Lunar: Eternal Blue

Lunar: Eternal Blue

16.10.2013 09:45:34
Wonder what the Keywords and Tactics charts are for? Check the "News" section.

Sybillium presents a FAQ/Walkthrough for:


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- E T E R N A L B L U E -

NAME: Sybillium
DATE: February 24, 2001
ICQ: 59862917
AIM: helmacron4
Residence: Palm City, FL, USA
FAQ/VERSION: LUNAR 2 Eternal Blue FAQ/Walkthrough Version 4.0

This document is best viewed in Windows WordPad, 800x600 resolution, at 10
point Courier New font. If you do not view the document in Courier New font,
it will look like a bunch o' gibberish.

If you want a copy of the FAQ on your computer, go back to the page with the
LINK to this FAQ, right-click it, and click "Save Target As" to save a copy of
this on your own computer.

This ENTIRE FAQ is copyright protected. 2000. What does this mean? For one,
this means that the FAQ cannot be edited in any way or altered from its
original state. This also means that you cannot use the FAQ for profitable
purposes. That includes selling it for money, trading it for something else,
or giving away as an incentive to attract buyers.

So what can you do with this FAQ?
-You can read it and use it to help you through the game.
-You can print a copy for your own personal use.
-You can print out several copies and freely distribute them. FREELY!

But you can not...
-As I said, use it for any profit.
-Edit it in any way.
-Include it in any printed work. This includes compilation CDs!

You can do the following things by asking my permission first.
-Link to it from your own website.
-Use it on your website.


I have PURPOSELY put a few MINOR MISTAKES in the information in this FAQ so I
can know if anyone has been plagiarizing it. You may NOT use the information
in this FAQ to write your own FAQ!! BUT, you MAY use the LAYOUT that I have
used. For instance, I took the idea of the weapon/armor listing from ATadeo's
layout, but I did NOT copy the numbers and values. I had to figure that out
for myself.


Version 1.0 - December 29, 2000
-Original release.
-Introduction finished.
-The Box/Goodies section finished.
-All other sections begun.

Version 1.1 - January 1, 2001
-Walkthrough completed up through Meribia Sewers.
-Weapons/Armor section overhauled.
-All other sections added to.
-Took lines away in Bromide section.
-Switched some things in the Characters/Magic section.

Version 1.15 - January 2, 2001
-Added "Figuring Damage" section.
-Bestiary Overhauled.
-Fixed various errors.
-Walkthrough completed up through Vane.

Version 1.2 - January 4, 2001
-Added to all sections.
-Fixed various formatting errors.
-Changed Copyright policy.
-Disc 1 Walkthrough completed.

Version 2.0 - January 6, 2001
-Added to walkthrough/sections.
-Gave FAQ a classier look.

Version 3.0 - January 15, 2001
-Fixed ASCII art problem.Overhauled CRESTS section.
-Overhauled Weapons/Armor section.
-Overhauled items section.
-Added to walktrough, up through Zen Zone.
-Added NEWS section.
-Added Battlefield Symbols section.

Version 3.1 - January 29, 2001
-Fixed Table of Contents
-Added to sections.
-Added soundtrack list/lyrics/track reviews.
-Added new keyword system.
-Added Thieves Crest info.
-Added Chiro/Shiro info at Bestiary.
-Added more FAQs.
-New Town system.

Version 3.2 - February 16, 2001
-Added new Keyword system. See News section.
-Added to Walkthrough and sections.
-Explained status values.

Version 3.3 - February 26, 2001
-Added new "Tactics" and "The Story" feature.
-Fixed various formatting errors.
-Added new junk to bestiary.
-Fixed ASCII art.
-Finished walkthorough for normal game.


Prologue: Introduction, Review, News

I. The Box/Goodies + Controls
II. Characters/Magic
a) Hiro
b) Ronfar
c) Jean
d) Lemina
e) Leo
f) Gwyn
g) Others
III. Weapons/Armor
IV. Items
V. System
a) Battling
b) Crests
c) Battle Symbols
VI. Walkthrough

|Salyan Desert |
|1 |East Desert Pass |LW001 |
|2 |Gwyn's Place |LW002 |
|3 |Blue Labyrinth |LW003 |
|4 |Blue Spire |LW004 |
|5 |Larpa / Pass |LW005 |
|6 |West Desert Pass |LW006 |
|7 |Dalton Town |LW007 |
|8 |Dragonship Destiny |LW008 |
|9 |Starlight Forest |LW009 |
|10 |Illusion Woods |LW010 |
|11 |Caravan |LW011 |
|12 |Takkar |LW012 |
|13 |Takkar Mt. Pass |LW013 |
|14 |Ghost Manor |LW014 |
|15 |Bandit Butte |LW015 |
|16 |East Nota |LW016 |
|17 |Carnival |LW017 |
|18 |Mystic Ruins |LW018 |
|19 |West Nota |LW019 |
|East Katarina Zone |
|20 |Zulan |LW020 |
|21 |Mountain Pass |LW021 |
|22 |Meribia |LW022 |
|23 |Taben's Peak |LW023 |
|24 |Meribian Sewers |LW024 |
|25 |Taben's Peak, revisited |LW025 |
|26 |Cave of Trial |LW026 |
|27 |Vane |LW027 |
|28 |Sluice Forest |LW028 |
|29 |Azado |LW029 |
|29A |Azado Shrine |LW029A |
|29B |Azado Barbecue |LW029B |
|30 |Dragonship Destiny |LW030 |
|Pentagulia |
|31 |Pentagulia City |LW031 |
|32 |Dragon Towers |LW032 |
|32A |Red |LW032A |
|32B |Blue |LW032B |
|32C |White |LW032C |
|32D |Black |LW032D |
|32E |Taben's Peak |LW032E |
|West Katarina Zone |
|33 |White Dragon Cave |LW033 |
|34 |Horam |LW034 |
|35 |Zen Zone |LW035 |
|36 |Blue Dragon Cave |LW036 |
|37 |Zaback Mines |LW037 |
|38 |Zaback |LW038 |
|39 |Neo-Vane |LW039 |
|40 |Neo-Trial Cave |LW040 |
|41 |Black Dragon Cave |LW041 |
|42 |Raculi |LW042 |
|43 |Serak Palace |LW043 |
|44 |Red Dragon Cave |LW044 |
|45 |Althena's Tower |LW045 |
|46 |Zophar's Keep |LW046 |


|Boss |Keyword |
|Guardian |GDNBS1 |
|Plantella |PLTABS1 |
|Magic Tester LX1 |MTBS1 |
|Missing Link |BSMLK1 |
|Flame Fang |FFANGBS |
|White Fiend |WHITEFBS |
|Lunn |LUNNBS |
|Blue Fiend |BLUEFBS |
|Borgan |BORGANBS |
|Black Fiend |BLACKFBS |
|Mauri's Id |MAURIBS |
|Red Fiend |REDFBS |
|Fake Althena |FALTHBS |
|Zophar, Form 1 |ZOPHBS1 |
|Zophar, Form 2 |ZOPHBS2 |
|Zophar, Form 3 |ZOPHBS3 |

VII. Bromides
VIII. Special Items
IX. Bestiary
XI. Things of Note in LUNAR 2
XII. Conclusion/Contact

>>>From the instruction book...

Welcome back to the magical world of LUNAR! Over a thousand years have
passed since Dragonmaster Alex and his companions crushed the evil ambitions
of Ghaleon and rescued Luna. From that time forward, LUNAR was at peace.
With the passing of time, however, the details of that epic conflict
were lost. But, ancient writings scattered in the ruins around LUNAR bear
silent witness to LUNAR's mysterious past. A boy named, oddly enough, Hiro is
fascinated by these stories. He lives with his grandfather Gwyn, an
arcaheologist who has shown him the wonder of history. now, Hiro and his
longtime friend Ruby often steal away to explore the ruins nearby -- even
though Gwyn has told them not to go without him.
The story that fascinates Hiro most is the one that tells of the time
when Althena lived in human form, a Dragonmaster named Alex controlled the
four Dragons, and a magic city flew in the sky. To most, these stories seem
like fairy tales, but to Hiro they seem just as real as the smell of Grandpa
Gwyn's liniments in the morning. Many believe that the inhabitants of LUNAR
lived on the Blue Star before the Goddess brought them to this world. Hiro
hopes to find a link between his world and the Blue Star by exploring the
ancient ruins near his Grandpa's home. There are so many questions to be
answered, and unfortunately for all, the answers are coming...


January 15 - Sorry for the long wait! I had to go on a quick excursion to
Tampa (FL) for the All-State Band festival, and I got way behind. Rest
assured, I will continue to update as I did before!

January 26 - Why the lack of delays lately? I've been obsessed with Final
Fantasy 9 lately, and now that I've (finally) finished it, I can get back to
the FAQ!

February 16 - NEW FEATURE! I have looked at other people's FAQs on GameFAQs
and saw a GREAT idea. Many people come to a FAQ looking for specific boss
fight details or walkthrough help. They find it hard to find this particular
spot in the FAQ, however, because the FAQ is so large. He're the idea: I have
placed a keyword (or key set of letters and numbers, like B0002) at the
beginning of every section of this FAQ. Each keyword for each section is
listed in the TABLE OF CONTENTS.

To use this feature you must utilize the find function of your web browser or
document viewer. To utilize it, press the CTRL and F buttons on your keyboard
simultaneosly. Then, type in the keyword and click "Find Next". The first time
you click this, it should highlight the keyword in the Table of Contents.
Click it again to jump to the section you are looking for.

In the future, I plan to have LOTS of cross-references throughout the FAQ.
However, if I type B0001 in the contents, the actual spot it is located at,
and three other reference locations, it may be difficult to figure out exactly
which one you are looking for. Once I've overcome this hurdle, I'll do some
more stuff.

ALSO, by the way, I'm not sure if everyone knows where I get the names of all
the areas in the game enclosed in <>. To get these locations,
go to the save menu. The location you are at is at the bottom of the window.

February 24 - TWO NEW FEATURES! Here's the first: Starting from the place the
walkthrough left off, I will now be elaborating on the storyline, the
characters, and relationships. You can tell the story-checks apart from the
game text because they will be in text boxes with the heading "The Story".

The second feature... So far, I have been neglecting the "Tactics" function in
the game. This function can be utilized to kill a group of enemies very
easily. I will now create a section for each area with enemies called
"Tactics" and will give three tactics, each with the action that should be
taken by the character. I will assign a letter to each tactic. In the enemy
lists for each area, I will put a letter next to each enemy group, and that
shows the tactic you should use on turn 1 to dispense of the most enemies.
This is so it makes the game easier for YOU, and that's because YOU are the
one reading and benefitting from this FAQ.


Platform: Playstation
US Producer: Working Designs (
MSRP: $59.99
Game CDs: 3
Also included: 1 "Making of Lunar 2" video CD
1 LUNAR 2 Soundtrack CD (running time: 73:31)
1 Hardcover Eternal Blue instruction book
Omake Box with:
-Full-size, wearable Lucia's Pendant
-Two-sided game map
-17 cardboard mini character standees

Thank you for choosing this LUNAR guide for all your LUNAR needs. In designing
this guide, I have tried to make it so that readers can easily find what
they're looking for, follow directions easily, but not have to take their eyes
off the TV screen every three seconds to stare at the guide. Some players want
to be able to collect all the items and make sure they have everything but
they want to do it on their own with only a little bit of help. Others,
however, wanrand it of what it in to be guided through the world of LUNAR
step-by-step. With this in mind I have designed this walkthrough for LUNAR:
Eternal Blue.

For each and every area of the game, there are two sections in this guide.
The first section is simply a list of things you should do in this area before
going on to another area. For instance, I will list all of the items to be
obtained in an area. I will list any enemies to be found, along with important
things you should do such as flip a switch or read a sign.

In the second section, I will provide a detailed walkthrough of the directions
you should travel, the enemies you'll meet, information about characters you
see, and, of course, a touch of my own dry humor.

However, I will write the walkthrough for towns a bit differently. I will
simply list key people you should talk to, key things you should witness, and,
in general, things you should do while in town. At the end of each town
section, you'll find a list of weapons and armor. In this list, I will
recommend the weapons and armor that you should buy for your characters, along
with what you should sell. This is so you can read the objectives only if you
just want a general idea of what to do.

About MUSICCHECKs: For this FAQ, I decided it would be kind of neat to include
little side notes about the music heard in LUNAR 2. As you read through my
FAQ, you'll see little boxes called Musicchecks. You'll understand what I mean
when you read one. :)


LUNAR 2 is the _very_ long-awaited sequel to Lunar: Silver Star Story
Complete. This game, Lunar 1, was released quite a while ago in the US as a
Playstation game. Like LUNAR 2, it was "complete" and had a soundtrack, cloth
map, hardcover instruction book, and Making-of CD.

In a world where graphics are seeming to become the sole factor at determining
whether or not a game is good, it's nice to have a game like LUNAR 2 come out
to demonstrate how wrong we are. LUNAR 2's graphics, are, at best, SNES-


But this means NOTHING. At all. Lunar 2 has one of the most immersive
storylines I have ever experienced in an RPG. Battles are simple yet there's
enough action to keep you captivated. Bosses are extremely difficult.

Every single character in the LUNAR game changes in some way before the game
ends. Whether it's a change of attitude toward someone or a complete change of
values, it's the dynamicness of the characters that creates such an
interesting LUNAR story.

Why not a 10? Well, though the anime cutscenes are superb and the dialogue is
funny, sometimes the story can get a bit cheesy. Just a bit, though. It's not
that bad, and certainly not a thing to keep you from buying this game.

And, you get a bunch of extras with it! A full-size Lucia Pendant, over a
dozen mini character stands, an awesome soundtrack, and a "MAKING OF LUNAR 2"
video cd make LUNAR 2 all worth the $59.95 you'll have to shell out.


Graphics - 7
As said, the graphics are par. They're not bad, they're just old-fashioned. If
graphics is all you go for in a game, then bless your poor soul and don't buy

Gameplay/Story - 9
As I stated before, the gameplay in LUNAR is really immersive. When you're
done with the game, or even halfway through, you really feel like you've met
these characters and experiences their own emotions. Full of unexpected plot
twists and turns, the story is masterfully written.

Music - 10
The music for this game was COMPOSED by Noriuyuki Iwadare, who is, in my
opinion, second only to Nobuo Uematsu in the world of video game music
composition. The music retains classical qualities that make the game feel
like a fantasy world, while at the same time adding newer music qualities like
drum sets and electric guitars to make the game feel close to home.
The CD soundtrack included with the game really lets you enjoy the music more.
When you first listen to it, the music will seem like nothing special, but by
the end of Disc 1, you'll find yourself going back to listen to the cool
arranged songs.
The singing voice of Lucia for EB Theme and Lucia's Theme is beautiful, too.
The lyrics are great, and the songs really get across their meaning in many
I'm babbling again, aren't I? :)

The controls of LUNAR 2 are extremely easy to learn. You can experiment and
master the controller in five minutes. The menus of the game are a bit
complicated, but within an hour or so, things will clear up.

This is a MUST-BUY. Lunar 2 is a classic trip down two roads: the road of past
classic RPGs and the road paving the way to the future of gaming.

|\ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= /|
-------| \ Part I / |--------
-------| / The Box/Goodies + Controls \ |--------
L 2 |/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- \| E B


Working Designs, the company that created LUNAR, states that "no US
console RPG has ever had the kind of packaging and presentation present with
LUNAR 2." And this is probably true -- just look at the box! Inside this box,
there is another whole box full of LUNAR 2 goodies. These include mini-
character standees, the game map, and an awesome full-size Lucia pendant.
Working Designs spent a lot of time on the instruction book as one can see.
It's gorgeous, with its hard cover and blue shiny page sides and red ribbons.
Inside the instruction book, there are cool interviews with some of the game's
key creators and lots and lots of game art.
Speaking of music, also included with LUNAR to complete is a CD
soundtrack of the songs from the game. Not all songs are included, but the
ones that are have been replayed on better synthesizers and enhanced and added
to. Here's the tracklist.

1. Star Dragon's Theme ['95 Mix] (2:43)

The first track of this CD is quite a fanfare. And it's decent -- definitely
not one of the best tracks on this CD. Maybe it's because I personally can't
relate to it. I've never heard this song before.

2. Ghaleon's Theme (3:40)

This one's kinda cool. Not much to say. :)

3. Promenade (2:46)

Actually, Promenade is one of my favorite songs on this CD. Good melody,
AWESOME countermelody, and bongos in the background keep it lively and upbeat.
A gem!

4. Field to Tomorrow (2:39)

Oh gosh, I forget what the technique is called -- When a music composer puts a
big contrast in a song. In this one: You have short, staccato string plucks
while at the same time a smooth legato oboe carries the melody. VERY
effective. Great orchestral piece.

5. Crowded Street Corner (3:06)

In my FAQ, I call this a "rehash" of Lucia's Theme. But you know? This one
sorta grows on you after a while. It's fitting as a city song and sounds like
a twin brother of the old "Meribia" song from LUNAR 1.

6. Gypsy Heart [Jean's Theme] (4:24)

This soung would be REALLY boring if not for the dynamic melodies and the
style change in the middle. Style 1 gets boring just at the point where it
changes: to a fast Spanish-style tune. It's perfect for its purpose: something
for Jean to get her groove on to. The violin is great, but they could have
actually used a REAL violinist...

7. Brave Warriors (3:48)

Ah, the fight song! LUNAR 1 veterans remember this one. It's good that they
put it on the CD. A clear-up of the instrument synth and some cool re-
arranging make this an above-average selection.

8. Holding On [Lemina's Theme] (2:46)

Lemina and her theme are present on this soundtrack. This one is quick and
upbeat, making the title, "Holding On", rather unfitting. Yet it fits
perfectly, because yes, she's an upbeat, happy little girl, and there are
certain things she must hold on to, emotionally, in the game.

9. White Mask Funk [Mystere's Theme] (2:18)

Ah, unfortunately, Iwadare screwed up on this one. It's really boring, and
IMHO the worst track on the CD. I skip it every time.

10. Wine, Women, and Song [Ronfar's Theme] (2:37) say the least...this track is a great example of Iwadare's
scope of musical styles covered in his composition. Not bad, but not the best.

11. Eternal Blue [Instrumental] (2:32)

While it is not a complete instrumental of Eternal Blue, this selection
features a flute and piano. Pretty good!

12. Desire (3:45)

This inspiring piano/bass duet seems like a singer could come in instead of
the flute. Of course, it's yet another rendition of Lucia's Theme, but when
you start out with such greatness, it's tough to make it better!

13. Justice [Leo's Theme] (1:35)

This one is another fave of mine. Fast, majestic, and solid. It would make a
great band or orchestra arrangement. If only Iwadare had made it longer. :(

14. Boss Battle (1:50)

I've always been intrigued by this boss battle song. It seem sless frantic and
wild than the plain battle song. But you know something? It seems heavy with
danger, foreboding, and a sense of urgency. Yeah, urgency would be the best
word to sum up this one.

15. Hiro's Fight (1:29)

This is the song that plays as you fight the more major bosses. It's the most
danger-sounding one of all, probably. Here's what I think: Whenever a composer
tries to go crazy and create an extremely frantic boss theme, he screws up
horribly. That's unless his name is Nobuo Uematsu, Yasunori Mitsuda, or
Noriyuki Iwadare. And Iwadare succeeds here!

16. Eternal Blue [Rondo-Light and Shadows] (5:02)

A legend of old.
A story forgotten.
The memories of true love
stolen from time.

A darkened romance.
Try hard to remember.
A doorway to the heart
beckons your mind!

And now, a corner of night
can lift the weight from you.
It's in your hands.
If just you understand.

A destiny lost.
A bond that's been broken.
The memories, of a time
the slipped away.

Just open your mind
the way lies before you.
A doorway to the heart
you seek to find.

Love can change the key you hold
into a gilded chance
So tear a memory from your mind
and make it real.

Blue Star above me,
Your mystic shimmer tells of love I should know.
Whisper your secret
to soothe my doubt and calm my fear.

Blue Star above me,
when shadows lengthen and the dark looms ever closer,
turn on your shine and hold me near.

When the comet pulls the bow,
The stars begin their dance.

The time when destiny and hope
will give birth again.

Then if it's to be,
I'll find a glimmer of the life I should know.
Only that moment
Can show me what I hold so dear.

Until that moment, I'll find some comfort in the love
within my slumber.
Turn on your charm and hold me near.

Blue Star above me,
Your mystic shimmer tells of love I should know.
Whisper your secret
to soothe my doubt and calm my fear.

Blue Star above me,
when shadows lengthen and the dark looms ever closer,
turn on your shine and hold me near.

Aaahhh...what perfect lyrics to such a symbolic song. It's so fitting for the
game! You know, it takes a bit of getting used to. But listen to the song five
times (not in a row!) and you'll be hooked. It's musical magic!

One thing, though. "When the comet pulls the bow" ... Is that a Japanese
idiom? I can't seem to draw any symbolism out of that. Can any overseas
players help out a clueless person?

17. Golden Voice (2:49)

This is Althena's Theme, heard in LUNAR 1. Like Lucia's Theme in LUNAR 2, this
was a central tune to LUNAR 1. A beautiful ballad complete with flute,
strings, and harp.

18. Lucia vs. Zophar (2:23)

"Zophar, I will not allow you to corrupt this world!" - Lucia. Unfortunately,
though, as she says this, her words speak louder than her actions. This tune
is very ominous and suggestive of great impending danger. Quick in the middle!

19. Growing Fear (3:25)

This one blew me away when I first heard it on the CD. You know, the theme
itself in the game is neat, but is lacks the clearness and precision heard
here. I don't know how to describe it, but tt's GREAT on this CD! The major
chords played by the piano in the middle are awesome, and they serve as a
bridge to the second section near the middle of the song.

20. Heart-Shaped Tears (2:52)

This one seems kind of boring. Maybe when I hear it in context of the game, it
won't seem so draggy.

21. Zophar's Arrival (2:23)

This song also plays when you see Neo-Vane. Freaky! It's cool, but I think
they should have cut off the last beat of each eight-count phrase and made it
a 7/4 time song. Those who know music know what I'm talking about. It would
make the song seem more eerie, which is what Iwadare was going for here, I'm

22. Somber Memories (4:01)

Oh, the sadness song. Boo-hoo. This song would be boring had I not heard it in
the game first. And that's what makes all the songs here so listenable, you
know? It's the fact that you HEARD them in the game, and they are made better
and more gorgeous on this CD.

23. Dragonship Destiny (2:39)

A majestic fanfare fitting for the Dragonship Destiny. For me, it gives the
vision of standing right at the front of the ship, watching as the scenery
unfolds before you as the Destiny speeds along. My only complaint: I think
they introduced this song in the game too early. It seems more of like the
song you hear on the airship you get at the end of the game.

24. Lucia's Theme (5:39)

When I was alone as one,
my eyes were as blind, I know.
Sky brilliant with blue elegance,
I couldn't behold.

When I was alone as one,
my heart was ice, so cold.
Wind whispering sweet melodies,
I could not behold.

Sight to my eyes,
and warmth to my heart,
your love has been such to me.

Pull closer now,
And strengthen my leaning,love to heal all my wounds.

When our hearts both beat in time,
There's magic in your smile.
It seems there's nothing we cen't do.

And within your warm embrace,
my heart will find a place
Even from afar,
Our love forever shall be

When I was alone as one,
my eyes were as blind, I know.
Sky brilliant with blue elegance,
I couldn't behold.

When I was alone as one,
my heart was ice, so cold.
Wind whispering sweet melodies,
I could not behold.

Sight to my eyes,
and warmth to my heart,
your love has been such to me.

Pull closer now,
And strengthen my leaning,
Toward love to heal all my wounds.

When our hearts both beat in time,
There's magic in your smile.
It seems there's nothing we cen't do.

And within your warm embrace,
my heart will find a place
Even from afar,
Our love forever shall be

When our hearts both beat in time,
There's magic in your smile.
I know there's nothing we can't do.

And within your warm embrace,
my heart will find a place
Even from afar,
Our love eternal shall be

This song is proof that there is truly magic in music. It's such a divine
thing, it can't be described. Turn the music up and lose yourself in the
gorgeous melodies. When the song is over, you will not be the same person.

Music is so special. It embodies feeling that we as humans cannot describe
with mere words. Even words in music can't show emotions as much as the music
itself can. And sweet Lucia, though we understand that she has finally come to
recognize her love for Hiro in this song, has feelings that I can't write down
on the printed word. Listen to the music. Let it fill your soul. Feel the
feelings. You'll wish the song never ended.

I'm not going to rate this song. It's too good for a mere rating. As I said,
it's magic. I'm not going to talk about the individual instruments. They're
not important. It's the music -- the full product. The magical package
delivered to your heart through harmonious sounds and meaningful, symbolic

If you think I'm some sort of wierdo or artistic freak for writing this, I
truly pity you. You are missing out on one of life's greatest treasures and
pleasures -- the sound, and the magic, of music.


Also included in the box with the game CDs is a "Making of LUNAR 2" video
CD. Simply pop this into your Playstation, grab some popcorn, and enjoy!
Well, that's about it... Now on to bigger and better things!



OK, so you've lost the instruction book. Or maybe you've rented the game and
some lowlife before you took the instructions. Whatever the reason, it may be
helpful for you to review the controls for LUNAR 2: Eternal Blue.

Basically, there are three types of scenarios in LUNAR: Menus, Battles, and
Field. The purposes of each button in each of these are outlined here.

| MENU |
|Square |Accesses menu. |
|X |Selects item/command. |
|Circle |Cancels previous selection/exits menu |
|D-pad |Moves Ruby/cursor. |

|Circle |Leaves menu/cancels previous |
| |selection or character. |
|X |Selects item/command. |
|D-pad |Moves Ruby/cursor. |

|X |Talk/examine/open chest/read text. |
|D-pad |Moves character/text selection. |

|\ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= /|
-------| \ Part II / |--------
-------| / Characters/Magic \ |--------
L 2 |/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- \| E B

NOTE: These are only the attacks that the characters themselves learn while
leveling up, NOT crest magics.
|1 |One |
|2 |All |
|3 |Zone |
|4 |Straight Line |

| | ==============================================================
| | H I R O
| |__ ==============================================================
|_____| 2

Hiro is an adventurous youth who was greatly influenced by his grandfather's
love of arcaheology. Legends of the Four Dragons, Dragonmasters, ancient
battles, and the Goddess Althena fascinate him. He hopes that by unlocking the
secrets of the past, he will be able to understand the future. Although he's
not supposed to explore the ancient ruins near his home without his
grandfather Gwyn, Hiro and Ruby frequently break this rule. Fortunately, he's
pretty handy with a boomerang.


Description: Delivers a whack and then comes back
MP/Range: 3/1
Level Learned: Initial
Morph: No
Elemental: Wind
Description: Hiro hops high and hits hard
MP/Range: 6/1
Level Learned: 7
Morph: No
Elemental: Non-attribute
Description: Create a windy diversion
MP/Range: 7/Zone
Level Learned: 9
Morph: No
Elemental: Wind
Description: Hiro lets it rip with a wind bomb
MP/Range: 10/Zone
Level Learned: 16
Morph: No
Elemental: Wind
Description: Death-dealing wind attack
MP/Range: 10/All
Level Learned: 20
Morph: No
Description: A double-dose of flying wood
MP/Range: 6/1
Level Learned: 24
Morph: from Boomerang
Elemental: Wind
Description: Ain't no calm before THIS storm
MP/Range: 14/Zone
Level Learned: 27
Morph: from Squall
Elemntal: Wind
Description: Dash and slash in a line
MP/Range: 14/Straight Line
Level Learned: 30
Morph: No
Elemental: Non-attribute
Description: A flurry of furious funnels
MP/Range: 20/All
Level Learned: 37
Morph: from Vortex
Elemental: Wind
Description: Hiro unleashes the bang
MP/Range: 20/All
Level Learned: 41
Morph: no
Elemental: Non-attribute
Description: Three strikes and the enemy's out
MP/Range: 30/One
Level Learned: 50
Morph: no
Elemental: Non-attribute

| | ==============================================================
| | R O N F A R
| |__ ==============================================================
|_____| 2

Ronfar is rumored to have been a priest for the Goddess Althena. He possesses
impressive healing powers. When he was unable to save his true love from an
evil spell, he swore he would never accused magic again. He now spends most of
his time in bars winning people's money.He also tends to make decisions on the
throw of the dice. His dice, like his charm, seem to be magic, because they
never let him down. He's a womanizer who's always concerned about the fairer
sex, and they're usually all too happy to return his affections!



Description: Restores some HP to one ally
MP/Range: 14/1
Level Learned: Initial
Morph: No
Elemental: Healing
Description: Restores some HP to all allies
MP/Range: 12/All
Level Learned: Initial
Morph: No
Elemntal: Healing
Description: Higher rolls equal more damage
MP/Range: 2/1
Level Learned: Initial
Morph: No
Elemental: Fire
Description: A big-damage crapshoot
MP/Range: 5/All
Level Learned: 12
Morph: No
Elemental: Non-attribute
Note: 50% chance of success
Description: One ally regains HP after each turn (about 25)
MP/Range: 5/1
Level Learned: 15
Morph: No
Elemental: Healing
Description: Teleport to the dungeon entrance
MP/Range: 2/Special
Level Learned: 16
Morph: No
Elemental: Special
Note: Use at Dragon Caves
Description: One ally is cured of all conditions
MP/Range: 3/1
Level Learned: 17
Morph: No
Elemental: Healing
Description: Recovers all HP of one ally
MP/Range: 12/1
Level Learned: 18
Morph: No
Elemental: Healing
Description: Awakens one fainted ally
MP/Range: 12/1
Level Learned: 21: No
Elemental: Healing
Description: Steals HP from enemies
MP/Range: 8/1
Level Learned: 26
Morph: No
Elemental: Healing
Description: May revive fainted allies
MP/Range: 20/All
Level Learned: 30
Morph: No
Elemental: Healing
Description: Recovers most HP of all allies
MP/Range: 24/All
Level Learned: 34
Morph: from Calm Litany
Elemental: Healing
Description: All allies steal HP from all enemies
MP/Range: 24/All
Level Learned: 38
Morph: from Light Litany
Elemental: Healing
Description: All allies regain HP after every turn
MP/Range: 20/All
Level Learned: 42
Morph: from Saint Litany
Elemental: Healing
Description: All allies are cured of all conditions
MP/Range: 18/All
Level Learned: 54
Morph: no
Elemental: Healing

| | ==============================================================
| | J E A N
| |__ ==============================================================
|_____| 2

Jean is a dancer in the Carnival and is highly valued for her talents. She's
a tomboy with a big-sister complex, who can be a bit overbearing at times.
She tends not to develop strong relationships with people. However, Jean is an
extremely talented fighter. Those in the Carnival say she was trained to fight
as a child. Unfortunately, her past is going to catch up with her, and it may
not be a pretty sight!



Description: Potent poison attack
MP/Range: 6/1
Level Learned: Initial
Morph: No
Elemental: Posion
Description: Sends the target to dreamland
MP/Range: 5/1
Level Learned: Initial
Morph: No
Elemental: Sleep
Description: A paralyzing super-sting
MP/Range: 7/1
Level Learned: Initial
Morph: No
Elemental: Paralysis
Description: May cause confusion
MP/Range: 9/1
Level Learned: 17
Morph: No
Elemental: Confusion
Description: Poisonous group attack
MP/Range: 9/Zone
Level Learned: 20
Morph: from Moth Dance
Elemental: Poison
Description: Causes enemies to take power naps
MP/Range: 9/Zone
Level Learned: 23
Morph: from Sleep Step
Elemental: Sleep
Description: Paralyzes a group of enemies
MP/Range: 12/Zone
Level Learned: 26
Morph: from Bee Dance
Elemental: Paralysis
Desctription: Call Jean's deadly doppleganger
MP/Range: 16/Special
Level Learned: Learned when Jean wears martial arts clothes.
Morph: No
Elemental: NA
Description: Jean's foe feels the bite
MP/Range: 10/1
Level Learned: Learned when Jean wears martial arts clothes.
Morph: No
Elemental: Non-attribute
Description: Jean streaks across the battlefield
MP/Range: 14/Straight Line
Level Learned: 36
Morph: No
Elemental: Non-attribute
Description: Jean releases her fighting spirit
MP/Range: 14/Special
Level Learned: 41
Morph: No
Elemental: Special
Description: Every enemy gets an uppercut
MP/Range: 32/All
Level Learned: 46
Morph: No
Elemental: Non-attribute
Description: Call a more powerful doppleganger
MP/Range: 32/Special
Level Learned: 51
Morph: from Dopple Dance
Elemental: Blue Magic

| | ==============================================================
| | L E M I N A
| |__ ==============================================================
|_____| 2

Lemina is the Junior Premiere of the Magic Guild of Vane. Unlike her mother,
Miria, she doesn't seem to understand the legacy of the great magicians that
inhabited this ancient city, and doesn't seem to possess any of their noble
qualities. Instead, she seems to be a very selfish and arrogant girl who's
only concerned with money. Yet, at times, she does let people see a softer
side. Despite her greedy demeanor, her magic kills are extremely powerful.
Can Hiro afford to have her in his party?



Description: Hot flaming death
MP/Range: 4/1
Level Learned: Initial
Morph: No
Elemental: Fire
Description: Explosive fiery attack
MP/Range: 7/Zone
Level Learned: Initial
Morph: No
Elemental: Fire
Description: Multi-part flmaing destruction
MP/Range: 10/All
Level Learned: Initial
Morph: No
Elemental: Fire
Description: A toasty increase of attack power
MP/Range: 9/1
Level Learned: Initial
Morph: No
Elemental: Status
Description: Prevents an enemy from using magic
MP/Range: 3/1
Level Learned: Initial
Morph: No
Elemental: Seal
Description: An arrow of frozen water
MP/Range: 4/1
Level Learned: Initial
Morph: No
Elemental: Ice
Description: Frigid projectiles cause heavy damage
MP/Range: 7/Zone
Level Learned: Initial
Morph: No
Elemental: Ice
Description: Searing icy claw attack
MP/Range: 10/All
Level Learned: Initial
Morph: No
Elemental: Ice
Description: A frozen barrier of protection
MP/Range: 8/1
Level Learned: 21
Morph: No
Elemental: Status
Description: Spontaneous enemy combustion
MP/Range: 8/1
Level Learned: 22
Morph: from Flame
Elemental: Status
Description: Cancels out status-altering spells
MP/Range: 3/1
Level Learned: 24
Morph: No
Elemental: Healing
Description: Three piercing projectiles
MP/Range: 16/1
Level Learned: 27
Morph: from Ice Pick
Elemental: Ice
Description: Clears the field of elemental magic
MP/Range: 18/Field
Level Learned: 32
Morph: No
Elemental: Special
Description: Ashes to ashes, butts to dust
MP/Range: 30/All
Level Learned: 34
Morph: from Burning Rain
Elemental: Fire
Description: Prevents enemies from using magic
MP/Range: 9/Zone
Level Learned: 38
Morph: from Magic Seal
Elemental: Seal
Description: Lemina pilfers an enemy's MP
MP/Range: 1/One
Level Learned: ??
Morph: no
Elemental: ??
Description: A massive boost of defensive power
MP/Range: 16/One
Level Learned: 40
Morph: from Ice Shield
Elemental: Status
Description: Boosts Magic Defense of allies
MP/Range: 18/Special
Level Learned: 42
Morph: no
Elemental: Status
Description: Huge hunks of hail
MP/Range: 21/Zone
Level Learned: 44
Morph: from Ice Lance
Elemental: Ice
Description: Cause falling icy desctruction
MP/Range: 20/All
Level Learned: 46
Morph: from Freeze Claw
Elemental: Ice
Description: An omni-elemental attack spell
MP/Range: 55/All
Level Learned: 51
Morph: no
Elemental: Any. It will take advantage of ANY enemy weaknesses.

| | ==============================================================
| | L E O
| |__ ==============================================================
|_____| 2

This part-human, part-beast is a staunch supporter of the Goddess Althena. In
fact, White Night Leo is the leader of Althena's Guard, a group of elite
soldiers sworn to protect and uphold the orders of the Goddess. Althena has
granted Lord Leo with the use of the Dragonship Destiny. Destiny allows him
to roam freely around the world of LUNAR to keep its inhabitants safe. His
skill as a swordsman is unmatched by any human. He is searching for a
Destroyer that has come to LUNAR. Can Hiro help him find it?



Description: Deadly magically-levitated rocks
MP/Range: 4/1
Level Learned: Initial
Morph: No
Elemental: Earth
Description: Rock Avalance/Range: 8/Zone
Level Learned: Intial
Morph: No
Elemental: Earth
Description: Shakes, rattles, and rolls the ground
MP/Range: 10/All
Level Learned: Initial
Morph: No
Elemental: Earth
Description: A stunning series of sword-strikes
MP/Range: 8/1
Level Learned: Initial
Morph: No
Elemental: Non-attribute
Description: Holy light bombards the enemy
MP/Range: 18/Zone
Level Learned: Initial
Morph: No
Elemental: Non-attribute
Description: Shining forth on the bad guys
MP/Range: 20/All
Level Learned: Initial
Morph: No
Elemental: Non-attribute
Description: Multi-rock MADNESS!
MP/Range: 14/Zone
Level Learned: 36
Morph: from Rock Crush
Elemental: Earth

| | ==============================================================
| | G W Y N
| |__ ==============================================================
|_____| 2

Gwyn is an aging scholar who dreams about making his mark in the world
of archaeology before he dies. He's devoted his entire life to the study of
the Blue Tower and similar ruins, and has become a notable expert. He's taught
Hiro and Ruby how to explore the ancient ruins near his home, though he's
warned them never to go there without him But, will Gwyn's quest for fun and
adventure turn out to be his last?



Description: Restores some HP to one ally
MP/Range: 4/1
Level Learned: Initial
Morph: No
Elemental: Healing
Description: Restores some HP to all allies
MP/Range: 12/All
Level Learned: Intial
Morph: No
Elemental: Healing
Description: Reduces the target's defense rating
MP/Range: 6/1
Level Learned: 10
Morph: No
Elemental: Status
Description: Reduces the target's attack rating
MP/Range: 6/1
Level Learned: 12
Morph: No
Elemental: Status




Ruby has been Hiro's constant companion for as long as anyone can remember.
She claims to be the offspring of a dragon, but Hiro doesn't quite believe
her. Like another little dragon, she has a bad habit of speaking her mind at
the wrong time. Sooner or later, this little wisecracker's bound to get Hiro
into a lot of trouble.


Blue Master Lunn is the current governor of Meribia. He looks after many of
the towns in the area, keeping them out of harm's way. He has also
established the town of Horam to further instruct people in the martial arts.
The people that know Lunn think he is the greatest of the Four Heroes, but he
views himself as a humble servant to the Goddess, at least in public. Some
have come to question Lumn's true motives. If only they knew his secret...


Despite his rather ghastly appearance, Black Wizard Borgan claims to have a
heart of gold. His magic is without equal among any person in the known
world. Since he draws upon the power of the Black Dragon for his strength and
magical abilities, he has an endless supply of power. His primary goal is to
bring the Magical Guild of Vane back to its original glory, but in a glorious
all-new city he has designed. He spends most of his time in service to the
Goddess Althena, but he still finds time to help people develop their magic
skills. Will Borgan have a task for Hiro at the Guild?

|\ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= /|
-------| \ Part III / |--------
-------| / Weapons/Accessories \ |--------
L 2 |/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- \| E B

| | ==============================================================
| | W E A P O N S
| |__ ==============================================================
|_____| 2

For: All

Attack: +2 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: +1 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: All
Found: Gwyn's Place

Attack: +6 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: +1 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: All

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: +1 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: All

Attack: +20 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: +1 Wisdom: 0 Luck: +7
For: Hiro

Attack: +22 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Hiro

Attack: +23 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Hiro

Attack: +31 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Hiro

Attack: +40 Agility: 0 MagDef: +5
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Hiro

Attack: +49 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Hiro

Attack: +70 Agility:-5 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: -5 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Hiro

Attack: +67 Agility: 0 MagDef:+2
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: +2 Luck: 0
For: Hiro

Attack: +77 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Hiro
Found: Horam Weapons Shop

Attack: +76 Agility:+5 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Hiro
Found: Neo-Vane Weapons Shop

Attack: +85 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: +5 Luck: 0
For: Hiro
Found: Raculi Weapons Shop
Price: 10340$

Attack: +94 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +2 Speed: +2 Range: +2
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Hiro
Found: Talk to Nall in Epilogue
Price: --

Attack: +101 Agility:+7 MagDef:+7
Defense: +7 Speed: +7 Range: +7
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: +7 Luck: +7

HELP! I discarded Ronfar's first weapon and sold his Mace! Can anyone email me
and tell me the stats for these?

For: Ronfar

Attack: +19 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Ronfar

Attack: +31 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Ronfar

Attack: +42 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Ronfar

Attack: +31 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Ronfar

Attack: +63 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Ronfar
Found: Horam Weapons Shop

Attack: +72 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Ronfar
Found: Zaback Weapons Shop

Attack: +80 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Ronfar
Found: Raculi Weapons Shop
Cost: 8800$

Attack: +88 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Ronfar
Found: Althena's Tower (Althena's Road 2)

Attack: +93 Agility: 0 MagDef:+9
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: +8 Luck: 0
For: Jean

Attack: +29 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Jean

Attack: +36 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Jean

Attack: +43 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Jean

Attack: +50 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Jean
Obtained: Automatically

Attack: +55 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Jean
Found: Zaback Weapons Shop

Attack: +66 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Jean
Obtained: Raculi Item Shop

Attack: +77 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Jean
Obtained: Althena's Road 5 (Althena's Tower)

Attack: +87 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Lemina
Elemental: Non-attribute

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Lemina
Elemental: Wind

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Lemina
Elemental: Fire

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Lemina
Elemental: Earth

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Lemina
Elemental: Thunder

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Lemina
Elemental: none; Lemina steals from enemies

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Lemina
Elemental: Fire Zone

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Lemina
Elemental: Ice

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Lemina
Elemental: Wind Zone
Obtained: Blue Dragon Cave

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Lemina
Elemental: Earth
Obtained: Neo-Trial Cave B4

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Lemina
Elemental: Lightning Zone
Obtained: Black Dragon Cave 2

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0

| | ==============================================================
| | S H I E L D S / B R A C E L E T S
| |__ ==============================================================
|_____| 2

For: All

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +2 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: All

Attack: +2 Agility: +2 MagDef: +2
Defense: +20 Speed: +2 Range: +2
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: +2 Luck: +2
For: Hiro

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +5 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Hiro

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +5 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Hiro

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +15 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Hiro

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +20 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Hiro

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +25 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Hiro
Found: Horam Armor Shop

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +31 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Hiro
Found: Neo-Vane Armor Shop

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +36 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Hiro
Found: Althena's Road 6 (Althena's Tower)

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +42 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Ronfar

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +4 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Ronfar

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +8 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Ronfar

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Ronfar

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +17 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Ronfar

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +22 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Ronfar
Found: Horam Armor Shop

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +27 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Ronfar
Found: Zaback Armor Shop

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +32 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Ronfar
Found: Althena's Road 7 (Althena's Tower)

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +38 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Jean
Obtained: Automatically

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +26 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Jean
Obtained: Zaback Armor Shop

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +31 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Jean
Obtained: Red Dragon Cave 3

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +36 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Jean, Lemina

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +15 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Jean, Lemina

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +3 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Jean, Lemina

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +8 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Jean, Lemina

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +13 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Jean, Lemina

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +18 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Jean, Lemina

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +22 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Jean, Lemina
Found: Neo-Vane Armor Shop

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +25 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Lemina
Found: Serak Palace 2F

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +33 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0

| | ==============================================================
| | H E A D G E A R
| |__ ==============================================================
|_____| 2

For: All

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +15 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: +2
For: Ronfar

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +2 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Ronfar

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +3 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Ronfar

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +6 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Ronfar

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +12 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: +2 Luck: 0
For: Ronfar

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef:+2
Defense: +15 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Ronfar

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef:+1
Defense: +18 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: +1 Luck: 0
For: Ronfar
Found: Zaback Armor Shop

Attack: 0 Agility:+1 MagDef: 0
Defense: +21 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: +1 Luck: 0
For: Ronfar
Found: Althena's Road 8 (Althena's Tower)

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef:+6
Defense: +24 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Hiro

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +2 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Hiro

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +5 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Hiro

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +9 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Hiro

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +13 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Hiro
Found: Horam Armor Shop

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +21 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Hiro
Found: Neo-Vane Armor Shop

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +25 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Hiro
Found: Serak Palace 3F

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +29 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Jean, Lemina

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +3 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Jean, Lemina
Found: Defeat enemies in Mystic Ruins

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +6 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Jean, Lemina

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +9 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Jean, Lemina

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef:+8
Defense: +8 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Jean, Lemina

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +12 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Jean, Lemina

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +15 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Jean, Lemina
Found: Blue Dragon Cave, Automatically for Jean

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +18 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Jean, Lemina
Found: Zabck Armor Shop

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +21 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Jean, Lemina
Found: Serak Palace 2F, Red Dragon Cave 1

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +24 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0

| | ==============================================================
| | A R M O R
| |__ ==============================================================
|_____| 2

For: All

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +3 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: All

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +6 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: All

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +30 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: All

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +15 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: +2
For: All
Note: Character is asleep at battle beginning

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +3 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: All
Found: Neo-Vane Guild 4
Note: Character is asleep at battle beginning

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +3 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: All
Found: Raculi House 2
Note: Character is asleep at battle beginning

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +66 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Hiro, Ronfar

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +12 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Hiro, Ronfar

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +18 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Hiro

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +26 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Hiro

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +32 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Hiro

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +40 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Hiro
Found: Horam Armor Shop

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +48 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Hiro
Found: Neo-Vane Armor Shop

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +56 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Hiro
Found: Red Dragon Cave 2

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +50 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Ronfar

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef:+1
Defense: +23 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Ronfar

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef:+1
Defense: +7 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Ronfar

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef:+3
Defense: +37 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Ronfar

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef:+4
Defense: +44 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Ronfar
Found: Zaback Armor Shop

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef:+5
Defense: +52 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Ronfar
Found: Serak Palace 3F

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef:+6
Defense: +60 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Jean

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +26 Speed: 0 Range: 0: 0
Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Jean

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +18 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Jean

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +34 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Jean

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +42 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Jean
Obtained: Automatically

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +53 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Jean
Obtained: Zaback Armor Shop

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +61 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Jean
Obtained: Serak Palace 3F

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +69 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: Lemina

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef:+3
Defense: +21 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: +3 Luck: 0
For: Lemina

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef:+2
Defense: +17 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: +2 Luck: 0
For: Lemina

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef:+4
Defense: +30 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: +4 Luck: 0
For: Lemina

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef:+5
Defense: +40 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: +5 Luck: 0
For: Lemina

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef:+6
Defense: +50 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: +5 Luck: 0
For: Lemina
Found: Althena's Road 9 (Althena's Tower)

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef:+7
Defense: +60 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: +7 Luck: 0

| | ==============================================================
| | A C C E S S O R I E S
| |__ ==============================================================
|_____| 2

TIP! Keep all accessories throughout the game.

For: All
Description: Weight training for karate students

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +10 Speed: 0 Range: -3
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: All
Description: Wearer immune to poison

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: All
Description: Decreases Fire and Earth damage

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: All: Recovers 7 HP per turn when worn

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: All
Description: Increases both types of defense

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef:+15
Defense: +15 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: All
Description: Decreases Water and Wind damage

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: All
Description: Increases wearer's Luck
Found: Neo-Vane House 3

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: +10
For: All
Wearer immune to sleep spells

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: All
Description: Revives wearer from a faint
Found: Black Dragon Cave 3, Red Dragon Cave 4

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: All
Description: Precious Ausa clan heirloom

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef:+5
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: +5 Luck: -1
For: Lemina
Description: Usually empty
Effect: Receive more money after battle

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0

CREDIT! Thanks to for the info on Lemina's Purse. Oops, that
means that most of my silver values for monsters are wrong...AAAAAHHHHH...

For: All
Description: Wearer cannot be paralyzed

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: All
Description: Restores some HP (about 1/10) after every turn.
Credit: Netherfiend for pointing out the 1/10th bit.

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: All
Description: Increases ability to avoid attacks

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: All
Description: Increases Defense

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: +14 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: All
Description: Insulates and protects

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: All
Description: Increases Magic Defense
Found: Blue Dragon Cave

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef:+6
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: All
Description: Decreases earth and water damage
Found: Blue Dragon Cave

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef:+6
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: All
Description: Prevents poison, paralysis, and sleep
Found: Zaback Mines

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: All
Description: Decreases Thunder and Wind damage
Found: Zaback Mines

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: All
Description: Wearer is mute- and charm- proof
Found: Neo-Cave of Trial B3

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: All
Description: Decreases damage caused by magic
Found: Black Dragon Cave 3

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: All
Description: Restores some MP after every turn
Found: Black Dragon Cave 4

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: All
Description: Decreases thunder and fire damage
Found: Red Dragon Cave 5

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: All
Description: Decreases damage caused by attacks (resistance)
Found: Red Dragon Cave 4

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: All
Description: Lowers damage of elemental magic (resistance)
Found: Goddess Tower 4F

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
For: All
Description: Increases both types of defense, but..
Found: Zophar's Keep 2F
Note: ...decreases HP to 1!

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef:+31
Defense: +52 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0



See the section for crests under "battle system".

|\ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= /|
-------| \ Part IV / |--------
-------| / Items \ |--------
L 2 |/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- \| E B

I have included this section so you know what each of the items are for.

Range: One
Recovers about 40 HP
Buy/Sell: 40$/20$
Range: One
Recovers about 1/3 of total MP
Buy/Sell: 2000$/1000$
Credit: Netherfiend for pointing out the 1/3 thing
Range: One
Revives fainted party members and brings their HP up to about half
Buy/Sell: 1000$/500$
Range: One
Restores 200 HP
Buy/Sell: 200$/100$
Range: One
Cures poisoning
Buy/Sell: 20$/10$
Range: One
Dispels all disabilities
Buy/Sell: 50$/25$
Range: Special
Escape from dungeons
Buy/Sell: 100$/50$
Range: One
Restores all MP
Buy/Sell: No/5000$
Range: All
Restores plenty of HP to all characters
Buy/Sell: No/3500$
Range: One
Recovers all HP
Buy/Sell: 1000$/500$
Range: One
Cures all conditions
Buy/Sell: 100$/50$
Range: One
Cures paralysis
Buy/Sell: 60$/30$

|\ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= /|
-------| \ Part V / |--------
-------| / System \ |--------
L 2 |/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- \| E B

| | ==============================================================
| | M E N U
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|_____| 2



Choose this option, and then you can choose from each of the four characters
and their magic. You can not use offensive magic in the menu; rather, you can
only use healing magic and Ronfar's Escape Litany. If you can use a magic, it
will be displayed in a bright icon.



If you select this option from the main menu, you can choose to do a couple of

1) You can view a bromide by selecting it.
2) You can view your entire inventory of items, weapons, and armor by moving
the cursor.
3) You can use items.

The only items that you can use are the ones whose icons are displayed
brighter than all the rest. These are items like Herb, Star Light, and White
Dragon Wings. Some items require that you also choose a character to apply
them to.



On the equip menu, you can change the weapons, armor, and accessories a
character is wearing. You can also view how many experience points they have,
as well as how many experience points they will need to have TOTAL to acquire
the next level.

To start, select a character. Next, a window will appear in which you can
navigate left and right to choose the type of item you want to equip. From
left to right, they are: Weapon, Shield, Headgear, Clothing, Accessory 1,
Accessory 2, Crest 1, Crest 2.

To switch a weapon (or equip one to an empty slot), simply select that weapon
and then select the new weapon you want. If you want to un-equip a weapon and
leave nothing in its place, select the weapon and then select an empty spot.

For information on equipping crests, see the crests section.



I. Save

Use this option to save your game to a memory card.

II. Load

You can load a previously-saved game using this option. You don't have to
reboot your Playstation (2) just to restart!

III. Tactics

Here, you can do a number of things. First, and the most simple, you can
change the "order" of your party.


It's not really order, though; it's more like battle positioning. Select
"order" and then use the cursor and X to cycle through characters. Generally,
it's recommended that you space your characters out the the FIVE face on a die
so that zone attacks from enemies are lessened.


The other three icons are devoted to switching tactics. Tactics are basically
a list of commands for your characters to follow for one turn. They are useful
for boss fights and for areas where there is a lot of repetitive fighting. You
can set a tactic for each type of enemy configuration!

To set a tactic, select that tactic icon. The menu will now resemble a battle
screen, and you should pick commands that you want to be set for each area. As
you select, an icon representing the command will appear at the right of the

IV. Options

Vibration: On Off Auto

I'm not sure of the difference between "On" and "Auto", but they both turn the
rumble feature off.

Window Style: Solid Clear

This is all a matter of personal preference.

Window Color: 1 2 3 4 5

Again, this is a matter of personal preference.

1 = Blue
2 = Green
3 = Red
4 = Yellow
5 = Gray

Spell Names: On Off

The spell names are the titles that appear at the top of the battle screen
before a magic spell is executed.

Battle Voices: On Off

If you get tired of hearing "Gypsy MMMMMagic!" or "I saved this for you,
infidel!" then this option is for you.
| | ==============================================================
| | B A T T L E
| |__ ==============================================================
|_____| 2

The LUNAR battle system is like more old-school RPG games and not like the
newer Final Fantasy - style games. What do I mean? In LUNAR, you have as much
time as you want to strategize and select battle commands. This is so you can
think about the enemies that will attack before you, and set up commands that
will make you victorious as fast as possible.

When you enter a battle, you will see a four-square menu:

_____________ _____________
| | |
| | | 1 = Command
| 1 | 2 | 2 = AI
| | | 3 = Tactics
| | | 4 = Run
| | |
| | |
| 3 | 4 |
| | |
| | |
If you select "Command", the menu becomes:

1 = Attack
2 = Magic
3 = Items
4 = Defend

If you choose "attack", you will be prompted to select an enemy. That
character will attack that enemy with the equipped weapon up to four times,
depending on your current status. If you kill that enemy before you have used
up all your attacks, that character will move on to the next-closest enemy.

If you choose "magic", a window will come up with the magic attacks you can
use. Basically, magic falls into two categories: offensive and defensive.
Magic like "Poe Sword" that cuases you enemy HP damage or magic like
"Fractured Armor" that causes a lowering of enemy stats are good examples of
offensive magic. Healing spells like "Calm Litany" are defensive magic.

If you choose "items", a screen will come up with your current items. You can
only use one item per character per turn. See the "items" section for
information about items' purposes.

If you choose "defend", THAT CHARACTER will defend for one turn.
If, on the first menu, you had selected AI, the computer will choose attacks
and fight for you for all turns until you cancel it. At first this may seen
great, but you must remember, the computer choosing your attacks is the same
computer that chooses the enemies attacks. In other words, not too bright. The
AI has a tendency to think only at the present moment, and not later on. It
doesn't conserve MP or items. Don't use it.

Now, if you had selected "Tactics", a menu will come up that shows four pre-
programmed battle tactics. Basically, battle tactics are set commands of what
characters can do on a turn. For instance, one battle tactic can tell Hiro to
attack with Poe Sword, Ronfar to heal with Calm Litany, and Jean to attack
with her weapon.

You can program tactics from the field menu by choosing "system" then
"tactics". You choose tactics just like a battle screen menu.

If, in a battle, a character cannot perform a tactic for some reason, it will
default to "attack".

So why in the heck would tactics be useful, anyway? They choose the closest
enemy to attack, and you can't choose zones. Well, I've found that the best
time to use a tactic is when all the enemies on the field are the same. This
happens about once every four battles. I set up characters to attack or use
magic that affects all enemies. Remember, a tactic only lasts for one round.

Selecting "RUN" on the FIRST menu will cause ALL characters to try to run
away. I don't recommend this at all, because the probability of this working
grows smaller and smaller over time. Instead, have each individual character

Oh yeah, a few more things. When you meet new enemies, take the time to go
through your attacks and place the cursor on them. If the cursor turns GREEN,
it means the attack is highly effective and you should use it often. If the
cursor goes RED, stay clear.

I'm not done yet. Take the time to learn the statuses like poison and sleep,
their effects and their cures. And, in boss battles, magic that increases your
stats and decreases theirs is really good. Just make sure you don't waste too
many turns changing stats.

| | ==============================================================
| | S T A T S
| |__ ==============================================================
|_____| 2

Attack - The higher this number is, the more damage a character can do with a
weapon in battle. This number is compared to the Defense value of the
character that is attacked. If this Defense value is much higher than the
attacker's Attack value, the attack will not cause a lot of damage.

Attacks - Number of times a character can attack in battle per turn. This
number only applies to physical attacks with claws, fans, swords, etc, and not
magic attacks.

Defense - The higher this number is, the less damage a character receives when
physically attacked in battle. This number is compared to the Attack value of
the character that is attacking. If the Defense value of the character that is
getting attacked is relatively low compared to the attacker's attack value,
the attack will cause a LOT of damage, and vice versa.

Agility - Character's reaction speed during combat. The character will react
quicker when the value is higher. This value could also be termed "Evade". It
represents a character's ability to evade, or dodge, an enemy attack.

Speed - All speed values of all characters in battle are compared in each
round of combat. Generally, the character with the highest speed value will
attack first, followed by the second, and so on. However, there is a bit of
randomness involved.

Wisdom - This value affects the power of magic attacks executed by the
character. The target's MgcDef value is compared to the caster's Wisdom value.
If the MgcDef value is relatively higher than the Wisdom value, the attack
will do relatively low damage, and vice-versa.

MgcDef - Short for Magic Defense, this value represent's a character's ability
to defend magical attacks, as the name implies. The higher this value, the
less damage will be taken from magic attacks on that character. This value is
compared to the caster's Wisdom value.
|ATTNOTE1|It is important to take note that everything involving Attack|
| |and Defense is relative. For instance, if an Attack value is |
| |18, and a Defense value is 14 (a four-point difference), this|
| |attack will cause much less damage than an Attack of 58 and a|
| |defense of 54 (still a four-point difference). This applies |
| |to Magic as well. |

Range - This value represents the distance a character can move across the
battlefield during one turn of combat. This number is not compared to any
other number, and it only applies when dealing with physical attacks. As far
as I know, the maximum Range value is 200. Of course, this does not mean that
200 represents the entire distance across the battlefield. I would say that
that number is about 100.

Luck - The higher the Luck number, the greater the chance that an attack will
score a critical hit on an enemy. How do you know what a critical hit is?
Well, sometimes, an attack creates a different sound effect and the enemy
flashes. This is a critical hit., It causes 50% - 100% more damage than a
normal hit.

| | ==============================================================
| | F I G U R I N G D A M A G E
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|_____| 2

I took the following data and came up with some conclusions.
|24 |20 |7 |
|17 |27 |5 |
|21 |27 |11 |
|17 |27 |7 |
|24 |30 |8 |
So there seems to be no apparent pattern. Hmm...I'm thinking that the rules
are different if the attacker's attack is lower than the defender's defense.

I can't think of anything that makes any sense. Of course, there is some
randomness involved, because you can attack a Dung Beetle 15 times and all the
damage will not be exactly the same.

1) Look, the difference between attack and defense on 1 and 3 are the same,
but the damage is different. I'm pretty sure that means that if both the
numbers are higher in general, the attack will be higher. Of course! If, at
the end of the game, the attack vs defense is, say, 200 to 201, the damage
will not be one!
2) I'm basically stabbing in the dark here. If anyone has any ideas, please
email me with them.

| | ==============================================================
| | C R E S T S
| |__ ==============================================================
|_____| 2

Crests are a bit confusing to the newcomer. They did not appear in LUNAR 1,
and they are a new feature of LUNAR 2. The first two crests you find in the
game are the SHIRO Crest and the SNAKE Crest. Now, if you equip the SNAKE
crest, your attack power goes down by 5, but you gain the ability to cast
Poison magic. This is really not worth it until you equip SHIRO, which
_cancels out_ the decrease in attack power and adds range. HOWEVER, when you
equip SHIRO alone, it decreases your Wisdom but does not do anything to your
attack power.


-Snake alone decreases attack. (BAD)
-Snake alone adds Poison magic. (GOOD)
-Shiro alone decreases wisdom. (BAD)
-Shiro alone adds range. (GOOD)

-COMBINED, Shiro and Snake WILL NOT decrease attack or wisdom, but your
character still retains poison ability and enhanced range.

Oh yeah, and sometimes, when you equip a single crest, it may have a
description such as "Attack is greatly increased" but does not actually
increase your attack. Here, you must find another crest that, when equipped
with the first one, DOES increase your Attack power. (When the description
actually DOES apply, it will be in yellow.)

Get the idea? Sometimes, you must experiment around. Here, I have listed all
the crests to be found, and then effects of equipping each.



Description: Enables Poison Magic
Spells: A

Attack: -5 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Increases the user's Range
Spells: none

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: +5
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: -5 Luck: 0
Description: Enables Sleep Magic
Obtained: from various shops
Spells: J

Attack: -5 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Powers up other crests worn
Spells: None

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Enables Earth Magic
Spells: B,C,D

Attack: -5 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Increases the user's attack
Spells: none

Attack: +10 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: -5 Luck: 0
Description: Enables Thunder Magic
Spells: G,H,I

Attack: -5 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Enables Muting Magic
Spells: K

Attack: -5 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Attacks absorb enemy HP (2-5) / Does not work with Staves
Spells: none

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: -5 Luck: 0
Description: Increases the user's Speed
Spells: none

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: +10 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: -5 Luck: 0
Description: Enables Wind Magic
Spells: E, F

Attack: -5 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Enables White Dragon Protect
Obtained: Automatically from Nall
Spells: O

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Enables Charm Magic
Obtained: Zen Zone shop
Spells: P

Attack: -5 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Fewer enemy counter-attacks
Obtained: Blue Dragon Cave
Spells: none

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: -5 Luck: 0
Description: Enables Blue Dragon Vigor
Obtained: Blue Dragon Cave
Spells: Q

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: -5 Luck: 0
Description: Enables Paralysis magic
Obtained: Zaback Item Shop
Spells: R

Attack: -5 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Increases the user's Wisdon
Obtained: Neo-Vane Item Shop
Spells: none

Attack: -5 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: +10 Luck: 0
Description: Increases the user's Agility
Obtained: Black Dragon Cave 5
Spells: none

Attack: 0 Agility:+10 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: -5 Luck: 0
Description: Enables Black Dragon Grief
Obtained: Black Dragon Lair
Spells: S

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Allows penetration attacks
Obtained: Red Dragon Cave 3
Spells: none

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: -1 Wisdom: -5 Luck: 0
Description: Heightens the power of other crests
Obtained: Goddess Tower 5F
Spells: none

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Enables Red Dragon Anger
Obtained: Automatically
Spells: JJ

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Enables Fire Magic
Obtained: Ramus's Shop; Magic Guild
Spells: KK, LL, MM

Attack: +5 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Enables Water Magic
Obtained: Ramus's Shop; Magic Guild
Spells: NN, OO, PP

Attack: +5 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0

|IMPORTANT NOTE! Whenever you combine two NON-compatible crests, the |
|NEGATIVE status effects caused by each are ususally disabled. This |
|does not work when both crests subtract 5 from your attack. |


C O M P A T I B L E C R E S T C O M B I N A T I O N S (Yellow)

Description: Enables Non-Attribute Magic
Spells: L

Attack: -10 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Enables Non-Attribute Magic
Spells: L

Attack: -10 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Enables enhanced Earth Magic
Spells: B,C,D

Attack: -5 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Enables Thunder/Wind Combination Magic
Spells: G,H,E,M

Attack: -10 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Enables enhanced Thunder Magic
Spells: G,H,I

Attack: -5 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Enables enhanced Wind Magic
Spells: N,E,F

Attack: -5 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Disables magic and techniques, but grants full attack power
Spells: none
: +about 140 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: down to 1 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Muting Magic is enabled
Spells: K

Attack: -5 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Poison Magic is enabled
Spells: A

Attack: -5 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Sleep Magic is enabled
Spells: J

Attack: -5 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Speed is slightly increased / Range is increased greatly
Spells: none

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: +10 Range: to 200
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Charm magic is enabled
Spells: None

Attack: -5 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Attack power rises after each turn
Spells: None

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: The user always attacks last, but with increased strength
Spells: None

Attack: +45 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Paralysis magic is enabled
Spells: R

Attack: -5 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Attack absorbs enemy's MP / Does not work with Staves
Spells: none

Attack: +5 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Enables enhanced High Earth Magic
Spells: T, U, V

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Enables enhanced High Thunder Magic
Spells: W, X, Y, Z

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Enables enhanced High Wind Magic
Spells: AA, BB, CC, DD

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Muting Magic is enabled and strengthened
Spells: EE

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Charm Magic is enabled and strengthened
Spells: FF

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Paralysis Magic is enabled and strengthened
Spells: GG

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Poison Magic is enabled and strengthened
Spells: HH

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Sleep Magic is enabled and strengthened
Spells: II

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: MP consumption is reduced
Spells: none

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: The enemy is almost always counter-attacked
Spells: none

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Attacks absorb most enemy HP/Does not work with Staves
Spells: none

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Attack is greatly increased
Spells: none

Attack: +50 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Speed is greatly increased / The user always attacks first
Spells: none

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: +20 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Agility and critical-hit rate are increased
Spells: none

Attack: 0 Agility:+20 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Movement is slightly increased and evasion is greatly increased
Spells: none

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: +10
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Attack range increases / Does not work with Staves
Spells: none

Attack: to 1 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: All abilities (including battle item awards) are increased
Spells: none

Attack: +4 Agility:+4 MagDef:+4
Defense: +4 Speed: +4 Range: +4
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: +4 Luck: +4
Description: White Dragon Protect enabled and all abilities increased
Spells: O

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef:+15
Defense: +15 Speed: +5 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Red Dragon Anger enabled and all abilities increased
Spells: JJ

Attack: +7 Agility:+6 MagDef: 0
Defense: +5 Speed: +7 Range: +7
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Blue Dragon Vigor enabled and all abilities increased
Spells: Q

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef:+15
Defense: +15 Speed: +5 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Black Dragon Grief enabled and all abilities increased
Spells: S
: +5 Agility:+7 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: +10 Luck: 0
Description: Enables Earth/Water Combination Magic
Spells: QQ, OO, B, C, NN

Attack: -10 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Enables Non-Attribute Magic
Spells: L

Attack: -10 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Enables Non-Attribute Magic
Spells: L

Attack: -10 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Enables Water/Wind Combination Magic
Spells: NN, OO, RR, N, E

Attack: -10 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Enables Earth/Fire Combination Magic
Spells: B, C, KK, LL, SS

Attack: -10 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Enables Thunder/Fire Combination Magic
Spells: G, H, KK, LL, TT

Attack: -10 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Enables Non-Attribute Magic
Spells: L

Attack: -10 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Enables enhanced Fire Magic
Spells: KK, LL, MM

Attack: -5 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Enables enhanced Water Magic
Spells: NN, OO, PP

Attack: -5 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Enables enhanced High Water Magic
Spells: UU, VV, WW, XX

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0
Defense: 0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Enables enhanced High Fire Magic
Spells: YY, ZZ, AAA, BBB

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0 Defense:
0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Movement is silghtly increased and evasion is greatly
Spells: none

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0 Defense:
0 Speed: 0 Range: +10
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0
Description: Charm Magic is strengthened
Spells: FF

Attack: 0 Agility: 0 MagDef: 0 Defense:
0 Speed: 0 Range: 0
Attacks: 0 Wisdom: 0 Luck: 0



Letter: A
Description: A venomous purple projectile
MP/Range: 5/1
Elemental: Poison
Letter: B
Description: Deadly magically-levitated rocks
MP/Range: 4/1
Elemental: Earth
Letter: C
Description: Rock avalance
MP/Range: 7/Zone
Elemental: Earth
Letter: D
Description: Shakes, rattles, and rolls the ground
MP/Range: 10/All
Elemental: Earth
Letter: E
Description: Create a windy diversion
MP/Range: 7/Zone
Elemental: Wind
Letter: F
Description: Death-dealing wind attack
MP/Range: 10/All
Elemental: Wind
Letter: G
Description: Bolts of something or other
MP/Range: 4/1
Elemental: Thunder
Letter: H
Description: Radiation eruption
MP/Range: 7/Zone
Elemental: Thunder
Letter: I
Description: From the Land Down Under
MP/Range: 10/All
Elemntal: Thunder
Letter: J
Description: The enemy crashes
MP/Range: 3/1
Elemental: Sleep
Letter: K
Description: Prevents an enemy from using magic
MP/Range: 3/1
Elemental: Seal
Letter: L
Description: A burst of bitterness
MP/Range: 20/Zone
Elemental: Non-attribute
Letter: M
Description: Attack of wind and thunder
MP/Range: 25/All
Elemental: Thunder/Wind
Letter: N
Description: A brutal breeze
MP/Range: 4/1
Elemental: Wind
Letter: O
Description: All allies protected from one spell
MP/Range: 50/All
Elemental: Protect
Letter: P
Description: Makes an enemy hot and bothered
MP/Range: 7/1
Elemental: Confusion
Letter: Q
Description: All allies recover all HP
MP/Range: 60/All
Elemental: Healing
Letter: R
Description: Causes damage and paralysis
MP/Range: 7/One
Elemental: Paralysis
Letter: S
Description: All enemies sent to Limbo
MP/Range: 30/All
Elemental: Black Dragon
Letter: T
Description: Deadly Rock Strike
MP/Range: 8/One
Elemental: Earth
Letter: U
Description: Stone Pillars erupt from the earth
MP/Range: 20/All
Elemental: Earth
Letter: V
Description: Use against Thunder and Wind
MP/Range: 6/Special
Elemental: Earth
Note: Creates Earth battlefied attribute
Letter: W
Description: One enemy receives a jarring jolt
MP/Range: 21/One
Elemental: Thunder
Letter: X
Description: Shock therapy for a group of foes
MP/Range: 14/Zone
Elemental: Thunder
Letter: Y
Description: Every enemy is blasted with bolts
MP/Range: 20/All
Elemental: Thunder
Letter: Z
Description: Use against Earth and Water
MP/Range: 6/Special
Elemental: Thunder
Note: Creates Thunder battlefield attribute
Letter: AA
Description: Ventialtes enemy intestines
MP/Range: 7/One
Elemental: Wind
Letter: BB
Description: Ain't no calm before THIS storm
MP/Range: 14/Zone
Elemental: Wind
Letter: CC
Description: A flurry of furious funnels
MP/Range: 20/All
Elemental: Wind
Letter: DD
Description: Use against Fire and Earth
MP/Range: 6/Special
Elemental: Wind
Note: Creates Wind battlefield attribute
Letter: EE
Description: Prevents magic and special attacks
MP/Range: 3/One
Elemental: Seal
Letter: FF
Description: Target is seduced into silliness
MP/Range: 7/One
Elemental: Confusion
Letter: GG
Description: The enemy's brain goes boom
MP/Range: 7/One
Elemental: Paralysis
Letter: HH
Description: More lethal than Borgan's farts
MP/Range: 5/One
Elemental: Poison
Letter: II
Description: Enemies become comatose
MP/Range: 3/One
Elemental: Sleep
Letter: JJ
Description: Fireballs shower upon enemies
MP/Range: 40/All
Elemental: Fire
Letter: KK
Description: Hit flaming death
MP/Range: 4/One
Elemental: Fire
Letter: LL
Description: Explosive fiery attack
MP/Range: 7/Zone
Elemental: Fire
Letter: MM
Description: Multi part flaming destruction
MP/Range: 10/All
Elemental: Fire
Letter: NN
Description: An arrow of frozen water
MP/Range: 4/One
Elemental: Water
Letter: OO
Description: Frigid projectiles cause heavy damage
MP/Range: 7/Zone
Elemental: Water
Letter: PP
Description: Searing icy claw attack
MP/Range: 10/All
Elemental: Water
Letter: QQ
Description: Attack of water and earth
MP/Range: 25/All
Elemental: Water and Earth
Letter: RR
Description: Attack of water and wind
MP/Range: 25/All
Elemental: Water and Wind
Letter: SS
Description: Attack of fire and earth
MP/Range: 25/All
Elemental: Earth and Fire
Letter: TT
Description: Attack of fire and thunder
MP/Range: 25/All
Elemental: Thunder and Fire
Letter: UU
Description: Three piercing projectiles
MP/Range: 16/One
Elemental: Water
Letter: VV
Description: Hugh hunks of hail
MP/Range: 21/Zone
Elemental: Water
Letter: WW
Description: Cause falling icy destruction
MP/Range: 20/All
Elemental: Water
Letter: XX
Description: Use against Thunder and Fire
MP/Range: 6/Special
Elemental: Water
Letter: YY
Description: Spontaneous enemy combustion
MP/Range: 8/One
Elemental: Fire
Letter: ZZ
Description: Hot, hot, hot!
MP/Range: 14/Zone
Elemental: Fire
Letter: AAA
Description: Ashes to ashes, butts to dust
MP/Range: 30/All
Elemental: Fire
Letter: BBB
Description: Use against Water and Wind
MP/Range: 6/Special
Elemental: Fire

| | ==============================================================
| | B A T T L E F I E L D S Y M B O L S
| |__ ==============================================================
|_____| 2

Battlefield symbols, like crests, are a new concept to LUNAR 2. A battlefield
symbol (water) first appears when you fight the White Fiend. Basically, the
symbols are an attribute of the field that change every character's weaknesses
AND resistances. Each symbol will appear in the lower-right hand corner of the
battlefield, and a symbol can be canceled with the Erase Magic spell.

Use: Thunder, Wind
Do not use: Earth
Use: Earth, Fire
Do not use: Wind
Use: Water, Wind
Do not use: Fire
Use: Thunder, Fire
Do not use: Water
Use: Earth, Water
Do not use: Thunder

Be warned that the battlefield symbol affects your characters, too!

|\ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= /|
-------| \ Part VI / |--------
-------| / Walkthrough \ |--------
L 2 |/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- \| E B


"Hanging silently in space, the world in the shadow of the Blue Star was once
a lonely barren place, unfit for habitation. However, Althena took pity on
that world, and transformed it into a place of beauty and wonder. She called
the new world LUNAR..."

And so begins LUNAR 2. Sit back and enjoy the opening animation sequences.

When you finally gain control of Hiro, you will be at the Dragon Ruins


Head north and stare a a big, shiny rock. Wow. Really, you want to make your
way South and East into the Salyan Desert.

| | ==============================================================
| | S A L Y A N D E S E R T
| |__ ==============================================================
|_____| 2

You will appear outside the Dragon Ruins in the Salyan desert. Head south and
enjoy the scenery. You'll soon enter the East Desert Pass.

1.1 - EAST DESERT PASS Keyword: LW001

Enemies: 2 Dung Beetles, 1 Sand Cyclops
4 Dung Beetles
2 Dung Beetles, 1 Sand Cyclops
3 Dung Beetles, 1 Sand Shark
4 Dung Beetles

Go ahead and save your game now. To do this, press the START button. Head
past the Althena statue and fight your first battle. You'll face off against
2 Dung Beetles and 1 Sand Cyclops.

BATTLE NOTES! For those of you who have become accustomed to the Final Fantasy
style of battling, read this. In LUNAR, you have as much time as you need to
select battle commands. Once all commands have been selected then, and only
then, does the battle action commence. So in other words, you can take your
time and figure out what to do.
|Notice how the battle music bears a bit of resemblence to the music |
|played while walking around? Interesting... |

After this, Ruby will recommend you go pray at the Althena statue. Do so by
walking up to it and pushing the X button. Head south and continue along. The
path is very straightforward throughout this section. Fight every enemy and
return to the Althena Statue as necessary.

SECRET -- If you make it to Gwyn's Place without using the Althena Statue
(acheived by running away from battles and using the herbs), you see Hiro and
Ruby share a secret conversation at the town entrance. It's not much, and
probably not worth it, since you lose the opportunity to level up.

BATTLE NOTES! Don't forget, you start out with 5 herbs and a Star Light.
Herbs replenish HP, and Star Lights replenish MP. To use, access the P menu
and select "items".

In this area, you'll encounter White Knight Leo, commander of the Dragonship
Destiny. Mr. Friendly orders the kids to evacuate the area immediately.
Indignant little Ruby wonders how in the world Leo could have thought she was
a cat...

Items: Herb, 100$
Enemies: 4 Dung Beetles
2 Sand Cyclops
1 Sand Cyclops, 2 Dung Beetles
1 Sand Shark, 3 Dung Beetles
4 Dung Beetles, 1 Sand Cyclops
5 Dung Beetles

This area's tougher. Don't forget, you can always head back to the Althena
Statue if you're running low on HP. Don't forget about your stock of herbs,

Anyway, head Southwest and take the left fork when you come to it. At the end
of this path, you'll find an herb in a treasure chest. Head back to the fork
in this time take the right path. Follow it through the canyon, and when you
get to the next fork, head north and get the 100$ out of the treasure chest.
Before heading south to Gwyn's Place, check the area for any missed enemies.

Upon exiting the pass, follow the path until you see the Dragonship Destiny
and Gwyn's Place. Go ahead and visit the Dragonship by moving Hiro to it and
pressing the button. Talk to everyone, because the things they say are pretty
important. When you're done, exit and go see Grandpa Gwyn.

SIDENOTE! If you go past Grandpa Gwyn's place, and continue along, you'll
reach the Blue Spire. There's really no point in this, as you can't get in
without both Jewels (left and right). After the sequences at Gwyn's place,
you'll come here anyway.

1.2 - GWYN'S PLACE Keyword: LW002

Items: Ancient Dagger
Key Items: Left Opal Jewel
|You'll hear the town theme for the first time here. Notice it's a |
|remake (rehash?) of Lucia's Theme, the last track on the soundtrack |
|CD. |

1. Root around outside Grandpa Gwyn's.

Visit the Althena Statue if necessary. On the left side of Grandpa Gwyn's
house, there is a list of dish washing duty days. Not surprisingly, Ruby
washes dishes on red days.

2. Go inside and see what's up.

When you enter the house, you'll see Leo trying squeeze out of Gwyn how to get
inside the Blue Spire. If you walk right past Grandpa and up the ladders and
look at the telescope, Ruby will get very angry at you and demand that you go
back down and see Grandpa. Go ahead and do so, and talk back and forth with
Leo and Gwyn.

3. Run up the ladder to see what the old man's howling about.

You'll be asked whether or not you want to go examine the blue light or go
check out the Spire. Either answer will lead you back into the house.

4. Get your weapon and the other Jewel.

Grandpa will instruct you to go down stairs and get a weapon. The stairs are
on the left side of the house in the center. Go down the stairs and grab the
weapon from the treasure chest. Equip it immediately if you know how. Grandpa
had told you not to get lost in the books while down there. Do so anyway. The
information in those books is something you need to know.

Go back upstairs, and sought to Grandpa. If you didn't equip the weapon
before, he will now teach you how to. He will also give you the Left Opal
Jewel, a key item required to get into the Blue Spire. Gwyn now joins your
party, and you can head on out of town.

Back in the Salyan Desert, head North through the canyons until you reach the
Blue Spire. Before entering, use this checkpoint.


Level: 7
Items: a few Herbs, 100$ found
Full health

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Head up the path between the statues. Gwyn will use the one of the two jwels
to try and break the seal. It won't work, so talk to Grandpa and then "talk"
to the statue to get inside.
1.3 - BLUE LABYRINTH Keyword: LW003

Items: Angel's Tear
Enemies: 1 Brainpicker, 3 Slime
5 Slime
5 Slime
5 Slime
1 Brainpicker, 3 Slime
1 Mummy, 4 Bandage Boys
Objectives: 1) Find and trip the three switches
2) Cross the bridge
3) Flip another switch to continue on

|Hear that? The cello's play ing a gorgeous, mysterious version of the|
|Eternal Blue theme! Then, it's an oboe... can you follow it? Now, get|
|into a battle. The battle music is the same as the awesome LUNAR 1 |
|battle music! YES! |

There are three blue switches on this floor, and they're not too hard to find.
One is in the top-left, bottom-left, and bottom-right corners. To push them,
push X. Once they are all found, cross the bridge at the top. You'll see an
electric barrier, so go right instead. Flip the switch here to access the room
and go upstairs.

BATTLE NOTES! Grandpa Gwyn has healing powers. You can use them in battle or
out of battle by accessing the magic menu. Also, when you fight the mummys,
simply attack the mummy with Poe Sword.

Items: Star Light
Enemies: 1 Brainpicker, 4 Slime
3 Bandage Boy, 1 Mummy
3 Slime
2 Brainpicker
2 Brainpicker
3 Bandage Boy, 1 Mummy

There are four doors in this room, along with an eerie pattern at the bottom.
First, take the top-left door.

Objective: Put the blue ball in its place.

Put the blue ball in the cup by walking up to it and pressing X. Now exit and
go to the top-right room.

Objective: Put the blue ball in its place.

Put the blue ball in the cup by walking up to it and pressing X. Now exit and
go to the bottom-left room.

Objective: Put the blue ball in its place.

Put the blue ball in the cup by walking up to it and pressing X. Now exit and
go to the bottom-right room.

Objective: Put the blue ball in its place.

Put the blue ball in the cup by walking up to it and pressing X. Now exit and
go to the bottom of the big room.

Objective: Warp away!

The star at the bottom of the room will be shining. Just step on it to go

Objective: See the statue.

If you walk up to the statue and press X, Ruby will get tweaked and Gwyn will
explain the situation. Go ahead and continue on.

Objectives: 1) Check out the Spire
2) Heal up.

There's not much to do here. Simply head upward until Ruby notes the fantastic
Spire. After a short cutscene, heal up at the Althena Statue. Head up through
the double-doors.

1.4 - BLUE SPIRE Keyword: LW004

Items: Angel's Tear
Enemies: 3 Slime, 1 Magic Masque
3 Slime, 2 Magic Masque
3 Slime, 1 Magic Masque
3 Slime, 1 Bomb Angel (to right)
3 Slime, 2 Magic Masque (to left)
|Hear it? It's a cool orchestral version of Althena's Theme. Think |
|"LUNAR 2 Orchestral Arranged Soundtrack"... |

Aah, you're finally in! Note that you can exit to use the Althena Statue and
come back in without the enemies reappearing. There's not much to do on this
floor, other than clean it out of enemies and pick a side, left or right, and
enter the door at top. It all leads to:

Enemies: 1 Crystal Knight, 3 Slime
1 Crystal Knight, 3 Slime

There are two exits in the bottom corners. Either door takes you to the next
section. If you can't get to the doors, go around the posts.

Enemies: 1 Bomb Angel, 3 Slime (right)
1 Bomb Angel, 3 Slime (left)
1 Magic Masque, 3 Slime

I recommend fighting all three battles on this floor. They're easy to win
anyway. Now, there are three exits on this floor: center, left, right. See the
next section for directions.

Items: 2 Herb, Healing Nut
Enemies: 1 Bomb Angel, 3 Slime
1 Bomb Angel, 1 Magic Masque, 2 Slime <-- SEE BATTLE NOTES
1 Magic Masque, 3 Slime

Take the left and right exits from 3F to get the items. Enter from 3F via the
center staircase.

BATTLE NOTES! When you fight the Bomb Angel, Magic Masque, and Slimes all at
once, kill the Angel first with Poe Sword, then use Boomerang on the Magic
Masque. Why? The Masque never attacks on its first turn.

There are two floor exits here: bottom-left and bottom-right. Again, both lead
to the same place.

Items: Star Light, 72$
Enemies: 2 Magic Masque, 1 Crystal Knight
2 Slime, 1 Magic Masque, 1 Bomb Angel
3 Slime, 2 Magic Masque

Here, grab the Star Light and 72$ from the chests in the top corners and exit
upwards at the top left.


Head right and go up the stairs.

Objective: Find the secret passage.

Grandpa talks about a secret passage to the top of the Spire. It's not too
hard to find. Simple stand on the star under the globe. Grandpa Gwyn will,
unfortunately, be left behind.


Head up the stairs. I won't spoil anything for you, just follow the sequence.


Head back down the stairs and go left on the sixth floor. Lucia will freak out
at the sight of monsters in the Spire. You'll fight them, and see Lucia's
insanely powerful magic. Heading back down the Spire shouldn't be a problem.


Work your way down, grabbing any missed items. Fight ALL monsters, and get the
experience. Lucia will take care of herself. Here are directions, in case
you're having trouble. All the enemies are the same the way up as they are the
way down.

-Exit bottom-left.
-Exit bottom-right.Exit bottom-left.
-Exit top-center.
-Exit bottom-right.
-Exit top-left.

You should now be at floor one. Go back up to floor two and fight monsters
until Gwyn reaches level 12 so he can learn Shattered Sword. While here, you
might as well fight until Hiro reaches level 12, too. This doesn't take too

Now, exit the Spire. When Lucia separates from you, talk to her. Pay attention
to all that happens. Now head downwards. Before exiting, save your game.


You can't cross this rrom without entering a boss fight. Here, you'll fight

|Battle Tactics |
|1. Visit the goddess statue. |
|2. Ensure all are at Lv. 10. |
|1. Use Hiro's Poe Sword each time. |
|2. Use Gwyn's Shattered Sword & Fractured Armor TWICE each, AND after |
|he raises his stats. |
|1. If Guardian is simply sitting there, he will physically attack one |
|character for a bit of damage. |
|2. If he is swinging his ball & chain, he will use a ZONE attack. |
|3. If guardian is flaishing, he will raise his Attack and defense. |
|This boss fight is easy if you use Gwyn's status-degrading magic. |

Go back to the Althena Statue after this. Then re-enter the room and warp
using the design at the room's bottom.

Objective: Get outta there!!

There's no reson to fight enemies around here now. Dash your way up to the top
of the room and enter the door. In the next room, head STRAIGHT down and get


Yup, you guessed it. The four Guardians statues you saw at the Spire's
entrance are alive, too... Fight them to the best of your ability. There's no
way to win. After a while, good old Leo comes to the rescue. After he lectures
Gwyn, move to the right. Gwyn will lie a big, bad lie and you can now go back
to Gwyn's Place.


1) Learn about Lucia's purpose.

Talk to her twice for some important information. Grandpa Gwyn will decide
that the party must cross the lake, and he'll go prepare the boat. Leave the
house when you feel ready.

2) Listen to Grandpa desperately search for an excuse not to come.

Grandpa Gwyn remids you to look for Ronfar when you get across the lake.
You'll emerge on the world map.

Go ahead and get on the boat, and dock at the harbor on the other side. (Press
circle.)Head through the mountains to the south, and when you see a little
town, enter it.

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1.5 - LARPA / LARPA PASS Keyword: LW005


1. Buy weapons and armor from the shop at the front of town.

Buy the following things: Short Sword, Mace, Leather Armor, Leather Cap. When
I first came to the store, I was 26$ short of buying these things. If you are
short, sell the Dagger or the Adventurer's Clothes or some herbs (not the
Ancient Dagger yet!) for some more silver.

2. Visit the Althena Statue.

It's right behind the weapons shop and to the right. Also, don't miss the
Angel's Tear in the treasure chest right behind it.

3. Talk to the townsfolk.

Yep, this is a thieving, gambling town. And Ronfar sounds like a thieving,
gambling kind of guy. Say hi to everyone before entering any buildings.

4. Go to the sanctuary.

It's in the upper-left hand corner of town and it stands out. Talk to everyoen
in here. They all agree that Ronfar is a conniving gambler, and some don't
even believe he was ever a priest. Gee, he sounds like Kyle from LUNAR 1.

Anyway, if you go to the left of the sanctuary, up through the doors, and out
through the stairs at the left of this hallway, you'll find an herb.

5. Visit the mayor's house.

You'll find the mayor's house at the top and center of town. Again, talk to
the maids. Just for kicks, read the books on the bookshelf in the room in the
bottom-right corner of the first floor. Find the saucepan lid in the top-left
room and equip it on Hiro.

Go up to the second floor and see the mayor on the top left. Talk to him
twice. He has no info on Ronfar, but he'll tell you about Tonmar, who chocked
on a piece of Salyan Cactus. Great. Forget this guy.

6. Look for Ronfar in the tavern.
the tavern. It's just above and to the left of the weapon shop. The man you're
looking for is the one on the top-right. Talk to him twice to meet him. He'll
challenge you to a dice game. Try as much as you want. You won't win. Say that
you know when to quit, and then talk to him again. After this, you gotta find
Ronfar's home.

7. Get to Ronfar's house.

You'll find "Casa de Ronfar" on the far left of down up a bunch of stairs.
Enter and find him gazing at Lucia. Talk to him twice. You'll find that Leo is
friends with Ronfar, and Leo is still under the illusion that Lucia is the
Destroyer! After the sequence, talk to Ronfar again. Answer "she's a total
babe" and Ruby will pounce all over you for not being serious. Answer the
other answer to go on. When he asks you to choose odd or even, it doesn't
matter what you pick. You'll win either way.

Now talk to Lucia, then Ronfar. Follow him out the back, and enter the caves.

Items: 500$
Enemies: 5 Ochre Ooze
3 Ochre Ooze, 1 Killer Fly

There's not much to do here. Get acquainted with the enemies, and maybe even
get to know what it's like to be poison a la Killer Fly. Just follow the path
to the end. Don't miss the 500$!

Enemies: 1 Killer Fly, 2 Ochre Ooze
1 Killer Fly, 3 Ochre Ooze
5 Ochre Ooze
1 Killer Fly, 4 Ochre Ooze

Head down, crossing the rickety bridges. Exit at the bottom.


JUMP! Now's the time to get the herb if you missed if before. Go ahead and
enter the Sanctuary.


1. Listen to Leo's threat.

If you attempt to enter the door close to the exit, you'll hear Leo claim that
he will destroy the Destroyer. On the other side, you'll hear the gossip of
two girls.

2. Break the spell!

There's a door in the back-left of the main sanctuary room. Enter it, and
Ronfar will attempt to break the spell. But...

I won't spoil it. I'll just say: when everything's all done, head back to
Ronfar's place.

<> - finishing up

1. Talk to everyone and piece together exactly where Lucia is.

If you talk to the people enough, you can practically draw her path through
town. You'll eventually find out that she's at the mayor's house. But why?

BROMIDECHECK - Lucia's Bromide 1

Talk to the man standing outside the small house in the upper-right corner of
Larpa for a beautiful bromide of Lucia.

2. Send a prayer to Althena in the Sanctuary.

...and lose 100$ for the same thing that could have been done at any old
Althena Statue. Yeah, I know, it's annyoing, but you gotta, cuz the priests
tell you to!

3. Visit the artist's house.

He's the one that gave you that Bromide I still can't get over. Talk to his
wife inside.
|What was the mother singing anyway? I couldn't tell. My guess is that |
|it was Althena's Theme, because that's the next song. |

4. Go see the big, bad mayor.

Head upstairs. If you talk to the people in the house, you find that the
conversation was a shouting match! You DO lose 30$ to find out what went on,
but it's worth it.

Can anyone tell me what happens if you don't have 30$?

Follow the mayor's directions and go to the harbor.

5. Meet Lucia and say goodbye.

She's to the left of the weapons shop. Talk to her. O, parting is such sweet
sorrow. That sweetness becomes bitter, though, after Ronfar reveals that Lucia
is headed right for Leo. Oops. Before you rush out of town, stop at the
weapons shop and buy Leather Armor for Ronfar.

Back on the trail again, head west and up through the mountain path. Before
long, you'll come upon...

1.6 - WEST DESERT PASS Keyword: LW006

Items: 300$
Enemies: 2 Desert Dolphin, 2 Posion Beetle
3 Poison Beetle, 1 Scorpion
2 Scorpion
2 Desert Dolphin, 3 Poison Beetle
1 Desert Dolphin, 3 Poison Beetle, 1 Scorpion
2 Desert Dolphin, 3 Poison Beetle
1 Desert Dolphin, 3 Poison Beetle, 1 Scorpion
3 Desert Dolphin, 1 Scorpion

Work your way northwards, exiting at the top. You can't miss the chest full of

BATTLE NOTES! In this area, in my game, Ronfar learned Destiny Dice. USE THIS.
It's REALLY helpful at this point in the game. However, it only works once out
of every two tries. Shoot!

You'll see the big town as soon as you exit the pass. Walk around the mountain
and go in.

1.7 - DALTON Keyword: LW007


1. Check out the trouble!

As soon as you enter town, you'll see Lucia already captured on the Dragonship
Destiny with Leo! Leo is dogged and determined, and Lucia soon falls. You
can't get on the ship quite yet, unfortunately.

2. Explore the outside of the town.

Don't miss the herb right at the entrance and to the left. The town is set up
in layers, much like a pyramid.
. Start with the houses at the bottom and work your way up.

As always, talk to everyone in the town. Here are a few key points of

Weapon and Armor Shop, first layer -- Buy and equip everything in the weapon
shop. You will most likely not have enough money, so buy what you can, equip
it, then sell your old stuff. Also, buy one Dragonfly Wing from the item shop
for good measure. Note that I wasn't able to get everything on my first time
through here... until I realized that Angel's Tears sell for 500$ each. Go
ahead and sell as many of them as you need to get everything. DON'T sell you
Star Lights.

Leftmost House, second layer -- The girl in the back of this house says
something very interesting.

Middle House, second layer -- There's a Star Light in here!

Sanctuary, top layer -- What's up with this? The priests want money to pray to
Althena. 100 SILVER! Don't worry about replenishing your health here, as you
will see an Althena Statue soon enough. But what about the girl, who says that
it was a priest who knocked the statue at the entrance over? Trouble's

4. Get on to the Dragonship Destiny.

You can do this by entering the house on the middle layer on the right and
going right on the bottom hallway and across the Breezeway. Once in that room,
go up the stairs, grab the dagger, then go back down and out to the right.



Here, there are two ways down. The bottom entrance will lead you to a lounge
and the ammo room. There's nothing to do down here. The TOP entrance will lead
you to an Althena Statue that you need to use. There you'll see a little
staircase to the left.

Enemies: Private

Go down the first hallway you see and fight the private. Cross the kitchen,
and fight another private. Now go up the hallway and fight the captain. Go
down the stairs.

BATTLE NOTES! Use Poe Sword and Anger Dice for swift battles. Also, head back
to the Althena Statue as necessary. The soldiers won't revive.

Enemies: Private
2 Privates
2 Private
1 Private, 1 Captain

Go up if you want to fight the private. There's nothing there. Go down and
then across to the left to fight the 2 Privates. Follow the hallway, and go


Head down a few steps and listen to Lucia and Leo's conversation. Step to the
cell door to talk to Lucia. Talk to her again, then walk to the flashing light
next to the door and press X.

After the next event happens, you know what to do... trap Leo in the cell! Do
it the same way you freed Lucia.

Now go to the bottom and head up the stairs. Or, at least, try, because you
won't be able to go up. Now try to exit via the top. This will prompt Ronfar
to talk to Leo. NOW you can get outta there. (Take either the top or bottom
exit, it doesn't matter.)

Heal up with the statue as you leave.

There's not much else to do in Dalton. Leave, and head north. The FIRST woods
you come to is the Starlight Forest. Enter and try to make it through. If you
had kept going on the world map, you would have made it to a woods that looks
like it has an entrance but is just a block. Here's the walkthrough.

1.9 - STARLIGHT FOREST Keyword: LW009

Items: Herb, 600$
Enemies: 3 Green Goblin
2 Green Goblin, 1 Hummingbyrd, 1 Killer Fly
3 Green Goblin, 1 Hummingbyrd
4 Green Goblin
3 Green Goblin
2 Green Goblin, 2 Killer Fly

Head to the right past the Goblins for an herb. Head to the left and try to
continue on. Remember, you can run away from battles and try and dash away,
too. Yeah, yeah, I had to fight EVERYTHING so I could list the enemies. It's
possible, just annoying.

You'll come to another fork. Take either path, it doesn't matter. When you
can't go up anymore, go left for 600$. Now go right and exit.


Use the Althena Statue, for goddess' sake. Talk to Ronfar then Lucia twice.
Whatever answer you choose leads to the same ending. Now go left to the exit
and up the the Illusion Woods.

Objective: Have Ronfar's "buddy" show the group the way in.

Talk to the man there after visiting the statue. After you enter, Leo and his
men march onto the scene, but appear to give up.

1.10 - ILLUSION WOODS Keyword: LW010

Items: 2 Herb
Enemies: 3 Green Goblin, 1 Hummingbyrd
3 Green Goblin, 1 Hobgoblin
3 Green Goblin, 1 Hummingbyrd
2 Hobgoblin, 1 Green Goblin
3 Green Goblin, 1 Hobgoblin
3 Green Goblin, 1 Hummingbyrd

BATTLE NOTES! The battles with the Green Goblins can go on and on because they
call buddies. Kill the ones that move their clubs up and down first.

If you examine this section, you'll notice three patches of light leaves.
These are the exits the guy at the entrance talked about. The first one, which
is in the center-right of the whole area, is an herb.
The second one, at the extreme top-right, leads out, and the last one at the
top-middle is just a ruse. Don't miss the herb in the chest near the third
patch of leaves!

Items: Herb, Star Light, Snake Crest
Enemies: 3 Green Goblin, 1 Hobgoblin
4 Green Goblin
4 Green Goblin, 1 Goblin King
3 Green Goblin, 1 Hummingbyrd
3 Green Goblin, 1 Hobgoblin
1 Green Goblin, 1 Hobgoblin, 1 Hummingbyrd
3 Green Goblin, 1 Hummingbyrd

Here are you directions. Take the first fork left and grab the visible
treasure box. Go up and find the chest behind the light leaves. Now go back to
the first fork and go right. Take it up until you have an option. Take the
furthest-left path and get the Snake Crest from behind the light leaves, but
don't equip it yet. It won't do anything, except lower your attack. Go back
down, and get to the top-right and exit through the light leaves.

Items: Herb, 146$, Chain Mail
Enemies: 2 Green Goblin, 1 Hobgoblin, 1 Goblin King
4 Green Goblin
3 Green Goblin, 1 Hobgoblin
1 Green Goblin, 2 Hobgoblin
1 Green Goblin, 2 Hobgoblin
4 Green Goblin, 1 Goblin King
2 Hobgoblin, 1 Goblin King

From the beginning, take the first right, and the first up. Take the visible
chest, and lok behing the light leaves for something else. Go back down,
right, and up, and then take the left fork, and then the rigt fork. Look
behind the leaves for a Chain Mail, and equip it immediately. Now go right and
up, and take the left fork. The right fork leads to another ruse of a path. On
the left fork, follow the twisting path.

1.11 - CARAVAN Keyword: LW011


1. Watch Jean do her thing.

She's a pretty good dancer, ya gotta admit. Afterwards, talk to everyone
outside, then talk to Jean (she's the one with the green hair) and then Giban,
behind her. This will prompt Jean to walk away to "cool down".

2. Go see Jean.

Head to the upper-left corner of the area and exit. You'll find Jean in the
next area. Talk to her and ask her all three questions to continue. When she
stops talking to you, talk to her again.

3. Dispose of the big thingie.

Actually, Jean will do it for you. The group will be rightfully impressed with
her fighting skills, and she asks that you never tell anyone what she just
did. A confusing flashback ensues.


In the morning, Ronfar will invite everyone to come bathe at the hot springs.
Exit this area to the right.

Items: Life Jewel

1. Heal up at the statue.

Don't miss the Life Jewel in the chest outside the springs. To find it, go to
the far right, and head down a bit. It's before the first pole.

2. Enter the springs.

Talk to the old man twice before you do. Uh-oh...


1. Go left to enter the springs.

You see Hiro and Ruby in the springs. But it appears that Lucia is confused,
and she came to the wrong side. Oops...

Item: Iron Clogs

1. Get the clogs!

After the animation, this section is the left one of the two. The clogs are in
a chest in the botton-left corner.

Special Item: Rope Ladder

Now go back to the caravan. As you try, something will happen in the clearing.
When you get the opportunity, talk to Jean to get the Rope Ladder. Try as you
may, you can't get her to fight. Save your game, and go down ... and THEN she
joins the party.

Enemies: 3 Green Goblin, 1 Hummingbyrd
1 Green Goblin, 1 Hobgoblin, 1 Hummingbyrd
2 Hobgoblin, 1 Goblin King

Take a moment to equip Jean with whatever you have. AND DO THIS: Go to the
system menu, tactics, then "order". Put Jean as far back as possible. None of
her attacks require that you be close to the enemy.

BATTLE NOTES! Look at Jean's magic...a sleep, a paralysis, and a poison
attack. All these are great to use on the enemy.

Make your way through this area, and at its end, exit the large chasm at the


Gee, I wonder what will happen here? Simply walk left then up until you

|Battle Tactics |
|1. Use Hiro's Poe Sword each time. |
|2. Use Ronfar's St. Litany on all, and heal or attack with Anger Dice.|
|3. Forget Jean's magic. Have her attack. Have her use items, too. |
|1. If the Plantella is glowing with red lights, it's about to poison |
|and attack one character for major damage. |
|2. After a while, it will shed a layer of skin and reveal a head. It |
|now gets a lot slower. Use the same tactics. |
|3. When its head shows, it will attack all characters for medium |
|damage, or it will do the same first attack. |
|4. After this, it will reveal a freaky woman-person. |
|5. Now, it will release a root at one of your characters each turn for|
|even more damage, or it will do the attack described at (3). It will |
|take a while, but Plantella WILL FALL! |


1. Heal at the Althena Statue.

Remember it? It's the one at the springs.

2. Talk to Jean.

After a emotion-filled speech, Jean decides to join the party to search for
"reconcilitation for the past".

3. Leave town.

BROMIDECHECK - Jean's Bromide 2

Talk to the girl standing at the exit of the Caravan right before you leave.

When you appear on the world map, follow the trail west and upwards to get to
Takkar Village.

1.12 - TAKKAR Keyword: LW012

Items: Star Light, Passion Fruit

1. Heal at the Althena Statue if necessary.

It's at the far left of town.

2. Grab the items around town.

The Star Light is at the far left of town next to a house. The Passion Fruit
is in the bar, in the room on the left behind the hooded woman.

3. Buy weapons and armor. Get:

Iron Bracelet, Iron Gauntlet, Chain Mail, Hairband -- from the armor shop. You
should already have one Chain Mail from the Illusion Woods, so equip the other
one on the other character.

Silver Mace, Iron Fan -- from the weapons shop. Sell your other stuff, but
only if you have to.

4. Talk to the hooded girl in the tavern.

She'll have a short conversation with you and mention the Magic Guild of Vane.
But she'll leave before you know it. Now leave, and talk to the woman in the
purple shawl with purple hair outside the tavern to the right.

5. Talk to the gate guard.

As you do, the hooded girl will spy on you again. She'll ask that you follow
her after you give up on the guard. She'll tell you of a passage around

6. Meet Ms. Mysterious at the right side of town.

She will open the gate and you can exit town to the right. As you leave,
though, the hooded girl says something strange...

1.13 - TAKKAR MT. PASS Keyword: LW013

Items: Purity Ring, Wind Ring
Enemies: 4 Banshee Fowl
1 Rufus, 3 Banshee Fowl
2 Rufus, 1 Death Worm
1 Rufus, 2 Banshee Fowl, 1 Mud Cyclops
3 Banshee Fowl, 1 Mud Cyclops

As you make your way through the one-way path, monsters will chuck rocks at
you. I'm not quite sure why these are so bad. They don't take away any HP or
anything like that. I guess they're just annoying.

Don't miss the Purity Ring on the way! Equip it on someone, as it negates

When the path forks, go left for a Wind Ring. Equip it on anyone now, as it
significantly decreases Fire and Earth damage. Now go back to the fork and
take it right and out.


There's nothing to do here; just enter!

1.14 - EAST DESERT PASS Keyword: LW014

Items: Angel's Tear, 302$, Holy Water, Star Light, Herb, Star Light
Enemies: 2 Rolling Imp, 2 Susie Death
3 Rolling Imp
3 Rolling Imp, 1 Knucklebuster 3 Rolling Imp
2 Rolling Imp, 2 Susie Death
2 Knucklebuster, 1 Rolling Imp, 1 Suzie Death [A]
2 Knucklebuster, 1 Rolling Imp, 1 Suzie Death [B]
2 Rolling Imp, 1 Suzie Death [C]
2 Rolling Imp, 2 Suzie Death [C]
4 Rolling Imp
2 Rolling Imp, 2 Suzie Death
2 Rolling Imp, 1 Suzie Death, 1 Knuckle Buster

BATTLE TIPS! Many of the enemies in the Manor are all but immune to physical
attacks and very vulnerable to magic. Take advantage of all these weaknesses.
Remember, if you see a green cursor, use that attack. If it's red, stay away.

MORE BATTLE TIPS! Suzie Deaths are hard to beat. Ronfar's Anger Dice is
particularly useful here. Just defeat all the other enemies on the battlefield
first, then get Suzie. The same applies to Knucklebuster.

Go straight up from the entrance for an Angel's Tear. Now go back to the
entrance and as far left as possible and up for 302$. Now go back to the
entrance again, and this time to the far _right_ and up for a Holy Water. Now
go back to the entrance for the final time and take the only path you haven't

See the chest guarded by an enemy? It's enemy set [A] up at the enemy list.
The item? A Star Light. Worth it? Yes.

The next stationary enemy is set [B]. But head down,'s just an
alternate route. The enemies marked [C] up there are what you fight if you
choose this path.

Before you fight the next stationary enemy, get the Herb from the chest.
Follow this path, and before you enter the red-carpeted room, get the Star
Light from the chest in the corner.

UH-OH!!! The toy comes to life!

1080 Exp, 0$
|Battle Tactics |
|1. Place the characters as far apart as possible via the "Tactics" |
|menu. |
|1. Use Hiro's SQUALL each time. |
|2. Use Ronfar's St. Litany on Hiro and heal or attack with Anger Dice.|
|3. USE Jean's magic. Moth dance is the best. Yeah, I know, the cursor |
|is red, and I've said a gazillion times, "Oh, no red attacking" but do|
|it anyway. |
|1. Tester will simply sit if he's about to physically attack someone |
|for about 50 damage. |
|2. If its ears are bouncing and mouth opening and closing, it will |
|attack with a series of bubbles. It MIGHT put someone to sleep. Cure |
|this ailment with a flask o' Holy Water. |
|3. It will lose its arms after what seems forever. Then: |
|4. When he bounces up and down, it's about to squash an ally ZONE. |
|That's why you want your guys spaced out! |
|5. After YET ANOTHER forever he will lose his legs and: |
|6. If he sucks in air, he's about to magically attack a straight line |
|of characters. This is BAD. Heal. |

There's really not much to tell about this battle. It's a matter of who will
persevere the longest.

The hooded woman will reveal herself as Lemina Ausa and tell you you've
passed. "Did I surprise you?" she asks gleefully.

Well, yeah. You sure did. ::grumble::

Anyway, she joins the party. After a rude comment from Ruby, a question from
Lucia, and a conversation, you're outta there.


What's that ladder there for? I couldn't figure it out. Oh well, just exit to
the left.


Ah, just get on the carpet. What the heck, eh? Use the Althena Statue after
you fall. Yeah, I know, I may have spoiled it, but what did you THINK was
gonna happen? Leave at left.

Back in the Salyan Desert (which really doesn't seem like a desert anymore) go
left and enter the cave in the mountain.

1.15 - E and W BANDIT BUTTE Keyword: LW015

Enemies: 3 Maneater, 1 Killer Buzz - 62e, 58s
3 Maneater, 1 Killer Buzz
1 Parasite, 3 Maneater - 72e, 117s

That's "byoot", not "butt". My framerate was really slow here for some reason.

BATTLE NOTES! At or around this time, Hiro should learn Vortex. Use this
LIBERALLY. It's the first useful "all" attack. The same applies to Lemina's
Freeze Claw and Burning Rain. Also, Lemina's weapon is really effective.

There's literally only one path to follow here...take it up and enter the

Items: Shiro Crest
Enemies: 2 Killer Shroom, 2 Killer Buzz
1 Parasite, 2 Maneater, 1 Killer Buzz
3 Maneater, 2 Killer Shroom

As you travel the path, don't miss the Shiro Crest in the chest.

CRESTCHECK! For now, equip BOTH your Shiro Crest and your old Snake Crest on
ONE character. For more details, see the "crests" section at the "Battle
System" section.

Again, follow this cave to the end and exit at the bottom of the last area,
where you see the light.

Enemies: 1 Parasite, 3 Maneater
3 Maneater, 2 Killer Buzz
1 Parasite, 2 Maneater, 1 Killer Shroom
3 Maneater, 2 Killer Buzz

Again, follow the path up and to the left around the mountain and into the
cave door.

Items: Star Light
Enemies: 2 Killer Shroom, 2 Killer Buzz
1 Parasite, 2 Maneater, 1 Killer Shroom
3 Maneater, 2 Killer Shroom

At the first fork, take the upper path for a Star Light. Take the lower fork
to continue onwards. Exit at the bottom where you see the light.

Items: Wind Staff
Enemies: 2 Killer Buzz, 3 Killer Shroom
1 Parasite, 2 Maneater, 1 Killer Buzz
3 Maneater, 2 Killer Buzz
1 Parasite, 3 Maneater

This area looks strikingly similar to the entrance to the butte...hmm...

At the first fork, take the top path for a Wind Staff. This weapon is for
Lemina. It doesn't change any stats, but it changes the attribute of her
weapon to wind. Don't equip it yet.

Take the other fork to get to the exit.

Back at the not-really-Salyan Desert, do the following: Go down a bit to the
small patch of trees below the lake. Go under and around them and north. If
you don't enter the town and continue east, you come to another sort of Spire
you can't enter. If you take the north path, you get to the South Carnival,
which isn't ready yet. Go to the town.

1.16 - EAST NOTA Keyword: LW016

Items: Gauss's Necklace, Silver Light

1. Play around town and get items.

This town is also set up in layers. Talk to everyone. On the leftmost house on
the second layer, there is a Gauss's necklace. Equip immediately.

On the fourth layer, as far right as possible is a Silver Light. There's an
herb at the top of town, too.

2. Buy weapons and armor.

For armor, buy one of everything. As always, don't sell if you don't have to.
Also buy the Broadsword.

3. Cross to West Nota.

|MUSICCHECK - The Dragonship Destiny |
|You can tell exactly what's coming before it even appears on the |
|screen. The Destiny's theme is getting kinda old, don't ya think? |

4. Leave for the carnival.

To get to the carnival, go east and then north at the first opportunity.
Follow the brown path.

1.17 - CARNIVAL Keyword: LW017


1. Look around the carnival.

The carnival is pretty big. Take your time to talk to everyone. You can even
play some games!

-Hall of Chance
This is the tent right at the entrance. There's not much to this game. Just
save your game before doing it, so if you lose, you can re-open it. You
can bet 10$, 50$, or 10,000$. It's unlikely that you have 10,000$ at this
point, but with patience, you can bet up to that amount. Something strange,
though. I won every time! How about everyone else? It seems that overall, this
game puts you ahead.

The next tent up on the left is the psychic tent. This isn't a game, but talk
to the psychic a few times for some information.

-Item Shop
The next tent, on the right, is the item shop. There's nothing to do here.

-Giggle Den
There's really not much to do in the Giggle Den as far as I know. There are a
multitude of perverts in here. Just walk around randomly, pushing X repeatedly
at all times.

2. Proceed to the next section.

After you're satisfied, go north.

Items: Angel's Tear.

1. Talk to the guy with the Arrow.

Yes, folks, the Magic Arrow is the same hunk o' junk you saw back at the
carnival. To the right is a guy that sells stuff if you missed anything.

2. Explore the caravan cars.

There's an Angel's Tear in the rightmost one.

3. See Giban.

He's the one at the left of the caravan. After even more trouble with Leo
(gee, he's persistent). After Lucia goes to get changed, yes, you must go and
look at Lucia in the center caravan. The next cutscene is pretty funny. When
Lucia's finally done, she looks gorgeous!

4. Talk to the Magic Arrow's owner.

After a really unfortunate happening, the group finds themselves completely
NOT where they want to be.

1.18 - MYSTIC RUINS Keyword: LW018


Enter the weird compass-looking area. After Lucia does her thing, enter the
glowing circle.


You don't do much here before some intense flashbacking accurs from LUNAR 1.
If you played this prequel, you can really enjoy this. But no! You hear
Ghaleon, the enemy from LUNAR 1! He's here!!

After everything, exit up.


Use the Althena Statue and then leave.

Enemies: 1 Persona, 4 Reflector - 147e 208s
2 Persona, 3 Reflector - 159e, 261s
2 Masquerade, 3 Reflector - 137e, 167s
1 Persona, 4 Reflector
2 Masquerade, 3 Reflector
2 Masquerade, 3 Reflector
2 Persona, 3 Reflector
|I couldn't help but comment on the music heard in here...usually, when|
|game music composers try and put a drum set into a mysterious theme, |
|it ends up sounding dumb. I've never heard a dungeon theme like this |
|before! |

Here, you must learn to maneuver with the big moving blocks. They're pretty
simple: just step on them and they will take you across chasms and such. Just
remember that each island consists of only one immovable brick.

BATTLE NOTES! The enemies do not replenish if you visit the Althena Statue.

Go down from the entrance and step on the block to be taken to the island. Now
take the leftmost block to the next island, and then take the leftmost block
on _this_ island to the next island. Exit to the left.

Item: Healing Nut
Enemy: 1 Dark Knight, 4 Reflector - 155e, 296s

Just get the nut and leave.

Back in the big room, take the upper block. Then, take the next upper block.
When you (finally) get across, take the lower block. Enter the room.

Item: Dream Crest
Enemies: 1 Dark Knight, 4 Reflector - 155e 296s
2 Dark Knight, 1 Masquerade - 122e, 381s

Again, grab the crest, fighting the enemies if you want to.

CRESTCHECK! Don't equip this crest on anyone now. See the crests section for
more info.

Back in the large room, take the left block. Now take the bottom block and
leave through the bottom.

Items: Flame Staff
Enemies: 2 Persona, 3 Reflector
2 Masquerade, 3 Reflector
2 Masquerade, 3 Reflector
1 Persona, 4 Reflector 147e 208s
2 Masquerade, 3 Reflector

If you take the left block at the entrance and follow the blocks till you find
a room, you'll find:

Item: Star Light
Enemies: 4 Reflector, 1 Dark Knight
1 Masquerade, 2 Dark Knight

Get the Star Light and leave.

Back in the main room, USE THE UPPER BRICK and follow the path all around.
When you get back to the door you just exited, go back to the entrance and
take the _right_ block. Follow the blocks again to reach a right room.

Item: Star Light
Enemies: 4 Reflector, 1 Dark Knight 155e 296s
1 Persona, 2 Reflector, 1 Dark Knight 140e 318s
1 Dark Knight, 3 Masquerade - 131 e 283s

As with the previous rooms, get the item, fighting the enemies if desired.

Go back to the entrance of the room and use the right brick. Now use the left
brick, pick up the Flame Staff, and then use the right brick. The Flame Staff
is pretty useless right now, just like the Wind Staff. Each of these Staffs
will become useful in due time, though...

Once on the next island, use the top brick, then the left brick, then the
right brick, then the top brick and GET OUTTA THERE!

<>you played LUNAR 1, you saw that Ghaleon had a strange
garden in the middle of his big magic machine that I'm too tired to think of
the name of. This really goes against his evil demeanor. Hm...

1. Talk to the fairies.

Anyway, if you did play LUNAR 1, the fairies say things that have a lot of
meaning. If not, talk to them anyway and try to figure things out. These
fairies really talk about Ghaleon in a different way than we left him in LUNAR

2. Try to exit out the bottom.

Lucia succeeds, and you can finally leave.

Head back to Nota. Or, at least, try. You won't get far before the Destiny
captures you. Just when it looks like you're about to be toast, someone helps

When it's all done, you can leave.

When you'te back in East Nota, there's really not much you can do but leave to
go to West Nota. This time you actually make it across!

1.19 - WEST NOTA Keyword: LW019

Items: Peasant Clothes, Life Jewel, Herb

In the visitor's center (the first room) talk to the moving merchant for a
comment about Ramus and his store! (No idea what I'm talking about? Play LUNAR

1. Buy weapons and armor.

This shop is at the top-center of town. Buy one of everything and two of the
Silver Hairpin and Silver Gauntlet for the girls. Again, don't sell if you
don't have to.

2. Find items.

A Peasant Clothes is in the leftmost house on the second layer from the
bottom, and on the bottom far left, there is an herb . Also, on the second
layer, go as far right as possible and then go ALL the way up. You'll see a
chest, along with the poor boy who was gonna marry Julia.

3. Leave town.

Ronfar mentions a city, Azalo, to the north. Start the journey!

| | ==============================================================
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Levels: 22 or 23
Crests: 3
Good amount of silver

|MUSICCHECK - Overworld |
|The overworld music changes here, and with good reason. You're finally|
|out of that damn desert! It's more upbeat, though...which doesn't make|
|much sense! |

You'll head north for a really, really long time. After a while, you enter a
snowy zone. The town of Zulan is right ahead.

1.20 - ZULAN Keyword: LW020

Items: Plate Armor, Star Light

It's tough to navigate around here with all the snow! Head left and straight
down until you see people.
1. Buy weapons and armor.

Buy everything in the armor shop. Also, buy the weapons for Jean and Ronfar.
Remember, if you can't afford them, un-equip the old weapons, sell them, and
buy new. Sell Star Lights, too. (I'm bad. I had to sell a Life Jewel.)

2. Talk to people around town and get items.

A man comments on some people that mey be lost in the mountains. Also, a kid's
dad died. There is a useful Plate Armor on the second floor of the Mayor's
house. This is the big house on the left side of town. While you're up here,
talk to the mayor, and commit to killing the beast.

3. Watch Lucia leave.

Yeah, there's not a single way to stop her. You MUST commit to killing the
beast to go on. Now you can get out of town via the upper-left exit.

1.21 - ZULAN MOUNTAIN PASS Keyword: LW021

<> - first area
Enemies: 3 Wyburn, 1 Barbarian
3 Wyburn
4 Albino Baboon

BATTLE TIPS! Everything here is weak to fire. Equip Lemina with her Flame
Staff, and use Fire attacks.

As this is a mountain, this area is set up in layers. The ladder up the first
layer is on the right. The next is on the left. Press "X" at the ice and enter
the cave.

<> - first area
Items: 2000$, Healing Nut
Enemies: 3 Wyburn, 1 Razor Wolf
2 Razor Wolf, 1 Wyburn
2 Albino Baboon, 2 Barbarian
1 Razor Wolf, 3 Wyburn
3 Albino Baboon, 2 Wyburn

BATTLE TIPS! Concentrate ALL your attack power on the Razor Wolves IF they're
spinning. This is an indicator of an insanely damaging attack.

Don't miss the chest full of silver as you travel to the right. If you go up
both ladders, and fight the enemy, you can get a Healing Nut. Go right and
down the second ladder, and the ladder on the left to continue.

Go up the far-right ladder and out.

<> - second area
Enemies: 1 Barbarian, 3 Wyburn
2 Albino Baboon, 1 Razor Wolf

Head left, up the ladder, and right. Here, there are two iced entrances. The
left one houses an enemy. You want the right one.

<> - second area
Items: Power Crest
Enemies: 2 Razor Wolf, 1 Wyburn
1 Razor Wolf, 2 Wyburn
1 Razor Wolf, 2 Wyburn, 1 Barbarian
3 Albino Baboon, 2 Wyburn

Head left, up the ladder, and right. Go up this ladder, and as you head left,
get the crest from the chest. Go left, down the ladder, and out.

CRESTCHECK! At this point, I recommend the DREAM and POWER crests on Ronfar
and the other two on Hiro.

<> - third area
Items: Water Staff
Enemies: 2 Albino Baboon, 1 Razor Wolf 4 Albino Baboon
2 Albino Baboon, 1 Razor Wolf

Find the Water Staff to the right. To the left, skip the first ice unless you
wanna battle. Go left and up the ladder. Now, it's the SECOND ice which houses
an enemy. Enter the first.

Items: Barrier Ring, Phoenix Ring
Enemies: 1 Razor Wolf, 3 Wyburn
2 Razor Wolf, 1 Wyburn

There's a Barrier Ring near the first ladder. Equip this immediately on
Lemina, who has low max HP.

Go down the ladder, and go right. Look closely! In the alcove (indentation) at
the bottom, the slightest part of a treasure chest shows. Get the Phoenix
Ring! Equip this on someone. It really doesn't matter who. Now leave at right.

<> - fourth area
Enemies: 2 Albino Baboon, 2 Barbarian

By this time, your party should be running out of steam. Don't give up!
Success is just around the corner! Head left, up, and right. Melt the ice.


Before you go any further, look below for preparations!

After an avalanche and a near-miss with Hiro and Lucia, you'll find yourself
in another area.

It's still Zulan Mountain 1, but you must find all your party members. Walk up
to them and press X. Once they have all been found, head up. You know what's

2600 Exp, 0$
|Battle Tactics |
|1. Make sure you have equipped all ice-blocking and fire-using items. |
|2. Set your order so that characters are as FAR APART as possible. |
|1. Use Ronfar's Anger Dice. Also have him heal. |
|Have him cast Saint Litany when the boss guards. |
|2. Have Lemina cast Power Flame on Hiro and Jean. Have her then |
|alternate between offensive with Flame Shot, and when the beast guards|
|himself, raise everyone's defense with Ice Shell. |
|3. Have Jean simply attack. |
|4. Use Hiro's Poe Sword. |
|1. If he pounds his chest, he's about to seriously injure a zone of |
|people with possible paralysis! Cure with Cleansing Water. |
|2. When he sits there and looks like the hideous thing he is, he is |
|going to seriously hurt everyone!!! |
|3. When he stands and looks up, he will GUARD HIMSELF FROM ALL ATTACKS|
|until the blizzard disappears so use this opportunity to heal. |

If you follow these tactics this fight is EASY. One awakening later, the group
finds themselves back in the town.

When you try to leave the mayor's house, Maria will try and join your party.
She decides to stay when she hears the crying of the baby. You can now leave
town at the bottom-left when you are ready.

Head South along the path. Enter the harbor town. (Note: If you had gone to
the other place, you couldn't have gotten aywhere.
1.22 - MERIBIA Keyword: LW022


Fans of LUNAR 1 will most likely head straight to Ramus's shop to see what's
up. Yes, even 6 generations later, Ramus is still pleasantly plump. Also, it
appears that the second section of Meribia was cut off entirely!

1. Talk to everyone, as usual. Get items.
Items: Herb, Life Jewel, Dagger, Earth Crest
BROMIDECHECK - Jessica's Bromide

When you get to Meribia, talk to the man sitting in the upper-left corner
of the tavern for this Bromide.

BROMIDECHECK - Lemina's Bromide 3

Talk to Ramus's grandfather several times to get this bromide. You must
do this right upon entering Meribia.
BROMIDECHECK - Lemina's Bromide 2

After you get the previous bromide, go look in the barrels in the back
of the store for another bromide.

CREDIT -- Thanks to for the locations of the two previous

A weapons shop is strangely down, and the items shop sells Star Lights for a
mere 2000$! Get the herb in the lower-right area of town, and on the far-left
in the center is a Life Jewel, too.

2. Stock up on weapons and armor.

However, if you look at the left part of town, you'll see a Weapons and Armor
shop. Buy everything you ned at the armor shop (and two of some). Also buy
both weapons from the weapons shop. Don't feel guilty if you have to sell a
Silver Light. I had to...

3. Enter Master Lunn's castle.

It's the big ol' building in the upper-right corner of town. When you enter,
you see a hyped-up Lunn training new students.

When you get upstairs, go back down and all the way across into the weapons
room and find the Dagger in the chest. On the second floor in the bottom-right
is an Earth Crest.

CRESTCHECK! If you equip the Earth, Dream, or Snake crests with the Power
crest, you not only gain a magical ability of the first crest's type, but you
get that status added to your weapon, i.e. if you equip Snake + Power, your
weapon will posion enemies. For now, equip Power + Earth on Hiro.

Some flashbacking occurs when you enter Lunn's chamber. Talk to Lunn several
times, and then you're off to Taben's Peak.

Taben's peak is the big mountain surrounded by forest to the right of Meribia.

1.23 - TABEN'S PEAK Keyword: LW023

Items: Life Jewel

At the entrance, head north. You encounter a creature that looks exactly like
Ruby, except he's white! Then a boy named "Nall" appears. Hmm...

|MUSICCHECK - Ugh, that song! |
|It's Lucia's Theme, except it's sung by the most annoying voice synth-|
|esizer possible! I couldn't stay in this area for long! |

Before you enter the peak, head right at its base to find an item. To the left
is an Althena Statue.

Items: Herb, Legendary Lid
Enemies: 4 Tormentor
1 Dream Leech, 3 Tormentor
1 Dream Leech, 3 Tormentor
4 Tormentor
4 Tormentor, 1 Octo Plant
4 Tormentor, 1 Octo Plant (right)

BATTLE TIPS! Dream Leeches have the power to absorb vast quantities of MP, up
to 50 MP at a time. Kill them as fast as possible.

Head left and around the wooden path. At the left/right fork, go left, then
left again for an herb. To the right is nothing. If you try to go up the
ladder, a bunch of mangy kids come and throw rocks at Ronfar, the "ugly-
looking guy".

Before you go up the stairs to the next area, look closely to the right! There
are two wooden bridges. Make your way under the trees to the top one. The
slightest part of a chest is hown there. It holds the legendary lid. (REALLY
useful. See the armor section.)

Items: Thunder Staff
Enemies: 3 Octo Plant, 1 Magic Hat
3 Tormentor, 1 Dream Leech
2 Tormentor, 1 Magic Hat
3 Octo Plant, 1 Magic Hat
2 Tormentor, 2 Octo Plant
4 Tormentor, 1 Octo Plant
2 Tormentor, 1 Magic Hat

Follow the path right and around the wooden walkway. It's fairly linear, with
no real path splits. However, don't miss the Thunder Staff on the layer before
the final layer.


As soon as you enter here, you'll see a little brat again. After a suprise
involving pepper, move on to the next area.

Items: Luck Ring
Enemies: 2 Dream Leech, 2 Octo Plant
4 Tormentor
4 Tormentor, 1 Octo Plant
1 Dream Leech, 2 Octo Plant, 1 Magic Hat
1 Dream Leech, 3 Tormentor

There's a Luck Ring in plain view. Equip it on anyone. Also in plain view on
the second layer is a Spirit Mace, which Ronfar should equip immediately. Exit
this area at the top.


AAAAHH!!! There's that music again! After a blatant misunderstanding, the
group finds themselvves in some sort of prison cell.

After a night of sleep, leave the room.


OK, so this isn't a Dragon Cult. After you've talekd to everyone, go up to the
next floor via the stairs on the right of the bottom layer.

Items: Cute Ribbon

Find the item in the hidden chest in the second room. If you go to the far
left and try to go up, you hear Nall and Lucia having a conversation. This is
about to get interesting...

Before you go up, enter the room in the middle of this floor.

Items: Herb

It's a giant playground! Get the herb in the bottom-right corner.

NOW go up the stairs.


Talk to Nall. Then something terrible happens, and you should follow Nall.
Another terrible thing later, Jean tells her story to Nall. Nall chooses Lucia
to stay with him at the mountain to take care of the kids.

Leave, and in the big room with the oven, exit at the bottom and use the
gondola on the left to get down.

<> - second time

It appears that Master Lunn had to go to Pentagulia. So go to Ramus's shop,
and you'll see a section of crumbled wall. Enter.

1.24 - MERIBIAN SEWERS Keyword: LW024

Items: Star Light, Dew Ring, Steel Shield, Quake Staff, Soul Bandanna, Silver
Light, Healing Nut
Enemies: 2 Fatal Hopper, 3 Grog Snake
3 Fatal Hopper, 2 Grog Snake
3 Fatal Hopper, 1 Gunfoot
3 Fatal Hopper, 2 Grog Snake
3 Grog Snake, 1 Gunfoot
2 Fatal Hopper, 3 Grog Snake
3 Grog Snake, 1 Gunfoot
1 Fatal Hopper, 2 Grog Snake, 1 Ammonia
2 Fatal Hopper, 3 Grog Snake
3 Grog Snake, 1 Gunfoot
2 Fatal Hopper, 1 Grog Snake, 1 Ammonia
3 Fatal Hopper, 2 Grog Snake
2 Fatal Hopper, 3 Grog Snake
3 Fatal Hopper, 1 Gunfoot
1 Fatal Hopper, 2 Grog Snake, 1 Ammonia
2 Fatal Hopper, 1 Grog Snake, 1 Ammonia
3 Fatal Hopper, 1 Gunfoot
1 Fatal Hopper, 2 Grog Snake, 1 Ammonia
1 Fatal Hopper, 2 Grog Snake, 1 Ammonia
1 Fatal Hopper, 2 Grog Snake, 1 Ammonia
2 Fatal Hopper, 1 Grog Snake, 1 Ammonia
1 Fatal Hopper, 2 Grog Snake, 1 Ammonia
1 Fatal Hopper, 2 Grog Snake, 1 Ammonia

BATTLE TIPS! Equip Lemina with her Lightning Staff. Remember, all enemies here
are weak to Fire and Lightning. Use this to your advantage. Also use her fire
magic. You may run out of MP for her. In this case use a Star or Silver Light.
Don't be afraid to use a Silver Light. THat's what they're there for!

This area is HUGE!! You'll be in here a while, but don't worry. It's possible
to get through AND fight all the enemies!

Follow the path left. See the blue button on the wall? Push it with X. Go down
first, though, to find a Star Light. Go up and across the bridge to continue.
Though it looks like you can't, go right at the exit of the bridge you should
head right. In the little room is the switch you're looking for along with a
Steel Shield. Equip this on Hiro, but make sure you put the Legendary Lid on
someone. The switch activates a bridge directly above the one you were just

Here, go right for a while, then down. The path splits at a few places here.
Go right and into the room for a Dew Ring. If you go down, then left, then
left again and around, you can get a Quake Staff for Lemina. (Don't equip.)
Now, the path has basically two ways: down and right. Go down first. Trip the
switch at the end of the hall. Now go back to the fork and go right.

At the next fork on this fork, go either way -- it doesn't matter -- and get
the item and flip the switch. Equip your item on Ronfar, and go back down the
other fork and cross the new bridge. BUT WAIT! If you pass the bridge, go
right, down, and down the next bridge, you can get a Silver Light.

This next area is full of fast enemies. Dodge them if you want, but it's
possible to fight them all and still be OK. From here, go left and take the
first down-path then the right fork for a Steel Helm. Equip on Hiro.

To the left of this there are no items, just a bunch of paths. Make sure you
find and trip the switch in the top-left corner of this little area before
continuing onward. (There's a path at the bottom that will let you proceed.)

The path forks again, so go left for a Healing Nut and up, then left to

Grab the two Star Lights in the chests. Don't enter the room yet; instead,
take the bridge down and around for a Silk Dress for Jean. Now push the button
and enter the room.

Enemies: 4 Assassin

Head down... there they are! The Dragon Cult!

BATTLE TIPS! The assassins are weak to Ice and Lightning. Concentrate on one
at a time, or use magic that affects the whole field.

When you win, the leader chickens out and bid you to Horam to fight. When you
emerge, you come out at Lunn's castle. But...that means the Cult came through
here! Hm...

The only thing left to do now is go back to Taben's Peak! Use the gondola at
the entrance to get up.

1.25 - TABEN'S PEAK REVISITED Keyword: LW025

When you get up there, you meet Nall. Go upstairs and find Lucia, who's
learned how to sing a lullaby! She's in the playground. Now go back
downstairs. Head to te bottom and go right this time to begin traveling to
Vane. Before you leave, though, Nall gives you Dragon Wings to transport you
out of dungeons.

Wait, though! Don't go on so quickly! Check out Ramus's store again. It's
pretty funny what happens to it.

Back in the East Katarina Zone, Vane is right there. But before you enter, go
to the Transmission Springs a bit away.

BROMIDECHECK - Mia's Bromide

Talk to the roving person at the Transmission Springs to get this one.



Level: 27
As many accessories and crests equipped as possible


You can't enter Vane now because of some fat Borgan's orders. So leave and go
to the Transmission Springs a few steps south.


Simply step on the right star to transport yourselves into Vane. Well, not
really Vane...

1.26 - CAVE OF TRIAL Keyword: LW026
Enemies: 5 Giga Wasp
2 Giga Wasp, 2 Death Shroom
3 Giga Wasp, 1 Death Shroom
1 Bat Knight, 2 Giga Wasp, 1 Death Shroom

Unfortunately, the same Cave of Trial still lays between you and Vane as it
did 1,000 years ago. Oh well, you better get started.

Start by going left at the fork. Though the path branches off at several
places, there is only one exit from this floor. It's near the top-right.

Enemies: 3 Giga Wasp, 1 Death Shroom
3 Giga Wasp, 1 Death Shroom
2 Giga Wasp, 1 Bat Knight, 1 Death Shroom
2 Giga Wasp, 2 Death Shroom
3 Giga Wasp, 1 Death Shroom
5 Giga Wasp

BATTLE TIPS! Many of the enemies in here use status-altering attacks such as
sleep. You can counter this in a couple of ways. You should equip all status-
canceling accesories, and you should use Jean's disabling magic to turn the
tables on them

Again, on this floor, there are several different side paths and such, but
only one exit. It's in the middle-left. To get to it, head down and left from
the entrance, take a path down, and then take the first path left.

Enemies: 3 Giga Wasp, 1 Bat Knight

From the entrance, simply head up and right. There's nothing else to do on
this floor.

Enemies: 3 Giga Wasp, 2 Death Shroom
3 Giga Wasp, 1 Bat Knight
2 Giga Wasp, 1 Bat Knight, 1 Death Shroom
5 Giga Wasp
5 Giga Wasp

This floor is just like the rest. It's got lots of paths and one exit. To get
to the exit, go left from the entrance, take the first up, and head up to the


There are no enemies here, but there's a treasure chest in the bottom-left
corner. Try to get it, and Lemina will scream at you. Exit at bottom-center,
where you can see the light.

1.27 - VANE Keyword: LW027


1. Buy weapons and armor.

The armor shop is right above the exit of the Cave. In the armor shop, you
probably won't need a Steel Shield. One Magic Gauntlet should do if you have
the Legendary Lid equipped on a girl. Buy the Platinum Armor, Silk Dress, and
Magician Robe, and skip the Steel Helm and Soul Bandanna, because again, you
should have them. Also buy a Bejeweled Hairpin or two.

The weapons shop is on the right side of town, across from the armor shop. You
have a choice between weapons for Hiro. By George, don't buy them both! Look
at the stats, and your wallet, and pick one. You should buy Ronfar's Mace, and
you should already HAVE all the staffs.

2. Visit the Library.

Every single bookcase here has something different. If you feel ambitious,
read them all!

BROMIDECHECK - Lemina's Bromide 1

On the THIRD line of bookcases from the bottom on the right, examine the
bookshelf furthest right for this one.

3. Use the Althena Statue and enter the Guild.

The Althena Stateu is in the upper-left cornor of town, and the Magic Guild is
the big building in the middle.

4. Explore around the Guild before entering the middle main room.

When you enter the main room, you see Borgan here. Fat? Nah, he's just big-
boned. NOT. Talk to Big Daddy twice. Then, follow Lemina to the top. After a
big long sequence, exit and leave Vane. She'll FINALLY let you open the
chests. Don't miss any of 'em!

-In the Guild office is Lemina's Purse.
-In the corner of the main Guild room is the Gorgon Doll.
-To the left of the Guild, down the stairs and down, is a Thunder Crest.
-Directly right of the Guild entrance, you'll find a Seal Crest.
-To the right of the Library entrance and up a bit is a Silver Light.
-An Angel Ring is in the upper-left corner of the library.
-Don't forget this one! Back down in the cave of trial is a Thieves Staff for

CREDIT! Thanks to timmy supafly for the info about the Thieves Staff.

That should be it!

CRESTCHECK! Equip the Power and Dream crests on Hiro. On Lemina, equip the
Earth and Thunder crests. Why? In the instruction book, it shows that Earth
and Lightning are compatible crests. Not only does this unlock magic, it
enables a non-attribute magic, too! Also equip Shiro and Seal on Jean.

You can now leave Vane and travel to Pentagulia.

Back on the trail, head East past the Transfer Springs, then head south along
the shoreline. It isn't long before you reach a forest.

1.28 - SLUICE FOREST Keyword: LW028

Enemies: 2 Giga Ant, 2 Flytrapper
1 Giga Ant, 4 Flytrapper
4 Flytrapper, 1 Killer Wasp
2 Giga Ant, 3 Flytrapper

This area is straightforward. Simply head up and exit at the top.

Items: Vigor Ring, Star Light, Warrior Crest
Enemies: 2 Flytrapper, 2 Killer Wasp
2 Giga Ant, 2 Flytrapper
1 Giga Ant, 4 Flytrapper
3 Flytrapper, 2 Bloodbyrd
2 Giga Ant, 2 Flytrapper
2 Flytrapper, 1 Bloodbyrd, 1 Killer Wasp

This area's not so straightforward. At the first fork, go up for an item. It's
a Vigor Ring, very useful in this area because it cancels paralysis. Take the
other fork to continue.

The next area is a small circle. Head up and right. Head up, and get the item
from the chest. Follow the path left, and push left for a Warrior Crest.

CRESTCHECK! Equip the Earth and Lightning crests on Lemina to enable a cool
magic attack. Jean should have Shiro and Dream, and put WARRIOR AND SEAL ON
HIRO FOR AN EASY LIFE FROM HERE ON IN. Be warned, though. You lose Hiro's


Go to the Althena Statue to heal, then try to cross the bridge. At night, Hiro
will awaken to discover a missing Lucia. You should attempt to go on the
bridge now.

In the morning, you can cross.

Back in East Katarina, head south. Follow the one-way path to Azado, the
harbor town.

1.29 - AZADO Keyword: LW029

Items: Angel Ring, Safety Helmet, Life Jewel

Read the two signs at the entrance for a scary warning.

1. Buy weapons and armor.

Buy a fan for Jean, and at the armor shop, you should theoretically buy
something for everyone. You may have to sell a bunch of stuff, maybe even a
Silver Light, but it's worth it.

2. Talk to people and get items.

There's an Angel Ring in a chest at the right of town. You can easily see it
from in front of the weapons shop, but you must walk aound the back of the
weapons shop to get it. Don't forget to visit the Althena Statue at the left-
middle of town.

3. Head up and into the shrine.

Ronfar will notice that something is up. Hopefully, in this little town, some
questions will be answered...


Talk to the girl standing in front of the statue. She tells you to go look for
a house in town with a red roof. Do so.


Again, this house has the red roof and is near the middle of town. Talk to the
child out front to get in. After a long conversation, talk to Balse again
twice. He will ask you if you're ready to crash for the night. If you're
satisfied with all you've done in Azado, say you're ready.

But wait! A chest has appeared in the home of the husband and wife to the left
of the entrance. It holds a Safety Helmet. Also, I'm not sure if this was here
before, but there's a Life Jewel partially hidden by trees in the extreme
lower-left of town.

At night, go to the harbor at the left. There's a wooden plank leading to a
large boat. WAIT! It's the Dragonship Destiny! Things get worse and worse.
When you gain control of the group again, Azado will now be...

1.29.A - AZADO BARBECUE Keyword: LW025A

Enemies: 3 Inferno Ghoul
3 Inferno Ghoul
4 Inferno Ghoul
4 Inferno Ghoul
3 Inferno Ghoul
3 Inferno Ghoul
3 Inferno Ghoul

BATTLE TIPS! One swipe of Hiro's Poe Sword is enough to destroy an Inferno

Many paths are blocked by fire. All you must do is make your way through the
masses to Balse's house. Remember, the Althena Statue is there!

A sequence will ensue with Balse. When done, continue upward towards the

Once inside, go up the stairs on the right. Now go down the stairs on the
left. The next area is simply a large section of small rooms with only one
entrance and one exit.

1.29.B - GODDESS IMAGE Keyword: LW025B

Items: Star Light, Healing Ring, Healing Crest
Enemies: 1 Dieclops, 3 Flight Knight
1 Nipple Yanker, 3 Flight Knight
1 Nipple Yanker, 3 Flight Knight
3 Flight Knight, 1 Electro Eye
1 Nipple Yanker, 2 Flight Knight
3 Flight Knight, 1 Electro Eye

At the top of the structure, you now have a choice. You can go back down and
try to get the item at the bottom. Or, you can proceed directly to the top.
The choice is yours, but the items are a Healing Ring and Healing Crest. These
are really helpful, and you should get them. It's only four battles!

3 Flight Knight, 1 Electro Eye
1 Nipple Yanker, 3 Flight Knight
1 Nipple Yanker, 2 Flight Knight, 1 Electro Eye
2 Nipple Yanker, 2 Flight Knight

Before you go up to the top, go all the way back down and heal at the Althena
Statue in the sanctuary by paying 100$. Yes, I know it's annoying, but it will
help immensely this next battle!

Items: Healing Nut
Enemies: 2 Dieclops, 2 Flight Knight
1 Nipple Yanker, 2 Flight Knight

The exit stairs are at top-left.

Items: Silver Light
Enemies: 2 Nipple Yanker, 2 Flight Knight
1 Nipple Yanker, 2 Flight Knight, 1 Electro Eye
1 Nipple Yaker, 2 Flight Knight

On this floor, the exit is on the bottom-right where you see light.



When you enter here, get ready!!!!


|Boss Fight - FLAME FANG 6000 Exp, 0$ |
| |
|Battle Tactics |
|1. Equip Hiro with the Healing and another magical crest. |
|2. Equip Leo with the Warrior and Earth crests. |
|3. Space your characters out. SEE BELOW. |
|1. Have Ronfar heal. Use St. Litany if you can. DO NOT ATTACK. |
|2. Have Leo use his Flash Blade. |
|3. Use Hiro's Poe Sword. |
|1. When the Fang flaps slowly, it is about to release a powerful Fire |
|magic on one character. |
|2. When he flaps very quickly, you need to get ready for a one-person |
|powerful physical attack. |
|3. When the Fang flaps at a medium speed, he will cast fire on all for|
|a lot of damage. |

| R|
|L |
| | Arrange your guys like this.
| |
| |


When you get to the star area, talk to the priests. They don't have much to
say. :)

Back in town, heal at the Althena Statue before heading on to the Destiny.
After a near-miss on the Destiny, the group finds themselves traveling to

You now have free reign of the ship. When you try to enter the mess hall on
B1, you see Lucia. Follow her up. After a long and confusing scene, you find
yourselves at Pentagulia...and DISC 2!


1.30 - DESTINY - 15 Keyword: LW030


Not much to do here. Exit via the left-middle stairway.

| | ==============================================================
| | P E N T A G U L I A
| |__ ==============================================================
|_____| 2

1.31 - PENTAGULIA CITY Keyword: LW031


You will automatically talk to Leo upon exit of the Destiny. You'll meet up
with an old "friend" (minus the r). When you can, talk to each of the members
of your party.

1. Talk to everyone in the harbor area.

Here, suspense starts to build. A lot of foreshadowing is used here...see if
you can guess what will happen before proceeding to the next area.

2. In Pentagulia Commons, explore around.

A quick look around will reveal four towers, each in the corners. Red, Blue,
White, and Black, the colors of the four Dragons, each represent a tower. They
also represent places where your characters went.

3. Catch up with Jean in the Blue Tower.

It's the one in the bottom-left. You can't do much here. You can only listen
to a fragment of their converation.

4. Catch Ronfar in the Red Tower.

This is the top-left one. Poor Ronfar...

5. See Lemina in the Black Tower.

This one's on the bottom-right. Lemina talks to Borgan here.

6. Get with Leo in the White Tower.

This is the last one, on the top-right. You can't do anything here!

7. Enter the Pentagulia Shrine.

You can't miss it -- it's the big decorated building in the middle of the
commons. Make your way up the floors, and talk to Leo at the doors. Enter!

8. Meet the goddess!

I won't spoil anything for you here. There's really no strategy to the boss
fight. Just hack away with your sword until you lose. Whe you gain control of
Hiro again, talk to Ruby. Next, talk to "Mystere".

1.32 - DRAGON TOWERS Keyword: LW032

1.32 - WHITE TOWER Keyword: LW032A

Items: Healing Ring

Make your way down. Don't miss the Healing Ring on the first floor down from
the prison.

Items: Platinum Blade
Enemies: 1 Corp. Crusher, 1 Sgt. Slaughter
1 Corp. Crusher, 2 Sgt. Slaughter

BATTLE TIPS! The enemies here are easy. Remember to visit the Althena Statue
on 5F if you're in need of healing. All here are weak to wind.

Here, get the Platinum Blade from the room (you have to fight an enemy to get
it) and equip it on Hiro immediately.

Items: Life Jewel
Enemies: 1 Corp. Crusher, 1 Sgt. Slaughter
2 Corp. Crusher
3 Sgt. Slaughter
1 Corp. Crusher, 2 Sgt. Slaughter

Again, on ths floor, there is an item guarded by a hidden enemy. Get it and
leave at left.

Enemies: 2 Corp. Crusher
1 Corp. Crusher, 2 Sgt. Slaughter

Here, all you must do is go down, through the door, up and through another
door, and down the stairs.


Here, it's recommended that you heal at the statue for 100$. Go down the
stairs at left.

Enemies: 2 Sgt. Slaughter, 1 Flame Reaper - 273e, 77$
2 Sgt. Slaughter, 1 Flash Lord
1 Flash Lord, 2 Flame Reaper
2 Sgt. Slaughter, 1 Assassin
2 Flash Lord, 1 Flame Reaper

Down here, there is an Althena Statue. Find it, and from this central area
branch paths to the towers. Now you must make a decision. Who do you want back
the most? I suggest the BLACK tower in the bottom-right so you can get Lemina.
Here are the characters and their towers.

BLACK - Bottom-right - Lemina
RED - Top-left - Ronfar
BLUE - Bottom-left - Jean

Pick one, and see the walkthrough.

1.32 - BLACK TOWER Keyword: LW032B

When you enter the Black Tower from underground, go up the stairs on the

Items: Jewel Gauntlet
Enemies: 2 Flash Lord, 1 Dark Sorcerer
2 Flash Lord, 1 Dark Sorcerer
1 Flash Lord, 2 Dark Sorcerer

BATTLE TIPS! You can't heal here without Ronfar's magic, so equip Healing
Crests and Rings.

The item seen is a Jewel Gauntlet. It can't be equipped on anyone now, but
it's a useful item.

Enemies: 3 Flash Lord
2 Flash Lord, 1 Dark Sorcerer
1 Flash Lord, 2 Dark Sorcerer
2 Flash Lord, 1 Dark Sorcerer

There's not much to do here, other than get across and get up the stairs.

Items: Ritual Hairpin
Enemies: 1 Flash Lord, 2 Dark Sorcerer
2 Flash Lord, 1 Dark Sorcerer
2 Flash Lord, 1 Dark Sorcerer

Go STRAIGHT down from the entrance for a Ritual Hairpin. Go left, down through
the door, and up the stairs.


Here, just go up the stairs and into the room.


To free Lemina, push the big stick at the entrance FROM THE BOTTOM.

Head all the way back down and out.

1.32 - BLUE TOWER Keyword: LW032C


Head across and up here, of course.

Enemies: 1 Assassin, 2 Mercenary - 276e, 84s
2 Assassin, 1 Mercenary - 273e, 76s

BATTLE TIPS! Equip Lemina with her Water Staff to take advantage of the
weaknesses of these enemies.

Again, there's not much to do here. Simply head across and exit.

Items: Jewel Gauntlet
Enemies: 1 Assassin, 2 Mercenary
2 Assassin, 1 Mercenary

Head through the doorways, and get the Jewel Gauntlet if you want.

Items: Ritual Haripin
Enemies: 2 Assassin, 1 Mercenary
1 Assassin, 2 Mercenary

The Ritual Hairpin isn't hard to get, so simply get it and exit at left.


Head across, up, and free Jean. Head down and out.

1.32 - RED TOWER Keyword: LW032D


This is the tower in the upper-left hand corner.

Enemies: 1 Flame Reaper, 1 Gargoyle
2 Flame Reaper, 1 Gargoyle

BATTLE TIPS! Basically, the gargoyles are very weak to magic, and physically
attacking them is useless. Remember this!

Nothing to do here; get in and out!

Enemies: 2 Flame Reaper, 1 Gargoyle - 276e, 93s
1 Flame Reaper, 1 Gargoyle - 183e, 56s
2 Flame Reaper, 1 Gargoyle

Go up through the door into the little room, and then go down out through the
other door and up.

Items: Silver Light, Hellfire Staff
Enemies: 2 Flame Reaper, 1 Gargoyle
3 Flame Reaper, 1 Gargoyle
3 Flame Reaper, 1 Gargoyle
2 Flame Reaper, 1 Gargoyle

Get the Silver Light (on the right) and the Hellfire Staff (on the left).

right, up, and free Ronfar. Now leave the tower.

<> - finding the secret passage

The passage is behind the Althena Statue. You won't be able to use the statue
after it splits!


After something happens, head up and down the stairs. Around here, there is
really only one path. It takes you through the Goddess' chambers and out into
the main room. When you can, talk to Lucia. Follow her where she goes.

After way too many things happen, you find yourselves where you don't wanna



1. Talk to Nall several times.

Listen to him; the things he says are very important!

2. Leave via the gondola and head towards Vane.

Right outside the Peak, you'll see the Destiny. Simply step on it and press X.


Talk to Leo.

BOSS FIGHT - LEO!! I didn't feel like doing a complete boss strategy for Leo,
since the fight is so non-strategic. Simply use Poe Sword each time, and heal
with Healing Nuts when you need to.

You now hold control of the Dragonship Destiny. Before you go off speeding to
the Cave, hit square, and use the Althena Statue on the ship. NOW mow left,
straight across the forest, and then go due south onto the beach and into the

Finding the cave is a no-brainer. There's only one icy shore to dock on. Find
it, and go as far as you can with the Destiny. Then, go up and into the Dragon

1.33 - WHITE DRAGON CAVE Keyword: LW033
Items: Star Light, Snake Ring
Enemies: 1 Shiro Mongrel, 2 Mecha Star, 1 Yeti
2 Shiro Mongrel, 2 Yeti
3 Shiro Mongrel, 1 Mutant Fly
1 Shiro Mongrel, 1 Mecha Star, 2 Yeti
4 Shiro Mongrel
2 Mutant Fly, 2 Yeti
4 Shiro Mongrel
3 Shiro Mongrel, 1 Chiro Mongrel
1 Mecha Star, 3 Shiro Mongrel
2 Mutant Fly, 2 Yeti
4 Shiro Mongrel
2 Mutant Fly, 2 Shiro Mongrel

Listen to what Nall must find four chests, one in each corner of
the dungeon. But wait a second! As you'll find out, there are no such things,
and you clear the cave just fine without finding any such chests. Hmm...

From the start, find the down ladder. Don't go down yet. Go past it and around
and find the chest. Now, go down it, and up another one closeby. Following the
twisting path, find the Snake Ring along the way.

BATTLE TIPS!! All enemies here are very weak to Fire. Use this to your extreme
advantage. ALSO...use Lemina's Thieves Staff to steal a Chiro Crest from the
Chiro Mongrels. You can sell these for a handsome price.

CREDIT! Thanks to for the Thieves Staff info just listed.'ll eventually come to a spot where there are three paths: two ladders,
and a down-path around the ice. If you take the down-path, it's a more direct
route. If you take either of the ladders, leave the pit area via the
bottommost one and continue right.

BATTLE TIPS! By now, you may have realized that the battles here are pretty
tough. Persevere! And use your items. That's what they're there for. :)

You'll go right for a while, and you'll come upon a door. Enter!

Items: Endurance Ring
Enemies: 2 Chiro Mongrel
3 Shiro Mongrel, 1 Mutant Fly
3 Shiro Mongrel, 1 Chiro Mongrel
3 Shiro Mongrel, 1 Mutant Fly
4 Shiro Mongrel
3 Shiro Mongrel, 1 Mutant Fly
3 Shiro Mongrel, 1 Mutant Fly

BATTLE TIPS! When you fight against Chiro Mongrels, ignore them. You won't be
able to kill them before they run away. If you have a battle with two of them,
just defend and don't waste time.

You'll soon come to a fork in the road with three paths. Up takes you nowhere;
so does down. After talking the middle path, you'll come to another fork
section. Go left for an Endurace Ring; go down to continue.

Head down and to the right. Again, follow the winding path around and into the

Items: Wind Crest, Chiro Crest
Enemies: 3 Shiro Mongrel, 1 Mecha Star
2 Shiro Mongrel, 2 Yeti
1 Shiro Mongrel, 1 Mecha Star, 2 Yeti
1 Shiro Mongrel, 2 Mutant Fly, 1 Mecha Star

Here, you must learn how to manipulate the big running gorillas so they crack
the ice pillars and clear paths. By now, you should at least know that enemies
will chase after you blindly if they see you; use this fact to make the
gorillas run smack-dab into the ice pillars. In other words, try not to kill
them, because if you do, you'll have to leave and re-enter the area to make
them appear again.

To the south are two chests surrounded by ice. They contain crests, so
definitely get them. An exit is at the top of this room.

Items: Angel Ring
Enemies: 1 Shiro Mongrel, 2 Mutant Fly, 1 Mecha Star
4 Shiro Mongrel
3 Shiro Mongrel, 1 Mecha Star

Head down the path. You'll see a chest surrounded by ice, so use the Mongrel
to bring the ice down. From here, it's a short walk right and up to the the
next room.

Items: Ice Staff
Enemies: 3 Shiro Mongrel, 1 Mecha Star
1 Shiro Mongrel, 2 Mutant Fly, 1 Mecha Star
2 Shiro Mongrel, 2 Yeti

Yes, even the big glass-thingies can break the ice. The chest is an ice staff,
and the exit's at the top.

Items: Vitaliy Vial

Aah, finally, the end! Head down the stairs and straight down for an item,
then go up and right. You'll see the boss, and then you'll know that's your
cue to prepare for the fight.

11000 Exp, 0$
Battlefield: Water
|Battle Tactics |
|1. Equip Lemina with Earth and Thunder crests. |
|2. Equip Jean with Warrior and another magical crest. |
|3. Space your characters out. |
|4. Put a Chiro and another magical crest on Hiro. |
|5. Make sure everyone's strongest weapons and armor are equipped. |
|6. Use Star Lights and healing to bring your characters' power up. |
|1. Have Ronfar heal. Use Saint Litany if you can. DO NOT ATTACK. |
|2. Jean should attack. Have her use Star/Silver Lights. |
|3. Use Hiro's Poe Sword. |
|4. Lemina should immeadiately use Erase Magic and then raise Hiro's |
|attack and then alternate between using Flame Shot and raising defense|
|for your characters. You may have to re-use Erase Magic. |
|1. If you can see a glowing circle of electricity beneath him, the |
|Fiend is about to injure the whole field with some sort of water magic.
|2. If a star glows, appearing and disappearing beneath him, he will |
|raise his attack and defense by way too much. |
|3. When nothing is going on beneath this dragon, he is about to attack|
|everyone on the field for medium damage. |
|4. If he is consistently raising and lowering his head, the White |
|fiend will damage one character and put him/her to sleep. |
|5. Sometimes, the Fiend can acutally attack twice. Beware! |
|6. The White Fiend actually went down faster than I thought it would. |
|This battle really isn't all that tough. |

When you're done, you'll see a doorway where the White Fiend was. Enter!

Items: White Dragon Crest

Eventually, you'll get a White Dragon Crest. Once you get it, there's really
nothing else to do in there. Leave the next room the same way you came.

<> - clearing it out

Yes, that's right, friends. Not only did we clean out the cave AND kill a big
bad guy, but now we have to clean out the SAME CAVE AGAIN!!! AAAHHH!!!
|DRGCAVE1 |Mr. Common Sense, AKA, was kind enough to | |
|point out that you can use RONFAR'S ESCAPE LITANY to hop | |
|right back to the entrance of this cave. He puts me to |
| |shame! Anyway, if you feel morally obligated to level up at | |
|this point, keep reading... |

Simply follow the directions backwards to get to the entrance. Fight every
enemy? My advice is to try to evade them all and fight the battles you get

Here's a tip on getting out: In White Dragon Lair 1 (the first area), go up
near its entrance (meaning the entrance that you are coming from NOW. You'll
see an ice pillar that an enemy will break for you. From there, it's a hop,
skip, and jump to the exit!

Head back to your Dragonship and get on, and then press Square to get onto the
ship and use the Althena Statue. Now, go back onto the ocean, and go south.
The ice pillars that were there are now gone. Continue south, and onto the
beach, and into the weird-looking town.

1.34 - HORAM Keyword: LW034


Areas: Horam Wind Dojo
Horam Sickly Dojo - A (second floor)
Horam Drunkn Dojo
Horam Wong Foyer
Horam Wong Garden
Horam Wong Dojo
Horam Wong Supply - E
Horam Wong Dojo 2

Horam Village: Between items shop and Wind Dojo - B
Top-left outside corner of Wong - C
Top-right outside corner of Wong - D
Trees to left of entrance - F

Items: A. Blue Pajamas
B. Protection Ring
C. Life Jewel
D. Herb
E. Rubber Boots
F. Star Light

CREDIT! Thanks, Espy, for the info on the Star Light in this town.

|Platinum Blade |5360$|
|Samurai Sword |6840$|
|Flaying Flail |5760$|

|ARMOR | |
|Warrior Shield |2170$|
|Bejeweled Bracelet |1890$|
|Jewel Gauntlet |1540$|
|Warrior Armor |3840$|
|Holy Clothes |3520$|
|Immortal Robe |3200$|
|Warrior Helm |1470$|
|Prayer Bandanna |1260$|
|Ritual Hairpin | 900$|

|ITEMS | |
|Herb |40$ |
|Healing Nut |200$ |
|Holy Water |100$ |
|Vitality Vial |50$ |
|Angel's Tear |1000$|
|Protection Ring |3200$|
|Warrior Crest |4000$|
|Power Crest |3500$|

1. Check out everything around town.

Gather items and buy things.

2. Enter the Wong.

It's the big house at the north part of town. Head north into the room. When
you can, head to the top-left room for an item. Then go onto the platform in
the main room. Talk to the man in the middle twice.

STORYCHECK! Jean goes to get changed, and as she does, she reminds herself
that, yes, what she is doing is her destiny, and is the right thing to do...or
is it? Afterwards, she gains entrance to the tournament via an invitation.

3. Get directions and leave Horam.

If you talk to the same guy again, he will say that the place you seek is due
south of Horam.

Getting to the Zen Zone is no problem. Simply board the Dragonship Destiny and
go south, across the river, and into the town.

1.35 - ZEN ZONE Keyword: LW035


Areas: Zen Zone Dojo 1
Zen Zone Dojo 2

|ITEMS | |
|Herb |40$ |
|Healing Nut |200$ |
|Holy Water |100$ |
|Vitality Vial |50$ |
|Angel's Tear |1000$ |
|Charm Crest |3000$ |
|Dream Crest |3000$ |

1. Buy items and talk to clans.

2. Talk to the man to the immediate right of the central structure.

BATTLE TIPS! Before you enter, prepare by putting Healing Rings on Hiro and
Jean, and equip them and Ronfar with the best stuff available.

Select "Let's get it on!" to start.

You will fight a series of fights. They are:

3 Wolf Guard - No real strategy here.
3 Flash Ninja - Equip poison-stopping accessories.
3 Shadow Assassin - Give them ALL you got! Use Jean's Dopple Dance, too.

Between each round, you CAN heal up and go around town. And, you CAN heal at
the Althena Statue, and save your game!

3. When the battles are over, visit the Althena Statue and talk to Lunn.

STORYCHECK! Jean and Lunn have an interesting argument. It seems that Lunn
still does not want to turn from his old ways. Will Jean teach him the right
thing to do?

After some interesting dialogue, talk to Lunn again.

Approximate HP: 2152
8800 Exp, 0$
|Battle Tactics |
|1. Buy some Healing Nuts, maybe 10 or so. |
|1. Jean should use her Dopple Dance and reuse it as necessary. |
|2. Just have her attack and attack with Blue Dragon Fist. |
|3. Heal if her HP falls below 100. |
|1. If Lunn simply stands there, his cape flapping in the wind, he is |
|about to attack Lean twice for good damage. |
|2. If Lunn assumes a fighting stance, expect him to toss a Shadow |
|dragon at you for a LOT of damage. |
|3. Sometimes if he is like (1) he will heal and raise his defense. |
|4. If his leg is outstretched, expect him to dive you for medium |
|damage. |

When you are done, talk to Lunn again and he will tell you the way to the
Dragon Cave is to the south. Actually, it's not. You'll find it only with the
Dragonship Destiny, almost directly north of the Zen Zone.

1.36 - BLUE DRAGON CAVE Keyword: LW036

Enemies: 2 Tiger Shark, 2 Water Elemental
2 TIger Shark, 1 Water Elemental

BATTLE TIPS! Fire and Thunder are the keys to winning in this dungeon.

Simply head upwards and go through the cave opening at top.

Items; Hurricane Staff
Enemies: 2 Tiger Shark, 3 Water Elemental (left)
1 Tiger Shark, 3 Water Elemental (right)
1 Doom Rigger
2 Tiger Shark, 3 Water Elemental
3 Water Elemental, 1 Aqua Assassin
2 Tiger Shark, 2 Water Elemental

You'll find that there's nowhere to go in this area. To get to the northern
island, go to the upper-left corner and step on the circle of stones, near to
the series of tiny islands.

Immediately right and down from this is a chest. You now must go right and
enter the doorway.

Items: Holy Water
Enemies: 3 Water Elemental, 1 Aqua Assassin
2 Tiger Shark, 1 Water Elemental
1 Doom Rigger

The chest you can see near the entrance holds Holy Water; it's probably not
worth the fight. Heading left, find another circle of stones and hop the
islands. Now head right and into the doorway.

Items: Anti-Magic Ring
Enemies: 1 Tiger Shark, 2 Water Elemental, 1 Aqua Assassin
2 Tiger Shark, 3 Water Elemental
1 Tiger Shark, 3 Water Elemental

Head around the icy lake in the one-way path. In doing so, don't miss the
chest! You'll come to a doorway in no time.

Items: Revenge Crest, Angel's Tear
Enemies (right): 2 Tiger Shark, 2 Water Elemental
(left) : 2 Tiger Shark, 3 Water Elemental
1 Tiger Shark, 3 Water Elemental
(either):1 Doom Rigger
2 Tiger Shark, 1 Water Elemental, 1 Aqua Assassin
2 Tiger Shark, 3 Water Elemental
3 Water Elemental, 1 Aqua Assassin

The path forks two ways here. You'll want to go right, because at the extreme
lower-right of this area is a very hidden chest with a Revenge Crest.

CRESTCHECK! Equip the Revenge Crest + Snake Crest on Jean. Make sure Lemina
has Thunder + Wind. Give Ronfar Shiro + Chiro, and Hiro should be equipped
with Warrior + Seal or Power + Dream. For more information, refer to the
Crests section. Also, this doesn't involve crests, but are your characters
spread out as much as possible? Use the Tactics menu to spread them out like
the dots on a FIVE face of a die.

When the forks join, head up. Don't miss the chest in the waterfall. Head
left, then down. There's a doorway; enter.

Items: Angel Ring, Plasma Ring
Enemies: 3 Water Elemental, 1 Aqua Assassin
3 Water Elemental, 1 Aqua Assassin
1 Tiger Shark, 3 Water Elemental
1 Doom Rigger

Head left. After a short amount of time, you'll come upon a fork (again). The
RIGHT fork takes you almost to the end of this room. You must step on another
circle of stones to use it. The left fork has a chest containing an Angel

HOWEVER, if you head PAST the doorway to the left, you can get a Plasma Ring
(really helpful at this point in the game).

BATTLE TIPS! By now, your party may be lacking in terms of health and MP.
Here's a bit of advice I can give: If one of your characters' HP is in the red
at the end of a turn, Lucia will heal them greatly. Don't forget: if matters
are EXTREMELY dire, you can warp out using Ronfar's magic.

Items: Gold Hairpin
Enemies: 1 Doom Rigger
2 Tiger Shark, 2 Water Elemental
3 Water Elemental, 1 Aqua Assassin

If you head around the river, you'll come upon an area with a chest and a
whole bunch o' waterfalls. Keep heading left and then enter the doorway.

BATTLE TIP! I just realized this. If Lemina's running ow on MP, use her Magic
Swiper attack.

Items: Star Light
Enemies: Blue Fiend

Get the Star Light from the chest here. Head left to discover the boss of this
domain. Prepare before diving in!

HP: Approximately 4876
16500 Exp, 0$
Battlefield: Water
|Battle Tactics |
|1. Keep all previous crest combinations. |
|2. Space your characters out. |
|3. Ensure everyone has the best weapons/armor. |
|4. Make sure everyone's strongest weapons and armor are equipped. |
|5. Cure everyone. |
|6. Saveth thy game, O smart one! |
|1. Have Ronfar heal. Use Saint Litany on all. |
|2. Jean should use Dopple Dance as necessary and use Blue Dragon Palm.|
|If you run out of MP, have har attack normally. |
|3. Use Hiro's Poe Sword. |
|4. Lemina should use her Flame Shot. If she runs out of MP, have her |
|use Magic Swiper. Also have her raise Hiro's and Jean's attack power |
|once each. |
|1. If the Fiend is alternating between spitting out water and staring |
|at you, expect him to severely damage all on the field with water. |
|2. When the Fiend simply stares at you, he will attack a zone for |
|medium damage. |
|3. When the Fiend stares at you AND his horns glow blue, he will |
|damage everyone on the field for EXPLOSIVE damage. |
|4. Whena star shows beneath him, he'll heal himself (about 1200 HP)! |
|5. Persist! Once, he KOed three characters with one attack. DON'T give|
|up! |

Head left and out through the door.

Items: Blue Dragon Crest

Examine the Dragon held in the crystal. Now leave.


Ah, yes, another whole trek back through another WHOLE DAMN CAVE... Again,
simply try to run from every enemy icon. Fight the battles you get in.

See keyword DRGCAVE1 for info on how to get out.

To keep the story going, head AROUND the cave, to the right, and down until
something happens. You won't be able to move the Destiny, so get out and head
left into the mountain cave. BUT before you do, heal at the Althena Statue in
the Destiny.

1.37 - ZABACK MINES Keyword: LW037

Items: Silver Light, Passion Fruit
Enemies: 2 Boomba Baby, 1 Boomba Boy, 2 Big Boomba
2 Boomba Baby, 2 Boomba Boy, 1 Big Boomba
3 Boomba Baby, 2 Big Boomba
4 Boomba Baby, 1 Elder Boomba
2 Boomba Baby, 3 Boomba Boy
2 Boomba Baby, 1 Boomba Boy, 2 Big Boomba

These mines are cool! They're tough to navigate, though, so follow my lead!

First, go to the far right and down for a chest containing a Silver Light.
From here, take the lower-right passage and then go up to reach a square-
shaped area. Go up here for a Passion Fruit. Go back down and then to the
right and enter the doorway.

BATTLE TIPS! All enemies in here are dangerously suicidal! Go for the BOUNCING
ones first. They are the ones that are about to dive-bomb you. Jean's Blue
Dragon Kick is really helpful here. Learn the straight line thing.

(Note: This area is very big. There are many other unnecessary passages to

Items: Fresh Ring, Angel's Tear
Enemies: 3 Boomba Baby, 1 Boomba Boy
2 Boomba Baby, 3 Boomba Boy
3 Boomba Baby, 2 Boomba Boy
2 Boomba Baby, 1 Boomba Boy, 2 Big Boomba
2 Big Boomba, 3 Boomba Baby
2 Boomba Baby, 2 Boomba Boy, 1 Big Boomba

You'll immediately come to a fork. If you go all the way left, you'll enter a
dead-end room. If you head right, you'll find yet another dead-end passageway.
To keep going, head left but take the DOWNWARD path.

GAH! Another fork! It doesn't matter which one you take; they all lead to the
bottom part of the room. What you WANT to do is take the right path and then
go right as soon as you can. You'll be in a larger chasm with a chest.

Push right, staying low. When you can't go right anymore, go down the nearby
passage for a chest with an Angel's Tear. From here, head STRAIGHT UP for a
while until you enter a new chasm (that you haven't been in before). Now go
right, then up, and up the staircase.

Items: Star Light, Rusty Dagger
Enemies: 2 Boomba Baby, 2 Boomba Boy, 1 Big Boomba
3 Boomba Baby, 1 Boomba Boy
4 Boomba Baby, 1 Elder Boomba
3 Boomba Baby, 1 Boomba Boy

Follow the path. When you have a choice of going down or up, go down if you
want a Star Light and a Rusty Dagger. if you head up, you'll reach the exit of
this room very quickly. To get the Star Light, head all the way left, up, and
then up again. From here, head right, down, around the corner, and up. Get the
Rusty Dagger. Now go up and out of this room!

Items: 92$, Earth Ring
Enemies: 2 Boomba Baby, 2 Boomba Boy, 1 Big Boomba
5 Boomba Baby
3 Boomba Baby, 1 Boomba Boy
2 Boomba Baby, 2 Boomba Boy, 1 Big Boomba
5 Boomba Baby
3 Boomba Baby, 2 Boomba Boy
3 Boomba Baby, 1 Boomba Boy
3 Boomba Baby, 1 Boomba Boy
5 Boomba Baby
Et Cetera ... I got lazy :)

Head down the leftmost path. The enemies are listed from left to right here.
The two right paths yield 92$, and the second path from the left is a dead
right as soon as you can out of the left path for an Earth Ring. IF you keep
going right, and then up, you'll get to the door that holds the Black Dragon,
but you can't get in yet. Go back to the chest with the Earth Ring. Head down
and out.


Talk to the people here for some sad info on a fat guy's doings. You can leave
through the door at the bottom-right.

1.38 - ZABACK Keyword: LW038


Areas: Zaback Bazaar
Zaback Item Shop
Zaback House 2 - A
Zaback Transport
Zaback Bar
Zaback House 1 - B
Zaback Town - C

A. Passion Fruit
B. Peasant Clothes
C. Life Jewel
|Amethyst Mace |7200$ |
|Black Panther Claw |5940$ |

|Amethyst Bracelet |2560$ |
|Leopard Armlet |2480$ |
|Battle Clothes |4860$ |
|Ninja Wrap |5490$ |
|Spirit Bandanna |1680$ |
|Amethyst Hairpin |1680$ |

_______________ _______
|Herb |40$ |
|Healing Nut |200$ |
|Holy Water |100$ |
|Vitality Vial |50$ |
|Angel's Tear |1000$ |
|Mind Crest |3000$ |
|Snake Crest |3000$ |

1. Use the Althena Statue.

Yeah, yeah, well, pay up!

2. Talk to people around town and buy necessary equipment.

You'll get a general idea of what's going on around here. To get to the UPPER
LAYER, there is a staircase in the upper-right area of town.

3. Transport to Neo-Vane.

At the far left of town on the bottom layer is a room called "Zaback
Transport". Use the star in the middle.

1.39 - NEO-VANE Keyword: LW039


Areas: Neo-Vane
Neo-Vane Entrance
Neo-Vane Bazaar - A
Neo-Vane House 1
Neo-Vane House 2
Neo-Vane House 3 - B
Neo-Vane Item Shp - C

A. Life Jewel
B. Luck Ring
C. Herb
|Amethyst Sword |8500$ |

|Amethyst Shield |2880$ |
|Mystic Gauntlet |2160$ |
|Amethyst Armor |5040$ |
|Wisdom Robe |4500$ |
|Amethyst Helm |2000$ |

|Herb |40$ |
|Healing Nut |200$ |
|Holy Water |100$ |
|Vitality Vial |50$ |
|Angel's Tear |1000$ |
|Star Light |2000$ |
|Anti-Magic Ring |9000$ |
|Magic Eye Crest |4000$ |

1. Get into Neo-Vane.

Head upwards and talk to the girl. When you can, head up again.

2. TRY to buy weapons and armor.

You will probably run out of money, so now you can sell things. THIS is why I
have said, all along, to keep weapons and armor as much as possible -- you'll
be needing them to sell later in the game!

3. Head underground to look for fallen comrades (literally).

Enter the Neo-Trial Cave at the upper-left corner of Neo-Vane.

1.40 - NEO-TRIAL CAVE Keyword: LW040

Enemies: 3 Rock Biter
3 Rock Biter
3 Rock Biter

Head up and around to find a Healing Ring.

BATTLE TIPS! You have no healers here, so equip the Healing Rings on Hiro and

Go back to the entrance and go left. Head up; continue along this path until
you enter a doorway.


Find Ronfar and Jean. Ronfar is right at the entrance, and Jean is in the
upper-right corner. A bit of exploration reveals two exit doors out of this
place. Take either one.

Items: Clear Ring
Enemies: 3 Rock Biter
3 Rock Biter, 1 Scream Sphere
2 Rock Biter, 1 Scream Sphere, 1 Gorgon
3 Rock Biter
3 Rock Biter
2 Rock Biter, 2 Dark Lord
3 Rock Biter
2 Rock Biter, 2 Dark Lord
2 Rock Biter, 1 Scream Sphere, 1 Gorgon
2 Rock Biter, 1 Dark Lord, 1 Gorgon

From either door, push upwards. You'll follow a long path that twists and
turns. The chest in an alcove off the path guarded by an enemy is a Clear Ring
(and it's worth it).

After a while, you'll see a door. If you head past it, though, (which you
should NOT) you'll be back in the Neo-Trial Cave B2 with all the people. If
you enter the FIRST door you see, you'll be in...

Items: Earth Staff, Star Light
Enemies: 3 Rock Biter, 1 Gorgon
2 Rock Biter, 1 Scream Sphere, 1 Gorgon
2 Rock Biter, 1 Scream Sphere, 1 Gorgon
3 Rock Biter, 1 Gorgon
3 Rock Biter, 1 Gorgon
3 Rock Biter, 1 Dark Lord
2 Rock Biter, 1 Scream Sphere, 1 Gorgon
2 Rock Biter, 2 Dark Lord
1 Gorgon, 2 Rock Biter, 1 Scream Sphere
3 Rock Biter, 1 Gorgon

To get across easily, head straight to the left. When you can't go left
anymore, go down. Don't miss the Star Light to the left of here. Go down into
another chasm, find the Staff, and exit at left.

Items: Silver Light
Enemies: 2 Rock Biter, 1 Scream Sphere, 1 Gorgon
2 Rock Biter, 1 Dark Lord, 1 Gorgon
3 Rock Biter, 1 Gorgon
2 Rock Biter, 1 Scream Sphere, 1 Gorgon
3 Rock Biter, 2 Gorgon
2 Rock Biter, 1 Dark Lord, 1 Scream Sphere
2 Rock Biter, 1 Dark Lord, 1 Scream Sphere

When you enter, you will be in a medium-sized area with lots of paths leading
out from it. Take the bottom-left path for a Silver Light. Heading right takes
you to a fork of which you should take the bottom path. At the bottom of the
room with the two enemies, take the left fork. (The others lead to absolutely

Immediately you'll find yourself at another split path. Choose either path.
Both lead to the same place where you should continue to head left.

BATTLE TIPS! Again, the game forces you to go an extremely long way without
ANY Althena Statue or such. Use Star Lights to heal MP and use magic to heal
your characters.

Keep following the path. When you get to the top, examine the purple magic.
Enter the doorway!


Step on the star.


Areas: Neo-Magic Guild 3
Neo-Magic Guild 1 - A

A. Silver Light

1. Talk to the prisoners and heal at the Althena Statue.

Exit the room at the top-left.

2. Chat with fatso.

Actually, if you stay at the bottom and go right at the hallway, you'll get a
Silver Light. Talk to Borgan to initiate a boss fight.

|Boss Fight - BORGAN HP: Approximately 4244 18700 Exp, 0$ |
|Battle Tactics |
|1. Space your characters out. |
|2. Ensure everyone has the best weapons/armor. |
|3. Cure everyone. |
|1. Have Ronfar heal. Use Saint Litany on all. |
|2. Jean should use Dopple Dance as necessary and use Blue Dragon Palm.|
|If you run out of MP, have har attack normally. |
|3. Use Hiro's Poe Sword. |
|4. Lemina should use her Ice Arrows. If she runs out of MP, have her |
|use Magic Swiper. Also have her raise Hiro's and Jean's attack power |
|once each. |
|1. If he has his staff perpendicular, he way sap a BUNCH of MP from |
|one character. |
|2. If his staff is down, he may attack everyone on thie field for 100+|
|damage. |
|3. If his staff is up, he may attack one character for about 100 HP |
|and change their status (I'm not sure to what). |
|4. It all depends on the arrangement of dragons over his head. Try to |
|learn them if you want. |

You'll get the Black Dragon Aura from Borgan. Go to the upper-right of this
room up the stairs.


Before you enter the stairs in the hallway, go into the bedroom to find some
Red Pajamas behind the bed.


Talk to Lemina's mother. Eventually, you'll get a Cave Key. Leave the Neo-Vane
guild. Before you do, you may want to head back down to the prison to heal at
a FREE Althena Statue. Now, leave Neo-Vane altogether via the star at the
bottom to find yourself back in Zaback.


To keep things moving, go back to the Miner's Dorm and back into Zaback Mines.


To find the Black Dragon Cave, simply go back into the mines and go up and
take the first right. Follow this path. Now, you need to push upwards until
you reach the door.

1.41 - BLACK DRAGON CAVE Keyword: LW041

Items: Healing Nut, Lightning Staff
Enemies: 5 Zombie
3 Zombie, 1 Webhead, 1 Soul Yanker
5 Zombie
5 Zombie
3 Zombie, 1 Webhead, 1 Soul Yanker
4 Zombie, 1 Soul Yanker

BATTLE TIPS! Equip Lemina's "Magic Staff" to fight the Zombies. You should
also equip a speed-increasing accesory or crest (such as the Chiro Crest +
Shiro Crest) on Hiro. This si so he and Jean can wip out 5 Zombies before they
are able to attack.

There are TONS of forks in this cave. In the first area, you should go down at
the first fork. Now, you have the option of going down-left, up-right, or
down-right. The down-right path continues, and the other two lead to good

At the next fork, take the up-right path to continue to the next room.

Items: Force Ring, Angel Ring, Star Dagger
Enemies: 1 Zombie, 2 Soul Yanker, 1 Chaos Fiend
3 Zombie, 1 Webhead, 1 Soul Yanker
5 Zombie
3 Zombie, 1 Webhead, 1 Soul Yanker
5 Zombie
5 Zombie
5 Zombie
4 Zombie, 1 Webhead
4 Zombie, 1 Soul Yanker
5 Zombie
5 Zombie
3 Zombie, 1 Webhead, 1 Chaos Fiend

Head down the path; you'll soon be faced with numerous forks. Go immediately
left into a chasm. There are many enemies here. The two chests contain a Force
Ring and an Angel Ring. Now, if you go back to the right and take a long path
around, you'll have wasted your time. Instead, head right from thism chasm
with the two chests and immediately go up. When you've reached the top, go
right and to the end for a Star Dagger.

Now, go back to the spot just to the right of the chasm with the two chests.
From here, head down and into the door.

Items: 312$, Stardust Ring
Enemies: 4 Zombie, 1 Webhead
5 Zombie
3 Zombie, 2 Soul Yanker
4 Zombie, 1 Soul Yanker
4 Zombie, 1 Soul Yanker
4 Zombie, 1 Webhead
5 Zombie
4 Zombie, 1 Soul Yanker
5 Zombie

Here, you'll encounter a purple substance on the ground that's an acid. When
you walk on it, the screen will flash purple every few seconds. This
represents an HP loss of your characters. For every flash, each character
loses about 20 HP, so don't cross them unless you have to, and if/when you do,
use the CIRCLE button to dash!

Here's your walkthrough. Unfortunately, you MUST cross the first pool of acid
to proceed. Dash across it. In the next area, head up for 312$. Go back down
and then right to continue. In this next chamber, you can either go up or
right. Go up; there is nothing to the right. In this room with LOTS of acid,
carefully head right until you reach an alcove with seemingly nothing in it.
Press the X button while walking along the bottom wall of this alcove to find
a chest containing a Stardust Ring. Equip this on Ronfar immediately.

To continue, dash over the acid in the upper-left corner of the room. Enter
the door to continue.


Carefully head around the acid in here. There is only one path, and it leads
to a door.

Items: Angel's Tear
Enemies: 4 Zombie, 1 Soul Yanker
5 Zombie
3 Zombie, 1 Webhead, 1 Soul Yanker

Head down; when you get to the area with lots of acid, keep heading straight
down (carefullly!) for an Angel's Tear. From here, go up and right and into
the door.

Items: Passion Fruit
Enemies: 4 Zombie, 1 Soul Yanker
4 Zombie, 1 Webhead
2 Zombie, 2 Webhead
3 Zombie, 2 Soul Yanker
4 Zombie, 1 Webhead
3 Zombie, 1 Soul Yanker
5 Zombie
3 Zombie, 1 Webhead, 1 Chaos Fiend
5 Zombie

Here, go right and down for a Passion Fruit. Go back to the entrance and head
left and down. Don't cross the acid to the right yet; instead, go left. You
can either go up or down from here. Go up, and find the Hunter Crest in the
chest. Now go back to the acid I mentioned and cross it.

CRESTCHECK! Put the Shiro and Chiro crests on Hiro to ensure his Speed and
Range are up to snuff. On Jean, put the Healing Crest and another crest (not
Magic Eye) so her attacks absorb some HP. Equip the Thunder and Wind crests on
Lemina to enable better magic attacks. It doesn't matter what you equip on

Follow the path, carefully avoiding all acid spots. Eventually, you'll reach a
door leading to...

Enemies: 3 Zombie, 2 Soul Yanker
5 Zombie
3 Zombie, 1 Soul Yanker
1 Zombie, 2 Soul Yanker, 1 Chaos Fiend

Head down; go right when you can. Follow this long path, again avoiding the
acid puddles, until you reach a door.

Items: Star Light

Find the Star Light to the left. To the left of this, almost in disguise, is
the Black Fiend!

HP: Approximately 4994
24200 Exp, 0$: None
|Battle Tactics |
|1. Equip the Revenge and Snake crests on Hiro. The Thunder and Wind |
|Crests should be placed on Jean. |
|2. Space your characters out. |
|3. Ensure everyone has the best weapons/armor. |
|4. Cure everyone. Give some characters Star Lights, if they need them.|
|enough for everyone, then make sure Ronfar and Hiro, in that order, |
|have one. Equip Angel Rings too. Do NOT equip Healing Rings, as you |
|will be using Ronfar's Divine Litany. |
|6. Save your game! |
|1. Have Ronfar heal. Use Divine Litany on all. |
|2. Jean should use Lightning Rain. Any of her Blue Magic is useless |
|here. |
|3. Use Hiro's Cross-Boomerang. |
|4. Lemina should use her Ice Arrows. If you didn't equip the crests |
|like I told you to, have her increase Hiro's attack power once. If any|
|of your characters have particularly low defense, she should raise it.|
|1. The Black Fiend is a very strange creature. If you can see black |
|and blue wisps coming from his wings, and he's not doing anything else|
|of note, expect him to sap a BUNCH of MP from ALL characters! |
|2. If his wings are up, both perpendicular to the ground, he'll damage|
|a group of allies for at least 150 damage! |
|3. If the Fiend's head sweeps back and forth, expect it to paralyze |
|and damage everyone! |
|4. If the Black Fiend's head is cocked up and his neck curved, he will|
|unleash a grinder-type thing on one character for significant damage. |

When you're done, head along the path that the Fiend was blocking.

Items: Black Dragon Crest

Head up onto the crystal to talk to the Black Dragon. When you're done, leave
this chasm.

<> - getting out

You can use Ronfar's Escape Litany or the Dragon Wings to get out. However, if
you need some Exp, the enemies in here are really easy and yield good amounts.
Once you're out of the cave itself, you'll be back in the Zaback Mines.


The only way back to the Destiny is through the mines. To get to it, go to the
bottom door or the mines that leads to Zaback. From here, head up as far as
possible. Don't go to the right!

BATTLE TIPS! Don't waste your time here. Try not to even get into fights with
these guys. It's just not worth the Experience.

In the next room, take the down-right path and then go down till you can't
anymore. Now push right and up.

Next room: Make your way down and left. Once you've reached the bottom-left of
this room, head up a while and right. The exit's in the top-center of the

Final Room: Head left. Continue along the relatively straight leftward path
until you can't go left anymore. Now head up and then left. There's the exit!


Many people have no idea what to do once they are back on the Dragonship
Destiny. To keep the game going, head down and right, and then around the
mountains until you see a small town. This is Raculi.

1.42 - RACULI Keyword: LW042


Areas: Raculi - A, B
Raculi House 1
Raculi House 2 - C
Raculi Leo's Pad

A. Silver Light (bottom-left)
B. Passion Fruit
C. Yellow Pajamas

|Master Sword |10340$|
|Prayer Mace |8800$ |
|White Tiger Claw|7700$ |
|Healing Nut |200$ |
|Holy Water |100$ |
|Vitality Vial |50$ |
|Angel's Tear |1000$ |
|Hunter Crest |3500$ |
|Seal Crest |3000$ |

1. Visit the Goddess Statue.

Whether or not you need to be healed, you should visit the Goddess Statue.
It's up the stairs near the entrance to town. Talk to Leo, who's standing
right next to the Statue.

STORYCHECK! Here, you learn that some sort of Epidemic happened in Raculi, and
Mauri was the only one to survive. However, it was at a great price...

2. Talk to people around town and buy items and weapons. Find items, too.

It's a stretch o' the old wallet to buy all the weapons, but try. Remember,
you can sell weapons and armor. The Yellow Pajamas you find will most likely
be better than any armor you have, but don't equip them, because they cause a
character to be asleep at the beginning of a battle.

If you talk to the man outside the top-right house (Leo's Pad), You'll read an
enticing letter from Mauri.

STORYCHECK! Something called a cleansing is going on for everyone in the town
of Raculi. Strangely, it has some connection to Zophar.

3. Go see Leo at his Pad.

STORYCHECK! Sadly, the potion that Ronfar gave Mauri is actually the blood of
Zophar. That explains why Mauri was acting so strangely and evilly. And, a
"cleansing" is actually an enslavement, just like Mauri. After Leo runs away,
the adventurers have a conversation and realize that the only option is to go
to Serak Palace.

To get to Serak Palace, leave Raculi and head north and west.

1.43 - SERAK PALACE Keyword: LW043


You can see from this area that Serak Palace is a gorgeous place. Inside, it's
a different story...

|The suspicions are true. It seems that, yes, Serak Palace is the place|
|where the "cleansings" are taking place. Just talk to the people -- |
|they all seem to be mere puppets of evil. |
|Ronfar: Aaah! It's just like Mauri! What have I done? Why? |
|Hiro: Ronfar, you had to. If you hadn't, she wouldn't be |
|alive. Now, at least we have a chance to save her. |
|Ronfar: But still... |

The exit to the first floor of Serak Palace is in the upper-left hand corner.

Items: Holy Hairpin, Psycho Gauntlet
Enemies: 3 Arrow Fish, 1 Blyzzer [T1]
2 Arrow Fish, 1 Blyzzer, 1 Necromancer [T1]
2 Archmage, 2 Arrow Fish [T3]
1 Archmage, 2 Arrow Fish, 1 Necromancer [T2]
1 Archmage, 1 Arrow Fish, 2 Blyzzer [T2]
2 Archmage, 2 Arrow Fish [T3]
2 Arrow Fish, 1 Blyzzer, 1 Necromancer [T1]

|Tactic 1 | |
|Hiro |Cross-Boomerang |
|Ronfar |Attack |
|Jean |Blue Dragon Kick |
|Lemina |Freeze Claw |
|Tactic 2 | |
|Hiro |Attack |
|Ronfar |Attack |
|Jean |Blue Dragon Kick |
|Lemina |Attack (Lightning Staff) |
|Tactic 3 | |
|Hiro |Attack |
|Ronfar |Attack |
|Jean |Attack |
|Lemina |Freeze Claw |

A small bit of exploration shows that there are two doors leading out of this
area -- one in the top-right, and another in the bottom-left. The one in the
top-right leads to a small chamber with a glowing star. This glowing star will
transport you one floor up. The other exit leads to a different area of the
same floor.

Now, here's a question. Do you want to keep the game going, or do you want to
take some time to collect some extra items? Collecting more items will take
more time and be harder. The choice is yours. If you want items, take the
lower-left exit and goto the walkthrough for Serak Palace 3F area 1. If you
don't wanna mess with items, go to the upper-right exit and see Serak Palace
3F area 1.

Items: Master Helm, Miracle Clothes
Enemies: 1 Archmage, 1 Arrow Fish, 2 Blyzzer [T2]
3 Arrow Fish, 1 Necromancer [T3]
3 Arrow Fish, 1 Necromancer [T3]
2 Arrow Fish, 1 Blyzzer, 1 Necromancer [T1]
1 Archmage, 1 Arrow Fish, 2 Blyzzer [T2]
1 Archmage, 2 Arrow Fish, 1 Necromancer [T2]
2 Arrow Fish, 1 Blyzzer, 1 Necromancer [T1]
3 Arrow Fish, 1 Blyzzer [T1]

First of all, find the Master Helm in the general upper-right direction. From
this chest, go down and right. Follow this path to find the Miracle Clothes.
There is only one other area in THIS area to visit. It's directly up from the
door you came to this floor on. Go there, and step on the star.

Items: Tiger Wrap
Enemies: 1 Archmage, 1 Arrow Fish, 2 Blyzzer [T2]
2 Archmage, 2 Arrow Fish [T3] - 1184 Exp, 660$

Very close to the star you came here from is a Tiger Wrap. Go to the right,
and go down the steps.

Items: Life Jewel
Enemies: 1 Archmage, 1 Arrow Fish, 2 Blyzzer [T2]

That chest has a Life Jewel. Get it and go down the stairs.

Item: Star Light

Get the Star Light from this chest and go back up. Keep going up, up, and up.
You can even go back to the 1F1 main area and heal up! But to continue, go to
the very first area where you heard the scary music and take the upper-right
exit. Now...


Step on the star.


Enter the doorway.

Enemies: 3 Arrow Fish, 1 Blyzzer [T1]

Nothing much to do here; enter the doorway leading down.


Step on the star to be transported across the floor.


There's a door at the top-middle of this room. Enter!


Examine the box at the top to find Althena's Aura.
|Lucia and Althena are the only two people that can utilize the power |
|of Althena's Aura. So she does, and two flashes of blue light later, |
|Lucia claims that Zophar's wicked blood is now useless. Good! |

Now that that's done, go back up a floor (two stars and a doorway) and a path
will be revealed that wasn't there before. It's in the bottom-left corner of
ITEMS. TOTALLY OPTIONAL. If you want to skip it, read past the following area.

Items: Life Jewel, Silver Light
Enemies: 2 Archmage, 2 Arrow Fish [T3]
2 Arrow Fish, 1 Blyzzer, 1 Necromancer [T1]

Gather the two items and leave this floor by the up-staircase.


Finding your way out isn't hard. Just:

-Step on the star.
-Enter the door.
-Enter the door at top-left.

You're now back on the first floor. Go to the central area and enter the door
above the Althena Statue.

|A short distance from the entrance, we find Mauri in a state of total |
|shock. Leo believes it to be a mere digression and is preparing to |
|smite her with his sword. Ronfar stops him. |
|Leo: Why could he be stopping me? Does he not realize that killing |
|Mauri is the only way? |
|Ronfar: I hope I'm not too late. Oh, Leo, listen to me! |
|Once you go and stop Leo, Ronfar walks up to her in hopes that she's |
|all OK now. But something terrible happens. It appears that Mauri is |
|still in Zophar's clutches. Lucia knows what's wrong. She explains |
|that Mauri was under Zophar's grasp for too long. |
|Real Mauri: Oh, they were so close to saving me! |
|Ronfar: There is no hope! NO! There must be a way... |
|Lucia: Ronfar, that was so hard for me to say, and this is too... |
|Lucia thinks that there may be one way to save Mauri, but it may |
|mean Ronfar's life. He must battle the evil within her somehow, and |
|the stakes are extremely high. |
|Ronfar: The fear wells up within me, but I will do it for my one true |
|love. Let's go! |
|Lucia: I hope you're ready, Ronfar. |
|Inside the subconscious of Mauri, Ronfar sees a small blue light. It |
|is a memory of the real Mauri. But the evil within her demolishes it |
|immediately. Five Mauris appear, and talking to them initiates a boss |
|fight. |
|Each time you beat a head, you are taken back to the platform. Now, |
|pay attention to what the Mauris say. Try and figure out if they are | |the
real Mauri or not. Actually, none of them are the real Mauri, so |
|you need to say that you don't believe them each time. Each time, they|
|eerily say, "Everything will become fuel for the glorious flames!" |
|Do you see what is happening? Each of the fake spirits withine Mauri's|
|body is coming out because of Ronfar. The party up at the surface is |
|battling each of these demons without hurting Mauri. Things are |
|working out! |
|After you beat four of the demon heads, you'll be treated to another |
|of Mauri's childhood memories. This time, it's acually happy, and it |
|directly relates to the current situation. |
|Ronfar: I will never break that vow, my beloved. |
|Yet another memory lies dormant inside Mauri. It is a memory of Ronfar|
|realizing the link between Mauri and disaster, and the real Mauri's |
|failed attempt to let him know. |
|Now, wait a second! There was only one head left, but now there are |
|two Mauris! Alas, both of them are the fake Mauri, too. Something |
|extremely disgusting comes out of the ID. Follow the same boss strats.|

HP: Approximately 2000 each, including the skull-dude
29430 Exp total, 0$
Battlefield: None
|Battle Tactics |
|1. If you weren't prepared already, this battle will be tough. |
|2. Equip healing rings on everyone sice Ronfar's not here. |
|3. Don't put anything on Ronfar, as he doesn't fight here. |
|4. Leo will be at a level that is the average of all your characters' |
|levels. |
|1. Jean should NOT use Dopple Dance; Blue Dragon Palm as necessary. |
|2. Hiro should whack away with Poe Sword. |
|3. Let Leo use Flash Blade. Or, he can use |
|4. Lemina should first boost Hiro's attack power, and then use Ice |
|Arrows for the rest of the battle. |
|1. Remember, there are five heads and each one attacks individaully. |
|3. If fire emanates from the back of a head, that head will shoot a |
|VERY MILD fire attack at you. |
|4. If no fire is at its back, it will shoot some dangerously damaging |
|blue magic beams at one character. |
|5. When it comes out, the really disgusting thingie will do things |
|like cast moderate fire attacks on your guys. I would recommend |
|killing the last remaining head and then going for the skull-dude. |

|Ronfar is unconscious from the whole deal, and Hiro desperately tries |
|to wake him up. Lucia comments that it is possible that it is all over|
|because of the way Zophar hardened Mauri's heart. |
|Everyone: No! This can't happen. Ronfar is STRONG. |
|Back in the mind of Mauri, Ronfar examines another memory. It is the |
|time that he realized that a terrible, terrible change had gone on |
|after he had given her the potion. Because of that, Ronfar ran away |
|from his life as a priest of The Chosen. He couldn't take it anymore. |
|That explains why Ronfar was a priest that was despised so much! |
|Ronfar now has the power to change his past. Instead of running out of|
|town like he had before, Ronfar goes to see Mauri, who is next to the |
|statue of Althena in his hometown of Raculi. |
|Ronfar: This is it. I can now break free of the chains that have |
|bonded Mauri and myself for so long. |
|So, the place where Ronfar vowed to protect Mauri is the place where, |
|in the end, he carries out that vow. Poor Mauri can't take it, and |
|she insists that Ronfar leave her and never pay attention to her evil |
|soul. But, Ronfar's love for Mauri is too great, and he insists that |
|any burdenbs be put on none other than he himself. What a guy! Mauri |
|finally grasps this love, and it's sealed with a kiss. |
|Now that Ronfar's past is fixed, he and Mauri find themselves back in |
|the Serak Palace. After the pleasantries are over, Leo scurries off, |
|stating that he no longers needs to be there. Strange man... |
|Ronfar: C'mon, Leo, we ahve a team going here! Abandon us? |
|Hiro: It's no use. He's made up his mind. |

You can now proceed to the Red Dragon Cave, directly behind Mauri. Or you can
go back to Raculi for no reason at all.

1.44 - RED DRAGON CAVE Keyword: LW044

|Our favorite Red Dragon Ruby has some qualms about becoming a fully |
|adult Red Dragon. Our gool old pal Nall shows up to give some helpful |
|words of advise to Ruby. Ruby, however, seems to playfully reject |
|them. Nall explains the blessings and curses of living forever. |
|Ruby: Oh, c'mon, Nall! That'll never happen! |
|Nall: Why can't she understand? Why? |
|Nall begins to talk about the memories that Ruby will treasure long |
|after Hiro and the others are gone. He talks about new emotions that |
|she will experience. Very quickly, Nall wiishes Ruby good luck and |
|leaves. Ruby, with only a little courage, prepares for her journey. |

Items: Holy Hairpin, Healing Nut, Life Jewel
Enemies: 5 Blood Slime [T1 or T3]
2 Inferno Ghoul, 3 Blood Slime [T2]
2 Inferno Ghoul, 3 Blood Slime [T2]
2 Inferno Ghoul, 3 Blood Slime [T2]
3 Blood Slime, 2 Pyromaniac [T3]
3 Blood Slime, 2 Pyromaniac [T3]
3 Blood Slime, 2 Pyromaniac [T3]
3 Blood Slime, 2 Pyromaniac [T3]

|Tactic 1 | |
|Hiro |Attack |
|Ronfar |Attack |
|Jean |Swarm Dance |
|Lemina |Attack (Ice Staff) |
|Tactic 2 | |
|Hiro |Attack |
|Ronfar |Defend |
|Jean |Blue Dragon Kick |
|Lemina |Freeze Claw/Smash |
|Tactic 3 | |
|Hiro |Defend |
|Ronfar |Defend |
|Jean |Defend |
|Lemina |Freeze Claw/Smash |
|EQUIPMENT: Nothing special. |

BATTLE TIPS! Equip accesories that block fire magic. That's the only kind of
magic that will be cast by enemies in this cave. Also equip Lemina's Ice

At the first fork, go right for a Holy Hairpin. Go left to continue. Then,
after following the path, hang a right when you get to the next fork for a
chest containing a Healing Nut. Go back to the left fork and keep going left
until you find yet another chest with a Life Jewel.

Now head up along the path; When you get the the next fork, take the path that
heads up. There's a door at the end of this path.

Items: Dyne's Armor
Enemies: 2 Inferno Ghoul, 3 Blood Slime [T2]
5 Blood Slime (right) [T1 or T3]
5 Blood Slime (left) [T1 or T3]
2 Inferno Ghoul, 3 Blood Slime [T2]

You simply can't afford to miss the Dyne's Armor visible from the door. Get
it. Now, you can either go left or right aruond the fire lake. Either
direction is acceptable. At the bottom is a door.

Items: Star Light, Tiger Armlet, Passion Fruit, Ogre Crest
Enemies: 5 Blood Slime [T1 or T3]
5 Blood Slime [T1 or T3]
3 Blood Slime, 1 Flame Berserker [T1]
5 Blood Slime [T1 or T3]
5 Blood Slime [T1 or T3]
5 Blood Slime [T1 or T3]
3 Blood Slime, 2 Pyromaniac [T3]
5 Blood Slime [T1 or T3]
2 Inferno Ghoul, 2 Blood Slime, 1 Pyromaniac [T2]
1 Inferno Ghoul, 2 Blood Slime, 2 Pyromaniac [T2]
3 Blood Slime, 2 Pyromaniac [T3]

Watch for the spurts of fire coming from the ground! They will knock you back
a ways if you hit them. They don't take HP away, though.

To get through this floor, walk past the first flame spurt and continue up.
Continue on an upward path until you find the Star Light. Now head left and
down. When you can't go down anymore, head to the left. Stay at the top of
this path to find a Tiger Armlet. Directly up and left from this is a Passion
Fruit. From here, head left and up. Find the Ogre Crest, and then make your
way back to the entrance door of this area.

CRESTCHECK! This Ogre Crest is extremely cool. It automatically turns all non-
Staff attacks into straight-line attacks. I'll utlilize it in the Tactics in
the next section.

Now, head right from the entrance door. Follow this one-way path left, down,
and around to a door.

Items: Water Ring, Holy Water, Angel's Tear
Enemies: 1 Inferno Ghoul, 2 Blood Slime, 2 Pyromaniac [T2]
2 Inferno Ghoul, 2 Blood Slime, 1 Pyromaniac
3 Blood Slime, 1 Flame Berserker [T1]
3 Blood Slime, 1 Flame Berserker [T1]
2 Inferno Ghoul, 3 Blood Slime [T2]
1 Inferno Ghoul, 2 Blood Slime, 2 Pyromaniac [T2]
2 Inferno Ghoul, 2 Blood Slime, 1 Pyromaniac

Near the entrance are two chests. The first one is directly DOWN from the
entrance. It's a Holy Water. (Ooooh.) The second one is directly to the left,
past a dangerous field of fire pockets. It's a Water Ring, and it should be
equipped on someone important immediately, because it reduces Fire damage. Now
if you go up from here, you'll find an Angel's Tear.

You can see a doorway to the left of this exact spot. Go down and around to
reach it.

Items: Shield Ring, Angel Ring, Angel's Tear, Star Light
Enemies: 2 Inferno Ghoul, 2 Blood Slime [T1]
2 Inferno Ghoul, 1 Blood Slime, 1 Flame Berzerker
3 Blood Slime, 1 Flame Berzerker [T1]
3 Inferno Ghoul
3 Inferno Ghoul
3 Blood Slime, 1 Flame Berzerker [T1]
2 Inferno Ghoul, 2 Blood Slime, 1 Pyromaniac

Head down; when you have a choice of forks, take the right one for a Shield
Ring. Go back and go left to continue. Now stay at the bottom of the path and
go down as soon as you can to find a path with a chest containing an Angel
Ring at the end.

Now, go back up and push generally left. There is a chest with an Angel's Tear
at the left side of the large chasm. You should get this before you head in a
downward direction. Follow this downward path, and don't miss the Star Light
in the alcove off to the bottom of this path.

There he is! The Red Fiend! Don't forget to prepare using the preparations

HP: Approximately 10901 !!
36300 Exp, 0$
Battlefield: Fire
|Battle Tactics |
|1. Spread your characters out. |
|2. You need to equip anti-fire rings such as the Water Ring. Make sure|
|that Lemina is secure with one or two such rings, as she is the most |
|important person in this fight. |
|3. Heal everyone up and give them plenty of MP, especially Lemina. |
|4. Hiro should have the Revenge and Seal crests. |
|5. Ronfar should get the Magic Eye and Chiro Crests. |
|6. Save your game! |
|1. Have Ronfar heal. Use Divine Litany on all. |
|2. Jean should use Blue Dragon Palm every time. |
|3. Hiro should hack away with Poe Sword. |
|4. Lemina should first raise Jean's attack power, then beam the Fiend |
|with Ice Arrows each time. |
|1. If this fiery dragon is flashing enough to give you an epileptic |
|seizure, expect it to burn everyone BAD (like, 150 damage if you're |
|not equipped right.) You'll see fire around him. |
|2. Sometimes, he will attack a straight row of characters for 200+ |
|damage. He'll do this if he's not doing anything of note. |
|3. If you can see a star under the Fiend, expect it to raise its |
|attack by dangerous amounts. |
|4. If the Red Fiend's wings are opening and closing, he will engulf |
|one character in fire for about 300 damage! |

|Ruby is about to find out who she is and where she's going in her |
|little life. Proceed up the path and into the cave. |
|As in the past four Dragon Caves, Hiro throws the Red Dragon Aura at |
|the crystal. But nothing happens for a while. Ronfar seems unsure, |
|just as the crystal begins to crack open. |
|Good ol' Lucia explains the dire situation. The power of the Red |
|Dragon has been unleashes, but Ruby needs to harness it quick or the |
|whole group is done for. Ruby is clueless. |
|Ruby: It's all up to me, but I have no idea what I'm doing! |
|Just as it's too late, Ruby attempts to back out. She doesn't wanna |
|grow up. She is afraid of her future. But the rest of the group knows |
|that it's too late to turn back. She MUST become an adult Red Dragon |
|now. |
|Hiro reminds Ruby that all the memories they have together will still |
|live on. He's right! She will NEVER be alone. Ruby begins to grasp |
|this. She hasn't been listening to herself! |
|Ruby realizes the conflict that has been going on within her for a |
|LONG time. But now she knows that it's not a conflict at all. She can |
|become an adult Red Dragon and still keep Hiro and the gang in her |
|heart forever as memories! Ruby goes forward. |
|Ruby and her cutesy little voice gives a big monologue, and it's done.|
|A full-fledged adult Red Dragon stands before you. Incredibly, Ruby |
|still has the power to transform back and forth between her adult and |
|child forms. |
|Ruby: Oh, I'm so happy! I have finally made my decision, and it's the |
|best one I've made in my short life. |
|Ronfar: Dude... |
|Hiro: Ruby, I've known you all my life. This is my happiest moment. |
|Hiro receives the Red Dragon Crest. He also remarks that it is time to|
|head for the Holy City and free the real Althena. That's Pentagulia. |


As in the past, use the Dragon Wings to skip back out of this cave.

|As you leave the cave, Ronfar facetiously remarks of the rumbling, "Oh|
|now THAT can't be good." A flash of light fills the screen, and Lemina|
|panics. Lucia's Zophar. |
|Back at Gwyn's Place, Gwyn runs up to his observatory to see what's |
|going on. He, too, knows it's no ordinary storm. A "revivial" has |
|begun. |
|The fake Althena pleads for mercy. The Four Dragons have been released|
|and it is none other than her fault, according to Zophar. Luckily for |
|her, he gives her pardon and tells her to trust him. Isn't it funny |
|the way the term "servant" is used so loosely these days? |
|Anyway, Ghaleon shows up out of nowhere. The "Goddess" does all the |
|talking at first. Ghaleon seems preoccupied with something else. He |
|comes and goes with about three words left for the goddess to ponder. |
|Back with the gang, Lucia remarks at the speediness of Zophar's |
|revival. It's not expected. To Pentagulia! |


Actually, I recommend visiting Mauri in Raculi first for a little chat.
There's nothing more to do here.


A strange silence looms in the air on the World Map. Now get in the Dragonship
Destiny and head east from Raculi. There's a series of three peninsulas
jutting out here. You can get on the water via the eastmost one. Now head
North, and at the huge sea, go to the Northeast. [NOTE: All the other little
towns you see are places you have visited before. They have nothing of note.]
As you're entering Pentagulia...
|Ghaleon shows up! The characters exchange a bit of dialogue, and he |
|reveals that he's gotta create a "crisis" to keep the group from |
|entering Pentagulia. Ghaleon foolsihly reveals his whole plan. It's to|
|recreate a world without the "imperfections" of the true Althena. |
|Ghaleon engulfs Lucia in a magical flame that restores her to her old |
|uniform-like clothing. She insists that now that the Dragons are alive|
|Ghaleon and Zopar will be destroyed. But Ghaleon still has many tricks|
|up his sleeve. He brings a magical ball of darkness over him, and |
|Lucia places a magical seal over herself and the crew. |
|Lucia: No! Not me, and not anyone else! |
|Ghaleon remarks on just this. Jucia has gained emotions, and it is her|
|love for her friends that makes Ghaleon decide to spare them all. |
|Strange man, he is... |
|Back on the normal-looking Dragonship, Lucia once again asserts her |
|position and purpose, no matter how she feels. FEELS. Lucia, with a |
|seeming reluctance, turns around to summon the Dragons of Althena. |
|Ruby becomes the Red Dragon, and the other three Dragons come from |
|afar. In an extremely cool anime sequence, the Dragons destroy |
|the Holy City with their awesome power. structure remains. |
|It is the Goddess Tower, finally, with the real Goddess Althena |
|waiting inside. Ghaleon comes back, and things are pieceing together. |
|Ghaleon is taunting her about the consequences of meeting Althena. Can|
|you guess what they are? I won't spoil it. |
|Hiro & friends enter the Goddess Tower via the Destiny. They enter |
|Althena's Fortress and Lemina realizes that the legends ARE true. The |
|first people on LUNAR were brought to the world from the Blue Star by |
|the Tower! The group wonders what happened to the Blue Star to make it|
|uninhabitable for humans. No matter, Lucia says. They need to hurry! |

1.45 - ALTHENA'S TOWER Keyword: LW045

Items: Vitality Vial
Enemies: 3 Plasma Prism
3 Plasma Prism
|Tactic 1 | |
|Hiro |Attack |
|Ronfar |Attack |
|Jean |Attack |
|Lemina |Attack |
|Tactic 2 | |
|Hiro |Cross-Boomerang |
|Ronfar |Attack |
|Jean |Attack |
|Lemina |Freeze Smash |
|Tactic 3 | |
|Hiro |Poe Sword |
|Ronfar |Attack |
|Jean |Attack |
|Lemina |Attack |
|Hiro |Chiro + Warrior Crest |
|Ronfar |Shiro + Magic Eye Crest, Anti-Magic Ring|
|Jean |Power + Mind Crest |
|Lemina |Thunder + Wind Crest, Hellfire Staff |

This is a very one-way area. Directly south from the exit door is a Vitality

Items: Healing Nut
Enemies: 3 Plasma Prism [T1]
2 Plamsa Prism, 1 Stone Creep [T1]
3 Plamsa Prism, 1 Stone Creep
3 Plasma Prism [T1]
2 Plasma Prism, 1 Stone Creep [T1]
1 Statue Soldier, 2 Stone Creep [T2]

Head left and up. Again, follow the one-way path. Don't miss the Healing Nut
near the door leading out of this room.

Items: Holy Water, Holy Mace
Enemies: 3 Plasma Prism [T1]
2 Plamsa Prism, 1 Stone Creep [T1]
1 Statue Soldier, 2 Stone Creep [T2]
2 Statue Soldier, 2 Stone Creep [T2]
4 Plasma Prism [NO T]
2 Statue Soldier, 1 Stone Creep [T2]

BATTLE TIPS! When FOUR Plasma Prisms attack, DON'T use tactics. Concentrate
your attacks one the ones spinning on their vertical axis, like a top.

Don't miss the Holy Water to the left of the entrance. You'll (finally) come
to a fork in the path that allows you to go either down or right. Go right for
a Holy Mace that should be put on Ronfar immediately.

Head down now. Follow the path to the next door.

Items: None
Enemies: 2 Statue Soldier, 1 Stone Creep [T2]
3 Statue Soldier [T2]
2 Plasma Prism, 2 Stone Creep [T3]
1 Statue Soldier, 2 Stone Creep [T2]
2 Plasma Prism, 2 Stone Creep [T3]

You'll soon be faced with a path choice. Going down means unnecessary length.
Head left instead. Now head up, right, and along the path. The exit is at the
top, though there's no door.

Items: Crushing Fist
Enemies: 2 Statue Soldier, 1 Stone Creep [T2]
3 Statue Soldier [T2]
4 Plasma Prism [NO T]
1 Statue Soldier, 2 Stone Creep [T2]
1 Statue Soldier, 3 Stone Creep [T2]
2 Plasma Prism, 2 Stone Creep [T3]

A chest is strangely placed in the center of the large chamber. The Fist
inside should immediately be put on Jean. Head up from here and follow the
path. Eventually, you'll reach a door.

|As the group heads across the room, Ronfar asks what the strange thing|
|is. Lemina senses a magical power. As always, Lucia knows the answer. |
|She says it's a machine that is sucking the energy out of LUNAR and |
|sending it back to the Blue Star. |
|Lemina only wonders why. Lucia explains that still, after thousands of|
|years, it is still the goal of the Goddess to return people to the |
|Blue Star. But the Blue Star is not prepared yet, so the people of |
|LUNAR are still on the world. |
|Sit back and listen to the story. Apparently, Zophar preyed on the |
|greed and evil that lay dormant within all people. Zophar manipulated |
|these people perfectly, and their evils grew to become worse. Many |
|became hideous beasts that preyed on others. The good people of the |
|Blue Star cried out to Althena for help. Her only recourse was to |
|destroy all of the Blue Star. She sent the survivors down to LUNAR to |
|live until the Blue Star was repaired. |
|Althena left the Blue Star to go down to LUNAR. (This is surely Luna |
|from LUNAR 1.) But Lucia had to stay on the Blue Star. Now, the group |
|understands that the world of LUNAR could suffer the exact same fate |
|that the Blue Star undwerwent. They must hurry! |

Items: Master Shield
Enemies: 4 Plasma Prism [NO T]
2 Statue Soldier, 2 Stone Creep [T2]
3 Statue Soldier [T2 or T3]
2 Plasma Prism, 1 Stone Creep, 1 Cannon Angel [T2]
1 Statue Soldier, 2 Stone Creep [T2]
1 Statue Soldier, 3 Stone Creep [T2]

BATTLE TIPS! You're really only halfway through the Althena Tower by this
point. If your MP is more than half depleted, you should cut back on MP usage.

MORE BATTLE TIPS! The Cannon Angel is extremely dangerous, more dangerous than
the Plasma Prisms because it can mute a key character like Lemina. KILL IT

EVEN MORE BATTLE TIPS! If all seems lost and you just can't go any further,
you can always use Ronfar's Escape Litany to go back to the beginning, heal on
the Dragonship Destiny, and try again.

Follow the winding path throughout this floor. There's a master shield guarded
by two enemy groups along this path. It's an INVALUABLE shield, and you can't
afford to miss it. Shortly past this is the exiting door.

Items: Holy Bracelet
Enemies: 2 Statue Soldier, 2 Stone Creep [T2]
2 Plasma Prism, 2 Stone Creep [T1]
2 Stone Creep, 2 Cannon Angel [NO T]
3 Stone Creep, 1 Cannon Angel [NO T]
2 Plasma Prism, 1 Stone Creep, 1 Cannon Angel [NO T]
1 Statue Soldier, 3 Stone Creep [NO T]
4 Plasma Prism [NO T]

Again, this is just a one-way path with a bunch of enemies. Don't forget to
get the Holy Bracelet out of the chest in the top-left corner fo the room.
It's along the path.

Items: Aura Bandanna
Enemies: 2 Plasma Prism, 1 Stone Creep, 1 Cannon Angel [NO T]
2 Statue Soldier, 2 Stone Creep [NO T]
3 Plasma Prism, 2 Stone Creep [NO T]
2 Stone Creep, 2 Cannon Angel [NO T]

You'll quickly come to a split in the path. If you go right, you can get an
Aura Bandanna. This is simply a longer path that gets you another item.

Items: Aura Robe
Enemies: 3 Plasma Prism, 1 Stone Creep, 1 Cannon Angel [NO T]
3 Plasma Prism, 2 Stone Creep [NO T]
2 Statue Soldier, 2 Stone Creep [NO T]
2 Statue Soldier, 3 Stone Creep [NO T]
2 Plasma Prism, 2 Stone Creep [NO T]
2 Stone Creep, 2 Cannon Angel [NO T]

When you come to the fork, go right if you want an Aura Robe. You have to
fight an enemy (or two or three or FOUR) to get it. Worth it? Well, not
really. Go up to continue.


Aaah, an Althena Statue! Now you can go back and get the Aura Robe if you want
to. Continue up.


Does this scenery look familiar? It should, from WAAAY back when you first
visited Pentagulia. Enter the door at the top.
|As always, Ghaleon seem exactly 1.5 steps ahead of you. He all but |
|scoffs at what is about to happen. But we can see that an internal |
|conflict within Lucia is about to explode. |


Confront the Fake Althena. She becomes schizophrenically maniacal, and Zophar
leaves her alone to battle the gang.

HP: Approximately 10882!!
40000 Exp, 0$
Battlefield: None
|Battle Tactics |
|1. Spread your characters out. |
|2. Have all the strongest weapons and such equipped. |
|3. There's really not much more preparation to be done. |
|1. Have Ronfar use Divine Litany on all. He should heal when needed. |
|2. Jean should use Dopple Dance as needed and Blue Dragon Palm. |
|3. Hiro should hack away with Poe Sword or Triple Sword if you have it|
|4. Lemina should first raise Hiro's attack power, then raise the |
|defense of all (Magic Shield) , and then raise Jean's attack, and then|
|attack with Ice Arrows. |
|1. If this freakish womanoid holds a flaming staff above her head, and|
|no other part of her body moves, she'll raise her defense a bit. |
|2. If the Fake Althena looks like a scorpion, and her tail is |
|twitching, expect her to sweep bit gear thingies all over the field |
|for EXPLOSIVE damage. Ronfar should heal all after this. |
|3. If she's a scorpion but her tail is simply MOVING, prepare for her |
|to attack one character and poison him/her. |
|4. Look carefully -- if the only part of Fake Althena that is moving |
|is her mouth, she's going to do something, but I killed her before she|
|did. Does anyone know? |


Items: Passion Fruit, Life Jewel
Enemies: 3 Plasma Prism, 2 Stone Creep
|TACTICS - none for Goddess Tower. |

BATTLE TIPS! Destroy EVERY enemy on your trip up the tower. You'll understand
why later!

Find the items. The exit's at the bottom-right.

Items: Silver Light
Enemies: 3 Plasma Prism, 2 Cannon Angel

You can't use the Althena Statue. Why? Well, the fake one's dead, and the real
one's in a prison somewhere. Don't miss the Silver Light in the upper-right.
Exit lower-left.

Items: Spirit Talisman
Enemies: 1 Plasma Prism, 2 Statue Soldier, 2 Stone Creep

Don't forget to get the Spirit Talisman at upper-left. Exit at upper-right.
Man, this Talisman would have REALLY helped in the Dragon Caves.

Items: Goddess Crest, Star Light, Tri-Ring
Enemies: 4 Cannon Angel

That Goddess Crest in the center is the best Crest you can get. Grab it,
dangit! It works with EVERY SINGLE CREST to produce a great combination. See
the "Crests" section for more details.

This is a good general model of the crests you should equip at a GENERAL time
-- not now.
|Hiro |Blue Dargon + Warrior |
|Ronfar |Ogre + Dream |
|Jean |Power + Mind |
|Lemina |Goddess + Magic Eye |

You can get a Star Light from the chest in the bottom-right. At the bottom
left is a useful Tri-Ring at the bottom-left. However, you have to fight an
extremely dangerous combo of 4 Cannon Angels to get it. The exit is at the


STOP and equip the following crests.
|Hiro |Goddess + Warrior |
|Ronfar |Shiro + Chiro |
|Jean |Revenge + Snake |
|Lemina |White Dragon + Whatever |

|Nall is standing at the top of the Goddess Tower! It is the home of |
|Luna, or Althena. Fans of LUNAR 1 know exactly what he's taling about.|
|Nall says he needs to show Lucia something very important. She goes to|
|him to see what he's talking about. Answers to questions, huh? |
|Nall summons Althena. But Lucia sees it to be simply a projection. |
|Nall says some things we don't quite understand. If you played LUNAR 1|
|it all falls into place now. Nall, the baby white dragon from LUNAR 1,|
|traveled with Luna, the goddess in human form, on earth, in the game. |
|He recalls memories of her. And the memories of everyone... |
|Nall splits. And then a sequence occurs where the not-really-Althena |
|explains EVERYTHING. Listen up. I have written here what I remember. |
|Several times throughout history, the Goddess Althena visited the |
|world in a human form. But the last time she visited, she was born as |
|a girl named Luna who fell in love with a boy, a Dragonmaster, named |
|Alex. She surrendered her power as Goddess to receive love. And, she |
|realized that people had become too dependent on her as the Goddess. |
|So she is no more. Yet Lucia still has what she needs to complete her |
|goals -- human friends. |
|As Hiro says, "If we fight together, we can defeat Zophar!" Lucia puts|
|it in perfect words. If they believe in the power of the human heart, |
|they can defeat Zophar. But she still has doubts. |
|Hiro tries to convince Lucia that the power of the Goddess is not |
|needed to complete their goals. But, says Lucia, Zophar is reviving, |
|and the only way to stop it is by... |
|That's right. Lucia must claim the power of Althena and become the |
|next Goddess of the world of Lunar. But that means separation from the|
|friends whose bonds were so tight. |
|The gang suddenly realizes that they have no magical powers left |
|because Lucia took them all. Why? To gather enough power to destroy |
|Zophar. For some reason, she didn't want everyone else involved. |


I hope you destroyed all of the enemies on your trip up the tower, cuz...
well, let's just say that if you didn't, you're screwed.

Just head down, from floor to floor. When you get outside the actual tower,
the Revival begins. Yes, Zophar's revival. Luckily, the game takes care of the
dirty work for you and gets you out of the whole city of Pentagulia for you.

Get back on the Destiny and take control of the wheel!
|What IS Ronfar doing, anyway? Just as the group leaves, something HUGE|
|and BAD rises out of the sea. It can only be the Fortress of Althena! |
|But a big...THING overtakes it and sends it up toward the sky. It is |
|none other than...Zophar. It sends the Destiny flying. |
|When Ruby comes to, you can see that all the water is GONE out of the |
|ocean. Hiro should now go to revive everyone. Once they do, Ruby spots|
|something outside the Destiny. She sees Lucia talking to Zophar and |
|convinces him that she will destroy him. |
|But Zophar knows that as soon as Lucia accomplishes her mission, well,|
|she will lose "companionship". Does it make sense yet what will happen|
|to her when she does destroy Zophar? |
|But then Hiro realizes that Lucia must destroy the world to destroy |
|Zophar. It would reduce the world to ashes if Lucia were to unleash |
|the power of Althena on the world, just like on the Blue Star. So THAT|
|is the conflict within Lucia. She must destroy her friends to destroy |
|Zophar. She never told Hiro that. THIS is what's at stake! Zophar |
|plays on her insecurities for quite a while until... |
| happens. "Althena's light, shine forth!" And the process begins|
|that would destory Zophar. But she hesitates, and Zophar begins to |
|destory the sources of her hesitation. As destruction speeds toward |
|the Dragonship Destiny, Lucia blocks it with her magical light, |
|therefore ending the process of Zophar's destruction. Her friends are | |OK,
but she is taken in by Zophar. His plan is totally complete. | |Lucia's
emotions seem to be her fate. |
|Zophar, with all obstructions out of the way, begins his ultimate |
|plan. No one can stop him. |


|Hiro is back atop the Guild of Vane. He stares into the distance in |
|reflection. Ruby says that now Zophar controls even Lucia's power. |
|THAT is a problem. It's three days later, and NOT a dream. |
|Hiro should now go see Lady Miria. |


Go downstairs; you can buy items from Ramus who is walking around the
chambers. He will probably have two crests you don't have: Fire and Water.
|Healing Nut |200$ |
|Holy Water |100$ |
|Vitality Vial |50$ |
|Angel's Tear |1000$ |
|Star Light |2000$ |
|Earth Crest |3000$ |
|Thunder Crest |3000$ |
|Water Crest |3000$ |
|Fire Crest |3000$ |
|Wind Crest |3000$ |

|When Hiro talks to Lady Miria, she tells him something very important.|
|Or, she begins, but asks him to first go find Lemina and the others. |

Here are the locations of each of the characters.
|Ronfar |At the top of the library. |
|Jean |Jean is to the left of the Magic Guild beating on Lunn. |
|Lemina |Lemina is inside the Cave of Trial. |

|Once Hiro visits each of the characters, Miria states that each of |
|them have the will to fight. They will never surrender, and it is Hiro|
|that instilled this in them. She then says there is someone on the |
|roof that wants to see Hiro. Someone important... |

The door to the roof is in the upper-right of the Guild first floor.
|It's Leo! He, too realizes that the evil growing in the world cannot |
|be ignored, and he is prepared to fight it. He states that White |
|Knight Leo is dead. He now fights for justice alone. He hurriedly |
|leaves, instructing Hiro to gather the others and get on the Destiny. |
|As Hiro leaves, he seems unsure of himself, even... But as he leaves, |
|Ghaleon's voice shows up. He appears on the roof of the Guild. He |
|states that he is to be Hiro's executioner. The end seems near. |
|Ghaleon claims that Hiro has failed in every possible way, and Hiro |
|has nothing to say about it. When Hiro confronts Ghaleon, he asks what|
|is wrong. Hiro knows that he is NOT afraid of Ghaleon or Zophar, but |
|can't forgive himself. Ghaleon claims that it is none other than Hiro |
|himself responsible for Lucia's suffering. |
|It was her emotions. Hiro helped those emotions inside Lucia grow, and|
|as a result, she did not destroy the world as she should have. Ghaleon|
|blasts Hiro with a magical bolt, and as all seems lost. But Hiro's |
|friends show up. And they all say that Ghaleon is goin' down! |

HP: Stage 1: Approximately 3433; Stage 2: Approximately 6459
50000 Exp, 0$
Battlefield: None
|Battle Tactics |
|1. Unfortunately, there's really not much you can do to prepare for |
|this fight. You can't equip any other crests than the ones you had. |
|However, you CAN and SHOULD equip the Goddess and Warrior crests on |
|Hiro. |
|1. For the first part of the battle, everyone should simply attack. |
|2. Lemina can use Healing Nuts during this time if need be. |
|3. After x HP damage has been done, he plows everyone and they fall |
|over weak. However, a power from above will come down and heal all. |
|You now have your magic powers back! |
|4. For the second part of the battle, Hiro should use Triple or Poe |
|Sword. |
|5. Let Ronfar use Divine Litany and mostly heal. |
|6. Leo should use Earth Prayer first and then Flash Blade. |
|7. Jean can use Slam Dance as necessary and Blue Dragon Palm. |
|8. Lemina should first cast Magic Shield and use White Dragon Magic as|
|described below, if she has it. If not, or when she doesn't use this |
|spell, have her raise attack and defense for characters. |
|1. If just a bit of energy flashes around Ghaleon, expect him to swipe|
|one character once with his sword for about 150 damage. |
|2. If Ghaleon holds his sword UP and magical flashes of light come out|
|from him, he'll shock one character once for INCREDIBLE damage. |
|3. When a white light flashes around Ghaleon, he's going to tear up |
|the field with comets. WHITE DRAGON MAGIC. |
|4. If you can't see Ghaleon's sword at all, and there are tiny bursts |
|of energy around him, he will do something, but I killed him before he|
|got a chance to. :) Does anyone know? |

|Hiro spares Ghaleon, and Ghaleon wonders why. It's because he spared |
|Hiro's life as well. Hiro wants Ghaleon to join them. But Ghaleon |
|knows he is but a memory that will fade into the shadows of time. Why?|
|He derives his power from Zophar, his revivor, and now that he is no |
|longer of Zophar, he has no power. |
|If you talk to Ghaleon again and choose that you are ready, you begin |
|a long sequence that takes you to the end of the game. Only choose yes|
|when you are absolutely ready. |
|Ghaleon will tell you the obvious: There is no way to defeat Zophar. |
|This is obvious, because he wields the power of Althena. So the gang |
|must "snatch the power of Althena from his grasp". And that means? |
|Oh, no. Not that. But, Ghaleon insists, Zophar is invincible right now|
|and that power must be taken away. Wow, what a decision. If you choose|
|that you think there is another way (first choice) Ghaleon says that |
|you are wrong. Choose the second choice to go on. |
|As Ronfar says, it's all or nothin'. And now, it's gotta be all. They |
|just gotta believe in themselves. Zophar has a mega-mangy butt, says |
|Lemina! After Ruby gives another uplifting comment, Ghaleon comments |
|on their resolve in doing things. He says it is time. So they are off.|
|In the Dragonship Destiny, they begin the long trip to Zophar's domain|
|and Ghaleon watches on. "Are you watching, Dyne? These children SHINE |
|forth with your light. A light emanates from the heaves, and Ghaleon |
|is gone. Forever. |
|The final test lies before them! As they travel across the not-really-|
|an-ocean, they pass right over a bunch of rocks, and see Zophar's |
|Domain. What HAS he done, anyway? Pretty freaky, if you ask me. A holo|
|of Lucia appears, and she gives the travelers fair warning. When Hiro |
|talks to her, she simply wonders WHY she could not fulfill her duty. |
|But it is too late. Not according to Hiro, though! But as she |
|disappears, she does not get a chance to finish, "I am alre..." |

|MUSICCHECK - Remix! |
|If you listen carefully, you can pick out snippets of the melody from |
|the Eternal Blue Theme Song. It has that bassline that is used common-|
|ly among video game musicians of late, such as Nobuo Uematsu. |

1.46 - ZOPHAR'S KEEP Keyword: LW046

Items: Silver Light
Enemies: 1 Snatcher, 3 Mecha Star
1 Snatcher, 3 Mecha Star
1 Snatcher, 3 Mecha Star
1 Snatcher, 3 Mecha Star
1 Crazy Crab, 1 Snatcher, 2 Mecha Star
1 Crazy Crab, 3 Mecha Star

BATTLE TIPS! Make sure to equip Leo with some Crests and Rings. Have Lemina
use the Earth Staff since most enemies in here are strangely weak to Earth

Now that you're here, the only other place you can go is onto the Dragonship
Destiny. And NO, you can't go back and use the Althena Statue on the Destiny
without ALL the enemies re-appearing. But you actually may want to. This point
is dicussed in further detail later.

I'm not going to detail how to get through Zophar's Keep. For the first floor,
head to the far left, up, and right. The exit's at the top center.

Items: None
Enemies: 2 Crazy Crab, 1 Snatcher, 2 Mecha Star - 3856 E, 1195$
2 Snatcher, 3 Mecha Star - 3364 Exp, 1038$
1 Hades, 1 Snatcher, 2 Mecha Star - 3615 Exp, 1293$

For now, push right and enter the door.


Here, touch the big glowing orb and go back downstairs.

Items: Fiend Ring, Silver Light, Life Jewel
Enemies: 1 Snatcher, 3 Mecha Star
2 Snatcher, 3 Mecha Star
1 Crazy Crab, 3 Mecha Star
2 Hades, 1 Snatcher, 1 Mecha Star

Now you can go back downstairs and go right and down to continue. The
"wonderful" Fiend Ring you get is a piece of crap. It reduces a character's HP
to 1 at the start of every battle. Go past the door for a Life Jewel.


Again, just press X next to the orb and go back downstairs.

Items: Life Jewel
Enemies: 1 Snatcher, 3 Mecha Star
1 Hades, 1 Snatcher, 2 Mecha Star
1 Hades, 3 Mecha Star
1 Crazy Crab, 3 Mecha Star
1 Hades, 1 Snatcher, 2 Mecha Star
2 Crazy Crab, 1 Snatcher, 2 Mecha Star
1 Snatcher, 3 Mecha Star

Go back down, left, and up. There are two staircases exiting out of here. In
both of the rooms there are orbs. Use BOTH of them and then go up the once-
blocked middle path of 2F to continue.

Enemies: 2 Snatcher, 3 Mecha Star
1 Hades, 3 Mecha Star
1 Snatcher, 3 Mecha Star
1 Crazy Crab, 3 Mecha Star
1 Hades, 1 Snatcher, 2 Mecha Star
2 Crazy Crab, 1 Snatcher, 2 Mecha Star
1 Hades, 3 Mecha Star
2 Snatcher, 3 Mecha Star

Go down; when you can, go right. The exit is down a ways.

Items: Life Jewel
Enemies: 1 Lunar Seed, 1 Fire Seed, 1 Spark Seed, 2 Mace Masher
1 Lunar Seed, 1 Fire Seed, 1 Wind Seed
1 Spark Seed, 1 Wind Seed, 1 Ice Seed
1 Ice Seed, 3 Mace Masher
1 Lunar Seed, 1 Spark Seed, 1 Wind Seed
1 Fire Seed, 1 Spark Seed, 1 Wind Seed
1 Lunar Seed, 1 Wind Seed, 1 Ice Seed
1 Lunar Seed, 1 Fire Seed, 1 Ice Seed
1 Lunar Seed, 1 Fire Seed, 1 Spark Seed, 2 Mace Masher
1 Lunar Seed, 1 Fire Seed, 1 Spark Seed
1 Lunar Seed, 1 Wind Seed, 1 Fire Seed

BATTLE TIPS! Each of the seeds corresponds exactly with its element. They die
easily from normal attacks and are not that strong. A Lunar Seed is an Earth
Seed. Get it? Lunar = Earth.

MORE BATTLE TIPS! Here, you actually may want to teleport back to the entrance
of the Keep and heal at the Destiny and then fight your way back up. Why?
LEVELS. By the ninth floor, you should be at level 54 or above. Yes, 54.

You are now in a completely new and different area. The enemies are different,
too. To the right of the entrance is a Life Jewel. You can bypass the first
enemy by going up onto the blue path from here and heading right.

From here, the path goes generally up and splits at many places. Here, it's
extremely fun to try and find your own way out, so I'm not going to say how
it's done. HINT: The staircase is very strange. It looks like a pink cut

Items: Silver Light
Enemies: 1 Lunar Seed, 1 Ice Seed, 1 Fire Seed
1 Lunar Seed, 3 Mace Masher, 1 Fiend Gate
1 Lunar Seed, 1 Spark Seed, 1 Ice Seed
1 Fire Seed, 1 Spark Seed, 1 Wind Seed
1 Lunar Seed, 1 Fire Seed, 1 Spark Seed, 2 Mace Masher
1 Fire Seed, 1 Spark Seed, 1 Ice Seed
1 Fire Seed, 1 Spark Seed, 1 Wind Seed
1 Spark Seed, 1 Wind Seed, 1 Ice Seed, 1 Fiend Gate
1 Ice Seed, 3 Mace Masher
1 Spark Seed, 1 Wind Seed, 1 Ice Seed

Go FAR right and down from the entrance to find a Silver Light. Again, you
should 'splore all around to find the next pink intestine.


You've MADE IT!!! Before you take a SINGLE STEP, you need to equip the
following everything.

|Hiro |Goddess and Warrior Crests, Tri-Ring, Ghaleon's Sword |
|Ronfar |Shiro and Chiro Crests, Healing and Angel Ring |
|Jean |Revenge and Snake Crests, Angel and Healing Rings |
|Lemina |Angel Ring, Gorgon Doll, White Dragon Crest |
|Leo |Healing and Angel Rings, No Crests |
|EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE GOOD HP AND MP. You should have found at least 3 |
|Silver Lights in the Keep. Now is the time to use them. NOW! |

Head up. You'll get to a strange-looking room.


STORY Lucia warns Hiro to RUN AWAY because of Zophar's intense power. Zophar's
voice shows up, and a sequence follows in which you see the true form of the
hideous Zophar. And Hiro, strong-willed as ever, plunges the group into

HP: Approximately 16949
0 Exp, 0$
Battlefield: None
|Battle Tactics |
|1. Spread your characters out. |
|2. Have all the strongest weapons and such equipped. |
|3. Equip everything listed above. |
|1. Have Ronfar use Divine Litany on all. He should heal when needed. |
|2. Jean should use Slam Dance as needed and Blue Dragon Palm. |
|3. Hiro should hack away with Triple Sword. |
|4. Lemina should alternate in the following way: Magic Shield, Ice |
|Arrows, raise Hiro's attack, Ice Arrows, raise Jean's attack, Ice |
|Arrows, raise Leo's attack, Ice Arrows for the rest of the turns. |
|5. Leo should use Flash Blade.
|1. If this Zophar stands tall doing nothing in particular, it's about |
|to seriously injure one character and mute him/her. |
|2. If one of Zophar's arms is in front of him and down, expect him to |
|set the entire field ablaze with STRONG fire magic. |
|for EXPLOSIVE damage. Ronfar should heal all after this. |
|3. If both arms are held to the sky, Zophar will molest one person for|
|approximately 300 damage. |
|4. Sometimes, if Zophar holds BOTH arms down at his sides, he'll |
|magically attack one character for 350 or so damage. |

|Lemina thinks that Zophar has ben beat. Oh, that's funny. He comes |
|back and says that whateven power Hiro possesses will not matter, and |
|that now is the time of Hiro's death and Zophar's power. |
|He seizes the power of Althena and simply laughs. In this next |
|extremely strange battle, Alth-Zophar stands calmly, and you can |
|attack it. Calm music? Not appropriate. :) But look at Zophar! See, |
|how Lucia is encased within him, giving him power? NOW remember back |
|to the time when Ghaleon said you must snatch Zophar's power away from|
|him to defeat him? Hmmm... |

HP: Who knows?
0 Exp, 0$
Battlefield: None

During the first part of this battle, your attacks are completely useless. So
you should concentrate on preparing on the coming battle. You should cast
things like Earth Prayer, Divine Litany, Cryo-Shield, Attack Flame (or
something like that). When you're concentrating on this, you'll need Ronfar to
heal every round from the attacks cast by the hands.
|ZOPHST2|This strategy can mean the difference between victory and |
| |defeat, and it has helped many people. During your preparing |
| |time (when Lucia is still captured) you should spread your |
| |characters out on the battlefield. They will all be in a big |
| |group and you should spread them out by moving while using the|
| |Defend command. |

After you're satisfied with your preparation, simply defend each round until
something happens.

STORY Lucia realizes that the power to love and hope, the power of light, will
always conquer hate and darkness. She finally realizes this, and therefore
breaks free of Zophar's grasp. The time has now come.

Boss fight, continued -- The attacks that Zophar does on you aren't that
important. They all cause about the same amount of damage (75-100 per turn)
and usually attack a zone of characters. On the first turn, use:
_______ _______________________
|Hiro |Triple Sword on head |
|Ronfar |Tranquil Litany |
|Jean |Slam Dance |
|Lemina |White Dragon Protect |
|Leo |Flash Blade on head |

Now, for every turn after this, Lemina should continue to use her White Dragon
Protect, and Ronfar Tranquil Litany, even if the party's fine. Actually,
repeat the above for the rest of the battle, having Jean use Blue Dragon Palm
as the only exception and more Slam Dance as necessary. If your levels are
high enough, everything should go fine. If Hiro runs out of MP, you should
replenish it!

Another strategy to beating this very difficult form of Zophar is to destroy
all its appendages. This is the conservative and probably more safe approach.
However, the all-out attack on the head (Above strategy) is almost SURE to
work if you are at Lv 54 or above.

To utilize this strategy, start with the outermost hands. Attack them one at a
time. Use Triple Sword and Blue Dragon Palm and Flash Blade. Until both outer
hands are destroyed, you should use White Dragon Protect each round. When the
outer hands are destroyed, deploy your attacks on the inner arms. Make note
that one arm is weak to physical attacks while the other is weak to magic.
Again, attack one at a time. After you've beaten all these, destroying the
head is easy, because its magic is weak.

Zophar will crack up after a certain about of time. Lucia descends from the
sky. But NO, he's not dead yet! He now decides to DESTROY the world instead of
alter it.

And here is Zophar's essence, a hideous representation of death. Now, you
fight a battle.

HP: Who knows?
0 Exp, 0$
Battlefield: None

This battle really can't be considered a battle. Have Hiro use Triple Sword a
few times.

|Zophar refuses to admit defeat. But, he fades away into a terrbile |
|memory. |
|You're back in Vane the next day. Talk to your friends. Let Ruby go to|
|Taben's Peak with Nall (ha, ha) and you'll get a note that says: |
|Although I was once the Goddess Althena, |
|I am now Luna, and shall remain so. |
|I have chosen happiness and love as a human... |
|a mortal. |
| |
|As such, I will not be alive to tell you this in person. |
|I have seen your coming, but my life will end |
|long before you are even born, Hiro. |
| | |I
have but one regret, and that is Lucia. |
|Lucia has been left to protect the Blue Star... |
|living not for herself, but for others. |
|She waits silently for the Blue Star to revive, |
|and now, she waits alone. |
| |
|I wanted to teach Lucia about human warmth, |
| love, |
| kindness... |
|...but that chance has now slipped beyond my grasp. |
| |
|Hiro, you must free Lucia from servitude and loneliness on the Blue |
|Star for me... |
| |
|...and for love. |
|The way is open to you. |
| |
| ~Luna |
|Yes, Althena wrote this. Now go to the top of the Guild. Lucia is |
|there, waiting for you. She says her dream is to someday transform the| |Blue
Star into a wonderful world like Lunar. Now leave the Guild, and | |talk to
your friends. Each person says a little something about their | |lives and
dreams. |
|And now, back on the Destiny, Lucia and Hiro share a meaningful |
|conversation. |
|Throughout their travels, something seems to be troubling Lucia, but | |Hiro
is missing it. What's wrong? She asks Hiro to go to the Blue |
|Spire with her. OK, I'm bowing out of the story now. Just watch the | |game
and find out what happens! |
|When the game asks if you would like to save the memories of your |
|adventure, say yes. This save can be used to access the Epilogue, a |
|huge sidequest, that serves to finish up the game and round it off. |


|\ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= /|
-------| \ Part VII / |--------
-------| / Bromides \ |--------
L 2 |/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- \| E B

Lucia's Bromide 1

Talk to the man standing outside the small house in the upper-right corner of
Larpa after Lucia leaves the house overnight for a beautiful bromide of Lucia.

Jean's Bromide 2

Talk to the girl standing at the exit of the Caravan right before you leave.

Jessica's Bromide

When you get to Meribia, talk to the man sitting in the upper-left corner of
the tavern for this Bromide.

Lemina's Bromide 3

Talk to Ramus's grandfather several times to get this bromide. You must
do this right upon entering Meribia.

Lemina's Bromide 2

After you get the previous bromide, go look in the barrels in the back
of the store for another bromide.

Mia's Bromide

Talk to the roving person at the Transmission Springs to get this one.


Mauri's Bromide 2

Next to Leo's Pad in a chest in Raculi.

Mauri's Bromide 1

Talk to Mauri after recruiting Ronfar.

Lucia's Bromide 2

Talk to the baby in the outside playground of Taben's Peak.

Jean's Bromide 2

Buy from the guy in the North Carnival for 3000$.

Lucia's Bromide 2

Talk to one of the fairies in Ghaleon's Secret Garden at the bottom of the
Mystic Ruins.

Ghaleon's Bromide

Top of Mystic Ruins.

"Mystere's" Bromide

Talk to the man standing at the north gate of Takkar.


|\ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= /|
-------| \ Part VIII / |--------
-------| / Special Items \ |--------
L 2 |/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- \| E B

Obtained from: Gwyn
Used to enter Blue Spire
Obtained from: Hiro, automatically
Used to enter Blue Spire
Obtained from: Jean, before you fight Plantella
Used to enter the underground chambers
Obtained from: Dragon Cult Leader
Jean gets it
Obtained from: Nall
Magical traveling tool / Used to escape dungeons
Obtained from: Leo, after fight
Essence of White Dragon
Obtained from: Blue Dragon Cult dude
Ticket to the Tournament
Obtained from: Lunn
Essence of Blue Dragon
Obtained from: Borgan
Essence of Black Dragon
Obtained from: Borgan
Key to Borgan's Success / Unlocks Black Dragon Cave
Obtained from: Mauri
Essence of Red Dragon
Obtained from: Lucia :(
Transports you anywhere
Note: Must visit that place first

|\ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= /|
-------| \ Part IX / |--------
-------| / Bestiary \ |--------
L 2 |/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- \| E B

Here are all the enemies, excluding bosses, to be found in LUNAR. If you see
question marks for something and know the answer, feel free to contact me and
fill me in. HOWEVER, if you see blanks with no question marks, those are
things that I will find out that I do not need help on.

Provided here are enemies' weaknesses, resistances, and Experience and Silver.
Some do not know this, but you can actually tell what an enemy will do next
turn by what you see it doing during selection! All this is explained in this
|TSTAFF1 |About Lemina's Thieves Staff - stupid me missed this one |
| |altogether so I don't know anything that you can steal from | |
|any enemy. When I play through the game a second time, I will| | |try
to get this info. However, this would take a LOT of |
| |time. If anyone knows ANYTHING that you can steal from ANY | |
|enemy (other than the Shiro and Chiro Mongrels), it would | |
|REALLY be appreciated if you told me. |

DUNG BEETLE - 1 Exp, 1$
Found: East Desert Pass
Weak to: Fire, Water
Resistant to: None
Steal: Herb
The dung beetle will always attack with a mild bite.
Tactics: These guys are really weak and can be taken out with one sword swipe.
SAND SHARK - 2 Exp, 2$
Found: East Desert Pass
Weak to: Fire, Wind, Water
Resistant to: None
If the Sand Shark's head is above the ground, it will quickly attack one
character with a powerful blue beam. If you just see its fin, it's about to
leap at you twice for mild damage.
SAND CYCLOPS - 3 Exp, 4$
Found: East Desert Pass
Weak to: None
Resistant to: None
If you can see the eyes and body of this mudpie, he's about to bite you for
mild damage. If he's buried underground, expect a powerful swipe attack.
SLIME - 1 Exp, 1$
Found: Blue Spire
Weak to: Everything!
Resistant to: None
The slime will always bite you for very mild damage.
MUMMY - 6 Exp, 5$
Found: Blue Spire
Weak to: None
Resistant to: None
If the Mummy is jumping up and down, he will spin himself and hit everyone in
his own range for moderate damage. If he is simply sitting there, he's about
to hit you twice, mildly.
Found: Blue Spire
Weak to: Fire, Water
Resistant to: None
If you can see the Brainpicker's mouth opening and closing, it's about to
throw a fireball at you. If not, he will physically attack you. Both moves
cause moderate damage.
BANDAGE BOY - 0 Exp, 1$
Found: Blue Spire
Weak to: None
Resistant to: Sleep
The Bandage Boy is always seen with a few buddies and a mummy, and it will
always attack for about 1 HP. Kill the Mummy, their leader, to kill all the
Boys at once.
MAGIC MASQUE - 1 Exp, 3$
Found: Blue Spire
Weak to: None
Resistant to: None
If the Masque is sitting still, mouth opening and closing, it's about to lower
one character's defense by about 25. If he's twisting from side to side, he'll
clap one character, usually the defense-lowered one, for mild damage.
BOMB ANGEL - 3 Exp, 8$
Found: Blue Spire
Weak to: None
Resistant to: Sleep, Poison, Paralysis
If you can see flashing red and green lights, the Bomb Angel is about to hock
a big magic loogie at a zone for explosive damage. If the gun is not flashing,
it will physically attack.
OCHRE OOZE - 2 Exp, 5$
Found: Larpa Pass
Weak to:
Resistant to:
The Ooze will always bite you for mild damage.
KILLER FLY - 6 Exp, 13$
Found: Larpa Pass, Starlight Forest, Illusion Forest
Weak to:
Resistant to:
If the Fly is spinning round and round, it's about to attempt to poison one of
your characters. If not, get ready for a physical attack from this little bug.
Found: West Desert Pass
Weak to:
Resistant to:
If his head is above the ground, the Dolphin will release blue magic to a
zone. However, if you just see his fin, he will unleash a mild physical dive
at someone.
POISON BEETLE - 3 Exp, 11$
Found: West Desert Pass
Weak to:
Resistant to:
These bastards will always bite twice with a good chance of poison.
SCORPION - 12 Exp, 42$
Found: West Desert Pass
Weak to:
Resistant to:
Prepare for a physical attack courtesy of their tails. It's their only move.
PRIVATE - 35 Exp, 50$
Found: Dragonship Destiny (Dalton)
Weak to: ???
Resistant to: ???
The Private will always swing at you with his sword.
CAPTAIN - 40 Exp, 60$
Found: Dragonship Destiny (Dalton)
Weak to: ???
Resistant to: ???
If the Captain is spinning his sword, prepare for a moderately damaging
attack on one character. If his sword is not spinning, he's about to poke
someone for mild damage.
GREEN GOBLIN - 4 Exp, 6$
Found: Starlight Forest, Illusion Forest
Weak to:
Resistant to:
If he's moving his club up and down, he's about to call another Green Goblin
onto the battlefield. If not, he'll just club someone for mild damage.
HUMMINGBYRD - 16 Exp, 32$
Found: Starlight Forest, Illusion Forest
Weak to:
Resistant to:
If the Hummingbyrd is sitting upright, it will absorb some HP from one
character. If it seems to be flying normally, it will physically attack.
HOBGOBLIN - 15 Exp, 14$
Found: Illusion Forest, Caravan
Weak to:
Resistant to:
If the Hobgoblin is spinning its club, it will hit someone for moderate
damage. If not, it will still club someone, but for milder damage.
GOBLIN KING - ? Exp, ?$
Found: Illusion Forest, Caravan
Weak to:
Resistant to:
If the King holds his staff over his head, he's about to raise the attack
power of all your enemies. If not, he'll knock ya silly twice.
BANSHEE FOWL - 7 Exp, 7$
Found: Takkar Pass
Weak to:
Resistant to:
If the Fowl is flapping its wings, expect a mild poison attack. If not, you'll
be bopped twice.
RUFUS - 22 Exp, 32$
Found: Takkar Pass
Weak to:
Resistant to:
If Rufus flexes his muscles, he's about to punch someone for moderate damage.
If his horns flash, prepare for a one-person shock-o-rama!
DEATH WORM - 28 Exp, 27$
Found: Takkar Pass
Weak to:
Resistant to:
If the Worm is expelling smoke, he's gonna suck everyone in toward him. If
there's no smoke, he's about to hit someone mildly with his tentacles.
MUD CYCLOPS - 17 Exp, 21$
Found: Takkar Pass
Weak to:
Resistant to:
If he's underground, he's about to surface and whack someone for medium
damage. If his body is visible, he will mildly bite once.
ROLLING IMP - 14 Exp, 10$
Found: Ghost Manor
Weak to:
Resistant to:
If the Imp is merely bouncing, it will mildly attack someone. If it's up and
cocked back, it will attack for even less damage.
SUSIE DEATH - 20 Exp, 14$
Found: Ghost Manor
Weak to:
Resistant to:
Suzie Death will always absorb some HP or MP from someone. If you can see her
cane, you're about to lose some MP.
KNUCKLEBUSTER - 60 Exp, 100$
Found: Ghost Manor
Weak to:
Resistant to:
The Knucklebuster only has one attack. It will weakly slap tiwce all the
MANEATER - 13 Exp, 13$
Found: Bandit Butte
Weak to: Fire, Ice
Resistant to: None
If its mouth is actively opening and closing, it will chomp you for possible
paralysis. If not, get ready for a one-two punch from this guy.
KILLER BUZZ - 23 Exp, 19$
Found: Bandit Butte
Weak to: Fire, Ice
Resistant to: Sleep, Paralysis, Confusion
If its stinger is going wild, it will attack you and probably paralyze you as
well. If not, it will tap you twice for medium damage and possible paralysis.
PARASITE - 23 Exp, 78$
Found: Bandit Butte
Weak to: Fire, Ice
Resistant to: Poison, Sleep, Paralysis, Confusion, Physical Attack
If its tentacles are moving all over the place, it's about to release powerful
blue magic at everyone. If its tentacles are merely moving up and down, it
will physically attack.
KILLER SHROOM - 25 Exp, 17$
Found: Bandit Butte
Weak to: Fire
Resistant to: None
If it is expelling pollen, the Shroom is about to release a powerful magic
attack to a zone. If not, it will physically attack twice.
REFLECTOR - 27 Exp, ?$
Found: Mystic Ruins
Weak to: None
Resistant to: Poison, Sleep, Paralysis, Confusion
If it is spinning on its axis, the Reflector will mildly slap twice. If not,
it will slap once with a bit more oomph.
PERSONA - 39 Exp, ?$
Found: Mystic Ruins
Weak to:
Resistant to:
If you cannot see three Personas flying around as one, expext a medium clap
from this enigma. If you CAN, expect his to disable one character by enclosing
him or her in a mask!
MASQUERADE - 28 Exp, ?$
Found: Mystic Ruins
Weak to: Wind, Earth
Resistant to: Poison, Sleep, Paralysis, Confusion, Ice, Fire, Lightning
If the Masquerade is doing anything other than placidly sitting there, it will
clap at you twice. If it is just sitting there, it's about to lower one
character's defense.
DARK KNIGHT - 47 Exp, ?$
Found: Mystic Ruins
Weak to:
Resistant to:
The Knight has one attack. It will always release a moderately damaging magic
at one character.
BARBARIAN - 33 Exp, 65$
Found: Zulan Mountain
Weak to:
Resistant to:
If the Barbarian is breathing smoke, he will cast fire on one character. If
not, he will punch a character two times for overall medium damage.
WYBURN - 21 Exp, 24$
Found: Zulan Mountain
Weak to:
Resistant to:
If this bird's wings are flapping, it'll cast a moderately powerful magic
attack on someone. If not, it will attack you physically.
RAZOR WOLF - 68 Exp, 137$
Found: Zulan Mountain
Weak to:
Resistant to:
If he's wagging his tail, prepare for two moderate bites. If he's spinning
around and around, he's about to slice through the battlefield and hurt
everyone VERY badly.
ALBINO BABOON - 26 Exp, 28$
Found: Zulan Mountain
Weak to:
Resistant to:
If the Baboon is stomping around like an idiot, it will attack for
considerable damage. If it looks like it is playing with its toes, it will
chuck a snowball at someone.
TORMENTOR - 36 Exp, 54$
Found: Taben's Peak
Weak to:
Resistant to:
If the Tormentor is tilted and kicking up dirt, it will attack twice. If not,
it will lose its head and chuck it at you for medium damage.
DREAM LEECH - 56 Exp, 100$
Found: Taben's Peak
Weak to:
Resistant to:
If you can see her cane, she will absorb LARGE amounts of MP from someone. If
not, she'll sap just a bit of HP.
MAGIC HAT - 90 Exp, 221$
Found: Taben's Peak
Weak to:
Resistant to:
If the hat is simply bouncing, it will release moderately damaging blue beams.
If you can see the joker, it will punch someone for about 30 HP worth of
OCTO PLANT - 33 Exp, 49$
Found: Taben's Peak
Weak to:
Resistant to:
If the plant is snapping its jaws, it will slap you twice. If not, it will
bite once.
FATAL HOPPER - 35 Exp, 29$
Found: Meribian Sewers
Weak to: Fire, Lightning
Resistant to:???
If the Hopper's hopping, expect a moderate dive attack. If he's not, expect a
mild attack.
GROG SNAKE - 48 Exp, 52$
Found: Meribian Sewers
Weak to: Fire, Lightning
Resistant to:???
If the Snake is gnashing its jaws, expect some mild magic on one character. If
the Grog Snake is sitting placidly, it will bite once.
GUNFOOT - 62 Exp, 98$
Found: Meribian Sewersto: Fire, Lightning
Resistant to:???
If you see a big round thing flashing on Gunfoot, it's about to magically
attack a straight line of characters for very significant damage. If the round
thing is NOT glowing, it will simply physically attack twice.
AMMONIA - 69 Exp, 139$
Found: Meribian Sewers
Weak to: Fire, Lightning
Resistant to:???
If you see the Ammonia spinning, it's about to mow over the battlefield for
EXPLOSIVE damage. If not, it will physically attack someone.
ASSASSIN - 320 Exp, 400$
Found: Meribian Sewers, Pentagulia
Weak to: Ice
Resistant to: None
If the Assassin is surrounded by orange light, it will punch you once for
explosive damage. If he is not surrounded by light, he will punch twice for
moderate damage.
GIGA WASP - 40 Exp, 34$
Found: Cave of Trial
Weak to: Wind, Earth
Resistant to: Sleep, Confusion
The Giga Wasp will attack you once for medium damage if it is flying and not
expelling any dust. If you see dust, however, it will cause a bit of damage
and put someone to sleep!
DEATH SHROOM - 68 Exp, 99$
Found: Cave of Trial
Weak to: Fire
Resistant to: Poison, Paralysis
If the shroom is simply sitting there, it's about to whack a character for
significant damage. If it is bouncing and expelling dust, expect it to attack
all of your characters that are in ITS zone and possibly poison you.
BAT KNIGHT - 86 Exp, 48
Found: Cave of Trial
Weak to: Wind, Earth, Ice
Resistant to: Poison, Physical Attack, Fire, Sleep, Paralysis, Confusion
If you can NOT see little eyes from inside its armor, the Knight is about to
dive at you for major electrical damage. If you CAN see the eyes, he will
attack once for moderate damage.
GIGA ANT - 64 Exp, 51.5$
Found: Sluice Forest
Weak to: None
Resistant to: Wind, Sleep, Fire, Paralysis, Confusion, Ice, Earth
The Giga Ant will mostly bite twice for significant damage. It's hard to tell,
but every once in a while it will magically attack one character for explosive
FLYTRAPPER - 52 Exp, 107$
Found: Sluice Forest
Weak to: Fire
Resistant to: Posion, Paralysis, Confusion
If the flytrapper gnashes its teeth, it's about to bite and possibly poison
one of your characters. If it does not, it will slap you for moderate damage.
KILLER WASP - 88 Exp, 298$
Found: Sluice Forest
Weak to: Wind, Lightning
Resistant to: Sleep, Poison, Confusion, Paralysis
If the Wasp is floating placidly, it's about to attack someone for significant
damage. If its stinger goes wild, it will attempt to paralyze someone.
BLOODBYRD - 102 Exp, 319$
Found: Sluice Forest
Weak to: None
Resistant to: Paralysis, Confusion
If the bird flies in an normal position, it's about to attack twice for medium
damage. If the bird flies more upright, expect it to absorb some HP from a
INFERNO GHOUL - 180 Exp, 22$
Found: Azado
Weak to: None
Resistant to: Fire
Yes, these are the same dudes that you saw at the beginning of the game. If
their mouths are opening and closing, they're about to heat things up on the
battlefield and cast Fire on everyone. If not, they will attack for some good
DIECLOPS - 72 Exp, 49$
Found: Azado Shrine
Weak to: Earth
Resistant to: Wind
If Dieclops's eye is opening and closing, expect a physical attack with
possible paralysis.
FLIGHT KNIGHT - 61 Exp, 49$
Found: Azado Shrine
Weak to: Wind
Resistant to: Earth
If you can see two beady eyes peering from the armor, the Knight will attack
twice for relatively little damage. If not, the Knight will dive at one
character for significant damage.
NIPPLE YANKER - 61 Exp, 47$
Found: Azado Shrine
Weak to: None
Resistant to: Wind, Earth, Fire
If the Yanker moves his cane back and forth, expect a medium physical attack.
If there is fire on the end of his cane, get ready for a powerful fire attack
on one character.
Found: Azado Shrine
Weak to:
Resistant to: Earth, Wind, Fire
If you can see electricity surrounding the eye, expect him to physically
attack someone. If you can NOT see electricity, it will attack all characters
on the field for good damage.
CORP. CRUSHER - 93 Exp, 27$
Found: Pentagulia
Weak to: Wind
Resistant to: None
If the crusher is simply standing there, he will attack for minor physical
damage. If he is spinning his sword, he will attack one character for
significant damage.
SGT. SLAUGHTER - 90 Exp, 20$
Found: Pentagulia
Weak to: Wind
Resistant to: None
If the Sergeant holds his sword out in front of him, he will attack twice on
his next turn. If not, he will do nothing!
FLAME REAPER - 93 Exp, 37$
Found: Pentagulia
Weak to: None
Resistant to: None
If you see fire emitting from the Reaper's blade, it will surprise one
character with fire. If not, then expect a medium physical attack.
FLASH LORD - 90 Exp, 31$
Found: Pentagulia
Weak to: Fire
Resistant to: Wind, Thunder
If the Lord is simply waiting placidly, cane UPRIGHT, he will physically
attack for minor damage. If not, expect it to release a powerful ball of blue
magic at someone. I'm pretty sure this is his only attack.
DARK SORCERER - 96 Exp, 21$
Found: Pentagulia
Weak to: None
Resistant to: None
If the Sorcerer holds his hand out in front of him, expect him to magically
attack someone with possible paralysis. If NOT, then he will physically attack
Found: Pentagulia
Weak to: Ice
Resistant to: Poison
If the Mercenary stands there placidly, it's about to hill someone with its
ball-n-chain. If not, it will jump and hit someone for significant damage.
Found: Pentagulia
Weak to: Wind, Fire, Ice, Thunder, Earth
Resistant to: Physical Magic, Physical attack
If the Gargoyle sits there, flying placidly, it will swipe at you twice with
its sword of a bit of damage. If, however, his sword glows blue, he will swipe
once with the glowing sword for greater damage.
SHIRO MONGREL - 139 Exp, 181$
Found: White Dragon Cave
Weak to: Fire
Resistant to: Poison, Paralysis, Confusion, Ice
Steal: Shiro Crest
If its paws are down and its tail is wagging, it will slap someone twice with
its tail. If you can see its red feathers ruffling up and down, it will burn a
worm at one of your characters for very significant damage and possible
CHIRO MONGREL - 33,333 Exp, 11,111$
Found: White Dragon Cave
Weak to: None
Resistant to: EVERYTHING!!!!
Steal: Chiro Crest
Be careful! Don't confuse him with the Shiro Mongrel. Chiro has a blue mane.
If the mane is NOT ruffling it will run away. These boogers are hard to kill.
Once you are above Lv. 50, come back to the White Dragon Cave and unleash your
STRONGEST attacks on one at a time to get all the experience.

CREDIT! Thanks to for the Experience and Silver for the Chiro
Mongrel. And, thanks to Silver Phoenix for verifying this AND giving me this
new information:

Chiro pups have Chiro Crests and Shiro Pups have Shiro Crests (yeah, that's a
tough one to figure out, I know). Anywho, if you equip one of each, you get a
nice speed bonus, but even better is the Range bonus, which automatically
gives you 200 range! That's as good as teleportation, you can move anywhere.
If you equip two Shiro's, it adds a little to speed and a LOT to evasion. I
did this with Jean, then gave her the Snake Ring, and she dodged more than
half the attacks against her. Finally, and this is the best part, if you equip
two Chiro's you get a decent speed boost, and that character ALWAYS attacks
first in each round of battle. Having Lemina open each battle with Crematorium
or Catastrophe is an excellent way to blaze through a dungeon, or level
quickly =)
Found: White Dragon Cave
Weak to: Fire
Resistant to: Posion, Sleep, Paralysis, Confusion, Ice, Physical
If you see a smaller star quickly orbiting around the Mecha Star, it's about
to toss that star is one character for good damage.
YETI - 149 Exp, 124$
Found: White Dragon Cave
Weak to: Poison, Sleep, Fire, Confusion, Paralysis
Resistant to: Ice
If the Yeti simply stands there stomping up and down, it will hop at and
attack one person for medium damage.
MUTANT FLY - 113 Exp, 134$
Found: White Dragon Cave
Weak to: None
Resistant to: Poison, Sleep, Paralysis, Confusion
If the fly spins and spins, expect it to dive down at someone, and possibly
poison them. Attack you, it will, if it is simply flying normally.
WOLF GUARD - 273 Exp, 0$
Found: Zen Zone Tournament
Weak to: None
Resistant to: Confusion, Poison, Sleep, Paralysis
If the Guard is bending up and down, expect him to dive-bomb a character for
about 70 HP. If not, he will attack one character for medium damage.
FLASH NINJA - 339 Exp, 0$
Found: Zen Zone Tournament
Weak to: None
Resistant to: Confusion, Poison, Sleep, Paralysis
If the Flash Ninja is placidly standing with his sword outstretched, he will
attack one character twice for medium damage and possibly poison him/her. As
far as I know, this is their only attack.
Found: Zen Zone Tournament
Weak to: None
Resistant to: Confusion, Poison, Sleep, Paralysis
If the Shadow Assassin is surrounded by blue light, expect him to knock one
character silly for about 100 HP. If not, he will attack three times (!) for
medium damage.
TIGER SHARK - 192 Exp, 182$
Found: Blue Dragon Cave
Weak to: Fire, Lightning
Resistant to: Ice
If you can only see the fin, the Tiger Shark will dive at you for mild damage.
If you can see the full head, it will spit magic at everyone for about 50 HP
Tactics: Don't go too wild. These guys are easy, so just physically attack
them, and use Lemina's Hellfire Staff. However, if you see their heads, you
SHOULD target them first.
WATER ELEMENTAL - 163 Exp, 150$
Found: Blue Dragon Cave
Weak to: Fire, Lightning
Resistant to: Ice
If its "mouth" is chomping, then it will physically attack one character for
about 50 damage. If its mouth is NOT chomping, it will still bite someone, but
for less damage. With this attack, you may be muted.
Tactics: Again, these guys aren't too tough. Physically attack them, and use
Lemina's Hellfire Staff.
DOOM RIGGER - 3000 Exp, 1050$
Found: Blue Dragon Cave
Weak to: Fire, Wind
Resistant to: Sleep, Poison, Paralysis, Confusion
Drops: Holy Water, 100%
If you can see a mouth-looking object opening and closing at its top, expect
it to release a bunch o' little dudes called "Scurvy Slugs". If NOT, it will
Tactics: Release everything on it and try to knock it out before it can run
away. It gives lots of experience.
SCURVY SLUG - 73 Exp, 0$
Found: Blue Dragon Cave
Weak to: Wind
Resistant to: None
These little bugs have only one attack: They will hop at someone for about 25
damage and possible poisoning!
Tactics: Numbers is their strength. Try and divy out the attacks evenly so as
many as possible get killed in one turn. They don't have much HP.
AQUA ASSASSIN - 332 Exp, 260$
Found: Blue Dragon Cave
Weak to: Lightning, Fire
Resistant to: Ice
If his sword is glowing yellow and held behind his back, he will mow down a
straight line of your guys. Extremely dangerous! If the sword is IN FRONT of
him, he will swipe at a character twice for medium damage.
Tactics: Try to keep your guys AWAY from being in a straight line. If you have
characters that attack multiple times, they will end up right in front of the
Assassin after a couple of hits. Watch out!
Found: Zaback Mines
Weak to: Ice
Resistant to: Fire
If the Boomba Baby is boringly bouncing, be ready for a big bad bomb burst on
an ally zone. (Actually, it's not that bad). If he's NOT bouncing, he'll
attack twice for medium damage.
Tactics: You'll fight these alongside other bomb folk. Usually, you'll want to
destroy the other Bombermen before going for these guys. Use ice magic. You
don't get any experience points from them if they kill themselves.
Found: Zaback Mines
Weak to: Ice
Resistant to: Fire
He'll attack you once for mild damage if he is just sitting there. If he's
bouncing, he'll suicide to damage an ally zone.
Tactics: Again, kill the Big Boombas before going for the Boomba Boy, and use
Ice magic. He doesn't have that much HP. You don't get any experience points
from them if they kill themselves.
Found: Zaback Mines
Weak to: Ice
Resistant to: Fire
If this Big Baddy is bouncing, he will commit suicide to damage a zone for
about 50 HP. This may paralyze you! If they are NOT bouncing, they will attack
twice for a bit of damage.
Tactics: It's the big bad Boomba Daddy! Kill them first by using Poe Sword and
Ice magics. They are the most dangerous. You don't get any experience points
from them if they kill themselves.
Found: Zaback Mines
Weak to: Ice
Resistant to: Fire
If this age-challenged bomb is simply standing, moustache waving back and
forth, he will attack one character for about 50 damage.
Tactics: They are slow, understandably; use this to your advantage. Don't
freak out over them!
ROCK BITER - 177 Exp, 156$
Found: Neo-Trial Cave
Weak to: Wind, Ice, Fire, Thunder, Seal, Sleep, Paralysis, Poison, Confusion
Resistant to: Physical Attacks, Physical Magic
If the Biter's scorpion-like tail is moving back and forth, expect it to poke
someone for about 50 damage and possible poisoning. If NOT, then it will
attack for medium damage.
Tactics: These guys aren't all that tough. They can't be, since your party is
down to three. One simple ice magic from Lemina will dust them off. Don't go
too crazy. ONCE YOU GET JEAN, have her put them to sleep each round, and then
have Lemina kill them with Ice Magic.
SCREAM SPHERE - 338 Exp, 211$
Found: Neo-Trial Cave
Weak to: None
Resistant to: None
If the Sphere is simply floating, he will physically attack you. If part of
the Sphere is glowing red, it will attack everyone for medium damage and
possible muting.
Tactics: If it's glowing red, it may mute your magic-users, so either kill it
before it can attack or don't use magic that round.
GORGON - 538 Exp, 280$
Found: Neo-Trial Cave
Weak to: Wind, Fire
Resistant to: Physical Magic, Non-Attribute Magic, Poison, Sleep, Paralysis,
If the mouth is opening and closing, it will physically attack someone for
significant damage. If NOT, it will swipe a tentacle at someone for 80 damage
or so. Sometimes, it will spit liquid at you and possibly paralyze you.
Tactics: There's really not much to beating this bug-and-a-half; just pummel
at it. Use Lemina's Ice magic.
DARK LORD - 188 Exp, 175$
Found: Neo-Trial Cave
Weak to: None
Resistant to: Wind, Fire, Posion, Sleep, Paralysis, Confusion, Ice, Lightning
If its staff is held perpendicular to the ground, it will pound someone for
medium damage. If its staff is held at an angle, it will damage an ally zone
Tactics: They are tough because of their resistances; really, the only way to
kill them is with weapons or non-attribute magic.
ZOMBIE - 209 Exp, 0$
Found: Black Dragon Cave
Weak to: Non-attribute
Resistant to: Everything else
If a mucus-like substance is dripping from their hands, they will attack twice
for good damage. If NOT, then expect a powerful physical attack and possible
Tactics: Most normal attacks are enough to wipe these guys out in one blow.
Utilize Jean and Hiro to eliminate as many as fast as possible.
WEBHEAD - 320 Exp, 259$
Found: Black Dragon Cave
Weak to: Wind, Thunder
Resistant to: Physical
If the Webhead floats placidly, expect it to bite twice for significant
damage. But if you see its wing-like protrusions moving back and forth like a
jellyfish, expect it to absorb a decent amount of HP from one character.
Tactics: Use one of Lemina's single-enemy Ice or Fire magics. These guys are
EXTREMELY slow (heck, even Lucia scores a hit before they do anything), so you
should be able to kill them before they even score a hit on your guys.
SOUL YANKER - 251 Exp, 275$
Found: Black Dragon Cave
Weak to: None
Resistant to: Poison, Paralysis, Sleep, Confusion, Wind, Lightning
If the pink orb on the end of his staff flashes on and off, expect him to
engulf one character in a swarm of maigcal flames for dangerous damage. If he
does NOT, expect a physical attack.
Tactics: Not much to say; if a Soul Yanker's orb is flashing, you may want to
pay special attention to it. Don't waste your MP!
CHAOS FIEND - 666 Exp, 349$
Found: Black Dragon Cave
Weak to: None
Resistant to: Everything but Physical
If the fiend holds his sword parallel to the ground, he will physically attack
one character for about 60-90 damage. If he holds it upright, he will
magically attack all characters for significantly dangerous damage.
Tactics: Hiro's Poe Sword worked best for me on these big bad guys. If one is
holding its staff up and your characters' HP isn't too great, you might want
to unleash more on it such as Jean's blue magics. Don't go too crazy. They're
big, but not bad.
Found: Serak Palace
Weak to: Thunder
Resistant to: Paralysis, Sleep, Confusion
If the light in the center of the Arrow Fish is flashing, it will unleash a
moderately damaging red boomb on one character. If the light is NOT flashing,
it will attack your characters twice for moderate damage.
Tactics: Arrow Fish have very little HP. They can be killed with a mere Cross-
Boomerang or three successive normal attacks.
Found: Serak Palace
Weak to: None
Resistant to: None
If the Blyzzer is spinning furiously, expect it to sweep across the
battlefield, poisoning and moderately damaging your characters. If it ain't
spinnin', then it'll attack ya twice for about 40 damage.
Found: Serak Palace
Weak to: None
Resistant to: All Magic
If the Necromancer holds his blue sword up and nothing is emanating from it at
the top, expect him to physically attack one character for pretty mild damage.
If there ARE blue waves of energy spewing from its sword, get ready for a
sgnificantly damaging ice attack on an ally zone!
Found: Serak Palace
Weak to: None
Resistant to: Sleep, Paralysis, Confusion
If the Archmage holds one arm outstretched, he'll release a significantly
damaging blue magic ball on one character that could possibly cause paralysis.
If he does NOT hold his arm out, he will physically attack one character once
for significant damage.
BLOOD SLIME - 243 Exp, 102$
Found: Red Dragon Cave
Weak to: Ice
Resistant to: Physical attacks and magic, Wind, Fire, Lightning
The Blood Slimes have only one attack. They will bite you for medium damage.
It MAY put you to sleep.
Tacitcs: They are resistant to most everything. But, they can be easily put to
sleep or paralyzed by Jean's magic. Put this to work. If paralyzed, Hiro can
dust them off with two sword swipes!
INFERNO GHOUL - 386 Exp, 226$
Found: Red Dragon Cave
Weak to: Ice
Resistant to: Fire, Sleep Paralysis, Confusion
If the Inforeno Ghoul's mouth is opening and closing, expect it t ocast a
fiery blaze over the entire field. If NOT, it will bite a character twice for
about 60 damage.
Tactics: Unfortunately, these are not he same Inferno Ghouls you met in Azado.
They're still not that tough, though. If one is opening its mouth, you may
want to hit it with a Poe Sword.
PYROMANIAC - 415 Exp, 203$
Found: Red Dragon Cave
Weak to: Ice
Resistant to: Fire
If this maniacal pyro is floating in the air, expect a fiery blast on one
character for signifiact damage. If it's NOT floating, expect a series of
punches on a character resulting in medium damage.
Tactics: Again, you can poison or paralyze these guys. If one of your
characters has low HP, you should have them defend if a Pyro is floating.
FLAME BERSERKER - 796 Exp, 348$
Found: Red Dragon Cave
Weak to: Ice
Resistant to: Fire
If this genie from hell is holding his sword down and parallel to the ground,
he will swipe a character twice for good damage. If he's holding his sword UP
behind him, he'll attack a straight line of characters for moderate fire
Tactics: Again, they are vulnerable to status effects such as Sleep. Use this
to your benefit.
PLASMA PRISM - 534 Exp, 121$
Found: Althena's Tower
Weak to: None
Resistant to: Wind, Fire, Poison, Sleep, Paralysis, Confusion, Ice, Lightning
What the Prism does depends on which axis it is spinning on. If it is spinning
on its HORIZONTAL axis, and you want it to, it will attack you once for medium
damage. If it is spinning on its VERTICAL axis (somewhat like a top) it will
launch a magical spitball at one character for EXPLOSIVE damage (250+).
Tactics: The only way to kill these guy is with physical attacks. When you
fight them in a group of ALL Plasma Prisms, they're not hard to beat. But it's
annoying when they are grouped with other enemies. Try and learn how many
attacks from what characters kill ONE. This will make it easier when you fight
varied groups.
STONE CREEP - 588 Exp, 183$
Found: Althena's Tower
Weak to: None
Resistant to: Physical Attacks and Magic, Poison, Sleep, Paralysis, Confusion
If the Stone Creep is floating peacefully, mouth slightly opening and closing,
it will hock a magical purple ball at one character for significant damage. It
may paralyze. If it's bouncing up and down, it will attack one character once
for mild damage.
Tactics: Take it easy! Even though he resists physical attacks, a couple of
normal attacks combined with a Staff of Lemina's is enough to dispense of him.
STATUE SOLDIER - 708 Exp, 262$
Found: Althena's Tower
Weak to: Wind, Fire, Ice, Lightning
Resistant to: Sleep, Poison, Paralysis, Confusion
If the Statue Soldier is standing at attention, it will physically attack one
character for significant damage. If it ominously holds its sword high above
its head, it will swipe one character once for big damage.
Tactics: Since they are so weak to so much, use a single-person attack like
the Cross-Boomerang (Wind elemental) on them. They are slow!
CANNON ANGEL - 943 Exp, 453$
Found: Althena's Tower
Weak to: None
Resistant to: Poison, Sleep, Paralysis, Confusion
If the Cannon Angel is standing with the cannon cocked and the lights at the
tip are slightly flashing, it will throw a bomb that has he capacity to damage
a large group of characters AND mute them. If they are jsut floating and there
are no lights, it will attack oen character twice for about 100 damage total.
Tactics: VERY dangerous. They attack in groups with other enemies, and they do
the muting thing really often. Dispose of them with Poe Sword and Blue Dragon
Palm FAST.
SNATCHER - 746 Exp, 195$
Found: Zophar's Keep
Weak to: Earth
Resistant to: Posion, Sleep, Paralysis, Confusion
If the Snatcher's arms are bouncing up and down, release a bunch of goo on one
character that may affect its status. If NOT, it will slap a character once
for good damage.
Tactics: Since it is weak to Earth, use Leo's Earth magic to kill it. OR, you
can use Lemina's Earth Staff.
MECHA STAR - 624 Exp, 216$
Found: Zophar's Keep
Weak to: None
Resistant to: Wind, Fire, Ice, Earth, Thunder, Posion, Sleep, Paralysis,
The Mecha Star will attack one character physically for good damage if it is
just floating. If there is a star revolving around it, it will launch that at
a character for big damage.
Tacitcs: These guys have strength in numbers. They will attack you about
midway through the turn. They're not that strong, so don't waste MP on them
and physically attack them. Learn the amount of attacks it takes to kill one
and spread your attacks out so to kill as many as you can in one turn.
CRAZY CRAB - 931 Exp, 284$
Found: Zophar's Keep
Weak to: Wind, Fire, Water, Lightning, Earth
Resistant to: Physical attacks/magic, Sleep, Paralysis, Poison, Confusion
If the Crab's tentacles are pumping up and down, expect it to attack one
character for medium damage with a good chance of evasion. If its tentacles
are going wild, it will launch magic on everyone for significant damage.
Tactics: You don't encounter the Crab that much. Simply hit it with two weak
magic attacks and it's gone.
HADES - 1621 Exp, 1116$
Found: Zophar's Keep
Weak to: Ice
Resistant to: Physical Attacks, Fire, Poison, Sleep, Confusion, Paralysis
If Hades stands there doing nothing in particular, he will punch a character
twice for significant damage. If Hades's back emanates fire, he's about to
magically attack one character for LOTS of damage.
Tactics: They alwys attack last, even behind Lemina. Smack 'em with Ice a la
Lemina for an easy kill.
LUNAR SEED - 777 Exp, 0$
Found: Zophar's Keep 4F+
Weak to: Lightning
Resistant to: Confusion, Paralysis, Poison, Sleep, Earth
The Lunar Seed will always attack you if it appears small.
Tactics: The Lunar Seed sometimes appears to have no color. It actually has a
dark red center.
FIRE SEED - 777 Exp, 0$
Found: Zophar's Keep 4F+
Weak to: Wind, Water
Resistant to: Fire, Confusion, Paralysis, Poison, Sleep
If this seed looks small, it will always attack you. If it appears big, it
will attack you with Fire magic.
Tactics: The Fire Seed has the red center.
SPARK SEED - 777 Exp, 0$
Found: Zophar's Keep 4F+
Weak to: Water, Earth
Resistant to: Confusion, Paralysis, Poison, Sleep
If the Spark seed appears small, it will always attack you. This may paralyze
you. If it appears big, it will attack you with Lightning magic.
Tactics: The Spark Seed has a yellow center.
MACE MASHER - 662 Exp, 262$
Found: Zophar's Keep 4F+
Weak to: Wind, Fire, Earth, Lightning, Water
Resistant to: Confusion, Paralysis, Poison, Sleep
If the Mace Masher is swinging his ball 'n' chain back and forth repeatedly,
expect it to
WIND SEED - 777 Exp, 0$
Found: Zophar's Keep 4F+
Weak to: Fire, Earth
Resistant to: Wind
If the Wind Seed is small, it will always attack you. It may mute you. If it
appears big, it will attack you with Wind magic.
Tactics: The Wind Seed is greenish-blue.
ICE SEED - 777 Exp, 0$
Found: Zophar's Keep 4F+
Weak to: Fire,
Resistant to: Water
If the Ice Seed appears small, it will attack you. If it appears big, it will
attack you with Ice magic.
Tactics: This seed looks blue like ice.
FIEND GATE - 3700 Exp, 1000$
Found: Zophar's Keep
Weak to: None
Resistant to: Physical Attacks/Magic
This extremely huge enemy will attack one character once if its heading is
sticking out and simply slowly opening and closing. If there's no face to be
seen on this behemoth, it will attack everyone for the most insane damage
imaginable (250+).
Tactics: If you CAN'T see its face, launch every attack imaginable on it. THIS

|\ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= /|
-------| \ Part X / |--------
-------| / Frequently Asked Questions \ |--------
L 2 |/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- \| E B
Q. How do you get the Althena's Sword?

The following tip is courtesy of . Thanks!

To get Althena's Sword, go back and talk to Nall after beating Zophar.
Q. How do you beat Zophar?

FINALLY! I have beaten the game and can post my own Zophar strategy. Which
form are you having trouble with: first, second or third? See keyowrds
ZOPHBS1, ZOPHBS2, or ZOPHBS3, respectively, for that info.
Q. How many HPs does a certain boss have?

Again, I don't know. There's no way to tell. If you're having trouble with a
boss, email me, and tell me exactly what goes wrong and I'll try and help.
However, for the last few bosses in this FAQ, I have been adding up the damage
on a calculator as it happens and finding approximate HPs. Hope these help!
Q. Is it true that you are really 14 like your ICQ profile says?

Yes, people. PLEASE, get over it!
Q. How many hours have you spent on the game?

86. And this includes the time writing the Walkthrough, Enemy lists,
ITEM/EQUIPMENT lists, CALCULATING all bestiary data, and writing these
Q. Haha, I've spent X hours on the game and I've beaten it, yet you've spent
80-some-odd hours and you're not even halfway through!

Well, for one, that's not a question. And two, I get sick of these emails.
Writing a FAQ takes forever. If you think you're so great and fast, write a
FAQ yourself. If you don't LIKE that I spent 60-some-odd hours on a game, then
that's your problem. PLEASE don't bother me with emails like this anymore.
Q. What can I steal from a certain enemy?

By using Lemina's Thieves Staff, you can steal items from enemies. See keyword
TSTAFF1 for more info.
Q. Can you send me a copy of your latest FAQ?

Sorry, too many people ask me that. Simply look at GameFAQs for the latest
version! You CAN download a copy of the FAQ to your computer by going to the
page that LINKED you to this FAQ, right-clicking on the link, and clicking
"Save Target As".
Q. What are all the weird letter-and-number combinations, like LW002, for?

They are keywords designed so that people can immediately jump to a section in
the FAQ. Each keyword for each area is in the Table of Contents. Press CTRL
and F on your keyboard simultaneously, type in the keyword, and click "Find
Next" TWICE.
Q. Should I fight every enemy in the game?

Well, here's the problem. My Tactic lists are set up to make it EASY, but not
necessarily EFFICIENT. So if you fight every enemy using my Tactic list,
you'll run out of MP fast. So my suggestion is, if you fight every enemy, only
use the Tactic strategies on every other battle. On the battles that you DON'T
use tactics, conserve the MP of the characters who are losing it fastest.
Q. Can you tell me anything about the Epilogue, like where the Dragon Eye
Jewel is or whatever?

Yes! Thanks to Adam Hammer, I can give you the following Epilogue walkthrough.

If you thoght that Zophar was the end of the game, your WRONG! There is a
second part to LUNAR 2 that starts when the game is over.

Instructions to get to part 2 of the game.....

1. Go to the saved game screen.
2. Select the EPILOGUE option.

Now it is time for the final part. You start a Gwyn's house. The first thing
to do before anything else, is to get you party members.

Hint: Use the city of Dalton as a reference point.

Ronfar: You will find him in the city of Raculi.
Lemina: In the city of Vane, she will be in the throne room.
Jean: She is located in the back of the carnival at Nota.
Leo: He is at he Mystic Ruins. ALL THE WAY AT THE TOP!

Now go to Dalton. Head north-east until you get to the Dragon Ruins. Climb to
the top room, and get the Left Dragon Eye. Use the Dragon Wings to exit.

After that, go east to the Ice Lands. Then head north.

Note: You must leave the Destiny to go north.

You will find the Ancient Tower. Go to the floor below the top one. The
easiest way is to go to the bacement, then find the door that leads to the top
floor. The Right Dragon Eye is here. But you must fight a Phantom.


Ronfar use Rest Litany.
Hiro use Poe Sword.
Lemina use White Dragon Protect.
Leo use Flash Blade.
Jean use Blue Dragon Vigor

If that was not hard for you, you could go to the floor above, and fight a
party that is a DUPLICATE OF YOURS! The reward for this is the Shaman Staff,
but it dosn't matter if you do because you are so close to the end.

Now go back to the Destiny and go to Dalton. Head north-east towards Illusion
Woods. When you can't go anymore, leave the Destiny and go north to the Star

Go to the sixth floor. take the path on the right, then save your game. What
happens now is that Hiro will fight alone.

Have 2 Star Lights in yor inventory.
Fill the rest with Healing Nuts.
Also Equip the Heal Ring.


When he is standing with one arm out, and the other one behind, he will jump
down on you with his sword. This attack you don't worry about for 3 to 4

When he is leaning away from you, he will hit you with a energy wave. Just
like before, don' worry for the first few.

When he spins his sword, DON'T ATTACK! It will come back at you. Use a healing
nut. This is followed by a wave that dosn't always hit.

When he is saluting, he will hit you twice. This will drain half of your H.P.

The end.

|\ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= /|
-------| \ Part XI / |--------
-------| / Things of note in LUNAR 2 \ |--------
L 2 |/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- \| E B

Silver Phoenix says that when you retrieve the Right Opal Jewel from the
Dragon Ruins, Hiro makes a comment about the first time he and Ruby were
there...but it's Ruby's picture next to the text! Oops, programming glitch!

Any more? Email me!

|\ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= /|
-------| \ Part XII / |--------
-------| / Conclusion/Contact \ |--------
L 2 |/ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- \| E B

Yeah, yeah, I know, this thing is far from being finished. FAR. See any
question marks in places at this FAQ? Those are things I accidentally skipped
over, or don't know. I need people to help and tell me what these are! I'm
working on this FAQ pretty hard, and the walkthrough for the Epilogue should
be done within the next couple of weeks. I hope you enjoy and use all I have
in here. Oh yeah, and you can email me:
|Email | |
|ICQ |59862917 |
|AIM |Helmacron4 |

and ask ANY questions, correct any errors, or suggest anything be added,
erased, or changed from my FAQ. Your name will be credited!


Silver Phoenix corrected some errors in my Crests section. Thanks!
ATadeo gave me the idea of the layout for the armor and weapons.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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17.Oktober 2013
Zophar's Keep Walkthrough

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Complete FAQ

15.Oktober 2013
Complete Guide

17.Oktober 2013
Complete FAQ

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17.Oktober 2013

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