Saga Frontier

SaGa Frontier

16.10.2013 03:23:45

SaGa Frontier FAQ
Begun Apr 22, 1998
By Nefdar ( )

Places to find this FAQ:

Revision 1 - Got the idea to write the thing, started intro

Revision 2 - Finished intro section, began character descriptions.

Revision 3 - Added sword, gun, and fighting ability lists.

Revision 4 - Added mecha and monster ability lists and monster forms.

Revision 5 - Added magic lists and descriptions. Added combo section.

Revision 6 - Added weapon/armor lists.

Revision 7 - Added enemy lists and began walkthroughs.

Revision 8 - Did T260G's walkthrough.

Revision 9 - Did Lute, Asellus.

Revision 10 - Did Red, Emelia, Riki, am finally done!!!

Revision 11 - Fixed a mistake in Asellus section, added my site to
places to find this faq list, added name to thanks

First thing---if there are any mistakes in this FAQ then please pretty
please with a cherry on top write to me at the address given and tell me.
I typed this thing completely by myself and am responsible for 90% of the
work that went into gathering this information(9% goes to my
fiance and about 1% goes to various emails from readers).
There are bound to be mistakes, so let me know about them.

Hello, and welcome to my SaGa Frontier FAQ! Hopefully this document will
be useful to the players of this game and will help out with any problem
that the gaming public may have. Note that I intend for this document to
be exhaustive and to cover as much as I can, but since I am doing all the
work myself with a small amount of help from other writers(who will be duly
commended and credited) there is a decent chance that I'll miss something.
If so, notify me by email and you will be credited here for any useful info
you supply. Note that anyone who uses this FAQ for personal gain other than
personal enjoyment is not only violating the law, but incurring my wrath!
You are free to use any information here for your page, but have the decency
not to cut and paste this work and call it your own, give me due credit.
Writing a FAQ for a game like this, which has so much to discover and to
offer, is not easy - in fact, it's damn painstaking work which I'm sure will
ruin my enjoyment of this game in the end. So please have the respect to
not steal from me. This FAQ was written in MS-DOS editor for the US
version of SaGa Frontier for the PSX. I am aware that there are differences
between the Japanese and US versions, and I felt that(at least at the time
I started writing) there were not many resources available for the American
version and that this FAQ would be useful. Hopefully it still will be when I

SaGa Frontier is a RPG by Square, the makers of the ludicrously popular
Final Fantasy series. It is unique in that it allows you to select from
7 different characters, each with their own storyline and different(though
not COMPLETELY different) adventure. This game also contains something
which Square has been leaving out of its RPG's lately - some challenge. You
won't tear your hair out or anything, but you will probably get killed a few
times over the course of the game, especially when you first start and don't
understand how the hell the level-up's work. Some characters are easier
than others, but none of them are a complete joke. Compared to the games
that they have come out with recently, this is a decided improvement. Not
including fighting the completely optional weapon monsters, I have never seen
the Game Over screen in FF7. It may be because of the very slow pace that I
play RPG's at, spending a lot of time exploring and level raising to take in
the full experience of the setting, but that game was pretty much a piece of
cake. Come on, there's a spell that can kill the last boss in one move.
I remember back when you had to walk around and play patiently in order to
have even the slightest chance of victory(remember the first Final Fantasy?
Or the first Breath of Fire game? You'd get your ass kicked so bad
the characters in your other games would feel it if you didn't spend a good
bit of time leveling up). This game requires a good bit of patience if you
don't want to be reloading your game every 10 minutes. Granted, you can
win that way eventually, but is that really a victory? Hopefully the game
designers are wrong in their assumption that game players(read: American
game players) are impatient and do not want to spend time to learn a
challenging game. How well this game sells will be a good indicator to me,
since it is one of the most intriguing RPG's I've played in a while.
Note that all the lists of weapons, armor, enemies, abilities, and general
gameplay advice is given before the walkthroughs so that you do not have
to scroll past the walkthroughs to read the lists, as the walkthroughs are
big spoilers. I would not advise you to read any walkthrough for any game
until you have already finished the game or you are irrevocably stuck, as
these ruin the story's suspense completely.

Playing the game

Upon booting up your game and reaching the opening screen, you must select
your character. Note that you'll be spending a lot of time with this
character, so pick one that you like.

Next you'll be asked to make system data for SaGa Frontier to use. This is
just a way for the PSX to keep track of how many characters you have comp-
leted. This is important so that you can get the special bonus room
available if you complete all seven characters. These menus are fairly
self-explanatory, so I won't go into detail, just remember to wait after the
ending for your character for the screen that allows you to update this
system data, or else you'll miss out on the semi-cool bonus. Oh yeah, this
data requires 1 memory block on your card, and the actual game requires 2.

The PSX controller is lain out(grammar...) like this:
L2 R2 (on top)
L1 R1 "
D-Pad Select Start S(quare) O(circle)
Hope that makes sense(actually, hope you don't need it).

You will have some cinematic scene, then you will be in control of your
character. Holding down the X button allows you to dash(You'll be holding
this down throughout the whole game. If I were in charge, I would have made
you hold down the X button NOT to dash). The O button is for talking and
picking up items, as well as investigating an area. The T button is not used
on this screen except for the quicksave option, achieved by holding T and
pressing R1. Don't use this, just save to the card, since pressing reset
erases your quicksave. The S button allows you to access your subscreen.
Start pauses the game, Select is useless. The D-pad moves your character.
If you hold L1, R1, and select, then press start, you will perform the
quick restart(faster than hitting reset on the console).

Once on your subscreen, a plethora of options become available to you.
You can see your current party's basic stats in the windows on the left.
Pressing left and right will scroll through the stats until you reach the
one you want. Pressing select will change the display format. Holding the
T button will cause the windows on the right to disappear so you can see
more clearly. On the lower right is a window containing your credits(money),
and the name of the area that you currently occupy. On the upper and
middle right is your list of options. From the top down, they are:
Equip Weapon
Equip Ability

1. Status
This is an in-depth description of your character's abilities and equipment,
as well as their stats. The screen shows the character's name, race, sex,
HP, LP, WP, and JP, as well as their statistics. Each stat affects your
characters in a different way.

STRength: Affects the damage you do with physical attacks.
QUIckness: Affects your ability to dodge attacks and your turn in battle.
INTelligence: Affects speed at which you learn magic and effectiveness with
mechanical equipment(cannons). Also affects how fast you learn techs.
WILl: Affects accuracy and power of techniques.
PSYchic: Affects resistance to abnormal status.
VITality: Affects resistance to damage and sleep.
CHArm: Affects resistance to and power of charm attacks.
DEFense: Reduces amount of damage taken.

2. Item
This screen allows you to view and use the items in your posession. The
maximum number of any item that you can carry is 99. Pressing right on
the D-pad or R1 allows you to page down, while left or L1 pages up. Double
click on an item with the circle button to use it(if possible). Pointing
at an item shows its basic function(def power, attack power, sometimes
relevant abilites) at the bottom of the screen. Note that pressing select
on this screen automatically sorts the items for you by type(gun, sword,
armor, etc.).

3. Position
This option allows you to move the characters in your posession around in
your formation. The basic setup is three five man parties, represented by
the three vertical columns on the subscreen. Place your characters in the
three columns as desired. Note that the vulnerability of a character in
your formation decreases the farther he is from the front, so place them
from the top down in order of descending strength. Double clicking on a
character will take you to the status screen.

4. Equip weapon
This allows you to stick some equipment on your characters. Each type of
character can wear different kinds of equipment. A human can wear 4 items
at the top of the equipment list, which is used for weapons, items, and
shields, and 4 items at the bottom, used for armor and accessories. A weapon
can be a gun, sword, or cannon. Shields come in various types and are
useful for defending against many attacks. Items can be for attack, or for
curing the party in battle. Note that unless you have equipped the item
"backpack" you will be unable to use items in stock unless you equip them.
Armor can be helmets, gloves, boots, vests, suits, and shirts. Accessories
have a variety of uses, described later. Note that a human can only wear
1 of each type of armor. If you are wearing an armor suit, you can only wear
a shirt to go with it(the suit takes the place of vest, helmet, gloves, and
boots). As many accessories can be equipped as there is room. If a piece of
equipment on a character is shaded red, that means that it cannot be removed.
Usually this is a permanent fixture that comes with a character. Certain
items are cursed, and can only be removed by breaking them.

Mystics follow the same rules as humans on equipping and de-equipping items.
Their special mystic weapons are abilities, not weapons, so they are not
covered here. A mystic can use any item that a human can.

Monsters can only equip accessories. They are given four slots to use for
any accessory that you wish to place on them. They can use no weapons,
armor, or shields, nor can they use items.

Mecha can use any equipment in the game, as well as being the only class to
use circuit boards to upgrade their stats. When any item is equipped on a
mech, it affects their stats. This includes weapons and armors. Normally,
the better the equipment, the more positive the increase will be. I will
provide a list of the stats gained from each piece of equipment later.
Also, mecha do not follow conventional rules and can equip more than one of
the same type of armor. This includes anything that they can equip. The
best way to find the best equipment for a mech is through trial and error
and a lot of money(or by reading my list..).

5. Equip Ability
This option allows you to equip one of the abilities that your characters
have learned. The current abilities are in the left window, and the right
window contains the categories of abilities to choose from. Click on a
space in your inventory, click on a category you wish to equip an ability
from, and select what you will use. You can only use equipped abilities.
The categories are as follows:


Gun, fighting, and sword techniques are considered combat techs. This is
important because if you equip 6 combat techs without any magic techs, then
you will get a crown on your ability screen(that is what the bar at the top
is for). This means that all techs take 1 less WP. If any magic is equipped,
you lose that bonus. The same goes vice-versa: if you equip 6 magic techs
without any combat techs, you get a crown for magic and all spells take 1
less JP to cast. If any combat techs are equipped, that bonus is also lost.

Special techniques are comprised of mecha abilities, special mystic weapons,
and other rare or race specific abilities. Basically, anything that doesn't
fit into another category.

Dodge techniques allow a character to be virtually immune to a certain form
of attack. Sometimes a truly powerful opponent attacking a very weak
character can nullify a dodge ability(this happens with the end boss at
times if your levels are ridiculously low) but that is extremely rare. For
all intensive purposes, you are immune to the attack that you learn to dodge.

Note that you can only learn new sword, fighting, and dodge techs if there
is an empty space on your equip ability screen for them to go in. Always
leave an empty space or two until you are completely satisfied with your
character's abilities. If you want to de-equip an ability, then double-
click on it and then select "Seal". This returns it to its respective
category to be re-equipped later(or usually, never seen again).

6. Config
This allows you to customize some aspects of the game, such as selecting
stereo and mono sound, or an opaque or transparent window format. It also
provides in-game help on the screens and commands. Self-explanatory.

7. Save
Here you can save your game. Saving is possible almost anywhere in the game
and it is recommended that you do it often. Once you select this option,
the screen will show the contents of the current memory card. Pressing left
or right will allow you to select either memory card slot, or to select the
quicksave option. Self explanatory as well.

As you walk about, you will see enemies from time to time. Bumping into one
initiates a combat. You will be given a picture of the enemies and your
first party. Pressing left and right allows you to switch out which party
you want to use against the enemy. Try to use all your characters to give
them equal strength. Having many good characters is important, since each
time you complete a combat, all characters that were not used regain some LP,
WP, and JP. This allows your unused party to rest, and allows you to
have a lot of endurance in a dungeon. A mech does not gain LP from resting,
but it does gain WP. By selecting an individual character's
name and pressing T, you can switch him between the front and back row. This
affects his vulnerability to the enemy. Physical attacks usually cannot
reach characters who are hidden behind other characters. Pressing O
initiates the combat.

You give commands to each character at the start of the round. Press right
and left to switch between the different categories of attacks available to
each character, then select what you want to use. Pressing T at this time
allows you to see your HP, WP, JP, and status. This is also shown to
you between rounds. Pressing R1 allows you to select "defense" which reduces
the damage done by the enemy instead of performing action. The attacks then
take place based on a combination of random numbers and your quickness values.
If your character's HP falls to 0, then you will lose 1 LP and fall
unconscious. You can be healed through normal means, which returns you to
combat. Each time a character falls, it loses 1 LP. Also, if the enemy hits
the unconscious body then it is damaged 1 LP for each hit. If a character's
LP falls to 0, then that character is dead and can only be revived by a
Sanctuary Stone or a rest that refreshes all your LP. Use of techs other
than magic decreases your WP, and the use of magic decreases your JP. When
these become too low, you can no longer use the respective ability. When
damage is done, then the number in white over the target shows the damage
taken. If the number is green, then the target gains HP. If the number is
red, then the target has lost that many LP. A "chink" sound indicated that
the attack was blocked by a shield, whereas the word "miss!" appears if you,
um, miss. After battle, your stats for each character may increase, any
monsters or mecha you have may absorb the enemy abilites, and any gun or
magic techs will be learnt and placed in the respective categories on the
"Equip Ability" screen.

Battle Strategies

There are a few things that you should always keep in mind when engaging

1. Fight often
It is often tempting to blast past the lethargic enemies and try to finish
as soon as possible, but this will be slower in the long run when you spend
2 days trying to beat the end boss because your levels are so low. Fight
whenever you get the chance unless you are in danger or your characters are
already very powerful.

2. Walk, don't run
Running around(holding the X button) is normally the thing to do, but never
run into an enemy. When an enemy attacks you while you are running, then
your party's formation will not be correct and the rear characters will be
exposed to attack. If you are walking, then the rear characters will either
be behind the front guys, or you will surround the enemy. Run close to the
enemy to want to attack, then walk when you run into them. Note that the
direction that you and the enemy are facing is not important so don't waste
time trying to sneak up behind them.

3. Train when you can
Don't fight with your techniques all the time or you will learn very slowly.
Use your regular attacks unless you are trying to learn a specific attack.
Don't take this too far and get killed though! Also, certain enemies are
excellent training partners. Early in the game, you'll meet enemies called
"Unknown". Punching them with your bare hand does almost no damage, so use
them to learn the low level fighting techs. They have almost no offense
except to stun you and blind you. Occasionally they will use DeathGaze, but
that is rare. Punch them out and you'll learn most of the low-level fighting
techs pretty easily. You might even get a few dodge techs while you're at it.
Later in the game enemies like the Chimeras which are fairly weak but have
high HP and power allow you to learn the really high power attacks. Certain
hidden enemies(DemonGoat, Minotaur) are good for learning the mid-level

4. Know your enemy
If one of the enemies is much more powerful than the others, then you want
to concentrate your attacks on it to combo it out of existence. However,
if the enemies are of fairly even power, then you might want to spread
out the wealth a little so you don't do a combo that wastes 2 or 3 attacks
on a dead enemy. Learn what enemies are immune to certain attacks and
use the appropriate moves. The Gelatin monsters are strong against punches
but are hit by guns, while the undead are generally strong against guns but
are damaged by swords and fighting. Learn what enemies are susceptible to
your instant death moves and use them! Unlike most games, the death spells
in Saga actually work most of the time. This is the easiest way to get rid
of the giant squids called "Kraken". Learn who you can paralyze and who you
can't, because those attacks are unusually useful in this game too.

5. Never underestimate your enemy
In this game, you can die at any time. Save often. Any enemy, no matter how
weak, that has a charm attack can kill you any time it wants. If one of
your characters has MegaWindblast, Galeslash, Haze-to-Wheel, or a few
other powerful big attacks and they get charmed, they WILL use it and kill
every single person in your party. If you are in Riki's game and you
have the RING/Merchant equipped(the one that charms all the enemies) and that
person gets charmed, then they WILL use it and charm everybody else. That is
not a pretty picture and you probably will not survive(I can't count the
number of times that a charmed character has suddenly found it in their heart
to learn 2Galeslash and kill my whole group). Many of the bosses in this
game are genuinely hard, so remember your combos in order to speed up the
process of whacking off their high HP. Get DSC on at least 1 or 2 characters
before facing the end boss, it'll be a hell of a lot easier. Don't use
close range attacks on an enemy with a barrier, especially the CounterFear
barrier that turns you into a red mess. That is almost as bad as being

6. Fix status problems
Don't be tempted to ignore the poison, blindness, or stone condition of
a character in a long battle. They don't really affect you all that much
in a short fight, but over ten or twelve rounds it adds up big. Use Grail,
MagicHeal, your healing items, or StarlightHeal as soon as possible. The
following problems may come up:
Poison : lose about 1/8 total HP each round
CURE: StarlightHeal, Cure items, MagicHeal, SnakeOil
Charm : always attack other party members with the most inconvenient
damn attack you have(maybe I'm just unlucky)
CURE: StarlightHeal, Cure items, MagicHeal, SnakeOil
Blind : hit rate decreases
CURE: StarlightHeal, Cure items, MagicHeal, SnakeOil
Stun : Lose rest of attacks in round
CURE: none
Angry : can only use basic attacks
CURE: SnakeOil, MagicHeal
Sleep : cannot act
CURE: any of the above, getting hit
Palsy : cannot act
CURE: StarlightHeal, Cure items, MagicHeal, SnakeOil
Mess : acts confused to 3 different degrees, depending on color:
Blue: May not perform selected action
Yellow: May perform selected action on either friends or enemy
Red: Performs a random action on either friends or enemy
CURE: StarlightHeal, Cure items, MagicHeal, SnakeOil
Stone : cannot act or be damaged
CURE: Antistone, SnakeOil
Any of these except stun can also be healed with the Grail spell.

7. Equip before big battles
Always equip the correct attacks against big bosses. The most useful
ones are DSC, LifeSprinkler, Tower, and some attacks to link together
your Towers and LifeSprinklers in combos. Don't forget the healing,
especially MindHeal. This allows the characters to be self-sufficient.
If they can each heal themselves, then that's less work for the Starlight-
Healers to do. Don't mix healing and attacking unless you must. Heal
with all characters for a round, then have them all attack so you maximize
your combo possibilities. Against undead bosses, LightShift(that useless
sunlight space spell) is invaluable to keep them from getting back 1000
HP every round. Think first. I try to give advice for the bosses in the
walkthroughs but I probably have not seen all of the attacks in the game,
and I doubt anyone who doesn't work for Square has, so follow rule #5 and
don't play around unless you don't mind reloading the game. Kick ass, then
take names, I suppose.

8. Notice the enemy's facing direction
At the start of a combat round, while you are giving orders, take note of
the direction that the enemy is facing. If the enemy is going to use a
physical attack, then they will be attacking the character that they are
facing. It is especially easy to tell who they will attack if you are
surrounding them, but if you are in formation you can usually only tell
between 2 or 3 people. However, it is easy to use this foresight to your
advantage. If you know that the enemy will use a physical attack, and you
have to decide who to heal, then heal the character that the enemy is facing
first, since that is the likely point of attack. If you are in a situation
where you surround the enemy and it has particularly strong attacks that
focus on one character, then you may want to use "defense" for the character
that is being faced by the enemy. This will halve the damage and allow the
other characters to attack freely. This method provides no warning for
attacks that hit all your characters, however, so against these enemies be


There are four basic races in the world of SaGa Frontier - humans, mystics,
mecha, and monsters. Each type gains strength in a completely different way
which forces you to vary your fighting stategies to strengthen all the
members of your party. I will list them in order from most to least useful
(in my opinion).

Humans are by far the most versatile and easiest characters to use in the
world of SF. They level up through the most traditional means - fighting.
Depending upon the method that they use in combat, a human character will
gain certain attributes after every battle. They also have the capacity to
learn sword, fist, gun, magic, and dodge techniques, and do fairly well at
any of those abilities. The method by which these techniques are learned
will be covered later. In order to increase certain stats, you must use a
certain kind of attack during combat. The more you attack in a certain way,
the more likely you are to gain an attribute increase. Note that the only
way to gain JP is through the use of magic. Also, the stronger the enemy,
the more likely you are to get an increase.

HP: All except Magic
WP: All except Magic
JP: Magic(this is the only way to gain JP).
STR: Fighting, Sword
QUI: Guns, Fighting
INT: Magic, Guns
WIL: Sword, Guns, Magic
PSY: Magic
VIT: Fighting, Sword
CHA: Magic, Guns

These are just general guidelines, but if you stick to a certain pattern,
your characters will develop a certain way. Note that a human with no magic
will have 0 JP, and you can only gain JP by using JP, so it may seem that
these characters can never use magic. However, if you buy them spells, they
will gain 10 JP to use.

Mecha are man-made machines used for research and combat. They gain strength
in a completely different way than Humans or Mystics, in that the equipment
that they wear determines their statistics. By equipping swords, guns, armor,
circuit boards, and basically almost any other equipment, a mech gains
attributes in each of the areas, including HP. Mecha cannot use
techs other than Special. Mecha learn their special mech abilities by
fighting and defeating other mecha and stealing their programming. If you
pump enough money into your mech in order to give it the best equipment, it
can become an extremely powerful warrior, due to its ability to equip
multiple suits of armor. This allows it to have very high DEF ratings.
Also, placing circuit boards on a mech increases the number of abilities
it can equip. Overall not a bad class, but since cure items do not work on
mecha and curative magic is not tremendously effective, repairing damage in
long battles can become difficult. Also, the limited number of abilities
availiable and the amount of money required to purchase armor causes mechs
to fall second in my hierarchy of usefulness. Note that if you try to absorb
a program that you already have, the message "Recharged" will appear and
your mech will regain all its WP.

Mystics are a lot like humans in that they also can gain certain attributes
from battle, but unlike humans, Mystics only gain CHA, HP, WP, and JP from
combat. Their other stats are increased by absorbing monsters into their
three special abilities: their Mystic Sword, Glove, and Boots. Certain
enemies give better stat increases than others, this will be covered later.
Simply by finishing off an enemy's HP using one of these attacks will usually
cause an absorption, but certain enemies cannot be absorbed(humans, mecha,
certain powerful opponents). Also, all three of the Mystic weapons have
an instant death effect, and any enemy killed by this is absorbed as well.
As far as gaining the four attributes that they can gain from combat, these
are gained the same as humans. Mystics cannot learn any techs other than
Magic and Special(their Mystic weapons). They learn magics just like humans.
Mystics can become powerful very quickly if you know what enemy to absorb,
but since they cannot learn most techs, they are at a disadvantage to the
humans, IMHO. If you absorb monsters and get a high VIT score, then a mystic
can have very high resistance to attack as well, but not nearly as high as
a powered up mech.

Monsters are non-human creatures with intelligence. Monsters are unique
in that they gain strength by absorbing other enemy monsters and stealing
their abilities. After battle, a monster gains the opportunity to learn an
ability from one of its opponents. Sometimes, based upon an ability absorbed,
a monster will change form. Each form has completely different stats. In
order to make a monster change into the desired form, you must absorb the
abilities of the monster you wish to emulate until you have most or all of
them. This usually works, if not, then either you cannot turn into that
type of monster or you have not absorbed enough. Usually if you try to
emulate a truly powerful monster, you will become a weaker version, symbolized
by a "jr" after your race. Unbeknownst to most, monsters can gain HP
through combat. Each time your monster absorbs an ability which it has never
absorbed before, it gains 4 more HP. This is added to the base amount for
the monster's race. If you absorb most of the abilities from each monster,
then assume a fairly powerful form, your monster can have as many HP as your
human characters. Some of the attacks that a monster can learn are very
powerful, whereas most are pretty useless. Due to the unpredictable nature
of the monster's transformations which often causes you to assume a weaker
form, and due to the vast amount of time required to gain more HP max by
fighting every single enemy type numerous times, monsters are usually more
of a pain in the ass than an actual useful member. Once you get the hang
of changing your monster into the form you want(takes some getting used to)
and have absorbed the right enemies' abilities, a monster can become a
valuable backup character which can attack all enemies and heal the party
with its abilities, but this takes a while to achieve.
I would advise against placing more than 1 or 2 monsters in your
group. Note that if the monster tries to absorb an ability that it already
has, you will get the "couldn't absorb anything" message. Also note that
each time a monster absorbs an ability, all its WP and JP are restored.

General Tips for Using the Various Races
Each race has a certain thing that they can offer a party. For the most
part, I like to spread out my characters among the three parties and not
concentrate on any one race(although my lead party has been known to only
contain humans). Usually, 3 humans, a mystic, and either a mecha or
monster make a good 5 man combination.

When using human characters, it is important to spend the time to build their
attributes and train them in their abilites as soon as possible. When you
get a new human character, it is usually weak as piss and should be leveled
up as soon as possible. Otherwise, this character will die in every other
battle. Usually, I start training my human characters intensively as soon as
I have built a 5 person group. Also, is is important to have 2 or 3 good
parties, so your humans can regain their WP while resting. Without WP, a
human loses its advantages over the other races.

Save up enough money to buy them some good armor. The merchant in Koorong
sells an armor called "Powered suit", placing two of these on your mecha
not only gains you substantial HP and stats, but you also get an instant 99
DEF rating. A few circuit boards never hurt either. As a weapon, find the
sword or gun which gives you the most important attribute increases. Weapons
with innate special attacks are also useful, since this allows you to have
another ability at your disposal which a mech sorely needs. Whenever there
are mecha in the enemy party, try to use your mechs so you can absorb the
enemy programs. Some of the mecha abilities are insanely useful, whereas
others are virtually useless, so choose your equipped abilities with

As soon as possible, absorb the best monsters you can into the equipment of
your mystic. With the high stats you can gain this way, a mystic's other
abilities become much more powerful. Concentrate especially on the
quickness, intelligence, and will scores, because mystics are best used as
mages. You can get some cool attacks from each monster to use with your
mystic weapons, but normally gaining the best stats is more important, IMHO.
Each monster has 3 abilities you can gain on your weapons, 1 for each sword,
glove, and boots. Some good enemies are the Suzaku(phoenix things), Dullahan
(the headless horsemen) and any type of dragon. A complete list(almost) is

The best way to increase a monster's abilities over the long run is to absorb
every enemy you can, especially newer ones or ones that have useful attacks.
Even if a monster is very weak, it still may have an ability that you have
never absorbed, and that is worth more HP to your monster. Often your
monster will transform into a powerful creature, only to turn back into a
slime the next battle, but in order to gain more HP in the long run you must
absorb those new abilities. Make sure to move abilities you want to keep out
of the bottom slot of your ability screen, since this is the spot that is
replaced by new abilities. Some abilities should be actively sought out,
since they make a monster very useful(such as Magicheal, the best monster
ability I've seen). Usually you want to have one powerful single-enemy
attack for bosses(such as Silf), one powerful multi-enemy attack to clear
out large groups (Maelstrom, Heatwave), a protective barrier(Fire/Ice/Bolt
barrier), a healing ability(Magicheal or Life Rain), and an instant death
attack(Deathtouch, Deathgaze) for annoyingly powerful normal enemies. Once
you've spent some time hunting down the right abilities, a monster becomes
quite powerful(though still not able to take a beating nearly as well as any
other race). As for equipment, try to equip accessories which protect against
certain attack forms rather than for total defense power. Your monster will
always have low DEF, live with it, and give it items that allow it to survive
powerful water, death, fire, bolt, sonic, etc. attacks. This allows it to
have a role in battles with powerful enemies(if a monster is immune to water
and has Magicheal, it can save your ass in battle with a Kraken, same goes
for a monster immune to sonic when fighting an enemy with Oscillation).
Once you have your monster's HP and reportoire of attacks to the desired
level, then find the enemy whose form you want to assume, and absorb the hell
out of it until you have at least 3 of its abilites. Once you've done this
long enough, you may become that monster. If not, you probably cannot assume
that monster's form. Some good enemies to become are the Trisaurjr(strong),
Chimera(very strong), the Gelatin(high resistance to attacks), and
Suzakujr(flies, high HP, good attacks and strength). The best is probably
the kraken, it has the highest HP and vitality.
Note you must keep the abilities equipped in order to become the monster you
want under normal circumstances(sometimes you get lucky).

Learning Abilities

The methods used to learn new abilities are different for each race.
Monsters and mecha learn through absorption, and Mystics learn their
mystic weapons by using the mystic weapons that they currently have.
They learn magic the same way as humans. By far, the most difficult class
to learn abilities for is humans.

To learn a new sword or fighting tech, a human uses another sword or fighting
tech that it already has, or uses the base attack(sword, punch). Occasionally
a lightbulb will appear over the character's head, and voila! you perform a
new attack. This attack costs no WP, and it is put on your Equip Ability
screen so you can use it at the cost of WP from that point on. Usually the
best way to learn a new ability is by using the basic attack, but some can
only be learnt(or are learnt much more quickly) by using another attack that
is related to it. For instance, to learn a new fighting tech, it is best
to use Air Throw as your base attack to learn other throws, and Kick as your
base attack to learn other kicks. With swords, to learn Galeslash quickly,
use Swallowswing, etc. This is not an exact science, and there is some
randomness involved. The more powerful the enemy, the more likely you will
learn a technique, but there are no guarantees how long it may take. Also,
having a crown in combat abilities makes learning sword and fighting techs
easier. Here are some guidelines if you are having trouble learning techs:

1. Make sure there is free space on your inventory of abilities for the
new ability to appear, or else you will learn nothing.
2. Fight more powerful enemies, since this makes learning much faster.
3. Equip two swords in order to learn the two sword techs. These are
learned the same as any other tech, but you will never get them unless you
have two swords equipped.
4. Equip a katana to learn the katana techs. Certain swords are labelled
"Katana" or "can use sword technique". These weapons have a few attacks that
the normal swords cannot do. If you want these, you must attack with the
5. In fighting, use the base attack that matches what you want to learn.
To learn a new throw, use Air Throw, or Kick to learn a new kick.
6. Try using a different attack as your base attack. I will provide a
list of all the attacks that frequently lead into new techs, but if you
discover something easier, let me know and you get full credit on this page.
7. To learn the very advanced sword techs, I have found that it helps to
use a powerful sword. This seems to speed up the process slightly.
8. Your character must be at a certain level in order to learn the
very powerful attacks. Don't expect to get LifeSprinkler if you only have
250 HP and a 15 strength.
9. Have all your human characters train together. This is best because
if one character learns a new attack, the other characters are more likely
to get the same attack in the same battle, often one right after the other.

If you still can't learn the new attack, then you probably just need to keep
trying. Eventually it will probably happen. The above tips speed it up,
but the learning of specific techs is difficult and takes a while, usually.

Sword Tech List

--Stun Slash: 0 WP
This does low damage and stuns one enemy. Not too useful, but you get it
--Double Slash: 1 WP
You get this one soon too. Does double damage of a normal attack and combos
easily with other low level attacks.
--Hard Slash: 2 WP
More useful against large bosses than Double slash, because it combos with
itself. Have your whole party use it and this weak attack becomes
moderately powerful.
--Thrust: 2 WP
Barely better than a normal attack, but is the base for learning more
powerful techs.
--Cross Slash: 2 WP---double sword tech
Does good damage for a cheap attack. Use Double Slash with two swords
equipped to learn this quickly.
--Smash: 3 WP
A little more powerful than Cross Slash. Use Double slash to learn this
--Swallow Swing: 2 WP
A long range attack that is good against enemies with barriers. Combos
--Thunder Thrust: 2 WP
Thrust, only more so. Use Thrust to learn this tech.
--Heaven/Hell: 3 WP
Powerful attack which may stun your opponent.
--Wheel Slash: 4 WP
A long range attack that hits a wedge-shaped area. More powerful than
Swallow Swing.
--Willow Branch: 4 WP
Not as good as other mid-level attacks, but used to learn some powerful
upper-level ones.
--Deflect: 1 WP
If this is equipped, your character will sometimes jump in front of
enemy attacks and block them for himself and other characters. Very
useful tech.
--Bear Crush: 5 WP
A powerful attack that is good at finishing combos. Use Smash to learn it
--Dead End: 6 WP
A 3-hit attack that sometimes causes instant death. Use Thunder Thrust to
learn this quickly.
--Head Wind: 5 WP
Powerful single enemy attack.
--Triple Thrust: 7 WP
Very powerful single enemy attack. Fighting powerful enemies is the best
way to learn it.
--Kasumi: 4 WP
In response to a physical attack, your character spins back and retaliates
with a 2 hit combo. Extremely useful. A character with this and Deflect
is almost immune to physical attack(esp. if they have a shield).
--NoMoment: 7 WP
High power single enemy attack. Causes them to be distracted(their back
is turned). Use Head Wind to learn it quickly. This attack is unblockable.
--Gale Slash: 5 WP
Powerful attack that hits all enemies. Use Swallow Swing to learn it
--2Gale Slash: 5 WP---double sword tech
Just like Gale Slash, only with two swords and twice the damage. Use Gale
Slash to learn this useful one.
--Turbid Current: 7 WP
You split into 5 replicas, then converge on your opponent for a powerful
attack. Using a sword that is not a katana seems to make you learn this.
If using a katana, then try using ShadowCounter.
--Godless: 5 WP
Just like Kasumi, except that you do a 5 hit counterattack and it is not
automatic(you command your character to do it at the beginning of the
round). Use Kasumi to learn this one.
--Shadow Counter: 4 WP---Katana tech
A powerful, cool-looking attack.
--Blizzard: 6 WP---Katana tech
A freezing snowstorm attack. Use Shadow Counter to get it.
--Still Stream: 7 WP
A good attack for combos. Decent power.
--CrossDeflect: 1 WP---Double sword tech
A very good defensive maneuver, making a character extremely difficult to
hit. Not automatic like Deflect. Use Deflect w/ 2 swords to get this.
--Moonlight Cut: 4 WP---Katana tech
A pretty attack, with moderate usefulness.
--RisingNova: 7 WP
A very powerful attack which causes the enemy to explode into flame. Use
Willow Branch to get this.
--Rosario Impale: 8 WP
A downward thrust in the shape of a cross. Extra damaging against undead.
Use Triple Thrust to learn this.
--Tres Flores: 9 WP---Katana tech
The prettiest attack of all, but not useful enough to warrant the high WP
cost. Use Blizzard to get this.
--Haze-to-Wheel: 9 WP
A bigger version of Wheel Slash that hits all enemies. Use Wheel Slash to
learn this.
--Life Sprinkler: 10 WP
The ultimate sword attack in which you split into 4 forms and beat the
crap out of your opponent. Not easy to learn, but Turbid Current may
make it faster. Use a sword that is not a katana. Note that this
attack cannot be blocked.
--Kaiser Wing: 1 WP---Alkaiser only
A moderately powerful strike, only to be used by Alkaiser. Long range.
--Kaiser Smash: 4 WP---Alkaiser only
A little better than Kaiser Wing at close range.

Fighting Tech List

--Kick: 0 WP
No better than punch, but helps you learn better kicks.
--Air Throw: 1 WP
An attack that stuns. Good for learning powerful throws.
--Sway Back: 1 WP
You lean back to avoid attack. If this occurs before you attack, then
your punch will immediately occur and cause extra damage.
--Suplex: 4 WP
A body-slam that stuns. Use Air Throw to get it.
--Sliding: 2 WP
An attack that stuns. Misses flying enemies. Combos with itself for big
--Chop: 1 WP
A weak attack that blinds enemies. Not too useful.
--Rolling Cradle: 2 WP
King's move from Tekken 3. Not nearly as powerful as in that game, though.
Stuns opponent. Learn by using Air Throw.
--Fist: 3 WP
A good moderate attack that combos with itself.
--Backfist: 2 WP
Another moderately damaging move that causes your opponent to lose a lot of
--Crush Beat: 4 WP
You run over to the opponent and punch them a few times. Not too great.
Use Backfist to get it.
--Rotation Kick: 3 WP
A fairly powerful wheel kick. Use Kick to get it.
--Babel Crumble: 5 WP
A frankensteiner throw. Use Air throw to learn it. Stuns opponent.
--Triangle Kick: 7 WP
A kick that jumps off the wall. Good power attack. Use Kick to get it.
--Ogre Run: 5 WP
A wave is sent along the ground, throwing enemies. Misses flying enemies.
--Scuffle: 4 WP
You throw your opponent off the screen and commence to roughing them up.
Pretty good attack.
--Locomotion G: 5 WP
Suplex your opponent 5-8 times, stunning them and causing a lot of damage.
Use Air Throw or Suplex to get it.
--Giant Swing: 6 WP
A throw which sometimes causes instant death. Use Air Throw to get it.
--KO Throw: 2 WP
A counterattack in which you grab an enemy punch and reverse it.
--Dragon Turn: 3 WP
Just like KO Throw, only reverses kicks.
--Corkscrew: 9 WP
Makes a triangle around your opponent, where dragons come out and hit them.
Use Triangle Kick to get this one.
--Gold Hand: 6 WP
Your Fist of the North Star tactics are upgraded to an attack which causes
the enemy to explode into a ball of light. Use Fist to get this.
--Last Shot: 9 WP
A very pretty attack which is also very damaging.
--DSC: 18 WP
The most powerful attack in the game by far. Causes 10-20 thousand points
of damage and makes those annoying end bosses a snap. Is not learned like
a normal tech, however. First, you must learn Sliding, Suplex, Babel
Crumble, and Giant Swing. Then equip them all. In battle, DSC will be
available at the bottom of the tech list. Your character will slide, babel
crumble, suplex, then randomly may giant swing, and if you're really
lucky suplex again.
--Bright Fist: 0 WP---Alkaiser only
A decent free tech.
--SparklingRoll: 2 WP---Alkaiser only
Alkaiser backfists the enemy twice. Use Bright Fist to get it.
--FlashTurn: 4 WP---Alkaiser only
Looks a lot like the Fist attack. Use Bright Fist to get it.
--AL-Blaster: 2 WP---Alkaiser only
Alkaiser's long range attack. Does magic damage. Use Bright Fist to get it.
--Shining Kick: 1 WP---Alkaiser only
A kick that is powered by the Alkaiser armor. Use Bright Fist to get it.
--DeflectLance: 5 WP---Alkaiser only
Looks a lot like TriangleKick. Use ShiningKick to get it.
--Final Crusade: 2 WP---Alkaiser only
Get it after beating Shuzer. Heals the other party members.
Costs 1 LP.
--AL-Phoenix: 7 WP---Alkaiser only
A powerful flaming attack. Use Bright Fist to get it.
--Re-AL-Phoenix: 10 WP---Alkaiser only
AL-Phoenix, only more so. The most powerful fighting tech other than DSC.
Must be gotten in the battle with MBlackIII. Use Al-Phoenix on him after
he uses his Dark Phoenix attack.

To learn a new Gun or Magic Tech, the rules are different. These techs do
not require a free space on the ability screen, because they go directly into
the category and must be equipped. Unlike sword & fighting techs, these
are learned after the battle is complete. To learn gun techs, you must
use a normal gun(not a cannon-type gun), because if a gun cannot use the
tech, then you will not learn it. Using more powerful attacks generally
speeds up the learning process. Fight exclusively using the gun and you
should quickly learn all the gun techs(there are not very many).

Gun Tech List
--Sharp Shot: 2 WP
Slightly more powerful than a normal attack.
--Focus Shot: 4 WP
The most powerful single enemy attack outside of combos.
--Total Shot: 4 WP
Attacks all enemies for decent damage.
--Trick Shot: 2 WP
Damages enemies that are strong against guns by shooting rocks off the
ceiling onto them. Not too great.
--Reaction Shot: 3 WP
Causes you to go on defense. You will immediately respond to any physical
attack by firing a powerful counter. You take no damage from this.
--Stun Shot: 1 WP
Attempts to stun all enemies.
--Cross Shot: 5 WP
An attack that is good against undead. Easily combos with itself. If all
5 characters use this, it will almost certainly create a combo for over
10 thousand points of damage.
--Bound Shot: 5 WP
A powerful shot that rebounds off the wall. Combos well, good damage.
If used in a combo, the most damaging gun tech.
--Quick Draw: 0 WP
If this is equipped, then the first time you use your gun in battle, you
will automatically go first.
--Twogun: 0 WP
Allows you to equip two guns. All gun techs and attacks now do double

To learn new magic, you must first have the gift for the type of magic you
are trying to learn. The methods to get these gifts will be covered later.
If you have the gift, then a star will appear beside the type of magic that
you have the gift for on your equip ability screen. If you don't have the
gift, you can only buy magic, you will never learn it through battle. Once
you have the gift, you simply use the spells of that magic type in combat.
Using that type of magic exclusively speeds up the process, as well as having
a crown for magic on your ability screen. There are not many spells in each
category, and half of them can be bought, so learning magic shouldn't take
long. The magic list will be done in the section dealing with magic.

To learn a new dodge tech is probably the most inconvenient process of them
all. In order to learn a certain dodge, you must be attacked by the enemy
attack you wish to dodge. Occasionally, as the enemy attacks, a lightbulb
appears and you dodge the attack. This requires you to have an empty space
on your ability list, as it goes directly onto the list(like a sword or
fighting tech). Now you are virtually immune to that type of attack.
Note that even if you learn the dodge from a very weak enemy, it will work
against the same type of attack from any enemy. Certain dodges are invaluable
to your survival against some of the end-bosses, whereas others might as well
not even exist since you are usually immune to that attack anyway. Note that
the more often the enemy attacks the character in the same fashion, the more
likely you will learn to dodge. Also, you are more likely to learn against
powerful enemies. However, there is no way to control what the enemy will do
to you or who he will do it to, so learning these techs is a matter of luck.
If you really want a certain dodge, then find a relatively weak enemy who can
perform the attack you wish to dodge, then put yourself on defense and heal
yourself while it attacks. After a while, someone will probably get the
dodge. The enemy "Unknown" is very good for learning DodgeFlash(sucks) and
DodgeGaze(very useful). All the dodges that I have ever seen in my play
are listed here. Note that trying to get all these for all your characters
will cause you to lose a lot of sanity, so just get the important ones on a
few guys and leave it at that. I think this list is done now, but tell me
if you know of any more.

Dodge Tech List
Avoids Bloodsucker, HP Drain, and FireKiss.
Avoids Needle, Poison Needle.
Avoids Flash.
Avoids Trample attacks.
Avoids Thunderbolts.
Avoids Gale Slash, Gale Attack.
Avoids Spore attacks.
Avoids touch attacks(Ghosttouch, Gremlintouch).
Avoids Wing and Hellwing, as well as Gliderspike.
Avoids all gaze attacks(Charmgaze, Stonegaze, Stungaze, Deathgaze).
Avoids all nets(Ectoplasnet, Spidernet, Bladenet).
Avoids body attacks(Tackle, Dash).
Avoids Tail, Tailhit.
Avoids DeathGrip.
Avoids Seduction, Pheromone.
Avoids Rock.
Avoids Quake, Tremor.

Here I will list the monster abilities and mech abilities that I have seen,
as well as the enemies that I got the monster abilities from. As far as I can
tell, mecha learn random abilities not based upon the enemy that they absorb,
but if I find differently I'll list that too. These are too numerous
and my memory isn't good enough to describe them all, so I'll rate them with
asterisks in order of usefulness.
* - useless
** - useful in rare situations
*** - useful often
**** - always keep this one

The only abilities that I know you can get every time from the same enemy
Virus: from the viruses in the virtual reality world in HQ(T260G's chapter)
DragonProgram: From MBlackII(Red's Chapter) or the BigDigger that uses
Maelstrom in T260G's chapter(where you hit all the switches)
TigerProgram: From MBlack(Red's Chapter) or the MecGod(in the Doomsday
Machine, T260G's chapter)

Mecha Ability List(Alphabetized)
Combat Mastery: 0 WP----- **
Counter ECM: 0 WP-------- *
Crosshair: 3 WP---------- **
DragonProgram: 0 WP------ **
--If you have this in combination with an OctopusBoard, your mech can
use the Maelstrom special attack.
EnergySupply: 0 WP------- ***
Evasion Bullet: 0 WP----- **
Evasion Laser: 0 WP------ **
Evasion Rocket: 0 WP----- **
HypnoFlash: 2 WP--------- **
InterceptSystem: 0 WP---- **
--Your mech will counterattack a physical attack with missiles.
Jammer: 1 WP------------- *
KAMIKAZE-Crush: 4 WP----- ***
--You use 1 LP to ram the enemy with a powerful attack.
Logic Bomb: 4 WP--------- **
Magnify: 15 WP----------- ****
--This causes any laser weapon to do tremendous damage, but the weapon
will then be useless for the rest of the battle.
Maxwell Program: 0 WP---- *
MecSonata: 4 WP---------- **
Plural Slash: 5 WP------- ****
Pop-Knight: 10 WP-------- ****
RangeFire: 3 WP---------- **
Satellite Linker: 7 WP--- ***
--After using the bit system, use this to make the bits fire a powerful
(2000-3000 damage) laser at all enemies.
Self Repair: 0 WP-------- ***
Shock Soldier: 8 WP------ ***
Shoot-All: 24 WP--------- **
--Your mech will fire all of the ammo out of its cannons and guns.
Not as damaging as the WP cost and ammo consumption would indicate.
Shooting Mastery: 0 WP--- **
TigerProgram: 0 WP------- ***
--If you have this in combination with an OctopusBoard, you can use the
TigerRampage attack.
Virus: 0 WP-------------- **
--This allows you to use Jammer and LogicBomb if you have a SecretBoard.

Monster Ability List(alphabetized)
--Acid Breath: 3 WP-------- *
From Slugger, Trapvine, Gaeatoad
--Arctic Breath: 3 WP------ *
From Banshee, Ettin, Genbu, Snowfolk, Iceworm
--Assist: 2 WP------------- ***
From Mellow
--BattleSong: 3 WP--------- *
From SpearValkyrie
--Beak: 0 WP--------------- *
From Axebeak, Pickbird, Platoonpus, Cockatrice, Platyking
--Beat: 0 WP--------------- *
From Gunfish, LivingGlove
--Beetlejuice: 4 WP-------- *
From Wormbrood, Manticore
--Blade: 1 WP-------------- *
From Giant, Harpy, SickleBug, Zyphon, FatDevil, Mystic, Living Sword, etc.
--BladeNet: 3 WP----------- **
From LivingSword, KillerBee
--Bloodsucker: 1 WP-------- *
From Rabbat, Banshee
--BoltBarrier: 0 WP-------- ****
From Gelatin
--BoltBlast: 5 WP---------- **
From Gelatin, Thundragon
--BoltBreath: 2 WP--------- *
From Gelatin, Thundragon, Minidragon
--BrainCrush: 3 WP--------- *
From Snakeman, Siren
--CentipedeCrush: 4 WP----- **
From Nidheg
--Charmgaze: 3 WP---------- **
From Mimic, Dullahan, Unknown, SwordValkyrie
--Chop: 1 WP--------------- *
From Zombie, Snakeman, Gremlin
--Claw: 0 WP--------------- *
From WonderDog, Snakeman, Red Dragon
--Coils: 5 WP-------------- *
From WhipJelly
--CounterFear: 0 WP-------- ***
From Lich
--Da-Dum: 1 WP------------- *
From Yeti, Rockbaboon
--DaggerJaw: 3 WP---------- *
From Ankheg, Gargoyle, LivingGlove
--Dash: 2 WP--------------- *
From LivingArmor, Wererhino, Razorback
--DeadlyMoss: 6 WP--------- *
From Lich
--Deathgaze: 4 WP---------- ****
From Unknown, LivingMirror, Demongoat
--Deathsynthesis: 0 WP----- ** (This restores HP only without sunlight)
From Lich, DeadKnight, Zombie, Ankheg, Skullasaurus, etc.
--Deathtouch: 4 WP--------- ****
From Lich
--DoubleAxe: 2 WP---------- *
From LivingAxe, Ogre, Minotaur, Rockbaboon
--Ectoplasnet: 4 WP-------- ****
From Gelatin, Ankheg
--ElfShot: 1 WP------------ *
From Wormbrood, Sprite, Darkfairy
--Fang: 0 WP--------------- *
From Minidragon, Wyvern, Gargoyle, Xeno, Razorback
--FangCrush: 2 WP---------- *
From Black Dragon, Genbu, Chimera, Dragonpup, Skullasaurus
--Feeler: 5 WP------------- **
From Kraken, Mollasite, Treant
--Feint: 4 WP-------------- *
From Straysheep, Ogre, Frillneck
--FireBarrier: 0 WP-------- ****
From Suzaku
--FireBreath: 3 WP--------- *
From Ettin, Suzaku, Red Dragon, Flamefolk, Dragon Pup, Hellhound, etc.
--FireKiss: 4 WP----------- ***
From Succubus, Lamia
--FlameBlast: 5 WP--------- **
From Red Dragon, Hellhound
--Flash: 0 WP-------------- *
From Unknown, Mystic, Sunflower
--GaleAttack: 3 WP--------- **
From Zyphon, Mystic, SickleBug, CrystalTree, DeadKnight
--GasFlame: 4 WP----------- ***
From Chimera, FatDevil, EarthDragon
--GhostTouch: 2 WP--------- *
From Ghost
--GliderSpike: 5 WP-------- **
From SpearValkyrie, Wyvern
--Grasp: 3 WP-------------- *
From Gaeatoad, EarthDragon
--GremlinTouch: 2 WP------- *
From Gremlin, Siren
--GriffithScratch: 7 WP---- ****
From Griffin, GriffinJr
--GroundHit: 5 WP---------- ****
From DeadKnight, Mystic, FatDevil, Scorpion
--Heal: 0 WP--------------- ***
From Butch, Razorback, KittyClawer, WonderDog
--Heatsmash: 3 WP---------- **
From Giant, Flamefolk
--Heatwave: 5 WP----------- **
From Suzaku, Zyphon
--Horn: 1 WP--------------- *
From Dragonpup, Basilisk, Trisaur, Unicorn, Armorpilla, etc.
--HP Drain: 4 WP----------- **
From Ankheg, DeathLord, Tanzer, DeadKnight
--Hypnotism: 0 WP---------- *
From Aperider, Ghost
--IceBarrier: 0 WP--------- ****
From Snowfolk
--IceSmash: 3 WP----------- **
From Snowfolk, LiquidMetal
--IllStorm: 4 WP----------- **
From Furdo, Gelatin
--Ink: 1 WP---------------- *
From Kraken, Devilsquid
--Kick: 0 WP--------------- *
From Frillneck, Gekko, Aperider, PrimaBronza
--Kusanagi: 3 WP----------- **
From DeathLord
--Kylin's Song: 3 WP------- **
From Kylin
--Life Rain: 4 WP---------- ****
From Unicorn
--LightBall: 2 WP---------- *
From Darkfairy, SwordValkyrie, IceCrystal, SpearValkyrie
--Lullaby: 2 WP------------ **
From Straysheep, Succubus
--MadAttack: 3 WP---------- *
From Butch
--Maelstrom: 8 WP---------- ***
From Kraken
--MagicHeal: 5 WP---------- ****(*******) Get this, it'll save your life.
From Wormbrood, Unicorn, Mellow
--MagneticStorm: 7 WP------ ****
From CrystalTree
--MightyCyclone: 6 WP------ ****
From Kraken, Iceworm
--MinionStrike: 6 WP------- **
From DeathLord
--Needles: 0 WP------------ *
From Manticore, Cactus, CrystalTree, Gargoyle
--Oscillation: 6 WP-------- ***
From Living Sword, SickleBug, CrystalTree
--PainPowder: 2 WP--------- *
From Harpy, Battlefly, Nightshade
--Petrify: 6 WP------------ ***
From Zeroworm, Cockatrice
--Pheromone: 4 WP---------- **
From Battlefly
--Photosynthesis: 0 WP----- ** (This restores HP only with sunlight)
From Sunflower, Treant
--PoisonGas: 1 WP---------- *
From FatDevil, Basilisk
--PoisonGrip: 3 WP--------- *
From SonicBat, Zombie
--PoisonGun: 1 WP---------- *
From HugeSlime, Wormbrood
--PoisonMist: 5 WP--------- **
From Darkfairy, Furdo
--PoisonNeedle: 5 WP------- **
From Scorpion, Wyvern
--Powerbeat: 4 WP---------- ***
From Chimera, Wererhino
--Psychout: 0 WP----------- *
From Rocky
--Quake: 5 WP-------------- **
From Wererhino, Earth Dragon
--Quicksand: 3 WP---------- ***
From Slugger, Cockatrice
--Rock: 2 WP--------------- *
From Wererhino, Platoonpus
--Sacred Song: 6 WP-------- **
From Suzaku, DeathLord, Sphinx
--SadSong: 3 WP------------ *
From Scorpion, Succubus
--Scissors: 0 WP----------- *
From Iceworm, Scorpion, Zeroworm
--Scream: 4 WP------------- **
From SonicBat, Banshee, Skullasaurus
--Seduction: 3 WP---------- **
From Lamia
--SeedVulcan: 1 WP--------- *
From LivingRifle, Sunflower, Fishman
--Silf: 5 WP--------------- **
From SpearValkyrie, Airfolk
--Siren: 7 WP-------------- ****
From Siren, Ghostrider
--SleepGas: 2 WP----------- *
From Mandrake
--Solvent: 0 WP------------ *
From Slime, BigSlime, HugeSlime
--SphinxRiddle: 7 WP------- ***
From Sphinx
--SpiderNet: 1 WP---------- *
From Sporepile, Armorpilla
--Spoil: 2 WP-------------- *
From Slime, Butch, Zeroworm, Mollasite
--Spore: 1 WP-------------- *
From Shrieker, Sporepile
--Stampede: 4 WP----------- **
From Dullahan, Frillneck, Chariot, Unicorn
--Stinger: 3 WP------------ *
From Butch, KillerBee
--StinkGas: 2 WP----------- **
From Manticore, Slugger
--StoneGas: 6 WP----------- ***
From Black Dragon, CrystalTree
--Stonegaze: 5 WP---------- ***
From Basilisk
--Stungaze: 1 WP----------- *
From Unknown, Nightshade, Aperider
--StunTouch: 0 WP---------- *
From IceCrystal, FireCrystal, Airfolk
--Supersonic: 2 WP--------- *
From Quakeworm, Rabbat, Ghostrider, Sonicbat, Platoonpus, Ettin
--Sweep: 1 WP-------------- *
From WhipJelly, Trapvine, Platoonpus
--Tackle: 1 WP------------- *
From Straysheep, WhipJelly, LivingAxe
--Tailhit: 3 WP------------ *
From Trisaur, Lamia
--Thrust: 0 WP------------- *
From Mellow, Killerbee, Sprite, LivingLance
--Thunderbolt: 3 WP-------- **
From OgreLord, Fishman, Siren, Genbu
--TitasWave: 6 WP---------- **
From Zyphon, Black Dragon, Giant, SickleBug
--Tornado: 5 WP------------ **
From Genbu
--Trample: 4 WP------------ *
From OgreLord, Trisaur, Chimera, Demongoat
--Tremor: 5 WP------------- *
From Shrieker, Zeroworm, Ankheg, Axebeak, Trisaur
--TripGas: 4 WP------------ *
From Shrieker
--WaterCannon: 1 WP-------- *
From Mellow, Undine, Gekko, Gunfish, Fishman
--Windblast: 5 WP---------- **
From Wyvern, Airfolk, Sphinx
--Wing: 1 WP--------------- *
From Minidragon, Battlefly, Airfolk, Sphinx, Straysheep, etc.

Monsters can change into several forms. All the forms that I have seen and
their base HP(before adding the HP gained by absorbing new abilities) and
their base stats before equipment is listed here.

Monster Forms List(Alphabetized)
Ankheg 305 4 94 52 57 51 19 46 29 57 13 42
Armorpilla 160 6 40 24 17 6 3 22 15 27 15 18
Axebeak 310 5 100 44 49 38 17 34 29 37 38 9
Battlefly 300 6 106 50 31 47 16 40 37 46 45 15
BigSlime 240 8 26 32 12 3 9 23 24 30 4 17
Butch 460 6 124 76 51 63 44 62 37 48 44 30
Cactus 100 6 14 18 4 2 7 13 8 11 7 8
Chimera 540 6 162 84 75 64 48 67 46 73 57 40
Cockatrice 405 5 132 76 55 61 28 47 67 39 55 27
CrystalTree 440 6 162 116 64 38 55 88 79 80 72 25
DeadKnight 250 4 98 48 42 34 24 41 24 40 41 42
DeathLord 280 4 98 58 41 34 34 40 34 44 40 54
DragonPup 210 5 64 36 21 28 19 20 26 17 32 25
FrillNeck 310 6 84 38 35 33 29 28 12 36 32 22
Gaeatoad 395 6 78 48 44 12 40 38 8 68 16 38
Gekko 125 6 20 6 6 8 3 1 1 12 7 8
Gelatin 430 8 110 84 32 36 16 74 68 99 28 12
Genbu 515 7 144 78 64 38 62 52 34 66 60 45
Ghost 130 4 28 30 14 16 13 22 16 12 8 24
Harpy 255 5 94 36 27 32 24 22 18 28 51 9
Hellhound 345 6 78 46 46 40 22 37 24 26 22 17
Iceworm 460 6 162 74 60 69 27 72 41 82 58 50
KillerBee 210 6 66 34 18 33 9 28 21 29 26 15
kraken 640 8 166 74 78 54 62 53 26 90 56 19
KylinJr. 540 6 150 128 52 71 90 48 70 41 82 41
LiquidMetal 350 8 100 64 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 37
LivingAxe 115 5 24 16 9 7 1 4 18 13 11 14
LivingLance 165 5 36 26 15 14 3 9 31 14 16 24
LivingSword 340 5 86 56 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 30
Lummox 60 10 16 12 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6
Mandrake 200 10 32 0 17 15 25 32 29 23 25 20
Manticore 400 6 104 54 64 41 31 48 20 48 29 34
Nidheg 280 4 92 34 59 63 13 32 14 37 13 35
Nightshade 265 6 76 70 34 20 38 49 43 36 31 15
Ogre 220 10 40 28 27 11 16 12 20 24 9 16
OgreLord 430 10 122 66 69 41 48 37 39 78 29 47
Platoonpus 245 6 76 30 28 25 20 22 9 28 37 5
Rabbat 150 5 42 28 11 23 9 15 22 9 21 12
Razorback 230 6 70 28 25 22 14 24 11 33 31 14
Rocky 110 6 22 12 8 6 4 8 3 10 11 9
Scorpion 260 6 76 42 32 21 12 37 26 44 28 22
Shrieker 390 6 142 102 53 42 52 75 68 56 68 42
Skeleton 65 4 22 16 11 8 3 15 4 15 6 20
Skullasaurus 390 4 132 78 71 61 37 77 34 40 47 52
Slime 130 10 26 28 8 6 7 22 24 28 4 21
SonicBat 320 6 84 54 26 47 13 49 37 36 31 33
Sphinx 455 5 140 90 43 58 94 33 46 51 64 27
Sporepile 150 6 38 32 12 6 14 19 21 18 21 13
SunFlower 350 6 114 88 44 25 47 62 59 54 54 26
SuzakuJr. 495 5 182 80 56 78 45 51 57 66 82 41
Tidi 220 7 46 20 16 31 12 22 13 16 21 24
Trapvine 220 6 64 54 26 16 27 37 34 30 28 15
Treant * 300 6 108 88 41 23 50 55 62 50 52 27
TrisaurJr. 450 7 122 50 63 49 31 39 21 55 40 30
UnicornJr. 320 5 142 86 46 61 70 45 49 35 71 33
Unknown 300 8 56 82 22 24 62 48 46 32 17 9
WhipJelly 200 8 48 40 16 20 16 21 33 26 18 13
Wyvern 360 5 120 64 53 60 26 45 49 29 50 27
Zombie 185 4 40 22 28 6 2 34 1 44 1 16

* The Treant form has the item ShadeRobe(only in battle). It heals HP.

Mystics get certain abilities based upon which weapon they absorbed the mon-
ster into and what monster they absorb. This will be listed in the enemy
list section.

Magic in the world of SF is classified into several schools. Almost
all the schools of magic have an opposite school, and if you have magic from
one school you must give it up to learn magic of the opposite school. In
order to learn new spells and be a master of a particular school of magic,
you must obtain the gift for that magic. This can normally be inquired about
at the shop where you buy the magic. Some gifts are easy to get, some are
hard, and some are annoying. Some of the character's main quests involve the
earning of these gifts, and almost all characters are advised to do so as
magic is a very helpful tool in SF. Here is each type of magic, where to
get it, where to get the gift, and its opposite. The specifics about getting
each gift will be dealt with in the walkthrough section.

Magic Ability List(spells that require the gift are marked with *)

Light Magic

Buy at: Luminous
Get gift at: Luminous
Opposite: Shadow

--StarlightHeal: 2 JP
This spell restores HP to any one party member. It works on mecha, but
to a lesser degree. Very useful, as healing spells usually are. The main
advantage of Light Magic.
--SunRay: 1 JP
This spell attacks one enemy with a sunbeam. Does extra damage against
undead opponents. If you have 6 magic abilities equipped then it is free
to cast, but a pretty weak spell overall.
--FlashFlood: 5 JP
This spell attempts to instantly kill all your enemies by sweeping them away
in a flood. The low success rate of this makes it less useful than it
--FlashFire: 4 JP
This spell damages all enemies with fire. Not very damaging, but clears out
large groups of lower-level enemies. Also may blind the enemies.
--Light Sword: 7 JP *
This spell creates a sword with extremely high attacking power to use in
battle. Not a very useful spell unless you don't have the money yet to buy
the best swords for the character. In that case, this is good to deal out
damage to large bosses.
--MegaWindBlast: 9 JP *
The other reason, besides StarlightHeal, to get Light magic. Probably the
most powerful mass attack spell. Hits all enemies with 1000-3000 damage,
depending on the power of the caster.

Shadow Magic

Buy at: Luminous
Get gift at: Omble
Opposite: Light

--PowerGrab: 1 JP
This spell steals a small amount of HP from the target. Allows you to
regain a few lost HP, and is free if you have a crown in magic, but does
too little damage to be extremely useful.
--HideBehind: 1 JP
This spell causes you to appear behind your opponent, tap their shoulder,
and run away. They turn around to face that way. Characters who attack
while the enemy's back is turned do slightly more damage and have a much
higher hit rate. Pretty much completely useless. Combos with itself
though. You should see that at least once, it's pretty comical.
--ShadowNet: 3 JP
This spell paralyzes all of the enemies. Actually pretty useful if used
against the right enemies who are vulnerable to paralysis. Probably the
best low level Shadow magic.
--DarkSphere: 4 JP *
This spell attacks one enemy with a large sphere of dark energy. Fairly
powerful(500-1500 damage) and combos with itself. If two or three people
cast it together, then the damage adds up. Still, there are much better
sources of magic damage out there.
--ShadowServant: 9 JP *
The only real reason to bother with Shadow magic. This useful spell creates
a shadow that overlays the caster. It repeats every action you perform,
guaranteeing a level 2 combo with whatever attack you use. This is very
useful against big bosses. In addition, the shadow servant will protect the
caster from 1 attack, destroying the servant but keeping the caster safe
from damage. If you always have a shadow servant active, then you can
nullify any attacks toward that character while your JP lasts. You can only
have 1 shadow servant at a time. A shadow servant will not mimic DSC, I
guess they figured that would be too powerful.

Note: Of these two, I consider Light magic to be superior in most cases.
The healing ability and MegaWindBlast are very useful. However, in the case
of characters who already have healing abilities(Dr. Nusakan, Measarthim,
etc.) or in characters that can master Time Magic(Blue/Rouge, TimeLord) I
recommend Shadow magic. Shadow Servant doubles the power of Overdrive, and
without the healing advantage, the Shadow Servant spell is very useful in
comparison to the MegaWindBlast(there are many other slightly less effective
mass-kill spells). However, no matter who it is, if you don't get the gift
don't bother with Shadow Magic. Shadow Servant is the only useful spell

Arcane Magic

Buy at: Devin
Get gift at: Collect all 4 Arcana Tarot
Opposite: Rune

--Saber: 1 JP
A decent, free spell(if you have a crown) to attack one enemy. Low damage,
but is good for learning the upper level spells if you have the gift.
--Shield: 3 JP
This spell raises the DEF rating of your entire party. Note that if you
use the spell more than once, the "DEF UP" signs will still show up but
the spell only actually works once. This spell also automatically comes
out before any enemies can attack. A useful spell for long battles. The
effect lasts until the end of the battle. If a character is knocked un-
conscious(loses all its HP) then it loses the benefits of Shield.
--Grail: 3 JP
This spell cures one party member of any status ailment. Useful against
enemies with petrify or charm attacks. It is a good idea to always have
at least 1 party member with this.
--Gold: 3 JP
This seemingly useless spell is actually not bad if used against enemies
that are susceptible to instant death. It has one of two effects.
The milder, useless one causes all the enemies to turn around, which is
like a HideBehind spell that affects all the enemies. Attacks on an enemy's
back have a slight damage and hit rate increase. Occasionally, however, the
spell will utterly destroy the creature because it chases the gold coins that
drop completely off the screen, and is never seen again. This happens
most often against one lone enemy. This spell gets rid of Chimeras,
Zeroworms, and other powerful monsters with ease.
--Magician: 7 JP *
This spell creates a shadow of the caster that appears randomly among your
ranks. It has an infinity symbol over its head(to differentiate it from
ones created by Mystic magic). If an enemy attacks it, then it is detroyed.
If the attack used was a close range attack, then the destroyed shadow
creates a vortex that sucks up and utterly destroys the unfortunate attacker.
This will not work on bosses, but it is valuable nontheless against enemies
that use powerful physical attacks. You can have up to 5 shadows on screen
at once.
--Death: 4 JP *
This spell summons grim reapers(one for each enemy) to attempt to instantly
kill all the enemies. Any enemy that is hit is destroyed, but for each
enemy that fails to be killed, the reapers come back and take 1 LP from the
caster. Moderately useful against single enemies, but don't use it against
a large group or you risk losing all your LP.
--Fool: 6 JP *
Your character does a funny dance, and from that point on the enemies
attack power is decreased. The spell's effect is lost if the caster is
ever knocked unconscious. Don't waste your time with this.
--Tower: All JP *
This spell takes away all of your JP to create an immensely powerful attack.
The more JP you have, the more damage is inflicted. This spell is your most
powerful source of damage(other than DSC). Unlike DSC, though, this spell
can go into combos for horrendous damage. If you plan to use a character in
a boss battle as a fighter or swordsman, then equip them with this and
let them blow all their JP first to soften up the target a bit.

Rune Magic

Buy at: Devin
Get gift at: Collect all 4 Rune stones
Opposite: Arcane

--Victory Rune: 1 JP
This rune causes one character in the party to gain more attacking power.
All their attacks will do about 1.25 times the original damage for the
remainder of the battle or until they are knocked unconscious(lose all their
HP). Free to cast if you have a crown, but not too great except to learn
better spells.
--Vitality Rune: 2 JP
This rune causes one character in the party to regenerate HP at the end of
each round. The number of HP gained is equal to about 1/8 of the max HP of
the affected character. Probably the most useful of the lower level runes.
In long battles this is a good source of a little extra healing. The effect
lasts until the end of the battle or until the affected character becomes
unconscious(loses all HP).
--Hide Rune: 2 JP
This spell causes one character to disappear from battle. The character is
immune to attack, but if it performs any action other than defense, then it
comes out of hiding and the spell is broken. This spell may be good for
keeping low level characters alive so they can gain power, but overall it is
a waste of time. Heal the wounded character instead. Note that a hidden
character may still be hit by attacks that hit all characters. A hidden
character may affect itself without coming out of hiding(healing, Victory
Rune, etc.).
--Freedom Rune: 4 JP
The character that this rune is inscribed over is protected from petrify,
parlysis, and sleep until the end of the battle or until they are knocked
--Wall Rune: 8 JP *
This spell erects a protective barrier around one character. Any long range
attacks(bullets, lasers, rockets, etc.) fired on the character will destroy
the barrier instead of hurting the character. If the shield could take
more damage, or if it affected the whole party, this might be a good spell.
As it is, it is forever condemned to rot in the unused ability list. I don't
see why it is a higher level spell.
--Dwarf Rune: 8 JP *
This spell reduces the attack power of one enemy. Another spell that is a
waste of time except against very powerful enemies. Even then, there is
probably some better use of your time and JP.
--Soul Rune: 7 JP *
This spell raises all of the caster's abilities, making him/her faster,
stronger, more intelligent, etc.. If the caster is knocked unconscious, the
spell is broken. Handy in long battles, but this spell is not really that
great normally.
--Stasis Rune: All JP *
This spell causes the caster and the affected enemy to go into stasis, a
condition where neither can perform any action or be affected in any way.
This lasts longer the more JP you use. If you are badly wounded against a
boss, use this so the remaining characters can heal up, I suppose. That
is one use for it, although I don't know if its worth the cost of all your
JP to perform. The spell really only has one true use, and that is in
combination with the Time magic Overdrive. Only 2 characters in the game
(Blue/Rouge, and TimeLord) can have this spell, but once they do be sure to
give them Rune magic so they can get StasisRune. If you Overdrive, then as
the last command you give put the enemy and yourself in stasis, then you
will not lose all your JP and WP from the Overdrive! This means you can just
do it again once you come out of stasis. Also, after you come out of stasis,
the game will still think you are in Overdrive. This means that the affected
character can still attack 6-8 times every round. Note that magic and skills
used will still deplete WP and JP. Also, you still must pay the 10 JP for
the Overdrive. Any boss can be easily defeated using this technique.

Note: Of these two, I consider Arcane magic to be vastly superior to Rune
except in the case of TimeLord and Blue/Rouge. If a character has Overdrive,
then it is much better to give them Rune magic due to the Stasis Rune trick.

Mind Magic

Buy at: Kyo
Get gift at: Kyo
Opposite: Evil

--MindHeal: 2 JP
This useful spell allows the caster to completely refill his/her HP. Give
this to all the characters you can. It helps against enemies that can
use mass attacks that hurt your whole party badly. The more characters that
can heal themselves, the less work your healers have to do to prepare for
the next big attack. Probably the best Mind magic spell.
--Spellbound: 2 JP
This spell paralyzes one enemy. Only good in specific situations, but can
completely debilitate one enemy if used on the right enemy.
--Evaporate: 2 JP
This spell allows the caster to go into hiding. It has the same effect as
the Rune spell Hide Rune, except it can only affect the caster. If the
caster performs any action that affects another character, the spell is
broken. Not one of my favorites at all.
--LifeWave: 2 JP *
This spell attacks one enemy with a large yellow spear. Does very good
damage and ignores the defense level of the target. On the average, does
500-1500 damage to a single target.
--Awakening: 2 JP *
This spell causes all the stats of the caster to increase, making him/her
stronger, faster, more intelligent, etc.. Just like the Rune magic Soul
rune, except it can only affect the caster. Only good against large bosses
where the effect will last long enough to be noticed. The spell ends if
the affected character is knocked unconscious(loses all HP).

Evil Magic

Buy at: N/A(only Zozma can have this magic)
Get gift at: N/A(the gift for this magic does not exist)
Opposite: Mind

--RavaShot: 1 JP
A decent attack spell. Does little damage, though, and is probably not as
powerful as Zozma's normal attacks. Hits one enemy.
--PainDoubler: 1 JP
This spell does damage to all enemies equal to the amount of damage that
they have already suffered, up to a limit of 666. The spell can never do
more than 666 damage, and that is what limits its usefulness significantly.
I usually don't bother with this spell.
--Deathcurse: 4 JP
Just like the Arcane Death spell, except it only targets one enemy.
--SharpPain: 1 JP
This is by far the most powerful Evil spell and the reason that Zozma is one
of the best characters in SF. This spell attempts to stun all the enemies.
This does not sound useful, but the spell comes out before any enemies can
attack automatically, and it is almost 100% effective against enemies that
are vulnerable to stun! Having trouble with Dullahan? Crystal Trees
oscillating and kicking your ass? If Zozma uses this spell each round, then
these enemies will never get a chance to move and your other characters can
leisurely beat them up. This spell even works on some bosses, making them
completely harmless for the cost of only 1 JP each round.

Note: Of these two, Evil magic is the best due to the SharpPain spell.
However, since only one character can have it, Mind magic is the obvious
choice for most characters. Note that only humans can get Mind magic, and
that Blue/Rouge cannot get the gift for it until they fight near the end
of Blue's chapter.

Realm Magic

Buy at: Magic Kingdom
Get gift at: Only Blue/Rouge have the gift
Opposite: Mystic

--EnergyChain: 1 JP
Probably the best low-level single enemy attack spell in the game. It does
good damage at first. If it is used enough times, then the caster will
"level-up" this spell and the chain will begin to swirl around the enemies
after hitting them. At this point the spell will also paralyze the enemy.
Also, if you have a crown in magic this spell is free of charge. It is un-
known if other spells can "level-up" through use as this one does(some of
them definitely need to), but if I find something out, rest assured that it
will show up here.
--Implosion: 3 JP
Attacks a single enemy. More damaging than EnergyChain, and may cause
instant death of the enemy. The increased JP use makes it less useful on
the average, and the instant death effect is annoyingly rare. A good
cheap attack to use on large enemies that are vulnerable to instant death.
--PsychoArmor: 2 JP
This spell increases the PSY and VIT points of one character, making them
less vulnerable to magic and physical attack. This spell only works once,
even though the "PSY up" message will continue to appear. Only useful
against the end bosses where the battle will last long enough to see the
effect of the spell. It ends if the target character is knocked unconscious.
--Gate: 0 JP *
This spell is not a battle spell, but is used in conjunction with the
RegionMap item to allow Blue/Rouge to travel with ease. You do not need to
ever have it equipped.
--PsychicPrison: 7 JP *
This spell seals the enemy in a shell. If they try to cast magic, then it
will backfire on them and cause them damage. Since there are not very many
magic-using enemies in the game, the effectiveness of this is fairly low.
If you are facing a magic user, then by all means give this a try.
It helps against some guys in Blue's game. After blocking one spell, then
the shell is destroyed and must be renewed.
--Vermilion Sand: 8 JP *
This spell attacks all enemies for good damage(800-1800 points). It also
may blind the enemies. The second best mass attack spell behind MegaWind-
Blast. Make it a point to get this if you have Blue/Rouge in your party.

Mystic Magic

Buy at: Facinaturu
Get gift at: Mystics and Asellus have this gift automatically, otherwise N/A
Opposite: Realm

--Fascination: 1 JP
This spell attempts to charm one enemy. Charmed enemies will attack their
friends, but they will not physically attack themselves(although they may
hit themselves with mass attacks). This spell is more effective depending
on your CHA score.
--PhantasmShot: 3 JP
This spell attacks one enemy with a random phantasm beast. It does good
damage, and inflicts status problems as well. The phantasms are the same
as the Mirage magic spells, so look there for a description of each effect.
A very good single enemy attack spell, does 200-1000 points to an enemy as
well as causing them various ailments.
--Glass Shield: 5 JP
This spell creates a glass shield in front of the caster. Any attack that
targets the caster will break the shield instead of hurting the caster. In
addition to this protection, if the attack that broke the glass was a close-
range attack, then the broken glass shards will attack the enemy and do a
good bit(500-1000) of damage. This spell is a good idea to cast at the
beginning of long battles to protect your healing characters from attack. If
it is broken, then refresh it and the healers will be difficult to damage.
--MirrorShade: 7 JP *
This spell creates 1-4 shadows of the caster in random locations among your
characters' ranks. Enemies may target the mirrorshades instead of damaging
your real party members. If a mirrorshade is hit, then it is detroyed. If
you are fighting an enemy that uses mass attacks, then this is useless as 1
mass attack will destroy all the mirrorshades, but with enemies that kill you
1 man at a time or get to physically attack many times in a single round,
this can save you a lot of damage. You cannot have more than 5 mirrorshades
in existence at once.

Note: Of these two, I prefer Mystic magic because of PhantasmShot and
GlassShield. These spells are much better than the comparable Realm spells.
Exceptions to this are Blue/Rouge, who can get the higher level Realm spells.
Also, the inconveience of having to travel to Facinaturu to buy the Mystic
magic may be a reason in itself to get the Realm spells.

Time Magic

Buy at: TimeLord's Region
Get gift at: Kill TimeLord(only Blue/Rouge and TimeLord can get this gift)
Opposite: Space

--DelayOrder: 1 JP
Lowers the enemy's QUI score. Whoopee.
--TimeLeap: 3 JP
This spell is like the poor man's Sharp Pain. If it hits an enemy, then
that enemy will be stunned and lose its turn that round. However, unlike
Sharp Pain, it only targets one enemy and it is not guaranteed to go off
before the enemy moves. Therefore, unlike Sharp Pain, it is useless.
--ChaosStream: 9 JP
This spell attacks all the enemies by spinning them around on the arms of a
huge clock. It does a small amount of damage and may paralyze them. Not
a very good mass attack spell, despite the cool name. Doesn't do enough
damage to compete with other spells, but the paralysis effect is actually
pretty common.
--TimeEclipse: 5 JP
This spell attempts to petrify one enemy, instantly killing them. If it
fails to do this, then the enemy's quickness is lowered and they take damage.
A useful spell for destroying enemies that have high HP but are vulnerable
to petrification.
--TimeTwister: 5 JP *
This spell allows one character to perform the action that they would
normally perform in the round twice. Characters with DSC or LifeSprinkler
are good candidates for this spell. Overall a very useful move if used
wisely. Don't try to glitch out your Saga Frontier program by Time
Twistering yourself, those guys over at Square thought of everything. You
will not create an endless loop that way.
--OverDrive: 10 JP *(depletes all JP, WP at the end of the spell)
This powerful spell causes the caster to enter another dimension with a big
clock on the floor. This spell automatically comes out before any enemy can
move. In this dimension, the caster can perform any action(except another
OverDrive) 5-8 times depending on the number of JP used. These actions cost
0 JP or WP. You can use Tower or DSC 5-8 times in a row-say goodbye to any
boss. Also, if you cast a Shadow Servant first, each move in OverDrive is
doubled! Better yet, if the last move of the OverDrive is the Rune spell
StasisRune, then you can avoid losing all your JP/WP and also perform an
interesting cheat which allows you to move 5-8 times for the rest of the
battle! Just OverDrive again and repeat. Note that after subtracting the
10 JP for OverDrive, then you must have enough JP/WP left to perform the
actions in OverDrive. It does not cost any points, but the points must be

Space Magic

Buy at: Kylin's Paradise
Get gift at: Kill Kylin(Only Blue/Rouge and Kylin can get this gift)
Opposite: Time

--VaporBlast: 1 JP
This spell attacks one enemy for 300-800 points of damage. One of the best
attacking spells that cost no JP if you have a crown.
--Vanish: 3 JP
This spell attempts to instantly kill the target creature by making them
vanish from existence. Useful against big strong monsters that are
vulnerable to instant death.
--ReverseGravity: 6 JP
This spell attacks all enemies by reversing gravity and dumping them on their
head. It does high damage and may also stun them. A high power mass attack
spell that is fairly cheap to cast.
--LightShift: 1 JP
This spell causes the sun to shine on the battlefield. What the hell does
that do, you ask? Well, nothing usually. However, when fighting undead that
have DeathSynthesis(the ability to regenerate their HP), this spell causes
their DeathSynthesis to stop working. Very helpful against some undead
bosses who get back 1000 HP every round. Put a stop to that and the battle
is much quicker. Also, any monster that has Photosynthesis will begin to
regenerate HP while the sun is out. This could be helpful to your monster.
This spell actually has its specific uses, but is not generally very good.
--DarkShift: 1 JP *
This spell is the opposite of LightShift. It causes the sun to go away.
DeathSynthesis will begin working, and PhotoSynthesis will stop working.
Since there are fewer big plant enemies than there are big undead enemies,
this is less useful than LightShift, but if your monster has Deathsynthesis
then it will allow it to take advantage of that ability.
--Vortex: 3 JP *
This spell opens a large vortex into which all status conditions, both
positive and negative and from both friends and enemies, are drawn away.
This spell can cure your entire party of status problems, but it will also
remove from them positive spells like Reviva, Shield, and Vitality Rune.
It will also remove the enemy's positive enhancements, but also any poison
or paralysis you may have caused. A useful spell when fighting status
affecting enemies.

Note: Of these two, Space magic is preferable unless you are TimeLord or
Blue/Rouge, in which case Time magic with OverDrive is the obvious choice.
If one of these characters has Time, Shadow, and Rune magic they can Over-
Drive, ShadowServant, and then Stasis Rune at the end and cause any boss to
be destroyed without even an effort. If you cannot get the gift, however,
the low level Space spells like ReverseGravity and Vanish are vastly superior
to the Time spells, in my opinion.

Life Magic

Buy at: N/A(only Blue/Rouge can get it in Blue's chapter)
Get gift at: N/A
Opposite: N/A

--Sacrifice: 2 JP
This spell completely heals the entire party except the caster. The caster
loses 1 LP from casting this spell. This is one of the only healing spells
that can affect the whole party, and if kept in moderation it is very useful.
Don't let Blue's LP get too low, or else you might abruptly end your game.
--Reviva: 9 JP
This spell works like the Reraise spell in FF Tactics. If a character under
this spell is knocked unconscious, then this spell automatically revives them
with full HP. The spell then ends. The character still loses LP. This
spell is useful for many reasons, but can save your life against enemies
with powerful mass kill attacks. It is great against Blue's final boss, as
it keeps you from being killed instantly by some of his attacks.

Mirage Magic

Buy at: N/A(only the Mystic Rei can have this magic)
Get gift at: N/A
Opposite: N/A

--Black Cat: 1 JP
This spell causes a phantasmal panther to appear and attack 1 enemy. It does
moderate damage and may cause the enemy to become a blue mess. Subsequent
castings may make them a yellow or red mess.
--NightMare: 2 JP
This spell causes a ghostly horse to attack an enemy. It does a little more
damage than Black Cat and may put the enemy to sleep.
--Jackal: 4 JP
This spell causes an illusory jackal to attack an enemy. It does about the
same damage as the NightMare, but may poison the enemy.
--Cockatrice: 6 JP
This spell causes a little more damage than the Jackal, and may petrify the
--Reaper: 7 JP
The ultimate illusion spell causes more damage than Cockatrice and may cause
instant death to the enemy.

Note: All the spells of Mirage magic are available through the Mystic
spell PhantasmShot. The advantage of Mirage magic is that you get to choose
which phantasm you summon, but the disadvantage is the higher JP cost to
summon the more powerful monsters.

One of the new features of SF is the combo system, which allows you to link
several attacks together to increase the damage inflicted by the attacks.
Attacks that are in combos are about twice as powerful as they would be
seperately. At first, the combo system seems random, and to a certain
extent it is, but there are ways to rig it in your favor.

Combos happen when two characters who move one right after another perform
attacks which can link together. Usually, these characters will link
togther and perform a level 2 combo. If another character which moves
directly before or after this performs an attack that can link with the
first or second attack in the link(respectively) then he will and you get
a level 3 combo. So on and so forth up to level 5, where all your characters
link together. Not all attacks link with all other attacks, and certain
ones link better than others. Only techs, magic, cannons, and monster skills
may link, not regular attacks. When you find 2 attacks that link, then
try to find something that goes before the first or after the second and
then try to do a level 3. Eventually, a level 5 combo can be built this way.
These are difficult, as if the enemy moves in the middle of your characters
then the combo will be split in half(since the comboing characters must move
in direct succession). Also, if your characters move in the wrong order then
the combo will be foiled. The game seems to cheat for you with small combos
and make your characters move in the right order, but this does not happen
with large combos. Some pointers if you are having trouble linking:

1. Make a note of what attacks link together well. I have a list of
attacks that I have noticed link, but this is not and will never be complete
due to the high number of combinations possible. Make a personal note of
what links and add it to useful ones from this list.
2. If a human character has a lightbulb and learns something, it breaks the
combo. Make sure that you know enough techs so that learning is rare.
3. Attacks that link with themselves are your best friend. If all your
characters perform the same attack that links with itself, then it does not
matter what order they attack in and they will almost always link. They
can only be broken by the enemy moving in between them. This is the easiest
way to build level 4 and 5 combos. Good examples are CrossShot, DarkSphere,
Fist, GiantSwing, and HardSlash. Have your whole party do the same attack
and watch the damage rack up.
4. Target the same enemy with all your attacks. Combos will not work on
multiple enemies(except in the case of mass attacks that link).
5. Take into account each character's QUI attribute. Try to have the
combo occur in descending order of QUIckness, as that is the most likely order
that the characters will attack. This is not 100% accurate, but it insures
that the combo will occur as often as possible.

Let's take an example. I'm fighting some boss and I want to do as much
damage as possible. I don't have DSC, so the next best source of damage is
linking. I notice that RosarioImpale - Triple Thrust occurs pretty often.
Also, I know that RisingNova can link before Rosario Impale. If I do these
three attacks on the same enemy, then I have a good chance of linking. I
do this, but notice that Lute, who is doing the Rosario Impale, keeps moving
after Fuse with Triple Thrust and the combo is failing. Since Lute is
slower than Fuse, I have him do the 3rd attack in the link and have Fuse
do the 2nd. Mei Ling is doing the Rising Nova, and she is the fastest, so
that works fine and they link together(provided the enemy does not attack in
between and ruin the link) about 75% of the time. Wow, there's 10,000+
damage right there. Well, I want to make it bigger so I look for something
to put after the Triple Thrust. I remember that Asura combos after
Triple Thrust so I get my slowest character, White Rose(she accidentally
absorbed 2 Rockys and a Pickbird so she has 8 QUI) to use that Asura that I
stuck on her way back in Facinaturu. Hmmm, that's 4, how can I make it 5?
I don't know of anything that goes after Asura right off hand, so I look
to see if anything links before RisingNova, the first move in the combo.
I notice that Asellus, the quickest character on the team, has the Sunray
spell that links before RisingNova. I do this, and I have set up a level
5 link that can do up to 20,000 points of damage! By having the attacks go
off in order from the fastest to slowest party member, I increase the chance
that the link will not be foiled by the characters moving out of order. If
they do, or the enemy moves in the middle and splits it, I will still almost
always get 1 or 2 level 2 links, and maybe a level 3 or 4. The damage on
my attacks is increased dramatically this way, and the poor boss goes the
way of all flesh due to the Sunray - RisingNova - RosarioImpale - Triple
Thrust - Asura level 5 combo.

I know this sounds unnecessarily complicated, but understanding this system
is important in order to be able to use your attacks to their utmost.
Following is a list of links that I have made note of through my gameplay.
Note that this is far, far, far from all of them and contribution to this
section is extremely appreciated(as is contribution to any other section).
Only 2 part links are listed, as bigger ones are built by combining these.

Combo List
AcidBreath - Beak
Air Throw - Kick
Triple Thrust
Al-Phoenix - HyperBlaster
ArcticBreath - HeatSmash
Asura - Kusanagi
Backfist - Fist
BattleSong - Needles
Beak - Beak
BeamSword - Graviton
BearCrush - Still Stream
Beetlejuice - ArcticBreath
Blade - Fist
BlasterSword - ThunderThrust
Blizzard - MightyCyclone
Bloodsucker - Scissors
BoltBlast - Silf
BoltBreath - Blade
BoltThrower - EnergyChain
BoundShot - GroundHit
BrightFist - Kusanagi
CharmGaze - Smash
Chop - MightyCyclone
Claw - WaterCannon
Coils - Rock
Corkscrew - Sky Twister
CosmicRave - PluralSlash
CrossShot - CrossShot
CrushBeat - Scuffle
DarkSphere - DarkSphere
DeadlyMoss - Missile
DirtyFang - Asura
DoubleAxe - WaterCannon
Ectoplasnet - EnergyChain
EnergyChain - EnergyChain
FireBreath - PhantasmShot
Fist - Fist
FlameBlast - Wing
FlashFire - WheelSlash
GaleSlash - Still Stream (GaleSlash, 2GaleSlash, and GaleAttack are
NoMoment interchangeable)
Triple Thrust
GasFlame - Saber
GhostCannon - PhantasmShot
GiantSwing - GiantSwing
GliderSpike - FocusShot
Gold - GasFlame
GrainCannon - HyperBlaster
Grasp - EnergyChain
Graviton - Graviton
GremlinTouch - Beak
GroundHit - TitasWave
HardSlash - Dash
Dead End
Haze-to-Wheel - TitasWave
HeadWind - ShadowCounter
HeatSmash - QuickSand
HeatWave - StunSlash
HellWing - GroundHit
HE-Rocket - AirThrow
HideBehind - HideBehind
HP Drain - DoubleSlash
HyperBlaster - Kusanagi
HyperionBazooka - HyperBlaster
IceSmash - Thunderbolt
IllStorm - EnergyChain
Implosion - Saber
KAMIKAZE-Crush - SunRay
Kick - Backfist
Kusanagi - RavaShot
Laser - Kusanagi
LifeSprinkler - Rising Nova
LifeWave - GroundHit
MachineVulcan - HyperionBazooka
Maelstrom - EnergyChain
MagicStone - FangCrush
MagneticStorm - HellWing
Triple Thrust
MecSonata - Air Throw
MegaWindblast - PhantasmShot
MicroMissile - HyperBlaster
MightyCyclone - MightyCyclone
MillionDollers - Horn
Missile - MightyCyclone
MoonlightCut - WillowBranch
Tres Flores
MysteryTap - Thrust
Needles - RavaShot
NoMoment - Silf
OgreRun - Rotation Kick
Oscillation - EnergyChain
PainPowder - AcidBreath
Phantasm Shot - Sliding (PhantasmShot/Mirage magic are interchangeable)
Air Throw
PluralSlash - BearCrush
Sky Twister
Pop-Knight - HyperBlaster
PowerGrab - MightyCyclone
RailCannon - HyperBlaster
RavaShot - PhantasmShot
RaySword - TigerRampage
Re-Al-Phoenix - PluralSlash
ReverseGravity - Saber
Rising Nova - Rosario Impale
Triple Thrust
Rock - HardSlash
RollingCradle - AirThrow
RosarioImpale - Triple Thrust
Rising Nova
Rotation Kick - AirThrow
Saber - Fist
Phantasm Shot
SacredSong - RavaShot
Scream - EnergyChain
ShadowNet - EnergyChain
ShadowCounter - CrossSlash
Sharp Pain - PhantasmShot
ShockSoldier - PluralSlash
Silf - Implosion
Sky Twister - GoldHand
Sliding - Sliding
Smash - Fist
SonicBlaster - Blade
Spellbound - HyperBlaster
Spoil - Claw
Spore - ArcticBreath
Stampede - Kick
StoneGas - FireBreath
StunGaze - Bloodsucker
StunSlash - Heaven/Hell
Still Stream
SunRay - Rising Nova
Triple Thrust
Rosario Impale
SuperMissile - HyperBlaster
Supersonic - EnergyChain
Suplex - BabelCrumble
SwallowSwing - Horn
Tackle - Tackle
Thrust - CrossSlash
ThunderBall - GroundHit
Thunderbolt - AirThrow
Thunder Thrust - SwallowSwing
Still Stream
TigerRampage - Kusanagi
Tornado - Thrust
Tower - PhantasmShot
Trample - Air Throw
Tremor - EnergyChain
Triangle Kick - Beak
Triple Thrust - BearCrush
Rising Nova
TurbidCurrent - Smash
VaporBlast - EnergyChain
HP Drain
VermilionSand - PhantasmShot
WaterCannon - SwallowSwing
WheelSlash - FireBreath
WillowBranch - Heaven/Hell
Rosario Impale
Triple Thrust
Thunder Thrust
WindBlast - GhostCannon
Wing - Horn

There are many weapons in the world of SF. They are classified by type in
this list. The types of weapons are:
Swords: cannot use katana techs
Katanas: can use katana techs
Guns: can use gun techs
Cannons: cannot use gun techs
Shields: block incoming attacks(listed with weapons, since they are put
on the hands)

Outfitting your characters is a matter of personal opinion. I usually
give humans 2 swords, one powerful one and one katana to learn the katana
and double sword techs. I then put on a shield and a gun. Another approach
is to equip 2 guns once you get the Twogun technique to add more power to
your long range fighting. You may also want to drop the extra sword for a
cannon or a backpack. For armor I usually prefer individual pieces to the
suits because I like to have JetBoots at all times to defend myself from
ground attacks. If you use the suits, then you have more room to equip
protective accessories, however.

On any of the swords that are powerful but have no regular attack, you
can save WP and still get the powerful weapon by using free sword techs
such as StunSlash or DoubleSlash. This costs the same as with any
normal sword. This makes Asura and Kusanagi much more useful.

Weapon List
Non-technique swords
Name AT power Other
Asura 70 Asura(powerful sword tech)
AsuraRevenge(counters with death attack)
--Note: This weapon has no regular attack. You must use Asura.
BroadSword 11
CeramicSword 22
DragonSword 72
FiendRod 13 FinalStrike(breaks weapon for big attack)
Glirandly 42 FinalStrike(breaks weapon for big attack)
--Note: This weapon can only be removed by using FinalStrike.
Golden Lion 75
Iron Pipe ?
--Note: Gen gets it for a moment in T260G's chapter.
JackalSword 33 DirtyFang(rarely causes poison)
Knife 7
Kusanagi 66 Kusanagi(powerful holy attack)
--Note: This weapon has no regular attack. You must use Kusanagi.
LaserKnife 15
LordStar 51 Braveheart(increases attack power)
Murakumo 33
Obsidian 64
Osc-Sword 30
RuneSword 50 VictoryRune(just like the rune spell)
Shadow Dagger 9 PSY+3, ShadowHold(paralyzes an enemy)
SilverSpread 22 PSY+22
SplashSword 49 ElementDissolve(attempts to destroy an enemy)
TwiggyRod 52 FinalStrike(breaks weapon for a big attack)
TwinSword 20
ZeroSword 60

Technique swords(katanas)
Name AT power Other
Comet Blade 55 MillionDollers(attacks all enemies w/ meteors)
Katana 34
Kukri Blade 10
Samurai Sword 19
SilverMoon 69
Twin Dragon 41

Name AT power Ammo Other
AGUNI-CP1 12 13
BehemothRifle 47 7
BrokenRifle 1 -
--Note: Get it in arena w/ T260G
DuelGun 55 1
EagleGun 28 6
EasyRifle 13 8
KillerRifle 25 5
Lethal Gun 60 5
Living Rifle 42 4 WIL+9
SniperRifle 31 6
TroopRifle 22 8
ZenGun 45 16
LightRifle 88 1 PSY+20

Name AT Power Ammo Other
Beam Cannon 20 6 Hits all enemies on a line
BigMissile 44 4 Never misses if it attacks enemy that
was originally selected(at the start of
the round).
Bolt Thrower 33 3 Hits wedge shaped area
DOBBY Bazooka 10 3 Attacks all enemies, low hit rate
Flame Thrower 33 3 Hits wedge shaped area
GhostCannon 5 12 Effective against undead, pushes target
Grain Cannon 45 8
Hand Blaster 15 10 Hits all enemies on a line
Paralyzer(paralyzes all enemies)
BlasterSword(close range attack)
HEAT Bazooka 55 2 Low hit rate
H-G Cannon 60 5
HyperBlaster 50 7 Hits all enemies on a line
HyperionBazooka 85 2 Hits large circular area
Ion Cannon 27 10
Junk Bazooka 10 1
LaserCarbine 25 10 Hits all enemies on a line
LightBazooka 20 4
Lightning Cannon 20 6 Hits all enemies on a line
LightVulcan 15 60 Hits wedge shaped area
MachineVulcan 30 40 Hits wedge shaped area
MissilePod 12 8 Never misses if it attacks enemy that
was originally selected(at the start of
the round).
Sonic Cannon 25 16
SuperMissile 70 3 Never misses if it attacks enemy that
was originally selected(at the start of
the round).
Thunderbolt 25 4 Hits all enemies on a line
WaterCannon 20 N/A Pushes target

Name Blocks Is immune to Other
Buckler Weapon
ShellShield Physical
WonderBangle Bullets
ExcelShield Physical Better than ShellShield
GenbuShield Physical Water
Mizukagami Physical Water, Heat
Dragon Shield All
Durahan Shield All STR, VIT+5, DeathGaze attack

Like weapons, armor is classified into several categories:
Helmets: worn on the head
Boots: worn on the feet
Gloves: worn on the hands
Armor: worn on the body
Shirts: can be worn on the body underneath armor or suits
Suits: worn on the body, cannot have any other armor besides a shirt

Armor List
Helmets(all helmets defend against blind, so it is not noted)
Name DEF power Other
Mirror Glass 8
MagiHat 6
Egg Hat 5 CHA+5
LaserScope 7 WIL+10
FiberHood 6
Yolk Hat 5
Junk Helm 4
InfraScope 6 Allows you to see lasers in Despair(Did you
ever wonder why Emelia could see them and
no one else could?)

Boots DEF power Other
Jet Boots 7 QUI+5, allows you to float
SH-Anklet 10
Iron Clogs 8 VIT+10, Defend push
IronClogShot(physical attack)
FeatherBoots 7
RubberShoes 5 QUI+2
LeatherBoots 3
Catsocks 6 Defend stun

Gloves DEF power Other
CyberGlove 9
HarmoniumBangle 7 Defend sonic attacks
Armor Glove 8
Shell Bracer 6
Leather Glove 4
SH-Armlet 10
NornsBangle 7 PSY+10, Defend sleep
OgreGlove 5 STR+10

Armor DEF power Other
Pluto Armor 35 Defend faint
Warlord Armor 32
Mystic Mail 23 Comes w/ most mystics, can't be removed
Golden Fleece 28 Defend sleep
Master Robe 10 PSY+5
HarmoniumArmor 24 Defend sonic attacks
Bone Breast 13
Protector 10
Beast Leather 6
AngelArmor 27 QUI+10, allows you to float
CelestialLeather 24
Stardust Robe 16 WIL, CHA, PSY+5, Defend faint
Dark Robe 8 PSY+5, Defend Blind
ElectroArmor 25
ArmorVest 18 Defend bullets
FiberVest 8
Glow Robe 18 INT, WIL+7, Defend Petrify
HardLeather 12
Shade Robe 9 WIL+9, restores non-mech's HP
Blue Elf 20 Defend water attacks
Hyper Scale 30
Moonlight Robe 17 PSY, CHA+8, Defend sleep
FireLeather 16
LivingArmor 26

Shirts DEF power Other
Hyperwear 10
Defendwear 8
Budowear 7
Magicwear 4 WIL+5
Silkshirt 3
Cottonshirt 3
Powerbelt 1 STR+20, Defend sleep
Mysticwear 8 Restores non-mecha's HP

Suits(all suits defend blind, so it is not stated)
Name DEF power Other
PoweredSuit 50 STR+10, QUI+10
RubberSuit 22
CyberSuit 36 STR, QUI, INT, WIL, PSY, VIT, CHA+5
JumpSuit 25
CombatSuit 15
GolemSuit 25
SprigganSuit 55

These devices can be equipped on any race, even monsters, to increase their
resistance to certain kinds of attack. They usually don't provide much
defense, but are invaluable against certain enemies with specific attacks.

Accessories List
Name DEFpower Other
Harmonium Earring 1 Defend sonic attacks
Sea Stone 3 PSY, VIT+7, Defend water attacks
Uses Maelstrom if wearer has all 3
mystic weapons
SandVessel 2 QuickSand, Defend Petrify
BloodChalice 1 PSY+5, Defend faint
PurpleEye 4 PSY+7, PhantasmShot, Defend gaze
WindShell 5 QUI, WIL+5
Junk 2
BrokenBumper 1
UnicornTear 1 PSY+1, Defend poison
KrisKnife 3
PearlHeart 2 Defend water attacks
FeatherCharm 1 CHA+5
BoltCrystal 1 Use up in battle for BoltBarrier
IceCrystal 1 Use up in battle for IceBarrier
FireCrystal 1 Use up in battle for FireBarrier
SteelAmulet 1 VIT+5
FlowerAmulet 1 PSY, CHA+5
WingAmulet 1 QUI+5
FangAmulet 1 STR+5
Magatama 1 SacredSong(holy attack all enemies)
SleetCoin 1
AngelBroach 5 Defend Psychout
EMES Tag 5 Defend Petrify
Bumper 3
Tao-Tieh Pattern 3 Defend Psychout
ThunderCharm 1
CharmNecklace 1 CHA+10, Uses Kylin's song if wearer has
all 3 mystic weapons
MellowRing 1 Defend water, LifeRain(restores rest of
party at cost of own LP)
Uses Maelstrom if wearer has all 3 mystic
RING/Guardian 1 Raises party's DEF
RING/Merchant 1 CHA+10, Charms all enemies
RING/Thief 1 QUI+10, Hides party
RING/Healer 1 VIT+10, Heals party
RING/Hero 1 WIL+10, Heals/prevents abnormal status
RING/Schemer 1 INT+10, Confuses all enemies(red mess)
RING/Hermit 1 Nullifies enemy magic
RING/Fighter 1 STR+10, Raises party's attack power
RING/Lord 1 PSY+10, Restores all WP/JP

Items are used for a variety of purposes from healing to attack. Note
that unless you have the item "Backpack" equipped, you must equip the items
before they can be used in combat.

Items List
Name Effect
StunNeedle Paralyzes an enemy
Magic Stone PSY+1, attacks all enemies
Arcana Tarot Get 4 to complete Arcane quest
Rune Stone Get 4 to complete Rune quest
Magi-Water Restores a little JP
X-Magi Drink Restores a lot of JP
SnakeOil Fixes all status problems
Cure Restores 200 HP
Power Cure Restores 400 HP
Max Cure Restores all HP
Unlucky Coin Reduces enemy attack power
Repair Kit Restores mecha HP
Sanctuary Stone Restores entire party
RottenMeat Paralyzes enemy
Backpack Allows use of unequipped items
Life Candy Restores 1 LP
Small stone Get them in Devin
Card Get them in Devin
Flash Bomb Blinds all enemies
Gold Ingot Give to Gnomes for Gold card
Antistone Cures petrification
Lucky Coin Increases party's attack power
Sand Vessel Get in Facinaturu
RegionMap Use to travel between regions
VirgilKey Get in Virgil Palace

Mecha equipment
When equipped on mecha, equipment has various effects on your statistics.
The specifics for each item is below.

Lordstar HP+200, STR-QUI-WIL+20
Silver Moon HP+200, STR-QUI+25
Obsidian HP+200, STR-QUI+25
Zero Sword HP+100, STR-QUI+20
Comet Blade HP+250, STR-QUI+25
Twiggy Rod HP+80, STR-QUI+16
Splash Sword HP+100, STR-PSY+20
Twin Dragon HP+90, STR-QUI+18
Katana HP+65, STR-QUI+13
Osc-sword HP+60, STR-WIL+15
Shadow Dagger HP+30, STR-QUI-PSY+6
Murakumo HP+150, STR-QUI+15
Fiend Rod HP+30, STR-WIL-PSY+6
Kusanagi HP+250, STR-QUI+25
Twin Sword HP+80, STR-WIL+10
Ceramic Sword HP+70, STR+13
Samurai Sword HP+50, STR-QUI+10
Laser Knife HP+40, STR-QUI-WIL+10
Kukri Blade HP+25, STR-QUI+5
Broadsword HP+35, STR+7
Knife HP+20, STR-QUI-WIL+4
Asura HP+150, STR-PSY+30
Runesword HP+100, STR-PSY+20
Dragon Sword HP+250, STR+30
Jackal Sword HP+50, STR-PSY+16

MissilePod HP+90, STR-WIL+15
DOBBY Bazooka HP+60, STR-WIL-VIT+8
HEAT Bazooka HP+200, WIL+30
LightBazooka HP+70, WIL+15
GhostCannon HP+100, WIL+20, PSY+10
IonCannon HP+100, QUI-WIL+15
BoltThrower HP+125, WIL-VIT+20
ThunderBolt HP+125, WIL-VIT+20
LightVulcan HP+70, QUI-WIL-VIT+8
WaterCannon HP+70, WIL-VIT+10
SonicCannon HP+150, QUI-WIL+20
LightningCannon HP+80, WIL-VIT+15
BeamCannon HP+80, WIL-VIT+15
HandBlaster HP+40, QUI-WIL+7
LethalGun HP+150, QUI-WIL-VIT+20
SniperRifle HP+75, QUI-WIL+13
EagleGun HP+75, QUI-WIL+13
TroopRifle HP+50, QUI-WIL+10
KillerRifle HP+50, QUI+10, WIL+25
EasyRifle HP+25, QUI-WIL-VIT+5
JunkBazooka HP+20, STR-WIL+5
LaserCarbine HP+90, QUI-WIL+13
GrainCannon HP+150, QUI-VIT+10, WIL+20
BehemothRifle HP+200, QUI-WIL-VIT+10
BigMissile HP+150, STR-WIL+20
MachineVulcan HP+150, QUI-WIL-VIT+18
HyperBlaster HP+175, QUI-WIL+25
FlameThrower HP+125, WIL-VIT+20
DuelGun HP+50, QUI-WIL-VIT+20
HyperionBazooka HP+250, WIL+40
SuperMissile HP+225, STR-WIL+25
BrokenRifle HP+5, QUI-WIL+1
ZenGun HP+150, QUI-WIL-PSY+20
HG-Cannon HP+250, QUI-WIL+30

ECM System DEF+10, ECM(deflects incoming missiles)
MecBody DEF+10
MiniPlant DEF+10
Accelerator DEF+10, Accelerator(increases speed)
FortBody DEF+20, Graviton(Cannon attack)
GoldenFleece HP+50, PSY-CHA+10
MasterRobe HP+20, VIT+4
HarmoniumArmor HP+75, QUI-VIT+15
BoneBreast HP+25, VIT+5
Protector HP+25, VIT+5
PlutoArmor HP+150, PSY-VIT+20
AngelArmor HP+100, QUI-VIT+20
StardustRobe HP+20
DarkRobe HP+20
WarlordArmor HP+100, STR-VIT+20
ElectroArmor HP+75, QUI-WIL+15
ArmorVest HP+65, VIT+5
FiberVest HP+35, VIT+7
GlowRobe HP+20
HardLeather HP+50, VIT+5
ShadeRobe HP+20
BlueElf HP+100, INT-PSY+15
HyperScale HP+75, VIT+15
MoonlightRobe HP+20
FireLeather HP+40, VIT+8
LivingArmor HP+65, PSY-VIT+13

MagiHat HP+75, INT+15
EggHat HP+50, INT-WIL+10
MirrorGlass HP+75, INT-WIL+25
LaserScope HP+100, INT-WIL+20
FiberHood HP+75, INT-WIL+15
YolkHat HP+25, INT-WIL+1
JunkHelm HP+25, INT-WIL+5
InfraScope HP+100, WIL+20

HarmoniumArmor HP+100, STR+20
CyberGlove HP+100, STR+20
ArmorGlove HP+75, STR-VIT+15
ShellBracer HP+50, STR-VIT+10
LeatherGlove HP+10, STR+5
SH-Armlet HP+150, STR-VIT+20
NornsBangle HP+75, STR-PSY+15
OgreGlove HP+100, STR-VIT+20

WonderBangle HP+100, QUI+20
DragonShield HP+75, STR-VIT+15
GenbuShield HP+75, STR-VIT+15
ExcelShield HP+100, STR-VIT+20
ShellShield HP+40, STR-VIT+8
Buckler HP+20, STR-VIT+4
Mizukagami HP+75, STR-VIT+15
Durahan Shield HP+100, STR-VIT+20

GolemSuit HP+200, STR+30
RubberSuit HP+60, STR+12
PoweredSuit HP+100, STR-QUI+20
CyberSuit HP+90, STR-QUI+18
JumpSuit HP+75, STR-QUI+15
CombatSuit HP+50, STR-QUI+10
SprigganSuit HP+200, STR-QUI-INT+25, +2 ability slots

HyperWear HP+5
DefendWear HP+5
BudoWear HP+5
MagicWear HP+5
SilkShirt HP+5
CottonShirt HP+5
PowerBelt HP+5

SH-Anklet HP+150, QUI-VIT+20
Iron Clogs HP+100, VIT+20
FeatherBoots HP+75, QUI-PSY+15
JetBoots HP+75, QUI+15
RubberShoes HP+75, QUI+10
LeatherBoots HP+10, QUI+5
Catsocks HP+10, QUI+5

Junk HP+5
BrokenBumper HP+5, VIT+1
SandVessel HP+5
UnicornTear PSY+1
KrisKnife HP+25, PSY+5
PearlHeart HP+5
PurpleEye HP+50, PSY+20
SeaStone HP+5
FeatherCharm HP+5
WindShell HP+5
HarmoniumEarring HP+50, INT+10
BloodChalice HP+5
BoltCrystal HP+5
IceCrystal HP+5
FireCrystal HP+5
SteelAmulet HP+25, STR-QUI-VIT+5
FlowerAmulet HP+5
WingAmulet HP+5
FangAmulet HP+5
Magatama HP+5
SleetCoin HP+5
EMES Tag HP+50, VIT+10
Bumper HP+13, VIT+3
Tao-Tieh Pattern HP+50, PSY+10
ThunderCharm HP+5
RING/Guardian nothing
RING/Merchant CHA+10
RING/Thief QUI+10
RING/Healer VIT+10
RING/Hero WIL+10
RING/Schemer INT+10
RING/Hermit nothing
RING/Fighter STR+10
RING/Lord PSY+10

StunNeedle HP+5
Magic Stone HP+10, VIT+2
Snake Oil HP+5, CHA+1
PowerCure HP+5, CHA+1
MaxCure HP+5, CHA+1
UnluckyCoin HP+5
RepairKit HP+5, CHA+1
RottenMeat HP+5
Cure HP+5, CHA+1
Backpack HP+5, CHA+1
LifeCandy HP+5, CHA+1
FlashBomb HP+5
AntiStone HP+5, CHA+1
LuckyCoin HP+5

LaserCannon ATT-50
Bit System ATT-20(bits attack at the end of each round)
MachineVulcan ATT-10, AMMO-20
RepairPack Restores Mecha HP+status(6 uses per battle)
RailCannon ATT-35, AMMO-16
AT Missile ATT-40, AMMO-10
MediPack Restores non-Mecha HP and status(6 uses per battle)
MicroMissile ATT-10, AMMO-16, attacks all enemies
Hammer ATT-45
BeamSword ATT-30
MegaBeamSword ATT-55
OctopusBoard STR-QUI-WIL+25, INT+30, +2 ability slots
SecretBoard HP+100, QUI-WIL+20, INT+15, +1 ability slot
MemoryBoard HP+100, QUI+20, INT+25, +2 ability slots
JunkParts STR-QUI+3
NakajimaBoard HP+50, QUI+30, INT+10, +1 ability slot
NakajimaBoard2 HP+100, QUI-INT-WIL+15, +1 ability slot
V-System Uses V-MAX(allows powered-up stats and the use of the
attacks Cosmic Rave and Starlight Shower. When the
duration runs out, you lose a lot of strength.)

The following equipment was gotten in a game where Mecha cannot join, or
I have not been lucky enough to find in such a game. Any help on these is

Sword GoldenLion
Accessory AngelBroach
Accessory CharmNecklace
Accessory MellowRing
Shirt MysticWear
Armor MysticMail
Gun LightRifle

This is a list of all the companion characters that will join your party
in SF. Not all characters will join you depending on your main character,
this is mentioned in the description. Note that if you try to get more than
15 characters, the game will usually just let them join, but then they will
disappear from the game! Careful about this. Even worse, if your party is
full and you leave them for some part of the story, then gain new characters,
when you return to your normal party, the new people will just randomly
replace your old characters! It is best to plan ahead who you want in your
party to avoid disasters like that(this happened to me near the end of
Emelia's game, when Zozma, Asellus, and White Rose join. They replaced three
good characters in my lineup with their sorry asses(well, except for Zozma,
I like him).

Characters List
Will join: anyone
T260G-talk to him in the Scrap pub, then go to the hut on the right outside
Caballero's factory and beat the enemy. He'll join.
Everybody else-talk to him in the Scrap pub.

Will join: noone
He must be the main character.

Will join: noone
He almost joins Red at the beginning, but doesn't. Must be the main

Will join: anyone
Go on the Arcane quest, then inquire about the Gold Card at Baccarat. She'll
offer to join you as you descend into the Gnome Cave.

Will join: Emelia, Red
Emelia-talk to her outside the room where you begin the Trinity building,
then beat the enemy to get her.
Red-talk to her on board the Cygnus during the pirate attack. She joins

Will join: Lute, Blue, Emelia, T260G
Talk to him in the Scrap pub. He'll join.

Will join: Lute, Blue, Riki
Talk to him in the Scrap pub. He'll join.

Will join: Lute, Red, Emelia, Asellus, Blue(sort of)
Blue-lose the battle with him. Your main character will become Rouge.
Everyone else-talk to him in the Luminous port. Answer yes when he asks
if you want to study magic. If you say no, he goes to Devin where you can
ask him again if you want.

Will join: Lute, Red, Emelia, Blue
Emelia-either use the same method as everyone else, or accept your first
mission and he'll join after the tournament.
Red-he'll join on the Cygnus during the pirate attack.
after that, get him back the same way as everyone else.
You can also get him by choosing him instead of Liza after returning
to the restaraunt when you beat the BlackX boss in Koorong(but you
can get Liza and then get Roufas the normal way and get them both).
Everyone else-Go to the tomb of Mu after triggering the Rune quest. Talk
to him in the far left hand room in the entrance and say yes to his question.

Will join: anyone
Red-when attacking the BlackX base in Koorong, she'll join.
You also can use the everyone else method.
Emelia-you start with her. Talk to her outside the Gradius base to get her
back permanently when she leaves.
Everyone else-trigger the Rune quest, then go to Koorong after getting
the other three runes and talk to her. She'll take you to Despair.

Will join: Red
Talk to her in the port at Shingrow.

Will join: anyone
Red-He joins near the beginning temporarily.
Afterward, get him the same way as everyone else.
Everyone else-trigger the Arcane quest, then head to IRPO and get the
Shield card. He joins permanently.

Will join: anyone
T260G-finish the combat arena, then talk to him in the Junk bar.
Riki-Talk to him in the Scrap pub. He'll join as you attempt to leave.
Everyone else-Trigger the Arcane quest, then go talk to the skeleton that
is standing in the southern part of Koorong. Afterwards, go to Scrap and
talk to him.

Will join: Red, Emelia, Riki, T260G, Lute, Asellus
Riki-enter Tanzer to get the ring from Nomad. He joins after beating
Platyhooks if you answer "wait a sec" when about to descend into the
tunnel, then talk to him. Otherwise, he joins after killing Tanzer.
Everyone else-Trigger the Rune quest. Get one rune, then board a ship.
Tanzer will eat you. Follow him to his hideout and then agree to help him.

Will join: Red, Emelia, Blue
Red-return to the restaraunt after getting Annie in Koorong.
Choose either Liza or Roufas.
Emelia-you start with her. Get her back after she leaves by talking to her
in the Gradius base.
Blue-talk to her after you get Roufas.

Will join: Blue, Riki, Lute, Emelia, T260G
Talk to her in the Scrap bar.

--Capt. Hamilton-Human
Will join: Lute
Talk to her in the Owmi restaraunt. Then go to Nelson. Talk to her in
her cabin. Whether you agree to go to Mondo base or not, she'll join.

Will join: Lute, Emelia, Asellus, Red
Complete either the Rune or Arcane quests, then get the Light or Shadow
magic gift. Go to Mosperiburg and let Virgil send you to TimeLord's
region. Go to the hourglass until you get a text message, then go back and
talk to Virgil again. Buy the Sand Vessel in Facinaturu, then go back
to TimeLord's region and collect sand. Take the sand to the top of the
hourglass. Go to the drawbridge and cross it and ask for his help.

Will join: Lute, Red, Emelia, Blue, Asellus
Go to Omble for the Shadow gift. Talk to his shadow on the first screen.
After you leave, talk to him in the upper right corner of the magic shop.

Will join: Asellus, Red, Emelia, Riki, Lute, Blue
Asellus-she joins the first time you arrive at Owmi temporarily. After that,
get her normally. You must wait until you have progressed a little in the
Everyone else-Go to the Lord manor in Owmi with a mystic in your party, but
without Silence. She'll offer to join in her pool or give you a SeaStone.

--White Rose-Mystic
Will join: Asellus, Emelia, Red
Red-she joins temporarily on the Cygnus during the pirate attack if you go to
her room.
Emelia-talk to her with Asellus outside the first room in the Trinity
building. Beat the enemy and you get her.
Asellus-you get her at the beginning. She leaves after the Dark Labyrinth.

Will join: Asellus, Emelia
Asellus-he joins after the Dark Labyrinth
Emelia-after getting Asellus and White Rose in Trinity, go to the next room
to the right and talk to him.

Will join: Asellus
He shows up after you beat the Lion Princess the first time in the next
random occurence.

--Dr. Nusakan-Mystic
Will join: Riki, Blue
Riki-talk to the rich man in Yorkland, then go to his office in the Koorong
Blue-Accept the Rune quest, then talk to the guy in front of the chicken in
Koorong. Go to Nusakan's office.

Will join: Asellus
In Facinaturu, visit Rei's room both with and without White Rose in your
party. Later, after the Dark Labyrinth, go to Devin and talk to her. Tell
her that you know who she is. You may also have to speak to her before the
labyrinth(when White Rose comes out and stares at her) but I'm not sure.
Do it anyway, just to be safe.

Will join: Red
Go to the Garden in the center of Kyo and talk to him.

Will join: Blue, Red, Riki, T260G, Lute
Talk to him in the back of Nakajima Robotics with a mech in your party.

Will join: T260G
Talk to him after getting the rat out of Sei's tomb.

Will join: Red
Talk to him on the Cygnus after the pirate attack. He's the robot medic.

Will join: T260G
Talk to him in Trinity after completing the Ancient Ship.

Will join: T260G
Talk to the shopkeeper in the backstreets at Koorong with Leonard in your

Will join: Blue, Red, Emelia, T260G, Asellus, Lute
Get the Vitality Rune in Tanzer, he jumps in uninvited.

Will join: anyone
Go upstairs in the Bio Research Lab in Shrike. Beat the enemies and he's

Will join: anyone
Riki-enter his chamber in his tomb, then talk to him.
Everyone else-enter his chamber in the tomb, then beat him. Choose to get
him or his Kusanagi.

Will join: anyone
Get Lute then talk to him in Yorkland.

--Red Turnip-Monster
Will join: Asellus
Talk to him in the Dark Labyrinth, then leave. He'll join.

Will join: T260G, Asellus, Lute, Riki, Emelia, Red
Talk to him in Kylin's paradise and ask for his help.

Will join: anyone
Go to Mosperiburg after the Shield Card. On the first screen, beat the fairy
enemy then fight your way to the clearing with three boar enemies. Fight the
snowman, then go back into the cave and enter the north cavern and get him.
If the snowman is not there, then go back and fight the fairy again and return
until it is.

Here is probably the most incomplete list of them all-the list of the enemies
you can encounter in SF. This includes what abilities a mystic can get on
its mystic weapons from the enemy, approx. HP, and name. Any input is
appreciated on this list, as I'm sure it is far from complete(especially the
items dropped). If there are any striking things I remember I'll note it.
A line ---------- indicates the monster can't be absorbed by mystics.
Note that when a new mystic joins your party that already has absorbed
monsters, the stats that the mystic gets will be different than shown here.
I am unsure why the stats are incorrect, but if you absorb new monsters into
the weapons then they are corrected.
Note that the approximate HP estimate is just that, an estimate. I got it
based upon how much damage the enemy took before dying. I try to be as
accurate as possible, but these numbers are not exact. They are just meant
to convey a rough idea of the power of the monster.
A ???? in a spot means that I have not had a chance to try and absorb the
monster for that weapon, or I have not fought that enemy w/ mystics in my
party yet. If you have the information, then by all means contribute and
you'll get full credit on this page. The list is almost complete, but I'm
kind of tired of hunting down monsters so any help is appreciated deeply.

The HP of these monsters does fluctuate according to your power level,
so I tried to give the upper limit of their HP if possible.
A roman numeral in parenthesis after a monster's name indicates that it is
a boss you will fight more than once.

Enemies List
Name est. HP Sword Glove Boots Stats

A-Tractor 150 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: BrokenBumper

Airfolk 2600 PsyNet PoisonousBlow Suffocation WIL-PSY+20
drops: Magic Stone, WonderBangle, SilverSpread

Ankheg 1200 GriffithScratch Feeler MysteryTap STR-QUI+15
drops: BoneBreast, BloodChalice, SH-Anklet

Aperider 500 Hypnotism Da-Dum Spiders ALL but CHA+10
drops: Yolk Hat, LuckyCoin

Arachne(I) 40000 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: HarmoniumArmor

Arachne(II) 60000 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: HarmoniumArmor

Armorpilla 150 Lance Feeler BladeNet WIL-VIT+8
drops: ShellShield

AutoBuffer 5000 -----------------------------------------------------

Axebeak 800 Lance DeadlyPowder PowerKick STR-VIT+15
drops: FeatherCharm

Banshee 650 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: DarkRobe, FlowerAmulet

Basilisk 2700 Bloodsucker Crystalizer TitasWave STR-WIL+25
drops: CelestialLeather

BatKnight 50000 -----------------------------------------------------

Battleaxe 80 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: Buckler

Battlefly 600 PsyNet DeadlyPowder Suffocation QUI-WIL+14
drops: Magic Stone

Berva(I) 50000 -----------------------------------------------------

Berva(II) 65000 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: SecretBoard

Berva(III) 40000 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: SecretBoard

BigDigger 46000 -----------------------------------------------------

BigSlime 600 Hypnotism Spoil Assist PSY+15

BirdMec 1000 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: LightVulcan, GrainCannon

Black Dragon 8000 GriffithScratch Crystalizer TitasWave STR-WIL-VIT+30
drops: Protector, DragonShield, BloodChalice

BlackGarb 3500 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: DOBBY Bazooka

BlackKnight 72500 -----------------------------------------------------

BlackX 40000 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: PurpleEye, CyberSuit

BlueFighter 500 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: RubberSuit

BossX 150000 -----------------------------------------------------

Butch 1500 Needle Spoil Thunderbolt STR-QUI-WIL+20
drops: UnluckyCoin

Cactus 80 Needle Spoil PowerKick WIL+8

CancerMec 1200 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: LightBazooka, MachineVulcan, RepairKit

Chariot 10000 Lance TigerRampage TitasWave STR-QUI-VIT+25

Chimera 5400 HeatSmash PoisonousBlow Suffocation STR+40
drops: FangAmulet, CelestialLeather, BehemothRifle

Cockatrice 1600 Lance Crystalizer Spiders STR-QUI+20
drops: WingAmulet, CelestialLeather

CrimeLady 1200 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: LaserScope

CrystalTree 1850 Oscillation Crystalizer Spiders STR-WIL-PSY-VIT+22
drops: BoltCrystal, HarmoniumArmor, HarmoniumBangle

Cyclops 8400 Psy-Net IceSmash TitasWave STR-VIT+20
drops: PurpleEye

D-Tractor 200 -----------------------------------------------------

Dancer 1000 -----------------------------------------------------

Darkfairy 2000 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: SilverMoon

DeadKnight 600 Blade Spoil Asassinate STR-QUI-VIT+13
drops: FiendRod, BoneBreast

DeathLord 16000 -----------------------------------------------------

DemonGoat 34000 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: FiendRod, SH-Armlet

DevilSquid 15000 GremlinEffect TigerRampage ThunderBolt ALL but CHA+8
drops: OgreGlove

Diva 100000 -----------------------------------------------------

DragonLord 70000 -----------------------------------------------------

DragonPup 400 Lance HellWing ThunderBall QUI-WIL-VIT+9
drops: FangAmulet, CelestialLeather

Dullahan 7500 GriffithScratch Crystallizer Assasinate
drops: DurahanShield, PlutoArmor

EarthDragon 80000 HeatSmash GrapeShot TitasWave STR-VIT+36

ElectroSheep 1300 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: ThunderBolt, BeastLeather

Ettin 9400 GriffithScratch Feeler Suffocation STR-INT+20

FatDevil 1800 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: UnluckyCoin, Obsidian, TwiggyRod

FireCrystal 500 HeatSmash Crystalizer Assist VIT+20
drops: FireCrystal

FireSage 8000 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: FireCrystal

Fishman 900 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: PearlHeart

Flamefolk 3000 HeatSmash HellWing Assist STR-WIL-PSY+20

FlyMec 100 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: Junk

FrillNeck 500 Flash SpreadBlaster PowerKick QUI+18
drops: PearlHeart, BlueElf

Furdo 37500 -----------------------------------------------------

GaeaToad 1400 Bloodsucker WaterCannon Tremor VIT+30
drops: BehemothRifle, SnakeOil

Gargantu 4000 -----------------------------------------------------

Gargoyle 80 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: UnluckyCoin

Gekko 70 GremlinEffect WaterCannon PowerKick STR+8
drops: SnakeOil

Gelatin 2380 GremlinEffect Feeler Thunderbolt PSY-VIT+25
drops:BoltCrystal, ThunderCharm

Genbu 2300 GriffithScratch ArcticBreath Thunderbolt INT-PSY-VIT+30
drops: SeaStone, GenbuShield

GenocideHeart 135000 -----------------------------------------------------

Ghost 90 Bloodsucker Spoil Asassinate INT-PSY+8
drops: BloodChalice

GhostRider 320 Oscillation Spoil Tremor WIL-PSY-VIT+13
drops: SteelAmulet, DarkRobe, BloodChalice

Giant 12000 Blade IceSmash TitasWave QUI-STR-PSY+30
drops: PowerBelt, GenbuShield, Obsidian
Note: This enemy appears as a boss for several characters. The boss versions
are much more powerful, with 52500 HP.

Goblin 4000 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: Buckler

Golem 6500 Oscillation ???? ???? VIT+40

Grappler 2500 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: MaxCure, HyperWear

GreenFighter 950 -----------------------------------------------------

GreenSage 20000 -----------------------------------------------------

Gremlin 600 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: SilverSpread, SteelAmulet, Junk, UnluckyCoin

Griffin 42500 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????
drops: CelestialLeather

GriffinJr. 6500 GriffithScratch HellWing TitasWave STR-QUI+30
drops: CelestialLeather

Gunbird 1200 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: KillerRifle, AGUNI-MBX

Guncart 200 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: BrokenRifle

Gunfish 180 Lance WaterCannon Assist WIL+12
drops: PearlHeart

Harpy 800 Blade Spoil BladeNet QUI-INT-PSY+11
drops: WingAmulet, ShellShield

Hedgehog 350 Needle Spoil Sweep STR-WIL+8
drops: StunNeedle

Hellhound 800 FireBreath Psychout PowerKick STR-VIT-QUI+12
drops: FireCrystal, FireLeather

Hell's Lord 125000 -----------------------------------------------------

Hermes 3000 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: HEAT Bazooka, MachineVulcan, BigMissile

HugeSlime 2200 Hypnotism Spoil Assist PSY+20

HunterKnight 32000 -----------------------------------------------------

IceCrystal 500 Oscillation Crystalizer Assist VIT+20
drops: IceCrystal

IceWorm 2200 Blade IceSmash Assist STR-QUI-VIT+22
drops: ShellShield, HyperScale, GolemSuit

Ironhopper 300 -----------------------------------------------------

Jotnar 51000 GremlinEffect IceSmash TitasWave INT-WIL-PSY+20
drops: IceCrystal

K9 Mec 800 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: WaterCannon, ExcelShield, LaserCarbine

KillerBee 250 Needle HellWing Assist STR-QUI+10
drops: StunNeedle, WingAmulet

KittyClawer 550 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: BeastLeather

KittyKicker 550 -----------------------------------------------------

Kraken 12000 Oscillation TigerRampage ThunderBolt STR-VIT+30
drops: SeaStone, MaxCure
Note: This enemy is extremely vulnerable to status problems, instant death,
and petrification.

Kylin 55000 GriffithScratch TigerRampage Assist All but CHA+25
drops: AngelArmor, HarmoniumArmor

Ladyblade 1600 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: Osc-sword, Obsidian

Ladyhawk 1800 -----------------------------------------------------

Lamia 5000 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: PearlHeart, MoonlightRobe

Lich 2400 PsyNet DeadlyPowder Suffocation INT+42
drops: BloodChalice

LionPrincess 29000 -----------------------------------------------------

Liquid Metal 850 HeatSmash IceSmash ThunderBall STR-VIT+18
drops: Steel Amulet, SH-Anklet

LivingArmor 600 MagicHeal SpreadBlaster Suffocation VIT+18
drops: LivingArmor

LivingAxe 100 Blade Spoil Sweep STR-VIT+6

LivingGlove 285 HeatSmash IceSmash Spiders STR+15
drops: ArmorGlove

LivingLance 150 Lance Feeler Sweep STR-QUI-VIT+8

LivingMirror 1600 Flash SpreadBlaster ThunderBall INT-PSY+20

LivingMusket 1600 GremlinEffect GrapeShot Asassinate WIL+25
drops: LivingRifle

LivingSword 1000 Blade Spoil Asassinate STR-INT+20
drops: Glirandly
Note: three living weapon enemies(musket, sword, armor) have a special
attack called "posession". If you are hit by it and you have an open
weapon slot, then a weapon will appear there. If a mystic is posessed
and has no empty slot, then the monster will jump onto his/her mystic weapons
at random. The stats that are given to the mystic will be different than the
ones shown here.

Lummox 50 -----------------------------------------------------

Lunatic 11000 -----------------------------------------------------

Mandrake 200 Hypnotism PoisonousBlow Assist INT-WIL-PSY+10
drops: Cure

Manticore 1300 Needle PoisonousBlow Suffocation WIL-STR+16
drops: CelestialLeather, StunNeedle

MaskBuffer 7500 -----------------------------------------------------

MaskedGiant 6000 -----------------------------------------------------

MasterRing 50000 -----------------------------------------------------
Note: MasterRing has 9 companions to represent each ring spirit. They
resemble normal enemies, but their HP are:
Gremlin: 5000
UnicornJr: 7000
Mariche: 8000
Lich: 5750
Chimera: 10000
Tidi: 7000
LivingArmor: 10000
Titania: 5500
GhostRider: 6000

MBlack 30000 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: WarlordArmor

MBlackII 50000 -----------------------------------------------------

MBlackIII 120000 -----------------------------------------------------

MecDOBBY 150 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: FlashBomb

MecDOBBY100 1700 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: DOBBY Bazooka, RepairKit, BoltThrower, HG-Cannon

MecGod 60000 -----------------------------------------------------

Mellow 700 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: SplashSword

Mimic 16300 FireBreath Psychout Asassinate QUI-WIL+25
drops: PowerCure, SilverMoon
Note: The HP given is for a Mimic that is alone. If it appears with other
enemies or in a group, then the HP is half that amount.

MiniDragon 300 FireBreath HellWing ThunderBall QUI-WIL-VIT+9
drops: FireLeather

Minotaur 40000 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: MaxCure

Mollasite 7000 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: RottenMeat

Mystic 1500 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: CombatSuit, RuneSword, StardustRobe

Nidheg 40000 -----------------------------------------------------
Note: The HP given is for all characters except Emelia. If you are Emelia,
then the smaller Nidheg only takes 3000 HP before it runs away.

NightShade 500 PsyNet GrapeShot Asassinate PSY+20
drops: LifeCandy

NomadFighter 300 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: RubberSuit

Ogre 600 HeatSmash PoisonousBlow TitasWave STR-VIT+15

OgreLord 1200 HeatSmash PoisonousBlow TitasWave STR-VIT+25
drops: Iron Clogs

Orlouge 75000 -----------------------------------------------------

Pickbird 100 Lance HellWing Assist QUI+9
drops: WingAmulet

PinkFighter 1000 -----------------------------------------------------

Platoonpus 300 Lance Psychout MysteryTap STR-WIL-VIT+10
drops: EggHat

PlatyHooks 4800 -----------------------------------------------------

PlatyKing 1000 Lance Da-Dum PowerKick ALL but CHA+15

PrimaBronza 2500 HeatSmash IceSmash PowerKick ALL but CHA+10
drops: EMES Tag, SteelAmulet

PrimaMaska 3000 HeatSmash IceSmash PowerKick ALL but CHA+10
drops: SteelAmulet

QuakeWorm 16000 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: HyperScale

R & R 5500 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: RepairKit, HyperScale, SuperMissile

Rabbat 120 BloodSucker Spoil Assist ALL but CHA+5
drops: LifeCandy

Razorback 300 Lance PoisonousBlow PowerKick STR-QUI-VIT+9
drops: BeastLeather

Red Dragon 4000 FireBreath HellWing TitasWave STR-WIL-VIT+25

RedFighter 2000 -----------------------------------------------------

RockBaboon 800 Hypnotism IceSmash MysteryTap STR-VIT+10
drops: SnakeOil, BeastLeather

RockScout 1800 HeatSmash Crystalizer TitasWave STR-VIT+30

Rocky 90 Hypnotism Da-Dum Sweep STR+8

Scorpion 450 Blade PoisonousBlow Spiders STR-WIL-VIT+11
drops: StunNeedle, ShellShield

Shadow 900 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: PowerCure, MaxCure

Shaman 2400 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: MagicStone

Shellworm 80 Blade WaterCannon Sweep STR-PSY-VIT+5

Shrieker 1500 Oscillation Da-Dum Tremor QUI-WIL+25
drops: FlowerAmulet

Shuzer(I) 16500 -----------------------------------------------------

Shuzer(II) 12500 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: KillerRifle

Shuzer(III) 60000 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: KillerRifle

SickleBug 2500 Oscillation HellWing TitasWave STR-QUI-WIL+20
drops: Twin Dragon

Sir Demon 400 -----------------------------------------------------

Siren 3100 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: FireCrystal, GlowRobe, HarmoniumBangle

Skeleton 60 Blade Spoil Sweep STR-PSY+6

Skullasaurus 3100 Bloodsucker PoisonousBlow ThunderBall STR-QUI-VIT+20
drops: BoneBreast

Skulldrake 25000 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: FireCrystal, BoneBreast

Skylab 4200 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: BoltThrower, GrainCannon

Slime 140 Hypnotism Spoil Assist PSY+12
drops: LuckyCoin, UnluckyCoin

Slugger 2000 Bloodsucker PoisonousBlow QuickSand STR-VIT+18
drops: RubberSuit, RubberShoes

Snakeman 500 -----------------------------------------------------

Snowfolk 3800 PsyNet IceSmash MysteryTap INT-PSY-VIT+30
drops: IceCrystal, SleetCoin

Soldier 300 -----------------------------------------------------

SonicBat 725 Oscillation HellWing BladeNet WIL-QUI+15
drops: BeastLeather, WingAmulet, BloodChalice, PurpleEye

SpearValkyrie 1200 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: IceCrystal, HarmoniumBangle, AngelArmor

Sphinx 1700 MagicHeal HellWing MysteryTap INT+40
drops: CelestialLeather, WingAmulet

Sporepile 120 MagicHeal DeadlyPowder MysteryTap INT-WIL-PSY+8

Spriggan 160000 -----------------------------------------------------

Sprite 50 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: MagicStone

Straysheep 800 MagicHeal Psychout Spiders QUI-CHA+20

Succubus 2000 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: StardustRobe

Sunflower 1200 MagicHeal GrapeShot Assist WIL+28
drops: GlowRobe, MaxCure

Suzaku 6000 FireBreath HellWing TitasWave ALL but CHA+20
drops: FireLeather
Note: When this enemy appears as the boss in Mosperiburg(for the Shield Card)
it has 30000 HP.

SwordMec 150 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: Repairkit, AGUNI-CP1

Swordsman 130 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: Cure

SwordValkyrie 1200 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: Runesword

Tanzer 145000 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: RING/Thief

Thundragon 6000 GriffithScratch HellWing Thunderbolt STR-QUI-VIT+20
drops: BoltCrystal, DragonSword

TimeLord 80000 -----------------------------------------------------

Titania 1200 -----------------------------------------------------

TrapVine 300 Bloodsucker Feeler Sweep STR-QUI+12
drops: FlowerAmulet

Treant 750 MagicHeal Feeler BladeNet INT-PSY+18
drops: ShadeRobe

Trisaur 3500 Lance PoisonousBlow Tremor STR-VIT+20
drops: BeastLeather, FangAmulet

Trisaur Jr. 8500 Lance PoisonousBlow Tremor STR-VIT+20

T-Walker 1500 -----------------------------------------------------

Undine 300 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: PearlHeart

Unicorn 3200 MagicHeal SpreadBlaster PowerKick
drops: UnicornTear, MagiHat, GoldenFleece

Unknown 750 Flash SpreadBlaster ThunderBall INT+20
drops: PurpleEye

Virgil N/A -----------------------------------------------------

Virus 1000 -----------------------------------------------------

Vulcan 200 -----------------------------------------------------

VulcanII 400 -----------------------------------------------------

WaspMec 500 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: LightVulcan

Waterfolk 3250 MagicHeal WaterCannon ThunderBall STR-PSY-WIL+20

WaterSage 14000 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: GenbuShield

WereRhino 2200 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: GolemSuit, SH-Armlet, BudoWear

WhipJelly 200 MagicHeal Feeler Sweep QUI+15
drops: PowerCure, MagicStone

Wonderdog 60 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: CottonShirt

Wormbrood 800 MagicHeal DeadlyPowder Assist WIL-VIT+14
drops: ShellShield, Protector, HarmoniumBangle

Wyvern 1050 Lance HellWing Assasinate STR-QUI+17
drops: FeatherCharm, WindShell

Xeno 68 BloodSucker WaterCannon Assist WIL-VIT+5
drops: FangAmulet

YellowFighter 1000 -----------------------------------------------------

Yeti 585 Hypnotism Da-Dum MysteryTap STR-VIT+15
drops: BeastLeather, SnakeOil, OgreGlove

ZeroWorm 3300 Blade Crystalizer QuickSand STR-QUI-VIT+25
drops: HyperScale

Zombie 300 BloodSucker GrapeShot Suffocation STR-VIT+10
drops: AGUNI CP1

Zyphon 5000 -----------------------------------------------------
drops: WindShell, MaxCure

Places in the World
In each major area of SF there is a travel office where you can go to travel
to another town(free of charge). Each town has a lot to offer(although some
more than others), and a basic overview of the shops and items in each town
is given here. Note that more detail will be used in the walkthroughs, these
are just basic guidelines. Any optional areas that any character can reach
are described here in detail. Character specific areas and areas that are
involved in the Arcane or Rune quests are in those respective areas.

This town is at the center of the world, and from here you can travel to
anywhere else that is approachable by ship(except Nelson). You will find
a few shops here to buy and sell goods, as well as valuable information.

LeatherBoots 70
RubberShoes 130
JetBoots 250
FeatherBoots 210

JunkHelm 130
Yolk Hat 170
FiberHood 210
InfraScope 250
LaserScope 300
MirrorGlass 300

Army goods
FiberVest 250
ArmorVest 860
CombatSuit 710
PoweredSuit 5200
DefendWear 250
HyperWear 350
ArmorGlove 250
CyberSuit 300

EasyRifle 260
TroopRifle 640
EagleGun 980
SniperRifle 1180
LethalGun 4020

LaserKnife 330
SamuraiSword 490
CeramicSword 640
TwinSword 800
Osc-sword 1111
Katana 1390
RuneSword 2850
ZeroSword 4000

Cure 20
PowerCure 150
MaxCure 400
AntiStone 80
SnakeOil 80
Magi-Water 200
X Magi-Drink 1000

LeatherBoots 7
LeatherGlove 10
HardLeather 45
BeastLeather 100
FireLeather 400
CelestialLeather 800
DragonShield 3000

Also Koorong has the gold shop, an invaluable tool in powering up your
characters by buying them the best equipment. You see, there is a way to
use this gold shop in conjunction with the Nelson gold shop to make infinite
money. Do the following:
1. Collect about 15000 credits(you have to earn these, unless you use the
other infinite money trick in Scrap)
2. Go to Nelson and buy as many GoldIngots as you can from the guy in the
3. Go back to Koorong. Go to the gold shop and sell gold. Press down on
the controller to sell your gold until the value of gold drops to 0. Keep
pressing down until you have run out all your gold, then press up to take
your gold back. You see that the game does not count how many below 0 you
went with your ingots. Keep pressing up until you are back at your original
number of ingots, then press down until the price reaches 520 and sell. You
should see a good credit profit from this.
4. If you need more, repeat the process. The more money you have the more
you will make, but you cannot get more than about 50000 credits from this
trick, since the gold price has an upper limit at 2040. Spend some money,
then you can come back and refresh your supply up to 50000 as many times as
you need. Don't spend your money below 15000 ever again once you get the
trick working, or else it will be very difficult to get it going again
without having to go out and earn more money.

There are two exits from town. The southern one leads to Dr. Nusakan's office
and to a small section of sewer w/ 200 credits. You end up here during
training in Emelia's game. The northern one is much longer and leads to
the Natural Cave w/ the Hide Rune, several pieces of treasure, and a secret
shop. Walkthrough for this area will be done in the Rune Quest section.

This is the most highly technologically advanced region except for Manhattan.
The scientists here, led by Dr. Nakajima, are in constant competition with
the Trinity scientists for the most cutting edge mecha technology. The area
is rich with history, as well, containing the tombs of two great kings of
the past. The town also has its bad side, with genetic research and bio-
weapon manufacturing ocurring at the Bio Research Lab in the southeast.
Street kids can be seen playing and information can be gained in the streets.
There is a free inn here, as well as a bookstore for learning about the
region's history. Nakajima Robotics sells and buys items from your

RepairKit 30
ElectroArmor 1480
MissilePod 300
LightVulcan 450
LightningCannon 750
LaserCarbine 1110
IonCannon 1250
BoltThrower 1880

Knife 10
BroadSword 20
KukriBlade 20
LaserKnife 30
SamuraiSword 50
CeramicSword 60
TwinSword 80
Osc-Sword 110

Mu's Tomb is here, containing the Victory Rune. This area will be dealt with
in the Rune Quest section. The Bio Research Lab contains a character and
a very powerful shield, as well as being the home to very powerful monsters.
Once you have enough power to defeat them, these monsters are your best
chance to learn new techs and find powerful items and abilities. Sei's Tomb
in the north contains 3 items. If you want and are using a character other
then Riki, then you can keep these items(a crappy sword, decent accessory,
and an excellent shield) or trade them for a chance to fight King Sei.

Sei's Tomb
Treasures: Magatama, Mizukagami, Murakumo, Kusanagi
Characters: Sei

This area is part of a few character's storylines, but I advise everyone to
visit here to get some good treasures. From the entrance, head downstairs
past the slime enemy into the large altar room. Remember its location, since,
like most large altar rooms, it is important. Pass through it for now.
In the northeast corner of the next room you'll see a shield on the wall
guarded by a couple of skeletons. Don't try to get it yet, you cannot until
you get the sword and accessory. For the sword, go to the west side of this
room near where you came in and step on the floor near the base of the stairs
until you fall through a weak spot in the floor. You will land below on a
path that leads to a sword. Defeat the skeletons and take the sword,
Next, exit this room by jumping down to the north and going upstairs until
you reach the room you were just in w/ the shield. Take the southeast exit
this time. You will reach a 3-way intersection, so head north. Near the
northeast corner in the back of the room you will see a teardrop shaped stone
on a pedestal. Take it(after beating the 2 skeletons), the "Magatama".
Now return to the room w/ the shield. Now that you have the other 2 items,
you can reach the shield. Beat the 2 skeletons and take it, the "Mizukagami".
Now you have a decision to make. Normally, I just leave the dungeon now,
since the Mizukagami is one of the best shields in the game(it protects you
from heat and water, and has a high defense rate). If you have many mecha
in your party then the Kusanagi may be attractive to you, since it increases
a mech's power a good deal. The Kusanagi is not as valuable on a human or
mystic character as the Mizukagami is, in my opinion, but your opinion
may differ. Also, if you want Sei in your party, then you must give up the
3 items you found. Riki has no choice but to give up the items to meet Sei.
If you want Sei or his Kusanagi, then go to the large altar room(west from
the room w/ the shield) and place the three treasures on the 3 lit altars.
Once all of them are placed, the rear door opens. Enter here and approach
the coffin to meet Sei. He will join Riki without a fight. For others, you
must fight him.

Sei is a fairly powerful enemy if you are not powered up, so be cautious.
He regenerates 795 HP each round with his Deathsynthesis, so if you have
LightShift then use it. When Sei attacks he will have several DeadKnights
that will guard him. Kill all but one of them then attack Sei full force.
If you kill all the DeadKnights then Sei will use his big attack,
MinionStrike which does 100-200 HP damage to all your characters. The
DeadKnights really don't have much offense, so leaving one is not going to
hurt you that bad. Sei has a shield and can block, so be wary of using
physical attacks. Use your fighting techs to combo him to death.
Sei has the SacredSong attack which is more powerful than MinionStrike
(300+damage) but he uses it rarely.

Once you beat Sei, you can choose to have him join you(he comes with all the
attacks you saw in battle, including MinionStrike) or get his sword. The
sword is the obvious choice to me, because the last thing I really want in
my group is another monster. If you like the monsters, then take him. The
sword takes 3 WP to use a normal attack, so equip DoubleSlash or StunSlash on
the character to cut the WP consumption(just use that as your normal attack).
If you have a mech, give the sword to it.

Bio Research Lab
Treasures: Dragon Shield
Characters: Cotton

This area contains the second best shield in the game, as well as another
monster that can join your party. The shield is guarded by a huge, powerful
boss, the EarthDragon, but Cotton is guarded by some wimpy normal enemies.
This accurately portrays the relative worth of the two, I think. The
scientists throughout the lab are not there on a routine field study, they
want you dead. Talking to one results in a battle with some powerful
enemies. Once you are high level, return here to fight the enemies, as they
teach you techs fairly quickly. Also, the Dullahan enemies(the second
scientist on the first floor, as well as some others) can drop the best
shield in the game(DurahanShield) as well as the best armor(PlutoArmor).
The CrystalTrees drop several sound-resistant items, and the Suzakus are
great for absorbing into your mystic weapons for very high stats. The
Snowfolk enemies often travel with DarkFairies, and they drop the SilverMoon.
This is the best katana in the game.

First, head upstairs from the first room(the stairs are near the southern
wall). You can visit the side rooms throughout the lab if you want, they
contain some scientists. Once upstairs, go to the far north door to reach
the library. Inside here, you can read some books(near where the scientist
is). Once you have filled your mind with the useless knowledge, then
search(press O) against the far north bookshelf. Voila! It moves aside and
reveals a secret door. Head through here.

After passing the secret door and going down the ladder, you'll have a choice
of going upstairs or down. Cotton is upstairs, the DragonShield is down.
If you want Cotton, go to the top of the stairs and through the door. Then
go through the red door here to fight a few enemies and get Cotton(Cotton is
a friend of Fuse's, apparently. If you have Fuse in your party, they will
have a meaningless conversation). If you don't want Cotton, then just head
downstairs and out the south passage at the bottom.

You will be in a large greenery. Your final destination is the far north
door, but right now it is locked. In order to unlock it, head for the
southeast building(you have to go around it to the north and follow a semi-
hidden path to get there). Inside, go up the ladder to the second floor
and activate the computer behind where the woman is standing. The readout
above you should change to (LOCK: OFF), signifying that you did it. Now go
outside and head for the northern building(the path to get there is sort of
tricky to find, but it shouldn't be too difficult). Save right after you
enter, because that innocent looking scientist standing there will summon
the EarthDragon, a powerful enemy.

The EarthDragon is one of the game's harder enemies. One of the things that
makes this boss so difficult is that throwing techs of any kind(including
DSC) are completely ineffective against it. It is just too heavy, I guess.
It has several forms of attack, GasFlame that usually hits all your party,
Grasp(steals HP), Trample, and IronBall. IronBall is the worst one, since
he will drop a random number(I have had him move up to 10 times in one round
with this attack). Each IronBall does about 300-500 points of damage.
Occasionally he will just bite for minimal damage, and the Grasp attack is
not too powerful either. However, to make things worse, his shell turns out
to be a very effective shield that blocks attacks almost half the time.
To beat the EarthDragon, you must be of fairly high level. Make sure each
of your characters has at least 500 HP and a few high power techs. NoMoment
and LifeSprinkler are good ones, since he can't block them. Be sure that
you equip these 5 with your best shields and the Deflect tech, so you can
protect yourself from the multiple IronBalls. Having a monster with MagicHeal
is very useful in this fight if you can turn it into a form that can survive
the IronBall attack. Try to perform combos if you can. Having MindHeal is
also a good idea so each character can revive themselves after being nailed
by a big cannonball. If you are lucky, the EarthDragon will use his
weaker attacks often and not drop too many IronBalls at once, but if not this
can be a very difficult fight.

Once you beat the EarthDragon, take the DragonShield behind him(near the
S&M gear on the table).

Manhattan is the home of Trinity Inc., the power company that is responsible
for mech manufacturing and almost all technological advancement in the
regions. Since they are so powerful, corruption is rampant at Trinity as
each commander vies for control of the company and the public at large
suffers(is this sounding familiar yet?). Mondo, the commander of Trinity
base is perhaps the most ruthless of all, but is a cunning liar and manip-
ulator of others. He plans to take over the whole company, using his hidden
army. This company is central in a few character's quests.
Other than that, there is the C.T.C. Building, the home of Cindy Campbell.
She is a criminal who smuggles stolen weapons for anyone who pays the price,
including Trinity. Lately, she has been seen doing a lot of business with
the interregional crime syndicate BlackX.
The shopping malls here are actually not very good for shopping, only having
one store that sells accessories. This shop is integral in Riki's quest.
They sell a few accessories that are good for your monsters.
PearlHeart 1500
FireCrystal 1500
IceCrystal 1500
HarmoniumEarring 1500
BloodChalice 4000
PurpleEye 8000
WonderBangle 10000
RING/Schemer 30000(you can't buy this)

Luminous is the home of Light and Shadow Magic. Magicians travel here often
to test their skills at the Luminous Labyrinth and in Omble, the shadow
region. Several magics are for sale here.
SunRay 300
StarlightHeal 300
FlashFire 600
FlashFlood 300

PowerGrab 600
HideBehind 300
ShadowNet 300

Rouge is standing in the port here, he will join most characters.
In the far west, Light magic users can enter the Luminous Labyrinth to earn
the gift for Light magic. The gift for Shadow magic can be accessed by
talking to the shopkeeper in the Shadow magic shop and asking about the gift.
You will be sent to Omble to earn the Shadow gift.

Luminous Labyrinth
Treasures: MoonlightRobe, 400 credits, SanctuaryStone
Characters: none

This dungeon is really a series of 3 puzzles. While inside, your item and
save commands will not be usable, so do so before you enter. Soon you will
come to a room with many mirrors and a beam of light. Rotate the mirrors
until the light shines on the circular insignia on the north wall. You
will come to another similar room with two insignia on the wall in the north-
west corner. Also this room contains small prisms which serve to split the
light beam. Only one prism can be on at any one time, so turn off one(press
O) before turning on another or it won't work. Split the beam and rotate the
mirrors so that light is shining on both of the insignia. You will then be
in a room with many colored screens. The solution to this room is provided,
since it is the only one that takes a while to solve.

3 4

b blue 2

1 a blue

numbers: rotatable mirrors
lowercase letters: prisms
words: color screens
The numbers and letters in the diagram are in the same relative positions as
these objects in the room. Turn each mirror(using the north end as a guide)
in the direction indicated and turn on the indicated prism to get the color
described. Then walk up to the insignia to claim your prize.
Blue: 1-right, 2-left, 3-left, 4-left, turn on prism a
You must fight some fairly weak enemies here, usually a RockScout or some
LivingArmor and Mirrors.
Red: 1-left, 2-left, 3-left, 4-left, turn on prism a
You must fight some stronger enemies, usually a Cyclops or a Giant.
Green: I don't think it's possible. If anyone can get green, please tell
everyone else.
Purple(Blue+Red): 1-left, 2-left, 3-left, 4-left, turn on prism c
You get a SanctuaryStone.
Yellow(Red+Green): 1-left, 2-left, 3-right, 4-left, turn on prism a
You get 400 credits.
Teal(Blue+Green): 1-right, 2-left, 3-right, 4-left, turn on prism a
You get MoonlightRobe.
White(all colors): 1-left, 2-left, 3-right, 4-left, turn on prism c
You get the gift and exit. Wait until you get the other treasures before
you do this or you will miss them.

Note that there is a room in the last puzzle in the southeast corner. It has
a few pillars and a mirror that you can't turn. I have not found any use for
this room, so if anyone knows please let me know too. I tried shining every
color of light in there and nothing happened.

Treasures: 200 credits, Magi-Water
Characters: Silence

As soon as you enter the shadow region, your shadow runs off and you must
find it in order to get the gift and exit. If you want the Mystic Silence
in your party, then find his shadow in the first room and talk to it. Then
after you complete the shadow region you can talk to Silence(the guy standing
in the right hand rear corner of the magic shop) and he'll join you. After
doing that, then head for the northwest door. There are 200 credits in the
northwest corner of the next room(you can only see the shadow, so it is easy
to miss), get that and then head upstairs. Turn left here(the right leads
to a dead end). In the next room, you can head to the east to find a shop.
There are several fairly useless items for sale:

Cure 15
PowerCure 100
MaxCure 300
MagicStone 100
ShadowDagger 160
DarkRobe 300

After doing your shopping, go back out and head north. Get the Magi-Water
here(you can only see the shadow). The next area north seems empty. You
can see another room to your west with the shadows of each of the 7 characters
in it, though, and this is where you have got to go. Go back south and head
west from the room with the Magi-Water. Follow the path and you'll end up
in the room full of shadows. Find the shadow of your character(could be easy
or difficult depending upon who you have) and bump into it. It will go into
the room across to the east. Try not to bump into the other shadows, they
will be monsters when you touch them again in the other room. Once your
shadow has been sent across, then go back and go in the northern room again.
Bump into your shadow again and it should go into the north passage. If
you bump into a shadow that is not your own, a fight will occur. Follow your
shadow into the north room and bump into it. A fight will occur.

The Shades are mirror images of your party, complete with all of your
abilities and HP. Their failing is that they do not have much intelligence,
as they will often use your most ineffective attacks. Use this to your
advantage. Equip each character with abilities that you are immune to or
that do not hurt you badly, then put on one good attack ability at the bottom
of the list. The Shades will often waste their time using Thrust, Kick, and
other weak attacks instead of using the best attack, which you should use
every time. Another strategy is to de-equip your characters of all their
abilities. This de-equips the Shades too, so they must use regular attacks.
However, occasionally you may learn a new attack whereas they cannot, so you
will normally come out on top. Definitely de-equip characters who have
Galeslash, ReverseGravity, Death, or other spells that could kill your whole
party to keep the Shades from slaying you in one blow. This could be a very
difficult fight, but it usually is not.

After beating the Shades, then the gift is yours and you are returned to the

Note that for either the Luminous Labyrinth or Omble, if your main character
cannot go(is Riki or T260G, or already has the opposite type of magic) then
your characters that can go will walk in and then immediately come back out
with the gift(no effort required).

Magic Kingdom
The Magic Kingdom is a land of mages. All males born there have the gift
for the native type of magic, Realm magic. The Kingdom has a past littered
with destruction. Long ago, demons attacked here from the underworld killing
many. Since that day, the people have been trained so as to prevent that
from happening ever again. There is an item shop here, as well as a magic
shop that sells Realm magic. A mystic named Furdo has his workshop here,
which is an optional quest that may test your abilities.
Note that if Rouge is in your party, then you will have to leave him to go
to Magic Kingdom. You can find him again in Luminous once you are done here
with all of his weapons, armor, levels, and abilities intact.

MagicStone 30
MagicWear 100
Magi-Water 200
X-Magi-Drink 1000
BoltCrystal 1500
RuneSword 2850

Realm Magic
EnergyChain 300
Implosion 500
PsychoArmor 300

There is a woman blocking a path in the magic shop. If anyone has ever been
behind her, then I'd like to know what is back there. She will not be help-
ful to any of the characters.

Furdo's Workspace
Treasures: GlowRobe, UnicornTear, PearlHeart
Characters: none

This tricky area is completely optional, and all you get is a few worthless
treasures and the privelege of fighting Furdo. I usually do it just for fun,
but it is not necessary. Furdo's Workspace is in the western part of Magic
Kingdom, past the trees. From where you enter, go west, then north. Do not
go upstairs in this room, but go north past them. Then head east until you
reach the large arena with the stone dragon. Go south and you'll be in a
room with a large pillar in the center. Activate this pillar(press O). The
fairies on the upper floor will begin to fly about. They will unpetrify the
treasures and enemies in the castle. The treasures are located:
Along path east of entry room: chest with GlowRobe
Upstairs and west of GlowRobe, then south: PearlHeart, UnicornTear
Be patient with the fairies, sometimes it takes them a while to unpetrify the
treasures. If you kill a fairy, then go back to the pillar and reactivate
it to bring the dead fairies back.
Once you get the treasure, head upstairs and to the balcony where the stone
fairies once were. You can walk through the wall on the west side of the room
where a fairy used to be into a secret area. Follow this path and you will
meet Furdo.

Furdo really is not all that difficult. He will taunt you several times
during the fight, letting you know when he is injured badly. His attacks
include StoneGas(an attack that can petrify a character), PhantasmShot, and
GlassShield. Use long range attacks to avoid getting nailed by a GlassShield
and have someone with the Grail spell or a backpack with SnakeOils or
Anti-stones to counter the petrify effect. Rarely he will use one of his
Mystic weapons to attempt to instantly slay a character, but this is not
usually very dangerous. If you are able to dish out a moderate amount of
damage, then you will be able to topple Furdo pretty easily.

Once you beat Furdo, you get----nothing! Head back out. You may want to
absorb Furdo into a monster, there are a few rare abilities that he has(rare,
not useful).

Kyo is the training grounds for martial artists throughout the world. It
is also the home of Mind Magic, which utilizes your mind and spirit. Kyo
has also made a name for itself as a popular tourist attraction. Overall
a beautiful place to live, but each rose has its thorn. The criminal
organization BlackX has a headquarters here, hidden from the public. This
is the location of much of their narcotics development.
If you are Red, then a lot of your game takes place here, but most characters
only pay Kyo a cursory visit to stock up on Mind Magic. There is also a
pretty useless item shop.

MagicStone 30
LuckyCoin 30
UnluckyCoin 30
FangAmulet 150
WingAmulet 150
FlowerAmulet 150
SteelAmulet 150
BudoWear 210

Mind Magic
MindHeal 300
Spellbound 300
Evaporate 300

You can also get the gift for Mind Magic here, by asking about the gift and
accepting the training. You will go into the back room, where each character
must fight an enemy alone. Any character that loses will not get the gift.
Note that Blue/Rouge cannot get the gift until after they fight in Blue's
chapter, and that mystics cannot use Mind Magic. The enemies that you must
fight in the training are quite lopsided, some being very powerful and others
being very weak. You can choose the order that your characters go in, so
save your most powerful characters to fight the powerful enemies like the Lich
and the Slugger.

Yorkland is the most rural of all the regions of the world. The people here
live a carefree life, brewing beer and wine like their families have done
for generations. The Trinity are slowly moving in on the liquor trade, as
well as buying up parts of Yorkland to build another base. The new commander
of Trinity Base, Mondo, was born here. This area is home to another point
of interest for Trinity-the Cube power generator is stored here. This
extremely valuable power generator was built from the ruins of a highly
advanced ancient culture, and many forces are vying to control it. If you
want the Grail card, then your travels will bring you here. There is a
monster named Thunder that can join you here too if you have Lute in your
group(this is Lute's hometown).

Devin is the home of Arcane and Rune magic. Here fortune tellers and psychics
run rampant. This region is popular among tourists. It also serves as the
new home of Rei Hime, a mystic who escaped Orlouge's custody in Facinaturu.
Rei can send you to Kylin's Paradise to get Space Magic, but only if you
prove yourself worthy by first getting the gift for either Light or Shadow,
then getting the gift for either Rune or Arcane magic. Then ask her(the
purple-haired woman at the shrine) about Space Magic and you're on your way.
You must ask about the gifts for Rune or Arcane magic and get the cards and
stones here from the shops before you can begin collecting cards or runes.
Don't bother trying to draw a sacred lot, they are always sold out.
Note that Rei can join Asellus-the details are in Asellus's walkthrough.

Arcane Palace
Saber 300
Shield 300
Grail 300
Gold 150

Lure of the Rune
VictoryRune 300
VitalityRune 300
HideRune 300
FreedomRune 300

Kylin's Paradise
Treasures: none
Characters: Kylin

After Rei sends you here, your first goal is to enter the circus tent
structure in the northeast. Kylin is inside, and he asks to test you. Say
yes, and you'll be in a maze. The directions for getting through the maze,
step by step, are:
Go through first room
Go northwest
Go north one room
Go west in the next room
Get the clover-shaped key on the ground
Go back two rooms and head south
Go west
Go northwest, then go upstairs
Use the key to open the Northeast door(now you should be walking on the bottom
of the floor)
Head along the bottom of the floor until you cannot go any further, then
get back on top and drink the water in the vase(now you will shrink)
Go through the small door here(now you're back near the beginning)
Go in the other small door on the same screen near the northeast door.
Go west, then south.
Pull the lever to open the tea cup(this is starting to look familiar)
Go back north, then east, then south.
Go in the other small door on this same screen.
Climp on the teaspoon into the teacup
Follow the stairs to the door.

I know you are expecting to fight the Mad Hatter after all that, but all
you find is Kylin. Talk to him again. You have two options, to ask for his
help or "Don't bother". I know it's rude, but its probably best to not
bother. If he joins you then you will not be able to learn Space Magic, and
this magic is much more useful than another monster in your party. If you
do get Kylin, then he will have the space spells equipped(the only time a
monster may use magic), so don't get rid of them because they are impossible
to replace. If you choose not to get him, then talk to him again and he'll
sell you Space Magic.

Space Magic
VaporBlast 400
Vanish 400
ReverseGravity 1200
LightShift 400

Once your business is done, then talk to the new person(the blonde girl who
is the only one standing still outside). She'll offer to send you back.
Instead of being nice and sending you conveniently back to Devin, however, you
are sent to the middle of the Koorong sewer system. Head down the rocky
stairs to the east here and get back to town.

IRPO stands for Inter-Regional Police Organization. It is responsible for
law enforcement in the regions. A few of their officers(Doll, Fuse) become
involved in your quests, and anyone who wants the Shield Card must work for
the police for a while. If you are not doing the Arcane quest, then there
will be nothing here for you, but if you are then talking to the secretary
will allow you to go to the Mosperiburg mountains to get a flower(obviously
important police business). Success earns you the Shield Card and a
permanent alliance with Fuse. This area will be explained in detail in the
Arcane quest section.

Mosperiburg is the location of Virgil Palace. Virgil Palace is home to
the Mystic Virgil, also known as Ring Lord. He holds the RING/Lord, as
well as the key to travel to Facinaturu and TimeLord's Region. If you
have proven your worth by getting the gifts for Light/Shadow and Rune/Arcane
magics, then Virgil will send you to TimeLord's Region to get Time Magic.

TimeLord's Region
Treasures: none
Characters: TimeLord

Once Virgil sends you here, you should travel forward along the path(it is
pretty straightforward) until you reach the large hourglass that is broken.
By walking up to the hourglass, a text message will appear. Once you have
seen the broken hourglass and read the message, return to Virgil.
Once Virgil hears about the broken hourglass, he will send you to Facinaturu
to get the SandVessel from Gozarus. There is a section about Facinaturu
later, but for your purpose here you only need to go to Gozarus's shop and
buy the SandVessel. While you are here, you may also want to buy some
Mystic Magic, or get the Asura. Don't use up too many of your LP, though!
Note that T260G cannot do business with Gozarus. Once you have what you
want, go to the northwest house and talk to the man, then enter the
house just south of there. Talk to the slime and you will be admitted to
the Facinaturu Floor. This path is pretty straightforward too, so keep going
until you reach the plane and the exit. Now return to Virgil and he'll
send you back to TimeLord's Region.
Go to the bottom of the hourglass and collect some sand, then climb to the
top and pour it in. The clock will work again, and the SandVessel will
become an accessory that has the QuickSand attack and protects you from
petrification. Now that the enemies are active, you also have access to some
of the game's rarer enemies. Fight most of them if you want to make sure
you've seen it all. This area is home to the Demongoat, PrimaBronza/Maska,
Minotaur, some ultra-powered up StraySheep, and a pair of Rockbaboons that,
when hurt, combine to form a Yeti. A few of these guys drop good items,
and the Minotaurs and Demongoats are good to learn mid-level techs from.
Once you've had your fill, let down the drawbridge just beyond the hourglass
and cross. TimeLord will be here.
You can choose to get him, or to buy his magic. In my opinion, since he has
the gift, getting him in your party so you can have Overdrive is superior to
buying the fairly weak low-level time spells. He is a mystic, so his attacks
are generally not as powerful as a human, but Overdrive is a tremendous asset.
If you choose to buy the magic, the prices are:

Time Magic
DelayOrder 300
TimeLeap 600
ChaosStream 1500
TimeEclipse 600

If there is a slum in the world of SF, then Scrap is it. This region is
basically a large junkyard. There is a bar, an inn, a junk shop that
works like a grab bag(pay first, then get random items), and a factory run
by Caballero. Caballero is a profiteer who exploits the people here and in
Junk, Scrap's sister region.
The bar is a great place for most characters to get more party members.
Riki, Mei-Ling, Lute, Gen, and T260G are all here. Riki and T260G must
beat Caballero in his factory in order to complete their quests. In order
to leave Scrap, you must pay a fare. Normally it is 100 credits, but if
you are not supposed to leave(you are in the middle of the Caballero event)
then the price skyrockets to 10000 credits(come on boy, jump through the hoop,
good doggy..). To make matters worse, even if you do scrape together the
10000 credits to exit, you still won't be allowed to leave-your character
will still say "I don't have enough money". This really pissed me off...
After the Cabllero event is over, then the two characters who
can do this get a discount and the price becomes 10 credits. Don't worry, if
you don't have the cash, then the ride is free.
The junk shop will buy back the following items:
RepairKit 20
HyperScale 2000
BehemothRifle 3000
DuelGun 3500
SuperMissile 5500
HG-Cannon 6000
LightRifle 8500
HyperionBazooka 10000

Probably the most lucrative cheat in the whole game is here in Scrap. The
monsters who run the Junk Shop in the southeast may be wise businessmen, but
they are not very observant--it is possible to pay once and take as many
items as you want! It goes like this:
1. Pay the price the first time. It may cost from 100-3000 credits,
depending on your current power level. It's worth it, so pay.
2. Go in and get your 3 items.
3. Go back to the counter and offer to sell items. Go down to the last item,
"Hyperion Bazooka", and click on it as if you were going to sell it. Since
you don't have one, you will hear a "bzz". (Note: if you have one, then
equip it so you can't sell it. If you sell a Hyperion Bazooka, then you
need to hire someone to come over to the house and laugh at you.)
4. After buzzing on the item, you will have 7 more items to take from the
shop for free!. You can
also buzz on any of the other items, they give you progressively fewer free
5. Repeat, repeat, repeat.
There are 6 boxes in the junk shop, and each contains a different type of
item. They are laid out like so:

1 2
3 4
5 6

1: swords: Knife, LightKnife, KukriBlade, SamuraiSword, TwinSword, Osc-Sword
2: guns: AGUNI-CP1, AGUNI-SSP, EasyRifle, TroopRifle, AGUNI-MBX, LethalGun
3: cannons: JunkBazooka, LaserCarbine, ThunderBolt, LightBazooka, SonicCannon
4: shields/gloves: Buckler, ShellShield, ExcelShield, ShellBracer, CyberGlove
5: armor: HardLeather, ArmorVest, ElectroArmor, JumpSuit, WarlordArmor,
CombatSuit, CyberSuit
6: helmets/boots: LaserScope, FiberHood, MirrorGlass, LeatherBoots,
FeatherBoots, JetBoots
*note: these are not the only items there, just samples-the junk boxes
contain many different inconsequential items of this type.

You will also find Junk, BrokenBumpers, and RepairKits in each box(unless you
are T260G, who only finds weapons/armor). This is random. At first the
items you get are fairly weak, but each time that you sell RepairKits to the
shop, the items get slightly better on the average. It does not matter how
many you sell, just how many times you sell them. Since you will find them
in the junk pretty regularly, just go back and sell the excess to get
better and better items. If you are T260G, note that since you'll never
find RepairKits, you should bring plenty of your own to use for this. Just
clear out the junk room, go back and sell a RepairKit, buzz on the correct
item, then go back and do it again. Getting here to equip your characters
should be one of your first priorities when starting a new game. At your
first opportunity, get to Scrap and get equipment for your present and future
characters. You will rarely have to worry about equipment again. The best
things to look out for for each race are:
Humans, Mystics: 2 Osc-swords, ExcelShield, LethalGun, WarlordArmor,
MirrorGlass, CyberGlove, JetBoots
Mecha: 2 CyberSuits, SonicCannon, LaserCarbine, ExcelShield, LethalGun, etc.
Now, for a very low price of some time and a few credits, you have good
swords, shields of good power for all your characters, the 2nd best non-cannon
type gun I've seen, the second best armor in the game, a very good helmet,
glove, and the best boots(some have better DEF, but JetBoots are still the
best because of the QUI raised and because you float). Your mecha can get
up to around 500-600 HP, 2 Cybersuits give them great defense until you can
afford the PoweredSuits, and they get some very good cannons to use.
Since the game considers CyberSuits to be superior to WarlordArmor, and
MirrorGlasses to be superior to JetBoots, then if you sell RepairKits too
many times you may pass your opportunity to get these items. Don't worry,
you can buy them elsewhere using the infinite money tricks in the game.
You can use this junk shop to get infinite money as well, because once
you start getting Osc-swords you can get 99 of them and sell them off to
the guy at Nakajima Robotics in Shrike. They'll net you 110 credits a piece
and then you can repeat the process. This is slower than the GoldIngot trick
(see Koorong section), but is good for scraping together the roughly 15000
credits you need to get the other trick working. Then you can buy the
really good stuff, like the Katanas, ZeroSwords, HyperBlasters, etc..
I advise you spend an hour or so in Scrap as soon as possible to get the
equipment that will make the rest of the game much easier.

The Caballero Factory will be explained in the individual character

The waterfront region, Owmi is home to the seafood and merchant shipping
industries of the world. The rich man who owns the Lord Manor has eccentric
tastes, especially in magical rings and a certain water mystic with the
tail of a fish. There is a free place to rest here. The Lord Manor is
the backdrop for a few character's quests. Even if you are not required to
drop by, there is a SanctuaryStone, a unique sword, and some opportunities
to fight enemies here that you might not want to pass up.
The port in Owmi is the only port that has access to Nelson, the fisherman's

Lord Manor
Treasures: KrisKnife, GhostCannon, RubberSuit, MaxCure X 3, Magi-Water,
SanctuaryStone, RottenMeat, JetBoots, SeaStone(w/ Measarthim),
ArmorGlove, JackalSword, ShellBracer, RubberShoes, PearlHeart,
Characters: Measarthim

The Manor is a treasure trove of semi-useful items, but more so it is some-
thing to undertake while you are trying to level-up your characters. First,
get the items that are in the mansion before going into the enemy ridden
basement. Go upstairs, then turn right and enter the door next to where you
come out(hard to see, since the door is on the wall that you cannot see).
Go past large doors w/ suits of armor and into the attic for a KrisKnife
and a GhostCannon. Then head back to the first room of the mansion and go
east. Head downstairs, then take the 2nd door(near the wine rack) to get a
MaxCure and a RubberSuit. After that, head back and enter the door you just
walked past in the room with the wine rack. You should be in the basement
with the enemies.
Keep heading downstairs until you reach a room with two treasures and a bunch
of the winged demons and amphibian enemies. Take the SanctuaryStone and
the Magi-Water, then keep going south. In the next room you'll find JetBoots
and RottenMeat, then you exit to the east. You'll soon stumble across the
area's boss, the DevilSquid.

The DevilSquid looks and acts a lot like the Kraken enemies you'll meet in
the Yorkland swamp and wandering around once you reach a high level. It,
unfortunately, is not susceptible to the paralysis and death effects that its
bigger cousin is. Fortunately, though, its attacks do less than half the
damage of the Kraken's similar attacks, so defeating it should not be too
hard. Prepare for battle by equipping BlueElfs, PearlHearts, and such that
protect you from water so the Maelstrom doesn't wash you away. Other than
that, the DevilSquid doesn't have much to fight with. If you don't have
enough accessories to protect everyone, then be sure to protect your healers.
This is one of the bosses that I use as a combo target-it really can't hurt
you if you're prepared.

Beat the squid(don't let out that sigh of relief yet-you've got to fight it
then head into the west room. Walk up to the water.
Measarthim will swim up to you. If you have a mystic, and Silence is not
in your party, then Measarthim will offer to join you or give you an item
(SeaStone). She is a mystic who comes equipped with a MellowRing and a
BlueElf, both of which are good items. If you'd rather have the SeaStone,
then it's not bad either, it's like a PearlHeart only more so. If you have
no mystics, or if Silence is in your party, Measarthim will swim away(she
will not help Silence because he is mute, and his lack of a response makes
her think that she offended him). Now go back out to the squid room.

Now you can get the treasure there if you want-it is a trap that will throw
you into the lowest part of the basement. Not too bad, that's where you
wanted to go anyway. Go upstairs, into the room with the PearlHeart and
LeatherBoots. Head east from here, and you'll be in a room with 3 treasures
in plain view. Get the MaxCure, ShellBracer, and ArmorGlove, then go to
the platform across from the ArmorGlove and search behind the wall for the
JackalSword. This weapon is not too great, but has a nifty looking special
attack and cannot be obtained anywhere else as far as I know. In the room
to the south of the room with the JackalSword you can find RubberShoes and a
MaxCure. Go back and keep heading upstairs. Once you reach the room with
the squid, remember not to get the trapped treasure and fight the squid
again(for some reason, the game can't remember that you already defeated it).
Make your way out.

Nelson is a fisherman's city on the outside, but behind the scenes it is also
the meeting place for Captain Hamilton and her group of pirates. Their goal
is the defeat of Mondo, the new commander of Trinity Base. This city has a
person who will sell GoldIngots for 500 credits(unlike the Koorong shop, his
price remains constant-this allows for the ripoff trick described in Koorong).
There is also an armor shop here:

Buckler 200
ShellShield 500
WarlordArmor 2300
ZeroSword 4000

Other than that, there's not really much to see here unless you're Lute.

Baccarat is the casino resort of the world. There are hundreds of games(none
of which you can play, unfortunately), a hotel, and a bar. Several characters
make their way here for various reasons. The casino, unbenkownst to most,
is run by the Gnomes, a secretive little race of people who crave gold.
Emelia is here, and will join you if you are going on the Arcane quest. If
you are not going after the Gold Card, then there's not really much here for
you normally(specific characters have missions here). The Gnome Cave will
be covered in the Arcane quest section. By the way, don't try to walk all
the way down the stairs in the hotel area, they'll stop you at room 1000(yes,
I did it...took quite a while...).

This region is the home of the Masked Martial Arts tournament, a competition
of fighting skills that brings warriors from the ends of the earth. If you
are Emelia or Red, it'll bring you too. There are also two ruins here:
an ancient spacecraft with a secret mission crashed nearby and contains
valuable information and items for a certain mech. The ruins to the north-
east are actually a cover for Berva's base. As one of BlackX's 4 emperors,
he runs his network of crime from safety, protected by the traps and beasts
that populate the ancient ruins. Any character may visit the Ancient Ship
and the Shingrow Ruins to collect the items and experience there. Only
those who are allowed to participate in the Masked tournament may fully
explore Shingrow Palace, so that area will be covered in the individual

Ancient Ship
Treasures: Junk, RottenMeat, 200 credits, JumpSuit, 200 credits, MemoryBoard,
300 credits, DuelGun, HyperScale, BoltThrower, 500 credits
Characters: none

This place is populated pretty heavily with mecha, so bring along your mecha
to absorb the enemies and get as many programs as you can. After climbing up
into the ship, you can head north and press O against the rear wall to open
it and enter the secret passage. All that is in there are some bats, some
mecha, and 2 treasures that I'm sure you're dying to get-Junk and RottenMeat.
Get these two if you want, if not, then head south from the first room in the
In the next room, keep heading south. Follow the path as it curves west and
go past the door. Eventually you will reach a room with some enemies and
a couple of treasures: 200 credits and a MemoryBoard. Grab these, then go
back and head through the door that you just walked past in the north wall.
You'll be in a room with two levels-on the level below you you'll see a couple
of treasures(JumpSuit, 200 credits). You can climb down and get them now,
or wait until you come back this way on your way out to get them, it doesn't
matter. Go through the north door on the upper level, then climb the ladder
near the skeleton enemy.
In the next area w/ the slimes, you have three paths. The southern one
leads to what appears to be the flight deck of the ship, where you can find
300 credits and a DuelGun(find the path through the bushes). The western
path leads to a room with a HyperScale. After getting all this, head north
into the large room. Go past the tower in the north and around to the west
to the chest there. The chest won't open if you click directly on it, you
have to sort of press O against the fence next to it to open it and get a
BoltThrower. Finally, there is a secret door just above the area with the
BoltThrower-just press O against the wall to the north near there to get
500 credits in the room with the computer terminal(this is part of T260G's
chapter). That's everything, so go back the way you came. Don't forget the
treasures in the 2-level room if you didn't get them earlier.

Shingrow Ruins
Treasures: TwinSword, MagicStone, HarmoniumArmor, HarmoniumEarring,
250 credits, SanctuaryStone, ExcelShield
Characters: none

The ruins here are optional unless you're Red, but I advise going in here
anyway to gain a little more experience and to get some useful items, esp.
the Harmonium items that protect you from sonic attacks. Another Sanctuary
Stone never hurts either, and if you haven't cheated in Scrap yet then the
ExcelShield will probably help out too.
First, keep going north until you reach a room with a TwinSword in a chest.
Don't try to open the door in this room, as it is a trap and you will be
attacked by some BlackX guys after being hit with sleeping gas. There are
three doors like this in the ruins, and each gives you a progressively
worse ailment-sleep to palsy to being an instant red mess! Luckily the
enemies are weak as pond scum. After getting the sword go back to the
first room with the flying red enemy and the path to the west. Go west
from here.
This path leads up some stairs and - did you hear that? Loud croaking
sound...must be an enormous toad! Head through the door and you'll see the
cause for the commotion: a huge GaeaToad blocks your path. It has slightly
more HP than a normal Gaeatoad, but it still should be of absolutely no threat
to you.

If you need a boss strategy, that means you got killed by the Gaeatoad. You
are ridiculously too low of level to be here-go to Scrap and steal some
weapons and armor from the Junk Shop. Even with the characters you have
at the very beginning of most characters' games, the Gaeatoad should be
easily conquered. If you are still having trouble, then I hope you kept
the original packaging of your SaGa Frontier disc so you can go back to Wal-
Mart and get a full refund-you should probably give up RPG's and play
Crash Bandicoot or whatever kids play nowadays.

After stomping the Gaeatoad, enter the next room. If you want the
MagicStone, then you should stay on the higher path and head north. Follow
this path to a room with a door and the MagicStone in a chest. Get it,
but don't open the door because it is trapped. Go back to the room just
past the Gaeatoad.
From this room, you should go downstairs and through the other door. Soon
you'll be in a room with a dirt floor in the middle that is covered with
slime enemies. Go to the corner to get HarmoniumArmor. Then head through the
north door. Here is the HarmoniumEarring, but you can't get it until you
beat the Valkyries on the steps.

BOSS-SpearValkyrie and SwordValkyrie
You may have seen these enemies in your travels, and these are simply more
powerful versions of the normal ones. They both can block your attacks,
so you should make sure to have some unblockable attacks to use on them.
Concentrate on destroying one of them, then the other, that way they won't
combo you. The SwordValkyrie(in front) can use Windblast, so take it out
first. The other one can use LightBall, which hits you all but is less
powerful than the Windblast. NoMoment, magic, and throwing attacks are
all very useful. If you are of high level, this will be just a nuisance, but
if you are unprepared it can be hard.

After beating the Valkyries, get the treasure and continue upstairs. Here
you will be in another room with a high path and a low path. First, go
downstairs. At the foot of one of the staircases in the bushes is hidden
250 credits. Get that, then head west out the lower door. In the next room,
a SanctuaryStone is hidden in the far north behind the tree. There is a door
to enter here, but it only leads to another trap so go back and climb up to
the top path in the room just past the Valkyrie room. Keep heading this way
a few screens and you'll come to a room with another minor boss enemy, the

BOSS-HugeSlime and BigSlimes
These guys are either easy or impossible, depending on your strength. If you
can kill 2 of them in one round, then you should be able to cut down the
slimes faster than they can grow back, and their Solvent attack is pretty
pathetic. Just keep hacking and destroy the HugeSlime and his BigSlime
buddies. If your levels are too low and you can't kill more than one in a
round, then you are going to have a hard time. You then must injure them in
such a way that you can throw a MagicStone or other attack and kill them all
at once. Of course, if you just spend some time to prepare and get GaleSlash
then use it a few times and the slimes will be a memory.

After trouncing the slimes(I'm starting to run out of synonyms for "beating")
get the ExcelShield and then you can enter the path to the rear room. I
cannot open the north door in the slime room-if anyone knows what's back
there then please tell me. I figure it's just scenery, though. The room
in the back is empty unless you're Red, so back up and leave the way you came.

Wakatu is the homeland of Gen, the swordsman who sticks his nose in virtually
everyone's chapter at some point. It was once a thriving land of powerful
warriors who were known far and wide for their sword skills. But all that
was ended abruptly when Trinity's Mondo decided to build a base here. The
land was destroyed and became a haven for monsters and ghosts to cover the
location of Mondo's hidden base which even the Trinity does not know about-
the base he will use to take over the company completely. Ships will not
sail here unless you are accompanied by another person from the region(and
Gen appears to be the only one that is still alive). The Saber Card is
here, and the Comet Blade can be gained by a warrior with enough skill.
You can only gg here on the Arcane quest, so it'll be covered there.

The home of the Mystics, Facinaturu is a hidden region that is Orlouge's
city and prison. Orlouge, the evil king of the region, is also known as
the "Charm Lord" because of his guile and powers over the opposite sex.
He keeps the women that he wishes to use in his region by his charm and
sorcery, and if necessary, by force. Only one has ever escaped, Rei Hime,
and Orlouge still scours the earth for her. This strange land is the
only place to buy Mystic Magic. There is also a shop where your main
character can trade their max LP for powerful items. The SandVessel you
can buy here is important for reaching TimeLord, and the Asura is an
extremely powerful weapon.

Mystic Magic
Fascination 300
PhantasmShot 500
GlassShield 300

LP shop
Asura 3 LP
Tao-Tieh Pattern 2 LP
ShadeRobe 1 LP
SandVessel 1 LP

There is also Orlouge's castle(only Asellus has any business here) and the
Eternal Flame of Facinaturu(in the north). These attractions may hold your
attention for a while, but when you are ready to leave you must talk to the
pilot in the northwestern house. He will tell you to come to the house to the
south, so go there and talk to the slime to open the passage to the Facinaturu
Floor. This is a straightforward dungeon-just follow the path and beat up the
enemies until you reach the plane and escape.

Junk is Scrap's sister city. It is only reachable in T260G's chapter.
The area contains a battle arena, a large crater created by a crashed ship,
a port for transporting Junk's main export(junk), and an item shop. This
area is terrorized by Caballero's henchmen from Scrap, who want to control
all the garbage in the universe, I guess.

Cure 30
PowerCure 200
MaxCure 600
AntiStone 100
SnakeOil 100
RepairKit 20
HyperBlaster 10000 \ these items are broken, but don't worry, you can't
GrainCannon 10000 / afford them anyway.

The Despair prison is used to house the captured criminal element of the
world. The Warden himself is a criminal, guilty of a crime that he will not
discuss with anyone. He is serving a million year sentence! The Freedom
Rune is here, so if you are on the Rune Quest, then this will be one of your
stops. Also, the Warden has one of Riki's rings. This area will be covered
in the Rune quest section.

The giant sea monster Tanzer may somtimes swallow oceangoing ships. This
creature is the home of a small civilization of people who have been swallowed
by the huge monster. Fei-on, the renowned martial artist, was swallowed here
and now leads a small group of people in the struggle to protect themselves
from Nomad, a pirate who is also a prisoner here. One of the Rings is in
here, as well as the Vitality Rune. This will be covered in the Rune quest

The Rune Quest

Most characters can undertake this quest-the quest for the gift of Rune magic.
In order to get this gift, one must collect all 4 runes in the various
regions. If you want this gift, then remember the following pointers:
1. Before going on the Rune quest, you will have to go to Devin and ask
about the Rune magic gift to get the 4 normal stones. Otherwise, you
cannot collect the runes.
2. Once you begin collecting Runes, you cannot collect any Cards until you
have all 4 Runes. Once you have all the Runes, you can also get all the
Cards if you want, but you cannot get them both at once. This means that
if you know you cannot get all the runes(you are Riki and you already
killed Tanzer) then don't get any of them or else you will be forever
unable to get the cards either.
3. Only characters who are in your party when you collect all 4 of the runes
will get the gift. For example, if you are Emelia and you get the
Freedom Rune near the beginning, then collect a whole bunch of new
characters and get the other runes, only Emelia, Annie, and Liza(the
people who were there the first time) can get the gift.

OK, to get started head for Koorong.

The Hide Rune-Koorong Sewers and Natural Cave

Treasures: 200 credits, SecretBoard, MemoryBoard, IceCrystal, FireCrystal
Characters: none

Exit the town to the northwest(near the armor shop). Follow the back alley
until you run into a couple of goons who want 100 credits to let you pass.
Needless to say, stomp them and continue. You will see one manhole that
leads nowhere, so go past it and through a hidden path to a second manhole.
Go this way.
In the area here you'll find 200 credits in the north. Get it, then head
south. Go upstairs. There is a hidden passage here in the southeast that
leads to a scientist who will sell you a SecretBoard for 400 credits. If you
are using mecha, take it the first time(if you say no, the price gets jacked
up big time). Afterwards, head down the next manhole.
Here there is a MemoryBoard to the north, then a path that leads south around
a corner. Go this way. You'll come to a ladder with a mech beneath it.
Keep going past the ladder to get an IceCrystal, then head back and go up.
Up here there is a door that leads to a shop. If you are T260G and have
Leonard in your group, the shopkeeper(named PzkyZ or some mishmash of meaning-
less letters- it's in the characters section) will join you, otherwise you
can buy stuff:

FlameThrower 1880
SonicCannon 1110
ThunderBolt 1110
HEAT Bazooka 4020
BigMissile 3200
GrainCannon 3300
MachineVulcan 1550
HyperBlaster 4020

After your business here is done, go on and down the next manhole. From here,
you can go down the stone steps to get a FireCrystal and head back to Koorong,
or you can go down the manhole to get to the Natural Cave. Get the Fire-
Crystal if you want, the go down the manhole and past the fairy that creates
monsters. The cave entrance is the one you're looking for.

Natural Cave
Treasures: 200 credits, 300 credits, 500 credits, StardustRobe, Magi-Water,
AngelArmor, HideRune
Characters: none

Once inside the cave, get the 200 credits right across from you, then head
downstairs to the intersection. If you want all the treasure then head north,
otherwise skip to the next paragraph. After going north then enter the
cave and get the 300 credits hidden across from you behind the wall. Go
south and follow the path. In the next room with two skeleton enemies,
there is a vine leading south and a cave to the north. North leads back to
the entrance, so go south down the vine. There are 500 credits hidden behind
the stones on the east at the bottom of the vine. Then exit out the south
door to get the StardustRobe. Go back up the vine, through the north door,
up the next vine, and west back to the intersection where you were standing
Now head south downstairs. You'll come to a large chamber full of monsters.
Right in the middle of this is a Magi-Water. Get it, then enter the
northern cave entrance. Beat the plants there and climb the vines to the
chasm at the top. If you want the AngelArmor then walk slowly to the
chasm and fall down to get it below you, then head south and back around to
the chasm again through the large chamber. Jump across the chasm. When you
come to a cave in the west wall just past a mech and an amphibian monster,
save your game and enter to fight the boss, Quakeworm.

This enemy can be very dangerous to a low-level party, because of its
Oscillation attack and the ability to heal itself using its Wormbrood
offspring's MagicHeal ability. Equip characters with anti-sonic equipment
if you have it. Your first priority in battle is to kill all the
Wormbroods so they will stop Assisting and MagicHealing the boss. Concentrate
on them one at a time until all three of them are destroyed. Once you kill
all of them then the Quakeworm will start using its Quake attack, but
if you have JetBoots this will not be a problem. If it Oscillates, then you
need to concentrate fully on healing in case he does so again to finish you.
Other than that, the only attacks that it has are a few weak HP draining
attacks and a Trample attack that is not too powerful. He is pretty slow
so your combos should work well(he probably won't move in the middle of your
attacks). The bright side of all this is that the MagicHeal ability of
the Wormbrood can be absorbed by a monster. Even after beating the boss,
you should stick around and go in and out of this cave until you get
MagicHeal on a monster, it is the best monster ability in the game except
possibly for LifeRain. I like MagicHeal better because you cannot heal
yourself with LifeRain. Don't worry, on subsequent trips into the cave
you will only be attacked by the small Wormbroods, the Quakeworm only attacks
you once.

Once the Quakeworm is dead, you have the Hide Rune. Head back to Koorong
and heal up.

The Vitality Rune-Inside the Belly of the Beast

Treasures: VitalityRune
Characters: Fei-on, Slime

After collecting one rune, board an ocean-going vessel from Koorong. You
should immediately notice that the ship you're on is much cooler looking than
usual, and we all know how tasty cool looking ships are. The sea beast Tanzer
will swallow you up before you can reach your destination.
After entering Tanzer, you will see a scene where the other passengers are
complaining about their predicament. Then a skeleton guy shows up and
starts harassing the passengers. Depending upon who you have, you may have to
fight him(don't worry, it's just a normal random enemy). After this, a
woman shows up and apologizes for the actions of her lackey. But before
you can even begin to buy into her scheme, Fei-on appears and tells you she
is none other than the infamous crime boss, Nomad!
Well, I'm sure you don't want to go with her now(not like you can..Fei-on only
says to take your pick because he knows you can't get up to the ledge to
follow her..) so watch her jump across her lackey's head and escape. Follow
Fei-on and the crowd to the south to reach Fei-on's lair.
In this small town, there is a place to rest and regain your LP, but not your
JP or WP, so use them sparingly. When you have had enough of the
townspeople threatening to "karate-chop your ass"(I found this to be amusing)
head to the far right room and talk to Fei-on. He will join most characters
if you agree to help him fight Nomad(won't join Blue, though). Afterwards,
you have to go to the Slime Pool to get the rune.
Go northwest, up the vines. Throughout Tanzer there are windpipes that you
can enter(the doors that are on the walls). After you pass through one, you
will pop out of a hemhorroid and can't go back. ...What? That's what they
look like. Anyway, one of these windpipes is at the top of the vines, so
go through and keep heading north. Take the right fork at the path and go
up the vine where Fei-on should be standing if he came along. You'll be in
a room with a bird enemy on your left and Fei-on on your right. Stay far
away from the windpipe directly north of you or else it will suck you in and
you'll go back pretty far. Take the exit to the east near Fei-on. Go
south to the next windpipe. There will be two more windpipes, then you'll be
given a choice again. If Fei-on is here, you'll hear from him again. There
is a small black turd-looking thing on the ground(this place sure is nasty)
and if you jump in it you'll head to Nomad's Lair. You can stop by if you
want, but unless you're Riki there's nothing there of value. Stay away from
the entrance to the right of the turd-puddle-it'll take you back a long way!
Go to the extreme northeast windpipe. When given a choice, go north. You
will see another little turd-puddle. Jump in and you'll be in the next
area with the slides.
Note that you should avoid all the turd-puddles in the slide area, they
all lead you back a very long way.
For the first set of slides, it does not matter which way you go, all the
paths lead to the same place. If you are in a hurry, then you won't get
slimed here. Enter the cave at the bottom. Now take the slide here to the
west, then slide down the short slide next. From here, don't slide, but
instead jump to the east. Now slide down until you reach the boss.

BOSS-HugeSlime and BigSlimes
This enemy can be difficult if you are not leveled up. If you have GaleSlash,
FlashFire, MegaWindblast, VermilionSand, or any other mass attack spell then
it should be a piece of cake. If not, then you will have to strategically
damage the slimes so that you kill all of them at once, then use the new
Touch command to touch the rune before they grow back. If there is only one
slime left, then use your big attacks with a few guys then have some people
Touch the slime. If the others kill it, then Touch will default and touch
the rune. Note that you don't have to kill all the slimes, just clear a path
and Touch the rune. Hitting the rune has no ill effects, so don't worry
about it.

After clearing the slimes and getting the VitalityRune, Tanzer will spit you
out-but not quickly enough to avoid you picking up one of the slimes as an
unwelcome member of your party. I wish this game had a drop member command
to get rid of these monsters. You'll end up back in Koorong.

The Victory Rune - The Tomb of the Great King

Mu's Tomb
Treasures: 2 random items from mimics, ShadowDagger, Katana, 200 credits,
500 credits, BloodChalice, VictoryRune
Characters: Roufas

Mu's Tomb is located in the southwest corner of Shrike. Enter here next.
You'll immediately come to a fork with a guy standing there. If you want
the two treasures from the mimics and to meet Roufas, head west. Enter the
first door to the west in the passage. Soon you'll meet Roufas. He'll join
Emelia, and any male human who is going on the Rune quest. Just answer yes
to his question about victory. There is a room behind him(press O against
the wall) with 3 slimes and 2 mimics. If you beat them(they are hard), you
will get a couple of fairly useless items, usually SnakeOil or a GoldIngot.
Now head back to the fork with the bald guy and head east.
Ignore the warnings of danger(that warning is meant for someone else, not
you!) and follow the path through the next door. Get the ShadowDagger here
and keep going south. Eventually, you'll reach a chest with a Katana and
a fork in the path. If you want all the treasure, then head east. Get the
200 credits here, then keep going up and around. In the room with many
doors, explore the back for 500 credits and a BloodChalice. After getting
these, keep going and you'll end up back around where Roufas was. Either
go this way or go back until you get back to where you found the Katana and
go downstairs. In the next room, there are many enemies guarding the door
to the southwest. Either fight them or lure them into the center chamber
and run past. A few more screens down and you'll meet the boss, SkullDrake.

The first round of combat, the SkullDrake is just a pile of bones. Use
defense this round, as your attacks will do no damage. After 1 round, the
SkullDrake makes the biggest mistake of his life and gets up to attack.
The SkullDrake is not tremendously powerful, as his attacks can only hit 1
or 2 people at a time normally and do low damage. However, he does regenerate
1000 HP a round, so if you can't do that much, you can't win. Chances are,
however, that you can. If you have LightShift, use it. You probably don't,
though, so use your best combos to pound the SkullDrake into oblivion. He
has some fire breath attacks and a dash attack, but this is nothing special.
If you want, you can use the enemy as a chance to train in your lower-level
fighting and sword techs if you have not done so. Just de-equip your
characters of abilities and then go in and start punching and slashing.
Since he regenerates so much, you will do no damage and learn technique after
technique. You can only learn the low to mid-level ones this way, though,
because he's not powerful enough to give you the best ones.

After beating him the VictoryRune is yours. Now head back to Koorong.

The Freedom Rune - The Halls of Despair

Treasures: LightBazooka, ShellShield, FreedomRune
Characters: Annie

Once in Koorong with three runes, talk to Annie in front of the restaraunt.
She'll offer to sneak you into Despair for the final rune, the Freedom
Rune. Take her up on it.
You'll enter disguised as janitorial workers(some of the characters get
dressed up, some don't even bother. The security around here is pretty
lax, if you ask me.). Follow the path until Annie asks you to follow her up
a ladder. If you want all the treasures(and what great treasures they are)
then keep heading west. Go in the second door, then get the LightBazooka
from the lockers. Immediately hide in the lockers across from the item,
because a guard will hear and come looking for you(if they see you, you
won't like it). After getting this, then go back and jump in the door
near there with the green arrow on it. Head out of this room, then north
to the door. From here, head up elevator for the ShellShield. Now continue
down the path here(there is a hallway with many mecha) through the locker
room you were in earlier, and into the room where you first fell down from
the door with the arrow. Go down the northwest ladder. Go past the sewer
room and then jump down from the high ledge into the room with the
conveyor(riding it takes you back to the elevator room). After going
downstairs here, you'll be in a room with many posts. If there is a helmet
called InfraScope in your inventory, then you'll see the laser beams(this
is a good reason to always pack one). If not, you must guess the path
through the lasers(it is random). If you cross a beam, then you are attacked
by a group of mecha. Keep going until you come to a grate. You will be
attacked by the boss here, Nidheg.

The Nidheg is an extremely poor example of an enemy. Its attacks do very
little damage, even its ultimate attack, the CentipedeCrush. You probably
don't need my help here, just beat it down with your best attacks. If
you have a monster in your party, you may absorb the CentipedeCrush attack
after the battle. It is slightly better for you than for him.

After beating him, it's just a hop, skip, and jump down the the FreedomRune
and the exit! Congratulations, you have earned the gift for Rune magic.

The Arcane Quest

Most characters can undertake this quest-the quest for the Arcane magic gift.
In order to get this gift, one must collect all 4 cards in the various
regions. If you want this gift, then remember the following pointers:
1. Before going on the Arcane quest, you will have to go to Devin and ask
about the Arcane magic gift to get the 4 normal cards. Otherwise, you
cannot collect the Arcana Tarot.
2. Once you begin collecting Cards, you cannot collect any Runes until you
have all 4 Cards. Once you have all the Cards, you can also get all the
Runes if you want, but you cannot get them both at once. This means that
if you know you cannot get all the cards then don't get any of them or
else you will be forever unable to get the Runes either.
3. Only characters who are in your party when you collect all 4 of the cards
will get the gift. Characters who join during the Arcane quest will not
get the gift.

This quest begins in IRPO.

The Shield Card - Frozen Mountain Pass

Treasures: LordStar, SanctuaryStone, KrisKnife, GoldenFleece, OctopusBoard,
1000 credits, Shield Card
Characters: Fuse, Suzaku

Travel to the IRPO office. Fuse will ask you to prove yourself by climbing
to the top of the Mosperiburg mountain range and getting a flower(couldn't
come up with something better than that...). Fuse joins you permanently here,
and you also can get the monster Suzaku, if you really think it is worth all
the trouble. On the very first screen, you will see a fairy enemy. Kill it,
then continue. On the second screen, then you will come to a cave. If you
want the treasures listed, they are all in there(except for the card).
Unfortunately for you, they are guarded by two dragons.

BOSS-RedDragon and BlackDragon
These two menacing lizards will hurt you bad if you are not powered up.
If your characters don't have a few mid-level techniques and at least 300-
400 HP, don't even go in here. The RedDragon is just like any other RedDragon
that you may randomly encounter, but the other one is about 4 times as
dangerous as a normal one, and the normal ones don't give in too easy.
Your first priority is to concentrate your attacks on the RedDragon, or else
they will combo you to death. It should not take too long to beat him.
Then go to work on the big guy. Have a Grail spell or some curing items
to take care of the guys that are petrified by his StoneGas. Be sure to
keep yourself healed to above half your HP because the BlackDragon can deal
out big damage to multiple characters with the TitasWave and StoneGas.
If it chooses to use physical attacks, then it gets to attack three times a
round. It also may DeathGrip you and knock out 1 LP. Make sure that your
characters are equipped with JetBoots so that you cannot be hit with its

Once you take out the two dragons, grab all that treasure(the LordStar is a
good sword-its BraveHeart ability allows you to power up your attacks based
upon the strength of the rest of the party). If you are using mecha, then
the OctopusBoard will come in handy. Then exit and move on up the mountain.
Soon you'll enter another cave. There are two exits from here, northeast
and northwest. The northeast way leads to a frozen Suzaku. If you want it
to join your party, then you are in for a treat. Exit from here and move on
to the northwest.
Now you'll be in a large clearing with three boar enemies. There may be a
large snowman standing there too. If you want Suzaku in your group, then you
need to kill this snowman. If the snowman is not there, then go back to the
first screen and fight the fairy enemy there again(that was important earlier)
and climb back up to this clearing and look again. After a few tries, you
should find the big snowman. Save first, because he is tough.

Jotnar is even harder than the pair of dragons, because he can hit all your
characters with a Windblast and tear you apart if you are not of good
strength. He also has IceSmash, ArcticBreath, and a DivingPress attack,
all of which do major damage to your characters. To make matters worse, the
monster has an IceBarrier that causes any close range attacks against it to
be rewarded with an automatic freezing counterattack. Beating Jotnar will
require your characters to have enough HP to survive the Windblast(it usually
does from 400-500 points of damage). Then equip at least two guys with
healing items or spells and start attacking with long range weapons. If you
have gun techs, then chain together a few BoundShots or CrossShots in a large
combo to do big damage. Twogun is another very nice tech to have. If not,
then use GaleSlash, LifeSprinkler, TurbidCurrent, RosarioImpale, and other
long-range sword techs to dice up Jotnar. Always try to engineer combos if
you can.

After beating Jotnar, then if you revisit the frozen Suzaku you will find that
it is thawed out. Bump into it and it joins you. After you have done this
(or not) and want to get the card and get out, continue north past Jotnar's
clearing. After a few screens you will come to a flowerbed. Save again.
If you have fought both the dragons and Jotnar, then using that SanctuaryStone
the dragons had may not be a bad idea, because as soon as you pluck the flower
another boss awaits you.

This is just like one of the Suzaku enemies you may meet randomly as a normal
battle, except it has about 4 times the HP. It has a FireBarrier to counter
any close range attacks, several mildly powerful strikes like FireBreath and
GliderSpike to hit a character, and its best attack, a Heatwave that hits all
of you for serious damage. Gun techs are definitely useful here-a few level
3, 4, or 5 combos of repeated CrossShots or BoundShots will dice up the
Suzaku in a few rounds, before it can use its Heatwave. If you don't have
these, then you must rely on your long range sword and fighting techs.
If the monster uses Heatwave, then your first priority is to heal yourself,
because it will not hesitate to do it again almost right away. Then
continue on the attack. This boss is tough, but not as tough as Jotnar or
the dragons in my opinion.

Once the Suzaku is destroyed, you will return to the station with the flower.
Fuse stays with your party, and the Shield Card is yours.

The Grail Card - Treading Through the Haze

Treasures: Grail Card
Characters: Thunder

Next, head for Yorkland. At the intersection, head southwest(toward the
breweries). There are five cellars that brew wine here. Visit them all
and talk to the people. They will give you a drink of their best wine, then
refer you to the next cellar. Finally, at the fifth cellar, the man will
give you a drink and telll you to visit the liquor shrine, in the middle
of the swamp. Go back to the intersection and go north.
In the swamp, you will notice a lot of eyes staring at you. You will also
notice that your walking ability has been affected by the alcohol-you can't
hold a straight line! The shrine is to the north of the swamp, but those
eyes are enemies that will attack you if you come too close. The best path
to meet the fewest enemies is to walk to the right at first, go up the right
side, then back to the middle once you are near the shrine and up the middle
of the rows of eyes. It is possible to get through without any enemies, but
it is highly unlikely given your drunken state. To make matters worse, once
you are in battle the drunkenness affects you by making each character in
your party start off with a random status ailment, even characters immune to
such ailments. These effects include beserk, charm, poison, mess, and blind.
De-equip attacks that hit all the enemies before fighting anything, or else
a charmed character may randomly waste your whole party. Most of the enemies
that attack here attack alone, so these attacks are not worth the risk. Oh
yeah, speaking of the enemies, they are among the most powerful enemies in
the game, ranking right up there with the ones in the lab. If you are of
low level, it will be Gaeatoads, so that's not too hard. It then becomes
Genbus, then Basilisks. Once you get about 400-500 HP, though, the bad boys
come out and every single enemy will be a Kraken. If you are fighting
Krakens, then equip SeaStones and PearlHearts ahead of time to protect you
from the Maelstrom. If you have a monster, make sure it has DeathTouch or
some similar attack. Equip instant death, paralysis, and petrification
attacks to take out the Krakens in a hurry. Every three rounds the drunken
stupor will reinstate itself and give you a whole new host of status problems
so you don't want the fights to take that long. Later, when you are not
drunk, the enemies here are good for leveling up, but now just hurry through
as best you can. Once you reach the liquor shrine, your characters will have
a hallucination that is actually the true form of the Grail Card. There's
one more down.

The Gold Card - The Cavern of the Gnomes

Treasures: Gold Card
Characters: Emelia

The first thing to do is to get 4, and only 4, GoldIngots. Head to Nelson
and spend 2000 credits to get 4. If you have already done the infinite money
trick then you will have some left, so sell them down to 4. Any more than 4
Ingots will be lost for no reason, so get the money for them now.
Once you have the gold, head for Baccarat.
Travel to the casino, and head upstairs. Find Emelia in her bunny outfit(she
is near the slot machines) and talk to her. A gnome will trot by, and the
two of you will follow it upstairs. Follow it to the elevator. Once you see
it go down the elevator, you need to find a different elevator and take it to
the parking deck. Once there, you will see that a manhole cover has been
lifted, leading to the Gnome Cave. Note that if you are Emelia, this cannot
be done until after the event that occurs in Baccarat(see Emelia's walk-
through). As you try to descend into the tunnel, Emelia will run out. If you
want her in your group, then talk to her, otherwise ignore her and move on.
Once inside the cave, you must travel to the southwest exit in the first room.
Once in the next room, walk into the wall to the west to enter a passage.
You should see a winged demon enemy, and a cavern to the north. Go in the
cavern, and you'll see the gold cache of the Gnomes. There is much more
to explore in the cave, but there are no treasures, so I wouldn't bother.
Talk to the lead Gnome(the one on the upper right). He'll ask for LOTS of
GOLD. If you talk to him again and you have 4 GoldIngots, he'll reward you
with the Gold Card. If you have more, he'll take all you have and give you
the card. If you have less, he'll take that then send you after more. You
then must bring 4 more to get the card. Once you have the card, exit the
cave and head back to Koorong.

The Saber Card - Scavenging Through the Ghost Town

Treasures: CometBlade, IronClogs, TwinDragon, Saber Card
Characters: Gen

In order to get this card, you need Gen in your party. If you don't have him
then talk to the skeleton guy standing near the leather shop in the south of
Koorong. After hearing the description of Gen, talk to him in the pub in
Scrap and he'll go with you. Now head for Wakatu from the Koorong port.
Since Gen is with you, they will let you go and collect the Saber Card.
Talk to the skeleton boatman to get a ride to Wakatu Castle. Enter the doors
and travel one screen to the west. Follow Gen to the next screen to the
east. Go up the stairs and go north at the end of them. You'll come to a
house. Enter it and Gen will direct to to the back way. Follow him. You'll
come to another north-south intersection a few screens later. Gen will walk
off to the south, so follow him for now. There are some pretty valuable
treasures to the north, but it is faster to get the card first because the
northern path leads back to the start. If you are Blue, you may want to get
the treasures first because of the way that you are instantly transported
away every time you get a rune/card. To get them, just follow the
directions below the paragraph with the card, then come back here to get the
If you followed Gen south, then you will come to a screen where Gen points
out a back way in to get the card. There is an entrance in the northwest of
this area. First, however, keep heading south and get the TwinDragon katana
from the chest. Then head back and go in the building. You should be in
a room with a skeleton sitting beneath a pinwheel. Go upstairs from this
room, then go upstairs a couple more times. On the fourth floor, you'll see
three candles. Stand among them and Gen will come out and tell you the
trick: three shapes will appear on the wall. Press O to stop them on three
swords and the card is yours. If you get 3 rabbits or a combination of swords
and rabbits then nothing happens. If a monster is among the shapes, you must
fight some random enemies. The best way to get the swords is to listen to
the "clink" noise that pops up about every other second. If you press the
button right as the clink goes off, you have the best chance of getting the
card. This sometimes takes a few tries, though.
Now you can go back and get the rest of the treasure. Go back to the
north-south intersection and go north. Jump across the chasm you find.
You will eventually come to a west-south intersection. Go south. Enter
the building here, and you'll see that you are on the other side of the
crack in the building you were in earlier. Go downstairs. In the cellar,
you will find the Blade God. Depending upon Gen's strength level and number
of times he has used his sword, you may be granted the CometBlade by the
Blade God. If I do not get it immediately, I usually hang around and fight
enemies until it is given to me, as the CometBlade is a very valuable
sword. Its attack power is high, but even better it has the MillionDollers
attack that deals big damage to all the enemies you are facing. Once you
get this weapon, head back and travel west. Get the IronClogs, then jump
across the chasm here and head south until you reach the front door and exit.
Note that on the second floor of the building with the card, you can jump
out and walk across the roof to get around to the other side of the room.
If anyone knows why, drop me a line.

Congratulations, that completes the quest for the gift of Arcane Magic.

READ THIS!!!!!!!!!!!
Many RPG's I've played lately have been ruined because I already knew the
story line and what was going to happen before I even played the game.
These kinds of games are a hell of a lot more fun when there is some
element of surprise, so only read beyond this point if you are irrevocably
stuck or if you are finished and want to see if you missed anything. If you
read this without playing first you will have less fun, I promise.


OK, that's enough. Now let's get on with it.



T260's game was one of my favorites to play. It had one of the most
involved story lines of the game, as well as having many enemies and dungeons
to travel through that are specific to the character. When I first heard
of this game, I envisioned all of the characters having games like this one,
but many of them fall short of that goal. You can kind of tell what order
the writers did the characters in when they were making this game--they did
Red, then T260G and Asellus, then signs of fatigue were starting to show
with Riki and Emelia, they decided to make Blue's game consist of just
collecting cards or runes(which I do with any character anyway), then at the
end of their rope with the deadline coming up they did Lute. After playing
through a couple of times to do the walkthroughs, I must say that when I
play this game for fun I always choose Red, Asellus, or T260G. But anyway,
on with the story.

Travel From Junk and the Defeat of Caballero

T260's game starts in Junk, a region that is only accessable in his game. You
will see a scene with a spacecraft that is destroyed. T260 escapes from this
craft, but his memory is erased and he is left for dead in the junkyard
nearby. Thyme, an obnoxious kid from the town here, finds you and brings
you back to his home where you are repaired by his Uncle Taco(who is an
octopus-screwed up family, huh?). Talk to Thyme and to his sister, Rosemary.
You can then explore the town outside. There is a shop, but that is the
only other house you can enter. You will also notice that a man named
Caballero has sent some goons to rough up the townspeople who are not obeying
him--you get to take care of that later. Your first order of business is to
go to the Combat Arena.
In the back of the arena, there is a bar. Who do you expect to find in a
bar but good old Gen. Talk to him, then enter the other room to the north
of that one, where you register for battle. Before entering the combat arena,
you will need to spend some of your cash on some RepairKits in the town shop.
Equip a Backpack so you can reach your RepairKits, because you may need
healing in the arena battles. After you are prepared, enter the arena and
fight. There will be three robots you must beat at first, each one a little
tougher than the previous one. If you keep yourself healed up with Repair-
Kits you should not have any trouble with these guys. You will also get some
items from them-namely, a BrokenBumper, a Junk, and a BrokenRifle. Whoopee,
you say. Well, these worthless items can be fixed by Uncle Taco in town to
make some below average weapons and armor. In order to beat the fourth and
most dangerous robot, you will need to repair these items. After taking
the stuff to Taco, you will get:
Junk becomes JunkHelm
BrokenBumper becomes Bumper
BrokenRifle becomes EasyRifle
Also, between each battle return to the northeast room to collect your prize
After getting all this stuff, equip it and head back to the bar. Save, then
talk to Gen and you will be sent into a battle with Caballero's most powerful
servant, Vulcan.

What can I say, you're all by yourself, and there is not much equipment to
choose from here. Shoot it with your JunkBazooka, then fill it with lead
from the EasyRifle you got(you did get it, right?). If your HP drops below
1/2 maximum, you should use a RepairKit because Vulcan can do a lot of damage
to you with its guns.

After the battle, there will be a scene with Taco in town and then the people
will let you into their houses. Talk to all of them, and you may be rewarded
with a few menial treasures(nothing too useful, though). Once you've had your
fill of that, head back to the bar and talk to Gen again. You will find out
that Thyme is missing, so it's time to find him-head for the Crater. Gen
will join you here.

Treasures: FiberVest, SanctuaryStone
Characters: none

Go to the area on the big map called Crater. You will see Thyme's hat on the
ground in front of an elevator. Head down the elevator.
Once inside, follow the path until you reach a clearing. Go in the opposite
cave to get a FiberVest, then jump down to the stairs and enter the next
elevator. You'll eventually go up another elevator and be back outside.
Go down the next elevator to get a SanctuaryStone from the cavern, then go
back up and enter the northern cave.
There's Thyme, strung up by a pair of very unfortunate enemies. Unfortunate,
because you're here to kill them!

I almost did not give this guy the dignity to be called a boss. He will show
up with a Skeleton and a Xeno as bodyguards, kill them then kill the head
honcho. If you beat Vulcan, you can easily beat this. The only notable
thing about this battle is that Gen uses an IronPipe like a sword to club
the enemies, then cut down Thyme from the ropes--pretty cool of him, I guess.

After you rescue Thyme, you will begin to search for your original
programming that was lost in the accident. Realizing that this information
will never be found in Junk, you must travel to another region. You'll
leave Thyme and Rosemary and travel to Scrap by hitching a ride in the

Once you arrive in this area, you should travel to the pub. Here, you can
pick up a few friends to help you on your cause. Get Mei-Ling and Riki if
you want. Talk to Lute. He will not join you now, but he will soon. Next,
travel to Caballero's office. Needless to say, he will not simply leave the
people of Junk alone without a fight. I mean, there is so much valuable, er,
um, junk there to steal. Don't want to miss out on that. Looks like you're
going to have to pay the factory a visit and do this the hard way.

Before going there, though, I would recommend going to the Junk Shop and
using the cheat outlined in the Scrap section(above) to equip your characters
with some very good equipment. That will make the factory a piece of cake.

Caballero Factory
Treasures: KukriBlade, 400 credits, PowerCure, SteelAmulet
Characters: Lute

The first thing you'll want to do is get Lute in your party(you saw him sneak
out after you approached the factory, that sneaky devil). Head into the
house on your right and beat the enemy there and Lute will run up and join
you. Now go across into the other two outer buildings to get 400 credits
and a KukriBlade(these are guarded by enemies, though). After rummaging
through the crap out here, enter the main factory building.
There are several snipers above you in the factory. If you get in a battle
with an enemy near where a sniper is, then throughout the battle you will
be getting nailed with Enemy Fire from the snipers. If you are strong, or
got good equipment from the Junk Shop, then the weak Enemy Fire won't really
hurt you all that much, but if you don't have good armor or you are going for
the maximum style points, you can use the cranes and levers around the
factory to knock off the snipers. In order to achieve this level of
smoothness, you should immediately run into the east door upon entering the
factory(don't fight the mech there or you'll get shot up and look really
silly). Climb upstairs. You will see a lever right next to where you come
out of the stairwell on the upper level. Hit it and you'll knock off the
sniper below. There's one down. Beat up the human enemies up here, then go
to the far west of the upper level. There are two levers here. The upper one
is used later, so for now hit the lower one. You'll move a box on the lower
level to reveal a switch that will soon be important. Now go back to the
stairwell and climb down(you can go down from the stairs nearby, but you'll
have to be pretty swift to avoid the enemies there. It's probably best to
go back the way you came).
Once you exit the stairwell, you'll be back where you started. Immediately
hit the switch right next to you to your north. That will take out the sniper
that is in front of you. Now lure as many enemies as you can into the south-
east area and destroy them there away from the snipers. After that, you can
get to the lever that is where the box once was(the box you moved earlier).
Hit it, and you will be operating a crane. Press O just as the crane passes
over the sniper and you will not only get him out of your way, but also give
him one hell of a wedgie. This allows you to pick up the SteelAmulet and the
PowerCure in the two boxes(you can see that two of the boxes are glowing-it's
those two). Now sneak north until you can lure the human enemy and the
flying skeleton enemy south away from the last sniper and kill them. After
that, go to the lever that is near the box in the northwest and hit it to
raise the elevator. Now you can go all the way back upstairs and press the
switch that was useless earlier(in the northwest) to drop the box on the head
of the strangely unsuspecting sniper. It should now be free and clear all
the way to Caballero.
What treachery is this? Caballero running away and letting robots do his
fighting for him? Unheard of! After approaching him, he does just that and
leaves you to deal with his new model, the VulcanII.

BOSS-VulcanII and D-Tractors
This enemy can be either very hard or ridiculously easy depending upon whether
you did the trick and got good equipment from the Junk Shop. If you did not,
you'd better go all out with your techs and cut your way through to destroy
VulcanII, then mop up the remaining D-Tractors. VulcanII's vulcan cannon will
knock off a good chunk of a weakly armored character's health. The D-Tractors
are not pushovers either, since their most common attack is Tackle, an
attack that combos with itself(so if they all target the same guy, they'll
probably combo him into oblivion). However, if you shopped in the Junk Shop
for 30-45 minutes and stocked up on good items, then these four enemies will
probably go down to 4 attacks, and they will be almost unable to hurt you.

After trashing these piles of scrap, Junk's freedom from Caballero is earned,
and you are permitted to leave the region of Scrap via the port(the price
drops from 10000 to 10 credits). Jump on board and head for Koorong.

Nakajima Robotics and Sei's Tomb

Once you are in Koorong, you have access to any region you want to visit.
This is the ideal time to go and recruit new characters, and to undertake
some optional quests to get some experience and items. Make sure to leave
at least 3 spaces in your party open for the mecha that must join you later,
they are all very useful. Normally when playing with T260G, since it is the
only game where you can get the required number of mecha, I like to have my
lead party consist of nothing but 5 mecha. The other two are usually
divided among the other races. The following characters can join T260G:
Humans Mecha Mystics Monsters
Lute EngineerCar Riki
Emelia ZEKE Thunder
Annie Leonard Cotton
Fuse PzkwV Slime
Gen Sei
Fei-on Kylin
Mei-Ling Suzaku

I usually go on the Rune and Arcane quests at this point, as well as clearing
the optional areas like the manor in Owmi of treasure. This allows me
to get a chance to get some experience for the characters. Also, try
absorbing some good programs. If you do not take time to level up, then
the game will be extremely frustrating. After getting the Cards and Runes,
you're usually high enough level to move on to the next part of the story.
My party usually ends up looking like this:
1 2 3
T260G Gen Lute
EngineerCar Fuse Annie
ZEKE Mei-Ling Fei-on
Leonard Emelia Slime
PzkwV Riki Cotton

T260G can't get TimeLord because he can't get the SandVessel in Facinaturu
(Gozarus doesn't want your stinking robot life points). ZEKE, Leonard, and
PzkwV are gotten during the story, Gen is with you from the beginning, you
get Fuse and Emelia from the Arcane quest, and you get Annie, Fei-on, and
Slime from the Rune quest. I like to have a lead party of mecha so that
any time an enemy looks dangerous I can use my mecha to utterly destroy it
(about the only attack in the entire game that a party of five mecha with
two PoweredSuits each needs to worry about is MagneticStorm, and that attack
is rare). Make sure to get the infinite money trick started as soon as
possible to get those suits for the mecha and weapons and armor for the

Anyway, once you have powered yourself up and gotten the characters you want,
head to Koorong. There is a room behind the chicken in the southern part
of town, go in there and log into the computer.
If you are a speed reader, you may get some useful information about
Nakajima Robotics, their legal problems with Trinity, a Dr. Leonard, and
the Ancient Ship ruins in Shingrow. Apparently, Nakajima is pissed because
Trinity ripped off their mech design, and doubly pissed because he cannot
do anything about it due to Trinity's influence. Looks like these guys
might be able to repair you and help you find out about your lost mission,
so head for Shrike and enter Nakajima Robotics. Apparently, a very important
mouse is lost in Sei's Tomb to the north, and finding it will allow these
guys to help you. Head north to the tomb.

Sei's Tomb
Treasures: Murakumo, Magatama, Mizukagami, Kusanagi
Characters: Sei

If you haven't done so, now would be a good time to collect the treasures
here(see the walkthrough above in the Shrike section). All you have to do
to continue the game, however, is fall into the large room with the Murakumo
and get the mouse from the west corner. If you need help, I already did the
walkthrough for this section above. Once you have done this, head back to
Nakajima Robotics and you'll see ZEKE(the new mech model) get reactivated.
Talk to him to get him to join you. Don't forget EngineerCar while you're
here, either. You also can get your own body type changed here to suit
your needs. In my opinion, the two best are the one that has the Medipack
and LaserCannon, and the original model. The Medipack is useful if you have
humans in T260G's party, and the original model has little standard equipment
but the most slots to stick equipment on to increase its power. Once you've
decided, exit and head for Manhattan to investigate Dr. Leonard.

Leonard and Infiltrating Tartaros

Go to the mall and enter the burger joint to talk to the bald guy in the
back. This is Leonard. If you have logged into the computer at Koorong,
he will take you to his lab. There he will examine you and tell you that
you are a unique model that he has never seen before. He gives you a memory
chip, and tells you to come back sometime. That you will, but not before you
check out your last lead, the Ancient Ship in Shingrow.

Ancient Ship
Treasures: Junk, RottenMeat, 200 credits, JumpSuit, 200 credits, MemoryBoard,
300 credits, DuelGun, HyperScale, BoltThrower, 500 credits
Characters: none

There is already a walkthrough for this section done above, so if you need
help refer to it. You must make your way to the secret room with 500
credits in it near the Bolt Thrower. Access the computer in here, and you
can read the data files describing the ship and RB3, some type of powerful
device. Once you have read them all, you can choose to download one of
three mech programs to use: ShootingMastery, CombatMastery, and EvasionLaser.
Now exit the ship.

Looks like that's all the information you can get now, so you should head
back to Manhattan and check on Leonard.
Leonard is nowhere to be found, so now you should activate the computer in
the rear. Leonard will then come out to greet you-but now he is a mech!
Apparently somebody wanted him dead and destroyed his old body so that he
had to transplant his personality into one of his mech models. His model
is unique, and he'll turn out to be a very useful character.
Anyway, Leonard thinks that the only way to find out who you are is to break
into the Trinity security program and see what they know. He asks you to
go with him to Tartaros(what a cheery name) for this purpose. You'll
hide in a container and be smuggled into Tartaros.

Treasures: Osc-sword, LaserCarbine, ZenGun, SecretBoard, OctopusBoard,
HyperionBazooka, PoweredSuit, SanctuaryStone
Characters: none

After entering the main building, head through the door on the left, then go
downstairs and to the east. Just as the passage curves north, there will
be a door in the west wall. Enter here, then go directly north up stairs to
get Osc-sword. Then head west. In the southwest corner, hit the switch on
the wall to open the door above you. Get the LaserCarbine from the upper
part of the room and then go back to the 2nd room(right after the first hall-
way with two doors). Go out the north door on the upper level. Turn east
and go through door. You'll see a large mech enemy that is there-fight it.
it is a BigDigger. Beat it and you'll get a ZenGun. There are four of these
enemies in the area, and each drops a treasure. They each have different
attacks as well. One of them uses a large cannon, and another uses Maelstrom.
If a mech absorbs the one that uses Maelstrom, you will get DragonProgram
which allows you to use Maelstrom if you have an OctopusBoard. Be sure to
fight them all. Anyway, after getting the ZenGun, check the northeast door
and Leonard will tell you that you need to hit all the switches around here
to open the door. There are 4 total, so do the following:
1st: Go out west door and cross bridge. Go down ladder and head north. Get
SecretBoard then head through the door here. The BigDigger in this room is
the one that uses Maelstrom, so be sure to absorb it. Beat it for an
OctopusBoard and hit the switch.
2nd: Go back up the ladder, then enter the north room and fight the BigDigger
for a HyperionBazooka. This one may use the HyperionBazooka in combat(it is
about to do so if it lays down) so be careful. Hit the switch.
3rd: Go southwest from the room with the ladder, then take the west door. You
can get a PoweredSuit from this BigDigger, then hit the switch.
4th: Go back down the ladder and head south along the tracks. Get the
SanctuaryStone and hit the last switch.

Now go back to the locked door and head through. Go up the elevator and head
east, then follow the path to the computer. Here you will find out the
coordinates of HQ, where you hope to finally get your answers.

HQ - The Secret Revealed
Treasures: BehemothRifle, MemoryBoard, LaserScope, FlameThrower,
HarmoniumArmor, GrainCannon, HyperBlaster, ExcelShield,
HEAT Bazooka
Characters: none

First, before heading to HQ, you may want to visit the Backstreets at
Koorong with Leonard in the party. You can talk to the smuggled goods
salesman in the alley and he'll join you. Now you can have a 5 mech party!
Get PzkwV, then take off for HQ from the Manhattan port.
The first section of HQ is nothing but a treasure trove of items. There
are several rooms with items, and at the end there is a large computer
console. Don't access it until you have all the items above. There is not
really any way to get lost here, so just collect all the stuff then talk to
the person at the entrance to refill your health. Log into the computer at
the end of the hall and you'll enter the CPU.
Apparently a virus has taken over the CPU, and you must destroy it to get
any useful information out of it. You will end up in a virtual town,
populated by Virus enemies. Absorbing these enemies gives you a program
called Virus. I know this does not sound like a good thing, but if you
use it in conjunction with a SecretBoard, you can use Jammer and LogicBomb.
Anyway, the first thing to do is to head into the eastern house. Activate
the dresser and you will be transported to another place. Exit here, then
beat the Viruses to clear a path to the second door from the left. Enter and
open the big door to fight the boss, HQ Core.

This is unique in that the HQ Core is not the enemy, but the viruses around
it must be destroyed. T260G will have a new command, "Contact". Clear a
path, then use this on the HQ Core to end the battle. Overall, this is an
easy fight, just remember you are not supposed to kill everything, just
Contact the HQ Core.

After beating this enemy, the viruses will be gone from the system. Now you
can exit the large doors to the south and go west as far as possible. Go
across the southern bridge, then enter the building. Now you are presented
with a puzzle. You must walk across the panels in the right order to open
the door(this reminds me of Q-bert, you know, the hard levels where the
blocks change back if you jump on them again). In order to make it, walk
across them in the numbered order:

7 6

3 4 5

2 1

Once you've solved that one, then you get another puzzle. The panels are
switched with the panels above when you stand on them and press O. They start
Activate the panels in the following order:
2 4
5 1
and the panel will rise and give you access to the main computer.

T260G's real mission is finally revealed - to destroy RB3, a doomsday device
that is programmed to destroy all the regions at the slightest hint of
its own danger. The hacking into the computers that you have performed
was constituted as an attack, so RB3 is activated and is on its way to
destroy everything. Your only chance is to get a ride and fly to RB3
to take it out. Exit HQ(with each room punctuated by more talk from Gen and
T260G). You may have found a panel that was out of order earlier, with a
suit of armor that look sort of like a jet plane. Go to this panel now, and
activate it. T260G will get the Omega Body, the most powerful mec model
available. You can use the V-Max ability, giving you StarlightShower and
CosmicRave(two powerful attacks). Looks cool too. Get this, then exit the
way you came in by talking to the guy out front.

RB3 - The Doomsday Machine
Treasures: none
Characters: none

This is the final dungeon, and once inside there's no going back, so if you
want to level up(T260G has one of the hardest end bosses, so you may want to)
or get more items and techs do so now. When you're ready, head for RB3 from
the Manhattan port.
You'll land on the ship with your cheap rocketship. From where you start,
head west until you reach a room with green lasers across the doors. Don't
worry, these don't hurt you. Go north from here and hit the switch on the
computer console. Then head south 2 screens and do the same to the computer
console there. Go out the east door once both are off. The laser defense
system will be turned off. Head north.
Here there are a series of red buttons you must push to open the path. First,
climb the first ladder and hit that button. Then climb the next ladder and
cross the bridge to hit another button. Now you must go back to the first
ladder and turn left to hit the button and open the passage.
In the next room, many robots will floof out of the north. They are just
normal robot enemies, but you must kill them all. Beat all of them(there are
many), and then you will fight the first boss here, MecGod.

The MecGod is not a weak enemy, but if you have good programs and the right
equipment then it should not be terribly hard. PluralSlash works well,
especially if comboed with your HyperionBazooka and Kusanagi. The MecGod's
attacks will probably not be able to do severe damage to your mecha except
for one: he rarely uses the MagneticStorm attack. If this happens, most
of your mecha will be dead and the survivors will be paralyzed. Throw
everything but the kitchen sink at him do destroy him before he does this.
Remember that mecha-affecting attacks like LogicBomb and MagneticStorm will
be very effective against the MecGod. If you are skilled at comboing, then
a party of mecha should be able to destroy the MecGod without too much
trouble. Make sure to absorb the MecGod into the same mech that has Dragon-
Program, since you will get TigerProgram from this enemy. I usually like
to have these programs together.

After you destroy the MecGod, you will enter the core to destroy it.
This is another virtual reality world. In order to progress, you must fight
the enemies. At first, the path to the east is blocked, but if you fight
enough enemies it will open. The area will just seem like a big circle,
but after you fight enough enemies in the forest area then you will be able to
reach a desert area by walking around to the north. Fight many enemies in the
desert area, and you will be able to reach the boss by walking around in the
desert for a while. This usually takes a while. You will notice that the
enemies are constantly changing form as they walk around. If you want
to get the TigerProgram on more of your mecha, then you can fight the
MecGod again by finding an enemy in the jungle and waiting for it to change
into a Hermes-like mech. Run into it then and it will be the MecGod again.
If you fight a Hermes-like mech in the desert, then it will be a Lunatic
enemy with many K9Mecs. There is not much to gain from this, but it is a
unique enemy. After fighting enough in the desert, you will meet the final
boss, GenocideHeart.

This boss is quite powerful. My advice is to use an all mecha party, because
GenocideHeart's favorite attack, Carnage, has a faint effect that instantly
slays humans. If you use humans, give them BloodChalices and PlutoArmor.
The battle method of GenocideHeart is to hit you with Carnage, then Virtual
Shift into one of 4 or 5 regions. Each region gives GenocideHeart new
attacks. There is an ice world, a fire world, a wind world, a world where
it uses holy attacks, and a few others. None of these attacks will severely
hurt a mech, but the Carnage will still whack off a good bit of health. Heal
up after he Virtual Shifts, and attack relentlessly. If you got the V-Max
armor, now is the time to use it. Keep yourself healed to above 1/2 total HP
at all times, or else you are risking losing some fighters, which is very
inconvenient. Unload your PluralSlash, CosmicRave, and HyperionBazookas
into the enemy. If you have a human, DSC is never a bad idea. Note that
each time the enemy returns from a Virtual Shift, some of the screens in the
background break and a message appears that says "now at security level #".
The number of broken screens and the security level let you know how damaged
the boss is. Once it is destroyed, sit back and enjoy your ending, it's a
pretty good one. Note that the theatrics and graphics in this battle are
among the best in the game, enjoy it. Good music too.


Lute's game is, to put it bluntly, crap. If I had chosen him first when I
bought the game, then I probably would have taken it back to the store and
wanted my money back. However, a few details about the overall story(albeit
very few) are to be gleaned from enduring his arduous mission(arduous due
to the desire to go to sleep that you will have throughout). The reason
Lute's game is my least favorite is because he really does not have one.
There is only one dungeon that is specific to Lute's game, and it is the
last one. You can access the final dungeon at virtually the beginning of
the game. I wasted 4 or 5 hours the first time I played this one because
I went ahead into the dungeon(I assumed that I was nowhere near the end)
with my fairly low-level party. Naturally, I had no hope of defeating the
boss, so I had to start over(once you save inside the dungeon, there is no
going out). It is obvious to me that the guys at Square did this story very
close to the release deadline for the game. If one of you guys reads this
and that is not so, write and tell me why you did it.

Lute Leaves Home
You start your quest in Yorkland, Lute's hometown. You are kicked out into
the street by your mother so you can find a job, and since the only job
around here is brewing liquor(Lute can't do that for a living-he'd drink the
merchandise) you head for the port.
Once you reach the port, you have a little trouble with the guards who say
that the ship has been chartered for Trinity, and that you can't get on
board. However, Captain Mondo comes out of the housing project or whatever
there on the left and says to let you on board. You'll have a little chat
with him, where you discover that he is also from Yorkland(if you do Emelia's
game, then a lot of this makes more sense-Yorkland is the home of Trinity's
power source). You'll be dropped off in Manhattan.
The only thing to really do here is go to the burger joint in the mall.
Fuse will be sitting in the back there. Talk to him and you'll find out
(gasp) Mondo isn't nice! In fact, he's another crazy-ass criminal bent on
controlling Trinity, and then the world...hahahahahahaha!!! Ahem.. anyway,
we all know what happens in RPG's to people who aren't nice, so it's time
to prepare to eventually face Mondo.
The first thing to do is to use the port to head for Owmi(you'll have to
transfer at Koorong). In Owmi, go to the seafood shop(near the dock).
There is a sailor there near the entrance-talk to her. She'll make
your standard small talk about food additives and preservatives, then
offer to take you to her ship. Take her up on it by going to the port
and heading for Nelson.
Instead of being in Nelson, you'll be on board Capt. Hamilton's ship.
Speak with her in the rear room. She'll tell you the startling news
that, on top of not being nice, Mondo also had a hand in the death of
your father. Strangely, Lute really doesn't seem to care about that
too much though. Now, this is very important-you will be given a
choice whether or not to go to Mondo Base now-do not go yet. Believe
it or not, this is the last dungeon and the only way out once you go in
is through Mondo. You won't be able to beat him with two characters
who have 100 HP each. This brings you to your next order of business,
getting characters and leveling up. Lute can get the following people
to join him:
Humans Mecha Mystics Monsters
Emelia T260 TimeLord Riki
Rouge EngineerCar Silence Cotton
Roufas Measarthim Slime
Capt. Hamilton Sei
Annie Thunder
Fuse Kylin
Gen Suzaku

Collect enough people to fill out your three teams. A good way to do
this is to go on the Rune and Arcane quests, since you pick up some
good characters that way like Fuse, Fei-on, Annie, and TimeLord.
Picking up the two mecha that you can get is a good idea too. Clear
out all the optional areas of treasure and fight the enemies to raise
your strength. A good group looks sort of like:
Team 1 Team 2 Team 3
Gen T260 Capt. Hamilton
Lute EngineerCar Fuse
Annie Fei-on Emelia
TimeLord Mei-Ling Rouge
Thunder Slime Silence

It really doesn't matter who you get, except that getting TimeLord is
highly recommended. His powerful Time spells are hard to refuse.
Rouge is a pretty good pick too. Once you have built a party, raise
their levels until they have at least 600-700 HP each before continuing
your journey to Mondo Base.

Mondo Base-The Unveiled Tyrant
Treasures: none
Characters: none

Return to Nelson, then talk to Capt. Hamilton in her room and accept
her offer. You will head for Wakatu, the home of Mondo Base. If you
have Gen with you, he'll come out and realize that's why Wakatu was
destroyed-to maintain the secrecy of Mondo's HQ. In so doing, Gen's
interaction in the story equals Lute's! Why wasn't Gen just a main
character instead? Anyway, there will be a battle with one of Mondo's
ships, and you will escape to Mondo Base.
There are no treasures inside the base, so just head through the first
room and touch the green panel in the next room to lower the platform.
You must get a key in order to lower the elevator any further, so go in
the room ahead. In the back, there is a box(behind the railing). Get
it, then return and you can operate the elevator again. Repeat the
process on the next floor, and you will reach the bottom. Here you
will see a large enemy. Don't fight it-it is very powerful, completely
optional, and gives you nothing that is very important or useful at
this stage of the game. If you bump into it, then use unblockable
attacks to cut through its shield and heal up after it uses its
GaleAttack. Enter the door behind the enemy. You'll pass through one
more room. After entering the hallway with the large open doors,
you'll face Mondo. Use a SanctuaryStone first if you've got it.

Spriggan can give you major trouble simply due to the surprise factor
of meeting the end boss so soon that you are not ready. If you are
prepared, however, the Spriggan is one of the easier end bosses. As
you damage him he will phase through 5 progressively cooler forms with
progressively cooler attacks. Occasionally, as he changes form, you
will be hit by the background objects like IronPole and Enemy Fire.
This usually is not too damaging, though. The attacks of the first
three forms are pretty weak, with only the HyperBazooka attack posing
any real danger. Once he reaches his fourth form, however, he begins
using Shoot-All and BusterLauncher(two big damage attacks). The
BusterLauncher may only hit two or three characters, though.
If you have built some powerful techs and heal after the BusterLauncher
strikes, then Spriggan should be no problem. Enjoy the deservedly
brief ending and be glad you don't have to play Lute's chapter again.


Asellus is one of my favorite games to play, since she has a great deal of
character and a high level of involvement in the story when compared to some
other characters. She also has many strategic options available through the
ability she has to become a mystic at will. It is like having the high stats
and special powers of a mystic along with having the learning ability and
techniques of a human. The nature of most of the dungeons and boss battles
in the game is somewhat random-as you wander around the world the enemies
find you-you don't find them. There are predetermined places where they may
find you, of course(this is a computer program) but the slight element of
randomness forces you to stay on your toes.

Death and Rebirth
Treasures: SandVessel
Characters: White Rose, Ildon

Asellus' journey begins with you hearing the story told from the viewpoint
of Gina, a person who lives in the Mystic village Rootville, in Facinaturu.
Asellus was a human, who was hit by a carriage and killed. She was saved
by an infusion of Mystic blood, but thusly consigned to live in Facinaturu
forever. After listening to the intro, wake up and head through the room
full of coffins. Turning east at the base of the stairs on the next screen
leads to a room with several treasures that are very nice-unfortunately you
can't keep them(you lose them when you leave the room). Once you reach the
outside area, talk to Zozma in the northeast. After hearing his story, then
you should go back and head northwest. There will be a room with a
transporter that leads to a large room with flowers. Once you enter,
however, you are greeted with a knife in your back! This is fairly
surprising, but even more surprising is the purple blood that you suddenly
seem to have and the strange fact that you are not dead. Something crazy
must be going on, so you head back through the transporter and go south to
the throne room(in the large double doors to the north in the main hall).
Orlouge(this happens to be the asshole that ran you over to begin with)
tells you that you are doomed to be his concubine or whatever, and that you
cannot leave Facinaturu. Ildon, one of his lackeys, joins you. You are told
to go to town and get a dress to wear.
This is the first time you get to meet Gina. She works in the dress shop
here. There will be a nice scene and Asellus will get her outfit.(Is it
just me, or does it look like Asellus' arm is in a sling on the character
status screen?) Once you're decent, head back to the castle, and into the far
northeast building. Explore and get used to the place if you have trouble
finding it, it is not too confusing. If you come to a place with monsters,
then you went the wrong way. Just east of the throne room is a room that
allows you to train, but this is pretty much a waste of time(you gain nothing
except some experience, and there are better ways to get it). Once you get
where you should be, you'll know because you'll meet White Rose. There will
be a scene here, and she'll join you. Once you have White Rose, then travel
to the southeast and southwest rooms to have the dialogue regarding Princess
Lion and Princess Rei. Anytime you want to split up your party, just return
to your room(where you started). Do that now.
Return to get White Rose again, and revisit Princess Rei's room(southwest).
Now that Ildon's gone, you will have a different conversation. This is
important-if you don't visit Rei's room she will not join you later.
If you visit Gozarus in Rootville while White Rose is in the party, then you
can get the Asura and the SandVessel from him. You will need to get the
SandVessel now if you want to get TimeLord later(trust me, you do). If you
think the super powerful sword is worth 3 LP, then grab that too. As long as
White Rose is in the party and Ildon is not, then you can go to the area in
the back of the castle and fight the monsters to gain strength. I recommend
you do this for a little while. In the far northwest, at the left of a fork
in the road, there is a place where you can regain your strength. To the
right is a Giant and a door that leads back to the flower room. Don't even
consider fighting the giant now, you will not make it.
Head back to your room, and you'll get to chat with Zozma.
For another scene, you should train one time at the training ground(doesn't
matter if you win), then return to the main hallway. Rastaban will talk to
you there. Most of the scenes that occur here are not very enlightening,
but you should endure them all if you want to see everything.
Return to you room to dump your party, then head to Rootville and talk to
Gina. When you return to the castle, Ciato will tell you about a human in
the bar. Talk to him in the northwest house in Rootville, then return to
the castle and get White Rose. She will join, and now you can exit
Facinaturu through the house in the center-west side of Rootville(talk to the
slime to open a path). The pilot will drop you off in Owmi.
Upon your arrival here, White Rose notices the distress of another mystic
by reading the rose petals in the water. Your search leads you to the Lord
Manor in the north.

The Mermaid's Scar (good movie, rent it)
Lord Manor
Treasures: KrisKnife, GhostCannon, RubberSuit, MaxCure X 3, Magi-Water,
SanctuaryStone, RottenMeat, JetBoots, SeaStone(w/ Measarthim),
ArmorGlove, JackalSword, ShellBracer, RubberShoes, PearlHeart,
Characters: Measarthim

Talk to the lord of the manor. Since he will not be particularly helpful,
you will have to search the manor yourself. After a little searching
(upstairs, far west room) you'll meet Measarthim, a demure mystic who
seems to enjoy being a slave to others. She quickly realizes, however, that
she would rather be your slave than the mansion owner's slave ... um ...
use your imagination here. Anyway, she joins you and you need to take her
to the basement so she can escape. Get the treasures in the upper floor of
the mansion, then travel downstairs. The walkthrough for this area is
already done, so if you need help then follow it. Your target is to drop
Measarthim off at her pool. Once you do this, you will be taken out of the
manor(so you only have to fight the DevilSquid once). Therefore, I recommend
getting the other treasures there first before dropping her off. The
DevilSquid has reduced HP in this battle to make it reasonable. Switch
around equipment(take Measarthim's BlueElf and give it to someone else,
since she is already immune to water) to make beating it easier. Once you're
done here, then drop her off and you're outta here. If you want her back,
then you can get her just like any other character, but you need to wait
until you progress in the story a little. I usually come back for her after
the Dark Labyrinth.
Anyway, go back and talk to the pilot and he'll take you to Shrike.

First, if you want to get Rei later, or if you are just interested in every
little bit of character interaction you can squeeze out of this game, then
go to Devin and talk to the purple-haired lady at the shrine. White Rose
will stare at her intently. Don't know if this is required to get her or
not, since I always do it. No reason not to.

Your next real mission is to visit your house in Shrike(an area only Asellus
can access). However, once you do, you will begin the cycle of random events
that results in 5 bosses and a dungeon being thrown at you at somewhat
random locations with no warning. It is understandable if you want to power
up and round up some friends before setting those wheels in motion.
At this point, you have the freedom to travel the world. Go to Scrap and
get the infinite equipment trick going, then sell the Osc-swords from there
until you can get the infinite money trick going. This will take a few
hours, probably, but it will save you a few hours later, trust me. You also
can start collecting characters now, and go on the Rune or Arcane quests.
Make sure to leave 3 spaces open at least for characters that you will get
during the story(4 spaces if you want Measarthim). There are actually
4 characters you will get, but you will lose one so it comes out to 3.
The following characters can join Asellus:
Humans Mystics Mecha Monsters
Lute White Rose none Slime
Annie Ildon Cotton
Fuse Zozma Sei
Rouge TimeLord Thunder
Emelia Measarthim Kylin
Gen Rei Red Turnip
Fei-on Suzaku

You lose White Rose later, but you trade her in for Zozma who is vastly
superior. Ildon is required, and Measarthim and Rei are
recommended, as well as TimeLord. The large number of mystics available
allows you to use them generously. Power them up, then absorb the Suzaku
enemy into their three weapons and they will be very powerful. In the end,
my party usually ends up looking like:
Team 1 Team 2 Team 3
Asellus Gen Annie
Ildon TimeLord Zozma
Fuse Rouge Fei-on
Rei Measarthim Lute
Red Turnip Slime Emelia

Each of these parties has a power character that can turn the tide of a
battle(Asellus, TimeLord, Zozma). Asellus is arguably the most powerful
character in the game(her special powers are discussed later). TimeLord
is near the top too, with the Overdrive spell. Normally, I'll go on the
Arcane quest first, then get TimeLord, then go on the Rune Quest with him.
This allows him to get StasisRune and use the OverDrive cheat. The SharpPain
attack, although not effective against all enemies, is effective against
most and makes Zozma one of the best too. If you need power, then you can
concentrate these three into a party and they will be an almost unstoppable
team(relatively, that is). Once teams are formed, equipment is bought, and
levels are sufficient, then you are ready to head back to Shrike and go to
your house. Save first, you have to fight a boss here.

Where Nobody Knows Your Name
Your House

When you arrive here, you learn that you've been gone a little longer than
you thought - well, a little while in the cosmic sense. See, time has a
different meaning in Facinaturu, apparently, so what was a little while there
was a long while here. Your aunt thinks you are a ghost, and chases you away.
After that emotional trauma, the last thing you need is one of Orlouge's
henchmen jumping in to ruin your day.

This enemy is pretty easy if you prepared yourself first, but you may need
some luck if you just came straight here. His best attack is the ChainHeat
attack, which may instantly slay a character. Use your best attacks and
the FireSage probably won't give you much trouble.

After you win this battle, Asellus will get her MysticSword. This works
like the MysticSword of any normal mystic, but it is the key to realizing
Asellus' true power. If you use one of Asellus' Mystic weapons in battle,
she undergoes a MysticalChange. This form is extremely powerful, because
it has all the best traits of both humans and mystics. Like a human, she
can learn and use any type of technique, including gun, fighting, and sword.
Her base statistics remain the same as well. However, her mystic blood adds
the stats gained from monsters absorbed on her weapons on top of that. If
you use the MysticSword, you will eventually learn the other two like a normal
mystic. Once you absorb 3 Suzaku enemies into the weapons, then you get your
normal human stats +60 to each one. All your stats will equal or approach
99. This effect only lasts during the battle, and you cannot absorb monsters
into the weapons until after you have finished the MysticalChange. Mystics
in SF normally have higher stats than humans-their weakness comes from the
lack of powerful techs. If you get DSC on Asellus and use it after a
MysticalChange, then it will do twice as much damage as normal, up to 25000
points! All her abilities are affected this way. Also, like a mystic, she
is highly resistant to death and bad status. Imagine a human character, with
all the powerful sword and fighting techs, but with the high defense and
attacking power of a powered up mystic, and you've got Asellus. The only
down sides are that it does take a round to transform, and you gain stats like
a mystic after the battle(only CHA, HP, WP, and JP). Asellus' heavy attack
power with the big techs is something you want, so I recommend getting DSC on
her when you can. You can then play around a bit with most of the bosses
and have fun, because all you must do is use DSC and end it all if you get in

Anyway, now you've opened a box of hornets because the next few elements of
Asellus' story happen in random locations. If you still have things to do
(collecting characters/cards/runes/experiece) you may as well do that. At
some point during your wandering you will be attacked by the next boss. If
you want to hurry to the next boss though, and you're ready, then I have
listed a few of the places where the boss events may happen. There are
certain places where these events can occur, so they are not completely
random. Go to one of them and continuously exit and re-enter the screen until
the event occurs. Listed next to the event is the place where it is most
likely to occur quickly(when I go there, the event almost always gets me).
Note that I don't think that two events can happen in the same place.

Event locations
Wakatu-in front of the building w/ Comet Blade
Kyo- Garden
Devin- Rei's Shrine
Luminous- just outside the port
Koorong- in Nusakan's Backstreet
Mu's Tomb- on path leading to where Roufas is
Sei's Tomb- in large central room w/ shield

There are undoubtedly others, but these should be plenty. Go to one of these
places(preferrably the one listed next to the event below) and exit/reenter
until you get the event. Save often if you are trying to do something else,
because the bosses have a habit of rudely interrupting you. The listed
places are places where I have met these events 2 times in a row, so I know
that they can be there if you wait long enough-it usually is there on the
first try, though.

Event 1- Water Sage------(Kyo's Garden)
Equip sound-resistant items(provided that you were prepared for WaterSage's
attack), because WaterSage counts Oscillation as one of its powers. It also
has a shield and can block. Other than that, there are a few weak water
attacks it can do. Oscillation is your biggest problem, so if you can avoid
that then you'll be fine. Use unblockable attacks like throws and NoMoment
to cut up the WaterSage's HP. After you take him out, you'll get his shield
(GenbuShield). Also, if you have not gotten it yet, you will recieve your

Event 2- Green Sage------(Luminous-near the port)
The GreenSage(why not EarthSage, I dunno) is the most powerful of the Sages.
He has Scream and WindBlast attacks that can decimate you if you are not
powerful. Also, this Sage has a CounterFear barrier that causes any close
range attacks against it to give the impertinent attacker a red mess status
for their insolence. Needless to say, this is to be avoided. Use long
range attacks like gun tech combos(if you can get a long string of CrossShots
or BoundShots going as a combo, do it). Of course, if you have DSC or
LifeSprinkler, use it. Don't forget to take advantage of Asellus' Mystical
Change. If you took the time to get some good monsters on her weapons then
you'll be pleasantly surprised at how much more powerful she becomes. This
Sage also throws the Spore attack at you, but that's not too fearsome.
Harmonium items can help against the Scream attack, but the only thing that
can keep the Windblast off is a good shield and some luck. Try to make sure
you are powerful enough to survive this attack, or else you will be resetting
a lot here. Note that if you don't have it yet, Asellus gets her Mystic
Boots after this fight.

Event 3- The Lion Princess------(Devin-Rei's Shrine)
Tired of sending the weak underlings after you, Orlouge decides that its time
for the real deal. He sends the Lion Princess to mop you up.
After the GreenSage, the LionPrincess is pretty easy. The same rule applies
here as with the GreenSage though-no close up attacks. The reason here is
even more convincing than before, as the LionPrincess will retaliate with
Kasumi and either kill or severely maim the attacker. On top of that, she
avoids all damage. Use long range moves that are unblockable(NoMoment,
LifeSprinkler, throwing techs), because she has a shield too. If you can
build a combo out of your attacks, then do so. However, if you stick to
long range, then LionPrincess' loses her counterattacking ability, and that
is really all her power. Other than that, she's just got a few semi-wimpy
sword techs and fire/arctic breath attacks that shouldn't give you too
much trouble.

Event 4- Ildon Returns--------(Koorong-Nusakan's Backstreet)
At this point, Ildon returns to join you.

Event 5- Ciato---------(Mu's Tomb-near Roufas)
Ciato, your old friend from Facinaturu, is now forced to come get you and
prove himself to Orlouge.
This enemy is a real pushover compared to the others. He will use various
Mystic spells like GlassShield and PhantasmShot, and occasionally will take
a hack with one of his Mystic weapons to knock off a character instantly.
This rarely works, however. Just be carful not to impale yourself on a Glass
Shield. If he uses one, break it with a gun so the glass doesn't hit you.
Be prepared to cure yourself in case the Reaper or a mystic weapon kills
someone, or if the Cockatrice turns you to stone. The Fascination spell is
pretty dangerous if it hits the right person, so try not to equip attacks
that hit multiple targets in case that attack is turned against your party.
As with all enemies, preparation is the key. However, it is sometimes
difficult to prepare for bosses in Asellus' chapter...

Event 6- The Dark Labyrinth------(Sei's Tomb----in the large central room)
You will, in a last ditch effort by Orlouge, be pitched into the Dark
Labyrinth never to escape-for a few minutes anyway. Really, the place is
not all that hard to escape at all. The large doors sometimes lead to
monsters if you go the wrong way, so to avoid a big nuisance & just take the
northeast green door, then take the green door just to your southwest, then
take the northwest green door. Walk west and talk to the turnip there
(if you want him to become a member of your party), then take the large
center door to escape.
Apparently, the thing that you were told about not escaping the Labyrinth
without losing something dear was true, as in order for you to escape
White Rose stayed behind. Asellus seems heavily distraught over the loss
(They sure seem like more than 'friends' to me... a few other people have
said the same thing too...well, don't know if the American game industry
is ready for that cultural experiment yet, so maybe not...). I can't
think of any reason(other than the parenthetical note) why I'd be upset in
her place-she dropped White Rose, sure, but she was replaced by Zozma, a
much more powerful character by far. He has the Evil magic that can stun
whole groups of monsters before they can even react. Oh yeah,
you might be wondering what happened
to the rest of your party. Don't get too upset, if you go to the Shrine
in Devin they are all there to meet you again. Also, if you visited her
room in Facinaturu back at the beginning like I recommended, you can get
Rei. Go back and grab Measarthim if you want. You should go ahead and
fill out your party at this point, if you haven't already done so.
Do any leveling up or treasure gathering first, then when you think you are
ready head for Owmi. The pilot is there and he can take you back to
Facinaturu to stop Orlouge once and for all.

Return to Facinaturu
Treasures: HarmoniumEarring, HarmoniumArmor, PowerBelt, SilverMoon,
LightRifle, GoldenLion, PlutoArmor
Characters: None

Upon first arriving at Facinaturu again, you will want to visit Gina in the
tailor's shop in the south of Rootville. You'll find out that she is
missing-taken by Orlouge(and you thought that you were special, being picked
to have his blood-looks like the guy's just got a thing for humans). Anyway,
being Orlouge's concubine certainly wasn't your idea of a good time, so you
decide to save Gina. Note that one of the variables that determines your
ending is whether or not you saved her, so you might want to try not saving
her every time so you can see the other endings.
Now head for the castle. Go to the bedrooms if you want to see some
dialogue(yours, Rei's, Princess Lion's, and White Rose's rooms). On the way
up to your room, stop off in that treasure room that is down the stairs to
the east to pick up those treasures that you could not get before. The
SilverMoon is a powerful Katana, and the LightRifle is the most powerful gun
in the game(although it only has 1 bullet, so the multi-bullet attacks like
CrossShot will be less effective). There is also the two Harmonium items
and a lame old PowerBelt. Be sure to search all the pots till you get all
this stuff, then continue on your way.
Next order of business-if you don't want to save Gina then skip the next few
paragraphs. Otherwise, go to the area in the back with the monsters(in the
northeast). Travel up the road until you reach the area with the Giant on
the right and the room where you recharge on the left. Recharge in the
crystal room, then run into the Giant to fight him.

As is the case with all Giants, this one is no pushover. It has GaleAttack
to hit all of your characters-if anyone has DodgeGale then stick it on them.
If it opts to physically attack, then it gets to attack 2-3 times in a round.
It has a shield and blocks attacks pretty well. It has high HP. Makes tons
of Julienne fries! You definitely want to use your most powerful unblockable
attacks on it. DSC, LifeSprinkler, No Moment, and LocomotionG all come
to mind as decent choices, DSC obviously being the best. If you transform
Asellus before you use DSC, you will nearly kill the thing instantly.

Once the Giant has moved on to the next world, you need to open the window
behind him. This seemingly innocent act opens a door in a previous room.
You may have noticed a large room with a statue and a high window on the way
up here(it is on the screen just before the screen with the Giant). Go in
there, and you'll see that the sunlight from the window(funny, there's no
sun up outside) has opened a door. Enter there to fight the Griffon boss
and save Gina.

The Griffon is a good bit easier than the Giant, as far as I can tell. It
has a few fairly potent tricks, but if you stick to your powerful attacks
you'll be okay. It can't block, so feel free to use whatever you want.
After winning, absorb it into a monster if you want the GriffithScratch
attack(that's what I usually get). It's a pretty good attack tech.

Yay, you saved the girl! Lucky she has a knight in shining armor like you,
huh? Well, once she's okay, then you are ready to take out the main man,
the insufferable lecher Orlouge. Keep going up the mountian until you reach
the room with the flowers(where you were stabbed way back at the beginning).
If you saved Gina, just head up the cliffs until you get here, otherwise
use the transporter in the northwest. Once you're there, head east.
Normally, Ciato is there to block you, but now he's feeling gutsy and wants
to take you out.

No, he won't throw Batarangs at you or use his hero-repellant spray, but this
BatKnight does use a few pet bats to do his dirty work. Just concentrate
your attack on the BatKnight, it shouldn't be too tricky to take him out.
If you have trouble with him, then go back and raise levels before continuing
up the tower.

You beat him, but now not more that 5 steps later you are confronted by the
Lion Princess. Despite your attempts to be friendly, she still feels
obligated to serve Orlouge and destroy you(whatever drugs he's dropping in
these girl's drinks to make them this devoted to him for no good reason, he
could triple the size of the castle if he just put it on the open market-
I guess he wouldn't be the Charm Lord anymore then, though).

You'd think that she'd be more powerful this time than the was the first time
you wasted her, but she is actually exactly the same. The only difference
is that you are more powerful so she should be even easier. Remember, just
don't use close range attacks to avoid getting a rectal probe with Kasumi.
You get the GoldenLion sword after beating her.

Well, good thing that's ov...ahh damn, just down the path there is another
boss standing there. If you didn't save Gina, then this boss is not here,
but if you did then Rastaban(remember him, the happy guy) is standing there
demanding his fair chance to beat you up. You might want to use a Sanctuary
Stone or go back and rest to recharge your WP, because the BlackKnight is the
worst of the three sub-bosses.

He'll hit all your characters with powerful attacks. He'll inflict annoying
status problems on you. He'll occasionally be stupid and try to smack you-
but this does little damage. His one saving grace is that he is often
pretty reluctant to use his more powerful attacks(at least to me-maybe I'm
lucky). Keep smashing him with your big combos and attacks and you probably
won't have too much trouble. Orlouge is more powerful than this guy, so if
he gives you trouble then raise levels more before continuing. You get the
PlutoArmor after winning.

Now, in the next room, is the doorway to Orlouge. Before you enter, you'll
be asked if you're sure...If you want to save, do it first and use a
SanctuaryStone if you have to. Don't save after you enter, as there is no
way to go back and you may have to level-up more. Once you're ready, go
across the next room and you'll be on Orlouge's balcony. There you will have
a conversation with him. This conversaton is different depending on what
ending you are about to receive, but it basically is just telling Orlouge
that you're pissed and that he should leave you alone. He seems to
do so, so you walk out. But, before you can leave the area, Orlouge attacks
to stop you from escaping his land.

Orlouge is no enemy to be trifled with, but compared to some of the other
end bosses you'll face in other chapters, he has pretty low HP. Make sure
Asellus has DSC before the fight, then MysticalChange and keep firing the
DSC at him till he's gone. Other characters could try Tower(in a combo if
possible), LifeSprinkler, or DSC as well. Orlouge will go down pretty
quickly if you have a good number of powerful attacks, especially if they
are being delivered by powered up Mystics. You'll notice that occasionally
the portraits in the back of the room will emit a beam that increases
Orlouge's abilities. Also, Orlouge has three spirits that stay behind him
to help him attack. At first, they will only appear one at a time, but
once Orlouge is badly wounded they will all attack at once. The spirits have
powerful attacks like Salamander, Silf, and Windblast. Orlouge himself
also has the Selection attack, which instantly petrifies a character. Have
something on hand to cure or prevent this. Once all three of the spirits
are out at once, then they will have access to the 3Mistresses attack. This
is better than having all three of them attack you in one round, but it is
still pretty powerful.

Now you get to enjoy the ending. I know that whether or not you rescue Gina
is important, but there are three endings. I think the other criteria for
which ending you get is how many times you used your MysticalChange during
the game, but I'm not 100% sure, so if you are tell me all about it.


If I had to vote for the most fun character to play in SaGa, then it would
have to be Red. I mean, who else can just turn into a superhero, has a large
number of dungeons that are not only fun but also specific to Red's game (so
you haven't seen them 200 times already...) and who else gets to fight such
a wide variety of bosses? Some of the other characters are pretty
repetitious, but Red was pretty fun to play all the way through.

The Birth of Alkaiser

There you are in the car, minding your own business, when you get run off the
road by that buttface Shuzer. Not only that, but he appears to have burned
your house down and toasted your family alive!!! That is beyond rude, IMHO,
so you probably should get all pissed and attack him(not like you have much
choice, really).

Not like much strategy is required here. Once you get KO'ed here by the
much greater power of Shuzer, the mighty hero Alkarl comes and defends you!
There will be much rejoicing and blowing of trumpets (well, at least in my
mind there was) as you use the special attacks of Alkarl(you take control of
him) to chase Shuzer back into whatever BlackX hole he crawled out of.

Once Shuzer runs off, Alkarl saves your life by giving you the power of his
successor, as you become the next mighty hero Alkaiser. Alright, so you're
just the gold power ranger, but bear with them and just say Alkaiser, OK?
Anyway, since you're a little preturbed about your family being reduced to
their component elements right in front of you, you swear vengeance on the
evil criminal organization BlackX. Hmmmm, where can you find a job that lets
you travel and keep an eye on BlackX in all regions of the world? Taking on
the guise of mild mannered assistant engineer Red(well, you were already him,
so it wasn't so hard...) you get a job on board the Cygnus, some high tech
airship that travels all over the world shipping cargo and porting rich people
around in style.
Now would be a good time to explain exactly what powers and limitations
Alkaiser has. You cannot become Alkaiser just any old time, unfortunately.
You see, you have a secret identity, and even your party members can't find
out who you are(even though there are times when they'd have to be pretty
stupid not to figure it out). You can only change into Alkaiser when:
1. Red is in a party by himself.
2. Red is in a party composed entirely of mecha and himself(apparently, you
can just trust the mecha not to tell anyone if you tell them not to because
they are machines).
3. All of Red's Human/Mystic/Monster friends in his party are under a bad
status condition or knocked out so that they cannot see him transform.
(Apparently, if you transform right in front of them they notice, but if
they get paralyzed for 3 seconds then come around and suddenly Alkaiser is
standing where Red should be, then after the battle Red is just back, then
they just can't put 2 and 2 together. I call this "Sailor Moon Syndrome".
"What is her real identity?" "I dunno, probably the only other person on
the damn planet with that haircut, maybe???").
Alkaiser has more power depending upon Red's level of power, so you don't
have to become Alkaiser to level him up. You do have to become Alkaiser to
learn his Alkaiser fighting and sword techs, which are listed in the tech list
and marked Alkaiser Only. It is worth it to go to the trouble to get these,
as they look cool and are very powerful. Also, Alkaiser can use any normal
human tech. Alkaiser will only learn Alkaiser sword techs with his
trademark sword, the RaySword. It is not a tremendously powerful sword, so
you will probably find yourself using the Alkaiser fistfighting techs more
often. They are his most powerful.
Head out of the engine room where you begin and walk around the Cygnus a bit.
The passageways are numerous, but after a little exploration they are not too
confusing so I'm not gonna be terribly specific here. Check out the little
green monitors if you want to see a useless map of the ship(reminds me of the
useless car ad you can watch in the Shinra building in FFVII). You'll come
across Yuria, talk to her and you'll be promised a date(she never delivers,
though, or at least I never found it). You can pick up your paycheck in the
Accounting Office. Make yourself familiar with the location of the Accounting
Office, Medical Room, Cockpit, Ballroom, and Cargo Bays, none of them are hard
to find.
Once you've finished exploring the ship, go back to engineering and talk to
Hawk and you'll land in Baccarat.
In the casino, you'll be tipped off to BlackX by the fact that several of the
BlackX power ranger guys in their rubber body suits are playing the games
there. Go talk to them, then run over to the elevator and go to Parking. In
the elevator you'll become (Superman theme plays) Alkaiser, Defender of
Justice and Savior of the Innocent, and whatever other moniker you want to
stick on there. When you arrive at the parking lot, you'll have to fight
Shuzer's men.

BOSS-Those pathetic little power ranger guys
Please tell me no one needs help here...just whack these guys. Have no fear
when the last one takes you to the fearsome 4th dimension magisphere, although
he says that there BlackX fighter's power is tripled, it sure seems exactly
the same to me. I think it's just a psychological thing to make the BlackX
guys feel more confident about fighting such a fearsome opponent with such
a powerful looking helmet and pair of boots.

Once you have beaten these guys, the Cygnus calls you back to work. Sure,
you'd like to follow that guy who killed your family, but hey you can't be
late for work...what the hell kind of superhero would you be then?
On board the Cygnus, you can get your paycheck again(you can collect it again
each time you complete a stop on the Cygnus's grand tour). Once you're ready
to move on, talk to Hawk again, and you'll end up in Shrike.
Go to the playground and talk to the little red-headed girl. Aggghh...BlackX
punks are attacking you right here in the street! Smash their puny heads then
you'll have to head over to Sei's Tomb(in the northern part of town) to
rescue the girl. You will morph into the mighty Wielder of the Shiny Visor,
Alkaiser and handily mop the floor with the evildoers there. Then you've got
to head back to work.
Do the usual, get your paycheck then go talk to Hawk. He'll drop you off in
You can look around, but you won't find much here of use. I wouldn't
reccommend spending any money, it's really not worth it yet. Just head back
to the Cygnus after you've had enough mall-walking.
Go get your paycheck, then go find Yuria. She's found something in the cargo
and you need to check it out. Egad! Weapons of terrible power which you
obviously should not don't need these! I wish you could
at least touch them or something...anyway, after you see this, it's time to
head over to the C.T.C. Building and find out what's going on.
Fuse, a cop from I.R.P.O., will join you and you head up to talk to Miss
Campbell, the head of this area. She's obviously hiding something from you,
but you decide discretion is the better part of valor and leave. Note how
Fuse smacks you around like a little dork throughout this whole scene. If
only you could turn into the Warrior with the Golden Lampshade on his
Oversized Head and kick his ass, but you don't want to blow your secret
identity, eh?
As if Fuse pimp-slapping you around isn't enough, now there's pirates
attacking the Cygnus! Fight off the ones that bust into the engine room.
Fuse will show up to help after you take out the first wave. You can then
escape through his secret exit.
Now to save Yuria. She's in the second door after you leave the ballroom
(yeah, that one with all the damn enemies in front of it). Try to lure them
away if you can, fighting enemies is pretty dangerous throughout this entire
scene(save often). Next head up to the second floor and get Asellus and
White Rose to join up(they're in the room in the far south). Roufas is in
the center door on the third floor, he'll join in your little rebellion too.
You can talk to Blue on the third floor too. He'll act like he's going to
join you until he finds out your name(Rouge is his brother and arch-enemy,
and Rouge is French for Red...get it? Hahahahaha those wacky Square guys
have some sense of humor, huh?) Once you have all the characters you can get
(you'll need them), head to the spot on the second floor that has three doors
side by side. You'll need to enter each of these doors and kill these enemies
one by one. The reason for this will become apparent soon. These enemies are
not really too bad if you have all of the characters you can get, provided you
fight them one at a time. Once they're all dead, go fight the enemy that
guards the door to the cockpit. If you defeated the three enemies in the room
like I said, then the enemy guarding the cockpit will be easy pickings all by
himself. However, if you did not, then all four enemies will attack you at
once and you can say "Bon Voyage" to your life, it really is that difficult.
Even as Alkaiser you would require some serious luck to beat all four of these
guys at once.
Now after going through all that trouble to get to the cockpit door, Fuse
doesn't want to go in that way. Go downstairs to the Airlock. You have to
run across the platform outside to the cockpit. Save first, because if you
don't dash across as fast as possible, you'll be blown off the ship and it's
Game Over for you. I think that's a pretty cheesy way to die, so just save
so you don't have to lose much progress just in case.
Once you get over to the cockpit, you have to fight Platyhooks.

Platyhooks shouldn't be too difficult. After you've fought him for a while,
he'll run off and summon some common Platoonpusses to fight you, then
rejoin the battle later. Try to build some simple combos if you can. If you
are having trouble, then use heals only on Red to keep him alive. If everyone
else get knocked out, become Alkaiser then bring them back. It shouldn't be
too hard after that, certainly.

After you beat the pirates, then you'll see a short cinema that gives away who
Miss Campbell is really working for...duh...
Get your paycheck, then talk to the Mecha in the Medical Room. Go visit Hawk
for the next stop on your itinerary.
The ship drops you off in Koorong, and right away the abuse starts up again
with a bunch of little drug addict-looking punks making fun of mild-mannered
Red's hair. Not that he doesn't deserve a little ragging over that
strange shape he chooses to keep on his head, but these guys go a little too
far. Walk back to them after you pass them once, and you'll have to fight
a Yeti(weak enemy), both saving the kid's worthless life and putting out a
strong anti-drug message(who says games aren't good for kids?) Red chases the
drug dealer through the backstreet and into the sewers. Make your way to the
sewer exit that leads back to the Cygnus(use the sewer walkthrough that is
in the Rune quest section-it's down the stone steps, then out the exit near
the FireCrystal treasure). Aaaggh...lookit all them drug dealers!!! Well,
maybe they're not all drug dealers, but those silly hats earn them an ass-
whooping in my opinion. However, Red doesn't share my opinion so it's on to
the next assignment.
Get your pay, then talk to Hawk to move on to Kyo. In Kyo, follow the drug
dealer guy to the building marked "Syoin". You hear about the 4 BlackX
Emperors, but you have to go back to work before you can learn more.
Get your pay again(you should have a fairly impressive bankroll by now) and
talk to Hawk and you go to Shingrow.

Treasures: SanctuaryStone, CeramicSword
Characters: none

Apparently there's a martial arts tournament being held here. There's not
much else to find, so wait in line then enter the tournament as Alkaiser.
It doesn't really matter whether you win or lose, which is lucky for you
because you'll probably lose pretty big to the third or fourth opponent.
However, after it's over, you spot Dr. Klein (evil BlackX guy) above you.
Chase him. Go all the way down the northern path to get to a place where
you can recharge your strength, then go back to the room with the long red
carpet and go east. There are two exits here, the northern one has a
Sanctuary stone, the southern one has a secret passage that is revealed if
you search the flowerpot there. In the next room, there is a secret switch
near the treasure that allows you to get it(CeramicSword). Keep going east,
then you'll meet the Goblin. I'm not even going to dignify him with a
strategy, simply pound him into lunchmeat and you'll be back on board the
Get your pay for the last time, then get Hawk to drop you off in Yorkland.
Now the real game find the 4 BlackX Emperors and reduce them to
dust, then take down BlackX to avenge your family and save the future
generations from their evil influence.
But whoa there, tiger, you don't wanna do that until you've gotten some
friends to help you and you've levelled up! Some of these BlackX guys are
pretty rough. Get over to Scrap and get the infinite money and equipment
trick working, then round up friends to stick all your new equipment on.
I would definitely recommend getting all 3 mecha that can join Red. I
usually only have 4 people in Red's party, him and the 3 mecha. Then he
can change into Alkaiser anytime, and the mecha are almost unstoppable in
combination with him once you give them all the good equipment. Annie, Doll,
BJ&K, and Rabbit will join you in the story, and you can get Liza and Roufas
(they're cool, so I usually do). Leave space for these people in the party.
The following people can join Red's quest:
Humans Mystics Mecha Monsters
Roufas TimeLord Rabbit Slime
Annie Measarthim BJ&K Thunder
Doll Silence EngineerCar Cotton
Lute Sei
Fuse Kylin
Rouge Suzaku

After all is said and done, I usually have a party like this:
Team 1 Team 2 Team 3
Red TimeLord Gen
BJ&K Measarthim Annie
EngineerCar Liza Doll
Rabbit Roufas Fuse
(empty) Slime Fei-on

Go on the Rune and Arcane quests if you want and get the magic you want.
Note how I leave an empty space so that Alkaiser can be used generously. If
only you could get T260 to join you, you'd have a full party, but you can't.
At least I don't see how. Anyway, once you've built the party you want(make
sure to leave space for the characters that will join during the story events)
then level up until you feel like a pretty bad ass and then move on to Phase 2
of project Kick BlackX's Ass. You have to decide which Emperor to dethrone
first. The order that they are listed in is the order I usually take them
in, and it seems easiest to me, so here goes:

The Downfall of Shuzer
Shuzer Base
Treasures: ElectroArmor, FinalCrusade
Characters: Annie, Liza or Roufas

Head to Koorong. Talk to Annie(in the north, near the hat shop). She'll
offer to take you to Shuzer Base. Talk to her again when you're ready.
Enter the Koorong sewers, then go to the area where there is a pipe you can
walk across(it's down the stone steps, follow Annie there). Walk across, then
climb the ladder to enter the base. Don't worry, Annie leaves for a second
but she'll be back in no time.
There are 3 doors in the entry hall. The first leads nowhere, the second
leads to ElectroArmor. Then go to the third door.
Climb the ladders to the rooftop. You'll have to fight Cyclops here...I hope
you levelled up first.

The Cyclops has high HP and a few powerful attacks. If you levelled up a
little and got all the good equipment using the infinite money cheat then you
should be okay, but otherwise you are going to need to use a lot of healing
to survive the bashing he gives you. He can also stun members of your party
with his gaze.

Run across the rooftops, then at the first choice go upstairs. Fight the 5
BlackX guys in the ominous but futile 4th dimension magishpere, then go into
the next building. Press the circle button to search the lion on the right
to open a secret passageway. Follow and defeat Shuzer.

Shuzer really isn't all that much of a problem once you've powered up. You'll
see pretty much the same attacks that you saw the first time you met, beefed
up a little. He'll use some flame attacks and his claw bits.
Keep whacking him until he runs off and Alkaiser chases him by
himself. Once this happens, it gets a little trickier because Alkaiser is
all by himself. If you took the time to learn some of Alkaiser's fighting
techs then you should have no problem, otherwise you're gonna need a few
healing items before it's over with Shuzer. Once you beat him, Alkaiser will
learn his healing tech FinalCrusade(allows him to heal the rest of the party
completely at the cost of one of his LP).

After wasting Shuzer, then go back to the restaurant in Koorong and get either
Liza or Roufas to join up. If you get Liza, then you can get Roufas the
normal way in Mu's Tomb and have them both, so that's what I usually do.

Infiltrating Berva's Stronghold

First off, if you had any trouble beating Shuzer then you should level up
before coming here because Berva is a lot tougher. Go to Shingrow.
You'll see Doll in the port, so get her to join your party then work
your way to the room past the big slime boss in the ruins(use the walkthrough
in the Shingrow section above if you want). Here you'll find Berva, the
second of BlackX's Emperors. Defeat him here.

Berva is one annoying guy to fight. He has the ability to SwayBack and avoid
incoming physical attacks. Use attacks that he cannot SwayBack to avoid like
NoMoment, LifeSprinkler, and most gun techs. Don't waste your time with
normal attacks because he'll dodge them 90% of the time. You'll see the
Tremor attack in this fight, so JetBoots are a must. He also has a few power-
ful single attacks like GroundHit and PowerBomb.

Once you run Berva off, he'll run off to the castle outside. Fight your way
through the goons, then go the the arena inside Shingrow Castle to finish
him off.

Now, he'll have increased the stakes a little. Instead of using SwayBack to
avoid attacks, he'll start using BrvaCounter to counterattack big time. Do
not do close range attacks to him or you will die very quickly! His other
new attack, GodHand, is a super powerful punch. Keep the healing coming and
pound him with long range attacks. If you have a lot of trouble, then level
up and come back.

There's two down, two more to go.

Cindy Campbell's Secret
C.T.C. Building
Treasures: 400 credits, WaterCannon, MissilePod, LightBazooka, Magi-Water,
EagleGun, MaxCure, Protector, Thunderbolt
Characters: none

Head to the C.T.C. Building and talk to the receptionist. You'll head up
the elevator. Beat the PinkFighters in there then talk to the woman at the
top of the elevator. You'll be attacked by a PinkFighter and some monsters.
Climb up the ladder and activate the control panel to open the door out. Get
the MissilePod in the upper right hand corner, then head west and get the 400
credits and the WaterCannon in the west room. Exit in the upper right hand
corner of this room. You'll be in a corridor with 2 doors. Take the first
door, then take your first left, then take the LightBazooka from this room.
Go back to the hall just outside that room and continue north. You'll see a
fairy thing over a turbine off to your east if you're in the right place.
Keep going north. You'll come to a long staircase covered with slime enemies,
then once you reach the 32nd floor you'll have to fight a HugeSlime and some
PinkFighters. Beat them and get a Magi-Water, then go to the next staircase.
This one is covered with mecha. Once you reach the 34th floor you'll fight
some mecha and a PinkFighter. They'll drop an EagleGun. Continue upstairs
beating the thick enemies and get the treasures from the guys guarding each
even-numbered floor(MaxCure, Protector). Once you reach the 40th floor,
you'll meet a woman. Accept her offer to get a Thunderbolt. Then keep going
south to Campbell's office. You'll have to fight BlackGarb and his
AutoBuffer friends here.

This Will Smith impersonator shouldn't put up too much of a fight. He'll use
his Vulcan while the Autobuffers fire their weak guns. Take them out however
you like, they're easy. The screens in the back use HypnoFlash and Yell to
aid BlackGarb, but he needs more aid than that, I'm afraid.

Once he's dead, then there's a blackout! Quick, take the opportunity to
become Defender of Disco, Alkaiser! Now you must fight Campbell in her true
form, Arachne.

Arachne is not really all that hard to take out. If you beat Berva, this
will be no problem. She'll use RavaShot and Jackal from the Mirage and Evil
schools of magic, as well as BladeNet and LightningWeb. She can use HPDrain
and can charm characters with Pheromone(but luckily she rarely does so).
Keep healed and have Alkaiser send her on to the next dimension.

After beating the third BlackX Emperor(Empress???) you end up in the
Manhattan port. Now for the last one!

Just Say No to BlackX
Metal Black Base
Treasures: 300 credits, SamuraiSword, 300 credits, MaxCure, MagiWater,
Characters: none

Go to Kyo. If you haven't gotten him yet, pick up Rabbit in the Garden.
Then go to the Syoin. Rabbit will point out a secret entrance to Metal
Black Base. Go inside(search the wall).
Go downstairs and get the 300 credits. Go out the lower door. In the first
corridor, take the southernmost door on the upper level to get the Samurai
Sword, then go back out and into the far north door to get 300 more credits.
Exit downstairs and to the south. Keep going south until you reach a hallway
with a large greenhouse to the north. Get the MaxCure and Magi-Water in the
greenhouse, then keep going north to the room with the furnace. Get the
BigMissile from the floor, then head up the ladder to destroy the GreenFighter
there. Examine the drug furnace and Red will set bombs there. Get the hell
out quick(I've never actually had it blow up with me inside, so I'm not sure
if it does, but it's probably not in your best interests to test it).
Once you get outside, the final BlackX Emperor, MBlack, attacks you.

MBlack has a pretty powerful attack to hit one character(TigerRampage) and
to hit all(MoonScraper). The MoonScraper is particularly painful and is
his best attack. Keep yourself healed, and use your best attacks, obviously.
You should outlast him after beating the other Emperors.

That should do it-you've mopped the floor with BlackX's Emperors!

The Black Ray and BlackX Base
Black Ray
Treasures: IronClogs, WarlordArmor, SprigganSuit or
IronClogs, WarlordArmor, OctopusBoard or
WarlordArmor, SilverMoon or
IronClogs, SilverMoon
Characters: BJ&K

After beating all 4 Emperors, the Cygnus will call again. Go the nearest port
and hop on board. Go to the Medical Room and talk to the mecha there, he'll
join your party(BJ&K). Then talk to Hawk in engineering and you'll get a
BlackX disguise and board the Black Ray.
You'll see several treasures around the BlackRay, but you can't get them while
you're disguised. Your goal is to meet MBlackII on the bridge on the top
floor, but once you do you'll have a fun little runaround to do. You'll see
on the treasure list above that you can not get all of the treasure, so decide
which ones you want(it's in order from most to least useful, IMHO). Then
follow the directions below. The basic idea is to go through 10 straight
rooms without backtracking. If you backtrack, MBlackII will attack and even
if you win you die because the ship will self-destruct. If you make it
through 10 rooms(until the readout says "About to reach BlackX base") then
fight MBlackII then you will make it to the base before the ship explodes.
There are only a few paths that allow you to get through all 10 rooms, so save
before meeting MBlackII on the bridge and NEVER save while you are running
through the rooms. If you make a mistake that cannot be corrected then save
then you get to start your whole game over.

To get IronClogs, WarlordArmor, SprigganSuit:
Bring the elevator up to the 3rd floor before meeting MBlackII on the bridge.
Set off the alarm, then take the elevator to the bottom floor. Go south, then
up the flight of stairs on the right and out the east door. Enter the first
door on the left, get IronClogs, go west. Go across the room and exit
southwest. Get the WarlordArmor, then exit to the southwest. Head southwest
at the intersection in the next room. Take the door on the left at the end
of the passage. Get SprigganSuit in the room, then exit through the
northeastern door. Now you're at BlackX base.
To get IronClogs, WarlordArmor, and OctopusBoard:
The Black Ray is symmetrical, and the OctopusBoard is on the other side of the
ship from the SprigganSuit. If you want the OctopusBoard instead, just
reverse the above directions.
To get WarlordArmor and SilverMoon:
Put the elevator on the bottom floor before you activate the alarm. Activate
the alarm, then go down the stairs to the left. Get the WarlordArmor, then
head southwest. Go north at the intersection. Keep going north out the door,
then follow the path around to the next screen. Go south to the next screen,
then go to the intersection and go west. Continue down the passage to the
west-don't go in the door! In the next room, go downstairs, go in the north
door, take the elevator to the second floor, then go in the 2nd northern door.
Get the SilverMoon. You should have arrived now, so go out and fight
To get IronClogs, SilverMoon:
Reverse the above directions.

You'll just see stronger versions of the same attacks you saw from MBlackI.
His new attack, Shoot-All, is pretty powerful, but nothing you can't handle.
Overall, he's not much harder than he was before.

The ship will crash, and you'll be at BlackX Base.

BlackX Base
Treasures: SanctuaryStone, Magi-Water, MaxCureX3, GrainCannon, LethalGun,
PowerBelt, HyperionBazooka
Characters: none

Your first two characters will come out and wonder where Red went, at which
point Alkaiser shows up and says Red was injured and he'll fight with them
from now on.
Go upstairs and get the SanctuaryStone, then head up the ladder and go in the
door around the corner. Try to exit from the north door in the next room and
the big enemy-filled area will open up. Fight past them to get the Magi-
Water, MaxCure, and GrainCannon. Hit the yellow button in the back to open
the northern door and escape.
Go upstairs in the next room and exit by way of the stairs in the northwest.
Get the MaxCures and LethalGun, then exit through the northern door. Get the
PowerBelt in the northeastern corner of the next room. Hit the switch in the
north to bring down the elevator, then use it to get up. Get the Hyperion
Bazooka to the east, then go north. Go around the railing to the north and
walk across the pipe just past the stairs. Enter the door there.
Here you discover that your mother and sister are not dead! They are here
inside this room. After a touching scene, talk to your mom again to get the
key you need to continue. If you talk to her again, she'll heal your party.
Now go back and through the yellow door in the northern wall. You will soon
meet the man himself, BlackX.

This guy is not too powerful in comparison to the guys you have to fight
after this, so if he's hard then you're gonna be in a little trouble. His
most powerful attacks are his instant death and petrify attacks like
ChainHeat, DeathGaze, and StoneGaze. DodgeGaze will help out here. Just
whack him into submission.

Once you beat him, you'll meet Dr. Klein. Now you'll not only have to listen
to his little speech, but you'll have to beat Berva, Shuzer, and Arachne all
at once.

BOSS-3 Emperors
This enemy keeps changing between 1 of the Emperors, except for MBlack.
They have pretty much the same attacks, so use the same strategy as before.
This might take a while, but it's nothing Alkaiser hasn't handled before.

Once that's over, then you'll get a moment's respite. Talk to Klein when
you're ready to continue. MBlackIII will appear, and heal all your party
out of some strange sense of robot honor before attacking you.

MBlackIII is just like MBlackII, only more so. He has high HP, and a few
new attacks, most notably his Dark Phoenix. Once he uses Dark Phoenix,
then have Alkaiser use his Al-Phoenix attack and you'll learn Alkaiser's
ultimate attack, Re-Al-Phoenix. You should be able to beat this guy
without too much help, just make sure to get Re-Al-Phoenix.

MBlackIII fully heals you when he dies, and Dr. Klein runs away. Now the
final boss of BlackX, BossX, attacks you. Instead of being in the 4th
dimension magisphere, you go to some other place with green swirly stuff.
I guess it's the 5th dimension magisphere.

BossX is a pretty bad ass, all in all. He's got the highest HP of any of the
other character's end bosses. However, his attacks leave a little to be
desired and the other characters don't have Alkaiser on their side, do they?
He'll use Charm and StunGaze so equip the DodgeGaze tech or PurpleEyes. This
will also protect you from his special HyperGaze that can really mess you up.
He will use a LordCannon(powerful attack), and his prettiest and most power-
ful attack, JudgmentX, can take out anyone who's not above at least 300 or
so HP. If you've never seen this, then let him do it because it is nice-
looking. You know the drill here, DSC, LifeSprinkler, Tower, and heal up
when necessary. Re-Al-Phoenix will come in handy too.

Now it's finally over. Enjoy your ending, you earned it on this one.


Next to Lute, Blue has the least eventful game in SF. His entire game
revolves around getting the gifts for the different types of magic, but
since I always do that anyway no matter who I have it seems like there's not
much to Blue's adventure. You do get to play with some magic spells that no
other character can get, though. All in all, this game might be good for
beginners to learn how SF works, but once you have played the game a few
times you'll probably find Blue's chapter pretty boring.

The Birth of a Great Wizard

You begin the game at your graduation ceremony at the university in Magic
Kingdom. There you are told that the Kingdom needs a perfect magician, and
that you cannot be one unless you cease to be divided. This means that you
must kill your twin brother Rouge and add his power to yours. Isn't that
cheery? Even better is the fact that he is looking to do the same to you.
Some family, huh? Your first mission to become a better magician is to gain
the gift for as many different types of magic as possible. You will get to
choose to travel to either Devin or Luminous to begin your search. It
doesn't really matter which one you go to, what's more important is the
RegionMap that you're using to travel.
Blue gets a special item called RegionMap. This item allows you to travel to
any region that you have been to before quickly and easily. Each icon on
the screen represents a different region. Note that all the icons will never
be lit up, since I think several of them represent areas that cannot be
reached in Blue's game. They were probably added so the game wouldn't crash
if some gameshark using cheater decided to go there, or maybe there were more
regions in the Japanese game that were removed, I dunno. You should go to
Scrap and get the infinite money and equipment trick going as soon as
possible, then go collect as many characters as you can. Also, at least pay
a cursory visit to each region so that it will appear on your RegionMap.
You will pick up a few characters on the Rune or Arcane quests, so leave space
for them if you want them. If not then don't worry about it because they will
simply disappear if they join you while your party's full. The following
characters will join Blue:

Humans Mystics Mecha Monsters
Lute Silence T260 Slime
Roufas Dr. Nusakan EngineerCar Cotton
Annie Measarthim Sei
Fuse Thunder
Emelia Riki
Gen Suzaku

I usually build a squad like this:

Team 1 Team 2 Team 3
Blue T260 Gen
Dr. Nusakan EngineerCar Measarthim
Roufas Liza Mei-Ling
Lute Silence Emelia
Slime Riki Cotton

Round up whoever you want, then level up and learn some techs. Once you
feel confident enough, then move on to the next phase of the adventure:
collecting the gifts for the magics.
This walkthrough is pretty easy for me, because I already wrote it. Just
follow the directions for the Rune or Arcane quest(your choice) and get the
gift for either Light or Shadow magic. Once you've done that, then level
up a little more and learn the spells in these areas. The walkthroughs
for these quests are right above the character walkthroughs. Note that
you cannot get Mind magic's gift because Blue's mind is "divided". Once
you're ready(power up until you're packing at least 600 HP for your characters
because you are gonna have a pretty hard fight in a second) head out to
get the gift for either Time or Space magic.
Get these gifts normally(this is outlined above). Instead of offering to
buy the magic from TimeLord or Kylin, respectively, Blue will instead attack
them. Apparently only one being in the universe can have the gift for Time
or Space magic, so Blue must kill these creatures to get the gift. Both are
hard, so pick one and start whacking.

TimeLord has all those nasty Time spells that are so powerful in your hands,
plus he seems to have quite a few more HP than he does when you joins you
in other chapters. His TimeEclipse can render a party member motionless in
stone, and ChaosStream can sometimes do very high damage. He also has
Mystic Magic and can put up GlassShields and throw PhantasmShots at you.
Don't accidentally get caught in a GlassShield. Use long range attacks if
possible. A useful spell here is the Realm Magic PsychicPrison, since it
seals his magic spells. It only works once though, and then must be
refreshed. Use PsychicPrison with Blue and smash him with everybody else.
Once he get beaten pretty bad, then he'll use his OverDrive spell to get
6-8 free hits on you. If you survive that, though, he'll be drained of
power and be forced to rely on his poison and kick attacks, which are pretty
weak. Make sure to equip PsychicPrison and also a spell like Grail or an item
like AntiStone to sure the petrify spell.

Kylin is probably the harder of the two bosses to beat. His first move will
be to LightShift, so that he can use his Photosynthesis to gain HP each round
of battle. Then he'll start smashing your party with truly awesome attacks
that hit all your members, like ReverseGravity and SacredSong. His Vortex
attack will remove any powerups you put on your characters, so don't bother
with status up spells. Instead, use Blue's PsychicPrison spell to seal
Kylin's magic. This takes away most of his damaging attacks. Make sure to
use the PsychicPrison again each time it absorbs a spell, because it only
works once. Have everybody else use their best attacks. The attack to watch
for is the SacredSong, because the PsychicPrison won't block that(it's not
really a spell). After being hit with that, then it's time to concentrate
on healing the party as quickly as possible because two of those in a row
can easily kill the whole group.

As soon as you defeat the boss, then you'll get the gift for that magic. Exit
the room and you'll begin the battle with Rouge immediately.

This is a one-on-one battle between Blue and Rouge. Rouge will use magic that
is the opposite school from the magic that you got in the game, and some-
times throw a MagicStone(which is usually his best attack, actually). You'll
see that every few rounds a type of magic appears in a dialogue box in the
center of the screen. This means that for the next few rounds of combat,
that type of magic will be enhanced in power. You can try to match the type
of magic you use to the magic that is enhanced to get an advantage, but
sometimes the enhanced magic is a magic that you cannot possibly have(like
Mirage or Life). Rouge will have the same HP as you. Each time you are
defeated, you lose 1 LP and are revived by an automatic Reviva spell.
Whoever runs out of LP first loses. My advice is: instead of screwing around
with that magic crap, just use your best sword tech or DSC until Rouge is
pushing up daisies. The game does not penalize you for this at all, and the
battle goes by much faster. Note that if you lose this battle, then you
will continue the rest of the game as Rouge. This means that you will get
back any LP you used to buy weapons at the shop in Facinaturu, but you will
lose all your techs except for Magic. Otherwise, Rouge is the same as Blue.

After this battle, you will see some credits...don't be fooled, the game's
not over! After the credits are over, the truth about your identity is
revealed...Blue and Rouge were just two halves of the same person! Looks like
you need to go to Magic Kingdom and find out who's responsible for this.
But first, head back to Kyo and get the gift for Mind Magic.
Now you have all the types of magic in the game, except Evil, Mystic, and
Mirage. Life Magic contains only two spells, but they're good ones. If
you want, you can experiment to see how they work, because once you go to
Magic Kingdom(using the RegionMap) then you're on the road to the end of the

Demons Attack! The Defeat of Magic Kingdom
Magic Kingdom, Hell
Treasures: NornsBangle, SanctuaryStone, BloodChalice, MaxCure, DragonSword
Characters: none

When you get back home, you find it in ruins. Defeat the undead monster near
the fountain and climb down the pipe in the upper right hand corner of the
map. Go down the wall and find out about the demon attack from the wounded
people. When presented with two paths, take the one on the right. Fight the
monsters, then fight the Giant. He's pretty powerful, so be careful. Now
you'll be standing in front of three stars on a pedestal. Get them in order:
Right, Left, Center. You'll get the NornsBangle.
Now go back up and take the left route. Inspect the center Goddess statue.
You'll find yourself inside the Goddess, where you are told why you were
split at create a powerful magician that could defeat the demons.
You are upset at being used this way, but after the demons attack again you
are motivated to do what you were meant to do and destroy them.
When you reach the screen with all the bodies on it, you can go to the
right and inspect the back of the podium in the room. It tells you what order
to get the stars in to get the NornsBangle. I already told you that, though,
so when you are ready to move on talk to the woman on the upper right hand
side of the screen. She'll take your RegionMap and Gate spell and you will
descend into Hell to fight the demons.
Note that you can return to the entrance to Hell to get your power recharged
anytime you want. Hell has a lot of little angels and puffy clouds(as a joke,
I think). The innocent looking cherubs are enemies, though, so avoid them if
you can. Note that in Hell, on the first round of combat enemies take a lot
less damage than they should from attacks, then they take normal damage on
the second and subsequent rounds. I call this the "Hell Shield" and don't
know why it is there. Don't use up your super attacks in the first round,
though, because they will not have full effect.
Exit the first screen to the northeast. Go north one screen, then walk west
into the clouds and follow that path to get a SanctuaryStone. Then go back
onto the road and head north. Go across the bridge until you are at a screen
with a chest to your south. It's a mimic, so avoid it. There is a chest in
the north that has a BloodChalice, and another in the west with a MaxCure.
Exit northwest after getting the stuff. Go up spiral staircase and make your
way to the center door in the east. In there, you can fight the DragonLord
for the DragonSword. Don't use close range attacks against him, or else
he'll use Kasumi to shred you. Do that, and he should die pretty easily
(otherwise, you're gonna have trouble with the big boss). Then go back out
and use the transporter in the northeast corner to go to the end boss.

BOSS-Hell's Lord
This guy can be a real nuisance. You cannot even use the OverDrive/Stasis
Rune trick on him very effectively, because he switches between 2 forms and
when he changes he breaks out of stasis! His humanoid form has IllStorm to
poison the whole party, Smile which paralyzes you all, LifeSteal to steal LP
and heal himself, and his power attack, Sabers, which knocks off a good chunk
of life. His beastly form has a choice of either pelting you with all three
of his breath attacks each round(fire, bolt, arctic) or physically attacking
anywhere from 3-10 times. I would recommend using the ShadowServant spell,
followed by an OverDrive. In the OverDrive, use Tower until the last move
then use the StasisRune. He'll probably break out of stasis, but you at least
won't lose your JP. Now hold him off until Blue wakes up and repeat. This
makes it pretty easy, especially if the rest of the party has good attacks to
work with. Don't forget about the "Hell Shield". Never waste an OverDrive
on the first round or else it'll have reduced effect.

What! That's the ending??? This made me want to vomit, really. You don't
want to see this. Just turn away and make up your own ending, this is silly.
The thing just fades to grey.


Emelia has a pretty enjoyable adventure. She stands out as the one character
who has multiple outfits, so the Barbie fans who play SF won't be
disappointed. You can get several different things to wear, from a Rambo
outfit to a wedding dress. (Obviously the bunny outfit is the best, It's the
cutest by far). So far as gameplay, there is a decent story interwoven with
a few unique dungeons. Unfortunately, most of Emelia's game is played in
places that you can go with any character, removing a lot of the uniqueness.

I Shot the Sheriff

Hi honey! I'm home! Oh, you're dead, huh? And there's this freaky looking
guy there with a bloody weapon!
You get arrested under suspicion of killing your husband, who was killed by
the infamous criminal Joker. After Fuse accuses you of killing his partner
and being a durty slut or whatever he calls you, you end up in Despair prison.
Strangely, later if you get the Shield Card in I.R.P.O., Fuse seems to have
forgotten about you(I guess partners getting killed just doesn't stick in
your mind in this game). Anyway, that's off the point. You'll have a few
conversations that basically say that if you can get the Freedom Rune, then
the warden will release you. So you, Annie, and Liza sneak out of your room
at night to get it.
Head south after leaving your cell. Take the next pipe to the west, then
head west through the pipe and up the ladder. Jump down the hole into the
locker room. Now you can use the Despair walkthrough in the Rune Quest
section above to get the rest of the way to the rune, since I don't feel like
typing all that again. The Nidheg boss will be decidedly weaker, and will
run away after you damage it a little, so don't be afraid. After you touch
the rune, the warden releases you.
You try to head home, but Joker attacks you. Luckily everybody's favorite
muppet Roufas shows up to help out. You are taken to Gradius HQ.
Agree to help them find Joker. This will allow you to undergo "training".
First, you have to shoot the target. This is a menial task, shouldn't pose
any trouble. Next, you've got to get back to Gradius HQ from the sewers.
It's pretty much a straight shot, just don't miss the sack of credits down
there. Talk to Roufas to finish the training. Then you need to talk to Liza
and Annie(Liza's in the other room, and Annie's standing outside). You
can then talk to Roufas a few more times to get some money and a clue about
Before you go to Devin, you should probably go and pick up a few characters
and do the infinite equipment trick to strengthen yourself. Asellus, White
Rose, Roufas, and Zozma will join you in the game. Leave space for them,
you don't want to miss a chance to get Zozma! You'll probably want to go on
the Rune quest, too, so leave space for Fei-On and Slime. Fill up the rest
of the party now, and get the good stuff. The following people will join

Humans Mystics Mecha Monsters
Lute TimeLord none Slime
Roufas Measarthim Cotton
Annie Silence Sei
Fuse White Rose Thunder
Rouge Zozma Riki
Gen Kylin
Fei-On Suzaku

Collect characters, then go on the Rune Quest to get Fei-On, Roufas, and
Slime. You should have 3 empty spots for Zozma, White Rose, and Asellus,
these are all powerful characters. My final party is something like:

Team 1 Team 2 Team 3
Emelia Annie Liza
Asellus TimeLord Zozma
Fei-On Fuse Gen
Roufas White Rose Lute
Slime Mei-Ling Riki

Note that if you want to do the Arcane quest too, you won't be able to get
the Gold Card until you finish your Gradius mission in Baccarat.
Once you're done with all that, then return to Gradius HQ to get your first

Martial Arts Rhythmic Gymnastics
Shingrow Palace
Treasures: SanctuaryStone
Characters: none

You end up being entered in the Masked Martial Arts Tourament in the most
ridiculous outfit I have ever seen. Get in line and enter the contest.
Depending upon how much powering up you may have done, maybe you can win,
but it doesn't affect anything. After the tournament is over, you'll see
Joker in the stands. Talk to Annie and Roufas, then chase him. Exit west,
and keep going north to the end of the path for some people who'll recharge
your energy. Then go back down to the room with the long red carpet and go
to the northernmost east exit. Get the SanctuaryStone, then follow Joker
south. Beat the guards, then search the flowerpot to reveal a secret
entrance. Get the CeramicSword in the next room by hitting a hidden button
near the sword, then go east. You'll have to fight the Goblin boss in the
next room past the three guards. This guy sucks so bad I'm not gonna put a
strategy for him, he probably can't even damage you at all if you've levelled
up, and if not he certainly can't kill you. Bash his brains in and the
mission is over.
To accept your next mission, then you need to go talk to Roufas at HQ and
get your pay, then train in the firing range. After that, if you talk to
Roufas again you'll get another mission.

The Gold Rush

You'll end up in Baccarat. Talk to the people until you see Joker. Follow
him 2 floors up and get in the elevator. Go down the manhole where Liza and
Annie will join you. Use the walkthrough for this section in the Arcane
quest section to find the Gnome's room. You'll have a confrontation with
Joker, and just as you're about to end his miserable life, he throws some
gold and the Gnomes go crazy, allowing him to escape.
What you do here affects your ending. Emelia has 2 endings. If you simply
leave the sewer now, then you get one. If you follow the directions below
and beat the boss, you get another. The ending you get if you don't fight the
boss is actually more informative, I think, but whichever one you want you've
got to decide now.
If you decided to go beat the boss, then go south from the gnome room, then
go south again, turn east, go past the staircase up, then enter the cavern
just past them near the center of the room. Follow this path to meet

Gargantu is a big wussie. Equip JetBoots and 3/4 of his attacks will have
no effect. His MysteryTap is his only attack that may cause a problem, but
chances are he'll be dead before he can use it. That is, of course, provided
you got the good equipment from the Junk Shop before coming here. Otherwise
it may take a while, but it still isn't too difficult.

Beat Gargantu and get the PurpleEye. You comment that it used to belong to
Ren. Exit the manhole to get back home and end the mission.
Now, if you are on the Arcane quest, you can go back in there with your gold
ingots and get the Gold Card.
Go back to HQ, get your pay, rest, train in the firing range, then talk to
Roufas again to get the next mission.

Yaruto Gets Fired! The Arrival of Mondo
Trinity Base
Treasures: EMES Tag, SanctuaryStone
Characters: Asellus, White Rose, Zozma

Now you've "volunteered" to become part of Yaruto's harem(Yaruto is the head
of Trinity Base, and a real sex-starved maniac). Not only that, but you're
dressed like a damn genie. Oh well, at least you get to dance a little and
loosen up, even if it is in front of those evil guys...AAAHH! A blackout!
Just when you were starting to have fun. Oh well, at least you can try to
find out about Joker. Exit the room. Asellus and White Rose will join up
here, after you beat a monster together. Equip the new characters. Try
to avoid fighting whenever possible, your small force will make it
difficult to survive.
Go upstairs one floor and enter the second room on the far right. Beat the
two monsters, then talk to the boy in the back. He's really Zozma, a mystic
who is responsible for attacking this base. He'll join up. Equip him and
you'll have a pretty powerful party. Use his SharpPain spell to immobilize
most enemies and fight more safely.
Go back out and all the way downstairs and into the door on the left. Follow
the path until you meet a robot guarding a door. Go in there after smashing
the robot. AAACK! Joker is getting away! Get out and head to the bottom
floor. Go to the western end and enter the door. Beat the living weapon
enemies for an EMES Tag, then get the SanctuaryStone. Go downstairs across
from door, head east, and take the north door at the end of the passage.
Head west to exit.
There's a room in the base with a crane you can operate, and I haven't found
any use for it. If you know Email me please. I'm pretty sure it's nothing,
Now you can go back to Roufas and get paid, rest, train, and get your next
You'll be sent back to Trinity Base...alone. Do not get in any fights here
if you can help it, because you are not going to last long by yourself.
On a brighter note, you get a cool commando outfit, second only to the bunny
outfit in style and overall cuteness.
Go downstairs, go all the way to the east, then take the north door. Head
east then go up the stairs in the next room. From the next room take the door
to the east and keep following the path until you get to the commander's room.
Commander Mondo will talk to you...he's a pretty smooth talker, that hides the
fact that he's certifiably insane. He'll give you the AngelBroach that was
given him by an old friend(Lute's dad...who he killed). After that's over,
meet your friends outside and regroup. Go all the way downstairs and out the
front door to complete the mission.

A Long Awaited Wedding

Return to Roufas, and you'll get your last campaign fund. Then talk to him
again when you're ready to face the final challenge.
You'll make your way toward the outpost in the Yorkland mountains. It is
pretty much a straight shot, but there is a hidden path in the trees to the
south about halfway there that leads to a scenic yet useless area. All the
way to the east you'll come to a chapel, where for some reason everybody
decides to have a mock wedding in the middle of the mission. During this
festivity, you are attacked by the end boss, Diva.

The Diva goes through two forms. She has many simple attacks, but the ones to
watch out for are her GaleAttack and Retribution. These hit all your guys
hard. Keep healed up, and use your best attacks and combos. If Asellus is
there, don't forget MysticalChange to increase her power. Anti-death items
or DodgeGaze will come in handy to avoid her DeathGaze attack. Other than
that, really not much to say. If you're powerful enough, she'll pose no

Your ending, like I noted earlier, depends on whether you beat Gargantu or
just left the Baccarat dungeon after meeting Joker. They're both decent, so
you might want to play this one twice.


Riki has one of the better adventures in SaGa. There's lots of stuff to do,
and the character deelopment is much better than in some other games. You
are limited in that you cannot do the Rune quest(Riki can't get the rune
inside Tanzer). Don't get any runes, or else you won't be able to go on the
Arcane quest either. Also, Riki's end boss is probably the hardest one of
all to defeat. I had a good time with this one. His ending doesn't suck
too bad, like a lot of the other ones do, either. Unfortunately, as in most
chapters of SaGa, Riki recycles the common dungeons to make his story events
occur instead of having unique areas to visit.

Margmel is Dying! A Call to Action
Margmel, Scrap
Treasures: RING/Guardian, 400 credits, 400 credits, KukriBlade, PowerCure,
SteelAmulet, RING/Merchant
Characters: Lute, Gen, Mei-Ling, T260

After watching the opening, you'll be in the town of Margmel. The only
eventful thing to do here is to fight the sisters that are near the center of
town. Absorbing their powers will give Riki some valuable extra HP and
abilities. Once you're satisfied, go to the elder in the northernmost
dwelling and hear the story of the rings. Riki must collect all 9 in order
to save Margmel. Get the RING/Guardian from the elder, and move on to
Riki's Rings are very useful tools, so equip him with at least 1 or 2 of them
at all times(once you have a collection). These rings are what give Riki
the power he needs to beat some of the powerful foes he must face. The
first ring, Guardian, allows you to double your entire party's defense power.
Use it in boss battles.
You end up in Scrap. Go to the bar. Talk to everyone and you'll acquire
T260, Mei-Ling, Lute, and Gen(as you leave) into your party. Now that you've
done that, now would be an excellent time to go down to the Junk Shop and do
the infinite equipment trick. This will take a little while, but it makes the
first part of Riki's game 10 times easier. If you do not do it, then the
Caballero factory and the next area will be very dangerous, otherwise they'll
be a joke.
Once you've equipped yourself in the Junk Shop, save and go to Caballero's
office to work out an arrangement. Apparently he wants Mei-Ling to go with
him for some "private negotiations". Hmmm, time to rescue her. Talk to Gen
in the bar when you're ready to begin the rescue.
After you split up and Mei-Ling smacks Caballero silly, you'll be in a room
with 400 credits. Get them, then go out and meet your friends. Get the
400 credits and the KukriBlade in the buildings outside, then enter the
front door.
There are several snipers above you in the factory. If you get in a battle
with an enemy near where a sniper is, then throughout the battle you will
be getting nailed with Enemy Fire from the snipers. If you are strong, or
got good equipment from the Junk Shop, then the weak Enemy Fire won't really
hurt you all that much, but if you don't have good armor or you are going for
the maximum style points, you can use the cranes and levers around the
factory to knock off the snipers. In order to achieve this level of
smoothness, you should immediately run into the east door upon entering the
factory(don't fight the mech there or you'll get shot up and look really
silly). Climb upstairs. You will see a lever right next to where you come
out of the stairwell on the upper level. Hit it and you'll knock off the
sniper below. There's one down. Beat up the human enemies up here, then go
to the far west of the upper level. There are two levers here. The upper one
is used later, so for now hit the lower one. You'll move a box on the lower
level to reveal a switch that will soon be important. Now go back to the
stairwell and climb down(you can go down from the stairs nearby, but you'll
have to be pretty swift to avoid the enemies there. It's probably best to
go back the way you came).
Once you exit the stairwell, you'll be back where you started. Immediately
hit the switch right next to you to your north. That will take out the sniper
that is in front of you. Now lure as many enemies as you can into the south-
east area and destroy them there away from the snipers. After that, you can
get to the lever that is where the box once was(the box you moved earlier).
Hit it, and you will be operating a crane. Press O just as the crane passes
over the sniper and you will not only get him out of your way, but also give
him one hell of a wedgie. This allows you to pick up the SteelAmulet and the
PowerCure in the two boxes(you can see that two of the boxes are glowing-it's
those two). Now sneak north until you can lure the human enemy and the
flying skeleton enemy south away from the last sniper and kill them. After
that, go to the lever that is near the box in the northwest and hit it to
raise the elevator. Now you can go all the way back upstairs and press the
switch that was useless earlier(in the northwest) to drop the box on the head
of the strangely unsuspecting sniper. It should now be free and clear all
the way to Caballero.
What treachery is this? Caballero running away and letting robots do his
fighting for him? Unheard of! After approaching him, he does just that and
leaves you to deal with his new model, the VulcanII.

BOSS-VulcanII and D-Tractors
This enemy can be either very hard or ridiculously easy depending upon whether
you did the trick and got good equipment from the Junk Shop. If you did not,
you'd better go all out with your techs and cut your way through to destroy
VulcanII, then mop up the remaining D-Tractors. VulcanII's vulcan cannon will
knock off a good chunk of a weakly armored character's health. The D-Tractors
are not pushovers either, since their most common attack is Tackle, an
attack that combos with itself(so if they all target the same guy, they'll
probably combo him into oblivion). However, if you shopped in the Junk Shop
for 30-45 minutes and stocked up on good items, then these four enemies will
probably go down to 4 attacks, and they will be almost unable to hurt you.

After beating the robots, Mei-Ling negotiates a settlement for the ring, and
Caballero reluctantly agrees. You get the second ring, the RING/Merchant.
This ring allows you to charm all of your enemies, a powerful attack against
many monsters. Now you can head for Koorong(the guy at the taxi service has
lowered the price from 10000 to about a discount!).

Tanzer's Hungry! Inside the Beast
Treasures: MissilePod, Magi-Water, SanctuaryStone, RING/Thief
Characters: Fei-On

Talk to Mei-Ling, and she'll run off the locations of all the rings for you.
Once you've had your fill of info and shopping, then try to go anywhere from
the port and Tanzer will swallow you. Looks like you just decided which ring
to get next...
Talk to Fei-On, then follow him to his village. Talk to him there, and he'll
lead you to Nomad's Lair. It is in a small black puddle to the south along
the path to the Vitality Rune. Note that you cannot get the Vitality Rune
because you're not on the Rune Quest yet(and you can't get to Devin to get on
the Rune quest until after you've defeated Tanzer, so you can't get this
rune). If you need help here, check the walkthrough in the Rune Quest
Once inside Nomad's lair, avoid or defeat her henchmen then enter the north
door. Get the Magi-Water in the east room and the MissilePod in the north
room. Then take the far southwest door to fight Playhooks.

This guy will be a piece of cake if you got the good equipment while you were
in Scrap. Otherwise, try to combo and destroy his little friend quickly, or
else they will combo you and hurt you bad. There's really not much strategy
available, just kill them one at a time.

Once Platyhooks is dead, get the SanctuaryStone from the dresser. As you try
to descend, Fei-On appears. Put "Wait a sec" and talk to him to get him to
join you. Then continue down. You'll follow a short path. Save here, then
enter the door to fight Tanzer.

This guy is tough, especially for characters at the strength you're probably
at. Also, Tanzer is proficient at comboing with his spore throwing pods
that surround the heart. You cannot target these pods, so you have to go
all out on the heart. Use the best attacks you can. If you didn't take the
time to do the infinite equipment trick in Scrap, then really only luck can
save you here. Otherwise, it is still a fairly hard fight, but if you're
careful you should come out on top. Try to combo, and keep yourself healed.
The RING/Guardian's defense increase will be useful here, but it will have
no effect against the heart's AcidBreath attack so don't let your HP get too

After beating Tanzer and saving Nomad, you get the RING/Thief. This ring
hides the whole party(like a HideRune spell). This allows you to completely
avoid attacks. However if you attack, you come out of hiding.
Now you finally have freedom to travel and go wherever you want. Use this
time to collect magic, equipment, and characters.
You already have Gen, Lute, T260, Fei-On, and Mei-Ling. You will get Dr.
Nusakan, Sei, and Annie in the game. You should fill out the rest of the
squad now. The following people will join Riki:

Humans Mystics Mecha Monsters
Lute Dr. Nusakan T260 Cotton
Gen Measarthim EngineerCar Sei
Fuse Thunder
Mei-Ling Suzaku
Annie Kylin

You'll have to start the Arcane quest to get a full roster of characters. I
usually go ahead and do that now. Once it's all over, I have a party like:

Team 1 Team 2 Team 3
T260 EngineerCar Gen
Mei-Ling Fei-On Fuse
Dr. Nusakan Measarthim Annie
Lute Emelia Kylin
Riki Sei Cotton

Once you're satisfied with your characters, then it's time to start collecting
the rest of the rings. Go to Koorong and talk to Mei-Ling.
The order in which you get them is somewhat flexible, but I usually do it this
way, because you get the more useful rings first. First head to Yorkland.

The Stealer of Dreams

Go to the rich man's home in Yorkland. It's near the center of town. You'll
be told of the daughter's condition, and offer to help. Mollasite will attack
you, then run away before you can defeat it. You are told that you need to
talk to a man who is well versed in destroying monsters like this, who lives
in the backstreets of Koorong.
Head back there and go to Nusakan's office. He'll join you permanently at
this point. Now go back to Yorkland with him.
Fight Mollasite again, this time for real.

This enemy is really easy, as long as you don't chase it away. Don't damage
it very much each round, only maybe 1000 points or so. Wait until it climbs
on the bed and destroys it. That's your cue to kick ass, since it's not
going to run away anymore. Once you unleash all your power on it, Mollasite
won't last long.

Once you beat Mollasite, the girl gives you the RING/Healer. This ring heals
the whole party to max, very useful in big battles. Talk to the rich man
and get money from him over and over until he begs you to stop, then go back
to Koorong.

Rats and Schemers

Once you get to Koorong and talk to Mei-Ling, she'll offer to take you to
Baccarat to get another ring. Take her up on it.
Get off the elevator in the hotel and go to room 2001. The suicidal guy
in there says he lost everything...oh well, not the ring! Um, uh oh. A rat
stole the ring. Well, now he really should kill himself. But he does have
the decency to wait for you to leave the room chasing that rat!
Chase it from the table to the woman's dress and hit the rat jackpot on the
slot machine. After the guy wins the roulette game, chase the rat to the top
of the chandelier and fall to the parking lot. Enter the Gnome Cave.
Once inside, exit the first room to the southeast and corner the rat to get
the RING/Hero. This ring seals your status so that you are immune to
status problems until the end of the battle or you are knocked unconcious.
Probably the most useful ring. It's invaluable fighting the end boss.
Now for the next ring, head to Manhattan. Go to the accessory shop. You'll
get a message that the ring has been bought by the Lord of Owmi. Note that
you'll only get this message if you have at some point in the game had the
money to buy it. If you have done the infinite money trick, then that's no
problem otherwise go do it and it'll be taken care of. Once you see that it's
sold, head to Owmi for it.
Once in the castle, some guy(he looks nothing like the castle lord from
Asellus' game. Maybe he moved out?) throws you into the dungeon!
Use the walkthrough for this area that is in the Owmi section above to get
out and go into the bedroom(with the large suit of armor in front of it).
Once you confront the guy, he'll give up the RING/Schemer. This ring attacks
the enemies. It's not too great, but that's one more ring down.

The Two Prisoners...The Warden and the King

Head back to Koorong and talk to Mei-Ling again. Liza will show up and tell
you to talk to Annie at the restaraunt. She'll offer to take you to Despair
for the ring(Mei-Ling sure is loaded with cash, huh?).
Follow Annie once you get inside the prison. She'll take you to the far east
upper level. Talk to the warden in the door here and you'll get the
RING/Hermit. This ring allows you to block magic attacks. If you are getting
the runes, then the warden will allow you to get the Freedom Rune before you
leave. Since you can't get all 4 runes, I wonder why he does this?? Anyway,
you got your ring, so now go to Shrike.
Go to Sei's Tomb. Use the walkthrough above in the Shrike section to find
your way to Sei's chamber. Instead of attacking you, Sei gives you the
RING/Fighter and joins you. This ring increases your attack power. Now you
have 8 rings. Only one more to go...

The Final Ring! Riki's 8 Trials
Treasures: 400 credits, 400 credits, RING/Lord
Characters: none

Head to Mosperiburg. Travel straight north until you see Virgil. He'll tell
you to complete each room in his castle, then come back and he'll let you
challenge him for the ring. So it's off you go back down into the castle to
complete the tests.
You must get this ring last, because the other 8 rings are the keys to enter
each room in Virgil's palace. There are 2 floors with 4 rooms each. It's
laid out something like:

2nd Floor 6 8
5 7

1st Floor 2 4
1 3

Check the corresponding number for a description of the test. Once you get
all 8 VirgilKeys, then go talk to Virgil again(save first).

1. Search each gravestone until you see the sparkle of a key. Each time you
search the wrong gravestone, a skeleton enemy appears in the room. It's
random each time where the key is.
2. Fight your way to the key. This one's pretty straightforward.
3. Fight the MagmaSlimes. Use a party with a lot of mecha if you can,
because the MagmaSlimes attacks directly take away 1 LP. Protect Riki with
LifeCandy and such if he's about to die, since if you lose him the game's
over. Use 2GaleSlash, Haze-to-Wheel, and mass attack magic spells to cut
down wave after wave of the slimes. After you kill about 30 of them they
stop coming.
4. Participate in the game show. The items that are used are random, so
you'll just have to remember their prices. The game is like Price is Right,
you have to tell whether the next item on the list is more or less expensive
than the previous one. If you get them all, then you get the key as well
as the last item on the items list. If you miss one, you have to fight
enemies, but your entire party becomes a bunch of Rocky enemies. That's
pretty embarassing, so try to avoid messing up.
5. Search each barrel until you find a key. It's random, you'll just have
to check them all.
6. Get all the money bags in the Pac man-like maze, then get the chest.
7. Beat all the enemies in the room. For extra style points, you can
use the switches in the floor to activate the bowling balls and knock the
enemies off.
8. There is a secret path across the spikes that allows you to get the
2 bags of credits and the key. If you step off the path, you are attacked.
Follow the woman walking on the spikes to find the path(be patient with her,
she's in no hurry).

Before returning to Virgil, save and put 4 humans in the party with Riki that
each have CrossShot, EnergyChain, Fist, HardSlash, SwallowSwing, or any other
attack that combos with itself. Equip them all the same way. Save, then
enter Virgil's room.

You can't actually do damage to Virgil's HP. The only way to beat him is to
score 10 points by doing combos. Level 2 combos are worth nothing, but level
3 is worth 2, level 4 is worth 3, and level 5 is worth 5. The easiest way
to get the big combos is to have all 4 humans do the same attack that will
combo with itself, then have Riki do something that can stick on the front
or back of it. You'll get either a level 4 or 5 combo almost every time
and Virgil will die easily. Of course, you can try to be all fancy, but
that just takes longer as far as I'm concerned. If you take too long to do
your combos then Virgil starts attacking, and you won't last long once that
happens, so try to take him out fast.

After beating Virgil, you'll get the RING/Lord. This ring restores the
party's WP and JP. Now that you have all 9 rings, you'll be instantly taken
back to Margmel.

The End of Margmel

You'll meet the elder here, and he'll tell you to use the rings to wish
Margmel back to life. You've got to be careful with the wording on those
all powerful wishes, though...Riki's wish for Margmel to be reborn is causing
everyone who wasn't there when the region was created to disappear! As if
that wasn't bad enough, Mei-Ling reveals that the whole time she has been
under the evil control of the Black Ring, lord of the 9 rings(um, is this
starting to sound familiar, Tolkien fans?). Now you must fight her in her
powered up form, Master Ring.
If Mei-Ling is in the lead party, move somebody else in there before you walk
over to her and initiate the battle. Otherwise you'll have an empty space
in your party. Also, equip the RING/Healer and RING/Hero too.

This guy is a nightmare! Master ring has 9 friends that each represent one
of the minor rings. They each have status attacks, and they cast spells to
increase MasterRing's stats. The ones that attack have a nasty habit of
trying to combo with MasterRing. Well, just use mass attacks to kill all of
the little guys and have MasterRing all to yourself, you say? That's not
such a good idea either, since if you kill all the small ring guardians then
MasterRing will start continuously using its Revolution9 attack on you. Two
of those in a row and even the most powerful party is destroyed. Do not
kill the small guys, just concentrate on MasterRing with your best attacks.
Start the battle by using the RING/Hero to protect yourself from the status
ailments. Save the use of the RING/Healer for when you're in serious HP
trouble, and use your DSC, LifeSprinkler, Tower, and best monster attack
from Riki to dust MasterRing. MasterRing has very high defense, so it will
be hard to severely damage him, but if you're strong enough you'll come
out on top.

Now enjoy the ending, it's a pretty good one(you'll think so too if you look
at some of the others...).

Well, I'm finally done!!!!! If there are any questions, additions,
suggestions, or comments be sure to email me at
Thanks for looking at my work, it makes it actually sort of worth it.


Square, for a game good enough to motivate me to write this monster
Phoenix, who helped me take notes and crap and sat with me while I played
this game entirely too much
Marc, for helping me type and playing Tekken with me when I got bored
Mikba, for the location of the LightRifle weapon
RoadHog, for helping me with the combo and monster forms lists
Dimetric Houston, for pointing out that you don't have to get the turnip in
Asellus' chapter

Anyone else I accidentally left out? Write me and refresh my memory.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Gespeichert vor dem letzten Boss mit guten Fähigkeiten um das Spiel zu beenden.

17.Oktober 2013
Vor dem letzter Gegner mit guten Fähigkeiten um diesen zu besiegen.

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Alle Spezials freigeschaltet.

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T260 FAQ

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