Saga Frontier

SaGa Frontier

17.10.2013 17:20:14
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 1998 16:35:10 EDT

SaGa Frontier FAQ Version 0.5

Basic Gameplay
Learning Techniques
Boss list
Monster Absorbed Skills List
Character list grouped by Character

Revision History

0.5 down to 20 more boss HP, redid monster basics, added a top link after each
section, put the boss HP into a table, more

0.4 only need 24 more boss HP, added some secrets, finished(?) tidbits, finished
skill list.

0.3 added a few boss HP, some secrets, some combos,and began new section.

0.2 added a few boss HP, more combos, and some secrets

0.11 added names of all of the bosses, and HP of many of them, and more combos

0.1 added more to the secrets section, added a few bosses, and a few combos.

0.03 added secrets section, added 1 boss, and more info on monsters.

0.02 added bosses section, and combos section

Basic Gameplay


When you have more than one fighting group, all characters who are not fighting
in battle will regain some WP and JP.


Monsters gain levels by absorbing other monsters. They will become stronger by
absorbing stronger monsters. But, when
absorbing weaker monsters, they can also become weaker. The only way that they
become stronger is through HP. All of the
different monster forms have a beginning base amount of HP, and everytime you
absorb a skill that you have never absorbed
before, it goes up by 4 HP. There are about 150 different monster skills that
you can absorb, so you could have a slime with
over 700 HP.
When monsters absorb other monsters, they gain an attack from them, but lose the
attack they have in their bottom most slot.
You can move the skills around in the abilities list so you can choose what
skill you will lose.
The monster that you turn into is based on what skills you have at the time,
weaker monsters have one key skill that you must
have to become that monster, and more powerfull monsters have more key skills.
For example, if you have Deathsynthesis as
one of your skills, you will very likely become an undead monster quite often.


Mystics improve when their mystic weapons absorb certain monsters, at the most,
Mystics can have up to three mystic
weapons, Sword, Glove, and Boots. In order to absorb a monster, you must attack
with the weapon, sometimes, the weapon
will absorb the monster, usually if the weapon does what would be the last hit,
when it does, you learn a skill from the monster,
and some of your stats will increase while you have that monster absorbed. If
you absorb another monster with your mystic
weapon, you will lose the skill you have to get a new one, and you will lose
your status boosts to get different ones from the
new monster.
Also, Mystics will gain HP, WP, JP, and Charm like humans through regular


Mecs improve only with the equipment they are wearing, you must experiment with
different weapons and armors to see which
will give you the best mec possible. Also, when fighting other mecs, you can
gather data from them after they are defeated.
This will either recharge WP, or give you a special skill.


Humans are the easiest to improve. They improve through fighting, Swords
increase WP, Str, and Vit the most, and also
increase Qui, and Wil. Fighting skills increase mostly the same as Swords, but
increase Qui less, and HP more. Guns increase
Qui, Int, WP and Wil the most, and also increase Vit. Magic increases Int, JP
and Wil the most, and also increases Vit.
Everything increases HP

Learning Techniques

Sword Techniques

The way to learn most sword techniques is to use the basic sword attack, but
there also another way to help learn certain
techs. That is to use a low level technique, and you might learn a technique
that is similar, but more powerful. Here are some

Double Slash->Swallow Swing, Headwind, Gale Slash
Cross Slash->2 Gale Slash
Swallow Swing->Gale Slash,2 Gale Slash
Thrust->Thunder Thrust, Triple Thrust, Dead End
Hard Slash->Bear Crush,Turbid Current
Shadow Counter->Life Sprinkler
Wheel Slash->Haze-to-Wheel
Triple Thrust,Dead End->Rosario Impale
Heaven/Hell->Willow Branch

these examples might not be the best way to go, but for some of the more
powerful techniques, it might be the only way to

Fighting Techniques

The way to learn fighting techniques is also to use punch, and as with swords,
you can learn certain moves faster by using low
level techs. To learn throwing techs, use the basic Air Throw and to learn
kicking techs, like corkscrew, use the basic Kick.

Alkaiser Techniques: The alkaiser techs can only be learned when you are the
Alkaiser, and the best way to learn them is by
using Bright Fist. The only way(i think) to learn Re-Al-Phoenix is by using Al-


In order to learn magic, you first need the gift for that type of magic then
cast spells of that type, the higher level spells usually
let you learn faster, and higher intelligence lets you learn faster, and that's
all there is to it. One more thing, unlike Fighting and
Sword techniques, you do not have to leave and empty space in your technique
slots, you can still learn new magic if it is full.

Gun Techniques

Gun techniques are exactly like Magic...the higher level technique, the quicker
you learn new techniques. Also like magic, you
can learn new techniques even without an empty slot. Gun techs increase power
with higher Wil.


Combos are random, and this is only a list of Combos that have worked for me,
even so, they might not work for you, but you
can see skills that show up often and can make your own combos. If you have a
level 4 or 5 combo, send it to me.

Level 4 Combos

GliderSpike(monster)..Thrust(sword)..BeamCannon..Air Throw(fight)
PhantasmShot(mystic)..BeamCannon..Air Throw(fight)..Thrust(sword)
Stun Slash(sword)..SwallowSwing(sword)..Air Throw(fight)..BeamCannon
Ground Hit(monster)..DarkSphere(shadow)..DoubleSlash(sword)..HardSlash(sword)
Wheel Slash(sword)..Implosion(realm)..Air Throw(fight)..DeadEnd(sword)
MegaWindBlast(light)..ShadowCounter(sword)..BoundShot(gun)..Wheel Slash(sword)
Reverse Gravity(space)..Shadow Counter(sword)..Triple
Stampede(monster)..IronClogShot(iron clogs)..Air Throw(fight)..Double
BrightFist(alkaiser)..IronClogShot(iron clogs)..Blade(monster)..Big Missile
Energy Chain(realm)..Hard Slash(sword)..Air Throw(fight)..Scissors(monster)
Ground Hit(monster)..RavaShot(evil)..Implosion(realm)..Triple Thrust(sword)
Kamikaze Crush(mec)..Plural Slash(mec)..Hyperion Bazooka..Crosshair(mec)
Shadow Counter(sword)..Sand Vessel(accessory)..Implosion(realm)..Willow

Level 5 Combos

Fist(fight)..Cross Shot(gun)..LocomotionG(fight)..Heaven/Hell(sword)..Giant
Rising Nova (sword)..Implosion(realm)..Tiger Rampage(mec)..Triple Thrust
(sword)..Rosario Impale (sword)
riple Thrust(sword)
Hand(fight)..Triple Thrust(sword)
Silf(monster)..Thunder Thrust(sword)..Wing(monster)..Oscillation(monster)..Air


DSC: The Dream Super Combo is exactly what it sounds like, it's a combo of four
different fighting moves combined into one
powerful attack. In order to have this attack, you must have equipped, Sliding,
Suplex, Babel Crumble, and Giant Swing.
Then, in battle, at the bottom of the list will be DSC for 17 WP can do from
4,000-15,000 damage!

Time magic: One benefit of having time magic is a spell called Time Twister,
what it does is lets one of your allies do their
attack twice in one turn with no extra cost in WP or JP. One word DSC. can you
say 30,000 damage for 17 WP!

Time magic(2): Another spell that is very useful in Time magic is Overdrive, it
lets you cast 8 spells in one time(for blue, 5 for
Time Lord)! On the downside, it costs all of your JP and WP! But, there is a way
to solve that problem, cast Stasis rune as
your last spell, then you will only use up 10 JP! and after that, you will
consistantly have 8 turns in battle!! One more idea, for
Blue, cast Shadow Servant for your first spell, then cast Tower 6 times for
double damage!

Life magic: Life magic has only two spells, Sacrifice-give 1 LP to cure
everyone, and Reviva, cast it on someone, and they will
automatically revive. You can get it even if you are not Blue. First, master the
three types of magic, get all of the spells for the
two that are not light/shadow, then with light and shadow, if you mastered one,
get a spell from the other, then go to the Magic
Kingdom and read about Life magic, fight a few battles, and Voila!
BTW, this secret is unconfirmed, if you have seen this, let me know.

Mirage magic: Mirage magic is not just for Rei, Asellus=Master shadow and mystic
,then go to the magic shop in magic
kingdom and read about Mirage magic and then fight a couple rounds and then you
will recieve "black cat" and you will learn
from there.
Blue/Rouge:After you fight Rouge equip a rune sword after the battle and you
will see cokatrice under victory rune.
Other Mystics:Master shadow and mystic and then go to realm magic shop.Read
about Mirage magic.Go to furdo beat him
then get the gift for rune or arcane . Fight a while then you will get it.
BTW, this secret is unconfirmed, if you have seen this, let me know

Mystic magic(Blue): In rootville(after light/shadow and arcane/rune gift, go to
mosperiberg), buy a mystic spell. Win the twin
battle, have a mystic in your team, max out your stats, after a couple battles,
it will say you have the gift.
BTW, this secret is unconfirmed, if you have seen this, let me know

Evil magic(Blue): Get mystic magic, learn all of the abilities(see above), after
a few battles you will learn it.
BTW, this secret is unconfirmed, if you have seen this, let me know

Arcane magic: Death is an interesting spell for Arcane magic, it will instantly
kill all of the enemies, but if it doesn't, it will do LP
damage to the one that cast it equal to the number of enemies that it did not
kill. This spell also works on some
sub-bosses(notably the two in Mosperiberg).

Easy money/items: In scrap's junk shop, buy three items for whatever, after you
get the items, don't leave, but talk to the lizard
again, and sell an item that you don't have. If you sell the Hyperion Bazooka,
you will get 7 free items, the one above that, 6
items and so on.

Easy money: If you have 7500 to start with, you can get up to 50000! First, go
to Nelson and buy as many gold ingots as you
can for 500. Then head back to Koorong, and press down as if to sell all of
them, BUT DON'T SELL THEM, then, press up
as if to not sell any, you will notice that the price is higher, then move it
back down so the price is 420 and repeat untill

Asellus's endings: Asellus has three different endings. The endings are based on
whether you use your mystic abilities and/or
save Gina.
Human ending: for the fully human ending, you must not use any of your mystic
weapons, and you must save Gina.
Half-mystic ending: for the half-mystic ending, you must either not use your
mystic weapons and not save gina, or use all your
mystic weapons and save Gina.
Mystic ending: for the fully mystic ending, you must use all three weapons and
have them absorb a monster, and do not save

Emelia's endings: Emelia has two different endings, in Baccarat, when you are
chasing Joker, after he runs from the gnomes,
you can choose to fight Gargantua or not, Gargantua is somewhere in the caverns.

Blue's ending: You do not have to defeat Rouge, if you lose, then you play as
Rouge. Either way, you will have double JP,
INT, and WIL. If you developed any physical skills, you will lose them and will
have 0 WP if you choose to lose. NOTE...If
you chose to get Time magic, and lost LP by getting any of the items, Rouge will
NOT have lost the LP. And, if you were
wondering, that is all there is to the ending.

RB3: When you get to RB3's core, you notice that you can't get anywhere, I'm not
sure, but I think there is a specific way to
open the paths to the new regions. First, you can only go in five rooms in a V
shape, go in the far right room, go back a room,
then go right again. You will enter a jungle that is a circle, go around the
circle clockwise to enter a desert, in the center region
of the desert, defeat all the enemies, go in the center, then you will fight the
final boss. If this doesn't work(the last part does
work) then I'm wrong, and please e-mail me telling me whether this works or not.

Little Tidbits

Have Fuse and/or Doll in your party when you recruit Cotton.

Have Fei-On in your party and talk to the Hairdresser in Shrike's Street.

Enter Rei's room in Chateau Aiguille with Rei in your party.

Talk to the Skeleton in Koorong with Gen in your party.

Go to Mondo's base(Lute's quest) with Gen in your party.

Go to Lute's house with Lute in your party.

Recruit Mesarthim with different Mystics in your party.

Boss List

I have come about these totals by actually fighting the boss with calculator in
hand, totaling up the damage as I go, then
rounding off to the nearest thousand. This might just be approximations, if the
HPs are based on your level/stats/time playing.

Monster Where found HP

Ghost Wakatu 5,000 HP
Kraken Yorkland/swamp 12,000 HP
Black Dragon Mosperiberg 30,000 HP
Red Dragon Mosperiberg 4,000 HP
Furdo Magic Kingdom 30,000 HP
Devil Squid Owmi/lord's manor 9,000 HP
King Sei Shrike/Sei's tomb 15,000 HP
Earth Dragon Shrike/Biolab 60,000 HP
Skulldrake Shrike/Mu's tomb 16,000 HP
Nidheg Despair 23,000 HP
QuakeWorm Koorong/Natural caves 13,000 HP
Huge Slime Tanzer 3,000 HP
Suzaku Mosperiberg 24,000 HP
Jotnar Mosperiberg ??? HP


D-Tractor Scrap/Factory 250 HP
Vulcan II Scrap/Factory 400 HP
Platyhooks Tanzer 3,500 HP
Tanzer Tanzer 9,500 HP
Mollasite Yorkland 6,000 HP
Molten Slime Mosperiberg 2,500 HP each(35)
Master Ring Margmel ??? HP


Nidheg Despair ??? HP
Goblin Shingrow/Palace ??? HP
Gargantu Baccarat/Caves ??? HP
Tomahawk Yorkland 3,000 HP
Diva Yorkland 100,000 HP


Fire Sage See Secrets 5,000? HP
Water Sage See Secrets 7,000? HP
Green Sage See Secrets 10,000? HP
Princess Lion See Secrets 20,000 HP
Ciato See Secrets 30,000 HP
Giant Facinaturu ??? HP
Griffon Facinaturu 35,000 HP
Bat Knight Facinaturu 40,000 HP
Princess Lion2 Facinaturu 28,000 HP
Rastaban Facinaturu ??? HP
Orlouge Facinaturu 75,000 HP


Platyhooks Shrike/Sei's Tomb ??? HP
Goblin Shingrow/Palace ??? HP
Cyclops Koorong/Sewers ??? HP
Shuzer Koorong/Sewers ??? HP
MBlack Kyo/Syoin ??? HP
Black Garb Manhattan/CTC Building ??? HP
Arachne Manhattan/CTC Building ??? HP
Berva(first) Shingrow/Ruins 33,000 HP
Berva(second) Shingrow 45,000 HP
MBlackII Black Ray 45,000 HP
BlackX Black X Base 45,000 HP
Berva(last) Black X Base 40,000 HP
Shuzer(last) Black X Base 55,000 HP
Arachne(last) Black X Base 55,000 HP
MBlackIII Black X Base 120,000 HP
BossX Black X Base 150,000 HP


Kylin Devin/Shrine 11,000? HP
Time Lord Mosperiberg/Time Lord 20,000? HP
Rouge Kylin/Time Lord Same as Blue
Dragon Lord Hell ??? HP
Hell's Lord Hell(Duh) 90,000 HP


Vulcan Junk/Arena ??? HP
Sir Demon Junk/Scrap Heap ??? HP
D-Tractor Scrap 250 HP
Vulcan II Scrap 400 HP
Big Digger Tartarous ??? HP
Mec God RB3 ??? HP
Genocide Heart RB3 100,000 HP

Spriggan Suit1 Mondo Base 20,000 HP
Spriggan Suit2 Mondo Base 20,000 HP
Spriggan Suit3 Mondo Base 20,000 HP
Spriggan Suit4 Mondo Base 30,000 HP
Spriggan Suit5 Mondo Base 30,000 HP

Monster Absorbed Skills List

This is a list of skills that you can absorb from monsters, I have only included
what I think are the best skills to have in order to
save space(and work :).

DeathSynthesis--Dead Knight, SkullDrake, Death Lord, Nidheg, Dullahan,
Skullasaurus, Lich, Ankheg, Ghostrider, Ghost,
Gale Attack--Dead Knight, Giant, Zyphon, Living Sword
Ground Hit--Fat Devil, Dead Knight, Ogre, Ogre Lord, Mystic, Skeleton, Axebeak,
Heat Wave--Fire Sage, Zyphon, FlameFolk, Suzaku
Life Rain--Unicorn
Maelstrom--Kraken, Devil Squid
Magic Heal--Unicorn, Undine, Mandrake, Sporepile
Mighty Cyclone--Kraken, IceWorm
Oscillation--Tanzer, Fire Crystal, Ice Crystal, QuakeWorm, CrystalTree,
ZeroWorm, Sickle Bug
Photosynthesis--Shrieker, Sunflower, Treant, Kylin
Quicksand--Slugger, Cockatrice
Silf--Spear Valkyrie, Airfolk
WindBlast--Jotnar, Mellow, Snowfolk, Airfolk, Sphinx, Wyvern

Character list

Characters found in all quests

Annie: Koorong-on rune quest, she will take you to Despair to find the Freedom
Rune(She will
join Red anyways)(won't join T260G)...human, good sword capabilities.

Cotton: Shrike-Bio Engineering Lab, on the top floor, it will join when you
defeat the people
in the

Lute: Scrap-the pub, just talk to him(T260, he will join when you enter the door
on the right
in the Factory)...human, comes with sword, good with anything.

Thunder: Yorkland-Standing by the windmill, if you have Lute, talk to

Sei: Shrike-Sei's Tomb, Gather the three items in the tomb, place them on the
altars, he will
join after you defeat him(about 15,000 HP, regen)(joins Riki without a fight),
or he will give
you a powerful sword(power 66, 2 WP to use)...Monster, starts with Kusangi,
Minion Strike, and Sacred Song.

Fuse: IRPO-Arcane quest, he will join after you fight Suzaku(dies easily with
Dr. Nusakan has it)...Human, has hand blaster, few fighting skills, and Mind

Suzaku: IRPO-Arcane quest, note-if you have Fuse in your party already, you will
get the shield
card automatically and cannot get Suzaku. You are taken to Mosperiberg. On the
first screen,
defeat the fairy, then go to the area with three boars. There is a snowman who
you have to
defeat(dies easily with Death(arcane)see above), afterwards, go back to the
previous cave, on
the right branch, you can find Suzaku.

Engineer Car: Shrike-Nakajima Robotics, must have a mec in your party...Mec,
Machine Vulcan,
Repair pack(6 uses/battle).

Gen: Scrap-Arcane quest, In Koorong, talk to Skeleton who will tell you about
Gen. Then he will
join when you talk to him...Human, excellent at sword skills.

Emelia: Baccarat-Arcane quest, talk to the bunny girl on the second floor,
follow her to the
elevator, then go down to the lower elevator and take it to the parking, when
you try to enter
the sewer, she will join you...Human, good with guns.

Roufas: Shrike-Rune quest, Mu's Tomb, he is on the left branch, just talk to
him, and he will
join...Human, good with guns, Mind magic(gift).

Fei-On: Tanzer-Rune quest, In Tanzer, talk to Fei-On, promise to help him, and
at the end, he
will join you...Human, good with fighting techniques

Slime: Tanzer-Rune quest, after fighting the slimes, a slime will join you when
you are
leaving...Monster, starts with HP drain, Spoil, Solvent.

Mesarthim: Owmi-Lord's Manor, in the basement, you will find a giant squid,
fight it, go to
the left(don't touch the treasure(it's not treasure), unless you want to), if
you have a mystic
in your party, she will join(T260 and Riki can't get mystics)...Mystic, immune
to water,
Mystic magic(gift), Rune magic(gift).

Kylin: Devin-Shrine, after getting Shadow/Light and Rune/Arcane gifts, talk to
the lady at the
shrine, complete the maze, then Kylin will join...Monster, has all space magic,
Kylin's song,
and Photosynthesis.


BJ&K: On the Cyrus, he will join after Black X attacks the Cyrus, it is in the
room next to the
accountant, before you leave for good, he will join for good...Type 3 Mec with
medipack and
laser, both are very helpful.

Fuse: On the Cyrus, he will automatically join when Black X attacks, leaves
after... Human with
good abilities with guns, fists, and mind magic.

Asellus/White Rose: They are in one of the rooms of the Cyrus when Roufas: Black
X attacks.
They will leave afterwards.

After the Cyrus...

Doll: Shingrow-in the port...human, comes with guns, shadow, and mystic magic,

Roufus/Liza: Koorong-with Annie in the party, go into the door behind her you
can choose one of
them...Roufus...human, all around character with mind magic(gift),gun skills,
sword skills...
Liza...human, the best character for building fighting skills.

Fuse: Manhattan-in a store in the shopping mall, on the second floor. or find
him at IRPO if
you are on the Arcane quest...Human, strong with guns, Mind magic(gift)

Rouge: Luminous-He is in the port...Human, strong in magic,Realm magic(gift).

On Magical Quests...

Silence: Luminous-Shadow magic, In Omble, talk to Silence's shadow in the first
room, it will
join you, but not in your attacking team, when you leave, he will join you when
you talk to
the guy standing in the corner...Mystic, all three mystic weapons, Mystic

Time Lord: Mosperiberg-when you are strong enough(see above) talk to the
woman(?) upstairs, she
will take you to Rootville where you must purchase a sand vessal for 1 LP. You
will then be
taken to a place where you must restart time, when you do, the Time Lord will
join you, or
you can buy time magic from him


Gen: after you finish the fights in the combat arena, he will join you...Human
excellent at
sword skills.

Mei-Ling: Scrap-in the pub, she joins when you talk to her...Human, good with
guns, Light magic.

Riki: Scrap-in the pub, talk to it and he joins...Monster(fairly weak).

Zeke: Shrike-Nakajima Robotics, find the mouse for the people, when you return
it will fly
around and joins you when you talk to it...Type 5 mec, very fast.

Leonard: Manhattan-Shopping mall, second floor, store on the left. He will take
you to his lab,
upgrade you and send you on your way. When you finish your pending quests, go to
Nakajima and
hear of his death, come back to his lab, go to the console, and he will join and
take you to
Tartaros...Type 6 mec, comes with Energy sword, and Energy Pack.

Note--in Tartaros, if you fight a Big Digger(mecs by the buttons(10-20,000 HP))
it will be
well worth it when you get a Hyperion Bazooka(85 attack and 2 bullets), but they
are very

PzkwV(nice name, huh?): Koorong-With Leonard, go to the store through the
sewers, Leonard will
talk to it and it will join you, and give you a Heat Cannon...Type 5 mec, comes
with Rail
Cannon, Micro Missile and Gravitron.


Silence:Luminous-If you choose to get shadow magic, on the first screen talk to
one of the
shadows, and it will join you. When you leave Omble, talk to the guy out front,
and he will
join you...Mystic, has 3 mystic weapons, Mystic magic(gift).

Dr. Nusakan: Koorong-Rune Quest,Talk to the guy near the chicken and he will
tell you about a
Dr. then go left, then in the building with the "N" over it, talk to the white
person, after a
sequence the Dr. will join...Mystic, Mystic magic(gift), Arcane magic(gift).


Asellus: Assignment 4 - Trinity base, after the scene, walk outside and talk to
Asellus and
White Rose, an enemy will show up, and after they are defeated, Asellus and
White Rose will
join...Half Mystic, good with swords or fists, Mystic magic(gift).

White Rose: see above...Mystic, good with magic, Mystic magic(gift), Light

Zozma: After getting Asellus and White Rose, head right, go upstairs, and the
second room on
that floor will be two enemies and a guard. When the enemies are defeated, talk
to the guard
and it will be revealed that he is actually Zozma...Mystic, all 3 mystic
weapons, Mystic
magic(gift), Evil magic.

Rouge: He is at the Luminous port...Human, excellent with magic, Realm

Slime: Tanzer-When you get the rune, slime will join when you are
leaving...Monster, fairly weak.

Silence: Luminous-Omble, When getting the shadow gift, on the first screen talk
to one of the
shadows, and it will join you. When you leave Omble, talk to the guy out front,
and he will
join you...Mystic, has 3 mystic weapons, Mystic magic(gift).

Mei-Ling: Scrap-pub, she is sitting with Riki...Human, good with guns and magic,
Light magic.

Riki: see above...Monster

Time Lord: Mosperiberg, after getting Shadow/Light and Rune/Arcane gifts, talk
to the lady(?)
at Mosperiberg, and go to the time lord's region. go to the broken hourglass,
and touch the
sand, go back, and you will be sent to Facinataru. Once there, go to a man who
sells you a
sand vessel for 1 LP. Go back to Mosperiberg, fill the sand vessel, go to the
top of the
hourglass, go to the drawbridge, the time lord will either join you, or you can
buy Time magic
from him... Mystic, all 3 Mystic weapons, unabsorbed, Mystic magic(gift), and
all Time magic



Capt. Hamilton: Owmi-restaurant, Talk to the woman in the bottom right corner,
afterwards, go
to Nelson, you will be on a ship go up, talk to her again, agree to let her join
you, but don't
go to Mondo's base unless you are ready for the last boss!...Human, good with
swords and/or

Riki: Scrap-pub, just talk to him...Monster, has Tail, Tailhit, Heal, and
Needles, fairly weak.

Mei-Ling: see above...Human, Light magic, good with guns

T260G: see above...Type 1 mec

Rouge: Luminous-port...Human, excellent with magic, Realm magic(gift).

Silence:Luminous-If you choose to get shadow magic, on the first screen talk to
one of the
shadows, and it will join you. When you leave Omble, talk to the guy out front,
and he will
join you...Mystic, has 3 mystic weapons, Mystic magic(gift).


White Rose: Go to her room, and talk to her, to keep her in your party, have her
in your party
when you leave Facinaturu...Mystic, Mystic magic(gift).

Rouge: Luminous-port...Human, excellent with magic, Realm magic(gift).

Silence:Luminous-If you choose to get shadow magic, on the first screen talk to
one of the
shadows, and it will join you. When you leave Omble, talk to the guy out front,
and he will
join you...Mystic, has 3 mystic weapons, Mystic magic(gift).

Thank You List

Jeff Porter for some of the boss HPs.
Patrick Miller

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Gespeichert vor dem letzten Boss mit guten Fähigkeiten um das Spiel zu beenden.

17.Oktober 2013
Vor dem letzter Gegner mit guten Fähigkeiten um diesen zu besiegen.

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Combo FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Alle Spezials freigeschaltet.

17.Oktober 2013
T260 FAQ

13.Oktober 2013
T260 FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Skill FAQ

15.Oktober 2013
Scrap Shop FAQ

18.Oktober 2013
Riki FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Red Guide

11.Oktober 2013
Monsters FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Lute FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Junk Shop FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Help Sheet FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Emilia FAQ

11.Oktober 2013
Dummies FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Combos FAQ

11.Oktober 2013
Blue Guide

11.Oktober 2013
Blue Guide

15.Oktober 2013
Blue Guide

17.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

11.Oktober 2013
Asellus FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
PAL Patch für die US NTSC Version.

15.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats
10.Oktober 2008
Meest populair
11.Februari 2016
13.December 2013
30.December 2013
01.December 2014
30.Januari 2018
04.Maart 2019
24.Februari 2018