Bromide (inside the bar)
Lemina's Bromide 2 and 3 (Ramus' shop)

~ --- Weapon Shop ---
Bastard Sword 2450
Platinum Fan 2580

~ --- Armor Shop ---
Steel Bracelet 850
Platinum Gauntlet 650
Silver Armor 1920
Purity Clothes 1800
Platinum Hairpin 360

~ --- General Store ---
Angel's Tear 1000
Dragonfly Wing 100
Vitality Vial 50
Cleansing Water 60
Purity Herb 20
Star Light 2000
Herb 40

! Jessica's bromide is a picture of Jessica de Al Kirk, one of
the 4 heroes of Lunar SSS.

- Meribia is the same Meribia in Lunar SSS, except that the shops
and houses have been relocated. Ramus' shop has also been rede-
signed, but still shows evidence of the first shop in Lunar SSS
Nonetheless, much of the graphics are the same. After talking
to the people, visit the karate dojo (formerly Mel's castle).

* Be sure to pester the old man in front of the counter at Ramus'
shop to get Lemina's Bromide 2. Only after that can you get the
3rd Lemina's Bromide. You can find it at the back of the shop.

16.1 Karate Dojo (MER-DOJ)

> Talk to Master Lunn

~ Items: Earth Crest (Dojo), Dagger

- When you enter the dojo, you'll find Master Lunn training stu-
dents. After they attack him and Lunn knocks them all down, he
notices the party. Jean talks with Lunn and he asks them to
chat in his quarters. Go up the 2nd floor and talk to Lunn
again. Jean will ask him about the Shadow Dragon Cult. You'll
also talk to him about the bandits on Taben's Peak. Lunn thinks
it's the hideout of the Shadow Dragon Cult. He then sends you
to Taben's Peak to find the bandits hideout.

16.2 Taben's Peak (MER-TAB)

> Look for the bandits hideout.

~ Items: Life Jewel, Herb(2), Legendary Lid, Thunder Staff
Luck Ring, Spirit Mace, Cute Ribbon
~ Enemies: Tormentor, Dream Leech, Octo Plant, Magic Hat

- Taben's Peak is east of Meribia. Note that the west path of the
mountain pass is blocked by a wall of spikes. The only way to
go is north. When you reach a clearing, you'll see a white fly-
ing baby dragon (like Ruby) hide in the bushes. Ruby will get
curious and run after it. After some searching in the bushes,
someone grabs her by the wings.

[ FMV of Nall ]

Some mysetrious guy will introduce himself as Nall. He warns
you that you are trespassing if you are on your way to Taben's
Peak. Then he leaves, with Ruby trying to follow him. You can
proceed to Taben's Peak.

* Don't forget to get the items in the hidden chests.

- Midway through Taben's Peak, a group of kids will try to stop
you from moving on. They'll throw stones, mostly aimed at Ron-
far. After that, continue making your way up. When you reach a
treehouse entrance, you've reached the hideout. You realize
the hideout is actually a kid's hideout, not bandits as rumored
in Meribia. Another sequence takes over and the party gets cap-
tured in a net. When you come to, you find yourself in a cell.
When you get out, you'll find the rest of the party taking care
/ playing with the kids. Talk to Jean, Ronfar and Lemina. Lucia
is talking to Nall in his room. After talking to the rest of
the kids, talk to Nall. His room is one floor up from the room
you woke up in (go to the northwest portion of the room).

After talking to Nall, you'll hear an alarm sound and Nall will
say that there are unwanted visitors. When you go outside, the
kids will tell you that some of them have been kidnapped by the
Shadow Dragon Cult. Go to the balcony to confront them. Jean
will talk to their leader (who remembers her), but they escape.

Nall will ask you to help them rescue the children. He takes
Lucia "hostage" to make sure that you help them rescue the kid-
napped children from the Cult. You'll learn that the cult was
last seen at the Meribian sewers. The entrance to the sewers is
at a door in Ramus' shop (you'll learn this by talking to Nall
and the kids). Return to the Meribia.

* Using the gondola to make it back down is tempting, but now is
good time to level up again since around this time, you might
be low on funds to upgrade your weapons/armor.

16.3 Meribia - Sewers (MER-SEW)

> Rescue the kidnapped dragon kids

~ Items: Star Light(3), Steel Shield, Dew Ring, Quake Staff
Silver Light, Steel Helm, Healing Nut, Silk Dress
Soul Bandana
~ Enemies: Fatal Hopper, Grog Snake, Gunfoot, Ammonia, Assasin

- Go to Ramus' shop and check the door beside the shopkeeper. It
leads to the sewers. The sewer is a series of passages connec-
ted by bridges. The bridges are activated by touch panels (they
are marked blue). Activate them (they turn red) to continue un-
til you reach a clearing. You'll find the kidnapped kids held
by members of the shadow cult. Their masked leader asks his mi-
nions to attack you (4 Assasins).

* It's best to concentrate physical attacks on one assasin at a
time, but use mass-attack magic spells, most especially the
ones that deal the most damage.

- After you defeat them, their leader will escape on a boat and
tell Jean that they would meet again to fight soon. Now that
you've saved the kids, you can go back to Taben's Peak and meet

16.4 The Return to Taben's Peak (MER-RET)

> Get Lucia back

- When you get back to Taben's Peak, you'll find the rescued Dra-
gon kids at the entrance of their home. When you enter, Nall
will come out and thank you. He'll tell you to get Lucia, now
you have fulfilled your promise of saving the dragon kids. Look
for Lucia at the terrace (where the cult kidnapped the kids).
After a short sequence, she'll join your party again. Nall will
tell you that the wall of spikes blocking the way to Vane has
been lifted already. Continue east to the magic city of Vane.

17. Magic City of Vane (VAN)

17.1 Tranmission Spring / Cave of Trial (VAN-COT)

> Enter Vane through the Cave of Trial

~ Items: Mia's Bromide (from the guy with the staff)
Theives' Staff (in the cave of trial)

~ Enemies: Giga Wasp, Death Shroom, Bat Knight

! Mia's Bromide is a picture of Mia Ausa, one of the four heroes
during Lunar SSS. The picture suggests that she has aged. Mia
looks like Lemina, except that Mia has black hair while Lemina
has blond hair.

- When you reach Vane for the first time, Lemina's Aunt will come
running to tell Lemina that Borgan has come to visit her mom.
As your party tries to enter the city, the entrance is blocked
by Borgan's elite guard. No matter what you do, they won't let
you in. Lemina suggests that you try enter the city through the
Cave of Trial.

! The Cave of Trial used to be a place in Lunar SSS which served
as a testing area for those who wanted to join the magic guild.
No physical attacks could be used. Now, it's just another dun-

* There's no way to get lost in this dungeon. All other paths are
blocked by boulders. Note the chest located beside the exit. If
you haven't been inside Vane yet, Lemina won't allow you to o-
pen the chest. Come back for it later.

17.2 Magic City Vane (VAN-CIT)

> Visit Miria at the guild

~ Item's: Lemina's Bromide 1 (Library)
Lemina's Purse (Lemina's Room)
Gorgon Doll (Throne Room)
Thunder Crest (South of Althena Statue)
Seal Crest (Right of Guild entrance)
Silver Light, Angel Ring (Library)

~ --- Weapon Shop ---
Smash Saber 2100
Rune Sword 3990
Ritual Mace 4060
Magic Staff 1200
Flame Staff 2000
Wind Staff 2000
Water Staff 2000
Thunder Staff 2000
Quake Staff 2000

~ --- Armor Shop ---
Steel Shield 1000
Steel Helm 650
Magic Gauntlet 1080
Platinum Armor 2800
Silk Dress 2040
Magician Robe 2100
Soul Bandana 600
Bejeweled Hairpin 600

~ --- General Store ---
Angel's Tear 1000
Dragonfly Wing 100
Vitality Vial 50
Cleansing Water 60
Star Light 2000
Purity Herb 20
Herb 40

- The exit of the cave of trial is inside Vane, so the only way
out is through it also. Talk to everyone then go to the library
to read up on the history of Vane, etc.

* Don't forget to look for Lemina's Bromide 1. It's in the Poetry
Book at Lemina's collection at the east part of the Library.

* The Smash Saber at the weapon shop may be tempting but the Rune
Sword is a more recommended choice because its raises stats
other merely the attack stat.

- Head for the Magic Guild at the North part of the city. You'll
meet Lemina's mother, Miria and the black wizard Borgan who's
just dropped by to pick up Lemina's mother to let her rule Neo-
Vane. When you talk to Borgan a second time, he'll cast a spell
that teleports Miria to Neo-Vane. Lemina is enraged and demands
Borgan return her mother, but instead threatens her and tells
her to go to Pentagulia if Lemina wants to see her mother. Le-
mina runs to the rooftop of the guild.

* When Lemina leaves you, you now have a chance to read her diary
in her room. It's on the table. You still can't open any of the
item chests. You can't read Lemina's diary when Lemina joins
you again.

- Follow Lemina to the rooftop and talk to her. There'll be choi-
ces of reply from Hiro (won't affect the game's ending) as he
tries to cheer her up. After some more talk, you'll decide to
help Lemina rescue her mother. Next stop is the port town of A-

17.3 Sluice Forest (VAN-SLU)

> Make your way to Azado

~ Items: Vigor Ring, Star Light, Warrior Crest
~ Enemies: Giga Ant, Flytrapper, Killer Wasp, Bloodbyrd

- Sluice Forest is the shortest forest-type dungeon, but the ene-
mies are definitely going to make you keep on using healing i-
tems if you're not careful. Don't use healing items though. It
isn't far until the next Althena statue so you spend all the MP
you want.

18. Water Ruins (WAT)

- At the end of the Sluice forest is the Water Ruins. When you
get there however, the water is too high and the flood gates
would open the following morning, so Lemina suggests that you
make camp for the evening and continue your journey the next

In the middle of the night, Hiro wakes up to find Lucia missing
from her sleeping bag. Hiro searches for her, and finds her in
the lake going for a swim.

[ FMV of Hiro spying on Lucia in the lake ]

Next morning, you'll notice that the water level has dropped so
you can continue travelling all the way to Azado.

19. Azado (AZA)

> Meet the high priest at the Althena Shrine

~ Items: Life Jewel (hidden in southwest Azado)
Angel Ring (east)
Safety Helmet (in house left of entrance)

~ --- Weapon Shop ---
Smash Saber 2100
Rune Sword 3990
Jean's Fan 3500

~ --- Armor Shop ---
Platinum Shield 1500
Platinum Bracelet 1320
Ceremonial Clothes 2590
Jean's Dress 2940
Platinum Helm 1020
Charm Bandana 900

~ --- General Store ---
Angel's Tear 1000
Dragonfly Wing 100
Vitality Vial 50
Cleansing Water 60
Purity Herb 20
Healing Nut 200
Herb 40

- When you talk to the people in town, you'll notice that they're
half-scared over something, and that the town is run by the
Chosen of Althena. Also, you'll learn that your friend in the
shrine (the high priest) has been evicted from his post. Notice
the boy standing guard on the door of the house with a red roof
(this is where you'll be heading later).

After talking to the townspeople, head for the shrine at the
north part of town. You'll be awed at the size of the Althena
statue of this town (it takes more than a screen to see). Talk
to the priest by the statue (your old friend). You'll find out
that the high priest has been changed and is now retired at his
home in Azado. Go and visit him. Look for the house with the
kid blocking the entrance. Talk to the Porom (the kid) then the
former high priest, Balse will come out and invite the party in
his house. After hearing of the things that has been happening
in town, he offers you to spend the night at his place while
waiting for the boat to Pentagulia.

In the middle of the night you leave Balse's house to catch the
ship bound for Pentagulia. Since it's dark, you just get on the
biggest boat you see on the port. When you get on board, you
start to feel that you've been in the same boat before. Then,
you hear Leo's voice - surprise you're aboard the Dragonship
Destiny! This time however, the Leo's guards capture you. While
Leo is about to pronounce judgement on Lucia, flame starts to
rain on Azado. Ronfar warns Leo that the chosen is behind this,
and Leo starts to listen and decides to investigate for himself
so he joins your party.

[ Lemina, Lucia and Jean are left behind while Leo joins you ]

At this point, head back to Azado.

19.1 Azado Barbeque (AZA-BAR)

> Save the burning town; make your way to the shrine

~ Enemies: Inferno Ghoul

* Leo is definitely powerful, even more powerful than Hiro, so
make sure to put him to good use, most especially his magic.
An Althena statue is in town, so go back and forth and defeat
the monsters while healing for free in between battles.

- As you fight your way into town, you'll find Porom trying to
keep his dad conscious. Ronfar will heal him and ask what just
happened. After Leo hears Balse's story, he suggests that they
go to the shrine right away, which is where you're going next.

19.2 Althena Shrine (AZA-ALT)

> Stop the source of the flame raining on the town

~ Items: Star Light, Healing Ring, Healing Crest, Healing Nut,
Silver Light
~ Enemies: Dieclops, Flight Knight, Nipple Yanker, Electro Eye

- Go to the 2nd floor of the shrine. You'll see 5 priests chan-
ting a spell that's causing the fire to rain on Azado. When you
try to talk to them, you'll notice that they don't seem to no-
tice you. Leo suggests that you find the real source of the ma-
gic. Make your way to the top of the shrine, where you'll fight
another boss.

* This "dungeon" is definitely worth attacking all enemies be-
they leave a lot of experience although they don't leave much
silver behind. Don't be too spell-happy with Leo, since you'll
be needing it for the boss.

* Before you reach the top of the tower, if you've still got e-
nough HP and MP to make it back up and take on a boss, go down
to the right side of the stairs to get the 2 items (the Healing
Ring and Healing Crest).

Boss: Flame Fang
HP : approx. 4900 (or 140 x Hiro's level)

* This bird is a tough opponent, and it deals a lot of damage, on
a single party or on the whole party. Since Leo has the highest
HP, it would be best to use him as bait (by making him use phy-
sical attacks). His magic spells do a lot of damage too but the
physical attacks have a probability of inflicting critical da-
mage compared to magical attacks, so it's better to use physi-
cal attacks with Leo. Have Hiro use Sword Poe, which still is
the most damaging spell he's got. Have Ronfar on standby to use
Calm Litany in the later turns of the battle. On the start, it
would be good to cast Saint Litany on each member, this will
make sure that every member has enough HP to survive a pre-emp-
tive attack. If Hiro or Ronfar is low on MP, have Hiro use
Star Light to recover a few. Whatever happens, don't let Ronfar
run out of MP for healing magic, since it would be more costly
to revive a character than to just heal.

- After defeating this boss, head back to the Dragonship Destiny.
Leo, instead of killing Lucia, will cut the girl's ropes loose.
Suddenly, Mauri, the red priestess of Althena (and Leo's sister
) will appear and try to destroy Lucia herself. Ronfar tries to
talk to Mauri (still remember the girl in the flashback at Lar-
pa?). Mauri remembers him, but does not change her mind about
killing Lucia. Leo stops her and says that he would be the one
to take her to see Althena. Mauri disappears, saying that they
would meet again in Pentagulia. You then set sail for Pentagu-

- Leo has allowed you access to all places in the Dragonship Des-
tiny. Talk to Ronfar, Lemina and Jean. They'll tell you to look
for Lucia. You'll find her at the deck of the ship. Talk to Lu-
cia (Hiro will ask Ruby to leave him for a while).

+ Expecting Lucia to sing ? Don't keep your hopes up. You must've
too much of Lunar SSS.

[ FMV of Hiro talking to Lucia ]

- After talking to Lucia, you've reached Pentagulia.

[ FMV of Pentagulia ]

+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - o
| End of Disc 1 Walkthrough /
+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (

+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (
| C. Disc 2 Walkthrough (D2-WK) \
+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - o

20. Pentagulia (PEN)

> Meet Althena at the shrine

+ There are 5 major locations in Pentagulia: the shrine, the blue
, black, red, and white towers. Leo stays at the White tower,
Mauri at the Red Tower, Borgan at the Black Tower, and Lunn at
the Blue Tower.

- When you get to Pentagulia, Ghaleon appears and present himself
as the new dragonmaster. You'll wonder what he's doing there.
He knows that you've come to seek an audience with Althena.

[ FMV of Ghaleon ]

- Leo then leaves you to arrange an audience with Althena.

[ You'll gain control of Hiro and Lucia only ]

20.1 Althena Shrine (PEN-ALT)

- Talk to Jean, Lemina and Ronfar, and they'll be off on their
own business. Jean will meet Master Lunn at the Blue Tower, Le-
mina will meet Borgan at the Black Tower, and Ronfar will meet
Mauri at the Red Tower. Leo is at the shrine waiting for you so
the White Tower is locked. Head for the shrine.

- At the shrine, go up the flight of stairs to the main hall
where you'll finally get to meet Althena.

[ FMV of Althena ]

- She may look like the real Althena, but Lucia senses that she's
a fake, so she tries to blast her with a spell. Ghaleon however
protects Althena and blasts Lucia with a spell of his own. She
is knocked unconscious. You are taken to a cell in the White
Tower. After a few moments of talking to Ruby, Leo will appear
(obviously) disguised in a mask and will call himself Mystere.
He sets you free and joins you to help free Ronfar, Lemina, and
Jean. Leo tells you that the 4 towers are connected underground
via passageways, so make your way to each tower and save your

* There is no correct order to freeing your party. It's recommen-
ded however that you free Ronfar first so that you'll have a
healer in your party. The Althena statue is always there for
free healing, although it's kind of frustrating to go keep go-
ing back and forth the statue just to heal.

The 4 Towers:
~ Enemies: Corp. Crusher, Sgt. Slaughter
Flame Reaper, Flash Lord, Black Mage
Assasin, Mercenary
Flame Reaper, Gargoyle, Dark Sorcerer, Flash Lord

20.2 White Tower (PEN-WHT)
> Go to the other 3 towers
~ Items: Healing Ring, Platinum Blade, Life Jewel (White Tower)
- This is where you'll start after Leo frees you and joins you.
Fight your way out of the tower and heal up at the junction.
Don't have yourself healed at the statue which charges 100 S.

20.3 Red Tower (PEN-RED)
~ Items: Silver Light, Hellfire Staff
- When you free Ronfar, he'll tell you his story. While he was
talking to Mauri, she starts to have memories of her past when
she becomes under Zohar's control and disables Ronfar.

20.4 Black Tower (PEN-BLK)
~ Items:Jewel Gauntlet, Ritual Hairpin
- Lemina learns that Borgan has her mother under a spell which he
also plans to use on her eventually. Borgan then casts a spell
which knocks Lemina out.

20.5 Blue Tower (PEN-BLU)
~ Items:Jewel Gauntlet, Ritual Hairpin
- If you haven't guessed it yet, when Jean shows the mask to Lunn
he wears it and admits that he is also the master of the Shadow
Dragon Cult (who taught Jean her karate long ago). Lunn attacks
Jean with a quick blow which also knocks her unconscious.

- After rescuing all the party members, Leo/Mystere will leave.
When you go down one floor from the place where you have freed
the last party member, Leo will appear (now without the mask).
He joins you again and tells you of the hidden exit in the un-
derground passageway. When you get out of the tower you're cur-
rently in, head for the Althena statue at the north center part
of the passageway and inspect it. The statue will split and you
will be able to pass through it. (Don't worry, you can still
heal yourself by touching the statue).

When you get out of the passageway, you'll find yourself in the
secret chamber in the palace where Lucia is being held. You'll
eavesdrop on the fake Althena and Ghaleon. You'll learn that
something bigger's really going on that Leo doesn't know, and
that the other three heroes are somewhat involved in it too.

[ Leo then leaves the party to investigate on his own ]

After Ghaleons' speech, they leave Lucia bound to the wall. Go
to that room through another secret passage (you can easily see
it). Hiro frees her and Lucia insists that the goddess Althena
is locked up somewhere in Pentagulia so you search for the hid-
den tower (yes, there is a fifth tower). Go to the 2nd floor of
the shrine (the front terrace of the floor where Leo showed you
to Althena). Lucia will insist that the water below is just an
illusion and so she jumps off. You all jump after her. You find
yourself in front of the fifth tower - the goddess tower hidden
magically. When Lucia tries to open it, she finds it sealed.
The fake Althena, Ghaleon, Lunn, Mauri and Borgan appears and
surrounds your party. Just as they are about to blast you, the
White dragon wings Nall gave you lights up and you are telepor-
ted back to Taben's Peak. Then you'll hear Zohar gloat again.

21. The Restoration of the White Dragon (WHT-RES)

21.1 Taben's Peak (WHT-TAB)

> Learn about the Dragons and how to unseal their powers
- When you teleport safely to Taben's Peak, Nall awaits. Talk to
him and he'll tell you the story of how his dragon power was
taken away from him (Lunar SSS fans will appreciate the 1000 yr
plot continuity). Now that the power of the dragon are sealed,
you're going to have to collect them one by one. The first is
the White Dragon Essence, which Leo has. Then one of the Dragon
kids report that the Dragonship Destiny is docked just beside
Vane. Now would be good time to talk to Leo and ask for the
white dragon essence.

21.2 Dragonship Destiny (WHT-DES)

> Get the White Dragon Essence from Leo
- Board the Dragonship which is docked beside Taben's Peak. Talk
to Leo. He then asks Hiro to fight him on one.

~ Boss: Leo
HP: approx 800

* Just keep on using your Sword Poe technique on Leo, and if you
run low on HP, use a powerful healing item (i.e. a Healing Nut
or a Passion Fruit) so that you could concentrate on attacking
Leo instead of using every turn to heal yourself.

He then gives you the White Dragon Aura in order to be able
to break the seal at the White Dragon Cave. That where you're
off to next. He teaches Hiro how to control the Dragonship then
he leaves to investigate on his own (actually, he feels disgus-
ted that he's been supporting the cause of fake Althena). White
Dragon Mountain is Northwest of Taben's Peak. When you see a
large pile of Icebergs, you're close.

21.3 White Dragon Cave (WHT)

> Obtain the power of the White Dragon
~ Items: Starlight, Snake Ring, Endurance Ring, Chiro Crest,
Wind Crest, Angel Ring, Ice Staff, Vitality Vial
~ Enemies: Shiro Mongrel, Mecha Star, Yeti, Mutant Fly
Chiro Mongrel

- This dungeon is 6 levels high with breakable iceberg sections.
If you can make the Yeti enemies move toward the iceberg walls,
they might break it, allowing you to get through via shortcuts.

* This dungeon is definitely MP consuming if you're going spell-
happy so it's best to refrain from using magic attacks. Save it
for later.

- At the end of the dungeon you'll see the White Dragon but Lucia
will sense another evil presence coming from the dragon. You're
in for another boss fight.

* Boss: White Fiend
HP: approx 4200 (or 120 * Hiro's level)

* This boss can pump up its stats by invoking a spell. You'll see
a pentagram form from underneath it. When that happens, you'll
see an icon at the lower right section of the screen. That's
element strengthened by the spell. The best option is to have
Lemina cast Dispell Magic immediately after it pumps itself up.
That way, the fake white dragon will try to cast the spell over
and over again while you have your sweet time kicking butt.

- When you're done, the wall blocked by the fake dragon opens and
you'll get to meet the real white dragon. You'll see Nall wai-
ting for you. After throwing the White Dragon Aura to him, he
will change to his original White Dragon form. He then gives
you an item, the White Dragon Crest, which enables White Dra-
gon protect on whoever equips it. He gives you info on where to
find the locked-up Blue Dragon and Lunn who is currently guar-
ding it (in Horam).

22. The Restoration of the Blue Dragon (BLU-RES)

22.1 Horam Village (HOR)

> Visit the master of the Blue Dragon Fist dojo

~ Items: Protection Ring, Herb, Life Jewel,
Blue Pajamas (2nd flr of house on right)
Rubber Boots (Dojo)

~ --- Weapon Shop ---
Platinum Blade 5360
Samurai Sword 6840
Flaying Flail 5760

~ --- Armor Shop ---
Warrior Shield 2170
Bejeweled Bracelet 1890
Jewel Gauntlet 1540
Warrior Armor 3840
Holy Clothes 3520
Immortal Robe 3200
Warrior Helm 1470
Prayer Bandanna 1260
Ritual Hairpin 900

~ --- General Store ---
Angel's Tear 1000
Vitality Vial 50
Holy Water 100
Purity Herb 20
Healing Nut 200
Herb 40
Protection Ring 3200
Warrior Crest 4000
Power Crest 3500

- When you get to Horam, visit all dojos. There's a tournament to
be held in the Zen Zone (southeast of Horam) where Lunn is com-
peting in. However, when you visit the Blue Dragon dojo, you'll
find out that Lunn has revealed himself as the leader of the
Shadow Dragon cult, and that he has been disowned by the dojo.
The current master Wong-Lee is too old to fight, so Jean vo-
lunteers to enter the tournament.

[ FMV of Jean donning the Blue Dragon uniform ]

- After Jean changes into the dragon uniform, Wong Lee will give
you a tournament invitation. Now you can enter the tournament
in the Zen Zone, which is south of Horam.

22.2 Tournament -Zen Zone (ZEN)

> Fight Lunn at the tournament

~ Enemies: Wolf Guard (1st), Flash Ninja (2nd),
Shadow Assasin (3rd)

~ --- Man selling items in the tournament ---
Angel's Tear 1000
Vitality Vial 50
Holy Water 100
Purity Herb 20
Healing Nut 200
Herb 40
Protection Ring 3200
Charm Crest 3000
Dream Crest 3000

- Show the invitation to the guard and he'll let you in. You,
Ronfar and Jean will compete while Lemina and Lucia will watch.
You'll fight three matches. To start the matches, talk to guy
beside the ring. Lunn is watching from his throne at the north
part of the ring. Although you can talk to him now, just talk
to him when you've the final match (if you survive, that is).

* Since the tournament opponents have usually high stats and high
HP, the best way to survive without using healing items is to
concentrate your strongest attacks at one opponent at a time so
the opponents damaging you will decrease every combat round. Do
remember that you can always heal yourself at the Althena sta-
tue before every match, so don't bother wasting healing items.

You'll fight 3 teams, the third being the Shadow Assins (Shadow
Dragon Cult). Once you've won all three matches, talk to Lunn.
Jean will fight him alone.

Boss: Master Lunn
HP: Approx 2000

* Since Jean will be figthing Lunn alone, you don't have a healer
in your party. So have plenty of Healing Nuts ready whenever
you run low on HP. You don't have to heal yourself when your
HP goes below 50%. Observe his attacks. His most damaging at-
tack is when he makes a cat stance. This does about 120+ damage
while the rest only do around 60 pts. After every 4th turn, he
heals himself (for an amount of HP around 10 x Jean's level).
Using this pattern, you've got a free turn to attack him w/o
worrying about getting damaged by him. If you have the Seal &
Warrior crest, you can opt to equip these two crests since this
raises your attack power to more than 100%. Don't worry about
not being able to use your Blue Dragon attacks because you'll
eventually run of MP using them so you'll waste a Star Light if
you need to keep on sustaining that amount of damage. Unlike
the Warrior + Seal crest combo, the attack is more than doubled
(although you can't use any magic, Jean doesn't have healing
magic anyway so it won't help to let her use techniques/magic).

- Once you've defeated Lunn, he'll come back to his senses and
give you the Blue Dragon Aura. You can now free the Blue Dragon
at the Blue Dragon Cave (East of Horam).

22.3 Blue Dragon Cave (BLU)

> Obtain the power of the Blue Dragon

~ Items: Hurricane Staff, Holy Water, Anti-Magic Ring,
Revenge Crest, Angel's Tear, Angel Ring, Plasma Ring,
Gold Hairpin, Starlight
~ Enemies: Tiger Shark, Doom Rigger, Scurvy Slug, Water Elemental
Aqua Assasin

- Unlike the White Dragon Cave, there are no shortcuts. Just go
up and make your way to the 7th level of the cave.

~ Boss: Blue Fiend
HP: approx 150 x Hiro's Level / average difficulty

* Hiro's Sword Poe, Jean's Blue Dragon Palm and Lemina's Cremato-
rium work best against this foe. Just like the White Fiend, if
you see it posing for a stat-raising spell, have Lemina use Di-
spel magic at it. It's also best to spread you party since the
Blue Fiend has a very powerful linear attack. Whatever happens,
keep Ronfar alive since only he has the healing spells.

- When you've defeated the fiend, head for the cavern it was blo-
cking. You'll get the Blue Dragon crest from the Blue Dragon
once you've awaken it. Your next move is to free the Black Dra-
gon whose dwelling is south of the Blue Dragon cave.

23. The Restoration of the Black Dragon (BLU)

- The Blue Dragon tells you that south of the Blue Dragon cave is
your next destination (Black Dragon). When you cross the river
and head south, you'll stop in awe at the sight of Neo-Vane.

[ FMV of Neo-Vane ]

- A black beam will blast the Destiny and hold it in place. That
means you're going to have to go on foot. The only place to go
right now is the Zaback Mines.

23.1 Zaback / Zaback Mines (ZAB)

> Head for Neo-Vane via the transporter

~ Items in Town: Peasant Clothes (house on southeast Zaback)
Life Jewel (higher groud)
~ Items in Mine: Silver Light, Passion Fruit, Fresh Ring,
Angel's Tear Rusty Dagger, Star Light, 92 silver,
Earth Ring
~ Enemies: Boomba Baby, Boomba Boy, Big Boomba, Elder Boomba

~ --- Weapon Shop (town) ---
Amethyst Mace 7200
Black Panther Claw 5940

~ --- Armor Shop (town) ---
Amethyst Bracelet 2560
Leopard Armlet 2480
Battle Clothes 4680
Ninja Wrap 5490
Spirit Bandanna 1680
Amethyst Hairpin 1680

~ --- Item Shop (town) ---
Angel's Tear 1000
Healing Nut 200
Holy Water 100
Vitality Vial 50
Herb 40
Snake Crest 3000
Mind Crest 3000

- Zaback is a mining town. Before Neo-Vane was built it was peace
ful. Now the people of Zaback who don't have magic powers and
those who fail the trial at the Vane Trial Cave are forced to
work as slaves all their lives. After hearing the stories of
Borgan, head for the transporter to Neo-Vane. It's in the west
part of town.

When you get teleported to Neo Vane, a guardian will ask you to
stand on a 'magic verifier' to see if your magic powers are for
real. Jean and Ronfar and separated from you (so you're left w/
Lemina and Lucia). Don't worry, they'll be fine. Go ahead into
Neo-Vane and pay Borgan a visit.

[ You'll lose Ronfar and Jean ]

23.2 Neo Vane (NEO)

~ Items: Life Jewel (in Weapons shop)
Herb (in Item shop)
Luck Ring (house in southeast Neo Vane)

~ --- Weapon Shop ---
Amethyst Sword 8500

~ --- Armor Shop ---
Amethyst Shield 2880
Mystic Gauntlet 2160
Amethyst Armor 5040
Wisdom Robe 4500
Amethyst Helm 2000
Amethyst Hairpin 1680

~ --- Item Shop ---
Angel's Tear 1000
Healing Nut 200
Holy Water 100
Vitality Vial 50
Star Light 2000
Anti-Magic Ring 9000
Magic Eye Crest 4000
Herb 40

- In Neo-Vane, youll find out how proud the people there have be-
come. Check out the Maguic Guild north of town. It's currently
locked. The only way to enter the magic guild is through the
Neo Vane Trial Cave. The entrance is northwest of Vane.

23.3 Neo Trial Cave (NEO-COT)

> Find Ronfar and Jean, then head for the Magic Guild

~ Items: Healing Ring, Clear Ring, Earth Staff, Star Light
Silver Light
~ Enemies: Rock Biter, Scream Sphere, Gorgon, Dark Lord

- In the Trial Cave, you'll find Ronfar and Jean ( opposite cor-
ners of the 2nd level ). Talk to the other people in the cave.
You'll learn of a magically-sealed entrance to the Mage Guild.
It's in a lower floor. The entrance leading to the guild is in
the Northwest section of the room. Lemina will break the seal,
and you're on your way to the guild.

23.4 Neo-Vane Magic Guild (NEO-GLD)

> Kick Borgan's sorry butt

~ Items: Silver Light, Red Pajamas, Cave Key (Black Dragon Cave)

- The teleporation device from the Trial Cave leads to the Guild
dungeon. You can heal yourself with the Althena statue so don't
waste healing items. When you go up, you'll find yourself in
the main hall of the guild where Borgan is. Talk to Borgan and
you'll have a voice dialogue of Lemina and Borgan. Talk to Bor-
gan a second time and you'll have your next boss battle.

~ Boss: Borgan
HP: approx 100-110 x Hiro's level

* Borgan is easier to defeat than Lunn, simply because you fight
him as a group instead of one member only. Nonetheless don't be
careless. He could still beat you if you're not mindful of your
HP. Again, Poe Sword and Blue Dragon attacks are recommended.
He has strong resistance to magic attacks, so don't bother with
Lemina's spells. It would help to power up Hiro and Jean with
her power flame spell, however.

- After defeating Borgan, he'll ask Lemina to finish him off. Le-
mina instead will ask him to help rebuild the ancient Vane. He
gives you the Black Dragon Aura. Now you can enter the Black
Dragon cave down in the Zaback mines.

23.5 Black Dragon Cave (BLK)

> Obtain the power of the Black Dragon

~ Items: Healing Nut, Lightning Staff, Force Ring, Angel Ring
Star Dagger, 312 silver, Stardust Ring, Angel's Tear
Hunter Crest, Star Light
~ Enemies: Zombie, Webhead, Soul Yanker, Chaos Fiend

- From Neo-Vane, go back down to Zaback. The Black Dragon cave is
north of the Zaback mine entrance (from the town). This dungeon
is 6 levels, which you have to go through some levels more than
once to be able to proceed and find the Black Dragon's lair.

* Just like the White and Blue Dragon caves, don't spend too much
MP for Ronfar and Lemina. You'll need their magic attacks for
the boss. You can go and waste Hiro's and Jean's attacks howe-
ver. Put your silver to good use by using healing items instead
of buying Star Lights to charge your MP.

~ Boss: Black Fiend
HP: approx 125 x Hiro's level

* This opponent is an annoyance. It will try to drain everybody's
MP so make sure that you use MP shortly after you charge up, or
else the fiend will simply absorb it (through an attack). When
it spreads its wings, that the signal that it's going for an MP
drain. Its other attacks are dangerous to clustered party mem-
bers so make sure that everyone's somewhat distanced from each
other. The best way to defeat it quickly is by magic spells. It
is highly resistant to physical attacks, that even Hiro's Poe
Sword technique doesn't do much damage. Lemina's Pulse explo-
sion spell (combine Earth and Thunder Crest - if you found them
both) is the best alternative. It does a fairly huge amount of
damage and is the best economical in terms of MP use (20 MP for
250+ damage is very reasonable). It would also help if you've
got the Vigor Ring which prevents paralysis.

- After you've beaten the Black Fiend, you'll get the Black Dra-
gon Crest, and you'll be asked to go and free the Red Dragon.
Now that the Black Dragon has been freed from Zophar's seal,

24. The Restoration of the Red Dragon (RED-RES)

24.1 Raculi Village (RAC)

> Get info on Mauri's whereabouts, Meet Leo

~ Items: Silver Light, Passion Fruit,
Yellow Pajamas (House in west Raculi)

~ --- General Shop ---
Master Sword 10340
Prayer Mace 8800
White Tiger Claw 7700
Healing Nut 200
Hoy Water 100
Vitality Vial 50
Angel's Tear 1000
Hunter Crest 3500
Seal Crest 3000

- You'll meet Leo by the Althena Statue when you reach Raculi. He
will then meet you at his house after talking to him. When you
talk to the villagers, you learn that Mauri is administering
cleansing rituals to all the villagers in Serak Palace. Now go
to Leo's house (upper right house). You learn that it was the
blood of Zophar that was given to Mauri when she was about to
die, which explains her weird behavior. Leo then walks out. Now
you're off to Serak Palace to try to free Mauri from Zophar's
control. It is said that there is a stone in the palace that
contains Althena's Aura. If you can find it, you just might
have a chance to freeing everyone in the village from Zophar's
control too.

24.2 Serak Palace (SER)

~ Items: Holy Hairpin, Psycho Gauntlet, Master Helm,
Tiger Wrap, Life Jewel, Star Light, Miracle Clothes
~ Enemies: Arrow Fish, Blyzzer, Necromancer, Archmage

> Find Althena's Aura, free Mauri from Zophar's control
> Get the Red Dragon Aura

- When you enter the palace, you'll notice a girl guarding a door
behind her. That's where Mauri is. The girl is under Zophar's
control, so you'll have to look for the stone with Althena's

* The 2nd floor of the palace is where the action is. If you're
feeling brave (or stupid, for that matter), you can skip the
items and go for the Aura stone by going right on the 1st hall-
way of the 2nd floor. Any other path will lead you to a deadend
but with items to get of course.

- When you get the Aura stone, Lucia will use it's power and the
control over most of the townsfolk will be released. You can go
back to the 1st floor where the girl blocking the door to Mauri
is now just walking about. When you enter, a short sequence
will ensue. Then Lucia will teleport Ronfar into Mauri's sub-

[ You'll control Ronfar only. You'll see a floating sphere. Tou-
ching it will play several flashbacks. ]

Meanwhile, you'll be busy fighting a boss.

~ Boss: Mauri's ID
HP: Approx 45-50 x Hiro's level x 5 (5 heads)
~ Boss: Mauri's ID 2
HP: Approx 45-50 x Hiro's level (body)

* Every head represents one fake Mauri (in Ronfar's mental dive).
The fake Mauri being destroyed is marked by the head that cat-
ches fire. Killing that head will cause a temporary pause from
combat. You'll return to Ronfar's subconscious ( this will hap-
pen until all of the heads are defeated). If you defeat all the
fake Mauris, one last fake Mauri will appear. When you talk to
the last fake Mauri, you'll fight Mauri's Id a second time. But
this time, you'll only fight the body (without the head). Magic
attacks work as well as physical attacks on this monster. Most
recommended strategy is to have Lemina use Power Flame on your
physical attackers (usually Hiro and Jean). You can survive an
attack from this beast as long as you have an HP of above 180.
It will also depend on the stats of your armor and level.

- After you defeat Mauri's Id, she'll completely free of Zophar's
control. She'll give you the Red Dragon Aura and will wait for
you back at their house (Leo's). You can now move on to the Red
Dragon Cave (entrance is just after the altar Mauri is in).

24.3 Red Dragon Cave (RED)

> Obtain the power of the Red Dragon

~ Items: Holy Hairpin, Life Jewel, Healing Nut, Dyne's Armor
Star Light(2), Tiger Armlet, Ogre Crest, Passion Fruit
Water Ring, Angel's Tear(2), Shield Ring, Angel Ring

~ Enemies: Blood Slime, Inferno Ghoul, Pyromaniac
Flame Berserker

- Just before you enter the Red Dragon cave, Nall will appear. He
will tell Ruby that it's nearly her turn to become an adult dra
gon, and Ruby becomes hesitant of her destiny.

* This dungeon isn't as preplexing as the other 3 Dragon caves,
it just has tough enemies blocking your way. It is highly reco-
mmended that you collect the items in this dungeon, as they'll
help you greatly in your adventures.

- Again, the entrance to the Red Dragon's Sactuary is blocked by
another boss.

~ Boss: Red Fiend
HP: 250 x Hiro's level (high difficulty)

* This enemy is also the toughest so far. It does a lot of damage
that even at full strength, one of your characters could faint.
This is where the White Dragon protect comes into play. Note
the pattern in where the enemy tries to raise its stats. Have
Lemina cast "Dispel Magic" whenever the enemy does this. Jean's
Blue Dragon Palm and Hiro's Poe Sword will make short work of
this enemy. If you have learned the Triple Sword technique, it
would even be better because the damage it deals is worth the
MP required for it.

- Once you get the Red Dragon Crest and head outside, you'll no-
tice the sky turn dark and thunder louder than usual. Zophar is
nearing his resurrection. Now that you have released the power
of the four dragons, you can now break the seal at Althena's
tower in Pentagulia.

25. The Resurrection of Zophar (ZOP-RES)

> Head for the Goddess Tower

- When you're about a short distance from Pentagulia, Lucia will
invoke the power of the four dragons to blast the seal on the
goddess tower.

[ FMV of Dragon's blasting the tower ]

25.1 Althena's Road (ALT)

> Make your way to the Goddess Tower

~ Items: Vitality Vial, Healing Nut, Holy Water, Holy Mace
Crushing Fist, Master Shield, Holy Bracelet, Aura Robe
~ Enemies: Plasma Prism, Statue Soldier, Stone Creep, Canon Angel

- When you land in Pentagulia, the Holy City is now in shambles.
The goddess tower is now visible, so you make your way through
it through passing through Althena's road.

* This dungeon leaves a lot of experience but not as much silver.
It's a good place to level up. Don't hesitate to retreat when-
ever you run out of MP or healing items. You can always stock
up on healing items at Azado while you can just plain heal at
the Althena statue onboard the Destiny.

- Midway (around the 5th level), when you reach the room which
served as a charger for the transport of humans to Lunar, Lucia
tells you of the story of the Blue Star and her mission.

[ FMV of the story of the Blue Star ]

- Keep going up. You'll know you're almost there when you see a-
nother transporting room. At the end of Althena's road is an
Althena statue, so don't bother using healing items just yet.

25.2 Goddess Tower (ALT-GOD)

> Go to the top of the Goddess tower and meet Althena

~ Items: Passion Fruit, Life Jewel, Silver Light, Angel's Tear
Spirit Talisman, Star Light, Tri-Ring, Goddess Crest
~ Enemies: Plasma Prism, Cannon Angel

- The start of the Goddess tower is marked by a long hallway. You
will see the fake Althena pacing about asking Zophar for help.
Zophar turns her into a beast and your in for a boss fight.

~ Boss: Fake Althena
HP: 250 x Hiro's level

* This enemy does great damage so spread your party thin. Don't
forget the White Dragon (have Lemina or Ronfar use it for they
have the most MP). Again, the Blue Dragon Palm and Triple Sword
or Poe Sword will inflict major damage to this sorry broad.

- If you do survive, you're in for another 4 flights up the tower
but don't worry since there aren't so many enemies in this dun-
geon. When you reach the top of the tower, Nall will appear and
talk to you. From here you'll learn that Nall is the same in
Lunar SSS. After that, a holgraph projected message of Althena

! It appears that Althena's last resurrection was in the form of
Luna. She gave up the form of goddess because she fell in love
the Dragonmaster Alex.

[ FMV of Luna / Althena turned old ]

[ Surprise, surprise! You were expecting a hot babe in skimpy out
fit? Nope, not this time ] It seems that Althena no longer e-
xists, and the projection tells Lucia that she now has the po-
wer to decide the fate of the world, if she should destroy Zo-
phar or not. She then hesitates for a moment, and casts a spell
that claims the power of Althena (all the magic in Lunar is now
transferred to her). Lucia teleports herself outside.

[ You'll lose all magic and you won't be able to use MP items ]

- Everybody will then suggest that you get out of the tower.

[ FMV of Althena's fortress being devoured / Zophar's revival ]

- When you exit, you'll feel that Zophar is currently being resu-
rrected. Althena's fortress becomes consumed by the black void
that is.. Zophar. The fortress sucks out all the water in the
ocean which leaves the Destiny in a crater.

[ FMV of Lucia's confrontation with Zophar ]

- Lucia stands in front of Zophar and slowly wields the power of
Althena, but she hesitates because she thinks of the people who
would die if she uses Althena's power on Zophar. Zophar reali-
zes this weakness and attacks the destiny. Lucia protects them
and puts down her guard in the process. Zophar captures Lucia.
Now he's got Lucia's (Althena's) power as well. Just as she is
taken by Zophar, she casts a spell which teleports the Destiny
to Vane.

+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - o
| End of Disc 2 Walkthrough /
+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (

+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (
| D. Disc 3 Walkthrough (D3-WK) \
+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - o

26. The Final Battle (FIN)

26.1 Vane (FIN-VAN)

> Talk to Miria, Meet Leo at the rooftop

~ Items: Ghaleon's Sword (from Ghaleon)

[ FMV: Ghaleon appears in Vane ]

~ --- Item shop ---
Healing Nut 200
Holy Water 100
Vitality Vial 50
Angel's Tear 1000
Star Light 2000
Earth Crest 3000
Thunder Crest 3000
Water Crest 3000
Fire Crest 3000
Wind Crest 3000

- When you come to, you find yourself in Vane's Magic Guild. Talk
to Miria. She'll tell you to look for Lemina, who's in training
at the Cave of Trial (near the entrance). After she joins you,
go back to the guild and talk to Miria again. She'll tell you
to go to the roof. You'll meet an apologetic Leo. Suddenly Gha-
leon appears to gloat. Hiro and the rest fight him.

~ Boss: Ghaleon
HP: Approx. 200 x Hiro's level

* Ghaleon's attacks are as tough as they get. However, you won't
be needing any MP recovery items as you will soon discover that
he won't survive your atttacks for long. At the first round of
combat you won't be able to deal much damage. When your total
damage totals 10% of his total HP, the battle will pause tempo-
rarily. After some short dialogue, a light shines on your par-
ty, and you get a full charge of HP and MP. Now you're in bu-
siness! The Triple Sword attack works well on Ghaleon and the
White Dragon Protect (whoever is casting it). If you plan to
keep on using the White Dragon Protect tactic, just make sure
that you have enough MP chargers if you run low on MP. Don't
waste your Silver Light on him however. If you watch your HP,
(i.e. healing when you're low of HP) you won't have to rely on
magic to beat him if you're properly equipped.

- After defeating Ghaleon, he'll give you his sword. Talking to
him a second time will result in a choice if you want to attack
Zophar now or you need some time to prepare yourself and stock
up on Star Lights and Healing Nuts.

* From this point on, there's no turning back once you proceed to
Zophar's Keep so shop for every recovery item you need. No more
weapons and armor from this point on, so you'll have to do with
you current weapons and armor.

- When you feel you're ready to take on Zophar. Talk to Ghaleon
again and reply " There must be a way to save Lucia". After
another confirmation dialogue, you set out for Zophar's Keep
(where the city of Pentagulia once was).

[ FMV of Ghaleon fading away ]

[ FMV of the Destiny arriving at Zophar's domain ]

26.2 Zophar's Keep

> Defeat Zophar and rescue Lucia

~ Items: Silver Light(4), Fiend Ring, Life Jewel(3)
~ Enemies: Snatcher, Mecha Star, Crazy Crab, Hades,
Mace Masher, Ice Seed, Lunar Seed,
Fire Seed, Wind Seed, Fiend Gate

- Zophar's Keep is around 9 levels high with lots of tough and
easy monsters. The dungeon is not so complex so as to get lost.
When there is a blocked section, try looking for another path.
The alternate path usually leads to a portal to unlock the ma-
gically-sealed door(s). When the area suddenly changes back-
ground, you're getting close to your final showdown with Zophar
so just keep going. The end of the dungeon is stairway leading
to Zophar's chambers.

[ FMV of Zophar ]

- At the end of the dungeon, you'll see Lucia encased in crystal
fragments and Zophar talking in the background. Then, you're in
for your biggest boss fight yet.

~ Boss: Zophar (1)
HP: 320 x Hiro's level

* You'll fight Zophar twice. The first one without Zophar using
Lucia's Power and the second when you defeat him once then he
gets angry.

* Zophar uses all magic-based attacks and seldom heals itself. It
would not be wise to go all out at this first battle w/ Zophar.
You'll find that this version easy. The best way to effective-
ly use the White Dragon Protect Tactic is to equip the White
Dragon Protect on Lemina, so whenever she runs out of MP, the
Star Light (or Silver Light) restores more MP on her than on a-
ny other character. You'll be able to sustain battles without
even healing yourself often.

* The Fiend Ring (if you found it) is ideal on Hiro ( since he's
the designated Physical Attacker). Don't be afraid if his HP
starts at 1. You can always have Jean heal him on the 1st turn.
The disadvantage of the Fiend Ring well worth the advantage. It
raises your defense stats higher than any other ring. Also, the
damage inflicted by Zophar's attacks are usually colored yellow
so Hiro can take lots of damage without healing. And if you're
if feeling really evil, you can equip an Angel Ring, so Zophar
would get the surprise of his life once he knocks Hiro down - a
fully energized (HP and MP) Hiro! Ronfar is better off with the
Red Dragon Anger or Healing Spells. Have Jean use her Blue Dra-
gon Palm or Fist. I recommend the Palm to the Fist since you
need to get rid of Zophar only, not the hand-tentacles. You can
opt to take care of the tentacles but you would waste your time
if you try destroying all of them. If they annoy you, just take
out one, since Zophar still attacks twice no matter how many of
them you try to take out.

- After defeating Zophar once, he'll get angry and try to use Lu-
cia as bait (Althena's power).

~ Boss: Zophar (2)
HP: Arm: 120 x Hiro's level
HP healing Arm: 120 x Hiro's level
Main Zophar: 350 x Hiro's level
Attacking Arm: 160 x Hiro's level

* This form is just like the first form, except that it has more
HP and it attacks more than once per turn. After taking out one
of the arms that's holding Lucia (marked by the one where she's
near - usually the one shining), she'll talk in the middle of
battle. Don't get distracted by her in-battle conversation.

- After defeating Zophar's 2nd form, Lucia will be freed and Zo-
phar will start to lose his power. He'll attack you one last
time, only this time, only Hiro and Lucia will fight him.

~ Boss: Zophar (essence)
HP: 80 x Hiro's level

* This is the easiest battle ( most especially if you tried the
Fiend Ring strategy ). Zophar won't be able to do major damage
to Hiro; and Lucia usually heals him automatically. Hiro's Tri-
ple Sword attack is the best attack to use (again). You'll kill
Zophar in not about 8 to 9 rounds.

- After defeating Zophar, you escape from the keep and head for

[ Now that Zophar's toast, is this the end of the game ? ]

26.3 Vane

> Bid farewell and return to Gwyn's place

- Talk to everyone (Jean, Lemina, Ronfar, Leo, Nall, etc.) After
you've heard from everyone talk to Ruby. She'll say she's going
with Nall to Taben's Peak. So now it's just you and Lucia back
to Gwyn's place. You then leave Vane and board the Destiny. You
pass by the Blue Spire on the way back.

[ FMV of Blue Spire ]

- When you get to the Blue Spire, she apologizes and then returns
to the Blue Star. She leaves you her pendant though.

[ FMV of Lucia going back to the Blue Star ]

- With Lucia gone, Hiro returns to Gwyn's place. You'll then find
yourself in Gwyn's outpost. Hiro decides to go on yet a new ad-
venture to get to the Blue Star to get Lucia back.

[ FMV of Ruby and Hiro on the the Destiny ]

[ FMV of End credits ]

[ The system will prompt you whether you want to save the game or
not. If you decide to save, you'll be able to play the Epilogue
part of the game ]

+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
| The Epilogue section (EPI) |
+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +

27. The Epilogue

* From this point on, all the actions to be done follow no parti-
cular order unless specified. We've divided the Epilogue sec-
tion according to location, so that you would be able to do all
the requirements to get the 'extra' items w/ the least visits.

- You'll find yourself at Gwyn's outpost. This is your starting
point for the end-of-game Epilogue section. You'll have Lucia's
Pendant in your inventory. With it, you can travel to any place
you've previously been to (provided you've been there once).

You have to do is get your party together. But, you might want
to get the Rememberizer Crystal first.

27.1 The Wedding at Nota (NOT-R)

> Get the Rememberizer Crystal

- Go to East Nota and look for the daughter to be married to the
mayor or West Nota. She'll ask you to deliver a message to Kyle
her real fiancee. You'll find him in the bar in West Nota. Af-
ter talking to him, you'll take off with him onboard the Desti-
ny and thrash the mayor's wedding ceremony. When Kyle and his
fiancee thank you, they give you the Rememberizer Crystal as a
token of gratitude.

* The reason why I recommended getting the rememberizer Crystal
first before getting your party together is because once you
have the Rememberizer Crystal, the moment you go to a place
where a FMV was shown, the Rememberizer Crystal would shine.
Instead of going through the same spots twice ( when going to
places where to get your character), just get the Rememberizer
first so you won't have to.

27.2 Taben's Peak (TAB-R)

> Get Althena's Sword

~ Items: Althena's Sword, Lucia's Bromide 2 & 4, Nall's Bromide

- Talk to Nall at his chambers. He'll give you Althena's Sword.
If you check the surroundings, you'll see that some items are
lying around. You'll find Lucia's Bromide 4 in the cell where
you found yourself the first time you went to Taben's Peak. The
baby also has Lucia's Bromide 2. In the large room just before
Nall's chambers, one of the kids (the one with gray hair) has
Nall's Bromide. You'll hear about a Star Dragon.

27.3 Raculi (RAC-R)

> Get Ronfar to join your party

~ Items: Mauri's Bromide 1-2

- You'll find Ronfar in their house in Raculi. Talk to Mauri to
get Mauri's Bromide 1. You'll find Mauri's Bromide 2 in a chest
just outside of their house. Talk to Ronfar to have him join
your party.

27.4 Vane (VAN-R)

> Get Lemina to join your party

~ Items: Borgan's Bromide

~ --- New Item Shop ---
Purity Ring 3200
Vigor Ring 3500
Dew Ring 3200
Noisy Amulet 3200
Power Talisman 4000

- Talk to Borgan to get Borgan's Bromide. Talk to Lemina to have
her join your party afterwards. There's not much for you to do
in Vane, so your next destination would be the carnival to pick
up Jean.

27.5 Madoria Carnival (MAD-R)

> Get Jean to join your party

~ Items: Jean's Bromide 3-4

* If you've got the time to check out the rest of the carnival,
you'll notice that it is now possible to place a 10,000 silver
bet in the casino (which previously Ruby would stop you). If
you want to get rich (or poor) fast, then keep on betting. Just
leave 10,000 silver if you really lose heavy. Using the Save-if
win-Load-if-lose tactic, although personally I'd prefer level-
ing-up the hard way so that you gain experience as well as sil-

- Meet up with Jean's caravan in the north part of the carnival.
talking to the item shop vendor get you Jean's Bromide 3. The
chest right of the trailer contains Jean's Bromide. Talk to
Jean. She'll change into her Blue Dragon outfit, then she'll
join your party. Next is to get Leo, so you're off to the Mys-
tic Ruins (the place where the Magic Arrow shot you off to).

27.6 Mystic Ruins (MYS-R)

> Get Leo to join your party

~ Items: Lucia's Bromide 3, Ghaleon's Bromide

- Instead of starting from the top like last time, you make your
way upstairs this time. One of the fairies has Lucia's Bromide
3. The enemies in the dungeon hardly tickle you, so you should
have no problem in getting to the top floor. When you reach the
top floor, you'll find Leo lamenting. He'll join your party.
Don't forget to pick up Ghaleon's Bromide on your way out.

* From this point onward, you have several options:

- Get Alex's Ocarina (extra)
- Get Hiro's Bromide
- Get The Hero Talisman
- Get the Jewels needed to enter Star Dragon Tower

27.7 Lost Labyrinth (LAB)

> Get Alex's Ocarina

! Alex's Ocarina is an item that allows you to play the music in
the game. Although it would be ok to finish the game without
getting this item, it would be cool if you did.

~ Items: Alex's Ocarina
~ Enemies: Axeman, Gramwalker, Sable Slime, Jack Attack

- Head for Althena's Spring (the place were the carnival caravan
was parked before). When you enter the sprin, you'll notice the
water has stopped flowing from the fountain and an entrance is
now visible. Congratulations, you've found the Lost Labyrinth -
a bonus dungeon. The ultimate prize for clearing this dungeon
is Alex's Ocarina.

~ Boss: Knight Guardian, Mage Guardian, Angel Guardian
HP: Mage Guardian -> approx. 150 x Hiro's level
Angel Guardian -> approx. 150 x Hiro's level
Knight Guardian -> approx. 125 x Hiro's level

* This trio doesn't look so tough. Just make sure you take care
of the Angel and Mage Guardian first since they heal the party
after a few turns, which can be very irritating sometimes.

27.8 Dragon's Nest (Where Pentagulia once was) (NST)

> Get the Gale Crest

~ Items: Goddess' Hairpin, Goddess Bracelet, Nameless Sword
Dragon Shield, Sage Staff, Life Jewel, Silver Light
Chaos Armor, Gale Crest
~ Enemies: Harpy, Blood Wyburn, Doppleganger, Death Doll

- This 9-level dungeon DOES NOT have a boss, and the enemies are
not as difficult, so take your sweet time getting the items. If
you know how to use the Gale Crest, you're in for a treat. =)

* The Gale crest increases your # of attacks, but I would recom-
mend you that equip it on Jean or Leo instead of Hiro. The God-
dess Crest and Warrior Crest already make a good combination.
It would be better to add damage to your already existing num-
ber of attacks instead of having your attack power shrink and
adding an extra attack when you equip the Gale Crest on Hiro.

* The Chaos Armor (for Ronfar) modifies his defense randomly, so
his defense will always be base defense + X, so be sure to use
it when you're fighting minions. When you're taking on boss cha
racters, it's brave to gamble on defense too.

27.9 Brave Labyrinth (BRA)

> Get the Hero Talisman

~ Items: Hero Talisman
~ Enemies: Living Sword, Wicked Wood, Heat Fang, Lady Charme

- The objective of this dungeon is simple, get to the other end
and get the Hero's Talisman. Of course, you have to kill any-
thing you run into.

~ Boss: Hero's Talisman, Sword Arm, Fist Arm
HP: Hero's Talisman -> 270 x Hiro's level
Fist Arm -> 60 x Hiro's level
Sword Arm -> 70 x Hiro's level

* You have two choices of strategy to defeat this foe. The Hero's
Talisman keeps on generating Fist and Sword Arm(s) at a certain
interval. That means you can either a) defeat all the Sword and
Fist Arms as they are spawned, OR b) attack the Hero Talisman
relentlessly, ignoring the Sword and Fist Arms it generates and
just defeat the rest when you've defeated the source. It's

27.10 Lionhead (LIO)

~ Items: Fantasy Ribbon, Miracle Bandanna, Lunn's Armlet,
Holy Shield, Hiro's Bromide, Silver Light,
Healing Ring, Fierce Fist

~ Enemies: Working Stiff, Mumy Lord, Mutant Turtle, Dark Eye

~ Boss: Devil Eye
HP: approx. 200 x Hiro's level

27.11 Water Ruins (WAT)

> Get the Left-eye Jewel

~ Items: Saint Clothes, Goddess Armor, Sage Robe, Berserker Claw
Life Jewel, Silver Light
~ Enemies: Digester, Black Brain, Shadow, Dark Doll, Gargonka

- If you forgot already, the Water Ruins is the place where Hiro
saw Lucia bathing in the lake when everyone was asleep. Check
it again, Ruby will notice that the water level has gone down,
and a dungeon is now accessible.

* This 5-level dungeon has average-difficulty enemies, so don't
go all out on Star Lights, just go easy on healing items. Get
all the items - they're definitely worth it. Most of the paths
in this dungeon are flooded, so you'll have to open the flood-
gates so you could move on. You know you're near the end when
you start walking faster again. Restore some MP and you're in
for another boss fight.

~ Boss: Water Guardian
HP: approx. 400 x Hiro's level

* The Water Guardian (as the name implies) is weak to water-based
attacks, but if you're having fun with the White Dragon Protect
tactic, you might as well have Hiro use his Triple Sword tech-
nique slicing this baddie up. If you're impatient, have Lemina
cast Power Drive on Hiro at least twice, you'll do around 1500
points of damage PER slash. You'll clean his clock in a few

- After beating up this enemy, the Left-eye Jewel is yours.

27.12 Dragon Ruins (DRA)

> Get the Right-eye Jewel

~ Enemies: Cannonfoot, Shellshredder, Shock Sphere, Goliath
~ Items: Dragon Armor, Justice Rod, Scarlet Wrap, Lion Helm
Goddess Gauntlet, Archer Crest, Silver Light

- Remember in the first FMV of Hiro and Ruby that they were
digging in the Dragon Ruins and found a jewel in the dra-
gon's eye? That's exactly where you're headed now. Only
this time, you're going back to finish off that adventure
you've been doing during the start of the game.

* This dungeon is tougher than the Water Ruins, so make sure you
have enough Star Light for the boss.

~ Boss: Phantom Sentry
HP: approx 400 x Hiro's level

* The Phantom Sentry likes to pull you closer to himself before
he attacks with his sword to inflict multiple damage on your
party. Good thing his speed's low, so your spellcaster can cast
White Dragon Protect before it does attack. Have one of your
party distance him/herself so that the Sentry would be tricked
wasting a turn with that 'Vacuum' spell. The usual Triple Sword
works well on it too. Just keep an eye on your HP while you're
at it.

- After kicking this dude's tushy, you'll gain access to the room
with the Dragonhead. Get the Right-eye Jewel. Now you can head
for the Star Dragon Tower.

27.13 Star Dragon Tower (STA-TOW)

> Get to the Blue Star

~ Enemies: Master Mirror, Bronze Creep, Steel Soldier, Bomb Angel

- This final dungeon is 7 levels high. All the enemies are not so
difficult if you have made it past level 60. Compared to the
other epilogue dungeons, yes, this is definitely easier. Just
watch your HP and don't get careless with the enemies. If you
plan your strategies well, you won't be using MP chargers.

* Don't worry about using up all your Star Lights. Just make sure
you at least 1 Silver Light available if Hiro's MP isn't fully

- At the end of the dungeon is the Star Dragon. He'll ask Hiro
some questions (answer: I have to see Lucia), then you'll have
your final boss fight.

~ Boss: Star Guardian
HP: approx. 165 x Hiro's level

* The last boss isn't the most difficult, most especially Hiro's
going to fight this thing one-on-one. Just keep your HP above
280 if you want to take enough damage to land a hit. The Triple
Sword technique should make short work of the guardian. If you
have a good strategy, you'll defeat this boss in less than 10
combat rounds (at least 5 Triple Sword attacks and healing in

- Once you've beaten this boss, congratulations! You've just fi-
nished Lunar 2: Eternal Blue. Enjoy the end credits and the Out
takes. Don't forget to watch "The Making of Lunar 2" on the 4th
CD (unless you bought the game CDs only or a bootlegged copy).

+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
| E. The Bromide Hunt (BRO) |
+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +

Normal game


~ Lemina's Bromide 3 (from Ramus Jr's grandpa)
Lemina's Bromide 2 (barrels on left of shop)
Jessica's Bromide (from man in bar)

- You have to get Lemina's Bromide 3 before you can get Lemina's
Bromide 2. First talk to Ramus Jr. a couple of times, then talk
to his grandpa (in front of the counter). Your cue to talk to
Grandpa is when he shifts the topic to marriage. Gramps will
give you Lemina's Bromide 3. ONLY after that will you be able
to get Lemina's Bromide 2. Walk along the northwest corner of
the shop (near the barrels). Keep pressing the action button X
and you'll stumble upon Lemina's Bromide 2.


~ Jean's Bromide 2

- One of the girls in the caravan has made a poster of Jean. Get
it from her before you leave the Madoria Caravan on your way to
the Water Ruins.


~ Lucia's Bromide 1

- In the morning when you wake up and find Lucia gone, talk to
the guy with blue hair just outside the eastmost house in Larpa
and he'll give you Lucia's Bromide 1.

Epilogue section only


~ Lemina's Bromide 4 (Meribia sewers)

- Lemina's Bromide 4 is in the Meribia Sewers after junior turns
it into a the "Tunnels of Terror".

Taben's Peak

~ Lucia's Bromide 2 (from the baby in Taben's peak Spring)
Lucia's Bromide 4 (in cell in Taben's Peak)
Nall's Bromide (With grey-haired kid in Taben's Peak 8F)

- Go to the cell where you found yourself after being knocked un-
conscious by the Dragon Kids. You'll find a chest there which
has Lucia's Bromide 4. The baby at the top floor, she's holding
Lucia's Bromide 2. One of the kids in the play area just before
Nall's room has Nall's Bromide.


~ Jean's Bromide 1 (from the Drunken Dojo teacher)

- The Drunken Dojo is on the west part of Horam. Talk to the mas-
ter of the Drunken Fist. He'll give you Jean's Bromide 1.

Takkar Village

~ Mystere's Bromide (Leo)

- Enter Takkar through the once-closed exit (north). Talk to the
guard and he'll tell you that they're looking for a masked cha-
racter. He'll give you Mystere's Bromide.

Madoria Carnival

~ Jean's Bromide 3 (from the item shop vendor)
Jean's Bromide 4 (item chest right of trailer)

- Go to the North Part of of the carnival where Giban and the o-
ther performers are. The guy selling items has Jean's Bromide 3
while Jean's Bromide 4 is in a chest near one of the caravans.

Mystic Ruins / Ghaleon's Secret Gardern

~ Lucia's Bromide 3 (from Fairy)
Ghaleon's Bromide (top floor)

- Lucia's Bromide 3 is with one of the fairies on the first level
while Ghaleon's Bromide is in the altar where you first saw him
during the main game.


~ Mauri's Bromide 2 (Item chest in Raculi)
Mauri's Bromide 1 (from Mauri)

- Mauri's Bromide 1 is with Mauri. Talk to her after you get Ron-
far to join your party. Mauri's Bromide 2 is in a chest just
outside of their house.


~ Hiro's Bromide

- Hiro's Bromide is on top of Lionhead dungeon. It's the only
treasure in the dungeon, so be sure to get it before you make
your way out.

+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
| III. 101 |
+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +

o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o
| A. Character Profiles (G-CHAR) |
o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o

1. Hiro - The main character of the story. Young Hiro's
curiosity to learn the secrets of Lunar's past is what
drives him in his constant adventures with Ruby in
the Dragon Ruins and other dangerous places.
[ likened to Alex of Lunar SSS ]

2. Lucia - The main female character of the game. A mysterious
girl who claims to have come in search of the goddess Alth
ena. She comes from the Blue Star and needs to find Althena
in order to stop Zophar from the destroying Lunar.
[ likened to Luna of Lunar SSS ]

3. Ruby - Hiro's er.. sidekick. Claims to be a baby red dragon.
After meeting Lucia she gets jealous of her towards Hiro. In
battle she helps randomly by scratching or breathing fire on
the enemies.
[ likened to Nall of Lunar SSS ]

4. Ronfar - He was a priest of Althena, until he failed to save
Mauri, his love, from a curse which took her life. Eversince
then he refused to use magic and now spends time in taverns,
winning people's money. After meeting Hiro and saving Lucia,
he decides to give himself another chance at using his magic
to help others.
[ likened to Jessica of Lunar SSS in terms of healing magic,
but also to Kyle in terms of appearance. ]

5. Jean - A fan dancer at a carnival, they travel from place to
place to perform. Her skill as a dancer masks her fighting
prowess which comes from a dark past. When presented with a
chance to use her figthing skill to help others, she looks
that ghost of the past face to face.
[ likened to Kyle of Lunar SSS in terms of physical attacks,
but also to Jessica in terms of appearance.]

6. Lemina - Lemina Ausa is the junior primere at the Vane Magic
Guild. She has a penchant for making money from everyone she
meets. Her magic is so powerful that it makes up for her
persistence in making a quick buck.
[ likened to Mia Ausa of Lunar SSS ]

7. Nall - This mysterious boy shows up at Taben's Peak claiming
to be the guardian of the Dragon Kids. He is actually Nall
from the past (1000 years ago) who's turned human. His White
dragon essence.

[ Nall of Lunar SSS ]

8. Lunn - Master of the Blue Dragon Fist. He is also one of the
Four Heroes and is the overseer of Meribia. His motives are
unclear even though many marvel at his skill as master of
the Blue Dragon fist.

9. Borgan - The Black Wizard Borgan is the creator of Neo-Vane,
and perhaps the most powerful wizard in all of Lunar. The
Black Dragon is his source of magic, making him the potent
wizard he is.

10. Mauri - The Red priestess Mauri is Leo's sister. She draws
upon the power of the Red Dragon, which helps her to serve
the goddess Althena. Before she became a priestess, she was
in love with Ronfar, and the two were supposed to be married
until an event in the past made things turn bad for the two.

11. Ghaleon - The Magic Emperor of the first Lunar is back with
a vengance. After mysteriously surviving all these 1000 yrs,
he returns with plans to save/rule the world. Question is...
who's side is he on ?

o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o
| B. Magic spells (G-MAG) |
o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o

S - present already once you have the character
a - first level of that spell
A - improved version of spell "a", B is a "b" spell improvement, etc.

| Hiro (MAG-HIR) |
| Spell | Lvl | Area | Cast |
| Boomerang (a) | S | Single | 3 |
| Poe Sword | 7 | Single | 6 |
| Squall (b) | 9 | Zone | 7 |
| Sybillium Sword | 16 | Zone | 7 |
| Vortex (c) | 20 | All | 10 |
| Cross-Boomerang (A) | 24 | Single | 6 |
| Tempest (B) | 27 | Zone | 14 |
| Batallion Sword | 30 | Line | 14 |
| Speed Storm | 33 | Self | 8 |
| Super Cyclone (C) | 37 | All | 20 |
| Concussion Sword | 41 | All | 30 |
| Triple Sword | 50 | Single | 30 |

| Gwyn (MAG-GWY) |
| Spell | Lvl | Area | Cast |
| Heal Litany | S | Single | 4 |
| Calm Litany | S | Party | 12 |
| Fractured Armor | 10 | Single | 6 |
| Shattered Sword | 12 | Single | 6 |

| Ronfar (MAG-RON) |
| Spell | Lvl | Area | Cast |
| Heal Litany | S | Single | 4 |
| Calm Litany (a) | S | Party | 12 |
| Clean Litany | S | Single | 3 |
| Anger Dice | S | Single | 2 |
| Destiny Dice | 13 | All | 5 |
| Saint Litany (c) | 15 | Single | 5 |
| Escape Litany | 16 | Party | 2 |
| Purity Litany | 18 | Single | 12 |
| Revive Litany | 21 | Single | 12 |
| Light Litany (b) | 26 | Party | 8 |
| Recovery Coin | 30 | Single | 20 |
| Tranquil Litany (A) | 34 | Party | 24 |
| Shining Litany (B) | 38 | Party | 24 |
| Divine Litany (C) | 42 | Single | 20 |
| Miracle Litany | 46 | Single | 30 |
| Cleansing Litany | 54 | Single | ?? |

| Jean (MAG-JEA) |
| Spell | Lvl | Area | Cast |
| Moth Dance (a) | S | Single | 6 |
| Sleep Step (b) | S | Party | 5 |
| Bee Dance (c) | S | Single | 7 |
| Enchanted Kiss (d) | 17 | Single | 7 |
| Butterfly Dance (A) | 20 | Single | 9 |
| Dream Dance (B) | 20 | Party | 9 |
| Swarm Dance (C) | 26 | Single | 12 |
| Soul Kiss (D) | 29 | Single | 14 |

| Jean (MAG-JEA-F) |
| Spell | Lvl | Area | Cast |
| Dopple Dance (a) | S | Single | 16 |
| Blue Dragon Kick | 36 | Line | 14 |
| Blue Dragon Palm | S | Single | 10 |
| Blue Dragon Wave | 41 | Single | 14 |
| Blue Dragon Fist | 46 | All | 32 |
| Slam Dance (A) | 51 | Single | ?? |

| Lemina (MAG-LEM) |
| Spell | Lvl | Area | Cast |
| Flame (a) | S | Single | 4 |
| Flame Bomb (b) | S | Zone | 7 |
| Burning Rain (c) | S | All | 10 |
| Power Flame (i) | S | Single | 9 |
| Magic Seal (e) | S | Single | 3 |
| Ice Pick (d) | S | Single | 4 |
| Ice Lance (g) | S | Zone | 7 |
| Freeze Claw (h) | S | All | 10 |
| Ice Shell (f) | 21 | Single | 10 |
| Flame Shot (A) | 22 | Single | 4 |
| Dispel Magic | 24 | Single | 3 |
| Ice Arrows (D) | 27 | Single | 16 |
| Erase Magic | 29 | All | 18 |
| Pyro Pillar (B) | 30 | Zone | 16 |
| Crematorium (C) | 34 | All | 30 |
| Mega Seal (E) | 38 | Single | 30 |
| Cryo-Shield (F) | 40 | Single | 16 |
| Magic Shield | 42 | Self | 18 |
| Ice Wall (G) | 44 | Zone | 21 |
| Freeze Smash (H) | 46 | All e | 21 |
| Power Drive (I) | 48 | Single | 21 |
| Catastrophe | 51 | All | 55 |
| Magic Swiper | 57 | Single | 1 |

| Leo (MAG-LEO) |
| Spell | Lvl | Area | Cast |
| Rock Viper | S | Single | 4 |
| Rock Crush (a) | S | Zone | 7 |
| Crack Point | S | All | 10 |
| Flash Blade | S | Single | 8 |
| Buzz Blade | S | Zone | 18 |
| Grizzle Blade | S | All | 20 |
| Rock Riot (A) | 36 | Zone | 36 |
| Earth Prayer | 47 | Self | 15 |
| Soul Blade | 50 | Single | 20 |

| Lucia (MAG-LUC) |
| Spell | Lvl | Area | Cast |
| Magic Barrier | S | Single | ?? |
| Napalm Shot | S | Single | ?? |
| Plasma Rain | S | All | ?? |
| Lightning Bomb | S | All | ?? |
| Thunder Blow | S | Single | ?? |
| Power Charge | S | Single | ?? |
| Healing Litany | S | Single | ?? |

| Misc Magic (MAG-MIS) |
| Spell | Lvl | Area | Cast |
| Poison Dart | S | Single | 5 |
| Mind Blast | S | Single | 7 |
| Squall | S | Single | 7 |
| Thunder Tornado | S | Single | 25 |
| Lightning Rain | S | Single | 4 |
| Plasma Shockr | S | Single | 7 |
| Wind Cutter | S | Single | 4 |
| White Dragon Protect | S | Single | 50 |
| Blue Dragon Healing | S | Single | 60 |
| Black Dragon Grief | S | Single | 30 |
| Red Dragon Anger | S | Single | 40 |

o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o
| C. Equipment Guide (G-EQP) |
o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o

| Hiro (EQP-HIR) |
| Weapon | Effect(s) | Area | Price |
| Dagger | atk+2, #atk+1 | S | |
| Ancient Dagger | atk+??, #atk+1 | GWY | ???? |
| Short Sword | atk+?? | LAR | 690 |
| Long Sword | atk+23 | DAL | 690 |
| Broad Sword | atk+31 | NOT | 1240 |
| Silver Sword | atk+40, mgcdef+5 | NOT | 1600 |
| Bastard Sword | atk+49 | MER | 2450 |
| Smash Saber | atk+70,#atk-1,agl-5, spd-5 | AZA | 2100 |
| Rune Sword | atk+57, wis+2, mgcdef+2 | AZA | 3990 |
| Platinum Blade | atk+67, spd+5 | HOR | 5360 |
| Samurai Sword | atk+76, agl+5 | HOR | 6840 |
| Amethyst Sword | atk+85, wis+5 | NEO | 8500 |
| Master Sword | atk+94, (def,agl,spd,rng)+2 | RAC | 10340 |
| Ghaleon's Sword | atk+100, wis+9, mgcdef+9 | VAN | ----- |
| Althena's Sword | atk+111, def+9, agl+7, spd+7 | TAB | ----- |
| | wis+7, mgcdef+9, rng+7, lck+7 | | |
| Armor | Effect(s) | Area | Price |
| Leather Armor | def+12 | S | 360 |
| Chain Mail | def+18 | TAK | 720 |
| Iron Armor | def+26 | DAL | 1300 |
| Silver Armor | def+32 | MER | 1920 |
| Platinum Armor | def+40 | VAN | 2800 |
| Warrior Armor | def+48 | HOR | 3840 |
| Amethyst Armor | def+56 | NEO | 5040 |
| Dyne's Armor | def+64 | RED | 6400 |
| Dragon Armor | def+83 | DRA | 8250 |
| Headgear | Effect(s) | Area | Price |
| Leather Cap | def+2 | S | 40 |
| Iron Helm | def+5 | NOT | 150 |
| Silver Helm | def+9 | ZUL | 360 |
| Steel Helm | def+13 | MER | 650 |
| Platinum Helm | def+17 | AZA | 1020 |
| Warrior Helm | def+21 | HOR | 1470 |
| Amethyst Helm | def+25 | NEO | 2000 |
| Master Helm | def+29 | SER | 2610 |
| Dragon Helm | def+39 | WAT | 3500 |
| Shields | Effect(s) | Area | Price |
| Iron Shield | def+10 | NOT | 300 |
| Silver Shield | def+15 | ZUL | 600 |
| Steel Shield | def+20 | MER,VAN | 1000 |
| Legendary Lid | def+20, (atk,agl,spd,wis, | TAB | 1462 |
| | mgcdef,rng,lck)+2 | | |
| Platinum Shield | def+25 | AZA | 1500 |
| Warrior Shield | def+31 | HOR | 2170 |
| Amethyst Shield | def+36 | ZAB | 2880 |
| Master Shield | def+42 | ALT | 3780 |
| Dragon Shield | def+50 | NST | 5000 |

| Ronfar (EQP-RON) |
| Weapon | Effect(s) | Area | Price |
| Dagger | atk+2, #atk+1 | S | 80 |
| Flail | atk+21 | DAL | 630 |
| Silver Mace | atk+33 | TAK | 1320 |
| Golden Mace | atk+42 | ZUL | 2100 |
| Spirit Mace | atk+50 | TAB | 3000 |
| Ritual Mace | atk+58 | VAN | 4060 |
| Flaying Flail | atk+72 | HOR | 5760 |
| Amethyst Mace | atk+80 | ZAB | 7200 |
| Prayer Mace | atk+88 | RAC | 8800 |
| Holy Mace | atk+93, wis+8, mgcdef+8 | ALT | 10230 |
| Justice Rod | atk+100, def+10, mgcdef+10 | DRA | 12000 |
| Armor | Effect(s) | Area | Price |
| Priest Clothes | def+23, mgcdef+1 | DAL | 1150 |
| Purity Clothes | def+30, mgcdef+2 | MER | 1800 |
| Cerem. Clothes | def+35, mgcdef+3 | AZA | 2590 |
| Holy Clothes | def+42, mgcdef+4 | HOR | 3520 |
| Battle Clothes | def+52, mgcdef+5 | ZAB | 4680 |
| Miracle Cloths. | def+60, mgcdef+7 | SER | 6000 |
| Saint Clothes | def+70, mgcdef+7 | WAT | 7700 |
| Chaos Armor | def-null, lck+8 | NST | 1554 |
| Bracelets | Effect(s) | Area | Price |
| Bracelet | def+4 | DAL | 80 |
| Iron Bracelet | def+8 | TAK | 240 |
| Steel Bracelet | def+13 | MER | 480 |
| Platinum Brclet | def+15 | AZA | 1320 |
| Bejeweled Brclt | def+27 | HOR | 1890 |
| Amethyst Braclt | def+32 | ZAB | 2560 |
| Holy Bracelet | def+38 | ALT | ???? |
| Goddess Bracelt | def+44 | NST | 4400 |
| Bandannas | Effect(s) | Area | Price |
| Colorful Band. | def+3 | DAL | 60 |
| Silver Bandana | def+6 | NOT | 240 |
| Lucky Bandanna | def+9, luc+2 | ZUL | 450 |
| Soul Bandanna | def+12, wis+2 | MER | 600 |
| Charm Bandanna | def+15, mcgdef+2 | AZA | 900 |
| Prayer Bandanna | def+18, wis+1, mcgdef+1 | HOR | 1260 |
| Spirit Bandanna | def+21, wis+1, agl+1 | ZAB | 1680 |
| Aura Bandanna | def+24, mgcdef+5 | ALT | 2160 |
| Miracle Band. | atk+4, def+27, agl+4, spd+4 | LIO | 3000 |
| | wis+4, mgcdef+4, rng+4, luc+4 | | |

| Jean (EQP-JEA) |
| Weapon | Effect(s) | Area | Price |
| Feather Fan | atk+24 | CAR | 360 |
| Iron Fan | atk+29 | TAK | 1160 |
| Razor Fan | atk+36 | ZUL | 1800 |
| Platinum Fan | atk+43 | MER | 2580 |
| Jean's Fan | atk+50 | AZA | 3500 |
| Armor | Effect(s) | Area | Price |
| Pretty Dress | def+14 | S | 420 |
| Flared Dress | def+18 | NOT | 720 |
| Fur Dress | def+26 | ZUL | 1300 |
| Silk Dress | def+34 | SEW,VAN | 2040 |
| Jean's Dress | def+42 | AZA | 2940 |
| Gauntlets | Effect(s) | Area | Price |
| Iron Gauntlet | def+3 | TAK | 60 |
| Silver Gauntlet | def+8 | MYS | 320 |
| Platinum Gaunt. | def+13 | MER | 650 |
| Magic Gauntlet | def+18 | VAN | 1080 |
| Jewel Gauntlet | def+22 | PEN | 1540 |
| | | HOR | |
| Hair Ornaments | Effect(s) | Area | Price |
| Hairband | def+3 | TAK | 60 |
| Silver Hairpin | def+6 | MYS | 180 |
| Platinum Hair. | def+9 | MER | 360 |
| Bejeweled Hair. | def+9 | VAN | 600 |
| Ritual Hairpin | def+15 | PEN,HOR | 900 |
| Gold Hairpin | def+18 | BLU | 1260 |
| Amethyst Hair. | def+21 | ZAB,NEO | 1680 |
| Holy Hairpin | def+24 | SER,RED | 2160 |
| Goddess Hair. | def+33 | NST | 3000 |

| Jean as fighter (EQP-JEA-F) |
| Weapon | Effect(s) | Area | Price |
| Iron Claw | atk+55 | HOR | 4400 |
| Fierce Fist | atk+60 | LIO | 5886 |
| Black Pan. Claw | atk+66 | HOR | 5940 |
| White Tig. Claw | atk+77 | RAC | 7700 |
| Crushing Fist | atk+87 | ALT | 9570 |
| Berserker Claw | atk+99 | WAT | 11880 |
| Armor | Effect(s) | Area | Price |
| Hawk Wrap | def+53 | HOR | 4240 |
| Ninja Wrap | def+61 | ZAB | 5490 |
| Tiger Wrap | def+69 | SER | 6900 |
| Scarlet Wrap | def+77 | WAT | 8470 |
| Gauntlets | Effect(s) | Area | Price |
| Hawk Armlet | def+28 | S | 910 |
| Leopard Armlet | def+34 | ZAB | 2480 |
| Tiger Armlet | def+40 | RED | 3240 |
| Lunn's Armlet | def+48 | LIO | 4300 |
| Hair Ornaments | Effect(s) | Area | Price |
| Hairband | def+3 | TAK | 60 |
| Silver Hairpin | def+6 | MYS | 180 |
| Platinum Hair. | def+9 | MER | 360 |
| Bejeweled Hair. | def+9 | VAN | 600 |
| Ritual Hairpin | def+15 | PEN | 900 |
| | | HOR | |
| Gold Hairpin | def+18 | BLU | 1260 |
| Amethyst Hair. | def+21 | ZAB, | 1680 |
| | | NEO | |
| Holy Hairpin | def+24 | SER, | 2160 |
| | | RED | |
| Goddess Hair. | def+33 | NST | 3000 |

| Lemina (EQP-LEM) |
| Weapon | Effect(s) | Area | Price |
| Magic Staff | Normal Attack | S | 1200 |
| Quake Staff | Earth Attack | MER-SEW | 2000 |
| | | VAN-CIT | |
| Wind Staff | Wind Attack | VAN-CIT | 2000 |
| Thieves Staff | Steals HP | VAN-TRI | Free |
| Thunder Staff | Lightning Attack | MER-TAB | 2000 |
| | | VAN-CIT | |
| Water Staff | Water Attack | ZUL-MNT | 2000 |
| | | VAN-CIT | |
| Ice Staff | Ice Attack | | 6000 |
| Flame Staff | Fire Attack | | 2000 |
| Hellfire Staff | Powerful Fire Attack | | 6000 |
| Sage Staff | | NST | 20000 |
| Armor | Effect(s) | Area | Price |
| Robe | def+13, wis+1, mcgdef+1 | | 520 |
| Silver Robe | def+17, wis+2, mgcdef+2 | | 680 |
| Fur Robe | def+21, wis+3, mcgdef+3 | | 1050 |
| Magician Robe | def+30, wis+4, mcgdef+4 | | 2100 |
| Immortal Robe | def+40, wis+5, mcgdef+5 | | 3200 |
| Wisdom Robe | def+50, wis+6, mcgdef+6 | NEO | 4500 |
| Aura Robe | def+60, wis+7, mcgdef+7 | ALT | 6000 |
| Sage Robe | def+70, wis+8, mcgdef+8 | WAT | 7700 |
| Gauntlets | Effect(s) | Area | Price |
| Iron Gauntlet | def+3 | | 60 |
| Silver Gauntlet | def+8 | | 320 |
| Platinum Gaunt. | def+13 | | 650 |
| Magic Gauntlet | def+18 | | 1080 |
| Jewel Gauntlet | def+22 | | 1540 |
| Mystic Gaunt. | def+27 | NEO | 2160 |
| Psycho Gaunt. | def+33 | | 2970 |
| Goddess Gaunt. | def+40 | DRA | 4000 |
| Hair Ornaments | Effect(s) | Area | Price |
| Hairband | def+3 | | |
| Silver Hairpin | def+6 | | 180 |
| Platinum Hair. | def+9 | | 360 |
| Bejeweled Hair. | def+9 | | 600 |
| Ritual Hairpin | def+15 | | 900 |
| Gold Hairpin | def+18 | | 1260 |
| Amethyst Hair. | def+21 | | 1680 |
| Holy Hairpin | def+24 | DSF-DFS | 2160 |
| Fantasy Ribbon | def+30, luc+2 | LIO | 3000 |

| Leo (EQP-LEO) |
| Weapon | Effect(s) | Area | Price |
| Rusty Dagger | #atk+1 | S | 2 |
| Dagger | atk+2, #atk+1 | S | 80 |
| Star Dagger | atk+20, lck+7, #atk+1 | BLK | 2000 |
| Long Sword | atk+23 | DAL | 690 |
| Broad Sword | atk+31 | NOT | 1240 |
| Silver Sword | atk+40, mgcdef+5 | NOT | 1600 |
| Bastard Sword | atk+49 | MER | 2450 |
| Rune Sword | atk+57, wis+2, mgcdef+2 | AZA | 3990 |
| Platinum Blade | atk+67, spd+5 | HOR | 5360 |
| Samurai Sword | atk+76, agl+5 | HOR | 6840 |
| Amethyst Sword | atk+85, wis+5 | NEO | 8500 |
| Master Sword | atk+94, (def,agl,spd,rng)+2 | RAC | 10340 |
| White Fang | atk+94, agl+5 | S | 10340 |
| Nameless Sword | atk+105, (def, mgcdef, rng)+5 | NST | 12600 |
| Armor | Effect(s) | Area | Price |
| Leather Armor | def+12 | S | 360 |
| Chain Mail | def+18 | TAK | 720 |
| Iron Armor | def+26 | DAL | 1300 |
| Silver Armor | def+32 | MER | 1920 |
| Platinum Armor | def+40 | VAN | 2800 |
| Warrior Armor | def+48 | HOR | 3840 |
| Amethyst Armor | def+56 | NEO | 5040 |
| Dyne's Armor | def+64 | RED | 6400 |
| Dragon Armor | def+83 | DRA | 8250 |
| Headgear | Effect(s) | Area | Price |
| Leather Cap | def+2 | S | 40 |
| Iron Helm | def+5 | NOT | 150 |
| Silver Helm | def+9 | ZUL | 360 |
| Steel Helm | def+13 | MER | 650 |
| Safety Helmet | def+15 | AZA | 800 |
| Platinum Helm | def+17 | AZA | 1020 |
| Warrior Helm | def+21 | HOR | 1470 |
| Amethyst Helm | def+25 | NEO | 2000 |
| Master Helm | def+29 | SER | 2610 |
| Lion Helm | def+34 | WAT | 3400 |
| Shields | Effect(s) | Area | Price |
| Saucepan Lid | def+2 | LAR | 6 |
| Wood Shield | def+5 | | 100 |
| Iron Shield | def+10 | NOT | 300 |
| Silver Shield | def+15 | ZUL | 600 |
| Steel Shield | def+20 | MER-SEW | 1000 |
| | | VAN-CIT | |
| Legendary Lid | def+20, (atk,agl,spd,wis, | TAB | 1462 |
| | mgcdef,rng,lck)+2 | | |
| Platinum Shield | def+25 | AZA | 1500 |
| Warrior Shield | def+31 | HOR | 2170 |
| Amethyst Shield | def+36 | ZAB | 2880 |
| Master Shield | def+42 | ALT | 3780 |
| Holy Shield | def+46, mgcdef+4 | LIO | 4800 |

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| IV. Other Pending Updates / Info |
+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +

- to whoever's reading this - Thanks for d/l / reading this guide.
Hope you enjoy reading it as I did typing it. This is my 2nd
FAQ ! The first one is my Star Ocean 2: The Second Story FAQ
also hosted on
- To Working Designs/Kadokawa Shoten for this great game - your
artwork is cuteness supreme.

Copyright 2000-2001. All rights reserved.
Michael C. Francisco
I go by kiko-kun in GameFAQs

Special thanks:
- Lunar 2 ascii art is copyright of Beno Jange (
- Phil Hanna for the question on the Chaos Armor.

Other walkthrough's I wrote:
Star Ocean 2 - Claude Walkthrough (also primarily hosted on GameFAQs).
however, it still is incomplete. I promise to finish it when I'm
through with this one!
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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