Twisted Metal 3

Twisted Metal 3

17.10.2013 00:32:54


Infinite Specials:
I found a new code for Twisted Metal 3. At the password put in L1 L1 R1 R1 R1 this will give you infinite specials

Massive force: At the password screen press square, circle, down, back, up. After this missiles launch you farther than ever.

To get the Spaceship weapon in Hangar 18, drive into the little slots with that little screen with the line going oup and down. Shoot the screen at all 4 intervals, and the transport under the UFO will ben given access. Go up to
the top, drive off one of the edges very carefully. If u drive off correctly, u will land on top of the spaceship. shoot the glass and pick up the weapon

Hidden Stuff in Hangar 18:
I have discovered a neat new area in Twisted Metal 3. I just got the game, and stumbled into an area (i read on the internet previously) that nobody else knows of. In the level Hangar 18, there is a HIDDEN transport ball behind one of the switches (to the left facing the switch) go through the ball and you'll be transported into an area with cool frozen aliens. There should be a health and richochet bomb.Enjoy!
Submssion: Brad "PSX GAME MASTER" Smith (
Eve Pyramid:
To get the Eve pyramid weapon in Egypt, fin the pyramid with the tomb outside. shoot the tomb, and a door should be opened. Drive in, and shoot the tomb along the back wall and go into the transport. At the top is the weapon.

Mona Lisa:
You don't have to do the sequence at the beginning just use nampalm

Unlimited weapons:
Press triangle, circle, up, right, down as a password at the password screne

God Mode:
Enter L1, Square, X, R1, Start as a password.

To play as Minion in twisted metal three, in the password box type in Enter Up, Start, Down, L1, Square as a password.

Sweet tooth in twisted metal 3 type in Enter Circle, Circle, L1, L1, Start as a password.

Hidden Stuff in Egypt Level:
Hey, if you shoot at the pillar (or whatever it is) that is right by the pyramid in the Egypt level, you can get some good stuff in there.
Submission: Who is This? []

Once you blow up the "pillar", instead of driving inside, drive to the painting on the right-hand side of the tunnel inside the pyramid. Shoot at the painting for a while, and there will be a drop off that leads to the other part of the level.
Submission: Who is This? []

Hint: Tokyo fan of death:
Drive your car up to the big fan in the Tokyo level and teeter on the edge. Wait for the other characters to chase after you and let them fall into the fan and die. Quickly throw your car in reverse and wreak further destruction.
Submission: Al Amaloo ( and Mike Sanfilippo.

Hint: Sphinx surprise:
Fire on the Sphinx face in the Egypt level for a special surprise.
Submission: Al Amaloo ( and Mike Sanfilippo.

Hint: Blimp bonuses:
After falling to the bottom level of the blimp, destroy the boxes that are stacked on the ground. Hidden weapons and health icons are hidden inside.
Submission: Al Amaloo ( and Mike Sanfilippo.

In the Password menu
R1 R1 L1 L1 L1 a) Super Napalm
L1 L1 R1 R1 R1 b) Infinite Specials
Up Down Up Down Up c) Homing Rain Missiles
Left Left Left Right Right d) Minion
Right Right Right Left Left e) Sweet Tooth
L1 Square X R1 Start f) God Mode
Start Start Start Start Start g) Save Settings
Triangle Circle Up Right Down h) Infinite Ammo
Triangle Left Down Right Up i) Smart Seekers
Triangle Circle Down Left Up j) Massive Force
Triangle Up Circle Right Start k) 99 Freeze Missiles
Left Right Left Right Up l) Giant Ricochets
Start Start L1 L1 L1 m) Only Napalms
Start R1 L1 Start Start n) Only Homing Missiles
Start L1 Start L1 Start o) Only Power Missiles
L1 R1 Start Start L1 p) Only Remote Bombs
Down L1 Down Start Triangle q) CPU ignores Healths
Select L1 Select Start Circle r) No Healths
L1 Start Start Start R1 s) No Full Healths
Select Select R2 L2 Start t) No Item Pickups
Up Up X X Up u) Icy Grounds
L1 R1 L1 R1 R1 v) Relentless CPU
X Circle Circle Circle Circle w) 0 enemies in
Left Square Square Square Left x) Sexy Flower Power

Note A: Napalm Shoots Higher and Further.
Note B: Activated when you die, quit, or beat the first level.
Note C: Rain Missiles home in, then detonate.
Note D+E: Activates characters for ALL modes.
Note F: Cannot die except in Tokyo Fan, or Blimp Clouds.
Note G: Saves items in all settings menus only, no cheats saved.
Note I: Missiles that track their targets will be enhanced.
Note J: When a weapon hits your car or the CPU cars, the
of the hit will be significantly stronger.
Note K: Puts 99 Freeze Missiles in the inventory at each round.
Works like a freeze but does not drain the special
The icon is identical to the Power Missile, except
the "FREEZE" caption.
Note M-P: The "Only XXXXX" means the all weapon pickups will be
replaced with the XXXXX. Hence, "Only Napalm" means
the only pickups will be Napalms.
Note Q: CPU-controlled cars will ignore health power-ups. Does
NOT affect CPU Ally.
Note V: All CPU cars will relentlessly attack player cars.
Note W: Enables 0 enemies in Deathmatch Mode. (Play Alone)
Useful for learning the levels.
Note X: When choosing your character, go into the INFO screen
for a very revealing Zoom-In Shot of Flower Power.

Passwords - "Cream Puff"
D.C. R1, R1, Right, Select, Down
Hangar 18 X, Start, X, Up, L1
North Pole Select, R1, Left, Left, X
London Right, Right, R1, R1, Right
Tokyo Down, R1, L1, X, Right
Egypt R2, Start, R2, Right, Right
Blimp Triangle, L1, Triangle, Right, Circle
D.C. L1, Square, Triangle, Right, Up
Hangar 18 Right, L2, Select, R2, R2
North Pole L2, R2, Start, Triangle, X
London R1, L1, Down, Select, Start
Tokyo X, R2, Start, L1, Up
Egypt Circle, Circle, L2, Circle, Right
Blimp Select, X, X, X, R1
Club Kid
D.C. R2, L2, L2, L2, Start
Hangar 18 Triangle, Select, R1, Left, Up
North Pole Square, L2, R1, Square, R1
London Select, Up, Square, R1, Up
Tokyo Right, L2, Circle, Down, Start
Egypt L2, Square, Down, R2, Left
Blimp R1, Left, Select, Circle, R1
Fire Starter
D.C. Left, Up, Up, Up, Down
Hangar 18 Up, Square, R1, Left, Down
North Pole Left, Down, Up, R1, L1
London R2, X, X, X, X
Tokyo Triangle, Down, Left, R2, Up
Egypt Square, X, Select, Right, Right
Blimp Down, R2, R2, R2, Start
Flower Power
D.C. L2, Right, Triangle, Select, Circle
Hangar 18 R1, Circle, Right, Start, Right
North Pole X, Right, X, Left, R2
London Circle, Left, L1, Circle, Triangle
Tokyo Up, Right, Select, X, Select
Egypt Left, Triangle, L1, Circle, Triangle
Blimp L1, Up, Start, Right, L2
D.C. Left, Square, L2, Square, Circle
Hangar 18 L1, L1, L2, R1, Up
North Pole Circle, Square, Down, Left, Up
London Square, L1, R1, L1, Triangle
Tokyo Up, Down, X, Start, Start
Egypt Right, R2, Circle, R2, Down
Blimp L2, Down, Circle, Down, R1
D.C. X, R2, Start, Circle, Right
Hangar 18 R2, Left, L1, Start, Start
North Pole Up, Select, R1, L1, Right
London Left, L2, Up, X, R2
Tokyo L1, Select, X, Circle, R2
Egypt Circle, L2, Left, Right, Square
Blimp Select, Select, Select, L2, Up
Mr. Grimm
D.C. Square, Up, Right, Triangle, Select
Hangar 18 Triangle, Square, Square, Up, L1
North Pole Right, Start, L2, Start, Left
London L2, R1, Down, R1, Up
Tokyo R1, Start, L1, L1, Square
Egypt X, R1, Start, Circle, Start
Blimp Start, Circle, Left, Start, Up
Outlaw 3
D.C. Right, Square, Square, Triangle, X
Hangar 18 L2, Left, Triangle, Start, Select
North Pole R1, Square, Right, Down, Up
London X, Left, X, L1, L2
Tokyo X, Left, Circle, Triangle, Start
Egypt Up, Down, Select, Square, Left
Blimp Left, X, L1, Up, Start
D.C. Circle, X, Triangle, R1, R1
Hangar 18 Select, Right, Right, Square, Square
North Pole Start, Circle, Square, Start, Select
London Down, Right, R2, Down, Down Tokyo
L2, Circle, R2, L1, L1
Egypt R1, Right, L1, Circle, X
Blimp X, Circle, Start, Select, Up
D.C. Up, Triangle, Down, Left, L1
Hangar 18 Left, Up, Square, R1, X
North Pole L1, Triangle, L2, X, L2
London Circle, Up, Right, Circle, Start
Tokyo Select, R1, R1, Right, R2
Egypt Select, Select, Up, R2, Circle
Blimp Down, R1, Circle, Triangle, Triangle
Sweet Tooth
D.C. R1, R1, Square, Start, L2
Hangar 18 X, R2, Left, Triangle, R1
North Pole L1, L1, Select, Select, Select
London Up, R1, X, Up, Right
Tokyo Left, L1, Up, L2, L1
Egypt L1, X, Right, Triangle, Select
Blimp Circle, R2, Left, L2, Select
D.C. Start, R2, R2, Square, Left
Hangar 18 Down, Start, R1, Up, Up
North Pole R2, R2, Triangle, Down, Square
London Triangle, Right, L1, Start, X
Tokyo Square, L2, X, Circle, Left
Egypt Select, Left, Select, L1, L2
Blimp Up, L2, Select, Up, X
D.C. L1, L2, Start, R1, Down
Hangar 18 Circle, Square, Triangle, X, L1
North Pole Select, Left, Right, X, L1
London Start, Square, X, Right, Down
Tokyo Down, Left, L2, R2, Right
Egypt R2, Square, Triangle, R2, Select
Blimp Triangle, Down, L1, Select, Circle

Passwords.- "Twisted Metal"
D.C. X, Start, Left, Left, L2
Hangar 18 Up, Down, Triangle, L1, R1
North Pole Left, X, Right, X, Square
London L1, Right, X, Start, Left
Tokyo Circle, Circle, Left, Right, Left
Egypt Select, Right, L2, L1, L1
Blimp Circle, L1, Triangle, X, Down
D.C. L2, Triangle, Triangle, Square, Start
Hangar 18 R1, Up, Down, Down, L1
North Pole X, Triangle, Square,R2, X
London Up, L2, Circle, Square, L1
Tokyo Up, Triangle, Select, Right, Up
Egypt Left, Up, L1, Up, R2
Blimp L1, R1, Up, Left, Circle
Club Kid
D.C. Select, R1, Down, X, Right
Hangar 18 Start, Start, Select, R2, X
North Pole Right, R1, L2, Right, Triangle
London Select, Up, Circle, R1, Up
Tokyo R1, L1, R1, Triangle, Up
Egypt X, Up, Select, L2, L1
Blimp L1, Circle, Start, Triangle, Left
Fire Starter
D.C. Left, R2, Square, L1, Up
Hangar 18 L1, R2, X, Left, Down
North Pole Circle, R2, R1, R1, R2
London Select, R1, Right, Square, Select
Tokyo Start, R2, Right, L2, Start
Egypt Down, Select, X, Triangle, Left
Blimp L2, L2, Left, Square, R1
Flower Power
D.C. X, L2, R2, Down, R2
Hangar 18 Select, Start, L1, Down, X
North Pole Up, L2, Triangle, Circle, L1
London Left, Square, Right, X, L2
Tokyo L1, Left, X, Up, Circle
Egypt Circle, Square, Left, L2, Down
Blimp Select, Left, R1, R2, Left
D.C. Circle, Right, Circle, X, Select
Hangar 18 Select, Circle, Down, Up, Square
North Pole Start, Up, Square, Right, L2
London Down, Triangle, L2, R2, R1
Tokyo R2, Up, Triangle, Square, X
Egypt Triangle, Triangle, R1, Select, Start
Blimp Square, Up, Up, Start, Left
D.C. Up, Start, Down, L1, Square
Hangar 18 Left, R1, Select, Circle, Left
North Pole L1, Start, R2, Down, Triangle
London Circle, R1, Up, L1, R2
Tokyo Select, Start, R1, L2, Up
Egypt Start, L1, Right, R1, R1
Blimp Down, X, Square, Down, Select
Mr. Grimm
D.C. Down, Down, Start, R2, Circle
Hangar 18 R2, X, Triangle, Down, Right
North Pole Triangle, Down, Right, R2, R2
London X, X, Square, Circle, Circle
Tokyo Down, L2, Select, Select, Right
Egypt Up, Circle, Up, Up, L1
Blimp Left, Right, L1, Left, L2
Outlaw 3
D.C. Triangle, Select, Down, Circle, L1
Hangar 18 Square, L1, R2, R2, Square
North Pole Start, Circle, Right, Up, L2
London Up, R2, Triangle, Select, R2
Tokyo Left, Right, Up, Circle, X
Egypt L1, R2, X, Left, Start
Blimp Circle, Left, R1, Up, L2
D.C. Start, Select, L1, Triangle, L2
Hangar 18 Down, L2, Start, Right, Select
North Pole R2, Select, Triangle, R2, Up
London Triangle, L2, Right, Triangle, L2
Tokyo Square, Select, Square, Select, Triangle
Egypt Left, L2, Start, Square, R1
Blimp Right, Square, Left, Start, Select
D.C. L1, Square, Up, X, R1
Hangar 18 Circle, Left, Circle, Square, Square
North Pole Select, X, Down, Right, Start
London Start, Down, Square, L2, Down
Tokyo Down, X, L2, Triangle, L1
Egypt R2, Down, Square, X, Up
Blimp Triangle, X, R1, Start, R2
Sweet Tooth
D.C. Circle, Circle, L1, L1, Start
Hangar 18 Right, Right, Down, Circle, X
North Pole L2, Circle, Select, Circle, L2
London R1, Right, R2, Up, Right
Tokyo Circle, Up, L2, R2, Left
Egypt Select, Up, R1, R1, Circle
Blimp Start, Triangle, Up, Square, L2
D.C. R2, Triangle, Left, Down,L2
Hangar 18 Triangle, Up, Select, R2, Triangle
North Pole Square, R1, R2, Circle, Select
London Start, Start, Select, Up, L1
Tokyo Right, R1, Triangle, Up, L2
Egypt L2, Start, Right, Left, Triangle
Blimp R1, R1, X, L1, Start
D.C. Select, L1, Left, Start, Left
Hangar 18 Start, L1, Right, R1, L2
North Pole Down, L1, Start, L2, Square
London R2, Triangle, Triangle, Start, Left
Tokyo Triangle, R2, Right, Left
Egypt Square, Square, Start, L1, Triangle
Blimp R2, L2, Down, X, Left

Passwords - "Pure Lunacy"
D.C. Left, Select, Circle, R2, Up
Hangar 18 L1, L2, L1, Triangle, R2
North Pole Circle, Select, Start, Up, Select
London Select, L2, Triangle, L2, Up
Tokyo Start, Select, Right, R1, L2
Egypt Down, L2, X, Square, Triangle
Blimp R2, Square, L2, Select, Start
D.C. Square, Square, L1, R2, Left
Hangar 18 Left, Start, Triangle, R1, Square
North Pole Up, Square, Triangle, Select, Square
London Left, Left, Down, Start, Start
Tokyo L1, X, Square, Left, Left
Egypt Circle, Down, L2, L1, R1
Blimp Select, X, X, X, R1
Club Kid
D.C. Down, X, Up, Right, Down
Hangar 18 R2, Right, Circle, L2, L1
North Pole Triangle, Circle, Down, Triangle, X
London Square, Right, Square, Square, Up
Tokyo Circle, R2, Start, Right, R2
Egypt Right, Right, Down, R2, X
Blimp Left, Triangle, R1, L1, Circle
Fire Starter
D.C. Circle, Triangle, Circle, Right, Circle
Hangar 18 Select, Up, Left, Up, R2
North Pole Start, Triangle, Select, L2, Circle
London Down, Start, R2, R1, Select
Tokyo R2, R1, Square, Up, Square
Egypt Triangle, Start, R1, L2, Down
Blimp Square, R1, Right, Down, Triangle
Flower Power
D.C. Right, R1, Left, Circle, Up
Hangar 18 L2, Select, Select, Left, L1
North Pole L1, L1, L1, Up, R1
London Circle, Start, Left, Square, Up
Tokyo Select, L1, Triangle, R1, Start
Egypt Start, Right, X, Left, X
Blimp Down, R2, X, R1, Up
D.C. Start, Left, L1, Right, Down
Hangar 18 Down, Square, Up, L2, Right
North Pole R2, Left, Circle, Triangle, R2
London Triangle, Square, Down, Square, Circle
Tokyo Square, Left, Square, Start, L1
Egypt Square, R2, Down, Up, Square
Blimp Right, Down, L1, L2, Up
D.C. R1, Down, Up, Select, Select
Hangar 18 X, X, Circle, Up, Up
North Pole Down, Left, Left, L2, L2
London Start, Circle, Select, R1, R1
Tokyo Down, Right, R2, X, Square
Egypt R2, Circle, Start, Left, X
Blimp Triangle, Right, R1, Right, Left
Mr. Grimm
D.C. Triangle, R2, R2, X, X
Hangar 18 Square, L1, Triangle, Down, Start
North Pole R2, Start, Select, L1, L2
London Right, Select, Triangle, Start, X
Tokyo L2, L2, Down, Left, X
Egypt R1, Select, Square, L1, Down
Blimp Circle, L2, L2, X, R2
Outlaw 3
D.C. Up, X, Triangle, Square, Down
Hangar 18 Right, Triangle, Left, Select, Start
North Pole L2, Up, Select, Start, Down
London R1, Triangle, L1, Left, L1
Tokyo X, Up, Start, L1, X
Egypt R1, Triangle, X, Square, X
Blimp Up, Start, Right, Down, Up
D.C. R2, Start, L2, L2, Circle
Hangar 18 Triangle, R1, Triangle, Up, X
North Pole Square, Start, L1, Square, Right
London L1, Start, Start, R2, X
Tokyo Right, Triangle, Down, Circle, Start
Egypt L2, L1, Down, L1, L2
Blimp R1, Square, Circle, Right, Circle
D.C. Up, Triangle, Left, Circle, Up
Hangar 18 Up, R2, L1, L2, Select
North Pole Left, Up, R1, Up, Circle
London L2, R2, Circle, Square, L2
Tokyo Triangle, Down, Triangle, R1, Circle
Egypt Square, L2, Square, Down, Square
Blimp Select, R2, R2, Start, Right
Sweet Tooth
D.C. L2, Select, R1, Select, R1
Hangar 18 R1, L1, Up, Up, Square
North Pole X, Square, Circle, Left, Start
London Left, Left, R1, Left, X
Tokyo Up, Square, Select, X, L1
Egypt Left, Left, R2, X, L2
Blimp L1, Square, Right, Circle, Circle
D.C. Square, X, Right, Triangle, L1
Hangar 18 Down, X, Select, X, Triangle
North Pole Right, X, Left, Start, Circle
London L2, Down, Select, Left, Right
Tokyo R1, X, R2, L1, R2
Egypt X, Right, Start, Circle, Circle
Blimp Circle, Triangle, Right, Circle, Square
D.C. Left, Circle, X, L2, R2
Hangar 18 L1, Right, L2, R1, Triangle
North Pole Circle, Triangle, Square, Select, L1
London Select, Up, L1, Up, Square
Tokyo Triangle, Start, Down, L2, Up
Egypt Right, Up, Triangle, R2, Triangle
Blimp L2, Triangle, Down, Circle, Select

Other Password codes
Up Up Up Left Left a) Warehouse
Square Square Square Left Left b) Warehouse II Left Left Left Square Square c) Club Kid's House Note: These codes must be enterd at the password screen and then you go into DEATHMATCH mode, NOT TOURNAMENT mode. Choose your car, and you're there. Note A: It will load the level that you see in the intro which has no Health, no Turbos and no Powerups. Note B: It will load the same level as the above, except that this version of the level contains Health, Powerups, Ramps, etc. Note C: On 4 different walls, you can see "Club Kid's House", a neon smiley face, "Richochet Heaven", and a neon angry face. The Disco Ball generates Lightning, and you cannot get out of the range of it, but neither can anyone else. There is only one of each common powerup.

Hidden Weapons
Trick #1: 8 Specials
Level : Hangar 18
How : Destroy the control panels and enter the teleporter. Find the UFO and shoot it. A simple bullet will do. When it blows up, be careful not to be near it as it flying shrapnel can not only harm your car, but enemy cars as well.
Trick #2: Hidden Weapon -
Level : Hangar 18
How : Destroy the control panels and enter the teleporter.
Once you are up, turn immediately to the left and go down the ramp and turn left again at the wall. Enter the teleporter, turn around, shoot the glass dome and look for a weapon pickup. This weapon is a lightning powerup with four sources on the UFO, it works best on cars near the UFO, and they must be BELOW it.
Trick #3: Hidden Weapon - "Radar"
Level : Tokyo
How : You've seen that huge satellite that tracks people, and it is actually a weapon. On that particular rooftop, look for a jump ramp over the lava to a higher building. Take this ramp at 100+ MPH or take Lava Soup. Go up an upramp to another jump. Take this one again at 100+ MPH or you will fall short. You should now be on top of a store that is next to the radar. See that little radar powerup? Back to the edge of the rooftop and hold turbo. You should catch it. Now, the radar will fire at whoever it is pointing at when you activate it. The beam cannot go through buildings, and it is not terribly accurate on airborne enemies.
Trick #4: Hidden Weapon - "Eye"
Level : Egypt
How : Find the Pyramid. There should be a tomb lying up on the front. Shoot it until it explodes. Enter the down ramp and you will see another Tomb on a wall. Shoot this tomb, too. It will blow up, revealing a teleporter. Go into the teleporter and pick up the little pyramid. It is a little bomb that causes a giant beam from the former top of the big pyramid to shoot the little one with the effect of a Remote Bomb and a Napalm. It works best on frozen opponents.

Cool crap to blow up
Level : Hangar 18 Item : Wall
How : Find the wall with a "002" on it. Turn left from the control panel and shoot at the area with a crack in it.
This leads to a teleporter with a few weapons.
Level : Hangar 18 Item : Control Panels
How : To get the teleporter in the UFO find the flashing red
control panels and shoot out all four to unblock the laser beams.
Level : Hangar 18 Item : Flying Ship
How : Once through the above teleporter, look for a flying UFO. Shooting it with anything gains you 8 specials
and it also will harm anyone under the exploding UFO.
Level : Hangar 18 Item : Glass Dome How : Once through the UFO teleporter, turn left and go down the ramp, turn left at the end, hit the telpeorter and turn around, destroy the glass dome, and get a powerup.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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