Twisted Metal 3

Twisted Metal 3

14.10.2013 00:15:54
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Russ Tops' Twisted Metal 3 FAQ v1.6
Last Modified 28th January 1999

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NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR!!! ********** PLEASE READ **********
1 : Storyline
2 : Gameshark Codes
3.1 : In-Game Menu Tricks
3.2 : Non-In-Game Menu Tricks
4 : Easter Egg Codes (Cheat Passwords)
5.1 : Character Statistics Table
5.2 : Weapon and Armor Class Table
6 : Advanced Attacks
7.1 : Level Passwords - Cream Puff Mode
7.2 : Level Passwords - Twisted Metal Mode
7.3 : Level Passwords - Pure Lunacy Mode
8 : Hidden Levels (Descriptions and Passwords)
9 : Hidden Weapons
10 : Nifty Things to Destroy
11 : Health Locations
12 : Semi-Ambush Points
13 : Lightning Power Sources
14 : Developer Questions and Answers
15.1 : Brief Level Strategies
15.2 : Comprehensive Level Strategies
16.1 : Brief Character Strategies
16.2 : Comprehensive Character Strategies
i : Version History
ii : Credit Where it's Due

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Hello, it's me, the humble person who authors this FAQ and
on occasion, has to endure the semi-stupidity or ignorance of a
few people who appear not to have actually read this FAQ beyond
the first 2 pages. This version contains some new changes that
will answer many questions of yours. If you actually READ this
Q&A with a developer of TM3, you will find the answers to quite
a few questions. It is located at the title:
"Developer Questions and Answers"
which is located down near the bottom of the FAQ.

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1 Storyline

"I am Calypso. Each year I gather the twelve worthiest drivers to face
off in the Twisted Metal competition. They must face each other and
some of my friends. To the winner, I grant a single wish, whatever the
winner asks for; to the losers, death. Welcome to Twisted Metal."

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2 Gameshark Codes:

Ammo Never Decreases (All Players): 80033ED6 2400
Infinite Lives (Player 1): 800D300C 0002
Infinite Lives (Player 2): 800D309C 0002
Activate Sweet Tooth: 800D28D0 000B
Activate Minion: 800D28DO 0007
Infinite Turbo (All Players): 800201B2 2400
Infinite Advanced Attack (All Players): 8001975E 2400

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3.1 In-Game Menu Tricks

You've seen the in-game menu, the one where you see a game
going on in the background while you make the selections,
right? You can do more than just wait 60 seconds and watch.

At the MENU you can hit START to toggle between MENU and
ACTION. Once you are in the ACTION part (with the words
flashing onscreen) you can do the following.

START : Toggle between Menu and Action.
SELECT : Changes view from in car, close, medium & far.
CIRCLE : Rear view mirror, resets camera angle.
L1, R1 : Switches Characters, retains camera angle.
L2, R2 : Rotates camera angle.
LEFT : Slow down action.
RIGHT : Speed up action.
DOWN : Stop action.
L1+L2+R1+R2 : Go to Non-In-Game Menu

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3.2 Non-In-Game Menu Tricks

You've seen the non-in-game menu, the one where you see all
the cars driving around shooting randomly in the Warehouse
level, right? Here's some tricks to try at various places:

At the World Select screen you have a rotating icon:
Hold Start and press the following buttons:
Start Alone : Freeze position
L1 : Rotate quickly to left
L2 : Rotate slowly to left
R1 : Rotate quickly to right
R2 : Rotate slowly to right

At the Car Select screen you have a car with a rotating camera:
Hold Start and press the following buttons:
Start Alone : Freeze position
L1 : Rotate to left
R1 : Rotate to right

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4 Easter Egg Codes (Cheat Passwords):

R1 R1 L1 L1 L1 a) Super Napalm
L1 L1 R1 R1 R1 b) Infinite Specials
Up Down Up Down Up c) Homing Rain Missiles
Left Left Left Right Right d) Minion
Right Right Right Left Left e) Sweet Tooth
L1 Square X R1 Start f) God Mode
Start Start Start Start Start g) Save Settings
Triangle Circle Up Right Down h) Infinite Ammo
Triangle Left Down Right Up i) Smart Seekers
Triangle Circle Down Left Up j) Massive Force
Triangle Up Circle Right Start k) 99 Freeze Missiles
Left Right Left Right Up l) Giant Ricochets
Start Start L1 L1 L1 m) Only Napalms
Start R1 L1 Start Start n) Only Homing Missiles
Start L1 Start L1 Start o) Only Power Missiles
L1 R1 Start Start L1 p) Only Remote Bombs
Down L1 Down Start Triangle q) CPU ignores Healths
Select L1 Select Start Circle r) No Healths
L1 Start Start Start R1 s) No Full Healths
Select Select R2 L2 Start t) No Item Pickups
Up Up X X Up u) Icy Grounds
L1 R1 L1 R1 R1 v) Relentless CPU
X Circle Circle Circle Circle w) 0 enemies in Deathmatch
Left Square Square Square Left x) Sexy Flower Power

Note A: Napalm Shoots Higher and Further.
Note B: Activated when you die, quit, or beat the first level.
Note C: Rain Missiles home in, then detonate.
Note D+E: Activates characters for ALL modes.
Note F: Cannot die except in Tokyo Fan, or Blimp Clouds.
Note G: Saves items in all settings menus only, no cheats saved.
Note I: Missiles that track their targets will be enhanced.
Note J: When a weapon hits your car or the CPU cars, the strength
of the hit will be significantly stronger.
Note K: Puts 99 Freeze Missiles in the inventory at each round.
Works like a freeze but does not drain the special bar.
The icon is identical to the Power Missile, except for
the "FREEZE" caption.
Note M-P: The "Only XXXXX" means the all weapon pickups will be
replaced with the XXXXX. Hence, "Only Napalm" means
the only pickups will be Napalms.
Note Q: CPU-controlled cars will ignore health power-ups. Does
NOT affect CPU Ally.
Note V: All CPU cars will relentlessly attack player cars.
Note W: Enables 0 enemies in Deathmatch Mode. (Play Alone)
Useful for learning the levels.
Note X: When choosing your character, go into the INFO screen
for a very revealing Zoom-In Shot of Flower Power.

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5.1 Character Statistics Table:

Name Armor Weapon Speed Handling Special

Auger 4 4 1 Sluggish Drill
Axel 3 3 2 Sluggish Shockwave
Club Kid 2 3 2 Tight Vortex
Firestarter 2 3 4 Tight Flamethrower
Flower Power 2 3 2 Tight Flower of Power
Mr. Grimm 1 5 4 Tight Screaming Soul
Hammerhead 3 3 1 Sluggish Stomp
Minion 5 5 4 Average Quad-Missiles
Outlaw 2 3 4 Average Omni Taser
Roadkill 3 3 3 Tight Spike Bomb
Spectre 1 3 5 Average Ghost Missile
Sweet Tooth 4 4 2 Sluggish Flaming Head
Thumper 3 3 3 Average Sonic Blast
Warthog 4 3 2 Sluggish Patriot Missiles

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5.2 Weapon and Armor Classes Table:

This is a short table which, essentially, tells you if you have a
Class _ Weapon it will do __ Points of Damage to an _ Class Armored
Enemy. Remember, this is the ideal and may not be too accurate.

Weapon Class:

# 3 | 4 | 5 #
1 # 8 | 23 | 34 #
2 # 7 | 18 | 27 #
Armor Class: -------#---------+--------+---------#
3 # 6 | 15 | 22 #
4 # 5 | 12 | 19 #
5 # 4 | 11 | 14 #

As the attacker the Weapon Classes were as follows:
Class III (3) Flower Power
Class IV (4) Auger
Class V (5) Minion

As the Enemies for Armor Classes were as follows:
Class I (1) Spectre
Class II (2) Flower Power
Class III (3) Roadkill
Class IV (4) Auger
Class V (5) Minion

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6 Advanced Attacks

Invisibility - UP DOWN LEFT RIGHT

Note: These must be during a battle. A better explanation of
these moves is in the TM3 instruction manual, Page 17.

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7.1 Passwords - "Cream Puff"

D.C. R1, R1, Right, Select, Down
Hangar 18 X, Start, X, Up, L1
North Pole Select, R1, Left, Left, X
London Right, Right, R1, R1, Right
Tokyo Down, R1, L1, X, Right
Egypt R2, Start, R2, Right, Right
Blimp Triangle, L1, Triangle, Right, Circle

D.C. L1, Square, Triangle, Right, Up
Hangar 18 Right, L2, Select, R2, R2
North Pole L2, R2, Start, Triangle, X
London R1, L1, Down, Select, Start
Tokyo X, R2, Start, L1, Up
Egypt Circle, Circle, L2, Circle, Right
Blimp Select, X, X, X, R1

Club Kid
D.C. R2, L2, L2, L2, Start
Hangar 18 Triangle, Select, R1, Left, Up
North Pole Square, L2, R1, Square, R1
London Select, Up, Square, R1, Up
Tokyo Right, L2, Circle, Down, Start
Egypt L2, Square, Down, R2, Left
Blimp R1, Left, Select, Circle, R1

D.C. Left, Up, Up, Up, Down
Hangar 18 Up, Square, R1, Left, Down
North Pole Left, Down, Up, R1, L1
London R2, X, X, X, X
Tokyo Triangle, Down, Left, R2, Up
Egypt Square, X, Select, Right, Right
Blimp Down, R2, R2, R2, Start

Flower Power
D.C. L2, Right, Triangle, Select, Circle
Hangar 18 R1, Circle, Right, Start, Right
North Pole X, Right, X, Left, R2
London Circle, Left, L1, Circle, Triangle
Tokyo Up, Right, Select, X, Select
Egypt Left, Triangle, L1, Circle, Triangle
Blimp L1, Up, Start, Right, L2

D.C. Left, Square, L2, Square, Circle
Hangar 18 L1, L1, L2, R1, Up
North Pole Circle, Square, Down, Left, Up
London Square, L1, R1, L1, Triangle
Tokyo Up, Down, X, Start, Start
Egypt Right, R2, Circle, R2, Down
Blimp L2, Down, Circle, Down, R1

D.C. X, R2, Start, Circle, Right
Hangar 18 R2, Left, L1, Start, Start
North Pole Up, Select, R1, L1, Right
London Left, L2, Up, X, R2
Tokyo L1, Select, X, Circle, R2
Egypt Circle, L2, Left, Right, Square
Blimp Select, Select, Select, L2, Up

Mr. Grimm
D.C. Square, Up, Right, Triangle, Select
Hangar 18 Triangle, Square, Square, Up, L1
North Pole Right, Start, L2, Start, Left
London L2, R1, Down, R1, Up
Tokyo R1, Start, L1, L1, Square
Egypt X, R1, Start, Circle, Start
Blimp Start, Circle, Left, Start, Up

Outlaw 3
D.C. Right, Square, Square, Triangle, X
Hangar 18 L2, Left, Triangle, Start, Select
North Pole R1, Square, Right, Down, Up
London X, Left, X, L1, L2
Tokyo X, Left, Circle, Triangle, Start
Egypt Up, Down, Select, Square, Left
Blimp Left, X, L1, Up, Start

D.C. Circle, X, Triangle, R1, R1
Hangar 18 Select, Right, Right, Square, Square
North Pole Start, Circle, Square, Start, Select
London Down, Right, R2, Down, Down
Tokyo L2, Circle, R2, L1, L1
Egypt R1, Right, L1, Circle, X
Blimp X, Circle, Start, Select, Up

D.C. Up, Triangle, Down, Left, L1
Hangar 18 Left, Up, Square, R1, X
North Pole L1, Triangle, L2, X, L2
London Circle, Up, Right, Circle, Start
Tokyo Select, R1, R1, Right, R2
Egypt Select, Select, Up, R2, Circle
Blimp Down, R1, Circle, Triangle, Triangle

Sweet Tooth
D.C. R1, R1, Square, Start, L2
Hangar 18 X, R2, Left, Triangle, R1
North Pole L1, L1, Select, Select, Select
London Up, R1, X, Up, Right
Tokyo Left, L1, Up, L2, L1
Egypt L1, X, Right, Triangle, Select
Blimp Circle, R2, Left, L2, Select

D.C. Start, R2, R2, Square, Left
Hangar 18 Down, Start, R1, Up, Up
North Pole R2, R2, Triangle, Down, Square
London Triangle, Right, L1, Start, X
Tokyo Square, L2, X, Circle, Left
Egypt Select, Left, Select, L1, L2
Blimp Up, L2, Select, Up, X

D.C. L1, L2, Start, R1, Down
Hangar 18 Circle, Square, Triangle, X, L1
North Pole Select, Left, Right, X, L1
London Start, Square, X, Right, Down
Tokyo Down, Left, L2, R2, Right
Egypt R2, Square, Triangle, R2, Select
Blimp Triangle, Down, L1, Select, Circle

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7.2 Passwords- "Twisted Metal"

D.C. X, Start, Left, Left, L2
Hangar 18 Up, Down, Triangle, L1, R1
North Pole Left, X, Right, X, Square
London L1, Right, X, Start, Left
Tokyo Circle, Circle, Left, Right, Left
Egypt Select, Right, L2, L1, L1
Blimp Circle, L1, Triangle, X, Down

D.C. L2, Triangle, Triangle, Square, Start
Hangar 18 R1, Up, Down, Down, L1
North Pole X, Triangle, Square,R2, X
London Up, L2, Circle, Square, L1
Tokyo Up, Triangle, Select, Right, Up
Egypt Left, Up, L1, Up, R2
Blimp L1, R1, Up, Left, Circle

Club Kid
D.C. Select, R1, Down, X, Right
Hangar 18 Start, Start, Select, R2, X
North Pole Right, R1, L2, Right, Triangle
London Select, Up, Circle, R1, Up
Tokyo R1, L1, R1, Triangle, Up
Egypt X, Up, Select, L2, L1
Blimp L1, Circle, Start, Triangle, Left

D.C. Left, R2, Square, L1, Up
Hangar 18 L1, R2, X, Left, Down
North Pole Circle, R2, R1, R1, R2
London Select, R1, Right, Square, Select
Tokyo Start, R2, Right, L2, Start
Egypt Down, Select, X, Triangle, Left
Blimp L2, L2, Left, Square, R1

Flower Power
D.C. X, L2, R2, Down, R2
Hangar 18 Select, Start, L1, Down, X
North Pole Up, L2, Triangle, Circle, L1
London Left, Square, Right, X, L2
Tokyo L1, Left, X, Up, Circle
Egypt Circle, Square, Left, L2, Down
Blimp Select, Left, R1, R2, Left

D.C. Circle, Right, Circle, X, Select
Hangar 18 Select, Circle, Down, Up, Square
North Pole Start, Up, Square, Right, L2
London Down, Triangle, L2, R2, R1
Tokyo R2, Up, Triangle, Square, X
Egypt Triangle, Triangle, R1, Select, Start
Blimp Square, Up, Up, Start, Left

D.C. Up, Start, Down, L1, Square
Hangar 18 Left, R1, Select, Circle, Left
North Pole L1, Start, R2, Down, Triangle
London Circle, R1, Up, L1, R2
Tokyo Select, Start, R1, L2, Up
Egypt Start, L1, Right, R1, R1
Blimp Down, X, Square, Down, Select

Mr. Grimm
D.C. Down, Down, Start, R2, Circle
Hangar 18 R2, X, Triangle, Down, Right
North Pole Triangle, Down, Right, R2, R2
London X, X, Square, Circle, Circle
Tokyo Down, L2, Select, Select, Right
Egypt Up, Circle, Up, Up, L1
Blimp Left, Right, L1, Left, L2

Outlaw 3
D.C. Triangle, Select, Down, Circle, L1
Hangar 18 Square, L1, R2, R2, Square
North Pole Start, Circle, Right, Up, L2
London Up, R2, Triangle, Select, R2
Tokyo Left, Right, Up, Circle, X
Egypt L1, R2, X, Left, Start
Blimp Circle, Left, R1, Up, L2

D.C. Start, Select, L1, Triangle, L2
Hangar 18 Down, L2, Start, Right, Select
North Pole R2, Select, Triangle, R2, Up
London Triangle, L2, Right, Triangle, L2
Tokyo Square, Select, Square, Select, Triangle
Egypt Left, L2, Start, Square, R1
Blimp Right, Square, Left, Start, Select

D.C. L1, Square, Up, X, R1
Hangar 18 Circle, Left, Circle, Square, Square
North Pole Select, X, Down, Right, Start
London Start, Down, Square, L2, Down
Tokyo Down, X, L2, Triangle, L1
Egypt R2, Down, Square, X, Up
Blimp Triangle, X, R1, Start, R2

Sweet Tooth
D.C. Circle, Circle, L1, L1, Start
Hangar 18 Right, Right, Down, Circle, X
North Pole L2, Circle, Select, Circle, L2
London R1, Right, R2, Up, Right
Tokyo Circle, Up, L2, R2, Left
Egypt Select, Up, R1, R1, Circle
Blimp Start, Triangle, Up, Square, L2

D.C. R2, Triangle, Left, Down,L2
Hangar 18 Triangle, Up, Select, R2, Triangle
North Pole Square, R1, R2, Circle, Select
London Start, Start, Select, Up, L1
Tokyo Right, R1, Triangle, Up, L2
Egypt L2, Start, Right, Left, Triangle
Blimp R1, R1, X, L1, Start

D.C. Select, L1, Left, Start, Left
Hangar 18 Start, L1, Right, R1, L2
North Pole Down, L1, Start, L2, Square
London R2, Triangle, Triangle, Start, Left
Tokyo Triangle, R2, Right, Left
Egypt Square, Square, Start, L1, Triangle
Blimp R2, L2, Down, X, Left

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7.3 Passwords - "Pure Lunacy"

D.C. Left, Select, Circle, R2, Up
Hangar 18 L1, L2, L1, Triangle, R2
North Pole Circle, Select, Start, Up, Select
London Select, L2, Triangle, L2, Up
Tokyo Start, Select, Right, R1, L2
Egypt Down, L2, X, Square, Triangle
Blimp R2, Square, L2, Select, Start

D.C. Square, Square, L1, R2, Left
Hangar 18 Left, Start, Triangle, R1, Square
North Pole Up, Square, Triangle, Select, Square
London Left, Left, Down, Start, Start
Tokyo L1, X, Square, Left, Left
Egypt Circle, Down, L2, L1, R1
Blimp Select, X, X, X, R1

Club Kid
D.C. Down, X, Up, Right, Down
Hangar 18 R2, Right, Circle, L2, L1
North Pole Triangle, Circle, Down, Triangle, X
London Square, Right, Square, Square, Up
Tokyo Circle, R2, Start, Right, R2
Egypt Right, Right, Down, R2, X
Blimp Left, Triangle, R1, L1, Circle

D.C. Circle, Triangle, Circle, Right, Circle
Hangar 18 Select, Up, Left, Up, R2
North Pole Start, Triangle, Select, L2, Circle
London Down, Start, R2, R1, Select
Tokyo R2, R1, Square, Up, Square
Egypt Triangle, Start, R1, L2, Down
Blimp Square, R1, Right, Down, Triangle

Flower Power
D.C. Right, R1, Left, Circle, Up
Hangar 18 L2, Select, Select, Left, L1
North Pole L1, L1, L1, Up, R1
London Circle, Start, Left, Square, Up
Tokyo Select, L1, Triangle, R1, Start
Egypt Start, Right, X, Left, X
Blimp Down, R2, X, R1, Up

D.C. Start, Left, L1, Right, Down
Hangar 18 Down, Square, Up, L2, Right
North Pole R2, Left, Circle, Triangle, R2
London Triangle, Square, Down, Square, Circle
Tokyo Square, Left, Square, Start, L1
Egypt Square, R2, Down, Up, Square
Blimp Right, Down, L1, L2, Up

D.C. R1, Down, Up, Select, Select
Hangar 18 X, X, Circle, Up, Up
North Pole Down, Left, Left, L2, L2
London Start, Circle, Select, R1, R1
Tokyo Down, Right, R2, X, Square
Egypt R2, Circle, Start, Left, X
Blimp Triangle, Right, R1, Right, Left

Mr. Grimm
D.C. Triangle, R2, R2, X, X
Hangar 18 Square, L1, Triangle, Down, Start
North Pole R2, Start, Select, L1, L2
London Right, Select, Triangle, Start, X
Tokyo L2, L2, Down, Left, X
Egypt R1, Select, Square, L1, Down
Blimp Circle, L2, L2, X, R2

Outlaw 3
D.C. Up, X, Triangle, Square, Down
Hangar 18 Right, Triangle, Left, Select, Start
North Pole L2, Up, Select, Start, Down
London R1, Triangle, L1, Left, L1
Tokyo X, Up, Start, L1, X
Egypt R1, Triangle, X, Square, X
Blimp Up, Start, Right, Down, Up

D.C. R2, Start, L2, L2, Circle
Hangar 18 Triangle, R1, Triangle, Up, X
North Pole Square, Start, L1, Square, Right
London L1, Start, Start, R2, X
Tokyo Right, Triangle, Down, Circle, Start
Egypt L2, L1, Down, L1, L2
Blimp R1, Square, Circle, Right, Circle

D.C. Up, Triangle, Left, Circle, Up
Hangar 18 Up, R2, L1, L2, Select
North Pole Left, Up, R1, Up, Circle
London L2, R2, Circle, Square, L2
Tokyo Triangle, Down, Triangle, R1, Circle
Egypt Square, L2, Square, Down, Square
Blimp Select, R2, R2, Start, Right

Sweet Tooth
D.C. L2, Select, R1, Select, R1
Hangar 18 R1, L1, Up, Up, Square
North Pole X, Square, Circle, Left, Start
London Left, Left, R1, Left, X
Tokyo Up, Square, Select, X, L1
Egypt Left, Left, R2, X, L2
Blimp L1, Square, Right, Circle, Circle

D.C. Square, X, Right, Triangle, L1
Hangar 18 Down, X, Select, X, Triangle
North Pole Right, X, Left, Start, Circle
London L2, Down, Select, Left, Right
Tokyo R1, X, R2, L1, R2
Egypt X, Right, Start, Circle, Circle
Blimp Circle, Triangle, Right, Circle, Square

D.C. Left, Circle, X, L2, R2
Hangar 18 L1, Right, L2, R1, Triangle
North Pole Circle, Triangle, Square, Select, L1
London Select, Up, L1, Up, Square
Tokyo Triangle, Start, Down, L2, Up
Egypt Right, Up, Triangle, R2, Triangle
Blimp L2, Triangle, Down, Circle, Select

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8 Hidden Levels

Up Up Up Left Left a) Warehouse
Square Square Square Left Left b) Warehouse II
Left Left Left Square Square c) Club Kid's House

Note: These codes must be enterd at the password screen and then
you go into DEATHMATCH mode, NOT TOURNAMENT mode. Choose
your car, and you're there.
Note A: It will load the level that you see in the intro which has
no Health, no Turbos and no Powerups.
Note B: It will load the same level as the above, except that this
version of the level contains Health, Powerups, Ramps, etc.
Note C: On 4 different walls, you can see "Club Kid's House", a neon
smiley face, "Richochet Heaven", and a neon angry face. The
Disco Ball generates Lightning, and you cannot get out of the
range of it, but neither can anyone else. There is only one
of each common powerup.

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9 Hidden Weapons

Trick #1: 8 Specials
Level : Hangar 18
How : Destroy the control panels and enter the teleporter.
Find the UFO and shoot it. A simple bullet will do.
When it blows up, be careful not to be near it as it
flying shrapnel can not only harm your car, but enemy
cars as well.

Trick #2: Hidden Weapon - "Spaceship"
Level : Hangar 18
How : Destroy the control panels and enter the teleporter.
Once you are up, turn immediately to the left and go
down the ramp and turn left again at the wall. Enter
the teleporter, turn around, shoot the glass dome and
look for a weapon pickup. This weapon is a lightning
powerup with four sources on the UFO, it works best on
cars near the UFO, and they must be BELOW it.

Trick #3: Hidden Weapon - "Radar"
Level : Tokyo
How : You've seen that huge satellite that tracks people, and
it is actually a weapon. On that particular rooftop,
look for a jump ramp over the lava to a higher building.
Take this ramp at 100+ MPH or take Lava Soup. Go up an
upramp to another jump. Take this one again at 100+ MPH
or you will fall short. You should now be on top of a
store that is next to the radar. See that little radar
powerup? Back to the edge of the rooftop and hold turbo.
You should catch it. Now, the radar will fire at whoever
it is pointing at when you activate it. The beam cannot
go through buildings, and it is not terribly accurate on
airborne enemies.

Trick #4: Hidden Weapon - "Eye"
Level : Egypt
How : Find the Pyramid. There should be a tomb lying up on
the front. Shoot it until it explodes. Enter the down
ramp and you will see another Tomb on a wall. Shoot this
tomb, too. It will blow up, revealing a teleporter. Go
into the teleporter and pick up the little pyramid. It
is a little bomb that causes a giant beam from the former
top of the big pyramid to shoot the little one with the
effect of a Remote Bomb and a Napalm. It works best on
frozen opponents.

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10 Nifty Things to Destroy

Level : Hollywood
Item : Hollywood Sign
How : Get on the ramp next to it and shoot napalm at it.

Level : Washington D.C.
Item : Statues
How : Most weapons will destroy the statues, revealing a full
health and a remote bomb.

Level : Hangar 18
Item : Wall
How : Find the wall with a "002" on it. Turn left from the
control panel and shoot at the area with a crack in it.
This leads to a teleporter with a few weapons.

Level : Hangar 18
Item : Control Panels
How : To get the teleporter in the UFO find the flashing red
control panels and shoot out all four to unblock the
laser beams.

Level : Hangar 18
Item : Flying Ship
How : Once through the above teleporter, look for a flying
UFO. Shooting it with anything gains you 8 specials
and it also will harm anyone under the exploding UFO.

Level : Hangar 18
Item : Glass Dome
How : Once through the UFO teleporter, turn left and go down
the ramp, turn left at the end, hit the telpeorter and
turn around, destroy the glass dome, and get a powerup.

Level : North Pole
Item : Multiple
How : I'm not going one by one, so I will mention what blows
up here: Trees, Igloo, Totem Pole, Fences, Santa's
Houses, Giant Pole, Snowman, and a Log Cabin.

Level : London
Item : Big Ben
How : Most generic straight-shooting powerups or machine guns
will work when aimed using the ramp, just get up it, and
don't go over the top of it.

Level : London
Item : Pillar
How : There is a pillar past an arch. Shoot it for a Remote.

Level : London
Item : Statues
How : There are two (2) statues in this level. Shoot them
for weapons.

Level : London
Item : Walls
How : There is a wall with a Closed sign or something. You
can shoot it for a hidden passage. There are 2
entrances to this part.

Level : Tokyo
Item : Fan
How : Most weapons will blow it up, but once it blows up,
enemies will not go over it. Try luring them on, then
blowing it up.

Level : Tokyo
Item : Tower
How : There is a tower on the Full Health (Bright Gray) Roof
top. Look for a tower. Blow it up and you can get a

Level : Tokyo
Item : Walls
How : On the building to get the radar you can shoot down a
sign and a garage type thing. Again, most weapons will
do here.

Level : Egypt
Item : Sphinx
How : Aim a weapon to shoot straight at the Sphinx's Face.
You will get the REAL face those Egyptians carved.

Level : Egypt
Item : Pyramid
How : Shoot the tomb outside the pyramid to get in. Shoot the
tomb inside to get on top. Shoot the fireplace inside
to get a teleporter-type drop to get to the other.

Level : Egypt
Item : Pillar
How : Shoot the door to get downstairs. Shoot the pillar to
get a Lightning powerup. Source is the pharoah's face

Level : Calypso's Blimp
Item : Cargo
How : Almost any weapon can be used to blow up the boxes in
the cargo bay. The cargo contains health, weapons, etc.

Level : Calypso's Blimp
Item : Walls
How : Blow up the walls that say "Closed" to get to a blue
room so you can take out a panel, get health, lightning,
and missiles.

Level : Calypso's Blimp
Item : Control Panels
How : This is Calypso's Regenerator. Shoot out the four
control panels in the generally downstairs area and
the final which you must have destroyed the other four
to get to. They are: 2 in the Cloud Room, 1 in the
Cargo Room, 1 in the Blue Room, wiht the Final one in
the Red Room upstairs. It is guarded by lasers that get
knocked out as you destroy the other 4 control panels.

Level : Warehouse II
Item : Cargo
How : Just shoot all the boxes you see. Two reveal ramps and
the others reveal weapon pickups. The ramps go up to
the spiral jump.

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11 Health Locations

Level : Hollywood
Partial : Top of ramp near Hollywood sign
On ground near building and ledge
Full : On island in sewage

Level : Washington D.C.
Partial : Near corner by teleporter
On Capitol Building's balcony
Full : Inside statue, same side of level as other healths

Level : Hangar 18
Partial : Left side of UFO
Right side of UFO
Turn left, then right on top floor
Turn right, then left on top floor
Full : None

Level : North Pole
Partial : Near giant pole
Behind log cabin & trees
Full : House to right of Santa's Workshop

Level : London
Partial : Street to left of pillar
Street in line with secret passage
On large grass area in front of palace
Full : None
Level : Tokyo
Partial : Side of fan that is opposite the store
Near satellite and next to store
On high building in corner near ramp
Full : Near water tower on bright gray rooftop

Level : Egypt
Partial : Behind pyramid
Side of pyramid on a dune
Full : Behind Sphinx

Level : Calypso's Blimp
Partial : Top floor in center opposite downramp
Second cargo box on the right side
In cloud room on right side
Full : In center of blue room

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12 Semi-Ambush Points

In Twisted Metal 1 and 2, you were able to hide or remain in a
certain place and kill enemies from there. Well, now the enemies
are much smarter. Here are some points where you can remain
partly safe.

Level : Hollywood
Place : The ledge after jumping off the highest ramp

Level : Washington D.C.
Place : None

Level : Hangar 18
Place : On top of UFO, in hidden teleporter room.

Level : North Pole
Place : None

Level : London
Place : Inside Buckingham Palace Warp, hidden passage.

Level : Tokyo
Place : Inside edge of blown-up fan, on roof facing radar
pickup, helicopter landing pad.

Level : Egypt
Place : Top of blown-up pyramid.

Level : Blimp
Place : None

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13 Lightning Power Sources

Ever get confused about where that lightning is coming from, and
where it reaches to? Here's some general areas.

North Pole:
Santa's Workshop has to have been blown up to get the powerup, so
you see a present with a flasher on top. There's the source. It
can reach all over the island, onto the ramp to the island, the area
near the pit's ramp and a bit past it, and down into the most of the
pit nearest the present.

Downstairs in the giant temple you will see a pharoah's face.
That is the source and it reaches generally only to the circular
room and a little bit into the passage.

Calypso's Blimp:
Upstairs the source cannot be seen easily, but it can be felt. It
reaches downstairs to the nearer halves of the Cloud Room and Cargo
Bay, down the two passages a ways, and most of upstairs. To avoid
it, get into the Red Room, the Blue Room, the corners of upstairs, of
to the back halves of the Cloud Room and Cargo Bay. Can be seen in
"ceiling" of Main Room at the top center.

Club Kid's House:
The disco ball is the source and there is no escape. The lightning
powerup, curiously gives you 3 instead of 2 shots.

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14 Developer Questions and Answers

These are a group of questions and answers that most if not all
Twisted Metal Die-Hard fans are probably asking. I recently took
it upon myself to collect a short group of questions and answers.

Interview with Jim Buck, Software Engineering, 989 Studios.

Q1: Why was Dark Tooth taken out?
A1: Remember, we developed all of our stuff from scratch for Twisted
Metal 3. Therefore, we didn't take Dark Tooth out - we just didn't put
him in. As for why we didn't put him in, well that was a decision like
any other as far as which characters to bring back from the older games
and which ones to create brand new. We felt Minion and Darkside were the
bosses we wanted to bring back.

Q2: Was there a Chicago level originally planned? If so, what happened?
A2: The Tokyo level was originally called Chicago. I don't remember the
reason why we changed it, but it was probably because we thought it would
be more interesting.

Q3: Why are the levels so small?
A3: Only the earlier levels are smallish. We felt it was a way to ramp up
difficulty for people just picking up the game for the first time. New
players would get lost in larger levels pretty quickly. Heck, I still get
lost in certain parts of London.

Q4: Have you got any PERSONAL strategies or tricks?
A4: Use the e-brake a LOT to do 180s on people on your tail as well as
to get around 90 degree turns at full speed.

Q5: Why are some of the Special Weapons so... unimaginative?
A5: This is a subjective question. I think you would have to ask about
certain ones in order for me to say how they were thought up. We just
came up with what we thought was appropriate for the character in most
cases, and in others where there wasn't an obvious weapon idea, we just
made up one.

Q6: The Spike Bomb (Roadkill) is the weirdest weapon. Where'd you guys
come up with THAT? You can't even aim it properly.
A6: I don't know where the idea for Roadkill's weapon came from. As for
the other thing, we designed what we could in the (little) time that we
had for the full completion of the project (11 months from scratch).

Q7: Why is it everyone has to have low armor, and some have low speed and
weapons, as well?
A7: We balanced the cars the best we could. It would not be fun if every
car was the same speed and gave the same damage. What would be the point
of having different vehicles if some didn't have different capabilities?
If we balanced a car to be slow, for instance, we made him more resistant
to damage. It's all about balancing. In honesty, balancing is somewhat of
a voodoo art, but we did the best we could, and I think we did a pretty
good job in that area.

Q8: Why is ALMOST everybody slow?
A8: It's just how it was balanced. I do know that some of the cars are
actually pretty fast (like Spectre and Firestarter). I think the slowness
is being compared to other games.

Q9: Why are some of the levels unimaginative?
A9: This again is a very subjective question. At the time the levels were
designed, we thought they were imaginative for our purposes. Some people
like them, and others hate them. It's hard to create levels that will make
everyone go "Wow!".

Q10: In the manual, Sweet Tooth's Head is actually in FRONT of his truck.
What caused this?
A10: I had to actually look in the manual to see what you were talking
about. Those screenshots were taken long before the game was completed
(that's how it works with getting stuff together for manuals) - that's
just bad sorting of the head with the vehicle - it was drawn wrong order
(a bug that was probably fixed shortly after that screenshot).

Q11: Who was Head Hunter?
A11: Head Hunter was the working name for Primeval.

Q12: And finally, are you guys planning on making a TM4?
A12: I can't talk about what our future plans are here.

Q13: What about a TM Trilogy?
(Later, I found out that if we compile a summary about what
could be fixed in a TM1/TM2/TM3/Vigilante8/RoadTrip SemiFAQ
they might just consider making one)

----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

15.1 Brief Level Strategies

None yet.
Please contribute your strategies to with
the Subject line being: . Thank you.

----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

15.2 Comprehensive Level Strategies

Tokyo -- Pete Hoke

Use the grate and fan as a tool for the destruction of your opponents as
much as you can. Drop a remote on any corner of the grate, and blow it up
as soon as you see an opponent on top of it. Once the grate is blown, jump
across it frequently, which messes with the vehicles AI and often causes
them to fall inside. If you have a bigger car, freeze an opponent near the
fan, and ram them in. Use the streets below filled with lava to your
advantage as well. When opponents fall in, shoot tons of napalm, mortars,
and ricochet bombs at them. Make sure to always place a remote bomb at
teleport spots, being careful to not fall in so that you won't need to use

Get the radar weapon by climbing up to the very top level, and turbo-jumping
all the way across the gap between the two main buildings. When you land,
slow down, build up your momentum again, and then turbo up the final ramp
to get the radar. The best method to use the radar is to draw all opponents
towards the area right around the radar, and then fall of the edge of the
building and fire away. If you try to use it from the top level, you will
often find that your enemies will follow you there to safety, and you are
often in range of the radar if you try to use it while down by the grate.

Remote bombs can be used very effectively in places besides the teleports.
When turbo jumping across the gap towards the upper level of the buildings,
make sure to drop a remote exactly where you land, then creep up the ramp
to the next level. Position your vehicle facing the corner of the building,
to the right of you where you land after turbo jumping across the gap. As
soon as you see an opponent land out of the right corner of your screen,
blast the remote. This will send them in to the center of your screen where
you are positioned now. Then fire away with napalms, mortars, and homing
missiles, while they're defensless and can't hit you because of your higher

----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

16.1 Brief Character Strategies

Please contribute your strategies to with
the Subject line being: . Thank you.

First, and most importantly, this guy is essentially Mr. Slam
from TM2. The special racks up the damage while also tossing
an unwanted opponent away. You can use this to your advatage
in Tokyo so the opponent gets hit by the special, the lava or
even you can hit them again when they teleport up. The word
being SLOW means he is slow to get to the opponent, so plan an
intercept point and hit them. In the Blimp you can knock the
enemies into the clouds, and also, since he is like Mr. Slam,
try shooting Napalm as you drill them, then a Rain Missile to
follow up.


Club Kid


Flower Power

Mr. Grimm
Make hit and run a prime strategy with this guy, as he has
terrible armor and a hard to aim weapon. His hit and run
should be a combo of freeze, special, missiles, etc. and
run and reload. This will be effective and safest when you
have enough health so that your car is not looking burnt.


To play this guy is to be the ULTIMATE cheater or beginner.
His Special not only homes in, but it does MASSIVE damage,
coupled with the fact that his armor is incredibly heavy,
you statistically cannot lose. You must be careful when
you are upside-down, but if you are still facing an enemy
in that position, you can keep firing.

This car has got to have the greatest Special, especially when
you accidentally fall into Club Kid's Special. However the
play of this car has changed from TM2 where you could zap and
teleport across the level and still be zapping them, to where
you can only zap people when they are in range, but you can
zap as many people as you can get your taser on. Drive By
Tasings require you to run up to the opponent, zap and hold
position until the weapon wears off. However, you may knock
an enemy into the air and all of a sudden, drop off into the
Lava or the Clouds.


The fastest character in the game is a cross between Twister
and Spectre from TM3 gving you a fast car and a fast, deadly
(ok, so not quite DEADLY) Ghost Missile will let you drive by
an enemy and let loose a volley of Ghost Missiles. Go by the
enemy, face so that they are behing you then Rear Attack them
to drop your Special all over them and then get out of there
with your super speeds. You can easily manage 100+ at any
time WITHOUT Turbos that even Club Kid and Flower Power need
WITH the Turbos. You can drive by, drop a couple Specials
and be out of there before you can say 'Lance Wylder'.

Sweet Tooth
Be careful, as this guy has one of the worst problems in the
game: the frame of the car blocks the person in front of you,
thus blocking a clear shot, and the shot is only a direct ahead
shot. The GOOD thing is that it can be detonated should, all
of a sudden, the weapon stray off-course, or miss so that at
least SOME damage occurs to an opponent. Use his special to
take out cars with large frames, usually Minion, Darkside,
Primeval, occasionally Thumper, and sometimes Hammerhead. Use
missiles on smaller, faster cars because the special has a less
chance of hitting them directly or detonating close by.

The all around car is back and with a new, weird but useful
Special that will knock enemies away and into walls, other
cars, and with certain players in Co-Op Mode can be helpful.
You can have a friend be Club Kid, drop a whirlpool out of
range and knock and enemy into it. Or you can play volley-
car with another Thumper. Perhaps, you could manage on your
own with knocking enemies into Tokyo's Lava, the Clouds in
the Blimp, or knock someone else into another person's attack.
The use of this in the Blimp against Primeval is painstakingly
obvious. Freeze him, then knock him into the Clouds.

This guy is best when you want to kill quickly. Freeze a guy,
unleash a few patriotic blasts, napalm, remotes, etc. then turbo
backwards and detonate the remote bomb. The weapon also has
great ability to push people like Thumper, only that it's just
not as strong. Freeze, missiles twice, another freeze, and more
missiles, and that will really drain their health bar. Just be
sure to have already have gotten the health nearby or the enemy
will be restored, and you'll have wasted 4 missiles, 80 points
of freezes and x turbos to get away from the one remote you have

----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

16.2 Comprehensive Character Strategies

Club Kid -- Pete Hoke

Playing as Club Kid:
Club Kid's special gives you a real unique opportunity to create some major
combo havok. Try to get a few opponents together in close proximity, then
drop a couple specials in the same spot, and fire away at the swirling melee
with mortars and napalm from a safe distance. In Tokyo, draw the other
vehicles down towards the fan section, then simply place the whirlwind on
the steel grate, or drop it in to the fan while jumping over. It will suck
opponents down in to the fan, or if the grate hasn't been broken yet, once
your opponents are on it you can blast a napalm in there to finish em' off.
On the blimp you can also use it to throw opponents in to the bottomless
pit on the lower level of the blimp by simply placing it near the edge while
opponents are in close proximity. While swirling around they will slip over
the edge the vast majority of the time. Finally, make sure to gain up
plenty of speed with Club Kid before attempting to make important jumps,
because for his size he is decievingly slow and has very weak acceleration.

Playing against Club Kid:
The best way to escape Club Kid's special is to work with it and use it to
gain momentum instead of fighting against it and using up all of your
turbo. Run a couple circles around the whirlwind and then use your momentum
and a little turbo to fling yourself out of its range.

----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

i Version History

1.0 - No mention of version, no level passwords.
1.1 - Mention version number, added all passwords.
Lightning info added. All Passwords added.
Added Sphinx and Tower in Destroy the Stuff.
1.2 - Added the Char. Opinions, Added the Char Stats,
Added the Weapon & Armor Class Table.
1.3 - Changed Pharoah to Pillar in Nifty Things,
Realigned Useful Password Table, Added 17 Useful
Passwords, Modified Lightning Source in Blimp,
Added Regeneration Blockers. Found some credit
due. Added Tricks Title/Heading-Thing. Added
Table of Contents.
1.3a - Modified Address. Added last comment above.
1.4 - Revamped FAQ to make it more "User Friendly".
Added Health Locations, Added Semi-Ambush Points,
Changed Opinion Table to Special Weapon Table,
Rearranged many things. Added In-Game Menu Tricks.
1.5 - Removed Regeneration Blockers, Removed Special
Weapon Table, Added Interview with 989 Developer,
Also added Non-In-Game Menu Tricks.
1.6 - Added Sexy Flower Power Code. Added In-Depth
Character Strategy for Club Kid, In-Depth Level
Strategy for Tokyo and Various Character Brief

Plans: 1.7 - To add maybe Character Decriptions. Need strategies.
Need Level Strategies of both types. Would like
Character Strategies of both types also, but brief
first. Please send in strategies. Read below:
Contribute to this FAQ by sending e-mail to:

----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

ii Credit where it's due:

Level Passwords for ALL Difficulties:

Gameshark Codes:

Advanced Attacks:
Instruction Manual and Knowledge of TM2.

Useful Password :
Don Springer

Tokyo, Club Kid Strategies:
Pete Hoke

----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----


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The author reserves the right to take away the privilege
of using this piece of work on his/her page, magazine,
etc. Please stop plagiarism and report those who attempt
to claim this piece of material as his/her own. The only
way to use this without consent is to give credit to the
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