Syphon Filter

Syphon Filter

13.10.2013 09:29:34

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Date Started: 6/28/99
Date Ended:

for the Sony PlayStation
by Keith Platz

Unpublished work Copyright 1999 Keith Platz

This FAQ is for private and personal use. It can only be reproduced
electronically. This FAQ is NOT to be used for PROFITABLE or PROMOTIONAL
purposes. This includes being incorporated, reprinted, or otherwise used by
magazines, books, guides, etc., in ANY way. This FAQ was created and being
maintained currently by Keith Platz ( All copyrights and
trademarks are acknowledged that are not
specifically mentioned in this FAQ.

I'll Make it Simple : this FAQ is MINE there is NO unauthorised use of this
game FAQ ANYWHERE unless it is shown in its MAY put this FAQ
on your site but ONLY in its COMPLETE FORM. I do not write this walkthrough
so some hack writers can sit back and get paid for it. And the most important
thing : You cannot sell this walkthrough.

Syphon Filter is (c) Sony Computer of Entertainment and (c) 989 Studios

########## C O N T I N T S ##########
VII.) FAQ's / Codes

########## I. UPDATES ##########
6/28/99 Today I started my second real FAQ, the first one was my Final
Fantasy VIII Demo Walkthrough that comes with with Brave Fencer,
you can get that walkthrough at my web site: .
Well today I got the Character Profile section, the move list, and
I got part of the first level of the walkthrough done.

7/02/99 Today I added more to the walkthrough part, but still only on
the first level ^_^. You people may be wondering...why did it take
so long for such a short update?...Well, little do you know that I
am currently working on Walkthrough/FAQ's for: Metal Gear Solid,
Syphon Filter, Ehrgeiz, and Tenchu.

8/03/99 Today I finished the first level for the walkthrough and started
the second level. I also added a review to the game.

8/04/99 Well today is my birthday! :) But thats no reason to not to a
update, so I'm just gona update the walkthrough again. I added
a new logo title at the top, I didn't like the other one, plus
somebody else has one simmair to it, and I don't like copying.

9/15/99 It's been a while since I had last updated this walkthrough, so
I figured that I should do some more updating on it. I finished the
second level strategy and the third level strategy, and started the
fourth level walkthrough...

Oh my God..I finished the walkthrough all the way to level 6! Thats
like 5 1/2 levels in one day! If I keep this up, this walkthrough
should be done in a few more days!

9/30/99 Ok, it has been more than a month since I last updated this walkthrough, and
I know i said that I would have it done in a few days, but I let my friend
borrow the game, stupid me huh. Well I got the game back, so I'm gona do an
update on the walkthrough :) . Just a little note: - I'm gona be gone
tomarow and for the next few days =( but when I get home, I'm gona try to
finish the walkthrough!

########## II. REVIEW ##########
This is what I have to say about this game: It's one for the best damn
games that I have ever played! It has pretty good graphics, and the best AI
system around. Not only that, but it's super fun, I play it all the time and
thats one of the main reasons that I'm writing this walkthrough/FAQ.
I brought this game over to one of my friends, house along with my
Playstation because he has a N64, one look at this game and he quickly
stated: "Man I'm gona get a PSX just for this game!". This game is just way
cool and awesome! But if you haven't played the game yet and you're wondering,
what kind of game is Syphon Filter, and what makes it so fun? Well I got the
answer for you, it's a kick ass game and running around burning bad guys to
death with Tazerz, Blowing them up with bombs, Sniping on them where it
hurts, and then the mass destruction of destroying cars and then watching
them fly sky high from the explosion.
You may be thinking that Syphon Filter is like Metal Gear Solid because
that what it looks like, but it is the total opposite. Instead sneaking in
to the enemy base trying to save to world with out people even knowing that
you are there, Syphon Filter is run em' up and shoot them type of games that
takes place in more than one enemy base, plus its a lot more fun!
Ok to make things short I'm just gona do what they do in those magazines,
you know like rank it.

1= Worst 10= Best

Graphics 8/10 AI 10/10 Sound 8/10 Fun 10/10 Control 9/10
Replay Value 10/10 Innovation 8/10 Presentation 9/10
FINAL SCORE= ,':: :::::::
, :: :: ::
:: :: ::
:: :: ::
:: :: ::
:: :: ::
:::::: :::::
FINAL WORD: What can I say, this game is great and a one of a kind!

########## III. CHARACTERS' PROFILE ###########
( the characters' profile is taken from 989 Studios site - )
1. GABRIEL LOGAN - Covert Operative
Stats :
Sex : Male Height: 6'3"
Age : 35 Weight: 185 pounds
Birthplace : Camden, NJ
Eye Color : Brown
Nationality : American
Hair Color : Black
Background :
Recognized as the top operative in the Agency today. Agency Operative,
1993- Current. U.S. Army, Special Operations, 1987-1992. Gulf War, 1991.
Presidential Citation, 1991. Silver Star, U.S. Army, awarded 1989.
Commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the U.S. Army, 1987.
Training :
M.A. Degree, Biochemistry, Magna Cum Laude, Rockefeller Institute,
awarded 1994.
B.S. Degree, Biology and Chemistry, MIT, awarded 1987.
U.S. Army Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC), MIT, 1983-1987.

2. LIAN XING - Intelligence Communications Expert
Stats :
Sex : Female Height: 5'7"
Age : 29 Weight: 120 pounds
Birthplace : San Francisco, CA
Eye Color : Brown
Nationality : American
Hair Color : Black
Background :
Operative for the Agency since recruitment after graduation in June 1996.
Expert in the field of communications.
Training :
Ph.D., Computer Science, Magna Cum Laude, Stanford, 1996.
M.S., Computer Science, Stanford, 1995.
B.A., B.S. Languages and Computer Science, U.C. Berkeley, awarded 1993.

3. THOMAS MARKINSON - Director of the Agency
Stats :
Sex : Male Height: 6'0"
Age : 52 Weight: 210 pounds
Birthplace : Cambridge, MA
Eye Color : Green
Nationality : American
Hair Color : Gray
Background :
Agency Director, 1997-Current. Defense Intelligence Staff, Washington
D.C., 1986-96. Army Intelligence, Washington D.C., 1976-86. U.S. Army
Special Forces, 1968-75. Purple Heart, Medal of Honor, both earned during
tours in Vietnam.
Training :
B.A., International Relations, Georgetown, 1968.
Officers Training School, U.S. Army, 1968

4. EDWARD BENTON - Deputy Director of the Agency
Stats :
Sex : Male Height: 6'0"
Age : 47 Weight: 210 pounds
Birthplace : Chicago, IL
Eye Color : Brown
Nationality : American
Hair Color : Black and Gray
Background :
Deputy Director, Agency, 1999-Current. Division Chief, Agency, 1993-96.
Intelligence Analyst, Balkan Region, Agency, 1984-92. Intelligence Analyst,
South American Region, Agency, 1978-84.
Training :
M.A., International Relations, University of Maryland, awarded 1978.
B.A., Political Science, Johns Hopkins, awarded 1975.

5. ERICH RHOEMER - International Terrorist
Stats :
Sex : Male Height: 6'2"
Age : 35 Weight: 193 pounds
Birthplace : Leipzig, Germany
Eye Color : Brown
Nationality : German
Hair Color : Black
Background :
Responsible for the bombing of the Comm Parks building, London, U.K.,
1997. Airplane hijacking, Gulf Airlines, Istanbul, Turkey, 1995. No records
exist prior to 1994. Has ties with many terrorist organizations in South
America, the Middle East, Europe and the former USSR.
Training :
No formal training records or certifications exist.

6. MARA ARAMOV - Expert Assassin Working for Rhoemer
Stats :
Sex : Female Height: 5'11"
Age : 32 Weight: 137 pounds
Birthplace : Novgorod, Russia
Eye Color : Blue
Nationality : Russian
Hair Color : Auburn
Background :
Assassin for hire,1989-Current. Believed to be responsible for the deaths
if at least 14 people, all contracted assignments. KGB Operative, 1986-1989.
Believed to be a member of the Black Baton terrorist organization. Has links
to organized crime in Moscow.
Training :
No formal training records or certifications exist.

7. JONATHAN PHAGAN - CEO and Founder of Pharcom Industries, Inc.
Stats :
Sex : Male Height: 6'5"
Age : 65 Weight: 190 pounds
Birthplace : Chicago, IL
Eye Color : Hazel
Nationality : American
Hair Color : White
Background :
CEO and Founder of Pharcom, 1992-Current. Vice President, Wyn Industries,
1983-92. Director of Laboratories, Wyn Industries, 1972-83. Research
Chemist, Zyzon Labs, 1965-72. Helped bring both Zyzon Labs and Wyn
Industries to the forefront of the biotech industry. Chairman, Society for
the Advancement of Biotechnological Materials.
Training :
M.D., Ph.D., University of Illinois, 1965.
B.S., Biology and Chemistry, University of Illinois, awarded 1957.

8. ANTON GIRDEAUX - Munitions Expert Working for Rhoemer
Stats :
Sex : Male Height: 6'0"
Age : 29 Weight: 200 pounds
Birthplace : Toulouse, France
Eye Color : Blue
Nationality : French
Hair Color : Blond
Background :
Mercenary for hire, 1992-Current. Machinist, 1988-1992. Girdeaux has no
official records linking him to any significant criminal activity. Believed
to have been recruited into the Black Baton ranks by Mara Aramov.
Training :
Certification by French Society of Machinists, 1988.

########## 2. LOGAN'S MOVES LIST ###########
Gabe has lots of moves in this game. You have to master the control to survive
the mission.

+++ Basic Moves +++
Direction pad : move your character.
Square : to shoot the equipped weapon
X : to crouch
O : to roll
Triangle : to interact with the environment, such as : open doors, pull
switches, etc.
L1 : to aim the shot
R1 : to target lock an enemy
L2 : to strafe left
R2 : to strafe right
Start : to the character screen
Select : to change weapons
Select + DPad : to choose which weapon to use without stopping the game.
Tap D, D : to turn your body 180 degrees.

+++ While holding the Aim Button (L1 button) +++
Direction pad : move the crosshair.
Square : to shoot
Triangle : to zoom in (for sniper rifles)
O : to zoom out (for sniper rifles)
L2 : to sidestep a little bit to the left
R2 : to sidestep a little bit to the right.

+++ While in front of the ledge +++
Triangle : grab the ledge
After grabbing, you can do this :
DPad Up : to climb the ledge.
DPad Down : to climb down the ledge.
Dpad Left or right : to move left or right while hanging.

+++ While on the ledge +++
Hold X, press up : climb down the ledge

Looks easy, right ?? ...... NOT AT ALL !! Here's why : To kill enemies in
later levels, you have to hold and press several buttons at once, such as :
target locking the enemy, crouching, and side stepping and shooting at the
same time (Hold R1, R2, X, and press Square to shoot), then do that to
another enemy (Release R1 and R2, then hold R1 again without releasing X,
then press R2 to side stepping again, then press Square).....Get the picture
?? Furthermore, there are enemies that you have to kill with the aim button
(L1) and you have to do it fast before the enemy sees you.

So all I can say is : Practice, Practice, and More Practice.

########## 3. WEAPONS AND ITEMS LIST ###########
There are few types of weapons in the game. They are : guns, shotguns,
machine guns, rifles, grenades, and misc. Fire rate score ranges from 1 to
5, 1 is the slowest and 5 is the fastest. Damage score ranges from 1 to 5, 1
is the weakest and 5 is the strongest.

+++ GUNS +++

1. Silenced 9mm Handgun
Stats : Fire Rate 3
Damage 2
Clip Size 15
Max Rounds 90
The 9mm handgun is the standard issue side-arm for NATO and all five
branches of the U.S. Armed Forces since passing the 1979 MRBF (Mean Rounds
Before operational Failure) performance test where it expended 35,000
rounds, six times the gun's service life.
NOTE : this is one of your first primary weapons. Not suitable when fighting
multiple enemies because it's not so powerful. The advantage of this weapon
is that this weapon is equipped with silencer, so you can use this weapon in
the stealth missions. The aim function of this gun is quite useful, although
you cannot zoom in or out.

2. .45 Handgun
Stats : Fire Rate 2
Damage 3
Clip Size 10
Max Rounds 60
This tough, durable gun has been in production for almost a century. It has
tremendous stopping power, and in spite of its strong recoil and heavy slide
and bolt, it is a deadly weapon in the hands of a seasoned professional.
NOTE : This weapon is quite good, despite its fire rate. You can kill with
just one body-shot if you do it right.

+++ SHOTGUNS +++

1. Shotgun
Stats : Fire Rate 2
Damage 4
Clip Size N/A
Max Rounds 25
The 12-gauge modified choke shotgun is standard issue for the DEA, FBI and
USSS. In firing tests using tactical 00 shot with nine lead on an ISCP
regulation target at 25 yards, the payload was delivered into the "A" kill
zone with limited collateral damage.
NOTE : Shotgun is really strong. Shoot them and you can see the enemy taking
a heavy impact to the back. The problem is the reload time - it's very slow.
You have to reload every time you shoot. Suitable for close range and quick
killing. Not suitable for multiple enemies with flak jackets.

2. Combat Shotgun
Stats : Fire Rate 2
Damage 4
Clip Size N/A
Max Rounds 30
The overly heavy recoil of this 12-gauge shotgun is more than compensated
or by its unparalleled stopping power and its recoil-inertia operation which
is significantly faster than the gas-operated system found in most auto
loading shotguns.
NOTE : This is a better version of shotgun. It's more powerful, and a little
bit faster, even though the stats look similar.


1. HK-5 Pistol-Machine Gun
Stats : Fire Rate 4
Damage 3
Clip Size 32
Max Rounds 192
The HK-5's modular design and small size make it very popular with both
military special forces and terrorists. With more than 23 officially
recognized variants, it is fast becoming the most widely used pistol-machine
gun in the world.
NOTE : Quite useful for dealing with multiple enemies. Running around and
shooting is the best way to use this.

2. G-18 Pistol-Machine Gun
Stats : Fire Rate 5
Damage 2
Clip Size 33
Max Rounds 198
With a rate of fire topping 60 rounds per second, the G-18 is perhaps the
most deadly pistol-machine gun in the world. Its only weakness is its
tendency to expend ammunition faster than most shooters are prepared for,
leaving them defenseless during a reload.
NOTE : Quite good, but the ammo runs out quickly. So I don't use it a lot.

3. BIZ-2 Pistol-Machine Gun
Stats : Fire Rate 4
Damage 3
Clip Size 66
Max Rounds 396
This pistol-machine gun is designed to deliver sustained firepower in tight
quarters. The unconventional design of its large-capacity magazine keeps the
weapon compact but still provides a near bottomless source of ammunition.
NOTE : Wow... this is an excellent weapon, but you can only find it on later
stages (15+). The fire rate is fast, and the damage is really good.


1. M-16 Assault Rifle
Stats : Fire Rate 4
Damage 2
Clip Size 30
Max Rounds 180
This low-recoil weapon is lightweight and accurate. Developed by the U.S.
Army in 1965, this assault rifle has since become a mainstay for armed
forces, police and personal defense enthusiasts.
NOTE : you will find this weapon in earlier level. Don't like it and rarely
use it.

2. K3G4 Assault Rifle
Stats : Fire Rate 4
Damage 2
Clip Size 20
Max Rounds 120
The deadly K3G4 is commonly armed with Teflon coated bullets capable of
cutting through most standard-issue flak jackets like a hot knife through
NOTE : This is one of the best weapons in the game !! These bullets can go
through the flak jacket. So you can kill the enemies as if they're not
wearing any flak jacket. Furthermore, you can pick up the enemy's flak
jacket when they're dead.

3. PK-102 Assault Rifle
Stats : Fire Rate 4
Damage 2
Clip Size 30
Max Rounds 180
A variant of the popular Vokinhsilak system (one of the most widely used and
modified designs in the world), the PK-102 is a compact, lightweight full
assault rifle that is easy to conceal, making it a popular choice for
NOTE : you will get this weapon a lot in a few mission. In fact, all of the
enemy in mission 8 use this, so you won't be afraid of the bullets. I rarely
use this, but I find it very useful to face the chopper.


1. Sniper Rifle
Stats : Fire Rate 2
Damage 2
Clip Size 10
Max Rounds 30
This high-caliber, silenced rifle comes equipped with a classified digital
scope with basic optical character recognition, making it a highly accurate
weapon capable of identifying and classifying human targets and impact
points prior to firing.
NOTE : As head-shot becomes my style in playing this game, sniper rifle is
one of my most favourite weapons. The binoculars can zoom in to make an
accurate head-shot. Good for sneaking mission.

2. Nightvision Rifle
Stats : Fire Rate 2
Damage 2
Clip Size 10
Max Rounds 30
Often used by Russian Army snipers, this Russian rifle is capable of extreme
accuracy. It excels in engaging fleeting, moving, open and masked single
targets. This model comes standard equipped with an SVDN2 night sight and
NOTE : This weapon is similar to the sniper rifle, but it has night vision
bunocular on it. So you can see the enemies easily in the dark environment.
Use it to shoot the terrorists, but it's not suitable for shooting lamps and
other stuff, because you can hardly see the 'non-living' things in this
binocular. I can't say which gun is better (NVR or Sniper Rifle) because
they have their own advantages and I use them both.

+++ GRENADES +++

1. Grenade
Stats : Fire Rate 1
Damage 5
Clip Size N/A
Max Rounds 10
Upon detonation, this incendiary weapon spreads ammonium perchlorate three
meters outwards from the blast point. It is instantly ignited by the
explosion and quickly burns out, fatally burning anyone nearby but leaving
little collateral damage.
NOTE : Even though this weapon is an instant killing weapon, grenades are
not good to use. Activating the grenade takes a long time, and it takes time
for the grenade to explode. The enemy uses this time to spread out, thus the
grenade can't hurt them.

2. Gas Grenade
Stats : Fire Rate 1
Damage 5
Clip Size N/A
Max Rounds 10
Primarily used as a stealth weapon against multiple targets, this grenade
releases trace amounts of Soman nerve agent into the air. The gas quickly
dissipates, but not before rendering victims unconscious. If no antidote is
administered, death follows within 15 minutes.
NOTE : This is one of the most useful weapons (and one of my favourite,
too). With this grenade, you can kill enemies in group. As you know if you
head-shot someone in a group, his friend will notice you and try to kill
you. Imagine that happens on stealth mission. The good part is : this is a
stealth weapon. The lowdown is that you cannot use this on confront mission
because it's so slow.

3. M-79 Grenade Launcher
Stats : Fire Rate 1
Damage 5
Clip Size N/A
Max Rounds 10
This single-barreled, break-action grenade launcher was developed during the
Vietnam War. Commonly referred to as the "Blooper", it fires 40mm HE
grenades that contain enough explosives to produce more than 300 fragments
with a lethal radius of up to five meters.
NOTE : This is an excellent weapon. The grenade launcher is much faster than
grenade and explodes upon impact. Great range of explosion make this weapon
as one of the most useful weapon. But it is only suitable in long range and
cannot use this on close range or you will caught the explosion yourself.

+++ MISC. +++

1. Taser
Stats : Fire Rate 1
Damage 5
Clip Size N/A
Max Rounds Infinite
Using CO2 cartridges, this weapon fires a probe that lodges one inch deep in
the victim's body. Then a charge of 500,000 volts is passed along a wire
connecting the weapon to the probe. This charge can be sustained
indefinitely until a victim catches fire.
NOTE : This is my favourite weapons in the earlier stage. It has unlimited
ammo and can be used in stealth mission. Don't underestimate this taser -
this baby can zap a person from a long distance. Basically, if you can see
the man, you can zap him ^_^. When other games uses knife as the standard
equipment, taser adds a nice touch on this game. Oh yeah, be careful when
you use this. If the enemy burns, you have to wait until the fire stops
before you pick up his weapon or you will die. That's why don't zap a person
when he's close.

2. C4 Explosives
Stats : Fire Rate N/A
Damage 5
Clip Size N/A
Max Rounds N/A
These incendiary blocks are made of a putty-like material which can be
molded to the user's liking. The C4 explosive putty is then wired to a fuse
and a friction igniter, allowing the user to detonate the explosive from a
distant or protected position.
NOTE : This is a special type kind of weapon. You are not able to get it
from the enemy. You use this weapon on certain places. C4 is only for
blowing things on the mission, and you cannot use this on the enemy. Lame.


1. Flashlight
Stats : Fire Rate N/A
Damage N/A
Clip Size N/A
Max Rounds N/A
Standard equipment for all agency operatives, this flashlight is shockproof
and charged by a 300 hours battery.
NOTE : You cannot use it to hit behind enemies' neck or anything ^_^. This
is an ordinary flashlight - you use it to see in the dark.

2. Keycard
Stats : Fire Rate N/A
Damage N/A
Clip Size N/A
Max Rounds N/A
A standard magnetic-strip card key.
NOTE : Use this to open locked doors. Get it from a killed enemy.

3. Antigen
Stats : Fire Rate N/A
Damage N/A
Clip Size N/A
Max Rounds N/A
This device is used to subcutaneously inject a fine stream of fluid under
high pressure without puncturing the skin, and is loaded with an
experimental serum capable of counteracting the effects of the syphon filter
NOTE : Use this on the patients.

4. Viral Scanner
Stats : Fire Rate N/A
Damage N/A
Clip Size N/A
Max Rounds N/A
Developed in secret by the viral research branch of PHARCOM Inc.. This
device is capable of detecting trace particle of the syphon filter virus
from up to 50 meters away. It can also scan through some solid objects and
provide visual feedback of their contents.
NOTE : This is a very useful device. Not only it will detect the syphon
filter virus, it can detect boxes, enemies, barrels, switches, etc - it can
see thru walls. This is very useful for a sniper to know where the targets

########## WALKTHROUGH ##########
o NOTE: A small note, READ the walkthrough before playing the game, do not
do it before, because you may mess up.

Level 1: Georgia Street - Washington DC

Our FBI informant has pinpointed the terrorist viral attack in the DC subway
system. Our contacts within US Defense and Interpol confirm the identities
of the terrorist. We will drop you in after CBDC (US Army Chemical and
Biological Defense Command) operations begin.

Your targets are Rhomer, Kravitch, Aramoy and Girdeux. SATCOM has
intercepted coded microwave traffic. Rhoemer must have an uplink station in
the area. Assist CBCD if needed. Avoid collateral casualties if passable.
Check your objectives on site for more information.

o Run forward and take a right at the corner hold the R1 button and press
the Square button a few times to kill the enemies, then let go of the R1
button and press it again so that the target lock locks onto another target.
Do this while running and keep doing it until all of the bad guys are dead.
Run up to the dead bodies and take their ammo. After that run to the first
building with glass doors. Run straight into the glass door and it should
break, then take a left when your in the building. Make sure that you take
the 2nd left and not the first, the first only takes you to a small room and
a window, the second takes you to a hall way. Follow the hallway, and when
you see some brown boxes, hold the X button to make you character duck and
walk. Now walk the rest of the hall way like this until a message pops up
and says: "Press Triangle to Contact Lian Xing ". After that you can let go
of X. Run down the hall way some more and stop before you reach a table and
some chairs. Turn to the left about 90° so that you are facing a wall and
to the right of you is a room. Equip you Sniper Rifle, press and hold R2
until you are in front of the room then let go. Quickly press and hold the
L1 button then Triangle and aim for the bad guys head, press Square to shoot
him. Run to where he was standing. Press the Triangle button the open the
box on the ground next to the wall and then equip a different gun than the
sniper rifle (Silenced 9MM is a good one). Hold the X button and stay
ducking and stay behind the counter. Some guards will come in, use the R1
button to lock on to them and then let go of the X button, then shoot them
with the Square button and duck again. When they are all dead get out from
behind the counter and take a right and then go to the back you will see a
table and a chair, on top of the table is the Comm. Array. Shoot it, and you
will get a check point. Now run back into the hall way and get to where you
had to duck, and start ducking aging. This time you can see the reason I
told you to duck and walk, so wont get shot! Sneak up to the boxes in front
of him hold R1 and shoot him when he puts his gun down. Press the Triangle
button when your next to the boxes to climb them, then run to where the bad
guy was and take his ammo. Shoot the window and climb out it. Another
message should pop up that says: Press Triangle to Contact Lian Xing. Press
Triangle to have a small talk with her, then it should say Objective Added.
Turn right towards the gate and run to it. Goto the conner (the one next to
the box) and shoot the lock off of the gate. When the gate door opens run
towards the wall and hit the Elevator Call Switch. When the elevator gets to
the top, get on it and press Triangle. Get off of the elevator when it come
to the bottom and then a message will pop up saying: Press Triangle to
contact Lian Xing. Equip you Flash Light, go forward a little bit and then
take a 90° turn to the right and walk to the wall. When you get there Press
Triangle on the Power Switch. After that equip a gun weapon (Silenced 9mm
will do fine) now go back up the elevator. When you get to the top, there
should be some gun fire coming from a bad guy up on a balcony on the
building behind you, press R1 to aim at him then turn around so that you are
facing him and kill him. Run out the gate. Press Triangle on the blue box
in front of you and then face the building next to it, and press Triangle,
now you should be on the edge of a balcony. Press Up on the D-Pad to climb
up then run to the other end and press Triangle again. This time hold L2 or
Left on the D-Pad to climb across, stop when your about 1/2 way across and
hold R1 and then some bad guys will come from behind the cornor, when they
come shoot them dead and then continue your way across the bar. When you
come to the end press Down on the D-Pad to drop, run forward and then press
Triangle to open the box in front of you. Get the M-79, turn around and run
to the other side of the balcony, turn left and jump off. Now go back
through the window, and back into the hall way (Be careful there are bad guys
in the hall way). After dealing with the bad guys run out of the building so
that your back on the streets where the game started. Once there run over to
where you were standing when the game started, and run toward the fire (be
careful there are more bad guys this time) stop when you are next to the
ally. Follow the ally until you are in front of a cop car...get away from
the car, there are bad guys on top of the buildings and if the shoot the cop
car while you are standing next to it..."good bye" (the car blows up and you
will die). Kill the dudes on the buildings then go down the street, to your
left should be burning cars and some CBCD's and some bad guys, to your right
is just more burning cop cars. Wait for the cop car to blow up and land
before you try to rescue the CBCD's. Kill the two bad guys and then enter the
building through the doors (break them). Run into the hall way, there is a
box with a Flak Jacket to the left at the begging of the hallway, take it if
you need it, other wise follow the hallway. Be sure to have a gun equipped
before you enter the part with the pillars. Run over to the end of the room,
there should be a CBDC agent trying to dis-arm a bomb. When you find him,
protect him as much as possible (that means to do all in your power to keep
those damn enemies away). As soon as it says "Check Point" you can finish off
any bad guys that are still alive and then pull out your Flash light again,
then head towards the darkened hallway. Upon entering the dark hall way,
there is a box with M-16 Bullets to your left. Take it if you need it, and
proceed through the hallway some more, when you get to the other room, use
the Flash Light to locate the other box which contains Grenades. After
picking up the ammo, get back into the pillar area. Equip another weapon,
and head out of the building. But before exiting the building, in font of the
windows, start shooting the bad guys on the roof, you can use the walls of
the building that your in as protection and for something to hide with.
After you kill the bad guys, get out of the building and get back to the
ally. Don't worry about the guys on the roof, they won't be able to hit you
as long as you are running towards the ally. Once you in the ally, you
should be safe, now run to where the first building was. Instead of going to
the first building, run down the street some more and into the sub way (and
yes do kill the bad guys attacking at you and the CBCD's). Run down the
subway ramp and at the bottom is a box with a Flak Jacket (its in the dark
part, so you need to use your flash light), take it if you need it. Head to
the gates and then go down the ramp, it is dark but you do not need to use
your Flash Light, because at the bottom it will light up. While going down
the ramp a message will pop up: Press Triangle to Contact Lian Xing. When
entering the subway, be careful because there are many bad guys around looking
for trouble. My advice is to keep running while you shoot at them, and to
stay off of the train tracks. When you kill the bad guys, goto the bomb and
press Triangle on it.


|| || <--Here is a map
|| ||
|| _|| ^=Entrance
|| ||| *=Bomb
_||_||| (Gabe shold be heading down)
|] []^||
|] [] ||
|] [] ||
|] [] ||
|] [] *|
|] [] ||
|] [] ||
|] [] ||
|] [] ||
|] [] ||
|] [] ||
|] [] ||
|] [] ||
|[ |
|[ _|

o So realy all you have to do is run down the ramp, continue running and
then take a left, jump into the train tracks, and run over to the other side
and press Trianggle to climb up and then Dis arm the bomb. After that you
should get a check point. Now, run to the end of the station that you have
not been to yet (opposite from where you entered). Keep going until you
reach the end of the subway station and there is another exit, leading down.
You can go down it, but it's a waste of time. Now then, turn to the right
and cross the tracks again (if your on the main platform) Your goal is a
door with a sign: (-) NO EXIT. Go in there, pull out your flash light and
turn left, there should be a Elevator Call Switch, go to it and hit it. The
elevator is to the right of that, wait for it to come up, then ride it down.
Equip a gun, walk forward until you can turn left, and then turn left and
shoot the un-suspecting bad guy in the head or where ever you fell like
hitting him (heehee ^_^). After he has been killed, wait untill the train
passes you by befor you try to make it accross, other wise you may find
yourself road kill. Now when crossing, go to the left a little and then go
straight for the main platform. Get up on it quickly and then you will see
two more un-suspecting bad guys. The best way to take out two people fast
and with out getting caught is to get two very fast head shots. Well if your
not fast with the aiming, this could give you some pratice. After you kill
them pick up their ammo and then head to the opposite end of the station.

o NOTE: Always be on the look out, you may never know when a enemy is
around the corner, and don't rely on your map in the lower left hand corner,
it's not as accurate as you think it is.
o NOTE: If there is a dark area that you can't see very well, don't use
your flash light, that will attract attention, instead use your Sniper Rifle
and zoom in to 36x. If that doesn't help then walk a little closer and try

o NOTE: People who are wearing a Flak Jacket can only be killed by a shot
in the head.

o OK when you get to the other end of the station, there will be some bad
guy with a Flak Jacket and a shot gun, kill him and then press Triangle on
the bomb next to him.

- After that is an insanely awsome movie and then it will ask you:
Do you wish to save you game?
No [Yes]
o Well its simple, if you want to keep your file, choose Yes, if not then
choose no.


Level 2: Destroyed Subway - Washington DC

You're lucky to be alive. Ten square blocks of downtown D.C. just sank 20
feet into the ground. It looks like Rhoemer had the entire subway wired to
explode as part of his escape plan.

It's likely you've cut his time tabe short, and that he's still down there
with you. Aramoy and Girdeux also remain unaccounted for. Don't let Rhomer
escape that terminal, and be aware that you're completly cut off from all

o As the level starts, you will see that most of the station is burning,
do not touch that fire! Fire will kill you.

o Walk forward a little bit and then take a right, then go forward some
more. Stop at the box with the Flak Jacket, and then go left and get up on
the main platform. Now go forward a bit then take a left, walk in between
the wall and the burning tran, but keep a distance from the train when you
walk through there. You will notice that when you are walking through there,
their is a bad guy caught on fire walking towards you, all you need to do is
tap the Down button on the D-Pad, then hold up on the D-pad, and you should
run away from the man, but don't go too far, because the burning man will
fall down at the edge of the train. Wait for this flames to go out and then
continue in that direction. When you get down to the end, take a right and
go over to the side where two guards are shooting at you, kill them first
though. Get on the train tracks, then pull your self up with the Triangle
button on the other side, you should be in a little door way. You should be
looking out the door way, so that you're lookin at the main platform. Goto
the subway train to the left of you and press Triangle to climb up on it.
Get on top and run all the way to the other side, and then jump off at the
end. Get into the train tracks and and start strifing to the left and shoot
at the bad guys.
o Be sure to pick up the C4, its at the end of the train tracks, and you
need to have the Flash Light out.
o Two of the bad guys have guns and are shootinng at you, while the third
is throwing greneads. It isn't worth the trouble to kill the third guy since
he has a Flak Jacket and is throwing greneads, in stead get up on the main
platform and run right next to him and then take a left and run all the way,
and don't stop. Don't worry about the guy with the greneads once you get to
a red box, because he wont follow you. Now start climing on the red box.
From this point on it will be hard to explain, so I'll let you take care of
it, but I will give some hints.
o Use the L1 button to look around and look for edges that you can climb
o Be on the look out for other bad guys.
o If it looks like you may be able to climb or jump on, even if it dosn't,
still try to climb or jump on it.
o Never give up "You cun' do 'et" "You cun' do 'et all night long" --
(The Water Boy)

o When you get to the top go forward and a message will pop up: (yeah you
know the one) Press Triangel to contact Lian Xing. After that run forward
some more, and when there is a chance to go left stop an then go left. Cross
the train tracks, equip the Flash Light and head left some more. There
should be a Gas Mains. Turn it off and then get back to the main platform.

o Be sure that you are on the right side of the platform, if not then run
back and change sides.
o Now run all the way down the platform and to the gate, press Triangle
to plant the C-4 and then run like hell to get way. Wait for the CBCD. When
he gets there, run with him to the bomb, and then cover him so that he wont
die while he is disableing the bomb.

o Now goto the end of the subway closets to you and take a left onto the
train tracks. There should be a hallway that you can go into. Start going in
and get in front of the train, climb on the box to get on top of the train.
Once you are on top of the train, run to the other end, jump off and kill
any bad guys on the way. Repeat this patter until the level ends. Oh and be
carful there is another flameing bad guy that trys to cathc you on fire.

- After that is movie and then it will ask you:
Do you wish to save you game?
No [Yes]
o Well its simple, if you want to keep your file, choose Yes, if not then
choose no.


Level 3: Main Subway Line - Washington DC

Logan, intel indacates Rhoemer has fled the scene Jekkens is meeting heavy
resistance in the Washington Park area and DCPD reports fifteen officers
down. We fear an agency leak has given his position away.

Mara Aramoy's identity has been confirmed by Interpol. Do not let her
escape. Caution: FEMA is using the east bound tracks to shuttle emergency
personnel: do not use explosives of any kind in the tunnel or you will cause
a derailment.

o At the begining of the level there is a Flak Jacket in the box behind
you. Get it if you need it, otherwise head forward and follow Aramov down
the subway. There's not much to this level, just keep running and shoot
Aramoy in the head as much as you can. A word of caution: Keep away from the
trains! They will kill you!

- After that is an movie and then it will ask you:
Do you wish to save you game?
No [Yes]
o Well its simple, if you want to keep your file, choose Yes, if not then
choose no.


Level 4: Washington Park - Washinton DC

Mission Redirect: CDBC has requested direct intervention and assistance.
Your new orders are to: locate viral bombs, plant homing beacons, wait for
the arrival of CBDC, and provide covering fire. The bombs are set to
detonate within the hour.

Terroris resistance is heavy. Agency intel reports that Anton Girdeux is
leading the park operation. Exercise caution. We have lost all communication
from Jenkkins' team.

o Ok this level is realy confusing for me to try to walk you throuh it,
so I just made a big map for you to use. Realy all you need to do is find
and disarm the bombs, rescue the CBDC hostages, kill Marcos and get to the
Memoral, witch shouldn't be too hard. Use the map below for guidence on
disableing all the bombs.

o Whenever you find a bomb, press Triangel and then get ready to protect a
CDBC agent.
o Keep Pausing the game so that you can see where you are on the map.
o When rescueing the CBDC hostages, use your sniper rifle and shoot
through the fence.
o Remember, you are limited to the amout of time that you have, so go
after the bombs first then do the other missions!
o Use some of the same tactics from the earleier levels

o The map may not be perfect but its pretty close. The first bomb is in a
boxed in area. The second is behind the statue. The third is near a boxed in
tree. The fourth is next to a building with a bad guy on top.

Key: *=Bomb C= Comm. Array
^= Starting point
<>= Final Destination

| <> |
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| |
| |
| |____
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| C |
|______ |
| |
| |
| |
_____ | |
| | | | <---TENNIS COURTS
| | | |
| * |<- Fourth bomb | |
| | ____________| |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| |_____________ | |
| | | ________|
| | | |
| | | * |<- Third Bomb
| |________| |
|_________ |
| * | <- Second Bomb
| [ ] |
|_________ ______|
| |
| |
| |
First bomb -> |* |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| ^ |
o To get to the Comm. Arry, you will need to climb up many obsticals to get
to the top of a weirdly shaped building.
o When in the maze, look for Marcos, when you find him, finish him off
with a quick head shot. If he gets away, you will need to follow him and
hunt him down. He has a Flak Jacket so body shots wont do any good.
o When apporaching the Memorial building be VERY cautios. There will be a
bunch of fleeing wild bad guys with Flak Jackets running towards you shootin
up anything in site! There not too hard to kill if you use good hideing
tactics. When they are dead, enter the building.

- After that is some talking and then it will ask you:
Do you wish to save you game?
No [Yes]
o Well its simple, if you want to keep your file, choose Yes, if not then
choose no.


Level 5: Freedom Memorial - Washington DC

Spysat has completed a detailed analysis of Girdeux's body armor: it is
imperyious to all conventional weapons. Our armor specialists are working on
it, but your agent may have to improvise to find a weak point.

Our demoltion expert has noted that the use of any explosive device will
trigger the viral bomb.

o This is the first boss fight in the game, and it'not too easy!
o First off keep out of his eye site, if he finds you, you are toast!
o The best tactic is to stay behind him or behind the pillars.
o His weaknes is the gas tanks on him that fules his flame thrower, keep
shooting those and they should blow up causing damage to him.
o There isn't much else that I can say about this level, it's realy up to
you. I bet your sittin there like this :|
o If you ever get caught on fire, press the O (Circle) button to do a
roll. (Just like back in 1st grade, when caught on fire, you should Stop.
Drop. and Roll. heeheehee) But...most likely you'll be dead befor you get
a chance to do so.

...When you finaly kill him read on...

- After that is a cool movie and then it will ask you:
Do you wish to save you game?
No [Yes]
o Well its simple, if you want to keep your file, choose Yes, if not then
choose no.


Level 6: Expo Center Reception - New Yourk City

I've approved your request for access to the FBI files on Jonathan Phagan. I
think your suspicions may be correct. The PHARCOM reception may be a cover
for a meeting between Phagan and Rhoemer. Follow Phagan closely.

Obviously, you must not be seen or captured. You are authorized to eliminate
any of Phagan's security, but use silenced weapons only. Once you've
observed the meeting, use whatever means necessary to capture Phagan alive.
Officialy, the agent knows nothing about this.

o Ok let me get one thing straight: In this level, stealth and head shots
are the number one thing that you need to worry about!
o As soon as the mission starts, go left and start climbing up on the edge
and get to the top. When you reach the top, hide behind one of the pillars
and hold X, then wait for one of the guards to start walking down the ramp,
when he passes you by shoot the other guard in the head. Run up to him and
take his ammo then wait a sec. because Phagan is takeing his sweet ass time
and you don't want him to see you. There is a guard right around the corner,
you can sneak up on him and shoot him in the head, or wait for him to walk
by then shoot him in the head, either way you need to kill him stealthly.
Run up and take his ammo, then there should be a blue hallway. When you get
there, get to a spot where you can see the other hallway (it's yellow). When
you find a spot, hold L1 to aim and then wait for a guard to pass by, when
he does kill him. Take his bullets and slowly walk through the turning
hallway. At the end of the hallway, there is arch and a piec of wall
sticking out just big enough for you to hide behind. Get there and hide
behind it and wait for the guard to walk by, when he does shoot him in the
head with your Sniper Rifle. Be careful at this part, when walking towards
him to get his ammo, take a right and goto where the hallway takes another
turn, after that a new guard should be walking towards you. At this point,
run towards a wall that says: ANCIENT EGYPT, and hide there for cover. The
guard will start to walk down the hallway that you came from to enter the
room. When he gets to the end, use your sniper rifle again to kill him.
After that run forward and take a left at the first hallway. When you get in
there be ready for another guard. Take care of him, then walk through the little
door way.
o A little movie sceen should take place then the level will start again and it
should say Check Point. After that, walk into the room on your right. A guy named
Benton should be in there, he will be shooting at you. To kill him, shoot him in the
head. Be carful he runs arould quickly and uses a strong and fast gun.
o After you kill him, go and take all his stuff. You should pick up some ammo,
a flak jacket, get a Check Point, and Press the Triangle button to Contact Lain Xing
should all apear on the screen.
o After you get all that stuff, get to the bottom of the room and go to the right
hall way, the one with a red blinking light. GGo to it, it should say: Gate Control
Panel. Press Triangle to open the door, but be carful there is a bad guy in there.
Go to the doors that say, MUSEUM STAFF ONLY and press Triangle

########## VII. FAQ's / CODES #########
+++ All Weapons And Unlimited Ammunition +++
Pause the game and highlight thw Weapons option. Simultaneously press:
-> L2 R2 O [] X.
When entered correctly, you will be immediately taken to the weapons
selection screen, where you can equip and infinite use any of the level's

+++ Level Select +++
Pause the game and go into the Option menu. From there, highlight the Select
Mission option and press and hold:
<- R1 L1 SELECT [] X
If you entered it correctly, you will immediatly go to a level select
containing all the levels of the game. Choose your level and press X to
enter. You have to re-enter the code to reach the level select again.

+++ Silenced 9mm Power-Up +++
Pause the game and go into the Weapons menu and highlight the Silenced 9mm selection.
Now press: <- L1 R2 SELECT [] X
Gabe will say "Understood" to confirm correct code entry. Re-enter the code and your
gun will go back to normal.

+++ Weaker Opponets +++
If all the above codes don't make the game easy enough for you, then you might want
to try this last code, which will make all the opponets die much quicker. Pause the
game and highlight the Map option and press:
-> L2 R1 X
A laugh will confirm correct code entry.

+++ Hidden Movie Theater +++
The point of this trick is to view all the game's cinema sequences, but the way it is
activated is pretty creative. You actualy have to enter the movie theater on the
first level. It is located through the ally that is reached by going through the
window that leads to the elevator. There are three doors in front of the theater. Go
and stand in front of the middle one with the flak jacket. Now pause the game and
hilight the Map option and press -> L2 R1 X. Gabe will say, "got it" to confirm
correct entry and, when you return to the game, you will be inside the theater. You
will find a concessions stand there. To view the cinema, go through the curtains.
Press X to advance to the next cinema and press START to exit.

**************GAME SHARK CODES**************
Extra Health 80068beck0000
Infinite Ammo at Weapon pickup 800467c62400

########## VIII. CREDITS AND SPECIAL THANKS ##########
This walkthrough was written by Keith Platz .

Special thanks gos to:
989 Studios - for making a great game for me to play and make this
walkthrough for.

SCEA (Sony Computer Entertainment of America) - for making the Sony
PlayStation (the best videogame system in the world (until PSX2 comes out
that is)

########## IX. A FINAL NOTE ##########
Be sure to go back to my web site
for new walkthroughs for other games. If you have any questions/comments about this
walkthrough mail me with subject: Syphon Filter
I know that the walkthrough is not finished, but I am working hard on finishing it,
the next time I update will be shortly.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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14.Oktober 2013

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